#i've been suffering for a month now. each chapter takes a week or two to figure out
etrobeauty · 7 months
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Because I have been suffering in Triangle Strategy. Here is some AU content.
Lightning is associated with House Wolffort, who are affiliated with the defense forces of Glenbrook.
Pretty much the Avlora of House Wolffort.
Bit stands off-ish to the other soldiers but remains loyal to her duties.
It's questionable if she is Rosellan due to the color of her hair. However, she loses respect for Roland's choice to subdue the race to Hyzante.
Speaking of Hyzante, it leaves a bitter taste for her not only for their treatment of the Rosellans but the emphasis on this holy one. (Oh Lightning can never get away from the Gods).
Her character story would be set to focus on her motive for joining the forces. There's a mention of her sister, but merely states she has traveled to take on her career of teaching, while she herself sets to the military.
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angelahmonroe · 1 month
How do you stay motivated to keep writing when you have no inspiration??
How I Stay Motivated
Staying motivated to write takes a lot of work. Motivation to write will come and go. For example:
The Kingdom of Misfortune (TKOM): It took me 6 years to write this book, mostly because I wasn't motivated. I was in high school, then college, suffering through an illness and losing an entire organ in my digestive tract. But I now know tips that would've saved me so much more time if I had just followed them.
The Whispers of Eternity (TWOE): It took me a year to fully finish this book.
The new secret series: The first book took me three months.
So, I have some tricks I've learned since 2021, when I released TKOM, which I will happily share.
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When I wrote TKOM, I did it entirely off the dome. At the time, I didn't see a problem with that, but I experimented with some outlining with TWOE and learned that it really does wonders. It does more than I thought it would. Outlining sets an expectation. It allows me to know where this chapter will start, what it will contain, and where it will end. Of course, sometimes my characters throw me a curveball, and we go off the outline. That is okay because outlines can be adjusted. Another thing outlining really helps me with is if you go a few days without writing and need help remembering precisely what a character says, you don't have to go hunt for what chapter it's in. In my outline, I give a brief one-sentence description of a conversation. "They talked about his childhood," for example. That tells me if I need to remember what was said, that is the chapter I need to reread. It saves me so much time. You just need to be good at summarizing the entire chapter within one short paragraph.
Set Goals.
You can set goals that you want to meet and hold yourself to it. Could you start with small goals that you want to accomplish each day? This could be as simple as writing 3,000 words a day. Could you give yourself a time limit each day to achieve these goals? I set harsh deadlines for myself to follow with TWOE. I wanted the first rough draft completed within five months. I accomplished that even though I wasn't motivated each day because I stuck to my goals. Do not set yourself up for failure by setting unreasonable goals. You know yourself better than anyone else. What works for some people will not work for you, which is okay. Just because I wrote the first draft of a book in three months does not mean that's reasonable for you. This is my third one, after all.
Take Breaks.
Taking breaks is essential. It keeps you from getting burnt out on your ideas. Sometimes, you cannot force writing. It's okay to put a project down for a little bit. You must be confident in your ability to shelve something to work on something else. For example, I shelved book 3 of The Western World Chronicles for an entirely new series. I knew I wasn't in the right place to write it. Don't force it. Return when your mind is fresh and ready to continue. Breaks don't have to be long, either. Short breaks are just as helpful. Days, weeks, months. They're all valid.
Avoid Distractions.
Sometimes, you just need to lock yourself in a quiet room with no TV, music, or anything else. I can't write if my husband is in the room. He's my biggest distraction, and multiple times, I have had to lock him out of the room. Of course, this requires money, but some people work best if they travel to a remote place specifically to write. I would love to be able to afford to travel to the places where my new series takes place. It has multiple settings all over the US and even the rest of the world. I'd love to write these chapters in these places and experience what life is like there. Greece and Dubai are two areas directly mentioned in the new series. I've never been to either.
Reward Yourself.
Each time you meet one of your goals, reward yourself. Go get ice cream! Order a new book! Set up a gold star chart for yourself like they do kindergartens. Do whatever will make you feel accomplished.
Write Everyday.
I don't mean to write your story every day. Just write something every day. There are multiple places to go to get free writing prompts. Do one every day. Make it a habit and stick to it.
Enter Writing Contests.
Shockingly, I still do this. Reedsy, for example, has writing contests. You do have to pay to enter for a chance at a prize, but if you just want to enter a story for others to read but not to be judged or do the prompt, it is entirely free. You can enter hundreds of other contests; you just have to find them.
Find Inspiration.
Sometimes, inspiration doesn't flow. In the writing space, there is no such thing as a completely original idea. There are too many books and authors for that. If you've drawn inspiration from something for your current project, please feel free to soak it up. Each time you're feeling unmotivated, return to it. You can also look for similar titles in the same genre and check them out. Do not copy, though. Copying and taking inspiration from are two different things.
Take Care of Yourself.
My most important tip is that you should ALWAYS take care of yourself. Make sure you've eatenand drink water or another liquid while you write. Take care of your body. Take a shower. Go to the gym. These things help you not only physically but also mentally.
There are more tips. I am sure I could come up with another five, but these are the ones I use daily. I think they are the most important ones to follow.
I hope this helps :D
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mrows-fan-works · 2 years
Words: 1842
Rating: Gen
This work is part of "TRUE COURAGE" and WILL NOT MAKE SENSE if read stand-alone. In order to get the FULL CONTEXT PLEASE READ UP TO CHAPTER 36 of TRUE COURAGE. Please and Thank you. But I won't stop you from checking it out either way. I just wanna make sure I warn ya'll properly.
Small Edit: I wrote that Skay and Four were at the Spring of Power but I ment the Spring of Courage. I got the locations mixed. Im sorry.
TRUE COURAGE: Chapter ONE (each post has the next chapter linked <3)
Ao3 link to LOST AND FOUND
One month, seven days, and four hours. 
That’s how long Wild had been searching Hyrule for his family. Rather unsurprisingly, Hylia had decided to spit them out in his neck of the woods, which wouldn’t be a problem. Except Hylia, in her wonderful ways, had decided to separate them throughout the largest iteration of Hyrule in the timeline. Wild would laugh at the absurdity if he didn’t know the dangers his brothers were currently facing. He knew; he’d been there. He’d technically died there in a couple instances. Now, Wild was certain that his brothers were not as prone to serious injury as he was, however, they also weren’t familiar with 95% of the land Wild called home. The only time they’d been here before now they had been transported together and had landed near Hateno and Wild mde damn sure they hadn’t wandered too far lest they run into something and die. 
So far, Wild had only been able to locate Sky and Four. They had landed near the Spring of Courage ruins and had decided to stay put near the spring after seeing the horde of monsters that surrounded them. A smart choice. He was able to find them easily. Wild could only pray that the others had done the same, (could do the same). 
Legend had been his “portal buddy” and was immediately designated to house duty, much to his chagrin. However, his tune quickly changed when Wild dumped Sky and Four in his lap. Both had suffered from heat exhaustion, dehydration, and hadn’t eaten a full meal in days. Legend fell into what Wild lovingly called “mother hen” mode and busied himself with ensuring Sky and Four were able to eat, bathe, and sleep. Sky, with his thicker clothing, ended up taking several days to recover from the ordeal. The sun had burned their skin. Poor Four looked like a flaky tomato as his skin began to heal slowly. That had been in week two of the “Search,” as he was naming it. 
Finding the others: Time, Twilight, Hyrule, Wars, and Wind was proving to be far more difficult. Wild couldn’t check every shrine in Hyrule, that would take years, he didn’t have that kind of time. Instead Wild decided to first check each “ruin of importance,” or “spiritual,” places like the springs, the ruined temples, and the Great Deku Tree. Secondly were the shrines at the stables and towns, where he could gather rumors. Someone would definitely notice his brothers when they passed through. Wild loved them but they were shitty at blending in and a favorite pastime of his people was gossip. 
Wild began at the other springs. Wisdom and Power were vacant. The Forgotten Temple was still forgotten and the Temple of Time was still the picturesque rubble he remembered. Wild did notice, however, the abundance of people in this time. He knew ‘this’ Hyrule, while technically still his was after he took his jello nap and before he woke up from said jello nap. He knew that these people milling about were the ancestors to the people he held dear in the future, (Hylia time-travel was confusing), so Wild had made sure to avoid others when he could with the exception of when he was gathering information at the stables in the hopes of finding a clue. Thankfully, no one had yet recognized him for who he was. For the first time in his life, his scars had done something useful besides being ugly and making simple tasks harder to do.    
It was the fourth week when he finally made it to the Deku Tree. He’d been following Hyrule’s trail. It seems he’d ended up on the eastern slopes of Death Mountain and had made his way towards the Great Tree, since he could shore up at the Goron’s with the considerable lack of heat resistance and the rivers of lava in his way. 
Wild was proud to be honest. It must have taken all his strength not to go frolicking in the lava pools to check out the ores. 
However, in typical Hyrule fashion, Hyrule had missed the Great Tree completely and was in danger of entering the Hebra region, which was, in many ways, just as dangerous as Death Mountain. Wild was rushing in the hopes of heading him off and carting him home when he overheard gossip at the stables of a strange ‘shiny man’ traveling aimlessly just east of the Tree. Wild focused on the area for nearly a week before approaching the Great Deku Tree to ask for his advice. 
Only to be met with the worst possible outcome. 
Wars and Hyrule were there, he had found them, but he almost wished he hadn’t. Hyrule looked exhausted, pale, with multiple lacerations littering his body. His eyes were dark with stress. Wild could tell he had over-extended himself and his magic. Wars looked like he had been stomped on a horse. He was missing his beloved scarf, his eye was swollen shut, and he cradled his side. Wild noticed his spaulder was missing, but he still had his chainmail and knee guards. Panic gripped his throat, his heart beat harshly in his chest. Wild had barely listened to what the Deku Tree had to say in his haze to get Wars and Hyrule home to Legend. 
Barging into Hateno hotel with two critically injured travelers caused quite the ruckus. Sky was beside himself. By this time, Sky and Four had fully recovered. Legend must have recruited them in “house” duty because they immediately took a brother and began addressing their wounds. Legend had cornered Wild like he was a feral fox and forced him to sleep. Of course Wild told him “no” but Legend, the devious traitor, had drugged his tea with sleeping tonic after convincing him to sit down for a moment to calm down. Nevermind the fact that Wild slept for two days straight and felt much better afterwards, Legend was going down in the next prank war. Mark his words. 
Wild stayed an additional two days to make sure Wars and Hyrule were on the mend. They needed his potions, too many of his potions, to recover physically. However, it would be some time before Hyrule could safely use his magic. Legend banned him from using magic for the rest of the week. Wild wasn’t totally sure why, but Legend was adamant that it was important for Hyrule’s health so he didn’t question it. Besides, he had to find the rest of his family. 
The next week was spent following rumors of two strangers traveling from the desert towards Lurelin Village. If he had to guess it was Time and Twilight based on the reports he had gathered. He was periodically visiting different sights on the coast and the village in the hopes of catching them, but in all honesty, he was far more concerned for his youngest brother. 
Wind had a smart head on his shoulders. Wild knew he was taking care of himself, but the fact that no one had seen him, no one was talking, and that he had found no clues to his whereabouts was starting to gnaw at his psyche. A small part of him was hoping that he’d portaled with Time and Twilight, but he knew that chances of that being the case were slim. That meant Wind was alone. In the wild. By himself. Surrounded by dozens of monsters, the Yiga, and less-than-friendly Hylians that could easily overpower him if push came to shove.
Wild was becoming desperate. Desperate enough that after another week of fruitless searching he visited the Deku Tree once again to beg for his help.
Instead he met a young korok named Flit. 
The second he was in sight of the Tree Flit had launched itself into his chest, punching the air out of his lungs. It excitedly questioned him, asking if he was Wild. Nodding in disbelief, Wild listened as Flit beguiled him with the tale of his friend Wind and someone he dubbed “Wind’s Friend.” 
Apparently they had visited just days after he had taken Wars and Hyrule home to be treated for their wounds. The two had been traveling for weeks from the Hebra region and had caught onto War’s trail. They had followed him in the hopes of catching up, but they were too late and had just missed them. Flit chimed sadly, stating that they had only stayed for a couple of days before leaving some “gifts” and a note for him if he decided to visit again. Flit was watching over them, waiting for Wild to come back. Flit explained that the Great Deku Tree was napping and couldn’t wake up until the time was “right.” 
Instead of worrying about the implications of that statement, Wild focused on the things left behind by Wind. He recognized them immediately. It was War’s beloved scarf and Hyrule’s potions bottle. The bottle sparkled in the light. Wild’s heart clenched painfully. Wind had taken the time to meticulously clean his brother’s items. Hylia, he missed him. War’s scaf was obviously cleaned as well, but Wild noticed stains that looked suspiciously like blood littering the fabric. Wild doubted it was from War’s. The man was obsessed with keeping it immaculately clean. Flit noticed his concern and explained how Wind and his friend were chased into the forest by thieves but not before one of them skewered Wind in the leg with an arrow. Flit quickly promised that Wind was okay thanks to his Friend. Panic still bubbled in his chest, but Wild was glad that Wind had found someone willing to help him through Hyrule. 
Wild turned his attention to the note. It read: 
Hey guys! 
Long time, no see. 
I’m doing okay! I portaled into a snowy forest and met a new friend and now we’re traveling together to Hateno. Her name is Elenor and she’s super nice, don't let her appearance fool you. 
Wild, I know you were here a couple days ago and took Wars and Hyrule to Hateno to get better. We found their trail last week and tried to catch up to them. On the way, we found their stuff. I didn’t want them to get lost or broken on the way to Hateno so I left them for you in case you came back. (I figured if we find you first we could just make a pit stop here.) 
Elenor and I are gonna leave tomorrow. I don’’t know if you’ll be coming back this way, but I hope so. Don’t worry about us Wild. We’ll be okay. I know you have to look for the others too. Can you tell War and Hyrule that I hope they feel better and that I’ll be there to annoy them soon? 
I miss you all. A lot.  
The relief was immeasurable. Wind was doing better than Wild have ever hoped. 
Nevertheless, Wild couldn’t stop looking. 
They were his brothers. He had to find them.
He had to find them all. 
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allylikethecat · 7 days
i had to do an errand that required me to drive into the rural part of my city and i saw horses in a field and immediately started thinking about atkh… i’m suffering from the worst brainrot..(in the best way possible ;))
anyway talk shop tuesday!!
when you dont ask us which fic we want in a poll, how do you decide which fic you post?? i assume some fics are just farther along in your notes but do you update multiple fics at once or do you choose ahead of time which one you’re gonna post and then just focus on writing for that one??
Hello My Dear Smoothie Anon!!
If it makes you feel any better, I am twenty eight years old, I own a horse, I typically see him 5-6 days a week, most of my friends also own horses, some who have them in their back yards, and I also live in a very "horsie" area so I see them literally all the time I spent SO MUCH TIME with horses its ridiculous. HOWEVER without fail, I do excitedly announce / shout HORSIE whenever I'm driving and see one out in the world, which is always extremely jarring to whoever is with me when they aren't expecting it lol So like, I get it 😂 I hope you enjoy Friday's update! I know I am excited about it!
Happy Talk Shop Tuesday! Now onto your question now that I got my horse fan-girling out of the way lol
It's kind of a mix, I usually try to work on each fic a little bit here and there (that way I don't get burnt out on any of them) but obviously sometimes I pull further ahead in one. When I don't do a poll it's usually because I've realized I haven't updated one in a while, and I have an update either ready or almost ready. For example, before today the most recent update to Ducklings had been March 26th so I was like shit- I should probably update that one it's been a month lol Now that today's Ducklings chapter has been posted, I'm pretty much in the same spot with all the fics in the poll (other than All the King's Horses that one is actually nearly completed, I however have two different possible endings mapped out for that one and I need to decide which one to follow - and I'm planning on using the feedback on the next few chapters to make that decision so it's extra important for y'all to tell me what you think lol!) SO I figured I would open it up and see which one y'all were interested in next because as much as I love writing and do it for myself, it is fun when people read it and enjoy it, and I do like to take that into consideration. If I hadn't done a poll, it would have been the next chapter of The Birthday fic purely because that one was updated the longest ago now (other than You Know Where the City Is but that one is currently hurting me so an update will be slower lol) I hope this makes sense!!
Thank you so much for being so wonderful and sending this ask and reading and being so supportive! I always get a smile when I see that Smoothie Anon has appeared in my inbox! Thank you so much! I hope your Tuesday was lovely and that you have a wonderful week!
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angellesword · 3 years
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Description: You and Jungkook were best friends who were in love with each other. What would happen when Soojin, your half sister who you’re trying to impress, told you she’s in love with Jungkook too?
“Would you believe me if I said that I was scared of everything too?”
Genre: childhood best friends to lovers, family drama, angst, fluff, slow burn, pining, slice of life au.
Pairing: Architect!Jungkook x Architect!Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings/Note: child abuse (physical and psychological/emotional violence) , psychological manipulation, infidelity.
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Your relationship with your father used to be a secret.
You were an illegitimate child and your mother was a mistress. Taemin obviously didn’t want the world to know about his dirty secret.
So he hid you.
He hid you from his wife and your siblings.
"Mom, is dad coming?" Seven year-old you asked. This was the question you uttered once a year.
Your father was never late with any of his appointments with you. He would always show up on time, sometimes earlier. But there's always that one day of the year wherein he was either hours late or he wouldn't come at all.
That day was your birthday.
You were four years old when your mother made you understand that Taemin couldn't stay at your house since he was busy with work. You didn't question this even though you wanted to know why.
Why couldn't he stay for more than an hour a day? Why didn't he kiss your mother or tell her he loved her just like what you saw husbands did in children's books and movies?
"He's not coming because he doesn't love us. He doesn't love you." Your mother was glaring at you as if it was your fault your father couldn't come to your own birthday party.
Everything was prepared according to his liking, even the food she cooked were his favorites. It was your natal day but it looked like your mother wanted to please somebody else.
