#rn’ and my coworkers agreed so I got use these. was very good
apricotluvr · 1 year
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Feb 2023 🫶🏼
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mrs-hollandstan · 1 year
Hey b, so mildly obsessed with your work (and possibly being your friend because you seem cool🥺) anyways idk if you’re taking requests rn it’s cool if you’re not but like I just bought a cute white golf skirt (it makes my waist look snatched and my booty popping 💁🏻‍♀️) and I can’t stop thinking about working at a golf course and tommy being like oh shit 👀 and all the guys are like nah they’re out of your league mate 😂 anyways I hope you have a good day and I like your tattoo!
Thank you, thank you. FYI I kept this one very non-binary/not explicitly gendered so anyone could enjoy ☺️
"Holland!" Harrison finally snaps Tom out of his trance from where he'd been staring at you. He gestures to the green, "Take the damn shot." He grumbles. Tom shakes his head of the thoughts about you, taking the shot which misses the hole by half an inch. He hums as he glances over his shoulder and steps out of the way for Sam, 
"You guys got time for a drink after?" He asks. Harrison raises an eyebrow, 
"This about Y/N again?" He poses. Tom shrugs, 
"No… just could go for a cold one." He murmurs. Harry chuckles, 
"Mmhmm. You do know Y/N is out of your league right? They're way too pretty for you." He tells his older brother. Tom rolls his eyes, 
"It's not about Y/N." He growls. Harry rolls his eyes, 
"Yeah… sure." 
"I've got time." Sam mumbles. Harry and Harrison ultimately agree, the four of them finishing their round before heading for the clubhouse. Tom swallows, heart pounding out of his chest as they enter the bar, sitting at a free table in the middle of the room. Tom watches you take drinks onto your tray, delivering them to their table before you approach, 
"Hey guys… long time no see. Same as usual?" You pose. They each mumble in agreement or nod as you scribble down on a pad, glancing out at them. Tom swallows as you offer a smile, 
"Be right back." When you turn, Tom's eyes slide to the skirt you're wearing. Obviously it's got shorts under it, it's a golf skirt, but Tom can't help but wonder what it would be like if you weren't wearing a tennis skirt, if you were wearing just a normal skirt. He licks his lips as you lean on the bartop, watching your coworker crack open four beers before he sets them on your tray and you turn back towards the boys. Harrison smacks his arm, 
"Ask them for their number." He goads. Tom frowns,
"No way, they'd say no." 
"No they wouldn't. You're Tom Holland, you're irresistible. Go for it." Before anymore can be said, you lean over and deliver four beers to their group, smiling at them, 
"Anything else?" You ask. Harrison glances at Tom, but when nothing pops up, you turn and start away. Harrison gives a good shove to Tom's shoulder before Tom stumbles to a stand. He clears his throat and smoothes over his pole before he starts towards the bar where you've retreated again, 
"Uhm… Y/N…" He starts. You turn, smiling up at him, 
"Hey Tom, what's up?" He swallows again, 
"Nothing, uhm, I-I was just wondering if… maybe I could… get your number? I- I figured we could go see a movie or get dinner sometime soon, just the two of us." He poses. You can tell he's nervous by the way he stares at you. You smile and shrug, turning to scribble on a napkin. You hold it out to him between two fingers and he stares at you for a moment, 
"What?" You ask. He shakes his head, 
"I just… the boys told me you were out of my league and… I seriously thought it was true." He defends. You smile, 
"Really?" He nods, 
"Yeah." You shrug, 
"What can I say, you're adorable and I'd love to go to dinner and watch you stumble over yourself." You admit, leaning in to kiss his cheek. He scoffs slightly, 
"Wow… okay." Turning, he glanced back down at the napkin in his hand. Harrison gapes up at him as he slides in his seat, 
"What'd you ask them?" He poses. Tom shrugs, 
"I just asked for their number." He murmurs. Harrison reaches put and pats Tom's shoulder, 
"Good job mate." Tom nods, glancing out at you, watching you work for a few moments. And he'd never forget that you're the catch, not him. 
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
I’ve been waiting for 2x04 bc it’s one of my faves so i should say this ep was watched after his check up where he told a nurse about it and the nurse told him he actually watched it when it aired. To which my brother went ‘well watch it again bc I have to talk to someone about it man, she *points to me* is about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.’ Anyway: ‘oh it’s pride weekend? Wait WEEKEND? Don’t you fuckers get a whole month? *points at me* dont start, that was meant lovingly’.. ‘so Godiva is like the Trixie of Libery Avenue? That reminds me i gotta watch her new youtube video..’ ‘maybe.. the reason your drink isn’t selling is that hair, sir that is outrageous!..why is he helping a homophobe. Although he’s just an employee so i get it, ill allow it one time Bri Bri’ ‘oh she has a motorcycle? I do too! Maybe this is how i start to like Mel..but mine is broken bc i fell..*he is currently sad over the motorcycle*’ at this point he was so angry at Mikeys coworkers that he paused the ep, went outside for a smoke, came back looked at the tv and went ‘not cool guys, that’s just tacky’ ‘who’s godiva again?! THE LIBERTY VERSION OF TRIXIE IS GONE?! OH NO POOR TRIX- i mean godiva’ ‘OKAAAY TED GET YOURSELF SOME DICK! Good for you! Maybe less talking bc it doesn’t seem to be your thing’… ‘is he making the drink gay? well that’s- WHY DID HE PUT ON THE GOOGLES TO SUCK HIS DICK? SIR YOU WILL CHOK- well i guess that the point’ he got very sad at the scene of Justin painting the sign. He forgot Justin was an artist and now he’s sad bc he can’t do it anymore..’ITS JEN! AT PFLAG! I knew i could count on you! She reminds me of our mom (cut to me saying our mom is a black woman) well..i didn’t specify HOW she reminds me-you know what? Leave me alone, I’m clearly going through something..oh god the shirt. I’m happy for her but Michael would not make me proud…unless he changes like 60 things about himself overnight’ btw he is feeling so proud of himself rn bc he swears that he is “chill” all while bouncing his leg so much my house is shaking. ‘IS THAT THAT BAT FUCKER?!! AT A GAY HOSPICE?! IS THIS SOME KIND OF A FUCKING JOKE?! HE DID NOT JUST WISH AIDS ON HIM AND DURING PRIDE?! oh kid i am your biggest fucking enemy right now, i hope you have an explosive diarrhea’ ‘okay so Mel used to be fun? What happened? Where did she go wrong?…A PITY FUCK?! TED DESERVES BETTER! WHAT KIND OF FUCKED UP JOKE IS THIS! That guy wasnt even that pretty so don’t worry Ted’ he got mad again here but less mad then before so no smoke break! ‘Oh he sobered up fast when he realized it wasnt a dream. Bri bri we need to talk about how youre in love. I swear I won’t tell anyone! OH FINALLY I AGREE WITH MIKE, IT WAS A SICK JOKE! Oh..i just know if that fucker did anything, Brian would be fighting right now..now i want to see Brian throw a punch, do you think he knows how to?..OH NO JUSTY, WE ARE GOING TO PRIDE! You are supposed to be proud of..wait what is he supposed to be proud of? Dick sucking skills? *looks at me genuinely* id be proud of that if i was him’ ‘oh my god! The ugly hair homophobe! NOW WHY DID HE SAY THE F WORD?! HE ISNT ALLOWED TO SAY THAT WHAT THE HELL! AND DURING PRIDE?! FUCK YOU!’ And we are back outside for a smoke break.. not to make my brother a liar from the last ep but he is NOT calm. ‘Okay im cool again..as long as no hetero pisses me off anymore. I love that big flag! Do you think they filmed this during actual pride?..WE ARE NOT LETTING BAT FUCKER WIN! Okay seriously now, how bad is Brians mom because he keeps making people march with their moms.. is that bc she wouldn’t do it if she kne- oh god i am now sad for Brian wanting to march with his mom but cant. This is too much for me to handle on a random Friday!..oh brian knew about that fucker? You know what? Hes a little rude but he keeps wanting everyone to just be them. I fuck with that! I shall do that too! But after i get back to my normal life bc this *waves hands* is not it’ 1/2 of 2x04
Your brother being pissed about Brian working for a homophobe... wait until he gets to Stockwell arc.
Does your brother watch...drag race? Is he a Trixie Mattel fan? I am seriously dying over this. Comparing Godiva to Trixie... bless. I don't know how accurate I feel that comparison is but I would need to sit with it to think of a better comparison. I take my drag race comparisons seriously.
Mel used to be cool... what happened? Lindsay! LOL
And that bat fucker! I love it. He's so protective over Justin and Brian. He's so worried about what Joan did to Brian and your brother is in for a sad sad shock.
And his take on Brian and Ted - "He keeps wanting everyone to just be them" is so so so accurate.
Your brother may be high off his butt on painkillers but he's very accurate in his takes.
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
Fancy dinner, movie night, and ballroom dancing for Chryzure?
🥂 [FANCY DINNER] ~ What dessert do you associate with your F/O?
honestly,,, mostly jst sweet little beverages,,, like boba or italian soda or something of the like…. OR, maybe frozen yogurt <33
🍿 [MOVIE NIGHT] ~ Describe/create an AU centering around you and your F/O!
i’ve been thinking soooo hard abt my undead!azure-meets-haven au, where it’s chrysi and azure (and later, jacks is introduced, in, like, what would be considered the second season—as a roadblock to the chryzure endgame romance, but also fans start to prefer shipping chrysijacks for a bit bc they aren’t meant to be, but they’ve got such good chemistry that they make it work… but this isn’t ABOUT JACKS, so back to topic!) helping all the ppl with supernatural abilities get them under control + chrysi will deal with ghosts and ghoul infestations.
azure is the new guy that jst started working at the station as a forensics guy (??? i haven’t done any research, but it’s uhhh a small town, so he does the photography of the crime scenes and also he helps piece together the clues. using tv show logic here). he mostly moved there bc he’s undead now and his uncle encouraged him to move to salem, since it’s pretty much ghoul-and-witch-and-other-supernatural-being central there. when he gets there, he meets the supernatural consultant, chrysi :) except they also met before his first day on the job, and they both did not leave a good impression on each other, so now it is very awkward working together…
but between cases, they start bonding + chrysi isn’t creeped out by his bloodlust, so azure starts to crush on her,,, jst a little bit…. but unfortunately, tris is her ex (he returns also in season 2, and he and chrysi have a reunion relationship. it’s a fun couple episodes, some including a high school reunion together and the halloween episode where she dresses up as a cheerleader and he dresses up as someone frm marching band), so azure steps back.
around that time, he finds someone else that is also undead, jst like him, so he has a sort of relationship with her (but not official??? bc he still has such a major work crush on chrysi???). MEANWHILE, tris breaks up with chrysi (the whole “i care about you, but i think i need to care less. if you were to die and i cared about you as much as i do now, it will destroy me.” convo… chrysi’s sitting there like “COOL. I NEED TO LEAVE IMMEDIATELY, FOR FEAR OF BURSTING INTO TEARS.”)
at that point, azure agrees to go on a dinner date with chrysi, on the basis that it’s jst them! going to it! as coworkers! nothing more! except it’s at a very fancy restaurant and chrysi’s all dressed up and azure got them reservations and everything,,,, issue issssss, azure ran into the undead girl (her name’s lexi, btw) and they started talking abt #jstundeadthings, so he lost track of time and accidentally stood up chrysi,,,, FORTUNATELY, JACKS IS THERE!!!! (post-trysi breakup 2: electric boogaloo, there’s a lot of cases where there’s some chrysijacks chemistry,,,, lots involving her saving his life and ending with jacks quietly sitting there, blushing unnoticeably…)
so chrysi and jacks start dating :) jacks took azure’s place in the dinner date (he was not dressed accordingly, but chrysi doesn’t care. she’s glad for the company. never repeat this to jacks.) and in the end, he walked chrysi home. whereeeee they ended up kissing on her doorstep, and where jacks realizes chrysi doesn’t die to his kiss. neat! she is never going to get rid of him.
