#there are other things that could go here but tumblr caps image posts at 10
booksandchainmail · 2 years
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bookshelf vibrates faintly in gender
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partiallypoison · 3 years
some people asked for a tutorial on how i’ve been doing my lyric edits (examples here!) i’ve never done a tutorial before so if something doesn’t make sense, let me know! i tried to explain as best as i could, but i’ve been using photoshop for like over 10 years so sometimes i forget to explain things that i do instinctively lol
alright so first, i start with a 8inx12in file. this is because i personally want to order these all as small postcards on my redbubble for a mini collage, which are 4inx6in lol. but any size works! just keep in mind the size if you want to print them/put them on a shop.
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note that 300 dpi WILL make the file larger/slower, but it’s the best resolution for printing! dpi = dots per inch, which makes the image clearer when printing. if you’re not making things for print/shops, 72 dpi will be fine!
next you want to chose your song/lyrics. i’ll do this example with my disloyal order of water buffalos graphic i posted the other day! the lyrics i chose were ‘like buzz, buzz, buzz. doc, there’s a hole where something was.’
optional step: sketch it out. this is what my idea looked like before i even began. it’s messy but it got the job done to help me visualize what i was doing. this sketch was done quickly while i was drawing something because disloyal order came on and this image popped into my brain :)
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note that this doesn’t even have the ‘buzz, buzz, buzz’ line yet!!!
alright, so you have your lyrics, and maybe or maybe not a vague idea of what you’re going to do.
if you have an idea for the image you wanna use, great! it’s time to search royalty-free* websites for something to use! if not, don’t fret! i have ideas on how to find inspiration.
*it’s important to note that if you wish to sell prints of your graphics, that you should be using royalty-free images so you don’t get into legal trouble. if you’re just posting them on tumblr, as long as you credit the original source, you should be okay! royalty-free websites i use a lot are pexels.com, pixabay.com, unsplash.com, etc. there’s a lot out there free for you to use!
okay, so i know i want a ribcage as the main image here. so i go onto one of my royalty-free stock photo websites and search ‘ribcage.’ not finding what i like, i search ‘ribcage drawing.’ and lo and behold, i find one on publicdomainpictures.net!
if you don’t know what kind of image you’re looking for, i recommend either analyzing the lyric and its meaning to you, or to search a word/phrase on one of the websites listed above. you can find inspiration just about anywhere. worst case scenario, ask a friend what the lyrics mean to them! for example, i’ve always interpreted these lyrics from disloyal order as the person’s heart being missing. someone else could interpret it differently, but there’s no wrong answer!
okay, so i dragged my image into my photoshop file. i like to save the image and drag it from the folder it’s saved in over to my photoshop file, as it helps keep the resolution of the image clearer when i mess with the size. 
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ignore the other layers for now, as this is my saved file and i do a lot of revisions :)
next step is to put the lyrics on. they don’t have to be fancy yet. just slap ‘em on!
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this looks like a poster you’d see sitting in the exam room waiting for your doctor.
lately, i’ve been using impact font so i’m going to change my font to that. you don’t have to use it, but it’s been the font i like for these type of posters as it looks pretty clean. i use impact regular with all of my letters in caps. no additional bolding used, but sometimes i use italics.
so now that the lyrics are on there, i begin messing around with their placement. usually i separate words/chunks of words into their own text layer so i can play around with them. this is where the words end up on the final product:
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note that this took a lot of playing around and even asking for advice! you will be constantly moving the text around trying to figure out how it fits with the image. i size them all a bit different, depending on what word or phrase i want to emphasize. doc, hole, and something are the three i want to pop out, so they’re larger and two of them are italicized.
my other advice would be to separate the lyrics as evenly as possible to distribute the weight of the graphic. you don’t want it to be too heavy on the top or bottom. some exceptions are made, like when i decided to add ‘buzz, buzz, buzz’ because the top of this looked a little bare.
also, i try to frame the image with some of the words, as it makes it look a lot more cohesive :)
okay, so i have my image and text placed. next up is color palette.
i already had a bit of a color palette ready, when i colored in my first sketch i used this off-white-ish green color and filled in the background with a red. i have a limited number of images, so i won’t post that lol.
i personally just did random colors that i liked, BUT you can always look up color palettes online to help you if you’re not good at picking colors. for example you can search up ‘muted red color palette’ and get something like this.
i usually use the middle color as my background color and the darker and lighter colors as my two colors for my text. sometimes i add a color or two where i color pick one of the colors and shift it up or down in tone or saturation, but i try to keep the palette as limited as possible. (once again, there are exceptions! like my the last of the real ones graphic, which has a lot of color but they’re smaller pieces of the graphic.) here’s what i mean by shifting in tone or saturation:
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so with my colors selected, i change the background and font colors. i like to make the words i emphasized the lightest color, and the other words the darker color. i also like to add a solid drop shadow to the emphasized words using the darker of the two font colors, as it really adds to that emphasis. for the drop shadow i use these settings:
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the distance depends on how large the font is and how far you want it from the text.
okay, so colors picked. next is the image.
first, hide all of your other layers so they don’t interfere with your editing of this image. this is an important step that could really mess you up later!!
since this is a black and white image, i do a few things to get rid of the background. one is to go to the top menu bar and click Select > Color Range and have your foreground color be the color you’re trying to erase. be careful with the fuzziness slider on the color range pop-up menu, as it can mess with your selection and select things you don’t want selected!
once you have that selected, you can either press CTRL + X to delete the selected pixels (you will have to rasterize the image if you do so). even though you can undo this easily with CTRL + Z, i don’t recommend this if you want to edit the selection.
i recommend going back up to the top menu bar and clicking Select > Inverse. then, i recommend creating a layer mask. this can be done by heading over to the layer panel and selecting the white rectangle with the hole cut out of it. this is usually located at the bottom of your layer panel! this is so you can draw on the mask to fix your selection without ruining the image itself. i usually have to touch up the selection because it missed a pixel or two.
if that doesn’t work out, instead of selecting the background color, select the color of the object in the image when you do Select > Color Range. then skip inversing it and go straight into a layer mask! it just depends on what works. i usually do have to end up cleaning these up within the layer mask no matter which one i do.
there’s two other ways i do this. one is just to set the image mode to multiply so only the black shows through. this works if you just want the image to be black. otherwise, do the above or the next option.
so i usually want my image to be a certain color. sometimes i create a new layer and do a clipping mask above the image and fill in with the color i want. it doesn’t always work out :( so instead what i do is Select > Color Range and select the color of the image itself with the eyedropper tool. next, i create a new layer and use the fill bucket with the color i want selected as my foreground color. this works but can also be a pain depending on the image itself!
you just have to try your best and figure out which method works!!!! this won’t work if it’s not a black and white image or an image with high contrast. that’s something for another tutorial :)
here’s what my image looks like so far:
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nice, right? but wait! i didn’t add the heart in yet.
this one was done differently. i searched for a drawing of an anatomically accurate heart and *found one. i just wanted the shape, so it didn’t matter to me what it looked like :)
*this isn’t the one i used. i couldn’t find the one i used for this image, because i forgot to save it as which website i used. that was my mistake!
for this one, i used the wand tool to select the white background, and then did Select > Inverse so i had the heart’s shape as my selection. i converted the selection into a path (with the wand tool, right click > make work path) and then a custom shape (with the pen tool, right click > define custom shape) so i could add an outline to it and size it without it being distorted too much, but you don’t need to do that if that’s not your goal. if you just want the shape itself, you can create a new layer and use the fill bucket to fill in the selection.
but for this graphic after i created the custom shape, i change it so it had zero fill and a stroke only. i changed the stroke to be the lighter color (which is the color of the ribcage and the emphasized text) and changed it to a dashed line. you can change it to a dashed line next to where the drop-down is for changing the stroke size. this is located right below the top menu bar!
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i noticed the light colored stroke didn’t stand out too much, so i added a drop shadow with the same settings as above (less distance) and used the darker shade of red that i used for ‘buzz, buzz, buzz.’
it still didn’t pop out enough, so i duplicated the shape layer (you can either drag the layer down to the new layer  button at the bottom of the layers panel, press CTRL+ J, or right click the layer and select duplicate layer). i put the duplicated layer under the original one, and removed the drop shadow. then i set the stroke to zero and changed the fill to that same dark red shade as the drop shadow. i then lowered the opacity to 25% so you could see the ribs underneath. this ended up giving it more of a hole look in the end, so i was pleased!
this is what the final graphic looks like:
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i hope this makes sense to you guys! if there’s any other questions or clarification that you need, let me know <3
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mcfiddlestan · 4 years
Last 10 Fics Tag Meme
Rules: Post the first lines of your last ten fics read or written and then tag others to do the same.
No one tagged me, but I saw it in the tags of one of my ships and it looked fun.
1. Untitled WinterFrost Single Dad AU (Bucky/Loki)
The sound of his front door opening and closing pulled Loki from a deep sleep. So deep, it took him a moment to remember where he was and how he knew that was his front door. His eyes opened slowly once, twice, and then again, to nothing but the darkness of what he was sure was his bedroom. Then the pounding started. Incessantly, pulsing around his entire head. Damned migraines. Loki let out a low grain, thought fuck it, and buried his face deeper into his pillow. Moments later, the door to his bedroom pushed open.
“Time to rise, Sunshine.”
Loki grumbled at the familiar voice, and slowly, he turned his body, rolling onto his back. “Why are you always so chipper in the morning? Oh, for Norn’s sake!” He threw a pillow over his face as the curtains were pulled open and let the blinding daylight flood the room. “I’ve got a damn migraine!”
2. Untitled Stucky Modern AU (Steve/Bucky and a healthy side of Sam/Natasha)
Bucky, his mind drawing a blank, was idly strumming his guitar when he heard the hard slam coming from next door. He surmised his neighbor and best friend, Natasha, had returned from her date, and assumed she’d be over in a few minutes to tell him about it. But when he heard a couple more distant slams and one very heavy thump against their shared wall, his curiosity got the better of him. Setting aside his black Fender, and stepping carefully over a dozing Avalanche, his tuxedo cat, Bucky walked barefoot through his apartment, into the hall, and breezed right into Natasha’s apartment.
He didn’t see her, but Bucky heard Natasha swear sharply, followed by something rattling against the hardwood floor. Waiting, he slipped his hands into the pockets of his dark sweatpants. Bucky watched as the top of Natasha’s head, burgundy hair in a stylish messy bun, popped up as she’d bent to pick up what he suspected was the cap to the bottle of vodka in her hand. “Hey, babe.”
Natasha turned dark green eyes on him, a sour expression pinching her usually attractive features, and said nothing, only moving to pour herself a full tumbler glass of the clear liquor. Bucky watched her swallow down most of it then waited silently as she filled it up once again.
He moved to rest his elbows on her pub height dining table. “Bad date?”
“You think?”
3. A Boyfriend for Christmas (Bucky/Loki)
“I need your help.”
Loki stared at the man in his doorway for a good five seconds, his lips in a thin red line, and his perfectly groomed black brows arched in curiosity. The man — his neighbor, Loki knew — was good-looking, Loki thought as he took the time to look him over, lips turning up in a soft grin. “Good evening to you, too, 9B.” The man’s lashes fluttered as they did a quick change from widened panic to a more relaxed gaze. Norns, his eyes were an impossible blue. “I can’t promise to help, but try me,” Loki drawled, taking a casual stance, crossing his arms as he leaned against the door jamb.
“Okay. Believe me, I know how this is gonna sound, and I swear I’ll make it up to you — somehow — but…well…okay. Here goes…” Loki cocked a brow, amused. “I need you to be my boyfriend for one night.”
Surprised, and maybe even surprising his neighbor, too, Loki laughed, a tickled near-giggle, and straightened. “You need me to do what now?”
4. Welcome Home -- working title (Bucky/Loki)
Bucky woke with a start, shooting up in his bed, and opening his eyes to near darkness, but for the faint orange glow of the streetlamps outside his bedroom window. For a moment, he was still in the dream; back in the desert, embedded in dirt, surrounded by heat. And flanked by Steve. On his right. He rubbed at his eyes, harder than necessary, willing the image of his best friend smiling and laughing to fade away again. 
Two years had passed since it all happened. The first year was the hardest. Stuck in the hospital, healing, speaking to no one but nurses and doctors — and the occasional military personnel, looking for the gory details. The minute he was out, Bucky was hounded by government officials wanting him to attend various memorials in the good captain’s name. Wanting him to relive the worst day of his life — which is saying a lot for a kid from Brooklyn who wasn’t far from ground zero on September 11, 2001. Was it any wonder that Bucky chose to up and disappear and go into hiding once it all finally ended?
5. WinterFrost Tumblr PWP Prompt (Bucky/Loki)
Bucky barged into the loft apartment, a dark expression screwing up his face, and paused just as the door slammed closed. His eyes, hidden beneath the black face paint smeared around them, like a burglar’s mask, did a quick scan of the layout of the open space before him. He kicked off his muddy boots, leaving them near the door, knowing his ‘loftmate’ wouldn’t take kindly to him leaving a dirt track through the well-kept place. He made a quick mental note to take care of the boots first thing in the morning. His mouth in a deep pout, Bucky thought to himself that it was times like this when he returned from a mission exhausted and not in the mood for company, that he wondered why he ever decided to move in with Loki, resident God of Mischief.
6. Post-Civil War/Ragnarok Frostiron AU (Tony/Loki)
There was no doubt in Tony’s mind just exactly what -- or rather who -- brought that subtle shift in atmosphere into the lab. He’d been expecting it, at some point, if he was honest with himself. And while a small part of him felt relief, there was, always had been, that slightly narcissistic part of his personality that would resent not being at the top of a certain someone’s to-do list.
Tony felt the faint flutter of air sweep across the back of his neck first, which reminded him he really needed to get a haircut. His nose tickled at the sharp tang the wafting scent of ozone often left in its wake. Realization about what exactly was about to transpire had Tony’s stomach doing a bit of a flip; pride, though, forced him to remain with his back to where he felt someone else’s presence. For a fleeting moment, Tony wondered if he could handle this.
Recalling everything that had happened since he last saw his visitor -- the mess with Ultron, the devastating truth about his parents’ deaths, the ends of friendships he actually mourned, the airport, Rhodey, the kid, the Accords -- all of it was a rollercoaster ride for which Tony had never signed up. But this...this one had hurt. The worst part was having to hide the hurt, the heartbreak, because no one knew. No one; not Pepper, not Happy. Not even Rhodey. Nobody knew the blow it was to the one they called Iron Man. How could they? No one knew that Iron Man had fallen in love with the God of Mischief.
7. Untitled Royals AU (Tony/Loki, with a splash of Bucky/Loki)
“Do you enjoy embarrassing me like this?”
Odin, King of Asgard, aimed a dark look across the conference table at Loki, the younger of his two sons, his anger and frustration growing by the second. The air of arrogance and disinterest emanating from Loki, raven-haired and more handsome than was good for him at an aggravating twenty-four years old, was making Odin curl his weathered hands into tight fists on top of the table. Loki looked at him, a questionable flash of surprise crossing his pale, chiseled features, his mostly-green eyes all but twinkling at him, mocking and laughing. 
“Of course I don’t.”
He was no fool; not Odin Borson. His expression darkened further, as he waited for the next words to come from Prince Loki’s mouth. 
“It’s not that I don’t enjoy embarrassing you. It’s more that it’s…a perk.” He smirked at Odin, like the brat he was, and Odin’s response was interjected by the Queen’s subtle astonishment. 
“Loki.” His eyes moved to her, and her disapproving look, and the smirk vanished. 
Odin slammed the newspaper that he’d been keeping in his lap to the glossy top of the long mahogany table. The headlines of Loki’s chaotic week in the States screamed about alcohol, fast cars, and the general recklessness of a perceived overly-spoiled son of royalty. “This is not a joke, Loki.”
8. Take A Bow (Tony/Loki)
Loki rushed through the narrow hallway, coughing to clear his throat of the makeshift fog that had filled the stage for the final moments of the play. By the time he reached the haven of his dressing room, his necktie was undone and his shirt was half unbuttoned. The hurried shouts and stomps of people working backstage were blissfully drowned out as Darcy, his new young assistant, quickly closed the door behind him.
