#my cozy fall baby ily
decembermoonskz · 8 months
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gnabnahc: 1008 #STAY
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steddiewithachance · 1 year
Eddie Munson, Bug Wrangler
(Cw: Spider. Not graphic or anything scary, this ficlet is all fluff) This is for @glitterfang, one of the most brilliant authors of our generation. To my dearest pizzabones, Happy Birthday Becca. Ily.
Eddie is cozied up on his brand new couch, covered in a pile of ridiculously soft blankets, reading a captivating fantasy novel he picked up from the library down the street. Warm light is spilling out from the lamp on the side table by his head and Eddie is... so happy. He fucking loves his new apartment. He fucking loves that he has an apartment in general but especially that he's living in said apartment with his high school crush turned boyfriend, Steve Harrington. Everything just feels so soft and good and safe for the first time in his life. He sinks further down into the cushions of the couch when he hears the shower turn off in the other room. He smiles to himself.
He has the perfect seat for a night like tonight. The apartment layout is a little confusing with the living room being in between the bathroom and the bedroom, but Eddie is not complaining. He's not complaining because it means Steve has to walk through the living room and pass by Eddie in nothing but a towel to get back to the bedroom. And Eddie will never get tired of that view.
Soon enough, the bathroom door opens and out walks the most beautiful goddamn man Eddie has ever laid his eyes on. Water droplets are falling from his hair to the hardwood floor and Steve looks up when he notices he's being watched. Eddie is peaking out from the top of his book, clearly hiding a smile.
"Oh hi there." Steve greets softly. He slows down on his walk to the bedroom.
"You come here often?" Steve jokes.
"Nope. First time, actually," Eddie lowers his book and gives Steve a once over, "I'm sight seeing."
Steve huffs and walks into their room calling out "Be right back." Eddie sighs contentedly and looks back down at his book wondering if it's worth trying to get back into it. From the bedroom, Eddie hears something small clatter to the ground followed by a loud inhale of breath. He's expecting Steve to say something. Anything.
"Babylove? You okay?" Eddie asks while sitting up, voice laced with concern. The room is silent for a moment before Steve walks backwards out of the bedroom in boxer briefs and a tshirt. He turns to face Eddie, face pale, while continuously glancing back into the room.
"What happened?" Eddie moves the blankets off his legs. He has literally never seen Steve nervous like this, not in the face of monsters and not in the face of dangerous men. It's making him nervous, himself.
"There's. Uhm." Steve quickly whips his head around to check the room again before sheepishly looking at Eddie. Eddie gets up and walks towards Steve. He puts a hand on the small of Steve's back and leans through the door frame expecting to see something that could have rendered Steve speechless. He sees a stick of deodorant on the floor.
"What?" Eddie asks quietly, lifting his hand to cradle Steve's cheek.
"It's embarrassing," Steve concedes, deflating.
"We're so past embarrassing, babe. Tell me what's wrong?" Eddie combs Steve's wet hair back with his fingers. Steve searches Eddie's eyes. For what? He's not sure. Judgement, maybe? When Steve finds only an openly concerned expression there, he buries his face in Eddie's neck.
"There's a spider." Steve whines, his voice being muffled by the fabric of Eddie's sweatshirt. And Eddie wants to laugh. He wants to laugh because this whole time he thought Steve was this fearless god of a man. Untouchable in every way. But he is so suddenly endeared that his boy is afraid of spiders. He doesn't laugh because he understands the fragile vulnerability that Steve is trusting him with in this moment.
"Oh baby, lets get him out of here! A free loader in our brand new apartment? I don't think so." Eddie moves back and kisses Steve sweetly on the forehead before ducking to meet his eyes. "Show me where he is?" And Steve's shoulders subtly loosen in relief, glad that he's not being made fun of or maybe glad that Eddie is willing to be the bug wrangler between the two of them.
"Hold on," Eddie turns and jogs into the kitchen where he grabs a glass and an open piece of mail.
"Hurry Eddie he's moving." Steve calls out and Eddie full on giggles.
When he walks into their bedroom, and god the novelty of sharing a bedroom with Steve Harrington will never, ever wear off, Eddie sees him staring at the wall right above their nightstand. Steve turns to him with a distressed expression and points at the wall uselessly. Eddie moves forward and places the glass on the wall around the little guy. He slips the paper under the glass and carefully brings the cup away from the wall.
"Give him a name before we kick him out so we know what to call him when we warn the neighbors about the dreaded trespasser." Eddie says holding the paper tight against the glass. He's trying to make the situation as light and playful as possible. Wants Steve to know there's no reason to be embarrassed. The corner of Steve's lip lifts slightly and Eddie is glad to see it.
"Ronald." Steve decides after some internal deliberation. He makes his way to the window and slides it open.
"Yeah. Ronald Reagan." Steve agrees with a smile. Eddie beams, pleased that Steve always plays along.
"Perfect name for such a heinous creature." Eddie responds while following him. Eddie lifts the paper off of the cup and shakes the cup out so that the spider falls onto the ledge a few feet below their window. "Fuck you Ronald Reagan!" Eddie shouts out the window. Steve lets out a surprised laugh and shushes Eddie. "Say it babe!" Eddie encourages. He sets the glass on the window seal and puts his arms around Steve's waist.
"You're gonna get us in trouble, Eds." Steve nuzzles into his cheek. Eddie frees one of his hands and puts his weight into closing the window.
"Thank you." Steve tacks on after Eddie has returned to holding him.
"Please, it's a given that I'm gonna protect my baby from war criminals" Eddie whispers pressing a kiss against his eyebrow. Eddie feels the small huffs of breath against his neck when Steve laughs softly.
"No, but really. Eddie. Thank you. For not making fun of me and just always making me feel-" Steve looks at the ground so he doesn't have to meet Eddie's eyes. "Safe. No matter what. I'm sorry that I'm kind of high maintenance."
"Hey! I think you are severely underestimating just how much I'm willing to do for you." Eddie pulls Steve closer and starts swaying them where they stand. Eddie admires the sight of the warm lamplight that haloes around Steve's head. "And for the record, you're not high maintenance at all. But it would be absolutely fine with me if you were." Eddie adds.
Steve's eyebrows furrow like he's working something out in his head. He doesn't understand how much he's loved. But that's fine, Eddie will keep working at it every day. Chiseling away at Steve's walls like the most patient and dedicated sculptor there ever was.
"Let me dry your hair for you, yeah?" Eddie asks pulling Steve back out towards the bathroom. Eddie expects Steve to say something like 'it's okay. I can do it' or 'Eddie... you don't have to.' But instead he says:
"Okay." Sweet and simple. Eddie will count that as a battle won in the war of "Getting Steve to understand his worth."
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autisticempathydaemon · 4 months
could I please get a match up?? 💗
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
Wanderlust by Eloise and my favorite line is “How I’m with you is beyond me” bc I just feel really lucky to be with my partner 
What is your Enneagram type?
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
I don’t really watch essays, but I like cake-decorating tutorials and I watch them a lot
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend. 
I didn’t really have an imaginary friend, but I used to dress my poor baby kitten up in doll clothes and make him sit through tea parties
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
I read and journal for a little bit and then put on my sleep sound machine
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
I would want something really unique and go with no last name. Just Echevaria
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
I think Caelum is really cute and there is more to him than anyone realizes. I miss him 🥺
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
David. I do understand why people like him, but he’s just too much for me. I think if someone talked to me like that I would cry.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
I can recite Goodnight Moon from memory. I did a lot of babysitting.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
Lasko and I have a lot in common
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? 
Baking again. Especially weird combinations. I hardly ever make up my own recipes but when I do it’s because I’m not all there
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Redacted is my guilty pleasure omg if anyone knew…
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Ahh, a fellow Type Nine baker who relates to Lasko, my kinfolk. This may be a little biased then, but hand to heart, it’s gotta be Huxley for you.
Peacemakers tend to be diplomatic and thoughtful- sometimes to a fault, putting the needs of others ahead of their own. Huxley is a good match for you because he would never let that go too far, the king of taking care of his loved ones and being their rock. I also like that, if you don’t like kids, you’re definitely good with kids, and Huxley would love that in a partner and would just melt if he saw you reciting Goodnight Moon to a child from memory.
Huxley would be such a sweet partner to a baker. He raves about absolutely everything you make, calms you down when something goes awry as they inevitably do, goes out to the store when you had way less sugar than you thought you did, just an absolute treasure. Huxley constantly shares the leftovers with the DAMN-ily and his team, raving about you and your skills whenever he can. Also, he loves the story about the time you dressed your cat up for a tea party. As someone who definitely had a loving childhood with his moms, he’d love to hear about similar stories from yours and sharing his, revealing the parts of each other that existed before you two met, you know?
Such a cozy room, the windows are illuminated/ By the evening sunshine through them/ Fiery gems for you, only for you/ Our house, is a very, very, very fine house/ With two cats in the yard/ Life used to be so hard/ Now everything is easy 'cause of you
I love the idea that Huxley listens to old-school music- like, that’s what his moms played while he was growing up, so that’s what he listens to. I also love this song’s vibes for you, because it’s so cozy, warm, and happy, perfect for the two of you hanging out, resting on the couch, and waiting for bread to proof.
Geordi is a runner-up because I also think of him as a baker (a la @romirola and her gorgeous fics), and who doesn’t love a team and power couple? Anton is a cute runner-up because I think he sucks at baking, which makes no sense, but he does, which makes him love and admire your skill all the more.
note: thank you for your entry, I hope you like it!
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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honeyedmiller · 9 months
14, 25 & 31 for the asks <3
14. Create content consistently. Not to be an influencer, but just for the fun of it!! I love it but I’m kinda scared of putting myself out there (I have a fear of rejection LMAOOO)
25. My fav season is autumn!! I love the feeling of it. It brings so much warmth and coziness and nostalgia. I also love Halloween 🥹 and I’m a fall (November) baby so I think I’m just naturally drawn to it. Love it to no end 🖤
31. I’m both sometimes, but moreso organized even though my life feels like chaos and it feels like I’m all over the place. I do keep my space like my room and stuff clean and organized to the best of my ability though, because I feel like my life would feel even more unorganized or messy if it wasn’t.
Thank you for asking mari ily 🥹🖤
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rensiu · 2 years
nct dream + random things they remind me of
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mark lee ! — the color orange. late night walks. tyler, the creators “flower boy” album. long hugs. cream coloured sweaters. poetry. “i’ll love you forever and then some”
huang renjun ! — lavender plants. ruffle shirts. smiles. butterflies. alina baraz’s “moon gate” ep. day dreaming together. iced tea latte’s. “and even then, i couldn’t get them out of my mind”
lee jeno ! — holding hands. pastel green. ariana grande’s song “love language”. flower dresses. the smell of daisy’s. good morning & good night texts. “imy”. cafe runs at 7am. “she was like a shot of espresso”
lee haechan ! — all nighters. navy blue colour. ariana grande’s song “everytime”. candles. refreshing scents. cozy hoodies. “i love u, idiot”. subway rides. sleeping in late. “they’re more myself then i am”
na jaemin ! — baby pink colour. kali uchis’ “to feel alive” ep. pet names like “angel” or “sweets”. nose kisses. early morning cuddles. “foolishly in luv with u”. boba dates. mini skirt. raspberry perfume. “honey, baby, pls don’t blame me”
zhong chenle ! — puppies. falling asleep together. clairo’s album “sling”. couples converse. patio gardens. baking pastries. “boy of my dreams”. the ocean. staying up late. “you’re the only one i got my sights on”
park jisung ! — hi-fi set’s album “fashionable lover”. singing to sleep. the color pastel green. cute hair styles. cardigans. cooking for each other. imessage games. apple scent. honey tea with two spoons of sugar. sunsets. “ily”
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pigunnylove · 2 years
Waking You Up for Work x Stray Kids (CHAN, MINHO ft y/n)
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Waking You Up for Work x Stray Kids (CHAN, MINHO ft y/n)
Thought i'd start doing mini posts like these often! ♥
cto for animated photo
Chan & Minho Imagine
What it would be like living with Chan or Minho who realizes your late for work scenario.
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Chan & Y/N / Minho & Y/N
Warnings: None
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· He would be so worried to wake up you up suddenly because you looked like an angel when you sleep. Please have you seen a real angel sleep? No because he’s constantly guarding us uwu. That’s the real angel my dears LOL.
· Chan hesitated for a moment as he pulled the warm sheets to cover your bare skin that was exposed to the early morning cold air. He stares at the clock on the bedside table; “7:58am”. He knew that if he didn’t wake you up now that you would be late for a busy work day ahead and hate him self that he just sat back and did nothing about it. He would pull together all his courage and gently rub your back trying to wake you up.
· “Princess….y/n.” He’d coo into your ears lovingly. You’d almost swear that you were still dreaming of the two of you on a nice date along the summer grassy hills and snuggling up to each other on a blanket. “Doll… I need you to wake up. You have work very soon. Please?” His voice trailed off softly tracing circles with his fingers onto your arms. He knew how sensitive they were when you weren’t paying attention. If you weren’t going to wake up to that he was going to have to resort to plan b…kissing your lips to wake you up.
