#i’ll give them the reading nook lol
me1-atonin · 5 months
almost every time dan and phil made a design choice in this damn new sims house i was internally screaming stop
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shimmeringweeds · 5 months
For those interested in a sing-along: here is an English translation of the encore song from the Link Click Musical. (you know, the one one with the hug.)
The tentative title, supplied by a weibo user, is 追光者 "Zhuīguāng zhě" <- Recent lyrics call this 《追光的人》
Edit: It didn't hold up lol. Big thank you @chocolatexiaoshi for teaching me! 追光的人 means People who Pursue Light/ Chase Light/ or Seek Light . Some lyrics have been and will continue to be modified as we work on this!
追光 translates to “spotlight” in my dictionary. Literally, it means "to chase light" In this song, 追光 is personified as either 追光者 or 追光的人. Pretty cool term to use in a stage play! Google translates this as “light chaser.” I’ve chosen to go with “guiding light.” We will see how poorly that holds up to official translation ^^;
Each line punches the gut harder that the last. This song basically references the s2 ending, then ties it into the earthquake ark. It's brilliant. It hurts. Listen to the video while you read. Please enjoy :)
Disclaimer: As always, I am a novice translating for fun, because I want to sing-along and know what I'm saying. I can’t speak or read this language. If you've checked google translate, this doesn't add much extra, but! this post conveniently includes Hanzi, Pinyin, and English for you to reference + a few notes. I've primarily used Pleco, inputting word by word, with mdgb.net/google for extra clarification. I'm learning, but fairly confident that this is reliable, though not fluent. Please reach out about any mistakes you find!
link to video
link to origin lyrics: one, two , and a thank you to @sgdlr-asdfghjkl for providing them!
Chéngshì yīyú jìjìng jiǎoluò
A quiet nook in the corner of the city
Pòjiù xiàng guǎn chuàn zhèn nǐ wǒ
Our shabby photo studio ties us together
Mùdǔ mìngyùn mò cè
Witnessing unpredictable fate
Nán táo chóngdǎofùzhé <- idom follow the track of the overturned cart.
It's hard to escape the same mistakes
Zhàopiàn kuīchēn tā de shíkōng
Peaking at his timeline in the photograph
Wú rén zhīxiǎo zhēnshí de wǒ
No one understands the real me
相遇还是重逢, 他不知, 我也不能说
Xiāngyù háishì lànghuā, Tā bùzhī, Wǒ yě bùnéng shuō
Whether this is our first encounter or our reunion, he doesn't know and I also cannot say.
Shànyú sǎtuō zhēyǎn cuìruò
I'm good at being at ease to hide weakness
Tā de chūxiàn rú guāng jiàngluò
He emerges like light descending
Xuéhuì wò shǒu yán hé
Learning to shake hands and make peace
Shìhuái qīnqíng de jiāsuǒ
I'll let go of the chains of familial affection.
Shéi dōu yǒu nán yuán de mèng bùzhǐ shì wǒ
Everyone has unfulfilled dreams, not just me.
Yíhàn zhǐyǐnzhe gǎnlù de wǒ
Regret guides me in my pursuit
Huíyì wēn nuǎn zháo mílù de wǒ
Memories warm me when I’m lost
Both CXS/LG:
绕过岁月错落, 不问值不值得,
Ràoguò suìyuè cuòluò, bù wèn zhí bù zhídé
Detouring through time scattered around, don’t ask if it’s worth it or not
Dǎpò lúnhuí de guīzé
Break through the rules of the the time loop
我一次又一次全力以赴, 跨越时间的沟壑
Wǒ yīcìyòuyīcì quánlìyǐfù, kuàyuè shíjiān de gōuhè
Again and again I’ll give my all, leaping across the ravine of time
无视黑夜白昼的界限, 试图换一个结果.
Wúshì hēiyè báizhòu de jièxiàn, shìtú huàn yī gè jiéguǒ
Ignore the boundary between night and day, and attempt to exchange one outcome
经历过, 才看破
Jīnglìguò, Cái kànpò
With experience, the ability to perceive
Rénshēng jùqíng zǒng dútè yòu chónghé,
The unique sums of life’s play will coincide again <- (arithmetic language. each timeline = a sum and you add timelines together to find a solution.)
却依旧不妥协不退缩, 让难题被弥合
Què yījiù bù tuǒxié bù tuìsuō ràng nántí bèi míhé
But still, don't compromise, don't cower and the problem twill be solved
Měi yīcì jí zhǎng hòu tà shàng lǚtú chóng fǎn fēn chà de lùkǒu
Every high five sets us back on the journey, we return to the branching crossroads
Nìzhuǎn shíkōng de dàijià xūyào gǎnxìng hé lǐxìng lāchě
The price of reversing time requires perception and reason's pull
追光者, 平凡者
Zhuī guāng zhě, píngfán zhě
People pursuing light, Ordinary people
Bùnéng chāshǒu wéihé gǎntóngshēnshòu <- idiom: "to feel indebted as if the favor were received in person", meaning: "to feel as if it happened to oneself."
If you can’t lend a hand, why do you sympathize
任往事一幕幕 重演着
Rèn wǎngshì yīmù mù chóngyǎnzhe
Allow past events to play out, reenactor
Què zhǐ néng míngjì zhízé
But we must bear responsibility
Chen Xiao and his Mom:
Zhuīguāng de rén chuānsuō bùtóng shíkōng sī kāi shíjiān de lièfèng
The people who pursue light go back and forth between different times and space, ripping open cracks in time
Chén'āiluòdìng de huíyì jīhuó guòqù yǔ xiànshí jiāocuò
The memory’s dust has settled, causing the past to intertwine with present <-(激活- lit. chemical activation)
翻越着, 感受过
Fānyuè zhe, gǎnshòu guò
To climb over, to experience
Bùnéng chóng lái de yěxǔ hái yǒu gèngduō
There are probably many things we cannot do over
Què piān yào qù zhédié qù fénghé ràng xīn jié bèi yùhe
But I must go fold, go suture, so this knot in my heart can heal
Zhuīguāng de rén yuánmǎn tāmen de mèng fǔ píng zìjǐ de shāngkǒu
People who pursue light will satisfy their dreams and smooth their own wounds
Nìzhuǎn shízhēn de nénglì cāokòng sùmìng yǔ xiànshí xiāngféng
The ability to reverse the hands of the clock manipulates fate to meet reality.
追光者, 旁观者
Zhuīguāng zhě, pángguān zhě
People pursuing light, A bystander
Guǐjī cóng bùxǔ rén shī'érfùdé
The trajectory will never allow a person to lose and regain
决不能任遗憾摆弄着, 让悔恨成为执着
Jué bùnéng rèn yíhàn bǎinòngzhe, ràng huǐhèn chéngwéi zhízhuó
Never can regrets be fiddled with, remorse will become attachment
Zhuīguāng zhě shǒuhù nǐ jiùshú wǒ
People pursuing light will defend you and redeem me
Ràng yíhàn gàobié shēnghuó
To make regret depart from life
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zepskies · 1 year
Never Say Goodbye - Part 4
Pairing: Dean x Female Reader 
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (Rated M for eventual scenes – 18+)
Word Count: 4,400 Warnings: Language, cliffhangers (lol). 
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Part 4: Guessing Game
The next morning was a Wednesday. Despite the monumental, life-changing things that happened yesterday, unfortunately, you still had to go to work. You also had three class finals to finish.
Still, you woke invigorated with a new energy you had never felt before because you had finally, finally met your soulmate.
…Okay, not so much met him, but at least you had shared a telepathic conversation! That still counted!
…No matter how actually insane that sounded.
So you got ready for your day with an added pep in your step. You dressed “work casual”: white blouse tucked into a black skirt, tights because of the cold, black boots, and your favorite red winter coat. It hung to about your knees, so it would protect your legs. You even had the energy to put on some makeup and style your hair a little, fixing the frizzy kinks into some smoother waves down your back.
You looked into the mirror and you felt proud of your reflection. Not just how you looked, but of how you were able to carry yourself with your head held high. 
With your purse and books gathered, you ventured downstairs and found your dad already puttering through the kitchen. You accepted the mug of coffee he offered and sipped at it while you packed a lunch.
Hmm, getting low on groceries. I’ll have to swing by the store on the way home, you thought.
There was one other thing that snagged in your mind, and that was having to reschedule your visit with Bobby. After you “hung up” with your soulmate (who frustratingly refused to give you his name yet), you realized how late it was and called your uncle for a rain check. But you fully intended to keep your word and visit him today, after work.
Now, you eyed your dad as he read the paper at the small kitchen nook. You took your coffee and sat down across from him (you still had a few minutes before you had to leave). 
“How’s the world?” you asked him, nodding at the newspaper.
“Great,” he replied dryly. “Just one big dumpster fire.”
The corner of your mouth quirked upwards. “Any local flames?”
Jack sighed and lowered the paper, meeting her eyes. “Unfortunately, yes. You carry pepper spray, don’t you?”
You nodded. “Of course.”  
“And your handgun? Where’d you put it?” he asked. You frowned. 
Your father was a cop and this was the Midwest. You did have a concealed carrier’s permit, but you weren’t allowed to have your gun on you at school, so you typically stored it in the nightstand by your bed. Jack knew that.
“What’s going on?” you asked. 
“There’s been a series of home invasions across town, two of them in our neighborhood,” he said, giving you a firm look. “Watch yourself when you leave the house, when you head to your car, when you leave campus.”
“I know, Dad,” you replied. “By the way…are you planning on going to see Mom today? I didn’t get a chance to go yesterday, so we could go together if you want.”
You were attempting to lend an olive branch after yesterday’s argument. Jack, however, wasn’t getting the hint. 
“I can’t.” He shook his head and tapped at the newspaper headline. “I’m actually heading this case…most of these have been what we call ‘push-ins.’”
“What’s a push-in?” you asked. You could guess, but you didn’t like how serious your dad was right now.
“Let’s say someone knocks at the door. You’re not expecting anyone, not even the pizza guy. What do you do?” Jack asked. 
“Check who it is through the peephole,” you answer.
“What if your door doesn’t have one?”
This was easy. Your father had drilled this into you since you were eight years old. “Ask who it is through the door. Don’t open it unless you know them, or unless you can smell pizza through the door crack.”
“Good. Most people will just open the door without checking,” Jack said. “The guy shoves his way in and attacks you. That’s a push-in.”
Goddamn. You didn't know there was a name for that. 
“And how many of these have happened so far?” you asked.
“Four that we know of,” he replied. “It hasn’t hit the news yet but…Mrs. Jenkins was killed last night. We found the poor thing literally clutching her pearls.”
You blanched, setting down your coffee. Shock hit you first, then sadness. Mrs. Jenkins was the sweet old lady who used to make cookies for Sunday school when you were a kid. She’d given you $50 for college textbooks when you graduated from high school, and then flowers when you graduated with your bachelor’s degree. 
Your eyes burned with emotion. “I can’t believe it. He was after her pearls?”
“I imagine she didn’t want to give ‘em up,” Jack said. “Or she held on out of reflex. When you’re afraid, logic tends to fly out the window.”
You understood that, but you couldn’t believe she’d died for her jewelry. You rubbed the silver ring on your right hand and rationalized to yourself. You knew you could give up your mom’s ring if it meant the difference between that and a bullet in your brain.
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Your dad was still telling you to be careful when you left the house that morning. He only nagged and rode your ass about your future career because he cared. You knew that. But the nagging was a test of your ever-thinning patience. 
Once you got on the road, you had an hour to kill on your commute. Then a flash of an idea occurred to you, making you smile. With a deep breath, you sought that thread of energy inside your mind. You didn’t know if this would work. It wouldn’t be long until you were driving away from Sioux Falls and headed to Vermillion, but you hoped the connection would win out.
The thread brightened with your focus on it, and suddenly you could feel him. Your soulmate. 
Good morning, sleepyhead, you greeted cheerfully. His response was more sluggish.
No, it ain’t.  
His grumpy voice made you laugh. Aw, someone’s grouchy in the morning.
This lumpy couch killed my back, he complained. And I could hear my brother’s snoring from downstairs.
So he had a brother. That was an interesting tidbit of information you’d save for later. You smiled. 
You’re a cute grouch.
Excuse me, princess. I’m not a “cute” anything. He sounded mildly offended, but you sensed he was just as amused as you. 
So what’s your brother’s name? you asked.
He hesitated, but eventually he replied, His name’s Sam. 
Okay, so his brother’s name was safe, but his name had to be a mystery. And his job. That annoyed you, though you supposed it was part of the game.
What’re you up to? he asked. 
On my way to work. 
Oh, yeah? What do you do?
Even though you shook your head at the hypocrisy of his question, you decided to answer honestly. Well, I’m finishing up grad school next semester. This week is finals, then we break until January. But I also work part-time for one of my professors as her assistant.
Look at you, he said with a whistle. Beauty and brains.
You quirked a smile. If only your dad were that impressed. Technically you haven’t confirmed the “beauty” bit. I could be a potato with legs for all you know.
You sensed rather than heard his laughter.
Nah, a voice that sexy can’t be Potato Girl. 
You blushed up to your ears at that one. No one had ever described your voice that way. Quiet, mousy yes—and mainly by Dr. Birch—but never sexy.
