#plus a mix of sea salt water like the ocean
rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
I can’t stop thinking about the kinda shit the people of Uzushiogakure would eat, though? Their cuisine, their food traditions, etc… Obviously a lot of seafood (likely both raw and cooked alike), and given how connected they are to the sea, and with the idea of them Needing more salt than others, I could see a popular tea for them being konbu-cha (kelp infused in hot water and sometimes salt, a rather savory and apparently salty tea!), but what about specifics?
Obviously they’d probably eat a lot of sushi and sashimi, but what kind? Do you think they’d often eat poisonous and lethal fish and other ocean life, what with the god killing thing? Would it become a common delicacy for them to eat things like fugu (a highly toxic blowfish, if prepared incorrectly) with little prep, even or especially raw? Is that toxicity just like zesty seasoning to them, or a flavor most can’t comprehend?
What’s the more popular cooking method in Uzushio- Steaming, grilled, frying, something else? Why would it be that popular, and what would work best in that environment?
What about alcohol- Do they favor sake? Shōchū? Something else? And other drinks- What kind of teas would they have?
Just! I’m sorry for rambling but I’m a Nerd and Uzushiogakure gets me Every Time.
Don't apologize! Details like this are something I get caught up in too!!
I think I've said it before but when it comes to relating Uzushio to a real place I, personally, tend to very loosely model Uzushio off of Okinawa.
So you have that influence plus the general nature I tend to give the Uzumaki.
There were other Clans too on Uzushio of course, but the Uzumaki ruled from time immemorial so their preferences influenced things a great deal.
For beverages: Konbu-cha served either plain or with Uzushio brown sugar for those who want a hint of sweetness. Water, obviously, though serving it with slices of fresh fruit and/or sprigs of mint mixed in is also common. Various fruit juices from native fruits are also popular, especially with children. The Uzumaki also have been known to drink sea water both casually and medicinally as they require higher alt levels than other Clans do. Flower teas are also popular, specifically fire-lily and hibiscus teas.
Traditional alcohol on Uzushio is awamori, which is distilled (like shochu) instead of brewed. The Uzumaki are known for making and consuming a specific type of awamori called hanazake which tends to be at least 120-proof and flammable.
Like you said seafood is the backbone of the cuisine in Uzushio with Clans like the Uzumaki having the ability to eat even the most poisonous of fair without too much in the way of preparation.
Fugu, stone and lion fish, as well as certain sharks are all common foods for Uzumaki that most other Clans do not consume regularly if ever. Young Uzumaki are often fed higher concentrations of normally poisonous dishes to help them develop a healthy constitution.
Crab is a common meat source as well, since the Uzushio spider crabs are prolific, breed quickly and easily, and grow to unsettling sizes.
Sea turtle used to be a common dish too but Something Happened in the past and Uzushio stopped all consumption of sea turtle meat.
Pig is also a very very common meat in Uzushio as the island is the perfect place for wild boar to flourish. There was an entire Clan, in fact, who was in charge of the cultivation of Uzushio's boar population.
Steaming and hot stone grilling are the most popular cooking styles in Uzushio. There's also an abundance of hot and cold soups. Frying tends to be reserved for desserts and specialty dishes.
Bitter melons, taro, ube, coconuts, papaya, and bamboo shoots are also also common.
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reides · 6 months
OCS + Associations
thank you bree @sangre for the tag :3 hugging hugging hugging
im gonna do this for reides, my dnd oc!
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seahorses! symbolically, they are linked to balance and adaptability, which i see a lot with reides in regards to how he navigates both the lands and seas. they're also associated with freedom and creativity, which are major themes to reides' character as a whole. plus they're so cute and reides is cute, too. teehee.
blues, silvers, light purples! and, of course, green... his older brother calls him seaweed-head, so there's gotta be a green association in there... DFJKDJG
january! the first month of the year; cold, but in a renewing and refreshing sort of way. a new beginning!!! a new experience!!! and so many new possibilities existing in front of you!!! the level of expectations placed on january also aligns with the sort of burdens that reides had placed on him as well.
chasing kites - ​iamamiwhoami! over the ocean outcast, with nowhere to go / a brighter forecast, new winds will blow / the storm that's drawing near / it calms and the air is cleared. i have a huge playlist for reides which can be found here too.
16! he was born on firstlight 16 so that might be where i get that association from lmao.
lotus flowers! i think lotus flowers really suit reides. even the way that they grow - rising out of water to bloom; existing in that beautiful margin between the aquatic and the earthen - is so... him. they also symbolize rebirth, which i think is very much aligned with the sort of stuff that reides went through when he initially ventured to the surface world (and kind of ties into the stuff i talked about for the month portion of this too!)
i'm aware that it's a slight cop-out to say the ocean, but, like, heres the thing: the ocean! LMAO. that salty sort of kick is super reides; the scent of the sea at dawn, that crispness, not dainty or elegant but effortlessly evocative... yeah. that's reides. he usually smells like that naturally. like the sea, plain soap, and ink.
larimar, pietersite and pearls as well! also, i know they're not gems per se, but i also associate sea glass with reides a whole lot. they're gems to ME!!!
time of day
dawn! the very moment that the sun starts rising; when stars and maybe even the moon are still visible in the sky. as you can see, i really like associating reides with existing in between or on the border of various things fdkjdljg. i also think reides stays up really late typically so he's no stranger to being awake at this time LMAO
winter! ok im a little weird with this one so bear with me...... i really enjoy associating reides with coldness since he's such a sweet, passionate person and i like the idea of his optimism existing alongside the cold; i like the idea of the cold being a comfort instead of depressing or stoic or serious. bc for reides, the cold IS a comfort!!!! it gives him clarity and energizes him. it reminds him of his home seas and it empowers him.
on the beach, skipping alongside the waves; laughing, with a book clutched to his side; fingers stained with ink and hair windswept from the briny breeze!
oysters, mussels, all of that sort of thing - juicy seafood that tastes best when you eat it with your bare hands. salty, rich flavours!
a nice rum with lime mixed in... that's reides right there. blue daiquiris are these things and also, as the name suggests, blue - and that's fun and would delight reides, so i think if he was a cocktail he'd be that. as for his taste in drinks... reides loves sweet ones the very most - rip currant wine from his home seas is his fav - but he has a soft spot for firewhiskey, too!
WATER, BABY!!!!!!! i dont think lightning technically counts as an element but that as well!
i think this ties into the time of day prompty really well so i'm pointing up there again hehe.
stormy weather! >:) he is the storm prince, after all... for all his kindness, he is tumultuous and brings change. there's a lot of power to be found in storms, and that power is something that reides is learning to embrace. when he hatched, it was during a crazy storm that really wracked his home seas - and, sometimes, the people there maintain a superstition that baby-reides actually absorbed that storm's power. it's simply wack poetry stuff (that, frankly, used to freak reides out as a kid lmao) but what if they're right. what then.
magical powers
reides is a wizard who specializes in evocation magic, so you know he loves to harness da power of da elements... he especially loves ice and lightning magic. again, if something sounds stormy, he is probably tapping into that power and trying his best to let it surge through him.
reides' weapon is... the power he extracts from the weave teehee. he has a purple conch shell from home that serves as his arcane focus for all that! but, his magic aside, reides also has a dagger that was fashioned from the pelagic ore of his home seas and a crossbow that he named 'harpoon.'
it's gotta be salt water taffy! reides' fav candy as well as the candy that embodies his nature the absolute best :3
methods of long-distance travel
reides loves boats so much. big ships fascinate him endlessly. he wants to go on them all the time. he fantasizes about being at sea with aske (his boyfriend who is also a sailor / fisherman) all the time.
to let down his people and be an outcast amongst them; to prove that all the people who pelted him with insults were right; to lose his home; to lose his freedom
mythological creature
merfolk is a laughably easy answer I KNOWWW so i will choose something else even if they're by far the first thing my mind leaps to for reidesy DFLDKGDKFH i think selkies are cool too given the nature of their shapechanging o: reides' identity both above and below the seas is something that is fun with me thematically and i think selkies kind of offer a physical representation of that
piece of stationary
a page of a sturdy tome that has notes written all over it!!! and doodles!!! and some of the ink on it has been smudged too!!! yay research!!!
three emojis
celestial body
reides is definitely a star! shining resolutely through the darkness of night... ✰ i also associate him with the star tarot, so that ties in nicely.
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smoothwint · 2 years
Nerf rebelle guns walmart
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It does have a little menthol smell to it, but that quickly dissipates along with that itch. This oatmeal based anti-itch cream was something that we were both able to try, and we have to say that it worked for us. If I were to see this available in the store, I would probably be interested at first, just looking at the packaging, however having actually tried this drink mix, I would definitely pass it by. Something about secret and proprietary blends of ingredients doesn’t make me too hopeful that a product will do anything. As for the actual effect of the mix, I would say that I didn’t really feel any different even 15-20 minutes after. The Pomegranate Blueberry did have a bit of this, but not as bad as the Dragon Fruit. It almost seemed to have a chalky smell to it, if there really is such a thing. It seemed to have a somewhat chemical-like taste to it and it smelled reminiscent of the Bottle Caps candies. The Pomegranate Blueberry tasted okay, and the Dragon Fruit didn’t taste very good. I tried the Pomegranate Blueberry First, and then I tried the Dragon Fruit.
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In Travis’ opinion, they were good as a free snack, but nothing he’d buy himself. He said that they were fairly bland, and the coating was very unevenly distributed. There was a bit of a sweet and tangy taste to them, but they just didn’t deliver on that BBQ flavor that one expects from a BBQ chip. However, the Tangy BBQ flavor didn’t really come through. They are a bit reminiscent of rice cakes, and closely mimic the Special K Popped Chips. Texturally, Travis thought that these were okay snacks. I don’t have any issues falling asleep myself, but since this seemed to have actually helped, I would say that it’s worth a shot if you have some nights of difficulty falling asleep (but I wouldn’t substitute this for medicine). But I think if something says that it’s some kind of berry flavor, I would personally expect a bit more than a slight hint of a taste.
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I’m not really sure if this is a plus or a minus, but when mixed with water, he indicated that it didn’t have much of a taste. Travis was the one to try the Snoozeberry Dream Water Sleep powder, and from his experience, it seems to work! We were both a bit hesitant to believe the claims of this drink mix, but he did see a difference in his ease of falling asleep. If you’re in the mood for popcorn, this is a brand worth buying, but I would perhaps add a little extra salt. It seems to be an air-popped variety of popcorn, and somehow seemed lighter in weight than some other popcorn I’ve tried previously. I wouldn’t really expect it to be ocean salty, but it could use a little more salt. However, though the bag was labeled ‘Simply Sea Salt’ there wasn’t but a hint of salt to it. We took a look at a few products that were sent to us so kindly by the folks at Daily Goodie Box, and wrote a bit about the opinions we shared in the video. In this video, we take a look at Daily Goodie Box, a subscription box that despite the name, is a monthly box that is FREE! This box is instead a box of product samples, sent to you for review! All you have to do is go to to sign up, and next month you may get a box of your own!*
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tadahoni · 2 years
Seeing Scales- Part Three
seeing scales
part t  h r e e
𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩  / 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩
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Reader: fem!, she/her pronouns. (Y/N)- Your name (e/c)- eye color (H/c)- hair color (s/c)- skin color
Summary: Breakfast!
Tags/Warnings: mentions of nudity (nothing sexual)
Oh no.
Oh no no no.
This couldn’t be happening.
This was the final straw. You now knew for a fact that Casita was very much out to get you.
The family crowded up on the stairs, watching you stand and stare at the glowing rectangle. Isabela had come out of her room upon hearing the commotion. You could hear some shuffling behind you. Mirabel, Isa, and Bruno stood by you, giving you looks of mixed emotion.
Mirabel was the first to speak.
“Dang, I didn’t realize I’d be predicting the future like this,” she chuckled, obviously a little uncomfortable. “I guess Bruno has his work cut out for him!”
You knew why she was nervous, Dolores had told you all about the gift ceremony. It didn’t stop her from being her cheerful self, though, which you admired.
You finally spoke up. “Look, I think this must be a mistake. I can just sleep in Isabela’s room if that’s still alright, and it should be fine by morning.”
Isa nodded and let you walk towards her room, but once again Casita pushed you towards the doorframe.
This time, it brought Bruno with you.
“Huh…” you huffed, looking at the door, then Bruno. He shrugged.
“Open it!” Another voice piped in, and you looked down to see that Antonio had appeared on your right side. He seemed the most excited, probably trying to diffuse the awkwardness in the house.
He reached his little hand out, and you smiled softly and took it.
Reaching over to the doorknob, you hesitated. You knew what these doors usually hid on the other side. What if Casita wanted you to reveal your identity?? It would completely destroy everything you’ve worked for the past few days. You knew the Madrigals would be nothing but supportive, if not absolutely floored by your powers, but what about the rest of town?
You decided that you’d figure it out after this door business.
Wrapping your fingers around the golden doorknob, a shot of good blinded you, and the door quickly revealed its carving.
It was you, sitting in a cross-legged pose by the water. A content smile was on your face, surrounded by beautiful trees and flowers native to Italy.
You felt a pang in your heart to see the familiar flora. Although you weren’t born and raised in Italy (you resided near the middle of the Atlantic Ocean in your youth), your family moved there when you were growing up, and you lived in the waters of Portorosso until the humans grew to accept your species.
Or, so you thought.
You shook the bad thoughts away and opened the door, more golden sparks cascading into the room.
It wasn’t huge and extravagant like Bruno’s or Antonio’s but it was homey. Dark blue wallpaper with gorgeous turquoise shells decorated the walls. A dark green dresser and wardrobe saw next to a circular bed, donned with dark blue bedding and pillows. More dark blue covered the window in curtains, and a divider to change out of your clothes (or scales) in privacy.
Finally a gorgeous blue claw foot tub sat in the corner.
It was a beautiful room, and you realized now why Casita gave you a door.
You were home.
It wasn’t even the room you had on land.
This was your home at sea.
“This is just like my room at home,” you whispered, and you were sure that only Bruno heard you. He had walked in with you and Antonio.
You turned to him, and saw the comforting look he gave you.
You were home.
Dry scales were a rare thing for you, and you usually didn’t have to hydrate this quickly after leaving the water, but they were bothering you once you woke up the next morning. You could use a bath anyway, after spending days in salt water.
Plus, you probably smelled bad. Like fish.
Coughing at the dryness in your throat, you stumbled over to the bathtub, grabbing at the water pump for balance. As steaming water came out, you stripped down and slumped by the bathtub, leaving the arm that wasn’t pumping water in the tub to gauge how long it’d be until you needed to stop pumping water.
You watched as your fingertips slowly flipped like the shingles on Casita’s roof from (s/c) skin to purple and blue scales. It felt weird seeing the scales on your body. Taboo, even.
“¡Señora (y/n)!” a voice came from the other side of the door, causing you to spring to your feet. “Coming!” you called out, but before you could reach the door, you remembered.
Oh, right. I’m naked.
“Uh… just a second!” you called out, frantically searching for something to cover yourself up.
“Casita.. Help me out here?” you whispered, and the house responded by throwing open the wardrobe doors and revealing a robe dangling by a hanger. “Aha! Gracias, Casita!” you ran over and flung the robe over your shoulders, tying the belt and concealing your body. You then skipped over to the door and opened it.
“Oh! Hola, Bruno.”
Bruno stood on the other side of the door, a plate filled with what looked like rice and beans piling high.
“Buenos dias, (y/n),” he said, slightly nervous. He held out the plate with stiff arms, the plate now mere inches from your face.
“Here, Julieta made calentado and Dolores heard the bath running,” he mumbled as you gently took the plate from his hands. You noticed a quick glance at your bathrobe and a blush running across his cheeks. He cleared his throat.
“So she… uhh.. they thought that you might want to enjoy it in there.. Our family table can get pretty loud and rambunctious,” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.
You looked down at the food, then back up at him. He had a slanted smile, and you didn’t even realize that you’d said it until it came out of your mouth.
“Oh, I’ll come downstairs and eat with you guys!” Bruno perked up slightly, and a smile tugged at his lips. “Really? I-I.. I mean you don’t have to, if you want some alone time-” “Nonsense, I’ve been alone for a week, I could use some company! Besides, I can bathe later,” you nodded your head towards the inside of the room, opening the door to allow Bruno to enter. It must have been the magic house that gave you all of this confidence, but you brushed it off as you set the plate on your dresser. As you opened the wardrobe and grabbed your new dress, sliding over to the divider, Bruno sat awkwardly onto your unmade bed.
“You said this reminded you of home,” Bruno started, looking around at the interior design. “Where’s home?”
You nearly fell over onto the floor when Bruno mentioned your home, and the divider you had bumped into started to fall. You grabbed the top and took a deep breath, carefully guiding it back to its original position.
“Uh…” you started, slipping on the new dress that Mirabel had given you. “Home… is uh..” you walked out from behind the divider, brushing off your dress and looking at the man on your bed. “Home is complicated.” Bruno didn’t seem to notice a word that you had said, his green eyes wide and his lips parted in awe. Your stomach dropped to the floor, and you frantically scanned your body for scales. Seeing none, you felt your face. None there, either. What was it then? Was a complicated home that taboo around here?
“W-what’s wrong? Is there something on my face?” you sputtered out, looking back at Bruno. He shook his head just as frantically and waved his hands in defense.
“Oh no no no! It’s nothing, you just..” he swallowed. “You look beautiful. That dress suits you really well.”
You froze in place, dropping your hands to your body with a gentle slap. You tilted your head at the man, confused.
“Oh… thank you,” you muttered out, feeling the sudden urge to pick at your fingers. You snapped back to reality, clearing your throat and sliding over to the dresser to grab your plate. “Well, we wouldn’t want to keep your family waiting, huh?” You changed the subject, then nodded towards the door once again. The two of you walked down the stairs and outside of Casita.
Julieta was by the table of food, clicking her tongs at Camilo for taking a second helping. Her eyes caught you and Bruno exiting the house, and she perked up.
“(Y/n), you didn’t have to come downstairs, we wouldn’t mind you eating in the tub,” she giggled, setting the utensils down and walking towards you, taking both of your hands in hers. “I tend to do it myself quite often, actually. It’s a nice way to unwind,” she whispered to you, and the both of you laughed.
You took notice of the family sitting around the table, and noticed an empty spot between Mirabel and where Bruno was about to sit. As Julieta made her way back to the table, you strode over to the seat, hoping to get a word in with Mirabel.
“Hey, Mirabel!” you sat down, finally putting your plate in its final resting place before breakfast. She looked up from her plate and smiled at the sight of you.
“(Y/n)! Buenos dias!” Mirabel greeted you back. “Listen, I know you told me all about Casita and the door situation you had to endure for a while, so I hope you’re okay with me in my own room,” you stated. “I can’t imagine how it must feel, so say the word and I’ll move in with Isabela.”
Mirabel scoffed playfully, waving her hand as if there were a pesky fly between the two of you. “It’s no problem at all, (y/n)! Casita did it to make you feel at home! Besides, I have my own door now, so there’s no worries on your end.”
You smiled at the girl next to you. She was definitely like your little sisters; so selfless and cheerful. “You remind me of my younger sisters,” you blurted, not thinking. You made a mental note to think before you talk next time.
“You have sisters?” you heard a voice behind you. Bruno had looked up from his own breakfast to look at you, and you realized at that moment that you indeed, had fu-
“¡Es una mañana hermosa!”
Your thoughts and Bruno’s inquiry were cut short by the matriarch, going to sit in her chair at the head of the table. You mentally thanked Alma for changing the subject and grabbing everyone’s attention.
Alma began her rundown of the day, and you paid attention to the jobs that each person was assigned.
Luisa needed to help with several things that day, and Alma reminded her to take it easy and make time for herself.
Isabela needed to consult about various flora for a wedding that was scheduled for the next night. It was then announced that the Madrigals were invited to said wedding.
