#oh I wrote a lot huh. hm.
paintedvanilla · 8 months
i’ve been thinking about marla an INSANE amount these last few days. specifically about the relationship between her and the narrator (i love their little toxic frenemie schtick they’ve got going on).
would love to hear some more headcanons for them/ how you’d imagine their relationship progress over the years if you’ve got any🤭
YEASSSSS OKAY HAIIIII PHIN thank you for sending this ask I’m gonna EXPLODE
Okay so like. One of the fics I’m working on (I told you about this on our DM’s…) has to do with Marla and the narrators dynamic immediately after he and Tyler get together and how their friendship actually like. Calcifies into something bearable to him. Because like. Really genuinely prior to this. The narrator could not stand Marla. And then the events of this fic happen and he like. Ctrl alt delete and manually operates his empathy for a few hours and comes out of it being like… actually this woman is my friend. And I care for her. He still acts like a hater to keep up appearances tho.
I think a lot about the way Marla is characterized in the book. Particularly the scene where she’s giving herself cigarette burns and the narrator describes her as a woman who’s afraid to commit to the wrong thing so she doesn’t commit to anything. That makes me want to chew glass. ALSO. IN THE BOOK SHE ACTUALLY HAD CANCER?? I FEEL LIKE THAT WAS KIND OF BRUSHED OVER. BUT ANYWAY.
I’m of the firm belief that the narrator and Marla hang out pretty regularly. She’s the only person the narrator talks to who like… isn’t Tyler. So he can talk to her about things he can’t talk to Tyler about (or just doesn’t want to). This gives him an avenue to bitch about Tyler from time to time (Marla can corroborate his bitching because she’s also dealt with Tyler). But also he talks to her about other stuff. I think she’s the only person who knows he wishes he’d studied literature in school. I think he shares the literary magazines he reads with her and tells her which stories he actually likes (he gatekeeps these from Tyler)
Additionally, Marla talks to him about her stuff. She talks to him about all her boy problems (I love in the book Marla’s “I used to have a boyfriend who…” talk, she has an ex-boyfriend for every occasion and the narrator finds this kind of fascinating). She talks about her home life and her history with him (she’s originally from New Orleans, she wanted to move to New York City but only got as far as Connecticut). They go to the thrift together. They go to lunch together (the narrator pays). Sometimes the narrator goes grocery shopping with her (he still pays).
They talk about sex. They talk about their childhoods. I think the narrators dynamic with Marla reminds him of the dynamic he used to have with his sister, where she’d just talk and he’d just listen. Marla doesn’t care if the narrator doesn’t respond to her, she knows he’s listening.
I think one of the reasons their relationship works so well, and in particular one of the reasons the narrator keeps crawling back to her, is based on one simple foundation: they talk to each other and really listen, they don’t just wait for their turn to speak. They picked that up in the same place, and they always employ it with each other. Tyler sometimes doesn’t do that for the narrator. But marla always does, and the narrator does the same.
They still go to support groups together, sometimes. Marla did drag him to debtors anonymous. Sometimes they go to the testicular cancer group for the sole purpose of catching up with Bob (I think the narrator genuinely likes Bob. Like. As a person). Marla told him that the narrator got himself a boyfriend and he had to jump through hoops explaining that one (he can never admit to this man he never actually had cancer).
Sometimes they go to groups and make up elaborate backstories for one another and use fake names. Marla likes to go and pretend they’re having marital problems, the narrator reluctantly plays along sometimes. They go see movies together. They go to museums together. Like. They’re besties. They bicker, but they’re besties. The narrator would kill for her (or, at the very least, beat a man to the brink of death, castrate him and pull out his molars for her to make into earrings).
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seattlesellie · 10 months
imagine letting ellie hit for the first time and all she can see is your stuffed animals and plushies surrounding your bedd😭
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an: i know i wrote something similar to this a looooong while ago already but i really love it cause it’s so cute !! dni if you hate fun and if ur a plushie lover i love u a lot k bye 💗
warnings: ellies a little mean 🙄 but shes so cute.
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♡ firstly, you’d probably be mortified before you both tiptoed into your room. you’ve been sweetly (but fervently) making out on the living room couch for about ten whole minutes already. when ellie bounced you up on her thigh — and you moaned out her name, she huffed a breathy and teasing “oh, yeah?”, and you knew you were gone. you had constant battles within the realm of your head about needing to wait for “the right time”, but for some reason, with ellie, the right time seemed to be all the time. you’ve nearly let her have it in the backseat of her beat up honda, but you came to your senses pretty quickly (or you banged up your head on her inner roof which kind of made things awkward), and decided to actually wait.
♡ ellie pushes you up against the door, her knee snug between your thighs. you can feel her on your heat, and you’re pretty sure she can feel the actual heat on you. when ellie gives a slight swivel to the metal doorknob, you panic completely and shakily puff out a long held breath. “nono, my rooms… uh, untidy. s’messy, we can’t”, ellie raises a brow (and it tweaks a little because she’s just as nervous and it’s so cute), she grants you a little guileful smirk, “i don’t really care, so” — and as soon as she mutters that “so”, ellie opens the door and you shriek.
♡ at a full tilt, you try to cover up her eyes with your hands, shakily whispering “nonono, told you it’s messy, you’re being so rude!” but ellie — ever the speedster, pushes them off. when she’s faced with the hoard of plushies, sitting cozily on your bed like brave, plucky little soldiers, ellie seems entirely… amused. “so uhhh…” you stutter out, and ellie lets out an actual wheeze. she’s trying to cover up her stupid laugh and her smile by attempting to form it into a line, and you budge her forcefully on the shoulder and she barely even moves. “you didn’t tell me you had guests over, babe”, she turns to look at you — and you’re trying very hard not to throw an actual tantrum. you roll your eyes, and she takes your hands between her’s and gives them two chaste kisses. “okay, okay… didn’t mean to offend you…” she gulps down that damn laugh again, “just should’ve gave me a warning before i came in here trying to fuck y—“, your eyes nearly pop out of your head, “ellie!” you warn, and your voice goes nearly three octaves higher and now ellie’s fully just laughing at you. you furrow your brows and cock your head to the side. “well, technically, you’re the guest. they live here, so”
♡ “well… technically” ellie mimics and mocks, swallowing a small throaty giggle. you stare at her for a moment, giving her your best “i’m warning you — this is your last chance!” eyes, and ellie takes that warning very seriously, (because perhaps she’d been dying to fuck you), lifts her hands up in the air as if it’s to sign that she “gave up”, and shuts her mouth. “you done?” you question, raising your brows. “you’re the guest here, because they sleep with me every night, and you don’t” you smile impishly, followed by a sweet, satisfied little “hm”. ellie smirks and shakes her head, “every night, huh? you tryin’ to make me jealous?” then, she points at one of the plushies. “cause that little fucker over there is trying me, shit— i think his eye’s ripped off, what the actual fuck do you do with your dolls?!”
♡ out of amused anger, you try and push her up against the wall and she lets you. she hits it with a thud, and she rests her veiny hands on your waist and gives you a squeeze. you whimper, and she grabs your waist and pulls you closer. you try composing yourself, “y… you’re just jealous cause they get to sleep with me and you don’t”, but it all comes out of your lips too shaky and too sweet to be let known as teasing. ellie chuckles, and grabs the back of your neck. her lips are simply hovering over yours, and you let out a shaky breath and close your eyes. “open” she instructs, and you open them so slowly she nearly melts away like an ice cream cone in the middle of august. “just answer this one question i have, ‘kay?” she raps in her husky voice that makes you simply shudder. you hum, and she smirks. “do they fuck you every night too?”, she takes her bottom lip between her teeth and licks. not to seduce, simply as a casual gesture. nevertheless, it does seduce. “cause i might need to, uh…” and then — ellie places a small peck on your lips that you’re simply too eager not to try and follow up, but she meanly backs away. she chuckles and brings her head forward again, and lets out of a shaky breath. “might need to fuck them up, y’know? rip off their insides, stomp on ‘em, give them a nice little shake and —“ you cut her off with a whine, and her eyes nearly roll back. she takes your bottom lip between her top one and suckles and kisses you so deeply, “yeah fuck it, get on the bed, c’mon” — she pushes you forward between whimpers and more whines and you land with a soft thud, one of the plushies falls down on the floor.
♡ she parts your legs with her own, earning herself a sweet breathy gasp from you, and whilst she’s hanging messily off of the mattress— she kicks the plushie up on the bed, so it lands a mere centimeter from where it originally was. she can tease you all she wants, but it’s very soon that she memorizes all of their names. “do i need to cover up their eyes or are they used to this stuff?”, she knows they’re not used to it, at all actually, but you shake your head from side to side. she grabs both of your cheeks between her calloused fingers, gives them a forceful little squeeze that makes you moan, and looks up at one of them. “sorry for what you’re about to witness here, buddy”
♡ needless to say that ellie wasn’t a “guest” no more after that day.
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wettvagina · 6 months
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desc: eren, the father of your daughter, and your cock-blocking baby daddy, pays you a visit after he heard what you said about him on your instagram live a.n: shoutout to my DECEASED bd eren edot yeager, gone too soon , miss u everyday bae ://
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You looked at yourself in your pink vanity mirror, sitting on the pink, fuzzy-cushioned stool behind your vanity table, you smacked your lips after applying some pink, sparkly lipgloss, setting up your phone against the mirror, swiping on Instagram aimlessly as you awaited a message from your friend.
Seeing her name pop up on your notifications, you quickly tapped it, replying to her 'im gonna be there in 20' message with a thumbs up emoji. You sighed as you swiped on Instagram, tapping on the 'Go Live' icon, seeing your reflection on your phone screen.
You smiled slightly as you watched your views slowly increase, "Hey everybody." you greeted, you propped your phone on the mirror so everyone could see a better view of your outfit, you smiled and posed before coming closer to your phone screen to open the comments.
"Yes, I am going out." you chatted, "Just hoppin' on here for fun, I'm waiting on somebody." you smirked, "D'ya have a new man?" you read a comment, "Huh? No, that's why I'm goin' out." you snickered, "My dating life has been, so dry." you sighed to yourself, reading more comments.
"No, I swear, ever since- you know what, lemme stop." you playfully rolled your eyes as you skimmed through the comments, "You still with that guy." you read, the comment had originally wrote Eren, but you liked being petty so you chose not to say his name.
"No, I'm not with that guy, and I never was to begin with." you falsely clarified with a sigh, "I've been single." you smirked, "Y'know I see a lot of you in the comments, my dm's are open." you smiled to yourself, scrolling through the men thirsting for you in your comments.
"Okay, I'm gonna head out now. Probably gonna post later, bye y'all." you concluded, quickly ending the Instagram live, checking the time, only to find out that ten minutes had passed. You sighed to yourself, grabbing your purse and heels in your hand, you walked barefeet down the flight of stairs in your house, reaching near the enterance door, sitting on the floor as you strapped on your heels.
Once both of your heels were strapped on, you admired your fresh pedicure, you opened your phone once again to check the time, "Hm, might as well wait outside." you murmured to yourself, upon opening the door, you flinched and jumped back, almost screaming.
"What the- Oh!" you sighed, "Its you." you said as you looked up, seeing Eren standing with his hands in the pockets of his grey colored jeans, looking down at you with a serious face. "Damn, you scared me." you giggled, noticing his tense stare, "Can I help yo-", "Where are you going?" his deep voice questioned, "Out." you plainly state, Erens gaze looked up and down your body, smiling almost amusingly.
"Hm." he nods, "Where's my-" he begins, "Your daughter is at my friends house." you inform him, "Which friend, I need a name." he says immediately after, "Ymir." you state, rolling your eyes. "Just making sure." he clarifies, "Where else would she be?" you squint at him. "Well anyways, nice meeting ya'." you say as you attempt to walk past him.
"You're not going anywhere." you hear him say while his hand grips onto your wrist, "Boy, move!" you groan, Eren pulls you back inside your house, shutting the door behind him. "You must think that I don't care or something, but I watch your Instragram, I check your posts, your lives." he exclaimed, his grip loosening from your wrist.
"You're not single, so stop lying to people." he declares, "Are you out of your mind?" you ask him, a smirk tugging on your lips, "You're with me." he clarifies, sliding his feet out of his slides before entering the living room of your house.
"Eren, I broke up with you two weeks ago." you ranted, "Really? I don't recall." he beamed, throwing himself onto your sofa as he lazily sat on the cushion with his legs spread. "Why are you just standing there? Go change." he scoffed, "Bae, do you wanna watch a movie?" he asked while picking up the remote, "You got any snacks?" he went on.
You wanted to say you were amused, but you were used to this, you walked up to the coffee table in the middle of your living room, standing in front of Eren as he scrolled on Netflix using the remote, "Babe, you're blocking." you looked him dead in the eye as he spoke, you shook your head before sitting next to him on the couch, cursing at yourself mentally.
"You need help changing?" he asked, fingers tracing against the cloth that hugged your waist, his fingers traveled to the zipper at the back, slowly tugging on it, watching as the fabric become loose on you, "Hm, looks like you forgot to wear a bra." Eren smirks as your dress falls from your chest, "Good thing you're not going out anymore." he smiles, his face was close to yours, and you could smell the spearmint gum he was chewing on, paired with the scent of his cologne that had your panties dampening.