It was never about you.
"That's not true! Dad said he loves me the most! I'm his princess—"
"Enough!" She slapped you right across the face, your cheek instantly turning red.
Your eyes brimmed with tears. You also didn't understand why your mother always acted so hostile. What did you do to make her hate you this much?
You followed everything she said. You didn't like sketching but your mother forced you to do it. She kept saying that you needed to be good at it so you could beat Sin-ae's daughter.
You didn't know it that time but your mom was actually referring to Soojin. The latter was a prodigy when it came to drawing. Your mother wanted you to surpass Soojin's talent since it was the only way to become the best architect.
She was wrong though. Being able to draw beautifully wasn't the key to succeeding in the mention field. It was only a bonus.
"You have to be the best if you want your father to stay with us. Do you understand, huh? Be a good girl so your father wouldn't have to look at Sin-ae's daughter." She caressed your cheek after slapping you.
"You can do it, baby girl. You are my leverage."
You were. Your father couldn't leave his obsessive mistress because of you. Your father loved you and didn't want to abandon you, but most importantly, he didn't want Sin-ae to know that you existed.
Your mother threatened Taemin that she would expose his infidelity if he tried to abscond from his responsibilities to you.
Taemin was a powerful person, unfortunately he couldn't control your mother. She was richer and stronger than him.
Your mother's only weakness was the love she claimed she felt for your father.
At this point, you didn't know if it was love. Did she really love your father or was she just lonely?
Was your mother scared to be alone? Just like you?
"I'm not going to leave you." You remembered seven year-old Jungkook's promise to you.
You were six when you first met little Jeon. He was the son of Jong-in, another influential architect.
Taemin and Jong-in were best friends. The latter was the only person who knew about your father's secret.
Jong-in knew you. He knew your mother as well. You lived in a small world after all. Jong-in and Taemin built Castle Architectural firm. Your mother was one of their investors.
She saw the potential of Architect Kim and Jeon, but it didn't end with that.
Your mother didn't just see Kim Taemin's potential. She also saw a future with him. She acted based on desire, ignoring the fact that Taemin was already a married man with three children.
Taemin didn't seem to mind the advances of your mother. In fact, he seemed to like it. Because if he didn't, then why were you existing?
Why did he fuck a baby into her?
He wanted this to happen as much as your mother did.
And now, they weren't the only one paying for the price.
You were paying too.
You were suffering because of them. You suffered abuse from your mother and at a very young age, you came to realize that people, no matter how many times they assured you they loved you, would still end up hurting you and breaking the promise they made.
"You are!" This was your response to Jungkook when he said that he wasn't going to leave you.
You two were seven years olds. What did you know about promises and keeping them? You drilled it in your head that Jungkook was just like your father. He would end up breaking his promise.
He was going to leave you too.
"You're a liar, just like my dad!" Tears cascaded down your cheeks.
You were very upset. Your father promised to take you to an amusement park, a simple way to make it up to you for not being able to attend your birthday party. Again.
The promise was made yesterday. Taemin told you to wear your favorite onesie because you were going to Lotte World with him and Jungkook.
Taemin was true to his words. You were at Lotte World with Jungkook, wearing your favorite onesie. However, the adult accompanying you was not your father.
Taemin said he had to work so he sent a nanny to look after you and your best friend.
You found it stupid and annoying. You wanted to spend time with your father. You missed him so much. He hadn't been home for weeks now.
"He keeps saying things he doesn't mean!" You sobbed, continuing your rant.
Jungkook was only staring at you using those innocent eyes. He felt bad. His little heart was shattering.
"I hate him! He doesn't love me!" You were slowly believing what your mother told you.
Were you hard to love because you weren't good enough?
"He doesn't love me." You said again and again. "I'm not a good girl. He doesn't love me—"
Jungkook pulled you into an embrace, cutting your absurd thought.
"That's not true. I love you.." His voice sounded genuine.
You sobbed once more, breaking the hug.
"Really?" The thing about kids was that they were easy to reassure. Buy them an ice cream and voila! They’re okay again.
Jungkook didn't give you an ice cream but you believed him. You guessed you love him too, and also because the stars in his eyes were enough to make you believe that he would never ever leave you.
Nineteen years later, Jungkook was still keeping his promise.
He stayed with you through thick and thin.
"We are baking cake today, Tiger." Jungkook announced.
He sometimes called you Tiger, when you asked him why, he simply said 'because I can.'
You stopped questioning his reasons a long time ago; however, you couldn't stop yourself today.
"Bake a cake? Why?" You creased your forehead.
"Because I want to." Was his answer once again, causing you to roll your eyes.
Why did you even ask?
"Do you know how to bake a cake?"
"Nope," he grinned. "But it won't hurt to try. I've read before that baking is a good way to relieve stress..."
Jungkook brought out an apron from the kitchen cabinet and then he went near you, carefully helping you to put on the garment.
He was standing in front you, buckling the D-ring neck that was on the apron. After that, he pulled you closer, your head hitting his chest.
Jungkook encircled his arms around your waist, reaching for the strap behind you as he expertly tied it.
"I can do it, Kook," you slightly pushed him away, chuckling.
He grinned at you.
"I know...but I want to help you."
Of course he did. Jungkook had always been thoughtful and kind. This was why he invited you to his apartment.
You had been staying with him since yesterday. Today was Saturday. You slept here last night. Jungkook didn't mind. He had a spare room and even if he didn't, he wouldn't mind you staying over.
He could always sleep on the floor.
Jungkook was used to sleeping in the same room as you anyway. You used to live in the same house together.
When Jungkook's father died, he officially became an orphan at the age of fifteen. His mother died giving birth to him so no one would look after him now.
All of his relatives were living abroad, this was why Taemin decided to adopt him. Jungkook didn't change his last name. He was still a Jeon. Taemin was simply his legal guardian.
Sin-ae didn't mind that there was an additional member of the family. She could never deny Jungkook since she also treated Jong-in as a dear friend. Besides, the Kims didn't have to worry about the increase of their expenses.
Jungkook was the only heir of Jong-in. The former would inherit his father's share at Castle. Taemin was Jungkook’s fiduciary guardian. He gave Jungkook his share as soon as he reached eighteen.
Jungkook tried to compensate Taemin but the latter didn't accept the money. Instead, he urged Jeonguk to work at Castle as soon as he graduated college.
Your best friend agreed. He could never say no to Taemin. He even stayed at the Kims' mansion despite having the ability to live on his own.
Taemin asked him to stay as per Soojin's request, but two months ago, Jungkook finally moved out of the house because Kim Taehyung, the third born son of Taemin, went back to Seoul after studying and working in New York for years.
"You wanna try baking banana chocolate chip cake? I have all the ingredients here," Jungkook was waiting for you to answer.
You shrugged nonchalantly, helping him prepare.
"Fine by me."
Jungkook asked you to prepare the wet ingredients while he took care of the dry ones.
"You think this is enough?" He was sifting flour.
You coughed.
"Kook! What the hell?" You covered your nose because he was tapping the strainer grimly.
"Oopss..." His lips curled up. "Sorry!"
He wasn't sorry. Not at all. You could tell he was doing this on purpose because instead of stopping, he only used more force while tapping the strainer.
"You ass!" Gritting your teeth, you grabbed a handful of flour from the bowl and started throwing it at Jungkook.
He stopped sifting the flour, eyes widening because of what you did.
"I-It's your fault! You're pissing me off!" You stammered.
You were supposed to be mad at him, but it was you who felt shiver running down your spine when he just stared at you.
Was he mad? Was throwing a handful of flour on his face uncalled for?
"I'm sorry—what the fuck." You hissed when Jungkook also threw flour on your face.
You ended up squinting and coughing because the powder went to your eyes and mouth. It tasted like shit.
"Jeon Jungkook!" You were so annoyed you threw flour at him again.
Jungkook bursted into laughter, clearly having fun.
You two ended up having flour fight—if this was even a thing.
You had to admit that though annoyed, you couldn't help the smile gracing your lips. You liked playing with Jungkook to the point that you didn't want to stop.
You were only forced to end the fight when someone banged on his door.
"Jungkook! Open up!"
You were certain she was on the other side of the door.
"Is that Soojin?" Jungkook furrowed his brow, the smile on his lips was slowly disappearing.
"Yeah. I think so..."
"Huh." He furrowed his brow more. "Did you invite her?"
You shook your head.
Jungkook shrugged. "Okay. I'll ask what she wants. Stay here..."
You nodded, frantically running towards the sink so you could wash your face.
You didn't know why your heart was beating fast or why you felt as if you had done something you shouldn't have.
Maybe you had.
It was the only reasonable explanation why Soojin was glaring at you, her jaw tensed because of annoyance.
"What the hell were you two doing? I've been banging the door for so long! Didn't you hear me!?" This was the first thing Soojin said the moment she took a step in Jungkook's kitchen.
She didn't like that you and Jungkook were staying under the same roof.
"I'm sorry." You bit your lower lip, trailing off.
You didn't know what else to say. You knew your sister. Her question was rhetorical. She would only get madder if you tried to reason out.
When she was pissed, all you had to do was shut up and take the shit she would give you.
"The door is literally a few steps away! I don't understand why you can't hear me!"
Soojin continued to rant as you watched Jungkook enter the kitchen. He instantly stopped your sister's mean remarks because he could feel that it was making you uncomfortable.
"Let it go, Soojin. We apologized, didn't we?"
But Soojin just scoffed. She was about to speak again; however, Jungkook cut her off.
"There's an apron in the cabinet. Wear it if you want to join us..."
You were surprised when Soojin didn't protest. Rolling her eyes, she stomped towards the hanging cabinet to get an apron.
"What are we making?" Soojin crossed her arms.
"Banana chocolate chip cake." You simply said.
Soojin nodded, refusing to look at you.
"I'll mash the bananas." When she said this, you were expecting her to peel the bananas and use a fork to mash them.
Soojin didn't do any of this. Instead, she threw the bananas in the trash bin.
"What? The bananas are overripe." She reasoned out when you and Jungkook groaned.
"It doesn't matter. We can still use—"
"I said I don't want overripe bananas!” It was her turn to cut what Jungkook was saying.
"There's a grocery store across the street. Go buy some bananas, Jungkook."
It was hard to fight Soojin. She would just continue insisting what she wanted until you relented.
Jungkook didn't have a choice but to follow your sister, leaving you in the kitchen with Soojin.
You were thinking how to break the ice when your sister suddenly spoke.
"You didn't go home last night..."
You stopped weighing the butter, your heart skipping a beat.
"Yeah. I stayed the night here..."
Soojin clenched her jaw and you wondered if you should have lied instead. It looked like she didn't like your answer.
"You know, dad asked where you are and I told him you were in your room, working..."
"I told him not to disturb you. You're obviously still moping because of what happened yesterday..."
You didn't know what to say. You knew you should be thanking her. Your father was strict. Jungkook was a friend, yes, but Taemin would go feral knowing that you were out here, doing God knows what with a boy when you should be in your own room, working and fixing your mistakes.
"I covered for you because I care about your feelings." She scoffed once again. "But it turns out you don't care about what I feel, huh?"
"Soojin..." You called. "What are you talking about?"
Why was she getting mad at you? You covered for her countless times! Meanwhile she only did the same for you once.
"I'm saying I like Jungkook, sister." She confessed, emphasizing the word 'sister.'
Your heart sank, face growing pale.
"Y-You like...Jungkook?" Saying this felt like a stab in your chest.
"I've been in love with him since we were sixteen. I tried telling him how I feel but I can't do it because of you." The way she said this made you feel like it was your fault.
"Me?" You blinked, shocked.
"Yes. You..." She inhaled deeply, like she was trying hard to stop herself from lashing out on you.
"You were always with him. I can't find the perfect opportunity to tell him the truth because I feel like you're preventing me!"
"Soojin..." You tried to reach for her hand but she swatted it away.
She was upset.
"I'm sorry..." You apologized. You honestly had no idea why you're saying sorry.
You guessed you felt bad.
She was right. You were always with Jungkook, always monopolizing his time that you didn't realize that you were hurting Soojin—preventing her happiness.
"I don't need your sorry. I need you to stay away from Jungkook for a while. Can you do that, huh? Will you let your sister confess first?" Just a few breaths ago, she was swatting your hand away, but now, she was taking it, gently stroking the back of your hand.
"Please? I'm not saying that you should stop being friends with him. I get it. You met him first. You were friends before I came into his life....but please, please give us time and space. I really, really like Jungkook..."
Soojin was looking at you as though she would die if you didn't say yes.
So yes.
You said "Yes. I won’t stop you from telling him how you feel..." just to make her happy.
Soojin's happiness mattered to you.
You could live without Jungkook for a while.
She couldn't. She had waited long enough.
It was her time to be with him.
You were allowing this.
You were allowing her to be happy with your best friend.
"Yay!" Soojin embraced you. "Thank you, sister!"
You smiled and hugged her back, reminding yourself that you made the right choice.
After all, it should always be family first, right?
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asimpfor2dcharacter · 3 years
Note: In this chapter there will mention two of my oc ( original character) their physical appearance will be present in the future chapters.
When you see this sign -- it means a flashback started/ended
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Chapter 2: Cafè and tea
In the morning the rain was strumming against the window of her room and  she was preparing herself to go into the living room. She decided to wear a light pigiama suited for the weather and thought that it was unnecessary to wear the golden ring she usually uses because no one was going to see it anyway beside her parents. It has already been several days since she came back to Japan and she mostly spent her time with her parents: cooking with her mother, training with her father and beating him in a game of chess. Mundane actions that people usually do with their parents but she can't, due to the fact that she lives far from them.
She decided to join his father in the kitchen who was busy cooking breakfast.
Aizawa noticed the presence of his daughter when she entered the room, 
"Goodmorning Y/n, your mom already left this early in the morning to work".
"Morning Dad, are those pancakes?," she asked, setting the table.
"Yes your favourite, you can already eat the one on the table while it's still hot ," he said, pointing at the table where there were several pancakes on a plate.
"Thanks Dad," she glanced outside the window and there was still a drizzling rain, " the weather forecasts show that around lunch time there will be sun for the rest of the day, so me and Yuga  planned to meet each other in a cafè nearby,".
"That sounds great," he flipped the last pancakes on the pan and he put it on his plate and then he took a chair beside her daughter.
"Well dad thank you for the breakfast,".
While cutting his food, he asked her, "Y/n in a few days I have the final appointment at the tailor shop for my wedding suit. I wanted to ask you if you can come with me?,".
"Are you asking  me that because you genuinely want me to be there or you  just don't want to be alone with uncle Mic?," she said while spreading the Nutella on her pancake.
"A mix of both, so are you coming?,".
"Of course I will, it's not everyday to see you in such a formal outfit," he rolled his eyes at her daughter's comment, making her tease her father more, knowing his preference over more comfortable clothes rather than elaborate one's.
"But Dad, one week before I came here in Japan you told me that Nezu offered you the position of UA principal, have you already made a decision?,".
Once he heard the question, he wiped his mouth with a napkin and slowly he put the fork on the table. "Honestly no". 
"I thought about it and Y/n I know it's a great honour to be the UA principal but," crossing his arm he continued, " I'm getting older and I don't if I can continue to be a hero for more years let alone be the UA principal," he said touching his left leg. She knew what exactly he meant with those words. "Beside," he added, " working as a principal, sure does take off your free time and I prefer spending my free time with your mom rather than working on paperworks,".
"You really love mom," she said.
"Well yeah, that's why I'm marrying her," he admitted with a smile on his face.
"That's it I'm going to tell mom when she comes back home,".
"Please don't, she will tease me about it for the whole week,". 
Both of them almost finished  eating their food when her father asked, "Y/n I know you told us you took this vacation for health reasons but it might also be because of those articles about you?". 
She immediately stopped eating, her eyes were avoiding his father's gaze, almost ashamed to meet them,"So you saw it".
"Yes I saw them, I read those negative reviews about your latest book so does your mom but don't get down on yourself. I know how negative opinions of others can bring you down but don't forget that you will always have me and your mom support you for everything. Me and your mom just want you to communicate with us when something is wrong," and now it was his turn to avoid her gaze, not wanting her to see his eyes tearing up, "we just don't want to repeat what happened to you six years ago,".
She listened attentively at his words, she knows how both of her parents suffered for the events of that day and she promised to herself that it will never happen again, "I know dad I'm working on it and I promise you, you will never see me again in that situation".
"Your mom and I just what the best for you," he said, patting gently on your head.
"I know dad I know," she admitted, giving her father a reassuring smile.
"Oh wait, you said your meeting Aoyama right," he pulled out from his pocket his wallet and gave her 13,000 yen  (99 in euro, 117 in dollars), "here take it,".
"Dad, I'm twenty-six years old, I can pay for my stuff,".
"Just take it ok," He replied while sipping a cup of coffee pretending not to hear the protest coming from his daughter.
After the deep conversation she had with Aizawa this morning, she was now preparing to meet Aoyama. Once  choosing her outfit, she decided to wear the golden ring on the fourth finger of her left hand to complete the look. Fortunately the weather forecast was right and it was a sunny day outside and her best friend informed her that they will meet in a cafe. He told her how excited he was to try their famous cheesecake and the way he described the pastry makes her want to try.
It took only twenty minutes by walking from her house to arrive at the cafè shop Aoyama told her. From the outside the wall of the shop  was black and it was ornated with several climbing plants, there was also a big wooden door as the entrance and inside the place it was rather a cozy atmosphere.
 She was searching for her best friend who was in disguise to avoid fans attention towards him and he told her to be able to recognise him, he was wearing a green merchandise t-shirt of Deku with a pair of dark sunglasses and a dark blue bucket hat. After searching for a couple of minutes she finally saw her friend in the most isolated part of the shop and near him there was a TV attached to the wall. He was sitting in a chair using his phone but she noticed something different from her best friend. 
"I can't believe he really did that," she thought.