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· MANNNNNNNN… big whiny energy radiates this baby in the morning when he finds out that its late and you may not make it to work. But then again, he has been seeing how hard you’ve been working lately. “Come on hun! You haven’t even had a day of for the last couple of months!?” He would whimper the night before in bed next to you. You sigh and shake your head reminding him work is work and you both needed money for the rent. He would throw a tantrum as you try to cuddle him to sleep but ignore you a little with his pouty lips drooping. Don’t worry he would give in of course; he never stays angry at his sweetheart.
· He would sneakily slip of his PJ bottom’s and throw it towards the alarm clock near the bed to hide the time so you wouldn’t wake up just yet. Let’s just put it this way…you’re not going to work on a cozy day with Minho at your side. Some days are just meant to be wrapped in each others arms and other days are meant for his hands to be around you like a necklace. OOOP bye 😊 Minho just wanted you to spend time with him as much as you could and rest. It was all that matters. He would grab your hips and pull you right against his chest, holding you tightly. Minho softly humming his favorite tune as he brushed back the stray stands of hair that covered your face as you slept. “My perfect girl…you deserve the world …”He would softly yawn as his eyes become heavy and began to fall back to sleep with you in his arms.
thank you for reaching the end of this post! Please like and reshare !! ily you all, really do mwah!
Whose next on my fluff list?!! Maknae line?
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1tsnoya · 4 years
hmm can you write some lists for the karasuno boys (kageyama, sawamura, sugawara, nishinoya)? some ideas could be 1. favorite body part (like are they a boob butt or both guy) 2. how they cuddle 3. how they react to lingerie 4. weird kinks heeh 5. how much skinship/ intimate they are thank you!!
reblogs > likes currently because i’m shadowbanned>:( i’m so sorry to be a pain but my blog’s interaction has um — yea it’s bad LOL. thank u soso much ily i’m sorry<3
✧・゚ relationship headcanons ✧・゚
pairings: kageyama x reader, daichi x reader, sugawara x reader, nishinoya x reader
warnings: some suggestive hc’s
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* :・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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what is their favorite body part/feature?
↳ i feel like he’s more of a butt guy
↳ but he really likes your hands, he’s always doing something with them
↳ he fidgets with your hands, holds them tightly in private, rubs circles in your palm, and if he’s feeling affectionate, he’ll plant a kiss on them
↳ this boy takes care of his nails so you best bet that he’ll make sure yours are nice too-
2. how do they cuddle?
↳ surprisingly, he’s a huge cuddler
↳ however, he prefers being like that in private
↳ loves half spooning. that’s his thing
↳ falls asleep when cuddling. he’s out like a light when you’re just there with him. he feels safe with you
3. how do they react to lingerie?
↳ like he couldn’t look away but felt weird staring
↳ then you got closer to him and...WHEW he just pounced on you
↳ the dom side of him comes OUT when you wear lingerie
4. any kinks?
↳ praise him and bby will become putty
↳ i feel like just seeing your face flushed while he’s railing you gets him off
↳ ^^ or hearing you moan his name, just eggs him on
5. how intimate are they?
↳ intimate in private. not in public, he’s too shy for that
↳ at first he felt weird being affectionate but then got super used to it
↳ like i said earlier, you help him feel safe. hugging you and cuddling with you helps calm him down after a long and/or hard day
↳ he’s such a virgin when you first meet him but as your relationship goes on, his sex drive increases
↳ and boy does he get good at it 👀
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what is their favorite body part/feature?
↳ boob guy. that’s it.
↳ remember that whole poster thing in the club room?? yea... he likes tiddies and it’s confirmed
↳ itty bitties, big ones, in the middle, don’t matter !
↳ on the softer side, he really likes your smile or how flustered you can get around him
↳ those shits make him 💞💓💕simp hard💖💘💓
↳ like if you get embarassed and your cheeks go pink, he’ll look at you and smile
↳ just admires you tbh. you make him soft
2. how do they cuddle?
↳ he feels weird being little spoon hsjskh
↳ but yes he is very big into spooning
3. how do they react to lingerie?
↳ as soon as he sees you in lingerie, he gets whore-KNEE
↳ like he’ll grab your waist, pull you closer, and tell you in your ear, “you look so good baby”
↳ he’s a dom (obvi) so goes WILD bruh
↳ 3 rounds or more... i said what i said
4. any kinks?
↳ call him daddy.. wow he will lose it
↳ ^^ he just thrusts into you harder
↳ very into thigh riding.. pls ride his thigh have you seen them?
5. how intimate are they?
↳ i’d say he’s pretty intimate. not so much but likes to show you off every now and then
↳ holds your hand in public, yuh loves dat shit
↳ he won’t tell the world that you two are together but has no problem being affectionate in front of others
↳ sex wise, oh boy he’s good
↳ a lil nervous at first but once you two start, he’ll go ham
↳ by that i mean that he’ll completely RAIL you
↳ def has your legs shaking and begging for more
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what is their favorite body part/feature?
↳ hmm i see him as more of a butt guy
↳ suga is a softie but he is also a very slick guy
↳ if you give him a kiss and walk away, you best believe he will sneak a look at your butt
↳ if we’re being more pure — YOUR LAUGH
↳ your laugh drives him crazy
↳ it makes him smile and get all red
↳ just reminds him how lucky he is to have scored someone like you
2. how do they cuddle?
↳ he’s SUCH a good cuddler
↳ he’s just always warm? and is always so comforting? ugh <3<3<3
↳ rests his head in the crook of your neck<3
↳ like kageyama, he falls asleep when cuddling. he’s all warm and cozy so it’s perfect
3. how do they react to lingerie?
↳ wow he loses it when he sees you in lingerie
↳ like just.. heart eyes for you. his lips are already on yours when he sees you like that
↳ the dom suga really comes THROUGH
↳ he’ll like suck at your neck while teasing you with it on
↳ oh believe me he just... sigh you two had a VERY good night
↳ cuddles after duh
4. any kinks?
↳ being the slick shit that he is, he probably loves edging you
↳ “what was that baby?” while your begging for more, “you want me to what?”
↳ ^^yes he’ll have a shit eating grin on his face too
↳ tbh he’s into whatever you’re into. he’s chill and down to try new things with you!
5. how intimate are they?
↳ aww he loves letting people know that you two are dating!
↳ he can gush about you for hours and how happy you make him
↳ forehead and cheek kisses are very common in public
↳ sex with him is either soft and passionate or ROUGH. just depends on his mood
↳ either way, it’s perfect mwah chef kiss
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what is their favorite body part/feature?
↳ boob guy boob guy boob guy boob guy-
↳ like daichi, size doesn’t matter, he just APPRECIATES them
↳ 1000% stares at them and lays his head against them-i’m sorry but he does
↳ he also really likes your legs — whew
↳ LETS BE PURE AGAIN ! luvs luvs LUVS your smile
↳ seeing you smile makes his day so much better
↳ he tries to make you smile/laugh all the time just so that he can admire it. baby boy loves it so damn much omg-
2. how do they cuddle?
↳ i am so soft for this boy
↳ always wants to cuddle with you
↳ plays with your hair when cuddling
↳ and when you two cuddle, he never wants to leave. he’ll just talk to you about his day and ask about how yours was
↳ long talks during cuddle time = his favorite thing EVER he looks forward to it 24/7
3. how do they react to lingerie?
↳ oh wow you already know he jumps up when he first sees you
↳ and is dragging you to the bed
↳ eats you out like that and then rails you. mwah perfection
↳ he asks you to wear lingerie more often. it just. it excites him to another level-
4. any kinks?
↳ edging and overstimming obvi
↳ when you dom, please praise him, please pull his hair, wowwie he will MELT
↳ ride his face ride his face RIDE HISFACE-
↳ he’s so into it. he’ll constantly ask you to do it
5. how intimate are they?
↳ so affectionate in public
↳ wants to SHOW YOU OFF
↳ everyone knows you two are dating. it’s just.. they have to
↳ quick pecks and nose boops in public. occasionally a little smooch to your nose
↳ lots of hold handing. lots of it.
↳ if we’re talking seccy times.. he is so intimate
↳ his stamina is HIGH so you best bet that he’s going for a few rounds
↳ when he’s horny, he is NEEDY. quickies are common
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Can I please request the brothers with s /o who is a scaredy cat Btw love your writing style boo ♥️
Scaredy Cat!
In Which . . . You’re just a little scared. Of most things.
A/N: ily anon, you’re too nice 🤧🤧
Honestly, Lucifer expected nothing less when he first met you
It’s the Devildom and you’re surrounded by demons, you’re allowed to be scared
But wow,,,you seem to be scared of quite a lot
The sheer SCREAM you let out when you saw a spider??? Lucifer nearly had a heart attack
He thought you were in DANGER, and it was a mere ARACHNID?? PLEASE—
He is absolutely gonna protect you with everything he’s got, okay? And if ANY of his brothers try to scare you? Mammon. It will not be pretty—
Rarely ever uses his demon form around you just because he doesn’t want to frighten you
Just acts so soft around you because he knows he can seem very threatening and the last thing he wants is for to be scared
Was totally fine with you being a total scaredy cat at first, I mean, come on? It’s Mammon we’re talking about
As you two grow closer though??
“What do ya mean you’re SCARED? Ya got the GREAT Mammon right here!”
Says he’ll protect you during a horror movie marathon but do not fall for it. This man is just as scared as you, don’t do it.
Acts a lot like your great protector but you’re lucky if you can get rid of the bug in your room okay—
It’s not his FAULT! The spider disappeared! He did NOT scream like a girl!
Fortunately, he’s always ready to cuddle you when you’re scared.
Acts like he’s doing it as a favor but he really just loves knowing that you feel safe in his arms...
Honestly, he’s mortally wounded just because you screamed when you saw Henry 1.0 (yes he’s a big giant snake but that snake is babie)
When he does get used to your scared nature, he’s more than willing to protect you, don’t worry!
During binge watch sessions, he’s secretly skimmed ahead of everything so he can distract you when something scary happens
Unless he’s seen whatever you’re watching of course. Then he just knows whenever something’s coming up and he’s gonna cover your eyes for you!
Get you a Levi
This man owned a snake and posted to his social media when being chased by said giant snake, so it’s safe to assume nothing quite scares him
You’ll be safe with him, trust me! He won’t even get any scary animals when if Henry 2.0’s time ever comes! He did kind of want a piranha?? But he likes you more so!
Is a shark off the table too?
Didn’t really notice your fear right away, just assumed it was normal human fear, ya know?
But he’s quick to notice you’re generally terrified at a lot of things!
He once brushed by you in the dark, and your shriek nearly took him out.
He’s got the spider— It’s okay—
He becomes increasingly protective of you, I’ve got to be honest.
Like, I’m talking, standing in front of you to protect you. Or always has a hand on you just to make sure you’re okay, protective.
Probably makes a list of everything that scares you just so he can try and make life easier for you.
Boutta throttle his brothers though the second they even THINK of a way to scare you, not on his wATCH
Okay so, Asmo thought you were absolutely ADORABLE before he found out you were a scaredy cat
That increases TEN FOLD when he finds out the truth
Likes teasing you a little about it, but never goes too far
“If you’re scared, my arms are always open!!! 🥰🥰🥰”
Oh, it’s horror movie night?? Then come sit next to him!! Get cozy!!
He’s really just using your whole scared thing as an excuse to get close to you, I have to be honest—
Not very protective,,,upfront that is
If a demon so much as causes you to shiver?? Asmo’s gonna laugh it off and say you look so cute
And then death-glare that demon into oblivion, okay, back OFF—
Kinda just assumed all humans were scared
But notices you’re really scared?? Like of the dark?? Of heights?? Of BUGS??
Fortunately, Beel is easily the greatest protector ever. I mean, stronk
No but really, you’re scared of being alone in your room? You can always come to his room! It’s not even dark in his room because of the glowing wall art—
Spiders?? No problem, he can just scoop up the little guy and get him out of there, no problem!
All of the others are watching a horror movie? Alright, he’ll go to your room and you two can watch watchever you want (he’ll bring snacks!)
Plus, comfort cuddles?? From BEEL?? The absolute best, you’ll feel safe and okay in no time!
He’s going to act like he doesn’t care in the slightest
Probably gonna tease you about it too, he’s just Like That
But at the same time? You scream and ran out of your room because of a bug?
Bug’s gone and Belphie definitely just came out of your room
Room too dark? You have a night light now??
Demons staring at you a little too hard during school?
Belphie walks behind you now and suddenly none of the demons look your way
You had a nightmare?? He’s gonna call you a nerd and show up in your room a minute later because “Beel’s stomach was too loud for him”
Honestly? All things considered?
He just hopes you aren’t scared of him
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baby-grayson · 4 years
Can you do A23 and A58 please? Ily ❤️
ily2 bb  ❤️
Summary: Grayson talks to you about building the crib for his first child. 
300 Dialogue Prompts (also taking concept requests)
A23: “I’m not yelling, I’m discussing with you with a loud voice!” A58: “What’s your password?”
