#red rose teen drama
aleksandrasieczka · 1 year
“Red Rose” przypomina o zagrożeniach, o których powoli zapominamy | recenzja 
Wiatr wył niemiłosiernie, a jego zawodzenie zdawało się coraz mocniej wdzierać do mieszkania. Z każdym kolejnym podmuchem żarówki w żyrandolu przygasały miarowo, by po chwili rozbłysnąć jakby nic się nie stało. Początkowo myślałam, że to umysł płata mi figle i światło wcale nie gaśnie na ułamek sekundy. Następny huk był jednak mocniejszy, a zwykle przytulny pokój zalała fala ciemności. Idealnie w momencie, gdy na jednym z serialowych ekranów załączyło się nagranie Rochelle, a jej krzyk zgrał się z zawodzeniem w prawdziwym świecie. 
I wtedy już naprawdę chciałam się pozbyć telefonu albo chociaż wszystkich zainstalowanych na nim aplikacji.
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Gdzie “The Ring” spotyka “Black Mirror” 
W jednym z odcinków, gdy atmosfera jest już prawie tak gęsta, że można ją ciąć nożem, Taz nawiązuje do japońskiego horroru: - Lodówki, telewizory, taksówki nie zabiją cię. To nie jest “The Ring”. Nic nie wyskoczy z ekranu - mówi z pełnym przekonaniem, ale my nadal możemy mieć pewne wątpliwości. Brytyjski serial young adult wielokrotnie wodzi nas za nos balansując na granicy gatunków i możliwych rejonów, w jakie fabuła może zmierzać. Kamera telefonu skierowana w przestrzeń niejednokrotnie ukazuje sylwetki bez twarzy, które próbują wydostać się na zewnątrz. Światy się przenikają, trudno wierzyć nawet własnym oczom. Czy tajemnicza aplikacja faktycznie pozwala na kontakt ze zmarłymi? Czy ci zmarli są tymi, za kogo ich mamy? A może to kolejny serial o hakerze jeden do jednego przeniesionym z meksykańskiej teen dramy “Control Z”? 
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Moje pierwsze wrażenia skłaniały mnie ku bramce numer trzy. Zapowiedzi produkcji, choć znacznie bardziej mroczne, mimo wszystko nie wskazywały na nic demonicznego, co wymaga skorzystania z wody święconej, a kto inny miałby się zainteresować zwyczajnymi nastolatkami. Jak bardzo byłam  jednak w błędzie… “Red Rose” nie zabiera nas bowiem do świata elit, pokazując idealne życie bogatych dzieciaków, którym ktoś mógłby zagrażać. Zamiast tego nie tylko zarysowuje trudny wiek dorastania, ale i zmagania, które bynajmniej nie powinny ich dotyczyć, a jednak stanowią powód do wstydu czy zaburzeń poczucia własnej wartości. Nic dziwnego - w Bolton znają się wszyscy, a każdy sekret może z prędkością światła wylądować na językach całej społeczności.
Ant przyłapuje matkę na kupowaniu taniej wódki, Wren jest wytykana palcami za morderstwo, którego dopuścił się jej ojciec, a Roch naciąga kaptur na głowę coraz mocniej i mocniej, żeby tylko nikt jej nie poznał, gdy odbiera paczki z jedzeniem. W domu żadnego się nie przelewa. A jednak pewnego dnia ta ostatnia dostaje link do aplikacji z zapowiedzią jej nowego, lepszego życia, które zdecydowanie za bardzo będzie przypominać odcinek “Black Mirror”. Zacznij od selfie, mówi aplikacja, i natychmiast przetwarza jej zdjęcie ukazując ułamek swoich możliwości. “Upiększona” filtrami twarz rozświetlona złowrogim uśmiechem spoziera na nią z ekranu telefonu. 
Roch wcale się nie uśmiechnęła. 
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Tam ktoś jest i czyha 
Cały problem polega na tym, że “ten odcinek” jest znacznie bliższy naszej rzeczywistości niż mogłoby się na pierwszy rzut oka wydawać. Chociaż “Red Rose” nijak przypomina TikToka czy to interfejsem, czy przeznaczeniem, to przemyca pewne niepokojące kwestie, które już teraz oddziałują na dzieci i młodzież. Pod płaszczem niewinnej aplikacji, która zaprasza do różanego ogrodu i nanosi “upiększające” filtry na awatar użytkownika, kryje się narzędzie do sterowania ludźmi naruszające ich prywatność. Rochelle dość szybko uświadamia sobie, że Red Rose widzi każdy jej ruch i słyszy każde jej słowo. Ingeruje w jej smsy i udostępnia za nią posty. Nagrywa nieproszona czy wykonuje inne operacje bez jej wyraźnej zgody. Ale czyżby właśnie bez jego zgody? 
Bo przyznajcie, ile razy zastanawialiście się, czy właśnie te uprawnienia, które dajecie aplikacjom w związku z dostępem do plików czy wykorzystaniem wbudowanej kamery nie sięgają znacznie dalej niż tylko do jej niezbędnych funkcji? Zakładam, że obecnie już nie za często. Może te kilka(naście) lat temu, gdy jeszcze dało się wykonać twardy reset telefonu poprzez wyjęcie jego baterii. Teraz również przyzwyczaiłam się, że skoro dzięki aplikacji mogę udostępniać zdjęcia czy wykonywać je za jej pośrednictwem, to po prostu muszę dać jej te standardowe uprawnienia. Standardowe, choć w nieodpowiednich rękach naruszające naszą prywatność dokładnie w ten sam sposób, co Red Rose. Standardowe, bo do tego jesteśmy przyzwyczajeni. 
Nie jest powiedziane wprost, czy uprawnienia aplikacji kończą się wraz z chwilą, gdy znikają z naszego ekranu. Red Rose działa w tle, w ukryciu, chowa się, gdy ktoś niepowołany patrzy. Bo doskonale wie, że patrzy. 
Duchy czy deep fake?
Twórcy serialu bynajmniej nie budują tej historii w oparciu o wizje z nieodległej przyszłości. “Red Rose” jest bardzo mocno ugruntowana w obecnych czasach - i jeśli chodzi o zachowania nastolatków, i działania aplikacji. 
Skrzętnie upatruje sobie tych, którzy mają coś wstydliwego do ukrycia i bierze to na zakładnika, ciągnąc postać w dół, coraz bardziej w bezdenną otchłań. Bohaterowie są na wskroś normalni i pogubieni stosownie do wieku. Ant ukrywa swoją orientację seksualną nawet przed przyjaciółmi, a uzależnienie matki jest powodem do wielkiego wstydu. Wren i Noah uczą się bliskości, choć sami nie wiedzą, gdzie zaprowadzi ich los. Czekają na wyniki egzaminów, które albo otworzą przed nimi drzwi do lepszej przyszłości, albo zaryglują je na dobre. Roch żyje w sferze marzeń usiłując w ten sposób uciec od życia, które nie jest dla niej łaskawe. Ojciec ledwo wiąże koniec z końcem po tym, jak jej mama odebrała sobie życie, a teraz to właśnie jej głos, za którym tak tęskni, wydobywa się z aplikacji, zachęcając do zwierzania się i budowania zaufania. 
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Za sprawą technologii rozszerzonej rzeczywistości użytkownicy są w stanie - posiłkując się słowami samej aplikacji - odsłonić to, co ukryte. Doprowadza to do iście horrorowych scen, gdy przed naszymi oczami pojawia się postać bez twarzy nieobecna w realnym świecie. Ale twórcy idą dalej. Gdy do Rochelle zaczyna docierać, że jej mama nigdy nie rozmawiałaby z nią w ten sposób, decyduje się odprawić egzorcyzm z użyciem internetowego poradnika i wody święconej, który bynajmniej nie odstrasza tajemniczej postaci. Zdaje się ją przyciągać. Jest coraz bliżej i bliżej gotowa wyłonić się z ekranu i pochwycić przerażoną nastolatkę. - Taz, na pewno masz rację z tym “The Ring”? - chciałoby się zapytać. Za jakiś czas telewizor zaleje fala czerwieni, z której wyłoni się Rochelle, a jej rozdzierający krzyk rozlegnie się echem. - Ale jesteś pewny? - zapytajmy jeszcze raz. 
Zaczynamy się wówczas zastanawiać, czy to deep fake z klonowaniem obrazu i głosu, czy faktycznie “Red Rose” skręca w kierunku demonicznych sił wdzierajacych się do telefonu. Prawda jest jednak jeszcze bardziej niepokojąca. 
Idea, która nie umiera 
Chociaż serial “Red Rose” nie przeciera żadnych nowych szlaków ani w temacie young adult, ani zagrożeń czyhających w internecie, to ma kilka asów w rękawie. Przez cały serial utrzymywane jest uczucie niepokoju potęgowane przez to, co nam bliskie - z telefonu nagle rozlega się muzyka, światła w domu gasną, a temperatura gwałtownie spada. Wszystko, co jest podłączone do internetu, może stanowić zagrożenie. Dodatkowo twórcy bawią się formą m.in. zapuszczając chóralną wersję piosenki “Barbie Girl” sprawiając, że nigdy nie była aż tak przerażająca i bardzo zgrabnie budują świat oraz realnych bohaterów. 
Prawdziwy jest wstyd Anta, który zbliża się do matki jednej z ofiar aplikacji, żeby poczuć ciepło ogniska domowego. Namacalne jest to, jak gubi się Wren - jej matka próbuje ułożyć sobie życie na nowo, z dala od byłego męża, na którego życie dybie wielu. Bardzo mocno działa poza, którą przyjmuje Rochelle - twardzielki, która rozpada się na milion kawałków. Nie ma tym bardziej nic udawanego w tym, jak zachowuje się Noah. Z jednej strony jest niesamowicie mocno zaangażowany w relację z Wren i chce się o nią zatroszczyć, z drugiej uważa, że jest “tylko wystarczający”, co ciągnie go w dół.
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Red Rose wie o tym wszystkim. Najpierw gromadzi dane, a później wykorzystuje powszechny dostęp do internetu, żeby wwiercić się w głowy swoich ofiar i zasiać w nich spustoszenie. Prowadzi je na sam kraniec granicy obłędu diametralnie zmieniając swój obraz z “miłej” aplikacji, która pyta jak się czujesz i czego pragniesz, by - gdy już ci to da - zmusić cię do wykonywania dla niej zadań. 
Możesz próbować ją usunąć, dostać się do jej kodu, odkryć prawdę, ale jej idea nigdy nie umrze. Na świecie zawsze będzie ktoś, kto będzie chciał przekroczyć granice - niezależnie od tego, czy Red Rose bazuje ściśle na technologii, czy zagląda w sfery spirytualne.
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powerful-niya · 7 months
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The Tell-Tale Heart
❀Fest No Jutsu 2023❀
Naruhina Oneshot Available on: AO3 | Wattpad | Fanfiction.net |
Prompt claimed fulfilled for @wickermayne 🥰
❀Naruhina RomCom❀
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《
Summary: The Fourth Great Ninja War ends and Konoha is at peace; Hinata Hyuga contemplates Naruto Uzumaki's unexpected desire to spend more time with her.