"Yuga I thought you were joking when you said to me you were going to dye your hair," admiringing his new hair color now similar to the shade of blonde of Lucius Malfoy.
After some years of not seeing her in person, he immediately gave her a warm hug, "Y/n!!! It's so nice to see you again". 
"Yuga, you don't know how much I missed you," she said, returning back the hug, "it's been two years since  we saw each other and the last time was when you visited me in New York".
"And what were you saying about my hair, for your information," flipping his hair with a hand in a too dramatic way, " these are amazing," he said, not caring too much about him blowing up his disguise.
"Whatever you say Lucius Malfoy. So how is my favourite hero?," she asked once they took their seats.
He confesses to her the struggle of being the number fifteen hero, how the paparazzi each day that pass are becoming more determined to invade his private life and his agency already gave five restriction orders to five paparazzi only this  last three months. He can't imagine how difficult it is for higher ranking heroes to maintain  their privacy, he admitted, but on a positive note he and his team are working hard to climb higher in the hero rankings this year and they are also trying to sign better sponsorships with other companies' brands.
"So yeah, this is basically what I've been doing in the last months," he picked the menu card, " and you, my favourite writer, keep me updated on what is happening in your life," he asked, flipping the menu card.
"Well first I'm sorry for what happened to you with the paparazzi, at least your agencies manage the whole situation well but don't worry I don't have any doubts that you will achieve the top ten hero podium. So you wanted to know my personal life or my work life?,".
"All of it," He admitted with a devilish smile painted on his face.
"You jerk, so where do I start," taking a deep breath, "let's talk first about work, even though I told my parents it was my own decision to be on holiday, actually, it is more like my agency imposed me to take this vacation, because of the critiques. Although my recent book was a success to the public, the critiques were, well, quite harsh. 
I have been working in this industry for a long time to develop a thick skin towards harsh criticisms but my agency didn't take it well, they told me, I should take time off from working before publishing a new book. They don't want to see again what they read about me in those articles written by literary critics, phrases like 'The book is so predictable, 'Has Adrianne lost her spark of writing?', 'The book is not on the same level as the other that she wrote', 'I will not even read to meet pets'.
He put down the menu card in his hands, "Y/n, I'm sorry for what happened to you but don't let those critics let you down. I know your worth as an writer and looks like also my colleagues know it, the way they were down knowing you took half year off from writing, you should have seen their reaction when they red what those literary critics wrote about you they were furious to them and every time they talk about your stories and theories about it, their face are engulfed of joy" he said taking both of your hands in his and slightly squeeze it. "Y/n if you can only see the happiness of my co-workers imagines the joy you bring to others millions of people that read your stories around the globe," he expressed with a smile on his face, after all the years that you know him that smile always brings you comfort. "Y/n remember you are the one who brought that medium company to become one of the biggest and most important company in New York with your amazing works, you are their big fish. Even if those literary critics didn't like your books, what can your company do against you? Fire you? Please they are nothing without you," he added.
Trying to not laugh at his last statement, she dried the tears forming in her eyes for the words of support from her friend, she said, "Ohhh Yuga chan, you really know how to make a woman cry".
He winked at her, "What can I say, it's the charm of being a hero".
"Ok let's stop with these tear-jerking moments and let's order." Playfully slapping his arm and picking up the menu card to choose what to order. "I honestly don't know what to pick besides their cheesecake, there are so many to choose from".
"Well I also recommend you to check their drinks,".
Flipping through the pages of the menu card, she decided what to choose, " I know what to order and you?," He nodded indicating to her, he was also ready to order.
A waitress came towards them after she called her, "Hi, are you ready to take an order?".
Y/n spoke for both of them, " Yeah, we both chose the cheesecake and for the drinks a black tea and a bottle of water".
"I'm sorry to say this but there is only one cheesecake left," the waitress informed them both.
"It's ok Y/n you can take it-"
"You are more excited than me to try their cheesecake, so I will pick the tiramisù instead of the cheesecake," she said to the waitresses.
Once the waitress was gone Aoyama told her best friend, " I still can't believe it, our friendship basically started thanks to cheese".
She laughed at what he said because it was basically the truth, she remembered the day she met him.
Her mother gave birth to her in Musutafu, Japan, but at the age of five her mother decided to move to London. When the young girl asked the reason why they needed to reside in another country, her mother's eyebrow frowned at the question but there was an evident sadness in her eyes and a wounded look  she tried to hide under a smile. Her mom lowered herself to approach the same height of her child and with her hand she gently patted the hair of her daughter and with hesitation she answered "It's for the best".
So the single mother and her daughter lived their life in tranquillity, trying to fit in a new community and culture with her mother working as a nurse in a big hospital in London and her going to school and living most of her childhood in England.
Y/n didn't make a lot of friends considering her timid nature until one day she discovered a blog that contains: information, fun facts and new discovery about cheeses. A lot of kids around her age didn't like the smell of it and they always say it because the smell of it reminds them of sticky feet. So when she met on this blog a person around her same age that also has the same passion as her they immediately became friends and this boy's name was Yuga Aoyama. 
The young girl and her online friend almost spent their time together, talking about what they wanna be in the future. 
"Y/n chan when I grow up I want to be a hero just like All Might," the young boy announced, showing to her the All Might plushie.
"I don't really know what I want to be when I grow up, maybe just like my mama?. I just want one day to meet you in person Yuga,". 
Unbeknownst to the ten years old girl, her wish will become reality when her mother informs her that they will go back to live again in Musutafu ,Japan. Her mom receives an offer to work as an assistant for Recovery Girl and to her mother's surprise her daughter was more than happy to go back to Japan because this means that she will have the opportunity to meet her online friend in person. 
After five years living in England they are finally back in Japan. Her mother was euphoric for the fact that both of them are finally back in their home country and after a few weeks of fixing their apartment Y/n didn't lose time to meet her online friend in person and they decided to meet near the UA school.
After meeting in person the two became closer to each other and their friendship solidified over the years until they both went to the UA high school with Aoyama achieving his dream to go to the hero course and her simply frequenting the general department. 
The first year of UA recently started and Aoyama and her were walking in the hallway of the school to go to the cafeteria during lunch break, their peaceful conversation was interrupted when they heard loud noises coming from their back.
There was a boy with blond hair and a black lightning symbol on his hair that just passed them running from something or rather from someone, "You see that boy his name is Kaminari, one of my classmates but I don't know why he's running this fast".
She was going to tell her best friend something until she heard another loud sound of explosion coming from  behind her. When she turned around to see what was the cause of the tumult the girl notice another blond boy running towards them with a furios remark on his face, the boy was clearly using his quirk in the school hallway, even if he wasn't allowed to, a blast of explosion appearing on his hands to be able to run faster and Y/n seeing all of this was already ready to ignore it until she heard.
After hearing those words coming from the blond boy, Y/n was astonished by what she realised and she didn't even register that she basically screamed to the boy, "What it's you".
Bakugo was searching for Kaminari trying to teach him a lesson for a stupid prank that him and Mineta played on him. After giving a lesson to Mineta it was Kaminari turns now, he was running to find him until he lost sight of him, the only evidence where to find him was hearing his scream of terror trying to escape from Bakugo. The angry blond male immediately knew where the noise was coming from and it was from the hallway near the cafeteria and of course Bakugo didn't lose time and he instantly used his quirk to run faster towards the hallway where the scream of Kaminari was coming from.
Out of frustration he let out a curse but he didn't know that screaming that word  can change his life forever.
In the hallway he saw his classmate Aoyama and a girl near him, he was going to ignore them until the unknown girl screamed at him.
Bakugo was continuously running but eventually lose his balance and control of his quirk when the girl in front of him screamed at him, his pupil become more dilated and suddenly his breath grow shorter until he was a few steps from the unknown  girl and at that moment he completely lose track of his footstep making him fell on the ground with the girl under him.
Y/n didn't understand what just happened, her body was lying on the ground and she felt a weight of another person on top of her, when she opened her eyes she was greeted with a pair of carmine eyes observing  her movement attentively. 
" Fuck it's you then ," Bakugo said.
"Y/n ," he called her, "you were zoning out," he added.
"I'm sorry I was thinking of something," she created an excuse, mentally scolding herself to stop reminiscing about the past with rose tinted glasses.
He was going to say something until both of their attention was now focused on the tv near them.
There was a lady in her thirties announcing that one month from now there will be an annual hero gala and the woman was presenting which heroes will be present that night. The lady was showing pictures of various superheroes which some of them were familiar to Y/n from Aoyama and old UA students but what caught her attention was the remark that the woman said when she presented the pictures of Bakugo and her girlfriend.
Look at those two our national sweet couple, we all can't wait to see them and in a few months by now there will be their six years anniversary together .
Y/n and Yuga looked at each other's eyes and they cringed at that nickname that the host gave them.
"National sweet couple? Seriously?," she asked, trying to hold her laugh.
A hand in front of his mouth to suppress his laugh, he said, "Believe me there are worse nicknames that I heard about those two. But you know what is more interesting," he suddenly lowered his voice and asked her to come near him, "there are some rumours in the hero circle that say that Bakugo cheated multiple times on Yua".
At his last statement, she looked with sadness at the golden ring present on her fourth finger and thought  Well this isn't like the first time that happen.
" but you know,  what is the most interesting part of the 'cheating rumors' about Bakugo is that none of it comes out from the public's eyes," he added.
"Well this is strange considering this is the type of news paparazzi and the media will fight to know ".
Suddenly the conversation she was having with her friends was interrupted when a waitress served them their food.
"Y/n  let's stop talking about Bakugo love life, tell me about yours-".
"Not existent," she cut him short.
"Oh c'mon Y/n there will be someone who can make your heart beat again- ".
His complaints were interrupted with the ring of her phone.
"Who is it?," he asked.
She checked her phone and told him, " It's Aki".
"Speaking of the devil. You mean that Aki, the son of the president of the company you work for? The golden bachelor of your company and every female tried to seduce but failed eventually?," he said, drinking his tea.
"I'm sorry to interrupt your fantasies but he's only a good friend of mine, probably he only called just to talk about work knowing him," she admitted, answering the call.
"Hi Aki, ohh you're coming to Japan, when?,".
She heard her friend whispering to her, "Interesting," she rolled her eyes at her friend's comment.
"Ok bye Aki,".
"So what did you talk about,".
She told Aoyama what they talked about and it was mainly about work. Aki is the vice president of the company and in a few days he will come to Japan to take over an important project that was to build a new branch company located in Tokyo.
"And he also asked me if he can take me out to dinner when he will be here,".
"Well well well this sounds like a date to me. Do you ever think that he might have feelings for you?," he asked.
She defended herself, "We knew each other for a few years now, if he ever had feelings for me I should have noticed it by now".
" Y/n , I mean you didn't even notice when Bakugo had-".
She knew exactly where he was coming from and she didn't like it. She touched the ring in her finger with her other hand and with a firm voice  she said to him, " Aoyama, stop, I might have not noticed in the past  but now I will definitely know if someone has it".
Aoyama noticed her discomfort around that particular subject and he immediately tried to ask for forgiveness, "I'm sorry. I should've thought better before bringing it out that subject".
"It's ok Yuga. I shouldn't be angry with you about things that happened years ago," she comforted him, returning to her calm nature.
"No no no I'm on the wrong side this time and I want you to forgive me by going shopping and let me pay for your stuff," he informed her.
"Wait no you shouldn't do it-".
"I insist Y/n and I don't accept no for an answer," he announced, winking at her.
"I mean if you insist….". 
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mimisempai · 3 years
I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you 2/3
Loki would like to express his feelings to Mobius but doesn’t know how to do it, he finds a sympathetic ear in Miss Minutes, without knowing that Mobius is suffering from the same problem…
Chapitre 1/3 - Chapter 2/3 - Chapitre 3/3
A little story, of love, of friendship, of two idiots in love…
3804 words - Rating G
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"Good job Loki!" Mobius smiled at Loki before continuing, "I'm really going to believe you're trying to steal my job," and then he headed for his office.
On the way, he thought about the weeks that had passed since they had taken over the TVA and completely restructured it. Loki had settled in incredibly well and was completely invested in his job as a TVA agent. Mobius wanted to tell him more often how proud he was of him, but he didn't want to sound condescending.
What amazed him even more was how well they had both fitted in with each other. For two beings as different as they were, the life together was going pretty well.
Mobius found it quite amusing, even touching, every time Loki was confronted with ordinary things, such as doing the dishes or putting away the laundry. Loki, god of mischief, adapting to a domestic life, what an incredible concept! Moreover, although Loki was now allowed to use magic without restriction, he preferred to do without.
When Mobius decided to use Loki to catch Sylvie a few months ago, he never thought they would get that far, and yet here they were. Loki had managed to get into his heart, without even having to use one of his tricks. But what Mobius never expected was that his affection would be returned.
Loki seemed to be very fond of him, but Mobius always feared the day when he would realize that he could do better, much better. That's why Mobius hadn't told him. Loki deserved to be free, and Mobius didn't want to be the ball and chain that held him back.
Sitting at his desk, he let out a sigh and shook his head as if to chase away his gloomy thoughts.
"What a sigh! It looks like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders!"
"Sylvie!" The young woman was leaning in the doorway.
"Tired of married life already?" asked Sylvie impishly.  She stepped forward and sat down on one of the armchairs opposite Mobius.
This had been the second surprise, the friendship he had formed with the one who had been his nemesis for years, when he had been a pawn on Ravonna's chessboard.  Loki had told him that there was nothing surprising about it, because not only did Mobius' caring nature make him capable of forming bonds with anyone, but since Sylvie was theoretically another Loki, it was only natural that some of their common traits would have allowed Mobius and the young woman to form this bond.
"Tired of married life? It would be quite the opposite."
"That's perfect then!"
"It'll only be harder when he leaves." muttered Mobius softly.
"Don't play dumb, you heard me just fine."
Sylvie leaned forward and replied genuinely surprised, "Oh I heard you very well, but I'd like to know what makes you think Loki is going to leave?"
"Everything! Look at me and look at him! What do I have that would hold someone like Loki back? I'm just a plain person, nothing extraordinary. "
Sylvie pretended to tear her hair out, "No, but really, you are the dumbest couple of idiots in the universe! Loki doesn't care about any of this, do you realize that the day you first told Loki that you didn't see him as a villain, you tied him to you for life?!"
Mobius protested, "That's gratitude, not am-"
"Shut up you idiot! You know what Loki once told me? That the day you asked him to help you catch me, he was ready to follow you, and you know why? Because it was the first time he had the possibility of a relationship not based on lies. You knew everything about him and you didn't lie to him about what you wanted. For Loki, that's extremely precious. You didn't see him after you were pruned, I did. He was devastated, Mobius! Devastated! I really thought I couldn't reach him. You don't feel that kind of emotion for someone you want to leave!"
Mobius protested again, more weakly, "but that was different, the context was different, he didn't have enough perspective to assess the situation objectively. Now that he has time to think, he'll quickly realize that he could have someone better."
Sylvie interrupted him again, "You're just a moron. You're not going to be like everyone else before you, deciding what's best for him, are you? You freed him from his destiny, so let him make his own choices!"
Mobius muttered, "But what if that choice isn't me?"
"I wonder why I'm wasting my time, it's not even me you should be talking to about this!"
She stood up abruptly, "Come on, come with me! And no discussion!"
"No discussion I said!"
He surrendered and followed her. Seeing that they were coming near Loki's office, he stopped and said, "No Sylvie!"
"Shut up and follow me!"
He reluctantly followed her, not being at all ready for this kind of conversation. They arrived at the half-open door, she turned and motioned for him to be quiet. Loki's voice reached his ears.
"But it's true! I swear! It makes me want to take off those jeans every time!"
"Lokiiii! That's enough!" Miss Minutes gave him a little kick and Loki laughed out loud.
Mobius behind Sylvie could not see them well, but he heard perfectly what Miss Minutes said, "Loki, tell Mobius, tell him everything you just told me, I don't know any person in the world who wouldn't like to hear everything you just told me."
His lover's voice sounded sad as he said, "But what do I have to offer him? I am not a good person for him. And I'm still waiting for the day when he can't stand my kind anymore and tells me I have to leave."
"A couple of idiots, that's what I'm saying." said Sylvie loudly before Mobius could stop her.
Loki shouted, "Sylvie?!" then turned around and shocked, shouted again, "Mobius?"
Sylvie opened the door fully, pushed Mobius into the office and with her hands on her hips said curtly, "I've done my part of the job, come on Mimi, we'll let those two idiots talk.Two true kings of communication."
"I'm coming." The little clock jumped toward her.
Sylvie closed the door saying, "Lock up behind you guys, wouldn't want anyone to stumble upon you in a compromising situation!"
Both she and Miss Minutes laughed as they heard the outraged shouting of the two men behind the door followed by the unmistakable sound of a lock being closed.
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Finding the freedom' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
"Finding the freedom"
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"You're not trying to hold on for yourself but for her, Yirina....keep living and fight for her !"
Chapter Summary : Thanks to Sonya Kuzmin, Yirina & Park has managed to escape the place they were prisoner by the Perseus Collective but Yirina was wounded during the escape and she passed out soon after the duo arrived back at the CIA safehouse....and in fact, her chance for her freedom was only now....
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Words : +3200
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart
We did it....me....Park, thanks to Sonya's help....we succeeded into escaping the base that Perseus were using for their operations in Verdansk, giving us an chance to return back to the CIA safehouse we didn't see for almost 2 weeks but....I was unfortunately wounded during the escape...an bullet right into the left shoulder at an few centimeters from my heart that was shot by Freya herself to avoid me to get away. She wanted to keep me and I was going to die because of her, I was dying on the road and when I passed out in that safehouse, I was maybe thinking that I was done, that she killed me....
"Quick, we need support here !"
"We've got an wounded here, help !"
When I opened my eyes, knowing that I was still unconscious, I found myself back into the old safehouse in West-Berlin, dressed in the same clothes....with the same bullet wound at my shoulder despite not feeling it at all and the blood on the white shirt, appearing like out of nowhere in the middle of the main room near Adler's desk, still alone in that empty place, feeling it was an purgatory....mine.
