#the best part is if they somehow manage to improve the other's life when they meant to ruin it
turtleofthehollow · 4 months
The best way I can describe how I ship radioapple is “intimacy through hatred”
They hate each other, they never stop hating each other, but they grow so used to each other that they look like they’re dating from an outsider’s perspective
Lucifer knows Alastor hates being touched, so he keeps putting his arm around him and finding any excuse to invade Al’s personal space
Knowing that Lucifer hates his opinion, Alastor goes out of his way to advise the King of Hell on all his problems. Lucifer especially hates it when it’s actually good advice, and has no choice but to accept it
They both enjoy pissing each other off so much that they can often be found laughing together, and everyone thinks they’re just having fun
Luci once insulted Alastor's culinary skills, and it somehow lead to them starting a cooking competition to see who was the better cook. It's been ongoing for years because they keep trying to poison the other, so they're never able to declare a winner
Everyone is super confused about their relationship, and insist that they're actually in love and just living in denial, but they do really hate each other, they just can’t explain it in a way that makes sense
822 notes · View notes
yaimlight · 1 year
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A continuation of this.
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The next time you meet Dynamite it’s actually planned and somehow that feels a thousand times worse than the random encounters from before.
It’s been a couple of months since the last time you had seen him, your little fluff piece having done well enough that it had landed you with a couple more lighthearted assignments that had been a welcome break from all the serious doom and gloom you tended to get lumbered with. Not that you didn’t like the serious stuff, just, it got a little monotonous when that’s all you ever dealt with.
In the few months since seeing him you had managed to convince yourself that all you felt for the man was a childish crush, the whole mysterious enigma thing he had going on making you fixate on him more than you would any other man who had caught your eye over the years. After all, you were a journalist and unpicking mysteries, and half-truths was one of your favourite things to do and the hero was definitely a mystery but that’s all it was. The thrill of unravelling a new and admittedly handsome mystery. Dynamite was a private person to the extent that no one really knew anything about him outside of his hero work and you were just dying to be the first one to unravel all his secrets. That’s all. Definitely not a full-blown attraction to the man that just got worse the more time you spent with him.
So, you got on with your life, pushing the explosive blonde to the back of your mind as best as you could considering he was all over the news and instead channelled all your attention and effort into your work. For the most part it worked, that was until an assignment landed on your desk that threatened to undo all your hard work.
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Dynamite didn’t give interviews. In the years since he had first exploded onto the hero scene, he had given maybe half a dozen interviews and only two of them had been proper sit-down ones, the rest kind of forced on him after an incident that always devolved into the hero yelling and swearing at whatever reporter was stupid enough to get in his way. Not that the sit-down ones went any better. He clearly hadn’t wanted to be there, and his answers had been short and clipped, the blonde visibly trying not to snap or swear. His restraint didn’t last though, the interviewer asking one too many personal questions that he didn’t want to answer and the whole thing would blow up quicker than one of his explosions and just as violently.
So yeah, Dynamite didn’t do interviews and especially not ones that required him to be a bit more open about his personal life so when a request arrived in your inbox from his agencies PR team you felt justified in assuming it was some sort of prank or joke from your friends and had quickly sent it to the bin, completely forgetting about it by mid-morning. That was your first mistake of the day, your second had been assuming that the first mistake wouldn’t come back to bite you in the ass.
It hadn’t been a joke.
According to your rather angry boss the next day Dynamites agency were looking to improve the hero's reputation with an all-access interview that the hero was refusing to have anything to do with unless he got to pick the journalist who would be poking their nose in his business and for some unknown reason the explosive blonde had picked you. That had left you a little stunned, staring at your boss like they had grown a third head, but they just kept barrelling on about how good an opportunity this would be not only for your career but also the magazine and completely ignoring the mini melt down you were currently experiencing.
This couldn’t actually be happening, could it? This had to be some kind of mistake, a joke even. Dynamite didn’t do interviews, the man barely even speaking about his accomplishments let alone what he got up to when he wasn’t in his uniform. You said exactly that to your boss, cutting them off mid rant but you hadn’t been able to wait. All that had gotten you was a laugh, your boss spouting some rubbish about Dynamite finally getting his act together and realising he needs to offer something of himself up to the public to get anywhere with his career. You would have called them out on how untrue that was, the explosive hero never once having cared what people thought of him but before you could get another word out you were being ushered out of your boss's office and informed that you would hear from the agency within the next few days to set things up.
You were left standing in the hallway feeling like you had just stepped out of a fever dream and had no clue what the hell was even going on now. You couldn’t understand why Dynamite was practically forcing this on you. There were a hundred different reporters out there he could have picked. Ones with better reputations who were more popular amongst the masses. You were just an average, run of the mill journalist who worked for a small and barely functioning magazine. Why the hell would he pick you of all people to be saddled with such a monumental task? Answering your own question, you get a flash back to that day at the charity photo shoot and his booming laugh as you told him it didn’t hurt to have a friend in the press.
Was it really that simple? Dynamite picking the only journalist he knew and hoping you would gloss over all his flaws and boost his popularity? The thought stung but if you were being realistic it made sense. He didn’t know you other than some fluff piece reporter who didn’t pay enough attention to their surroundings when walking home in the dead of night. It was a known fact he disliked the press and you were probably just the best of a bad bunch. This was a tactical decision, and you had no reason to feel anything but gratitude and excitement for the opportunity this would present you and it really was an opportunity, the best one you had had since the first time you got to interview Hawks. If you could pull this off without it resulting in an argument, property damage or the number four hero storming out it would open up a lot of doors for you considering you would be the first journalist to make it through an interview unscathed.
It only took a week from them to get everything arranged, Dynamite’s agency sending over a list of banned questions along with an outline of what they wanted from you. It wasn’t anything new, you had done these kinds of interviews before and there was always the same sort of things that heroes don't want to discuss. Most common were their relationships and families, along with any political based questions and the odd one about any scandals they might have been involved in recently.
Dynamites was lacking a few things though, most notably the questions about his relationship status and that just left you more confused than ever considering his refusal to talk about those kinds of things in the past. Your boss had been over the moon though, giving you their own list of questions that you had every intention of ignoring. You were sure it was an oversight and you would not risk the blonde’s anger just to state some idle gossips curiosity. If anyone asked why you hadn’t taken the opportunity you would just tell them he had refused to answer, it’s not like it wasn’t a believable lie.
When the day of the interview rolled around you had been nervous, unwilling to admit that it was because you were about to see Dynamite again and not because of how much pressure you were under to make sure this went well. You had barely been able to stomach a lite breakfast and you had been so distracted that you were sure you had washed your hair twice. You ended up having to give yourself a stern talking to, glaring at your half-dressed reflection as you reminded yourself yet again that this was a job, you were being paid and a certain level of professionalism was expected of you and you had no intention of screwing up your reputation that you had worked hard for just because you had a celebrity crush on the hero. It had surprisingly worked and you had managed to get through the rest of your morning routine without another bout of teenage stupidity.
Getting to your agreed upon venue was a different story.
You shouldn’t have been surprised as you had been when you had been given the address, knowing that Dynamite liked his privacy. A lot of heroes did and you often did your one on one interviews in secluded back rooms of trusted establishments that allowed them to relax without the pressure of the public's eyes on them but never once had they asked you to their homes and you were pretty sure that was where you were heading, to Dynamites home.
You had looked the place up as soon as you had gotten the address just like you always had but instead of a bar, restaurant or cafe like it normally was you had found yourself looking at a photo of a residential high rise in one of the wealthiest parts of the city. You had double checked with the agency that you had been given the right address and when they had confirmed that you had you had spent a considerable amount of time trying to find out why on earth they were sending you there of all places. The only logical conclusion you had been able to come to was that it was the heroes home address and that had sent you into a blind panic that had resulted in you getting drunk like the responsible adult you were and half convincing yourself that this was all some sort of elaborate joke your friends were playing on you in an attempt to make fun of your obvious and childish crush on the hero.
Even standing in front of the apartment door, your hand hovering above the sleek black wood, you weren’t one hundred percent convinced that one of your friends weren’t lurking, waiting to see your reaction when you distributed some poor persons Sunday morning. There was only one way to find out though and after taking a deep breath to try and gain some sort of composure you had knocked three times, loud and clear and way more confident than you had felt. You held your breath, the sound of movement coming from within the apartment before the door was being yanked open and your breath came whooshing back out in one go. It really hadn’t been a joke.
Dynamite looks different out of his uniform, standing before you in black sweatpants, a black tank top and house slippers. His eyes are still just as fierce but there’s something almost soft about him and you can’t help but feel like you're intruding on something you were never meant to see. He doesn’t give you a chance to process what you’re seeing before he’s stepping out the way and demanding you get in. Obviously, you do as he said, quickly scurrying in and clutching at the strap of your bag like it’s a lifeline. He shuts the door behind you with a definitive click and it’s only then that it really hits you where you are and with who. Somehow knowing you were going to end up here didn’t really help with the reality of the situation.
Everything’s a little awkward, the two of you standing in the genkan and neither of you breaking the heavy silence that’s fallen over you. You can feel his eyes on you, your skin tingling as you fidget with the strap of your bag and yet you can’t bring yourself to look up from where you’re staring at his slipper covered feet, worried that if you do he will be able to see how badly his cosy home look was affecting you. It was one thing to see him in his hero costume, all hard muscles and power as he put his life on the line time and time again, but this was something else entirely and you were pretty sure you were going to remember him like this for years to come.
Surprisingly Dynamite is the one to break the silence, telling you where you can put your shoes and directing your attention to a waiting pair of slips that matched his own. He’s walking off down the hallway before you can even think about pulling your boots off, calling over his broad shoulder for you to make yourself comfortable before disappearing around the corner. You stand there like a brain-dead idiot for a long couple of minutes, just staring down the corridor and giving your brain a chance to catch up with what was going on. It’s all a little surreal, more like a dream than reality and before you do what he said you make sure to pinch yourself, just to make sure. The sharp stinging pain that shoots down your arm is enough to get you moving, tucking your boots into the stand before slipping your feet into the slippers and following after the hero.
You’re not sure what you had been expecting when you stepped out into the main living area, but the modern minimalist decor doesn’t really surprise you all that much. The walls are white, the furniture different shades of black and grey that stand out from the walls but blend well together. Everything is immaculate, not a single bit of clutter to be seen and you would bet money on the fact that you wouldn’t find a single speck of dust anywhere. The apartment itself is a decent enough size, open and light with large windows that overlook the city. What you assume is the bedroom and facilities are off to the right, hidden away behind black wooden doors that match the one you had just come through. To your left is the open plan kitchen, everything as modern and sparkling clean as the rest of the apartment.
That’s where Dynamite is, effortlessly moving around the space as he pulls cups from the cupboard and sets about making what looks like a fresh pot of coffee. You can’t help but watch him as you make your way over to the sofa, placing your bag down on the coffee table as you go. He’s stopped moving, back turned towards you as he watches the coffee slowly fill the pot. There’s a tension in his shoulders, his hands braced against the counter and causing the muscles in his back to bunch up. You should be ashamed of the fact that you're checking the man out and some part of you is but you were also only human and the man had some quite frankly amazing shoulders and you dared anyone not to take a peak when they were right there, on display for all to see.
Something clicks, Dynamite shifting as he does something with the pot. The movement snaps you out of your daze and feeling embarrassed about your actions you quickly turn your back on the man, desperate to distract yourself from the temptation he presents and once again having to remind yourself that you were supposed to be working. In an attempt to get back on track you unpack your bag, placing your notebook and pencil onto the coffee table followed by your tape recorder and spare tape. You always made notes with this kind of thing but you liked to have a recording to refer back to when it came time to actually write the article, otherwise you ran the risk of misquoting and you refused to be one of those journalists that were always having to apologise for mistakes in their work.
Your jacket comes off next, lead over the back of the armchair you were claiming as your own for the couple of hours you would be here. The chair faced out, giving you an almost complete view of the room whilst also putting you close enough to the door just in case everything went wrong and you had to make a quick getaway. Not that that was going to happen. Hopefully.
Feeling a little bit like a loose end whilst you waited for the hero to come back you decided to have a look around, taking Dynamite’s offer to relax to heart and heading straight to his bookcase. It’s not just books waiting for you on the shelves, a couple of framed photos of the hero with his friends and what you think are his parents dotted around amongst the books on hero theory, engineering, and cooking. There’s an award he had gotten a couple of years ago for saving a school bus full of kids and what looks like a limited edition All Might statue still safely tucked away in its packaging and away from direct sunlight. It’s not a lot but it’s enough to get you interested, questions already forming in your mind that could help you and the public to get to know the hero a little better.
It’s just as you're about to pick up his graduation photo that Dynamite comes back, tray in hand that looks like it was full to bursting. You quickly put the photo back trying to help the man but he out right refused, demanding you sit down and get out of his way before you knock something over. You huff and roll your eyes at that but you do take your seat in the previously claimed armchair, watching the blonde as he unloads a pot of coffee, as well as a milk jug and sugar bowl onto the table along with two cups and a plate of what look like cookies. It’s a lot more than you thought you would get and the next few moments are taken up with the blonde serving you as you talk him through how you take your coffee and sounding just as confused as you felt. You thanked him when he handed you cup over, the hero’s cheeks dusted a light pink as he refused to make eye contact with you. You had used his hero name to address him, the same as you always did with the heroes that you interviewed but apparently that had been the wrong thing to do in this case.
He had pulled a face at you, his nose scrunching up and lip curling to slightly show off his perfect teeth. If you hadn’t been so taken back by the action you probably would have thought it was weirdly adorable but as it was you were too focused on what the man was saying to pay attention to anything else. He didn’t want to be called by his hero name. Said he wasn’t at work so to call him Katsuki or Kats or at the very least Bakugou. Anything but his hero name. It was a weird request from the notoriously private man but everything about this interview was weird and it left you feeling like you were missing something. A feeling you didn’t like.
You nodded, indicating your understanding and after a few second hesitation you had settled on addressing him as Bakugou, not feeling comfortable enough to call him by his first name despite how much you wanted to. He huffs slightly at that, seemingly annoyed by your decision but before you can ask if there’s a problem he’s talking again, demanding you get started before he changes his mind. Not wanting to annoy your boss or his, you decide to let it go for now. The tape recorder gets turned on and you push it further towards the middle of the table so it would pick up the both of you. Once that’s in place you take up your notebook and pen, sinking back into the surprisingly comfortable chair and readying yourself for what’s to come.
The first few questions are a little stiff, Bakugou’s answers short and to the point and not really opening up the conversation. That’s not too much of a problem, the questions are only supposed to be icebreakers and get the man to relax a little. Just simple things about his current rank and his aspirations but they don’t seem to be working, the hero either purposely being difficult or so used to crappy journalists that he didn’t even realise he was doing it. You didn’t know which one was worse.
Frustrated and missing the easy back and forth you had had before at the charity event you try to rack your brain for something that will help him relax a little better than your standard go to questions. Your roaming eyes land back on the photo of Bakugou and friends at graduation. He looks happy, a rare smile on his younger self’s face. Red Riot has his arm slung over the blonde’s shoulder, his smile just as bright as always with Pinky on his other side and clinging to the redhead as she jumps up. On Bakugou’s other side is Chargebolt and Cellophane, the duo with their arms slung around one another and leaning into the blonde. They are all dressed in the U.A ceremony robes, holding on tightly to the pointless bits of paper that say they had successfully graduated, all of them looking like it’s the happiest day of their lives.
You say as much, nodding towards the photo when the blonde gives you a confused look. He stares at it for a moment, the crease between his furrowed brows smoothing out slightly as he smiles softly at what must be a fond memory. It’s easier from there Bakugou finding it easier to talk about his friends then himself but you can work with that. One story leads to another and soon enough your sides hurt from laughing and cheeks ache from how much you have been smiling.
