#oh how i wish i was LOVEABLE
poppy-metal · 2 years
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oh-look-at-her · 4 months
"I can do....terrible things to you."
Pairing: agardian!reader x Loki
Warnings: profanity, PinV, unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it), oral sex(f receiving), fingering, dirty talk, use of pet names (Prince, princess, pet, dearest, etc), Loki is a warning in itself, degradation, mocking, name calling (just once I think), choking (for a little while), just smut in general
Author's note: I just wanted to say this is my first ever written fic so have mercy on me. I just really wanted to use that sentence from the Loki series🤭It was also supposed to be shorter...it did not keep to that. I also wanted to say that with the word "undergarment" I do not mean modern day underwear. I mean undergarment as in from the 1700's (like depicted in the photo underneath this text). Don't ask me why I decided to do that, I don't know. I think I've just been watching too much Outlander these last few days. Alr I'll stop my rambling now. I hope everyone enjoys♡
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“Oh dear gods, another ball. How many of these are they going to organize?” Was my first thought when Thor asked me to go as his guest yet again the other day. I thought I wouldn’t be going.
And yet, here i am. Standing in a corner in the main hall of the majestic golden palace that the formerly mentioned prince calls home, with a glass of liquor in one hand and a small snack i grabbed from a faraway table in the other. Though i did want to support Thor in his victories of the week, that was not the true reason i came to another loud party.
“Quite the partygoer lately. Tell me, is it just because you enjoy being around obnoxiously drunk people or are you trying to charm my dear brother?"
And there it is. The infamous Loki Odinson, prince of Asgard, God of mischief and lies, to the irritation of many people. I know I wouldn't mind him getting mischievous at all though....
I eat the little one-bite snack in hopes of it distracting me from my thoughts, but to no avail.
Meanwhile, Loki keeps talking with a grin on his face and a sultry tone to his voice.
"If it is the latter, I suggest you stop, since he seems to have quite the interest in that other woman he's been eyeing all night."
I give him the best cocky look I can muster and answer back; "Thor does not have any interest in me and neither do I in him. He gets to ogle whoever he wishes, I thought you would know this, being his brother. Tell me, where is the sudden interest in your brother's love life coming from, dear prince."
"Oh please, a blind man would know he was shamelessly into her. Besides, how could I not be interested when my brother continuously invites the same woman to his... Celebrations."
He ogles me suspiciously, as if he doesn't believe I wasn't interested in that loveable blonde buffoon. I myself have a different type of God in mind. I opt to try and change his mind.
"Thor and I are friends. Why are you so interested in this?"
He hums dismissively and ogles the ongoing party.
"No interest in dancing?" he changes the subject.
"No, this dress is not a dancing type dress. Too tight and heavy. I should've opted for another, but it's too late now." he looked my dress up and down as I spoke, seemingly uninterested, though his tone of voice said otherwise.
"Well, beauty over functionality, isn't it? Seems as if you've succeeded in that area, at least."
My stomach flips and the corners of my mouth lift up into a faint taunting smile as I look up at him. "You think I look beautiful?"
He looks back at me, a faint trace of surprise tainting his expression. "Well yes, I wouldn't have said what i did if I did not think it. When have I ever been known to lie about my opinions, dearest?"
My mind jumps at the mention of the pet name and the compliment paired with it and although I tried to hide my surprise, the faint smirk on the God's face tells me enough. Nevertheless, I look at him with a playful light in my voice.
"Well, you are the god of lies. I would expect you to live up to this Title, as you do your other titles."
"Ah, and what titles are these, pray tell?" he asks as he looks at me with disdain, as if I offended him.
"Those of you being the god of mischief, as well as a relentless trickster. Though people say you usually can't do much harm." I chuckle at Sif's offensive words towards the prince of Asgard.
He chuckles with me, though I suspect because of something else, because his expression had turned darker, his gaze falling on mine again.
"Well, I assure you that I can do... Terrible things to you and anybody I wish."
He says in a low, dark voice, his unrelenting gaze catching the widening of my eyes and the heaving of my chest at his threatening words. Although his words do anything but scare me.
Is that a promise? I think to myself, my mind running wild with the different context his words could be said in.
He grins at me, still not letting his eyes wander from mine. "Do you want it to be?" he suddenly asks.
"What?" I manage to spurt out, shock and excitement having taken over my mind.
"Do you want it to be a promise?" he repeats his question with that same dark, knowing smile on his face.
Did I say that out loud? I'm certain I didn't.
"No, you didn't." he answers my thoughts once again and fear and embarrasment seep into my bones as I realize how he had known.
"How long have you been reading my mind?" I ask him with a shaky voice. He chuckles again, knowing he has the upper hand now. He drops his gaze to his shoulder gently touching mine. When did that happen?
"While you were inquiring why I was so interested in my brother's 'love life' as you put it."
Oh. My. Gods. He had seen and heard every single thing I had been thinking. How embarrassing. I wanted to dig a hole to Hel and stay there until I had melted into the fires forever.
"That's a bit dramatic." he tells me. I move away from him with a scowl, taking care that we didn't touch anymore so he couldn't read my mind any longer, but he already knew all of it. He had heard all my lewd thoughts about him and he thought it funny.
He still has that annoyingly handsome smirk plastered on his face as he gestures for us to move away from the busy crowd and into the halls that lead to various rooms. I decide to follow him. All the harm that could be done had already been done, so why not? He knew it all now. He is silent as we walk through the halls, muffled music still being heard from the party.
"You know, I would expect you to say something...." I trail off as he stops walking and opens a door we arrived at. He gestures for me to enter the room.
It is a lavishly elegant room, accents of gold layered the cream colored walls, a nightstand with multiple drawers and a bed with silky sheets line the left wall, while the other side of the room is dedicated to a roaring fireplace and two lounge couches in the same shade of green as the silk sheets on the bed. In the middle of the wall I am facing, there is a lavish balcony that had a beautiful view towards Asgard. Loki walks towards the bed and sits down on the golden bench in front of it.
I stay by the door, looking at him expectantly, hoping he would clear up the fact that we just entered (what I presumed is) his room without a word being said. He sighs and finally opens his mouth.
"Yes, you're right. I should say something." he pauses for a moment, looking me up and down, though this time not in a rude manner. No, this time it felt more like... Admiration. The God of Mischief and Lies is looking at me with admiration.
"You're a beautiful woman. I must say, I had my eye on you ever since you entered this castle for the first time. Though I thought my brother had claimed you for his own, due to him always inviting you to these gatherings. When you told me this wasn't the case, I decided to see if you were being truthfull or not. I must admit, it was an invasion of your privacy, but I do not regret it one bit."
He gestures for me to join him and sit next to him. I oblige and walked over to him, opting to stand due to the uncomfortability of my dress. He notices this and looked down with a smile gracing his lips.
"So yes, what I said is true. You are beautiful, though this dress could never do you justice. Plus, you seem incredibly uncomfortable in it."
I scoff at his words. "What, are you going to offer to take it off of me? I've heard that line a thousand times, it is not original. Besides, I very well think this dress makes me look exquisite. Why else would I wear it?"
"I did not say you didn't look beautiful in the dress. I am merely noting that it does not do you justice." he answers cockily
"And what would do me justice then, Prince?" I spit back at him, getting a little annoyed at his degrading tone, making my mind wander to unholy places once more.
His low chuckle echoes in my ears. Gods, that chuckle. It's so... Seductive.
"Won't tell, princess." the pet name surprises me. Sure, I had called him Prince, but he is a genuine Prince. I feigned nonchalance.
"Ah, there it is. Let me guess, you'd have to take off my dress to show me?" his playful expression turns into one of ice, filled with lust and seduction. It was a thrilling sight to see.
"You'd let me." he said, with full confidence, because he knew it was true. I didn't need to answer him as he stands and closes the small distance between us, making me look up because of his obnoxiously tall figure.
The playful twinkle in his eye had been replaced with something dark, possessive almost. My breath hitches in my throat as his hand ghosts up until it reached the dip of my waist, pulling me impossibly closer to him.
And I let him.
His gaze was ice cold as he inspected my entire face and figure again. Gods, I love it when he does that. He dips his head until I feel his breath near my ear.
"I know." he whispers into my ear. This asshole was reading my mind any time he could, but even if i could stop him, I don't think i would. He lifts his head to look at me again, this time a devillish smirk is playing at the corners of his mouth again.
Please kiss me already.
I beg to myself and I know he heard it. He finally dips his head down to my lips, I part them as I desperately await his kiss. He doesn't kiss me yet, though. He chuckles at my sigh of frustration, though it sounds more like a whine than I had intended.
His amused and torturous gaze lands on my desperate one. "What is it, pet?" he whispers against my lips. So close.... He knows exactly what he's doing. Of course he does. I'd waited so long, stayed up so many nights because of the thought of him being this close. Or closer....
My eyebrows furrowed at the thought of these nights and I know he saw. I know he knows exactly what I'm thinking, but I don't care. I want him. And I'll have him.
"Will you, now? Last I checked, I'm the Prince here. You are under my command, are you not?" he outright laughs at my attempt to kiss him, get him closer to me in any way. He moves away from me, opting to move towards one of the lavish Green couches on the other side of the room. He looks at me over his shoulder while he did so, plaguing me, teasing me with the distance he's creating.
I stare at my hands, nervously playing with my fingers whilst trying not to grieve the loss of his touch. His hand on my waist, His chest pressing against mine, his lips so close to mine... I hear him walking around for a bit while I'm still fidgeting with my fingers, not daring to look his way unless asked.
"Don't get shy now, pet. Look at me." I lift my head to see him sitting comfortably on the couch, his fine asgardian leather suddenly having been replaced with a pair of comfortable looking black lounge pants and... No shirt.
He's trying to get under my skin, I know it. But I don't care one bit as I let my gaze travel along the impressive muscle tone of the Prince, trailing from his shoulders to his chest, from his chest to his toned abs, from his abs to that perfect V-shape that's only disrupted by the thin fabric of his pants.
I let my eyes wander further up now, admiring the strong biceps and, Gods, those perfectly veiny arms. And finally those hands...i could stare at them all day, just the sight of them makes me almost want to drool.
He's so perfect. And he knows it as I finally meet his icy gaze and that same goddamn smirk that made my heart freeze and my hands tremble.
He knows it when he gestures for me to walk towards him and close the distance he so painstakingly created just a minute ago.
He knows it when he stands before me, pulling at the strong threads that were holding my dress together, making the first layer of my dress fall to the ground.
He knows it when he carefully unties my corset with gentle patience, unlacing it with his slender fingers and finally taking it off of me.
He knows it when I'm standing before him in my undergarment, looking me up and down, not with just hunger or lust, but with adoration and relief. The sheer fabric does nothing to hide my body, even showing off my nipples that had hardened due to the cold night air.
And gods, does he know it when he guides my arms to lay on his shoulders, peppering tender kisses onto every inch of skin he can find, pulling me closer and finally granting me the kiss I had been longing for ever since I had seen him for the first time.
His lips capture mine so perfectly in a dance of passion, not at all what I had expected from a God of mischief. I had expected something feral, completely driven by lust. Hel, I'm not sure I even expected him to outright kiss me. No, this exceeds all my expectations.
He carefully bites my lower lip, granting him entrance to lick inside my mouth and taste me, deepening the kiss. The feeling of excitement and arousal growing with every passing second.
He grinds himself into me, pulling me closer and closer. I can feel his cock getting hard through the fabric of his pants, making me clench my cunt around nothing. My hands roamed through his hair, not nearly as greasy as I had imagined, instead I am met with soft curls and a pretty sound coming from the Prince's lips as I tug at them.
He's everywhere. His arms around my waist, squeezing it tight and keeping me close to him. He overtowers me by far, and he has to lean down a distance even with me standing on my tiptoes to reach. His scent, his taste, his hands.
Gods, I need him. He breaks the kiss, but not without tugging at my bottom lip another time, a little rougher now, though.
His breath is steady, whereas mine is ragged and uncontrollable as he rests his forehead against mine, his lips still hovering so close to mine.
"I know, I need you too. You've no idea how long I've wanted you." he whispers, again answering my thoughts. I didn't mind this time, though. I want him to hear and see everything I am thinking. I want him to know what I want.
But that doesn't mean I'm not going to play first. He had been so gentle and loving and it feels so good to be worshipped, but that would have to wait for another time.
He lifts his head up to look at me. "What is it?" he asks, curiosity lacing his voice.
I smile at him, hoping it looks as seductive and entrancing as I want it to and take his hand, slowly guiding him towards the bed.
Upon reaching it, I lie down comfortably in the midst of the bed, tugging at him to do the same. He climbs on top of me, again ogling me with curiosity. This surprises me, if he was still reading my mind he would know what I am doing.
"Opting to not read my mind anymore?" I ask, with a smile.
"I thought it'd be more fun if I don't know exactly what you're going to do before you do it." he grins, seeing that this has pleased me. Now I can do what i want.
I tangle my hands in his hair again, watching his face as it contorts into a relaxed expression as I tug a bit at the strands again. I bring his lips to mine again, but this time, I want it to be different. I bite his lip roughly, making him open his mouth in surprise as I lick into him now, tasting berries and a tinge of alcohol on his tongue. I moan into his mouth at the taste and it seems he finally realized what I was trying to do. He kisses me back hungrily, seizing control again, much to my liking. He abruptly pulls away afterwards, much to my dismay.
He looks down at me with a knowing smirk on his face. "What's wrong, princess? Don't want me to be nice anymore? What do you want? Go on, say it. I know you know exactly what it is." he urges me on with a sultry tone to his words.
"Please...i want you to be mean to me."
"Really?" he feigns surprise, "whatever would you mean by that, darling?" he asks, starting to tease me by peppering kisses along my jaw.
"I want-" he shifts his body so he's lying perfectly on top of me. I can feel his cock rubbing against my clothed cunt and it sends a shiver down my spine. "Please just-" his kisses grow hungrier as he guides himself down to my neck. "Could you please be rough..." he bites down on my neck, emitting a gasp from me. I think that was his answer to my plea.
He is indeed rougher now, biting and suckling on the soft skin of my neck, gradually moving down... To my shoulder... To my collarbone... And then. The hem of my undergarment.
He looks at me while twirling his finger around the measly little thread. The only thing that's between him and my bare body. The only thing he'd have to loosen before slipping my last piece of clothing from me and leaving me bare. And that's exactly what he did.
He slowly, teasingly pulls at the thread and folds the fabric to the side, revealing my tits to him. He rips his eyes from mine and finally meets my bare chest, looking at it like a starved man would a plate of hot food.
He started where he left off, just below my collarbone he peppered kisses and bites again. Slow, agonizing, teasing movements until he finally reached my hardened nipple, waiting, aching for him.
He hungrily takes the sensitive bud into his mouth, suckling on it with rough movements, his hand coming up to cup my other boob roughly. I whine at the sensation, his tongue lavishly doing its job in pleasuring me.
