#shield ops academy
captainsophiestark · 1 month
Star-Crossed Agents
Grant Ward x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Grant's SO is part of SciTech, which means they have to sneak around a little bit to hang out, and with the end of their Academy careers approaching it's harder than ever to find time for each other
Word Count: 1,485
Category: Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I took a deep breath in and then let it out, slow and heavy in a massive sigh. I'd been staring at my laptop for what felt like an eternity, and I was about to truly and completely lose it.
I snapped out of my thousand yard stare at the screen two feet in front of me at the sound of my dorm window sliding open. I shot up from my desk and whirled around only to find my boyfriend, Grant Ward, hanging out of my window.
"You gave me a heart attack," I said by way of hello as I rushed to the window to help him the rest of the way through. He had takeout containers in one hand, which I immediately took to make sure he wouldn't drop them. I turned to set them on my desk, and by the time I returned to Grant, he'd made it all the way through my window and stood in the middle of my room with his hands on his hips.
"Really? You went for the food before me?"
I just shrugged and grinned at him. "You're a Specialist in the top of your class. I figured you'd be able to handle it, especially since you've done it a thousand times before."
He sighed, but didn't waste another second before crossing the room to kiss me either. His arms wound their way around my waist as he pulled me to him, and I brushed one hand against his cheek before gently pulling back.
"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but I don't think I'm gonna be a very good date tonight. Between trying to finish out the SciTech-Ops prank war and my final thesis project being due in just a few months, I'm probably going to have to mostly do work tonight."
"I don't mind helping you with SciTech pranks, if that's what you're working on," said Grant as we walked to my desk together, sitting shoulder to shoulder. "Why don't you open up your notes on that, and let me see all the things you have planned."
I scoffed. "I thought Specialists were supposed to be better at getting information out of people than that."
Grant fixed me with a look and put his hands on the arms of my chair, slowly leaning in until his face was inches from mine, effectively pinning me to the spot.
"I bet I could get you to give up some secrets if I tried."
I leaned in, closing the distance between us until our lips were barely a hair's breadth apart. Then I smiled.
"Nice try, but I'm already betraying my entire school by dating you. No way I'm giving the Ops kids an edge in the prank war. And no way I'm letting you distract me, either, I have work to do."
Grant sighed, but when he leaned in for a kiss it was just a quick peck before he sat back in his own chair.
"Fine. We don't really need your help to win, anyway. We've got this in the bag."
"Mhmm. And you just keep telling yourself that, Superspy."
Grant and I shared a grin as he dished up our food and I reluctantly turned back to my laptop. Leaning against Grant and having him here, especially with some of my favorite food, made trying to work less frustrating. But it didn't magically spark any inspiration or ideas like I'd hoped it would.
After we finished dinner, Grant crossed the room to kick back on my bed and cracked open a book while I kept trying to make my brain work. I stared at the computer screen, just trying to get some kind of brainstorm to start. I felt a headache coming on with every passing moment, and my brain started to feel literally heavy, like thick fog was just sitting up there, weighing me down. My eyes squinted against the glare of the screen, and still I didn't move, scanning over my notes like they might magically add some insight that they hadn't before.
I jumped when a hand landed on my shoulder, then turned with bleary eyes to find Grant had returned to sit next to me, a worried expression on his face.
"Are you alright? You were starting to look like a zombie over here."
"Yeah, yeah, just... waiting for inspiration to strike."
"...And how's that going?"
"Uh. Not well."
Grant huffed a laugh, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a smile as he pulled me a little closer to his side.
"Then I think it's time we take a break together."
I sighed and leaned my head against his shoulder. Truly all I wanted to do was spend time with him, without anything SHIELD-related hanging over our heads, but final tests were coming soon and I really didn't have a moment to spare.
"I don't think I can, Grant. Everything I've been working for since the day I got here all comes down to this project. I have to make sure it's perfect."
"Right now you're not going to be able to make anything perfect."
I pulled back, mouth dropping open as I glared at him, but he just stared right back with the frank appraisal of a Specialist that I both loved and hated.
"Your brain is clearly fried from working on this for too long. Anything you put down now is just going to be something you have to go back and fix later. I've seen it before, from new Ops recruits and from you. You need a break. If you take one, odds are you're going to have a much easier time brainstorming and working things through after you spend some time not thinking about this project. It'll be faster and better than anything you might manage to force out now."
I narrowed my eyes at him. "That... actually kind of makes sense..."
"I know it does. It's because I'm right." I scoffed, but Grant ignored it, instead leaning forward and resting a hand on my thigh. "Besides, the next month or so is going to be hell for both of us. Between your final projects and all of my practical exams before we graduate... I'm barely going to have time to see you. So we should enjoy the time we have now, while we still can."
I sighed, leaning forward and raising one hand to rest at the nape of Grant's neck, gently touching my forehead to his.
"I don't like to think about that," I admitted. "Or about how much harder it's going to be to stay together when you're out in the field and I'm in the Hub or the Triskelion doing work."
"I know. I hate thinking about that too."
We fell into silence for a few moments, the uncertainty of both of our futures hanging over us. Grant's grip on me tightened slightly, and I sighed. He was right. I needed a break, and I needed to enjoy every moment I could get while it was just the two of us like this.
"You know what? I think we'll be fine," I said, straightening up enough to meet Grant's eyes. "If we can make it work as two people from rival SHIELD schools dating each other? Like a more intense version of Romeo and Juliet? Then I think we're gonna be just fine, no matter what the rest of the world tries to throw at us."
"...You know Romeo and Juliet ended pretty badly for both of them-"
"I know! I was just trying to make a point, we're from aggressively rival groups and we're finding love anyway. Just... ignore the ending."
Grant chuckled. "Alright. So does this mean you're going to take a break with me?"
"Yes, it does. Come on, let's watch some terrible tv and eat the chocolate I keep in the bottom drawer of my desk for emergencies and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist."
Grant smiled, catching my chin before I could move away and pulling me back to him for a long, deep kiss. When we finally broke apart, I was breathing hard and grinning like an idiot at the man before me. I really, really loved him, even though when he finally spoke he said:
"Anything but Love Island."
"What! Grant, come on. We were almost done with the last season! We have to get caught up before the new one starts."
"No way. I'll watch anything but that."
He sighed. "This is gonna be a long night, isn't it?"
I just grinned at him. It was fun to give him a hard time, but at the end of the day, I was happy doing anything as long as I got to do it with him. And I knew he felt exactly the same way. We'd make it work, from picking a tv show tonight to whatever our futures might have in store for us after this.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @songbirdcannabe @infinetlyforgotten @coinsublime @sagesmelts
If your blog is crossed out, it's because Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you for some reason
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jemmaasimmons · 7 months
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“I'm pretty sure that every minute of every day, you've been stuck in a lab right beside me. At the academy, at sci-ops, this plane — you've been beside me the whole damn time."
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phoenix-manga · 2 years
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Friend Groups
The three trainers would obviously have their own friend groups (yes even Bede despite his prickly attitude). They get to know certain NRC students and form a close friendship with some of them.
Phoebe - Ace, Deuce, Cater, Azul, Kalim, Malleus
Ace - Their first meeting was off at the start, Ace thought it was funny that three magicless people were here in a school of magic. But of course he shut up after being taught a lesson.
Bede almost sent his Hatterene after him if it weren't for Phoebe being the mediator. He was stunned to see the fairy that could shred him to ribbons back off when the pie dragon blocked her way.
He owes her a lot after getting him and Deuce out of trouble with the chandelier incident too.
Ace admits that taming dragons are kinda cool though. But during the first meeting he only saw Appletun and not the rest so that's why he was teasing them at first.
He learned another lesson after getting his but whooped by a walking pie during sparring lessons.
