#not sure how i ended up talking about robin all of a sudden lol this is my train of thought everyone
theflyingfeeling · 1 year
Awww I feel the same way about Joel! You can tell this band means the world to him and it's endearing 🥺 I also love how he doesn't always say/do the right socially acceptable things and I relate a lot to that 😅
yeeeeessss he wears his heart on his sleeve and doesn't sugarcoat his words 😅💞 actually that's what I love about the whole band; they are just so genuine and...real? What you see is exactly what you get 🥰
I can still remember the exact moment I totally fell for Joel for good, which also happened to be the moment I decided I need to see them live, even though I was super nervous about going to my first ever BC concert. In August 2021, Niko and Joel were being interviewed live on TV (on Viiden jälkeen) and they were asked if they have someone who's in charge of their social media (i.e. a professional), and Joel answered that they had actually been offered a person to do all that but that they want to do it themselves, because they want it to be 100% authentic. I nearly started crying on the spot, because how many bands/singers DO that?! Most of them are HAPPY to have someone else handle all that for them, but no, not Blind Channel 🥺
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brunnerasposts · 2 years
"Pancakes for Dinner"
S.H. x Female Reader
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Summary: You prepare a confession to Steve in your bathroom mirror to which he ends up overhearing
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: st2-4 spoilers, friends to lovers, fluff
Additional Notes: this was inspired by the song Pancakes for Dinner by Lizzy McAlpine. It's a really cute song and I recommend giving it a listen! I also hope you enjoy this fanfic! It was a struggle to write and idk if I like how it turned out. It's just kinda there lol. Likes, comments, and reshares are always appreciated :)
Tags: @robschneiderfan bc she picked for me to write this one first lol
"Okay," You spoke to yourself, inhaling deeply as your grip on the bathroom sink tightened. Slowly, you closed your eyes and exhaled that breath in hopes of calming the sudden nerves that had developed in your body.
While decent in size, your bathroom suddenly felt as though it was suffocating you. From the bright fluorescents to the squeaky clean tiles, you felt out of place. Sure, you had panicked earlier today and scrubbed your bathroom clean top to bottom, but that was because you only wanted to invite him over to hang out. Impulsively, you had decided to invite over your best friend not to just hang out. You were planning to confess your feelings.
You had a massive crush on Steve Harrington.
Although you hadn't known Steve until these past two years, you both had gone through a lot together. From fighting demodogs to running from Russian commies, you both had experienced a lot of traumatic events. You both didn't truly recover after everything so you supported each other for comfort.
Sometimes Robin would hang out with you both, but it was usually just the two of you. She claimed that there was too much tension between you guys whenever she visited and it made her want to barf. You weren't even sure what she was talking about half the time.
Steve didn't like you, you knew that. With the charisma that boy had and his flirtatious manner, he would have begun flirting ages ago if he really did like you. No matter what reason you had, Robin didn't seem to care.
Before your mind could begin to think anymore negatively, you opened your eyes and stared at your reflection.
You had about fifteen or so minutes to quickly plan what you were going to say. It was now or never, right?
Taking another deep breath, you relaxed your once tense shoulders and acted as though Steve was in front of you.
"Steve," You began, your voice cracking so you cleared it and started again. "Steve, can we talk?" You asked the mirror, the silence filling your head. Pretending that he said yes, you sighed softly.
"I don't wanna be forward," You gulped softly, your grip on the sink loosening, "and I don't wanna cross a line." You chose your words cautiously, not wanting to risk messing up and causing that to happen for the real confession. "I don't want to say too much, so..." You groaned out in frustration as you were at a loss for words.
You brought your hands to your face, hiding behind them. "God, why is this so scary to tell you?" You asked no one in particular. It wasn't like you had never confessed to a guy before. The only difference was, Steve was too good to lose. If he didn't feel the same way, would things become awkward?
"I'll just say something else." You told yourself, waving your hand as if to smack away the imaginary thought bubbles over your head. Deciding your mirror tactic wasn't working, you reached into a cabinet and began to search for some sort of perfume or deodorant. Was it hot in there?
God, this was so stupid!
You shouldn't have to be standing in your bathroom, prepping a speech just to tell some guy you like him. Even if it was Steve, what difference did he make from everyone else?
"What the hell do I have to lose if I just tell you?" You asked, knowing the answer to that question.
You could lose Steve. All the memories you guys once shared would be just that. Memories. Not a single one would be made after this, you were sure.
"I—" You cut yourself off, hesitant to even speak. What could you say? You didn't want to come right out and just tell him the way you felt. You wanted to ease into it and not scare him off. Maybe describe what you wanted to do with him if he felt the same way?
Daydreamed scenarios began to replay in your mind, making you smile. "I wanna have pancakes for dinner." You began, chuckling to yourself over how silly that sounded. What other slightly silly stuff could you say?
"I want to get stuck inside your head," It only seemed fair as he was always stuck inside your head.
"I want to have a song that we love together and we listen to it whenever we need cheering up or a reminder of the other." You hummed a bit, not even sure what song that would be for you both. Were you sounding slightly insane? Would he freak out if told all of this? It made you nervous.
"I don't think I should tell you this," You sighed, dragging a hand down your face in frustration. This wasn't usually this hard. It used to be a simple matter of 'Hey, I think you're really cute' but now it was so much harder because you actually knew him.
"God, I don't wanna say something weird or wrong." You looked at yourself in the mirror again, seeing the sudden fear in your own eyes. Irrational thoughts came in and out of your mind. What if he freaked and ran out? What if he laughed at you?What if he didn't feel the same way because he was still in love with Nancy?
That was way too real. You saw the way he looked at her. He may try and go out with different girls, but whenever he looked at Nancy, it was a longing gaze.
How could you possibly compete against her?
"But if you're still in love with her then—" Your voice hitched, "I think that I'll leave it there." You couldn't hate him if he did. They went over for almost two years. How could he not love her?
"If that is the case then, then I'll try to hide the way I feel." Your voice was soft, trembling slightly. It hurt to think of helping him find his next girl to go flirt with. It hurt to tell him that he should have fun on his dates. It hurt to give him advice on girls so he'd actually stay with them longer.
Maybe it was better that you remained friends. That's all he saw you as anyway.
"Well, maybe I won't have to say any of this." You hoped, giving yourself a small laugh as you imagined he would say it instead. The only reason it was funny was because you knew that couldn't happen.
As you finished your confessional speech in the mirror, you felt a lot better about the situation, more prepared in a sense. Turning, you opened the bathroom door to go wait for Steve only to find him standing right there in front of you with wide eyes.
You froze, knowing very well just how thin your bathroom door was. "H-How long were you standing there?" You stammered, itching your arm in sudden nervousness.
When he didn't say anything, your heart practically leaped in fear. "It's actually a funny story!" You quickly spoke, laughing nervously as you tried to come up with some sort of explanation for the things you said. It was clear that he heard enough to know it was him who you were talking about.
"There was this uh...this project! Yeah, a project in English where she wanted us to...feel like we were having a conversation." You began, laughing nervously, "And I was like 'That's way too crazy, teach!'. And she was all like, 'Y/N I'm very serious about my assignments', so I wanted to be sure my grade came out okay you know?"
As you continued to babble on with this random excuse you had created, Steve stepped forward and silenced you by pressing his lips onto yours. It shocked you to your very core. What was he doing? Why was he suddenly kissing you? His hands cupped your face gently, moving slowly and kissing softly as to not freak you out entirely.
It was a little late for that though.
Realizing that you weren't kissing back, he slowly pulled away and looked at you with worried eyes. "I really hope that story isn't true otherwise I just kissed you like an idiot." He whispered, searching your eyes for some kind of confirmation.
It took a long few seconds for you to even comprehend the fact that Steve Harrington had just kissed you. Slowly, you shook your head, confusion overcoming you. "I don't understand. Aren't you in love with Nancy?" You questioned, making him shake his head. "Maybe I once was, but not anymore. I sort of started falling for someone else." He chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Then no, I was lying before." You admitted with a small breath of relief. It felt so nice to admit out loud. What had you even been stressed about? "I invited you over because I wanted to confess the way I felt. I guess since you overheard all of that, I don't have to." You shrugged your shoulders, squealing in surprise as Steve hugged you and lifted you off the ground.
"Steve, what are you doing?" You let out an airy laugh, not even sure what he was so happy about. "I can't believe I spent half of the year figuring out how I was going to tell you how I felt." He spoke, making you laugh again before leaning down, pressing your lips against his.
The male was quick to react, holding you tight as to make sure you didn't fall. Not only that, but Steve didn't really want to let you go anyway. Your hands snaked up into his hair, finding their way through before tugging slightly. Steve groaned in response, kisses becoming slightly sloppy as you smiled.
"Mm, let me make this up to you." He mumbled, making you part from his lips. "What?" You questioned with a raised eyebrow and the faintest of a smile now. "Yeah, come on! A proper date, what do you say?" He asked, making you hum in thought.
"Why not?" You finally decided, making him set you down. "Alright, let's go." He grinned, making you giggle. "Right now? Can't I go change or at least get my shoes on?" You asked, making Steve chuckle. "Yes, of course. I'll be waiting right here, okay?" He told you, you nodding your head before placing a quick peck to his lips.
Once you turned away, you held your face and felt the heat that was radiating from it. God, Steve knew just how to fluster you. Making your way upstairs, you were sure to move quickly as you didn't want him to wait for too long.
"You can take your time" Steve shouted up the stairs, practically reading your mind. Once you reached your bedroom, you were quick to change from your shorts and shirt, putting on a pair of acid washed jeans with a plain white t shirt. Simple, yet cute and that was what you were hoping for. Going to your vanity, you began to fix your hair when all of a sudden you almost had to turn your lamp on as it was darker outside.
"That's strange." You muttered before jumping at the sound a clock chime. Confused, you stood straight and looked around your room. Something felt off. It didn't feel like your bedroom anymore. "Steve?" You shouted, listening for a response to which you didn't receive.
Could he not hear you? "Steve!" You shouted again, louder this time and yet there was still no response. Thinking he stepped outside, you walked to your window and shifted the blinds. You were met with a sight that shook you to your very core.
The upside down.
How were you back? You didn't cross through anything! As your breathing picked up, you quickly whipped back around to charge downstairs when you found your door was open.
In that doorway was a creature completely new to you. Unlike the demodogs or a demogorgon, it stood as tall as a human. It seemed as though it was covered in these dark vines, hands elongated at the fingers. The skin looked burned to a crisp.
Never had you been more scared than in that moment. You were frozen by the window, slowly pressing yourself into it. "It's almost time, Y/N." A deep masculine voice boomed from the creature, almost having a small growl behind his words. How did it know your name? Why could it speak? What the hell was this thing?
"Y-You're not real." You stammered out, feeling the glass window against your arms as you continued to press yourself into it. "Oh, I am very real, Y/N." He stepped towards you and you suddenly felt as though you couldn't move. As much as you wanted to run, to hide and avoid him, you couldn't. Some sort of force was keeping you still.
"I can hurt you in more ways than one." His elongated fingers raised and he gently grazed your trembling face with them. It was in that moment that you searched for your alarm clock. Your eyes shifted around, even searching for some sort of scripture on your wall. Maybe this was just a nightmare.
Maybe you were experiencing sleep paralysis. This couldn't be real. He couldn't be real.
"Y/N!" A voice made your attention shift forward again, and suddenly it was Steve in front of you, looking worried as he held your arms. "Are you okay?" He asked nervously, brushing your hair out of your face as you shook in his hold.
"What..?" You quickly looked behind you, noticing the bright blue sky outside. What just happened?
"You were up here for a while so I came up to check on you and you were just...standing here, twitching. Your eyes were.." He trailed off, shaking his head before drawing you in for a hug.
You were quick to wrap your arms around him, breath shaky as tears brimmed your eyes. "You're okay, you're okay," He promised, trying to soothe you by rubbing your back.
While it was considerate of him, it wasn't helping. All that was echoing in your head was the distant chiming of a clock. The feeling of that creature's fingers as it grazed your face made you shiver.
What the hell was that thing?
As you tried to calm your breathing, you tried to listen to the sound of his voice. You needed something, anything to calm you down. As much as you tried to focus on his reassuring words, they were beginning to be drowned out by the sound of a clock.
This time it wasn't a chime.
Maybe it really was a dream.
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softsnzstuff · 1 year
An idea I can’t get out of my head: Streamer Steve doing a stream when he’s feeling a little under the weather but it keeps getting worse, chills, cough, the works. And Eddie who’s been listening has to go in and get him to stop because the poor thing sounds miserable!
Hi friend!! Sorry it’s taking me ages to go through the good ol’ inbox. Things have been hectic lately lol. I love this prompt sooooo much!!
“Hey-” Steve clears his throat, words coming out croakier than he’d expected, “Hey guys. Sorry I’m snff a bit sick today. Thought we could do a little Q&A?”
Sick again?? Come on Steve. Tsk tsk - Robin
You don’t sound good
I love a Q & A!!!
“Alright! Who- HRUSSSSHew! - sorry, who’s got a question for me?”
The brunette runs a hand through his messy hair and scrubs at his nose pretty aggressively as he sniffles.
What’s your favorite movie?
How’s Eddie???
Next convention you’ll go to? 👀
“Favorite movie is probably like. Ferris Bueller or Breakfast Club?”
He pulls the sleeves of his sweatshirt down over his hands as he skims the other questions.
“How’s Eddie? He’s good. I mean. He’s not sick so that’s a win for him… sorry guys I’m like so cold all of a sudden???”
Steve gets up and grabs a thin blanket off the couch behind him and wraps it around his shoulders, coughing as he sits back down.
“Next con? Good question. Uhhh Eddie and I probably have to talk to our people before I can say for certain.”
The tickle in his nose is insufferable, coming and going with no warning. He scrunches his nose and pulls the blanket corner up over his mouth.
“G’SHuHew! Hhh HriSSHiew!” He coughs wetly into the blanket and reaches for a tissue.
Bless you bless you
You sure you should be on stream rn? -Robin
The door opens and Eddie walks in. Steve looks over from behind the tissue. “Hey Eds.”
“You sound awful Steve.” Eddie all but has his hands on his hips as he reaches out to feel Steve’s forehead.
He clocks the camera and flicks his head. “Sorry for the interruption guys. Stevie’s been sick as a dog all week. Just making sure he still has a pulse.”
Steve rolls his eyes at the teasing comment, but can’t deny he feels significantly worse today than he had earlier in the week.
What’s the verdict, E? - Robin
He’s so domestic wow
I have a feeling the Q&A is about to end…
Eddie leans over and squints at the screen while Steve snuffles behind him.
“Ha! Hey Robs. Yeah he’s down for the count tonight I think. Maybe if he listens to me and rests he could stream again in a few days.”
Eddie shoots Steve a look and Steve nods in silent agreement.
“Welp! That seals the deal, streams ending tonight. Ok byeeeeeeeee!!!”
Eddie turns the stream off and helps Steve out of his chair.
“Thanks for bailing me out. All of a sudden feel really…” Steve trails off unable to find the words.
“Sick? Yeah. You have a fever and you’re germing up our comfiest blanket.” Eddie switched to his DM voice for dramatic effect. “To bed with you!”
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karofsky · 1 year
Yesterday I found out a friend of mine passed, which was very sudden. He was battling cancer late last year, and was on the mend, and I guess something just happened so fast, and then he was gone.
I'm okay; regrettably, if you've known me since I've been around for a bit, I'm no stranger to losing friends, and especially regarding cancer. It's a shitty fucking thing that tends to plague those I care about, and I hope to at least live on to see at least some regression of diseases in the world. It's all I can hope for.
It's just... a weird feeling now. He and I were not as close these last few years, due to my moving and just some general friend group shuffling and collapsing. I regret not talking to him more, but I kept up on him and his wife (another friend), and in this day and age, that's pretty good for me.
But he was also the first friend I made as an adult. Not from school, not a friend of a friend, not a coworker, not someone I knew from online. I met him at a con, alone. I was lost looking for a friend, and he was dressed to the fandom I was in at the time (DA). I loved his cosplay, so I stopped him for a picture, and we talked for a few minutes before I mentioned my friend was also cosplaying DA, and they weren't answering my texts. He ended up already knowing them, and, being lost at my first con, I asked him if he could text me if he ran into them, and quickly shoved my contact into his phone. As far as I know, I was still "[Robin], Lost" in it, because that's what I entered, and he always told me he never changed it.
He was an older brother to me, after that. Genuinely one of the kindest people I'd ever met, and he introduced me to a lot of people I later called friends. He had no issue taking detours to pick me up at my house or from the train station, and in fact, was the first to offer every time. I went to the con with him where he met his wife. A few months later, he brought her to a cosplay gathering for the first time, and as he was driving me home after an event he thanked me for making her feel welcome. We had a long chat about his life and his relationships, and how much he really cared for his then-girlfriend. They were inseparable after that. I think I can count one time when I hung out with either of them alone post that car ride. Really just a wonderful pair, and I couldn't imagine it being any other way.
He was always the first person to hug me goodbye when our friend group all hung out. I wish I could remember what he said to me one time that got me teary-eyed, but I'm sure he'd just make fun of me for having a shitty memory, and then realize he couldn't remember it either, and I'd roast him right back.
Death is weird. I'm not... sad about it anymore. Not with all of the death that's touched my life. It's all a bit melancholy now, and in the end, I really just think about how fortunate I am to have years or months or days or hours or minutes behind me. I wish I had more with him, and I wish things had been different, but ultimately I'm happy I had him in my life, and that I can keep carrying him on. He'd hate it if we were all just a mess anyway, so I guess I'll hold down that fort on his behalf, lol.
Here's my favourite pictures of him I've taken, where for whatever reason, both of us were just being toddlers in the middle of an Islands. I don't remember the context outside of that.
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Rest easy. Don't haunt me.
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cornedbeefhashtags · 2 years
A lot of people are upset at the ST writers not making him say it versus Robin being able to say it, but once you get past people's knee-jerk reaction about that there is (I think anyway) merit to the argument that his coming out story shouldn't have been used to prop up and advance a straight storyline. Gay characters are more than just plot devices and people felt hurt by the fact that something so important to Will's character would be used as a tool for other characters, especially when he's already been sidelined so much as it is. It's less about just the fact that he didn't say he's gay and more about the fact that his coming out ultimately had more relevance and impact on a straight couple than it did his own character's journey, which thus far has mainly just been to get that straight couple back together. There was also the fact that Will gets called a multitude of slurs in S1 and that's the only explicit mention of his sexuality (and gay men in general) that there is in the text. Then, when they do decide to get a little heavy handed with the Will Likes Mike bit, they make it so that Mike treats him like a ghost of his past that forgets about him any time that Eleven is around despite none of their other friends doing that and the same not being true for Robin. Or how they're friendly when it's a light moment but when Will's crush comes out suddenly Mike's promises are meaningless and he goes back to being written like a blind, bad friend that's nothing like his previous iterations. Or how they start the season saying that Will did his painting for his crush and that 11 didnt know about it and then all of a sudden it's something else in volume two. As if they want to write this without having to write it. It's a lot of things lol and a lot of it points to this odd bias in the writing choices between how they treat straight characters vs lesbians vs gay characters, mainly the lack of empathy or willingness to dig deep with the latter, which is less of a portrayal of the times and more of how they decide to write this show as two straight white men themselves that want to play it safe. There are ways to talk about it and treat his character with the same respect they do all others and still be true to the time period it's set in. Sorry to rant lol. I had gotten my hopes up that they'd finally recognize his sexuality, and they did, but I was let down by the fact that it ended up being meaningless for him aside from the scene with Jonathan.
