#i gotta travel back in time to tell my 13 year old self that shes going to get really attached to worms in her highschool bio class
daydreamingtomatos · 10 months
im fairly proud of myself for never changing my url but also i'd like to think i could come up with something better than a 13 year old now
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polyamoryinfandoms · 3 years
Monthly Fic Roundup!
Hey gang! I’m posting the fics that were recommended on our last surveymonkey poll; thanks for everyone who recommended fics. Please note I did not get to read every fic on here and depended on your responses and the AO3 tags to mark for any triggers or story notes, so please read with caution if you’re worried about any content warnings!
If you want to recommend more fics, I’ll be posting another roundup poll later in the day today! 
Under the cut are 32 fics from: 
Agents of Shield (1) 
Bill & Ted (1) 
Castlevania (1) 
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (1) 
DCU (2) 
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (4) 
Game of Thrones (1) 
Harry Potter (1) 
Leverage (1) 
Mission Impossible (1 -- series) 
Sanders Sides (1-- series)
Sense8 (1)
Sherlock (1-- series) 
Star Wars (1) 
Stranger Things (8) 
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (1) 
The Untamed/CQL/MDZS (2)
Teen Wolf (2) 
White Collar (1) 
Agents of Shield: 
is it chill that you’re in my head? by lazyfish 
Pairing: Lance Hunter/Bobbi Morse/Alphonso Mackenzie
TW/TAGS: PTSD, Referenced Torture
Summary: It doesn't take long for Mack to realize he's in love with Bobbi and Hunter and has been for a while. Other realizations take slightly longer.
Bill and Ted (movie):
Our Home, Our Family, Our Love by CaptainWeasley
Pairing: Bill/Ted/Elizabeth/Joanna
TW/TAGS: slurs, implied/referenced child abuse, internalized homophobia, self harm
Summary: A series of firsts in Ted's life, as he slowly comes to terms with his sexuality and learns how to handle being in love with both his wife and his best friend. When Billie and Thea come out as trans, each in her own way, he does everything he can to help them be who they are.
Deliverance by cricketsong1985
Pairing: Trevor Belmont/Sypha Belnades/Alucard
TW/Tags: Blood kink, explicit sexual content,  gore, trauma, angst
Summary: Adrian is beginning to think that Wallachia will be a smoking pile of ash long before he, Trevor, and Sypha can stop Dracula’s war on humanity. They’ve been chasing the castle for months, but each time they get close, it vanishes. Traveling with such genuine and trustworthy allies has been unexpectedly pleasant; Adrian doesn’t mind that Trevor and Sypha are involved with each other, but he is taken entirely by surprise when they open their relationship to him one evening. Hopelessly in over his head, his heart keeps urging him forward, even when he’s forced to confront the darkest aspects of his nature. Adrian must learn to swallow his pride and let himself be vulnerable if he wants a chance at happiness. Unfortunately, there isn’t much time for looking within when the world is drenched in blood and magic, and the path to victory may destroy him completely.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 
We will be judged by the courage of our hearts by MagicClem
Pairing: Harvey Kinkle/Sabrina Spellman/Nicholas Scratch
TW/TAGS: mention of an abusive parent 
Summary: It's been a month since the 13 almost destroyed Greendale. Now a full Witch, Sabrina tries to move on, with the help of one Nicholas Scratch.But one night, Harvey arrives at the Spellman's house and everything becomes complicated.
not for the faint of heart by pasdecoeur
Pairing: Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent
TW/TAGS: Explicit Sexual Content 
Summary: Clark opens a door that was meant to stay closed. Things spiral. or, What Not To Do When You’ve Fallen in Love with Batman: A Guide by Hal Jordan & Clark Kent.
All Good Things Come in Threes (Legends of Tomorrow) by IncendiaGlacies
Pairing: Gideon/Rip Hunter/Miranda Coburn
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
Summary: “Two is a couple, three is a crowd,” Gideon stated. In which Gideon navigates her polyamorous relationship with Rip and Miranda. Domestic slice of life goodness.