Deuce - Total fanboy because he thinks Phoebe is someone straight out of an anime. A protagonist with super OP comrades that goes on an adventure for glory.
And he can't help but feel bashful because she tends to reason with him if he ever goes into delinquent mode. He should be the responsible one since he was older but... Phoebe is the mature one here.
Phoebe understands his desire to change from the past and will give him advice she thinks is good for the situation.
His mother probably sends letters if "big sister" Phoebe is doing well. He didn't realize from writing to his mom about Phoebe, she thought the girl was older.
Would she be surprised if Phoebe came to visit one day...
Cater - He reminds her so much of Raihan with his habit of taking selfies and his overly cheerful personality. But Phoebe suspects that Cater is hiding issues behind his easygoing grin.
Spending a lot of time around Raihan, Phoebe tends to slowly notice if something was off...
On the other hand, Cater thinks that Phoebe should be his little sister instead. She's much more understanding and not as pushy as his two sisters back home.
She always asks for his opinion when they hang out.
They're getting food? She asks if he wanted something specific. Going to watch a movie, asks what he prefers the most.
If he doesn't feel like talking, Phoebe just lets him know if he was called for something and doesn't try to pry.
So, he labels her as his NRC little sister. He would soon develop the same overprotectiveness over her much like Raihan.
Azul - Its surprising that those two would get along given how he scammed them out of the dorm.
Phoebe was pretty upset at what he did but after seeing he was actually doing this to cope with his trauma, she was willing to forgive him.
Though she had to stop Bede and Klara from turning him into calamari.
Their friendship is mainly her making business ventures with Azul regarding the madols needed for Ramshackle and their pokemon. Azul was willing to buy berries off their garden for a fair price.
Gradually, he starts to feel like a big brother to her. He worries if she has enough madol to last the week. Even checks up on her health under the guise of making sure his business partner didn't overwork themselves.
Always keeping punks away from her and his plans to make sure Crowley is doing his job.
Though the twins tease him about it while Azul denies such claims. he was simply looking out for his investments. Yeah right, you tell yourself that, Azul.
Kalim - It's no surprise that Phoebe would be friends with Kalim. Bede doesn't like him that much because he's like Hop while Klara thinks he's much to cheerful for her to tolerate for more than an hour.
Phoebe liked Kalim though, he was a nice change from the rather... egocentric students in this academy. Though she wondered how he got accepted here when he's such a nice guy.
And how has he never gotten picked on? His reputation I guess was a shield.
Kalim loves to hear more about Pokemon from Phoebe. He finds them fascinating and the fact that a magicless human can get near such fearsome beasts was something out of a hero's tale.
Phoebe would sometimes invite Kalim over to hang out and she'd grin when Kalim was on the floor trying to coax Appletun to eat some fruit slices.
A part of Kalim slightly envies Phoebe and the other trainers. They get to travel around and go on adventures, learn all they can about the world on their own merit.
He was always pampered and never knew about the rough life of the outside world. Maybe someday he'd be just like them.
Malleus - Out of all the trainers in the trio, he likes Phoebe the most. Sure the boy with fairies was rather intriguing and the lady who walks among creatures with potent poison was quite a surprise, Phoebe was the child with the dragons.
He expected her to be someone who had a powerful image but he sees this sweet little girl who is pampering powerful creatures. It's not a bad thing though... especially when Dratini and Appletun was so affectionate towards him.
Malleus has emotionally adopted Phoebe as his child of dragon. Somewhere in the universe, Raihan feels a chill down his spine.
Bede - Trey, Epel, Vil, Riddle, Leona
Trey - He was the mediator between Riddle and Bede during the first few meetings. Trey was almost stunned because it felt like he was looking over two Riddles.
The image of a white rose and red rose bickering was sureal indeed.
But it turns out that the two of them also enjoyed tea time, though Riddle preferred cakes while Bede preferred sandwiches and scones.
As a big brother, Trey can see how Bede feels down but doesn't want to show others he is weak. He is just like Riddle.
Honestly, Bede probably never had older siblings to look up to. Chairman Rose barely paid him any attention while Opal was the first one to give him proper guidance.
But somewhere in him he also wants to mingle with those close to his age. He couldn't do all that before due to him being a bit of a brat.
Trey may be plain to some but Bede thinks he's a reliable figure that can show him how to better himself.
Epel - Epel admires Bede because despite looking like a doll, he has such a strong personality and his familiars are deceptively strong.
He thought Bede was a dainty boy at first with his ribbon cat and the elegant unicorn, the only one that even looks dangerous was the small one with a large venus flytrap mouth.
But boy was he proven wrong when he saw the cute familiars deck someone for insulting Bede.
Needless to say, Epel wants to be like Bede, someone strong despite his image. He is slightly consious that his muscles haven't shown up and his puberty hasn't hit him yet.
Bede thinks Epel puts him on a pedestal too much.
Was this how he acted before he was abadoned by Chairman Rose?
Vil - Bede was probably scouted by Vil because of his beautiful familiars and the way he carries himself like a noble prince. Thank Opal for those lessons.
Vil is intrigued by the familiars he has, especially the unicorn. Twisted Wonderland deems them too cautious to approach humans but here's one in front of him.
And one with such a glorious mane too!
He sees Bede is confident in his image and isn't afraid of breaking gender stereotypes. Someone said pink isn't a boy color? Bede says otherwise as he sends Hatterene towards whoever said that.
Bede sees Vil like a younger version of Opal, they were rather strict. He shudders after he remembered the training she gave him at first.
And though he was more used to Vil's sterness due to Opal, there are times he has gotten the two mixed up from how similar they act.
Riddle - The two of them didn't get along at first. Bede thought that Riddle's strictness was stupid and unecessary. He saw his past self in Riddle, he was selfish and prideful which made him left with no friends.
Riddle on the other hand thought Bede was a pompous brat who doesn't know about keeping to the rules.
These two butt heads a lot and other students thought they mirror each other with how similar they are to an extent. The two who hear such comment deny so with every fiber of their being.
After the overblot, Riddle could probably understand now why Bede thought his attitude was terrible. He was in a similar situation as him, thinking he was better than the rest.
Putting the wrong person on a pedestal and believing them to be right no matter what.
Now these two have tea time together and chat about certain people they agree send shivers down their spine. AKA the Leech twins.
Leona - Surprising that Leona was tolerating Bede. Much like Riddle, Bede didn't like how Leona held himself back simply because others told him he can't.
He didn't appreciate his "woe is me" attitude. After the overblot, Bede was the one who gave Leona an earful because for one, one of the trainers got injured from the fight (it was Phoebe), and he dared to take victory through criminal means.
Seriously, there could have been kids and elders in the stampeding crowd! He verbally rips into Leona so hard that everyone was stunned.
They didn't know Bede could get this angry.
After that, Leona was irritated that he was being lectured by a fairy brat. He couldn't let go of his prider at first.
Bede shut him up after he played against Savanaclaw in the opening match and demolished Leona.
Right after that Bede told him that the only one who can give him respect is himself, he would only be second best if he let himself be like that. That probably sparked a shred of respect from Leona.
Klara - Rook, Jamil, Ruggie, Jack, Idia
Rook - Klara would be smitten with Rook cause he was a gentleman but over time she realized he's like that with everyone and she just labels him as "Bestie".
Rook knows the irritation Klara has with Vil and it is gorgeous. He loves how both of them are worthy of the title, "Poison King/Queen" he even ships them in his head.
He probably has fanfiction about enemies to lovers about those two but that's his little secret.
Rook is very supportive of Klara, he's her hypeman. Though she gave him a slap when he casually mentioned her hips got an inch wider.