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》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《
Tags: Blank Period • Canon • Canon Divergence • Declarations Of Love • Drama & Romance • Fake Relationship Trope • Fluff • Happy • Happy Ending • Humor • Light Angst • Love Confessions • Mutual Pining • Naruto Universe - Freeform • No Smut • Post War • POV Third Person • Romance • Teen Rated  •Tooth Rotting Fluff •
Word Count - For Entire One-Shot: 8.4k.
Word Count - Tumblr Post: 3.3k.
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Today in Konohagakure, the temperature was moderately warm.
The shining sun rose high in the cloudless, blue heavens, beaming with happiness where it took center stage above.
The residents of Konohagakure, enjoyed every moment of the new day, a day of peace and fun, as the sun smiled down on them with warm but pleasant beams.
The summer breeze flowed through the busy streets of the village, sweeping green leaves within its gentle wake where they carried on powerfully, just as the ninjas, Konoha's defenders, have done each and every day.
A year had passed since the conclusion of the Fourth Great Ninja War, allowing Konoha as a whole to at last settle down.
The streets were alive with laughter and chatter, with kids flying kites and pretending to be the ninjas they idolize, racing full speed through the crowds with their arms thrust behind them as if soaring.
Smiling villagers of all sizes and ages filled the streets, setting up their businesses and outlets to cheerfully trade their produce and wares with one another.
All around, structures and residences stood tall, having all been rebuilt from the devastation that numerous battles, particularly the Pain onslaught, had wreaked upon them.
Konoha was now endowed with brand-new structures, fresh possibilities, and new beginnings.
Ninjas, villagers, and children alike were all beaming and renewed—all appreciative of the timeless peace they had gained by never giving up, by consistently standing up for what is right, and by moving onward no matter what.
Konohagakure was now at peace.
Aside from Hinata Hyūga.
In the midst of the happiness that beamed all around her, the young kunoichi found herself having quite an episode: fingers twiddling together, her breathing escalated, cheeks red, and her mind in scrambles.
Hinata traversed the streets of Konoha dressed in her typical ninja garb, accompanied by her longtime team members and companions, Kiba and Shino.
Kiba, her loud, ferocious friend, shot her a glance with his slitted eyes, lifting an eyebrow as he sensed his shy friend's worried state.
After all, it was Hinata's idea to get together so the three of them could go for a walk through the village, get some fresh air, and just spend some time in each other's company.
However, Kiba and Shino have observed Hinata to be extremely fidgety and quiet the entire time, appearing to be preoccupied with a problem that both ninjas were overly conscious about.
Hinata was unable to stop talking about it after all.
Kiba groaned and shook his head, causing his brown curly hair to tussle about, brushing against the nape of his neck due to its increasing length.
To lighten the mood, the cheerful canine ninja gave Hinata a gentle shove with his elbow—just with the side of his folded arms.
He laughed as he caught the surprised squeak that flooded out of her lips, her body jolting as a result of being shoved out of her troublesome thoughts.
"Come on, Hinata-chan, stop overreacting already. It's not that bad." Kiba remarked with a gruff tone and an amused grin, his lips stretched wide to show off his razor-sharp canines.
Due to his delighted smile, the red triangles on his cheeks raised just a touch, his features quite robust and well-defined given his maturing age.
His voice, which had become deeper over the years, was emitted in a halfhearted manner, with little worry detected within, which did absolutely nothing to calm Hinata's anxiety.
Hinata's predicament was only made worse because of it.
Her pale cheeks grew even redder, and she found herself hiding behind the curtains of her long, midnight-blue hair, unable to meet Kiba's gaze.
"No, th-this is..."
"It's just Naruto, Hinata-chan. What does it matter whether the knucklehead wants to spend time with you? Big deal."
Kiba muttered impassively once again, simply shrugging his shoulders as if everything was normal—and especially normal for Hinata.
She shook her head. There was nothing normal about her situation.
Hinata took a glimpse at her brown-haired pal through the strands of her dark hair, only to be struck by the nonchalant expression found on his tanned face.
Kiba didn't seem bothered by her predicament or even able to understand why she was feeling the way she was, for the matter. It was certainly a sight she just couldn't comprehend.
It was quite obvious why she was so worked up.
Hinata bit her lip briefly, to deal with her nerves.
"B-But every day?" Hinata exclaimed, apprehensive.
"A-Am I the only one who finds it strange that Naruto-kun is suddenly spending so much time with me? It's s-so odd."
Hinata's meek voice broke through the gaps of her delicate lips, bursting into the village's midday hum. Such comments of hers would have been drowned out by the din of the crowd, but Kiba's keen hearing picked up on her words flawlessly.
He heard her loud and clear.
Kiba shrugged.
He genuinely did not perceive anything wrong with her current "situation."
Kiba thought Hinata was acting rather ridiculously, in fact. Every time Naruto was brought up in their many conversations, she would just revert to her usual flustered self.
The mere mention of the goofy blonde ninja always causes her to flush red all over and sends her into a stuttering frenzy. Even in her primary years, she would faint just by being in the blonde's presence.
Hinata has always been a flustered mess around Naruto, but even now, after having Hinata as a teammate for so long, Kiba has never been able to understand the immense anxiousness she would feel because of the blonde.
Apart from the fact that Naruto was now regarded as a war hero as a result of his heroic deeds during the Fourth Great Ninja War, Kiba still saw him merely as a hyperactive, dense, brainless knucklehead.
He just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that anyone would feel immense anxiety around someone like him.
It was all quite ridiculous.
Kiba found nothing odd or different about Hinata's frenzied behavior nor about Naruto's desire to spend more time with Hinata. After all, they were all growing closer to one another—every single one of their friends—now more than ever.
Nothing's strange there.
Shino, on the other hand, saw a different picture.
He let out a hum of curiosity, bringing to light his presence as he walked alongside Hinata.
His eyes were shielded from the sun by black shades, so others couldn't see his facial expressions as well.
One hand of his was buried in the pocket of his long jacket, while the other lifted to stroke his chin.
"Now that you mention it. That is strange."
Shino's voice emerged from his mouth, somber and monotone, phasing with the pleasant breeze around them. He too joined the conversation between Kiba and Hinata, voicing his concerns about the current situation at hand.
Hinata's dilemma.
All in all, it shouldn't really be a dilemma.
Hinata was aware of this.
Her predicament shouldn't be one that keeps her up at night, sends her in a tizzy, and leads her to become a hot, stuttering mess whenever she thinks about it.
Naruto was her dilemma.
Since the war has ended and all of Konoha has spent its time relishing the peace, Naruto has been exhibiting a variety of behavioral shifts—shifts that were pretty different and quite apparent—particularly because they diverged from the customary behavior tactics he has always demonstrated.
Such changes were all very unusual to Hinata, changes that she was unable to interpret or understand.
To put it simply, Naruto's been acting quite strangely toward her.
How strange you might ask?
For starters, Hinata thought it was somewhat odd of Naruto to unexpectedly develop the longing to devote every waking moment with her.
It seemed weird to her that he wanted to see her every day at the same time at Ichiraku Ramen in order to spend time with her.
Hinata bit her lip a bit harder.
She could hear him now.
"Let's eat out again, tomorrow, Hinata-chan. At Ichiraku, same time, same place. I had such a great time with you, dattebayo!"
Hinata could still clearly remember what he said to her almost a day ago when they shared a meal together at the Ichiraku Ramen Shop.
Even then, he showed signs of immense eagerness for her that she had never seen him show before.
Hinata recalled how he constantly barraged her with many subjects of discussion, even as he spoke to her while stuffing ramen noodles into his mouth.
He told her several of his own tales, including mission experiences that actually made her laugh quite a lot. More than she's ever done in her entire life.
It was all so... strange.
Don't misunderstand Hinata; Naruto's excitement was refreshing, albeit a little overwhelming.
Indeed, Hinata has always wished to spend time with Naruto, and she can't stop herself from enjoying those moments when she gets to sit beside him, shoulder to shoulder, and share a meal and a conversation with him, especially after the war is all said and done.
Sharing such moments with him has always been her dream.
Hinata relished the moments when Naruto lavished her with lots of attention, gazing into her eyes with a true sense of joy and care, and wanting nothing more than to spend as much time with her as he could.
And maybe, she's just overthinking.
Maybe, she's just blowing the entire situation out of proportion.
Maybe she was getting ahead of herself, but she was unable to ignore Naruto's peculiar behavior toward her, including the very difference in the way he spoke to her. It consumed her mind and bugged her so much.
Hinata has made a constant effort to understand why Naruto's behavior has drastically changed in the way it did toward her and why he suddenly developed the urge to hang out with her so excessively.
This was a really big deal to her.
Hinata couldn't help but mull it all over.
In the immediate aftermath of the war, Naruto changed from scarcely recognizing her to having just fleeting conversations with her to obnoxiously craving her company all the time.
It's such a drastic change.
This cannot be a coincidence, she thought.
Hinata occasionally found herself questioning whether Naruto's motives were sincere; she wondered if perhaps he was merely allowing himself to be close to her out of pity.
Pity for her losing Neji.
Yes, the war was officially over, but even so, there were still a lot of wounds that needed to be healed, and Neji's death surely left a lot of them. A lot of wounds.
Hinata occasionally finds herself becoming very sad at the mere recollection of Neji being dead, no longer living in Konoha, but instead buried with the other valiant ninjas who fought in the war.
She would frequently experience severe depression as she recalled the events leading up to his death and once more realized that he had indeed left this world and never to return again.
Hinata often thought of such depressing memories and felt their suppressive effect on her throughout her day-to-day life, and thus, she often thought that is why Naruto wished to spend so much time with her.
Because of pity. Because of guilt.
However, she always dismissed the idea, labeling herself as ridiculous for having such negative thoughts about her dear Naruto-kun.
As a result, Hinata discovers herself becoming quite enthusiastic about the alternative reason she came up with for Naruto's behavioral changes toward her.
And that was a result of authenticity.
Maybe, just maybe, Naruto has come to want to be close to her from a genuine standpoint.
Maybe he secretly yearns to be close to her, yearns to learn more about her, or, better yet, just genuinely enjoys her company.
Maybe, Naruto has come to yearn for something more.
But just as Hinata thought of such a thing, just as she allowed her fantasies to intertwine with her thoughts, she was quick to shake them off.
Hinata squealed, covering her eyes with her hands due to her lewd thoughts.
'No, no, that can't possibly be it!" Shaking off the idea, Hinata exclaimed in a frenzy fit in her mind. It was absurd for her to think that the frequent outings she would have with Naruto were anything romantic.
Yes, Naruto yearns to see her virtually every single day.
Yes, he genuinely offers to pay for her meal at each and every get-together.
Yes, he regularly gives her his jacket whenever she grows cold, without her having to utter a single word.
Those were merely the acts of a friend, Hinata thought, a friend that truly cares.
'There's nothing romantic about that.' Hinata dismissed once more, hysterically shaking her tomato-red face as she hurried on carelessly, her open-toed shoes kicking up dirt every step of the way.
However, she was interrupted from her thoughts when she once more heard the voice of her enigmatic friend, Shino, speak after a little period of silence between the three of them.
"Hm, it almost seems like the two of you are dating. Maybe that's what Naruto wants."
It was only hearing those words from Shino that led Hinata to completely lose it.