At first, I started to wander around the place but in fact, I was awaiting for someone to come and it could have been Bell, Lazar, Park, anyone....anyone I could make an talk in my head to pass the time until my heart stopped or until they managed to save me out of here, this safehouse now like an waiting room, me as an patient waiting that death is coming to claim them, walking around to take an look at everything, to see how it was 3 years ago.
This was the only I could have done....waiting. I was passing through our old desks, seeing all the paperwork we did, all the files that we have decrypted, that I have decrypted, the numerous pictures inside the Dark Room, hanging around to dry up on the multiple links and seeing the dashboard, still full of intels we gathered : East-Berlin, Ukraine, Moscow and that was it but mainly, I was just waiting.
"She needs to be immediately healed, we can't lose her !"
"I know that, Sims, we don't want that to happen !"
"No one is wanting this, Woods, no fucking one !"
I was continuing to wait, longer, longer.....seems that time in my head and outside in the real world was working differently but it was seeming so long to wait. I couldn't continue to walk all over the safehouse, deciding to sit on the chair near Adler's old desk, my eyes drifting to look at every papers on it but this time, it wasn't no more about the mission, about Perseus but about me, files that were describing the brainwashing that happened to me, half of the papers looking burned.
It was surely representing the fact that the CIA tried to erase me from their records after Solovetsky but I was still here, just to suffer in my head, awaiting for my death or my recovery. I was just trying to hold on but nothing was helping me, sitting on this chair and holding in my hands Adler's sunglasses, not knowing how to feel to have them in my hands....in real life, back in that pocket.
"What are you awaiting for, Yirina ?" I didn't jump scared from hearing that voice in the room that broke the silence, recognizing my own voice....Bell...sounding normal.
"Either my death...." I started in an low voice, not looking around me to see where she was, my head down and my eyes on these sunglasses. "...or my freedom back into the living world." I finished, putting the sunglasses on the desk.
"Are you trying to say that you're losing hope ?" Bell demanded, using an tone that was looking between 2 things without exactly knowing what he could be. "Don't tell me that you lost hope !" She repeated, arriving in front of me on the other side of the desk and I raised my shoulders to her. "What does that mean ?"
"I don't know." I replied, troubled by everything around me. "What can I do now, Bell ?" I asked rhetorically, given the situation I was now. "I'm surely dying in the hands of everyone on the medical table in the middle of the USSR." I said, passing my right hand above my wound.
"And it's not because of it you have to...
"To lose hope ?" I cut her in an gentle way, starting to think that I was kinda accepting my fate right now. "You ain't the one to get shot."
"She didn't want to shot you, I think that it was only an warning shot." She proclaimed but that wasn't possible.
"If it was the case, she would have shot in the air." I stated, putting 2 of my fingers on the wound, trying to see if it was still bleeding.
"Sonya avoided her to maybe kill you but...." She then stopped her to grab an chair at another desk before coming back, having took Sims's old one to sit near me backwards. "Damnit, you can't be like that." She exclaimed, sitting on the chair.
"Yes but I'm lost, you know ?" I said, finally finding the courage to look at her, myself, in the eyes. "I want to live but all of this trauma I've been facing since I woke up, I don't know." I added, removing my hand off my wound, my two fingers with some blood on it. "More I look at myself, more I want to say that I'm better but each day, there's something that told me that how my old life was either good or shitty."
"Yirina, I'm just something that the CIA created, an piece of your life but....shit, I don't know." She expressed, sounding very painful to talk about this and seeing me like this, she was seeing herself because we're the same person. "I did existed for like what ? 3 weeks for real ? Maybe an month ?"
"I can't remember that well." I told her, having only relived an small part of the events of 1981 in my head. "That's my life in one sentence you just said : I can't remember an goddamn thing." I claimed, basically having resumed myself to that sentence.
"And each day, you're trying to find more about who we were." Bell told me, crossing her arms on the back of the chair, her head on them. "And you know well that you're not alone in this, you got Park, Zasha, Portnova and more." She continued as I was feeling tears in my eyes at hearing these names.
"Stop." I pleaded in an low voice to her.
"Stopping what ?" She asked me, worried and troubled on her face.
"Just...don't say those names, please." I snorted, passing my right hand below my eyes to clean up the tears, starting to cry for good. "It's making me sad." I cried, looking away from her in shame.
"No, it's not for making you sad and hopeless." Bell explained, hearing her getting up from her chair to get in my eyes sight. "Yirina, look at me." She ordered as I moved away my head again when she kneeled at where I was looking.
"No." I whispered.
"Yirina, look....at....me !" She ordered again, sounding also sad as me and pleading to make me look at her before I resigned myself. "Those names, you can't forget them." She alleged, putting her hands on my face to make sure that I would not look away. "They're loyal to you because they know how much you will do for them."
"Maybe." I muttered, taking an breath as the tears were still falling on my pale cheeks.
"Not maybe but entirely !" Bell corrected me, her hands going on top of mine on my lap. "You don't realize that if you die, they would never be able to get over it." She told me in an clear voice, slowly starting to think that death isn't an option.
"She's starting to lose more blood, Woods !"
"I fucking saw it, damnit !"
"Come on, Grigoriev, don't let us down !"
"I know that they're warriors, the best people I met." I admitted, smiling about thinking of Park, Zed, Portnova....all of my friends....
"Yes but...they're worried, they need to be protected." Bell proclaimed, getting her hands off me before sitting on Adler's desk, removing some burned-looking papers along the way. "And they need you !" She affirmed, pointing at me.
"Why it has to be me, Bell ?" I spoke up, deciding to go up from my seat and getting behind it, putting my hands on the back of it. "I know that I need them but..."
"Yes, you need them." She cut me out, avoiding me to speak further. "We both know how much you need to have them near you." She added, knowing the true of her words. "Each time Park isn't here near you, you're getting crazy."
"You're right." I whispered.
"Of course, I'm fucking right, Yirina." Bell raised her voice against me, feeling myself not in control of my own mind. "Right now, I'm trying to make sure that YOU...live on !"  She poked at me at my right shoulder where the blood weren't present, my head looking down at the chair, tears still on my face.
"Stop, don't be angry." I ordered in an low voice.
"I'm not angry but I'm trying to make sure that you understand." She exclaimed, using the same tone as before that was anger without been one actually.
"So, please, don't use that tone." I sniffed away, looking at Park's old desk and....I could see her at her seat, working with an headset. "Park." I started to walk in her direction but I was realizing that it was just an simple vision that couldn't speak or see me before he sadly fade away, like particles into thin air. "No..." I snorted before I fall on my knees, getting slowly weak and feeling that wound getting real to me.
"You can't accept your fate and die, you have to continue to fight for you, for Park and for your friends." Bell stepped in, getting in front of me and still up, offering her left gloveless hand. "Come on, take my hand." She suggested before I took it in mine, helping me to get up but the pain in my shoulder was still here.
"You know better than me, how ?" I questioned her as she was going back slowly towards Adler's desk but she wasn't responding directly, causing me to follow her, holding my left shoulder with my right hand.
"Because I'm your conscience, remember ?" She said, peaking her head towards before leaning back on the desk. "I'm making you do the right choices and to make you live."
"Right now, it's mostly surviving that I want to do." I quoted, walking to join Bell on the desk as she was looking deeply at the dashboard, precisely at the younger Perseus picture and next to me, there were Adler's sunglasses that I decided to take back in my hands. "I've got an bullet in me and I'm trying to hold on." I proclaimed, finding that I needed to live, not die but was I the one that could decide it ?
"Blood pressure is doing better but not good enough !"
"I'm just trying to remove that damn bullet of her, stop stressing me, Song !"
"Come on, we're going to do this and she's going to live !"
"That's good." Bell smiled at me before she was looking back at the same picture her eyes was now focused as me, I decided to....put on the sunglasses despite not loving it.
"Looking at this picture for this long is not going to help you with those files." I spoke, mimicking Adler but keeping my normal voice before I removed the glasses in shame of what I just did.
"See that you didn't lost your sense of humor." Bell scoffed, thinking that it was good for me to joke in the middle of the situation I'm facing. I'm dying but I'm joking... "It proves that you don't want to go." She stated, going up from the desk.
"By joking ?" She nodded at me, walking in front of the dashboard and facing me.
"It appease you, it's nice." She grinned at me as I was trying to reciprocate the move until I managed to do it for good, bringing an smile on my face.
"I just want to hold on." I told her, keeping the smile on me, sounding happy.
"That's all I wanted to hear, Yirina." She confided about the situation before I start to see her fading away in thin air like that vision of Park, starting by her legs. "You know that I'm still here."  She proclaimed before she was finally out of my sight, having disappeared in front of me, feeling saddened by that as I was now back alone in here.
"We're losing her, for fuck sake !"
"Park will kill everyone here if we lose her, understand ?"
"Okay, move for the defibrilator....clear !"
I didn't want to die anymore but I was still here in that safehouse, awaiting for me to recover back in the real world. Time were passing, minutes and it was getting long, prompting me to start to remake an walk inside the safehouse but now, each time I was walking near an desk, there were no more thing on them : no more files, no more personals effects....nothing...nothing...
The Dark Room was now sealed off, impossible to get inside like if the safehouse changed during my talk with Bell, feeling that it was like the last time I stepped in that place for real almost 2 months ago, the CIA having packed up everything to close the place down after it was raided by Stitch. This was maybe meaning that my time in that place in my head was coming at its end but I'm still here.
I did like....3 tours around but now, with nothing on the desks, nothing on the dashboard anymore, nothing to make me pass the time, I was now forced to await, going back to lean on Adler's desk, an blank stare towards the empty dashboard, the sunglasses still next to me until I remembered that I've got something else with me too : my mother's ring that Freya gave me back hours before my escape.
I took it out of the pocket it was along with the sunglasses, taking an better & closer look on it, seeing that it didn't change in three years...an simple ring with an diamond on it, it was maybe simple but it was meaning an lot for me, rekindling with an direct object of my past, something that belonged to my mother. My life was maybe going back together and this ring....it was showing it....
"Nice ring, Yirina." I heard footsteps coming towards me from behind and I smiled, just by recognizing the voice that just talked.
"Thanks, Laz'" I said, turning around to see him, dressed in the 'Burger Town' shirt he was always wearing in the first days 3 years ago when Bell was meeting everyone.
"See that Bell managed to make you live." He stated with an laugh, apparently knowing of the situation....we're in my head....."It's good that you're not giving up."
"I made an lot of promises." I whispered, still looking at the ring before putting it on my ring finger at my right hand. "You asked me to take care of Park, I will."
"I know and it's really good." He told me, walking to get next to me but avoiding to lean against Adler's desk.
"I....you had an diary before ?" I asked him as his presence was making me think about that fact : how the Perseus Collective managed to get their hands on his book ?
"Guy can't have any secret, these days." He replied with an grin, an bit enthusiatic. "You want to know what I write on it ?" He demanded obviously and I nodded but he shake his head. "I'm sorry but.....I'm only in your head."
"Yeah...I....fuck." I cursed, realizing that this Lazar was something that was in my head and he couldn't have all the answers I needed. "I always forgot that."
"Don't need to blame yourself." He expressed his gratitute, making an tap on my right shoulder as the pain of my wound was now gone again for good. "It's normal to feel these sort of things : I know that it's painful for an lot to not see me alive." He added, sadly removing the smile on my face to think about that day.
"No, don't talk about it." I demanded in an sad voice, looking at him clear and he nodded, knowing that the subject can't be talked now, not this close.
"To change the subject...." He started after an few seconds of silence, crossing his arms and still standing up. "I was thinking about that ring."
"What do you want to talk about it ?" I asked curious and showcasing it fully.
"An suggestion." He responded, smiling at me before looking at the direction of Park's old office. "What if you....asked for her hand ?"
"I....uhm....it is...."
"Yes, it's an good idea !" He guessed my words as I was in loss for it, putting his hand back on my shoulder. "You know that it's an chance for you to have an normal life, to have children and to live peacefully."  He exclaimed, wanting to make me believe more about an future where I could live normally.
"If it's an chance..." I whispered, seeing the ring at my finger. "I need to think about it." I confessed, needing an lot of reflection about that subject and with what happened, it will take time until I can talk about this to her..
"I know you will take an good choice." Lazar reassured me before like Bell, he slowly started to vanish into thin air but it was also the surroundings of the safehouse. "You will." He spoke up before him & the old safehouse disappeared, leaving into an black void.
I was now back alone into that strange place, with only Adler's sunglasses in my left hand & my mother's ring back into my right hand. The past....& the future. My burn mark & his sunglasses at my left, the ring and an intact hand meaning the future at my right but I couldn't let go the past because I still need an lot of answers for myself. I was still now awaiting for the moment I will open my eyes back into the real world.
"We need another charge of defibrilator, now !"
"I'm taking it....clear !"
My thoughts were mostly positive when I start to fall on my knees, exhausted by everything including my wound before I fall on my back, looking up at the endless void, an smile on my face as I was finally finding the freedom I needed after that escape from Perseus base, trying to see myself in the future, maybe married....having childrens but now I need to relax and close my eyes, the smile still present on my face when they closed....
This is how I'm feeling my freedom....I want to feel it !
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gh0stiegirlie · 4 years
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synopsis: all it took was one glance at the hotheaded boy at the U.A. exam, and you were smitten. for deku, it was a single act of kindness that instigated his immediate attraction to uraraka. several months into school, best friends y/n and deku are left heartbroken when. uraraka and bakugou start a relationship. when you and deku find yourselves confiding in each other, a question arises; is this love, or loneliness? are you two better just as friends?
length: 4k words
a/n: i editted this shit to the gods, man. i hope you all enjoy! also, i can describe this chapter in one word: angst, angst, and more angst.
<- pt. 1                                                                                                 pt.3 ->
Across the campus, Bakugou and Uraraka experience a similar feeling.
It’s their first night together, and they’re spending it cuddling in Urarakas room. As much as Bakugou enjoys her physical praises, from the way she gently traces her fingers along the curves of his biceps to how she nuzzles against his chest for his warmth; her soft, delicate form feels foreign in his arms. 
Most girls love the protection of their boyfriends’ embrace, but Uraraka feels suffocated. Yet here she is, wrapped up like the perfect little present in Bakugou’s arms.
With the weeks that pass, the couples irritations and questions only grow.
You and Izuku hold hands, loosely. You only hold hands for the experience of touching another, and to perpetuate the class consciences that you are the “most wholesome couple in all U.A.”
Although your thoughts are far from 'wholesome'. You feel guilty of a heinous crime, though you're roaming free. Because here you are, hugging, cuddling, kissing Izuku, but thinking about Bakugou. And here’s Izuku buying you lunch, dropping you off at class and occasionally carrying your books around campus, wishing you were Uraraka.
Uraraka experiences persistent headaches because of Bakugous yelling. All he does is talk about being a hero, or complain about Deku. Everything is fucking Deku Deku Deku. In her head, Izuku clouds Bakugou. Her thoughts of Deku encompass her mind even when she’s with Bakugou. Every time she passes you and Izuku tenderly holding hands in the hall, her heart tightens. While Bakugou tugs her around like a dog on a leash, Deku grasps you with all the pride in the world, a radiant smile on his face. Two things about Bakugou; He never discloses his emotions, and he's never gentle.
Bakugou spends all his days avoiding landmines. Uraraka is so fragile, he's afraid one day he’ll squeeze her hand so tight she’ll shatter. Anything and everything he does either offends, hurts, embarrasses, or irritates her. He’s going crazy with all the rules and expectations Uraraka forces him to meet. He’s like putty in her hands, and she’s trying to mold him into a different person.
Uraraka only enjoys being with Bakugou when they’re taking out their frustrations through make-out sessions.
Y/n only enjoys being with Deku when they’re using eachothers lips as a way to escape their isolation.
For a while, their bonds remain relatively stable. But as time goes on, the weak foundations their relationships were built on begin to crumble.
You and Izuku arrive at the common area after an intense sparring match, which you lost against Kirishima. You courteously accepted your defeat, though Izuku remains pissy about it. 
“I just-- I can’t believe you lost!” he expresses, refusing to accept your failure.
“I know! I work so hard, and I’ve never lost a match before! I don’t understand… ” You fix your gaze on the floor, not wanting to meet Izuku’s disappointed eyes. "I guess it’s good I lost today, because now I know exactly what I need to work on! I had no idea my mind can't pierce solid surfaces." It's honestly cool Kirishima's hardening quirk kept your thoughts from breaking into his mind. Now you know to practice sending your thoughts to another person through a wall. "I guess if I never lost, I would end up an egotistical maniac… Like Bakugou!” you joke with a soft chuckle.
“Yeah! You just have to work harder!” Izuku agrees. 
You appreciate his positivity. While his attitude is always upbeat with others, his comments to you are always nasty.
“Maybe you haven’t been working hard enough, but I know you can do better! Everyone does! " he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. "So when you lose, it’s embarrassing...” 
You rip your hand away from Deku. “What? Who’s it embarrassing for? You?” you question accusingly.
“Y-Yuh-Yes!” he sputters, “When you lose, it makes others think I'm a loser too! And if I want to be the number one hero, I can't have people thinking that!”
You bite the inside of your cheek as you think. He considers you to be this bright and shiny object he can brag about at show and tell. Now, you’re losing your polish. You’re collecting a little bit of dust and a few scrapes, and he's losing interest. Already, Deku wants to move on to the next object that catches his eye. 
Not only that, but he craves whatever looks good on headlines. He desires magazine covers to display "number one hero marries highschool sweetheart!" He wants "unbeatable hero couple foil supervillain 100!". Apparently "Deku is never going to be the top hero because his girlfriend lost one fight her freshman year at U.A.!" is the article he's currently imagining. 
“I’m not just some gold medal you can show off to others, Izuku. And I'm especially not some perfect little prize you can wrap up in a cute little bow. I’m human. That means sometimes I win, and sometimes I fuck up.” you retort calmly, trying to keep your cool. 