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off:
Pairing for all of these are Pairing: Cameron/Ferris/Sloane and are written by @fbdo1986
it’s enough to be whiplash
TW: death mention (no character death), drowning
A/N: To put it plainly, I took a few tricks from John Hughes’s earlier scripts of the film, which were more surreal and up-front with discussing death and end of the world scenarios. It was inspired by a concept that I couldn’t seem to shake after I thought of it: what if the pool scene was just a bit more high stakes?
all the things I never told you 
Summary: It’s Sloane, Ferris, and Cameron’s first afternoon alone at the Bueller residence in months. The busy twenty-four year olds who’ve struggled to find time together as their lives unfold in front of them try to think of what to do for the day when Cameron decides to let them in on what he’s been keeping from them.
bye bye love 
TW: Death mention (none of the main characters)
Summary: A hopefully angsty number that details Sloane’s, Cameron’s, and Ferris’s journey through heartbreak and loss after their Sophomore year in college. The title is named after a song by The Cars by the same name!
Prompt #5: Where it doesn’t hurt with the OT3
Game of Thrones: 
Constellatory by blueandbulae
Pairing: Theon Greyjoy/Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell/Robb Stark (polycule, NO incest) 
TW: Some canon typical violence
Summary: It’s strange and messy and maybe nobody else will ever understand them but it works. It’s theirs, and theirs alone, and nobody can take that from them.Or: Robb and Theon storm King's Landing, rescue the princesses, and save the kingdom. Then comes the hard part.
Harry Potter: 
Unconventional by silver_fish
Pairing: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger
Summary: A few years, now, have passed since Hedwig’s death, and Hermione thinks it’s time Harry got a new pet. What sort of pet, though, neither she nor Ron know. Not until Harry himself offers her the perfect solution, that is.
for better or worse (we change together) by idkimoutofideas
Pairing: Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer
TW/TAGS: Canon typical violence
Summary: The moment Parker saw the stranger standing by the elevator, a dozen alarm bells went off in her head. She froze, and Hardison nearly walked into her as he entered behind her. It took her a moment to realize that while half of the alarm bells were telling her to get the fuck out of there, the other half were telling her to look closer. Or, Eliot Spencer is a recent war veteran who just moved to Portland in an attempt to lead a calmer lifestyle. He ends up with some weird neighbors, but it's Portland, everyone's a little weird.
Mission Impossible: 
Polyamorous Spies (series of 2 fics) by MagicClem
Pairing: Benji Dunn/Ethan Hunt/Ilsa Faust
TW/TAGS: Blood & injuries (2nd fic) 
Sander’s Sides: 
Love and Other Fairytales by SoDoRoses (Fairychess)
Pairing: LAMP/CALM (Logan, Roman, Virgil, Patton)
TW: violence, major character death, no NSFW in the main fic but there is a side series with NSFW, animal death, description of rot, nonconsentual control of another person, 'like death' state of being
Crazy Life by MagicClem
Pairing: Kala Dandekar/Wolfgang Bogdanow/Rajan Rasal
Summary: Rajan would admit that this past few years had been crazy and life seems determined to make it crazier and crazier.Or: This is "Amor Vincit Omnia" from Rajan's perspective.
Lorem Ipsum by Saathi1013 (series) 
Pairing:  Sherlock Holmes/John Watson/Sarah Sawyer
TW: Abduction
Star Wars:
so just pull the trigger by Darnaguen
Pairing: Han Solo/Qi'ra/Lando Calrissian
TW/TAGS: Alcohol use 
Summary: “Oh, don’t pout Haan.” Lando lounges back, licking his newly berry-tinted lips with a lazy grin. “You know all you have to do is ask.”(Qi’ra’s eyes are glinting and her smile is dagger-sharp. Han knows the look: it’s one she wears whenever she has a winning hand.The dice on the table are mediocre at best. He shakes his head and drinks deep.)