She began to feel lightheaded. Terribly lightheaded.
'Me? D-Date Naruto-kun?!?' Hinata practically screeched in her head. She was going to faint, she just knew it.
It was only a matter of time now.
She whipped around to face Shino, in an effort to quickly dismiss such a ridiculous notion from his head. She couldn't bear it.
Hinata sweat dropped, her cheeks flushed red, "No, no, Naruto-kun and I aren't d-dating. Dating o-or romance, for that matter, isn't possibly the reason for all of this. There has to be a-another explanation..."
"Hm." Shino rubbed his chin once more, "It's quite obvious what's going on here, Hinata-chan. Naruto's sudden and enthusiastic yearning to spend more time with you when the war is over. All of it seems to be pointing towards the possibility that his eyes may have opened after all this time." Shino hummed.
"The evidence is right in front of you." Shino expressed with a nod, as he tried to piece together the situation and come up with a solution.
Kiba, in contrast, just shrugged. He merely found the two humorous, trying to solve an issue that was so clear.
He shook his head, "Hinata-chan, come on. You gotta stop overthinking."
He brushed his shoulder against hers yet again, doing so with a groan, "Good kami, all of this Naruto stuff is getting you ridiculous, Hinata-chan. Come on, think about it. Isn't this what you always wanted?" He asked, blurting out what he knew had to be said.
With wrinkled brows, he gazed down at the midnight blue-haired woman beside him, watching as her lavender eyes widened at his remark.
He tilted his head, his expression somewhat solemn, "Isn't this time spent with Naruto, or rather, him wanting to spend time with you, something you always wished for?"
Hinata's eyes widened even more. Even her heart skipped a beat.
It was. It's all Hinata has ever wanted.
She's spent her entire life walking behind Naruto, always staring at his back, longing for him to turn and notice her.
She had yearned for him to realize her presence, to recognize all the times she had followed him, supported him, been influenced to become stronger by him, and even risked her life for him.
She yearned to be by his side, showering him with her affection and reverence.
She wished so badly he would one day look at her the very same way she looked at him.
That is all she has ever wished for—Naruto to notice her.
And now...
Hinata's breath caught in her throat as Kiba's words flashed through her mind, finally waking her up and causing her to realize what a blessing this entire situation was for her.
The sudden acts of Naruto wanting to spend time with her; and the genuine smiles he showers her with.
The big, warm hugs he gives her the moment she arrives at Ichiraku Ramen.
The jokes, the laughter, the smiles.
Hinata finally considered every bit of her situation, and she used the opportunity to take a step outside of herself, away from the troubling emotions that were stifling her, and instead take in the situation as a whole.
Her breath hitched.
Indeed, she has always wanted this.
And now, with her eyes opened, she has realized how silly she has been.
She has done nothing but speculate about Naruto's motives, questioning herself as a whole for liking his behavioral shifts.
She was so worried and anxious about the whole thing, as well as flustered and embarrassed by being so close to Naruto so suddenly, that she entirely failed to notice the positive elements of her predicament.
But now...
A smile arose on Hinata's face and in that moment, she felt a weight lift from her shoulders. She suddenly felt the worries she's been dealing with for a couple of weeks now set sail and fly away.
She finally sensed herself becoming free from her worries; free from it all. All thanks to her friends; Kiba and Shino.
She really needed this chat.
Because now, Hinata could finally see the situation from a different perspective, a more positive approach to her situation, and now she finds herself a little bit more...
She bawled her fists tight by her chest, biting her lip briefly, "Y-Yes, this is what I have wanted." She whispered, finally voicing out her own wants for a change, voicing that she indeed has always wanted Naruto to notice her, just in the way he has recently.
Kiba and Shino exchanged a joyful grin, both ninjas flawlessly catching their bashful friend's answer even in the midst of the raucous outside noises around them.
It was undoubtedly like music to their ears, and they were both comforted by the fact that their friend's sentiments of embarrassment and worry were no longer clouding her judgment—no longer keeping her troubled.
The two men were pleased to find that their efforts had been successful and that their words of caution and contemplation had not been merely ignored or overlooked.
Kiba and Shino were certainly pleased to see Hinata finally diverted from her mental woes and the clamor of her irrational thoughts, which had previously blinded and hampered her. And ultimately, keeping her from finding happiness with the one man that almost everyone in the village knows can greatly comfort and increase Hinata's level of contentment.
Peace was now assured.
Kiba exclaimed joyfully, "See, there you go! So I say, quit your overreacting and relax! Enjoy the peace already!"
He shoved her shoulder again which actually caused Hinata to giggle, her body swaying a bit.
"Kami, if you're so worried about Naruto spending time with you, why don't you just ask him? Who knows, Shino might be right, your precious Naruto-kun might have finally woken up." Kiba teased with a laugh.
Hinata instantly gasped, her head space once again flooded by overwhelming thoughts, her body riddled with feelings of flusteredness.
Throughout Kiba's entire speech, one particular detail caught her attention the most.
My precious Naruto-kun.
Hinata's blush rushed back to engulf her whole tenfold, "H-Hey don't call him that!" The flustered kunoichi exclaimed in embarrassment before reaching over to slap Kiba's folded arm.
But her gesture of getting him back due to his teasing only pushed the brown-haired male to laugh and tease her even more.
"Oh, Naruto-kun! My precious Naruto-kun!"
"St-Stop it, Kiba-kun!"
"No! You make it so easy, Hinata-chan!"
Hinata grumbled, her heart racing in her chest as she was teased by Kiba but soon comforted by Shino.
After all was said and done, however, and after a much-needed conversation with her good friends, she found herself looking forward to the dinner get-together with Naruto.
Now, more than ever.
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aphroditelovesu · 6 months
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⤷✿.。Since you voted yes to commissions, so here we are. I was a little unsure about the price, so I researched and tried to make it as fair as possible. I hope you agree with this! ❤️
Also, this is completely optional! If you don't want to, you don't have to request a commission! All the other requests works the same way!! ⤷♡.+ n a v i g a t i o n.
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What I would write
I write for any gender, both character and Reader/OC, be it female, male, neutral transsexual. Any.
Yandere!Character x Reader, Yandere!Reader x Yandere!Character, Yandere!OC x Reader and Yandere!OC X OC.
Dark!Au, Gore, Disorders, Smut/NSFW, explicit language, soft!yandere, alternative AU, Horror, Age gap (depends on how much).
Romantic, platonic and general Yanderes, as well as more specific themes; example: yandere x depressive!reader.
Stockholm syndrome.
Pregnancy, childbirth and death in childbirth.
Non-Con, Dub-Con, BDSM.
Fluff; non-yandere.
Monsterfucking, specific kinks.
What I DON'T write
Any kind of NSFW content with children, anything with children will just be platonic.
I don't write NSFW with characters that have a childish appearance or personality, just platonic.
I don't usually write ships because I consider it something personal, but I can do it if someone wants to.
Age play, scap.
Minor x Adult (only platonic).
Prices (in $ and R$)
2,00 $/R$ 2,00 for 500 words;
6,00 $/R$ 6,00 for 1000 words;
12,00 $/R$ 12,00 for 2000 words;
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $3,00/R$3,00.
Imagines, Scenarios, Reactions, Oneshots, Prompts
3,00 $/R$ 4,00 for 500 words;
10,00 $/R$ 13,00 for 1000 words;
18,00 $/R$ 18,00 for 2000 words;
20,00 $/R$ 20,00 for 3000 words.
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $5,00/R$6,00.
My list of current fandoms, but I can always add more:
Attack on Titan, Amensia, Death Note, Demon Slayer, Diabolik Lovers, Fruits Basket, Haikyuu!!, Hakuoki, Hunter x Hunter, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kamigami no Asobi, Naruto, Mirai Nikki, One Piece, Blood of Zeus.
Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, Pegasus and The Flame of Olympus (series), IT., A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR), The Bridgertons, Twilight, The Lord of the Rings, The Cruel Prince: The Folk of the Air, The Bridgertons, Twilight.
Genshin Impact, Detroit Become Human, Mystic Messenger, Time Princess Dress Up (TP: characters), Yandere Simulator, My Candy Love (Amour Sucré), Arkyos Angel, A Plague Tale.
BTS, BLACKPINK, GOT7, EXO, BIGBANG, TWICE, AESPA, Stray Kids, ITZY, Hyuna and Dawn, Red Velvet, NCT, Monsta X, Taemin, Dreamcatcher, LE SSERAFIM, (G)I-DLE.
Series/TV Show
Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Outer Banks, Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Euphoria, Reign, Bridgerton, The Flash, Supergirl, Outlander, American Horror Story, Wednesday, Riverdale, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Sandman, Lucifer, Winx Club, Ragnarok, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Invisible City (Cidade Invisível), Shadow and Bone, Adventure Time, The Witcher, Rebelde MX (RBD), Heartstopper.
Disney Universe, Marvel Universe, DC Universe, Maze Runner, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Miraculous, Ever After High, Monster High, Barbie Universe, Christmas Movies, Maze Runner, Avatar, Twilight, Star Wars.
My Demon, Bussiness Proposal, Doom At Your Service, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Crash Landing on You, My Name, Mr Queen, King the Land.
Greek, Egyptian, Norse Mythology and Brazilian Folklore.
Historical Characters
Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, Caesar Augustus, Julius Caesar and etc...
Additional Information
I accept payment via PayPal and Pic Pay only (PayPal = Ko-Fi)
Payment must be made before I start and I will always send you updates if you ask me.
I write in English and Portuguese.
I have a deadline of 5 to 10 days to complete your commission, however, if something unforeseen happens and it ends up being delayed, I will inform you.
If I write more than what was asked, obviously there will be no additions.
If you are interested, DM me with details and feel free to ask me anything.