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“I can’t believe you would do this!” Grayson moved his hands through his hair in large fists. His eyes were wide orbs of confusion, dismay, and a touch of anger. He sucked in his bottom lip as he tongue reached for words to describe his emotions. “It wasn’t me!” You defended, “It was my mother!” Your husband, Grayson, had just arrived home for lunch from his busy day of Wakeheart meetings. He had danced through the door with arms full of your favorite foods to surprise you during his lunch break.
You were resting on the couch when he came home. In front you, your laptop was opened to the baby shower registry your mom had put together for you. She was planning a baby shower for you and Grayson in the coming weeks. You were six months pregnant; at this point, you weren’t sure if you or Grayson were more excited for the baby.
When Grayson bounced through the door, excited to bring his pregnant wife her favorite snacks, you had picked up the computer to show him what your mom had picked out for your registry list. Initially, Grayson grinned: he adored talking about baby stuff. After a moment, you noticed his entire face fall.
“A crib?!” He announced, “What’s your password? We need to change this now!” “Grayson” you chided, “Can you not yell? It’s only 11:30.” “I’m not yelling, I’m discussing with you with a loud voice! Why would we need someone to buy us a crib?! ” A tad oblivious to what he was implying you tried to explain, as kindly as possible, “Because the baby needs somewhere to sleep?” Grayson shook his head quickly, displeased with that answer, “Babe,” he waved his hands in the air, “I’m a builder. I will build my child’s crib.” Grayson didn’t mean to bark; it was a bad habit he had when he was worked up about a topic. From across the room, you knew he would be complaining about stress kinks in his back later that night. You weighed your head from side to side, picking your words carefully, “Gray, a crib is where the baby sleeps…It needs to be safe. You really think we can trust something homemade like that?” Grayson raised his eyebrows. You hedged your statement with, “It’s our first child Gray, I just want to make sure we make the right choice’ Grayson shook his head adamantly. His words erupted from his lips with a distinctive sureness, “You are carrying our child into this world, I can’t do that. You are keeping it warm, cozy, and safe, while I stay awake every night and wonder if it’ll have your eyes or mine. You are already being a parent, just by taking care of the little munchkin and helping them come into the world.”
The corners of Grayson’s eyes were teasing a few tears. Grayson’s bottom lip quivered, “So while you get to sleep with our little bundle of joy inside you every night, the least you can do is give me the chance to build something, with my own hands, for our little bundle to sleep in every night for once they’re in this world.”
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Hey do you think you could do a Drysdale twins headcanon of them being good dads. I’m feeling soft rn and I need some twins content. Thank you San ❤️
Y'all thank me too early. What if it's shit, huh? Anyways, since I'm such a giver, here you go bubba ily.
CAUTION: fluff ahead.
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My, my
Oh but yes.
Imagine the Drysdale Twins being dads to twin boys.
I feel like Ransom and Steve would be poles apart when it comes to parenting
Maybe early on, when your kids are still infants; Ransom and Steve would develop this sort of a schedule thing
As in, they'd take turns in who would wake up to feed the kids every hour or so
Or who'd rock them to sleep
It was usually both of them, since there were two babies
But it was never you.
"You need to rest babe. Get some sleep, we got this." One of them would whisper in your ear each time your kids cried and you tried to wake up in the middle of the night.
They were incredible dads
Ransom would be the type to buy ever single book on parenting; because something tells me that that pretty jerk likes to read
And Steve believed that good parenting came from experience so he'd dive in head first into it - doing what he felt was right in the moment.
As your kids grew up more, a couple of years later; it started to seem like there were 4 kids in total, instead of two.
Steve would be the one who'd make the kids tidy up and pick up their toys after they're done playing
Ransom would be the one who washed them every day, before bed. Needless to say, they'd make a mess in the bathroom
Ooh imagine, Drysdale Twins getting custom made cars for their little boys - similar to the ones they drive themselves.
Or custom made sweaters and coats like the ones Ransom wears all the time. And soon, your sons wardrobe matched their dads'.
And you'd watch your boys be reckless in the yard. Tripping and falling but their dads picking them up each time and wipe their tears away
And clean their scratches and put bandaids on them
And then quickly bring them inside to mommy so she can kiss their booboo better and give them cookies or lollipops.
Ransom would definitely be the dad to help them in their mischief, he'd be the fun dad
The one your kids run too when Steve makes them clean their room
As for Steve, he'd be the outdoors-y dad - always teaching then about gardening or building stuff or he'd have them help him when he cooked in the kitchen.
As much as they were good dads, they were good to you as well
They'd pamper you often;
Unexpected shopping trips
Always kissing your stretch marks and telling you that they made you look even more pretty because now not only were you their girl, but also the mother to their kids
Oh but imagine your little boys mimicking their dads by wearing their sweaters and walking around with mean faces on
You couldn't stop laughing when they did that.
Oh but imagine Christmas in your house.
Ransom and Steve would be the type to go overboard with decors and gifts
Ransom and Steve would go buy the biggest tree they could find and you and the little ones would wait at home with decorations ready for the tree.
Imagine all of you in the living room, on cold nights, cozy around the fireplace and watching Harry Potter during the festive season.
Ransom and Steve would definitely be the type of dads who would make sure their family is always happy and make sure they never lack anything
Sure, they'd spoil their sons, but they'd also teach them manners and how to be polite.
Ooh but imagine family vacations, and just how much better it would be to have two men who can handle your kids occasional tantrums.
Ransom and Steve would be great traveling dads for sure.
You'd all sleep in the same room at times; it was a rather large bed.
And sometimes you'd hear your boys talking to one another.
"Daddy, you two really love mommy, don't you?" one of your sons asked.
Ransom and Steve would smile and tell them yes.
"She's our girl, isn't she? She does so much for us. We always gotta take care of our girl buddy, yeah?" you heard Ransom speak up first.
"Now that you've asked, you gotta promise too. That no matter what, you two will always take care of mommy, yes?" then Steve spoke up.
And your sons agreed quickly, and gave their word to their dads.
You silently shed a tear and thanked God you had such a lovely family.
And you loved your boys more than anything.
296 notes · View notes
boymeetsparadise · 4 years
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Mentions and contains: female reader x Kim Seokjin, fluff, !angst!, arranged marriage! au, break ups and running away, lying, betrayal, anxiety, language, pregnancy and children, vomit, infidelity suggestion, TINY suggestion at mature content
Word count: 7k
an: this took a while and lots of editing. italics are the memories or the flashbacks, whatever you'd like to call em. i’m always gonna find things to fix here and there but for now, enjoy. ALSO special thanks to my friend (S) for proofreading and being a great supporter, ily <3 lemme know your thoughts! requests are open but slow!
songs listened to while writing:
~someone new- banks
~mystery of love-sufjan stevens
~ TTU x young and beautiful. listen to the beautiful work here
this came up on my recommendations and I immediately fell in love.
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“What are you here?” Confusion and hurt evident as his brows furrowed.
The former lovers stood face to face, away from sight in a small nook of a garden. On a warm spring afternoon, the flowers had bloomed and birds chirped. Far up ahead was the arriving crowd, waiting to celebrate the sight of a couple coming together; for in sickness and in health, for better or for worse… for life.
“You know me,” You let out a shaky chuckle, trying to calm your nerves. “I never think things through and maybe it was a mistake but, “But I wanted to see you one last time. One last time before I leave.”
Seokjin stared back, chest feeling heavy at your words. “Going where?’
“Somewhere,” You bit the inside of your cheek, refusing to make eye contact with the man you once loved.
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“Do you think we’ll be together forever?” Curiosity got the best of you as you tried to take a bite of your ice cream. The two of you sat on the cool grass under the night sky as civilians strolled down the pavement, taking in the cool summer breeze.
“I don’t see why not.” Seokjin smiled as he looked down next to him, taking in the sight of his lover staring off into the river that was just up ahead. “I love you and you love me right?” He raised a knowing brow just in time to see you smile to yourself. “I’m guessing that's all we need baby.”
“I suppose so.” You agreed with a simple shrug. “To be quite honest, I’m really looking forward to it.”
Seokjin hummed as he mimicked your nod, butterflies swarming his stomach and cheeks growing warm, he wrapped an arm around your shoulder- pulling you closer with a relaxed sigh.
“I can’t wait till we have a home to call our own, I can see it now.”
“Oh really?” His head peeked with interest, “And what do you see with this home?”
Your cheeks took on his favorite color on you: red.
“I see this cozy home, nothing too big or too small y'know?” prompting Seokjin to hum in understandment.
“You want kids right?’ You shyly asked. They have been warily brought up as the relationship grew and grew, possibilities were endless for a young couple in love.
“That I do!” Seokjin chuckled with a nod. “I want as many as you do.”
“Even if it’s 500 kids?” You teased with a giggle.
Seokjin took this as his opportunity to tease you back.“You could ask for two or 3 billion, either way I wont be able to complain about that process now would I?”
“Stop that!” You blushed as you playfully slapped his shoulder. You leaned in to hide in his embrace, all while his chest vibrated with your favorite sound- his laughter. “What if someone hears you?”
“Not like they don’t know the process.” He smirked, enjoying how easy it was to playfully fluster his love.
“Ok” You plowed through- fixing your hair, trying to ignore the heat that spread across your cheeks. “Kids, maybe a dog too.” You smiled again. “I’d wake up early to make us breakfast, you know how much I love to make breakfast.”
Seokjin nodded.
“We’d go to work and come back just in time to make dinner together. Imagine when we start a family: relaxed mornings and fun dinners. Oh and the traditions we could start!” You jumped up just a bit from your seat, clearly excited.
“Like?” He raised his eyebrows.
You let your joy speak for you. Husband and wife. You’d live in a cozy home. Nothing too big or too small. The weekends were your favorites. Saturdays meant breakfast on the couch as you let the childhood favorites play on the tv, relaxing after a tiring week. Sundays was an extension and you loved going to the grocery store with him, taking turns every time pushing each other as one sat in the cart. That was something you’d continue until it was no longer possible.
You thought that as you got older your work schedules will allow more designated time together. Coming home around the same time to prepare dinner and stroll around the neighborhood as a couple. Holidays spent in a place you could grow out into and call your own. A safe place of love.
You talked more about a family. Making him chuckle as you already knew he’d be extra careful and baby proof your home before the child was even born. The joy of decorating a nursery and waiting for the first signs of an active baby. Late nights cuddled on the couch and reaching for his hand when the little bundle decided to start kicking, joking about how your baby was already as hyperactive like their father.
You rambled on about how you could wait till it was your first christmas as a family, a tiny bundle of love that was the perfect mixture of their parents. You imagined tiny hands clapping as flour created small clouds, chubby fingers reaching to squish the cookie dough, making a mess. The way you’d be holding his hand as you see them opening their first gift, excited for their reaction, despite not understanding and finding everything oh so amusing.
First steps on the living room as the two of you cheer and clap. Trips to his uncle’s strawberry farm. A toddler perched on his lap as he taught em the art of online gaming.
Seokjin mentioned he was looking forward to the day he has to scrub off scribbled crayon from the walls and the way his back won’t be the same after endless piggy-back rides but it would all be with love.
He shook his head with a chuckle at the mention of his dad jokes holding more meaning.
Birthday parties in the backyard surrounded by the people you love most. You were grateful for the friends you both made, excited for the future. You had no doubts your child(ren) would be surrounded by the best people...by love.
The rest of your lives would be spent in harmony. You imagined sending your children away to college and the world. Warm afternoons spent in the park and summer nights on the balcony reminiscing over the most embarrassing moments of when you first started dating. Laughing when bringing up past holidays. Slow dancing in the living room and late night talks in the dark.
A beautiful rollercoaster you’d ride over and over until your last breath.
Seokjin was ready for it all. The laughs, the cries. In his mind, it was everything he ever wanted and envisioned the moment he realised you were the one. He’d follow you to the ends of the earth and defy all odds, knowing what you two had would break all chains.
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“You know it doesn't have to be this way right?” Seokjin whispered.
“Like what?” You focused your attention on a random flower bush even though you very well knew what he was referring to.
“I don’t have to go through with this. You don't have to go through with this.” He began to softly plead. It’s been such a long time since he has seen you, heard your voice, looked into your eyes. He’d spend his last breath begging for you.
With a sigh you reminded him with a soft voice. “We do Seokjin.”
“[Y/N]” He took a step towards you, your body taking you a step backwards as he stretched out his hand.
“Don’t come near me please.” You spoke in a broken whisper. You knew if he stepped any closer all will would be lost and you’d fall into his arms. Today wasn’t the day. That day will never come again.
“Please look at me.” His voice cracked. “I missed looking into your eyes so much, please”
A silence followed as the two of you stood in the garden. His hand was still reaching out for you as you held yourself, too afraid to reach out.
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“Are you busy tonight?” Seokjin had his phone pressed to his ear by his shoulder as his hands flipped through endless hangers.
“Depends on what.” You responded as you laid back onto your bed. You had just started packing, school had ended and you finally found a nice cozy place to rent with some of your friends.
“Come with me to a family event please?’ Seokjin asked as he began to hold shirts up to his chest in the mirror, sighing in discontent and picking up another. “I’d feel much better if you were by my side.”
He nervously bit his cheek, as he paced between bed and mirror, glancing at the time. He would rather much ask to hang out with you and go somewhere he’d actually enjoy. Something he thought would be worth the effort.
