#i would let this man fold me like a pretzel
The goblin looked at the orc. The orc looked at the goblin. They both looked down at the crumpled shape of the Overlord, His Unholy Majesty, in his obsidian armor.
His final spasms had been mesmerizingly acrobatic. The fall down the steps leading up to his iron throne had pretzelled his body quite impressively, both arms folded behind his back and one leg bent at a jaunty angle.
The goblin looked at the orc. The orc looked at the goblin.
"Shit," said the goblin.
"Shit," said the orc.
"We're likely to get blamed for this," the goblin said. She walked over to the head of the glittering mangled heap and started pulling the helmet off.
"It's not our fault," the orc said. "It's hard to help someone choking when they wear two-hundred pounds of spiked armor at all times."
"Yeah, well," the goblin grunted. The helmet came free, and the bald head of the Overlord bounced on the stone with a hollow, coconut noise. "You know how it is in this bloody country - thieves get their heads cut off so they can't think about thieving, and all that." She fished in the Overlord's mouth with a finger and pulled out the obstructing olive on the end of her claw.
She popped it into her mouth and chewed. "What do you reckon they do for a regicide?" she said.
"We should run," the orc said. She had started bouncing her leg. "I hear that there's some places in the Alliance where they just kill you and let you stay dead. That's got to be nicer than what'll happen if we stay here."
The goblin started to nod - and then her gaze fell on the helmet.
It looked like a pineapple designed by a deranged blacksmith. It was all thorns and spikes and hard edges, as though the maker had been very determined to not let pigeons roost on it. The only bits that weren't solid iron were eyeholes. Nobody had ever seen the Overlord's face.
She held up the helmet and squinted from it to the orc. One of the thorns had been bent badly in the fall.
Nobody had ever seen the Overlord's face...
"Right," she muttered. "Right. Could work - or."
The orc had a sudden vision of the immediate future. "No," she said.
"I mean you're about his height-"
"It would just be for a-"
"Absolutely not."
"Just hear me out," the goblin said. "Outside of this room are two-thousand men and orcs and goblins who are absolutely gonzo about this man, and there's a whole country of them outside of the castle, and at any moment someone's going to walk in that door and see one dead tit in black armor and two unbelievably dead idiots next to him.
"Or." She tossed the helmet up like a basketball to the orc, who fumbled and tried to find somewhere to hold it that wasn't a knife's edge. "We chuck him out the window now, walk out the door in the armor, and ditch the armor as soon as nobody sees us."
The orc had started bouncing her leg again. "They'll know something's up the second I walk out of the room."
"No worries," said the goblin. "Leave that to me."
It had been a very strange year for the Empire.
Change had rolled across the land as slow and inevitable as a glacier. Roads and bridges carved the gray, blasted wildlands, and a number of social reforms had made the country a place where you could be miserable, yes, but miserable in comfort and safety, and that was an improvement.
Barely anyone got boiled alive in molten metal, and even if the disgusted sun never rose to light the Empire, at least you had a roof over your head to protect yourself from the acid rain.
"Your empire flourishes, Your Unholy Majesty," the magician said over her wine glass. She looked down from the tower's balcony over the gleaming stone battlements. Some work had been done to line the castle and surrounding city with sizzling, crackling alchemical lights at night. The whole thing glowed like something dangerously radioactive.
The suit of armor waved a languid, glittering gauntlet over to the goblin, who bowed.
"His Abominable Gloriousness Thanks You," the goblin recited. "The Prosperity Of His Empire Can Only Be Achieved Through The Prosperity Of His People."
"If I may be so bold, I am quite pleased that you had chosen to take my counsel under consideration," said the magician. "We have accomplished many things together."
Another wave. Another bow. "The Overlord, May His Presence Swallow The Sun And Stars, Thanks You As Well."
"It was quite gratifying to see you change your mind, after so many centuries of denial." The wine was swirled. "Tell me, what was it that finally gave you cause to listen to me?"
There was the slightest hesitation. The goblin's eyes flicked to the armor, then to the magician. She puffed out her chest. "Do you question the wisdom of His Austere Lugubriousness?" she asked.
The magician looked at the goblin. She looked at the armor. She tipped her head back and drank the wine too quickly.
She looked back at the armor. "I know you're the orc, you moron," she said.
The room went deathly still. An alchemical light fizzled.
The orc pulled off the helmet, sending long, untied hair down tangling, and said: "How could you possibly-"
"Because you're both idiots!" the magician said. The goblin jumped. The orc jumped with a noise like a dropped stove. "What kind of a plan was this?! If it wasn't for me, you would have been turned into fertilizer months ago."
She closed her eyes. She took a long, dramatic breath. She set the wine glass down on the balcony rail.
"How did the Overlord die?" she asked when she seemed like she had gotten a hold over herself.
"Choked on an olive," said the goblin.
"Threw his body out the window," said the orc.
"You don't have to mention the window," said the goblin.
"Right," said the orc. "Sorry."
The magician looked out over the city, hand curled thoughtfully under her nose. "Who knows about this?"
"Just us. And, uh. You. Apparently."
"And why did you accept my counsel?"
The orc blinked. "Sorry?"
"Why did you accept my counsel?" the magician repeated.
"Well," the orc said. "Well - you seemed like you had good ideas-"
"Great ideas!" the goblin said with an edge of desperation. "Don't know why the old bastard didn't listen to you!"
"Right - right," said the orc. "And when we figured we were stuck doing this - well, it just made sense, really."
The magician seemed to absorb this. She nodded. "All right," she said, striding between the two and grabbing the crystal decanter.
"Um," said the orc. "Sorry. What happens now?"
"What happens is that you two will continue to serve as Overlord," said the magician. "You will continue to take my counsel. We will continue to reform this bloody country, and gods willing, we will turn it into the crown jewel of the world by next Midwinter."
The orc looked at the goblin. The goblin looked at the orc.
"Really?" the goblin asked.
"Oh yes," said the magician. "I've worked hard to be counsel to the Overlord, and I have no reason to stop now. And besides-"
She looked the orc up and down with a deliberate slowness, poring over every microscopic detail, eyes tracing over every jagged line, and grinned like a panther.
"You look much better in the armor than he ever did," she said. Dark robes swirled like a becleavaged thundercloud, and she strode out through the high iron doors, decanter in hand.
The goblin looked at the orc. The orc looked at the goblin.
"Shit," said the goblin.
"Shit," said the orc.
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queenof-curses · 1 year
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Change my Mind
Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader
Summary: Toji’s favorite position to have you.
Tags: Minors DNI! Cunnilingus, Sloppy, Sloppy, explicit, light ddlg
Masterlist | More Jujutsu Kaisen
You hated this position.
Everything about it made you feel exposed. The whole situation had you feeling folded like a pretzel. Blood rushed to your head as your body was tipped upside down. Large hands held your ass in place, your cheeks spread by calloused fingers.
Toji insisted that this was his favorite way to have you- to eat you, that is... His large tongue dipped into your folds, easily finding the little button that sets you off. The wet muscle flicked your clit eagerly, pulling soft moans from your lips.
“That’s right baby,” he goaded you. “Let me hear your sweet voice.”
His long fingers worked your hole, slowly pumping in and out of you as he lapped up your juices. Wet squelches sounded from your pussy, making you blush at the lewdness of it all. You could feel the tips of your ears burn as you responded to his actions.
“Oh- oh god Toji,” you moaned out. “Please… fuck, please…”
“Mmm” he responded, removing his fingers. “What did you need, Princess?”
The loss of fullness had you begging for him. He knew what you wanted- what you needed from him. God, the man knew how to sexually frustrate you to no end and he always used it to his advantage. Edging you until you were close- then pulling away. He loved the way you shook when your orgasm finally took you, sending electric shocks through your whole body. It made him fucking hard.
Holding your ass in his hands, he parted your cheeks, opening you wide for him. Making eye contact with you- he opens his mouth. You watch as a glob of spit falls from his mouth directly into the hole he holds open. Your cunt quivers around nothing, accepting it as if it were a gift.
You moaned at his actions- it sent your mind reeling as the blood rushed to your head and threatened your consciousness. You needed to cum now- you were tired of his teasing.
“Please make me cum Daddy… Fuck- please, I’ll do anything… please!” you begged him. Your pride was out the window as you were locked in this upside down position by a man that held the power over your orgasm.
“Alright Princess… Daddy will make you cum, just make sure you don’t hide those pretty little moans for me, yeah?” Toji asks, his grin wide.
“Please Sir… I promise,” you respond, voice barely above a whisper as you give in to your pleasures.
Toji’s hot tongue dips into your hole, slurping up the mix of his spit and your juices. He makes a point to do it loudly- showing just how eager he is for his little Princess. Gliding his tongue along your folds, it stops point blank on your clit before latching on.
The moment his lips wrap around your clit, you lose it. Thrashing against his grip he toys with you before using a hand to drive two fingers into your waiting cunt. Your walls accept him with need. You would fall over if his other hand weren’t holding you against him.
He palmed your cunt with fervor, driving his fingers in and out of your wet pussy, making sure to curl them just right inside of you. Toji loved the way you sucked him in, imagining his fat cock sinking into you instead- it made him eager to make you cream around him.
His tongue danced with your clit, sucking it with his lips as you bucked against him. Your legs thrashed around you, not knowing how to handle this much pleasure all at once. It made you crazed as your mind sought out nothing but to finish.
“Fuck Toji,” you cried out, “I’m- I’m gonna cum.”
His paced sped up, “that’s it baby… cum on my fucking face.”
And you did just that. White flashed across your vision as your eyes rolled back. Pure, hot pleasure soared through your entire body- from the tips of your toes that rested on his strong shoulders- to the top (or bottom in this position) of your head. You screamed against him, holding on to anything you could grab on to. He pulled you closer, wrapping your body in his strong arms.
Pulling you in for a passionate embrace, Toji licked at your clit as your orgasm raked through you. Your body convulsed against his as if you were possessed. You couldn’t think straight, unintelligible mumbles of “thank yous” and swears fell from your lips before your body went limp in his grasp.
Relaxing against him, it takes more than a few minutes before you could even open your eyes. Locking gazes with you, his smug facial expression makes you giggle.
“Don’t even say it,” you joke with him.
“Say what?” he asks, feigning innocence. “You came surprisingly hard for someone who, ‘hates this position.’” He repeats your earlier words in a mocking voice.
His sarcastic tone has you pushing yourself off him, rolling your eyes but still stifling giggles. As you turn to move away from him, a strong grip on your ankle has you turning back.
“I don’t think so, Princess. You have something to take care of before anything else.” He says, pointing to his very hard, very large, erection.
It was going to be a long night.
Thank you for reading! All likes and reblogs mean the most 🖤 to send a request, please submit to my ask box.
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evansbby · 1 month
Girly the scream that I SCRUMPT-
So exited to see what comes of Thotty thursday!! Here's the first thing that popped into my head cuz I love a mean bf Steve-
Imagine Mean bf! Steve that always makes fun of you when you cry while trying to take him, or mocking you for being so short(even tho it turns him on so fricking much), saying your a big baby, refusing to comfort you during sex so you always end up crying into the pillows while cumming around his dick.
Imagine if one day your just having it rough, feeling particularly fragile and he dosent even notice, pressing you into the bed like most nights but feels something while gripping your hips and sees your little hand shaking like crazy as your fingers are gently grazing his wrist in a weak little atempt to feel him as he pounds you into the mattress. Idk I just would think it'd be cute, funny idk😭😂
Hope your doing lovley dear!!<3
Wait… mean toxic frat boyfriend!Steve really does awaken something in me 😳
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Warnings: toxic relationship, daddy!kink, dubcon, dark!Steve, mean!Steve.
I can totally imagine big, beefy jock Steve picks cute, tiny little you to be his girlfriend. You’re a shy girl, with an equally quiet group of friends. In fact, your friends warn you about Steve — they don’t like how he looks at you like you’re a piece of meat that he wants to devour. But Steve tells you that your friends are just jealous, and Steve is always right so he must be right about that too, right?