Stranger Things: 
All pairings are Steve Harrington/Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler
The Hawkins Three by nonymos
TW: Some canon typical homophobia and slurs
Summary: It's two weeks after the Snow Ball, Nancy's officially with Jonathan, and Steve is trying to move forward. If only he wasn't on a path that keeps circling back to the both of them.
lovers in a dangerous time by diogxnes
TW/TAGS: Briefly: panic attacks/PTSD, parental neglect
Summary: “So,” says Robin, sitting back in her chair, “what’s the deal there, anyway? With the whole you-Nancy-Jonathan thing.”The question makes his mouth run dry. Why would she ask that? Can she tell, possibly, how much he’s been thinking about Nancy these past few days? How starstruck he was when Nancy showed up at his house? Does she know about the mysterious warmth in his stomach when he thinks about Jonathan? “What do you mean, the whole me-Nancy-Jonathan thing?” “Come on, Steve. She’s your ex and he famously beat you up two years ago and now they’re dating each other and all three of you somehow ended up a part of this weird little monster-fighting club together. There’s gotta be a story there.”“I don’t know, Robs,” says Steve, rolling his eyes, relieved beyond measure that that’s all she meant. “You pretty much just covered all of it. There’s not much more to tell.”
Have Happened by cortexikid
TW/TAGS: Homophobia
Summary: "I overheard you. You were talking in your sleep.”Steve's heart fluttered nervously.“It was a little funny at first,” Nancy admitted, her tone a mix of teasing and apologetic, “you were moaning my name and I thought it’d be kinda funny if Mike accidentally overheard you having a sex dream about his sister—”Steve couldn’t control the guffaw that escaped him. “But then you said Jonathan’s name. Right after mine. All in the same breath.”
it’s a risk, it’s a gamble by nondz (pinkjook)
Summary: “I think we should pretend to date,” Robin says. "What?" Steve answers.
still turning out by scoutshonor
TW/TAGS: Homophobic language
Summary: Steve knows senior year's supposed to be tough, but seriously?Not only does his dad want him to take over his business, but he lands himself into a fight with his best friend leaving him friendless and booted out of his inner-circle, gets stuck watching a bunch of kids after school because of a missing credit, has to repeat eleventh grade history, and, oh yeah. He has the minor issue of having no idea what he actually wants to do with his life.But it's not all that bad: not the kids he has to watch, and certainly not Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers, two friends from his history class. Friends. Just friends. Yeah, he and you both know that's bullshit.Steve's got a lot of figuring out to do.(or: HSAU Stoncy with Steve as a senior, doing his best)
(Following Stoncy fics are by @pterawaters​) 
Now and For Always 
TW/TAGS: Explicit, Sex where one party is drunk and the other isn't
Summary: Between graduating from college, starting new careers, and planning a wedding, the summer of 1990 is a busy time for Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan. When a war starts in the middle east, Jonathan gets called away just three weeks before the wedding. He’s determined to make it back in time, no matter what it takes.
It's not like people live like this
TW/TAGS: Car Accidents, Period-Typical Homophobia, NSFW
Summary: Concerned that Steve's less-than-stellar grades might have been making them look bad, his parents hired him a tutor, Jonathan Byers, they were sure he wouldn't find as distracting as his last one. Sure, Jonathan had good grades in school, but he really wished he didn't have to take the extra work to help his mother put food on the table. After all, everyone knew Steve Harrington was a jerk. Right? It turned out, not so much. After an impromptu study-session-turned-party and a game of spin the bottle, Steve and Jonathan both found themselves dating Nancy Wheeler. And that wasn't even the strangest thing that happened to any of them that week.
Mr. Sandman (series) 
TW/TAGS: Canon-typical violence, Explicit scenes
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.: 
Simmer On Low by canardroublard
Pairing: Illya/Napoleon/Gaby
TW/TAGS: semi-implied consensual voyeurism, whump
Summary: Scenes from five kitchens.
The Untamed/CQL/MDZS: 
inclusions by keiyashi 
Pairing: Sòng Lán | Sòng Zǐchēn/Xiǎo Xīngchén/Xuē Yáng | Xuē Chéngměi
Summary: “I guess I feel left out. And I’m asking you to show me how not to?”“Show you?” Xue Yang laughs, easing the tension the only way he knows how. “Daozhang, if you aren’t careful, I might think you’re implying something quite forward.”Xingchen blinks at him. “Xue Yang, I feel like you’re trying to embarrass me, but that is what I was implying.”
melting the glacier by keiyashi 
Pairing: Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén/Mèng Yáo | Jīn Guāngyáo/Niè Míngjué
Summary: Wanting to be with Nie Mingjue is something Lan Xichen accepted about himself long ago. He wants only happiness for his friend, no matter what form it takes. Even if that form is quite lovely and possesses an enchanting mouth.