((the chrysijacks storyline would continue for a bit, where azure ends up dating lexi in the interim, but lexi knows that azure loves chrysi more,,, it’s not a very nice feeling)), I’LL END HERE THOUGH, mostly bc the chrysijacks storyline is vv important to the chryzure one, but i don’t have the energy to explain it rn,,,
🎻 [BALLROOM DANCING] ~ If you and your F/O had a trailer for your relationship, what song would you want to be used for it?
this one is a bit hard, but either aglow by the rare occasions, tether by sleep state, or (to completely jump vibes) in the room where you sleep by dead man’s bones,,, OH, I THINK TORN APART BY BASTILLE IS ALSO A VV CHRYZURE SONG, but i don’t think i’d have it be a relationship trailer song for them. it’s jst.. YEAH, they were born to be together, but they were torn apart… things to think abt!
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rlconasty · 1 year
@madhatterene idk how to make posts…have that “see more” option to make it smaller so hopefully it does it on its own
So I had my first D&D session the other day for my friends new campaign and it was really fun.
It’s 6 of us (including DM) and 1 of us is new to d&d so it’s really interesting seeing how he interacts with shite.
First session nothing crazy overall but it was definitely a good start, it basically started with the friend who’s new to d&d he plays a human fighter who works at a stable cleaning animal shit and taking care of the animals. Things are getting more hectic because there’s a annual grand tournament happening so more and more people need to be serviced. So my friend describes himself (character name is Godwyn) and is basically getting of his shift where he returns to his permanent residence in an inn.
He meets my character Ronyl Fyrwynn who’s an half-elf wizard who’s currently planning out spells to use for the tournament coming up, he’s got on this magical earrings that disguise his ears as human one’s because the place he’s in rn is pretty xenophobic towards elves (half elves less so but still). He’s also with his friend xenon the satyr bard they’re pretty much just shooting the shit for a while since there’s nothing much to do in this hick town they’re in in an xenophobic country, until Goldwyn arrives after doing the routined clean-shit-off spell (prestidigitation) they go in and see the last 2 party members drinking.
The last 2 members are a halfling fighter named Gregor and dwarf monk named brummin. We’ve all besides godwynn just arrived in this country 2 weeks ago and have been bored senseless and now have finally given the chance to go and check the tournament grounds as it now is almost all set up, so we secured a ride which is about an hour to get there and it’s mostly filled with merchants from all over and some people doing so pre-game games, little fighting arenas before the actually tournament and so we sign up and will be called when they’re fully opened the next day.
After just some looking around and the scenery and the shops we go back and talk about our pasts a little so then xenon and I (a little less happily) agree to help godwynn clean up his last stable for the night. I do a very shitty job and it’s clearly I didn’t want to actually help as I conjured up a chair and was just using magic hand to happy things while reading a book, at some point during the night it began storming and a sudden arrival at the stable came.
It was a 6’7” human and 2 elves (one of nobility at least in appearance) came and they wanted to buy the whole stable in secret for a week. I also with good history and perception checks noticed they were in part of this group called the dragon watch (I could see from the insignias on their armor) turns out they were also wanting to leave 2 very tamed black wyverns in the stables and they paid a lot to keep it under wraps.we go along with it, godwynn easily combined as he’s never held 25 gold before.
Skip a long a bit we go back to the inn and obviously these 2 elves are of everyone’s attentions in a hater kinda way and a curious kinda way. we talk for a while before they head to bed followed by us. The next morning godwyn has to try and water and feed the wyverns which he quickly learns isn’t easy and clean as he’s given a whole pig carcass in which they literally shred to pieces and leave his stable a huge mess…his coworker wants nothing to do with it. A little later the rest of the party wakes up and makes plans to head to go to that pre-game game and invite the elves and tall dude.
That’s where we end off for the session!
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So... my January.
Got incredibly badly triggered in therapy. Had decided in advance to give myself a week off and so just, raw dogged reliving some serious fucking trauma in that time. Think like...I thought my attachments were secure and I unsurfaced a memory that literally took my closest, safest, most loving relationship and snapped it in half. One of two people I trust to never leave or hurt me. And the other one is dead.
So then I didn't sleep for 2 weeks.
So I missed a lot of work.
And I already have intermittent fmla in saying I can miss one day a week because of my pnes seizures. And some weeks I use that for panic attacks instead but whatever. Anyway, lack of sleep and increased panic attacks.
Then right when I was getting better, I got covid. I avoided it for 3 years, but when you work in a school and no one wears masks or takes tests or even stays home when they're sick anymore, well, it's going to happen.
Anyway that means I missed more work. And I'm still very sick and actually only confirmed today at urgent care that it's covid (I knew, but none of my coworkers will take a test anymore because they don't want to have to stay home or they just don't think it could possibly be covid for whatever reason).
And so, in the end, I missed literally 50% of my work days in January. And i am doing fucking everything I can. I am working my ass off as much as is possible, physically without aggravating my cfs/whatever else, mentally while intentionally aggravating my trauma and pnes to heal it long term. There is not a single thing I can be doing better in my life right now. But it's not working, it's all falling apart. I'm a fucking wreck.
My therapist agrees that I'm doing everything i can, which i guess is nice validation because i keep beating myself up over it. Today she told me I'm strong for logging into therapy, with covid, having had a panic attack earlier today, after 2 weeks of not sleeping much. She was like wow, and at your baseline on top of all that you're in pain, but you still logged in to therapy? But what am I supposed to do? My baseline is bad. Things right now are worse. But they never go any better than bad, and I have a home and bills to pay and a job to keep. I need therapy to get better. I know it will sometimes make me worse on the way to better. So you bet your ass I'm going to be there and do that work because it's the only alternative I see to suicide.
That reminds me that I've also gone through all of this fully unmedicated; no antidepressants, heart meds, pain managers, adhd meds, no combating my fatigue, none of it because I was supposed to be off them for a tilt table test tomorrow that I now have to reschedule. And tbh I've actually been really proud of myself because the lack of sleep and anxiety are bad, but they're trauma, and I feel like aside from the trauma responses, my un medicated baseline is better than normal rn? Which is wild because life sucks rn.
Normally on a good day, even a fantastic day, without meds I seriously want to die. Really truly can't stop thinking about it, want to be dead. But the last two weeks it only crosses my mind like twice a day and never too seriously or for too long. That's huge.
But then, back to work - obviously I can't be missing 50%. And unfortunately I don't do the kind of job you can just reduce your hours at, it's full time or nothing. So this isn't sustainable. But there is literally nothing more or better I can be doing about it right now. But today I got an email from hr about obviously being out of compliance with my fmla and that I need to update the paperwork or whatever or there will be disciplinary action.
I guess I have to email my doctor tomorrow. Idk. I'm a fucking mess. I might have more panic attacks about it before I get any sleep tonight. Sigh.
Anyway I also can't really afford to um. Lose my income. But the only thing I can think of to do is fight to finish The school year and then work my ass off over the summer to finish my doula certification and start my business so that at least I have more flexibility and no bosses to answer to about my illness. But. I have to do all that fighting to stay afloat and then all that working my ass off while continuing to be extremely physically and mentally ill, disabled, and dealing with trauma and ptsd. So.
That's when I find myself thinking, maybe I should just die. The odds are so very very against me in every way. I'm tired. I'm working so hard and I'm so burned out and I'm tired. And right now I feel very alone in it.
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forsworned · 3 years
[♥] academyau!substitute teacher {renguko kyojuro x reader}
Genre: Slight Fluff, Comedy
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Kyoujuro Renguko/Reader, Giyuu Tomioka/Reader
word count: 2,538
a/n: this is a pretty long read, so read at your own risk of boredom. i guess it could also b classified as a "x giyuu" but the title is just way too long and kind of throws the main focus off. might turn this into multiple parts so let me know what y'all think! also this is just a filler for the requests i have rn i don't want to leave you guys hanging
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"I literally don't know shit about history."
Giyu sighed in exasperation. "You don't need to know anything about history [first name]. The teacher already has a lesson plan and you literally just need to pass out the papers. I just need you to cover for a couple of a days because one of the teachers are out sick."
You groaned as you threw your head back in annoyance, pushing your feet up against the edge of your desk. Even though it didn't look it Giyu was practically begging you to substitute for one of his coworkers. And he almost never asks for favors.
Giyu ran a hand through his hair. "He's super picky with his subs and everyone he's had come in hasn't come back."
"So you're saying that I'm a good pick." You mused, with your head in your hands with an annoying smug look.
"Don't push it."
You scrunched your face in disgust. "I just really, really don't want to Giyu. Middle school kids are the absolute worst. All they do is make moaning noises and forget or neglect to wear deodarant."
Giyu lightly chuckled. Your eyes darted to watch his usually solemn demeanor melted away into a small smile which immediately disappeared when you caught wind of it.
He cleared his throat and continued to speak like nothing happened.
"Anyway, so you'll do it?"
You rolled your eyes.
"Yeah, whatever. I'll do it."
Giyu looked pleased with himself when he heard your answer.
"I mean after all, I do owe you like a million and one favors." You sarcastically mused.
Which you kind of did. Giyu was your childhood best friend and always kept your out trouble in the nick of time. Whether it was you getting chased down by the neighborhood cat, or when you got gum stuck in your hair and you didn't want your parents to find out so he quickly snipped it out of your hair with everything seemingly in place like nothing happened. Yeah you could say you were a bit of troublemaker growing up, but Giyu was like the older brother that always looked after you.
"I'm so glad you realized." He replied cooly. "Be here by 7:30AM. Don't be late, I already have enough on my plate and I don't need you embarassing me."
You used your hand to shoo him out of your office space. "Mhm, you can leave now."
"I'm serious."
He squinted his eyes at you."[first name]"
"Ok! I got it. I'll be there 7:30 sharp." You exclaimed throwing your arms up in surrender.
He smirked in satisfaction. "Good."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The morning air was crisp as the sun shone down on your blurred eyes. You absolutely dreaded waking up in the morning and despite that you still agreed to be here. Oh, how you hated that man.
"Good morning." A familiar voice muffled beside you.
Speak of the devil.
He was munching away at his raisin bread walking next to you in the most nonchalant manner. Typical Giyu.
"Shut up." You mumbled miserably.
"You know, you could be a little nicer."
Your eyes narrowed at him. Expression in full death stare mode, but Giyu was as cool as ever, and as always completely unfazed by your behavior. But before you could retaliate, middle and highschool girls were practically lining up to say good morning to Giyu, blushing like mad when he acknowledged them. You on the other hand, were getting the death stares and whispers instead.
"Must be nice to be the heart throb PE teacher." You teased, poking him with your binder.
Giyu ignored you as you walked into the building, showing you to your classroom. You ignored the stares of kids burning holes through your back as you analyzed everything. Tons of inspirational historical quotes lined the walls, pictures and signatures of past and possibly current students covered one single wall. You inspected closely trying to catch a glimpse of who the teacher you were substituting for. One person in particular caught your eye, and he was hot. With a capital H. But before you could look at the other pictures to confirm Giyu called you over.
"Miss [last name], can you come up to the front and introduce yourself."
You sighed as you approached the front of the classroom and watched as the students all stood up. As their whispers got louder, you had to resist the urge to roll your eyes.
"Good morning class. I'm going to be your substitute teacher for the day as Mr.--"You glanced over at the desk and moved the plaque in your direction. "--Renguko is out sick today."
As the class bowed in respect getting their good morning greetings, some of the children could't help but show their disappointment. You noticed most of them girls.
"I'll leave them to you." Giyu stated, and then looked at the class. "And be good to your substitute. I don't want to hear anyone misbehaving."
They bowed as he exited the room and now all eyes were on you. You sighed to yourself.
I really gotta learn to say no sometimes.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
To say you were exhausted was an understatement. It’s not that you hated kids or anything, but they always just see to have so much energy and well, you didn’t. Not even a cup of coffee could save you right now. You watched as the clock above your desk ticked and felt yourself getting more and more sleepier by the moment. Your consciousness fleeting as you lie under your warm blankets.
The image of that fiery haired man popped into your head and your eyes shot open.
You totally forgot to ask Giyu about that hot guy!
You let out a loud groan, knowing that your timing was off because now he would most definitely be suspicious if you asked him tomorrow. The curiosity of knowing that man itched at your skin. You absolutely had to know who he was.
What if he was a high school student, or worse a middle school student who looked very grown.
You outwardly icked at the thought, closing your eyes and scrunching your face in disgusted.
No way. He definitely had to be an adult. Maybe even a teacher.
“The history teacher!” You exclaimed out loud, shooting your whole body up.
It had to be him. You smiled victoriously to yourself, mentally patting yourself in the back.