You learn a lot about Bakugou from the things he tells you about his friends, things that he probably doesn’t even realise. Like how much he actually cares for them even though he complains about how much they annoy him and that he’s fiercely loyal and protective of those he lets in. You find out that he hadn’t gotten his provisional licence the first time round thanks to a brief comment about how Chargebolt had teased him about it and gotten an explosive palm to the face for his efforts. Thanks to a story about his graduation party you find out that he doesn’t have that high of an alcohol tolerance, that he’s an excellent just dance player and that his first kiss had been with Froppy during a drunken game of spin the bottle.
The two of you talk for ages and you even offer up your own stories about your time at college and university as well as a few tamer incidents from the work Christmas parties over the years. You don’t mind offering up bits of yourself, the supposed interview seeming more like a conversation between friends than actual work. You had abandoned your notebook a while ago, relying solely on your tape recorder to capture everything you would need. Not that you would use much of this in the interview. It was private, personal and even though the point of this interview was to show people the human side to the loud and somewhat rude hero you didn’t want to taint those significant memories by inviting everyone else into them.
You had been there for a good few hours, the coffee long gone and the conversation a lot more relaxed than it had been. Bakugou was clearly showing off, ginning like a mad man and gesturing with his hands as he tells you about how he had saved a train full of people from a villain with a tentacle quirk. You had seen it on the news but it was still interesting hearing it from his point of view and you were enjoying how animated he was being. So of course, that was when your stomach rumbled loudly and reminded you that your breakfast had barely been able to be called that.
The silence was instantaneous.
You had never been so embarrassed, your face heating up as you stuttered out an apology and some form of explanation that didn’t make you sound like a complete idiot. You didn’t think you were doing that good a job and the way Bakugou was glaring at you had you feeling like you had completely ruined your chance and were about to be told to get out. You're already trying to come up with an acceptable excuse for your boss when Bakugou gets up, calling you an idiot and demanding you follow him into the kitchen. Obviously, you follow him, quickly scrambling up from your seat and only just remembering to grab the tape recorder as you rush past.
You are only a couple of seconds behind him, maybe a minute tops but by the time you’ve made it into the kitchen Bakugou’s already pulling things out of his fridge, mumbling to himself about what he can make with what he’s got. All you can do is stand there and stare at him in shocked silence. It takes him slamming the fridge door to knock you out of your stupor, jumping at the sudden sound like a skittish animal. Your eyes dart between his serious scowl and the way he effortlessly moves around the kitchen, your confused brain too slow to work out exactly what was happening. It’s a surprise you even manage to get words out, let alone form a whole sentence though he doesn’t take too kindly to you asking what he’s doing.
He yells at you again, snapping his head round to glare at you as he calls you an idiot and points out the obvious. Of course, he’s making you lunch. How stupid of you not to realise that was what was happening. You didn’t even know he could cook, most pro-heroes you had interviewed being so busy they stuck to take out or simple ready meals that didn’t take too long to prepare. Bakugou was very much not like the other pros you had interviewed in the past though. The man was an enigma, and this was just one more layer to peel back and explore.
Once the initial shock of having the number four pro-hero cook for you had worn off you had quickly made your way into his kitchen, setting the still recording Dictaphone down and offering to help. You had honestly expected him to kick you out, if not his apartment, then at least the kitchen, the hero notorious for being a bit of a big-headed control freak but to your surprise he had given you a knife and a whole heap of vegetables to clean and cut up. You got to it straight away, following his direction on how he wanted everything, diced, cubed or julienned.
It was surprisingly nice, once he had stopped yelling and bossing you around that is.
It only took a few moments of a slightly awkward silence before you managed to remember why you were there and managed to get back to the interview you were supposed to be conducting. You took the opportunity to talk to him about his love for cooking, learning quickly that Bakugou had a love for all things spicy and a dislike for sweets. You spoke about his favourite dishes to cook, meals that stood out in his memories and why it was so important to him to eat fresh homemade food instead of junk from the grocery store. From there you had gotten into his workout routine and what specific things he had to do so his body could handle his quirk. He didn’t miss the opportunity to scold you for your own poor eating habits or to poke fun at your lack of a workout routine. That had you huffing in annoyance and mumbling under your breath whilst he laughed at you poorly hidden pout.
One moment bleeds into the next and before you know it you are sitting at his dining table with a steaming bowl of ramen in front of you. The food’s incredible, surprisingly so and you can’t help but moan at the first mouthful, mumbling about how good it is even as you shovel in another mouthful. By the time you manage to shut up and notice the awkward silence Bakugou is looking down at his own bowl with furrowed brows and a slight flush on his cheeks. Once again, your back to feeling like a complete idiot, mumbling out an apology and looking anywhere but at the blonde, even when he tells you it’s fine.
It’s back to feeling awkward again and you spend a long couple of minutes eating in silence as you try to work out what the hell you’re supposed to talk about now. Your Dictaphone sat between you again, the tape wiring gently as it ticks over, picking up the silence. You know you have a whole host of questions in your notebook, but you don't want to be rude and leave the table, especially not if the hero is going to start yelling at you. Plus, you don’t want to ask all those invasive questions your boss had been pushing you to and going to get your notes would just remind you of all those invasive and cringey things that apparently everyone wanted to know.
Your eyes dart around the room as you eat, trying to find something to spark a bit of interest and end the weird stalemate you had found yourself in. You’ve already talked about his friends though, as well as some of the things they had gotten up to at school and you don’t want to go back to that topic, feeling like you had gotten enough out of it and not wanting Bakugou to think you're not that interested in him when the opposite was true. You could listen to the other man talk for hours, soaking up every little bit of information you could get like obsessive fan girl you were.
Sighing you sweep you gaze across the top shelf, noting book titles and random little trinkets that could possibly be of use to you. You’re just about ready to sink as low as asking about his reading habits when your eyes land on the All Might figurine again and you smile slightly, knowing what it is you want to ask him next.
Bakugou is a little defensive when you ask him if he’s an All Might fan, his eyes narrowing at you like you're about to start disrespecting one of the greatest heroes of all time. It doesn't take that much effort to ease the blonde's suspicions though and before long the two of you are deep into a debate about the larger-than-life hero’s legacy and the impact that had on the generations of heroes that came after, including Dynamite himself. From there it's easy to move on to how heroes have shaped society and the effects that quirks have had on the development of mankind. It surprises you when Dynamite quotes your own article back at you, the thing having been published a few years prior when you hadn’t been that well of an established journalist. The surprise doesn't last long though as he gets side-tracked ranting about how people were idiots to think that quirk and technological advancements couldn’t happen at the same time, even going as far as to show you a few articles on his phone of research and development programs focused on continuing man’s advances from before quirks had been such a common aspect of life.
It's easy to get lost in conversation, you following behind him as he clears away your empty bowls and still debating quirk regulations and if the rate quirks were evolving was sustainable. When everything’s cleared away the two of you head back to his seating area but this time you ignore the armchair you had previously called dibs on, instead sitting at one end of the sofa whilst Bakugou takes the other end. It’s easy again, talking to the pro-hero and even though you're not keeping to your normal structure when conducting an interview your still making progress. You manage to get answers to about 95% of the questions in your notebook, the other 5% mostly being the ones from your boss about his personal life and relationships. You do almost go there, especially when he mentions one of the other heroes he had been named as dating a while back but it's only a passing comment and you don’t want to sour the mood. So, you let it go, instead letting the conversation head towards his opinions on cross agency cooperation and team ups.
Everything’s going fine until your Dictaphone makes a weird clicking sound followed by a loud beep, the light of front flashing red and signalling your tape is full. It brings the conversation to a sudden halt, the two of you looking down at the small device like it's a bomb about to go off. You had completely forgotten about the recording, so lost in just talking to the normally reserved hero that the actual reason you were here had completely slipped your mind.
Laughing lightly and trying to make a joke about it you go to turn the thing off and replace the tape. It’s only when you look up from your bag, new tape in hand that you notice the setting sun and you realise exactly how long you had been in the hero's home. Horrified that you had taken up so much of the man’s time you try and wrap things up, insisting that you had enough information whilst simultaneously thanking him for his time and apologising for taking up so much of it.
Your halfway to the door, shoving everything back in your bag whilst trying to pull your jacket back on and still rambling about when the interview would be published and thanking him for his time when Bakugou says something that has you almost dropping all your stuff, having to frantically try and save it all from scattering across the floor. You don’t quite manage to keep hold of your notebook and it goes sliding across the wooden floor only to hit the heroes slippered feet and come to a stop between them.
Dinner. Bakugou wants to have dinner. With you.
You've hit your head or were involved in some sort of accident on your way over and this whole day had been your weird fever dream. It was the only explanation to the absolute madness that had been going on. That or this was actually happening and that didn’t seem like the likely option. Things like this did apparently happen though because not five minutes later you're out the door, following behind the hero as he leads you from his apartment complex and down the street.
You end up at a little hole in the wall place not that far from the hero's home, tucked away in the corner and mostly hidden from the rest of the patrons. It’s cosy, intimate but Bakugou doesn’t seem to care, leaning across the table so you can hear him talking over the noise of the busy restaurant around you. Your notebook is on the side of the table, you having had every intention of attempting to keep this work related but it remained unopened, forgotten in favour of spending time with your long-term crush and getting lost in his presence.
Bakugou continues to surprise you, leading the conversation and asking you about your previous work. It turns out it’s not just the one article of yours that he had read, the hero having several questions about previous topics and even taking the time to ask why you had gone into journalism, let alone a hero focused one. It’s nice. You haven't had anyone show such interest in you and your work for some time and you can't help but beam under the hero's attention, enjoying finally getting a chance to ramble about your ideas and theories without feeling like you’re boring them too much. Bakugou for his part seems genuinely interested, listening to what you are saying and having his own points and theories that he’s willing to discuss.
Eventually though it had to end and a couple of hours later the two of you were being ushered out, back onto the street. You’re all smiles, still laughing at something Bakugou had said as you move further down the street. Without any conscious decision the two of you start heading towards the station, walking side by side and talking about some of the people who had previously attempted to interview the blonde and how badly those had gone. It leads to you asking the one question you had been dying to know since the request had come through. Why you? Of all the people that he could have chosen from, what was it that made you the desired choice?
Turns out it is as simple as you had thought, Bakugou reciting your own words back at you about having a friend in your line of work. His boss was going to force this interview on him regardless of his opinions so why not have someone do it that wouldn’t be an asshole about it. You don’t really know what to say to that, laughing awkwardly and mumbling some rubbish about hoping it was an asshole free experience. That has you blushing, groaning at your idiotic words and trying to hide your embarrassment behind your hands. Of course, that was why he had picked you; you had practically told him you would do things his way if he ever needed to give an interview but didn’t want someone taking liberties. You really were stupid to ever think it could have been something else then you just being the easy option.
Things are weird after that. You're a lot quieter than you had been, too busy berating yourself to really hold much of a conversation. Bakugou doesn't say anything either, but you can feel his eyes on you, and you can’t help but feel like he’s judging you, probably thinking that you're a dumb idiot and desperately wishing this was over and done with already. You can’t really blame him; you had taken up most of his day for something that should have only taken a couple of hours. He was only being nice so he could at least keep you on his side when he needed stuff like this doing again in the future.
It’s disappointing but at the end of the day it’s your job and the recognition this one article is going to get you will probably be enough to mean you would never need to do it again. After this you would be able to pick and choose what you wrote about, finally getting to work on subjects you wanted to instead of what your boss left on your desk. Hell, you might even finally be able to go international and wouldn’t that be something. The possibilities would be endless as long as you took the opportunities and now you had successfully managed to interview the most notoriously difficult hero in all of Japan, you would be known as one of the most capable journalists in Japan, managing to accomplish something your most celebrated colleagues hadn’t. So what if it was just because Bakugou had decided to tolerate you enough to make his life easier in the future, you had still made it through the whole thing without being chased off like the rest of them and that really was something to be proud of.
By the time you had made it to the station you had managed to gain back most of your composure, determined to end this as professionally as you should have handled the whole thing. You thank him for his time again, bowing deeply and promising that your article would be good enough to boost his popularity. He’s giving you a weird look when you straighten back up, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and awkwardly holding out your notebook towards you. Eyes wide and panicked you snatch the thing off him, hugging it close to your chest and hoping to every god you know the name of that he hadn’t opened it and seen all those stupid questions your boss had wanted you to ask. You hadn’t even noticed you didn’t have it, only realising you hadn’t picked it up in the restaurant when you tried to work out when the hero would have gotten his hands on it.
He doesn't look at you when you thank him for picking it up, looking off to the side with his hands shoved in his pockets and shoulders hunched. You would have sworn he was blushing as he mumbles something about calling him if you have any more questions but you quickly wright that off as your own stupid mind playing tricks on you. Bakugou leaves quickly after that, grunting out an indifferent latter dumbass and disappearing off down the street before you can even think about uttering your own goodbye. You stand there dumbly for a few long minutes, watching the man’s retreating form until you could no longer see him and trying to understand what bizarre parallel universe you had found yourself in.
Deciding that whatever had been going on today was a problem for tomorrow you made your way down onto the station, only just managing not to miss the train before it sped off again. You slumped down into the seat with a groan, eyes closing and your head tipping back to rest against the glass with a dull thud. You try not to think about it but how could you not? Today had been nothing like you had expected and it had left you tired and feeling like you had whiplash. You were angry at yourself, letting your emotions get in the way of work and probably having made a complete idiot out of yourself yet again in front of the one man you wanted to try and appear like a functioning person to.
Despite the anger though your still stupidly happy and a little in awe because that had happened right? You had actually spent almost the whole day with the Dynamite, actually getting to talk to him instead of having him yelling at you like he did most people. You probably knew more about the man then some of his friends did and wasn’t that a scary thought, knowing so much about a person who, really you had no sort of connection with that would warrant that kind of information being shared with you. You would have to be extremely careful about what information you included in the article, making sure you gave the public just an impression of the man he was behind the angry yelling and large explosions without giving too much personal stuff away.
Sighing you leant forward, pulling out a pen and flipping open your notebook in an attempt to start outlining the things you wanted to include and things you were planning to take to your grave. It’s as you're flicking through the pages, quietly mumbling to yourself about structure and flow that something catches your eye and you feel your heart skip a beat before slamming away painfully at breakneck speed. It’s the pages you have the question on that your boss had wanted you to ask, each one with just one empty line between because you had known that Bakugou wouldn’t answered them except, well, someone had. Underneath each question is a simple answer in a neat but hurried scrawl that most definitely wasn’t yours.
There stupid questions, prying into the man’s past relationships, sexual habits and what he likes in a partner. There are even questions about the kind of underwear he wears and even if he’s currently seeing anyone. You would never have asked them in a million years, wouldn’t even have asked someone like Hawks who was way to free with that kind of information and yet now you knew that Bakugou liked people that interested him, wore black Calvin Klein boxers and was currently single. That's not what has your mouth hanging open like a fish though, eyes so wide that you feared they would pop out of your head. No, what had your attention was Bakugou’s full name across the bottom of the page and a series of numbers that could only be his phone number.
Your brain can’t process it, staring at it like it's a bloody unicorn or something because why would the number four hero write what you are assuming is his personal contact number in your notebook under a bunch of way too personal questions that were mostly about his sex life and relationships. Your hands are shaking, nails digging into the soft leather of the cover. Everything’s silent, your head full of static so thick you feel almost like you're hallucinating. Maybe you were because there was no way this was what you thought it was. It couldn’t be. Right?
The train stops, the person two seats down from you getting up to get off. The sudden movement has you jerking back to reality like you had just been slapped, slamming the book shut and quickly shoving it into your bag in case someone was to see it. You pull your bag onto your lap, wrapping your arms around it as the next lot of commuters get on the train. You're well aware of what you must look like, head down and clutching your bag like you're afraid someone’s going to steal it or worse, see what you have hiding in it. The notebook feels like it’s made of lead, heavy and undeniably there, just like the ball of dread that was growing in your stomach with every passing second.