Teen Wolf: 
Feels Better Biting Down by callunavulgari, hiza-chan (callunavulgari)
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale/Lydia Martin
TW/TAGS: Blood
That I See You by FiccinDylan
Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski/Jordan Parris
TW/TAGS: NSFW, abo, m-preg (non graphic), werewolves, triads are normal
Summary: Deputy Jordan Parrish and Chef Derek Hale are in the prime of their lives and ready to take the next step in their relationship by courting an omega. Everything seems to be progressing smoothly until the new omega (aka Stiles Stilinski, the sheriff’s son) surfaces some unresolved tension from Jordan’s past. Jordan originally had the benefit of amnesia to block out his harried background, but now with his amnesia behind him, will he be able to resolve his past before he ruins his future?
White Collar: 
Always Starts the Same, with a Boy and a Girl by lightgetsin
Pairing: Neal Caffrey/Peter Burke/Elizabeth Burke
Tags: AU 
Summary: Summer, 1998. Neal Caffrey robs the gallery where Elizabeth O'Dell is working late, and comes away with a lot more than art. Agent Burke has no idea what's about to hit him.
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marlborodean · 3 years
spn quotes: season one
i’m collecting a bunch of quotes from the show! favorite lines, good points of characterization, etc. all organized by episode and character, and with timestamps!
w/ncest shippers get lost
season two.
[Sam: So we kill everything we can find.] Save a lot of people doing it, too. (08:51)
I can’t do this alone. [Sam: Yes, you can.] Yeah. Well, I don’t want to. (09:30)
[Officer: So. Fake U.S. Marshal, fake credit cards. You got anything that’s real?] My boobs. (28:50)
When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .45. [Dean: What was he supposed to do?] I was 9 years old. He was supposed to say, “Don’t be afraid of the dark.” (08:30)
You think Mom would’ve wanted this for us? (08:58)
We were raised like warriors. (09:06)
[Dean: Are you just gonna live some normal, apple-pie life? Is that it?] No, not normal. Safe. [And that’s why you ran away.] I was just going to college. It was Dad who said if I was gonna go, I should stay gone. (09:09)
[Dean: You’re really serious about this, aren’t you? You think you’re just gonna become some lawyer, marry your girl?] Maybe. Why not? [Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you’ve done?] No, and she’s not ever going to know. [Well, that’s healthy. You can pretend all you want, Sammy, but sooner or later you’re gonna have to face up to who you really are.] And who is that? [One of us.] No. I’m not like you. This is not going to be my life. (22:45)
If it weren’t for pictures, I wouldn’t even know what Mom looks like. What difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom’s gone, and she isn’t coming back. (23:17)
2. W*ND*G* ( x )
Her brother’s missing, Sam. She’s not just gonna sit this out. (14:55)
[Hailey: And you’re hiking out in biker boots and jeans?] Well, sweetheart, I don’t do shorts. (15:54)
I’m supposed to be the belligerent one, remember? (25:13)
The way I see it, Dad’s given us a job to do, and I intend to do it. (26:31)
All that anger, you can’t keep it burning over the long haul. It’s gonna kill you. You gotta have patience, man. [Sam: How do you do it? How does Dad do it?] Well, for one, them. I mean, I figure our family’s so screwed to hell, maybe we can help some others. It makes things a little bit more bearable. And I’ll tell you what else helps. Killing as many evil sons of bitches as I possibly can. (27:05)
[Dean: No, you’re not fine. You’re like a powder keg, man. It’s not like you.] (25:06)
You don’t think I want to find Dad as much as you do? [Sam: Yeah, I know you do, it’s just—] I’m the one that’s been with him every single day for the past two years while you’ve been off to college going to pep rallies. We will find Dad, but until then, we’re gonna kill everything bad between here and there, okay? (04:09)
Well, maybe you don’t think anyone will listen to you, or... or believe you. I want you to know that I will. (11:58)
You’re scared. It’s okay. I understand. See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom, and I was scared, too. I didn’t feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom—I know she wanted me to be brave. I think about that everyday. And I do my best to be brave. (20:14)