As your boyfriend, Steve trains you to only ever listen to him. He tells you that he’s always right, and that good little baby girlfriends always listen to their boyfriends no matter what. That’s how he coaxed you to have sex with him for the first time. Well, it was your first time ever, and Steve gladly took your virginity. He told you how good and soft and sweet you felt around his thick, fat dick, and how this meant that he owned you now. That now, he comes before everyone — including your family and definitely your friends. And you don’t disagree with him because Steve is always right 😳😳
And Steve loves making fun of you and making you cry. He keeps calling you a baby and you keep wanting to prove to him that you’re a big girl. That’s why you let him fuck you however he wants to. And Steve can be so rough sometimes, almost like he forgets himself and a beast takes over. Plus, he’s so much bigger than you. There are times where he’s rendered you unable to walk, your legs shaking and bruises covering your whole body. And he always just laughs and saunters off, telling you how fucking hot you look when you’re fucked out beyond belief.
Sometimes, you feel extra needy during sex, and reach out to grab his huge hand. Steve usually just laughs, spitting on your face and smearing it everywhere just to degrade you more. “Aww, does the little baby wanna hold daddy’s hand?” He’d coo at you, pulling your messy cheek. You’d nod desperately, and he’d make you beg for it, beg like “please daddy, please lemme hold your hand 🥺😭” and Steve would grin wolfishly as he continued to fuck you so hard into the mattress, “tell me how scared you are right now, how you know I could crush you if I wanted to, baby girl. Tell daddy how scared you are of me, and then maybe I’ll hold your hand for you.”
And you do, of course you do and say whatever he tells you to! Steve is completely in charge after all. “Y-You’re big and scary, d-daddy please hold my hand, please!” And he finally does, he holds your tiny hand in his and squeezes it, and you love the little scrap of intimacy it brings you as he presses kisses all over your face, bending your legs over his shoulders, folding you in half like a pretzel as he fucks the living daylights out of you. Steve is the biggest man you’ve ever seen, so huge and muscular and he can be so mean sometimes. But you’re addicted to how sweet he is later, when he sweet talks you and kisses you and babies you and treats you like his baby princess. You crave that treatment, that’s why you love him so much.
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wynnyfryd · 7 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 17
part 1 | part 16 | ao3
Heat rolls through Steve’s gut; low and quick, a vicious flare, and then he coughs and looks away. “Jesus, man," he splutters, "learn to take a joke.”
“Mmm-hm.” Eddie's smug smirk spreads wide, grows teeth; gotcha bitch, and Steve’s about to tell him to fuck off when he claps his hands to his thighs and abruptly stands up. Does a big stretch, swinging his arms out side to side, reaching overhead until his back makes a noise like a twisted sheet of bubble wrap.
“Holy shit!” Steve frowns. “You’re gonna break your spine.”
Eddie gives him a flippant smile. “That's the idea. Anyway...” He pretzels himself up again, groaning as his neck and shoulders pop. “Seeing as we’re trapped in here for the foreseeable future, you wanna do what the little psychos asked? Play twenty questions or have a heart-to-heart or whatever?”
“Seriously? And just give them what they want?”
Eddie shrugs. “Seems like the fastest way out of here, so yeah.”
“We don’t negotiate with terrorists.”
“Please. You negotiate with them all the time." He folds forward at the hips, looking at Steve upside down between his legs, and twists a curl around his pinky. "Those kids have you wrapped around their grubby little fingers."
"They do not!"
"They totally do. Besides," he swings back upright, "I’ll negotiate with anyone if it gets me back home to my girl.”
"Oh." Steve stumbles at that. "Didn't know you had a girlfriend.”
Eddie laughs big and bright, shaking his hair all over the place. “Yeah, Harrington, I have a girlfriend. You're funny. Y'know, Henderson could have saved us a lot of time here if he'd just told me you were fun—”
“Okay, then who’s your girl?” Steve interrupts with a huff, because Eddie’s just hopping around in circles while he laughs like Steve's a fucking moron for making a totally reasonable assumption, and he doesn't understand what's so goddamn funny about it.
“My girl, Harrington,” he all but coos when he collects himself, “is my guitar.” He bites his lip and mimes playing a riff; Steve doesn’t know shit about guitar, but he knows that Eddie’s fingers are quick, nimble and impressive as they jitter through the air. “We’ve got a show this weekend. Like, a real one this time, not just playing to three drunks at the Hideout.”
“Cool,” Steve says, looking away from his rings. “Congrats, man. You any good?”
“You could say that.” Eddie’s mouth goes smug and pleased, genuine pride shining in his big eyes when he rocks back on his heels. “The frat that booked us seems to think so, anyway.”
“Oh, shit!" Now Steve's impressed, because it's the weekend before Halloween, and that means, "College costume party.”
“Of course you’d be excited about that.”
“Hey, great place to get laid,” Steve shrugs.
Eddie chokes on his own spit. “You’re kind of a slut, you know that?”
“Rude,” Steve says mildly. He's not a slut; he's an opportunist.
The ground's starting to hurt his ass, so he stands up to join Eddie's impromptu yoga session. Eddie leans a hip against the workbench, folding his arms over his chest and giving Steve room to move.
His eyes flit to his hemline when it rides up on a stretch. "Would you..." he clears his throat. "Would you want to come?"
"Huh?" Steve twists around.
"To the show," Eddie adds, ducking his head to hide his face behind his hair. "You'd have to cram into the back with Frankie and the drum kit, but uh..."
Steve lets himself picture it for a moment, some alternate dimension where he's allowed to say yes: the winding highway to Indy, a van full of dudes cracking jokes and fighting over who gets to pick the music next, losing himself in the thrum of a crowd while he drinks and dances and watches Eddie on stage.
His throat feels tight, suddenly. He reaches for the flask and takes another sip of whiskey. "Don't all your bandmates hate me?"
"I mean... not any more than I do." Eddie's answer is quiet, his eyes swimming with candlelight; Steve doesn't know when they moved closer, when a hush settled over the room, but it feels like...
"Yeah?" he hedges, his voice barely above a whisper. Then he steps out onto the ledge; icy cliffside, slippery holds. The mountains are so much scarier than the deep sea. "And how... How much is that?"
His pulse kicks in his chest. Echoes down to his wrist, a nervous current beneath his skin. Eddie's eyes are so soft. Big and brown and dark. Dark like the deep woods; endless; sort of mesmerizing.
"Steve, I—"
The cellar doors shriek on their hinges.
part 18
part of the tag list below the cut comment if you want to be added (comment twice if you wanna be my tag manager lol i’m dyin)
@heartsong18 @hellion-child @hiimlevi @hotluncheddie @jackiemonroe5512 @jaytriesstuff @littlebluejane @lololol-1234 @marklee-blackmore @melonmochi @messrs-weasley @mrsjellymunson @mugloversonly @nburkhardt @nerdyglassescheeseychick @noodle-shenaniganery @notsopersonalcharlie @novelnovella @nuggies4life @pending-dope-username @perseus-notjackson @ppunkpuppyy @questionablequeeries @remosdeerica @runninriot @sadcanadianwinter @shamelesspatrolshepherdcowboy @silver-snaffles @singmeyoursimpsong @slowandsteddie @slutforcoffein @solalasoforth @spookednsaucy @steddieas-shegoes @steddie-island @stevesbipanic @steves-strapcollection @taleah-bonnick @teatimeeverybody @th30ra3k3n @thealwithnoname @thespaceantwhowrites @thestarslittleking @thesuninyaface @trensu @violetsteve @wormdebut @yourmom-isgay @zoeweee @zombiecreatures
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weebsinstash · 6 months
Can you make pretty please write some yandere thragg headcannons
Sure can! (Also some minor spoilers with a like more mild spoiler that's in an image so like, it's censored but poorly so, yeah just a warning!)
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- first and foremost to give some very minor future spoilers, there is something you have to understand: even by Viltrumite standards Thragg is considered Way Too Hardcore and there are men like Conquest who are even worse, more shortsighted, and bloodthirstier than him. There ARE Viltrumites who think their society is way too unfeeling and heartless and they DO want to love and be normal and have loving families but this is a... a society with an ancient culture with traditions that are being upheld by force that keep the general Viltrumite populace living in misery and Thragg is a huge enforcer of this unhappy lifestyle. Like shit in one of the newest episodes of Invincible a bunch of Viltrumites rocked up to Mark and beat the absolute shit out of him and Kregg (eyepatch guy) was like "yeah you survived getting the shit beat out of you which proves you're strong and worthy of your viltrumire heritage, so I'm drafting you into the Viltrum army, do what we say or we'll beat the shit out of you" AND THATS ONE OF THE GOOD VILTRUMITES. Like literally Viltrum society is terrifying and once you start learning the lengths with which they enforce their beliefs and rules you'll see why Nolan was like, trying to force Mark to be like him; you resist and they DEMOLISH YOU. Nolan was and still is TERRIFIED of Viltrum and rightfully so
- a yandere thragg is quite literally a character who does not know affection or how to display or receive it in any way whatsoever because his entrenchment in the "traditional viltrumite mindset" and his own greed for power and absolute control makes him incredibly impersonal. Like I'm serious even with the like magical yandere cooties that make him finally understand what love or obsession is, he will literally have to learn the ropes of caring for you as another person and this is a man who has been taught empathy and kindness make you weak so like. Yeah. Like we're talking about a guy who at some point is gonna watch his hybrid children literally splatter as he throws them, literally throws them, at enemies too strong for them and then blames his kids for not being stronger, like. Thragg is a monster and there's no ifs ands or buts about it
-the most romantic this man can come up with is walking straight up to you and telling you "I want to mate" to your face and having gifts made for you from planets he's conquered or things he's killed and that's the best he's got. He doesn't understand the more emotional psychological side of love but he at least understands that sex is something mates do and that it's a bonding experience between you and him and it's a physical pleasure, vulnerability thing. Mated animals have sex and human mates have sex so the two of you are going to have sex alright? He also won't admit it but like. Holding you after sex or letting you rest against him afterwards is the closest you'll get to cuddling because like. He's not gonna ask to cuddle with you just for the sake of cuddling. And even if he ever wanted to (the desire grows with time lol), he would just sit down beside you and pull you into his lap, he wouldn't ask your permission
-like seriously you'll be in bed and it's like 2 am and you'll be woken up by him suddenly rolling you over without any sort of warning, "i want to mate" and that's just. It. You get to lie there as he folds you like a pretzel
-this man fucks just to cum and I think the only way he could be a good lover is if he's big with stamina and you'll reach orgasm through sheer overstimulation and time dedicated because, you want me to believe this man knows foreplay? You think Thragg can eat ass? Please. I feel like in the depths of. Yandereness he would develop a taste for giving oral but like I'm, I'm pretty positive you would be the first ever person he's done that to
- thragg showing affection is like. You're taken along with him to where he works and you walk into the room and he's just absolutely soaked in blood and there's some sort of creature being dismantled in front of him and he turns to you, "this creature has a carapace that can be crafted into fine armor. does its color please you" "y-yes?" "Very well. We shall have a matching set ready by the evening and then we shall mate" "o-ok... thank you Grand Regent" "begone, this area is not safe for you, return to the central hall and await my return" "ok, sure, yeah... I mean, yes Grand Regent"
- yes, even as his mate you'll be calling him his title all the time, although I imagine once he starts really "softening up" he'll demand you call him his name or even "husband" and not doing so and using his title on purpose in defiance will anger him
-absolutely convinced I shit you not that Viltrumites have a duality of "their photos/shrines of you have you either looking as soft and harmless and helpless as possible or they have entire collages of you looking absolutely pissed or doing violent shit" and I'm convinced Thragg would find you being angry hot. Idk. I feel like it's entirely contextual. You give HIM too much lip, he may have to physically punish you, but maybe you get furious at someone else and start tearing into them, even wanting to fight? Obviously depending on context he'll encourage you to tear that person to shreds
- I'm stuck on whether he's a "will watch you get your ass beaten because he wants you to toughen up/fight your own fights" or "if anyone scratches you they're paste" kind of guys. Like can you imagine some, tenured centuries old Viltrumite manages to just absolute piss you off and you're yelling and screaming and swinging on them (maybe you're a human, hybrid, Viltrumite yourself, whatever) and they're just. Forced to stand there and take it. Because the SECOND they so much as GRAB YOU, there's the Grand Regent to absolutely beat their ass. You could almost kill them and Thragg is like goading you on but if they BRUISE YOU like, that's it, it's so one-sided
-I'm just saying, like. Nolan literally used Mark to tear apart an entire subway car of people and was casually offing humans left and right because his status as an almost immortal alien has made him kind of indifferent to other forms of life so like. What the fuck would Thragg do to a Reader who just got their powers and didn't want to work for the Empire or be part of it or even be around him. You cannot convince me this man wouldn't kill so many people directly in front of you. Or even just as a human yourself. Imagine him just tearing through tons of other people because he's trying to scare you onto line. I mean. Nolan was literally ripping people's heads and faces off and tearing out chunks of their body with their bare hands. These people casually break each other's bones and CAN SURVIVE DISEMBOWLING EACH OTHER like. You cannot tell me Thragg wouldn't just literally tear a human in half right in front of you like a kid with a butterfly.