This can’t be real. He couldn't actually have given you his number but it’s there, in big bold writing that can’t be ignored. You don’t know what to do with it, what to make of it’s sudden appearance not only in the book but in your life. Why would he give this to you? You hadn’t asked for it, hadn’t said anything that would have given him the idea to do this and yet here you were, now the confused and slightly panicked owner of a bit of information you would never have thought you would get.
What the hell were you supposed to do now?
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@paranoid-borderline-insane @stablecreator93 @theycallme-becky @antiwhores @chicarandom11 @screamingpoetsworld @phrogfungi @ghostkat23 @lovra974 @fresa-luna @stxrrielle @fixed211 @trash-heichou-kacchan
A/N: I do believe that is everyone but if I have missed someone out do let me know. Sorry it’s taken so long I’m a dirty rotten procrastinator and got distracted along the way.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
It astounds me that CRWBY can have the whole volume's 'character arc' resting on the idea that Ruby doesn't need to be perfect and that her friends aren't expecting her to be, only for her heroic entrance in the climax to be followed by her team mates basically going "If she wasn't perfect, we wouldn't follow her.". They've already failed to effectively establish a character arc and somehow STILL manage to undermine it.
Unfortunately, that's RWBY's go-to writing style: put forth a straightforward character arc, but then fail to consider how everything surrounding it may undermine that journey. RT seems to continually believe that The Message of the show is separate from everything else we see on screen, rather than realizing they're two sides of the same coin; a fictional series of evidence supporting a fictionalized argument. You can't have a character proclaim, "I've learned to be charitable!" and then show numerous scenes where they're being unnecessarily stingy. That's a head and a tails that simply don't fit.
Cat: You’re broken! You break everything you touch! I call Humans… weak! Confused! Incomplete! Weiss: No, you’re wrong. Yang: She’s never been any of those things. Blake: That’s why we follow her.
Unlike my above example though, RWBY is usually a bit more complicated. Here, the Cat tosses out accurate and inaccurate accusations, making it that much easier for viewers to simply ignore the ways in which this moment doesn't support Ruby's arc because look, some of what he's saying is nonsense. Personally, I disagree with "broken" and "incomplete"—especially with those two descriptors leveled partly at Yang—but confused? Frequently. Weak? Yes, that's a part of life; a challenge to overcome. Breaking everything they touch? Not everything, but a large part of Volume 9's reflection was supposedly them acknowledging how massively they messed up in Atlas. So... yeah. Things have been broken, on a literal and metaphorical level. Why would the heroes deny that in the final hour?
The purpose of Ruby's arc was meant to be accepting her flaws to the point where she can work to move past them. There's a fine line between acknowledging that people are imperfect while likewise acknowledging our responsibility to continually improve. It's not an excuse or a pessimistic declaration, yet Volume 9 started by denying the impact that their failure has had on others—Who cares that an entire Kingdom is gone? We tried our best and that's all that will ever matter!—and ends with the girls denying that those flaws exist at all. "You're wrong... She’s never been any of those things." Ruby has never been weak? Or confused? She's never fucked up? Huh, I thought this arc was explicitly showing how weak and confused and a failure she's been, to the point where those emotions drove her to a magical suicide. Worse than simply erasing Ruby's (already near non-existent) growth though, this moment—as you say, anon—suddenly paints Ruby as perfect when the whole POINT was for her to realize she didn't have to be. Her team turns her into an archetype on a pedestal, rather than a living, breathing, flawed person who needs support. Ruby is never confused. She's never weak. She's never lacked anything within her sense of identity. She's never made horrific mistakes. She is the PERFECT leader and that is why we follow her. Insert the implication here that a flawed Ruby would be abandoned by her team, AKA the very fear she expressed earlier that day:
Ruby from a few hours ago: "Why do I have to be the leader, anyway? Why do I always have to be the one to pick people up? What about me? ... Gotta find someone who isn't going to just screw everything up! Gotta stay positive, right? Smiles all around!"
RWBY is so frustrating because we have these scenes where multiple narrative problems are combining. I hate that they have Ruby complaining about being leader when she continually demanded that responsibility, to the point of actual Kingdom-wide destruction, and I hate that she's simultaneously right to be upset with how her team has been treating her. RWBY fails on both fronts by giving us a hero who is incapable of acknowledging her own screwups without making a whole production of it (Ruby's breakdown, though understandable, puts her in the position of a victim in need of comfort, rather than the responsible party who needs to own up to those mistakes) and it gives us a hero who expresses a need to be treated like a human being... only for her team to turn around and deny a large chunk of what makes her human.
None of which even gets into the iffy human/faunus dichotomy and how these definitions of humanity apply to Blake...
I love you just the way you are, says Summer, talking to a literal toddler who has not caused irreparable damage in a war. What about me? screams Ruby, someone who has made it all about her since she ignored Qrow's advice and ran after Cinder. We never expected her to be perfect, says Yang, and she's kinda right because the story has consistently shown Ruby demanding this responsibility, not having it placed on her shoulders. We follow Ruby because she's perfect, says the team, obliterating this Volume's arc that was already contradicting the rest of the series. This show is a MESS, says Clyde, banging her head against the metaphorical wall.
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room-surprise · 5 months
Delicious in Dungeon Anime Season 1, Episode 2 Review
Spoilers for season 1, episode 2 below the cut! There may also be mild manga spoilers so proceed with caution.
This episode was great! I think it was a big improvement on the first. Honestly no real complaints... I do kind of wish both Marcille and Chilchuck could have had stand-alone episodes dedicated to their character development, to allow for a deeper focus, but I understand why they didn't do it, and the pacing was still excellent. I do still sometimes feel like the show is in fast-forward at times, because with 3 meals in one episode, it feels like the characters finish eating, and we jump cut to them saying that they're hungry again, without anything to help really impress upon viewers that time has passed. Makes it feel a bit like we're reading a collection of short 4-panel gag comics instead of a continuing story… which, early Dungeon Meshi DOES have that as part of it's format, but it changes with time, as we get into longer individual stories.
During the Basilisk/Doni and FIonil section, I really do miss some of the dry humor from the manga. ("Hurry, he's getting cold!" "Move him closer to the fire!") The hilarity of slowly preparing a meal while someone is dying of poison has unfortunately been lost, which makes Doni and Fionil much less memorable characters…. But it benefits the other 2 stories in the ep to have more time so I think it was the right choice to make. It also gives people something to go back and read the manga for, since it's a little different! If you're reading this and you're an anime only, consider reading the manga while you watch the anime! I promise it's worth it. I'm excited about next week because I think they'll devote the entire episode to Laios and the living armors, which is me and my spouse's favorite early DM storyline, and the part where we both said "Oh, I LOVE this manga..." and got really invested. It's 2 chapters in the manga so it could be an entire episode…. which also would make sense, if that's why they needed to crunch 3 chapters into episode 2. Just like the first episode, animation was fantastic, and as usual the weakest points are when characters are just walking or talking and not doing much. Everything more dynamic is just bouncy and adorable and full of life. Very rarely is anything animated in a dull or flat way. They're doing their best to use "move a drawing around" or "zoom on a drawing" for comic effect and I think it's working well so far. There's some great animal animation in this episode, the bat flying around and the basilisk chasing Marcille in particular. Translation was better this time around, no dumb modern or game references in the dub ("newbs" "as if" etc.) … But there are differences between the subtitles and the dub script that change how easy it is to understand what's happening. When Senshi tells Chilchuck to cut up the giant bat, the subtitles make it hard to understand what he's telling him to do, and the dub makes it a lot clearer. In the subs when Senshi calls Chilchuck a half-foot child, the subtitles say "I'm not a child" and the dub says "I hate it when people call me 'kid'"… The latter is more interesting for keeping the mystery going for things that happen later in the story. If the show continues like this, I think the English dub may be the more satisfying way to watch it (even though the Japanese performances are great), mostly because the subs are very literal and sometimes miss things that the English dub somehow manages to include. And for some reason Netflix isn't including translation of Japanese signs on-screen during the subtitles, but they DO provide them when you watch the English dub. A lot of Dungeon Meshi's humor is sometimes in those background signs so completely missing out on them sucks. Anyway those are my thoughts for this episode! See you next week Meshiheads.
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Wei Wuxian stirred a few times into the large pot, testing whether the vegetables had finished boiling before adding the tiniest bit of salt to the broth. He did not taste it, because he would have been inclined to add some more spices to it if he had - but the food was not for him and no matter what Lan Zhan said, he could not stomach it properly.
A few moments later, he put the fire out and dipped the ladle into the pot two times, pouring the steaming contents into a small porcelain bowl. Lan Zhan's appetite had diminished so much, it would have been a wonder if he managed to eat at all - but he needed sustenance, and if Wei Ying managed to coax him to finish even half of the food, he would be more than happy.
Lan Zhan didn't get sick often - but even with his strong immune system and high cultivation, he was still human, and thus still prone to disease. And the fact that the weather switched so quickly from warm to freezing that year could easily explain the upsurge in flu and cold cases in the Cloud Recesses - which even the mighty Hanguang-Jun himself fell victim to.
So, as a dutiful and caring husband, Wei Ying took it upon himself to nurse his beloved back to health, the same Lan Zhan would do for him whenever he became sick himself. So, he made sure Lan Zhan had warm, fresh food to eat, the best medicine available, clean, comfortable bedding and a relaxing atmosphere to rest and recover in.
He felt somewhat emotional upon placing the soup bowl onto a tray, covering it with cloth to maintain its warmth. Jiang Yanli used to do the same for him in the rare few times that he got sick, and she would chide the nurses to be more gentle when administering him treatments. She would sit by his bedside and read to him, always leaving a little kiss on his forehead, no matter how much Wei Ying told her to keep her distance so she wouldn't become ill too.
Wei Ying was used to taking care of people. He knew how to build a small house, how to hunt, how to haggle for prices, how to set up protective arrays. But taking care of Lan Zhan did not require any of those things, yet it somehow felt so much more charged than any and all of those things.
Of course, Wei Ying cared about the Wens, went against the world for them, and they became the family he realized he never had before. He died for them and their cause and never regretted it, sacrificed his reputation and his life out of love and devotion for them.
But, as he took the tray in his hands and walked out of the kitchen, into the light snow outside, towards the jingshi, Wei Ying realized that the love he felt for Lan Zhan was unlike anything he'd ever felt before, and the instinct to protect and heal him was unparalleled to any other. Knowing his husband was laying in bed sick made his heart flutter with worry, and his arms itch with the need to hold him through it.
It was just a cold, nothing life-threatening, yet Wei Ying couldn't help fretting over his beloved and the vulnerable state he was in. His fever had gone down considerably and he only had some light sneezes left of the cough that had been shaking him awake for the past two or three nights - yet Wei Ying still barely slept so he'd intervene if things got bad again. Even the lightest symptoms could become dangerous if untreated for long enough - Wen Qing had taught him that.
Wei Ying stepped into the jingshi quietly, shaking snow off himself before walking further inside to place the food tray down and check on the fire, feeding a few more logs to it so the temperature wouldn't go down.
Lan Zhan laid in bed, eyes closed and lips slightly parted so he could breathe. His nose stubbornly refused to unclog, but the doctor had assured him that it would improve in a day or two, after the medicine began taking effect.
Wei Ying walked up to him, feeling both immensely fond and immensely worried at the sight of his rosy cheeks and ajar lips, placing his palm over his forehead to check the temperature. Lan Zhan's eyes fluttered open at that, heavy eyelids rising to reveal red-rimmed eyes.
"Wei Ying..."
The nasal sound of his name had Wei Ying huff a laugh,
"Were you asleep?"
"Mn... Have you brought food?"
"Yes, I made you some chicken and veggie soup. And don't worry, I didn't put any spices or anything in it, it's entirely flavorless, just how you like it!"
Lan Zhan half glared, but he looked so adorable doing it that Wei Ying couldn't help placing a little kiss to the tip of his nose. "I'll feed you, so get comfortable."
"You do not need to, I can do it..." But then he sneezed so hard that the whole bed shook, and Wei Ying rose a challenging, i-told-you-so eyebrow in response. Lan Zhan half glared again.
Wei Ying picked up the food tray and placed it in his lap, sitting on the edge of the bed next to his husband as he dipped the spoon in. "I really hope this is good, I made it the way shijie used to make it for me... well, almost. Open up."
Wei Ying nearly took offense at the fact that Lan Zhan squeezed his eyes shut as if expecting to be in pain - but he was quick to open them back up, surprised.
"As I said, it's entirely flavorless. I only put some salt in it, and, of course, all my love for you."
Lan Zhan flushed red at that, though he could always attribute it to the flu and not the beat his heart skipped. "It is good, I like it."
Wei Ying fed his husband another spoonful. "The doctor said you should be getting your appetite back soon, so I made a whole pot of it."
"You should eat too."
"I will, no worries. But I first have to make sure you have your stomach full before I give you your medicine."
Lan Zhan paled a little at that, and Wei Ying couldn't help a playful look of disapproval. "Hanguang-Jun, don't make that face. You need to take the medicine, even if it tastes terrible. How else will you become healthy again? And don't glare at me again, either, you know I'm right!"
Lan Zhan gave him a dejected look instead. "You should not be so strict with me, I am very ill."
Wei Ying burst into laughter, nearly sending the bowl of soup to the floor. "You have no right to be so funny if you're so ill! I could have ruined these robes!"
Lan Zhan's eyes travelled down Wei Ying's figure, imagining him having to change out of his clothes and-
Wei Ying presented him with another spoonful of food. "Don't give me that look, didn't you just say you're very ill?"
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copperdaisy · 8 months
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Did I ever ramble about my TRON OCs? I probably have in the past but heck, I am in a rambling mood so here we go again. Going with the most developed one because the references for the others are on my external HD and I don't feel like digging it out right now.
This is Drive, a soft spoken, Bit loving System Utility who drew the short end of several sticks in life but somehow managed to survive despite it. For a given value of 'survive'.
(It's okay, he gets better. He just gets roughed up first. A lot. Thanks for everything, Flynn.)
Drive is a System Utility written by Kevin Flynn somewhere towards the middle of the Golden Age of the Grid. He is part of the Database Management suite that specializes in defragging and organizing data sets. In the Good Times™ he was a jovial, upbeat program that was not terribly concerned about the political side of things. His friend circle was comprised of both Basics and ISOs (mostly Arjians; he rarely encountered Bostromites) and his opinions on Flynn could best be summed up with the '¯\_(ツ)_/¯' emoji. The End of Line was a regular haunt of his, where he befriended the mp3 DJs and had a reputation for being a terrible dancer. Life was good. But, you know what they say about good things...
Drive almost met his end when Arjia was destroyed. He had been working on a remote data terminal near the city and got swept up in the invasion. Cornered by a pair of Sentries who questioned what his business in the area was and where his loyalties lay, he was unable to answer to their satisfaction. They left him alive but horrifically scarred both physically and mentally. He was able to escape the destruction of the city, barely. Things would not improve much in the cycles that followed.
In time, rumors would being to circulate among certain circles that there was a weak link in the Database Management suite - what remained of it. You see, in Flynn's faltering attempts to balance the Grid and his responsibilities on the other side of the screen, he had rushed his coding. Drive had been written with a faulty directive re: information sharing permissions, and without self defense protocols. This meant that any information Drive processed in his work on the various databases was in danger of being shared if he was asked or told to do so, as there were no limits set in the permissions. His lack of fighting ability (or even the option to access his disc or light batons as weapons) made him a sitting duck. This vulnerability was taken advantage of by players on both sides throughout the cycles. The once gregarious program became an anxious wreck, plagued by the pain of new wounds and old.
Desperate to overcome a directive he had no hopes of defeating, he began to butcher his memory files. He couldn't give up the info if he didn't remember it, right? While this did stem some of the problem, this drastic action caused a multitude more. As time wore on his coding became more and more damaged. Drive began to suffer from glitches. Small ones at first, then more severe ones that left him dazed and confused, not unlike a program who was not properly synced to their disc. By the time Sam Flynn entered the Grid, Drive - who had somehow managed to survive to that point - was on the cusp of either turning into a Virus or literally falling apart from the mounting instability lurking in his code.