Your soulmate was definitely a flirt, if nothing else. 
Hmm, you had that line locked and loaded, didn’t you?
Nope. That was fresh, sweetheart, he said. I’m just that creative. 
Sure, you laughed again. It’s already 9:00 a.m. Don’t you have somewhere to be?
Yeah, now that you mention it. I’ve gotta get going to work too.
That was disappointing, but at least you’d learned something new. Your soulmate wasn’t a morning person, and he had a brother.
Do you and your brother both have the same mystery job?
…Yeah, actually. We work together, he said. Good question, Nancy Drew. 
Yes! You smiled in triumph. 
You made a few more guesses about his job: police officer, teacher, leader of a biker gang—all of which were apparently wrong. 
But keep ‘em comin’, he said. You’ll get it eventually.
You let out an annoyed huff. But then you felt his amusement, like he was genuinely enjoying himself while talking with you. That warmed you up enough for now.
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After a long day at the university, you relished coming home knowing you only had two more days until winter break. 
You stopped at the grocery store on the way home, like you’d planned, but now you regretted it. There were only two cashiers open despite a packed store. Ugh. Just my luck.
You chose the one that didn’t have a screaming child throwing his mother’s apples out of the cart, but you did stop to help her pick them up. 
“Thanks, hun,” she said tiredly. You nodded with a sympathetic smile.
“How old is he?” you asked.
“Two and a half,” she said. You tried to hide your reaction, but she gave a wry smile and returned to her child.
Good luck, you wanted to say, but you kept that yourself and returned to your cart. As the line inched forward, you wondered if you wanted kids. 
Never really thought about it before, you could admit. You supposed there was a lot to consider, but maybe most importantly: It has to be with the right person.
You wondered if your soulmate was that person, or if having kids one day (or not) was going to be a dealbreaker for him.
Then you snorted, shaking your head. Okay, you’re getting very ahead of yourself. You haven’t even met the man.
“Hey, look who it is!” 
The cashier’s voice startled you from your thoughts. When you broke out of your reverie, you realized you were at the front of the line, and Danny Schmitt was once again your checkout guy. Part of you withered, but you tried at a polite smile as you busied yourself by emptying your cart on the conveyer belt. “Hey, Danny. How’re you doing?”
“Been good. And yourself? You look good,” he said. He wasn’t very discreet about checking you out. You blushed, but more from discomfort than flattery. 
“Thanks,” you said, a bit awkwardly, and started bagging the groceries he rang up.
“What have you been up to?” he asked. “Every time I see you, you’re dressed up like you’re goin’ to a Broadway show or something.”
Broadway? You glanced down at your work casual blouse and skirt. To the movie theater, maybe. Less Mamma Mia and more Magic Mike.  
“I like it though. Skirt and boots, always a sexy combo,” Danny said, and gave you a wink. You had no doubt that many a girl had swooned at the move, but you were less charmed and more annoyed. You finished bagging your stuff and paid with your credit card in silence.
The high school version of yourself would’ve blushed at Danny’s attention. After stapling his fingers together in freshman year, he’d gone through a growth spurt the next. He’d joined the wrestling team, and paired with his light blonde hair and square jaw, the girls hadn’t stopped stumbling over themselves to get with him. 
After high school, though, Danny didn’t get that sports scholarship for college. It also looked like he didn’t have the drive for anything else, either. He’d worked this same job at the Piggly Wiggly since you graduated six years ago.
All right, check your privilege, you reminded yourself, feeling guilty for judging him. Not everyone’s cut out for college. You don’t even know exactly what you want to do with your life.
“Have a good one,” he said, handing you the receipt. “And hey, let me know if you want to get a coffee sometime, or dinner. Flannigan’s has a two-for-one special on beer pitchers…I’ll pay. Or, you know, we could split it. You know, equality and all that. Hell, even you could pay if you wanted to.” He laughed.
Tempting, you thought. Though you’d have to remember about that two-for-one special. Uncle Bobby might want to make that your beer pilgrimage tonight.
“You know, I’ve been pretty busy lately,” you said, trying your best at a smile. “But I’ll let you know!”
Maybe it was rude of you, but you didn’t give him a chance to reply as you took your cart and waved goodbye.
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Bobby welcomed you into his home, with what could only be described as a “gruff smile.” You shed your winter coat, but finding no hooks on the wall, you just draped it over the back of the living room couch.
“Come in,” he beckoned with a hand. “Don’t mind the mess. I was just finishing up some…work.”
Indeed, there were several books strewn across the coffee table, the dining table, the little accent table next to the couch—basically every available space in the living room was covered with books, manuscripts, and loose papers. Your eyes scanned over some of them. Raising a brow, you picked up one of the books. 
“Omens, Trials, and Tribulations: A Guided Study on the Book of Revelation,” you read, and gave Bobby a curious look. “Doing some light reading alongside the New King James?” 
Bobby shrugged. “It’s a hobby.”
Somehow you didn’t think that was the whole story, but you smiled in amusement. Then you noticed some rumpled bed sheets on the couch, a green duffle bag dumped on the floor. 
“Do you have someone staying over? Should I come back another day?” you asked.
“Nah, I’ve got a couple of knuckleheads staying over, but they’re not here right now,” he said. “I sent them to work on somethin’.”
“Oh, towing a car for you?” you asked. 
“More like, checking out a possible job,” he explained, though that didn’t really explain anything at all. It left you even more curious as you got the sense he was leaving something out again, but you didn’t press it. Instead, you followed him into the kitchen.
“Want a beer?” he asked.
“That’s why I’m here,” you joked. “Dad drinks ‘em like a fish. By the time I get home, the fridge is damn-near empty.”
“How is he?” Bobby handed you the beer and you took it gratefully. 
“He’s the same. Buried in cases. I made him something before I left, for when he gets home,” you replied. Then you sighed and sat down at the two-seater table in the kitchen. “He didn’t even go to visit Mom on the anniversary.”
Just then, you realized something. You hadn’t actually visited Mom either, because you’d been distracted…hearing your soulmate’s thoughts for the first time. 
Damn it… 
Well, in this case your mom would probably forgive you, but you felt guilty all the same. You slid your ring around your finger absently.
Bobby sat across from you at the table. “The past can be a hard thing to let go of, but the real bitch of it is, it’s also hard remembering.”
You nodded in agreement. 
“How’re you doin’ then?” he asked. Instead of a customary fine, or busy, you actually thought about it. 
“Yesterday…I don’t know. I felt stuck. Like, I was hanging onto the train but I wasn’t in the driver’s seat,” you admitted. “Today, I woke up and things were different.”
“That’s specific,” Bobby remarked. You shot him a wry smile. 
“I don’t know. I’ve spent a long time just, like…trudging through the snow. Trying to keep the flurries out of my eyes,” you said. “But for the first time, I feel like I can see the sun, you know? There’s a reason to hope things might change. Like something good is coming my way.”
Bobby’s mouth lifted into a subtle grin. “Very poetic. You should think about writin’ for Hallmark.” 
You uttered an incredulous laugh. “All right. See if I pour my heart out to you again. God.”
“My apologies, princess,” Bobby said dryly. “Okay. In all seriousness, you’ve got a lot goin’ for ya, kid. You’ve got a right to be optimistic.”
You nodded with a superior smile. “Thank you.”  
“Listen, I’ve got a lasagna waiting in the oven. You want any part of that?” he asked. 
Your uncle was asking if you wanted to stay for dinner. You considered it and realized he was trying to connect with you. It wasn’t the first time he’d offered, and you regretted declining his loose invitations in the past. 
“Sure,” you said. “Lasagna sounds great.”
“All right.” He nodded. “Gimme a sec.”
 You had never understood the seemingly one-sided animosity between your dad and your uncle. Sure, Bobby was known as the town drunk. He’d gotten arrested a few times for publicly intoxicated antics, but he wasn’t belligerent. He wasn’t a bad man by any means. 
“You know, speaking of Italian. I like making spaghetti and meatballs, the latter from scratch,” you said. “Maybe I could make some next time.”
Bobby glanced over at you with a bit of surprise. “Uh…sure.”
You smiled. 
Later, as you and Bobby shared a meal together, you caught up on safe subjects, like how his business was going. He likewise asked you about your job. You admitted Dr. Birch was driving you up the wall this week. She’d asked you to grade two more of her classes’ final exams, putting you behind on your thesis draft. 
But then you drew enough courage to delve into not-so-safe subjects.
“All right, I’ve gotta know,” you said. “Why the hell did you and my dad fall out, Bobby? What is this thing?”
Bobby looked very reluctant. “It’s complicated.”
You stared back at him for a moment. Curiosity was eating at you, but you didn’t want to push either. Today was going well. Maybe it was better not to spoil it. 
“Complicated,” you echoed, smiling ruefully. “Right.”
After you two finished dinner and the dishes were cleared, you thanked Bobby and surprised him with a hug. His arms came around you briefly before you both let go, just a little awkwardly. 
You put on your coat and headed out the door, until his voice stopped you on the porch. 
“Look, regardless of where your dad and I stand, you’re family,” Bobby said. “You’re always welcome here.”
You gave a warm smile. “Thanks, Uncle Bobby.”
Then you returned to your Camaro and drove away from Singer Salvage, waving to his through your window as you went. 
You made a left at the main road going west, so you didn’t see the black Impala come in from the east road, turning into Bobby’s driveway.
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“What were those smooth wheels doing pulling out of this junk heap?” Dean jabbed a thumb behind him as he and Sam came into the house. They’d gotten nothing from that potential lead on John Winchester’s whereabouts, and neither of them were in a great mood. But the smell of food cheered up both of them, especially Dean.
“What?” Bobby asked.
“That blue ’93 Camaro Z28 that just peeled outta here. She was nice,” Dean said. Sam glanced at him, impressed. Dean smirked, an Aw, yeah, I know my shit kind of look.
Bobby smiled in amusement. “My niece stopped by for dinner.”
Sam shared a look of mild surprise with Dean, who said, “That’s a shame. Would’ve liked to meet her.”
Bobby shot him a warning look. “Down, boy. Like you need any help findin’ dance partners.” 
Dean grinned. Sam nearly rolled his eyes. 
“The lead didn’t pan out,” Sam said. “So we’re gonna head out in the morning, if that’s all right.”
“Fine,” Bobby shrugged. “Drink my beer, eat my food, and run up my water bill. Just do me a favor and clean up after yourselves. I don’t need a roach infestation.” 
“What, don’t you think the rats need company?” Dean teased. Bobby raised a warning finger at him, making Dean hold back a laugh.
Bobby went upstairs for bed soon after, and Dean gave Sam first shower this time. It was good timing too…
Dean realized he could hear his soulmate again. 
 You were rocking out to a Billy Joel song.
He smirked. Figures.
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As you drove home blasting “We Didn’t Start the Fire,” you chanted along with the long verses, sometimes forgetting words, sometimes stumbling and saying them wrong. But you came in strong with the part you knew: We didn’t start the fiiire. It was always buuurnin’ since the world’s been tuuurnin’—
Figures, your soulmate’s voice cut through everything else. It almost startled you, but feeling his amusement made you blush hotly. 
He laughed, and it was a rich sound that made something flutter in your stomach. 
Sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt the performance. But come on, ‘80s pop?
You scoffed. All right, Mr. Power Ballad. Billy Joel is pop rock.
Gotta say, I expected better from you, sweetheart, he teased.
Ugh, you sound like such an old man. Tell me you don’t just listen to mullet rock, you rejoined. 
All right. Let’s take an inventory, shall we? he challenged. ACDC. Led Zeppelin. Boston.
You made a face as you continued to drive through your hometown. You knew these streets like the back of your hand, even in the pitch black of eleven at night. 
Yes to Zeppelin. The other two are…loud, you said. You heard him sigh, but he accepted this.
Fine, how about Hendrix?
Absolutely. You smiled. I take your Hendrix and raise you Prince and Beyonce.
Prince, yes. You can keep Beyonce, he said. Sorry, I’m not Team BeyHive.
You chortled in response. The fact that you know what that means give me hope. At least you’re aware that you live in the 2000s. 
Whatever. I was raised on two things: classic rock and the open road.
His grumpiness was entertaining, but this gave you an excellent opportunity to play your little game.
The open road, huh? Are you some kind of traveling salesman? you asked.
Definitely not.
Hmm. Perhaps he sensed your frustration. He surprised you by giving you a hint.
Travel is part of it though.
Aha! I knew it.
Oh yeah? How?
This morning you said you were sleeping on a couch, you began. You typically don’t do that if you’re not at home in your bed. So I could assume you were traveling, and you had to work today. But I didn’t know you had to travel often for work until you just said it.
You felt proud of your deductive reasoning. So now I know that you and your brother have the same job. It’s unlikely you live in Sioux Falls. And you travel often for work.
Dean whistled lowly. Damn, girl. Somehow you’re reminding me of Sam right now…what are you studying again?
You noted a brief tendril of sadness from him, being quickly brushed off. You didn’t dwell on it, but you would make a mental note of it for later, maybe.
History, you replied.
Oh, okay. Gonna be a teacher or something?
I…don’t really know yet. I’ve been scoping out jobs…
You’ve almost got two degrees and you don’t know what you wanna do with ‘em?