You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him feverishly, you propped yourself onto his lap, your chest pressing onto his and you could feel your nipples hardening as it jammed onto his plain black compression shirt. You instantly felt his hand around your waist, grabbing on your ass as he pulled you closer to him, his other hand rubbed soothing circles onto your spine, causing you to moan into his mouth.
His hands slipped your dress off of you, and his lips instantly latched onto yours once again, after one long, suffocating kiss, he pulled away, kissing on your neck as he whispered, "You know I love you, right?"
Eren's strong arm held onto your back as he placed your head on the cushion, moving on top of you, he kissing down from your neck, to in between your breasts, all the way down your stomach, stopping at your navel. You watched as he slowly pulled your panties off, smiling before hovering over you to kiss you, as he kissed you, you felt him lining the tip of his cock to your wet entrance, "Shit." you cursed as you felt his tip prodding at your entrance, Eren stroked your clit with his thumb while his hand wrapped around his shaft, slowly pushing himself into you.
You moaned when you felt him completely inside of you, his hand cradled the side of your face, as his finger stroked your cheek, kissing the corners of your lips as he slowly moved in and out of you, he watched as your face contorted to match the pleasure you were feeling, eyebrows pointed upwards, eyes wide and your lips parted. He smiled slightly, biting his lower lip as he increased his pace, "Oh shittt." his words leaving his mouth slowly as he looked down at his dick leaving and re-entering your pussy.
"Fuck, baby. 'M gonna get you pregnant, again." he whined, hooking your leg over his shoulder, his thrusts stayed at a steady pace, and his gaze was on you at all times, watching the faces you were making as he stared into your eyes.
His head turned away from your face, to kiss on your calves as he continued to slowly fuck you, savouring the way your pussy wrapped around his length, "Fuck, Eren. I'm gonna come." you moaned, feeling a sudden tightness in your lower stomach, Eren felt your walls clamp down on his dick, causing his dick to tensen inside of you, "S-Shit, me too.." he groans, soon you came all over his cock, feeling the warmness of his come paint your walls as you both slowly panted.
"Fuck." you sighed, Eren panted before smirking, laughing lightly. "I'm gonna move in." he exclaims.
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autumnpens · 1 year
✧ sweet indulgence ✧
Characters ◦ Kazuha, Xiao, Venti, Heizou, Aether, Wanderer (anemo boys my beloved!!)
Warnings ◦ fluff, modern AU, Wanderer is referred to as Kuni, gn reader
Thoughts ◦ Idea from the candy necklace thing from a few months ago, which is when I wrote it, just never got around to posting it ;-; tell me if this is mischaracterized pls
Words ◦ 730
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Would notice the smell immediately, but not the origin
“Do you smell something sweet? Like.. hard candy?”
You turned him, giving him a smile before pulling a bit at the necklace
“Do you want some?”
He blushed, avoiding your gaze
“You don’t have to take it off for me, it’s fine, don’t bother-“
“You can just.. bite it off you know”
Oh Archons help him, his poor chivalric heart is going into shock
You pulled the string off your neck and into the air, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable
He took the string, biting off a few pieces before placing it back on your neck
“You’re almost as red as your hair, are you okay?”
He nodded before thanking you for the candy, letting you resume your story from earlier while he quietly stewed in his embarrassment
Would notice it immediately- he knows every detail of your appearance, therefore notices anything out of place
“What is that?”
“On your neck— a choker?”
“Oh, yeah! It’s made of candy. You want some?”
You didn’t have to ask twice, he was already tilting your head to the side and biting a piece off
He was very quiet and very red after, but thanked you for the candy nonetheless
You, for one, were also quite red
Instead of being quiet, though, you just started talking despite your flustered state, leading him to stare at you without you noticing
He had always liked seeing you talk
Knows exactly what it is— what can he say, he’s online a lot
“Ooh, is that one of those candy necklaces? Can I have a piece?”
“Yeah, go for it.”
Takes it by the string and nibbles a piece off, but doesn’t pull away from you before leaving a quick peck on your neck and blowing air into your ear
“Ah- Venti!”
“Ehe~ Thanks for the candy!”
He’s a detective, he’s gonna notice it fast
“That’s a candy necklace, yes?”
Doesn’t even wait for you to ask if he can have any, he just goes in
Leaves the left side of your neck with the white string and a few small but quickly forming bruises
“Archons, you didn’t waste time there, did you?”
“You had planned that, didn’t you? You knew you’d see me and just wanted to be a show off, hm?”
“Either way, you fell for it.”
“How can I not when it’s you?”
You paused, heat creeping up your face. You had gotten progressively more flustered with your boyfriend before turning away, giving his shoulder a shove, which made him laugh at your state.
“Fine, you win”
Gets very awkward about asking, summoning the courage for somewhere around an hour 
“Can I see your necklace?”
“Hm? Yeah, sure” You smiled, almost sending him into another panic
He’d dealt with countless terrifying situations with a stone-cold demeanor, but when it came to you, he was utterly defenseless
Takes the elastic between his fingers, biting a few pieces off and placing it gently back on your neck
He doesn’t pull away from you before giving you a quick kiss on the cheek, though
“Thank you.”
“You’re so red, Ae.” He gave you a sheepish smile, something that made your face about as red as his.
Notices it quickly, just doesn't say anything
He's not a child, he doesn't need candy
It would be nice, though... especially coming from you
Thinks about asking a lot, never does—his gaze lingers, though
Internally kicks himself for it
That boy whips around so fast the moment his name falls from your lips
Looks like a lost puppy almost, at your side in an instant, yet quickly resumes his faked indifferent demeanor
"What do you want?"
"I was going to ask what you wanted. Is this what you've been looking at so much?" You asked, fidgeting with a piece on the string
"What do you mean? I look at you all the time."
"You do?"
Fuck. Well, he's just dug himself into a hole with this one.
Tries to play it off, fails miserably.
You offer him the candy anyway, with some teasing, and he takes it silently, a barely noticeable tinge of pink veiling his cheeks before he turns away, tilting his hat down to cover his now burning face as his hand slips into yours.
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fischltao · 2 years
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pairing: tsukishima kei x gn! reader
summary: tsukishima worries about your future together
warnings: tsukishima and the reader are third years, angst, fluff, heavily inspired by horimiya, swearing, kind of crack? tsuki is baby
a/n: my latest fics have been getting a lot of feedback lately, thank you everyone for your kind words, hope you enjoy this one as well <3 wrote this while listening to be my angel by mazzy star
"just be my angel if you love me, be my angel in the night"
when you met tsukishima kei in your first year in karasuno high, you would've never expected the outcome of that fateful meeting. you had both been a classmate of his and a manager in his volleyball club so crossing paths was bound to be. soon after your first encounter, you fell in love with each other. a small crush that soon blossomed into a wonderful two year relationship.
and two years later, as your salty boyfriend sat across from you in a study date he failed to realize that for the past 30 minutes he hadn't read a single sentence in his textbook and, instead he had been spacing out and staring out the window. he had never thought about what it would've been like being apart from you, there had had never been an actual reason to think so after all. yet a comment by his older brother felt like a slap throwing him back to real life.
"you both are third years now! do you think you'll be together after graduation"
will we be together after graduation? will they want to be with me still? what is going to happen after graduation?
it had been bothering him for a while actually. of course he could've talked to you and the pair of you would communicate your way out of it. however it scared him to think about confronting you about it because what would happen if you still didn't want to be with him after graduation? would you be over right then and there?
he snapped out of his thoughts the moment you settled over his lap and squished his cheeks together, a habit you picked up during your time together whenever you noticed him spacing out. he always acted annoyed but truth is, he loved it. he loved everything about you.
"what's gotten you staring at your neighbors' fence like that? do you not like their new one?" you joked, moving your head to playfully bite at his neck as he kissed your forehead. you expected him to act like he was disgusted and pinch your leg or something but you were surprised when all he did was pull you closer and hug you tighter against his chest "baby whats wrong?"
"nothing's wrong idiot" he whispered tilting his head to rest at the curve where your neck meets your shoulder
"then why are you clinging on me like a koala, hm? not saying that i mind but you need to talk to me kei, i'm here for you" and he knew it. he knew that you loved him just as much as he loved you, which made it harder for him because even if you loved him now, would you grow apart after high school?
"will you still be here after we graduate?"
"in miyagi? yes babe I'll be attending college in sendai city, i thought we talked about this before, didn't we?"
"no idiot i know i mean-" pause "here"
"oh" he wasnt really sure if he liked your reaction. maybe he should've been more prepared before asking you because his nerves had been eating him alive, waiting for you to answer and god were you taking your sweet time"i guess it's time right?"
if he thought he was about to have a heart attack earlier, he definitely would now.
"time for what baby?"
"please make it quick kei"
"what the hell are you talking about"
"huh?" and it was then that he pushed his head off your shoulder to look at you, both of you staring at each other in confusion "oh you're not going to break up with me? ive thought about this a lot and i figured you wouldn't want to be with me after we graduate so i guessed you would just break up with me now"
he looked at you as if you just hit his mother's head with a cast iron pan.
what you didn't expect next was for him to burst out laughing. and now it was your turn to look at him like he hit your mother's head with a cast iron pan.
"you idiot" he exclaimed in between laughter "i thought you wanted to break up with me"
"be fucking for real"
"im serious"
"kei why would i not wanna be with you? i love you"
"i don't know, i thought that maybe you'd want to do other stuff after high school that wouldn't include me- well us. akiteru asked me if we'd still be together after graduation and i didn't know what to say, it kind of took me out" he said,now fully serious "but i dont care about graduating or anything i-i dont want to be apart from you you know? your stupid ass has grown on me"
"yeah i would hope so after two years" you deadpanned "you should've talked to me about it, i-i was thinking the same thing, guess we both worried over nothing, huh?" and with that you laid your haid on his shoulder once again, tracing shapes on his chest with your fingers of the hand that wasnt latched in his sweatshirt.
"marry me in the future, will you?"
"i'd marry you in any life,kei"
the end.
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queenofallimagines · 10 months
oh good gods pls your luciferian hcs made me YELL they’re so good lmao i was side eyeing my altar and space for lucifer the WHOLE TIME
do you think you could do a part two? and if possible, nsfw? if not thats more than okay!! thank you and i hope you’re doing so good!!!
Absolutely 🕷anon! AND LMAO YEAH I COULD FEEL HIM SIDE EYEING ME ACROSS THE ROOM AS I WROTE THESESGSHSJS asking the old man “why are you like this” whenever lucifer in game does something corny😭 ik he’s sick of me
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- Okay so since part 1 was when you arrived this will be more about day to day life in the next term
- Right off the bat I’m imagining minor petty spats that the other brothers are like…. Wtf is going on here
- Like y’all have been glaring across the table at one another for 30 mins and haven’t spoken a word
- WAY more picky w offerings lmao
- Is literally going to be super extra about it for no reason other than to bother you
- For example! When you give an offering to oshun( African orisha they’re like the HR in the heaven department just above the angel hierarchy) you have to eat a little first bc she was poisoned once so it’s like to show you’re in good faith
- Lucifer will ask you to do that w food you don’t like
- “Eat some”
- “I got this for you-“
- “And I want you to taste some😌”
- “….. do I really I have to???”
- “Are you telling me what to do w MY offering🤨”
- A lot of people ( white peoples I fear😔) be talking about he only accepts blood offerings and you have to sell your soul or whatever and stuff but literally this man will be giddy over a red candle w gold glitter
- Write all your assignments in sparky pen so when he looks at them he can’t hold back a smile
- As a joke you leave crystals associated with him in his coat pockets but he will never take them out
- Congratulations you played ya self
- You doing the stuff you do for him out of habit will fluster him if you say it
- “Why are you waking up so early to get ready?”
- “Hm? For Lucifer”
- “No im not gunna drink this tea it’s an offering🙄”
- Please don’t tell his brothers he will lock himself in his office💀
- Whenever you google “what can I do for Lucifer” 9/10 the first thing will be taking care of yourself
- So when your self caring w asmo and you go “oh I do this bc Lucifer likes it”
- The house will expose in chaos
- Mammon demanding you tell him your card numbers “for him” LMAO
- They’re all super jealous
- Gotta tell em its nothing personal he’s just always been there for you
- Whew if he reached out to YOU?
- The silence in the house REAL LOUD😭
- Belphegor waking up and going “ik you fucking lying!!!”
- You’re all confused like???
- “…..you said Lucifer… reached out to YOU?”
- “??????yeah????”
- “As in… he ASKED you to work with him?”
- “Yeah, I couldn’t stop thinking about his name and he showed up on my door one day”
- Lmao belphie and mammon are the LOUDEST FR
- lmao he’s sitting there red faced clenching his fist like
- “Listen I can explain”
- He cannot explain😭
- Can’t even say he did it on a whim
- “He really picked me up like a wet cat lmao”
- “Mc I am literally begging you to shut the FUCK up”
- Oh maaaaan diavolo will get a Kick out of this!!
- Solomon is very salty
- “But I can’t get a pact😒😒”
- He’s literally going to double down and bother him more
- “Lucifer you never told me you were taking on disciples🥺”
- “I didn’t think it was that important lord diavolo simply to pass the time”
- Simeon is laughing but internally having the feels bc he’s like 🥹 “even after all this time you still choose to be a guardian angel”
- Will tell you embarrassing stories about him he is now super close to you
- “Lucifer being the lords favorite was also the best one at singing👀 he loved music”
- That’s tru btw lmao Lucifer was like one of the angels who liked singing the most thats what makes humans and angels so alike- love for music and dancing-
- Call him your morning star and he MELTS
- Back to why were really here😌
- Call him that during sex or when you first wake up and he’s on cloud nine
- He’s literally he rises in the morning for a reason!!
