#it's not sacred!!!!!  we wanna share!!!!
okaylikesmomo · 5 months
Birthday Part 3: Dinner
~5k words, Nayeon smut, male reader
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The gentle chime of a notification stole your attention as you tapped away on your phone, looking for inspiration. Allegedly, Sana had your gift waiting back at her apartment. It was a bit reassuring to know she didn’t actually forget your existence, but you still had one stop to make first before addressing your irrational worries.
As soon as you entered Nayeon and Momo's apartment, your nose was pleasantly surprised by those delectable fumes that you knew all too well. The smell intensified as you moved further inside the flat, forcing your mouth to water.
“This smells absolutely divine,” you announced as you finally walked up to the kitchen where you found Momo juggling multiple pans. She dropped the little wooden utensil she was stirring with into a pot and turned on her heels.
“You made it,” she cheered while launching her arms to the roof. “Happy birthday!”
Without hesitation you stepped up to her, hugging her tightly and lifting her off her feet.
“Of course I made it,” you spun her around playfully, relishing in the joyful squeals escaping her mouth. “Is there anything I can help you with?” you mumbled into her shoulder, just now taking in the sweet perfume she wore as your nose pressed into her, swaying back and forth with her in your arms.
“You could start by letting me down,” she answered pragmatically.
“I don’t want to,” you whined as you put her down carefully. “Really though, need help?”
“Nope!” she replied cheerily while turning back to the pot and resuming her stirring. “Actually, go ahead and set the table, it’s almost ready.”
Ignoring her suggestion, you stepped up behind her and wrapped your arms around her waist, resting your chin on her shoulder.
“What if I’d rather just hold you?”
“That’s fine,” she giggled. “It’s your birthday after all, but I do need you to pass me that spoon then.”
After giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, you let go of her and handed her the spoon before leaning against the countertop.
“Where’s Nayeon? Wasn’t she supposed to be back by now?” you asked, watching as Momo worked.
“She said to eat without her, she’s running late,” Momo replied, her cheery demeanor disappearing for a brief moment before returning as she held a spoonful of broth up for you to taste. “Poor girl is working late every night it feels like.”
“I know, I kinda felt bad taking the day off, but she insisted,” you leaned forward and opened your mouth. “Mmm,” you gasped as the hot broth entered your mouth, nearly burning your tongue. “That’s delicious, way spicier than I expected.”
“You like spicy,” Momo smiled proudly to herself, turning back to the pot. “Don’t feel bad, you’ve been with her every single day, she’ll survive one without you.”
“Of course she’ll survive, I just want to make sure she has support.”
“She has a lot of support, stop worrying,” Momo said as she turned off the burner. “What about you and Sana? How does she feel about you spending almost all your time with Nayeon?”
“She understands.”
“Does she understand even when you’re too tired to go back home and end up spending the night here?” Momo continued, pulling dishes out of the cabinet as she spoke.
“She… did she say something to you?” you asked while accepting the two bowls Momo handed you. “Where’s this coming from?”
“It’s nothing like that,” Momo clarified, leaning over and pecking you on the cheek. “I’m just asking. In case you forgot, Sana is one of my best friends”
“I believe her,” you walked the bowls over to the table. “Plus, she knows I’m the one who ends up sleeping alone in a bed while you two share, we usually end up video calling.”
“Ew, I’m washing my sheets,” Momo scrunched her face. “I don’t wanna hear about that, not about my own bed.”
“We don’t do anything like that,” you laughed, taking the next dish from her hands. “Also, seriously, as if your bed is a sacred place,” you added with a roll of your eyes.
“It’s different when it’s with me,” Momo scoffed while scooping rice into two smaller bowls.
“Right, because we’ve totally never also had other girls in your bed with us,” you chuckled, picking up a dish of kimchi.
“Is that what you want tonight? I’m sure it can be arranged,” she asked in her sultry, teasing voice.
“Slow down there tiger,” you sat down at the table. “How about we start with dinner?”
“I can be your dinner,” Momo whispered as she took a seat across from you, flashing her seductive eyes in your direction.
“In that case why don’t we head straight to your bedroom?”
“No wait, I’m joking,” Momo quickly dropped the act to focus on the real priority at hand. “I put way too much effort into this meal to waste it.”
“It looks amazing,” you took a whiff of the stew. “Thanks for all this, you really didn’t have to go through all the trouble, you know I would have been perfectly happy with something simple or takeout.”
“I wanted to!” Momo smiled as she started pouring broth into her bowl. “I tried some new things this time, so I hope you still like it.”
“In my experience, I’m usually a huge fan of when you try new things,” you smirked while filling your own bowl.
“Good, because lately I’ve been practicing.”
“Practicing?” you repeated, holding your spoon up to your mouth. “With whom?”
The conversation was interrupted by the clicking of the front door.
“I’m home!” Nayeon announced, walking up and basically falling onto you. “Happy birthday cutie,” she sighed as she hugged you from the side before she gave you a soft kiss on the cheek.
“Thanks, how was today? Did they fix the-”
“Not now,” she shushed you, bringing a finger to your lips.  “We’ll talk about work stuff later,” she added before leaning forward and planting another kiss on your cheek. “And I hope you saved some for me,” Nayeon added while turning over to Momo.
“Of course,” Momo smiled up at Nayeon, her eyes twinkling.
What happened next was unexpected to say the least. Nayeon bent over, tilted her head slightly, and pressed her lips against Momo’s mouth. The two of them began kissing; it wasn’t a little playful peck, it was full-blown making out. You watched in awe as Nayeon grabbed Momo’s face with her hands while Momo reached up and grabbed Nayeon’s waist.
They kept on kissing, ignoring the fact that you were right there. You had never seen them do this before, and you frankly didn’t know how to react. As shocking as it was, it was also incredibly sexy, but your mind was too confused to truly appreciate the scene. It felt like an eternity before they finally stopped and Nayeon stood back up.
“I’m going to take a quick shower,” Nayeon said casually as she walked away. “Can you send birthday boy into my room after you’re done eating? I have a present for him.”
“Sure,” Momo answered indifferently as she returned her attention to the food. “Are you not joining us?”
“I’ll eat later, I’m not particularly hungry,” Nayeon replied.
After Nayeon’s door slammed shut, you sat there staring at Momo.
“What’s up?” she asked after noticing your staring.
“What’s up? Are we not going to talk about what just happened?”
“Huh, what do you mean?” Momo asked before scooping a spoonful of rice into her mouth.
“You just… you and Nayeon… hello?”
“Chaeyoung’s also in that one,” Momo commented nonchalantly while sipping on the broth.
“Hello we up run this city yo-”
“Momo really, what just happened?”
“What, the kiss? That’s nothing, just a bit of friendliness.”
“Friendliness?!” your eyebrows shot up. “That wasn’t friendliness, that was more like ‘what are we naming our kids’ territory.”
“Are you jealous or something? Come here, we can kiss as well,” she pouted her lips playfully.
“Momo…” you chuckled. “Is there something I should know about going on?”
“It’s not that serious,” she began laughing. “I’ve just been doing some extra stuff for her to help her relax after all these long days.”
“Even if it was serious, how come you’re fine with Mina and Chae, but when it’s me and Nayeon it’s an issue all of a sudden.”
“First of all, it’s not an issue at all,” you clarified. “Secondly, Mina and Chae don’t kiss like that.”
Momo raised an eyebrow at you.
“Do they?”
“Really?” Momo giggled. “If Chae didn’t like living with those two so badly, Mina would have moved in with her by now.”
“Is it really that serious?”
“No, I’m kidding,” Momo giggled again. “Since there’s only one of you to go around, sometimes we just pretend to be extra romantic with each other, it’s all just for fun.”
“Extra romantic for fun…” you repeated while contemplating. “That could be an interesting premise for a TTT.”
“Are you thinking about work right now?” Momo scolded you, giving your shins a light kick.
“Sorry, you’re right, I should be focused on this phenomenal meal.”
“That’s right,” Momo smiled to herself.
You reached across the table and grabbed her hand, leaving her with a shocked face reminiscent of a deer in headlights as she looked up at you.
“Seriously, it’s delicious. Thank you again for the thousandth time,” you said sincerely.
“It’s… it’s the least I could do,” Momo stammered as the rosiness crept up into her cheeks.
Her slender fingers gave your hand a little squeeze before letting go, leaving her staring at the food spread in front of her. The two of you finished the meal in mostly silence, conversing over mundane topics of little interest to you; all you truly cared about was spending time with Momo.
Every time you got the opportunity to sit down and have a one on one with her, you were reminded of just how much you enjoy her company. With the hectic nature of your careers and the juggling of all the members, sometimes you found yourself trying to make excuses to spend more time with Momo alone.
Whether it was those late nights watching Netflix when Nayeon would pass out, or giving her company at the offices when she would come to visit. Momo always managed to make your heart beat just a little bit quicker. Nayeon would record her songs while you would spend time watching Momo dance, single handedly being her entire audience.
“I know I’ve already said it, but that was delightful,” you commented as you scraped the final bit of rice out of your bowl.
“Any time,” Momo smiled peacefully.
“Maybe I should spend the evening here more often.”
“Hey, don’t forget that you have a girl who waits for you every night.”
“That’s true,” you agreed, silently feeling less upset about Sana not being there this morning. “She’s a special girl.”
Momo suddenly stood up and began stacking the empty dishes.
“Nayeon’s probably done showering, I can clean up.”
“I’ll help.”
“No, you don’t have to,” Momo said curtly before carrying the dishes to the kitchen.
Once again, you ignored her instructions, and picked up the remaining plates and cups.
“I said you didn’t have to do that,” Momo said without looking back as she began dropping the dishes in the sink.
“I know” you said as you placed the dishes in the sink before turning off the tap.
“It’s going to be difficult to wash these if you do that.”
“You’re not washing dishes right now,” you whispered into her ear from behind as you slid your hands around her waist.
As your hands moved toward her chest, you quickly discovered that she wasn't wearing a bra. You began to gently squeeze Momo's plush mounds as you admired her flawless form.
“Then what am I doing right now?” Momo asked.
“Not dishes.”
Your palm grazed against Momo's firm core as it moved down her body.
“Not tonight,” Momo whispered quietly.
“What’s wrong?” you asked while standing up straight and immediately pulling your arms away. Before you could let go of her completely, she grabbed your hands and kept them placed on her waist. “Momo?”
“Hold me.”
There was a tension to her voice, one you couldn’t quite comprehend, but you satisfied her request and wrapped your arms around her stomach once again. While squeezing her gently enough to where you could feel each and every breath she took, you leaned your face into the back of her neck.
That sweet scent she wore was addicting; your mind stood no chance. It wasn’t entirely clear what she wanted, yet the way her hands softly wrapped around yours was enough to make you want to hold on forever. Holding Momo forever didn’t sound that bad in your head - the logistics of how that would work hardly mattered.
“Everything alright?” you asked quietly, giving her a quick squeeze.
“Yeah,” she mumbled back. “You should go to Nayeon, I’m probably going to bed.”
“You sure?”
“If something was wrong, you’d tell me, right?”
Momo turned around in your arms and faced you with a smile - one that you could see right through.
“Is that offer still up for grabs?” you inquired.
“Offer?” she asked with a confused tilt of her head.
You pouted your lips playfully which earned a heavy exhale from Momo alongside a genuine smile. She leaned forward and pecked you on the lips before beginning to walk away.
“Momo,” you grabbed her hand and pulled her back.
She spun around, tripping just enough for her to fall into your embrace in the most drama-esque ridiculousness. Her hands landed on your chest, catching her fall, while you wrapped one arm around her body to support her. That direct eye contact sent epinephrine coursing through your veins. Your heart rate elevated, and a warmth flooded into your core, proliferating throughout your limbs.
Without saying a word, you leaned into her until your noses gently brushed. For just a second, you held yourself right in front of her before she angled her face enough to press her lips against yours. Her soft lips squished against yours as she kissed you, her breath entering your mouth.
It was intoxicating. Addicting to the point where you didn’t even notice your hand subconsciously sliding down and resting on her lower back. You were too immersed in the kiss - a proper kiss. The emotion could be felt all the way to your fingertips and toes, that warmth in your core burning throughout every segment of your body.
After the kiss finally ended, the two of you stood there in silence with your foreheads gently touching. You became acutely aware of where your hand traveled and subtly moved it back up to her waist, but she was unbothered by it. Her deep breaths were steady, telling a story in their own way, a plot you followed closely.
“Goodnight,” you whispered, leaning back and using your free hand to push her hair out of her face.
Momo nodded silently before turning around and slowly walking to her room. She paused in her door frame for a second as if she was considering options, showing you her side profile before making her decision, disappearing behind the shut door, leaving you alone in the kitchen with your thoughts.
“No way this is for me.”
“It is!”
“Alright, no it’s not,” Nayeon laughed before pausing the song. “It just turned out to be a cute coincidence.”
“I knew you weren’t that sweet,” you teased, giving her ribs a playful little poke.
“Hey now, I wouldn’t be too quick to say that,” Nayeon replied while batting your hand away. “This one actually was inspired by you.”
“I’m not sure I can trust you.”
“Are you calling Sana a liar?” Nayeon smirked before switching the song.
My eyes, your eyes, let’s go.
Your confusion was quickly erased after hearing the next line as you recalled Sana’s reference back in Oakland. The melody was amazing, it sounded so comforting to your ears - and the lyrics were painfully catchy.
“Baby I just wanna be your lover,” you quietly sang along while Nayeon proudly watched your reaction. “Nayeon, this is amazing.”
“I’m glad you like it,” she sighed, unable to hide her nerves. “I’m not worried about the other tracks though, it’s the choreo that’s still stressing me out.”
“Pop pop pop,” you muttered while flipping your hands around.
Nayeon gave you an odd look as you butchered the choreography before the two of you burst out laughing. She lowered the volume a little and extended her hand for you to join her on the bed. As soon as you took her hand, she tugged you onto her while she lay on her back. Her bathrobe slipped open to reveal her chest, but she didn't appear to mind at all.
“You’re going to be fine,” you whispered while resting your cheek on her chest, her right breast directly in front of you.
“I’m glad at least one of us is confident,” she sighed while stroking the back of your head absentmindedly.
“I’ve seen you practicing,” you said while reaching your hand up to her breast and cupping it, letting the bathrobe fall completely. “You’ve nailed every part other than the gang signs.”
“Gang signs?” Nayeon laughed while you began squeezing her tit. “Is that what they are?”
“How else would you describe them?” you chuckled, playing with her nipple between your fingers. “I already know that part’s going to be all over TikTok.”
“Oh great,” she said sarcastically.
“I know filming a hundred dance challenges is exhausting,” you responded while rubbing your hand in circles. “Thanks for being a good sport about it.”
“They’re not too bad, honestly,” she yawned loudly. “Exhausting, yes, but at least it’s an excuse to spend some time with idol friends.”
“Tired?” you asked as your hand left her breast and slid down her body to her thigh, giving it a light massage.
“Very,” she yawned again. “What did the others end up doing? I didn’t get a chance to read the whole group chat, all I know about is Dahyun’s and Momo’s plans.”
“We had a bit of fun together,” you answered while untying the half-removed bathrobe and fully tossing it open.
You began to rub your hand between Nayeon’s thighs, sliding upwards until your fingers grazed her intimate bits.
“Wait,” Nayeon grabbed your wrist. “It’s your birthday, let me-”
“Oh shush,” you turned your face into her and took her left tit into your mouth.
At the same time, you slowly slipped your fingers up and down her slit, pausing each time to press down against her clit. You sucked on her left nipple until it was fully erect before releasing it from your lips with a wet pop.
