#subtle flag :D
mitamicah · 7 months
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13/13 Käärijä stickers 🤗🤍💙❤️
GROUP HUG!! Coming to nobody's surprise this is my favourite sticker x'D it was also the most complex one to draw especially given I'd made a whoopsie and deleted most of my sketch so I had to redraw it for the lines x'D
⬅️Previous entry ➡️ concept sketches
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notafunkiller · 5 months
Bucky Barnes is the best super soldier
How it was subtly emphasized in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier:
He always holds back
With the Flag Smashers and even with John Walker. We could see the difference in the last 3 episodes. Sebastian Stan did an incredible job making it clear in a subtle way.
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I want to mention that famous "Stay there" scene, and how it was visible Bucky was not punching as hard as he can in the fight with John.)
This is the thing about Bucky, he isn't after the kill, he just does his part. He doesn't try to show off his skills or that he is a good guy. He doesn't try to play the victim role, either. In the scene where Zemo fake-activates the Winter Soldier in Madripoor, he just makes a point. He's obviously not even trying hard.
If he wanted those in the club dead, they would be. But his self control was wow. Sebastian acted so well, his exes said everything.
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*And to be honest, even when he was TWS, he could have killed everyone, but he didn't. He could have killed all of the Avengers in Civil War is they were his mission, but they weren't. This is how Natasha survived when she met him, too. It depended on what kind of mission he had (if he wasn't allowed to be seen, then the witnesses would die too, but otherwise? He didn't bother).
2. His skills
People tend to forget how smart and good at making strategies Bucky is. He's been fighting (even though he hates fighting and never wanted to be in the army) for years before he was even captured by Hydra. And this is the reason why government still want him, after all. They can use his strategies as a leader (*cough* Thunderbolts *cough*).
In the last episodes of TFATWS, we could see how he outsmarted everyone. Karli was so terrified of him.
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3. Karli Morgenthau
And talking about Karli, the phone call was interesting:
She asked him if he's not tired of fighting for the wrong side, and then told him she's fighting for something bigger than herself.
"And with all the bodies you've collected, have you ever been able to say the same?"
The first thing I wanna point out is how everyone talks about the deaths Bucky caused when he was controlled by Hydra, but everyone ignores the fact that all the Avengers killed far more, but since we consider them the good side, we just don't care.
Clint, Tony, Steve, Wanda etc. They all cause(d) far more deaths than "two dozen" (known assassinations - to quote Natasha), and neither was controlled. The double standards are something else, especially for Clint. (One of the reasons why Tony was on the other side in CW was because of his guilt, after all.)
The second point is how Bucky's answer says a lot more than we might realize at first:
"You don't think I ever fought for something bigger than myself? That's all I ever tried to do, and I failed twice."
Even as TWS, Bucky had to be convinced he is on the right side, that what they do is to save the world, to give "the world the freedom it deserves".
Even brainwashed and put to sleep all the time, he had to be lied to. Bucky as TWS was a victim too. He is not a victim only because he didn't have memories or control, but also because they lied to him and used him as a toy. That milk scene is so loud. (And I am gonna talk about it in a different post). He had no rights, no choices. He was used to being tortured.
[And I wish they explored it more. We deserved and deserve a WS film - maybe with him in Romania getting back his memories, writing in his journal etc.]
"You think your cause justifies all this death, but in the end, the nightmares won't go away. You're gonna remember all the ones you killed. Trust me. Don't do this. Don't go down this path."
Despite being on opposite sides, Bucky still said this to Karli, trying to help her, to make her see the big picture, sharing how he felt and feels.
He is on "the right side". He is a hero, and Bucky being thanked by that man for saving everyone's life was touching.
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4. Baron Zemo
You can see how smart, strong, and rational Bucky is when he decides to break Zemo out of jail (his plan was amazing too), risking so much (his relationship with Wakanda people and his own freedom) to get his help for the mess. He puts the cause above his own (huge) trauma. And this makes that moment in Madripoor even more disgusting (he is treated as an object, as a toy):
Zemo: Tell us what you know about the super-soldier serum. And I give you him, along with the code words to control him, of course. He will do anything you want.
The way he keeps his composure, reacts and manages the situation... absolutely incredible!
This conversation also says a lot:
Zemo: The desire to become a superhuman cannot be separated from supremacist ideals. Anyone with that serum is inherently on that path.
Bucky: Maybe you're wrong, Zemo. The serum never corrupted Steve.
Zemo: Touché. But there has never been another Steve Rogers, has there?
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Bucky positions himself below Steve, who's considered a good hero, a good person... like no other. But Steve never had to go through what Bucky did: from being kidnapped like that, to being tested on, to falling off the train, to being tortured, and used, and brainwashed for decades, and put to sleep when he was not needed and having n "keepers".
Also, interesting how all Steve wanted was to fight (for a good cause, but still)... and fighting still means violence, meanwhile Bucky never wanted to fight, not even before becoming TWS, in the army (and yet he is still great at fighting. And he is deadly, even when he holds back.). All he wanted was peace.
Despite not getting the "perfect serum", despite being brainwashed, put to sleep, and forced to fight for decades, he is still himself. He never gave in to the dark side for real. He fought in his own way. The first thing he did when he woke up was to choke the Hydra guy with a whole new arm!
Bucky is so underrated: from his intelligence and fighting skills, to how human he is. Being flawed, keeping his sassiness and charm from the 40s, but getting more mature and carrying his past on his shoulders... he's so relatable and real. And every day, he shows Zemo he is wrong.
The show he makes in his final scene with Zemo is absolutely fantastic. He doesn't just prove the point he isn't defined by the serum and Hydra (AND not even by Steve, thanks to Sam. His speech made him realize the important thing about himself: that he decides who he is, not others - even those who know him before becoming TWS- "And this might be a surprise, but it doesn't matter what Steve thought. You gotta stop looking to other people to tell you who you are." parallel to "Steve believed in you. He trusted you. He gave you that shield for a reason. That shield, that is… that is everything he stood for. That is his legacy. He gave you that shield, and you threw it away like it was nothing. [...] So maybe he was wrong about you. And if he was wrong about you, then he was wrong about me."), but also that he is superior.
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When Zemo tells him that he decided to let him alive (probably so he can kill Karli) and basically calls him a killing machine: "programmed to kill", Bucky plays the role, lets Zemo talk him into killing Karli, and then Bucky watches him waiting for his own death.
[Also, Bucky's line: Imagine my relief is hilarious.]
The acting was incredible: the shock on Zemo's face and the amusement and somehow relief on Bucky's after he pulls the trigger and lets the bullets fall... He proved him he's THE standard of the super soldier. Because despite everything he went through, he is the best.
Zemo telling him to cross his name off felt like a fresh start (+ telling Nakajima the truth).
5. John Walker
John, on the other hand, is lucky Bucky is an understanding person. He gets what is like... the pressure, the environment, the loss, and even tries to help.
Bucky: Don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well.
John: I'm not like you!
Of course he is not like Bucky, because Bucky has control. He is not killing to get revenge in a cynical way.
"That serum doesn't exactly have a great track record."
John kept judging Bucky every time they spoke, somehow placing himself above this "broken" man.
"This is all really easy for you, isn't it? All that serum runnin' through your veins. Barnes, your partner needs backup in there. Do you really want his blood on your hands?"
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This is so wrong on every single level, especially because Bucky didn't choose to take the serum, and he always had his friends' back. He's loyal and ready to sacrifice himself.