After a while, he flashes me a devillish smile before moving onto the other nipple, suckling at the same pace, much to my relief as it is the perfect pace and he knows this.
I squirm underneath him, whining and moaning as he keeps suckling on my nipple, the sensation making me crave for more. I grind against his hard-on and I swear I heard a whimper coming from the Prince's mouth. He stills for a moment, his hands clawing at my hips to stop me from moving.
"Be patient, pet. Let me enjoy you." is all he says before continuing to suck on my tits, keeping me on edge and increasing my arousal a thousand fold while doing so.
His hands explored my body with rough motions. Grabbing my waist, squeezing it, fondling my tit. Finally he reaches my shoulders, his hands slide down the length of my arms and he grabs my hands before pulling his mouth off of my nipple.
He sits up straight and, while never breaking eye contact, brings my right hand up to his mouth and kisses it. A stark contrast to how he was sucking on my tits just a second ago, but not unwelcome. He kisses my wrist now, then my forearm, then my bicep, then my shoulder.
Then he switches his attention to my neck again, bruising and marking me, coaxing soft moans from me. There would be no way to cover up those spots, although I'm not sure I'd want to or if he would let me.
He continues his trail of kisses downwards again, this time dragging my undergarment down with him. He stopped for a moment to look at me again.
"Off." he gestures towards my undergarment. I obey and quickly slip off the feeble piece of fabric, discarding it on the floor next to his bed. Once I face him again, completely bare now, he looks at me with approval.
"Good girl." he whispers under his breath, but I heard. I smile at his words of praise as he looks me up and down hungrily. He leans down and, while maintaining eye contact, licked a stripe up my body from my hips to my chest.
I breathe out a moan at this scandalous action. He flashes me a cunning smile before biting my nipple gently, coaxing a surprised gasp from me. He continues biting and suckling on my skin, moving down... Down... Down. Until he reaches my thighs.
He wraps his hands around my knees and spread them apart as far as they'll go, slowly and teasingly he leans down again. He starts kissing my thigh, occasionally softly biting down to coax an unexpected whimper from me.
He finally inches closer to where I need him the most. He looks at my pussy with hunger in his eyes, licking his lips and looking up at me. He softly blows on it, making me moan from the sensation. I grab ahold of his locks again, hoping to be able to push him down and just make him have me already, but he doesn't let me.
"Impatient now, are we? I can certainly tell with how wet you are. Is this all for me, pet?" he asks me as his hands caress my thighs. I don't know how to answer him, so I just whine and buck my hips towards him, hoping that he gets the message.
He chuckles at my desperate attempts at seeking his tongue. "Please..." I beg, feeling nothing but longing for the god in between my legs in this moment. He sighs before demanding; "please what?"
"Please just take me already, Loki." I answer him in an annoyed tone, but before I can release a huff of annoyance, he licks a stripe from my hole to my clit. I moan languidly at the unexpected move.
"Is this what you wanted?" he asks teasingly.
"Yes, Gods, yes." I sigh, throwing my head back.
He chuckles at my pathetic tone and starts lapping up the arousal that had been gathering all evening. He moans at the taste, reveling in it as he flicks his tongue over my clit.
His movements have me keening and bucking my hips as he fucks his tongue into me. People said he had a cunning tongue to him(although probably not in this context) and they were right. Gods, does he know how to eat a woman out.
His tongue laps at me at just the right pace, fucking in and out of my cunt, softly suckling on my clit. He brought his hand up to cup my tit as he did so, overwhelming my senses and making me grab onto his hair. This coaxed another moan out of him, sending vibrations throughout my body.
I can feel the coil in my stomach beginning to tighten. I'm close and he knows it, because he suddenly changes his original pace to a slower one, making me whine.
"Loki.... Don't be mean." I tell him.
He stops his movements altogether now, looking up at me with a cocky grin. "What's the matter, princess?" he feigns pity.
"You know exactly what, i was close." I huff, sexual frustration coaxing through my whole body.
He laughs at my attitude. "You don't get to decided when you cum, pet. I do. You are under my command now and what I say goes." he answers in a dark, possessive tone of voice.
His words make my stomach flip and my pussy clench around nothing. He's so attractive, I can't help it. He knows it, noting my reaction to his words. He lifts his head from between my thighs and climbs back on top of me, his face right in front of mine. I can't help but admire him, especially from this angle. His hair framing his face, his eyes piercing my own, his lips... In that sadistic smile.
"What? Do you like it when i control you? Do you want to be my toy, hm?" he whispers, looking me right in the eyes, never letting go of my gaze. He catches the widening of my pupils, the quickening pace of my breath, the desperation in my eyes. No, he doesn't need to read my mind to know how i feel.
He leans down, brushing his lips over mine. I try to catch his lips with mine, but he doesn't let me. He's teasing me again. I whine as he laughs at me.
He laughs at me. How dare he, when i want him so bad and I know he wants me too. How dare he, when he knows how desperate I am for his touch. How dare he, when I'm lying naked underneath him and he is denying me what I want.
"What is it? Annoyed? What do you want, princess?" he asked me tauntingly.
I lift up my hand to caress him. I let my hand slide higher up the back of his neck, having my fingers intertwine with his locks and pulling him down by them until my lips are right next to his ear. He lets me.
I lick at his earlobe experimentally and a soft moan comes from the God's lips that I enjoyed a little too much. I took his earlobe in my mouth and sucked on it a few times, making Loki melt on top of me.
I stop only to whisper in his ear; "I want you to fuck me." his entire demeanor changes as he looks me in the eyes. I'm suddenly hyper aware of my naked body and his hard length pushing against my thigh through his pants. The thought of him fucking me with it makes a pleasurable shiver run up my spine.
He flashes me a cunning smile and gets off the bed, leaving me cold and naked. His gaze scans over me while he takes off his lounge pants. My eyes land on his now bare cock, the sight making my mouth water and my pussy clench.
Gods, it looks delicious. I wouldn't mind having a taste of it. It's long yet still girthy and I'm suddenly nervous about the sheer size of it. He looks at me knowingly before finally getting on the bed again and on top of me. He settles in between my legs to admire me again.
"Turn around, pet." he commands. I do as he says and turn around, keeping myself upright with my knees and having my arms stretched out in front of me. He lets his hand travel the flesh of my thighs, the curve of my ass, the dip of my waist.
I can hear the sheets ruffling and I'm about to look behind me to see what he was doing, before I feel his tongue on my cunt again. I moan at the unexpected feeling. He laps at my pussy for a bit, drinking my arousal like it's his favorite beverage. He lets go of my waist and I feel his finger spreading my lips apart.
"So wet all for me. Look at that, pet. You're throbbing." fuck, and I can feel it as he uses his finger to spread my arousal through my pussy lips. The friction has me bucking my hips when i suddenly feel his finger probing at my entrance.
He pushes his slender finger inside of me, making me moan out his name. He curls his finger, making it hit that spongy spot inside of me. Gods, he's making me go feral. He pulls out his finger now, but before I can whine at the loss, he enters two fingers inside me.
He pumps his fingers in and out for a bit, but then switches to scissoring them inside my cunt, making me almost squeal in pleasure. He begins to lick at my clit again. The feeling of him sucking at the sensitive bud and scissoring his finger inside of me has me keening and the coil in my stomach quickly tightening.
My pussy clamps down on his fingers and he knows I'm about to cum. He suddenly stops all his movements, keeping his fingers inside my cunt, making me whine and mewl at my failed orgasm.
"Stop your whining. Didn't I tell you? I decide when you cum and I won't let you cum unless it's on my cock, do you understand?" I whine at his words, my mind being too far gone to string together coherent sentences to answer him.
"So pathetic for me. Look at you, lying there with your ass up just for me. And you like it, don't you?" I whine in response. "Of course you do, you're mine now. I'll do anything I want to you and you'll let me." he proves his point by spreading apart my ass cheeks and licking a stripe from my clit to my ass. I moan at the sensation.
"Do you want me to fuck you? Hm? Do you want me to make you mine?" he splays his hand down on my scalp, scratching it with his fingernails before tightly grabbing a handful of my hair and pulling me up against his chest.
"Yes! Yes, please, make me yours. Please, Loki." I beg pathetically, but I don't care. I want him to fuck me already and I'll say anything to make it so.
He harshly throws me down on the bed again, shoving my face into the pillow in the process. I yelp at the unexpected action. Loki's hand travels now from out of my hair, over my back, my waist, to my ass. His other hand pumps up and down his dick slowly.
He starts to tease me with the tip of his cock, guiding it through my folds and spreading my arousal and his precum. I moan at the feeling, bucking my hips because why is he not railing me yet?
He stops his movements, his cock stilling right where my entrance is. I'm about to ask him why he stopped when i feel the tip of his dick entering me. I let out a near pornographic moan. Fuck, is he gooood.
The stretch feels so good after all his teasing, but he's not pushing any more of his cock in. Instead, leaving just the tip and staying where he is. I whine when i realize this and he knows exactly why.
"What is it? You want more, pet? Don't be greedy, take what I give you." he says, with a degrading tone to his voice that makes my cunt squeeze down on him. He cursed at this notion, but stayed as he is. I try to buck my hips to get more of him, but his strong hands are keeping me in place.
"Please, come on, I've been good. Pleaseeee." I beg him. "Please, Loki, i-" before I can finish my sentence he thrusts his whole length into me in one swift movement, making me choke on a sob from the pain and pleasure.
He doesn't still to let me adjust. Instead, he sets a rough pace. Fucking in and out of me fast and deep. So fucking deep, I can feel him in my stomach. I'm sure that if I had the physical strength to reach, I would be able to feel a bulge in my stomach from his cock.
My curses are high pitched and incoherent as the snap of his hips continues. "That what you wanted? Did you want to be fucked like this, hm?" I sob at his words, too overwhelmed to say anything.
"Is it too much, pet? But you were just begging me to take you, begging me to make you mine."
"T-too much-" I manage to stutter out in between his thrusts.
"Shut up, you can take it." he says in a mean tone of voice that send a shiver down my spine. "You asked for it. This is what greedy whores get." my pussy squeezes him like a vice at the degrading name he called me. Fuck, did that turn me on.
"Oh, you like being called that, hm? You like being treated like a dumb bitch." he says, grabbing a handful of my hair again and lifting up my head. "Don't you?" he asks me, emphasizing his words with a deep thrust. I answer with a guttural moan. He seems content with that answer, though. A sadistic smile claiming his lips.
"Turn over." he says all of a sudden, pulling his cock out of me and I whine at the empty feeling before obeying his order and lying down on my back now.
He leans down again and catches my lips in an aggressive kiss. He licks at my bottom lip, into my mouth. He thrusts back inside of me fully, catching me off guard. He swallows the moan it coaxes out of me and starts thrusting at the same unforgiving pace.
I close my eyes, too far gone to keep them open from the pleasure. His hand snaked towards my neck and chokes me, making my eyes shoot wide open and my hand clamp on to his.
"There we go." he says with a smile. "Keep your eyes on me, pet." so I do. I try with all my might to keep my eyes on him. Gods, the choking isn't helping. My senses are all overwhelmed, completely focused on the feeling of his cock spearing into me.
In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.
I hear him curse under his breath when i feel the coil in my stomach tightening for the third time this evening, making my pussy clamp down on him again.
"Fuck, so tight for me. You feel so good." he brings his free hand to my clit, rubbing calculated circles onto the sensitive bundle of nerves.
"I wanna cum inside you. Let me?" it sounds more like a demand than a question, but I shakily nod my head anyway.
The coil in my stomach gets tighter by the second. The snapping of his hips, the squeezing of his hand on my throat, the circling of his thumb on my clit. All of it.
Tightening... Tightening....
"Cum for me, princess." he tells me.
The coil snaps and the best orgasm of my life rips through my body. My pussy clamps down on him like a vice, my eyes roll to the back of my head, my jaw falls slack. He fucks me through my high and I can hear him cursing at how tight I am.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum inside you." he curses, his pace growing sloppy as he's nearing his high. He keeps fucking up into me, making me cry out from overstimulation.
A string of curse words falls from his lips as I feel his hot cum painting my walls. He rides out his high, letting his body relax on top of me. He embraces me gently, a stark contrast to how he was fucking me just a second ago. His hips cease their rocking motion.
We lie there for a bit like that; Him carefully holding me, his cock growing soft inside of me. Our sweaty bodies unwinding and relaxing against each other. I come to after a bit, finally snapping out of my brainless daze.
"So you really thought that I was fucking your brother?" I ask him.
"Yes, I did." he sighs. I chuckle at his tired response.
"So what was your first thought when you read my mind and figured out I most certainly was not?"
"Surprise at the disgusting thoughts that courses through your head about me, mainly." he says tauntingly. "But also relief."
"Awhh how sweet." I coax.
"You know, I was right." he says in a cocky tone.
"About what?"
"That dress doesn't do you justice and I was exactly right about what does." he answers. I chuckle at his words.
"You know what I was also right about?"
"No, what's that, Prince?" I ask teasingly.
"You let me show you exactly what did do you justice, princess."
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grandline-fics · 1 month
Hi can i request a Luffy x fem!reader where the pair are just two dumb idiots together like the reader has a personality like his (overly enthusiastic and optimistic) and they do everything together but they both dont realize that the like eachither (bc again dumb idiots) and the crew works tgt to make them both realize and get them to confess to eachother?
DESCRIPTION: You’re just as clueless as Luffy and the crew have to intervene to make you both realise your feelings
WORDS: 1,734
A/N:  Thank you for this request. I honestly didn't know how to make this work in the beginning but I'm happy with how this fell into place. Hopefully you like what I came up with
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Once upon a time the Strawhat crew believed that their Captain was one of a kind. They took his energetic nature, clear motivation to only do what he wanted as his current mood directed without any thought beyond that, stubbornness, and still unwavering joy in the face of most things as the concoction that could only be Luffy. However they were all collectively shocked when you crash landed into their lives and promptly made them realise that everything that made Luffy his loveable yet exhausting self was also very clearly what made you you too and when you and Luffy first interacted it was like two points finally connecting, never to separate. 
All their adventures before you came along seemed like such a breeze, how naive they had been in those days to consider it difficult to keep up with Luffy’s optimism and spontaneity. After you joined the crew if felt like double the work. It didn’t matter if they had eyes on one of the chaotic pair you two created because without the vigilant supervision over both of you, it only assured a disaster that could have been avoided. It never mattered to you or Luffy because at the end of the day you two would be laughing and telling the drained crew that it had worked out in the end and that there had been nothing to worry about. After a while it wasn’t the lack of thought to the crew and their wants of an easy time on an island to explore that frustrated them, it was the fact that you and Luffy still hadn’t realised you had feelings for each other and continued to act like oblivious morons every single day while also so clearly showing them and anyone else you interacted that you were two idiots in love. 