“The Sanchez Family also requested that (y/n) come to the wedding tomorrow evening,” Alma beamed, and everyone’s eyes shot at you.
You had clearly been enjoying an arepa con queso, and you were mid-bite when the family’s attention had shifted to you. You raised your eyebrows.
“Me?” you questioned.
“Yes! The Encanto is so curious about our newcomer that the Sanchez’s wanted to give everyone a chance to meet you!” Alma replied.
You didn’t know how to react, and for some reason your first thought was to look over at Bruno. He, like the rest of his family, was already looking at you, but you noticed that his smile was softer and more comforting. You smiled back at him.
“Alright, and that concludes our breakfast. Who are we?” “¡La familia Madrigal!” the family chanted, everyone getting up and heading to where they were needed.
You frowned a little and looked around, unsure of where to go.
“Um.. does anyone need help with anything today?” you asked shyly, looking to see if anyone would accept your offer.
Before anyone had the chance, though, Casita nudged your chair, immediately pushing it across the courtyard and directly into-
“Oh! Bruno, do you need any help?”
Bruno looked down at you in your chair, looking rather disoriented. His face warmed up and he looked around at his family before smiling.
“Sure, I could use some company! I’ve got some readings today in town,” he replied. “Also, I’m not sure if Casita would let you go with anyone else.”
You had already stood up, allowing your chair to return to the table. Casita slowly nudged you towards Bruno until you were mere inches apart.
The two of you exchanged a nervous glance, then awkwardly laughed before backing up.
“I’ll… go grab my stuff,” he said. “Yeah! Me too,” you replied, and you both went your separate ways.
Your way, however, brought you to run straight into Isabela.
“Oh! Apologies,” you backed up once again, but Isabela didn’t seem to mind. She had her focus on other things, you realized.
“What was going on with you and my Tío Bruno?” she waved her finger back and forth at you as if Bruno was standing right next to you. A smirk was etched on her face.
“Bruno?” you questioned, raising an eyebrow slightly at her insinuation.
“Yeah, you two have been pretty close lately. Walking together to breakfast, that thing that happened just now,” she explained, leaning closer to get a look at your face. It was pretty obvious what she was trying to get out of you.
“Nothing’s going on,” you insisted, rolling your eyes. You walked past her and began to head towards the kitchen.
Yeah, nothing was going on.
taglist: @eevee-133 @janora00 @alexloveskil @confusedparticle @prefesro @ihavenoideawhatiamdoinghelp @lunar-archangel @lostgirl-28 @willowtree42095
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bubblegumbi0tch · 3 years
The Vacation
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Warrings: Creampie and public sex 
"Ladies and gentlemen, please clip on your seat belts and get ready for the time of your lives. The safety precautions are as follows on the screen. Thank you for flying with Peach Aviation, where every journey is exciting. The flight attendant's voice echoed throughout the airplane. After clipping on your seat belt for the landing to Brazil where Oikawa was taking you, you turned towards him. "You seriously want me to believe that this was spontaneous and not a planned vacation." Yup!" He stated, popping the p. "You seem thrilled today." You reported. "Obviously, you have put up with me for four years, and you are still here. "He smiled softly up at you. "Plus... There's the fact that I am about to get some." "Who said that? What makes you sure you are going to get some?" You unclipped the belt and got up, taking hold of your handbag next to you.
"What?! Seriously Y/N…princess?" He followed you out of the plane. What you saw in the open-air took your breath away. All around you, there are lush green mountains, sounds of seagulls, and the waves crashing entered your ears. The beautiful architecture is all around you. You turned around to face Oikawa, only to bump into his chest. His muscular arms wrapped around you stable. "Took your breath away, didn't it?" He questioned. "Happened to me too, just like the very first time I saw you, in that little black dress and heels during one of my first games, I knew I had to have you." He smiled down at you. It's beautiful, Tooru. I don't have words to explain, but it really is." You stated. "I know. When I talked to Hinata about a good place to take you, he recommended a nice beach. We visit him before we go. He stated. "Happy Anniversary, princess. "He whispered you. "Tooru, I don't know what to say. You really didn't have to do this." "You could express your gratitude by giving me a Thank-you kiss for one! "He smirked. You kissed him with all the emotions inside you. At that moment, it was just you two, two lovers kissing without any care, as their lips tangoed perfectly together. 
"You want to spend all your weekend here at the airport or actually go down to the hotel?" He pulled away. "It's a  five-minute walk from here." "Let's go!" You exclaimed excitedly and then dragged him down the out of the airport you're rolling luggage in hand and to the pathway, half cemented and half not. You marveled at the beauty of the scenery. It was stunning. The birds chirped, and the wind blew perfectly. He clasped his hand into yours. According to Oikawa, you were the prettiest girl he's ever seen. As the two of you walk both near the hotel's main doors, Oikawa checks in, and the bellhop gets your bags. As you open the door to your room, Oikawa suddenly stopped and turned to you, only to pick you up by the knees and the shoulder, bridal style. 
You squealed in surprise. "What in the heavens are you doing, Tooru?" You threw your head back in laughter. Carrying you inside our room, what else?" And then he spun around, with you in his arms. 
"Tooru !" You squealed again. 
"Keep practicing princess, you are going to need it tonight." This caused your checks to heat up. 
As Oikawa walked in further inside the room, your eyes slipped onto the glass wall on the opposite side, which gave you a perfect view of the ocean. 
"You know only married couples do this?" You questioned as you walked over to the wall. 
You heard him shuffling but paid no heed; you were far more invested in the view. "I know, but you have to admit you like it. Imagine being Mrs. Oikawa … Oikawa (y/n) has a nice ring to it, don't you think" he smiles. You nod at him. "Now, love, why don't we head over to the beach? We can watch the sunset together. As the both of you get changes, Oikawa's jaw drops the second you walk out of the bathroom wearing a bathing suit that hugs you in all the right places. Accentuating the best parts of your body. "Wow (y/n), you look amazing." You see his eyes sparkle a light blush cover his cheeks. You smile at him as he holds your hand, leading you down to the beach. 
As you walk down to the beach, you hear the gentle washing of the waves sings a lullaby to your ears. You have always loved the sound of the ocean, so serene yet holding so much power. 'Thank you again for bringing me here, love.' You tell Oikawa as he sets up a towel. "Anything for you princess you how much I like to spoil you." The two of you are sat on a towel by the beach, watching the sun paint its oranges and yellows in the sky. You were distracted by the sky that you didn't see Oikawa get up on one knee; he holds your face in his palm, gently Turing you to him. "Y/N L/N, my girlfriend, my love, and my heart. I know I am not the most deserving man on this planet. I have made my fair share of mistakes. But you have changed that. You have been a source of light in one of the darkest periods of my life, so today, I am asking you will you let me be your light? Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" By the time his speech ended, tears were streaming down your face.
"Yes! Yes! Thousand times, yes." You nodded. 
Oikawa got up from his position, grabbing your hand and slipping on the diamond on your finger. 
"You have made me the happiest man alive on this planet, Y/N." He stated. "I love you, Mrs. Oikawa."
"And I love you, Mr. Oikawa." He pulled you into a deep passionate kiss, your saliva mixing. When you pull apart, a string connects the two of you. You look around and notice that you two are the only ones left on the beach. That "Let's go swimming princess" he starts running towards the water. You feel your feet sinking into the soft sand. You pad after him towards the calm, beckoning water. Oikawa smirks at you. You screech into the quiet beach when he all of a sudden picks you up and carries you bridal-style into the sea. Bringing you further into the sea and complaining about the cold water. A droplet of water is trickling along the edge of his jaw; your focus is transfixed at its smooth descent to his chin. Your bodies are bobbing with the calm waves, up, down, up, down. 
Then your eyes lock, you feel a heat building up inside you. Oikawa looks at you and sears a mark in you, and it's burning like the flames of hell all the way down to your core. With the side of his finger, he doesn't need to so much as touch you to tip your head up his way because that's how willing you are. One tilt, that's all it takes to kiss him right now. His fingers are sinking into your tender waist, and immediately you need to feel inside you. "I love you, princess" He slides his cheek against yours and traces the bridge of your nose with the tip of his. He dips his face in closer to your lips, nearing one another. You taste the sea on his lips, salt, and cold. It feels like diving into the ocean, plunging into the deep blue, and simply allowing your body to be swept away. His kiss is greedy, hungry, willing you to submit to him and follow his lead. 
Legs wrapping around his torso in the water, his hands caress up your thighs to your ass, digging into your plump flesh with an ardor that releases damp arousal from your slit. Your own fingers grope down his chest and toy with his hair, scratching and tugging. When he nibbles on your bottom lip, and you know that you're done for. You melt like putty in his control, meeting his tongue with soft obedience you don't usually exert. Tooru .' You gasp into his mouth. 'I told you that you were gonna be screaming my name tonight, (y/n).' he says before diving back into you. Those words send the possessive animal in your mind wild with satisfaction. 
Because yes, he's all yours tonight. When you feel his stiff length poke underneath you, your cunt is set ablaze with desire. Desire to sink down onto him this instant and have him pound into you amidst the ocean until you both feel faint. The desire for him to break you in half with all his might, make your eyes water with from the pleasure he stabs into you. He holds you as the both of you walk to shore together. Lips never leaving one another's. His mouth travels down to your breasts, and he doesn't hesitate to devour them from your bathing suit, suckling angry red/ purple marks down your cleavage and around your nipples. Though clothed, the prominence of his big cock burrows between your wide-open entrance, rubbing against your bikini-clad clit and making you thrust your hips further into him. 
Enjoying the euphoria from his touch, you don't realize you're on land until he gently falls onto his knees and carefully places you on the towels below him. You pull him by the neck onto you. As he kisses a torching trail down your wet body, your mind is somewhere else in heaven that worships your fiancé Oikawa. His large hands kneading your exposed breasts, the wisp of his breath tingles down your stomach, tying a knot in your core. His teeth, he obscenely tugs lose the string that ties your bikini bottom together. The fabric falls loose lifelessly, revealing your soaking cunt, shimmering with want for him.
‘So wet (y/n) .’ He muses as he kisses your pelvis, finger stroking up your slick to gather the liquid of your arousal. Then he prods his finger into your mouth, your tongue compliantly lapping up your own taste, salty from the sea. 'Who made you this wet, mmm?'
'You.' You're practically pleading as he sucks viciously at your inner thigh, so close to your weeping pussy. I want you to scream my name by the time we're done." When he first links his lips to your clit, your hips buckle upwards, and fingers fly to entangle his chestnut hair. Sucking harshly on your sensitive bud, all you're capable of is squirming and writhing underneath him. The sensation of his mouth sucking on your succulence sends a shot of ecstasy down your quaking legs. Your head feels dizzy.
'"Fuck!' You whine. "You like that, princess ?' When he looks up at you, a wet smirk on his lips breathing hot air into your cunt, a coil winds in your stomach. T-Tooru.' Your grip on his hair tightens.
Then he's gorging you like a feast, tongue fluttering on your swollen bundle of nerves, your kryptonite, teeth scraping along your folds seductively. After several licks of your entrance, he pushes two digits into your gummy cunt. The ease in, lubricated by your moist walls that welcome the pressure of his intrusion into you like the open sea. He draws wide circles inside you, and it feels like your innards are being stirred to perfection by a metal rod. In the meantime, his assault on your clit doesn't falter, rhythmically hitting his tongue against you. Allowing the vibrations of his humming to penetrate your core. Looking down, this is simply the most beautiful sight you've ever witnessed. Oikawa's brown eyes glimpsing up at you hungrily, face buried nose-deep in your pussy. Hands gripping under your thighs that are rested on his shoulders, the beautiful scenery of the sunset, its glow onto you, and the ocean in the background play a symphony to your moans and his filthy slurps.
Suddenly, an explosion of pleasure arrives at your clit. 'Oh, fuck yes!' You screech, throat raw from the pure elation that washes over you. The throbbing in your cunt releases at his continuous friction, pulsating so wildly you think you will burst. His fingers pump out your high as he sucks one last time, long and hard, on your beating clit. 'Ah… Oh my god… Tooru…' he emerges from between your legs to breathe. You watch as your fluid dribble down his chin lewdly, your thumb swipes to catch the wetness.
'How was that?' Untangling his arms from your legs, he walks up on his elbows to meet your lips in a tender kiss.
'Wow.' You utter against his mouth, eyes rolling to the back of your head for dramatic effect. 'Let's continue back in our room.' Quickly you do up your bikini, impatient for more.
Without needing another word, Oikawa sweeps you into his arms, gathers all your belongings, and hastily carries you back to your hotel located just a minute away from the beach. Although, it takes much longer than a minute for you to arrive, seeing as multiple detours are made along the way, fondling behind a tree, kissing in the elevator, and missing your floor. 
And when you're finally in the confines of your shared room, he pins you to the closed door, not even bothering to switch on the lights, lips latched onto your magnetizing neck. Your wrists trapped in his grip against the hardwood, you ache to touch him as his teeth find your earlobe. Nipping at your soft round flesh, a pleasant shock is sent down your spine at the twinge of pain. 'Tooru…' You sigh. He pulls away to stare into your beseeching eyes. 'What do you want me to do to you, princess?' His voice is a low grumble of dominance, digging its talons into your brain.
'I want… I want you to fuck me until I cry.' In the dark of the room, your attention flickers to the sunset terrace outside. 'Right on that balcony over there.'
Something in his eyes ignites at your suggestion. Filled with lust, he brings you through the glass door that opens to the fresh setting night. 'You want me to fuck you right here, princess? For everyone to see?' Danger lurking one kiss away, you sense the precarious position his mind is at. So you reach down and grab his hard cock over his shorts and tip his mind to a carnal desire. 
'P-please, Tooru.' The name is the last straw for him. His breath hitches as you tug down his pants and allow his enormous cock to spring free. Spinning you around roughly, he bends you over onto the rail of the balcony and strips off your swimsuit in one deft gesture. From here, you have an unobstructed view of the coast, lined by bustling bars and closing restaurants. The neighboring terraces are a meters away; if anyone walks out now, they would horrifically witness Oikawa about to pound into you from behind. Your heart is beating in the excitement of the risk as well as the anticipation of his cock. Not being able to see him, he can thrust into you any moment now; he must be reveling in such control he holds. Then you feel it, his large thick round tip pressing against your entrance curiously. Your legs shake expectantly while fresh arousal leaks out of you, mixing with his precum he's plowing into you. 'Begone more time for me (y/n). Please, Tooru.' Allowing the words to drag out on your tongue, you twist your neck to look at him with large pleading eyes. He looks like a king, towering over you with this much assertion, relishing in the power he holds above you in this very moment. 
Hands holding your hips in place, he slams his thick member into your gaping tight pussy in one forceful plunge. You can't help but cry out at the sheer stretch of your walls he's spanning. fuck, he's so big he makes it feels like your first time together all over again. All you think at first is an incredible cinching of your core, the ache of him impaling his rigid shaft through the resisting pressure of your tight pussy. He's fucking massive. He seems to know it as well because he gives you a second to adjust to his size, palm scaling smoothly up the hill of your back to gather your hair in his hand. Then he is pummelling into you, hips slapping against your bottom, ringing such vulgar sounds in your ears. His cock, hard as if carved from marble, piercing through the pain and molding a thing of sweet, sweet pleasure inside you. You grip the rail so tight its edge gouges marks into your skin, your head hung low between your tense arms.
'Fu-uckk princess, you ohhh feel so good around me," he groans. At this angle, his cock is curving up the wrong way into you, jabbing in places that make you go crazy. A part of your soul is no longer with you, propelled elsewhere by his ceaseless merciless attack on your pussy. You feel a sting on your butt. He spanks a searing hot mark into your ass cheek. The sharp pain is refreshing alongside the dull ache behind the euphoric throb he is penetrating into you. "Princess, I love hearing your whimpers their so cute" Another slap echoes in your ears, and you welcome it by curving your back more to tip your tush higher for him.
'Tooru, you fuck me so good.' you egg him on further, stroking his ego as your tight squishy walls are clenching his dick. Pounding into you with such vigor and violence that your folds are beginning to sting. 
Moans that fall from his lips tingle at your clit, which you start to play with to add to your stimulation. Another smack on your ass, this time so surprising that you scream out. 'Yes, be loud for me. Let everyone hear how good I make you feel.' He coaxes. Oikawa begins to slow, which you know is a sign that he's close but doesn't cum yet. He bends over you, your hair still tied around his wrist, and nips at the shell of your ear. You've never known your ear to be such a sensitive area, for when his tongue flickers at your inner shell, a shudder convulses through you. Leaving slobbery kisses down the curve of your shoulder. 
You wanna Finish on the bed, princess ?' You nod, and Oikawa embraces you from behind; his strong arm comes under your cold lonely breasts that perk up at his attention, his wet cock sitting between your red ass cheeks. The hum of his deep rasp on your neck sends your head lolling back onto his sweat-covered chest. His lips seal yours as he walks you back into the room, leaving the glass door open for the night breeze to grace you. Amidst the rough sex, you treasure such a soft, delicate moment on your tongue, delighting in the way the tips of his fingers trace up your side. When his hand slithers up to your face, you melt into the warm flesh of his palm, mouth opening up for him to unfurl into.
Then the back of your knees hit the bed, and you know it's about to begin again. Without breaking the union of your lips, you clamber onto the sheets with his frame hovering over you. Grappling on his neck, you drag Oikawa on top of you as your head sinks down onto the plush of the pillow.
He sucks on your plump bottom lip one last time before pulling away. Fluid still profusely oozing out of the slit of his tip, he perches between your legs. 'How do you want it, my future wife?' His tone is endearing, yet eyes his eyes are hungry.
Impatient for him to fill you to the brim again, you lift both your legs up for him to grab and place onto his shoulders. 'Like this please, husband.' That's all you have to say for him to grunt okay and push deep into you, knees digging into the mattress. In this position, his cock reaches your cervix without hindrance, his swollen head slamming into your end every thrust he gives. It's a different type of ache this time, more targeted at the one sensitive spot inside you. As he continues, you thrust into you, balls swinging at your ass, a build-up of sensitivity gathers at your core.
You feel it approaching, that imminent contortion of your cunt, looming over you, on the brink of toppling your senses.
'Keep going.' You whimper the filthy feeling of his prick hammering so fast into you enough to bring tears to your eyes. You try to keep them open, watch his tongue poke out in concentration as he watches your body quiver under his. But the intensity of his fucking is truly too overwhelming that a single droplet leaks out and flows down your temple. 'I'm so close.' Oikawa moans, pecking the bone of your ankle. Something ruptures within him; with an even more arduous determination, he drives into your walls like a crazed beast. The sole purpose now is to reach the climax awaiting him; he spreads your legs open wide before him and rabidly plunges his twitching cock.
And for the second and third time this night, your orgasm hits you, one immediately followed by the other. 'Tooru, I'm-' You're a crying thrashing mess beneath him, drool dribbling out of your mouth and teary eyes, the ecstatic pleasure obliterating your mind into ruins as your cunt erupts. The string of profanities that leave you sound incoherent to your own hearing.
You won't be able to walk straight tomorrow; you're sure of it.
Oikawa watches you break on his cock, walls tightening impossibly around him. "(Y/n) I'm gonna cum. Can I cum inside you?" His thrusts start to get sloppy than what they were from the beginning. He starts to pound into and with one final thrust, he shoots his cum in spurts deep inside you. He pulls himself out a string of cum attached to his tip. He sees you haven't moved in your original position, still dazed out from what just happened. He spreads your puffy lips apart. He sees his cum seeping out of you and onto the bed. Oikawa leans down and touches your cheek; you snap out of your trance. "amazing, Tooru." You were too tired to finish your sentence. Oikawa smiles "you were fantastic; I'm so lucky to have you as my future wife." He kissed your temple and carried you off to the bath. 
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Mermaid!Jungkook x Reader [Part 3]
Trapped in this life of expensive wine and judgemental eyes Y/N met an unusual lady who offered her a job at an aquarium a few towns away. Despite being hesitant and uncertain for the future she decided to take the offer as it was her only way out, not knowing that many dangers might come her way.