The hand you had between her legs kept moving up and down, teasing her entrance as you moved your face over to her right tit. Your other hand replaced your mouth on her left tit, squeezing it softly, flicking at her taut nipple.
Just as you took her breast into your mouth, you slowly eased your middle finger into her pussy at the same time. She moaned gently, completely relaxed to your touch. Nayeon’s natural lubricant made slipping in easy, and you wasted no time before slipping your ring finger in as well.
“Birthday or not, I’m still in charge of taking care of you,” you said while admiring the shine of your saliva on Nayeon’s tits. “Fast? Slow? What kind of mood are we in tonight?”
“Slow,” Nayeon moaned, eyes closed, head pressing into the mattress.
“Slow it is,” you smiled at her before following her request, gently moving your fingers back and forth in her pussy, going all the way down to the knuckle.
Even with Nayeon’s exceptional wetness, tonight she was tighter than usual. It was almost like you could feel the stress and tension she was under through her pussy. You put full effort in your movements, trying your absolute best to make it feel good for her.
“Nayeon sweetie, relax,” you whispered, leaning closer to her face and giving her a quick kiss on the lips.
Her breathing began to calm down, the muscles in her pussy throbbing gently with your touch. Her pussy didn’t loosen up much, but her contorted facial expression converted into one displaying more satisfaction.
“That’s better,” you gently encouraged her, curling your fingers inside her slightly.
“Mmmmmhh,” she moaned out. “That’s nice, keep… that…”
Your fingers kept moving while you made your way down her body, pausing briefly to kiss her tummy. Her lower body began to squirm, and you could see her back start to arch towards the roof.
As your mouth approached her pussy, you gave your lips a quick lick before pressing them against her crotch. You loved her taste. The freshness of her just-showered skin, the subtle scent of her products, the lust emanating from her pussy. Eating Nayeon out was the best gift.
Her pussy made your mind go numb. The slight tang of her fluids had your tastebuds overwhelmed, you even removed your fingers so that you could focus entirely on licking her thoroughly. It went on for a while, longer than it usually took for Nayeon to cum, when you decided you wanted more.
With your hands on the back of her thighs, you pushed her legs up, knees to her chest. You ran your tongue down her slit one last time before going lower, kissing her on the way down. Once you were face to face with her tight little asshole, you gently pressed your mouth against the entrance.
“Oh,” Nayeon moaned softly while reaching one hand down between her legs, rubbing her pussy.
It wasn’t until you pushed your tongue past the tightness of her little asshole when you felt her hand grab your hair. She began guiding you, treating your hair like reins, making you pleasure her in exactly the way she desired. It was working, you could feel her body begin trembling.
At some point you noticed you had lowered your own pants and began gently stroking yourself. Truthfully, you don’t even remember when it happened, you were too distracted with Nayeon’s body. She was riding the edge of her orgasm - you knew she was close.
Finally, you removed your mouth from her body and straightened your body. She looked up at you, eyes begging for what you were about to give her. She needed to get fucked by you in this moment, there was nothing else she could think about. You positioned yourself between her legs, pressing down the insides of her thighs to spread them wider.
First you went deep into her pussy, making her exhale softly. The soft warmth of her pussy felt amazing, and this was just the warm up. You fucked her gently for a bit, but you could see the gears turning in her head, you could see she was getting desperate for you to take her in another way.
As you withdrew your cock from her warm pussy, her wetness making your shaft glisten, Nayeon pulled her knees together slightly. You pushed her legs up this time, lifting her butt off the bed slightly, giving you the perfect angle into her ass. Carefully, you pushed your tip into her tight little asshole. Once it was in, you threw away any considerations of tenderness and shoved your cock balls deep into her ass.
Nayeon inhaled sharply, squinting her eyes for a moment before relaxing and slowly exhaling through her mouth. You could see her pussy leaking before you, even without any thrusting. Once you were satisfied that she was alright, you began moving your hips back and forth. It was slow, but not gentle. Each time you pushed your cock into her, you made sure she took the entire length.
“Fuck,” Nayeon moaned after one excessively rough slam. “Faster…” she added in a whisper.
You leaned forward, pressing the back of her knees to press her femur against her chest, squishy her soft thigh gently. The new position let you go just a bit deeper, perfect for what you were about to do.
Then you began fucking Nayeon relentlessly. Her mouth shot open, silently screaming as her hands gripped the bed sheets until her knuckles went white. That orgasm she had been on the edge of for so long as approaching rapidly now - you could feel it coming.
Her asshole was squeezing your cock unbearably hard now, and her pussy was flowing freely. It was magnificent, you could see her physically losing control the harder you went. After just a few finals thrusts, her pussy shot up like a fountain. She couldn’t stay silent, she let out a loud shriek before panting heavily, pulse after pulse of pleasure running through her body.
Normally you’d slow down, let her ride out the orgasm gently, but you were nearing your own. You kept fucking her, roughly, and it was blatantly obvious that she was enjoying it. Her cries of pleasure continued, her orgasm continued, her pleasure continued.
Then it finally hit you. You could feel your own orgasm rapidly approaching, but you suddenly went over the edge without warning. The warm cum erupting from your cock began filling Nayeon’s tight asshole, the numbing pleasure finally becoming too much for you to handle.
The thrusting had to stop, the sensory overload was too much. Your body couldn’t handle any more stimulation as you lay there, balls deep in Nayeon’s asshole, pumping her gently until you had no more cum to give. You fell forward, falling between her legs as she quickly spread them, making room for you.
Your mouths connected and your cock slipped out of her asshole. The two of you kissed passionately, Nayeon telling you how much she enjoyed what just happened without speaking a single word. She had a way of expressing herself in times like this, a way that you could understand so well.
The last thing you could remember was the feeling of Nayeon’s soft lips against yours before you passed out.
“Good morning.”
“Morning,” you groaned, rubbing your eyes before launching your body up. “Morning? Oh shit, Sana…”
“Under normal circumstances a girl would be pissed if her man woke up after sleeping with her and said another girl’s name,” Nayeon chuckled.
“I need to go,” you panicked, looking around the room for your pants.
“Calm down, you only slept for an hour,” Nayeon grabbed your wrist as you tried standing up. 
“Holy shit, don’t scare me like that,” you scolded her before sitting on the edge of the bed with your face in your hands.
“I’m sowwy’,” Nayeon cooed into your ear from behind as she wrapped her arms around your chest. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s really not your fault,” you replied, turning slightly to give her a kiss on the cheek. “I just know she’s waiting for me, I didn’t want to disappoint her.”
“If she knew the first words out of your mouth when you woke up included her name, I’m sure she’d be far from disappointed,” Nayeon giggled. “You really care for her, everyone can see that no matter how hard you try to hide your relationship.”
“We’re not hiding it-”
“But you’re intentionally not flaunting it,” Nayeon interjected. “The girls won’t say it, but some of them definitely appreciate it.”
“I…” you began. “Sometimes I feel like this isn’t right.”
“Which part?” Nayeon asked, joining you on the edge of the bed and handing you your pants.
“I don’t really know how to explain it, but it just feels a bit wrong committing to one girl knowing…”
“That some of us also have feelings for you?” Nayeon finished your thought.
“Yeah…” you confirmed. “I know it’s an open relationship and all, but still…”
“I think you should ask yourself if you’re happy,” Nayeon said gently, resting a hand on your thigh. “If you’re happy with this arrangement, then it’s your right.”
“Of course I’m happy, I really do love Sana, but…”
“You think you might have feelings for someone else?”
“How do you-”
“I’m not stupid,” Nayeon smiled. “This might come as a shocker to you, but I do talk to the girls from time to time.”
“So what should I do?”
“You’re going to have to figure that out yourself, and until you know what you truly want, I don’t see any reason for you to make any drastic changes,” Nayeon suggested calmly. “You clearly still have feelings for Sana, as long as the two of you are on the same page I don’t see why you need to change anything.”
“Is it fair to the others, though?” you asked hesitantly.
“It’ll never be easy,” Nayeon responded cautiously. “The nature of your job… complicates… things. It makes sense that you have feelings for some of the girls, and it makes sense that they develop feelings for you.”
“God, I must sound so stupid right now,” you chuckled meekly. “I should just be grateful for what I have, shouldn’t I?"
“You’re not stupid,” Nayeon reassured you. “Your job basically made this inevitable, but as long as you’re honest about what you do, I think the ten of us will be able to get through whatever happens.”
“It must be so difficult for the members who have started to develop feelings, knowing that I’m still sleeping with their friends.”
“You’re right.”
“Nayeon…” you turned to stare into her eyes, noticing now they weren’t dry.
“Don’t apologize,” Nayeon whispered, wiping her eyes clean. “I did for a moment, but not anymore.”
“I didn’t mean to-”
“I said don’t apologize,” Nayeon cut you off before standing up. “But you should really go see Sana, like you said, she’s waiting for you.”
You stood up as well, standing right in front of her.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m perfect,” she smiled at you. “Really, those feelings are gone, this is just a mutually beneficial, if not somewhat unorthodox, agreement between two adults.”
Hearing that would have probably hurt if you believed a word she just said.
“Have a good night, Nayeon.”
Huh, how long has it been since I updated this story? I hope I have the time to keep working on it because I have SO MANY PLANS. I've also become a bit more sappy, so I think I might be releasing some more emotional chapters with less smut? We'll see!
Once again I must admit, I am putting a bit less effort in the sense that I am just writing with how I feel instead of overthinking and planning every little detail. Maybe less effort isn't the proper phrasing, but basically I'm just going more with the flow.
Hopefully you guys enjoy, I actually planned on including Sana's part in this chapter, but I made a few changes and decided it should be a separate chapter. Cliffhanger and all that I guess.
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punkpandapatrixk · 3 months
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🪷Sacred Lotus Within You ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
‘If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than what you are now.’
‘I don’t wanna be more! I like who I am.’
‘You don’t even know who you are.’
‘What do you— Of course I do; I’m the Dragon Warrior!’
‘And what exactly does that mean—Dragon Warrior?’
—  Po and Shifu’s conversation from Kung Fu Panda 3
SONG: Pure Imagination by Gene Wilder
MOVIE: Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
[Patreon] [Paid Readings]
A hard Life is not always a divine punishment of sort⛈More often than not, the Universe’s most advanced Souls choose to be born—as Humans—into much sorrow and a perceived sense of limitation just for the joy of experiencing a personal breakthrough out of a cycle of—both—good and bad Karma🍄
Seen from a Soul’s perspective, all events in this mortal world are just drama. drama. drama~🎭It’s so exciting to co-Create massive stories with other Souls in this theatre of the Universe🎪This Play in itself, a spiritual evolution of sort for all beings of Love and Light🩰
This world is at best the dream of a Butterfly🦋Have fun; and have faith that in time all things bloom magnificently like a Sacred Lotus emerging from the mud🪷Ultimately, all of us, we bring with us only memories of our lifetimes when we are done playing our roles in this Grand Experiment of a Cosmic Drama💫
☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
Pile 1 – Peace Maker
VIBE: Master Shifu asking Po to teach him inner peace
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seeds of beauty in you – 10 of Pentacles Rx
Encoded in your DNA is the very gift of healing itself. You were born into this world of stupid carrying seeds of peace-making. Yup, you were the kid who was always able to tell when a grownup was lying. Like, OMG, so disrespectful…they think I can’t see through such obvious lies? In fact, too many things were obvious to you because you are gifted with a keen ability of observation. We’re talking superhuman-level observation, baby~
With that, the world around you was often terribly dull. You’re definitely the type that wants to travel and see the world for yourself. Wanting to see what other people of different nations and races, customs and cultures, even religions, have to share about what this Life is all about~ You had A LOT of questions!
Alas… You soon realised that most people’s perceptions, priorities, and overall ways of life are low-quality at best. Your interactions with people, your observations of them, gave you almost nothing but disdain. People…are not intelligent enough. But more disturbing still…people are not noble enough in their pursuits of a good Life.
In your eye, most of the time, people don’t have enough integrity, character, or personality🤷🏻‍♀️
blooming in spite of muddy water – 7 of Pentacles Rx
If you’re often distressed by the state of Humanity, it is because you possess this divine ability to pierce through bullshit and reveal the true essence of all things. You’re a deep diver. You truly are a scholar. You’re the type that seeks to bridge between differences and clashes, so that people find a common ground upon which they could build a harmonious society. You most likely have a significant placement in the 7th House or blessed with a strong Libra/Venus aenergy~⚖️
Essentially, you’ve come into this world with an almost specific purpose of bridging differences between generations. All because your Oversoul was sick of watching Humans being fools amongst themselves. So you plunged into this world of illusions in the hopes of elevating people’s spiritual intelligence. Your unique gift of observation is piercing and high-vibrational and the reason it can bridge generations is that the wisdom you will develop as a person is both universal and timeless💎
You are an Ascended Master, you know. Like Po returning to the mortal world after defeating Kai. Like Gandalf the Grey returning as Gandalf the White after defeating the Balrog. All because you’ve got shit to do in this world of stupid—your wisdom is gravely needed! I’m not teaching you to be conceited or anything, but by means of technicality, you’re not here to learn anymore; you’re here to…teach🤣
tulips of happiness – Knight of Cups
No matter your age or their age, you’re here to teach the infantile Humans about inner peace and true, everlasting, sustainable, manageable, actually reasonable sense of Harmony🌷You do that by setting an example; by first bridging confusions and calming down chaos within yourself; then you talk about the walk to anybody interested enough to listen to you🌾
In this lifetime, as an Ascended Master playing Human, there’s probably a lot of heartache you’ve needed to learn to forgive. If you’re in your early or mid-20s when reading this, you’re most likely just beginning to learn it. You don’t have to act perfectly though. Healing and forgiveness are not about being or doing perfect. It’s perfectly OK, too, not to forgive—certain cruelties in this world are simply beyond absolution, ya know?🤬
What does truly matter is that you forgive yourself. Just yourself. You can forgive the situation. You can forgive the fact you fucked your way into this or that mess. Where applicable, you can give thanks to the experience and then move on to the next thing. Be glad about the fact that you’re still alive after all of the fuckery, and that you’ve enough self-awareness, and how that self-awareness has grown you as a person. It is such a beautiful thing to have grown up in the mental and spiritual~🦉
the script you chose – Silver Alchemist (Ramon Llull)
path of self-transcendence – Priestess of Healing
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Pile 2 – Pink Radiance
VIBE: Master Oogway sending universe mail to Li Shan
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seeds of beauty in you – III The Empress Rx
Oooh~ You’re pretty~ That much I can tell🙊You probably are blessed with some significant Aries, Aquarius, or any Cardinal aenergy in your birth chart; could also have Venus/Moon in the 1st or 11th House~ And do you know why you’re bestowed with an outer appearance that’s easily considered attractive in this realm? Because you’re meant to have an audience🎙
You’re meant to be heard; to have a platform and be some sort of a leader. And since being pretty in this world brings a lot of privileges, your Soul chose to be born with this specific setting in your birth chart wHoA~ A pretty face gets attention more effortlessly and that’s just how it is with this world~🙈
So, you see that there’s meaning in having some forms of privilege whether it’s your face or your family/economic background, or even heritage or some special lineage thing going on in your Life🎰And yet, it seems you could’ve been blind to all this ‘upper hand’ and not see much value in your existence.
