#i said fuck it and did all three at once but it probably would've been better for them to be separate
felixfathom · 2 years
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@felixgothdevanily i tried </3 i had to cut out shadowmoth's GA dialogue for it to work but ephemeral and chat blanc remain unaltered !
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ikarakie · 1 year
part 1
eddie wakes up.
he doesn't expect to. not on earth, anyways. but he does, in a hospital bed, to dustin's scolding and the girls' smiles. he's told they won, vecna's dead. the government are working on clearing his name as they speak as a fucked up 'thank you', and everything is fucking okay.
he asks after red and the sinclairs. apparently, they had a run-in with asshole of the century jason carver, but sinclair had held his own with a mean right hook that harrington had taught him once. max had fought vecna off with the help of supergirl, who'd come into her mind at the last second via shenanigans that eddie didn't understand. though he was assured he'd have the story told to him by mike himself, since he, supergirl, and the byers' were on their way in from california.
everyone's crowded around his bed, minus one very pretty head of hair, firing off their accounts. robin's partway through how the vines had attacked them when it happens.
"and then they grabbed me and slammed me against the wall! so steve-" and she hesitates. widens her eyes and a looks a bit nauseous all of a sudden. eddie feels his stomach sink.
"hey, speaking of harrington, where is he?" he asks, hoping to fucking god it's not what he thinks. though the way the room falls silent, the way dustin's suddenly holding his hand a lot tighter, makes his eyes water.
"he got you out." henderson whispers, sounding so very broken. "he- he carried you back to the gate and sent you through, but it- it was closing." he's biting his lip so hard he draws blood.
"he... he's still there?" eddie asks, breathless, horrified. the image of steve harrington hauling his ass out of that backwards hell dimension only to get stuck there himself makes his head spin. robin breaks down next to him, bringing her legs to her chest on her chair. nancy puts an arm around her shoulder.
"he made sure we all got through first." she says, deceptively even. eddie can see how tense her shoulders are, and he gets it. because, for fucks sakes, of course he sent the girls and henderson through first. "i think... i think he didn't want to risk coming through when it was so nearly closed. so he stayed."
eddie takes a second. looks around the room, at everyone's sullen faces. wonders why steve thought his was the life to save instead of his own, when all these people loved him so fucking dearly. eddie liked robin, and he liked max, and nancy, and the little sinclair, but they were more steve's people than his. and yet the guy, for whatever fucking reason, thought eddie, who was barely clinging on to begin with, was the one who deserved to live?
if you told him three months ago that he'd be sat in a hospital bed, having been dragged back from the edge of death by steve harrington, who'd fucking sacrificed himself to do so, he would've laughed. even more, if you told him that, in that position, eddie's heart ached with affection for the guy, he would've punched you. probably.
not that his puppy crush on steve was a recent development, but this whole... seeing him in action thing had just exacerbated it. especially with all those lingering looks they'd shared. semi-flirty words and little signals that eddie forced himself not to read into. but now he wished he had. wished he'd said what he'd meant to, that last time they saw each other.
"it's okay, though." dustin said, breaking the silence. "because when el comes back, she'll just open a gate, and we can go and get him." he sounds so sure, that for a moment, eddie thinks he's right, but the way nancy sighs indicates this is an issue.
"we'd like to do that." she says, "but... we don't know if vecna dying means... the upside down did, too." god, she was right. what if it'd all collapsed in on itself? robin sobs harder, shaking her head, and eddie puts a hand on one of her knees. wishes, not for the first time, that steve was here, to hold her. instead of- of- wherever he was.
the next week and half passes in a blur. eddie gets discharged, despite everyone's protests, and just told he needs to rest while he heals. they all set up camp in steve's house, which feels fucking weird, but dustin reasons that they need to all be together to form a plan, to watch eddie, and robin had a key anyways, and the place was massive, and it's not like steve ever minded. (the 'when he was alive' goes unspoken. they don't want to talk like that, not yet.)
it's one more week before mike and his little crew get back. apparently, they got caught in some government bullshit that'd held them up, but they return with joyce byers and a back-from-the-dead chief hopper, so that's cool. there's hugs and reunions and stories are exchanged. when the bit about steve getting stuck in the upside down comes up, eddie sees how will byers' face falls. remembers dustin saying he'd been trapped there once, too, and supposes it's sympathy.
chief hopper looks ready to tear the whole place apart. he'd asked after steve the second everyone had gathered, strangely terrifying for a man who was skin and bones. he'd only settled and listened to the story after being assured steve wasn't dead. (not that they... actually knew that, but no one wanted to say it out loud again).
supergirl, eleven, wasted no fucking time. she grabbed a radio and a piece of fabric and apparently began 'searching for steve in the void'. though eddie didn't quite understand, he held his breath alongside everyone else. only relaxing when she smiled, and said, albeit a little wobbly: "he is alive. he is okay."
robin's sobs would probably be with him till the day he died. she'd collapsed into joyce byers' arms, mumbling incoherently. dustin wasn't any better, crying into will's shoulder.
after some safety briefings, and a begruding blessing from hopper, supergirl opened a gate in steve's living room and fucked off through it. eddie was astounded at the ease with which she entered the dimension. will explained that, because vecna was dead, it didn't 'feel as bad anymore'. though he still held mike's hand tightly and sat as far away from it as possible.
and so the waiting game began. they tried to make small talk, tried to keep the mood light, but the whole thing weighed heavy on them. watching the gate to hell that they'd just sent a little girl through, wishing every second she'd come back in one piece.
it was maybe fourty five minutes later when max perked up. they all turned to the gate at her movement, and sure enough, there they were.
he was pale, and tired looking, covered in some sort of goop or slime or something. holding eleven's hand the whole time- though for who's benefit, eddie wasn't sure. he stumbled a bit as he stepped through the gate and still, still, turned to help el through. though he was a bit slimmer, and clearly weary, it was him, it was steve, and he was alive.
robin was on him in seconds. screaming, clinging to him and asking him 'how dare you? how fucking dare you? never do that to me again, you piece of shit! i love you so much, you can't do that!' he buried his face in her shoulder and swayed slightly as he held her. murmuring things eddie couldn't hear. dustin wasn't far behind, squeezing between them and similarly blubbering. steve was hugging them both and gazing at them- at everyone who was crying- with such wonder. like he couldn't believe he'd been missed that much.
one by one, everyone had their fill. max whacked him on the arm and then hugged him so tightly it looked like it hurt. nancy brushed his hair back out of his eyes and called him an idiot. joyce byers gently wiped his face of dirt and grime before kissing his cheek. chief hopper held him like a father, strong and tight.
eddie sat back, just watched. wondered how someone could be so loved and not feel worth it at all.
then steve's eyes settled on him. they brightened, almost sparkled. "eddie!" he called. his voice was rough from disuse, but still sounding so relieved and happy it made eddie falter. he stepped forwards, feeling steve's dazzling smile pull the corners of his own mouth upwards. "you're okay!"
then he had an armful of steve harrington, and it all came flooding out. he felt a bit foolish, but only until he realised steve was crying too. "you... asshole." he muttered, holding him as tightly as his strength would allow.
"i told you not to be fucking hero." steve huffed, though it lost any of it's power with how his voice wobbled. "i thought you died, i thought-"
"you're one to fucking talk!" eddie cried, pulling away just enough to look him in the eye. "i woke up and you- they told me you dragged my ass outta there and then stayed behind! no one knew what had happened to you, it's been weeks, steve! i couldn't- why would you do that? why would you not just leave me-"
"i couldn't leave you!" god, he sounded so offended at the very idea. eddie felt like his heart was going to explode out of his chest. "i couldn't- i wouldn't do that-"
"i know you wouldn't." eddie lamented, because fuck, he did. he knew deep down even if he had died there, outside his trailer to those bats, steve still would've brought him home. "doesn't make it any less stupid. just makes you- makes you so-"
it hit him how close they were. probably an inch, maybe less, between their faces.
"makes me so what?" steve asked, a little breathless. eddie gazed at him, deciding that: fuck it. he'd be too close to death to not... see if whatever he thought they had was real. he sent a mental prayer to a god he didn't really believe in anymore: please, let him not have read this wrong.
he looked to steve's lips. pointedly. watched how his cheeks flushed and a shy smile crept onto them. how his eyes flickered down to eddie's as well. there was a silent, shared understanding: if we were alone right now, i'd like to have kissed you.
"so... stupidly perfect, steve harrington." eddie muttered, undeniably affectionate, pulling him in for another embrace. tucked his face into his neck so he could whisper. "you can't save someone's life and then die before they can tell you thank you." steve melted under his touch, pressing a kiss to where his shoulder met his neck under the safety of eddie's hair. it made him warm, and giddy, and so very fucking thankful.
"you can tell me now." he whispered back. eddie couldn't help but smile again. he'd tell him anything if he asked like that.