- He will deadass purpose bc imagine riding him as the sun stars peaking over the horizon
- He’s under you moaning looking up at you w the most glazed over love struck eyes
- The sun filtering through the window and hitting him juuuuuuuust right
- That it looks like he has a halo again
- Breathlessly calling your name as you grind down on him
- He barely manages to get out that he’s close before you caress some of his hair out of his face
- “Cum for me then my Morningstar”
- Time freezes for like 16 seconds and his eyes are getting teary
- He hugs you close as he starts rutting his hips into you harder
- Will cum and keep going until he’s about to pass out
- Holding you like a lifeline
- When you can finally breathe and think straight he pulls you in for a kiss
- Literally stealing your breath away
- Will say I love you in the most honest voice ever while smiling at you with teary eyes
- probably won’t stop touching you all day might as well just spend it in bed
-is embarrassed by body worship calling it now
- be HE can do that but if YOU sink to your knees behind his desk and hold eye contact he’s getting nervous
-“just showing my devout gratitude💕”
- embarrassed how fast he finishes
- if you keep doing to overstimulate him he’s putty in your hands
- this man is very soft he will crack at the slightest sign of domestic romance
- bring him coffee when he wakes up?
- he’s already selected a wedding venue
- I always thought it would be cute if he gave you his ring
- You swing by the celestial realm and it’s crickets and you’re like ??? Fuck is y’all starring at??🤨
- Simeon hums and says that nobody expected lucifer to get married much less to a human. How he was never one to put anything above his responsibilities
- Excuse me?
- “You’re wearing the right of light,yes? He doesn’t just give that to anyone dear. You two are bonded for life now🥰”
- “HELLO????”
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starsfic · 6 months
if Ur accepting prompts, what if wukong was trying to get Macaque and Azure to stop arguing because Wukong wants to be with them both
Another day, another fight over Sun Wukong.
Of course, DBK mused, watching as his two sworn brothers stand in front of Wukong, fight wasn't a good word for it. Both Macaque and Azure were too refined for a proper fistfight over a man who would quickly shut that down. Instead, it was more like slight jabs that occasionally became a sword when Macaque really got out of his shell.
Yellowtusk was already pulling out the scoreboard.
Today, however, seemed different. Both Macaque and Azure had gifts for the golden monkey, like usual. They were already wounding up into the jabs and swords. However, Wukong looked strangely annoyed.
Was he in the middle of something? Usually, the two reserved to bother him when he wasn't doing anything, which was a lot of the time. However, there were moments like training or tending to his mountain where Wukong was busy.
DBK rose to his feet, ready to call out and suggest that Macaque and Azure give Wukong some space. Before he could speak, there was a loud "Oh, for crying-"
And then he was grabbing Azure's collar and yanking him down.
"Hm," Yellowtusk sighed. "I guess Azure wins." He wrote out a line.
Azure certainly looked like he was winning, based on his sheer look of delight. His gift, a scroll from the village across the bay, dropped to the ground, and his hands rose to grip Wukong tight. Wukong shifted his face, and a quiet moan slipped from one of them.
Macaque, meanwhile, looked like Wukong had yanked out his heart and stomped on it. DBK couldn't help the flare of pity as tears welled up in gold eyes. The monkey turned.
Before he could march away, Wukong pushed away from Azure. "Come here, you idiot," he said, grabbing Macaque's tail and yanking him close. Macaque chirped in surprise as he was turned around. "I want you both, I'm getting you both." And with that, Wukong was yanking Macaque down and into the same passionate kiss he had given Azure.
Yellowtusk and DBK blinked.
"Never mind," DBK glanced back in time to see the elephant erase the scores. Instead, he wrote down WUKONG. One thick line divided the board. "Wukong wins."
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twsted-kinks · 2 months
Magicless Human (NSFW TWST OC x Reader)
>ageless and minors dni<
Basically I had an idea but couldn't think of a character to work with it so I just have this random character now. Thought about Sebek or General Lilia but things felt too OOC and I wanted shapeshifting. This one is really dark y'all so READ THE CONTENT WARNING
It takes place in NRC and reader is Yuu. Yuu is afab and gender neutral.
I wrote this instead of answering asks :| I am bad at having a blog
Content Warning: noncon/dubcon, being tricked and trapped, using violence to get reader to do sexual things, shapeshifting fae, reader cries and beds a lot but rapist doesn't care, inhuman dick, magic being used to alter mental state and kinda body modification (so reader can take dick that's humanly impossible), lots of degradation, prejudice against humans and magicless humans, vaginal and oral sex, painful sex turned pleasurable, video recording, creampie, unsafe sex, talking about pregnancy but not confirmed if reader gets pregnant
“Hey! Yuu!”
You stop in the hallway and turn around. “Ace? I thought you already headed back to Heartslabyul with Deuce?”
Ace shrugs and responds. “I was but Grim decided to get himself stuck.”
“Oh, I’m already headed back to Ramshackle, so-”
“Nah, he’s close by actually. come with me.” Ace starts walking away and gestures for you to follow.
“I thought-” You pause for a moment then join him. “Huh, he must’ve changed his mind.”
After a moment, Ace opens the door of an empty lecture hall and gestures for you to go in. You walk in and look around, but don’t see the grey furball.
“Grim?” You call. “Where is he? I don’t see him.”
The door creeks shut followed by the click of a lock.
“I knew a human like you would be dumb, but to be this stupid?” An unfamiliar voice chuckles. “It’s just astounding.”
“What? Ace, what’s with your voice?” You spin around to see Ace standing strangely for him, posture way too straight and arms folded across his chest.
“Having to deal with brainless humans all day is bad enough, yet you are so much worse. Not only are you an idiotic human, you’re also just a worthless waste of space with no magic to make up for it.”
“You aren’t Ace! Who the fuck are you?”
“Finally connected the dots, hm?” The figure snaps his fingers, dropping his disguise, revealing pointed ears and deep crimson eyes as he towers above you. A man with long hair and a sharpened scowl storms toward you, way too quickly. You raise your fist to hit him, but he grabs your arm.
“Stop it! Let me go!” You scream.
“You think a worthless human like you can stop me? The door is locked and the room is soundproofed with magic, and you can do nothing to dispel it.” The man laughs, taking hold of you chin with his other hand as you struggle against him. “Such a weak useless little thing, yet one with a pretty face. Your looks are the one thing you have going for you, yet they have you studying things you’ll never be able to do. You’d do much better as a brothel’s whore.”
You scream again and knee the man, making him grunt and release you. You run to the door, pounding on it, screaming, trying to pull it, push it, anything.
“You worthless cur! You will regret resisting me.” In an instant, the man is behind you, grabbing the back of your collar, and yanking you back. “I am offering your life worth, of you finally being of value, and you dare hit me?”
“Stop it! Let me go! I won’t tell anyone! Just let me go!” You beg as the man drags you across the room and throws you over the front desk.
“Scream all you want. It won’t stop me, and it won’t save you.” The man presses his chest against your back pushing you down against the tabletop. “I’ll show you your place and the only worth you have.”
You hear ripping as your bottom is torn in two.
“NO! STOP IT! I-I’VE- I’ve never-” Tears form in the corner of your eyes.
The man groans above you. You feel dense fabric press against your ass, something firm and large rubbing against your underwear.
“Please- You can’t.” You sob. “I-I’ll do anything- just not that. Just not-”
“Not what?” The man grinds harder against you. “Make me an offer, and maybe I’ll do something else.”
“I’ll… I’ll suck you off, if you stop.”
“Offering your mouth?” The man hums. “It will shut you up. But I want more.”
“W-what do you want?”
“You’ll strip for me, show me your body, then use your mouth to please me. Or-” You feel the man’s hips shift, only a few layers of cloth separate your cunt from the man’s hardened cock. The man chuckles. “Or, I could just rape you and skip the teasing.”
“Please! NO! I’ll do it!” You cry.
The man grinds against you a bit more before pulling away. “Fine, get up.”
You try to wipe the tears from your face as you stand on wobbling legs. The man takes a few steps back then urn to face you. You begin to remove your uniform jacket.
“Ah, not yet.” The man waves his hand and a phone floats out of his pocket. “While most human inventions are useless, some are nice to have, like this little picture box you species invented.”
“You’re going to record me?” You ask.
“Yes, and can you do anything to stop me from doing so?”
You hesitate then shake your head.
“Good, now strip.” The man taps the screen and the phone floats closer to you.
You shrug your jacket off and let it fall to the floor.
“Slower.” The man growls. “If you can’t even be a good whore, then I’ll just have to use you like a toy.”
You freeze for a moment before continuing, slowly undoing the buttons on your shirt. You look down as you do so, not being able to look up at the man or the phone floating around you. You slowly peel the collar of your shirt down, slowly showing more and more of your torso. Finally, your shirt falls to the ground as you cover your chest with your arms. You can’t look up to meet the man’s gaze, but you hear the sound of a zipper opening.
“More.” The man commands. “Show me your chest, or I can rip the clothes off myself.”
You hesitate but eventually move your arms and begin to remove your bra/binder, pulling it over your head. Your hands hesitate on the button of your bottoms. You finally undo the button and let what remains fall to the ground, only leaving you in your underwear.
You look up to see the man with his fist around his cock, slowly stroking it. Tears stream down your cheeks again as you loop your thumbs under the hem of your underwear and pull them down. Finally, you stand nude.
“Such a gorgeous body wasted on a magicless human. You could make a good spouse if the rest of you had any worth.” The man steps forward and cups one of your breasts in his hand, kneading it with his fingers. “Luckily, you don’t need brains or magic to be a good little cocksleeve. You agree, don’t you?”
“Wha- No, I- AH!” The man squeezes your breast harshly and tugs you forward.
The man leans down, mouth by your ear and growls. “You agree, don’t you?”
“You’re brainless. You’re magicless.” The man grabs your other breast, massaging it along with the other.” Just a little useless human who’s only use is getting fucked. Correct?”
The man licks the shell of your ear, making your shudder. “Your body only exists for the pleasure of others, of those better than you. Correct?”
“Good.” The man hums and pulls away. “Now get on your knees.”
You take a deep breath in and do as your told. You sit on your knees, looking down at the floor. A hand slips into your hair, taking hold, and yanks your head back. Your face is forced upward, but your eyes are closed from the pain.
“Don’t look away. Your face is one of the few good things about you.” The man slaps your cheek with his cock. “If you want to be a good whore, you’ll have to learn to look at whoever you’re sucking off. Now open your eyes.”
You open them, tears streaming down. The man looks down at you with his phone floating alongside him, capturing his point-of-view.
“There you go. Now, to properly break you in.” The man rests his cock across your face, the tip almost reaching your forehead. “Though, I know, with a pretty face like that, you’ve sucked plenty of cock. You love sucking cock, don’t you?”
You feel a sharp tug at your scalp. “Y-yes.”
“Say it.”
“I love-” You hiccup. “I love sucking cock.”
“And you want me to cum down your throat, right?”
Another tug. “Y-yes! I want you to- to cum down my throat.”
“A whore asking so nicely? How am I to refuse. Though, you’ve sucked lots of cocks before, haven’t you? You’ve sucked off so many humans that a cock like this is nothing to you, isn’t that right?”
You remain silent for a moment, but a harsher tug makes you whine. “Yes! I’ve sucked off so many humans!”
“But not only humans. You’ve sucked off plenty of beastmen and mer here haven’t you?”
“Yes!” You respond before he tugs your hair. “I’ve- I’ve sucked off lots of beastmen and mer too. I love cock! I don’t discriminate! I love all kinds of cocks!”
“Oh?” The man coos. “Such a skilled little whore you are. A cock like this should be of no issue for you. But the cock of a fae, especially one of someone like me? Well, I can have one of many shapes, but I hope I can test your skills with something more extreme.”
You eyes widen as you feel the man’s cock grow in size, becoming thicker and so much longer. The cock is longer than your own head and as thick as your wrist. There’s no way you can take it! You haven’t even sucked dick before, but this man- He’s making you say and do things, and, if you don’t- More tears stream down your cheeks.
“Shh, it’s okay. I know it’s intimidating, but I know a whore like you will take it with no problem.” The man pulls his hips back and rubs the tip of his cock against your lips. “Now open your mouth, stick out your tongue, and wrap your lips around your teeth. I know I don’t need to remind you, but I can tell my cock is already making you delirious.”
Reluctantly, you do as your told. You struggle to open your mouth wide enough, but the man doesn’t care. As soon as you open up, he’s forcing his cock inside you. He ruts slowly, adding a bit more cock every time, and every time you choke. He’s barely half way, and you’re already gagging.
“Mmm, sounds like this coming from a well used whore? What a compliment!” The man laughs. You feel his free hand shift, lightly wrapping around your throat as his thumb rubs circles under your jaw. “You truly are beautiful for a human. You’re wasted in these halls. You could be the star of a brothel or even the little pet of a noble, if you gave this all up.”
You slam your hands against the man’s thighs, trying to push him away.
“Breath through your nose slut!” The man forces his cock deeper. “Has my cock broken your brain that much? Ha! Seems even a well used human is still a human. Fine, I’ll be kind.”