“Great show tonight, Boss,” Darcy chirped as she took the discarded tie Loki handed over and waited to take his costume jacket and vest. Loki chuckled a thank you as she turned away from him. He urged her several times already to just call him by his name, but she insisted on calling him Boss, like he was a gangster in the 1930s. Darcy returned with a glass of water and Loki smiled his thanks before taking a long drink.
9. The House Guest (genderswapped FrostIron, fem!Toni/fem!Loki)
Loki sat in the front seat of a beat-up red convertible and stared blankly ahead. A mixture of hurt and anger had her brow furrowing, her lips pressed tightly together, and her chin, goddammit, was trembling. As Fandral droned on, giving his pathetic explanation, Loki did her best to focus on the other sounds around her — the birds chirping in the late summer morning; a neighbor’s dog barking in the distance; someone’s car alarm down the street malfunctioning — and fought to keep her eyes, fixated now on the white garage door in front of the car, from filling with tears.
Bullshit. She was hearing noting but utter bullshit. Her high school days behind her, Loki had spent the summer constructing plans for the next few months that didn’t involve going to her father’s alma mater in New York and spending the next four years of her life behind more piles of books. She had no interest in swapping high school jocks for frat boys. What she’d had were plans to go on a road trip across the States — and beyond — with Fandral, making love and making music.
But, apparently, Fandral had other plans. And the shitty reasons he was giving for not staying with Loki weren’t helping her understand any better.
10. WinterIron Bodyguard AU (Bucky/Tony)
“Founder and CEO of Stark International and Columbia professor wife critically injured in car accident.”
“Howard Stark, 69, runs car off-road in upstate New York.”
“Socialite couple Howard and Maria Stark injured in car accident. Condition, for both, critical.”
Tony watched the words all but screaming at him from the two flat-screen televisions mounted side-by-side on his bedroom wall, frozen in the spot where he stood by his bed. The words the news anchors spoke, giving details of the accident, were nothing but white noise in his ears. He’d gone numb. He processed nothing. Except that his parents had been in a horrific car accident — a shot of what was left of father’s silver Cadillac made Tony’s knees give out and he dropped to the foot of his bed.
How could anyone survive that? he thought to himself.
Tagging @teadrinkingwolfgirl @incredifishface @maeve-curry-writes @stephrc79 and literally anyone else who wants to/feels like doing it (tagged peeps, don’t feel obligated!)
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jellyseul-archive · 4 years
Hello! Could you share some psds, our tips etc that you use to edit? :0 Thanks in advance!
hi!! i’d be happy to share some tips!! this might be a bit long, i think i went a bit overboard…… i hope it helps a bit though… !!! also im assuming you have access to a program that can open psd files. and i use photoshop so i’m not sure this will be very helpful unless you have access to it or a program with similar capabilities..
i’ve made up a few examples (using the so what mv bc i just edited that) of how i usually go about editing, you can find the file here but i’ll explain a bit here as well!
0 : psd & general stuff
i feel kinda weird about this but i’ve included my psd in the attached file... if you’re going to use it i dont mind but please don’t say that you made it yourself, and a credit would be nice but i guess it’s not strictly necessary.
first of all, i pretty much always use the same psd with very minor adjustments. i do this to try to maintain a similar look to all of my edits & because i like this psd (i’ve been evolving it with minor adjustments every so often for years…). i always edit below the psd (as in the psd is applied over all the layers of my editing) and i usually edit with the psd on (i used to edit and then put the psd on after and that took so much longer because i couldnt see how the psd was affecting the way the image looked as i was working..)
this is basically how all of the psd files for my graphics look (usually with more descriptive names rather than numbers though), where each of the numbered groups is a graphic panel...
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1 : colour correction 
i basically start off by trying to normalise(?) the image as much as possible (trying to return the colours to what they would be naturally, without colour correction/filtering…)
first i use curves!!! curves are a lifesaver for me. most images/screencaps will have some kind of colour correction / filtering, i use curves to (somewhat) remove those effects. if you go here, i use the method described as “remove colour cast using auto colour” (except i basically ignore the steps 4/5)! sometimes this works, sometimes it doesnt… if the result isnt quite right i lower the opacity on the curves layer until it looks right to my eye.
if the image is still too bright/dark i add another curves layer with auto set to enhance brightness and contrast! and i again use opacity to make this look more natural!
if the image is still looking unnatural (usually this occurs on especially dark images, and the problem areas are usually on faces…) i use colour fill layers set to soft light or colour balance layers to adjust the colours until the image looks more natural? you can see this in group 8. yves face has a blue discolouration on it (if you untick the colour fill & balance layers you should see what im talking about), to counteract this i added a yellow/red layer and set it to soft light & then added a colour balance layer to make the image a bit more yellow/green. overall the image doesnt look exactly natural, but the colours are more smooth and i’d probably lean into the yellow/green tinge if i was making a graphic with this image!
2 : selecting subjects
there are so so so many ways to extract people or objects from images. i vary the method i use depending on the image in question and the effect im going for. i’m not going to explain every method because you can google “how to cut out an image in photoshop” and get some pretty good tutorials on how to do it in lots of different ways.
recently i’ve been using “select subject” (described here). you’ll likely have to clean up the selection using other tools such as lasso & selection tools, and it helps if you cut out a smaller square/area around the subject before trying to use the select subject tool. theres an example of this in group 9.
another method i use is selecting a range of colours from an image using “colour range” (described here). i use this to both change colours in an image and to remove backgrounds that are of a (relatively) uniform colour. you can see an example of this in group 10, i isolated the fire from the dark background by selecting the shadows & then inverting the selection but because olivia hye was also quite dark i had to select her separately.
theres no real easy or quick way to cut out things, it takes time and effort if you want it to look neat. but it really depends on how you want it to look and basically just practicing is the most important thing… over time it will get more straightforward and you will understand how to cut out different things depending on the image..
3 : colours & textures
probably my favourite part of editing! the fun bit!! 
i’m not going to explain much of this right now bc i’m exhausted & i’m not sure how detailed this should be. but if you have specific questions i’ll be happy to try to answer them!!
anyway here are some basic notes on my editing style:
if i’m editing a music video i try to use other caps as textures, you can see this in groups 11, 14 & 15.
i like to layer different caps as seen in group 12
i use colour fill layers set to different blending modes (i mainly use soft light, color/hue, screen and multiply) as seen in basically all of the examples
i havent really put in any examples of this here but i use selective colour & hue/saturation adjustment layers to change/enhance specific colours
i have this one texture that i put on basically all of my edits, i’m not sure why but i like the way it looks... its in the “PSD + TXT” folder and its set to soft light & i put it on top of the psd bc otherwise the psd messes with the smoothness of the texture
(fyi,,, i shrunk the image size just so the file size wouldnt be too big and so the sitting kimlip is bigger than the cap it came from bc of that; the mv was in 4k so the caps were HUGE)
4 : other tips/notes......?
don’t get discouraged if you find it difficult at first
i’ve been editing for years and i’m still not that great and i find it hard sometimes but i do it for fun. i make probably 3 times as many things as i end up posting because i enjoy it and because i use it as an artistic outlet.
i hope someone found this useful? i think i went way overboard but i thought it was better to be thorough !! anyway i hope you have fun editing ! its always great to have more creators in the tumblr community!
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horseluvr00-ff · 4 years
A Place to Call Home | Chapter 5
Rating: T+
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Genre/Warnings: action/adventure/family | kidnapping, violence, strong language
Summary: It’s been a few months since the Battle of New York. Steve Rogers is acclimating to life when he crosses paths with teenager Katelyn Sanders, a SHIELD recruit and highly valued asset with a dark past. Follow Kate’s adventure from SHIELD asset to Avenger to wanted fugitive over the course of her youth and into adulthood with her Avenging family. Follows Infinity Saga and beyond.
Words: 6,627
Disclaimer: Majority of properties within this fanfic are owned by Marvel/Disney. My OC Katelyn Sanders, as well as a few other unaffiliated things within this fanfic are of my own creation.
Author Note: Chapters are within the range of 4,000 to 10,000 words. A large range, I know, however the numbers average between 6,000 and 8,000 words. Relogs are welcome :) 
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Full story available on FanFiction.net and A03 here and here
Chapter 5 can be found here and here in full. Go here to the full prologue tumblr post… So many options.
The most recently posted chapter on these platforms, chapter 11, can be found here and here.
Check out the first few paragraphs of Chapter 5 below:
The Next Day…
Steve woke up with papers strewn across his chest. The sound of files hitting the floor abruptly jolted him awake as he turned onto his side.
Squinting, Steve sat up and stretched, his eyes finding the mess of papers on the bed. He had fallen asleep while reading through the data.
Closing his eyes again briefly, Steve rubbed a hand down his face, breathing in deeply before sighing.
His eyes dotted about the comforter seconds later before he began collecting the dozens of papers, finding the capped highlighter before tossing it onto the nightstand to his right.
Steve cleared his throat while looking over the files he was holding. His eyes met the photograph of Kate that Tony had gotten for him. Thoughts of the previous night went through his head as he remembered the idea Natasha had sparked for him. He needed to talk to her again. How the hell was he going to pull that off?
Getting out of bed, Steve quickly got himself together and headed down stairs to the communal floor with the now reorganized files.
"Jarvis?" Steve spoke up, walking into the large room. His eyes dotted around the space seeing it empty. Natasha and Clint were still on their reconnaissance mission regarding Oriah, but were returning to SHIELD at some point that day.
"Captain Rogers,"
"Is Tony in the lab?"
"Yes, sir. Would you like me to inform Mr. Stark?"
"Sure," Steve mumbles, his eyes having turned down to what he was holding before he took a couple steps towards the kitchen. Bruce was most likely in the lab as well, if not probably taking some private time elsewhere in the Tower. "Mr. Stark requests your presence."
Steve smirked to himself before nodding, turning on his heel before heading for the elevator.
Less than a minute later, Steve exited the elevator and entered the large lab space that Tony spent most of his time in.
"Morning Cap," Tony called, peering through a hologram of one of his suits. "Get some sleep?"
"Yeah," Steve gives a small smile before adjusting the files in his grasp. "Thank you again f-"
"It's yours," Tony shrugs, his eyes already having turned back to his work.
Steve hesitated before giving a small nod, walking further into space, catching Stark's attention.
"You look all that over?"
"Yeah I did," Steve responded.
"I found something else if you're interested. My intentions might be a bit risky, but I figured it was up to you whether to act on them." Tony explained, dropping several holograms before pulling up something different.
Steve felt his brow knit as he walked closer, a few feet from Tony as the Stark moved to the same side of the hologram that had popped up.
"What's this?" Steve questioned, his eyes dotting around the information present.
"Found a schedule for your kid; covers the next few days so I figure if you wanna talk to her, you can catch her in a few different places."
Steve stepped closer to the image, processing everything there as best he could before he turned his focus on the schedule for that day.
"So this is everything on her schedule for today?" Steve pointed up towards the hologram and Tony gave a nod in response.
"Yep. She has a trial which takes up a little over an hour, and then she's hauled off somewhere else for another hour block of time. Most if this is coded, so I'm not too sure what everything is, however I can tell you where it is." He smirked, causing Steve to give a small amused expression before Tony pulled something else up next to the hologram image of Katelyn Sanders' schedule. "This trial is going to be on sublevel 24, and after that, wherever they're carting her off to, will be on sublevel 25."
Steve clenched his jaw before nodding, rubbing a hand down his face before letting it fall.
"I've only been down the first few levels."
At his words, Tony tossed something at Steve who caught the small object. Looking down into his hand, Steve's brow knit as he evaluated the ear piece now in the palm of his hand.
"I can get you down there," Tony gives a casual shrug. "All you gotta do is swipe a security card off of one of the employees. I can get today's codes for the elevators, but past sublevel 10, you need an employee ID badge. Facial recognition is gonna pick you up though. You should have plenty of time to do whatever it is you wanna do. However on your way out- or while you're down there, it all depends - someone will probably catch on to you. Past that I can't help you and you'll be feeling SHIELD's wrath." Tony crossed his arms as he explained, leaning against the counter a few feet from Steve.
The Captain listened to Tony quietly; his brow was knit gently while he processed everything.
"Something else…" Tony mumbled while pulling up a couple different holograms. "I compared her schedule to that of several other recruits. She's kept on a very different schedule."
"Is it stricter than the others?" Steve questioned, having placed the files down on one of the counters before taking several steps closer.
"In a manner of speaking," Tony responds, scrolling down on one of the hologram schedules before pulling Kate's to the front. "One thing I noticed was a lack of breaks. While other recruits seem to have a few break blocks throughout the day, she doesn't appear to have the same format regarding free time."
Processing the information quietly, Steve clenched his jaw before giving a small nod.
"You can get me down there?" The Captain questioned again, causing Stark to roll his eyes.
"Easy. Without issue."
It was risky. But SHIELD couldn't exactly fire him… Right? Gordon said yesterday that he was eager to show Steve more of Oriah today, more specifically things regarding the trials these recruits take. However Steve doubted that would include anything regarding Kate.
"Is the mission a go?"
Steve met Tony's eyes at his question before giving a nod.
The rest of chapter 5 can be found here on FFN and here on AO3. Take a peak!
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years
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TSB Week 15 Roundup!
Over the weekend rebelmeg, Tisfan, and 27dragons earned their Bingo badges!  Congratulations!  And a whole lot of people earned their Goal badge during the Discord party, so congrats to those as well!
Title: I Run To You Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S1 - Cleaning Ship: IronHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: TW for blood, Injury, fighting/violence Summary: [Moodboard] Clint once again finds himself in a scuffle, and goes to Tony for help.