And you had the perfect plan set up to find out.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You had to have looked in the mirror for about three hours to make sure you looked absolutely stunning. Hair curled to frame your face perfectly, and make up subtle but very much enhancing your natural features. You rubbed your lips one more time in the mirror before smacking your hands to your face to wake yourself up. Giyu was not going to be happy.
The morning bells chimed and you were seated at the desk welcoming students as they walked in. You discreetly checked your make up in your compact mirror under the desk to make sure nothing was running and not a hair was out of place.
“Perfect.” You whispered to yourself, running a hand through your blow out. All this work for a man that probably wasn’t even a teacher here.
“Miss [last name], what are you doing here.”
You froze at the voice. Nothing could prepare you for the icy glare that Giyu shot down at you. It sent a shiver down your spine. But his glare melted right off of you as you glanced over to the man next to him. Your mystery man finally come true!
“Oh hello, Mr. Tomioka. It’s pleasure seeing you.” You smiled, standing up. You looked right over to the handsome man right next to him. His hair like rays of sunlight with eyes to match. You could barely contain your excitement. “And you must be Mr. Renguko.”
His smile as big as the sun. Scratch that. He was the sun.
Bright, beautiful and fiery. He physically made you warmer just being in his very presence. You could’ve sworn you heard simultaneous female sighs in admiration, but you were way too distracted by how utterly gorgeous he was.
“Yes, I am.” He cheerfully stated. “And you must be the substitute that was in for me yesterday.”
He took your hand in his and you could’ve sworn you melted at his touch. Finely calloused hands, indicating that he worked with his hands a lot. Not that his physique couldn’t already tell you how absolutely fit he was.
“Yes, I am. Your class was wonderful. I didn’t have any problems with them whatsoever.” You couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear. This really was the man and it took every ounce of you not to pinch yourself to see if you were awake or not.
“So are you going to tell me why exactly you’re here today.” Giyu chimed in. This time his icy glare had no effect.
“Oh yes, I thought I was still scheduled for today. I never heard anything back from Mr.Tomioka so I assumed that I would head back in.” You lied right through your teeth and Giyu could see right through it.
He narrowed his eyes at you. “And I remember emailing you last night confirming that Mr. Renguko was fully recovered and ready to work again.”
You couldn’t see it but Giyu was totally spitting out venom with every single word he spoke. It was almost terrifying, but you were way too distracted by the glow of the man that was the literal sun right beside you.
As if the smile on your face couldn’t get any bigger.
“That’s odd. I don’t remember getting an email.” You innocently put a finger to your lip, and looked upward as if you were searching your head for the memory of the email confirmation that you definitely recall getting.
Giyu’s went from you to Mr.Renguko. And then it finally clicked for him. His shoulder dropped in defeat. He did not have the strength required to dealing with your shenanigans today. He turned around heading out the classroom, raising a hand to dismissively.
“Just don’t burn the place down.”
You gave him two big thumbs up. “You got it!”
"So would you like to observe the class since you're already here?" Mr.Renguko interjected. He motioned to the empty seat right beside his desk and chair.
You beamed at him. "Only if that's okay with your class, of course."
"Oh trust me, they are more than okay with that." He grinned at the students. Most of them smiled and blushed looking away from your direction. You sat there in confusion, but before you could inquire about what he said, he shot out of his seat and grabbed the stack of papers on his desk.
"Alright, class we are going to go over your classwork from yesterday and finish the rest of chapter six."
It seemed like forever until Mr.Renguko had settled into his seat while he let his students work together on their classwork.
"I can see why my students are such big fans of you." He mused. You looked up from your phone and saw him warmly grinning at your face. This time you didn't fight the blood rushing to the surface of your cheeks.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well," He pulled out a stack of notecards and began shuffling through them. "I always have my students write their own evaluations of my substitutes and yours were outstanding. Lots of compliments about your appearance and how you carried the class."
Evaluation? Appearance?
Your jaw went slightly aslack at his words. The only thing that left your lips: "Evaluations...?"
His grin grew. Mr.Rengoku knew that this had caught you off guard but he continued. "Yes, I like to know what substitutes are doing their job and keeping my students in line and comfortable."
You were almost speechless. "Wow, you must really care about your students."
He smiled softly this time, and fondly looked over at his students working diligently and quietly together. "Yes, I do. They're kind of like my own kids. I want the very best for them."
Just when you thought you couldn't admire him anymore that you already did. Hot and caring? It had to be too good to be true. You pointed to the best teacher of the year awards on his desk. "I guess you didn't get those just based off your looks alone then."
He visibly blushed and chuckled at you statement as he rubbed the back of his head. "Nah, I don't think so."
You raised an eyebrow at him and pointed at the wall of photos and signatures that lined his wall. "That wall definitely says otherwise."
He laughed a hearty laugh this time. "I don't really think that's the case. Like I said I just look after my students like their my own. They really are my pride and joy."
It really was incredibly hard to not let yourself melt into a puddle in his presence alone. But before you could collect your thoughts, the lunch bell rang and students filed out to their homeroom's and handing in their assignments on their way out. Most of the girls shot you dirty looks before heading out as a way of showing their contempt towards you before the smiled at Mr.Rengoku who was collecting papers at the doorway. At this point, you literally couldn't blame them. Their teacher was a total hottie and you were practically stealing him right under their noses.
As the last student handed in their assignment, Mr. Rengoku closed the door behind them and approached his desk to set aside the stack of papers. He pulled put a box of tissues, picking one out and sneezed rather loudly into it. Cheeks were now a hue of vermillion and he slighted groaned while holding his head.
"You don't look so good, Mr. Renguko." You stated worriedly.
He waved you off. "Nonsense, I'm fine. And you can drop the formalities when were not in front of students. Call me Kyojuro."
You sighed as you fumbled through your bag handing him some cold and flu pills and a packet of vitamin c. "Ok, Kyojuro. You can call me [first name], but I'm going to need you to take these for me and get on home."
He blew loudly into his tissue before tossing into the trash revealing his very red nose. "I-I'm fine, Miss [last name]-- I mean [first name]. Really, I'm ok." He stuttered as he tried to collect himself and get up. Unfortunately, he couldn't hold himself up for more than ten seconds before collapsing and luckily you were there to catch him. He seemed to have been mumbled incoherent words as he laid heavily in your arms. You sighed as you slowly laid him down on the ground and reached for your cellphone to dial the one person you knew could handle this situation the best.
"You didn't actually burn the place down did you?"
You rolled your eyes. "No, idiot. Teacher down."
"Ah, fuck."
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toxooz · 2 years
not fictional dumbasses related but i got covid AGAIN from my absolute shitass coworker since nov2020 so for the sake of record and idk education ig im gunna try?? to describe what everything tastes like to me now ever since like a year bc god only knows what the fuck is gunna happen to my taste and smell AGAIN within the next few days!!! :))))
- all fast food tastes like the same dull “grease” flavor is the only way to describe it, fries,chicken nuggets, burgers, pizza everything
-coffee( or any java flavor), cigarettes, any kind of wheat cereal, and weed all smell the same which is basically like old smoke 
-most if not all candy tastes like straight up bar soap or like i just sprayed perfume in my mouth
-chocolate tastes the same!! somewhat. the fancy expensive chocolate does, m&ms or snickers or anything like that has a faint “meat taste” which is the flavor that meat tastes like to me now 
-meat overall has a very strange sour kind of taste i cant put my finger on it ,ive heard others with long covid say it tastes rotten which i somewhat agree, ham is like the most sour tasting, chicken can be ok?? if i get it raw and cook it but like tv dinners or something forget it, turkey just tastes like it’s been sitting out for days as if its old and dusty idk, i think beef is the most tolerable of them
-all fruit just has a vague “fruit” taste and smell which doesnt quite taste like fruit at all, same with vegetables, asparagus and potatoes were the most identifiable so far
-pretty much most variously good smelling things just got reduced to a vague unidentifiable “good” smell which, again, doesn’t really smell that good like candles, air fresheners, shampoo conditioner, ect.
- with soda the flavors just kinda vanished and all thats left if the “base flavor” like all mountain dew tastes the same (except code red??? i think a lot of cherry flavored sodas pulled thru blessim)
-some things are just completely rearranged like fireball whiskey smells and tastes e x a c t l y like old spice deodorant, skunk smells like that “meat” smell but rlly gross and strong, mandarin oranges smell like formaldehyde which is the chemical used to preserve organisms for dissection, i know when i went over my friends house at some point and a rat died in his walls it literally smelled like soup to me???, golden puff cereal literally tastes like sour meat with some sugar on it 
- onions and garlic both have a particular smell and taste that i cannot stand now, it’s like onion But Somethings Wrong idk how to describe it but if i again make garlic from scratch it somewhat tastes fine
-i had to fight tooth and nail to enjoy eggs again but it still has this smell and taste to it that i have to consciously remind myself that yes this is an egg we like eggs remember eggs tastey
and on very rare blessed occasions some things smell and taste the same but overall i Was getting more accustomed to everything or kind of being about to taste the original taste if i think about it hard enough which thats another thing that sucks absolute ass is remembering what something used to taste like but you just    cant taste it anymore?? as if theres a part of my brain that locked me out of that i used to be able to get to or going into autopilot and getting something i like only surprise!! this tastes disgusting now and u just wasted money :) so yeah im predicting my smell and taste will vanish again within the next few days and come back a whole new confusing horror that i have to figure out how to live with and as for the lung problem and brain fog as of rn i feel like theres like a thin layer of Something covering my trachea?? it might go away idk from the last rodeo my lungs and Functioning Brain kinda already suck now so idk what the hell else is gunna happen to them now
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
good morning to you too my dearest callie!! my heart is full of joy seeing you so lovely and interested in me🥺 my friday is going well and it just got a whooole lot better seeing your reply akjahsjakaksj 💞
i don't have any fun plans for the weekend other than probably filling your asks with my random thoughts lol (unless you have plans and are busy, then i'll back off immediately and let you enjoy your weekend in peace🏃🏻‍♀️💨)
how's your friday going? are you working today? i hope everything is great and that your weekend will be as well <3
and trust me, the feeling is mutual!!🥺💕you are my bestie now, end of discussion. we're definitely not internet strangers, even if we might live literally on the opposite sides of the world, ilyssm ugh💓💓
aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA that album is gonna be the END OF ME!! totally agree with everything you said and that line from Matilda🥺😭 I DON'T THINK I'LL EVER BE ABLE TO RECOVER FROM THAT!! and absolutely true that you don't have the material time to stop sobbing once Matilda is over that ✨Cinema✨, with its own completely different dance vibe, makes its appearance
but yeah i don't think i'll stop listening to this album anytime soon, it's just SO GOOD and i have accepted my fate to sob every single time, it's worth it. oh and that tiktok is literally me, EVERY DAMN TIME i listen to the album, it's scarily accurate💀
oh i LOVED those late night thirsty asks and we love even more what the night awakens in us lol. those wonderful secret smutty dirty thoughts 👀
also last thing, don't worry about the fic, we'll all be here patiently waiting but no need to rush it or feel bad about not posting today. i love you callie and i'll always be excited when you post something new, whenever that will be :)♡
i tried replying all in one ask and i feel like it came out a mess aksjkahshdja but we don't talk about that🤭
okay love you to the moon and back, hope you have a fantastic day💞
wowOwo i feel very happy reading this like ?? it genuinely makes me super soft every time i get a message from you 🥺🤍
but my friday is going well haha! the color of my coffee is right for once so i think that’s a good indication of how the rest of the day will turn out lolol. this weekend i’m just staying home and relaxing :) we have a holiday on monday which means more time for me to catch up sleep skjdjdjd. i’m not going to be busy at all, just writing hehe so feel free to fill up my ask box with your wonderful thoughts ✨
listeenn, i’ve had the entire album playing from 7am up to now LOL. it certainly helps with the productivity at work 💅 but it’s funny bc i’ll be singing at my desk and my coworkers would all go ??? they don’t understand the hype with harry styles unfortunately /:
gosh i felt like an idiot deleting the fic while messing with it earlier 🥲 i should have left it some lmaoao but it’s all gucci. it’ll be up as soon as i’m able to!!
and heheh it’s okay if you reply to everything in one ask bc look at what im doing rn 💀 im just typing whatever comes to mind skksjdj so apologies for the incoherent mess this reply has become 🙃
okie to wrap this up, ily ily ily hope you’re having an amazing day today wherever you are 💕
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onceuponaloonatic · 3 years
i meant for this to be a little more so i’m sorry but this is the best i can do with my courseload rn it’s a namo drabble in the new misahyo au i hope you enjoy !! 🥺🥺
tw: ptsd, learning disabilities, panic attacks, etc...