Hey, anon. I’m not sure where to begin, so I’m going to start with the setting. One of the major cultural moments that sets the stage for season 4 is the Satanic Panic of the 1980s. There was a surge of countercultural fear fueled by media portrayals of serial killers and conspiracy theories, which resulted in things like Dungeons & Dragons being singled out as alleged gateways to devil worshipping cults. The insular and extremely Midwestern town of Hawkins pinning a series of murders on the local dungeon master like he was some kind of Charles Manson-style cultist instead of a board game nerd isn’t all that far-fetched.
You know what else insular little Midwestern towns weren’t super understanding about in the 1980s? Queerness. Stranger Things is set during the height of the Reagan administration, which means that it’s also set during the height of the AIDS crisis. The homophobia and bullying that you’re describing from season 1 were facts of life for a lot of young people, and Robin took a HUGE risk when she came out to Steve. It’s notable that this was a one-time event for her: she and Steve carefully avoid outing her to their friends when they discuss their platonic relationship, and Robin all but panics when she thinks she’s accidentally outed herself to Vickie at the basketball game.
With all of that being said, Stranger Things has always been a show about feeling like an outsider. We see it with Lucas as he attempts to fit in with the jocks, we see it with El as she tries to adjust to a new school, we see it with Steve as he discovers that his high school popularity doesn’t translate into adulthood… etc. So what happens to someone who starts to feel like an outsider from the designated outsiders? That’s a lonely existence, and I think it’s exactly where Will is at right now. Robin came out to her best friend from a place of trust, but Will has discovered that he has feelings for an increasingly distant best friend who presumably can’t reciprocate.
None of this is to say that I don’t want Will to have a happy ending, or that I think the Duffer Brothers are gay storytelling geniuses. But man… a lonely kid realizing over the course of a few summers that he no longer has anything in common with the boys he grew up with? A kid who’s feeling isolated and immature because his friends have all discovered girls and he’s realized that that moment is never going to happen for him? I lived that. I would have killed for an older brother who recognized that something was wrong. It drives me nuts that people expect Will and Robin to have identical experiences, or that they expect Mike to magically overcome his acute case of being a shithead 15-year old so that he can have the same relationship with Will that he had 20% of his lifetime ago. I absolutely hope that Will has a happy ending, and that he gets to address his feelings for Mike without having to pretend that he’s talking about something else, but his current situation is heartfelt and really resonated with me.
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tooweirdforyou · 3 years
Platonic! Straw Hats x Teen! Reader » Continued. PT 2
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Request : Can we have more teen reader with the straw hats and they protect them and teach them things
Hi, do you mind if we get more platonic teen reader with the straw hats?
Is there going to be a part 2 of the teen reader and straw hat Pirates?
I FINALLY FINISHED. I didn’t realize how popular this would be, holy crap. This is the first time I had someone request for a part 2 for something, let alone 3 people. It feels kinda nice 😂
I’m trying to keep reader GN, but if I end up writing female pronouns or hints of a female reader, then I’m sorry :(
this might be in parts, ( should I turn this into a multi-fic? lol )
includes interaction w/ : Nami, Sanji, Chopper & Usopp!
Summary : continuation of life with the straw hats, as a teen. This time, they will get you to open up! >:)
“So, treat them nicely, okay?”
Nami’s sing-song voice fills the room as boys stare in surprise at the sudden appearance of the two girls and their younger crewmate.
You felt a little uneasy in the presence of the crew, their eyes lingering on you as you shifted you weight.
“Er.. im sorry for.. staying in my room a lot.. and.. for.. making you worry..”
Even though Nami already explained the reasoning for your actions, you still felt the need to apologize. However, when it continues to be silent, you feel yourself fidgeting with the hem of your shirt.
Then your Captain spoke. Well, laughed.
Everyone turns to Luffy, who is grinning widely. “Apology accepted! Who knew you were just shy the whole time? We assumed you didn’t like us! Shishishi!”
Your eyes widen at him and you felt an embarrassed blush creeping up onto your cheeks as you look down to hide it. “I-I’m sorry.”
Robin places a gentle hand on your shoulder and smiles softly to the crew. “Well, now that we know the truth, why don’t you spend the rest of the day with us? One by one.”
“I like that idea.” Nami grins before glancing down at you. “Well? Who do you want to spend time with first, [Name]?”
You blink at her before looking around to see them staring expectantly at you, offering rather kind smiles to you, patiently waiting for an answer.
“..I don’t know..”
The others deadpan and sweatdropped at your response before Nami sighs softly. “That makes sense, you wouldn’t know where to start.”
Nami then grins. “Then, I’ll volunteer and go first! Sound good? No complaints? Great!”
“Hey! How come you get to go first and show [Name] stuff?!” Usopp points a finger at the navigator, narrowing his eyes as he frowns.
Nami simply sticks out her tongue and gave a childish expression. “Because I volunteered! Now let’s go, [Name]!”
Dragging you away with the pull of your hand, Nami pulls you off towards the aqua lounge despite the many protests, complaints and calls after her.
“W-wait, is this a good idea?.. I don’t—“
“Of course it is. You want to spend time with us don’t you?” The navigator smiles once you two enter and shut the door.
Now it was just the two of you, in the lounge.
“Well..” you trail off, still feeling awkward and perhaps a little bit nervous about all of this.
It was pretty sudden after all, just minutes ago you were in bed reading a book and now, you’re playing play date with your crew members.
Nami softens her smile and went over to the couch and took a seat, patting the spot beside her.
“I know this is a lot. We don’t have to do much but talk, and maybe get you to open up a little more. Tell me about yourself!”
Hesitantly, you nod and walk closer towards her, before sitting down beside her, turning your body to face her.
“...what do you wanna know?..” you mumble, Nami barely catching it but still heard it anyways.
“Anything about yourself. Your family, your life before you became a pirate, your favorite foods, hobbies, any crushes you might’ve picked up along our journey~” the navigator winks at you making you blush faintly at her, turning away with a sigh.
“I don’t have any of the sort.” You scoff lightly, closing your eyes but Nami wasn’t convinced. “Oh?”
“What about that pink haired marine? Koby, wasn’t it?”
You snap your head to her quickly, brows furrowed.
“Koby? Marine Captain Koby? I’ve hardly met him. Besides, he’s a marine. Even if I did like him, it wouldn’t work out anyways.”
You turn away once more, Nami grinning at how quick you responded and how much you talked just now.
“If Koby wasn’t a marine, would you date him?” Nami hums and you kept silent, though the red hue forming on the tips of your ears were enough for her.
“..he’s attractive.” You mutter and Nami giggles.
“Okay, okay, so then, how about any of the older men we met? Traffy isn’t that much older.” She thinks for a minute, her thumb and forefinger under her chin.
You raise a brow at her question. “You mean the Captain / doctor?.. Law?.. he seems.. really annoyed easily. He’s so frowny and never sleeps.”
“Not much different from someone else..” Nami sings under her breath making you playfully roll your eyes.
“I wouldn’t go for him either. He’s attractive, I guess, but... no. I think the fact that I’m in Luffy’s crew too, he might be pretty annoyed already.”
“I think it’s just Luffy in general.” Nami sighs and you smile a bit at that.
“Okay, how about that red haired one? Eustass “Captain” Kid?”
“Too violent.”
“Ace or Sabo?”
“Luffy’s brothers.”
“Perona? The Ghost Princess?”
“I don’t like her ghosts.”
“She’s gorgeous and rich, but no.”
“She’s into Zoro.”
“Anyone from our crew?”
“We’re family.”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“Any of Sanji’s brothers?”
“They have no emotions.”
“Silvers Rayleigh?”
“A silver fox, but no.”
“Anyone in Whitebeard’s crew?”
“Izo is absolutely stunning .. and Marco seems really nice, I guess.. but no.”
“That empress, Boa Hancock?”
“She’s too into Luffy..”
Nami heaves a sigh as she leans back and crosses her legs, one over the other.
“So the closest one to your attraction.. is Koby.”
You shrug and smile slightly at her defeated look. “I’m not really into anyone...”
“Perhaps you’re just young. You’ll definitely be growing in some..” The orange haired female eyes your body for a good minute, making you shift. “..areas real soon.”
“Right.. what about you?”
You shift in your seat and made yourself comfortable on the cushion. “Is there someone you like?..”
Nami blinks before looking up and thinking for a moment. “..I guess there isn’t.” She answers and you raise a brow. “I thought you like Luffy..”
The navigator seems offended at the statement, recoiling at the thought. “Luffy’s a huge pain in the ass. And besides, like you said, we’re a family.”
The corner of your lips tug upwards slightly. “And Vivi?”
This shut the female quick, and you can see the pink tint of her cheeks. “Vivi’s a friend.”
“Well, that friend, most likely shares the same feelings.” You hum, looking straight at her calmly. “I mean.. you’re very beautiful. Everyone would love you.”
Nami’s eyes widens at the unexpected compliment from you, her heart feeling warm at that, but you didn’t notice.
You didn’t realize how much you ended up talking, your voice felt dry and sore in a way. Though for some reason, you didn’t mind.
You kind of enjoyed this time with Nami, despite only talking about possible crushes of yours.
Instinctively, you rub your throat and Nami notices, standing up and offering her hand. “Come on, we can talk more later. You’ve talked enough, I’ll take you to Sanji.”
“Are you sure? I figured you’d want to spend more time together..” you clear your throat and Nami just smiles gently.
“We have everyday to do so. Besides, I’m sure it’s been a while since you talked so much so I’m happy enough with what you gave me.” Nami says, helping you up and began leading you out.
“Time for you to spend time with someone else, and don’t worry, I’ll make sure the others don’t force you to talk and Sanji makes you something to help your throat.” She assures, making her way back to the kitchen, which didn’t take long.
“O-okay..” you nod, eventually making it to the door and Nami just opens it up, seeing only a few of the members, so some must’ve left.
The four in the room look up at the door and find you, instantly smiling at the sight of your form.
“Already done?” Chopper questions in confusion and Nami smiles. “I would’ve spent more time with them but there’s so many of us, so we should make it short and easy for them for today.”
Robin, Brook, Chopper and Sanji nod in agreement at their navigator and Robin smiles gently.
“So, who would you like to spend time with next?”
Nami nudges you to speak in front of them and you turn to Sanji.
“Uh..Er.. Is it okay if I spend some time with you?..”
Sanji widens his eyes, clearly a bit surprised but nonetheless, smiles in joy. “Of course, [Name]-chan!”
Nami then ushers the others out, the only one to sulk being Brook but Nami was quick to slap his skull.
The door shut closed and you awkwardly stood there, shifting your weight. You never spent much time with them, despite fighting battles alongside the crew, so you weren’t sure what to do or say.
Sanji, noticing your discomfort, smiles lightly and gestures for you to sit at the counter as he stood behind it, in the kitchen.
“So, [Name]-chan. Is there anything you want to drink?”
You look around the dining room, taking a good look since this was one of the first times actually being in here.
“..Tea?.. my throat kind of hurts...” you mumble, reaching up to rub your throat again and Sanji nods. “I know the perfect thing! Ice or hot?”
“[ Either one ].” You answer, shifting in your seat and making yourself comfortable a bit in the stool and watched as Sanji quickly went to work.
Watching him silently from the counter, you lean on your palm and thought for a minute.
What were you supposed to talk about?
You hardly knew much about them and isolating yourself from them let you absolutely awkward and unsure of what to say or do, so you hoped Sanji would do something.
But the poor blonde cook kept silent, figuring that’s what you’d prefer as he made your drink.
So you had to do it.
The blonde hums gently, letting you know he was listening.
“Uh...so.. what’s for dinner?..”
Sanji stays silent for a moment, taking in the hesitation in your voice before turning around to face you. “.. Anything you want, [Name]-chan. What do you want to eat?”
You ponder a bit at his question before feeling your stomach growling at the thought of a particular food. “..Can you make [ Food ]? It’s from my homeland and.. it’s really good.”
Sanji’s eyes lights up and he grins widely. “I’d be honored to make a dish native to your homeland, [Name]-chan!” He deflates a little bit and leans back. “However.. I’m a little worried I won’t be able to make it as good. I know I have the proper ingredients though, I’m sure.”
Sanji’s been studying on his own time, with the small assistance of Robin, knowing she was also studying up by gathering information from your island.
You offer a small smile as Sanji turns to take the drink he made and set it in front of you. “It’s okay.. I trust that you can make it even better.”
Sanji widens his eyes at the sudden compliment and encouragement, feeling his heart warming towards his younger crew member.
You take the cup in hand and brought it up to your lips, taking a light sip of the beverage.
“I see.. in that case, we shall have [ Food ] for dinner tonight.”
Your smile widens just a little bit at his announcement and you continue drinking before seeing Sanji still staring at you. “What is it?..”
“Would you like to help me?”
You pause in your movement, eyes wide at his question. “You want me to help you? I can’t cook.” You furrow your brows at the suggestion.
I mean, sure you had some BASIC skills, but nothing as extravagant compared to Sanji.
“I’d love to show you! Besides, I’m sure you can also offer me some tips and suggestions on your home dish.” Sanji grins assuringly, bringing a small, comforted smile to your lips.
And so, after handing you a spare apron and letting you prepare yourself as he got the ingredients set, the two of you got to work.
Sanji moving towards the cutting board, you point to the vegetables set out by him.
“You should start cutting these up.. they should be bite-sized.” You inform, Sanji nodding and quickly cutting up the given ingredients with ease.
While Sanji finished with that, you began to look for the pots and pans and after finding what you needed, you did what you needed, ( whether it’s boiling water, filling a skillet with oil, etc. ) and set it onto the stove to heat.
“[Name]-chan, I can handle the stove. I don’t want you to accidentally burn yourself with the fire or the oil, so I’ll leave the cutting and mixing up to you.”
Nodding your head, you move aside and let him take your place before moving towards the cutting board.
‘.. how can you cut vegetables so beautifully?..’ you sweatdrop and began preparing what you needed to do before looking around.
Your eyes widen a little in remembrance and realization and you set the items down before heading to the rice cooker. You open the lid and find the pot empty and pulled it out, looking for the rice grains.
It didn’t take long to find it, fortunately, so you began to put in a few cups, and with the amount of food you were bound to make for Luffy, more than four was needed, obviously.
You did what you needed to, plopping the pot back into the cooker to cook the rice before going to the cutting board.
“Sanji, should we.. cook the meat first or cut it first?..” You trail off, unsure yourself as you went over to the fridge to find the meat.
The blonde cook ponders for a second before speaking. “It’ll be best if we cut first, so we can cook it all a lot quicker.” You merely nod in response as you pull out the required meats and brought it over to a new cutting board set up.
“Do you know how to cut them?” Sanji inquires, turning to you, which you nod in response. “I mean.. it’s just cutting it into smaller pieces. Right?..”
Sanji chuckles. “Yeah, in a way..” He lowers the flame on the stove so the oil/water can sit before moving to your side. “Here, let me show you.”
And so, with another cutting board and knife, he teaches you the correct and efficient technique, explaining which parts to throw and which parts to save.
“And then you cut them up into this size and set it aside to use. Did that make sense?” You nod at him, making him smile as he returns back to the stove.
Prepping yourself, you began to cut the meats into bite sized pieces, getting rid of the unnecessary parts and discarding them into the trash, exactly like Sanji had explained to you.
‘This feels nice.. cooking with Sanji.. even if we aren’t talking, it’s kind of, comfortable..’
The tiny curve of your lips move upwards as you thought silently, but distracted thoughts flooded your head as you no longer became focused on cutting.
‘Maybe, I should ask to cook with him more often.. it’ll be great to learn and spend more bonding time with him.’
You were so lost in thoughts, you forgot what you were doing and suddenly hissed in pain.
The sound was loud enough to catch Sanji’s ears as he widens his eyes and turns in a panic. “[Name]-chan! Are you alright?”
“Yeah, just a cut..” you poke at the blood, watching it drip down a bit quickly. ‘Guess I cut more of my skin than I think, by the looks of it..’ you frown.
“Let’s get you to Chopper.”
“H-Huh?.. but I’m fi-“
Sanji wastes no time to pick you up, as if you broken an ankle, and began carrying you over to the medical office.
An inaudible sigh escapes you, you relaxing in defeat as you thought about the medical office.
Sure, you’ve hurt yourself plenty of times before, nothing too fatal but enough to need patching up from Chopper. You were always up and out of the office pretty quickly, so you were curious to what the room even looked like.
Sanji knocks twice before opening the door with ease and walks in, seeing the little reindeer at his desk. “Sanji, [Name]! Something wrong?” The chirpy reindeer asks, a smile wide on his face.
“[Name]-chan’s hurt.” Sanji explains briefly, setting you down gently onto the bed and you turn to the little doctor.
“It’s just a cut.” You bluntly state, showing your finger and Chopper smiles lightly. “Nothing serious, at least! We should go wash and get it bandaged before an infection comes though.”
You nod and stand back up to head to the sink in the office, Sanji offering a weak smile. “I’m sorry, [Name]-chan. You got hurt because—“
“Huh?” As you stop in your tracks and turn back to face the blonde, you peer up a bit and shake your head. “It’s not your fault... I just got lost in my thoughts.” You murmured out, turning away.
You turn back to the sink and began washing your hands. “You should keep cooking, Sanji.. I look forward to you making [ food ].” You sneak a glance back at Sanji and held a ghost of a smile to him. “Cheer up, okay?”
Sanji widens his eyes at your expression, before he lets out a relaxed smile and light chuckle. “Yeah.. I’ll get to it then.”
With that, the chef left you alone with Chopper, who returns with his supplies.
“All cleaned up? Head on over to the bed and sit again!” Chopper smiles and waddles over to the bed before hopping up onto the edge.
You follow after the tiny man and sat across from him, holding out your finger.
Chopper, who kept silent to focus, began to clean up the cut with alcohol and wrapped your finger into a bandage.
‘Guess now is a good time to spend time with him..’
“So.. you came from Drum Island.. right?..” You internally sigh for being so awkward around them. Thankfully, they didn’t seem to mind.
“Yeah! It’s where I learned to study medicines from Doctorine!” Chopper excitedly claims, looking up from his task, which he finished.
“Doctorine? Oh.. you mean like your guardian?” You prodded at your finger a few times, seeing the wrapped bandage.
“Something like that. She taught me everything I know.” You nod at him and look to him. “Guess she must be a genius, since you know a lot. Right?”
Chopper widens his eyes at the compliment before waving you off with a scoff.
“Flattery doesn’t make me happy at all, don’t think you can fool me so easily~” Chopper sings, blushing as he danced on the bed.
Your eyes held a hint of amusement at Chopper as he calms down. “But you’re right. Doctorine is the best doctor I know.”
“I bet she is.” You stand up and dust your clothes, gesturing to your finger at the doctor.
“Thanks for patching me up, Chopper..” You watch the reindeer put on a wide smile and nods eagerly. “No problem! It’s my job!”
You pat his head lightly and nod, heading to the door. “I’ll get going then, see you later..”
With that, you exited the medical bay and shut the door behind you, wondering what you should do next.
‘Now what?.. Should i go back to Sanji to help?.. or should I find someone else?’
You wandered the upper deck aimlessly before making your way down to the main deck, where you found Usopp fumbling with something.