None of this has felt all that special…well, because you were born with it. It’s not special; it’s normal to you; and you definitely want to feel special…not really grasping others would kill to have what you were born with…🐞
blooming in spite of muddy water – XVI The Tower
In spite of all of the privileges that seem obvious and enviable to others, you yourself have not felt all that blessed most of your Life. There is this thing that people don’t understand about you: EXPECTAFUCKINTION. Expectation could kill, depending on situation, and depending on where you are in Life. In many ways, you haven’t really ever felt FREE in your beingness. You don’t really know how FREE truly would feel like. You can imagine it, but you don’t really know if that’s even real🤷🏻‍♀️
Whether it’s status, prestige, or simply beauty, sometimes you’ve felt victimised by the very things other people wish they had. They literally don’t know how suffocating it is to be wearing your crown~ You often feel like you don’t have autonomy over your own Life. In some instances, you may even have experienced your autonomy getting violated. And it’s so heartbreaking.
At some point in Life, you will suddenly and gradually lose access to all of these beauties and privileges, maybe even some of your talents, babe. All these things that came ever so naturally to you, once you’ve lost ‘em, you will die in spirit, and be reborn with a renewed sense of appreciation for the fact you have always, ALWAYS, been extraordinary👿
tulips of happiness – King of Swords
Whether you are a girl or a boy or straight or gay or whatever, you are an ally of the world’s Divine Feminine aenergy. Do not worry about losing your glory; it will aaalll come back stronger and sparklier once you’ve graduated the University of Hell a.k.a Saturn Return🪐
It is part of your Soul’s Blueprint to experience losing privileges, perhaps money, talents, friends, freedom, hair, weight, and everything else, momentarily. This period of your Life—whether it’s your first or second Saturn Return—can be likened to a pregnant woman who’s now restricted from drinking, eating, doing, or even being near certain things. She’s not so free, but for all the right reasons; she’s protecting her foetus.
This Saturn Return period of your Life where you’re experiencing losing yourself is like a pregnancy where you’re gestating a newer, stronger, clearer, more confident version of yourself. The restrictions put around you are meant to suffocate you further, enough for you to want a breakthrough. All so you can become a pure Pink Radiance of a miracle this miserable world needs, for that is your purpose for being born🌷
Shine on, Pink Diamond~
the script you chose – Green Historian (Herodotus)
path of self-transcendence – Priestess of Prosperity
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Pile 3 – Magic Worker
VIBE: Po teaching the tribe to be THEMSELVES
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seeds of beauty in you – 9 of Cups Rx
Within you are seeds of a luxurious lifestyle that you ought to nurture slowly throughout the course of your Life. You may have come from a background of lack just to make this whole scenario more exciting (to us as Souls contrasts are exceedingly attractive when thinking of a spiritual breakthrough). With that, you could’ve grown up with lots of daydreaming about feeling fulfilled—emotionally fulfilled.
Though you may have daydreamed about luxurious environments and things and situations, at the core of everything, all you yearn for is a feeling of safety; stability; of having just enough…of being enough, in fact…all because you weren’t emotionally nurtured as a child. You were the kid who were neglected by everybody, both the adults and your peers.
You felt unseen most of your Life. But even those who acted like they saw you, somehow the view was inaccurate. You felt this way because you didn’t understand yourself either. Children learn about themselves through the feedback of their environment; so the ones who were mostly neglected…how could such children even begin to learn to comprehend their identity?
Because you didn’t really understand yourself, it was difficult to manifest properly. In your psyche, there are way too many threads of wishes that are tangled up, causing you to manifest clashing Realities…and then disappoint you…
blooming in spite of muddy water – XXI The World
The reason for this difficulty is that you needed to learn and discover for yourself the true Essence of being alive. You are essentially God’s messenger to help Humans overcome their addiction to material possessions. Omaigosh if you know how TikTok shopping culture is making people poorer and more miserable in the emotional, I’m sure this will ring a bell in your Soul Memory.
People who grew up poor are the main target of evil marketing because they crave that feeling of ‘having’. Sometimes, it’s a feeling of having things—trendy things; some other times, it’s a feeling of having friends—cool friends; and some tragical times, of having someone to love—which usually only translates to ONS or casual hookups without any real emotional connection.
Anyway, back to talking about material possessions though, there’s this:
‘Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body.’ – George Carlin
This, is a concept, a Reality, you’ve needed to learn and fully comprehend, and then unravel by means of your personal spiritual transformation. That way you can be an example and a guide to others. Reminiscent of Uncle George himself, you’re somebody who holds an Elder Archetype aenergy about you. You’re ‘worldly’ in the sense that you’re based, well-thinking, and most of all, you can embrace perspectives that are UNIQUE. You’re able to hold a knowledge that encompasses the whole of the Universe itself.
tulips of happiness – 4 of Pentacles
In a sense, know that you are a born leader. Though I sense, you may be more interested in being a thought leader🧠You don’t seem that interested in leading an envoy or a movement of any sort hahaha You’re a loner; you like being in your own company. After all, people are stupid and it’s exhausting to have to interact with them. And that’s all fine~
In the future, when everything’s said and done, you’ll meet your Soul Tribe—people who are just as weird, misunderstood, deep, sombre (probably), wholesome, complex, and loyal such as yourself🫀Your Spirit Guides are really saying: it’s perfectly fine for you not to extend too much compassion for those who aren’t worth your while; hoping you’d calm down some clashing ideas about your personality.
It sounds cruel? No, really; not everybody is worth paying attention to or share affection with. If you do that you’re only going to be sucked dry of Life Force. It’s a similar principal with money spending. Just because you see a lot of items being displayed with attractive, persuasive DISCOUNT signs, doesn’t mean you have to give your attention, or money least of all, to ALL of that. Got it?🤪
‘Even if something is on discount, if you don’t need it, it’s too expensive.’ – Love Marie Escudero’s husband, Govt. Chiz
the script you chose – Green Physician (Paracelsus)
path of self-transcendence – Priestess of Intuition
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[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
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good luck, babe! [e.w x fem!reader.]
chapter one.
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author's note!<3 - this is inspired by chappell roan's unreleased song good luck, babe! i lllloooovveee chappel roan! this was originally going to be just a LONG ASS one-shot but i don't think i can write any more tonight 😭😭 . BUT I REALLY WANNA PUBLISH IT SO HOPEFULLY YOU GUYS LIKE IT!!!! also forgive me if there's any grammar/spelling errors... i'm posting this at 12:59 am🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶 . reblogs and comments are SO appreciated!!! i busted my ass for y'all 🤗 .
content warnings - SLIGHT angst, reader has internalized homophobia and is outright homophobic to ellie, reader is in the closet, ellie is a lovergirl and she's going through the five stages of grief, modern!au, reader gets sexually assaulted/harrassed, LET ME KNOW IF I MISSED ANYTHING ELSE!!!!
special thanks to!!!!: @sharkfemme and @dykedearest FOR HELPING ME OUT!!!!!! and also LYNN AND MAXIM!!! ALL FOUR OF YOU ARE AMAZING BETA READERS I'M KISSING YOU ALL THROUGH THE PHONE RN!!!
it's fine, it's cool.
ellie's grip on her glass got impossibly tighter as her eyes never left your figure, your body swaying to whatever shitty mainstream pop music that was playing.
ellie williams hated secrets. she hated surprises, and she hated being in love with you.
she hated the way you would ghost her after spending a week at her apartment. she hated the way you would stop responding to her texts after you would leave. she hated the way she would let you back in when you needed her, she hated how much she loved to comfort you. she hated how gentle you were when it was just the two of you, compared to how cruel you got in public.
you can say that we ain't nothin' when you know the truth.
ellie took her hand off the glass and gripped the bar table instead, afraid that if she broke another glass she'd be banned from the bar.
you were like forbidden fruit to her, or maybe that was what she was to you.
she knew you weren't ready to come out of the closet. she understood that. so, why keep on playing this fucking game with her?
why did she even still feed into it?
i guess i'm, the fool.
the closet was made out of glass, really. you would stare at every woman's body that passed you, your eyes would scan up their short dress, she could see the curiosity and desire in your face.
but every single time after you two would hook up, there was always a new excuse.
"i'm not a fucking lesbian, ellie. i just... don't like men sometimes." sometimes?
"they're just stupid thoughts... it's not like i could ever be with a woman." but you had been. you had been with her.
"ok but... do you even count as a woman? you wear boxers, you don't even know the meaning of the term ladylike and... i don't know- look at your fuckin' hair! the closest you'd get is a transwoman." that one had hurt her. she didn't talk to you for a month after you made that comment. and then you appeared in her apartment complex hallway, sobbing hysterically.
and of course, she took you back.
like she always does.
with her arms out like an angel, through the car sun-roof.
she hated playing this fucking game with you. it was killing her.
every single time she'd see you at this bar, she imagined you dragging her onto the dancefloor. she imagined being able to walk out with your hand in her's, waking up to your groggy groans when the sun invaded the sacred space of your shared bedroom, you'd hide your face in her neck, mumbling something about, "shouldn't have drank that much last night."
every single time you pulled this shit on her, it felt like her already shattered heart broke off into impossibly tinier pieces.
"i wish you were a boy." crack.
"it's not easy for me like it is for you, els. i don't know the first thing about being proud of myself." crack.
"this hurts me more than you, baby." shattered. her heart was shattered.
it hurts you more than her?
the fucking audacity.
the nights she spent crying next to your sleeping figure.
the hours she'd spent texting you and checking her phone second after second after goddamn second.
the way she would ignore every single obligation she had to pick you up from whatever shit-hole situation you had found yourself in, immediately and happily dropping anything to make sure you were ok.
and it hurt you more than it hurt her?
you didn't know shit about hurt. about misery. about love.
i don't wanna cut it off!
her friends had told her to cut you off. her therapist said in his own professional shrink way that you would never be good for her. at least not while you weren't even good for yourself.
but she couldn't let you go. it seemed like every reason that she had to leave you, fuelled her determination to stay.
but you don't wanna call it love!
every single time you somehow broke her heart in a new way, she fell harder in love with you.
you just wanna love someone that calls you baby!-
ellie was pulled out of her internal anger when your eyes met hers. although it was only a few seconds ago, it felt like she was staring into your eyes for an eternity.
don't fuckin' wave, ellie. look away- LOOK AWAY. , she thought to herself as she was unable to look away from your beautiful irises.
you had this slight smile on your face, the dancefloor's led lights adding a shimmer to your already twinkling eyes.
it felt like her melancholy thoughts had lifted and increased all at the same time by the sight of you acknowledging her presence.
ellie went against her better judgement, her slender hand flying up to wave at you. her lips quirked upwards gently as she scanned your delighted face.
your light expression quickly turned into one of frustration, suppressing your grin with a tightening of your lips before pulling the nearest man close to you in for an unexpected kiss, opening your eyes once you knew the mystery man's were closed, locking your eyes onto ellie's before closing them once more.
the light had died in ellie's stomach after that. her happy hand that was raised in the air faltered painfully back to her side as she watched the man's hands roam down from your sides... to your waist... to your ass.
you can kiss a hundred boys in bars,
those butterflies that she had just felt in her tummy had died slowly, turning into knots of anguish.
she watched your hands cradle the man's face. those same hands that had counted each and every freckle on her face on a snowy morning that had you both stranded in her apartment.
those same hands that had a death-grip on her back as you sobbed into her shoulder every other weeknight as she tried to muffle her own cries.
those same hands that had shoved her violently as she finally tried to stand her ground one afternoon you showed up knocking on her door. "you know what... fuck you, ellie! i don't know why i keep on doing this shit with you anyways." you said, before storming off. you called her later that night. she answered. "i'm sorry, els. i'm sorry, i'll do better, i'm so sorry-" , "it's ok, baby. it's ok. i know you didn't mean it. you're ok baby, i forgive you."
shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling!
she would've stayed in that seat, stewed in her anger for a bit more before the tears inevitably came falling down if it wasn't for the way the dude's hands creeped under your skin-tight jeans and how you flinched away from his grasp, breaking the kiss immediately with a nervous giggle creeping up.
the guy obviously took it as an invitation to do more, placing his hand back on your waist and agressively pulling you closer.
you can say it's just the way you are,
ellie's head tilted as she watched this go down.
what she wanted to do was launch that creep into the nearest wall and make sure he never tainted your body again. but she didn't want to get up too soon, she wanted to be certain that you needed help, whether you wanted it or not.
your hand stopped him from coming any closer, placing it right before his chest. you said something along the lines of, "don't want to do anything." .
make a new excuse, another stupid reason-
instead of him being a decent human being and leaving you alone, his face quickly turned into one of anger. his jaw jutted out as he tried to pull you in again, leaving you thrashing against his body.
how was no one else seeing this? why was no one else doing anything?!
she didn't even have time to process what she was about to do. her feet were on the ground, marching their way towards you before she could even think about her course of action in a smart way.
"let me go, fuckin' creep!" she heard you shriek as she grew closer to you, attempting to elbow him in the chest.
ellie felt like no matter how fast she was walking, she would never make it to you in time.
he laughed tauntingly as he grinded against. "i'm the creep, bitch?! you kissed me f-"
his last word was stolen from him as ellie forcefully pushed him off you with and landed a blow against his nose.
he groaned in pain, falling to the ground as he cradled his now-broken-nose.
you gasped in shock and horror. "what the fuck, ellie?!" you scolded her. as if you would've been fine on your own.
she ignored your words though, pulling the guy's hand away as she forced another punch to his face.
now people were finally looking.
she didn't stop until she felt your hands on her stomach, pulling her away from the scene.
"she fuckin'... said... no!..." ellie's voice thundered, erratic breaths in between her words before bringing one last painful kick to his face before letting you lead her out of the bar and into the night air.
you didn't stop even after you two were at the entrance door of the establishment, you made sure the two of you were far enough away that ellie wouldn't be caught if the police were called.
she couldn't help but feel those stupid fucking butterflies again as your hand gripped hers and felt a little disappointed when you dropped it, suddenly all too aware that you were still in public.
her green eyes met your own, yours filled with anger and chaos... hers filled with love.
"hey baby." the auburnette sighed out simply, that stupid love-grin back on her face as she was finally close to you.
your eyebrows furrowed in disbelief as your hands went to massage your temples. you let out a humorless giggle. "you're so... fucking stupid, ellie!" you exclaimed, shoving her chest as if she was in the wrong.
her grin turned into a confused frown as she surrendered her hands in the air, her eyebrows mirroring your own now. "wh-wh....what-"
good luck, babe!
"god, you have this severe goddamn saviour complex or some shit!... i was fine! i was fucking fine on my own before you marched in and assaulted that guy."
well good luck, babe!
you gaslighted beautifully, defending the man you knew nothing about over the woman who was fatally in love with you, she almost believed you.
ellie's frown turned into an angry smile as she brought a hand to gently wipe over the bridge of her nose, a mannerism of her's she had developed whenever she got frustrated with you.
"assau-... ok, sure-... you wanna talk about assault, baby? that fuckin' guy would've assaulted you if i didn't step in. he was assaul-"
you shut your eyes tightly the way you do when you wanted to block something out that ellie was obviously right about. you shook your head stubbornly. "gggoddd ellie- it was my fault! i wanted it and then i didn't. i shouldn't have- i shouldn't have kissed him in the first place. i gave him mixed signals, i-"
you'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling!-
your eyebrows grew dangerously closer to your face as you cradled your head in your hands.
ellie was quick to walk right back to you, caressing your arms.
"what? baby, no. no, it's not your fault... that- that fuckin' guy... hey... look at me, sweetheart." she cooed lovingly.
good luck, babe!
you slowly brought your hands away from your face, meeting her breathtaking green eyes.
you wanted to fall into her arms, you wanted to thank her for coming to your rescue and kiss her and confess to her how scared you truly were.
but you didn't. you never did.
your slightly calm expression that came over you once you met your secret lover's gaze turned into one of annoyance. ellie was, like always, taken by surprise as you thrashed against her grip, just like the way you did with that monster in the bar.
good luck, babe!
ellie's eyes blurred with tears as she watched your face turn into a grimace.