Nayeon really wouldn’t say they planned to have Kazumi when they did. It may sound strange, since they obviously had worked very hard to have Kazumi, as they had to go through all the work of finding a doctor and doing the procedure over and over again. But despite all the work that went into having her, Kazumi Hirai-Im was not planned.
A part of her regretted adopting the twins right before they had Kazumi. It wasn’t that she regretted having any of them, and she wouldn’t trade a single one of them for the world, the timing was just not ideal. 
They found the twins through a co-worker of Momo’s. Momo’s coworker’s husband was a social worker, and she was complaining about the twins when he first brought them to her home. She said she was used to him bringing random children home occasionally, but that these two were especially problematic. She talked about how she couldn’t sleep because the girl kept having nightmares and that the boy would always steal food when he thought she wasn’t looking. And apparently, the two were not getting along with her co-worker’s children. Taking the twins in as a favor for Momo’s co-worker was supposed to be a short term thing. It was just a crazy idea Momo had had after a long day at work. She had seen how stressed her coworker was, and ever the people pleaser she had just offered without thinking much. She didn’t even ask Nayeon until after she offered. (In Momo’s defense, Nayeon was teaching a class at the time so it’s not like she could have answered that second, but Nayeon still held it against her.) Nayeon didn’t take much convincing though, once she laid eyes on the twins, she fell in love. Nayeon loved kids, and seeing those two young children completely melted all of her inhibitions. 
They had some issues with the twins at first. Haneul did in fact have pretty violent nightmares, plus getting her to open up was nearly impossible. Jae opened up easier, but he did have some quirks. He stole food and hid it under his bed frequently. One day, Momo found it under his bed when she was trying to clean, and when she tried to address it with him he had a meltdown. Haneul had run over when she heard her brother crying, and tried to be protective over him, physically putting herself between Momo and her brother, glaring at Momo the best she could at her young age . Momo had reassured them both it was okay and she wasn’t mad, and that if they needed more food, they would gladly give it to them. It just needed to be kept in a better place, in case there were ants. That explanation seemed to calm them both down, but it was a testament to how they both still didn’t trust them. 
A few days of taking care of the twins quickly turned to a few weeks, and that was when Momo and Nayeon knew they wanted to keep them forever. Sure they were difficult, but they were also sweet. They had been hurt, and they needed patience and care that the foster system couldn’t provide for them. It wasn’t much later Nayeon found out she was pregnant with Kazumi. 
It was right about when they had talked to the twins about the idea of them staying with them forever. They were both so young, forever was a difficult concept to grasp. But they had agreed that they were nice. Jae said they had good food and Haneul said she “liked their puppy.” They were in the process of officially adopting the two of them and not just fostering them when they found out. Nayeon had only gotten the procedure once after the twins came into their lives. She had only done it since they had already paid for the session, and she was convinced it wasn’t going to work. But it had. And now they were in a difficult situation.
Of course they were happy they were having a baby, but it would make things complicated with the twins. They both knew it would, they knew the twins would feel like they were being replaced and that they didn’t want them, which was so untrue. Nayeon and Momo both wanted both the twins and the new baby so so much.  
When they eventually did tell them, they reacted how they expected. They had tried to phrase it to them like a proposition for them to be a big brother and big sister, and tried to reassure them they still wanted them, but it didn’t work. It ended with a poorly planned attempt to run away by Haneul that ended with her falling down the last two by their front door and breaking her arm. Jae, despite being on board with the run away plan, was so freaked out by Haneul’s crying he instantly ran to them crying. Of course they were mad, but they were more worried about the twins. They took Haneul to the emergency room and Momo stayed with her, holding her tight in her arms as she got a cast for the first time while Nayeon held Jae, who still hadn’t calmed down either. 
After Haneul had a purple cast put on her wrist and they had all gotten some sleep, they talked about it with them. They told them they were worried and that they didn’t want them doing that again. They also talked to them again about how even if they were going to have a baby, they still wanted both of them. It was the first night they told the twins they loved them. 
After that they were still a little skittish about baby things, but they seemed to open up to them a lot more. Especially Haneul. She seemed a lot more comfortable with them after that incident. Her nightmares even started to slow down a bit. 
When the two met Kazumi for the first time, they both kind of fell in love with her. They both giggled about how small she was and how silly she looked. They loved calling her Zumi and helping out with them as much as they could. They were just about as helpful as young children could be, but Nayeon and Momo both thought it was so cute. It was a nice change, and they could see they were both kind of coming around and accepting Kazumi as their little sister. 
That time right after Kazumi was born was hard. Between waking up for Kazumi and for the twins' nightmares, they barely got any sleep. And trying to keep up with the twins' newfound energy now that they were more comfortable with them and Kazumi was hard. But they managed, even if sometimes it seemed like they wouldn’t. They even enjoyed it. They loved their family so much. Even if Kazumi’s timing wasn’t great they were happy to have her, and it seemed the twins felt the same.
Things never really got easier. They just, changed as the kids got older. Hanuel’s nightmares got better, but she started showing clearer signs of PTSD and anxiety. Jae was having trouble keeping up in school and was struggling with some of the same PTSD as Haneul. Kazumi had issues with seperation anxiety. It started when she was a baby, but it got worse when she started school. It wasn’t just towards Nayeon and Momo either. She directed it towards both her brother and her sister as well. The first night Jae had a sleepover, Kazumi had insisted on saying up until he got back. Of course, she ended up falling asleep in Momo and Nayeon’s bed, but she had pushed herself to stay up later than usual. Haneul didn’t like being separated from their family too much either, so they guessed it had rubbed off on Kazumi too. Haneul specifically hated being separated from Jae. They had been together forever, she absolutely hated being separated from him. That first night he had a sleepover and after Kazumi fell asleep, Haneul had a meltdown in their kitchen. It took almost an hour of gently holding her and telling her Jae was fine for her to calm down. Once she was calm, she fell asleep, but getting her there had been difficult. Jae always seemed the most okay with separation. He was a little more trusting than Haneul, and he wasn’t as attached to people as Kazumi. He still had issues, specifically in school and with anger, but he was better than his sisters in the making friends department. 
Once all the kids were in elementary school, Momo went back to work full time and things did feel a little smoother. Not easier, just smoother. They both had a pretty good idea of what they were doing and even if there were times they felt overwhelmed, it felt easier to deal with. Over time, things just got more and more polished to the point they were like a well oiled machine. Of course there were times things hit a snag. 
The first major snag they hit was learning to manage Jae’s dyslexia. He had been diagnosed in first grade, but at first his teachers had said he had a mild case and would be fine with little intervention. But by third grade he started hating school, refusing to go no matter what Nayeon and Momo promised. After some probing they found out he was just struggling a lot in school at the time, and they took him to a specialist that helped lay out a learning plan that could work with him. They had always known Jae was really smart, but once he started getting the care he needed his life improved a lot. He was angry less often and he started to like school more and more. 
The next came with Haneul. While she had never struggled in school, making friends was never something she was good at. She was shy, and didn’t really seem to get along with her classmates very well when they tried to force her to open up. She got along with her brother and sister, and she got along with Emi, Jeongho, and Hansol pretty well, but she really struggled getting along with anyone else. They thought she would be fine with that, but when Jae started to make his own friends and have his own life things changed. She seemed more withdrawn and she even started taking it out on Momo and Nayeon. It felt like all the progress they had made towards their relationship was cast aside as Hanuel lashed out at them for weeks. It took a couple group therapy sessions with both of them and Haneul for them to figure it out, but once they did everything became really clear. Haneul ended up having to work with another therapist for a while, one who specialized in social skills, but it ended up working out for her. She was only able to make a few friends, but it did wonders to improve her mood and overall happiness. 
Kazumi was always the easy kid. Sure, she was the youngest and so she was more needy at times than her older siblings but overall she didn’t really require as much from her parents as her siblings. She always got okay grades and her social skills were arguably the best in the family. The only issue they ran into with Kazumi was her separation issues, but other than that she really was an easy kid. She even helped her parents out with her siblings, becoming pretty in tune with both of them emotionally from a young age and understanding them even better than their parents sometimes. As they got older, the kids mellowed out. By the age of fourteen, Jae didn’t even go to therapy anymore. Of course, they still recommended they keep an eye on him, but he was in a good place emotionally and was happy in his life. Haneul wasn’t quite ready for that yet, so much to her own chagrin she stayed in it. 
“I don’t understand why Jae’s allowed to stop and I’m not.” Haneul was the only one in the car with Momo. She was usually the one to take Haneul to her therapy appointments as Nayeon usually had a class around that time, so she had gotten used to it over the years. When she was little Momo had a little tradition of taking her to get ice cream after each appointment. “We’ve talked about this kiddo, it’s just until both your therapist and you feel comfortable stopping.” Momo informed, turning the car on. She had gotten used to waiting for appointments like this. Nayeon usually had work, so she was the one who usually took care of little appointments like this. 
“I feel comfortable.” Haneul pouted. “Your therapist doesn’t think it’s a great idea sweetie.” Momo sighed. “I know you are frustrated,  but really, it’s okay. Being in therapy is okay. You are doing well, and we are so proud of you.” “Fine.” Haneul pouted. 
“Ha-chan I can tell you are frustrated but this is what’s best for you.” Momo sighed. “Cheer up. You can get toppings on your ice cream if you want?” “Can I get M&Ms?” Haneul asked. “Yeah, whatever you want. Just don’t tell your brother and sister.” Momo rubbed one of Haneul’s arms. “Fine.” Haneul sighed again uncurling herself from the ball she had curled up in. Momo couldn’t help but smile. Haneul had grown up so fast. She remembers when she first came to stay with them. She was so tiny back then, so frail and so fragile. She used to cry when anyone would raise their voice at her. She used to get upset by loud noises. When things fell or when the tv made a loud noise, she would always freak out. She was so much better now. And she had put in so much work for them to get this far, and Momo was just so incredibly proud of her for getting this far. 
“Hey mama?” “Hm?”  Momo hummed as she began driving. “Why-why did you and Mom decide to take Jae and I in?” Haneul asked, her eyes nervously darting around. “I mean- you never really told us why. And Zumi and I were talking about this the other day and I realized I couldn’t really answer the question. I know you guys were still going through the whole science procedure thing, that's why Zumi was born, but why did you decide to take us in while you are doing that?” Haneul asked. “Well… I guess you are old enough to talk about it.” Momo nodded. “Well… you know my coworker Miss Kim? Her husband is your social worker.” “Yeah- I guess I remember her.” Haneul shrugged. “Yeah, anyway she was the first to take you two in. But it wasn’t really working out. You weren’t getting along with her kids, so she asked me to take you two in for a few days. I didn’t even ask your mom before I said yes. I knew she was struggling and I just- you guys just needed a place to stay. When I told your mom she was a bit mad, but she agreed. Once we had you two, it just-it felt right. We loved having you two- we loved you two.” Momo explained. “Kazumi did have interesting timing, but it worked itself out in the end. We love all three of you and really wanted to have all of you.” 
“So you just- you just decided you wanted to keep us?” “It less of we decided it- we just, it felt right. We couldn’t imagine letting the two of you go, even when we found out about Zumi.” Momo explained. “Well… Thank you.” “Of course kiddo.” Momo giggled. “We love you so much Ha-chan, you and your siblings.” “Yeah yeah.” Haneul giggled. “I know and...” “And?” “And I love you too.” Momo smiled at Haneul. She really meant it. She loved them more than anything in the entire world.
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dearlazerbunny · 5 years
Lie to Me (Ch 1 of ?)
Pairings: Loki x Reader
Genre/Ratings: M eventually (aiming for a slow burn here); warnings for kidnapping and subsequent anxiety/PTSD (will be marked before every chapter)
Words: 2200 
Summary: If you had to guess what the captured, traitor, trickster god Loki Laufeyson wanted or needed at this moment, a babysitter would be far, far down on the list. (Set after the events of Avengers 1.)
If I don’t post what I already have it’s never going to get finished soooo have some Loki. Hovering around 20k rn But I still have a looooot left to write. If anyone is interested in beta-ing/helping me flesh out ideas hit me up! 