"thank you, steve." he muttered, squeezing him slightly. hoping his touch communicated what he needed it to: please, please, please don't leave me again.
"anytime, eddie." steve whispered back, hands balling into the fabric of the shirt eddie wore. i won't, as long as you don't either.
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cringe-but-proud · 3 months
"Shitty Free Pizza"
Hobie Brown x reader
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Warnings: Reader gets broken up with, swearing, crying
A/n: ALRIGHT, FREAKS. I WROTE THE PART 2. Requests are open 😗✌️
"I'm going on break."
That was all you said to your four coworkers before grabbing your jacket and walking outside. You walked to the side of the building and sat on the curb.
Your boyfriend had just broken up with you. Over text. While you were at work. You didn't know what to do, how to react.
You pulled out your phone and read over the message he'd sent you. And then you read it again, and again, and again.
He'd made two typos. The asshole breaks up with you over text and he can't even be bothered to read over the message before sending it.
You didn't know what to do. You didn't want to cry over this asshole, you really didn't want to. But, despite what you wanted, tears began to roll down your cheeks; and once you started, you couldn't stop.
You put your head in your hands and sobbed. You probably looked pathetic. A Domino's employee, still in uniform, sitting in the parking lot and crying. How embarrassing.
"Oi!" You lifted and turned your head. A tall man dressed in clothes that were way cooler than yours was looking at you. "You alright?" He asked.
"Obviously not." The reply came out sounding a bit more condescending than you'd intended.
The man didn't seem to mind. He chuckled. "Guess I probably could've figured that one out on my own, huh?" The man stepped closer. "What's bothering you?"
You briefly considered calling the dude nosy and telling him to fuck off, but something made you stop.
He didn't seem ill intentioned...
You looked down at the concrete. "My boyfriend just broke up with me over text."
You nodded.
"What a prick. Y'mind if I sit down?" He gestured to the slab of concrete next to where you were sitting. You shrugged and he took that as a yes.
He sat with his elbows resting on his knees. "And he did this while you were at work too?" He asked.
You nodded again.
"That's fucked."
"I just..." You didn't know why you were talking to this guy you didn't even know. But, then again, you didn't really care at this point. "I feel stupid for crying over it."
"Because you're right!" You said exasperatedly. "He's a prick and what he did was fucked. And here I am, crying over this asshole. It's pathetic."
He hummed. "I get that." He tilted his head toward you. "But, once you're done crying, are you gonna try to get him back?"
You furrowed your brows in confusion. You weren't even gonna consider that. "No."
Are you gonna be sad about this for years to come?"
"Y'gonna give up dating altogether and insist that he left an unfillable hole in your heart?"
"Why are you asking me this shit?"
"Because if you were really pathetic, you probably would've said something other than no to those questions."
You paused, letting his words marinate. And then you chuckled. "Yeah. Sure."
"I'm serious!" He laughed. "There's a lot worse things to do in this situation than just crying."
"I guess you're right." You sighed. "But, still. I don't think venting to a stranger is one of the better things to do."
He chuckled. "I'm Hobie."
"I'm Y/n." You were surprised that this random guy was actually making you feel better. But, you weren't gonna complain.
"Now we're not strangers. Which hopefully means you'll tell me a little more about yourself and about this whole breakup."
You, once again, considered calling him nosey. But, for some reason, you weren't opposed to the idea of telling him more.
"Well," You began. "He and I had been dating for 5 months, for the first three or four months, he was really sweet. But... I don't know. This last month he was being really distant and he was always seeming kind of disinterested in me."
"So, was there any real reason for the breakup?" He asked.
"It was sort of out of nowhere. We didn't have a big argument or anything."
"This guy really does sound like a prick." Hobie scoffed. "I've only just met you, but you seem pretty cool."
"Yeah. Besides who'd ever wanna break up with someone who could get them free pizza?" He smirked playfully.
You couldn't help but laugh. "Shitty free pizza." You corrected him.
He shrugged. "Doesn't matter if the food's shitty, long as it's free."
You opened your mouth to reply to him when someone called your name, one of your coworkers.
"It's been 20 minutes." Your coworker said, peeking their head around the corner of the building.
You sighed and got up. "I've gotta go." You told Hobie as you stuffed your hands into the pockets of your jacket. "Thanks for keeping me company."
"It's no problem. I enjoyed it." He said, smiling up at you.
You wanted to ask for his number, or his socials, whatever. But, you'd just gotten out of a breakup. It felt wrong asking for someone's number so soon, even if it wasn't really with romantic intentions. So instead, you just said goodbye and went back to work.
You got inside and were taking your jacket off.
"Who was that guy you were talking to?" Your coworker asked.
You glanced over at them and shrugged. "A stranger."
"He was really hot."
You paused before signing. "Yeah, he was."
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yazthebookish · 11 days
"If Azriel wants a mate then why is he pursuing a mated female."
He gave you the answer:
"The Cauldron chose three sisters. Tell me how it's possible that my two brothers are with two of those sisters, yet the third was given to another." He had never before dared speak the words aloud.  
Let's start by a scenario where you [the reader] is desperately and hopelessly in love with someone whether they're mated or not, would the mating bond make a difference for you?
If you answer yes, then you admit that a mated pairing are unlike any other because they're connected on a soul level and that's why it would make a difference to you.
If you answer no, then the mating bond wouldn't be an important condition for you because you can love the person with or without a bond. The mating bond wouldn't be at the forefront when someone asks you to explain why you would pursue or want someone.
Now back to Azriel, why does it matter if Elain wasn't his mate? Would that make his "feelings" for her less meaningful?
If he is very confident Elain has no interest in Lucien, then why is he upset about her being mated to someone else?
"But he could be her second mate or true mate"
As of canon, there was no mention of multiple mates and it's been proven more than once that Elain and Lucien's bond is legit (they're a unique case because all other mated pairings knew about the bond when they were already in love). You have to twist the context to make it seem suspicious or out of the norm—and the only thing that is out of the norm here is unlike the other mated couples, they're the first one we see that aren't in love "yet".
So excluding the theory that he is Elain's true mate or that he is her second mate, doesn't his confession to Rhys prove that he is desperate for a bond.
He used Feysand and Nessian as an example because the equation in his head is not making sense with him being excluded from also getting an Archeron sister as a mate. To him, 3 brothers + 3 sisters makes sense but was that even a condition for either Rhys or Cassian to fall in love with either sisters? No.
And you know what are the two biggest red flags here:
1. He immediately questions the Cauldron not giving him a mate, or more specifically, the Cauldron gifting his brothers two Archeron sisters but the third wasn't his.
2. Does Elain want a mating bond with him, or anything to do with a bond at all? Based on what we've seen... no.
So the first point shows you that it wasn't his attraction or feelings for Elain that Azriel expressed or could've said things that came off more romantic like "I want her" "I've grown fond of her" "I feel good with her"—because I promise you he didn't need to do a whole love confession to Rhys to convince him and Rhys would've had a very different reaction than what we have seen.
But what we got was Azriel questioning the Cauldron and be visibly upset about not getting an Archeron sister—that what probably ticked off Rhys.
OR we, as the readers, were in his head so he didn't need to vocalize his feelings to Rhys (since the argument is often about he doesn't open up), we could've just read his thoughts
He is putting what he wants at the forefront without considering whether Elain wants a mating bond or not.
And then you have the final nail in the coffin:
Azriel said nothing. He hadn't gotten that far with his planning, certainly not beyond the fantasies he pleasured himself to.  
Is this what it all boiled down to? Fantasies?
Where in his entire conversation with Rhys did the topic center on what Elain wanted or needed?
"Oh but Azriel did say she has no interest in Lucien and is making it clear to Rhys"
Sorry but that's Elain's piece to say and no where were we given any hint that Elain asked or opened up to Azriel about this. He is yet doing something that everyone else does for Elain: speak for her and assume what she needs.
Though I completely disagree with the idea that Azriel is a fuck boy. He isn't but this is a male that carries a lot of conflicted feelings and thoughts within him—his actions and words can be questionable but it doesn't mark him as someone who is a player. He is just hitting rock bottom.
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crazystargirl · 7 months
Hiii, i'm so glad that you are feeling better!
Idk if you write for him or not, but if you do, can you do an ethan x reader fic? Where yn finds out the ethan is ghostface and confronts him and he gets ashamed and apologizes but when she tries to comfort him quinn andofficer bailey show up. quinn stabs yn as officer bailey explains that she was a liability as ethan sobs on the floor. oh and i want yn to die lol
you can add more if you'd like, i'm requesting this at three in the morning and my hand is beginning to cramp so that is all i will be asking for.
i love your writing so much! i'm sorry about the toxic relationships, i'm glad you're doing better now!