“We’re called the golden girl and boy for a reason. We’re supposed to grow up being the perfect, powerful couple,” he reaches for your hand, but you flinch away. 
“It doesn’t really seem like we are, does it?! Our whole ‘golden couple’ label is complete bullshit!” you bicker. “We, as people, aren’t perfect. We never will be. No one ever will be!" You laugh humorlessly. "And our relationship sure as hell isn’t.” 
Deku closes his eyes with a sigh. “We--We just have to try. I’m doing my part to work as hard as I can to get better. I’m not going to suffer because I'm carrying your losses on my back. I'm not letting you get in the way of my dream to be the number one hero.” 
You get it. Because he's praised for his powerful physical quirk, he thinks he's better than you. Because he's physical quirk always leaves him battered, he thinks he's suffered more than you. Because he can go to the gym every day, get ripped and show off his muscular calves with every kick, he thinks he works harder than you.
After months of petty arguments, Izuku has finally found a way to make you snap.“Oh shut up, Izuku! You know I've worked my entire fucking life for where I am now! I've told you stories from my past I've never so much as mentioned to others! How I went home crying from middle school every damn day because of migraines! How everyone there considered me some kind of--of alien, some freak because I'm able to get inside people's heads! How I was bullied for practicing my power because kids considered it a quirk more suited for a villain! It was hard, but I managed to ignore all that crap and kept working! And I still work hard. Every. Single. Fucking. Day." You take a ragged breath, unphased by Izuku's shocked expression. Good. He should be shocked. He should feel bad. Because he's crossed a fucking line. "And how come it’s only bad when I lose when you’ve lost plenty of times, Izuku?! ” You pointedly stick your finger at him and poke his chest with it. “Remember how you practically failed the entrance exam?! How about when Todorki beat the crap out of you at the Sports Festival!” you yell. With every point, you shove your finger into Izuku's chest. Eventually, you push him against a wall. “Don’t try and act like you’re above me because you have a powerful external quirk.” You shut your eyes and when you open them, they’re glowing e/c. “Because my mental quirk can fuck someone up just as bad as any of your stupid punches.” You warn, before whirling around. “I’m going to my room, Izuku. Come with me if you want.” 
Of course, he follows you like a lost puppy.
Every pitbull is an adorable, loveable puppy before it grows up into a vicious hound. You thought you could fall in love Deku, you really did. But you were capable of loving the Deku whom Izuku pretended to be. The innocent Deku you approached on the first day of school, after noticing he was acting as flustered as you felt. The thoughtful Deku who wanted nothing more than a friend to run to the vending machine with between classes. The friendly Deku who you invited over to movie night, who buried his head into his blanket in embarrassment every time two characters did it on screen, and cried every time someone died. 
You could've fallen in love with your best friend.
Either he's changed, or since you're his girlfriend, he can’t hide who he truly is anymore. You know how he will do anything to have the public opinion in his favor. You know he will sacrifice anything during his climb to Number One Hero, even if it’s crushing you. 
You wordlessly walk side by side to your dorm, but as you near the dorm hallway, some bitch interrupts your silence.
“Why do you always have to yell, Bakugou!?” Uraraka yells from inside Bakugou’s room, which is coincidentally a few dorms down the hall from yours. You and Izuku turn into the hallway in time to witness Uraraka barge out of Bakugous room. She rubs her temples in frustration. When she notices the two of you outside your room, she eases her body language and lowers her voice to sweetly ask, “Can you just calm down, babe?”
“Don’t order me around! I’m being perfectly calm and rational!!” Bakugou shouts in response. “You’re the one who needs to calm down! You’re worked up over nothing! This is how I am, and I’m not going to change for some shitty woman!” he storms over to Uraraka, oblivious to the fact you and Izuku are watching this play out. That, or he just doesn’t give a shit.
Uraraka gasps. “I’m your girlfriend, you can’t call me that!” she chides. “This is exactly what I don’t like about you! You’re so aggressive all the time!” She fusses, like a child having a tantrum. Her bangs dance around her head as she stomps away from Bakugou, but he grabs her wrist to keep her in place. "Let me go! Being around you gives me headaches.”
“We should probably go~” Izuku whispers, attempting to open your door.
You slap his hand away. “I wanna see what happens,” you whisper back.
Izuku nervously glances between you and the arguing couple. “You’re so nosy! Come on, we’re leaving.” he decides, but you try to stay put. He then simply uses his quirk to overpower you and drag you inside, though even through four sets of rooms and a closed door, you can hear their argument.
“Being around you gives me headaches! All you do is nag about that nerds shitty girlfriend, and how shitty I am!” Bakugou explains. His insult doesn’t hurt you as much as you expect it to, because you can hear it. To someone who hasn’t listened intently to his screams and threats for the past few months, his voice appears as crass as always. But you hear the desperation in his voice. All he wants is for Uraraka to read between the lines and hear what he truly is saying, but no matter how hard he tries, she doesn’t. And it’s hurting him. He’s frustrated and in pain, because all she wants is for him to change every aspect of himself. Can she not see that? “Getting a girlfriend isn’t a part of being a hero, and it’s not something I need to pick up on my way to the top. I’m doing this because I can stand you. But I don’t need a damn girlfriend, especially when all mine does is make me feel like crap.” He’s describing his feelings in his own Bakugou way, but she doesn’t understand his language. And by the way he worded this last sentence, it sounds like he’s starting to give up. 
“If you don’t need me, then why are we dating!”
At this point, you’re sick of hearing their bullshit. You leave your room to yell at the couple and hopefully get them to shut the fuck up.
Izuku tries to hold you back. “Leave it alone!” he hisses, but you leave anyway.
“Uraraka, can you shut the hell up?” you jeer. This is the third time this week she’s made your fucking ears bleed with her screeching. Bakugou leans on the all and snickers, convinced someone has taken his side. But oh, if the boy who broke your heart thinks he’s safe from your candor, he’s wrong. You jut your chin at him. “And Bakugou, go find a wall to punch.” You turn towards your door. “Go work this shit out in couples counseling or something. 'Cuz you guys need fuckin therapy.” 
Bakugou snorts, enraging Uraraka. First, you steal Deku, and now Bakugou’s laughing at your jokes? Not happening.
“Leave us alone, Y/n!” she huffs, her pink cheeks now red with irritation. You flip her off before slamming your door shut. Bakugou’s eyes gawk at your closed door, unsure if he loves you or hates you. Either way, your remarks emit a small, impressed ‘huh’ from him. 
From that point on, Bakogous thoughts of you revolve around one question; Who knew the golden girl was such a badass?
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After months of sleepless nights (due to overthinking Izuku's daily insults and listening to Bakugou and Uraraka’s endless arguments), your first year of U.A. nears its end. On one hand, you’re excited to take some time for your mental health. On the other, you’re going to miss kicking ass in weekly training (especially Izukus), and then following those brawls with Class 1-A movie night (which Izuku always spent touching you as minimally as possible, either because you ‘barely won’ or because you defeated him). Bakugou can't wait to get the hell away from Uraraka and her endless spew of horseshit. She doesn't know how to do anything but make crap float and talk shit about him or Izuku’s girl. She always goes on and on about how exhausting his yelling is, but listening to her nonstop yabbering makes spending summer locked away, either in a gym or in his kitchen, sound like heaven on earth. 
With only a month of school left, Izuku waits outside your dorm for you to finish getting ready for the day, growing anxious as the minutes’ tick closer to the first bell.
A few doors down, Uraraka impatiently taps her shoe on the ground as she waits for Bakugou.
If there’s one thing you and Bakugou have in common, it’s your impunctuality. 
“Hey! Sorry that took so long! I kept fucking up my eyeliner,” You exit your room and blow a stray piece of bangs out of your eye to check out your wings on your phone screen. “Nice,” You shove your phone into your bag, satisfied.
“Babe, you don’t need to spend so much time on makeup!” Izuku cups your cheeks with his hands, but focuses on your eyeliner instead of your eyes with a slight grimace on his face. “You’re beautiful without it,” 
He says it politely, but you know this a backhanded compliment. He hates that you wear makeup, even though its the barebones that simply consists of mascara, eyebrows, and eyeliner. He prefers ‘natural’ girls, even though there is no way Urarakas cheeks are naturally that pink. You push his hands off your face. “I know Zuzu, thank you. But I like it.” You hold his hands tightly before dropping them.
Uraraka cringes as the sight of her boyfriend. “Katsuki!” she whines. Even though the whole point of the uniform is to signify everyone's equality, Bakugou loves wearing it in a way that screams “I’m the main character and better than you!” 
His baggy pants sag to expose his shitty job of tucking in his shirt, and ball around the combat boots he refuses to take off. Per usual, he leaves his buttons undone and doesn’t bother wearing the staple red tie.
“How come you’re late but still look like a mess?” Uraraka complains. She reaches out her hand to arrange his askew vest, but he pulls away from her. 
“I’m fine.” he aggressively grabs her hand and begins to pull her towards class. “Let’s go,”
Uraraka spots Izuku watching and stops Bakugou dead in his tracks. 
By planting a giant kiss on his face. 
“Eugh. Get a room!” You grouse, rolling your eyes at the repulsive sight. But Uraraka keeps it going by practically shoving him against the wall. “You might as well pull down his pants and suck him off while you’re at it!”
Bakugou pulls away from Uraraka to snicker at your comment. 
Hearing Bakugou snigger at a joke you made… It gives your heart a reason to beat for the first time in months. You proudly slip your fingers into Deku’s and glide away, Bakugous eyes following you entire time.
The halls are nearly empty, only a few irresponsible students straggling to class or hovering around their lockers.
“So, do you want to be partners for the Aizawa project?” Izuku questions, like either of you have any other friends to partner up with. He hauls you along as he speedwalks to class.
“Yeah! I wonder what it is.” You move at a steady pace, knowing there's plenty of time to enjoy a pleasant walk to class together before the bell rings. 
“I don’t know! Mirio and the other third years wouldn’t tell me!” Deku whines, tugging at your hand to bring you up to speed. “Y/n, hurry upppp! We’re going to be late!” 
“Dude, you’re gonna rip my arm off!" you moan, rubbing your forearm.
“Shhh,” he hushes. 
Although you expect this attitude by now, it still pisses you off. If Deku expects you to deal with him treating you like garbage, he's wrong.
"You'll be sorry the next time you do that," you mumble, but he pretends not to hear, instead using his quirk to squeeze your hand in reply. Hard.
You barely wince.
“Now let’s go into class!” Izuku intertwines your fingers, straightens himself up, and tells you to put on a smile. He doesn’t do this because wants to hold your hand or genuinely cares about you, but because he enjoys the dramatic chorus of cheers you two always receive as you enter the classroom. If there’s anything Deku likes about your relationship, it’s how he gets to show you off like a trophy. His trophy. 
You enter class, and Mina immediately screams about how cute and perfect you two are together.
The golden boy and golden girl are dating. Honestly, who wouldn’t love that?
Bakugou doesn’t. He scoffs and turns away while everyone else encourages your shit show. Uraraka claps stiffly.
The corners of your mouth sink the instant the class’s attention shifts to some dumb pun Kaminari made. Bakugou is the only one to notice your smile fall when you reach your desk. He notices how you lean your head against the palm of your hand to stare out the window instead of at your boyfriend. You look… Tired. Like you’re tired of this act while Izuku relishes in the praise. Currently, he’s making a show to Uraraka of all the cute dates he’s taken you on while you create a show inside your head. A show where you and Bakugou are the ones going on cute days. Izuku uses his conversation with Uraraka as a way to silently convince her he’s better than Bakugou (and she’s falling for it), while you are just silent.
You shift uncomfortably in your seat, the eerie feeling of someone watching you sending your mind racing. When you turn to discover Bakugou is the one studying you, your face turns dark red and you immediately look away. The blush only fades once Aizawa starts talking.
“Class, today I will assign your partners for the quirk assessment.”
“Assign?!” The whole class screams in unison horror.
“Why are you assigning partners?!” Mina cries out, dramatically fainting across her desk. 
“Yeah! That’s not fair!” Kaminari adds on furiously.
“Nuh-no it’s not!” Mineta defends Aizawa’s decision, but internally drools over the idea of being paired with a girl.
“Settle down,” Aizawa silences the class with a single wave of his hand. “I understand you want to choose your partners, but in this assessment we want you to study the quirk of another person. Most likely, you all already know about your closest friends quirks. I want to pair you with someone new so you have to learn about a quirk you know nothing about.” he explains, to which the class to a reluctant conscientious that it's a good idea.
He clears his throat. “So, Mineta and Hagakure”
Mineta shrugs as if to say “good enough”, while Hagakure groans in disgust. 
You tune out the list, only listening for Izuku and Bakugou. As more names leave Aizawa’s lips and Izuku is already paired with Kirishima and Uraraka with Momo, you start to wonder who your partner will be. Who else hasn’t been mentioned? Damn, if only you had paid attention.
Finally, Aizawa reaches the last set of names. That’s when it hits you.
Aizawa hasn’t said Bakugou’s name.
There’s no way.  This can’t be possible—
“Y/n and Bakugou.” Aizawa sighs. “You will have a presentation due on each other’s quirks next week. Get to work” he explains before zipping himself into his sleeping bag and flopping to the floor. 
You remain glued to your seat, completely frozen in shock. 
You already have a feeling this project isn’t going to end well. 
“Hey! Y/n!” Uraraka calls out from across the class, before squeezing through people to get to you. She pushes out her lip, clasps her hands together, and widens her eyes till the twinkle. “Do you think I can be with Bakugou, please? We’re kinda dating!” she exclaims as if it wasn’t obvious by how they were literally making out in front of you this morning. 
Without a second thought, you reply. “No.” You walk over to Bakugou and sit on his desk. “Sorry. I don’t want to bother Aizawa” you shrug nonchalantly, angering Uraraka to no end. But you know she’s too kind to say anything, and merely smiles to distract you from the steam spewing from her ears. 
“Okay! That’s fine!” she skips over to Bakugou and kisses his cheek. “Have fun babe,” she whispers before walking away with clenched fists. 
You think it’s interesting Bakugou didn’t say a single thing during the whole interaction. 
Does he want to be partners with you?
Or are you just the better option compared to his girlfriend?
Either answer is a good one, you suppose.
“Tch. Follow me, extra. We’re going outside.” Bakugou leaves his seat and shoves his hands deep into his pockets before lumbering away, leaving you to catch up. 
“Hey-- Wait up!” You call out. Bakugou huffs and leans against the doorframe. “Why are we going outside?”
Bakugou quirks an eyebrow at you with a smirk, igniting explosions from his palm. “It’ll be easier to learn about your quirk if I’m trying to blast you to hell.” 
“What?! No! I’m not fighting you!” you retaliate, stepping back into the classroom. You’re not in the mood to get your ass kicked by Bakugou, as hot as that sounds. 
“No wonder you’re dating Deku, you’re a coward too!” Bakugou taunts, his outburst washing a wave of silence across the classroom. You manage to keep your body relaxed and expression unperturbed, though fury rages within you. You will not let his intimidation frighten you. You refuse to be the reason he wears his sneer of satisfaction, that sickening smile that appears every time he successfully threatens or demolishes an opponent. 
You stare at the ground as dozens of eyes burn into your back, eagerly awaiting your response. 
Then, you do something you never thought was possible.
You raise one of your fists and punch Bakugou’s pretty face. 
“It’s on, Bakugou.” You spit. Before he reacts, you sprint down the hall towards the training grounds. 
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
No More Divisions - Chapter Six: The Key
JJ x Original Character
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you guys are really gonna like this one...
You've ever had that moment in life where you've forgotten something so important that you feel physical pain once you've remembered? If you have, you know exactly what I mean.
A couple months ago, Sarah and I were planning to hang out and I wanted to sleep over. I had packed everything the night before to make sure I didn't forget anything. I had made a list for the first time in forever and I double checked before I left. Yet, once I got to Sarah's house I remembered one thing I forgot. Something I didn't even think to put on the list. Pads. I had gotten my period that night and I had to go looking through Sarah's bathroom cabinet to find a pad like a raccoon. Once I realize I had forgotten it, this awful feeling of dread came over me because I knew I messed up.
I hate that feeling.
When we get to the dock, I got that same feeling. I realized we forgot something; the key. Like idiots, we forgot the thing that starts the damm boat. I swear to god sometimes I think we all share one brain cell.
Although I remember this key piece of information, I don't let them know until the boat is in the water. Once the boat is in the water, I finally decide to break the news to them.
"Wow, guys," Pope chuckled, looking at all of us. "With twenty minutes to spare."
JJ and Kiara are smiling with Pope and I'm expecting a group hug but I know I'm gonna have to rain on their parade.
"Um, guys," I clear my throat. They're all joking around and fist bumping each other and I'm just watching. I kinda feel bad. "There's one problem."
They all look to me, waiting for me to be a little more precise. They all move closer to me and I look to JJ, who is as clueless as a snail.
"What?" He asks me, clearly being able to see that I'm pissed.
"How the hell is John B. gonna be able to start the car without the key?"
I don't think I've seen Kiara get so mad at JJ so quickly. They always have their mini fights here and there but this time she's pissed. "You forgot the key?!"
JJ rolls his eyes. "Sorry Kie, I was a bit distracted by the crazy Kooks trying to kill us all day!"
I want to step in and try to mediate since the both have reasons to be upset but I look to Pope for reassurance and he looks to me and shakes his head. Apparently getting between Kiara and JJ was a bad idea. So, I stay silent along with Pope as Kiara and JJ battle it out.
"I gave you two small tasks. I even wrote them down!" Kiara raises her voice, her hands coming up to her face to rub her temples.
JJ smirks. "Chill Kie, I gotta plan."
Kiara rolls her eyes. "Great. You've got a plan. Ya hear that guys, JJ has a plan. Well, that makes me feel better." Kiara's voice is filled with sarcasm and JJ knows it.