“You.” You look up with a very good impression of a deer caught in headlights. The woman beckoning to you is clearly high up in the SHIELD hierarchy; her suit probably costs more than your entire life is worth. “Are you free?”
You glance down at the coffee you were supposed to be delivering to your coworkers. That could probably wait. “Um, yes ma’am?”
“Come with me.” She starts off in a brisk walk down the corridor, her heels clicking sharply on the floor. You follow without question, trying not to tug on your uniform too harshly in an attempt to break it in a little better. You still aren’t used to the issued clothing, considering you’ve worn the default uniform of hoodies and jeans of a college academic most of your life.
She herds you into a bare bones room, just a table and a few chairs. You stand until she gestures for you to sit, not sure why she’s even glancing your way. You’re a lackey, nothing more. Certainly not worth the attention of Maria Hill.
The woman tosses a folder onto then table, and it impressively lands squarely in front of you. “I’m assuming you’re aware of recent events?”
You raise an eyebrow. “If you’re referring to Manhattan, then yes. It’s been a bit hellacious around here.” Like there wasn’t a person on earth who hadn’t seen the footage of monstrous black aliens pouring out of a glowing portal in the sky. Everyone has been scrambling to control the situation that is blatantly so far out of their control they might as well be fighting sci-fi aliens with Neanderthal tools. It’d be amusing if it wasn’t so terrifying. “Are you with the clean-up crew?”
“Sort of.” She gestures to the folder and you open it. Inside are crystal-clear photos of Earth’s newly minted heroes and a horde of special agents escorting a raven-haired man into a transport vehicle. “Look familiar?”
You release a small breath. Intellectually, you know this is the man- god- who just tried to make himself king of humanity and threatened the entire Earth to do it. But that doesn’t stop the wonder and amazement from washing over you. Loki, Norse god of mischief, real and in the flesh. In the background you can see the golden-haired Thor, swinging his mythical hammer. Well, not exactly mythical, is it? It’s real. They’re real. All the gods and realms and monsters and mayhem that have captivated you since childhood and ultimately lead to multiple degrees on the subjects- they’re real. It’s absolutely incredible. “Yes,” you say, probably a little more wondrously that you mean for it to be.
“We’ve got Loki in custody.” She says his name so nonchalantly, like she isn’t referring to a thousands of years old immortal demigod of the golden realm of Asgard. “And we have no idea what to do with him.”
“And this has to do with me somehow?”
“Yes and no.” She sighs heavily, like she needed to be done with this shit a decade ago. “SHIELD is treating the prisoner with kiddie gloves. Fury wants every single loophole filled and locked down three times over. So we can’t just throw him in a deep dark hole and forget about him- he needs to be afforded certain… rights.” The tone of her voice implies she doesn’t agree with this sentiment.
“Like what?”
“Like company, while we sort out all the red tape so we can prosecute him properly.”
“Company.” You’re completely lost. “He needs a babysitter?”
That makes a small smile flick across her lips. “If you want to call it that. We’re not happy about it, believe me. It’s an undeniable risk. But the lawyers are demanding it, and god knows we have to keep the lawyers happy.” A pinch appears between your eyebrows. You don’t like where this is going. “So. Will you do it?”
“Me?” You squeak, then immediately try to get yourself under control. “Why me? I was literally hired a month ago, I have no qualifications to do anything like this-”
She holds up a hand. “We know. That’s the point. All you need to do is sit in his cell for a few hours every day and pretend to look interested in whatever he’s rambling about. If he talks; he’s been completely silent since we picked him up. Take a book and a few snacks with you, don’t let him schmooze you into doing anything traitorous, and you’ll be fine. Plus,” she continued, “with your background we figured you’d be at least mildly interested.”
Damn. They’ve got you there. Several masters’ in mythology along with years of a childlike fascination means you’ve been ridiculously curious about Earth’s new visitors ever since Mjolnir landed in New Mexico. The spark in your eyes must have been obvious, because Agent Hill holds out a slender hand. “Have we got a deal?”
And so, not hours later, you find yourself wandering into the depths of SHIELD’s base. “Hi there.”
The room is depressingly stark and sterile- you thought you’d gotten used to being surrounded by the chrome and weird futuristic plastic that are apparently now the only two building materials left on Earth since starting at SHIELD, but this place takes it to a whole new level. And it’s newly constructed, based on the smell of drying concrete and fresh shavings peeling up around the screw holes in the corners. There’s a small, utilitarian metal desk and chair that’s been provided for you in the center of the room, so you drop your notepad and pencil onto the tabletop with a clang and pull out the chair. It screeches painfully against the floor, making you wince. Okay, no more of that. You suck in your stomach and slide in between the table and chair so neither have to move. A little tight, but you can make it work.
The other man in the room, framed behind a wall of glass, has not reacted to any of this.
He looks exactly how he did on TV, minus the leather armor and extravagant gold horned helmet. It’s all been replaced with the thin grey uniform SHIELD deems prison garb. You have to admit, he looks a lot less intimidating sitting pale and silent against the wall, handcuffs glowing faintly around his wrists.
“Um- can you hear me?”
Still no response. He doesn’t even seem to notice you’ve entered the room. Uuuuuuum, okay... There’s a microphone attached to the desk. You lean into it, frowning, fiddling with a few of the dials at the base. Then you tap on it and speak directly into the mic. “Can you hear me?” The man flinches wildly, a radical break in his composure, and his eyes dart to you angrily. “Oh, gosh, sorry, okay, let me-” you turn the dial down a few notches. “Better?”
The volume doesn’t seem to be at max level anymore- he doesn’t flinch again- but he also doesn’t say anything else. “I’m going to need verbal confirmation that you can hear me.”
He doesn’t look at you. He doesn’t seem to be looking at anything. His gaze is focused on some middling thing opposite of him, something invisible on the horizon, but he’s hardly glazed over- emerald eyes are bright and sharp, flickering lightly. They are not the eyes of a defeated man, far from it. More like one who has about fifteen thousand and twenty three plans all running through his head at once.
You suppose that should scare you, but SHIELD has reassured you that the cell is one of the most technologically advanced cells they’ve ever constructed. Also, those cuffs have some sort of magic-diffusing abilities, so no funny business there. Then again, he did basically destroy all of Manhattan, like, less than a week ago. You hadn’t even been in that part of the country at the time, SHIELD had called you in from D.C., but you can still feel the horror grip your chest in a vice watching skyscrapers fall to tatters on the news-
His voice is so soft you almost don’t catch it. It pulls you from your thoughts nonetheless. “Oh. Okay, great.” You pull your pencil to you and neatly label the first page of your notepad with today’s date in the top corner. If you were going be stuck with him, you might as well take notes. Think of the papers you could publish! “Can you please, uh, state your name for the record?” That sounded professional, right? You’ve heard it on Law and Order a lot, anyways.
The prisoner raises one eyebrow slowly. “Really?” He draws out that one word into a three-second attack of sarcasm, but you simply shrug your shoulders.
“It’s protocol.”
“I am Loki Laufeyson, Prince of Asgard, God of Mischief and Lies.” With every title he spits from his mouth, his eyes flash dangerously.
“O-kay.” You jot that down on your notepad, giving it an underline for good measure. “And how would you like to be addressed?”
“Your highness.” He says it as easily as he might’ve said Bob or Ricky.
You blink. “Um. Not sure that’s within my pay grade, but we’ll see how it goes.”
“Where am I?”
“A very secure holding cell,” you answer confidently, and the god scowls at you. He’s apparently waiting for more information, but you shake your head- “that is literally all the information I’m allowed to give you about that.” You glance up at the camera tacked to the ceiling of the room. “Also, you’re being recorded at all times. Gotta tell you that for legalities sake.”
“SHIELD has always so been worried about legalities.”
That gets a small snort from you, and you tap the end of your pencil on your paper. “So-”
“Who are you, exactly?” He suddenly sounds very, very tired, and a little angry, like he’s already done humoring you. “And why are you bothering me?”
“Y/N.” You give him a little wave, since you obviously can’t shake his hand. “I’m a, well- archivist, of sorts. SHIELD brought me in to talk to you.”
“And you’re, what? Fury’s pet?”
“Hardly. I’ve been here less than a month. I don’t think this uniform has even been washed yet.”
Another eyebrow raise. “An interesting choice to interrogate their most wanted prisoner.”
You tap a little more frantically. “I think it’s so if you end up getting into my head, I won’t be able to give anything up,” you say thoughtfully. There’s a huff over the speakers you’re hearing him through. “Also, this isn’t an interrogation.”
“Nope. I’m not really qualified for that.”
“Then what are you qualified for?”
“Jeg snakker norsk,” you offer, honestly wondering that question yourself. The look he gives you is a mixed amount of horrified and amused. “They thought it might be helpful speaking in a familiar language, I guess?”
“They do know I can speak literally hundreds of thousands of languages spanning any galaxy you care to name,” he says, apparently stunned by the new heights of SHIELD’s stupidity.
You sigh. “Yeah. I thought it was a stupid idea too.”
“This is laughable.” He’s on his feet now, close to the glass and staring you down threateningly. “Why have I not been removed to Asgard? They will presumably want to prosecute me for my crimes.”
“Um, I think they’re planning on it. But they want me to, um, talk to you first.”
“About what.”
“Well. Anything you want, really.”
“I have nothing to say to you mortals,” he spits, and the word splats on the ground like it’s a curse.
“That’s cool, I get that. But right now all the bureaucrats are running themselves in circles trying to figure out what to do with you, and all that red tape is going to take some time to untangle. In the meantime, they want to make sure you don’t go crazy from the solitude or something.”
“Since when has SHIELD cared about my well being?”
“I mean, you’ve still got rights and stuff. You can’t just sit here for who knows how long with only yourself for company.”
“And why not?”
“Wouldn’t you get lonely?”
“Forgive me, but I hardly think you are going to provide any sort of adequate mental stimulation.”
Geez, way to hit below the belt. “You can request someone else if you want. They pretty much just picked me out of a lineup and threw me on you, I don’t really think they care who sits here with you.”
“What would be the point? SHIELD only hires imbeciles and fools.”
“Well, then. I guess you’re stuck with me for a while.”
The man slumps back, apparently not encouraged by your words. Then he punches the wall with one of his restrained hands and screams angrily in clear frustration.
This is going to go so well.
A/N: Jeg snakker norsk = I speak Norwegian 
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reymurray · 5 years
I’m gonna make this post bc I love the posts about useless gays pining forever
One night at work last week, a coworker, who’s a raging homosexual, comes over to me and she’s like
Hey Reyhan...............I’ve been meaning to ask you something. Do you have a... significant other? NOT FOR ME, JUST FOR REFERENCE.
And I was like.... uh no, why then she just left
Then a few minutes later she comes back and is like
Follow up question........... Are you interested in,,,,, females?