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too bad
pairing ! - ethan landry x fem!reader 
word count ! - 0.6k
a/n ! - OMFG MY EYES LEGIT POPPED OUT WHILE READING THE REQUEST HELP 😭 ive only written angst once before so this might be the shittiest thing ever
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your whole world was current crashing down
it started on wednesday night, you went to your boyfriend's house after a long day of classes only to find him fucking dead
literally he was on the bed, throat slashed and bleeding out all over the comforter
you stared at the scene in horror and then noticed something on the ground
it was a small pocket knife and it was the exact same one your best friend ethan had always showed you
so after a few days, once the whole news that your boyfriend was murdered, you went over to ethan's house
you were now here in ethan's bedroom and ethan sure as hell knew something was up
"y/n/n what's wrong?" ethan said, confused but continued stroking your hair as you laid on his bed, throwing a pillow up and catching it over and over again
you sit up looking him straight in the eye but when you spoke your voice was somewhat shaky
"ethan…i found your pocket knife at my boyfriend's house…the same night he was murdered" you say, holding out his pocket knife
"shit that's nothing" ethan says trying to grab it from you but you put it back in your pocket
ethan sighed and sat back down and took your hands in his
"look y/n i didnt want you to find out like this but im one of the ghostfaces" ethan says, unable to look you in the eye
you're shocked but probably not as much as you should've been, this has all happened to you before when you found out amber was ghostface
unknown to you and ethan, quinn had snuck into the room, positioned behind you before stabbing you right in neck, then under the rib, then in the feet so you were unable to run, not like you'd be able to anyway
you screamed out in pain at every stab as ethan desperately tried to get you away from quinn and clutching you, quietly sobbing as he saw the light that he had once adored leave your eyes
"what the fuck did you do that for?!" ethan yells at quinn, still clutching your limp body
"i didn't much care for her to be honest, she seemed like she was just there since you looked so pathetic" quinn said, flipping the knife
"for fucks sake ethan you were desperately pinning for her while she had a boyfriend so i took care of her for you!" quinn says gleefully
ethan turned to the door as his father came in taking one look at ethan clutching you and just scoffed
"she was a liability ethan, she was bound to end up dead at some point. not only that but she distracted every damn time" wayne said as he walked over to quinn
"plus don't get mad at quinn, i asked her to kill y/n since i knew you wouldn't have the strength to and if we plotted her death with you around you would've flipped out"
ethan sat there, still holding you and even holding his hands over your ears as if he could stop you from hearing anything his dad was saying
"get out…get the fuck out of room both of you!" ethan yelled at his sister and dad
quinn scoffed and wayne came over to ethan's bed to take y/n's corpse but ethan gave him such a cold stare that he left the room with quinn
"what the actual fuck is wrong with them" ethan muttered into your head, stroking your hair as if that mightve brought you back but in the end he knew he'd have to bury you at some point
too bad wayne and quinn didn't know ethan was going to anything to make sure they paid for killing his y/n
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taglist ! - @xyzstar, @gwenlore, @dizscreams, @kaesworldxx, @urmomcomsiimiamour, @nonniesworld, @chemtr4ilz, @abodyhasbeenfound, @phsychobanana
lmk if you want to be added/removed !
©crazystargirl || do NOT copy or repost without my permission
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bi-bard · 2 years
Freedom - Walt Deville Imagine (The Invitation)
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Title: Freedom
Pairing: Walt Deville X Reader
Word Count: 1,145 words
Warning(s): mention of violence/potential violence
Summary: A hunter meets a vampire. The unstoppable force meets the unbreakable object, allowing for the ultimate battle between logic and desire.
Author's Note: Here's that longer plotline I mentioned on my last imagine.
Part of this was inspired by a gorgeous monologue written by Ross McGregor and performed by Christopher Tester. You can find it here! It was truly the last thing that I needed to help me tie this whole plotline together, so go check it out. It's fucking beautiful work.
"I know what you are."
I froze on the landing of the stairs, looking up at the top of the other staircase.
Walt stood on the top step; one eyebrow slightly raised. He tilted his head at me. Like he expected me to spill every secret to him just because he looked at me.
I knew in my heart what he was referring to. If someone gets a job on your estate with some ulterior motive, you will probably notice at some point.
I was a hunter.
I had been for a long time.
My hunting partner had sent me on this job, insisting that I was the best choice to go undercover and figure out the truth about what was happening in the manor.
I was meant to run under the radar, take care of the vamp, and run for the hills.
I had been there for weeks.
I was convinced I knew who it was. I believed it was Mr. Fields. He was constantly tense and seemed to be always overly cautious. I can admit when I'm wrong, but I didn't think I was at the time.
All I had to do after that was find the time to take care of him.
Which was proving ridiculously difficult.
That's the only reason that I had been there as long as I had.
I never meant for Walt to even notice me.
But once he had, I couldn't just avoid him. It would've given away that there was something about me to focus on.
We talked. A lot.
I had confessed more to him than I ever meant to. I had managed to tell him so much about myself without saying I was a hunter. I shouldn't have said as much as I did, but he seemed so interested and so... kind.
And now he was standing at the top of the stairs, staring down at me like he was daring me to do something. Run, fight, anything at all.
"What do you mean," I finally asked. I needed confirmation.
"A hunter."
There it was.
Nevertheless, I scoffed. "I don't know what you're talking about, Walt."
"You don't?"
"Not at all."
"I don't believe you," he started walking down the steps. "Hunters... they always get just a little too confident."
When he made it down most of the stairs, I took off, going to run down the rest of the staircase. The one night I didn't have a weapon. I had no intention of fighting. He was right behind me, dragging me away from the steps and shoving me to the wall, pinning my wrists with his hands. I flinched a bit, having narrowly avoided hitting the things on and by the wall.
Walt offered a sickeningly sweet smile.
I caught sight of the fangs in the dim light around us. I had been so convinced that it was Mr. Fields. I was such an idiot.
"You hide it well," Walt said quietly. He was so calm that it made me entirely uneasy. "Many hunters have shown up on my doorstep... you've been the most impressive."
I tried to kick him, or just move my leg some way. It didn't work.
"Shh, shh, shh," he chuckled a bit. I felt his claws dig into my skin slightly. "Stop moving."
I calmed down, realizing the risk right now.
"I could kill you now," he muttered, his lips finding my neck. "Hunters were always the most satisfying... but I have no interest in that now."
He pulled away again. I don't know what he was looking for as his eyes scanned every part of my face.
"You are... something very, very different... so clever and so brave and so... tempting..."
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. I froze. His lips were slow, attempting to guide mine to move with them. I almost did. My eyes started to flutter close, longing starting to stop my logical thought.
He pulled away as he moved from holding my wrists to gently holding my hands. Vulnerable. Open for me to take action. Shove, fight, hit.
But I didn't. I couldn't.
He lifted one of my hands to his lips, pressing a kiss to my palm before turning it over to kiss the back. He held it there for a while. It was like he wanted to stop time and hold onto this moment.
"Leave him," Walt said softly. I blinked at him, suddenly snapping back into focus. "Stay here... with me."
I didn't answer. I wanted to quickly decline. To kill him and go home to my normal life. Achieve what my partner wanted of me.
Walt's eyes were closed as another kiss was pressed to my hand.
"He craves your usefulness," he continued. "Your obedience. I... I just want you. You've captured my mind and my heart. I long for you. Stay with me. Please."
"I...," still speechless. How long had it been since I was last speechless? Had that ever happened?
"Imagine it," Walt moved back, guiding me away from the wall.
He stepped behind me when we reached the middle of the landing. His arms wrapped around me, his lips brushing the shell of my ear.
"All of this... ours," he muttered. "You would have your own room for your research and your weapons. Every decision would be yours. At last, your choice. You would be loved, taken care of. Nothing earned, everything offered. And then, when the time is right, you will be joined to me forever. We'll dance through midnights and love for centuries. Unstoppable."
I felt like his words were circling my mind, burrowing into whatever part they could find until they had overwhelmed me. I had never heard something like that before. Not directed at me anyway.
"Let me provide everything that man could never," Walt gently kissed my neck, humming against the skin. "Let me adore you."
I took a deep breath. "My life... my work... all my own?"
"All I ask is your love and commitment."
It wasn't the only factor that I was considering, but I needed to know. Locking myself in this house would have driven me mad. Being able to work... to continue my purpose in this world... that's what I needed. I couldn't prove his love false, but I could do just that with his actions.
I turned around in his arms.
He grinned at me.
I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. His hold on my sides tightened and he pulled me closer. I touched the sides of his face, grinning into the kiss. I had never had a moment feel more complete. I felt at peace. Free.
I leaned back, resting my forehead against his. "Yes... I'll stay."
His grin grew into a wide smile.
Thus was the beginning of my eternity. And what a brilliant eternity it would be.
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Some Original Characters
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Wish You Were Sober Part 2
fbh x bestfriend!reader Warnings: hurt/comfort, none really, fem reader
Part 1
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You hadn't seen Harry since Friday night, and you would call it a testament to your avoiding capabilities. He texted you Saturday afternoon when he woke up. You knew he probably wouldn't remember the conversation from the night before, but you found yourself hoping he did anyway.