You feel a tingling around your neck, something surging from his fingertips and palm as the sensation tingles in your throat. Suddenly, you’re not struggling as much, and you can breathe! Your throat has opened to a point that must be inhuman. You’re not sure what’s going on, but you know that the man did this to you.
“There, a little boon to help any others that use you.” The man pushes his cock even deeper until he finally bottoms out. The soft sculpted hair circling his cock encases your nose, and all you can smell is his scent, strong, musky, yet addicting. Something’s not right in your brain. You can feel yourself getting wet.
Now the man starts to fuck your face, one hand in your hair, pulling your mouth up and down around his cock like a fleshlight as his hips meet your face each time he thrusts forward. You can feel yourself dripping. You shouldn’t be enjoying this? What’s wrong with you? You feel your cunt pulsing, begging to be touched. You shouldn’t give in, but you can’t help it. You reach down and begin rubbing your clit. You can’t help but moan.
“There you go. There’s the slut I’ve been looking for. This is your place, just a hole to be fucked.” The man laughs above you and thrusts into your throat, fucking it even faster as his balls slap your chin. “An unending line of cocks should always be ready to use you, and you should welcome each one gladly.”
The weight in your throat, the stretch of your jaw, his smell, his warmth, you can’t help but rub your clit faster. You can’t help how your thighs shake and how the pit in your stomach gets tighter and tighter until it finally snaps. Your eyes roll in the back of your head as you moan around the man’s cock and your cunt pulses around nothing.
“Cumming before me? How selfish, but it’s alright. I will fill your throat soon.” The man grunts and holds your head in place, keeping it still as he fucks your throat. Each thrust is shallow. The cock deep in your throat the entire time.
Finally, he thrusts deep into your throat, your nose pressed into his pubic hair as he holds your head in place. “That’s it! Take it! Take it like the whore I know you are!” You feel his balls pulse against your chin as he cums deep. You have no choice but to swallow all he gives you from his twitching cock. Eventually, he pulls your head from his cock, still spurting cum. He aims his cock, painting your face and chest as you heave below him.
“You were gorgeous before, but now you are absolutely stunning.”
You collapse forward, keeping yourself up with your arms as you cough. Droplets of cum splat onto the ground.
The man kneels down and places his finger under your chin, making you look up at him. “And what do you say?”
You look at his confused for a moment.
“What do you say when someone gives you a gift, whore?”
“Th-” You cough. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For… For fucking my face.”
“Good, now stand.” The man grabs you by the arm and forces you up.
“We’re done right? I can go.” You start to wipe the cum from your face.
The man laughs and pushes you back, your hips meeting the edge of the desk.
“Do I look satisfied?” The man retorts as he leans closer to you and his long tongue licks up along your neck. You feel something warm touch your leg.
“W-what are you doing?” You ask, panicked.
“I’m getting ready to fuck you.” The man shoves you down onto the desk and grabs your legs, forcing them open. His phone moves taking in the entire scene.
“But you said-” You try to pull yourself form his grip. “You said you wouldn’t!”
“And, like the stupid human you are, you believed that. Do you really expect me not to properly fuck a whore?” The man chuckles and pulls you by your thighs, forcing your hips to meet.
“NO! STOP!” You hit his chest, but he only laughs in response.
“Go ahead. Scream all you like. No one can hear you, and, even if they did, they wouldn’t help a whore like you. They’d only get in line and fuck you when I’m done.” The man rubs the tip of his cock along your slit.
“If you behave, I can make it hurt less, but, if you don’t-”
A loud slap rings in the lecture hall. The man stands with his eyes wide open as you hold your hand, the palm stinging from the impact.
“You…” The man glares down at you with a rage yet he speaks calmly. “I take pity of your worthless life, show you the only thing of any value about yourself, and even allow you to pleasure yourself while I use you. I show you kindness no human should ever receive, but it’s alright.”
The man grabs your wrists and slams them down on either side of your head. You feel something growing against your stomach. You look down to see the man’s cock grow even more. His cock grows to reach past your navel and the tip grows to the size of a fist. Large bumps stretch to line the shaft as two massive knots swells at the base.
“No…” You beg with a sob.
“I am going to fuck you, and you can do nothing to stop me. Scream all you want, hit me all you want. No matter what, my cock, all of it, will be inside you.”
“You can’t! I’ve never- I’m a virgin!” You shout.
“A slut who still has their virginity? How sad.” The man pulls back, running his cock along your folds. “Don’t worry. I’ll break your cunt. I’ll break you.”
“Please, no.” You cry and try to thrash around.
“You feel that?” The man rubs the tip of his cock between your folds. “I’m about to take your virginity, and you can’t stop me. You’re just a magicless-” He thrusts against you, his tip pushing past your cunt. “Brainless-” He thrusts again, almost forcing his way in.
“NO! STOP!” Your voice is getting hoarse.
“Worthless human!” He thrusts again, finally gaining purchase and forcing his tip inside you.
“NO! TAKE IT OUT! STOP!” You scream, tears streaming down your cheeks. The man forces his cock event deeper, thrusting slowly in and out of you.
The man grabs your jaw, keeping your face still. “Open you eyes, whore. Look at me. You don’t deserve the cock of a fae. This is an honor, you pathetic human!”
Your eyes remain shut closed.
“I said, ‘LOOK AT ME!’” The man harshly thrusts forward, forcing more of his cock even deeper. The girth stretches you cunt to the point of bleeding, and the bumps tug at your walls.
Your eyes and mouth shoot open as you scream. “STOP! IT HURTS!”
“And whose fault is that, whore?” The man shifts his body, pushing your thighs against your chest as he mounts you. “This could have been pleasurable for you, but your went ahead and spat in the face of my generosity. But do not worry. I am not out of kindness. I can make the pain go away.”
“PLEASE!” You plead.
“Beg for my cum. Beg for me to knot you. Beg to be bred with bastards.”
You only sob in return.
“No? In that case…” The man chuckles, and you feel him shift inside of you, cock widening even more.
“Then beg.” The man growls.
“P-Please, give- give me your cum.” You whimper.
“What else?”
You feel the bumps digging deep into your flesh.
“That’s it now beg to carry my bastards.”
You feel the first knot kiss your entrance.
“KNOCK ME UP! GIVE ME YOUR BASTARDS!” Tears pour from your eyes. You vision became blurry long ago.
“Good, whore.”
You feel the man’s hand run down your torso and settle at where cock is sheathed inside you. His thumb rests at your clit. You feel the tingling feeling again, starting at you clit and shifting into your cunt. The pain begins to fade but doesn’t leave fully, but the wave of pleasure greatly outweighs it.
“There.” The man rocks his hips into yours, pressing his knot against your entrance. “Doesn’t that feel better?”
A lewd moan escapes you.
“Now that’s the face of a cockdrunk slut, the only face you should ever have. Isn’t that right?”
“Yes.” You mewl.
“Louder-” The man grunts as he pushes his cock forward, his first knot threatening to force you wider. “What are you?”
“YES!” You whine. “I’M A SLUT! A WHORE!”
“And what do you love?”
The man laughs as he forces his full weight on top of you, spreading your cunt wider as the first knot is forced inside you. You throw you head back in a silent scream and your thighs shake. Just a bit more. You’re almost there.
“This is the proper place for a human like you.” The man groans as he shallowly thrusts into you, his second, even bigger knot, meeting your cunt with each thrust. “Magicless. Brainless. All you’re good for is being a piece of fuckmeat.”
“What was that?” The man asks with a smirk.
“Please, more.” You beg, wrapping your legs around his waist.
“More what?”
“MORE! FUCK ME! BREED ME! ANYTHING!” You thrust your hips forward, trying to take more of him. “JUST CUM IN ME!”
“Demanding whore.” The man laughs and begins to thrust faster. You look down, seeing how his cock disappears inside of you. There a large bulge in your stomach, moving which each of his thrusts. That’s his cock. It’s so big, it’s so deep! Your legs shake. Your breathe is uneven. You can’t stop moaning. With each thrust, the bumps, his first knot it rubs into you, filling places that should never be touched. His second knot pushes further and further, spreading your entrance more and more, almost entering you. The coil in you tightens more and more, until it finally snaps.
You cry out in pleasure as your back arches, moaning as your toes curl. Your cunt tries to pulse, tries to squeeze around the cock violating you, but it’s stretched too wide. The man groans above you and use his full weight again, forcing the second knot inside you. Then you feel it, his cock twitch and a gush of liquid.
“THAT’S IT WHORE! CUM WHILE I BREED YOU! TAKE IT AND CARRY MY BASTARDS!” The man growls and rock his hips into you, finally fully sheathed inside you. You feel his balls against your ass, pulsing with each pump of cum that fills your womb. You don’t know how long your mentally gone, but, once you come down from your high, you see the man above you, chest heaving and sweat dripping down from his body onto yours. You look down again and see your stomach bloated from the amount of cum inside of you.
“Good to see you finally accept your place.” The man leans down, face close to yours, and run his tongue along your cheek. The man chuckles and shifts his body, resting his hands on your thighs. He holds you in place as he begins to pull his hips backs. You mewl as you feel the knot tug at your entrance. You moan when it finally leaves you. The second makes you do the same. Finally, he pulls his cock out of you and cum gushes out of you. You see his phone float down to your cunt, recording your gaping cunt.
You spread your legs further and whine.
“Hm?” The man raises his eyebrow. “What is it, whore?”
“I’m empty.” You whine and rock your hips forward. “Fill me.”
The man smirks. “Don’t worry. I’m not done with you.”
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axcel-lucci · 8 months
Happy birthday, my love.
Trafalgar Law x male!reader
A/n: it has some weird smut because it's 11:38 pm when I made this.
My masterlist
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"Of course captain wouldn't want to celebrate his birthday... he thinks birthdays are... exaggerated" Shachi huffed while explaining that to the crew
"So... what, are we just gonna keep silent for the whole day?" (Y/n) questions, he is the crew's scribe.
Him and the emo captain have gotten along since day one, which was a plus since they have to work closely together to keep the needed documents updated and organized nicely.
So it was honestly a rumour that those two were dating, they are actually not. They would consider themselves "platonic".
But for the crew, it doesn't seem that way for the said emo captain.
The way he looks at him, the way he acts around him, even the tone and the way he speaks to him is different than the rest.
It's obvious that he likes (y/n), but it seems like it wasn't obvious to the man since he isn't catching.
Actually, he did. But he just brushed it off as him over exaggerating it and thinking it was a friendly tone.
The crew had enough of said "charade" and never ending "gazes from a far", "sexual tension", as well as some "awkward glances at each other" everytime.
So since it was the captain's birthday... the crew wanted to give him a gift.
And (y/n) was an accessory.
"Huh? Me??" (Y/n) grumbled as he wrote down some notes that were needed to proceed to the next island, "what the hell do I do? Distract him while you guys prepare for a surprise party? Shachi already said it himself, captain wouldn't want a celebration."
"When we meant 'accessory'... we actually meant..." penguin muttered as (y/n) slowly lifts his head to glare at penguin and the crew
"Go on..."
"Uh-..." penguin sweats rather harshly
"Look... we just want to give captain one gift, (y/n), ONE GIFT!" Ikkaku said, "so please help us...!"
"Ugh..." he groaned, "fine. As long as you count my contributions."
"Everyone has their own contribution!" Shachi grinned brightly
"What gift...?" Bepo asked, "I wasn't informed!"
"Don't worry Bepo, your part is the most crucial part because you'll be the one delivering the gift to captain!" Klione smiled as the bear brightened up and nodded
(Y/n) just sighed as he placed down his glasses, "what do you want me to do?"
"Here." Shachi said, handing him some juice, "because it'll be a long one..."
He rolled his eyes before drinking the juice and listening to their ridiculous plan of buying what they think the captain would like and stuff them into a big box with his favourite colours as wrapping and ribbon.
While they spoke, (y/n) could feel himself start weaken a bit, head spinning, and the vision started to get blurry.
And until he knew it, he was already knocked out
"Sorry we had to drug you (y/n)!" Ikkaku cried, "please forgive us when you wake up!"
"If he can walk after what we'll do." Shachi muttered, as a shiver ran up his back
"Eh? What'll we do?" Bepo asks innocently
"Don't worry Bepo, everything will be alright" Klione said
"Here." Ikkaku smiled as she viewed her hardwork.
A big box with all the contents wrapped inside in black and yellow wrapping paper with it's matching black ribbon
"Carry it over to captain carefully, okay? It's kinda heavy so be careful, oh! And tell him to enjoy his gift as we'll be out tonight." Shachi advised the bear.
"Huh? Where are we going?" The bear asks as he lifts the box, "oh wow... this IS heavy..."
"Yep!" Penguin chuckled, "now as soon as you tell him your goodbyes, let's all go out for drinks, we also kinda booked a hotel so that captain can enjoy his gifts in peace."
"Hm...? Why would-"
"We actually gave captain a lot of Sora, warrior of the seas comic" Klione whispered to Bepo as the bear gasped.
Law would always want eace when reading, even comics.
The bear soon nodded with excitement, "no wonder it's heavy! Alrighty, I'll join you on the deck as soon as I deliver this."
The crew nods as Bepo left with the box
"Really sorry, (y/n)..." Jean bart said
"I hope captain gives you mercy..." the rest of the crew muttered.
Bepo knocked on the door of Law's bedroom door as Law himself opened it with an annoyed look.
He was slightly annoyed nobody even greeted him "happy birthday" but he kinda wished this upon himself.