“They’re doing it on purpose.” Nami muttered one day, arms folded tightly across her chest as she glared at you and Luffy running about the deck of the Sunny, laughing and chasing Chopper without a care in the world. Suddenly Luffy grabbed one of the masts and propelled himself through the air. Chopped managed to dodge but you ended up being the one Luffy tackled loudly onto the ground. There was a beat of silence before the two of you burst out into loud laughter once more, doing nothing to move out of the position you were currently in. “They have to be doing it on purpose. They’re evil geniuses.”
“Don’t give them so much credit. They’re both just blind to how they really feel.” Zoro disagreed from his spot in the shade, opening his good eye to look you and Luffy’s way. “Don’t know how many times the stupid cook and I have brought it up. Luffy just believes he loves them the same way he loves us as his crew.”
“Oh no, that’s a very different kind of love compared to what he feels for us.” Usopp said with a small shake of his head. He supposed that the only reason this whole matter hadn’t been resolved yet was because of your personality. Anyone else would have been more aware of the difference and clear feelings and actually talked things out with their Captain. Everyone seemed to let out a collective sigh of exhaustion and resignation. All of them wishing-more for their own selfish peace of mind more than anything- there was something to be done and help you both realise your feelings.
It wasn’t until a week later that the crew stopped at a new island to relax and enjoy while they waited for the Log Pose to set. While some took to resupplying the ships, others took to exploring. You weren’t exactly annoyed that you hadn’t gone with Luffy, you were just confused at why Usopp and Nami insisted on you joining them on their shopping trip and no one else coming with them. Had they had a fight with some of the others on the crew that you weren’t aware of? You certainly hoped not, you didn’t like the crew fighting amongst themselves. 
“Are you sure this is going to work?” Nami whispered to Usopp as they remained a couple paces away from you. Operation: Divide and Conquer might have had a good name but the strategy didn’t seem all that good except try and get you to confess to Luffy by either making you jealous or straight up lying. If they couldn’t get through to you, they would try the same tactic with Luffy.
“It has to!” Usopp hissed back, quickly throwing you a nervous smile when you looked over your shoulder with a curious tilt of your shoulder. “Hey let’s go in here!” He called out in a panic, pointing to the closest store. You stopped and shrugged, going along with whatever the sniper wanted. You had nothing to buy on this trip so you were just here for company and fun. Still this wasn’t what you’d thought would be on his or Name’s shopping list.
“Is someone getting married?” You asked, looking around the store filled with elegant gowns, robes and suits. Suddenly your eyes lit up as you hurried to hug Nami and Usopp tightly, so this was why they had insisted on you coming with them. You couldn’t fully understand why they were being so secretive but it didn’t matter given how overcome with happiness for them. “You guys! I’m so happy for you both! Have you told the others?! Are you getting married on the island?” 
“WHAT?! NO! ” Nami blurted out in shock while Usopp could only shriek at the implication. “We’re not getting married!”
“Oh…that’s a shame.” Your smile fell slightly. “I always thought you two made a nice couple. Guess I was wrong. So who is getting married?” You asked, staring intently on your friends who stammered and struggled to think of something. Operation: Divide and Conquer was crashing and burning around them and their brains all but blanked as together they rambled together while you patiently listened. Neither of them really knew what they’d told you or knew if it made any sort of sense but you seemed to accept it and continued with your day with the frazzled pair.
When you returned to the Sunny later that day you went to your usual perch of the railing near Sunny’s head. Silently you thought over what Usopp and Nami told you and were beginning to work it out in your head when Luffy appeared beside you with a bright grin. “Hey, what’s got you so frustrated looking?” He asked, oblivious to the rest of the crew on the deck; all of them pretending to go about their business when they were only making sure they were close enough to hear. 
“I’m thinking about Usopp.” You explained in a dazed tone, absently running your fingers along your bottom lip, deep in thought. Luffy frowned slightly while different sets of eyes glanced Usopp’s way, all confused about what he and Nami did while they were alone with you. “I’m trying to work out this wedding.”
“Usopp’s getting married?” Luffy asked. On the one hand he was happy but on the other hand he thought Usopp would have told him personally. “To who?”
“That’s what I’m trying to work out.” You mumbled before taking a deep breath, deciding to start from the beginning. “Usopp’s enemy wants him to marry their princess to avoid a great battle but he doesn’t want a fight or to get married so he needs to make them think he’s already married so they don’t get angry right? He needs Sanji to cater the wedding, Brook to preform the music, and Zoro to be his bodyguard so they’re out. Nami said because she’s giving Usopp the money for the wedding that’s the only favour she’s doing and won’t marry him as well because that’s not fair. Usopp said he can’t marry Franky or Robin because they’re like his parents and Chopper’s a reindeer and that’s weird. Which leaves us.” 
The more you explained the situation the more Usopp and Nami shrank towards the floor out of despair and embarrassment. Why had you believed that nonsense enough to now relay it to the entire crew who were now looking at them in bafflement. Through it all Luffy hadn’t taken his eyes off of you. He didn’t want Usopp to be forced to be married to someone he didn’t like but it didn’t stop him from quickly turning on his heel and looking to his friend. “Usopp I’ll marry you!”
“You can’t marry me dumbass!” Usopp shouted back making Luffy glare, all but standing in front of you to block you from Usopp’s stare.
“Well you’re not allowed to marry them. So it’s me or the princess.” Luffy told him with defiance in his eyes.
“Why can’t he marry me?” You asked curiously while getting to your feet, watching Luffy blink as he only now considered his fierce sense of protectiveness and possessiveness towards you. 
“Because I don’t want him to?” He suggested with a shrug. “I don’t want you to marry him, I don’t like it.”
“Well I don’t like you being married to Usopp.” You added, voicing your own reluctance and unhappiness at the thought of Luffy marrying…well anyone. There was a silent exchange between you and Luffy as though you were communicating in your own way through a look alone. Together you both grinned with a faint blush creeping across your cheeks as you both whipped your head towards Usopp and declared in unison.  “Usopp you’re marrying the princess.”
While it hadn’t been the grand romantic epiphany the crew had been expecting to witness, they could tell that a shift between you both had occurred. There was something a little more intimate between you both while you both remained your happy, energetic selves. No one on the crew had the heart to tell either of you that Usopp had been completely lying about the arranged marriage so they never mentioned it again. They were however all in agreement that if it ever was brought up it was to be brushed aside and explained as a story Usopp had been thinking of writing and nothing more. But from the looks of things slowly developing between you and Luffy they could all see that it was shaping up to having a happily ever after.  
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hehe its okay I understand:D thank you for the stuff u put out though they're really good
And because of that, I’ll gladly continue to make more stuff :>
Always makes me happy when I see all the likes in the morning, you guys help me start my day!
Hoyo‘s Doctors Love Languages ♥️
Synopsis: What’s likely to be their love language?
Characters: Baizhu, Dr.Ratio, Il Dottore
A.N: I hope we can fundamentally agree that the Bordeaux heart in the title is one of the prettiest. Also keep in mind that these are just assumptions what I have on them, and what they are more likely to have than the other love languages :)!
Baizhu 🐍
Quality time and acts of service
Loveable man spends long hours in the pharmacy every day, sees patients tends to their problems, looks for function of certain limbs so I believe he gets a lot of general human contact through his job. So therefore I feel like he would still enjoy cuddling for sure, but it would be his priority.
Same goes for giving gifts and words of affirmation. He surely likes giving you gifts and telling you how good you’re doing at something, but to him personally, there are just things he values so much more!
Like when the two of you spend the evening or morning together simply talking while drinking tea. Or if you decide to join him for meditation before the pharmacy opens up in the morning. If you listen to him telling you about some patients he encountered today, it all adds to his liking for quality time with you.
And if you connect it with little acts of service, like helping him sort herbs, or bringing him something he needs while in an examination with a patient, he will be in love.
Dr. Ratio 🎓
Physical Touch and Quality time
I honestly wished he could give words of affirmation but I feel like he is bad at it. (Please teach him a few vocabularies on that part) Because it might be a little too obvious, but even though you’re not his student, he still has a hard time finding things affirm them with. So all in all, a rare occurrence to hear very affirming words from him, but at least you can be sure you’re one of the only ones that ever got them then :,)
When it comes to gifts and acts of service I can see him liking it to some point. He sees meaning in a gift that comes from you if you put your thoughts and heart into it. As well as he likes you doing some acts of service for him, but acts of service are likely able to go into the ‚could you solve that equation for me‘ which he would know is something he can’t ask, so he is good about it.
But physical affection and quality time? Oh lord.
It might just be my thinking, but I believe this man is touch deprived. (I mean the only touch he really gets is the book and the chalk- which definitely don’t do the job) So when you offer to cuddle him or take a bath with him, he is over the moon.
And if you connect that with quality time as well then you even manage 2 things in one go! Cuddling while talking, listening to each other, or simply staying silent while reading a book. It really helps him recharge with you by his side.
Il Dottore🧪
Gift giving and Acts of service
Wouldn’t find much use for physical touch and words of affirmation. If you want to cuddle and get a little bit of affirmative words he’s not going to deny your wish but it’s visibly hard for him to come up with something to say that is not making you feel worse, so personally i advise against that :,)
When it comes to quality time though he is unsure, because if you come into his lab and ask him about everything he is doing and what this and that machine does he can’t help but enjoy that time spent with you and proudly show you everything around the room.
But that’s still nothing against gift giving and acts of service. Let’s say you’re out and about and suddenly stumble upon an ancient relic in one of Sumerus markets. You take it back to him and he’s going to be all over it and love you for bringing (gifting) it to him. Basically like you brought a new toy he can tinker on home with you which also connects to acts of service.
Let’s say you know your way around his lab and the way he likes to work, so when he is gone somewhere to maybe conduct an experiment, you already put out a few papers and a pen to spare him of the action upon his return, and while it may be just a small action, he really greatly appreciates you for it.
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theladybrownstarot · 7 months
|Messages from your fs|
Pick a card reading ~
Hello everyone I'm brown back with an another pac - messages from your fs ♡.
Do support me by a like/reblog/Comment/follow you feel most :) ♡.
Close your eyes and open to choose any pile(s)
Let's begin with it ♡
Pile 1 . Pile 2 . Pile 3.
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Pile 1 .
will never you leave ♡
♡ Well I know how much you are struggling after leaving and letting go of these things and people who held you back and I know how much you want people like you to be there with you I know you are going with financial insecurity and struggles but don't give up Because I know you are not less than anyone you are strong y/n ryt ? and connect to me spiritually ♡ I will heal you with love and affection y/n .
♡ I love the fact that you are strong self-made individual !
♡ I LOVE YOU Y/N ! I want to connect our mind , soul and body one day forever in love ♡~
♡ Don't forget to take care of yourself and eat apples !
Pile 2.
You are beautiful ♡
♡ I like your eyes and those wavy/curly/straight hairs and will you teach me how to do makeup ? even i like that face of yours that makes me feel you are so motherly and so loveable too~
♡ I'm gonna take us on a world tour ~ i will heal your mental traumas too~ so pack your bags !
♡ Make babies for me / make babies with me y/n because i want you with me forever trapped in this loop of infinite love ~
♡ Focus on your work and maintain your discipline also focus on yourself . Show your masculinity with those dumb people around you ..i want you to be strong not weak !
Pile 3.
You are My wish♡
♡ You are wish come true for me or an achievement for me .
♡ I like that brain of yours and literally you are beauty with brain for me !
♡ Oh tough baby you trapped this hard lover ~ soon y/n will be mine ^^
♡ Oh ho you are going somewhere wrong change your path/decision/mindset/approach .
♡ Y/n don't be rude ,cold and off to protect your heart instead start to give love again because that's how you will be with me .
♡ you are my goddess/god for me and believe me we gonna rock together ^^
End of the pac ~
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starryriize · 2 months
how &team views love | maknae line
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╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼genre: fluff!!
╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼author’s note: i don’t know how good this was compared to the Hyung Line ver but i loved how it turned out!! hehe writing abt yuma and jo made me so 🥹🫶🏼
listen to: how long will i love you - ellie goulding
🫧laur's taglist: @kehnarii @cherrycolaberry @leehanascent @hyvelxve
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Yuma - To me, he loves with such deep care and affection. I think he views love as beautiful, an emotion that leaves him sad yet wonderfully happy. Love is interesting to him, as it’s not new, but oh, how he wishes you weren’t hurt by your previous love. Despite this, he loves you, fully and with his whole heart. He hopes you realize that you’re loved more than you’ll ever know. Even with all your failures and mistakes, he holds you and continues to love you because your past doesn’t define who you are. You’re still loveable and just as beautiful in his eyes, nothing could ever change that. To him, love is quiet and calm. He cherishes every moment, never failing to remind you that you’re appreciated and worth the entire world. If the whole world comes crashing down, he’d reach for your hand, guiding you to safety and facing misfortune together. Loving him is slowly healing…
Jo - When Jo loves, it's beautiful and the only word for it is magical. It's always shown through his actions and he feels that it's different. He thinks of you in every moment of every day. His love is always so gentle, soft, and warm like his smile. Even when the day seems to be gloomy and you’re feeling stressed, he’s always by your side. Love, to him, is more than a feeling or knowing that his heart beats faster when you’re around. Jo loves you and he wishes to tell the entire world that he loves you. The love that he has for the sunsets, the tiny dandelions outside, the stars that twinkle each night, and the rain that falls...he thinks of you because you deserve to be loved like he loves the universe. Love shouldn't be reserved for special occasions so he makes sure to let you know that he loves you. Everyday. Every hour. Every minute. Every second.
Taki - His love is playful and sweet! Just like him, his love is akin to seeing a butterfly land on a flower. It's delicate and beautiful. He realizes he's in love very slowly, but once he's in love, he finds himself smiling at the most random times. That's what love is- unexpected but welcome. He really can't help but love you. You may think you're not easy to love, but you should see what Taki sees. The way the sunset reflects on your eyes makes you look like an angel on earth. You're even more breathtaking when you talk about something that you're passionate about. Taki loves you in every way.
Harua - I think, despite not having a lot of experience with love, would see love like the movies. When he loves, it’s very real and he values it with his entire heart. I see him as the type to be a soft romantic and stand up for his partner, regardless of what life throws at you. He finds himself picking up your little habits and it makes him smile just thinking about how he hopes you're his forever. Harua views love as something beautiful- not superficially, but the way love is simple. It's fond and familiar. Love is hard, and Harua knows that. Despite the cruelty of the world, he wants to be with you. His love reminds you of summer breezes and the simplicity of life. If forever meant being with you, he would embrace forever with wide open arms. He loves you more than you can ever know.
Maki - I firmly believe he sees love in everything. Perhaps it is his upbringing but to him, love is laughing when you trip on air and saying aww when you see cute puppies. His love is noticeable, yet reserved. You know he loves you but he expresses it in ways that make you wonder if you saved a world in your past. To him, love is learning about you and wanting to live life with you! Loving you is so easy, it's like breathing. He loves you so much and in each kiss, he hopes you know that you're never alone. Even if no one is by your side, he'll proudly stand with you. His love makes you feel like life is worth living, not just being stuck in the corporate cycle.
🫧join laur's taglist!
