#is every second I'm out of the classroom supposed to be spent thinking about school?
emmajeanned · 3 months
Had the realization today that teaching is the wrong career path for someone who had to fight tooth and nail to survive going to college full time while having a job full time because the idea of having this same type of workload for the rest of my life literally makes me want to kill myself
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schemmentigfs · 5 months
Future Milf, part one.
paring: melissa schemmenti x fem reader.
summary: what was supposed to be a normal monday morning at Abbott, ends up being a chaotic one after you lend Melissa one especific t-shirt.
warnings: sexual themes? The rest is just pure crack.
author notes: I got this idea after listening to M.I.L.F $ by Fergie? Anyways, it's finally here, I'm must say that I'm pretty proud of this one. Stay tuned for part two! And yes, I watched heartstrooper and thought the drum scene was cute, so I added here.
English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes.
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When you arrived at Abbott in that morning, one curious feeling of both happiness and anxiety coursed through your body. And even though you found it completely strange, you decided to ignore it.
“Good morning, Y/n!” Janine said waving to you in the hallway. “How was your weekend?”
You smiled noticing her presence, as much as everyone else always said that Janine's way of acting was a bit annoying. The other teachers had to addmit that she was a good person who was always willing to help when needed.
“Morning!” you replied, unlocking the door to your classroom, ready to start another day at school. “It was good! On Saturday, I went to my parents to visit them for a family dinner. And on Sunday I spent the afternoon at Melissa's place.” You let out a passionate sigh remembering the day in the company of your favorite redhead.
It was a lovely afternoon, you cooked together, talked about different things and at the end, you watched a movie together, with Mel's hands gently stroking your hair while you were lying on her lap. “Hon, you are so cute,” she whispered softly, leaving her famous bravado aside, and showing her sweet and loving side instead.
To be honest, you loved these moments with the older woman, it made you feel protected, relaxed and loved. Something you hadn't felt in a long time. Melissa Schemmenti was your safe place. That same tough second grade teacher who took almost three months to have a friendly conversation with you was now one of your best friends. Yeah, fate was something that was really fucking powerful.
After listening to your last words, Janine let a huge smile escape her lips, before she started to celebrate. “I knew it! I knew it!” The youngest said, jumping up and down excitedly.
“Knew what?” you questioned with a confused expression.
“It was a date, wasn't it?” she asked with hope in her eyes.
“Wait what? I thought you and Melissa were dating. Guess I was wrong. Again.” The second grade teacher revealed, completely disappointed looking at you.
After seeing your friend's reaction, you widen your eyes in shock. Was she really serious?
“Janine, why did you think we were dating?”
“It’s kind of obvious, she calls you by cute Italian nicknames, brings you coffee every morning. Share her lunch with you, let you hug her, and she always laughs at your jokes! You two are practically married in the eyes of everyone who works here at Abbott!” She talked non-stop.
Janine could only be out of her mind, a relationship between you and Melissa was impossible to happen. You were co-workers for god's sake, and also the redhead was known for being completely closed off when it came to relationships. Since her divorce with Joe was a traumatic experience.
Deep down, you were completely in love with Melissa. But tried to suppresses your feelings, knowing it would never be reciprocated. After all, what would a beautiful woman like her want with someone like you?
It was painful, but you couldn't do anything about it.
Turning your head to the sides to make sure there was no one else in the hallway, you started talking. “What I have with Melissa is just a normal friendship between two women. Something platonic and not romantic! Okay?”
“But—” she insisted.
“Let's just forget about this.” You sighed and Janine finally gave up, nodding and giving you a sad smile saying goodbye and returning to her classroom.
“You can’t keep lying to yourself.” Mr Johnson’s voice caught your attention.
“You like Melissa, and you know that,” the janitor says as he sweeps the floor, eliminating any sign of dirt. “You may not have noticed yet, but she likes you too. Act while you have the chance, otherwise you will regret it if she finds someone else.” He said, before leaving.
Now alone in the hallway, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, thinking about his words and Janine's. Were they right? No. They were insane.
“Why did everyone suddenly decide to give their opinion on my love life?” You grumbled, looking at the watch on your wrist. There were twenty minutes until the kids arrived, so you decided to stop by the staff room for some coffee and also to refresh your mind.
When you entered the teachers' lounge, you saw a curious scene. Jacob was completely nervous while Melissa was furious. Gregory and Barbara were there watching everything and trying to calm her down but without success.
“JACOB!” the redhead shouted angrily pointing to her pink sweater and looking at the young boy with a deadly glare. “LOOK WHAT YOU DID!”
“I'm sorry! It wasn't my intention, I ended up getting distracted and—” the history teacher stuttered nervously.
“JUST—” She almost started to argue again but stopped when she felt Barb's gaze and yours on her. “be more careful next time, we don’t want any accidents like this happening again,”
Jacob nodded, apologizing once more, returning to sit on the small sofa, next to Gregory. Focusing on the news that played on Channel 6.
“Dear, are you okay?” Barb asked worriedly, putting a hand on her best friend's shoulder.
“Yeah, the only problem is that I don’t have any spare clothes to wear.” Melissa responds.
Seeing the older woman's frustration, you decided to quickly help her, knowing that she was starting to get uncomfortable with her favorite sweater's situation.
“Don't worry, I can lend you one. I always keep one in case something like this happens.” You replied with a small smile.
Melissa sighed in relief, it was as if a miracle had fallen from the earth when she needed it most.
“Thanks, Stellina. You are an angel.”
You blush at the nickname she gives you. Maybe Janine wasn't so wrong. Just maybe.
“Let’s go.” you pulled her by the arm heading to your classroom.
You guided Melissa to sit in one of the chairs and closed the door, heading towards your drawer looking for the shirt. It took a long time to find it, as everything was slightly messed up. The redhead rolled her eyes, pretending to be impatient.
“Apparently it looks like youse need to learn how organize your things better.” The older woman mocks you.
“Shut up, Schemmenti. I’m trying to help ya,” after a lot of effort, you finally found it, “here, it’s a little wrinkled but I think it should be fine for you to use for the rest of the day,”
Melissa let out a soft smile, taking the shirt you handed her. “Thanks again for helping me. I appreciate this.”
“No problem, I’ll always give you a hand whenever you need it,” you replied with a shrug.
In the three years that you had known each other, She had done so many things for you. So it was only fair that you pay her back, right?
“Uh, I’ll turn around now so you can have more privacy to change,” you said and she nodded, giving you a thumbs up.
You turned around, facing the classroom door, letting out a muffled laugh when she mumbled, “Thank God I won't have soup on my body anymore.”
Everything was going normally, until you heard something else that made your heartbeat increase with each passing second.
“Future Milf, hm?” Melissa said inspecting the shirt, reading the print with a confused expression. “It’s probably a term that those of you who are young use. I liked it.”
Hearing that made you freeze, it was as if the whole world had stopped at that moment. It couldn't be. No. It could only be a completely ridiculous nightmare or dream of yours. She was a natural joker, always picking on you with some prank or something else. She was joking, right?
Fuck, had you really given her that shirt by accident? Oh shit, you were so screwed. The only good thing about this situation was that she didn't know what the word milf meant.
If she knew, you'd probably be dead by now.
Melissa snapped her fingers, a sign that you could turn around again. The action brought you back to reality, but you were too embarrassed to look at your friend in the eyes again.
“What do you think?” she asked, adjusting the t-shirt on her body, waiting for your answer anxiously. Melissa wouldn't never admit it, but your opinion was something very important to her.
You kept quiet, nervous about what had just happened. It felt like a nightmare, for some reason. After school, you would probably go to the supermarket to buy a giant bottle of wine to drink while watching some horrible Netflix TV show trying to forget all of this.
When you focused your gaze on her figure, your mouth opened into a big 'o'. She looked stunning, with her signature black leather pants, boots and well.. that t-shirt had made Melissa look so hot, that you couldn't look at anything else in the room. It definitely suited her.
“Y/n? What do you think?” She repeats.
“You look amazing, Lissa,” you say playing with the rings in your fingers. A common habit that occurred when anxiety took over.
Melissa, who was always perceptive, studied you carefully. “Hon, are you alright?” she asked with a bit of concern in her tone.
“Yeah, I'm fine, just was thinking about...” you stop trying to think of an excuse to explain why you were distracted, “a funny thing Janine told me earlier, that's it.”
“What would it be?” She asks.
“I—It's a very stupid thing, I mean you know how she is,” you let out a nervous laugh, “I think you better ask her at lunch, Mel.”
The redhead raises her eyebrows, a little suspicious. Just as Melissa was about to speak, the voices of the children in the hallway interrupted her, making you two realize how much time had passed.
“Oh! Our students.”
“Yeah, they arrived,” Melissa says, “Well, I think I have to go now, your little devils will be here at any moment. See ya at lunch?”
“Of course, and Mel?”
“What, hon?”
“You look beautiful.” It accidentally slips out of your mouth, leaving you pale and afraid of her reaction. Of course, you had already said that Melissa was beautiful several times, but this time something different was in the air.
You didn't notice the way her cheeks flushed.
“Thanks gorgeous,” the eldest grins and wink at you. Was she flirting?
When Melissa was no longer there, you covered your face with your hands to stifle a scream that threatened to escape your throat. What was supposed to be a calm Monday, turned into a chaotic one due to a slight mistake of yours.
Ava was passing in the hallway when she saw Melissa walking calmly to her classroom. The principal's eyes widened when she saw the redhead wearing a t-shirt with the words “Future Milf” printed on it.
“Why the hell is she wearing that? That's not something Schemmenti would wear. Especially at school grounds.” she whispered to herself.
By coincidence, Gregory was also in the hallway and was surprised by her pulling him by his coat.
“Huh?” the man said, confused. “Ava? What are you doing?”
“Relax handsome, I just need you to answer something,” she said, looking at him,“do you know why Melissa is wearing that thing? the woman pointed to the teacher.
“Y/n lent it to her after Jacob accidentally spilled food on her sweater earlier,” he explained. “Why?”
“Did you saw the damn print on it?” Ava asked, rolling her eyes and Gregory shook his head with a puzzled expression.
“Then wait and see at lunchtime. I'm telling ya, this is going to be more fun than any episode of The Kardashians!” she laughed looking towards one of the cameras.
Meanwhile, you tried to focus on teaching your students. But it was practically impossible. Every time you closed your eyes or tried to explain something. Your mind thought of Melissa wearing the damn shirt.
“Ms. Y/n? Are you feeling alright?” Leah, one of your students asked, snapping you out of your trance.
“Yes, sweetheart. Don't need to worry about me.” you replied with a calm voice. She smiled and returned to pay attention to her activity.
The hours passed quickly after that, much to your dismay. It was good on the one hand: in a while you would be home soon. But the bad thing was that you would have to lunch next to Melissa Ann Schemmenti wearing that fucking milf shirt of yours.
You thought of some solutions to avoid her presence, but gave up. Knowing it wasn't fair to do so. Defeated, you went to the staff room.
Barbara was looking for the redhead you wanted to avoid at that moment. The eldest knocked on Melissa's classroom door, waiting to be welcomed by the teacher herself or her aide, Ashely. But that didn't happen.
Determined, she decided to enter anyway, raising her brows when she saw a curious scene.
Her best friend was pacing the room while mumbling something. “Y/n, do you want to go on a date with me? We could go to a restaurant and—” Melissa said to herself, “No, too formal that doesn’t suit me. And I would prefer a date at home, where we could...”
The brunette now leaning against the wall let out a soft chuckle that scared the redhead.
“Jesus Christ!” Melissa gasped with her hand on her chest. The kindergarten teacher rolled her eyes, “Barb, you scared me to death.”
“Haven’t you asked her out yet?” her friend got straight to the point, “Oh Lord, you've already been faster than that. Tell me sweetheart, what's stopping you?”
The green-eyed woman looked away, feeling a little embarrassed, “I'm just scared. Y/n is only in her twenties, she has her whole life ahead of her and I'm already at a certain age. What will she want with me?”
Barb saw how her voice immediately sounded small and trembling, falling in love was a delicate thing in Melissa Schemmenti's life, her marriage was a totally traumatic experience. And after that, she completely closed herself off, thinking that being in a relationship wasn't something for her. That she simply didn't deserve to be loved.
But that started to change when you arrived in her life. It took Melissa a while to figure out the many confusing feelings she had for you. After several sleepless nights, questioning the butterflies in her stomach that always appeared when you were around, she understood that it was love.
But this realization scared her.
“I know it may seem scary but you have to try. Besides, don't you realize? That girl is crazy about you, just like you are about her,” Barb says trying to calm her, “Believe me, this time you will discover that love doesn't hurt.”
Her words made the redhead remember the moment she realized she was in love with you.
It was New Year's Eve and Melissa was speeding the night at your house. That same afternoon, she had attended lunch with her family and as much as she loved how festive the other Schemmentis were, but it seemed like something was missing from that environment, and that was you. And this feeling of longing made her run to your place immediately.
Now she was in your bedroom trying to practice on your drum kit, while you were laying down on an improvised pillow fort that both of you built together a couple of days ago. Honestly, playing the drums wasn't something Melissa knew how to do, so she played in a completely clumsy way without being able to find a certain rhythm.
“Schemmenti, you're so fucking terrible at this,” you joked. “It's so easy to learn.”
Pretending to be irritated by your words, the redhead reached for a pillow and threw it in your direction. Prepared to start a pillow fight if challenged.
“Hey!” you grumbled, raising your hands in the air in redemption. “Mel, I’m kidding!”
“Then show me instead of standing there, idiot.”
You slowly approached, sitting next to her on the small bench. “Alright, let me teach you a little.”
You held Melissa's hands in yours, first teaching her how to properly hold the drumsticks. “Hold them tight. And don’t let them slip out of your hands,” you whispered. “Good job, Mel,” you praised her, feeling her hold the drumsticks tighter. She blushed hearing that.
While you were extremely focused, showing her how to play the instrument. Her green eyes watched you with love and adoration, at that moment, she realized how lucky she was to have you by her side.
Her gaze fell to your lips and Melissa wondered if they were as soft as they appeared to be. She also wondered what it would be like to wake up every day next to you, with her arms wrapped around your small waist and with her placing small kisses into your hair. Or what it would be like to kiss and touch your whole body listening to your soft coos while she showed how much she loved you.
She bites her lips with all of those images in her mind.
After hearing the sounds of fireworks, you turn away from the older woman and open your bedroom window and climb up to a small outcropping of the roof. While Melissa watches you curiously, still sitting in front of the drums. "What are you doing? I wouldn’t want you to have an accident in the middle of the New Year.”
“I’m not going to have an accident,” you rolled your eyes, “I just want to see the fireworks!”
Melissa shook her head, finding your excitement adorable, deciding to join you. Carefully sitting by your side, she rested her head on your shoulder and closed her eyes, wanting to enjoy this moment with you forever.
“You know...I kind of missed you at my family's lunch today,” the redhead admitted in a shy tone, feeling her cheeks burn.
That was a surprise for both of you, since you knew that she wasn't very used to physical touches or showing her vulnerable side.
Noticing her nervousness, you said something that made Melissa feel more relaxed again,“I missed you too. Staying with you is so much more fun than being here alone.”
She hummed and snuggled into you even more, making a smile escape your lips. The two of you enjoyed the comfortable silence that settled in. Wishing more good moments like this would happen.
Returning from her memory, Melissa stood up and ignored Barbara's malicious look and headed towards the door ready to go to lunch.
You were already in the teachers' lounge, and every time you heard a step, you felt your heart stop. The plan to try to avoid Melissa was still going through your head, but neither option was good, suddenly an idea came.
You threw yourself on the floor and quickly crawled to a table near the windows, hiding under it, the cameras filmed your movements and your friends' confused reactions.
“Y/N! What are you doing?” Janine asks.
“Nothing,” you grumbled, praying to eat in peace, “I'm just having lunch, like a normal person does.”
“You are literally eating under the table. That’s definitely not something you would do and everyone knows that. And it's kind of weird.” Gregory notes.
You were surprised by Ava, who ran in. Not wanting to miss anything she knew was going to happen. The principal loved an entertainment and the whole school knew. “I don’t think Melissa would mind if you said you consider her a milf. She would probably love it, saying it's hot and all of that shit,” she shrugged.
“What?” Jacob questioned.
“AVA!” you scolded her, “You aren't helping! And by the way, how do you know about this?”
“Girl, I know everything. And I must say, it's the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life.”
“What’s going on?” Janine alternates her gaze between the two of you.
You explained everything in detail to all of them who to be honest found it all a bit comical, but seeing the way you were nervous made them take it back.
After hearing Melissa and Barbara's voices, you got scared and shrank even more under the table. Hoping they wouldn't notice you. But that didn't happen. When the redhead entered, all attention quickly went straight to her. The cameras zoomed in on what she was using and everyone was shocked.
“What are you looking at?” She growls in a threatening tone and the teachers return to focusing on their activities, afraid of her. You laughed, that was so Melissa. And that's what ruined the chance to avoid her.
“Dear? What are you doing under the table?” Barbara asks.
“I was just seeing if...the tables were in a good condition! That's it, actually, I have to go now,” you walk towards the door, but a firm hand on your wrist stops you.
“Where are you going? I thought we agreed to have lunch together,” Melissa spoke.
“It’s not a good idea for us to do that,” you pull away from her touch. Waiting for her to give in, but something unexpected happened.
She took the lunch bag from your hands, standing on her tiptoes so as not to let you reach and looking straight into your eyes.
“Give me that back now!” You complain and she shakes her head.
“Tell me, what’s really going on? Why can you barely look at me?” she whispers that last part.
“It doesn't matter.” You respond, feeling your blood rise and your breathing slowly fail.
“Can you stop acting like a child and act like an adult, for once?” She retorts, making you roll your eyes.
“FUCK YOU MELISSA,” you yelled and everyone gasped. In years of working at Abbott, you had never raised your voice to anyone, especially the redhead, “JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!”
Melissa's eyes widened, surprised to see you facing her and saying that stuff. A feeling of pain settled in her body, but obviously she didn't show it.
Impatient and without thinking twice. You threw yourself at the older woman, who got scared, losing her balance. Because of this, both fell to the icy ground.
Melissa hit her back, letting out a groan of pain, seeing what you had caused, you quickly stood up, getting off of her.
“I’m sorry, Lissa. I’m so fucking stupid,” you tremble, feeling tears come out of your eyes.
Feeling overwhelmed, you ran out of the lounge, leaving a bewildered redhead.
“Y/N, PLEASE COME BACK HERE!” Melissa's voice echoed throughout the school, now she was going to worry about trying to fix what the hell had happened between you two. And it wouldn't be easy.
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ijustloveharry · 2 years
HOW COULD HE DO THIS? / pt 3 l 3k words
already wrote part 4 I promise it's coming 😛
that'll be the last one tho
Y/N was trying. She really was.
And Harry had been great to her. Sometimes she even forgot about everything that went down. Until she remembered again.
Her whole life changed, that's for sure. She was publicly dating Harry Styles. Publicly dating him after he publicly cheated on her.
People loved her. People pitied her. She didn't care what people thought about it. She just wished she could go back to normal.
But she didn't really know what normal was anymore.
Harry gave her the right amount of space. They took a step back and it had been good for Y/N. She believed she could still make it work.
Sometimes he tried too hard, though. She didn't want to be spoiled, she didn't want to go on vacation every weekend. She wanted to look at fish and study and not have every fucking teacher take her aside and ask her if the classroom was "really the right fit for her." She paid her tuition. She paid to be there and she didn't care if she was the topic of conversation at the back of the room. It wasn't her fault the other students were distracted. It wasn't her fault and she wasnt going to let things change if she could help it.
She couldn't help it. Her project partners spent more time asking about Harry than about the subject material, and she was sure she was inches from her breaking point.
She didn't want to talk about it; especially not with strangers. She wanted to get into seminars and co ops because she was skilled in her field, not because her presence gave the school and advisors more exposure and funding.
She was seconds from leaving her dreams and career behind because they didn't feel like they were even hers anymore.
She cried about it often. Harry knew how this whole ordeal had affected her.
He wanted to make it up to her. He had to make it right. He got her a job offer in Australia - she'd get to work in the great barrier reef and have opportunities she would have only dreamed of doing 6 months ago.
She liked it better when they were just dreams. At least they were her dreams.
"I'm sorry - I'm just trying to help." Harry exasperated. She didn't want his help. She didn't want anything from anyone and she was annoyed that everyone seemed to want something from her.
She couldn't go to the gym. She couldn't go to the grocery store. She couldn't even take a regular airplane, for godsake. She couldn't help but feel the resentment building and infecting the relationship she had committed to rebuilding.
Harry could feel it. He hoped it would lessen but he could feel it getting worse. The harder he tried the worse it got. Y/N wasn't the same and he didn't know how to handle that it was his fault.
He didn't handle it; he ignored it. He told himself he deserved the guilt and shame and let it fester instead of going to her. Maybe it would've been different if he had.
"I know you are, Harry, but you've done enough, don't you think?" She snapped. She had been snapping at him a lot. He was supposed to be the only thing that didn't stress her out. Wasn't that the whole point of going through all of this?
She could forgive him for cheating, she thought, but she wasn't sure if she could ever forgive him for the way her life had changed. She tried to ignore it because she knew it wasn't his fault. She knew it was a risk from when they got together and she still only endured half of what he went through.
Harry was silent. He felt bad enough, and he completely shut down when she directed her anger at him. He deserved it. She had a right to be angry.
"Sorry, H." She sighed, running her hands through her hair. "I just don't know who I am anymore and I don't know what to do."
Harry was still silent. He didn't know how to comfort her. He felt he had tried everything to make her happy again.
"It doesn't matter that you're meeting them through me, Y/N" Harry sighed. "It was your qualifications that have them interested, I'm just helping you get your foot in the door."
"And don't you think that's the fucking problem? Everyone will think I'm only there because I road your coattails and I'm not interested. Please drop it."
She was being unfair. Knowing someone was everything - nepotism and networking meaning a hell of a lot more than working your way up. That's the real world. She didn't care. She was too proud.
Harry rolled his eyes, he was starting to get annoyed. She was being too stubborn about this and he was furious that should would let an opportunity like this slide by.
"It wouldn't have mattered to you a few months ago that I got you the spot so I'm not sure why it has to be different now."
"It's completely different now." She muttered "And a few months ago you could've gotten me an interview, maybe, but for them to just offer me a spot? You just don't get it."
He didn't get it, and she wasn't helping him understand.
"You don't need to do an interview because I've basically told them everything about you already" He rolled his eyes "They know who you are and what you've done."
She slammed her textbook down, finally directing her cold stare right at Harry.
"Exactly. That's exactly why I'm not doing it."
Harry sighed in defeat. Is this how it was going to be? Every time he wanted to do something nice for her she'll think he has ulterior motives?
"You didn't even apply when I told you about it, Y/N, it's not like you tried to get in on your own."
She bit her lip at that. It was the truth, she hadn't applied. She didn't know what she wanted and she hadn't applied because she would have to go if she got in. She didn't think she wanted it that bad.
"I didnt want to" She shrugged "Okay?"
Harry let out a breath. At least she was being honest for once.
"Uh, no, not okay." He said "What the fuck do you mean? Why not?"
Y/N didn't want to talk about it. She didn't want to do anything. She didn't tell him that.
"Because its been ruined like everything else." She mumbled, and Harry sighed loudly.
"Why does it have to be, though?" He pleaded with her
"I don't have any safe space away from everything, Harry. Everywhere I go - work, school, out; you're everywhere. My friends and family ask about you, I get hundreds of messages a day about you. I'm tired. I have nothing for myself and it's exhausting."
Harry didn't have a remark for that one. He felt the guilt go even deeper.
"I'm just gonna go home tonight, I think. I have some more studying to do and I'd like to get ahead of my next project so maybe we can do something together this weekend. Okay?"
Not okay, he thought, but he wasn't going to push her anymore.
"Whatever, Y/N, I'll see you then."
Y/N left without another word or a kiss goodbye. She felt stupid for thinking anything would go back to the way it was. Things were different, they were both different. Maybe they just didn't fit together anymore.
Maybe she should've just let go when she had the chance.
The remaining weeks of the semester went by fast. Y/N stopped trying as hard. The teachers gave her good grades anyway. She didn't think there was a point anymore and she wasn't sure she was even going to go for the last two seminars of her degree.
Y/N had no more ambitions. She didn't accept the job in Australia, to Harry's dismay, and she told him if he brought it up again she would leave and never come back. He stopped bringing it up.
Y/N had skipped previous two classes and she wasn't sure she could force herself to go today. She thought about bailing on her final exams and projects and just doing nothing. It didn't matter anyway. Harry was supposed to pick her up after class and she debated just going to the school 15 minutes before so he wouldn't know.
She didn't care what he thought, but it seemed easier than fighting with him.
She opted to stay home and scrolled through her phone instead. She could retake the classes if she decided she wanted to. She could do whatever she wanted, and she wanted to do nothing.
An hour went by quick, and before she realized it Harry was calling her. Checking the time, she realized he had likely been waiting at the school for a good 20 minutes.
"Hey, sorry. I forgot to text you - I didn't go to class. You can just come over if you want."
She heard him sigh, but he didn't say anything other than a short "okay" and hung up. She should've just told him to go home.
It wasn't long before she was buzzing him in. She found her spot back in her bed after opening the door and didn't say anything before crawling back under the covers and resuming the tiktok she had been watching before he arrived.
"I'm worried about you."
Y/N pulled her gaze from her phone and looked at him hovering in the door frame.
"You've given up and it's not fair to me." He sighed
"I haven't given up, I'm here, I'm with you, aren't I?" He was being ridiculous. She didn't want to have this conversation.
"No, Y/N, you're not." He said quietly "You've been totally checked out for the last three months and I've tried to be patient but it's like you don't even want this to work."
Y/N scoffed at him
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"No, I'm not kidding." He stated plainly. She was furious that he was able to keep his composure while simultaneously pushing her over the edge. "It's like you want me to fucking hit the point where I have to leave you so you don't have to be the bad guy."
"Leave then!" She shouted, tossing her phone to the other side of the bed "Fucking leave if this is so hard for you, Harry."
"You know that's not what I want" His jaw clenched "I just want to feel like you're trying to make the best out of everything that's happened."
Y/N laughed at him, really laughed. A mocking laugh that unsettled Harry to his core.
"I am trying, Harry, and i'm fucking miserable anyway."
"Don't you think I know that?" He said sadly. She wanted him to fight back; she didn't want to feel sorry for him.
"You don't get to be upset when you did this." She said cooly "Everything was fine until you fucked up."
"I can't take it back and if you don't think you can forgive me for it, I don't know what the fuck we're even doing, Y/N."
He was being serious. He was being rational. Y/N wasn't, and she didn't appreciate the shift in conversation.
"I don't know either." She admitted. She had spent so long finding comfort in her anger that she didn't know how to handle how heartbroken she really felt.
Harry didn't feel like hers anymore. Nothing felt like it was hers anymore.
"I dont want to do anything anymore"
Harry knew this. He could see her getting less involved in her school; he could see her pulling away from her friends, from him. He felt helpless - she didn't want anything from him and he didn't know what to do.
"Why did you do it?" She whispered. She didn't know if she wanted to know the answer. "Was I not enough for you?"
Harry ran his fingers through his hair. He didn't have an answer for her.
"I don't know." He admitted. He sighed and sat on the bed next to her. "I really, really don't know."
"I think I need to know." She said simply "That's not good enough."
Harry sighed. He wished he had the answers.
"I was lonely and you weren't there, I guess." He licked his lips, Y/N waited for him to elaborate.
"She didn't mean anything. I didn't love her - hell, I barely knew her." He wasn't sure how any of this could possibly help. "She wanted more and I was upfront that I never wanted anything to do with her again."
Y/N nodded. She wasn't sure she trusted herself to speak.
"Nothing more happened, other than the photos you saw. I shouldn't have gone to the beach with her, I guess. I knew when I left the hotel that it felt wrong but I told myself I was reading too much into it. I told myself I would never do that to you so I had nothing to worry about."
Y/N's looked away at the mention of the photos.
"I was wrong." He gulped. "I hate myself for it, but I can't take it back. I was going to be home that weekend - I was going to tell you. I didn't think you were going to find out the way that you did, but I also wasn't going to lie about it once you found out. I care about you a lot and I never, ever wanted to hurt you."
"I just thought we were so solid" She stated "I thought it was the best we had been, and if that wasn't good enough for you I don't know if I ever will be"
"It had nothing to do with you" Harry assured "Nothing. If you had been there I wouldn't have even thought twice, I was just away for too long and lost sight of what we had and what was important."
"I pushed it too far and I shouldn't have worked for so long." He confessed "I love working and I wanted to make it a priority, but I sacrificed the only thing that was more important, and I'm really sorry. I can't take it back and I know that but I'm willing to work hard to fix this. I can't fix it by myself. You have to be willing to work to forgive me and find a way to trust me again or you're just going to hate me, and that's the last thing I want.
Harry couldn't look at her, he didn't want to see her face. He could read her to well.
"I know I want to be with you and marry you one day - now more than ever. She didn't compare to you at all and it was a stupid kiss and I stopped it before it was anything. It wasn't an affair, it wasn't anything other than a mistake."