"Happy birthday captain!" The bear said happily, "this is a gift for you, the crew made it and we all contributed to it!"
Law sighed with a chuckle, "oh? I see... tell everyone thanks"
"Oh, and captain... Shachi said that we'll be out drinking tonight and we booked a hotel so you'd enjoy your gift in peace" the bear informs as he placed the box gently inside his room
"Oh? How... considerate..." he grumbled before Bepo excused himself.
"Goodnight captain, I hope you enjoy your gift!" Bepo said before leaving in such a happy mood
"What do they mean by that...?" He muttered, before shaking his head, closing the door and locking it as he always does.
Law soon walked up to the big box and pulled on the big ribbon that held it together, removing the lid, he almost died of nosebleed when he saw (y/n) passed out inside.
(Y/n) himself was partly naked other than what seemed to be a man's lingerie that weekly covered his body, tied up by shibari ropes, and inside were also some... "toys" for them to play with.
He was also blindfolded and a gag in his mouth.
Law gulped thickly before reaching inside and pulling him out.
(Y/n) started to wake up only to realize he was bound by xsomething in a dark surrounding and mouth covered with a... ball?
"Calm down..." Law's sexy voice calmed him, wait, law?!
"Shh..." law hummed as he could feel himself start to grow and his pants a little tighter than he remembers, "I've got you..."
He placed the man down on the bed before removing the blindfold in his eyes.
(Y/n) basically scanned everything and only noticed he was in nothing but lingerie when the cold air of his room bit his skin, as well as Law looking at him like he was some meal he wanted to devour.
"Looks like the crew played you good" Law smirked mischievously
"Mmh- mhf!"
"Let you go, you say? Ahh... but it is my birthday... shouldn't I enjoy my gift?" Law basically grinned at him with a smug look
(Y/n) scoffed as he tried to break free only for Law to get out of bed and back to the box to retrieve doem things and return while he was busy getting out of the ropes.
"Come now... be a good little boy and listen to daddy" Law chuckled when he saw (y/n) swallow thickly.
He lifted his tied up legs against his chest and bit his lower lip when he noticed how the lingerie had a hole around the ass area.
"My, my... the crew certainly knows my taste..." he chuckled as he kept the legs in the air just long enough for him to coat his fingers in lube and rub the younger man's hole deliciously.
It made (y/n) jolt with pleasure as the cold liquid, matched with Law's warm fingers, was now abusing his back hole by rubbing it and even entering a finger inside only to pop them back out. He let out a whine unexpectedly and throw his head back as the captain continued to toy with the now wet hole.
"Hey now... I don't want you coming. Alright?" He smirked as he placed his legs back down before grabbing the underwear part of the lingerie and basically ripping it off the scribe's body making the wearer gasp, "oh look... you're awake."
Law now played with (y/n)'s hard dick, pumping it, licking the precum off, and squeezing it until law was holding what seemed to be a small metal wand
"I think you can scream but thanks to the gag, it'll be muffled. Only I can hear." He smirked as he brought the small wand down to his dick and swirling the said metal rod around before the tip, that was slightly pointed, pressed against the slit of his already hard dick.
He tried to tell him not to do it but he pretended not to see and continues to pushing the rod inside the slit making him moan against the gag and throwing his head back as well as his eyes rolling to the back of his head in a weird pleasurable feeling.
The rod had small bumps embedded into it so he felt that as well until the rod was fully inside, his dick tried to leak precum but was stopped by the wand. It was twitching and he couldn't control it.
"Mmhh... what a pleasing noise..." law smirked as he lifted his legs up again and slowly pressed the tip of what felt like... wet rubber. And it was cold, giving (y/n) a shiver.
"This dildo is oddly shaped... but I'm sure you'll be able to handle it." Law smirked as he gasped when he felt the sudden push of said toy inside.
It wa indeed oddly shaped, giving more pleasure than anything.
He moaned against the gag until Law paused to take the gag off and continue pushing the toy inside until it was all the way in to the base.
(Y/n) panted heavily with saliva while gazing at the ceiling.
The immense pleasure makes him want to cum but he can't die to the rod stopping it from coming out.
"C-captain please... let me cum..." he moaned with stammered moans.
"What about... no." Law laughed, "you don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment and I am not letting this go."
And with that, Law continued to play with his hole, in different ways than one.
What? The box had all the toys Law wanted to try on (y/n), why not use it?
And after all those, he saved the best for last.
The rope was long gone as (y/n) clutched the bed under him, his chest against the mattress and a pillow keeping his already tired hips up, much to his own dismay since it was giving Law full view of what he had done to abuse the scribe.
"T-this..." (y/n) swallowed before moaning, "daddy... please." He cried.
It honestly gave Law the feeling of pride as he saw him cleanch around the big vibrator inside.
"Mmhh... look at how big your hole is..." he muttered while smirked and slowly pulling the toy out, "but don't worry... last toy."
"D-daddy pretty please...!" (Y/n) begged as he gasped as the pop sound when he pulled the toy out entirely.
"What was that? I don't hear ya." Law chuckled as he pushed the anal beads inside at once making (y/n) gasped and cry out loudly.
"D-daddy... please... let me-- ah-~" (y/n) cut himself off when he pulled on the string and one bead came out.
"Don't worry, I'll remove it... later." Law mused as he watched, and heard, (y/n) cry out from everytime he pulls a bead out until it was all out, "should I use a condom or just lube...?"
"Alright. No condom" he grinned as he removed the rod from inside the scribe's body in one swift pull making him cry loudly and instantly cum out loads.
"Oh my... so much." Law brought a hand up and started to lick his hand clean of his mess while (y/n) watched in sick fascination until he was finished, "I did such a number on your hole" he smirked once he parted his cheeks to see the clenching hole.
"You did that...!" He whined making the other laugh out loud before snapping his hips against him, making his whole length go inside without warning and the scribe to moan out like a cow.
Law continued to thrust ever so strongly against the younger one's ass as the other moaned like a cow in heat.
"How does it feel? Talk to me."
"L-law...! Ah- please...!"
"Don't worry, I'm close." He smirked before finally releasing his hot and heavy load inside.
"Law...!" He moaned before slowly resting against the bed, heavily panting.
Law remained stuffed inside as he pushed the toys off the bed and laying down, still inside the younger man and pulling him close.
"Best birthday ever..." law muttered before kissing (y/n) deeply
"Law... you're still-"
"I know, I know... just... stay like this, I'll pull out later" he smiled, "but I'm serious... best birthday every"
(Y/n) could only muster a small huff, "happy birthday, my love..." he muttered before passing out to sleep
Law smiled softly and kissed her shoulder, "I love you too..."
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kizzdroid · 1 year
just, stay.
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synopsis: how they get when they just need affection, specifically from u. characters: xiao, itto & cyno (random but i love them so much) tw: nothing ig
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note: little writing demonstration bc my account looks abandoned lol
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First of all, we should take into account that Xiao never openly shows his feelings or needs towards you, so you would have to guess by magic when he simply wants a hug or a caress from you. Unless he's really desperate for it. So here you are. Trying to read his damn body language, something impossible considering that Xiao is a man with a stoic and expressionless personality. — Xiao… is something wrong? — you said with a soft tone of voice and a worried expression appeared on your face as you watched Xiao's countenance go from neutral to angry. Xiao looked at you for a moment and you heard how a big sigh came from his lips along with some whispers that you didn't get to hear. — Did I do something you didn't like? if so i'm so sorry i-- — you were immediately interrupted as xiao's lips touched yours in a soft kiss. It didn't take you long to kiss back and move your hands to his cheeks and caress them. A few seconds later, Xiao walks away from you again and looks at you with slightly angry eyes and rosy hues on his cheeks. ''Just...I need you, need your hugs, kisses and caresses…''
oh god, It took him a LOT to say that. Xiao exclaimed with visible difficulty, he felt how embarrassment appeared in his mind when you didn't do or say anything after his words. You took a few seconds before just laughing at him. Xiao thought it was some kind of tease and he was about to leave, until he felt your arms wrap around him in a warm and tight hug as you covered his face with kisses. I'd be lying if Xiao wasn't happy that your laughs weren't some kind of mockery towards him and he just hugged you back and snuggled into your kisses. In the end they both ended up sitting under a tree looking at the views of Liyue, snuggled in each other's arms.
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this guy is the complete opposite of xiao, itto would just come up to you no matter what you're doing and wrap his arms around you in a tight hug while placing his chin on your shoulder and planting small kisses on your neck. If you wish, caress his hair and this man will be at your mercy melting at your touch like an ice cube in a desert. — you need something, my dear? — you said with a little smile in your lips, you knew what he wanted but you still wanted to hear him. In a quick movement, you turned around to look at him and caress his cheeks while he placed his big hands on your hips. ''you know... pampering time!'' His shark teeth appeared when he smiled, you just giggled a few more to get closer to him and kiss his soft lips, immediately he kissed you back and caressed your scalp. You felt like he was carrying you princess style and he would take you to any comfortable place so they could lie down or sit. He chose the closest sofa and they both ended up lying on it while they pampered each other sweetly.
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hm, this guy is kind of tricky. Actually it is a combination between itto and xiao, but they have their differences. Cyno would simply walk up to you (if they are at the right time and place) and he would hug you and nestle his face into your neck if he has his back to you. And you know him so damn well that you would only accept his caresses, asking absolutely nothing, just hug him back or cuddle the fuck from him. It would just be the two of you, no one else.
And if you want to tease him a bit, just say something like "so, we're needy here, huh?" You are really going to get him out of his mind, that mockery will cause you the worst punishment that a human being can suffer, aka deadly tickles or a kissing session all over your face :) It's really very sweet I love it so much omfg <3
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JESUS, I'm sorry that cyno's was too short compared to the others, I wrote them in different time frames, I'm really busy and wanted to drop this crap and go again lmao. Let me know if you like this!
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 9 months
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Birthday Event: My Beloved
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors. This is a rough translation.
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I want to celebrate with all my heart that you, my beloved, were born into this world.
One afternoon.
Mitsuki: "Alright, next question."
Drake: "Hm, go ahead."
Mitsuki: "You don't have any likes or dislikes, so do you have any favorite foods in particular?"
After having a meal with him, I bombarded him with questions.
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Drake: "Food, huh? I like both meat and fish, but if I had to pick a favorite..."
Drake: "Oh, pudding!"
(Hehe, he's so cute.)
Drake: "I mean the dessert kind of pudding. It's completely different from the pudding I used to eat before. It's really delicious."
Mitsuki: "Are there any other types of pudding besides dessert pudding?"
Drake: "Yup. Sailors often make a pudding by steaming leftovers with eggs during voyages."
Drake: "Once, I mixed a bunch of stuff a bit too much, and it ended up tasting really awful."
Drake: "That taste was so terrible that I'd rather starve to death than eat it."
Mitsuki: "Sounds intense. Alright, I'll note that your favorite dessert is pudding."
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Mitsuki: "Then, what's your favorite drink?"
Drake: "Rum. Oh, and mojitos. You know, the one with lime and mint added to rum. I like that too."
He occasionally pondered and answered the questions while I nodded and wrote the answers in my notebook.
Writing this sort of made me feel like Sebastian.
Mitsuki: "Alright, next question. Is there something you want right now?"
Drake: "You."
Drake: “I want you, little fawn.”
He looked straight at me, and in an instant, my heart started pounding.
Mitsuki: “That’s not what I meant. Geez.”
(He always manages to make my heart race whenever he gets the chance.)
Drake: “Haha! It’s true. But man, you have a lot of questions today.”
Mitsuki: “This is an important survey. Okay, last question.”
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Mitsuki: “When is your birthday?”
Drake: “----!”
That’s right. I was asking these questions in preparation for his birthday because I’d never heard of him celebrating it.
(That's why, from now on, I will prepare the things he likes and celebrate him.)
I was getting excited just thinking about making him happy. However, Drake furrowed his eyebrows and seemed to be struggling to answer.
Drake: “Birthday, huh? Um, September, I think.”
Mitsuki: “Drake, don’t tell me you don’t remember your own birthday?”
I asked, and he let out a troubled laugh.
Drake: “Well, that’s a possibility. I must have forgotten without realizing it.”
(I didn’t find his birthday in history books, so I had to ask him directly, but I can’t believe he forgot about it. How is that even possible?)
He rested his hand on his chin as I tilted my head in confusion, wondering if it was something easily forgotten.
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Drake: “I think I celebrated it with my parents, but I moved from town to town and eventually got separated from them. I guess that’s when I forgot my birthday.”
Drake had a childhood where he had to flee from his mother’s relatives.
After that, he became an orphan and struggled to survive until a pirate ship picked him up. That was probably why he hadn’t had the luxury of counting the days or enjoy the changing seasons.
(In that case, it’s not surprising he forgot.)
Thinking about his life made my heart tighten.
Mitsuki: “But at least you remember it’s in September.”
Drake: “Nah. I decided it was in September from some point in the past.”
His answer made me blink again.
Mitsuki: “So, does that mean you chose your own birthday?”
Drake: “Well, something like that. I think, oh yeah, it’s September 7.”
(Does September 7 hold any special meaning?)
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Mitsuki: “Why did you choose September 7 as your birthday?”
He looked a little distant and began to speak quietly after I asked about the reason for that specific date.
Drake: "That was when I was just recruited by the Queen."
The year was 15××, September 7th.
Noble 1: "To our great ruler, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, we wholeheartedly celebrate this day of your birth!"