- Thragg is absolutely on that "goes from being extremely distant and nonverbal to all but spending every second of the day with you and gets agitated if you're in a different room for too long" yandere pipeline. This man goes from not knowing how to properly hold a conversation with you to Oh My God If You Don't Sit In My Lap During My War Council Meeting I Will Be SUCH A Bitch About It
Can we like. Can we like talk about THIS
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Did he like. Did HE decide this. Is this a Thraxan custom without his input amd this is just a thing the monarch gets. I mean. Comic readers know this man gets MAD pussy for the sake of breeding but like. Is this HIS harem. Did HE build this. Did he tell them to dress like this or is this a Thraxan tradition and he's just like so unbothered by the ass and tiddies. Is this just so people can tell these are His Designated Hoes. Like. Is he secretly being horny on main and pretending he's not a perv or was this done for him and he's just like meh. Yandere Thragg who absolutely HAS to dress you up in custom Viltrum wear or armor or cloaks that match his own, like literally him decking you in armor or like a nicely padded flightsuit is like his version of, giving you lingerie or publicly marking you idk. Like is seeing you covered in sweat and blood just as hot as a normal person would find like, nudes. Lmao
- LASTLY I'm sorry long post. I know I said something conflicting earlier in a different context but. Oh my gosh this man would be THE WORST but also dedicated yandere father. Oh my fucking god. Helicopter parent. Let's just say if you're shooting the shots, you can impregnate as many creatures as you want but if you're the one capable of being pregnant he doesn't want to let you do SHIT because he doesn't want his baby carrying inferior spawn or having a risky pregnancy. Like seriously you could be his son and fucking like as many fucked up weird looking aliens and impregnating all the chicks you want and Thragg doesn't care, and as his daughter it's "father when will I be allowed to date, I came of age over a century ago" "quiet, I have yet to find a suitable mate for you, just continue being obedient and accompany me on this mission" "yes father...."
I can't even imagine like. Being his kid and being powerless, or like temporarily powerless. You have one of those manhwa level neglected childhoods and you grow into a depressed husk and suddenly your powers appear and you're naturally gifted and like above average in everything and Thragg wants to suddenly bond with you and you just look right through him like you wouldn't care if he suddenly dropped dead right in front of you. Someone disrespected you and you just take it because you still remember running up to your father as a child and being shoved away amd he literally doesn't even understand why you have no respect for yourself so he then tries to smother you to make up for lost time
Idk. I'm caught between multiple ideas because I like the idea of Thragg going "oh so you're fragile and powerless? You're literally never leaving my side ever again, if something wants to harm you they'll have to kill me first" and this extends to you just having no life of your own. Maybe he forces you to be a clerk or something for him, papers and desk work and whatnot, something that keeps you safe and close and if you get so much as a sniffle there's an entire array of royal doctors to treat you
That being said, daughter, son, wife, husband, partner, whatever, you're not getting away from this guy. The only things capable of hurting him are essentially alien technology, Viltrumite strength, being a species stronger than a Viltrumite, magic, like... he's invulnerable, he's invincible, he's way too strong, way too fast, and way too mean. He'll keep you on your toes and he'll casually pop heads in front of you like it's talking about the weather if it keeps you in line. If he wants you to be his soldier, you'll be his soldier. If he wants you to be his personal guard, you will be. His mate? No objections need be considered. He's always taken what he wants - that's how he was raised and what his society encourages - and that means acquiring you and absorbing you into his life is no different
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
The Sweatpants [Avenger!Loki x Female Reader] 18+
A link to my Masterlist is HERE Summary: Loki being a sex god in sweatpants. That's it, really. A bit of plot involving Bucky. (w/c 2.2k) Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Massive thirst for sweatpant!Loki. Smut. Fingering. Sex. Language. Sexual tension. Detailed descriptions of Loki in sweatpants. A/N: It had to be done.
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“Even if you were the last man on this planet Loki Laufeyson I would never fuck you.” you hissed, “Never.”
“What about another planet? There are quite a few you know.” he said calmly, the trademark smugness radiating from his stupid smug face.
You groaned in frustration as he chuckled. The doors which led to the outside world away from your infuriating colleague refusing to open despite your repeated attempts.
“…and I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that- “
“-That you're not a ‘man’ - I get it…we all get it…Jesus H Christ.” you huffed as you swiped your key-card again at the exit. The red light flashed mockingly. Why did it never seem to work with him around?
Since an ill-thought-out session of heavy petting at one of Stark’s parties, Loki wouldn’t leave you alone. Everywhere you went, there he was – with a horny glint in his eye and a suggestive comment on his lips.
“Wrong God, darling - but you’re getting very close…” he leant over you, pressing his large hand gently over yours, guiding the key-card in your fingers through the grooves. The green light flickered.
You rolled your eyes, sighing loudly.
“Laufeyson…let me be clear. You could be walking around this tower looking like an Abercrombie and Fitch model and I still wouldn’t be interested. OK?”
Loki was silent. His piercing gaze running over your resolute face as he folded his arms over his suit, containing a smirk. God, he was so smug.
“Fine.” you said, breaking the silence as you pulled the door mercifully towards you, “I’ll see you around.”
Loki waited until the glass pane slotted back in place, watching you leave with a confident spring in your step. It was adorable when you thought you had bested him. “Indeed you will, Y/N.” he murmured to the empty hall. ---
You strolled into the kitchens a few hours later with both hands laden with groceries, heaving one bag awkwardly up to the counter as Bucky ran up behind you, catching a bottle before it hit the floor.
“Nice catch!” you smiled, as he brought the hot sauce to safety.
“No worries doll…you doin’ alright?” he said as he leant against the counter with his metal arm, angling to peek inside the bags.
You nodded. You wanted to vent to him about Loki’s unrelenting flirtations, his appearances which seemed to be becoming more frequent, his heavy innuendos which made your imagination rattle with possibilities. You wanted to ask Bucky’s advice to make it stop – but then you might need to take it.
Your laughs rang around the kitchen as you and the Winter Soldier unloaded that week's junk food. The sound of Guns n’ Roses blared from the speakers as he recounted Steve’s recent attempts to make him cut his hair, "…untidy, apparently. He’s obsessed. So anal.”
You reached to place another of Thor’s boxes of pop-tarts on a high shelf, stretching your arm as you raised on your tip-toes.
“Oh, hey man.” Bucky said casually from behind the open cupboard door. You leaned backwards, peeking out ready to greet whoever it was that had just walked into the kitchen as you slotted the box in place.
Loki sauntered barefoot across the floor as your eyes widened.
He was topless; dark curls hanging around his jaw, brushing against his naked collarbone. The god’s broad shoulders swept down to toned biceps which flexed effortlessly with every stride, making your breath hitch.
A pair of grey jersey sweatpants hung low on his hips, the ruched waistband sitting snug against his pelvis as soft material fell fluidly down his legs. His face was neutral; sharp cheekbones framing exquisite features as he reached the counter and picked up a bag of pretzels.
“Barnes.” he replied lazily, pinching the bag between his fingers and opening it.
You turned your attention back to the pop-tarts, rearranging the boxes on the top shelf and trying to compose yourself as they exchanged pleasantries.
“…I would, but I don’t think Y/N would be interested in playing with me.”
You closed the cupboard door, leaning against the counter as Bucky’s gaze flickered between you and Loki warily.
“Interested in playing with what?” you said, being sure to look at Loki’s eyes and only his eyes.
“With me.” Loki replied, tilting his head towards Bucky, “…and him. Monopoly, was it?”
Bucky nodded silently, clearly wishing he hadn’t suggested it.
“I’ll play with you – just don’t be too sore when you lose…I know what you’re like.” you quipped, grabbing a glass and turning on the tap.
Bucky mumbled about setting up; making his way to the sofa area as Loki leant beside you on the counter, regarding you curiously.
“Excellent idea Y/N – the last thing you want during a spirited game is to be thirsty.”
You turned your head, the expanse of his perfectly defined chest straight in your line of vision as you slowly raised your gaze. His tongue darted to run across his lips as he bit down gently, drawing them into his mouth as he watched your reaction.
Water overflowed from the glass spilling over your hand as he chuckled, turning to walk towards Bucky who was shuffling cards.
You wiped your palms on your skirt, unable to draw your eyes away from Loki’s muscular ass shifting beneath the soft fabric; his long legs moving gracefully across the floor with soft pats from his bare soles.
With the two men occupying the sofas, you took a seat on the floor to complete the triangle, resting your elbows on the glass coffee table as Loki brandished the sheet of rules like a royal decree.
“I will be the Gamesmaster… so I shall be the overseer of any infractions--“
“Dude you’re literally the God of Lies – no way are you 'overseeing' anything…”
You let them bicker as you pressed the metal game token between your fingers. You couldn’t stop staring. Loki’s body was angled towards his adversary, one long leg drawn up to rest under the opposing thigh.
“How dare you insult my pre-ordained authority in this manner…”
His bare torso was tight, the side muscles of his abdominals clearly defined as the ripples danced tantalisingly in front of you. You followed the lines down to his lower stomach, where a fine trail of dark hair ran beneath the band of the sweatpants. His muscular hips creased slightly as he bounced with animated irritation, the thin lines forming on his smooth taunt skin at the edge of the tantalising material making your mouth water.
“Look man, all I’m saying is if someone’s gonna cheat it’s the guy with the magic pockets alright?”
Loki ran his large hands down his thighs, pressing into the skin beneath the soft cotton which clung to him. You could see the muscles shifting underneath his touch, fighting for space against the fabric which constrained them. His palm crested in waves as he slid down his legs firmly, riding the landscape of his sculpted body as he tried to centre himself.
“Your feeble mortal mind cannot begin to understand the complexities of my abilities and why I would never--”
“-- I literally saw you use magic to skip the line at Starbucks the other day so don’t even man…”
Your mind was racing, heat rising in your cheeks as you willed yourself to break away from the sight of the God of Mischief’s insanely hot body wrapped in your sexual kryptonite. It was as though your brain had been in self-preservation mode for the previous ten minutes…and now it had imploded.
Loki had leant back on the sofa, his hands clasped together over his face as he struggled to contain his frustration. His defined stomach clenched under impatient laughter, his bare feet now firmly on the floor as his hips widened. The stretch of those damn grey sweatpants created an inviting curve between his thighs that you wanted to bury your face in.
You noticed that the waistband of the joggers had crept lower. It teasingly revealed the dents of his hipbones, flashing invitingly between the expanse of firm flesh that held the deep V of his lower stomach in definition that would put even seasoned models to shame. Shit, he really was a God.