The "funny" part about this is John ending up taking the last super soldier serum vial. All the judgement, the disgust, the patronizing tone, just to do that. Plus, of course, to kill someone with the shield.
(John proves Zemo's point about super soldiers, and Bucky does the opposite.)
And what is it easy for Bucky anyway?
He's under government conditions (so CACW coded), he has a vibranium arm that I bet the government would try to take after he dies (HOPEFULLY WHEN HE'S 200 YEARS OLD IN HIS BED, as Sebastian wants too) if he isn't in Wakanda, he is haunted by nightmares (which also can mean he is still Hydra's TWS in another universe as we found out from Strange), and he has to learn how to live for real. He's smart, charismatic, has values and principles, and he's incredible.
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We need to see his version of TWS going after everyone Hydra helped. TWS is him, a part of him, and doing that on his terms, having control over it would help him heal.
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astrologylunadream · 7 months
When will I find love?💗⏳🌙 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream🤗 This time I bring you a lovely reading for a very lovely person!♡👆 hope you find your message🌸
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If something doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the love you long for, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🌸💞
Pile 1⏰
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Pile 2☎️
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Pile 3☕
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Pile 4🌹
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 💕🍰⏳
Pile 1⏰
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Sign energy: Close, 9th house, Resist, Pisces, Ring, 9th house, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, 4th house, 🕊📚💤💆‍♂️
🌙Your energy: You are more reversed so to speak, you have been dreaming of the perfect relationship. I'm hearing enchanted "I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss" yes that's you😂💗 You are a hopeless romantic and you may be fascinated in many cultures and religions. You could be very smart even if you don't think so, you are a natural problem solver. You don't like conflict or bad vibes either! You may be more proper or well mannered. You are just so delicate and sweet-💗💗💗 You may fantasize about an outstanding love story with many plot twists and adventures, you're really hoping and searching for a message (omg here it is! :D) and you're waiting for devine timing to set in place. You may feel like you will be single forever but that's not the case💕 You could be very fun and artistic, you love fashion and might really be into vintage styles. You want a partner to be familiar and comfortable with, someone who is witty and romantic. All you want is to be held😩💗 You're such a pretty soul I swear. You may be into pinterest or spend a lot of time online, you could look at aesthetic photos and just spend a lot of time on your phone lol. You love learning and you really want to search for love, you are willing to go on a crazy adventure just to find it... your dream romance!☁️💌 You love dreaming and fantasizing a lot too, you want someone to hug and touch.
⏳When will you find love: Us, Face, Truth, Age, Right, Uranus, Libra, Venus, 8th house, Saturn, 🦊🚨🗯💧 Alright this is interesting.⭐ Some of you are most likely younger but not all, I'm seeing teens to early twenties, but that might not necessarily be the case I just see someone who is very youthful and you might not have many experiences with love yet!💓 I feel like my lovely pile 1 you're in the dreaming phase where you really want a partner and wonder what it's like to be in a commited relationship so for you, you're going to find love when you're ready to commit. So much will have changed by the time you find your person, like you might not even be the same person I think your ideas and views on love may be very different when this happens. You will most likely be very mature even, and I can see for some of you this could be a time where you have overcome your daydreaming phase you know, your fantasies about romance. You might have changed the way you give and receive love. Now this could be good or bad but I'm seeing good for most of you because you could've had a habit of overlooking red flags or toxic behavior due to your kindness or seeing things through rose colored lenses, you might have lacked realistic views on love so I feel like when you actually find love this won't be a problem for you anymore, you would have overcome this.✊💗 This will definitely be a more mature time in your life where you have learned a lot and you have so much control over yourself and what you choose to put your energy into~🌙 I'm getting with the 8th house energy along with Saturn energy, you may find love in a most subtle most unusual way. You won't be very aware that you have found love until your future someone is open about it, this could take time as your person might need to make their decision and honestly commit to you.💌🔗
💖Your future lover's energy: Kitty, Night, Mindfulness, Doll, At last, Sagittarius, Sun, Neptune, Cancer, Libra, 🦚♓♉🦢 Omg you guys your person is so sweet🥺💗 They have a big heart and they are very honest with you. This is such a fun and adorable person I swear like they're such a keeper.😫They could be a sagittarius or pisces, any of the signs cancer, libra, taurus.😇 They make you smile so much and they may love cats or resemble such creatures~ They have an unreal or almost doll-like appearance. This is a very loyal person their energy is so trusting and kind, they treat you so well and take care of you, they are so delicate with you from the way they speak to the way they touch you💗💗 They could be artistic or a dreamer too and when you two are finally together they will just feel so complete like "finally I found the one!"🙏😍 They're also a hopeless romantic type for sure even if they don't seem that way on the surface omg they crave romance. They really want to impress you and they always remember the little things!! Like they're so quick to remember that expensive item you like and buy it for you as a romantic gift♡ Did I mention they love giving you gifts? Like they're so stable too so the time you find love with this person you are in a mature state of mind so are they like you guys will be on the same page. They will have a well paying job and very reliable, and omg they're the type to come over just so you two can cuddle.🥰😭 They make things so romantic without getting boring, You guys will have such a warm feeling when you two are together.💐 They are your perfect partner, you just fit together!💗
If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the clock emoji~⏰ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 2☎️
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Sign energy: Match, Sugar, Soul, Connection, First, Taurus, Sagittarius, Gemini, 3rd house, 8th house, 🤭🛩🙄😘
🌙Your energy: Oh you're so cool okay so some of you may be a taurus rising/taurus in the 1st house or maybe you desire these traits in a partner. You want someone you can really connect with on the deepest levels, you want a loyal companion and fun conversations!🪂 You could be very social and you like adventure, many people look up to you because you're so inspiring⭐ You could be a foodie or love sweets too haha most of you might have taurus in your chart~ You have a great sense of humor and you like being sarcastic sometimes, your laugh is so addicting😳🌈 People describe you as fun and chill. You like memes and funny videos. You might be really into other cultures and you may enjoy listening to music from different countries. You have a diverse interest in everything and you just have this super sweet nature about you. You might kiss your besties a lot and you love having fun with people.😆 You really want someone who complements you well, like someone who has the qualities you want. You could have sagittarius/gemini placements aswell, also scorpio for some of you. I wanna be friends with pile 2😂💫
⏳When will you find love: Lover, Siren, Surface, Violence, Above, 10th house, 4th house, 7th house, Venus, 👻🙆‍♀️🛩🧸 My wonderful pile 2 you're gonna find love when you have overcome so much omg, this is going to be a time where you feel so empowered and strong.✊💫 Some of you may have finally broken off from a hurtful relationship, someone who hasn't been out for your best interest. Pile 2 you guys may still be healing from that but just know that during this time where you find love, you will have recovered from past experiences that were causing you pain. Anything that's affecting you currently, you will have made it out of all that and you're feeling so free because things and people just don't affect you like they used to during this period when you find love pile 2 this is a wonderful sign of healing.⭐ You will be very successful at the time and so much progress will be made, you will be above toxic behavior above bad cycles that weren't serving you. That's why during this time you will be open arms to receiving healthy love and relationships, so chances are this will be a very important time for my pile 2's. You will be focusing on self care and in turn this will attract so much good energy and people toward you, your self is most important after all.💗
💖Your future lover's energy: Myth, Song, South node, Street, Winter, Eros, Earth, 5th house, Vertex, Jupiter, 🌧🥊🙅‍♀️🤔 Alright lovely pile 2 your person is going to make you forget about your worries, this us someone who will sweep you off your feet and they just have so much to offer you😍 Sagittarius and Leo placements can be found, lots of fire and earth energy. Could be more masculine energy for some of you. Your future someone is so attractive and they may be like a certain type of person you thought didn't exist like "No that's not possible people just aren't like that in real life" that's what you thought at first but when you meet this person you will be so surprised that like there are people like this omg they exist😭💖 They go above and beyond for you like, they're almost over the top with their love for you lol💐🌹🎁🛍🤗 I'm talking thoughtful gifts, romantic gestures, surprises and hella smooth like they know just what to say to makes you blush.😘 Your future lover could be born in winter (january, february, march) or that season could he significant for this connection. They are really good at impressing you like almost too good it always so crazy how good they are to you. They could be creative or into music, they are the type to make you a playlist that reminds them of you <3 I'm not kidding like be prepared for a whirlwind romance omg😂❤ They could wear street style clothing or be into cool fashion, they like to experiment with their look. You guys will have so much fun together and this is someone you will not be able to forget~💫