Jamil - These two know what its like to try and sabotage someone to try and be in the spotlight. Jamil tried to usrup Kalim and Klara put Toxic Spikes in the field before battling another trainer-
Phoebe: You did what-?!
Klara: I was desperate shush!
These two would trash talk like the mean girls they are, I know it. Talking to each other how a certain someone would get on their nerves at times.
Though Jamil tends to tease Klara because unlike his flawless acting, Klara makes it obvious she's holding herself back but her expression gives it away.
These two snakes is what others call them.
Though Jamil always reminds Klara to NOT bring her Scolipede over! He nearly had a heart attack from seeing a centipede as big as a horse.
Ruggie - Klara thought he was cute... until during the Savanaclaw arc he stole their pokeballs. She put him in a headlock, never has Bede or Phoebe seen her run after Ruggie so agile and fast.
Ruggie was shocked when he was suddenly on the ground and barely able to breathe because of Klara's strong buff arms around his neck. Did you see her league card? She lifts!
Though she was still salty and held a grudge over Ruggie stealing her precious Pokemon. Ruggie being from the Afterglow Savanah, felt guilty and promised to make it up to her.
He had to let Klara pet his ears whenever she wants. Ruggie relents because respect women and all that.
Ruggie was embarassed at first but Klara brings him snacks from time to time so it won't be all bad.
Klara really does think Ruggie is like a cute Rockruff when he's not being cheeky. Now Ruggie would pretend to cry to Klara when he doesn't feel like doing Leona's chores. Klara gives the lion an earful and he can't even argue.
Jack - You'd think he won't get along with Klara just because she seems kind of sly and would resort to petty tactics.
Well it seemed that way at first but Jack soon discovered that Klara would give it her all and was confident. He didn't like how she would get petty over some little thing but he does admire her dedication.
Those two become training buddies, and Klara would eat up any praise Jack tells her. Her pride inflates with every compliment.
Jack is the one who stops Klara do anything reckless. He basically does the scolding when Phoebe isn't around.
By the way, Klara was shocked to find out Jack was only 16, like boy who feeding you?!
She's not going to simp over a kid but then she thought that if Jack was this muscular... Could there be guys in 20s with the same figure?!
She'd be asking Jack if there was any single hunks out there among beastmen in his hometown.
Idia - Another thing you'd never expect. Idia? He's the shut in Otaku who is allergic to sunlight and socializing. How could he possibly be friends with Klara?
It's simple, like Jamil they like trash talk and gossip.
It all happened one afternoon, Idia was just mumbling behind a tree about certain students being so pushy and noisy. Klara replies to his ramblings from behind the other side of the tree.
Idia was startled but as Klara agrees with his trash talk he just started to go with the flow in their conversation.
Klara likes Idia, another sassy bestie to gossip with. And she digs his entire look. The fire hair? Boi what conditioner you use?
Idia: That's just my natural hair...
Klara: No way!? That look is bespoke!
Also whenever Klara needs blackmail material she goes to Idia. He got cameras everywhere but she would NEVER snitch on him. She keeps her bestie promise!
Idia may or may not have fulfilled his dream of having a waifu even if it was merely a planotic friendship.
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kazarinoyume · 5 months
˚₊✦ Dragons Edge Academy ˚₊✦
There is an island, far away near the Indian Ocean. There stood a powerful nation, Dragons Edge. Rumors say a large school stood under the name Dragons Edge Academy, a school dedicated to becoming the future protectors and pioneers for humanity.
Visions, Dragons, and Knowledge. We are the shield and spear of Humanity, as humanity is on the brink of ruin. What we can do, to shine our blades across the skies and become humanity's hope?
"𝓜𝓪𝔂 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭 𝓫𝓮 𝓫𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓭."
˚₊✦ Offers˚₊✦:
• ·➤ Multicrossover Roleplay from different fandoms and animes. Below are the list:
Honkai Impact 3rd, HTTYD, Persona 5, Miraculous Ladybug, Winx Club, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Takt op Destiny, Marvel Cinematic Universe (Focusing on Black Panther), Black Butler, Vanitas no Carte, and Evangelion.
• ·➤ 15+, covering dark themes:
Highly recommend people who are 15+ because the roleplay focuses on war, violence, blood, death, depression, kidnapping, depression, harassment, and bullying.
• ·➤ Highly encourage original characters:
We encourage members to create their own character that would fit their personality and lore.
• ·➤ Allows any types of literature
We allow members from one-liners to even those who are novella.
• ·➤ Actively Searching for Staff and Partnerships from other servers
We are looking for staff and partners for the server and hope to grow more and everyone to join in the roleplay and have some fun.
Waiting for the link? The link is below 👇
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zerm2v0hg · 1 day
TToaCMC Remnant Timeline - Part 1
(...a.k.a., "What if RWBY/J never returned?")
So, anyone who’s read my Volume 9 fic The Tale of a Cat Most Curious might remember I said at the end that I might write a spinoff describing what happens on a post-Fall of Atlas Remnant in the fic’s AU. So I’ve written a series of posts, starting with this one, loosely describing one possible timeline of how the war against Salem goes for the remaining characters and people, with some gaps for folks to draw their own conclusions about the details.
This’ll be coming in several parts over several days, with new posts being put up every three or four days.
Qrow, Robyn and the surviving Ace-Ops make their way to Vacuo, eventually rejoining Nora, Ren, Winter and Emerald at Shade Academy.
In the months after the Fall of Atlas and the forced mass exodus into Vacuo, things are dire. Shade Academy and its local oasis are initially used as a refugee centre, but it doesn’t have the room or resources to support all the evacuees plus its own student and tutor body, especially on account of how resource-scarce Vacuo is coupled with Vacuo’s semi-Darwinistic culture. The thought of the Atlas-Mantle refugees overconsuming the Shade oasis’ resources furthermore rubs many Vacuans the wrong way. Some of Vacuo’s population don’t even believe that Salem is real or that Ruby’s rogue broadcast to the world was truthful, leading Vacuan nationalistic organisations to gain power.
A large percentage of the refugees die from causes including: lack of basic resources like food, water and medicine; heat stress in the new climate; suicides, violent encounters with the locals, attacks by local Grimm, and desperate clashes between each-other. More refugees disappear due to traffickers, organ harvesters and the other criminal organisations in Vacuo’s anarchist climate preying on them, despite huntsmen and huntresses’ efforts to defend or rescue them from such. Other desperate evacuees take their chances trying to flee to other regions.
The Maidens present in Vacuo use their weather-manipulating magic to shield refugee-inhabited areas from the Vacuan heat and bring rain as much as possible, and they at one point try terraforming fertile lands and grow more food. This backfires by further enflaming tensions among the Vacuans, whom feel even more so like they’re being invaded by their former colonists again due to this, and point out that the Maidens are intervening on the refugees’ behalf rather than the Vacuans’ after centuries. (ADDENDUM: Why didn’t anyone ever use the Maidens’ weather powers for long-term terraforming before, particularly in Vacuo and Solitas’ extreme environments? My guess is that Ozpin forbade the Maidens under his thumb from doing it to maintain secrecy, and none of the generations of Maidens that WEREN’T under his thumb were the types of people who would care enough about others to bother. And maybe, Ozpin WANTED Vacuo and Solitas to remain barren as part of his politicking and long-game plan for saving Remnant. Maybe Shade Academy’s oasis was itself originally cultivated by a past Maiden on Ozpin’s orders.)
Within four months of the Fall, roughly 65% of the former Kingdom of Atlas’ displaced population including children and infirm are dead or missing. Willow Schnee is later among the confirmed casualties, leaving Whitley under Winter’s care – the Schnee family is a remnant of what it once was. In a desperate effort to lower the death toll, the huntsmen and huntresses resort to mass-unlocking civilian refugees’ auras and training them as much as can be afforded.