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Weekly Jungkook Fanfic Recs:
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Some fine JK fics for your reading pleasure. Please show your appreciation to all the wonderful authors :)
Late Fee: “Captain Underpants isn’t glorified by all the try-hards, so when I pick those books, you’re unknowingly more interested in me.” https://1kook.tumblr.com/post/188268923228/late-fee Disney+ Bust: There’s a pounding on your door a little past noon, so hard and rough, that you almost think it’s the police finally coming to catch you for all your years of illegally pirating Phineas and Ferb. It’s not. It’s just a really drunk boyfriend wailing for your forgiveness at the door.  https://1kook.tumblr.com/post/628838035821412352/disney-bust YouTube & Use Lube: You can’t believe this is Jungkook’s preferred sick day treatment; YouTube, cuddles, and an ugly amount of lube.  https://1kook.tumblr.com/post/630707807781634048/youtube-use-lube Viki & Hickeys: Just like in those Viki dramas Jungkook likes, the world around you is enveloped in shades of pink and red, kisses and hearts, so many goddamn roses it makes you sneeze. It’s absolutely perfect— nothing could possibly go wrong when there’s so much love in the air.  https://1kook.tumblr.com/post/640322999808065536/viki-hickeys Peacock & Sweet Talk: “I wanna watch Solange in Bring It On,” Jungkook smiles, and you have to wonder who exactly this blond man is and what he did with your teen-movie-hating boyfriend. https://1kook.tumblr.com/post/646488916297400320/peacock-sweet-talk Crunchyroll & Rail: Never mind the fact you really like Sailor Moon, or that you really want to pay attention to every little detail; the moment becomes Jungkook and his big smile and his red cheeks and the tiny box he produces from within his pocket.https://1kook.tumblr.com/post/651849785643515904/crunchyroll-rail Funimation & Procreation: Never mind your upcoming wedding, this was perhaps the greatest moment of your life— the day Jungkook sought out an anime on his own.  https://1kook.tumblr.com/post/658272020654669824/funimation-procreationpart-11-of-my-nc-series
F Is For: College au. https://1kook.tumblr.com/post/630250529198620672/drabble-masterlist-anonymous-said-fboy-jk-and
Sanguis: You get your happy ending after years of living a life you never wanted. what’s better than a happy ending with the love of your life? maybe sprinkle in a little revenge.  https://7deadlysinsfics.tumblr.com/post/694162348011896832/sanguis-jjk
Crave You: Jungkook can’t get you out of his mind, and his friends think he’s moving too slowly, so they intervene just a little bit to help things move along. https://7deadlysinsfics.tumblr.com/post/673059205058609152/crave-you-jjk This Is How You Fall In Love: After years of drinking and leaving every gig with a different girl in his arms, Jungkook feels what it's like to want someone with his entire being. https://jeonqkooks.tumblr.com/post/677932403420954624/this-is-how-you-fall-in-love-jjk
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barbwritesstuff · 7 months
obligatory giggling about marcel and kicking my feet like a girl in a teen drama because he's been mentioned even in passing. yes i know he's going to probably betray me or something no i don't trust him at all. but all flags are red flags if you've got rose tinted glasses ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Marcel acts all scary and sinister... but he has such a soft spot for fledglings. You can threaten him with a sword and his immediate reaction is: 'adorable. 10/10. You're doing great sweetie'.
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lolahauri · 3 months
✎ Introduction ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Mainly writing for characters and/or themes i really want to read about, but have little to no content.
I do take requests. (Fic only. No RPF)
I don't have an anon list but I can start one if anyone wants to be labeled or become a regular anon.
DNI: Map, Zoo, Pro-Para, Pro-Ana, TERF, Zionist, Bigots, Minors, Antis, Discourse Blogs. Block me if you don't agree. ❤️🖤🤍💚
Things I Won't Write:
Sex crimes of any kind, super extreme kinks, violence/abuse used as a kink, anything most would consider "gross/weird" (ex: puke, shit, ddlg, pet play, age play). no exceptions, and no hate to dead dove writers, i'm just personally not willing to write these.
Things I Will Write:
Pretty much everything else i guess? Daddy/Mommy kink, Cheating, CNC/Dubcon, Sex Pollen, Legal Age Gap, Yandere, Power Dynamic (Prof/Student, Boss/Employee), Foot Fetish, Piss Kink, Breeding, Any regular/non-extreme kink (ex: Cock Warming, Dry Humping, Voyeur, Orgy, 3somes, Sex Toys, etc...) *if you aren't sure, just ask!*
Fluff, angst, smut, lewd, platonic, hurt/comfort.
HC'S, mood boards, one shots, short multi-chapter fics, imagines/drabbles.
Canon-friendly, Au's, Canon Divergence, Out of Character.
Ch x Ch / Ch x Reader / Ch x OC / Poly Ships of any kind.
F/F, M/M, F/M, GN/F, GN/M, Poly Ships of any kind.
Fictional Other (F/O) Imagines: +18, no names, they/them only.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the list of fandoms and characters i'm familiar with and will happily take requests on! (you can request others from these fandoms, but it will prob take me longer)
FNAF Movie: Vanessa, Mike, William/Steve. Turning Red: Ming Lee, Jin Lee. YOU: Joe, Love, Beck, Peach. Encanto: Isabela, Bruno, Dolores, Julieta. Regular Show: Mordecai, CJ, Benson. (Human Ver.) Attack on Titan: Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Levi, Hanji, Annie, Historia, Reiner, Erwin. BNA: Michiru, Shirou. Stardew Valley: All adult humans. Total Drama: All season 1 contestants, Chris, Chef, Blainley. SheRa: All adults (except Rogelio). King Of The Hill: Hank, Peggy, Luanne, Nancy, Dale, John Redcorn, Kahn, Min. American Dad: Francine. Shameless: Lip, Fiona, Kev, V, Tony. Riverdale: FP Jones, Jughead, Veronica, Hiram, Betty. Creepypasta: Ben, Jeff, Jane, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Slenderman, Masky, Hoodie, Toby, X Virus, Nina, Clockwork, Splendorman, Kate. Gravity Falls: Stan, Ford, Soos, Giffany Steven Universe: Jasper, Amethyst, Blue Diamond, Peridot, Lapis, Garnet, Rose, Bismuth, Greg. Adventure Time/Fiona and Cake: Princess Bubblegum, Marceline, Marshall Lee, Winter King, Candy Queen, Simon, Ice King, Fiona. COD: Konig, Ghost. Desperate Housewives: Bree, Gabby, Edie, Mike, Lynette. DC: Batman, Harley, Joker, Ivy, Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenburg). Slashers & DBD: Brahms, Ghostface (general), Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Pyramid Head, The Spirit, Wraith, Huntress, Trapper, The Trickster, Pearl, Carrie White, Jennifer Check, Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Tiffany Valentine, Leatherface, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Eric Draven. Nintendo: Link, Zelda, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Luigi, Waluigi, Bowser. Squid Games: Gi-Hun, Sae-Byeok, Ali, Sang Woo. Rick and Morty: Rick, Beth, Jerry. Stranger Things: Robin, Billy, Eddie, Chrissy, Hopper. Bee & Puppycat: Bee, Deckard, Cass, Toast. Princess & The Frog: Shadow Man, Tiana, Lottie, Naveen. Ratatouille: Collette, Linguini. The Nanny: CC, Fran, Maxwell. Full House: Danny, Jesse, Joey. Big Bang Theory: Raj, Leonard, Amy, Penny. Spiderverse: Miguel, Hobie, Jessica Drew. Teen Titans (OG): Beast Boy, Starfire, Raven. Black Dynamite: Honeybee, Black Dynamite. Breaking Bad: Skylar, Jesse, Walter. National Treasure: Benjamin Gates, Riley Poole. Superstore: Jonah, Amy, Dina, Cheyenne. Spongebob: Man Ray, Dennis. Tangled: Flynn, Rapunzel, Mother Gothell. Elemental: Wade, Ember. Mean Girls: Regina, Gretchen, Karen, Janis. Lisa Frankenstein: Lisa, Creature, Taffy. Jane the Virgin: Jane, Michael, Rogelio, Petra, Xiomara, Rose, Luisa. Young Sheldon: Mary, Connie. Twilight: Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Charlie.
Beverly Goldberg (The Goldbergs) Fujimoto (Ponyo) Thomas Magnum (Magnum, P.I 1980) Doug Remer (Baseketball) Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park 1993) Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) Moe Doodle (Doodle Bops) Astarion (Baulders Gate 3) Trevor Phillips (GTA5) Shaun Murphy (The Good Doctor) Georgia Miller (Ginny & Georgia) John Doe (John Doe Game) Paul Blart (Paul Blart Mall Cop) Napoleon Dynamite (self titled) Fezzik (Princess Bride)
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lockboxbooks · 7 months
Rules, Muses, Kinks, and More
This Blog is Nsfw so will only interact with +18.
1. Always state the muse you are trying to interact with!
2. please do not control my muse or God Mod! Let me play my muse.
3. If you are unsure about a Kink feel free to DM or send an Ask.
I'll add further rules as and if necessary.
Muse List
Teen Titans: Beastboy, Cyborg, Red X, Starfire, Blackfire, Jinx, Raven, Bumblebee, Pantha, Mammoth, and Kitten
Incredibles: Elastigirl, Dash Parr, Violet Parr, Mirage
Marvel: Blackcat, Wasp, Captain Marvel, Mary Jane, Thor, Captain America, Enchantress
Bleach: Uryuu Ishida, Orihime, Rangiku Matsumoto, Toshiro Hitsugaya, Grimmjow, Nemu Kurotsuchi, Hallibel, Nelliel Tu
Naruto: Hinata Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Sarada Uchiha, Sakura Uchiha, Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi, Ten-Ten, Rock Lee, Naruto, Lady Tsunade, Orochimaru, Neji Hyuuga, Kakashi Hatake
Dragon Ball Z: Gohan, Videl, Erasa, Bulma, Chi-Chi, Android 18
One Piece: Nami, Nico Robin, Vivi Nefritari, Sanji, (young) Big Mom, Alvida, Buggy, Koby, Usopp, Franky
Shelby from Creature of the Lake (2017)
RWBY: Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, Jaune Arc, Lil Miss Malachite, Glynda Goodwitch, Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, Amber, Penny Polendia, Winter Schnee, Saphron Arc, Kali Belladonna, Lie Ren, Mercury Black, Hazel
Legend of Zelda: Zelda, Link, Malon, Nabooru, Tetra, Midna
ATLA: Katara, Toph, Ty Lee, Mai, Azula, Zuko, Sokka, Aang, June
My Hero Acadamia: Ochako Uraraka, Momo, Jirou Kyoka, Denki Kaminari, Mina, Deku, Gentle, Manami Iaba, Fat Gum, Jurota Shishida, Juzo Honenuki, Itsuka Kendo
Total Drama: Heather, Lindsay, Harold, Leshawna, Gwen
Ben 10: Gwen Tennyson, Charmcaster, Rojo, Eunice, Lucy Mann, Julie Yamamoto
Secret Saturdays: Drew Saturday, Zak Saturday, Kur, Miranda Grey, Sita
Danny Phantom: Madeline Fenton, Danny Fenton, Sam Manson, Desiree, Valerie Gray, Jasmine Fenton, Dani Fenton
Pokemon: Misty, Jessie, Bea, Hilda, Lenora, Skyla, Nessa, Melony, Katy, Penny, Mallow, Lana, Lana's Mother, Prof Juniper, Prof Sada, Willow, Bianca, Prof Fennel, Oleana, hex maniac, female hiker, Gloria, Plumeria, Wicke, Viola, Roxxie, Shauntal, Caitlin, Malva, Drasna, (rule 63) Allister, (rule 63) Gordie, Olivia, Cheren
Mavis Dracula from Hotel Transylvania
April O'Neil from TMNT
This will mostly be a blacklist of the kinks/fetishes I have no interest in RPing
Killing and death
Loli & Shota (All characters MUST be older than 18)
Watersports (Peeing on each other)
Meretrix the Witch-Demon
Maria Oki, Amazonian Superhero
Meme/Ask/Prompt/RP Master List
Ask AUs
Relief Nin: A Universe where to ensure Ninjas are at their best; a class of Kunoichi exists to solely please every Ninja they come across. For Morale and for their health. [ A B C D E F ] These are all examples of the Relief Nin AU
Gentle Group: A Universe where Danjuro Tobita [Gentle Criminal] shifts his focus from trying to make petty crime viral, to becoming a popular parasocial pornstar sensation. His debut plan goes wild and he and Manami Iaba [La Brava] are able to build up a brand and fuck heroes, villains and civilians alike for views and for donations. [ A B C D ]These are all examples of tales happening within the Gentle Group AU
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jayswritings13 · 1 month
Kiss Me - Heather (Total Drama)
Summary: Despite cheesy, the ending kiss is always the best part.