He shifted again, propelling himself upwards to rest two thick forearms on those perfect thighs. Fuck, how you wanted to bite into those thighs.
You wanted to sit on them. Grind your pussy deep into the expanse of his rock-solid lap beneath you. You craved feeling the soft scrape of the jersey sweatpants against your centre, marking the fabric with your wetness. His biceps strained against the pressure as he bore down on his femurs; shoulders flexing as he wrung his hands together in frustration.
Between his legs you saw the outline of his legendary cock shifting, the one you’d felt pressed hard and rough against your ass the night of the party as he ran his hands down your dress towards your needy clit. The dancefloor had been full, and dark. You had spun to face him, wrapping your legs around him when he raised you to press yourself against his straining length – the moan that had escaped him had been fucking primal. You shivered.
“This is why people don’t like you Barnes you’re so difficult—”
“Wow, wow buddy, I’m difficult? You’re the king of difficult—”
“Well at least I’m King of something, you pompous one-armed scrub…”
“Nice self-burn there pal, shouldn’t you be actually ruling something by now in your five year plan?”
You stood silently and walked back towards the kitchen as the voices became heated behind you, picking up Loki’s discarded bag of pretzels to distract yourself from the sea of pooling wetness between your legs.
The sound of metal clanging against the thick glass table rang as Bucky flipped the untouched Monopoly board, scattering cards and paper money across the floor before striding out the doors.
Loki looked at you with eyebrows raised, a look of amusement in his eyes as he feigned innocence, “I think that means I win by default?”
You rolled your eyes as you crunched another pretzel, trying not to acknowledge him as you spied the god stand and re-adjust the waistband on his hips from the corner of your eye. He approached as you methodically cleared crumbs.
“I take it from your lack of interest that this is not…’Abercrombie and Fitch’ enough for you?” he murmured over your shoulder, his tone notably more earnest than you were used to.
You turned with a smart retort hovering only to be met with his face inches from yours, his bare pecs tantalisingly close to pressing you against the edge of the counter.
“...I had to ‘Google’ it? But I must say, I thought this was a fairly decent attempt.” he smirked, as your eyes involuntarily ran down his stomach – God you could slice bread on his hip muscles.
“They’re just sweatpants, Loki” you choked; the need wavering in your voice as you inhaled the delicious scent clinging to his neck.
“Oh darling. You and I both know that these are not just sweatpants.”
You swallowed. His forefinger began tracing up the bare skin of your thigh, teasing underneath your skirt as he watched you intently for signs of resistance. The tip drew lazy circles on your tingling skin, pressing gently towards your soaking core. Loki’s coy smile widened as his touch drew shortened breaths from your lips, his eyes narrowing in satisfaction.
“Go on, Y/N …you know you want to.”
His words were like a starting pistol. Your starved hands flew to his torso, feeling the waves of his muscles as they slid down his waist. They found the ruched material of his waistband, snug to his impeccably lithe frame as you slipped your fingertips underneath the material and ran them around the tight fit to press into the top of his ass.
A low moan escaped you as he placed his hands on either side of your body, placed firmly to the counter.
Like a woman possessed, you slid your digits to the front of his sinful attire, reaching down to grasp his newly hardening cock which stood proudly against the willing fabric. You squeezed.
Loki’s slid his tongue desperately into your mouth, keening into you as your hand moved fluidly up and down his manhood. Tendrils of his dark hair fell across your face as you felt two fingers enter you with ease, curling deep inside as you groaned into him. The soft material of his sweatpants rubbed against the fronts of your legs as he knocked them wider, his knuckles already soaking with your arousal as he began to pant under the movement of your hand.
Your eyes flickered to the kitchen entrance, the brazen display between you and Loki on full view if anyone walked through those doors.
Adrenaline like drugs hitting your bloodstream flowed as Loki’s palm shot upwards, rubbing against your swollen clit as you moaned into his open mouth; fingers still wrapped around his thick velvet cock.
“I want you, Loki.” you panted between heavy breaths, as his fingers slowed their thrusts.
“I’m sorry darling? What was that?”
You could feel the flex of his jaw against your cheek as he enjoyed a hidden smile of smug satisfaction, the perfect accompaniment to his goading words.
“You heard me Laufeyson…” you groaned, “…fuck me.”
He withdrew from you, stepping backwards. His waistband snapped to his hips at the departure of your touch, the pink tip of his engorged cock poking teasingly out of the top of the trousers flush against his flat stomach as he ran his eyes down your body thoughtfully.
“Just so I’m clear Y/N – you are now ‘interested’ in me?”
You pressed your eyes shut, screwing your face up in a silent grimace as you reluctantly relinquished the game with a nod.
“As I suspected.' he smirked, 'Now say please.”
You opened your eyes, disbelief clouding them at the return of his cocky demeanour so close to your submission. He really thought he was irresistible. Although wearing those damn sweatpants, he was right.
“…fuck me please.” you murmured through gritted teeth, watching a devilish smile curl on his lips still wet from your needy kisses.
Loki ran his hands through his curls, revealing the sharp jawline beneath as his biceps flexed to his sides. His chiselled stomach stretched as he raised his arms, the edges of the sweatpants lowering teasingly against the movement. You felt like passing out.
“Turn around, darling.” he growled, his bulging thighs outlined perfectly against the thin cotton as he squatted slightly, his hand reaching down the front of the trousers to grip his straining cock.
You turned, hips colliding against the low cupboards as one of Loki’s hands pressed on your lower back making you bend. Placing your elbows obediently on the counter, you closed your eyes in anticipation. The vibration of blood rushing to your pussy was electric, the slick entrance between your thighs ready to be filled by Loki’s perfect arousal…finally. You had no idea why you had fought it for so long.
The edges of your skirt breezed upwards, swept to the side as a low hum of approval floated from behind you at the sight. Your breath hitched as his thick tip grazed against your soaking lips, rubbing it teasingly through your folds.
“Lokiii…” you keened, as you strained against him – the strength of his palm on your back preventing any movement. A dark chuckle radiated behind you, before Loki’s wide girth mercifully slid inside you, bottoming out in one slow thrust.
A low rumble of satisfaction dripped from your throat as he filled you, muttering dirty praises from behind as you took all of him effortlessly.
He thrust upwards, the fabric of his trousers which had been pulled down to expose his long cock rubbed against the back of your legs. The feeling coursed over your skin making you clench; the clandestine nature of the fuck heightening every sensation.
He angled himself to hit the sweet spot in your channel; making you whine beneath him, your forehead lowering to lean against your arm as you moaned his name pathetically. Two strong hands made their way to your hips, pulling you back firmly onto his arousal as he purred behind you; calling you his good girl, telling you how well you were taking him. You were definitely going to pass out.
You extended one hand behind your shoulder, grasping for purchase as he hovered before crashing his lips to yours sideways in a desperate kiss.
His firm nakedness pressed against your back; the heat from his skin making your body flex as you teetered on the brink of a devastating climax. Your twisted hand sought the hips behind you, clawing at the sweatpants as he thrust into your dripping channel again and again. Your needy fingers gripped the fabric of his lowered waistband, trying to pull him deeper as you felt the ripples of orgasm fire in your belly around his mighty cock.
Loki moaned wantonly in your ear, the primal sound sending you over the edge. You braced against the countertop as you came hard, a growl of his name falling from your lips as you tried to mute your cries of pleasure.
With a final snap of his jersey-clad hips, Loki spilled his seed inside your channel – your orgasm had been too much to bear. Long curls trailed across your neck as he pressed you down, flattening you against the cool surface below as he panted through his intense release with a loud groan.
You closed your eyes as you listened to his breathing, pining the loss of his cock inside you as he slowly peeled his chest away from your back. Turning towards him, you watched as he slid his lowering manhood back inside the grey fabric, twanging the snug waistband with a snap before raising his wickedly sensual gaze to yours.
“I am amazed that your resilience was broken by a mere piece of clothing, Y/N. Truly…” he drawled sarcastically as he hoisted himself up to sit on the counter.
You inserted yourself between his spread legs, running your hands up the material which clung like heaven to his muscles– the pangs of lustful need still fluttering in your core as you stared up at him.
“Oh ‘darling’” you echoed in dramatic imitation, “You and I both know that these are not just sweatpants.”
Loki winked, a flirtatious smile edging across his lips as Bucky stormed back through the kitchen doors, looking at his phone.
“and another thing – where do you get off telling Thor I’ve been eating his Pop Tarts man, he’s sent me a screenshot…we’re supposed to be on the same si-“
He stopped, taking in the scene before him as you and Loki both looked up with eyebrows raised in anticipation. Bucky gestured towards you, a low laugh radiating from him as he shook his head with a smile.
“I really didn’t think it would work Y/N, I swear to God…Loki you win, man. You’re the King. I owe you twenty bucks.”
Your eyes flickered to Loki as he chuckled apologetically beneath you, understanding dawning as you realised they had been in cahoots all afternoon.
“Cool… well I’ll leave you to it but uh… wash those sweatpants before you give em’ back to Steve ok? He’ll know and then I’ll be in deep shit.”
Bucky pointed to Loki before tipping you a salute, walking backwards through the kitchen doors as your eyes fell to the God of Mischief’s lap, a wet patch of cum leaking out across the fabric.
“You really need to get a pair of your own sweatpants, you know.” you muttered, palming the source of the growing stain.
“How about two?” Loki replied, reaching around your waist to pull you closer between his open thighs.
@lokischambermaid @lokisninerealms @vickie5446 @lady-rose-moon @november-rayne @gigglingtigger @michelleleewise @lokis-tigress @yelkmelk @vbecker10 @mischief2sarawr @sititran @vbecker10@lokisasgardianvampirequeen @ravenwings73 @lyn-soso @demoiseller @lulubelle814 @brokenthelovely @loopsisloops @holdmytesseract @chantsdemarins @mcufan72 @demoiseller @navs-bhat @thedistractedagglomeration @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @peaches1958 @xorpsbane @absentmindeduniverse @lulubelle814 @mochie85 @kats72 @javagirl328 @sallymagnoliaposts @wheredafandomat @imalovernotahater @sititran @lindsey-laufeyson
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uchihaharlot · 4 months
Ok so we had a thought—well several. A simple civilian girl being plowed by Shisui 🫠🫠🫠 @shisuis-left-nipple
How rough it is even when he is being careful.
His body control, stamina, omg!!!
She can’t ask him to go harder because he would hurt her. 😩
This Drabble has to particular direction. We were going back and forth the other day and then this little number was made.
I believe he would be extremely into having someone so innocent be at his complete mercy. It is totally freeing for him, actually. No threat of an assassination or attack, no training or alterior motive, no village or clan politics, just two bodies in the throes of ecstasy. He is not usually one for power games, but somehow being completely and utterly in charge does things to him. I guess Uchiha genes do take over sometimes…
NSFW; just some Drabble on the idea of Shisui blissfully taking a civilian girl to pound town.
Civilian courage:
No matter how fucked out she is, she knows he could keep going. For hours more! Those few times his perfect control slips just slightly, she will have marks for days. On the other hand, she can just let herself go completely. No matter how much she scratches, bites, writhes under him, he just smirks and enjoys it. Encourages it!
‘Is that all you got?’ Returning her love bites and then some.
About 5 orgasms in and he is still dressed? How can someone be that good with their fingers alone! She is faintly remembering that hand signs and being adept with your fingers are a key element for jutsus, before he crooks his fingers again juuuust right and has her seeing stars. And, oh gods, her civilization body can barely keep from shaking 🫨 basically having perpetual orgasms 😭😭😭
Shaking after number six and he is now scooting down, kissing all over her body until he reaches her happy bean. He hasn't even removed his pants yet, and she starts to realize what she's in for. Poke the beast, get salaciously mauled.