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the telephone emoji~☎️ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading⭐
Pile 3☕
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Sign energy: Lost in translation, Kiss, Chains, First impression, Water, Vertex, Fire, 8th house, Moon, 5th house, 🍭😍🟦💘
🌙Your energy: You have a very mysterious aura to you my pile 3's. Let's see I feel like you have a lot of emotions, you are more sensitive so to speak. I'm getting a soft vibe from you guys like you're very sweet and kind but also I feel like you're secretly really hot lol😂 Some of you could be Leo's, Scorpio's or Cancer's any of those <3 You might get lost in your own head and thoughts sometimes and it gets really hard to think straight. You have an intense desire for love and it means a lot to you, you don't want to be hurt.🤚 I'm sensing that for some you have been in a long term situationship or a one sided crush on someone, there's definitely someone on pile 3's mind already.🤭💗 Ahh okay you guys are really hoping you've already found love/the person you're looking for. You fantasize about a deeply romantic and intense partner. Some of you like the color blue, navy and could have heavy water energy. You like sweets and desserts, some of you could be foodies <3 When you're in love you're all in💞 lovestruck type for sure~ Valentines day is your jam. You guys are idealists and you have so many goals you want to achieve, you are interested in so many wonderful things too. You may really gravitate towards creative hobbies or supernatural things like spirits and the occult.🕯
⏳When will you find love: Blind, December, Unseen, Network, Ladder, Aries, Aquarius, 8th house, 10th house, 2nd house, 🥰💆‍♂️🧛‍♀️🎯 Omg so you guys are gonna find love when things get REAL lol you're going to be so successful during this time and this could be really soon omg like almost 3 months from now even.🙉💗 Ahh I'm so excited okay so you might find love when you start something, something BIG. I mean like a business or new job, for many of you I see social media fame and getting lots of money from that. (youtube channel, blog, online business, ect.💼💸) You are gonna be in your boss b*tch phase when you finally find love you guys.👏 I can see success in practically anything for my lovely pile 3 so be ready!! There might be something you've been working on like a project or hobby just something you have been building for some time now and this is gonna pay off so much during this time⭐ I see so much recognition for you guys and that's why you're gonna find love so easily omg this could happen very quickly too🚀 For some of you your future someone might be a secret admirer of you, someone you don't know yet when you achieve this success. Just know you will be on the right track you know exactly where you're going and how to get there so this person is going to be so ready to come into your life because they see you working so hard and they just really wanna be there for you like this is your moment to shine~☀️ Just know everyone will be watching you lol the tea is real☕ It's also likely that you will have many admirers when you find love.
💖Your future lover's energy: Reach out, Locked, Art, Collarbone, Actor, Sagittarius, Leo, Uranus, 12th house, 1st house, ♒🥴🌧🔦 Ooh your person is will be so into you😍 They have this really magnetic look about them that just pulls you in, they're outgoing but so creative and dreamy💘 They have this sparkle in their eyes and everyone really loves them. They are definitely gonna come to you first, that's why you won't realize when you find love right away until they step forward and get things moving between you two~😘 Your future love will have beautiful hair and a great smile that's so warm and god you just start fantasizing about it every time you think of them when this happens lol you will be so hooked on this person, like you can't even control it they're just so addictive to you. Also you are definitely coming together with this person when you are involved with online activities like it could be your job or maybe you're online famous you might even have a channel. The flashlight is giving me spotlight energy so like you will be in the spotlight maybe this person is also internet famous or works online, that could be how you two met. Your future love will be in the arts, think painter, actor/actress, heavy artist energy for them. They are probably known online for their artistic abilities, just know you have this person's heart like they're not going anywhere lol😂💫 They want you to pay attention to them and praise them because they will see you as this amazing person and they really want your validation aww. Could be an aquarius rising, this person is very unique and has such a special vibe about them.
If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the tea emoji~☕ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💗💕
Pile 4🌹
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Sign energy: Soulmates, Children, Ankles, Tears, 4th house, Lilith, Jupiter, 10th house, Juno, Venus, 🍂🎆😒💙
🌙Your energy: I'm getting such an attractive vibe from this pile, like can I just say how pretty you are??😂😍 You have this gracefulness about you so delicate like a flower, you might have had people try to pick your petals though. It's like when a person picks a flower just because of it's beauty but they rip it from the ground😥 You wish others would ask you how you feel sometimes because you just want comfort and care.💓 You may have grown up with a bad experience with men or authority in your life. Your family life could have been hard for you, and it could have set your ideas of love and partnerships. You may be close to your mother or one of your parents is distant, you really just want love and affection but you were never used to receiving it.😭💗 You have a feminine energy (even if male) something about you is so aesthetically pleasing. You're emotional and you could be doing some shadow work right now, you are a spiritual person and you don't like when people take advantage of your kindness. Some of you may be born in the fall and could have sagittarius placements as well as pisces, cancer, libra and taurus(so beautiful)💓 Jupiter or Venus could be your dominant planet. My lovely pile 4 you have such delicate hearts so take care of them🩹
⏳When will you find love: Explosion, Money, Force, Soft spot, Inner thoughts, 5th house, Fire, South node, North node, Uranus, 🍷🎲💄🤐 Oml you guys things are going to be so fun when you find love!!! I'm getting like a sudden transformation for some of you during this time but nothing really says that it's just what I'm feeling for you guys. So you might be doing very creative hobbies during this time and omg you could be making things (lol I mean making money🤑). Now I feel like money isn't the reason for doing this hobby but it's just an after effect for sure like you'll be shocked at how sudden the money comes rolling in for you haha😂 For some of you finding love could be a result of looking inward within yourself, this could be self love🥺💗 You might have had trouble loving yourselves all this time but when you find love this will all change, you will feel so pretty and inspiring for yourself🙏😭 You may be caught up in a love affair with someone during this time and this could force you to think about your future, past and finances as well as your deepest self reflection. However this love manifests for you, there won't be a choice about it lol this love will force you to keep going and don't look back. You will be more of a risk taker then ever before and this could be with money. Oohhh for some of you I'm getting heavy casino vibes, you guys might find love casino or you might start gambling a little more in the future when you find love.🎲🍷❤
💖Your future love's energy: 1st house, Show, Special, Chains, My everything, Mercury, 5th house, 4th house, 2nd house, Water, 🐍🎀😁😴 My lovely pile 4 this is getting so good lemme just tell you.😍 Your person is a natural born star omg they're so special! You can't take your eyes off them so be prepared to not blink lol 👁👄👁 This is you when you see them it's just like wow who is they??? Haha you will he head over heels for them literally I also am getting either you or them may wear heels, this could be for fashion purposes and did I mention you guys this person will be such a fashionista oml. They will wear those glasses and chain necklaces all the good stuff🕶📿👞 They are so flirty but like you won't be able to tell if it's just their personality or if it's with you, but it will become SO obvious it's you omg pile 4🤭❤ Your future love is so attractive like they're really good looking if you're curious about that...💅 They have a very special appearance and they dress up real nice😳 They're gonna be all over you pile 4 get ready for physical affection they will always wanna have their hand on your shoulder haha because they think you're so pretty.🔥 Also this person has a really attractive voice, they could easily be a singer or voice actor with their range. Lol they might be the kind that wants you to "own" them and they'll do anything you ask. And they aren't cheap either like, they've got money and they wanna spoil you so bad💸 They wanna hug you tight and make you forget about everything and just have fun together. They're so comforting and healing for you because they're going to give you the romantic experience you thought would be painful.😭🩹🎀 They're literally gonna tell you "don't worry baby everything's okay"💋 The type to give you roses because they want you to think they're special and raise your standards for a romantic partner.🌹 My lovely pile 4 how does it feel being so loved😍🤩🥰
If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the rose emoji~🌹 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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stockaesthetic · 2 years
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Candy road
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i23kazu · 5 months
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characters. xiao diluc kaeya childe wriothesley alhaitham x gn!reader genre. romantic fluff. an. sometimes, settling into loving each other just needs to happen. title is from HSMTMTS " love you forever "! | please reblog!! im getting back into writing and reblogs with tags and comments will make me want to write more :D
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his love is... strange. it's sweet in his own way. when he starts loving you, you actually don't realise it. they're never big gestures that start waving heart flags in your face with a plane that spells a contrail – i love (y/n)! no, his love is subtle and his love is sweet. watch as his hands start to inch closer towards yours, until his whole hand is on top of yours. look up once more, glance at him sweetly, and look at how he's he's blushing turned away from you.
