#jerome valeska angst
crazyvaleska · 1 year
Listen To Me | Jerome Valeska x GN! Reader
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summary: you are jerome's psychiatrist at arkham asylum and after years of treating him he opens up about his childhood trauma
genre: angst
word count: 8479 (it's a long one folks! so get comfortable and grab ur popcorn & blanket! and tissues.)
warnings: cursing, self harm, mention of sexual assault & domestic abuse, mention of death & suicide, just a lot of angst in general. read at your own risk, you've been warned.
a/n: i started writing this back in august 2022 and finished it just now. been adding small paragraphs to this story every now&then. some paragraphs were written days apart while others were written weeks apart. i'm writing this bc i feel like there aren't many angsty stories with jerome. imo jerome isn't evil but broken. also having read his diary added up a lot to his character as it's pretty depressing. perhaps everyone has a different version of a certain character. here's my version of jerome.
also i got a tiny bit inspired by the harleen graphic novel and the joker movie for this !!
the playlist i was listening to while writing this: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5E2lk49zurRTAaHq3Nz7FQ?si=7TQxYHDsQ0ypPYkIvlLCpw&utm_source=copy-link
jerome's thoughts are written like this btw!
enjoy! (or don't.)
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A huge amount of people would say it is impossible to become a psychiatrist at 18. That must mean they've never been to Gotham City. Here anything is possible. Therefore, you had just graduated medical highschool when you were offered a job at Arkham Asylum and you had no choice but to take it. You were aware of the risks of working in a place surrounded by criminally insane lunatics, but you didn't really have another option. You needed a job. Besides, taking risks never ever scared you. Though many viewed Arkham as a spooky place, to you it was interesting. Treating mentally unwell criminals was challenging because you liked helping people, no matter who they were.
What you didn't know was that one of the patients you would have to treat was none other than the infamous Jerome Valeska himself, probably one of the most demented and wicked being Gotham City had ever know.
Yet, you thought his character was rather fascinating. After all, you had known Jerome for years.
Jerome Valeska. How do you even begin to explain Jerome Valeska?
You first met him right after he killed his mother, the first time he was in prison. Before he died. Before he was an infamous murderer. And you had to admit, he did become more intimidating as years passed by.
There was nothing out of the ordinary about him at first, same old story about the son committing matricide. Though, he never told you the entire story. You noticed he was uncomfortable and you didn't want to push, everybody had their boundaries and you respected that.
If you had to describe in one word the way he was acting in his firsts therapy sessions, you would use the word "flirty". Sort of. A mix of charisma and inappropriate jokes.
He told you he didn't plan on killing anyone else, claiming that the murdering of his mother was something personal. For some reason, you chose to believe him. Until Theo Galavan happened. It was like the Jerome you once knew had completely vanished. He was the same and a different person at the same time. You almost felt sorry for him. But then again, you weren't supposed to get attached to your patients. Jerome was charming and all, but he probably didn't feel the same way you did. He was just a kid after all, and so were you. Both 18. The only difference was, you were trying to cure insanity while he was trying to spread it.
A few days later he died. Actually, was murdered. Poor thing, you thought. You wished you had more time to know him. You wished you could've helped him. You knew small parts about him but not his entire story.
You had hoped you would forget him as time flew by, but you didn't. His evil crackle never left your dreams. It was always there. You could hear it all the time, as if he was trying to reach you. It was torturing you. Yet pleasant at the same time. You missed him, truth be told. But you knew he was in a better place now. Or so you thought.
That was until he was resurrected. Being honest, you weren't exactly surprised. This was Gotham City, after all. Everything was possible in Gotham. The actual shock was seeing him faceless and unconscious. You wondered how much strength does one require in order to be able to staple their face without passing out. Jerome's pain tolerance was so high, it concerned you.
By the time the ginger maniac was sent back to the Asylum, his face had been attached back to its place. He was hideously scarred now, wearing a permanent disturbingly bright smile. Although, to you he looked fine. Somehow attractive. You weren't sure why. Maybe it was simply your questionable taste in men. At the same time, he was much more intimidating now, much more grown. And as a result to him dying by being stabbed in the throat, his voice had also changed. It sounded more threatening now.
"It's good to have you back, Jerome!" you said in his first therapy appointment of the year, a warm, kind smile on painted on your lips.
His reply came out natural, "Well, at least someone missed me." but his face was expressionless and emotionless, and his voice numb, as if he had lost his spark.
To most, he was simply just out of his mind, a low-life criminal, but you felt there was more than that. You desperately wanted to know what made him the way he was, what made him turn to a life of crime, because you knew no one was born evil, not even in a city like Gotham (though he wasn't born in Gotham) it was usually the environment that could cause one's insanity. And you could see it in his eyes: he wasn't born bad. He was shaped evil, but not born evil. But then again, anyone could go insane with just one bad day.
Jerome was very charismatic, he could get anyone do whatever he wanted. Nevertheless, he was an amazing liar, you couldn't ever tell when he was speaking the truth and when he wasn't. He didn't seem to care about the way others felt and showed lack of remorse, he was impulsive and manipulative, deceitful and reckless. He was extremely narcissistic and showed lack of empathy towards others, and you had diagnosed him with Psychopathy Cluster B Personality Disorders and Schizophrenia. The ginger was on different medications. Sometimes he didn't take them, other times he did and not only his, but others' as well . You had told him multiple times how that was no good for him, but he never listened.
The thing about Jerome was, you never knew what he would be like in your therapy sessions. Sometimes you felt like you knew Jerome, but did you really? Oftentimes his behavior was passive aggressive, other times he would crack up jokes and you actually enjoyed his company, getting lost into his mesmerizing hazel eyes, as if you two were actually friends. Most of the times he just stayed quiet though, especially if you mentioned his family. Sure, he had no problem talking about killing innocents but once you switched the subject to the murdering of his mom, for example, he would tilt his head and pretend he didn't hear you or just say the same old story about her being mean, but you suspected it wasn't just that, you could see it in his eyes that part of him was still... hurt? His eyes spoke volumes. Although he always tried to hide it by pretending to be a God, deep down he hated himself. But of course he didn't want anyone else to know that, he didn't want to be seen as weak. Not anymore. He knew better than that. You noticed this thing about Jerome, he tried to act unbothered all the time but he always did this head tilting thing whenever he felt uncomfortable. Sure, Jerome was always surrounded by people, mostly his followers, but being around people doesn't mean you actually trust them. And you couldn't blame him for having trust issues considering he was stabbed to death by the only person he ever trusted. You could only imagine the feeling of betrayal he felt. That must have been traumatizing, but he had never ever addressed it.
One rainy Thursday the young Valeska told you he was upset because there wasn't any pudding left at the cafeteria. So the following day, Friday, you came up with an idea that could get you killed, but it was worth a try.
It was getting dark, your shift was over and you were supposed to go home. But instead of heading towards the Asylum's exit you found yourself walking towards its core, towards one certain inmate's cell, inmate E-146's cell: Jerome's cell. You would be lying if you said you weren't nervous, because you were. You didn't have anything to defend yourself on you. If anything, you were aware you were walking towards something that could be mean your sudden death.
You did have to pay bribe to the prison wardens that guarded his cell. They warned you about the homicidal redhead, but you liked to believe you weren't scared of him. To you, Jerome wasn't scary-looking. What really scared you was his mind. You had read his criminal record thus you knew what he was capable of. Even though you tried to tell yourself he won't hurt you, truth was you had no idea what he'd do or say, he was unpredictable.
First time you stepped foot in his cell was an experience you weren't going to forget anytime soon. The room was smaller than you though it would be. Not that you were expecting any kind of luxury. But this was worse than anything you had ever imagined. The first thing you noticed was the extremely low temperature, it was bone-chilling. No wonder why Jerome sounded sick all the time. Four gray walls and a dark ceiling that looked like it could collapse over you at any given moment. A bed for one person that was placed next to a prison porthole and near it a small, cheap table with an old chair in front of it. The smell wasn't very welcoming either, you thought rats were the only thing missing from the picture.
Jerome didn't notice you initially, he was busy writing in something that appeared to be a notebook. You cleared your throat loudly, which made him jump. You caught him off guard, quite literally. He looked equally shocked and confused to see you.
"Whatcha doing here, doc?" the redhead asked as he sat up. He placed the pencil down and closed his book, then took small steps closer to you. Only now that you were both standing up at the same time you noticed how tall he actually was. In the therapy room, his arms were always folded together in a shinny white straightjacket that prevented him from harming the doctor before him. You had actually never seen Jerome with his arms free so close to you before. He was wearing his stripped prison uniform instead of that tight straightjacket and you could tell he was way more muscular than you thought, his hands were enormous, he could knock you out in a second. His looks should've alarmed you but for some reason they didn't. Actually, you were happy to see his body looked healthy. Everybody said he looked like a nightmare, but to you he was the opposite. You shook your head quickly trying not to think of that or anything potentially inappropriate.
You hitched your breath nervously as you took a few steps back. "I told you already, you can call me Y/N... Uh, yesterday you said there wasn't any pudding left for you so I thought I would...um ... I... well," you stuttered while searching for something in your bag. The man raised an eyebrow but stayed silent. You reached your hand out, holding a bowl of chocolate pudding, "I-I... I made it myself! And I paid the guards to leave..." you said in a low murmur.
The unsurety in your voice didn't go unnoticed and it made Jerome grin. He walked even closer to you and crossed his arms while nodding, "That's so brave of you, Y/N! But you do realize I could poke your eyeballs out and squash you like a bug right about.... now!" he hissed. The next thing you felt was your chin being lifted up by his gloved hand, holding it in a tight grip, forcing you to face him. You avoided looking directly into his eyes so you just stared at his hand. Unfortunately for you, that seemed to bother him, "My eyes are up here," he used his free hand to point at his eyes.