Jungkook swam his way through the small tunnel in wonder. He didn’t realise what he was ‘walking’ into as he took the entire night to explore a tunnel. He thought it might lead to you, how naive. It is only when he heard the piercing sound of drilling from the small tunnel entrance did he know what was happening, he was trapped. With that, his instincts took over.
Chapter: #3 Swimming in Wine
Words: 4843
Warnings: Mild Swearing // Fluff // Eventual Smut? Idk maybe depends // Jungkook obsessive // Evil Namjoon (im sorry guys) // It might be a little messed up.
AN - It's been a while. I know. 
© arminty7 2020 - All rights reserved.
This work shall not be copied, reproduced, translated and/or modified in any way without my permission. In a case where this might happen, legal action will be taken as it would be a criminal act under the law and breaching these terms. Upon reading my work you are acknowledging that this work is mine and that you know the consequences if this work is copied, reproduced, translated and/or modified in any way without my permission.
It was early in the morning when the sun started to creep its way into the room. You were sitting on your bed and surprisingly enough, you were already awake. You never used to be such an early bird, but throughout these past few nights, you would wake up drenched in sweat. No matter how hard you tried you couldn't stop thinking about the incident on the cliff. Upon sleeping, you could almost feel the arms of the creature wrapped around you, like its haunting touch has placed a permanent mark on you. When thinking about it more deeply, it felt human to you. The arms of a human, but its touch too deeply pressed on your skin: the coldness you felt, reached down to your bones. It was like death was clinging onto you, with you as its life source.  
 "Hey Y/N? You up?" You heard a whisper and you saw Julie poking her head through the door as she opened it slightly. You look over at her with a relaxed expression and a soft smile.  
"Yeah, I'm already up. Did you want to go and get a coffee near the waterfront before dropping me off to work?" You stand up from your bed and start fixing the blankets and pillows. 
 "Yeah that sounds like a good idea, let me go get my bag and we can leave soon." She spoke as she left the room, closing the door but not all the way. 
Looking out onto the ocean, it felt calm today. Although the tranquillity that you felt while looking out onto the shore exhibited a chaotic kind of peace. The calm before the storm. You could feel it, the anger of the waves crashing down and the freeing nature of the water wanting to come out. But it held restraint, it couldn't do anything even if it tried. Something was missing but you didn't know what. All you knew was that the feeling you had felt when looking out towards the ocean, changed somehow. The calm waters seemed too good to be true.
 You sat there at the coffee shop across from the beach near where you work. The smell of sea-salt and fish mixed with coffee seemed like a horrible combination, but the locals were used to it. You found comfort in the idea that you might get used to it too. The coffee that you held in your hands was hot against the cool air. You sipped your coffee while waiting for Julie to come back with her usual morning cravings of insatiable sweet pastries. 
 “So, tell me. Have you made any work friends? Any of them cute?” Julie sat down across from you, taking you away from your thoughts. You looked over at her and chuckled, rolling your eyes.
“I have made some friends, not many but hopefully that will change in time” You smiled slightly looking out at the ocean again, feeling yourself get distracted but not with anything in particular. "Well it’s your first day today so make sure to stay on your toes, but don't overwork yourself," Julie spoke while her mouth is full of sweet dough-like pastries, more focused on the icing coating the top of her lips, not realising that you have been spacing out this entire time. 
Thankfully you're good at multi-tasking and you chuckle at her comment, "It’s funny, people keep forgetting that I have worked at an aquarium before you know? It's not that much of a big deal." You sip your coffee but immediately placed it back down on the table, it was too sweet.
You look at your watch, realising its time to go. Plus, you would rather be at work than trying to have a normal conversation with her, you know she's trying but she's not your caretaker or mother, she doesn't need to try so hard.
As you walk through the entrance of the Aquarium you could immediately feel the difference in atmosphere from the other day. The busy environment that you knew so well back home at the aquarium suddenly felt familiar. The buzzing sounds of life engulfed the reception as many families and residents were chatting away while waiting in line. Kids nagging at their parents and young couples looking at each other lovingly while waiting in line.  There were not many people though as it was early, and it wasn't officially open for another 30 minutes. 
You walked past them towards the reception and saw Seokjin who looked busy talking to the people in line. He glanced over at you and he made an expression as if he remembered something.
"Ah Y/N, Jimin told me to tell you to wait for him at the food court at the bar. You'll be working with him today. Taehyung is meant to be here, but he called in sick". You nodded, silently chuckling to yourself as Taehyung probably just called in sick because he was "too busy" or had some "emergency". While in reality, he's probably watching a new season of a drama he recently got addicted to. 
You head your way to the food court after you say goodbye to Seokjin. It seemed quiet in the food court but simultaneously busy as workers prepared for the day. You could see some workers running around in their little cafes or tourist shops as you walk towards the main bar. You could hear your heels hit the glassy floor, echoing as it bounced off the wall of the gigantic room. 
The bar had no one in it. You suppose it didn't open till later in the day. It was weird to you, you have never seen an Aquarium that had a bar before. Mind you, you never really travelled anywhere so you wouldn't know if it's a common thing to have at Aquariums. 
You sat on the stool, looking at the giant tank circling the entire food court, acting as a wall around the large room. You tried to look through it to see how far it went but all you could see was the light blue ocean that seemed almost endless. Some small school fish could also be seen swimming in the tank. It felt as though you were in the middle of the ocean. All alone. 
In contrast to the light blue colour that is seen throughout the rest of the room, the small tank that was built into the wall behind the bar looked darker and overgrown. It was a very small square tank that resembled a small window. You could barely see through it, a thick layer of algae covering the glass, it looked so dark in there. Maybe it was connected to another section of the aquarium, perhaps it even descended underground?
You shivered and looked around the food court, were you being watched? You could feel the sudden nervousness tingling throughout your body.
It was a weird feeling that came upon you, an icy cold feeling of loneliness like the air had suddenly shifted. The voices of the other workers in the food court were drifting away and you were slowly slipping away from reality. An alluring voice crept into your ear, singing an enchanting but hypnotising harmony. Somehow you could sense that it wasn't one of the workers for the voice sounded too angelic, too sweet to even be real. Your bones were chilled as you sensed the familiar feeling of cold strong arms enveloping around your waistline and chest as if you were reliving the moment by the cliff. You could physically feel it, its touch… his touch. Closing your eyes, you could feel the cold sharp wind from that moment above the water as it brushed against your cheeks. The creature’s hot breath giving you some type of warmth in the moment, yet it felt unknown to you. Mortality was clutching you in its hands, but you felt so safe. Like it was saving you despite drowning you at the same time. 
You shook your head, awaking from the trance that you were in. Glancing back over at the tank behind the bar and you saw a dark figure in the water. It stayed there looking through the algae ridden glass. You could only see a face, black and blue scales on its cheekbones and jaw. It looked human, but at the same time, you knew it wasn't. Its alluring golden eyes, shining in the water, staring into your own. Its eyes were soulless. 
By the time you blinked, it was gone.
You stood up, wanting to go closer to the small tank behind the bar. Making your way behind the bar, you were stopped by a strong hand pulling your shoulder back. "What are you doing here?" You turned to see a man who held your shoulder with a firm grip, his eyes staring straight into yours.
Oh, if looks could kill.
"I uhh.." Your mind went blank as you stepped back a bit, away from the man. He looked annoyed while you struggled to let the words out. By this time, you forgot what just happened moments ago.
"Answer my question" He spoke quietly but sternly, letting go of your shoulder but moving a step closer to make sure you can't run away. 
"I was waiting for-" 
"Yoongi-Hyung, what are you doing?? Leave the poor girl alone, you'll give her a heart attack" You sighed in relief as you saw Jimin walk up to the bar. 
'You know this girl?" He spoke in a serious tone, you remembered what Taehyung said earlier about the Bartender, I guess this is him.
Jimin nodded, leaning on the bar. "Her name is Y/N, she's the new recruit Hoseok was telling us about" Jimin looks over at you with a charming smile while you take the opportunity to escape the bar and onto Jimin's side. 
Yoongi looked at you and then back at Jimin, "well get outta here will you, the aquarium opens up soon”.  
You nodded and Jimin just smirks before looking over at you "Come on Y/N, we have a busy day ahead of us" He stands up, grabbing your hand, giving you his signature smile before leading you out of the food court and down the hall.
Third Person POV
"I can't believe we are opening up the aquarium a day after we caught it, what if it escapes?!" Hoseok looked down at the ground continuously tapping his foot on the ground as he leaned on the bookshelf in the office. Namjoon sat there in the chair in front of him. 
"Don't worry, it can't escape" Namjoon reassured him and then continued. 
"We have reason to believe it got stuck in an old tunnel filled with water that was built throughout the aquarium. We constructed the tunnel ages ago for the public and we were going to add glass windows to it, so you can look through the tunnel. However, the construction wasn't going as planned and we halted the idea." 
"So, it's just swimming in a small tunnel throughout the aquarium walls with no way out? Like a maze? In pitch-black darkness?" Hoseok widened his eyes, he never heard of such a thing. 
"You have nothing to worry about, the tunnel that he swam through to get in the aquarium was connected to the ocean, but we blocked it off as soon as we found out he swam in it. He's stuck in there." 
"Are you certain? Have you swum through the tunnel yourself? How do you know there's no other way he can reach the other aquariums for the public to see?" Hoseok said, his voice raised. He walked up to the front of the desk, his hands crossed, Namjoon could sense his doubt radiating off of him. 
"Before this place was opened to the public, I got some divers to check it out, it has no pockets or windows. It's pitch black down there" he tried to reassure Hoseok again. Namjoon looked up at Hoseok and he nodded, uncrossing his arms. 
"Let's hope he doesn't go too crazy down there, we'll have to get him out soon." He continued, "Oh, by the way, Jackson called. He said yes to the deal." Hoseok 
"Good. We will prepare the creature for transport soon".  
It was a busy day. 
You sat off to the side as Jimin stood in his wetsuit on the platform of the dolphin's tank. He had a big smile stretched across his face as he instructed the dolphins while the crowd watched from the bleachers. With every flick of his hand, the dolphins would jump up in the air and the echoes of cheering would fill the small arena. You had a bucket of fish with you and you watched as each dolphin would come up to you after doing a trick. You sat on the side of the tank, you were visible to the public eye, but they weren't paying attention to you. It was sad really, you knew what went on in aquariums. How ironic that you want to be free yourself when working at an establishment that rejects freedom. You looked at the next dolphin that swam your way, it seemed weaker than the others. You went closer to the tank and sat on the edge. It slowly swam up to you, it was at that very moment that you saw a gash stretched out on its back. It wasn't bleeding, and you could easily see that it’s been there for a while.
You looked up at Jimin in worry although he didn't take notice. He held the microphone as he catered to the audience. You looked back at the dolphin and reached a fish from the bucket. Perhaps it was self-inflicted somehow. You heard that stuff can happen in aquariums. You watched the dolphin gently swim away, back down into the water, following the strict routine that was given to them before the show. 
After the show ended, you still couldn't get that dolphin out of your head. Its empty expression in its eyes is still burned in your mind. All the hope and optimism you once associated with dolphins was now gone. 
You stood there in the tiny tin room out the back of the aquarium near the dolphin tank, cleaning buckets of fish that were now empty. Jimin left you and went to go help another co-worker and gave you the task of cleaning out buckets that radiated the smell of decaying fish. You remember the innocent smile he gave you when he asked you for this little favour. It was your job, you couldn't say no - and he knew that. 
"Thanks, Y/N! I owe you" Jimin yelled out, waving his hand as he ran off. 
It was around 4 pm when you finished cleaning. Your body felt tired from the long day and you and Jimin were headed to the bar.
As you stepped into the food court the feeling you had before suddenly crept through your body. You shivered, and a sudden feeling of dread came upon you. It was weird, you didn't even think about the incident after it happened. Like you suddenly forgot about it. But now, as you slowly walk up towards the bar, you felt a chill encompassed around your bones. 
Jimin sat down on the stool on the bar and placed a hand under his chin. He looked up at Yoongi with a smirk, "So, how's business?". Yoongi took a glance up at the both of you and looked back down again, wiping the bar down. 
"It was pretty slow today. It was weird, I expected more people to come" Yoongi said quietly. You sat down next to Jimin and crossed your arms over the bar, letting your head rest gently on your arms. 
"Hey, I just cleaned that" Yoongi looked over at you but after the day you had, you couldn't care less. You replied with a monotone "sorry" but stayed in your current position. He could tell that you were tired and surprisingly enough, he didn't push it. 
"So, you remember that key I gave to you right? The one I found?" Jimin straightened up at Yoongi's words and looked over at you for a split second. 
"Yeah I remember, what about it?" Yoongi sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well I need it back" Jimin looked confused, "but I thought you found it, that it had no meaning to you. That's why you gave it to me in the first place"
Yoongi sighed, "To be honest it was actually Hoseok's. I was curious to know what it's for, so I gave it to you. I didn't realise you wouldn't tell me after you found out. Still, after all these years, you haven't told me! To think, I was the one who gave you the key in the first place". Yoongi grabbed a glass from under the bar and shoved some ice in it before filling it up with apple juice. He passed it to you as if to tell you that he still remembers that you're here.
Jimin rolled his eyes, "Yeah, you gave me the key because you were too lazy to figure it out on your own". 
"The point is, I need it. Where is it?" Yoongi looked somewhat anxious as he wiped down the bar for the third time. 
Jimin shrugs, reaching his arm over to take your drink from the table that you haven't touched.
It’s too sweet. He sipped it casually and looked over at you before landing his eyes towards Yoongi again. "I don't know, I threw it away, I found no use for it". 
Yoongi crossed his arms frowned, "that's bullshit, you are lying, and you know it, you've always been a bad liar". Yoongi then looks at you, your arms still crossed as you lay your head there, if they didn't know any better, they would have assumed you were asleep. Except you laid there, silently listening. 
Jimin then also frowns, "look I don't know what to tell you, it's been years since you gave me that thing. The truth is, I lost it." Jimin looks up at Yoongi but Yoongi scoffs. 
"So, you threw it away or lost it? Come on Jimin, just give it to me, I know you have it". Yoongi looked right through Jimin's eyes, you looked over at both of them, you could tell there was tension in the air. 
Jimin was silent and Yoongi sighed grabbing the drink that you obviously weren’t going to finish and pouring it into the sink before placing the glass in the dishwasher under the bar. 
Yoongi spoke quietly but you could tell that his words held a lot of weight, "Promise me". 
Jimin looked up, "I don't get why you are so obsessed with this key, I don't even have it!" 
"Promise me that you don't have it" Yoongi looked at him, his facial expression was the look of hurt more than anything. You could tell that there was more to this than what Yoongi was letting on. You sat there next to them, waiting for Jimin to spill the beans about giving the key to you.
Jimin was hesitant for a second before strongly responding, "I promise I don't have it." Yoongi stood there silent before nodding, mumbling a soft "sorry" under his lips before going back to cleaning the bar, even though he already finished. 
"I can't believe you lied for me," You spoke as you walked around the dolphin tank outside, Jimin walking beside you.
"I didn't lie. I don't have it. You do." Jimin smiled at you brightly, although you could tell that something was bothering him. You both kept walking before Jimin looked at his watch, "I'm sorry I got to go, feel free to stay here as long as you want, Namjoon doesn't mind us staying after hours. Although you do realise our shift ended an hour ago, right?" Jimin smiled brightly as he looked down at you, his eyes shining in the moonlight. 
You chuckled, "Yes I knew, I just like your company. Thanks for being there for me. I haven't known you long, but you made me feel comfortable on my first day" You smiled, it seemed like you and Jimin were going to become really good friends. 
"I'll always be here Y/N... Anyways I'll see you at work tomorrow yeah? Have a nice night" Jimin waved goodbye and walked away. 
You sighed, reaching for the key from your pocket. 
"Might as well check it out while I still can?" You thought. 
It was late, really late and you found yourself questioning Jimin's earlier statement about being allowed here after hours. You wandered through the halls of the aquarium, following the directions Jimin and Taehyung showed you last time, careful not to make any loud noises to gain any attention. 
The halls were cold, and you could hear were the sounds of your heels tapping against the hard floor. While walking, you felt your chest become heavy, looking around you started to hear weird sounds coming from the walls. You shrugged it off however, you've been in aquariums long enough to know that it could be anything and that it's never completely quiet. 
Finally reaching your destination you head down the metal steps. You've never been to this part of the building apart from when Jimin and Taehyung took you, you suppose it's for private personnel only. Continuing down the steps you reach the door to the moonpool, the sounds of water can be heard dripping and sloshing from behind. Inserting the keys and turning the metal handle you slowly walked inside. It was darker than the last time you saw it. What was surprising was the glow worms on the roof of the moonpool illuminating the moonpool and stone walls that surrounded it. You didn't see them during the day. They were beautiful.
Walking along the gravel towards the moonpool, you took off shoes your socks and placed your backpack next to the moonpool. You sat on the edge, dipping your legs in as you rolled up your pants, so they don't get wet. You closed your eyes, feeling the water reach up to your kneecaps. The water was lukewarm, and the smell of sea salt radiating off of it. 
What a long day. 
If you were being honest, all of this was too much for you. You never thought you would say this, but you miss home. You miss Marina's cooking and weirdly enough, you miss your mother. She hasn't called, even texted since you left. You felt like you thought this would be different, the people here are nice but every so often you get reminded about the flaws of this world, the treatment of animals, – the dolphin – the uneasiness you felt about Julie and her intentions. Even Jimin and Yoongi, you didn’t want to cause a fight between them because of some stupid key.
The water had suddenly started to turn cold, starting from your feet you feel a rush of icy water spread to your knees, eliminating any prior warmth you felt. The dripping stopped, the sloshing of the water halted. You opened your eyes curiously to see a figure from the other side of the moonpool staring right at you. You looked right in its eyes. Time stopped, and you could barely see anything else but the wide golden piercing gaze of the creature. You sat there frozen in place. You don't know how long you stayed like this for, but it took a while to realise what was happening. It didn't say a word, but you could tell by its knowing facial expression that it somehow knows who you are. Looking down in the now murky water you could see an outline of a human’s body, his muscles and broad shoulders prominent underneath the dark blue scales that stretched over its torso. You continued to examine the long outline of a tale - a big tale at that - with the front looking slimy however you could guess that the back of the tale was sharp enough to cut through any piece of flesh that it would encounter. One aspect of the creature that seemed almost beautiful were some parts of his scales that were brighter than others, acting as a highlighter around his cheekbones and arms. 
You didn't want to make any sudden movements, frightened that the creature would drag you under. Eat you. Kill you. You decided that it was now or never and spoke quietly under your breath, looking back up at its eyes that never left yours. "Hi, my name is Y/N". Your breath was shaky, and your lips were dry. 
"It probably can't even understand you," You thought to yourself. 
The creature stopped staring into your eyes and lowered its focus to your legs that were swaying in the water. You shivered, the cold air getting to you. Goosebumps appeared on your legs and arms and you could have sworn you sore the remnant of a smirk that appeared on its lips. 
You suddenly had an idea. 
Carefully, you looked up at the creature, "I'm just going to grab something out from my backpack, okay?" Slowly you stretched your arm out towards your backpack while maintaining eye contact with the creature. The creature stayed still, however you knocked something metal in your bag and it made a loud noise that echoed throughout the moonpool. The creature’s facial expression turned darker and it went full force towards you, grabbing your calves as it didn't let you go. It was close to your face, its golden eyes peering into yours as you could feel its grip and claws on your legs tighten, its body between your thighs leaning in on you. You breathed in slowly, feeling almost petrified, but somehow you knew the creature didn't mean any harm. It looked over at your hand that was inside your backpack. You waited a few seconds before slowly, lifting your hand out of the bag, to reveal a container of prawns that was meant to be your lunch today. 