his love... oh, it's just filled with goodness. his world is so much more colourful, so much more filled with light – your light. kiss him gently on the forehead as he drifts off to sleep, and watch his face loosen, whatever tension from the day just melting away from a second of your touch. there's a familiar spark in his eyes, one that his brother recognises.
his love... may be hard to understand, at first. after all, this is a man who had been loved so hard and so fiercely – until that one fateful day, where it was snatched from his grip. it is hard for him to trust and love with the same vigour that he used to. please be patient with him, because when the ice cracks, and his warmth shines below, it will all be worth it.
his love is sweet, but soon turns.. sour? some days, when you're alone and wishing for his presence, it feels like someone had ripped off the rose-coloured glasses from you. the bed is a little colder and there's always a mug unwashed on the rack, and every thing seems to remind you of his lack of presence. don't worry too much, darling, because your chest will feel warm and whole again once you hear the doorknob click open.
his love is unfamiliar – unlike anyone's you've ever seen. it's shiny and hard but also pillowy and soft and it's a mishmash of sounds, tastes, textures, colours, patterns – it's confusing. wriothesley is confusing. but that doesn't mean that he wants it to be that way, though – loving someone everyday isn't a feeling, but rather a choice. it's a choice that you both make. when you fit like pieces of a puzzle together, that's when the moment of clarity comes through – that he loves you.
his love is hard. it's metallic and unpleasant at first, a hard clash of what you think love is, versus what he thinks love is. no, he's not unromantic – he just prefers to show his love to you in a more practical way, and sometimes that practical way doesn't get translated properly to your head-in-the-clouds self. getting annoyed when you pay for things starts to look like him wanting you to sit down and let him treat you – so, start looking at things from his perspective, and you'll soon see that there's more than meets the eye for this scholar.
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taglist: @tiredsleep @loptido @raincxtter @chichikoi @ladyadii @soulsanta @sheiiths @genshinparty @eowinthetraveler @moonbyunniee @legitnoi @lemontum @manager-of-the-pudding-bank @starz222 @ilyuu @cherry-colored-petals @mondaymelon @tartaglia-apologist @soleillunne @m1shapanda @aimynx @smokipoki @adeptuscharm @diorlumx @vennnnn-diagram @ryuryuryuyurboat @yuminako @st0pthatsgay @aqualesha @sixtynintharchon @supernova25 @kunikuda-simp @starglitterz @rin-nyrasti-writes @mxyarylla @starchivves (send ask/comment to be added to taglist)
reblogs w/ tags & comments help me lots !!! if you liked this, consider dropping me a follow as well :-)
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llamagoddessofficial · 5 months
Hey got more aggre guy questions with you hehehe :D
How would you know if any of them had a crush on you?
Hehe... a classic cute question.
Sans: The absolute most difficult to tell. He just acts like a close pal. Honestly, if you're not Papyrus, it's near impossible to know how Sans is genuinely feeling. This guy is a master at disguise. The signs are ridiculously covert- how many words he uses in his texts, which eye he most frequently winks at you with, the kinds of jokes he uses, which side of you he sits on. He gets slightly jealous of people you like, and expresses that with veeeery subtle coldness toward them. To Papyrus Sans is outrageously flirting, and to you he just said 'heh, i'm gonna steal that joke'.
The most reliable sign that he likes you, is he would rather be with you than without you. He messages you when he's bored, when he's got a day off he asks if you want to come over and hang out together. He's casually affectionate with you; with everyone else he's very physically guarded, not really allowing any prolonged contact, but he'll sit close enough for your knees to touch and lean on your shoulder. When he's sleepy, he'll just put his head in your lap.
If at any point you're actually starting to suspect that Sans has a crush on you (ie you catch him lightly blushing or looking at your hand like he wants to hold it) that means he's already fully in love with you. If it's obvious enough for you to tell, he's planning to spend the rest of his life with you.
Red: Red is also pretty difficult to tell. Not as hard as Sans, though. He's highly flirtatious in general, but even more so with people he's physically interested in. Sometimes, it can be hard to know if he's just a super flirty guy in general, or if he genuinely really likes you.
When he's in love he switches between totally forgetting to flirt (he's thinking about more than just sleeping together) and acting more like himself, then panicking that you won't like his real self and becoming EXTRA flirtatious and swaggery. He instinctively wants you to see the real him, and like him... but he's also terrified of you not liking the real him, so he clams up and tries to play the part of the big sexy badboy that everyone else seems to like so much more. The longer he likes you the more he eases. If at any point you find out he needs glasses, or that he quit smoking out of fear that it'd impact your lungs, that's a sure sign he's fallen for you.
Another reliable tell is jealousy. Red doesn't get jealous a lot, because usually he doesn't really care all that deeply about his flings. If he shows jealousy about who you're with, it's a big flag that his feelings run a lot deeper than he wants to admit.
Skull: Skull isn't difficult at all. It will be loud & clear that he likes you. Nonstop staring, intense blushing at the slightest interaction, he drops/breaks things a lot because he's distracted just looking at you. His brain -> mouth filter vanishes, he'll be completely silent except to blurt out things like "you're so pretty" and "i like your smell". Before he drums up the courage to start talking to you properly he might even come across as a bit creepy and overwhelming, given his size and strength, the intensity of his feelings, and his love language being staring.
Papyrus usually comes very in handy. He makes Skull seem less intimidating by providing the cute real reasons for Skull's bizarre behaviour around you. He can be a great translation service for his brother- when Skull mumbles something totally unintelligible to you because you make his brain stop working, Papyrus can step in. He's also great at getting that perfect balance between encouraging his brother, and stopping him from crossing any lines; he'll help Skull approach you at a house party without teleporting somewhere completely random out of nervousness, but he'll also dispense helpful advice such as "PERHAPS YOU SHOULD INTRODUCE YOURSELF BEFORE YOU TELL HER YOU WANT TO HAVE KIDS WITH HER."