"fuck you, ellie." you said quietly as you broke free from her hands, storming off into the night. leaving her. like always.
you'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling.
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coinandcandle · 11 months
Post Your Practice
We gotta start posting about our practices more and what we find through research, experimentation, things we experience, etc.
Not the super sacred or private stuff, just like,
that tea spell you did? Write about it.
That glamour for your acne? Spill the beans, bestie!
Learn a new fun fact? Share the info!!
Because it'll inspire others to do the same.
It doesn't have to be super decorative, aesthetic posts! It doesn't have to look like an academic paper!! It can be a picture of a sticky note with a spell idea scribbled on it!!!
I wanna see more people telling us about their tarot readings, their one-off spell that maybe didn't work, the thing they picked up from the thrift store that they plan on using as a spirit vessel, how energy flows for them, how they view magic, and so much more.
And don't think that you can't or shouldn't post because you're new or because you're inexperienced.
Everyone started at the same place: The beginning.
so please, post your practice!! <3
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matan4il · 2 months
Update post:
Yesterday, there were no less than two terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians, one in the morning, and one in the evening.
The first one happened in Beersheba, where the terrorist stabbed and injured two people before being neutralized. The terrorist was an Israeli Bedouin, who had been convicted of drug-related criminal charges. The prosecution asked for his arrest, but the court decided to be lenient, to aid in his rehabilitation, and instead only sentenced him to community service. He was due to start in two weeks, but instead he chose yesterday to attack innocent civilians.
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The second terrorist attack took place in Gan Yavne. A Palestinian man, who used to have a work permit in Israel, but lost it and remained here illegally, carried out the attack. The Palestinian terrorist started stabbing people at a gym and then at a nearby cafe, wounding 3 people, all of them originally determined to be in serious condition, one is a teenager, the other two are reported to have life threatening head injuries. The terrorist was 19 years old, and he was neutralized at the scene. In investigating how he managed to stay inside Israel illegally after his work permit had expired, the police has arrested two people so far.
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Israel has wrapped up its second operation at the Shifa hospital in Gaza City, with another soldier pronounced dead (20 years old Nada Cohen), bringing the IDF fatalities in the Gaza ground operation so far to 256, and the total number of killed Israeli soldiers in this war, including during the Hamas massacre (reminder that some of those soldiers were girls serving in non-combative posts, without combat training or even a weapon, and were slain while still in their pajamas) to 600.
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The end of one operation in a Gaza hospital doesn't mean that's the end of Hamas abusing medical and humanitarian facilities, so there are and will be more such operations. That's why I'm also sharing this reminder that nothing is sacred or even just... off limits to Hamas, who moved kidnapped civilians in ambulances, as one of the released hostages testified.
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I mentioned in a post expressing my frustration over foreigners' ignorance over the conflict, which doesn't stop them from acting like they know better than the people actually living it, the Hamas-Fatah "civil war," which erupted in 2007, when Hamas killed Fatah members in Gaza and took over the place. The two Palestinian factions have tried reconciliation several times over the years, but it never lasted long. Israel's war in Gaza against Hamas and its fellow terrorists organizations is not over yet, but already there's signs of that tension. This def bodes well for Palestinians if Hamas survives this war.
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A city council meeting in California, which dealt with Holocaust remembrance, ended up being the scene of some despicable displays of antisemitism in its anti-Zionist form. IDK what was most distressing to hear about, the way they screamed "Lies! Lies!"' at a Holocaust survivor, or that they took and threw to the ground the phone of a Jewish man who came to speak about his grandma who had survived the Holocaust, or that they mocked a mother speaking of her child being harassed at school to the point he doesn't wanna be a Jew, because he doesn't want to be hated... Maybe that they made my friend, who attended the meeting, cry on what was supposed to be a very special day. I saw coverage on Israeli TV of the city council, which both told me how bad it was, if of all things, that's what they're talking about, and at the same time, it was nothing like hearing about it from her. So I'm glad that she shared some of her own impressions about this ugly demonstration of hatred (I'm also scheduling her post for a reblog). I just hope Jews all over the world know that we here in Israel care about you, we love you, we are standing by your side, and we wish we could do more for you. <3
Speaking of antisemitism, and an inability to recognize it as such, to call it out and condemn it, here's some recent examples from around the world. In Spain, the locals went out for an Easter drink, a tradition called, "to kill the Jews," but insisted it's not racist. Attacking and even killing Jews actually was customary in Europe on Christian holidays such as Christmas and Easter. In fact, this specific nickname is derived from those old attacks.
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In London, a policeman insisted that swastikas being displayed at an anti-Israel protest were not antisemitic, and should be taken "in context," despite admitting that a symbol that's abusive or would cause public distress would fall under his jurisdiction to act against.
In the Netherlands, a single mom of a Jewish girl was attacked for the daughter's choices (she decided to move to Israel and has served in the Israeli army) both at home and at her workplace, a hospital. The mother was so rattled after the attack at her home, that she wouldn't stay there. A Jewish hotel owner offered her a free stay at his hotel. In an interview with an Israeli reporter, the mom said she's considering moving to Israel, too (source in Hebrew).
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This is 32 years old Celine ben David Nagar.
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She worked as an office manager at a law firm, was married to Iddo, and they had a 6 months old baby together. On Oct 7, Celine was on her way with a friend to the Nova music festival, but they never made it there. The Hamas rocket attack started first. For 10 days, she was considered missing, and it took a while, but eventually they found her body. While her fate was still unknown, two days after the massacre, Iddo went on TV and talked about the fact that Celine was still breastfeeding. Following the interview, hundreds of Israel women volunteered to donate their mother's milk to the little baby girl. At Celine's funeral, Iddo asked said goodbye to his wife, and asked hr to watch over him and little Eli from above.
May her memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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antiv3nus · 4 months
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✰ non idol! jeon wonwoo x fem! reader
✰ genre: fluff, humor, established relationship
✰ warnings: none besides like one cuss word if you care <3
✰ word count: 944
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after midnight was the time where it felt like you and wonwoo became closer and closer to one another. no matter how long you two knew one another, you always managed to discover something new about the other. to the two of you, that time frame between late night and early morning was your most sacred time together. it was an intimate time that revolved around your souls and no one else's. during this time, you could be as vulnerable or as silly as you two chose to be, and no one else mattered except for each other. 
“you know when i first met you, i was terrified of talking to you.” you mentioned out of the blue. you both were on the rooftop of your apartment building, lying with your head in his lap, staring up at the starry sky. “really? i thought i seemed pretty approachable…” wonwoo chuckled, looking down for a moment, temporarily blocking your view of the sky with a much better view: him. 
“yeah, i don’t know… i think i was just overwhelmed at how attractive you were. sometimes i still feel like that, but it’s not as bad as it used to be. at least now i can actually form words around you.” you laughed at the memories of how you used to struggle to even say “hi” to him whenever he would approach you before you two started dating. 
wonwoo let out a breathy laugh at your reply. “i guess i never really had that problem around you. as introverted as i am, i always felt like it was easy to talk to you i guess?” his voice lilted as he pondered about your past interactions. “wow mr. confident, i guess lil ole introverted me wasn’t cool, cute, and awesome enough to make the jeon wonwoo nervous… gee thanks…” you rolled your eyes playfully. 
wonwoo looked down at you once again and made eye contact, “babe, you know that is not what i meant.” he sighed in amusement, looking off into the distance before he began to speak again. “you’re one of the coolest, cutest, awesomest people i know, you always take my breath away. what i meant was that your beauty never really scared me. from the moment i first saw you, and then from the moment that we shared our first conversation, you gave me a sense of comfort and i just knew that i didn’t have to worry about being nervous around you. i always used to struggle to talk to people, sometimes i still do, but you changed that. make sense now?”
after wonwoo finished his explanation, you lied there quiet. he had knocked the air out of your lungs, the words out of your mouth, and the thoughts out of your brain. you couldn’t do anything except smile up at him. wonwoo looked down a moment later, wondering why you had gone so quiet. he took one look at you, smiled and let out a laugh again. “wow, look at you all smiley. have i managed to make the y/n l/n speechless? i guess i still got it,” he grinned. “when you find your words again, i’ll be here waiting.” he said, grinning even more. 
that knocked you out of your happy trance real quick. “oh shut up you little cocky motherfucker.” the words that came out of your mouth and the eyeroll you did didn’t match the smile that was still etched onto your face. you rose up from where you were lying and sat across from him. “i was gonna say that what you said was really cute and nice, but now i’m taking it all back”, you pouted.
wonwoo grinned even more (more than you thought was humanly possible) as he grabbed your wrist gently, pulling you in for a hug. “aww it’s okay baby, you know you love me, and i love you too. even when you’re lost for words.” you sighed, “i have a few words i’m thinking of saying right now. they happen to start with the letters “f” and “y” if you wanna try and figure it out instead of squishing me”. he just hugged you tighter after your remark, ignoring what you said with a laugh. 
after a minute or so, you both pulled away from the hug. “actually now that i think about it, i do have one question about what you said.” you mentioned. “what’s up?” he answered, reaching over you to grab a handful of gummy bears. “you said that i was one of the coolest, cutest, awesomest people you know…” with a mouth full of gummies, he answered back muffled. “yeah.. and?”
“how am i not the coolest, cutest, awesomest person you know? i should be the only one.”
“oh, it's simple, you’re in second place”, he answered nonchalantly. his voice was muffled again with yet another handful of gummy bears entering his mouth.
“second place!? if your own girlfriend isn’t in first place, then who is?” you looked at him, genuinely confused, wanting to know who was ranked as first place on wonwoo’s “favorite person list”.
he paused for a second to chew, “duh, buttercup.”
you stared back at your boyfriend, dumbfounded at his answer. “wonwoo, baby, buttercup is our cat.”
“...and your point is…?”, he looked at you like you were the crazy one. 
late nights with wonwoo were definitely when you learned the most about one another. and that night you learned that wonwoo believed that your pet cat was cooler, cuter, and more awesome than you, his own human girlfriend of 3 years. yeah… after midnight was a special time. 
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✰ hey... long time no see... 😅 guess me posting on here sporadically is a running theme atp.. 🤡 wasn't expecting it to end up being almost a year since i posted on here 🚶🏽‍♀️ but here we are ig...!! tbh i really don't have an excuse besides lack of motivation but i appeared today so (small wins😛)!!!
✰ anyways... thanks for reading & to everyone who's liked my posts on here love ya!!! 😘🫶🏽
✰ no stealing pls & thanks !
✰ likes, reblogs, & constructive criticism are always appreciated <3
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weirddreamer · 7 months
Spooky Month! (Rise! Boys x Reader Scenarios)
I'm just doing this 'cause it's almost Halloween where I am-
tw: slight mentions of FAKE blood.
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I have a strong feeling you two are gonna have matching Halloween costumes.
He won't be into it at first probably because he's the 'oldest' and is getting 'too old' to go Trick-or-Treating.
Or something similar (Ex. Frankenstein and his wife, or just something cute <3)
He wants to go.
Just let him go.
Just please for the love of god, don't have over bloody things-
He'll panic.
"Raph, it's fake..."
You two would probably share the candy.
No horror movies though, he'll just a big baby 🥺
Would probably scold Leo and Donnie for messing around.
They stole candy from kids most likely.
Y'all would just have a great time <3
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Matching Outfits. No matter what. No option. No getting out of it.
It doesn't matter what it is. It's probably inflatable dinos. You know how the silly lil' man is.
Leo would boast about how his costume looks AMAZING...
You're too, but he just has to talk about his first, though.
A necessity.
Doesn't really care if it's overly bloody, he might freak out a little bit, but he'll calm down.
"Ohh, look at you~!"
"Leo, this is just literally an inflatable."
"You still look amazing."
No sharing candy. Trading is fine, no sharing though.
The man loves his Reeces.
If you two get scolded by Raph (probably Donnie as well,) Leo would just make a joke out of it.
"Why were you two breaking into a HUMANS home?"
"They didn't give us candy."
You two would probably steal candy from kids as well... Shady dealing... I'M JUST SAYING, IT SOUNDS LIKE A LEO THING.
Overall, 10/10, best Halloween.
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He would probably not dress up.
He thinks it's childish...
No matching costumes.
Oh wait a minute- he can dress up like a mad scientist, even though he already is one!?
Would freak the HECK outta Raph (I know he is in all of these, but like, older brother instincts-) though-
"I can neither confirm, or deny that by dear brother, FOR IT IS HALLOWEEN, THE ONE DAY OF THE YEAR I CAN DO CRAZY THINGS AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME."
Would probably force you to just walk around in a lab coat, claiming you're his assistant.
Screw the no costumes thing, it's Donnie time.
No eating in his lab.
No go.
No show.
He would probably let you have 90% of his candy.
The other 10% will go to tomorrow night's new invention.
You know how big brain boi is with his tech
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You know him.
You love him.
He's the silly lil' man!
Matching outfits are 100% guaranteed, no doubt ADORABLE, cause he's MIKEY.
You both have to agree on something though, otherwise you can't go out on Halloween night.
IT IS A SACRED THING TO MATCH OUTFITS WITH HIM. (Because Mikey asked, and you can't say no to him, HE'S TOO PURE.)
No blood though.
We all know this.
"C'mon, Y/N! Hurry up! We don't wanna miss- FESTIVAL!"
You were talking to Leo about whatever, then you noticed Mikey running off towards a Halloween festival.
How did that get there?
You have to go run after him in case he doesn't do anything dumb
Or to get hurt.
You know how bouncy boi is.
What REALLY caught his attention was the bounce house.
Unfortunately for him, he couldn't go in because he had to be 5...
JK, he got in, and you just watched him bounce for a while before you went to go back to trick-or-treating before Raph noticed you were gone.
After you guys do that and go back to the lair, You and Mikey trade candy and eat it while watching Jupiter Jim and his 1000 FREAKING SEQUELS OF JUPITER JIM AND HIS LAST TRIP TO THE MOON.
Overall, you had fun :)
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preseriesdean · 17 days
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THERE IS NO ENDING BETWEEN YOU AND ME. a fanmix about codependency, about wanting to become one.
01. and you know me now like i came from your own body; i can feel your pulse like a moth inside a jar // 02. i want the parts of your hand-grenade heart; that beat slowly with anger and fear // 03. never belong to anyone else but me // 04. you are like an invading spore; growing inside of me; never ever letting go // 05. i want to share your mouthful; i want to do all the things your lungs do so well // 06. i’m jealous of your neck; that narrow porcelain plinth of flesh; it gets to hold your head; and i’d rather perform the task instead // 07. let me swallow all your fear; let me devour all that is new // 08. i will eat you alive // 09. if you gotta amputate; don’t give me the tourniquet // 10. i don’t need to sell my soul; he's already in me // 11. one womb, one shame, one resolve // 12. and they'll try; they'll try to keep us apart // 13. holy as only i know; i will never let you go; oh my sacred heart; you are everything to me // 14. you gave up a wife and a family; you gave your ghost; to be alone with me // 15. close my eyes and make a wish; i wanna live together in a petri dish // 16. a frequency of me and you; we were on fire; one flame bursting into two
listen on spotify or youtube
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enkas-illusion · 6 months
Two Can Play a Game
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Fandom / Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen / Geto Suguru x f!reader
Content Warning: suggestive, Gojo being a menace, roommate shenanigans, wingman!Gojo, violent games, friendly banter, geto’s huge fingers…
Chapter Summary: You are stuck with your awful roommates on their Saturday games night. You were ready to be bored to death this weekend but what you were not expecting was being stranded on Geto’s lap by the end of the night.