His fate at the end of Legacy, as well as that of the Grid in general, is up in the air. In the RP group I played him in years ago he overcame a lot of his trauma - and gained a few more. He learned how to trust others again. He had his chest crushed by Rinzler while trying to prevent him from breaking into the Archives. He made new friends and was reunited with old. He nearly derezzed when his code started to experience cascading failures due to the damages. He was found and rescued in time to save his life. He fell in love. He eventually let a User completely repair his coding and rewrite his faulty directive. He learned to live again and how to be happy.
Here are a few more miscellaneous facts about him.
Drive has three Bits: regular Bit Alpha, NAVI Bit Beta, and an adopted NAVI named Gamma that he found hiding in a data terminal.
Gamma was Anon's NAVI and took shelter in said terminal after its owner's demise. While Gamma never bonded to Drive's code like the other two it still obeyed him... more or less.
Drive once dated an ISO named Katina. Their split was amicable when they decided they made better friends than lovers. Katina was killed when Arjia was destroyed.
The program Drive found love with in the RP group was a rerezzed Anon. They were friends for a long while before their relationship turned romantic. It was Anon who found Drive suffering the near fatal glitch that gave away his until then hidden condition. Much earlier on in their relationship Drive had helped Anon, who was injured after a run-in with a Virus.
Parkour is one of Drive's hidden strengths. Following his recovery he sometimes helped train new Security programs by leading them in a 'wild Bit chase' race.
Speaking of wild Bits, Drive has a habit of setting out energy dishes for the wild Bit flocks on his balcony. As such, he has many Bit friends besides the two and a half that are his.
His theme song (one of them) is Iridescent by Linkin Park
Drive has several siblings who also suffer from various effects resulting from Flynn's distracted coding sessions. Might ramble about them later.
Every Siren he has ever interacted with has called him some variation of 'adorable'. He's still not sure what to think about that.
In the Good Times™ there was more than one instance of him winding up in a platonic sleepy puppy pile with the End of Line DJs after their shifts. He also spent some time hanging out with them in their booth on occasion. Watching them craft their music was fascinating to him.
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eoieopda · 1 year
I’m back again actually with one more request 😔😔
^^^ this is actually the artist whose name I snatched for most of my online personas lolol
The entire album is banger, but this song is what introduced me to him. ^^
um, i made myself sad? anyways, here’s this! it doesn’t exaaaaactly follow the lyrics, but it’s what my brain conjured when i listened to this. i hope it’s okay 😵‍💫
listen here.
hey, old friend / hope to see you again / someday when the seasons change / i don’t mind a little wait / as long as i can pretend that i’m okay
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It’s been exactly a year since you left home.
With 365 days between you and Busan, you’re still waiting for that bittersweet taste to leave your tongue. There’s a small, sad part of you that wants to dive headfirst into that pit of nostalgia in your chest; to swim down, all the way home to that city by the sea. The rest of you accepts reality: when your life calls you elsewhere, you have to pick up the phone.
Unlike a year ago, when you walk into your apartment this time, you’re not struggling to balance more boxes than you should’ve reasonably expected to carry at once. It’s not dark, it’s not empty, and there’s no longer a bare floor creaking under your unanticipated weight. Now, it’s home, filled with all your best-loved belongings.
Well, most of them. Somehow, there’s still an odd box or two tucked away, yet-unpacked.
On the walls hang framed prints of your very first designs: the awkward silhouettes you dreamed up as a kid, and the disproportionate people you’d drawn wearing them. The sketches flow across the wall in chronological order, reminding you how much your skills have improved over the years. At the end of the line, there’s proof in the form of a poster.
Your past self would never believe it, but your persistent inability to draw hands did not preclude you from showcasing your work at Seoul Fashion Week.
With your heels now off your feet and in your hands, you pad down the hall to your bedroom. The second you cross through the doorway, you make a beeline for your closet, flicking on the light switch next to the door before addressing that, too. Shoes returned to their meticulously organized, color-coded rack, you move on to a more daunting task: unzipping yourself from the dress you struggled immensely to zip in the first place.
It takes multiple minutes of twisting, turning, and contorting, but you finally manage to reach the zipper hiding between your shoulder blades. When you finally wiggle free of it, the dress falls into a puddle at your feet. Quickly, you bend to grab it. You promptly hang it in the “to be dry-cleaned” section of your closet, to be swiftly replaced with pajamas.
As you turn to walk back into your bedroom, a cardboard box catches your eye. It sits on the top shelf next to out-of-season outfits in vacuum-sealed bags. Visibly out of place among your artfully curated clothes, it’s a bit worse-for-wear — especially after the four-hour drive from its first home.
It takes less time to stack two hard-top suitcases on top of one another, climb on top of your haphazard pile, and pull the box down than it did to win the fight against your zipper. You waste no time in shooting a glare over your shoulder at the antagonist hanging remorselessly behind you.
Impatient as always, you drop to the floor and sit cross-legged with the box in front of you. Unlike every other box you’d moved with to Seoul, this one isn’t labeled in your chicken-scratch hangul. A little mystery, you open it cautiously as if its contents might bite.
Inside are the little trinkets you’d forgotten you’d kept: theatre ticket stubs, loose bits of confetti you’d saved from various concerts, photo booth picture strips with people you hadn’t seen or spoken much to since you left. Your heart twinges as you take in their faces. All of you had grown up and apart since you sat there, squished together and smiling.
There’s one artifact in particular that makes your heart flip. Sitting at the very bottom of the pile is the cell phone you thought you’d lost — one you apparently packed, but assumed was gone forever. As soon as you got to Seoul, you’d replaced it, but none of your data survived the switch over.
In a flash, you scramble to your feet and scurry out of your closet into your bedroom. It’s entirely unnecessary, but you vault yourself onto your bed and you don’t stop crawling until you get to the nightstand on the other side. Within seconds, you slot your new charger into your old phone. You wait with bated breath for signs of life.
It takes an eternity to finally turn back on, but once it does, your old phone screams at you for the multiple software updates you’d missed over the last year. You ignore those notifications, but there’s one you can’t.
A missed call and a voicemail received at some point during your drive north.
There’s no way to describe the feeling in your chest. Halfway between a thunderclap and an electric shock, it forces out a gasp, nonetheless.
Jeon Jungkook.
You’d gotten into a fight the month before you left, and just like that, years of friendship went up in smoke. He was angry at you for leaving him when he needed you; you’d cried because he didn’t seem to care what you wanted. It was messy and it broke your heart in two.
You never told him precisely why his lack of support stung so fucking bad.
By the time you piled your life into the trunk of your car, neither one of you had apologized for the cruel shit you’d said. His contact information was gone in a few hours’ time, and you never heard from him again.
Or so you thought.
Hey, it’s me. I — uhhh — I know you’re on your way out of town, and that I’m way too fucking late with this, but I can’t let you go like this. I can’t let you go, period. Not — not the way that sounds. I’m not trying to prohibit you from going anywhere. I mean that I — Fuck, I should’ve written out a script or something…. This isn’t going well, is it? Anyways, I miss you. I’ve been missing you this whole fucking month. And I really am happy for you — proud of you. Most of all, I’m sorry for being so fucking selfish. I just — call me when you get there, okay? Call me, and then I’ll know we’re okay. That we can be okay. I, uh… I love you. Drive safe.
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supercriminalbean · 1 year
The Red Turtle Neck
Emily Prentiss x Gender!Netural Reader.
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A/N: Okay, so unsure how I feel about how this turned out. Seeing as this wasn't even meant to be a fic the first two paragraphs were in another oneshot I'm writing but it didn't fit but I still liked so I had to use it somehow and somehow this was created so yeah. Enjoy, please leave feedback where I can improve. Thank you all 🖤
Summary: Gender netural Reader They/Them pronouns no use of (Y/n) Reader and Emily had a friends with benefits relationship before she died, but feelings got involved. How do things go when Emily comes back from the dead.
Warnings: Mention of death and faking death. Swearing, crying, alcohol, drugs. Emotions, fluff.
Words: 2.8k.
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Fuck, your neck is covered in dark bruises, how the hell are you going to hide this from your team, you got no idea. Your makeup skills are good, but not that good, and even if they are, it's not as if you have the right type of makeup here. Groaning softly as you look through your draws trying to find something that might help cover your neck up enough, that no question will arise. Aha, a scarf, it's a really old knitted scarf you must have gotten when you were what, 16 or 17, from a family member. You can’t wear this, you never wear scarfs, and this well this will just make the team know what you're trying to hide. 
“For fuck sake” You grumble, shoving the scarf back into your draw slamming it close, well try to. A piece of red fabric keeps getting stuck when you try to close it. Glaring at it with pure hatred, why does clothing only get in the way when you're already in a bad mood. Without even thinking you grab it, pulling it out all ready to throw it on the ground and forget all about it. But now that you're holding it, realisation dawns on you as to what top it is. The red turtle neck, Emily and your shared turtleneck.
You thought you got rid of this months ago, obviously not. This was originally her top, but it somehow ended up in your washing one night and after that, you both wore it just as much as each other. Derek loves to say that, that turtle neck was the first sign you two had started doing it. You love to hate that dirty mind of his. Taking a deep breath as you hold the top, feeling as it gets heavy in your hand. This top could easily hide your neck, and it is just Emily style to help you hide your hickeys from the team. Maybe it's time to put your  top back on, smiling softly as you slide it on. As soon as it's on, you suddenly don’t feel alone, feeling as if Emily is watching you from above. While of course low key judging you, as you hide your whore phase from the team. Again.
Months have now passed since you started wearing the turtleneck again. The only thing that still makes you feel close to your late 'friend'. You hold on to so much regret regarding you and Emily's weird relationship. You two of you were always more than friends who worked and slept together but, you two could never make it more, than just that. You never realised it until she died but you were completely in love with your best friend and when she died a part of you did too. You managed to put yourself back together slowly, using alcohol and random sex to fix a strange hole in your life.
When you walk into the bullpen one morning, getting barely any sleep last night after another nightmare. You're wearing some of your comfort clothes these morning, your favourite jeans and Emily's red turtleneck. The bullpen is quiet and on edge for the first few hours of the morning. Hotch had finally returned back from his assignment this morning and has been in his office with the office door closed all morning with JJ and Chief Strauss. Barely anyone on the team could concentrate on their paperwork just watching and waiting to be included in on, the intense conversation going on behind closed doors. 
“You don’t think JJ is being transferred again do you?” Reid asks again for what feels like the 100th that morning. 
“Nah, no way I think it has to be way bigger than that” Morgan stare grow the more he watches them. He’s barely moved his eyes off them for the last hour, his paperwork completely forgotten about. 
“Maybe it's about the job she was on when she was transferred, maybe something happened?” Penelope gulps, her worry clear on her face. Sitting beside Morgan, needing his comfort.
“You don’t think they are going to split us up again do you” Looking up from your desk and around at your team. Everyone knows it could happen but no one wanted it to be said out loud. The thought is worse than most may think it could be. The job itself is good, but its hard and makes you question the world more than not, and the only way you get through it is with those that keep you safe everyday. Trust doesn't come easy with this job so once a team trusts each other it is hard to let one another go. 
“No I don’t think that is what’s going to happen” Rossi speaks up. Making the team's head all snap to the senior agent sitting beside you. “They know that we work well together, they won’t split us, trust me on that one” His smile and calm voice does little to comfort the nervous of the four profilers. 
Another 20 minutes go by when Chief Strauss finally walks out of Hotchner's office, not even glancing at the group of profilers gawking at her as she walks past. 
“My team, conference room now” Hotch’s voice makes you all snap your heads up at him. Hotch and JJ standing on the ledge, staring down at you with almost unreadable faces. Which only makes your anxiety grow worse, as you watch them walk off. 
Once the whole team is in the conference room and both doors have been closed, that is when everyone can get a proper look at Hotch. He wasn't in his usual work wear, he's wearing casual clothing with facial hair, looking like he hasn’t had time to sleep in a long time. JJ stands close to him, looking weary and guilty, unable to look at anyone. 
“I received a call this morning and have been talking with Chief Strauss to see how we proceed with this information” Hotch crosses his arms, staring at everyone. His eyes soften as he takes in everyones worried looks, his eyes stopping on you.
“Hotch what is it?” You press him, coming to stand by Morgan, as the others take a seat. Your heart seems to be wanting to test the theory. If it can really beat so fast, that it will escape your chest. 
“This morning, Ian Doyle was brought into custody when he was found outside his son's school. He is now in our custody and won’t be getting out anytime soon” Hotch's face lights a little as he speaks. The room seems to fill with everyone letting out a sigh of a relife. 
“But there is something else you all need to know” Hotch takes a breath, guilt filling his face as much as he does his best to hide it. 
“Aaron what is it?” Dave asks, staring at his friend, in concern.
“Why don’t you two take a seat” Hotch looks at you and Morgan, gulping thickly as you meet his eyes shaking your head.
“Hotch, what is it?” Morgan asks sharply. Your mouth is becoming too dry to ask anything. Your body runs so close to the edge, fearing that something horrible is about to be said.  
“Seven months ago I made a decision that affected this team, as you all know Emily lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle but the doctors were able to stabilise her, and she was airlifted from boston to bethesda under a covert exfiltration, her identity was strictly need to know, and she stayed there until she was well enough to travel”  As Hotch speaks, he keeps his voice levelled his eyes glancing around the room, taking in everyone's reaction. The rooms fall silent as the news sets in. Your body feels like it's running cold, everything around you feels so far away, almost like it's a dream. Your eyes flick to JJ who's standing there watching you guilty, you open your mouth to say something but no news comes out. 
“She's alive?” Garcia is the first to break the silence. Her voice breaks as tears slide down her face. You let yourself glance at Garcia for a split second before your eyes are back on Hotch. The room feels like it's spinning as people's voices fade into the background, unable to focus on the betrayal falling from Hotch’s lips. The last Seven months of pain that you went through of losing your Emily, could have been prevented but no, It wasn’t. Your best friend is alive and two people you are meant to trust with your life with HER life, have been lying to you. Your stomach is twisting in pain, feeling as if you're about to vomit from this knife that has been stuck into you. 
The voices are still talking, but that doesn’t get your attention, what does are the footsteps. Footsteps that you never thought you would ever hear again. The voices fall silent once more, when Emily Prentiss comes to a standstill in the doorway. 
“Holy cow….” Garcia is the first to respond as Emily smiles weakly at everyone, seeming to be at a loss for words. 
“Guys… I.. Im sorry” Emily tries her best to string some words together but luckily she doesn’t have to for long. Garica is up in an instant, rushing towards her to wrap her arms around the dead woman. You're unable to move any part of your body as you stare at her in shock. Frozen to your spot as you watch her hug everyone in the team. Morgan is the last to approach her, slowly still unsure if she's even real. Emily wraps her arms around him pulling him close, closing her eyes as she does so. 
“I'm so sorry Morgan, you didn’t deserve that” She whispers softly. Pulling away as her eyes opens, landing straight on you. Taking a few steps away from Morgan, she moves towards you, keeping direct eye contact. Which seems to tear straight into your heart, as you take in her beautiful brown eyes. Something you never thought you would ever see in person again. 
“I'm so sorry” She starts to say, coming to a stop in front of you. Opening her mouth to say something else. 
“Don’t” Interrupting her, your voice is croaky. You hadn't realised you have been crying as you had been processing the news. 
“Please just.. I know I have a lot to explain to you” She reaches out, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. Which you shrug off quickly, scoffing at her in disbelief. 
“No, no, I can’t deal with this, with you” Shaking your head as your body starts to click into gear, stepping back from her quickly. “I loved you, and you died. I can't do this!” Having finally found your legs, you walk out of the room as fast as your leg could take you, before running towards the elevator. Emily tries to follow you but is stopped by Morgan.
Two bottles of wine lay empty on the ground beside you. Slowly, you get up to open another bottle. You had been hoping that the alcohol would help get rid of how you feel, or at least ease the feelings. But soon the afternoon turned to the evening, and you're still drowning in your pain. Sipping on another bottle waiting for your pizza to turn up. When the door knocks, you jump from the couch. Stumbling to the front door, opening only to be filled with anger.
