#inspo: the equalizer 2
crybabycunt · 5 months
Kate: Yelena is gonna be pissed. Peter: (bandaging her up) Don't worry. I'll talk to her. Kate: Not at me, man. At you. Peter: Y-You talk to her, t-then.
Yelena: PETER!! You were to keep her unharmed! Kate: Run! Peter: (web slings his ass far away) I'm sorrrryyy!!!
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greenerteacups · 11 months
I was just talking with a friend about possible great HP-world tv-shows and we ended up at "Pride and Prejudice in the HP wizarding world" (not the plot of P&P but the vibes; with Slytherin!Mr.Darcy and Gryffindor!Elizabeth (or OR! better yet vice versa)) and I thought you would be such a perfect fit to write it 😍
aw, thanks, that's a fun idea! I feel like Hogwarts AUs for other fandoms used to be more of a thing back in the age of peak Pottermania, and I wonder if they won't end up coming back when the TV show drops.
Darcy is totally a Hufflepuff, though.
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mayghosts · 29 days
Little Gold Top: Kate Martin x Reader
Summary : Turns out Kate Martin does have a weakness, it just happens to be your little gold shirt.
Warnings: drinking, suggestive content, not proof read, maybe angst? A bit short too
AN: Let me know if y'all want a part 2!! Also send reccs/inspo plss 🧡
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Kate was actually loosing her sanity. Watching you dance with her teamates in the crowd of this sticky old bar room. She felt absolutely feral. The way your gold sparkly top reflected patterns around the room, you were almost a discoball. Not to mention the shirt was on the smaller side. Kate was never one to judge, infact she almost liked the shirt a little too much for someone whos "just a friend".
After a few drinks it didn't take much persuasion to get Kate off her barstool and into the crowd. Dancing and bopping along to the music with Caitlin as she watched you talk to some guy. Seems like he liked your shirt too. She felt like a crow, overly interested in shiny objects. She knew you didn't want to talk to the guy. He was ugly.
Maybe it was the drinks, or just her inner crow. Her intoxicated brain dragging her over to where you stood against the wall. She wrapped an arm around your waist, her hand playing with the bottom of your shirt. She cuts in immediately, "Heyyyy Cait says we need to leave. like now." She wasn't sure where this absolute bullshit lie came from. It was a Friday, there was no game tomorrow, no practices, no classes. Nothing.
She looks down at your confused face, than over to the guy you had been chatting with. "She threw up in the parking lot." Kate is a terrible liar. The statement came out fast and flustered. Cait had barely touched a drop all night, something about her new training regiment. However, it seemed to suffice your equally intoxicated brain. You began to make your out of the stuffy room and into the parking lot.
Looking across the half empty parking lot, there was no sign of Caitlin. "Kate what? Where is Caitlin?" You sounded genuinely concerned and Kates guilty conscious started to kick in. The cool breeze blew your hair into your lipgloss, the moon perfectly lighting up your face. And your shirt. Her eyes flicked over you briefly, landing on your lips before meeting your eyes. You pulled the hair off your lips. "Uhh.. I don't know." She took step closer, her hands reaching up to run her fingers over the sequin straps on your shoulders. "I like your shirt." Her eyes once again meeting yours. She quickly licks her lips. "...thanks...I-" Suddenly it hit you. Your toes were basically touching. Her hands playing with the fabric of your shirt, watching the sequins and beads roll in her fingers. "Kate we... I can't..."
Kate looks up again. "Why not?" Suddenly Kate understood liquid courage. You were silent. You didn't know why, maybe you could? I mean you really really wanted to. "You're drunk..." "So are you..." Silence fell over the parking lot. No cars, no birds, not even the wind.
Suddenly you heard the bar room door bang open, loud music and light pouring out from inside. Both of you took a frantic step away from eachother, looking towards the door. Out stumbled a very drunk Gabbie and a sober Caitlin, "Guyyyysssss I ordered an uber, we need to go back to the dorms Caitlin is sooo drunk.." Gabbie basically yelled it across the lot. The three of you exchanged a look.
As the Uber pulled out of the parking lot, the four of you sat in silence. Well, the thee of you did, Gabbie talked the whole way back into the dorms. After getting Gabbie into bed, you walked Kate and Caitlin to the door of your dorm. "Text me when your back in your dorm"
Kate just looked at you wide eyed, guilt still lingering on her face. Why, you had no clue. Nothing really happened.
Caitlin wished you a goodnight, promising to text you back and meet up for breakfast tomorrow to debrief.
Closing your dorm door, you sighed to yourself. Tomorrow was going to be interesting.
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fadingdaggerr · 4 months
hello! i was wondering if you could write a melissa/reader fic where r unknowingly makes mel very nervous/blush, and after a while melissa starts to become very protective of r until melissa is a big blushing mess and just needs to have her girl 🫶 or whatever u want to take from this, big fan of your work!! mwah 🧛🏻‍♀️🦇
pairing: melissa schemmenti x gn!reader
summary: request above <3 | 2.3k
includes: literally just fluff, tooth rotting fluff, soft!melissa, established but new relationship, light making out
note: sol posting two fics in a month? what is this? no but seriously i got an inspo boost since abbott is back in like 2 weeks so i was rewatching and “get the cameras outta my face before i give you colonoscopy with it” is still top 3 melissa lines (from attack ad)
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“You really ate that and have the gall, the gumption to call it food?” Barbara says, baffled by the story you told her as you both were making your coffee. Somehow on the walk in, the conversation had gone from the muffin you got on your way to work, to the topic of childhood lunches.
You laugh, “listen, bologna and ketchup was the only consistent thing I ate until, like, middle school.”
“And you enjoyed that?” she says with a shocked face and what you guess is minor disgust from her downturned lips. You nod in response with a little mhm and Barbara’s hand comes up to hide your face from her line of sight, turning away so as to not laugh right at you. She’s nothing if not polite. Her reaction only makes you laugh more.
You both sober up as you hear the door opening, and there’s equal gratefulness for it being Melissa that enters the room. Your eyes flick over her quickly, taking in her pink top you don’t think you’ve seen before and black leather pants that you’ve certainly never forgotten her wearing. Her eyeliner is perfect, but it doesn’t hide the darker circles under her eyes, the folders in her bag telling you stayed up late to grade assignments.
Barbara greets her while you silently step away to the cabinet, grabbing an orange mug out. You know exactly how she takes her coffee, at least how she takes the bitter lounge coffee, with a sugar and a hefty pour of milk, only the one percent though. Just as she finishes unpacking her stuff and sits down to keep talking with Barb, you return to your spot across from her.
Her eyes move to you, watching you test the coffee with a small sip off the edge. You think a moment before pushing the mug over to her, a tiny smile crossing your lips. She raises a brow, taking a small sip of her own to test it. “It’s perfect, hon, thank you,” she says, just a little ruffled that you pay attention enough to get her coffee right and that she’d never gotten her coffee to taste this good.
“Anything for you,” is your earnest response. With the smile still on your lips, you send a wink her way before your attention is stolen by more people filtering into the room. As you chat over your shoulder with Gregory, Melissa faces her lap, desperate to get rid of the blush that painted her cheeks at the ease of your attention and words.
She decides to stay a little quieter, listening to the conversation Barbara is having with Janine, sipping on her coffee that she was holding close to her chest. There’s a prickly feeling on the side of her face, and when she turns she finds your eyes on her. They flick from her eyes to her shirt, scanning her the sleeves and stitching, and she has to pretend she didn’t notice the barely lingering look at her chest.
“New shirt?” you ask when your eyes meet hers.
She takes in a deep breath, “yeah, just got it yesterday. D’ya not like it or something?”
“What? No, Mel,” you said, “you look beautiful. As always.”
There’s not enough time for her to hide before her cheeks are an even brighter shade of pink than her shirt, eyes blinking rapidly. Melissa prays that Barbara didn't just hear you say those words, let alone see her reaction to them. Whatever this was between you two, it’s new and fragile and not fully defined, and you both agreed you don’t want to let anyone in just yet.
Melissa has become attuned to you. She knows when you’re around well before she sees you, always able to sense your presence. If it was because she was always looking for you, she’d never admit it.
With soft steps knowing it’s a quiet time in her room, you approach her classroom as a stop on your way to the lounge for popcorn. Stopping in her doorway, she immediately turns and looks at you. Eyes widening at the immediate attention, you give her a little wave.
“Alright little eagles, I’m gonna be in the hall. Youse better stay on your best behavior,” she says as she stands up from the desk, making an ‘I’m-watching-you’ motion. Joining you in the hall with a little smile on her face, she leans against the wall.
“You didn’t have to leave your class,” you say as you match her position, leaning into her space just a little.
Her smile grows a bit, “then why’d you stop by?”
“Just wanted to see you, that’s all. But getting you to talk to you is definitely a bonus,” you answer, the grin on your face stretching as you look at her while you speak.
That wasn’t the answer she was expecting, not that she really knew what she thought you’d say. Licking her lips, she ducks her head and shakes it, but only for a second. Looking back up at you, she manages to say, “you just came to stare at me then?”
“I prefer the word ‘admire,’ but same-difference.”
“Yeah, right,” she says with a little scoff, trying hard to keep from allowing the heat to creep up her neck.
You mock her a little scoff with a smirk as you push off the wall, about to start back on your journey. “Whatever you say, gorgeous,” you say before turning away. Your turn stutters as you come back around, fingers raising to her necklace to fix the chain so the clip was at the back of her neck. You mumble a barely audible there we go before you turn around and continue on your way.
Melissa is frozen in place for a moment, hand raising to her neck, tracing the spot your hand ran against. A thankful thought passed her mind that the hall was empty, not even a doc camera around. She was not above threatening them to delete the footage or smashing the camera that caught her flustered and dazed from your affection.
At lunch, she has to refrain from looking at you, knowing that if she even dared to, that her cheeks would be as red as the firetrucks she adores. Thinking instead that she didn’t want to talk at the moment, you were conversing with Jacob about a movie he watched over the weekend and was dying to share it with someone. Admittedly, Melissa was half listening, really only to hear your voice.
There was a slight snicker from the couches, a sort of snicker that peaked Melissa’s attention. She sees Mr. Morton and another eighth-grade teacher peering at yours and Jacob’s direction, clearly listening to your conversation and finding it humorous. Focusing her ears, she hears mumbles of lame as hell and great, another freak. Her brows furrow and fists clench, Barbara quickly notices her friend’s change in mood and gives her a questioning gaze that Melissa ignores.
“Aye,” Melissa pipes up, the whole room goes silent. Her eyes stay on Morton and what’s-her-face as she menacingly says, “watch your mouth or I watch it for you. Got it?” The only response either one gives her is a fast nod before averting their eyes, frozen in place from fear. 
When Melissa’s glare finally leaves them, everyone else’s eyes drop to avoid being next, except for yours and Barbara’s.
“What was that for?” Barbara speaks quietly so only the three of you at the table can hear.
“Nothing, Barb. Just didn’t like what they were saying is all,” she answers, purposefully keeping her eyes off both of you.
Your hand goes to her arm in an attempt to comfort her a bit, thumb caressing her skin, “what were they saying?”
Melissa desperately tries to ignore her rapid heart, “it was nothing, hon. Don’t worry about it.” Unable to resist a little bit of extra contact, she pats your hand reassuringly. Neither of you notice Barbara’s eyebrows fly up in surprise at the outward affection you both displayed.
When lunch ended, Barbara went back to her classroom to do her lesson on the changing seasons, and you and Melissa both had prep periods while your students went off to recess and their extra activities. Taking the extra time you rarely got to have together during the work day, you spent the majority of the hour grading next to each other. Little smiles and checking in made you both ditch the grading altogether, just enjoying each other's company.
“If I invited you over for dinner tonight, what would you say to that?” she asks with a coy smile.
“I’d say I’d love to have dinner with you,” you reply with a tad of shyness, playing with the rings on her hand you were holding in your lap. 
“Six work for you?”
“I’ll be there, on the dot.”
Your phone buzzes on the table next to you, making you flinch at the sudden intrusion. She heard you mumble shit under your breath, before you stand and hurriedly collect your things. Double checking that you had everything, you let out a deep breath. 
Without much thought, you lean down and press a soft kiss to her cheek, “I’ll see you later.” Before she can  respond you’re rushing out of the room to get your kids from art class.
Melissa’s head drops to her desk and grumbles, “gonna be the death of me, that one.”
In her kitchen, you’d found that your favorite spot was sitting on the counter next to her. She let you ‘help’ by letting you add the seasonings, but wouldn’t let you near much else. You were content to look at her while she worked in her element, an ease and happiness in her movements that you delight in.
With just having to wait for the vegetables to cook down a bit, she turns to you and leans in close, arm brushing your thigh. You bite your lip, trying to suppress a smile, and raise your hand to brush hair out of her face. Your hand slides from behind her ear to cup her jaw, thumb stroking her cheek.
“You’re so pretty, you know?”
She doesn’t respond. Instead she leans into you, her hands moving from the counter to your thighs. Pink lips brush against yours, a silent question. This was all she’s been wanting since you two snuck away Friday as everyone left school, where she left you breathless in your empty classroom. The answer she gets is your lips pressing into her, soft and slow, savoring the taste of her. Melissa barely holds back a whine at the feeling of your lips on hers, she never thought she could miss a feeling so much, but a weekend apart from you had her craving your touch. Your tongue traces against her bottom lip, begging for entry, and she’s quick to grant it.
Unlike her, you don’t hold in a groan at the feeling of her mouth on yours. Your hands travel into her hair, lightly tugging her closer. The sensation has her hands gripping your thighs, using them to pull you into her. You feel a certain desperation in her kiss that allows you to take the lead easily, sucking her bottom lip between your teeth and biting gently before kissing her softer to make it better. Your legs wrap around her as you slow your lips, wanting her close as possible.
As you pull away, she pushes back in to catch your lips again for just a second. Her hands on your thighs are making it incredibly hard for you to focus on your already struggling breathing. There’s a muted moan from her as your fingers scratch her scalp, pulling gently as her soft hair.
“You’re trouble, you know?” she murmurs breathlessly, mirroring your previous question.
You smile as you rest your head against the cupboard behind you, still holding her face as you ask, “how so?”
“All you’re staring and flirting, you know exactly what I’m talking about,” she responds like it’s obvious.
“Again, I was admiring, not staring. And when was I flirting?” Your tone and the look on your face makes the redhead realize that you truly weren’t aware of the effect you were having on her. 
Her hands slide up to your waist, your shirt raising just enough for her pinkies to brush your skin. The goosebumps that develop under her touch makes her heart skip a beat, loving that she had a similar effect on you. When she doesn’t answer you right away, you angle her face to bring her attention back to you, silently asking your question again with your eyes.
Melissa sighs, “saying you’d do ‘anything’ for me, calling me beautiful and pretty. You’re a flirt.” 
“Those are just all true, not really flirting. I would do anything for you and you are very beautiful and very pretty,” you say, smiling. The heat in her cheeks spread to your hands, the warmth spreading to your heart. She tries to duck away but you’re faster, pulling her closer just barely to press a soft kiss to the corner of her lips.
She wants to respond, but no words form under your gaze. Your eyes avert from hers and she finds hers following where yours go. Suddenly the simmering of the vegetables in the pot reaches her ears, reminding her that there was a world outside your eyes and lips. Your hands drop from her face, letting her go to check on the food you can’t touch. She just squeezes your hips before letting go.
You’ll still be there when she gets back.
feedback appreciated as always <3
title means something that is ‘undying or everlasting’
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tenjikyu · 5 months
𝘪 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯' 𝘺𝘰𝘶 - 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚ bonten!mikey x male!rockstar!reader , reader plays guitar in a band , reader dresses more grunge as that’s the bands theme , think nana osaki from nana bc she’s the inspo for the fic , very lighthearted, tryna let poor bonten!mikey catch a break , slight sexual references but nothing actually happens , bonten is a lil ooc bc they all act like family but it’s okay bc it’s bonten.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ SLIGHT SPOILERS FOR BONTEN ARC, NOT REALLY BUT WARNING JUST IN CASE. (honestly it’s not spoilers at all bc it’s pretty fanon in comparison to the canon bonten timeline.)
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“cmon mikey, get outta the apartment for once in your life that isn’t to go to headquarters!” rindou pouts at his boss.
manjiro really didn’t know what he expected when he decided all the executives should move into a massive penthouse together. sure it was good for his health to be around others and not coop himself up in agony, but he didn’t exactly like the idea of being dragged out whenever his lackeys felt like it.
“not intrested, leave me alone.” manjiro says, attempting to make his way to his bedroom. to go see a band he rarely listened to? who goes to a concert when you don’t give a shit about them to begin with?
sure he’s heard all about the gorgous female lead singer and the hot as fuck guitarist. (Y/N), right? manjiro couldn’t remember nor did he really care to.
“but i bought us all front row tickets to see Black Rose so we could witness how hot Hiroko Asato issss” ran attempted to persuade the stubborn bonten leader.
it wasn’t working.
“i’m looking forward to seeing her outfits up close. from what i’ve heard, she wears pure designer.” kokonoi adds onto the conversation.