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mswritingthings · 6 months
Big Prompt List
Instead of randomly putting out a few little lists here and there, I'll try to do a big one every 6 months or so. Yes, I did reuse a lot of my older prompts on this one, but the next one will be newer ones.
"It's always nights like this that I feel the loneliest."
"I can't be 'just friends' anymore!"
"This sort of thing was never meant to happen."
"Why don't you love me?"
"I have tried so hard for so long, and I'm just exhausted."
"There has got to be more to marriage than what we have."
"Please, just come back to me. I miss you."
"Don't cry, I hate it when you cry."
"I can't believe you'd do this to me."
"You were supposed to love and cherish me."
"I have nothing to say to you."
"Just come back, we can fix this."
"I feel lost without you."
"This isn't about you anymore. It's my turn."
"What do you want from me?"
"There it is. There's that smile I love so much."
"I've never been happier with anybody else."
"You've shown me what it's like to be loved."
"Let's go do something, just the two of us."
"It's hard not to love you, I know that now."
"Love me or leave me here."
"If you call me baby, I'll always be yours."
"I want to taste her lips cause they taste like you."
"You looked at me like I was someone else."
"You're drunk, go home."
"I never thought I'd fall for you as hard as I did."
"I'll be anything you want. You love me more than you love yourself."
"Relax, there's no reason for you to be so wound up."
"I'd be willing to lose everything to make them happy."
"You're like an angel, my angel."
"We're in love, and I am actually happy for once."
"Please don't ruin this for us."
"We aren't together anymore, but that doesn't mean I stopped loving you."
"Why is it so hard for you to accept that you're loveable?"
"I like the way your eyes crinkle when you smile, it's cute."
"Everything always works out in the end because it's you."
"Wow, you look absolutely breathtaking."
"I don't have to keep changing because they love me for me."
"Come on now, let's have some fun."
"You're going to be the death of me."
"Talk dirty to me."
"You're ridiculous."
"Charming, you know just how to make a girl blush."
"What kind of trouble are you going to get me into?"
"If you're gonna cuff me, you might as well throw the gag in too."
"Oh my god, what is wrong with you?"
"A little flirting never hurt anybody."
"Just get over here and kiss me."
"God, you are so fucking hot sometimes."
"Do you believe in love?"
"I'm going to fight for what I want to be."
"Do you really love me underneath it all?"
"There's not much left of me."
"I want to drag you down with me."
"I love myself, I want you to love me."
"Do you think of me when you're with her?"
"You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down."
"Don't you remember how you told me you loved me baby?"
"I was supposed to be a doctor before all this started."
"Death wasn't supposed to feel like a mercy."
"The stars look different down here."
"Believe me, I didn't want it to come to this."
"Don't go, it's not safe out there for you."
"Your job isn't to make sure I make it out alive, not anymore."
"I don't want to live forever."
"Where do you go when you feel like there's nowhere to run?"
"And everything you ever said now tears me all apart."
"I've seen the things you put me through and I wish I could die."
"I love it so much it just turns to hate."
"When they get what they want, they never want it again."
"You want it all, but you can't have it."
"After all the lies you told, who will save your soul?"
"Life is perfect, never better."
"Fuck you."
"Isn't it much more fun fucking than fighting?"
I know I said to get laid, but I didn't mean them."
"I hope this lasts forever."
"Don't go, I need you."
"It's ben a long time."
"Sit and drink with me."
"The pain always subsides eventually."
"I got used to this."
"Tell me it'll be okay."
"I can't say sorry anymore."
"Please come back to bed."
"It wasn't worth losing you."
"There's too much at stake for me to let you be so selfish."
"Sometimes I wish that I never met you."
"You're insufferable, but I love you."
"It's a nasty business, that's what they don't tell you about loving someone."
"I have lost everything, but I keep going because I have to."
"There's a whole world of poeple out there who will love you."
"I know I'm now who you wanted to spend the night with, but I am here."
"I give up, being loved isn't worth all this humiliation."
"If you look away from me again, I swear I'll stop."
"You can have me any way you want, just ask nicely."
"You've taken good care of me, now let me take care of you."
"You have got to stop distracting me so much while I'm trying to work."
"Hey, all I'm looking for tonight is a good time."
"There's not a lot a good kiss can't solve."
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mcufan72 · 2 months
Sugar and Cinnamon
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Loki x female reader (AU)/ 18+
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Warnings: contains fluff, smut, unprotected sex, alcohol and cigarette consumption, angst, soft!dom/sub vibes, angry-fucking (consensual), stubborn reader
I played a little bit 'what if...' and no, I'm not retelling MCU stuff, I always create my own
It took you some hours to find sleep last night. You didn't even remember when and how you returned from the library back home. You were kind of paralyzed after you had found out the truth about Luke… no, Loki was his name. It wasn't the fact that you had fallen in love with an alien or that he was maybe the demi-god from the myths. It was the fact that the newspaper articles, which you didn't even read completely, were saying that he was a bad guy, an invader, evil, destructive and a ‘war criminal’. Maybe he had been all of this but you weren't in a position to judge him for that and also you'd never do that. What confused you was that it absolutely didn't fit the impression you had gotten of him in all the time you've spent together. Loki was the most attentive, caring, loveable and sweetest man you've ever met. There must be more to it, something like a change of mind on his part.
You wished you could talk to him just one more time to ask him all the questions you had. But you had destroyed this path and the possibility of him finding you was low. Besides, you were sure he'd stopped looking for you. You were sure with him paying you for fourteen days and nights, which was a hella lot of money, and your refusal to take it, he was done with you once and for all. Understandable because in the end you'd just offered him a service and your body and your kisses might never have meant anything to him.
The next morning a knock at your door ripped you out of your work. You were already sitting in front of your laptop again writing your thesis, a mug of freshly brewed coffee next to you and several textbooks and already printed pages of your thesis lying spread on the table. And not to speak about the clothes which were spread around your apartment, on the floor and the sofa or the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink and the several empty packages from the Indian and Chinese takeaway or the pizza and pasta boxes. Your nutrition was a catastrophe these days but you hadn't any time for doing groceries and cooking some fresh and healthy food. Living in the chaos, too much coffee and junk food wasn't the best thing but the easiest until your exams were done and tidy-up you could do later.
“Coming!” You answered the knocking and stood up from the chair. You didn't expect a visitor at this time but you guessed it could be one of your neighbors.
“Hi, y/n I'm so sorry for disturbing you,” your lovely neighbour Karen greeted you after you had opened the door. She was still in her pyjamas like you. It was still early in the morning.
“Hey, Karen, no issues, you're not disturbing me. What can I do for you?” You asked her.
“I don't wanna be annoying, dear but could you lend me some flour and sugar? I want to make some blinis before I leave for work and I don't have enough flour and forgot to buy sugar…”
“No problem, of course I can lend you flour and sugar…wait, I'm back in a minute,” you laughed and vanished into your kitchen. You came back with a bag of sugar and a bag of flour and passed both to Karen.
“You can keep it and bring me some new flour and sugar in the next few days, there's no hurry,” you said and smiled brightly at her.
“Oh dearest you're a lifesaver,” she answered thankfully. “I'll bring you some blinis tomorrow when I'm back from my night shift,” and she waved you goodbye.
“It's alright, dear, thank you,” and you waved her goodbye, too. You closed the door and went back to your laptop, sat down again and continued writing. You had just finished a couple of sentences and drunk your coffee when it knocked at your door again. You looked up from the screen towards the door and a smile curved your lips.
“Coming,” you called towards the door and opened it with a bright smile on your face. “Have you forgotten something,” you asked while opening the door because you assumed it would be Karen again but when you had opened the door completely your smile died immediately and your face froze. After a second of realization, you slammed the door shut and leaned with your back against it. That couldn't be. How the hell did he find you?
Walker had told Loki in which apartment he would find you before he got out of the car. Loki didn't know which doorbell he should ring. Walker hadn't told him your real name because he thought it wasn't his job to do so. You had to tell Loki your name yourself. He already brought him here, to your house and it was more than he was allowed to do. It would cost him his job if Rhea found out about this and he considered himself as already sacked. But he wanted to help you both because he thought you two were a wonderful couple and that Loki and you had great chemistry. He also had the impression that Loki was the right man for you to help get you out of danger and out of the escort business. He still was convinced you didn't belong there and he was also convinced that Loki's obvious feelings for you were genuine.
Before Loki could think about which doorbell to ring first, someone left the building and he could get into the hallway. He used the stairway to get to your apartment and took some deep breaths, adjusted his jacket and raked his hands through his hair before he knocked at your entrance door. He was nervous. Would you open the door and let him in? Possibly not and he wasn't really prepared for your possible rejection. He yearned for you and he just wanted you back.
“Coming,” he heard you happily calling. When you opened the door it seemed you were awaiting someone else who had maybe forgotten something and instead of greeting him, your beautiful smile vanished immediately, your face froze and you slammed the door shut right into his face. Damn, that was rude but relatable. He came unannounced and maybe much too early in the morning so he should've expected this reaction of yours. And no, he wasn't prepared for your rejection. Absolutely not.
“Sugar…please open the door. I just want to talk to you. But not through a closed door. Sugar…let me in, sweets…please,” he begged you, sadness in his soothing voice. How much you had missed his voice, talking calmingly to you. How much you had missed him.
“I've searched for you everywhere and for so long… Sugar, I need you back, please… sweets, open the door. Please!”
Should you open the door? He sounded so sad and desperate.
You turned around and slowly, very slowly you opened the door just a crack and lurked through it at him. He looked so unbelievably beautiful in his dark trousers, the dark-grey t-shirt with a V-neck and his black pea coat. It was the first time that you saw him in casual clothes and you were well aware that you were still in your white loose-fitting sleep shirt and your pink pyjama bottoms with the butterfly pattern, your face undone and your hair untamed and tousled. The real you, at least in the morning. He hadn't seen you like this either. And you looked anything but sexy.
“What are you doing here?” You asked him shyly, some wariness in your gaze.
“I wanted to see you,” Loki answered whispering, utterly delighted that you had opened your door for him. “And I need to talk to you, sweets.”
You slowly opened the door completely and stepped aside so he could walk past you and come in. Loki followed your wordless invitation and entered your apartment. You closed the door and turned around towards him, looking at his broad back and strong shoulders which radiated so much safety, watching him take off his pea coat and hang it up in your wardrobe next to your jackets and bags. You already knew that your jackets would later smell like him and that was a comforting thought. Loki looked lovingly at you and a slight smile appeared on his pretty face, studying your loveable appearance.
“They're very tousled…they always are, except when I'm Sugar,” you said quietly when you saw him staring at you and twirled a strand of your hair around one finger, looking at him embarrassed.
“You always look adorable, sweets and I like your hair when you wear it open. I always wished to see you like this,” Loki said, smiling lovingly at you.
“Take a seat, please…oh, wait…,” you offered him after some moments of awkward silence and you hurriedly took several clothes off the sofa to make room for him to sit down.
“I'm so sorry for the untidiness, I'm in final preparations for my exams and I barely have time to clean up… and I didn't expect any visitors,” you apologetically explained the mess of your apartment.
“Don't worry about it, sweets. I'm not here to judge about the condition of your apartment,” and he took a seat on the couch.
“Fancy a tea or a coffee?” You asked, playing with the hem of your t-shirt. You were curious about how he found out where you live. Someone must've helped him.
“Some coffee would be great,” Loki answered, leaning back against the sofa's backrest and spreading his legs. Him sitting like this and his amazing thighs would always do things to you. Memories of what he had made you do on his thighs flashed back into your mind and made your mouth watery and your cheeks blush. You would never get over him. A shiver ran down your spine and made your core tingle and your nipples tighten. You quickly went over to the kitchen to pour some coffee for him in a mug and you felt his gaze following you.
While you were walking toward your small open kitchen to get him a coffee, Loki let his gaze follow you. You looked adorable in your comfy sleeping clothes. He loved to see your face without any make-up and your hair open and undone. Probably he wouldn't have recognised you in the streets because you looked different like this, and you were more beautiful than he could've ever imagined. Your casual clothing makes you look so comfortable. He could sense your slightly peaked nipples under your t-shirt and he felt waves of arousal running through his body. But he wasn't here to get horny, he was here to talk and get you back.
He let his gaze wander further through your small apartment. It was truly a mess right now. On your desk, a chaos of textbooks and printed pages of your thesis around your laptop and an empty coffee mug next to it, clothes everywhere, empty food packages and pizza boxes. It wasn't to miss that you were focused on your studies only. But he also saw the order in your chaos and he could relate to it. Being the god of mischief also meant that chaos was a great part of his business as well, among other things.
The only tidy thing was the evening gown he had given to you, neatly on a hanger hanging on the open door of your bedroom, right next to your dresser. On your dresser, he saw some photos in a frame. In the pictures were you as a child in the arms of a woman who he assumed was your mum, both laughing and presenting self-made cinnamon rolls to the camera and in another one where you stood with your mum on a beach with the sea and an old castle on a hill in the sea in the background, you both brightly smiling into the camera again. Your childhood must've been a wonderful one. You looked so happy in the pictures.
Next to the photos he discovered the small bouquet of his self-picked wildflowers, well-done dried and nicely decorated on the top of your dresser. A slight smile curved his lips because it touched his heart that you had kept his little gift and that you'd decorated it so lovingly. Next to your dresser, he saw your shoes, relatively neatly placed. The black high heels, the golden high heel sandals, the knee-high leather boots… and a pair of dark-green trainers. He frowned and raised his eyebrows. He was sure he had seen them before somewhere and more than once.
“Here, your coffee. Black and pure, the way you like it, I assume,” you passed him the mug, ripping him out of his thoughts. You sat down next to him and let your gaze wander from the patch of his chest hair up to his pretty face with this chiselled jaw and cheekbones, framed by those incredible black curls, his gaze piercing but heartwarming as always. There was so much longing in it. Nonetheless, you felt stripped by his staring. Maybe it was because he saw the real you for the very first time. You were in your comfy clothes, undone and vulnerable and you couldn't hide behind the pretty mask named Sugar. You felt so fragile and you were at the brink of crying. On the other hand, how dare he come here? You had forbidden him to search you and suddenly you felt angry too.
“How did you find me,” you asked him sternly. Loki sipped his coffee and placed the mug on a free space on the coffee table.
“I looked everywhere for you, sweets and there isn't a place I haven't been to find you and I didn't want to wait until our next appointment to see you again,” Loki answered genuinely and calmly.
“This is not what I meant. Who told you where to find me? Was it Rhea? You don't know my name, you didn't even know how I look when I'm not Sugar, so who told you?” Your anger and anxiety grew, your voice got louder and tears welled up in your eyes. This always happens when you are angry or scared.
“Rhea didn't tell me anything about you or where you live. Walker brought me here. I asked him for help. I knew no other way anymore and he's the only person who knows where you live. I've been to Vivian's Velvet more than once but nobody there knows Sugar… They know just Candy. I don't know what to think about it…”
“There's no relevance to it and should be none of your concerns. And Walker…it'll cost him his job and Rhea… didn't she tell you to stay away from me, that I don't want to see you again? Didn't she send you the money back? I also told you in my letter that I don't want you to be involved in my shit. Why don't you just leave me alone?” you continued ranting.