Title: Hold Me Like a Grudge - Chapter 5: Project Lodestone Collaborator: SierraNovembr Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - Writing Format: Diaries and Journals Ship: Howard Stark/Maria Stark Rating: Gen Major Tags: Human experimentation, brief mentions of miscarriage, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Howard Stark's A+ husbanding, Sentinel/Guide AU, Guide Tony Stark Summary: Selected excerpts from the laboratory notebook of Howard Stark  Project Lodestone, 1968-1991 Word Count: 11,504
Title: Everything You Do Convinces Me More - Chapter 2 Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: A4 - Pining Ship: Stony Rating: E Major Tags: Pranks and Practical Jokes, Explicit Sexual Content  Summary: Steve likes to prank people. And then he and Tony hook up. There's some kind of connection to the two events in there somewhere. Word Count: 9383
Title: Cherish the Living - Chapter 9 Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 - Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier Ship: WinterIron Rating: E Major Tags: Gore, Alternate Universe - Zombies Summary: Tony grew up on stories of the time Before the virus, but that’s a world that’s long ago and far away. He now travels a route between the various walled settlements, trading goods and repairs for bread and board, and carrying news from one villa to the next. It’s a dangerous life, but one he’s used to and well-suited for. That is, until a cluster of zombies gets the drop on him.Bucky is a Nomad, one of a band of enhanced humans who have sworn to wipe out all zombies and put an end to the zombie plague – one at a time, if necessary. When he rescues Tony, he’s just doing his job. Agreeing to escort Tony to the next villa is a bit above-and-beyond, but it’s nice to have company after so long on the road alone. He didn’t expect the trip to forge a bond between the two of them that not nothing – not even death – could break. Word Count: 37,249
Title: Cherish the Living - Chapter 9 Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: A2 - A Wedding and a Funeral Ship: WinterIron Rating: E Major Tags: Gore, Alternate Universe - Zombies Summary: Tony grew up on stories of the time Before the virus, but that’s a world that’s long ago and far away. He now travels a route between the various walled settlements, trading goods and repairs for bread and board, and carrying news from one villa to the next. It’s a dangerous life, but one he’s used to and well-suited for. That is, until a cluster of zombies gets the drop on him.Bucky is a Nomad, one of a band of enhanced humans who have sworn to wipe out all zombies and put an end to the zombie plague – one at a time, if necessary. When he rescues Tony, he’s just doing his job. Agreeing to escort Tony to the next villa is a bit above-and-beyond, but it’s nice to have company after so long on the road alone. He didn’t expect the trip to forge a bond between the two of them that not nothing – not even death – could break. Word Count: 37,249
Title: Shock and Awe Collaborator: thoughtfulbreadpolice Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - Clint Barton/Tony Stark Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: Tony gets injured; that happens; it happens a lot; they aren’t dating; then they kind of are; cute; fluff; no angst here; Clint has all the feelings Summary: Tony and Clint get into a messy situation and both discover somethings. Word Count: 1036
Title: neither of us dares to bleed - Chapter 1: i. Collaborator: deathsweetqueen Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 - canon: MCU (post-CA:CW) Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: Not Team Cap Friendly, Post CW AU, 616/MCU Crossover, so much salt Summary: Some people would think that it starts off when Tony touches an infinity stone and gets transported to another universe. No, it doesn’t. It begins when the Rogue Avengers come back to the United States, and Tony is forced to put out a welcome party. Word Count: 5185
Title: A Bit(e) of Danger Collaborator: MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - Tentacles Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: pwp, fluffy underwater sex, octo-Tony and shark-Bucky Summary: Tony is an octo-mer. He’s supposed to be aloof and alone, with little interest in others - but really, he thinks it’d be nice to be able to use all these arms he has to hold someone. Bucky is a shark-mer which means he should also be content to be alone. He shouldn’t want to be held, especially not by an octo-mer who could kill him, and he certainly shouldn’t want someone to travel the migration with, and yet…  Rhodey laughed, his tentacles waving through the water, gesturing Tony on. “That whirlpool of danger is all yours.” Word Count: 5228
Title:  Traditions - Chapter 1: Lost and Found Collaborator: alwaysabrighterdarkness Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Image of Tony working on Bucky's arm Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Sexual Content (later chapter) Summary: It was simple and domestic, undressing, preparing for bed and then climbing in and curling comfortably around each other. A year ago, Tony wouldn’t have thought this sort of thing was something he could have. Hell, a year ago, he hadn’t even known that he was, yet again, missing Steve’s actual birthday. And now, here they were. Word Count: 5443
Title: Traditions - Chapter 2: Something Borrowed Collaborator: alwaysabrighterdarkness Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - Steve Rogers/Captain America Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Sexual Content (later chapter) Summary: Despite knowing Steve for years now and being in a relationship with Steve and Bucky for almost a year, he had learned more about Steve’s mom in the last month than he had at any time prior to that. For a woman who had raised Steve Rogers the best she could as a single mother in the Depression, Tony thought even ‘remarkable’ might be putting it lightly. Word Count: 5443
Title: Why Can’t I Be You (Or: Aww, Paperwork) Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 - Kate Bishop/Hawkeye Ship: Gen (Minor Background Stony) Rating: Teen Major Tags: Humour, Misunderstandings Summary: When Clint has to go away on a deep cover mission, he doesn’t hesitate to name Kate as his replacement on the Avengers roster. But when he forgets to, you know, actually submit the paperwork, misunderstandings and confusion ensue. (Not quite 616 and not quite MCU, but some fun hybrid of the two.) Word Count: 2257
Title: Art Collaborator: monobuu Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S2 - Dreamsharing Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: They’re in separate beds, separate rooms, each dreaming of a sweet first date. Little do they know, they are sharing the same dream. (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ Word Count: NA
Title: Cherish the Living - Chapter 10 Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: R5 - Adrenaline Rush Ship: WinterIron Rating: E Major Tags: Gore, Alternate Universe - Zombies Summary: Tony grew up on stories of the time Before the virus, but that’s a world that’s long ago and far away. He now travels a route between the various walled settlements, trading goods and repairs for bread and board, and carrying news from one villa to the next. It’s a dangerous life, but one he’s used to and well-suited for. That is, until a cluster of zombies gets the drop on him.Bucky is a Nomad, one of a band of enhanced humans who have sworn to wipe out all zombies and put an end to the zombie plague – one at a time, if necessary. When he rescues Tony, he’s just doing his job. Agreeing to escort Tony to the next villa is a bit above-and-beyond, but it’s nice to have company after so long on the road alone. He didn’t expect the trip to forge a bond between the two of them that not nothing – not even death – could break. Word Count: 40,927
Title: Cherish the Living - Chapter 10 Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: WinterIron Rating: E Major Tags: Gore, Alternate Universe - Zombies Summary: Tony grew up on stories of the time Before the virus, but that’s a world that’s long ago and far away. He now travels a route between the various walled settlements, trading goods and repairs for bread and board, and carrying news from one villa to the next. It’s a dangerous life, but one he’s used to and well-suited for. That is, until a cluster of zombies gets the drop on him.Bucky is a Nomad, one of a band of enhanced humans who have sworn to wipe out all zombies and put an end to the zombie plague – one at a time, if necessary. When he rescues Tony, he’s just doing his job. Agreeing to escort Tony to the next villa is a bit above-and-beyond, but it’s nice to have company after so long on the road alone. He didn’t expect the trip to forge a bond between the two of them that not nothing – not even death – could break. Word Count: 40,927
Title: Handle with care Collaborator: nashapixie Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted - handle with care Ship: Pre-WinterIron if you squint Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fluff Summary: James "Bucky" Barnes is recovering after the fall of Hydra, which includes some arm maintenance that only one man can help with: Tony Stark. Word Count: 734
Title: Nothing So Far Away Collaborator: tisfan Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Adopted - Time Travel Ship: Stony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Time Travel Loosely, Angst, Civil War Summary: Moodboard Word Count: N/A
Title: Shelter From the Bitter Storm Collaborator: EachPeachPearPlum Link: AO3 Square Filled: A4 - Writing Format: Fairytale-Style Narration Ship: Loki & Tony Stark Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fairytale, Curses, Bad First Impressions Summary: An overextended genius reacts poorly to an unexpected visitor. Word Count: 784
Title: Nice Day for a White Wedding - Chapter 3 Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: A2 - Premonitions Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Teen Major Tags: Fluff, Romance, Idiots in Love Summary: Tony has a premonition about their future Word Count: 1179 (7149 total)
Title: For Want of a Badger Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Silver Haired Tony Ship: Pepperony, Morgan Stark & Tony Stark Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fluff and Humor, Parent Tony Stark, Adorable Summary: Tony and Morgan have a lunch date with Pepper, but getting there on time proves to be a challenge. Word Count: 1632
Title: Sober Reflections Collaborator: PoliZ Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 - Sober Ship: Tony Stark & Nebula Rating: Gen Major Tags: Angsty Summary: In the aftermath of the battle on Titan, Tony really, really needs a drink. Word Count: 621
Title: Wearing Each Other’s Clothes Collaborator: phoenixmetaphor3000 Link: Tumblr  Square Filled: Adopted - Wearing Each Other’s Clothes Ship: IronThunderShield Rating: Gen Major Tags: They’re just being super soft okay Summary: ITS A MOODBOARD LADS Word Count: N/A
Title: Traditions - Chapter 5 Collaborator: ABrighterDarkness Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 - Wish Ship: Stuckony Rating: E Major Tags: Sexual Content Summary: “What’d you wish for, Stevie?” Bucky asked fondly after Steve had blown out the ridiculous number of candles that covered the surface of the cake.“After today, I don’t know that I got a whole lot left to wish for,” Steve admitted, somewhat shyly.  Word Count: 3299
Title: Blood Will Tell - Chapters 4-8 Collaborator: thewaythatwerust Link: AO3 Squares Filled: K1 - Handle With Care S3 - Grief R2 - Experience A3 - Free R1 - Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Vampires, Werewolves, Blood and Violence Summary: Bucky should have never intervened…But ‘should have’ had never been his strong suit. Which is how he finds himself in a cell, with the inexplicable urge to protect the human charged with holding him captive, from the aberrant lycan threat rising up around them. He thinks it can’t get worse… until a strangely familiar face is staring at him through the bars, out for his blood.That’s when things start to get really interesting. Word Count: 35,649
Title: I Like The Way Your Brain Works Collaborator: thoughtfulbreadpolice Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - Cheesy Ship: Stony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Cheesy, Fluff Summary: “There’s a Taco Bell, want anything?”  Natasha asked, looking over at Steve. Steve sighed and looked at her for a second.  “For Tony to love me back.” Natasha settled back into the seat and gave Steve a look. “I have like twelve dollars.” Word Count: 1149
Title: Geometric Problems Collaborator: Jacaranda Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - Diner/Restaurant Ship: Stuckony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Food Issues Summary: When Bucky Barnes finally comes in from the cold after spending months on the run from SHIELD and HYDRA alike, his face is exactly the same as the assassin from D.C., but something about his body seems off. His entire silhouette has changed, and his right arm no longer matches the left.The more time Tony spends observing the man he opened his relationship for, the more he realizes that Bucky's body is still struggling under Hydra's legacy. Word Count: 22,091
Title: He Was Tired - Chapter 17 Collaborator: Fighting_for_creativity Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 - No Powers Ship: None Rating: Teen Major Tags: Bullying, Comfort, Tony Running His Mouth Summary: Ultron learns. He learns what friends are. He learns what bullying is. He learns what countermeasures are.Tony finally gets to work in his workshop with Peter again. Which actually leads to an awkward moment. Tony has no control over his mouth sometimes. Word Count: 22,369
Title: N/A Collaborator: trashcanakin Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Adopted - Faked Spell Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Could be considered Dub-Conny Summary: [Moodboard + Prompt] Bucky & Tony get put under a love spell... or did they? Word Count: N/A
Title: N/A Collaborator: trashcanakin Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T1 - Pining Ship: (Pre) IronHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: N/A Summary: Tony confides in his close friend Natasha about his crush on her best friend Clint. Natasha is done with the both of them. Word Count: 100
Title: Pepperony Soulmates Moodboard Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K4 - Soulbond Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Moodboard, Soulmate Summary: Tony has been interviewing for a PA all day, and he expects that he’ll be wasting the rest of his day the same way.  Until Pepper Potts walks into his office, and words flower under their skin. Word Count: N/A
Title: But You Want a Good Time Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: T5 - Dark Alleys Ship: WinterIron Rating: E Major Tags: Oral Sex, Coitus Interruptus Summary: After sneaking out of a gala for some alone time, Tony and Bucky manage to get interrupted by, quite literally, the very last person that they want to see. Word Count: 2265
Title: Show Yourself (It’s Your Turn) - Chapter 1 Collaborator: chel Link: AO3 Square Filled: T5 - Unicorns Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fluff and Crack Summary: Where Tony Stark refuses to let Bucky Barnes catch him doing "uncool" things, Rhodes thinks he's an idiot, and Bucky finds out anyway Word Count: 791
Title: Science and Magic Collaborator: DarthBloodOrange Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - Science and Magic Ship: Gen Rating: Gen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Art Summary: Tony works on a new potion, JARVIS the Raven watches on. Word Count: N/A
Title: Vermillion Collaborator: RoseRose Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - Kink: Bondage Ship: Stuckony Rating: E Major Tags: Blood Kink, Knife Play, Asexual Steve Rogers, Voyeurism, BDSM Summary: Steve is asexual, and in a relationship with Tony and Bucky. He finds Tony and Bucky gorgeous, and very, very gorgeous when having sex. He draws them as they engage in some blood play kink. Word Count: 2513
Title: Black Snake Collaborator: ThoughtfulBreadPolice Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Occupational Hazard Ship: WinterIron Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: Kidnapping Summary: “How do I even begin?” Tony asked the person behind the camera.In his mind, Tony could hear the quiet tick, tick, tick, of a clock counting down the hours, counting down to an end that Tony knew was coming, though he didn’t know what kind of end it would be.“The same way everything does Tony. At the beginning.” Word Count: 1067
Title: Collaborator: Link: AO3 Square Filled: Ship: Rating: Major Tags: Summary: Word Count:
Title: Boy Next Door Collaborator: starksnack Link: AO3 Square Filled: A4 - AU: Teachers Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Teachers, Fluff, Getting Together Summary: The room next door to Tony's classroom has been empty for the last fourteen years. And suddenly the day before the first day of school Tony has a new neighbour. Word Count: 6000
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kierongillen · 6 years
Writer Notes: The Wicked + the Divine 1373
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Writer Notes: The Wicked + the Divine 1373
Spoilers, obv.
(I say I do these before the next issue came out. I was posting this yesterday and my tumblr account died. As in, my tumblr account was terminated.There’s a couple of things which make me think it’s a glitch (not least there’s no reason for it I could think of, unless Tumblr really loathes writer notes about a lucifer nun. I contact them going “Huh?” and come the morning, it’s back. Hmm. Anyway - here you go, and the next special - Wicdiv: the funnies is out today) 
The final historical special, which seems to require my notes to pull them together and talk about the larger intent. Sitting here and writing, I’m not sure I want to. The backbone of the specials have been the relationship between various Lucifers and Ananke across the centuries. You get a chance at least get acquainted with four Lucifer’s, and get to compare and contrast, and you get to see more developed portraits of what Ananke has been up to across the centuries. As the last one in the printed chronology, that means this one ties all that together, plus (as the other one) introducing some key ideas for the next arc.
It differs in another way – while that’s how the reading order will work for anyone working in single issues, in trades, it’s another story. These are going to be gathered together as Volume 8 (OLD IS THE NEW NEW) and printed chronologically (as in, 455, 1373, 1833, 1922). That’s how people in trades are going to first experience them, which creates a different spin and will bring different elements to the surface.
To state the obvious, the big thing in this one is “oh – here’s how bad Ananke can be.” By implication, it raises the stakes for the final arc in terms of what she could do if her back is against the wall.
I admit, I’ve always been a bit worried when I see a handful of people assume the specials aren’t essential to the story. I don’t believe we’ve ever said that, and it’s simply not true. You can skip them, sure, but it breaks the story as much as skipping any individual issue of WicDiv. What we’ve said is that trade readers don’t need to buy the specials to follow the story. I’m trying to think of anything I could have said that could have been misconstrued? Possibly the “anything we use will be reintroduced”? I dunno.
Anyway – this is simultaneously the biggest and smallest of the special. The idea came to me early – a Lucifer having escaped to a nunnery, repented and lived past the end of her two years. Then Ananke and Minerva catch up with her. Apart from that, I knew that it would give the clearest statement of what Ananke has been doing, and that it would end in fire. The rest of this issue was a process of discovery.
(I’ve talked influences here. Ken Russell’s the Devils. Carrie. The Seventh Seal. Black Narcissus. The Sound Of Music. One of these is a lie.)
To get it up front: I was raised Catholic. This issue caused Katie and Chrissy to basically glance side-eye at me, as if encountering an alien. I’ve done something similar to this before, with Generation Hope’s Idie, but this is a far deeper, darker dive into that.
Fun time, for everyone. The response has been interesting. The people who loved it adored it. Catholic Guilt fist-bump.
Jamie/Matt’s Cover: This is just a stunning one. Jamie’s ability to switch modes is something we rarely push in WicDiv (mainly in icons) but doing stained glass is a hell of a thing. But Matt comes out with something else, and actually making this thing glow. Numinous. Totally Numinous.
Ryan’s Cover: Ryan and I first worked together in Three, and I’d first really fell for his work in his Northlanders arcs, so there’s historical fiction previous. This is a particularly grimy issue of WicDiv, and he’s leaned into it. Lucifer, penitent, looking up – at us, but as we go further, we realise her Father. This is the only place we see with her horns. Clearly, having this on the cover and seeing what she looks like inside has an implied story.
The icons were oddly tricky here, and Jamie had to work for a period drawing of Satan to riff on. However, the Minerva is a delight. If anyone has seen my attempted drawing of a Minerva symbol when signing Volume 7 will know, this is about my level of physical accuracy.
One thing about the specials I find interesting is what’s the minimum of historical data we have to give to make a story make sense. Obviously “It is thought to be the greatest natural of all time” is loaded. Especially the word “natural.” I wish I tweaked it to make it clear I was talking about the Black Death’s effect on the world rather than just Europe though. The Black Death devastating Europe isn’t the biggest natural disaster – it’s the Black Death full stop.
Page 1
I wrote this issue sparsely. It’s designed to be mediative. As such, a slow long pan opening, setting up the themes visually.