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imasoftieforbarb · 5 months
HOW ARE U TODAY! What are you up to?! Anyways ….this silly has a requesttt….
Floyd x GNs/o that’s got facial or body dysmorphia?! Maybe reader is a bit bigger (like chubby!) and hates going out in public or it discourages them :D
-nurse anon🏩
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Floyd with a partner that has body dysmorphia
He’s so supportive of you
He’ll hype you up but also respect your boundaries
If you don’t wanna go out, he’ll come to you!
Likes to take you on dates that aren’t in the public eye cause he knows how much it stresses you out
Will give you little nudges about leaving the house but will understand if you really don’t want to
If you end up deciding to leave the house, he’s so happy- makes sure you know that he loves you
“if you need to leave at anytime, just let me know and we’ll go home and snuggle! I’m so proud of you for coming out today”
He! Will! Kiss! Away! Your! Insecurities!!!
Be warned
Helps you come up with a subtle signal for going home that you can use without eyes being drawn to you
If you have comfort items, like specific clothes that help lessen the dysmorphia he will be investing so you always have a spare one
I cannot emphasise enough how much of a green flag this troll is
He’ll look for ways to help you cope more healthier
Hell if you want to go to therapy and you’re too anxious to go on your own?
He’s goin with you
God bless this man
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khaire-traveler · 20 days
🦋 Subtle Psyche Worship🕯️
Try meditation; practice mindfulness
Drink calming herbal teas
Start a garden; tend to plants, especially your own herbs or flowers
Have a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Support environmental preservation or mental health organizations
Honor your ancestors; learn about your family history
Have imagery of butterflies, wings, candles (especially in the dark), or the soul around
Have stuffed animal butterflies, sheep, or any animal you associate with the soul
Eat a comfort meal; drink a comfort drink
Take a self-care bath or shower, especially with soothing herbs
Practice self-love and self-care
Practice patience and understanding, especially towards yourself
Set healthy boundaries; not all boundaries need to be openly stated
Leave out nectar for insects and hummingbirds
Listen to music that deeply connects with you
Dance like nobody's watching!
Show compassion towards yourself and others
Make a list of things you enjoyed throughout your day; little things matter just as much
Spend time with loved ones
Engage in activities that you're passionate about or that you enjoy
Take a walk/hike in nature, especially on a nice day or in your favorite weather
Engage in activities that allow you to express your creativity
Express yourself in little ways if you can't be fully open; a bracelet to represent your gender, pride flag colored shoelaces, etc.
Feed neighborhood cats, dogs, birds, etc.
Pick up trash in your environment
Be gentle with yourself when you're having a difficult time
Remember that rest is productive; take breaks when you need them
Honor your ancestors and loved ones who have passed; keep family heirlooms, items that remind you of them, etc.
Draw or color a butterfly with your favorite colors; draw yourself as a butterfly
Keep your space clean; make it your own
Take your medications if any; drink water regularly; treat your body and mind kindly
Light a candle, bonfire, or general small fire in the darkness; sit with it and focus on the warmth and light it provides
Connect with a local community; LGBTQ support groups, D&D groups, gamer groups, etc.; interact with new people
Make a list of your future goals, big or small; make a list of little or big things you've accomplished already; celebrate them
I may add more to this later on! For the time being, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Psyche. Please take care, everyone, and I hope this was helpful! 🧡
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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the-kingshound · 28 days
I have decided, while plnning and writing the next update, that the options to flirt with the ROs (which are either bold or subtle) will appear to your Hound only after you have grown a bit close to said RO, so only once the platonic stats gets a few points.
In most IF, we can/ have to flirt right away to obtain enough romantic flags to be in a romance with a RO. So that's what I do even though that's not what my OCs would do. So thank you so so much, i think it'll feel more natural that way :D
I end up doing the same in my playthrough in other IFs too, and when I really have to select flirt options soon into the story it always feels a bit weird (with some exceptions).
I plan to let you also be able to set the pace of the romantic relationship(s). Your MC can court the ROs a bit more frequently/clearly and may enter a relationship sooner, or you can make them pine, and pine. And pine. And enter the relationship in the second arc of the game, where MC is 27.
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svtminji · 4 months
does minji have friends outside of seventeen? If so does she hang out with them regularly?
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yes! she does have friends outside of svt and she treats them all very close 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ ❪ click on their ship name for the tag ❫
★ 𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬
⌗ 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sakura ❪ le sserafim ❫ – johnny ❪ nct ❫ mei nagano ❪ actress ❫ – changkyun ❪ monsta x ❫ miyeon ❪ g-idle ❫ – mina & momo ❪ twice ❫
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🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ – popularity ranking : 75% ⌗sakura + mizuki — mizura — 3 years
no one really knows how they became friends or when they did. some people think it's because of over-lapping schedules or because they come from the same country at some point
it's pretty common for almost every japanese idol in the korean industry to look up to mizuki because of her successful career; and this goes for sakura as well
mostly idol ❪ mizuki ❫ & fan ❪ sakura ❫ relationship but they have gotten closer due to hybe takeover
old interactions were just small scraps.. but fans LIVE for their interactions
mizuki definitely brings up kkura’s jpop era 😖 and begs kkura to dance along with her
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🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ – popularity ranking : 65% ⌗mei + mizuki — meizu — 1 year
met at the prada fashion week shows & got close because they’re japanese !
any seventeen concert in japan? mei is invited!!
subtle flirting on main but it’s all of awe towards each other
whenever the two meet, instagram lives happen or they comment on each other’s lives
mei wants to learn korean but they both speak the same language.. BUT mizuki appreciates it
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🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ – popularity ranking : 80% ⌗johnny + minji — johnji — 16 years
is there anything to explain? they’ve been best friends since 2007
whenever new carats / nctzens find their old couple photos, they go crazy and wonder when did that even happen. johnmi LOVE to confuse both of their fans whenever they meet.
even after they stopped d wording, they continued being friends and it never once really affected them after that
friendship bracelets omg 😭 each year they upgrade to a new one, so they have around 16 of them so far
whenever they’re in their respective cities, they visit each other’s family and make sure the other party knows the message their parents give them ❪ mama suh still misses minji ☹️ ❫
they go to each other’s concerts & become the biggest supporter they know
whenever they have time, they film tiktoks together or go live on wv and build legos LOL
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🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ – popularity ranking : 60% ⌗changkyun + minji — jiku — 8 years
honestly it was platonic love at first sight 🫡
who says minji can’t have a monsta x bestie too?
met with the rest of the mx members and felt more connected w i.m bc of their roots & close in age
biggest i.m fan omg 😭😭 when mx’s love killa came out, she posted it on weverse and made SURE everyone streamed it, along with his rap as well
participated in singing in a few mx songs with good guidance
INSANE VISUAL DUO. im telling u… pair these two up in a room with me and changkyun is coming out pregnant idc 🙄
gaslighted her into getting tattoos ❪ she did it willingly ❫
she uses him as a way to get back at jeonghan and hyungwon
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🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ – popularity ranking : 75% ⌗miyeon + minji — jimi — 2 years
miyeon always looked up to minji as an idol and had always wanted to meet her
when they did meet, it was like happy awkward? idk how to explain it but they have the same way of style & they’re lowkey twins
frequently meetings at miyeon’s dorm & friendship dates
the pair created quite the chaos as a few news articles were released since their friendship raised dating flags
minji made sure everyone streamed drive and participated in her tiktok challenges
whenever they meet at award shows, minji naturally goes to idle’s table and talk about their plans and other idol perfomances
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🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ – popularity ranking : 75% ⌗momo + mizuki — momi — 10 years
the second person mizuki has been friends with for the longest time.