"I just want you to hurt the same way you hurt me and I don't know how to get past that." Y/N admitted "I want to forgive you, but I don't know how"
"I don't know either." Harry said "But you can't do it alone. We have to work through it together and we can't if you shut me out."
Y/N had been shutting him out. She had wanted to create distance to protect herself from being hurt again. She didn't know how she could ever be vulnerable with him after how he had made her feel.
"I just want things to go back to the way they were" she said softly
"It won't, Y/N." Harry sighed sadly "I'm sorry - but it is different now. I know it's my fault. And I know it's my fault that the whole world knows and that sucks but you have to figure out if you thinks it's worth building something new because that's what we have to do."
She didn't want something new. She wanted her old life back. She desperately wanted what they had and she didn't know if she could patch the wounds enough to make new good memories.
She began to cry, and Harry hesitated before pulling her into a hug. She cried into his shoulder and he held her silently until she stopped.
"Maybe it's just too hard" He sighed. She couldn't see his face but she could tell he was crying too "Maybe it's just too much and we just need more time"
"Time hasn't done anything except make it worse" She sniffled
"I know, baby" He sighed, resting his chin on her head "I don't want to let you go but I also can't let you to resent me. If you need more space - more time, then that's what we have to do."
They were both crying now, neither of them wanting to finish the conversation they had both been so scared to have.
"I don't want to let you go" She whimpered
"I know, but you can always have me back." He promised, pressing a kiss to her head. "Maybe we both just need some time to forgive me, you know?"
Y/N knew what he meant. He hadn't forgiven himself, either, and was spending all his energy consoling her and it wasn't helping their relationship. They needed space. They needed to make room to love eachother again.
"Okay." She whispered. They were still hugging, and she held him just a little bit tighter.
Harry never wanted to let go.
"Okay." He cried "Okay - I love you and I promise I'll always love you."
"I love you to, Harry." She confessed, hot tears falling from her eyes "I'll call you."
"No you won't" He smiled sadly. "But that's my own fault."
She sniffled as he kissed her, unbothered by her wet cheeks. He really kissed her; he knew it'd be the last time.
"I'll see you, Y/N."
"Goodbye Harry"
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iloveprettyboysblog · 2 years
I debated with myself if I was going to even post this but here's Part Two of Devour 💙💙
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TW: age gap (keeping it legal, but the female character is older). JJ's abusive, absentee father. Angst. Smut. Minors DNI 🚫
Devour Part Two
I watch as JJ walks towards me down the hallway and my stomach feels like a fish flopping on dry land. JJ Is gorgeous, sexy and very smart. Not to mention that he's a smart ass and a natural flirt. But he's one of my best friends since the fourth grade. I want him to be my boyfriend, but it's not meant to be, something's a girl just knows. She might not like it, but deep down she knows.
"Hey, Kie." JJ meets me with his flirty smile, the one that makes his dimples pop. My name is Kiara Carrera. My friends call me Kie. My parents picked my name from some character on a TV show. Thanks again scriptwriters of the nineties.
"Hey you." I hug my books to my chest and move out of the way of the student masses. "Did you have a good first day?" JJ shrugs and says "Pretty much the same ol, same ol. I bet you had a better day."
I'm on the honor roll, where JJ could be if he'd just take it more seriously. "It's definitely going to be difficult this year. The teacher's have upped their game."
"If anyone could do it, it's you." I love basking in JJ's scant attention. "So what's going on tonight?" "John B's picking me up tonight and we're going to the game." "No homework?" "Don't be such a drag, Kie." He smiles at me and my heart skips a beat.
"You laid eyes on the new teacher?" His smile is wide. "Seen her? I have her. In the academic sense. World history. " I saw her in the cafeteria, where every man in the joint leered at her while she walked in to buy iced tea. "Please don't make a joke about taking a tour of her body. "
"Kie, I'm shocked that you would even think that about me, like i'm that shallow and insensitive." He widens his blue eyes, trying to act innocent. "I don't need to have the entire tour, just the highlights. "
I slug him in the arm. "You're gross, JJ." Then as an after thought I add, "I think that she looks cheap." I know that I'm being mean but she shouldn't show off her body.
"She's hot and she knows it. Not your typical teacher for high school." I feel my face turn beet red. I know that he doesn't mean it but I take it to mean that I'm not hot. "She's supposed to teach us, JJ. Not look hot."
JJ shrugs. "She can't do both?" I'm digging a deeper hole for myself that I don't know how to climb out of. Mercifully, JJ changes the subject. "You coming to the football game tonight?"
"Probably," that makes JJ's cocky grin appear and I melt internally. He slings his arm around me and says "You better sit with me and the boys."
"I'll be going with Jemma and Tiffany. " JJ shrugs and says "The more the merrier, right?" I nod and JJ says "Glad that's settled." JJ pulls his arm from around my shoulder and I can sense that our time together is coming to an end. At least for today.
I long for the hot summer days and the long summer nights when I could spend all of my time with him. Now my weekends are spent working in my parents' restaurant.
"I'm gone," he says. I watch him walk away down the empty hallway and I realize that I missed my ride. I know that my mom won't pick up if I call her. She doesn't like that all of my spare time is spent with JJ, John B and Pope.
I pull my phone out of my bag and call up Jemma. She picks up on the second ring and says that she'll be there in 15. I sit outside and wait for her to pull up. I sit on the bench and read up about conservation.
I hate being 15. Too young to drive without a parent in the car with me. I refuse to take the school bus. I sit and wait and think about JJ. Just add him to the list of things that I can't have.
I think that the saying is never let them see you sweat. It's all that I can think about as they filter into my classroom. New faces look at each other, they ignore my presence and all of the hard work that I put into making my classroom appear warm and friendly. I check them over as they file in: tall, short, pretty, plain, shy, loud, teases, all feeling their youth and vitality. They don't know what they have and I envy them. I'm drawn to them. I want what they have.
I became a teacher because I felt like I could make a difference in students lives. I know that it seems simple. But it's them, the students, who have made a difference in my life. I watch a girl slide into a seat in the front row. She appears to be studious, eager to learn and get good grades.
All the way in the back of the classroom, a group of big, unruly boys sit down. I can tell that they hate school as they hunch over their desks. Some falling asleep, boredom or lack of sleep. First period classes always drag on. They come alive at night. And so do I.
The bell rings and I make the introductions, begin talking about world history ancient and modern. I can feel their eyes on me, drinking me in, their expressions vary. Most of them in disbelief. I hear somebody mutter under their breath, "Is she for real?" It's what I've come to expect. I can see that I've made an impression on a few of the students. They won't forget me,I have no doubt. I ask for volunteers to distribute the textbooks. A few of them fall over themselves to help.
I stand in front of my desk with my ankles crossed. The old desk feels rough against my hands. Not like the desk at the last school I taught at. A private school on Figure Eight. The desk was smooth and sleek, dark with age and prestige. I ask a couple of questions to the eager faces. They sit in silence, staring. My moral sinks. Ordinary. They're all ordinary.
I hear a voice. Typical smart ass answer that makes a couple of students laugh. He's beautiful. Blond hair, blue eyes, dimples. I can tell that he's stuck in that awkward in between stage of youth and impending adulthood. In this instant, I know. It's a gift, being able to read them. I stare at him and the room begins to recede. He sits in the warmth of the fading sun and suddenly it's clear to me. He's the one.
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sexwithamanda · 10 months
A deep dive, a hike let's say. Not physically but mentally.
Episode #345
I make these when I feel the most inspired. This last week was lovely, I went out a lot but I spent time with both my lovers, I pray they never read these, but I am sure one day these will be read, not aloud in a classroom I hope. It's a humid, hot, cloudy, wet day in the beautiful state of Florida. I am sitting at a coffee shop where I've tasted butterfly tea, which tastes like lemonade more than anything. It has a dark purple color and on the counter, I spied a cake that resembled Oreo. I decide for that, it's gluten and vegan. If I told you that I was trying to be healthier would you believe me? I suppose I don't seem to be that way. It was yummy, and I read a few (more than a few) pages of this memoir that has me on my toes. She is a writer and went to school for journalism. I've always felt that writing and putting something out there is insane. We all have a voice to talk about anything, that's why music is universal. If all the lyrics are in a different language, we still can continue to feel exactly what they are saying regardless of the fact that we don't speak that language.
Last week I went into a meeting, I like to speak as you can tell from my typing. I suppose that it is obvious that my clicking and clacking on my laptop in this quiet coffee shop seems to annoy the men next to me, but I digress with I am being me. Let it be. Right at this split second the song playing, is by tears for Fears. You decide if my life is a movie because I have already decided that it is. Anyways back to the meeting, I am talking about. I don't look at people as adults anymore. I assume everyone is a child, regardless of how you think t might be, we can be professional but we are all children at a point. Things we do, mistakes we make, and accomplishments that occur all happen because we learn from others. This meeting was an intro to exactly what I've been wanting for a while. A taste of who I could be as a public speaker. I don't think I'm perfect, but I think that healing is a journey that rules us over. We tend to be selfish about our lives. I had a conversation last night with my friend, and each time we speak I feel we learn a bit more about ourselves rather than the other. I give her the space to speak as she gives me my space to speak as well. I learned that I get tired easily maybe I should get that checked out but I can confirm that I love someone that I really shouldn't. It is okay though. Life is too short not to face the facts. I think head-on, I want to be exclusive with this person but I also think that I want to be friends. I need to deal with myself first, but once I feel that I can finally trust myself to trust someone I think that's when I could commit to them.
In other news, we both discovered that we miss each other dearly all the time, because we are two peas in a pod, and we have each other's back. I think that my sense of self is reflected in the darkness of my sorrows, and probably for good I can sense that I will be way better off. I guess for a while I thought that the only occupancy of people's company came with an abundant reach for bad decisions. I then tend to let myself be swept away from all reality when I am with my friends. They make me feel so safe, kind, and sweet. I got really lucky.
Next topic of discussion; my podcast, sex with Amanda on spotify. It is my baby, but let me explain that I know that people listen to it, people I know. I am brutally honest, and I am myself. I think that it is my therapy, the raw truth of my thoughts when it comes to it. I think the people that I want to listen to it won't, which is good for me. But, in actuality, these secrets are for the entire world to listen to. It's not just relatable it's my life. Inevitably it is my happiness. I feel a sense of ease after every Friday session. My episodes are unedited, I speak my truth and let myself be completely honest. (sometimes it is mean.)
Now here is a side note, my favorite thing to talk about is sex, but it is the education, the feeling, and the love of intimacy in the space of someone else that makes me feel loved. I love love. I love sex. I love sex with someone who makes me feel as though everything is right and how it is supposed to be. I don't want to be rushed unless it feels right but I also want to be healthy. I want it to be sacred in a way. I don't have sex with anyone, but with someone who has a connection to me, with me, and makes me feel good. If I've been intimate with someone, (if I chose to, because in some instances that is not the case), you have made me feel at ease. I love the feeling.
I have an addiction that is hard for me to describe, if you come across this, go on spotify, look up sex with Amanda. Take a listen to one of my episodes or wait till this upcoming Friday for the newest one. I can't wait to have a conversation with you.
Thank you for reading, listening, and being.
Mahal Kita,
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
Things that happened this week
A pigeon sometimes hangs out at my apartment and starts making noise around 5 am. On Thursday, it not only started making noise, but it went on nonstop. Such a racket. It was raining, so it spent a longer time on my balcony. Actually, when I looked outside at 7, it was still there, taking shelter right above my washing machine. By then it was quiet, so I opened the door... nothing happened... closed the door... pigeon flew away. Idk.
Played "We're going on a lion hunt" (youtube video) for my class. Every year it's a big hit, but this year's class is the most mesmerized. It's the first time I worried they might be legitimately scared, rather than just having fun pretending. Of course, if even one kid was really scared, I wouldn't make them watch. But they were having fun, they just are more expressive than other classes. One kid had his hands covering his mouth and eventually his eyes. When I checked on him, he was laughing. Another girl started saying "Scary! no no!" so I asked if she wanted to hold my hand. Not only did she hold my hand, she came riiiight up close to see the video better hahahaha.
The understaffing has reached critical levels. I did overtime twice this week. My coworker was supposed to have a day off, had been approved and everything, but at the last minute the manager asked her to make it a half day because there was no one available to cover her. We have help from other campuses almost every day. Today, after the kids woke up from nap, I was supposed to be in a room with three other teachers... none of whom are ECE teachers or work at my school regularly. I was able to switch one of them out for a sub who used to be one of our regular classroom teachers, so I trust her. But if she'd been subbing somewhere else Idek.
Have a student who I think I've mentioned before, his parents are super overprotective. Although now it seems to be mainly the dad's issue. Dad's been keeping his kid home on days that he doesn't have to work. I don't even understand what he's upset about, although I'm told it began last year when his kid went outside, and then had a fever later in the day (???). What does he want, to keep the kid indoors his whole life? He won't meet and talk to us about his concerns. He sent a condescending letter with a list of requirements for caring for his son, all of which we were already doing. We have simply started doing them more (ie. when the kid doesn't actually need it - like changing his shirt every day even if he doesn't get sweaty). It does not impress him. This kid has seizures when he has a high fever, and when it happened last month we followed his chart meticulously. What did the parents do? Complain that their kid was "just hot," come pick him up at their usual time, and then go out to eat. When they got home, kid had a seizure. Guess who's at fault? Us, because... reasons??? Again, we did EVERYTHING we were told to do by his doctor and parents, so. I'm not sure, but I get the impression the parents think we should have given the kid his medication. But as none of us are doctors, there are only certain circumstances where we can give meds, and those are stipulated, again, on his chart. At the time, the criteria for us to give meds wasn't met - the whole reason for informing his parents so they could take him home and care for him themselves. Despite the fact that this was the approved plan by everyone concerned, parents still think we should have been able to miraculously prevent this. Another time his parents complained that we weren't wiping his nose. Yes, we are, every five seconds. It just so happens that one time out of the hundreds that they picked him up, his nose had gone two minutes without being wiped while teachers cared for you know all our other kids. We have made a very obvious point to wipe his nose in front of his parents since then. Today, I had been up and down literally nonstop wiping lots of kids noses. I'm not exaggerating at all. And this kid has the runniest nose of them all. I had literally just wiped his nose and thrown out the tissue when I turned around and saw it was running again. So I asked him to go get me another tissue. The tissue box was right there, the kids help themselves all the time, and all he had to do was grab a tissue and bring it to me bc my legs were freaking exhausted. Of course, this is when his mom decides to show up. XP She couldn't arrive during the 99 other times I'm running around after her kid with a tissue, only during the 1 time I ask him to get his own tissue. She immediately grabs the tissue from him and wipes his nose herself. Idek. I'd love to show her the video of how all I've done in in the last half hour is run around wiping noses, but I know it wouldn't make a difference even if I could. In this family's opinion, only their kid matters. Dad wants to pull the kid out of our school. I love the student, but to be rid of the parents, honestly, I'm not gonna fight it too hard...
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stealanity · 3 years
[ kim sunwoo ] ꕤ you're safe
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synopsis : little by little, some special moments made you think differently about your annoying roommate : late night conversation, stolen kisses in the dark... yes, life made you fall hard for kim sunwoo, letting you wrap yourself in this feeling of having a safe place created just for you.
genre : fluff, angst, one shot, slice of life, roommate to lovers, college ! au pairing : kim sunwoo x gn ! reader word count : 9.7k> warnings : make out?, fight, parental abuse (i mean, sunwoo's dad in this is a dick but verbally), anxiety attack
a/n : hi, this is suppose to be titled take a sit, bc most of you know how much sunu's thighs could drive me crazy, anyway — i finally decided to change everything a bit. i realized that the boyz was my safe place, especially sunwoo these last days, and i just wanted to express that. i'm just so glad to have this sunshine in my life, and i know that sunwoo is also a safe place for a lot of deobis. so yea, are ya go, a little thing just to remind you why sunwoo is our safe place.
sunwoo was annoying. he was an annoying roommate, an annoying classmate, and an annoying seducer. everyone at school was at his feet, and spent their time complimenting every patch of skin belonging to him. his cat eyes, deep and bewitching, his sparkling smile that can warm all the hearts of the planet, his delicate, flawless hands that everyone seemed to want to hold, his hair that looked so soft, fluttering in the morning breeze, and finally, his body a little too exposed in his soccer uniform, revealing his muscular thighs that were talked about across campus. not a day went by that you didn't hear about kim sunwoo and his thighs.
today was a day like any other, another day when you were still late for class, and running down the halls to get to your classroom. it was not trivial that you were late, the teachers were used to it, but you had the awful tendency to never find a place to sit down. now in front of the closed door, you took a time to catch your breath, fixing your messy hair, looking for a drinkable excuse to excuse your lateness.
but you didn't even have time to knock on the door, the latter opened in front of you, giving way to the bored face of your math teacher. this last sighing, let you pass by looking at his watch : « late again.. take a sit. hurry up. » — nodding your head positively with a sorry little smile, you walked into the room, scanning every nook and cranny to find a free seat, without success. but the daring person that is kim sunwoo, giving you the most charming smile ever after a few seconds, moved his chair away from his school table, before repeatedly patting his thighs to get you to sit on them. you rolled your eyes at his behavior and the jealous comments of the other girls in your class, finally making a decision : swiveling towards your teacher, you took a seat on one of the steps of the amphitheater, on the floor, thinking that sitting on the floor was always better than being on sunwoo's lap.
the teacher did not seem bothered by this, and quickly resumed his lesson, leaving you quietly on the floor. to be honest, it had already happened that sunwoo offered you to sit on his lap, in front of everyone, and each time you refused. which obviously does not discourage him.
sitting alone on the bleachers of the school's football stadium, you stared at the horizon, completely lost in your thoughts. you were stuck : waking up too late this morning, you left home in fourth gear, forgetting to take your keys with you. result, you had to wait wisely for your roommate to finish his soccer practice to go back home with him, and finally have the opportunity to take a good, hot and well deserved shower. sighing for the umpteenth time frowning from the too dazzling sun, your attention was suddenly drawn to the conversation of some girls who were sitting not far from you. their all too blatant conversation, was focused on an unusual subject : the muscular thighs of the captain of the soccer team.
who would turn out to be your roommate.
it was no secret that kim sunwoo could make anyone's heart flinch as he wanted, but it was a whole different thing to hear a random girl praise a part of his body like this. rolling your eyes when she started to stray way too far into the subject, you picked up your bag, hanging it on your shoulder, before going down the steps of the stands to find yourself near the field. leaning on the wooden outline, you silently watched the team players run energetically behind a balloon. « they have so much energy gosh, it would not be me who would do that.. » — you whispered to yourself, letting your gaze finally focus on this one and only person. you might be annoyed by each of the inappropriate remarks you could hear about sunwoo, you had to admit that some of them weren't fake. because to be honest, he was probably carved by the hands of a greek god at this point.
you were so far in your thoughts that you didn't even notice that a sweating figure had approached you : « earth to y/n, are you again dreaming about me? » — sunwoo's annoying voice reaches your ears, making you roll your eyes as you move your face away from his. « only in your wild dreams, kim sunwoo. are you done practicing? i wanna go home. » he nodded positively, following your movements while advancing along the low wall, finally passing the barrier to join you.
your relationship was nothing special, you weren't actually even really friends. sunwoo was just looking for a new roommate, and you were looking for cheap rent : which ultimately made you both happy. sunwoo was the opposite of you, he excelled in all areas, first place in all campus sports clubs, a real social butterfly and mister super popular. you, you were just basic, a random person among so many others who took life with ease, but with an unparalleled sense of humor. sunwoo noticed this, and that's when he started flirting nonstop with you — which only annoyed you and rolled your eyes even more than usual.
« you're so clumsy, one day you will forget your head. » — while you both waited quietly for the metro to arrive, he decided to break the silence with a remark that made you sigh. with a fake smile on your lips, you turned your face towards him, wrinkling your nose while speaking : « maybe, but at least, i'll have my good doggie roommate to bring it back to me ! » as he was about to fight back, the subway stopped right in front of you, and you hurried to get inside. but you quickly regretted having been too lazy to walk to your shared apartment : the subway was so armored that you were afraid to feel people's bodies pressed against yours. squeezing the subway bar with your hand now covered with a light layer of sweat, your breathing became more and more jerky, your eyes running here and there in the tight little space trying to find some way out, without success.
but suddenly you felt a torso cling to your back, causing you a horrible chill down your spine. you were petrified, not daring to make a single movement as you missed your breath more and more, little twinkling stars loomed in your vision, making your frail legs shake. you were about to burst into tears, salty little pearls getting stuck in the corner of your eyes, when a hand clung to your waist, making you jump slightly : « it's just me, i'm here, » sunwoo's low voice reaches your ears, slightly reassuring your panicked heart, « turn around. » with difficulty, you complied with his request, now finding yourself in front of him, your pupils frightened in his. little by little, his fingers came closer to yours, enveloping your small trembling hand in the warmth of his. sunwoo's serious gaze was comforting, slowly chasing your fears one by one, calming the panic attack crackling deep inside you — it was reassuring to have him near you, his eyes and words blurring your thoughts, as if everyone in the subway was now transparent, without being able to reach you. « you're okay now, i don't leave you alone. » — you nodded and let it go when he pulled you to him, nestling your lost face in the crook of his neck. your free hand clung desperately to the edge of his shirt, slaughtering the latter's material as if your life depended on it. since when was sunwoo as warm as a sunset? since when did you let him be so close to you? you were grateful that he was there, you dared not even imagine your state if sunwoo had not been there to comfort your panicked heart. it might have been unusual, but he had done for you what no one else had ever done. « you're safe, y/n. » — his honey voice in a sigh, crashed into your ear, drowning in your hair to bring warmth to your body. you nodded slightly, camouflaging your face a little more in the hollow of his neck by gradually taking your breath.
lost in the comforting warmth of your roommate's arms, you hadn't noticed the dark look that sunwoo was giving to this man much older than you, who dared to put his dirty gaze on your bare thighs. sunwoo didn't know when he started to develop a protective side, even possessive with you : all he knew was that he couldn't stand other people to lay their eyes on you. when the man in the black suit decided to finally look away, sunwoo scanned the stops screen to see that they would soon be arriving near their apartment. his hand still hanging on your waist, gently caressed your back from bottom to top, patiently waiting for the subway to stop completely. he would be lying if he didn't say that a soft warm filled his heart with happiness — because he had the person of his dreams in his hands. sunwoo knew a lot of girls at the college had a crush on him, obviously it flattered his ego with the highest fist, but he, all he saw, was his awkward roommate who could make his heart twirl.
when the subway finally stopped, and everyone around you rushed outside, your tired body moved away from him, planting your glassy eyes in his. a tender smile spread over sunwoo's perfect lips, as he let go of the subway bar, dragging yours down in its fall. his pinky clung mechanically to yours, not daring to look away for a single second : « let's go home. » — you slowly nodded, following the movement of the other passengers to exit the subway. walking leisurely through the cold streets of seoul, sunwoo never let go of your hand, keeping you safe with him for the duration of your walk.
when the two of you met in the elevator, patiently waiting for it to climb the floors, a slight laugh left your lips, attracting the dark haired boy's attention. « what are you laughing at? » — he asks you, turning his hazel eyes to your doll face. you did not look away, fixing an invisible point in front of you while nodding negatively to him. ending up sighing as you walk towards the automatic doors of the elevator, you watched your roommate's face out of the corner of your eye, rubbing the tip of your nose with your index finger : « i really can't believe i let you hug me when you haven't showered yet. » a slight laugh left his lips before he pushed you out of the elevator to your apartment door, threatening to do it again if you don't hurry.
you came home from school earlier, a terrible headache got the better of you all afternoon, pushing you to sleep from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., when you heard the front door open with a crash. straightening up on the couch, you faced the worried face of sunwoo, who was staring at you trying somehow to get rid of his shoes. rubbing your eyes still filled with fatigue as he locked the door behind him, your roommate approached you, resting the back of his hand against your forehead. stopping your movements, you raised an eyebrow, letting your pupils rest in his in a questioning manner : « what are you doing? », you say, sliding your fingers on the threads of the sweatshirt he was wearing, pulling on these to make his face disappear behind the material of the latter, « i don't know what changmin might have told you, but i'm not sick. »
sunwoo pulled his hand away, loosening the laces of his top to make his face reappear, and you noticed that he looked dead tired. pulling the corner of his watermelon lips to make a smile appear on his face, you sit properly on the couch, as his pretty hands grabbed your knees to keep him from falling back. « are you okay? » — your soft voice broke something inside him, and suddenly his usually sparkling eyes looked blank. you lost your smile, putting your hands around his neck as he came to snuggle up against you, seeking comfort in the warmth of your arms. you had a sudden sense of déjà vu, drawing a tender smile on your lips as your delicate fingers slid between his dark locks. he looked so messy but so peaceful at the same time, kim sunwoo was a unique person, and despite your constant desire to punch him, you had to admit that his smile and his boba eyes, made your little heart flinch sometimes.
you knew sunwoo wasn't the type to want to talk when he was down, so you just comforted him with all the warmth you had inside you. your fingers tracing invisible shapes on the back of his neck, as his head rested comfortably against your chest, cradled by your healthy breathing. sunwoo's arms slipped around your waist, keeping you close to him, while closing his glassy eyes, enjoying the reassuring silence and the sweetness of your gestures. the television screen suddenly turned off, having exceeded the standby time, plunging you into the dark, the room only lit by the rising moon that came through the living room window. you had the misfortune to lay your sweet gaze on your roommate's face, exploring with your pupils the smallest details of his face : his wavy and tangled locks falling on his forehead, the curve of his eyebrows and his nose that you wanted to delicately trace with your fingers, the unshakeable shadow of his eyelashes falling on the top of his cheekbones, the perfect outline of his heart shaped mouth... you couldn't deny that sunwoo was fucking attractive. tracing an invisible line on his skin, guiding your fingers up his neck to the sharp curve of his jawline, you thought you felt a shiver run through his body. your sudden change of location caught your roommate's attention, causing him to open his eyes and lift his head to make direct contact with your eyes.
neither of you spoke, you were just looking at each others eyes : sunwoo noticed that your face combed with tenderness and a warm smile, while you noticed that his seemed lost and cold. in a delicate motion you slid your hand against his cheek, flicking your thumb to stroke his peachy skin. leaning forward, approaching his attentive ear, you whispered a few words that stole the ground under his body : « you're safe, woo. » sunwoo could swear he had never felt his heart beat so fast as it does now, and that he had never felt all these strange things in the pit of his stomach before. when your face was in front of his again, you thought you saw a faint spark of hope rising in his eyes, compressing your heart in your chest. you knew he deserved the world, but you didn't know since when his well-being was so important to you.
you didn't remember when your affection for sunwoo changed, you don't remember when you started to wonder how he was, to worry when he seemed tired, to argue with him when he skipped meals. your relationship was undoubtedly evolving for the better, and this could undoubtedly be beneficial for your life in community. but you were afraid that your feelings would change too much and lead to your downfall — you had always wanted to stay away from sunwoo, knowing full well that he brilliantly fulfilled each of the boxes of your expectations, becoming for you the perfect representation of your ideal type. unfortunately, for your weak little heart, your roommate was always ready to take care of you, to help you, to make you forget all the bad worries of everyday life. sunwoo was an absolute sweetheart, even though he spent his time flirting, which made the fact of taking him seriously more complicated.
but you didn't remember seeing him as vulnerable as today, as if the sun in his heart was scrambled by an eternal eclipse. sunwoo was a real ray of sunshine, and he only looked like moonlight right now, like you usually do. tracing the top of his cheekbone with your fingertips, you tilted your face slightly to the right, admiring his hazelnut orbs. « i'm sure you've heard this phrase a million times before, but you're pretty awesome. » — your words made him laugh, painting his cheeks with a light pinkish hue. you suddenly realized how close his face was to yours, his minty breath brushing your fruity lips. « y/n, » sunwoo began to speak, his fingers brushing the skin of your bare hip, causing a chill down your spine,
« can i kiss you? »
you blinked three times before seeing the sincerity etched in his eyes : he looked so desperate, looking for every ounce of love he could touch. you could detect that broken look in his brown eyes, that lost spark, filled with vulnerability that made you flinch. you didn't have to answer him with words, all you had to do was a simple little gesture or a big step forward. bringing your face gently to his, the tip of your nose brushed his cheek, nodding slightly positively — and in less time than it takes to say it, sunwoo's lips were found against yours, kissing you tenderly, but as if tomorrow doesn't exist. his kisses were desperate, as desperate as his hands clinging to your top. his lips intoxicated you, engulfing you in all the despair that was consuming him now.
you weren't stupid though, you knew he was kissing you only because he desperately needed affection to fill his bruised little heart. his hands pulling your body against his, engulfing you both in an intoxicating heat, the silence of the room ruined by the incessant sounds of your wet kisses. your fingers tangling in his hair, making his locks a fabulous disaster making him even more attractive than usual. your heart was pounding in your chest, when sunwoo's hands dared to slip under your top, his fingers coming in direct contact with your hot skin — without ever going further, so as not to make you uncomfortable. he just didn't want you to walk away, he needed warmth, needed physical contact, needed love that didn't seem to want to be given to him. sunwoo felt like the world was against him today, he felt exhausted, he felt oppressed, crushed, and the only person who could put warm and in his world stuck in the dark today, was his silly roommate who made his heart beat every day.