The creature's grip loosened from your calves as it watched you open the container, taking a prawn before slowly reaching over to the creature's lips. One of its hands let go of your calf as it held your hand, guiding it towards its lips before it opened its mouth biting the prawns head off. You looked at the creature, a little startled. Its teeth were sharper than a normal human, like razors. In fact, you looked closely at the details of the creature's face, noticing the similarities to that of a human. Everything was the same except for the scales on the sides of his face, neck and on his cheekbones. The outline of his eyes was darker though, making his golden eyes brighter than usual. It had brown locks of hair, wet but you could see it was starting to dry. He resembled a male in his 20s.
He finished the prawn quickly and looked back at the container, wanting more. You spoke softly, "have more if you would like". 
He looked down at your hand and then back up at you as if it was asking you to feed him again. His grip on one of your calves was softer and you could feel his thumb running circles over your calf. You grabbed another prawn, reaching over to his lips as he was careful not to cut your fingers with his teeth as he ate the prawn. 
You sat there, feeding him the rest as he grew more comfortable around you. His hand reached out of the water towards the gravel next to your thigh as he spelled out the words "Jungkook" on the gravel. 
"Jungkook?" You questioned, "is that your name?". Jungkook looked up at you before placing his hand on your thigh. 
"Yes", he answered. Your eyes widen in shock, you didn't think he could understand you. You frowned and asked him curiously, "could you understand me this whole time?". 
He smirked slightly, "I'm not the best at this human language but yes, yes I could" He looked up at you, his eyes shining. You frowned, feeling a little messed around with since he could have at least answered you the many times you spoke to him. But then again you understood, he doesn't know you, and you don't know him. 
His grip on your calf and thigh tightened as he started to pull you in the water. You freaked, holding on to the edge of the moonpool. "Wait, wait, wait! I can't get these clothes wet and I uhh, have to get going soon..." Jungkook frowned but stopped pulling. He let go of you. 
"Promise me you'll come back?" He looked at you with a sad expression, lowering himself in the water. 
You looked down at him as you took your legs out of the water and grabbed your bag with your shoes and socks.
"I promise"
AN: I know I haven’t updated, but I do really wanna update more. I feel like this chapter was a good one, give me some feedback? :)
tags:  @mjlock​
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echo-of-sounds · 4 years
personal care
Small headcanons about personal care with Aizawa, Toshi, Hizashi, Fatgum, and Gang Orca.
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Aizawa Shouta
Cologne scent: Oak and honey. It’s warm, light, sensual, while still being masculine.
He buys those ‘gift sets’ that contain shampoo, body wash, cologne, and other personal care items. It’s easier than buying all the individual items. And that way, there are no conflicting scents. 
Please, buy him beard softener. He won’t ever think of getting it. You should throw in some lotion and chapstick too. His overworked, rough skin will thank you. Plus, hugging and kissing him will be much more enjoyable. 
Shouta has split ends and doesn’t care. He uses shampoo and conditioner and that’s enough for him. It will take a great deal of urging from you and Hizashi for him to put in more effort. And even then, he’ll buy the most basic, cheapest, repairing shampoo that doesn’t work that well. Go to the store with him to make sure he gets something that actually works.
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Yagi Toshinori
Cologne scent: Cedar, rosewood, and vanilla. It’s woody with a simple, sweet underlayer.
Toshi dislikes overwhelming scents so he doesn’t spray much cologne. You’ll only smell it when you hug him. His shampoo and soap are unscented. As long as they get the job done, he’s fine with it.
He uses a lot of lotion. It’s moisturizing for all his scars and calluses. Though after all his years of Hero work, parts of his hands and legs remain coarse. Some time into your relationship, he'll hand you the lotion and ask with a giant blush if you could apply it for him. It’s a sign of his absolute trust.
He could stand a soak in the bathtub. Set him up with a face mask and a hot bubble bath and he’ll be more relaxed than he’s been in a while. He rarely takes the time to do anything like that so you’ll have to motivate him. 
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Yamada Hizashi
Cologne scent: Leather and fruit. Leather has a rich, smokey scent. And, with neroli, bergamot, or grapefruit, there’s a citrus overtone that gives a lighter, gentler smell.
Other scents: Coconut for lotions, haircare, and soaps. It reminds him of the beach and makes him hungry.
So much care is put into his hair. Some days he spends upwards of an hour fixing his hair- brushing, oiling, washing, conditioning, applying masks, styling it, anything. You’ll have to hurry him up every now and then because he loses track of time. If you want or need a hand with your hair care, he’s ecstatic to help.
After a difficult day, he likes to be pampered. Brush and wash his hair. Take extra time massaging coconut oil into his scalp or rubbing aloe through his strands. The product he wants depends on his mood.
He totally uses makeup when he performs or goes to any expensive, public event. Now, he doesn’t coat his face, but there’s notable eyeliner, lipstick, and eyeshadow. He has numerous types of face cleansers and face masks that he’ll share with you whenever you want a night in filled with cookies, movies, and self-care. 
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Toyomitsu Taishiro
Cologne scent: Spicy but sweet. Something like dark coffee with a chocolate and caramel underlayer. Or nutmeg and saffron with a hint of vanilla. It’s masculine and sweet. Just like him!
If you’re good at massages, he’ll definitely take one. You can use any oils or lotions. He’s open to trying ones that target pain, especially after a fight where he burns through his fat. His muscles are left weak and tight. He also loves going to the hot springs to help his pain.
He’s never tried any face masks but he’s very willing to- more so if it’s one of the chocolate kind. You’ll have to keep shooing him away while you make it. He’ll grab the yogurt and avocado before you can mix them in.
Most of Tai’s skin is fine but his hands are rough. They’re his main weapon and he’s constantly washing them because he eats a lot of finger food (he won't risk getting sick by letting any germs in his mouth). A good pair of nail clippers and extra-strength lotion would go a long way. 
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Gang Orca
Cologne scent: Sandalwood and driftwood with sea salt. It’s rich and woody but not overpowering because it’s still soft and a teensy bit sweet.
Natural scent: Kugo doesn’t generally use cologne. He has a natural salty scent. It isn’t like sweat. It’s that feeling you get when you’re on a three-hour drive and salt suddenly fills the air, signaling the ocean is near. It’s distant and comforting.
He rarely uses lotion because he doesn’t need it. However, when there are long periods of seriously dry weather, his skin dries as well. And since his skin is sensitive, he uses a gentle, moisturizing lotion to keep it smooth and hydrated.
His teeth brushing routine is different from others. He sometimes brushes them multiple times a day and uses an abundance of toothpaste to prevent bad breath. No one’s ever said he has it. It’s just a little fear that lingers in the back of his mind. 
Baths are obviously his favorite. He has a giant tub that he fills with bath salts and water softeners. It’s good for his skin and muscles. He’ll spend a while in there, occasionally hoping you’ll come to join.
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edwardquill13 · 3 years
10 Greatest Jordan Excursions & Vacation Packages 2021
• For the overnight keep at Wadi Rum you will want to carry your private objects corresponding to towel, toothbrush, and heat clothes as it gets chilly in the desert at night time in winter times. With a dedicated staff of native journey consultants and stellar popularity among shoppers Egypt Tours Plus is the sensible choice when planning your travel in Egypt and the Middle East. Ajloun Castle – Built within the 1100s, it is certainly one of the hottest of all Jordan vacationer sights due to its history and sweetness. The Dead Sea – The most well-known lake on the planet, that is also the most saline. Shared with Israel, this body of water is lined with mineral deposits that provide therapeutic mud baths, and a float in the salty water is not to be missed. The metropolis of Madaba is understood for its wonderful collection of historical mosaics. Take a stroll across the city to scout out these handcrafted items of the past that are scattered throughout Madaba’s churches, museums and houses. View from Mount Nebo in JordanWith three full-days of guided tour time, this Jordanian highlight tour will take visitors to an incredible array of the region’s most historic sites. The resorts would not benefit from offering a reduction to solo travelers when the rooms could possibly be occupied by 2 individuals at a normal price. During the off-season, some resorts lower the prices as a cause for the decreased demand since they have numerous beds when the demand is not too high. • You could must purchase Jordan Pass earlier than arriving at Jordan if you finish up spending greater than 3 nights in the country as it will waive out visa entry charges and embrace 41 completely different websites in Jordan. As-Salt – Alexander the Great based this historic metropolis, and it performed a key function in the development of commerce within the area. Madaba – Here you find the superb City of Mosaics, in addition to the St. George Orthodox Church. Jordan Park Salt Lake City Bicyclists ought to name out when passing hikers, and keep in mind that not everyone on the path can hear you, especially if they're wearing headphones or earbuds. Hikers ought to walk or stand to the best so bicyclists can pass safety; attempt not to take up the entire trail when mountaineering. Jordan Woods reopened in the spring of 2013 following improvements funded by the 2008 bond measure. The 18-acre site is located is off of NW Reeves St. within the Cedar Mill neighborhood, north of Hwy. 26, close to the intersection of NW Cornell Rd. and NW Cedar Hills Blvd. Come into Dallas on East Ellendale Ave and follow the street to the left and follow it down the hill. To get to the Roger Jordan Community Park, take LaCreole Drive to Walnut Avenue. There is parking along the north fringe of the park on Walnut, as properly as subsequent to the Aquatic Center off LaCreole Drive. To get to Central Bark from Southeast Miller Avenue, flip north onto Southeast Alderson Drive, after which east onto Southeast Juniper Avenue. The Dallas City Park is open yr spherical with a summer season reservation season. MPRB has introduced coming improvements to Jordan Park beginning in 2022. Updates will embrace changing the park's current pool and including restrooms and a variety of pool facilities, as proven in the draft concept plan pictured below. In 1997 the park board added a mixture soccer and football field to be used by the park and school. Jordan ParkThis North Minneapolis park had current renovations, together with newly planted trees and new playground tools. In Regards To The Temple Similarly, Israel has nothing to achieve from the presence of any affect other than Jordan’s at the Temple Mount. The agreement additionally reaffirmed Jordan’s decision to disengage from the West Bank in 1988, other than the holy sites. When Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967, then-Minister of Defense Moshe Dayan determined that it will be best if the Jordanian Ministry of Awqaf continued to manage the positioning to be able to keep away from any bigger battle with the Islamic world. Jordan asks Israel to keep up that association, which was legally and formally enshrined by the Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty, signed in 1994. Article 9 of the treaty stipulates that “Israel respect the current special function of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem. Netanyahu dedicated to maintain the established order and to only allow Jews to go to the site, whereas ensuring Muslims’ unique rights to pray there. In October 2015, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu declared overtly and unequivocally that Jews have been banned from praying on the Temple Mount, something which no previous prime minister had said in Israeli history. That was my favorite shrine in Kyoto, and so different from every thing else. Row after row of torii climbing up and down via the wooded hills – gorgeous! There are the other places nearby which are full of temples and after some time they all just become a giant blur. I was attempting to consider what I had carried out that week and I was getting confused about which temple was by which place. “Petra is a large website, and we chose the name for our article [‘Hiding in plain sight’] precisely because, although this is lower than a kilometer south of the main city, earlier surveys had missed it,” she stated. Explore the ruins of the ancient Islamic city of Ayla, which was the first Islamic metropolis exterior the Arabian Peninsula, and is known as the Door to Palestine. The metropolis served as a station for pilgrims heading in the direction of the Holy cities and Mecca. You'll then continue further south to the city of Aqaba which is situated close to the Red Sea. Listed Beneath Are Essentially The Most Blissful Sizzling Springs Close To The Gila National Forest If your tattoo is simply too giant to be concealed, one option is to take a private onsen room so no one will know you could have tattoos. Eating nice Japanese food after an onsen expertise is icing on the cake. A hot meal like hot pot that comes with beer and dozens of small programs is the preferred. Just by looking on the way they are gracefully served your eyes will be delighted, let alone your belly is nicely warmed. [newline]Place the towel on your head or on the facet of the bathtub as you soak. If your towel accidentally drops into the bathtub, take it out rapidly and wring it outside the tub. After you end the bath, dry off your physique with the towel and quietly exit. We lately visited the Tofino Hot Springs and had been blown away by the whole experience. The easiest way to get to Halfway River Hot Springs is to drive there from Revelstoke, BC, an amazing journey journey vacation spot. It’s about 90km from Revelstoke, with the last 11km on a gravel forest service street. If you get the chance to go to any of those fantastic locations, the most important thing to note is to wear darkish colored swimming clothes and use a darkish towel. The orange colour will get on your pores and skin and it doesn’t easily wash out of clothing or materials. Swimwear and towels are important and bathing caps are also required for the indoor pool. The baths are open day by day 6am to 8pm with the final entrance at 7pm. Hart Mountain Hot Springs is located in Southern Oregon within the Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge space, 67.4 miles northeast of Lakeview. To get to Bagby, follow Highway 224 to Ripplebrook Guard Station. Then follow Forest Service Road forty six for 4 miles to the junction with Forest Service Road 63. Turn proper and comply with Road 63 for 4 miles to Forest Service Road 70. Turn proper onto Road 70 and observe it for 6 miles to the Bagby Trailhead. Museums The second corridor showcases archeological discoveries courting from the tip of the primary century BC till the sixth century AD. The Third Hall incorporates bronze statues, pottery, buying and selling cash, ornaments, jewelry, and a group of pottery lamps. The ruins of this Byzantine church date again to 568, and it was restored in 1993. The mosaic that adorns the church's flooring is named the "Personification of the Sea" mosaic. It depicts a lady rising from the ocean who is surrounded by legendary aquatic creatures, in addition to rams, bulls, parrots, and unique vegetation. Overlooking each the South Park Blocks and SW Broadway, the museum occupies 7,500 square feet over two flooring, with state-of-the-art galleries providing free and accessible art experiences to students and the general public. It will function artwork by Portland and Northwest artists, college, and college students in addition to exhibitions by nationwide and worldwide artists. If you need to see what Middle Eastern artwork is all about, head to the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts. The small but mighty museum showcases works from all over the world, with explicit attention to Jordan and its surrounding region. The permanent collection accommodates more than 2,800 works, including paintings, multimedia creations, pictures, weaving, and sculptures, and symbolize artists from more than 60 countries. The Dennings’ generosity extends to establishing Denning House, hub of the Knight-Hennessy Scholars, which contains up to date artwork in the day by day expertise of the students. Love's profession as an architectural historian, educator and museum curator spans more than 20 years. LOCATION The Best Adventure Activities In Jordan Near the trendy metropolis of Aqaba, tropical waters provide a home for spectacular coral reefs and a myriad of reef fish, eagle rays and turtles. Cycling just isn't a well-liked pastime or means of transportation within the metropolitan cities of Jordan, but cycling fanatics ought to positively tackle the Jordan Bike Trail. Beginning near the northern border with Syria, this 730km mixed-surface biking route stretches to the southernmost metropolis of Aqaba – making its means through dust trails and backroads. The trail takes riders through the Ajloun Forest Reserve – one of many final endemic oak forests in the Middle East – and on via dramatic canyons and desert landscapes. Many visitors stroll or drive through this rugged landscape, but by horseback would possibly simply be the method in which to go. I am the happiest when on a hiking path, biking path, or crusing boat. And when http://www.fondaspeedway.net to retire for the evening, personal tents shall be waiting to provide an excellent night time's sleep. Over night, Wadi Rum is incredibly quiet and peaceful, making it the right place for a camping experience. Others could be tempted to suppose that the sights of Jordan are restricted to the Pink City of Petra and its treasury. Well, you couldn’t be extra mistaken as there are many issues to do in Jordan that can catch your breath. Fall Meals Festivals Round West Jordan, Ut "We're excited that we're going to have the ability to throw a celebration and be succesful of be as protected as possible, and have the flexibility to have music and convey the neighborhood collectively," Velishek stated. "It's all about community — and celebrating our heritages and cultures, and bringing extra of a sense of community to Jordan." Velishek mentioned the event offers a possibility to have fun the range of Jordan. If you have a subscription, please log in or sign up for an account on our web site to continue. The tenth annual event for the Hospitality and Foodservice sector. The new impartial spaces are the best places for music lovers now, together with Al-Balad Theater, Jadal Culture and Maestro Bar. These are spaces where artists can communicate directly with audiences and showcase their new work regularly. Al-Balad Theater, the Al Balad Music Festival organizer, established a radio application specialized in showing young Arab artists’ work on smartphones called Tamasi Al Balad Radio. Indeed, the truth that it's organized and managed entirely by volunteers - together with a 400-strong contingent of scholar ushers from Yarmouk University makes its success outstanding. There are a number of common tasks embraced by the pageant, such as the country choir between Egypt and Jordan, which carried out at the second 12 months of the competition in 2011. There’s additionally Kaza-Mada, a project which introduced together 4 artists from four Arab countries in an experimental music project. There are many local, Arab bands which have been launched to the basic public by the competition. Young Arab music map found many younger artists and bands who participated within the competition such as Reem Banna, Tamer Abu Ghazaleh, Dina El Wadidi, Emel Methlothy, Tania Saleh and Mounir Troudy, and this is crucial objective and role of the festival. The profitable and revered band El Morabba3 was one of many first bands to participate within the first 12 months of the festival in 2009 and launched their debut album. All the performances are held in English and Arabic languages. Ring within the holidays with a month packed filled with exciting actions and occasions to make everlasting memories with household and pals in Dallas. Many used belts to either grab with their hands to pull themselves up, or to step in and use as footholds during the greased pole climb on the Jordan Fall Festival in 2018. Seven-year-old Natalie Walsh, of Elbridge, right, reaches out as she makes an attempt to climb a greased pole on the 2016 Jordan Fall Festival. A crowd watches as members of the team Division Three tackle the greased pole climb contest during the 2014 Jordan Fall Festival. Pat Ely, of Elbridge, struggles at the backside of his team’s first try on the greased pole climb at the Jordan Fall Festival in 2010. Their staff, Last Chance, received the men’s division with a top of 24.5 toes. Shop In Amman, Jordan Typical Souvenirs Of The Nation Stock Photograph Qadeem Showroom ItemsAnother nice pottery design studio near 2nd circle is Qadeem. They sell plates, bowls, and low sets amongst different fascinating objects. The ceramics studio combines fantastic pottery with vivid colours and great designs. Stroll within the traditional downtown space providing cheaper merchandise and a cultural expertise, and one of the final place the place you'll be able to try your bargaining abilities in Jordan. Or seek for the most recent fashion in designer boutiques in Shmeisani or Abdoun. Here’s what to search for when purchasing for a bit of Jordan to take residence. Rugs, wall hangings, and pottery sit on display in a memento store in Madaba, Jordan. Although the Greeks and Italians would possibly tell you that their olive is the most effective, Jordanian olive comes pretty close to being probably the greatest around. Indeed a bottle may fetch you a pretty penny, but when you try some Ajloun olive oil, you’ll understand why. Ajloun is an space in Northern Jordan known for its olives, and the freshly pressed stuff is what you’ll want. The olive harvest happens within the fall, and you’ll know the oil is freshly pressed by the cloudiness of the bottle. I even have always been a information book person and physically having that guide in your hand as you plan your day, along with blogs like this one, might help immensely. Pick up a Lonely Planet Guide to Jordan earlier than your trip to Jordan. They supply aggressive costs and are known to supply a number of the nicest wanting gold within the Middle East. Motels, Cafes And Eating Places Of Jordan As a traveler to Jordan, you’re missing out on a fundamental facet of Jordanian tradition if you fail to go to a minimum of a couple of these cafes here in Amman. To assist you to, we at Zaman Tours have listed 12 of the best cafe across many different areas in Amman, which means you’ll have the ability to decide