“cmon mikey, it’s only one night. if you hate it that much i can drive you back to the penthouse.” kakucho, ever the resolver, bargains with the pouting leader.
“…” manjiro stays silent. ‘it’s just one night i guess, plus it means that i’d have them off my ass for at least a month’ he reasons with himself.
“alright, let’s get going then.” he says, the rest of the executives silently fist bumping the air rn.
the wait to get into the stadium was a bitch, however with a little bit of force, the bonten executives managed to get inside ahead of time.
koko ordered the drinks, kakucho and mochi reserved the spots and the haitani brothers were chatting up some vip ladies in scandalous dresses. meanwhile mikey is . . .
umm . . .
“oh, hey! are you lost..?”
you do your best to keep cool with the fact that the leader of the biggest mafia syndicate in japan was in your personal changing room.
“the show doesn’t start for another 2 hours, can i help you to your seat? i wouldn’t mind.” you offer, keeping careful of how you talk.
the hotshots of bonten’s identities had been long revealed to the public, however people were too afraid to really report their whereabouts to authorities. many stories of people who had revealed their location that day were swiftly eliminated, even before the news of their position were made public.
and so, knowing that the tatoo on this rather depressed looking man’s neck was a bad sign, you decided to just adhere to whatever he might need.
you were already dressed, the iconic vivienne westwood jewellery hanging from every inch of your body. each member of your band had a significant brand to them, so it wasn’t uncommon for you to be seen decked out in the iconic space themed jewellery. you had always loved the style, and it seemed the mafia boss was equally as intrigued in your designer pieces. you even had their logo imprinted onto your guitar.
“no, i’m okay.” manjiro only replied, his eyes not leaving the necklace that rested gently on your chest.
he didn’t really know why he snuck into the private quarters of the band. perhaps it was to escape his ever-so-annoying underlings?
or perhaps, a little part of him wanted to catch a glimpse of you.
apart from the obvious favourite of the band, the lead singer AS well as the only girl in the band, you were a favourite among listeners.
you had women and men alike screaming your name and begging for skin-on autographs. despite being a dude yourself, you had other guys begging you to sign their tailbone (which you had to politely decline).
manjiro understood why, as you were definitely easy on the eyes. your amazing sense of fashion and your toned body didn’t help.
“uhm.. are you feeling okay? you seem a bit dazed.” you question. in reality, the man was just dead on staring into your soul, scaring the living shit outta you.
“yes, i’m alright.” he finally responds.
. .
. . .
“here, take a seat.” you finally break the silence. why was he here? you didn’t think that a guy like him would have time to sit around some flashy concert. sure, you were a big band but let’s be real, shouldn’t he be at his headquarters shooting peoples heads in?
alas, you knew better then to question it.
and so, you order in some glasses of alcohol and begin chatting. you spoke about your career, how your band came to be and about dreams.
you aren’t entirely sure why you were discussing this sort of shit with a random mafia leader who could probably give less then a shit about you, however he seemed almost enamoured with your conversation.
you felt bad for talking his ear off, especially since you now only had about 45 minutes till showtime and you STILL hadn’t tuned your guitar, however he didn’t seem to care.
everytime you stopped talking, manjiro almost.. glared? at you? as if he was offended that you stopped talking.
unbeknownst to you, manjiro loved listening to you talk. the way you worded things and your voice overall was heavenly to his ears.
the piercings that decorated your skin were appealing to the man. the chain from your ear to you lips especially looked so… attractive to him.
“(Y/N) C’MON, WE’RE ON IN 10” you could hear toru, your drummer, scream out to you.
“SHIT! MY GUITAR” you freaked. HOW did you forget your guitar??
“i’ll come visit after the show.” manjiro says, exiting the room.
“oh, oka-“ before you had the chance to finish your sentence, he vanished.
well, now you couldn’t WAIT for the show to finish!
after the show had ended, you packed up the rest of your gear. your manager had popped in and taken your stage clothes back to the studio before bidding farewell.
as you sat around in a pair of baggy jeans and a t-shirt (inspo - don’t feel like you have to imagine this.) , you paitently waited for the white haired mafia boss to sneak back into your private room.
why were you even waiting? he was probably bullshitting you anyways. why would someone as busy as manjiro sano give a fuck about what you were doi-
“yo.” a cheeky grin graces his face, looking back at you.
note to self : doubt gets you nowhere!
“hey manjiro, enjoy the show?” you ask the man, automatically getting comfortable in his presence. you didn’t exactly know why you felt so relaxed around him, considering his rather infamous reputation, but you just did.
“yeah, you’re certainly the best in your band though. could go solo and still be famous if you wanted.” he replies, automatically heating your face up.
“cmon (Y/N), let’s get going already. i’m tired.” he winged to you in a childlike manner.
“okay.. WAIT—HUH?? where am i going?” you shriek, having no idea that he actually PLANNED to leave this place with you in tow.
“back to my place. duh. i don’t just talk to anybody for fun unless i plan to shoot them in the head an hour later.” he responds in a nonchalant voice.
this boy is gonna be the death of you, literally or figuratively? only time will tell.
regardless of how much you declined the offer, the man ends up dragging you out to the expensive limo that was owned by bonten. not only were you dragged into the car, you were squished in between the boss and 2nd in command of the syndicate, haruchiyo sanzu.
not that you were complaining, the pink haired dude was hot as fuck.
there were many things that occurred that night :
• at 1am, you arrived at their shared headquarters, completely baffled that they all lived together. you decided that you would NOT mention anything that might offend anyone in the room right now.
• at 2am, you were drinking alcohol more pricey then your stage guitar. you weren’t by any means on the poor side, but these men lived a new version of luxury.
• at 3am, you were playing pool with the haitani brothers and sanzu. you lost. miserably.
• at 4am, you were half naked and making out with manjiro sano on his own bed. you didn’t expect the high and mighty manjiro sano to be so submissive in the bedroom.
“relax dummy, nothing went beyond tongue action.” a mop of platinum hair grumbles beneath the duvet covers.
thank fuck.
‘wait. what time is it?’ you ponder, taking a look at the clock next to the bed. 3:45pm. just how much did you drink to wake up this late?
before you had anymore time to think about it, you feel a thin but strong arm yank you back under the covers,
and come face to face with a pouty mafia leader.
as if on instinct, you pull his head gently into your chest, cradling his head like he’s a porcelain doll. his arms wrap around you as he nuzzled into your body closer, seeking your warmth and comfort.
it doesn’t quite dawn on you that your cuddling a man you literally met yesterday. not because you’re naive or dense, but because it just felt right to be in each others arms.
it’s not until mochi wakes the both of you up for dinner that you reopen your eyes, realising you hadn’t moved since you got dragged down.
it’s an all out war getting manjiro to leave his bed, but when you’re swiftly abducted by the haitani brothers, he’s up and ready, chasing the idiots around claiming they ‘stole his baby.”
well, that’s one way to get a boyfriend!
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Dog Unleashed (M) ~Lee Know
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Pairing: Werewolf!Minho x Human!F.Reader Themes: Supernatural/Fantasy AU | Smut | Fluff | Mild Angst? | Established Relationship Word Count: ~11k | AO3 Synopsis: Starting a relationship with the man that had been your best friend since you were a kid was and wasn’t easy in equal parts. It was, because there wasn’t anyone in this world you trusted more than Minho, there wasn’t anyone that made you feel this safe. But sometimes, it just wasn’t. Not only because of the physical distance, but also because of the challenges that posed having a supernatural boyfriend who didn’t like to talk about his equally supernatural problems. [This story is a sort of pt. 2 to Camping with Wolves, and it’s an instalment of my WereRoomies series]. Warnings: pet names (baby, kitten, etc) · a bit of miscommunication (it’ll be fine, i promise) · graphic depictions of intercourse (smut warnings under the cut). please let me know if i missed anything !
Due to all the abovementioned warnings, this story is intended for an adult audience only. Minors please do not interact.
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Author’s Note: i dedicate this one to my fellow monsterfuckers. this had been sitting in my WIPs for a while, but i finally got some inspo to write about Minho and his kitten, so here it is 🥰 kudos to the anon from this ask for cementing in my brain the idea that minho would text his kitten every morning like he does here. as usual, don’t hesitate to let me know if anything’s phrased weirdly, or to leave your thoughts in the tags/captions/send an ask/etc. y’all know i really appreciate them💜
for those that might not know, a queen is an adult female cat that hasn’t been spayed.
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Minho’s WereRoomies Instalments: Camping With Wolves · Dog Unleashed · Are You There, Wolf?
Smut Warnings: sexting? (nudes are sent) · an anal plug is used · oral [M&F.Rec] · mouth fucking · fingering [F.Rec] · forced orgasm [F.Rec] · unprotected penetration [piv] · good ol’ rut driven intercourse · creampie · knotting · a barely present breeding kink.
Disclaimer: the story represented in this work does not represent Stray Kids in any way; anything described in this story and all actions performed by the characters are purely fictional, this was created just for good fun.
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You’d always known you were in love with your best friend, although you weren’t quite sure when you fell for him exactly, much less when you realised it.
Maybe it had been the moment you saw him on the brink of death, attached to all those life support devices after he’d been attacked by a werewolf… Or maybe before that, when he started to become the most reliable person in your life… Or, maybe, it was the very first day you met him, when he was placing injured stray kittens in a box to get them to a vet as soon as possible so they wouldn’t die.
Regardless, it didn’t really matter to you when it happened or when you noticed it, all that mattered to you right now was the fact that, after one fateful camping trip to the woods, you had finally been able to confess your feelings. That, even though you had never even entertained the possibility of him wanting you, he actually did. And not only did he want you, he wanted you a lot–for a long time, too.
Minho was your favourite person in this world, and starting a relationship with him seemed to have only heightened that feeling tenfold. He was your biggest supporter, he was always there for you. Even if you lived almost an hour away, you knew that, at any given moment, you’d be able to call him and he’d be there for you. Either on the phone or he’d drive to your place as fast as he legally could. 
The distance hardly ever seemed to matter. Of course you missed him every day–you’d always done so, even when you were just friends–Of course you wished you could go to bed with him next to you every night, but that wasn’t a possibility at this time, so you both made do however you could. 
Your previously monthly schedule to hang out had turned into a weekly one. You both tried to meet up every weekend. Most of the time it was you who drove to his place–to his den–since being surrounded by him and his family was always incredibly comforting to you. It was always much, much better than your cold, borderline sterile flat.
He’d asked you to move in with him several times throughout the years, and you had never really entertained that offer, mostly because of your job–and maybe also because, at the time, your feelings for him were too hard to ignore even with the distance, so living with your best friend who you had deep feelings for simply would’ve made it all so much more difficult.
Now that you were officially A Thing, the offer hung in the air. Minho hadn’t asked again after you got together, but you knew it was on the tip of his tongue every time you both became tangled limbs on his bed. And even though he had not asked yet, you were still thinking about it, wondering what you would answer, and how you’d handle the aftermath of that answer.
If you said yes, you’d have to drop your job and try to find one closer to his place, and honestly, at this time, you weren’t sure you were ready to face the levels of anxiety job hunting always brought you to. But then, saying no wouldn’t have felt right at all, because, ultimately, you wanted to be as close to Minho as you could. You supposed it was for the best that he hadn’t talked to you about it yet, it’d give you more time to figure things out, to mentally prepare yourself.
The sound of your phone vibrating on your nightstand brought you back from your thoughts. You’d been waking up earlier than usual these days, probably because you had a lot of things on your mind, so you had been lying there for around an hour already, waiting for your alarm to go off. 
The vibration wasn’t produced by your alarm, though. It was produced by an incoming message, so you stretched your arm, taking your phone from where it had been charging all night. A smile made its way to your face as you read the preview of a message you already expected to receive, and as you read the contact name your dear boyfriend had decided to add to his number no more than two days after you got together.
You wasted no more time and unlocked your phone to read the whole thread.
> MinhoTheBestBoyfriendEver: good morning kitten > did you sleep well? > was i in your dreams?
Minho had always had his own way of being clingy when you were friends. He’d sent messages throughout the day with any and every thought that he wanted to share with you, he’d try to hang out for as long as possible, or he would hug and cuddle you for hours when possible. Now, as your boyfriend, that clinginess had doubled, and you were honestly enjoying the extra attention he was giving you, just as much as you were enjoying his extra need for attention.
< You: Of course you were. < You’re the man of my dreams, after all.
> MinhoTheBestBoyfriendEver: 🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀 > 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 > cmon > tell me everything > dont you dare leave any details out
You couldn’t help but chuckle as you moved to your notes app, copying the text you’d written on this morning’s note and pasting it in the conversation with your boyfriend. It was a habit you’d picked up throughout the years, to write your dreams in a journal or your phone as soon as you woke up, so you wouldn’t forget. Minho knew, of course. So if he found out you dreamt something, he wanted to have every single detail.
Once you finally got out of bed that morning–at the protests of Sir Percival, your elderly cat that loved to cuddle you to sleep, a cat Minho himself had rescued when you were little–you started getting ready for your day. It was Thursday, but you were already excited for the weekend since you had taken a compensation day tomorrow, so you’d have three whole days you could potentially spend with your boyfriend. He didn’t know yet, though. Your plan was to surprise him tonight, and you hoped everything worked in your favour.
With a fresh face of makeup, dressed in your most professional outfit, you took the bag you kept ready in your closet, full with clean changes of clothes, pyjamas, underwear, toiletries, and anything you could need for your weekend out of the house. The bag was a bit more stuffed than usual today, all thanks to the other part of the surprise you had prepared.
Shooting your friend–and neighbour–a quick text to confirm she’d be able to take care of Sir Percival during your absence, you finally took your belongings and made your way out of your home, into the elevator, and finally to the basement, where your car was parked. Once you had placed the extra bag in the boot of your car, you opened your messaging app again, searching your conversation with one of Minho’s closest friends, and the alpha of his pack, Chris, so you could send him a text, too. 
Thankfully, it seemed like Chris was awake already, because he replied almost immediately.
< You: Hellooooo, Mr Alpha of the Pack.
> Chris (Minho): hey mrs kitten of my left hand > hows it going
< You: All good, all good.  < I was wondering if it was okay for me to stay over tonight? < And, subsequently, the entire weekend? < I wanna surprise Minho. Please don’t tell him.
> Chris (Minho): of course u can stay over > u dont even need to ask at this point tbh > also consider my mouth sealed shut > welcome back (:
As soon as you knew you could carry out your surprise the day seemed to slow down immensely. Work was just taking too long to be over, the minutes seemed to be lasting a hundred and twenty seconds instead of sixty, and by the time five o’clock rolled in you were already coming out of the office and practically sprinting to your car.
As soon as you sat down on the driver’s seat and secured your seat belt, you checked your phone to see if your boyfriend had answered the message you had sent him earlier in the day. Thankfully, he had just replied.
< You: How’re you doing, baby? < How’s work?
> MinhoTheBestBoyfriendEver: hi kitten > on a break rn > but im pissed > people are just so bad at taking care of their furry friends > cuz theres this like huge ass dog that swallowed a ball > a whole ball baby can you believe? > all cuz these people just werent paying attention to him > hes done this before you know? > im gonna have to stay back for a few hours > he needs surgery > and im the only one that can carry him around > so im pissed > sorry for rambling ☹
You did feel bad for Minho, you knew these things usually got to him, especially since he could quite literally understand his furry patients. However, you also felt relieved, because his overtime meant you would be able to sneak into his flat no problem.
< You: Aw, baby, I’m sorry 🙁 < That sucks. < I hope the big baby makes it just fine. < Do you need a pick-me-up?
You had this habit with Minho even before when you were just friends. When your day was rough either of you two would offer a pick-me-up, which previously consisted of sending cute pictures of Sir Percival, or memes, or just videos of cute animals in general. Lately, though, your pick-me-ups had turned a bit more… Intimate.
> MinhoTheBestBoyfriendEver: god yea > i could use a pickmeup > you can send whatever you want > anything really > but if it influences your decision > know that im alone in the break room > and that i miss you a lot > a whole lot
You chuckled, amused at just how Minho would take every chance you presented to him. So you went into that private folder in your gallery, searching for the most recent pictures you’d taken, the ones with the new lingerie set that you had yet to use.
< You: [sent a photo] < [sent a photo] < [sent a photo] < [sent a photo]
> MinhoTheBestBoyfriendEver: ffffuck me > thats a pickmeup alright > look at you > is that new? > that bras so fucking sheer tf > barely covering your tits > you should bring that tomorrow > so i can rip it off of you
< You: I’ll see what I can do 😇 < Going to start driving now. < Let’s talk later, yeah?
> MinhoTheBestBoyfriendEver: alright kitten > drive safe > lmk when youre home
You didn’t have that particular set in your bag today, but you were sure that what you did have would be even better.
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Recently, Minho and his pack had added these digital door locks to the doors of their den. You’d always had a spare key to Minho’s flat for emergencies, but now whenever you came here and tapped the exact date of the day you and Minho met made you feel incredibly special, maybe embarrassingly so.
You still remember when Minho told you that was the number combination he had decided to use. He’d presented his cheek to you and asked ‘aren’t I the best boyfriend ever?’ to which you couldn’t help but laugh, kissing his cheek and replying ‘you’re the cutest boyfriend ever’. 