“Oh fuck off, not you” Groaning softly as your eyes land on the reason for your alcohol consumption. 
“Hey, I have your pizza okay, just let me in” She sighs softly, smelling the wine on your breath. “Please” Emily adds with a small smile, seeing the hesitation. Sighing, nodding as you step back, making your way back to the couch. 
“Fine, but you get no pizza, dead people don’t eat” Huffing as you sit back down. Picking up your third bottle of wine, which is half empty, already.
“Jesus, Red, how much have you drunk tonight” Emily sighs, looking at the bottle before sitting beside you. Placing the pizza down in between you.
“Don’t you dare judge me, I have had one hell of a year!” Snapping at her as you open the pizza box, ot taking any. As your look back up at her.
“I know it's been hard, it hasn’t been easy for me either. " She starts but falls silent by the look you give her.
“Why, did the girl you fell in love with, but you couldn’t do anything about it die after her hidden past came to light, and you had to watch as your family was falling apart around you and you couldn’t do anything to help them, and all you really have left of her is this stupid turtleneck, cause wow, what a coincidence.” Laughing bitterly as you lift the bottle to your lips again. Letting the liquor burn your throat as you swallow. Glancing up to see Emily face drop, filling of guilt and heartbreak.
“No, but the person I fell in love with, I had to lie to and leave behind, and I had no idea if they even felt the same way” Emily grabs the bottle from your hand as you go to take another sip, rolling your eyes at her. She places the bottle down as she grips your hands tightly, which forces you to look her in the eyes as she continues 
“I had to live seven months never knowing if I would ever see them again, I had to leave my family behind knowing I have caused nothing but pain for them, I left the person I fell in love with, before I could even tell them how much I love them and how brave and strong they are” 
Your lips are trembling as her words sink in, tears dripping down your face as you allow yourself to read the pure love and the fear sitting in her eyes, as she watches you waiting for your response.
“It hurts Ems, It hurted so much” You whimper out. Pulling her hands up to your face, crying softly.
“Oh baby,” She whisper softly. Quickly she moves the pizza out of the way, pulling you into her arms. You snuggle into her chest, allowing yourself to fall apart in her arms, knowing you're safe with her. 
“You're safe now, my sweets, I'm not leaving you ever again, I promise you, my love” She whispers as she strokes your hair tenderly, helping you calm down. 
You two lay there for a while even after you have fully calmed down. Not wanting to move, either of you. Feeling at home in each other's present, a feeling neither of you have felt in a long time. Steadily, you pull yourself up into a sitting position, glancing at her. Her eyes follow you worriedly.
“I'm sorry Ems, we still need to talk a lot more but” Your voice comes out weakly, sighing tiredly.
“You're drunk and honestly I'm tired, we can talk tomorrow morning” She smiles lovingly at you, as she wraps an arm around your shoulder lightly. “But, I do need to ask you something. We can figure out everything else out in the morning, but I can’t go another night without asking you properly” Emily places a hand softly on your checks, turning your head to look at her. You smile gently at her, knowing what she wants to ask her.
“Oh and what may that be Prentiss?” Smirking teasingly at her, knowing how much she loves that look on your face.
“Be mine?” She smiles more. Her eyes fill with love as she leans into you when she sees you nod.
“Always, I’m not losing you again Ems” Your words are barely audible as you lean forward, capturing her lips with yours. 
You two share a deep, meaningful kiss, one that helps calm both of your nerves from the last few months. Once you pull away from her, her forehead comes to rest on yours. Smiling at you, like the mad in love woman, she is. 
“You better not leave me again, Emily, because otherwise you will be a dead woman” Laughing faintly, as you pull back from her. 
“Oh trust me, my love I’m never leaving you again.” Smiling at you, as she slowly moves back.
“Good” Smiling as you lay back in her arms, finding a comfortable spot to stay for the rest of the night. Grabbing your blanket that's hanging on the back of the couch as you both snuggle down. She finds a movie to put on as you grab the pizza, knowing you two won’t be far away from falling asleep. Knowing that this sleep is just the start of your new beginning.
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I'll never understand why people act like the first season of HSMTMTS is or should be deemed the best?
Don't get me wrong, it's totally fine to have a sense of nostalgia because you might recall season 1 being the first time you fell in love with the show or you're reminiscing about what drew you into it in the first place, but most arguments about season 1 never involve talking about any aspects of the show other than the fact that it ended with the R*ni love confession, and it makes it difficult for me to believe that there's any other reasons why you deem the season so superior to the others.
When you remove the nostalgia blinders, season 1 only gives a semblance of justice to a tiny amount of characters. Ricky and Nini get the most attention devoted to them, but whether it's because of the writing or simply the fact that she's the best actress on the show who's also capable of elevating any material that's given to her, it's Gina personally that stands out to me this season. Yet while it was airing, she was getting harassment from R*nis who were ignoring the obvious issues in their relationship to take all of their anger out on Gina. This would go on to happen for two more seasons.
Everyone other than Ricky, Nini, Gina, and maybe EJ, gets abandoned or shoehorned into things that age in a horrific way. I would argue that Kourtney's character suffers the most this season, and it was actually jarring seeing someone as vocally talented as Dara Reneé play a character that wasn't initially a singer. She wasn't even supposed to have a role on the show that lasted beyond two episodes, and yet she has one of the strongest, if not the strongest voice in the entire cast. For a show that was meant to revolve around theater kids, that alone was unrealistic and as a black woman, I can't ignore how colorism played a role in that. No one with a voice like that would have been given a supporting position if they were nonblack. Somehow the likes of M*tt C*rnett were given more solos on the show, and he is easily the worst male "vocalist" of the cast.
I won't even get into the fact that other than Gina, EJ was one of the most hated characters that season singlehandedly for getting in the way of R*ni, yet once the chances of R*ni making it to endgame status were getting increasingly lower, everyone decided that he was their favorite person and became P*rtwells. Not because they saw potential in anything (we all know one of the biggest plot points of season 1 was Rina getting closer, no matter how many people want to ignore it) but because they hated the idea of any character involved in R*ni being happy with someone who wasn't a part of their ship. Because I'm saving that for a later conversation.
The point is, like every season, season 1 had more flaws than most of the fandom wants to acknowledge, especially in the characterization of the ensemble cast, which was never the right move for a show that would not be as strong without their ensemble. Nostalgia as well as the plague of real life shipping has made people believe that this season was somehow unbeatable, when I would even argue that at the show's absolute worst in season 2 we would already see the improvements and corrections that season 1 failed to expand on. Such as giving underutilized characters like Kourtney and Carlos more depth by introducing their storylines with dealing with self doubt and acceptance.
I've always said that the episode that really made me stick with the show was episode 5 of season 1, and it isn't just because I'm an avid Rina. One of my favorite parts of the episode will always be the Born to Be Brave group number. Seeing Carlos start off dancing by himself and then Ashlyn going up to join him was one of the first moments of the show where I noticed just how strong the ensemble was and just how much heart they all brought to the show.
One love confession that didn't even manage to end up being the best love confession on the show is not what made the show what it is now. Delusional nostalgia is trying to tell you that despite other seasons allowing characters who were overdue in getting their own storylines finally have their moments to shine, nothing will ever amount to season 1 because of what you shipped. Season 1 didn't even deal with their deepest subjects. In retrospect, the entire season was essentially like a trial run. Even the first 4 episodes were written by a different show runner. The entire thing was an experiment. And while it was a good start and while I do understand why it's a season that's so loved, I just wish more people would unpack the reasons why they loved it and stopped dismissing the fact that there were seasons that did things better, even if your nostalgia is trying to tell you otherwise.
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mingiswow · 2 years
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⚠️ english is not my first language, so sorry if there's any mistake
goddess, it was hard for me to think about him
but i made my best
our prince charming
he is hot and he knows ok
so he was shooketh when you didn’t pay much attention to him
who are you to not pay attention to his beauty?
so he made his mission to make you talk to him
but truth be told you were just really intimidated by his beauty and his aura
because let’s be honest here boy looks like he came down straight from the Olympus
so whenever he saw you he was determined to talk to you
until one day you were a little bit too tipsy for your own good and let it slide the truth
which made him very happy and giddy inside lol
silly and bubbly yeosang activated
he became much looser around you after that day
trying to make you feel more and more comfortable around him 
which worked
good for him
and you too
because after a few days - yes, i said days - you started dating 
and the rest is story
like I said bubbly yeosang activated
he gets so comfortable around you that he doesn’t care about his idol image or anything
he just wants to be himself 
and that you love him for who he is 
he gets loud when he is excited about something
and talks a lot 
it’s a side of him that even the boys don’t see
because he is always worried about his true self will somehow get in the way of the image he plays 
the first time the boys saw him acting cutesy with you was a shock
but they loved 
because you managed to make him feel loved and comfortable 
I feel like for most of the time Yeo is very self-aware
like he knows he is hot and sexy and pretty
but he is always questioning his talents and his looks for some reason
and having you around him to not only support but show how all these things are real makes him better each day
he doesn’t even realize but you helped him improve his self-esteem a lot
you are his safe place
and he loves it
he has a bunch of cute pet names for you
every day he comes with a new one
but his all-time favorites are cutie, cutiepie, pumpkin and bunny
very very very soft boyfriend
he is a homeboy so expect most of your dates to be indoor
but that doesn't mean it is boring
no no no
my boy yeosang makes sure to make something different all the time
but he likes the domesticity of having you both alone enjoying each other’s company
another one that is not a big fan of pda
but can’t help but have his hand on your knee if you guys are sitting with the boys or smth 
or having your pinkies intertwined 
but this is the max of like touchiness he’ll get with you 
he is not a clingy guy 
just the right amount
his love language is definitely quality time
he just enjoys being with you
ok so the good part
his kisses 
he is so but so sweet 
he just likes to take things slow 
and enjoy the moment
a teaser
licks your lips during the kiss just making you expect him to deepen it but he never does so
or bites your lower lip to get you to moan lowly
also loves dragging his kisses down your face
kisses your ears and the sweet spot behind them 
bites your earlobe too
while whispering love promises
man i do really enjoy making myself suffer… anyways
leaves little kisses down your neck 
barely touching his lips to your skin 
just to make you whine 
it is a little bitch after all
NSFW from here on ⇉ minors dni ⇇
if there is a moment that this man knows he is hot and what he is capable of doing to you is during sex
i don’t even know how to describe his type of sex
he just makes you melt under his ministrations and do whatever he wants
is not even dominant but you instinctively obey him
his touches make you starve more and more for him
like your life depends on him
Do you remember the little kisses down your neck?
well, now they just turn into open-mouthed kisses down your neck, throat, collarbones
he just goes lower and lower
until he reaches where you need him the most
but he won’t give to you so easily
he’ll tease you
make you beg for him to do something
he goes so close yet so far 
a little bitch
but these are the days where he can take his sweet time with you
to make love to you
make you see stars
on other days however he just goes straight to the point
but not before making sure you are ready for him
bc i’ll be honest here: I feel like he is one of the biggest dicks in ateez
shy when soft but my oh my when he gets hard
he’s hung
more on the thin side but still hung
a big fan of quickies lol
also has a slight exhibitionism kink 
not like full-on showing but the thrill of possibly getting caught while he fucks you hard and deep in a random dressing room
he doesn’t have a favorite position just goes with the flow and how he’s feeling 
and obviously what makes you feel good
and him deeper
very quiet when having sex besides occasional grunts he let’s escape when he’s close
rather listen to your moans and begs and calls of his name
also sorry to disappoint you all but he is not a fan of giving you head
he rather receive it
if you ask nicely he might do but not his favorite thing
but his hands… those work magic on you
also not a big fan of aftercare
he just cleans you both and that's it
lays by your side, holds you close, and drifts to sleep soon after
probabaly dreams of you ngl
overall Yeosang loves how safe he feels with you and how loved you make him feel
make sure to give him head every time he doubts himself and he’s already on his knees proposing to you
requests are open
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avoidantrecovery · 2 years
My takeaway from reading about internal family systems
Since I finished listening to the "No Bad Parts" audiobook by Richard Schwartz, I thought I should write a little about it.
First of all my general impression. What I like about Internal Family Systems is that it is trauma-informed, mindful and generally helps you see what you think of as your flaws, as your helpers. No criticizing, no exposure to fears, no mastering or improving or practicing. Just "hey, you're feeling XYZ about this, lets take a closer look. Maybe it's trying to tell us something about what needs healing. Maybe we can help solve it. I'm not a professional, so this takeaway is from someone just looking for help herself.
IFS is based on the idea that everybody has "parts", though this is not about DID or multiple personality, although the author does say a couple things about that too. Instead it's about that feeling you sometimes have, let's say you want to workout and a part of you genuinely wants to go outside, but another part of you wants to sit on the couch and relax. It feels like two parts of you that want different things, although they are both part of you, right?
Well, IFS says that as humans we have many such parts that exist in us and these parts can be influenced (or burdened) by the trauma we experience. Those burdened parts can then go on to influence our behavior, for example when we are triggered. I was a bit discouraged by this when I first read it tbh, because it sounded to woowoo for me. But at the same time it also made a lot of sense, I often feel like there are semi-independent parts of me that sometimes take over from me even though I go on to regret it. Like when I overshare, I know I'm making a mistake but I can't stop myself. Or when I procrastinate/self-sabotage, even tough I really want to do this thing.
I have found another similar description for parts being neural pathways, habits or (in the case of mental health/trauma) coping mechanisms. Other psychologists use terms like inner critic or inner child for this, the concepts are definitely similar. But I do think the idea/concept of parts is unique and thus offers a unique path to possible healing.
IFS divides the parts into roughly three types, although subtypes and hybrids have been coined too:
exiles - these are parts that we have "cut out" from us because they represent something that elicits shame, anxiety, etc... and are likely to trigger us. In other words, trauma wounds, inner children, etc...
managers - manager parts try to keep the exiles away from us and influence the way we interact with the world. their role is protective and preemptive. they are often also described as inner critics, but don't have to be harsh. i would also say, they make us employ masks to get through life.
firefighters - these parts are essentially panic buttons. they are the parts that appear when an exile somehow manages to come to the surface. they make us use extreme and detrimental behavior in order to soothe us, and make the exiles retreat again. think any kind of addictive and self-sabotaging behavior.
You'll often see the word protector used as well, it's simply a word forth both, managers and firefighters.
The Self
The Self is a something (not a part) that exists in all of us, but can be obscured or influenced by parts. But it is essentially that crystal clear entity within us that simply exists and that is essentially always good. Everyone has one always, it does not need to be created or trained, simply tapped into. Schwartz describes it as having the 8 Cs:
At it's best the Self is able to communicate between parts, help them heal (become unburdened) and creates a warm, happy, healthy feeling within you. At it's worst, it can become blended with parts, and appear as a harsh inner critic as well. In this case, it needs to be unblended from possible managers that have bound onto it before tapping into it.
In IFS you are encouraged to map your parts, meaning figure out what parts you might have formed, and what brings them to the surface. And then communicate (preferably with the help of a therapist who guides/keeps you safe) between them in order to figure out what a manager might be protecting you from. Or what the exile might be burdened with. After that one resolves the old trauma and frees the parts to disappear or do other things.
I find this approach very interesting, as it's been the most helpful tool I've learned in the last couple of months or even years. I haven't been able to map out everything, but I feel like I'm getting somewhere in terms of really figuring out exactly where my behaviors come from and what I need to tackle in order to finally heal. I don't feel like I have to fight against myself, or attack myself or punish myself in order to make progress. There is an aspect of mindfulness with each step, even when you fail or feel like you're not doing it right. Even the negative feelings/reactions/memories I have just feel like guideposts to where I have to look. It's far more effective, because I'm less likely to give up in frustration. And as someone who has been dissociated for years essentially, it leads me closer back to the real me, if that makes sense. And in a loving way too, not just acceptance that I'm shit lol.