the one that works finest for you relying in your finances, location, and expectation. I also had kunafa and Turkish coffee, which had been delicious. Staff was pleasant but not attentive - quite a quantity of were smoking hookah within the nook or going outside for some cause and had been onerous to flag down. Coffee houses also serve gentle drinks and a variety of seasonal natural teas, including mint, fennel, fenugreek, thyme, sage and camomile. In colder seasons at espresso houses and street-stands, you’ll come throughout the winter-warmer sahleb, a thick milky drink made from a ground-up orchid tuber and served extremely popular sprinkled with nuts, cinnamon and coconut. The most cost-effective price range diners will generally only have one or two main dishes on view – fuul, stew with rice, roast chicken and the like – however you possibly can nearly always get hummus and salad to fill out the meal. Captain's is one other option—it's undoubtedly touristy, so do not be shocked by the worth level and sunburned households, but the seafood is recent and reliably tasty. Similar to mansaf, you'll want to cross your fingers for an invite into a Jordanian residence to try an genuine version of this specialty. Or better yet, invite yourself over by reserving a meal or homestay experience—try working up an urge for food with an organized hike in the Ajloun Forest Reserve before having fun with lunch with your information and his household. Another option is to take a standard cooking class;Beit Sitti in Amman has maqluba as one menu possibility, and after studying from knowledgeable chef, you'll have the ability to recreate the dish for family and friends back home. Enjoy Amman Markets We have skilled consultants on the ground who will help clients to higher perceive the Jordan market and develop revenues in Jordan. Knoema, an Eldridge business, is probably the most complete supply of world decision-making knowledge in the world. Our tools allow individuals and organizations to discover, visualize, mannequin, and present their data and the world’s knowledge to facilitate better choices and better outcomes. For these trying to get pleasure from an authentically Jordan expertise, a go to to a minimum of one or many of the markets in Amman is a great way to mingle with locals and purchase some souvenirs. We present market and survey analysis companies in most of the world’s most difficult-to-research nations, including Jordan. Edison has been conducting research research in Jordan, both nationally and in Amman, since 2002. We have carried out media, client and government initiatives and have experience in quite a lot of research methodologies. If you wish to expertise plenty of issues at once, then Rainbow Street is an ideal spot for you. With one of the visited buying streets in Jordan, Turkish coffee is type of in style here. The market stalls are crammed with brightly coloured, contemporary vegetables and fruits and is a superb place to pick up a fast snack or taste some local goods. Visitors to the market in Amman can benefit from the vibrant odor, a few samples and entertaining interactions with the distributors who are friendly and warm. Souk el-Khodra is a marketplace for fresh produce with a variety of the finest greens and fruit in Amman. What makes the Souk el-Khodra so appealing is that much of the produce is native, seasonal and inexpensive. Intraday Data provided by FACTSET and subject to terms of use. A strained healthcare system and low vaccine registration may impede financial restoration. Discover our connected view of how Covid-19 will influence global markets in both the short and longer-term. Twenty eight homeowners of stalls at the Abdali flea market pleaded not guilty on Thursday when their trial opened on the State Security Court . She mentioned that within the past two markets held earlier this year which they organised, a total of 200 members took half in each market, with greater than four,000 guests flocking to them. Browse millions of high-quality stock photographs, illustrations, and videos. King Abdullah II has championed authorities efforts to implement economic and political reforms, but implementation has been gradual. Journey To Jordan With Indagare Insider Journeys Winter can be fairly cold and the desert can be freezing at night. The month of Ramadan could be tricky, as guests are inspired to respect local customs and never eat, drink, or smoke in public. You can see most of Jordan’s main websites and attractions in a week-long trip. This will provide you with enough time to discover Petra, Wadi Rum, the Dead Sea and Amman. You may even organize to keep with a local family by way of the Jordan Tourism Board for a very immersive experience. This is the oldest map of the holy land on earth, presenting a tasteful format of biblical nations. Visit myriad points of interest right here such as Memorial Viewpoint, The King's Highway Portrait, and the museum - La Storia Tourism Complex. Once your day trip is culminated, return to the hotel in Amman and slip into your cozy beds for a relaxing sleep. Our travel consultants know a factor or two about their destinations they usually've put together their favourite locations by month and defined what makes them so special. I hope our guide has been helpful in case you are considering of planning a visit to Jordan with kids. Take a jeep tour and bounce via the desert with the sun in your face and the wind whipping your hair. We know every couple is different, and that is why reserving a custom-made trip with Scott Dunn will make positive you take benefit of your time traveling, no matter sort of trip you want. Whether you want that perfect seashore vacation when you know households won’t be in resort, to an adventure taking you off-the-beaten monitor in style, we are able to craft one thing completely unforgettable. Lindsay Nieminen hails from Vancouver, Canada and shares her love of travel on her adventurous family journey weblog Carpe Diem OUR Way and Step into Jordan. She is keen about exhibiting others that they should not postpone touring the world simply because they have young kids or are single parents. Michael Jordan Underground Amman Tour is a FREE strolling tour of Amman's hip hop and road artwork scene. Your eyes will be opened to an usually hidden or underground inventive expression in Amman that we hope will give you a new perspective and understanding of this historical metropolis. And the sneakers that bear his name carry the same status. With three seconds left on the clock, Jordan takes the inbound cross, drives left, and rises above the outstretched hands of his defender Craig Ehlo. Jordan freezes himself in time and momentarily hangs in the air, while his would-be foe’s momentum carries him away. The Bulls star finally shoots, scores, and celebrates with a sequence of fist pumps, whereas Ehlo and different Cavs players crumple to the floor in agony. His purple Bulls jersey and his sneakers have become cultural artifacts. Life expectancy is sixty-seven years for mens and seventy years for women. All college students are required to take an extensive examination known as Tawjehieh before graduating from secondary faculty and as a prerequisite for entering universities and faculties. The prime female and male students attend state universities and numerous private colleges. Extended household ties govern social relationships and tribal group. Since 1951, Jordan has been a constitutional hereditary monarchy with a parliamentary type of government. It is politically steady, with freedom of faith, the press, and personal property guaranteed. Amman Jordan Nightlife High Decision Stock Photography And Pictures If you’re within the Old Fourth Ward there’s Venkman’s for everything from funk to yacht rock . Then you'll find blues at either Northside Tavern in West Midtown or Blind Willie’s in Virginia-Highland, and a variety of rock, alternative, country, and acoustic at Smith’s Olde Bar. Since COVID first threw a wrench into all of our plans final year, many restaurants have drastically reduce their hours, however fortunately, Atlanta nonetheless has you coated. You can get your late-night fix from 24/7 diners like Landmark and new late-night choices like the Slutty Vegan on Edgewood, and of course, there’s always a Waffle House close by. It’s most likely secure to say that going out for drinks is the most well-liked nighttime move for everyone ages 21 and up, however that doesn’t mean you have to settle in your typical neighborhood bar. This 12 months alone, Atlanta’s bar scene has gotten an enormous improve, and two of probably the most beautiful new watering holes are JoJo’s Beloved and The Bar at the Illuminarium. It has a scrumptious cuisine, an excellent tourist infrastructure – with some great lodging and educated guides – and beneath the a lot revered royal household, a stable authorities. Throughout its quick historical past, Jordan has bucked the developments of its neighbours; by welcoming the international traveller with open arms, and gallons of candy mint tea, in many ways it continues to do so. Amman is the capital of Jordan and is located between the desert and the fertile Jordan River Valley. Spread over a number of hills, residents and guests alike have great panoramic views of the town and past at every turn. As should you needed extra reasons to plan your subsequent go to, here’s our prime 6 for why Jordan belongs high in your travel bucket record. Join Matador’s CEO Ross Borden and Creative Director Scott Sporleder as they immerse themselves in the tradition, bask in local eats, explore the notorious Petra, and expertise everything this secure country has to supply. Strikers Entertainment Centre is the place it's at for anyone looking for one thing to do within the Shmeisani space. With a variety of activities including bowling, billiards, darts, ping pong, and air hockey, there is enough right here so that you just can spend a day and an evening without getting bored!
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chromatic-lamina · 4 years
seaside and floaties one piece fanfic excerpt
Just feeling a bit anxious at the moment with real-life obligations, and posting some of my AO3 stuff relieves it a little. This is Marco/Law not swimming, but doing their best to stay in the water. Light humour. They’ve got a one-eyed, short-haired, stumpy, barrel-chested dog called Misery, and a bunch of thieves who steal wallets buried in the sand. 
Post-canon AU, but powers retained, and canon elements. SFW. 
You wouldn't think a one-eyed creature could swim so well."
"Anything swims better than us."
Marco wrapped an arm around Law's waist and drew him near. Law, arms crossed, turned his head Marco’s way for a beat. Steadied his footing. Looked back as Misery paddled out into the sea, picked up a stick thrown for her and swam back in. The salt water had to taste bad.
She loved the ocean. So did they of course, and they could stay afloat on top of it, in a vessel, or under it in a submarine, but they couldn't physically submerge themselves and let go and trust the water and currents to carry them from one point to the next. They'd drown.
She ran up to them, shaking droplets all over their hairy legs—board shorts were the order of the day, even if they only went in as far as their knees. Franky tried to convince them of the benefits of Speedos, but the two pirates were strangely modest. Plus, Robin might be lurking nearby and she had no mercy. Board shorts hid the fishing tackle a whole lot better.
They'd tether a floatie ring to the shore, or wear them themselves, tough guys be damned. The floaties looked particularly cute around Law's badassmotherfucker bicep tatts, and Marco never failed to snort as his lover inflated them and slid them along his muscled arms.
They were like city kids—fluent in the ways of back-alley streets, but pale and jelly-legged on sand or sea. Even if they'd spent their lives on it. On it. Under it. Not in it.
Law's gruff wheeze of a laugh joined Marco's. It didn't stop them.
Once, Law had chased down some bozos who'd taken off with their wallets, his wet boardies stuck to his thighs, yellow floaties (with Hearts' symbols) pumping up and down as he ran after them. Then he remembered his power and those kids never knew what hit them. Smoker had taken their statements and visited Law and Marco at home.
"Said a bunch of putzes..."
"Us?" Marco asked.
Smoker chomped on his cigar. That meant yes.
"Only two of us," the Phoenix added.
"Anyway, a galoot of galahs."
"Two, just two of us," Law corrected, "And the dog."
"I think they're using that word incorrectly," Marco murmured, turned his teacup. "Galoot. I think a galoot is a galah."
"Galoshes of galahs?" Law suggested.
"They're wellies. Wellington boots."
Marco looked at the window, all innocence, to avoid the devilment in Law's quick grin. He knew the Heart was imagining galoshes-wearing-galahs galooting in a downpour, like umbrella-twirling tap dancers.
Smoker glowered at them. "Some floatie-wearing hard-arse greenhorns dismembered them and dropped them on the foreshore."
"They lived to tell the tale?" Law asked, a tumbler mug of green tea in his hands disguising the curve of his lips. "They sound ghastly."
"Especially the floatie part." Marco bent under the table and scratched Misery's fur. She thumped her tail.
"The kids admitted they'd been trying to lift wallets."
"Do tell." Law and Marco had taken precautions and buried them in the sand while they paddled. Their possessions should have been safe. Who'd they think they were messing with?
"And so they're not pressing charges."
"But just be careful, Law, about separating people from their bodies."
"Is it illegal?" He thought stealing wallets also wasn't high on the list of judiciary approval.
Smoker knew if Law used his power, subjects wouldn't be hurt. "No, but it scares the fuck out of everyone."
There should be a law against it. Sent ripples of fear through the community. "If you two still wanna play pirates, do it on the wide open unchartered seas."
Recidivists. Not reformed in the slightest.
"Scares them even if we've got floaties on?" Law and Marco sent each other a glance, and had to look down at the table to stop a fit of unmanly giggles.
"We look pretty suburban." It pained Marco to say it, but it was true.
Smoker cracked a smile, quickly hidden by bitter coffee. One of the "victims" had taken a snap. Smoker almost expected the irate man bearing down upon them, yellow floaties prominent, to be wearing an Edwardian one-piece swimsuit, and to have a little jiggly beer belly.
"Well done," he growled, and ran his foot over Misery's hide, "Just how do you manage to threaten and protect while wearing floaties, of all the goddamned things?"
Marco looked at their tea-towel collection, at Law's tea-towel collection. Smoker really had to ask? "One of Trafalgar's many skills."
"We've got a rubber ring, Smo-ya. It's cute. Got daisies on it. Nami gave it to us."
Marco stood and walked to the kitchen. "Charged us, Law. We had to pay her for the pleasure." He brought back a mandarin each for all. Sat and peeled his, looked over to Smoker. "Sure, big guy. Next time you want to join us, just ask. You don't have to arrest a bunch of losers to impress us."
Law, earnestly leant forward on a Bepo-shaped pool float. Marco mixed the drinks at the poolside bar and Smoker rolled his cigars on the edge of an ashtray set up on his daisy-patterned float. Both fruit-users' stacked arms were encased in floaties. Smoker's bore the Marines' symbol.
Misery ran up and down the side of the pool, and it was Tashigi's job to fetch either one of them out of the water when they tumbled in. All it took was one point needing emphasis, one grown man leaning too far. There went the cigars, Law's do. Thank goodness for the floaties. And Tashigi.
Turning circles, Misery barked, and Marco for the life of him was sure she was laughing.
This is again from a dark fic (most of the excerpts are), and is actually from a dark chapter, so I’ll just post what’s above, but a link to my AO3 is in the header of the blog. Hope it can be enjoyed without the full context of the story or verse. 
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rayshippouuchiha · 4 years
Ohhh what about Kisame in calls him home au? It would be nice cause he doesn’t get nearly enough love
You know what? You’re right. Let’s see if we can fix that just a bit cause I do love me some Shark Boi™ …
There is a rage that burns inside of Kisame.
It’s always been there, just below the surface.  It’s a toothy, gnawing thing that thrashes and hungers and waits.
It has only grown larger over the years, teeth gone sharper and bite stronger with every new slight, glutted on the blood and the fear and the lies.
Kisame wears his titles, the ones others whisper with dread or scorn, with a vicious sort of pride and yet …
Kiri has always been his home but it’s not enough anymore.
Not now, not after everything.
Kisame knows who and what he is but his hands are thick and gummy with the blood of his own comrades now, their deaths ordered by a traitor Kisame hadn’t scented out until it was too late.
Something inside of him feels broken somehow and Kiri holds no more appeal for him now.
‘Sharks,’ Kisame can’t help but muse with something far too close to helplessness, ‘are meant for things like deep waters and dark seas, after all, not for mist.’
And in the end, after a life time spent in service to his village, it’s surprisingly easy for Kisame to pick up Samehada and just … leave.
He wanders south for a while, makes his way across Hagi Island and to the Sakuru Sea.  He changes directions eventually and crosses into Rice where he kills a Oinin Butai who comes for his head and the sword.
Kiri sends two more hunters, one that finds him in Tea and another who stumbles upon him as he’s passing through the thick forests on his way towards the hot springs that dot Yu.
Kisame kills the second one quickly but he leaves the third one in pieces with their headband shoved between their bloody teeth.
A warning.
Kiri stops sending hunters.
Kisame finds himself at the ocean time and time again.
Finds his feet drawn towards the scent of sea salt and deep deep waters.
There is a man with an offer, a vision.
Kisame listens.
He almost accepts.
But …
He turns his face towards the sea, imagines the scent of sun and salt, and he just …
Kisame wanders.
He makes his rounds through the Elemental Nations, kills a few people here and there, cashes in a few bounties with various brokers who don’t care if he’s a missing nin or not.
The thrill of a fight is still beautiful but it also feels … shallow for some reason.
Kisame wonders why.
Samehada has no answers.
He keeps moving.
He finds himself back at the shore again, finds himself staring out over a different ocean with the waves lapping at his sandals, the scent of sea-salt thick in his senses.
He’s somewhere passed Dansu, standing on the edge of the sea and debating between heading towards Yume or going back down towards Iwa and eventually Konoha and Kumo in the hopes of finding a decent fight.
In the hopes of finding something.
“I want to go home,” Kisame breathes the words out, lets himself have this moment of weakness with no one here to witness it but Samehada and the sea.
He isn’t talking about Kiri, not really.
Instead he just wants …
In front of him, almost as if in answer, the ocean surges.
The waves rush up the shore, crashing against his shines in an explosion of foam and strangely warm water.
For a moment it feels as if they’re tugging at his ankles, trying to draw him out into deeper waters.
‘Home,’ the sea breeze seems to whisper, seems to urge, ‘come home, little shark, come home, home, home.’
And Kisame?
Kisame listens.
Kisame’s not sure, exactly, what’s driving him or where.
All he knows is that this path doesn’t lead him back to Kiri.
All he knows is that he dreams about warm pink sands and blue blue blue waters he thinks he could happily drown in and sunlight glinting gold and warm and welcoming.
All he knows is that he wakes with the taste of sea-salt on his lips and golden sea-sun heating his skin and he wants.
He cuts a path through Earth and doesn’t bother skirting around Fire even if he’s no longer looking for a fight.
He still runs into the Hatake along the way though and he isn’t ashamed of the way he makes a strategic retreat.
Kisame might be a monster by his own right, might be a Biju without a tail, but …
There’s been rumors drifting around the Elemental Nations about the Hatake going feral.
Konoha has tried to hush them up but … well.
Besides Kisame’s in a hurry.
Plus, sharks?
Don’t mix so well with lightning.
So, yeah.
Kisame finds himself back at the shore.
He’s closer now to Kiri than he’s been in years.
And yet …
His attention turns in a slightly different direction.
‘Almost home,’ the sea seems to croon. ‘Almost there little shark, come home, home, home. Come make a home.’
Kisame drops his long since slashed headband in the sand, leaves his sandals somewhere near the shell line.
The sea surges up and takes the both of them away.
Kisame steps out onto the water and then he just … keeps walking.
Beneath him, behind him, before him and all around, the ocean laughs and laughs and laughs.
Kisame blinks, takes a moment, and then blinks again.
Standing in front of him, in a spot he could have sworn was empty just a second before, is a kid.
“I’m Naruto,” the boy says, “Uzumaki Naruto.  What’s your name?”
Kisame looks at this kid, at the shaggy golden hair and blue blue blue eyes and the chakra signature that suddenly glows like a small, wild sun against his senses and all he can say is …
“Hoshigaki Kisame.”
“Did she call you?” Naruto, an Uzumaki in the flesh, asks with something like knowing in his face.
“Yeah,” Kisame answers because it’s true.
“Well then,” Naruto holds out a hand in his direction, slender claw tipped fingers spread wide in invitation, “welcome home.”
And despite years of training, years of blood and battles and death and distrust, Kisame reaches out and takes that small hand in his own.
He steps forward out of the water and onto warm pink sand.
“Yeah,” he says gruffly, “it’s good to be here.”
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cuefunkymusic · 5 years
I am in a very sea slug related mood today, and I’m not sure why. Today is just a day for appreciating nudibranchs I suppose. Can I get a scenario for Pt.4 Jotaro and a close friend (s/o) looking around the coastline and finding some sea slugs and geeking out about them? Please. And thank you. :)
Hi this is very very late so my apologies! It kind of came out more as a short drabble than anything else tbh, plus I made it in two sittings with a time difference of a mONTh so i’m sorry if it’s not the best!!! I actually did research for this fic tbh hahgndsadas
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part 4 ! jotaro x reader // slugs by the seaside
word count: 944
under cut for length!
A/N- i did actual research for this thing LMAO like half of it is just marine professor jotaro™ teaching you things 
A gentle breeze blew, and the briny smell of the sea hung in the air. You carefully made your way through  the cluster of rocks by the shore, the waves gently crashing against those farther away from you.
“Hey, watch your step.” You felt Jotaro take your hand, his grip comforting to you. You turned to look over at him, a smile on your face.
“I was doing just fine on my own, but thanks.” You said, a playful tone in your voice. He frowned.
“You can never be too careful. Besides, I don’t want you tripping and falling onto one of these rocks. Those goose barnacles can really leave a scratch,” he said, your hand still in his. You watched as he stepped a bit farther in front of you, carefully navigating his way through the rocks in front of him.
“Just follow my lead,” he said, taking a step forward as you followed him. The two of you carefully stepped through the maze of rocks, more flat land not too far ahead of you.