And I’m like.... I like everything man
and she says “that’s fair” and walks away, leaving me once again confused
Then a few minutes later she comes back a third time and asks if I’m interested in a relationship, and me, being confused and awkward, am like IDK MAYBE WHY ;-; 
And she is like... interesting.... and as she’s walking away, she says she won’t give any context because she wants me to suffer, and she says, and I quote “You can call me the falcon, because I’m being a WING MAN” and then i was just like wing man????????????? fOR WHO
And I’m just confused as hell because i dont know why anyone would like me because I’m awkward and not very attractive to most people and nobody really talks to me for the most part
this might be long oops
Anyways, she didn’t mention it at all for the rest of the night but this past Saturday night(last night,) I’d heard a semi new friend’s voice in my hallway and she doesn’t live here. We work together, and she got my instagram and we’ve been talking a bit and she jokes that I’m a stalker because I mentioned seeing her at my dorm even though it’s mY DORM and at work, she mentioned her love for art history, so I told her about my art history books I don’t really look at at all
So when I heard her voice in the hall last night, I pulled up instagram and messaged her like “hey if you wanna check out the books, just knock” and i honestly wasn’t expecting her to come but like five minutes later there was a knock and i was like AH SOCIALIZATION UNEXPECTED EVEN THO I INITIATED IT and my roommate was like YEAH? so she just came in and i showed her the books and she got really excited about Cezanne and she talked to us, mostly to my roommate because they have the same classes together
Then about half an hour later, she’s still talking to us so the Falcon Lady comes by(she’s in the room right next to mine) and is like yo where did you go
And Falcon lady just plops down and hangs out with us as well and I was happy about it bc i haven’t been doing great at making friends and we’re talking and Falcon lady and my roommate are both making obscure references that me and the other girl don’t understand so we just keep agreeing on everything
This might be confusing so The person who interrogated me about my romantic life is Falcon, my roommate is Roommate, and the other girl is just gonna be J okay
Anyways, we hang out and it’s nice and eventually I’m like
Yo, Falcon, you ever gonna tell me why you were being suspicious at work? and my roommate is like yeah tell us, and falcon is like Nooope and J is like why what happened
And my roommate and I are just asking questions trying to get any hint out of Falcon because I’m just CONFUSED but Falcon is being as vague as falconly possible like she wouldn’t even tell me if I’ve met the person who supposedly likes me
And I’m just like “It’s just confusing because i dont know why anyone would like me because I’m awkward, not very good looking, and NO ONE talks to me” and J is like “I talk to you c: “ and i’m like eh you have to you work with me
And finally my roommate asked a question that Falcon said yes to instead of “maybe” but of course my deaf ass couldn’t hear it so i was like WHATD YOU ASK AND MY ROOMMATE TURNED ON ME AND WAS LIKE DONT WORRY ABOUT IT AND I WAS LIKE WTFFFFFFFFF
then we went to get ice cream mmmmm and we came back and my roommate showed us tiktoks till her phone died and we just chatted
And J is the only one who doesn’t live in this dorm and her dorm is kinda far away and it was kinda rainy so I offered to walk back with her but she didn’t take the offer but she messaged me when she was safe in her dorm
Also she took the Cezanne book which I didn’t realize she was planning on borrowing but I was fine with it so I just let it happen and I was wondering if that could have been excuse to have to give it back or something
I don’t wanna assume bc i still dont get why anyone would like me but
Anyways, we kept talking last night while I played the KFC dating simulator and told her about it and we both fell asleep eventually and the next morning we continued talking 
Like today we talked consistently from 11 am till like 9 pm 
And around 5 I was talking about how i was being lazy and she was like “i’m getting food, come stalk me, that’s not lazy” and i was like 
man i really wanna be lazy rn but im also hungry and that sounds fun (to hang out, not stalk it was a JOKE)
So I got ready and went to dinner but she and Falcon were leaving dinner just as I got there but i caught them so we interacted and she liked my shirt
Then of course right as i come in the boy who always wants to eat with me that I don’t really wanna hang out with comes in as she leaves and im like >:C 
And we just messaged back and forth consistently for the rest of the day
We talked about colonel sanders, marriage(not ours), drag queens, clubs, animals among other things
I don’t know if she’s who Falcon was talking about but I don’t talk to many people, especially that Falcon also talks to and I know she’s queer idk
Also everytime we work together and clock out at the same time she tries to find my name in the book so she took the time to memorize my weirdly spelt name and I’m not sure why she does it, I guess to make my life easier even though it usually takes longer than it would have for me to find it on my own 
I don’t wanna assume it was her but idk man it feels weird thinking anyone likes me because I’m under the impression that everyone dislikes me and I’m not the kinda person people get crushes on i dont KNOW MAN
that’s all for now idk
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jcmorgenstern · 5 years
I finally watched 3x19 and I'm sorry but this was the dealbreaker for me. I tried to be openminded about the show twinning Clary to Jonathan but this episode just highlighted why that was a shit decision and 3x20 looks so anticlimactic I want to cry. Magnus had no agency in his storyline. Maia's storyline revolved around her shitperson ex. The heavenly fire was embarrassingly stupid (but blacksmith Izzy was hot af). Dark Clary and Jonathan are fucking flops. I'm out, friend.
I’m so sorry you feel that way, nonnie. If it makes you feel any better, I think everyone kind of feels like they’re clutching at scraps. And like, I feel for the individual writers because tbh they’re all like…one-shot writers under a lot of stress and pressure and are doing their best, but…the season really didn’t come together for me either, mostly for the reasons you’ve said. I don’t know what kind of constraints todd and darren were under, so I understand it’s possible a lot of stuff was going on behind the scenes we didn’t know about, but I’m kind of disappointed with how they chose to organize the season.
I have to admit, I never liked the clary/jonathan bond from the get-go, (honestly i was morose for weeks and bitched about it so much my coworkers at the lab were like SHUT THE FUCK UPPPP about your stupid tv show) mostly because it tripped off so many consent issues for me. like, tbqh, if I wanted to see a man feel entitled to a woman literally all I have to do is go outside. so if they were going to do it, I expected some MAJOR rennovations but…they really didn’t, so far. I like what Kat and Luke brought to it but….the seb/jace bond was already on Thin Fucking Ice as far as “fundamental consent issues” go, but like in canon he doesn’t really have THAT much interest in Jace (esp sexually) so like….you can dance around it in fic. but the way they’ve chosen to romanticize jonathan’s obsession and entitlement to his…sister… is….really just not very enjoyable?
And like yall. you know I enjoy a good bit of sebclace/morgencest but like….not like this, where it kind of feels the writers kiiiiind of don’t give a shit about consent at all, or didn’t really make an attempt to work it through (or really even think about it lol). This is doubled when you look at the Maia/Jordan plotline where like….ok if this was a beautifully written slice of life character study (10 episodes per season, 1.5 hours each) I could see them delving into the realism of Maia kind of getting back with Jordan only to realize he’s bad news. but like. the show is not beautifully written, they don’t have the time or space to delve into a complex issue in a meaningful way, so really it just comes across as romanticizing a shitty/abusive ex. Which…again. Not ideal.
The club scenes were fun but honestly (and yall know how little I say this), it really nailed home how fucking good the first half of COLS really was in terms of,,,,intrigue and this fun romp through Europe with these dark undertones and honestly the show felt a bit cartoonish? Like take it from someone who writes a lot of bad fanfiction….it felt like bad fanfiction. bad fanfiction with HUGE and glaring consent issues lolololololololololol
and like I’ve talked about both these things with @neenwolf a lot and…what she said and I agree with wholly is that…even if they have maia curb stomp Jordan (they won’t, he’s going to die tragically so she can suffer more), they still made her ENTIRE storyline about ….dudes, specially her shitty ex so like….no? They marketed this as “maia gets the pack and becomes alpha and shows people who’s boss” but that….never happens at all and it’s. a little embittering. (Very. embittering). and like she’s got the Good Thoughts so Nina if you wanna add more pls do
Honestly tho…re:3x20. if there’s anything I’ve learned about this show is that they SUCK at cutting trailers so like…idk. I’m expecting a little more than the trailer, but at the end of the day…3a’s finale feel VERY flat for me so I’m expecting more of the same. We know Jonathan does a villainous face-heel turn so ……it’s gonna be junk, from my point of view, and like all the other threads I enjoy are kind of shit rn so like…..can we not???
And I’ve been thinking about Magnus more and….I think my big problem there was that he wasn’t really working through his issues or even grappling with what had happened to him, he was just….kind of used as a shipping prop. and I get why it happened–they wanted to replicate the success of 2x18, but didn’t realize this is…a very different scenario and that people actually cared about what’s happening with magnus (sleeping for 15 hours? coping with alcohol? breaking down in front of alec and feeling ashamed of it? feeling so unwhole without his magic he’s willing to die to get it back?) separate from just ~m@l3c drama~ like what the narrative requires there is not shippy montages but actual character work looking at Magnus’ struggles, and at Magnus himself. and so overall it just left me with this bitter feeling that a) magnus losing his magic, his only independent plot since 1902, was all just to further the ship and b) that anyone actually thinks we WANT m@l3c drama in the year of our lord 2019. (seriously can there be just ONE chill couple in this show for ONCE).
everything about heavenly fire IS embarrassingly stupid (how the sword starts flaming right when she picks it up?? ghslkfjhghghhghghhghgghgg) but yeah blacksmith izzy was….Very Good. (I’m so proud of my honorary Iron Sister!!!) I was kind of concerned she’s smelting with liquid metal with bare skin but a) i know jack shit about the finer details of forging and b) honestly that’s probably the least of izzy’s worries writing-wise so whatever.
anyway we can go on but rest assured nonnie it’s……..Not just you who’s like “wtf lol” it’s kind of all of us at this point.
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princettegil · 5 years
There's been something I've been meaning to talk about for a while now but it recently came to a head about a week ago and I've came to realize that the medical field is probably one of the most uncaring amd worst places to work for someone with mental illness! You'd think the medical field would understand, right? Nope! Out of all the jobs I've had, none have been this bad at working with me or helping with my issues. I won't go into detail about what happened but I haven't had much in the way of anxiety attacks in the last couple years (cept for a couple incidents.) All in all, I've been doing stunningly better! However, when I have a job I tend to have a lot more anxiety issues (no matter what the job is, it just seems to happen.) So I've had about 3-4 attacks since I started work at the beginning of this year at a hospital (working one of the lowest rungs that still deals with patient care.) But that's to be expected; I figured that would happen since it almost always does, but I was intent on trying to sticking it out this time. Now, I don't like pity - let's just get that clear right now. I don't like pity, I don't like bothering people, I try my best to at least be as good as my peers at my job and I absolutely abhor bothering people with my issues (be that mental illness stuff or standard job difficulties.) Basically, I try to hold my own as best I can and I don't like to mention my mental health issues unless it's clear they're absolutely becoming an problem. Well, first (technically 2nd but the real first was a very small and not full blown attack) anxiety? A nurse happened to be in the room with me and took me to the main office where they let me chill a little and transferred me to work with a less trying patient. That's good! That seems reasonable yeah? Though what they did I agree was a good move, the way the nurse (an RN mind you) acted towards me was... odd. You'd expect a nurse to be well trained with things like anxiety or panic attacks and know both how to help out and seem considerate, right? Well... you'd be very wrong! Though she wasn't mean she didn't seem to understand at all what was happening to me even after I told her I was having an anxiety attack. She clearly didn't know much in the way of how to help me calm down or even deal with me at all working on her floor. But whatever, maybe she was tired? Nurses work their asses off after all! Maybe she just wasn't well trained with anxiety issues? It could happen. I gave her a pass in my mind but noted how it was strange for her to be so seemingly uncomfortable with a simple anxiety attack, especially one of a coworker. My 2nd anxiety attack went mostly unnoticed and I dealt with it the way I normally do. Took a break to go to the bathroom and try to chill out, stayed there a bit longer than my break actually allows but made sure I was okay before going back to the patient's room to continue my shift as normal. At the end though I made sure to inform my supervisor that I could no longer work with said patient because he was behind my prior anxiety attack as well. They didn't really agree but that didn't disagree with me either that they'd make sure I didn't have to work with him again. Then the 3rd anxiety attack. The big one. The awful one. The one that really forced my realization. Like I said, I won't go into detail on what happened. Lots of things happened that night all at once and some caused serious issues but are unrelated to the topic of the hospital's treatment of anxiety attacks. But the stunning thing I did realize was just how non-understanding and non-accomodating my supervisors (years long medical workers, especially in nursing fields) could be. At one of my last jobs, though they ran everyone to the brink of exhaustion and stress (causing many people to quit around the same time, including myself) they at least we're kind when they realized I had anxiety issues. It didn't actually work out the way they promised but they were willing to work with me and make simple accommodations to help me out (like working in the back when the store got really busy.) They were also very understanding and assuring even though I was terrified that they found out. At another job, though I didn't stay long last the first month's training classes, they were also understanding and my trainer took the time to explain how