Hope diminishes further after news reaches Vacuo that Vale has been completely overrun by a massive spike in Grimm activity. Several of the heroes observe the oddity that Salem would have her Grimm attack the already-decimated Vale first, instead of going straight for the unorganised desert kingdom where they currently reside in a weakened state. It’s hypothesised that Salem is making a second attempt to locate the Crown of Choice’s hidden true vault in Vale, or that Salem might not have ordered the Grimm to finish destroying  Vale at all and the Grimm had simply been drawn in by the negativity spike after the Fall of Atlas.
The remaining heroes, while struggling to save what refugees they can, debate what to do next about countering Salem. They debate whether or not to use the Summer Maiden (*) to open the vault under Shade and take the Sword of Destruction out to be moved to somewhere else.
(The other kingdoms)
Slowly, the other kingdoms and settlements outside of Shade Academy withdraw into their own borders.
Mistral’s gates are initially open to refugees, partly in an effort by the kingdom to rearm itself after Leonardo Lionheart’s actions decimated the kingdom’s huntsman population. Salem openly contacts Mistral and offers them a “gift:” they have nothing she’s after anymore, so she and the Grimm will leave Mistral alone on the condition that they close their borders, don’t get in her way and don’t in any way aid her enemies. Mistral’s council take the bargain, closing up and cutting off all support to Vacuo.
After a delay, news of the Fall of Atlas and Ruby’s message reach Menagerie. Ghira and Kali Belladonna call for the reformed White Fang to mobilise to the continents. However, many of Menagerie’s population, having been untouched by Salem’s genocidal campaign since the White Fang’s reformation, are outraged at the prospect of sending their militia away from their homeland to the aid of foreign kingdoms, including kingdoms which Menagerie has very bad blood with, based on Ruby’s message, leading to mass protests and a delay in mobilisation.
(Salem and her faction)
Salem has instructed the Grimm to comb the ruins of Vale, looking for the hidden new Fall Maiden vault where the Crown of Choice was moved out of Beacon’s basement to. Contacting Tyrian and Mercury via a Seer, she orders them to be patient and bide their time: Salem wants to let her enemies in Vacuo have breathing room to tear themselves apart with squabbles and infighting like they and Ironwood previously did in Atlas before her minions move in. Cinder is frustrated and impatient to claim the Winter and Summer Maiden powers immediately, knowing that they’re both currently in Vacuo.
(*) - I’ll default to calling the Summer Maiden Omaira, as a placeholder name on this timeline. If you’ve read a certain Coeur Al’Aran fic, then you know. ;)
(Also, Ruby’s broadcast REALLY should have mentioned that the consequences of Salem winning are the physical destruction of Remnant and all life on it. If it had, maybe Mistral and Menagerie would’ve opposed Salem like she wanted.)
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mamaspidershit · 1 year
ok so… idea that’s been floating around my head for awhile… y’all know those time travel/fix it fics where when Peter snaps and gets transported back in time and given all the powers of all the stones?
So imagine op!peter becoming a SHIELD agent. he lies and says he was an undocumented immigrant (he feels bad but how else can he explain his lack of… well, any family? Or papers?)
He climbs up the ranks, helping SHIELD get rid of HYDRA while also making some friends along the way.
Maria Hill and Phil Coulson, who he went to the academy with, eventually even Nick Fury.
He can’t change Nat’s past, but he is silently overjoyed when Clint brings her back from Budapest (she has always been his favourite Avenger). He defends her in the post Cold War world, when others question her allegiance.
Eventually though, his secret is revealed when during a mission he is forced to use his powers to save his teammates.( he couldn’t make himself wipe their memories)
Immediately, Peter is under suspicion. If he hid those powers for so long, maybe he’s hiding something else? Like an allegiance to HYDRA perhaps? (He’s not, but he goes along with it for SHIELD’s sake)
But, once he’s let free, he’s given, well, basically a glorified babysitter in the form of Natasha Romanoff, the newly minted SHIELD agent, who is more than a lil miffed to have to watch peter, who to be fair, doesn’t make it easy, doing insane hijinks because well, he’s basically a god, why not?
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abysscronica · 11 months
Hey 👋
Just wanting to get a scale of birdie’s impact, but how much of an impact does birdie make in the marines? Since she’s a master sniper and all, and it’s mentioned throughout your stories that she might be the best one in the marines but if she were to be removed from the picture, would anything change?
Hi and thank you for the question! The truth is, it wouldn't make much of a change, sadly. It hasn't much to do with birdie's skills, and a lot to do with how sloppily she was employed.
Here is the thing: birdie is in her mid-twenties, she probably has a good chunk of unlocked potential still (especially given OP age standards), she definitely has a rare raw talent for sniping and Observation haki, BUT she was very (very) poorly trained and used in the Marines. It's not only on the Marines, because her attitude and difficult character contributed to alienating tons of possibilities within the organization.
First of all, she didn't have a master sniper training her, as I feel the Marines simply don't care much for shooters. She underwent regular training in the academy, then basically trained herself, picking it up as she went. As for her Observation, Aokiji taught her, which is why she developed so much in few years, BUT THEN AGAIN, Aokji kept birdie's skills mainly for himself, didn't he? And she was so blinded with loyalty that she didn't exploit the opportunities she had to interact with different commanders/officials/teams. These could have led to winning squads and dynamics, and had many officers keep her in high regards, which would have translated to popularity, a faster career through the ranks, and more high-profile missions. Instead, her personality made others less than eager to interact with her too.
In short, she had the potential to become a good, maybe great trump card for the Marines, but she had the wrong personality, and the people around her were too short-sighted to try and make anything out of it. Excluding Aokiji, who was probably just being lazy asf. (or a little selfish, or he wanted to shield birdie for the rest of the Marines, pick your favorite, the result doesn't change).
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kvhasproblems · 2 years
Part 1 Bad Nights
Daisy Johnson x reader
Rated: G
Word Count: 679
Reader’s pronouns aren’t mentioned in this lol,
(Takes place in season 3 but it doesn’t matter much)
Warnings: regular aos violence.
AN: So basically this fic was supposed to be longer but I couldn’t for the life of me write the second half to it so, for now, I’m posting the first half and just making this into 2 parts.
I jolted awake. For the 3rd time that night. I haven’t been able to sleep properly since the mission. It just went so wrong so fast. The young boy, the building. It sent a nasty shiver down my spine just thinking about it. I run my hands down my face in frustration. I know how to deal with stress and traumatic situations, it was part of my training at Ops Academy at Shield. I just couldn’t understand why I can’t get this stupid mission out of my head. I glanced at the clock beside me.
2:04 am
I roll my eyes and slowly make my way out of bed. I’m not going to be getting any sleep tonight I might as well grab some tea and look at that paperwork Coulson needs me to do.
I throw on my dark grey shield hoodie and make my way down the base's dimly lit halls to the common area. My feet feel heavy and my body slumped as I walk. I am beyond exhausted. I trudge my way over to the kettle and start to make my tea. My thoughts keep flashing back to the boy, and the building. I try to push them away but they just keep coming back.
I hear the slight irregularity in my soundings, there’s someone behind me. Just before the person could put their hand on my shoulder I turn grabbing their hand, I spin them and pin their hand behind their back. My mind came to a second after I reacted. I quickly let go.
“Y/N!? What the hell?” Daisy whisper shouted.
“Oh god Daisy I'm so sorry, but in all fairness, you shouldn’t have snuck up on me,” I say with a small smile.
She smirks back before her eyes seem to search mine, a small flash of concern washes over her before she quickly covers it up.
“Why aren’t you in bed?” she asks leading me over to the couch in the common room.
“I could ask the same about you?” I volley back.