while getting gigs at different companies, mizuki met momo and mina on her way to a japanese restaurant in seoul and chatted with her in 2013
every year they post friendship photos over the year and it really warms up the hearts of many onces & carats
when it was announced mizumo was happening,,, lets just say many were excited for the new content of trio
just like with nayeon, mizuki goes to momo’s dorm and just hangs around with momo or the rest of twice
main dancer trio w mina
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🪼⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ – popularity ranking : 75% ⌗mina + mizuki — naki — 10 years
along with momo, mizuki met mina and they kicked it off as well
not as close close like mizuki is with momo but she considers mina one of her main close friends / circle
both ballerinas and they like to go out and indulge in some classic ballet training
finds mina so cute and is constantly under her instagram posts
when fans find their photos together, it’s like a shrine they have for them as they barely hang out with each other
main dancer trio w momo
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an — ❪ 🪁 ❫
yall while i was finding pics for each person. i giggled to myself like 3 times. changkyun is so fine like i want him to do unspeakable things to me 😖 johnny as well like whattt😭😭
fun fact: i’ve had so many eras with these two men its insane. can u tell i miss 3rd gen..
wanted to add twice but chaeyoung has been weird lately.. so i didnt add twice as a whole. idc if it’s been a long time.. i DO NOT feel comfortable with her. go ahead and complain, i am not changing anything.
srry if some are short ❪ esp. momo & mina ❫, going to write a relationship w/ mizumo so there’ll be more info there rather than here !
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heyo everyone! put your pride flags in the replies!
i'm working on making subtle pride flag stickers and i'd like to make all the ones i can :D
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our-aroace-experience · 6 months
Hey, I just wanted to know if there are any aro/ace symbols other than the white and black ring. I've already bought those and just wanted another subtle way to show my pride :D
not that i know of aside from buying things in the aro or ace flag colour, though some common ace symbols are dragons, or outer space, or garlic bread, and for aro ive seen archery things represent it, hope this helps!
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kana-daydreams · 4 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞
[ 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈 ]
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summary: this piece follows the canon plot of Enies Lobby arc in which you are a marine unfortunately under Spandam's command, but happen to be on the side of the enemy. genre: gen cw: violence, mild swearing wc: 2k Kana's notes: This is my first attempt at a reader-insert fic, so read at your own risk. Also, this is a one shot. I just chose to divide it into three parts as personal preference. Anyways~ enjoy my little rose petals. 🥰
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Specks of ashes pollute the air around you from atop the Tower of Law and the faint scent of smoke wafts past your nose as your wide eyes stare up at what was once for decades, a universal symbol of justice.
I can’t believe it. They burnt the flag!
You continue to watch in horror as the flames eat away at the blue and white fabric of the World Government flag until you’re suddenly torn out of your stunned state at the shrilling scream reverberating against your eardrums from beside you. 
"Are you insane?!"
You turn to look at your boss, Spandam, a man with lifeless lavender hair and a leather mask, flourishing his arms angrily at the six individuals standing in line several feet across from you atop the parapet of Enies Lobby's courthouse.
"Don’t think that you’ll be able to survive after making the entire world your enemy!" Spandam finishes, shrinking back when one of them lets loose, a war cry in response.
"Bring it on!" 
You direct your gaze at a young boy donning a red vest paired with blue knee-length shorts and a straw hat dangling from a string around his neck, his face more than familiar to you, even though this is the first time you are seeing him in the flesh. A boy with one of the largest bounties and the captain of the infamous Straw Hat Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy. 
"Robin! Say you want to live!" He screams at the top of his lungs, directing his attention at the tall, slender woman with dark hair to your right. 
At his words, you notice her bite down onto her quivering lips as uncontrollable tears gush down her tan face stained with bruises, and your own lips subconsciously tilt into a frown. 
You fold your arms and think to yourself that the boy pirate was wasting his words on a dead woman. Dead because she'd given up on life due to a fate she could never outrun. However, you're taken aback when momentarily the voice of said woman echoes throughout the once tense air, an underlying and longing desire clinging to every word that cries its way out from within the deepest depths of her soul. 
"I want to live!" She steps forward, and without a care, leans over the partially damaged stone wall in front of her. "Take me to the sea with you!"
A wide and satisfying grin graces Luffy's expression as well as his crew's and as if on cue, the drawbridge of the courthouse starts gradually lowering, stirring up panic in your boss and excitement in the CP9 members who, like you, had been silently observing the entire scene.
One of your hands reaches to rest on the hilt of your sword, preparing yourself for the pending fight. Though, as the drawbridge reaches barely halfway across to the tower where you stand, it stops, and you hear Spandam heave a sigh of relief from beside you.
Cowardly bastard.
He pulls Nico Robin harshly by the arm before barking orders at you to secure Cutty Flam standing further to your left who’d earlier somehow broken himself free from his chains.
Keeping your hand still on the hilt of your sword, you step forward approaching him with tentative steps, but you stop when you hear a click, followed by the subtle sound of whirring and your eyes flicker down to his exposed abdomen which to your astonishment, opens to reveal some kind of compartment. 
You're both freaked out and amazed by the sight, but only for a moment as your hand moves to unsheathe your sword when he reaches into his augmented body, retrieving weathered parchments of paper. 
He reveals it to be the blueprints for the ancient weapon, Pluton, which Spandam demands he gives to him, but like the flag, it is incinerated within minutes and by Cutty Flam himself. 
Spandam fumes at what was his chance for a promotion and in his dramatised rage, stalks up to him and with a hard shove, pushes the machine man off the tower.
He is however saved from falling to his demise when a train with a painted face of a shark, hurls off the courthouse, midair at lighting speed and crashes into the storey beneath them.
Sheer panic grips Spandam. Not due to the train crashing into the building, but rather because of the Straw Hats who’d hitched a ride on it, meaning that they were here, in the Tower of Law.
Spandam with a firm grip still around Nico Robin’s arm, drags her along as he paces towards the gaping hole in the wall behind them, destroyed earlier by Cutty Flam when he attempted to escape with her.
He then bellows out to you and one of the CP9 members, Rob Lucci, to act as his sword and shield, ordering the remaining CP9 agents to eliminate the Straw Hats.
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"Why are you stopping?" Spandam stops to look at his prisoner behind him in the dim light of an underground tunnel.
You and Lucci who flank either side of him, follow suit looking at Nico Robin whose attention is fixed in the direction of the entrance you came through minutes ago.
He calls out to her once again, but she continues to ignore him, too occupied with whatever it was that had caught her attention.
Spandam grits his teeth at her stubbornness and orders you to get her to start moving. You send him a curt nod before moving to grab her by the arm and start pulling her gently towards you. When she doesn’t comply, you tug on her arm again, this time with a bit more force.
"Keep moving," you say, your voice stern.
She follows your instruction and you keep behind her as she walks, but she instantly stops when she’s met with Spandam’s face mere inches away from her own.
"Don’t tell me you still think the Straw Hats are coming to your rescue?" He cackles and Nico Robin recoils to dodge the rain of saliva that falls from his mouth. "How stupid!" He continues to tease her for holding onto the vain hope that her friends would come to her rescue, since there were no signs of them throughout their entire journey through the tunnel, and because he firmly believed there was no way the pirates could find their way around in the tower’s maze.