“What are they making you do this time?” you let out a small chuckle, understanding his tone. He was never really fond of these events. He loved his family but sometimes, it seemed their intentions were different from his and it was best to stay apart when possible but tonight- seemed unlikely.
“Some stupid dinner between families and companies.” He muttered with a roll of his eyes.
“Sounds exciting.” You giggled, “Business talk is the best talk huh?”
“Oh but of course. Old men in suits talking about stupid numbers between this place and that. Terminology I can’t even begin to be bothered to learn. Not like my mother and her friends help make these events any better.” Seokjin was sure that if he rolled his eyes any harder they would roll right out of his skull. “So what do you say [Y/N]?”
“What time?”
“Six.” He jumped up from the edge of his bed, spotting the perfect button up. He knew that once you asked for time, you were on his side.
“M’kay. I’ll be waiting.”
“Love you.’ Seokjin smiled to no one but himself.
“Love you too.” You returned it before jumping out of bed, the shower calling your name. “Now go get handsome!”
That evening started out like any other, Seokjin’s hand on the small of your back as he guided you through the stuffed room.
Music played and all around were some of the most powerful business people in the country, along with their families. For a business dinner it seemed like just a normal celebration of some sort, laughter and screams all around, despite everyone being worth a couple million dollars of course.
Seokjin stayed by your side for most of the night: arm around your shoulders, hand on your back, arm in arm or hands intertwined. He knew you weren’t used to this type of scene but also for the sake of his own comfort, being able to put up with it all as long as he stayed by your side, the closest thing to peace he had.
“Seokjin” His father grinned as he made his way over to the table you sat at. Seokjin played around your hands on the table as you both mindlessly talked about what you wanted to do the next morning.
“Father.” Seokjin nodded with a grin as his father’s hands were on the back of your chairs.
“Hello [Y/N]!” He gave you a friendly smile, the lights giving away his tipsy state, it was nice to see him enjoying himself. With a nod, he continued to speak. “You look lovely. Are you two having fun? Isn’t it lovely?”
“It’s great father.” Seokjin spoke for you before you could even open your mouth to respond.
“I have some important people I want you to meet Seokjin.” His father grabbed his shoulder, gesturing to the small group of older men just up ahead. “Get to know before you take over, yeah?” His father suggested as he began to pull him up from his seat.
Seokjin began to stutter protests, he had no interest in his father’s business. He never had the slightest desire to take over one day and therefore tried his hardest to stay away unless an occasion called for the entire family for representation.
“I’m sure [Y/N] doesn’t mind. Do you?” Mr. Seokjin raised a suggestive brow. You simply nodded and let go of Seokjin’s hand, agreeing.
“It’s okay. Just do him this quick thing okay?” You have Seokjin a loving grin as he shook his head, dreading the conversations that awaited him.
“I’ll be back quickly okay?” He placed a gentle hand on the top of your head as his father held his arm, waiting to pull him away. “Just stay here and wait.”
“I promise” You let out a small giggle, “Now go before you lose an arm.” You teased.
With a hesitant face Seokjin let himself be dragged away, the loud chatter and music made it difficult to hear your own thoughts as the amount of people suddenly felt like too much. You tried to look across the room to the glass door that led out to the balcony you hung out earlier when you first arrived, surely he’d understand if he found you there on your own. You sat and mindlessly looked around, waiting for an opportunity to get up and move.
Seokjin forced a tight lipped grin as the older men laughed and took turns to pat his shoulder and back. His father beamed about his youngest son’s most recent accomplishments: had just graduated college; top of his class, bought a new car and was planning on moving out very soon after he had just scored a very well paying job.
“Who was the pretty lady by your side Mr.Seokjin?” Seokjin looked over to his right at the first nudge to his side, a grey haired man in a suit raised a suggestive brow as Seokjin looked at him in confusion. Was he referring to you? But of course as he hadn’t left your side all night.
“Is she single?” Another asked with a wink and chuckle as the other men began to tease, wondering if she came from a successful family, making sly suggestions of young promising sons and nephews who would more than likely love an opportunity to swoon her over and welcome them into their respective families.
Seokjin was having none of it, trying to deny all advancements as nonchalantly as he could as he scanned the room for you. His eyes landed on you as you stared off into your own little world and smiled to himself, you looked adorable in his eyes.
“She’s my son’s ex-girlfriend, best friends since childhood.” His father interrupted as he swung an arm around his son’s shoulder. “They were together in highschool but she's been so supportive of his engagement to lovely Gaeon, I’m so happy she’s here tonight!” He threw his head back, taking a large sip of the beer in his hand.
Seokjin froze at the mention of his ‘engagement’. He had never proposed in the first place, it was more of a forced marriage between their families. Sure Gaeon was a nice girl but he could never see himself falling in love with her. She felt the same way, the only difference is she saw this as a business deal and nothing more, refusing to bring shame to her family. Seokjin on the other hand, thought of it as cruel and unfair, remembering the day his fate was decided.
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He was sixteen and ecstatic. He had walked home with a hop in his step afterschool, thanking his stars for the boldness from earlier in the day. You had been his best friend since you were kids, the teacher had sat you two next to one another, hoping maybe the two quietest kids would open up to each other. She was right and it resulted in a beautiful friendship that lasted all the way into highschool. He was your right hand and you were his, a dynamic duo that was known across the school over the years. You had outgrown the extremely timid nature and had a steady group of friends. It didn’t take long for Seokjin to realize his feelings. You were always a flushing mess around your best friend, hardly realizing he was the same way around you, crushes that grew as time went by.
Earlier in the school day, he was leaned up against the lockers, arms crossed. He made conversation with shaky hands, waiting for you to finish up whatever you were doing in your locker, ready to walk with you like he did with your other classes, whether you had them together not. It was lunchtime so there was no rush as your group of friends sat at your usual table. They were all aware of the unspoken feelings between you two, silently rooting him on as they hoped today would be the day.
With red ears and cheeks he nervously suggested that your usual weekend hangout would mean something more, if you wanted it to of course. You had slammed the metal door in shock, causing the hallways to go silent in sudden shock.
“Wait are you serious?’” You hesitantly asked, causing Seokjin to freeze. Was this a possible rejection? He gulped with a nod and quickly muttered a ‘yes’. With apologies to those around you, you shyly agreed. Two reddened teenagers hugged in glee, he couldn't believe he had finally done it.
He remembers how your friends like Jimin and Jungkook couldn't stop teasing him.
“About time hyung!” He slapped his older friend on the back. “Now when's the wedding?”
“Shut up, it’s just a date.”
“You say that as if you wouldn’t marry her one day.” Jungkook stepped in.
“Exactly.” Jimin smirked, causing Seokjin to blush and chuckle- focusing back onto his schoolwork.
He couldn’t wait till the weekend. Seokjin couldn’t help but think it was the start of something beautiful, as he made his way through the home, throwing himself onto the couch and looking up at the ceiling with a sigh.
“Had a good day at school boy?” His father walked into the living room with a smile as Seokjin sat up, fixing his now messy hair.
“Yep!” He smiled as he began to collect his things, ready to freshen up before dinner before stopping by the staircase at the mention of his name.
“Wear something nice.” His father, Mr. Kim grinned. Seokjin raised a confused brow as his father continued, “Exciting news to share with you at dinner.”
As his father made his way into another hall in the house, Seokjin thought for a moment, shrugging to himself before heading to his room. It wasn’t anyone's birthday or anniversary, no other occasions came to mind. He figured his dad had probably struck another successful business deal.
Seokjin was dead wrong as he had stormed out of his house during dinner later that night. His mother dismissed his actions as childish, claiming he had to show appreciation at the fact that one day he would be set for life and helping his future partner do the same.
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“That kind of stuff only happens in movies.” Seokjin scoffed with a chuckle as he stuffed a forkful of food into his mouth. “Anyways great dinner mom.” He said with stuffed cheeks, picking up more food.
“Think about it Seokjin.” She gave him a smile as she reached across the table to hold his hand. “It’s not like you have a girlfriend or something. Plenty of time to establish a relationship with the Choi’s.” She dismissed her son’s stare with a small wave.
“I just asked [Y/N] to a date on saturday, sorry.” He shrugged, growing annoyed at his mother's suggestion.
“Well, cancel it.” His father chimed in. Seokjin hushed as he blinked a few times- taking in the reality of the situation. “You’re going to be preparing as we invited the Choi’s over for Sunday dinner.”
“Sorry, I have plans.” Seokjin was stubborn. Surely they had to be joking despite the annoyed serious looks spread across their faces.
“Son,” His mother sighed tirelessly as she rubbed her temples. “Think about it. It’s a great opportunity. A beautiful girl from a nice family, nice background, you have plenty of time to fall in love and you’d never have to worry about any setbacks.”
“What if the setback is that I don’t want it?” He spat as he pushed out his chair. He wiped his mouth before throwing the napkin on his plate, their eyes following. “I’ve had enough food for today, thanks for the meal mother.” He said as he stormed out of the house.
The Kim’s sighed into their hands, he’d come around one day.
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The day never came.
And as the years went by, your relationship grew. You made plans for a future, never having the slightest clue of his secret. Everytime his parents mentioned it he brushed them off as a joke. He dreaded every interaction between his family and the Choi’s. At one point feeling pity for the young girl his age. How on earth was he supposed to crush his parents' joy without sadness? Of course he loved them but he always felt in control of his life. An arranged marriage was not in his plan, not in lifetime, in this century. Not when he was so desperately in love with you, [Y/N L/N].
His parents soon grew fed up with his resistance, prompting him to start keeping your relationship a secret from them, having them believe he had finally grown up and was taking this whole setup seriously. To him it didn’t matter. Soon he’d graduate from college and move out, maybe cut off all communication from his family and live how he wanted.
Soon enough the reality of everything kicked in. Coming home after your fourth anniversary only to find Mrs. Choi and his mother next to one another on the couch as Gaeon sat on the couch opposite of them, bridal magazines and fabric samples spread across the coffee table.
Seokjin felt as if the room was closing in on him; a planner with phone numbers and addresses to boutiques and bakeries of the sort, possible ceremony dates, a list written all over the lines of the book.
He was even more determined to get out of his home and away from this mess.
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“Have you said hi to your fiance yet?” his dad asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. Seokjin made a face, he had no idea the Choi’s were even in the venue, not a single sight of them the entire night.
“What a wonderful night for a celebration!” Another man yelled as a waiter with a tray of shot glasses passed by the group. Drinks were passed around as Seokjin held his shot close, looking around the room trying to identify any of the Choi’s in the room.
The small group cheered as they threw back their drinks with a pucker, congratulating the family.
Seokjin’s eyes widened, everything started to add up and soon enough panic kicked in. This wasn’t some sort of fun business party... This was an engagement celebration. With desperate eyes he looked around the room, spotting the senior Chois but Goean was nowhere in sight.
A sudden wave of heat washed over him as he heard a muffled tap and a chirp of a mic. Almost immediately the room had gone quiet, rising to their feet as they looked in the direction of the sound, Mrs. Kim stood with a proud smile at the front of the room. The Chois made their way to the front as Gaeon finally made her appearance, pulling away from the crowd.
Seokjin stood on his toes, using the shoulders around him as extra support, trying to catch a sight of you before it was too late. He had to get out of here and fast. ‘Fuck!’ He thought as sweat began to make it way down his forehead. “How the fuck do I get out of here?” He asked himself.
“You alright son?” His uncle pulled him close, noticing the way Seokjin’s face fell.
“I think I’m gonna pass out.” Seokjin confessed, using the sleeve of his grey blazer to wipe his forehead.
“It’s alright Seokjin” His uncle tried to cheer him up, suggesting it was probably just the butterflies of love as Seokjin shook him off. He began to mumble excuses as he faced the floor, pushing his way through the crowded room. For a large room, it felt like it was suddenly closing in, did more people arrive?
“I am so overjoyed as you could all join us tonight!” His mother stood at the front of the room, his father suddenly at her side, cheeks flushed from the alcohol.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Seokjin bit his lip, pain feeling like a pinch due to how uneasy he felt. He continued to push through with you on his mind. He looked over to the exit, making a plan but shock grew as he spotted your group of friends come in.
What the hell did his mother do.
Taehyung and Namjoon spotted their hyung and waved with smiles. The other boys shot him a thumbs up, eyes focusing on his mother up front.
You stood with a smile, trying to get a clear view of his family, noticing he was nowhere to be seen. You were confused but shook your head, why didn’t he tell you tonight was a celebration? You guessed that his family, along with the one next to his had struck some sort of fantastic deal. Seokjin didn’t give much detail about tonight but his family had always been successful in the world of business.
You turned to look around the room and spotted your friends. You’d thought it’d just be you and Seokjin but you were ecstatic that your friends were invited. Perhaps he did it to feel more comfortable. Perhaps the news was so grand it had to be celebrated with everyone.
“I’m sure you all know why we are here.” His mother giggled, beyond proud of her family. “First I’d like to give the ever-so-great Chois a warm welcome!” The room exploded with applause.
You clapped along.
“Second and most importantly,” Mrs. Kim took a deep breath, “We are here to celebrate the wonderful engagement of my son and the only Choi daughter.”