“Touché.” She said raising her eyebrow. We had both found a spot on the couch, our knees touching in a comforting way. I felt her gaze shift over me.
“Are going to keep deflecting or are you going to tell me what’s really going on?” She said while putting her hand on my shoulder making me look at her.
“Hey, I was not deflecting,” I say in a teasingly defensive voice.
Daisy raised her eyebrow at my statement. I let out a heavy sigh.
“I don’t know… I just haven’t been sleeping well lately, it’s just another bad night I guess.”
“Does it have to do with what happened during the mission a few days ago? You know that wasn’t your fault.”
“I know it’s not but… I can’t stop seeing his face. I close my eyes and he’s right there. If I had just acted faster maybe I could have saved him, and maybe there’s nothing I could have done but… I just can’t help but think there must’ve been. It’s stupid.”
“That’s not stupid and there’s nothing I can say that you don’t already know, but what I can do is be here for you and what you can do is try to get some sleep.”
I pulled Daisy into a warm hug.
“Thank you.” I gave her a warm smile before curling into her side as her arm wrapped around me comfortingly. I looked back up at her.
“Could we just sit here for a bit, I’m not ready to try and sleep yet.”
“whatever you want.”
We sit in comfortable silence, just content with each other's company and warmth. I slowly feel myself start to drift off. My eyes flutter closed as my breath falls in rhythm with Daisy’s. Just as I’m on the brink of sleep I feel a pair of warm lips touch my forehead.
“Goodnight love,” Daisy whispered so quietly I could barely hear it.
I drifted off before I could murmur a response.
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toffura · 2 years
Female Protagonists in Isekai Anime
If I had a nickel for every time an isekai (or isekai-adjacent) anime was hated because the protagonist was female, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
When you think of anime like Sword Art Online, Arifureta, The Rising of the Shield Hero, or Mushoku Tensei, what do they all have in common?
They’re isekai anime and have a male protagonist.
They’re all very popular anime and is received well both in Japan and internationally.
The male protagonists are also very well-liked (except for Rudeus from Mushoku Tensei, which has a more mixed reception)
But, what if the main protagonist was a girl?
Would they get that same treatment? I say, no.
I’m going to introduce 2 isekai anime with a female protagonist that premiered this year.
I will be giving slight spoilers for the first episode of: The Executioner and Her Way of Life.
The Executioner and Her Way of Life
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When interdimensional travelers from an otherworldly land known as “Japan” appear, they often bring death and destruction. It’s up to Executioners like Menou to track and exterminate the Lost Ones before they wreak havoc. When Menou encounters a beguiling Lost One named Akari, it’s bloody business as usual… until Menou discovers Akari can cheat death, that is. Even so, Menou has a job to do, and she is committed to her executioner’s mission come hell or high water — provided her newly stirring feelings don’t get in the way (Spring 2016, HIDIVE)
From the pronoun, "her," and the anime visual that showed no signs of a male character, you may think that a lot of people knew or at least deduced that the main character is going to be a girl.
Nope. In the first episode, you meet this guy who recently isekai-ed from Japan and automatically assume that this guy is the protagonist and we're about to see him becoming OP by the end of the season.
The first female character that we meet, Menou, kills him shortly after him getting his power, revealing that she was the main protagonist.
The reception for this was very mixed. And I wish it was just because of the premise. It was not.
There were many people who were upset that the main protagonist was the girl, who in my opinion, was much more interesting than the typical Japanese male high school student.
"Im done I wanted him to be mc would have been fun but oh well"
"female mc??? ehhhhh"
These two comments are just one of the many negative comments (and these are some of the more tamer ones I saw).
There were so many people thinking that had the male character been the protagonist, the anime would go in a much better, more interesting direction.
I call bullshit.
It would have gone the same exact way any other isekai would have gone. The male protagonist meets the girl, gets betrayed by said girl, survives the attack and swears to get revenge, meets a bunch of women who all fall in love with him, gets OP, and demolishes the big bad.
If Menou was a guy, I can also guarantee those people that dropped for being a female protagonist would have still watched.
Management of a Novice Alchemist
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Orphaned Sarasa just graduated from the Royal Alchemist Academy, and that means her longed-for life of elegance and riches is close at hand! As a graduation gift, her teacher gifts her a house to set up shop — but Sarasa’s dilapidated new digs are beyond far-flung. What’s a novice alchemist to do when they're stuck in the middle of nowhere with a business to run and supplies to gather from a very dangerous natural world? Whether it’s facing down frightening fantasy creatures or finding creative ways to attract customers, Sarasa has her work cut out for her as she achieves her dream of becoming the greatest alchemist around!
"i see female main character i evacuate."
"why is there not a single male in this god forsaken alchemy academy or whatever it is ......"
Like The Executioner and Her Way of Life, Management of a Novice Alchemist had a female protagonist that not everyone was happy that there's no male character in sight.
However, unlike The Executioner and Her Way of Life, this anime is purely slice of life. Literally, nothing would change no matter the gender.
So, why exactly the hate?
Sexism. I see no reason to voice a disdain for a protagonist because of their gender. If it’s just not your preference just silently drop it.
Lack of projection. A lot of people watch isekai for escapism. And sometimes they project themselves into the main protagonist. So when, they see someone they can’t project themselves onto (typically an average-looking man who has no dating experience before being isekai-ed), they end up hating the show for not having a “vessel” to escape to.
I really wanted to write more, but I feel like I would go off on to many tangents.
I really wanted to include Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie, but that wasn’t an isekai and tbh I could probably make a whole post about that.
I wrote this on a whim so it’s not exactly well-written, but these were all I had to say on this topic
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Lots of new character sprites, but we only know about some of them:
Clavell is the director of the academy (seen wearing colors for both games)
Jacq is your home room teacher that specializes in biology
Arven is an upperclassmen and a great cook
Penny is a shy student in your grade
Grusha is the ice type gym leader
Looks like similar raid battles to Sword&Shield
You can take selfies (maybe only in co-op)
Looks like cross game play(so violet players can join their scarlet friend)
Pokemon follow behind you
There is probably more but I’m tired and that’s what I found so far
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captainsophiestark · 8 months
Platonic!Bobbi Morse x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Marvel
Day 17 Prompt: "I never said it would be easy."
Summary: Bobbi Morse needs her best friend's help defending their record as the baddest bitches SHIELD's Ops Academy has ever seen.
Word Count: 2,103
Category: Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I sighed as I settled into the cocoon of blankets I'd built in my quarters at SHIELD, a bowl of popcorn resting in my lap and my favorite show on my laptop. After running around the world almost dying for a month on a mission, I'd decided to take my first full day back at SHIELD HQ to rest, and absolutely nothing else.
At least, that had been my plan, until my best friend practically broke down my door barging into my room.
"Thank goodness you're back!" she cried, urgency in her tone. I just stared at her, bracing myself for whatever the hell she'd come in here to tell me. "We have a situation."
"Barbara Morse, I just got back from a month long mission-"
"Two new Ops recruits just beat our time on SHIELD's toughest obstacle course."
I stopped mid-sentence, popcorn and show forgotten as I stared at Bobbi and tried to process her words.
"Impossible," I finally decided, scowling. Bobbi nodded sympathetically.
"It should've been. Our record's held for years. But it just got beaten, by two barely-not-teen boys, no less. I don't think I have to tell you we can't let that stand."
"Damn right we can't," I agreed, setting my popcorn aside and throwing the blanket off of my lap. I stood, closing my laptop and going to my closet to change out of the pajama pants I'd been living in ever since I got back. "Give me like five minutes and I'll be ready to go."
"I'll go get the Quinjet ready to take off. Ops academy here we come."