Noble 2: "Long live Her Majesty the Queen!"
Queen Elizabeth: "Rejoice and enjoy the night to your heart's content."
Nobles knelt before Queen Elizabeth, the most dignified woman in the room. On this day, a lavish party was being held at the palace in England to celebrate the Queen's birth.
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In a corner of that grand hall, Drake and his crew members huddled together.
Drake: "Wow, royal parties are quite something."
Crewmate 1: "Hey, Captain. Doesn't it seem kinda weird for us pirates to be in a place like this?"
Crewmate 2: "Yeah, even though we've got fancy drinks and food right here, it just feels kinda scary to actually go for them."
Drake: "You're right."
---------Flashback Ends---------
Drake: "That year, we were invited to the birthday party as the Queen's pirates."
Drake: "But we were just a bunch of ruffians who lived on the sea."
Drake: "Being suddenly invited to the palace completely overwhelmed us."
Mitsuki: "True. Being in the same room with all those important people must have been nerve-wracking."
Drake: "Exactly."
Drake: "Well, that's how the Queen planted a sense of subservience in us, pirates who had enjoyed our freedom."
Drake: "I guess that was also the Queen's intention."
Hearing his words, I recalled the glimpse of his meeting with the Queen that I had seen through his past.
(The Queen seemed to have gotten hold of him under the pretext of a deal.)
(It wouldn't be unreasonable for him to have thought about it that way.)
Drake: "But becoming like a toothless shark would tarnish our reputation."
Drake: "If I, as the captain, were seen bowing to authority, my crew wouldn't find that respectable."
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Drake: "And it wouldn't be fun to be constantly manipulated by the Queen."
Perhaps recalling his old feelings, a fleeting sharpness appeared in his eyes.
Drake: "So, I did something to maintain the reputation of the pirates."
Mitsuki: "What did you do?"
He took a sip from the tankard of ale he had ordered and smirked mischievously.
Drake: "I stole her birthday."
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Part 2╎Sweet╎Premium End╎Epilogue
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vodika-vibes · 8 months
Summary: Now that the war is over, you should leave Kamino. But, well, Kamino is just so damn convenient for you. And Alpha-17 has some questions.
Pairing: Alpha-17 x Reader
Word Count: 1823
Warnings: Suggestive
A/N: I'm in a Fox mood, but I can't think of an idea for Fox, so I wrote for Alpha-17 instead.
Divider by saradika
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You hate Kamino.
You had the hospital white walls, and the way it always smells like antiseptic and soap. And you really hate how the Kaminoans look at you like you’re somehow lesser than them.
As if you’ve ever been lesser than anyone a day in your life!
Still, you are very well paid for your services, and Kamino does not have extradition treaties with Republic planets, which is the whole reason that you agreed to take the job in the first place.
You are a thief. Well…a con-artist, really. And you are very, very good at what you do. The Kaminoans don’t know that…though you’re fairly sure that Master Ti at least suspects that you’re not what you claim you are.
Which is categorically untrue. You started your career as a Hacker, after all. Which makes you more than qualified to teach. Well, sort of. Technically your qualifications are all fake, but you’re the only person who knows that.
But now the war is over, and technically you can leave Kamino, and the judgemental Kaminoans, and the even more judgemental Jedi…but you don’t want to. 
Partly because Kamino still doesn’t offer extradition to Republic planets, but mostly because you’ve become attached to your kids, and you don’t want to leave them.
But right now you aren’t working.
Right now you’re sitting in a communal kitchen, curled up on the one comfortable couch, with your gaze focused on a datapad.
The young Queen of Naboo is throwing a gala in two months and there’s going to be a stunning dagger on display and you want it. Conning someone from half a galaxy away isn’t that hard, really. Not so long as you prepare.
You don’t even look up when you hear someone enter the room.
“You do know that you have a room, right?”
“Oh, is that what that room is? I hadn’t realized.” You reply lightly as you type a few more things, and then turn off your datapad as your plan goes into motion.
“What are you doing anyway?” You look up at Alpha-17, who watches you from the corner of his eye as he makes some more caf.
“A lady never reveals her secrets, Alpha.” You reply lightly, as you adjust on the couch and watch him with a secretive little smile.
Alpha-17 is one of the oldest clones. He also has the honor of being the most dangerous man on Kamino, and the most stubborn man you’ve ever met in your life. And you’ve met a lot of stubborn men over the years.
He watches you, all the time, and he’s not subtle about it at all. Likely because he believes you’re a threat to his brothers.
You respect that about him. Grudgingly, at first, and genuinely as time passed.
And, over the years, that respect has grown into a genuine attraction.  
He turns to look at you, “A lady, huh? Didn’t know there were any ladies on Kamino.”
“Then you must not be looking all that hard,” You reply as you smoothly untuck your legs and stretch them out in front of you, “After all, Shaak Ti and myself can hardly be compared to the…hm…thugs that made up the cuy’val dar, no?”
You smother a grin when you notice his gaze drag down your legs, and then back up to your face, “Well,” he says roughly, “General Ti isn’t a thug.”
“Oh Alpha,” You practically purr out his name, and you feel a surge of triumph as his gaze snaps to your lips, “I’m hurt.”
“You’ll get over it,” He counters, “You don’t look that upset. In fact, you look downright thrilled.”
“Well, I do enjoy talking to you, Alpha. No one else gives me the time of day. Except, of course, for my babies.” A fond smile crosses your face as you think of the dozen or so boys who lovingly call you mom.
“Maybe they’d be more willing to talk to you if you didn’t call them thugs,” Alpha offers sarcastically, as he walks over to you and stands close. Close enough to be uncomfortable if you were any other person.
“They are thugs.” You reply blithely.
“And that’s why no one here likes you,” He says.
“Hm…including you?” You ask as you smoothly push to your feet, allowing yourself right into Alpha’s personal space. 
And Alpha, who’s never backed down from anyone in his life, merely raises a single brow. “Why do you care if I like you or not?” He asks.
“Well, we are co-parenting, dear.”
He takes a sharp inhale, and you don’t even bother to hide your amused smile, “We’re not co-parenting.” He says after a moment.
“Agree to disagree then.” You say lightly, and then you gently tap his arm, “Excuse me.”
He moves to the side, allowing you to pass, but before you can make it to the sink, and grabs your wrist and spins you around fast enough that you’re off balance, “What are you working on, mesh’la?”
“Just a game, Captain,” You say to him, completely unafraid even though it would be so easy for him to hurt you, “No need for you to fret.”
His grip around your wrist tightens slightly, “General Ti doesn’t trust you. She says that you’re planning something.”
“I’ve been on Kamino, training those boys, since before she even knew Kamino existed.” You counter, “And I have never done anything to harm those boys.”
He raises an eyebrow, “You don’t deny you’re planning something.”
“I have lots of plans, darling.” You reply, your voice a whisper, “You’ll have to be more specific.”
“Tell me your plans.”
“Hm…” You flash a sly smile, “I have a twelve step plan based solely around getting you into my bed.”
His grip around your wrist loosens slightly, “You’re lying.” Alpha says with narrowed eyes.
“Am I?” You lean closer to him, until you’re pressed against the hard plastoid of his armor, “You’re not a dumb man, Alpha. And you’re not unobservant.”
His lips press into a thin line for a moment, “Fine. You’re not lying. But you’re not completely telling the truth either.”
You hum quietly, “Well, full disclosure, when I applied for the job it was…convenient.” 
“Mm.” You hum your agreement, “Convenient.”
“In what way?” Alpha demands.
You hum thoughtfully, and then you grin, “That’s a secret, I’m afraid. But, you can go and tell General Ti that my only plans involve seducing you.”
“You think she sent me to interrogate you?” Alpha asks.
“Oh Alpha, of course she did.” You say with a laugh, “Now…since you don’t want me in here, I suppose I’ll just have to return to my room.” You lightly tap his hand, and he releases your wrist. You favor him with a warm smile as you back out of the room.
The walk back to your room takes ten minutes. And you manage to get the door open, and then shut, and your datapad plugged in, before there’s a knock on the door.
You open the door and don’t even bother to hide your amusement at seeing Alpha-17 on the other side. “Is there something else General Ti needs from me?” You ask lightly.
Something dangerous slides across Alpha’s face and he steps into your room. He reaches out and shuts the door with a hit of the door panel. “So far as I’m aware, she doesn’t know I’m here.” 
“She’s aware of where you are, Alpha. She’s a Jedi.”
He scoffs, and his deft fingers start stripping his armor off, his gaze locked on yours, “I find myself very interested in this seduction plan of yours,” He said, his voice a low rumble, “But I’m also not half patient enough to wait for you to put your plan into play.”
You quirk a single brow, “Is that right?” You ask as you watch him strip his armor off and set it next to the door.
“It is right.” Once his armor was neatly stacked next to the door, he advances on you, “So you’re going to tell me about why Kamino is convenient, and then I am going to claim you as mine.”
“What if I don’t want to be claimed?” You ask.
His hands settle on your hips, and then slide down to your thighs, and you squeak when he lifts you effortlessly, “I think you’ll find that I can be very convincing, cyar’ika.” He says once he encourages you to hook your legs around his waist.
“Well, you’re not wrong,” You agree with a laugh.
He walks you across the room, to the bed, and he settles you in the middle of the bed, and then he settles himself over you, using his hips to pin you in place. “So,” he says lightly, as he lightly grips your wrists and pins them next to your head, “Why Kamino?” Alpha asks as he presses his face into your neck and presses a hot kiss against your pulse.
You jolt at the kiss, and then again when you feel him nipping the same spot, “Uh…maybe I like the rain.”
He hums against your skin, and his lips trail down to the juncture of your neck and shoulder, where he kisses, and then bites down just hard enough to leave an obvious mark, “Try again, cyare.”
You whine as he moves his lips again, and bites down a third time, “Kamino doesn’t extradite anywhere.” You say through a quiet moan.
You feel him grin against your skin, “That’s an interesting thing for you to worry about.” He growls as he moves his lips to your throat.
You let out a breathless laugh, “I’m a con-artist, Alpha. A con-artist and an art thief. And I really don't want to go to jail.”
He pauses, and pulls back to look at you, “I’ve seen how you train the cadets, mesh’la. Are you telling me you’re a thief and a tech wiz?”
“I started out as a slicer and decided to evolve into something more challenging.” You admit with a sheepish grin.
“So your credentials?”
“All fake.”
Alpha stares at you, and then he laughs, and crashes his lips against yours, “Good to know.” He mumbles against your lips, “But I can’t seem to bring myself to care.”
You laugh quietly, “If I knew that all I needed to do to get you in my bed is tell you that I wanted you there-” You tease lightly.
His eyes glimmer with mischief as he sits up a little. And then he slowly drags your hands over your head, and pins them in place with one hand, and he uses his newly free hand to start peeling your clothes off. “I’m going to strip your clothes off, and then I’m going to unmake you three or four times before I claim you as my own.” He promises, and then he kisses you.
You grin into the kiss. Alpha always keeps his promises, after all.
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sunshine-overload · 4 months
[BSTS] Heath Birthday 4* Card Story
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chapter 1 -outside shrine, day-
saki: Sorry, Heath-san, did I make you wait long?
heath: I’ve been waiting, yeah. I wanted to wait for you, it made me strangely happy. It’s nice, making plans with someone. Thank you for joining me today.
saki: No worries, I was happy to be invited.
heath: I wanted to come here to buy the present for my birthday event. I’ve already decided which store I’d like to visit, follow me.
-general store-
saki: A general store hm? They have a lot of different things in here, is there anything you have your eye on already?
heath: A sketchbook. I want a new sketchbook. I’m always noting down song lyrics right? So I’d like for you to pick out a new one for me.
saki: You want me to choose?
heath: Yes. I’d like one that’s this size. I’ll leave the choice of colour and design to you, pick whichever you like.
saki: A sketchbook for you to write your lyrics in… This is a big responsibility.
heath: You don’t have to think about it that seriously, just choose whichever you think looks nice.
saki: But I’d like for it to be one that’s easy for you to use… Oh, I know, why don’t we select one together?
heath: Together?
saki: Yes, let’s buy the one that we both agree on.
heath: Ok, sure.
saki: I’ll pick out a few and then you can tell me which one you like, ok? Oh, how about this design? I think it suits you.
heath: Sounds good, let’s go with this one then.
saki: Huh? You don’t want to compare it to any others first?
heath: No need. If you think that this one suits me, then I’d like this one. I’ll go and buy it, wait here a moment.
clerk: Welcome, would you like this purchase gift wrapped?
heath: Yes please.
clerk: If this is a present for someone then you can attach a message card, would you like to do that?
heath: No need.
saki: (A message card…? Oh!)
saki: In that case, I’d like to write a message to you, Heath-san.
heath: Saki… Alright, thanks. I’ll look forward to reading it on my birthday.
chapter 2 -starless restaurant area-
saki: (The event was an absolute blast! It felt like Heath-san only got more and more fired up with each day!)