All right, that was hitting a nerve. 
“You know what? Don’t change the subject!” you said. Realizing you said that out loud, you made sure to think it at him this time.
You don’t live in Sioux Falls right? Or South Dakota even? you added.
Look at you go, little miss detective, he replied. You thought he enjoyed teasing you a bit too much. No, I don’t live here. But a family friend does.
Okay, so that narrowed it down to everything.
You turned the street corner into your neighborhood. The streetlights were sparse here ever since the last snowstorm knocked them out. Your dad had talked about installing ground lights in the front lawn for years, but he’d never gotten around to it. His job was too demanding to take care of much at home, which left you with most of the responsibility. Sometimes you wondered how your mom did it…
Anyway, back to the game. 
Plumber, electrician, flight attendant? You guessed. You had a feeling from the way he talked about your schooling that he hadn’t gone to college. You didn’t mind that. If this stupid game was anything to go by, it sounded like he had an interesting way of making a living. 
Nope to all three, especially the last one. Ugh.
Goddamn it. Okay, do you own a business?
You could say that. It’s a family business, he said. There was a playful note to this voice, as if he was dancing around the truth.
Dear Lord. All right, a family business… 
It was probably something small-scale. A diner? Hardware store? 
It’s not a physical store. More like a…a service.
You were getting warmer! With a smile, you made your way down your street and pulled your car into the driveway. Surprise, surprise, your dad wasn’t home yet.
Got it. You nodded. Okay, truck driver. Service engineer, electrician…oh shit, I said that earlier. Hmm…exterminator?
You grabbed your purse and finally got out of your car. You’d made it all the way to your front door when you realized that your soulmate had gone quiet. You sensed he was thinking, contemplating. 
You nearly bounced in excitement as you unlocked the door to your house. I’m right, aren’t I? Which one?
After stepping inside and closing the door behind you, you turned on the hallway and living room lights. 
The last one, he said at last. You paused in your excitement, your brows furrowed.
Exterminator. Really? That was curious. Who’d ever heard of a traveling exterminator? Like rats and stuff?
And stuff, he said with a chuckle, but somehow you knew it was hollow. You frowned, until you looked into the living room and noticed something weird. 
A black duffel bag that didn’t look like your dad’s. You don’t remember it being there this morning either. 
Hey, you okay? he asked. You realized that he was probably sensing your confusion. You headed toward the duffel bag. 
Yeah, I just got home—
The moment you set down your purse on the coffee table, a hand closed over your mouth and muffled your scream. 
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AN: Yay, cliffhangers! (I promise they'll meet in the next chapter lol.)
Also, I just want to say THANK YOU to all of you reading, reblogging, commenting, etc. I didn't think this little fic would generate that much interest, but getting your feedback is inspiring me to write more!
Keep reading: Part 5.
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Dean Winchester Masterlist
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aizawasnumberonefan · 2 years
Iced Latte
Hawks x reader
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1,422 words
cw: baby bird as a pet name lol
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Living in a superpowered society means living in a quick moving society. Fortunately, you’re able to find time away from the hustle and bustle to relax and enjoy the more fun things in life. Before and after work you enjoy spending time in a local coffee shop. Your favorite spot is a little nook by a window, where you like to sit with a drink and your laptop. It’s a two-person table where you can sit with your back to the wall watching people come in through the door: a nice peaceful place to sit and write fanfiction. I mean, come on. A city full of dreamy heroes and you aren’t supposed to fantasize about them? Plus you enjoy writing it; it helps you imagine as much as it helps those who read your writing.
The other day was like any normal one, you were sitting at your table sipping on your favorite drink and writing a delicious piece about Mt Lady and the reader, when the door opened and the little bell jingled. You glance up at the entryway out of habit, but you find yourself stuck in place when your eyes land on your favorite pro hero. Keigo Takami saunters over to the counter, the setting sun casting a heavenly glow around him as he orders a coffee before his nightly hero shift. You’d never seen him here before and you’d been coming for months, and it felt a little surreal to have the subject of most of your fanfic standing in the same coffee shop as you. Your mind wanders to all the pieces you’ve written about him, but you’re snapped out of it as he scans the café and locks eyes with you briefly. He shoots you a small but friendly smile and you smile back wholeheartedly, quickly moving your eyes back to your laptop screen, willing the heat rushing to your cheeks away.
He leaves immediately after getting his coffee and you take a few deep breaths in an earnest attempt to get your mind back on track, but after a few minutes you give up, shut your laptop, and head home. Over the next few weeks, you see Hawks at the café again and again, first only in the evenings, but he begins coming in in the mornings too. Each time, the two of you exchange a smile, and you continue willing yourself not to blush too hard. As such, it isn’t a surprise to see that your fanfiction blog has turned more and more into a Hawks fan blog. You’re posting multiple pieces a week of Hawks x reader on your account, and each has been getting more notes than the last.
You hadn’t noticed until today, but you’ve been looking forward to seeing him each time. Tonight, you were sitting in your usual spot writing a piece about Keigo and you don’t notice how late it’s gotten until the sun stops shining on the keys of your laptop. You glance at the time, then the door, taking notice of how it’s far later than when he usually comes in. You decide to wait another half hour before you leave. At five minutes til you were going to leave, Hawks comes through the door. His hero costume is a little beaten up, and he has specks of blood on his face. He puts in his order and, surprisingly, walks over to you. He pulls out the chair and sits, “Sorry I’m late.”
You sit speechlessly, staring at your favorite pro hero’s face illuminated in the late glow from the deep sunset and streetlights out the window. Stunned, you finally manage a meek hello.
“Give me a second to wash up, I’ll be back.” He says, standing to go to the bathroom. You take the few moments to contemplate getting up and running away, but you quickly think better. He returns shortly, grabbing his drink from the counter and sitting back down across from you. His face is freshly washed, any evidence of a recent villain encounter now rinsed away.
“Hi.” You say softly.
“Hey. Sorry I’m late, had a little business to attend to on the way.” He says, taking a sip of the iced latte he always orders. “But thankfully that means that I have time today to sit down and talk with you for a while. I have to say, your fanfiction is really good.”
“My- what?” You say, stumbling over your words, the blush on your cheeks now burning from embarrassment instead of the thrill of being near your hero crush. “How- what?”
“Your fanfiction. It’s pretty cute that you think I’m like that. Figured I’d give you the chance to get to know me a little better.” He says, giving you a cocky grin. “It’s not that hard to find you online, by the way. You tag this café a lot on social media. After I saw you the first time, I figured I’d pop in again. Eventually I tried to look you up, and your cute face was readily available on your socials. Didn’t take much more to find your blog and fanfics.”
You try to find words to say but all you can do is stutter, red in the face, while he sips on his coffee, smugly smiling at you and waiting for you to find your voice. “Uh, hi.” You finally eke out.
“Yes, hi.” He chuckles. “For the record, I think your lips look delicious too.” He says in reference to your latest post.
Your voice fails you again as your blush deepens and you’re sure that your whole body must be emitting steam from how flustered he has gotten you in such a short time. You’re suddenly shocked back into reality as he loops a finger around the edge of your laptop screen, beginning to turn it towards him while making a remark about how he wants to see your latest work in progress about him. You quickly snap it shut with Hawks barely having enough time to pull his finger back from getting slammed between your screen and keyboard.
“Relax, doll. I just figured it would be fun to finally talk to you. I don’t mean any harm. I wanted to give you something real to base your next piece on.”
“I-“, you clear your throat, “I hardly think that you coming into a café splattered in blood and flustering me would make good material.”
“No? How about I take you out for a real date then, would that work?”
“A date?”
“That’s what I said.”
“With you?”
“A date?”
“That continues to be what I said.”
“You want me to go on a date with you?”
“I’m not sure where I lost you.”
He chuckles. “You’re cute, you seem to have good date ideas, and, if I were just guessing, you seem to like me.”
“You want me to go on a date with you?”
“Do you not want to?”
“No!” You say, probably a little too quickly, “No, I want to. I just don’t think I understand. I mean you’re Hawks.”
“That’s me, yeah. And you’re really attractive, have fun thoughts I’d like to help you actualize, and I’d really like to get to know you better.”
“I- okay.”
“Okay? Okay yes or okay no?”
“Okay yes.”
“Perfect, meet me here at our usual time tomorrow night?”
“Where are we going?”
“I was thinking we could go for dinner, get to know each other, and maybe I could fly you over the city if you’d like. I read your fic about that and it seemed like you really liked it in that one.”
Your fading blush returns. “Okay, on one condition.”
“Stop reading my fanfiction.”
“Not until I show you how much better every single one is when you’re getting to live it out.” He winks, standing from his chair and straightening out his hero costume, undoubtedly about to head out to continue his night of hero work.
You smile, an almost involuntary reaction, the butterflies in your stomach going nuts. “You’re more handsome in person.”
“You’re more gorgeous up close.” He shoots back quickly. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow, wear whatever makes you feel good.”
You nod, your thoughts still racing through all the fics you posted about him, sincerely hoping that he doesn’t remember the silly little pet name you have him use consistently in your stories to the reader.
“See you then,” he says, walking to the door before pausing to look back at you, “baby bird.”
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padfootastic · 2 years
it’s here it’s here it’s here it’s here
Prongsfoot Week 2022: Day 1
(organised by the wonderful @jmagnabo92)
When and Why did you begin to Ship Prongsfoot? 
my memory is trash so i’m not sure i can give a ~precise answer but here’s what i can say with complete confidence.
i’ve always, always considered james and sirius to be soulmates.
i’ve been writing fic since 2017 and even as far back as then, the one thing i cared about was the bond these two share. i was absolutely in love with their dynamic and had a whole series called ‘Behind The Scenes’ which was just the most random stuff centred around these two. i think, even before harry & sirius, i fell in love with these two idiots.
when it comes to prongsfoot, specifically in a romantic/qpp context, i think that was a bit later. i don’t really care for romance, as much as i do read it. i shifted to this bc i ran out of all friendship fics and needed more stuff where they were each other’s no. 1. i was also, admittedly, spoiled by daily chan’s works where have the most amazing friendship. which is how i discovered prongsfoot and basically just never left.
What makes you Ship it? 
oooooh how do i answer this 🤔
fiction, for me, is a form of extreme escapism. i read so i don’t have to think about real life. i read so i can discover new possibilities and universes. it’s why i’ve read the weirdest, most interesting selection of fics hp has to offer (and if you’ve truly taken a deep dive into the fandom, u know what that’s like)
in that context, prongsfoot is literally the single most comforting dynamic i’ve ever seen.
they embody everything i love in theory but wouldn’t be able to stomach if it happened to me. their ride-or-die closeness, the emotional & physical intimacy, being two halves of the same mind, body, soul—it’s just so, so beautiful. like the stuff of legends.
i love how the two of them complete each other. they’re both privileged, smug bastards but they’ve got these little nooks and crannies that’s filled by the other, effortlessly. i love how out of everyone’s league they are, and the contrast to how they are w others vs each other. there is no scenario i can imagine that would break them up ykno? they’re just that close.
also ok. as i was thinking of ending this here (bc brain isn’t cooperating lol words aren’t easy these days) i remembered me ranting to my friend one day about sirius and his relationship with the potters, particularly james. it is a point of pride for me that i literally made her so emotional that she actually teared up and had a dramatic drop trail down her cheek bc of how passionately i was monologuing & the picture i was painting. (my other friend who doesn’t rly know/care ab hp but loves me also sat through the whole 20min presentation and was moved as well)
the gist of it is this: i love, love, love sirius black. he’s my first and only love. and one of the biggest reasons is how fucking loyal he is. he’s so selfless and so wonderful and a fkn godsend to have in ur corner. and he was so devoted to james and then harry that he tried to do everything in his power to protect these two, including putting himself in harms way multiple times without even caring about his life.
that kind of ‘i’ll do anything for you—burn the world down and rebuild it’ energy? my absolute favourite dynamic ever. i go batshit feral over it. and the way i see james, he’s the same for sirius. he’ll go to bat for him at all times, zero hesitation. he might be a chill, laid back guy most of the time but try coming after his Si and he will fuck you up. he’s underestimated bc he’s such a puppy but nope, he’s v deadly and v dangerous too. and he will not hesitate to show it when he’s protective.
i also just think they fit so fkn well ykno? like yah canon’s trash and all + Ash was so right for mentioning the advantage of only getting 5 lines but what we did get for these two??? i’ll forever be mad that j/s didn’t become the primary mainstream ship for the fandom. its so ??? like literally all ur material is right there. ‘not a day goes by…’; the mirrors???; the symbolism of azkaban—sirius losing his joy and hope and life the literal moment he loses the potters (esp james?); always, always being together; the entirety of swm!!!!! literally there’s no lack of content. u even have fkn outsider pov of a classic ‘historians: and they were just friends 😌’ scenario. it’s literally a queer tragedy, ok?
tbh, as a relationship ideal, prongsfoot isn’t something that would ever appeal to me irl—that level of intimacy—but to read? to imagine? it’s wonderful. and that’s not to even mention how enjoyable this niche is. i get consistently good fics (when i can find them amongst the mess of tags lol) and the best community <333
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farfrompleasant · 1 year
Happy Freyja Friday!!! 💖🎉😘
It's almost your actual one year anniversary with the freyby! What a beautiful journey and union you two have had 💞💞💞 to many more!!!