What if we missed something? What if more people get hurt? [Sam: But why would you think that?] Because Lucas was really scared. [That’s what this is about?] I just don’t want to leave town until I know the kid’s okay. (29:48)
People don’t just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them. (03:51)
It’s your job to keep my ass alive, so I need you sharp. (05:18)
[Dean: It’s your job to keep my ass alive, so I need you sharp.] (05:18)
[Jerry: Well, he was real proud of you, I could tell. You know, he talked about you all the time.] He did? (07:09)
Hey, hey, it’s just a little turbulence. [Sam, this place is going to crash, okay? So quit treating me like I’m friggin’ 4.] You need to calm down. [Well, I’m sorry, I can’t!] Yes, you can. [Dude. Stow the touchy-feely, self-help yoga crap. It’s not helping.] Listen, if you’re panicked, you’re wide open to demonic possession, so you need to calm yourself down right now. (30:26)
Do I look like Paris Hilton? (18:08)
Her boyfriend killing himself, that’s not really Charlie’s fault. (29:54)
Now listen to me. It wasn’t your fault. It you want to blame something, then blame the thing that killed her. Or, hell, why don’t you take a swing at me? I’m the one that dragged you away from her. [Sam: I don’t blame you.] Well, you shouldn’t blame yourself, because there’s nothing you could’ve done. (31:24)
[Dean: Hell, why don’t you take a swing at me? I’m the one that dragged you away from her.] I don’t blame you. (31:37)
Charlie. Your boyfriend’s death, you really should try to forgive yourself. No matter what you did, you probably couldn’t have stopped it. Sometimes bad things just happen. (40:37)
He’s sure got issues with you. You got to go to college. He had to stay home. I mean, I had to stay home with Dad. You don’t think I had dreams of my own? But Dad needed me. See, deep down, I’m just jealous. You got friends, you could have a life. Me? I know I’m a freak. And sooner or later, everybody’s gonna leave me. [Sam: What are you talking about?] You left. Hell, I did everything Dad asked me to, and he ditched me, too. (24:21)
[Rebecca: It must be lonely.] Oh, no. No, it’s not so bad. Anyway, what can I do? It’s my family. (39:02)
Shifter: Evolution is about mutation, right? So maybe this thing was born human, but was different. Hideous and hated. Until he learned to become someone else. (27:14)
I told you, you don’t have to be a college graduate to be a genius. (14:59)
[Sam: Hey, be quiet.] Me be quiet? You be quiet! (19:48)
[Dean: You’ve been holding out on me. This college thing is awesome!] This wasn’t really my experience. [Let me guess—library, studying, straight A’s. What a geek.] (21:30)
Growing up in a place like this would freak me out. [Sam: Why?] The manicured lawns, how-was-your-day-honey? I’d blow my brains out. [There’s nothing wrong with normal.] I’d take our family over normal any day. (08:21)
[Sam: You’ll be able to get out of that house and away from your dad.] What kind of advice is that? Kid should stick with his family. (20:26)
Hey, so with that kid back there, how could you tell him to just ditch his family like that? [Sam: Just, uh, I know what the kid’s going through.] How about telling him to respect his old man? How’s that for advice? (23:20)
Matt, under no circumstances are you to tell the truth. He’ll just think you’re nuts. Tell him you have a sharp pain in your right side and you gotta go to the hospital, okay? [Matt: Yeah, okay.] Make him listen? What are you thinking? (32:44)
Remind you of somebody? Dad? [Dean: Dad never treated us like that.] Well, Dad never treated you like that. You were perfect. He was all over my case. ...You don’t remember. [Dean: Well, maybe he had to raise his voice but sometimes you were out of line.] Right. Right, like when I said I’d rather play soccer than learn bowhunting. (11:46)
[Matt: Larry doesn’t listen to me.] Why not? [Mostly? He’s too disappointed in his freak son.] I hear ya. [Dean: You do?] Matt, how old are you? [Matt: Sixteen.] Well, don’t sweat it, ‘cause in two years something great’s gonna happen. [What?] College. You’ll be able to get out of that house and away from your dad. (20:04)