The host… well, do I have to explain Catholicism here? The Host is transformed in the ceremony into the body of Jesus Christ. In this period, however, the actual eating of the host was relatively rare. As such, most ceremonies were more about the simple act of observing the host – the holding up in the modern ceremony is a hold-over for that, as well as the larger size of the host itself so folks can see it better.
Of course, that the observation was the key things make this scene possible – it’s possible for someone to observe the host without actually entering the church, as this long slow pan back from the divinity of the church to the rats on the streets show.
Avignon was home of the Papacy in this period. Generally speaking, there was less research in this special than any other one. I read enough to get the Black Death details I needed, to trace its path and various other things, as well as hitting up period Catholicism. However, it’s also the special that’s most based on my own actual pre-existing knowledge.
Page 2
Size is meaning, as always, and an intro to Lucifer’s cheery catchphrase for the issue.
Oddly, getting period Nun garb for lucifer was hard. I wanted originally for her to be a noviate (as in, Novice)but I couldn’t get reference I trusted, so I went full Nun. FULL NUN. Or NUN MORE GOTH as several excellent people put it.
Page 3
By this point we should realise that Lucifer wants her Father To Forgive Her. I am subtle and elegant in my writing, so you may have missed this.
Good stern mother superior here. The choice of the reds in the eyes is strong. And the reveal of the sawn off horns, which says everything about her.
Page 4
From Ring a ring o’Roses, which folks say is about the plague, but apparently dates from far too late.
Page 5-6
And hello, Minerva. You’re having a bad century too. Trying to signal that she’s falling apart but it’s not the plague was a tricky thing, and we obviously do a lot of pointing in the dialogue.
It’s only here that you start getting the weird and uncanny cleanness of the mud-rolling Lucifer. That she’s addressed as the Girl Who Walks Through Plague makes it even odder. This is an unusual notes for me – I haven’t looked at the issue in a while, so some odd stuff is striking.
“None of us are irredeemable” – god, this issue is king of the loaded lines.
The dispensation thing is a reach, but not an impossible one – during the plague there was a dispensation given in various areas where layfolk could hear each other’s confessions when there was no access to a Priest. This seemed a logical enough extrapolation.
Lucifer’s last lines… oh, I’ll save that. She’s got more WTF ARE YOU SAYING ones in a minute.
Page 7-8-9-10
The Two Days Later loc cap reminds me of what I was doing in terms of setting the date of the story – it’s the Sunday before lent kicks off. That google lets us easily find the calendar for the period and work out when Lent would start is A+.
So much mud! Matt is known for the hyper-bright effects, so to go into something as low-key as this is great. See how it works with Ryan as well.
Flagellants are one of the bits of the research which tweaked the story a little. Self-mortification was on my mind – it’s a key thing in The Devils – and the Flagellants are the avatar of religious injuries, so I was thinking of them anyway. After all – they’re a great image, this mass of people whipping themselves and lamenting loudly. Anyway, I do the research, and discover that as well as travelling the country lamenting, they also were basically a wandering lynch mob killing Jews. Which takes the fun out them, y’know?
“A ditch of god’s good earth is closer to paradise than I deserve” – that’s the kind of line that had me looking at my fingers as if they were alien beings. This issue was structured loosely – Lucifer is called, experiences things on the way, and hears Ananke’s confession” with me writing to explore the setting and characters. As such, it was a surprise half the things Lucifer said about the world around her. This shouldn’t surprise me though – I had a similar experience with Idie, in terms of just being afraid for her.
That Lucifer is THE GIRL WHO WOULDN’T BURN is another connection to Idie, of course. And also foreshadowing.
The nudity is the hardest thing to do, especially when you add whipping to it. I wanted it objective, nature of fact. I have no idea if we pulled it off or not. I do like the space that Ryan puts between the head flagellant, Lucifer and the rest – as if they’re a little intimidated, not wanting to be involved.
And then Lucifer’s judgement. Lucifer’s pride and self-hate are fascinatingly intertwined. I’m not sure if I could have dealt with writing much more of her, but part of me would love to have.
(God – just had the image of Lucifer as my crucifix, which is so OTP I laugh)
The silence at the end of the page makes it linger. The expression Ryan gives Lucifer at the end of the scene – utterly ambivalent to the violence behind her – is one of the more quietly chilling things in the book.
Page 11
I could have just had Lucifer find Ananke here, but I wanted something to show her heading through the town – as well as a chance to look at the plague symptoms. The idea of Ananke having arranged all these corpses to guide the way seemed both chilling and very Ananke.
Worth noting – these are the wrong symptoms for Plague circa 1373. This is the original Black Death symptoms, because Ananke is still carrying the O.G. Plague. It’s not the sort of thing I suspect anyone would ever notice, but it’s there.
Lucifer entering the hut on the last page is a great one – Ryan modulating tone towards Lucifer. This is a straight horror shot.
And hello, Ananke. You look well, how are you, what have you been up to?
YOU DID WHAT? ANnnnnakkkke!!!!
I like the central framing of this. Purely Objective.
The core question of the issue right at the end of the issue – I do like how Ryan has Ananke pushing up the villain here. Ananke knows how this is going to go. Anankes always don’t really want to die, but I suspect this one may be an exception. This has been no fun at all for her.
The Harrowing Of Hell is basically when Christ went down to Hell to free all the souls from Satan. In short. I’m really not sure how much of this stuff I have to say – a lot of you are Americans, and a far less secular culture than us Brits. Most of my readers didn’t know any of this, which did lead to dialling back the allusions a little.
From now on the issue is basically two women talking in a room, one of whom spends the whole time weak in bed. This is not exactly dramatic comics, so we have to work to keep it visually interesting. To be honest, I always like the challenge. One of the most fun issues I wrote at marvel was just Cyclops and Wolverine in a cell, arguing, with just a six pack for company.
Anyway – some great expressions here from Ananke. Look at panel 5 on page 13. Such contempt!
Page 14-15
For those working out what’s up with Minerva, 14 would be the page to go into. We already know from issue 36 what happens if she can’t complete the ritual.
The flashback to Lucifer’s transformation is an interesting one – the pink colouring really makes me think of 90s Vertigo, and the non-pop-comics they put out then seem to be the closest to this issue.
I like the steel in Lucifer’s glance in panel 2 of page 15, and how uncomfortable that makes Ananke.
Page 16-17
The main thing to try and keep this scene less static is Ananke’s Knife. For these two pages it’s a “Oh – Lucifer’s picked it up. That implies something.” The second is “is she going to use it”. Keep things interacting.
These pages are the simplest explaining of Ananke’s methodology. A lot could be extrapolated, but this ties it together. The other side of this pushes forward what I originally conceived for the historical specials  - as in, seeing how Ananke’s desires twist a little across the centuries. Frankly? She hits the beat again later, but this is a snapshot of how she’s feeling circa 1373.
Page 18-19 “Adieu” is the one bit of actual french in it. I’m not normally a big one on this. It just sometimes feels right.
The tension of the previous page turns is born of the knife, but here’s it’s all about Ananke’s questions. The pauses panel on page 18 is the thing which lends the question weight. I’m fond of “Frozen” panels where you don’t really get to see someone’s face.
The Father on Earth/Father in Heaven enters the story, of course. This is at the heart of the book.
Yet more dead parents on issue 19. WicDiv, eh?
Wherein, Lucifer has the world’s worst superhero origin story. It’s… like, Guilt? I’ve always had a sort of twinge of “Hmmm” towards Spider-man. Guilt is a motivation that has to be unpacked.
Anyway – Lucifer’s fundamental tragedy.
Page 20-21
Here’s a thought experiment for writers – try re-arranging the statements in the first panel here, and realise why we did the order we did and the implication it would carry if we did it in another way. “The Flagellants” is yet more precision to make sure you demarcate stuff.
The plague traveling comes from the research, and as far as I can work out, is accurate. Of course, there’s far better theories to explain this weirdness than “An invulnerable Old Lady was driving the ship”. People will come to respect my genius in years to come, I’m sure.
Ananke is laying it on a little thick, of course. Like… this is a very strange confession. Confessions are strange. There’s a question of what power is.
This is one of those pages which I suspect will become more important when collected with the other specials and read as the eighth volume before the conclusion.
Page 22-23
Great building rage here from Ryan, and what Matt does with the mood is also A+. The arrival of the wet, gore reds after an issue of the mud and old blood is something else. Compare and contrast to the reds and oranges in Lucifer’s eyes.
I look at this and think about page turns. In an ideal world, the 22-23 would be a page turn – you can see she doesn’t stab Ananke, and the self-inflicted injury by glancing to the right. But space is always a premium, and frankly every page could do with being the reveal-turn in this sequence. It’s that or pad it, right?
Ryan added a panel to draw out the pulling away the flesh, which I love.
“this is my body” is about the point where we realise THIS IS REACHING PEAK CATHOLICISM.
Page 24-25-26
I’m feeling if I explain the sacrament here, I’m patronising folks, and if I don’t, these notes kind of are missing the point. I say a bit earlier here, but Google Transubstantiation if you don’t know it. Suffice to say, this is a particularly blasphemous flip of the core regular miracle of the Catholic mass. Bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Lucifer’s body into fire.
I can’t remember where I had this idea from. I knew it ended in fire initially, but didn’t realise it would be this. It was just there when I needed it. It made sense, and that it makes sense worries me. Comics!
Anyway – everything goes Carrie, as the fire consumes them both. The full horror stretching out and out as much as we can, and we return to the “father forgive me” which haunts this book. Which, by this point, everyone knows is loaded.
I like this Lucifer. She’s one of my favourites. I’m glad I got to write her.
Page 27
And Minerva heads off, with her bag of you know what, into the future.
Page 28
Yes “Transubstantiation” pushes the WicDiv design to breaking point.
That’s enough. Thanks for Ryan to join us on this one – he’s an incredible talent and we were lucky to have him. As I write, WicDIv: The Funnies drops tomorrow, with WicDiv returning for its final arc in November.
Thanks for reading.
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petersthree · 6 years
Okay so after IW I need happy hcs so here we are, Shuri & Peter + Teaching The Squad Technology (More or Less) 
Shuri and Peter found out that Thor, the Guardians, Steve, and Bucky don’t know about memes, and so they sit down and teach them all. 
Thor and Drax don’t really Get It but they laugh at everything which Peter & Shuri realize is Perfect. They set them up with Tumblrs and everyone who follows their blogs think it’s a shitpost blog but really they’re looking at random images with the word “llama” on it and cracking up for no reason. 
As per @buckyrhodey someone inevitably continues to call memes “me-me”s and Shuri just does. The Most Dramatic Eye Roll and groan whenever it happens. 
You know Peter Parker would cry upon meeting Thor, and I would just like to say that promptly after going “mlaskdf hrngh oh my god” and almost passing out, he took out his phone and started snapchatting. 
Tony, in the background: “Um, your secret identity???” 
He and Thor go through all the snapchat filters and Pete changes his wallpaper to him and Thor and there may or may not be a picture in his locker 
Peter Quill unironically loves the duck face which Shuri definitely makes fun of him for but still, she teaches him selfie angles and poses for pics with him and he’s proud and makes like 30 instagram posts within an hour.
Shuri and Pete make Facebooks for everyone??? Thor actually has a FB that Darcy created for him back in the day but never used it, so Shuri actually updates his profile and you can bet your ass there’s a closed Avengers FB group that Thor just posts 500 memes on every day. 
The two also make a group chat and every Avenger is lowkey dying over it. Natasha has tried leaving 357 times. They keep adding her back. Every. Single. Time. Sam will just kick Bucky off whenever he speaks, so Shuri installed a program that stops specifically Sam from doing this. He hates it. 
Peter constantly will try to video chat with people at like 2 AM, which prompts Gamora and Natasha (who adore Peter) to always pick up even if they’re currently fighting someone, and Tony to send, “Excuse me why aren’t you sleeping” in the chat. 
Peter/ the Guardians/Thor/Scott are constantly adding random people to the group chat. M’Baku got in there at some point (weirdly enough, Tony added him), and Thor added Valkyrie and Korg, while MJ forced Pete to put her in. Flash got added for a millisecond bc Peter wanted to prove it was real and Ned is definitely in there sending random videos. 
Shuri DEFINITELY makes a phone specifically for the Hulk. He and Bruce have separate accounts and numbers and the phone is made so that it won’t get smashed it’s great; Hulk just sends a bunch of things like “YOU ALL PRECIOUS” or “WHY NO ONE TALKING.” Pete had (1) video chat with the Hulk before. He almost cried of happiness. 
Peter constantly sends Buzzfeed quizzes, esp of “Which avenger would you be?” He sent one of “Which sidekick would you be” and Sam had a fit because (1) He was on there and (2) Peter got him as a result. 
There’s a post out there that says Peter teaches Thor “yeet” and oh my god he definitely WOULD so Thor 1000% throws his axe at shit while yelling the phrase but also, Peter watches John Mulaney and teaches Strange, Drax, and Mantis “STREET SMARTS”. 
Drax, throwing Mantis halfway across the room: “STREET SMARTS” 
Strange hated being shown the standup video because he threw something at a villain once and mumbled street smarts under his breath before he could stop himself. 
Other people who use this meme unironically: Clint & Scott
We know Steve and Bucky skype so oh my god. Sam helped Steve with Skype and Steve had on little reading glasses like a Dad(TM) squinting at the screen and Bucky tried posing like 50 times in front of Shuri for his Skype profile. She was d y i n g but still sat down and helped him narrow it down to his final 10 until they found the perfect one. 
Steve and Bucky are skyping one day and Shuri comes in and is all “Turn your head to the left. It’s your good side.” Bucky: “I have a bad side?” Sam, offscreen: “YOUR WHOLE FACE IS YOUR BAD SIDE.” 
Shuri and Peter and both vloggers (even though Pete’s are technically more lowkey) but they teach the other Avengers about youtube and vlogging and Bucky in particular is weirdly into it. He loves Youtube (Shuri showed him Cap’s PSAs and he was literally on the floor laughing while Steve wanted to Die in the back). 
T’Challa and Tony like to intentionally fuck with everyone else and use memes/slang the wrong way. T’Challa has looked straight at Shuri and gone “That is so bae,” just to mess with her. Tony tells Thor that “fetch” is a thing and Thor won’t stop using it and Shuri & Pete just cringe every time. 
Shuri and Peter recreate every vine ever. Their favorite is “I WON’T HESITATE, BITCH” and they 100% use a real laser gun for the vine. 
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robin97 · 5 years
11 Questions Game
I was tagged by @verypurplepenguins aaaahh thank you!!! :D
I’ll tag @eliios and anyone who wants to do this!!!
1. If you had to spend seven years post collapse with one Seed in their bunker, who would you pick and why?
I was gonna say Jacob bc he seems like he’s the best when it comes to survival but then again he did eat that guy Miller that one time so maybe i’d only choose him if we had a lot of food in that bunker XD but i think im gonna choose faith...I feel like she wouldn’t try to kill me once we’re alone in a bunker...we could just chill and get high together...
2. What would your last meal on earth be?
If im gonna die my last meal better be pizza and an ice cold coke
3. Have you played any other Far Cry games?
I’ve played all the far cry games except the first one bc it’s too old!!! I���ve played far cry 2 bc it was a gift for my brother but he didn’t like it so i started playing it instead and then i saw an image of vaas on tumblr and i was like oooohh niiice!! and now we’re here XD
4. If you could travel back in time for a day, where would you go? I’ve always wanted to meet my great grandfather Dante he seemed like a cool dude so like my grandparents house around the 70′ 
5. Which Gun for Hire is your favorite, and do you always travel with them? omg so in far cry 5 i love boomer but im too anxious to fight along side him bc i don’t want him to get hurt T-T so i only choose him when im travelling around not doing missions BUT when i do have to fight if im trying to be stealthy I’ll go with Jess and peaches but if i want to fuck shit up I’ll go with Hurk and Sharky.