TWO sheds in two months?! Miss Thing is back to doing the most I see! How are you two faring these days? How's school treating ya?
Philly actually planted a lot of honey locust for beautification/urban green planning, and I've read/seen that you can take the seed pods and boil the sweet um goo (??? I'm not a scientist lol) out of them to make a natural plant-based sweetener! But, obviously all the seed pods I see have been crushed by cars and feet and rained on and peed on etc etc so that's a no go 😢
One day, my foraging dreams will come true lol have you seen Alexis Nikole Nelson's (aka the Black forager) content on social media? She's super awesome.
A feeble attempt was made to revive the book club but it's still pretty dead lol at least we have this 😘
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I made a dog fort out of our bed when it was really cold last month and Nova was hogging it the other day 😂
Happy Freyja Friday!!!
I’m actually on time chdhhdhdhdjskendbjdjf, absolutely insane!💀 it will be an entire year I’m just two days and I can’t cope! It feels like we’ve been with each other for a much longer time, and I’m just baffled at the fact that she grew to love me in just a year😳 it’s giving fall in love at a certain amount of time trope, if you know what I mean then you know! (I hope you do…) but still, thank you friend… you’re the sweetest evers!🥺❤️ and I want you to know that with every union, you’re also apart of it as you were there during the early days of my journey with this scaly girl c;
I still can’t get over the back to back shedding, and apparently neither can Freyja. Her beard has been dark during the process😅 anywho, I am doing okay. Between school, work, and having minor health issues going on I think I’m tackling things rather well. As for our girl, she’s a lot happier these days; we’re expanding her diet, and gathering accessories for her enclosure in hopes of sprucing it up! And she’s always warm despite the bitter winter biting us all in the rear before it’s officially spring. Seriously, thank goodness for ceramic heating!
Honey locus? I have to look that up, friend! I didn’t know that was a tree 🥺 very mesmerizing tree with a cool base and warm, autumn favored leaves… I want to see more of those! Philly has good taste. Got me romanticizing a type of tree 🤭 wait— so you’re saying that with this sweet goo that is extracted from these pods, you can make an organic sweetener?! That’s amazing 🤩 I hate that there’s no real opportunity to do that given that you’re living in a city where plant life/resources aren’t necessarily considered(?) Like, if it was cleaner and plants weren’t looked at as embellishments, then that it would totally be doable imo 🥺
I can’t wait to witness your foraging, I just know that it would bring me so much joy as a) you are doing your hobby and b) you’re sharing it with me and teaching me a few things along the way c; I can’t say that I heard about Alexis Nikole Nelson or any of her work but I’ll check it out whenever I can find some time ☺️
And 😭 rip to our bookclub! It was initially productive, and I loved being apart of it along with just hearing everyone’s perspectives on the material c: not to mention I totally bragged about it to my therapist at one point 🤭 it’s a flex, okay! I feel that there may be a revival period if someone finds a really good read 😂
That is soooo cute friend! A doggie fort sounds so cozy and I know for a fact that some cuddles took place 🥰 and of course Nova is basking in the comfort of it all, I really love that for her❤️ I hope Abbie and Lizzie are getting their turns whenever they can lolol and that Wallace and Heller are experiencing great comforts as well in their own feline way c: I feel like they probably squeeze their way into certain nooks and crannies that would incite a war if bothered or removed 😂😅
And of course, I hope Philly weather is being kind to you my good friend 🥰 hope you are feeling well and will continue to prosper in any way you see fit!
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This is a day after her second shed, she’s obsessed with resting here again for whatever reason c:
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I haven’t really had a chance yet to reflect on my thoughts after watching 6x02 (I did post a speculation that managed to get a few things right, lol), but I’ve been stewing over an observation I don’t believe I’ve seen discussed much elsewhere (if I missed anything, please direct me to it since I love reading others’ takes). I put my thoughts below the cut because (as usual) they’re kind of long.
(As always, I recognize that the writers are who they are and are almost assuredly not thinking about anything this deeply. I just enjoy speculating and analyzing things)
To me, the “haunted” apartment feels like it could potentially be read as a metaphor for Jughead’s mind/heart. He’s allowed Tabitha into this space, but it doesn’t really seem like she has full access, or that she even spends a lot of time there or feels completely at home. There were a few moments that led me to this conclusion.
Early on in the episode, when Tabitha confronts Jughead about withholding the fact that their new abode was the site of a murder-suicide, she asks why he didn't tell her “the truth.”
Jughead’s responds, “Because when you saw (the apartment), you fell in love with it.”
To me, it seems like he’s concealing aspects of himself from Tabitha, or that she’s not willing to look too closely because she’s fears what she might find. Or maybe (most likely), it’s a bit of both.
A similar theme is evident in the (slightly earlier) discovery of the secret nook/closet inside the apartment. Someone had effectively papered over it long ago, hiding it from sight. Inside, Tabitha and Jughead see many Scotch bottles cluttering the surfaces (”Isn’t that what you used to drink?” Tabitha asks). But now, instead of liquor, they each contain model ships. The bottles themselves are dusty, but the ships themselves are perfectly preserved. Much has already been said about the symbolism here (not exactly subtle there, Riverdale), so I’ll move on (although Tabitha referring to them repeatedly as Jughead’s “boats” was an interesting word choice).
The newly uncovered nook seems to “awaken” something in both Jughead and Tabitha. For Jughead, it manifests in the first real creative spark he’s had after years of battling writer’s block. It’s almost like the closet is a vault where he keeps his innermost self locked up or walled off. He’s now able to access and write down his thoughts and ideas while he’s in this space (I personally don’t believe this is due to the influence of “Sam the Ghost,” although it could perhaps be related to an entirely different type of “ghost” haunting our hero).
For Tabitha, however, the nook’s discovery causes her to spiral further into seething resentment, jealousy, and rage. This is later largely blamed on the “ghosts,” although any supposed “ghost” interference seemed very minimal to me, especially when compared to what Toni and Betty were dealing with in another storyline. Eventually, this all comes to a head in the now infamous and disquieting typewriter scene. That incident, in turn, leads to one of the saddest first “I love you’s” I’ve personally watched, with two dead-eyed people kneeling defeatedly on a debris-littered floor in lighting I wouldn’t exactly describe as auspicious. Again, much has already been said about this, so there’s no need to elaborate further.
But, for me, the worst moment actually comes after these scenes. Instead of talking through (or even giving name to) the very real and legitimate issues that triggered the meltdown (and there were many), Jughead and Tabitha apparently decide it’d be better to simply wall off the nook again. They do this despite believing the supposed “ghosts” vacated the apartment after the “I love you” exchange. They don’t clear out the remaining bottles and other items left inside, they just hide the evidence from their sight. But it’s all still there with them, lurking behind the walls. (However, the typewriter remains on the outside and is taped together and somehow functional in the next episode)
As they’re blocking off valuable square footage in their apartment, the pair has a depressing conversation in which Jughead remarks that love might just be “a series of tests.” While this notion isn’t entirely off-base, I’m not sure I’d consider “surviving” their first fight in the manner we were shown and told as worthy of passing any “test.” 
Jughead then proceeds to say that he knows it’s “kind of bleak, but...” 
Tabitha finishes his sentence with “...Kind of sweet.”
To me, that sentiment about sums up their relationship. They both deserve better (everyone deserves better than this).
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Spencer to The Rescue
Summary: Spencer helps reader, who suffers from seasonal allergies, put in her eye drops.
Word Count: 1034
Author’s Note: this is me so don’t judge about being a baby for eye drops lol
Spencer cracks his neck loudly, but the pop isn’t the only noise that permeates the small apartment. All the way from their little reading nook, Spencer can hear Y/N sneezing nearly 12 times in succession. As much as he loves her, Spencer can’t help but roll his eyes. Despite her horrible seasonal allergies, Y/N rather suffer than put in eyedrops.
Bookmarking his spot in his book, Spencer sets it down on the love seat. He debates walking into the kitchen and trying to convince Y/N to put in the eye drops. Part of him knows that it’s futile: she hates eye drops. But another part, a sensitive part of him, aches painfully when his girlfriend is uncomfortable. Giving up when he hears the kitchen sink run, Spencer makes up his mind.
“Y/N,” he calls, stepping into the kitchen, “come on, love, just put the eye drops in,” he says, practically begging her as he watches her wash her face in the sink for the tenth time this morning.
“I’m fine, Spence,” she claims, wiping her face with a dish towel. The inside of her eyes are an angry, irritated red. Spencer, though not a real doctor, can recite the symptoms of allergic reactions of the eye, “Really,” she says, unconvincingly.
“No you're not, Y/N. I can tell your allergies are killing you,” Spencer says, sitting down at the kitchen table, “I know you hate eye drops, but just please listen to me. I’m a doctor,” he contests, trying his best to convince her.
“You’re not a real doctor, Spencer,” Y/N says, narrowing her eyes as she moves to sit next to Spencer, “besides, you’re just as bad as I am with eye drops,” Y/N challenges, referring to his refusal to go back to contacts after starting to wear glasses again.
“If I recall correctly,” Spencer says, with a sudden gust of confidence, “you’re the one who begged me to stop wearing contacts. I think you like my glasses,” he claims, smirking at her eye roll.
“Don’t be a brat, Spencer,” Y/N says to him, in a voice that tells him to ought to listen, “it’s not a good color on you, my love,”
“I’ll be good if you put in eye drops?” Spencer offers, leaning on his hands and smiling devilishly, “I want you to be comfortable, Y/N. Please let me help you?” he asks, sounding like her comfort would bring him more comfort.
“Fine,” she says, sighing, “you can be quite cute when you’re begging. I’d say keep up the good work, but I’ve taken so much Benadryl that I’m going to fall asleep,”
“Go lay on the bed,” Spencer requests, “I’ll be right in, and I promise you, Y/N, I won’t hurt you,” Spencer says, looking into her eyes with all the serenity in the world.
“Too good for your own good,” Y/N says as she walks by, kissing his forehead on her way out of the kitchen, “and, even though you’re not a real doctor, I don’t trust anyone more than I trust you,” Y/N says, disappearing around the corner.
Grabbing the eye drops, Spencer finds his way to the bedroom. Y/N lays on the bed, rubbing her eyes. Spencer sits down on the bed and rubs his hand along Y/N’s leg in a comforting gesture. He knows she’s nervous and he’ll try anything to ease the nerves. Spencer, scooting up so he can place her head in his lap, smiles awkwardly.
“Did you know,” Spencer starts, brushing Y/N’s hair from her eyes as he talks quietly, “that seasonal allergies are exacerbated by emotional stress, as well as the hormone estrogen?” He talks softly as his fingers skim along her skin. Spencer knows that Y/N gets anxious about putting something near her eyes, so the least he can do is ease the anxiety.
“Hmm,” Y/N says, her eyes shutting as soon as Spencer’s hand, holding the small bottle of eye drops comes into her line of vision, “please, Spence,” Y/N says, sounding desperate and a little scared.
“I’m sorry, I forget that the facts don’t help,” Spencer says sheepishly. He retreats his hand back to the side of Y/N’s face, “we can try again,” he tells her, his thumbs brushing over her eyes, nose, and down to her lips.
“No I like the facts, tell me more,” Y/N requests. Despite loving her for quite awhile, Spencer can never tire of the small moments when she makes his heart flutter, “and this is much better than when I was little. I was quite the fighter,” she says, sighing as she thinks back into the past.
“More facts, okay,” Spencer says, “Contrary to popular belief, flowers don’t trigger allergies. Weeds, especially ragweed, trees, and grasses do,” Spencer says, “okay, love, I’m going to put the drops in the corner of each eye. All you have to do is blink really quickly,” he instructs.
“Okay,” Y/N says, sounding unsure, “Spence?” she asks.
“Yes, Y/N,” he answers, brushing across her face again.
“Please hold my hand,” she requests, “God, I’m such a baby,” Y/N whines, keeping her eyes shut as Spencer plops the drops.
“Yeah, but you’re my baby,” Spencer says, squeezing her hand, “okay, Y/N, blink really rapidly,” he instructs.
Blinking as she lays on the bed with her head in Spencer’s lap, Y/N eyes sting from the medicine. Despite her initial reservations, she knows that the eye drops help. She’s just had a very difficult time taking them to the point where it was just easier to deal with the allergy symptoms.
“Better?” Spencer asks, not letting go of her hand as he peers down at his girlfriend.
“Better,” Y/N confirms, twisting around and climbing up to rest her head against Spencer’s chest.
“Do you have any facts that seasonal allergies are cured by sleeping in bed all day with your personal doctor?” Y/N asks, already tossing the covers over Spencer’s upper half.
“No,” Spencer says, laugh as Y/N practically drags him further down the bed, “but we can conduct a study if you’d like,”
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glowingbadger · 3 years
As you’re accepting modern-day HCs….I kinda need some for the BL with a s/o who isn’t Byleth. Anything goes, authors choice. I need to go recover from all those Poly HCs. They were glorious.