She knows he is nice and will take care of her, but knowing how powerful he is and could nick her in a second makes it oh so hot. So tantalizingly good is the idea of being crushed under his weight, what would really feel like if he gave it all. To be ruined by a man that holds precedence over the entire greater Shinobi allied forces, she feels like a house of cards beneath him. There is nothing like being rammed continually over and over into head knocking orgasms.
All the while she was wholly unprepared to what lengths Shisui would go to make sure she has her fill. He is a prime specimen of man, an adonis, even among Uchiha. She expected it to be good, but not like that. Not so good to be tossed around like a rag doll, did she not think for one second that maybe shinobi men were so bored with mundane sex that they went to higher lengths to get off. No, she didn’t. Being folded like a pretzel was the last thought she had.
She comes face to face with a Shinobi's restraint and self-control, or cunt to face, really, when he has been lapping and licking and sucking at her for another hour. He just keeps on fucking her with his tongue, like she is a jumbo lollypop and he wants to reach the gooey core. Her serum coating his nose, drips down his chin. How attentive Shisui was when devouring her with full mouths haste.
She must look like a raisin at this point, there is no way she can produce that much slick without becoming dangerously dehydrated. But it can’t be that bad, she trusts he knows what he's doing and apparently he is also so, very, much, into it.
‘You’re so fucking wet for me.’ Against her sopping wet cunt as he finally untucks and strokes himself out of her peripheral. The words are hot and laced with desire, making her all the more eager for him.
Shisui sinks into her halfway for the first thrust, coating his length and running his fist to spread her fluids from mid shaft to base. Fully bottoms out the second thrust, raw and deep. Unrelenting and rough, not even trying. Not anything like Shisui would normally put out. A cry or mewl, no sound she made could be contained. Divine praise from her lips into his ears makes Shisui tick. A paper bomb rocking inside of her, pulsing. Expanding at every whimper, every contraction of her slick walls. It’s shameful she would only cum once on his throbbing cock, twice if he really tested his luck. But that’s what lip service was for, and something he excelled at. Holding her up with one arm to fuck her. Just because he can. Rugged hip thrusts, deep and long, making her cry out for any deity her lust-muddled mind can think of.
It's the first time she thinks she caught his resolve cracking for just a moment, when she works up the nerve to grip his hair and pull at his now sweaty curls. His rhythm falters just once, his hips jerking and bucking out of order of the pace he set. Interesting…
She’s so deliciously taut around him when cumming. Squeezing his cock hard, threatening to massage it out of him. Making Shisui lose his resolve and self respect for filling her stupid with his thick sticky cum. It was known practice to not cum inside of one night stands—better yet if it were a civilian. But this time, he might. Might just ‘accidentally’ bless this random village girl with an Uchiha baby.
He loooves this in particular. Because he knows she is not using any chakra to manipulate her body in any way. Because she can’t. It's all him. Because of him. For him. Her body is so pliable, flexible for a girl who doesn’t train las a kunoichi would. Bendable enough to lift her knees to chest and then ears. Allowing him to reach the deepest parts of her cunt, to scratch a particular itch she’s never felt before. The limitless stamina Shisui held over any regular man who was thinking they had brought this pleasure to her was laughable. Not when legs were shaking, heart was racing and eyes rolled shut to unwind in this elevated feeling. This hunger.
She’s nasty too. Knows exactly who’s balls deep in her, writhes for his leaking cock. “…Shisui…you can come inside me.” As if she knew and could see it in his face, “…I want you to, please.” 🫠 The vixen.
So yeah, him filling her dormant womb up with his precious creamer really was inevitable. She is so soft, so fragile, so unmarked. She is untainted by ruthless fights and the harsh reality of a Shinobi's life. She represents all that he fights for, lives for, and damn if that doesn’t make him want to ruin her even more. Soft and innocent, wholly woman in every sense of the word. The daughter of some shopkeeper would be his guess, and what on earth was she doing at a bar filled with deplorable people. People who sought out this sort of thing. Shisui was definitely doing this girl a public service by fucking her stupid for the night.
It's not out of malice or even planned, she assumes he won't, but how could she know the effect her words and body have on him. So delicate, fragile even. Him dragging his thick cock in and out slowly. Nothing she can even do about it, completely at his mercy when he does cum. It seeps around the base of his shaft, forming a creamy white ring of their mixed pleasure. Even the most productive oil rig would be out of business if Shisui was in town, his persistent dredging allowing her to cum again and clench the blissful euphoria out of his cock a bit longer. Giving this girl the show she wanted, reaming a hand around her neck as he pumps her full. Thrusting deep to the hilt and halting as the last of his genetic material spurted within her. Warm and thick.
Peppers kisses to her cheeks and forehead. Apologizing if he had gotten rough, this girl is besotted. She just bagged the hottest guy for a night. Sheepishly asks if he would want to get tea or lunch sometime. Even if just as acquaintances. Shisui isn’t an asshole, he is taking this girl out wherever the fuck she wants and paying for the entire day.
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rolling-storm-writing · 9 months
Can you please write Týr x Kratos??? It can be headcanons of fluff, smut, or both!!! Just write whatever comes to mind!!! I'll be thankful with anything you write for me!!! 😊💖💖💖
Tyr/Kratos- Headcanons
warnings; NSFW
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Two words… SLOW BURN, first and foremost both are still deeply hurt and grieving.�� Tyr is fresh from being imprisoned and Kratos still reeling after Ragnarok.
Kratos is quite weary of the former god as he brings Mimir to speak with him.  If anything the two don’t truly interact without outside help. 
Awkward to the outside eye as they sit in an ominous silence around a camp fire.
The two find common ground when it comes to god hood and what it means.  Learning from one another and finding solace in their differences and similarities.
Their relationship is a very slow but meaningful one in my opinion.
Occasional trips to other realms or taking time to hunt together.  Quiet storytelling or quick “hello’s” when in passing.
There is no big gesture or ask the two simply just fall into place at each other’s side.
Tyr is the more openly romantic one of the two with physical touch and words of affirmation being big things for him.  
After being locked away for so long tho he’s very hesitant about opening up to another.
Kratos doesn’t mind and often finds the gentle touches and closeness to be perfect.  More meaningful than some swooning kiss could ever be.
“May I?” Would come his lover’s quiet voice as they walked together.  And without fail Kratos would offer his hand to him.
Tyr’s larger one wrapped ever so delicately around his own as they continued on their walk.
One thing about this pair is communication and proper boundaries are a must.  Very tentative and careful with one another no matter the occasion.
“Is this alright?” Kratos would mutter running his fingers through the giant’s soft hair.  A soft hum of approval and he’d continue on twirling the soft locs through his fingers.
And in the morning when those larger hands massaged at Kratos’ waist, and soft lips pressed against his shoulder all it took was quiet “continue” and they’d be all over each other.
On his back Kratos looked through hooded lids as Tyr loomed over him.  Legs spread wide and held up at his lover sunk deeper into him.
“So beautiful…” watching as his cock nestled deeper inside, kratos’ hole speared and puffy with glistening silk with every filling inch.
Tyr is so much bigger and it drives the both of them mad with lust.  Kratos is a pillow princess and Tyr’s only cowgirl and the god can’t get enough.
Losing himself as he plows into the smaller man with each bed rattling thrusts. hands on his hips, pulling Kratos back and pushing into him over and over. 
Kratos isn’t a loud man but with Tyr he’s a growling mess.  Low moans filling the room to mingle with slapping skin and creaking bed frame.
These two have so much stamina it’s almost unreal how long they can go.  “So good for me…” Tyr would whisper finally as he buried his cock fully, Kratos holding onto with dear life as he was folded like a pretzel.
cum dripping from his hole as and down his thighs. Eyes rolled to the back of his skull choking on a breathless moan as he too reached a mind numbing climax.
Tyr is very much a service top and lives to make sure his love is satisfied.  Slowly pulling out and peppering Kratos with soft kisses.  Lips pressed together in a soft kiss as hands grasp and caress the other.
Aftercare and just taking care of one another is simply a must as well.  Relaxing in the bath some time later or cuddling up after a previously prepared meal.
These two are honesty just goals in my eyes.  Very sweet and slow in a way that’s just perfect…
A/N; WELL I finally wrote something!! Honestly I really do like this ship and maybe I’ll write more for em.
If y’all have any other suggestions feel free to let me know ! And don’t forget your umbrella<3
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belowzion · 5 months
Adam and Why I Felt His Character Disappointing
Sooo, I have watched the first two episodes of Hazbin Hotel! While I did really enjoy Status Quo (The song, the fact that Vox loses his first match against Alastor in the show is quite sad.) the rest of the show, I had a lot of problems. Especially the way they handled Adam.
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(Look at this lil' shid.)
The dude-bro thing is just too much. It feels like his entire character is just Mammon but Angel.
Now, I've been working on rewrites for months now, slowly turning it into my own piece of fiction. Funnily enough, me and Vivzie had the same idea of taking from Paradise Falls. I feel like the book is great and can have many different ways of interpreting it. However, I am not here to talk about Lucifer, so lets instead get back to Adam.
So, let me tell you all about Adam in Below Zion and how he is in a bit of an odd spot considering Angels...:
Adam is in his luxury spire, pacing around, phone in hand, another hand flailing, disappointment, sadness and anger is felt in the presence of his holy living room.
"You hold the keys to the Well of Souls, you lead an army of an entirely new species of Angels! And you're letting these absolute nutjobs beat you!? Adam, come on! You're better than that! I mean for fuck sake man, you have the name of the first human! He got like... 100 percent of woman in his time!"
"Good on him, but i have 0 percent. I'm telling you, there's something wrong with women. They Never go for a nice guy like me, only for douchebags who probably don't even treat them right!"
"Well, Adam. Do tell me… how would YOU treat your woman?" "Well, i treat M'lady like a queen, of course! They don't know how good they would have it with me!"
"... M'lady...M'lady? Adam... you don't treat woman like... oh my... Mrghhh! Look, this is the third time this week. Why don't you just come over to me and... we'll talk bro to bro. How does that sound, hm?"
"...I don't know what you have, the Virtuosos (opposite of sinner, worships angels despite flaws) tell me it's Top gentemanly behavior of the century. And yes... I'd love that. I'm coming. And i'm bringing my emotional support Lute."
"... Just... just come over here and we'll fix you up... or attempt to at least..." Adam sighs, and hangs up. Lute comes out of Adams room with a suggestive smile, like she always does.
"Mmm, we're visiting Master Lucifer, sir?"
"We are, my dear Lute."
He says, kissing her forehead.
"Just a trip for a talk between bros. Sounds lovely, doesn't it?"
"Indeed, sir... Would you like me to transform?"
"That would be preferable for the way... yes. Makes getting out of town easier."
She nods... and folds into a brilliant lute! And then... Adam is off... taking flight to meet with Lucy...
Adam is an agent of Lucifer whom is... okay, lets not beat around the bush here. He is an incel. The odd thing here is that, Exterminators are an unofficial branch of Heavens military. So unofficial that even Arch-Angels don't know about them. They are robotic angels, made by Lucifer and a dear friend of his, trained and maintained by Adam. Adam is also not the leader of the Angels. He works at a very high position, that being that he guards the Well of Souls that leads to the conjuration of all the souls on Earth. All Exterminators are made for Lucifer and Adam. The marks on their eyes are the Mark of Lucifer. They belong to him. They do whatever HE wants.
This makes Adams girlfriend a robot.
He has an AI girlfriend.
He objectifies women to no end.
He is also very good at his job as being Lucifers mole in Heaven. While Sinners do pacts with each other, Adam allows Lucifer to have a foothold in Heaven, years after he got kicked out...
Adam is in his luxury spire, sitting at his computer, with a plate of pretzels on the desk, phone in hand, screaming wildly to it!
"What you're suggesting is ABSOLUTELY ludicrous! I will have NONE of it! You will deal with the Brightwing family until next week or I'll make sure to put that pact to good use!"
From the phone, a rather paniced individual speaks!