“Did you really think I wouldn't look for you after that incredible night we spent together and the letter you left behind, telling me that someone is blackmailing you? And please don't be mad at Walker. He's concerned about you too. He wanted to help and I had to convince him that I need to find you, that I have my reasons for it and that my intentions are good. He didn't do it lightly. Rhea didn't tell me anything, she just sent my money back to my bank account with that note ‘acceptance denied’. I don't understand…”
“Oh yes, talking about that… who do you think you are? Did you want to buy me? Seriously? Giving me all your money to ‘save’ me so you can own me and tell me what to do or not to do? Forbid me to escort other men? Because I owe you then?” You got off the sofa and walked some steps away from him. You needed some distance. You turned around to face him and crossed your arms over your chest.
“I might be a whore and you can buy my services but you cannot buy me, loverboy and I'll never take any money from anyone without working for it. It's the last bit of pride I have left and you…,” you pointed with a finger at him, “...won't take this from me. I'm not your property. I won't depend on your mercy, I don't need this ever again,” you yelled at him and some tears ran down your cheeks. You didn't want to yell at him or push him away like that but your anxieties and your saved emotions took the better of you. Also, you feared the consequences it could have when you asked him for help. Consequences not only for you but for him.
“And I'm not mad at Walker, I'm mad at you. Mad at you because you didn't stop looking for me, mad at you because you forced him to bring you here and risk his job, mad at you that you tried to force me to take your money without consideration.” You knew you were overreacting and you shouldn't treat him like that, he didn't deserve to be treated like that. He had always been kind and loving with you but you became more and more overwhelmed by everything that was threatening you for months now.
“Are you done now?” He asked resentfully.
“I didn't want to buy you. I just paid for the time you may have spent with me and escorting me if you would have been bookable. I don't demand anything from you, you owe me nothing, sweets,” he vehemently explained but you shook your head in disbelief.
“Everything in life has its price, ‘Luke’. Life gives you nothing!” You spat.
“Why are you implying I did something bad? I did it because I care about you, because… I don't want you to meet other men, because I can't stand the fact that other men look at you, touch you, desire you,” Loki stated. Why were you so angry and stubborn? And why have you emphasized his name like that?
“And why is that? I'm an escort, it's my job to meet men and you're a client like them. Why can't you stand it?” You wanted to know but maybe you already knew the answer, and he was definitely more to you than just a client.
“Because… because I fell in love with you and I want you all for myself. I know it wasn't supposed to happen…but it happened nonetheless. And I was jealous, so damn jealous of your other clients, all the other men who were horny for you. Now it's out, now you know why!” He just hoped you would finally give in now and let him help you.
“No, you don't love me. You don't know me. You love my fake identity, the carefree, tempting little shit named Sugar, who escorts other men and who escorts you and also fucked with you for a living. That's not love, Luke. That's just lust and passion…” Angry tears ran down your cheeks and you ran your fingers through your hair. You wished you could give in and tell him everything. In the end, you just wanted to be with him.
“Just lust and passion you say? What were your kisses then? Were they just fake too?” Loki's heart sank. This conversation didn't go as he expected and escalated quickly.
“They were just…kisses and without any meaning...probably,” you stammered. It was a lie but you couldn't admit the true feelings you had for him. He still didn't know everything about you and at least he wouldn't stay. So why give in to the feeling of love when he would leave you anyway? “I told you right from the beginning that you mustn't fall in love with me!”
“I never wanted to fall in love with you, yet I did,” he whispered under his breath.
“Why didn't you listen to me?” His answer to that was just a huff and a headshake.
“Ah, and about your kisses, Sugar … so they were kisses without meaning, you say. Didn't you tell me you only ever kiss a man when you're in love with him? So that was a lie then?… Well, interesting because I know whenever you're lying and it didn't feel like a lie when we kissed. But it's okay, I'll accept that you don't want me and that your kisses were fake.” It broke your heart further when you heard him saying that because contrary to what he said you wanted him and your kisses had been genuine but this pain now in your heart was the price you had to pay for all the fucked up shit.
“Nonetheless you can accept my help and my money. Consider it a gift. Nothing can change my ambition to keep you away from other men.” His anger grew and he just wanted to grab you and shake the stubbornness out of you so you would finally let him be there for you. “The worst thing is you're still convinced you can solve your problem alone. Girl, someone is blackmailing you and this piece of shit who does this to you with whatever it is wants a lot of money you don't have and will never get on an honestly or legally way. How many men do you want to fuck to earn all that money, hm? Ten, fifty, hundred?” He angrily questioned, waiting for your answer.
“I'd sleep with every filthy rich guy in Manhattan if necessary, my only issue is that I don't have enough time anymore for that,” you said desperately and sternly, more tears slowly running down your cheeks. The truth was you only wanted him to grab you, fuck you properly and wished immediately afterwards everything would be alright again.
“Are you kidding me? You're never going to do that. You aren't a whore, you've never been. And even if you were, according to your letter you're just my whore, aren't you? So who are you kidding?” He asked you too loudly and he was really sorry for that.
“Do I have to fuck some mind into you first so you finally take my money and let me help you?” In one quick move he stood up from the sofa and with two big strides he stood in front of you. “Come here, then work for it, you sweet stubborn whore! Be a good girl for me!” He growled angrily and darkly, grabbed you by your upper arms and walked you backwards towards your kitchen. His sudden action took you off guard but actually it was exactly what you wanted him to do. All of the pent-up frustration, anxieties and longing for each other needed to be released. Words couldn't do it for you two right now so you two had to act.
“You know what? I've had enough of your stubbornness!”
He quickly turned you around and bent you over the kitchen counter tugging your pyjama bottoms hastily down and your linen panty quickly aside. He then pushed two of his fingers purposefully into your cunt, pumping them in and out a few times before he rubbed them, slick with your juices, back and forth through your folds and over your clit, making you moan lasciviously. He wanted to make sure that you were ready for him, to hurt you would never be his intention. He wanted nothing else than you listening to him and making you happy again. He would make you listen to him, he would make you believe that he wanted to help you, that he loved you and that he would never leave you alone. But he was so angry and worried and he wanted you to feel it physically because his words didn't reach you. And besides all that he just needed you, now.
“What are you doing?” You asked him, still angry and panting heavily. His dominant behaviour turned you incredibly on.
“I do just what you need right now and the only thing you'll understand because you don't hear what I'm trying to tell you, you stubborn girl,” he growled into your ear and he continued pumping his fingers deeply in and out of you.
“Look at you, my little brat, so wet already, you're so shameless and horny, eager to get fucked, aren't you? Want me to have my way with you? Want me to make you work for me, hm? So you can take my money with a clear conscience? Does this make you so wet or is it just because of me and the knowledge that I'll fuck you properly and relentlessly into oblivion? Tell me, sweet thing, want me to take you?” His arousal got bigger with every second he had you under his tight grip and he just waited for your consent. He wouldn't continue without that.
“Yes, oh god, yes, fuck me, that's what I want. Make me listen… make me believe,” you whimpered with genuine longing, trying to get a grip on the kitchen counter. You wanted him to make you forget about everything even if it were just for a short moment.
“Oh yes, your god will take you, never doubt me, sweet thing.” Loki snarled lustfully and tugged your panties finally down. He unfastened his belt quickly, opened the zipper and freed his manhood. He stroked himself a few times, kicked your legs further apart and shoved his steel-hard, pre-cum dripping cock straight into your wet cunt. He fucked you hard and deeply but carefully to not hurt you. He was so deep yet not deep enough, his swollen balls were slapping against your clit and his cock slid powerfully over your special spot inside of you. It wouldn't take you long to reach your climax and your obscene moans were witness to it.
Loki grabbed you firmly by your hips and penetrated you faster and faster until one of his hands slid quickly up at your flank and over your shoulder. He grabbed the front of your throat and closed his big hand around it. He pulled your upper body backward against his chest, still holding firmly onto your hip and your throat, slamming his needy cock into your silken heat as violently and deeply as possible, almost breaking you in half. Your one hand clasped his nape, your other hand his forearm and you couldn't do anything else than let him fuck you pretty hard. His dominance and his deep demanding thrusts let you spiral deeper into arousal and lust.
“You better arch that back if you want to cum, sweet thing,” he commanded seductively and you just obeyed and confirmed your will to come by arching your back and letting out a long moan.
“You feel so good, make me cum, please make me cum, I need you,” you begged him breathlessly. His hand around your throat and his merciless thrusts brought you quickly to the brink of climaxing. The violence and impetuosity of his love-making surprised you and you already knew you wanted more of it, more of him. You wanted him to play with you, to punish you, punish you for running away, for refusing his help, for being a brat and arguing with him.
You knew he was desperate for you as much as you were desperate for him and you also knew that he would never hurt you. Angry-fucking was your secret kink you never dared talk about to your ex and you were glad that Loki was the one who fulfilled your dream. You would feel so much better afterwards, you just knew it. Once he promised you pleasure and didn't disappoint you, he never did and as soon as you were together with him you felt safe. He released your throat and his hand wandered down to one of your breasts, firmly cupping and kneading it and pinching and playing with your nipple.
“I'll fuck the stubbornness out of you, girl and when you're about to cum you'll say my name … did you hear me?” He commanded.
“Yesss, yes I heard you,” you moaned breathlessly.
He felt your cunt massaging his cock and he knew he wasn't going to last long and your permanent moans and whimpers nearly sent him straight over the edge.
“Oh god, I'm about to cum,” you squeaked and you couldn't hold it back anymore. He felt so good and you felt so heavenly full of him.
He fucked you like an animal and a wolfish grin curved his lips. “Then say my name… say it,” and he tried to get deeper while his thrusts became sloppier.
“I'm coming, Loki… please don't stop…”
“Say my name…” and you felt him heavily panting against the sweaty skin of your neck.
“Loki…,” and with an obscene scream you came hard around his throbbing cock.
He gritted his teeth and threw his head back when he came undone with an animalistic groan. He filled you to the brim and enjoyed the silky grip of your cunt milking him. His knees were buckling and he collapsed against your back, carefully guiding your upper bodies towards the countertop so you could both rest there for a moment and catch your breaths.
“Fuck, that felt so good,” Loki groaned and pressed a kiss to your sweaty neck and heard your quiet sigh.
He slowly pulled out of you and watched his cum dripping out of your well-fucked pussy. He was more than pleased. He cleaned himself with a sheet of paper towel which he grabbed from the kitchen counter and put his cock back in his briefs and trousers.
You were still dizzy and bathed in the aftermath of your orgasm and his domination and you still craved for his touch. You felt his cum running down your legs. You raised your torso from the kitchen counter and reached for a sheet of paper towel to dry your inner thighs. Loki looked satisfied at you and smirked.
“Can we talk like adults now?” He asked you teasingly, his cheeks rosy and the blue shimmer under his skin was gone. You both felt much better now and that's what you radiated. Sometimes a good fuck was all you needed.
“Yes,...yes, we can. I just want to clean myself quickly, please excuse me for a moment,” you said quietly, turning around to face him. He looked exhausted but satisfied and you were sure you didn't look any different.
“No,” he answered softly and shook his head.
“No, my cum stays inside of you,” he smirked and he helped you into your panties and your pyjama bottoms and pulled both up and over your butt.
“I want you to feel how seriously I want to help you and how much you mean to me.”
He pulled you gently against his chest and wrapped his arms around you, cradling you carefully. You reciprocated his embrace and buried your face in his chest. You breathed in his familiar scent you had missed so much. Not only the scent of his skin or his cologne, or the musky after-sex scent. It was the scent of love, comfort and safety.
He dipped his head to kiss you and latched his lips onto yours and when you opened your lips, his tongue slid into your mouth exploring your warmth and your softness. Your heart felt like it had to explode and you reciprocated his loving kiss with utter passion.
To have you back in his arms, feeling your softness, inhaling your sweet scent and kissing you passionately again was the greatest feeling of all and the only thing he ever wanted. This ugly feeling of anger and tension was gone and you were closer to each other again. There was a lot you had to talk about and it seemed that the time had come now.
“My kisses were and are genuine, please believe me,” you whispered after that amazing kiss and buried your face in the crook of his neck.
“I know and I do believe you. Are you okay, sweets? I hope I didn't hurt you,” he asked you softly and concernedly.
“No, you didn't. I feel good. Maybe it's what I needed and was necessary to get my conscious mind back,” you answered soothingly.
“I didn't want to go too rough on you, I'm so sorry, sweet thing …,” he murmured.
“It felt good and I liked it. I know I call myself sugar but I'm not made of it,” you told him softly and you raised your head to look smilingly at him. You kissed him on his soft lips and raked one hand through his soft curls.
“I'm sorry that I yelled at you, it wasn't fair,” you said apologetically. “I didn't intend to rail you up.”
“It's alright, sweets I get that, I was angry, too,” and he gave you an extraordinarily soft and long kiss on your lips. But there was something he was wondering about so he let go of your mouth and looked quizzically at you.
“I told you to say my name when you were about to cum and you did but… did I… did I hear you right or did I just imagine it in my incredible excitement?”
Instead of an answer you freed yourself from his embrace and went past him to your dresser. You opened the drawer and took his scarf out of it, gently touching it. You weren't ready to give it back to him but it was his and you had no right to keep it. You turned around to face him and closed the distance between you two. When you stood closely opposite of him, you took your gaze from his scarf and looked him into his puppy eyes. You could barely stand the way he was looking at you.
“I'm so sorry that I lied and told you I hadn't found it. I should've given it back to you much earlier but I couldn't. I loved the feeling of having a piece of you in my home,” you said quietly, your voice trembling.
“I knew you had it, I told you that I know. I knew that you lied,” and you both smiled at each other, unsure what to do now. You showed him the embroidered initials, your smile slowly fading. You were afraid to tell him that you knew who he was, how you found it out and that he could be very mad at you because you had browsed through his past.
“These initials don't stand for ‘Luke Larsson’, they stand for Loki Laufeyson and no, you didn't imagine it, in my ecstasy I screamed your real name,” you explained, your voice merely audible.
Loki swallowed thickly. You had found out who he was and he was sure that now the time had come to say goodbye to you because you would never want someone like him by your side. He lowered his head and took a deep breath before going on.
“How did you find out?”
“I did some research in a library. I told my best friend about you and she was sure she had seen you somewhere many years ago but couldn't remember any details concerning the Avengers. Just that you had something to do with them.”
“You talked with your friend about me?”
“Yes, because you became more to me than a client and I needed someone to talk about it. She's the only person who knows mostly everything about me and what I'm doing for a living. And so I told her about us. And through old newspaper articles, I found out that you are Loki and not Luke.”