‘Hm. Usopp..’
You make you way over to the sniper, watching him suddenly jump up and cheer. “Eureka!” He hollers excitedly, startling you.
“Um.. did something.. happen?” You mumble, somewhat cautious as you step towards him.
Usopp jumps in fear when he hears you, before visibly relaxing and grinning determinedly. “Yeah, I finished my creation!”
He holds up his latest work, which seems to be an advanced archery bow.
The bow itself has an attachment that can carry arrows so you don’t require a separate bag, and it’s string seemed much more flexible to allow better accuracy and distance.
“Oh wow, that actually looks really cool..” you quietly awed, eyes widening in interest as Usopp chuckles eagerly.
“Right?! I’ve been working on it to better advance my stealth, since guns can be pretty loud, and slingshots can be tricky sometimes!”
He then smirks down at his bow and arrow in his hands and holds it up, readying an arrow upon the bow and aimed at the can that sat on the railing.
“But these bad boys are tipped with several of my ammo so I don’t need to grab the mini seeds anymore, since these arrows already have the affect!”
Usopp lets go of the arrow and it pierces the can with ease, knocking it into the ocean.
“Woohoo! Alright!” Usopp cheers, laughing hysterically. “Haha! I did it!!” He jumps around in joy, you watching with a slight smile. “Yeah.. you’re a brilliant inventor and sniper after all.”
Usopp pauses, eyes widening as he flushed a bit at the unexpected compliment, before snapping his head to you.
“You want to try, [Name]?” He smiles widely and held out the bow. “I can help you aim if you’d like!”
You thought for a bit before nodding, actually a little bit excited. “Yeah, sure. It looks really cool.”
Usopp felt his pride building up at your words and grins. “It is cool! Here, hold this and I’ll go set up the cans.”
Taking the bow, you inspect it closer with interested eyes. ‘I don’t remember the last time I touched a bow.. did I ever?’
Usopp returns quickly to your side and smiles, pointing to the cans. “Alright, [Name]. Now just hold up the bow, ready the arrow and take aim!”
You nod in understanding, steadying your arms and aimed directly at the center of the cans. Pulling back the arrow, you lined it up into position, going on Usopp’s count.
“Alright, and..... fire!”
You release your hold and watch the arrow shoot straight into the center and knocked itself into the ocean, like Usopp’s.
“I did it!” Your eyes widen and you smile to yourself. “That was awesome!” You turn to Usopp with bright eyes, but Usopp just laughs. “Nice shot!”
Usopp holds up his hands excitedly and you smile softer, hanging the bow onto your arm and high-fived him. “Yeah.”
“You sound like you’re having some SUUUPPERRR~ fun!”
The two of you turn to the source of voice and find Franky grinning at the two of you from below deck.
“Yeah, I just showed [Name] my latest creation and she just made a nice shot with my bow!” Usopp grins and Franky whistles. “Not bad, kid!”
The corner of your lips move upwards, a sheepish expression taking over your face. “Thanks..” you turn back to Franky and spoke. “What are you up to?”
“Ah, fixing something with The Sunny from down here. Almost done but it’s a little difficult, especially since I’m adding a new feature. Wanna check it out?”
You glance to Usopp, who nods that it was okay, and you return the bow, heading to Franky calmly.
“Yeah, sure.”
A/N : YAY, that took so long. I’m really happy with how this turned out, and I’m extremely excited to get to Zoro, Luffy and Brook’s interaction but unfortunately, I reached the limit so this is what happens, I’ll have to make a part 3. ;-;
Anyways, I’m so sorry for the long wait, I seriously hope this was worth the wait and that you look forward to the other’s interactions and then the final family interaction!! :DD have a lovely day/night, everyone ! <3
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pink-bird-30 · 4 years
RobStar Week 2020-Wedding Bells
Hi guys, I know I’m a day off for posting day 6 of RobStar week.  But if you saw my previous post, I had a sudden death in my family and I needed time to process it.  And I appreciate those who sent messgages in understanding.  I just didn’t feel right writing such a happy moment for Robin and Starfire while I felt so sad.
Nevertheless, I have finished writing yesterday’s prompt and I’m happy with it.  I wish I could write more on this, but then we’d be here for hours lol.
As always, my RobStar week postings are connected.  So please go read the other entires before this one.
I will be posting day 7 tomorrow even thought RobStar week has officially ended.  I just didn’t have it in me to write two stories today.
If you'd like to read all my entries in one sitting, here is a link to my FF.Net
Happy Reading!
October 15, 2020
You are cordially invited to attend the wedding of Richard John Grayson & Kory Anderson.
Cyborg tucks his white and gold invitation into his tux as he and Beast Boy make their way to the groom’s suite.
“Yo, Vic.  Do you think he’s freaking out?”  Beast boy asks as he checks his reflection in every mirror they passed in the overly expensive hotel hallway.
Cyborg chuckles and rubs his hands together, “Dick freaking out over his wedding?  Man, oh man!  I hope so, I’m gonna need some sort of entertainment before the reception.”
The two laugh before knocking on the creme colored door that read ‘Groom’ and watched as it swung open, revealing a panic stricken groom.
“Thank god you’re both here, please tell me you have the rings.”
The word ‘rings’ hangs in the air for eternity.  Cyborg looks to Beast Boy, his eye growing wide, and Beast Boy looking at Cyborg with his mouth gapping.  
Oh Shit!!!!
Dick’s eyes widen before launching himself at Cyborg and Beast Boy, causing all three men to fall to the ground.
“Dick, man.  Just calm down.”  Cyborg tries to sit up but is knocked back down to the maroon carpet.
Dick gives him a pointed look, “Calm down?  Calm down!  Vic, this isn’t some mission where if I forgot my boa staff I still had my birdarangs as back up.  NO, THIS IS OUR WEDDING!”
Beast Boy turns a pale shade of green and tries to shake himself out of Dick’s hold, but he is no match for his angry leader’s strength.
Dick turns to Beast Boy next and seethed, “And you!  You thought it’d be smart to trust you both with such a simple task! ‘Rob, man.  You can trust us.  We gotchu.’ Ha!  Do you want to be the one to tell Starfire you left our rings halfway across the country?!”
The two Titans on the floor share a horrified glance, “No!”
“Good,”  Dick pushes off of them and gets to his feet, brushing off his dark blue tux pants and readjusting his suspenders and white dress shirt.
Dick storms back into his suit and throws himself onto the white couch.  He rests his elbows on his knees and his head falls into his hands.  The other two Titans cautiously walk inside the room and close the door behind them.
Cyborg approaches Dick warily before settling a hand on his shoulder, “Dick, we’ll get the rings.  Don’t worry about it.”
He groans knowing it was impossible for them to get the rings now.  It finally started to get dark in Gotham and knew the ceremony is about to begin.
Dick drops his hands and falls further back into the couch, “How am I supposed to be a good husband to Kori when I can’t even make sure the rings got here today?  What if it’s a sign, what if we’re not supposed to get married today, what if-“  Dick was cut off by a green hand slapping him across the face.
Beast Boy pulls Dick by his shirt and shakes him, “Pull yourself together man!  What do you mean, ‘How am I supposed to be a good husband’?  Dude, you fucking worship the ground that woman walks on and have taken care of her since day one.  There is no one else that would be a better husband for her than you.  So stop your whining and get your shit together!”
From besides him, Dick could hear Cyborg let out a low ‘Oh damn’.
Beast Boy slowly lets go of Dick and steps back quickly, afraid he’ll come to his senses and attacked him for slapping him.
Dick lets out a long breath, “You’re right.  I’m just nervous and I don’t want to mess this up.  She means too much to me.”  Dick smoothed out his shirt again and stands up.  He makes his way to his nightstand and pulls out his cellphone.  He quickly dials the one person he knew could help them out of their bind.
Dick paces the room waiting for the phone to pick up, “Grayson!  Are you freaking out yet?!”
Dick lets out a huff and cuts to the chase, “Wally, are you still in Star City?”  His voice short.
“Yeah, what up?  I said I’d be there before the ceremony began.  I’m not like Barry who’d be too late.”
“I need a huge favor.”
“Oh?  And what might this favor be?”  Dick can hear the playful tone in Wally’s voice, but he doesn’t have the patience right now.
Cyborg sees the anger start to swell in Dick’s blue eyes, “Damn, Wally has a death wish right now.”  He said to Beast Boy.
“No kidding, dude is an idiot.”
Before Dick has a chance to rip Wally a new one, Cyborg takes the phone out of Dick’s hands and puts it on speaker, “Yo, KF.  We need you to go into the tower and into my room to grab Dick and Kori’s wedding bands.  BB and I forgot them last night before the bachelor party.”
Wally paused on the other end of the phone before responding.  “Holy, shit.  You guys forgot the rings?  How are you two still breathing?!”
Beast Boy frowned, “Dick didn’t hurt us too much-“
“Not dick,” Wally cut in. “I thought for sure Kori would have torn you both in half.”
The room grew silent.
Wally howls with laughter on the other end of the phone, “You mean to tell me Kori has no idea you forgot the rings?  Dick, how are you not even married yet and already keeping secrets from your wife?”
“Wally.”  Dick warns.
Wally laughs again, “Alright, calm down Boy Wonder.  I’ll get the rings.”
Dick sighs in relief, “Thanks, Wally.  Now get here as soon as you can.  The ceremony is about to begin.”
“Roger that.”
And the call ends.
Beast Boy walks over to the fridge for a beer and pops it with his teeth, “See I told you it would work out.”
Dick glares at him and sends his shoe flying at his face.
Kori sits still as the makeup artist puts the final touches on her look before she steps into her wedding gown.  Kori spent the week daydreaming about wearing this gown and walking down the aisle towards Dick.  It is a low back, sweetheart neckline mermaid gown with long lace sleeves and train.  The buttons on the back of her gown are small flowers with rhinestones that will glitter under the full moon.  The makeup artist added the lace and rhinestone veil to her hair.  Kori decided to wear her hair in a low braided bun with small star pins places throughout her auburn locks.
“Viola!  You are a bride!”  The makeup artist stood back to let Kori take a look in the mirror.  She felt herself tear up at her reflection.
“Oh!  I look most delightful, I am the grateful!”  She smiles at her helper through the mirror.
The makeup artists packs up her things and throws her bag over her shoulder, “In all my years of doing makeup, I neva’ thought I’d be doin’ makeup for Bruce Wayne’s son’s bride.  And I don’t think I’ve eva’ had sucha beautiful bride before, your beauty is out of this world!” she said in a thick Gotham accent.
Kori laughs to herself knowing that the makeup artist does not know where she was from.
“Thank you.” The makeup artist smiles at her one last time, takes a few pictures for her portfolio, and leaves the room.
“Friend, Raven.  The artist of makeup has left.  You may reappear.”
Raven steps through the portal she opens in the wall and takes a seat on Kori’s bed.
“Good, I don’t think I would have taken another moment of, “Darlin’ you would look fabulous in pink!’ Yeck.”  Raven rolls her purple eyes.
Kori smiles at her friend and grabs her bouquet of  yellow and red tulips before turning to Raven.
“Is it the time, yet?”
Raven smiles at her friend knowing how big of a moment this is for her.  All she can think back to was that fated day she came crashing into Jump City and changed their lives.  Who knew one day she’d be attending Dick and Kori’s wedding.  Raven can only think back to the feelings the two of them were harboring for one another for years before Dick finally told her how he felt.  The only way Raven could explain it was like being high.  Every time she’d walk in a room, and they were talking, it was like getting hit by a wave, so quick and ready to drag her under.
She knew the feeling all too well herself, but is afraid of how she’d handle her emotions if she were to let herself feel that kind of love completely.
Stupid pointy eared man with the cute fang.
A knock at the door brought Raven from her thoughts.
Starfire squeals knowing who it is.  She pulls up the sides of her dress to prevent herself from tripping on the fabric and dashes to the door.  When she pulls it open, Bruce is standing there adjusting the cufflinks on his black tux.  He looks up to see Starfire smiling at him and he couldn’t help but smile in return.
“Kori, you look stunning.”  He places a gentle kiss on her cheek.
Kori blushes slightly, “Thank you, Bruce.”
Alfred appears behind Bruce and smiles at the young bride, “Princess, you look quite marvelous in your gown.  But as the time precedes us, we mustn’t keep Richard waiting.  Don’t want him worrying, now do we?”
Starfire nods her head before turning around to grab her bouquet and pulls Raven from the room.
“Kori, slow down!”
It couldn’t have been a more perfect night for a rooftop wedding.  The full moon radiates high in the night sky, stark against the deep purple night.  Dick looks up, watching as a new stars appear as the moon travels through sky, going higher and higher.
Glancing across the rooftop, he takes note all the hard work he and Kori put into make this place special.  They spent hours hanging string lights across the rooftop for lighting.  It took two days making the floral lattice arch they would stand beneath when saying their vows, weaving red and yellow tulips all around it with sting lights.  The white chairs are all lined up with the chairs facing towards the aisle having small lanterns hanging from them, to light the path that Kori would be walking down.
All the guests started to come in from the cocktail hour and settle in their seats; Dick recognizes more than half of the guest as his fellow heroes. The remaining bunch were a few of Bruce’s board members that he invited to show good faith.  
Where the hell is Wally?!
Dick pulls back his dark blue tux sleeve to look at the time on his Rolex.
Dick looks up to see Raven.  She looks very nice in her deep purple strapless gown, which catches Dick off guard.  He notices a hint of makeup on her cheeks and lips, and her normally straight hair is hanging in lose curls.
“You look beautiful, Raven.  How’s Kori doing?”
Raven blushes and then slightly scowls, “You’re deflecting.”
Dick leans against the side of the roof and looks down to the city below.  It was strange to think that he’d been in Gotham twice this year.  Before he was engaged, he hadn’t come back to Gotham ever since he left when he was 16.
That seems like forever ago.
“It’s time.”  Dick’s heart jumps into his throat as the quartet’s music flows across the roof.  Raven give Dick’s arm a pat before she walks back off the roof to accompany Beast Boy down the aisle.
Taking a deep breath, Dick sends a small prayer up to the stars.
I know you guys are here with me today, and I hope I’m making you proud.
Dick makes his way down the aisle, watching as Alfred takes his place under the lattice to officiate the wedding.  The butler smiles at Dick once he is settled to the left of him, waiting for the rest of the wedding party make their way down the aisle.
“Ready, Richard?”
Dick gives him a bright smile, “Yeah, I am.”
Cyborg and Bumble Bee begin the wedding by walking down the aisle.  It took some thinking, but Dick knew Cyborg was his best man.  He’s been there since day one for him, helping him to guide the team from the beginning, and being the friends he needed in tough times when he knew he couldn’t go to Kori.  They have each other’s backs.
Next, came Raven and Beasty boy.  Dick is surprised Raven is letting Beast Boy touch her as they walk down the aisle.  But from the looks on their faces, they seem to be comfortable with each other.
I’ll have to ask Kori about that later…
After they made their way down the aisle, the music transitions to ‘Here comes the bride’.  The doors in the back of the roof open revealing Kori in all her glory.  Dick is certain his mind blanked for a moment.  
She looks absolutely stunning.
Bruce offers his arm to Kori and she gladly takes it.
As Kori makes her way down the aisle her entire focus is on Dick.  She can see the emotion in his eyes as she takes one step closer to him.  He smiles brightly at her knowing he wants to commemorate this moment to memory and never let it go.  She watches as he wipes at his eyes, making her tear up a bit.
They’ve both come so far up until this point and it is finally happening.
As they reach the alter, Bruce steps in front of Kori to pull her vail over her head to reveal her face and places a kiss on her cheek.  He steps aside to give her hand to Dick’s, which he graciously takes before helping her up the remining steps to stand across from him under the floral lattice.
He brings her left hand up to his lips and brushes a kiss across her knuckles, “Hi.”
She couldn’t help but giggle, “Greetings.”
“Has anyone told you, you look absolutely gorgeous tonight?”
Kori pretends to think before smiling at him, “Perhaps not.  Although, I do not the minding of hearing it.”  
“Ahem,” Alfred clears his voice, trying to gain the attention of the bride and groom.  “if we are done with the pleasantries, may we continue.”
Dick nods.
Alfred goes into detail of Kori and Dick’s relationship, mindful to leave out how they really met just in case any reporters paid the staff for intel on the wedding.
“Do you, Richard John Grayson take Ms. Kory Anderson to be your wife?”
Dick rubs the back of her hands as he says, “I Do.”
“And do you, Kory Anderson take Mr. Richard John Grayson to be your husband?”
Kori sniffles, feeling the tears pool in her eyes.  “I Do.”
Alfred looks to the audience, “May we please have the rings.”
Dick’s eyes widen for a moment remember the debacle from earlier.
The rings!
As Dick was about to tell Kori what happened to their rings, Wally waltzes up the steps and hands Dick the ring box with his and Kori’s rings.  He gives Dick a pat on the back and whispers, “Told ya I’d get here in time.”
Dick shakes his head at Wally as he walks back down to his seat.  He hands Kory his ring and he takes Kori’s before sliding the box into his tux pocket.
“Repeat after me, ‘With this ring, I thee wed.’”
Dick places the ring on Kori’s finger, “With this ring, I thee wed.”
“Once more, ‘With this ring, I thee wed.’”
Kori places Dick’s ring on his finger and says, “With this ring, I thee wed.”
They’re eyes meet at the same time as Alfred finishes the ceremony.
“With the power vested in my granted by the City of Gotham, I now pronounce you husband and wife.  You may kiss your bride.”
Dick reaches forward and cups Kori’s face before pulling her lips to his.  In the distance there were cheers and applause for the new married couple.  As they pull apart the cheers slowed until Alfred stepped aside for everyone to see them.
“I now present Mr. and Mrs. Grayson.”  The room erupted in applause and whistles as they made their way down the aisle and into their new lives as husband and wife.
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drawlfoy · 5 years
request guidelines
yes i’m actually back now lol
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also this gif is the most adorable thing i’ve ever laid eyes on i love it to the pit of my soul 
pairing: draco x grangertwin!reader
request: yes! thank you!
summary: reader is a gryffindor along with hermione. she originally shares her twin sister’s feelings about draco, but then when she sees something one day her opinions change...but the question is will it be mutual?
warnings: cursing. if you’ve read any fics before you know me well enough by now to assume
a/n: heyyy i’m back!! i finished my act on saturday without too much trouble. i either did really well or painfully mediocre. it totally depends on how good my guessing skills were that day. also, i’ve started a new job, which has been fun but has also filled up my schedule more than i would’ve liked. i’m back now, and you’ll notice that my fics are a little longer. i’m no longer planning on publishing 1-2 fics a day. instead i think i’ll write longer ones over the span of a couple days. thanks for reading, and as always, requests are open! i’ll try to burn through my current ones too, so if you’re still waiting on a request, it’ll be out in the near future!
music recs: i’m literally listening to creepy reddit stories asmr lol
word count: 4,317 (wow! longest one shot i’ve written!)
Hermione’s voice rang out from across the courtyard, pulling Y/N’s attention away from the little robin chirping excitedly at her from the bushes. 
“We’re waiting!”
Y/N rolled her eyes. Hermione and her obsessive scheduling.
“I’ll meet you there later, ‘Mione! I’m busy right now!” she yelled back, hoping that the robin wouldn’t fly away from her raised voice.
“Suit yourself!” 
With that, Hermione dragged Ron and Harry off to somewhere else, no doubt the library. Or perhaps the kitchens, if it was Ron putting the destination requests in. 