Again you clapped along, but this time with a confused face, you haven't seen Seokjin’s older brother around but guessed he was probably around here somewhere.
It seemed it all happened in slow motion.
After so many pushes, Seokjin finally had a clear view of you, cupping his hands over his mouth.
“[Y/N]!” He waved his hand frantically, praying you’d see him.
“Will you do the honors Mrs. Choi?” Mrs.Kim placed a soft hand on the woman’s back as she took the mic, giving her the audience’s attention.
“I’m so honored and pleased to announce that after all these marvelous years- the engagement of my lovely daughter Miss. Choi Goean and Kim Seokjin. The wedding is next year and we hope to see you there!”
His friends gasped, Jungkook started choking on the cupcake he had picked up from the desert table as Hoseok rushed to and back with a cup of water.
Seokjin tried calling out to you again, failing, the crowd erupting with cheers. Like in the movies, your face suddenly changed into one of shock and then hurt. You felt as if you had just been dunked into ice cold water and time had slowed down.
‘The engagement of who?’ you thought.
With teary eyes, Seokjin finally made eye contact with you, eyes growing wide once again as he saw your expression.
It was unreadable but it was an image that would haunt him forever. You felt shortness of breath kick in, your stomach in the depths of your gut. You were surprised to find that your legs didn’t give in as you jumped out of your seat, desperate for the exit.
Seokjin lunged himself forward but was too late, missing the near grasp of your wrist as you pushed your way through the crowd.
“[Y/N]” Namjoon called out to you as they waited by the exit, “What's going on?”
“Are you okay?” Jimin asked as he softly held your shoulders. The boys and your best friend looked at you with a concerned confusion. Surely it was some sort of mistake or joke.. Right?
“[Y/N]?” Your best friend waved her hand in front of your eyes; nothing.
“[Y/N]! Wait!’ you recognized his voice and snapped back into reality.
You ran.
You ran and didn’t look back.
Ran as fast as your feet would carry you before they gave out. Your surroundings became blurry with tears threatening to spill and your hearing became muffled.
Luckily the building wasn’t too tall and you weren't as high up, ditching the elevator as you stomped your way down, running out into the busy streets.
You had to get out of here.
The sounds of cars and people passing by blocked out any voiced attempts made by Seokjin as he followed you down the street once he spotted the color of the dress you were wearing.
“[Y/N]!” He cupped his hands over his mouth once again, panting. “Stop for a second!” He leaned, palms on his knees- surprised your heels could carry you so far. With you on his mind he didn’t hear the fast steps of your friends chasing after you two.
He called out again as you turned a corner. Tears clouded your vision as they ran down your cheeks, the lights looked like blobs as your legs suddenly felt like jelly.
You sobbed into your arm, running into an alley. Dimly lit by a few spare lights, you felt your stomach come back up your throat. ‘God this feels like some sick joke.’ You didn’t have time to take another breath as you started to retch, hands against the wall before you.
Seokjin finally managed to catch up and carefully made his way over, trying to control his speeding heart. His heart- broken at the sight of you bent over, heaving. He began to hold your hair, the spare hair-tie he held for you on his wrist because you always complained about it making you hot, ready.
“Don’t.” You rolled your shoulders back, shrugging him off as you wiped your lips. “Don’t touch me, Kim Seokjin.”
Seokjin grimaced at the use of his full name, the way your voice was laced with hurt.
“Listen [Y/N]-” He began to stutter as you shook your head.
“Tell me this is some sort of joke.” You spat as you turned around to face him.
Your friends caught up, Jungkook being a fast runner, lead. But as the scene unfolded he shushed his friends and ushered them into a nearby cafe, giving space.
“Say they fucked up and meant your brother. Tell me you're not really about to get married to someone else when you haven't even proposed let alone broken up with me Kim seokjin. Say it.”
“[Y/N] please listen to me.” He reached for your hands, shaking.
“Say it Kim Seokjin.” You pulled away. “Say it!” you challenged him.
Seokjin stayed silent as you stared at him, hot tears threatening to spill once again.
“Why aren’t you saying it?” You broke down again as your lip quivered. “Say it Jinnie! Say it!”
“I- They- Fuck.” He bit his lip so hard he tasted blood.
“She said years. How long Kim?”
“Listen to me-”
“Seokjin.’ You sternly said, wiping tears away. He let out a sigh as his head fell.
“5 years.” He confessed, fresh tears rolling down his face.
“We’ve been together for almost 5 years Seokjin…” You hiccuped. “Jinnie-”
“I’m sorry!’ He sobbed at the use of his nickname again, the way you said it reminding him of a broken record. One he never intended to break. “Please just hear me out!” He pleaded, stepping closer, but with each step forward you took another back.
“Why didn't you tell me? How could you?”
“I didn’t have a choice, I never thought they were serious! But I will always choose you [Y/N]. It has always been you. Please just listen to me.”
“I can’t do this Seokjin. I don’t deserve this at all.” Angrily wiping your tears you turned around, feeling his hand grab onto your wrist.
“Please just give me time to explain and then you’ll understand. I thought this was some sort of sick joke too but baby please.” He tried to reason through his sobs. He knew he fucked up in not telling you and perhaps it was too late to even try to reason but he was gonna fight tooth and nail for the thing that meant most.
“Please don’t call me that again. Don’t look for me. I’m sorry Seokjin but this is goodbye.” Harshly yanking your wrist, you ran out of the alley and into the busy streets once again. Seokjin chocked through his sobs, snapping back into reality to try and chase after you but as soon as he left the alley- you were gone. He leaned against the cold, dirty wall, sobbing into his hands as his knees gave in.
He heard the soft steps, black dress shoes before him. He had been faced with his friends, [Y/B/F] was crying also as Yoongi laid a comforting hand on her back, her heart breaking at the sobs her friend had let out.
He knew he had a lot of explaining to do to his friends but most importantly you.
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Almost a year later and you didn’t think you’d be searching for him.
“We can run away.” and for the first time that afternoon you looked up at him in confusion. “Say you’ll run away with me [Y/N]. We still have time. I can get us out of here and to some place far far away.” He began to let a couple tears fall, desperate to convince you.
A fresh wave of emotions hit you as you took in what he had just said. A small weak part of yourself tried to think about it. Running away? On his wedding day?
“We can’t do that Seokjin” You gulped with a sad shake of your head.
“Yes we can!” He interrupted before you could continue. “We don’t need any of this. As long as I have you I’m more than okay.” Once again his voice cracked as a tear rolled down his cheek, wiping it away he took another step. “Just take my hand.”
There was another moment of silence. There was so much you wanted to say before you had even arrived and now standing before the man you loved, everything vanished. Your eyes burned with tears you refused to let go of as your throat ran dry. Seokjin took your silence as a cue to desperately continue.
“I didn’t tell you this at first.” He began, taking a deep breath. “But remember how we wanted to be a family? To live happily ever after?”
You continued to look at him, emotions unreadable.
“I saved up.” Seokjin took another step. “Little by little, I took amounts my parents wouldn’t notice much and saved them into my own secret account.” He confessed as shock ran through your body. “I never mentioned it. The funds are ours. For a home. For a family. I saved up for us. It’s more than enough to get us by for a while. To run away and be happy without all these outside voices. You don’t have to worry about a single thing, all you have to do is take my hand and say you still love me. Please [Y/N].” With the back of his hand he roughly wiped away the free falling tears as the other finally took a grasp of your free hand.
“Why didn’t you tell me this?” You ignored the heat that ran down your spine, the first physical contact you’ve had with Seokjin in months. “Why did you do that?”
“I did it for you. For us.” He licked his lips, throat running dry with pleads. “We don’t have much time, c’mon [Y/N]. We can still make it out of here in time.”
“No Seokjin.” You hiccuped and pulled your hand away.
“What do you mean no?” Shock evident on his face. “Why else would you be here?” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, eyes scanning over your face looking for any signs of regret.
“I’m sorry it was a mistake.” You bit the inside of your cheek.
“Why did you come here then?” Seokjin challenged as you turned around to face him again. “You can’t expect me to believe me you came here because you don’t love me anymore. You obviously do.”
Seokjin began to grow angry. First he lost control of his own path, second lost the love of his life and now third- she was back but it wasn't for him? Was life really that unfair?
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“I don’t want this and I’m sure as hell you don’t want this either.” Seokjin sat across his promised fiance one day, meeting at a cafe.
“You’re right.” She agreed, taking a sip of her coffee.
“Then why go through with this?” Seokjin shook his head. “Let’s tell our parents this is a no-go and you can live your life while I’ll live mine.”
“No.” Goean made no effort to look at him as she brought her napkin to her lips.
“What do you mean no?” Seokjin furrowed his brows. “You literally just agreed with me.”
“I may agree with you,” She paused, taking another sip.
“But..?” Seokjin leaned forward. Of course there was a but.
“My grandfather did not start this empire from the ground up only for it to crumble two generations later. You have love and I have pride Kim.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Seokjin sighed, throwing himself back into his chair, hands on his head.
“I’m very serious.” She was expressionless. “I’d be fine with anyone else, so don’t think this is a name thing. Just so happens your parents suggested my family and mine agreed. No harsh feelings. In fact no feelings at all.” She spat as he scowled.
“So am I.” Seokjin challenged. “I lost the love of my life and I’ll do anything to get her back.”
“Why weren’t you honest with her from the get go?” She tilted her head, taunting him. “Better yet you could’ve run away. My parents would’ve found anyone else.”
“You suggest that now?” He spat in anger.
“Obviously since you didn’t think of it sooner Seokjin.” Goean finished the remainder of her coffee, standing up. “You had years. That was your mistake, not mine. See you later Kim.”
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You thought it over for a moment, cowering under his stare.
“I don’t know why.” You confessed, hands behind your back. It was truthful. You really had forgotten why you even came in the first place. At first you thought it was to see him one last time. To wish him well and say goodbye. The closure you needed but was too afraid to get. A needed reality check after running for so long. Something to finally wake you from this nightmare. This is real life whether you liked it or not. Seokjin was off to be a married man and sadly it wasn't you.
“Pathetic.” Seokjin scoffed. “It’s pathetic.”
“Pardon?” You stuttered with wide eyes.
“You don’t get to come here on my supposed happy day and not know why. Tell me the truth.” He spat.
“I’m being honest, Seokjin. Something you never were. I don’t know why I decided on coming here but now I realize how selfish I was. I made a mistake.”
“Why can't you be selfish just this once?” His voice cracked. “I get I messed up, horribly I know. But can’t you see I love you? It has always been you. I’ll always choose you.” Seokjin reasoned.
“Jinnie-” His nickname slipped from your lips as he let out another batch of tears.
“[Y/N] please. It’ll hurt even more to let you go. Stay with me. Run away with me. Choose me.”
“I’m sorry-”
The large clock tower let out a large ring as the hand moved into the new hour. Music began to play and only increased in volume. It was time.
“I have to go.” With a sob, you stepped away from Seokjin who stared at you with his jaw dropped. The clock tower let out another chime as his head snapped up at the sound. He uttered a curse word and looked back at you- you had left.
“[Y/N]!” Seokjin’s hand came up to his mouth, an all too familiar feeling. He looked around the garden, spotting the flow of your dress disappear behind a hedge.
His feet carried him, fate gave him another chance and this time he was going to take it.
The clock let out a third chime and he wanted nothing more but to knock it down, shut it up for it reminded him of his mistake. He could still see a soft blurb of color, cursing your speed. Suddenly he found himself in front of a fountain, he reached deep into the garden. He desperately looked for you and broke down when he realized you had slipped away again. Another cursed chime of the clock and he fell to his knees as he kneeled over into the grass, crying into his arms. The fountain disguised his cries and hid yours as you were a few meters away, behind a bushed fence, violently sobbing into your hands.
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WIP tag: Thank you loads @thefandomlesbian for tagging me <3 ily Spence.
So I’ve got a few working at the moment, and only one of these suckers is posted so. Have fun, lmao. Also, side note, just because something makes this list, it does not necessarily mean that it will be published. I am a very busy lady, and also a lot of ideas get tossed out the window. 
The Black Queen and The White Prince - This one has three chapters published rn, so go and check this sucker out! I’m v proud of it, and I do in fact plan to actually. Y’know. Work on it and get it finished at some point, but it’s a lot to keep up with, so postings of chapters is entirely irregular. So bare with me! Pretty much, it’s an AU based on Penelope’s Black Queen days, and Spencer is her lil bro, and he is a pickpocket who ruins corporate asshole’s lives. Penny gets caught, and she and Spencer get roped into working for the BAU together, and there might be something between Spencer, and this handsome agent by the name of Derek Morgan.
Sugar, Butter, Flour, and You: A Recipe for Disaster - So, this one is a Waitress AU (based off of the musical because I haven’t seen the movie, but I imagine the principle is the same). Essentially:
Jenna - JJ
Dr. Pomatter - Emily
Dawn - Spencer
Ogie - Aaron
Cal - Derek
Becky - Penelope
Joe (AKA The Old Man) - Rossi
Nurse Norma - Elle
Earl - Philip (because I don’t wanna be doing Will slander, leave me alone)
So, pretty much, JJ gets pregnant by her asshole of a husband. She works at a pie shop, owned by Rossi, and her coworkers are Derek, the kitchen worker, and Spencer and Penelope, her fellow waitresses/waiters. There’s a new doctor in town, an OBG/YN, Emily, and she and JJ start to fall in love.