Goodness, that's a lot of beautiful boys and a lot of freedom lol let's go down the line and I'll give my general thoughts for all of our precious lions :) I guess if we're talking post-timeskip (which I personally always am lol), they're gonna be like... either in the last two years of college, or right out of college? Fuck it, college AU. ((I started with just the dudes cause that's what most of my writing is tbh but folks can definitely ask me about the ladies as well!))
Blue Lions Modern/College AU Headcanons (x GN Reader) - SFW
Dimitri: A political science major you had a group project with once and then a month later he finally had the guts to ask you out. He generally looks pretty clean and put together, but he wears an eyepatch, and rumors that he's secretly a hitman or in a gang fly around campus. Your friends are all terrified of him when you first start dating, but he wins them over once they've talked to him even once. After that, it only takes about two weeks for them to start referring to him as your wife.
Dedue: Definitely studying botany or horticulture or some such. You sit next to him in one of your lectures for a full semester before managing to ask him out. You expect a polite rejection, so you're surprised when he immediately says yes without even a moment to think. Studying with him is the best- he'll sit with you resting between his legs with your head on his chest and quiz you on what you need to know, placing a sweet kiss on your cheek or neck when you answer correctly. Your friends are definitely jealous- he's handsome, athletic, smart, kind, and he can cook.
Sylvain: Total marketing major vibes. He's one of those awful, awful people who never studies and spends his whole weekend at house parties and gets good grades anyway. A friend of yours hooked up with him once and said the D was phenomenal, but he's totally emotionally unavailable. He flirts with you for weeks before you're helping him back to his dorm one night after way too much drinking and he mumbles how "someone like you... c'do so much better th'n a guy like me..." You bring him coffee and aspirin the next morning and offer to go on a brunch date once he's sure he won't puke.
Felix: He's a business major, but his heart clearly isn't in it- he's only doing it because he's expected to run his father's company some day. He's at the gym every time you go (presumably plenty of times when you're not there too), before you realize it, you start looking for him there. You tell yourself it's just because you admire his motivation. He catches you staring though one day, and calls you out. Somehow, you stumble your way through introductions, but before long he's telling you how you're not stretching properly at all, how your jogging pace is inefficient, and just like that, you've got a gym partner who eventually becomes the most secretly-sweet boyfriend.
Ashe: Literary Classics major, and very well liked. No one's ever seen him at a house party, but he has plenty of friends, and is involved in a ton of clubs and extra-curriculars on campus. Eventually, he bumps into you at the library. Like, literally bumps into you rounding the shelves. His eye catches one of the books in your arms and his face positively lights up- he's been meaning to read that one for ages! How did you like it? Is the ending as surprising as everyone says? You end up finding a secluded nook to sit and chat for hours, until it's nearly dark. Then, he shyly offers to treat you to dinner as thanks for your book recommendations.
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amynchan · 3 years
"It's Easy."
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Okay, but like, Rick.
The whole father/daughter rift in the family that needs to be fixed is a tried and true trope, but almost every time, the father is seen as this character that has expectations of his daughter that she’s not living up to. And our natural instinct is to view Rick in the same way.
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He definitely lives up to it in the first bit, tho, doesn’t he? What, with the “failure hurts” and “will you be able to make a living like this,” it’s easy to read into that and say “why can’t you go for something stable that I know you can succeed in?” It’s easy to place him with other parents like Triton from The Little Mermaid, Elenor from Brave, and Jefferson Davis from Into the Spiderverse who just don’t understand their kids and want them to be like them. For reasons that are sound to themselves, of course, but yeah.
But Rick kinda misses something that the others have. The others seem to make their sacrifices while banking on a future where the kid succeeds, and they’d do anything to give their kids that future. There’s nothing wrong with wanting the best for your kid, and that thought process in and of itself isn’t bad, but Rick’s just a touch different, and that shows itself a good chunk into the movie with a pretty solid line: “I’d do anything for that kid.”
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As an audience, we’ve been conditioned to think that that comes with conditions and expectations. “I’d do anything for that kid so they don’t have to live what I’ve gone through” or “I’d do anything for that kid if they can succeed” or even “I’d do anything for that kid for the payoff at the end.” And, tbh, I think the studio was banking on our interpretation.
By this point, the audience knows a little bit about The Moose.
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We see Katie toss it in the ‘give it away’ bin, then we see Rick find it and seem kind of… disheartened that she’s gone to give it away. Later, we see video footage of when Rick actually gives her the moose. It seems like such a second-thought kinda thing that we almost don’t think twice about it. He’s a nature lover, so of course he’d have a wood carving of a moose on his dashboard. And, as an audience, we kinda don’t give much weight to Katie’s “but this is, like, your favorite thing.” To a kid, anything can be an adult’s favorite thing. It’s a sweet gesture, but it doesn’t really hold weight to us as an audience. Well, it does a bit in that it's a token of Rick's affection, but not much more than that. In this scene, the main thing is that Kiddo Katie’s reassured and that she goes off to camp and that it meant something to her at one point and might as well symbolize how far the two have drifted from one another.
Storytelling and narrative stuff. We almost expect this sorta thing in our stories at this point.
Then, later on in the movie and kinda outta no where, Linda gives us a little bit of backstory that seems so wholly unrelated. The lodge. It’s big, it’s beautiful, and it’s a dream that Rick gave up. When Katie asks “why,” the audience jumps to the conclusion: he did it for her. Why else would Linda tell her this now if not for the fact that he gave the lodge up for her?
It’s a sweet sentiment, but a lot of us know that that kind of sacrifice usually comes with expectations and a bit of guilt. “They gave up their dream for me. I have to pay them back in turn by succeeding.” It’s responsible, it’s expected, and it can be painful and pressurizing.
But then, side note, the reveal of Katie’s lie comes to light. And Rick’s face… the dude has seemed so human throughout this movie, and the whole “I am a dad with emotions and feelings and they’ve been hurt” seriously came through for me in that one moment. He wants to do his best for her, but he’s been hurt. He still tries to do his best, but yeah. Dude’s been hurt.
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Seriously. Look at his face.
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Look at him. He's in pain.
And then… then we see the moment in the video camera. Linda’s recording, and Rick’s saying goodbye to the lodge. He’s definitely at an acceptance stage about this. Sad, but acceptance. He breaks off The Moose from the pole out front as a keepsake, and Linda says “I know this must be hard for you.” It has to be. That lodge was his dream. He built it himself from the ground up. He carved every nook and cranny of that thing, and it had to have taken him years.
But Rick… doesn’t dwell on it. He takes a momento, sure, but he doesn’t dwell. Instead, he smiles at Linda (and the camera), the only one who’s really gonna remember this at all, and says “Nah,” before going to the car and smiling at babbling, baby Katie, who probably can’t even feed herself right yet, and says “It’s easy.”
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Not “It’s not hard” or “I’ll be okay.” “It’s easy.” Also, his face?? Look at his face in this recording!! Look at it!
It’s easy for him to give up the lodge. Why? That doesn’t and shouldn’t make sense. But it doesn’t have to. Because that is Rick loving a daughter who he doesn’t expect anything out of. He’s doing it to care for her and provide for her, to give her what she needs. It’s not a call to the future of “I’ll be okay when this pays off” either. It’s a “right here, right now, this is an easy choice to make because I love my daughter.”
And I think that’s really cool. Katie didn’t get a guilt trip or a pressure of “your dad wants you to succeed and be financially independent so you’ll be okay when he’s gone” or “your dad gave up his dream so you could live yours, so just do it already.” Katie got “this is the love I have for my daughter. I have always had this love, and I will always have this love.”
The execution of it all just makes me so freaking happy.
Also, also, also! Rick and Katie don’t change themselves by the end of the film. What they do is they take a hard look at each other, recognize that the other is trying, and try to give the other what they need. They’ve loved each other and always have; they need each other and honestly always have. It just… takes a while to see that.
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And, idk. I just think that’s cool. Rick's worry isn't placed as "succeed or else" that needs to change by the movie's end. I think the way the movie progresses and shows Rick as a character really contextualizes his position as "I love you and just want you to do your thing." And once Katie gets that and Rick is able to see her world a bit through the video (though he still sucks at computers lol), he's able to better support her and she's able to let him.
idk. I just really like what they did with Rick as a character and I love the fact that they developed him out of the motivation of "succeed for my sake," which is usually in there in previous iterations of this classic father/daughter struggle.
Anyways, that's just my thought on it. XD Couldn't get any work done until I wrote this down. Imma try to get work done now. XD
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wizardofrozz · 3 years
Prompt 2: Shapeshifter
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Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Tony Stark
Word Count: 2,279
Warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, mentions of blood, mention of murder
A/N: There aren’t any pairings in the fic, just platonic interactions. But I’m a little self-conscious of about this fic 😬 so be nice lol
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The man pressed himself against the wall, watching his target laugh loudly with his group of friends. They stumbled, obviously intoxicated, and the man shook his head, realizing how easy this would be. He stepped out of the shadows, his long hair shielding the part of his face that wasn’t covered by his mask. The group of intoxicated men stumbled into an alleyway, their laughter still echoing off the surrounding buildings as he moved closer.
Parts of the group started to break off, wandering in the direction of their homes until the target was the only one left, staggering through the alleyway. The man glanced at the camera on the corner of the building before hurrying after his mark. He approached the target silently, only reaching out when he could smell the stale scent of booze wafting off the target.
           “What the…” the target gasped. The air was forced from his lungs when the masked man slammed him against the nearby wall by the throat. The light over the alleyway sparkled off the metal around the target’s throat. “O-oh my g-god…you’re…you’re the Wi-.” The target was cut off when the man closed his fist.
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Steve’s piercing ringtone jolted him awake, and he scrambled around for his phone, nearly falling off his bed.
           “Captain Rogers.” Steve blinked, pulling the phone away from his head to read the caller ID; Secretary Ross’ office number shined back at him, and he brought the phone to his ear again.
           “Secretary Ross?”
           “You need to get eyes of Barnes immediately,” Ross snapped.
           “What? Why?” Steve fumbled around, almost knocking his lamp over in the process of trying to turn it on.
           “There’s been a possible Winter Soldier sighting, and I need to know if it’s authentic,” Ross explained through his teeth.
           “Uh, yeah, okay,” Steve mumbled, sliding out of bed.
           “Stark, Romanoff, and Wilson should be meeting you somewhere in the compound. They should’ve been alerted as well,” Ross added. “I expect a call when you’ve got an answer.”
           “Yes, sir,” Steve hummed, hanging up before Ross could say anything else.
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Pounding on his bedroom door yanked Bucky out of a dead sleep, the first he’d had in a long time. He stumbled out of bed, throwing the door open, a sleepy scowl etched deep into his face; the expression fell away when he was met with a small group outside his door. Steve stood at the front in his pajamas, Nat behind him wrapped in a fuzzy red robe, Tony looking grumpy in a t-shirt and shorts, and Sam shirtless at the back of the group. All four of them looked surprised when he answered the door, leaving an uneasy feeling in his stomach.
           “Did I miss the midnight invitation for a party in my bedroom?” Bucky snapped, scratching at the short stubble on his chin.
           “Uh,” Steve started, blinking lamely at Bucky. “S-sorry.”
           “I’m going back to bed,” Sam yawned, wandering away from Bucky’s door.
           “I second that,” Nat sighed, wrapping her robe tighter around her chest and following Sam. Steve and Tony shared a look before Tony sighed and disappeared down the hall as well; Bucky stared at Steve, trying to understand what just happened.
           “Steve,” Bucky pushed.
           “Sorry, we, uh, got a call from Ross,” Steve supplied, mindlessly scratching at his stomach.
           “There was a report of a sighting of…of the Winter Soldier.”
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The following day, Bucky sat down with Steve and Tony for a virtual conference with Ross; he wrung his hands under the table, trying to avoid fidgeting with his hair or clothes.
           “Secretary Ross,” Tony greeted flatly when his face appeared on the screen.
           “Gentlemen,” Ross grumbled. “Let’s cut to the chase. I need verification that Sergeant Barnes was in the compound all night.”
           “FRIDAY, send Secretary Ross the footage outside Barnes’ door last night,” Tony called, dropping in the chair opposite the screen.
           “It’s been taken care of, sir,” FRIDAY replied after a few seconds.
           “Where was the sighting?” Steve spoke up, resting a comforting hand on Bucky’s shoulder.
           “New Jersey,” Ross provided, sounding slightly distracted. “There’s no other way out of his bedroom?”
           “No, sir,” Steve started, but Tony cut in.
           “The rooms have windows, but there are alarm systems on them, so FRIDAY would notify me if anything went in or out of the window.”
           “And she can’t be overridden?” Ross raised a brow, watching Tony through his screen, looking for any signs of lying.
           “Look, sir,” Bucky cut in, leaning against the table. “I understand you don’t trust me, period, but I didn’t leave the compound last night or at all yesterday now that I think about it, and I’m also not technologically inclined enough to do anything to FRIDAY.”
           “Every possibility needs to be checked, Sergeant Barnes,” Ross hissed, glaring at him.
           “Yes, sir. I understand, sir,” Bucky replied immediately, sitting back in his chair like a scolded child.
           “I’ll have FRIDAY run a complete system scan and check for any disturbances,” Tony sighed, massaging between his eyes.
           “Good,” Ross grunted. “Sergeant Barnes is not to leave the confines of the compound without an escort until further notice. I would also advise FRIDAY to keep tabs on his every movement in case of a further incident.”