Wind blew through the area every so often, and you could smell the sea salt on the breeze alone, which was oddly refreshing. You took in the atmosphere as you followed Jotaro, neither of you saying a word. You two almost made it there before you saw Jotaro suddenly stop moving, silent.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, squeezing his hand. He was silent for a few seconds, and did not return a squeeze of your hand. You were about to nudge his arm, but he instead let go of your hand as he crouched down on the rocks, his gaze fixated on something. Confused, you followed his lead, squatting to his level.
“Look over there,” He murmured, pointing at a very bright yellow creature that you recognized as a sea slug of sorts, submerged under a more shallow part of the water. In fact, there were multiple of them, all attached to the same rock.
You yourself weren’t even close to Jotaro’s level of expertise in the field of Marine Biology, but you still found all of the animals that he studied very interesting.
“Those are nudibranchs, aren’t they?” you guessed, remembering they were a species he had told you about.
“Yeah, they are,” he said, his arms crossed, glancing down at the tide pool. “Those are sea lemons.”You laughed. “Sea lemons? I’ve heard of those before, but I never thought the name would belong to a species of nudibranch.” You saw a smirk creep onto his face, his gaze still fixated onto the tide pool.
“I knew there would be some sort of ocean life on the coastlines of Morioh, but I didn’t think they’d be in such large numbers,” he said, running his hand through the water. You dipped your hand in as well, the cold water refreshing.
“Aren’t nudibranchs a type of sea slug?” You asked.“Well, while they are technically sea slugs, sometimes people get nudibranchs and sea slugs mixed up,” he paused, adjusting his cap with his dry hand.
“Just… good grief. They’re not the same animal.” he said, the last few words he spoke more of a mumble.
“What makes them different than most sea slugs, then?” You watched as he took a deep breath, and you knew that you were in for a talk with him.
“Well, for one, they’re in compleltey different taxonomic groups which aren’t closely related to sea slugs. They don’t have a mantle cavity, and their gills are almost always exposed.”He ran his hand through the water again, sending ripples through the pool. “It’s not visible with this species, but some species have objects that resemble tentacles sticking out from their bodies, which can differentiate them from sea slugs.”
You watched as he rolled up his jacket sleeve, sticking his hand into the water and grabbing one of the nudibranchs. As he pulled it out of the water, he cupped his hands so it sat in his palms, and stood up straight as you also stood up.“See this?” He turned the creature so its backside was facing you, and you could see something coming out from the back that looked like a series of frills. “Those are their gills. All nudibranchs are considered sea slugs, but not all sea slugs are considered nudibranchs. These gills are one way to tell if it’s a nudibranch or not.”
“Oh, that’s neat. I wouldn’t have known those were gills. They look so… fancy.”
“Well, that’s one way to say it, I guess.” He looked down at the slug, seemingly talking to it. “Time to put you back into the ocean, huh…”He crouched back down, and in a surprisingly gentle manner, dipped his hands back into the water and eased the slug back in. You both sat together in silence for a bit, the only other sounds being the waves and seagulls around you. You felt yourself holding your breath as you watched the slug make its way back to the rock it was resting on before.
“You’re so gentle with them,” you said, more of an observation than anything else. “What made you point that out?” he asked, frowning.
“Well… I don’t know. It’s just, there’s kind of a different side to you when it comes to marine animals.”
You felt a warm, tingly feeling in your chest as you watched a small smile tug at the corners of his mouth, watching him stand back up. “That’s not a bad thing, is it?”
As he took a cloth out of his pocket to wipe his hands off, you grinned, reaching for his hand again.
“Not at all.”
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drtanstravels · 5 years
We recently stayed in Tel Aviv, Israel for four days so Anna could attend a teaching seminar for the International Retinal Panel. During our stay we would take a tour of Jerusalem, travel along the West Bank while venturing into Palestine, visit the ancient village of Masada, and then float and get all muddy in the Dead Sea. All of the main events happened in the final two days of the trip so this will just be a relatively short post in comparison, covering the initial two days of our journey, both spent in Tel Aviv.
Friday, November 1, 2019 We had left Singapore at 11:30pm the previous night, took an 11.5-hour flight to Turkey, had a 90-minute layover in Istanbul Airport, and then took another two-hour flight to Tel Aviv. When we were in Seoul, South Korea recently we got chatting to some friends of mine who had traveled to Israel in the past and the nightmares they had faced going through immigration once they had reached Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. One of them even told us about how he got cavity-searched, so we were both prepared for the worst. Once we were off the plane and inside the airport I cringed a bit when the first security guard snapped on a pair of disposable gloves, but it turned out to be just for him to search through our hand luggage. After that the line at the passport counter was taking forever, but it turned out that the reason the queue was taking so long to move was because we just had a really talkative guy checking our passports and when he first saw my Australian document, he looked up, gave me a curious look, and asked, “Do you watch Home and Away?” I smiled and mentioned that my sister used to have it on every night back in the day and that was it. We had to ask for entry border crossing cards, a separate slip of paper to be put into our passports instead of a stamp, because having an Israeli passport stamp can cause quite a bit of trouble when traveling overseas. There are currently eight countries that won’t accept passports containing Israeli visas, the most notable one being Saudi Arabia, a country to which we may need to travel one day. There are also quite a few countries whose passport holders are forbidden entrance to Israel without official confirmation from the Israeli government, Malaysia being on that list, so one of Anna’s colleagues was unable to attend. In fact, if Anna hadn’t taken Singaporean citizenship after we got married, this journey would never have happened.
As has been a pattern over recent trips, we arrived in Tel Aviv early in the morning, well before our hotel room was available so we dumped our bags with the concierge and decided to have a look around town. We were staying at the Crowne Plaza, which had an attached shopping mall so that was our first stop, mainly for a much-needed coffee and a couple of pastries, and then we discovered that there was a park and shopping district nearby called Sarona, a place with an interesting history:
Sarona was a German Templer colony established in Ottoman Palestine in 1871. Sarona is now a neighbourhood of Tel Aviv, Israel. It was one of the earliest modern villages established by Europeans in Ottoman Palestine. In July 1941, the British Mandate authorities deported 188 residents of Sarona, who were considered hard-core Nazi sympathisers. By the 2000s, the area had fallen into disrepair and was a haven for drug addicts. However, since 2003, the area has undergone massive renovation, which involved moving and relocating historical buildings before their restoration. The area is now a popular shopping district, as well as housing museums, cultural artefacts centring on its history, and IDF complexes.
Walking around Sarona was really cool with its mix of shops, bars, and cafes, as well as the Sarona Market. When Anna was purchasing a ring in one of the stores she asked for some recommendations in the area and the first one immediately given was Anita, a boutique ice-cream store. We initially thought this was a one-off, but we ended up finding incredible ice-cream shops all over the city. Anyway, we ordered a cup with two flavours, Pavlova & Mix Berries and Salted Pretzel, before we continued walking around, visiting among other shops a handmade dreidel store called Draydel House, a place with some unique takes on the spinning tops, and then it was on to Sarona Market. The market had some great looking food and there were plenty of free samples, but as you will find out over the course of this post and the next, it wasn’t an accurate representation of kosher food. We walked around sampling different cheeses, pickles, and halva, possibly the driest substance on earth. Seriously, dust is more mouth-watering than halva. Another thing that Israel is known for is pomegranate juice, generally used for detoxing, so we ordered a large one each, a decision we would later deeply regret and one that would also put the pair of us off pomegranates for the foreseeable future, despite how nice it tasted. Once we were done with the market and walking around the gardens in Sarona, we were able to check into our room at the Crowne Plaza at around 2:00pm and take a nap for a bit. Our day up until that point (besides the awesome pickle store in the market that wouldn’t let me take photos):
Anna near the entrance of Sarona
The way Sarona is set up is really cool
Looking down a row of stores
A map of Sarona in Hebrew
Anna’s dreidel
The dreidel Anna would probably get for me
Some of the ice-cream flavours available at Anita
A few more
They also had a custom soft-serve yoghurt bar
Anna about to buy ours
Our sweet and salty combination was definitely a good mix
Halva inside the market
One of the food stall rows
There is a huge variety available in this market
Unfortunately, not all Israeli food is as good as this looks
Anna in the garden
Now in our room
After sleeping for a bit we caught a cab to the waterfront, which is split into two parts; Alma Beach, a modern seaside area, and the Old City area of Jaffa. Most modern beach areas are similar, whereas ancient cities are always fascinating so Jaffa was the obvious choice to spend some time exploring first. It would be nigh on impossible to summarise the history of a 3,800-year-old port city in the Middle East, but here’s the general background:
Jaffa, in Hebrew Yafo and also called Japho or Joppa, the southern and oldest part of Tel Aviv–Yafo, is an ancient port city in Israel. Jaffa is famous for its association with the biblical stories of Jonah, Solomon and Saint Peter as well as the mythological story of Andromeda and Perseus, and later for its oranges. The city as such was established at the latest around 1800 BCE.
Modern Jaffa has a heterogeneous population of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Jaffa currently has 46,000 residents, of whom 30,000 are Jews and 16,000 are Arabs. The 2010 film Port of Memory explores these themes. Tabeetha School in Jaffa was founded in 1863. It is owned by the Church of Scotland. The school provides education in English to children from Christian, Jewish and Muslim backgrounds.
Our taxi driver was an elderly man who kept explaining to us along the way that Tel Aviv was a party city, that around 69% of people there were aged between 30-40, and that we’d be among the older people out that night. I wasn’t expecting that, but another thing we weren’t expecting was the fact that the sun sets in Tel Aviv before 5:00pm, it’s almost as if the city is in the entirely wrong timezone and is something that would throw our body clocks off for the duration of this trip. When it had been dark there for a few hours, you’d be led to think it was getting kind of late when in reality it was only about eight o’clock in the evening. So, despite the fact that we arrived at Jaffa at 4:30pm, the sun was already setting, but this just made the place that much more beautiful. We spent the evening wandering through the narrow streets and laneways of Jaffa, taking in all of the ancient buildings, towers, and structures, plus the major landmarks in the area such as Jaffa Lighthouse, Clock Square, and the coastal canons, all while the sun set over the ocean.
After all of that walking we were beginning to get hungry and the waterside restaurants at Alma Beach were supposed to be pretty decent so we chose one called Manta Ray for dinner where we sat outdoors with some drinks and feasted on some selections from their great meze platter, as well as a grilled fish. We were to meet the organisers and other attendees of Anna’s course at 9:30pm after everyone had arrived in town, but it was barely 7:30pm by the time we finished dinner so we found a nearby shisha bar for a few more drinks and a pipe. After a while we both began to bloat up, neither of us could stop farting, and I was burping constantly, feeling the need to vomit. It was too soon after dinner to be from the fish or the meze dishes we chose, I had already checked that the water was safe to drink so that wasn’t it, coffee, pastries, and ice-cream don’t have this effect on me, and nothing else we had tried had been a large enough sample to make us sick. Except for the pomegranate juice, that is. We had drunk about a litre (33.8 fl. oz.) each several hours ago and it now seemed like we were paying for it, however, we couldn’t be 100% certain. Whatever it was, we both wanted to go back to the hotel and let it all out, resulting in me violently throwing up for a few minutes once inside, but then we felt reasonably fine as soon as we were both empty.
We met up with Anna’s course-mates in the lobby of our hotel and we walked down to a pub in another nearby part of town where everyone chatted over some beers, while those who hadn’t eaten had dinner. It was a really fun night and Anna decided to ask one of the local organisers, Tamir, if it could’ve been the pomegranate juice that bloated us. He said it’s good for you, most people just take a small glass and share it. When she told him that we’d had a litre each he was gobsmacked. “That’s not detox, that’s just tox!” was the response. Here are a whole bunch of photos from around Jaffa that evening, plus a couple of our dinner and the shisha bar before we bloated up like a couple of non-embalmed corpses:
Hashan Square
Anna and and I on the peninsula
Part of Jaffa from a distance
Looking over the ocean
People washing their hands
One of the coastal canons, imported by the Ottoman government in the 18th century to protect Jaffa from Bedouin raids
Overlooking a mosque
You can even find cool bars in towns dating back to the bronze age
Walking down a wide thoroughfare
The sun setting over the ocean
A museum surrounded by shops
Walking down an avenue
Anna posing in an alley
One of many interesting sculptures in Jaffa
The view of Clock Square from a very narrow stairway
We were both wondering if this was the Jewish equivalent of leaving your tie on the door handle so your roommate knows you have a girl inside
Etzel House
Dinner is served
We chose a few dishes from this platter
Baked blue bream with Jerusalem artichokes
Smoking a shisha while we both rapidly expand
Saturday, November 2, 2019 Anna was going to her course so I was free to do my own thing for the bulk of the day, but there was one small problem — Saturday is the sabbath, also known as Shabbat in Judaism, and this would severely limit what I was able to do due to many actions being classed as melakhah and thus being prohibited on this day of rest or historically punishable by death! Here’s a better description of melakhah:
Jewish law (halakha) prohibits doing any form of melakhah (מְלָאכָה, plural melakhoth) on Shabbat, unless an urgent human or medical need is life-threatening. Though melakhah is commonly translated as “work” in English, a better definition is “deliberate activity” or “skill and craftmanship”. There are 39 categories of prohibited activities (melakhoth) listed in Mishnah Tractate Shabbat 7:2.
Some acts forbidden on Shabbat include:
Threshing/Extraction Definition: Removal of an undesirable outer from a desirable inner.
Dissection Definition: Reducing an earth-borne thing’s size for a productive purpose.
Kneading/Amalgamation Definition: Combining particles into a semi-solid or solid mass via liquid.
Cooking/Baking Definition for solids: Changing the properties of something via heat. Definition for liquids: Bringing a liquid’s temperature to the heat threshold. This threshold is known as yad soledet (lit. “A hand reflexively recoils [due to such heat]”). According to Igrot Moshe this temperature is 43 °C (110 °F).
Extinguishing a Fire Definition: Extinguishing a fire/flame, or diminishing its intensity.
Ignition: Definition: Igniting, fuelling or spreading a fire/flame.
Transferring Between Domains Definition: Transferring something from one domain type to another domain type, or transferring within a public thoroughfare.
Now, some of you reading this are probably thinking, “Why would you care, you’re not Jewish.” This is true, however, despite me seeing fewer Orthodox Jews in Israel than I did on any given day in New York City, prohibition of melakhah on Shabbat is enforced by law, although not to an extreme. Although no shops would be open, these restrictions would severely limit my food purchasing options. Because it had been powered down for Shabbat, I pushed my way through the revolving door to exit the hotel and hit the street. I was quite hungry due to the fact that I had vomited everything I had eaten the previous evening so I figured I might get lucky finding somewhere open to eat at Sarona. I saw a cafe with people all around it so that’s where I went and I ordered the egg white omelette on the menu, which came with some bread and a side salad. I guess the hotplate must’ve been kept burning from the previous day and eggs aren’t really a solid or liquid so changing their properties via heat would be fine. Salad was also okay because the form of the lettuce doesn’t change, only the size, and it was cut quite large so it wasn’t done to make it into a more usable, productive state. The bread had obviously been made the previous day and when it came to dissection of the food in order to eat, that was all on me, not the cafe. Juice wasn’t an option due to threshing/extraction, but it was when I ordered a latte that things got weird. The waiter told me that he could only offer me a “very weak coffee” which was the result of the water and milk only being heated to about 40°C in keeping with the law, a temperature that also isn’t really hot enough for the coffee to properly infuse the water, thus making it not very strong. It actually turned out to be infinitely easier to get a beer anywhere in town that morning than coffee. My order at the cafe was able to be brought from the kitchen to my table, and also to diners who were seated outside, without transferring between domains due to the installation of an eruv, described as:
An urban area enclosed by a wire boundary which symbolically extends the private domain of Jewish households into public areas, permitting activities within it that are normally forbidden in public on the Sabbath.
Although the Jewish community must strictly adhere to laws of prohibition on Shabbat, going to the effort of building eruvs and heating liquids to a slightly cooler temperature than normal seem like ways of pranking an almighty deity who is easily fooled by the loopholes in the rules he wrote. Then I remembered this scene from the documentary Religulous:
After eating I decided to have a look around the beach area, making my way there via the main shopping district en route, but obviously everything was closed except for bars, restaurants, and cafes and wouldn’t be opening again until late in the evening or within the next few days. I was also having trouble getting cash out of an ATM again and this time I wasn’t sure whether the machines weren’t accepting my card or were just unable to function in general. I arrived at the beach and it was quite nice with a bunch more seaside bars and restaurants, as well as plenty of entertainment, some of which was unintentionally funny. There was Israeli folk dancing that happens at Gordon Beach every Saturday, as well as a big outdoor gym area where meatheads could work out like in Venice Beach, California, all just grunting, flexing, and slapping butts. Instead, I walked out along the pier to a lighthouse, just taking in the sights. It was a nice walk, but I could feel myself getting sunburnt so I went back to a shaded area along the shore to sit down with a bunch of senior citizens for a bit and that’s where I got the biggest laugh of the day. There were three guys working out there, one was absolutely ripped and doing chin-ups and some other impressive feats on horizontal bars directly in front of us, another was doing push ups, all the while giving the third guy tips on capoeira moves. If you are unaware of what capoeira is, it’s a Brazilian martial art that combines acrobatics, dancing, and complex moves involving hand plants, kicks, and flips (that link is a video that will give you a decent idea). The only problem was that the guy trying to do it wasn’t particularly good at capoeira so I found myself sitting there with a bunch of confused older people who were innocently trying to figure out why a muscly dude was doing cartwheels in the sand in front of several other muscly guys. It was a hot day, a dry heat compared to the insane humidity of Singapore, but I had no cash for a drink so I had a sip out of the drinking fountain where people also washed the sand off their feet, and walked for forty minutes back to the hotel, passing a cheese shop that you could smell before you could see, despite it being closed, along the way. Once back I killed two birds with one stone, grabbing a bottle of sparkling water from the minibar and making an instant coffee in the room, which turned into mud when I added water, but it still gave me the caffeine fix I had been lacking. I also managed to get cash out of an ATM next our hotel and Anna was still going to be a while so I planted myself in a bar back in Sarona for a few hours until she was done.
My kosher Shabbat breakfast with very weak coffee
Walking into town
At the beach
Looking down the boardwalk and across the road
Some huts near the ocean
Now walking down the promenade
Was Banksy in town?
More art, this time honouring the older community
Israeli folk-dancing
Beanbags on the beach
One of many cafes along the promenade
Coming over a little cloudy
That’s better
Waves crashing along the pier
A lighthouse at the end
I’m still trying to figure out if this building had caught fire or was just art-deco
The cheese shop on the way home. I wish it was open
The bottom of my instant mud coffee
Anna was soon back from her teaching and we had a dinner that night with everyone else involved in the course. This meant taking a minibus with the International Retinal Panel crew back to a restaurant at the beach, Anna’s first venture into that area of Tel Aviv, so we had a look around the boardwalk and took a few photos first. It was nice to hang out with everyone while we were feeling 100%, they were really cool people and an interesting mix of nationalities, some local, others coming from Columbia, Italy, India, France, Argentina, China, and a multitude of other other countries. The restaurant we went to looked good, but the entire group, myself included, consisted of about 30 people, taking up two massive tables, and the platters we received, two per table, were to be shared. The problem with this system was that Anna, myself, and a few others were tucked away in a corner on the back table and our food and drinks kept failing to appear. Everyone else received a meze platter except us, we waited about 20 minutes and then had to ask for it, as well as remind the staff that we had also ordered drinks. When it finally arrived, the other areas of both tables were receiving a grilled fish that looked delicious, but when we finished our platter the fish never arrived, nor did the second drink I ordered. We asked about the fish and when it finally came ours was just what seemed like fish offcuts including several heads, all of which was deep-fried to the point that it was so crunchy it was pretty much inedible. We didn’t bother eating much of it, that second beer never came, and everyone that was there for the course had homework to do so we got back in the bus, the interior blue light making my Rick and Morty “Pickle Rick” shirt appear as if it were covered in turds, and we went back to the hotel, them to do group work and me to have a couple of drinks at the hotel bar until it closed.