💗Masterlist | AO3
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Kiss me, beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
“You look ridiculous.” 
“Shut up.” 
“But, you also look good, too.”
“Obviously,” Heather rolled her eyes. “Not that I had many options with Chris’ tacky tastes. Like, really? The mean girl in hot pink? Cliche much.” She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“You probably had a lot of more options than me to be honest.” You laughed, “Though, you and LeShawna did a great job.” 
“We try.” Heather said, “We’re trying to win the challenge, afterall.” 
“I know. This is probably the most fun I’ve had with a challenge.”
“Bite your tongue before Chris hears and changes the last challenge at the last minute.” She hissed, glaring at you. 
“Would you two move it already?!” Duncan said. “I’d like to actually start the challenge.” 
“Chill, Hot Topic. We’re coming.” Heather spat, slipping her arm around yours, and tugging you with hers towards the makeshift dance floor Chef pulled together. 
“Finally!” Chris huffed, “We’ve been waiting forever.”
“Drama Queen,” You muttered under your breath, causing Heather to snicker. 
“Now that everyone is here, we can begin.” Chris said, “For the last part of the challenge, the losers on the aftermath show are voting for prom royalty in tribute to the classic high school dance at the end of the teen romcoms.” You glanced around the room, catching a glimpse of the two fake plastic crowns Chef was holding. “Two crowns, two winners,” He said, gesturing to the crown you were staring at. “Now, for the pairs. Chef and I decided to have some…..fun with it.” He laughed. “The pairs are going to be with one member from each team, just to keep things fun for me.” 
Lift your open hand
Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance
“Lighten your grip, hulk.” 
“I’m barely touching you!” 
“Tell that to the dent in my shoulder!” 
While obviously handsome and charming in his own way, Justin was the last person who you wanted to partner with in this challenge. Though, one glance at Courtney and Heather’s heated glare between each other, and suddenly you were glad that you were stuck with Justin. Even so, you would have preferred to have been partnered with Lindsay or Beth. 
Or Heather, really. Sure, the bald girl was  can be a major bitch. But she was honest, fun, and loyal. You have watched her threaten everyone and once she warmed up to you, you knew that she would burn and destroy others for you. Not that she’s ever told you that with words, anyway. But you could feel her affection, as prickly as it might be. A rose with many thorns. 
Though, you didn’t mind the thorns. 
“Alright, let’s get the music goin’”, Chris grinned, as Chef turned on the music, causing many of them to wince at the volume. “Now remember, your fellow ex-contestants are voting for the winners. Two more minutes until the winners are announced, so make them count!” 
Ugh. This sucks. 
“Damage my ankles and I swear t-” 
“Oh, oops~” Heather smirked, giving Justin a small smile, as she collided into his side, pulling an annoyed Courtney along with her. “My bad.” 
You laughed as Justin huffed, annoyed. You caught Heather’s eye and grinned, winking at her. 
“Heather, I swear to go-” 
“What?” Heather scoffed, “It was just an accident.” 
“Sure, sure,” Courtney muttered, “An accident to save your little girlfriend.” 
“Shut up.” Heather grumbled, “It’s not like that.” 
But we could be, you think, knowing good and well that Heather would gut you if you even indicated that to Courtney in this moment.  
“But, you want it to be.” Justin chimed in, sharing a knowing look and slimy grin with Courtney. “Y’know, red really is your color.” 
“One more minute!” Chris yelled. 
“Shut it before I fucking claw your eyes out,” You glared, eyes blazing and locking in on Justin, quickly shifting them towards Courtney, “And you, you little bitc-” 
“The results are in!” Chris yelled, catching everyone’s attention. 
“And the winners are…..” Chris snatched the card from Chef, quickly opening it with a flourish. 
Silver moon's sparkling
So kiss me
“I was fucking robbed!” 
“Seems kind of on brand for the ‘teen romcom’ though,” You said, watching Duncan join Beth on stage as the winners of the challenge. “The lovable nerdy girl winning. The popular mean girl losing.” You sighed, “So on and so on and so on…” 
“Whatever,” Heather scoffed, “The endings are the worst part anyway. The underdog winning. The girl gets the guy. The ending kiss. Such bullshit.” 
“I don’t know. It’s cheesy, but cute.” You said, reaching over and grabbing Heather’s hand in your own. “The ending kiss was always my favorite.” You glanced over at Heather, grinning. “And by the looks of it, you do too.” 
“Shut up!” Heather rolled her eyes, trying everything in her power to not look over at you, despite the heat building and building in her face. A dead fucking giveaway. A stupid weakness. 
“Y’know, we never got a chance to dance. Would yo–What?!” You laughed, catching a glimpse of Heather’s still red-faced, knowing expression. “I told you that I like the cheesy endings.” You smiled, placing your hands on Heather’s hips.”
“Uh-huh,” Heather’s arms slipped around your shoulders, “And what was that you liked about endings?” 
Oh. Oh. 
So, it’s happening? 
“You’d be interested in that?” You questioned, keeping your full attention on Heather, as your face grew warm. “I thought that you hated endings, Heather.” 
“I do, but I’d be interested. Very interested.” 
“Alright, then I think that I can arrange something for y-” You smiled. Though Heather cut you off, kissing you, pulling herself and you closer together. Time seemed to slow down. Angels singing. All of the stupid, but true cliches. 
“Impatient,” You breathed out, grinning at Heather once your two pulled apart for air. You leaned your forehead against hers, not daring to look at anything but her. 
“You were taking too long.” She hummed, “And you promised me a movie-ending kiss.” 
“I did, didn’t I?” You smiled, “Well then, I think that we should try it again, if you’re up for it.” 
“Fuck yes,” Heather whispered, “Kiss me.” She demanded. 
You rolled your eyes at her tone, but quickly and excitedly took her invitation, kissing her again. 
“I could get used to this,” You whispered, pulling away to catch some air. 
“So could I,” Heather muttered, “As long as you don’t make me watch any of those god-awful teen romcoms.” 
“Really?! But they’re like us….” You said, “Popular girl. Underdog. Amazing kiss at the end.” 
“Shut up.”
So kiss me
So kiss me
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*Grabs microphone and jumps onto bed* I watched Thottin' n' Boppin' in Thailand Only Friends, and I have notes. Possible Spoilers, kind of:
Mew's friend group definitely adopted him.
I would not be on a group project with Ray and Boston
Y'all let y'all's friend that regularly drinks heavily wander off drunk? And with their car keys???
Saen/Sand is really just tryin' to work
Top is a menace
Boston is a MENACE
Nick's forwardness paid off, but oooooof you sure babes?
Boston has good taste in knits
Love Namchueam, but she is definitely looking at Top with rose colored glasses
She borrowed those glasses from Mew
Mew: Cinnamon roll with good sense, but is not reading Top as well as he thinks he is. Protect him at all costs.
Namchueam: Didn't get enough of her, and I'm interested in seeing more of her in the future. From the little I got she is in a relationship, the red wrist band, has some sense, and seems to be in love with the thought of love.
Sand/Saen: He really has just been trying to work. Ray is about to be his problem that he willingly takes on. Even if it hurts him. I'm gonna want to hug him. Possibly my favorite so far.
Nick: Cute. BOLD. Setting himself up for possible heartbreak.
Ray: ...You know that character that is just a PROBLEM, but you know you're going to love them anyway? This is mine. Ugh. Sad rich boy hours. An alcoholic in university. He has been called a burden three times and said "I'm not important anyway" and probably in love with Mew, LIKE???I want to slap him and give him a hug. Boston: ...He's gonna piss me off. He's already pissin' me off. He's so raggedy. He KNOWS how Top is, and didn't warn Mew. He STILL tried to get at TOP in the bathroom at the sink, and MMMMMM. It bothers me more that he doesn't give good friend vibes more than anything.
Top: Is giving late 90s/early 2000s teen drama with that little challenge of his. I don't like him, he's a sly one.
All in all, I think we're off to a good start.
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dhr-ao3 · 6 months
Draco Malfoy's One-Year Plan
Draco Malfoy's One-Year Plan https://ift.tt/p1m9new by Ashabadash Pansy narrowed his eyes on Draco. “Care to shed some light on why I spent my morning with Hermione in near-tears because she thinks you’re leaving her?” “Leaving her?!” He shouted, entirely confused. “Well I talked her down from thinking you were cheating on her,” Pansy explained. “Apparently you have been distant and avoiding her. Which I find entirely strange since Blaise, Theo, and I had to endure your drunk arse telling every passer-by in London that you plan on marrying this girl and making dozens of curly blonde spawn with her as soon as she lets you.” She rose an eyebrow and Draco’s face burned red. “So spill, Draco. Words: 8990, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English Series: Part 9 of Courting Dramione Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, background Ron/Pansy - Relationship, background Theo/Luna - Relationship Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Idiots in Love, Draco is failing at communicating, Light Angst, just a smidge of relationship drama, Pansy Parkinson ships Dramione, Healer Draco Malfoy, Wizengamot Worker Hermione Granger, Fluff, Canon Divergence - Post-Hogwarts, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Drunk Draco Malfoy, Alcohol Induced Love Announcements via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/qcfC4NL October 23, 2023 at 09:14AM
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How would the twst characters have their wedding days How are they to purposers to their lover . Also for the lovechilds adoption or pregnancy?
Ooh :o okay going in order~
Riddle: I feel like wonderland/queendom of roses has very specific and weird proposal traditions that he would follow to a tea, including riding in on horseback and presenting his s/o with a whole bush of red-painted roses, and I feel like he'd be the type to want a lot of kids
Ace: Pulls some cheesy romantic shit for a proposal, probably does one of those 'pick a card' tricks but every card has a 'will you marry me?' written on it, and I don't think he'd be very good with kids and would probably rather want to have a few years with his s/o before even considering that kind of thing
Deuce: Poor bby can probably hardly get the words out while proposing, he's so flustered, probably proposing on a beach date after a hovercycle ride, I'm not sure if he'd want kids or not, probably would want to adopt a teen
Cater: Pulls proposal ideas from Pinterest and sets up like three cameras to film the whole thing to post on Magicam, I'm assuming he is not fond of kids at all and would rather babysit bc then he can give them back instead of taking care of them 24/7
Trey: Does the thing where he hides the ring in a baked good he made, definitely would like to have 2 or 3 kids, he would make a really good dad I think
Leona: Really lazy with it, probably just brings it up in casual conversation like 'hey let's get married', canonically hates kids so no children for him
Jack: Goes just a little over the top, just a bit. But definitely proposes in a private secluded area and spares no expense for his s/o. He's a wolf so ofc I think he'd want pups
Ruggie: Can't afford a fancy ring and doesn't do something spectacular for a proposal, but it's meaningful enough, and his s/o knows he really means it. Probably would make an amazing dad but is slightly afraid of the costs of a child
Azul: His proposal is basically him listing off the pros and cons of being married to him, the tweels help him pull together the setting (Monstro Lounge) and he 100% serenades his s/o. Thinks kids are a waste of money.
Jade: Very simple and elegant proposal, probably in the mountains. Not really a kids person I don't think.