Steve’s eyes scrunched shut, and he bit his tongue to keep from arguing. “Yes, sir.”
           “I’ll be in touch,” was all Ross said before the call ended and Tony, Steve, and Bucky were left sitting in silence.
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Bucky was vindicated a few days later when Ross decided Bucky was asleep in the compound that night. Even though Bucky was cleared to do whatever he wanted now, an anxious hum took root under his skin, leaving him on edge constantly. Steve reluctantly agreed to show Bucky the surveillance video from the incident, but it only made the sick feeling in his stomach worse. Someone was walking around with what seemed to be his face, and he had no idea who it was or why they were doing it.
A few weeks passed with no new sightings, and Bucky started to relax, giving into Sam and Steve’s begging to get out of the compound. The three decided on a bar nearby and agreed to bring Nat and Wanda along for some fresh air. Bucky managed to have a little bit of fun after the last few weeks of paranoia; Wanda sucked him into a conversation about a book she was reading when Nat got up for another drink.
           “Hey,” Steve cut in, startling Bucky and Wanda. “Where’d Nat go?”
           “She went to grab a drink,” Wanda provided, furrowing her brow at Steve.
           “Yeah, like 10 minutes ago,” Sam added.
           “Should we check on her?” Bucky asked, glancing at the slightly crowded bar.
           “Maybe she went to the bathroom,” Wanda provided. “I have to go too, so I’ll see if I can find her.” The three men nodded stiffly, watching the redhead weave through the crowds of people.
           “Thanks, guys,” Bucky sighed, bringing his beer to his lips again.
           “You were turning into a hermit,” Sam snorted, knocking shoulders with the super-soldier.
           “I had a good reason,” Bucky argued, tipping his bottle towards Sam. Steve shook his head, looking ready to add something when horror bloomed on his face, and he jumped from his chair. Sam tried to ask what happened, but he was already gone; the remaining two looked at each other before getting to their feet, following the path Steve had taken. They pushed through two people in their way, nearly running Steve over; Wanda was in front of him with a badly beaten Natasha draped over her shoulder.
           “What the fuck happened,” Sam gasped, shifting around Steve. Nat lifted her head, finding Sam but her eyes quickly flickered over to Bucky, rage exploding from her.
           “You!” she screamed, lunging away from Wanda. Steve sidestepped, catching Nat before she could get to Bucky.
           “What happened!” Steve shouted, struggling to keep Nat caged in his arms.
           “That fucking asshole a-“ Nat stopped, going limp in Steve’s grip as she looked over Bucky again, her face going slack. “But…I just…hold on.”
           “Nat, I didn’t touch you,” Bucky whispered, taking a step closer.
           “Oh fuck,” she breathed, her eyes growing wider at the same time Bucky’s did.
           “We gotta go,” Sam suddenly said, herding the present Avengers towards the door. Bucky stumbled along, barely aware of what was going on as panic set in again; he was pushed down into the backseat of Steve’s car, pressing against Wanda’s side.
           “He was there,” Bucky whispered, staring wide-eyed at the floor.
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Bucky tip-toed down the dark alley, gun at the ready as he checked every nook and cranny, his heart pounding in his chest.
           “Anything yet?” Steve’s crackled in his ear, scaring him, but he didn’t flinch.
           “Nothing,” Bucky whispered back, quickly turning down to check another break in the buildings.
           “Fuck,” Nat hissed through the earpiece. Bucky sighed, trying to release some of the tension in his shoulders and bring them down from around his ears, but he was too wound up. He could hear the faint bustle of New York City over the thump of his boots against the concrete; the team got a tip of a sighting in the city the night before and wasted no time heading out. Nat, Steve, Sam, Clint, Wanda, and Bucky were spread out around the general area of the sighting, looking for any clues.
           “Oh Jesus,” Clint retched. The faint sound on his dinner coming up made Bucky’s stomach turn, and a shiver ran through him.
           “Clint?” Nat’s yell echoed from a street near Bucky, and he took off running in the direction where Clint should be.
           “I don’t know what the fuck this is, but, uhhh,” Clint panted. Bucky rounded the nearest corner, meeting Wanda and Sam there before heading towards Clint, who was bracing himself against a building, spitting and wiping his mouth.
           “What is it?” Steve jogged towards them from the opposite direction with Nat on his heels. Clint weakly waved towards the break in the alley, refusing to turn around again; Bucky, Steve, and Sam approached slowly, searching for whatever Clint found.
           “What the fuck!” Sam yelled, jumping back into Bucky. Bucky shot him an exasperated look before stepping around him to look, and man, did he regret it. It looked like a pile of clothes at first glance, but the longer he studied it, he noticed what looked like skin catching the light. Bile burned at the back of Bucky’s throat as he stumbled away, horrified, barely making it away from Sam before hurling himself. Somehow Steve and Sam managed to keep their composure as they took a closer look; Wanda and Nat didn’t even bother to try.
           “Alright,” Steve mumbled, trying to hide his disgusted shiver. “Continue the sweep and look for any more of this…stuff.”
           “Great,” Clint sighed, pushing away from the wall he was leaning on. Without another word, Bucky, Clint, Wanda, and Nat took off, desperate to get away from whatever the fuck they found. Bucky tried to stay focused as he moved back onto his block, but he couldn’t get the image of the pile of what he was sure now was skin. He kept walking, checking any place someone could hide, but he was still so preoccupied with their discovery that he didn’t hear the approaching footsteps. Bucky stopped to inspect the stairs that led down to the backdoor of a building when he finally heard them, but it was too late.
           “I didn’t think you’d ever find me.” Bucky froze. The sound of his own voice calling out to him, taunting him, was stranger and more terrifying than he’d imagined. He slowly turned, forcing himself to keep his eyes open and never letting his guard down. Bucky’s stomach turned as he met familiar blue eyes that he was only used to seeing in the mirror.
           “What…what are you,” Bucky stammered, staring at his own face twisted in a sadistic smirk.
           “Bucky?” Sam said in his ear. “What’s going on?”
           “I don’t really think that’s important,” Bucky’s look-a-like chuckled, lazily strolling closer.
           “Kinda important to me,” Bucky snapped, tightening his grip on the gun at his side.
           “Let me put it this way,” the other huffed. “It won’t matter for much longer.” Bucky was too distracted by the copy of himself walking and talking that he didn’t notice the slight movement of the copy’s left arm. Bucky stared down the barrel of the gun, his blood roaring in his ears as his heart nearly burst through his ribs; he at least had enough sense at that moment to lift his own gun.
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Sam jogged to meet Steve halfway and caught a flash of Wanda’s red hair under the lights at the other end.
           “Hurry up!” Steve yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth. Clint, Wanda, and Nat picked up their pace, and as soon as they were close enough, Sam and Steve fell in step. The Avengers were only a few feet from the mouth of the alleyway when the gunshot rang out, quick and efficient like the strike of a cobra. The five skid to stop, staring down at the figure facing them as the figure dropped their arm.
           “Took ya long enough,” Bucky panted, stepping over the body at his feet.
           “Thank god,” Steve choked out, bending to brace his hands on his knees.
           “Let’s go take care of, whatever that is,” Sam offered, taking a deep breath and smacking Bucky’s shoulder as he passed.
           “Nice job, buddy,” Clint sighed, elbowing Bucky before following Sam. ‘Bucky’ stood with his back to them, a dark smile slowly crawling up his face.
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madmilkboi · 3 years
pls the “asking your bf to buy a nonexistent menstrual product” was so funny !!! if it’s not too much trouble can you do it with iwaizumi, tendou, & atsumu?
━🧋⌒*. Asking your boyfriend to buy you a non-existent feminine product
summary: asking them to buy la pusé delight
genre: crack kinda, fluff, kinda suggestive lol
warning/s: curse words, mentions of vibrators (again lol) 🥶 Atsumu getting mad and buying you the true la pusé delight 😃👍🏼
a/n: here u goooo lol i had fun writing this
here's part 1 if u haven't read it yet :D
₍ ♡ ₎ atsumu, iwaizumi,tendou
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• While you were scrolling through your phone watching tiktoks
• you came across a certain video where a girl asks her boyfriend to buy her a non-existent feminine product
• and of course you liked the idea
• so why not try it with your lovely boyfriend, Atsumu
• as atsumu was driving home a sudden call interrupted his focus on the road
• he clicked his tongue and answered it since his phone was connected to his car
• "and why did my sweet rose flower call me while I'm driving, hmm?" He asked
• "I'm having period pains" you answered making your voice as convincing as possible
• "okay and?" He joked, letting out a laugh
• "what do you need, baby?" He asked, worry was visible in his tone
• "can you buy me the 'la pusé delight'?" You held in your laugh
• "that sounds like a toy" he mumbled
• "but it's not...please buy it for me" you pleaded
• Atsumu sighed and answerwd a small ok
• he ended the call and immediately turned to the nearest store he could find
• he parked his car and went inside
• he walked to the feminine products aisle and looked for "la pusé delight"
• but to his dismay he couldn't find anything
• and so he asked a nearby employee
• "excuse me, do you have..." he paused embarrassed of the name of the product
• "how may i help you, sir?" She asked
• "do you have...la pusé delight?" He asked his voice getting smaller
• "la what sir?" The employee had a big smile on her face, Atsumu mentally punched himself
• "la pusé...delight" he muttered
• "I'm sorry sir" the employee held in her laugh "but we don't have that product" she smiled
• "do you think other stores have it?" He asked
• "i don't think that even exists sir" she answered
• "oh okay, thank you" he left the store slightly pissed
• he went inside his car letting out a loud sigh
• "so that's how it is huh" he lets out a devilish grin and went to a secluded area
• after buying something he immediately drove home
• "just wait till i get home" he mumbled looking at the paper bag on the passenger seat
• you paused the game on your phone after hearing a knock on the door
• you went downstairs and opened the door
• you smiled seeing him
• "here you go, baby" he gave you the bag and placed a kiss on your forehead
• "oh...you bought it" you muttered confused as to why the product existed
• "open it" he ordered
• you fished through the bag and grabbed it
• there revealed a pink vibrator
• "Atsumu what the fuck?" You looked at it, your eyebrows furrowed
• "the true la pusé delight!" He exclaimed
• mental note: never try on pranking atsumu
• "want to try it?" He winked
• "no, thank you" you gave it to him walking upstairs
• "i don't take no for an answer" he lifted you bridal style and carried you to the bedroom wearing a little smile
• hehe ;)
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• you were on your phone while waiting for your husband, Iwaizumi
• And a friend of yours sent you a video with a message saying "you should do this with Iwa lol"
• You watched it and thought that a little prank wouldn't hurt, right?
• you looked at the store's door and saw him coming out with bags of groceries
• He placed the bags on the trunk and walked to the driver's seat, opening it
• "Darling, can you please go back and buy me la pusé delight?" You batted your eyelashes
• Knowing him, he's probably irritated that he needs to go back
• "and that's for?" He asked
• "My period, it hurts" you rubbed your stomach and gave him a pitiful look
• his gaze softened, he grabbed the back of your head and pulled you closer to him
• He placed a kiss on your forehead and told you to wait
• he went out of the car and walked back to the store
• He casually walked to the feminine products aisle and looked for la pusé delight
• but he couldn't find it, he slowly got irritated to the point where his eyes were narrowed and his breaths were getting heavier
• After a few more minutes of looking
• he gave up and went back to the car
• He closed the door with a loud thud
• "sorry" he sighed "i couldn't find it" he clicked his tongue, his breaths still heavy
• "Hajime, calm down" you held his hand
• "how can i calm down knowing you're in pain?" He asked, looking at you
• "It's a prank hehe" you looked at him, that was a dumb decision to tell him
• he pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a smile
• he let out a laugh, an irritated laugh to be specific
• "Baby, darling, the love of my life" he started
• "You did this because?" He asked
• "a friend said so!" You exclaimed not wanting to give him the name of the friend
• "Who?" He asked
• "You'll probably drop kick him off the atmosphere if i tell you" you mumbled
• "it's oikawa isn't it?" He smiled and grabbed your phone, he dialed a number and after a few seconds the person that he was calling picked up
• "so how did it go? Y/n-chan?" Oikawa asked
• "I will throw a barbell to your head and punch you off the atmosp-"
• You grabbed your phone from him
• "it kinda worked but he's mad at you.." you glanced at him "and me probably" you mumbled
• "Anyways, don't bother on coming back to Japan if you want to live! Love you~ bye" you ended the call and looked at Iwaizumi with a big smile
• "i can never get mad at you, you know that" his lips formed a small grin
• "Now let's go back home" he started the car
• while driving you and him talked about ways on how to prank Oikawa when he comes back
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• you pacing back and forth on the living room while holding your phone
• And your groupchat was blowing up full of texts
• you decided on reading all the texts they sent and discovered that everybody was pulling a prank on their boyfriends
• all of them were telling each other how it went, some went well while others didn't
• And they were all insisting that you should try it too since it was fun
• and since you were bored, why not?