We did our secret handshake that we'd come up with in our first year together at SHIELD academy, then separated to accomplish our missions. I made it out of my room in four minutes, jogging through the hallways to get to Bobbi faster. A few people waved to me and welcomed me back, but I didn't stop to chat. Bobbi and I had a new mission of peak importance to take care of, and we couldn't let anything get in our way.
For a long time, the SHIELD Ops obstacle course had been the end-all be-all of class credibility, outside of actual class rank. Recruits were expected to attempt it in pairs, and only the absolute best could make it through at all, let alone with any kind of speed. Bobbi and I had trained like maniacs until we'd blown the previous record out of the water, going down in history as the two best agents to ever take on one of the academy's hardest challenges. We coasted on that reputation for the rest of our academy career, and people still seemed impressed by it even though we'd left the academy long behind us.
Many had tried to break our record, and none had ever succeeded. One or two people had come close, but on the whole, our record seemed absolutely unbeatable. If two new recruits had come in and done the impossible, then they must've been incredibly impressive agents. And they also had to be stopped and reminded of Bobbi and I's supremacy immediately.
Bobbi brought the Quinjet in for a landing at the Academy not twenty minutes after she'd first burst into my room. The two of us marched through the hallways shoulder to shoulder, heads held high like we owned the place. And after graduating top of our class, we kind of did.
"Alright, let's see just what these two pulled off," I said, Bobbi and I slipping into one of our old classrooms and accessing the records for the obstacle course. I put their replay up on the projector, then went to take a first row seat in the auditorium with Bobbi.
"You should've brought your popcorn with you," she said. I laughed, but the laughter quickly died as the replay began.
These two first year recruits hadn't just managed to beat our record by a tenth of a second or two. They'd blown us out of the water by three whole seconds. Practically an eternity. And even worse, based on the end of the video, they clearly thought they were the hottest shit that SHIELD had ever seen as a result.
I swore loudly in the empty classroom.
"That was insane, Bob! How the hell do you expect us to beat that, especially since we haven't done this course in forever?"
"Hey, I never said it would be easy. But we have to do it, Y/N. We can't let this stand."
I groaned, rolling my eyes up to the ceiling before huffing a big sigh.
"Yeah, you're right. Do you want to do a few practice runs before we get an official timed one?"
"No, I don't. I think we go warm up in the gym, do a couple practice exercises in there, then go outside and crush that obstacle course and show everybody who's boss."
I nodded. "I like that plan. Alright, let's do this."
Thankfully, our favorite training room from our time at the agency was still here, and even better, empty. We did some stretching and warmups, ran through a few of the movements we'd need on the obstacle course, and then headed outside.
The dew of the morning still clung to the grass in the yard of the academy, and recruits ran in tight formation all around. Others trained on some of the smaller obstacle courses, or did pushups and jumping jacks. I elbowed Bobbi and nodded across the yard when I found the recruits who'd broken our record stretching out under a tree, preening like peacocks as their classmates surrounded them.
Bobbi and I shared a grin. They better enjoy it while it lasted.
"Agent Morse! Agent Y/L/N! This is a nice surprise."
Bobbi and I turned to find our absolute favorite instructor staring at the both of us, hands on her hips and a smile on her face. Agent Bailey was five foot nothing, but her strength, attitude, and experience made her seem larger than life. She was by far one of the most respected instructors across all of the SHIELD academies, and she was the only one Bobbi and I had really stayed in touch with. She'd even had us back once or twice to speak to her classes, when we weren't away on a mission.
"Agent Bailey! It's so good to see you!"
"It's good to see you two, too. Now, what brings you both back here? Don't tell me someone else poached you to speak to their class instead of mine?"
"No, don't worry. We would never," I said, giving her a bright smile. Bobbi nodded, then continued.
"We're actually back to reclaim our record on the obstacle course."
Bailey smiled, and clearly this wasn't a surprise to her at all. She started walking towards the start of the course, motioning for us to follow her.
"I figured as much. I wondered how long it would take the two of you to get back here once you heard." She stopped at the beginning of the course, hands on her hips as she surveyed us both. "Good. Those two who broke your record need to be taken down a peg. Their arrogance is going to get them killed, in the field if not here. They're in their first year and already think they're untouchable."
I frowned and glanced over at the tree where we'd spotted the agents in question earlier. They were still stretching, but they'd noticed us now, and were looking in our direction. I gave them a sickly sweet smile before turning back to Bailey.
"I'll time you both and make it official. Don't fail me now, you two."
With that, Bailey turned to take her place as an official administrator for the obstacle course test. I hopped around a little, bouncing on the balls of my feet and shaking out my arms. Then, I turned to Bobbi.
"You ready to do this?"
"Oh yeah. Those punks are never going to forget our names."
We high-fived, then turned to face the obstacle course, crouching a little, ready to launch forward as soon as Baily called start.
"On your marks!"
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a few recruits wandering over to watch us, looking confused. They'd be looking on in awe in a few minutes, if Bobbi and I had anything to say about it.
"Get set!"
I took a deep breath in before letting it out, the distractions fading away. The course ahead and my partner beside me were all that mattered. Laser-like focus and efficiency was the order of the day.
Bobbi and I launched forward into the course, two women on a mission. We worked like a perfect machine, almost reading each others' thoughts as we launched over one obstacle and stopped to help the other right behind us. We didn't hesitate at a single challenge, and every time my muscles felt a little tired or a little upset at what I asked of them, I pushed right through. There was no room for hesitating, or slowing down, or pausing. No room for error.
After dancing through a few portions that tested agility and literally swinging through a few others that tested strength, Bobbi and I reached the final challenge, a massive wall that we had to scale before our run could be deemed complete. We hit it at a dead run, Bobbi launching upwards just ahead of me and holding out a hand to help me reach the first level. I used the momentum and her help to make it to the second level, and we continued steadily, working in perfect sync as we neared the top.
A button to stop the time sat waiting for us at the top, with Agent Bailey standing right behind it. Bobbi and I had to hit the button at the same time, or the clock would keep running. It was the final piece, the final test of how well we could work together and remain in sync even through exhaustion.
I made it to the top, turning back to hold out a hand for Bobbi. I pulled her up while she climbed, and as soon as she made it to stable footing, I turned on my heel and ran for the button. I could feel Bobbi a half step behind me, closing just in time as I reached out my hand.
As one, our hands slammed down on the button, Bobbi's already on top of mine as we made contact. The button lit up to tell us the clock had come to a stop, and we both looked to Bailey with hopeful, expectant looks.
All around us, as the world outside the obstacle course came back into focus, the recruits training in the yard stood staring up at us on the platform. I noticed the two boys at the front of the crowd, watching Bailey with bated breath as intensely as me and Bobbi. A moment later, Bailey raised her arms and shouted:
"We have a new course record!"
Bobbi and I screamed and jumped up and down, immediately wrapping each other in a tight hug. I laughed, a joyous, almost disbelieving laugh, and when we pulled apart Bobbi was absolutely beaming at me.
"Agents Morse and Y/L/N have set a new record by a margin of two point seven seconds."
"HELL YES!" I screamed. Bailey gave us each a small smile, then her face dropped back to her usual no-nonsense baseline.
"Their time and a replay of their run will be posted and available within the hour. Everyone else, back to your exercises! You're not here to stand around all day!"
Slowly, the crowd of recruits started to disperse. The two boys who'd held the record for all of a few hours stared up at us in awe until their instructor came to pull them away. I shot them a wink and a wave.
"Nice work, partner," said Bobbi, smiling as she leaned in and bumped her shoulder against mine. "I guess we've still got it."
"Of course we've still got it. We're the dream team, absolutely unbeatable."
We shared a smile. After a second, Bobbi sighed, stretching out her arms and taking a few steps towards the easy way down from the platform we'd climbed up to.
"So, wasn't it worth it that I dragged you out of bed this morning?"