“Yes, you're right. I'm Loki Laufeyson. An invader, a war criminal, a sinner and definitely not worthy of you. Want me to go?” He asked quietly and sadly, and raised his head again, looking at you with teary eyes. It broke your heart to see him like that.
“No, I want you to stay. And I ask you to help me. Not with money or anything like that. I need your words, your support and your soothing hugs and touches and yeah, I need your kisses, too,” you stated genuinely. “I can't anymore, Loki, I'm so tired,” and you felt him pulling you into his arms again. You hugged him back, desperately clutching his t-shirt, your face buried in his chest, his scarf still in your hand. He cupped your face in his hands and kissed you on your forehead before he loosened his grip on you again.
“You know I'll never give up on you. Otherwise I won't be here,” he murmured with his deep velvety voice.
“I think, the time of revelation and truth has come,” you noticed and looked deep into his bright blue eyes.
“I think so too,” he answered, nodding approvingly.
You took him by his hand and led him back to the sofa to sit down again.
“Wait, let me clean you first and get you some fresh underwear. I want you to feel comfortable when we talk because I'm sure it's going to be a long conversation. And I know how much you like to be cleaned after having sex with me. And I think I stayed long enough in that pretty pussy,” he smiled and kissed you tenderly. You could just smile too and you adored him for his care. His kind of aftercare always surprised you anew and you truly enjoyed it. To make it more comfortable for both of you, you decided to take a shower together and you cleaned each other silently and with utter tenderness.
Refreshed, with still damp hair and Loki just dressed in his trousers and you in just a t-shirt and panties, you sat down on the sofa and looked intensely at each other. Now it was the time to tell each other's truths and you offered Loki your hand for a handshake.
“Hey, I'm y/n y/l/n. Nice to meet you,” and you gave him the loveliest and most genuine smile you could give.
“Hey, y/n. What a beautiful name you have. I'm Loki Laufeyson and it's a pleasure to meet you.” He took your hand in his and placed a kiss on your knuckles. He loved your real name and it suited you so well. You answered with a cute smile and reddened cheeks. This man would never fail to make your skin tingle and your heartbeat quicken.
“Tell me your story, Loki. Tell me who you are,” you asked him, holding his hand in yours and waiting for him to begin.
He told you everything, about his heritage, about his raising in Asgard and how it all led to the invasion of New York City until the point where only two options were left to decide the fate of Earth and his life.
“I had a fight with my brother on the outside of Stark Tower and he asked me to stop and to fight with him and the Avengers together. And I did. I don't know why I listened to him, but I did and I made this decision within seconds. And instead of stabbing him and continuing the destruction and trying to get power over your world, I helped them to fight against the invasion and at least against Thanos. It cost me all of my mental and physical strength and skills but somehow I made it. It didn't prevent me from ending up in the dungeons of Asgard but it avoided lots of more death and destruction. And then I got a further chance of redemption. I got the chance to get out of the dungeons of Asgard to become a negotiator and an ambassador for international and intergalactical security because they all thought my silver tongue would be good for something.”
“Oh, your tongue is very good at French kissing,” you teased him and you both laughed lightly.
“Yeah, you might be right, sweets and not only French kissing but this is reserved for later and for you only,” he said softly, winked at you and squeezed your hand.
“The only condition was to live and work under the eyes of my brother and the Avengers with Tony Stark as my ‘parole officer’,” Loki continued. “I agreed and lived here under the radar and with a fake name for many many years and people forgot about me or left New York and new people settled down here. And after some years when other duties were waiting for my colleagues, they left NYC except for Tony and my brother. He had a love interest here, you know. I have to stay here until my debts are paid and that will be in three years. Then I'll be free to go wherever I want.
My brother or Tony just comes sporadically to see me and it's more like a visit then. I earned their trust so I was allowed to live in my own penthouse and in solitude, just as I wanted it…until I met you. Now I don't want to be alone anymore. I wished I could have you around me all the time.”
“Wow, that's quite a lot… it'll take me some time to process everything you just told me,” you said and sighed smilingly and deeply. “You made yourself the most hated man in your and my world but you took the chance of redemption. Be proud of yourself, Loki, this is a great achievement,” you praised him.
“Maybe it is,” he confirmed.
“You're wonderful, Loki. I got to know you a little bit and I can tell you, you're a good man and you deserve all the love someone can give to you. Can I ask you something?”
“Of course, sweets.”
“You said the Avengers all left the city but I had dates with three of them. Did you send them to meet me because you knew they're nice so I don't have to meet strangers?” You questioned curiously. Loki shifted on his seat and swallowed dryly.
“You… you never met them, sweets.”
“Of course, I did,” you answered unbelievingly and chuckled.
“No, sweets you didn't… it was me you met.” Loki's gaze settled on your face. How would you react now?
“I think I don't quite understand. What do you mean by that?”
“One of my magical abilities is shape-shifting. I can change into the appearance of another person,” he explained carefully. You could just frown because you didn't understand anything of what he said.
“Please explain… Why were you doing this? Did you want to control me or test me?” If that was his intention it would be creepy.
“I did it because I wanted to see you and be together with you. It also was a possibility to protect you from other men.”
“Why didn't you meet me as yourself?”
“Honestly, I don't know. Maybe because I didn't have many events to attend and didn't require an escort, maybe because I didn't want to make it obvious how much I like you… the first time we met I told you I'm not interested in a relationship with you or anything else. I didn't know how to get out of that. I think I was afraid of losing face or scaring you off. You might have thought that I was stalking you,” he explained genuinely and you nodded understandingly.
“Were you also responsible for my cancelled appointments?” You weren't dumb, it fit into the whole thing and so it was an obvious question.
“Yes, guilty,” he admitted.
“How?” you wanted to know.
“I gave Rhea calls with a different voice and told her, the client which I imitated, wanted to meet an escort with a specific hair colour that was completely different to yours so she sent someone else instead of you...”
“ …and gave me a call that my appointment got cancelled,” you added.
“Yes, and two times it was too late and you had already sat at the bar at Vivian's. I intercepted your clients and told them you couldn't come for whatever reason, paid them and sent them away. I always made sure that you would get your money and I knew if a cancelled appointment isn't your fault, you still get your money. I'm sorry for that, sweets. Maybe it was selfish what I did but I just wanted to protect you and have you all for myself,”
Loki felt guilty and he knew he shouldn't have done this. It was stalker-y but he couldn't help himself, he was head over heels for you from the first time he met you at Vivian's Velvet. There were still some questions you needed answers to so you kept consulting him.
“When I met Steve and danced with him, I danced with you? Because it felt familiar somehow. It reminded me of our first dance at the business dinner.”
“You did.”
“When I had that fantastic conversation with Bruce and was invited to that extraordinary delicious dessert, it was you I talked to and it was you who spoiled me so wonderfully?“
“Yes. I know about your weakness for desserts so I couldn't resist ordering you one of the best desserts in Manhattan.” The gaze of his puppy eyes was killing you. He was adorable and you just wanted to straddle his lap and kiss the heck out of him again. But it had to wait.
“When I laughed with Scott the whole evening when I had so much fun and wondered over the magic tricks he showed me, it was you I laughed with. And Scott aka you asked me for a kiss… why? Was it a test because you knew I'd just kiss a man when I'm in love with him?”
“It wasn't a test…or maybe it was. I wanted so desperately to be kissed by you and at the same time, I was afraid you could fall in love with someone else. I just gave it a try. And then I had the confirmation that you definitely had not fallen in love with ‘Scott’ because you denied the kiss.” Loki's heart sank and pondered achingly in his chest. You would never forgive him for all his tricks and lies. He never wanted to lie to you or play games with you but for you and for love he'd do anything.
“So when we met the real Scott at the nightclub, he didn't pretend to not know me, he really didn't know me,” you concluded.
“Yes, that's right,” Loki answered, nodding approvingly. “I was just glad he stayed with the use of my fake name.”
“I think I should be extremely mad about you and all that… but I'm not. Somehow I feel flattered. Nobody else ever did something like this for me. You really just always wanted to protect me, didn't you?” Loki nodded sadly. He was so afraid that he would finally lose you though he had just found you.
“Are you still desperate for a kiss from me,” you asked him softly and leaned in to kiss him. You were just a few inches away from his tender lips.
“You still want to kiss me? You still want me after all of that? I'm a liar and a sinner, sweets. And I'm not sure if this will ever change,” he asked, unsure what you were going to answer now.
“It doesn't bother me what you did in the past and I'd never judge you. I always wanted a dark prince on his black war horse and it seems that wish might come true. You always tried to be there for me and you treated me with such care, attention, and tenderness and that's more than I deserve. If you're a sinner, I'm a sinner too. You know that I'm not a decent girl, and when you learn about my past you might not want me anymore,” you whispered, your lips almost brushing his.
“You're an angel, Sugar and you treated me so well, too. You're my purpose, my obsession and I want you, decent or not,” he mumbled and you pressed your lips gently on his, your hands trailing over his bare shoulders and chest, making him tremble. Your touches would never fail to make him shiver or to make him feel good and safe. He pulled you closer, caressing your head and your soft hair and kissed you so deeply that you nearly began to cry. When he broke the kiss, he looked quizzically at you again and ran his thumb over your cheek.
“You really took me off guard when I took you home with me and you wanted me to read to you from the book of Norse Myths and chose the part about me,” he laughed and you tilted your head to smile at him as well.
“Who could've known that I had been so close to the truth,” and you gave him a peck on the cheek.
“May I ask you something too?”
“Sure!” you said encouragingly.
“When you met Steve, Scott, Bruce aka me, Matt and the real Scott you told them your name is ‘Candy’. Even your coworkers didn't know who ‘Sugar’ is when I asked at Vivian's Velvet for you. What does it mean, sweets?” You took a deep breath and smiled slightly at him.
“When I met you for the first time at Vivian's, when we negotiated the conditions of our deal, I felt that you were special, different. And I liked you very much. Sympathy at first sight so to say. And after our conversation I decided to choose a name only for you, and only you call me like this.” Loki's eyes teared up. “You're incredible, sweets,” and he pulled you in for a further soft kiss.
“You're the only one I ever slept with, Loki. No other client ever touched me intimately. If I would've done it, it would've felt like I'd cheat on you,” you stated sincerely and tears were shimmering in your eyes. “Since I know you I only have eyes for you,” you murmured.
“I know. I feel the same way.” Loki answered with his soothing bassy tone, holding your hands in his and his thumbs grazed tenderly over the back of your hands. His eyes were looking directly into yours and you were locked in his gorgeous blue gaze.
“Tell me your story, y/n. Tell me who has hurt you so much, who's threatening and blackmailing you. Tell me the reason why you were forced to become an escort lady and have to earn that much money,” Loki asked you. You felt his sincere desire to get to know your truth.
You looked at him, swallowed, took a deep breath and then you began to tell him how it all started nearly six months ago.
@lokisprettygirl @faesimps @gruftiela @anukulee @fandxmslxt69 @foxherder @depressedpolishgirl @buttercupcookies-blog @chantsdemarins @fictive-sl0th @justjoanne242 @km-ffluv @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lovingchoices14 @wheredafandomat @lokixryss @huntress-artemiss @smolvenger
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Chucky tumblr…
Can we STOP making the BOLDEST CLAIMS KNOWN TO MAN. Listen I’ve been in some fucked up fandoms. Steven Universe, Undertale, Warrior Cats, the MCU… but oh my god I’ve never seen a fandom so like… wish washy. Like one post will be an entirely different brand of WILD than another. Like… The TiffNica DNI’ers! I understand NOT liking the ship, it’s a Hostage situation, not killing stalking. Yknow? But making claims that’s whoever ships it has a fetish for torturing women and that they’re mentally ill is just… erm… AND DON MANCINI. THE NUMBER OF CLAIMS IVE SEEN ABOUT THIS OLD GAY MAN IS BUCK WILD.
Absolutely buck wild. Like YES, as a Nica Pierce enjoyer, she’s been through SO MUCH. BUT SHE’S A FINAL GIRL IN A HORROR MOVIE FRANCHISE. Sydney’s boyfriends in Scream all turned out to be killers, does the creator of scream have a kink for murderous boyfriends???? Like YES Nica’s been through way too fucking much. Her getting her limbs cut off is CRUEL. unnecessary? Possibly, yeah, I could agree with someone who said so. But I think it’s to show that- Despite how LOVEABLE of a character Tiffany is, she’s still a murderer and a monster. Like with Freddy Krueger, you sometimes want to be able to love your slasher, despite the many cruel things they do. Which is why we keep coming back to the Child’s Play franchise again and again.
all I’m saying is… it’s just SO WEIRD to me. Seeing people call Don a fetishizer and all this shit it’s WILD. Like take a step back and genuinely think about what you’re saying about a man you’ve never personally met. And who these actors have and are (to my eyes) comfortable with.
Like does Don Mancini hate women or does he just like torturing his oc’s???? I CAN SAY. Reading everyone’s posts. I do see a bit of a disproportionate level of trauma with the female cast and characters. But also I’m pretty sure in the show there’s just more women I think…. Like Jake and Devon and Chucky. And then Lexy, Nica and Tiffany okay there’s NOT more. But❗️ Devon doesn’t get any screen time let’s be so ffr. Maybe we SHOULD be talking about the lack of attention black characters get in this franchise. The two major ones (the kid in Chucky 3, and Redman) have just been objects of chucky’s attention.
I AM IN N O WAY WITCH-HUNTING OR HATING! You can BE critical of the show! I love reading people’s solid critiques! Which is why I’ve read a lot of these posts, this is just me- pointing out a kind of weird pattern. An ick, I may say. This isn’t against anyone. Please don’t tumblr cancel me
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celestialholz · 6 months
The apple of my eye (or 'oh good, there's ANOTHER one')
*yeets into the conversation a week late with Starbucks*
Sorry, sorry. Been trying to save a dukedom from a giant brain and live my best happily ever with a vampire twink. Very distracting.
But anyway, I haven't even gotten the boys in my clubroom yet, so more analysis incoming, but I have finished Indigo Disk's main story, and I couldn't help but notice something deeply awful when fighting our little buddy Kieran.
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... Oh god THEY'RE MULTIPLYING. How many apples do we need? How much more homosexuality does this game need? (Yes. The answer is 'yes.')
Meet Hydrapple everyone, the latest gay marriage mascot. Truly wish you all could've seen my face when. And it evolves from the last gay marriage mascot! I have quickly become homophobic again, how do they keep managing this?!
So, naturally, we need to break this loveable bastard and its symbolism down, or I might have to start passing the meta queen crown off to someone else. (I vote @prince-kallisto. Friend spare me. 🤣)
Well, we'll begin with the obvious: this thing is a hydra, a multiple-headed dragon in Greek myth. This one in particular has seven, so says the all-knowing dex:
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But we'll do the seven part in a minute. The one major thing you should all know is that in most tales, removing one of this thing's heads respawns two in its place - and killing one of these creatures was the second labour of Hercules, the God of Strength. There's that fucking number two again in connection with our boys...
And now, let's take the Greek and easternize it to our lovely Japanese creators with the number seven.