Author's Notes: gamer!Suguru rotting my mind. Let me know if I should make a part 2! If you enjoy it, feel free to like, reblog or comment; I’d love to know your thoughts. Thank you for reading! 
-Nanami's Munchkin
Part 2
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Being roommates with Satoru and Suguru was nothing short of an adventure. It always felt like you were taking care of two cats who actually did pay rent but were a pain in the ass to handle. 
The tamed one was Suguru, the black cat with black cat energy. Satoru, on the other hand, was worse than the orange cats, a menace, making your life miserable. However, you wouldn't have it any other way – a cat person always loves the little devils immensely, despite the hell they raise.
Saturday nights were game nights for the boys. Usually, Shoko, the fourth person in the house, your white dove of peace between the guys and you was out for the weekend. The dove in question, however, had betrayed you to flock in someone else’s nest so you were left alone with the men-children screaming over a stupid game.
It's true that you don't know what you've got till you don't have it anymore. You think back on all the times you open a bottle of wine, enjoy a smoke on the balcony, and share the gossip of the week with Shoko. 
You weighed your options – scrolling through reels while silently drinking your wine while pretending you don't exist would be a lot easier than spending the night witnessing your two roommates behave like toddlers. 
So you did just that, flopped down on the armchair scrolling through feed, sipping your wine quietly. You'd downed more than half the bottle before boredom hit, causing you to look up at the TV to see what Suguru and Satoru were up to. 
The amount of fun they were having playing a violent and gory game made you cringe. For them, this was no less wholesome than a fluffy princess ride at DisneyLand.
“Seriously guys, is this fun to you? You just go around killing people!” Ideally, it'd be better to let it slide without the unnecessary commentary, but this is far from ideal so you let the boredom and booze speak for you.
“Oh and Genshin is not violent at all!! Sweet little Hillichurls getting hit by a meteorite just for existing is fun, right?” Satoru mocks back in an instant without taking his eyes off the game.
“I don’t think you know Hillichurls to be calling them sweet and little,” you argue, offended that your favorite game was dragged into the conversation.
This time Suguru replies,”Maybe you are just salty because you don’t know how to use a console.”
Taking full offense, you challenge, “I would've learnt it ages ago if I wanted to…”
“What's stopping you? That way you can play your precious Genshin on the console as well. It will be fun. Then we can all have a game night.” Suguru's tone is condescending but you understand him well enough to know when to take the bait.
“Hard pass! No way I wanna play with you both. It would only make my hair whiter than this dumbass.” You say pointing at Satoru.
“Huh! The feeling's mutual darling. I’m not psyched about you ruining our sacred games night. Also, you might finally start to look a bit attractive with hair like mine.” 
Satoru’s comment ticks you off, you know better than to let it get to you but you're too far gone to think straight now. So you put down your wine glass as you stomp to where they're sitting, ripping out the console from Suguru, settling in the tiny space between the two manspreading, “You’re on, bitch!” 
“You really think you can beat me?” Satoru looks amused, Suguru has a similar look on his face.
“Just shut the fuck up and start.”
As the game starts, you realize how dumb this decision was – you'd walked right into the trap. Not only do you not know how to use the console, you don’t even know what this game was and what you needed to do.
“I’m going to find youuu~~” Satoru says in a creepy singsong voice that makes you shriek as you try to run in the game. 
Suguru just lies back on the sofa laughing at both your antics. No matter how much you tried to believe the cat analogy exclusively applied to the two, everyone knew you were one too.
“Found you!” Satoru squeals as you nevertheless try to hide and fail miserably. And before you know it, your screen turns red with the words DEFEATED on it.
You pout at Satoru and he says, “Aww, that was no fun. Let me heal you so we can go again.”
“Really! You can do that?” You ask, looking up to him with glittering eyes.
“Satoru!” you hear Suguru suddenly scold, causing you to stare at him with confusion. And before you can ask what was wrong, you hear a few more gunshots from the game. Satoru, being the absolute worst, continues to shoot your already dead character.
‘SatoruAlmighty_89 WINS’ the screen displays.
“Suguru! Satoru is so mean!” You look at Suguru with those puppy eyes that you know makes him melt. Your final trump card, given that he may or may not have called that look adorable in the past.
“‘Toru, your name doesn’t really look that well on top of the leaderboard… kind of used to seeing my own.” Suguru pokes at his best friend just to rile him up.
“Bitch please… Do you wanna go again?” Satoru takes the bait.
“Nope. Not me… her.” he says, tilting his head in your direction.
“Hmm?” you simply give him a confused look. But before you can decipher the meaning behind his words, he wraps his arm around your waist to pull you to him in one swift motion till you’re sitting on his lap. Your face turns hot as you quickly slide down to adjust between his parted thighs instead – trying to keep the atmosphere pg-13, what with Satoru in the room.
Suguru, on the other hand, couldn’t care less – he leans forward till his chest is flush against your back, resting his chin on your shoulder. His huge arms wrap around you, enveloping you into him as they hold the console in front of you. 
“Okay, let’s defeat him, shall we?” he whispers sweetly in your ear, “Let me take it from here.” you feel his hot breath behind your ear, making you blush harder than a rose.
Satoru gives you both a disgusted look, “Ugh… get a room!”
“Somebody’s bitchless.” you tease Satoru. It wasn’t hard to sense the sexual tension that had always lingered in the back ever since you had started living together with Suguru – sure, you had two other roommates but you never wanted to tear the others’ clothes off in a fervor. Shoko had once teased you that ‘if one could try cutting the sexual tension with a knife, the knife would grow blunt due to how thick it was.’ 
As you’re laughing at the now-pouting Satoru, you twist your neck to look back at Suguru, giving him a big grin that makes his heart do summersaults. 
Suguru’s fingers encompass your dainty ones as he guides them to the console. As the guys start playing the match, you move your fingers to the side of the device, letting Suguru take control as his fingers rapidly slam and rotate the buttons. You can’t look away from his hands even when the game begins. His fingers look so sexy moving around the console that you can’t help but imagine how they would feel on you.
“Pay attention to the game, sweetheart.” he whispers into your ear. His words catch you off-guard as your eyes shoot up to the screen, embarrassed that he’d caught you staring. His comment puts you into a deeper daze but you shake it off to focus on the screen, still you find your mind wandering, barely caring about the game. 
He’s so into the game that his chest often presses against you as he tries leaning forward when a battle gets too intense. At one such moment, before you can talk yourself out of it, you shift your hips back ever so slightly to press against his crotch. You swear you feel his otherwise restless movements still for a split-second but he doesn’t let his composure falter since he had a match to win.
Suguru actually manages to win as his name makes it back on top of the leaderboard. You cheer out loud and turn around to hug Suguru, but not before tilting your head to blow raspberries at Satoru.
“What are you… like five?” Satoru complains. You simply bring your hand up to do a blah-blah gesture, rolling your eyes at him dramatically.
“It’s not fair! It was two vs one.” Satoru pouts.
“Go cry about it somewhere else. A win is a win!” you tease him further. 
Satoru gets up from his place and walks off saying, “I anyway don’t play with cheaters.” 
If you weren’t reeling in the high from your win and laughing at Satoru’s antics, you would have noticed the wink he gave to Suguru before retiring to his room.
You’re still laughing as you watch him go back to his room and shut the door behind him with a ‘night, cheaters!’
When it gets quiet, you suddenly become super aware of the way you’re still perched comfortably in Suguru's lap. 
“You need to actually teach me how to use this thing.” You say as you try to break the impenetrable tension, fumbling with the console before tossing it on the sofa, beginning to get up.
Before you can move any further, you’re pulled right back into Sugurus lap as you let out a tiny squeal at the unexpected move. Your breath hitches in your throat when you feel his clearly evident boner, hard against you.
“Did you really think I'd let you off so easily after you pulled that little stunt during the game?”
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risingode · 1 year
better than revenge
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summary: you don't hate jungkook's best friend. no, you just really, really dislike her and her very apparent crush on your boyfriend
pairing: jungkook x y/n
genre: fluff, angst
wc: 2.6k
warnings: jungkook is so clueless, y/n talks about hitting people a lot, light making out, arin is very annoying
note: please comment or send me an ask to let me know what you think! this is my first post on here, i'm very nervous lol. i really hope you enjoy it !!
(loosely based on better than revenge by taylor swift, enjoy </3)
You and Jungkook had been looking forward to this trip to Hawaii for months. The two of you were excited to spend some time away from the stresses of everyday life and just enjoy each other's company. You had invited your friends, fellow couples Taehyung and Jennie, and Jimin and Jiyeon. Jungkook proposed, much to your dismay, that you could also ask Arin to tag along. Arin was his childhood friend, and as much as you tried to like her for your boyfriend's sake, it was so glaringly obvious how not so friendly her attraction was for him. You had brought this up to Jungkook when you first began dating, but he brushed it off, saying they both saw each other as brother and sister and that she was nothing to worry about.
You still had your reservations regarding her, but you didn't put up more of a fight, deciding instead to trust your boyfriend and his loyalty and love for you. The eight of you had just arrived at your hotel and were settling in your rooms. You and Jungkook shared a room, while Taehyung and Jennie, Jimin and Jiyeon, and Arin each had their own rooms. 
"Baby?" Jungkook asks. You turn your head in question. "Do you wanna go surfing real quick? We have nothing to do today besides the dinner reservation later tonight." 
You smile. The pair of you loved surfing, you began doing it together shortly after you started dating, and it became a sacred tradition you guys had. Every weekend, you would drive to the nearby beach by your shared apartment, surfboard in tow, and surf for hours.
"Of course, my love, let me unpack our clothes first and change into my bathing suit." He nods, squeezing your waist lightly. As you were unpacking, Arin came into your room to chat with Jungkook. Awkwardly, you shuffle into the bathroom to avoid unneeded interaction with her.
"So, have you decided what you want to do first?" Arin asks, trying to make conversation.
"I think we're going to hit the beach and maybe do some surfing," Jungkook replies. Your eye twitches, and you have to restrain every bone in your body from reaching over and slapping him over the head.
"That sounds like so much fun!" Arin exclaims. "Can I come with you guys?"
"Uh, sure," You say, trying to hide your annoyance. Of course. You feel your neck tighten in what you presumed to be pent-up frustration, yet, you know this was only the beginning. 'Whatever,' you thought. You were aware Arin couldn't surf, so you didn't feel bothered. You knew you could leave her behind to swim alone while the pair of you caught some waves. 
You should've known that Arin wouldn't keep her mouth quiet, though, because soon enough, the whole group was clambering into your small room, all rambling about how excited they were to surf. You didn't want to sound rude, but you and Jungkook hadn't spent much alone time together recently, and the thought of spending at least a few hours by yourselves sounded so good. You plaster a fake smile, and Jungkook sends you an apologetic one.
The group of you headed down to the beach, and like you predicted, Arin kept trying to join in, but she wasn't very good and kept falling off her board. Your satisfied smile turns sour, though, once Jungkook moves to grab her by the waist and set her back on her own two feet. You wish you could dunk his head underwater and hold him there. 
After a while, you all returned to the hotel to prepare for dinner. As you were getting dressed, Arin once again made herself at home in your room, chatting with Jungkook about how he needed to teach her how to surf. Your annoyance was bubbling over at this point because as soon as you walked out of the bathroom, you realized Arin was wearing a dress similar to the one you were in.
 This, of course, wouldn't have been a problem; coincidences happen! Yet, you knew you weren't being dramatic in your anger because this was the very same dress you had bought in the resort's small boutique that afternoon when you guys first arrived. The same boutique that all eight of you entered at the same time and where you spent an hour deciding which of the dresses you and the other girls should get and wear for dinner that night. You had all, Arin included, picked out four very different dresses. Your dress was decided by both yourself and Jungkook as he gloated about how beautiful you looked in it. Did she … Did she really go back and buy your same dress?
"Hey, Arin, that's the same dress I was going to wear tonight," You say, slightly annoyed.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I realized later that the one I had initially picked out wasn't flattering on me," Arin replies, not sounding very apologetic.
You quirk an eyebrow, "Hmm, that's so weird because you kept saying how it made you look so good back at the store!" A fake smile on display, you brush past her and make your way toward your boyfriend, struggling to button up his shirt.
"Be nice," He whispers. You finish buttoning up his shirt and reach up to smack him on the forehead. He could be really stupid.
You tried to brush it off, for Jungkook's sake, and you all headed out to dinner. During the meal, Arin kept trying to talk to Jungkook, ignoring you completely. Gritting your teeth at another one of her aggravating laughs, you settle a hand on Jungkook's shoulder, excusing yourself to the bathroom.
Resting your hands on the sink, you try to catch your breath. One, two, three. Breathe in, breathe out. One, two, three. Feeling a lot better now and not like you were going to throw a plate at the annoying girl, you splash some water on your face. You hear the creak of the bathroom door opening, and you tense up, fearing it is the one person you don't want to see.
"Oh my god, y/n, you need to come back right now. I can't stand being near that wench for another second." Jennie whines, reaching to wrap her arms around your waist. With a sigh of relief, you turn around to crush her into a hug. 
"Girl, I might throw myself out of the balcony any second. She's being so weird with Jungkook!"  You whine back, causing the girls to nod. 
"I noticed. If she did that with Jimin, trust me she would be lost at sea." Jiyeon giggles, brushing my hair out of my face. You smile weakly at her, and the three of you link arms and return to the table. 
"There's our girls!" Taehyung announces, getting the table's attention. Jungkook immediately looking over, reaching an arm out toward you and pouting his lips. You grab his arm and lean down to give him a light kiss, and he smiles into it.
"You okay, baby?" He asks. You reply with a curt nod. He frowns, noticing your obvious mood shift, yet before he can ask you what's up, his attention is again on Arin as she continues talking about whatever the hell she is talking about. 
As the night went on, you started to feel increasingly uncomfortable. You noticed that Arin honestly did not care. She looked so pathetic, reaching over to slap a hand on his thigh as she laughed. Yet, you knew you looked even more pathetic just watching your boyfriend letting it happen. After dinner, you all headed back to the hotel. You and Jungkook return to your room, and you sigh in relief once your back hits the bed. Jungkook follows suit, the two of you lying silently and staring at the ceiling.  
"Hey," He says, effectively getting your attention.
"Hm?" You ask, looking over at him. He sighs, reaching his arm up to cup your cheek. 
"I'm sorry we haven't been able to spend time alone today." He whispers. Your heart melts at his large, apologetic eyes. You hum, turning your body to face him better.
"It's okay, baby. I can't say I'm not sad. It's been so long since we've been alone together." You pout, his thumb reaching down to tuck it back into place.
"We're alone now," He smiles, and you nod. He leans in, drapes a leg over your body to tug you closer, and kisses you. You two get lost in each other's touch, but a knock comes from the door before it can get any further. 
You pull apart, chests heaving, and Jungkook pats your thigh as he gets up to answer it. You don't even act surprised at who stands on the other side.
"Hey, Jungkook, can I talk to you for a second?" Arin asks.
"Uh, sure," Jungkook says, looking confused. He looks back at you, smiling apologetically, before following after her.
You wait a few minutes, but when they don't return, you can't ignore your racing heartbeat and decide to see what is happening. As you turn the corner, you face one of the worst sights you've ever seen. Arin kissing Jungkook. You wouldn't be surprised if a heart-shaped hole manifested under you because you were sure it fell out and sank to the first floor.
"Jungkook?" You whisper. The pair break apart, Arin gazing up at you with wide eyes, yet not as wide as your startled boyfriend's.
"No, Y/N, it's not what it looks like," Jungkook tries to explain. You hold a hand up to silence him. You didn't notice you were crying until tears started falling onto your cheeks. 