you were always there, with your rolling eyes, your sighs and your laughing comments. you were a real goofy fool to the bone, but he loved you like that. he was in love with your lazy gestures and your dinners ordered late at night in front of the tv. he had fallen in love with your indifference to him, your permanent nonchalance despite the fact that you were always secretly worried about him. he was in love with your incessant lateness in class, your cheeks flushed with shame and your hypocritical laugh at the comments of the girls in your class. he was in love with the cat scratches on your hands and your scraped knees, he was in love with your moles and your scars. you didn't have to have a flawless body and personality to be perfect, for him you were already just as you are. the love sunwoo had for you was pure and unwavering, and this since the first day he saw you. but you were way too blind to see it.
as you lifted your face lightly from his to catch your breath, sunwoo took the opportunity to slide his feverish lips over the sensitive skin of your neck. your hands clung a little more to his dark locks, tilting your face to the side to give him an easier access to that so sensitive part of your body. sunwoo was bewitching, and he gradually made you fall under his spell, pulling your body desperately against his. your arms caught around his neck, his big hands clutching your waist way too tight for you to escape, as his lips found yours again, in a feverish and envious kiss.
you probably spend the night kissing, stealing kisses here and there between two moonlights, speaking of how addicting each other's lips were, between two moans against your mouths and slightly too wandering hands — until the birdsong announces the coming of the morning. your lips must have been red and swollen, as much as sunwoo's now, who was looking at you in the most tender way. your fingertips gently caressed his left cheek, brushing the curve of his perfect lips stretched out in a smile, that drove your heart crazy. planting a last butterfly kiss on sunwoo's lips, you looked up at the clock in the living room to see that it was already almost time to leave for class. watching his face for a few seconds, placing a few strands of hair back on his forehead, you spoke in a whisper : « we must get ready to go woo, we have classes in a bit. » — but he didn't seem to agree, snuggling up to you, hiding his face in your neck. his fingers caught on your top as you tried to get away from him, determined to make it to school today, « let's just stay here for today, i don't wanna go to school, » his voice made you stop all movement, ready to grumble until he continued, « i want to stay with you. »
sunwoo was playing with your heart like he could play with a soccer ball. a sigh left your lips : you definitely didn't want to leave him, but you didn't want to miss class so far. catching up with class was way too tiring for you. so you pulled him away from you, laying your lips against his in a passionate kiss only meant to distract his attention, taking the opportunity to get up from the sofa and walk away to the bathroom, decided to get ready to go to class. leaving behind you a half-satisfied, half-sulky sunwoo — he kissed the person he loved but he's still all alone.
seated in the cafeteria with your friends, you struggled to keep your eyes open : spending the night kissing your roommate was definitely not your best decision. letting your chin fall into the palm of your hand, trying to keep your head straight, changmin's eyes made contact with yours. you raised an eyebrow as if to question him, until another friend of yours spoke up : « you look dead tired y/n, » chanhee's voice caught your attention, finally taking your gaze away from your best friend's, « did you spent the night partying without telling us? »
rolling your eyes, you shook your head negatively, playing with the rim of your cup while nibbling your lower lip nervously : should you tell them you spent the night making out with sunwoo? they could probably make up their minds, knowing them, they would directly make attive conclusions. but either way, they would probably find out eventually, knowing that your alcoholic tongue could sometimes be too talkative. nervously rubbing the tip of your nose with your finger, you end up leaning against the back of your chair, finally confessing the cause of your fatigue : « alright, i spent the night making out with sunwoo. »
« you did what? » changmin smirked, staring at you with half-astonished, half-i-already-knew-it-eyes, as chanhee looked ready to fall out of his chair, « so you guys are together now? » — you nodded negatively, picking some fruit from changmin's plate and eating two, three in a row. sighing when seeing that chanhee didn't seem to understand the situation, you cleared your throat before continuing : « nah, we're not together. he just nedded affection, and i was here. that's all. »
chanhee frowned, as changmin looked amused by it all. speaking of changmin, your best friend approached you, stroking your arm with his fingertips while bringing his face closer to yours under the questioning eyes of chanhee. « so, you just kissed him because he was in need of attention? » — he started to speak, as you turned your face to his, smirking. changmin was arguably the only person you got along with so well, no other person could make you as comfortable as him. « yea, then what mister ji? » your best friend brought his face a little closer to yours, without you moving, despite the urge to slap him in the face, « so if i'm in need of attention, are you gonna kiss me too? »
brushing changmin's nose with yours, you nodded slowly and positively, addressing a big flirtatious smile a little too forced to be sincere. « i can't believe i am actually witnessing this scene, » chanhee's disgusted tone made you both laugh, as you kissed changmin's cheek to accentuate the disgust of the older one, « you guys are gross ! » — your arms clung to your best friend's, resting your head on his shoulder. you may have been sorely lacking in sleep, but you were happy to have friends like them.
lost in your thoughts, you hadn't noticed that a jealous little heart had also attended the scene, the latter shattering the little hope he had in him.
the rain that had threatened the tranquility of the sky all day, had finally decided to fall in the late afternoon, at the exact moment when you were walking home after a night out at a restaurant with your friends. protecting yourself as best you could with your bag, you finally arrived in front of your building, stepping inside, instantly heading to the elevator. the corridors were deserted, as if all the inhabitants had escaped, you casually pressed the button of your floor, sighing lightly when you saw your face in the mirror : you really looked like a wet dog.
when you entered your shared apartment, you were surprised not to see anyone in the living room : the place was deserted, like the corridors of the building. taking off your shoes, you were just as surprised not to see sunwoo run up to you with a towel to dry your hair like he used to do. it was slightly unusual and unsettling to be honest, was he already asleep? no, sunwoo was as insomniac as you, the chances for him to be already asleep was little. maybe he was playing video games? in that case, why wasn't he playing on the large television in the living room? you shrugged to yourself, letting your soggy bag fall to the floor.
hanging your coat on the back of a chair, you stomped over to sunwoo's room, knocking three little knocks on the door : « woo? are you here? » surprisingly, you got no response, prompting you to push open the door, your eyes falling on his figure, which at first glance, was asleep. a soft smile painted your lips, as you approached him pulling his blanket over his shoulders. crouching down next to him, your fingers crept gently into his brown locks, naturally tracing the curve of his eyebrows.
sitting on the floor, your chin resting on your knees, you gently cuddled his cheek : he looked far away in heaven, his face looking so peaceful, and you were glad he managed to get to sleep after the sleepless night you spent together. sighing lightly, pressing your cheek against your knee, you end up wrapping your arms around your legs, bringing them against to your chest. your roommate looked like a dream, looking so elusive but so close to your delicate fingers. « you're so pretty, kim sunwoo. » — your voice in a whisper, broke the silence of the room, does not disturb the peaceful sleep of the boy.
finally deciding that it was time for you to do the same, regain the warmth of your sheets and sleep ten hours in a row, you got up slowly, without taking your eyes off the almost motionless silhouette of your roommate. stretching your arm muscles slightly, you approached the door slowly, being careful not to step on anything dragging on the floor. but when you felt the tip of your nose itchy, you automatically knew that your roommate's sleep would soon be disturbed : a not at all inconspicuous sneeze escaping your body, causing sunwoo to wake up behind you.
sighing as you felt your cheeks flush with shame, muttering insults to yourself in your teeth, you slowly pivoted your body to the boy behind you, facing a half-awake, half-asleep sunwoo, his doe eyes questioning you. « i'm so sorry, just go back to sleep. » — you say quickly, hurrying to the exit door when his voice, asking you to stay with him, stopped you in your step. you really weren't used to his so vulnerable, slightly pleading tone, that just made you want to run close to him. turning around, and a few steps back, you found yourself now sitting on his bed next to him, sunwoo wide awake.
« are you sick? » your voice and your hand now on his forehead, brought sunwoo out of his thoughts, making him look up at your doll face, only lit by the small neon light in his bedroom. he nodded his head slightly and negatively, staring at your hair still wet from the rain outside, now understanding why you sneezed. « me no, but you yes. » — his slightly hoarse voice caught you off guard, laughing lightly, assuring him it was nothing serious.
you felt his fingers trace the curve of yours, drawing invisible lines on them : he looked so fine, his skin carved from porcelain, delicate gestures that blend perfectly with the purity of his wonderful features. « y/n, can i ask you something? » he started to say, giving you the opportunity to answer him with a simple nod of the head, followed by a tender smile that touched him right in the heart, « i think i like this person, but i think they like somebody else. »
his sudden question caused a twinge in your heart, for you-don't-know-what reason. nervously biting your lower lip, tilting your face slightly to the side, you pretended to think, looking for the right words to answer him. « why don't you ask them? » you started, shrugging your shoulders again before planting your eyes in his. sunwoo shrugged in turn, taking his gaze away from your face to stare at your hand almost clinging to his. deep inside him, it was total chaos : was he really going to let his feelings come to light? he decided to play the fool, continuing with his foolish questions : « how can i ask them? »
you had never seen sunwoo like this, him who was confident and daring, flirting non stop with most of the girls he met, looked completely lost currently. imitating his movements, staring at your hand almost joined to his, you slipped your fingers delicately between his, nibbling the inside of your cheek. « you just have to tell them that you like them. » — you explained, in a nonchalant voice but not too much, so as not to notice the slight bitterness at the back of your throat. a sigh left his lips, as he seemed to collect his every thought, his hand squeezing yours a little harder, despite the fact that its grip was meant to be delicate.
« i like you. » — his almost inaudible voice made your cheeks blush, which he luckily couldn't notice. had he just made a confession to you? or was he just using you to visualize the scene? you didn't know how to react, your heart beating way too fast for your liking, he looked so unreal in the neon light of his bedroom, his doe eyes staring at your face like the most precious thing in his eyes. he held the entire universe in his eyes, making him look even more irresistible to you, melting the little particles of your heart. your free hand found refuge on his cheek, cuddling the latter tenderly for a few seconds before speaking too : « i like you too. »
sunwoo felt panic creep into his veins, making his heart pound, a shiver rolling down his spine. he couldn't believe what he just heard, did you really just return his feelings to him? so like that, you liked him too? he suddenly regretted not telling you earlier, not confessing his feelings to you the night you kissed, because a love declaration under the light of the moon, lighting up your face that he loved so much, could have been very romantic. as he was ready to speak, making a slight forward motion to reach your lips, he was stopped by your voice which captured the silence of his bedroom again. « that's what the person will answer you ! i'm pretty sure about it. and to be honest... who won't love you, mister super popular? » — your sentence followed by a laugh, ruffling his messy hair, made sunwoo lose control.
obviously, how could he believe that you would like him back? he was angry with himself for leaving the little hope deep inside him, playing tricks on him. frustration took hold of his muscles, as he suddenly let go of your hand, clearing his throat in a fake laugh that you noticed right away, before he nods his head slightly. as the room was again immersed in dead silence, you approached him, placing a delicate kiss on his cheek, a small gesture which did not however deflect his gaze lost on an invisible point of his room. sunwoo felt really bad, and taking a rake, on purpose or not, had just wrapped his heart in an icy envelope. « nobody can resist you sunwoo, believe me. » — do you say before getting up, heading towards the door of his room, which you hastened to close behind you.
on his side, sunwoo camouflaged himself under his blanket, wrapping his face in his pillow in an attempt to chase away all the frustration that was crackling inside him. he felt stupid, completely stupid to have been able to believe that a person like you could fall for a boy like him : he sometimes forgets that you see him as a player, flirting with everyone that moves aroud him. and on your side, your back against his door, you were trying to calm the flush of your cheeks and your heart pounding way too fast for someone who didn't like their roommate. biting your lower lip, insulting you for pretending not to have responded directly to his confession, you seriously wanted to hide under your bed just at the idea of ​​seeing him with someone other than you.
it was a annoying day, in your annoying little life, watching a annoying movie with your annoying roommate. the rain beating in full force outside, prevent you from doing anything else than staying warm under a big blanket, in your shared apartment. sunwoo was half asleep on your lap, your fingers playing with the strands of his hair as you drew some popcorn in your mouth. he still looked so pure, despite his pouty lips that made you feel like he was preoccupied. sliding a finger under his chin, you pivoted his face towards yours, questioning him with your gaze — which was stupid considering he had his eyes closed.
« yah, woo, is everything okay? » — a long sigh left his lips, as he slowly straightened up, finding himself sitting next to you. he rubbed his eyes like a child, before running a hand through his hair, making his gestures captivating. he looked so cute and so hot at the same time, making you look away, pretending to be interested in the movie playing in front of you. « i have a family dinner this weekend, and i don't want to go alone. » — you didn't know much about sunwoo's family, he rarely spoke about them. well, almost never, in reality. every time you tried to find out more, sunwoo quickly changed the subject, not wishing to dwell on it. « i'm still looking for someone to accompany me, » he said in a barely audible voice, playing nervously with the edge of his t-shirt, « would you like to come with me? »
you looked at him with an eyebrow raised, tilting your head slightly because you not really understand why he wanted you to go with him. crossing your arms across your chest, you rest your chin on his knee, now pulled up to your chest : « why don't you ask one of your groupies at school? there are many of them who would be happy to accompany you. » — another sigh left his lips as he brought up the most charming of smiles on his face, approaching you to come and run the tips of his fingers down your arm. « no, you are much funnier than them. »
a laugh escaped your lips as you rolled your eyes, pushing his hand from your arm, shaking your head. you hated that he knew it was the best compliment anyone could give you, hiding you in the blanket by clingy to his warm body, raising your eyebrows like a diva : « ah yea, i know. to bad they can't me ! » — your remark drew a laugh from sunwoo, who hastened to flick your forehead : to which you retorted by tapping his thigh as hard as possible. after a few minutes of bickering, you found yourself bundled up in his arms, your head resting on his chest, affording you a breathtaking view of the sharp curve of his jaw. that delicate gaze he had only with you, was lost again in the depth of your eyes. that delicate look that just made you want to lose yourself in your feelings and melt against his lips, his arms hanging around you, holding you like his life depends on it.
« so.. does that mean you're coming with me? » his voice sounded so insecure, making you smile tenderly. nodding positively, you saw the little spark appear in his brown doe eyes, making your heart capsize. « but i come for your mother's homemade dishes, not for you ! » — a crystalline laugh escaped his lips, knowing full well that you didn't even know if his mother was cooking well or not. he hugged you so tightly that you felt overwhelmed by the wave of happiness that entered him, and you felt satisfied to see him so happy just because of you. he suddenly looked you in the eyes, her face cradled with a smile that made your heart beat faster, placing a warm kiss against your forehead, before pulling away from you to disappear into the kitchen.
you really had to stop letting sunwoo play with your heart like a soccer ball.
you could feel sunwoo's nervousness right in your fingertips as you both waited outside the door of the family home — his trembling fingers banging yours with every movement. « yah, kim sunwoo, » rotating him towards you, you put your warm hands against his cheeks, forcing him to look at you, « am i not supposed to be the one who should be stressed actually? » — a small laugh left your lips, as her roommate closed his eyes slightly, shaking his head negatively. you didn't understand the nature of his stress, but you could at least make him feel slightly more comfortable. pulling yourself up on your tiptoes, you planted a kiss on the corner of his heart shaped lips, your eyes instantly lost in his that had just opened again : « i'm with you, woo. i don't leave you alone. »
a sigh left his lips, ready to speak, when the door opened in front of you, revealing a boy older than sunwoo, but who looked strangely like him. you scanned him up and down, not knowing how to react, until he spoke up, giving you a smile to die for : « hi, i'm sunwoo's older brother, but you can call me younghoon ! you must be y/n? nice to meet you ! » — following the boy's movements, you nodded back, smiling at him as you followed him inside the house, sunwoo on your heels. the house was very cozy, perfectly decorated in neutral but warm tones, a good smell of spicy chicken misting the hallways. everything looked pretty here, in an indescribable cottony envelope.
as you had a warm chat with sunwoo's brother — the latter remaining strangely silent — you walked into the living room, now facing a young woman with two older people, that you presumed to be sunwoo's parents. the two women walked up to you, greeting you warmly by introducing themselves : one was younghoon's wife, and the second was indeed the mother of your roommate. « since my little brother has lost his tongue, i present to you y/n, his roommate about whom he has told us so much. » — you suddenly felt the tops of your ears blush, those words making you raise an eyebrow as you pivot your head towards sunwoo who suddenly looked embarrassed, scratching the back of his neck, finally removing his hands from his pockets.
there was still a person to meet : but once in front of them, you felt like a weight crashing on your shoulders. sunwoo's father had an imposing and terrifying aura, nothing to do with sunwoo's sparkling eyes or younghoon's warm smile. you clearly had the impression that he had nothing to do with his sons, but you gave him the best of your smiles, nodding politely, introducing yourself to him. « nice to meet you mr. kim, i'm y/l/n y/n, sunwoo's roommate. » — the man in front of you remained unmoved, letting a blank invade the room, until the mother of the family spoke, inviting everyone to sit down.
you found yourself sitting next to sunwoo, his leg bouncing in stress against yours. as you were chatting calmly with younghoon's wife, you felt sunwoo reaching out beside you, glancing at him, you may have noticed his father's contemptuous look on his figure. trying to act as if nothing had happened, you slip your hand discreetly into his, intertwining your fingers with his in his jacket pocket. you felt sunwoo's fingers cling more tightly to yours, which prompted you to gently stroke the back of his hand with your thumb. everything was going for the best, in a good atmosphere, despite the strange pressure that was lodged between sunwoo and his father.
after long conversations, sunwoo's mother asked him to set the table, which made him get up as quickly as the light. looking around, you apologized to his family, informing them that you were going to help the youngest of them to finalize his task. as you entered the kitchen, you saw him staring at the cupboards without moving, coming to put your arms around his waist, resting your chin on his shoulder. you felt his body relax under your arms, offering a warmth to your heart that you couldn't explain. « are you okay? do you want us to go home? » — concern was heard in your voice, which did not escape his ear. sunwoo negatively shook his head, pivoting towards you while imitating your movements, sliding his arms around you. he looked you in the eye, giving you a sorry little smile : « i'm sorry y/n, » you didn't understand why he was apologizing, pushing you to question him with your gaze, « i'm sorry for what you're going to attend next. » — he didn't leave you the choice to answer or not, that he moved away from you as his brother entered the room, come to help you set the table.
now, seated next to each other around a good hot meal specially cooked for the occasion, everyone savored their plate in restful silence. sunwoo's mother spoke again, suddenly asking you a rather intimate question : « my sunwoo could be a good boyfriend for you y/n, right? » — laughing at his question, you nodded sometimes negatively, sometimes positively, ending up shrugging and swallowing your piece of chicken. « yes maybe ! but we're just roommate ma'am. » — while you were going to continue your sentence, sunwoo's dad spoke for the first time today.
« i bet they would be much happier with someone like our younghoon, more than sunwoo. » �� raising an eyebrow at his sentence, you observed sunwoo's reaction who suddenly lowered his head, staring at his plate. you definitely didn't understand why a simple question could take a turn like this, and neither did you understand how this man's voice could contain so much contempt in just a few words. banging his fist on the table, you jumped slightly at the gesture, until he continued : « who would want to date a good-for-nothing like him? not even able to be in a good school to learn how to be a good doctor like his brother, » you thought you were hallucinating, feeling your heart tighten in your chest just because he spoke badly about the amazing person sunwoo was, « all he can do is run after a ball like a dog. you make me ashamed, kim sunwoo. »
you could not stand such behavior, nor such false things said about your roommate. you weren't the disrespectful type, but you couldn't stand for mean things to be thrown around like this without justification. « i'm sorry mister, but.. » your sudden speech caught everyone's attention, including sunwoo, who stared at you with shocked eyes, « are you talking about this kim sunwoo? because if so, i want to warn you that you are on the wrong track. »
you felt like you were facing a bull ready to charge, sunwoo's dad eyes nuanced with a red that made a cold chill running down your back, despite your daring behavior. you didn't dare look away from the man, ignoring sunwoo's round eyes peering at your angry face : you were too upset with the old man to properly think about your behavior. « excuse me? » letting out a hypocritical laugh leave your lips, you pushed the inside of your cheek with your tongue, thinking about the words to use in defend him. « i tell you, you're wrong. you underestimated your son, and i can't let you talk bad about him like that. sunwoo is multitalented, he is first in every sports club he is in, he is regular in his homework and he is one of the highest grade people in the whole campus. he's the captain of the soccer team and i can assure you he's doing a great job, and you can say whatever you want, he's the most talented person i know. he always takes care of the people around him, he is always ready to help everyone even when he is busy, and i am the best person to know that because i live with him every day. have you tried to get interested in what it does? what does he believe in? what makes him special? i don't think so. so, mister, called me a disrespectful person if you want, but never talk about sunwoo like that again, because he's worth so much more than you claim. »
every pair of eyes in the room were on you, each a shocked look on their face, staring at you like you've just detonated a bomb. you understood now, why sunwoo had apologized earlier, he apologized for his father's shitty behavior — and you couldn't stand that either. apart from living and doing what he loves, sunwoo hadn't done anything wrong, and he certainly didn't deserve to be treated like that by one of the people who gave him life. finally turning your gaze to your roommate you analyzed everything his eyes were currently screaming at you : some are you crazy? looks, some thank you for all looks, a whole mixture of sadness, fear, gratitude and deliverance in his black orbs. you finally got up from your chair, thanking sunwoo's mother for this short but good meal, before reaching out to him : « let's go home, woo. »
sunwoo seemed hesitant, but ended up sliding his cold hand into yours, following you outside the house. you no longer wanted to leave him in this morbid atmosphere which only hurt his morale. sunwoo deserved much better than to be treated this way.
as you both walked silently through the streets, reaching the nearest bus stop, he stopped in his step, holding you by the hand. « why did you do that? » his voice was weak, almost inaudible, but that did not prevent you from hearing only him. you did not dare to turn to him, biting your lip while shrugging your shoulders : « he said mean things about you. » — but this justification did not seem to convince him, he knew you too well to know that you had not reacted like this just because he spoke badly about him. « you're so lazy that even talking is sometimes too complicated for you, » this fact made you laugh, positively nodding your head because deep down, he was absolutely right, « so don't lie to me. »
you took a few steps back, now finding yourself facing him. it took a few seconds for you to look up at him, your eyes instantly lost in the beauty of his, and you caught yourself smiling like a fool. sunwoo had your heart in his hands, and you blamed yourself for falling for him so easily — but you couldn't blame him, sunwoo was as cute as a kitten, as soft as cotton, as warm as the sun, and as hot as a drama actor. sunwoo was everything you wanted, and you promised yourself that you would do everything so that he always kept that beaming smile on his lips.
« because i want you to be safe. » lost in your thoughts, your eyes sparkling with stars in his, you squeezed sunwoo's hand a little more in yours. « and this house, despite the warm atmosphere and the smell of your mother's good food, is not safe for you. it's not safe for your heart. your father's words, what he thinks of you, will never make you happy. you deserve someone who believes in you, who is proud of you as much as i am, kim sunwoo. » — your heart was pounding in your chest as you stared at his face in the tenderest way. you take a step forward, finding yourself even closer to him, without your eyes taking away from each other. « you see, for a few days, i have realized something. i realized that you were my safe place. with you i always feel good, i'm never afraid, i feel safe. because you make me happy, seeing you smile makes me happy, hearing your heart beating makes me happy. when you hold my hand in yours, i know nothing can happen to me. because i know you will always be with me, i know you will never let go of my hand. at first, i was afraid to fall for you, i was afraid you would break my heart again and again. but you make it everyday so happy and warm, that i know i can have blind trust in you. you are the most wonderful person i know, sunwoo, and my life is so much more beautiful when you are there to light it up. and when i feel like everything is going to make me so fucking sad, i come to find your smile to be happy again, and to tell me that being your roommate was my best decision. because you're my safe place, kim sunwoo. and i wanna be yours, i wanna be your safe place. i want you to come find me when you feel bad, i want to make you smile again, every time you feel bad, i want you to take my hand and tell yourself that nothing can happen to you if i'm with you, because that's how i feel when i'm with you. i feel safe. like in subway, when i felt like i was running out of air, you wrapped me in your safe cocoon, and that's when i knew i had already fallen for you. you're my sunshine, and i can't thank life enough for putting you in my path. »
you were now facing sunwoo's teardrop-filled eyes, shimmering yours, where those salty pearls were already surging down your cheeks. your beaming smile made him lose his balance, he was on the verge of bursting into tears at your words which had touched him right in the heart. all those times he thought he wasn't good enough for you, thought he didn't deserve you, when you actually considered him as your safe place, gave him a feeling of frustration. but these thoughts were quickly driven away, when he felt your hand gently rest on his cheek, chasing away the tears that had just run down his face. « oh and i love you. i love you many many. » — a big smile bathed your lips while saying this sentence, before the latter is replaced by a pair of lips on yours, kissing you in the most passionate way, as if tomorrow will never come.
an explosion of happiness crackled in your heart, giving your stomach those little butterflies everyone was talking about, your hearts beating in unison to the rhythm of the birdsong that surrounded you. your hand let go of his, wrapping your arms around his neck as he grabbed your waist to keep you trapped against him : kim sunwoo and his hot but sweet kisses could actually drive you crazy. sunwoo no longer thought of his father's hurtful words, he no longer felt like a nobody, he didn't have to pretend he didn't love you as much as he did — he was finally free, and safe. because you made him feel safe, like you always do, even without knowing it. your warm hand in his, your smiles, your laughter, your humor, everything made him feel good with you. in your eyes, he felt like the eighth wonder of the world, and nothing was as powerful as this feeling of love you gave him.
he pulled away for a few seconds, sliding his hands delicately against your cheeks, drying the latter wet with your salty tears — a smile beautifying his face, his eyes carrying all the stars of the sky inside them, which once again making your heart beat faster than usual.
« you're my safe place, y/n. and you always have been. »
a new school day also meant a new delay on your part, and you really didn't understand why sunwoo didn't wake you up this morning. typing in an angry way on your cell phone, you hastened to yell — by text — at your roommate.
📩 to woo : i swear imma going to kill you
📩 to woo : you stupid and annoying but fucking hot roommate
📩 to woo : i hate you >:(
you, obviously, had no credibility, because he dared not respond to your texts when you knew full well that he had seen them. running wildly in the hallways, you almost end up missing the door to your classroom, taking a few steps back, checking your outfit and face before knocking at the door. you were greeted by the bored voice of your teacher, telling you to come in and quickly find a place to sit, before he resumed his lesson.
scanning the free seats in the room, you weren't surprised to find none, doomed to find yourself sitting on the floor again. but a few things caught your attention : the girls from the last time openly laughed at you, facing their childish behavior again. rolling your eyes at that scene, almost dropping your backpack on the floor, your gaze finally landed on this one and only person who was making your heart beat at over a hundred miles an hour. without letting the others know, he left you just enough place to give you the best seat ever : your roommate's thighs.
the silly behavior of these girls got out of your head very quickly, smiling tenderly at sunwoo who was impatiently awaiting your coming. walking up to him, under their watchful eyes, you found yourself sitting on him in two seconds, his arm instantly encircling your waist. which did not seem to bother your teacher, who continued to read the pages of his books as if nothing had happened. on your side, you offered the most beautiful smile to the others, telling them that the kim sunwoo, was in reality, your boyfriend now.
grabbing a pencil from the latter's pencil case, you come to jot down a few little words on the corner of one the pages of his notebook — those little words that meant the world to him :
« thank you, kim sunwoo, to always make me feel safe. »
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willowbleedsonpaper · 3 years
Happy With You
Sirius Black x Female Reader
W.C. : 2800
Request: Hiii wifey ;) may I request a fic for the love of my life sirius black? Maybe the reader is james’ little sibling?Also, lots of yearning/ mutual pining please 😭 but please pleaseeee make it a happy ending cause shattered part one left me HEART BROKEN
A/N: Thanks for the request lovely! I had so much fun writing this I hope you and everyone enjoy it.
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Maybe it was the way she spoke, like her words were written in the finest sheets of parchment by all the blessed people that got to listen to her, as if her voice carried the melody of a siren and attracted everyone in her direction. It definitely had that effect on Sirius Black.
Sirius wanted to follow her to every place she set foot on, listen to her talk as full of passion and excitement as she always did. She had a magnet to her, a magnet that pulled him and made him want to talk to her all the time. Or just be with her, sitting on grass just outside of the castle as she played and ran, maybe he’d play with her. Laughter flowing with the cold breeze as he wrapped his arm around her waist and spun her in the air.
That wasn’t her voice.
“Merlin, we’ve lost him.”
But it was close enough.
“Huh?” Sirius murmured, lifting his head from the book open in the desk in front of him. He shook his head softly, eyes focusing on round glasses before he could see beyond the lens and into brown eyes. Not quite the ones he was hoping for, though. “What is it?”
“Never seen you so invested in something.” James chuckled. If only he knew. “Do you get what the professor is talking about?” he asked, spinning the book in the air to see if maybe he got it upside down with no luck, the book was on the right side and just as it was supposed to be read “I reckon he stopped speaking English hours ago.”