"Worth it? Yes. Enough to make me stay up and about when I've been in a safe place to relax for the first time in a full month? Hell no."
"Mind if I join you in your relaxing? I'm not due to ship out for another mission until the end of the week."
I smiled. "Sure thing. But I'm not sharing my popcorn."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @luv-ghostie @songbirdcannabe
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prismaticuniverses · 3 months
S/I: Ris Kodiak
After being orphaned in Mantle, Ris is found defending citizens from the Grimm by a member of Ironwood’s Ace Ops. They are taken to meet the general himself, and after noticing they are of age to enter Atlas Academy and a recommendation from Dr Polendina, Ironwood generously offers to fund their tuition. Ris happily agrees, and not long after is charged with the protection and preservation of Penny Polendina, Atlas’ premier project. They become partners at Atlas Academy, and later are selected to travel to Vale for the Vytal Festival. There they meet team RWBY, and their story begins.
Ris’ semblance is called Color Guard. They’re able to absorb light energy from colors and turn them into shields. The more saturated an object is, the more durable and/or large the shield will be. Their weapon is a broadsword that doubles as a rifle, and can transform into twin throwing axes.
Weiss 💍
Ironwood (adoptive)
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marvelfracturedrpg · 5 months
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RACE – Mutate
POWER /ABILITY – Hell fire, Master spy
"I'm not asking for forgiveness. I just want to help you."
Once upon a time
Grant Douglas Ward grew up in an abusive household in Massachusetts. He had three siblings - two brothers and a sister. While all four children suffered at the hands of their parents, Grant was also beaten by his older brother and forced into helping abuse their younger brother.  Christian (older brother) threw Thomas (younger brother) into a well and wouldn’t let Grant pull him out. He ended up saving Thomas anyways. This is something of a ‘defining moment’ for Grant, as it was the first time he’d felt true hatred for his older brother as well as their parents. 
As a teen Grant was sent to a military academy, where he excelled and drew the eye of Garrett. He ended up running away - stealing a car and driving over 1000 miles back to his parents home, which he set fire to. His older brother was inside, and nearly died.  Grant was arrested, set to be tried as an adult at his brother’s urging, but was instead recruited by John Garrett, and broken out of the detention facility. Over the next few years (the first six months of which he was left to survive alone in the woods) Garrett trained Ward. When Ward did join SHIELD he already knew of HYDRA and was meant to play the part of an undercover asset for Garrett. He excelled in most his training. He received top marks in combat, the highest espionage rating since Natasha Romanoff, but low marks in his interpersonal skills. He had level 7 clearance, was put forward to join Coulson’s team.
Ward, despite everything Garrett had attempted to teach him, grew attached to the team. He was never fully loyal to HYDRA - he trusted Garrett, and he was told HYDRA could help his sister who was sick, but even still it wasn’t enough to completely ease his mind.  After helping Garrett escape before he could be taken to the Fridge, Ward told his S.O. he was done, and wanted out. He let it slip that he had a child, and Garrett quickly made use of that information. Ward stayed on, as HYDRA now not only had his sister’s life in their hands, but also had his daughter.
After everything went down Ward was captured and held prisoner in the Playground. During his transfer into his brother’s custody he escaped and vanished. He killed his brother and helped reunite Skye with her father. Skye shot him. Kara, Agent 33, still masquerading as May helped him get out, and the two disappeared for a time. Continued taking odd jobs for HYDRA - the ones people wouldn’t or couldn’t take. While still on their payroll Ward was feeding information to journalists and to SHIELD, and giving false information to HYDRA.
One of the missions he was sent on was to collect and relocate the scepter/Mind Stone. The mission went south quickly, and in his haste Ward grabbed it with his bare hand. Touching the stone woke dormant abilities from an ancestor, resulting in a massive fire. Ward made it out seemingly unharmed, and did relocate it as he was told to do. It took time to try and figure out what the hell had happened to him. As far as he currently knows, the fire he manipulates is real fire, with an added bonus of some slight necrotic damage, and transfers only to things he’s holding (such as a chain, bat, maybe a person if he’s got ahold of them). If he learns more this will change, as he’ll learn he’s capable of creating/manipulating both regular fire and hellfire, and does not need to be in contact with what he’s setting ablaze.
Ward was there for the collapse of the bridge into Hells’ Kitchen. Saved some people, did his best to help as many as he could. He was living a normal semi-peaceful life for a while and was part of the resistance during the Skrull invasion. This is when he learned about the necrotic properties of his fire, having witnessed one of the Skrulls he fought decaying in front of him even before they burned. He signed up for SWORD when it opened.
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mudaship39 · 6 months
Character Bio of the Afro Asian Native Human with Fae Elvish, Goblinoid, & Giantkin Spellcaster, Gunslinger, & Swordmaster Part 5
He/she/they were the apprentice, initiate, aspirant, and squire of two knight commanders. He/she/they were a knight, a knight corporal, & a knight sergeant. 
He/she/they were a knight sergeant, a knight lieutenant, & later a knight captain. 
He/she/they were a paladin, a star paladin, & a grand paladin. 
He/they were then the knight and paladin chapter master. 
She/they were an elder of a paladin and knight order. 
He/she/they as a fighter were a mercenary, bounty hunter, & private soldier of a mercenary company Timber Wolf that worked jobs all over Esisio. 
She/they is a warlord who is in control of a city state for territory. 
He/she/they graduated from the guild academy as a B rank adventurer and an A rank guild member. He/she/they as an adventurer of an adventuring guild and guild member of a guild order are a magic user and fighter. She/they is an arcane swordsman and esoteric gunslinger as a fighter. 
He/she/they started out as an independent B rank adventurer and an A rank guild member after leaving their own guild order and adventuring guild that he/she/they joined as a C rank member. He/she/they were looking to start his/her/their own guild order of guild members to go on quests for missions. He/she/they were also looking to start his/her/their own adventuring guild of adventurers going into dungeons during raids for loot.
He/she/they as a fighter was a black ops and spec ops soldier for the Federation of Aehinara military. He/she/they as a fighter was a general of the Human Federation military.
He/she/they were the apprentice of a grand sorceress and a grand magician. 
He/she/they had many apprentices as an imperial alchemist traveling the giant planet Kaishi. 
He/she/they as an arch mage and master wizard worked at a magical tower The Mysterious Spire that was home to the magical council and magical government of magic users. The magical tower has an extensive library of parchments, scrolls, tomes, & grimoires.
He/she/they as a great warlock and supreme witch also worked at the magical tower the Brilliant Obelisk that is home to an entire magical community of magic users. The magic tower has an immense laboratory for alchemists to brew, concoct, & stew elixirs, potions, antidotes, brews, & concoctions. 
He/she/they as a S rank magic user are a tenth circle magic user specializing in tier zero to tier five magic. 
Norwood Family: 
His/her/their noble and old family of Norwood is a noble house who made their fortune in magic. Their trade and interest is in magical research, creation of magical tools, mage schooling, selling of magical items, & forging of magical equipment (weapons, armor, & shields). His/her/their family’s alignment is good and neutral. Their resource limit is 100,000 gold. Their membership is eighty nobles. The heraldic symbol of the House of Norwood is of a Hellhound. The colors of the noble house are sapphire, gold, & silver. The Noble and Old House of Norwood has large land holdings. Controlling a large domain of land means power, control, influence, assets, and stature. The  family seeks to increase their land holdings and reclaim lost land from rival families. The family has several heirlooms such as a sword that was a gift from an ally sovereign, a wand passed down from the first magic user in the family’s bloodline, the remains of the family’s first elder, & letters and ledgers. Heirlooms are an important part of a family’s power base. So reclaiming and protecting lost heirlooms is an important priority. 