[Dean: Hey, so with that kid back there, how could you tell him to just ditch his family like that?] Just, uh, I know what the kid’s going through. [How about telling him to respect his old man? How’s that for advice?] Dean, come on. This isn’t about his old man. You think I didn’t respect Dad, that’s what this is about. [Just forget it, alright? Sorry I brought it up.] I respected him. But no matter what I did, it was never good enough. [So what are you saying, that Dad was disappointed in you?] Was? Is! Always has been. [Why would you think that?] Because I didn’t wanna bowhunt or hustle pool, because I wanted to go to school and live my life, which to our whacked-out family, made me the freak. (23:20)
Dean, you know what most dads are when their kids score a full-ride? Proud. Most dads don’t toss their kids out of the house. [Dean: I remember that fight. In fact, I seem to recall a few choice phrases coming out of your mouth.] You know, truth is, when we finally do find Dad, I don’t know if he’s even gonna wanna see me. (24:05)
And then you tell me that I’ve got to go back home, especially when... [Sam: When what?] When I swore to myself that I would never go back there. (07:56)
I remember the fire, the heat. Then I carried you out the front door. [Sam: You did?] Yeah, well, you never knew that? [No.] (12:38)
I don’t know what to do. So, whatever you’re doing. if you could get here... please. I need your help, Dad. (14:45)
[Dean: I remember the fire, the heat. Then I carried you out the front door.] You did? [Yeah, well, you never knew that?] No. (12:38)
Missouri: All those years ago, real evil came to you. It walked this house. That kind of evil leaves wounds, and sometimes wounds get infected. (27:15)
[Sam: This is a job. Dad wants us to work a job.] Yeah, well, maybe we’ll meet up with him. Maybe he’s there. [Maybe he’s not. I mean, he could be sending us there by ourselves to hunt this thing.] Who cares? If he wants us there, it’s good enough for me. [This doesn’t strike you as weird? The texting, the coordinates?] Sam. Dad’s telling us to go somewhere. We’re going. (07:05)
[Sam: We deserve some answers. I mean, this is our family we’re talking about.] I understand that, Sam, but he’s given us an order. [So what, we gotta always follow Dad’s order?] Of course we do. (12:17)
[Sam: I mean, why are we even here? ‘Cause you’re following Dad’s orders like a good little soldier? ‘Cause you always do what he says without question? Are you that desperate for his approval?] (36:52)
[Dean: We’ve got to burn Ellicott’s bones, and all this will be over, and you’ll be back to normal.] I am normal. I’m just telling you the truth for the first time. I mean, why are we even here? ‘Cause you’re following Dad’s orders like a good little soldier? ‘Cause you always do what he says without question? Are you that desperate for his approval? [This isn’t you talking.] That’s the difference between you and me. I have a mind of my own. I’m not pathetic like you. [So what are you gonna do? You gonna kill me?] You know, I am sick of doing what you tell me to do. (36:43)
[Sam: I don’t understand the blind faith you have in the man. I mean, it’s like you don’t even question him.] Yeah, it’s called being a good son. You’re a selfish bastard, you know that? You just do whatever you want. You don’t care what anyone thinks. (08:08)
[Sam: You know, if you’re hinting you need my help, just ask.] I’m not hinting anything. Actually, uh... I want you to know... I mean, don’t think... [Yeah. I’m sorry, too.] Sam.... You were right. You got to do your own thing. You got to live your own life. [You serious?] You’ve always known what you want, and you go after it. You stand up to Dad. I mean, you always have. Hell, I wish I.... Anyway. I admire that about you. I’m proud of you, Sammy. [I don’t even know what to say.] Say you’ll take care of yourself. (25:04)
[Dean: Dad doesn’t want our help.] I don’t care. [He’s given us an order.] I don’t care. We don’t always have to do what he says. [Sam, Dad is asking us to work jobs, to save lives. It’s important.] Alright, I understand. Believe me, I understand. But I’m talking one week here, man, to get answers. To get revenge. [Alright, look, I know how you feel.] Do you? How old were you when Mom died, 4? Jess died six months ago. How the hell would you know how I feel? (07:25)