Sirius laughed at that, turning to see Peter just as confused as James and then to Remus, the only one actually taking notes “Moony gets it.” he said, pointing towards the brown haired boy with a small grin. “Ask him.”
“Oh, we know Moony gets it.” James said humorlessly, snatching the book from Sirius’ hands “He’ll explain to us later, but I need to understand now.” He turned back on his seat, stealing glances from Remus’ papers as Remus moved slightly to the left, giving James a better view.
“Do you get it?” Sirius whispered in Peter’s direction, the boy calmly taking notes as he nodded.
“I think so.” he answered “Just found the part in the text that he’s talking about. But the professor already asked James, he didn’t know the answer and he’s about to get detention that would get him out of the next Quidditch practices. He 's desperate.”
“Figures.” Sirius laughed under his breath, shaking his head as he started taking notes about what he thought was important or worth remembering “Maybe whisper the answer to him next time.”
“I’m barely understanding myself.” Peter murmured, turning to Sirius “I thought you would know, we lost you to that book for a minute there.” He said, pointing to the same page Peter had opened in his book, but Sirius just shook his head “Just as lost as you.” he mumbled, but the hint in his voice was clear that he didn’t mean the class.
You stood next to your professor’s desk, your friend just behind you as you asked the few questions you still had about your class that just ended. That was when the loud voices reached your ears and you smiled internally, James was close.
“...and that would be the more complicated uses of the charm.” the raspy sound of your professor’s voice ceased and you had to stop yourself from running out of the classroom right there and then. He is always with him.
“Thank you, professor. I understand better now.” you smiled at him, taking your friend’s wrist as you slowly started to walk “We’ll see you next class.!” you said, your face a blur as you ran outside dragging your friend with you.
“What 's the rush?!” she yelled over the fuzz of the students changing classes and the wind flowing in your ears. Her hand shot up in the air, holding down the hat on her head as you sped through the halls following the trail only they could leave.
“They were here.” you informed her, avoiding all the people in your way.
“Godric, you’re out of your mind.” she laughed, but followed you anyway.
Just as the hallways started to get clearer you got the advantage of finding the four heads you were looking for, just standing in the middle of the entrance to the castle like they owned the place. Somehow, you knew they did and no one had the courage to admit it. They knew it too well and had no need to put it into words. Yes, they got detention and caused more trouble than the entire school together, but most of Hogwarts loved them and they got away with more than they should be able to, even professors had a soft spot for them. They had a nameless power over Hogwarts and they knew it. But you had power over one of them.
“James Potter!” you yelled, marching towards them as you still held onto your friend's hand.
His head snapped up to you, the momentarily fear that he showed on his face quickly turning into a grin as he ran towards you with open arms. You squealed, leaving your friend's side to run to him, bodies crashing as he hugged you tightly.
“Hello, little one.” he said excitedly, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he ruffled your hair, the groan leaving your mouth only making his grin grow.
“I'm almost as tall as you.” you complained, standing on your tiptoes to see him eye to eye for one second “See?” you said, the effort making you drop to your actual height, the low giggles coming from your friend making you get away from James. “And only a year younger.” you said matter of factly, taking his hand and guiding his arm away from you, just it time to see his friends catching up with him. “Hello boys.” you greeted them with a smile. They all thought you had a light to you that they loved, your first days at Hogwarts had been spent with them and they immediately made you feel like a part of their group. The feeling had stuck until the present day, even if you had your own friends and didn’t spend much time with them as you once did, they had grown to look out for you in their own ways. They all saw you like a little sister and you saw them all like family, but the ache in your heart screamed to this day for something more from a certain someone, your eyes lingering a second longer on him before you turned back to James.
“What did you do now?” you said accusatively, crossing your arms over your chest. You had seen the terror slide from his face the moment he saw it was you calling his full name, he had done something and you knew it.
“Nothing.” he answered defensively, his face tensing as he turned away from you. “We actually have to get to class so I’ll see you later , you goblin.” he stretched his arm, ruffling your hair again before he took off running. “Bye Willow!” he yelled, waving his hand in the air as your friend did the same.
Remus, Peter and Sirius said their goodbyes quickly, following James closely as you and Willow stood there watching them go, only you noticing the slow steps that Sirius was taking, his head turned towards you as he waved his hand. Your giggle echoed the stone walls as he winked in your direction, a smile forming in your face as he finally disappeared from your sight.
“Merlin, that lasted forever.” Willow breathed out.
“What lasted forever?” you asked her, starting to walk beside her.
“Please, I had to fight the urge to cover my eyes.” she said, laughing in the end. A silence followed her words and she turned to see your confused face as you walked “You and Sirius?” she explained in a whisper, as if the words were forbidden to anyone to say out loud.
You continue walking, your confusion only growing as you stared at her “Wh-What about me and him?” you asked with a string of voice, the sound making Willow relax as she flashed you with a smile.
“Are you that oblivious or you're just in denial?” she asked incredulously “He obviously has a thing for you.” You shushed her quickly, covering her mouth with your hand when her voice raised, the sudden motion capturing the attention of a couple of older students. You smiled tightly in their direction, letting go of your hold on Willow as she stuck her tongue out in your direction, the other students gave you an awkward look but carried on their way without a second look in your direction.
“No need to announce it to the entirety of Hogwarts.” you muttered under your breath, a knowing smile on your friends lips as she nodded successfully.
“So you agree he has a thing for you?” with a huff you nodded, rolling your eyes at the squeal she let out. Her hand took hold of your shoulder and she shook you gently “And do you?” she asked “Do you feel something for him?”
Suddenly, your eyes found every single detail of the castle interesting, your eyes landing on every wall with the most intense curiosity as to avoid Willow’s eyes, but there was no escaping her glare “Oh, c´mon!” you hissed, covering your face and dragging your hands down your face “Have you seen him? Of course I have a thing for him.”
Willow laughed but kept her now warm gaze calm on you “But do you have feelings for him?” she asked.
You snapped out of the embarrassed state you were in, turning to her with a frown “I don’t know.” you admitted.
Truly, you didn’t know.
The weekend arrived at Hogwarts, the sunlight shining softly through the windows and over the faces of those closest to them as the birds sang just outside to greet the early risers.
You groaned as soon as the sun caressed the side of your face. “Five more minutes.” you mumbled, covering your face with your pillow, turning to the opposite side with your back to the window.
The quiet room soon was filled with soft snores that you tried to ignore, the noise only growing louder as you pressed the pillow harder against your face. Your eyes snapped open and you rose, supporting your weight on your forearms as you glared to the bed right to yours. One minute passed, then two and then three and you thought you held back enough. Your hand reached for your pillow, throwing it with all your force towards Willow’s face.
Her sudden scream was muffled by the tangled covers that got all over her face as she fell from her bed. The entire mess of limbs and sputter of words lasted for only a second before she emerged from her covers, her eyes instantly landing on you “What was that for?!” she demanded, taking the pillow from beside her and throwing it back.
Ducking her throw, you narrowed your eyes “You’re loud,” you said, getting out of bed “and I’m hungry.”
“I looooove pancakes.” Willow murmured as she took a seat, getting her plate and starting to serve the food without another thought.
A breathy laugh left your lips, taking your spot right in between James and Willow “What Willow means is good morning.” you said with a smile. It had become a habit to have breakfast with James on the weekends when your house didn’t matter and everyone could enjoy their meals without colors keeping them from other students.
“And she lives.” James laughed at the sight of you “You’re an early bird now?”
You glared at him, glancing at Willow once before you huffed heavily “You can blame the bear having breakfast over there.” you said, pointing at her.
She limited to wave a dismissive hand in your direction, her focus on the food in front of her more than in any other thing.
Everyone laughed at your friend’s behaviour, the sleep still in her eyes as she ate. She was oblivious to all the eyes in her.
“Can someone get me the syrup, please?” you asked, reaching your hand in the air. A familiar warmth in your fingertips made you raise your head, your hand lingering there for a moment before you smiled “Thank you.” you told Sirius, a glint in your eyes as you stared at him. His own smile didn’t go unnoticed by you and that sense of calm filled you once more. How could someone so chaotic be such a calming presence to you?
Breakfast became your favorite moment of the week. It was the moment of the week where you had an excuse to be near Sirius, where you could sit next to him and no one would question it. Breakfast became more than just being able to sit close to him or accidentally brushing your hands together. Saturday mornings became your mornings, just you and Sirius. As if the world knew it was the only time and place you could share knowing glances, where smiles looked brighter and the feeling of butterflies wilder. Sirius could swear that holding your hand underneath the table was the best feeling, one where he could swear your skin felt softer and your palm warmer. No one could say a thing, because it was just you and him. Y/N and Sirius.
In those short minutes or rapid hours no words were needed.
But Sirius loved taking risks.
You look lovely, by the way he would whisper in your ear, away from the noise and praying eyes of the rest of your friends.
Soon, the time you two had on the weekend over breakfast wasn’t enough. You started meeting late in the evenings when most of the students prefer to stay inside the castle to avoid the chill air. You two had no problem with it, you had come to enjoy it.
“Tell me more about it.” he asked you gently, his back resting against a tall tree. He held your hand in his, both intertwined and resting against your chest. “I’ve never heard of it before.”
You looked up at him, your head resting on his lap as you thought about it “Well, some muggles believe in witchcraft but not like we know it. You see, we have magic and come here to study it but only a few of us. They believe everyone can perform a spell with the right motivation, they use all kinds of herbs and crystals that we don’t.” you said, your free hand moving with your words as if it was a melody and you were directing “Some of them work with their ancestors and work hard to heal. It’s a completely different kind of witchcraft. They do spells, charms and rituals but not like we do, they even do it dancing. Can you imagine?” you asked, lifting from your position to look at him.
If it weren’t because you waited for his answer he could’ve stayed there watching you. For a moment he swore you were gleaming and he never wanted to let the image go from his mind. He saw you in a different light for the first time, one he hadn’t been able to see you from before. “Dancing?” he asked.
You nodded eagerly, standing and pulling him with you. You let go of his hand and started to move, spinning in your spot with your robes flowing around your bare feet. You took little jumps and started to move your hands with the flow of your hair just above your head.
He really couldn't resist.
You had closed your eyes at some point, giving him the chance to run up to you, the squeal that left your lips didn’t cover his laugh, his arm secured around your waist as he spun you in the air. You were both laughing, the sun setting behind your backs as he finally set you down and then he realized, he felt like all this was coming out of his dreams.
His arms stayed around your waist, swaying gently to the sound of your humming, his head resting comfortably on top of your head. “Are you happy?” he asked you.
You expected for your heartbeat to go crazy, for the palms of your hands to start sweating but all you felt was an overwhelming calm taking over you. You sigh, resting your back against his chest as he held you “I am.” you told him “I feel happy with you.”
@iwritesiriusly / @trinimalfoyyy / @megaprincesscakes / @lunalovegoodsgirlfriend / @amourtentiaa / @zaidlyn / @aconfusedslytherin / @animprxperworld / @aconfusedslytherin / @the-lonely-poet-loves-to-weep / @dreamcxtcherr / @angelsandsorcery / @badass-yn
@destourtereaux / @ktyflwr / @nehireerdogan / @medalloway-blog / @waxsealed-letters / @j-cat / @aleksanderwh0r3
Sirius Black
@funravenclaw2002 / @blackst0nes7077 / @lilylikethefl0wer / @just-wordsandthoughts / @bhavanaa
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jenohi · 3 years
double take
PAIRING ▸ park jeongwoo x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ mutual pining, best friends-to-read it to find out, high school au, lacrosse au,
WARNINGS ▸ foul language, mild aggression(???)
SUMMARY ▸ when two friends start questioning the feelings they have for each other.
PLAYLIST ▸ double take by dhruv
WORD COUNT ▸ 4541 words
A/N ▸ Honestly, I'm not totally satisfied with this piece but I've been sitting on it for awhile and I would just rather publish it. I had many thoughts as I wrote this piece and at some point as I wrote I started to question if I picked the right member for this story. But I stand by my decision with the member I chose.
I could say I never dare
To think about you in that way
But, I would be lying
Jeongwoo was lost in thought as he walked back home from school. It was something he wasn’t used to doing alone but lately it was something that had been happening more and more often. But still he wasn’t able to shake the feeling and get used to it. Without your presence around, without his favorite person to bicker with, Jeongwoo found he had more time to think.
“Jeongwoo-ya!” Jaehyuk yelled. When Jeongwoo got home he was still lost deep in his thoughts, so lost that he hadn’t heard his brother call out to him at all. “Jeongwoo!” Jaehyuck yelled again, this time right into Jeongwoo’s ear. Jeongwoo flinched and poked his ear a few times to make sure he could still hear before he turned around to glare at his brother.
“Are you good? I said hello when you came home and you just walked right past me in zombie-mode, I even offered you oreos.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
Jaehyuk gave his little brother a strange look, his eyes wide and mouth gaping open. He was surprised. “You’re even apologizing now? What’s gotten into you? Are you good?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I think.”
To anyone other than Jeongwoo, it was obvious that Jeongwoo was indeed not fine. “Cut the shit. Something’s on your mind, what’s wrong? Also where’s Y/N? I haven’t seen her in awhile, I feel like she used to always come back here with you.”
“Aish, I’m fine. Y/N? Well… I think she’s doing okay. Honestly, I haven’t seen her in like a few weeks. One day she told me not to wait up for her and so that day I didn’t. But the next day I did and the next day and the next day…” Jeongwoo said. He hadn’t realized that each day he had waited for you until he said it aloud. Why did he wait for you?
As if he could read Jeongwoo’s mind, Jaehyuk asked “why did you wait for her? Did she tell you to?”
“No, but we used to walk back together every day.” Jeongwoo paused, “I guess I just got used to it and expected things would go back to normal. She lives next door, we’ve been walking back together for years now.”
“How do you feel about it?” Jaehyuk asked, doing his best to contain his excitement and to stop himself from cheering like he was watching a soccer match. He’d been watching this budding relationship develop for years now. It seemed like his bone-headed baby brother was finally pulling his head out of his ass. His ship was taking off. Finally.
Jeongwoo paused. “I don’t know. How am I supposed to feel? We’re just friends right?”
“Right.” Jeongwoo could hear the snark in his brother’s voice as he turned around and walked into his room. “Maybe you should think about it a little bit more.”
“Think about what?” Jeongwoo asked, exasperated, now it felt like his own brother was acting weird too. Jeongwoo wanted to pull his hair out. He wanted his brother to stop asking him such cryptic questions, he wanted to ask his friend why she had suddenly stopped walking home with him, and he just wanted...he just wanted to go back to when things were normal.
“Jeongwoo. Tell me, have you ever thought of Y/N as anything other than a friend?” Jaehyuk said. Then he pondered it for a second. “Actually, you don’t even have to tell me. Tell yourself. Be totally honest.”
With that Jaehyuk disappeared behind the door to his room and Jeongwoo stood there once again in thought. He thought about the times you had spent walking back together, sharing stories, sharing secrets, and sharing songs. He thought about how vibrant and lovely you looked when you told him what crazy things had happened to you that day. The walks back home were so much more quiet without you.
To say he had never thought about you that way was...a lie.
And I pretend I'm happy for you
When you find some dude to take home
The next day of school Jeongwoo made up his mind to confront you about it. Okay, maybe not confront you about it but ask you if everything was okay. He found you sitting in your seat in the homeroom chatting away with your friends. Jeongwoo did his best to wipe his hands on his thighs as discreetly as possible before tapping on your shoulder.
You turned around, you could feel your eyebrows shoot up when you saw Jeongwoo standing there behind you. “Hey.”
“Hi, would you mind if I had a word with you really quickly?” Jeongwoo asked.
“No, not at all. Let’s go out in the hallway.” You said, getting up from your seat and smiling at your friends before walking out of the classroom, you spun around once you were a reasonable distance from the classroom door. “What’s up?”
“I just, I was just wondering why I haven’t seen you outside the school. So you know, we can walk home together. I’ve been waiting for you.”
You felt your heart flip-flop but you didn’t let it show. “Oh, well I joined the school’s ambassador program right? The foreign exchange students arrived. They asked us to stay after to help them get accustomed to the school’s culture and to answer any questions they have. It’s actually so much fun, my student is this guy from Japan! His name is Haruto! Jeongwoo, he’s so attractive.”
Before you could continue or Jeongwoo could respond, the bell rang. You tossed an apologetic smile over your shoulder before walking into the classroom and taking a seat. Jeongwoo made his way over to his own classroom and sat down for class. But he couldn’t focus at all.
‘Haruto? Who was Haruto?’ he thought. ‘How attractive could he be? There’s no way this Haruto guy was more attractive than he was right?’
Jeongwoo pulled out his phone to check his appearance. He felt his phone ring, he glanced up to see that the teacher wasn’t looking so he clicked on the notification to read the message he just received. His chest felt weird for a quick second when he saw the notification was from you.
Y/N: Was there anything else you needed? I’m sorry you’ve been waiting for me, you don’t have to do that now. I should have told you earlier but Haruto’s been walking me home after our program.
Jeongwoo: No, that’s all I was curious about. Thanks for the heads up. Haruto sounds like a cool guy. I’m glad.
Jeongwoo was not glad.
But, I won't deny that
In the midst of the crowds
In the shapes in the clouds
I don't see nobody but you
And suddenly, it was like Jeongwoo couldn’t not see you. You were everywhere. He started to take new routes home, he visited shops, studied in cafes, sometimes he even considered joining a school club just to stay after. But everywhere he went, everything he did he thought of you. He saw something in a shop that would remind him of you, he wondered what kind of drink you’d get at the cafes he visited, and even in the most crowded streets sometimes he swore he saw your face.
You were everywhere yet nowhere at the same time.
In my rose-tinted dreams
Wrinkled silk on my sheets
I don't see nobody but you
But Jeongwoo acknowledged he was truly and utterly screwed when he started to see your pretty face in his dreams. Your face wasn’t ever the problem. It was missing you. It was wondering if you had replaced him. It was wondering if you were with that new guy Haruto now.
At the end of two weeks of utterly horrible sleep, Jeongwoo thought to himself. He needed to do something about the situation and he needed to do it fast. The best person to consult? His hopeless romantic of a brother.
you got me hooked on to something
Who could say that they saw us coming?
Tell me, do you feel the love?
“Jaehyuk-hyung. Help me.” Jeongwoo asked, slamming his brother’s door open and barging into the room.
Jaehyuk paused his game, muttered something into the microphone and then took off his headset. “What’s up?”
“I like Y/N. What do I do?”
“Awww Jeongwoo has a crush! My baby brother has finally opened his eyes and is admitting his feelings to himself.” Jaehyuk teased.
“Yeah yeah. You get to jab at me this one time and then never again. You may be older than me but I’ve grown 8 cm in the last year. I’m just as tall as you now!” Jeongwoo threatened.
“I feel like I should be able to tease you about it for a little longer than just this once. It’s so obvious between the two of you. You both are such dummies.”
“What? What are you talking about?” Jeongwoo asked. “Nevermind, I don’t think I want to know. Just help me, what do I do? She’s been spending the last few weeks after school with another guy. I have to act fast and I want to impress her.”
“Well, there’s a long weekend coming up. What do you guys like in common?”
“We talk about music a lot. She and I have similar taste in music.”
“Why don’t you take her to a concert or see live music or something?”
Jeongwoo thought about it. The more he thought about it, the more he realized how good of an idea it was and it was possible, he saw an ad for his and your favorite artist that was coming to town soon. He rushed out of Jaehyuk’s room.
“Thanks hyung!”
The first thing Jeongwoo did once he got back to his room was search the concert details. To his relief, there were still tickets available and he snatched two as quickly as he could. He breathed a sigh of relief once he found the confirmation in his email.
His mind wandered over to what Jaehyuk had said earlier ‘it’s so obvious between the two of you’. What was so obvious? Was there something he wasn’t seeing? Did you feel the way he felt about you? Did everybody else see something between the two of you that neither of you had seen yourselves?
Who else saw them coming? Did you feel the love? Was it love? Whatever. Jeongwoo just prayed you would be available this weekend.
Spend the summer of a lifetime with me
Let me take you to the place of your dreams
Tell me, do you feel the love?
Jeongwoo: Are you free this weekend? I got tickets to Big Bang’s concert. We should go.
Y/N: I’m so down to go to Big Bang. Haruto is actually a huge fan as well. He got me a ticket! We should all go together. Haruto is really cool! I think you guys would get along amazing.
Jeongwoo could feel his insides curling up on each other and the expression on his face souring. But he sucked up his pride and answered.
Jeongwoo: Awesome.
Jeongwoo had to admit, Haruto was cool. The two boys had exchanged conversations about music, sports, and clothes. Everything under the sun. Except for you. He wanted to ask but he also didn’t want to ask. He was afraid of the answer.
He tried to keep his cool when he saw you interact with Haruto. His mind was clouded with questions, worries. Was he too late in chasing your affections?
About halfway through the concert you had started to get fed up by the way Jeongwoo was acting. Bang Bang Bang came on and you were not going to let Jeongwoo’s prissy attitude ruin this experience so you grabbed his hand and started jumping. Thankfully, the sour expression on your best friend’s face started to disappear. At the sight of Jeongwoo’s goofy grin, you felt a strangely warm feeling spread through your body and the warmth flowed up into your face. You tried your best not to think too much about it.
By the end of the song, Jeongwoo had his arm thrown over your shoulder and yours was loosely wrapped around his waist as the two of you jumped to the beat. At the very end of the song as you went to land the last jump, there was a sharp pain that shot up your ankle as you landed.
Jeongwoo felt his heart lurch as he realized you were about to slip. Without even thinking, he wrapped his other arm around you and held you before you could topple over. And then all of sudden it was like the world had paused. For the first time in a few weeks, Jeongwoo really looked at his best friend for the first time.
He looked into your eyes and asked the question that he was too afraid to say aloud. ‘Do you feel the love?’
And I could say I never answered
Those believers inside my head
But that's far from the truth
For the rest of the concert, Jeongwoo held you in his arms as the two of you swayed from side to side. You hadn’t realized how much Jeongwoo had grown in the past few weeks. You were thankful that you were facing the band and that Jeongwoo stood behind you with his head resting on yours. His arms were wrapped around your shoulders.
Truthfully, the last few weeks had been both torture and a sweet relief. You knew there were feelings simmering for Jeongwoo for a long time, but lately you couldn’t put a finger on it. He had grown up and he had grown up well. And then all of a sudden the feelings exploded and they became hard to tame and hide. So when you saw the flyer for the foreign exchange students program a few weeks ago, which would run after school, you snatched up the opportunity.
The time away from Jeongwoo did help you clear up your mind a bit. And you did make a new friend from it. Haruto. And Haruto was handsome. But there was no romantic chemistry. Haruto had his own romantic issues.
But this concert wasn’t what you were expecting. It wasn’t weird for you and Jeongwoo to exchange the occasional hug. But this felt like more affection than usual and it felt good. When Jeongwoo had caught you from the fall and looked into your eyes as he held you, your head started to spin, your thoughts and feelings started to run wild again. It was harder and harder to run from the truth, that you had fallen for your best friend, Jeongwoo.
To admit that was scary. To wonder what would happen to your relationship if things changed. What if he didn’t feel the same way about you? What if he became awkward and the relationship irrevocably fell apart? But what if he did return your feelings? But then what if it didn’t work out and it all fell apart? Suddenly, this didn’t feel so good anymore.
Jeongwoo wanted to hold you and never let you go. Unaware of the many thoughts flying through your head, he wished you’d turn around and look at him again. He wished he was braver, he wished. He wished for so many things but he was scared. But for now he was so happy, so content, holding you in his arms.
Don't know what's come over me
It seems like yesterday when I said
“We'll be friends forever”
“Y/N? Can we grab food after this?” Jeongwoo asked into your ear. A sudden storm of butterflies stormed into your stomach and you pretended not to hear him as you pulled his arms off of your shoulders and stepped out of his embrace.
Jeongwoo could feel his body heat in frustration. He had never had to fight for your attention, there was never any competition for it before. But now that he had to, he hated it.
“Where’s Haruto?” you asked, looking around for your friend, avoiding eye contact with Jeongwoo. Thankfully before it became too awkward you felt your phone vibrate. You tapped on the notification to see that it was a message from Haruto.
‘Haruto was great, but was he really so great he could undo the years of growing up together?’ Jeongwoo fumed silently as you read the message on your phone. He tried his best to compose himself.
Haruto: I had to go, sorry. I saw someone I used to know.
“Y/N? What’s up?”
“Uh, Haruto dipped. He caught up with a friend.” you said. Jeongwoo did all that he could to keep the smile off of his face.
“So...you wanna grab food?”
“Aren’t you hungry? Let’s go to McDonald’s! We should catch up. I feel like-”
“Actually, it’s kind of late Jeongwoo. And I’m kind of tired. Would you mind taking me home?”
This time, you did see the smile slide right off of Jeongwoo’s face. “Oh. Yeah of course.”
“Thanks Jeongwoo. You’re such an amazing friend to me.”
Constellations of stars
Murals on city walls
I don't see nobody but you
If Jeongwoo thought the two weeks leading up to the concert were bad, then the next two were absolute hell. Instead of moving forward, it was like your relationship had shot backwards.
‘Friend?’ Jeongwoo fumed. He was absolutely pissed every time he thought about it. He didn't want to be your friend. That much was obvious now.
Now it wasn’t just that the two of you didn’t walk back home together. Now you didn’t answer his texts. Now you didn’t even look at him in school. Now you didn’t even show up to support him at his sporting events. Now it sucked. Jeongwoo felt like a kid who had done something wrong and had been sent to time out. But what had he done wrong?
Had he overstepped his boundaries? Had he said something wrong? He hadn’t said anything other than ‘do you want to get food?’
But still Jeongwoo couldn’t get you out of his mind.
You're my vice, you're my muse
You're a nineteenth floor view
I don't see nobody but you
Jeongwoo thought he was being rational. He figured you needed space but he couldn’t figure out why. But when Jaehyuk dropped him off at lacrosse tryouts in the spring and he saw that you were in the stands chatting with Haruto he was absolutely livid. He could feel his heart face and his blood boil. Jeongwoo’s regular pleasant demeanor had evaporated in an instant.
But to be fair, all his pent up aggression seemed to work to his benefit as he exerted all of it on the field. And at the end of the day, his coach had told him that he’d done so well he might get a spot on the varsity team. That was an amazing opportunity as a Sophomore.
If Jeongwoo was livid seeing you at tryouts the first day. He was absolutely furious when he saw Haruto run up to you during breaks to chat. When he saw you hand Haruto a bottle of water with such a pretty smile on your face he wanted to punch something. Or someone.
At the end of the second day of tryouts, the coach called Jeongwoo into his office.
“I don’t know what they feed you kids over in Japan. But all four of you are good.” Jeongwoo heard once he was within hearing distance of the office. Japan? Jeongwoo’s mood soured when he saw a familiar lanky figure. He knocked on the doorframe to make his presence known to the coach.
Haruto smirked when he saw Jeongwoo standing at the door with a darkened expression on his face. But it was gone the second he turned back to face the coach.
“The two of you have demonstrated amazing capabilities and I am considering pulling one of you up to the varsity team. Take this opportunity seriously. Tomorrow is the last day of tryouts.”
On the third and final day of tryouts, Jeongwoo was relieved that he didn’t see you. He cringed when he realized how horrible that thought was but he wanted to be laser focused today. He wanted to do his absolute best. No, he wanted to be the absolute best.
But his game was off, Jeongwoo was antsy and his mind kept straying. During each break he didn’t realize his eyes were wandering everywhere just to get a glimpse of you. It was infuriating to see you here for Haruto but it was unsettling not to see you here at all. And it showed.
On the field during the last game of tryouts, it was Haruto and Jeongwoo facing off against each other. Face to face, right in front of each other, just before the whistle blew Haruto taunted his opponent. “You’re gonna lose your girl to me and now you’re gonna lose your spot on the team to me?”
If there was one redeeming moment of today’s tryouts it was this last game. Jeongwoo played as hard as he could, as ferocious as he could. But just for a second he lost control and played a bit dirty. The game ended when he was called for an illegal body check.
“Dude what’s your problem?” Haruto asked.
Jeongwoo turned around and got up in his face. “No, what’s your problem? Your comment back there? Absolutely uncalled for.”
“Please. Pull your head out of your ass. You’re hurting your friend. Talk to her.”
“Boys! Over here, now!” the coach hollered before Jeongwoo could ask for an explanation.
As soon as the two boys entered the office, he asked “Jeongwoo, how do you think you played today?”
“Not the best I could have sir, something was on my mind. I apologize, it won’t happen again.”
“Damn right, it better not. After seeing you play today I was about ready to cut you from the team entirely.”
Jeongwoo felt his heart drop to his stomach. Haruto felt awkward. He wasn’t sure why he had to be here for this.
“Haruto. I saw you say something to Jeongwoo before the last game. I don’t condone foul play. Whatever petty drama you both got going on between the two of you get it sorted out, fast. Because for now, you’re teammates. Junior Varsity. Here’s the deal, if the two of you prove yourself in the first few games I’ll pull you up. But instead of competing against each other for the spot, it’s either you both get a spot or neither of you will get pulled up.”