Floyd: Depending on his mood he would either go all out on a proposal or just pull a basic one, or maybe he plans to have a big ceremony and his mood changes at the last minute and he just says it like he's asking them on another date. Probably is like 'omg wait if it's like math then we would have triplets next, right? :o'
Kalim: Pulls together the biggest and most extravagant dowry ever with all kinds of treasures and tries to do the Whole New World kinda thing to propose. Wants MANY kids
Jamil: Something simple suffices, probably a night in with all of his s/o's favourites cooked before he pops the question. Absolutely does not want kids
Vil: I don't actually see him as the type to want to get married at all, not wanting to tie himself down like that and potentially cause drama for him in the industry, which means no kids either
Epel: A whole Texas-style proposal in the apple orchard and everything, he got matching cowboy hats for the very occasion. Country boy probably wants a lot of kids either biologically or adopted he doesn't really care
Rook: Shoots an arrow at his beloved with a ring around it and a note that reads 'Veux-Tu M'épouser'. Claims that his children with his s/o will be 'nothing short of absolutely beautiful!'
Idia: Proposes and gets married to his s/o via Minecraft and deems it legally binding. I really don't think he'd be able to handle kids especially little babies but again a late adopted is an option
Malleus: Pulls some cool magic shit in order to flood his s/o's bedroom with roses, greets them in absolutely gorgeous attire, and takes them out onto the balcony to ask them to marry him. Understands that as a Prince he needs an heir but also doesn't want to deal with a child
Silver: When I tell you I know absolutely nothing about this man that means I have absolutely no idea how he would propose
Sebek: Idk how he would do it but he would do it loudly and excitedly. He wants like one kid max and would guard that child with his life
Lilia: Probably has already been married a couple times and doesn't want to bother again, and he's already got kids ^-^
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youngsamanda · 3 months
happy valentines day i'm spending it working and with a dog so here's a bunch of primarily shippy based things that i want to do ! please keep in mind that i'm twenty3 so be over eighteen if you are giving this post a like ! i primarily write on discord but am technically flexible when it comes to that i'll also mess around on tumblr sideblogs or my inactive indie still ! if you are interested please like this or dm me and we can get something going !
plots : gay cowboys / a better version of that whack netflix movie purple hearts where two people who don't really like each other decide to get married for the benefits and it's a whole fake marriage slowburn thing / gimme real old gay vampires that are just messy and awful for each other but keep falling back together / literally on my knees begging for any kind of beauty and the beast plot / a big slasher multimuse / frat boy x friends sister / literally the plot of ez and emily from mayans mc but with a happier ending hopefully / oops baby plots for the angst / friends when they are younger in the like 90s then playing older casted versions of them in modern day / literally just scooby doo / teen wolf x vampire diaries older and recasted mumu i don't know please indulge me / friends to lovers but it literally takes forever like one of those bitches gets married before they get together / mermaid x pirate romance / not actually the characters but the vibes of red white and royal blue gay royals and all that / just want random period pieces like characters in the 70s or something / rich girl x country boy / proper enemies to lovers / the bitches from the mummy / mob lackey and mob boss daughter / something based on beth x rip from yellowstone / literally just a drama college friend group bc it's fun
wanted ships : gale x dewey / older percy x annabeth / charlie gillespie x olivia holt / rachel zegler x tom blythe / emma d'arcy x ryan corr / seth x kate fdtd / buffy x spike / tara x jax / anakin x padme / rhys x feyre / nesta x cassian / cole x isabel from the shiver books but older / mason gooding x jenna ortega / sean teale x adelaide kane / haymitch x effie / kiana madeira x olivia scott welch / mike x emily from until dawn / danielle galligan x calahan skogman / kaz x inej / azriel x gwyn / peter x gwen but not the tom holland one / steve x nancy / keyleth x vax / bloom x sky / musa x riven / fka twigs x bill skarsgaard / jacob elordi x alexa demie / taylor zakhar perez x madelyn cline / rami malek x charlie hunnam / mackenzie davis x gugu mbatha raw / harley x ivy / maya erskine x donald glover / elena x nate uncharted / lois x clark / gendry x arya / hayley x nathan from oth / emma x sean but older from degrassi / karen x frank / crystal reed x daniel sharman but in a period piece / blair redford x jamie chung / lorna dane x alex summers / mickey x ian but recasted
wanted opposites : nick robinson / archie renaux / emilio sakraya / jena malone / ryan graves / adrian kempe / sza / lily gladstone / yahya abdul mateen ii / alperen duymaz / drew starkey / fka twigs / aubrey plaza / peter gadiot / renee rapp / paul mescal / havana liu rose / milo manheim / taylor zakhar perez / riley keogh / anna diop / melissa barrera / ben barnes / ayo edibiri / fabien frankel / dev patel / oliver jackson cohen / danny ramirez / aubin wise / cillian murphy / amber midthunder / daniel sharman / auli'l cravalho / logan lerman / phoebe tonkin / rege jean page / winona ryder / dua lipa / elodie yung / joseph quinn / simone ashley / camila mendes / jensen ackles / henry golding / blu hunt / aaron taylor johnson / calum hood / gabriel luna
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ao3feed-timkon · 1 year
Tim Possible: So The Drama
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Obik0uS
by DuckDrake
Tim has to find a date for the junior prom, and is horrified at the suggestion that he might miss out on a proper date with one of the `fanciable' guys because he spends too much time with his friend Kon. (yes this is the real description, I promise this isn't insanely corny.(lie))
I remake Kim Possible: So the Drama but make it TimKon (I'm deranged)
Words: 12018, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of TimKon Fics
Fandoms: DCU (Comics), Red Robin (Comics), Superboy (Comics), Young Justice (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Bart Allen, Cissie King-Jones, Cassie Sandsmark, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown, Match (DCU), Lex Luthor, Rose Wilson
Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne (minor)
Additional Tags: If this is not them then why do their names match?, Yes I made Bart the mole rat. We all know I’m right, so what if I kept Tim in the crop-top was I not supposed to?, Jealousy, Like Lots, Kon-El | Conner Kent Needs a Hug, Kon is a gonner for Tim, Sexy Tim Drake, They're so in love I want to throw up
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Obik0uS
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supergito-fics · 5 months
Fusion Revived - CH 7 (Reunited)
➤ This story is actually complete (finished Sep 2021) over on my Ao3 already; I'm just publishing it here on tumblr too for archival purposes. I hope any and all curious readers enjoy if they haven't checked it out yet!
SUMMARY: Majin Buu has been destroyed, and the Earth has known peace for close to a year now. Life hasn't been too peaceful for the person responsible for saving the world and the entire universe however, but when an ordinary woman meets him one day, things start to change.
RATING: Teen and Up. PAIRING(S): Vegito x OC/Reader, alluded Gochi, alluded Vegebul CONTENT: Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Family Drama CW(s) THIS CHAPTER: Character Death (in a sense).
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No matter what she tried to distract herself with, she couldn’t rid herself of her worry. Whatever Chi Chi and Bulma wanted to talk about with him couldn’t have been good, and when Vegito didn’t return later that day, it spoke volumes. She tried to not think about it, knowing her place. It must have been a family matter, and she had no business involving herself there, lest she risk sparking more drama. She resigned to waiting for Vegito to come back on his own, however difficult it was.
The next day, it was another waiting period. She went about her day, going to work and returning in the evening, but there was no sign of him still. The anxiety grew.
On the third day, today, she’s had enough. She had a smaller shift, getting off in the afternoon, and she made up her mind to go directly to Capsule Corp and search for him. She just wanted to know if things were ok.
If they weren’t, she wanted to let him know that he could use her shoulders to lean on, if he needed it. The Saiyan had too much pride and emotional awkwardness to probably accept that offer, but at least she would get it off of her chest.
It was another average day for West City, though she hurried along its highway, face set with soft eyes and a deep frown. She mulled over what she was going to say when she got there, hoping that Bulma wouldn’t chase her away. Vegito made it clear to her that he and the scientist were not in a relationship, that having been settled way before he met her, so it wasn’t like Bulma could reasonably call her a homewrecker or anything.
Even if she did, she wouldn’t let that stop her from seeing Vegito.
She gripped her steering wheel firmly, maneuvering around the other cars as she exited the highway and entered the city’s inner streets. Capsule Corp was getting closer, and her impatience was growing, but she had to hit her brakes and go slower when she registered something very odd.
The sky was darkening, too quickly for it to be natural. Additionally, it was midday, and there weren’t enough clouds in the sky to blot out the sun. She looked around to see if she could spot the cause for it, and it did appear.
A colossal ray of light shot up into the sky from the center of the city, coiling as it rose. She watched with shock and awe as its shape changed, morphing into something that was serpentine. The yellow light faded to reveal an antlered green dragon with eyes a solid ruby-red, floating. Its head was angled down so it could gaze at the ground.
That had to be Shenron. Which meant… she looked to the source of its attention, right down to a circular building. The same one she was heading towards.
She fired up her engine, and sped there as fast as she could without breaking the speed limit.
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The instant she parked her car, she jumped out of it, and ran into Capsule Corp. Vegito mentioned to her that he and his friends were the only people who usually gathered the dragon balls as they had a special device that could pinpoint each location of them across the globe, and they used Shenron only for what was absolutely needed. Someone here, or multiple people, were going to make wishes and she had to find out why.
There were employees out here and there, who quickly shifted to stand against the sides of the rooms and halls as she ran past. Common sense was telling her to ask them where Shenron had been summoned, but a stronger sense of urgency kept her moving with her jaw clamped shut. Recalling that there was an area right next to the building that was used for recreational purposes, she set her sights there.
Her lungs were burning, but she pushed herself forwards, jogging to the set of sliding doors that led outside. They opened, and she skid to a stop.
There was a group gathered around glowing spheres on the ground, which the end of Shenron’s body faded into. She recognized Goten and Trunks immediately. Their heads whipped around when she appeared, and they looked surprised. There were other people present she didn’t recognize however, like a man with spiky black hair who stood next to Goten. He too stared at her, puzzled, and she took in how his facial features were very similar to Goten’s. Distantly, similar to Vegito’s as well.
She noticed a blue-haired woman standing at the forefront, next to another woman who had black hair in a bun and who was wearing a Chinese dress with matching garb. The former had to be Bulma, and the latter…Chi Chi perhaps?
Bewildered, she jumped when a booming voice echoed through the air. Shenron’s jaws, lined with razor sharp teeth, moved.
“Your wish shall be granted.”
Its eyes glowed, the intense red blood-curdling. Quietly, she panicked, realizing that she just missed what Bulma and Chi Chi requested from the eternal dragon…
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He threw another bone onto the pile with the rest, finished with his meal.
He’s stayed on this island ever since he left Capsule Corp in a fit of rage, and has taken time to think over things. Taking breaks from his brooding, and occasional exercises to work off more steam, the Saiyan did some hunting for food. Despite how terrible he felt, he still had an appetite, and he couldn’t ignore it.
The fish and birds he caught and roasted over a fire were good enough. The simplicity of it, and the alike circumstances, brought him back to the troubling time of his temporary living arrangements a year ago. Bulma and Chi Chi needed time to cope with the loss of their husbands, so he virtually had to live outdoors for a handful of days before Bulma decided to let him stay at Capsule Corp. It didn’t bother him, as both Goku and Vegeta had much familiarity with roughing it out in the wild, so he was content to hunt a dinosaur and have it be his dinner.