[Meg: I had to get away from my family.] Why? [I love my parents. And they wanted what’s best for me. They just didn’t care if I wanted it. I was supposed to be smart, but not smart enough to scare away a husband. Well, it’s just.... Because my family said so, I’m supposed to sit there and do what I was told. So I just went on my own way instead. ...I’m sorry. The things you say to people you hardly know.] No, no, it’s okay. I know how you feel. Remember that brother I mentioned before that I was road-tripping with? It’s kind of the same deal. [And that’s why you’re not riding with him anymore? ...Here’s to us. The food might be bad, and the beds might be hard, but at least we’re living our own lives and nobody else’s.] (21:11)
[Med: You’re running back to your brother? The guy you ran away from? Why, because he won’t pick up his phone? Sam, come with me to California.] I can’t. I’m sorry. [Why not?] He’s my family. (31:13)
Looks like you’re gonna leave town without me. [Sam: What are you talking about? I’m not gonna leave you here.] You better take care of that car. I swear I’ll haunt your ass. [I don’t think that’s funny.] Oh, come on, it’s a little funny. (04:44)
[Sam: Maybe it’s time to have a little faith, Dean.] You know what I got faith in? Reality—knowing what’s really going on. [How can you be a skeptic, with the things we see every day?] Exactly, we see them. We know they’re real. [But if you know evil’s out there, how can you not believe good’s out there too?] ‘Cause I’ve seen what evil does to good people. (08:10)
[Roy: I looked into your heart and you just...stood out from all the rest.] What did you see in my heart? [A young man with an important purpose. A job to do. And it isn’t finished.] (15:27)
You never should’ve brought me here. [Sam: Dean, I was just trying to save your life.] Sam, some guy is dead now because of me. (19:30)
The guy is playing God, deciding who lives and dies. That’s a monster in my book. (22:42)
[Layla: I wish you luck. I really do.] Same to you. You deserve it a lot more than me. (30:38)
[Sam: To cross a line like that, that preacher’s wife—black magic, murder. Evil.] Desperate. Her husband was dying. She would’ve done anything to save him. (31:35)
God save us from half the people who think they’re doing God’s work. (32:04)
[Sam: What’s happening to her is horrible. But what are you gonna do? Let somebody else die to save her? You said it yourself, Dean—you can’t play God.] (32:58)
Must be rough, to believe in something so much and have it disappoint you like that. (40:57)
You know, I’m not much of the praying type, but I’m gonna pray for you. [Layla: Well. There’s a miracle right there.] (42:00)
[Dean: I’m gonna die. And you can’t stop it.] Watch me. (05:23)
[Dean: You’re not gonna let me die in peace, are you?] I’m not gonna let you die, period. (07:04)
How can you be a skeptic, with the things we see everyday? [Dean: Exactly, we see them. We know they’re real.] If you know evil’s out there, how can you not believe good’s out there too? (08:18)
[The guy is playing God, deciding who lives and dies. That’s a monster in my book.] No, we’re not gonna kill a human being, Dean. We do that, we’re no better than he is. (22:42)
Layla: I guess if you’re gonna have faith, you can’t just have it when the miracles happen. You have to have it when they don’t. (41:19)
13. ROUTE 666
[Sam: Look man, everybody’s got to open up to someone sometime.] Yeah, I don’t. It was stupid to get that close. (13:06)
[Cassie: Whenever we get—what’s the word?—close? Anywhere in the neighborhood of emotional vulnerability, you back off or make some joke or find any way to shut the door on me.] (15:19)
You told her. You told her the secret. Our big family rule number one—we do what we do and we shut up about it. For a year and a half, I do nothing but lie to Jessica, and you go out with this chick in Ohio a couple of times, and you tell her everything? (04:18)
Oh, my life was so simple. Just school, exams, papers on polycentric cultural norms. [Dean: So I guess I saved you from a boring existence.] Occasionally I miss boring. [So, this killer truck—] I miss conversations that didn’t start with “this killer truck.” (29:31)
Ever make you wonder if it’s worth it? Putting everything on hold, doing what we do? (39:10)
[Sam: Well, with what he went through, the beatings, to want revenge on those people—I’m sorry, man. I hate to say it, but it’s not that insane.] Yeah, but it doesn’t justify murdering your entire family. [Dean—] He’s no different than anything else we’ve hunted. Alright? We gotta end him. [We’re not gonna kill Max.] Then what? Hand him over to the cops and say, “Lock him up, officer. He kills people with the power of his mind.” [Forget it. No way, man.] Sam— [Dean, he’s a person. We can talk to him. Hey, promise me you’ll follow my lead on this one.] Alright, fine. But I’m not letting him hurt anybody else. (25:01)