The fabric of his white glove was soft but his touch was aggressive and harsh, the clutch on your chin was hard, "... I just... I just came here to give you this, nothing more." At first, Jerome was very sceptical, not believing any of it. He even thought the pudding was poisoned and insisted on you having a try before he did. The rest was history.
That happened approximately one year prior. You had spent the last 12 months seeing Jerome 2 times a week: one time during his therapy appointments every Thursday, the other time every Friday night, when most of the Asylum's staff had gone home. You had stolen they keys to his prison cell and no one knew about your late at night meetings with the clown prince.
The first times everything was pretty awkward, Jerome used to search your bag and pockets for any sharp objects that you could potentially use against him. But with time he stopped doing that. Approximately after 6 months.
You mostly brought him food, especially sweets, Jerome loved candies but he wasn't allowed to eat those in prison. Sometimes you even played cards with him and he would win every game, the boy knew how to play the jokers, that's certain. He did make inappropriate jokes from time to time, but nothing that made you too uncomfortable. He never touched you or anything like that. Everything stayed platonic.
One time you attached a colorful self-made bracelet to his wrist. You had a similar one on yours. Jerome pretend he didn't like it, telling you that friendship jewels were a waste, but truth be told, he liked it, he wore it all the time, he liked playing with it beads. Of course, he made sure it stayed hidden underneath his sleeve. He didn't want anyone else to see him like that. He had a reputation to uphold. Thus sometimes he would threaten your life in a playful manner just because he was Jerome Valeska.
You had also noticed the ginger was great at arts and crafts so you brought him crayons. Lots of them. The previous week you even brought him a scissors after he had begged you to for weeks. He promised he wasn't going to hurt other prisoners with it. He was using those to draw and decorate his diary. You knew he had a personal journal that he had never showed you. But you were cool with that. Though you wished he could open up to you, you didn't want to push, you wanted him to talk to you because he wanted to, not because he had to. All you knew was that you desperately wanted to help him get better. You didn't feel that way about other patients. Obviously, you wanted to help them too, but with Jerome it was different. Not that you would ever admit it out loud, but you had grown some sort of crush on the maniac. You knew how wrong that was, but you couldn't help the way he made you feel everytime his eyes met yours or when he smiled at you. You came to the realization that Jerome wasn't half as bad unless he was surrounded by other loonies or by people he despised. He was quite chill aside from his maniacally laughter.
Although Jerome didn't own a watch, he simply knew what time you were supposed to show up. In fact, he had actually grown to like your little visits. At first he found all of this annoying and irritating, but with time he changed his mind. You weren't so bad after all. Actually, he was waiting impatiently each of your visits. You were nice to him. Not a lot of people were nice to him. Nobody, actually. Just you.
Therefore you being late one certain night didn't go unnoticed. Strange, Jerome thought at first. You had never been late before. Was this all? Did you spend all that time with him only to leave him like that? Did you replace him with another patient? Did you get bored of him? Did something bad happen to you, perhaps?
Jerome shook his head. He didn't like to picture you dead. Why was that? He loved everything about death and killing, blood and gore. Why did it bother him now? He promised himself he wouldn't get attached. No, no, Jerome Valeska didn't give a shit about anyone. He was heartless. A monster. Everybody said so, so then it must be true. So what if you died? Who cared? Not him, that's for sure. Yeah.
But then, why had he been walking circles in his small cell for minutes? Why was he breathing heavier and why did he have an awful gut feeling? And now how did he find himself in this position again? Sitting on his bed, facing the wall with teary eyes, clinching his fists anxiously and twiddling his trembling thumbs. There were drops of dark red blood on his already dirty mattress. Drops of blood between the beads of his bracelet. When did that happen? He could vividly remember when he started pressing the scissors down his wrist. It all happened so fast. He didn't even apply much pressure and yet he had managed to draw enough blood to cover his fingertips. How did he end up like this? Like a sobbing mess. Why did you do this to him? Why did you give him hope? He should've known better. Humans are deceitful beings. They lie and they never keep their promises. One day they love you, the next they don't need you anymore. So he really didn't learn anything from trusting Theo Galavan after all. He remembered it as clear as day. He thought he could finally be happy when Theo came along, gave him a proper bed and proper clothes. He was like the father he never had. But then his life flashed before his eyes as he dropped dead by the hand of the one man he thought was trustworthy.
Oh, dear ol' Jerome. Getting attached to the first person to treat him like a normal human being again. So all those times you took care of him were all on act. Of course. Why was he so stupid? Stupid enough to think anyone would ever care about him. Of course it was all a lie. He hated you. This was pathetic. Everyone was pathetic. Crying was pathetic. Crying was for the weak. Jerome wasn't weak. Not anymore. But what if, perhaps, you weren't even real? What if he had been imagining you the whole time? After all, it was all too good to be true. But maybe that's just the way life is: it hits you harder than a train truck, then you feel good for a while because you start doing things that distract you from how you truly feel, killings in his case. But then you realize you weren't ever really happy, just delusional and that makes you depressed again. It's like a never ending loop.
The boy shivered at his own thoughts. So many questions at the same time. His mind was suffocating him. But he liked it, didn't he? Or maybe did he just trick himself into thinking he liked it? He liked being sick, right? Who was he without his sickness? Pills. He needed more pills. The pills were never enough. If only he had enough pills to...
His train of thoughts was interrupted by the very familiar sound of his creaky door being unlocked then opened. Jerome knew this could mean one thing. He quickly wiped his teary eyes with his knuckles then clothed his fingers with his gloves. He cleared his throat, "Where were you?" he asked, his voice harsher than ever. He didn't want you to see him vulnerable. He tried to hide it. He didn't want to admit not even to himself he was somewhat worried. But, in fact, he had grown very fond of you. He wasn't sure why, he wasn't sure what he felt towards you. There's a very thin line between love and obsession. All in all, part of him was relieved once he heard your voice.
"I'm sorry, Jerome. I had some things to take care of. Things that involve you, actually," you closed the door behind you and took a few steps forward.
The last sentence got Jerome's attention so naturally he turned his head around to look at you. His stare was so intense it seemed like he was staring directly into your soul. His hazel eyes were so beautiful yet so terrifying, you couldn't stare at them for too long. The dark circles under his eyes were darker than ever and you wondered if he ever slept. It was your job to help him get better but it seemed that he was getting worse everyday, like he was losing himself therefore you were failing. But you had to pull him out of his misery. You had to.
"You threatened Oswald Cobblepot," Jerome couldn't help but snicker proudly at your remark before you could continue your sentence "And you also took his medicine. How many times have I told you that taking meds you don't need only makes things worse?" you paused but the boy didn't reply. He knew it was bad, he just couldn't help himself. You sighed "They want to change your therapist, Jerome. They don't think I'm doing a good job with you."
Jerome's face dropped, "As in you'll be replaced?" he asked and you nodded. No, this wasn't possible. You were lying, you had to be. First you're late, now this. The redhead jumped out of his bed and walked up to you, "You're lying."
"Jerome-" you started but he didn't let you finish.
"Don't you dare to Jerome me. You're an hour late and now you're telling me you wanna get rid of me?" his tone went from numb to mad in a matter of seconds.
"I'm so sorry for the waiting, I'll try my best to keep you. I promise! Cross my heart and hope to die."
That only made Jerome crackle in an ironic manner "Oh please, Y/N. Don't make promises you know you can't keep. Empty promises. You're growing tired of me. It's funny, actually. I think this may be just my luck! Jeremiah promised he wouldn't leave too, but he did anyhow. And now you."
"Who's Jeremiah? I don't know what you're talking abo..." you felt like you couldn't breathe as panick took control over your body, "...why is there blood on your gloves?"
Shit, Jerome thought. "It's paint," he smiled but you knew he was lying the moment he tried to change the subject "Jeremiah's an old acquaintance, if you will."
"I never brought you paint..." you murmured. Then you remembered what you did bring him. The scissors. "You promised you won't hurt anyone with it..." you whispered.
Jerome shrugged, "I promised I wouldn't other inmates. I never promised I wouldn't hurt... myself...!"
Your eyes opened widely at the sudden realization. You covered your mouth with your fingers and your heart was beating impossibly fast while tears were filling your eyes. It was only now that you noticed his slightly puffy eyes too, "I'm so sorry... Jerome... oh God..." you muttered. He didn't look at you until he felt your hand on his.
Jerome hesitated to speak at first, "Oh, y'know... the scissors just slipped. I'm fine, really. No need to worry about me. If anything, I like bleeding out."
You knew that wasn't true. "I'm gonna get the doctor... we need to get it patched up."
"Then they'll know you're here."
"I don't care. I'll probably lose my job anyway. You hurt yourself, Jerome. You could get an infection. Fuck, I was supposed to help you get better but I didn't do shit! Now you're bleeding and it's all because of me-" you were cut off by Jerome's gloved hand covering your mouth.
"Shh. I'm fine, Y/N. It's not that serious. It's just... I don't feel safe when my scars are healed. I need to bleed to calm myself. It's like a part of me. It's my biggest comfort."
You tried to mumble something underneath his hand which made him frown, "I don't need your pity, Y/N. You're trying to weaken me, it won't work," he moved his hand, giving you the chance to speak.
"Please, Jerome. I care about you! I won't let you hurt yourself any longer!" you cried out. It was true. You would've done anything for him and it hurt you knowing he was harming himself. He thought he had it all under control but clearly he didn't. You were scared of what he could do to himself next. You couldn't just watch him destroying himself knowing you could've helped him.