For New Dawn i love Carmina but never fight along side her bc im too protective so if im doing stealth I’ll use the judge and once i fail stealth I’ll go with Hurk and Gina 
6. Do you game on Xbox, Playstation, PC or a combination of the three?
7. What is the best thing about me?
sometimes im funny?? idk XD some friends told me that im funny other that im easy to talk to others that im compassionate
8. Do you have siblings? Unfortunately i have an older brother...and we don’t live in the same house but i also have a younger step brother 
9. What’s your favorite movie genre? Action, adventure, horror, comedy
10. What would be the perfect date night? idk we could just chill at home or we could go to the movies something simple like that
11. If you could save Jacob, Faith or John, who would you choose to save and why? dbajdbsa everything revolving around the seeds is so tragic and the fact that Joseph used their fragile states to make them lead his cult is even worse like you can see how John and Faith worship him but are also scared of him and they all did terrible things and i hate them but i also love them so much and im djkjdsbakdlsak idk!!! like i wanted to say Faith bc even tho everyone says that she’s liar and a manipulator i totally believed her story during her boss battle so i guess if i could i’d save her?? (but omg the whole reason i want to save all of them is bc i want to see them in new dawn and maybe they could help the cap defeat the twins bc i love that trope so much!!) 
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officialinuyasha · 5 years
Official Art is free use as long as it is not used for monetary gain, and I will never ask anyone for money for my pictures, and I was told I am the only person that actually credits the official animators and artists. Each image of the anime is directly ripped RAW Japanese versions, that are ages old by the way. There are probably better ones out there now. Because had these when the English dub hadn’t came out on my Windows XP. About that, they should be in 1080, but since they were used into WMM I had to recolor all of them and increase their quality myself. I don’t like taking screenshots from YouTube like most people do. Not only do I increase the quality but there are assets I enjoy changing them from the anime. Most people can’t even tell it’s changed because it’s “that good” they say. The only thing I ask if you are sharing my edits, just credit me for taking to time to increasing the resolution, ripping, and alters. I do a lot of screen-stitching also. There’s a lot of them and some I haven’t even posted. But here are some of my favorites -
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Besides that, I also like posting basic screen caps with my watermark on it. Because I did it. I don’t have to explain myself on that. Because it originated from my RAW rips, I have every right to credit the official animators and myself for doing the work. I see a lot of people post their watermarks on official images, even when it comes to illegal manga scan sites. I don’t see anyone complaining about that.
If you see my watermark on it, like Max’s it’s because I have his permission to slightly alter it as a Profile Picture! - and I usually have their credit or their watermark on it also whether in the image or in the description! Since Max intentionally made art for me also, it’s kinda a given.
I always see @redrobelover talk about bullying and certain fandoms. I can tell you what I see.
Here is what I see most of -
People “bully” others if someone is asking where a certain fan art came from - With absolutely no intent to steal it. They know they didn’t make the art.
But as soon as someone constantly credits each individual animator, they don’t care and the official animators are swept under the rug. These people are paid, just like fan artists. But they are way less known. I hardly ever see anyone talking about the animators of InuYasha. When they do, it makes me very happy and excited.
They also think it’s okay for someone to share Fan Art from a person that intentionally left because of drama like this. Basically, “this person left, probably because their art was being stolen and sold on Chinese merchandise. But I’m going to share it anyway.” And to them, that’s completely fine.
Can you see where all this hypocrisy is?
I’ll tell you all a story. Our friend was from Tumblr since 2009. I won’t give out her identity, but a lot of these people know. And she recognizes a lot of this toxicity and drama. She used to write a lot of fan-fictions and became really well-known. She was a very popular role-player.
She knows and can name people, can predict how people are -exactly- on here.
Well she actually left because people wouldn’t stop fighting, making fake accounts to go and attack everyone. This stuff is stupid. I just don’t get what’s so fun in that.
A story about me.
I had a friend on here I knew for years. She used to take a lot of my edits and I wouldn’t say anything because she was my friend. Even if it bugged me, I felt like she wasn’t doing any harm in that. All I asked of her was to at least tell me or credit me. Which I don’t think she ever did. It was always odd to find out from another person that she was doing this, or stumbling upon it myself.
The sad part was, I saw her as a really close friend of mine. And when my life began ta change dramatically I went and told her everything. I wrote a whole novel for her. In hopes that she was going to be supportive of my life changes and choices I was making during my transition and the person I am meant ta be with. Like most of my friend are supportive of it and asked me a whole buncha questions about it. They were happy.
Unfortunately I never got the ecstatic answer from her. Instead she ghosted on me and I think blocked me. I never understood why. But I was told it was probably because we have the same mind set in a lot of things. So I will never hate on her ever. I don’t have a reason to. I just wished things like that was better.
We are all a family. We all like InuYasha. InuYasha is supposta be a safe space.
Something I wrote in August 20th, 2018
My name is InuYasha, yes legally. Yes I'm the only person on record with that name in the US atleast. I am a transman. I've been on hormones for two years now! 💪💉 Damn those "emojis" look hella weird... August 2016 was when I started my hormones. Anyway. I'm in a relationship with @officialkagome , her name is Kagome she's a transwoman! I really came around on YouTube 2007 as TheHanyouInuYasha, now displayed as "OfficialInuYasha". I also run the FaceBook group "Official InuYasha Group" which is increasingly popular and extremely active with almost 5,000 members now! My sister really helped push me to go for the doctor's appointment for my transgender diagnosis in order for me to start my hormones. The series InuYasha really helped me get in touch with my true self, as InuYasha I see myself as one with. Being an outcast and having to make my own world was very, very difficult. I went through a lot of depression and anger during certain times and was told I could not be "InuYasha" because they told me I was a "girl". Just like in the series how the ignorant people also pestered InuYasha being half demon, that it was "unnatural" to them. I continued on, struggling as InuYasha. I started cosplaying InuYasha around 2005. I remember going to my neighbors house to watch it pre-recorded in Japanese dub! I was only about 10 years old. My grandma helped me make my first outfit. We made the top from a Wizard robe and Dancer pants patterns. I have gone through four different outfits, now 7 wigs, and 6 different Tetsusaigas. My current wig was made by Alichii from deviantART since 2004 based on Katie Bairs method, made from 3 different wigs. A historical wig. My current outfit is the Officially licensed VIZ Media outfit! It's my treasure. Kagome in the series really helped me alot to learn and to love. I have had many issues with haters, stalkers and copycats. Keh! But that won't stop me!
- The response @officialkagome wrote after me -
My name is Kagome, yes; it really is. InuYasha inspired me to share my own story. I am a transwoman, and have known I was a female my entire conscious life. I was told I couldn't be Kagome because I wasn't a girl. I was punished a great deal and abused for being trans. I was told I was wrong, and sick for 'thinking' I was a girl, I was invisible to everyone around me. I grew into an aloof teenager that thought I knew the evils of the world, until when 14 years old; I was sexually assaulted by three men while at a house party without my parents knowledge. My world fell to pieces, and who I was died. I spiralled, I lost all respect for myself. I never was dated, I gave myself to bad guys. I made horrible choices and I still carry the shame of what those men turned me into.  I watched InuYasha a lot then, and I found similarity in myself and Kagome. She was everything I always dreamed of being. Kind, brave, beautiful and pure. My first Impression of InuYasha was that he was a jerk; but I got to learn more about how he felt different in his world, and didn't belong. Before I knew it, I fell deeply in love with him. He saved my life and made me feel like that strong woman I knew I was. I spent the next 13+ years submitting to the fact that I would never really be able to see InuYasha, I begged for dreams, If I could only see him.. Meanwhile, InuYasha was going through the same exact thing. We crossed paths on so many occasions, even unknowingly, we grew up in the same cities, our whole lives lead up to us finding one another and life blessed me, and brought InuYasha to me in the most ironically fated way. We are BOTH trans! He gets me, And he waited for me just as long as I waited for him. There is so much coincidence in our meeting. It's haunting. He looks at me, a pile of my trauma; and he loves my broken pieces back together. InuYasha has ALWAYS come for me, and I may have lost faith; but I am glad I didn't. InuYasha found me in the darkness; and now together we move towards tomorrow. We have always been the same since the very beginning. We ARE InuKag~
Thank you for all the asks.
I will respond to each one. All will be animated, which I know they are piled up.
So send all Asks. Let’s see how fun we can make this -
- Inu-Yasha -
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jewishavengers · 6 years
@tomahawkbunny and I were talking about how in the Marvel Cinematic Universe there is 100% a BuzzFeed Superheroes, and we came up with some headlines and excerpts.
Rank Iron Man’s Armor By How Well It Shows Off Stark’s Ass
5 Theories For Who Spiderman Is: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Donkey from Shrek, Jane Goodall, Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana, Obama
My Boss Was Turned To Dust By Thanos So Now No One Can Stop Me From Posting These Pictures of Supermuscles As An Official Article (and it’s under the “Win” page)
Mask the Masc: does Spider-Man wear a mask because he’s super masculine and wants to protect his friendly boyish image? One reporter wildly speculates based on the flimsiest possible evidence
A picture of Cap from WW2 and a pic from present day: Doctors Hate Him! Find Out How This Man Hasn’t Aged A Day in 70 Years!
Yeah, We Know Cap and Iron Man Are At Each Other’s Throats Again, But Look At Black Panther With A Bunch Of Black Cats
“Loki may have tried to destroy NYC, but I’d still top him”
“Did Dr. Strange turn the entire universe upside down, or just my heart?”
“Spiderman left me a note on my stolen bike and it sold on eBay for $5,000″
8 Funny GIFs of the Cloak of Levitation being mischievous, because you need some comfort after half of everyone you know died horribly
Rate These Iron Man Superhero Landings From Best to Worst
Ant-Man may be a small hero, but our close-up photos of his super suit suggest otherwise
“Is NYC a dangerous place to live? The fact that all the crime-fighting superheroes live here says yes, but our reporter says no.”
Watch this interview with Spider-Man and take a shot whenever he says “um”
Luke Cage can’t keep his shirt intact in a fight, and we don’t mind
Spider-Man was spotted buying LEGOs last week, and now he has his own toy line
We edited pictures of Tony Stark to remove his goatee and hair, and you won’t believe the results
Sad day for monster fetishizers: Spider-Man’s webs are not made from organic material, suggesting he’s just a guy in a discount Iron Man suit.
King T’Challa Scared and Confused After A Hundred Teens in Fursuits Congregate To Him Outside Stark Tower
Princess Shuri Revealed To Have Been Leaking Her Brother’s Location to Popular Furry Tumblr Blogs
King T’Challa attempts to ground his sister, Shuri responds by revealing her remote control that makes the Black Panther suit look like a fursuit
Sign Our Petition to Change Falcon’s Name to Pigeon to Honor NYC
...And then we ended up with some storylines like this.
Thor-real: A New Beauty Line by L’Oréal
Breaking: Tony Stark Pissed That Thor Got A Beauty Line Before Him: “I’m a style icon!”
Thor-real crashes post-IW when Thor cuts his hair, and then
L’Oréal rejects Tony Stark’s offer to revive Thor-real as an Iron Man product line
Tony Stark is growing his hair out in anticipation of a Pantene hair-care product line
Tony Stark pulls endorsement of Lush’s new perfume line after discovering it’s entitled TonyStank
And this.
BuzzFeed Rejects Stark’s $5mil Offer to Buy, Says: “It’s too much fun making fun of him to let go of that power.”
The King of Wakanda offered $50 million, not because he cares, just to spite Stark. He stated, “I can make that back in 15 minutes.”
Breaking: The princess of Wakanda impersonated her brother to try and buy BuzzFeed to spite Tony Stark. “That colonizer can get absolutely destroyed, I’m way cooler.”
Tony Stark Offered Each BuzzFeed Employee A Personalized Iron Man Suit If They Let Him Buy The Company And Only One Person Caved. You’re A Sellout, Charles.
“ If you were offered an Iron Man suit, you’d fucking take it too, see you hoes later, Charles is quitting” 
Charles is in the hospital after crashing his Iron Man suit, and here’s 30 GIFs of people laughing hysterically to commemorate it
We found out Charles is actually hurt pretty bad and we feel shitty about the last article, so here’s a GoFundMe for his hospital bills
Hospital Bill For Charles Paid In Full by Stark Industries: “See? I can do good things! Now let me buy your company!”
BuzzFeed Rejects Stark’s $10 million Offer to Buy, Says: “It’s still too much fun making fun of him to let go of that power.”
Captain America Counter-Offers $100 and a Signed Poster, BuzzFeed Instantly Accepts: “We know he’ll support our Stark mockery.”
“I once walked in on him wearing nothing but a metal chest plate and a thong”: Our Exclusive Interview With Professional Tony Stark-Mocker and New Head, Steve Rogers
Tony Stark Screams After Our Last Article Heard from Hell’s Kitchen, One Lawyer Reports
I’m just an ordinary lawyer with no extranormal powers, and even I could hear that,” claims Matt Murdock
Stark v. BuzzFeed Forfeited by Stark, After Witness & Owner Steve Rogers Called to Stand: “Tony, I don’t think you want to know how many things I could tell them. Drop the charges.”
And this concept.
Avengers and their doppelgánger actors: is RDJ actually Tony Stark?
We Have Reason To Believe Chris Cubed Has Joined Forces To Impersonate Captain America, Thor, and Starlord
Breitbart: “Is Captain America still alive, or is it a government hoax orchestrated by the deep state and Chris Evans?”
Trump: Captain America doesn’t seem to remember his 70 years on ice...suspicious. He’s a fraud!
Trump claims he’s richer than Tony Stark, Stark responds by buying a lago golf course and only barring entry to Trump
Trump calls Wakanda a shithole country, Princess Shuri responds by creating a Trump LMD that rants about how much it loves golden showers
Make of these what you will and please god someone write them. And tag us if you do
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maksimere · 7 years
Tumblr media
(Image: a purple rectangle with a smaller white rectangle in the center. Black text is inside the white rectangle, and is in all-caps, which says “Applying to College: Disability Edition.” Underneath the rectangle is more text which reads “Part 6,” and the creator’s tumblr url, “maksimere.tumblr.com”. )
Part 1: What to Look For in Disability Services
Part 2: Housing And Campus
Part 3: Exams
Part 4: My Accommodations and Experience; Accommodation Letters
Part 5: What the Hell is a Kurzweil? (Assistive Technology + Apps)
Part 6: Schedules! (YOU ARE HERE)
Part 7: Registration
Part 8: Campus Life, and Reminders!
added a few updates onto part 4, “My Accommodations and Experience; Accommodation Letters,” which are an additional resource and an add-on from someone with a chronic disability that contains advice for others with a chronic disability.
edited posts to include the current post in the “Other Parts in This Series” link, with “YOU ARE HERE” next to it.
welcome to part six! LMAO THIS IS SO LATE 
part six is where i go over schedules: more specifically, an important thing to keep in mind when making a schedule, a few tips here and there for making classes more flexible, and a general outline for why downtime is important and how to set up a basic schedule/ routine!
this post does bleed a bit into registration, but registration itself is the next post in this series.
also, this post is a bit long, so I’d suggest reading this section by section and not all at once, or something like that. It’s also by far the least organized post I’ve made in this series, so apologies in advance.
so, let’s get going! (and as usual, message with any questions, help finding resources, or any add-ons! i do read the comments on these, so if you comment any add-ons i’ll add them onto the OP.)
So! We’re going to talk about expectations first- it’s important for everyone, but it’s seriously important for us. Your schedule working for you is incredibly important, and I don’t know how much I can stress that.
And by that, I mean this: how much can you reasonably accomplish in a day? and I’m not talking your ideal day, I’m talking your low-average to “probably will end up breaking down if I have to move a finger at all” days. 
Why these days? Because most days, you aren’t going to function optimally. Most days, there will be something: you got no homework done, you ran out of your meds and haven’t gotten your refill yet, you’re over your head in readings, your only clean shirt will be the one you absolutely despise and should have thrown out three years ago. Most days, you will not be at your best, there will often be in between days and sometimes you will feel like you want to break down crying. So don’t plan for your best, plan for your low-average and a bit of your worst.
I can’t stress this enough. In our heads? Sure! We can handle all those back-to-back classes and tough readings all in one day. But in reality? The most class time my brain can realistically handle in one day is around three to four hours, and I can only manage doing that much homework in one day. And on bad days, I can handle about one and a half hours of class, and half an hour of homework.