"Hah, BITCH! You think you have any say in here!? Killing the guys children- what don't tell me YOU have any children!? You do?! Well, uh, thats the thing! Noooot anymore you don't! I'll see you again soooooon~
The other angel on the phone seems to speak in an extremely agitated and afraid tone! Pleading!
"Oh! Changed your mind have you!? Great, GREAT! NOW! I got the whole thing planned out for you, so YOU can't mess this up! Sending you the docs. DON'T. MESS. THIS. UP! BYE, ASSHOLE!"
He hangs up and grins triumphantly…
He continues to deal with the usual fluff. Lucifers extend into heavens business. Angels need a good amount of convincing to stay in line sometimes, but it's good work, and… dare he say it, fun~ With how he feels life is treating him, it feels Great to be able to make the lives of others even worse. It having such a positive impact on the work of his best bud is of course a wonderful bonus!
He is a lonely asshole that lives off of the misery of others and finds purpose in serving someone like Lucifer.
He is a villain, but he is a lot more complicated than just being a dude-bro.
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Yae, Ei, and Sara with an S/O who switches personalities during battle
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Yae always knew her S/O to be a very meek person, not really being one to confront others, much less fight.
The smile they gave Yae was always a loving one yet...something felt off about them.
She didn't think they were hiding anything from her, at least not intentionally.
She had no idea what it was until she found herself under attack by bandits.
Yae had S/O get behind her as she prepared to dispatch of these troublemakers.
(Yae) "Stay behind me, little one."
(S/O) "..."
(Yae) "S/O?"
Yae blinked twice as her eyes widened after hearing S/O shout.
(Yae) "...Uh-"
Yae was almost pushed aside when S/O charged straight into the crowd, screaming about skulls and blood, beating the bandits to a pulp.
She watched in a mix of amazement and horror as her S/O knocked them aside left and right.
(Bandit 2) "You call that breaking my spine?! You wouldn't know how to break a spine if y-"
(Bandit 2) "AGH MY SPINE!"
Yae didn't know if she should intervene, S/O clearly didn't need her.
...Plus she was getting all sorts of information about human anatomy. She didn't even know someone could literally be folded into a pretzel.
Once the slaughter was over, S/O shook their head and jumped at all the blood.
(S/O) "Y-YAE!"
They ran behind her, terrified, as if they weren't the cause of their untimely demise.
(Yae) "...L-Let's continue shall we?"
It was sort of amusing, but mostly VERY concerning.
The moment Yae could, she was going to check if this was some kind of Oni curse.
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Ei didn't mind her S/O being so gentle. If anything, it was a nice contrast to what she was used to.
They weren't afraid (mostly) to just be themselves and refer to Ei just as her.
She promised to protect S/O no matter what, for they would be eternal as Inazuma's light.
When they came under attack by Hilichurls, Ei didn't hesitate to step in.
(Ei) "Stand back and you will live."
(Ei) "...What is a skull-"
Without warning, they rushed in and grabbed the nearest Hilichurl, and used that one to beat the others up as an impromptu club.
Ei shrugged and joined in the fray, the two quickly dispatched of their attackers as they all ran in fear.
She found it a bit strange her S/O could fight this well since they gave no indication they could.
Especially about the part about taking their heads. MAN they were really fixated about skulls.
Maybe this was just some human custom that showed up recently. A bit barbaric for her tastes, but clearly it's working for the better if it meant they were this good in combat.
(S/O) "...Huh? HUH?! W-WHAT HAPPENED?!"
(Ei) "We took care of our attackers. You performed quite admirably, surprisingly so."
(S/O) "I-I don't understand! I just blinked and...!"
(Ei) "By the way, what is the Skull Throne?"
(S/O) "A wha- Skull Throne?!"
(Ei) "Yes. You were shouting about taking their heads for a throne. Is that recently developed somewhere? I am curious about it now."
Ei was genuinely curious while S/O was left wondering what in the hell she was on about.
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Sara didn't imagine herself to be with such a shy S/O. They'd probably be scared from a tap on the shoulder.
Regardless, she loved them with all her heart, and swore to protect them.
At least that's what she had planned.
When they were ambushed by Ruin Guards, she rushed in front of S/O.
(Sara) "Run! I'll distract them and-"
Sara spun around, offended they were disobeying a direct order-Wait, what the hell did they just say?
Why did that voice sound like it thirsted for violence?-
They leapt onto the Ruin Guard's eye and started punching it with their bare hands, shattering it with every blow.
Sara watched in absolute horror as her sweet, introverted S/O was throwing hands with one of the deadliest things roaming around Tevyat.
Yet she couldn't avert her eyes. Sara couldn't believe what she was seeing.
After gears and robotic limbs flew past her, S/O hopped down and shook their head, jumping in shock.
(S/O) "WOAH! R-Ruin Guards?! Sara!"
They turned to Sara and held onto her arm, slightly shaking.
(S/O) "They're not going to get up again are they?"
(Sara) "After what you did? I doubt it."
(S/O) "After what I?-"
S/O looked at their hands and realized how much oil, blood, and leftover mechanical bits were on it.
Sara looked back at her S/O and to the Ruin Guards.
(Sara) "I'm still asking that myself."
On one hand, great! S/O can defend themselves!"
On the other, keep them as FAR AWAY from the military as possible.
If there was an incident, she'd be sure they'd tear the perpetrator apart, not arrest them.
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pleathewrites · 2 months
bellow the fire into my deadened lungs
chapter 4 excerpt — seroroki first kiss read full story here
“When did you start smoking?” 
“Smokin’ what?” Sero’s native accent bleeds into the night fog of his exhale.
“Whatever you’re smoking right now.”
Sero laughs, and it’s rough in all the best ways — raspy, deep, loud enough to bounce off the moon back into Shouto’s lungs.
“It’s just a cigarette, Shou. Started when I was, fuck, thirteen, I think?”
‘Oh, that’s quite — ’, “Young.”
It makes sense, in a way. Sero holds the cigarette with a lazy respect Shouto has only seen his eldest brother uphold. Sero’s voice, upped with the hormones of a teenage boy, scratches on the same words Shouto’s own would hold steady. Even the way Sero sits, in that same corner of his dorm balcony every night Shouto visits, speaks of years of habit. His lithe body folded like a discarded stall pretzel — propped, knobby knees to rest his bulky elbows, the back of his head laid back against his balcony door for easier exhale, leaving his stretched throat vulnerable to Shouto’s quite appalling fantasies. 
Shouta has never wanted someone so badly.
“Yeah, well,” Hanta continues, “Not much else to do in my house.”
Shouto remembers.
[ 11 months ago, April — Second Week of U.A., First Year
The door slams shut, and Shouto is finally by himself. 
He's beyond thankful the school offers boarding to students who cannot — or simply do not wish to — commute from home. The room U.A. assigned him is smaller than his own at the Todoroki estate but it’s his to do with what he pleases, away from the surveillance of his father and the suffocating silence of his older siblings.
He needs air, and with his own balcony, he doesn’t even have to leave his room to get it. 
To say Shouto is… nervous for his first year at U.A. is an understatement. He’d never been to school before, never spoken to so many strangers at once, and he wasn’t even the one talking the majority of the time. He understands the novelty of it all, though — the last son of the Number Two hero, and everyone is itching to ask, ‘What’s it like having such a great hero as a father?’
Well, everyone except his dorm neighbor, who’s apparently been too busy destroying his lungs the next balcony over.
“I think that’s definitely against school-rules.”
The boy startles from where he sits, sucks in a deep breath, and coughs so heavily that Shouto thinks the guy might die. He doesn’t. Instead, the boy’s cough subsides after a few long seconds and he takes a deep inhale before clearing his throat and looking up to meet Shouto’s curious gaze.
This is the moment Shouto thinks Sero Hanta has the largest pair of eyes he’s ever seen. Wide black irises framed by lashes so thick, Shouto wonders if the boy is wearing makeup.
Pale eyelids shut briefly before the boy coughs out a nervous laugh, “Fuck, uh… You gonna tell on me, or sumthn?”
Shouto thinks about it, or pretends to, and tilts his head to the side while his eyes roam over the relaxed form of the delinquent in question. Maybe it was the situation — someone finally asking him something that doesn’t revolve around his family —  or, maybe, it was the sleepy accent from a devil-may-care demeanor Shouto hasn’t really encountered before, “No. Provided you let me keep you company.”
This is the moment Shouto also realizes Sero Hanta has the biggest smile he’s ever seen.
Large, slightly crooked teeth glint under a night with no moon and Shouto doesn’t understand why his hands feel so sweaty — he usually has excellent quirk control.
“Yeah man, c’mon on over,” Shouto hops over the rails of both balconies and settles next to the boy, despite his sensitive nose twinging from the bitter smoke, “Couldn’t sleep?
Gulping whatever anxiety lingers in his throat, Shouto nods, “New environment.” 
“Yeah,” Sero snorts, “This is nothin’ like home.”
Shouto doesn’t want to talk about his home, “What is your home like?”
Sero takes a puff of his cigarette before his words come out thick with smoke, “Oof, gettin’ deep ‘n personal already. Y’know what they say about the midnight-hours.”
Shouto doesn’t, “What do they say?”
“Somethin’ ‘bout the stars loosenin’ the tongue.” 
Shouto rolls his tongue over his teeth, “My tongue is still firmly attached,” He doesn’t think the stars could have such a quirk. 
Sero laughs, and Shouto’s not really sure what he said that’s so funny but, Gods, does he wish he knew, because Sero’s lips are stretched wide over his teeth and the tip of his tongue is so pink, “Ah man, how I wish I was smokin’ somethin’ else,” At that, Shouto furrows his brows in confusion, and Sero waves his hand assuringly with the cigarette still lit between two fingers, “Nah, it’s, like, a ‘poetic’ way of saying how people are more likely to be — you know, vulnerable, at night.”
‘Ah, a metaphor,’ Shouto thinks, ‘Like when I bought Fuyumi-nee that sweater she was eyeing for weeks before her birthday and she said she was, ‘so happy, she could die.’ Thankfully, she did not die.’
Shouto nods, “I see… I was not allowed poetry.”
Sero hums, “Didn’t really have access to it, either. Schools were shit in my area.” 
To say Shouto was intrigued would be an understatement. Maybe he felt some kind of kinship with the smoking boy whose shoulder warms the right of his. Maybe he was desperate to hear someone else’s story rather than repeat the manicured version of his own for the dozenth time. Maybe he wondered if their stories could be more similar than either of them would think.
“Where are you from? You have an accent you cover up. Why?”
“Slow down, man,” Sero laughs and Shouto’s shoulders shake with it, “I’m not from the city. Some nowhere-village, you wouldn’t’ve heard of it,” Dark eyes twinkle with something that feels like a shared secret, “But yeah, I'll give you that. I’m tryin’ to, y’know, fit in ‘n whatnot.”
“I understand,” Shouto knows all too well about exclusion, “I… don’t think I fit in.” 
Sero smiles, “Well. Ya got a spot right here, in this lil’ smoker’s den of mine — ours, if you want it.”
And Shouto’s heart skips a long beat for the first time in his little life. ]
Shouto smiles at the memory. 
Over this past year, Sero’s balcony became his solace. A place to vent and scream and curse at the moon. A lighthouse to guide his shivering body out of the roaring oceans of hurt and anger that perpetually marinate in the slim meat of his bones. The warmest blanket of the softest kind of understanding Shouto’s ever known, a constant heat to battle the eternal ice that regularly threatens to freeze him from the inside out. Out of 240 nights, Shouto has spent over half of them hopping onto cold metal that does not belong to him, to sit next to a boy who invites him to belong instead.
Sero’s balcony is where Shouto fits. It is the only place where he can take the world off his shoulders, and be the sixteen-year-old boy he would have been, had he been born under a different God. 
It is where Shouto made his first friend. (It will be where Shouto will have his first kiss.)
Because here, under the cloak of quiet galaxies and fading smoke, Shouto is a sixteen-year-old boy with a nearly ten-month-long crush on the person who was kind enough to coax him into their small, star-speckled haven, and offer it as his own.