"We should get going chief." Your voice abruptly cuts him short of his deranged laughter and although he casts you a frown, annoyed that you’d interrupted him, he relents.
As the four of you ready yourselves to continue on your endeavour to reach the Gates of Justice, a familiar voice rips its way out from the distance behind you, echoing off the stone walls.
Spandam’s eyes widen and his motions become frantic when he recognises who the voice belongs to.
Monkey D. Luffy.
It seemed that you were up against an intelligent opponent, your thoughts surmised. He had to be if he was able to find the secret passage that led to the tunnel, but since you didn’t know Luffy personally, you didn’t know better.
"I’ll take care of the pirate, chief," you tell Spandam, but before you could move, Lucci puts a hand on your shoulder, and you crane your neck to look up at him.
"Take the chief and Nico Robin to the gate, I’ll handle the straw hat," he says, not giving you time to respond as he begins to saunter in the direction of the entrance.
You watch as his tall figure recedes further down the tunnel. "Show off." You scoff under your breath before grabbing a hold of Nico Robin, ushering her and Spandam in the opposite direction.
Minutes later you’re marching up a winding staircase, your view of the outside world still concealed by tall brick walls.
In front of you, Spandam yells into a transponder snail trying to get into contact with the other CP9 agents he’d left behind to deal with the Straw Hat pirates.
"Hey! Are you listening? Say something!"
No response comes from their end and your expression shadows one of dread realising why when you notice the golden transponder snail in his left hand. 
"What?!" He snaps around, giving you a disapproving look. 
You point a finger at his hand. "That’s not the correct snail."
"Huh?" His brows crinkle in confusion at your words and he looks down at his hand, his expression soon mirroring your own.
Robin, who comes to realise the situation due to Spandam loudly announcing his careless mistake of requesting a buster call, screams at him to cancel it, her expression overtaken with pure fear.
"Cancel it now or it will be a disaster!"
Spandam doesn’t listen to her pleas, not even when she recounts her devastating, first-hand experience of the catastrophic effects that follows a buster call. 
Instead he argues that his mistake served a virtue highly valued by the World Government: Justice.
You fight the urge not to scoff and roll your eyes at his alleged reason though you can't hide your grimace at what he says next.
"If we need one hundred deaths in order to save one thousand lives, we’ll kill those hundred without hesitation on the spot. Besides, those incompetent soldiers who couldn’t stop the invading pirates are better off dead!" He cackles in hysterical laughter, but it fizzles out when he realises everything he said was broadcasted to the entire island of Enies Lobby through the regular snail transponder in his other hand.
He tries to play it off, though you know only a fool would believe his lie and right after he finishes his fib, Robin takes the opportunity to warn everyone to evacuate the island. 
Aggravated by her insolent action, Spandam slaps her, the brute force of it sending her toppling down a couple flights of stairs.
Below you, her body lies limp and Spandam leaves your side, making his way towards her. 
He looms over her, his cold harsh voice ordering her to get up, not caring about the injuries she had just sustained.
Robin winces as she peers weakly up at him. "Cancel the buster call right away. There might still be time." She continues to persist, but Spandam only responds that his pride is worth more than the life of his subordinates. 
Still her resolve doesn’t waver, and irked by this, Spandam grabs her by the collar of her leather zip-up dress, pulling her up and after they exchange a few words which involved him mostly bragging about Lucci’s strength, he raises a leg preparing to punish her for her unyielding spirit, but finds himself unable to do so at the hand that seizes his leg.
His eyes trace their way up to the arm of its owner, coming to rest on your face. "What the hell are you doing marine?!" He tries wriggling his leg out of your firm grasp.
"Stopping you from killing her, chief." You let go of his leg and he staggers back falling with a heavy thud onto the stairs. "Don’t you need her alive?" You reason. 
"I wasn’t going to kill her, you idiotic woman!"
Your expression remains passive at his insult, though inside you rages a war to keep yourself from bashing in his head for insulting you.  
You should have already gotten used to his abrasive words considering you've been working under his command for a few years, but they—he—always tended to test your patience. 
"My apologies chief. I misread the situation." You reluctantly outstretch a hand to help him up.
He ponders whether or not to accept your help, still salty that you stopped him from unleashing his anger on Nico Robin.
He eventually takes your hand and while you help him up, Robin uses it as an opportunity to escape down the stairs.
Alerted by this, Spandam pushes you aside when he rises to his feet and starts chasing after her.
You mumble out a curse at his ungratefulness before following behind them, almost crashing into his back when he suddenly comes to a halt.
You watch as he reaches for the sword slung over his shoulder and mutters to it, a command. 
He then brandishes it forward and the blade immediately transforms into the head of an elephant with a razor-sharp trunk.
The creature extends out of his sword and surges forward like a serpent at high speed, aiming at Nico Robin and upon contact, it slams her against the wall, which cracks under the strength of its force.
Part II - Part III
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© 2023 kana-daydreams
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
honestly, it´s not even the most open or hateful aphobic comments or whatever that get me, but the more subtle ones. the ones where you have to pause, and then afterwards go ah, that was aphobic. the ones that are said so matter-of-factly, that you think for a hot second right and then you go no, no, not right. that´s wrong.
anyway, i was talking to my cousin about some queer-related event, and i told her yeah, i´d go there if they put up ace-flags, to which she asked ace?. i looked at her disbelievingly (because she is literally the first person i´ve ever come out to, and that was several years back), and repeated, very slowly, asexual. you know.
and without even freaking looking up from her phone, she gave me a condescending smirk and said still?.
what the hell. what the hell.
i am so mad, because suddenly all her infuriatingly stupid comments and bad jokes pver the past years about my future marriage/children/siginificant other make sense. that stupid kid thinks i´m in some kind of rebellious phase, when i´m literally several years older than her, and she only just turned 18. i think i´m about petty enough to start laughing to her face the next time she cries about her relationship problems.
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phoenix--flying · 7 months
can you elaborate on that ta percabeth x kronos!percy au?
ehehehehhehehe yes, yes i can
So, to preface, this is a percathabaster au, not just percabeth SNUJEHG so if ur a hardcore percabeth stan and dont like other ships this aint for you, if not; carry on <3
So, while the broken trio are on their way to Camp, Annabeth runs into one Alabaster Torrington who was stealing food while on a quick trip out of the Labyrinth! He gets dragged back to Thalia and Luke and continues on with them!
From then on, the basic events of canon is basically the same until TLT; Thalia dies, Luke goes on his quest, Percy shows up.
Instead of just Annabeth in the room when Percy wakes up, Alabaster is also with her. Again, basically the same canon esc idea but Alabaster is usually with Annabeth through each event, showing him around camp, the bathroom incident, during Capture the Flag
Little scrap from the capture the flag scene :D
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The quest goes on, but there are minor changes, its subtle, but Annabeth is almost trying to slow them down, telling Percy about the Olympians faults, what happened to Thalia and why, telling him how long Alabaster had been at camp, unclaimed, how long she spent in the Hermes cabin, also unclaimed despite knowing her mother was Athena.
Sowing seeds of doubt in the Olympians.
When they get back, instead of the scorpion, Luke propositions Percy; offers him a place in the army, to help get rid of the Olympians, to bring the minor gods respect and eradicate the whole unclaimed thing.
Percy, recalling everything Annabeth told him, agrees. This is when he discovers Luke is the one who stole the lightning bolt. Also, when he learns that he didn't do it alone. He had the help of Callie Wells(@blackcat2907 hi <33) and Lee Fletcher. But also, and more shockingly, Annabeth and Alabaster.