H☀️: breakfast?
You quickly typed an excuse about having to work on some huge project that didn't actually exist. Sunday went similarly, Harry texted you a few times asking you to take a break from your work and hang out, you reluctantly declined each time.
"He's relentless," you groaned, staring at the messages Harry had sent you so far. He'd gotten into the habit of sending you funny pictures and his random thoughts throughout the day.
"Well it's not like you're ghosting a Tinder date. You guys are best friends. You've seen him at least once a day for the past three months," Gianna reasoned, looking up from her laptop.
"But I've been short with him for days now," you told her, falling backward onto your mattress.
"I think you should just talk to him," she shrugged.
"Or I could just avoid him," you suggest, running a hand down your face.
"Until May? It's only October," she said, still typing away. You rolled onto your side to face her half of the room.
"I've avoided him for this long," you replied.
"Babe, it's Wednesday," she laughed. You groaned just as your phone dinged again. You glanced down to see another message from Harry, this time inviting you to a party Friday night.
"He just invited me to another party Friday," you announced.
"Tell him no," Gianna urged. You sighed before typing a response.
probably not this time sorry.
Only a few seconds passed before your phone dinged again.
H☀️: Are you avoiding me?
"Gianna, he just asked if I'm avoiding him," you looked up at your roommate.
"You should say yes," she laughed.
"This is serious, what do I tell him?" You shrieked.
"I don't know, I don't have a handbook on how to avoid your best friend," she responded.
"I'm just gonna ignore it, I'll answer him later," you turned your phone off.
Almost immediately, four sharp knocks rang through the room. You looked up at Gianna with furrowed brows. She hopped down from her bed and approached the door. She ducked down to look through the peephole.
"It's Harry," she whispered.
"I'm not here," you whispered back. She rolled her eyes before she opened the door just far enough so that he wouldn't be able to peek in.
"Hey, Harry, she's not here," Gianna greeted.
"Is she avoiding me?" He asked. You felt a tug at your heart strings, the poor kid sounded confused. You knew it was wrong to leave him in the dark, but you couldn't keep putting yourself in that situation.
"I think you should talk to her about it," Gianna answered after a beat of silence.
"It's kinda hard if she won't speak to me. I haven't seen her all week and she's barely answering my messages," he replied. You watched as your roommate adjusted her posture.
"Honestly, Harry, it's not my place to tell you. I do think she should talk to you, but I understand why she isn't," she told him.
"Fuck, okay. Do you know where she is?" He questioned.
"Not right now, she left a few hours ago," Gianna lied smoothly, or it would've been smoothly had your phone not dinged loudly again. You quickly turned the volume down.
"Is she in there?" He asked, you cursed silently before throwing a blanket over you face and body.
"No, that was mine," Gianna lied, less smoothly this time. You froze when you heard the door open further and Harry's footsteps as he neared your bed.
You closed your eyes tightly just before he grabbed the corner of the blanket, slowly peeling it back.
"Really?" He finally spoke. You forced your eyes open, not ready to face the consequences of your actions. It didn’t help that he looked so good, he was in one of his black hoodies. The hood was pulled over a hat that his curls were spilling out of on the sides.
"I'm actually doing homework in here, so take that shit to your room," Gianna stated as she hopped back up onto her bed.
You sat up, flipping your legs off the side of the bed. Harry held his hand out to help you down, you hated him for being so considerate when you're supposed to be upset with him. Down from the bed, you shoved your feet into your slippers, glaring at your roommate.
The short walk down the hall to Harry's room was silent, but not awkward. Even in the middle of whatever this is, he still made you so feel so comfortable in his presence. You hated that he was personified sunlight.
You stood behind him as he unlocked his room, his roommate out like always. He held the door open as you ducked under his arm, you walked to his bed and sat down on the edge. He followed you in, taking a seat in his desk chair a few feet in front of you.
"Um. I'm sorry for avoiding you, that wasn't fair," you started.
"Why did you?" He asked, eyes trained on your face while you looked anywhere but at him.
"Because I need to distance myself from you," you shrugged, looking down at your hands. You were already struggling not to breakdown and apologize. You had to hold your ground.
"Why? You're my best friend, y'know. You didn't think ghosting me would actually work, did you?" He asked, sounding frustrated.
"I don't know," you finally looked at him as you tried to find a way to explain without having to tell him how you feel. "I just, I'm tired of going out every weekend and dragging you back here drunk out of your mind."
"You ignored me because you don't like taking care of me when I'm drunk? That's bullshit. I can think of like a million ways to work around that," his brows furrowed.
"No, that's not- Harry I don't mind taking care of you," you responded. You knew you weren't making any sense and you felt guilty for clearly upsetting him. It was hard to explain what you meant.
"Then what is it? I need a real reason. You don't just get to ignore me all week with no valid explanation," he said.
"It's not you drinking, Harry, I don't care about that. It's all the other stuff," you tried to explain. You were growing more upset about your own inability to communicate. It would be so much simpler to just tell him how you feel.
"Hey," he said, scooting his chair closer until you were knee to knee. "Did I do or say something Friday night? I don't remember much after leaving the party, just bits and pieces of the walk back.
"You tried to get me to have sex with you," you admitted.
"I did? Jesus Christ," he breathed. "I'm sorry, you don't deserve that."
"It's fine. Well, it's not fine, but I'm used to it," you said, backtracking when you found yourself excusing his actions.
"You're used to it?" He asked. You cursed yourself internally, dropping your head into your hands.
"No, I didn't mean to say that," you shook your head, still face down in your palm.
"Please explain."
You hesitated before answering, praying this conversation would be over. You felt Harry's hand tugging at your wrist, forcing you to look at him.
"That's not the first time it's happened. But it's okay, you were drunk and you never tried to force me or anything. It's really only an issue 'cause I'm-" you stopped yourself.
"'Cause you're what?" He asked, his chest rising a little faster as his breaths quickened. You paused. Fuck it. No way we're going back now.
"I'm tired of you playing with my feelings," You finally admitted. "I know you aren't doing it on purpose. You're a touchy friend and I love that about you, but I fell for it, so now it's just really hard to watch you gallivant with a new girl every weekend. And I feel bad for ignoring you, Harry, really I do. But it hurts that you only think of me in that way when you're too hammered to find anyone else and I can't keep signing myself up for it every weekend."
You finished your worked up confession just as you felt tears start pooling in your waterline. You wanted to hide in your hands again, but Harry still had a hold on your wrist. You tried blinking them away as you turned your gaze to him. He looked like he was still processing everything you said.
"You fell for it?" He finally spoke. You shrugged at him, not sure what to say. "What do you mean?"
"Oh my- Harry. I love you a lot, and not in a friend way. Like I'm in love with you. I'm sorry. All your charming bullshit worked on me," you laid it all out.
"You love me?" He asked, seemingly still processing. He moved from the chair, sitting down on the bed beside you.
"It's kinda hard not to. You've treated me like a girlfriend for months, and I was okay to be that for you. I'm fine with constantly hanging out and cuddling and watching movies and whatnot," you took a second to breathe. "But then we go out and I see you with all of these girls and it hurts that you only think of me that way when you're drunk."
You finished rambling, leaving the room eerily quiet. You felt a few tears start to fall, glad that Harry moved and was no longer facing you. He didn't talk for a second, the first sound to break the silence was a sniffle from you. Harry's arm looped around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest. That was all it took for your restraint to exit the room and your tears to fall faster. You let yourself be comforted by the only person that could make you feel better, ironically the same person that hurt you.
He leaned backward slowly, the two of you falling into his bed. You laid against his side, one of his arms wrapping loosely around you while the other ran through his hair.
"You're right. It's not fair to you," he finally spoke, pulling you in tighter. He let you cry for awhile, just holding you.
"I'm sorry," you apologized, though the sound was slightly muffled by the fabric of his shirt.
"It's not your fault,” he hummed. “You were wrong though, I'm not a flirty friend.”
"Yeah, right," you scoffed. You looked up at him, his eyes already set on you.
"I'm serious, I've only ever been that way with you. You're making me realize that I've been playing with your feelings for while."
"You weren't doing it on purpose," you sighed, sniffling as your tears slowed.
"Not deliberately no. But I think I was doing it on purpose, in a way," he said.
"What do you mean?" You asked, confusedly. You sat up slightly, resting on your elbow. You looked down at him, his head against a pillow.
"I think I was too scared to think about how madly in love with you I am so I kept you close without admitting it," he explained, sounding like he was still sorting through his thoughts.
"You don't love me, Harry. Don't say that so I keep following you around forever, I can't do it," you shook your head.
"I'm serious," he said, looking you in the eye. "I know this is coming at a bad time."
"Then what was the point of a different sorority girl every week?" You asked.
"Distraction, maybe? I don't know. I only ever went home with you though," Harry shrugged.
"You gotta understand why I'm finding this hard to believe," you said.