she understood what anxiety was like and gave me plenty of time and space to calm myself down (we got along so well I even friended her on FB after I quit and she's still really nice to me.) Basically, my other jobs were understanding. They didn't pity me (thank gods!) but they were open, supportive, understanding, accomodating and those coworkers who had been through similar really helped commiserate with me which helped me feel more comfortable knowing I wasn't alone. The hospital I work at now? None of the above! They weren't mean mind you, they technically said just enough to make it so that I probably couldn't sue them for treating me differently due to my mental disabilities (I have no intention to) but it really did seem like they wanted to put in the bare minimum of care to make sure that didn't happen. Did they tell me how they understood that anxiety was difficult to deal with? No. Did they try understandingy issues? No. Did they ask or try to accommodate me (like helping me to find a more suitable job there or letting me know I could ask to switch patients if things got hard? No. Did they seem any bit empathetic or even sympathetic? No. They gave me time to calm down (though they seemed pretty ansy for me to hurry up and breath so I could talk or rather, listen to them.) They said they were worried a couple times (while seemingly sounding and looking like they didn't give a single shit and were simply required to say it.) Did they at all mention anxiety is a disability or offer any tips for dealing with it? Nope! Instead they told me, in only slightly prettier words, to suck it up, deal with it on my own, don't cause problems, and that it's only gonna get worse from here. Not exactly kind or what you'd expect from medical personnel huh? In fact, that's my main concern - it was MEDICAL PERSONNEL! I could see this with grocery store staff or call center supervisors and probably write it off as just being ill informed or more caring about the cash and not the employees. But... trained, licensed, careered RNs and nursing staff!?!? Staff that I KNOW have had to deal with and care for mentally ill patients of all sorts? Staff that likely occasionally have to help out in the adjoining psychiatric center!? People whose job is literally to care for other people!? This is what disturbs me! This is what concerns me! If they treat a fellow employee like this then how do they treat the actual patients with problems!? Look, I know nurses don't have it easy! I have both family and friends who are CNAs and RNs and I know some of the shit they go through and how stressful it is. Especially since starting a hospital job and seeing stuff firsthand, I have MAJOR respect for those that can do such jobs! You guys have to have balls of steel! No... platinum! Dear gods the shit you ppl go through! I can easily see why you'd be frustrated especially with a coworker who can't handle the shit you deal with daily! I get it. I can see why you'd snap at patients and even eventually experience burn out and stop giving a shit in general. Hell, I wouldn't blame you one damn bit! But I would hope most of that would be split decisions, heat of the moment type stuff. Not when you've had almost an hour to absorb what's happened and had plenty of time to think through what to do or how to act. If you treat your co-workers like this, how would someone expect you to treat your patients? Not one of the 6 jobs that I've had treated my anxiety issues THIS BADLY! I'm talking data entry places, places with tiny cubicles, telarmarketing places, call centers, grocery stores, RETAIL stores! If nothing else I'd expect at least understanding from medical field workers! My supervisors, even a few of my coworkers - did not only not seem to understand but didn't even care! I was told by one to pretty much man up or quit! And some of these people, I KNOW have either personally dealt with mental health issues themselves or know someone close who has. Even if you know the job is tough, even if you know it may get worse, even if you've personally dealt with worse - you can't even say something as easy as "yeah man, this shits hard, I get it."? If I ever mentioned how hard my night was, my coworkers in the group chat didn't even care enough to respond. I mean, I'm sure you've had hard nights too! Let's talk about it! Let's commiserate and complain together! There's over I of us on this shift and I know you all have gone through shit, let's let off a little steam about it! There's gotta be at least one of you who'd love to rant it out! I find when you complain together about a tough job it makes you feel better knowing there's others in the same situation. Just knowing you're not alone can help a lot! Heck, answering every question you know the answer to with "just call the supervisors" cause you can't take 2 mins to say something like "click the x button on the menu" to help a coworker is a bit extreme isn't it? That last anxiety attack I had suicidal thoughts for a short bit in the midst of the worst part. I asked my supervisors for any advice they might have (hoping they might share some of their 20+ years of health field knowledge) they ignored my question and sent me straight to the ER even though I told them I was fine now. I can see the reaction for legal reasons but they didn't seem worried about me personally but how it may affect my job. They refused to listen to me. I went to the ER. Sat there, had blood work done and answered a few questions about how I was feeling and they let me leave. Why? Because they had determined I was fine and no threat to myself or others, just like I had told my supervisors. They never did give me advice. But they did screenshot my phone to show HR. So no, I don't want pity and I don't want people to get super worried about me but I'm always worrying that I'll be fired because of my anxiety attacks and the least a supervisor or coworker could do is tell me they understand it's tough (the job or the anxiety) or give me helpful tips or listen to me or ask how they could help. But being ignored, told to man up, told to quit, treated like I was just a legal risk and quickly unloading me onto anyone else they could - that's not how you treat someone! Someone with anxiety, depression, mental illness, learning disabilities, young people, old people - ANY PEOPLE! And what's worse is you are MEDICAL STAFF! You should KNOW about this stuff. You should KNOW how to handle it! You should KNOW to at least act like you care! You should KNOW how to comfort or calm someone or make them feel comfortable and not just like a legal risk or a bother that you don't want to deal with! HOW TF DO PATIENTS FEEL ABOUT THIS KIND OF TREATMENT!? My managers are always complaining about inspections and how the hospital is rated by patients and why and how to improve our scores. Well, as someone who's been an employee and now a patient too, lemme tell you your main patient displeasure issue - YOUR ATTITUDE! I thought before that some patients were just asking too much of the staff but now I know that they were right. But it's not about getting your apple juice quicker it's about being treated like you're either just a giant thorn in their side or a pit of money! Maybe next time I won't ignore that survery phone call.
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Requested by anon: Woozi for lawyer!au Hehe thanks! 
This was one of the more popular choices when yall voted! I was sure that woozi aus weren’t that popular but my street musician au blew up?? as did this au when people voted??? ever since i made this blog you guys have never ceased to amaze me I LOVE YOU ALL!!! I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS PIECE FROM YOUR FAV MOM!!!
warnings: a Manly Jihoon that turns into a Blushy Jihoon with bad jokes
Ok yall im in mock trial so this is some real legit stuffz but i don’t know everything so it’s obviously not completely accurate!
This au got quite a lot of votes, a lot more than i expected
Here we will explore the concept of Manly Jihoon
Let’s get moving!!!!!
You’ve been in your current law firm for a few years now
You ain’t even an attorney you just file papers rip
You’re like i am s O D ON E with this job hahahah :)))))
Your office job is like the typical ones you hear about that make you wanna yawn bc they’re just sO B OR I N G
Additionally to your office job, you’re also lowkey a personal assistant for the one and only,,,,,,
You guessed it
Lee Jihoon
The bEST of the best attorneys ever to exist, at least for the defense
We’re talking about high-scale crimes that you would only imagine happening, like big scandalous murder cases in mystery novels and movies
And he always,,,,, aLW A YZZ,,,, wins the case no joke
The last case he worked on took literally months and the trial for it w A S O IN TE N S E HOLY CRAP
You: wow i would so not wanna be that witness on the stand rn
The guy spits out objections left and right and usually the opposing attorney would be almost up to par on his level but we all know jihoon is gonna miss u with that bs
He indirectly tore apart the attorneys on tOP OF SHREDDING APART THE WITNESSES W O W
Bc of this you know exactly how intense and firm jihoon is when it comes to his work
The day he asked you to be his personal assistant may or may not have made you wanna pee in your pants
The most intimidating guy just asked you to be around him more often than you were supposed to, which is never???? um u have an office job????
“Look you seem to be the most trustworthy person here. Like i don’t even trust soonyoung and he’s my fellow coworker for this case” yes it’s bc he trusts you nOT liKE He hAS A CR us H On yO U NO OFC NO T
“See what i mean??? Always eavesdropping smh”
Soonyoung: ok,,, if that’s how you wanna play jihoon,,,, you think you’re such a hOtShOt,,,,,,
Since he’s perfectly aware he’s asking you to do something out of your way that is not part of your job he is willing to actually pay you
You’re lowkey thinking about just being his assistant bc the pay he gives you is lowkey higher than your actual salary rIP IM SORRY READER YOU DESERVE BETTER
For the most part you fetch him his daily coffee and help him file more papers jesus
But this guy is busy 25/8 so you’re on your feet a l o t
“y/n where’s the file i told you to create for brian?”
“y/n can you hand me the case book”
“File this in with the evidence”
“Take a look at the errata and cross these sections out”
You are doing a lot of the tiny things jihoon just doesn’t have time to other than the bulk of the case
You’re like oh de ar,,,, this is my office job 2.0 but i’m moving around more
You’re a little overwhelmed bc you’re experiencing firsthand how serious jihoon’s job is and it isn’t just about objecting to the opposing side
Figuring out how to word your questions so you don’t get objected to is by far the hardest part
Sometimes he would even ask you for advice just for some insight from an outside party
You don’t know every single thing about the law so he explains some of it to you but he’s actually like o H My gOD THEY’RE SO CUTE
“Jihoon what does hearsay mean?”
Jihoon: *combusts* “lol well it’s pretty simple,,,,”
When you’re too busy filing papers and doing other tasks, you are completely oblivious to the little glances he spares your wa Y JESUS
He would be like o m g how does one make crossing things out look sO G O OD
You look up and he pretends he’s reading the case book i fucken see u jihoon
But you don’t and you just resume your work
The biggest case he’s ever worked on is gonna be put to the test
The trial for it is the next day and jihoon is usually the epitome of calm and collected
But when you show up to his office with his coffee he doesn’t even notice you coming in and is running back and forth
“Jihoon??? I have your coffee if you,, still want it,,, you look a lil busy”
“Oh y/n thank you just set it down over there on the table”
As you put it down on his desk you glance around the room and it looks like a tornado came in and turned the room upside down
You don’t wanna pry and be in his way but you’re also like where is the relaxed jihoon from yesterday????
You’re like um,,, is,,, is everything ok??
And he stops for a second to catch his breath and you’re like pL S DON’T YELL AT ME
Shockingly he just sighs
“I reread the case book last night and i caught something pretty strange,,,, and i’ve been trying to dig up more about it in the other witnesses’ testimonies to find anything that slipped”
You’re like oh jesus that sounds stressful but i will be here to help you!!11!!
jihoon is trying to keep his fanboy in check but hOW CAN HE IF YOU’RE BEING THIS CUTE
“Ah..haha… that’s very considerate of you. Actually,,, maybe you can help me”
You must have been gawking at him with your mouth open bc he’s like is it that shocking i need help
You shake your head “n-no!!! Tell me what it is GO LISTEN TO THIS BY SF9 BYE and i’ll do it”
And he’s like ,,,,,,,,,,,,, i knew i liked you for a reason -- i mE A N OK PLS GO THROUGH THE TESTIMONIES FOR ME
And you spend a few more hours helping him out
You’ve never seen jihoon this frazzled and it kinda makes you freaked out too bc if he ain’t calm how can you be
You guys finally finish and he lets out a huge breath of relief
“I think,,,, we did it,,,, they can’t weasel out of this!!!”
“That’s good i’m glad i was able to help!!!”
“Yes we make a good team :)”
And yO U’RE LIKE OH,,,,, OMG
“Wow i’m offended????? Is that what you think of me???????????”
“nO I WAS JOKING I Love how passionate you are about your work and really admire you for always being able to set your mind to something and doing it”
Jihoon is shook to say the least
No one has ever said that to him despite his huge success as an attorney
People compliment him on his work yes but it’s superficial and only empty words
Everyone is always reluctant to actually talk to him bc he’s always so cold and work-oriented
He can see the floating halo above your head
It takes him a while to say something bc now it’s his turn to stare
There’s a strange air of intimacy and you’re trying to control your cheeks from flaring red under his gaze
You suddenly notice how long his eyelashes are--
“Did,,, i say something funny?”
“No,,,, not at all,,,,, thank you. That means a lot to me.”
Alert the reader is melting emergency alert
“Would you,,, like to come watch tomorrow?”
You really want to but,,,, your office job,,,,, stacks of papers are piling up on your desk
He senses your hesitance and is like i’ll let your boss know it’s to help me out
You’re like uh does that actually work
“He loves me ok this firm would be in the ground let’s be real”
You: well he ain’t wrong
“Ok well,,,, as long as it’s alright,,,,,, I have to see it through the end with you!!”
Jihoon: i am def gonna need 2 win
The following night comes too soon and you’re in the audience with bated breath
As soon as jihoon announces himself the atmosphere instantly shifts
The opposing attorneys seem to be unfazed and it’s a harsh battle between defense and prosecution
Jihoon brings up the newly found loophole and you can see the witness be like o cr a p gudbyez
And the attorney tries to save their witness during Redirect but even you thought their reputation was ruined
Jihoon is All Smirks for the rest of the trial
As it comes to an end after many many hours, the judge finally speaks about the verdict
You wait for him outside of the building as the people are dispersing
It takes a while for him to emerge out from the doors but the second he does you’re like
He knows he’s used to hearing this but for some reason he turns sO BL US H Y
Instead of replying with his usual “oh thank you, I know” he’s avoiding your gaze
“Oh,,,, it was,,, nothing,,,,”
And you swear you can see hints of pink on his cheeks
You decide to tease him for a bit bc i mEAN THIS IS A ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY
“Omg jihoon,,, are you blushing????”