You gave him amazing head an uncountable amount of times that weekend.
As soon as you were inside you settled your belongings in his room, and took your time to freshen up. After around thirty minutes of you being in his flat, Minho had sent you a message whining that he had finally been able to leave work and that he was dying to be home already. So you quickly got yourself ready, after all, the surprise you’d prepared today wasn’t just your presence.
You’d honestly been wanting to try this for a while; you’d been eyeing this entire lingerie set and its added accessories for months, and a couple of weeks ago you finally got the courage to get it. Was it a bit corny? Perhaps. But you knew Minho, and you were certain that the combination of the black top with the cat-shaped cutout in the middle showing where your breasts met, the flimsy panties that could very well be called lacy straps more than anything else, the black stockings with squishy paw pads, the choker with a dangling bell around your neck, the cat ears clipped to your hair, and the plug with the attached black tail inside your ass would make him lose it. Which was exactly what you wanted.
A riled up Minho meant a riled up werewolf boyfriend that’d fuck you silly, and after spending days without seeing him, that was exactly what you were craving tonight.
Your heart almost leaped out of your chest when you heard the characteristic beep, beep, beeps of the front door’s keypad. They were obnoxiously loud and they seemed to bounce off the walls and shoot right inside of you, making you all giddy. So you got comfortable on Minho’s bed, laying on your stomach, adjusting your tail so it’d rest over your back, and propping your chin on your hands.
Very quickly, the sound of the door closing shut was replaced with the sound of your boyfriend sighing, coupled with an ungraceful thud as you figured Minho dropped his bag by the entrance. And suddenly, everything was quiet.
“No fucking way!” You couldn’t help but smile as you heard your boyfriend’s footsteps grow closer. “Please tell me I’m not fucking hallucinating your scent in my house right now, that’d be so mean…”
As soon as he reached the open bedroom door, he brought a hand to his chest and gasped. The surprise lasted a second, because he immediately crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the doorframe with a smirk on his face. “Well, well, well… What do we have here?”
“Welcome home, Minho”, you gave him a smile, just as you kicked your stocking clad feet in the air.
“Well…” Minho walked to the bed, stopping by the end of it and reaching for one of the cat ears clipped to your hair to flick it softly. “It seems like a kitten has truly made her way into my house, hm?”
You–very shamelessly if you might add–moved your gaze from his eyes to his crotch, seeing the bulge in his trousers grow with every second he looked at you, and it sent a rush of excitement down your spine. Returning your eyes to his, you simply smiled at him again before you rolled onto your back, exposing your stomach to him.
The motion had the plug in your ass moving a bit, and immediately you felt yourself heat up with arousal, especially so as you took notice of Minho’s blown pupils, and his borderline predatory stare.
“I was just missing my wolf boyfriend so bad. Figured I’d pay him a visit. Give him a little surprise”, you dragged your hands down your torso, from your chest, all the way down to squeeze them right between your bent legs.
“Mmm…” Tipping his head to the side a bit, Minho’s eyes fixed for a moment on the exposed skin of your breasts, only to move along to your exposed stomach. “I’d say it’s more than a little surprise”.
“Do you like it, though?”
“Kitten”, Minho’s eyes snapped back to yours. He moved his hand to his crotch, effectively diverting your attention to the movement just as he cupped himself over his trousers. “Look how fucking hard I am. I’m absolutely fucking delighted”.
You couldn’t help but chuckle, reaching for his crotch, too, slipping your hand between his and the denim, giving him a hefty squeeze.
“Baby, wait. I have to take a shower”, despite his words, his hips bucked, chasing the warmth of your palm as you pressed it a bit more firmly against his erection. “I’m serious. I’m probably covered in all sorts of animal fluids”.
“You could be covered in my fluids, though”.
“God”, Minho dragged his hands over his face, pulling himself away from you entirely and walking towards the door, making you pout. You knew he was right, he surely needed his shower, but the ache that had steadily been building between your legs as soon as he stepped into the room was just too strong to ignore.
Before he disappeared into the hall, he turned to you again. “Wait for me right there, okay? Just like that. Won’t be long, promise”.
So you giggled, reaching for your phone as soon as he was out of your sight to keep yourself entertained while he was in the bathroom.
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The sight of your boyfriend, all flushed from his hot shower, with droplets still travelling down his torso that got caught on the towel he had wrapped around his hips, was, quite honestly, mouth watering. As soon as he was standing at the end of the bed, with a smirk plastered on his pretty face, you just reached for the towel, letting it fall on the floor to find his already hard length.
“And I haven’t even touched you, baby”, you chuckled, licking your lips, looking up at him from where you were lying on the bed, still on your back, right where he left you. Even upside down, you still found Minho to be one of the most handsome men you’d ever seen, and you honestly felt incredibly happy you could be here with him right now.
“You didn’t need to”, he walked closer, placing a hand on your cheek as he looked down at you. “I got so fucking hard just thinking about you being out here while I was in the shower. Now, kitten, come a bit closer to the edge and open up. Hm?”
You just did as asked, letting your head fall over the edge of the bed as your boyfriend took a hold of his length and guided it to your mouth. You couldn’t help but moan as soon as he eased himself inside, just like it didn’t seem like he could hold back the groan that left his lips as soon as your lips wrapped around his cock.
“Mmm… Fuck”, with a deep inhale, Minho threw his head back, starting to rock his hips, fucking your mouth, and the sounds coming out of his mouth, coupled with the feel of him slowly easing into in and out of our throat had you pressing your thighs together.
Minho took his time with you from then on, teasing you, bringing you to the brink of insanity numerous times. He played and toyed with you however he pleased, getting you close to your high with his hands before he slowed down his motions to let it dwindle down, only to do it all over again with his mouth. He did this several times, for a while, until you were desperately begging to be fucked. 
‘Hands and knees, kitten. Ass in the air, just like the queen you are. I’ll fuck you just how you want’, and how could you not comply when your body felt tingly all over? From Minho’s words to the way he held your hips as he plunged his cock into your aching heat, all combined had your senses on overdrive, all thoughts finally flying out the window as soon as he started to pound you to the bed, reducing you to a moaning, borderline pathetic mess.
The force of his thrusts had the bell around your neck tinkling with every harsh smack of his hips against your rear, barely even audible over the sound of your desperate pleas and his blissed grunts. His pace didn’t relent until you were shaking with your release, until he pushed you to the brink of overstimulation chasing his own, until the results of his high painted your back as a drawn out groan came from his lips.
The soaked washcloth on your back made your body jolt. ‘Shh, you scaredy cat. It’s okay’, Minho mumbled as he cleaned you up, offering words of encouragement while he helped you get out of your soiled outfit, removing each item one by one–taking special care with the tail plug to avoid any discomfort, wiping away any remnants of lube or cum off of your body.
As soon as you were completely nude and clean enough, you finally plopped on the bed with a satisfied sigh, feeling incredibly light and content. Minho pulled you into his arms, placing a kiss on your forehead as he hugged you tightly. “Mmm… That was so good, baby. Best girlfriend ever. My dearest kitten, I missed you so much”.
You chuckled, feeling your heart swell in your chest as you cuddled closer to him. “Missed you, too, baby”, you pressed a brief kiss on his chest before you rested your head over his heart, listening to its slightly accelerated pace. “How was your day? How was it with the big baby?”
So Minho started talking, recounting any and every detail he could remember of his work day. You could listen to him speak for hours, honestly. Especially at times like these, when his volume was this low, when his words came out slowly, when he looked this peaceful.
He asked about your day, too, of course. He always did. So you told him, only the details worth telling, not really feeling like thinking about your boring job right now. Minho knew that anyway, he’d always known you hardly ever felt like talking about it, so he never pressed for any extra details unless he got particularly intrigued by something–meaning, unless any possible office gossip was mildly interesting. 
These days, though, there had been something on your mind, so you figured now was as good a time as any to talk about it. “Just out of curiosity…” You mumbled, playing with Minho’s fingers. “When is your rut starting?”
You knew about ruts. You’ve known since Minho’s very first rut when you were still teens, but he never really liked to talk about them. He always seemed to avoid the topic completely whenever you tried to ask him about it before. Most of the knowledge you had on the topic was given to you by Jisung or the other girls at the den, but you wanted to know about your boyfriend’s experience specifically.
“How do you feel about hot dogs for dinner?” Was all Minho replied, immediately untangling his limbs from yours and getting up from the bed. 
You blinked a few times, confused at the sudden question, watching him put on the joggers he kept folded on his nightstand and leave the bedroom entirely. Was he… Was Minho ignoring your question? Why? It was a normal thing to ask, wasn’t it? You were his partner, you assumed you had to know these things.
So you stood up from the bed, making your way to the dresser to fish a fresh pair of panties from your bag to cover yourself, and one of Minho’s oversized t-shirts to pull it over your head. If Minho thought he was going to avoid the subject like he had done all these years he was certainly in for a surprise.
You found your boyfriend walking around his kitchen, getting pots from the oven and ingredients from the fridge. Leaning on the kitchen island, you crossed your arms over your chest, focusing your gaze on him. 
“Do you want one or tw–”
“Why are you changing the subject?” You interrupted him, voice level, looking him right in the eyes. “I know you’ve never liked talking about your ruts, but now that I’m your girlfriend I figured I should be prepared, so I’d like to–”
“Prepared?” Minho was looking at you like you had three heads, like what you were saying made no sense. “You don’t need to be prepared for anything, kitten. Don’t worry about it”, he returned to his task, dismissing you entirely–or at least, you felt like he was dismissing you.
Walking his way, you got between him and the sink, where he was about to place a pot–to fill it with water, you presume. You saw Minho’s Adam’s apple bob, looking anywhere but your eyes.
“Minho. Look at me”.
He sighed, placing the pot next to you on the counter. Turning away from you, Minho brought his hands to his hair, ruffling it and tugging at it.
“I’m not spending my rut with you”, Minho cut you off, and your eyes widened immediately. “So you don’t have to worry about that”.
You knew from Jisung and the girls that werewolves, especially alphas, preferred to have a companion to get through their rut, and also that, whenever they found themselves going into rut and they had a significant other, they craved said significant other the entire time, which was why his words stung. They pierced your heart, more than you ever thought they would.
“You don’t… Want to spend your rut with me?” You could feel your hands tremble, just as you felt your heart sink to your stomach.
“No”, Minho replied firmly.
You scoffed. The tremble in your hands seemed to increase, not only because you were hurt, but also because, all of a sudden, you were absolutely pissed. “So you don’t want me”, your voice was way too level, cold, scarily so.
“It’s not… It’s not like that”, Minho looked slightly alarmed, shaking his head, and with his eyes wide open. Still, he took a step closer to you, but you moved away.
“What is it, then?”
“I just… Don’t want to”, he swallowed, once again avoiding your eyes. “Can we–Maybe we can talk about this some other time, right now’s not–”
“I want to talk about this now, though. That’s why I asked”, you could feel the lump form in your throat the longer you looked at Minho, the longer he stayed quiet. It went on for a while, a thick, uncomfortable aura settled between you two. You’d never had such an unnerving exchange with Minho, so this was a completely unfamiliar territory. 
Eventually, you just couldn’t take it anymore. “Fine, then. If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s alright. I can’t stay here, though”, you walked past him and made your way towards the front door.
“Wait–!” was the last thing you heard Minho say before you slammed the door closed.
You were barefoot, still wearing only his shirt and your underwear. And as soon as you stepped out into the building’s corridor, you felt tears prick your eyes. The trembling in your hands seemed to have doubled, so you decided to go to the closest place you knew you’d be able to find comfort.
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“It’s okay… It’s probably not what you’re thinking”, Jisung mumbled, caressing your hair, hugging you tightly against his chest while you cried.
“What else could it be, though?” You said between hiccups. Had it been anyone else, you would’ve probably felt embarrassed to be this emotional over something like this. But this was Jisung, your biggest confidant–second only to Minho in that regard.
Pulling yourself away from his chest, you rubbed the tears away with the back of your hand, feeling furious again. “Don’t you crave your partner when you’re in heat?”
“Yes, of course, but–”
“Listen to me”, Jisung held you by the shoulders, tightly, trying to ground you. “First of all, I’m an omega. The way I feel during my heat is different from the way he might feel during his rut. We’re instinctually different, yeah?”, you nodded, so he continued. “Second of all… Minho, he… He wasn’t born like this, remember? He’s a bit… Peculiar”.
“How so?”
“I can’t really explain it well, you know me… But he just… He’s really good at ignoring his instincts. So maybe… It’s something like that?” Jisung sighed, pulling you back into his chest. “I don’t know, babes. Minho’s a weird wolf”.
“He was a weird human, too”, you mumbled, rubbing your face on his top. “My weirdo…”
“I don’t doubt it”, Jisung chuckled as he kept caressing your hair, and honestly, it was helping you a lot. Even if you were still crying, at least you felt heard.
You both stayed in silence, until eventually Jisung fell back on the sofa with you in his arms, caressing your back or your hair, still trying to soothe you. You appreciated it. It wasn’t really in Jisung’s nature to care for people, but he often did, anyway. Or, at least, he tried his very best. He loved being on the receiving end of cuddles, but he also loved giving them, and he was great at it, too.
After a while, you pulled yourself from his chest, wiping your face with the back of your hand again. “You mind if I stay here tonight?”
“‘Course not. Minho wouldn’t let me hear the end of it if I denied you shelter. Even when you’re asking for it because you’re mad at him”, Jisung chuckled, and it made you smile a bit.
You couldn’t help but pinch one of his adorably round cheeks. “You’re like the little brother I never had, you know?”
“I know”, he was positively beaming, and it warmed you up from the inside out. But then you thought about your boyfriend again, and you felt your lower lip wobble. Jisung looked at you, alarmed. You only saw him for a second, because you were burying your face in his chest again, crying again. He just held you tighter, sighing.
It was going to be a long night and you both knew it.
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The gentle light filtering through the drapes was hitting your face, warming you up. You stirred awake, turning under the covers to lay on your other side. Even though your mind was still hazy, you still registered the presence in the room, sitting on the edge of the bed. You assumed it was Jisung, so you got your hand out of the covers, blindly trying to find him.
“Morning”, you mumbled, finally making contact with his warm upper arm, and you patted him a few times.
It wasn’t Jisung’s voice that greeted you. It was your boyfriend’s.
Your eyes snapped open. Minho was wearing just some washed out vest top and his grey joggers–the ones that were already too old and thin to wear out, the ones that he just used around the house, and his hair was tousled. Had he just gotten out of bed?
“Here you go. Drink up”, he handed you a glass of water. As soon as you saw the vessel filled almost to the top with liquid you realised just how much your head was throbbing, and how parched your mouth felt. You must’ve cried way more last night than you’d realised.
Sitting up, you stretched your limbs, and a small squeak left your lips with the motion. You took the glass from him, dawning it in one go, all as he just looked at you.
You were both silent for a moment, a long moment of you just looking at the glass in your hand and him looking at you. You could feel his gaze on you the entire time, but you didn’t dare speak first. You honestly didn’t even know what to say.
“It’s not that I don’t want you”, Minho broke the silence first, and he turned his gaze to his lap, where he linked his fingers together, playing with his thumbs. “Please, don’t ever think I don’t want you. You’re the most important person in my life, in this entire world, you know that, right?”
You looked at him for a moment. You still felt hurt, but after your crying session with Jisung last night, and after hydrating some, you realised you might have jumped to conclusions. You knew, of course. You knew you were Minho’s favourite person in this world. Because he always showed that to you.
All these years, Minho had not only told you that, but he had also always shown you how important you were to him. Just as he was to you. So you sighed, placing the glass on the nightstand and shuffling closer to him. “I do know that”.
Taking his hand in yours, you caressed his knuckles with your thumb. “But you do understand where I’m coming from with what I asked you last night, right?”
Minho sighed. “I do…”
He squeezed your hand briefly, only to bring it to his mouth to place a small kiss on the back of it.
“I’m… Scared”, out of all the things Minho could’ve said, those weren’t exactly the words you were expecting to hear, and they really took you by surprise, especially when he said them so quietly, almost as if he was embarrassed by them.
“Scared of what?”
Minho finally looked at your face, cupping your cheek with his free hand, dragging his thumb over the dried tears on your skin. “Baby, when I’m going through my rut not wanting you is exactly the opposite of what actually happens. All these years, every single rut, every single one, all I ever wanted was you”.
You felt yourself flush. “You did?”
“Mm… I’ve always wanted you, but twice a year, for as long as we’ve been friends, it’s heightened tenfold. Why do you think I never wanted to talk to you about my ruts? Do you not remember how I couldn’t look at your face for a month after I got the first one? The thoughts that roam in my head when I’m going through it are just… Filthy”.
“Minho… I don’t mean to sound insensitive, but you already say and do filthy things when we have sex?”
Minho chuckled at that, shaking his head a bit. “I mean, it’s not just what goes through my head… It’s what happens when those thoughts cross my mind”, he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before he continued talking. “I get so… Violent when I’m going through my rut… I… I’m really scared I’ll hurt you”.