JJ let's out a loud sigh before turning to me. "Callie, you're gonna help me."
I frown. "Why do you always pick me when we have to get in trouble?"
"Because he -" Pope begins to say before Kiara elbows him.
JJ glares at Pope for a second before looking back at me. "Who says we're doing anything dangerous?"
I roll my eyes. "Fine, then what are we doing?"
JJ scratches his head. "We're gonna..." He looks to his house for a moment then back to me.
Then, it clicks. "No." I glare at JJ. "I'm not gonna steal the key from your dad."
"Yeah. If he wakes up, he'll kill you guys." Kiara pipes in, patting my shoulder.
JJ shook his head quickly. "Callie." Once he says my name, my eyes instantly meet his. He grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me closer to him. "Nothing will happen to you. I promise."
He's so serious and calm as he says this I can't help but believe him. Last week I wouldn't have trusted JJ with anything, let alone my life but now it's different. I feel something for JJ. Something I don't have time to figure out just yet.
I nod. "Okay. What's the plan?"
"You're a psycho." I angrily whisper to JJ. I can't speak normally because I'm in his house and of I talk normally, his dad will wake up.
He's just told me his plan to get the key and now I'm sure we'll die. The key is on a chain hanging around his father's neck and the only way JJ can think of to get it off is to cut the chain. Not only is this a bad idea, it will get us killed. If either of us makes one wrong move, then JJ's dad will wake up and see what we're doing. Then I can only imagine the suffering I'll endure.
"My dad can sleep through a tornado. He won't even know we're here." JJ shrugs, totally nonchalant about the hibernating bear on his couch.
I take a deep breath. "Fine. Let's just do this."
I tiptoe behind JJ as we make our to the couch where his dad is sleeping. As I move around his cluttered house, I'm surprised. Of course, I never expected his living quarters to be four stars, but at least one would make me happy. No wonder JJ rarely goes home. Not the mention the mean man waiting for him each time he gets home.
The house is a complete mess and from what I can tell, it's mostly at the fault of his father, not JJ. There's empty beer bottles and spare parts. Two things JJ would never bring home, let alone scatter all over his house. It's obvious his dad has never cleaned up after himself which just angers me. Not only does he beat his son, he is beyond ok with letting his son live in these conditions. Maybe I do want him to wake up, so I can beat the shit out of him.
Once we get close enough to JJ's dad, JJ looks to me and extends his hand outward. I take the scissors that I found on the boat from my pocket and give them to JJ. He slowly reaches for them, careful not to even make a creak. I can't even tell if JJ and I are breathing because that's how quiet we are trying to be.
Once JJ grabs ahold of the scissors, he moves closer to his dad's face. This time I'm sure JJ and I aren't breathing. The only loud thing I can hear is my heartbeat which is beating so loud I'm sure it's gonna wake up JJ's dad any minute. I try to take small breaths through my nose and try to stay calm but that proves to be difficult because I watch JJ pick the chain with the key up with his index finger and slowly bring the scissors to the chain.
He slowly but surely slides the blades down on the chain and they make a small sound, definitely not loud enough for his dad to hear. JJ tries again. He reopens the blades and then closes them again, this time they sound even louder. Yet again, the scissors aren't strong enough to cut the chain.
JJ slowly places the chain back on his father's chest and turns to me, scissors still in hand. His brows are scrunched together and I know this means he has an idea. And if I know JJ, it's a stupid idea.
I raise my eyebrows at him. What is he planning. He shifts a little to the right and places the scissors on the table in front of the couch where his father sleeps. There's barely any room on the table with all the junk but he makes room. He then looks back to me and smirks.
I have no idea what he's about to do. Then, he turns back to his dad and does it. He grabs onto the chain with his entire hand and rips it off his dad's neck in a second, breaking the clasp.
I wanna scream at him. I'm wanna punch him. Although I want to, I can't because JJ's dad grumbles, waking up from his deep sleep.
JJ grabs my hand and quickly pushes me into his kitchen and under the table, away from his dad's eyeline. We're both so damn quiet, I'm sure we're not breathing again.
Since we're under the table, we can't see JJ's dad but we can hear him. He wakes up and gets up from the couch. He stretches and wakes closer to the kitchen.
JJ squeezes onto my hand. I forgot that we're still holding hands. I squeeze back and look at him. He gives me a half smile but I know he's terrified.
Just as I think JJ's dad is gonna walk into the kitchen, he passes it completely and makes his way to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
I let out a sigh. "Holy shit."
JJ let's go of my hand. "I thought we were dead."
I scowled. "Yeah we almost did, you ass. Why'd you do that?"
JJ shrugged, smiling at me in a way I can't explain. "I got the key, didn't I?"
I smirked, not being able to contain my happiness. "Sure. But seriously, next time I'm planning -"
I can't even reprimand JJ anymore because he's cuped my face in his hands and is kissing me. JJ is kissing me. It takes me a moment to realize what's going on and at first I'm not kissing him back. My body is limp because I'm in total shock.
I think he gets scared of my reaction because he let's me go and starts apologizing. "Callie, I'm so fucking sorry. I'm really -"
And now im kissing him. Both of my arms wrap around his neck and I dive forward to kiss him. These emotions have been building up since last night and now I'm finally expressing them. Once JJ reacts to me kissing him, he's kissing me back fiercely. His hands are my waist, pulling my upper body closer to him. We're crouched down under this stupid table but I'm having the time of my life. I've never kissed anyone like this.
He tastes like mint gum which I didn't think he would taste like, especially since I haven't seen him chew any gum since I met him. I wonder what I taste like to him.
We hear the toilet flush. This is what makes us pull apart. JJ's dad will be out any second and we haven't left yet.
We scurry out from under the table and JJ helps me up from the ground.
With his hand in mine, we run out of his dad's front door. We cut across the side of his house and run across his backyard. We pass the jacuzzi which is now drained. I can't believe that not even 24 hours ago I was having my first real conversation with JJ and now I'm running hand in hand with him. A lot can change in one day.
Once we make it to the dock, we see Kiara and Pope sitting on the ledge waiting for us. Once our steps are heard on the dock, Kiara looks up at us and smiles.
"You got it?"
Kiara and Pope both stand up once we get closer to them. JJ takes the key, still dangling on the chain, and holds it in front of Kiara and Pope.
"Told you I got it." He hands it to Kiara.
Kiara has the biggest grin on her face. "I always believed in you man."
"Bullshit." JJ laughs, looking to me.
That's when I realize our hands are still interlocked. Embarrassed, I let go and move slightly away from JJ, giving him space. He frowns at me and suppress a smile. Everything he does makes me laugh. If this is what liking someone feels like then I don't think I ever liked Rafe.
Once Kiara puts the key I'm her pocket, she extends her arms, ready for a group hug. We all extend our arms with her and all hug. We're yelling and screaming, joking about how crazy this day has been. I've never felt so appreciated, so loved by anyone in my entire life.
I understand why being a Pogue is so awesome. Being a Kook, there's not much room for community and family but here, I feel like we're our own little family. A week ago I would've never understood why Sarah loved hanging out with John B. and his friends but now I do.
Now I do.
I look up from our group hug and JJ is watching me. I smile at him and he winks at me.
I want to roll my eyes but I don't. I just watch him as he watches me. We're in the moment and I don't think I've ever felt as alive as I do now.
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2idiots · 4 years
Keep Yourself Alive
pt. 6 // pt. 7 // pt. 8a
word count: 1,667ish
NCT Frat Social Media AU // College Athlete & Fratboy Lucas x reader
warnings: not really any, kind angsty, more than just mentions of chronic pain
(I don't know how but the second paragraph got deleted when I first uploaded. I have since added it in. So if you see something new that's why)
Getting Johnny from outside the building to inside your room was a lot more difficult than you expected. This was partially because your best friend was much drunker than his texts suggested and partially because each step was sending a pain reverberating down your legs and up your abdomen. A pain that you knew the mild over-the-counter pain meds would do little to numb but you had taken them with false hope anyway. Before your best friend had forced you into letting his drunkass in you were curled into your bed with a heating pad pressed into your abdomen, hoping eventually exhaustion would win over excruciating pain.
This was the real reason you bolted out of Jet Lag the minute your friends were off in different directions distracted. The pain had triggered before Mark's open mic night started but you were not about to miss the night you friend had been talking about for weeks. This was so important to him and you had to be there. So you sucked it up and promised yourself to duck out the moment it was clear and Mark had performed. Woo noticing and staying over for a few hours was just a welcomed surprise. And the leftover baked goods he brought were another plus side, not that you had any appetite. At least your blubbering fool of a friend would benefit from the pile of pastries sitting on your desk, if you could make it past the giggling desk attendant.
The first time you walked passed her with bleary eyes, focused on only the task ahead she called out something about the “cute Oppa” at the door. Immediately a gag raced up your throat at that, Johnny? A cute Oppa? Gross. He was like your brother, actually more like your overprotective mother. Sure you joked about Johnny being a daddy, but it was all shits and giggles to make him mad with Mark. He wasn't actually one.  The second time she made some sort of pass at him that you blocked out and stifled another gag. You didn’t need to see or hear that child making passes at your best friend.
That wasn’t the only thing she was giggling at though. You and Johnny were quite the sight. He was a stumbling, stuttering fool and you were wearing pajamas that had been picked out in the dark, not even your shoes matched. These were things you had thrown on when Johnny begged you to let him in but your headache was pounding too much to turn the lights on, which was also the reason for the sunglasses. 
Speaking of Big Foot, he was using you almost completely as a support and he weighed a lot more than his bony ass looked. How he managed to make it to your building from 7th Sense was beyond you, he could barely make it three steps without giggling and sliding around. Honestly this made you more than a little nervous for Mark, usually he was the giggly one after a few drinks. If Johnny was this drunk, then Mark could very well be dead.
Overall the hardest obstacle for Johnny to maneuver around was your actual room. He tripped over everything. Maybe it was his long spindly legs combined with the alcohol, but he even fell just trying to walk over your rug. You had to catch him before he face planted. Of course he just contiuned blabbering about the night and how well it went the whole time, even while laughing at his clumsiness. “Then Mark fell! Kinda like how he is falling for sunflower boy but like fell… on the actual ground… like how I just almost fell!” To which you just nodded, handing him a pastry and an ice cold water bottle. “And Jae was so funny, he was talking about the basketball team and one of their parties last week where someone drank beer from a ball that had been cut in half. Isn’t that gross?”
“Yeah babe, real gross,” You nodded, trying to push him toward your bed. You might not have been asleep before he messaged but you were still in bed ready to sleep and you wanted to be back there. “Can you get in bed, Jojo? I'll tired.”
Following your direction like a lost lamb, Johnny swiftly removed all his out layers and climbed into your bed continuing to talk about the basketball team and how pretty and funny they were, all the while giving you very pointed looks. Or at least he was prattling on until he went completely silent and tense before screeching, “THERE’S SOMETHING WARM!”
Arms crossed and irritation pulsed through you at the scream, you leaned over to pull the heating pad out from under him and wiggled it around in your outstretched hand, “Johnny you’ve met HP before, HP meet Big Foot.”
“HP? You named your heating pad?” He questioned already snuggling back into your sheets like he owned the bed. This happened every time he was over, sober or drunk it didn’t matter; Johnny took up every blanket and pillow in your entire bed: partially because his size, mostly because he was an asshole. One of the many reasons you were hesitant to let him stay over anymore, even though you always ended up letting him stay.
“Might as well, he’s in my bed so often,” You grinned before grabbing another water bottle out of the mini fridge in the corner of the room and tossing it his direction. While this wasn’t a common occurrence, drunk Johnny, you did know that he would wake up in three hours whining about a dry mouth and you didn't want to deal with it.
“I mean he wasn’t on Halloween.” Luckily you flipped the lights off before you could see his suggestive eyebrow wiggle. Here was the worst part, talkative drunk Johnny taking an interest in your life and trying to lay down his tips on life. 
Grabbing an extra blanket for yourself you slid in next to him and laughed that thought off, “Actually HP was, ALSO I thought we agreed to not talk about Halloween, leave the past behind us and all.”
“Behind us? Is that how you like it y/n?” He let out a slight whimper when you turned over enough to give him a solid kick to the shin. This alcohol was giving him far more confidence than normal and you didn’t like it. Throwing his hands up, Johnny tossed out a worthless apology and whined, “I deserved that ok. But you know I wouldn’t call it the past, don’t you tutor the dude?”
That elicited a quiet response from you, a simple, “Yeah.”
“Isn’t it like two or three times a week?” He didn’t stop his incessant babbling long enough for you to answer, adding on, “You’re quite popular, my friends keep asking about you too.” Then a switch suddenly flipped in Johnny’s mind, evident by how he practically climbed over you to switch the lamp back on and give you his best mom glare, “Wait, you’re sleeping with HP?” You let out a few weak protests as the light flooded your room and his bony ass arm squished you down into the bed digging into your side. Drunk friends sucked. Too bad you loved them too much to leave them on the street. “So you’re in pain? You’re in pain and you didn’t say anything? You just went home alone and lied to Mark and me?”
“Johnny I always sleep with a heating pad and I’m always in pain. It's not a big deal.” Tonight just happened to be bad, still was, but you left that part out. “Also Jungwoo just left; I wasn’t alone.” That was accompanied by a successful effort to push him off so you could flip the light off again and snuggle into the heating pad again. “Now go to sleep, I'm tired.”
There was a brief moment of silence before you heard sniffling and an occadsional shuffle.
“Are you crying?” You asked incredulously, flipping over to see him hastily wiping away his tears in the ambient light filtering in through the window. Sure enough, your bitch-ass best friend was laying on the other side of the bed using his white undershirt to wipe his tears away. At least he was smart enough not to use your sheets as the tissue. “Stop crying.” This was new. Your friends probably knew way too much about how hard your days were getting, in fact Johnny had driven you to the ER one too many times over the past year and a half, but they had never cried in front of you. At least not about you. 
You hated it.
His immediate response was denial, no he wasn’t crying. These weren’t tears, they were allergies. "Leaks in my face." But you still heard him mutter a muted “I just want you to be happy and not in pain” as the alcohol running through his system finally knocked him out.
You were struck silent, not sure how to respond. Sure he was your closest friend and that meant he had to like you, but this affection made breathing a little hard: your chest not quite expanding like it should. You felt a warm tear roll down your cheek as you turned to face the other side of the room, an effort to get away. This was exactly why you didn't tell them about tonight, you didn't want them burdened with your pain. They should have to suffer just because you were. 
Ignoring the ache in your chest, you blindly reached out for where you set your phone on the bedside table. You still may not be able to sleep but you could get some reading done and maybe forget the sound of Johnny's tears. And maybe, just maybe, the words would lull you into some dreamlike state so you could rest. It was only a few minutes into reading that a text interrupted the chapter. 
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summary: College is hard enough, right? Coursework, two jobs, a social life, and the state of your mental health. As if that was enough now the school’s no.1 athlete won’t leave you alone after a one night stand. And maybe you like him back but you have a tendency to run when life gets too difficult especially now that undiagnosed chronic pain just seems to be getting worse with each passing month.
(I've decided updates will be Thursday at 6pm. I hope you enjoy this chapter)
Taglist: @princeofshenzhenuwus
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The Girl Out of Time
Pairing: Bucky X Reader and Sam X Reader
Background: Willow Roffe was born and raised in Brooklyn. She lived her life as happily as she could with her two childhood best friends Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers. When they both left her to join the military she tried to continue with life but that didn't get to happen for her for the simple fact that she meant something to James Buchanan Barnes.
Rating: Story will be overall MATURE but not every chapter. There will be strong language, talk of both mental and physical abuse, some good ole angst, and smut. There will be a warning at the beginning of the chapter when it includes smut.
Chapter 17
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A few weeks after everything had happened with Shield, Hydra, and Bucky I found myself back at Gracie's. She had excitedly let me in. Turns out her children and grandchildren were there. She had introduced me to everyone then sent the kids upstairs to play while Gracie, Greg, Lucas, Anna, and I sat together in the living room.
"What have you been up to since returning?" Anna asked me.
"A lot of things. I use to work for Shield with my friend Steve but then I helped him take that down. Now I've been helping him search for a friend we thought was dead." I told them.
"James?" Gracie asked.
"Yea, turns out he's still alive. It's been an insane past few months." I told her.
"Sounds like it." Greg chuckled.
After the kids and grandkids left I sat alone on the couch with Grace.
"I've been seeing someone." I told her softly.
"Really?" She asked excitedly.
"Yea, his name is Sam. He's been in the middle of all this with me. It's rough sometimes though because I know we are eventually going to find James. What happens if I remember him and all those old feelings everyone says I had come back? I really do like Sam and I don't want to loose him or hurt him." I confided.
Grace chuckled softly then turn in her seat to face me. She grabbed my hand holding it gently between both of her's.
"Does Sam know about James?" She asked.
I nodded.
"Is he aware of your memory loss and your history with James?" She asked.
I nodded again.
"He still chooses to he with you even though he knows all this. I'm sure he knows there's a possibility of loosing you to James. The thing is, even if you won't be together forever, the time you have with Sam now is precious and full of memories you will cherish forever. I can't tell you what to decide when the time comes. All I can say is follow your heart. The right choice is not always the easiet." She spoke softly.
I just stared at her for a minute.
"How did you get to be the wise one?" I asked her quietly.
Grace chuckled then patted my leg.
"It comes with years and years of mistakes." She smiled at me.
"I hate that I didn't get to experience life with you. To be there for you when you needed me." I told her feeling the sudden need to apologize.
"Things were hard after you disappeared. Mom was an absolute mess and dad seemed to get even worse than he was before. I hadn't realized how much you had protected me and Amy from him. Things were rough but Amy and I kept pushing on because we knew that's what you would have done." Grace's voice was shaky.
I hugged her feeling even more sorry that I had been taken away from her and Amelia. I never wanted them to suffer at our father's hand. That's why I always took the beatings. I wanted them to be free and happy. I could handle the pain plus I had Steve to get me threw. I had James too but I couldn't remeber what impact he had made on me.