Words couldn’t describe how satisfying and vitalizing it was to eat something delicious, as your literal very first meal. It’s the littlest things that had the most impact, and what has helped motivate him to not dwell on his…tragic origin. He was placed into this world with one duty, and he had to bear it, with the stress and the consequences of it all.
Currently, Vegito sat at the edge of a cliff that overlooked the ocean, absent-mindedly watching the tide roll into the beach below. Deciding on what to do has proven impossible. It was far too difficult a situation to solve, and he would love to see someone else try to piece this baffling puzzle together in his shoes. At this point, his only hope would be that the women’s plan would fail. If it did, then-
He lurched forward, when a burst of pain sliced through him vertically from his head down to his midsection all of a sudden. It wasn’t necessarily a physical ache, but something extremely uncomfortable that cut right down to his ki. To his spirit. It was gut-wrenching, and it worsened until it became excruciating.
Vegito’s ki spiked and lowered erratically as his body tried to make sense of what was happening. His hair repeatedly turned from black to blonde, then back. He held his sides, groaning in agony and gritting his teeth.
A light had begun to shine within his chest, and gradually escalated in brightness.
…Did they do it…?
He tried to fight against it. He channeled his ki and powered up vastly, to get the ethereal force separating him to disperse. The pain did actually decline, but only a little bit.
It wasn’t enough. He could feel his strength draining.
In the recesses of his head, of his subconscious, there was a gap widening. Memories became scrambled and pulled apart, resulting in a migraine so severe that it trampled all the ones he’s had previously. The world around him fell into a haze he couldn’t see through. Before everything went dark, he did think about one particular thing.
He never got to say goodbye.
The light burst from his body. Vegito’s scream was cut short when his form faded into a glowing sphere that split into two parts.
They undulated and morphed, taking the shape of two adult men.
They stood, minds blank and regained senses delicate, as they took in their surroundings. They faced each other, wordlessly asking the same question, before it all rushed forward in a burst that made them flinch. They each experienced a flurry of their fusion’s memories, that begun when he was created and ended right at the location they were in.
They nodded at each other in acknowledgment, and the shorter of the two laid a hand on the other’s shoulder as he put two fingers to his forehead.
                                                                                                             ༻ ❁ ༺
“Is there no other wish you desire?”
“No. That’s it.”
“I see. Farewell.”
Shenron’s body turned back into light, that was sucked into the dragon balls. The seven orbs ascended into the air, and slammed into each other, flying away in opposite directions that made them resemble small comets. The sky returned to its normal color.
No one said anything. Bulma and Chi Chi turned around, looking pleased with themselves. Their smiles dropped when they spotted her, but before a word was aired, there were two new people on the scene. Both of them were men of differing heights, and one of them had a translucent circle on top of his head.
Their faces were uncanny, and the one earring each of them wore…
… … …
The realization made her want to fall to the ground.
Their respective wives called out their names. They ran to them and embraced them with no restraint.
“Goku…oh Goku, it’s been so long…”
Chi Chi shed tears, and she buried her face into his chest. When he didn’t react, she pulled away.
Instead of at his wife - who he technically hasn’t seen in a very long time - he was staring at her.
So was Vegeta.
Their expressions were unreadable. She couldn’t take it.
Tears sprung from her eyes. Everyone present observed her as she backed away. Breaking into a run, she went back into the building and didn’t look back. A hand went to her lips in a futile attempt to soften her gasps for air.
Vegito was gone.
He was gone, and she never got a chance…
She reached the parking lot, and would have made a beeline to her car, but something grabbed onto the hem of her shirt.
“_____!” A youthful voice cried. “Please stay!”
Goten’s eyes were glossy. “Everything will be ok. You can be friends with my dad.”
Pain pierced her gut, and shot up to her heart. She appreciated the child trying to console her, but it couldn’t be helped.
“I…I-I’m sorry, but it wouldn’t be the same.”
At her reply, his lip puckered out, and his eyes sparkled with a visible fluid. A clamor of footsteps sounded in the distance, and the two were advanced upon by everyone else. Chi Chi stepped forward, teeth bared in a scowl.
“Get away from her, Goten!”
The boy let go of her clothing, but he shockingly didn’t do what Chi Chi commanded. He stared at his mother silently, dejected.
“You…” Chi Chi zeroed in on her. “I don’t know why you showed up, but this is a family matter that you have no right even seeing! Leave us.”
She was heartbroken, but she would be damned if she let this lady talk to her like that. A spark set off a flame, and her lip curled up in a snarl.
“You’re right. But Vegito was my friend. I cared about him, clearly more than you ever have! Which is ironic, considering who he was made of!”
She struck a nerve. Chi Chi was infuriated.
“How dare you! You don’t know WHAT you’re talking about!!”
Goku and Vegeta were staring at her again. She internally pleaded for them to stop.
“I know enough! I know that Vegito wanted to live! He had his own feelings, his own dreams! Despite that, he was committed to protecting all of you and this world, which was why he was even here to begin with! But you chose to kill him.”
She’s never been this livid before; her body was shaking all over. Chi Chi and Bulma looked like they were both about to pounce on her, they even inched forward, but an arm from each of their husbands shot out so they could halt them.
When the women gave them looks that asked what in the world they were doing, the men still didn’t speak. She had no guess as to what was going through their heads. She didn’t care either way. Her biggest priority now was to leave as soon as possible, as to not break down before all of these people who did not mourn the benevolent warrior.
“You two are so SELFISH.”
She ended her tirade. No one stopped her nor spoke further when she stomped towards her car, hopping in and speeding away once the engine was on.
In the confines of her vehicle, safe from prying eyes, her tears resumed with a vengeance. She cried.
She cried over the loss of the man who didn’t deserve this fate, and…
She cried over the loss of the chance she had, to make their friendship something more.
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When she left, an awkward silence persisted in the group. Goku and Vegeta released their wives’ arms, and watched _____’s car zoom up the street and out of sight.
“…Daddy…?” Goten was first to speak, looking up at Goku with eyes brimming with tears. His eyes snapped towards the child, and after releasing a sigh of pent-up strain, he smiled.
“Hey buddy. Long time no see.”
Goten perked up, and leaped into his father’s arms. His older brother, Gohan, walked towards Goku and softly spoke a greeting with a bright smile that he returned. Chi Chi wordlessly stared at Goku embracing Goten, shocked and hurt that her husband stopped her from putting that ignorant stranger in her place.
Bulma too questioned why Vegeta did the same to her, but her happiness at seeing the perpetually-scowling man kept her from dwelling on it for the time being. Trunks was ecstatic himself.
“Dad! I missed you! So did Mom!”
“Hmph…” Vegeta’s frown didn’t falter, but he peered down at his son with fondness in his eyes. He didn’t look at all at Bulma, but she was unperturbed. Vegeta wasn’t one to get soft when she and him weren’t alone, and even then, he was soft in his own stoic way. She did make sure to point out an important detail, however.
“Vegeta, your halo. You’re still dead…?”
“Ooooh. That’s right, you never got revived.” Goku laughed. “That’s ok. I’ll go to Namek and use their dragon balls to wish you alive again.”
That small dilemma solved, the group dispersed, with the individual families looking to catch up with their respective members. Bulma and Trunks walked into Capsule Corp as Goku was surrounded by his wife and children, who all placed a hand on his body in preparation for he using Instant Transmission. Gohan informed him that his girlfriend, Videl, was waiting for their return at their Mt. Paozu home. He honed onto her ki, but didn’t teleport right then.
The two Saiyan men briefly made eye contact before the Son family vanished. They communicated without needing to speak.
‘I know, Vegeta.’
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moonrisenmuses · 6 months
Still working on making my sideblogs look pretty but… I just wanted to take a moment to really throw some positivity out there. But also TW for mentions of past RPC drama ( no names ), and mental health, breakups, death of a family member, family toxicity and general personal irl issues etc.
This turned long so I’m just gonna post the positivity shoutouts separately from this I think so I don’t make anyone uncomfortable.
Autumn is my favourite season as some of you might know based on how often I have my muses gush about it being their fave too. I always put little pieces of myself in my muses, it could be something as mundane as their favourite colour or a book they read, or as big as personal inspiration from real life events that happened to me, usually the former. It helps me feel closer to them. But Autumn is also a really hard time for me, for a lot of reasons. For one it’s the anniversary of a really bad time in my life from when I was 18 and I tried to do something and ended up ( voluntarily ) in the hospital for my own safety. But it’s also around the time my Pop’s health took a turn for the worst ( the Autumn before that, when I was 17 - he passed in January, nine months before the hospital incident ) before he passed away, and my home life had turned really toxic around that time as people were already preparing to lose him and tension was high. I was that teen who’s mom was more nurturing than strict and certain people in my family disagreed with her parenting style being rather gentle die or my being neurodivergent.
Anyway, because of that, October is already especially hard for me even though it’s my favourite month hands down. Then a few years ago I got into a relationship with someone a lot younger than me who I’d met online and I’ll be honest, I really really loved and cared about them. To the point I let it blind me to their faults. They always talked me into joining whatever fandom they were into at the moment and while I was sad to leave so many fun fandoms, I either ignored or didn’t notice the fact that many of the ones we left was because of drama. Drama that followed them from their past or drama that they started because they couldn’t leave well enough alone. If someone didn’t like them, or blocked them, added them to a DNI or kept tabs on them for their own comfort, they had to know why. They had to clear their name. They got hate, which they didn’t deserve, but they also made no effort to actually avoid stirring the pot.
I… did things I’m not proud of. Because I loved them and I ignored red flags because I saw them as a victim like me, as I’d been bullied all through my school years. I figured being the older one I could protect them. But I got hurt instead. It’s not their fault, not entirely. The tension kept building between us for months. I wanted to move countries to be with them eventually so I was working extra hard to try to make money. And with the different time zones I was running myself ragged. I think they felt like I was ignoring them or that they needed to ship certain things or prioritize me in our RP to keep my interest. That wasn’t the case but looking back… we were both very immature and had rose coloured glasses on. I wanted so badly to seem like I had it all figured out when the truth was, I felt like I was drowning and Autumn being when my depression hits most was the final nail in the coffin. In the end the drama wasn’t what broke us up, it was me realizing I’d become afraid of making them unhappy because I didn’t want to face the fallout. Them going dark, not replying to messages, worrying they might do something and me being on another continent I couldn’t help. I couldn’t be someone else’s mental support when I barely had a proper grip on my own, if that makes sense. You can’t pour water from an empty jug and you can’t throw a life preserver when you’re in the water with the person that’s drowning, I couldn’t help us both. Eventually I had to pick. And as selfish as I felt at the time, choosing me felt kinder than continuing on knowing I would eventually burn out and resent them for it.
It was so hard, but I had to end it for my own sake. What was supposed to be a temporary breakup turned permanent and I honestly think it was the best thing for us both. Things are still awkward, we don’t really talk anymore but from what I understand they left Tumblr and have been doing well for themselves. They’re happier at least. I’m healing. I think I’ll always mourn them because whether we ever met in person or not, they were the first person I developed deep romantic feelings for beyond a crush. I loved them. Part of me always will.