That was something you certainly hadn’t considered. But, Minho being violent for real didn’t seem to match him at all. He loved to pretend that he was mean and murderous, but, in reality, that wasn’t your Minho. “How… How violent?”
“I’ve broken beds before”, Minho shrugged. “And dressers. Doors… Many appliances… All by accident, but I did. Kitten, baby, you know I’m also an animal… I really don’t know how I’d react to your presence when I’m seriously feral. I… Don’t want to hurt you. I’d never be able to forgive myself if I did”.
He looked genuinely concerned, like he’d been hurting with this for a long time, and it made your heart feel heavy in your chest. So you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, nodding in understanding. That was when Minho finally leaned in closer, pressing a lingering kiss on your forehead, then one on the tip of your nose, one on each cheek, and finally, one on your lips.
“I’m sorry I made you feel unwanted, baby. I should’ve… Communicated it better”, he mumbled the words on your cheek, placing a kiss on your skin again for good measure.
“You should’ve”, you mumbled back, finally looping your arms around his neck to pull him close, just as he hugged your waist, burying his face in the crook of your neck. “But I’m sorry, too. You didn’t want to talk about it, and I pushed it”.
“I forgive you”, he pressed kisses on your neck, slow, tender kisses that had your heart fluttering in your chest and heat settling on your face.
“Me too…” You hugged him tighter, getting lost in his body heat and the feeling of his lips on your skin.
Minho shuffled around, getting under the duvet, and pulling you into his chest. “Let’s not go to bed without settling an argument ever again. Please?”
“Okay”, you mumbled against his chest, enjoying the smell of his fabric softener when you took a deep breath. “I’m sorry…”
“Me too”, he repeated, holding you a bit tighter, pressing a brief kiss to the top of your head.
After a maximum of ten seconds of silence, a couple of loud knocks made you jolt in Minho’s hold.
“You guys want pancakes?”
“Jisung! Were you eavesdropping?!” Minho shouted, making you laugh because of course Jisung was eavesdropping. It was Jisung.
“I won’t answer any accusatory questions without our Pack Mum here!”
You intercepted as you saw Minho was about to engage in possibly the pettiest discussion to ever happen in this flat. “Yes, Jisung! Yes, we want pancakes! Thank you, sweetie, you’re a great friend!”
The sound of Jisung’s footsteps got quieter the further down the hall he went, going towards the kitchen, you presumed. Just as you heard his shout of ‘of course I am!’ 
Minho scoffed, but he pulled you back into his chest. “You’re spoiling him rotten”.
“Technically, he’s yours to care for, Mr Left Hand of the Pack. I’m just the cool step-mum”, you chuckled, angling your head a bit to press kisses on his jaw. “Besides, don’t you want pancakes?”
“I do want pancakes”, Minho grumbled, rubbing his cheek on the top of your head, probably tangling your hair a bit in the process.
You both went silent after that, simply cuddling under the covers and sharing your warmth until Jisung called you to the kitchen for breakfast. You’d admit his pancakes were to die for, and after the rollercoaster of emotions you’d gone through the last handful of hours, you were grateful for the familiarity of a breakfast with Minho and Jisung. They always made you laugh with their antics, something that didn’t seem to change as the years went by–if anything, both of them just seemed to get funnier and weirder with age, and you loved to see it. You just loved them both with your whole heart.
With a stomach full of both sweet and savoury pancakes, with your boyfriend’s warm hand in yours, and a heart full of love, you just made your way back into Minho’s flat. The second you stepped into the threshold he just scooped you in his arms, making you giggle as he pressed kisses on your cheeks, taking you with him to the bathroom.
‘Need to get ready for work, want to shower with me?’ were the last coherent words coming out of Minho’s mouth before you found yourself drenched in lukewarm water, with your back against the cold tiles and his head between your legs, mumbling reassuring words against the skin of your inner thighs as he moved towards his destination.
‘Me not wanting you? Absurd. That’s absurd, kitten. I’ll show you just how much I want you’.
He might’ve been running late after that, but he still placed you on the kitchen counter once you were both dressed and squeaky clean, slotting himself between your legs and kissing you one last time. ‘Later, after work… Wanna take you to the park, to that ice-cream parlour you like. What do you think, kitten? Wanna go on a date with me?’ and, honestly, how could you refuse.
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The girls of the pack had become good friends to you, which was quite refreshing. When it came to close friendships, you’d only ever had Minho and Jisung, which, even if you loved them to death, wasn’t the same as having friends that had gone through similar experiences in life–after all, the experience of being A Girl surrounded by supernatural creatures was a whole thing. Sure, you had one close female friend–your neighbour that usually took care of Sir Percival when you were gone–but even if you were comfortable when she was with you, there were things you just couldn’t talk about with her, so having these two girls in your life now was quite comforting.
Getting to sit on Chris’ sofa, with his girlfriend on one side, and Changbin’s girlfriend on the other while drinking a cup of relaxing tea was one of your favourite activities lately. Whenever you dropped by, you’d always try to make some time to hang out with them, and sometimes, like now, you liked to hear their opinions on certain things.
So, as soon as they were both available, and while you waited for Minho to get back from work, you seeked their advice.
The topic of discussion today was your boyfriend’s rut. Since Minho had always been very reserved when it came to giving you details about it, you honestly felt a bit lost, so you hoped the girls could help you understand the situation better. The conversation started after they swore they’d keep the details of what you talked about between you three, just like you always did whenever any of you needed some advice on a very private topic.
“Minho doesn’t really peg me as the violet type”, Chris’ girlfriend said as soon as you finished explaining the situation, looking thoughtful while her fingers tapped the mug in her hand.
“I agree”, Changbin’s girlfriend placed her empty mug on the coffee table, proceeding to turn to you and cross her legs on the sofa. “I’ve dealt with violent alphas before, and I don’t think Minho fits the criteria, to be honest…”
You grimaced a little at her words. You knew her story, how she had run away from an abusive pack with an equally abusive alpha, so you didn’t doubt her judgement, but it all only made you more confused. “Then? Why do you think he’d get violent during his ruts?”
She looked at you for a moment, pondering. After a few more moments, she finally spoke again. “Alphas… When they go through their ruts it’s hard for them to deal with their needs. Do you know if he gets violent when there’s another person involved?”
You shook your head. “As far as I’m aware, there’s never been another person involved”.
“Huh… Maybe that’s his problem”.
“Makes sense to me”, Chris’ girlfriend placed her mug on the coffee table and crossed her arms over her chest, leaning against the backrest, looking at the ceiling. “When Chris is going through his rut he’s so… Needy. In his own way, of course… I wonder how he dealt with it before we got together”.
As if on cue, the obnoxious beeps of the door’s keypad started to resonate in the flat. The door opened seconds later, followed by a tired groan and a thud–probably produced by Chris dropping his bag on the floor.
Chris came into the living room looking tired as ever, but still with a smile on his face. “Didn’t realise you were having a girl’s night. I would’ve gone straight to Changbin’s”.
As soon as he made it to the sofa he bent at the waist to peck his girlfriend’s lips, making her giggle a bit as she offered him a ‘welcome home’ and a ‘it’s alright, baby. It was an impromptu thing’. 
“Actually, now that you’re here…” You said when Chris finally pulled himself away from his girl and started to take things out of his pockets to place them on the kitchen counter. “Can I ask you a question? A very personal one?”
“Sure”, Chris replied simply, focusing on the items in his hands.
“What’s it like when you’re going through your rut?”
Chris’ face snapped in your direction, looking at you for a second only to turn to his girlfriend right after as a blush started to settle on his cheeks. “Wow, that’s… That’s certainly a personal question…”
“God, you can’t just ask that”, Changbin’s girlfriend laughed next to you. “Let me rephrase what our dear kitten here is curious about… Being more specific, if you went through your rut, and you didn’t have someone to spend it with, how’d you feel?”
“I don’t even want to ask what you guys were talking about before I came here, God…” Chris rounded the kitchen counter, going straight for the sink and opening the tap to wash his hands. “Guess it depends”.
“On?” His girlfriend urged, watching him return from the kitchen after he wiped his hands on a rag.
Chris sat next to his girlfriend, on the armrest of the sofa. “Well… Before I met you, it was okay-ish if I had to spend it on my own. I mean, it still hurt like hell, and I’d be incredibly frustrated the entire time, but I managed just fine”.
“And after?” You asked, although based on what Chris just said, you had a hunch as to what his answer would be.
“If I recall correctly, I went into rut only once after you moved in”, even if he was answering your question, Chris had his full attention on his girl as he said it, but after taking her hand in his and giving it a squeeze he finally turned to look at you. “It was probably one of the worst ruts I’ve ever gone through in my life. It just… Hurt so bad. Everything hurt, and nothing I did made it better”.
“Baby, you never told me this”, Chris’ girlfriend placed her free hand on his thigh, pouting and giving him a squeeze, making him chuckle.
“It never came up”, Chris shrugged. “But, yeah… I think I almost broke the bathtub at some point because I was beyond frustrated… I think I could say I was borderline enraged. I honestly don’t know if I would’ve been able to stand another rut like that”.
Chris changed the topic after that. He stayed for a handful of minutes more, until he finally excused himself and made his way to the bathroom. As soon as he was gone, Changbin’s girlfriend placed a hand on your shoulder, whispering a ‘I think you’ve got your answer, then’.
And you also thought you did. After all, if Minho only ever wanted you during his ruts, the most logical conclusion to you was that the reason he got violent was because he simply couldn’t have you, and the rest seemed to agree.
The girls gave you their experience when it came to being with their partner’s while they went into their rut. They gave you pointers, advice, how to prep, all valuable information you were immensely glad to have. And after all that, you honestly didn’t feel as clueless anymore.
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After that long weekend at Minho’s den, you never spoke about his rut again. You tried to bring up the topic a couple of times, but Minho still wasn’t ready to talk about it just yet, which you realised was something you simply had to accept. You couldn’t push him to tell you things when he didn’t feel comfortable doing so, and you honestly didn’t want to push him to talk about things that made him uncomfortable, so you offered one last ‘it’s okay, then. Whenever you feel like talking, I’ll be here. Hm?’ which he seemed to be immensely grateful for.
Minho still hadn’t asked you to move in with him again, but, after a couple of months, you realised he’d started to free up some space for you, or he’d add things to his flat for when you came over. All of a sudden, there were two bathrobes in his bathroom, two different sets of towels, all articles of clothing you’d forgotten over the weekend started to appear neatly folded inside a suspiciously empty drawer in his closet, to the point where sometimes you couldn’t find in your flat something you wanted to wear, only to find it that weekend in Minho’s closet or his dresser.
Which was why, at this point, whenever you went to visit you hardly ever took any extra baggage with you. Everything you could possibly ever need was already at his place, so sometimes, whenever you felt like it, you found yourself driving to his den to visit him, just like you were doing today.
You had the day off, so you just made sure Sir Percival had enough food, checked with your neighbour that she could check on him throughout the day, and you went on your way. You wanted to be there before Minho left for work, so you left very early in the morning to surprise him.
However, it seemed like the one that was in for a surprise was you.
As soon as the door of Minho’s flat closed behind you, you were almost winded by how fast everything happened.
Logically, you knew Minho was a supernatural being. He had enhanced senses, as well as enhanced abilities. You didn’t even see him coming, you just felt your back hit the door, the warmth of his body pressed flush against yours, and his panting in your ear.
“What… What are you doing here?” Minho rasped. His entire form was taut, he had his hands planted firmly against the door at either side of you, caging you in place. Immediately, you just knew something wasn’t quite right. How much warmer he felt against your body, the thin sheen of sweat covering his skin…
His rut.
Minho’s rut had started.
And you were here. Probably severely unprepared.
“I’m… I…” You gulped, suddenly feeling light-headed. The girls had told you you could be affected by his pheromones, but until now you hadn’t fully understood just how much. Your heart was racing, your hands trembled slightly at your sides, and heat was quickly pooling in the pit of your stomach.
Minho pressed his nose against your pulse point, inhaling deeply, and the sigh that came out of his lips after had you blushing immediately. “Answer me, kitten”.
“I just… Missed you, and…” You heard his fingers drag by your sides, producing an almost squeak-like sound with the movement because of how sweaty his palms were. 
“Leave”, Minho all but choked on the word. Fuck, you wanted to touch him… You wanted him to touch you, and that need had you pressing your thighs together to try and ease some of the ache that was quickly building between your legs. “Shit, you smell so fucking good, kitten… So–” He moved closer to your neck–if that was even possible–and for a moment you thought he was going to kiss you there, but then he was shaking his head, pulling back just the tiniest bit. “Leave now. I won’t… Be able to stay coherent and hold myself back for much longer”.
You licked your lips, closing your eyes and inhaling deeply. “No”.
“I won’t leave”, you said firmly.
“Baby… Please–”
“I trust you, Minho”, you turned your head slightly, enough so you were almost whispering in his ear. “I trust you. I want you. Take me–”
In an instant, his mouth was on yours and his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you tight against his body as your arms looped around his neck. Your whole body seemed to be alight, and the growl that resonated from deep inside of him as soon as his lips were on yours completely drowned your own moan of delight. With a hand holding the back of your head Minho angled you however he pleased, pushing his tongue inside your mouth, kissing you as if he were a starved man, as if the moment he stopped you’d vanish.
“You fucking…”
Minho detached himself from you enough to pull your shirt over your head. 
“Come in here…”
Shoving his hands down your joggers, he dropped to his knees and pushed them down along with your underwear. 
“Smelling like…”
Yanking your shoes off and finally pulling your bottoms fully off of you. 
“A proper queen in heat…”
With a tight hold on your hips, he flipped you around, the motion eliciting a moan from your lips. 
“Driving me fucking insane…”
He pulled your hips back, and you pressed your chest to the door, arching your back to give him better access once his hands found your buttcheeks, gripping you tightly and spreading you open. Cold air hit your centre, but that rush of cold was quickly replaced by the warmth of Minho’s tongue licking a fat stripe from your clit all the way up to your ass, making him groan in absolute ecstasy, making you groan in absolute ecstasy.
“My sweet, sweet kitten. All drenched and ready for me, huh?”
You desperately nodded, moaning as soon as his tongue was back on your heat, deliciously licking your clit as his hold on your buttocks tightened ever so slightly. “Just for you–”
“Fuck…” In a second, Minho was back on his feet, pressing his chest to your back, bringing his hands to your front to immediately dip two fingers into your dripping hole, just as he pressed two fingers on your clit with the other, making you tremble in his hold. “Gotta stretch you out, hm? Get you ready for your alpha, yeah?”
“Ye–yeah”, you could barely recognise the sound of your own voice, all your senses were focused on Minho, Minho, Minho, and his fingers inside of you, and his rumbling chest against your back, and his fingers on your clit, and the sound of his voice so incredibly low next to your ear.
Minho was working you up increasingly fast. Your high was approaching at an alarming pace, he shoved another finger into you, pushing them in and out, and the squelching sound was loud enough for you to hear among his rumble and his heavy breathing. You could feel him, hard, leaking fluids all over your ass as he kept working you up, as he kept rubbing your clit faster, thrusting his fingers harder, making your legs tremble.
“Gonna stuff you so full, fuck… I want you so, so bad…” As he eased his fourth finger into you, all you could do was pathetically whine, getting lost in the feel of him in you, around you, and all you wanted was for him to shove his monster cock inside of you, uncaring if he ripped you in half in the process.
“Want you, baby… Need you”, you panted, rolling your hips to stimulate his length where it squished between your bodies.
Minho just pressed himself further against you, snarling in that utterly animalistic fashion a wolf would to stop your movements. He shook his head, speeding his fingers on your clit, eliciting a breathy moan from your lips. “Need to stretch you first, kitten. Need it, hm?”
You just whined in response, pressing your cheek against the cool door, finally submitting completely to your boyfriend. For a brief moment you were reminded of how physically different Minho was to you. He was able to produce sounds no human could, sounds you hardly ever heard from him when he was in his human form, and, coupled with his digits working you up, it was, quite honestly, getting you so incredibly close to your release you started to feel tears prick your eyes.
“Minho, baby–”
Minho’s fingers moved impossibly faster as soon as his name left your lips, and you could feel your essence start to drip between your legs. “Come on, kitten. Give it to me, yeah? Come for me, my love”.
With a few more flicks of his fingers on your already sensitive nub, you finally tipped over the edge, just as a mix of swear words and your boyfriend’s name and many pet names escaped your mouth. Blinding-hot pleasure raked your entire body, making you shake in Minho’s hold.
“That’s it, baby. Good, good kitten. God, you’re just a perfect little thing, aren’t you?”
You could hardly hear Minho over the ringing in your ears. You felt your legs jolt as he kept stimulating your clit, and, very quickly, you realised he had no plans to stop the movement of his hands.
“Shh, it’s okay. I know you can give me another. Please, please give me another, hm? Need it…”
“Oh, fuck–Minho, fuck–”
His pace didn’t relent until you were coming again, until tears collected in your lower lash line only to finally fall and paint roads on your cheeks. That consecutive high turned your limbs into jelly, it made you slump completely in your boyfriend’s hold once he finally removed his fingers from your core.