The secret of Shouto’s affections weighs heavier every day. Touya’s words rattle in his head, ‘maybe you should just — I dunno, tell him that.’ But how? It is often said that Shouto is brave, but in the same breath, Shouto would argue that he has spent the majority of his life alone, with nothing to lose, and he believes bravery without sacrifice shallows itself down to the same arrogance his father suffers from.
With everything that’s happened recently with Touya, with his father under arrest, it doesn’t make sense how, at this moment, the only thing on Shouto’s mind is the way Sero Hanta’s lips wrap over that cancer stick, and how much Shouto wants to lean in and take its place, grab that pointed chin between his own chilly fingers and plead, ‘breathe me in, instead.’  
However, losing the peace Sero offers him to a silly moment of desire is not something Shouto thinks he is ready for.
Shouto looks away to mentally shake off his thoughts, and lands on the first thing he sees — a familiar, worn cigarette pack with a unique design oddly felicitous to Sero, “The box is pretty.” 
‘It fits you.’
Rogue blue waves rising up to meet a dark sky with an overly bright and full moon. Shouto likens the design to finding serenity in the reality of mother nature's chaos. 
Sero takes the box and thumbs over the design absent-mindedly, “Yeah, it used to be the only brand I smoked, really. A bit of a nuisance, though, fuckin’ hard to find — one of those, if you know you know.” He flips the box open, “It’s kinda dumb, but I usually just put the ciggs I buy now in this pack ‘n throw away the original box.”
“Did it taste better than others?” Shouto thinks it must have, to be Sero’s favorite. 
“Huh, well, not really. ‘S more like, sentimental value, I guess,” Sero’s laugh rings like rusted, broken bells, “All of ‘em taste the same, really, one way or another. Some’re just extra, y’know, harsh on the throat.” 
Shouto thinks that judging by the smell alone, smoking still doesn’t sound very pleasant, “I’ve heard it tastes bad. It smells… strong.” 
The shrug of Sero’s shoulder bumps his own in a blissful moment of contact, “Ya get used to it.”
Now, Shouto knows his face tends to be quite expressive — for someone who wasn’t allowed to express much growing up — and so, when Sero looks at him and ticks the corner of his lip in a way Shouto has only ever seen a handful of times when Sero would talk about the more cheeky experiences of his life, he knows he’s been caught. “Why? You wanna try?”
“I don’t know,” He really doesn’t know but the lowered lid of Sero’s large eyes makes Shouto want to try anything, just to keep that dark gaze on him for a few seconds longer.
Sero lays the cigarette box down and scoots closer. The left side of Shouto’s face fills with blood and the heat makes him woozy. 
‘Is this what it’s like to feel drunk?’
Shouto can’t really think about yet another teen experience he fears missing out on because there are cool, slender fingers grasping his chin the same way Shouto daydreamed about minutes ago. 
Sero briefly turns his head away to take a long drag of his cigarette before facing Shouto again, his whispering mouth barely a centimeter from his own, “C’mere.”
And Shouto listens, leans, lets his body loosen to the calloused thumb pulling at his bottom lip, and opens his mouth. As if on autopilot, at the sound of Sero’s exhale and the reality of being this close to a boy Shouto has spent countless, dreamless nights with — Shouto inhales.
Something rushes to his brain. The smoked tar itches his throat but Shouto was born with the breath of fire. When he exhales, there is a tightness in his chest but Shouto knows it is not the nicotine that affects him so, but the boy whose bottom lip grazes his own and lingers in the lightest caress of a question Shouto has known the answer to for months.
All it takes is the tip of Sero’s strong nose nuzzling the side of his own for Shouto to throw all his cautions to the windless night, lean in, and press.
Sero’s soft kiss is everything he imagined it would be, and more.
read full story here
my other works
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fcknstar · 1 year
Can you do pregnancy headcanons for the amazing spider man 2 harry?
hihi! thank you so much for the request and sorry if i completed it a little late, was caught up with school work...
,, with you "
harryosborn x afab!reader ( pregnancy headcanons )
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a.n : im so so happy with the requests that ive been receiving because my brains all messed up rn, and cant really think of any ideas.. so thankyou alot
warnings : mentions of pregnancy
**lowercase intended**
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when harry found out that you are pregnant, he has nver been more happy
like a gentleman, he would massage your legs if you need, would literally give you princess treatment like he usually does.
have cravings in the middle of the night? not to worry, harry would always assure you and ask you to wake him up if you truly craved something.
" harry… " you gently shook harry. you could barely sleep, wanting to eat chocolate covered pretzels that you enjoyed. " harry..? " harry began to stir in his sleep, turning to look at you, wide awake. " whats wrong baby? " he questioned, he saw how overwhelmed you looked. " well, i uh, ive been craving those chocolate pretzels you got me the other time.. " you whispered. harry understanding that your cravings were acting up, he nodded giving you a soft smile. harry went to the local store looking for the pretzels. by the time he went there, he couldnt find any in stock. so, he decided to make them, grabbing a chocolate bar and pretzels. once he reached home, he would melt those chocolate and dip the pretzels in, letting it cool before serving in to you.
" baby, i couldnt find the exact ones, so i just got normal pretzels and dipped them.. will that be alright? " harry walked towards you with the said pretzels in his hands. you swore you felt your heart thump faster, it was as if you were falling deeper in love with him.
before you got pregnant, you and harry would split the house chores.
so when you got pregnant, he would start doing most of the house chores, since you insisted that you could at least fold the clothes despite harry advising you not to and for you to just rest.
knowing that youd get bigger in size, he wouldnt mind getting you new clothes. he, in fact encourages you to whenever you need new clothes. or he will just get you it even without you knowing.
if you were to feel insecure, he would start talking to you sweetly, reassuring that you are the most beautiful person hes ever seen ; whispering sweet things to you.
he would start working from home, but if he truly needed to get back to oscorp, he would grab some snack and food for you both before heading back home.
if he sees you asleep on the bed, he would climb in with you, gently wrapping his arms around and talk to the growing baby.
" yea i know right. and i got you and your sweet mother more pretzels! how cool is that? " harry felt a little kick when he placed his hand on your tummy. " my gosh, excited are we? don't wake your mummy up okay? she deserves this rest.. " but you were already wide awake, hearing the little chats he had with your baby. " i wonder if you are a girl.. or a boy. if you were a girl, id dress you up into a mini princess, even better, id dress you up like your mother. mini her! if youre a boy, " harry was deep in thought.. " i dont know, i dress you up as a businessman! " he received another. " definitely a boy. " harry smiled to himself. you couldn't help but giggle. harry saw how your body shook and your little laughs, turning to face you, his eyes widened. " did i wake you up? sorry.. " harry smiled boyishly, kissing your temple.
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Kiri deserves everything he wants today, I would let him fold me like a pretzel I don't even care my back is broken
Imagine he’s on his way to work at the agency and you send him a text to say he can do whatever he wants to you today because it’s his birthday, so now he’s spending the rest of his shift with a chub in his pants and giddily exclaiming to anyone that’ll listen that you have a present for him when he gets home.
Bakugou. Yeah, yeah. You’re having sex when you get home we fuckin’ get it.
Kirishima: No man, but this is special birthday sex.
And Bakugou is just rolling his eyes.
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bagog · 4 months
Pine-car Derby Meet cute
The gymnasium was packed with chairs all facing one of the two pine-car derby tracks underneath the basketball hoops. They were only a few races into the derby, and even the last couple entrants were still having their cars weighed and assessed before being queued up for the bracket.
“I’m gonna get some gum,” Travis shoved a shoe-box full of sand-paper, powdered graphite, and spare wheels into his older brother’s arms. “Come get me if my car’s up?”
“You’re not until the seventh heat, dude.” Trevor hoisted the box under his arm and gave his brother a light slap on the shoulder. “And you better not be there till then.”
“Can I have money?”
“Oh, yeah, here you go.” Trevor had purposely cashed-out his whole paycheck from the University Library to fund this trip… and it’s concessions. “Buy something better than gum, yeah?” The twelve year old didn’t reply as he turned on his heel and hurtled for the concession window on the other side of the gym.
Trevor surveyed the situation. The seats closest to the track were taken, but he didn’t really care about anybody’s car but Travis’, so no need to be close. He scanned the open seats for just a moment before selecting exactly where to set down.
“You’re not saving this whole row for a big family or something?” Trevor said, settling into an empty row right behind the cute guy who was sitting by himself. The guy turned around.
“Only seat I’m saving is this one,” he gestured to the folding chair on his left, where sat a beat-up shoebox like the one Trevor was carrying under his arm.
“Who’s racing?”
“My nephew. You?”
“Little brother,” Trevor held out his hand. “I’m Trevor, by the way.”
“Ephraim.” The guy shook his hand with a firm grip… soft hands though. “It’s my first derby, what should I be expecting?”
“I used to do these when I was a kid, can’t imagine they’d changed much,” Trevor leaned forward conspiratorily. “It’ll take about three hours to do all the brackets, but you can tell exactly which cars are gonna end up in the finals, because they’re just the lazy wedges.” He pointed to a shiny green wedge on wheels that had just flown down the race track, leaving its competition behind.
“Don’t tell my nephew,” Ephraim winced, playfully. “He didn’t make a wedge.”
“Good for him, I say.” The two laughed and managed to make breezy small talk. Ephraim was at State for piano performance. Trevor played intra-mural lacrosse. Derbies past and all the rest.
“Trevor,” Trevor turned and saw Travis running up with a fist full of dollar bills and a mouth full of Double-Bubble. Behind him, a kid just a little younger trailed after, concentrating on sinking his teeth into a giant soft pretzel. “Aww man,” Travis rolled his eyes when he spotted Trevor, turned to his friend. “My brother’s hitting on some dude again. C’mon, let’s go find Matthew.” The two kids ran off towards the door to the gym.
“Well well well,” Ephraim smirked under bushy brows. “Do you regularly, uh, cruise the pine-car derby?”
“My brother’s full of it,” Trevor awkwardly rubbed his palms over the seam down the side of his jeans. “He can’t see that you’re clearly more impressive than ‘some dude’.”
“Wow,” Ephraim intoned dryly, but his lip curled into a smile. “Very smooth. You’ve known me for five minutes and you think you can tell that, huh?”
“I could tell that before I sat down,” Trevor blurted. He managed to hold eye contact and grin.
“Well,” Ephraim seemed to think it over playfully. “Your brother was hanging out with my nephew, so I can get any info I need to hold over your head later.”
“I’m honored you would think to threaten me so soon into meeting me!”
“Oh shut up and come sit next to me.”
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phantomdoofer · 8 months
Chapter 6: Ad essere onesti
Giuseppe walked slowly through the small town that had popped up around Peppino's pizzeria and the NTV tower since Pizzahead's fall. His agents were spread out, discreetly keeping an eye on the few people he was worried about. So far, they'd not reported anything unusual - other than the biggest Peppino clone chasing the Noise into NTV. The residents didn't seem to know how to respond to Giuseppe - some greeted him cautiously, others eyed him suspiciously. A few seemed like they wanted to take a swing at him, but thought better of it.
He looked around, surprised at what he saw. This is actually pretty nice - populated, but quiet. I think I'll like living here. He'd thought about seeing if he could track down Anita, but she'd made it very clear the last time they spoke she wanted to be alone. The thought stabbed him in the heart, as it always did. After Gustavo died, her heart broke. So did mine. She'd left the force not long after, and disappeared into the wild like she'd said she wanted to.
Giuseppe hoped she was still alive.
Suddenly someone slapped him in the back of the head. Che diavolo-?
"Hey, fat man, you out for a walk?" a sneering voice spoke behind him. "Finally decided to-"
Noise squeaked like a rubber ducky as Giuseppe wrapped a hand around his neck and lifted him off the ground. "Eeep," he managed to work through the iron grip.
Giuseppe gave him his most malicious grin. "You must be that one Peppino mentioned. The Noise."