Jerome shook his head repeatedly and covered his ears with his plams while circling around the room, mumbling things to himself. Eventually, his voice got louder and louder, "NO NO NO NO NO! No, you don't, stop saying that! Cut the bullshit, Y/N! You don't care about me, no one does! Jerome has no one, Jerome's all alone! It's how it's always been. It's how it's always gonna be. What the fuck do you want from me? Look at me! I have wanted to die for as long as I can remember. And guess what? When I finally did some jerks thought it'd be funny to bring me back to this shitty life! You think you understand me, but you don't! You can't save me, you can't fix me! What have you done to me? You cracked me! Just leave me alone! Leave me alone! LEAVE. ME. ALONE!!!" he yelled as he shed a single tear.
His face turned red from all the rage and you could swear he was gonna kill you at that very moment, but he didn't. Instead, his body collapsed on the ground. He was hugging his knees while staring at the floor, with his back pressed against the cold wall. You had no clue what just happened but he looked defenseless, practically harmless right now. You knew this was risky, but you kneeled next to him then reached out your hand and caressed his shoulders which caused him to look at you. You didn't see a psychopath in his eyes anymore, just a frightened child. That wasn't the ginger maniac everybody feared. That was a poor boy stuck in his traumatic past.
"Let it out, Jerome. This is why I came here, so we could talk like 2 human beings. Help me understand you. I know I can't take your pain away, but you can talk to me," you whispered.
"I'm not a human being. I'm a monster, can't you see? Everybody fears me. I'm the monster parents tell their children about," he muttered quietly. Usually he said that proudly, but now it sounded as if he was ashamed, which was very out of character. What he felt at that very moment was confusion.
"You're not a monster, Jerome. I have this feeling that... you're misunderstood, like no one ever listened to what you had to say. I am here to listen and I promise I won't laugh or judge. But if you hold everything inside you it's only gonna get worse... Let it all out, please." you spoke in a soft murmur.
"I don't even know.... what I am supposed to say," Jerome sobbed.
"Anything that comes to mind, that upsets you, that you wanna get off your chest. What is that one thought that won't let you get rest at night? The things you always wanted to say but nobody ever listened to. The things you always tried to forget because it all hurt too much. I can see the depth and complicity of your character, Jerome. You're not evil. Your past is haunting you, isn't it? I can see it in your face, it was rough. So please, I just want to help you. And I won't tell anyone, you have my word."
The ginger glanced at you with furrowed brows, trying to keep track of his thoughts. He felt something he hadn't felt in a very, very long time. He felt helpless and he didn't know why. He didn't know why he suddenly no longer felt in control. Was it because you were the first person to actually look at his wounds concerned instead of laughing? Because you were willing to actually listen to what he had to say? No one had ever told him that before. Except for you. But he couldn't bring himself to entirely believe anyone could actually care about him. His chest was hurting and his heart was aching. He was tired of hiding.
"... okay, I'll tell you everything," he nodded his head eventually, "but I'll never tell this story again so you better be all ears."
You nodded while caressing his once-so-soft-cheek slowly. Initially he shuddered, then he closed his eyes and leaned in your touch, giving you permission to carry on. Tracing your fingers on his cold pale skin made you feel his every scar, but his scars didn't scare you, they never did. You could tell he wasn't used to this kind of stuff. He wasn't used to people treating him like a normal human being. He wasn't used to being touched unless the touch was meant to harm him. He hadn't even started talking but you just knew something terrible was about to come out of his mouth.
The man took a deep breath. He knew that once he started speaking he wouldn't be able to stop. He had been holding all in for so long, it all came out like word vomit.
"Jeremiah is my twin brother. He was always mother's favorite. Mother. Can I even call her that? No, she was never my mom. Lila Valeska never loved me. She never treated me like her son, not even when I was a baby. She had only one son and that was Jeremiah. I was just... there. Like a nephew she had to take care of or something. But not a son, no. She always said I ruined her life. Yeah, like it's my fault she had unprotected sex. But I could never understand why she praised Jeremiah all the time. What was so special about him? What was he doing so much better than me to get that kind of appreciation from mama when we were just 5 years old? I can only remember he was into maths and puzzles and that kind of shits from a young age. He pissed the hell out of me. But I didn't hate him. I mean, at the end of the day he was still my brother. And sometimes he would hold me while that whore was busy banging clowns the next room, assuring me that everything would be alright and that mother didn't actually hate me, promising me that one day we'll get out of the circus and live our best lives. What a dirty little liar...! And to think I actually used to believe his empty promises... Until he turned his back on me."
Jerome paused. His eyes were now filled with anger, you could tell he didn't like his brother much. Then he continued.
"It happened once we turned 7. Lila had hit me multiple times and I don't even remember what was the reason, but then again, it's not like she ever needed a reason to hurt me. Before this it was usually just slaps, but this time it was a proper beating. The sadness mixed with anger I felt at the time were too much to handle for a little boy. I had to somehow let it out, y'know? So... I started mutilating small animals. Soon I grew an interest in murdering them. And it felt... therapeutic. I know I should feel ashamed of this, but I don't. I never did. Hell, I even pretended they were her because I knew I wasn't strong enough to actually hurt her back. How fucked up I must've been to behave this way at 7, right? But things got complicated when Jeremiah found out. He said," Jerome talked in two different thin voices the next parts:
"... ' I understand your anger, 'Romie! I think it's quite interesting, really! '
I actually believed him and replied happily ' You think so, 'Miah? But please don't tell 'ma, she'll get really mad at me! My cheek still hurts from the last slap she gave me! '
' I would never! She hits me too sometimes, you know. But I don't know why she's so mean to you all the time! '..."
Jerome cleared his throat and went back to his usual tone "Well, he kept his promise, kinda. He didn't tell our mother but he told uncle Zach ―and let me tell you this― he was the WORST. Such cruelness in one man. He used to cook food for the other circus members, but he was an ex prisoner, spent years in jail for robbery and rape. Yeah, that's my fucked up uncle. He was a cook and yet I was always left to starve. Mind you but I used to be underweight 'cause of that.
Anyway ...! Dear ol' Zach thought I had gone psychopathic when little 'Miah showed him the dead animals' corpses, so he made sure he worked me over. And, of course, Lila made sure of that as well. And as if those injuries weren't enough, Jeremiah saw this as a perfect opportunity to leave the circus. He started spreading rumors about me kickin' and punching him, feeding my mom and uncle with funny stories about me threatening his life, when the truth is I never touched a hair of his. For him, those were the stories that were gonna get him out of that damned place we so called home. For me, those were the stories that were gonna ruin my life. Even though I tried to defend myself they never believed me, because after all I was the animal abuser while he was the perfect innocent son, with his little nerdy hamster glasses and fancy books and puzzles. And let's just say, it didn't end well for me when he would randomly bring up something that didn't even happen. He had totally brainwashed them and I was lucky if I could get away with just a slap or two. But they didn't abuse me just physically... verbally as well. The amount of times I heard them planning my murdering were countless. And maybe they should have done it. Maybe they should have murdered me. Instead, they used to remind me every single day that I was such a heartless psycho monster who's gonna cause nothing but disaster. Well, I guess they weren't exactly wrong with that one. I mean, just look at me now..." he narrowed his eyes.
"Nobody ever stood up for me. Nobody cared. Nobody. They always managed to cover it all up, they always told me to smile once they were done. I was known as Haly's Circus little sociopath. And Jeremiah? They'd always make sure he was treated right, that he got the best stuff, while I could be freezing at night and they wouldn't even notice.
On our 9th birthday our uncle decided to take Jeremiah to the city away from me so he could celebrate his birthday properly and left me with my mom and her partner at the time. The got drunk and had sex all day, not caring that I was in the same room, beating the shit out of me afterwards. And when I had finally managed to get out of that hell of a trailer, my father ―I didn't know he was my father back then, but he knew I was his son― didn't even try to comfort me, he simply told me to suck it up because nobody cared. And he was right. This world indeed doesn't care about me or anyone else. But for a child? Damn, that hurt. And I suppose it's even sadder now knowing he was my dad...
Moving on, by the time we were almost 10 his lies got worse and worse, and so were the beatings. According to him I had tried to poison him and to light his bed on fire. One time he injured his knee when he fell on the ground, but later lied about me pushing him down the stairs. But the last straw was when he lied about me holding a cake knife to his throat on our 10th birthday. My uncle almost broke my ribs for that and my mom repeatedly kicked my stomach with her legs. Honestly, I can't really remember that day. All I know is that they decided it would be the best if uncle Zach took Jeremiah away while I was asleep. And I'm not gonna lie, I was pleased when I saw they both left, but little did I know that it was only gonna get worse for me.
Haly's Circus is a nightmare dressed like a daydream. A lot of fucked up things happened there. I hated that place. And with Jeremiah gone, she started drinking more and more, and got more aggressive. She got pissed at every little thing I did and made sure I received punishment. Did I forget to do that dishes? She'd kick me. Forgot to take out the trash? She'd slap me across the face. Didn't feed her snake? She'd punch me. Was breathing too heavily for her liking or my existence simply bothered her? She'd beat me till my vision was blurry or till I coughed in my own blood. I did try to get help from the cops, but guess what! They didn't give 2 shits! Ya see, the system is so corrupt they don't care unless someone's been murdered. They made fun of me and I understood no one could ever save me, I was the only one that could free myself from the pain."