“So good, baby. You did well, kitten. So well for me…” He mumbled the words against your hair, letting you catch your breath just for a moment, just until you were able to stand on your feet unaided.
In a swift movement, he turned you around and scooped you into his arms, making you yelp when he pressed you hard against the door. Your legs wrapped around his waist for stability, just as your arms looped around his neck to keep yourself secure–not like Minho seemed to have any plans to let you fall, considering how hard he was holding onto you, how he was practically squishing you against the door as he ravished your mouth.
“Minho… Minho, baby, want you inside”, you whimpered as soon as his lips attached to your neck, sucking harshly on your skin to leave love bites all over. You had just had two earth-shattering orgasms, but you needed more. The desperation you felt to have your boyfriend’s cock inside of you was clinging to you like never before, and as soon as the words left your mouth, you felt his tip at your entrance, drenching you in his slick, mixing it with your own juices.
“Inside, huh? Here? Right here, kitten?” He eased fully into you in one swift motion, deliciously filling you up to your limits, making you throw your head back against the door and moan a string of noises that were akin to his name. “Fuck… Fuck, fuck, fuck–”
Minho immediately started to ram into you. No build up, just straight up pounding you to his flat’s door as if he’d die otherwise, making it rattle with each thrust. Had you not been so incredibly cock-drunk, you would’ve probably felt slightly embarrassed at the possibility of anyone walking by the corridor and hearing you, but instead, that brief thought only made you clench around your boyfriend’s length, aroused at the idea that everyone would know how good he was making you feel, that everyone knew just who you belonged to.
“So fucking good, shit. Almost feels… As if this cunt… Was made for me”.
You swallowed, feeling yourself clench harder around his length, feeling your tits rub against his chest and your clit against his pubic bone every time he moved. “It was–”
“Yeah, it fucking was”, he was fucking you impossibly harder now, and you were already past the speaking point, your mouth only able to produce unintelligible noises of pleasure as he kept ramming his cock into that sweet spot inside your walls, as he kept stretching you time and time again.
After a while, you started to feel the sting between your legs, and you vaguely registered the whimper that came out of your mouth.
Minho started to lick your cheeks, an oddly tender gesture compared to the way he was borderline rearranging your insides with his supernatural cock. “Shh… Kitten, it’s okay. You’ll take it just fine. I just know it. I’m gonna fill you to the brim, mark your delicious cunt as mine, hm?”
You just nodded in response, unable to say anything else, whimpering and whining and moaning as you quickly felt another release edge close.
Minho seemed absolutely determined to get you to come on his cock, his unrelenting pace seemingly unchanging despite the steady swelling of his knot at the base of his length. It kept catching at your entrance with each thrust, giving you a sensation of pleasurable pain quite like nothing you’d ever felt before.
“C’mon, baby… My precious queen in heat, aren’t you gonna come for your alpha again? Milk my cock so I can stuff you full of my pups?”
With a few more thrusts, you felt heat rushing all throughout your body, dragging an incomparable feeling of ecstasy from your centre to every single one of your limbs, just as Minho’s knot lodged deep inside of you and his lips found yours. The kiss was messy, all uncoordinated movements and bumps of noses as his warmth started to fill you up.
The blissed out noises coming out of his mouth had you holding him even tighter, making him hold you tighter in response. You knew Minho produced more fluids than a human male, but you’d never quite felt this amount coming out of him, it seemed like he was coming for at least a couple of minutes, and his kisses eventually became softer, more tender with every second that passed, almost as if that desperation he had when you came into his flat was finally diminishing.
You felt so impossibly full. Full of his cock, full of his cum, full of his love… Once he stopped coming Minho finally separated his lips from yours, slowly opening his eyes to look at your face. He was panting a bit, but the blinding, satisfied smile that made its way to his lips had your heart almost bursting in your chest.
“Holy… Fuck…” He panted, making you giggle a bit just as you tried to catch your breath as well.
“I agree”, was all you said, pressing a lingering kiss on each of his cheeks.
“Hold on…”
Minho made sure his hold on you was secure before he pulled you both away from the door a bit, enough to find your discarded clothes and push them towards the door with his foot. Slowly, and with admittedly a bit of discomfort, he lowered himself to sit on your clothes and rest his back against the door. You whimpered a bit once he fully lowered your ass to sit on your clothes as well, with your legs slightly bent at either side of him, and your knees against the door, the tug of his knot was a bit sharper than when he was moving before, but it seemed to ease as soon as you were finally settled.
“I’m sorry, baby. This is a horrible position to get tied in”, he caressed your lower back, keeping you as flush to him as he could without having his knot pull on your entrance. You just hummed in response, closing your eyes as you inhaled deeply.
You both were silent for a while, just holding onto each other, catching your breaths. Until you finally had regained enough of your strength to speak.
“Minho, that was…”
“A lot–”
“Hot as fuck”, you spoke at the same time, making you both chuckle. “Was that you being violent? ‘Cause… Damn…”
Minho laughed, a breathy laugh just as he leaned his head back against the door, shaking it from side to side in disbelief. “No, fuck. I was violent when you came in. I was close to breaking the bed in half… Then the smell of your scent hit me and I lost my mind”.
“You held back more than I imagined, I’d admit”, you chuckled, pushing his fringe off of his sweaty forehead.
“I don’t even know how I did it, to be honest”, Minho pecked your lips, and you hummed in content. “Now that I’ve finally had you like this… I see it so clearly. I’ve needed you so bad this entire time. Years, kitten! It’s been years of pure torture…”
You gave him an apologetic smile. “I figured as much”.
Minho blinked. “How come?”
“I did some digging”, you shrugged. “And after I just… Connected the dots. But you wouldn’t want to talk about it so I didn’t press you further”.
Minho just scoffed at that. “Alright, smarty pants”.
You squeezed his shoulders in protest. “Hey! Don’t call me smarty pants when I’m stuffed full of your cum while your supernatural cock keeps it all trapped in!”
Minho just laughed at your comment, and you felt your heart flutter in your chest at the sight of his eyes almost disappearing when he smiled.
“Which, by the way, is it always this much? I feel so… Full. Can’t believe it’s all in”.
“Yup”, Minho brought a hand to your cheek, stroking shapes with his thumb. “It’ll diminish eventually, but the first couple of days is a lot. But then again, your cunt was made for me, so of course it can fit it all in”.
You felt heat spread on your face at his words, and suddenly you felt a bit shy under his sparkly eyes. The ache in your legs was lessening a bit, and you realised his knot was starting to deflate, and his seed started to pour out. “Oh, crap. My joggers…”
Minho snorted at that. “Your joggers were ruined the second you stepped into this flat, baby. Don’t worry about them now”.
When your boyfriend’s length finally slipped out of you, he took you in his arms again and carried you to his bedroom, dropping you on his bed for you to rest while he got you some water.
“How many days do your ruts usually last?” You asked Minho once he was back, downing in record time the glass of water he’d handed you.
“Four to five days”, Minho huffed as he dropped himself on his bed next to you. “I’ll warn you now, just based on how I’m feeling right now, I’m confident it’ll be at least five”.
“At least?” Your eyes widened, and Minho chuckled at your expression.
“Didn’t you want to spend my rut with me? Fuck around and find out, babe”.
You scoffed in disbelief, ignoring the urge you suddenly had to rub in his face how you were right, and that you should’ve talked about this earlier. But, instead, you just rolled on top of your boyfriend, planting your lips on his. “Well… Guess I’ll just have to let my alpha take care of me for those five days. Hm?”
Minho licked his lips, and a blush settled on his cheeks. “Don’t worry, kitten. I’ll make sure to take good care of you”. With how deeply he was kissing you, there was just no room for doubt, he certainly was going to take good care of you, and you were absolutely ready for it.
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Minho’s WereRoomies Instalments: Camping With Wolves · Dog Unleashed · Are You There, Wolf?
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famwhy · 2 years
I can’t get enough of the Yandere Dazai content like this is at least the 5th time I’ve read Realisation and Pt2 Headcanons 😍😍😍
Can you imagine Kunikida seeing the relationship and being too nervous to strangle or confront Dazai over it? Or Ranpo knowing and dropping hints to the others to try and get Dazai to back off a bit? Like
Ranpo: hey Yosano, don’t you think Y/N is better with _______ than Dazai?
Yosano: *agrees in protective aunt figure
Dazai: *realizes what’s going on and tries stopping it without Y/N noticing
Haha, thanks so much for the support you give me ❤
I really love this ask, it gave me instant inspo.
I also ended up spending a little too much time on Ranpo. Oops. He's my favourite, I can't help it.
(These headcanons are related to this post.)
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♧ When you and Dazai first arrived to the ADA, you were a total mystery to all the members.
♧ The only thing they knew about you two was that Dazai was your mentor before joining them.
♧ Well, that's all everyone but Ranpo and the Director knew.
♧ The Director had to know of your past to give you approval to join the agency in the first place, so that was a given.
♧ Ranpo though?
♧ Well, he knew at first glance of course.
♧ He was (no, is) the greatest detective known to man, after all.
♧ He also knew about your little relationship with Dazai...
♧ It was... a cause for concern, to say the least.
♧ However, the detective decided to give Dazai a chance to redeem himself, he had turned over a new leaf after all...
♧ ...except that- no; no he didn't turn over a new leaf.
♧ He continued being forceful with you, feeding you with so much unwanted affection that you would burst from the seems.
♧ He, by no means, made it obscure that he had some sort of relationship with you that didn't lean towards platonic.
♧ How else was he supposed to lay claim on you with such a new threat to his place?
♧ You see, the Agency members slowly grew more fond of you as time went by.
♧ You would always help Kunikida with organising his schedules whenever Dazai ruined them again.
♧ You would go on a supply run for medications Yosano asked you to get and sweets Ranpo desired almost 24/7.
♧ You would also go out with the siblings and Kenji whenever you found the time to.
♧ A total sweetheart.
♧ Unfortunately for Dazai, that meant many inconveniences.
♧ Unlike the Port Mafia members, the ADA members don't know how to mind their own business.
♧ Ranpo was always tugging on you whenever you had some alone time with the brown-haired male, demanding you for your attention and even going as far as to ask for cuddles.
♧ Cuddles!
♧ Who the hell does he think he is?! Your boyfriend?!
♧ And damn does it boil his blood when that stupid man-child goes up to his equally-as-stupid best friend and asks her that same damn stupid question.
♧ "Hey Yosano, wouldn't Y/N make a better match with me than Dazai?"
♧ Like hell you would!
♧ It's so goddamn annoying not being able to strangle members of your Agency.
♧ Don't even get him started on that dumb doctor.
♧ Always narrowing her eyes at him when you were nearby, watching him like a hawk and having the audacity to call it being protective over you.
♧ Now, Ranpo noticed the little tics that would overcome Dazai whenever things like these would happen.
♧ The way his teeth would grit when you were approached for a conversation longer than 2 seconds.
♧ The way he would bite the back of his pen in agitation when you would offer to help someone that wasn't him out.
♧ They way he would casually wrap an arm around your waist when someone even thought of tapping you on the shoulder.
♧ It was very concerning behaviour.
♧ As someone with a strong moral compass, he couldn't just sit by and do nothing.
♧ He also couldn't necessarily challenge Dazai face-to-face.
♧ While the ex-mafia member may not have been as smart as him, he certainly beat him in terms of athletic prowess.
♧ Ranpo had to go about this smartly.
♧ Luckily enough, 'smart' was his middle name.
♧ Unluckily though, Dazai wasn't exactly an idiot.
♧ He knew Ranpo was provoking him and trying to get him to lash out so the Director could get him locked up.
♧ He knew.
♧ So he kept quiet.
♧ After all, actions speak louder than words.
♧ All he needed to do was a bit of a tug on your arm towards him and you, being the good girl he trained you to be, instantly returned to him.
♧ All the while, being completely oblivious to what was going on around you.
♧ As always intended.
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wonuwrites · 2 months
Hiiiii 💖 I love your writing! I have a suggestion. Wonwoo and y/n at dinner with the members. Both are lightweights and both get a little tipsy. The members either coo, roll their eyes, or do their best to help while they take care of drunk shy Wonwoo who is taking care of drunk shy y/n. You can do it with another member if you like (Wonu's my bias right now and I don't think he drinks as much as the others). Anyway no pressure, thank you! love, @mykpopficblog
DRUNK WONU MAKES BRAIN GO BRRR I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS~~~ also thank you so much for the request and compliment <33 it means a lot <3
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Warnings: fluffy, mentions alcohol, mentions light teasings, suggestive if you squint and lean forward a bit, basically just a fluffy one shot/drabble
Words: 350 words.
If you want a song just listen to this album tbh bc both Wonwoo x Reader are down bad for each other. (I was listening to End Game, So It Goes, and Dress while writing tho xo)
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You were not one who drank often. Anyone who knew you knew this. Alcohol and you were not best friends. You were a textbook lightweight and tonight you proved it. You tried to hang and drink with Mingyu and Seokmin's significant others but after about two Somaek's (Soju + Beer) you were feeling it.
Tonight, Seventeen, their management, their friends, and their significant others were celebrating the new album release and had just finished listening to the album and now you were all celebrating.
You took another sip of your Somaek and made eye contact with your equally lightweight boyfriend who was sitting at the bar next to Chan who was teasing him for already feeling whatever he had been drinking. Your tipsy brain had just thought that maybe he needed some saving so you attempted to make your way over to him only to falling in the process.
"Aigoo" Seokmin's partner coo'd before laughing along with you and Mingyu's partner. Wonwoo quickly got up concerned at you being a mess and attempted to wobble over to you to make sure you were okay. This caused the rest of Seventeen to have divided reactions.
Seungkwan, Mingyu, and Minghao were concerned for their hyung while Seokmin, Chan, Seungcheol, and Jisoo all laughed at his antics.
You looked up at Wonwoo who was just staring at you with a soft smile while asking if you were okay. For a moment it was just you and him, him and you. Your best friend and his best friend. It made your heart swell and get a bit teary eyed which to anyone else would be confusing especially because you were just laughing, but Wonwoo understood what was going on.
He helped you up from the floor and gave you a quick peck before leading you back to where he was sitting next to Chan. He loved you so much and you loved him. The rest of the night, both of you just snuggled at the table while watching everyone laugh and continue to drink. You both felt so much peace and it was wonderful.
I struggled having inspiration to write this. Might make a part 2 when I get more inspo xo
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gamermattsgf · 3 months
hey ik this isn’t a req but do you have any tips on writing fics?? im planning on writing and posting on my blog and you’re one of my biggest inspos so i’d love to hear your advice!!!
HIIIII, I’m so sorry I’ve gotten to u so late. I’ve been a bit MIA on here for a while because of stuff going on in my personal life, however, I would love love love to give you some of my personal tips :))
Another anonymous has asked something similar so this is also for them if they’re seeing this!! 🎀
Tip 1 : I’d say my first and most important tip is detail. In my own personal experience, people get bored of reading the exact same generic language used in the same way, if ur going to use generic language then as long as u can manipulate it to make it look pleasing + make it flow, you’ll be fine. People enjoy a story much more if it’s packed full of detail because they’ll be able to visualise it better. And yes, although sometimes it can be draining and you can get bored constantly having to put in detail, trust me, push through it and the writing will be much nicer in the end.
Tip 2 : my second tip is pretty simple, but much needed. DON’T GET LAZY WITH TENSE / PARAGRAPH SPACING AND PUNCTUATION. Obviously, it’s an absolute bitch trying to proofread everything, but when you don’t and someone is reading something with a bunch of typos + different tenses in it, it just looks poor and messy, especially when your paragraphing is all over the place, so be aware of that.
Tip 3 : Again, this is personal preference for me, but I’m often more drawn to stories that are unique / have specific character aesthetics. Don’t get me wrong, I love a simple reader x bf!Matt or bf!Chris, but don’t be afraid to shake it up a little. Maybe they’ve got a unique aesthetic? Or something that they really like? Or they have a specific piercing/tattoo (I could go on with this but I think you get the idea lol).
Tip 4 : PLOT. It’s important to build up character relationships and equally build up the atmosphere and vibe of your fic, don’t skip it just to get straight to the good bit, because 9/10 times it’s not worth it because your piece of writing lacks flow. Plus plot is so fun to write in my opinion, sometimes I get bored of writing smut because the actual characters are more interesting haha. (Side note: I wanna start writing angst and tooth rot for you guys 💀)
Tip 5 : finally, if you’re wanting to write about Matt and Chris, I think it’s essential you get each of their mannerisms right. You know you’re reading something good when you can actually picture them saying / doing what’s written down in the fic. Also I know this is weird but clothes are important, you need to make sure you write them into something they would / could pull off because it boosts your writing. Equally, if your going to use pet names, make sure it’s something you can picture them saying, if you can’t visualise it in their voice in your head, then don’t use it because I guarantee you it’ll also come out wrong in the reader’s head.
💋: that’s pretty much my 5 main tips that I live by whilst writing, if anyone needs any more help don’t be shy to message me :) thank you for even wanted my advice on the matter, it means a lot to me that people take inspiration from what I write.
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wolfiafuntime · 8 months
Who Fell First, Who Fell Harder? But Make It Yandere!