So, don’t plan for “Ideal You”. Plan for “I Have a Cold and Hate this Shirt and Want to Cry” you, who can’t totally handle going to two hours of class and having three hours of homework today- but is ultimately doing better than the you who planned for “Ideal You” and assumed that if something happened you could power through it.
Spoiler alert: you’re disabled. Your disability/ disabilities will interfere with your life, and some days it will make you feel like shit. It might make a whole week hell, or more. Make your schedule at a level that you can reasonably handle when you feel like shit.
And on that note, plan for recovery time, every single day. You don’t need to use it everyday (I certainly don’t), but plan for it everyday. That way, it’s there when you need it. (note: this is more of a “daily routine” thing, but classes are a part of your daily routine, so.)
Yeah, this isn’t a happy section, but it needs to be said. So please, don’t brush it off. Space things out in a way that you can at least mostly handle it at your low average to worst, and trust me when I say that I am saying this out of experience.
So, now onto actual schedule stuff: find areas of time that work, and stick to them. If you have a really hard time getting out of bed before 11:00am? Sweet, find classes that start after 11:00. Are you the kind of person who needs to keep moving or they won’t get up again? Cool, I suggest trying to keep all your classes in a similar time frame. If you can’t do that, set up a routine that keeps you moving in between classes: set it up so you go to class, eat lunch, and then go to your next class (or whatever works).
And with regards to some things you should do for schedule flexibility:
Get on good terms with academic advising. They help with plans, but they can also help you out with schedules. For example, they can help you plan out a schedule, and they can also help you add/drop classes. Also, disability services: this is a given, but if there’s an issue with disability (like, your schedule metaphorically murdering you), then it seriously helps for them to know who you are and have an established relationship with you.
You don’t have to go to office hours all the time, but have some relationship with your professors: speak up a lot in class discussions, or be the person who actually emails them the questions they have, or be both of those people, and so on. If you’re able to get them to know your name and face and have something about you stand out positively, then you’re off to a good start.
have backup schedules when registering: if you don’t have priority registration, this is seriously important. Make a schedule, and then make one or two more schedules that can work for you. That way, you have a backup plan (and can mix and match, if need be). For freshmen, this is important: you’re basically picking from the dregs, and fighting other people for those dregs. So, make them, write down the class code so you can punch those suckers in quicker than the others. Hell, make the fastest typer you know do it for you if that’s what works. 
If you do have priority registration, still make backup schedules. They’re still useful tools, and I ended up mixing together the two schedules I made when registering.
This stuff is important too. Like, people need to eat and stuff okay. You don’t just stop having to pee because you’re in college, as nice as that would be during finals week.
So what am I getting at here? Make time for daily routines and other stuff, ya animals. Personally, I have a schedule (like, this is a spreadsheet. It’s a literal Google Spreadsheet) laid out on my laptop. It has my classes labeled, as well as times to do homework and eat dinner. It also has times labeled for laundry and stuff, too, as well as a general time for me to start getting ready for bed.
That shit is color-coded, okay. I’m not fucking around here.
That being said, you don’t need to make a time chart and closely follow it! I do because my autistic, anxiety-having ass needs a structured routine to be able to function well, but even I don’t follow it to the letter: Some days I stay up longer, I Blatantly Fucking Ignore the homework times I set up because I need a nap, dammit, and so on.
The purpose of setting up a general time/ structure for daily routine is to make sure you have time to do what you need in a day. That’s it, that’s what it is. You don’t have to follow it to the letter, I’ve seen a lot of people who just use it as a general reminder system to brush their teeth, people who go all-out like I do, and there’s probably someone out there who labeled all their classes, wrote “i do other stuff” in the blank spaces, and called it a day.
It’s a way to make sure you remember to make time to be able to do school stuff and take care of yourself. Even if all you label is your classes and “i nap here, sometimes” congratulations. You set up a structure, and I’m proud of you.
Make sure you put in time to recharge. Speaking as someone with fatigue issues (because fuck you), having a set time available for me to be able to relax and recharge my battery is crucial. It may not be like that for you, but break time is something that everyone needs. Set up some time to doodle, swim, shamelessly scroll through tumblr, whatever. It gives your brain time to decompress, and is crucial- you can’t work all the time, and shouldn’t expect yourself to. Put time in whenever works for you- before bed, in the middle of the day, whatever.
Also, don’t feel bad for putting off a whole day to recharge. I do this sometimes, generally on saturdays. I stay in bed way too late, drink too much tea, and ignore the fuck out of my responsibilities. It’s great, 10/10.
@ROUTINE- HAPPY IDIOTS: join the club, first of all, and also this is your section. if you need a tool to make a schedule, here’s a link to a good online one, and here’s a link to a printable weekly calendar, a link to another one is here.
So for starters, just plug in your classes. After that, put in what time you wake up everyday. Try to keep it consistent: I try and get up around 8:00 everyday, because I find waking up at consistent times makes me less flustered. 
Plus, a consistent wake-up time is generally just good for you. There’s an actual reason psychologists tell you to get up and go to bed at regular times, it’s because your brain fucking likes it.
That being said, set up a time to go to bed. You can pick this arbitrarily, or you can pick a general time that sounds good. For me, I tend to have trouble falling asleep, so I gave myself a bedtime of 12:00-1:00am. I try to be in bed by 12:00, and lights out at the latest by 12:30.
And then put in your extras: are you in a club? Put down when you meet. Are you in band or orchestra? Put down a practice time. Therapist? Put that in. Etc. etc.
After that, figure out logistics: how long will it take to get to class? To get back to your dorm? If you have back-to-back classes, how long does it take to get from one to the other? These are your travel times, don’t set up a part of a daily routine in those times.
After that, you should have a basic outline. So, now you can add in things like times to do homework, a time for dinner, and whatever else.
And yeah! This is probably the most disorganized post I’ll ever make in this series, so please message with any questions.
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stopscammingartists · 7 years
Correcting the “Corrected” Record
[Full Post Here]
Warning: I talk a lot- As Usual. Eevee talks a lot too, so to prevent this post from being a mile long I’m going to post some of the bits I’m responding to as links.
I’m only going to go over the shit that’s nasty, like, no one is talking about “eevee putting glips boobs online” or how glip self diagnosed themselves with autism, so I’m going to just skip over that shit, and of course stuff I am personally up to date on. I don’t know about the fieldoftheother or spazkid situation for example, I don’t have any context besides what biased Eevee provides so there’s no point in me going over something I genuinely do not know about.
Re: Kiwifarms
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I’m not going to sit around here and defend kiwi farms. They’re wild, they do their own thing, but at least they don’t lie about what they’re here for and what they do. I see them as record keepers , because they’re good at getting screen caps and archives. Either way, I don’t exactly see Eevees point here? The nature of Kiwifarms doesn’t mean the the achieves and tweets that came out of you and your partners mouth are faked. You and your partners still said these things. Is the fact you argued against child porn being illegal now invalid because it was from a “single tweet”?
Re: Autistic People are Emotionless Robots
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You know what, you’re actually right here, PK called sociopaths emotionless robots, but when examining the entire log (which you didn’t provide probably for this reason) does show some other....questionable quotes.
>> Entire Log in Question <<
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...Take this as you will.
In my opinion, you guys said some really ablest shit here all while trying to get information that is not your business out of the user in question and then when called on it you kicked them. While, true, you guys did not call autistic people emotionless robots, you where directly ableist to the user in question, which, honestly is kinda worse? You where being shitty to this user and asking them personal questions and then kicked them because you thought they were autistic. Re: Glip wants kids to see their porn.  (this is a big one)
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Okay then show the fucking logs Eevee. This chat happened on Discord. Discord keeps logs for a long time. Your claims of the actual context of this message means nothing if you don’t provide the logs you have access too.
Now, there are a few reasons why they wouldn’t show the logs that they definitely have access to, yet claim the context behind them.
1. Eevee is lying about the actual context behind what PK said
2. Eevee is telling the truth about the full context but has something else to hide with the context of what was said (like in the autism example where yeah pk didn’t call people with autism emotionless robots, but they where blatantly ableist to a user in the full context)
3. Eevee is dumb. No. Really. If the context is what they claim it to be there’s no reason to not show the logs.
And even in that context? What PK said is still fucked up. It’s fucked up to hope that children read you fucking porn. Period. End of Discussion.
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This is just straight up a fucking lie holy shit
[Alices Character Page] [Jacklyns Page too]
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And you know what? How about that time PK advertised your game Fox Flux that you made for a fucking horny game jam on the sfw site?
Don’t you think that counts for posting nsfw links to the sfw site? And with how intertwined Glips personal twitter is with the nsfw stuff don’t you think that counts too?  Glips personal twitter advertises forbidden flora too so gosh maybe it’s not as hard to find it as you think it is?
And like it or fucking not: Making a -sfw- story where you need to read a -nsfw- side of it to get the full story makes the entire story nsfw. If PK can’t handle not having important things happen in the nsfw bits of the comic because they’re not a good writer, then maybe pk needs to admit that their comic isn’t sfw since you can’t get the full thing without going to the nsfw territory.
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Multiple comics, actually. Interesting manipulative use of singular words to make it seem like this hasn’t been a thing for literal fucking years Eevee
NSFW EXAMPLES: (seriously guys: It’s bad)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1- oh you get the point.
My general opinion on this is that PK has done this for so long and with their self admitted fetish of teaching young boys sex that their apology is less of an apology for drawing child porn, but more of an apology for getting caught drawing child porn.
Here’s another big one.
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Now. I’m a cis lesbian, so this isn’t exactly my place to talk...but....
From my Genderfluid (masculine leaning) friend.
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From my Trans male friend
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From my Trans Woman friend
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From another trans male friend
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From a Trans Male submitter
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From a Gender Fluid person who recently spoke out against PK
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See a theme? PK’s portrayal of their trans cast is offensive because it’s obvious fetish material in addition to bad representation on how dysphoria works.
But don’t you dare fucking point that out like this person did:
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PK then cropped out how the persons main issue and totally misrepresented their argument!
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PK turned the users “I don’t like how you use trans women as fetish fuel” comments and turned it into “THINK OF THE CIS GAYS WAH” (by the way nice homophobia!! It’s not like gay men are oppressed or anything you fucking cunt)
PK. People think you’re transphobic because when trans people point out how your portrayal of them is offensive, you fucking do this shit. You don’t give a shit about trans representation. If you did, you would take their consistent across the board criticism and try to work on it to make your trans representation positive. But you don’t. You fucking mock them for daring to point out your trans representation sucks.
Oh? And by the way?
As a lesbian, I’m horribly offended by Glips homophobia too. Your portrayal of lesbian relationships is full of abuse and rape and you seem to do everything in your power to make your ‘lesbian sex’ as straight as possible. When you’re given two characters with vaginas (a cis and a post transition women) you put them in situations where there is always a penis involved. In one instance you had it happen in a virtual reality so one of the ladies could have a dick, and in another the post transition trans girl literally had a dick come out of fucking nowhere. Don’t you think it’s a little bit off with how much lesbian porn you draw it always has PiV in it? We get it! You like PiV! But stop using trans people as a scapegoat to call your straight porn gay.
Just admit that you like straight sex and stop trying to falsely  claim your comic is lgbt+ friendly because that makes good money these days, because it’s fucking not.  Also admit you hate gay men already too. You admitted to being uncomfortable in furry communities because of all the gay men before and now you’re using a non-binary individual calling out your transphobia as an excuse to attack gay men again.
Pardon my language because this strikes a personal cord with me because the lgbt+ community is so close and personal to me.
PK. You’re a homophobic, transphobic and aphobic cunt. 
Your portrayal of trans women is obvious offensive fetish material, and whenever trans people point it out to you, you disregard them and insult them. Your representation of ‘healthy’ lesbian relationships is abusive and rapey. You openly insult and mock gay men. Oh! And we can’t forget the time you literally made your Asexual character not ace anymore out of thin air, taking away your asexual representation because people pointed out that your ace representation is kinda not great. Because, you know, the porn is way more important then your lgbt+ positivity :))))
Fuck off. You clearly care more about your porn then your lgbt+ representation. So stop marketing Floraverse as a place for positive lgbt+ representation. It’s not. You don’t care about us. You only care about the money you can trick us into giving you by falsely marketing your comic towards us.
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I’m just going to repeat my initial reaction to this because I believe it’s correct.
Eevee you literally said you were uncomfortable with an image being illegal in regards to child porn. You then argued for it.
That’s not a “whoops, I mispoke”. You don’t say something like that, and then argue for it and then go ‘woops, didn’t mean it guys! Sorry!” That’s bullshit. You’re only sorry that you got caught supporting fucking child porn dude.
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How was this person being an asshole?
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Or these people?
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What about this artist?
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Or how about this backer who just wanted to warn pk that what they’re doing could get the kick starter taken down?
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What did Matt Brunett do that was so mean that warranted you and PK harassing him off tumblr for awhile?
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in short:
shut the fuck up eevee yall are extra as fuck for no reason
im done writing this, you guys get the point
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 5 years
Fears of a Bitcoin ‘Bloody Monday’ See Action Shift to Altcoins
May has been a great month for Bitcoin but as it starts to show signs of cooling off and possibly correcting, it may be the time for a big altcoin run in June.
Friday’s Bitcoin Pullback Still Fresh On Everyone’s Minds
Friday saw a big pullback on crypto markets as Bitcoin dumped 10 percent in a couple of hours before recovering again. Over the weekend BTC slowly marched back up to reach a high of just over $8,800 a few hours ago.  Since then it has returned to $8,700 where it currently trades.
Daily volume is around $20 billion and Bitcoin’s market dominance has crept back up towards 56 so things are still pretty bullish. Crypto traders have been looking at the charts again to find that areas of support and resistance are narrowing;
An uptrend for #bitcoin with support lines getting sharper. Then the orange support line had more than 2 basis points with declining volume – weakness. On May 30 the trend got broken, the price went below the orange line – alarming. Now the red line gives some hope again.
$BTCUSD An uptrend for #bitcoin with support lines getting sharper. Then the orange support line had more than 2 basis points with declining volume – weakness. On May 30 he trend got broken, the price went below the orange line – alarming. Now the red line gives some hope again. pic.twitter.com/Ya6Jy3WLSq
— CryptoHamster (@CryptoHamsterIO) June 3, 2019
Other indicators also suggest that a larger drop could be imminent. ‘Bleeding Crypto’ has observed the ‘heat buildup’ under the current Bitcoin price action:
I dont remember when I saw that much heat under the Price Action recently… Bloody Monday might be just around the corner. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
$BTC HOLY SHIT!!! You guys better have those stop losses on… I dont remember when I saw that much heat under the Price Action recently… Bloody Monday might be just around the corner. It's better to be safe than sorry, just saying. #RiskManagement pic.twitter.com/54DMecteZY
— Bleeding Crypto (@Bleeding_Crypto) June 3, 2019
Time for the Altcoins?
Since Friday’s spurt and subsequent slide, total crypto market capitalization has slowly built back up towards $280 billion. The last time it was at this level was in July last year when markets had dropped 66 percent from their peak levels six months previously.
There appears to be more action with altcoins during this morning’s Asian trading session. For example, XRP 00 has finally awoken as the Ripple token breaks resistance and hits $0.464. XRP is currently up 6 percent on the day and is one of the top performing high cap coins right now.
$XRP – Here we go boys and girls! If we can break through $0.48 and pass $0.53 it's fireworks! So far support was here as I said in my previous tweet, it's getting more strength and it does not care about #BTC from here! #XRP #XRPCommunity #XRPArmy pic.twitter.com/lKmIASLdOm
— CryptHawk (@TheCryptHawk) June 3, 2019
Another manipulated pump appears to be driving BSV again as that one spikes 17 percent and a few of the others seem to be having more natural gains today. Cosmos, Ethereum Classic, Ravencoin, ICON, and Zilliqa are all up 8 – 10 percent at the time of writing.
So-called altseason could soon be upon us if they can maintain momentum and decouple from Bitcoin (BTC) when it finally corrects. The total market cap for altcoins alone has over doubled since the beginning of the year. And with stronger fundamentals for many of them, this could just be the beginning.