You stood quiet when Jerome removed his gloves. You hadn't seen his hands unclothed in a very, very long time. Last time you saw his bare fingers was before he died. His veins were more noticeable now, among with multiple half healed blueish bruises he had probably given himself. Seeing Jerome without his gloves felt like him breaking a wall between the two of you. Like he trusted you. Like he trusted you enough for you to see him at his lowest. He needed to trust you enough to tell you everything. The scarred man was silent for a brief moment, trying to find the right words to describe the next part of his story that made you feel like throwing up.
"On my 14th birthday one of Lila's hookers...how do I say this... one of her hookers touched me, Y/N. Like, parts he shouldn't have touched... And... she was there, watching. She didn't do anything to stop him, she didn't even try. I was crying and screaming and begging her to make him stop. She just laughed. Her awful witch-like laugh followed by her favorite line: ' shut up! boys don't cry! '. And afterwards she just left with him for the night and before that she told me to smile. Smile. I felt so embarrassed and ashamed. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I couldn't feel my body. The only thing I could feel were his hands all over my body... To put it into words, I felt worthless and helpless. Smile," Jerome smiled weakly through the tears as he repeated his mother's words, hugging his own body, "Smile. I was smiling that night. I was smiling when I tried to kill myself. It was all too much, I couldn't handle it. My life was a living Hell I started to believe Hell itself couldn't be that bad. So... I just took a bunch of her pills and I thought that was it, I thought I was finally gonna die. I smiled because I thought everything was finally going to end. Sadly, I survived. After taking the pills I dropped down to my knees and then... I don't know. I can't really remember anything except the fact I woke up with a terrible headache. Did she notice? Nope. Did those pills have had an effect on me? Absolutely.
I didn't have anyone to comfort me anymore. Not that Jeremiah was ever a great comfort, but it was better than nothing. I didn't have any friends, 'cause who would wanna befriend the freak who tried to murder his twin and massacred tons of pets? And if anyone tried to get close to me I would push them away. Literally. Push them. Because what was the point in denying my violent urges? Everybody thought I was the villain already anyway."
Jerome paused to blow his nose into a handkerchief you handed him. You were at loss of words. This was a lot to process and Jerome's voice was now shaky. It was painful to hear his life story, it was painful to look at him now, to stare at the helplessness in his eyes. Tough people always have the most heartbreaking pasts.
"I used to cry myself to sleep every night, but I barely managed to fall asleep knowing that she could strangulate me when her snake in my sleep, and I low-key hoped she would so my suffering could end already. But when I did manage to fall asleep I ended up getting a... What was that called? Oh yeah, sleep paralysis. She was the demon suffocating me. Even now... I can't ever properly fall asleep. I'm always half awake. Actually forget I said that... Stupid! stupid...." he cried while gripping on his ginger hairs, scratching his thin pale skin with his sharp nails.
"Jerome," you whispered and took his hands in yours, "it's not stupid. Your emotions are valid. Please, carry on."
The boy nodded and did as you said, "At some point I just stopped talking because my body was hurting so much. I started isolating myself from everything and everyone. Because you see, people like me, we're put in this world for one thing: to suffer. The only thing that made the pain go away for a while was the thought of torturing her, cutting her open and feeding her snake with her organs then bathing in a pool of her blood and maybe sending her bones to Jeremiah. All I know is that I was so sick and tired of her calling me names and spitting on my face, beating me up till I bled, abusing me, banging my head against the wall, ripping my hairs off, punching me with her cold fists, slapping and pinching my skin, throwing empty alcohol bottles at me and kicking my bones. And when she was done with beating me, she'd always call over one of her sex partners to have some fun. I was tired of having to hear her moans as she was getting railed the next room. But I knew better than disturbing her, because if I did she'd invite her lovers to beat me too... or worse. I just had to keep quiet because if I behaved she'd leave me alone for a day or two.
But in time I got used to it. The beatings and all. It didn't even hurt that much anymore. The psychical wounds healed eventually, but the emotionally ones were always there. She didn't even need to get physical, her words were enough to torture me, they were like poisson. Her words cut deeper than a knife. When she wasn't the one hurting me I was hurting myself. That's so messed up, I know. But what isn't messed up about me or my life? I just couldn't help it. I had grown addicted to watching myself bleed. It's like... that was my only comfort. My sadness, my pain... Bugs. There were bugs on my skin, crawling on it. One second they were there, the next they weren't. I had to peel some of my skin off just to make sure. But I liked it. I think. It looked pretty. Such a pretty shade of red...! I could've stared at it for hours. Don't know if I was high or if I just had lost touch with reality. Or maybe both.
I just wished she would just kill me already and be done with it, 'cause it was better to be dead than to be alive and suffering. I just wished that everything would go quiet once and for all. My mind was like a prison I could not escape. My mind was the darkest place. The negative thoughts, they were always there. The voices telling me to do horrible things to myself. People screaming. A thousand voices howling in my head all the time. Dead people. I saw dead people everywhere. I couldn't control it.
Nobody cared about me, so who would've noticed if one day I just disappeared from this world? If one day I just stopped breathing? Definitely not her. If anything, she'd beat my corpse. I mean, she didn't even notice my first attempt.
That's what I told myself as I tried to slash my veins. But then I heard it," his face suddenly lit up, "That voice. The voice. The only comfort I ever had was that voice in the back of my head. That voice that grew louder as the years passed by. That voice that was giving me hope saying ' your day will come, your revenge will come, you just have to be patient '. And I had done my waiting. All the suffering, all the abuse I was forced to endure were about the end. I wasn't gonna let her win. Little did that whore know her beatings gave me strength and a high pain tolerance. Suddenly, all the fear I ever felt towards her turned into hatred and anger. She was going to pay for everything she had ever made me go through. People call me insane but they don't know my insanity gave me strength to save myself from that Hell I used to call home.
So, by the time I was 16 I had already started planning her murdering. I started working out and made better meals for myself so I'd be sure I was stronger than she was. I wanted to no longer be skinny. I had also made the perfect plan to kill her and get away with it.
So on my 18th birthday, like a birthday gift for myself, if you will, I grabbed an axe and chopped her off, hitting her repeatedly with it, digging it up and down into her skin. The first stab was the hardest one, but once I saw blood drawing out I just couldn't stop. I laughed as I did. Seeing her like that, lifeless and all covered in blood made me shiver in a good way. It was like feeling a brand new emotion. I was...happy? Entertained? I had finally given in that voice, I was finally free! That day I promised myself that I would come after my brother and uncle too, they also needed to pay for the way they'd treated me. And after that I'd be finally free to kill myself... I know how fucked up that sounds, but now that you know what they put me through, I hope you understand why I had to do it. There was no other way. One of us had to go. I killed her because she deserved it, self defense really. You get it, right? Tell me you get it, please."
You nodded while massaging his thumbs. His eyes were red and so were yours. You were both crying. Jerome couldn't believe he just told you all of that. He had never told anyone about any of that before. Did he say too much? Did you not want to be near him anymore?
"Jerome, I don't even know where to begin... you are such a strong person, really. You didn't deserve what happened to you. It wasn't your fault. You were just a child, none of this was your fault. No one ever treated you like a human being. No one ever gave you a chance. It's like you were forced to be evil, you didn't have a choice. They made you evil. They turned you into the villain. Of course you snapped eventually. I can't blame you. I would've done the same if I were in your shoes. No one ever gave you the chance to tell the full story. I wish I could take it away. All the pain, all the suffering... Oh, Jerome... I can't even begin to describe how bad I feel for you. Your heart has endured way too much at a way too young age. It's not you who is the monster. It's them. You had and have every right to kill them, I'll even help you. Jerome... I'm so proud of you for staying alive. Jerome, please remember that you matter. You matter to me. I see you, Jerome. I see you for who you are. Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are? You are a very, very handsome boy."
"Even with the scars?"Jerome smiled, his eyes puffy from crying. Not a threatening or disturbing smile. A genuine smile that made you smile too.
"Absolutely. Your scars just show how strong you are. Your scars make you prettier. I myself ain't a strong person but... I won't let anyone hurt you anymore, you've been through enough. And I won't let you hurt yourself either. Because I care. And you can trust me with anything, Jerome. Let me be the one person that makes you feel like home. Please." you got lost in his gaze. Words weren't enough to express what you felt. So you just hugged him. A gentle, loving hug. Jerome wasn't a touchy person in general, but he gave in and hurled himself into your warm embrace. Soon he was holding you so close to him like he was never going to let you go. Then he cried more. And louder. He cried on your shoulder and you patted his back. This was all new to him, he was still confused by the way he was acting. But it just felt right. He felt safe at last. He wondered if you were an angel sent from Heaven to rescue him. You scooped him up in your arms. Yours arms were tight around him, his head on your chest. He needed this. He needed to feel okay. He needed feel loved and accepted. You held each other for so long you could feel each other's breathing, and you weren't going to let go of each other anytime soon.
"Thank you for listening."
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warnersister · 6 months
Star Cross’d
Jerome Valeska x Gordon’s daughter!Reader
Jerome Valeska x Reader
This couldn’t last forever. Nor could it last the remainder of the night. Your father; Jim Gordon, would find out soon enough and put a stop to all to all this nonsense.
Nonsense: the nights you’d both spent lying awake in eachother’s warm embrace, discussing all inevitable components that make up the matrix melancholy of the cogs of life. Shivering slightly under the thin covers, an early winter’s morn and nearing-replacement window panes sending an extra sharp gasp of cooling freeze, compliments of some state north of here. But the delicate gushing of blood through the fingertips that dance with solider-like coherency remind you of being alive.