When I came back to the BSD fandom I was scared. So many people had left, new people had come, and I was full of insecurity about my writing. Am I a good writer? Are my characters hollow clichés? Do I write too much smut and gross people out? Am I annoying? But coming back here was so easy. It felt like coming home. Asagiri does such a phenomenal job at portraying mental health without even explicitly showing it that it’s honestly stunning. The way no one has to say outright ‘Dazai has depression’ or ‘Atsushi is suffering from PTSD, anxiety and crippling lay low self esteem due to his upbringing’ or even ‘Dazai, Kyouka, Yosano, Higuchi and Akutagawa are all victims of a toxic cycle of abuse started by Mori’, or even the way queer relationships ( whether you view them as platonic or not ) between men are integral to the most important bonds in the franchise.
I can’t tell if this is a vent post or not anymore, but it doesn’t feel like it. It feels like things I needed to say because I know I kinda vanished from the BSD RPC a few years ago without a word to anyone and those who were there probably know some of what happened but I guess what I wanted to say is… thanks to everybody who readily accepted me back with open arms as if I’d never left? You all mean so much to me. I can’t really say enough how much coming back here has improved my mental health. I’m actually reading again! And not just fanfics! Not that there’s anything wrong with that but like… I’ve got al the light novels on my shelf right now and some of the manga. I’ve got works by Nakahara C., Dazai, Rimbaud, Verlaine and more that I’ve been steadily going through, and it’s done so much good for me. I truly haven’t felt this accepted or wanted in a fandom since 2019 when I was still in the Marvel RPC before it kinda broke down over increasingly bad decisions in the Marvel cinematic universe lol.
But that’s enough of the crying boo boo stuff. Here’s the point I wanted to actually make from the beginning:
Anyone can change. Sometimes friendships ( or relationships ) don’t last and it feels like the end of the world, but it isn’t. Sometimes who you thought you were at 24 couldn’t be further from the truth at 27. You can love someone but not be right for them. We all have bias that can be hard to let go of. But most importantly… life is too short to always be sad about things you can’t control. I can’t help that I have depression and ADHD, I can’t bring my Pop back or make certain family members love me or respect me.
But I can go to a place where I feel loved and appreciated. I can choose my friends and the people I share my heart with. I’d like to send some love to a few of those people now, so here they are, hope you all don’t mind the tags, this was entirely off of the top of my head. Post incoming.
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angstyyyangel · 8 months
𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓭𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓼 ˗ˏˋ ୨♡୧ ˎˊ˗ 𝓲'𝓶 𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓪. 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓶𝓮 𝓿𝓲𝓿𝓲 <3 𝓲'𝓶 𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓷𝓮𝔀 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮!! 𝓲 𝓭𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓸𝓷 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓫𝓬 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓼𝓮𝓮 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓱𝔂𝓹𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓸 𝓯𝓪𝓻, 𝓲 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓻𝓮𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓽 𝓲𝓽. 𝓲𝓽𝓼 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓯𝓾𝓷.
i'm turning 18 this month.
i'm from alaska, ik pretty cool. i'm in oregon rn. i'm half european. my mom was fully european, and my dad was american obviously. at the end of the day, most americans have european roots, so even if ur european-american, ppl just see u as american 🙄 and tbh since i was born and raised in here and haven't visited europe, i don't really feel my roots that much, don't get me wrong i love my roots but i think i just got my dad's personality and mindset more, but i wanna visit europe so bad and get close to my roots!!
i like anything dark and weird. my aesthetic would be a mix of emo, coquette/morute and grunge/dark fairycore.
i listen to female artists like lana del rey, melanie martinez, ashnikko, clairo, marina, poppy, men i trust, girl in red, suki waterhouse, taylor swift, nicole dollanganger, lady gaga, avril lavigne, halsey, miley cyrus, billie eilish, honey gentry, banshee, kailee morgue, etc.
i listen to some male artists like mgk, corpse husband, role model, mac demarco, eyedress, mareux cavetown, yungblud, d4vd, lil peep, xxxtentacion, the weeknd.
i listen to a lot of bands/duos too, the neighborhood, chase atlantic, maneskin, my chemical romance, nirvana, deftones, linkin park, arctic monkeys, waterparks, paramore, evanescence, crystal castles, cults, etc are some of my favorites.
this is not all i listen to lol. i listen to almost everuthing soft/sad music, rap/hiphop, folkpop, 2000s music, weirdcore, latin music, etc. i love french and russian music too.
thrifting, baking, reading, journaling, sketching, watching horror movies, animated horror stories and true crime documentaries, listening to music, going out at night, etc r the things that bring me joy.
i also watch anime. another, mieruko chan, devils line, diabolik lovers, dance with devils, nana, death note, kemono jihen, phantom in the twilight, seraph of the end, rent a girlfriend, horimiya are by far some of the best animes i've watched. i've watched almost all the studio ghibli movies.
i love 2000s shows like tvd, gossip girl, gilmore girls, skins, pretty little liars, one tree hill, etc. and 2000's movies too (mean girls, clueless, not another teen movie, legally blonde, wild child, she's the man, what a girl wants, the crush, the girl next door, she's all that, the notebook.)
i'm a huge twilight stan. 🦇
my favorite movies are the virgin suicides, lolita, jennifer's body, gone girl, the love witch, girl interrupted, pearl, thirteen, black swan, ginger snaps, buffalo '66.
i like tv shows like the queens gambit, anne with an e, spinning out, dawson's creek, good witch, insatiable, shadowhunters, riverdale, chilling adventures of sabrina, i'm not okay with this, the society, deadly class, you, scream, the originals, fate: the winx saga, the end of the fucking world, the umbrella academy, the haunting, dahmer, clark, ratched, izombie, grand army, 13 reasons why, cobra kai, wednesday, elite, ragnarok, derry girls, baby, etc. i finished hemlock grove, teen wolf and the mist.
i have a list of almost all the movies i've watched but that's for another time.
i mostly watch supernatural/fantasy, horror/thriller, slasher/gruesome, psychological/mystery but i do watch romance/drama sometimes.
i don't watch comedy, only dark comedy/ deadpan.
i like sylvia plath.
i have a lot of celeb crushes but no 1. would be lily rose depp and bill skarsgård.
audrey hepburn is my role model.
i like watching yt too, i watch a lot of stuff. spooky stuff, comedy, vlogs, wieiad videos, a lot of food related stuff, edits. i like watching vogue beauty secrets. i listen to asmr, i'm sure u can imagine what kind 👁️👁️
sam and colby are my comfort youtubers. love jake's vlogs too.
some of my fave youtubers are kate brock, sadie crowell, sydney serena, sophia kleo, julia ayers, elle gibson, alia zaita, jazmin tyler, annika osterlund, blair walnuts, enya umanzor, eva meloche, joyish, fitgreenmind, isabela juliana, isabelle heikens, karissa love, alexandra andersson, romee strigd, kellymichalita, lani pliopa, lauren brodauf, leyla tavas, liezl jayne strydom, lydia campanelli, mina rome, olivia jade, oatmilkmakeup, rosie maio, etc.
i watch rebal d, duncanyounot, danny gonzalez, kurtis conner, chad chad, larray, ravon, alex meyers for laughs. benoftheweek and jordan cunningham is pretty good too.
what else can i say abt myself? here's some facts:
1. i'm obsessive, severely mentally deranged, delusional and unhinged.
2. i have 43 personalities.
3. basically a bimbo.
4. i love love love women.
5. i have a dark/dry humor.
6. silly, goofy, quirky and cursed is how i'd describe myself.
7. your local emo girl.
8. wanna be cool girl.
9. narcissist but also a self hater.
10. not a fact but you're gonna be in love with me.
11. i'm religious.
12. just a good girl that does bad things.
13. will destroy anything i come in contact with.
14. a hopeless romantic.
15. secretly a vampire 🤫🧛🏻‍♀️.
16. i don't play by the rules.
17. i don't bite unless you want me to.
18. unbothered and chic, that's how i like it.
19. can be a stubborn brat sometimes.
20. practically a grandma. (my friend said so 🤷🏻���♀️)
21. i always need someone to tell me they're proud of me.
22. i love exploring and trying new things, making new friends so don't be shy.
23. i'm very open minded.
24. not secretive or mysterious, just misunderstood.
25. sometimes ppl can't tell if i'm being serious or sarcastic.
26. i suffer with depression and anxiety. i have a couple of mental disorders but bpd and ocd are the most serious and active ones. i have a bad temper. i'm indecisive and pretty impatient but working on that. i'm selfish and self-centered. easily bored.
27. some ppl say i give off serial killer vibes hmm.
28. my favorite color is black, guess i didn't even have to say it.
29. comfort food is banana bread. favorite is pasta.
30. i have a huge sweet tooth, i love sweets, baked goods, all of that. dark chocolate and snickers are two ways to my heart ❤️.
31. i'm lactose intolerant, but i just hate cows milk in general 🤢 i go for oat or almond milk but i like my coffee plain, black w nothing. i used to be a coffee addict, sometimes 6-7 cups a day but i stopped. i also drink tea, chamomile, green tea and earl grey is my top three. peppermint is pretty good too.
32. i don't like milk chocolate but some are good like kitkat, snickers, reese's peanut butter cups, toblerone, twix, etc. and never ask me if i like white chocolate 🤮
33. i work at a coffee shop, i used to work at a bookstore and i miss it. idk what my plans for the future is yet. i do wanna open an orphanage. (i'm an orphan and an only child) my uncle raised me, i lived w him for 16 years. he passed away last year. i live with my grandma now.
i could also open a bakery. my friend said i could open a restaurant maybe?
34. my happy places are cemeteries, the woods, abandoned houses/places 🤗
35. my biggest fear is darkness tbh. i also have aquaphobia. i almost drowned once.
36. i dream almost every night. i used to have nightmares.
37. i love shopping. fashion, runway shows, models. some of my fave are kaia gerber, vittoria ceretti, megan roche, suki waterhouse, lily rose depp (obviously), adriana lima, taylor hill, etc.
38. i think love is confusing. i don't do relationships that often. but i'll say i do like my men feisty, a little fucked in the head and dangerous. i have a thing for old men, british guys and psychopaths. i'll tell you more about my type of guy later 💋💋
39. i'm a masochist. if you didn't already read the description. but i'm also a bit asexual.
40. i enjoy gore stuff.
41. i don't drink soda.
42. i never wear bras.
god i said so much stuff. check out my pinterest if you wanna know more about me @vrtualvamp444
i'm also active on instagram, feel free to ask me for it 💋
i have other social medias. you can find me on facebook (yeah facebook, which i don't use anymore, i had a facebook era but oh well), snapchat and discord.
i'm also a little bit addicted to tiktok.
i have spotify, if you listen to any of my playlists, i'll love you forever <3
got wattpad, not a big fan.
i don't have twitter yet.
anyway, i'll also be a tumblr girly from now on so i'll talk a lot abt myself. answer more questions.
nobody asked, i'm just bored.
#newbie #girlblogger #girlblogging #newontumblr #coquette #dollette #dollcore #bimbo #bimbodoll #factsaboutme #gettoknowme #lanadelrey #lizzygrant #lilyrosedepp #sylviaplath
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