Wanted to do this with all of the Mondstadt & Liyue men, but I lost inspo immediately after writing Aether's part. Had to force Albedo's part out... Planning on making sequels with all the other boys in the future, but idk when.
Ft. Yandere! Aether, Albedo (separate) X Yandere! Gn! Reader
Tw: Soft yanderes
Published: October 12, 2023
Words: 657
Pages: 2
Aether: You fell first, he fell harder!
 You fell for him when he saved your life from an unexpected Lawachurl. How could you not? He looked so perfect, jumping in front of you and slashing at the monster with his sword. And the interaction that followed was equally as perfect, starting with him pulling you up from the ground with ease as a floating child asked if you were okay. He didn't talk much, the child- whom you soon learned was named Paimon- doing most of the talking, but his expressions said enough.
 You couldn't help but follow Aether around, and you learned how he was searching for his lost sister, but unfortunately had to spend most of his time helping others. The second-hand offense you had felt was so strong you vowed to personally handle every problem dumped on him. And upon being reminded that you couldn't fight, you changed that vow to 'personally handle every social problem'. You hated being away from him, but his grateful smiles and his occasional quiet 'thanks' were great motivators to keep your promise. And on the plus side, all of your hard work got you a good if not great reputation in every nation you guys visited. Which, in turn, allowed you to threaten greedy merchants, scummy villagers, and shady military personnel.
 He fell for you after you had taken a bullet from a Fatui Skirmisher from him. At first, he was irked as he took the formerly unnoticed Fatuu out; bitter that you had gotten hurt. Although the reason why was a mystery to him. He always knew this would happen! Why did he let you come? Why did you have to follow him around so much?? Why did that stupid skirmisher think he could get away with this?! It wasn't until he killed the Fatuu and returned to your slowly-dying side that he realized. Despite Paimon's cries, and the horrid smell of burnt flesh, you weren't worrying about yourself. You were worrying about him, even using your seeping strength to place your hand on his cheek.
 He could never explain the relief he felt when a doctor saved your life. He helped you through every step of the healing process, making sure to wrap every one of your bandages himself, gathering the best materials for the healthiest foods, and helping you re-learn how to walk. When you were finally healthy again, he made sure to never leave your side. He'd follow you around help you deliver letters, or settle arguments. And when he'd have to go on commissions, or deal with disgusting perverts and annoying hags, then he'd tuck you away into his Serenitea Pot for safekeeping.
Albedo: You fell first, you fell harder!
 You fell for him a few weeks after your first love broke your heart and ran off with a harlot. When he had comforted you with some magically healing words. After that, you started following him around as best you could. And unlike the concubus who had tricked you, Albedo actually cared about you! Like when you tried following him into Dragonspine, he recommended that you stop so you didn't get yourself hurt. And when he learned that your 'stalking' was interfering with your job, he recommended that you get a new one in the Knights of Favonius Investigation Company!
 You continued to fall for him as he personally taught you alchemy. And when he'd give you tips for surviving Dragonspine's harsh conditions. And as whenever he took the time to make you and occasionally Timeaus food while you were up there. Naturally, you did all you could to repay his acts of love. Such as getting him rare paints to use. Or handle his friends for him. And even use your newfound power as a Knight of Favonius to hurt every harlot stupid enough to think they deserve his love!
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shortpplfedup · 9 months
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 7
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Listen, I didn't know how badly I wanted Mew/Ray until there was a legit chance of Mew/Ray and now IT'S ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT. Another killer episode as all the shit gets laid bare, Nick and Sand cement their bond over being pathetic simps for men who do not love them, Top sits in the loser feeling and DOES NOT LIKE IT and...OH YEAH MEW AND RAY ARE DATING NOW I GUESS. Last week Top ran away with the audience poll as I learned the valuable lesson that y'all actually pay attention to the poll question and I should probably think about it a bit more...lol. Here's my rankings for this week
🔹1. Ray (1)
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It’s never too late, Mew. I love you no matter what. It’s all up to you whether you want to open your heart to me.
I almost gave it to Mew because FUCKING EPIC but Ray actually got everything he ever wanted by the end of this episode: Mew has decided to give him a chance, even if it's as a rebound. And y'all, I am INTO IT. They're never gonna have sex, obvi, because Mew high key isn't interested and Ray is #1 simp so dumb obsessed he'll never push it, but I'm still enjoying the flavour. Besides, when Ray gets horny or needs actual affection, he'll just call Sand anyway...OOP. So yeah, Ray wins the week.
🔺2. Mew (3)
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I stopped being a good guy. I got no shit from that. To deal with nasty people, I must be as nasty as them.
Wasn't it fascinating that when it was time to break bad Mew a) looked to Ray for style inspo, b) decided to let Ray sniff it one time and c) is leaning into the Ray Life? I wanna dissect Mew like a lab specimen. He's like 'I'm gonna be shitty too' and then just...becomes Ray. Then he Boston-style mansplains manipulates manwhores his way into possessing Boston's sex tape. And THEN in what has to be a 100% Mew move (because neither Ray nor Boston would EVER) threatens to out Boston to his dad, but then Uno reverses it like OF COURSE I WOULD NEVER DO THAT BECAUSE I'M BETTER THAN YOU. And he looked like he REALLY fucking enjoyed that vantage point from the moral high ground. He really looks down on those friends of his huh. And his destiny for always having to 'win' his friendships and relationships is being betrayed and cheated on...don't @ me it's canon. I WANT TO STUDY MEW SO BAD, because from one angle he looks righteous and from another he looks like the living fucking worst. Amy Elliot-Dunne, here's looking at you kid.
🔺3. Boston (6)
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Okay. I’m here to get yelled at. Yell at me all you want. Get it over with. Come on. I don’t expect it to be over. I just want you to vent. Fine. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. It was unintentional. It was so nice of me to introduce Mew to something new. I just borrowed him for a bit. What’s a big deal? Let’s be honest here. Without my help, there was no way Mew got his hands on a top-tier like that.
Boston sashaying into the hostel totally unrepentant is a top 5 Only Friends MOMENT and I LIVED for it. He decided the 'brazen' part of 'brazen slut' was the part to lean into and honestly, as one of the few people this ep actually owning their shit I respected the hell out of that. YEAH I FUCKED HIM, I FUCKED HIM BEFORE YOU DID, AND I FUCKED HIM AGAIN AND SO WHAT? In Boston's mind, everybody wins here: Ray wins, because Mew is single again, Mew wins because he knows Top's an untrustworthy cheater, and he wins because he wanted to fuck Top and he fucked Top. Everybody wins, let's just move on. I love the simplicity of Boston's worldview, and how internally consistent and oddly pure it is. He has the morals of an alley cat, but he never LIES. He'll manipulate, but he never actually deceives. In some ways you can trust him absolutely, he's unwavering. Fascinating.
🔹4. Nick (4)
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I love him. He doesn’t have to care about me. I don’t have to be his number one. But he must not hate me. Do you get it?
Man, Nick and Sand were almost tied because equally pathetic this week, but at least Nick got a teensy bit of a kick in by telling Mew about the sex tape. Also interesting how he didn't rat Sand out to Boston despite Sand clearly not thinking or really caring about how sharing the audio clip would blow back on Nick. Nick's a creep, but he has a little bit of a code. Do I feel sorry for him, no I don't, but maybe a teeny tiny bit.
🔻5. Sand (2)
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I’m your emergency staff anyway. I’ve always been since the first day we met.
I cannot believe that in episode 7 of Only Friends we got a scene where Sand and Nick hug each other and cry together over how pathetically they simp for shitty men who will never love them. WHOMST is doing it like Jojo n'em, I ask you? THAT MAN CALLED YOU A WHORE IN FRONT OF PEOPLE and then did it again while flinging you to the ground and in return you rescued him from a car crash, fed, bathed and shaved him. Sand has a degradation kink, that's the only thing that makes sense here I swear, because how can one human be down THIS atrocious? I wanna see how low he can go, and I also wanna see if we're getting that baseball bat and WHOM FOR. All the things I wished for Nick before the show aired, I now wish for Sand. Boil that bunny baby.
🔺6. Top (7)
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I will make you fall in love with me again.
Top really stunned that he's lost. Look, I know my read on Top isn't the consensus read on Top, and yeah maybe I'm wrong, but to me this is only incidentally about Mew, because for Top Mew is a means of self-actualization. Getting Mew to be his boyfriend was awesome, because it means TOP is awesome. Losing Mew over a rookie fucking mistake is a tragedy because it means Top is a loser. Getting Mew back would reaffirm Top's awesomeness to himself. TOP LOVES THE IDEA OF MEW, NOT MEW. I wish I could show you guys the parade of Tops that my peeps and I have met in life so you could understand why I cannot stand this man and want to see him in ruins. But yeah, he's on the rise, because Mew is totally gonna take him back after his disaster run with Ray.
🔺7. Gap (8)
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That look you gave. Was it intended to lure me to come after you?
Drake is back yet again, my favourite guest star. They totally cheated by not letting Gap and Mew actually touch lips, although that's probably character accurate. But Mew gets somebody else to look down on and feel morally superior to, and that's his version of an orgasm so Gap totally got SPIRITUALLY laid.
🔻8. Cheum (5)
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I was rooting for Top. I thought he was a good guy.
At least she's keeping the group project afloat so they don't fail this damn class, but literally NOBODY ELSE thought Top was a good guy, NOT EVEN MEW. Jesus fix it girl.
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afterdarkprincess · 1 month
fuck it if i can’t have him
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Pairing: Sami/Jey Rating: Mature Word Count: 1,514
how dare you think it's romantic leaving me safe and stranded? Cause fuck it I was in love...
Part 2 in a series I'm calling "i love you (it's ruining my life)" Read part 1 here or this part can stand alone!
AO3 Link
Set between Elimination Chamber 2023 and Wrestlemania 2023
tag squad: @jeysbvck @harmshake @southerngirl41 @imabillyami @elementaldoughnut12 and @feelschicken
this fic is still running with inspo from @motherknuckers much appreciated!!
The sound of weights hitting the floor echos in the empty hotel gym and Jey pants with exertion, sweat dripping down his face.
It’s late, way later than he should be awake- they have a flight early tomorrow morning and his brothers won’t be kind in waking him up in a few hours. But he just couldn’t fall asleep, finally giving up and heading down to the gym. It’s technically not supposed to be open this late, but Paul has a way of working these requests into their hotel reservations, just in case.
The last few weeks have been tense after his disappearing act after the Royal Rumble. He was welcomed back after proving his loyalty by kicking Sami, but things haven’t been the same. Maybe the problem is him, the discomfort he feels within himself projected onto his cousin and brothers, but the vibes have been different.
When he thinks about everything that’s happened since the beginning of the year, looking at everything that’s gone wrong and how it all fell apart.
How close he and Sami had been to… something. Something that scared and excited him in equal measure.
He’d made his choices, sure. That superkick at the end of Raw was as clear a message as he could send. How could he have done anything else? Roman was going to take it out on Jimmy if he didn’t come back, hell he could have taken it out on Solo if he wanted to. The thought of his brothers suffering on his behalf is unbearable to him.
But at the same time, losing Sami has hurt more than he cares to acknowledge most days. He feels like he’s lost a limb, on unequal footing as he goes about his days. It’s too quiet without his constant presence, there are times he sees something funny on his phone and turns to show Sami but he’s just not there.
It reminds him of how he felt as a child when he and Jimmy were separated, the bone deep wrong that they had to learn to get over as they got older and had separate lives.
Jey wipes away the sweat from his face and tries to breathe, slow and steady like he’s been practicing.
It’s not fair. Nothing about his life has been fair since Roman established dominance in his life, you’d think he’d be used to it by now. But something about this last indignity, he just can’t seem to get over it.
Why couldn’t Roman just accept Sami into the fold? Hadn’t he proved himself over and over again over months, he’d beat Kevin for them at Wargames for them, that had been enough for him. Why did Roman have to push it to such extremes?
Sami choosing Kevin over him, over the family, over Roman. It hurt like hell, but Jey could understand that there wasn’t another choice for Sami to make. Sami wouldn’t be Sami if he had chosen to batter a tied up Kevin Owens. That innate goodness that permeated his soul, the light that made him put up with months of abuse from Jey, keeping the faith on whatever it was he saw in him.
Jey’s not sure what that even was anymore. He had no problem beating up Kevin Owens or anyone else Roman pointed at, whether they deserved it or not. Anything resembling a sense of justice had been beaten out of him by the Tribal Chief ages ago.
He couldn’t do it to Sami. Not at the Rumble. Not at Elimination Chamber. Not until it was clear that Roman would force him to make an impossible choice between his brother and Sami. The man he…
He picks up a barbell, starts a set of reps to keep his mind from the obvious ending of that sentence. The feelings that just rub salt into his wounds, adding insult to injury.
Not that it matters now. Even if Sami had thought of him like that, it hadn’t been enough for him to choose to stay, even if Jey had been brave and selfish enough to ask that of him, if there had even been a chance. Roman took that away from them both.
He finishes a set, and the song playing in his earbuds ends, starting another track thats both familiar and new. Jey fishes his phone out of his pocket and checks the screen, confirming his suspicion.
It’s a new song by an artist he and Sami had bonded over, they’d talked about it when it had been teased on twitter, excited about it. He’d completely forgotten in all the turmoil. It feels like a knife in the heart now.
However, he doesn’t stop himself from hitting share and copying the link into a new message to Sami and hitting send before he can even think about it.
It’s late as hell, no way Sami’s going to see that message until the morning. And what’s he supposed to say now? After the way he attacked Sami the last time they saw each other, he can’t exactly just act like nothing happened.
He stares at the screen, hovering his thumbs over the empty message field. Can’t say nothing either. Fuck.
thought you’d wanna see it- sent 2:30am
Somehow that sounds worse. Desperate. Clingy.
Jey swaps back to his spotify feed and changes the song before shoving his phone back in his pocket.
Maybe it’d be better if he never met Sami at all. Or at least if Sami had never attempted to join his family. He’d known Sami for a long time now that he thinks about it, he’d been around backstage for years, and they’d done spots together over the years here and there. Truthfully he hadn’t payed him much mind for most of that time.
It wasn’t until he approached Roman that it all started. The disgust he felt watching someone beg for the opportunity he’d been beaten into. Sure he could see the appeal of trying to get into the most decorated faction in WWE, but could it really be worth it? Even with the belts on his shoulders he wasn’t sure.
At least before then Jey didn’t have this foolish hope, didn’t know how it felt to be safe and secure with his family and have someone to commiserate with, some of that burden off of his shoulders. They’d been so damn happy. Or at least he had been. Maybe Sami had deceived him. Maybe-
The burn in his forearm alerts him that he’s pushed himself too far, setting down the weight and groaning.
Between the aching twinge in his arm and the far deeper ache in his chest, he finds his eyes stinging with tears.
“Fuck- FUCK!” He screams, the sound echoing around him.
How is this the right answer? Feeling miserable, unable to sleep, down bad and crying at the gym over Sami fucking Zayn.
He lays back on the weight bench, stares up at the ceiling and just lets all the shit he’s been pushing down wash over him. Tears flow freely down the sides of his face, anger at Roman, jealousy over Sami picking Kevin fucking Owens, disappointment in himself at letting it get this bad, that bitter feeling wishing he could change the course of the last 3 months so he could just be happy with Sami again.
Fuck it, he was in love with him. He was in love with that ginger idiot. And there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it now.
He sighs out his breath, letting his eyes close for just a moment. Something about admitting it to himself releases the ball of tension in his chest, and the late hour begins catching up with him, his eyes growing heavy.
He presses his thumbs against his eyes, rubbing them and wiping the lingering tears away.
Jey wipes down the bench efficiently, tossing his stuff back in his gym bag before heading out and back up to his room. He’s in a room by himself tonight, which Paul tried to sell to them as a treat but it feels more like a punishment.
The door shuts behind him, disturbing the quiet of the early morning. He thinks about getting a shower, but honestly he’s too tired for that. He’ll take care of it in the morning before the flight.
He rolls into bed, phone in hand, and against his better judgement opens his messages again. There’s no reply, unsurprisingly, but then he sees it.
A tiny “Seen 2:34am" underneath the bubble.
Sami’s…. awake? Or was anyway. The top of his phone reads just after 3 am now.
Maybe…. just maybe…
Jey worries his bottom lip between his teeth as he feverishly types a message, giving it one quick look over before hitting send. After all, what more does he have to lose?
He lets the phone drop against his chest, trying not to get his hopes up and getting comfortable in the bed.
His eyes shut for the briefest of moments, and he feels his phone vibrate in his hands.
---- Couldn't get this out of my head- wanted to leave the ending pretty ambiguous and kayfabe compliant. Got all this angst out of me, here's hoping I get back to fluffier WIPs lol
Hope you enjoyed!!