"I can't believe you would do this to me," You whimper out, shaking your head and turning around, running back to the room. You barricade yourself inside, holding your head as you sob your heart out.
You packed your bags that night and left the trip early, ignoring everyone's phone calls.
Back home, you were heartbroken. You try to wrap your head around why? He told you, no, he promised you he would never cheat on you. That was the last thing on his mind, or so you thought. You beat yourself up, how could you be so stupid? He was practically cheating on you that whole trip. That kiss was just the nail in the coffin. 
Unbeknownst to you, your girlfriends had let Arin have it. They called her all the names in the book, cementing whose side they were on. Jungkook wasn't free from their criticism either. They had read him to filth, which resulted in their boyfriends having to drag them away before they legitimately beheaded him. They decided to end their trip short, too. 
A day after you left, the group decided to all come to your apartment at once. They could see some unresolved explanations to be said, and if Jungkook's incessant crying was any indicator, maybe you had gotten it all wrong. One part of it was to have everyone explain their side uninterrupted. The other part was that if there wasn't some sort of mediator, they were sure you would throw your microwave at Jungkook and Arin's heads. 
It leads you all here. Silent, sitting in your living room. You stare at the wall, trying to avoid Jungkook's piercing gaze. You know he's fighting every bone in his body not to jump over the coffee table and hug you. He always hated when you cried. You almost feel bad, his red-rimmed eyes and distraught demeanor tugging at your heartstrings. You remind yourself that he cheated on you and doesn't deserve your pity. 
After a while, Arin clears her throat, getting everyone's attention. You set your pointed gaze on her, waiting to hear the stupidity about to come out of her mouth.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I never meant to hurt you. I just couldn't help my feelings for Jungkook," Arin says, tears in her eyes. Oh? You were confused. Is she admitting that Jungkook didn't cheat on you? You look over at him, and he nods.
"She's right, Y/N. I would never cheat on you. Arin kissed me, and I would've pushed her away! I swear! But you walked in as soon as she kissed me. I didn't even have time to process what had just happened." He's pleading, inching closer to the edge of his seat, almost as if he would pounce on you at any second.
You sigh, sitting up. You look at Arin first. "Arin," you begin. "I've put up with your antics for as long as I can remember. I always knew you liked Jungkook, but I set my feelings aside because I know how important you two are to each other. But this? This was too far. You kissed my boyfriend, Arin. MY boyfriend. You had no right to do that."
She bows her head, muttering another small apology. You turn to Jungkook. "Jungkook. I communicated with you about my feelings regarding your friendship with her. You told me she wasn't a problem, that she wouldn't try anything. Look where that ended us up." He bites his lip, nodding his head in agreement.
You sigh again. "Arin, I forgive you. I know you and Jungkook have been friends for such a long time, and that maybe that manifested into love or whatever, but I need to make one thing clear. If I want my relationship to work out with Jungkook, I need you to stay away from us for the time being. Not for forever, but for a while." She hesitates before nodding, looking toward Jungkook, yet he doesn't even spare her a glance.
"I forgive you too," You say, looking at Jungkook. "But you need to agree with my proposition to make this work. If you can't do that, I really don't want to even bother giving you a second chance."
"Of course." He says almost instantly. You nod. 
The rest of your friends pipe up, apologizing for any part they may have played in the situation and promising to support you all in any way they could.
After everyone had left, you and Jungkookwere finally alone. The two of you sit down on the couch, and you let out a tense breath.
"I'm sorry," Jungkook says, taking your hand. "I never wanted to hurt you."
"I know," you reply, tears still in your eyes. "I just...I can't believe that happened."
"I promise you, Y/N, I love you and only you," Jungkook says, looking into your eyes. "Arin's feelings for me don't change that."
You took a deep breath and leaned into him. You knew he was right. Your love for each other was strong enough to overcome any obstacle, even something as painful as this.
"I love you too, Jungkook," you assured, feeling a weight lift off your chest.
You sat there for a while, just holding each other and talking about what had happened. The two of you agreed that you needed to be more mindful of boundaries in your friendships and that you would work together to make sure nothing like this ever happened again.
As the night wore on, you decided to order food and spend the rest of the evening together. You knew it wouldn't be easy, but you were both determined to move past this and come out stronger on the other side.
Arin did eventually come back into your life many, many months later. Thankfully, you all had another conversation in which you reaffirmed your boundaries, and she graciously agreed to them. In the end, your love for each other only grew. You had weathered a brutal storm but came out on the other side more committed to each other than ever before.
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nuclearpoweredsniper · 3 months
to know a gentle body
nobody asked but ur getting it anyways, sniper/reader ficlet that'll probably get a +18 sequel, but for now, yanno (gestures broadly)
gender neutral reader, 2nd person POV, cw for weed and cigarettes, there'll definitely be more tags added when i post the second part
The nights have been going like this for a while. You and the team have dinner, and Mick waits until everyone has left the room, and he asks you if you'd like to hang out with him in his van.
The first time caught you off guard, you'll admit; the Sniper was a quiet man. The longest sentence you'd ever gotten out of him prior was a whopping three words, but you were sure it wasn't shyness. He never seemed uncomfortable in a room with the others, but he stayed at the back and he stayed quiet - and if he could get away with it, he wouldn't be there at all. Always carrying his kukri, always wearing that hat and those shades, all the signs of an animal silently telling you to keep your distance, and so you did. You didn't think he'd approach you first.
He waited until you were alone, washing dishes; he kept a keen ear out for invisible flies on the wall of the French variety, and when he was sure only the breathing of 2 people were present, he cleared his throat.
"So, Jeremy told me you smoke." His voice reminded you of the stroke of an old cello, in an abstract way - low and almost meandering. It startled you but it was nice to hear, for once, not in monosyllables.
"...Yeah. I, um.." You scratched your neck, making a mental note to throw a boot at the Scout later. "I do. Why do you a-"
"Wanna come smoke with me? I have a fuckton of vinyls we can listen to."
You felt like you were making first contact with a different kind, but it was nothing like the movies.
"Uhm... y-yeah? Sure. Why not?"
And so a nightly ritual began.
It was in this way you became close friends, lounging in his little van, the air full of smoke and Pink Floyd, giggling and munching on homemade jerky. You waded in each others shallows, picking up pretty stones in the shape of favorite colors and childhood memories, the time he fought a saltwater croc for 20$, the time you mistook a wild skunk for a dog and almost got sprayed, until slowly the shallows weren't so shallow anymore. Before you realized it, you were sharing first kisses, first heartbreak, traumas, fears, desires.
It turns out you were right - Mick wasn't the least bit shy when it was just you and him. He explained in quite simple terms why he kept his distance from everyone.
"Wankers, the lot of 'em. Tavish 'n Jeremy are just 'bout the only ones I can stand, and even then.." You interjected with a snort - you knew exactly what he meant. He smirked and continued.
"Can't trust that fuckin' spook as far as you can throw him either. Damn stalker." He injected a bit of venom into that point. He was right too, the Spy loved blackmail.
The water was up to your chin when you realized you were looking at him differently - no, seeing him differently, knowing him differently. The tide was rolling in.
His earthen brown eyes lay deep in his skull, which was constructed of sacred, sharp geometry; lines and valleys and rises chipped out of sunkissed marble. Mahogany hair hung just at his shoulders, which were wide and strong; and just peaking out of the collar of his white undershirt, was greying chest hair. When he smiled, his lips pulled back and revealed teeth that almost should've been in the mouth of a wolf, not a man. It split his face in two, it was intimidating, and it was beautiful.
Tonight, you're sitting on the small couch in his van, passing a joint back and forth between you, The Mamas and The Papas crackling softly on his record player. He breaks the near silence with the crunch of the joint being put out in the ashtray, and pulls your legs into his lap. You don't mind, he does this sometimes, he seeks comfort in touch and soft skin - just wants to know a gentle body, and so do you. It's rare in your line of work.
Calloused fingers are tracing nervous lines into your calf, antsy little dots and dashes like frantic morse code and it's noticeably different from how he normally touches you. He's staring at a particular square inch of your flesh and his thick brows are furrowed; he's thinking hard about something. You know by now to just let him brew until he's ready, so you stay quiet, happy to admire his strong profile while he's distracted. You reach down to the floor to grab your cigarettes, pull one out and light it, and he watches you with a strange look in his oaken eyes, but not an unpleasant one. It's a look of complicated depth, of things unknown to you besides a tangible warmth. You stretch an arm abover your head, a few joints popping as you do, and stretch your legs out across his lap, not unlike a cat. As you stretch, you tap the glass.
"What's up?"
He looks away quickly, he didn't realize he was staring.
"I, um... I wanted to, um.."
He's never been nervous like this before.
"I wanted to ask you something." He's gone back to staring at your legs. You sit up on your elbows, a touch nervous yourself, now.
"...Yeah?" You try to take a gentle tone, but it just comes out as timid and small, seeking its own reassurance.
He pauses, he seems like he's rolling the words around in his mouth before saying them.
"You get lonely too, right?"
He's hushed now, his hands deathly still. It's rattling to see him actually nervous like this.
"...What do you mean? We're hanging out right now."
"That's what I mean. You come over, and you stay for a while and it's...." His mouth hangs open for a second like the words are scared to come. "I-I don't.... I don't want you to. Leave.... tonight."
There's a rush in your thorax. You're speechless for a second, almost thoughtless, and you sit up to face him. His lips are tinted red by his teeth worrying at them, those wicked teeth like something out of Dracula.
"Only if you want to, of course. It gets cold out he-"
"I'd really like that, Mick."
When he looks at you, it almost steals your breath. Damn his eyes, full of sepia-tinted expanses, dilated pupils pulling you in like supermassive black holes; you might as well have told him you'd marry him with the hearts and stars dancing in them. He blushes, actually blushes at you, and it'll be a long standing argument in the future about who kissed who first. All you know is that now, you're in his arms.
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mostmouse · 5 months
hiii saw ur request open!! could you write a cove holden x gn!reader where they get intimate on the beach and coves really shy and embarrassed about it but is lowkey into it (lowkey as in high key and is practically begging for it PUHLEASEE) you can add any other elements you want i’m just laying the ground work!! thank u <33
Sorry it took so long! I fell out of my Our Life obsession but I haven't forgotten everyone in my ask box :)
Moonlit Beach (Cove Holden x GN!reader, 3,400 words, explicit, Cove receiving exclusively)
No where is more sacred than poppy hill, but your shared beach comes in at a close second. Wanting to make more memories with your precious Cove, you manage to get him hidden behind some rocks before giving him some special treatment.
“We’ll be fine, the hotel really isn’t that far, anyways.” Cove held onto your hand as he waved with this other, your parents and Cliff waving back with drunken smiles as they all laughed together. Closing the door, you watched as he leaned against it and sighed heavily. 
Kissing him gently on the corner of his mouth, you grinned and whispered quietly, though you were sure no one could hear you through the door and loud chatter, “Wanna go to our spot?” He immediately lit up, grin matching yours. 
Walking stealthily off the porch, once you made it to the sidewalk, the both of you took off running, laughing breathlessly as you darted to the beach. As soon as your feet hit sand, both of you took a second to catch your breath. Panting heavily, you took Cove’s hand as you approached the waves. 
The weather was perfectly balmy, the salty air coming in off the ocean relaxing your heaving lungs. Taking a deep breath, you sighed contentedly, leaning on Cove’s shoulder. “I love being here with you.” Your voice was soft, causing Cove’s heart to beat just a bit faster. 
Swallowing thickly, he idly stroked the inside of his wedding band on his free hand, breathing a soft sigh. Resting his head atop yours, he nuzzled into your hair, inhaling the scent he knew all too well. “I love you.” His own voice was just as soft, and as you tried to pull away to look at him, he tightened his grip on your hand, pressing his forehead against you, “Just a bit longer, just like this, please.” 
You smiled softly, closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling of him against you. Tightening your hold on his hand, you tried to convey your love to him in your strong grip, holding onto him as if he were the ocean itself, ebbing and flowing constantly. 
After a few more moments of silence, Cove finally tugged himself from your grip, taking a few steps towards the shore before bending over and taking off his shoes. He heard your breathless giggle and he quickly turned to look up at you with wide round eyes, “Please don’t.” 
Gasping indignantly, you crossed your arms and tried to hide your grin, “I- Cove, please, I wasn’t even going to do anything.” Biting your lip, you fought to keep your giggles to yourself. 
However, he obviously wasn’t buying it as he gave you a deadpan look, “You were gonna smack my ass so hard I’d fall into the water. I know you.” When you finally met his eye, you couldn’t help but cover your mouth as you giggled. Huffing, he rolled his eyes with a smile as he took off his other shoe, “You act as if we haven’t been together since we were practically in diapers.”
Waiting for him to stand up, you slipped off your own shoes. With his shoes in hand, he took yours and walked a bit further up the beach, setting them down on some rocks. Joining you again, you took his hand in yours and tugged him along. 
Sighing, he watched you with stars in his eyes as you splashed in the shallow waves, laughing delightedly. Walking just a bit faster, he quickly rounded on you, dragging you into his arms and pressing his lips against yours. Melting into his chest, you looped your arms around his neck, sighing against his mouth. 
With practiced ease, you dragged your tongue against his soft lips before slipping into his mouth. Petting his tongue with yours, you licked as much as you could as you squeezed him tighter against you. You faintly heard him whimper over the sounds of the ocean, and you pressed your knee between his legs. 
Pulling away, he kept his arms wrapped around you as his head fell back, “Ahh~ we shouldn’t.” Shivering as you kissed his neck, he wrapped his fingers in your hair, tugging gently, “B-Baby, c’mon.” 
Considering his protests were as weak as could be, knowing he could easily pull away and stop you, you easily decided to ignore him. Your kisses turned to nibbles which turned to bites, marking up his softly tanned skin. Groaning lowly, he couldn’t help but rock against your thigh, turning his head so you could reach more of his neck. 
Smacking your lips after admiring the blossoming marks across his perfect skin, you looked up at him while rubbing his chest. “Cove~ can you be a good boy and do what I say?” You watched as he swallowed, feeling your heart race at the simple innocent-enough action. Soon enough, he was nodding, whimpering softly, and your heart kicked into overdrive. Grinning, you took his hand and led him to a few rocks that seemed to be the perfect height for your plans. 
Stripping off your shirt, you smirked as you heard him suck in a quick breath. Laying it out for him, you pushed him against the rock, fingertips in the waistband of his jeans, “Take these off.” Shuddering, he slowly unbuttoned them, dragging them down his thick thighs. He looked down at you, and you couldn’t help but to lick your lips slowly before motioning with your hand for him to pull them all the way off. 
Blushing heavily, he pushed them down to his ankles, fully exposed in the night air, “We- What if we get caught? We shouldn’t be doing this.” Breathing quickly, his voice was light and airy, making your blood run hotter. 
Kneeling down, you looked up at him in what you hoped was a sultry manner, and not as playful as you were feeling. Helping him slip his pants off his ankles, you grinned, “You say that, but it looks like you’re pretty into this, Cove. Look at how hard you are already, I bet you want someone to catch us.” Standing back up, you kissed the underside of his jaw before gently wrapping your hand around his burning half-hard shaft. 
Giggling softly, you watched as he trembled, eyes fluttering and struggling to hold your gaze, “F-Fuck, I-” Whimpering, he bucked his hips, feeling himself swell in your palm. Tilting his head back, he moaned loudly. You smiled softly, kissing the column of his neck and stroking his stiffening cock. “Do you think- ahh! That anyone’s g-gonna come down here?” His voice trembled, but you had other suspicions for why that may be rather than his concern for someone catching the both of you. 