Nevertheless, Bitcoin remains the biggest mover and shaker in the space and historically, most altcoins tend to track BTC.
Which altcoins have the best chance to decouple and rise if BTC corrects? Add your thoughts below!
Images via Shutterstock, Tradingview.com
The post Fears of a Bitcoin ‘Bloody Monday’ See Action Shift to Altcoins appeared first on Bitcoinist.com.
from Cryptocracken Tumblr http://bit.ly/2MoBhqE via IFTTT
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suga-ssi · 7 years
[FIC] Make Me Forget
Title: Make Me Forget
Relationship: YoonMin, VMon
Rating: Mature
Tags: Mob!Au, Illegal dealings, prostitution, under age drug use, those kinds of shit, but not too hardcore lol
Summary: Yoongi had a plan, manage the Front, graduate, leave the mob. It was a simple plan, a perfect plan, until Yoongi meets a boy he can never refuse, Jimin. Who, in Yoongi’s opinion was too beautiful and pure to be part of the world he was in.
Jimin only needed one thing, an escape. Something or someone to help him forget.
Drink? Smoke? Pour up! When your reality is so beautifully fucked up. What do you do to forget?
Ao3 Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10597305/chapters/23427300
Beta-ed by: @sweetelvish and @firebowwowwow
Chapter: 2/~~
Chapter Summary: 
“But what if… what if there is a way for you to escape. To leave this place and at the same time keep Jihyun safe.”
“Shit! Sounds like a great deal. Sign me up! Also, can you give me a dancing unicorn that does spells so I can get on my broomstick and play Quidditch?” laughing as he ended his little spiel.
“What if I’m serious, Jimin?” Yoongi asked.Jimin cupped Yoongi’s cheek, 
“That’s what I was afraid of.” 
Chapter 2: Escape? (pt1)
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August 2016
It became an almost nightly routine for Yoongi, stepping out into the alley at 10 pm. At first he tried to lie to himself by thinking that he did this only to escape the noise and heat of the bar. But that excuse has long expired. After a month’s worth of heated make-out sessions with the pink haired boy at the fire escape, he decided to stop fooling himself and just go with it.
It usually started casual, sharing FML stories and ‘fuck that sucks’ moments they had to go through each day, as they took turns at the joint Yoongi lit. But then Jimin would get silent, diving too deep into his own thoughts, and Yoongi would feel like he should do something before Jimin sinks away right in front of him. That would be the time one of them would make a move, a head on a shoulder, light grazes on the arm, slight kisses and heated breaths creating small bumps on each other’s expanse of exposed skin.
Yoongi wondered if Jimin caught on how little Yoongi shared about his life. He was careful not to let too much about him slip. Jimin knew that he worked at the bar, that he always had a stash, and that he was a great kisser, but nothing more. He mostly let Jimin talk. About his past, about his day, but never about what happened the moment the stage lights turned on. Yoongi could easily enter the Den and see Jimin, but he didn’t want to. He didn’t want his image of Jimin to change.
Jimin never asked him to help him leave, never mentioned any ideas or thoughts of escaping the god forsaken place that was the Den. The kind of escape he asked from Yoongi were always momentary, to get away from the now, to make him forget for a few minutes.
And so there Yoongi was, at the strike of 10 pm, lighting up another roll, more for the boy he was wasting than for himself.
“Hyung!” he heard the familiar voice call out from above him. “Got a light?”
Yoongi smiled up at the boy, as he made his way towards the rusty ladder. “Got a stick of your own tonight, I see.” He exclaimed, stepping on the landing where Jimin was waiting for him. The younger boy was bundled up in a layer of jackets that made him look like he was wrapped up in a cocoon. His hood was zipped up, making his cheeks look extra puffy.
“Tae stole one for me.” He said, proudly waving the short roll in front of Yoongi. “I think Joonie hyung has a soft spot for him.”
“Tae?” Yoongi asked, lighting his own blunt and puffing out his first cloud of fume.
“Kim Taehyung, new kid, barely 2 months here, but he is the same age as me.” Jimin said, as he tried to take the lighter from Yoongi’s hands.
“Let me.” Yoongi opened the cap of the lighter and spun the flint. Jimin gave him a smirk and looked at him playfully. He licked his lips and placed the blunt between them, moving his face closer to the flame as he looked up at Yoongi. He drew in a breath to light the roll and let out a soft laugh as he exhaled the smoke.
“God, you’ll be the death of me, Park Jimin.” Yoongi exhaled, not realizing he was holding his breath when Jimin moved closer. “So, this Taehyung has adjusted quite quickly?”
“Like I said, Joonie hyung has been soft on him.” Jimin giggled. “Extra portions of food, later lights out, earlier stages so he could perform while there were less people in the Den, that kind of shit. The dude keeps getting away with being playful just by smiling at Joonie hyung.”
“And you? How much do you get away with?” Yoongi asked.
“This is the only thing I get away with.” Jimin answered, looking at the slowly burning stick between his fingers. “But it’s worth it.” He added. “I don’t have a regular highlight schedule, Joonie hyung just tells me before the Den opens when the special customer will be coming. But dancing at 12 means I can come out here at 10, and knowing that I can sit out here with you for a few minutes makes everything bearable.” Jimin smiled shyly before inhaling another drag, not having the courage to look at his hyung after the confession.
“Jimin.” Was all Yoongi could say, touching Jimin’s thigh as he let out a deep sigh. He felt Jimin’s body tense under his touch.
“Will you always be here, hyung?” Jimin asked, still looking away. “I know it might be too much to ask and you-“
“No. It’s not too much.” Yoongi cuts him off. “Jimin, look at me.” He waited for the younger man to look at him before he continued. “I will always be here when you need me.”
“Thanks, hyung. That’s all I need.” Jimin smiled, before looking away from Yoongi once more.
Yoongi placed the joint between his lips, bracing himself for what he was about to say. “I’ll take you away from this place, Jimin. You don’t deserve to be here.”
Jimin let out a slight chuckle, “Don’t make any promises you can’t keep, hyung.”
“How are you enduring this?” Yoongi asks, tapping away the ashes from his stick.
“Honestly, hyung, some people in there has it worse. Someone from the top of the food chain seems to like me, so Joonie hyung has been taking care of me too.” Jimin stretched his arms and legs, moving slightly closer to Yoongi. Jimin slowly placed his head on Yoongi’s shoulders, draping half of his body on the older man beside him. “They have rules and no one has been allowed to touch me. When I’m on stage, I just close my eyes and pretend I’m alone or I think… I think of you. They can’t hurt me with their hungry eyes anymore. I just imagine I’m dancing for you.”
Yoongi place his arm over the younger boy’s shoulders, resting his head on the other. “But when you get off that stage, when the lights aren’t there to protect you…”
“Then I have you. That is more than enough.” Jimin twisted his head to face Yoongi, lips touching the first part of the other man’s skin it would hit.
Yoongi threw his blunt away and used both his arms to wrap around Jimin, as the younger man continued to press gentle kisses on his neck. Jimin freed his hand to card through Yoongi’s mint hair, moving away slightly to speak.
Yoongi saw the confession bubbling through the younger man’s face before he even opened his lips. His eyes weren’t filled with lust, but had a different kind of want, and Yoongi knew that if any of them would speak these thoughts, then there would truly be no going back from it. Yoongi had been feeling it too. How much he cared for the pink haired boy, how much he permeated his thoughts throughout his whole day. How his 10pm escape has been the highlight of his days for weeks.
“Hyung, I think I…” Jimin started shyly.
“Shhh… “ Yoongi shushed him, placing his finger gently against the other’s lips. “Shhh… Jimin.” He saw the confused look on Jimin’s face and it damn well near broke his heart. He cupped the other’s face gently, hoping it would calm him. “Don’t say anything, Minnie, I know,” the pet name catching them both by surprise.
“You know?” Jimin asked, eyes twinkling, reflecting the warm light of the lamp post near their little escape. Yoongi nodded, hands still on Jimin’s face.
“I know.” Jimin smiled and closed his eyes, resting himself once more on Yoongi’s chest.
Yoongi started brushing Jimin’s hair with his fingers, bending down to kiss the hair of the man resting against him. If only all moments could stay perfect like this, Yoongi thought. Jimin in his arms, feeling his heartbeat against his. But as all nights they had together did, Yoongi knew that this short moment of escape too will end.
September 1 2016
“Hey, Hyung?” Jimin starts, after taking a drag so deep that he started speaking in a hoarse voice after exhaling the fume. Yoongi stilled his hand from playing with the pink strands of the younger boy’s hair whose head was on his lap.
“Just wondering, why are you here?”
“Hmmm? To keep you warm? Share a joint? Kiss the pain away?”
Jimin giggled as he turned to face his hyung, “All valid. But… No... I mean here, the Den, the Front. Someone as nice as you shouldn’t be here.”
“Neither should you, Precious.” Yoongi answered, bending his head down to kiss Jimin’s forehead.
“I know… I know… But see, Me? There’s no way I can leave. You, you just work here. You can quit anytime right?”
“It’s more complicated than that. And who told you there’s no way you can leave?” Jimin sat up, eyes widened in surprise.
“Come on, hyung. If there was, I would have been out of this place after the second I stepped in. Have you not heard about Bambam?”
Of course he heard about Bambam, quite a commotion his escape caused. The boy was able to seduce a patron, who happened to be a high ranking member of the Ring. Escaping was not unheard of. The escape being successful however is a different story altogether. Bambam was the only one who got close. Joonie almost got shot for the escape had they not caught the patron in time. “The Thai kid, they… they found him.”Jimin continued.
“Well, they found his body… and his patron’s.” He ended in a murmur, his head hanging low.
“Oh. I’m sorry, Jimin. Were you close?” Yoongi asked, moving closer to hug Jimin.
Jimin closed his eyes, resting his head on Yoongi’s shoulder. “No, not really. He was always snobby, thinking he was more special than all of us in here. He kept telling me that if I worked hard enough I’ll get a good high ranking customer like he did and get my ass out of here.” He takes a drag from the neglected roll before lifting it up to Yoongi’s lips. “I understood him though. He kept saying he just needed to get back to his sister, Lisa, before the Ring takes her too. Wanna hear the worst part?”
Yoongi knew the worst part, but he just made a noise in response to Jimin’s rhetoric, urging him to continue.
“Lisa was shipped in yesterday.”
There was no fitting response that Yoongi can think of. He can’t even feign surprise for having known about the whole situation before Jimin spoke of it. “I’d die before I let anyone touch Jihyun. I want my brother as far away from here as possible. I can’t do what Bambam did. But, I still have to save Jihyun somehow.”
“From who?”
“My parents.”
“My dad made some deals with bad people. Mom was sick at that time, our restaurant wasn’t doing well, our debt just kept piling up. Then this man came. He told my dad he knew a way for him to earn money quick.” Jimin gently laid down, placing his head once more on Yoongi’s lap. “That’s when he started dealing. But you know, you can’t keep away from that stuff when you have constant access to it. Seriously hyung, I don’t know how you’re clean after staying here for years.”
“I have this.” Yoongi said, placing the blunt between his lips.
“Yeah, but that’s not addictive enough. You are more addictive than that shit, honestly.” Jimin laughed out.
Yoongi bent down to capture Jimin’s lips, giving him a chaste peck as a thank you for the oddly placed compliment.
“See? I can never get enough of that shit.” Jimin exclaimed as Yoongi moved away, making him laugh as well.
“So yeah, dad kept using instead of selling and got hooked on it. Mom never got strong enough to stop him. Jihyun started working. I stopped studying to manage the restaurant, but it never got better. Then, the bad men came back for payment. Dad woke me up and next thing I knew, I was being loaded somewhere, eyes blindfolded, arms behind my back. Then, here I am.”
Yoongi slowly held Jimin’s hand and moved it closer to his lips, kissing it. “I’m sorry.”
“Again, hyung, not your fault.” Jimin reassured him. “Now, I’m just afraid that shit hasn’t changed and Jihyun will be brought to a place like this.”
“But what if… what if there is a way for you to escape. To leave this place and at the same time keep Jihyun safe.”
“Shit! Sounds like a great deal. Sign me up! Also, can you give me a dancing unicorn that does spells so I can get on my broomstick and play Quidditch?” laughing as he ended his little spiel.
“What if I’m serious, Jimin?” Yoongi asked.
Jimin cupped Yoongi’s cheek, “That’s what I was afraid of.” He then placed his forehead against Yoongi’s. “I still say no. If it will put you in danger, then the answer is still no.”
“But Jimin, you don’t understand. I-”
“Jimin! Jimin hyung!”
Yoongi turned to look at where the voice came from, Jimin sitting up upon hearing his name.
“Yeah? I’m out here.” Jimin shouted. Yoongi saw a head pop out from the window Jimin always entered. The boy had a fluff of red hair parted down the middle, pushed up by a white headband. He was wearing eye liner, far as Yoongi could tell, quite possibly the same as Jimin has been sporting the past few nights they’ve hung out.
“Oh! There! Joonie hyung said…” the boy started as he looked their way, eyes widening at Yoongi in shock. Yoongi has never seen the boy before so he wondered why he looked so surprised to see him with Jimin. Had Jimin never mentioned that he hung out with someone out in the fire escape almost every night?
“Yeah, Tae? What is it?” Jimin said, impatient at the boy who hasn’t been able to finish his thought since he looked at Yoongi.
So Jimin noticed too, Yoongi thought. Tae shook his head before continuing, “Oh… uhmmm… Joonie hyung said someone’s here for you.”
“What? I start at 12!” Jimin shouted back.
“Yeah. Just… You need to come.” Tae finished.
“Fine.” Jimin said, as he stood up, bending down to kiss Yoongi’s cheeks before he turned to walk away.
“Tomorrow, hyung.” Jimin shouted from the window after he had entered.
“Sure, I’ll be here.” Yoongi answered back. Jimin then started blowing flying kisses at Yoongi, “Missing you already.” Shooting multiple hearts Yoongi’s way.
Yoongi laughed at the younger boy’s antics. “Yeah, Yeah. Stop it, Jimin.” He watched Jimin give him a last flying kiss and a sweet smile which he returned with his own.
As the window closed, Yoongi looked back at the alley, breathing in the cold autumn air. Fall has arrived and soon it will be Jimin’s birthday.
September 2, 2016
It was 5 am and Yoongi was almost done with his inventory, his staff and crew having left the bar over an hour ago. Bar stools have been stacked, glasses and bottles were back in the shelf, almost all the lights are closed save for a pin light in the bar and the emergency light at the front door. Yoongi had just checked the lock of the door to the Den and pulled the drapes when he heard quiet knocks coming from the closed doors of the Front. The sound was timid at first and Yoongi had to move close to the door to make sure that that was where it was coming from. It wasn’t unusual for bar crawlers to knock on the front doors past closing time, so Yoongi didn’t feel the need to answer the knock. But then the knocks became louder, more aggressive and Yoongi had to shout back, “We’re closed! Whatever you need, you can come back tomorrow afternoon!”
“Y... Yes, hyung.” Yoongi’s heart pounded at the sound of Jimin’s voice. He sounded hurt, and Yoongi just wanted to hold him in his arms and comfort him as fast as he could. He quickly unbolted the locks and slid off the chain that hung to keep the door shut. Yoongi pushed the doors open to let Jimin step in. He was wearing a grey hoodie and black sweat pants, face void of any make up. His lips quivered and he started to speak, eyes blinking away the tears brimming his eyes.
“I… I… saw your car… and I… took a chance.” Jimin managed to say before Yoongi pulled him into a tight embrace. Yoongi held onto Jimin, one hand on his back, another on his head.
“How’d you get here, Precious?”
“Fire escape.”
Yoongi felt Jimin’s body shaking against his, as the boy buried his face in Yoongi’s neck. Yoongi took Jimin’s hand and pulled him inside the dimly lit bar towards his office. “Come inside. Tell me what happened.”
Jimin slid his fingers between Yoongi’s, sticking close to his side. The warmth from the younger boy’s body made Yoongi yearn for more of the other’s touch. His heart ached in his chest at the thought that someone can hurt such a beautiful and innocent creature.