Like when I feel "lazy" and can't do a certain task, I know it's likely just a "part" that is trying to keep me from doing said task for some reason. So I ask myself why does this task in particular make me procrastinate? Oh it's because it has something to do with what my dad did/said about me 10 or 20 years ago. So then I root around for a possible exile. Oh it's 14 yr old me, feeling fucked up and ashamed because she didn't measure up to some arbitrary and impossible goal set up by my dad. She is in her room alone and feels deep shame about not being enough. Ah because my task is related to possibly failing (not being enough), a manager is trying to keep that shame-filled exile from coming to the surface. So I (the Self) can then negotiate with the manager about this, how I'm older now, I definitely am I enough, and even if I make a mistake/fail it's fine, etc... if the manager believes this, it relaxes, stops being so harsh. After that I can communicate with the exile (inner child) as well. Tell her that she mustn't be scared of not being enough, how I know many things now, how my dad was wrong, how it's okay to make mistakes, etc etc... And then hopefully that resolves the burdens and frees up the parts, leaving me feeling better. There are many meditations one can do in order to free them, like taking the inner child to a nicer better place, etc... some are described in the book as well.
I do wonder how effective this will be with helping me with AvPD, but so far I'm at least making baby steps. If you've read this far wow, thanks so much, I hope this helps you too!
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alexissara · 1 year
My Experience With TCGs
Card games are one of my favorite mediums for games, I've always loved cards and collected all sorts as a kid, Digimon, Neopets, Pokemon, Yugioh and more. I've also always been designing card games, generally the rules were just something for me and my siblings to enjoy our big mix of cards or custom cards I made by cutting out art from magazines and instruction manuals for games. So now I am working on designing a game that is actually playable and fun for everyone, Soul Of The Hero. I've been working on this for years and It's changed formats a few times over that. However, with it's current design I do think it has the legs to finally do everything I want it to do. To get to this point I did a ton of card game research, I've looked at dead and alive card games, games I play all the time and games I'd never play competitively to really get to the heart of what makes them fun, special, and great.
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Yu-gi-oh is a game I played competitively for years and have kept up with for most the time even after I quit playing competitively. There has been little blank spots but it's a game I am deeply familiar with. Which is why in studying yugioh, I found not a lot to learn from in a positive way, it was mostly a lot of what not to do. Yugioh has been improving as a game since they left behind anime tie ins and focused on making the competitive game it's own thing. However, the game is a bit of a mess, a fun mess but it doesn't really feel like something that I want to emulate.
Still that is an important part of the process of making something and I am sure years of playing Yu-gi-oh will somehow show in the final production of Soul Of The Hero. I love Yu-gi-oh, I just also think it's a mess and probably not worth diving into ATM.
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Cardfight!! Vangaurd
This game is one that fascinates me always. It always felt like this might be the best designed card game around. Until the D series every card was a resource in such a perfect way that truly made Vanguard stand out from every other card game. There wasn't a lot of dead cards, there was less useful cards but thanks to shield values and boost every card can do something, every card is an important resource.
This is a game haunted by terrible management which really holds back it's potential to soar but when I am working on card games, I think about how this games so tightly designed. Having cards all have multiple uses means your players are never drawing a card and utterly dreading it, they might not prefer it, it might mean their going to lose, but especially in the early game every card can be used for something.
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This game has one of the most fascinating resource systems. You have a rather wide pool of resources you can use but the more you use the more your opponent gets for free. It's a genuine travesty that this game is utterly fucked for Color Blind players. artistically this game really is top shelf which is really impressive given Digimon's previous TCG outings were some of the ugliest games ever printed. The actual flow of play is also really great, it really captures Digimon as a series while making an engaging set of gameplay. It's a perfect use of Digimon for a game.
The biggest thing the Digimon TCG inspires me about is trying to bring out a unique identity through mechanics, to have mechanics that simply scream, this is my game, the simple act of using them is recreating the essence of it.
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The Pokémon TCG is a strange and unique beast. I've played it a few times in my life and I've grow to really appreciate the game more as it's improved over time. The card games ability to draw massive amounts of cards, do big time disruptions and has totally unique mechanics. I love how it has a lot of mechanics each of which can give a bit more character to each creature. It's a card game that really makes use of every inch of space of it's design to give every card a unique essence.
Something I found enrapturing and I am taking into consideration is the Rapid Strike mechanic. It was just printed on the card art, like a little stamp and it becomes this key symbol and something that there is a lot of support built around. It's not something for so early in game design but it might be a better way of doing like Archetype titles then having every card be called "Darkest Warrior Knight" then name or whatever the fuck. I also really love how able you are to dive into your resources and think that is such a fun point of design.
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Sentinels Of The Multiverse
I love playing co-op and this game is one I've sunk upwards of 300 hours on. This is a game I just a blast to play despite it many of problems. This is the game that got me thinking about two v two card games in a serious way and not as a tacked on extra mode.
It's team based play is also something I am looking to when I am looking at making a purely co-op mode for my game because I think it clearly does a lot really well in making fun challenges for a team to fight with creative decks.
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Fire Emblem Cipher
This game really pushed me and inspired my design further. Fire Emblem Cipher's actual card design is just, gosh, breath taking in the way it communicates so much visually about characters very quickly and how those things about the character can then be brought back into the mechanics. A lot of games have lots of little flavor information about cards that sometimes get used as mechanics but this is so quickly visually communicated all while being colorblind accessible.
It's a shame this game never got a non Japanese release and that it died shortly after Three Houses release. I have not got a lot of play experience because of that but just reading translated cards and seeing the design is a major design inspiration.
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Magic The Gathering
This is the classic TCG but it is also one I think is lacking to me. The act of playing down Mana, it simply does not jell with me. The methodical play of MTG is clearly a ton of people's thing but it is not mine. What I can appreciate is the modern exploration of aesthetics and themes they've been delving into. The mish mash of settings and styles makes the game instantly a bit more captivating.
I think Magic is another game where what I'm taking from it is mostly "what not to do". Like don't sell proxy packs for tons of money but also like just design stuff I don't really jell with. That is one of the best ways to learn afterall.
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Sometimes something that looks bad can inspire you. I've not played this game but it just, really doesn't look like a game I'd enjoy, maybe I Would but until there is some kind of digital way to play I probably won't bother. I love girls and playing all girl decks but it seems maybe a bit too horny vibes with young characters to be a thing I wouldn't really wanna touch without some assurance about the game overall.
I have no idea how Piece cards work in Wixoss but what I can say is just the vibe of the piece cards inspired a whole new mechanic for me. Sometimes the vibes are strong enough.
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Weiss Schwarz
I wish this game was more exciting but it is painfully boring for the concept of "a bunch of random ass licenses fighting against each other". The games far too limited in deck building with ugly ass screen shots and promotional arts used to make the cards. It simply is terrible only worsened by the like terrible clash of some of the IPs.
However, the concept of a bunch of clashing universe has always appealed to me from like the first time I played X-men vs Street Fighter on the playstation one and this card game reaffirmed it is possible to do it and get people to want to check it out.
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The app had fallen onto my phone several times but it wasn't until I played the game on my phone that I started to really understand Shadowverse. The game could be called anime Hearthstone but even if that was at it was it would be way better then that game cuz it's so ugly, I much prefer the art style of Shadowverse.
The gameplay however has a really exciting Evolve mechanic that stands out among all the card games. The ability to buff any card even if for some it is just a stat boost as a core mechanic is just super cool. I think it shows that there is so many dynamic ways to make cards variable resources.
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Legends Of Runeterra
Who would have expected to fall in love with this game so hard. This might be the most interactive card game ever created. This game is strictly digital and it would be impossible to work into a physical game in any good way but that's great, it's using the medium it's in to it's fullest. Creating cards, adding keywords, the push and pull of the more you do the more your foe can do, it's a really really intensely fascinating card game.
I think the champion system is where I am really looking at the game for what I could pull from what I am doing. I think having conditions to unlock a stronger version of a card that a deck can centralize around is really neat. I don't know if that literally will work in what I am doing but I think I am at least looking at the heart.
If you enjoyed my little card game thoughts, you can follow me here, I'll probably talk about card games more on here and it'll keep you tunned in for when I am releasing my own card game in the far future.
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cartoonbabbles · 10 months
Ok so I know this is technically "Cartoonbabbles" BUT it's also my general fandom account soooooooo fuck it. I just finished the entirety of The Office.
What the fuck do I do with my life now? List out my thoughts on Tumblr while listening to pop songs covered by Hatsune Miku of course.
dear lord season 8 was hard to get through
Why'd they have to do Andy like that like- I appreciate a good snarky guy x secretary ship but come on, Erin and Pete are cute but they're just Jim and Pam to the point where the writers actually poked fun at that.
Andy learning to be okay with himself was actually pretty nice, and you don't need to have a partner to be happy. And I really liked that.
Oscar being the gay uncle to Phillip was fun, I love how he's a fashion icon
Daryll was such a real one throughout the entire series, and I wish him the absolute best
The Farm was. Odd. I don't think I could have stomached it so I'm lowkey glad it didn't happen. It was fun but like- Dwight might be strong enough to shoulder an entire series but I did NOT care for any of his family. Like part of the appeal of The Office for me was that they're a family that found each other, not a family who was placed into a situation they have to make the best of (I understand the irony here but still)
Jim and Pam falling in love again was really sweet
Holly x Michael forever
I loved when Michael kinda just accidentally became Erin's dad.
And Dwight got to be regional manager
Honestly though I think if they needed Andy to not be regional manager, it would have been as simple as giving him his "aha" moment that he was being stretched too thin when he realized he had a passion for acting and resigned voluntarily, letting Dwight step up without interrupting something that obviously had momentum with Erin (also the two of them emotionally maturing together would have been amazing, because again as much as I love Pete and Erin, Erin choosing and wanting Andy was a lot more organic imo than just. Andy leaves on a boat. Like if you need him gone just say he gets really badly sick bc Erin's brother gives him a nasty cough. Or have Erin leave with him for the Bahamas or something and have her be the one calling in as Andy is captaining.)
But I digress
Michael Michael Michael. Where to begin
I keep saying this but I feel like the reason why the show got so rough after his departure was because everyone associates Michael with being bombastic, inappropriate, and spontaneous, but never with anything positive. And the writers saw his bad sides and just amplified them in the initial versions of Nellie, Robert, and DeAngelo.
Vickers was funny bc he's Will Ferrel and I like Will Ferrel, but he started overstaying his welcome bc the writers couldn't commit to him being any one thing, then the writers unceremoniously kill him off
Jo was fine bc she had both the hardass and vulnerable sides.
Robert California, boy what I could say about him. The writing got tangibly worse whenever he was onscreen bc like- it wasn't even that his actor wasn't familiar with comedy, it's that sex jokes get OLD SO FUCKING QUICKLY. AND ROBERT IS ONE GIANT SEX JOKE. It doesn't help that his behavior stems from his selfishness and he fails to recognize it whereas with Michael at least he tries to own up to things. Robert is just Elon Musk the person.
I'm glad Jan was able to get away and improve herself, she seemed to really love her kid. And then that final interaction kinda bucked that away
Uhhh let's see. Nellie. Initially SUPER annoying bc there is no way in hell anyone like that makes it through business. Like there were initially ZERO redeeming qualities to her. Until Andy decided to be an A-hole to her.
Honestly Andy was just mini-Michael but handled less well bc people were afraid he wouldn't be as cool as him, but that's because he's ANDY. Not MICHAEL. And he could have learned from Michael. But I guess not.
Somehow I really liked the overall queer vibes. The show's writing is old (see any time they talk about trans people) but the writers in general seemed to know trans people aren't demons.
Oh my goodness I am so glad Pam and Roy split. Roy was NOT healthy to be around back when they were together and Jim was TOTALLY good for her.
I'm gonna really miss being able to watch the show from the beginning again.
Something I am very critical of however (or like, just aware of) is how much of the humor is built on sexual harassment and assault like- beyond looney tunes or other cartoons the amount of workplace harassment, while on average likely accurate to any workplace, is genuinely disturbing at times.
Damn. Gotta find something positive
I loved Val, wished they were able to do more with her, her thing with Daryll was really cute
Oh my god Erin is pretty
Basically. Women. God it's 3 and I'm simping over office workers
I don't know why they tried to pitch Andy as this unattractive guy. He's DORKY, not REPULISVE. And I may have accidentally developed a celebrity crush on him
Honestly I kinda feel bad for him, like he's being stretched so thin but he doesn't know any response other than to go 100% in the other direction
Also he was pretty bad to Erin
God positives, come on Sasha.
Openings were always nice.
Jim and Karen were genuinely a good healthy couple for their run
I just wish the show hadn't pitted Pam and Karen against each other cuz like- Karen was in the right most of the time, if not all of the time???
I had no idea Idris Elba was on the show. He indeed is quite hot.
Gabe. Nobody likes Gabe. Tobey is appealing in the wet cat pathetic kinda way, Gabe is just kinda. Creepy. Like jesus dude.
This is a positive because I hate Gabe.
gosh I love it.
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moirtre · 11 months
do you plan to release a relationship post or information for the girls? like who hates who, who loves who, all that? that seems like a fun way to introduce their relationship dynamics.
*    02.    ANTHOLOGY: the relationship dynamics of letalis.
so i'm sure it's not much of a surprise for me to say that these girls aren't the closest of friends. that's not to say that there isn't a level of mutual respect between certain members or that some have it rougher within the group. this post goes into detail about the different dynamics you'll get to know.
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ʬ.ʬ.⠀true friends:⠀⠀٬⠀⠀EMMY &. NARYUN
singlehandedly fighting off the "letalis hates each other" allegations
always spotted out and about together
walking their dogs
hanging out with their mutual friend group
anything can be an emmy x naryun activity if you try hard enough
usually the ones behind the group's choreography
(good way to know if is juniper looks good or not)
literally besties
have always been the closest of everyone
and will always be the closest
ʬ.ʬ.⠀toxic friends:⠀⠀٬⠀⠀NAIRA &. HERI
are they really friends?
who knows who cares
naira sees heri as her sad little sister
and heri is obsessed with naira's approval
they'll go weeks where they cannot leave each other's side
then months where they don't speak
and heri is desperately trying to catch naira's attention
usually it takes naira hurting herself in some capacity
could be mentally, physically, emotionally
before naira "remembers" she exists
and the cycle repeats
the worst part might be that naira knows about heri's constant need for validation
and somehow introduces people (industry friends, romantic interest, etc.) into heri's life to make her dependency of naira that much worse
notably naira makes it a point to convince heri she needs to be around these people if she wants naira's approval
and heri can never say no
ʬ.ʬ.⠀just friends:⠀⠀٬⠀⠀JUNIPER &. NARYUN
kind of only acknowledge each other in professional settings
the occasional outside-of-work hangout
sometimes it's drinks with a big group of people
other times it's a management encouraged ig tag
but it's never one-on-one
awkward at times
but naryun is the one who gets juniper to lighten up
she works with her on choreography
since juniper has always struggled with dance
naryun just has a lot of patience when it comes to juniper
more than the others do
and juniper's lil attitude doesn't scare naryun off
bc she easily has a worse attitude
ʬ.ʬ.⠀just toxic:⠀⠀٬⠀⠀JUNIPER &. EMMY
emmy questions juniper's position within the group daily
literally does not believe juniper deserves any of what she has
has called her every name possible
juniper mutually has 0 respect for emmy
the only person emmy genuinely does not like
possibly in the whole company
they were once sent on a pr date to improve juniper's image
somehow made the problem worse
dirty looks
don't ever acknowledge each other
always positioned on opposite sides with at least two girls between them
have never done any promotions with just the two of them
kind of funny how much they can't stand each other
no trust or support for each other
ʬ.ʬ.⠀just there:⠀⠀٬⠀⠀NAIRA &. SIENNA
kind just there
if you asked them when they last spoke
literally never think about each other
they have 0 problems with each other
they just don't have any strong feelings about the other
they'll do promotional interviews together
and the fans eat down with the "saira being cute for x minutes straight" compilation videos
but they literally don't have each other's numbers
will send the expected "happy birthday xo" every year
(through dms but i digress)
don't know each other's addresses
have never met each other's s/o's
but it works for them
they keep their distance
and can play cute when needed
ʬ.ʬ.⠀all love:⠀⠀٬⠀⠀MELANIE &. SIENNA
the cousins
grew up together
they've seen each other at their best and worst
which makes the way that melanie goes about things
hurt that much more for sienna
as much as they love each other
they just don't talk as much as they used to growing up
melanie knows she's responsible for the distance between them
but she can't bring herself to fully apologize
bc that means changing the things that hurt sienna
sienna's been vocal about the fact that she misses the mel she grew up with
mostly bc when she was younger, she couldn't imagine a world where melanie wasn't her best friend
but she's grown and learned
and is finally allowing herself to have a life outside of melanie
ʬ.ʬ.⠀all hate:⠀⠀٬⠀⠀MELANIE &. HERI
in the nicest way possible
they want nothing to do with each other
hate each other so much
melanie removed three songs that were produced by heri
from all streaming platforms after they had their big falling out
to make a long story short
there's a lot of crushing and borderline obsession
to be fair
melanie set a boundary
and heri completely disregarded it
things got really bad when an argument they were having
ended up leaving naryun injured in a car crash
melanie wants nothing to do with heri
and heri's kind of waiting for her contract to be over
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eeclare · 1 year
Haikyuu Fic Master List pt. 3
Part 1 is here part 2 is here
Part 1 is JUST IwaOi and Pt. 2 consists of MastuHana and EnnoTana so if you’re looking for those pairing, click the first two links!