"I get it. I didn't really start to realize it until you weren't around. We spend a lot of time together," he smiled softly at you. You cursed yourself when you felt your heart melt at the sight of him.
"Are you sure, H? Don't say shit like that just to say it. I'm trying really hard to be vulnerable right now," you shook your head at him. He mirrored your actions, adjusting himself so he could slide his hands up to your cheeks.
"I'm one hundred percent sure that I'm just as in love with you as you are with me," he gently moved your head while he spoke. A hesitant smile spread across your face as you looked at him. He seemed just as genuine as he always did.
"Okay," you replied simply, nodding as best as you could with Harry's hold on your face.
"Okay," he nodded back with a grin, pushing your cheeks together. He tugged your face down slowly. Your eyes closed as his lips met your pouted ones. You pulled away slightly, your hand coming to rest on his chest.
"Why didn't you say any of that before I started crying?"
"You just looked so pretty," he answered with another dimply grin.
Thanks so much for the support on Part 1!!! 🫶🫶🫶
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cursedvibes · 20 days
the implication that todo was present and helped yuta kill kenjaku by quickly swapping him (the sound effect when yuta draws his sword matches todo's vibroslap, todo and yuta apparently training in the same area the baka survivor arc happened in, and gege saying in an author's note that todo used boogie woogie three times before unwrapping the instrument) feels really weird. why didnt he help yuta exorcise the curses then.
Oh right, it is the same sound as the vibraslap when Yuuta switches to avoid Gravity. Certainly doesn't sound like a sword-drawing sfx, unless it's supposed to be the sound of Gravity and it being similar is just a coincidence. Usually, Gravity sounds like ズウウン though.
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So they used Ui Ui to get Yuuta there (because he wasn't in the colony when Kenjaku was talking to Hazenoki and at the beginning of the fight with Takaba) and then they used Todo to swap him around again? This does honestly bring up more questions than it solves...
Like for example, why did Todo train with Yuuta at Lake Gosho and why does it matter? They couldn't have known that Kenjaku would be there or stay there after Gojo's death. Nobody knew when said death would happen, certainly not a month in advance, and there weren't any crows around to watch Kenjaku, so them being at that location was merely a coincidence. If Gojo had died ten minutes later or earlier, Kenjaku would've been somewhere else. The location didn't matter in this fight anyway. Takaba and Kenjaku could've met in Sakurajima or Sendai and it wouldn't have made a difference. Also Ui Ui must've transported both Yuuta and Todo there. Separately, I assume? And like you said, why didn't Todo help with the curses? It's not like he was needed in Shinjuku, unlike Yuuta, so he could've handled that with his new insane power-up, especially if someone else is helping him. This also makes the justification for why Yuuta specifically had to be there mute. Hakari for example could've done the same thing together with Todo. Maki would be a bit difficult because I assume Boogie-Woogie doesn't recognize her (she probably held onto Miwa when Sukuna dropped his bomb), but there were a number of other characters who could've done this job. Todo would've probably been able to do it alone even. Also shouldn't Yuuta have thought of Todo when beating himself up over being too late in Shinjuku? His reasoning is that only him and Rika could destroy the curses that fast, but with Todo in the picture that's not true. He can swap up to 50 times per second, that's faster than anything Yuuta or Rika can do (especially if he was the one to switch Yuuta behind Kenjaku).
This all makes it seem like Todo trained with Yuuta at Lake Gosho, a very specific location far away from Tokyo, in the hopes of Kenjaku being there at just the right time(?) only to be teleported there, switch Yuuta around once and then fuck off again to wait for his big entrance when Sukuna unleashes his ultimate move. That's so ridiculous, but those clues you mentioned do give the impression that's what happened. I don't know why Gege would mention Yuuta and Todo trained at Lake Gosho otherwise. If that's just a coincidence that's very specific.
However, I interpreted Gege's comment this week more as lampshading that it's a bit weird (aka a mistake) that Todo's hand is wrapped up when meeting Yuuji, despite apparently just having swapped a handful of people out of Sukuna's attack range. Meaning he unwrapped the vibraslap to swap everyone away (because it still has to vibrate to work, the binding vow just limits the amount of swaps to widen the range and targets), wrapped it up again only to dramatically unwrap it once more a minute later. But could be a hint to his involvement in Kenjaku's death too, it's too vague to say.
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qprstobin · 6 months
"there's no evidence that tommy and carol bullied anyone" so publicly humiliating nancy by spray painting nancy the slut wheeler on the hawk sign was just what. because steve implied that was their idea and they did it. you don't just go from never bullying anyone to doing some real diabolical shit like that so. sure steve never bullied anyone but you're reaching trying to extend that to tommy especially. don't forget how easily he got chummy with the racist the following season and joined in gleefully bullying steve
I'm not excusing the graffiti, but I don't think spray painting the slut graffiti as revenge because they (wrongly) thought Nancy cheated on Steve makes it bullying lmao. Bullying is repeated and targeted. One instance is not bullying. I also think "diabolical" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. Like what they did was cruel, but diabolical? Graffiti and spreading rumors is like the most typical "get revenge on your/your friend's shitty ex" thing you could do, they just did it in public instead of like the school bathroom. Public shaming for cheating is SUCH a common trope, like do you know how often I see that "WELCOME HOME CHEATER" meme? I'm not saying that makes it right, because it doesn't! But it also doesn't make them evil?
Like I never said that Tommy and Carol are nice lol. They're asshole teenagers! That's canon! Steve calls them out on that and breaks ties with them because of it! But being a dick teenager does not make you a bully, all teenagers are dicks lol.
I also think interpreting Tommy's scenes with Billy as that is in bad faith personally. Homeboy is in like two scenes with Billy - one where Tommy is clearly trying to make Steve jealous, and the other where he is making fun of Steve for his gf once again supposedly cheating on him. The gf that Steve dumped his friends for, after she supposedly cheated on him the first time.
And yeah Billy is racist but y'all are acting like? Everyone in the show should automatically know that? How? The racist shit Billy says on screen is mainly to Max, and later in the show where he actually attacks Lucas. There's a good chance that Steve didn't even realize that Billy's attack on the kids was racially motivated until after the fact.
Considering that Billy literally doesn't interact with anyone but his coworkers and Karen in s3, and the fact that Tommy does not actually seem to like violence that much or at least seems to have a limit! Considering how he reacted to the fight in s1 (going from "hell yeah a fight to oh fuck shit is serious"), I don't think Tommy stayed friends with Billy after season 2 lmao. Like idk I did not get the impression that Billy had any friends in s3.
You're accusing me of reaching but saying stuff like "no one goes from never bullying anyone to something that diabolical" isn't? My whole point has always been that he may be a dick, but there's nothing to show him being anything other than a stereotypical class clown type douchebag lol. The Party's fucking bullies threatened them at knife point. Billy bashes a plate over Steve's head and tries to run the kids off the fucking road with his car. The Angela storyline was so extreme that it was unrealistic and is almost an universally hated part of the season. Tommy makes some mean comments, gives Barb a wet willy, and then rubs it in his ex best friend's face that someone has taken his place and that his gf is cheating on him. Like, the graffiti was bad and Nancy should've probably slapped all three of them not just Steve, but it was a petty and misguided revenge scheme, not bullying.
I think if Tommy was intended to be an actual bully the way fandom pretends he is, we would've seen more of it on screen. If Tommy and Carol were so cruel to the whole school, Robin and Eddie would've said something about it? But they don't! The Duffers are SO blatant about how they go about things, I think if they were truly meant to be bullies, they would've been way more obvious about it lmao.
Like, think what you want! If you wanna headcanon them as being an actual bullies, that's your prerogative. But it's not actually canon.
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amypihcs · 7 months
HELLO! not so late for once but my brain is fried all the same... because three hours of biostatistics, Mycroft or Sherlock Holmes come save me I BEG YOU.
Let's see what Watson tells today to lift my weary heart.
He starts a bit abruptly... are you perhaps cross with you Holmes, doc?
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Well, watson, you're being deliberately obtuse. Of course Holmes prefers the homemade article. He can wash your hair and cuddle you! It would be great! Why have you gone at the turkish baths?
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Nu, poor Watson! Holmes would CERTAINLY be glad to give you a massage! Ah and now you start flirting! The baths DID restore our doc! They still play their old 'deducing watson's day' game! And Holmes LOVES it!
Holmes plays his game, probably snuggles on Watson and then drops the bomb
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Watson, like every husband, is justifiably suspicious. It sounds... weird and too much out of the blue... what's your second end, Holmes?
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Very long preamble and Watson being snarky. This sounds good. (Watson DESERVES to be a bit passive aggressive! Exp after being SHOT in the last case) But he immediately gets in the mindset! The lady has one correspondent and Watson asks the right question!
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And what Holmes says in very cool, honestly. But i'm worried as well for this lady. She pays a bill in Lausanne and then draws a check?