Nonsense: the candy floss he had bought you the night you met, unknowing of your disliking to the sickly-sweetness of a fairground staple but you ate it regardless, noticing the dust particles falling from his wallet as he handed you the carnival delicacy: wide grin decorating a pearl-filled grin making your heart remind your head that regardless of your economical struggles recently, you truly were rich. An odd sparkle of a concoction of unintelligible senses that overwhelmed your consciousness with a haze-like hypnosis of enamour for the boy yet to receive a name.
Nonsense: having you sat in the front row; against your father’s wishes at his court hearing, eyes flickering mindlessly between you and the judge - amnesty ignoring his court-presented attorney to delicately study the breathing work of art sat behind him. Allowing his own fate to unfold if it meant he got to look at you that little while longer. His sentence to Arkham emitting a gasp from your lips, yet a sense of comfort knowing this somehow meant he wasn’t a mindless killer; he was ill. He wrestled his restraints to give you a finalising kiss to the back of your hand with a sincere tone, voice barely above a whisper as he made you vow to him to forgive him.
Nonsense: the letters stashed in the small shoe box in the bottom of your wardrobe, beneath a well-word pair of disregarded sneakers that acted as gatekeepers for some abhorrent alternation of Romeo and Juliet if Shakespeare was mentally disproportionate. The daily recorded scrawl of proclamations of love and mourning for the distance between the both of you, a somehow best yet illegible cursive getting progressively more dissipated as the page descended - adapting Lamark’s unacceptable theory as the boy evolved from a maladjustment killer to a love sick poet.
Nonsense: crying when you visited him, breaking down into a pool of tears as he appreciated your presence and worshiped your being to an alternative offspring of the Antichrist’s teaching; praying and begging for your mercy - your living self a shrine for his selfless obsession of palpitating sickness of his desire. Your small, naïve smile as you told him you understood, those countless, sleepless nights you lay away shivering in the cold and you ponder your own sanity.
Nonsense: being the first person whom he adheres to when broken out of the Asylum, climbing up a three-story dtysfunctioning drain pipe in the dead of night in the dismal rain of an autumnal Gotham oldhallow’s eve - thunder cracking as you shared a romantic desperation of the age old locking of lips, holding one another on the floor as though terrified the other would painfully disappear if they disimbedded their claws; leaving crescent shaped moon imprint on the skin.
Nonsense: having dates in the darkest hours to avoid disruption; dominating Gotham at three hands of two desperately pining adolescents; insanity of love a proclamation of their secession from the rest of world and society, a religious-like devotion to the other promised by a kiss at every goodbye and a smile at every hello.
Nonsense. The relationship between you and Jerome Valeska was utter nonsense; but the soft whisper-like kisses he leaves on the parting of your hair and down to the nape of your neck makes you alternately shiver as you allow yourself just that few more minutes of sinful indulgence.
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diffidentphantom · 7 months
The One That Got Away
(Jermone Valeska x F!Wayne Reader)
Part I
Summary: You, the reader are the older sister of Bruce Wayne. And have been best friends with Jerome Valeska, since you first met each other at Haly's Circus during your youth. Due to being a Wayne, he was the first 'real' friend you ever had. But then one day, the friendship between the both of you changed. And you were sent overseas for your safety by your father. You haven't been back in Gotham since. But once you hear of your parent's murder, you know it's time to return and face your past once and for all.
Characters: Y/N as MC, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Selena Kyle, Harvey Bullock, Jim Gordon, Dr. Leslie Thompkins, Jerome Valeska
Warnings: Angst, Possessiveness, Obsessive behavior, Stalking, Murder, Mentions of Child Abuse,
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The first time you had ever visited the circus, it was on your eleventh birthday. 
And unknowingly at the time, it was that specific event that ended up changing your life forever. It can be argued that it changed your life a bit for the better as well as for the worst. It was the day you met your very first TRUE friend, Jerome Valeska.
Being a member of the prestigious Wayne family, you were expected to mingle with your peers. A.K.A other children of Gotham's wealthiest; i.e, members of the 1%, celebrities, people involved in the law - along with the shadier parts of it. You had made some friendships with some of these children, but none of them were true friends. Where nothing was expected in return for the other's company and allegiance.
But Jerome...due to being born to a woman who worked in the circus, he had nothing to give other than his friendship and loyalty. And because you helped him get out of a situation that involved his angry Uncle Zach. He became your very first REAL friend.
The two of you become inseparable. One of you always running after the other.
The adults in your life found it endearing, and grateful. That after all this time, you had a friend like Jerome. So, your parents, being who they are - opened their arms and home to him. Whenever the circus was in town. After all, to those who cared to look - it was obvious, that Jerome wasn't treated very kindly by the people who took care of him.
By the two of you were fourteen, something in your friendship with Jerome had changed. Maybe it was because the two of you didn't spend as much time together anymore? Or maybe perhaps it was because you were an older sister now, with a nine-year-old brother? And he was jealous of Bruce and the close sibling relationship the two of you had? (One that infinitely much better than the one he shared with his own twin.)
Whatever the case, Jerome no longer acted the same around you. He became like an entirely different person. As if his entire personality was hanging on by a thread, and that he was just waiting for one bad day. To push him over the edge.
And then it happened.
He took things to far between the two of you. Confessed his feelings - which didn't bother you, since you realized, you had begun to have a crush on him yourself. Admitted to stalking you days before, he let you know he was back in town. Killed your pet cat and threatened to harm you or your brother. Jerome became unhinged and dangerous to be around.
It devastated not only you, but your parents as well. Who thought of Jerome as another son. (So much so, that he had his own dedicated bedroom in the manor at that point.) But because he went off the deep end, your parents were worried about the safety of both your brothers and your own wellbeing. And with a heavy heart, they had to make a tough decision.
After Haly's circus left Gotham that year to stick to their regular route, you also left. Your parents had decided to send you overseas to their family villa in Switzerland, for your own protection and safety. From one person who you thought you could trust.
It would be the last time you would see your parents, and your brother for many years to come.
Word Count: 587
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cannibalgh0st · 1 year
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Very quick mini comic about Jerome ruining Bruce's event with some fake blood...*paint!*
Jonathan comes in just to let Bruce know it's a shetty prank but Bruce shouldn't be use to it :/ ...idk kinda angsty.
*click for better quality!*
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mad-random-penguin · 1 year
Writing a pretty angsty fic based on the song Dog Teeth by Nicole Dollanganger and yes the lyric “He handed me a pair of pliers” is taken literally 😭 it’s about Jerome and Bruce where they’re already in a relationship but Jerome loathes the fact he could end up like his mother and the thought of hurting Bruce is too painful.
In other words Jerome finally talks about his past and will get the help he so deserves with his boyfriend close by his side the whole way. Bruce being a safe person for Jerome will forever have my heart. They’re in love and it definitely has a happy ending 🖤❤️🖤
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Tbh I do see Jerome being the type to egg Danny on as a way to get him to snap but also since Winifred is now gone (blame Jerome all you want) this would be his way of reuniting with her again.
A dark and twisted way, wanting his son to be the one to end him.