I apologize that my lists are so long, but when you’ve been in the game for as long as I have, it’s bound to happen lol the sad part is that I have way more fics for way more fandoms haha but maybe that’s for another time
Kuroo Tetsurou x Kozume Kenma
Penne For Your Thoughts
Word count: 8,408
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kenma is the kitchen manager of Crow’s Restaurant, and unfortunately, he’s in love with none other than the head chef, and best friend, Kuroo Tetsurou. He’s managed to survive nearly two decades of being in love with him. So why does everything have to fall apart now?
This one is quite funny, minimally angsty, and best of all, really cute
the snow keeps falling
Word count: 17,323
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: kenma and kuroo have been in a relationship for seven comfortable years, until a freak accident leads to kuroo forgetting kenma. and only kenma. the two of them are forced to navigate a new life - one of them still painfully in love, and the other blissfully unaware.
This one hurtssss my heart but it’s so amazingly well written and while incredibly angsty, it has a happy ending and I love it
You Don’t Have to Kiss Me <3
Word count: 3,690
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kuroo has managed to miss the fact that he’s dating Kenma. He is very confused about why Kenma wants to practice kissing all of a sudden. Kenma simply wants to kiss his boyfriend.
Kuroo is the biggest idiot I love this pairing
All Along There Was Some Invisible String Tying You To Me
Word count: 7,555
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kenma slaps himself on the head, almost in hopes that it’ll reset his brain somehow, but the annoying song doesn’t leave his head. So how does he know it? How is it stuck in his head? Oh. /Oh./ This must be Kenma’s first hearing, and apparently his soulmate is the most obnoxious asshole on the planet. Kenma groans, hitting his head against his desk. He’s totally screwed, isn’t he? / In which Kozume Kenma can hear the music his soulmate is listening to, and is determined to find him so he can yell at him to improve his music taste
This one isn’t my favourite but it’s worth the recommendation. Soulmate AU where Kenma is just totally over it
us three <3<3<3
Word count: 5,137
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: the actual summary is pretty long but I’ll throw in this lil blurb: Kuroo’s gaze flits over to the utensil. His eyes bulge out of his skull. “Wh—is that a meat hammer? Put it back!” Akaashi’s head recoils back in confusion. “I don’t understand the problem here.”
This might just be one of the funniest fics on the planet and it captures the fanon characters really really well! Please just read it!
throwing oranges
Word count: 1,808
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "Please, Kozume-kun?" the third girl says, now that Kenma has seemingly checked into the conversation. "What does Kuroo-senpai like?" ...what. "Volleyball," Kenma says shortly, ignoring their annoyed little sighs, and returns his expression to the screen. He's died. Figures. After that he starts paying attention. More attention to the social aspects, at least. Kenma always pays a fair percentage of his attention to Kuroo. He sort of demands it. And. Kuroo does get a lot of female attention.
This one is really cute and I love it!
Of Apple Blossoms and Yarrow
Word count: 4,150
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: It's usually weekly or bi-weekly that Kuroo brings over flowers of some sort, a kind of habit he's kept up over all the years they've been friends. Sometimes Kenma wishes he had asked the first time it ever happened, because he can't help but wonder now. Why don't you just keep them in your room if you like them? Does this mean anything to you?
I quite like this one, it’s fun and sweet!
i say it in everything that i do - every touch and blink and swallow
Word count: 3,763
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: 5 times Kenma confesses to Kuroo (and one time he does it for real)
5+ 1 fics are so so good :)
Liked, Commented and Subscribed
Word count: 45,729
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 17/17
Summary: Everyone is a youtuber and tumblr ships KuroKen. A lot.
Am I a sucker for YouTube AUs? Yes I am. This is one of the first KuroKen fics that I bookmarked after getting my ao3 account. This isn’t my most favourite pairing in the whole world but I truly do appreciate the work that goes into their fics!
of broken but beautiful souls
Word count: 3,595
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Like others too, Kenma wished that his soul is beautiful.
This one’s kind of heartbreaking but it has a happy ending and it’s quite sweet
tastes like peppermint
Word count: 5,389
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed 1/1
Summary: they’ve been friends for so long kuroo already knows kenma’s sleeping pattern and isn’t the least concerned when he shows up for cuddles in the middle of the night.
This one is super duper adorable!
One Day
Word count: 4,503
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kozume Kenma thought it would be fun to one day have one of his live streams break the 700k viewer barrier. Kuroo Tetsurou thought it would be fun if one day his and Kenma’s relationship was made public. Kodzuken’s viewers thought it would be fun to one day learn a bit more about the elusive youtuber’s personal life. That one day is today, though none of them found it particularly funny at the time.
This one is actually really good. It’s definitely interesting, and the plot is unexpected but it’s really good! (Hostage AU)
Fall Damage
Word count: 3,762
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kuroo barges into Kenma's streams, his fans go apeshit, Kenma suffers the consequences.
This one is a funny fake dating/break up AU and it’s my jam
someone special, who could it be?
Word count: 1,614
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “He’s lanky, but he’s a good blocker. Loud and obnoxious, but still encouraging. His eyes look like they were robbed from a poor cat. Oh, and he has a terrible case of bed head too.”“Oh my god, it’s Lev. You have a crush on Lev."
This one is so funny! Kuroo is such a moron
petals: blue, red, yellow
Word count: 12,088
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 2/2
Summary: The feeling in his throat was back and Kenma quickly shoved his game in his bag, standing up to leave the room before he coughed too loudly and woke the whole team up. Kuroo looked at him worriedly. “Kenma, are you---” “I’m fine,” he answered, his voice nearly inaudible. He didn’t wait for a response as he rushed out of the door in the direction of the bathroom, trying his best to contain the rising feeling in his throat.
This one’s angsty and sad (with a happy ending) I really love hanahaki AUs tho :)
Nothing Short of a Miracle
Word count: 1,353
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kuroo decides that it's about time to propose to the love of his life.
This one is short and sweet
curiosity kills
Word count: 41,426
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 5/5
Summary: Kenma rescues a cat. Later on, the cat saves him in return.
I really do love this fic. It’s a total classic and absolutely worth the read
over the weekend we could turn the world to gold
Word count: 1,372
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: The thing is, Tetsurou is well aware that he could ask for the futon. It isn’t offered to him anymore, because he hasn’t used it in years, but he could still ask. But then Kenma would be suspicious, and his parents might ask if they were fighting, and Tetsurou doesn’t even really want the futon, because he always sleeps best with Kenma tucked against his side, head resting on Tetsurou’s arm, so maybe he’ll just settle for being painfully obvious and hoping he doesn’t get questioned about it until they get home.
There’s only one bed. That’s it. That’s the fic
It’s Big
Word count: 710
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “You have big feet Kuroo.” The locker room went quiet. Kuroo fell on his head.
This one made me giggle
Proximity Makes the Heart Grow Fonder <3
Word count: 3,590
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kenma rolls his eyes. “Yeah, but still. It’s a hassle. Besides, it’s not a big deal, right? We’ve shared beds before.” Kuroo bites back a remark about how that was at a time when he didn’t even know what a crush felt like, and sighs. He clenches his fists briefly, trying to remedy how cold and sweaty his palms are getting.
There’s only one bed pt 2 but this time it’s porn
top 10 worst pet names <3
Word count: 8,967
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 2/2
Summary: What if your team was too stupid to tell the difference between a wasp sting and a hickey and your best friend thought that was the perfect prank opportunity?
Super duper big classic and super duper big funny
The Case of Kuroo Tetsurou: Uni Student and House Wife Extraordinaire
Word count: 1,322
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: With Kenma raking in the big bucks, Kuroo is left to balance university and keeping their apartment clean.
I quite like this one! It’s funny and cute
Good to You
Word count: 2,186
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "You’re childhood friends with Kozume-kun from Class 3, right? Do… do you know if Kozume-kun is dating anyone?”
At the words, Kuroo’s brain malfunctions. Kozume-kun, he thinks with wide eyes, and then, dating anyone? Kenma? Dating anyone? Is it possible? His brain knows the two phrases separately, but he’s never thought of them in connection before. Kenma. Dating someone. Suddenly the anchor he’s been clinging to cracks just the slightest bit. / When a girl from Kenma's class approaches Kuroo for advice on how to ask out Kenma, Kuroo comes to the realization that his feelings for Kenma might be more complicated than he'd originally thought.
I love jealousy turns to feelings of realization tropes
Wouldn’t it be Funny?
Word count: 1,445
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Bokuto and Kuroo plot a prank on their friends. Kuroo is not prepared for Kenma's reaction.
This one isn’t my favourite, but I like it well enough
good luck charm
Word count: 8,979
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: The shop is freezing, the instruments are breaking, the lights won't stop flickering, and dammit, Kuroo has some terrible luck.
This is part of possibly my favourite Haikyuu series ever but this is the only KuroKen fic that’s part of the series so
I Must be Dreaming
Word count: 11,210
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kenma Kozume, university student and soulmate skeptic, is not fond of all of pop rock band Neko's frontman, Tetsurou Kuroo, believing him to be a party boy and a corporate sellout. However, his world turns upside down when Tetsurou's soulmark gets leaked to the media - and it's a mark that's all too familiar.
This one is really good and I really like it :)
Five Times One
Word count: 4,828
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Five times Kuroo defends Kenma from other people. One time Kenma defends Kuroo back.
This one is sweet and I’m a sucker for protective bfs
Operation: Observe Kenma
Word count: 3,700
Rating: N/A
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “So you’re telling me” Hinata started off slowly. “You spend basically all of your free time together, you feed one another, take care of each other when one is sick or drunk and he lets you steal his clothes with no objections. Yet you guys aren’t dating” Hinata wasn’t buying it. Kenma flushed under the realisation. WAS he dating Kuroo?
This one is so cute and a great little study of their relationship but not that deep
Superposition <3<3<3
Word count: 102,801
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 12/12
Summary: "Well, I bet I’ll be seeing more of you in the future then, huh? But hopefully soon it’ll be me watching you on stage," Tetsurou tells him. Something flickers across Kenma’s face - something like bright, childlike hope. “D’you actually think so?" “Call me crazy,” Tetsurou says, grinning a stupid grin that shows all his teeth, “but I’d be willing to bet on it." // Tetsurou Kuroo, the lead singer of alternative band Neko, meets Kenma Kozume, aspiring musician, at one of his shows, a meeting that sets into motion a series of events that change their lives - and the alternative music scene - forever. Or, the early 2000s pop punk band AU.
This is quite literally my favourite KuroKen fic in existence. Superposition is my fav song and knowing the lyrics while reading the fic hits so different. Nothing that sad happens (though it is angsty and slow burn) but this fic had me in actually tears and suffering an existential crisis. Seriously. The portrayal of the characters, the beauty of the writing. It just makes me cry so damn hard. I could not think of a better recommendation for you if I tried. I will never ever get over how much this fic has affected me as a person.
If You Want It
Word count: 3,495
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kenma’s eyebrows narrow - it sounds almost like the interviewer is implying that they’re together, together. As in more than just best friends. The funny feeling in his chest doesn’t leave. But he tells himself she has no idea what she’s talking about. They’re just close best friends, after all. Close bandmates. That’s all.
Another band AU. It’s not nearly as angsty as superposition so this is a good one to read afterwards :’)
Word count: 2,809
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Everyone knows Kenma does video game playthroughs and live streams himself gaming; his ex-teammates teased him for weeks when they found out, until they saw how many followers he had. Then he was kind of like a celebrity. The name username ApplePi is becoming well known in the gaming community. And in another part of the web, Candied_Apple is becoming just as well known.
This one is short and smutty. Not my fav writing in the world but I’m still a relative fan
open doors
Word count: 1,578
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kuroo Tetsurou grew up in a home with open doors.
This one’s really sweet!
the idiot with the painted face
Word count: 6,173
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “What are you—get that phone out of my face!” “But it’s for this app! It says it can tell what mood you’re in with just a single picture.”
The title is a Mitski song but the fic is not sad
Schrödinger’s boyfriend
Word count: 3,692
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "I have plans for next week." A week before Valentine's day Kenma finds out Kuroo has plans. Plans he was keeping secret from his best friend. Why does he suddenly feel so betrayed and rejected? Will this rollercoaster of emotions and sudden realizations awaken something in him? But most importantly, will he do something about his feelings in time for Valentine's Day?
It’s a cliché but it’s good
you are the music in me
Word count: 5,421
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kuroo Tetsurou was suffering from a long streak of writer's block. The melodies seemed to come back to him after he first listened to an arrangement made by music producer Kozume Kenma. And he knew immediately they had to meet.
Word count: 1,644
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: After coming back from summer training, Kuro starts acting strange.
I am a sucker for jealous bfs
The Kenma Counter <3
Word count: 734
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kuroo had the strange habit of mentioning Kenma any chance he got. The boys started counting. The boys started discussing the wildest topics hoping Kuroo wouldn't find a way to bring Kenma up. The boys give up.
Short and sweet and funny
Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life <3
Word count: 3,168
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kuroo Tetsurou runs a private Twitter account where he's constantly tweeting about how desperately in love he is with Kozume Kenma. Little does he know that Kenma sees all the tweets and keeps referencing the account in an attempt to get Kuroo to confess to him. / Or, five times Kuroo didn't notice Kenma hinting about his private Twitter account, and one time he finally did.
This one is cute and funny and a fan favourite!
can’t stop thinking ‘bout it
Word count: 3,247
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: 5 times Kuroo and Kenma kissed by accident + 1 time it was no accident
This one is really fun to read!
Running Home
Word count: 1,331
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kenma tried to catch his breath while he stumbled into Kuroo's arms. He knew he was making a scene with other third years mingling in the hallway watching him, but for once he didn't care. Couldn't care.
Mid A/B/O fic. I’m not hating on the author though, btw, I’m just letting you guys know how I felt about it :)
Japan’s Most Subscribed <3
Word count: 3,613
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kuroo Tetsurou @blacktetsurou changed his bio : volleyball player, co-owner of Bouncing Ball Corp. and so much more ;)
This one is really sweet I love it + it’s a classic one!
Spark a Flame in Me
Word count: 3,623
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kozume Kenma's never had a crush before. He's never come across anyone he's drawn to in that way. That is until he officially meets his next-door neighbor, a friendly firefighter named Kuroo Tetsurou.