• It's just a harmless prank, it won't hurt him
• as tendou was about to drive back home, his phone rung
• he smiled seeing the caller ID
• "Hello, sweetheart" he beamed
• "Hi...can you please buy me uhh..." you paused wanting to make it convincing as possible
• "What? Name it. I'll buy it for you"
• "La pusé delight" you told him
• "i know it sounds weird but it's for period pains"
• "It definitely sounds weird...it's like a name for a vibrator" he muttered
• "but i will buy it of course, you just wait there sweet heart!" He ended the call and drove to the nearest store he could find
• He exited his car and went inside
• he silently walked t9 the feminine products aisle and immediately looked for it
• he searched every nook and cranny but he couldn't find "la pusé delight"
• And so he left the store with a frown
• And as he was about to get in his car, a loud meow emitted from the back of his car
• he checked the back and saw a kitten, on the ground
• He picked it up and surprisingly the cat didn't show any signs of discomfort
• it didn't have a tag or anything so why not take it home?
• He bopped the kitten's nose and entered the car
• he took of his jacket and placed it on his lap for the kitten to sit on
• The whole drive the kitten was comfortable, it was calm and wasn't very much of a hyper cat
• he parked the car on the driveway and gently held the kitten to his chest covering it with his jacket
• He opened the door and saw you lying on the couch, focused on your phone
• you looked at the door and saw Satori holding his jacket really close to his chest
• You texted your friends first that tendou's here and would tell them whether the prank was successful or not
• "did you get it?" You asked
• "No but i have something much better" he smiled, showing the kitten hiding inside his jacket
• you smiled and opened your phone texting your friend's that you're boyfriend's the sweetest angel to ever walk on Earth
• "Where did you find it?" You asked, gently stroking the kitten's head
• "i found it outside, at the back of my car" he explained
• Finding him cute, you gave him a kiss on the cheek
• He let's out a cheeky smile and gave you a kiss back
• the whole night you and him were suggesting names for the kitten
©️ madmilkboi 2021 do not copy or repost.
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🏷: @crescenttooru @leronddesorciere @fleurdedyo @owlnymph @kawaiiisis (shoot an ask or dm if u wanna be added on my taglist! ^v^)
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jackk-attackk · 2 years
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Current house: upstairs
So, when I saw this post, I was absolutely inspired. Almost every design I’ve done for my upstairs and basement has involved splitting them into at least two rooms, but I’ve mostly done the upstairs as three rooms (or, rather, two rooms and a hallway/reading nook). As is probably fairly obvious, the two side rooms are set up as kids rooms, with a reading/tv nook in the middle. I’m going to split this up into multiple posts, because there’s a lot going on, and I want to be able to share lots of photos because I take too many.
Originally, I had the upstairs split into a room for two young girls and a room for two teenage girls, and then I moved the “older”-styled room downstairs (and added a third occupant, as a personal challenge. You can see my two and three-person designs for that room here and here. I’ve since redesigned it yet again, so I’ll probably be posting an update soon…) What makes me really sad about that is that I never actually took photos of the setup!!! I have a few of one side, but not the other, or the tiny half-bath I had in the middle, nor did I take any photos of my basement, which had been set up as a little bedroom for two boys and a family room. However, I am so incredibly happy with how this space turned out, so I think that kind of helps make up for it (as I wasn’t crazy about the old designs… which is why I changed them 😅)
I love the bright colors going on here SO much! It gives me a happy, warm vibe, and I had a lot of fun trying to carry the colors through all of the “rooms”, while still trying to make them individual. As I’ve stated before, I like to design my ACNH house as a home for a very large family (hence all the kids lol) In my mind, the two girls in the room on the left are about 6-8, the two boys are 9-10, and the girls in the room downstairs are 13-15. However, I recently found the high chair item, which now makes me want to try designing a little nursery somewhere, so… stay tuned for that, I guess 😂
Dated: 11/14/21
Full item list under the cut:
Cushion (x2)
Cushion (x2)
Cushion (x2)
Diner sofa
Imperial dining lantern
Juicy-apple TV
Pile of Zen cushions
Starry garland (not pictured)
Wooden bookshelves (x4)
Right side (boys’ room):
Baby bear
Brine shrimp aquarium
Card tower
Cherry rug
Fish doorplate (not pictured)
Fishing boat flag (x2, one not pictured)
High-tech sneakers (not pictured)
Homework set
Kid’s sneakers (not pictured)
Loft bed with desk (x2)
Mom’s tissue box
No-show socks
Painting set
Party garland
Shaded floor lamp
Throwback rocket
Tube socks
Wooden-block chair (x2)
Wooden-block chest
Yoshi’s egg rug
Left side (girls’ room):
Apple rug
Baby panda
Ballet slippers (not pictured)
Cute sneakers (not pictured)
Dolly (x2)
Hamster cage
Hand-knit socks
Hello Kitty bed (x2)
Hello Kitty clock
Hello Kitty drawers
Hello Kitty hat (not pictured)
Lakitu’s cloud rug
Mama panda
Mixed-tweed socks
Mobile (x2)
Mom’s embroidery (not pictured)
Outdoor hat (not pictured)
Piano bench
Rocket lamp
Study poster
Toy box
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cavvaje · 3 years
Hearth and Rime | Ch. 1
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Pairing: M!Eivor x Reader
Summary: Eivor has had a rough day and you make him feel better :)
Words: 1600~
Genre: Fluff, Comfort?
Warnings: Spoilers for end of Cent Arc! | Somewhat suggestive fade to black
Note: Still a bit new to writing fics, so sorry if its a bit rough around the edges!
I actually finished this in time for valentines but just kept editing it and being too nervous to actually post it? Then decided to retake all the photos lol... 
This is also a continuation of the first fic I put up, BUT you don’t need to read it to understand (it was like 200 words). Here’s a link!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The home is modest for its outwards appearance. According to Eivor, the last occupants were runaway Saxons, who fled the day after they saw him in the area. They didn’t leave much behind, but it’s serviceable.
“Smells good!” Eivor stands by a cooking pot in the corner, setting down the bright torch in his hand. He turns to you with a cheeky look.
“Here,” He says, untying his cloak. The Viking comes to you as you stand in front of the doorway. His cloak needs to go over, and so you squeeze your head through the hole. “This should help you warm up.” 
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Gentle arms reach around your shoulders, and instinctually, your arms begin to trace his waist to his back. Adrenaline surges in cold shivers: from your arms through to your spine. Your face is practically buried in the nook between his neck and shoulder. You hold each other a moment, checking off an imaginary checklist of things that make him real. His warmth, his scent, his breath...
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A tight tug wakes you up; the cloak has been set, albeit loosely. He lets go of the embrace. Even as he leaves, the cloak maintains his warmth.
“It smells like blood…”
He chuckles lightly, “Does it now?... Surprise?” he flips his axe in one hand, starts drying the rainwater off the metal, then sets it down. He motions towards the steaming pot. “Can I dig in?”
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You stare at him as he pulls off the bracers and his hidden blade. He looks back a moment later, puzzled.
“I missed you, Eivor.” You say, plainly.
“Ah…” he pulls you in for a proper hug this time; his arms hold you tight. “I missed you too.” 
“Mmm… what’s bothering you Drengr?”
You feel the sigh heavily from the movement of his chest against yours. “Please, let me eat…”
“Of course! Sorry. Must’ve been a long trip...” 
“No no, don’t be.” He lets go, but locks his eyes on yours, and gives a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “I’ll explain, I won’t be like Sigurd.” 
“Like Sigurd?” 
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His weight falls heavy on the stool, as he grabs a bowl. 
You pace towards him slowly, a hand gentle on his left shoulder. “...Did you find him?”
“Not exactly.” 
You feel his rage beginning to simmer on your hand, but it sizzles down quickly. You wait for a few minutes as he ravages his stew, and then places the empty bowl down calmly and precisely. 
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“We found an arm.” 
“Aye, shit.”
He turns to you suddenly, his eyes focused. “Don’t tell the ravens. Please.” He scans your expression. “Can I trust you to this?”
You nod.
“..Thank you.” He sighs and slumps down onto the table.
You stand idly, unsure of how to proceed. The silence fills the room like a cursed fog.
“Perhaps we should talk more in the morning? After you’ve rested from your journey?” you perk up, sitting down next to him. Your hand moves to the Viking’s back reassuringly, and he arches to greet it. “For tonight, let me take care of you, ok?”
He stifles a small chuckle and looks at you earnestly. “That sounds great.”
You smile and get up from your seat. He follows, holds your hands, and leans in close. “Thank Freyja I found you…” His eyes meet yours. You put your hand up to his scarred cheek and… after a moment of hesitation, kiss him. He tastes like a paradise gritted by blood and steel, or maybe it’s the venison... A kiss that feels like a surging tide effortlessly enveloping you. His hands move to wrap around your waist and the back of your neck, and as you break the kiss, it moves back to fall on your cheek. 
He lets out a satisfied breath and slowly removes his hands as well, instead moving them to hold yours. “I needed that.” His voice barely a whisper, yet still raspy and impassioned. 
You coyly move away, tracing your fingers over his own as you leave. “Come… get comfy. Let me help you away with the stresses of your life, Wolf-Kissed.” You begin to move towards the other end of the room.
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“Are you just telling me to take off my clothes, lover?” he returns, just as coy, but begins to remove his top anyway. His now shirtless figure is darkened against the light of the fire.
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“And you? It’s only fair…” His voice and eyes gleam with a newfound playfulness.
“Ah… but my cloak is so heavy…”
He quickly moves to uncloak you, then slower to unclothe. His lightly calloused hands ‘accidentally’ feel your stomach and arms as you two connect in this growing heat. Both of you a little more exposed, you sit on the bearskin by the bed, absorbing each other’s presence. 
“New scar?” A faded but deep red streak across the top of his wrist into the forearm. He smiles and shrugs. You feel it… still a bit fresh. “It looks good on you.” 
He traces it with his other hand in empty thought, while you grab a nearby satchel containing medicinal herbs. He tries his best not to wince as you apply your treatment... he doesn’t wince once. He’s simply watching you in admiration. 
“What’s that look for? Something wrong?” You ask, knowing the answer.
"You are stunning. Like a painting, framed in a lantern-lit gold. In comparison to you, even its fire seems dull and cold...” 
You shove his shoulder playfully and he laughs, but his eyes stay on you to look for your smile, and he finds it, blushing. He looks proud of himself. Bastard. 
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You get behind him and slowly begin to unbraid his hair. It’s matted in parts, likely from blood and dirt. You move him to an empty spot in the room and begin to wash his hair with a nearby water basin, trying not to get him too wet...
“Mmph, you treat me too well…” He mumbles.
“Only what you deserve, and well, much more than just this,”
“...Why’d you say that?” his voice is sweet and innocent. You laugh in surprise.
“What? Eivor, you’re the leader of our clan! At least until Sigurd comes back...” You watch as his head swoops down in thought. You place your hand on his shoulder cautiously. “Hey… what’s this about?”
He doesn’t respond, and you continue to work through his hair. Eventually, though, you decide to break the silence. 
“Why exactly… did you want to meet away from Ravensthorpe?” 
You think back to the letter you got, Synin being a talented messenger bird. He never mentioned why you were to meet here, except that he wanted to meet first for a romantic getaway before he was whisked off elsewhere. At first, that was enough, but now...
“I just wanted to see you, is that too much to ask for?” he retorted.
“Fine. Why do you think I asked then?”
You pause. “Honestly, I thought you were gonna have a private issue that needed taking care of, one that needs my particular skill set…”
He looks at you with wild eyes and a smile about to be broken into laughter. “Well! I suppose that too!” he laughs. 
“What? No! I mean if you needed someone, you know...” You imitate a neck being sliced. He laughs again. You slap his shoulder.
His laugh slowly trickles out, and he returns to his thousand-yard stare after a moment, but his mouth moves. “I think… I just needed a break from it all. Just for a moment.” He looks back at you. “With you.”
…You resist the urge to defuse the moment and hug him tightly from behind. “Well if you need anything else, I’m all ears.” 
He shakes his head and gives a quick kiss on your cheek. “Let’s save that for tomorrow...” 
He pauses. 
"Because tonight..." He turns to you and puts his arms over your shoulders. His face slowly approaches yours— and you make eye contact, your face clearly anticipating the worst. He nearly laughs but quickly turns to whisper into your ear. "I have other plans..." he smiles, and lightly nibbles on your earlobe, pulling it ever so slightly. This is not what you meant by ‘all ears’. The actual sensation is nice enough, but the sudden waves of euphoria that washes through your headspace is what makes you a little dizzy. 
"H-hey, I'm nearly done with your hair..." You manage to say, barely. He smiles both warm yet seductive, then turns around to let you finish.
As you finish up with his hair, he gives you a sweet look followed by a grateful kiss. It was a... mostly calming activity. As you get up, he childishly hops on the fur bed with a thud. You turn away to tidy up. However, a shuffling sound catches your attention.
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He’s striking a pose... one eyebrow raised. He extends forward his hand and winks at you. 
“Come… play with your Drengr, love…” he recites dramatically. 
You stare at him, incredulous, then laugh in protest when he grabs your arm. He yanks you in... you fall, barely lit by the low lantern light, into your love dance.
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Sleeping next to him is a warmth you always regret not cherishing more. Just his presence makes this cold and dangerous land feel safe. His fingers trace your arm ever so slightly— not enough to wake you, but just enough to send tingles rushing through to your brain. You return the favor and he smiles surprised, but welcome in his half-sleep. 