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maryvioletique7708 · 2 years
Part 2 of some stuff I've drawn w/o internet for 4 days :'D
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bejeweledraven · 11 months
call it what you want
All the drama queens taking swings All the jokers dressin' up as kings They fade to nothin' when I look at him
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relationship headcanons with the gotham villains
parrings: oswald cobblepot x gn!reader, ed nygma x gn!reader, victor zsasz x gn!reader, jerome valeska x gn!reader, jeremiah valeska x gn!reader
genre: fluff, slight angst
warnings: mentions of criminal activity, mentions of toxic and unhealthy behaviors in romantic relationships/mentions of unhealthy relationships
requested?: yes
request: anon: can i request general relationship hc with oswald cobblepot, ed nygma, victor zsasz, jerome valeska and jeremiah valeska with a gn reader
song prompt: call it what you want by taylor swift
word count: 1392
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oswald cobblepot:
first and foremost his love language is 100% gift giving
it would be both subtle and dramatic
subtle, because he would never ask directly; he'd listen
was there something you were talking about currently? or maybe something you've wanted forever? he would pick up on the slightest mention of it
but like i said, it would also be dramatic
an artist you've been listening to lately? he'll make sure you have every possible record on vinyl and cd, concert tickets, merch
a car that you've dreamed of for years? in your driveway, with every possible upgrade
growing up he didn't have much, so he wanted to make sure someone that he cares about never feels like that
although he's not really the one for physical intimacy, there are some small gestures he really loves
great example are forehead kisses - long evenings after tiring days, right by the fire places
he might not be huge with PDA, but everyone knows that you're involved with each other, making you untouchable
and when i say everyone, i mean everyone; his enemies, his allies, his staff
his worst fear is someone hurting you to hurt him; makes him extremely protective, making sure you're safe 24/7
your relationship is the definition of "private, but not secret"
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ed nygma:
although the pre and post riddler ed might have fair share of differences when it comes to dating, there's definitely a lot of similarities
for example, for ed you're always the number one priority, not matter what
the pre-riddler ed would cancel any plans for you (not that he had loads of those anyways lol)
it would take one phone call from you for him to drop everything and meet you somewhere
if ed liked you, he would have the hardest time telling you; even if you were involved with someone else, he would be your shoulder to cry on, no matter how much it broke his heart
once you got together he would need regular reassuring of how much he means to you
would be a combination of his own insecurities and how highly he thinks of you
both before and after you start dating, you smiling in his direction would be enough to make his day
post-riddler is much more confident, cares significantly less of what people think of him
but even given all of his confidence, his old insecurities still get the best of him
he would get very jealous at times
whenever he would suspect you could have feelings for someone else (which is a conclusion he makes way too rapidly) he would feel like the awkward and practically invisible technician working at the police station all over again
takes a ton of reassuring to for him to seem confident again- because deep down he will always feel like that to an extent
being his partner means being his best friend- it's such a special connection
he relies on your support so so much
although it took him a while to learn to come to you with his issues, you're definitely the best support system he's ever had, and he makes sure you know how much that means to him
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victor zsasz:
one word: TEASING
so so so much teasing
oddly enough, this might be the healthiest relationship on the list
he has an understanding of personal space and time
i mean don't get it wrong: he WILL show up unannounced in your living room in the middle of the night on a random tuesday, just chilling on the couch because "he missed you"
but if there is ever a situation where you tell him that you need space and time alone, he just respects it
he has a very laid back attitude towards you, but if the situation requires he will act very quick to protect you; whether you disapprove of his methods or not
even though like i said he gives you space and time if needed, he has his subtle ways of knowing whether you're staying safe and out of trouble
i can for sure see him with a fellow assassin, even, or maybe especially, working for a rival gang
business is business, and he doesn't see a reason why it should interfere with his personal life after work
and the constant competition is kind of fun and exciting to him, which is ironic, given the line of work
one time you were ordered by your bosses to take each other out, and for shits and giggles you even pretended to attempt it, but gave up easily just cause you couldn't take one another and this whole situation seriously
overall it's a very playful relationship of equal time teasing and strong sense of protection, on both sides
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jerome valeska:
the best word to describe the relationship with this man is 'rollercoaster'
with the highest of highs and lowest of lows
good moments make you feel on top of the worlds and bad moments make your stomach drop
no two days are the same with this guy
no surprise that he is very obsessive
the second he saw you and was utterly and completely fixated on you and you only
it was obsession at first sight for sure (bonus points if you met at arkham)
and you can't really blame yourself, he was very charming
just something completely captivating about him
although his attention is all over the place, he would make sure to always have a good look at you, even with the corner of his eye
he just needs you around 24/7
the respect for personal space and time? yeah don't really count on that
at a certain point there's some sort of addiction formed, where you can't really function without him either
say what you want about jerome, but his energy is absolutely infectious and sometimes you just need someone who will make you feel like you're on top of the world
another thing about him is that his obsessive sense of protection mostly extends to guarding you from the GCPD, but not really to a basic sense of safety
he will take you with him to all of his most dangerous heists, because he doesn't want you 'missing out on all the fun'
he regularly finds places to break into in the middle of the night, like theme parks and big malls, and just goes CRAZY
he is there to make any absurd wish of yours come true
if during the time where everyone just assumed he was dead you moved on with your life and god forbid found happiness with someone else- he is changing that the second he's back
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jeremiah valeska:
the jeremiah before the transformation was paranoid about absolutely everything
including your safety, mostly because of jerome
his childhood made him put up this shield around him and it wasn't easy to let you into his life - but once he did he shielded you even more than he ever did for himself
if it was up to him, you'd never leave his super-secure home/facility, because he's that worried
and many times he's begged you do to so
out of sheer sense of protectiveness over you
but staying in a windowless bunker is not really easy for many people
and he knows that he can't really argue you on that, so all he has left is worrying until you're back
you always were back, and he had to fight the urge to beg you not to ever leave again
the post-transformation jeremiah is also insanely protective- with the added effect of more confidence is slight obsessiveness
his obsessiveness would be much more subtle than one that his brother displayed - jeremiah would just always know where you are and who you're with
he would go to actual insane measures to protect you; he'd burn entire cities if it meant keeping you safe
both before and after the transformation he's not really the best at communicating his feelings, but his way of making up for it is acts of service - subtle before transformation and less subtle after the transformation
oddly enough, he also became a lot more openly romantic than before, with grand, dramatic gestures
not that he wasn't romantic before; just in a lot more shy and delicate way
one thing never changed - how much keeping you safe meant to him
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coupleoffanfics · 1 year
Ranting about a possible fanfic I'll write.
Anyone reading this hear me out. There are some Yandere Batfam x neglected reader that I love. Basically, the reader is a part of the family and is ignored by everyone until some event happens leading the family slowly becoming yandere. I just love the angst.
Okay, so what if she has a boyfriend before the whole family starts going off the rails? Right, okay, so what if her boyfriend was one of the Valeska twins? Both would just fuck everything up for the family and I'd love it.
Regarding which Valeska y/n would end up with I'd see y/n dating per-spray Jeremiah. Could see him only dating y/n because she is a Wayne. I see him being the more narcissistic one out of the two even though they both are. Slowly developing an obsession with y/n as I could see her being attentive toward anyone who shows her positive attention. And that could feed into Jeremiah's narcissism.
So when y/n opens up or Jeremiah realizes that she doesn't have a strong relationship with Bruce, he'd be more inclined to dump her. He plans to get a wealthy job at Wayne Enterprises and live a luxurious life, unlike his upbringing. So dating the daughter's CEO would give him an advantage, that's at least what he thought.
He'd gently put her down so that he could focus more on other things, but…This underlying obsession made it impossible. Now he's like fuck, I actually like her what do I do now? (y/n is definitely one to say I love you first.)
I couldn't see Jerome and y/n dating just because of her upbringing. She has strong morals having been trained by Batman and formally being Batgirl for a few years. She would have had to meet Jerome before he murders his mother since that leads him down this psychotic path.
Regardless of which Valeska she dated, I'd say that she has some loyalty toward him. Seeing them as more of a victim of circumstances rather than a villain. Though that would be thrown out once Jerome or post-spray Jeremiah start harming or worse killing civilians.
I just love the idea of the when the family is or turning yandere are just like y/n who the fuck is this and why are they trying to kidnap you? Meanwhile, the Valeskas are just screaming and throwing shit that they have to deal with more bullshit to get to y/n.
y/n's Personality
Loyalty would be one of her trades as she'd do almost anything for her loved ones that actually care for her. It doesn't mean she's blindly loyal to anyone who shows her kindness.
Empathy and consideration are strong ones as y/n has a big heart. She'd be understanding why the family is busy and how much work they'd do as they are not being close. But that doesn't mean she's not hurt or frustrated when Bruce blatantly shows favoritism. Yet she doesn't want to be an inconvenience or get in the way of their vigilantism.
Inferiority complex. Being the only family member to quit being a vigilante has taken a bit out of y/n. She is justified in her reason, but that doesn't stop her from feeling less valued. She wants to be seen as valuable, so she doesn't often go to anyone for help. Fearing that it would make her look less valuable to whoever.
Depressed. y/n may smile and laugh, but that doesn't mean she's not dealing with depression. Having trouble getting out of bed and whatnot was one of the factors that made her quit being a vigilante.
People pleaser. Trying to show her value as a person by doing what most say. Or just trying to avoid as much conflict as possible.
Notable Things About y/n
Art is what she uses to express herself. Drawing or writing (totally not self-indulgent) are the primary examples. Won't or couldn't bond with Damian over this because he doesn't like her already and she's too afraid of opening herself up to him.
Baking things with Alfred if he has the time. It's therapeutic and helps combat anxiety. She also loves giving sweets to others seeing them enjoy it and showing that she’s not completely worthless.
Probably in a big sister program to provide support to those younger than her and prevent others from feeling lonely like her. As she isn’t able to help the family as much as she used to. Might even be a soup kitchen volunteer.
Hopes to have a job that’s in the creative field and move far out of Gotham. Will try to get into a college out of Gotham once she’s done with high school.
Either has a few or just one friend. Often spending the night at their place, so that she’s not alone.
Wants a normal, quiet life. Get married have kids or adopt if her partner wants to.
y/n as Batgirl
Let's say she was adopted by Bruce when she was 8. Taking about 2 to 3 years to train before even being allowed to patrol.
Become Batgirl before Jason gets killed and was probably somewhat close to Jason. His death showed the dark reality of vigilantism but wasn't what made her quit. Though it made her think of what the future would look like.
Meeting Tim, she wasn't malicious or anything. Quite the opposite and she was probably closer to Tim than Jason given that they were the same age. Didn't like the idea of having him become the next Robin since Jason's death was still recent, but didn't want to start an argument with Bruce.
It was kinda painful to see Tim dressed up as Robin as he almost looked like Jason. y/n coping that this is just keeping Jason's memory alive and she was the weird one for feeling uncomfortable.
Seeing how quickly Tim was able to gain the role of Robin while it took her a few years made her feel inadequate. Maybe she wasn't made for this but quickly got rid of that thought. Everyone learns at their own pace and Tim happened to be faster.
Jason coming back had y/n squealing out of pure happiness until he tried to kill everyone including her. Could see y/n being the one who nearly gets killed by Jason simply because she's never been a fighter. Too passive for her good. Also, she couldn't bring herself to punch him even before hearing all that he's been through.
There probably wasn't a traumatic event that led her to end her time as Batgirl. Just slowly realizing that this wasn’t her passion, feeling like an inconvenience when her depression knocks her down, and her insecurities. After quitting she avoided everyone as she couldn’t stand them trying to persuade her to not quit or expressing their disappointment in her.
By the time Damian comes around, she is not at all involved with Batman or the others. He mocks her, believing that she couldn’t handle the heat of being a hero which is partly true. If she has any inhuman power then I feel that Damian’s mocking would be more intense. Thinking that she has an advantage that one of them has yet still wasn’t enough and is wasting her power by being a civilian.
Going back to the Valeska twins. I think y/n would be more inclined to be loyal to Jeremiah if dating him rather than Jerome. Mainly because it takes him longer to harm innocent people while Jerome is just stabbing people for shits and giggles. She'd probably hope that there is a cure for the laughing toxin. Any horrible thing post-spray Jeremiah could be blamed on the toxin despite him stating otherwise. Her loyalty and hope would slowly be crushed by how the heinous acts are getting.