Y/N turned back to the robin in bush, still waiting and staring at her expectantly.
“You’re a smart little thing, aren’t you?” she cooed, fishing through her pockets. The packet she was looking for was in there somewhere. 
As she searched, she noted that the robin had an interesting mark on his orange chest--an odd sprinkling of grey feathers across the middle. The color difference only served to make the little bird more endearing.
Y/N’s fingers closed around the packet, sighing in relief and pulling it out.
The robin chirped when it saw the crushed peanuts, hopping on a branch just a tad closer.
“Easy, there,” she mumbled. “Give me a moment, darling. I just need to open it.”
Once she succeeded, she placed the peanuts on a branch close to the robin, smiling as the bird hopped closer and began to feast. 
“What are you doing?” 
Y/N spun around to see the last person she wanted to see--a confused but flushed Draco Malfoy, wearing that stupid fur hat and black leather gloves to ward off the cold weather.
“Being a charitable person, Malfoy,” Y/N snapped back, motioning to the bird, who was just about to finish up the peanuts.
Y/N jumped, shocked at the sudden burst of energy from Malfoy. She watched, stunned, as the blonde boy leapt forward, snatching the bird before it could fly away.
“What the fuck, Mal-”
“Are you trying to kill this poor thing?!”  Malfoy cut into her exclamation. He was suddenly frantic, attempting to steady the bird in one hand and locate his wand in the other.
“What are you talking about? I feed robins peanuts all the time, they love them.”
“Are you daft, Y/N?” Malfoy snapped. “This isn’t a robin! Look at the grey feathers on its chest! This is a Kricowl, it’s not a robin! It’s deathly allergic to peanuts!”
“A what?”
“Shut up and grab my wand out of my pocket!”
Y/N had never seen her arch-nemesis look so scared as she reached in his pocket. The lining of his pockets was soft and felt obnoxiously expensive. His coat probably cost more than the price of everything in her room combined.
She pressed his wand into his free hand and watched as he pressed the bird down on the table next to them, muttering incoherent spells under his breath. Within a few seconds, the bird opened its mouth and began heaving, chunks of peanut coming out completely undigested. 
Stealing a look at Malfoy’s face, Y/N was stunned to see how concerned he looked for the little bird, even going as far as to reach out and stroke the soft, orange belly of the Kricowl. She could’ve sworn that she heard him whisper a pained “don’t you worry, you’ll be alright”.
Once the bird had seemed to expel all of the nuts it had consumed, Malfoy turned to her again.
“Go to the potion supply cupboard and bring back some knotgrass, you hear me?” 
Y/N turned and sprinted to the potions classroom, her sassy comebacks dying on the inside of her cheeks. It had become abundantly clear to her that Malfoy was not messing with her--why else would he have asked her to reach into his pocket?
She returned a few moments later, holding the knotgrass out to the blonde. He grabbed one of the leaves, twisting it over the bird’s mouth and landing a drop of something into its open beak. 
Within seconds, the bird was back on its feet and flying up, far away from both of the students.
“I had no idea,” Y/N breathed. 
“I mean...” Malfoy gave her a sideways glance. “I can’t blame you. It’s not like it’s your fault you were born inferior.”
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek as she thought. 
“But it’s your fault you’re such an intolerant ass,” Y/N responded. “I bet that Kicrowl is the only thing on this campus that appreciates you.”
“Kricowl. And thank you for your input, I value it so, so highly.”
With that, the blonde huffed and turned, sauntering off to wherever rich purebloods went after they said their mandatory bigoted remark of the day.
Y/N had only ever spoken to Pansy Parkinson directly once, and that was plenty enough for her, thank you very much. Her vile nature was something that made Y/N wish she was a Kricowl gorging itself on peanuts. The one time they interacted had been when Parkinson had sat in Y/N’s newly assigned seat in potions in the beginning of term. Y/N had kindly asked for her to move, to which she had responded, “Sorry, I have trouble hearing those with with bad breeding. Can you come again?”
Y/N had sat in a different chair that day and for the rest of the days remaining. It wasn’t that she was afraid of Parkinson--no, she just had better things to do. It was so much more fun to goof off with Harry, Hermione, and Ron than to sit and plot her revenge. That was a Slytherin school of thought, and there was a reason why Y/N was a Gryffindor along with her sister. 
Unfortunately, she was unable to keep this quiet streak going with Parkinson. 
It was a crisp February morning, and Y/N was on her way to her first class when she heard yelling from her left. Swinging around. she saw Pansy shrieking at a pair of two young Hufflepuffs. She moved closer to investigate and soon realized that a crowd was forming around them, a group of interested students who were too afraid to step in. The Slytherins were grouped on one end, laughing like sadists and watching as Pansy’s comments caused one of the girls to start tearing up. 
Y/N moved closer, leaning her head in to hear what they were saying.
“-and YOU have the audacity to trip me!”
“It was a mistake, I swear! Like I said, I didn’t mean to!” the young Hufflepuff cried out, her voice jumping up a few octaves.
“No matter! I’m not attending a school where Hufflepuff halfbloods can get in my wa-”
“Excuse me?”
Y/N stepped into the circle the students had formed before she could stop herself, bracing herself for the impact to come. 
“I don’t believe I was talking to you, mudblood,” Pansy spat, digging her heels in and puffing out her chest.
Ignoring what the pureblood had just said to her, Y/N began, addressing everyone standing around the scene.
“Listen, can we just admit what Pansy is too embarrassed to?” 
Whispers began filling the crowd. Pansy looked like she didn’t quite know what to do.
“The Hufflepuffs didn’t trip her,” Y/N said, motioning to the two quivering girls next to her. “It’s her heels. We’ve all seen it. Pansy can’t walk in them, but she still insists on wearing them every day.”
Pansy stiffened up, glaring at Y/N, and then trying to glance anonymously at her feet, clad in heels that were ill suited for school. Everyone else in the crowd did the exact same thing. Laughter rippled through the courtyard as people began to remember all the times they saw Pansy stumble around in her shoes. 
Pansy turned a tomato red, spinning around and darting off, at least as fast as she was able considering her footwear. 
Y/N turned and left as well, but not before she noticed a pair of steel-grey eyes staring curiously at her. 
As the days grew longer, Y/N became aware of Pansy’s wrath. The brunette would show up out of nowhere and mess with her by casting little spells to cause embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions or ruin her hair day and even trying to trip her herself. 
Y/N, on the other hand, had other things to be concerned with. 
One day in Charms class, Y/N found herself staring at a certain boy across the room as he lazily practiced Aquamenti.
His pale, slender fingers loosely gripped his wand while his cheek rested on his other hand, tilting his head slightly to the side. There was a peculiar way in which he scrunched his nose as he cast the spell over and over again, each time performing it perfectly. 
Y/N allowed herself to gaze at him for as long as it took for him to fully fill the goblet in front of him with water from the repeated Aquamenti charm, and when Malfoy finally lifted his head up from his hand and glanced over in her direction, she snapped back to attention, pretending to be intently practicing the spell herself.
Gulping, Y/N tried to fight back the blush that rose on her cheeks as she felt the boy’s eyes drag over her. Was he looking at her? She couldn’t say for sure, she was trying so hard to pretend like she hadn’t just been caught staring that she couldn’t naturally look up to see where Malfoy was looking, not now. 
She froze in her chair as she noticed the blonde get up from his chair and make his way over in her general direction.
No, no, no, there was no way, you’re just overanalyzing, there’s no reason why he’d come over here. 
Turning her head, she pretended to rummage through her satchel to pull out a quill for no real reason.
“Is there something in my teeth? Or do you just have a problem with my wand work?”
Y/N jolted, snapping her head back up to see Malfoy standing before her, calmly staring down at her. He was, impressively, much taller than she was. 
This is no time to be thinking of that.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” Y/N rolled her quill in between her fingers under the table in an attempt to her hide her nervousness.
“Oh? So why were you staring at me?” Malfoy adopted a rather amused face as Y/N was taken aback from his forwardness.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she retorted, setting her jaw and placing a hand on her hip. 
Malfoy’s lip quirked as he looked her up and down, apparently thinking about what he was going to say next. 
“Whatever you say, Y/N.” 
With that, Malfoy stalked back to his rightful desk, leaving Y/N shocked at the fact that he called her something other than Granger.
It had taken Y/N a while, but when all she could think about was how soft Draco’s hair would feel if she ran her fingers through it, she had to admit that she had begun to nurture a crush on the intolerable pureblood. 
She didn’t know what started it, but she had a hunch that it had to do with his actions that day on the courtyard where he saved that bird, whispering those gentle phrases to it when he thought she couldn’t hear. Or perhaps it was the fact that he was referring to her by her first name now, and the way that it rolled off his tongue was so enticing--so pristine that it made her feel lucky.
She knew it wasn’t right. It was immoral to fall for the boy who had made her sister’s life hell for the better part of 5 years. She knew better than her inner instincts to save the “bad” boy. She knew that Draco was very popular with girls and that if she wanted him, she’d have to get in the back of a very impressive line of girls with more money and better families. 
But a stubborn part of her prodded these doubts away, reminding her of how many times she thought she had seen Draco staring at her out of the corner of her eye, how many times he “accidentally” brushed past her in the hallway. Granted, all of the incidents could’ve been sheer luck and, besides, she was far too shy to talk to him anyways.
So, as any rational 15 year old girl would do, she decided that there was no harm in pursuing him in her imagination. The deal was simple--she wouldn’t make a single move on him in real life, but her daydreams were fair game.
And so, it began. Y/N spent those few precious moments before she drifted off into sleep indulging in her most shameful desires. She imagined what it would feel like to run her fingers through the Slytherin Prince’s hair, to softly trace the outlines of his cheekbones. She wondered if his hands would be cool or warm to the touch, whether or not the icy paleness of his skin was any indicator to either of the options. She imagined that his skin would be soft from the expensive wizard soaps he’d use religiously. She imagined how he’d take his tea--strong with no sugar. 
Her feelings began to collide with reality whenever she ran into Draco in classes, He seemed more interested in tormenting the Golden Trio than he was in the earlier part of the year, forcing Y/N to acknowledge the uglier side of the boy whose lovely eyes she dreamed of at night. However, to her surprise, he never once uttered the word “mudblood” in her presence. In fact, she couldn’t even pinpoint the last time he had said it. 
His taunts became less about her sister’s blood inferiority, morphing into rather clever, witty, and biting remarks about the trio’s irritating amount of self-importance and righteousness. 
As much as Y/N hated to admit it, she agreed with some of it. Hermione, Ron, and Harry were all lovely people, but she often felt left out. Since Hermione had met them first, they grew closer to each other than they did to Y/N. They were plenty civil to her, but not as interested in actually being her real friend.
Not that she didn’t mind too much. She already got enough attention being vaguely connected to Harry. She didn’t know how she could handle being a target for all the anti-Potter propaganda and was much more content being as off the map and incognito as possible. 
But at the same time, it was a little sad whenever she saw the trio gain all the glory. They’d sneak into the common room late at night every once in a while, giddily whispering about some secret mission they were on that Hermione refused to tell her twin. 
“It’s not that I don’t trust you,” she would always say. “It’s just that if you were to slip anything to the wrong type, we’d be in big trouble.”
So in other words, Hermione just didn’t trust her to stay quiet. 
Y/N laid on her back, staring up at her dorm ceiling and wishing for sleep to take her away. She’d accidentally blown up at ‘Mione when her sister had made a rather condescending remark regarding her potion brewing skills by telling Ron to not copy Y/N’s movements because “there’s no telling if she’s even remotely following the directions”. 
Y/N had snapped and told her sister off, calling her an insecure prick that only felt smart when she was putting herself above others.
“You know,” Y/N had told her, “people who are actually wise don’t feel the need to boast about it.”
Hermione had turned beet red, huffing and putting her back to her sister. Not a single member of the Golden Trio attempted to talk to Y/N after that, not even during meals. 
The true weight of her mistake was now heavy on her chest as she came to the realization that some of the most well known and well liked kids in her house were no longer speaking to her and that this was causing a good portion of her other friends to regard her with caution. She had eaten in silence that evening, studied in solitude, and sat up in her bed alone instead of joining the congregation in the common room. 
Now, not even her imaginary Draco would concern himself with her as she lay in the dark.
You git she thought. I created you, and this is how you repay me?
She’d been in her dorm for over three hours now. Sleep absolutely refused to pull her away, restlessness instead welcoming her with its open yet uncomfortable arms. Her sheets were far too warm for a spring evening and she had turned her pillow over to the cold side so many times that there was no cold side left to speak of.
Finally, with nowhere else to go, she decided to just get out of bed and take a walk. The brisk air would do her nothing but good, and if she was caught by a member of the inquisitorial squad, then at least she’d have some human contact to speak of for the day. 
Y/N found herself at the top of the Astronomy Tower, absentmindedly looking for constellations and failing miserably. She’d nearly failed any question on an exam pertaining to astrological features. 
There was something relaxing and careless about the soft breeze licking at her face. It reminded her that nature didn’t care about her shortcomings or her sharp tongue. She was alive and breathing, and that’s all it took for the universe to allow her to see a beautiful night sky full of stars.
“I never thought of you as someone who breaks curfew.”
The familiar, snooty tone of Draco Malfoy’s voice broke the comforting silence. 
“Aahh!” Y/N yelped, jumping and grabbing onto the railing to prevent her from falling to her death. “Don’t sneak up on me anymore! I could’ve died!”
Draco let out a dark chuckle, propping his own arm on the railing and looking her up and down.
“Well, rest assured,” he told her. “I’m not the one with the murder plot. That’s Pansy. Watch your goblet in the dining hall, will you?”
Y/N couldn’t decipher if he was telling the truth or not, but looking him up and down, she observed that there wasn’t a trace of malice in his expression.
“Are you telling me the truth?” she asked, feeling her defensiveness drain out of her tone.
“Believe it or not, yeah,” Draco drawled, shifting his position so his elbow was supporting his body weight on the railing and his chin was being propped up by his hand in a very similar fashion to that one time in Charms. Now his height was a little closer to Y/N’s, and she could look him in the eyes without turning her chin up too far. “She won’t shut up about how she’s learned how to brew this potion that’ll make all your hair fall out or something. So just...I don’t know, watch out.”
“Aren’t you gonna take me to Umbridge?” Y/N asked, forgetting what he was telling her once she saw the moonlight reflecting off of his inquisitorial squad badge.
“Nah, I’m not in the mood to see that hag tonight.”
A laugh escaped her lips before she could stop it. 
“Oh. Thank you.”
The words felt foreign to Y/N. Things had really taken a turn for the worst--she had spent the past two months relentlessly daydreaming of the boy who bullied her twin, and now she was thanking him. 
Silence hung between the two, and to make things a little less awkward, Y/N turned her body away from him to look up at the sky. 
“Kill any Kricowls recently?” Y/N nearly jumped again when she felt a finger lightly poke her arm.
“Oh....no, I haven’t been feeding any birds peanuts anymore,” she confessed, turning again to meet the boy’s eyes. “I’m starting to realize how much I don’t actually know about the world.”
Draco regarded her curiously for a few moments.
“You’re nothing like your sister, you know,” he finally told her. 
“What do you mean?” Y/N couldn’t decide if this was a compliment or a thinly veiled slight.
“I mean, you accept the fact that there are things that you may not know,” he began. “I’ll be completely honest--I don’t tease Grang--your sister because of her blood type. That played a role when I was a little younger, but now it’s more because she’s an insufferable know it all that’s all holier-than-thou and probably wouldn’t have even let me get close to that Kricowl.”
“I can’t stand her sometimes,” Y/N whispered, looking down at the floor so she wouldn’t have to meet Draco’s piercing eyes. “I know it’s awful because I support the political cause that they support but they’re so...exclusive. I make one mistake and I’m out. There’s no room for accidents when you’re not in the trio.”
From her vantage point, she could see Draco nervously rolling his wand around in his free hand. 
“They aren’t very respectful to you,” he said after a few painful seconds of silence. 
“Well, it’s not like you’re a saint either.” Y/N dared to glance up at him to see a glimmer of hurt flash across his face.
“I know.” He shuffled his feet. “I’m sorry.” 
Y/N, stunned, jerked her head back up.
“You’re what?”
“Merlin, I didn’t think it was that monumental,” Draco mumbled. “I said, I’m sorry. Please forgive me for whatever nasty things I’ve said to you in the past. I’ve been trying to read more about why pureblood prejudice is the way it is, and I learned that.....er...”
Y/N noticed that he was struggling to get out what he was saying.
“You can’t tell anyone this, not right now at least, alright?” Draco nervously stuck his hand out. 
“Sure I won’t.” Y/N took his hand and shook it, noticing how she was right--his hand was soft and supple, warm enough to be pleasant but not enough to be sweaty. 
“Well I did some more research, and I learned that my family actually has some muggle blood in it...like, there’s a lot of half-bloods that married muggles and branched out, but they were still Malfoys at birth.”
Y/N gaped at him.
“And I don’t really enjoy hypocrisy, so I’ve...er...been kind of trying to reconstruct my political views.” 
“Good for you.” 
Y/N sat there for a little bit, grappling with all the information he’d just told her.
“Pinch me.” Her voice rang out before she could stop it.
“What?” Draco stared at her in wide-eyed confusion.
“It’s a muggle thing,” she told him. “Pinch me to prove I’m not dreaming. A Malfoy just told me that he wants to get over his blood prejudice, so yeah, forgive me if I’m a little surprised.”
“So you think you’re dreaming about me, huh?” A smirk appeared on his face.
“No, you...ugh! That’s not what it means at all!” She rolled her eyes to hide the fact that her cheeks were growing redder by the second.
“Well, you can’t blame me for being curious,” he said to her, his tone noticeably lower. Draco took his hand off the railing, rising up to his original height before stepping nearer to her. He was much closer than he should’ve been for a simple conversation. “You think I haven’t noticed how much you watch me?”
“I have no clue as to what you’re referring to.” She fought to keep her tone steady as he inched even closer. 
“Oh, I think you do.” He paused after ducking his head down to be eye level with her. “See, you’re blushing.”
“It’s dark out,” she said lamely. There was no way that this was real. She had to be dreaming.
“And? Still doesn’t change the fact that your cheeks are significantly darker than the rest of your face.”
“What are you trying to do?” Y/N surrendered, leaving his statement out to hang in the air unanswered.
He suddenly darted forward, his hands curling around her sides and his lips aiming for hers. 
Y/N pushed back at his chest, holding her head back out of reach and glaring at him. 
His face looked immeasurably pained as he retracted his hands, putting them back in their pocket.
“I thought you wanted...”
“Maybe I do,” she told him, taking a step back. “But not right now. You told me that I had inferior breeding less than 6 months ago. I need some time. Please.”
Draco opened and closed his mouth a couple times, clearly not expecting this reaction. 
“I know what this is, Draco,” she told him, softer this time. “I know you’re trying to ease your guilty conscience by doing,” she motioned to the space between the two of them, “this. I’m not interested in that right now, understand? I haven’t forgiven you yet for all of those things you’ve done to my sister.”
He dipped his head down, clearly ashamed to have been caught in the act.
“I really don’t think that that’s it, though,” he said after drawing in a shaky breath. “I’ve always been...interested, but I could never allow myself to act on it, but now that I feel as though my beliefs are evolving...”