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pinkwright · 1 year
all i know | shuri udaku.
starboy set : chapter sixteen
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pairing — tutor player!shuri x partygirl!y/n
trope — friends 2 lovers
inspo — all i know by the weeknd
warnings — reader is a vivacious party girl but shuri makes her shy, flirty!reader, mentions of alcohol, wakandan technology, cocky!shuri, confident!shuri, reader is wary of shur’s advances bc of her track record (she’s been heartbroken before yall be nice), lots of eye-rolling,  fingering (reader receiving), possessive!shuri but in a subtle ‘show u off’ way, confident!reader, sub!reader, soft dom!shuri, handsy!shuri, dirty talk like.. i was blushing, semi-mean!shuri, again love, tribbing, kissing, lots of neck action from shuri, noisy!reader, panther!shuri, silent confessions, riri n monet r dating, and reader cries (lol she lowkey always does).
a/n — girl i went through the five stages of grief writing this shit, not even bc of the work, but bc of my fucking eighth house (why do that shit always gotta try be my downfall???) so my bad if it's not up to my usual standard, anyway heres the second installment hehe ! <3
⟢˚ @mbakuetshurisprincess @inmyheadimobsessed @letitias-fav @barkbarkbo @shurismainbxtch @verachii @rxcently @shuriszn @lppriceisright @heartsforjojo @motheroffae @naomis-daydream @vampzxi @nrc16783 @msplayas @marsolgy @mysticalmarss @playhousedistee @abenomeiiii @ma4erickk @ogbells16 @6-noir @laurensmabel1 @vexoshuri @saintwrld @ilovelulu @sookiesookie @ziayamikaelson
the reasons i can't have you, are so easy to fix, i didn't really plan to, but i’mma do it for this.
the symbols on the page are blurring into one as you try to actively recall what you had just learned, your eyes squinting as you bring your hands up in front of your face, flexing and relaxing them before you as if you could snatch the answer from the air. the word is on the tip of your tongue, and regardless of how patient the girl next to you seemed, your leg began to bounce rapidly, the anxiety pushing the term to slip further and further away from you.
you jump when her warm palm lands on your bouncing muscle, stilling the movement before sliding up the pleated material of your loose lounge pants, squeezing lightly, just as equally soft and warm words are being muttered to you, “calm down, y/n/n, you got it, love.”
your voice is hesitant and soft as you chance her an unsure glance, sitting up straighter when she throws you a proud smile, and her hand lifts from your thigh to offer you a high five. the gesture makes you feel silly as you return it but the heat in your cheeks is a prime indicator of how much you enjoy the act.
“smart girl.”
her voice is low and fond as she catches your eyes in her intense gaze, your mouth parting ever so slightly when you hear the conviction in her words, the heat in your body yearning for more, more of her praise. you snap out of your reverie when you see her pretty lips twitch into a smirk, her face seemingly closer than before, so close that it forces you to clear your throat and snap your attention to your belongings, quickly gathering your textbooks as you register the time.
shuri let’s out a faint chuckle at your flustered appearance, leaning back in her chair as she watches you grab your cute shoulder bag, your scent trail wafting into her senses as you rush to stand, the divine smell making her sink her teeth into her bottom lip as she slides her eyes up your figure, her heady gaze meeting yours; watching her shamelessly trail her eyes over you.
the hesitation in taking your leave causes shuri’s smirk to widen; standing to her feet, she steps towards you, and then her hands reach for your own to gently pull you towards her, guiding your arms around her neck as she drops her face against your neck. she lets out a relaxed exhale as she slowly slides her arms around your bare waist, feeling you jump at the purposeful touch before her wandering hands settle dangerously low on your back.
“such a smart girl, huh baby? did so well for me today.”
the words evoke a filthy lick of heat between your legs, and it’s followed by a flash of shame that just serves to make you burn up even more, and your hands flex against her neck as you roll your lips to stifle an embarrassing noise. shuri skims her nose lightly down the side of your neck, waking goosebumps in her journey, inhaling deeply before she pulls away to look into your eyes, her mouth dropping into a lazy grin as she speaks, “you always smell so good.”
the compliment always makes you bashful, so you clear your throat and avert your gaze on an embarrassed giggle that comes out breathier than you would like, your eyes rolling playfully as you step away from her, gaining some of your confidence back now that you’re out of her reach.
“you tell that to all your pretty girls?”
the words are said lightly, and you internally applaud yourself for not allowing the bitter jealousy to seep into your playful jab. shuri rolls her eyes back at you, her signature smirk placing itself back on those insufferably pretty lips when she shakes her head at you, but her gaze remains dark, a contemplative look ghosting through before it’s washed away by the prior intensity.
“you coming to my party tomorrow night, love?” she’s pulling on her bottom lip as she pins you with her gaze, regarding you with unadulterated heat that forces you to look away, choosing to needlessly smooth down your outfit as you speak, “i don’t know, shuri. i’ll have to see if monet is coming.”
the response makes shuri snort before she’s muttering a slick comment about finding it hard to believe that ‘superstar stunner y/n is passing up an opportunity to get turnt’. the words make you giggle as you roll your eyes, starting to walk away from the captivating girl as you melodically sing the words out.
“goodbye shuri udaku.”
there are dopey smiles on both your faces when you spin on your heel to walk out of the library, the girl’s eyes never leaving your figure and she shakes her head fondly when you’re out of her sight. the smile on her lips quickly morphs into one of reflection, her head dropping to her belongings resting on the desk as she allows her thoughts to roam; bast, she wanted you and seriously, but she also understands that you’re wary because of the stigma surrounding her especially given how much you’ve been hurt in the past.
she sighs softly as she gathers her stuff before feeling the vibration of the device, she obtained purely to communicate with the people who weren’t of her nation, more specifically you (and her close friend riri; seeing how those were about the only two contacts she had saved). she heavily throws her bag over her shoulder, the kimoyo beads rattling around her wrist as she digs into her pocket to lift the screen into her view, her light scoff flowing into a fond chuckle as she reads the text, the smile on her lips blinding to her admirers.
‘i’ll be there.’
you shut your laptop with a deep exhale of exhaustion, rolling your shoulders as you quickly pack it up when you spot monet happily strutting towards you. the smile that graces your lips is soft but relieved as you stand to hug her before turning to lift your bag onto your shoulder.
“hey, babe, was starting to think that art professor of yours held you captive, again, before i clocked you strutting your shit.”
your best friend laughs and rolls her eyes, shifting the roll of paper under her arm so she can lightly push on your shoulder with a giggle, muttering about how you ‘need to drop that modeling shit.’ the soft smile on her face makes you smile too, your mouth parting to retort but quickly shutting again when hands place themselves on your shoulders, squeezing before sliding down your arms to wrap around your waist.
the action makes you jump before you relax when the familiar head of curls drops against your shoulder, her warm lips brushing against your skin as she hums into your skin, and your ring-clad fingers are instinctually curling around her wrists, her hands pressing against your stomach to pull you against her front. she holds your there firmly for a second before her words are wafting around you, brushing past your heated skin, and breaking the comfortable atmosphere.
“mm, baby, hey.”
her voice is raspy, sounding like she just woke up and although it sends warmth through your figure, it also worries you enough to gently squeeze her wrists and turn in her grip, adjusting your bag on your shoulder when her head lifts off it to meet your eyes. your mouth pouts slightly when you see the bags under her deep brown eyes, you lift your hands to her face and place them gently on her cheeks, your thumb stroking the soft skin under her eyes, “have you been sleeping okay, babe?”
the tenderness in your voice makes shuri’s eyes flutter, a deep wave of satisfaction washing over her senses, making her tense shoulders relax as she allows herself to soften in your hold. the hum she lets out in response to your question is low and drawn out, and her hands flex on your waist as she kneads the warm skin to ground herself.
“yeah, just needed some grounding, love, already feeling better.”
her words make your jaw drop slightly, your thumbs stilling but before you can move your hands, she’s lifting one of her own to gently hold your wrist, pulling her face back from you as she slowly turns her head to plant a lingering peck on the palm of your hand and it makes your breath hitch. a smirk creeps onto her mouth as she steps back from you, your hands flinching back to your sides as if they just got burnt, and you’re clearing your throat as you push the words from your throat.
“i’m glad you’re feeling better… you shouldn’t- shouldn’t work yourself so hard.”
you try to sound nonchalant, but the scolding comes out too sincere, too loving, and it makes you quickly spin around to interlock arms with monet, ignoring the wandering gazes around you, including the dark gaze that’s burning into your skin. you hear shuri throw your friend a delighted greeting, the girl on your arm throwing back an equally amused one as you pull her away with you.
and there’s several beats of silence as you make your way to monet’s off campus apartment.
her voice is drawn out and she’s bursting out a laugh as you viciously cut her off, voice undeniably flustered, squeezing her arm with yours in a playful jest.
“shut the fuck up, monet.”
“hello, y/n/n, nigga we’re here.”
monet’s voice breaks through your memory, your eyes snapping to see that you’ve pulled up to shuri’s building, and a sheepish smile takes over your face when you realise you were zoned out the whole drive. the thud of your heels echoes through the covered parking, monet walking beside you as you two laugh and let the warmth of the pre-shots you took flow through your bodies, dealing with reception before heading to the lobby.
when the elevator closes, you’re pressing the button to the penthouse, just as shuri had let you know to do, quickly punching in the four-digit code that she was sure to change after tonight. the ping of the door makes you sigh in relief, having never done well in elevators, evident in the vertigo that overtakes your body, not at all assisted by the deafening bass reverberating through the huge room you’ve stepped into.
you blink, the vibrations of music calling forward the altar of yourself that earned you the nickname shuri had called you earlier, your intense love for music already tempting the comfortable movement of your limbs as you make your way through the crowd, throwing several greetings back at familiar and unfamiliar faces.
a cheeky smile graces your lips when monet drops your hand upon arriving at the bar, her arms throwing themselves around the shorter girl’s, one that you’re quite familiar with, shoulders. when they pull apart, riri is playfully shoving your arm, “no greeting? you finally letting that popularity shit get to your head?”
the roll of your eyes is quick, a sarcastic laugh falling from your lips when you step forward to hug her, dropping firm thuds on her upper back before pulling away, a laugh escaping you and monet when you see her cough dramatically at your aggressiveness, “damn, y/n/n, bae, i was just playing. ma, you seeing this?”
monet rolls her eyes at the question before dropping a kiss on the pouting girl’s cheek, turning to order a drink at the bar, making you hum when she orders your favourite too. you take to skimming your eyes over the crowd as you wait, a smile pulling at your lips when you observe how much fun everyone seems to be having, an itch presenting itself beneath your skin, one that urges you to join them.
before you can doubt yourself, your legs are moving, unconsciously finding your way to the centre as you dance with people along the way, still throwing flirty smiles and fleeting touches even when you don’t allow yourself to stay in one place for too long. your body is moving sensually to the track pounding through the open space, but you’re languidly bringing yourself to pause when you make eye contact with a girl, long locs draping down her back, as she prompts you to match her energy.
a smirk crosses your lips, turning your body to face her when you relay the suggestive lyrics back to her, seeing a challenge in them that makes you reckless, and stepping into her space, you let the beat guide your hips seductively. you're dropping your manicured hand to her waist to guide her to lower with you, her hand placing itself on your shoulder to steady herself as your glossy lips wrap teasingly around the words when you level her gaze.
“pussy so good had to save that shit for later.” your smirk widens as the pretty girl before you, averts her gaze, her hand tightening its grip on your bare shoulder as you continue to teasingly mouth the explicit lyrics to her, gazing deeply at her, like they were written for her by you. your nails lightly dig into her waist to bring her eyes back to yours, head tilting teasingly as you raise your eyebrow; you wanted this.
“i’m tryna make these bitches wet, i’m tryna keep that pussy wet. i’m tryna fuck her and her friends.”
the people around you whistle obnoxiously, hollering at the erotic sight as both your bent knees lower to the ground before falling between the others as you taunt the crowd with a show. the flashing lights are blinding when you throw your head back to bask in the attention before you’re letting out a giggle as the track fades into another.
using the fading melody, you guide her to rise, still whining, as you bring your lips to her ear, gently squeezing her skin as you note how sweet she smells, like roses. when you speak the words to ease her clear timidness, your voice is low, playful, and seductive, letting her know you were teasing her.
“relax, pretty girl, i had fun; you’re a natural.”
when you pull away from the girl and see her bashful smile, her shyness washing away as she offers you a word of gratitude, you can't help but smile back, turning to make your way back to the bar for your drink, shooting her a sultry wink over your shoulder. your eyes passing over faces as you walk, laughing off the compliments on your way there, hoping to catch the gaze of the girl you have yet to see tonight, defeatedly stepping in front of the counter when you don’t see her anywhere.
you sigh as you place your hands on the cold marble, riri and monet nowhere to be seen as well, you roll your eyes just as a shadow looms over you from behind the bar, your lips parting to kindly relay your usual order but you’re quickly shut up when a familiar tattooed hand slides the dark pink drink into your view.
“strawberry daiquiri; frozen, made with extra strawberries and white rum, right?”
your head snaps up so quickly that the room spins for a second, the ginger curls messily falling in front of your face as you trail your eyes past her pretty lips and connect with the deep brown eyes you’ve been aching to see all night. your lips part when you register that she’s the bartender tonight, wracking your memory for images of her; was she here when you came to greet riri?
“missed me so much that you forgot how to talk to me, princess?”
you pull yourself out of your daze and send her a dirty look at the snarky remark as you reach for the drink, her elbows on the counter as she watches you wrap your lips around the straw, gaze darkening as she watches you take a sip. your eyes light up in delight as you look down at the glass, your eyes snapping to hers in shock, “shuri, that’s so fucking good, what the fuck, since when can you mix?”
the praise and absolute delight coating your words, makes the girl’s ego skyrocket, her eyes squinting in fake concentration as she slides her tongue over her lips before speaking, her fingers pulling at her smirk when she speaks lowly in response, “i dabble, baby, if you had come to my parties before, you would know that.”
your eyes roll, lifting the drink so you can run your gaze over the crowd moving within the sunken living area to avoid her eyes, her dark gaze on you made the heat rise unbearably within you, licking at the pit of your stomach. your eyes widen slightly when you realise you have a perfect view of where you were previously dancing.
the elevated platform would mean that she’d seen you, seen you drop low with that girl with your hands on her heated skin, your eyes squeeze shut in embarrassment, and you jump when she wraps a warm arm around your waist.
“almost broke that pretty girl giving everyone a show, baby.”
she murmurs the words into your ear, squeezing your waist as she skims her lips across your heated skin, and you tighten your hold on the glass of your drink as you feel the heat emanating from her body. she lets the amusement continue to flow through the crevices of her sentences, as she coos at you, “i know my pretty girl thrives on attention, you just wanted to give them a show to remember, hm?”
she’s sliding her warm palm up and down the bare skin of your waist before kneading the softness, her words making your breath hitch and you feel your panties soak even more at her raspy voice. she hums before darting her tongue out to swipe against the pulse in your neck, closing her lips around the tendon before pulling away to reward the irritated skin with a chaste peck, her next words delightfully shocking you.
“gifting everyone here a dirty little visual for when they have to imagine you late at night to get off because you and i, both know that they know, that it’s the closest they’ll ever get to having a taste of you. right, s’thandwa sam’?"
the gasp you let out is uncontrolled, your chest rising as you breathe deeply, and your thighs are clenching tightly as if the flood of wetness that soaks your panties was actively sliding down your legs for everyone to see. your free hand shoots out to grab shuri’s vacant arm, her arm that was around your waist raising to grab your drink to place it behind the bar counter before sliding to your hip to pull your back against her front and you find your hips subtly pushing back into her as she grunts.
“are you finally going to let me have you, pretty girl?”
you don’t even feel yourself finish your nod before shuri is grabbing your hand and pulling you toward what you guess is her bedroom, walking to the opposite side of her huge apartment and leading you to stairs that are not directly visible from the main party area.
when she interlaces your fingers at the landing of the ambiently lit stairs, you finally get the chance to look at her and your throat dries when you trail your eyes over her outfit, finally getting to see her in all her glory now that she’s not bent over the counter, eyes blinking dumbly when they linger on her exposed stomach, just to widen at the glint of jewellery sitting pretty in her belly button.
your mouth parts when you hear her chuckle, her hand firmly pulling on yours to guide you up the stairs and you let her, too dazed to register anything beyond your sheer desperation, and when you reach the top, she leads you through a short foyer and passed the only two doors you can see, instead bringing you to a black wall that gives the illusion of being right at the edge of her living space.
when she lifts her hand to the seamless wall, your confusion warps into unfiltered fascination as she waves her hand in a small arch motion over what you register as an engraved panther paw, only visible now at the short distance you stand from it. the mark glows a soft purple before shooting a sleek line of purple light in the shape of a door along the still seamless wall.
the paw morphs into a sand-like material, as it enlarges to about human size; shuri inhales before placing her palm against the ‘animal’s’, like it was a mirror of herself. you don’t allow yourself to blink when the sand shifts back into the wall before the same spot shifts to form a handle, making you gasp, as shuri uses it to push the glowing purple outline open.
the door snaps shut behind you, clicking as it shuts, becoming as seamless as it was before and your jaw drops as you take in the design of her room, the architect in you absolutely losing her mind at the sheer beauty of the room. you drop her hand as you admire the space, and shuri is merely watching you fondly as you take in the space, the sacred dwelling she’s only ever allowed you to enter.
you tense when you feel her hands slide up your waist, dropping one to slide her palm against your tense stomach as the other rises to flick your hair over your shoulder, bringing her lips to lay an open-mouthed kiss on the underside of your jaw, a shiver wrecks your body at the low tone of her voice, “relax for me, my love.”
the clench of your legs at the term of endearment is instant, your knees sliding together when her blunt nails scratch against the softness of your stomach, her hands sliding down to your hips briefly playing with the gems on your hips before gliding across your stomach to run along the hem of your pants.
your head lulls back onto her shoulder as you shut your eyes to avoid the erotic sight of her hands on you, she lets out a brief chuckle as you whine, pressing back into her despite your next words, “shuri, we can’t…”
your hands flex at your sides, aching to reach out for her when her breath brushes the skin of your exposed neck as she speaks, “shh, s’thandwa, just wanna feel my pretty girl.” you whine at her words, nodding several times but she simply pauses. “i’m not going to touch you unless you talk to me, sweet girl.”