A few months later I woke up in bed cuddled next to Sam. I had ended up staying with him in his apartment in DC. He was already awake typing away on his phone. I wrapped my arm around his torso then moved closer to him. He chuckled then started running his fingers threw my hair.
"Steve sent me another lead for us to follow. Said he and the others are going after another Hydra base." Sam said quietly.
I groaned then rolled over on my back. Ever since we found out Bucky was still alive we've been chasing down leads. It's been months with no result. Each time the trail ends cold.
"Where to this time?" I asked him as I sat up.
"Looks like Mexico" Sam said.
I got out of bed wrapping my arms around myself from the sudden cold that hit my naked body. Sam whistled at me as he usually did. I hurried to the dresser and closet to get my clothes. Sam was quick to do the same. When we were both dressed we each packed a bag that would last us a few days.
"Let's grab some breakfast before we head out." Sam said as he walked out of the bedroom.
I pulled on the dark brown leather jacket that Steve had given me then followed Sam down the hall. When I got to the kitchen I gave Sam a quick kiss then started to pull out everything we needed. Sam did most of the cooking as usual while I helped here and there.
"How are we getting there?" I asked Sam as we ate.
"Flying" he said simply.
It took us a few days to come to the conclusion that this lead was just like the others. It's possible Bucky was there at one point but he was long gone by the time we got there. Once we were back in the states Steve called to invite us to New York for a party.
I showed Sam where the Avengers tower was in the city then we made our way all the way to the top. By the time we got there the party was in full swing.
"Sam! Willow!" Someone shouted from a small group.
Steve appeared out of the people then walked over to us quickly. He hugged me tightly to him.
"How'd it go?" He asked us.
"Cold" I told him.
He nodded with a look of disappointment clear on his face.
"I want to introduce you to some people." Steve said pulling me by my hand.
Sam followed behind us threw the crowd. Steve stopped in front of a tall, extremely muscular man with long blonde hair.
"Will this is Thor. Thor this is Willow the girl I told you about." Steve said with a smile.
Thor smiled then extended his large hand out to me. I made it a point to shake his hand using my super soldier strength. He laughed then shook his hand.
"She is mighty" his voice boomed in a foreign accent I didn't recognize.
"He's the God of Thunder and king of Asgard." Steve said to me.
"God?" I questioned in surprise.
"You've heard of the Norse god Thor right?" Steve asked clearly amused.
"Well yea" I answered.
Steve pointed to Thor. I looked up to the man who wasn't a man at all. He was a mythical god.
"You mean to tell me you're casually friends with a god?" I asked Steve.
"He's apart of the Avengers." Steve shrugged.
I just looked at him like he was crazy. He had to be joking. Steve laughed as he pulled me behind him again. This time we stopped at the bar where Tony, Hill, and another man were standing.
"Willow, nice to see you again." Tony said raising his glass to me.
"You too Stark" I smiled at him.
"This is Rhodey. He's an old friend of Stark's. He's also known as the War Machine which is one of Tony's suits." Steve explained.
"Pleasure" I said as I shook his hand.
He pulled his hand away then slowly stretched his fingers.
"Quite a grip you got there." He said in surprise.
Hill, Stark, Steve, and Sam all laughed. Apparently he hadn't been told about me yet.
"Sorry about that sometimes I forget no one other than Steve can handle my normal hand shakes." I chuckled.
"Why's that?" Rhodey asked curiously.
"She's a super soldier like Capsicle." Tony said.
"Capsicle?" I questioned him with a brow raised.
Steve sighed and shook his head while Tony laughed. Steve continued to pull me around the room to introduce me to a few people he had met. Eventually the three of us decided to go off on our own.
Steve started quietly explaining what had happened at the Hydra base. Turns out it wasn't very stealthy. They had two "enhanced" as Steve called them that really did a number on them. In the end they did end up with the septor.
"Sounds like a hell of a fight. Sorry I missed it." Sam said as we started up a set of stairs.
"If I had known it would be a fire fight I absolutely would have called you two." Steve chuckled.
"No, no, I'm not actually sorry. I'm just trying to sound tough. I'm very happy chasing cold leads with Willow on our missing person case. Avenging is your world. Your world is crazy." Sam explained as we came to a stop on a balcony overlooking the room.
"I'm kinda upset I missed it." I shrugged.
"Of course you are." Sam chuckled.
"Be it ever so humble." Steve laughed.
"You find a place in Brooklyn yet?" Sam asked Steve.
Steve sighed.
"I don't think I can afford a place in Brooklyn." He said softly.
"Well, home is home, ya know?" Sam said.
I can imagine all the reasons Steve would want a place in Brooklyn. Sam was right. Home is home. I would give anything to be able to go home. There were even days I wished I could go back to 1946. Then I had the days I was so happy to be where I was. It was a rough rollercoaster ride. Each day was different but I pushed threw and made the best of it.
"Come on we should join the others." Steve said moving to go back downstairs.
Steve left Sam and I alone to go talk to Bruce. Sam and I found a seat on a couch. Hill, Tony, Rhodey, and Clint were already sitting in the same area as us. Nat was quick to join us. The party dwindled quickly until it was only the avengers and their close personal friends.
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whats-the-story-tc · 4 years
21st of April, 2020
"The One with the Fairy Tale"
(Pssst! If I were you, I'd read this post first before starting this new one!)
I cannot believe this is my life.
A couple minutes before the 8 AM rush hour, a Google Classroom notification from V arrived. Then another. Someone likes a spam, I thought, before opening the first one.
Sigh of relief. It was only the essay I'd already sent her. On to the next one, the detailed info on what we were covering today. The play on the table is both figuratively and literally a fairy tale. V, pretty critical of the play and its character work itself, made sure to bring one particular monologue to our attention, which tackles a rather difficult topic in a pretty simple play about love and longing — human mortality. "(It's my particular favourite, too, but don't let that influence you.)" She wrote after explaining what it was. The last paragraph though, now that was something else. "For those of you interested in an A level (here you imagine me looking at certain people)" she began, and my eyes widened as I read it. Sure, there are literature buffs in both classes, but... I can't help but think it was first and foremost an indirect to me. I mean, I'm probably the biggest nerd out of all of us, and she's always looking at me anyways... I want to dream big and say she wanted me to see it most. I mean, it's a link to an incredibly long essay. The situation speaks for itself.
"Look at this silence," V said as she entered our server at around 11 AM. Once she was here, we (as in all of us) started chatting about the break and quarantine. "It has been Sunday for two months." I declared, V immediately continuing the thought: "That part of Sunday, no less, where the line between the previous week and the next one blurs." Couldn't have said it better myself.
As V spoke about the story, I just leaned back on my bed, letting myself get immersed in the explanation and the sound of her voice while trying to imagine everything. After a while, it all started sounding like the plot of Mozart's opera, The Magic Flute — especially when V said that our protagonists, a human boy and a fairy girl, both had companions of the same sex along the way. And as soon as she said those companions are actually married, I waited for her to take a tiny break in speaking and said "How surprising." According to Bookworm Friend, she laughed, but I couldn't hear it clearly because someone made a noise. Then she said "Obviously..." and basically shaded the whole plot line, though I don't remember the rest of the sentence. And guess what she brought up immediately? That's right. The Magic Flute. I was floored! "That's what I was thinking, too!" I chimed in immediately. She took the words out of my mouth! And, soon as I said that, I got a text from Bandana Friend.
BanF: "Wow the twinning"
It's official, folks. Even from a distance, V and I are sharing a braincell.
Serious shit went down in class, including pointing out some... very suggestive imagery that caught us all off-guard because the thing she mentioned isn't inherently suggestive, but okay, V, you do you. (Obviously, I'm not going into detail here, nor sharing the conversation Bandana Friend and I had here because... this is simply not the platform.)
But what I can share is a really funny bit that caused a bit of a pandemonium in the separate class chat none of our teachers are in. You see, about half an hour into class, The Boyfriend sneezes with what is probably the volume of a medium-sized family house collapsing. About five seconds of absolute comical silence follows, then we just hear V saying "Sorry. I'm sorry." before carrying on. All this caused quite the stir, featuring texts like:
BanF: "The whole house just quaked"
Classmate: "Jesus who was this 😂😂"
Classmate: "Tell me it wasn't [V]"
S: "No, her man"
Classmate: "Good heavens I thought it was her 😂😂"
S: "I laughed so hard that I thank God I was on mute"
So yeah. That's on that. Bit later, with the words mentioned here, V ended class, and there I was, on Cloud 9, dancing around my room and humming Disney songs from the sudden serotonin charge. That was probably the moment I decided to read the play V spoke about. You see, she didn't assign it because the wording is quite difficult (the text is quite old) and students usually struggle with it, but she said that we wouldn't lose anything by reading it, if we wanted to. And thus it happened that I sat down on my balcony at around 5 PM with the first chapter open on my phone, ready to read.
I knew she'd be right. I trust her opinion and my reading comprehension skill suffers at the stake of my absolute inability to concentrate for longer than 10 seconds. But guys. Some of the longer sections I had to go over at least three times before I understood what was going on! An hour or so must've passed when I read the last line of the first chapter, and the butterflies in my stomach took flight. It was time to text V about it. It was my original plan, anyway. Figure out how right she was, then tell her about it. I was already incredibly nervous, trying to stick to what I'd planned on writing. My fingers typed on autopilot and as soon as I was done, I could barely believe I was actually going through with this. But alas, you only live once, carpe that fucking diem. One big breath. Two biiiiig breaths.
S: "Well, Miss, I'm not saying you were right about the text of [the play], but I've only read Chapter 1 and I'm already doubting if I even speak [my native tongue]... 😅"
I immediately tossed the phone on my bed and ran away panicking. What will she say? How will she react to seeing it's me again? What does she think? Am I funny enough? Am I bothering her? When will she reply?
Half a minute later (!!!), I see the icon of The Platform That Shall Not Be Named on my screen. No. No. No. Nonononononono. I picked the phone up and unlocked it with a shaking hand. I was not prepared for what I was about to read.
V: "Hahaha, well, babydoll...You do. You're just not used to [the old-timey wording]."
I only had the time to sink to my knees, eyes wide, lips agape, when the next message followed.
V: "Though, once you're already through it, I'm curious about your opinion on the play's stageability. 😄 (given such a word exists)"
You bet your asses all air left my lungs. Not only did she call me babydoll again, now in a way that I could forever remind myself of it, but she basically just prompted another conversation! She wants to talk to me again! And I'll have you reminded, V's basically trusting my judgement based on the scriptbook I showed her at the dawn of time, that she'd never actually seen in action! I wonder what I did to earn all this trust...
S: "I'll see at the end and tell you :)"
V: "Alright :))"
Then, all brave from the double smiley, I had a really stupid and impulsive thought. (Don't yell.) Me being the little shit that I am, I googled stageability and took a screenshot of no results having been found. I took a screenshot, cropped it and sent it to V, my head being completely empty as I did. I acted purely from gut feeling.
S: "Tough luck this time, it seems😄"
V: "i thought so!"
(I can only hope she took it as a joke. But, the way I know her, she probably understood. Still, the me of right now, exactly two days and two minutes later, wouldn't do it.)
And this is where it ended. This is where I ended. My hands, my legs, even my lips were trembling as I tried to process the sudden load of emotion overcoming me. What did I just do. What did we do. What happened here. All this just echoed in my head, and I went ahead and texted every friend I wanted to tell in all caps.
BanF: "you guys have really warmed up to each other"
Even now, as I was typing, I got the chills just thinking about this conversation. If it wasn't for the 'Miss' and my use of formal pronouns in the very first text, it would've just felt like two friends, who happen to both love literature, talking. And this really warms my heart, because there's this fantastic woman, who I genuinely think is one of the best influences on my life and... she just likes me for me. She immediately answers when she can, comes off genuinely happy to talk to me, prompts another thing I can tell her about and all but tells me that my opinion matters to her. Because this is her. I'm almost convinced that I will never hear her outright say that she likes me or she's proud of me, but, should I have any doubts, she does everything to let me know. I just misunderstand her sometimes, not knowing where to look.
When I tell you all this still doesn't feel real...
~ S ♡
[Every story I share here, no matter how specific I get with my wording, depicts actual events from my own life.]
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars and Freedom: Breathin (2/?)
A/N: This is my take on ROD. It takes place 6 years in the future and also jumps back to events of the past. If you would like added to the tag list, let me know!! You can also catch up HERE
Pairings: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Rating: Mature on all counts, young eyes look away.
Word count: 1938
Chapter inspiration:
Summary: Ellie is adjusting to life back on the West Coast. But will a simple a night out be just that?
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It had been 2 days since ellie had been back in L.A, she borrowed her dad's car and headed to the local elementary school to enroll Luca. Since it was summer still Luca would start Kindergarten in the fall. They walked into the office of the school, Luca beamed as she looked around. “Mommy, is this where I am going to school?”
“Yes Luca. this is where mommy went to school when I was your age.”
They were greeted by a tall slender woman. “Hello, how may I help you.”
“I am here to enroll my daughter for Kindergarten.” Ellie looked up, her eyes widening as the woman smiled back at her.
“Of course.” she looked down at the papers “Miss Martin… Ellie Martin? Is that you?”
“Ah, Hi Ingrid. Nice to see you again.” Ingrid smiled, Ellie couldn't tell if she was enjoying the fact she clearly got pregnant right out of high school or if she was actually happy to see her. “So good to see you too, and this your daughter Luca?” She looked down at Luca who smiled brightly at her, she looked back at Ellie and she could tell the gears were turning. Ingrid knew she was dating Logan then, she tried hitting on him at brent's party and he shot her down. She also knew that she was seeing colt, that was much clear by the way they couldn't keep their lips or hands off each other at prom.
“Yes, this is Luca. Luca can you say Hello.”
“Hello miss? Um, what is your name?” Luca spoke. “I am Mrs Vandermeer, it is a pleasure to meet you Luca.”
Ingrid went over her registration, noting Lucas test scores well advanced for a 5 year old. “Well, she is definitely bright like her mother.” Ingrid smiled “Everything looks to be in order, It just seems to be missing fathers information.”
Ellie dropped her head “He's not in the picture.” she never felt more embarrassed then she did in that moment. Here she was, high school valedictorian and didn't know who her child's father was.
“I see. That's ok, we have your father as an emergency contact, and Riya Washington. That's nice you guys are still friends.” She couldn't tell if Ingrid was trying to be nice or secretly talking crap to herself,  but she appreciated the bail out. “Yes, Riya and I are still close.” Ellie looked over at the photos on her desk, a small child with blonde hair in every frame and one of her and her husband. “Oh. You married Brent?” Ingrid smiled and held out her hand displaying a ridiculously large rock. “Going on 3 years. We have a son and another little one on the way.” Ellie felt the smallest twinge of jealousy, but she was also really happy for Ingrid.
“Congratulations Ingrid. I am really happy for you.” Ingrid nodded,  a silent agreement they forged at prom 6 years ago looming between them.  She turned to Luca “Well, you miss Luca are officially a kindergarten student.” Luca jumped up “Alright! Yay! Mommy, I'm gonna need to go shopping, I have to look my best for my first day of school.” she turned to Ellie, hands on hips. “But Lulu sweetie, you have a month before school starts.”
“Well I have to have time to plan mommy.”
Ellie wasn't a fashionista, this trait her daughter had reminded her of Logan.  He loved to get dirty working on cars, but he was a pretty boy, and cleaned up nicely.
They made their way back to her dads,  Ellie dropping Luca off so she could run a few more errands and stop in her new office to sign a few papers before heading home. She drove along in her father's older Honda, passing a few places that sparked some memories. She came up to a red light, her attention drawn to the large empty parking lot next to her. Her heart raced as she noticed the chunks of pavement missing from where she flipped her car Setting up the brotherhood .  All the money that school had, and they couldn't fix the parking lot. She made her way through the city one thing she did not miss was all the traffic lights. She awaited the light to turn Green when she felt a sharp jolt come from behind pushing her forward.
“son of a fucking bitch.” she climbed out of her car “Did you just hit me?” her anger took over her. “I am so, sorry.” a young girl got out of the car. “I just got my license a week ago. Man my dads gonna be so mad. Maybe he was right, Driving is Dangerous.”
The girls words hitting her like a ton of bricks, quickly softening her mood.
“Hey. Its ok, accidents happen. Don't let it discourage you from driving.  It is your right to drive, but you have to be aware of your surroundings at all times.” she reassured the girl. “I'll take care of this, you call your dad. I am sure he will just be happy you are ok.”
Ellie called in to inform them of the accident, the police came and took a report. They had to tow the car since it suffered some rear end damage. She pulled out her car calling Riya to pick her up. Once they got back to her dads Riya and Ellie sat around catching up. “Can I just tell you how stupidly excited I am that you are finally home?” Riya squealed. “I know, it kind of feels good to be home to be honest.” Ellie gave her a half chuckle.
“We should go out and celebrate.” She squeezed her hand. “No Riya. I couldn't, what about Luca?” Ellie shook her head. “Ellie, you never take time for yourself. Your dad can keep Luca, come out, let loose.”
“Riya is right sweetheart, go have fun. I got Luca.” Her dad cut in. “ are you sure? I don't want to take advantage of you.” Ellie hesitated.
“Nonsense,  I finally get my girls home, Im making up for lost time.” He turned to Elie who was coloring “What'dya say munchkin, popcorn and movie night with Grampy?”  Luca jumped down from the table. “I say Heck yes!” She winked.
“Luca Rose!” Ellie shrieked.  And that reminded her of colt. “Sorry mommy.”
Riya and Ellie headed out, she found an outfit for the evening and they went back to Riyas to get ready. Riya and Darius bought her parents house after they retired and moved to Florida. She walked in and immediately colts face flashed through her mind. The way he looked at her when she descended the stairs in her pink prom dress. She wondered momentarily what he was up to, before she was pulled from her thoughts.