Jeongwoo stormed out of the office. He was so angry he hadn’t even noticed that he’d nearly trampled you.
You recognized the expression on Jeongwoo’s face. It was the worst-case-scenario face. It was rare, but when it was there that meant things were bad. You turned to see Haruto exit the office, he saw you look back at Jeongwoo then back at him. Haruto jutted his chin out towards Jeongwoo and gave you a nod, to which you smiled back in relief before running off after Jeongwoo.
Do you feel the love?
Feel the love
“Jeongwoo! Jeongwoo!” You yelled. He barely heard you or he ignored you, he was so pissed that he honestly didn’t know. But right now he needed to find a way to deal with the anger. He needed to go home.
But he couldn’t run away from you, not when you had caught up to him. He saw you standing in front of his path home, he looked over and saw that you had taken a shortcut that the two of you had found together years ago.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
Jeongwoo rolled his eyes and made a move to step around you. But you stepped over so that you were in his way again. And when he stepped again. You stepped again as well.
“Move. Seriously.”
“No, not until you tell me what’s wrong?”
“Why the hell would I do that?”
You felt a chill run down your spine. This wasn’t Jeongwoo. Your Jeongwoo would never speak to you like this. Your Jeongwoo? Was he even yours? He was still your friend though, right? “We’re friends. Right?”
Jeongwoo scoffed. He knew he was being rude but right now it felt like the entire world was giving him a giant middle finger.
“I don’t know. Are we?”
“Why wouldn’t we be? Friends are there for each other in times of need. You’re obviously mad and you need a friend right now. And I’m your friend right?” you felt yourself get smaller and smaller the more you spoke.
“Are you really my friend? Because honestly, lately, you’ve been a really shitty friend.”
“For years we’ve walked home from school together, for years we’ve hung out together, supported each other, we talked to each other, about everything. Then one day you stop meeting me in front of the school, then the next day you don’t tell me what’s going on or why or even to let me know not to wait up for you, then one week then one week turns into many weeks then all of a sudden. I feel like I’ve lost my best friend.”
“Jeongwoo, I’m sorry-”
“I was so upset at the thought of not being close to you that I made plans for us to spend time together. Just us. And you go and invite someone else. Then just when I feel like things are starting to get better at the concert, you iced me out. Completely. You don’t answer my texts. You don’t talk to me, hell you don’t even look at me anymore!”
You could feel the tears streaming down your face. Everything Jeongwoo had said was true. In being scared of your own feelings for Jeongwoo, you had severed your friendship with him bit by bit. And now you weren’t even sure if it was still hanging by a thread.
“I have spent weeks. Going over what I did wrong in my head. I have tried so hard to talk to you, to just talk to you. I had something I wanted to say to you. But I don’t think it should be so hard to just speak to my friend. But I’ve just come to the conclusion that I haven’t done anything wrong. I wasn’t the one who was being a shit friend. That was you. So let me ask you again. Are you really my friend?”
“I-” you paused for a second to swallow. “I don’t know.”
“Yeah. I don’t know either. And honestly right now, I don’t even think I want you to be my friend. Bye Y/N.” Jeongwoo said, stepping around you. This time you didn’t stop him.
You turned around and watched his back get smaller and smaller as he walked away from you, down the path that led you home. The path the two of you had walked along together for years. You sniffled as you wiped the tears from your face.
But what you didn't see were the tears that streamed down Jeongwoo’s face.
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cocobeanncteez · 4 years
ATEEZ Wooyoung- School President (Oneshot)
Genre: light angst, suggestive/steamy, high school au.
Pairing: SchoolPresident!Wooyoung x badgirl!reader
Warnings: none.
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"Miss L/N, detention after school till 4 p.m." your chemistry teacher said, making you mentally groan. It was the last class of the day and you were dying to go home, but now you had to stay for an extra hour. All your classmates turned to look at you, but they weren't surprised. "You still haven't submitted the assignment."
"Can I just submit it tomorrow?" you asked in a bored tone.
"No, you were supposed to submit it a week ago," she said, gathering her stuff to leave the class. "Detention with Mrs. Hwang today." You heard people around you snicker. Well, fuck. Mrs. Hwang was the strictest teacher in school. Even you were scared of her despite your badass attitude.
You got up from your seat, leaving the classroom with an annoyed expression on your face.
"Detention again, Y/N?" your bestfriend asked as she made her way to you with your other friends.
You rolled your eyes. "Ms. Jang will never fucking let me live in peace. I'll see you guys tomorrow," you said, making your way to detention.
You were surprised to find the room empty. Usually, there would always be about three or five students. Since no one was here, you decided to ditch; you would skip school the next day so that your teachers will forget about it. You turned around to leave, but ended up bumping into someone, slightly startling yourself.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at your school president and heartthrob—also called 'senior's eye candy' at your school—Jung Wooyoung.
You had to admit, he was certainly the most handsome guy you've ever seen. Jung Wooyoung was absolutely perfect. Every girl wanted him and every guy wanted to be him. You were sure half your school tried to hit on him despite the fact that he has a girlfriend.
"Unfortunately, I'm here to make sure that you won't escape detention as Mrs. Hwang is busy, so take a seat," he said, moving around you to sit on a chair and taking a notebook out of his bag.
You always found Jung Wooyoung very interesting. Other guys like him—the nerdy ones—can't even talk to you, let alone look you in the eye. Jung Wooyoung was the complete opposite.
You sat on one of the chairs, immediately taking your phone out.
"You can't use your phone here," Wooyoung said, not looking up at you from his notebook. "Why don't you complete your assignment?"
You scoffed. "And if I don't? What are you gonna do about it?"
"Nothing," he said, looking at you. "It's not affecting me in any way, so I don't care. However, Ms. Jang is gonna fail you again if you don't submit your assignment."
You knew he was right. And that annoyed you; you really just wanted to shut his pretty mouth up.
"Whatever," you mumbled, taking out a notebook and the assignment sheet to start working on the reactions you had to write.
However, you were completely blank. You didn't know or understand a word given on the sheet. You bit your lip as you stared at the sheet, wondering what to do.
Finally, you took out your phone and googled all the reactions, easily finishing the assignment in less than half an hour.
"You know, you won't be able to copy during finals," Wooyoung said, closing his notebook. "Even if you're copying now, at least learn what you've copied."
"I didn't ask for your comments," you retort. He was about to say something, but his phone rang.
"Hey, baby," he answered. " . . . I'm in charge of detention today . . . Oh, that's okay," his face fell slightly. " . . . No, it's alright. We can go some other day . . . Hmm, I love you too. Bye!"
You snorted, feeling bad for the boy. You were surprised someone as smart as him hasn't figured out that his girlfriend has been cheating on him. You've seen his girlfriend shoving her tongue down random people in the club, and hitting on people at your school. You remembered how shocked you were when you first found out that she was cheating on him; because why would anyone cheat on someone as perfect as Jung Wooyoung?
"You can leave now," Wooyoung said, getting up from his seat. "Detention is over." You nodded, leaving as fast as you can, just wanting to go home and sleep.
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"Your grades aren't very bad, but they aren't great either, Y/N," your class teacher said. "You'll get into an average college with these grades. But I know you can do much better. So I've asked one of the prefects to tutor you in Chemistry and Physics."
You groaned. "Can I do it by myself?"
"You wouldn't do it by yourself," she said. "Anyway, Jung Wooyoung will be tutoring you. Discuss and decide your timings with him. I expect you to score well on the next exam. I do not want to see you fail in any subject again." Before you could say anything, the door to the staff room opened, revealing none other than Jung Wooyoung. "Ah, Wooyoung, I just told Y/N that you will be tutoring her," she said. "I'm expecting you to do a great job."
Wooyoung smiled. "I won't let you down, Mrs. Park. But Y/N must put in efforts or else there's no point," he stated in a polite tone, and you rolled your eyes.
"Yes, that's true," she turned to look at you. "I'm expecting nothing but your best efforts, Y/N." She's always expecting something, huh, you thought. You only smiled, bowing politely.
"I'll do my best."
"What the actual fuck is this?" you mumbled, staring at the lengthy derivation written in Wooyoung's notebook. He rolled his eyes, so tired of hearing you say that to literally everything you saw written in his notebook.
"Ah, why did they have to make me tutor you of all people?" he whined. "You clearly haven't paid attention in class for even half a second."
"No one told you to accept it," you said, ignoring his last comment.
"I had to," he scoffed, stretching his arms out, making you glance at the veins on his arms. "Extra credits, you know?"
"Nerd," you muttered under your breath. He heard you, but didn't say anything. He began teaching you how to derive it; you paid attention for the first few seconds before zoning out. When you zoned back in, he asked you to explain what he just explained. You bit your lip, thinking of what to say.
He sighed. "You didn't pay attention again."
"I zoned out, sorry."
"That's what you said for the previous derivation," he said, a disappointed look on his face while he packed up his things.
"You're leaving already?" you asked, glancing at the time on your phone; you still had twenty minutes left.
"I'm not going to waste my time teaching you right now," he said. "You clearly aren't in the mood to focus." You only scoffed, watching him leave the library. You bit your lip, feeling kinda bad for not paying attention when he was making an effort to teach you.
The look of disappointment he showed you had somehow made you determined to prove that you could focus and do better.
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You were at Wooyoung's house, sitting on his bed and scrolling through your social media while waiting for him to finish changing out of his uniform. You spent an entire two weeks studying your ass off, and you were proud you made a big improvement, thanks to Wooyoung. He was quite surprised that you were actually making an effort to understand whatever he taught you. You both even became friends, and you were quite happy about that.
"I'm done," he said, coming out of his bathroom, making you look up from your phone. You held your breath at the sight of Wooyoung dressed in grey sweatpants and a black tank top. You couldn't stop yourself from checking him out: the veins running down his muscled arms, his exposed collarbones, his sharp jawline, his plump lips . . .
You were so immersed into checking him out, you didn't realize he was doing the same to you. He loved how your uniform skirt rid up your thighs, and how another two buttons on your shirt were unbuttoned, exposing a little bit of your cleavage. Before you knew it, he was slowly making his way towards you, eyes now locked with yours.
"Let's start, hmm?" he said with a smirk; he knew you were checking him out.
You clear your throat a little. "Yeah, let's start."
You spent the next half an hour trying to pay attention to whatever Wooyoung was teaching you. It didn't help that he absentmindedly placed his hand on your knee, or brushed your hand with his; he knew exactly what he was doing to you. Your mind kept wandering to the things you want him to do to you right now on his bed.
" . . . and now you should tell me," he leaned a little close to you with a smirk, making your heartbeat speed up. "Which formula should be used?"
"Fuck this," you muttered, pushing the books aside before straddling Wooyoung's lap.
"Took you long enough," he chuckled, and you crashed your lips on his. He instantly kissed you back, hands moving to grip your waist. You wouldn't admit it to anyone, but you have been dreaming about kissing Wooyoung the second he talked back to you a year ago.
You pulled away to litter his neck in kisses, sucking the skin gently. He groaned softly, making you smirk. "Fan of neck kisses?"
"You have no idea," he said, hands moving underneath your skirt to grip your bare inner thighs. He gave it a squeeze, making you involuntarily grind down on him. He moaned at the feeling, encouraging you to do it again. You moved your lips back to his, grinding on him even more. Wooyoung's hands slipped into your panties, grabbing your ass to help you grind down on him faster. The friction made you moan, craving for more. You tugged on his shirt, breaking the kiss to let him pull it off. You ran your hand down his toned torso in awe, loving the feeling of his abs beneath your fingertips. Your eyes widened at the tattoo above his hip bone. "You have a tattoo?!"
Wooyoung gripped your hips, moving you off of him so that he could hover over you. "Mhmm, bet you never expected the nerdy school president to have a tattoo, huh?" Your hands moved to his hair, playing it with while he began to kiss your neck, driving you crazy.
Wooyoung kissed down your chest till where your shirt was unbuttoned. He glanced up at you, fingers toying with the buttons. "Can I?" he asked. You nodded, letting him unbutton your shirt and slip it off you. You sucked in a breath when he ran his fingers over the lacy material of your bra.
"Take it off," you whined, making him chuckle.
"Patience, baby," he said, one hand gently rubbing your thigh.
But you really didn't have any patience right now.
You brought his lips to yours while you moved his hand to touch you where you desperately needed him, surprising him a little. He kissed you back hungrily while his finger moved on your clothed clit, applying pressure, making you get wetter. Your moans made him smirk; he loved how he was the reason behind it.
You both got startled at the sudden sound of his garage opening. He halted his movements, pulling away from you instantly.
"One of my parents is back from work," he said, quickly putting on his tank top and handing you your uniform shirt. You quickly buttoned it and straightened out your hair; you really did not want Wooyoung's strict parents to suspect anything since they already did not like the idea of him tutoring you in his final year of high school.
Wooyoung's father knocked on his bedroom door before opening it, finding you and Wooyoung busy writing equations.
"Oh, hey, dad! How was work?" Wooyoung asked with a sweet, innocent smile like as if he wasn't smirking a few minutes ago while touching you.
"Hello, Mr. Jung," you said politely.
"Hello, Y/N," he said. "Work was all right, as usual. How is your tutoring session going?"
"Good, dad," Wooyoung said, trying to control himself from smirking. "It's going really great."
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join-the-joywrite · 4 years
and I don't want to (but I love you)
@jatp-week Day 6: favourite trope
Not me doing a self-indulgent and stupidly long enemies to lovers au :>
Julie Molina didn't have enemies in her life. She had competitors, sure. Everyone did. But Sunset Curve took the whole cake. She didn't have enemies but Luke Patterson came dangerously close.
Luke Patterson, on the other hand, fully considered Julie Molina his number one enemy. He had zero qualms about saying that to her face and behind her back. He knew his band was the best but Julie had a real knack for knocking his ego down a bit and he hated her for it. Maybe he wouldn't get so riled up if she was nice about it or if not nice, she was less nasty and more stern. Honestly, it seemed like she took pleasure in criticizing Sunset Curve.
The rivalry between them extended to their bands and friend circles. Well, for the most part, anyway. Julie and Luke let Willie and Alex get away with their little forbidden lovers thing because they both thought the pair was cute together. It was pretty much the only thing they agreed on. Ever.
Willie only ever talked about Alex, not the band and Alex made sure to steer clear of mentioning Julie whenever he talked about Willie. The arrangement worked for all sides.
Julie and Luke's rivalry extended far beyond their music. It crept into their classes and had them fighting for the top spot. The teachers were thrilled. It meant Luke put in as much effort as he possibly could into every assignment or test. Even if it was out of pure spite, it was working.
And then, oh dear, and then there was a group project. Obviously, they split to opposite ends of the room with their friends to choose pairs (except Willie and Alex, who were shoved together and assured it was perfect) but apparently, it was important to learn how to work with people you dislike because in the workplace you might be forced to work with people you dislike -- or something like that.
Julie and Luke had never let their rivalry coerce them into doing stupid things -- except the one time where Carrie was convinced Luke could hold his breath longer and Julie almost drowned in the school pool to prove Carrie wrong -- but the moment they were paired up, Julie and Luke both wanted nothing more than to break several school rules, vandalism being the top one and starting violent fights being the second. It was unclear if they wanted to fight each other or their teacher.
Matters were made worse when their friends got to pair off together on their own terms while they were stuck with each other. The only thing keeping them from completely refusing to do any work was that they both were still competing for the highest scores.
Their friends had never been more entertained and the two opposing groups bonded over watching the two most stubborn people they knew suffer out a school project together. The clear awkwardness between them was hilarious and it was a pleasant thing to see them sitting at the same table and not trying to verbally murder each other. Bobby turned out to be the funniest person in the whole group. He had a meme-y caption for every moment they caught of Julie and Luke sitting near enough to have a normal conversation and the others loved it. He also seemed to be able to relate all the memes to the pair and was strangely good at photoshop, which earned him the Groupchat King title. (Julie and Luke were completely unaware of this groupchat excluding only them -- which, for the others' safety, was for the best.) Flynn's favourite was a photo of Julie with a feral look on her face, miming strangling a smug Luke. Me & 2020 was Bobby's winning caption. She wasn't sure which was which and that made it even better, in her opinion.
As the weeks passed, Julie and Luke's rivalry mellowed. As far as they said, it was still going strong but their actions told another story. There were playful nudges in the hallway, now. Teasing death glares across a classroom. Locked gazes and stifled giggles at inside jokes -- the fact that they even had those was surprising enough. They willingly shared a lunch table for the sole purpose of interrupting a mini date between Willie and Alex but most of it was spent in their own world anyway. Their mockery of each other had become gentler and more harmless teasing than anything.
And then one Tuesday, Luke didn't show up at school.
Of course, Luke's band knew exactly what was up, but they -- with support from Julie's friends -- decided it would be fun to play dumb and send Julie to Luke's house, just to check up on him, you know, despite the fact that the group project was long over and she really had no need to meddle further into Luke's life. The mere fact that Julie forgot she still had class and was seriously ready to leave immediately said a lot.
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"I can promise you that it's really not as bad as it looks," Luke said from under several pillows, a puffy duvet and maybe three stuffed animals, "but there's no band practice today and I'm not coming to school tomorrow either so can one of you flick Julie's forehead for me? It's tradition."
"Band practice, huh?" Julie said, dropping her bag on the floor with a soft thud. "And here I thought you just had nothing more interesting going on in your life than disrupting mine."
Luke sat up fast enough that his head spun, his vision swam and two pillows fell off the bed. "Who told you where I live?"
"You did, dork. Here, I brought your homework and my dad's trying something out in the kitchen. He misread balf the recipe so it's the blandest thing I've ever tasted but if you're sick, it'll be good for you."
Luke responded to the bit that made sense. "I don't want bland food," he said, scrunching up his nose as Julie set a small stack of papers on the desk in the corner and walked up to him with a covered bowl.
"As if you'd know the difference. Your mom said you can't taste anything anyway."
"You talked to my mom?" Luke asked, looking mortified.
"Yeah, duh. What, did you think I climbed through your bedroom window? I don't care that much for you."
"Aww, I knew you cared for me."
Julie didn't respond to it. "So this is supposed to be a vegetable stew," she said, tapping the plastic wrap over the bowl, "but like I said, mistakes were made."
"Well, what is it then?" Luke asked, leaning over to peer at the bowl.
"I'd call it . . . semi-flavoured water with surprise veggies."
"I know, right? Anyway, I'll leave you to your . . . pillow fort? Cute stuffies. I have the same penguin."
Luke glanced at the penguin that was still secured in his arm. "Don't you dare tell your friends. Especially not Flynn. She's ruthless."
"She is not. But fine, only because you're sick. I'll be back for my bowl tomorrow and it better be empty."
Luke watched Julie leave with a look of amazement. As soon as he heard his front door close, footsteps pattered through the hallway, leading up to his mother sticking her head in his room. "I like her."
"I'm going back to sleep," Luke said, diving back into the safety of all his pillows, wondering if it was the fever or Julie that set his cheeks blazing.
Probably the fever.
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"Good afternoon, dork. Reggie says you said you liked the semi-flavoured water and my dad felt very appreciated by that so he's made some actual stew for you to try. It's beef stew this time so please don't get surprised. Did you do yesterday's homework? You should, because I brought today's. How do you feel?"
Luke, who had been staring at Julie with his mouth slightly open in a perfect picture of surprise, blinked when he realised she'd stopped speaking. "Don't you knock?!"
"Your mom said you were asleep and I could just leave everything here for you but you were awake so. . ." Julie trailed off, shrugging.
"You . . . you are so strange."
Julie shrugged as she set the homework down on the desk and walked up to the nightstand to put the covered bowl down in Luke's reach. "You need to come back to school. I feel bad bullying your friends."
"I'm sure they'll be glad to hear that," Luke said sarcastically. He paused for a second. "Yeah, I did the homework. Most of it. My mom said it'll help to get out of bed and do something. I tried to play the guitar but she was adamant I didn't do that something."
Julie nodded and walked back to Luke's desk. She rifled through the mess and picked up all the homework. "I'll finish this essay for you," she said almost absently, searching among the pages. "Please tell me you did your science homework. I got a lot of that wrong and no one wants to give me the answers because apparently, I should learn my work."
"Uh . . . yeah. Um, yeah, I did the science. Wh-- what do you mean 'do the essay' for me?"
Julie looked up as she gathered everything into a pile of messy and uneven papers. "It's on the African American civil rights movement. It's factual and ninety percent of the class will have the same essay anyway so--"
"No. No, I mean . . . why?"
"Oh. Uh . . . why not?"
Luke didn't have a response, so he fell silent.
"Well, that's all of yesterday's homework. Get some rest and then make sure you eat. I can't have my favourite punching bag get too weak to take a hit."
As Julie turned and left his room, Luke felt the sudden urge to scream, so instead, he slammed his burning face into his favourite penguin. Yes, she had called him a punching bag, but she'd also called him her favourite.
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"Music class just isn't the same without booing you. Also, Alex said you managed to keep the beef stew down yesterday so my dad thought you could try something a little heavier. This is an experimental chicken and fried rice . . . thing. I do not reccomend eating unless you're sure you're okay enough for a full meal. That said, I brought more beef stew in case you're not up for the chicken and rice."
"You can't just walk in unannounced!" Luke cried as Julie set down the two bowls on the nightstand.
"I can, actually," Julie said, flashing a set of keys at Luke.
Luke's jaw dropped when he recognized the keychains. "Hey, those are mine!"
"Wow, so observant. Your mom gave it to me before I left yesterday because your dad is at work and she needed to go out today and with you holed up in here, there wouldn't be anyone to open for me."
Luke frowned. "Oh, yeah, she said something like that but I was half-asleep."
Julie was pleasantly surprised to find Luke's homework neatly gathered at the corner of the desk. It didn't escape her how Luke seemed to glow with pride when she commented on it. She had to fight a smile as she dropped Luke's homework into her bag.
"Get some rest, dork. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call someone from Sunset Swerve. I'll be busy."
"It's Sunset CURVE and you know it."
"Really? I never noticed."
Luke pouted. "Tuxedo Sam says you're being very mean right now. I'm sick and I deserve care."
"Well, you can tell your stupid penguin that Skipper will beat his ass."
"You named your penguin after the penguins from Madagascar?"
"You call yours Tuxedo Sam."
"Yeah, okay, that's fair."
Julie rolled her eyes and turned to leave. "Take a nap, Moody McSleeveless."
Luke glanced at the penguin laying nearby as he heard Julie lock up the house again. "Don't look at me like that, she's mean all the time."
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Luke scrambled up, launching Tuxedo Sam off the bed. "Who died?"
"No one died," Julie said, picking up the penguin as she walked up to Luke's bed. "It's Friday and since you're doing a little better, I thought you could do with a small treat. Tuxedo Sam agrees."
"Give me back my penguin," Luke said, reaching both arms out to Julie.
"Did you do yesterday's homework?"
"Did you really eat both bowls of food yesterday?"
"And keep it down?"
"Yes, ma'am, now can I please have my penguin back?"
Julie passed Luke the stuffed animal. "You're adorable," she blurted, turning away immediately to hide her own stunned look. She cleared her throat as she headed to the desk to grab Luke's homework. "So, that group project? We got a ninety-five."
That distracted Luke easily enough. "What happened to the other five?!"
"We're very bad at teamwork," Julie said, glancing back at Luke over her shoulder to see him relax against the pillows.
"Ah. That . . . makes sense."
Julie nodded. "Mhm."
The silence that blanketed the room wasn't as awkward as it should have been.
"I have to go. Most of the teachers said it would be okay to get your homework on Monday, but Mr Hughes is on my tail about your chemistry paper. My dad is making cupcakes tonight for some reason and I told Willie he could have some, so I'll send extra with him to give to Alex to give to you, but enjoy that crappy store cake for now. I left proper lunch with your mom for when you feel like it."
It didn't register that the only reason Mr Hughes would be harassing Julie about Luke's homework was if Julie herself had taken responsibility for Luke. Well, it did register, but by then, Julie was long gone and the only response Luke could muster was a muffled scream into poor Tuxedo Sam.
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"Oh, ew, gross. Luke, it smells like the middle school locker room in here. What were you doing?"
Luke had never looked more sheepish in his life as he pointed to the canister on his nightstand -- right next to his alarm clock. "My phone went off about an hour ago and I thought it was the alarm so I did the smart thing and slammed it down but I missed. Obviously."
Holding her nose, Julie dropped everything she was carrying on Luke's table and tore the curtains open, pushing the windows as far as they could go. She stood there for a moment, relishing in the fresh air. "I'll come back inside when I can breathe," Julie said, halfway out the window.
Luke wanted to melt into his pillows. A week later and he was only feeling slightly better. The pros of it was that Julie visited every day with something tasty and a level of snark that only amused him. The cons of it was that Julie visited every day and left him flustered and red in the face.
He firmly believed that Julie only came by every day because she had homework to drop off, but today was Saturday. There was no more homework to drop off.
And she could have just backtracked right out the door again but instead, she headed for the windows on the other side of his room. Why?
Because she's taking care of you, dork.
Luke couldn't help but think that the logical voice in his head sounded suspiciously like Julie.
"Hey, my parents have some stupid couple's yoga thing on Saturdays. Did you break in?"
Julie pulled the windows halfway closed and stepped back into the room. "No, I still have your keys. Your dad tried to give me the spare key to the front door but your mom said it'll be fine if I kept yours until you're back on your feet."
"Wow. She really trusts you, huh?"
Julie shrugged. "I'm a very trustworthy person."
"No, you're not. I saw you lose a pen that you stuck behind your ear and then you proceeded to lose three more by tucking them behind your other ear and in your pockets. You then tried to steal mine."
"I was fourteen," Julie said defensively.
"It happened last week!"
"I felt fourteen."
Luke gave Julie a deadpan look.
"Cute pyjamas."
"I know, right? Bobby got us matching ones when we were like fifteen for band bonding. I mean, I grew out of the pants but the shirt still fits."
Julie scoffed as she stared at the dark haired cartoon smiling at her from the pink shirt. "Looks really good on you, Skip."
"Hey, I like being Skipper. She's Barbie's most intelligent sister."
"Oh, yeah?" Luke didn't even notice that Julie had made herself comfortable at the foot of his bed. "And if you're Skipper, who are the others?"
"Bobby is Chelsea, 'cause he's the youngest of us, Alex is Barbie, 'cause his summer jobs have been everywhere, and Reg is Stacie, 'cause she's Bobby's favourite and Bobby's favourite bandmate is Reg."
Julie's head tilted slightly. "You sound drunk."
"The bottle said one teaspoon of cough syrup but I didn't read and I took two tablespoons. It's okay, though. Mom panicked and called the doctor and he says the cough syrup he gave me is for kids and I'm just really, really, really intolerant. Which you should remember for me because I plan to be super famous with the band and there are gonna be a lot of after parties and I don't wanna get drunk five minutes in. I think the cough syrup is kicking in."
"Luke Patterson, you are unbelievable."
"I know, right?" He attempted a winning smile, but it came off as plain childlike.
Julie chastised herself for finding him adorable. They were mortal enemies and she had to remember that. Then what are you doing in his room on a Saturday, after explicitly telling the rest of his band to stay away?
Julie found it unnerving how much the voice in her head sounded like a teasing Luke.
"You're like, really annoying."
Julie frowned. "I -- I'm sorry?"
"You should be." Luke was sitting cross-legged now, fiddling with the ears of a stuffed bunny. "It's really messing with my head."
Julie decided she liked tipsy Luke -- even if it was just cough syrup. "How so?"
"No, it's nothing."
"You can tell me, Luke. I promised not to tell anyone about your stuffed animals and I kept it, right?"
"Yeah, but this time the secret about you. You're not allowed to know."
Curiosity more than anything made Julie lean forward slightly. "It'll be our secret."
"Okay, but you have to promise not to talk about it."
Julie nodded quickly. Luke tugged at the bunny's ears for a moment.
"You're like . . . really pretty."
Julie couldn't help the soft laugh that bubbled out of her. Adorable, she thought.
"Like, a lot of pretty. You're pretty on the inside, too."
"On the inside?"
"Yeah. On the inside. You know, your heart."
"M-my heart?"
Luke nodded at his stuffed rabbit. "Yeah. You have a really pretty heart. It beats like a drum. Making music. Like you."
Julie's mouth hung open, surprise silencing her.
"You have the prettiest music in you. I can hear it like -- like a song that gets stuck in my head all day. It's really annoying but it's so pretty. It smells like flowers and it looks like butterflies."
At this point, Julie didn't think she'd be able to speak, even if she knew what to say. Luke was talking to the stuffed animal, frowning as he struggled to voice his thoughts understandably.
"Sometimes it's just so loud and I wanna cover my ears and run away but it just gets louder and louder and then you come over and you're saying something mean but the music is there and it's not so loud anymore but I still can't hear anything else. Your heart sounds like a ballad."
Julie was frozen to her seat at the edge of the bed. Part of her wondered if it was Luke talking or the fever. Part of her desperately hoped it was Luke.
"Julie, you are music."