Seven in Japanese culture, like in the western, is seen as a lucky number, and also the number symbolising the cycle of life and death.
... Which, if you recall, is a running theme with our silly men.
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Get your life saved, idiot. Be lucky. 🥰
There are also Seven Gods of Fortune in Buddhism, Japan's primary religion. And there's one that rings more than a few ceremonial bells - Fukurokokuju. Bit of a Buddhist lore deepcut here for you:
> He is the god of wisdom, luck, longevity, wealth and happiness. Moreover, he is the only god who was said to have the ability to resurrect the dead. Fukurokuju is characterized by the size of his head, being almost as large as the size of his whole body.
... Hmm. Wisdom, happiness. Luck. 'Resurrecting.' The one that has a large head, like our good pal Hydrapple here... it's all very interesting, isn't it, how it ties together?
And all this goes a long way to explaining the evolution method of this fun little apple-y bastard. Because in order to be lucky, to be brought back to life, to heal and to love and to find yourself... one must have support. A cheerleader, if you will. Not one with pom-poms (although slay Hass babes, you'd look great in that drip), but one cheering you on. Always being in your corner.
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... And here we find Dragon Cheer, Hydrapple's evolution move. Brassius can pursue his dreams as passionately as he likes, because there's always a husband at his side to be on his side.
It's a whole narrative, my friends. We have the romantic gift of the Applin; we have the adorableness of the Flapple, and its dusk portrait; we have the total harmony of Dipplin...
... And now we have the result of that harmony. Look, it's even running away from the Ice of the Polar Biome, a type both Grass and Dragon can't stand. The emotional cold.
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Y'know, I'm sure someone would have DM'd me by now if Hass and Brass' clubroom banter confirmed their marriage, so I'm going to assume that isn't a thing.
... But at the same time, it's definitely a thing. All you have to do is read the narrative, darlings.
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childofhypno · 1 month
just some thoughts from sherlock and co. Mailbag episode
honestly I did this to myself and at 3am no less.
In an mailbag episode on the sherlock and co. patreon, answering a question on their favorite musicals, John answered Les Misèrables. And being the romantic we know our loveable doctor to be, I was perusing the songs from the 2013 movie album and came across On My Own.
Sung by Èpoine about her unrequited love for Marius. And that is sad in its own regard, there's a reason it's one of the musicals most popular songs and Samantha Barks does a great job of that crushing emotional weight of being so wrapped in someone, so ultimately dazzled by them and wanting to be near them. But knowing they will not look at you the same, will not place the same value on the time and proximity you share. And that is not their fault and it is hard to love someone and desire to be close and yet have them be the source of your greatest pain and rejection, even though they may wish you no harm.
It's been hinted at and out right stated (by Sherlock) that John wants to be liked. And given what we've heard about John's last relationship (the one whereby he gained ownership of Archie after the split) and perhaps some insecurities there, insecurities in his own capabilities, comparing himself to others, its understandable to read John as something of an insecure man. Not in a toxic manner but John definitely has a lot of self doubts about himself and his place in the world and what he can offer to others. Despite him so naturally being able to attune to people and their needs and being quite bloody smart and intuitive. All round just a decent person.
And John, as much as anyone, marvels at Sherlock Holmes. This almost mythical figure. John admires Sherlock and maybe envies him on some level. I think not in Sherlock's deduction skills or specific knowledge skillsets but maybe in Sherlock's apparent surety in himself and where he is in life and what he wants from it. Sherlock is plainly himself, even if it means not "fitting in " John often tries to mould himself to what others might like, and hey, as a people pleaser, oh boy do I understand that. Almost becomes like muscle memory.
Sherlock in turn, I think admires John's social prowess. His ability to express the complexity of emotions. Just because someone doesn't emote the typical way doesn't mean they don't feel the emotions. And that can be incredibly frustrating when you want to communicate with others. Sherlock cares about people. He's interested in people. And he can't always express or connect with them in the way he wants. Like a language barrier he mentioned in another mailbag episode. That is why Sherlock and John work. They draw out in each other and supplement for the qualities they lack or yearn to have more of. They're a balancing act. A good one. And I'm not the first to point that out.
All this to say, imagine when that act is separated. The Fall. Grown so comfortable to have the other's support, always by each others side and then, suddenly the other person isn't there. And you have to remember how you functioned without them before. But you can't go back. You're not the same person you were. But if they aren't there to remind you, to encourage you, it's easy to fall back into old habits.
And so the song. On My Own. From John's perspective, watching the man the myth the dazzling legend that is Sherlock Holmes, getting swept up in the adventures, feeling totally out of place but thrilled be along for the ride, participating, maybe growing in confidence all because of coincidental flat share with possibly the most brilliant and bizzare man he's ever met. The world is changing for John Watson. And Sherlock is seemingly at the center of it all. He's found purpose. Friends. A home. Maybe more. But John is as fallible in his assumptions as any of us are. And Sherlock appears to have no interest in such relationships and John, not confident enough to make the first move. So he can daydream. Of what it would be like to be with Sherlock. And what it would be like be without Sherlock.
And then the Fall. And he truly is without Sherlock and his world has dulled and greyed and blurred. The city has lost its glimmer. The flat is quiet. The words are meaningless. And John sits with his what ifs.
Don't think of John hearing this song. Of the heartbreak of knowing that you can ever be with the one you love. And knowing that taste of what brilliant technicolours the world is when you were with them, full of stimulating twinkling lights. And thinking it could never be that way again. Don't imagine John, sat in the flat, in the achingly quiet flat, as a woman sings for her never was love, head in his hands, Archie resting his head on John's knee. Don't think of John cursing himself for not being sure enough to tell Sherlock how he felt, for not being good enough again to save his friend. Don't think of John Watson, once again, on his own.
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lazybug16 · 27 days
Books I've read in the last few months and recommend (and yes, all of them are queer)
Book recs 1 / Book recs 2
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Info and ratings of each book underneath!
Between Perfect and Real by Ray Stoeve
Dean thought he was a lesbian for a long time, but he then learns what transgender is and starts to think about his own gender and how he feels like a boy, he's just scared of how he will tell his friends and his girlfriend, who is also a lesbian
Really good book and explained it all super well, really good rep tbh and even though everyone is messy in some way you feel for (almost) every character 8/10 (trans men, trans women, non binary, lesbian, gay and bisexual characters)
Dear Wendy by Ann Zhao
We follow Jo and Sophie during their first year at Wellesley College, who meet in a class and become friends, but what they don't know is that they also know each other online, as Wendy and Wanda and they don't exactly get along swimmingly. Oh, they are both also aroace, and become closer after telling each other that
If you're aspec or questioning it or just want to know more about it and what we go through in this world as aroace people? This is the book for you, it's so good and so relatable 10/10 (Asexual, aromantic, bisexual, lesbian, pansexual, demisexual and non binary characters)
I Wish You All the Best by Mason Dever
Ben comes out to their parents and gets kicked out, making them call their sister who they hadn't seen in 10 years to pick them up, and even if their life is shitty in that moment, happier days are to come
I loved this story so so much but I wanted to kill the parents. Really well written and the sibling and friends are so loveable! 9/10 (non binary, queer, pansexual and bisexual characters)
I'll Be Home For Christmas by Mason Deaver
Takes place 4 months after iwyatb at christmas time, Ben wants to surprise Nathan but a snowstorm gets in the way... Or does it?
Loved this short story so much! You just fall in love with Ben and Nathans love! And wow in both books I could relate to Ben's anxiety so much it was scary 10/10 (non binary, queer, pansexual and bisexual characters)
Like real people do by E. L. Massey
Eli, a disabled 18 year old who loves to skate runs into Alex, a 19 year old famous hockey player, and they quickly become friends, but soon develop feelings for each other and must figure out if an out guy and a closeted guy can be together
Adorable, just fucking adorable I love this book so much and the two main characters and their friends are absolute sweethearts, was thinking this book wasn't going to be for me cause hockey isn't something I like but wow was I wrong, so glad I gave this book a chance 10/10 (gay and bisexual characters)
Like you've nothing left to prove by E. L. Massey
Second book of "Like real people do" and follows Eli and Alex navigate their relationship as well as their passions, hockey and figure skating
If you loved the first book this is just a continuation of it and again, so adorable and loveable, just a delight to read 10/10 (gay and bisexual characters)
Milo and Marcos at the end of the world by Kevin Christopher Snipes
His last year of high school and a familiar face appears after three years. Milo remembers Marcos from camp and hasn't stopped thinking about him, and maybe the same can be said about Marcos?
This was a rollercoaster to say the least lol but very interesting read, and Milo and Marcos are very lovable characters (even though stubborn sometimes but who isn't?) And Vanessa is the best friend anyone can have. Although the religious themes was sometimes too much, but understandable why it was put there 8/10 (gay characters)
The Passing Playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons
Spencer changes schools since the previous one wasn't accepting of his transgender identity, and the new one is more open to queer people, and they also have a football/soccer team which he would love to join
Such a sweet story and I just loved all the kids, Spencer and Justice are so cute together, all the teammates are super nice and Theo (Spencer's autistic younger brother) is absolutely adorable, really nice read 10/10 (Transgender, queer, gay and bisexual characters)
They hate each other by Amanda Woody
Dylan and Jonah don't get along, they hate each other, but after deciding to fake date to get everyone in school off their backs by saying they would make the perfect couple, over time they might realize that they were right
Loved this book so much!!! Wanted to adopt Jonah and hug Dylan, protect these boys at all costs, and Jonahs sisters were too adorable, even though it had heavy topics it was really well done (yeah a lot of scenes almost made me cry, both in a bad way ans good way lol) 10/10 (bisexual, transgender and asexual characters)
Upside Down by N. R. Walker
Jordan might be asexual but he isn't sure, so Merry his best friend takes him to an aro/ace meeting to learn and get some answers, and he might just get them and more...
There are no fucking words for this book, but I will say that you will not stop smiling and laughing and crying throughout, all the characters are so genuine and lovable and I want to know them irl, could not recommend enough 10/10 (gay, lesbian, asexual, aromantic, bisexual, poly)
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zuureleena · 9 months
i drew the mercs, miss pauling, admin, and my tf2 oc on the plane to uni 😭
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i did all of these a week ago and completely forgot to post them HAJAHAH miss p, the admin, and a rlly simplified ver of my tf2 oc miss lynn!! (zoey lynn hehe + js rambles abt her) under the cut
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IM ACTUALLY REWORKING HER DESIGN RNNNN bcs i made her on the sims 4 LMAO and realised how much better and concise she looked, but i really wanna try and make her look like someone you'd js see irl? sooOOo tryna make her also recognisable from silhouette alone and blahablahblah tho she isn't the kind of character that would rlly make too much of a difference in the tf2 universe
i js wanted to make a loveable character LMAO who'd have more of an impact on the relationships and kinda the story?
i liked the idea of miss p having an extroverted bestfriend who's also her wingwoman bcs miss pauling is obvs an awkward lesbian mess who needs help in the love department, and vice versa bcs zoey is into scout and miss pauling is js so glad to have him move on n realise that they r better as friends!! and that he needs to be with someone who isn't annoyed by him 24/7 (IM SORRY, LWNAKS MY SELF-INSERTEDNESS GOT IN THE WAY HAHAHAHA I CANT HELP IT) also, i haven't rlly thought of any orientation for zoey... i'm thinking of her js being a het woman or js whatever u wanna interpret her as!! cuz her sexuality isn't a core thing abt her
she's an absolute harbinger of chaos who'd do anyt for money and some company (this girl has been hella lonely n stressed out of her mind and i'll explain why in an oc post🤭🤭) and even tho she never outright admits it, she does enjoy the freedom of violence she gets to have as a mann co assistant 😭 (which will ALSO make sense when i explain her background to u guys later on)
and bcs of her long experience w shady bosses and asshole customers she's had to deal within all the jobs she's had, she catches onto the administrator's whole thing with the australium fairly early into the job, but she's in tooooo deep now and is like "damn. do i get myself out of this fucked up job (that i am fucked up enough to actually enjoy) or do i stay bcs i literally have everything i've ever wanted....shit." like,, she did say she'd do anyt for money but at the cost of what 😭 [also MAN i wish we got that final comic so i can js make zoey's suspicions make sense??!?@ but in a way it js works bcs it's js this massive mystery that we don't even know of ourselves???? so likeee, im js assuming its smth rlly dangerous or smth bcs helen literally goes to the most insane lengths to get australium and finish off her final... thingy.. that uh DEBT is it... i forgot what she called it BUT WHATEVER BUSINESS SHE HAD TO ATTEND TO B4 SHE DIED QOABJASH]
OH AND YEAH, zoey hates how bossy the admin is and is an ass abt it at times, and the admin wants zoey gone so badly bcs shes an annoying little shit (which she is and honestly, her and scout can be annoying shits tgt <3) but miss p always convinces her to keep zoey BAGAHAHA and they do get things done much faster w zoey there sooOoOOo 🌝🤭
i mean she does try to kill both miss p & l anyway but still, she can't deny that they r both good at what they do
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vestaclinicpod · 1 month
Audio Drama Sunday - 28th April ✨
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! I started two new shows this week and fell in love with both of them!! 
👻 @tellnotalespod (S2E8.5) ohhhhhh I’m so emotional. The end of this series is going to make me cry so many happy tears, I can just feel it. 
🌲 @hellofromthehallowoods (149) With the description this week, I think I truly realised just how scary-looking the pig man is 😰 Things are looking decidedly down for Shelby and Clem. Eek. God, Valerie!!! She’s such an interesting character because you can literally connect the dots of her trauma but still be slightly disappointed by the consequences on her behaviour! And the poor Mr Greenstreets ☹️ Raj is very Syrensyr coded?? Vincent as a grief counsellor makes me wonder… about who or what Voltaire is…. 
Also, I want the Auditor to be Polly so bad and I want Nikignik to get out of the interrogation by bargaining to reunite him with Yaretzi and Mort - PLEASE. 
🧳 Travelling Light by @monstrousproductions (19) I loved seeing our Traveller stand up for themself!! It’s always so fun to see characters who are usually soft gain a backbone of steel because their core values are tested. And the discussion of the nanobots was so interesting!! The laws on nanobots elsewhere when they are literally required for survival makes the entire person illegal. And we all know that’s not right!!! 
👁️ @malevolentcast (41) I’m thinking that maybe Rafters was an exception that proves the rule… Alexander the owl was creepy as anything and I hated the way he seemed to be guiding them towards the crack in the wall. Now we’re in a possible parallel universe, it feels like all bets are off and I’m scared to even consider what might happen to John and Arthur now! 
⚔️ @camlannpod (8) OUGH. Oh my god. Can’t they just have FIVE MINUTES to RELAX?? I actually snorted out loud at: ‘you’re good with an axe, right’. Pere is a little shit and I love that for them. Morgan!!! 🫨 And Dai!!! I’m so hopeful that starting down this path will lead to good (or, at least, a whole load of shenanigans for S2!) 