This one is quite popular and good
Word count: 16,789
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 2/2
Summary: Against better judgement Kuroo follows Oikawa's suggestion of getting a summer job and they end up working in a large multistory electronic goods store in bustling Ikebukuro. Oikawa is, not surprisingly, placed in the women's beauty section, while Kuroo has been relegated to the video game department. So, he spends the rest of his summer trying to convince himself that things will get better. (Spoiler: It does.)
This one is a great classic! Def worth the read!
No, I Need It
Word count: 1,849
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kenma has severe pregnancy cravings, and Tetsurou's wallet suffers.
This one is an mpreg A/B/O but I swear it’s funny and kinda cute ToT
beyond castle walls
Word count: 16,724
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kenma doesn't realise that the guy he's brought home for the night is Kuroo Tetsurou, the crown prince of the kingdom, until there are photos posted online the next morning. The royal family has to save face by announcing a marriage, and Kenma's life is never going to be the same.
This one’s alright. Not my fav but if you want a royalty AU here you go
Principles of Chemistry <3
Word count: 32,419
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 4/4
Summary: In which Kenma ends up being sorted into the wrong group and has to endure his new, exhausting lab partner for the next month.
This one is classic funny and sweet! Relative slow burn and little to no angst
pretty girls make me nervous <3
Word count: 6,906
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kuroo does everything he can to get Kenma a significant other. Meanwhile, everyone bets how long it'll take before Kuroo realizes that Kenma's sorta already dating him.
This one is probably the ULTIMATE classic KuroKen fanfiction. If you haven’t read this yet, you legally have to to become a part of the Haikyuu fandom
pushing boundaries
Word count: 4,432
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kuroo glanced up, still bent as he pressed a final kiss to Kenma’s hipbone. “Is this okay?” Kenma didn’t think he could summon the words if he’d tried. 'Please,' he figured he wanted to say. 'You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this.' Instead, he nodded, a bit breathless.
Cute and sweet vanilla sex with our two favourite cats
two cats
Word count: 19,886
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 5/5
Summary: (12:01) From: Kenma :3 and why won’t you tell me what the secret is?(12:02) To: Kenma :3 there r some things even i won’t say over txt
This one should technically be read before pushing boundaries but at the end of the day I don’t think it actually really matters
There’s No Tutorial for This <3
Word count: 21,500
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “I think maybe Kuroo-senpai likes him, and that’s why it was hard for him to tell us.” “On the fucking nose, Lev.” Kuroo likes Kenma, but he can't figure that out for himself. Kenma likes Kuroo, except he's never had a crush on anyone before and has no idea how to cope. Hopefully they can both figure it out by the time their summer vacation ends. "...I swear to god I’m going to die Bokuto, he’s so cute and I’m so fucked.”
This one is an OLD classic. Like 2015 old. Can’t believe I read this around the time it was published.
Home, At Last
Word count: 5,549
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: While gathering supplies in his abandoned neighborhood, Kozume Kenma comes across a half-dead vampire with a familiar face. A face he hasn't seen in over a year.
Kuroo as a vampire??? Yes please
You and Me, Together Forever
Word count: 20,147
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Years after college, Kenma and Kuro face the ups and downs of their new relationship, growing closer and stronger than ever before.
Just pure porn
We Belong Together <3
Word count: 4,712
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Six years after the emperor sent him to the border for falling in love with the crown prince, Kuroo Tetsurou receives an invitation to return to the palace.
Oh my god?? This is the best royalty AU and I love it
Water and Brimstone <3 <3
Word count: 41,549
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 7/7
Summary: Kuroo and Kenma are assigned to go undercover as a result of Bokuto’s awkward attempt at playing matchmaker... but their simple case turns out to be a lot more dangerous than they expected.
I fucking love detective AUs this is literally so good holy shit
Best Friends
Word count: 6,307
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: During the two weeks he spends manning his uncle's ice cream booth on the coast, Kenma decides that maybe he likes his best friend back, after allegedly
Another oldie but a goodie! This one is a classic from 2014, and it’s on almost every single KuroKen fic rec list ever
How Kuroo Found Kenma
Word count: 37,641
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 5/5
Summary: "Oh my God," Kuroo said, eyes growing wide. He slowly turned to fully face Oikawa, "I'm in love with Kenma." Oikawa brought his tea to his mouth. "Yeah," he said, smiling through the steam rising in front of his face, "I know."
This is yet ANOTHER classic. And I think I’ve changed my mind as to what the ultimate KuroKen fic is, because it’s actually this one. You have not lived if you haven’t read this. Slow burn, kinda angsty, beautifully written (the author is the same as conquering the great king, so you know it’s good)
Azumane Asahi x Nishinoya Yuu
Salamanders Know <3 <3
Word count: 12,652
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: It's Asahi who notices first so it's his responsibility to alert Nishinoya to the situation: they are soulmates. Now if only Asahi's tattoo would stop running away every time he tries to approach him, that would be great. With Daichi and Suga's help maybe he can find a way to get around his own shyness?
This one might be one of my favourites for this pairing tbh. Super adorable soulmate AU and a study of Asahi’s character
Sharing a Space (In My Heart) <3
Word count: 7,282
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Soulmate AU where you can feel your soulmate's emotions, and Nishinoya is worried that his soulmate is in serious danger.
A classic! Great AsaNoya fic and truly a sweet one
Oral Fixation <3
Word count: 3,554
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “So.” Noya shot him a mischievous look, full cat-ate-the-canary in its devilish charm. “I’m not imagining things. You have been staring at my mouth.” “Wha- I- Um… ” Asahi blushed red, tripping over his words. He hadn’t realized Noya had noticed, probably should have known he wasn’t being subtle in his attention. “M-Maybe?”
Hot dog this is a good one. Mostly porn no plot but damn
Cherry on top but not for long
Word count: 2,654
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "I want to get into your pants, Asahi-san!" Noya says it so stoutly, so resolutely, that all Asahi can do for a moment is stare at her. Noya's cheeks are puffed out with the strength of her conviction, bleached bangs poofing out of her ponytail. Asahi buries her face in her hands. "Shame should be taught in schools," she mumbles, and Noya squawks.
AsaNoya genderbend fic to soothe the soul
Sleepless in Saitama <3
Word count: 12,559
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Noya is a restless sleeper, frequently flailing in his sleep and rolling over his teammates at away camps. The problem seems to be solved when he wakes up one morning snugly wrapped up in Asahi's arms, until a whole new set of problems begin...
I love this one! It’s really cute and sweet with a side of smut
Word count: 6,013
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: The collective hive mind head canon of Noya being the "atypical" omega and Suga being the "model" omega taken to a logical conclusion.
Light angst, really nice. I personally love it. It is A/B/O so if ur not into that, skip it
come and take a walk on the wild side
Word count: 4,605
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: There’s a bloodcurdling scream of terror, and then Noya remembers that, right, there’s a new person moving into the apartment next to him. Oops. (in which Noya is accidentally the Worst Neighbor Ever, Asahi loses twenty years of his life to stress, and Rolling Thunder is the star of the show.)
Great fic! Really funny, Noya owns exotic animals. Asahi is his new neighbour and is less than impressed
I’d Like You Anyway <3
Word count: 7,167
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Yū believes in soulmates, but that doesn’t mean he believes in them.
Completely classic AsaNoya fic!
close to your heart <3
Word count: 1,902
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: It is often thought that the second button is close to your heart. Therefore, the act of giving someone the second button of your uniform conveys the message that you think of that person as the most precious person to you.
So well written and I love this one! This is a popular AsaNoya fic :D
Top of the World
Word count: 119,248
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 33/33
Summary: Noya is a sports photographer who can't stand watching volleyball. So far, he's managed to avoid attending volleyball games at the local college, but one day the only other member of his department is out sick, so he has to take on the job. He does so reluctantly, and drags himself to the game without the intention of paying any sort of attention at all - he'll just snap a few pictures, get a quote from the team captain, and then get out and never come back. Once he's at the game, though, he lays eyes on a perfectly good reason to stick around in the form of Asahi Azumane, the team's star player. He's immediately fascinated by Asahi; he wants to meet the guy, get to know him a little, and then... well, to be completely honest, Noya kind of just wants to bang him. A lot. But of course, stuff like this rarely goes Noya's way, and this time is no exception.
Very very popular! So well written, truly a classic, slow burn and really cute! Can you imagine a world where Noya hates volleyball?
Wild Horses
Word count: 5,425
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: While at the beach with her friends, Nishinoya runs into the biggest, hottest lifeguard she's ever seen.
Another gender bend!
Daydreamer <3
Word count: 762
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Nishinoya decides to get nipple piercings. Just one more thing for Asahi to obsess over how amazing her girlfriend is.
And another one!
the most important meal of the day
Word count: 6,427
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: When Nishinoya returns from a two week trip overseas with her volleyball team, she and Asahi have a lot to catch up on.
…Another one..?
And yet here you are <3
Word count: 38,302
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 12/12
Summary: His classmate rolled her eyes. “Of course Nishinoya-kun asked you to come over tonight.” Asahi blinked. “Well… he found a training video of the Japanese Olympic team, and he wants to—” The girl stood with an exasperated sigh. “He knows when the athletic department’s mixer is. It’s only been plastered on every message board across campus for two weeks.” “Maybe… maybe he just doesn’t want to go?” Asahi tried. He had the definite impression he was supposed to know why she was annoyed. Unfortunately — and not uncommonly — he was just confused. “You mean he just doesn’t want you to go,” she muttered.
Read this. I’m begging you. Please. Noya is a little shit
No Harm, No Foul <3
Word count: 9,832
Rating: N/A
Status: Completed; 1/1
Summary: "The thing about Asahi, if Noya were pressed, is that he's huge."
Dude. Angry Asahi is so fucking hot. I’m with Noya on this one. Definitely one of my favourite fics :D
Word count: 2,928
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Nishinoya and Asahi used to be the perfect couple. Then life got in the way. On the verge of breaking up, Nishinoya finds out he's pregnant. Of all the things for life to throw at him.
Not my fav but I like it well enough :)
Alright, all done with part 3. If any of you guys read these let me know how you feel about them!
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foxydivaxx · 7 months
Sanji:Chronicles of King Nasty Chapter 3
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I remember my audition for Popstars vividly. That day was a warm Thursday. Auditions were meant to begin by 11. I got there by 8 o’clock. Ichiji dropped me off and the rest of the family waited outside for me.
I remembered being intimidated as there was a long ass queue. About 2000 kids auditioned for the show. I had butterflies in my tummy, constantly told myself that I did not stand a chance. Considering my previous lacklustre debut, it should not come as a surprise.
So I went off to register like every other kid that was there. I had also dyed my hair back to blonde the night before. I just wore a pair of black pants, a black vest with a hooded jacket and of course, my signature round glasses. Got that part from mother. I do not know why I decided to tone down my craziness that day. I guess it was the nerves. That or possibly because of past trauma.
Either way, I was nervous and got in line and anxiously waited my turn. I did not register my name as Sanji Vinsmoke or Sanji Bernard which had been my legal name since my parents’ divorce. No. I simply wrote Sanji Griffins, Griffins being a reference to Zeff’s rockstar days. Yup. The old man used to be an ace rocker. Still is. Griffins was his stage name.
Whilst I was waiting in line, I saw a tall brunette guy in front of me wearing a simply blue jumper and a pair of jeans. That guy was my future bandmate Eren Jaeger. Eren was like 2 spots ahead of him.
I did not think too much about it until the auditions began. They split everyone into groups and we were give dance choreography to learn quickly and we all had to do it on the spot. Imagine having a dance Toun time within like an hour or 30 minutes and you then had to re-produce that exact dance move on the spot.
Eren and I were placed in the same group. I took the time to quietly observe him and man he was amazing. Those of you that dare to talk down on Eren, let me use this opportunity to give him his flowers.
That boy is a natural talent and has always been. Watching him dance the way he did that day inspired me to be the best that I could be. I was already taking dance classes since I was 3 so dancing came natural to me.
Now at first I was nervous but as time went on, I got the hang of things and managed to relax and get in the zone. As time went on, various contestants got eliminated and we were brought down to 500.
Our next task was the individual auditions. That bit was nerve wracking and not something I would want anyone to experience.
I remember listening to the four boys that would eventually become my bandmates and being so impressed by their amazing voices.
When it was my turn, I took in a deep breath. Never had I been this nervous in my life. Yet, I somehow managed to open my mouth and began to sing Purple Rain by Prince. Everyone’s jaws dropped once I began to sing. I was soon told that I had made the cut. I remember screaming with joy at this and hugging my family.
Eren came over to me and congratulated me thus beginning our friendship that still endures till this day.
The contestants were then cut down to the 20 finalists that everyone would become familiar with.
The show’s concept was to create a super group out of all of us. Now none of us knew the amount of members that would make it into the group which alone gave all of us enough motivation to want to succeed.
We were trained every single week, day in day out for several hours non-stop. We were taught about singing, dancing, you name it. Every skill that was necessary to be a successful popstar was learned. Basically some sort of training bootcamp, similar to what k-pop idols do.
Eren and I were always paired up with each other as the producers noticed how well we clicked right from the get go. Eren helped me improve on my dancing and I helped him with singing.
Another guy we bonded with who auditioned the same day we did was Natsu.Natsu was hilarious and always made us laugh. He joined our little crew and was a great dancer as well.
The final member of our little team then was Light. Light was very shy and soft spoken but he came alive the moment he sang. The four of us were regarded as the Four Musketeers by everyone at the time.
As time went on, word soon gets out about my parents. That naturally got me some attention. The downside? I was looked down upon as a nepo baby who is untalented and only got in because of my looks, a typical notion that continues to follow me all the days of my life.
There are some things that you cannot control and other people’s opinions of you is one of such things. Unfortunately, the criticism will worsen overtime as we progress with this book.
As the show progressed, I got quite a massive fanbase. I guess all that press did the trick. My performance skills began to manifest here much to the delight of everyone. My Sexy-Dol image showed up in here as I began to do some of erotic hip thrusts and crotch grabs during this time. My song choices were erotic as well.
That caused a lot of controversy because I was still a minor then.Regardless everyone agreed that I was the best contestant overall. Now special note here kids: Do not let all that early praise get to your head. Why? You will understand why later in this chapter. Also a little controversy here and there does not hurt. So go for it. More on that part later.
Lelouch joined the show halfway, obviously as a ploy by the producers to shake things up. The poor guy was so lost and I do not blame him because why shoehorn a kid like that? He had so much catching up to do that it shocked the rest of us when he did not get eliminated earlier on.
Now don’t get me wrong. Lelouch is talented but at the same time, they put the guy through so much stress. Like the dude got bullied by some of the others backstage. Got so bad that Eren and I came to his defence on more than one occasion.
Eventually the day came for the news we were all anticipating, the final lineup. There were ten of us left. The others that got eliminated either created groups of their own or went solo.
Since I was the top contestant with the highest grades, everyone expected me to be in the final group. Unfortunately, that is not often how life works. You guessed right. I got cut. And not just me. Light, Eren and Natsu hit the chopping block as well.
I remember how devastated we all felt that day. All four of us went to my crib, dazed and confused. It was at that moment that mother suggested that the four of us create a band of our own and go head to head with the winning team.
At first, I was hesitant about that because where do we start? We had no manager and I doubted that any label would have wanted to sign us then.
Thankfully, Ichiji had his own recording studio at home which made recording a lot easier for us. Mother began using her connections and got in contact with Kisuke Urahara, an old friend of hers who became our manager.
Problem solved right? Wrong. We had other obstacles. Now note this was before the social media era. So we needed to promote our music to get ourselves signed. Plus, we had no name and needed a clear identity to differentiate ourselves from the winning team who were announced as B-Boys shortly afterwards.
I have to thank Reiju and Niji here because Reiju was the one that suggested we named ourselves Aogiri after a book of the same name. Ironically, said book has a band of the same name.
We took the advice. Niji then brought up the controversy surrounding my dance moves and figured that we should exploit that to our advantage. But that was only just part of the battle.
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