“That’s good, Draco, that really is,” Y/N soothed, stepping back towards him. “But I still need time. And so do you, to make sure you’re not fabricating all of this to hide your guilt.”
“That’s not at al--nevermind. You’re right.”
Y/N was struck with the thought that this was the first time she’d heard the words “you’re right” come out of Draco’s mouth in a situation where he wasn’t mocking someone or being sarcastic. 
“Can I take you to Hogsmeade, at least? This Saturday?” He swallowed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I have a better idea. What can Kricowls be fed?”
final a/n: feel free to berate me on how ooc this draco is... i couldn’t possibly bear to write some kind of kiss or any real physical intimacy in the end because i don’t think that draco would change that quickly and i definitely don’t think he’d have this level of an existential crisis regarding his blood purity before his task in 6th year. for this reason, i don’t think i’ll be continuing this fic as it’s already long enough and i don’t fancy writing more ooc draco, as cute as the request was. so if you requsted this....please don’t feel bad! i’m sorry if i didn’t give you what you wanted. i might rewrite this one a little later when i have more time and when i can do another series because i think if i were to rewrite this, i would make it much longer and give draco 2x as much time to grow up and redeem himself. ok, that’s all, thank you for reading!
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thattimdrakeguy · 4 years
Re: Fans who don't "get" Tim writing him, Batman: Hush probably marks the turn from optimistic 90s Tim to depressed aughts Tim, and it begins with Bruce's internal monologue about the Robins and their motivation. I mean, it's good otherwise, but the contrast between Dick and Tim is who's in therapy here? Dick became Robin because his parents died. Tim became Robin because Bruce lost a son. Not Dick playing around and Tim being serious.
I can barely remember Hush, so I can’t recall that, but that’s the sort of things to bug me.
Because it just sort of comes off like the writer just says what ever sometimes ya know? When it should be taken a little more seriously considering this is fiction that’s going to last a while. It can totally muck things up.
Look at aughts Tim making a fake uncle and saying he lies to Batman. When a few years back he has an actual Uncle called Rich, and often got so sad about having to lie all the time, because that’s who Tim was.
Tim was this little squirt who was super naive, but idealistic, and hopeful. He really thought that he could convince famed super hero and former acrobat Dick Grayson to be Robin again, for Batman. These are two people he barely knows, he only met Dick once before. He’s not some judgy cynic, he’s supposed to be too naive for his own good. Part of that was the point of his first miniseries. I understand character development, but some of this stuff just wasn’t that. It was just random decisions that changed him for the unrecognizable.
All the time he talked about how sore he was about having to lie all the time, and the only time I can remember him actually lying to someone was Red Tornado, who isn’t exactly Batman. Tim disobeyed sometimes sure, but it’s not the same as lying. He wants to obey, but he can’t help but shake the feeling that maybe it’s best that he doesn’t.
Or even that thing they used as an excuse to make Tim Red Robin, by having Dick say he was his equal, when that’s just dumb.
Like Tim’s my favorite character obviously, but it doesn’t make any sense. Tim was Robin for 3 years in-universe, and he wasn’t even all that good at the start, he had to work really hard just to do stuff that came naturally, and that was the norm for a LOT of his Robin run. So where did he get so talented all of a sudden to be equal to Dick? Who was Robin for either 8 to 12 years depending on the timeline.
It’s stuff that doesn’t add up, and it always bugs me, because that stuff sticks, because people after a while will just accept it and not think much of it. But after a while I just kind of notice things and it gets very ugh-y.
In the end it’s not so much “fans” that get me annoyed, I mean they do, cause sometimes they lie, but that isn’t exactly a freaking lot to just say “fans” like that. Those are just called liars, because they lie, not cause they’re a fan.
But the writers for just doing a hack job and ruining characters who aren’t important enough to get a fix job when something goes wrong like Spider-Man (typically).
They made Dick so happy-go-lucky too, when, while he did have a balanced personality, he was still very angsty. It isn’t modern type of over done angst to the point it’s a joke. Just like-- ya know, angst that was a bit relatable, made you like him because it was natural and you got it. He had PTSD imagining all the people he failed to catch, when ever he let himself down he gets really hard on himself.
He’s not a playful guy deep down. Like sure he is outside a lot, because again, he’s a well balanced personality, but I’m not even sure where word-y Dick came back from, because as I read in the 80s where he was developed as an adult character after an age-up due to silver age Robin not cutting it. He wasn’t all that word-y. I don’t think he really joked that much than the others.
But it popped up in a Batman comic and everyone accepted it. I guess cause the silver age? But still, that was when he was Robin not Nightwing.
It’s stuff like that, that makes stuff so messy in the long run, because things start not adding up and making sense. I think it’s that kind of stuff that made them lose a lot of sales.
Consistency helps people out a lot, but after Denny O’Neil, I notice editorial didn’t try as hard with the Bat-Family and got them really messed up in the 00s and 10s.
It’s hard to sell a character when brand value isn’t worth it to people, and the character doesn’t feel like themselves anymore.
Thankfully some Nightwing writers seem to get it, there was some Nightwing writer that wrote just within the past few years that genuinely seemed to really get Dick, and it made me so excited to read it because it’s like “OH MY GOSH! HE’S LIKE HIM AGAIN!” and it’s such a good feeling, because then it’s like, one of your favorite characters truly made a return when technically they never left. I think one of the writers that did one of the Wonder Comics comics wrote it, maybe even the same artist, but I can’t remember who exactly.
That’s probably a little nonsensical, but, today sort of exhausted me since I got too emotional for what ever reason. It was just a mess in my head.
But I’m more mellow now, despite the fact I can’t tell if I’m making sense or not lol
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luccislegs · 4 years
alsjlskzjs, I loved the Law/maleso/Luffy, you wrote it amazingly! Can I ask for a continuation, maybe with a little interatcing with the crew and their ghosts, but as a little time passes, Male reader finds himself accidentally using the ghosts powers or skills? like, they are at dinner one night, and sneezes fire. Or after getting startled, they silnce the whole ship for like 3 hours? or like, hes talking to Robin and can read the Ponglyps for a few mineuts (Robons mom) and they freak out?
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sorry this took me so long! i really had to take and do this in chunks bc my brain would fry trying to figure out all the little details for everyone. i don’t think sanji has anyone important to him in his past, so he isn’t here. also the first four are the longest bc they play an actual part in some things, and also theirs have the most obvious powers and drawbacks. i hope i did this enough justice to warrant the wait lol
Over the course of the few months you were on the sunny, more ghosts began to show up, like they were drawn to you. Some spirits, like ace and rosinante, sought you out before you ever met whoever was keeping them tethered. Others, like Olvia and Tom, seemed to sense when you met their loved ones, and then sought you out.
Or that was what you guessed anyway, since they didn’t seem to have an answer for it either.
Regardless, there were now half a dozen ghosts following you around, and new symptoms had shown up on top of that.
Safe to say, you were losing your mind.
You were just cuddled up with Luffy on the couch in the aquarium, his head in your lap as you chatted back and forth about the next island.
The urge hit you out of the blue, and you turned your head to the side to avoid sneezing all over Luffy.
That went right out the window as a huge column of flames shot out of your nose when you sneezed, lighting the curtains beside you on fire.
You immediately jumped up, knocking Luffy onto the floor as you panicked, smothering the flames with the other half of the curtains. 
Luffy, helpful dolt that he is, laid on the floor upside down staring at you in awe before jumping to his feet and picking you up in a hug
“That is so cool, ___. I didn’t know you could do that! You looked just like a dragon!”
To be fair, you didn’t know you could do that either. Over Luffy’s shoulder, you sent ace a murderous glare, to which he happily responded with a shoulder shrug, a smirk, and laughter.
You never actually got a chance to figure out what the hell had happened because, mid-hug, you fell asleep right in Luffy’s arms.
A few days after the incident with Luffy, something else happened. You were beginning to think you needed to screen the ghosts before you agreed to help them from now on.
You were hanging out quietly in the boy’s room with Law, who was busy reading over a medical text from chopper, and Rosi, who was lounging on the other end of the couch smoking a transparent cigarette (which, by the way, was pretty funny when he managed to light himself on fire, freaked out, then realized he couldn’t actually burn) when Franky came bursting into the room with Usopp hot on his heels.
You weren’t even sure how it happened, it was like reflex. Rosi jumped and floated up to the ceiling, you jumped off the couch and hit the floor, and then all of a sudden everything was dead quiet.
You could clearly see Franky and Usopp yelling about…something, but you couldn’t hear anything.
Law, on the other hand, was looking at you with curiosity, like he knew exactly what was going on.
“Er, Law…?” you asked, and you heard yourself perfectly fine, but he didn’t react.
Rosi floated down behind you, and you nearly jumped out of your skin when he spoke. “I think you may have just silenced the ship. Seems you can use my calm calm powers, ___.”
You sighed. “Yeah I was afraid of that. how do I fix it?”
But Rosi only shrugged before floating over to law. “Come over here and see if he can hear you.”
You didn’t understand how moving closer would help, but did as told. 
Or tried to. You tripped over the floor mat and tumbled, smacking your head off the floor and blacking out before you could get there.
Your next stop was to see Robin, and you found her in the library, looking over a charcoal shading of some strange symbols. She looked up as you entered and smiled.
“Well hello, ___. What can I do for you?” she asked. She always had a knack for telling when someone was actively looking for her and when you just happened upon her.
“Well…I have a problem. and I think you might be the most able to help,” you said, sitting beside her.
You glanced over the sketches in her hands absentmindedly, and a word popped into your head.
“Those are Poneglyphs, right?” you asked, pointing to them.
Robin froze, then nodded slowly. “How did you know that?” she asked, staring at you with a guarded expression. She had never mentioned them to you before, or in your presence, and she was pretty sure that no one else would have a reason to.
“Uh, that’s sort of why I’m here,” you answered, pointing over your shoulder to the– to her, empty– space where Nico Olvia floated. “I think I may be spouting some of the spirits powers out. It just started. I almost burned the library down a few days ago, then just earlier I muted everyone like Cora used to do.”
Robin looked stricken at the mention of her mother for a moment, as she always did, before it turned thoughtful. “I’ve never heard of that being possible. Although Blackbeard stole devil fruit powers, he can use them freely. You can only use them momentarily, right?”
You nodded, looking back down at the papers. Some of the words you could understand, but most of them just looked like gibberish. Slowly, more came into focus, as if your brain was automatically learning another language. 
Before you could really start to piece the words together though, everything seemed to explode into agony. You couldn’t breathe, as if your lungs wouldn’t expand. The edges of your vision turned black, and you collapsed.
Robin’s voice sounded very far away, and there was Chopper’s alongside hers. As you came to, you could start to make out what they were saying.
“…he just blacked out? What was he doing before then?” Chopper was asking.
“We were just talking about the new powers he developed, and he was looking at the pictures of Poneglyphs, and then he was on the floor gasping.”
“Look, he’s waking up.” That was Law’s voice, and he sounded very concerned.
You opened your eyes just a crack, testing whether that was a good idea. Your head felt like it was splitting open, and Law helped you to sit up slowly. 
“What happened?” he asked, and you shrugged.
“I don’t know. I was talking with Robin and then suddenly everything hurt, like I’d been beaten, and I couldn’t breathe anymore,” you said, looking around at everyone. It was just you, Robin, Chopper, and Law in the room, and they all looked like you felt.
Robin’s gasp broke the silence, like a lightbulb had turned on. “It sounds like you were experiencing what my mother did before she…I wonder if you aren’t taking their powers but also some of their personality too,” she said, looking at you curiously. “What happened after you used Ace’s and Cora-san’s?”
Law broke in before you could answer. “He fell asleep in luffy’s arms after lighting the libary on fire, and tripped and knocked himself out after silencing our room. Which is exactly what they used to do.”
You nodded in agreement, but Robin still looked perturbed. “It seems like you experience more than just their quirks, but their deaths too. That can’t be good. I’ll do some research and see if there’s anything about your powers, but you need to be careful too.”
This new development was slightly detrimental to your health. You couldn’t figure out a rhyme or reason to how your new powers worked, or when they would, but you were keen to find out. 
The safest way, you figured, was to try practicing with a sword and seeing if you couldn’t channel some of Kuina’s swordsmanship at will.
It didn’t work. At all.
You couldn’t seem to find any trigger for making it work, swinging the sword as you normally would have. Zoro seemed disappointed as well, having hoped to have a decent match against someone besides Law for once. It didn’t matter that you explained to him you could only use it for a few seconds.
Only when Franky, who was working on something on the mast, accidentally lost his grip on a drawing knife he was using and sent it flying towards you did those “instincts” kick in. Your vision went a little blurry, as if you were seeing things through water, and you lifted the sword and swung with more grace than you ever had, knocking it aside before it could reach you.
Zoro clapped in impressed surprise. “I guess you need to be in danger to use it,” he said, watching you stumble and fall to your knees. “Are you alright?”
“No, I uh,” you struggled to think through the screaming pain that was lancing through your back. It wasn’t nearly as excruciating as Olvia’s death, but your head was still swimming from it. “Can I ask how Kuina died?”
Zoro paused, looking like he swallowed a lemon. “She fell down the stairs.” He sounded bitter, so you nodded and moved on.
“I think I’m experiencing some of the things the others did in their lives, deaths included. Earlier, I could read Poneglyphs, but right after I went through Olvia’s death. This is…a little scary,” you admit, just as Luffy and Law came onto the deck. 
Franky had gone to fetch them when you collapsed, and they pulled you gently to your feet. 
“Are you alright, _____?” Luffy asked, just as Law asked, “what the hell is going on?”
Explaining it all over again, you sighed tiredly. “I just want to go lay down now, if you don’t mind.”
Nothing happened for a few days after that. At every turn, though, you were expecting an outburst followed by some type of mayhem. Practicing with Zoro a little more revealed that only when something dangerous you weren’t expecting happened did you channel Kuina’s excellent swordsmanship. Needless to say, Zoro was disappointed.
Nami’s first experience happened when you were helping her trim her tangerine trees. It was one of the only pleasant experiences you had, because for some reason– maybe you were just relaxed enough that it was flowing– Bell-mere’s knowledge of tangerines was flowing freely. 
For nearly an hour, you and Nami chatted about the best ways to take care of the trees. You could see Bell-mere floating aimlessly through the trees, and knew she was listening but never once did she input anything to the conversation. 
The only negative side-effect you experienced was an overwhelming craving for cigarettes.
Franky’s was another pleasant experience, since you were able to channel Tom’s knowledge of shipbuilding. It didn’t last as long as Bell-mere’s, but it came much more frequently than Rosi’s or Ace’s. 
You were beginning to suspect that the physical aspects took a different type of catalyst compared to the knowledge. Unfortunately, you were unable to physically put any of Tom’s knowledge into effect, but Franky enjoyed talking with you while he was working.
Chopper’s was another unpleasant one.
Channeling Hiriluk’s medical knowledge was a struggle at best, because even though you knew what was going on, you didn’t really understand, and it gave you a headache. 
Combine that with the fact that you spent almost 30 minutes doubled over from unbearable stomach cramps– which you found out was most likely what Hiriluk experienced before he died from eating a deadly mushroom– and his knowledge really wasn’t worth the experience.
Chopper couldn’t even really enjoy chatting with you about it because you were just so miserable, but the catalyst for Hiriluk’s knowledge was pretty much just entering the medical bay, so you suffered quite a bit from that one.
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Director's commentary: Losing You, Lost on Aisle 4, Force cage, One Good scare, A dash of Night, Just to see you, Little offense, Bleeding heart, Faking it. Or maybe not all, I was looking for the dying doe's name but these are my favourites
Wow! So many! Thank you so much! These were a lot of fun to do. Some of these were easier than others to explore commentary on, and I could probably talk longer about a number of them, but I tried to keep it a littler shorter. 
If I’ve missed talking about something you’d like me to expand on let me know. 
It’s a little long so I’ll drop most of the answers below a cut. 
Losing You- You know how you get those ideas late at night where you’re lying in bed trying to sleep but a fic wants to be born? That’s how I came up with Losing You. I had the scene of events right before the fic starts clear as day in my mind all of a sudden. Mindbender threatening the fam, then specifically Damian, and Dick being the self sacrificing person he is. When I eventually sat down to write the fic I ended up starting after all that because the fic demanded a different energy to start in. I know I tried to do the initial scene a couple times, and had to just skip over it.
Lost on Aisle 4- I was very much channeling childhood experiences of going grocery shopping with my mom. I got lost all the time as a kid because I’d often stop in the book section to pick things up and flip through them. Then I’d look up and boom my mother would be gone and I’d either have to try and find her, or I’d just settle in with my book and wait for her to find me. There was more than one time I’d hear an announcement over the speakers asking me to return to the front to find my mom lol.
Forcecage- In plotting out the Fantasy AU @laquilasse and I wanted to do a fantasy version of various major events in the Batfam pulled from the comics. This was inspired by Dick and Damian’s relationship in the the 2009-2011 Batman and Robin run. We wanted to do a story all about Dick and Damian just figuring out who they were to one another. But the Fantasy AU isn’t a straight pull from comics just with swords and sorcery, so we picked and chose from B&R plots. It was mostly based off the first half of the run where Damian runs off and Dick has to rescue him from Pyg and then also the parts where Damian’s shot and has to have his spine replaced. 
Double fun fact, there was no limb loss in the original draft or plotting, that came later during a late night conversation and me saying “Only if I can give it back” 
One Good Scare- @camsthisky came to visit me in October of 2018 and while hanging out, we went to a local haunted house. The great majority of what happened to the Batkids while on their haunted house tour was pulled directly from the trip Cam and I took. It was Wild. 
A Dash of Night- This was written for Cam! At some point there was a discord conversation we had where both she and I were losing it over Damian very seriously saying “Hush, Richard. I am the night!” 
Just to See You- Sometime before I wrote this fic I’d read another story about a character who was blinded by an explosion perhaps? I’m a little fuzzy on the inspiration’s details, but the point is the story ended before you could really get to see the character’s dealing with the fallout of being blind temporarily. And as my brain likes to do, it went “Well how would Damian react to being blind for a chunk of time?” He’s a very independent kid, and one who struggles with feeling he belongs (so he does everything he can to make sure he’s needed) and I can only imagine how losing that would pick away at him. So I wanted to explore him allowing himself to be vulnerable and cared for, but only after doing everything he could to prevent that lol.  
Little Offenses- This started when Stell messaged me with a funny head canon, and if I remember right part 2 was another Stell original. I wanted the whole series to be about Damian acting like a kid. I also wanted him to do things a younger sibling would do, like purposefully mess with his family. The Mood of things was very much inspired by my own experiences with younger siblings and dumb stuff we did growing up. 
Bleeding Heart- Damian’s got such a big heart. He has such a big heart, and so much love, and he tries so so hard That’s one of the things that just hits me sometimes at 2 am and makes me really emotional. No matter how sharp and spindly Damian can be, he deserves someone to be gentle with him in moments of vulnerability, where he’s tried and his heart is broken and he simply needs someone to treat him as kindly as he’d treat an injured animal. That’s what I always think about when I re-read this fic, and that’s what I was trying to channel when writing it. 
Faking It- As a kid I had those days where I would wake up just before I had to get up to go to school and think “What if I faked being sick today?” My mind would race as I tried to figure out if I could come up with a good lie, I would examine myself for any hint of stomach ache or allergies or even the mildest of scratch in my throat to make a compelling case to my mom. Most of the time I’d end up going to school without bothering to claim any false illness. Once or twice I got up the courage to fake and stay home. 