🖥️ The Magnus Protocol (13) It’s very interesting to me that we were able to listen in on Sam and Cecilia’s date… how did that work? There’s something here about gambling and chance with this story and the previous one about the dice rolling?? I’m connecting the dots (I’m not connecting shit). 
🌞 Small Victories by @wgc-productions is so good, I wish I’d started listening years ago. I love the 90s sitcom vibe and the intro/outro are so unique. I absolutely love shows that centre around character studies. Marisol’s story is so gripping and I love how the writing takes us right inside her brain as she justifies every decision (good or bad). It’s so clear how loveable she is and how much people around her want her to be okay (mostly), but don’t know *how* to get her to that place given the shit they’re dealing with themselves! I got up to 1.09 so . . . bit of a cliffhanger there!! I’m very excited to see how the story progresses. I’m rooting for you, Tiny!! 
🧋 I started @hinaypod and it’s safe to say that I’m in love already! Listening has given me the same amazing feeling of listening to Desperado - the sensation that the creators have opened up a door to a brand new world and I’m so happy to be in it! I adore Mari. Even from episode one, she has this quiet self-confidence in herself and her skills which is so refreshing. I also really like the horror writing here and I’m really looking forward to delving deeper into this story! 
Hope everyone has a good week! 💙
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earthtooz · 2 years
a dear writer [@lytters] asked for shinso content and i said YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND BC I LOVE SHINSO!!!!!!!
in which you bake with shinso at 1am
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when shinso stumbled downstairs for a class of water during the middle of the night, he wasn’t expecting to see another soul already occupying the kitchen. 
nor was he expecting it to be you, busy amidst various mixing bowls, measuring cups and baking trays. there were dozens of each, and the whirring of the oven gave him a vague idea of what you were doing. 
why were you running a commercial kitchen at this hour - 1 am, of the night? 
shinso hesitated as he lurked in the shadows, watching you operate in the dim yet warm lighting of the UA kitchens since he wasn’t so sure if he had the guts to talk to you. especially when his bed-hair was a mess and his shirt was wrinkled, a sign of the peaceful rest he was having, but even if he was having the slumber of his life, he did not want to appear like a mess in front of you.
at the realisation that he was being a creep and that he should probably check up on you rather than prioritising his own humility, shinso finally stepped out of the dark and walked into the luxurious kitchen.
he watches as you spoon the flour, measuring it out-
“what are you doing-”
the metal spoon clanks loudly onto the counter, the offensive noise causing the both of you to wince. you notice the flour that was now all over your shirt and the counter, but more importantly, you finally notice the purple-haired's presence.
“shinso! you scared me!” you exclaimed in a hushed tone, not wanting to be loud and wake anyone up. the dorms were quite spacious, you doubt noise could travel that far but still.
“sorry,” he mutters, ignoring the way his heart was going into overdrive.
was it because of the scare or you? 
it was definitely you. sweet, friendly, loveable you, who has managed to lure shinso’s heart in line and sinker without even realising it. he had his first glance at you at the UA sports festival where he managed to watch you after his match, admiring you in complete awe and fascination. what harboured as the tiniest crush then intensified during the joint training between class a and class b. thankfully, he wasn’t up against you but you were kind enough to spark conversation alongside kaminari and midoriya, all three of you beaming at him with a friendly welcome. 
but he was quickly knocked back down to earth when he realised just how ferocious you could really be. he thanked his lucky stars that he wasn’t the team fighting against yours.
it’s hard to believe that the same person he’s feared and admired from afar for the past year was now baking… cookies? at 1 am.
“it’s okay,” you smile at him gently. “did you need something? why are you here?”
“i just wanted to get a glass of water and head back to bed but since you’re here-”
“-oh my gosh! i’m sorry, i don’t mean to stop you. you can go ahead.”
“no no, it’s okay. i think i’m the one that intruded,” he stumbles towards the cabinet of glasses and retrieves one, filling it up with water before chugging it down swiftly. water hits, y’know? “what are you baking instead of sleeping?
“aww, shinso, are you worried for me?”
he huffs in response. the answer is yes, he is very worried for you.
his silence doesn’t deter you, “i’m making cookies for the class. we all had our first exam of the year yesterday and we all managed to pass! that’s a record by the way. so i thought i’d do something nice for everyone.”
“do you always do this?”
you nod your head, cracking an egg into the bowl, “never by myself though. i always do it with sato but i think he’s still suffering the aftermath of a sugar high. i'm letting him sleep tonight.” 
he lets your words and actions sink in for a moment. without thinking, he offers a quiet ‘would you like some help?’
you almost don’t hear him over the whirring of the oven.
“no, no, it’s okay!” you reassure, “i just have two batches left and after that i’m done! you should go back to bed.”
“are you sure?”
“some help would be nice but i don’t want to inconvenience you,” as an afterthought, you add, “besides, you rejected my invitation to cook dinner together so i kinda assumed you’re a bad cook.”
shinso sees the upturn of a smirk playing upon your lips, a sign that you were simply messing around. he remarks by saying, “hey, well now i know. will you allow me a redemption round?"
in truth, he had been deeply regretting the incident that occurred. not too long ago, you had offered for him to join you in making dinner for the class, but in a moment of panic, shinso simply became too flustered and rushed out the quickest ‘no!’ of his life before scrambling away. he didn’t catch the moment of shock that graced your features at his outburst and how you hid your disappointment at the self-conceived idea of shinso not wanting to spend time with you.
you spout something between a laugh and a gasp, “excuse you, i made the meanest chow mein that night.”
he laughs, “you did.” 
shinso closes the gap between you by taking a step closer, “now, how can i help?”
you hand him the packet of unopened chocolate, commanding him to cut it into chunks.
it’s a peaceful and methodical routine you’ve established. as you instruct shinso around, you fall into a harmonious pattern of preparing and baking, with nothing but the music of your rapid heartbeats keeping you company.
as you put the last batch in the oven, you both let out a sigh of relief. a comfortable silence dawns upon you whilst you take the moment the admire shinso under the melancholic light of the kitchen. how (un)fortunate for you that such a beautiful man was now your classmate. it wasn’t helping that there was something so indescribably intimate about the night you’ve shared. baking with someone at the earliest hours of the morning was not something mere classmates did, but neither of you dared to address it, especially not when your fingers kept brushing together. 
whilst the last batch cools, shinso slump down on the chair with a sigh of content, eyes beginning to feel heavy and the prospect of sleeping becomes a little too appealing. he doesn’t retreat yet though, not when he notices that you’re walking towards him with a box of cookies.
“thanks for the help,” you mutter. shinso takes the box happily, gazing upon several goods sorted neatly in the paper packaging that you had handed him.
sitting down beside him, you flash him a soft, yet genuine smile, “i’m glad you’re in class a now, shinso. we’re going to have a lot of fun together.”he can’t help but grin too, “i’m glad i’m here too.” (glad that he’s here with you, possibly the most captivating and exquisite person he’s ever met, but he won’t tell you that, not until the time is right and the music in his heart grows into a distinguishable melody only for you.)
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this was so quick but i couldn't resist writing it as soon as i got the inspiration!!! shinso is so SKRUNKLY AND SO CUTE!!!!!!!!
i'm not entirely happy with that i just wrote but i still think it's pretty cute :)
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barbiesdelicioustoes · 11 months
Grumpy Scaramouche x Reader
Summary: A certain someone feels honoured to be hated by you, however, he secretly wishes it was the other way around.
A/N: I hope to never do anything impulsive in 11:00pm again. Period.
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Hatred was foreign to you. an unfamiliar experience as you were forgiving and kind, your understanding personality was incapable of carelessly showing your hatred. Throughout the years, you've learned to suck it up and let it rot.
You loved and you still do, you pour your love carelessly to others, get attached, then cry it out. Eventually, you'd move on. It was a cycle. Everyone told you that you were a fool. Indeed you were, but that didn't stop you from being loving and forgiving.
Admirable you were, loveable you were, how amazing you would be as a lover. Men and even women loved you, yet never had the patience to continue courting you, thus it resulted in you having a few exes.
You've practically never hated anyone so, why do you hate him so much?
Your bestfriend, Kazuha, had currently abandoned you in your classes to assist his father leaving you with a grumpy friend of his to deal with.
"Um, hey?" The attempt was a fail. He simply gave you a glance then went to his phone. Ah, he's not talkative, I see.
Not a single available seat was nowhere to be found, and he's also new anyway, what's the worst thing that can happen with being seatmates with him?
His preposterous personality, apparently.
The first time you had your conversation with him was when he wanted to ask for your notes, as the kind person you were, you lended him some. "Your handwriting sucks." While casually flipping through the pages, your eyes widen at the comment, "Excuse me? You borrow my notes and have the audacity to complain?"
"I'm not complaining. I'm merely commenting on your hilarious notes." A twitch in your eye gave you the realisation, i hate this guy. "Then give me back my notes." You retort, extending your arm to grab your notes but he simply moves it away and sends you a smirk.
"No. It's fine. Whatever."
"What an ass.." You mutter.
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The first week passed and god, you never wanted to throw somebody out of the window so bad. Mona was apparently his cousin, which was a shock to you because you were friends with her.
But even Mona complains about his crass mouth and rebellious attitude.
"I pity you, [Name]. He's incredibly annoying and irritating that even you would want to punch his face.*
You only chuckle, finding it laughable because it was true. She celebrated your first hatred for a real living person.
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Typically, the two of you would be bickering around the classroom, doesn't matter if it was class hours or on break. Teachers wouldn't let this slide however, you were one of their students that feigned diligence and elegance as Scara was an upper class student with brilliant academic performance, so the only choice left was to simply separate the two of you.
And so you two did separate for.. only a day.
Somehow, just somehow, the adviser put you back together with the excuse of, "You and he are compatible! Great representatives of the school."
You stood there looking like a question mark wondering what kind of tricks fate played on you, but unbeknownst to you, a grape-haired man grins at your stiff figure.
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Teachers often paired you two in contests and quizzes held by other schools, surprisingly, both of you actually worked together and passed quite alot. However, inside your classroom, both of you are intense rivals. Constantly bombarding the teachers with question from both of you two, participating in heated debates, comparing scores that was normally perfect, and even if the two of you were groupmates, you'd still battle on who's the better at leading the group.
"No, it's better if we do this before the week of the deadlin–"
"I disagree, I say we do this before two weeks of the deadline."
"That is too early, give mercy to our groupmates!"
He rolled his eyes and sighed in defeat.
"Oh, thank you [Name]!" Your classmate sigh while clinging to your arm. "I can't believe that jerk! We literally have a month to do this and he expects us to finish it before two weeks!?" You furrow your eyebrows at her remark, feeling an awful need to defend your seatmate. A laugh escapes your lips as you meet a pair of blue eyes.
"C'mon, just leave it. I'll handle the research, alright?" The girl clinging to your arm jumps happily as she hugs you tightly. "Thank you! I'll deal with the presentation." I feel like a mother. "Sure."
"I'll join in on the research." A familiar voice says, leaving you shocked and baffled. You whip your head to question the indigo haired man.
"I said, I'll join in on the research."
A murmured 'oh' was all you gave him before raising an eyebrow, "but why? I'm perfectly capable of handling this research."
He leans in more to his chair while keeping eye contact, "i just want to."
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"You two have been hanging out quite alot lately." It was clear that Kazuha was referring to your seatmate. "Kazuha, we're seatmates." That didn't convince him however. He leaned in closer to you as you simply stared at him with a frigid expression
"You're not being convincing, [Name]. You know what, I always thought you weren't gonna hate and was patient enough to deal with him, but," He chuckles, "who would've thought you'd hate him?"
Yeah. You wondered why you hated him too.
He did make you furious quite a lot with his snarky remarks and actions, but he never really did anything wrong, did he? But then again, it would be weird if I didn't like him.
So you shrug your thoughts and attempted to change the topic, in which you succeed.
(A disappointed sigh slips from Kazuha's lips when you don't notice his sarcastic tone.)
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Ah but there is a saying that, "there is a thin line between love and hate." And god, you hated it.
The way you notice how his eyes widen when he listens to your playlist, the way you notice how his cheeks flushed when you hugged him for the first time, the way you notice how his ears perk up when you mention his favourite artist, the way you notice his sweet messages behind his mean comments, the way you notice how he lets you sleep in his shoulder when you're tired, and god you hated how you notice everything about him.
One week left, and you two are no longer seatmates. You should be happy, this is what you wanted after all right? For him to stop pestering you about his mother's sly girlfriend, for him to stop stepping on your foot whenever you tease him, for him to stop sending mean comments about your notes, for him to–
Are you really happy about it?
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Two days.
Two days left.
"Kazuha," the soft call of his name causes him to turn and look at you, "I think I like Scara."
"I knew it," A laugh was all to be heard, "Heizou owes me 70 mora, Itto owes me 100 mora, Ayato owes m–"
You were now flushed deep red.
"What!? You made bets?" He cackles before he stares at you seriously in the eye. "Also, [Name], you should confess."
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Scara, who you've hated basically almost the entire school year, was now napping on your shoulder and as someone who claims to hate him, awkwardly shifts so he wakes up and adjusts his sleeping position.
"Stop moving." He whispered softly as he furrowed his eyebrows. A sigh left your lips. "Whatever." You sneakily slid the letter you wrote in his bag.
The serene atmosphere makes you ponder and go back to all those times you swore to never, ever like any trait of his. How nostalgic. You gaze out the train window, looking back at memories that amused you.
A deep hue of blue painted the sky as your grumpy seatmate nuzzles yet again in your shoulder. A strand of his hair prods at your ear and you grumble at the sensation.
"Mhm.." You shift your attention to him. "I'll confess.. tomorrow..
That alone, crushed your heart.
What if he was seeing someone?
You never thought of the possibility, considering he barely gets any friends, let alone a crush. But then again, he never really speaks of his love life, does he?
An unsettling feeling crawls through your stomach to your chest, not allowing you to breathe at ease. You hoped your stop would be here soon.
It felt as if years passed by although it was simply 30 minutes. You shake your seatmate to wake him up. He didn't wake up. "Scara.. wake up. I gotta go home." He groggily intertwines your arms together as your eyes widen in surprise. "Scara!" What's up with him today!?
"Ugh." He clicks his tounge before letting you go.
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Love. Love, a feeling you experience everyday, even at the tiniest things. Everyone would refrain from calling you a judgemental person full of hate towards others. You love everyone and everyone loves you too!
Although one would feel honoured to be "hated" by you, and that very someone is currently sitting beside you.
At the bench of an amusement park lays you and Scaramouche, as a comfortable silence lingers in the air. You were quite nervous, I mean, the letter contains your confession and you had given it to him.. last week.
The silence was too unbearable, so you decided to break it.
"Haha, uh, well. How was your confession last week?"
Instead of even bothering to reply, he simply glances at you then props his head at yours. As you were about to comment on his sudden affectionate action, he made you still at his next words.
"I like you too."
Perhaps, you really are meant to love.
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A/N: I hate this shit
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