It was a simple sentence. Anyone could have said it. It could mean a lot or it could mean nothing at all. If anyone else had said it to her, she would have taken it as the highest form of a compliment. But that wasn't what Luke was saying.
Everyone knew that Luke spoke best through lyrics and chords. His books and desks were covered in etched notes and scribbled words. Luke lived and breathed music. It was everything to him. Without it, Luke didn't know who he was.
And he compared it to Julie.
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Julie stared at the text on her phone. She bit her lower lip, unsure of what to say in response.
Mom said you visited yesterday. I was dazed for most of it. I didn't say anything stupid or incriminating, right? Not that anything could be more incriminating than the three stuffed animals on my bed.
Ten minutes after that, another had come through. Jules, are you ignoring me? Did I do something?
Then another five minutes later. This is still Julie Molina's number, right?
Julie quickly typed out something before she chickened out again and tossed her phone to the foot of her bed once it was sent.
Hey. Got busy in the kitchen with dad. No, you're good. See you at school tomorrow?
Julie scrambled for her phone to send one last word.
A few streets away, Luke stared at the word 'dork'. He was sure he had said something. He vaguely remembered yapping on about music to Julie -- duh, what else did they share? -- and then suddenly, she wasn't there anymore. He wondered if he'd fallen asleep talking and Julie had left then or if he really had said something to make her leave.
Yeah, he wrote back, see you at school.
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Luke cornered Julie as soon as he caught sight of her in the school hallway. "You've been ignoring me and I don't like that."
Julie squeaked. "I most definitely am not ignoring you."
"Julie, you're pretty much the only person in this school that doesn't keep their phone on mute or vibrate. I know you heard my texts yesterday."
"So what if I am?" Julie asked, folding her arms. "We're not friends, so why should you care if I reply to your texts or not? In fact, why were you even messaging me in the first place?"
While Luke fumbled for a response, Julie slipped past him and continued on her way to class.
"Oh, that is just rude!" Luke yelled after Julie.
She ignored him all through any classes they shared and when lunch rolled around, she made sure to sit with Carrie and Flynn at a small table. Luke had never looked more offended in his life as he joined Reggie in sitting with Alex and Willie.
"What did you do on Saturday?" Alex asked, leaning forward to whisper. "Julie was fine when she told us we don't need to come by at all."
"Julie told you not to come over?" Luke asked, ripping his gaze from Julie to Alex and then Reggie, who shook his head.
"Bro, she actually called Alex and told him that we don't need to come see you because she was going to."
"Yeah, I remember her being there but I was drugged up on cough syrup."
"Weak," Alex whispered loudly, grinning when he made Willie laugh.
"Maybe you said something?" Willie suggested.
"Yeah, probably! But she's not talking to me. She's not even insulting me, which I would very much prefer over this apathy."
"You know where she lives," Reggie said dismissively. "Maybe you should pay her a visit."
Luke glanced across the cafeteria to see Julie quickly whip her head down to stare at her fold. "Yeah. Maybe."
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Julie was tired and wanted nothing more than to go to sleep. Her plans were thrown way off the rails when she walked into her room and found Luke petering around the shelves beside her bed.
"What are you doing here?"
Luke drew his hand back sharply. "Cute box. What's in it?"
"None of your business," Julie snapped, hurriedly closing her bedroom door. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk to you but you were ignoring me and--"
"You could've just yelled at me from outside," Julie hissed. "I would have come down to shut you up! You can't be in here. Get out of my room."
"No. Not until you tell me why you've been avoiding me since Saturday. Jules, what--"
"Fine! Go and wait for me in the garage. I'll come talk to you in there."
Luke hesitated, unsure if Julie was serious.
When she heard footsteps getting closer, Julie grabbed Luke by the neckline of his shirt and dragged him to the window. "Get out," she whispered hurriedly, "I'll come down to the garage, I promise."
Thankfully, by the time her father arrived, Luke was gone.
"Who were you talking to, mija?"
"Luke," Julie said with a smile. She pointed at the phone. "He liked the cupcakes I sent with Willie."
"Oh, that's great. You didn't take something yesterday and today? Is he feeling better?"
"Much," Julie said, nodding, "in fact, we have some talking to do, so I'm gonna meet him in the garage in a few minutes."
"So late?"
Julie absolutely could not lie to her dad. But she could do half truths. "It's a long overdue discussion."
"School work?"
Julie shrugged. "Music."
"Ah. The garage makes sense. Well, do you wanna take some food down? Midnight snack?"
"Thanks, dad," Julie said with a smile, "you're the best."
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"Oh, your dad is the best!" Luke cried as soon as he saw Julie walk in with a plate of cookies.
"These are experimental, too. They're some kind of oatmeal and choc mint blend. They taste good, in my opinion."
"Everything your dad makes tastes good," Luke said, grabbing three cookies. "My mom's starting to get jealous of how much I love your dad's cooking."
Juli smiled and set the plate down on the coffee table. Was there any point beating around the bush? Sugarcoating things?
"You told me I was music."
Luke paused, one and a half cookies gone. "What?"
Julie kept her gaze trained on the tassels of the carpet. "You told me I'm annoying . . . because I'm pretty. Because I have a pretty heart. You said it beats like a drum and I have the prettiest music in me that gets stuck in your head. It --"
"Smells like spring and looks like butterflies. . ." Luke looked positively mortified.
Julie, refusing to look up, did not notice. "You said . . . you said my heart sounds like a ballad and then -- and then you told me I am music."
Had he really said all that aloud? Well, no wonder Julie was avoiding him like the plague.
Julie tensed up when she could see Luke's feet step in front of her. Almost every part of her screamed that this was wrong. They shouldn't be so close without bickering and fighting. But deeper within, beyond the confines of logic and sense, Luke's voice told her that this was the furthest thing from wrong.
"I said all that? Aloud?"
Julie nodded.
"You know what music is to me."
Julie nodded again.
"Jules," Luke said gently. "Julie, look at me."
Julie refused to, so Luke gingerly tucked his finger under her chin and lifted her head, waiting until her gaze fell on him before speaking.
"You know what music is to me," he said again, prompting another nod from Julie. "Then you know what you mean to me."
Julie blinked a few times and shook her head. "No. No, that's just the fever talking. You -- you didn't really mean all of that."
"If you really believe that, why are you avoiding me?"
"I . . . I don't know."
Luke dropped his hand to take hold of Julie's. He glanced at her, waiting for her to pull away. When she didn't, he interlocked his fingers with hers. "I meant every word. Okay, maybe not literally, but you know what I mean."
Julie shook her head. "We're not even friends, Luke."
"Hm, well, who said I wanted to be your friend?"
Julie wanted to hate Luke. She wanted to loathe the sight of him. She didn't want to like him, let alone love him.
And yet, she did.
So before the overthinker in her could stop her, Julie leaned up on tiptoes and brushed her lips against his. Luke beamed at her like a kid on Christmas morning.
"Not the response I was expecting, but definitely one I'm enjoying."
"Don't make me regret it."
"Yes, ma'am. Now, what are my chances of getting two more? And one for the road? Within the next five seconds becaus my mom doesn't know I snuck out and she think I'm still sick."
"Dork," Julie said fondly, shaking her head.
"I'm serious!"
"You can have two."
"Two will do," Luke said, letting go of Julie's hands to wrap his arms around her. He gave her a small squeeze. "Plus a hug."
"Dork," Julie said again. But he was her dork and he was her favourite.
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Before anyone comes for me about the cough syrup thing, I'm drawing from experience. I mean I never confessed my undying love for anyone but I did blurt out some weird shit. Also, THAT WAS LONG AND IF YOU SURVIVED THE ENTIRE THING, CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU
Mara's masterlist
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kookieskiwi · 4 years
Badboy!au with the quote "Yeah, well i shut everyone out. Don't take it personally." with a bit of angst pwease 🥺🥺 but a lot of fluff hihi i'm sorry i asked for a lot 🥺🥺🥺 i wub u ✨
(I love it when people ask for a lot because it gives me more to go off of ❤️ and I wuv you too!!) (I changed the I to we since I write poly stuff and no member was specified )
You had one of the most amazing personalities anyone had ever seen. You were always caring, you put others before yourself and you gave second chances to everyone; even those that didn’t deserve it. That character trait of yours always got you into situations that had you blaming yourself for stupidity and too much kindness. Prehaps it wasn’t stupidity but it was the fact you saw the good in everyone rather than focusing on their personas and negative traits.
Some people called you näive, others called you gullible, you’d been called just about everything since you began high school. It was normal; there would be people who hated you, loved you and those that took advantage of you. You were accepting to everyone, you helped tutor those who needed it and you gave up your free time and time to do your own work in order to guide those who asked for help through the phone in order to be discreet.
It wasn’t until you met the Bangtan boys that you realized just how much people relied on you for help. They first came to you a year ago when finals begun to ask for help which basically involved you suming up an entire years worth of material in a week. It wasn’t easy since you had your own to study for at the same time but it also counted as a review guide for yourself. Since then they’ve come to you in secret or you’d go over to their shared house to help one or all of them review a topic.
Over the past few months you and the infamous bad boys had grown close meaning what had previously been school related meetings became a friendship with meet-ups that didn’t involve school at all. They became some of the closest friends you had in a long time giving you a sense of connection you didn’t know you needed.
That was however until you overheard one of their conversations as you were on your way to your vehicle. “She’s too close, we let her in and allowed this to go on for too long.” It was Namjoon speaking as he informed the others of their mistake. “But hyung, she hasn’t done anything to make us question her intentions,” Jungkook defended you in your absence which you were grateful for. It physically pained you to hear what they were thinking of you. It was one of those moments where you could actually feel your heart tearing apart as tears welled in your eyes. “Exactly and we aren’t sticking around to find out what they are.” Yoongi chimed in with Namjoon, defending the man who wanted you out of the picture.
You stood there leaning lifelessly against the wall contemplating whether or not to make a run for your vehicle. That option seemed like the best one to choose until you were too late. Apparently they had finished up their conversation and were exiting the classroom only to be met with you; the person who had shown them nothing but compassion and helped them. The soul who was once positive now felt that fullest depth of betrayal you had ever felt before.
“No.” You snapped as you returned from your lifeless state to look through blurry eyes at the men who stood before you. “I will not let myself be spoken about behind my back by people who I’ve shown nothing but kindness towards. I have no ill intentions with anyone of you unless wanting to be friends is such a terrible thing. I’ve done NOTHING but be help you when you needed it, not to mention I was the only one who took you all seriously because of the face you put up. So no. Don’t explain because I heard everything you had to say.” You told them trying to hold your composure together until you got home. You would not show weakness now more than ever, sure the tears showed it pretty well but you wanted to scream and yell at their ignorance.
Without another word you walked out of the hallway and entered your car followed by a slam of the door shut before you exited the campus. On the way to the condo which your guardians bought so you had a safe place to stay while getting an education, you broke down completely. It hurt more than you thought it would, of course you were stupid to catch a slight case of feelings for seven different guys who happened to be dating each other (a secret you came you find out when you got closer to them, they made sure no one on the outside knew) but that didn’t stop your battered heart from skipping a beat every time they smiled or laughed.
When you did arrive home you went to unlock the door with shaky hands and after multiple times of missing the keyhole you finally unlocked it. Dropping your bags you shut and locked the door behind you, taking a second before sliding down it in utter distress.
The next day you skipped classes all together; something you rarely did unless you were ill even then, that was only because you didn’t want to get anyone else sick. You had a headache from crying all night, your nose was stuffy, eyes puffy and red and to sum it all up: you felt like shit.
You spent the day moping around at the loss of a friendship. When classes let out you weren’t expecting anything from the boys however you received a text message stating one simple thing.
Taehyungie: Come over please.
There were no emojis, no use of a nickname....nothing, which must’ve meant this was important. So, against your minds wishes your heart dragged you to their home with heavy feet. You looked horrible and felt it too, but here you were yet again, putting others before yourself.
You didn’t even have to knock before the door was flying open followed by both Jimin and Jungkook hugging you tightly as you just stood there too tired mentally to do anything back. You were confused and they could tell so they backed off allowing you inside. You were guided to the couch where you sat hugging the arm trying to be as far away from any of them.
“Y/n, please let us explain.” Jin began hoping for you to look up at any of them but you kept your tired eyes locked on the empty space in front of you. “We have a reputation we must keep up, we can’t seem weak or things will be different for all of us.” Hoseok stated in an easy tone trying to stay calm even though he had the urge to run up to you and hug you. “Letting people in isn’t weak, it’s called being human.” You argued in a monotone still not looking anyone in the eyes.
“Yeah, well we shut everyone out. Don’t take it personally.” Yoongi spoke defensively making you absentmindedly flinch at the harsh tone in his voice. “How am I not supposed to take it personally!? You have no reason to shut me out and I’ve given you every reason to let me in!” You begun standing up and finally looking at the men who wore shocked expressions at your tone. “I don’t know what any of you have been through but I promise you this isn’t the way to live your lives. Let me in, let me show you not everyone has bad intentions with you. Let ME be the one to change your mindset. Because damnit I’m tired of being thrown out when I do nothing but help.” Your voice wavered at the end of your sentence making you curse yourself.
“Let me in because I’ve shown everything I am to you.” You whispered as a single tear rolled down your cheek but you were quick to swipe it away. “Let me in because I love you all.”
“You what-“ Jimin gasped standing up in surprise as did the others. “I know- I know it’s stupid and you’ll probably think it’s a schoolgirl crush, b-but over the past few months when I’ve gotten to know you for you and not the bad boys everyone else knows you as...I fell. Fast and hard. Which is why I’ve been so upset over what you said because I KNOW you will be fine without me, I KNOW you can move on and shut people out like you do but I don’t want to be shut out like everyone else.” You explained giving up at wiping the tears which just kept falling at this point. It was hard admitting your feelings especially at this time but this was either the making or breaking point if everything so why not?
“If it wasn’t for you, we’d be so lost right now y/n.” Namjoon begun taking one step towards you as you remained still. “We’ve all been thinking about you a lot lately.” Yoongi stated from beside you where you didn’t know he was until then. “You are a wonderful person, never forget that.” Taehyung said making you think this was goodbye. “You deserve someone who values you.” Jin whispered softly behind you as more tears filled your eyes. This couldn’t be it, not goodbye. “Someone who will kiss away all of your pain and scars.” Jungkook said stepping forward as well. “You know the hardest part about finding someone you love but being apart even though you have six others? It’s the endless nights awake knowing that the missing piece that completes us is right in front of us but we are too afraid to take that leap of faith fearing that we’ll be rejected.” Jimin stated grasping onto Yoongi’s hand to squeeze it. “Y/n, we’ve made a complete fool of ourselves that past day because we aren’t the people who we want to be. We are so sorry little one, so sorry and no amount of verbal apologies will show it until our actions change.” Hoseok said motioning to the other men who were gazing at you with something you couldn’t identify.
Your mind was going a million miles an hour at this point. Why where they saying this? Surely they couldn’t mean you...could they?
“You deserve someone who will treat you with the most respect, give you all the love and happiness you deserve and protect your kind heart. If you’ll let us, we’d like to be those men.” Taehyung said grabbing your hands which had been fiddling with the hem of your sweater. You looked at them with the most innocent, pure eyes they had ever seen, you were in total shock at what they had asked. When it sunk it you chocked on a sob. This wasn’t goodbye, it wouldn’t be the end.
“Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.” You said in a mix of laughter and sobs before running into Taehyung’s chest to wrap your arms around him tightly. The others followed your suit as you all began to express the feelings you had kept up for so long.
“‘Us’ I like the sound of that, don’t you?” You said as you laid cuddled into Yoongi’s chest while everyone was spread amongst the couches. You weren’t aware of what had slipped off your tongue until Yoongi was putting his hand over his heart saying ‘Ahh too cute’ while squeezing his eyes closed.
“I love the sound of us.”
As always..any further ideas or chapters you want from a Drabble can be requested and I’ll more than happily do them! Part 2 or another Drabble with a quote relating to this one if requested!! With bunches of love -Kiwi (KookiesKiwi)
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tw-anchor · 4 years
27. Very Busy Night
Stiles Stilinski x Original Character
Episode: 3x02; Chaos Rising + 3x03; Fireflies
Word Count: 10,425
Warning(s): Mature language, canon violence + gore, character death
Author’s Note: I fit in the rest of Chaos Rising in this chapter because I thought it would flow with Fireflies better. I hope you like this chapter! Tell me what you think! Make sure to reblog and like!
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Allison pulled her bolt cutters from where she was hiding them behind her back and snipped at the chain holding the front doors to Beacon Hills First National closed. Olivia quickly grabbed the chain before it could fall to the ground and make any nose, alerting the alpha pack that someone was breaking into the bank. The last thing they needed was to get caught right away; that wouldn't make a very successful mission.
Olivia and Allison nodded at each other before they opened one of the doors and slipped into the abandoned building. It was very dark inside, which made it hard to see, but at least the subtle glare of the full moon provided a little light to guide them around. The bank was just as Olivia saw in Isaac's memories, dusty and deserted. The lobby was full of mishappen furniture that was thrown about, including chairs, desks, and teller counters that would have been nice once upon a time. The whole feel of it gave Olivia the creeps—and it didn't help that the full moon was starting to affect the werewolves in her life.
She could feel five different struggles in her mind, each belonging to the werewolves she considered pack. It was a little distracting, having to feel a loss of control while having no side effects from the moon herself. She had to make sure that she wasn't focusing on her pack but on what she was involved in. If she didn't focus, she would lose control and act like she did in the classroom on the first day of school. She wouldn't be able to do anything and she wouldn't be able to have Allison's back or protect herself—not that she could do much fighting, anyway.
She clenched her fists as she and Allison walked through the lobby, dodging the old furniture, and made their way back to hallway that would lead to the offices. They passed a couple of file cabinets on the way, but they were only a quarter of the way through the hallway when someone attacked.
Allison was quick to defend them, drawing one of her ring daggers and blocking the woman who had pushed them. Unfortunately, Allison was too caught off guard and Olivia was practically useless in defending themselves; the woman pushed both of them up against the wall.
It was then that Olivia saw exactly who it was that attacked them.
"Ms. Morrell?" she breathed in confusion. She was the guidance counselor, for crying out loud. Lydia and Stiles literally had appointments with her every week. What the hell was she doing in the alpha pack's den?
"Keep your mouths shut and listen close," Ms. Morrell warned them. "You have no idea what you two just stepped into. Right now, you've got maybe twenty seconds to get your asses hidden."
"What are you doing?" Allison asked.
"Get in that storage closet over there and lock the door," Ms. Morrel nodded at the door behind Olivia and to the right. "When you hear the fighting start, that's when you come out."
"There isn't supposed to be fighting," Olivia stated; their plan was for her to calm down Boyd and the girl and get them out of there before the alpha pack even knew they were there.
"You're wrong," Ms. Morrel said. "You'll hear it. Now go!"
Ms. Morrell let go of Olivia and Allison and ran out of the hallway. They didn't waste any time as they rushed toward the storage closet and entered the room, quietly shutting the door behind them. It was pitch black in the room and as expected, the light switch didn't work. They were blind for the moment.
And then they heard the multiple sets of footsteps. Realizing what was happening at the same time, they both nudged each other away from the door and held their breath, hoping that the oncoming alphas wouldn't be able to hear them.
That didn't exactly take care of their scents, though.
As the footsteps started to pass by the closet, Allison knocked over a jug of cleaner. Olivia didn't know exactly what it was but it sure smell strong enough to hide their scents. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too suspicious that there was a strong chemical smell coming from the closet out of nowhere. It was a storage closet, though, so who knew.
Nothing happened, though. They weren't caught. When the footsteps faded away until they were sure no one would come back, Allison shredded her jacket and placed it on the puddle of cleaner, hoping to dilute the scent that burned their nostrils. Olivia quickly pulled her phone from her own jacket and turned on the flashlight; now there was enough light to at least get their bearings.
However, when Olivia spotted something out of the corner of her eye, she wished she wouldn't have turned the light on at all. When the beam of light hit Erica's body, her stomach heaved and her chest tightened. Her eyes stung as she looked at her former packmate; her body was already decomposing, her skin chalk white with spots of decay here and there.
"Oh, my God," she breathed shakily. She grabbed Allison's offered hand and squeezed it with all of her might, trying not to freak out and blow the whole operation.
Erica was only two months older than her. She spent most of her life without friends and riddled with seizures that brought her self-confidence down to the negatives. When she was given the bite, she was okay for less than a month before she was being hunted down by the Argents. She didn't get to live the life she deserved and it made Olivia sick to her stomach. Erica was good. She was good and she deserved better than what she got.
She hastily wiped her wet face with the back of the hand that held her phone. It was no use, more tears were already slipping down her cheeks. She felt like a piece of her was missing and she couldn't believe that she hadn't even known that Erica was killed because it was clear that it had been more than a couple of weeks that her body had been in the closet.
"I'm so sorry, Liv," Allison squeezed her hand in comfort. She hadn't been friends with Erica like Olivia had been but it was still upsetting to see her dead. They were classmates and had Erica been on the right side of things, maybe they would have been friends. They'd never know now.
Stiles stared out the huge window in Derek's loft, staring at the full moon in the sky. It had been maybe an hour since Olivia, Derek, and Scott left but he was already impatient for them to get back. He didn't like waiting, especially when his girlfriend and best friend were risking their lives at the moment.
"I can't take waiting around like this, you know?" he spoke aloud, hoping that Peter would understand his worry. "It's nerve-racking. My nerves are racked. They're severely racked. Racked."
Why would Peter care, though? It wasn't like his own daughter and nephew were in danger. "I could beat you unconscious and wake you when it's over."
Stiles rolled his eyes and turned away from the window, facing Peter where he was laying on the couch. "Do you think that Erica's really dead?"
"Do you think I really care?"
Stiles quickly moved on and changed the subject as he started pacing around the loft. "I just, I don't understand the bank, though, okay? What—like, why wouldn't they chain them up in some underground lair or something? They're an alpha pack, right, so shouldn't they have a lair?"
"They're werewolves, not Bond villains."
"Wait a sec, wait a sec," Stiles turned back to him. "Maybe they're living there, you know? Like, maybe the bank vault reminds them of their little wolf dens."
Peter opened his eyes and stared at him blankly. "Wolf dens?"
"Yeah, wolf dens," Stiles nodded. "Where do you live?"
Suffice to say, his girlfriend's father hadn't exactly invited him around for dinner.
"In an underground network of caves hidden deep in the woods."
Maybe that was why. "Woah, really?"
"No, you idiot," Peter rolled his eyes. "I have an apartment downtown."
Stiles almost felt a little disappointed. "Okay, fine, but still, that just proves that there's something up with the bank," he pointed out. "And why wait around for the full moon, huh? Why not just kill them whenever they want to?"
"Maybe they think it's poetic," Peter suggested casually.
He shook his head. "They've already had three full moons to be poetic."
"And here, you've only had one full hour to be so annoying..."
Stiles waited for him to go on complaining about him but he didn't. "No, go ahead and finish what you were saying. I'm—I'm annoying...What were you gonna say there?"
Peter didn't rise to his challenge. "What are the walls made of?"
"What?" Confused, Stiles looked around the loft. "Uh, I don't know, like, wood and brick, or—"
"No, the vault, the vault," Peter jumped up from the coach and headed over to the bank's blueprints that were still spread out on the table. "the walls, what are they made out of? Where would it say that?" he went through the various pages of plans. "This doesn't say anything. Where would it say the materials, the type of stone?"
"Oh! Okay, hang on," Stiles rushed over to the table and searched for the binder that held the details of the build; when he finally found it, he handed it over to the werewolf. "Here, it's gotta be in there."
He looked carefully as Peter swiped through the pages, looking for what kind of stone they used for the vault. When they finally came to the page that held the details for the vault, Stiles discovered the section of materials.
"There," Stiles pointed to the section. "That's it."
"Hecatolite," Peter read.
"Is that awful? That sounds awful."
"Get them on the phone," Peter demanded. "Call them, now."
"Okay," Stiles scrambled for his phone and quickly started dialing Scott. "why?"
"Because Boyd and that girl aren't gonna kill each other, they're gonna kill Derek and Scott."
Panic raising in his chest, Stiles pressed his phone to his ear and was relieved when Scott picked up.
"Stiles, now is not the best time."
"Scott, Scott!" he exclaimed frantically. "No, listen to me, okay? Look, you gotta get out of there. Look, the walls of the vault are made with a mineral called Hecatolite. It scatters the moonlight."
"What does that mean?"
"It keeps the moonlight out, okay? They haven't felt the full moon in months."
"Okay, think of it like the gladiators in the Roman colosseum," Peter took over explaining. "They used to starve the lions for three days, making them more vicious, more out of control. Deucalion has kept them from shifting for three full moons, diminishing their tolerance to it."
"Scott, they're gonna be stronger—"
"More savage, more bloodthirsty," Peter cut him off. "Scott, they're the lions. They're the starved lions and you and Derek just stepped into the colosseum."
"Derek, we have a problem," they heard Scott say. "A really big problem."
Then came Derek's surprised voice. "Cora?"
Stiles looked at Peter, wondering if he knew a Cora. The shocked look on his face made him think that he did.
"Derek, get out," a female voice came from the other line. "Get out now!"
"Scott," Stiles spoke again, hoping to get Scott's attention. "Hey, Scott! Scott, are you hearing this?"
Vicious growling started out on the other line and they could hear the fighting start.
The dial tone started beeping.
The fighting started not long after Olivia and Allison discovered Erica's body. They waited only five minutes before they set out of the closet, afraid that they were run into any members of the alpha pack on their way to the vault.
From the loud growling, the vicious roars, and the painted grunting, Scott and Derek had to have been having a bad time in that vault. The crashing and bangs didn't bode well for them, either.
Olivia had to get in there, now.
She and Allison were quick getting to the vault. Olivia was quick to notice the circle of mountain ash on the floor and that was good and bad. It was bad because Derek and Scott couldn't get out of the vault but it was good because neither could the girl or Boyd. Believe it or not, it was safer for Beacon Hills if Boyd and the girl were contained in one place. It wasn't so good for Derek and Scott, though.
"Look out!" Allison yelled as Olivia jumped over the seal and into the vault. Derek and Scott jumped out of the way as the mystery girl and Boyd lunged for them.
Boyd hit his target with Scott, digging his claws into his stomach and rising him up into the air. Scott grunted and searched for the strength to get out of Boyd's hold but he was unable to fight back.
"Boyd!" Olivia rushed to a stop and held out her hands toward her large packmate. He was seething and out of control as he turned away from an injured Scott to glare at her. "Boyd, control yourself!"
He roared a her, furious. Honestly, it scared Olivia more than a little bit. For some reason, Boyd was more out of control than usual and she didn't know if she could do anything about it. Yeah, she had been practicing with her abilities and they've grown stronger but Boyd was only with her for a month. She didn't even know the girl, so it'd be hard to do anything to her.
Then Olivia was on the ground, a girl her age hovering over her. The breath was knocked out of her chest and she was pretty sure she was going to die but when she took a look at the girl's face, time seemed to stop.
She knew who the mystery girl was now and she couldn't believe it. Cora, her cousin who was born only a year before her, was supposed to have died in the fire. That's what they all assumed when she didn't show up after the disaster that ravished the Hale house and killed Olivia's aunt and mother, along with other members of the pack. They hadn't seen her for six and a half years and now, all of a sudden, here she was, trapped in a bank vault by the alpha pack.
How had she even survived?
"Cora?" she breathed in shock. "You're alive."
Cora's face only slight softened as she realized exactly who she had tackled. She didn't really get to think on it further when Derek plowed into her, knocking her off their cousin and onto the floor.
"Ollie, go!"
Olivia hurriedly got up and backed away from her cousins, heading toward Boyd and Scott. She said nothing, as to not give away her position, and slapped her hand onto Boyd's back. Her gaze was tinted purple as she concentrated all of her energy into calming Boyd down so he wouldn't end up killing Scott.
"Come on, Boyd."
He was fighting her and it was hard to get a hold of him. Just as she was only a second away from reaching him and getting him into control, Derek called out, "No, don't break the seal!"
Her concentration lost, she looked over at Allison just as the taller brunette crouched down to break the mountain ash barrier.
"Boyd!" Allison called, getting the beta's attention.
As Boyd let go of Scott, Olivia tried to wrap her hands around his huge arm. "BOYD!"
Boyd only faltered for a long second before Allison broke the barrier. He ripped away from her grasp and sped out of the vault, Cora on his tail. Olivia stared after them in belief; she was so close to getting to Boyd.
Derek angrily stormed out of the vault and grabbed Allison's arm.
"Don't touch her!" Scott pushed him away as he and Olivia approached.
"What were you thinking?" Derek growled at her.
"That I had to do something," Allison shot back."
Scott immediately jumped to Allison's defense. "She saved our lives."
But she could have put many more in danger, Olivia thought to herself. She didn't blame Allison for what she did; if she were in her shoes and was watching Stiles get beaten up by a raving werewolf, she'd break the seal too.
"Yeah and what do you think they're gonna do out there?" Derek brought up the point that Olivia made in her head. "Do you have any idea what you just set free?"
"You want to blame me?" Allison scoffed in disbelief, her eyes narrowed into daggers. "Well, I'm not the one turning teenagers into killers."