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Holmes answers and then drops the OTHER bomb. You shall be the one to go, my Watson! (said with the biggest shit eating grin in history)
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Oh, but he has his excuses (quite meeh, but... well, i can see at least ONE good excuse.). And he will miss you so much, dear Watson, please, please write.
And so it came to pass that Watson kissed his husband goodbye, hopped on a train and few days later he's in Lausanne, takes his notes...
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and feels very proud. Watson remember what happened last time. He discovers something in Lausanne and then off to Baden! And to more interesting data!
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UHM. I don't like this guy
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I like him EVEN LESS NOW.
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Ah, and this fellow comes up again! Also Watson going 'and i did just as my husband' and being very proud is so sweet!
And then of course he writes to his Holmes, they miss each other so badly
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Excuse me while i bang my head on the wall.
You SHOULD have known better, my Watson. Now off to talk to the maid. After all the fair sex is your departme- HEY! HE'S STILL HERE?
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Watson, sweety, respectfully. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING NOW? picking fights?? Hot headed rugby player INDEED.
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Oh jesus christ above. WATSON! Well, that guy aimed at the throat JUST SEEING that had he aimed EVERYWHERE ELSE you would've been able to fuck him up. LUCKILY your husband was there to help you.
Now you two go back home, and have a talk. Holmes you owe Watson a PROPER vacation.
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dnalt-d2 · 5 months
Day 1 Edition lmao
To start off with, I'm really happy to hear my little theory about the Prison essentially being the safeguard for the Islanders against the Eye Workers was correct (Or at least seems to be so far)
But now for my thoughts on TODAY
First off, who else thinks it's incredibly weird the Watcher was suddenly British?? He was DEFINITELY not British before, and unless this was just some unavoidable thing they had to do for just today, that probably means something
Specifically that this might not actually BE the Watcher. Or at least not the same Watcher. Even aside from the voice difference, the way he talked seemed to be a little different to me. I'm not sure what this could mean Lore-wise, or if it means anything at all, but I just really wanted to bring attention to it in case it was
Secondly, am I the only one who felt like today was just too…Casual? For lack of a better word. This didn't feel like some big thing the way Purgatory did. For better, in my opinion. But it's still strange that this feels so lackadaisical considering the circumstances. All the Islanders, and the Eggs are locked up, with the Federation keeping them under lock and key and being MORE THAN GENEROUS with the use of deadly force
(RIP BBH and IronMouse. RIP Over and over and over and over-)
Idk, the vibes here feel really weird to me, and I'm not sure what to make of that either. Like maybe someone's trying to downplay how serious this is all gonna be in the long run. It's hard to put into words
Though I will say they were very FUN vibes regardless. This was fucking hilarious and I enjoyed just about every second I saw of it. Short as it was (Poor BBH once again, having his time cut short. What will he even do for the other 20 hours of the day if he only gets this much time in the server? Certainly not sleep, I imagine lol)
There's also the mystery of that ghost (Cellbit) that's haunting the place, but again, Idk if this is a lore thing, or Cellbit wanting to get in on the action even though canonically, his character is off being insane on Purgatory. He might be kinda the same way Abueloier is most of the time, you know?? I feel like he's definitely gonna be related to any lore that happens, but at the same time, I'm not too sure I'd be surprised if that wasn't the case either
(Just to point out, I don't think Abueloier is related to the Lore. Roier just wanting to screw around, and frankly, power to him. Even IF Ratoier would've gone hella hard here. Fuckin rat in the prison robbing people at gunpoint would've been HILARIOUS and I really hope to see it before the event is done)
Though this kinda brings me back to my second point, that I'm actually having a hard time telling if stuff that's happening is Lore, or just players/admins screwing around or changing things for the sake of content or otherwise
Usually, I'm pretty good at discerning what is and isn't incidental, but here, I've said at least a few times now that idk what is and isn't lore. And I think that's kinda what's contributing to this whole thing feeling off to me. (Not in a bad way, I wanna reiterate. I'm having a hell of a lot of fun here)
So yeah, to wrap up my thoughts on this, Prison is fun so far, and I can't wait for the insanity to continue tomorrow
(And note: I do have one additional thing to say about this event as well, but I wanna put that in a separate post so I can make sure I've got all my thoughts together)
Now back to our own Purgatory of waiting for Day 2
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onyxheartbeat · 10 days
Should I send it?
You're a horrible person I'm finally making myself see it. I'm not the forgiving person I used to be for you anymore, and I finally am accepting it instead of being in denial. emotionally withholding when I ask for scraps. I've accepted your breadcrumbs, when you felt like giving them. then you'd switch up. yet I was basically a therapist and mother to you when you needed. treat me like a toy on a shelf to play with only if you're in the mood. you have severe avoidant attachment, and you don't even realize how much misogyny you have. for someone with a psych degree, you're unaware. I didn't say your issues to spare your feelings. a selfish user of women. seems like I've been the biggest punching bag as from what you've told me, you didn't slap or call other women you've been with a cunt over and over and over and over, violating their boundaries. but you 'don't mean it like that,' and it's a 'joke.' taking your life crisis out on me, when I was genuinely trying to bond and help soothe you out of love. holding you when you cried. yet I cried alone. COWARD afraid to hear what have to say, telling me you won't read my letters. porn addicted. just view women as temporary. call your exes 'friends' probably just so you can have access to emotional support if you want it. I should've never talked to you after the first ghosting. promised you wouldn't again, yet you did it again, BLAMING ME and saying it was because I was sending angry texts. that was NOT why. and I still forgave you and put in the emotional labor to reconnect and tried to be on good terms. said I can just come to you and talk stuff out then flipping the script and saying horrible things to me when I do when you're drunk, or just flat out not even talking to me with any affectionate tone at all if you're sober. shaming me for addressing your verbally abusive language, screaming at me to shut the fuck up when I wasn't even interrupting you, telling me you're going to commit suicide and not answering for hours, being drunk and using that as an explanation for the behavior. you're not like that because you were drunk, that's just who you are and it lies dormant in you until you want to take it out on me. you don't act like this to men in your life, so don't even think for a second you're not a misogynist. as you said, you just 'want to destroy.' textbook abuser, intentional or not. you have no idea how much I've protected your ego and life. I was the man in the relationship, the father, and the mother. YOU needed ME. forgave you when you got on your knees and begged once. but when I needed you, you weren't there. you lovebombed me in the beginning, holding me, telling me you're my man. then now if I ask you to say those things, you tell me 'I can't lie tonight.' even though when YOU needed me to tell you that I'd take a flight out to see you a few weeks ago, I SAID I WOULD. I never screamed at you until yeaarrrrs later and so many screams from YOU first. I was so sweet and loving and you still had it in your heart to speak to me so disrespectfully. I would've never done that to you. I still haven't. what I truly will never understand is how you can just keep apologizing and claim you feel bad, yet never do anything with YOUR ACTIONS to make me feel loved or important or safe. you treated me normally for like three months and then it became like dealing with two different people. I deserve an award for dealing with your mood swings so well. gave you flowers, cards, gifts, but I don't even get birthday messages from you. it was clearly a chase for a honeymoon phase high for you. Look into fearful avoidant attachment style and heal yourself for the sake of your child. tell your therapist about your usage of women. teach your son how NOT TO BE. you're getting your way, again. you pushed me out. just know the feelings never ended for me. I was always real. this is your doing. Don't talk to me again.
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meowmeowmage · 1 year
Late Night Conversation
[ Anders and templar!Carver have a conversation post-Chantry boom. Anders positive. Carver is actually nice to Anders. Handers ]
They had all escaped Kirkwall on Isabela's brand new ship. And while everyone was currently in the gallery drinking for variety of reasons, Anders was out on the deck, still processing being spared. Hawke hadn't expressed any anger, hatred, or judgement towards him like Anders had expected. There had been only support and love which Anders still found so surprising.
He heard footsteps and turned slightly to see Carver walking up to him, thankfully having gotten rid of his templar armor.
"Have you come to berate me?" Anders asked. Carver had been rude to him on multiple occasions before, and Anders being the reason both he and his brother had to leave their home would alone be a reason for Carver to have come seeking retribution or simply to vent his anger at the person responsible for it.
"No," Carver said, "Garrett actually forbade us to speak badly to you or upset you in any way, though that's not why I'm not doing it."
Anders lifted his eyebrows in surprise.
"He did that?"
"Yeah," Carver said with amusement, "He has this particular look when he's protecting people he thinks won't or can't protect themselves. He used to wear it all the time when Bethany and I were little. And while I've poked him quite a lot in the past I actually know when to quit. Fenris apparently doesn't and now he's nursing a broken nose. Garrett can throw quite the punch, especially for a mage."
Anders bit his lower lip with satisfaction. A warmth spread through his body at the thought of Garrett protecting him like that.
"It probably had to do with growing up and living free. The Circles are not exactly the places for mages to build muscles. Or to live." He couldn't help adding that.