Sighing condescendingly, you leaned in closer so your lips were pressed against the shell of his ear, “You’re right... I’d hate for anyone to get to see this gorgeous, fat cock of yours.” He whined loudly at your words, and with a heated kiss to his lobe, you dropped down to your knees in the soft sand, “Better make sure you’re all covered up~” 
He clapped a hand over his mouth, brows knitting up as you took the tip of his shaft into your mouth, licking lazily. Shivering in your grip, the hand that wasn’t keeping him quiet slipped to hold the back of your head. You huffed softly, knowing Cove better than he knew himself, inwardly laughing at how easily you got him to give into you.
Dipping lower, you dragged your tongue against the underside of him, tracing his veins and puffing for air when you could as you sucked him off. His panting was audible even behind his hand, but it wasn’t enough for you. 
Glaring up at him through your lashes, you took him deeper into your mouth, feeling him reach the back of your tongue. As you bobbed a bit, mentally preparing to deep throat him, you cupped his package in your hand while gripping his thigh in the other. 
Squeezing and rolling him in your palm, you watched as he shuddered, moaning and gasping behind his hand. Miffed that he was keeping his sounds of pleasure - that you were giving him - all to himself, you squeezed him tighter and lightly pressed your teeth to his cock. “Ahh! Fuck!” Curling forward, he pressed down on your head while the other moved from his mouth to grab at your hand on his thigh. “Oh god, fuck, I won’t- I’m sorry, baby, please don’t stop.” 
His voice was desperate, and you realized in the back of your mind that he was very into this, more than you had originally thought, which was already a lot. Taking a deep breath, you squeezed his thigh before taking him all the way into your mouth and down your throat. Nuzzling his seafoam curls, you gagged as he bucked against you. 
Head thrown back, he couldn’t help but cry out at the sensation of you. The hot and wet feeling of your throat squeezing him as you struggled to swallow around him. “Baby~ fuck~” His shoulders shook as you kept him there for a moment longer before pulling back. He sighed as the pressure eased up a bit, eyes fluttering open as he looked down at you, hand petting through the hair atop your head. 
Pulling off of him, you couldn’t help but blush at the lovestruck gaze he had on you. Licking from base to tip, you dipped down to lick at his heavy and straining package. “You’re being such a good boy for me, Cove. How badly do you wanna cum in my mouth?” You sucked on his package, humming as he nearly choked on his breath. Popping off of him, you smiled as you stroked feather light touches across his aching cock, “Or maybe you wanna blow your load all over the sand. Let someone find it and know what a filthy boy you are, getting off in such a public area like some kinda deviant.” 
Groaning, he blushed heavily and bit his lip, nodding. Grinning, you took him back into your mouth, not bothering with teasing him anymore. You sucked tight around him, taking him deep in your throat before pulling back, making it as messy as you could, knowing it would drive him wild. 
The hand against the back of your head grabbed your hair tightly as he started bucking into you. With a choked gasp, you pressed your hands to his thighs, whimpering as you let him take the lead. He was gasping and panting above you, eyes watching you closely as he fucked your mouth. “S-So fucking good for me, sucking me so fucking- ahh!” Moaning loudly, he curled forward just a bit tighter, tummy feeling taunt as he thrust into you. 
Squeezing your eyes shut, you let him take you for his own pleasure, basking in his whimpers and cries. With a harsh gasp, he tossed his head back, “Fuck! Gonna cum, so fucking close-” Groaning, his nails bit into you slightly as one hand shoved your shoulder back, feeling himself slip easily from your mouth. “Touch me, please!” 
He didn’t need to beg for your hand to immediately wrap around him, pumping him tight and fast. He cried out at your grip, almost hurting his already throbbing cock, “Cum for me, baby, c’mon Cove, blow your hot load all over our beach, baby.” He whined at such a high pitch, you worried it might wake up some of the neighborhood dogs. 
Gasping, his hips jerked with your movements until he shivered and groaned, cum spilling onto the sand below the both of you. Pressing your cheek to his thigh, you eased up but not without making sure you got every drop from him. Using your mouth, you cleaned up what was left before popping off gently as he whimpered from overstimulation. 
Your voice was soft as you praised him gently, “Good boy, Cove. I knew you could do it. My sweet boy.” He whined at your whispered words, looking down at you with big eyes. Standing up slowly, you sighed and nuzzled your nose with his, “I love you, Cove.” He gave you a dopey grin in return, kissing you softly before whispering it back to you against your lips. 
With a smirk, you ran your hands down his sides, “You know~ I have a little something in my pocket~” He swallowed thickly, looking down at you with wide eyes. You couldn’t help but giggle with a grin splitting your face. Kissing the side of his neck, you bit into the soft skin, sucking tightly. Hearing him cry out, one hand flying up to the back of your neck, you let go of him. 
Gripping his hips, you whispered hotly against his ear, “Turn around.” He blushed heavily, nodding obediently. You sighed happily as you dragged your hands over his back before reaching his plump cheeks. Tugging out the tiny sample pouch of lubricant you had snuck into your pocket, you inwardly cheered at being able to utilize it. 
Hearing you tear open the pouch, cursing quietly as some spilled out, he stiffened. However, before he could ask you what it was, he sighed at the feeling of you rubbing his rim softly. Cooing, you smiled to yourself, “Awww, my little Cove~ You’re not even acting like you don’t want it anymore.” 
Whimpering, he shook his head, “N-No, I still- I don’t wanna get caught, I sw-ahh~” Dumping the rest of the lube over your fingers, you slipped a single digit inside of him. Sighing heavily, he rolled his hips back to take more of you. “Why do you- ahhh~ why do you even have that? I-I have a condom we could’ve used.” 
You laughed softly, pulling out before pressing two fingers into him, listening to how he moaned for you, “This is like, the fourth time we’ve gone out and I’ve had this tiny little pack of lube. I’ve been so desperate to get to fuck you somewhere out in public like this.” He moaned at your words as well as how you just barely stroked his sweet spot, “I should’ve known you would’ve been more than willing to get fucked on our beach.” 
“No, I’m- ahh!” He cried out as you spanked him across the ass, rubbing his cheek softly afterwards, your hand free after shoving the packet back into your pocket. 
“What was that, Cove? Were you about to say you aren't wanting to get fucked on our special beach? You don’t want me to pound this cute little ass of yours until you’re cumming against this rock and begging me to take you back to the hotel so you can finally fuck me?” You worked your fingers faster inside him, slipping a third in and feeling him buck against you, panting and moaning wildly. “Hmmm? Sorry, baby, I can’t hear you over how loud you’re moaning. You’re scared we’re gonna get caught but you’re this loud. Fuck, it’s cute how you think you can hide how excited you are.” 
Grinning, your free hand left his cheek and slipped between his legs, feeling his cock and moaning when you found him half hard, “Aww~ you’re just so worried, aren’t you, baby? So scared that your cock is just aching to cum all over the sand again.” He cried out, fists pressed against the rock as his cock rested against the hem of your shirt, nipples chafing slightly. “Tell me how bad you want it or you don’t get to cum.” 
Tightening your hand down around the base of his cock, he cried out loudly, knowing you’d squeeze and edge him until he was crying. “I- no, I- fuck!” He couldn’t think straight, not with how your hand was pounding his pspot while your other squeezed his cock too tight. 
You hummed behind him, grinning, “Not what I wanna hear. Wow, baby. You must not wanna cum, huh?” He shook his head, but could only cry out and jerk his hips, “No? You’re saying no, you don’t wanna cum?” 
Scrambling his fingertips against the rock, he cried out loudly, “Fuck! I-I wanna cum! Please!” 
“Then tell me how badly you want me to fuck you on this beach, how badly you want someone to catch us and see you getting ravished.” Your response was lightening quick as you pumped his cock a few times, watching as he weakly kicked one leg. 
“Baby~” He whined pathetically, but unlike other times, you weren’t about to give in. Squeezing his shaft again, you smirked as he cursed loudly. “Fuck! I fucking love it! I need you so bad, ahh! W-Wanted to fuck you on this beach since we were teenagers- ahhh~ don’t give a shit who sees us, want them to know I-I belong to, ahh! B-Belong to you!” He stuttered over his words as you worked him tighter, hand pumping his cock as your fingers pounded his sweet spot. 
You focused hard on your hand movements, wincing as they stuttered between the methodical pace you had. You couldn’t deny how hot his words got you, and you took a deep breath, trying to focus entirely on his pleasure. “Good boy~” Voice tight, you gasped as he squeezed tightly around your fingers. 
You could hear him panting, words strained as he repeated over and over how he was going to cum. Grinning, you paused in your ministrations to lean down and bite his plump cheek tight. He cried out, and you went back to fucking him as quickly as you could with your hands. 
Angling his cock down, you kept your fingers still and pressed against his sweet spot as you jerked him off. “Cum for me, Cove. C’mon, baby.” He keened at your words, tossing his head back and you bit your lip, pouty that you weren’t able to pull it. 
Screaming sharply, he writhed as he climaxed hard. You could feel the sticky wetness covering your hand slightly as you touched him through it, working him even as he curled forward, whimpering as he became overly sensitive. You listened to him gasp harshly as you slowly pulled away, featherlight touches fading as you let your hand fall. 
Resting your palm on his soft cheek, you whispered gently to him, “Gonna pull out, okay, baby?” He hummed as he nodded slowly, whimpering and gasping as you tugged your fingers slowly out of him and past his clenching rim. You shushed him softly, “It’s okay, baby, I know, I know. It’s so much, isn’t it?” 
He nodded weakly, limp against the rock as he waited for feeling to come back to his limbs. As he caught his breath, you helped him slip his boxers and jeans back on, slowly working them up his legs. 
Once he was somewhat recovered, he turned to face you, still leaning heavily on the rock. “I-I think I got your shirt wet. I’m sorry, baby.” You giggled at his soft voice, shaking your head as you buttoned up his jeans. 
“It’s okay, it won’t be the first time I’m covered in your cum and sweat and I’m sure it won’t be the last.” He gasped as your casual tone, looking hurt. You rolled your eyes, tugging him into a hug as you nuzzled his neck, “My poor baby! So sensitive!” He whined playfully, leaning heavily against you. Squeaking as you almost stumbled, he easily tightened his arms around you, keeping you from falling. 
Giggling softly, he grabbed your shirt and handed it to you, “We should get out of here... I don't want anyone to come investigate...” 
You gave him an innocent look, “Why? ‘Cause you were screaming about how bad you wanted to cum and get fucked?” 
Blushing hard, he stuttered over his words before huffing with a pout. Staring at each other for a solid second, you cackled as he caved first, turning around as he felt his face and ears burn. Giggling at his bashfulness, you slipped your shirt on and grabbed your phone from your pocket to turn on the flashlight. 
Whistling lowly, you couldn’t help but grin, “Wow, Cove, look at this mess you made. Dirty boy.” 
Gasping as he whipped around, he quickly clammed up as he saw the sheer amount of cum in the sand. Choosing to say nothing instead, he snatched your phone, took a picture, and then grabbed your hand and led the two of you towards the street. 
Giggling conspiratorially, you bumped your shoulder against his, “We’re gonna have to make a mad dash past our parents’, don’t want them to put two and two together.” He giggled softly before nodding. 
Feeling like two horny teenagers sneaking around to get a little action, you dashed past your childhood homes, blushes heavy on both of your cheeks and you couldn’t help but get even more excited for what could happen once you made it back to the hotel. 
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brownglitter · 22 days
its getting worse everyday. a new Ramayana movie is being shot and imagine who the lead actress playing the role of Maa Sita?
Anjali Arora.
the same social media influencer who's infamous for her 'kachcha badam' reel and posts borderline obscene reels.
this is so so sooooo much. given the role of Maa Sita, the most pure and pious goddess queen of Hinduism, what on Earth inspired them to cast this influencer as The main lead?
she is not an actress; never did a serial or even a short film in her life, but now she is being cast as our goddess in Ramayana. then why her??
im not against anybody using their body for fame on social media, because honestly, their life their body whatever they wanna do. but when you make a decision that will affect a billion people, atleast be mindful of who you're casting.
i dont even understand why all of sudden bollywood is so obsessed with ramayana. first we had Prabhas' and Kriti Sanon's Ramayana, which was pretty bad already. but i was actually looking forward to the new one thats being shot with Ranbir Kapoor and Sai Pallavi, thinking that maybe finally Bollywood is trying fix it's mistake, but now this.
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Shri Ramayan Katha, directed by Abhishek Singh, produced by Prakash Mahobiya and co-produced by Sanjay Bundela, will feature influencer Anjali Arora, who also participated in Lock Upp, as Sita. Ecstatic about being cast as Sita in the film, Anjali shares, "I feel blessed to have been offered the part. The character of Goddess Sita is so sacred that no one can refuse it. Curious about why the director chose me, I asked him, and he said he had shortlisted a few actresses, including me. I believe they saw something in me that convinced them I could do justice to the character. I will give my best to do justice to the character."
I don't blame her because she is getting a chance to step into the film industry, moreover getting a role of a goddess. I ask the producers and the directors, why?
They know what they are doing and how it is going to end. But ofcourse they will do it because all Hindus can do is yap and they will face no consequences.
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pinkhoneydrop · 1 year
From Birthmarks to Pancakes
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[ A/N ] - part 2 to "Something About a Birthmark" it seemed like i should give Harry and the reader some more time together lol let me know what you think : )
[ Pairing ] - Harry Styles x Reader!
[ Genre ] - Fluff
[ word count ] - 2k
[ Masterlist ]
It was kind of weird how fast your relationship developed with Harry. One day your making trips to your local coffee shop and the next your making trips to the coffee pot on your counter that he bought for you because “no one’s coffee tastes like yours.” Or so he says.
It had been 6 days. 6 days and five nights since Harry returned back to touring. Could you even be sad about it? The stage was his home, and you knew it. The fans would take care of him. But there was a part of you that just longed for him. The morning that he left he kissed you on the forehead and squeezed your hand in his.
“Is it too soon to say I miss you?” His voice barely above a whisper as you embraced him. It was all very sweet. You cared so much for each other. Both of you shared a sadness at having to be apart for a while, but you figured you would have to get used to it. His car took him to the airport and the plane took him to LA.
6 days later and here you were sitting on your couch with your phone facing up on the pillow next to you. You were waiting for Harry to call. He had rung you for the past 5 nights in a row. You felt giddy like a teenager or a little girl waiting to speak to her crush. Not like the 26-year-old woman you really were. The hair on your arms perked up as the clock ticked closer and closer to 1am. You might regret staying up so late eventually, but you just missed Harry so much and you would do anything to have him near you again. To have him close.
You got your wish nearly 50 seconds later when his name flashed across your phone screen.
H💫…is calling…crossed the screen as the phone dared to buzz off the pillow.
“Why do you insist on calling at such an odd time?” You chuckled into the speaker. Harry sighed a breath of relief when you answered so soon.
“Jus’ miss hearing your voice.” He breathed softly into the speaker and your face flushed at the sound of him speaking. The sound of shuffling and something being set on a hard surface filled the call before Harry spoke again.
“Do you? Really?” you asked shily.
“I love to hear your voice, even when you’re so far away.”
The call was filled with the normal topics. How the day was for both of you. What you had eaten for breakfast. Mundane things always seemed to calm his thoughts.
“Just cereal, didn’t have any eggs in the fridge.” Your voice was soft as you spoke. Harry laughed as he recounted the times the two of you had breakfast together.
“Do you remember the last breakfast we had together?” a cheeky smile found a home on his lips as he thought about that morning.