"No, that's just the rest of your family," Derek retorted.
It was totally not the time but Olivia was impressed by Derek's comeback. Until now, none of Derek's betas had been bloodthirsty or out of control. Allison couldn't say the same about herself or her family of hunters.
Allison slumped a little at his comment, seeming to know that Derek's words weren't exactly a lie. "I made mistakes," she admitted. "Gerard is not my fault."
"And what about your mother?"
"Derek!" Olivia hissed at her cousin. Did he really have to bring that up at a time like this? They needed to be out there looking for Boyd and Cora.
Allison, however, wanted to know what Derek meant. "What do you mean?"
Derek turned to Scott with a daring look. "Tell her, Scott."
"What does he mean, Scott?" Allison's voice trembled. "What does he mean?"
Scott looked hesitant to tell her and Olivia guessed that it was because she and Derek were with them. If it was her telling Allison about her mother's actions before she died, she wouldn't want Derek around to butt in with scathing and insensitive comments—even if Victoria Argent deserved them, Allison didn't.
"Derek," Olivia spoke up, catching her cousin's attention. "We found Erica. We should—we should go and get her."
Derek's face crumpled as he seemed to realize what Olivia meant. Her heart ached as she took his arm and clutched it tightly before leading him away from Scott and Allison. They slowly walked down from the second level and to the hallway that held the storage closet she and Allison hid from the alphas in.
"She's dead..."
"Yeah," Olivia confirmed quietly, her eyes starting to sting with tears. "From the...her body looks more than a couple of weeks old."
She wanted to prepare him; he would take the loss of Erica harder since she was his beta. Even for her, the loss of a packmate was hard. It was like losing a limb; it still felt like Erica was there but when she reached out to find her, the blonde wasn't there to meet her.
Derek tightened his grip on Olivia as they entered the storage closet. He completely shocked Olivia when he faltered after laying his eyes on Erica's body. Derek was literally the strongest person she knew so it was tough to see him in such grief. He wasn't quite as bad as when most of their family died but it was still hard.
"This is all my fault," he whispered, taking in the decay of her body.
"No, it's not," Olivia insisted. "It's not, Derek. The alpha pack did this, not you."
"I was the one who turned her."
"And you didn't know it would turn out like this," Olivia bit the inside of her cheek. "Derek, please...please believe me. This isn't on you and Erica...Erica wouldn't want you to think that way, either."
Derek shook his head and slowly let go of Olivia before taking the few steps toward Erica's body. In one swift movement, he picked Erica up and cradled her in his arms. It was so heartbreaking for Olivia to see the pure guilt and grief he felt on display. It almost hurt worse than the grief she felt for Erica.
"Come on," Derek's voice was hoarse.
They slowly walked back to the vault where Allison and Scott still stood together, discussing what really went on the night that Derek bit Victoria Argent. They arrived just as Scott was finishing, telling Allison that he couldn't have the memory of her mother trying to kill him be the last memory she ever had of her.
The both of them turned when they noticed that Olivia and Derek had arrived with Erica's body. Allison frowned sadly while Scott's face crumpled; Olivia could tell that he was very upset with Erica's fate and while it didn't make much sense because he and Erica weren't very close, it was Scott. He felt for people so deeply that his reaction didn't really surprise Olivia.
Derek cleared his throat. "We'll come back for her after we catch Cora and Boyd," he stepped into the vault and gently laid down her body before turning back to Scott. "Are you ready?"
Olivia swallowed down the lump in her throat and spoke up, "If I can concentrate, I think I'll be able to find Boyd."
Derek nodded at her and then looked back at Scott. "You go after Boyd and I'll try to find Cora. Olivia, you give Scott any information that you find. I'll Isaac and Peter and get them to help. We need to get to them before they hurt anyone."
Olivia and Scott nodded in unison at him. "Let's do this."
Olivia sat at a picnic table just outside of the campground part of the reserve, her hands clasped and her eyes closed. She was deep inside her head with her focus on Boyd, mentally following him around Beacon Hills. It took a lot of energy to keep on him but she didn't have a choice. It was either this so Scott could find him, or let innocent people die. Cora had already tried to terrorize the drive-in if Derek hadn't stepped in but unfortunately, she ran off before he could catch her.
Apparently, she was much faster than Derek when she went without feeling the full moon for three full months.
She sighed when she felt Boyd take off again; she had given Scott his last location but he must have lost him.
Sure enough, Scott was calling her. Her focus now gone, she answered the phone and looked up at Derek as he made his way over to her. She put the call on speakerphone—even though he could hear it fine—just in case he wanted to talk to Scott.
"Hey," Scott greeted her breathlessly. "I lost Boyd."
"You lost him?" Derek asked, disappointed.
"Yeah, I kind of had to."
"That wasn't exactly the plan."
"I know, which is why I think that we should stick together," Scott stated. "Trust me, he's too strong, too fast, and way too angry for one person to handle. We've got to do this together."
"Scott, we're at the edge of the preserve campground," Olivia spoke up, exchanging a look with Derek. "Can you meet us here?"
"Yeah," Scott confirmed. "I just got to drop something off first."
Olivia furrowed her eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"
"I'll fill you in later. See ya soon."
Olivia ended the call and locked her phone, setting it on the table before looking up at Derek. "This is a nightmare."
"No kidding..."
Olivia winced as her hearing cut off and a loud scream took its place. This had happened only a half-hour earlier but this one was much more severe and terrifying. The first time she didn't even know where it came from but as the scream died down now, the whispers started.
Lydia's there, she heard. A picture of the community pool flashed through her mind, leaving a searing ache behind. Lydia, Lydia, Lydia. She found him. She found him. Lydia, Lydia, Lydia.
What the actual hell?
"Ollie, are you okay?" her hearing came back all at once. She grimaced at her sensitivity and opened her eyes, seeing Derek's worried face hovering over her. "Ollie, can you hear me?"
"I can hear you," she croaked; for some reason, her throat felt sore.
"You screamed," he told her, crossing his arms over his chest. "What happened?"
She hadn't known that she screamed. Why did she? Was that Lydia who screamed in her head? That's what the whispers seemed to imply. If Lydia was the one who screamed, how did she hear it and why did she scream too?
"I heard screaming and Lydia's name," she hurriedly picked up her phone and tried to call Lydia. As she pressed her ear to her phone, she added, "She found something but I don't know what. I don't know what's going on."
To her disappointment, Lydia didn't answer. The line beeped rapidly, informing Olivia that Lydia's phone was currently busy. She hung up the call and tried Stiles; she couldn't leave to go check on Lydia, so he would have to.
"Olivia, are you okay?" Stiles picked up almost immediately. "No one called me after and I was afraid someone got to you guys. Are you okay? Did Boyd kill you? Who is Cora, by the way? Tell me what happened. Is everyone all right?"
"Stiles," Olivia interrupted; as much as she thought his rambling was cute, now wasn't really the time to indulge him. "We're all okay. Boyd and Cora got out but Derek, Isaac, and Scott are out looking for them now."
"Okay, good," Stiles sighed in relief. "So, who's Cora?"
"She's my cousin, Derek's little sister—"
"Derek has a little sister?"
"Yes and we thought she died in the fire—"
"You thought she was dead? How the fuck is she here now?"
"We have no idea, Stiles. All we know is that she's alive and she's been with Boyd for months," Olivia answered. "but that's not why I called you."
"What's up?"
"I need you to check on Lydia. Something happened and I heard her scream—"
"How did you hear her scream? Is she with you?"
"No, she's not," if he didn't quit interrupting her... "Look, she's at the community pool. Can you please go check on her?"
"Of course I will. I'll go right now," Stiles confirmed. "I love you, be safe."
"Love you, too," Olivia stated. "Call me when you get to her."
"I will. Bye."
Olivia ended the call and turned to Derek once again. He was looking back at her with a half-irritated, half-amused look. Clearly, he had heard the whole call.
He shook his head. "I can't believe you're dating him."
The tires of the jeep squealed as it came to an abrupt stop next to Lydia's car. Stiles quickly ripped off his seatbelt and threw himself out of the vehicle in order to get to Lydia. From the way Olivia's voice trembled when she spoke about her cousin, and the fact that Lydia had called him in a panic over finding a dead body at the pool, he was quick to panic.
Not only did Stiles have to get through Olivia's occasional episodes but now Lydia was having them too. The Martin girls would be the death of him, surely. Actually, the whole supernatural thing would be. He didn't have a doubt about it.
"Lydia?" he called her name as he ran past the pool's gate and made his way toward the redhead. "Lydia, are you okay?"
Lydia had her arms around her, tightly holding herself. "I'm okay," she trembled. "That over there...not okay."
He followed her gaze to the dead body in the lifeguard stand. He could already see without moving that there was a lot of blood; it made him sick to his stomach. "Yeah, all right," he pulled his phone from his jeans. "I'm gonna call my dad."
"I already called 9-1-1."
Stiles paused and looked back at her while blinking rapidly. "You called the police before you called me or Olivia?"
"I'm supposed to call you guys first when I find a dead body?"
"Yes!" Stiles exclaimed loudly.
He changed gears, calling Olivia like she told him to. She quickly answered the call. "Hey, Livvy—"
"Is there really a dead body?"
"Yes, there is."
"Are you sure?"
Stiles rolled his eyes as he inched closer to the body so he could check it out for himself. "Yep, throat ripped out, blood everywhere. It's like the fucking Shining over here. If two little twin girls come out of the woods and start asking me to play with them forever and ever, I'm not gonna be surprised."
"Okay, okay," Olivia said quickly; she absolutely did not like the Shining when Stiles showed it to her. "Um, can you get a little closer to make sure it was them?"
"Make sure it was them?" he repeated in disbelief. "Olivia, who else is going around ripping throats out?"
She sighed. "Please just do it."
Stiles stepped closer to the dead body, stepping around the huge puddle of blood that had collected on the edge of the pool. Like he told Olivia, the guy's throat was ripped out. He bled a lot; his whole arm down to his purity ring wearing fingers.
"It was them," he confirmed for her. "Listen, Lydia called the cops so I'll call you when we're done with them."
"Okay," on the other side of town, Olivia pressed some fingers to her temple, trying to rid herself of the horrible pain her head was in. "Thank you, Stiles. Really."
"No problem. Love you, talk later."
"Love you," Olivia locked her phone and slipped it into her jacket before turning to Derek, Isaac, and Scott.
Derek shook his head in denial. "This doesn't make any sense," he declared. "The public pool is all the way on the other side of the woods. We haven't tracked them anywhere near there."
"Derek, they killed someone," Scott pointed out needlessly.
"How are they moving so fast?"
"But they can't be that fast on foot," Derek insisted.
"They killed someone," Scott said firmly. "Some totally innocent kid is dead...and it's our fault."
Derek was quiet for a moment, blinking slowly. "It's my fault."
"We need help," Olivia interjected. The four of them weren't getting anything done when it came to Cora and Boyd. They had no experience hunting werewolves and why should they? They didn't hunt their own kind. That was a whole new kind of barbaric. They weren't the Argents, for crying out loud.
The Argents...
"We have Isaac now."
"No, more help," she clarified, a plan forming in her head. "Look, they're too fast, too strong, and too rabid for you guys."
"We'll catch them."
"What happens if we do?" Isaac asked his alpha in response. "We're just gonna hold them down until the sun comes up."
Derek shook his head grimly. "Maybe it would be easier just to kill them."
Olivia immediately went to protest but Scott beat her to the punch. "Killing them isn't the right thing to do."
"What if it's the only thing to do?" Isaac replied. "If we can't even catch them, what else do we do?"
"We find someone who knows what they're doing."
They turned to Olivia, curious. "Who?"
"Someone who knows how to hunt werewolves," Olivia said decidedly. "Like Mr. Argent."
Derek scoffed. "You've got to be kidding me."
"I'm not. Mr. Argent isn't as bad as the others and we all know it," she defended Allison's father. It was true; Argent was probably the mildest of the Argent hunters, including Allison. "If he knows the trouble we're facing and about the innocent people getting hurt, I bet he'll help us."
"She's got a point," Scott backed her up. "Me and Olivia can talk to him."
"And if he says no?"
"Then we make him say yes."
With a call to Allison, they tracked down Mr. Argent to the grocery store. Derek and Isaac stayed in the former's car and let Olivia and Scott take the lead on him. Mr. Argent wasn't a big fan of Scott and he didn't adore Olivia, but he was more tolerant of them than the other werewolves.
Olivia and Scott waited for him to come out of the store behind the car next to Argent's SUV. When he came out, his arms full of grocery bags, they came out of hiding and watched as one of his bags fell to the ground.
Argent picked it up with a sigh. "It had to be the one with the eggs..."
Once the bag was safely in the back of his SUV, he shut the hatch and abruptly turned around. Olivia flinched away as he held a gun up to her and Scott, both of them immediately putting their hands in the air to show that they didn't mean any harm.
"Hi, Mr. Argent," she squeaked.
Mr. Argent pressed his lips together. "Olivia, Scott," he greeted them cautiously. "What are you doing here?"
"We need your help," Scott said before he started explaining all that had gone on that night so far, from the alpha pack, the bank, and the wild goose chase that Cora and Boyd were giving them.
Argent didn't look happy to be approached. "First of all, why would I care about anyone related to Derek?"
"Ouch," Olivia mumbled under his breath but Argent steamrolled on.
"And second, I don't know this kid, Boyd. I don't even know his last name."
"Boyd is his last name," Olivia informed him.
"What's his first name?"
"Vernon," she said simply. "and could you put the gun down, please? You're freaking me out."
Argent shifted the gun away from her and more toward Scott; Olivia sighed in relief.
"Yeah, just curious, is there a reason the gun is still pointed at me?" Scott was offended.
"Well, there's probably still some part of me that wants to shoot you," Argent answered honestly.
Scott raised his eyebrows and nodded. "I get that."
Argent sighed and lowered his gun, putting it back in its holster. "I watched my father brainwash my daughter and almost turn her into a killer," he shook his head. "That world—your world—decimated mine. My wife, sister, father, my entire family. Why would I ever step foot in it again?"
"Because people are going to die," Olivia said bluntly. "and because you know how to catch Cora and Boyd without killing them."
Argent hesitated for only a second before shaking his head. "I'm sorry. I can't help you."
He went to enter his SUV when Scott stopped him. "Uh, do you think you could do us, like, one tiny little favor?"
Argent lifted his chin. "What's that?"
"Can you give us a lift to the public pool? We're supposed to meet Stiles and Lydia there," Scott stretched the truth.
Olivia gave him an impressed look, immediately catching onto his plan. Argent would see the police and medical examiner at the pool to pick up the body and investigate the scene and hopefully it would sway him to help them catch Boyd and Cora. It was manipulative but necessary. Cora and Boyd could kill even more innocent people by the time the moon fell if they were able to go free.
"Get in."
Ten minutes later, they were pretty close to the community pool. The whole ride was silent and awkward and Olivia was nervous, hoping that Cora and Boyd weren't out terrorizing the town while they played carpool. If Argent would agree to help them, though, they'd have a significant advantage over them.
"Left or straight?" Argent asked.
"Left," Scott answered from the backseat. "Sorry, it's right about the corner."
Argent turned onto the street on their left and slowed down, looking for the pool. Olivia could already see the red and blue lights coming off the police cruisers.
"That parking lot there," Scott pointed to them. "Yeah, just a little further up, right here."
"Thanks again for the ride," Olivia said as Argent came to a stop and parked.
She and Scott watched Argent's face as he took in the scene. There was already an ambulance there, ready to take the body to the morgue, and it looked like the kid's parents were there, too, to identify their son for the record. It was a disturbing image, how heartbroken the parents were as they sobbed over their child.
It made Olivia's chest hurt a little. Erica's parents would soon find out that their child was dead, too.
Scott went to leave the vehicle first, but Argent stopped him. "They did this, Boyd and...?"
"Cora," Olivia supplied her cousin's name. "Yeah."
Argent lifted his gaze to look at her. "Where's the last place you saw them?"
Minutes later, they were meeting Derek and Isaac back at the campground, where they stopped Cora and Boyd from killing a girl their age.
Argent stood in front of the four of them, kneeling down over two sets of shoe tracks. "You're tracking them by print?"
It was Scott who answered him. "Trying to."
"Well, then, you've been wasting your time," Argent stated. "There's only one creature on earth that can visually track footprints and that's man. And if you're not trained like me, you have no idea that this print is Boyd's," he pointed at the large shoeprint in the mud and then the slightly smaller ones. "and these—"
"Are Cora's," Isaac assumed.
"Nope, they're yours," Argent corrected him casually. "You trampled Cora's as soon as you walked over here."
Olivia raised an eyebrow as she looked over at Isaac, who looked embarrassed.
"Listen, I know the three of you are focusing half your energy on resisting your own urges under the full moon but that puts you at a severe disadvantage to Boyd and Cora, who have fully given in," Argent addressed Derek, Scott, and Isaac. "They put the pedal to the floor where you three are barely hitting the speed limit."
"So, what do we do?" Derek looked annoyed that he had to listen to Argent's advice.
"Focus on your sense of smell," Argent told him. "Actual wolves are known to track their pretty by up to a hundred miles a day by scent. A trained hunter can use scent to track them. If the wind is with them, wolves can track a scent by a distance of two miles, which means we can draw them to us...or into a trap."
Argent reached into the duffle bag that he had brought with him and pulled out a net. "The full moon does give us one advantage," he threw it at Scott, who caught it easily. "They'll have a higher heat signature, which makes them easier to spot with infrared."
Argent threw two infrared binoculars at Scott and Isaac before tossing one to Derek.
"Thanks," Derek handed them to Olivia and flashed his alpha-red eyes. "but I've got my own."
Argent nodded. "Just remember, we're not hunting wild animals. Underneath those impulses are two intelligent human beings. Don't think they can't rely on that human side. It's suppressed but it's there, reminding them how to mask their scent, how to cover their tracks, and how to survive."
They moved from the campsite to the cliff that overlooked all of Beacon Hills.
"When was the last time you saw your sister?" Argent asked Derek.
"Six years," Derek told him. "We thought she died in the fire."
Argent didn't comment on the fire. "Do you feel like you have a lock on her scent?" Derek shook his head so he turned to Scott. "Scott, how confident are you in your skills?"
Scott scoffed lightly. "Honestly, most of the time I'm trying not to think about all the things I can smell."
Olivia wrinkled her nose in disgust. She certainly didn't envy him.
"All right," Argent turned back to the overlook. "The problem is when they breach the woods and hit the residential area. Once they're past the high school, they're right in the middle of Beacon Hills."
"They're not going to kill anyone they see, are they?" Olivia spoke up hesitantly.
"No but there is an important difference to recognize," Argent answered her. "Wolves hunt or food; at a certain point, they get full. Boyd and Cora are hunting for the pleasure of the kill, for some primal apex predatory satisfaction that comes from the ripping of warm bodies to bloody shreds. And who knows when that need gets satiated?"
"We can't kill them," Scott declared.
"What if we can't catch them?" Derek countered reluctantly.
"Then maybe we just need to contain them," Argent offered thoughtfully. "There's no one in the school at night, is there?"
Derek looked at him in surprise. "You want to trap them inside?"
"If there's somewhere with a strong enough door, no windows, or access to the outside."
"What about the boiler room?" Isaac spoke up. "It's just one big steel door."
Argent paused for a moment before asking, "You're sure the school's empty?"
"It has to be," Scott confirmed. "There can't be anyone there this late, right?"
"All right," Olivia mused. "So if we do this, how are we going to lead them into the school?"
"I have something."
Argent led them back to his SUV, where he opened the hatch and pulled out another duffle bag with hunting supplies. He took a large silver stake that had some kind of light and button on the top and stabbed it into the ground.
"These are ultrasonic emitters. It's one of the tools we use to corral werewolves, pushing them into a direction we want them to run," Argent pressed the button at the top; there was a light squealing noise as the light flickered on. "It gives off a high-pitched frequency that only they can hear."
There was a slightly uncomfortable feeling in Olivia's ear but she certainly wasn't reacting to the noise like Derek, Scott, and Isaac were. They were all bent forward, their hands smushed to their ears in attempt to block out the noise.
"God, no kidding!" Isaac grunted
Argent turned off the emitter and started grabbing more of them from the hatch. He gave two to each of the werewolves. To Olivia's surprise, he gave her two, too.
"These are gonna drive them to the school?" Derek asked skeptically.
"And then it's up to you to get them into the basement," Argent stated.
"Does anyone else want to rethink the plan where we just, uh, kill them?" Isaac wondered.
Olivia rolled her eyes at him. "All right, lazy bones."
"It's going to work," Scott said encouragingly. "It'll work."
"Uh, you didn't have to follow me home," Lydia told Stiles flatly as they walked into her bedroom.
Stiles shrugged awkwardly, looking around the room. Despite the many times he had come over to the house, he'd never been inside the redhead's bedroom. "I just wanted to make sure you got in okay."
"I had a police escort."
"I know the inner workings of that force, all right? They're not nearly as reliable as people think," Stiles defended himself. "And I wanted to wait for Olivia, okay?"
Lydia gave him a displeased look as she sat down at the end of her bed. "And you're in my room, why?"
"Because it's creepy for me to wait alone in Livvy's room," Stiles made up an excuse; the real reason he was in Lydia's room was because he wanted answers. Like, how she had ended up at the pool in the first place or the fact that she found a fucking dead body out of nowhere.
"You're lying," Lydia smacked her lips together and rolled her eyes. "Why don't you just ask me the question that you've been dying to ask?"
Stiles faltered. "Well, I'm not—I haven't been dying to ask anything. I—no questions here for Stiles. Nothing."
"I can see it on your face."
"Maybe my face just has, like, a naturally interrogatory expression."
"Well, your interrogatory expression is getting on my nerves," Lydia snapped. "The answer is that I have no clue how I ended up finding that body. I didn't even know where I was until I got out of the car."
"Yeah, but the last time something like this happened..."
"I know," Lydia nodded. "Liv's dad."
"Peter," Stiles sighed; his future father-in-law was a pain in his ass. Well, he was a pain in everyone's ass. He went to say something else when his phone started ringing. "Oh, hold on."
He quickly pulled his phone out of his sweatshirt, eager to see if it was Olivia, but it was Melissa instead. He answered the phone and listened carefully as Melissa explained that he needed to show him something peculiar with the body that Lydia found.
After Lydia insisted that she go with him, the two of them headed into the hospital. They made their way to the emergency room where Melissa had a night shift and stopped at the desk where Melissa was waiting for them with some paperwork.
"Hey," she greeted them, leaving her paperwork for another time. "Over here...and if you tell anyone that I showed you this, I swear to God, I will kill you painfully and slowly."
She led off down the hallway that led to the morgue, sneaking into the room before anyone saw them.
"Why do you want to show us a body we've already seen?" Stiles asked her.
"Because you haven't seen everything," Melissa replied as she gloved up and walked over to one of the bodies displayed on the tables. She uncovered the guy that Lydia found at the pool and pointed to his neck. "See this around his neck?" there was a dark bruise that encircled the entire front of his neck. "That's a ligature mark. That means that he was strangled with something, like a cord or rope—"
Stiles furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Ah, okay, wait a second," he interrupted her. "What kind of werewolf strangles someone? You know, that's not very werewolf-y."
Melissa looked at him proudly. "My thoughts exactly," she confirmed before picking up the kid's head and turning it slightly. "And then there's this."
Stiles' stomach flipped nauseously at the sight of the kid's broken skull and exposed brain. "God, what the hell is that?" he gagged slightly. "Is that brain matter? Yeah, it's brain matter, of course."
Lydia gave him an annoyed look. "Seriously, Stiles?"
He honestly didn't know how she was so calm.
"See the indentation? He was hit in the back of the head, hard enough to kill him," Melissa stated as she carefully set down the head back on the table. "In fact, any one of these things could have killed him. I mean, someone seriously wanted this poor kid dead."
"So, this couldn't have been Boyd or Cora," Lydia assumed thoughtfully. "They wouldn't have tried three different ways to kill someone when they're that out of control."
"Maybe it's just one murder," Stiles suggested. "I mean, maybe it's a random coincidence."
Melissa shook her head. "I don't think it was just one murder."
"How come?"
"Because that boy over there, he's got the exact same injuries," Melissa answered Stiles, pointing to the table to their right.
The three of them shuffled over to the other body. When Melissa uncovered it, Stiles felt Lydia stiffen next to him.
"The M.E. said this one wasn't just strangled," Melissa started talking so Stiles didn't get to look over at the redhead. "Whoever did it used a garrote, which is a stick that you put through a rope and you just kind of keep twisting and—"
Lydia whimpered lightly, cutting Melissa off. Both she and Stiles turned to Lydia and were shocked to see that she was in tears, staring down at the body in horror.
"Lydia, are you okay?" Melissa asked her worriedly; Lydia shook her head. "Oh, my God, did you know him? I'm so sorry, I didn't even think."
She carefully pulled the sheet back over the body.
"I was...I practically grew up with him," Lydia whispered. "Liv and I were at his birthday party the other night. His name is Heath."
Stiles awkwardly patted her back, trying to instill some sort of comfort in her. His own eyes started to sting as he looked back down at the blonde boy on the table. Olivia had told him some of the conversation she and Heath had at his party after he kissed her. He really wished that things didn't turn out this way. He wished that Heath was alive and that he'd be able to drop his asshole friends and feel better. Who made fun of something because they were a virgin anyway? Dicks.
"Okay, we need to call the sheriff because you're a witness," Melissa smiled sadly at Lydia.
Wait, wait, wait...Stiles thought quickly, his mind racing. The guy at the pool was a virgin, he had a purity ring. And Heath was a virgin, too. That couldn't be a coincidence, it was just too major of a detail. And if there were two bodies already, that meant that there was probably another coming.
"Has anyone else been through here tonight?" he asked Melissa urgently. "Any—any other bodies or even anybody missing?"
Lydia and Melissa were understandably confused by his sudden behavior and question.
"Uh, no, no bodies but um..." Melissa hesitated.
"Two girls," Melissa told him. "They brought the first one, Caitlin, in for a tox screen and then I overheard that her girlfriend, Emily, just disappeared. I mean, they were out in the woods and—"
"Nobody's found her yet?" Stiles cut her off.
"I don't know."
"Okay, the first one—"
"Caitlin," Lydia supplied for him.
"Right," Stiles nodded at her before addressing Melissa again. "Is she here? Is she here right now?"
Melissa nodded. "I think so."
"Okay, where?" Stiles went to leave the room but Melissa quickly stepped in front of him.
"Okay, okay, wait. Just wait a minute."
"I have to talk to her," Stiles insisted impatiently.
"Because I think I know what's happening."
"We weren't doing anything that bad," Caitlin, who was laying in a hospital bed with a sad expression on her face, told Stiles. "I mean, I've camped out there plenty of times."
"Right," Stiles acknowledged calmly. "but why tonight?"
"We wanted to be alone for one night. Emily lives with her mom and I have three roommates," Caitlin scoffed lightly. "Not exactly romantic settings, you know?"
Stiles smiled lightly; he did know. Olivia's aunt was a meteorologist at the local news station, so she was only gone in the morning and early afternoon and Lydia seemed like she was always home, especially during the summer when she was bringing guys home after her dates. It made getting intimate difficult there, so most of the time they hung out at his house since his dad was out at odd hours depending on what shift he took.
"I can relate," Stiles said. "How long have you two been together?"
"Three months."
Stiles nodded in realization. "And you wanted to make it romantic."
Again, Stiles could relate to Caitlin. He had been putting off having sex with Olivia because he wanted to make their first time romantic. Olivia was a virgin and he...was not. He took that swan dive the summer before. It wasn't anything special but he loved Olivia and he wanted her first time to be different than his.
"Yeah, you know, because..."
"Because it was her first time," Stiles finished for her.
Caitlin's face crumpled as tears welled up in her eyes. She turned to him with a pleading expression. "They're gonna find her, right? Aren't they?"
"I hope so," Stiles smiled sadly at her, his heart sinking.
Both Olivia and Argent met up with Scott and Isaac at the school once they were done setting up the ultrasonic emitters. After Scott and Isaac broke into the school to make sure Boyd and Cora would have a way in, Scott joined them.
"Do you see that?" Argent caught Olivia and Scott's attention, his eyes focused on a firefly only a foot or so in front of them.
Olivia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. The fireflies in California weren't bio-luminescent, which meant that they didn't light up. It was weird that now, all of a sudden, there were some in Beacon Hills, of all places.
"Yeah," Scott gave him a strange look. "it's a firefly."
"No, no, I know that but..."
"It's, uh, very unusual," Argent mused.
"California fireflies aren't bio-luminescent," Olivia informed Scott. "They don't glow."
Scott looked back at the firefly. "Does that mean something?"
Before Argent could answer, a loud howl broke out into the night. They immediately went into action with Argent getting into his SUV and Olivia and Scott settling themselves by the parked school buses.
"They're with Isaac now," Scott informed her quietly as they waited for Boyd and Cora. "and now they're coming this way."
Scott got ready as Boyd and Cora appeared, bending his knees so that he could lunge at them at a second's notice. However, Argent's SUV appeared and he blared his horn, causing Boyd and Cora to turn away from their direction.