"Yeah, definitely not for living, that's for sure," Carver said with a note of acidity in his tone that Anders didn't expect. "Speaking of the Circle, I actually came here to thank you."
Anders got a whiplash from how sudden he turned towards Carver, eyes wide with shock.
"What for?"
"They were gonna annul the Gallows," Carver said, "There were talks, or rather vile boastings, about Meredith having sent for The Right of Annulment. So many of the Order couldn't fucking wait to start killing and maiming even more brazenly and in the open."
The disgust in Carver's voice brought a smile to Anders's lips. How low the bar was, if not being a murderous bigoted piece of shit was worthy of a smile.
"I wanted to be so sure that she'd be denied," Carver continued, "But eventually I had to admit to myself that it wouldn't have mattered. Even if the Divine refused, and I don't think she would've, it wouldn't have mattered two shits to Meredith. Look how quick she was to decide to annul the Gallows without official approval just for the actions of one mage who had never even been part of the Gallows. There's just no way she wouldn't have had the whole Circle slaughtered in the night sooner or later if you haven't forced everyone to act."
Anders was stunned. He definitely didn't expect Carver to have seen the situation the way Anders himself had.
"Yes, she would have," he confirmed, "But I don't see how that's a reason for you to thank me. Unless... you had someone to lose if the Gallows were annulled. A mage...," Anders trailed. He had always found that kind of relationship quite disturbing.
"No!" Carver said hastily, "It wouldn't have been right. Getting involved with someone who couldn't really tell me 'no', or would say 'yes' out of self-preservation. I... once I got propositioned by a fourteen years old girl just because she thought if I claimed her as mine first, the more nasty templars wouldn't rape her or turn her tranquil... it's so fucking messed up... I refused, of course. Three months later she was made tranquil by that bastard Alrik."
Anders took note of how much what Carver had said had affected him. He wasn't sure what Carver had thought life in the Gallows as a temple would be, but it clearly was worse than he had prepared for.
"You weren't cut out to be a templar you know. But that still doesn't explain why you're thanking me."
"Right. You're painfully aware of what happens to the mages during an annulment. But do you know what happens to the templars?"
Anders frowned in confusion. The answer was obvious, surely.
"They murder mages," Anders said tersely.
"Yes. And if they refuse - they get killed as well. So you see, I would've either had to murder in cold bood dozens of innocents, children included, for not even a half decent reason, and would have had to live with their blood on my hands for the rest of my life. Or I would've been killed. So I would've been either a dead or a man I would've hated. But thanks to you I'm neither. And I can say I was on the right side and fought for a good cause."
Anders couldn't blink away the tears. He had prepared himself for hatred, accusations, persecution. But never for this. Never to be thanked. Tears rolled down his cheek and upon noticing them Carver swore in mild alarm.
"Hey, don't cry! If Garrett sees I made you cry he'd break my nose as well!"
Anders managed a small laughter.
"I'm sure he wouldn't. Thanks for talking to me, Carver."
Carver nodded and left. A few minutes later another set of steps was heard and Anders turned to see Garrett approaching with a small smile.
"Hey, love."
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lionizingheathen · 2 years
Soul - S.R.
Steve Rogers x fem!reader
Giving Steve a blowjob after he returns from a mission
Warnings: smut, oral sex male recieving, cum swallowing
Smut under the cut, hope you enjoy
Steve had been gone on a mission for only about two weeks, but it felt like he'd been gone for an eternity, leaving you alone with yourself and your thoughts without the ability to send a message. Honestly, you were surprised that he was coming home already, Natasha had said the mission would probably take three weeks, but apparently they'd finished quickly enough to get home early. You were sure to put on the lingere set that Steve liked before lounging on the couch, making sure you were the first thing he saw as the door opened. He grinned, setting his duffle bag down as he took in your frame. He looked exhausted.
"How was the mission?" You asked, and Steve sighed, shrugging off his jacket before he walked over to you, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips.  You'd missed the very essence of him, something in you felt more whole when he was here.
"Trying.  Very long."  He said, and you nodded, standing up to give him a hug, letting him hold you in his strong arms.  He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, smiling into it.
"Yeah?  It was long for me too, I missed you."  You murmured, and you felt his hand snake down your back, resting on your ass as you spoke.  Good, he did notice the set, that would've been a waste otherwise.  There was no point in making him horny if he didn't notice the effort.
"Oh yeah?  What did you miss about me?"  He asked, and you looked up at him.  God, you'd missed so much... honestly, you'd mostly missed the way that he held you at night.  It was hard not to feel safe with a super soldier sleeping beside you.
"Everything.  Your eyes, your arms, your smile, your laugh..."  You leaned up to his ear, running your fingers through his hair as you whispered into it.  "Your cock."  You said, and he pressed forward, pressing the outline of his erection into your stomach.  It made your cunt throb as you anticipated the night ahead of you.
"Really?  Did you?"  He asked, and you nodded, tracing a finger up and down his chest.  His strong chest… so strong.
"I missed tasting you."  You murmured, and he flashed you a cocky grin gesturing to the spot in front of him.  God, he was so hot like this, so hot when he treated you like this.  You loved his kindness but you craved his disrespect.
"Oh yeah?  Get on your knees then, doll... No need to miss me anymore."  He said, and you nodded, kneeling before him , unbuttoning his pants and pushing them down his thighs
"Yes sir." You pushed his boxers down, his cock smacking against his stomach.  Fuck. "You're so hard..."  You sighed, jerking your hand up and down his length, tracing your finger lightly over the veins and the tip, making him groan.
"Don't tease me, baby.  It's been two weeks, I really need this release."  He said, and you paused, looking up at him in surprise.  You would've thought that he jerked off once or twice at least, and you expected it... it was almost a culture shock that he hadn't... he was from a different time, but still.
"You didn't...?"  You asked, and he shook his head, smiling sweetly down at you.  Damn, okay.
"I don't.  I wait until I'm with you, it feels better."  He said, and you felt your face flush.  That was embarassing, considering you did, and the two of you had never really discussed if that was something that happened, you just assumed that he did.
"Oh."  You said, and he raised an eyebrow, gripping your head to make you look upward.
"Do you?"  He asked, and you nodded.  Nightly if he was gone.  Sometimes more.  You were dating him, what did he expect?
"Mhm.  All the time."  You said, and he swallowed back a groan, his eyes glazing for a moment as he chewed on his lip.  Okay, so he wasn't mad, that was good.
"God, that's hot.  That does something to me, baby."  He sighed, and you raised an eyebrow, moving your hand up and down his cock, tracing you thumb over the tip.
"Maybe learn how to check your texts, I'll send you a video sometime."  You said, and he nodded, giving you a look that boarded on feral.
"Amazing.  But that's not what you're doing right now."  "Get on with it."
"You taste so good, Steve.  So good."  He gripped the back of your head, forcing you onto the length of him, making you scratch down his thighs as you rubbed yours together.  Fuck, he was hot when he got rough... "Mmph."  You said, frantically trying to breathe around him.  But it was hard, he was big, and he was frantic, thrusting his cock in and out of your mouth, not deep enough to hit your throat.
"Fuck, baby... can you take me deeper?  Can you try?"  He asked, and you nodded, trying to keep your throat open as he thrust his cock down it quickly, making you choke around him.  He gripped your hair, fucking hard into your face as he let out a gutteral moan.  He looked so pretty from this angle, panting and gasping... like something out a fucking museum... Might as well be, he was old enough to be in one.
"Good girl, oh my god, you're so good."  He sighed, and you bobbed your head along with his thrusts, bringing a hand up to cup his balls, pinching at the skin, making him jump.  He loved it, you knew that for a fact.
"You were made for this, made to take me... My precious girl..."  He gasped, and you hollowed your cheeks, sucking him harder, deeper, making him cry out as you continued to twist and tug on his balls, desperate to feel him cum down your throat.  Your efforts were not in vain as you felt his strong thighs begin to tremble, his knees buckling slightly as he gripped at the wall behind him, frantically trying to suck in a breath.
"I'm getting close baby, you can pull off-."  You did, but only to glare at him.
"Absolutely not."  You said, and you swallowed him back down your throat, repeating your brutal pace, forcing him closer, weakening his resolve.
"You gonna swallow it?  Gonna take it for me?  Yeah?"  He grunted, and you nodded, feeling him push your head into him, buckling his waist a bit as he thrust his pelvis harder, making you choke again before his cum flooded your throat, and you swallowed around him, moaning, making him jump before you pulled off, wiping the corner of your mouth with a large smile.  Amazing.  It always was when it was with him.
"Was that what you were thinking?"  You asked, and he nodded, lifting you with ease and carrying you back to the bed, holding you to his chest as he kicked his pants off the rest of the way, turning so that his front was pressed to your back.