Is This Seat Taken? - An AU in which Spencer is a broke college student in his last year, and he’s got a friend that works at the bar that sneaks him free snack and water. Aaron comes in and sits beside him. They talk to each other, only at the bar, and grow closer and closer with their sporadic, chance meetings with each other. Abstract sort of peace. If you have more questions about this one, lemme know because. I don’t know how to describe it, lol.
The Money -  So, an AU in which Elle is a drug dealer and JJ is an undercover cop. She works trying to take down the chain that Elle is a part of (I don’t know a lot of how. The chain of command as far as drug dealings go, so pardon my ignorance here). She manages to worm her way in to her heart, and they get into it with each other. JJ has to figure out if she wants to betray her job, or betray her heart.
We See the Light -  So, this is a college AU. They’re in dorms that are next to each other, and Spencer accidentally leaves a book of poems, one that his mother had given to him, filled with his notes, and maybe a few original works in the hall on a hasty run to a class. Aaron finds it, and returns it to him with a note about how he likes his work and he should write more attached to the top. From that point on, he starts to slip either his favorite poems, or original works under Aaron’s door. They pass notes that way, until one day, there’s a knock on his door, and there’s this floppy haired, cozy sweater wearing fellow at his door, holding a bouquet of flowers, carefully picked by meaning (a poem on their own) asking Spencer if he’s free tonight to go on a date.
Who’s Crazy - TW infant loss. If you’d like to know about this one, you can go to the original post, which I have linked.
Can I Love You Both?  -  Pretty much, this is an AU in which the two of them get together after Haley and Aaron get a divorce. He starts to notice, really notice that Spencer is pretty, and the way that he smiles makes his heart feel bubbly and his rambles are something that he could listen to for hours and hours on end. But it’s hard for him to come to terms with the fact that he would ever be attracted to a man, because the way that his father raised him, and the fact that he was married to his high school sweetheart, and they did the whole, house, white picket fence, baby, man working and wife staying at home with the baby thing. But, after a lot, a lot of work, Spencer helps to get him to get over that fear of his and they slowly begin to build a relationship.
That’s all, like I said, not all of these are definitely to be published, so. Hang tight. Lemme know if there’s any of these you really wanna see. 
I tag:
@whump-town @penemily @x-ry29 and anyone else who wants to! <3
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little-fam-ily · 4 years
A Place To Call Home (Fam ILY) Chapter 2
Read it on ao3 Rating: T Warnings: Age regression, mentioned abuse
Taglist: @bunny222
Summary: Logan doesn’t feel things. That is, until he meets Patton. How far is he willing to go for this new boy his heart swells for? Patton’s friend Virgil puts that to the test.
Logan was never one for indulging his emotions. All his life he was taught to repress them, push them deep down inside and never let them come to the surface. Emotions made you vulnerable, weak, prone to manipulation. And he never wanted to seem like he could be manipulated. He needed to be strong, and be able to face whatever came his way. That meant sacrificing feeling, hurting, being. Emotions weren’t necessary anyway.
Then he met Patton. It was a pretty slow day at the bookshop, which was saying something since they were tucked away in the corner of a rarely visited strip mall. Come to think of it, Patton was probably the only customer that day. The only one that mattered, anyway.
The bell rang, and as soon as the boy walked in, Logan was absolutely smitten. At least, that’s what he guessed that he was feeling, since he hadn’t really felt it before now. 
He was on the short, chubby side, with a mop of curly blonde hair on his head, and clear blue eyes that could be seen from a mile away. With every step he took the room seemed to glow a little bit brighter, and Logan swore he started hearing birds chirping in the distance.
The boy peeked around for a bit, an awed smile plastered over his face. “Oh, hello there! I’m Patton!” He held out his hand, after noticing Logan behind the counter.
The world seemed to stop for a second. All Logan could process was Patton’s bright smile. He forgot how to breathe, he forgot how to think, and he was always thinking.
“L-Logan.” He managed to stutter out, taking Patton’s hand. It was soft, and warm. 
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Logan!” Patton smiled. “So, I’m looking for a new cookbook, and I thought of going to Bookman’s, but I always go there and they never seem to have new stuff, so I just thought I’d look at some other places in town, and…”
Everything else around Logan started to blur, including Patton’s voice. He was only able to focus on the way Patton’s mouth moved and hands wavered when he talked. He was getting lightheaded, and knots were forming in his stomach.
“Wow, I really love this place, it’s so cozy!” Patton giggled, having moved further into the store. That snapped Logan’s attention back to reality, and they stared at each other for a few moments.
“I’m sorry, you wanted a cookbook, you said?” Logan said, stepping up from behind the counter. He led Patton over to that section, a little corner near the back of the store.
Patton looked thoroughly through the shelves, inspecting each book to find what he was looking for. He muttered things to himself occasionally. “No, nuh-uh, already have that one…”
Then he let out an excited gasp, eyes settling on an old, worn out, vintage looking book with a leather cover and frayed edges. He flipped through it, looking with awe at the hand-written recipes. 
“Oh my gosh, this is perfect! Thank you so much!” He squealed happily, eyes and smile bright. Logan furrowed his brows. “But I didn’t, write the book-”
“Well, no, but you helped me find it! That wouldn’t have happened without you! So thank you.” Patton smiled genuinely, holding the book close to his chest.
Logan’s face flushed a bright red, even redder than it had been all morning. He cleared his throat. “It was no problem, I was just doing my job.” He stated, trying to come off as nonchalant and relaxed, and failing miserably.
Patton caught on to the way he was crushing, with his eyes glossed over and his mouth agape only slightly. “You know, I’ve been really busy lately, but I managed to get some free time, actually tomorrow, so if you’re free, then, maybe we could do something together?”
Logan’s breath hitched. His heart shot up to his throat. “Y-you mean, l-like a, a date?”
“Well, it doesn't HAVE to be a date, but if you want it to be, then, yeah! It’s a date!”
Logan felt like he was gonna pass out. “S-Sure, yeah, t-totally. D-Do you wanna get coffee? Coffee’s a good, date thing, right?”
“Oh, well, I’m not a big fan of coffee, I’d much prefer tea.” Patton smiled nervously.
“Oh, oh yeah, me too.” Logan adjusted his glasses, glancing away. “I don’t know why I said coffee, it was a dumb idea.”
“Well, I CAN like coffee, it just has to be filled with other sweet stuff, like chocolate or caramel or whip cream. Like those really fancy frappuccinos at Starbucks! Although, Starbucks would be too basic, and expensive…” 
Patton trailed off in thought, then gasped. “Oh, I know the perfect place! It’s this quaint little coffee shop downtown who also has a great selection of teas. I’m friends with the owner's son! Here, let me write it down.”
He grabbed a miniature notebook and pen from his back pocket and scribbled down an address, tearing the page off and handing it to Logan. “I’m free tomorrow at noon! Does that sound good?”
Logan blinked, looking down at the note in front of him. Oh god, even his handwriting was perfect. “S-Sure, yeah. I can fit in some time.”
Patton smiled. “Great! I’ll see ya then! Here, let me pay for this.”
They walked up to the counter together, Logan almost grasping Patton’s hand. Almost.
Logan took the book, ringing it up and handing it to Patton. “Here you go.” He said with a small smile, admiring Patton’s freckles.
“Thanks! Have a great day! See you tomorrow!” Patton waved, basically skipping out of the store, book in his arms. 
Logan let out a breath. Now that he was gone, there was this empty feeling growing in his chest, and his vision did not stop clouding over. What the hell was that?
This was wrong, this was all wrong. Logan didn’t fall in love, especially not at first sight. It was something that just wasn’t done. But the way that his heart was hammering in his chest, the way he could feel his face getting redder and redder, it was getting pretty hard to ignore.
No, he couldn’t let this happen. He composed himself, straightening his tie and going back to his work. But soon his thoughts started to drift back to that curly haired boy with the golden freckled and baby blue eyes.
It was gonna be a pretty hard day tomorrow.
Logan woke up early that day, barely getting any sleep the night before. He got dressed in his best dress shirt and tie, and after his shift, stepped out in the hot sun to meet Patton at the coffee shop, preparing himself for any more waves of those dumb feelings.
When he arrived at the place, it took a moment for him to find Patton, since it was so crowded already. But once Patton spotted him he waved him down. “Hey Logan!”
Patton ran up to him, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the counter. Logan was startled, but followed as fast as he could.
“Logan, this is my friend, Remy! He’s the owner’s son!” He motioned to the man behind the counter. He had a leather jacket and dark sunglasses. Logan wondered why he would need sunglasses inside.
“Sup.” Remy greeted nonchalantly. He was leaning on the counter, looking at Logan through his glasses. “Hello.” Logan responded, still wondering about those damn sunglasses.
“Well, I know what I want! Logan?” Patton said, turning to him. Logan was snapped out of his train of thought, then looked at the menu. “Um, just a black tea, please. Cream, no sugar.”
“Okay! I’d like, let’s see…” Patton took some time, eyes scanning the chalkboard. “Oh! I’d like a honeydew with popping boba please!”
Logan’s brows furrowed. “Boba?” 
Patton gasped. “You’ve never had boba tea before?!” Logan shook his head, still a bit confused. 
“Oh man, you’ve got to try some! Here, make that two orders of the boba.” Patton turned to Remy. “Coming right up.” He said, taking down their orders and handing it to the baristas.
“Oh, Patton, you didn’t have to-”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll pay for it!” Patton smiled. Logan was taken aback. He always thought that he would be the one to pay for everything if he ever went on dates, which he thought would never happen, but he was grateful nonetheless.
They got their drinks and sat down, Patton looking out the window. “Yah know, my friend Virgil and I love coming to this place.” He said, taking a sip of his tea.
“Do you?” Logan asked, taking a sip of his black tea as well.
“Yeah! He’s been really busy lately. I wonder if he’s doing okay…” Patton trailed off, lost in his thoughts.
Logan hummed, then looked down at his two drinks. “So, what’s up with this, boba?”
“Oh, right! Well, boba tea is like any other cold tea really, it just has these little tapioca pearls at the bottom! They can also be popping boba, different types of jellies, it can be all sorts of things really!”
Patton continued on, rambling about all the different combinations of flavors and toppings. Logan just stared, smiling slightly. He didn’t catch everything Patton was saying, but tried to listen as intently as possible.
“So? Are you gonna try it?” Patton asked, snapping Logan out of his thoughts. He hummed. “I suppose so.”
And with that, he took a sip of the boba. The pearls shot into his mouth, along with the sweetness of the tea. He cringed slightly, getting used to chewing on the pearls.
“It’s really sweet.” He commented, managing to swallow it all down. Patton frowned slightly. “Do you still like it?”
Logan thought about it for a minute. “While I’m not used to it, and it’s a bit too sweet, and chewy, for my liking, I guess there is some novelty in it, so I can appreciate it at least.”
Patton smiled, a goofy look in his eye. “I guess it’s not really your cup of tea then?”
Logan’s brows furrowed, then sighed in understanding. “Yes, I get it, very funny.”
Patton broke out into laughter. Logan couldn’t help but smile as well. Maybe, maybe he could do this whole dating thing after all. 
It had been almost a month since then. Logan pulled into the parking lot, locking his car and walking towards Patton’s apartment. He was supposed to work late that day, but he got off early, and decided to try and do something romantic for him. This was romantic, right?
He slid his key in the lock; Patton had given it to him a few days earlier. He stepped in, trying to be quiet. He definitely heard Patton, but it seemed like he was, talking to someone?
Then he heard the second voice, which was sort of familiar. He couldn’t understand what they were saying, but their voices seemed frantic and nervous.
“Logan! You’re home!” Patton smiled anxiously, peeking from the bedroom. “Weren’t you supposed to be working late?”
“Yes, but I was able to get off early.” Logan said, suspicious. “Is there anything wrong?”
“Nope! Nothing wrong at all!” Patton laughed, trying and failing to keep up his cheery guise. Logan rolled his eyes, walking towards the bedroom, ignoring Patton’s protests. “Wait, Logan, don’t!”
Logan stopped in the doorway. There he saw a small boy curled up in the corner between the bed and the wall, trying to hide himself from Logan. There were coloring books and crayons sprawled all over the floor, and a sippy cup tipped over next to them. 
Logan squinted his eyes in recognition. “Virgil?” The boy looked up for a second, eyes wide, then avoided his gaze, shutting his eyes in fear.
“Look, Logan, can I talk to you for a sec?” Patton gently pulled him aside. “Remember the thing that I talked to you about? Where I act like a kid sometimes to handle stress?”
“Ah, yes, age regression, I remember.” Logan recalled the conversation, and recalled that as long as it was helping Patton he supported it.
“Well, Virgil does it too.” Patton admitted. “I’m kind of his caregiver. I didn’t tell you because he doesn’t like people knowing. I’m actually the only one that knew until you came home today.”