Anna’s first stroll along this area of the beach
The boardwalk at night
All of the people involved in Anna’s course
A merry-go-round
Some of the food has arrived, but it also looks like others are asking for stuff that hasn’t
If our fish were pork, it would’ve been the parts that go into a sausage roll
Definitely looks like faeces
Tel Aviv is such a cool city and nothing like we expected, yet a completely hidden gem when it comes to traveling, but this was just the beginning! Stay tuned for the next instalment when we do all the cool stuff you would expect one to do while in Israel that in no way would fit into this post, like visiting Jerusalem and floating in the Dead Sea.
The first two days of our four-night trip to Israel We recently stayed in Tel Aviv, Israel for four days so Anna could attend a teaching seminar for the International Retinal Panel.
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The 20 Best Things to Do in Puerto Vallarta
These top 20 things to do in Puerto Vallarta were recommended by real locals and will guarantee you see the very best of this incredible coastal city.
In Puerto Vallarta, you have the opportunity to experience vibrant local Mexican culture and a luxurious beach holiday all at once. From the shops and quaint cafes on the Malecon to hidden beaches and tranquil coves to epic night clubs overlooking Banderas Bay, there’s something for everyone in this Pacific paradise.
But, you can’t trust just anyone to tell you how to experience the best of Puerto Vallarta. As much as we love our city, we admit that tourist traps are popping up left and right.
That’s why the local experts at PV Nightlife decided to put together a top 20 list of things to do in Puerto Vallarta made 100% by locals!
We’re excited to share our beautiful city with you, but before we dive into our list, let’s take a look at the parts of the city you’ll want to explore.
Districts of Puerto Vallarta
North Zone: This area north of the city stays pretty quiet. Those looking for peace and relaxation can come here for lazy beaches, traditional villages, and good access to watersports like kite surfing.
Nueva Vallarta: This area is where the all-inclusive resorts are, so it’s not the best place to experience PV culture. Locals aren’t big fans of this area, but it’s a good spot for families looking for the ease of a package holiday.
Marina Vallarta: This is the first zone in Puerto Vallarta proper, yet it’s still relatively quiet and romantic. The Marina is a great place for shopping, grabbing drinks, and watching the sunset. It’s home to some high-end cafes and hotels, but locals often go here for happy hour.
Hotel Zone: The hotel zone is modern and convenient. You won’t find a lot of history here, but you’ll find all the malls, big supermarkets, cinemas, and of course, hotels. There’s also a nice harbor here, but the Hotel Zone is best for shopping and enjoying some air conditioning!
Downtown: This is where the magic happens! Downtown is the heart of Old Vallarta and home to our favorite place—the Malecon. It’s a long boardwalk along the beach that is full of shops and cafes. We love to sip coffees and cocktails in the fresh ocean air while people watching the day away.
Romantic Zone: Love is in the air in this small central district. It’s where you’ll find many of the most popular bars and restaurants, and it’s known for being trendy. There’s almost always something going on in the plazas, and Los Muertos beach is the hot spot for tourists looking for spring-break style fun in the sun.
South Zone: Leaving the city, the South Zone extends for over 25 miles south of Puerto Vallarta and is pocked with little beaches and villages. It’s easy to access by car, bike, or bus, and it’s also a popular spot for coastal hikes. Locals love to go to the beaches here to escape the crowds in the city!
Now that you know a bit more about Puerto Vallarta’s city districts, it’s time to jump into our list of things to do in Puerto Vallarta!
Top 20 Things to Do in Puerto Vallarta
We asked a lot of locals for their input on this list, so you can take the numerical order with a grain of salt (and then some lime and tequila, preferably!). This list is a mix of local favorites and what locals think tourists MUST do when they visit PV.
1. Playa las Gemelas Beach
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Admit it—the first thing you want to do when you touch down in Puerto Vallarta is hit the beach! Playa las Gemelas is the one to visit first, according to locals.
Many tourists head straight to Los Muertos Beach, but it can be a bit rowdy and crowded. Playa las Gemelas is quieter and more relaxing, plus the water is an amazing mix of glowing turquoise and emerald. It’s one of the most beautiful beaches in the city.
Getting to the beach requires climbing some stairs, but it’s worth the trip. As you descend to the water, you’ll pass under a canopy of jungle greens and ropey vines that provide a perfect transition from “real life” to “stress-free, margarita-sipping holiday.”
2. Stroll on the Malecon
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There’s no better way to get acquainted with Puerto Vallarta than to walk along the picturesque Malecon, a long boardwalk that spans most of the city’s coastline. Here, you’ll find a mix of tourist-friendly attractions like street performers, artists, and vendors of all kinds. It’s also home to plenty of historic restaurants and cafes where you can stop for a drink or a bite and enjoy some stellar ocean views.
Locals like to spend time at Bar La Playa, or if you’re looking for something a little wilder, try Senor Frog’s.
3. Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe
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This is the most popular sightseeing attraction in the historic center, and the locals are very proud of it. Our Lady of Guadalupe is a beautiful architectural monument inside and out, and it’s a symbol of PV culture. Make sure to pay a visit regardless of your religious affiliation. Just make sure to be respectful!
4. Eat Street Food (Tacos, Tacos, Tacos)
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It’s not hard to find an abundance of street food in Puerto Vallarta, but only the locals know the best of the best.
Here’s what you’ve got to try:
Tacos: Try our spicy shrimp tacos for a real local treat.
Tortas Ahogadas: A local sandwich filled with pork, tomato sauce, and chili. It’s a bit like a Mexican sloppy Joe!
Pescado Embarazado: This is basically a roast fish on a stick. But, the fish is marinated in lime and served with fresh salsa. It’s healthy and delicious!
Tamales: The perfect grab-and-go street food.
Grilled corn on the cob: It’s no delicacy, but we love this roasty, salty street food.
And here’s where to go to find the very best street food:
El Carboncito
Taqueria Mendoza
Food Park PV
5. Take a Boat Tour
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Most of the things to do in Puerto Vallarta take place on the waves, but you don’t have to be a swimmer or a surfer to enjoy our emerald seas. Hiring a boat is much more affordable here than it is in most other cities, meaning you can live the high life on a private yacht or take a relaxing fishing cruise with your buddies for less than the cost of a nice meal.
Or, if you’re looking for a party, try one of our bumping party cruises. Most party cruises have great DJs and plenty of singles looking to mingle. Even better, most include an open bar all day.
To find out how you can rent a boat or join a party cruise, get in touch with the local booking experts at PV Nightlife.
6. Plaza de las Armas
This is the main square in Puerto Vallarta, and there’s something fun happening here every day. It’s a great spot to buy local art, and it’s very close to the Malecon and Our Lady of Guadalupe church.
Make sure to take a photo with the statue of our city’s founder, Ignacio Vallarta, and take some shade under the beautiful bandstand gazebo in the center.
7. Experience Mismaloya
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If you have time for an excursion, we recommend Mismaloya in the South Zone. This small fishing village captures the essence of what Puerto Vallarta was before the hotels and resorts moved in. Plus, it was where the classic film “The Night of the Iguana” was made, which pretty much put Puerto Vallarta on the map.
A nice blend of tranquility, history, and untarnished beaches, Mismaloya is a perfect skip away from the city for those looking to get away from it all.
8. Take a Hike
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If your idea of getting out of town doesn’t involve going to a different town, then go for a relaxing hike through the South Zone. There are miles and miles of quiet beaches here, and the paths are safe and relatively easy (as long as you don’t take a short cut through the mountains).
Hiking along the coast is a wonderful way to experience the sea at your own pace, and it doesn’t take much planning. The main road is never far, so you can hop a bus back to the city whenever you’re ready. Just make sure to bring enough water and sunscreen.
You can start your hike from the end of the Malecon and head down to Conchas Chinas (it only takes about 40 minutes). From there, more adventurous hikers can continue south all the way to Boca de Tomatlan.
9. Share the love in the Zona Romantica
For food, drinks, and plentiful attractions, the Romantic Zone is the place to be. Weekends are full of life here, so be sure to make reservations for restaurants and bars. But there’s something going on every night of the week in Plaza Lazaro Cardenas. From traditional dancing to live music to local artisanal markets, you and a special someone are sure to see sparks fly in this part of the old town.
10. See the Sunset over Banderas Bay
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Puerto Vallarta’s jovial streets are home to many shows and attractions, but the best one takes place on the horizon over Banderas Bay. Cozy up with a special someone on the beach and enjoy a fiery sunset before heading out for a night to remember.
Here in Puerto Vallarta, watching the sunset is our equivalent of stopping to smell the roses. Don’t forget to take in the peaceful vibes of our city and do the same!
11. Hit the Clubs
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All of the locals we spoke to agreed on one thing—you CANNOT leave Puerto Vallarta without at least one night of wild fun at a PV club.
Puerto Vallarta clubs are a point of pride in the city. They are known for their excellent service, signature drinks, and world-class DJs. When partygoers talk about the best clubs in the world, PV’s clubs rank in the top spots with Las Vegas and Ibiza clubs. The difference is that they cost a lot less to enjoy!
Here’s where locals recommend for the best PV clubbing:
La Santa: La Santa is best known for having an on-site pool. Are you ready for your night to get wet and wild?
La Vaquita: A barnyard-themed bash, La Vaquita has a very relaxed dress code and serves massive drinks in styrofoam cups. A place to let loose!
Strana: A cathedral of light and sound, Strana is one of the most exclusive and immersive clubs in the city.
Nightclubs in Puerto Vallarta are very popular, so you need to book in advance to avoid long lines which often extend out the door and into the street. Or, you can let the locals at PV Nightlife take care of it for you and enjoy VIP access all night long.
Bonus: Puerto Vallarta Accommodation Hacks
The quality of your vacation in Puerto Vallarta will depend greatly on where you choose to stay. This city is full of resorts and hotels, but locals don’t recommend these places.
Resorts are ok for families, large groups, and the elderly, but those who want to explore and make the most of their trip won’t like the fake atmosphere and overcrowding.
Hotels are a luxurious way to travel, and Puerto Vallarta has some excellent ones to choose from. The downside is that you’ll pay international prices to book somewhere like the Hilton or the Hyatt.
If you’re traveling with your family or a group, we highly recommend booking a private villa instead of traditional accommodation. You can actually book a beachside villa with luxury décor and amazing amenities for less than the price of most hotels.
Even better, your villa can be customized in any way you like. You can ask for a private chef, a driver, for a mariachi band to come at night—the possibilities are really up to you.
When you work with an agency like PV Nightlife, there’s no limit to what you can do and where you can stay. Get in touch now to view beachfront villas and to turn your accommodation into a private paradise.
12. Scuba Diving
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If you’ve never been Scuba diving before, Puerto Vallarta is the place to have your underwater adventure. If you have, you’ve never seen ocean floors like ours!
Enter a wonderland of crystal-clear waters and interact with playful fish and other sea life. You’ll encounter amazing rock structures, reefs, massive schools of fish, and even ghostly shipwrecks.
The Scuba tours in PV are led by licensed professionals, so all you have to do is suit up and be amazed!
13. Colonia Emiliano Zapata Municipal Market
The food culture in Mexico is protected by UNESCO—it’s the only culinary tradition to have that honor! So, when deciding what things to do in Puerto Vallarta, visiting a local market is an absolute must.
The Colonia Emiliano Zapata municipal market is full of colorful produce, tropical fruit, seafood, local spices, street food, and so much more. The best thing about this place is that everyone here is super helpful and always smiling. It’s the perfect place to get some cooking tips from real locals while going on a tasting spree.
The market is open every day from 6 AM to 3 PM. We recommend going in the late morning. It’s the perfect time to see all the vendors while they’re still fully stocked and to work up an appetite for lunch.
14. Los Muertos Beach
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Los Muertos Beach is one of the hottest spots in the city. It’s great for lounging, swimming, and watersports, and it’s also full of bars and restaurants with music and beach sports. It’s more of a party beach than a relaxing spot, but that isn’t a bad thing!
Los Muertos is located directly off the Malecon, so it’s the most accessible beach in the city. In fact, it’s impossible to miss, as it’s visible from most of the city center. Even if you don’t like crowded beaches, stop at a beach kiosk for a margarita or two. The fun is contagious!
15. Mirador de La Cruz
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Mirador de La Cruz is an observation platform just outside the city center. The locals know this spot offers the best views of Banderas Bay and the lush mountains bordering the city, but you won’t find many of us making the climb on a hot day!
The trek to Mirador de La Crus takes about 40 minutes from the Malecon, and the last 20 minutes are made up of steep climbs and stairs. Nevertheless, this is where you’ll be able to snap panoramic photos of the city and the sea that will make all your Insta followers jealous, so bring your walking shoes and don’t miss it!
16. Into the Wild
Just outside Puerto Vallarta’s antique streets, you can venture into the unknown and explore Mexico’s lush jungle terrain. Don’t worry, there aren’t any dangerous animals lurking in the depths, but there are plenty of exotic flowers, fresh fruits, colorful insects, and other amazing things to see.
You can tour the jungle on foot with a guide or you can schedule an ATV tour for an off-road adventure. We don’t recommend exploring the jungle alone.
17. Have a Spa Day
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Take a break from all the adventure, sun, sand, and tequila by detoxing your body and rejuvenating your skin at one of Puerto Vallarta’s famed spas. Featuring specialized treatments made from sea minerals and local ingredients, there’s no better way to experience the ultimate in personal pampering while doing something good for your health.
These spas are well-known by locals as being reasonably priced and extremely professional:
Quetzalli Spa & Skin Care
Metamorfosis Day Spa
Artepil Spa
18. Marina Vallarta
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Marina Vallarta is a place where the wealthy bump elbows with locals and tourists who like to watch as boats pass over the horizon. Known for its iconic lighthouse bar, this area of the city is quiet and breezy, and it’s the perfect place to take a date before dinner in the Romantic Zone.
Locals don’t hang out here often, but we like going for happy hour at the rooftop bars nearby. Many luxurious clubs and hotels, such as the Marriot, offer half-priced drinks in the early evening, making this a great place to live it up on a budget.
19. Dine in Style
Street food is delicious, by you’d be missing out if you didn’t treat yourself to a bit of fine dining in this food capital of Mexico. Puerto Vallarta is known for amazing BBQ and seafood dishes, and the chefs here are some of the most creative in the world.
Diners can enjoy rich salsas made with local fruits and vegetables as well as light tortillas and hearty soups like the local favorite “birria,” a spicy pork stew served with lime.
PV has also been influenced by an influx of international chefs, making this city a unique culinary jewel on the Pacific.
Here are some local favorites for decadent dining:
La Leche: Foodies looking for the perfect sharable photo love La Leche. The entire restaurant is white, making the colorful dishes burst with life.
La Palapa: Fine dining on the beach. Enjoy fantastic views and incredible seafood.
Café des Artistes: Featuring French and Mexican fusion, Café des Artistes may be the most upscale restaurant in the city.
20. Mezcal and Tequila
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Two of our most beloved local pastimes—mezcal and tequila! Puerto Vallarta is a place for sipping and snacking, and our favorite liquors make each night go down smooth.
Both tequila and mezcal are produced in the Jalisco region of Mexico (where PV is located), so this is one of the best places to try artisanal liquors from some of the finest distilleries.
For a great selection of straight mezcal and tequila as well as signature cocktails and snacks, we have to recommend Bar Morelos. This place gets pretty busy and has a club on a separate floor, so you’ll need to book a table if you don’t want to get stuck standing.
Are you ready for your trip to PV? There are so many things to do in Puerto Vallarta that the hardest part is choosing! That’s where we come in at PV Nightlife.
Our local guides and experts are dedicated to putting together the perfect evening, weekend, or complete holiday for you. And our packages are never pre-set. We dedicate a planner to your vacation who works with you to deliver the exact holiday you want.
Don’t get stuck waiting in lines or dealing with sold-out signs when you’re looking for things to do in Puerto Vallarta. Contact PV Nightlife today to make your PV vacation perfect.
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spicyredpaladin · 6 years
“Meet Me At The Cove” - A Fic For The Shklance Summer Exchage
Hello lovelies! For the Shklance Summer Exchange, partially hosted by the @shancesupportsquad, I was given the lovely @lover-fangirl-writer as my giftee! I actually combined a few of your requests, so, for your viewing pleasure, we have Klance with a mix of ABO, merpeople, and fluffy kisses~!
Title: Meet Me At The Cove Pairing: Klance Relevant Tags: Merpeople, ABO Dynamics, Kissing, Beach, Ocean, Transformations, Fluffy ‘Dates’ Word Count: 2207 AO3 Link
Excerpt:   Keith watched the waves lap at the shore of the little beach he'd found, well secluded from the main beach and all the loud alphas and giggling omegas. He didn’t want to be a part of all that stupid, banal bullcrap. Being an omega, he found it insanely ridiculous that he was expected to pick someone to be shackled to for the rest of his life. He’d much rather be his own person, free from the constraints of his secondary endotype. Keith shifted his position, grumbling about the sand that had gotten into his shorts even though he was sitting on a rock.
Keith watched the waves lap at the shore of the little beach he'd found, well secluded from the main beach and all the loud alphas and giggling omegas. He didn’t want to be a part of all that stupid, banal bullcrap. Being an omega, he found it insanely ridiculous that he was expected to pick someone to be shackled to for the rest of his life. He’d much rather be his own person, free from the constraints of his secondary endotype. Keith shifted his position, grumbling about the sand that had gotten into his shorts even though he was sitting on a rock.
A giggle and the scent of salt mixed with lime broke him from his thoughts. He looked around, worried someone had discovered his hiding place. He heard another giggle. This time he could tell it was coming from the water at the base of his rocky perch. Keith gulped and crawled over to the edge. Had someone been here this whole time?
Beneath the rock sat something Keith never thought he would see. A teen about his age, male, pretty caramel skin and wet chocolate curls. And an iridescent, blue tail longer than Keith’s whole body. He stared quietly, mouth hanging open. This was a mermaid. A merman? Did this fish person even have a gender?
The merman chirped a bit, reaching up with one webbed hand. He grinned playfully and chirped again. Keith finally got the hint, reaching down to take the new arrival’s hand. He cried out as he was suddenly yanked down, landing on the merman’s lap and coughing as the wind was knocked out of him. Keith glared up at his assailant, blushing when he realized how startlingly blue his eyes were. He quickly scrambled up, shaking the thought from his mind.
“What the hell, dude? You can’t just yank people around!”
A confused chirp left the merman’s lips, his head tilting a bit to the left. Keith groaned. So this random merman couldn’t understand him. And he couldn’t understand it. Suddenly, the fish hopped a bit, seeming to have remembered something. He tapped his lips with a slender finger and set his hands over his ears before fanning them open with a grin. Keith gave him a confused look and the merman thought for a moment before nodding a bit. He touched his own lips again and then touched Keith’s.
The human understood now.
Keith glared a bit before sighing and nodding. The merman chirped excitedly, leaning forward with a smile. Keith gulped and did the same, closing his eyes as their lips met. He was surprised at how soft the merman’s lips were, quickly relaxing to the tangy scent of lime he gave off. The moment they pulled away, Keith regretted everything.
“You’re an omega human that’s so amazing! I didn’t know humans could be alphas and omegas and betas like Merlaes but that’s so amazing! I’m an omega, too~! My name is Ralanceli, but everyone calls me ‘Lance’ cause Ralanceli is our prince’s name, too. What’s your name? Do you have an alpha? Are you all alone?”
Keith stared in horror as Lance rambled. When the merman finally stopped talking, Keith was still staring. Lance waited patiently for any of his questions to be answered. He took a deep breath before opening his mouth again. Keith slapped his hand over Lance’s mouth.
“No more. Stop talking.”