"You looked so pretty doing that, doll."  He pressed a kiss to the side of your face, tracing patterns on your stomach.  It was sweet, the way he treated you after... he was wonderful all the time, but there was just an added gentleness.  "Always so perfect for me, I don't think I've ever met someone like you."  He sighed, and you chuckled, turning in his arms so you were looking him in the eyes.  He'd set himself up for this joke.
"Well, I could say the same, old man."  You joked, and he covered his face and shook his head, cringing away from your joke.  It was hilarious, but he could lack his sense of humor right now, that was allowed.
"Don't call me that, not after what we just did."  He groaned, and you laughed now, flipping on top of him as you looked down.  His eyes widened as he gripped your hips and you felt him get hard once again.  You'd ride an old man's dick too.
"I'm an adult, I could suck an old man's dick if I wanted to."  You said, and he rolled his eyes, moving your hips against his length, making you whimper.  You needed him.
"Y/N."  He insisted, his tone low and firm, the change sending a shiver up your spine.  Holy fuck.
"Okay, I'll stop, I'm sorry."  You insisted, and he grinned, leaning up to press a kiss to your lips before laying back down.  Fucking tease.
"Thank you."
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tigertofu · 10 months
Hii!! I saw your requests were open and inbox was empty, and I really love your writing, so if you have the time would you mind share some pre-Ludendorff headcanons or a short fic (whatever you prefer) about Trevor, Michael, and Brad? 👉👈
Thank you!! And no rush at all! 💕
yes yes yes so glad u asked for this TY !! 💞💞 been actually thinking abt the north yankton era a lot lately 🤧
pairing: none (kinda sorta little a implied trikey tho?)
summary: headcanons about trevor, michael, and brad during north yankton
cw's: drugs/alcohol mention
wordcount: 844
• ik i’ve said it before but i’ll say it again: brad and trevor def played pranks on (aka BULLIED) lester. building on that tho: michael would get pissed as hell about it (most of the time. sometimes he wouldn’t bother giving a fuck). this would lead to arguments between trev/brad/michael, usually ending with trevor insinuating that michael and lester were secretly gay lovers and that’s why he defended him, causing michael to throw his hands up and just give the fuck up or remove himself from the situation so things wouldn't turn physical.
• ice skating !!! trevor already knew how to skate before joining the crew cuz of playing hockey when he was younger, and on one particularly boring snowy day he tried teaching brad and michael how to skate, too. they both sucked at it tho and neither of them skated again after that day. like just imagine trevor skating circles around them, laughing and making fun of them for falling on their asses.
• continuing on abt snow-related sports: ice fishing. when he wanted some peace and quiet, michael would go ice fishing at whatever nearest frozen body of water he could find. most of the time he wouldn't catch anything; he just did it as an excuse to be away from everyone else for a while. can imagine him inviting lester along a handful of times too tho so that they could gossip/bitch about how annoying trevor and brad were.
• michael would sometimes try to host Movie Nights. he'd make a big fuss about showing trevor and brad some old-ass classic film. he'd make microwaved popcorn and then get everyone to sit around the shitty tiny TV of whatever hotel or safehouse they were staying in at the time and pop in a well-loved VHS tape of one of his favorite movies. both trevor and brad would interrupt the movie with loud, inappropriate remarks though and michael would eventually lose his temper from telling them over and over to shut the fuck up. once he met and started dating amanda tho, he finally got a nice and peaceful movie-watching partner.
• lester fucking HATED brad and tried to interact with him as little as possible. can't quite remember right now if there's anything in canon to confirm or contradict this.. but i feel like lester would've had even less of a tolerance for brad's dumb ass than michael did.
• trevor and brad were like,, the world’s most volatile toxic married couple. one day they’d be best buddies, just having fun drinking/getting high/goofing off together. next day, they’re getting into yelling matches and throwing hands over like the last slice of nasty three-day-old pizza in the fridge or smth else equally stupid. idk why but i imagine brad had a temper almost as bad (or equally as bad) as trev’s, and that he was not exactly the brightest guy, so those two personality traits combined would be enough to frequently piss off trevor (and michael even moreso).
• trevor and brad def shared clothes.
• trevor and michael would occasionally have deep, late–night conversations that would last into the early morning hours. probably over beers and cigarettes. probably while sitting outside, probably on the snow–covered balcony of whatever shithole motel they were staying in. though trevor considered brad to be the more “fun” friend, he really appreciated these more serious talks about their pasts, their presents, and their futures with michael. those nights are both michael and trevor’s fondest memories from this period of their lives. 
• i think there are some interesting implications in the game about trevor and amanda previously being friends, or at least being mildly friendly towards each other during the north yankton days. i imagine that this is largely because his drug use wasn’t nearly as bad as it became later on in his life, so even though he was loud/inappropriate/a bit chaotic, he wasn’t exactly dangerous nor too disgusting for amanda to be okay with spending time with. maybe she even let him babysit little jimmy and tracey occasionally (IMAGINE how cute....). brad, on the other hand, (even though amanda does admit that she “”“liked””” him in the game), was not allowed around the kids. 
• i like to think that when they first met and for a while after, trevor really genuinely looked up to michael. like admired his leadership abilities and his skills at pulling scores (and i’m applying the popular headcanon that michael is a few years older than trev here but also srsly,, where does that headcanon come from?? is there any actual evidence for this or is it just a headcanon that became popular in the fandom pls someone lmk if u have an answer to this !!). as time went on though, this admiration gradually waned. michael started making decisions that trevor just wasn’t on board with (namely marrying a certain stripper and having kids with her), arguments became more frequent, trevor started to distance himself from mike a bit and spend more time with brad.
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crmsnmth · 2 months
September Sky Chapter Three, Part 8
"I wanted to call the second you drove off, if we're being honest. See! That's what self-sabotage gets you."
"You could have. I don't think I would have minded. There's something about you," Addison said, standing and brushing herself off. I did the same, only making the gray smudge a little bigger. We pushed our way past the cocaine club and headed back to the table. Lily and Adam sat, talking between songs. The second act was almost over, and there seemed to be more people in here than before we had gone out to smoke. Maybe her roommate's band wasn't bad. It brought in a crowd.
I pulled Addison's chair out for her. It came naturally. There was no thought process into it. I saw down and took a sip of my quickly warming beer.
"So maybe this time you'll actually call?" Addison said as the band played their final song.
"Yes. I will. I'm feeling kind of stupid for not calling."
"You should feel stupid." That sarcastic smile.
I mocked a tear dripping from my eye.
"I have to get a new one, this one's warm," I said, standing up. "Do you want another or are you good?" It'd been a long time since I bought another person's drinks the entire night. I wasn't giving her the chance to pay for her own. Once again, it came naturally. I got the drinks quickly and headed back to the table as the final band finished setting up.
They were actually really good Just straight forward rock and roll. Addison ended up dragging me up closer to the stage. I wasn't really that comfortable that close to strangers, but she could have led me through the bowels of hell, and I would've followed her right down into the depths. While smiling.
We were pushed right up to the stage, and Addison danced next to me. I don't know how to dance, and even if I did I don't think it's something I'd enjoy. I'd rather nod my head, probably out of time. We stood there for three songs and I barely noticed the band. She had taken all my attention, as she moved to the music, quickly mastering the beats with her own steps. Her eyes closed as she moved. A smile glued to her face. I couldn't look away. It wasn't possible. She caught me and I didn't look away this time. I just smiled. A very real and very rare type of smile. She went back to dancing and moving.
At the end of the third song, Addison finally pulled me out of the crowd and back to the table. Lily and Adam were just getting up and it looked like they were leaving.
"We're gonna take off," Adam said, confirming. Lily stood next to him, their hands still clasped together. "You cool?" He asked Addison. He held his hand out again for the second handshake. "Nice to meet you." I nodded toward him. That one single move every single guy on this planet will use once. Acknowledgment without saying a word.
"I'll be fine. I'm sure I could find someone to walk me home, if I needed it," she said, looking directly at me. I shrugged and smiled. Of course I'd be glad to walk her home.
"Bye. See you later," Lily said and gave a small wave to Addison.
"See you later. Be safe you two! The worst STI is the one that cries all the time!" Addison shouted.
Lily and Adam both laughed as the stepped out the door and out into the night. A quick look outside said it was raining again.
"So, I'm assuming that you'd have no problem making sure I get home safe, like a proper gentleman?" Her voiced dripped with sarcasm.
"That's me. A regular old dandy," I shouted back. She laughed and grinned at me. I am so glad I came out tonight. So very glad. I would've let this girl go. I would've waited too long to call her and let her walk out of my life. I am so fucking glad I came out tonight.
We sat, watching the band play for a few more songs. They were actually really good. Like they could've easily been on a label. A couple songs passed before Addison finished down the last of her beer. Mine was already gone. She looked at me, not having to say a word, speaking to me in airwaves. She was ready to leave. I smiled, letting her know I heard her. I grabbed the empty bottles off the table, and headed toward the bar to close out my tab.
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