This fic was very much me going “What if Damian faked being sick? What would that look like for him? How would he, and Dick or Bruce react?” After that it was really an exploration of why he might fake, why he’d be hesitant to, and what faking it might have looked like prior to his coming to Gotham. 
Want directors commentary on a fic, line from a fic, or anything to do with one I wrote? Ask me, or check out the post here.
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ev--writes · 4 years
Master wip Intro Post (I’m so sorry lol)
I mentioned in my last post that I had notes for upwards of 15 projects in a ton of different formats (side note to myself:whyyyy). Ergo, I thought it would be helpful to do a short overview of all of them, as I’ll probably be doing update posts for all of these at some point.
Also: Thank you for 6 followers already??? I honestly didn’t think anyone would see my last post (especially as I had no idea how tags worked until after I posted it).
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“After the sudden death of her childhood best friend and crush Vicky, Robin is invited to spend the summer with her estranged father, his new husband, and her half-sister at their Maine cabin. As her relationships with her father’s family and a fellow vacationing teen Claire grow, her relationships with her remaining friends and mother back home begin to fracture.”  
Oh boy does this book have a backstory.It’s a little complicated to get into right now (I’ll talk about it in my post for this wip), but I got the idea for the original version of this book in April 2016, and it’s been through three major overhauls since then. I’ve done enough planning to start drafting the newest version, but I’m waiting to get a few mostly-complete projects done before I jump in. 
Attic (working title)
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“The discovery of a dead body in the attic of Theo’s new house puts a damper on his fresh start. When a singular death becomes a series, Theo and his new friends decide to investigate and discover that the explanation isn’t able to be explained.”
This story also has a long history. I wrote this for NaNoWriMo 2017, overhauled it for NaNoWriMo 2019, and overhauled it again in the middle of that month. I’m currently stuck with a certain aspect, so I’ve put it to the side for the moment.  
Pinewood Guild
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“A group of scholarship students at an elite private boarding school obsess over the seemingly unexplainable death of a fellow student.”
This is very much a baby idea, from April of this year. I was having a grand old time writing a different project Three Can Keep a Secret (which I’ll get to later), and I wanted to write another book about terrible people being horrible to each other. I don’t have very many plans for this book at the moment. 
Blood in the Water
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“Paul returns to his hometown for the first time since high school to attend the funeral of his brother when he starts to receive anonymous letters. What starts as innocent and quirky quickly turns dark and potentially deadly”
I got this idea in February of this year, as I wanted to write a novel with the letter format. I was supposed to start this project as my “I’m Leaving Highschool Emotional Support Book”, but I’m not sure if I’m going to actually do that.
The Lion Tattoo
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“Jordan bonds with classmate Cade over their shared foster care status. As Jordan starts to spend more and more time with Cade, they see a darker side to the boy. When one of Cade’s adventures ends with them sent off to different foster homes, Jordan must turn their life around.”
This is a very old idea that I honestly forgot about. However, there’s still a lot I want to explore with this story, so I’ll probably get to it someday.  
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“August ‘Sunny’ finally gets engaged to her long-time girlfriend Tatsu, sending her back to the beginnings of their relationship as camp counselors.”
This is a short set of vignettes I wrote as a birthday present to a friend. As it was just for shiggles, it’s not my most sophisticated story, but I’m okay with it. You can actually read this on my Wattpad if you’d like (I’ll add a link here when I figure out how to do that). I also adapted it as a short film because I was bored, if I’m being honest. 
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This is my poetry collection! Some of these poems are based on real life experiences (for example, the poem I named the collection after was based on a friendship that exploded), and others are completely fiction. This might just be my favorite project I’m working on, if I’m being honest. 
Short Story Collection
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I can’t title this wip for the life of me, so the name is relatively self explanatory. I’ve written four stories for this so far, and I have three brewing in the notes app.
Safety Orange
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“When an accident kills her father and sends her mother into a coma, Angie and her brother Oliver are sent to live with their Aunt Marie. Romance should be the last thing on her mind when a local barista Natalie catches her eye.”
This was my “Quarantine Emotional Support Book”. I had two simultaneous itches--to write something cute and fluffy, and to try out prose poetry. These two ideas birthed this story. I want to get a printed copy for me and my mom, but I don’t have any plans for it after that. 
Three Can Keep a Secret
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 “Hattie, her girlfriend Regan, and her best friend Vincent return from a weekend camping trip to discover their town has been ravaged by the undead. Sophie and her brother Joseph are driven from the military’s safety by a tragic accident. Aspen discovers something wrong with her younger sister Paris that might prove more difficult to handle than the walking bodies around every corner.”
This was my other “Quarantine Emotional Support Book”, written for Camp NaNo 2020. It’s technically a short story collection, although I structured the stories with chapters. I also enjoyed the little flash pieces that appeared in-between each story. Like Safety Orange, I want to get a printed copy of this book, but I don’t think I’ll seek publication for it. 
Horror Web Series
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“Outcast sisters Heaven and Eden make a new friend--one that gives them special abilities. While Eden is more timid about her powers, Heaven is almost too excited and drags her sister along on her quest for revenge.”
This is another one of my projects that I just Cannot Title.The description makes it sound kind of lighthearted, but it’s one of the darkest ideas that I’ve come up with. Right now it’s outlined on my phone, and really all I need to do is dedicate a day to pounding it out. 
Video Games
I’m Sorry This Happened
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“Archer’s attempts to cheer up her girlfriend Helena accidentally awakens Sylvia, a playfully violent ghost who convinces the girls to get revenge on the two boys that caused her death almost half a century ago.”
This is a visual novel my sister and I are teaming up with to create. We’re still not sure whether we’re going to publish it, but nevertheless I’m having a grand old time writing it, and I guess that’s what really matters. 
Swanhill Convenience 
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“A misfit crew of the local gas station convenience store have a strong customer base. When new employee Pearl becomes suspicious of the group, the whole town’s careful facade crumbles.”
This one needs...more time to brew. There’s a lot of basic details that I’m having trouble making solid decisions on (for example, whether the store is a coffee shop or a convenience store), so this will probably have to sit until I have an epiphany or something. 
[I can’t put the working title here because it’s a blatant spoiler]
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“You should not have gone into the forest. Now escape, however you can.”
I debated whether to put this on the list because it’s so hard to talk about without ruining the whole thing. It’s a puzzle solving game that I think has some really interesting lore that I can incorporate. I think that’s literally all I can say lol. 
Wow, that post was LONG. Thank you for reading all the way through! Each of these projects will get dedicated post when I start working on them more frequently. Moral of the story: I have absolutely no self control when it comes to starting projects. 
Note: Any photograph used that I did not take myself came from Unsplash.
See you around,
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
marshmallowmayhem replied to your post:
In Bruce’s defense, anyone who blames him for...
Wait did Dick go to juvie or child protective services? juvie would mean he committed a crime but I don’t remember that being part of his origin story.
This is something a lot of people are unclear on, because like...the version of Dick’s origin story this refers to used euphemisms like “Gotham Youth Center”....but then clarified on the next page that like....most of the kids there were there because of adult crimes. So it was pretty clearly some kind of juvenile detention center, like, they had actual cells, and uniforms and a barbed wire fence, but I think the euphemisms threw some people. 
But because I think a lot of people aren’t familiar with the actual issue itself, its from Robin Annual #3, the origin used for Dick in the 90s, and I’ve included scans of that part of the issue below the cut. This was before Dick was retconned as Romani, so at the time, racism wouldn’t have been the explicit reason Dick’s case worker put him there, but it was abundantly clear she ‘disapproved’ of his upbringing and circus background and seemed of the opinion that juvie was where a kid like him was destined to end up anyway, and it was what he deserved or whatever the fuck. 
Bottom line....Dick’s origin as laid out here, was clearly one where he was victimized by classism and an uncaring system that didn’t give a shit that he was a traumatized kid...until Bruce realized he hadn’t been sent to an actual foster home and arranged for Dick to be put in his care the very next day after he found out. 
(Which I’ve always headcanoned makes far more sense than the idea that nobody would have a problem with a notoriously flaky playboy billionaire just all of a sudden wanting to take in an orphaned boy, and there would be no barriers to this....because with this route...it paves the way for Bruce to apply leverage to CPS with how massively they’d fucked up with Dick and threaten all manners of lawsuits if they didn’t let him take Dick in.....which has a LOT more positive connotations for him and his and Dick’s relationship than if he’d had to bribe people in order to smooth over getting custody of Dick. Not to mention, to me, this take was more in character for Bruce because while its no doubt that he empathized with Dick from the moment they met, that night at the circus...given Bruce’s age and lifestyle, I can’t imagine his first instinct being that he was the best person to take Dick in. 
WANTING to, sure. Even if he didn’t fully understand the impulse himself. But I feel like its more likely that at first he would have second guessed himself or talked himself out of it, thinking that with all his own personal issues, he wasn’t a fit guardian.....but then you see him find out what CPS actually did to Dick, rather than putting him with a fit guardian....and that to me is where its far more plausible to see Bruce transition to thinking “Well obviously I can’t trust anyone else with this boy, so I’ll just have to raise him myself” because ‘if you want something done right, do it yourself’ is literally Bruce’s life philosophy and the impetus of his vigilantism even. LOL.)
Anyway, scans of that month Dick spent in juvie under the cut, and trigger warnings for abuse and violence against children.
Also the source of my aggravation with people making fun of Dick’s name in universe, because like, look at the social worker kinda sneer at it and tell me that’s not classism, thinking that the name his parents had for him wasn’t good enough by her standards....and then ask if all the jokes at Dick’s expense about his name aren’t rooted in the same kind of thinking that like, that’s what a name like that is there for, instead of like....just a character’s fond nostalgia for his childhood with his parents but whatevs.
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2k18leo · 5 years
TMNT 2007 talk
Okie dokie since we’ve been on hiatus for a long long time, but I still want to talk turtles, I figured I’d talk about the TMNT 2007 film again. If you’ve been with my account for a while you may know what a huge fan I am of this particular movie (of course I love the other films and may talk about them at a later date, but this one just hits differently for me mainly because it’s what got me into the Ninja Turtles in the first place) 
So, I have already briefly covered my take on the 2007 film as a whole.  Aaaand, @my-sai-and-i _and_i wrote a post that goes in depth about the emotional scarring that the fight had on Leo and Raph. It’s a wonderful post and you should def check it out 👌🏼
I am currently watching the 2007 film (yet again (HA what is my count up to now? Can’t keep track. Lol moving on—)) and once again I am breathless at the climactic fight BATTLE that Leo and Raph have. Every single time I watch it, my love for the franchise grows even more. I think this may be because I’m actually such a fan of the TMNT trope that is the constant butting heads of the two oldest brothers (oof sorry not sorry 🤭). I’m also going to talk mainly about this fight scene because it’s literally the EXACT scene that I started watching when I was first introduced to tmnt. That is already talked about in another post, however 😂
Okaaay, let’s get into this thing. First off, the score for this chase scene is already making you very anxious for some sort of confrontation between the two boys. It gives you chills right off the back. Whenever Nightwatcher accidentally cornered himself I got to thinking what it would have been like if we had seen Leo and his trip out into the city instead of the diner scene with the 12th monster. Like, was he just out looking for Raph and heard police scanners saying there was an issue with the diner? Then he headed over to possibly help, but ran into the vigilante Nightwatcher. I can only assume he was already looking for Raph since Splinter right beforehand advised Leo that he needed to get off his high horse and work things out with Raph. Since April and Casey were in the lair, I’m sure Leo didn’t expect Raph to go back to their apartment. He probably went around to their old hangout places in the city (before Leo was sent to South America) but since he had been gone so long, maybe he figured his brothers didn’t hang out anymore since it wasn’t all four of them. Sure, Casey’s a great friend, but never a replacement for one of the turtles. Leo could have also gone back to the construction site that they had partly demolished with that first monster a couple nights prior. Raph did make a point in saying that they needed to find out who was responsible for the sudden burst of creatures in New York. Don’t get me wrong, learning where the 12th monster was when Raph fought it was important I guess? I mean, it made the stone generals stationed in the area, but still not THAT close to where Raph and Leo ended up (they ran quite a ways. A mile at least.)
Okay, back to the rooftop scene. The setting was beautiful and I just— *chef’s kiss* love it. The rain. The red glow of the Red Eye Club sign. Which, I’m just now thinking about this but if an English teacher was asking you what the red sign symbolized I do believe that that could be some sort of symbol/foreshadow that Raph will be the one who comes out victorious in the upcoming brawl. In case I’m not completely giving that a whole-ass stretch, I looked up the Red Eye Club to see if it was a real place but all I got were a bunch of pictures of marijuana so I’m gonna assume NOPE. It could be a minor detail or it could just be a coincidence 🤷🏽‍♀️ I mean the neon sign did not have to be red specifically. Lol don’t @ me 😂
Anyway, I love the way the rain falls on the metal of Raph’s armor. I can only imagine how much of a BITCH that rain was to animate. 
Leo starting off with the good cop persona is very in touch with his character and I like. He’s still the “talk first, shoot later” wise character we LOVE, while Raph is so much the opposite (which we LOVE JUST AS MUCH (ugh sorry im gushing again)). I like how Raph stayed silent. He didn’t give his identity up. He didn’t try to stop Leo from starting a fight. He WANTED to fight Leo. And this was the perfect opportunity without Leo holding back by being aware of his own brother under the suit. It’s sort of like a Red Hood/Batman type scene. And, it’s hardly audible but, Leo then continues to try and calm down the vigilante by saying “The road you’re on is a dead-end. Believe me, I’ve tried it.” He has no idea who is behind the mask. For all he knows, he’s talking to a complete stranger, yet he is still trying to be the voice of reason. The Nightwatcher could be a deranged murderer for all he knows. He is only aware of what the News has been recently saying. You can tell he doesn’t know everything about this vigilante (which, side note but, this all seems a bit hypocritical if I’m honest. Up until Donnie and Mikey got jobs, all the turtles/Casey/possibly April did was vigilantism. I mean, does Leo think that the Nightwatcher is correlated with the monster sightings? Is that his main reason for being a vigilante to stop a vigilante??) ALSO when Leo said “…believe me, I’ve tried it” is that referencing his time in South America? I know he “got caught up in his own world” and “forgot about everyone else” but does that necessarily correlate with what he’s talking about? Did something really bad happen in South America that we didn’t see? Did he become like Hawkeye (cough* Ronin) in Endgame? 
This also makes me wonder what would have happened if Donnie and Mikey had gone out to help Leo search for Raph. It could have been like a Teen Titans scene where Robin was posing as Red X and the rest of the titans unknowingly fought their ally because he was seemingly just another villain. If things played out that way, I’m not even sure that Raph would have put up much of a fight. He didn’t have any major beef with his younger brothers. The scene would have probably been way less emotional as well. Plus, Leo probs wouldn’t have been captured. 
Whenever Raph first wields his weapons, signifying he’s ready to fight, Leo gives a very small smirk. He wants to fight as much as Raph does. But for different reasons. Raph knows his opponent and is angry with him— furious even. Leo… I think deep down he loves to fight. He knows he’s good at it. He knows he’s going to win. But it’s probably been a long time since he’s actually felt that great adrenaline rush of a fight (yes, I’m aware he was in the fight with the first monster but that’s not a one-on-one duel) Which is why when he says “Trust me when I tell you. You don’t want to do this” he says it in a way that he’s still trying to be the voice of reason… BUT it’s also very much a threat. He’s been wanting a proper fight for a while. There’s a certain thrill I’m sure he gets when he’s faced with someone who is probably an even match for him. Even with the threat he gives, he’s fully aware that his opponent will strike. 
I’m not going to even try to get into the subject as to why on earth Leo cannot recognize his own brother under the suit because @my-sai-and-i already explained that WAY better. 
I mean, Leo is chuckling as the Nightwatcher does his second swing. It’s funny to him because he still knows he’s going to win this fight. There is no doubt in his mind that he will defeat this amateur clown in a costume. But this is the way, I’m absolutely positive, Leo acted as a teenager to common criminals on the streets.  He’s always known how good he was at fighting, so I can bet money he was cocky growing up. And yeah, it’s way different than how he was fighting the raiders in the beginning of the film. Back in South America he acted all dark and silent, more than likely trying to keep up the persona of the Ghost of the Jungle. If he acted all cocky and obnoxious to the raiders, I’m sure word would get out, which might frighten the villagers even more. Being his sneaky stealthy self, he was less likely to scare the villagers, and probably able to keep up the thought that he was just a peaceful legend (kind of like Katara as the Painted Lady in Avatar (I’m referencing soooo many other things, but it makes sense to me 😂)) So, now that Leo’s back in the place where he grew up, of course, his old cocky tendencies would come back. It’s almost nostalgic for him. 
Another thing. Leo is completely defensive for the majority of this fight. He hardly ever throws an actual blow. He jumps back out of the way when the Nightwatcher swings his chain at him again. Which is a completely smart move. Another reason to note that he KNOWS WHAT HE’S DOING. He’s fought for about 20 years (we don’t actually know their ages in this movie (or do we ?) but I would guess around 18-20 ??) so he’s fully aware of the fact that one of the best fighting techniques is letting your opponent tire themselves out so you can then finish them off and become victorious. But Raph’s temper has always led him to go guns blazing. Shoot first, questions later. 
Leo continues to mock the Nightwatcher because he knows he’s going to get a rouse out of him. He spent a good enough time sparring with Raph to figure out how to egg on that temper. A temper that would then make Raph angry and thoughtless, thus becoming rash with his fighting technique. Ultimately becoming careless and in total defeat. Again, don’t get me started on how Leo has NOT recognized his brother yet. Even after Leo has eluded yet another strike from the chains and the Nightwatcher turns around, Leo still gives a CHUCKLE to his face. He’s begging for that temper to be released. He’s ready for a real fight. And Raph’s more than ready to finally kick his big brother’s ass. 
Raph absolutely takes on the offense with a full charge to Leo as he does three heavy swings. Leo eludes all three until coming back with a counter-attack on the third. Leo does a fair job of holding his defense until Raph throws a huge right hook to the side of Leo’s head. I mean, it’s enough to knock him back a few paces and shake it off. This is when his face really goes completely serious. He’s just been caught off guard. There’s something in him that’s telling him to quit the wise-guy act. I mean, it was a simple punch, something I’m sure he is mentally beating himself up for misreading. Yet, he doesn’t charge back. He stands his ground while Raph is still the offender. 
Then Leo tries to continue to coach this dude by telling him how anger is destructive. This is probably something Splinter did as they were growing up. Also, Leo never once unsheathes his weapons on the Nightwatcher (yes, he ultimately does with Raph, but that’s later on. Hold tight, my dude). Even when the Nightwatcher drew out his chains, Leo didn’t react by drawing his own blades. I feel like being able to hold your own during hand-to-hand shows power/strength, while fighting with weapons shows skill. Which is another reason why I think Leo teased him at the beginning of the fight; he didn’t really expect this vigilante to have had any actual training with these weapons. He’s probably just some punk who thinks it’s cool. Another Casey Jones or Purple Dragon that could probably be knocked on his ass in 3 hits max. 
Leo’s uppercut is powerful as hell. He shot Raph like 6 feet in the air. And that can’t be easy. I can’t imagine how much these boys weigh. They’ve got the mass of a typical bodybuilder + the weight of their shell + the weight of their weapons PLUS Raph’s entire armor. That’s heavy as hell. 