"Ygs," Noise gargled. Oh crap, this guy's not Peppino! This guy's gonna use me for a chew toy!
"You seem to be mistaken. I'm his brother, Giuseppe. I'll be moving here soon. We may look alike, but I'm not my brother. I suggest you remember that. I may not play so...nice."
Noise squeaked again. Peppino didn't play nice with him at all. It cost him a lot of money to keep getting his teeth replaced.
About that time, an official-looking Cheeseslime oozed up. "There a problem here, sir?
Giuseppe looked down at the Cheeseslime. This one wore boots, gloves, a badge, and a cowboy hat, and had a hard look in his eyes. In fact, one of his eyes was focused on him, with a cross-hair design that looked very familiar. He smiled. "No, sir, no problem. Just a little case of mistaken identity." He released the Noise, who gasped. "Isn't that right, sir?"
Noise nodded vigorously. "Oh yeah, definitely. I was just saying sorry. Later, Vigi!" he called over his shoulder as he ran off.
Vigi looked up at Giuseppe. "You do look mighty like Peppino." He left the sentence hanging, and Giuseppe let it hang. Finally, Vigi huffed, then grinned. "You look like you could fold 'im up like a pretzel, 'stead of just knocking his teeth in. The Noise can be a problem, I apologize. But try not to hurt 'im too much, eh?"
Giuseppe smiled back. He understood perfectly. "Absolutely, officer, sorry it came to that. He took me by surprise, that's all. No harm intended."
Vigi nodded. "Good, good. Heard you say you were movin' here? We got lots of places bein' built. Glad to have you here, long as you don't cause trouble." He handed him a pamphlet. "Here's some suggestions if you don't already know."
"Thank you, Sheriff. I already have some prospects, but I'll keep this in mind." Giuseppe saluted by reflex.
Vigi saluted back. "Another war vet, eh? I was too young, but my pappy was in it. He didn't come back." He shook his head. "You lookin' for work? I could use skilled people like you. We don't have many trained yet."
"Thank you, but no, I'm looking to retire," Giuseppe said, "perhaps I could give your men some pointers."
"All right," Vigi said. "You change yer mind, you let me know." He saluted again and walked off.
Giuseppe saluted back and smiled. Not a bad guy. He looked at the brochure. It looked basic, but had a surprising amount of info - housing, restaurants, the works. Everything a new resident would need. That Noise character may own a lot of this, but somebody else who really loves this place made this.
He pocketed the brochure and kept walking. Have to make sure to get back to Peppino's tonight, don't want to miss this...
Peppino plopped the mop into the bucket and wiped the sweat from the top of his head with a towel. Done. Drying time, then I can head home. He sat down. On Saturdays he closed the shop and did a thorough cleaning and inventory - cleaned the oven, the windows, the freezer, the surfaces. We do that during the week, too, but... Peppino didn't want to admit that he really didn't have much to do outside of work. He'd never had time, or money. His pizzeria was his life. Now he actually had free time occasionally. But for what? He worked with his best friend. His love life had been dead since before he was in the Army. He didn't have any hobbies other than trying out new recipes, and he was in a bit of a rut on that front lately. He patted his belly and snorted. I'd start running, but there's not enough road around here for me to get up to a speed that would be meaningful. And I'd probably break a treadmill. That's the problem with having special abilities - sometimes they get in the way!
He glanced down - the floor was dry already. He hopped down and carried the mop and bucket to the back to dump before he left. Maybe Gustavo's up to something interesting. He glanced out the window - Noisette's Cafe, newly built across the street, was open. Since Peppino's was closed, it was bustling. Maybe I should try the food there. Then he remembered Vigilante telling him about some of Noisette's more interesting "ideas," and thought better of it.
As he turned to go to the back, someone knocked on the door. "Sorry, we're-a closed! We'll open at eleven tomorrow," he called loudly over his shoulder.
They knocked again. Oh per l'amor del cielo. "I'm SORRY but we're CLOSED!"
Knock knock knock
"FIGLIO DI PUTTANA!" Peppino roared, "can't you-a read the-!"
He turned around. Giuseppe was standing outside, holding a plastic bag, making a key-turning motion, and grinning hugely.
Peppino slammed his mouth shut, unlocked the door, and let his brother in, locking the door back behind him.
Giuseppe set the bag down. "Haven't heard that one since Anita left the force," he said with a grin. "I found a place over on the other side of town that makes a respectable Chicken Tikka Marsala. Thought you might like to share."
Peppino was surprised. He was planning on eating at home, but... "Well, if you're offering."
They ate for several minutes in companionable silence, the spicy sauce gently burning on the tongue. Their bellies full, Giuseppe sat back. "Took a walk around this little town today. I think I like it."
Peppino quirked an eyebrow. "I would've-a thought your people would've told you everything you need to know."
Giuseppe chuckled. "My 'people' are mostly kids, fresh out of training. Good people, smart, but most of them are green. They're too busy looking for threats, so they miss small stuff. And I like to look myself." He spun his finger in a circle. "Most of the experienced ones are out looking for Pizzahead right now. In fact, that's part of why I'm here. They're making an announcement about it today - in a few minutes, in fact. And the big one about the clones, too."
Peppino's stomach clenched a bit. Should I really be worried? The people around here already know about me and Fake. But... "I hope they're-a prepared for what happens after."
Giuseppe sighed. "They've made plans, but it'll never be enough. I think it'll mainly be a few firebrands that cause trouble though, and most of them were already being observed. Riots, maybe, protests definitely. All the clones are under protective watch until things calm down." He looked outside, and rubbed the side of his leg, where Peppino realized a wicked-looking pistol was hostered. "I wanted to be here with you... just in case."
Peppino's eyes bulged a bit. "You don't mean to...?"
Giuseppe looked down and laughed. "Oh, no. This is a little something R&D cooked up. Knock out anything from a Cheeseslime to a pissed-off Ogre in three seconds if you know how to use it." He patted it. "We try to keep it non-lethal when we can."
Peppino relaxed. I still have a lot to learn about him. And how much is he allowed to tell? "You said it would-a be on soon? Which channel?" He moved to turn the TV on.
"National News should have the clearest coverage," Giuseppe said. "But they'll all be there. This is a big one."
Just as Peppino turned the power on, he heard "-tional News special report." Good timing. He sat back down, both watching intently.
An elderly general walked to a podium. Giuseppe grinned. "Old General Grey," he said, "I thought he retired. He was in charge of our program back during the war. Guess he insisted on being the one to break it." He leaned back, crossing his arms. "I don't like him much, but he'll tell it straight."
The old general cleared his throat. "Good afternoon. A few months ago, many of you may have heard of the incident known as the Pizza Tower. While this incident was resolved by a group of private citizens, we have had it, and it's owner, under investigation for several years." He cleared his throat again. "Many of you have now heard allegations that one of these citizens encountered several individuals in the Tower that appeared to be clones. While the process involved in the creation of these beings was flawed, we have decided to reveal that cloning is an actual, usable technology."
The room started to erupt in questions, but the General held up a hand. "Please hold all questions until I have concluded."
They quieted down.
"Thank you. Cloning technology is a form of Old Technology that is quite rare. Thirty years ago, the decision was made to use this technology in conjunction with military training to create a special forces program for this nation. The details are as follows..."
Peppino listened raptly as the General outlined the whole sordid thing: kidnappings, cloning, espionage, and military operations, especially their involvement in the War. The number of clones measured in the hundreds, with more suspected elsewhere.
"...we would like to emphasize that these cloned individuals are considered citizens of this nation, with all the rights and restrictions of a natural-born individual. All the cloned individuals in question have already been briefed on their origins and nature. While we will not be releasing their names for privacy reasons, we leave it to them whether they will reveal their origins. The program in question was disbanded after the last war, and no clones have been produced by our government since. We deeply regret this violation of rights and trust, and will continue to work to make amends for what was deemed, at the time, a necessary evil."
Giuseppe growled. "No offense General, but you can't give us our lives back. Or bring back the ones we lost." He twisted the leather bracelet on his wrist.
The General flipped the sheaf of papers in front of him. "Now, the owner of the Tower, a Ninda individual named Pizzahead, is wanted for questioning on several disappearances. He has also been documented performing various acts considered crimes against sapiency, and as such has formally been declared a terrorist and war criminal. A search for this individual is ongoing by elements of both police forces and our Special Operations branch. We are offering rewards for any information on this individual, and will be glad for any report of his appearance anyone may have." He stood straighter. "Make no mistake. This is a highly unstable individual. He is considered armed and extremely dangerous. If seen, report to either your local police, or a local military branch if possible. We will provide more information when the situation has developed. I will now take any questions you may have."
As the press room exploded with voices, Peppino turned to Giuseppe. "Just like that, the secret's out," Giuseppe said. He looked out the windows - Noisette's Cafe was well lit, and obviously busy. "You want to step across the way and see how people are taking it?"
Peppino hesitated, but nodded. Between the two of us, we should be able to handle any problems. He stood up, turned off the TV, locked up the shop, and together they crossed the street to the Cafe.
"After you," Giuseppe gestured.
Peppino opened the door, and the smell of coffee and new paint struck him. The cafe was full, mostly with Tower residents. In fact, he saw both Vigilante and Pepperman there. Wonder when he got back. Everyone was staring raptly at the TVs on the wall. Noisette saw Peppino, and rushed from behind the counter.
"Oh, Peppino! Did you hear? They made an announcment about the Tower being investigated! And Pizzahead's wanted! I hope they find him! It sounds so scary! I didn't know about any of that! And all that talk about clones, do you think -" she stopped as Giuseppe stepped in. Her mouth formed a perfect "O" of surprise. "Oh, Peppino, I guess you already knew. First the ones in the Tower, and now this! You have another clone!"
Oh Mio Dio, I guess we're doing this now. Peppino scratched his head and smiled nervously. "A-actually Noisette...I'm-a the clone. This is the original me, Giuseppe."
The cafe went quiet. Vigi jumped down and walked over. He looked up at Giuseppe. "I thought you two looked mighty alike. Thought maybe Peppino had a brother he didn't mention."
Giuseppe cleared his throat. "Really, I consider Peppino my brother. Most of us do. I couldn't mention it til after the announcement." He held out a hand. "Nice to actually meet you."
The Cheeseslime shook his hand. He looked thoughtful.
Pepperman rushed over to the two, making both jump a bit. A giant bell pepper rushing at you could unnerve anyone. "Peppino! This business is so... unsettling! Clones everywhere! You're a clone!" He gasped. "They said Pizzahead did a great deal of cloning, more than even we knew. What if he cloned...us?"
Many of the patrons whispered in agreement. Rather than his own clone status, they seemed more worried about Pizzahead and his shenanigans. Guess I shouldn't be surprised. These guys have seen a lot of weird shit already, just having lived in the tower.
Giuseppe stepped forward and raised his hands. "Just want to remind you there's a major investigation going on. Be sure to report to your local officers. It's very important you provide any information you can, no matter how unimportant it might seem. Pizzahead is dangerous. If any of you notice anything unusually suspicious, report it immediately."
Giuseppe sat down at a vacant table, and Peppino joined him. "Nice-a speech. Did you plan that?"
"No. Just had too much practice. Glad they're reacting well. I bet it's not so quiet elsewhere."
Peppino nodded, as patrons approached them with questions and reports.
Pizzahead has the government on him now. It's only a matter of time.
Elsewhere, in a dark room, a crumpled figure watched the report condemning Pizzahead. They reached out with a remote, and flicked off the screen.
"Guess it's a good thing we hid, isn't it?" Strange, grotesque figures huddled around them. One of them made a questioning sound.
"No, not yet. We don't want to ruin the surprise."
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dean-samw67 · 1 year
The way you write Carlos make me wanna [REDACTED] like you have no idea the things I would let that man do and also the thing I would do to see that man smile like
He could fold me up like a pretzel and punch me square in the face and I would thank him
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