-break room-
saki: Good work, Heath-san.
heath: I managed to make it through to the last day. I put my all into conveying every one of my lyrics.
saki: Yes, they all got through to everyone.
heath: Is that so? I’m glad that you enjoyed yourself. And also, thanks again for this.
saki: No problem, it was fun picking out a gift for you.
heath: I was told I’m not allowed to open it until the event is over… So it should be fine now, right?
heath: I’ve been itching to open it. I read the message that you wrote me already. I’m always the one conveying my words… So receiving your words made me really happy.
saki: I’m glad you liked the message.
heath: Saki… Wait there a moment.
saki: (He’s wasting no time using the new sketchbook. I wonder what he’s writing so suddenly…?)
heath: —Thanks for waiting, here.
saki: This is…
heath: My response. I couldn’t help but what to respond to your message right away. However, I wanted the first thing that I write in this sketchbook that I received from you, to be my feelings towards you. So, I’ve been holding myself back from replying this whole time.
saki: I see.
heath: If you write down what comes to your mind on the spot, then those words will retain how you felt in that moment. However, if you hold back and continue to think about it, you may find that there’s even more that you want to say. So that’s why, compared to what I wanted to write initially, my reply grew even fonder.
saki: Thank you, Heath-san… I’ll treasure this.
heath: I’ll never take for granted the fact that I’m able to have my birthday celebrated by you. Thank you.
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vilandel · 2 months
Hi Vilandel!
For the writers ask game how about 21, 24 and 2? 💕
Hello Lola, thank you for the ask 💕
21, 24 and 2, let's go!
7 ☘️ … that I liked but had to cut Hm, the only thing that comes close to that in my memories is the original ending to an oneshot I wrote back in 2022. But the actual ending fit better with what I intended to write with this story. I actually ended up preferring the final ending more than what I originally planned.
Without letting go of the blanket, Vanessa turned in Nozels arms and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.
“Ugh, gross.”
“Shut up, Solid!”
“Oh my, the prince and the witch are getting naughty.”
“What do you mean, Zora? They’re just loving with each other.”
Vanessa broke the slowly, so that Nozel could still savour the lingering of her lips on his.
“So, until now, do you like it, handsome?” she whispered, so that he was the only one to hear her.
Vanessa smiled, before turning around and clap her hands to get everyone’s attention. “Okay, people, he opened all the presents and now it’s time for cake.”
Nozel smiled. He just felt so happy, like he never did for years on his birthday. Honestly, he would love to have something blissful like that again next year. All seven of them together, so casually and genuinely happy.
They started eating the cake and ended up spending the whole day in his room. From Bedroom Birthday, another oneshot I wrote for Nozels birthday, in 2022 this time. This is the ending I ended up preferring.
24 ☘️ … that makes me go "huh... I wrote that?"
This whole chapter, practically a Black Clover mixed with Charles Dickens "Little Dorrit" I need to continue this one day^^'
2 ☘️ … that makes me laugh Oh, I've already talked about "Surprises In The Night", but there's another one.
“Wait, Noelle knows?” Magna screamed. “But… that’s her brother!”
“I am very aware of the obvious family bonds I share with my sister, thank you very much,” Nozel just said, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He really would have preferred if another Black Bull would find out. That shy girl Grey, for example.
Vanessa laughed at his statement, while kissing his cheek.
“Gross,” Gauche muttered, for which Vanessa throw a pillow at his face. “Geez, Wino, what was that for?”
“I’m very open, but I don’t accept showing affection for my boyfriend being called gross.”
“I would gladly appreciate if you won’t call my girlfriend Wino, Adlai,” Nozel added, looking sternly at Gauche, who gulped. “Vanessa might not care about it, but I won’t tolerate kindly that you call her like that in front of me. I’m not sure that Grey would like your attitude either, even though she likes you a lot.”
“Wait… how do you… Vanessa!”
“What? Nozel knows how much I care about you all, so he asks me how you’re going and I tell him everything, of course. Nothing to worry about.”
“Everything?” Magna asked in fear. From Nothing To Worry About, just Magna and Gauche learning about Nozel and Vanessa by catching them making out.
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fizzyb · 1 year
𝘉𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘣𝘰𝘰’𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳
Warnings: none
Requested: yes/𝓝𝓸
Reader’s pronouns: They/he
A/N: Oh boy I don’t know what I just wrote it was all over the place, anyway I hope you have fun! Request’s are open for anyone!
-Let’s say your around 16 and a half -TALL SIBLINGS -You would follow them while travelling -Once you walked in on them streaming and it was one of the most awkward moments (context they where simping over a fictional character) -Chat fell in love straight away “siblingboo?” “Ran got siblings!!” “Protect” and so on -You say something along the lines of “well I was going to ask if you want food but….I see your busy with your fictional boyfriend” -Chat just dies -After that you a peer in a lot more of their streams, the dinner stream was a big one -At the dinner stream there was hints you where “meant” to be coming but never showed up and chat being chat started guessing when you would until….
It was after the blank screen and words that chat thought stream was over when the black screen went away and showed a child’s like bedroom, chat being confused and well…chat started spamming.
“𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽???” “𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓭𝓸𝓶!” “𝓡𝓪𝓷𝓫𝓸𝓸? 𝓐𝓲𝓶𝓼𝓮𝔂?” “𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓬𝓪𝓶𝓮 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴, 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽-“ “(𝓝𝓪𝓶𝓮)?” “𝓓𝓲𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓾𝓼”
“Hm? Oh! your awake that’s great, you look like you hit your head when I found you, let me just get you some water kiddo- huh? Ranboo? No I have never heard that name” than you left the room leaving a confused chat and a ended stream.
After that twitter started trending with you as the main suspect -Question’s like “new father?” “We need answer’s @(user) @Ranboo!!!” And more -Theory’s started but none was answered until a certain twitter post from a certain user
(User) Now now, your telling me you met m̵̨̹͚͐̈́͊͐̊̓̕̕̕͝ͅy̷͎̆̐ ̴̡̻͕̙͙̪̓̈̅̑̋̆̈́̅͘͠b̵̦̱͈̺̀̇͌́͂͆͘͝ȓ̵̝̠̠͆̄̍̄̊͂̈́̊̌o̴̟̬͇̞̔̃͜͝t̸̪̝̜̙͍̆̈ͅȟ̸̨̨̢̩̠̭̱̜ḛ̵̩͉͈̗̩̖͖̳̑̋͗̀͑͜͠r̶̫̟͐̈́̀̔͊̄̀̾͜this person at a s̵̨͓̮͖̄͠a̸̭̥̙̓̌͛̒͛̕͝͠c̷̬̜̼̩̣̝̠̋̆̓̊̈́͘̕͝r̸̜͈̖̣͕̻̾̐̈́̀̒͒͌̒̋͘î̵̛̳͇̣͍͍̅̓̆̈́̔͝͝f̶̧̛̛̱͇̺̟̖̱̜̈́̃̿̄͆į̶̬̩͔͎̟͎̔̈́̈́c̶̨̙̩͎͌͂e̴̖̞͗͗̈́͋̓̒̑̆͗̇ͅ dinner party? Hmm, y̷̨͈̭͉̖̗̟͈͎̍̑̄̄͌͌͆́̓ͅo̸͔̪̓̇̀ǘ̵̦͕̱͙̪̹͇̣̩̼̀͛̀̌̏͝ ̷̨̺͓̣̹̻́̈͌͆̍ͅr̸̼͗̎̈̐͑ã̵̧̡̹̱̞͈̻̘͔̹̎́̏n̸̲̺̩͉̥̬͑̒̿̊.̵̩̱̜͖͙̰̺̬̅̈͝͝ ̵̥͙͇̜́̃͋̽̃͆̈́͝Ḡ̵̨̛̺̥̤͚̠̑̓̆ò̷̱̉̈́͑͒͌̈͠ỏ̸͚̍̉̀̐͆̚d̸̙͚̼̻̯͂͋͆́̊̀ Than you woke up here?
-You just love tricking chat -When ranboo came out twice to you all you said was “nice me two” then went to get them pins -Best sibling duo if you ask me
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iicha-0s · 6 months
Oh, Neighbor | Jungkook×M!reader
A/N: hey guys! i wrote this one back in may because I was thinking about how there are not a lot of jungkook×male reader fanfictions, so i wrote this one for fun and it actually turned out to be pretty good. lmk what you guys think and also if you have any suggestions! currently i'm just cleaning out all the drafts that I have but you can drop your suggestions on what I should write ahead and i'll make sure to release those too. hope you enjoy! :D
Tags: !jungkook×m!reader, !alchohol use (jungkook gets drunk), !kissing, !blowjob, !hickeys, !biting, !both jungkook and male reader like eachother but won't accept it, !masturbation (referred only once), !nasty kissing, !fingering, !jungkook is drunk flirting with you, !dry humping, !jungkook is dick whipped, !facial, !multiple orgasms, !nipple play, !dom×reader×!sub×jungkook, !squirting, !very messy sex, !spanking (only a few times), !missionary, !cowgirl, !reverse cowgirl, !grinding, !creampie, !unprotected sex (stay safe!)
Rating: Explicit|Adult|R18
Tumblr media
you: hello?
jungkook (neighbor A-2307): hello, is this y/n?
you: yes, this is he.
jungkook (neighbor A-2307): umm... your name was on the top of the contact list so I called you. actually the owner of this phone has drank too much.
you: oh-
jungkook (neighbor A-2307): could you please come and pick him up?
you: um... o-okay...
jungkook (neighbor A-2307): alright he's at xxx bar please come soon.
you: yea thank you.
you stand up from your couch and go to the door putting on a puffer jacket over your large sweatshirt since it was a little too cold out.
you take your bike keys and helmet and head out driving to the bar in order to pick your neighbor up. you didn't even know why you were doing this because you've just talked to him a few times, other than the formal greetings you give eachother upon crossing paths while going in and out of your apartment building.
you park your bike outside and head in to see a man standing beside another man who was passed out on the table.
you walk upto them and shake the passed out guy, a little by his shoulder as he groans and looks up at you slowly.
"hi y/n-ahh~" Jungkook slurs throwing a smile at you.
fuck that was cute- wait no don't go there y/n!
you internally slap yourself and then greet him back.
"hi. you've drank too much haven't you?" You ask him as he looks up at you while elbowing the table, the smile still consistent of his face.
"only a little too much yesiuu~." He replies as you shake your head.
"are you here to take me home?" He asks and holds his hand out towards you.
"Yes actually. so let's go hm?" You take hold of his hand and help him stand up as he keeps smiling and throws an arm around your neck so you could support him properly.
"excuse me? are you his boyfriend?" two girls ask you while giggling as you wrap an arm around Jungkook's waist to support him up while he leans against you.
"huh? oh n-"
"Yes he is~ what will you do about itt?~" Jungkook says pointing a finger at them and then giggling to himself while mumbling gibberish.
"s-sorry I'll take him home now." You bow your head to them and then walk outside the bar with jungkook still clinging onto you while mumbling gibberish and giggling to himself.
you take him to your bike and make him wear the helmet and climb onto your bike, him following you and wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder.
you start driving back while he sticks to you humming random tunes here and there throughout the whole drive back. upon reaching your building you both climb off and you take him upstairs.
"where are your keys?" You look at him as he doesn't reply and just smiles at you, lunging towards you and hugging you tightly.
"i like you. thank you." He says and you could sense the smile in his voice while he continued hugging you. you pat his back a few times and then pull him off of you because it seemed as if he won't let you go unless you physically pull him off of you.
"where are your keys?" You try again as he just giggles. you give up and check his pockets when he suddenly pulls your hands away furrowing his eyebrows.
"whoa whoa whoa... atleast take me inside before you start touching me." he says and throws his arm over your shoulder while smiling slyly at you and pulling you closer to him.
you decide to ignore him and check his front pockets, finally finding his keys and opening the door. you walk in with him and take him to the couch, when he suddenly pulls you along with him while dropping backwards on it.
"don't you like me too?" he wraps his arms around your neck and stares into your eyes intensely.
"You're a nice person." you reply and pull yourself off of him only to have him wrap his legs around your waist and hold you in place.
he places his hands on your shoulders while you're propped up on him with your hands on his either side on the couch holding you up, with Jungkook's legs still wrapped around your waist tightly.
"noo~ more than a person. do you like me how I like you?" he pouts and stares up at you with his big eyes.
"if you don't then lemme make you like me." he suddenly sits up and switches positions causing you to sit down on the couch, while he's on top of you.
"w-what are you doing?" You mumble as he presses himself against you and grinds on you a little while grabbing your hair on the back of your head and smashing his lips against yours.
"mmhmph~" You try to pull away but he keeps pressing himself onto you and doesn't let you go at all.
he licks your bottom and then your top lip, his hand coming forward to wrap itself around the side of your neck. his thumb under your chin, tilting your chin upwards so he could kiss you better.
he pulls away breathlessly and stares into your eyes, your cheeks now a crimson shade. both of you panting against eachothers lips.
he pulls you in a kiss again, this time you kissing him back as your tongues rub against eachother again and again fighting for dominance.
he takes hold of your hands and places it on his ass, shifting closer to you on your lap while you tilt your head backwards against the back rest of the couch continuing to kiss him. he starts moving his hips against yours while you grip onto his ass through his jeans both of you groaning softly in eachothers mouths.
he pulls away again and climbs off of your lap, getting on his knees in front of you. he stares up at you with his big eyes and starts unbuttoning your pants at an annoyingly slow pace.
just as he pulls your boxers down your big thick cock springs up slapping softly against your tummy. he stares at it in shock and lust, taking hold of it slowly and giving it small kitty licks.
you place your hand on his head when he starts taking you in his mouth, helping him swallow your length perfectly till it hits the back of his throat. you feel him go deeper causing you to enter his throat as he gulps around you making you throw your head back and let out a soft moan.
hearing your positive response to what he just did he slowly starts bobbing his head up and down your length, swallowing and sucking your soul out of your dick.