…Time passes immeasurably through the night, as it always does. So when all you feel is a vacuum of cold air rushing in, you aren't sure what time it is. You try to open your eyes... you see him, barely.
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But your eyelids hang heavy, and you fall back asleep.
Note: haha get it “barely” I hope this was ok and the warnings+genre were accurate! I didn’t wanna put earlobe nibbling as a warning so lmao. Also I hate small cottages and I’m never taking photos in them again.
If anyone has any advice/feedback I’d actually really love to hear it! Especially about how to make Eivor’s voice feel more accurate, or if the Reader character has too much personality. No pressure though!
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akawrites000 · 3 years
Needy (Part 2)
When the Hero regained consciousness, they were very surprised for a couple of reasons. One- they weren't supposed to open their eyes again, they were supposed to be dead, and the cause of death would be 'choked by the Villain's sturdy hands'; two- their treacherous heart just wouldn't shut up, way too excited at the possibility that maybe, just maybe, this villain wasn't really as bad as they portrayed themselves to be (and would somehow magically turn into one of the villain personalities whom the Hero swooned over almost everyday on their smartphone) and three- they were currently tied up in some abandoned warehouse and the rough ropes were hurting their wrist.
It seemed like they had made enough noise waking up, because a shadow was walking towards them from the corner of the building. The Hero gulped- this is bad, I really can't protect myself right now because my hands are literally tied. The Hero's anxiety was at alarmingly high levels as they tried to internally calm themselves down (which didn't work). The shadow went over and flicked on the light switch, momentarily blinding the Hero.
Like a puppet cut off from its strings, the Hero slumped down in utter relief, voice a breathy sigh as they spoke, "It's only you huh, thank goodness, I was afraid it might be someone else who wanted to hurt me." They saw the Villain looking at them like they were a creature from another planet, standing comfortably by the wall.
The Villain sure as hell had good reason for their facial expressions and actions, their mind currently running a marathon- why did the Hero look so relieved after seeing that it was me, when they were clearly terrified just a moment ago? I mean, I'm the Villain... how can they be so sure that I wouldn't harm them? Their mind immediately pulled up the mental image of how all the tension in the Hero's shoulder just left once they knew that it was them standing in the corner, and how relieved their voice sounded. It was seriously very disturbing and the Villain couldn't understand why.
The Villain walked closer to the Hero who was currently struggling to get out of those ropes, "How did you know that I wouldn't hurt you? ", the Villain questioned, voice dark, " don't give me this bullshit of 'I trusted you' -
"But I did, and I do." The Hero had stopped wiggling in their chair and focused all of their attention on the Villain who looked like he was kicked in the gut. "Huh?", was all the distressed villain could manage, eyes fixed on the enigmatic Hero. The Hero simply chuckled- a soft sound that did weird things to the Villain's chest, " I mean no offense Villain, but you could have seriously killed me, with your fingers around my neck and all-"
The Hero didn't even see the Villain move, and before they knew it, their mouth was clamped shut by the Villain's hand, amber eyes looking into theirs desperately, "Just don't talk." , the villain said curtly- because it's driving me mad, you're driving me mad.
"O-okay?" The Hero said unsure of themselves, focusing their attention back into getting themselves out of those ropes. The Villain was just going to go and mull in the corner, and have an inner monologue with themselves before a loud groan- which soon turned into a pained whine, came from the direction of the Hero. They Villain whisked their head back so quickly, and surprised themselves because of how much they cared. They sprang over to where they tied the Hero, eyes meticulously going over the binds- I know I didn't tie it that tightly...
"What's wrong?" , the Villain asked, letting just a little emotion seep into their voice. The Hero looked up at them and it was only then that the Villain noticed how tired they were- those eyes that had always shined like a starry sky were now a dull blue, dark circles lining those eyes like they were a permanent inhabitant of their handsome/beautiful face. Though according to the Villain, they had no place there.
"Is there something on my face?" ,the Hero asked, twisting and turning a little. Bad move, they thought, as a loud gasp tore out of their throat and they doubled over in pain. The Villain was there in a jiffy, holding them up gently. They even let them lean on their body for support and the Hero couldn't help but smile despite the pain.
"What's wrong?!" The Villain asked once again, eyes searching every visible nook and corner of the Hero's body for any sign of injuries.
"I-It hurts.", they gasped, leaning in closer to the Villain.
The Villain got rid of the restraints themselves, carried the Hero bridal style and placed them on the floor to get a better look at them, all the while the Villain's mind was at crossroads- why am I doing this? vs I don't want to see them hurt playing on a loop inside their head. With every jostle the Hero flinched and the Villain's chest clenched with guilt?- something that they hadn't allowed themselves to feel in ages.
"Where does it hurt?" The Villain's voice came out gentle, and they surprised themselves once again.
They looked down to see the Hero grinning at them, eyss once again becoming a starry sky. Despite going through every possibility in their head as to how the Hero would react when they woke up again, grinning and soft eyes was definitely not on the Villain's list of possibilities- It made them weak.
"Here and here." The Hero pointed with their index finger to the general area around their ribs and below. No external injury could be seen, which meant that it was damaged internally- that's bad. The Villain went through the first aid procedures in their head.
The Hero smiled at them, "You don't have to look so worried Villain, I'll be fine. You've done enough, so I'll just go and get myself admitted at a hospital. " The Hero attempted to stand up, only to curl in on themselves again.
The Villain was angry, because it seemed like this stupid Hero was only desperate to hurt themselves more. And it made them even more furious to admit that they let something like "the Hero's wellbeing" get to them.
"Just sit here and don't move, I'm going to get the first aid supplies." The Villain made sure to glare extra hard at the greenie Hero so that they wouldn't get any other foolish ideas. They watched the Hero nod happily, as they made their way over to the other side of the room, looking for said supplies.
"So this is really where you live huh- and they went into a furious coughing fit. The Villain rushed back, cursing the Hero in their mind for not even giving them a few moments of peace, hand rubbing soothing circles onto their back. In the back of their mind though, the Villain was relieved at the fact that the Hero at least had a brain in there. They watched as the Hero gasped and spluttered, struggling to breathe. They definitely broke a few ribs during the fight, the Villain's mind fed worryingly from the Hero's reaction. Their hands instantly started working on the first aid measures, patching the Hero up the best they could.
"Don't talk, don't move, stay still." The Villain's voice may have sounded deep and cold but the Hero could feel the warmth in each of those words. They were slowly starting to feel tired, eyelids closing involuntarily once again.
The Villain stared at their nemesis, a look of fear stretching across their face, "Oi, don't close your eyes! Hero! Listen to me!"
The Hero woke up once again, this time to beeping sounds and bleary white walls. A hospital. They only turned their head, suddenly aware of the pain below their chest and their eyes landed on a slumped figure, on a chair by their bedside. Villain... had they admitted them to the hospital? How did I even get here? Don't tell me that they carried me all the way here?!
The Hero's face heated up at the thought, and they wiggled their hands in front of their face, swatting the thought away as if it were a fly. They sighed, feeling much better than they remembered feeling before they blacked out. Their eyes shifted to their phone which gave a soft glow in the dark.
One new message.
Villain: Your phone really doesn't have any useful information at all, you greenie Hero.
The Hero chuckled at the apparent annoyance that the Villain might have felt upon the discovery. It was the truth, they really weren't allowed to know as much as their higher ups did.
Villain: Open your notes.
The Hero became alarmed, their fingers flying to the notes app. The notes was like their personal diary and they never let anyone read through them. They were pissed, eyes glaring at the sleeping villain as they opened the most recently edited note-
The story I read today was so good, I hope I get to meet a villain like that in my life!
Well you met one today, what did you think? Tell me after you wake up- Villain.
And the story was nothing special, I read it. I'm sure we could do so much better than that- Villain.
If the Hero's cheeks weren't flaming then, they sure were now. They weren't even mad anymore, just giddy, smiling like an idiot at the sleeping Villain.
"You were amazing, Villain."
The Hero opened up the Villain's chat-
H: How am I supposed to tell you if you're still asleep dummy. Wake up!!!
H: And next time, don't just snoop around my phone while I'm asleep. Just ask me and I'll give it to you.
okay this ended up being way more cheesy than it was in my head lol/ villain gets influenced by hopeless romantic hero/ it's the beginning of their own fanfic inspired heroxvillain relationship/hero is extremely satisfied-hope you all liked it.
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
Hey!! Ok so about me ummm i have curly/wavy brown hair, a bit longer than my shoulders, and hazel eyes. My personality, im very talkative but still introverted and i get awkward at events where i dont know a lot of ppl (i still love partying and dancing w friends tho) so i am a fan of my down time that involves either reading, writing, or watching tv. i love talking to people and friends, I’ll always listen if someone needs to vent to me and I love hearing ppl talk about their nerdy sides lol. i also tend to ramble a bit in conversations and im open to sharing a lot of things about myself. I’m also a very honest person who keeps it real with people and is straightforward about how i’m feeling and i like honesty from other ppl as well. I sing in choir and love music, I’m also sort of into theater, I’ve watched a good amount of musicals and LOVE Funny Girl. I read a lot, mostly cheesy romance books like red white and royal blue or to all the boys i loved before. I also love Harry Potter and can talk about that for ages. Feel free to ship me w who you think is best I’ll love anything but if it helps, part of me kins todd bc of his anxiety, i really feel like charlie is my spirit animal at times, i just resonate with his vibe, and i love neil. Thanks!! :)
beth !!!<3 i hope i did justice with this and you like it just as much as the anderperry piece from the other night (; thank you for all you do. here it is:
going to ship you with the cutest little baby himself, todd anderson. even though you’re very similar in terms of personality, you were juuuust a tad more outgoing than him, which allowed him to open up really well because you showed him how (:
neil would love talking theater with you. he’d try to convince you to come tryout for the upcoming play, but when you refused nicely, he took it in stride, just grateful that he was able to geek out with someone about something that meant a lot to him
he’d be so, so supportive of you singing in choir and would always take initiative in planning how he and all the other poets would get to and from your recitals
you and todd would grow together so much in your relationship, moving forward with your social anxieties, and making your bond that much stronger (see: “grow as we go” by ben platt)
you and cameron got on fairly well, mostly he just helped you with any school work you would get confused on (and he always found you cute, but never ever said anything in respect for both you and todd)
consider you and meeks the hugest harry potter geeks in the friend group, charlie giving you guys a hard time about it. but once you lent him your books, he would join the discourse between you and meeks, wanting to know what house he’d be in and talking about hp nonstop
having to encourage todd to trust himself as a person and open up a bit more was a hard task at times, but he’d just watch your example of how honest and comfortable you seemed with yourself, and it got easier as the months went on
sitting in a room with knox, charlie, and neil listening to them rant about how much they didn’t want to follow in their dads’ footsteps, and only giving advice if they asked (they were just thankful that you listened to them)
todd would fully understand and respect your down time/alone time, asking if there was anything you’d need to have a nice afternoon to yourself
even if you didn’t say you needed anything, a new book and a couple of hand-written original poems would find their way onto your desk while you were out (:
charlie always giving you a “hard time” for how you were so quiet in class, but would talk nonstop when it was just you and the poets (“do you want me to not be comfortable around you guys ? because i can make that happen,” you’d say. to which his response [slightly panicked] would be, “no ! of course not, i’m merely making an observation and  commenting”
you and todd finding a nook somewhere on campus where you could just sit and read together, enjoying the silence and each other’s company
you and pitts would most certainly have a show that you would binge together; hours at a time. i mean seriously, to the point where meeks would have to check if you guys were still alive after he’d been in a study group all afternoon on the weekends
todd would also love to play with your hair because it was so pretty (i’m sure a description of your looks was utilized in countless poems of his)
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on the night of one of your choir performances, you had left the poets in the midst of an argument about how todd didn’t want pitts to wear his plaid blazer because todd wanted to wear his, claiming it was “his girlfriend’s performance and wanted to look good,” (which he always did in his plaid blazer and black slacks). neil was worried they’d be late, constantly checking his watch, and charlie was running around messing up cameron’s and pitts’ hair for fun.
by the time they had gotten to the performance hall and seated, the lights were dimming. neil was just glad that they got there on time, and todd was so excited to see you doing something you loved. needless to say, you were the star of the show, and todd’s eyes were gleaming as he watched you (later on he’d tell you that he’d never heard something so pretty come out of someone’s mouth ever). when the performance was over, they would cheer so loud, earning dirty looks from all the preppy parents in attendance. you’d be so excited to see the boys, but todd in particular. after you came out of the stage door, they’d all be waiting, todd holding a bouquet of flowers, and the other boys giving you a humongous round of applause (complete with “whoops”/shouts) and congratulating you on doing such a good job.
“you are amazing, beth,” charlie and neil would say, giving you big hugs. the other boys would agree, and you’d turn to todd who held the bouquet out to you, clearly speechless. he kept starting to say something, but could just give you the most humongous hug ever,
“you are everything,” he’d say quietly just so you could hear. he truly didn’t know how to convey just how much you left him in awe, but when you woke up to a poem about it on your desk the next morning, it meant that much more to have him in your life.
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