“Harry that was 6 days ago how could I not remember.” You laughed again and your face got warm. It was extremely early that morning and you had made quite the spread for him. Harry awoke to you in the kitchen with your underwear on your hips and bare feet padding around the stove.
“Listen I have something to ask you.” You wondered what he could be asking that he hadn’t asked nearly every night that week.
“Y-yes? What is it?”
“Do you wanna have breakfast together again?”
“That’s a silly question, of course I do but I won’t see you again for weeks.”
“I wan’ you to come see me. In a week.”
The phone call was silent for several moments. Both you and Harry getting increasingly anxious by the second. Was he serious? He really wanted to see you that bad? It scared you.  Breakfast became merely a means to coax you into saying yes. It was a sacred time for you. You always said breakfast was an intimate time to be shared.
“Y/n? are you there?”
You hadn’t realized you never said anything to his question.
“Yes.” You smiled as you spoke and Harry swears, he could hear it in your voice.
“To which question?” He joked trying to ease the tension on the call.
The anxiety of flying halfway across the country to visit a man you had been dating for a short time hit you all at once. Harry was famous, he was used to jet setting and needing new people all the time and doing spontaneous things. That’s why you liked him, but you couldn’t say when you met him a few months ago and spent two weeks together in your apartment shortly after that you would drop everything and go see him in LA on a whim. But surprisingly yes, you we’re about to do just that.
“Yes, I’ll come see you. In a week, right?”
Sock clad feet plant themselves on the floor followed by a second pair of feet. The cool air of the hotel was cascading through the room and causing you to shiver. You were still happy to be there though. To be included in the process of touring. Well, for a short time that is. You flew in a couple of nights ago to see Harry upon his request. And it was definitely successful. Nearly gave the man a heart attack at the sight of you in his dressing room after his show.
Now here you were arms draped around his torso waddling along with him to the hotel bathroom to watch him brush his teeth.
“Remind me why we had to get up again?” You whined as he maneuvered around the sink. A chuckle passed through newly formed foam from toothpaste. And his eyes caught yours as you pouted in the mirror while still hanging on him.
“You know I’m not sure I remember telling you, you had to come prep tomorrow’s show with me today?” Harry teased and finished up with the sink. Placing a chaste kiss to the side of your mouth and dragging you along with him to his clothes. Reluctantly you let go so he could dress for the day, but the pout never left your face as you slump on the bed.
"Why are you staring at me grumpy?" Several sighs and some good intuition tipped Harry off to your stare that was boring a hole in the back of his head as he slipped on a pair of Nike shorts and running shoes.
"You look so pretty." The word almost came out in a whine. And you reached your hands out for a hug.
“You’re sad ‘cause I look pretty? That doesn’t seem quite right now does it darling?” Harry moved so he was standing between your legs as they draped off the mattress.
“You can always join me for my run!” A cheeky smile graced his lips as you groaned at the suggestion. Running? You? This early? No. Never. Harry’s thumb grazed against your bottom lip as he laughed.
"I have to go, or I’ll never make my run.” Harry whispered and then kissed you softly once more before gathering what he needed and heading out for a nice jog about the city. You stayed back and just relaxed in the room. Random people on the tv keeping y9ou company as you scrolled through your phone to pass the time.
About two hours later and Harry was back in the hotel room with you. The sun was rising further, and you were now dressed, fully showered and ready to greet the city. The knob on the hotel room door clicked before revealing Harry with his little clip in his hair. He made his way over to the bed where you sat and cocooned you in his arms for a hug.
He missed moments like this. Moments where he could just enjoy you. When he could hold you and take in how you smelled. Releasing you from the hug Harry spoke in a tired voice.
“I thought we could go for a late breakfast.”
Those words rang in your ears. You smiled and nodded your head quickly while rushing to get your bag. The two of you made your way down to the parking garage of the hotel. Shiny lacquered cars all lined up in rows. The sounds of humming engines and the squeak of rubber from Harry’s shoes hitting the concrete filled the area.
Harry stopped you just before unlocking the car door for you.
““I believe I deserve another good morning kiss.”
“Oh? Do you?”
“yeah I do.” Pulling you into him he placed a soft kiss to your lips as you giggled.
Breakfast came faster than you thought. Soon enough a tall stack of pancakes was sat in-front of both of you to share. A bottle of syrup a cup of hot chocolate and a cup of coffee. The two of you were sat by a window facing the busy streets and sidewalks. Harry kept his sunglasses on as not to cause too much attention to himself.
“you know, I don’t think those work as well as you think.” You chuckled to your self as a couple girls stopped by the window trying to snap a good photo of the man sitting across from you.
“Ahh, ley them have there fun. It’ll be a while before anyone finds me here but besides I have you to protect me.” A swift wink punctuated the words as he took a sip of his coffee.
“what are you doing all the way over there anyway? Get over here.” Harry motioned for you to come sit next to him on the opposite side of the booth. The change was easy, and you ended up thigh to thigh and arm to arm. You smiled while looking at your arms touching. He was so clingy. Always needed to be touching some part of you when he was feeling tired.
“c’mere.” You gestured for him to look at you. The fork in your hand was filled with the last of the pancakes. You held it up to his face and Harry let you feed it to him while he sat with his elbows on the table. Both of you smiled as he finished the food off.
Breakfast had been long since enjoyed by the time the two of you had your conversation interrupted by a song. Well not just a song. Harry knew it to be one of your favorites. You perked up instantly when the first note played through the speakers of the restaurant. You started going on about the lyrics and what they mean. Harry loved to watch you talk about it. How your voice got animated and how you would grab on to him when you remembered another detail. It reminded him of those two weeks back at your place. He would pick a record from your collection and the two of you would lay in the floor whilst talking about the music playing louder than it should.
Harry got up from his seat rather suddenly and you looked to him with a surprised expression.
“What? What are you doing?” you questioned him as he moved a few chairs to make some space around himself.
“jus’ give me your hand.”
You didn’t realize Harry was trying to dance with you until he spun you around and began to rock back and fourth to the beat of the song. He never failed to make you feel special. Like you were worth all the trouble in the world if he could just sway with you in his arms like this.
“We have an audience.” Your voice was muffed from its spot on his shoulder. Harry looked around a sure enough there were some cameras on the two of you but he shrugged it off. if he knew anything to be true it was that there would be many more opportunities in the future for leaked photos that included you.
“Let them look.” It was a matter of time before there were photos all over the internet.  Headlines graced articles like “Harry Styles and a mystery girl?” or “Harry Styles seen slow dancing in the middle of a restaurant.” There were many more, but the photos were so sweet he had to save one or two to his phone for the memory.
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firenati0n · 1 month
fic pride friday
yeah it's not friday idc idc thank you to @kiwiana-writes @anincompletelist @anchoredarchangel for the tags <3
Rules: Post your favourite line or passage from as many of your published works as you’d like. Let yourself feel proud of your creations! Tag as many people as you post snippets, so your fellow fic friends can be proud, too.
i only have 7 fics so I'm using snips from all of them...maybe this will motivate me...hoping it helps :)
snips below the cut so it's not a pain on your dash lol. also they're in order of posting, so if you haven't read something just scroll on by lol:
from our world, mine and his alone (the midnight train to go) aka cracky brain worm fic:
In a poorly executed non sequitur, he settled to comment on the first thing he could think of. Fatal error.  Deep breath in. “By the way. Digging the cardigan, Henry. Very…” He rifled through his extensive vocab for literally any appropriate adjective. Refined? Boring. Professional? Practical, but also boring.   “Very…?” Henry raised an eyebrow, long fingers wrapped around a cup of tea. Earl Grey, Henry had said a while ago, but Alex couldn't be sure. He had been terribly distracted by said fingers, wondering where else those fingers could— What Alex’s distracted, useless worms in his left temporal lobe decided to supply him with as a response was: “Slutty-English-Literature-professor core.” Alex was going to jump off the train. He was going to change his name. He was going to get a lobotomy, as a treat. 
from An Amateur's Guide to Piping That Cream and Beating That Meat aka thirst trap tiktok au:
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and my favorite part is the end when henry makes a bold ass move on alex through an old tiktok comment while he's sat across from him LMFAOOOO king shit:
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from each time we touch / i wanna take too much aka fingers in mouths dreamy fic:
Eyes still closed, Henry kisses Alex's thumb, a soft touch, and Alex sucks in a sharp breath. He presses his thumb inside for a second, resting it on Henry's tongue. Henry's eyes open, slow and steady, and he grasps Alex's hand gently, pulling his thumb out and wrapping his long pale fingers around Alex's index and middle finger instead; pulls them into his mouth, closing his lips around Alex's digits. Alex lets out a stuttered gasp as he leans into the touch, his fingers sliding in a little deeper. The sound of his shaky exhale sits for a second, heavy in the silence. The air around them crackles. There's a weight on Alex's chest, pressing and pressing and pressing, until he can barely get a breath in or out within the inches of shared space between him and Henry. Henry swirls his tongue around Alex's fingers, and his eyes are clear as ever as they bore into Alex, a challenge. And who is Alex to deny him anything?
from keep me up all night / i wanna scratch your surface aka lovely prose all over fic:
Alex is determined to give him the world, even if it’s narrowed down to a strip of smooth skin just below Henry’s clavicle, a constellation of purple and red hues littered in places no one can see, in spots wandering eyes can’t reach. Alex’s heart pouring out of his mouth, sliding past his tongue and right onto Henry’s skin, the universe contained in Henry’s rib cage that protects the air they share in impassioned exhales and the heartbeat that intertwines with Alex’s when they’re like this; a sacred harmony of bodies and spaces. He’ll never tire of this.
and also this:
Alex does his worst, and then some; a reminder that they get to have this. It’s theirs, and it’s the universe in Henry’s ribcage, and it’s the moonlight reflected in Alex’s eyes, and it’s the world narrowed down to bruises on a pale canvas and bite marks on golden skin. Marks that they can run delicate fingertips over, press into with devotion; tucked away for safekeeping in the morning, their starkness harsh in the sunlight. There are no eyes worthy of Henry in the daytime.
from cause you're classic, and i'm reckless aka ryan gosling / rachel mcadams inspired actor au:
When Alex was called up for his award, he felt himself go right back to where he was on day one of rehearsals—transparent, with his heart on his sleeve and voice a little wobbly. Being recognized for his accomplishments felt so novel, so intense, so foreign. After fighting tooth and nail to proudly sport his biracial and bisexual identity, he was thrilled to be accepted for who he was, and told he was good enough for the masses, his intersectionality a standout and not something to hide; good enough for Henry as a costar, holding his own opposite an industry darling. He couldn’t keep the tremor out of his voice as he accepted his trophy, thanking everyone for their hard work on this movie, the studio for backing a movie about unapologetic queer love, and Henry for being his faithful guide and cheerleader in a new landscape for Alex, giving him space to be his authentic self free of judgment and fear of failure. He’s so, so grateful for this. He will never stop being grateful; after pouring his heart and soul into this movie, he got so much back in return, and then some. He’s completely rearranged, made up of brand new parts next to his old, rusty ones; a patchwork heart beating erratically yet earnestly, hands that have traversed new spaces and swaths of skin, people pouring themselves back into him and sanding down the rough parts, caressing the scared ones. Alex feels not just reborn, but also like the person he always was deep down, just waiting to have a chance to emerge with all his heart to show for it.
from who truly stuck the knife in first aka spy au aka sexually charged wrestling:
Alex averts his gaze, rolling onto his back to gaze at the cracks in the ceiling. The thing is. The thing is, Alex doesn’t know where the fuck to go from here. Between the barbs and the knives and the tension and the rolling around on the floor and the bed in a sexually frustrated heap, Alex didn’t take a second to consider he could have this, could have Henry in a way that mattered. Now that it's just within reach, he's scared it's going to slip away from his fingers and into the night if he holds on too tight, wants too much. He’s spared the need to respond by the sound of a crackle coming from Henry's laptop, then clothes rustling as someone groans. Manu’s bug is up and running, the man probably fielding a killer hangover and hazy memories of Alex and unbuttoned shirts and hands wrapped around throats. Alex clears his throat, scraping away any remnants of lingering affection. “Back to work, Foxy,” he says with a cheeky grin. Before he can help himself, though, he leans into Henry, planting a sweet kiss on his parted lips. Henry sighs into him, cupping his cheek with a tenderness Alex hasn't felt in a long while. He tastes like a future Alex dreams of having one day. For now, that's enough. It has to be.
from and all i can taste is this moment, and all i can breathe is your life aka angel!henry fic aka city of angels au with a happy ending:
Henry forges on, the words pouring out of him, spilling all over the cliffside for Alex to see. “It is a sin worth committing, a fruit worth eating—at least I’ll get to taste you. You will never be a lapse in my judgment. You are my salvation, through you I get to reclaim myself. Isn’t that beautiful, isn’t that everything you’ve taught me about life and love and humanity?” Alex gazes at him, mouth slightly agape, taking in Henry’s impassioned words. Alex has spent his life fighting for others, extending himself beyond his limits. Now it’s Henry’s turn. “Darling, I’ve spent years, centuries even, pondering the question of what makes you human, what sits in your core. After all this time, the answer is unchanging—it’s love. Love, and care, and the unflinching determination of the human condition. With this, with you, I’ve experienced the absolutely soul-crushing realization that our hearts are built to endure when you have hope.” Henry’s voice wavers a bit, but he presses forward, determined to make the words land. “You are my hope, the hope I never thought I’d get to have, the hope I never thought I deserved to keep. With you, I want to endure.”
xoxo roop
open tag but also some no pressure tags : @wordsofhoneydew @cha-melodius @cricketnationrise @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @whimsymanaged
@nontoxic-writes @alasse9 @ships-to-sail @leaves-of-laurelin @myheartalivewrites
@sherryvalli @ninzied @rmd-writes @suseagull04 @inexplicablymine
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You felt like home
In the desolate corridors of solitude, I find myself yearning for the embrace of home. It is a longing that permeates every fiber of my being, an ache that reverberates through the caverns of my soul. For home, I have discovered, is not a place, but a person—a singular soul who embodies the essence of sanctuary.
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But now, in the absence of that cherished connection, I am left adrift, yearning for the warmth of their touch and the gentle melody of their laughter. The vast expanse of solitude engulfs me, its icy tendrils tugging at my heartstrings, whispering reminders of what I have lost.
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Each passing day seems to carve deeper grooves of homesickness within me. The familiar routines, once shared, now echo in the hollow chambers of my memory. The quiet moments we cherished, the shared dreams we nurtured—they linger like fading embers, casting a soft glow amidst the shadows of my longing.
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In the solitary hours, I seek solace in the fragments of our shared experiences—the whispered conversations, the shared meals, the tender embraces. They serve as fragile lifelines, tethering me to a sense of belonging that now feels distant, yet remains etched within the core of my being.
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Oh, how I yearn to return to that sacred space of shared dreams, where the symphony of our intertwined souls resonated with perfect harmony. The world, once vibrant and alive, now appears muted and incomplete without the presence of that one person who embodied the very essence of home.
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taglist : @shyampyari @ma-douce-souffrance @flageblcili @boyfriend-shaped @bakwaaas @soracities @a-really-hot-caterpillar @thoughtkick @hottestdelulugf @saltedlays @noelle-coded @nokhushionlygam @emikadreams @anatomicalheartbreakemoji @a-momentofsonder @bluebed @chaanv @kabhi-kabhi @bakingrecipe @swiggy @vienna-coded @nirmohi-premika @thevebleneffect @the-pappu-that-cant-dance @flageblcili @budugu @aurora-antebellum @poeticallybitter @pratikdherange @chaioticstuff @3-mushrooms-in-a-kurta @chrisevanstrash @opheliadae @bookish-alone
if you wanna be added or removed lmk
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