Lance’s eyes widened and he grinned brightly. Keith looked away, embarrassed by how much his new companion was talking. Should he answer any of the questions? His parents would say no, but, honestly Keith didn’t give a crap about what his parents wanted. Plus, he was a rebellious youth. It would be unheard of if he did what his parents would want.
“I’m Keith. Yeah, I’m omega. And I don’t need an alpha. I’m perfectly happy by myself.”
Lance’s brows furrowed. The thought of not needing an alpha seemed to confuse him.
“But… How can you spawn more of your kind without an alpha?”
“I don’t want kids. I don’t need them. I don’t need anyone.”
Lance nodded a bit, thinking.
“Well, I mean… don’t you get lonely…?”
Keith thought about that for a moment, looking up at the blue summer sky. He sighed. Was he lonely?
“Yeah… I do. My parents have each other, and everyone is looking at each other. But none of them look at me, and none of them want to smell me… So yeah, I’m lonely. But I don’t want any of the alpha brutes that are available.”
Lance listened quietly, nodding as though he knew how Keith felt.
“Have you thought about courting another omega?”
Keith looked at him, surprised. He’d heard of it, but that would be insane.
“But all the other omegas want the jackwagon alphas with strong scents. My scent isn’t strong enough to attract another omega.”
Lance leaned forward, making Keith blush as the merman look a deep whiff.
“Hm~ You smell spicy. I like your scent a lot.”
Keith didn’t know what to do. No one had ever said that to him. It was so far out of the realm of what he believed possible. So Keith did something else that was different.
He leaned in and kissed Lance again. Their lips slid together playfully, and the end of Lance’s tail splashed in the water with joy. The two scooted closer, lips coming apart and together in soft, playful little dances. Both were grinning by the time they actually pulled away, blue eyes meeting purple ones. Lance leaned in again, but Keith dodged, laughing a bit.
“So… I’m gonna be spending the whole summer here. And I don’t know if you have any migration patterns or anything, but… Can I court you?”
Lance nodded, wrapping his arms around Keith happily.
“Yeah! Yeah, you can~! We don’t migrate cause it’s nice here year round, so I’ll definitely be around!”
Keith nodded, hugging back.
“Then I’ll court you through the summer. And every summer that I come back.”
Lance kissed his cheek, snuggling him happily. The two sat together until the sun started to set. Keith cursed under his breath when he noticed the sun going down.
“My parents are gonna throw a fit if I don’t get back to the condo…”
Lance nodded, looking sad.
“Okay… Will you come back in the morning, Keith?”
Keith kneeled down and kissed his merman omega with a soft smile, staying close so he could breathe in their mixed scents.
“Of course. I’ll come back here every free moment I have.”
Lance grinned and nodded, leaning forward for one last kiss before Keith had to go.
The next morning, Keith had a bag of snacks, some water bottles, his sunscreen, and his phone. He sat the bag on the big rock and looked out to the ocean, crossing his arms. Lance must be running a little late. Soon, he felt a smile come to his face as he noticed a long, shimmering shape beneath the water.
Lance popped up, dragging himself a bit so he could sit in the same spot against the rock as yesterday. He motioned for Keith to come over and touched his lips, chirping cutely. Keith shook his head a bit and smiled, plopping down with his legs across Lance’s tail before kissing him.
The two spent their day wrapped around each other, talking about the differences between life on land versus life in the sea. Keith fed Lance nuts and fruits and bits of chocolate from his bags of trail mix, and Lance quickly learned how to catch them with his mouth if Keith happened to toss one.
The two continued to meet, Keith bringing snacks and Lance bringing presents in the form of shells and sand dollars. Soon, Keith’s pale skin was just as dark as Lance’s from how long he sat in the sun with his Merlae mate.
Keith stared at his calendar anxiously. It was the twenty-eighth of July. Tomorrow, he and his parents would leave Angel’s Cove and he would have to go back into society and find an actual mate. But how could he leave when he knew his mate was here, swimming in the waters of the vast, blue ocean? How could he leave the first person he'd ever wanted to open up to?
The omega shook his head defiantly, packing his bag for the day and running from the condo before his parents could catch him. Maybe if he hid somewhere, he could stay. Could stay with his blue, fishy boyfriend and let the the sun char his skin and never have to worry about finding a brute alpha or becoming a baby-making trophy.
Lance was waiting at the little inlet when Keith arrived, playing with little fish and laughing happily with the gulls. The human watched with a smile, scenting the lime in the air. He hurried over, swinging his bag onto the large rock so it wouldn't get wet before running into the water to see Lance.
The two played and frollicked until the sun was high over their heads, at which point Keith dragged himself out to lay in the sand. Lance followed, trilling happily. Keith leaned over, pressing his lips to Lance’s. The Merlae returned it, making a sound of content before flopping down.
“That was so fun~! After you do your eating and rest, we can play again?”
“Yeah. But Lance, I gotta talk to you about something really important.”
“Speak, mate! I will always listen to your words!”
Keith smiled and reached across the small space between them, taking Lance’s webbed hand.
“Tomorrow my parents and I have to go back to the city. But I don't want to leave you...:”
Lance shimmied closer, pressing their foreheads together.
“My Keith… I know a way you can join me, if you want to… but you can’t go back once it's done.”
The young man grew silent, thinking about this offer. Did he have anything here to look forward to? Anything to brighten the existence of an omega? No. There was nothing left on land for him. Lance was his light.
“I don't want to go back, Lance. I want to be with you. No matter what the cost is.”
The Merlae trilled happily, pushing himself up onto his arms.
“Then I have to go get something for you. I don't know how long it will take, but I will try so hard to be back in time.”
Keith nodded, sitting up and hurrying to his bag.
“Before you go, I wanna take a picture. Just in case.”
Lance tilted his head, but trilled an affirmative, snuggling up to Keith and looking up at the little box he brought over. The screen flashed for a moment before his human lover showed him the screen. There they were, Lance and Keith pressed together and covered in sand. Lance touched the picture with a finger, smiling. Of all the pictures Keith had taken of them, this was both of their favorites.
The two broke apart reluctantly, Lance slipping into the sea and Keith perching himself on his rocky throne to wait. He ignored his phone when it rang, finally putting it on airplane mode after a good 27 missed calls and roughly 84 texts. He couldn't back out now, after all.
The sun slowly fell, eventually casting Keith in shadow. The sun continued its decline, and the moon rose high, bringing in the tide. Keith was safe where he sat, but he couldn't leave without landing in fifteen or so feet of cold water.
Finally, he saw a soft blue glow in the water. He came up to the very edge of the rock before Lance popped his head out. He lifted his hands to Keith, who reached out to accept the small pearl his love had brought him. It was a vibrant red, definitely unnatural, but so very beautiful. Lance opened his mouth and pointed inside and then at the pearl.
A deep breath steadied Keith for what he was about to do. He quickly turned his phone data back on, sending the last picture he’d taken to his parents before swallowing the pearl. It was heavy going down, like a pill that had twisted the wrong direction. Lance ushered him into the water, helping Keith out of his clothes in anticipation of what was beginning to happen.
Ripples of fire danced across Keith's skin, leaving behind beautiful red markings that shimmered in the moonlight. His bottom half began to burn as his legs were drawn together and fused, anatomy shifting to allow for the change. Delicate, flowing fins extended from the taper his feet had become, and blazing, red scales slowly grew over his new tail. Lance pulled Keith beneath the waves, their bodies glowing red and blue as gills sprung open along Keith's ribs and throat. He took a deep breath of water, eyes widening. Lance trilled and the former human could actually hear his words.
“You are like me, now! We can be together until we become the foam that lines the shores, and I will love you the whole time.”
Keith grinned and pressed their foreheads together, trilling back.
“And I'll love you even longer, Lance.”
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mccarthyochoa64 · 2 years
Preparing food is an excellent artwork to understand. Be it solely for healthy uses or for the enjoyment of making food from the beginning for your personal friends and family, the comfort that may be linked to this ability is enormous. But if you were in no way explained the fundamentals of food preparation, and getting towards you around a kitchen is just not your forte, here are some handy hints you have to know.
Saute worn out greens vegetables. Should your greens green veggies have witnessed far better times, don't discard them - saute them! Salad greens such as radicchio, arugula and endive create a scrumptious part meal when sauteed. Cook them rapidly in essential olive oil, cut garlic herb and ocean sea salt. Mix after some bacon and goat cheddar cheese, and you will probably be happy that you just didn't dispose of these unused greens green veggies! You must retailer your flour within a water-resistant compartment. If flour will get damp, it becomes an enormous mess and can not be useful for cooking. There are several water resistant storage units that can be covered so that there is absolutely no way for water to get involved with it, which can save you lots of money in the end. Rising the money requires persistence plus an best environment. Don't just leave the container together with the money in which it's not inside your way. Produce the perfect circumstances for top level effects. Look for a place with constant, warmer temperature without write. Consistently shifting temperatures and write helps make the money go up little by little and unevenly. Something that can be done if you are cooking cauliflower is always to include milk, that helps to brighten up your veggie. This can improve the aesthetic charm of the food as well as keep up with the quality until finally you want to serve it to your friends or family. Enable roasts relax well before carving to permit the fruit drinks time and energy to retract from your top of the meat. Cutting meat, pork, poultry or lamb right after roasting lets most of the fruit juice exhaust your the beef that makes it drier and much less delicious. Offering don pie to relaxation inhibits losing the fruit drinks. In brief, learning to prepare is finding out how to stay away from pre-packed food items and food. These convenience foods goods, much too common today, have speed since their solitary genuine gain. Home-prepared food will usually defeat them in style and expense. In many instances - in spite of dishes which are not specifically healthful - the model made with the cooking will probably be more healthy compared to the manufactured edition. Shelling pecans can be really demanding. Make it simpler by washing them in a cupful of water and place the glass in the micro-wave for five-6 moments. It usually is possible to saturate the pecans into boiling hot h2o to get the exact same impact. Warm water helps make the casing smoother and easier to break into. To lower unwanted fat and calories inside a dish that cell phone calls for a number of mayonnaise, basically swap half the mayonnaise with bad cream. Since mayonnaise acts generally a textural function in a number of these dishes, swapping it with similarly textured bitter lotion gives you exactly the same feel using a lighter weight, more healthy taste. In case you are some of those folks that is not going to consume a lot of fresh vegetables so the fresh fruit and vegetables you purchase go bad really quick you should purchase frosty veggies. Frosty vegetables are display frozen so these are the just like eating new greens and you only have to get around you will need in the package deal and come back the others towards the freezer. Get creative once you prepare food your meals. Preparing food is undoubtedly an art work-kind. You must not restrict you to ultimately the standard types and permutations. Try including different fresh vegetables rather than processed fresh vegetables. Use varieties not present in processed veggie mixes. You are going to shortly find your meals have far more flavoring. When slicing vegetables or meat it's essential to obtain sharp, good quality cutlery. This can help you to find the seem and equally prepared dinner that you want. If you use dull, low quality kitchen knives, as an alternative to decreasing the food, they may rip it that may cause uneven food preparation as well as a not too appetizing looking meal. See the menu entirely before you begin any cooking endeavor! Just reading this list of ingredients will not make sure that you are totally prepared to total the dish. There are numerous tactics and equipment which may be required so will not be as well ambitious when dealing with a new formula. Use these ways to kindle your very own ideas about what your diet might be like. With some creativeness as well as a small know-how, the foodstuff you put together could be some thing wonderful, each time. Get interested in food preparation once more and find out whatever you can conjure up with your cooking area.
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annakovecses-blog · 6 years
Coffee Shops in San Francisco You Need to Visit Before You Die
Trouble Coffee Co. is your tiny coffee shop that may.  Using its first place based from a very small store in the far reaches of the Outer Sunset, Trouble Coffee sparked San Francisco's artisanal toast trend using $4.00 cinnamon-sugar toast thick bread.  (Hey, the title just begun to make sense for us because you are going to be in trouble with their bread - calorie-wise, and maybe financially, also.)  Founded by Giulietta Carrelli, Trouble has enlarged its small coffeehouse's (and coconut club) achieve with just two new places in Bayview and Oakland - combined with its own toast offerings.  
Coffee shops are a dime-a-dozen at San Francisco. Are there so many?  SF is a worldwide leader in the innovative, third-wave java motion - a movement which intends to generate high quality java as an artisanal solution, such as craft wine or beer. This is excellent news for us, as San Franciscans enjoy their coffee.  We narrowed our list down on the very best, and the top of the very best to provide you with this list of coffee shops you need to see before you die. Down the road from UCSF's Parnassus Medical Center is currently Golden Bear Trading Company.  This unassuming coffee shop sells breakfast meals, spirits and coffee-snob accepted drinks.  This little cafe is a must-go for java fans in the City, also has been showcased on Yelp's Best 100 Places to Eat.  Sam, the enthusiastic owner of Golden Bear, is known to state that in the event you do not believe his coffee is the best, he will provide you another cup at no cost.  Challenge approved, Sam!  
Coffee Bar Papa November is a java truck indefinitely in the corner of 15th Street and Kansas at San Francisco's Design District, across the road by the Design Center and Design Within Reach.  While there is no seating, the java makes up for this.  Serving Stumptown coffee, the truck rotates a choice of beans weekly.  In addition they sell homemade baked products which change every day.  What do you need to purchase at Papa November?  The Claris - cold milk lotion with espresso.  Evidently, there's no seating at Papa November's java truck, so grab a cup to go in your way into the workplace or to get you prepared for a evening of furniture purchasing. 
Saint Frank Coffee Piccino Coffee Bar No listicle of San Francisco coffee shops are complete without Philz Coffee.  Scratch that.   San Francisco would not be full without Philz!  Phil Jaber was the proprietor of a miniature supermarket at The Mission District and wished to leave behind a larger legacy for his son, Jacob.  In his quest to make the ideal coffee, it took seven years to receive his very first coffee mix, Tesoro, only perfect.  Philz is a San Francisco staple with 14 places in the City along with 15 other people across the Bay Area.  (Philz has also enlarged to Los Angeles, and he has his eyes set on Washington, DC - we would say he is likely to leave behind a fantastic legacy.)  The Mint Mojito Iced Coffee is one of the very well-known items, together with the Mocha Tesora - but you really can't go wrong with anything else here.  
This stylish, contemporary coffee shop situated just from 19th Avenue & Noriega is popularly famous for its communal tables, comfy environment and diverse espresso creations.  Popular with students and a hipster crown, the menu consists of large pieces of paper onto the wall.  What do you need to purchase at Home?  Without a doubt: the lavender latte.  If lavender isn't something (or you are afraid that your coffee will taste like soap - a legitimate concern, although it's capital-D Delicious), try out the sea salt caramel and coconut vanilla java.   House  - 1222 Noriega Street, San Francisco, CA The Mill is the beloved child of Four Barrel Coffee and Josey Baker Bread about the buzzing Divisadero Street corridor involving NoPa and Alamo Square.  The Mill serves up tasty, velvety espresso beverages, java, artisanal toasts and granola (change seasonally and comprise weekly specials) roasted by Josey Baker Bread, pastries from Neighbor Bakehouse, biscuits from Anthony's and donuts from Dynamo Donuts.  If your taste buds have not already exploded while dreaming about the goodness that is The Mill, prepare The Mill includes Pizza Night every Monday from 6:00-9:00PM plus a Grilled Cheese & Soup Night on Wednesdays, 6:00-9:00PM.  Seriously, is that this location heaven-in-SF?   We recommend ordering an espresso beverage with a Pistachio Blackberry Croissant.  
Seriously, you will find more than 300 coffee shops across the City - that is approximately 6 per square mile! This hipster-chic cafe can be found on top Polk Street in Russian Hill.  With soaring ceilings, ample all-natural light, clean lines and glossy, white and walnut interior, Saint Frank can make you feel as though you've been hauled to Copenhagen.  As you may have guessed, Saint Frank is called after our beloved City.  The menu is modest, and the coffee is on the side (in true Nordic type ).  Our Favourite creation in Saint Frank is your Almond Macadamia Latte.   Saint Frank Coffee - 2340 Polk Street, San Francisco, CA Founded in 1935, Graffeo Coffee Roasting Company is one of North America's earliest artisan coffee roasters.  You will find Graffeo just up the road from Washington Square Park in the heart of North Beach, San Francisco's famous Italian grotto.  Graffeo is not really a cafe; it is a roaster.  You may just purchase their deliciously roasted beans or reasons.  Totally worthwhile.  
Réveille Coffee started in 2010 when brothers Thomas and Christopher Newbury started selling coffee from a repurposed delivery truck.  Six decades and four places afterwards, Réveille serving some of San Francisco's tastiest espresso and coffee beverages.  After moving to Mission Bay only six weeks before, Cafe Réveille is currently creating a lot of buzz on Yelp and social websites.  With vivid colors along with small, artsy decor, Cafe Réveille is a superb place to catch java, breakfast/lunch or invest just a tiny bit of time .  (Notice: Cafe Réveille is open for dinner and drinks each evening.)  All beans are roasted in house, and also their mocha is one of the most well-known things on the menu.  Réveille Coffee has different places in Jackson Square,
The Castro and North Beach.   Fog Lifter Cafe is a small, quaint coffee shop located in the center of Ingleside.  This unpretentious hangout - favorite with local residents and SFSU and CCSF students - functions tasty coffee roasted by Blue Bottle and Sightglass, in addition to smoothies, pastries, breakfast scrambles, panini sandwiches and much more.  This store specializes in pour-over java.   Home Piccino is a contemporary Italian trattoria with a cute linking coffee pub.  This very small coffee bar functions Sightless java, oven-hot stick buns and other homemade pastries which are sure to delight.  Open till 10:00PM, it is the perfect stop after dinner at the Dogpatch to get a cappuccino.  Even though the coffee bar doesn't have seating, it is possible to get a seat in the nice Woods Yard Park across the road.   Piccino Coffee Bar - 807 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA
Coffee Bar - 1890 Bryant Street, San Francisco, CA Ritual Coffee Roasters sparked a java renaissance at San Francisco after launching in 2005.  Based from The Mission, Ritual has enlarged to include four places such as Bayview's Flora Grubb Gardens along with Napa's Oxbow Public Market.  Our favorite is your outpost in Hayes Valley's PROXY - a modified shipping container that is positively hipsteriffic.  Get caffeinated using their tasty Gibraltar Coffee, San Francisco's version of a Cortado, and head to Chantal Guillon to Get a sweet pairing.  
Ritual Coffee in PROXY - 432b Octavia Street, San Francisco, CA Situated between the Mission District and Potrero Hill is Coffee Bar, one of the favorite places in San Francisco.  This comfy, but contemporary coffeehouse includes a split-level store with sidewalk and courtyard seating, also serves espresso and coffee beverages sourced from Mr. Espresso.  This exceptional place provides breakfast and lunch items, such as sandwiches, salads and, of course, candy.  Come via this relaxing coffeehouse to their Havana Latte - YUM!
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Another Bay Area first (Oakland, to be exact ), you can't ever fail at Blue Bottle Coffee.  With exceptional places around the globe (Blue Tooth recently opened store in Tokyo), java fans everywhere flock to Blue Bottle for yummy, handmade beverages - particularly their famous iced coffee beverages: the chicory-flavored New Orleans Iced Coffee and sweet Vietnamese Iced Coffee.  Our favourite Blue Bottle outpost is certainly that the semi-hidden Linden Alley store in Hayes Valley which works from a garage, also surrounded by graffiti artwork A ideal pit stop before or after a day of shopping Hayes Valley's many boutiques.   On silent Lawton Street at the Outer Sunset is located Andytown Coffee Roastersfamous for their Snowy Plover iced expresso beverage.  It is a mixture of brewed espresso, sparkling water and brown sugar syrup, topped with tasty house-made whipped cream which provides Cool Whip a run for their money.  This beverage is merely one of the factors for its long lines which frequently file the door out.  (That, and the fact that Andytown packs at a coffee store, roastery and bakery all in its 600 square foot store!)  Do not skip the Northern Irish soda bread and scones.  Added bonus: it is only a couple of blocks from Ocean Beach.  
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