Logan blinked. “Why wouldn’t he want anyone knowing. I mean, I understand privacy, but if it’s helping with his stress then it shouldn’t be looked down upon.”  
“I know, that’s what I keep trying to tell him! He just has a lot of trust issues.” Patton lowered his voice. “His parents were really neglectful, and kind of abusive. Not to mention he had to deal with a toxic ex a while ago.”
Logan let out a breath of realization. “Ah, I see. Well, if it’s that bad, then I can understand how he isn’t prepared to deal with people. May I talk with him?”
“If he’s up for talking, then I guess you could try.”
Logan stepped in carefully, not making any sudden movements. “Virgil? May I talk to you?”
The boy shook his head vigorously, still avoiding eye contact. Logan sighed, bending down to his level. “I promise, I won’t do or say anything that’s going to hurt you.”
Virgil looked up slowly, but couldn’t keep eye contact for long. “Don’, don’ wanna…”
“I know you don’t want to, and I know that it’s scary. But I’d like to talk with you now so there are no unresolved issues. Do you understand?”
Virgil tried, but shook his head. “Gonna, gonna hate me…” He sobbed, tears spilling down his cheeks.
“Oh Virgil.” Logan sighed. “I assure you that I will not, nor ever, hate you. If regressing is something that brings you comfort and healing, then I am one hundred percent supportive of it. In fact, I am willing to help out, with whatever you need me for.”
Virgil looked up at him, eyes wide in disbelief. Patton had caught that bit of conversation too, and quietly gasped, starting to smile.
“Really?” Virgil asked. Logan nodded. “Really.”
Patton couldn’t contain his excitement any longer. “Oh, thank you thank you thank you!” He exclaimed, running up to Logan and hugging him from behind. 
“Of course.” Logan smiled, turning around to face Patton. “When I said I would be there for you, I meant it. Whatever you need me for, I will be here. And if that means taking care of you, both of you, then I will do it gladly.”
Patton smiled wide, tears forming in his eyes. “You’re the best, Logan.” He said, hugging him tighter.
They broke their hug, Patton now turning to Virgil. “See, baby bat? He’s here for you, just like I am. Do you wanna give him a hug? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Virgil thought about it, but in the end shaking his head no, still hiding his face. Logan nodded. “It’s fine, I understand. If you need me to leave, I will.”
Surprisingly, Virgil shook his head no to that too. Logan blinked, taken aback. “You want me to stay?”
Virgil nodded his head, looking up at him. Patton smiled at the two, pulling them close. “I love you guys so much!”
Virgil and Logan glanced at each other, a mutual understanding between them. Maybe this could work out after all. 
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pascalpanic · 3 years
oh my god Josie CONGRATS on 1k!! It’s so exciting and so well deserved!! 🍾🥳🎉
I’m about 5’6, have medium length dark brown hair, freckles, and glasses. I am an infp, enneagram type 4, and a scorpio. My love language is words of affirmation.
I have a tendency to live in my own head a lot-I’m very introspective and a MASSIVE overthinker. I can be pretty sensitive and feel things very deeply. I tend to listen more than I speak unless I’m with someone I’m more comfortable with-then you can’t get me to shut up lol. I am very social justice minded and my values are incredibly important to me.
I work as a preschool coordinator at a nonprofit, which means that I handle the communication and administrative side of our preschool program. I will also be teaching a three year old class this fall. While I’m not 100% sure if I want my own kids, I have a huge soft spot for babies and children and I’d definitely want a family of some kind with the right partner.
I like to think of myself as a pretty earthy/down to earth person. I’m pretty humble and empathetic. I also love earthy scents and wear a lot of earth tones and floral patterns. I love being in nature and traveling (GOD I miss traveling lol), and feel most at peace beside the ocean. I love reading and getting lost in stories. I’m a very soft and cuddly person; I’m almost always wrapped in a blanket no matter the weather. I listen to music constantly-some of my favorites at the moment are phoebe bridgers, hozier, ben platt, and sleeping at last :)
thanks so much for doing this babe ily!!!
I would ship you with Marcus Moreno!
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I could totally see the Heroics bringing you on board as a caretaker for the young kids, and Marcus absolutely falling in love with you as he watches you interact with the little goofs. Your warm and caring nature would immediately speak to him. He’s a really sensitive guy too, and he loves that you’re as in touch with your emotions as he is.
Marcus is also big into coziness, and you just radiate that feeling to him. He loves snuggling with you during a movie, or reading together in bed while he holds his book in one hand with the other arm around you. He is all about the domestic life, and he loves the free-spirited vibe you give off. You would absolutely steal his cozy sweaters and warm clothes, and seeing your shorter form in his t-shirt absolutely melts his heart. He’d love to take you to the ocean, but he’s not a big fan of heat, so he’d love somewhere like the east coast or Pacific Northwest, to stay in a little cabin and get all cozy and just be with each other.
Being someone who’s a leader but is naturally more introverted, Marcus appreciates the fact that you hang back and are more reserved. The two of you are probably the quietest at the party, but no one can understand how goofy and dorky the two of you can get in private, teasing and poking and kissing all over each other.
it’s a party! come submit a request UNTIL MIDNIGHT TONIGHT, CST, and I’ll ship you with a Pedro character!
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scorpiosanssexy · 4 years
hiiiii imma pisces sun, taurus moon, and scorpio rising (i think? lmaoao) ANYWAYS ILY BABIE
Hey, hey, hey!
I match you with Ushijima Wakatoshi
Star Sign: Leo
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Pisces Sun: People with Pisces as their sun sign are highly dreamy and imaginative individuals. Ushijima has very black and white thought process so he loves hearing things from you perspective and he has this adorable kind of look of confusion if you talk about a subject he is not well versed in. Picses has a natural gift of making everybody in the room feel loved and appreciated, his teammates love how kind and doting you to everybody and it makes ushijima proud to call you his s/o seeing as the volleyball and his teammates are an essential part of his life. Often Pisces is described as loyal and devoted to those who are close, Ushijima always really loves the fact that you wait up for him every practice so that the pair of you can have your daily cuddle sessions. Another thing that he loves you for is when you wear his jersey to his match, his wants to make you proud and always plays ten times better when you are there. He always refers to you as “his girl”. Sometimes Pisces can get manipulated much more easily compared to other signs simply because of their self sacrificing nature. Ushijima is very switched on with his surroundings and acts as your personal body guard (especially on match days), he always has an arm around your waist which kind of indiactes that “I will protect you” vibe. He just thinks your precious and that you deserve to be taken care of.
Taurus Moon: Those with Taurus moon are regarded as trustworthy,stable and restrained (so not emotionally angry all the time).Ushijima loves the fact that you are not so emotionally all over the place, it is not that he is cold but the feeling aspect is not his strong suit. You both view problems in the same manner so arguments and misunderstandings are rare in the relationship and the pair of offer each other great life advice too (whilst also making the other one a cup of tea and stroking their hair in a gentle manner). In my astrology book it states that taurus moons love to do activities such as "visiting hot springs, hosting cozy get togethers and enjoying good food", low level activities. Ushijima loves nature dates, every year the pair of you will go for a romantic gateway to the Hot Springs and the pair of regularly have picnics in the park or a pretty flower field when ushiwaka doesn't have any practice on a weekend. Quality of time together is his love lanaguage which matches up perfectly with that of a taurus moon. You both go out of you way at least once a month to have a “relationship day” being in the summer you go and explore nearby towns to the winter cozying up with hot chocolate and watching your favourite movies. Lastly, for Taurus moons to thrieve in a relationship they need a predictable partner, chaos and disorder brings them great discomfort. Ushijima is very predictable, he get’s up for his runs at 6am every morning which starts his day. He also memorises your little routine too so much so that he knows exactly what time to text you knowing you will be on your phone having a break. Tendou thinks it is a super power.
Scorpio Rising: The first impressions of those with scorpio rising are magnetic, intesne and poweful. Ushijima has quite an intimidating presence himself so for you not to really care about his blunt ways of speaking and show no sign of discomfort was a pleasant susprise for him when you seated next to each other for the year ahead. He loves how you don’t take anyone bs and he always speaks high praise of you during the canteen and lunch time (where he sits next to tendou and semi) saying things like “Madeleine is such a strong women” (I am sorry Tendou would burst out laughing). Scorpio risings are also very resilent and determind. Ushijima was first drawn to you because of your determination and grit when it came to a group project, you never gave up even when hope was lost, you kept going. When you are together, Ushijima always motivates you, be it by praising you or just simply ruffling your hair, he want’s to keep your spirits high because that quality was the trait that made him fall in love with you. Scorpio Risings are always honest, to others they may appear standoffish but they (scorpios) cannot bear fake conversations. Yourself and Ushijima have a very similar communication style so you are never but off by his blunt declaration of love. If there were to be a slight misunderstanding the two of you would be over it in an instance going back to him spooning you and what not. It is very pure. Besdies Tendou also loves your honesty especially at your dead inside reaction when he shows you his hentai magazines. Overall, whilst is not the most romantic relationship it is practical, sturdy and emotionally strong, just like ushijima.
maddie I hope you are feeling better so have some waka chan cuddles
I hope you liked it too,
Carla xoxo 
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kpopfanfictrash · 5 years
A Wrong Righted
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Creative Content Contributor: @baebae-goodnight (hey ily)
Pairing: You / Jimin
Rating: PG-13 [ fluff + enemies to lovers!AU + Hogwarts!AU ]
Word Count: 3,229
Summary:  A series of drabbles about Slytherin!Jimin and Hufflepuff!Y/N, the sister of his self-declared mortal enemy.
A/N: These drabbles are non-sequential.
“Lucas!” you demand, barging into the Gryffindor common room.
It has been exactly two days since you last spoke to Jimin. Exactly two days, of you racking your mind and concluding that you are an absolute idiot. This morning, you awoke and decided that there was no time like the present to begin correcting your mistakes.
“Lucas!” you call again, scanning the circular room.
You find your brother before the common room fire; he looks cozy, seated in a red straight-backed chair, although now he seems confused by your presence. “Y/N?” he blinks, glancing around.
Seokjin tumbles out of the portrait behind you, frantically waving his hands. “Whoa, Y/N, wait!” he yelps, reaching for you and missing. “Sorry, Lucas,” Seokjin gasps, apologetic. “She found me in the Great Hall and dragged me up here. Forced me to open the Fat Lady for her and everything – damn, Y/N, when did you get so strong?”
Coming to a stop before Lucas, you glare. “We need to talk,” you announce.
Lucas glances from Seokjin to you. “Okay,” he allows, slowly setting his book off to the side. “Hey, sis, nice to see you.”
“Now,” you demand, crossing your arms.
Arching a brow, Lucas turns to Seokjin. “Could you give us a minute?” he asks.
Seokjin nods before leaving, chuckling on his way out. “If you ever need a weight-lifting partner,” he offers when he passes, “you know where to find me.”
Once he is gone, you return your attention to Lucas. 
He stares back, troubled, before rising out of his chair. “Want to, uh,” Lucas pauses, glancing at the common room. More than a few people stare back, their attention drawn by your outburst. “Want to take a walk?”
Noticing their gazes, you nod, embarrassed.
Lucas tucks his book into his pack, slinging this over his shoulder. He walks behind you when you exit the common room, clambering back through the portrait to head down the stairs. The two of you walk until you reach the school grounds; to your right is the emerald green of the Quidditch pitch. Even from here, the six golden hoops are visible rising over the stadium.
Staring for a moment, you recall the time Jimin caught the Snitch an inch away from your ear. Even back then, he was always watching you. Even back then, you always chose to ignore him. Closing your eyes, you steel yourself for what you have to say next.
“I like Park Jimin,” you announce, opening your eyes. Lucas’ eyes widen, shocked. “I want to ask him out on a date.”
For a moment, Lucas seems floored. He can only stare at you, mouth open in shock. “I – I, what?” he blurts, flabbergasted.
“I like him,” you repeat, somewhat stiffly. “A lot.”
Lucas’ brow furrows, confused. At least he seems confused and not mad, which you take to be a good sign. 
“I,” he exhales, blinking again. “How? When?”
“How.” Shit, you did not think that far ahead. “That’s a great question; one I can’t answer.”
At this, your brother’s eyes narrow and now, he does seem mad. “Y/N,” Lucas mutters, folding both arms over his chest. The end of his wand sparks menacingly. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Did Park try something on you?” he demands.
“No, nothing like that,” you say quickly (perhaps too quickly), with a wave of your hand. Lucas growls in response. “What I came here to ask is...” Swallowing tightly, you steel yourself for the answer to what comes next. “Why do you hate Jimin so much?”
Your brother is still concentrated on what you last said – almost to the point where you wonder if he heard you. Then, he shakes his head, zeroing in on your features. “I,” he exhales, putting two and two together. “It’s complicated,” Lucas finishes, slowly lowering his wand.
“Try me,” you respond, narrowing your gaze. “If you��re going to tell me who I can and cannot be friends with, Lucas – I’m going to need to know the full story. I love you, Lu. You’re my brother. If you tell me someone is shit, then I’m going to believe you but right now, I don’t think Jimin is like that.”