“*clears throat loudly* SUFDFSDJLFJF NO WHAT I DO N OT BLUSH we’re going to the nearest pizza parlor”
And he starts tugging your arm and you’re like wH AT I DIDNT EVEN AGREE TO THIS???
He mutters “well the least we could do is celebrate” aND YOU CAN SEE THE TIPS OF HIS EARS SUPER RED
Even in the dark you can see his embarrassment written all over him
You’re like “well this is cheesy aHAH SEE WHAT I DID THERE”
“We’re not going anymore”
“,,,,but not as cheesy as me using this as an excuse to ask you out”
“Well i mean -- wAIT WHAT”
And he’s looking at you expectantly and you’re just trying to Register What Happened
“Oh,,,, well,,,, i wouldn’t mind,,,,,,,,,,”
And he smiles ever so slightly my heart
“How greasy of me”
“Ok who’s the one making bad puns now”
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mcutrio · 7 years
Movie Date [10]
Movie Date [10]
Tags: @buckys-little-monster @imaginesofeverykind
That next day, Kat and Thor found themselves awkwardly attracted to one another. The situation that had taken part the day before left them feeling somewhat strange whilst talking to one another, especially given that their relationship was nothing more than mere strangers, or rather… coworkers. They got along well, their powers complemented one another, and though they may agree that one another was attractive, it wasn’t particularly a relationship that either of them had considered pursuing. Tabitha and Courtenay, in a whirlwind of both new found and old love, perhaps got a little too swept up and found themselves dragging Kat along in the drift.
However, she was willing to go along with it. For as long as she would last within the team, as much as she already seemed to be dwindling, she decided that she might as well have some fun with it.
She met Thor in the kitchen and dropped a Chinese menu pamphlet in front of him, spinning it so that he could read it.
“Now this right here is pure heaven in your mouth,” Kat announced, tapping the leaflet with her hand. “And as sad as it is, you have a much larger meal selection considering you eat dead animals. But… if we’re going to show you what food to eat, then this is where to start.”
“Right,” Thor said, looking at the pamphlet and flicking through it for a moment, “what, so you just summon them with this special code and they arrive at your residence with the food?”
“Something like that,” Kat nodded, grinning at his naivety towards earth and mobile phones. However, he wasn’t particularly that far off, which humoured her the most. “And once we’ve tried enough food to feed a small village, I’m sure I can throw in a couple lessons on cell phones and the like.”
“Cellphones?” Thor questioned. Kat lifted her mobile. “Ah, the devices you and your friends can’t seem to look away from. What’s so interesting about them?”
“Uh… it’s like an all-knowing book that also allows you to contact friends?” Kat shrugged, unsure as to how she should explain it to him.
Thor almost laughed. “I find that hard to believe.”
“You come from a world that we had no idea even existed, Thor. Why is it that a mobile phone has you stumped?” Kat shook her head, scrolling through her contacts. “We’ll catch up on this. For now, decide what you want to order later tonight.”
“A feast,” Thor mused, skimming over the words as Kat pulled up FaceTime and called Tony, who was nestled away somewhere in one of his science-tech rooms.
“What do you want, Buffy?” Tony questioned, flipping up his eye-guards.
“I have a proposal to make,” Kat began, reaching for the notepad that she had doodled on out of boredom only to spit out a couple of neat innovations.
Tony rolled his eyes. “Kat, we’ve already been through this. Bruce and I are together, and there’s nothing you can do to change that.”
“Whatever, laser-brain,” Kat rolled her eyes, lifting the notepad to show Tony her sketches and well-thought out tech. “I think we both know that Court’s glasses are in dire need of an upgrade. Her focus has been getting worse; she’s been complaining about hearing electronic white-noise, too. Stops her from sleeping at night.”
“Oh, for sure,” Tony nodded, “bring your doodles down to the lab and Bruce and I will give it the once over, though I’m sure I can concoct something to help her out.”
“Awesome,” Kat nodded, “speak later.”
Just as she pocketed her cell phone and notepad, Steve appeared from beyond the doorway with a somewhat calm, somewhat on-edge smile.
“If you’re here to lecture about me skipping out on training sessions, I--”
“No, that’s not why I’m here,” Steve smiled. “I’ve been thinking a lot recently, and you’re right. The training is fairly pointless for an individual like yourself, which is why I’ve found a sparring partner that might actually be able to keep up with you.”
“The only person who can even measure up to me is Thor-- oh, right, fantastic,” Kat nodded, sucking on her teeth and placing her hands on her hips. “You know, Steve, I never pinned you as the cupid type. Why’s everybody so obsessed with the idea of him and I, anyway?”
“You both deserve a win,” Steve teased, before becoming serious again. “But seriously, I think this could be good for you. You’re good with combat, though you could get even better. Think about it; what happens if Hulk decides to make an appearance, and this time not for the better? We can’t always rely on Thor, considering he has a Kingdom in outer space to run.”
“Alright, Steve, I get it,” Kat silenced him, though nodded with a smile. “You had me persuaded at Thor,” she joked, shooting finger-guns at him. “See you tomorrow morning.”
“I’m counting on it,” he shot back.
Meanwhile, Tabitha seemed persistent in teaching Bucky how her PlayStation worked, and though the assassin may be skilled and knowledgeable of many platforms of technology, he was completely dumbfounded when it came to gaming.
“I just don’t understand how I-- just how do I make it go,” he complained, turning the controller over in his hands incessantly. “And why is this man just walking-- oh, there he goes, off the cliff. Who the Hell is this guy?”
“His name is Sam Drake; and it’s not his fault, you controlled him to walk off!” Tabitha laughed, snatching the controller away from him before he caused the team to lose.
Courtenay’s character, Chloe, came bounding round the corner and a chortle of laughter could be heard from her room as she witnessed Bucky’s failure before Tabitha took control again.
“Let me show you how it’s done,” she said, cracking her neck. Bucky was completed phased out, unable to comprehend the game as Tabitha and Courtenay managed to pick up the win between themselves, even after the rest of the team had left the game considering how confused the Sam on their team appeared to be. “See? It’s not that hard.”
“I don’t understand how you ever had time to practice this stuff,” he grumbled.
“What do you mean?” Tabitha frowned, “we had plenty of free time, you know. When we weren’t on missions… this is what we were doing.”
“Living the life, huh?” Bucky grinned. “But, yeah, video games aren’t for me.”
“I’ll make a gamer out of you, just you wait,” Tabitha insisted.
“Alright. Let’s make a deal,” Bucky offered, to which Tabitha held her hands out, gesturing to appeal to her. “If I play through this whole Uncharted thing, I get something in return.”
“Oh, yeah, like what?” Tabitha mocked.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, though a grin remained stretched on his lips. “I’m sure we can figure something out.”
Tabitha caught onto his tone and socked his shoulder. “Don’t be so dirty.”
“I actually didn’t say anything. These are your words, not mine,” he grinned, turning to face her.
“Oh, is that right? It didn’t cross your mind for just one second?” Tabitha irked.
Bucky made a noise, telling her that he had, in fact, had his mind stuffed somewhere in the gutter.
“I knew it!” she laughed, leaning back onto her elbows.
“To be fair, you were thinking it too,” Bucky negotiated, collapsing onto his back before turning to look up at her as she propped herself up beside him. “Right?”
“Shut up,” she laughed, hand upon his face, feeling the stubble beneath her palm and fingertips.
“So you were?” He teased, “look, I’m just trying to have my point proven here--”
Tabitha cut off him off with a firm kiss, one that had been well-earned after their days of tension after their first one. She retreated with a smile, smoothing her thumb over his cheekbone as the two lay, breathing quietly, staring at nothing but each other.
At that moment, Tabitha's phone buzzed with a notification. She pulled it out from her back pocket and inspected the screen, seeing a text message from Kat that she’d shot into the group chat of herself, Tabitha and Courtenay.
1 New Message From: Original Three
Kat: don’t want to alarm you guys or anything but thor and i are totally eating chinese food in his room rn !!
Tabitha: no way, really??
Courtenay: see this is why im the greatest friend, i swear. This is all because of me and you better name your first child after me
Tabitha: dibs being the godmother
Courtenay: that’s fine, i wear the pants anyway. Ill make a fuckin fantastic godfather
Kat: he’s currently gorging on prawn crackers so im sneaking a text any chance i get because HOLY SHIT IM SO NERVOUS
Tabitha: chill its just thor!
Kat: that’s the whole point! It's! Just! Thor!!!!!!!
Courtenay: just be yourself and all that jazz, i mean he thinks ur hot when ur fighting and you look pretty sweaty and gross then so. Can’t really mess up now can u
Kat: thanks, very comforting
Tabitha: seriously, though. Just be yourself. Maybe a little nicer because you’re a grumpy little shit but yeah, be yourself.
Courtenay: make a move before he does
Tabitha: that was your chance to make a move, kat. Please tell me you used it to your advantage
Kat tossed her phone aside to avoid detection as Thor, face-full, grinned over at her, seemingly in an even happier mood than he was before.
“I’m really glad that this is happening. You know, you really need to consider your life choices,” Kat laughed, “perhaps when you return to Asgard you should make Chinese food a thing?”
“No, no, I definitely agree,” Thor grinned through a forkful of chow mein noodles. “My friends would enjoy this thoroughly!”
Kat eyed him suspiciously, looking at the metal trays that he had managed to finish. “Is that your fourth tub?”
“Of much more to come,” he winked, taking another bite.
“Where does it all go?” Kat laughed sincerely, her face pink with her fullness and contentment.
Thor flexed his arms. “I cannot let my mortal form grow weak, for there is a lot to sustain.”
She laughed again, leaning her head on her hand. “If anybody from earth said that, I'd think they were insane.”
“Do you not think of me in that way?” Thor asked.
Kat, pressing her lips together to suppress her smile, shook her head. “No.”
“Then what do you think of me?” he asked, his voice noticeably softer this time.
Feeling a surge of confidence, she traced her hand over the pattern on his black shirt. “I think that you are…”
“Yes?” Thor encouraged, eyes sparkling as she lifted her head, dangerously close now.
“I-- I think that--”
Her voice stuttered with the proximity of the two before they suddenly jerked apart in surprise, the door slamming open with an excitable Courtenay bursting in.
“Hey, guys! Oh, am I interrupting something?”
Kat stared at Courtenay with a look of confusion, a surge of desperate annoyance on her face alongside it.
“Oh no… I am. I heard that there was Chinese food, you know, and I just couldn’t resist…” Courtenay edged forwards, taking a small bag of Chinese fries and backing out of the room again. “Again, so sorry…“
Finally, Courtenay left and shut the door behind her. Kat rubbed her forehead, feeling a mix of shame and agitation, though holding it all in and scooping up her laptop that she’d brought in earlier to play music whilst herself and Thor ate their food.
“How about a movie?” She offered.
Thor's expression deadpanned, telling Kat that he was unsure of what they were, too.
“Moving pictures? A bunch of actors and actresses portraying a scenario?” she offered, trying to see if that would lure any understanding out of him.
“Oh, like theatre?”
“Yeah, sort of,” she agreed, realising with relief that she was somewhat getting through to him.
Kat pulled her laptop between them, booting up a movie she thought that the two of them would be interested in. Their lives were exciting enough that plenty of action-movie plots were dull, so she settled with Jurassic Park as she was sure that Thor had never seen dinosaurs before. However, after the battle in new york, and even Sokovia, she wouldn't be surprised as to what hid away up in the galaxy.
Thor wasn’t particularly subtle now that two two had had some time together, and he threw his arm around her shoulder and held her close as they watched the movie intently. Although he was partially confused, he found himself enjoying the moving pictures so much so that he didn’t immediately realise that Kat, exhausted from her full belly, had fallen asleep on his side.
He almost didn’t know what to do, in fear that he would move too abruptly and wake her from her slumber. He shut the laptop and placed it on the floor, lying still on his back. He was hardly tired, though he daresn't move. Instead, he looked down at the practically unconscious figure next to him, wondering where their relationship now stood. It was apparent that the two of them were near kissing until Courtenay interrupted, and he was certainly leaning towards it. He felt a great deal for her; he respected her in battle and in normality, though the two were one in the same for her. It was… odd.
With a smile, he clicked the lamp off by his side and closed his eyes, holding her tighter against him as he, too, fell asleep.
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