"ahh fuck~" You groan gripping onto his hair while he continues doing such a great job.
he pulls away and strokes your dick with his hand staring up at you while licking his lips. you pant a little and look down at him, him giving you a soft smile before taking you in his mouth again.
"fuck-" You tightly close your eyes and concentrate on nothing but how good his mouth felt around you. how him deep throating you was now the best feeling in the world, and also how maybe now you jerking off isn't going to help you cum easily.
yes, since the first time you saw him there were sometimes he'd slide into your trail of thoughts while jerking off. the first time you thought it was rude, but having him in there and imagining yourself cumming on his face would make you cum so easily.
but now I think I won't be able to cum without his face actually under my dick while I cum. fuck what did you get yourself into, y/n!
you groan and feel your high building up while he strokes, licks and swallows your dick making you completely lose your mind due to the amount of pleasure.
"fuck I'm gonna cum." You groan one hand still holding his hair while the other grips on the back of the couch behind you.
"cum on my face please." You hear him say and for a sec you thought it was just your imagination but when you look down at him, you see him looking at you with his big eyes whilst moving his hand up and down your cock.
letting your desires engulf you, you immediately stand up towering over him. grabbing his hair you tilt his head backwards and take hold of your cock starting to jerk off at a fast pace.
you throw your head back and cum, spurting your sweet liquid all over his face with a moan. you look down panting to see him staring at you while being covered in your cum.
"You came so much." He says panting too, his fingers moving to his face as his licks your cum off of the corners of his lips and off of your fingers and hand too.
"fuck I'm sorry." You run a hand through your hair and grab some tissues from the tissue box on his coffee table and start wiping his face.
"Why? I liked it." You pause upon hearing him say that and look at him to realise he's been staring at you this whole time.
after done cleaning his face he pushes you back on the couch and stands in front of you in between your legs. he stares into your eyes and slowly starts stripping out of his clothes. climbing onto your lap he kisses you again, staring to slowly take the rest of your clothes off too.
you two share a nice soft make out session that leaves both of you breathlessly staring into eachothers eyes with lust and desire. he leans backwards a little so that he's sitting up straight and places his hands on your shoulders, whilst maintaining an eye contact with you.
"want me to prep you?" You stare into his eyes as he nods, his cheeks burning a shade darker.
you pull him in a kiss while moving your hand to his ass. you massage his ass cheeks softly as he moans into your mouth, both of your tongues rubbing against eachother. slipping on hand in between you press the tip of your fingers against his hole causing him to jerk forward with a gasp against your lips.
you slowly apply some pressure against his hole with your middle finger, pushing it in when he pulls away from the kiss and hides his face in your neck shyly. you kiss and suck on his neck in order to soothe him from any pain he might be feeling. pumping your fingers in and out of him on a slow and steady pace causes him to squirm and moan on top of you.
"another one?" You whisper in his ear while nibbling on his earlobe as he bites his lip and nods.
you pull your finger out and push back in, this time along with your index finger as the stretch causes jungkook to shut his eyes tightly and furrow his eyebrows. you start moving your fingers in and out of him at a slow pace while jungkook places his hands on your shoulders for support and moans on top of you.
you couldn't seem to get your eyes off of his face. seeing how it contorts in pleasure that you're giving him makes you painfully hard against your tummy.
"fuc- faster please" He mewls while starting to move his hips on your fingers, eyes tightly shut.
you pull your fingers out and then push them back in, this time going deeper as it causes jungkook to arch his back while moaning loudly because the tip of your fingers brushed against his g-spot.
"there you are." You coe at him, while pressing soft kisses on the hickeys you left on his neck and continue pumping your fingers in and out of him while purposefully applying pressure on his g-spot here and there.
"more please! i want more~" He moans and pants while gripping onto your hair at the back of your neck.
you take this as a sign to add another finger and continue pumping your three fingers in and out of him, stretching him out perfectly. you lean in and take his nipple in your mouth, rubbing your tongue against it before sucking on it softly causing jungkook to jerk up with a high pitched moan and his head to fall back.
you continue sucking and licking his nipple, tugging it with your teeth here and there as jungkook feels his hig approaching him rapidly. he arches his back into your face, holding onto your head against his chest tightly as you continue moving your fingers in and out of him at a fast pace.
"ffffff-fu-ck me!" He twitches harshly, his eyes rolling to the back of his head and squirts while cumming shooting streaks of piss all over your chest and his thighs followed with his cum.
you were taken by shock as you didn't know he was a squirter, but seeing how hard he came you continue moving your fingers in and out of him slowly to help him ride out his high.
once he's calmed down you pull your fingers out, jungkook softly whining at the feeling of emptiness and looking down at you with hooded eyes. he leans in immediately and presses his lips against yours, wrapping his arms tightly around your neck to hold you close to him.
his chest presses against yours, his piss and cum getting smeared on both of yours chests but neither of you cared enough to move away.
that was the hottest thing I've ever seen.
you think to yourself when jungkook pulls away and says something about continuing this in his bedroom. you see him climb off of your lap, still hard as a rock and holding his hand out to you. you take it and he leads you to his room, your focus moving down to his plump ass that had red handprints from how hard you were gripping on it while making out with him.
you both climb on his bed as he climbs on top of you again and presses his lips against yours while sitting on your dick. you groan at the feeling of his heat and wetness on your dick and grab his ass harshly with a slap. he moans against your lips, placing his hands on either sides of your head as you start rubbing and slapping his ass here and there making him grind on top of you.
"I'll make it good okay?." He pulls away and stares into your eyes.
you nod and get comfortable against his pillows while he sits up straight and spreads his ass cheeks to position your dick to his entrance and starts sinking in. you place your hands on his hips to help him both of your eyes never leaving eachother.
"ugh fuck-" You both moan in sync as he looks down once completely settled with you inside him and let's out a soft sigh.
"its in." You look at him as he pants and suddenly grab his hips and thrust up into him with a groan, pulling him down against you too to meet your hips.
"w-wait- wha- huffph!" He cuts himself off with a loud moan and places his hands on your chest for support.
"try to get used to not being the one in-charge with me, hm?" You scoff and hold him in place while starting to thrust upwards into him, whilst helping him move his hips in sync with you.
your actions soon cause him to melt into a moaning mess, your dick filling him up so well. meanwhile his walls felt so perfectly tight around you that it felt as if they were made just for you. that he was made just for you.
"hhngh!" He throws his head back while still leaning forward against you, hands now gripping onto your arms while letting out another loud moan.
"so perfect just for me." You groan underneath him and increase your pace moans spilling out of your mouths non-stop as the pleasure just explodes in both of your bodies like fireworks.
you decide to switch positions, so you flip both of you around causing his back to land on the bed and hover above him. spreading his legs out you position yourself so that you tip is right in front of his hole and push in slowly while jungkook throws his head back moaning loudly.
pulling his legs over your shoulders you set up an animalistic pace which has jungkook gripping onto the pillows and sheets around him while moaning out your name loudly. you look down to where your bodies were connected to see how easily he swallows up your dick, his own leaking precum profusely against his toned stomach.
you hold onto his hips and angle yourself in a way that has jungkook screaming at the feeling of your tip hitting again and again against his g-spot. he arches his back and head into the mattress while his toes curl up in the air the amount of pleasure you're giving him basically overflowing through his veins.
he felt as if he was dripping from everywhere and it felt so good that he never wanted to get rid of this feeling. he brings his hand up and grips onto his hair in frustration at the unbelievable feeling. his hair was wet from all his sweat but he pulls onto it without a care in the world, while chanting your name like a mantra. if he knew fucking you would make him feel this good, he would've done this wayyy before.
he feels your hands slide up his stomach and to his chest, softly rubbing at his sensitive nipples and he finds himself arching into your hands. you pinch and rub his nipples again and again increasing the amount of pleasure by ten times as he feels his high approaching him again.
you push his legs further ahead to a point that his knees almost touch his shoulders and drill into him because him clenching around you repeatedly was causing you to feel like you were about to cum too.
you fasten your pace more, pistoning into his hole when jungkook arches his back harshly squirting again and cumming simultaneously all over your and his chest. his toes curl and he sees stars behind his closed eyelids while his walls clench around you so tight that you end up cumming inside him with a groan.
you slow down your pace and continue moving in and out him, seeing small pumps of cum and piss still pouring out of him as his head was still arched back into the pillow with his mouth open but no sound coming out. stopping eventually you both lay there panting, as the sight of him shaking because of his orgasm makes you get hard again in an instant.
you place his legs down and lean in, pressing your swollen lips gently against his swollen ones and you both share a messy kiss with your breaths and soft moans mingling here and there along with your tongues and spit.
you wrap your arms around his waist and pull him up so that he's straddling your lap, as he wraps his arms around your neck for support and continues kissing you back. you place your hands on his ass and position your tip right in front of his hole when he pulls away from the kiss abruptly. you chase after his lips while he places his hands on your shoulders to stop you.
"Wait stop!" He yells suddenly as you listen to him stopping yourself from any movements.
"what what what??? did I hurt you????" You say and proceed to pull him off of you only to be stopped by him pulling your hands off of his waist.
"n-no. i- I just wanna put it in pr-properly." He stutters as you notice his ears growing red which causes you to break into a smile.
"alright. go for it." You pat his back softly and place a few kisses on his shoulder, to which Jungkook replies with a few whimpers and tiny moans.
he turns around so you won't see how his cheeks were burning red. his back was now facing you, as you lean back against the headboard to give him his space and let him do what he wants. he spreads his legs a little more and turns sideways placing a hand on your shoulder for support and starts sinking in after positioning your dick perfectly. his eyes focused on how well and easily your dick was sliding into him, filling him up once again.
"huff hngh-" He bites his lower lip while throwing his head back and continuing to sink down on you feeling his high build up just by having you enter him.
once he was done he let's out a small sigh and keeps sitting up straight as you watch him waiting for a sign to start moving. Jungkook suddenly moves back a little causing your dick to slip in deeper as he throws his head back, mouth falling open but nothing comes out.
"ah fuc-" You groan underneath him while throwing your head back. you couldn't help yourself now so you snake an arm around his waist and pulled him closer starting to thrust up into him again.
you had one arm around his waist, snuggling your head in his neck while the other was cupping his inner thigh, holding his legs open. he too had placed his hands on both of your arms, gripping onto the forearms while throwing his head back and moaning loudly.
you keep placing kisses on his neck and increase your pace moans spilling out and filling up his bedroom causing the amount of air to run short and both of you ending up breathless.
you take hold of his hand and wrap it around his hard dick, collecting some of the precum spilling from his tip and start stroking it. your hand still around his as he arches his back feeling the warmth of both of your's hands around his dick.
"d-dont i-i'll cu-cum." He moans loudly as you continue thrusting in him while stroking his dick as both of yours oragasm build up quickly since you both were still very sensitive from your last orgasms.
you increase your pace of thrusting up into him as he starts moving his hips in sync with yours. both of yours moans grow louder and louder and you both continue pumping his dick causing his walls to clench around you so perfectly.
you bite onto his shoulder while he throws his head back against yours, head hitting the headboard with a loud bang. you place your free hand on his head where it hit the headboard and cum inside him, filling him up with your warm sweet cum as he moans at the feeling while throwing his head back too and cumming all over his chest and both of your thighs.
panting, you both sit quietly for sometime to gain some energy back. jungkook still sitting on top of, goes limp and leans against you the energy completely leaving out of his body because having you fuck him sent him away in a state of euphoria where he kind of wanted to stay forever.
you rub softly against his hair to soothe any pain he must be feeling from hitting his head so hard against the headboard, but jungkook was far too gone from his consciousness to even understand what was going on.
you slowly lift him up and place him on the bed next to you, fixing the pillow under his head and take hold of the tissue box and start wiping him clean. you look up at him to notice how he still had his eyes closed and was shaking a little due to the aftershocks so you make sure to quickly clean both of you up, just to follow it up with some good rest.
"You come too." he mumbles when you gently cover him with the comforter as he gets comfortable and takes hold of your hand placing it below his head.
"Yes lemme clean up real quick okay?" You say brushing his hair off of his face and pull your hand away slowly going to the living room and picking up both of yours clothes and bringing them to the bedroom. you then go to the bathroom and bring out a warm wet towel and clean yourself first before taking another towel and cleaning jungkook up with it.
"come quickkkk~" He whines sleepishly as you chuckle and tell him you are trying to be as quick as possible and go to the laundry room to drop the towels in the basket.
you turn around to head back to the bedroom to see Jungkook standing in the doorway wearing your shirt and rubbing his eyes while pouting.
"what's wrong?" You ask and step towards him as he comes towards you and wraps his arms around your waist resting his head on your chest.
"stay with me." he pouts as you chuckle softly and wrap your arms around him too brushing his hair a little.
"Yes I will." Lifting him up you take him back to the bedroom and place him on the bed, joining him immediately as he shifts backwards pressing his back against your chest and resting his head on your bicep. you cover him with the comforter as he sighs and snuggles back more into your arms.
"cover yourself too. no matter how hot it gets you have to keep your tummy covered." He mumbles sleepishly as you cover yourself with the comforter too bringing your hand up to his hair and softly stroking it.
he falls asleep soon and turns in his sleep snuggling his head into your chest and cuddling you tightly as you cuddle him back and fall asleep too.
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