Annabeth apologizes for the whole helping you on the quest while being the one who committed the crime thing and Percy agrees.
The army grows!! Ethan is, also, a member of the army prior to BoTL, he was swayed by all his friends :D
SoM is where it gets tricky. Kronos has a child of the big three on his side, and with Percys friends also on his side, he doesn't need another one. So....Thalias tree is never poisoned. Instead, the quest, Clarisse is convinced to bring Lee and Silena, is solely to save Grover.
TTC, enter the di Angelo kids! The group sent to Westover Hall is Clarisse, Beckendorf and Lee. They were sent to extract the di Angelos. Though, a group from Kronos was also sent to do this. Lee is aware of this. He stalls the other two as best he can to allow the other group to get the di Angelos first, but when he spots Dr. Thorn leading them out he drops it.
The di Angelos are separated, Alabaster gets Nico away from Dr. Thorn before the Campers get into the hallway, but it's too late for him to get Bianca. So he leaves it.
The fight with Thorn ends with Clarisse falling off the cliff and getting kidnapped. Instead of Luke, Chris is the one used to lure Clarisse under the sky which later brings Artemis. Bianca! Does not join the hunters :)
The quest group consists of Zoë, Silena, Grover and two hunters, one of which is a victim to the Stolls prank and is subsequently incapacitated. Lee is the one who joins the quest!
BoTL is also a little wonky because the campers never find the entrance :)
The Labyrinth quest group consists of Bianca, Grover, Lee and Clarisse since she doesn't go down during TTC in this au. The arena fight is between Nico and Bianca instead of Ethan and Percy :) also!! Kronos manipulates Percy into being the host, completely unbeknownst to anyone else :)
Finally, bc im a sucker for alive aus; Lee doesnt die! Chris is found after the battle since he got lost in the Labyrinth leaving Camp!! and was later found by a camper.
For TLO, nobody attacks the PA, because nobody has that much of a death wish as to attack a boat with a son of Poseidon on board! So Beckendorf also lives!
On Olympus in TLO is Luke, Percy and Annabeth for the Titans and Bianca, Lee and Silena for campers !! (Lee and Silena both betray Kronos prior to the battle LMAO) Percy does, technically, die, but Bianca does some freaky magic and saves him!
Luke and Annabeth don't know this :D they leave Olympus before the Olympians return under the impression that Percy has died. Them and Ethan and Al leave Manhattan, leaving the Olympians under the impression that they're dead.
The Olympians also have!! no mercy!! on the TA demis because their oath was made later then it was in canon!
Very few people know that Lee and Silena are spies <3 Like three people LMFAO
Also the list of surviving TA is very small !! Chris, Lee, Silena, Percy and Lou* who are at camp and Nico, Luke, Annabeth, Ethan and Alabaster for people who aren't!
*Chris caught Lou just after the battle ended before he went up to Olympus to talk to her, and unintentionally saved her life!
and this is !! just pjo !! i have more for HoO but thats a LOT less planned LMFAO but i have written smth about MoA in this au
AND I DID SMTH FOR ANNABASTER FOR RAREPAIR WEEK ON MY AO3!! <- before i decided to let ethan live
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being-of-rain · 5 months
My thoughts on Wild Blue Yonder! A little late because the time between the 60th anniversary episodes almost exactly lined up with a visit from my girlfriend. We had a great time, and watched this episode together, but I didn't want to take enough time away from her to write this!
When I saw some EU fans joking about how the episode was going to be an adaptation of Scherzo, I wasn't prepared for how many similarities it had. And it was soooo good. I love some really fucking great Doctor Who. I loved the horror aspect, I loved the duologue aspect, I always love a mystery opening act where the Tardis team has to search for clues and theorise about where they've landed. Oh and a shape-shifter who takes on someone's whole identity and thoughts is a concept that always tickles my fancy.
One of the few nitpicks I have is that I'm not quite sure how the countdown/shifting corridors and the robot connect: if they're part of the same self-destruct system, why is the robot seemingly much older than the ship? If they're not part of the same system, why is there a countdown to the moment the robot presses the button? Why not just have the ship destroy itself, and why would the ship need to 'reconfigure itself to become a bomb' if it had a self-destruct? But (much like Heaven Sent, which the solitary shifting setting is reminiscent of,) the small logic hiccups don't really take anything away from how good the episode is.
A slightly larger nitpick is that the ending isn't the strongest, with the TARDIS coming back right when and where the Doctor was thinking that it should, and then the Doctor realising he picked the wrong Donna because of a miniscule detail (that the audience couldn't pick up on, so it feels a bit of a cheat and a cheap emotional shot). So some of RTD's most common flaws there, but again the negatives really don't stack up to much compared to the quality of the rest of it. Also, I didn't notice the Tardis screen at the end that showed a scan of Donna's arm until my rewatch, and, in classic me fashion, it put me in mind of a random Dr Who EU story. In this case, Project: Nirvana where the Doctor reveals that the Tardis automatically scanned someone coming onboard and flagged an eldritch-monster-shaped issue with her. It does make me wonder if the Doctor thought to scan Donna himself, or if the Tardis did it (and he took the credit, perhaps trying not to think about how he might never have noticed).
But that's enough with nitpicks, what are some other fantastic bits? The throwaway phrase "goosebumps like Braille" is rad as hell, and would've made a great episode title I think. I've had ideas before about the Doctor's compulsion to think and solve problems in front of him being a direct threat, so it was cool to see that idea here. The Doctor worrying about 'invoking a superstition at the edge of the universe' at the end was a vague but incredibly compelling hook for future plots, and infinitely more interesting than the Meep's final line from the previous episode. I love all the tiny subtle ways the not-things were off and unsettling, as well as all the ways that were so over-the-top that I was laughing through my shocked horror.
The Timeless Child and Flux references were fantastic peeling back of the Doctor's emotional walls, and it was nice tying in with what is technically the show's previous season, even though it came out 2 years ago now. Also... it's a little hard to mention those references without dunking on Chibnall in comparison, who didn't tap into the Doctor's emotional state anywhere near as intensely in several years as this episode did in one scene (You could tie this into the Doctor regenerates into what they need/opposite theories, with Thirteen being a relatively repressed Doctor and Ten Point Three being a relatively expressive Doctor). It was particularly nice to have the show actually establish what the consequences of the Flux actually were, because god knows Thirteen's episodes weren't interested in doing that. On my rewatch of series 13 a few months ago, I was amazed at how basically every element of the Flux is confused and contradictory, and at the end my brother and I were convinced that the Ood in the Division ship (or God Ood as we started calling him) must have reversed the very almost total destruction of the universe, because the show simply refused to acknowledge any of that destruction itself. I guess they split the difference and said half the universe. But unpicking the bizarre illogic of the Flux is a whole other post.
Keeping in mind that the next episode hasn't come out yet, Wild Blue Yonder feels wildly out of place in the middle of an anniversary trilogy. A trilogy where the bookends are RTD modern-day blockbusters filled with fan-favourite character returns and niche villains from the show's long history, and the middle is a limited-cast sci-fi psychological/eldritch horror. But that absurdity detracts from the episode in absolutely no way whatsoever.
And speaking of absurdity; the mounting hype and talk of big things happening in the next episode, on top of bringing back a long-forgotten old villain and a long-awaited new Doctor, is just making it more and more ridiculous that the episode is called The Giggle. I can't wait for it though, I'm really enjoying these specials.
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