(I'd like to think that Jerome made the spray to change his physical appearance to look more like the Joker. Could see the Joker taking in Jerome to become the next "Joker". Was going to use it on himself until y/n expressed her distaste for the Joker. He wasn't going to stop working with or for Joker just because of that, but he wasn't going to use the spray. Which sucks because he worked so hard on it. Then just decided to use it on his brother for 3 reasons. 1) He didn't want it to go to waste. 2) He thinks it'd be funny. 3) Fuck Jeremiah.)
Having a break up with either Valeska is going to have y/n balling her eyes in her room. So the yandere family is just going to break down the door and act like they cared the whole time. "What are you talking about y/n? Us ignoring you? No, that isn't right, we hang out all the time." y/n would have liked the fact that her family cares enough to check on her, but it overwhelmed and freaked out by how sudden this is.
The family would encourage force y/n to start training with them regularly since there are two psychopaths after her. Not only will they be able to keep an eye on her, but also be able to catch up on all that time they missed.
I'm ending it here for now because I have other things to do. But I swear I'm going to get this written. No one's gonna read it, but I'm going to write cuz why not. Possible cover art for the story.
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misfitgirlwrites · 2 months
The Joker Masterlist
I feel like I have enough fics to make this its own separate post, and I'll add the link to the masterlist instead :)
Where else do I write?
Wattpad | Ao3 | Fanfic.net | Quotev
Writing Request Info | Commissions Info | General Masterlist
UPDATED 3/30/24
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CW Guide
🔞 | Smut
💀 | Gore
✨️ | Fluff
💔 | Angst
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THE JOKER (Heath Ledger)
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We'll Laugh Together Masterlist
Til' Death Do Us Part Masterlist (Sequel)
Overprotective!Joker x Reader ✨️
Mistletoe ✨️
Don't Tell Me You're Jealous 🔞
Joker Having A Crush On You/How Would He React ✨️
NSFW Alphabet 🔞
Rainbow Hair ✨️
100 Degree Adventures 🔞
Clumsy Bunny ✨️ | x reader ver.
Ace 💀 ✨️ | x reader ver.
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Late Night Inconveniences 💀 ✨️
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Arthur Fleck/Joker Having A Crush On You/How Would He React ✨️
NSFW Alphabet 🔞
Deep Breaths 💔 ✨️
Arthur with a Touchy-Feely S/O ✨️
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Rain 💔 ✨️ | Ice Cream (Part 2) 💔 ✨️
Speeding Ginger ✨️
Cart Rides & Samples ✨️
Let's Rob A Bank! ✨️
New Year's Destruction ✨️
Jerome with a Cheerful S/O ✨️
Just Picture Them with Their Heads Blown Off! ✨️ | x reader ver.
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (Valeska Twins) Part 1 | Part 2 🔞
Until We Meet Again ✨️ | x reader ver.
One More Time 🔞
Height Exceedment ✨️
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Death By Pleasure 🔞
Pre-Spray Jeremiah Having A Crush On You/How Would He React ✨️
You're Mine (Post-Spray Jeremiah) 🔞
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (Valeska Twins) Part 1 | Part 2 🔞
Dream Blurb ✨️
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By now I've 100% put my focus on other fandoms, but any request for The Joker is welcome ALWAYS
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theaawalker · 6 months
Fandoms I'll Write For
Marvel (not Iron Man, Starlord, Loki, Thor, Doctor Strange, or Hawkeye, Drax, Victor Creed, Antman, Adam Warlocke, AG's Spiderman, or Cyclops)
DCEU (not Peacemaker, Killer Croc, JL's Joker, RP's Batman, or anyone from Gotham except Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska)
Scream Queens (not Chad Radwell or Pete Martinez)
American Horror Story (only Murder House, 1984, Freakshow, and Cult)
Hunger Games (not Gale, Maymitch, President Snow, or Cato)
The Maze Runner (not Ava Paige, Jorge, or Janson)
My Little Pony
Once Upon A Time (not Hook, David, Rumple, Neal, Peter Pan, or Zelena)
Pacific Rim (not the sequel)
Twilight (not Seth, Edward, Carlyle, or Jasper)
Stranger Things (not Will Byers, Billy Hargrove, or Jim Hopper)
IT (2017, 2019, and tv series) (not Henry Bowers or Pennywise)
Jurassic Park/World (not Owen Grady or Ian Malcolm)
Jumanji (1997 & 2017)
Zathura (not the dad or robot)
Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill)
Girl, Interrupted (not Jared Leto's character)
The Black Phone (not the Grabber or Mr. Blake)
Teen Wolf (the film & series)
Equestria Girls
Teen Wolf (not Peter, Jackson, Theo, or Derek)
The Office (not Jim, Ryan, or Dwight)
Now You See Me (not Dylan Rhodes or Merritt McKinney)
Descendants (not Chad, Harry, Ben, Jay, or Carlos)
Sky High (not Zach or Speed)
Percy Jackson films (not Luke Castellan)
The Umbrella Academy (not Five)
TMNT (live action ver. only)
Dance Moms (not the final season)
Ender's Game
Wednesday (not Xavier, Tyler, or the Dean)
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse (not Mentor Peter Parker)
Unbreakable (not Hedwig or Dennis)
Big Hero 6
The Black Mirror
Dynasty (not Culhane, Adam, or Blake)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Spy Kids
Sharkboy & Lavagirl
Clue, Knives Out, & Glass Onion
Back to the Future (not Biff), Breakfast Club (not Bender), Sandlot, Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill), Mighty Ducks, The Outsiders (not Dally, Two-Bit, Randy, Bob, Steve, or Darry)
I’m willing to write imagines for underage characters so long as there's no romance (examples: hang out with the Losers Club at the barrens; go shopping with Eleven and Max; play baseball with Finney and Bruce). I’m allowed to deny any request and the longest I should take ever to write one is about 2 weeks. I’ll write smut, fluff, angst, poly relationships, LGBTQ+, etc. Generally most of my x readers are female unless stated otherwise.
What I won’t write-
I won’t write anything to do with rape, bestiality, necrophilia, incest, romance with anyone younger than 18, gun play, anything about poo(sexually), anything about urine(squirting is fine considering it’s not technically urine), age gaps. See guidelines for more details.
Thanks for reading❤️
A.A. Walker
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Masterlist - 2023
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
𝓡𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓵𝔂 𝓤𝓹𝓵𝓸𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓭 𝓕𝓲𝓬𝓼:
Fanfic Friday 4/28/23
A Rose By Any Other Name - George Weasley X Female (Slytherin/Sirius Black Daughter) Reader; fluff, slight angst
Vet Bills - John Wick X Female (Vet) Reader; fluff, mini angst
Party Games - Steve Rogers X Loki Odinson; fluff, slight angst, Pocky Challenge
Chocolate Surprise - Loki Odinson X Thranduil; fluff
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Alphabetical List -- Updated on 4/28/23 (newly added George Weasley, John Wick, Steve X Loki, and Loki X Thranduil Fics above and below)
Italics = I have already made fanfics on this character if you wanna read them
↑ My Fanfic Masterlist is located on my page, or click here "X Reader Masterlist" Or click on the fandom titles below for the specific Masterlist and/or Character
For Requesting Rules, click here "Request Rules" You may request as many times as you like, as long as you stay along the lines of the said rules above
(Here is a list of songs for characters that inspire me! "Songs"
(Requests Are Open!)
DC | Gotham - Bane (Hardy), Bruce Wayne (Bale), Bruce Wayne (Keaton), Bruce Wayne (Pattinson), Bruce Wayne (Val), Edward Nygma (Carrey), Jack (Heath) Joker, Jason Todd, Jerome Valeska, Jervis Tetch (Gotham), Jonathan Crane (Gotham), Jonathan Crane (Murphy), Klarion Bleak, Maxwell Lord, Richard Grayson, Roman Sionis, Victor Zsasz
CR | Disney - Christopher Robin, Cruella de Vil, Ella (Cinderella 2015), Gaston LeGume (Beauty And The Beast 2017), Jasper Badun
Harry Potter - Cedric Diggory, Draco Malfoy, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Severus Snape
Kingsman - Eggsy Unwin, Hamish Mycroft (Merlin), Harry Hart, Jack Daniels
Marvel | X-Men - Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Charles Xavier, Eddie/Venom, Erik Killmonger, Everett Ross, Harry Osborn (TASM), Heimdall, Helmut Zemo, John Allerdyce, Johnny Storm, Kurt Wagner, Logan Howlett, Loki Odinson (Not the Series), M'Baku, Natasha Romanoff, Otto Octavius, Peter Maximoff, Peter Parker (Andrew), Peter Parker (Tobey), Peter Parker (Tom), Pietro Maximoff, Quentin Beck, Sam Wilson, Scott Lang, Shang-Chi, Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Vision, Wade Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Wenwu
Star Wars | The Mandalorian - Anakin Skywalker, Armitage Hux, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Din Djarin, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rey
Stranger Things - Alexei Smirnoff, Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckey, Jim Hopper, Steve Harrington
The Hobbit / The Lord Of The Rings - Aragorn, Bilbo Baggins, Boromir, Dwalin, Elrond, Faramir, Fili, Kili, Haldir, Legolas Greenleaf, Pippin Took, Samwise Gamgee, Thorin Oakenshield, Thranduil
Pedro Pascal -
(Pedro Pascal Characters Masterlist) (Let me know if I should add any more)
Kingsman - Jack Daniels - Included/Merge Mansion - Tim Rockford/The Last Of Us - Joel Miller - Included/The Mandalorian - Din Djarin - Included/Wonder Woman 1984 - Maxwell Lord
Miscellaneous -
Assassin's Creed - Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Brothers Grimm - Jakob Grimm
BBC & Enola - Sherlock Holmes
Hell Boy - Red (Hellboy), Abe Sapien, and Agent John Myers
Encino Man - Linkavitch "Link" Chomofsky
George Of The Jungle - George
Ghostbusters (2016) - Jillian Holtzmann, Kevin Beckman
Indiana Jones - Indiana Jones
John Wick - John Wick
Jurassic Park - Ian Malcolm
Scooby Doo (2002) - Shaggy Rogers
The Last Of Us - Joel Miller
The Pirates Of The Caribbean - James Norrington, Hector Barbossa
The Phantom Of The Opera - Erik Destler
Uncharted 4 - Sam Drake, Rafe Adler
X-Files - Fox Mulder
(If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to let me know!)