The office was small, brown and lit with warm light. Jimin sat on a leather couch by the door as he entered, hugging himself into a ball, reminding Yoongi of the first night he sat with the boy out on the fire escape. Yoongi reached out to hold both Jimin’s hands in his, as he sat on the chair he pulled and placed in front of Jimin. Jimin’s hands were cold and Yoongi could feel small goose bumps on the other’s skin as he touched his wrist.
“Jimin? Are you ready to tell me what happened?” Yoongi asked, sitting hunchbacked at the edge of his chair, moving his face closer to Jimin’s.
Jimin just shook his head in response, burying his face further into his knees. Yoongi felt Jimin’s hand shake in his as the other’s body trembled. He didn’t see the tears that fell, but he heard the young boy sniffling, hand holding tighter to his. Yoongi just sat there, patiently waiting for Jimin to calm down and speak.
What was truly just a few minutes felt like hours to Yoongi. With every heave Jimin released in between sobs, Yoongi wanted to clutch at his chest. He was watching the young boy break right in front of him. He remembered his innocent brown eyes that first afternoon in the den, brimming with tears and fear. But they were beautiful eyes. Beautiful eyes that Yoongi knew disappeared when the young boy smiled. They were crescent and seemed sleepy but they livened with twinkle and joy when he laughed. But Yoongi has slowly seen that innocence disappear. Those same eyes that the boy has tried so hard to keep shut when he danced, had still seen all the prying hands and perverted faces that looked at him with want. Those once innocent eyes rimmed with make-up, smudged and smoky to fit the role he played every night.
In the office as they sat, Yoongi realized that whatever happened to Jimin tore more of the last remnants of innocence the boy had left. Slowly the strings were coming undone and Jimin was unraveling. It was inevitable, of course. A young, 17 year old in the Den. He had seen things, heard things, that no boy should have. Felt things, feared things that he shouldn’t have ever had. As he watched Jimin try to catch his breath in an attempt to stop his sobbing, Yoongi slowly counted the reasons why he hasn’t taken the boy in his arms and fled the place. His education, his future, his family, his mother’s sacrifice, his father’s legacy, his uncle. Yoongi tried to remember why those things were supposed to matter. Why should his future matter more than Jimin’s? Jimin’s family, Jimin’s dreams, Jimin’s life. Yoongi had a plan and it was slowly unraveling.
He suddenly felt his chest constricting. He wanted to ease the pain he was feeling by rubbing or pounding on his chest, but as he tried to pull his hand free, he felt small fingers clutching onto his. This boy needs him and he was the only one who can save him. But he can’t breathe. He can’t think. He needs space. He slowly stood up, freeing his hand from the younger’s grip. “Jim… Jimin?” Yoongi whispered, and Jimin finally looked up at him, cheeks flushed pink and damp from the tears.
“You want some coco? I’ll get you some real quick.” In Yoongi’s relief, Jimin gave him a slight nod, giving Yoongi an excuse to step out of the small office.
“Shit.” Yoongi breathed out as he gripped his mint hair. “Shit!” He walked towards the bar to fix the drink he promised. Yoongi knew what his family expected of him. Finish this part of his life. Move on to manage half of the kingdom promised by his uncle. The safe part, the by the book part. Well, sort of by the book part. True, the dirty money was still laundered underneath what his mother was now managing. Hotels, regulated casinos, fashion lines, that all seemed to be operating squeaky clean. Yoongi knew how it was supposed to go. For years he studied how he was supposed to continue those. Unfortunately for that plan though, Yoongi was also slowly coming to terms with what he wanted to do. Save Jimin. And in the process maybe even save himself.
Yoongi stepped back into his office, warm chocolate milk in hand to find Jimin asleep on his couch. He slowly placed the cup on his desk and moved towards the sleeping boy who was lying on his side, knees bent and arms folded together, hands under his head.
“Jimin?” Yoongi said as he gently shook the younger boy to wake up.
“Hyung?” “Do you want to come home with me?”
Yoongi led Jimin out of the bar through the steel door towards the alley after making sure that all other doors of the Front were locked. He clicked his remote, unlocking his black Ford Fusion parked at the back alley. He then rushed towards the passenger side to open the door, before running back to Jimin who was still standing in front of the steel door.
“Hyung, I have to-”
“I know. I know. I’ll get you back before noon.” Yoongi said as he guided Jimin to his seat. Head count was at noon, and if Jimin wasn’t back by then, alarms would ring. If he could have his way, he’d fly his car back to Seoul to get Jimin out, but he knew that now was not the time. Not yet. And he could only hope that by the time everything is set, that it would not be too late.
The sky was slowly shedding its dark cloak, as Yoongi drove towards his home. He can’t help but glance at Jimin on his right, as the boy watched the city go in a blur as they passed. Yoongi realized that the other was seeing the city for the first time, so he decided to shift gear and slow down, letting Jimin soak in as much of the city as he could.
“Not sleepy?” Yoongi quirked, right hand resting on Jimin’s thigh.
“No, I need to remember these roads.”Jimin said, as he looked at Yoongi with a smile. “I need to remember where to go.”
They stayed silent for a few minutes, both watching as the city woke up around them.
“Hyung?” Jimin whispered.
“They bid me last night.” Jimin said, hugging himself as he looked out the window.
“They what?!” Yoongi asked loudly, almost stopping the car in his shock.
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cupkayke · 7 years
Cupkayke Rewatches/Liveblogs Boueibu!
Season 1, Episode 3
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So I dropped off the face of Tumblr for awhile, sorry guys! I also rewatched the entirety of Yuri on Ice with my boyfriend and he now likes ice skating anime so that took some time lol But I am back JUST IN TIME FOR YUMOTO’S BIRTHDAY OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRECIOUS CHILD. So, have a liveblog/collection of my stupid thoughts about one of the more ridiculous episodes! Yay! 
Also, I apologize in advance- some of this episode’s subtext led to an impromptu dissection of the boys’ sexualities/orientations and there are some brief mentions of unsavory teachers (because what kind of teacher holds a pretty boy contest???) so if any of my terminology/speculation is incorrect or you find any of my discussions potentially triggering or in need of tags PLEASE inbox me and I will tag the post as such/correct any misinformation! I am a literature student- I like to analyze things. Sometimes I get carried away~
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Okay- I always wondered about the pretty boy contest… like why? What purpose does it serve? Why are there posters put up in a fucking BATHHOUSE advertising the local boys’ high school’s PRETTY BOY CONTEST. .3 seconds into the episode and it’s ridiculous. 
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What do you mean ‘weight with the ladies’ c’mon man I have a hard time believing you care ANYTHING about ‘the ladies’ -eyebrow waggle-
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He’s doing pirouettes in a towel… okay seriously bro I danced ballet for like 10 years and I never pirouetted in a towel OKAY THAT’S PROBABLY A LIE BUT YOU CAN’T PROVE IT OTHERWISE
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Aww Yumoto. So innocent. So naive. So willing to point out he just saw his teacher’s penis-
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...well that’s an odd question. Yumoto why would you ask-
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Oh, shew, it’s because you’re not ashamed of bodies! How sweet and innocent and refreshi-
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Those are the faces of some senpais that just came to the realization that their kouhai has probably been checking them out.
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Well he got dressed fast.
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How do you hire someone by accident?
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Took the words right out of my mouth, Atsushi.
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This is disturbing on several levels. Pedo Principal? -shudders-
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Arima speaks truth
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Io why do you have an exact copy of the calculator I use at work that’s terrifying.
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Io looks so disappointed he can’t talk numbers with Ryuu
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Side note I feel like the quirkiness of the school got toned down in later eps but perhaps that’s my faulty memory. Which is why I’m rewatching it lol.
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Pretty and savage AF
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PINK RIVALRY! I mean seriously, “you can’t seem to take your eyes off of me?” Maybe not even a rivalry but something else ohohohohohoh I’m alone on this ship
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Okay this creepy teacher apparently calls all the boys ‘sweet honey’ which is disturbing on its own level but that got cranked up to 11 on the creep scale when he referred to YUMOTO as sweet honey. 
Yumoto is a precious cinnamon roll you freak
Paper airplane contest lololol why do I feel like this happened at my school back in the day?
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Wombat sounds like a jealous lover lolol
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This school must have a thing for ice princes I s2g
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En's boredom is dangerous. I mean... the face says it all.
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Ryuu is all “this is NOT up my alley”
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A bit slow on the uptake, Yumoto.
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Io that’s so sweet... I guess? Well Ryuu seems to think it is- look at his face!
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...nevermind. His expression is all “Thanks... I guess...”
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Either Yumoto was hoping his senpais would teach him how to be popular with the ladies, or he’s just confused as to what in the hell it is that older boys want. This entire scene is just a clusterfuck of innuendo BUT I’M GONNA OVER ANALYZE IT ANYWAY.
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The surface meaning of En and Atsushi’s statements here- or what the audience is supposed to get- is that being popular with girls will only get you so far. It may get you ‘love’ but having a girlfriend means jack squat if you don’t have guy friends (most likely to brag to). 
It also could be taken that En at least would rather appreciate women than exert his energy into making them lust after him, which is rather sweet if you think about it.
Atsushi’s point also draws attention to the fact that stereotypical displays of machismo are much more well-received by other men than women- ie outward displays of strength, aggression, bragging about sexual encounters... er- yeah. No need to go on, there.
So. In order to be a well-rounded man, a man needs to be popular/be admired by other men! So you aren’t a lonely loser the rest of your days.
En basically says straight up it’s more beneficial to be admired by men. Putting aside the above statements about admiring women... En’s likely gay. Fosho.
And the top screencap of Yumoto, instead of just clarifying his senpai’s intentions, that could mean that he’s more interested in girls. HOWEVER-
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With a c: face, Yumoto admits his heart flutters watching rugged young men!
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Bi Yumoto anyone? (He also unironically uses the word ‘flicks’ but that’s either a translator thing or another example of a mysterious dialect but ON TOPIC-)
At least within the context of this scene, Yumoto implies he’d be interested in being popular with girls and he is attracted to at very least a certain type of man. Buuut the rest of this episode (which I will get to later) potentially directly contradicts this implication as to Yumoto’s romantic and/or otherwise attraction.
It’s too bad that we don’t get Ryuu or Atsushi’s opinions on the matter- although Ryuu makes his attractions pretty clear just from his character (and then the subtext with Io). Atsushi is a bit of a mystery, for now. 
As for Io, we get this  exchange-
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Le sigh. Io is moneysexual. Anyway...
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Wombat so salty- I guess helping Ryuu win a contest is more entertaining than being superheroes.
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Me about halfway through this post
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En's expressions in this scene are great.
Tho does anyone else now headcanon En as really into athletics when he isn’t being lazy?
Like him really liking competition just fits so well but without a goal he’s just like ‘why bother’
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Atsushi sounds so awkward calling him Yufuin
“I can’t just announce him as Enchan that’s weird but I don’t think I’ve ever said his last name ughhhhhhhhh”
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Io is NOT playing by the unspoken one urinal in between rule
Water go swoosh swoosh
Also their bathrooms are fancy AF
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GDI why does Io make the best seduction face
Even tho it’s more predatory here still...
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Ryuu so destructive lol
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Ibushi is still savage AF
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I had to giggle and cap his character card because the image of Atsushi doing gigantic jigsaw puzzles was adorable
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Did he get scorned and that’s why his self esteem is in the toilet???
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1579th pretty boy contest??? Damn Pedo Principal is thirsty AF I am still shuddering at the implications
And that isn’t taking into account there would probably be a month or two where school isn’t in session on the 27th to have the pretty boy contest. Like December wouldn’t they be on break? And don’t they have a summer holiday at some point?
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Yumoto knows he’s a lil shit
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What the fuck kind of sound effect is swan swan???
I’m suddenly reminded of Kronk doing his own theme music-
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Ryuu so salty he wanted to know the winner
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Yumoto that writhing mob of students is pretty gross I agree
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With that shot angle I was just waiting for him to lay a fucking egg but thankfully that didn’t happen
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The subtitle is inaccurate- he actually said ‘GIMME HUG’ which is slightly more unsettling.
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Yumoto still just like c: “I have no idea what’s going on”
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Speaks for itself
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And here is where Yumoto contradicts his earlier implications. Okay. 1) Writers make up your minds, although 2) ...shades of gray here.
Perhaps Kurotori’s feather spell represents sexual love (Eros for all you YOI fans~) and Yumoto is either a) too young/innocent to understand or b) somewhere on the ace spectrum. The others were affected because they are either simply older than Yumoto/past puberty or allosexual to the point where the spell could manipulate their feelings despite their existing attractions whatever those may be.
Yumoto’s earlier comments, then, could be taken to mean simply romantic attraction, even though his wording of his “heart fluttering” thanks to Yakuza men is a bit misleading in that respect. (Disclaimer: I am not on the ace spectrum so perhaps I am misrepresenting/misinterpreting here- please correct me if I have made a mistake in my understanding of asexuality- I definitely do not want to offend anyone! Just analyzing~) 
Though to play the other side, En’s comment about marriage, even though he’s under the influence of a spell, also indicates that the spell has romantic components as well as potentially sexual ones. If the spell plays to BOTH- wouldn’t Yumoto be affected as well, based on his earlier assertions?
OR PERHAPS- if it is both, Yumoto is ALSO potentially aromantic and his comments were purely of an aesthetic nature or self projection (that is, he wants to be a dashing Yakuza heartthrob, not necessarily date one). Or he was simply trying to relate to his senpais and was bluffing the entire time.
Damn, this episode can seem REALLY deep if you squint hard enough. Headcanons, abound!
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Now I’m starting to see some cleverness on the part of the writers- hear me out below- but first- MORE CUDDLES
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With this, Yumoto can be read several different ways. 
On the surface and probably most importantly, regardless of what Yumoto’s personal attraction/orientation is (if he’s even figured it out at this point), he knows love at its purest form. He loves his brother. He loves his senpais (even though at this point they barely know each other- Yumoto probably latches on quickly). But more importantly, he is so in tune with his own feelings he realizes that self love is at the core of any type of love. That if you aren’t secure in yourself, if you don’t care about yourself on some level, how can anyone else care about you either?
This is another reason why I love Yumoto even though he can get a bit heavy-handed at times and seem like a one-note character; HE ISN’T.
Yumoto is incredibly introspective and even though his senapis make comments about how he just kind of shoves everything together to fit the situation he really does understand the monster-ified characters’ insecurities.
(Which can lead to some sad headcanons about how Yumoto has probably felt all of these things at one point or another... oh no...)
But back to my over-analysis of Yumoto’s orientation- with this... it’s really up to interpretation.
He can be read as a young character who hasn’t figured things out yet, he can be read as interested in romantic relationships of any variety but not necessarily anything else, he can be read as only interested in platonic relationships- anything. And while the inconsistency in his portrayal can be a bit maddening- it’s GREAT headcanon opportunity.
Thus, unless s3 gives Yumoto a canon interest- he’s whatever you think he is. Which is AWESOME! DO YOU SEE WHY I LOVE THIS SMOL CINNAMON ROLL?
Aaaand some closing, not very deep thoughts to wrap up-
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En you’re always tired
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Kinchan... why do you want people to grovel at your feet...?
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That’s certainly a random question, En- but for shits and giggles; these are their responses if I’m hearing their voices right:
Atsushi - My neck, I guess?
Yumoto - My arms
Ryuu - Armpits
Io - The nape of the neck.
My brain hurts so I have NO idea what these could mean but I highly doubt they’re throwaway lines- SO YOU GUYS TELL ME. Over-analyze what parts they wash first LOL
OKAY WOW THAT WAS LONG AS FUCK AND I GOT TOO DEEP. Again, let me know if I fucked anything up or need to add tags~ And let me know what you think/what your headcanons are/if there’s something from another canon source that could add to this!
I’ll try to get ep 4 up today as well since it took me forever to get back to this but this shit takes longer than I thought. I watch the ep first and take notes, then go back and re-watch and screencap and take more notes, then copy/pasta everything into tumblr and add more thoughts and make it readable. Shew.
40 notes · View notes