“please, please touch me, shuri.”
she grunts at the desperation in your voice, lightly skimming your skin once more before she’s slipping her hand beneath the hem of your pants and brushing past the pool in your panties, letting out a groan at the wetness and warmth radiating from between your legs. her free arm slips around your waist to hold your hips against her when you buck into her hands at her touch, a moan slipping past your parted lips.
shuri’s fingers glide along your slit, pressing against your clit as she sinks her teeth into your pulse point, the actions making you moan loudly as your stomach tightens, her lithe fingers circle your bud, and the breathy sounds you’re letting out are affecting her more than she thought they would, her fingers increasing their pace as she breathes you in.
“want to feel you, shuri, please, please.”
the words are pleaded to the taller girl, your hand coming to grasp her wrist as her fingers slide down to circle your entrance, the soft silk of your panties slightly presses into your opening making you squeeze your thighs shut at the overwhelming touch, a sharp gasp cutting through the heated atmosphere.
the girl behind you hums before brushing past the hem of your underwear letting out a breathy sigh at the bare warmth of your pulsing pussy, her fingers slide down to circle your clenching entrance before slipping into you, and the intrusion provokes a gasp from you, your head shooting up as you tense around her.
“bast, baby, dreamt about this perfect pussy.”
her words are rough, straining in her throat as she drags her finger through your soft walls, sucking an array of marks onto the arch of your neck, digging her teeth into your skin as she claims you, claims her pretty girl. the sounds spill from you heavily, the fog in your mind increasing as you force your gaze to look at her shifting hand beneath your pants, your legs clench tightly as your free hand shoots out to grab her free wrist.
and shuri breathes a chuckle into your ear, lifting her head from your neck, before she’s bringing her other hand to slip into your pants as well, the digits circling your neglected clit as she plants a kiss against your temple at the way you cry out, her lips meaning to soothe you.
“are you going to come for me, love?”
you can’t respond verbally, your hips canting against her merciless hands as you near your sweet release, your mouth dropped open in bliss as dirty cries escape you, your eyes shutting tightly when she speaks to you.
“come on, s’thandwa, tell me how much you love feeling me on you.”
“love it, love it so much, i’m gonna come, please, please shuri.”
the words make shuri ache, the purr in her chest rumbling salaciously as she watches you fall apart for her so prettily, your hips frantically chasing your release, and she digs her teeth into her lip when she feels the heat between her legs pulse when your pussy clenches violently around her fingers, the sticky wetness pooling from your warm cavern as she drags out your orgasm, humming in satisfaction.
“my good girl, coming so pretty for me.”
the praise makes your head hazy, a whimper spilling from your lips when her fingers slide out of you, her soft lips pressing against your temple as she guides you to her bed, and she's fixing her eyes on you when the back of your knees hit her mattress. her hands lift to your lips, and you don’t even have to be told to part your lips, moaning at the dirty act of cleaning her off, your lashes fluttering at the grunt shuri lets out at the sight.
“messy baby.”
her words are fond as she pulls her fingers from your mouth with a wet pop, gently guiding you to lay on her bed as she wraps her arm under your lower back, shifting you higher on her bed before leaning to your face to skim her lips against your cheekbone. your hands dig into her shoulders as you scrape your nails under the tiny top she has on, your nails sliding down to lightly scratch against her nipples.
the sound she lets out has your legs clenching around her waist, the breathy moan on repeat in your cloudy mind and it causes another pool in your panties. shuri pulls away from you before you can touch her again, sliding off your heels, pants, and underwear; your knees bending to maintain your modesty when you catch her eyes gazing at the clenching of your bare, aching, and soaking wet cunt.
she licks her lips before she’s lifting to your face, breathing your air as she skims her lips across yours, pausing and you know she wants you to take it, so you lift slightly to press your lips against hers, whimpering into the plush of her mouth as she groans, sliding passionately against you. her hands curl around your thighs to spread you open for her, humming out praises as you let her, feeling yourself slip into the blanket of security she wraps you in.
“wanna feel you on me, s'thandwa, can i?”
her words are whispered into your heaving mouth, her hands tightening their hold on your thighs when the thought makes you clench and buck against her, your throat forcing the words out, breathing the pleads into her lips and she sighs, dropping a peck on your swollen lips before she rises to stand.
your hazy gaze is stuck on hers as she reaches for the button of her pants, swiftly unbuttoning them to slide the baggy material down her long legs, the strong muscles tensing under your lustful gaze, and she makes quick work of her underwear; the black lace making you clench as your pussy lets out another wave of wetness in response to the visual.
her rough hands slide up your spread thighs as she shifts on the soft silky sheets, she gently pushes your thigh to lay flat on the bed, her hand curling under the knee of your other leg, and your tongue slips out to lick your drying lips as you take in the sight, your nails digging into the sheets as she positions herself over you.
when her warmth slightly brushes against your own in her movement, your hips buck up into her, the harsh slide of your cunts against each other drawing out a filthy whimper from you, shuri’s hand tightening around your limb as she breathily moans out; you were so soft against her.
“uh-uh we go at my pace, baby, be good for me.”
her voice is breathy, flowing through your ears like the brown honey of pleasure weighing your body down, pumping through your veins with the promise of never leaving as long as you were with her. when she finally lets your aching pussies touch, your whimpers are wet and desperate as you nod at her words, barely thinking as the intimacy of feeling her against you makes you want to cry out to the heavens to rain down on the drying earth, so you can laugh when the aid doesn't compare to the redemption shuri provides your blistering soul.
and the first slide against you is slow and purposeful, the movement followed by shuri’s deep groan as your head falls back into the sheets and pillows beneath you. your hands vibrating from the sheer grip you had on the soft material, your mouth dropping open in a silent moan as her hips snap against you, the feeling so dizzying that your lungs were aching from the lack of oxygen.
when she leans towards your face, her pace is increasing as she viciously tears you apart, fiddling with your body like you were made for her, crafted out of every subconscious desire her being could possibly conjure. her voice is soft and cooing, in heavy contrast to the rough and hard slide of her against your pussy, as she presses the words into your skin.
“breathe for me, my love. that’s it, baby, feels too good for you to use that pretty little mind, huh?”
the deep gasp of air hurts as it burns through your lungs, your body trembling beneath her when you open your eyes to look at her, and the tears clinging to your lashes making you feel pathetic as she brings her lips to hover over yours. heavy breaths are exchanged between the both of you, the coolness of her belly ring adding to the tremble in your limbs.
“feels so good, your pussy feels so good on mine, shuri.”
your words are thoughtlessly cried into her mouth as your chest heaves, the high pitch of your cries melting into the heated air, shuri’s deep moan trailing along the sound as her hips stutter before they pick up a desperate pace, desperate to get you both to your release.
“yeah, s’thandwa? then give her your come, baby.”
the words make the tears trail down your cheeks, your hips uncontrollably grinding with her rhythm as your lips tremble around your sob, the intensity of your orgasm making your walls ache as they clench around emptiness, shuri groaning loudly when she feels the easy glide your release provides.
“fuck, i’m gonna come for you, love. wanna drip right onto my pretty girl, yeah?”
her words are breathed into your mouth, the sobs leaving your pretty lips make shuri feel dizzy, her hips focusing on her own release as you twitch against her in overstimulation, a dirty whimper falling from your lips as you flinch away from the intense pleasure. her hand digs itself into your hip to pull you back to her, the idea of you feeling so good, you run from her, makes the panther insatiable, the clench of her heart tightening in pathetic desperation, the wild predator feeling like prey at your mercy.
“shh, you can take it, angel, tell me you want it.”
“want it, want your come in my pussy, shuri, please, need it.”
shuri’s letting out the most explicit sound of the night, her lips parting against yours, where they were resting in an unresponsive kiss, and she presses closer against you as her clit throbs against yours, making you whimper as your press closer to her too, the ache between your legs spiking at the intimate contact, enjoying the feel of her warm slick trailing along you.  
“bast, fuck, good fucking girl, my only pretty girl.”
you tear up under her as she presses her lips to yours, sloppily returning the kiss as the emotions flow through you, your hands loosening their hold on the sheets to slide around her neck, pulling her against your dewy skin.
“are you serious? you want that with me?”
the sentence is soft and teary, and it pulls on the strings of shuri’s heart, the sad noise her alter whines out slipping through her lips as a whimper that she buries into your neck, her arms sliding beneath your back to wrap her arms around you; the beat of your heart soothing the pulse of guilt that thrummed through her arteries.
her lips are pressing gently against the marked skin, tracing over the pretty purples staining your skin, basking in the way her colour proudly branded your figure. she handled you like you were delicate, but to her you were; a fragile fragment of her heart that she couldn’t afford to let shatter like the walls she had built to keep you out.
“could only ever want that with you, s’thandwa sam’.”
the reasons i can't have you, isn't so complicated. baby if you let me i won't hesitate.
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girlbloggercher · 8 months
how to romanticize studying
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studying is tough. obviously. but there are some steps you can take to make it a little easier.
1. find pictures
you can look on pinterest or tumblr for inspo for materials or, just for motivation. both pinterest and tumblr also have a lot of quotes to motivate you.
2. listen to music
personally, i can't focus when the song has words or a super upbeat tempo. it has to soft and classical. but everyone has their preferences.
3. have a tidy work area
have you ever heard the phrase "a cluttered space equals a cluttered mind"? if not, it literally just means that if your space is messy then you won't be able to focus. so, before you study, make sure to clean up!
4. consume media
watch shows/movies that have characters that are good academic role models. gilmore girls, legally blonde, etc. you can also watch videos. just like how i like to watch reading vlogs to motivate me to read, i do the same with academics.
5. energize
before or during your studying, drink some water, have a snack, eat a meal that contains food with energy-giving nutrients. if you get tired, don't go on your phone, just take a nap. but make sure you pick up where you left off!
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kordeliiius · 1 month
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First two commissions I've completed for @ahmadturk00's fundraiser, one in each style:
Mermista in the option 2 watermelon palette Frieren in option 1 (styled after Mothica for a bit extra)
Thanks to the buyers who chipped in, you're making an impact! If you'd like one for yourself, the link is under the cut; also attached is proof of donation
Each option is 30 USD, but requesting a specific inspo for option 1 is an extra 10 USD. Therefore these two totaled 70 USD, which equals about 66 EUR (the currency they're using for this campaign).
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
These Hands Had To
Fandom: MCU Characters/Pairings: alpha!Joaquin Torres x female!omega!Reader Word Count: 963 Summary: After their first mission, Torres told Sam Wilson that people who said things were better during The Blip were wrong, and even though so many things have changed since the snap that reversed The Blip, he still firmly believes that. However, there was the emergence a rumor - possibly a reality - that was the stuff of folklore and fiction: a biological hierarchy of alphas and omegas determining new contexts for human interaction. It's Joaquin's job to sort and sift through the chatter of rumors, conspiracies, and whispers, and sort out what's plausible, but this...
Content Warnings: omegaverse, brief strong language, fluff to smut (abrupt SMUTTY SMUT, p in v penetration)
Additional Notes: Written for the week three 'Something New' challenge for @the-slumberparty to try a trope I've never written before. I was struck with a big want to write something for Torres because he really doesn't get enough love, and then one thing led to another and I knew I wanted to throw him into an Alpha/Omega situationship, and I had ideas for their meeting and also ... their mating, but my brain also got flooded with the WHAT IF idea of what if when the Avengers snapped everyone back into existence, they also triggered an omegaverse that was slowly but surely manifesting among the world population? because... why not start entertaining that what if? idk. if this lands, I think there's room for a lot more, but... no promises. Title inspo from our lord and savior Taylor Swift. Also, bonus trope I've never tried before: a "how it started/how it's going" fic.
A/N 2: Also a meet cute vote for @thestanceyg Trope Madness 2023.
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Joaquin’s head snapped up.
There was a faint scent, but it was distinct – floral and a little something else, and it was there, pulling at something in his chest, his lungs yearning for more of it.
But he remained absolutely still as you smiled politely, stepped into the elevator, hit the button for the forty-seventh floor, and stood off to the right side of the elevator as the doors slid closed.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
He’d read about this maybe two months ago. Reports and rumors of biological shifts, primal manifestations. Unpredictable, but undeniable once they manifested. The information was limited because it was an unprecedented phenomenon that seemed beyond belief, and almost equally becoming feared or glorified as it emerged across the globe.
And why was his brain hyper focused on the theories when you’re now in an elevator with him and in a matter of moments you’ll part ways?
What was on level forty-seven? Had he been to that floor before?
He was a naturally friendly and reasonably intelligent human, why couldn’t he form words? What was happening?
He didn’t need to flirt, he just needed to say something.
He turned his frame slightly towards you and “What’s on forty-seven?” tumbles out of his mouth.
“Oh, I’m not sure, first-time meeting with a potential client for me.”
“Who are you meeting with?”
“Strictly confidential,” she retorted, turning her face up to look at him, a coy smirk already on her face, but when her eyes met his, the draw was palpable, and he knew she could sense it, too, because her jaw dropped for half a moment before she blinked and then looked ahead again.
“What about you? Are you a regular?” she asked.
He smiled but looked ahead as well. He was glad she didn’t want to let the silence linger after that moment. “Semi-regular. I’ve been doing some consulting.”
He watched the floor count continue to rise, quickly approaching the forties.
“What’s your line of expertise?”
“Intelligence,” he replied.
And then she laughed, but it was warm. “That’s almost as vague as my ‘confidential.’”
He joined her laughter. “It’s the veritable truth. Cross my heart.”
“Your heart?” Her head inclined toward him again, and he mirrored that small side glance.
“Mhmm,” he hummed.
The elevator suddenly jolted and paused, the lights flickering, and they both reached out to steady themselves, resulting in each throwing an arm towards a wall and to each other.
But it was only half a second and then the lift continued its smooth ascent.
But he was now closer to you, and you locked eyes again. Joaquin slowly moved his fingers down your forearm, keeping his eyes on yours, and then lifted your wrist up. It seemed instinctual, natural to want to draw your wrist close and truly take in your scent. But he did so cautiously, he knew he wanted to do this, but he wasn’t sure if it was too forward for a connection like this. Softly, he pressed his nose to that tender pulse point and inhaled.
You chirped, which seemed to shock even you, as your eyes grew big, and you covered your mouth with your other hand.
But you didn’t withdraw your hand from his grasp, and your scent now was easy for him to identify – floral with a hint of citrus, warm. His heart swelled in his chest.
Then the elevator dinged, and the spell broke. You took your hand back and stepped out of the doors as they opened.
“Good luck with the meeting,” he called out to you disappeared and the doors closed.
Then he hit the wall of the elevator, cursing that in that final moment he hadn’t even thought to ask for your name or tell you his. His mind started racing through possibilities because that was clearly an Alpha and Omega moment and he needed to see you again.
You were naked in his arms, straddling his lap, your breasts pressed against his chest, while he rubbed each of his wrists over your cheeks, causing you to whimper, overwhelmed by this act of scenting you yet needing more of his intoxicating smell at the same time. You rocked down against his erection, causing him to growl into the kiss you shared. A moment later, he had you on your back, looming above you, the powerful alpha showing his dominance, yet watching your face, eager to prove he would not subjugate you, but instead worship you. He did not want to merely claim you, he wanted to pledge himself to you but with the understanding that you give yourself in return.
“Are you sure? I want you with everything in my being, but not until you are ready to give me your body, your heart, and your soul, Omega, it has to be all or nothing.”
Looking into his eyes, the fire in them was so fervent, you didn’t hesitate. “I’m already yours, Alpha, please.”
“Say it again,” his voice was low, but every one of your senses was fully focused on him in this moment, as he guided his cock over your folds, only stoking the desperate fire your felt for him in your core.
“I’m yours, Alpha.”
“Mine,” he echoed, and plunged in with one powerful thrust, filling you completely, knocking the air out of your lungs.
You gasped and clung to his shoulders, a sob escaping you.
He brought his hand up to cup your cheek and kissed the corner of your mouth. “So good for me, Omega, how does it feel?”
You canted your hips, wanting him to move.
His hand moved quickly to your hip instead, stilling your movements.
“Use your words, Omega. How does it feel to finally have my cock inside your tight cunt?”
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