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warnersister · 5 months
“Gotham Masterlist”
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Jerome Valeska🃏
Jerome with Gordan’s daughter - “Star Cross’d”
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your-nanas-house · 2 years
"His angel"
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Pairing: Jerome Valeska X fem!Reader
Warnings: thinking about suicide, winter, freezing, fluff, angst
Words: 460
Summary: Jerome is saved by his angel.
Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. I wrote a quick sotry because I felt guilty and I wanted to assure you that I will write all the requests as soon as possible just like the last stories that I have to write.
A sigh escaped Jerome's flushed, cold lips, a cloud of steam escaped as soon as his warm breath hit the cold air typical of winter.
It was already dark but it was only 5:30 p.m., you couldn't see much if there weren't the lights that graced the circus trailers allowing the performers to be able to get more attention and see where they were walking even though they didn't need to since practically everyone was safely holed up warm except for the ginger.
He was out in the cold, both of his own will and his mother's fault. After all those years of having to get used to these temperatures it still bothered him, he had learned to live with it but he would have liked to be back in the heat and warm while enjoying a break from the boring, crappy jobs he was doing.
His freckle-rich face was flushed, mainly his nose which stood out more with the pale skin tone he had, his ginger-colored hair was almost matching his blush as it had become darker due to the snow that had fallen on his messy hair and melted due to the body heat it radiated. 
He could no longer feel his hands but knew he was holding a shovel to deal with elephant dung, he could not even feel his toes like his face or body; sometimes he was lost in thought in these moments wondering: "What if I simply stopped fighting...nothing would stop me from letting go and die, putting an end to everything" but then he would agree that he deserved a more epic way to die instead of freezing or hibernating.
Jerome was lost in thought when a voice called for him, distracting him from the cruelty in which his mind was trying to get him lost "Jerome?!"
His body made a slight jump, immediately thinking it was his mother calling him, he had to turn around to return to the world of the living and recognize what was going on around him, who had spoken, what he was doing, what situation he was in.
And right there, at the foot of a nearby trailer, the light coming from inside cast out as if it were a divine light that was introducing an angel, a savior, HIS savior "come in it's cold, I made some hot chocolate and you can change your wet clothes, you can take care of that thing tomorrow.... we don't want you to die there, huh," smiled his savior as she persuaded him to enter her home to seek the comfort he so badly wanted and relax in an earthly heaven since he was still alive and his angel was just a circus performer about his age.
@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover
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thirstingfortoxicmen · 6 months
Who and what I write
(mostly male reader)
what i write
-angst, fluff, and smut
-character death, injury, evil readers
-comfort, super sad, etc...
HUNGER GAMES (requests open)
Coriolanus Snow (teen)
Sejanus Plinth
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
HOGWARTS (requests open)
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
ARCANE (requests open)
STAR WARS (requests open)
Cal Kestis
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
Luke Skywalker
Obi Wan Kenobi
GOTHAM (requests open)
Jerome Valeska
SHAMELESS (requests open)
Ian Gallager
Mickey Milcavich
Fiona Gallager
thank you!
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meganlpie · 10 months
Mistaken Initials
Based on this request: Okay I know you’re a sucker for Soulmate AUs so how about one where the soulmates initials are on the skin and they change to names when they meet their soulmate? Reader is a rookie detective and meets Jerome during the investigation of his mom’s death. Reader freaks because “valeska” appears on her, but no first name. She thinks it’s still Jerome until she finally meets Jeremiah.
Here you are, lovely! I apologize for the wait! *Familiar characters are NEVER mine!*
Warnings: Soulmate AU, a little angst, a little fluff. Mentions of murder. It's Gotham, people. Jerome is a warning of his own
Pairings: Pre-Spray!Jeremiah Valeska x fem!reader, mentions of Jerome Valeska, Jim Gordon, and Harvey Bullock.
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The homicide case of Lila Valeska was the first case you'd ever worked as a rookie detective with the GCPD. It had been equal parts terrifying and exciting. That is, until you were introduced to one Jerome Valeska. As soon as he meet your gaze, your arm began to burn a little. Much to your surprise, you removed your jacket to find the name "Valeska" in place of what had once been a simple "V". The "J" had remained the same.
          Jerome had noticed it too and grinned as if he knew something you didn't. You never got the chance to ask him though. After Jim and Harvey saw the name on your arm, they made damn sure you wouldn't be allowed anywhere near Jerome again. For a couple years, you would remain in the dark about your soulmate. For years, you would think that, despite the evidence, your soulmate was in fact Jerome. You were certain of it. Until the case of Xander Wilde was brought to your attention.
          "Why am I being pulled for this?" you asked Harvey, "Last time I checked, you two didn't want me anywhere near a case involving Jerome Valeska." Harvey sighed and looked to Jim, clearly pissed with your partner yet again. "Jerome's looking this Xander Wilde. We need to find him first. You, me, and Harv are going after him while everyone else looks for Jerome." Reluctantly, you grabbed your firearm and followed your two partners out of the precinct.
          It took what felt like ages to find out where Xander Wilde was, but you were not expecting what would happen next. The young man with reddish hair turned around, prompting you and the other two detectives to raise your weapons. "Oh God, there's two of 'em," Harvey declared. The man in question raised his hands as his gaze swept over the three of you. When his eyes met yours, that stinging sensation returned to your arm.
          You firearm, thankfully with the safety still on, dropped to the floor with a clatter. You watched as the "J" on your arm suddenly changed to a name. "Jeremiah," you whispered. "What?" Jim snapped, earning a glare from both you and Jeremiah.
          "You're Jeremiah Valeska," you stated, ignoring Jim. Jeremiah's eyes widened as you continued, "Jerome's twin." Jim and Harvey exchanged a glance before Jim asked you how you knew that. You slowly lifted your arm to show him the name now glaring up at you. Your eyes never left Jeremiah's. You couldn't look away. You never would have imagined this.
          Jeremiah seemed so…different to his brother. Quiet, intelligent, and calm. Jeremiah was nothing like you expected, but maybe that was a good thing. You listened with a heavy heart as Jeremiah explained to the three of you why he changed his name and why no one knew Jerome even had a twin. You had no idea how anyone could do that to their own brother. However, you got a hint of a different side to Jeremiah when Harvey revealed that Jeremiah knew where Jerome was. In fact, he had imprisoned him in the bunker.
          You watched Jeremiah's face as Jim and Harvey argued with him. "Arkham has never been able to keep him locked up. At least, in here, if Jerome manages to escape, he won't be able to find his way through the maze," Jeremiah stated. Jim looked at you and you shrugged. You knew what the right thing was, but you also knew that Jeremiah was right. Jerome had already escaped Arkham a few times since being convicted at the age of 18. "I don't like it," Harvey replied just as the lights in the bunker went out, plunging the four of you into darkness.
          When the lights flickered back on a moment later, it only took a split second for you and Jeremiah to notice that Jerome was no longer in his cell. Jeremiah's face paled with fear. "I have to get out of here. If he finds me-" You cut him off by gently squeezing his arm. "You know the way out. Jerome doesn't. You'll be fine, but we should go. Now." His eyes traveled down to your hand before he met your gaze once more and nodded. "Lead the way," you said.
          Your heart was pounding in your ears as you followed Jeremiah to the exit while Jim and Harvey chased after Jerome. Just as the two of you approached a door that you assumed was the way out, a voice called out and Jeremiah froze. "Hello, Brother." You and Jeremiah both turned to find Jerome holding a gun. He smiled at you. "And hello, Detective. I knew you'd find this guy sooner or later. Soulmates have a way of finding each other, don't they?"
          "You knew. Of course you knew. That's why you looked so smug that day." Jerome shrugged a little. "I knew you'd end up finding my brother eventually. Only I found him first," he stated before turning his attention back to his brother. "And look at you. To think, I used to be the handsome one."
          "How'd you make it through the maze?" Jeremiah asked and Jerome laughed, sending unpleasant shivers down your spine. "We may not look the same anymore, but we still think that same. Besides, you used to draw those stupid things all the time as a kid. I paid attention!" You jumped as fear shot through you. Normally you could handle the likes of Jerome Valeska, but had you really just found your soulmate only to lose him?          
You zoned out nearly entirely as your thoughts raced in your head. It wasn't until you and Jeremiah were outside once again with Jim and Harvey that you came back to reality. "Thank you. No one had ever stuck by me when Jerome was involved," Jeremiah said and you smiled a little. "Well, I hate to say it, but you're stuck with me now." Jeremiah laughed softly. "I-I think I'd like that."
(a/n: I hope you like it!)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard @brewsthespirit-blog @sirkekselord @aikibriarrose @lady-of-lies @motleymoose @stories-by-shanna-p @esoltis280 @dark-angel-is-back @supernatural4life2022
Gotham Tags are OPEN!!
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