“The trio is back in action.” Darius shot finger guns at her as he pulled her into a hug. “Good to see you smartie pants.” he grinned. “Good to see you too Dare. Wheres Marcus?”
“Put him to bed. Toddlers are a lot of work.” he grunted. Ellie shook her head in agreement.
“Sorry to break up the reunion, but we need to get her ready to meet a man tonight.” Riya giggled as she pulled her up to the bedroom so they could get ready. “Riya NO, that was not the plan. I don't need a man.” Ellie refused.
“Just… go, in there and get ready.” Riya nudged her into the bathroom.
Ellie curled her hair making loose beach waves. She applied minimal makeup, she was never one to doll herself up. Truth be told she was envious of every girl with flawless makeup, she could never quite master the art of the contour.
She stepped out in a knee length little black dress, that accented all the right parts. Riya let out a low whistle. “whoa mamma, somebody's gonna get lucky tonight.”
“oh god no! I'm not going anywhere near a man. I'm just happy to hang out with my bestie.” she kissed Riya on the cheek, leaving a red lip print. “Ellie, you asshole.” Ellie playfully shoved Riya. “Come on, our uber is here.”
They entered the club, the lights blinding them as they made their way to the bar grabbing some drinks. The couldnt find a table so they stood by the bar, they talked and laughed for a while,  having drink after drink before deciding to head out to the dancefloor. They twirled and moved to the beat, getting lost in the rhythm. For the first time in what felt like forever she felt her worries melt away, she hadn't felt so free, so Alive in a long time. “I gotta pee.” She tapped Riya on the shoulder. She made her way to the bathroom,  passing the VIP area. She could hear girls laughing loudly and flirting, people cheering. She rolled her eyes. Probably some bimbos looking for a hot shot to take one of them home. She made it to the bathroom, or the extremely long line to it.
Her eyes took her to the dance floor, locking on a couple dancing close together, she thought back to they went to Hyrieus.
She danced like nobody was watching spinning around until she was dizzy. Stumbling into Logan. “Whoa. I got you. You dizzy?” She held onto logans strong shoulder “Yeah maybe a little.” she steadied herself noticing a guy checking Toby out. “Hey Toby, that guy over there is totally checking you out.” Toby sauntered over to dance with the stranger. Logan was talking to Ximena now,  Ellie's eyes locked on colts. She walked over grabbing his hand “Dance with me.” She pulled him to the dance floor. “I don't really dance.”
“Neither do I.” she pulled him father into the dance floor, away from the crew.
“I've been waiting to get you alone all day.” He pulled her closer, tilting her face up with one finger. “Is that so? I'm starting to think you like me.”
“I don't like anybody.” He smirked looking in her eyes as his fingertips lightly gripped her hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him in closer.  Their lips inches from each others. “Is Logan watching?”
“Why, do you not want him to see us together?”
“Would it be wrong if I kind of wish he could?” Ellie eyed him “I'm not some shiny object for you two to fight over. I'm just a person.” He stared deep into her brown eyes. “Oh Ellie, you're so much more than that.”
She grinded against him keeping with the beat of the music. “I thought you couldn't dance.”
“i'm just doing what feels good.” she batted her lashes. “Well keep doing what feels good.”
She gripped his hair, pulling his face down to hers. Lips crashing against each other with need. Everything else slipped away, it was as if nobody else was there, just the two of them. They pulled apart breathlessly his lips grazing her ear. “You're my driver forever, you know that right?”
She was pulled from her thoughts by the woman behind her, tapping her on the shoulder letting her know it was her turn. She left the bathroom, making her way past the vip section again.  She was almost at the bar when she swore she heard someone calling her name, she could barely hear of the loud thumping of the base. Until she felt a tap on her shoulder. “Ellie?” She turned quickly, her heart pounding at the sight in front of her. She swallowed hard “Logan?”
He smiled back at her “Hi troublemaker.”
Tag: @kennaxval @hopefulmoonobject @crookedslimecreatorpasta @be-still-my-aching-heart @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld @indiacater
@daniv2278 @brightpinkpeppercorn @lovehugsandcandy @going-down-downtown @mercyparkcrew @emichelle @annekebbphotography @powdesiree0816 @walkerismychoice @yesivefallenpreytothechoicestrap @zaira-oh-zaira @sweetest-marbear @simsvetements @zaffrenotes @choicelogansbitch
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terminally-anxious · 6 years
Aisling (chapter 11)
summary: Virgil has been dependent on helpers around his apartment after an accident rendered him unable to take care for himself. After his previous helper quit, Virgil needs to find a new one. And the lucky person is a literal ball of sunshine with glasses and freckles.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, those fully belong to Thomas Sanders and his friends.
Word count: 1876
Tw: Swearing, Deceit, lying, stalking, obsessive behaviour, obsession, threats, Panic attack, vivid description of panic attack, fear, abusive deceit, stalker, absence panic attack, threat of abduction (if there are any more please tell me)
Author's note: Virgil’s feelings and reactions are meant to mirror mine after i found out i was being stalked by someone a couple of years back. So be warned, it’s a very vivid description of an absence panic attack.
Previous chapters
Pairings: Moxiety and Logience
As the weeks went by, the more and more comfortable the group got with each other. Remy and Roman would join Patton and Virgil during lunch, and whenever they needed to grade papers.
Virgil’s crush on his caretaker had grown out of huge proportions, and Virgil didn’t miss the obvious affection Patton held for him as well; but being who he was, he preferred to stay silent in case he was wrong about Patton.
Now however Virgil found himself alone at his desk while Patton was at the toilet. Virgil's finger skimmed over a page; a very poorly written analysis of the voluspå. He knew the ancient text was difficult to understand, and even harder to analyse, but this was half-assed at best.
A quick succession of knocks sounded at the door, and Virgil whipped his head up, turning towards the doorway.
“Yes?”, The teacher inquired, placing his paper neatly on the desk
“Virgil sanders?” an unknown voice asked
“Yes, that's me, what can i help you with?”
“Oh, i just came to deliver a letter to you, then i´ll be off again.” The man offered, and Virgil could tell that it was a grown man, his deeper tones suggested someone over the age of puberty. The voice was distinct with a small lisp, Virgil knew of no one with a lisp. None of his students and none of the teachers had a lisp.
“Oh, well could you bring it to my desk then mr…” The blind man trailed off uncertainty, thrown a little off by the stranger.
“D.C, people just call me D.C.” The man said, the ‘c’ coming out with a small hissing sound.
Heavy footsteps indicated the man’s journey from the doorway and to his desk. Without warning D.C grabbed his wrist, startling the teacher. The hand was big and easily wrapped around his thin wrist. It took a second for Virgil to identify the weird texture of the man’s hand, but it was clearly a glove of some sort; leather, if the slight creaking sound was any indicator.
It was safe to say that Virgil was a little freaked out by this stranger.
“here..” The thin edge of the letter was pressed into his hand, and not knowing what else to do, Virgil gripped it; holding it between his fingers and thumb.
“Thank you.” Virgil was starting to get scared, and the only thing he wanted was for the man to release his wrist. The blind man tugged on his hand experimentally, only for D.C to tighten his grip, before releasing him
“Goodbye now Virgil, i’ll see you another time..” D.C then swiftly turned and left, leaving Virgil alone within his classroom once again; feeling vaguely threatened.
With trembling hands and a pounding heart, Virgil opened the letter, and started to read.
“Dear Virgil, I've seen the suffering you’ve been through, and I understand your pain. I lost half my vision in a fire, and with one dead eye and half of my face charred away, i thought i could become more of a companion for you. You see, I’ve been watching you for a about a year, and I saw your previous caretaker up and abandon you, And if i’m being honest, i don’t trust your new one either. He seems to have ‘affections’ for you, and that is unacceptable. Ever since i saw you at that hospital two years back i haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, but I've never had the opportunity to approach you before now.
I’m a bit of a coward, and i didn’t want to get caught and locked away, so I waited. I waited two years before finally contacting you today. I knew i needed to meet you soon, or else that white haired idiot would have stolen you from me, but i still have a chance. I just need to get you before he does.
That nurse, Patton, is trying to steal you away from me, and i won’t have that. You’ve been mine for two years now, and Patton has only been taking care of you for about 5 months, not even a full year. So I’ve decided that now is the time for action, and I will be coming for you within the next few weeks. so you do not need to worry, for i will save you soon.
Yours eternally D.C.”
Virgil’s eyes blurred with unshed tears as terror took over his mind. His hands shook, he could feel his breath wheeze out of him, but otherwise he was frozen. The panic so potent it left his mind completely blank
‘I have a stalker. An honest to god stalker.’
As soon as the thought registered, nausea welled up in him, making him dizzy with it. If he’d had his vision he was sure it would have been tunneled now.
Sound had disappeared from him completely, so when Patton returned he didn’t react.
The scene Patton returned to shocked him to his very core. He’d left Virgil to go to the bathroom, nothing more. Virgil had been calm as he’s took to reading over the students analysis of an ancient viking text, he’d been fine, even joked with Patton as the aid told him he was going.
But now, it was like someone had ripped the ground away from his patients feet. Virgil was pale, a sick sort of grey instead of his usual pallor. His eyes were wide and unseeing, clouded over by tears that refused to be cried, the stuttering intakes of breath matched with the frenzied wheezing, and between two hands that shook like leaves was a paper filled with white dots.
Everything fell away from Patton as he rushed to his Patient’s side, Virgil looked downright terrified, it was unsettling.
“Virgil?!” Patton cried in alarm when he was next to his patient. The white haired man’s voice seemed to rip the ravenette out of his trance.
“Patton..?” His name wobbled dangerously as the tears finally trailed down Virgil’s face.
“Yeah, Are you alright?!”
Not bothering to answer, Vigil stood shakingly up from his chair and threw his arms around Patton's neck, Sobbing loudly into his chest. Patton Hugged the shorter man tightly to himself.
“T-There.. A-a man… he-he, I’m so scared!” Virgil tried to explain, but his sentence ended in a wail, still too upset.
“Hey, shh...you’re safe, i’ve got you..”  The aid whispered, as he started to card his hand through the other man's hair.  Virgil seemed to sag in his hold, and as gently as Patton could, he gently lowered them both to the floor.
Now with Patton sitting cross legged on the floor with Virgil in his lap, he could feel the younger man starting to calm down; but he didn’t let up on the litany of reasuranses that passed his lips.
When 25 minutes had passed, Virgil found himself calm enough to try and talk again; but he decided to wait, he could hear Roman and Remy come down the hall, heading towards his classroom no doubt. It would be easier to talk to them all at once, so he waited, still burrowed close to Patton.
“We’ve been waiting for you.. oh goodness, what’s happened here?!” Roman’s voice went from slightly annoyed to alarmed concern in 0.4 seconds.
“Close the door and come inside,” Virgil instructed, sounding exhausted. The door clicked shut and two pairs of footsteps approached. “Roman, could you call Logan, tell him to get Emile on the line as well, and grab that paper with braille on my desk..Please..”
“I got the paper, you call Logan.” Remy spoke, sensing the urgency within the situation.
Roman, came closer to the two on the floor and sat down next to them. The drama teacher was close enough that he could hear the phone’s dull dial tone.
“Roman, this better be important, i’m in the middle of research.” Logan’s voice came clear through the speakers.
“Put it on speaker..” Roman wordlessly obeyed Virgil’s tired request.
“Lo, get Emile, I need to speak to the both of you. “ Shuffling came through the phone and they could all hear as Logan called his older brother into his office.
“We’re here Virgil,” the twins spoke in unison.
Remy joined them at last, gently running his fingers over the page.
“I..” He hesitated, “I have a stalker.”
The room turned deadly silent.
A few seconds ticked by.
“You wHAT?!” Came Logan’s furious reply, just as Remy yelled an outraged “WHAT THE FUCK?!”
Virgil had no doubt that Remy had read the letter. “Yeah, a man came to me with a letter today, introduced himself as D.C…. Remy could you read the letter out loud?”
Remy read out the letter for the others, sounding more and more disgusted as he went along the page. Roman was positively vibrating with anger, while Patton just clutched at him tighter. Even Emile let out a few curse words.
“I’m scared, what do we do?” Virgil asked his friends and family, uncertain and anxious.
“We’ll go to the police station with this,” Logan’s voice spoke, his tone not allowing for any argument. “A buddy system needs to be in place. You are not to be left alone Virgil.”
“It can’t be that bad… can it?” Virgil asked.
“Virgil, these types of people are capable of many things, and judging by the letter it seems like he is planning to abduct you.” Virgil squirmed, uncomfortable and afraid of the idea of being stolen.
“It seems like he has build an obsession around you, so i say we do this. Better safe than sorry.” Emile continued.
Virgil sighed, but he knew his adoptive elder brothers were right. “I’ll stay with you, i’m not leaving you alone. I’ll stay with you day and night now, I can take the guest room.” Patton chimed in, determination prominent within his speech.
“Patton, you already do so much for me, i can’t ask you to do this for me as well…” The ravenette tried to protest.
“You’re not asking anything from me Virgil, I’m saying I will do it. I’ve come to care too much for you to let some stalker steal your freedom away.”
“Good, we’ll all pitch in to help. Right now though, i think Logan and I would like you all to come over to our place, go over everything before going to the police, and then spend the next few nights here. If D.C knows where you work, then he’ll most likely know where you live as well.”
The thought sent an ice cold tendril of fear through Virgil.
“Don’t worry sunshine, we’ll keep you safe.” Roman spoke, confidence practically oozing out of him.
“And you know me, not afraid to smack a bitch who be deserving.” Remy spoke, trying to lighten the heavy mood.
“You smack me all the time though!”  Roman whined.
“Well, gurl, you are pretty deserving of a smack every once in a while.” The sassy man winked at Roman, and that did it. The group erupted into varying degrees of amusement as Roman made an offended noise.
Virgil felt immediately better, and who knows, maybe the police would catch D.C before anything bad could happen.
Besides, no one was so desperate and determined to get someone…
(( Tag list: @metaphoricalpluto2 @funsizedgremlin @ako1209 @the-straight-as-a-circle-girl @callboxkat @storiesarereality @lara-crofters @fandoms-n-ship @astraastro @nightmarejasmine @that-one-invisible-chick @virgilisaneternalmood @yourhappypappypatton @nienna14 @evillive369 @ivesscottthis @generalfandomfabulousness @twomutesplusone @smokeyrutilequartz @randomslasher @daughterofsomnus @trans-pan-rainbow-man @amber1594 @afilhadehades-blog @hamilin-manuel-miranda @miraculousfandoms @fullmetallovr21 @rileyfirstname @hanramz-the-fander @enderperson43 @ladynightmare12 @nonofthekingshad-arthurization @chocopirate @oh-star-how-the-mighty-fall @patton-loves-coloring @reba-andthesides @nightmareelmst @itsbilliejoemotherfuckers @ijustreallylovesanderssides
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hardfeelingsmp3 · 7 years
hey would you mind telling us a bit about how you two met, your friendship and what led you to being in love with her??? sorry if you don't want to, it's just i've been following the story and i swear it's like a good best friends to lovers come true. again, sorry if this bothers you, it's just i'm a curious person and i thought maybe you're the type who likes to talk about stuff like this, so it's be a win-win lol. hope everything works out for you!!
heyyy lmao how do you know i really like talking about stuff like this……… i’ll give you the long story since you asked
so. i was friends with a girl that my best friend used to date and also a couple more friends in common. this girl used to tell me a bunch of shit about her (almost all lies) but i hadn’t met her until another friend brought her to a party we went to. she was drunk as hell and she was hitting on me which i did not realize, only later i found out she did actually want to hook up with me that night and then it became a joke in our newly formed friend circle that i had rejected her. (it’s been 2 years and she still jokes about that.) soon after the day we met, she met another friend of mine, and long story short is they fell in love. she and i were instant friends though, we just clicked and i loved hanging out with her. because we are a lot more similar than me and that friend of mine, i became closer to her even though we’d just met. the two of them had a very complicated relationship, though. for several months they broke up and got back together a bunch of times and it was painful for the two of them, but when they broke up for good, the girl i was friends with before was very unfair and horrible to my best friend. it’s been like 7 months now and i don’t even talk to her anymore because of all the things she said and how much she made my best friend suffer more than necessary with the already painful breakup. this is a really short version of what was a long and deeply traumatic process but the part that matters to you is i became closer to my best friend as she was going through a very hard time and i realized just how much i care about her.
another thing that happened in the meantime is i met a girl and we started dating. she was a total outsider to the whole situation and she was wonderful and we were together for a few good months and i’m not gonna get into this in detail cause it really is a totally separate story but basically i broke up with her and it was as amicable as a breakup could be.
so now we get to the part where i unbelievably fall in love with my best friend. after i broke up and she was also single, we became even closer because we’d hang out more often and also talk all the time. we always had this thing where we’d hit on each other as a joke even when we were dating our respective ex girlfriends because it was 100% just a joke… and then it wasn’t anymore. all the playfully hitting on each other intensified and things got progressively weirder between us until i acknowledged that we’d hook up eventually it was just a matter of time. still, it happened faster than i thought. when i was in new york she sent me drunken texts one night saying she really wanted me but she knew it’d end badly, and that all our jokes couldn’t be just jokes. so some weeks later it happened and tbh our first kiss was serious fanfic material i’ll tell you. at that point everyone thought we were gonna hook up so sometimes we’d take pictures at parties pretending we were kissing just to freak out our friends. except this time we really kissed! as soon as the kiss was over i was pissed i didn’t remember it cause we were like “holy shit” and laughed nonstop for several minutes and my fucking knees were wobbling i swear to god. and thennnnn we kissed again a bunch of times so that was one hell of a night
now it’s been very complicated since then and a lot of stuff has happened and it’s still going on so idk maybe some other time i’ll get into this part but for now it’s in the form of my posts venting about it. the latest development is we unexpectedly hooked up twice this past week and then decided we should stop and be rational so let’s see how long it takes for that to fail
stay tuned for scenes from our next chapter !
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