Okay. The “Goodnight, Dark Prince” line. I don’t like it. It doesn’t seem to fit. When has this character ever been referred to as the Dark Prince? The only other thing Leo has referred to this vigilante is Nightwatchmen. Though, I get that it would be kinda redundant to say “Goodnight, Nightwatcher.” 
That’s another thing. Leo never meant to kill this dude. Just knock him out to drop him off at the police station later. Leo doesn’t kill. I mean, the very beginning of the film where he had his one-on-one with the raider leader almost implied that he killed him. Because the shot changed as soon as Leo made contact with the guy and all you hear is a loud scream making a flock of birds fly away in fright. If he was dark enough to kill these types of men (because IF he killed him, that probably wasn’t the first guy he had killed) in South America, that’s most likely the “dark path” / “dead-end” that he was referring to earlier. But I guess being back in the city does make him revert back to his old tendencies (but it shouldn’t completely disregard whatever messed up shit he had done in South America. That stuff should still be carried with him). Not even Raph is low enough to kill criminals. In his first scene in the film all Raph does is knock out some burglars and chain them up for the cops to find later on. It makes me wonder what would it have been like if Raph had gone to South America instead of Leo, while Leo stayed in the city. Would Leo have taken on his role of his own Nightwatcher? In the 2012 series, we see him become some sort of vigilante but he’s got Karai and Shinigami with him. It doesn’t seem very in character for Leo to go solo like Raph did. Of course, Leo would still miss the fight, but I’m sure he’d wise up and get a job just like his younger brothers. 
Okay, here we go. Here’s that brother angst we’ve been waiting for. When Leo first realizes who’s actually behind the mask, he’s not angry. He’s not mad. Not even disappointed. He’s really just shocked out of his mind. Complete disbelief. He just walks closer to Raph in hopes to talk to him. Perhaps apologize for fighting him just moments before, that he truly had no idea. But Raph doesn’t even turn to face his brother before doing a powerful back kick to Leo’s chest. Which, of course, takes Leo by surprise. Sure they had had a couple arguments since he’s been back but honestly that’s how Leo remembered things being with Raph. He remembered small quarrels. Nothing serious. They had always butted heads. Even though Splinter warned Leo that Raph had taken Leo’s absence pretty hard, he didn’t really know what that meant until now. He didn’t understand why his brother had so much pent up rage toward him. 
And Raph is throwing all these words at Leo. Calling him out by saying that he believes the world revolves around him. That they couldn’t possibly survive without him. I’m sure these words sting a bit to Leo but that’s not what he’s focused on. He’s starting to register everything. THIS is why Raph has always had an issue with him. THIS is the reason for his younger brother’s constant attitude. And when Raph says that they got along just fine without Leo, for a split second, you can totally see the pain that causes Leo. Like, that shit hurted. But he raises his voice and retaliates by calling him out on his bullshit. He’s telling Raph how immature it is that he’s taken up this new persona (*cough* still a tad hypocritical since he did basically the same thing as Ghost of the Jungle) because it’s causing danger to their family. I mean, at least the villagers were never truly afraid of Ghost, but the citizens of New York are terrified at what the Nightwatcher is and his motives. It’s all they’re talking about on the News lately. Raph has been causing a panic without even realizing it because he’s been too blinded by his own good intentions. 
But Raph doesn’t want to hear it. Leo hasn’t been around. He left. He wasn’t there when the turtles were just sitting by without a leader while criminals still ran amok. I mean, Raph has been angry at the thought “why does Leo get to go?” “What are we supposed to do now?” And with Donnie and Mikey being too passive to stop Raph, there really isn’t anyone around to keep Raph from straying from this road. How can Leo honestly expect things to go back to normal?? How can this big shot waltz back into our lives after he’s missed the last year and a half? And how the hell does he think he’s still the boss of me? 
And now Leo is trying to explain to him that the reason for being gone so long was to better himself for Raph and the boys. It wasn’t up to him to go to South America and be gone for so long. He didn’t ask for it. Just like Raph never asked to be second best. He didn’t want someone to lead him. This is just how things turned out. Neither of them can help what they went through in the past. It’s just a recipe for disaster when one party is trying to be the best they can be for the other party and positively beats themselves up if they let the second party down. Aaand when the second party is completely resentful of the first party because they were chosen for the role the second party wanted. Leo can’t get over the fact that no matter what he does to better himself for Raph, Raph will still disregard it. And Raph can’t get over the thought of the living embodiment of perfection that is his older brother, so he’s angry with himself for not being as perfect and takes it out on Leo. 
And Raph has become his own leader. He’s become a lone-wolf that doesn’t need a leader anymore. He has good intentions (even though they are not being followed through quite right) and Leo is just coming back and messing everything up. Things have changed and Leo needs to realize this. But Raph also needs to take into consideration that Leo is trying to realize this. He’s been trying to reconnect with his brother. But Raph has put up such a strong wall around everyone that he thinks talking isn’t going to help.
Leo telling Raph that he isn’t ready to become his own leader is a tiny bit selfish in my opinion? I mean, I agree, but still. Like Leo sees that Raph never went on a hardcore training period off in some jungle halfway across the world. So, he thinks, how CAN Raph be ready if he hasn’t done that? But that’s the thing. Leo and Raph have their own way of doing things. Leo, in multiple iterations, tries so hard to have his brothers be exactly like him. If he achieves something a certain way, he expects his brothers to reach their achievements by doing it the exact same way. But Raph is fully capable of reaching his achievements his own way (same with Donnie and Mikey). That’s something that Leo has had a difficult time wrapping his head around. 
I also don’t feel like Leo outwardly staying that he’s better than Raph is true to his character. There’s no doubt in my mind that Leo believes that and has thought it on SEVERAL occasions. But with his “gotta be the bigger man” personality, it’s hard to believe he would stoop so low as to actually say it to Raph’s face. 
Now Raph laughs at this. And I feel like most of it is a fake laugh, but there’s still a part of it that’s real because he’s finally ready to show Leo that he’s better than him. This is the real fight that RAPH has been waiting for. The perfect match. The leader and the lone wolf. The Ghost of the Jungle and the Nightwatcher. Leo and Raph. 
Leo still tries to have him call off this fight. He’s confident in himself that he will win. Both parties are, in fact. They’ve both developed such different fighting styles since the time they’ve sparred together, that they’re basically strangers to each other now. They both know this isn’t going to end well. That things will be different after the dust (rain?) settles. Leo has a negative outlook on it. He doesn’t think that Raph will ever be happy towards him again. If anything, Raph will probably shun him. This defeat could push Raph over the edge. This could make Raph leave for real. He doesn’t want that. It pains him that he has to fight his little brother. But Raph? Raph has a positive outlook. He believes that after he defeats Leo, Leo will then see Raph’s true potential. He’ll be recognized as the best, no longer second-best. He finally gets to prove to Leo that things are different. 
Leo visibly sighs and shakes his head knowing there’s no getting out of this fight. His stubborn little brother won’t back down. It wouldn’t be honorable for Leo to stand down and admit defeat. It also wouldn’t be honorable to disgrace Raph by completely disregarding that he’s his brother and just going for the kill. He’s at a complete crossroads here. So, ultimately, he draws his swords. 
The shot of the two boys staring at each other from across the roof — I want that as a poster !! It’s so gorgeous. I’m just noticing this now but it’s split JUST down the middle in terms of color. It gives a very yin and yang type picture. Leo is on the side where the red neon sign is glowing bright, thus making him glow a faint red color. Raph, on the opposite end, is on the side where the shine of the moon is hitting down, making his armor almost glow a pale blue. Ugh so much symbolism I may cry.  Right off the bat you can tell the differences in the two boys. Raph has been in his ready-stance for a while. He’s been waiting for this. Leo stands tall with blades in hand but not in an attack stance. There’s still that sliver of hope that Raph will back down. It’s still early enough to put this behind them, but that window is fading fast. As the rain beats down around them, Leo realizes that the window is closed. Nothing will stop this fight. It’s happening. There is no going back. 
Per the theme this rainy evening, Raph is the first one to charge. He runs like the brute he has become, fists clenched around his sai so he’s ready to stab or punch. Leo charges in a very graceful samurai run. Also the music. The thundering drums that beat so deep and so fast. It’s such a powerful scene. 
The shot of the tip of Leo’s blade grazing the water on the roof is STUNNING. Honestly, who thinks of these details because I hope they got a RAISE back in 2007 😂 it’s beautiful 
I also love how they both jumped toward each other as their first move. This shows that they are now both on the offense. Something snapped inside Leo to make him change up his tactics a bit. Almost to throw off Raph, who has never been the best at a defensive position. His strong suit is in the offense. 
Still the differences between their fighting styles after the jump. Leo did a beautiful forward shoulder roll, which is a proper technique of coming out of a forward jump. It keeps your momentum going into your next attack. Raph landed on his feet which, may not be ideal, but gave him a split-second advantage to be on the offense for the next attack. Leo then had to block with his sword. This fight goes FAST. I’m watching it so carefully and I’m sure there are things that I’m missing. I love how Leo does a roll over Raph’s shell, and up until now I figured he had made contact with his shell, but he actually didn’t because just as Leo started his roll, Raph ducked forward out of the way. Then Raph does a couple kicks towards Leo’s head, which cause water to sprinkle EVERYWHERE and it’s gorgeous. Raph is just going ham and not letting up on Leo as he’s still going for those strikes. (Lol I took a stage combat course over the summer so I know a little bit of the lingo (but good god I am no expert so please call me out if you know I’m using improper terms)) Watching this scene makes me want to do a move chart with a list of moves they are doing and in the order they’re doing it haha. Finally, Leo is able to squeeze in two strikes towards Raph, both of which he ducks and then blocks. 
The camera angles are wonderful. Have I talked about that yet? I mean the shot of the two of them squaring off. The little shot of the two of them fighting between the E and the D in the neon sign. And even the upcoming shot from below when they’ve got their weapons locked together. So beautiful. 
This scene also really shows the details of the Nightwatcher suit. 
And when Leo is able to do an X cross block with his swords at the downward blow Raph is throwing with his sai, and the camera angles are just moving with the characters. UGH. Here you can see that Leo really is mad. The fury of the fight is showing through his eyes as he watches his brother with a predator-like stare. *frantically looks up synonyms for furious* and boy oh boy, Raph is just seething as he twirls his blades. This small segment of them circling each other (sort of like a Spaghetti western style) is a fighting trope that I really dig. Sais are actually a lot larger than I gave them credit for. Those sharp boys are HUGE. 
The way they have their teeth bared as they circle each other reminds me so much of two very dominate male animals fighting. Like two lions fighting for the pride. When Leo finally comes to a stop his eyebrows furrow just a tad bit more, almost impatiently waiting for Raph to make another offending move. Or possibly giving thought as if the fight was coming to its end. And Raph’s pupils are crazy dilated as he charges yet again. It’s like a sickness that has infested his mind, this constant need to one-up his older brother. It’s making him crazy. And the heaviness of that armor is making Raph charge like a rhino or something. And the shot of Leo tightening his grip on his blade gives the implication that there may have been a split second where he believed Raph was ready to be done with the fight. 
Their eye contact hardly ever breaks during this scene. Raph is wanting to see that split second of worry in his brother’s eyes. He’s wanting to see that hesitation. 
Now Leo charges and he has taken full offense. He strikes at Raph many times, closing him into the wall under one of the two signs. He throws seven blows before doing a jumping spin kick to Raph’s abdomen. You can tell that blow sent Raph back a ways, maybe even farther if that wall wasn’t there to stop him. He probably has some form of whiplash. And even as he’s starting to lock eyes with his opponent again, Leo’s sword comes RIGHT BY HIS NECK. Leo literally got so close to making a fatal would for Raph. And no, Leo had no intention of killing Raph. He was probably aiming to give Raph a nasty slash on his cheek. Just a warning. Something that would remind Raph to stay in his place. 
Now here it is. The locking of their weapons. The climax of the fight. Raph is enraged and is gritting his teeth so hard that he’s shaking. In the shot from below, you can see the absolute force that they are using to one-up the strength of the other as their muscles are just quivering. And Raph tries to make himself become larger to push Leo back. Leo gives a quick glance down to his weapon in fear that the thin blade will give out. Swords aren’t meant to withstand this kind of pressure. 
And when they do break. b o i. The shock and pain that sweeps through Leo is heartbreaking. He just lost. Even before Raph throws the final blow. Leo’s swords are finished, just as he is. His swords. The weapons he’s most likely had since he became leader all those years ago. A literal extension of his body. Taken away from him in an unforgivable instant. And right as Leo is taking a glance back up to Raph, Raph is already coming up to powerfully kick him straight through the jaw. Through his kick, Raph is still in his jump twirling around to deliver the fatal blow to his brother’s head. The spear of his sai is centimeters away from Leo’s head as he falls back and hits the concrete behind him. As soon as his eyes open after being knocked back, he registers how close that blade was to piercing his skull. He’s been around long enough to recognize a deadly shot. You can tell his mind is racing in that fraction of a second as he sees the blade and looks back up to Raph to question why on earth he would throw such a potentially devastating blow. And just like that, Raph standing above with Leo pinned to the ground, he has won. He has defeated Leo. Even still, you can see their expressions change numerous times as they process what has just happened. Raph still bares his teeth in anger/triumph. He’s finally showing Leo what he thinks of his “place”. Finally showing him that he is a worthy opponent to Leo. 
Again, Leo is in shock. All he’s thinking is “why” and “what” and many other synonyms for said terms. You can see his eyes flit between Raph’s own as he continuously tries to read what his brother is thinking. Then his brows furrow once more as it finally sinks in. Raph hated Leo for so long. Up until the point where he came close enough to kill him. It didn’t matter how much Leo trained to be better for Raph. Raph still hated him. Every fiber of his being. He’s confused and frightened still as to why. Just because they fought doesn’t mean there was any resolution. Leo is still left in the dark as to WHY his brother actually despises him. 
Raph, still seething, is beginning to shake all the way up to his face. Then it hits him. What he’s done. His pupils widen as his eyebrows slowly shift up. That’s Leo. That’s his older brother. That’s his family. That’s who he’s got pinned down. Who he nearly sent a sharp blade through the skull. Who he nearly murdered. Leo is still staring up at him, I’m sure wondering how someone could be filled with so much hate. Maybe for a split second, if the Ghost of the Jungle actually did kill those raiders in South America, Leo saw himself in Raph. Perhaps that scared him. This could have been the path Leo was headed down if it wasn’t for April coming and pleading for Leo to return home. No one was able to help Raph. No one tried to stop him from going too far down this path. Was it because he had been absent? Was this all because he left? This is what Raph really thinks of Leo, huh? 
I love how no words are spoken here, yet again. It’s brilliant what can be said without any actual words. There’s so much emotion between the boys after what just happened. 
And here’s Raph again. Still processing. He tries to shake it away as if it’s just a bad thought or a nightmare. He’s in disbelief of his own actions. He then starts to shy away from Leo as if in apology but honestly what’s to be said after that that will make everything better? He also looks a little to the right of Leo, but we don’t get to see what he’s looking at. Up until this point, I’ve always just figured he was just looking away in thought, not on anything in particular. But now, I feel like he could possibly be looking at the rain falling on the concrete roof as if to help him figure out that this is reality. That he’s actually here in this moment. And so is Leo. OR, he could be looking at Leo’s broken swords, which is also bringing him back to reality. He destroyed a part of his brother. He could have done so much more destruction. He gets up ever so gently as if Leo is a paper doll that will break under his weight or a sudden shift of movement. 
Leo still clutching onto his sword handles is probably subconscious instinct, like when something suddenly scares you and your muscles clench up and you hold tighter onto whatever. And here you can see that he’s actually showing that he’s in pain. His adrenaline is wearing off so the blows from just moments before are actually beginning to enflame his body. I’m sure there’s a part of him that’s scared of Raph now. Like there’s no more teasing or mocking. If he were to try it again, I’m sure he believes things could spiral out of control again. Something neither of them wanted anytime soon. His face is a little hard to read when he stands up, but mostly because he’s in pain and is showing that in his gestures and expression. Knowing Leo, he’s probably mentally asking so many questions. I’m sure he wants to talk. I’m sure he wants Raph to talk. But what on earth are either of them to say? 
They’re exhausted from the fight. Leo is visibly heaving his body. Raph is still stunned as ever as his eyes are fixed on his brother who is SOMEHOW ALIVE ?? He shakes his head slightly as the thought creeps through his mind again. As the more devastating idea enters. He doesn’t even want to consider what the aftermath would have been like. What if it actually happened. What if Leo wasn’t standing right in front of him? What if he was still on the concrete ground, covered in rain pellets, immovable. Just… still. With a single sai protruding from his head. No. He messed up. How could things ever be the same again? How could he move on from this? How could he go home and face his family? His brothers? Splinter? He feels like such a little kid. A scared child who’s worried about the consequences of his actions. He would be disowned. He would be shunned. He would be hated. What was he to do? He glances down at his weapons, still in hand, and gives a tiny gasp. These were almost murder weapons. Of his own brother’s death. So, he runs. Any specific destination, probably not. He just needed to be away from Leo. He has no idea if he’ll ever see him again. Or his family. He just messed up way too horribly. How would anyone be able to forgive him? How could Leo even be facing him?
As he turns away to disappear into the night, Leo inaudibly tries to call him back. Even after all that, Leo’s still trying to reach out to him. He doesn’t want Raph to leave. This is something they NEED to discuss. He’s not mad or angry at his brother. He’s confused. He could see it in Raph’s eyes that Raph was guilty about what he almost did. I’m sure he doesn’t audibly call out to Raph because he’s partially too exhausted to do so. Plus, I’m sure there’s still a bit of fear right on the surface. 
As Raph runs, he is most definitely ugly crying. But we can’t see that because of the pouring rain :’D so. And then Leo gets captured and yadayada. Wow. I think I may be FINALLY done talking about this 😂 I’m exhausted. If you read this much I’m honestly super proud of you and I appreciate you haha you’re amazing. If you have anything you want to talk about concerning the ninja turtles (preferably the 2007 film because it’s fresh on my mind, but I’m also down to talk about the other movies or the tv shows) don’t even hesitate to ask. I love talking about the turtles. We can debate certain topics, gush about OTPs, talk about issues we had with certain things. I love all that. 