Lucas stares at you for a moment, debating. It is colder than it has been the rest of the year. The ends of your robes are too short for your body, leaving your ankles exposed to the elements and you wish you had worn something warmer. Perhaps this could have waited for another day, another time but no – you have waited long enough for this.
Sighing, your brother shoves his wand back in his pack. “Fuck,” he mutters, pushing a hand through his hair. “Alright, Y/N. Can we walk, though?” he pleads, pulling a face. “It’s fucking cold out. You picked a hell of a day to soul-share.”
With a snort, you fall into step alongside him. “Whatever,” you shrug. “As long as you tell me.”
Nodding, Lucas slides both hands into his pockets. He falls silent for a while, staring out at the grounds and you wait patiently for him to gather his thoughts. Lucas has been like this ever since he was a child. He will speak honestly, but only when he is ready.
“Jimin and I were friends when we first came to Hogwarts,” states Lucas, glancing your way. Your surprise must be evident on your face, because he smiles. “Yeah. He’s Muggle-born, did you know that? He doesn’t talk about it much, since… you know. Slytherin. Anyways, I met Jimin on the Hogwarts Express.”
Grass crunches beneath your feet, as you align this bit of information to your perception of Jimin. It makes sense, actually. It makes sense why he seemed so lonely your first years here; why he is so stubbornly defensive now, always acting as though he has something to prove.
“How did you two meet, then?” you ask, glancing over.
“We both sat in the last train car,” answers Lucas, hiding his cough. “Jimin was there because, well, he had no friends at the beginning. I had friends but was back there because I was crying my eyes out.”
“Lucas!” you blurt out, shocked by his admission. “Why? Why were you crying?”
“Ah,” Lucas exhales. He laughs, embarrassed by the memory. “It was because I missed you all. It was my first time away from home and I was only a kid. I just... really missed my parents and baby sister.”
“Dork,” you mumble, punching his arm. Still, you smile. “What happened next?”
“Jimin heard me,” Lucas confesses with a shrug. “I didn’t know he was there but, rather than make fun of me, Jimin offered to sit in my seat. He said it was his first time away from home, too.”
“Oh,” you blink, surprised by this turn of events. “So, what happened then?”
Lucas sighs and comes to a stop on the path. He squints at the sun. “What else? I was sorted into Gryffindor; he was sorted into Slytherin. We tried to stay friends but, you know. Gryffindor and Slytherin hate each other.”
Stomach sinking, you remember how you once felt this way about Jimin. “Sounds dumb,” you observe, soft.
Lucas laughs, though it is not humorous. “Yeah, it was.” He falls quiet for a moment. “Eleven-year-old boys are always dumb. We each tried out for our House Quidditch teams after that; we both made them. There was a game freshman year when we both played each other. I made some sort of dive and apparently, I blocked him from catching the Snitch.” Lucas frowns. “I didn’t mean to. I was only focused on the Quaffle, but I guess I blocked Jimin, too. Gryffindor won.”
Coming to a stop beside him, you stare out at the lake. The surface is glassy, utterly still. “Was Jimin angry?” you ask.
“Really angry,” confirms Lucas, quiet. Wind whips hair back from his face. “If you know Jimin, you know how intimidating he can be. He yelled at me the second I landed; said I was hell-bent upon ruining his life. Wanted to know when I became such a fucking Gryffindor that I didn’t care about screwing him over. We – we hadn’t talked in a while,” Lucas admits.
For a moment, you have no response. It is clear from your brother’s expression he regrets it but feels powerless to change anything now, after the fact. Your brother has always been prideful, always been stubborn. It is no surprise to you, that he and Jimin once were friends. Honestly, you are not sure how you missed it before.
“What happened then?” you ask, turning to face him.
Lucas sighs. “Oh, I don’t know. A lot of things. Jimin asked out the girl I liked before I could. His friends dared him to hex me, and he did. Before long, I think even we forgot what we were fighting about.”
“Oh,” you respond, equally soft. You do understand what he means, in a way. Emotions have a certain way of snowballing without you realizing what they have become.
Lucas turns to look at you. “I think I owe you an apology, Y/N,” he exhales, chewing his cheek. “In your first year at Hogwarts, I saw how Jimin looked at you. I saw you were lonely, saw that Jimin liked hanging around you but I was stupid, and selfish. I thought he would try to hurt you to get back at me and so I tried to keep you apart.”
Swallowing hard, you realize that you expected as much but still, the facts hurt to hear. “He didn’t want to use me,” you respond to Lucas, quiet and fierce. “He likes me, Lu.”
Lucas looks up at the sky. “Yeah,” he exhales, squinting. “I can see that. Doubt you would care enough to talk to me, otherwise.”
At this, you laugh and fold both arms over your chest. “That’s true,” you admit.
Lucas makes a face. “I don’t want to know how or why you two met – okay? I just,” he sighs. “I want you to be careful, that’s all. I’m your big brother; it’s kind of my job to worry about you.”
“Whatever,” you grumble, elbowing him in the ribs. “It’s also your job to open pickle jars for the family, but when was the last time you did that?”
“Uh, when was the last time you saw a pickle jar at Hogwarts?”
“Touché,” you laugh, trying and failing to hide your grin.
The two of you stand out there for a while, in comfortable silence looking out at the lake. Every so often, tentacles of the giant squid break the surface.
“Does this mean you’re going to start dating Jimin?” asks Lucas, breaking the silence.
Paused for a moment, you gather your thoughts. The idea of dating Jimin makes your heart race. “Maybe,” you admit, shrugging a shoulder. “I don’t know.”
Lucas snorts, cracking a smile. “Maybe? Seems like an awful lot of trouble to go to for a maybe.”
Rolling your eyes, you hate how well your big brother knows you. “Alright, fine,” you admit, glancing his way. “I want to date him. If Jimin wants to, that is.”
“Oh, he wants to,” Lucas nods, automatic. “You’re my sister. Awesomeness is in your blood.”
“Oh god,” you groan, shoving his shoulder. “You’re such a dork. Is it contagious? Do you have dork sanitizer?”
“We’re the same bloodline,” Lucas grins, looping an arm around your neck as he turns towards the castle. “Afraid the dork can’t be removed. Anyways – on a more serious note, Jimin isn’t a bad guy, Y/N. He’s just stubborn… prideful… kind of an ass, to be honest.”
“Oh, so he’s like you?”
“Hey,” Lucas growls, mussing your hair. “Watch it, kid. But yeah, pretty much.”
With a snort, you walk beside your brother towards the castle. “Yeah,” you sigh, falling silent. “I guess I just wanted you to know. Before I… asked him out, or anything.”
Lucas is quiet for a moment. “I – hm,” he says, though there is something more to his tone.
Arching a brow, you look up. “What?” you demand, knowing your brother.
“Nothing.” Lucas shakes his head. “It’s just…”
Lucas comes to a stop several feet from the front doors. “Don’t get me wrong,” he hastens, withdrawing his arm. “I’m glad that you said something. I’m glad I didn’t find out through the grapevine. But, Y/N... why are you really here?”
His words make you stiffen, surprised. “I – what do you mean?”
Your brother fixes you with a look. “Clearly, you like Jimin,” he prompts. “Clearly, you’ve already made up your mind about him, so why are you asking my opinion? What, do you need my blessing or something?”
Cheeks heating, you find yourself stumped and, in that moment, you realize the truth of the matter. “Because,” you whisper, eyes wide. “I really like him, Lu. Maybe more than that. And… if you truly hate him as much as you say you do; I don’t think I could bear it.”
Lucas stares at you for a moment, taken aback by your honesty. In all fairness to him, he does not seem thrilled by the idea of you dating Jimin. You remind yourself once again, that it has been seven long years of them hating each other.
Still, Lucas manages to nod. “Alright,” he agrees, walking again towards the castle. “Shit. That’s a lot to take in.”
You laugh, weakly. “I know. It is,” you agree, plunging your hands into your robe pockets.
Before the giant front doors, Lucas stops again. “If he hurts you, I’ll kill him,” he declares, and you can tell by his tone that he means it. 
You would mean it, too, for him. “I know,” you respond, equally serious. Still, it is as though a lead weight has been lifted from your chest. With a huge, silly grin, you bound forward and kiss your brother’s cheek. “Thanks,” you whisper, squeezing his shoulder and scuttling past.
With an obnoxious groan, Lucas turns to stride towards the Gryffindor tower. “Why me?” he calls out, loud enough that you hear but you are already gone, disappeared down the hall with a singular purpose.
Several hallways later, you find yourself at the Great Hall. Lunch is in full swing, with multitudes of people seated down the long, wooden rows. As you march down its center, you try not to look at anyone in particular. Already, the nerves in your stomach are enough to choke out your thoughts. Several people wave as you pass; including Sandra, who yells she saved you a seat as you wave this aside.
Right now, you cannot think about lunch. You are certainly not thinking about anyone seated at the Hufflepuff table. It is the far end of the Slytherin table which catches your eye. This is where you find him.
Jimin sits lazily, slouched over a book as he toys with the rest of his food. No one is seated near him, although you sense this to be more from self-preservation, than anything else. Each time someone speaks, Jimin visibly flinches and glares at the culprit until they shut up. 
Sliding onto the bench across the table from him, you fold both hands over the surface. “Hey,” you exhale, waiting for him to look up.
Slowly, Jimin does. 
It takes him a moment to understand what he is seeing, blinking repeatedly, as though you might disappear. You cannot blame him. This is the first time you have spoken in public, after all.
“I want... to date you,” you blurt out, only to wince. That came out all wrong. “Jimin. I, what I mean is... will you go on a date with me?”
Jimin’s eyes widen slightly. “I – huh?” he squeaks, thoroughly confused.
The corner of your mouth twitches, attempting to hide your smile. You have always found it cute when he does that, although you never told him before.
“Oh,” you blink, realizing you may have jumped in too fast. For Jimin, the last thing you did was watch him leave the classroom. “Shit, I’m sorry. I should have apologized first, right? I am sorry. I messed everything up and I’m so, so sorry, Jimin.”
Jimin stares for a moment, before glancing aside. “Are you messing with me right now?” he demands, leaning in. His cheeks are red, from either anger or fear. “Honestly, Y/N, I am not in the mood.”
“No,” you protest, laying both palms flat on the table. “I swear to you now – I am wholly, and totally serious. I want to date you, Jimin. You. That’s all.”
He stares in disbelief. “You want to date me.”
Silently, you nod.
A muscle ticks in Jimin’s jaw. “So, let me get this straight,” he responds. “For months, we’ve been sneaking around in order to hide the fact that we’ve been hooking up. Then, I say that I like you and you have no response. Now, two days later, you suddenly want to date me.”
Biting down again on your lip, you nod. You should have known Jimin would react like this – obviously, he would. When he puts it like that, you have been pretty shitty. Actually; any way you slice it, you have been shitty.
Jimin leans back, shaking his head. “Nah, I don’t believe you. Did Lucas put you up to this?” he demands, eyes flashing. “Was this all some sort of cruel, twisted prank? Get me to like you and then mphskd!”
His words are cut off by you grabbing the front of his robes, pulling him out of his seat and kissing him. Jimin’s eyes widen in confusion, when your lips press to his.
He seems thrown by the way your hands clutch at his robes; torn, between the shock of the moment and having you here. Having you kiss him. Then, your lips slowly soften and Jimin’s mouth trembles, sinking into your kiss.
“Fuck,” he mutters, grabbing the sides of your face to kiss you properly. Your hands slide to his neck, closing your eyes as if you never want to stop, so intoxicating is this feeling. When you finally do break away, your breathing uneven, you realize how loud you have been.
The rest of the Slytherin table has fallen quiet; you could hear a pin drop in their silence. Jimin does not seem to care, though. He only sees you, breaking out in a grin. 
“What are you looking at?” he demands, whirling to face the underclassmen. Multiple parties hurriedly resume eating their lunch. “Show’s over, okay?”
“And damn, what a show,” whistles the mint-haired boy beside Jimin.
“Shut up, Yoongi,” Jimin mutters, cuffing the back of his head as he climbs over the bench. The boy laughs, winking when you rush around the other side of the table. Jimin nearly trips in his haste to get to you, grabbing your hands and tugging you close.
“Hey,” he grins, unable to help himself.
All around you, the noise level of the Great Hall has returned to normal. Much of them are probably talking about you, but you find you do not care. Let them stare, if they want. Jimin is the one looking at you, and that is all you find relevant.
Smoothing a piece of hair behind your ear, Jimin stares. “What about Lucas?” he murmurs, voice lower than usual. His expression is concerned. “He’ll hear about this for sure.”
“I told him,” you answer, lifting your chin. It makes you beam with pride, seeing Jimin’s happy confusion. “I told him how much I like you. I told him how much I want to date you. Lucas is fine with it.”
“Really?” Jimin seems surprised for a moment. “So… you want to date me, huh?” he asks, lips quirking upwards.
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, I guess,” you admit.
Jimin’s hands slide down your body, pulling you forward. “You like me, huh?” he teases, dipping his head.
“I guess,” you nod, brushing your lips against his.
“Good,” Jimin smiles, before kissing you.
 A/N: [ Master List ]
© kpopfanfictrash, 2019. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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