"They're heading toward Derek," Scott said needlessly, as Olivia could still see them. To their shock, instead of plowing toward Derek, they jumped onto the roof. "They're not going through the school. They're going over it."
Olivia, Scott, Argent, Isaac, and Derek quickly grouped together.
"The red doors," Argent said urgently. "someone has to get them open."
Derek nodded, volunteering for the task, and started running back into the school.
"Someone has to drive them inside," Olivia pointed out.
"I'll go," Argent volunteered.
"No," Isaac shook his head. "I'm faster."
As he took off with a door blocker, Argent turned to Scott and Olivia. "You two need to get in there and lead them to the basement."
Olivia and Scott ran into the school side-by-side.
"Does this mean I'm your Robin now?" Olivia asked breathlessly as they turned into the English hallway.
"Nah," Scott shook his head. "Come on, Derek's in the math hallway."
They continued running through the school. The closer they got to the math hallway, the more they could hear the growls coming from Boyd and Cora. It sounded like Derek was already fighting with them while he tried to lead them into the basement.
They rounded the corner into the math hallway just in time. When Derek threw Cora to her feet, Scott and Olivia came to a stop next to him when Boyd looked like was going to fight. Trapped, Boyd and Cora would have no choice but to head for the basement.
That didn't mean that they were going to go willingly.
"Come and get us," Derek dared them.
At once, all three of them opened to the door to the basement and ran down the stairs. They went through the door that separated the rest of the basement from the stairs and ran in, heading over to the boiler room, which took up most of the basement and housed supply rooms.
Olivia couldn't see in the pitch-black boiler room but Derek and Scott could. Olivia made sure to stay out of the way as they did something to prepare for Boyd and Cora's appearance. The two out-of-control werewolves entered not long after and a second later, two fire extinguishers were going off.
While Boyd and Cora screeched and grunted from the ice-cold foam being sprayed over them. Olivia quickly went for the steel door. Soon enough, Derek and Scott were coming out after her, allowing the door to be slammed shut and locked into place.
They stood still, with Derek leaning against the door, as Boyd and Cora pounded on it to try to get out.
"Did that actually just work?" Scott asked, shocked.
Derek nodded at them with a relieved expression on his face. "It worked," as he answered, Scott slowly stepped up to the door, concentrating. "What are you hearing?"
Olivia raised her eyebrows. "Two of them?"
"Actually, there's three of them," Scott's eyes widened.
"Who else could possibly in there?" Olivia hissed at him.
"Maybe a teacher," he shrugged.
Derek shook his head and grabbed the lock, preparing to open the door and run inside.
"What are you doing?" Scott asked him.
"Ollie, you need to come in with me. You and I can keep them calm until the sun comes up," Derek told his cousin, who nodded, and then turned to Scott. "Close the door behind us and keep it shut."
Scott gaped at him like he was nuts. "If you guys go in there alone, you're either gonna kill them or they're gonna kill you. And, if you haven't noticed, Olivia's not exactly like us."
"Okay, well, that's obvious," Olivia sighed.
"She'll be fine," Derek insisted, slowly unlocking the door. "Come on."
As soon as he opened the door and slipped into the boiler room, Olivia quickly followed him. Scott did as Derek told him, slamming the door shut and locking it behind them. Olivia followed Derek all the way to the teacher supply room, where Boyd and Cora were waiting for a teacher to come out.
Derek roared at them and they roared back. Olivia stumbled back as they attacked Derek. He fought back, dodging attacks and making blows of his own. Eventually, he had a hold of both of them at the same time, letting them claw at him.
Seeing Derek being ripped apart like that killed Olivia. It was time to get to work; her gaze went purple as she stormed toward the three werewolves as she sent as much calming waves over to Boyd and Cora. She was trying to anchor them and make them come down from their impulses to kill Derek, or anyone, for that matter.
"Boyd, Cora, stop," she carefully placed a hand on each of their backs. "Control yourselves."
Boyd growled viciously and then so did Cora. If it wasn't for the hold Derek had on both of them, they would have turned and possibly rip Olivia into shreds.
Control, control, control, Olivia repeated in her head like a mantra. You have control. Come on, come on, come on.
As if she wasn't already having a difficult time, the whispers started up, too.
Derek, Derek, Derek. Over and over again, her cousin's name was chanted. Derek, Derek, Derek.
She had to do something.
Gathering all of her strength, a scream came out of her mouth. "BOYD! CORA!"
She was shocked at the scream because she hadn't even been trying to do that but it seemed to work. As if a switch was flicked, Cora and Boyd fell unconscious and dropped to the floor. Derek almost went down with them is it wasn't for the fact that Olivia quickly grabbed him and let him lean his weight on her.
He was very beaten up, with horrendous scratches littered all over his whole body. His torn olive-green shirt was mostly brown from the blood he shed. Luckily, despite the fact that he was completely exhausted, the wounds on his face were starting to heal.
A ray of light coming from the window caught Olivia's attention. "The sun came up," she whispered to Derek. "It's over."
Unable to hold Derek's weight anymore, she allowed him to carefully drop to his knees. She still supported his upper body, letting him lean against her, but thankfully, most of his weight was gone.
Scott and Isaac came running into the boiler room only seconds later.
"There's a teacher. I'll take care of her," Derek breathed heavily, still trying to catch his breath. "Get them out of here."
While Scott and Isaac rushed toward Boyd and Cora, carefully picking them up and carrying them out of the boiler room, Olivia asked Derek, "Are you sure? You can go with them and I'll talk to the teacher."
"It's fine," Derek insisted as she helped him to his feet. "You go get some sleep. You have school in a couple of hours."
"Okay," Olivia was hesitant to leave but she was tired, especially after getting Boyd and Cora to control themselves. Derek seemed pretty insistent anyway, so she wasn't going to argue with him. "Be careful."
"I will," he promised her.
Olivia made sure that Derek was steady before pulling away from him. Just as she stepped out of the boiler room, her phone started ringing. It was Stiles.
"Hello?" Olivia knew how exhausted she sounded.
"Hey," Stiles croaked from the other line. "I need you to come to the hospital."
"Why?" she stiffened nervously. "Is it Lydia? Is she okay? Are you okay?"
"We're both fine, Livvy. We're okay," Stiles assured her; she relaxed, relieved that they were safe. "Just please meet me here and bring Scott."
"Okay, I will. I'll see you soon."
"So, Boyd and Cora might not have killed anyone?"
Olivia heard Scott but she didn't pay much attention as she sat by Heath's body, trying to control her tears. It was too much death in twenty-four hours and she felt like she was going to suffocate from the grief weighing down her chest.
She knew Heath since she was practically born. Now he was gone and Olivia had been so negative about seeing him again. She hadn't wanted to go to that party but she did and she was glad. She was grateful that she got to see him one last time but it also hurt. She didn't know who did this to him but he already had a hard life. He didn't deserve this—no one deserved this.
"You're gonna wish they did," Stiles said solemnly, letting Olivia grip his hand tightly.
"I'm not exactly sure yet, but...The other girl who was out in the woods, Emily? Eventually they're gonna find her," Stiles stated. "She's one of them. Emily, Heath, the guy that Lydia found at the pool. All three were virgins and they're all gonna have the same three injuries...strangled, throat slashed, head bashed in..."
Olivia sniffed and raised her head to look at him in disbelief. "The threefold death?"
Stiles nodded. "Yeah."
"So, if these aren't random killings, then what are they?" Scott wondered.
"Sacrifices," Stiles dropped the bomb. "Human sacrifices."
(Gif is not mine)
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sunflower-swan · 3 years
Not fandom related. TW for Covid content. I just need to put this out there.
One year ago this week...
Wednesday, March 11, 2020: My HS Choir sang the national anthem at the opening game of the state basketball tournament. We had lunch on Mass Street. My Mom came to see me and have lunch together. Dad was busy with farm stuff. My kids were excited to meet my Mom. On our way home we visited the capital building because they had never seen it before.
Thursday, March 12, 2020: HS Music trip to St. Louis cancelled. We were supposed to leave in a week. The kids had been fundraising for a year. We still haven't taken this trip. I'm hopeful for next year.
Friday, March 13, 2020: All of my groups had fantastic rehearsals. We were on the right path to having another great contest season. I told my kids I would see them Monday. We had four more days until Spring Break.
Sunday, March 15, 2020, around 5pm: Schools in my state shutdown until further notice.
Sunday, March 15, 2020, around 5:15pm: Calls and texts from crying and hysterical seniors who just lost all of their lasts. Who had been practicing their solos for months because this was going to be the year they received top marks at state music. Who had their final day with their band and/or choir family and they didn't know it at the time.
And then...
November 2020: A staff member tests positive. I was sitting next to them in a meeting the day before. We were both wearing masks and socially distanced. I was not quarantined.
Also November 2020: Three of my students test positive. I sit next to one of them during band rehearsal the day before. We were socially distanced and I'm not quarantined.
Still November 2020: My BIL tests positive. Sister and kids are quarantined. Family Thanksgiving is cancelled. We'll get together for Christmas.
Day after Thanksgiving 2020: My Uncle calls me to say he was in the hospital a few weeks ago for Covid. My Uncle never calls me. I probably hadn't talked to him in... A year? It was nice to talk to him but apparently thinking you're going to die changes a person.
A week before Christmas 2020: My Dad and his parents admitted to the hospital for Covid. My Dad and Grandma come home. My Grandpa does not... He passes away on New Years Eve. We did not have family Christmas.
Two weeks ago: We made an impromptu visit to see my family. It did not suck as much as I expected it to, to be at my grandparents house. It was the first time had seen them in person in four months. My Grandma is having surgery to remove her thyroid soon. When she was in the hospital for Covid the doctors found early stage cancer.
It has been a real turd of a year for everyone. For educators I feel like it has had an extra special suck. In my classroom (band & choir), kids are literally projecting their breath forcefully into the air. Kinda scary in an environment where kids are often unknown carriers of a dangerous virus that is transmitted through droplets expelled from one's mouth.
In August, when I found out my school was going completely in person with no mask requirement, I did some serious soul searching for a couple of days. In the end, I took the gamble that if I got sick, odds where good that I would feel lousy for a week or two but ultimately be ok. If I wasn't at school, then my kids would not be able to play their instruments or sing, and what's the point in being in music if you can't do those things?
I still feel like that was an unfair choice I was forced to make. The choice between my future health and my students education. For many kids, their elective classes get them out of bed and at school every day. A couple of teachers chose to teach remotely. I'm glad they had that option. The way I looked at it, if I wanted my program to survive beyond this year, and I did, then I had to be at school.
Not gonna lie, that first month of school was rough on me. I hadn't been around anyone other than close family in about six months. I went to the store a couple times with my husband early in the spring. Apparently I don't hide my fear as well as I think I do because we got home and he said that he wouldn't make me do that again. And he hasn't, bless him.
Except... Our weekly trips to the store were fun. We don't really go out so that was our time together outside of home. And we lost that. He still does the shopping on his own. It's the only time he leaves the house other than when we walk the dogs in the evening. (His job allows him to work from home.)
Which brings us to today. I got my second Covid shot on Friday. Saturday I spent the day in bed. I didn't feel "bad" I was just too exhausted to do anything. Yesterday I felt better but still kinda tired. I don't like needles or shots, and the thought of receiving an emergency vaccine really scared the hell out of me.
Teachers in my state were part of group two, right after senior citizens and health care workers, to have the chance at the vaccine. Some of my colleagues chose to opt out. In the end I decided to get it because my Grandpa couldn't. He was gone before it was an option.
And then my Dad sends me this picture this morning:
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I was probably about six years old here. And that's my Grandpa helping me ride a bike.
Tell your loved ones you love them every chance you get. Don't take a single second for granted.
This ended up way longer than I expected it to be. When I started it was just going to be what happened a year ago. And then it sorta snowballed into everything from the past year. If you've made it this far, well, congratulations I guess. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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naiveandexperienced · 4 years
the beginning of the end.
for those of you who remember, i said i would post my final draft of my letter to alex when i got closer to my graduation date. although it's still three months away, i'm satisfied with the final draft of said letter so i will go ahead and post it now. i'm not going to give this to him. here we go:
I honestly don’t know where to start with this letter. You don’t know how many times I have written and rewritten every single word. I have decided that this is going to be my final draft whether I like it or not. Forgive me if it gets all over the place; my thought process when I’m feeling emotional isn’t very coherent. I guess, let me start off by saying that I wish this could be written better. I wish it could sound sophisticated and meaningful but frankly, my mindset is incapable of finding eloquent ways to express my feelings. I suppose a written letter is better than me attempting to speak to you; that would not go well. It’s sad that I still haven’t been able to properly talk to you after knowing you for two school years. Anyways, time for me to pour my heart out in this farewell letter.
Truth be told, I didn’t quite like you when I first came into your AP European History class. It’s not that I disliked you; you just intimidated me. You intimidated me from the first time I met you during orientation, when it was just me and you in your classroom. You intimidated me from forty feet down the hallway. Even during school assemblies, with all of those hundreds of people, your presence still intimidated me. I say ‘intimidated’ like it’s past tense but you still do, if I’m being honest.
Do you want to know what changed and why I so obviously became attached to you?
I doubt you remember, but some kid (Andre or Connor probably) pronounced ‘gif’ incorrectly and you told him that if he pronounced it like that again you would hang yourself with the blinds in your classroom. I know that it’s kind of odd but that is a really fond memory to me. It made me realize that you weren’t as scary as I thought and that you have the millennial sense of humor that I’m so comfortable with. It’s a weird feeling, being so comfortable around someone yet on edge at the same time.
It’s exhilarating.
It’s exhausting.
Being around you is so exhausting but I wouldn’t change it for the world because you have taught me so much. You got me motivated when I just wanted to give up. I wanted to try and succeed, which is something that had been buried for so long. I wanted to make you proud. I know that in the second semester of last year I failed at that.
When I got suspended I wasn’t thinking about myself; I was just thinking about you (which is idiotic, I'm aware).
I was devastated because I knew that I had disappointed you. I didn’t want you to see me as an idiotic child who couldn’t care less about succeeding. I didn’t want you to think less of me. The logical part of me would tell myself everyday that you would understand that people make mistakes but I was still terrified.
Even as I write this now (August 3rd, 2019; 2:55 AM), I still don’t know if I can stand to see you when school starts. Part of me wants you to be mad at me because I deserve it. I want you to tell me you’re disappointed in me. I want you to tell me this because that would mean you noticed and you actually cared. Another, larger part if terrified because I know that the truth is, you probably don’t care enough to get angry with me or to feel anger about what I did (if you do in fact know why I was suspended; if you don’t, long story short, I had a drinking problem and it finally caught up with me). You won’t tell me you were disappointed with my actions or that you forgive me because you’re not as deeply invested in me as I am you.
I’m just another student and that’s perfectly okay with me.
Of course it hurts, but I would rather have my heart broken a million times than have the possibility of your happiness being taken away from you. Seeing you happy is all I need to be at peace with my emotions. Nothing makes me happier and nothing makes me sadder than you.
With that being said, I probably acted distant and indifferent to you throughout the year. I don’t know yet since I’m writing this before school even starts—it’s pathetic, writing about the end before it’s even begun. I have made a promise to myself to just treat you like any other teacher because if I allow myself any flicker of warmth, I know I will just fall back into this overwhelming pit. I’m sorry if it hurts your feelings (I doubt it will). It’s okay if you feel relieved (I expect you to). Addendum (August 25th, 2019): This letter was written under the impression that I would be in your government class, which I obviously was not. I don’t know why because I switched from AP to CP as soon as I heard that you were teaching CP Government this year and I put in a request to specifically be placed in your class with my counselor. She did that for me last year when I transferred to your APUSH class instead of Mrs. Wilson’s. With the new policy, I won’t be able to switch out of any of my classes next semester to take AP Human Geography or something that you might be teaching. I have a TA block next semester but it’s during first period and if it hasn’t changed, first period is your planning period. Plus even if it wasn’t, it is so hard to TA for you. A lot of people want to be your TA!
Now this is the part where you probably want to stop because having someone confess the whole truth to you is something that a lot of people can’t handle. The only reason that I feel comfortable enough to tell all of this to you is because you are one of the few people that I can 100% trust. I grasp onto the thought that you still stand by what you said about never getting mad at me ever with every coming sentence.
The saddest part about unrequited love is that you always try. Even as I tell myself to shut out anything other than teacher worthy emotions, I find myself clutching onto a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe you could love me back.
Please understand that although I did and do have feelings for you, everything that I did for you was not me trying to make you uncomfortable or seduce you or something like that. I would never never never want to do that to you. I truly did those things because I liked to make you happy. I love to do things for the people I love.
I don’t think you realized how devastated I was that time I got called to Student Services about you. I was so distraught that I had pushed too far and made you upset. Just the thought of me being the cause of you experiencing negative emotions makes me so upset with myself. I was so close to crying when I came into your classroom to ask if I did something wrong. Then you told me that everything was okay and for the first time in a long time, I actually believed it. You made me believe it.
I know I’ll miss you forever because the parts of you I have seen are some of the most beautiful pieces of a person that I have ever known. A wonderful quote by F. Scott Fitzgerald goes, “Suddenly, she realized that what she was regretting was not the lost past but the lost future, not what had not been but what would never be.” That quote flickers through my head a lot these days and I think it is very fitting for me and how our time is coming to an end. Even though we will never be together, it warms my heart to know that a person like you exists.
It’s weird to think about all of the things that I think about when it comes to you. It’s weird that I’m even writing this letter to you, which you have probably already stopped reading and have thrown it away or given it to administration or something of the like. None of it matters though because even if you have or haven’t stopped, I’m going to get everything out that I need to.
For starters, you confuse me. I doubt it was your intention but some of the things you said to me made me overthink everything. You randomly told me one day after I brought you coffee, and I quote, “Don’t ever worry about making me mad, okay? You could never make me mad.” You even repeated it to me when I didn’t respond to you the first time. You know what I did after that? I took that little bone and ran with it like a starving puppy. Then when I jokingly told Faith to tell you that I love you and you said you loved me too. Then at the Black and White, when I swear time froze when we saw each other for the first time that night. And then when you placed me in my AP Euro seat at the beginning of APUSH, when you were seating us alphabetically by last names and when you got to my seat you were still at the ‘Cs’ but you put me there instead, in the front row and the place you lecture in front of the most. All of those moments mean so much to me even though I know they were thoughtless to you.
Secondly, you ignite me. I know I said this earlier, but I am going to repeat myself because I mean it with every fiber of my being. You motivated me again. You were the only reason I kept coming to school when all I wanted to do was quit. It was so easy for me to get away with not coming to school but when I got into your class, I never wanted to leave. I was actually so disappointed every day I missed school because I wouldn’t get to see you that day.
Lastly, I love you. I love you in a way that I want you to succeed with everything in your life. I love you in a way that I want you to always be happy and content. I love you in a way that is so foreign to me because it is completely selfless. If you asked anything of me, I wouldn’t hesitate to do it. That’s a scary thought to know that you have so much power over me. The only reason I can tell you all of this is because I know you won’t abuse it or me.
I wish I had more time with you. I could sit in those stupid, uncomfortable desks 24/7 and listen to you talk about history, politics, whatever else you wanted for the rest of my life and never be satisfied with the amount of time spent with you.
Although we will most likely never talk again after graduation, please remember that I am forever changed by who you are and what you mean to me. You will always be important to me. I will fade from your memory but I want you to know that you will never fade from mine.
that's the end!
i feel like the letter is really all over the place but i think it does a great job reflecting my mindset and emotions when it came to him. i use past tense here because i have been thinking over a few things for a while. i am not going to be updating on this blog anymore and i am closing it down. i know that i've said this before in the past, but i truly do believe that i have lost feelings for alex now. since my last update, i actually saw him quite a bit and i... didn't feel anything? people change and mature and i believe that i have done that. thanks so much for taking the time to read that monstrosity as well as go on this tiring journey with me through the latter half of my high school years. it means a lot.
please remember to stay safe! thanks again!
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b1acksw4n · 5 years
Who Do You Love? Part 3
Genre: Hybrid!AU, highschool AU, some fluff, LOTS of angst, maybe some smut in future chapters
Pairings: Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader Jungkook x Reader
Summary: Hybrids were owned by humans and were viewed as pets. But what happens when hybrids are given a chance to be our equals. When Kim Taehyung a tiger hybrid transfers to your school, your whole world is flipped upside down. He’s mysterious, which draws you in. Jungkook doesn’t like the sudden interest you take in this hybrid...
Words: 1.9k
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Sitting alone in your room you scrolled through
Instagram. Finding a picture of your ex Seokjin with his arm wrapped around a girl's waist, smiling brightly. You couldn't stop thinking about him. It hurt so fucking bad. God did it hurt. He was perfect. Too perfect. You really don't know when things began to fall apart. You two became quite distant, movie nights and once comforting and romantic cuddling sessions became a bit awkward and that's when you knew something was definitely wrong. You found out Jin cheated on you and was going behind your back with some upperclassman. You were completely heart broken.
     The day of the break up, you were all dolled up, ready to go on a date with Jin, and when he showed up at your door, your heart fluttered. But that giddiness soon turned to nervousness as Seokjin avoided your gaze then confessed everything to you. He called the date off and left you crying on your doorstep, makeup that you spent hours on prior to look nice for him was now running down your face. When you walked back inside, your phone started to ring, although you could barely hear it from how loud and pitiful your crying was. Jungkook, your best friend, was indeed calling you. You instantly hit 'Decline' not wanting him to see you like this.
    He called again and again. You knew he wouldn't stop until you answered so you sighed through your tears and hit accept with a shaky hand. "Aish YN! It took you four missed calls to answer your best friend?! I'm not that annoying am I?" He said teasingly, not prepared nor aware of what was about to occur. You stifled a sob, curling up in a tight ball. The phone laying right next to you on the floor, Jungkook on speaker. "O-Oh my god what's wrong?! What happened?! Tell me." He went from concerned to angry and upset in a matter of seconds. "J-Jin." You cried harder, hugging yourself tighter. "What the fuck did that asshole do?" Jungkook grunted, hearing shuffling coming from the phone you could tell he was getting up and getting ready to go to your house. "Kookie.. I-I'll be fine d-don't do anything.."
     "Too late. I'm already here." He had a key to your house since you guys were close and he let himself in. He ended the call, his gaze immediately landing on your shaking figure. He could see you were still dressed up like you were supposed to go out and his dark thick brows furrowed as he gently pulled you into his strong firm hold. His muscular arms holding you securely as you cried into his chest. "You deserve better than this you know.." He gently rubbed your lower back in a relaxing circular motion, kissing your temple.
    Crying softly, you clung to his strong figure. "He's a dick. I'm seriously going to beat his ass YN. I don't care if he's older than me. He fucking hurt you." His voice didn't sound as playful and teasing as it usually did. He sounded livid. "Kookie.... d-don't.." You looked up at him with pleading eyes, your hair a mess and tears streaming down your cheeks.
     He lightly brushed your tears away with the pad of his thumb. He stared at your features for a moment with sparkling eyes before carefully standing up and carrying you to your bedroom.  He was so strong that it was practically nothing for him to do. "You need to rest, love.." Grabbing one of his t shirts you had at your house, he handed it to you and a pair of pajama shorts. "Change into this and get some rest.. please.." He looked down at you, and a few minutes later you came back out with it on. Crawling into bed, you sniffled, getting under the covers. Jungkook got in after you, pulling you close to him, his muscular chest pressed against your back.
      "Don't worry.. you're safe with Kookie.." The brunette said tiredly, his grip unintentionally getting tighter. His scent was all you could smell and it lulled you to sleep and you were so thankful to have a best friend like Jungkook.
~(Flashback End)~
   You stared at your phone screen feeling numb. It had been 2 months and you still weren't doing that great. Jungkook was such a great guy and here you were still hung up over Seokjin. Jin already had someone new and he looked so happy without you. You almost felt guilty. Were you leading Jungkook on? You never meant to, you'd never in your life want to hurt Jungkook. You still couldn't believe till he had feelings for you.. He meant the whole world to you.
    It was a Thursday afternoon and you were watching some random boring game show on TV, eating some buttered popcorn. Tomorrow, Taehyung  and you would be studying together at your house. Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's you and Taehyung were supposed to study together. Tomorrow would be the very first day and you were kind of nervous to be honest. You hoped it wouldn't be too awkward. Since he's coming over after school you decided to clean your room up a bit.
    Pushing yourself up and off the couch, lazily reaching for the remote, you turned off the TV. Throwing away the empty buttery popcorn bag, you went upstairs to your room. Your stairs felt endless at the moment from the excessive laziness you've been feeling lately.  Your lower calves were already slightly burning from it. Putting on some music, you started cleaning your somewhat messy room. You organized your clothes, neatly putting them in each designated drawer.
    You vacuumed your fluffy white carpet from the thick black fur your cat always seemed to leave behind as evidence she lounged around all day. Put all the empty water bottles and dishes away. Took your trash out and overall did a pretty deep and thorough clean. You didn't want Taehyung thinking you were some unorganized slob.. even though you weren't sure why you seemed to care so much. Well.. first impressions are pretty important right?
   You quickly got dressed, getting ready to go to school. You grabbed your bag, walking to school. Jungkook waved to you and you approached him, entering the large school building. "Hey.. are you alright YN? You seem pretty quiet.." Jungkook thoughtfully looked down at you. You nodded slightly, staring at the ground as you walked. You already worried Jungkook enough.. Maybe he'd drop it if you just kept avoiding the question. "You can tell me.." Jungkook took your hand and gently held it in his much larger one. He was so caring to you. Although with other people he seemed rude and a bit off putting.
    "It's just Jin..  I'll be fine Kookie.. don't worry too much about it." You looked back at him as you walked ahead of him a few feet. You weren't paying attention and once again your face hit a familiar hardness. Taehyung's chest. You bumped into him again. "Well this wouldn't be the first time this happened." Taehyung chuckled a bit, looking down at you, one of his soft fluffy ears drooped. You smiled up at him, ruffling his messy soft locks. Since when was Taehyung this outgoing? This is the longest sentence he's ever said to you!
     "Are you ready for our study session after school today?" You took a step back so you could see him clearly since you two were so close, almost forgetting about Jungkook. Jungkook had an agitated expression on his.. well perfectly structured face. His dark brown brows furrowed as his once soft eyes were now narrowed in a displeasing manner. "Yep! Can't wait." Taehyung exclaimed with a cute toothy grin on his face, his sharp canines now visible. "Me too." You smiled, gave him a small shy wave and walked away with Jungkook to class. "You're so rude Jungkookieee.." You pouted a bit, looking up at him. He only grunted, feeling his chest tighten in possessiveness as he wrapped his arm around you.
   Jin walked past and you stiffened in Jungkook's hold. Jin glanced at you, and Jungkook glared at him. Your heart was racing and you avoided eye contact was Jin. Truth was, Taehyung had found out about what Jin had done to you. He had already took a disliking to him. Taehyung was very fond of you. You just seemed very gentle and caring to him, and it made him feel safe. As a hybrid, he was constantly being degraded and beaten. He had a scar that went right over his left eye and over his cheek, although you never asked him about you, you sure had an idea.
   Sitting down at your desk in math class, Jungkook sat right behind you, occasionally whispering things in your ear, every time the teacher turned his back. Jungkook's soft hushed whispers sent shivers down your spine. "We have another new student. Her name is Jennie. Make her feel welcome everyone." The teacher announced, snapping you back into reality. Another new student? Jennie waved and took her seat. Right next to Jungkook. She kept looking at you two, with a rather questionable look on her face. She looked so familiar but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. 'Have I seen her before?' You thought staring at her a second too long. Jennie looked up and met your gaze, smiling. You The teacher was talking but in the midst of his lecture the bell rang. He dismissed everyone even though people were already scrambling to get their books and left the classroom. It was lunch, that's why everyone was in such a hurry.
  You went to your locker to put your things away and Jungkook did the same. You both met up at his locker and you felt a delicate hand tap you on your shoulder. "This is so embarrassing.. but I need help opening my locker.. I'm not used to the combination." It was Jennie. "Of course! I'm YN by the way I'm sorry I never really introduced myself." You smiled, following her as she led you to the location of her locker. Jungkook was close behind, considering he seemed to think he was your personal bodyguard or something like that.
    "The combination is 45 - 16 - 0." Jennie explained. You put it in and on your first try you opened it with ease. "Thank you so much." She chirped. "No problem. Do you want to sit with my friends and I at lunch?" You asked thoughtfully. You knew how it felt to be new and not know anyone so you wanted to make her feel less awkward and alone. She nodded and followed you and Jungkook to the cafeteria. You went through the agonizing process of waiting in the extremely long line of hungry hormonal teenagers. Finally, the three of you got your food, and walked back to your table. Where Hoseok had been waiting for you with a lunch he brought from home.
   Soon all four of you were hitting it off. Jennie was really funny and pretty outgoing once you guys got her out of her shell. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad having another girl around to talk to. You were kind of nervous but apprehensive about the study session with Taehyung. Especially with Jungkook probably attempting to interfere with that ridiculous hatred of his, he had for the hybrid.
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