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advernia · 4 years
around june of last year, i decided to revive my writing blog as one of the many potential stress-relief methods i could think of.... i didn’t think i’d be able to keep it active for long since work + family duties keep me preoccupied most of the time, but eyyy!!! so far i haven’t lost the motivation to keep going back to this blog, and i even managed to keep it afloat for half a year!!! amazing!!! (•̀o•́)ง
and now here we are halfway through 2020!!! it’s waaaay overdue but here’s a big T H A N K  Y O U  V E R Y  M U C H ! ! ! to everyone and anyone who dropped by this blog last year + all them likes, comments, reblogs...... please know that i’m still i n c r e d i b l y grateful for the support & interest in the content i’ve posted up!!!! tbh my activity’s still hella sporadic so it’s really amazing for me that i even gained new followers.... i’m very honored to have all of you stick around my blog despite my irregularity!!!!!!!! (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)
it’s also overdue, but i slowly managed and finally cleaned up the blog like i’ve been meaning to do + changed the blog name to match my ao3 handle for consistency!!! i make no promises to be super active... but i’m sure that i still want to continue writing & keep this blog alive!!!! 
again, thank you all for your time + reading my works!!!!!!  ∩( ´∀` )∩ work commentary on the rest of my works last year follows under the cut!
oct 1 // hero’s journey
a drabble on blanc + oliver about the alices... now that i think of it, calling the first alice first alice is kinda funny considering that alice is really her name... or is it? 
i do hope blanc’s route talks about her a bit, haha! i mean, i wish cybird remembers that they’ve been dropping the occasional background tidbits about her... like for example, her pocketwatch (that she gave to blanc eventually) having a magic crystal engraved into it.... her potentially leaving a fucking globe in the black army’s possession (like... wow... u fell with that thing????????)....
plus, i just find it interesting that she was remembered by cradle as a heck of a troublemaker lol! it also makes you wonder who among the main cast met her, blanc aside... though it’s not stated when exactly she fell into cradle, so maybe only blanc had the opportunity of meeting her...
so does blanc speak of her fondly bc she’s a woman, or is there something else??? has he been frequently visiting the land of reason pre-game??? has he found the first alice’s antique shop / met her again??? does he still try to figure out the reason why there’s a magic crystal engraved into the first alice’s pocketwatch????? hmmmmm......
on another note, it would be hilarious if cybird pulls a peter pan 2......... since we can’t pull off a mother-daughter relationship like wendy & jane’s, what if alice the second is somehow actually related to the first alice?? and while she’s completely different from her predecessor, blanc finds himself falling for alice the second........ just like he fell for the first alice? drama!
that’s just a random thought but kidding aside, i do hope blanc’s route is hella interesting bc i think he’s our mr. exposition for knowing more about cradle itself lol
oct 1 // fair (?) ladies & phony (?) enchanters
a result of going manic a few days after seeing harr’s trailer + route release.... ahaHAHA I’M STILL WILLING TO PLAY UR ROUTE IN JP HARR (if i actually had time to sit down and translate gET REKT)
i liked writing these drabbles and i think they’re cute but tbh they did nothing to ease my curiosity about harr’s route.... if anything else, it became even w o r s e  haha........................
if i think of blanc to have a cradle-centric route, i do hope harr’s route is magic tower-centric! naturally it will be since he’s got history there, but i hope a lot of my questions about the magic tower will be answered.....
will harr’s perspective of the magic tower be in the eyes of a test subject or a disciple???? he was scouted by the magic tower, but it wasn’t stated what he was doing exactly..... going by hints + loki’s & zero’s routes, it’s more of him being a disciple, so there’s bound to be guilt.......
hopefully alice’s characterization in his route is good + we get a fun group dynamic with loki!!! their potential.... the most(?) notorious criminal of cradle, a sought after test subject, and that one girl who nullifies all magic; a renegade trio lurking around the forbidden forest.... what an odd bunch!
oct 4 // god is a five minute hymn
a religious themed fic with lancelot & alice - tbh i don’t even know why religion was the first thing that came into mind when liz and i were talking about cultural differences, lol.
on that note though! i personally like thinking that if ever cradle had a semblance of a religion, it would be polytheistic & nature-centric, and not strictly practiced - the stratocracy of both territories i’d like to think makes it harder for religion to have a voice, much less have one that is practiced by the general population. the only thing general about it is that the religion centers or has magic crystals as an important factor... or something. yeah.
that aside, i think i specifically chose lancelot in this piece for the sole reason that his canonically stated lack of common sense, in my opinion, gives him the curiosity of a child sometimes - there’s no sense of malice or doubt, just the pure innocence of wanting to know something....... religion does that to kids, especially when introduced to it at first.
rereading the fic makes me think of the instances where when faced with dire or unsettling situations, people turn to faith as a life line.... well, i’m not sure if i had that subconsciously in mind when writing alice, but that does give a spin to it....
oct 6 // flow like the river nile
a spontaneous red army-centric fic! it certainly turned out better than i expected... i liked the formatting i used for this one!
if cybird can give us more about the pre-game suitors it would be great, tbh! and while the stuff about them in school is interesting, i’d like to see more about when they assumed their positions + combat scenes! the neutrals are special cases, but knowing more about their living conditions + daily lives is also a treat...
i was thinking of adding one last snippet about lancelot in the eyes of the reds, but i scrapped it out and switched it to alice & lancelot’s conversation about duty - it could’ve worked better if i stuck to using the what is your duty? question, but i scrapped it eventually too. ah well. it does look good enough as it is. 
oct 7 // seeking out phantoms
a mandatory(???) odd one out aka content that’s not ikerev, haha! i missed fe:a all of a sudden...
i never got around to writing properly for this fandom tho, what a shame - i’ve got some bits of pieces in my drafts that looked interesting and easy enough to pick up, and this was one of them.
robin investigating more of their plegian heritage could’ve been a good subplot tbh... i still wish there was something like a paralogue or dlc about it, bc honestly the valm arc goes a bit slow until you get to the future past revelations. ah well.
and gaius bc first husband for the win.... not like i actually had the guts to marry anyone else in my other save files lololol
nov 7 // push me off a bridge (to catch me as i fall)
my longest project of 2019, holy shit! i didn’t know i still had it in me to write something past 10k... i need more of that motivation + energy....
there’s nothing much to say about this since i blabbed about everything in the post-reading notes, but as much as i fought myself to get this done, i really enjoyed writing a long fic again! hopefully i can get myself to write another one this year...
nov 18 // beloved, beloved, let me be clear
18 sentences on zero & alice + macross frontier references! man, when i really got to the point about the earrings i was thinking of sheryl a lot....
kept it in sentences cause i didn’t have enough time to put up a decent ficlet! but i really wanted to get my screaming out of my system....... i used to do sentences + three word sentences challenges before, and doing one again was pretty fun!
but really.... zero’s route kept me happy for days???? their buildup + dynamic was something i was totally w e a k for, no joke..... thank gods the collection event was going on, bc i really made good use of my stocked chapter tickets lolol!
i was especially excited come the ball scene, and that cg..... a h a h a.... i need more of those pretty cgs where i can see alice’s face + costume change....... 
nov 20 // coloring inside the lines
jonah + alice + makeup!!!! tbh this was really fun, i enjoyed writing this one - if i remember, this was a fic that i managed to continuously work on the day i thought it up!
jonah may not be my best boy but tbh i find writing him very easy - i guess it’s because i’m very fond of characters like him!!! those uptight nobles who are as prideful as hell but can definitely live up to their name + are more capable than their bragging suggests... idk if there’s a general trope name for these doods, but i especially like analyzing their motivations + convictions!!!
i liked how i ended it, but i apparently i made an actual ending that’s now a snippet in my drafts - jonah & alice head to the ball, and somewhere along some bystanders’ flow of conversation someone drops a comment about jonah’s lips looking... quite more luscious than usual, lolol. so t h i r s t y. upon hearing this, alice can’t seem to stop smiling for some reason..... 
nov 27 // blue fields, verdant skies
a practice drabble set centric on a ray/alice development that i liked so much i made it into a series - plus, it’s black army content and honestly i need to write more of them! my red army bias is showing whoooooops
it’s a feudal + arranged marriage au, with the latter... being quite spontaneous. it’s those types of marriages where neither have even met - not even once - only to face each other come the wedding... so it’s a given that audiences from both parties are rather curious how this will turn out.
since i had the theme of fate in mind, ray was the automatic pick for the male lead. the rest of the black army is a given and for kicks, i added dean and dalim! i actually want to write about them + mousse, but since i’m still unsure on their characterizations i’ve been holding them off.... but i gave in anyway.....
alice is again named for word count convenience purposes since it’s in actual 100 words aka drabble form! i have planned scenes + an ending already in mind, but going there is pretty hard bc.... i still have to write the scenes in between + resist temptation to expand further on other scenes, haha....
initially i was planning to keep it updated here as well, but any more updates of this are on ao3 instead! the formatting looks better there instead of my blog tbh, and it also gives it a sort of muted tone to the story that works with me!
this is also the 31st fic in this blog, marking an end of the challenge liz bestowed to me lolol - since i brought this blog back to life around june, i was dared that by the end of the year, i should’ve posted more than 15 fics to add up to the initial 15 i had already posted before, thus the numbers on my fics back then.... now that i actually succeeded, i can stop counting lololol!!!! tho hopefully i can still be pretty active this year....
dec 22 // duck, duck, bullet
oliver & fenrir on guns... this probably wins as the most spontaneous idea i had on my head - tbh, i wasn’t even sure where i was going with it at first! but i’m sure i was suddenly thinking about that one detective conan movie.... then it became kid!oliver with a gun.....
i wonder if he tests the bullets at night, when he’s in adult form.... then again, kid!oliver with a gun still works.... say that because he’s a genius inventor, he made some models to serve as his shooting targets.... but another thought that amuses me more is.... blanc does the bullet testing for him!?
lololol i already thought about blanc being oliver’s live target, but i also find blanc with a gun very interesting.......... i mean, blanc certainly doesn’t look like he can fight, but who knows??? i mean, mousse is the former ace of hearts, but i still can’t imagine him fighting..... appearances can be deceiving....
the two aside, i wonder how fenrir even met oliver and got him working on his bullets........ was it through blanc or other connections???? how long have they been seller and buyer???? does anyone else commission anything from oliver?????? hmmmm.....
dec 23 // terms of surrender
i’ve been told by liz + luci + other friends that i needed to practice writing more.... cheesy fluff. i’m not sure if this sirius/alice piece counts, lol. in fact, i think it’s my definition of fluff i see here - and it translates to not exactly fluffy at all!
tho if you want me to be honest about it - when i write suitor/alice stuff, how alice was characterized in the suitor’s route is still my basis for how i’ll write her, and sirius’ alice................ haha......... i think she’s the alice that’s honestly easy to write but i choose to avoid.......... 
i don’t dislike the sirius/alice dynamic per se, tho. i do find it cute, especially if cybird stops emphasizing the issue of maturity in the relationship on alice’s side. i understand - i really do - that it’s a potential issue in the relationship, but...... that’s not the only problem you can possibly have as time passes, right?????
on another note, it’s funny that only sirius gets to be harped about the maturity due to age difference issue - setting aside blanc, who heavens know how old he is, lancelot’s 29 and since alice is presumed to be around ray + fenrir’s age, you could say that she’s 24 or even 23 to be safe.... so that makes a 5 / 6 years difference but it’s never brought up, lol. but i guess it’s because unlike lancelot, the black army’s been making sirius’ age a running gag....
anyway, this piece is pretty decent! i was thinking of something along the lines of mornings between a “married couple”.... there were two scenarios i had in mind, and i opted to write this one out first.... maybe i’ll have the second one posted up here another day.
dec 28 // a chain of black thrones
pre-game!sirius & ray and bc i was thinking a lot about the previous chosen, the former jack of spades!!! i wonder if the armies have a set age for retirement lolol... it would be awesome if there was still a chosen who’s already past his 50s or something, haha!
since sirius was constantly badgered to take on the role of king, i was also wondering about how long the black army was ‘king-less’... i mean, if the tension between both armies was really as great as they say, having no king puts the black army at a precarious position... i also thought that ‘nah, maybe there was a king or something but maybe the black army didn’t like him or something so they insisted that sirius take it instead’ but sirius’ 1st anniv. epilogue says otherwise - there really was a period that the black army had no king, wow. how the heck did they deal with that???? surely the red army saw this as a display of vulnerability....
can the black army’s chosen choose to leave their posts when they feel like it??? when they’re defeated by a challenger, what happens to them - a demotion, or do they serve under the ‘new’ chosen??? does the black army’s chosen change constantly because of their meritocracy + challenger system??? like, how do they deal with that, and do they announce their changes in chosen each council meeting??? each new question just snowballed my curiosity, whoops...
there were so many angles i thought of but i decided to settle for addressing the king-less state of the black army... through the eyes of a veteran who’s probably served many kings throughout his time of service as part of the black army’s chosen.
i gave this jack of spades character a name, actually - garret folner. maybe someday i’ll write him again, bc i actually enjoyed thinking about the present + past chosen interactions - maybe i’d think about that for the red army, but this time i find the black army’s side more interesting for this situation.
dec 29 // steadfast tin soldier
a zero/alice piece for zeroweek - i was about to post pt. 1 as a standalone, but then i just thought about how.... zero bought alice a gown.... but never got to dance with her at the day of the ball..... so i rushed to add pt. 2 haha!
with the addition of pt. 2 it looks cut short tho - i did think of putting a scene in between, but no good ideas came into mind bc i was too fascinated with the dancing scene... i swear at some point i will find myself writing a fic or a part of a fic that’s a dance scene for the rest of the ikerev suitors + alice....
this is the kind of fluff i live for, actually... i’m totally fine with the steamy content cybird throws during events + bonus stories, but if i were to be honest i say.... where’s my non-sexual intimacy????? the simple, wholesome stuff?????????????????
man, i feel hilarious for typing that out..... but well, i guess it’s a matter of different strokes for different folks, lol!
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we-stan-bruce-ban · 5 years
Freshly divorced Peter B invites his long time friend and part time partner(in crime of course) Wade Wilson to bring pizza to come cheer him up(maybe confess his feelings)
Hi!! It’s been like months since I got this ask!!!! I’m really sorry lol, this took me forever because I got into an extremely bad writer’s block and I just. Couldn’t finish it. I finally worked through it though and this kind of turned out more angsty towards the end than I intended, but I still think it’s really cute and I love how it turned out!! Thank you for your patience and, again, I’m sorry it took me so long. Nonetheless, enjoy!
“I’m going to preface this with please don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m already not listening anymore.”
“I got divorced.” 
Wade paused and softened. He hadn’t heard from Peter in a while. A month or two, maybe. Well, that was kind of a lie. He saw Spiderman in the news, or swinging around town, and he was sure that Peter had seen Deadpool around. But it wasn’t the same as actually talking to the guy. And now...well, shit. That was a lot to just put out there like that. 
“I...fuck. I’m sorry, man,” Wade said gently. 
“You’re…” Peter sounded a little surprised. After all, he outright expressed that he wasn’t expecting Wade to be sympathetic. 
“When did this happen?” Wade continued. 
“Yesterday,” Peter choked. “I mean, yesterday officially. In court, and--look, I--I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Then...why’d you call me?”
“Come over. Please. To distract me. I’m sad, and hungry, and I just want a--a pizza, and to not think about this please.” 
Wade nodded, forgetting that Peter couldn’t see him. “On it. Half pepperoni. Half bacon. Extra cheese.”
“Yeah. You know it. I’ll, um...I’ll leave the door unlocked.” 
“I’ll be over in twenty minutes.” Wade hung up before Peter could say “bye”. 
It was hard to find a pizza place that was open this late at night, but Wade got the pie and a bottle of Jack Daniel’s and was over at Peter’s apartment within a half-hour.
“Hey, Webs,” he called as he opened the door. “Got pizza and drinks.”
There was no reply. 
“Pete?” Wade called, taking his hood off and looking around. The apartment was very obviously lived in. Plates covered the sink counter and coffee table in front of the TV, there were some dirty clothes and jackets strewn about here and there, and the whole place could just use a cleaning in general. Wade couldn’t judge. If it weren’t for Al, his own place would probably look the same. 
In the silence of Peter not answering him, Wade could hear the shower running. He set down the pizza box and bottle on one of the only relatively empty surfaces and headed towards the bathroom. Wade pressed an ear against the door. 
“Dude? You in there?” 
“Can I come in?” 
Wade turned the knob and peeked into the bathroom. The shower curtain was open, and Peter was sitting in the tub, fully clothed in his Spidey-suit, letting the water run down his back. Even though he had his mask on, Wade could tell that some of the water streaming down his face was probably tears. 
“Webs,” he sighed, folding his arms. “What...what are you doing, man?” 
“I--I don’t know,” he mumbled. 
“Okay, look. I know you’re sad. You have an extremely valid reason to be, okay? Trust me, I understand. But at this point, you’re just wasting water and your bill’s going up. So let’s just…” He reached over to the faucet. “Turn the water off and you can dry off. Put on some comfy clothes. Then come eat this pizza and watch Lego Batman with me.”
Peter sniffled, but nodded a little. He took off the mask and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. Wade’s mouth twitched. He hated seeing Peter so sad. He was used to sarcasm and sass from his friend. Maybe irritation. Definitely not this. But...he got it. Wade was no stranger to relationship issues. 
As Peter slowly started to get out of the tub, Wade was quick to run to the bedroom and find him some sweatpants and a t-shirt to wear. One towel-dry and a couple tissues later, they were both sitting on the couch. Peter was quietly eating as he stared at the floor. His glazed eyes told Wade he wasn’t really watching the movie. 
“It wasn’t an angry divorce,” Peter said suddenly. 
“What?” Wade turned the volume down and looked at him. 
“We…” Peter sighed heavily. “She wants kids. I’m not ready for that yet. And I...guess she didn’t wanna wait, because she said she wanted to take a break and we should both think about some things. And I did. And...fuck, dude. I was the worst.”
“What?” he repeated. “No way. You’re fucking Spiderman.”
“That’s the problem. I couldn’t ever spend time with her, or pay attention to her, and--” Peter stopped and took a swig from his glass. “And I missed so many important things. MJ deserves so much better. So...fucking much. I think the--the kids thing was just the icing on the cake.”
“...Oh.” Although he wasn’t a hero, Wade was more than familiar with sudden scheduling getting in the way of other important things. He supposed heroes had it worse, since they were constantly on defense. Mercs typically had a single job, and then they were done for the week. “I’m sorry.”
“I just...don’t wanna be alone. Y’know? No one could...I can’t have relationships.”
“Not unless they’re with other heroes.” Which you aren’t, a voice told him. 
“Yeah, and who do you suppose I date, huh?” Peter forced a laugh. “Captain America? Thor himself?”
“Hey.” Wade took a bit of his pizza slice. “Don’t knock it ‘till you try.”
“You’ve dated Thor,” he deadpanned. 
“Tried to. Not the point. I’m just saying that no one knows how tough hero life is more than hero life itself. Maybe he’d--um, they--would be more understanding. Right?”
“Right,” he huffed. “I guess…”
“Look, just...try not to think about it right now. I know that’s like kicking you in the gonads and then telling you to ignore the pain, but try to focus on yourself for a while. Don’t worry about relationships. Self care and all that shit.”
“Yeah,” he said softly. 
“And if you ever need a guy to bring you beer and pizza, you know I’m here. Always.” 
“You’re being really nice right now.” Peter cracked a weak smile. “Are you sure you’re Deadpool? Like, the Deadpool?”
“Who else would have this gross-ass skin?”
“Don’t call it gross.” Peter rolled his eyes and flipped Wade’s hood back. “You look fine.”
“Yeah, okay,” Wade scoffed. 
“I mean it. Skin is here to protect muscles and bones and all the squishy stuff. And your skin does that. So it still works, more than other people’s, probably.”
“God, if only the world worked like you do.” Wade smirked. “Then I’d be named this year’s America’s Sexiest Man.”
“How do you even survive with all that hot air in your head?”
Wade’s chest swelled as he heard Peter laugh, genuinely laugh, for what was probably the first time in a while. And, God, that smile...that adorable smile. Wade stretched his hand out to touch Peter’s, then recoiled. Dude, he just divorced his wife. Lay off. 
Instead of making a move, Wade looked back at the screen. Robin was explaining how all the kids at the orphanage called him ‘Dick’ instead of Richard. Wade snorted--it was still his favorite joke from this movie--but he didn’t really feel like laughing. 
Whatever. At least I made him happy for the night.
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