Magic attacks: 
Concussion Beams: Release beams of solidified magic.
Expanding Magic Bolts: Project magic that expands rapidly on contact with an object.
Formulated Magic Blasts: Release blasts of magic in the form of a creature or object.
Hand Blasts: Release magic blasts from hands.
Magic Ball Projection: Create and launch spheres of magic.
Magic Bolt Projection: Release low powered projectiles of magic.
Magic Bullet Projection: Fire in short sequence over a wide area.
Magic Breath: Discharge magic blasts from the mouth.
Magic Burst: Create a burst of magical energy.
Magic Cutting: Use magical energy to cut opponents.
Magic Infusion: Empower and energize anything touched or used (usually a weapon) with magic.
Magic Pillar Projection: Project magic pillars.
Magic Spike Projection: Project magic spikes.
Magic Vision: Emit magic from one's eyes.
Magic Vortex Creation: Create spiral/vortex of magic.
Magic Wave Emission: Send out a wave of magic and that repels everything.
Magical Beam Emission: Release concentrated beams of magic.
Magical Bomb Generation: Create bombs/explosions of magic.
Mystic Blast: Release magic over a specific target area.
Omnidirectional Magic Waves: Send out a wave of magic in all directions.
Overpower: Pulse of magic is released, overloading powered devices in an area.
Reflective Attacks: Release attacks that can bounce off of any surface.
Scatter Shot: Release magic blasts that split into multiple fragments.
Sword Beam Emission: Release magic blasts from swords and other such bladed weapons.
Wave Motion Blast: Launch a massive wave of magic.
Zap: A tiny short release of magic to cause pain or discomfort, usually too low-powered to be destructive.
Magically enhanced physiology, Mystic Human Physiology, Homo Magi Physiology, Mage Lord/Mage Lady Physiology, Transcendent Mage Physiology. 
Magical energy absorption, Magical reflection, Magical unification, Magical regeneration, Magical communication, Magical constructs, Magical energy manipulation, Magical object manipulation, Magical Telekinesis, Magical Telepathy, Magical Teleportation, Magical Flight, Magical Energy Manipulation, Magical Energy Generation, Mana Manipulation, Magic empowerment, Magic combat, Magic aura, Magic channeling, Magic concentration, Magic conversion, Magic detection, Magic extension, Magic generation, Magic invisibility, Magic portal creation, Magic replication, Magic Adaptation, Magic Bestowal, Anti Magic, Magic Immunity, Magic Creation, Magic Destruction, Magic Negation, Magic Intuition, Magic Lordship, Magic Unification, Magic Weaponry, Spellcasting, Spell amplification, Spell creation, Spell destabilization, Spell mixture, Spell negation, Potion creation, Potion amplification, Energy circle combat, Force Field Generation, Mystical Healing, Elemental Control/Elemental Manipulation, Energy Construct Creation, Energy Projection, Mystical martial arts, Adaptive magic, Leyline Manipulation, Esoteric Energy Manipulation, Omni Magic, Power Absorption, Personal Domain, Personal Enchantment, Eldritch blast, Mind Control, Mental Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation, Precognition, Reality Alteration/Reality Warping, Astral Projection, Cosmic Awareness, Dimensional Travel, Immortality
Strengths: Active. Adaptable. Admirable. Adventurous. Agreeable. Alert. Amiable. Appreciative. Articulate. Aspiring. Athletic. Attractive. Balanced. Benevolent. Brilliant. Calm. Capable. Captivating. Caring. Challenging. Charismatic. Charming. Cheerful. Clean. Clear-headed. Clever. Colorful. 
Vices: Drinking magical alcohol. Using magical drugs. Gambling in magical card games.
When still mortal and before being turned into a fae elvish god/goddess of magic, a giant kin god/goddess of smithing, & a hobgoblinoid god/goddess of technology.
His/her/their weaknesses were:
Anti magic attacks
Attacks from dragons.
Possession from demons. Possession from angels.
Being revived by necromancers. Being revived by lich kings
Being turned into a zombie by the undead. Being turned into a vampire. Being turned into a lycanthrope by a werewolf.
Mind control by mind flayers. Mind control by beholders.
Being possessed by spirits like ghosts, wraiths, ghouls, or spectre.
Being mummified by mummies
Venom from giant ants, giant bees, or giant spiders. Venom from driders or arachne.
Venom from fire basilisk. Venom from hydras.
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tangleweave · 6 months
"Have you evah been in--"
She looks down, away. The final word is acid in her throat or salt on her tongue in an unpleasant way that holds nothing of her Mother's magick in it.
She trusts Phil not to be dismayed by the way she hesitates on the word. For asking a question she doesn't really have a right to ask. Or in the way she almost recoils from herself the instant it speaks it into being.
A few seconds creep by before she catches the corner of her lip between her teeth, savouring the stinging where chapped skin had been pulled away. "I'm…sorry. S'none of my business, yeah?"
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[ Who We Want / Accepting ]
For as much as the question guides Beth's face and gaze downward and to the side, it draws Phil's front and center, and for a moment he stops chewing his latest bite of cherry pie. He doesn't quite stare; he has a specific face for doing that. But his expression is nonetheless inscrutable, up to and through the moment she puts forth her quiet acknowledgment that she was out of her depth in asking.
And for Beth, being out of her depth is indeed a feat.
It's normally not the kind of question he would consider answering in any way other than vague or coy. A spymaster holds secrets for reasons -- principally because it's in the job description, and because he's the soul of discretion. But he has to take into consideration how Beth had followed him into SHIELD on virtually nothing but a hope and a prayer, an invitation extended from a stranger who managed to convince her to disclose a wide array of superhuman abilities on nothing more than an open approach, a polite greeting, and a flash of the badge.
Months later, she's out of the Academy, working diligently in her bio lab, and conducting post-op field analyses as a member of his team, and she still doesn't know just how much she tipped her hand to him when they'd first met -- and he has no reason to change that dynamic. But he's given her precious little about his personal life in return.
It's not personal. He doesn't share that sort of information with anybody.
...except Ms. Potts. And, by extension, Tony Stark.
"Just saying. I'll fly you out to Oregon. Give love a chance."
He turns back down to his plate and swallows his bite. Perhaps along with it, a morsel of his pride.
"Once." He sets down his fork and laces his fingers atop the edge of the table. "Audrey. She plays cello with the Portland Symphony. She got put on SHIELD's radar when she was being stalked... turned out by a metahuman. We put him where he couldn't hurt or frighten anyone anymore, but... Audrey and I became fast friends. She'd call ahead if she was coming to New York. Whenever I was in Portland, I'd get a ticket to the symphony. She got a gig in D.C. for a while. Somehow she had a sense of when I was within a hundred miles. She always seemed to make my phone ring at just the right times. We spent a lot more time together."
The faintest flicker of a smile drifts across his features, as ephemeral as a puff of smoke and just as transitory. "She laughed at my jokes, too, which has never been all that common."
He glances down to his plate and takes his fork back up, maybe as a subconscious attempt to ward away the ache that he senses welling up from the pit of his stomach. He'll finish the pie, but he's not as appetized as he was on the first bite. "The gig wrapped two weeks before the Battle of New York, and she flew home to Portland. I couldn't see her off. I was at the Tesseract Research Facility at the time. And then, well..."
He does a gentle brushing motion of the fingers on his free hand, as if dismissing a sprite from the edge of his plate -- or the sobering thought that more might have come from that relationship. The echo of Tony Stark's voice is replaced with an echo of Raina's.
"She did love you."
He presses the side of his fork through the crust. "Since then... haven't really counted on the idea that I would have room for it in my life. Every minute I have is borrowed time, now."
He lifts his gaze to her face, and his expression returns her inquiry to her... but he knows better than to ask it aloud.
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