[Sam: We’re lucky we had Dad.] I never thought I’d hear you say that. [Well, it could have gone a whole ‘nother way after Mom. A little more tequila, a little less demon hunting, then we would have had Max’s childhood. All things considered, we turned out okay. Thanks to him.] All things considered. (38:27)
As long as I’m around, nothing bad’s gonna happen to you. (41:27)
Well, I know one thing I have in common with these people. [Dean: What’s that?] Both our families are cursed. [Our family’s not cursed. We’ve just... had our dark spots.] Our dark spots are pretty dark. (19:13)
I was connecting to Max. The thing I don’t get it why, man. I guess because we’re so alike? [Dean: What are you talking about? Dude’s nothing like you.] Well, we both have psychic abilities. We’re both— [Both what? Sam, Max is a monster. He’s already killed two people, now he’s gunning for a third.] Well, with what he went through, the beatings, to want revenge on those people—I’m sorry, man. I hate to say it, but it’s not that insane. (24:43)
If I just said something else, gotten through to him somehow. [Dean: Don’t do that.] Do what? [Torture yourself. It wouldn’t have mattered what you said. Max was too far gone.] When I think about how he looked at me, man, right before.... I should have done something. [Come on, man, you risked your life. I mean, yeah, maybe if we’d have gotten there 20 years earlier.] Well, I’ll tell you one thing. We’re lucky we had Dad. [I never thought I’d hear you say that.] Well, it could have gone a whole ‘nother way after Mom. A little more tequila, a little less demon hunting, then we would have had Max’s childhood. All things considered, we turned out okay. Thanks to him. (38:03)
Look... he’s family. And I kind of—I kind of look out for the kid. You gotta let me go with you. [Kathleen: I’m sorry, I can’t do that.] Well, tell me something. Your country has its fair share of missing persons. Any of ‘em come back? Sam’s my responsibility, and he’s coming back. I’m bringing him back. (08:56)
When we were young, I pretty much pulled him from a fire. And ever since then, I’ve felt responsible for him. You know, like it’s my job to keep him safe. I’m just afraid if we don’t find him fast.... Please. He’s my family. (15:04)
Demons, I get. People are crazy. (28:08)
If you hurt my brother, I’ll kill you, I swear. I’ll kill you all. I will kill you all! (35:54)
[Sam: What are you gonna do when it’s all over?] It’s never gonna be over. There’s gonna be others. There’s always gonna be something to hunt. [But there’s got to be something that you want for yourself.] Yeah, I don’t want you to leave the second this thing’s over, Sam. [Dude. What’s your problem?] Why do you think I drag you everywhere, huh? Why do you think I came and got you at Stanford in the first place? [’Cause Dad was in trouble. ‘Cause you wanted to find the thing that killed Mom.] Yes, that, but it’s more than that, man. You and me and Dad. I want us to be together again. I want us to be a family again. [Dean, we are a family. I’d do anything for you. But things will never be the way they were before.] They could be. (24:04)
What if this whole thing was over tonight? Man, I’d sleep for a month. Go back to school, just be a person again. (23:42)
Dean, we are a family. I’d do anything for you. But things will never be the way they were before. [Dean: They could be.] I don’t want them to be. I’m not gonna live this life forever. Dean, when this is all over, you’re gonna have to let me go my own way. (25:02)
[Sam: Go to hell.] Meg: Baby, I’m already there. (30:22)
People believe in Santa Clause. How come I’m not getting hooked up every Christmas? [Sam: ‘Cause you’re a bad person.] (27:01)
Man, we’re not kids anymore, Dean. We’re not gonna start that crap up again. [Dean: Start what up?] That prank stuff. It’s stupid, and it always escalates. (04:24)
Kind of makes you wonder—of all the things we hunted, how many existed just ‘cause people believed in them? (37:17)
[Sam: What makes you so sure?] Well, because I’m the oldest, which means I’m always right. [No it doesn’t.] It totally does. (03:38)
Listen to me. I can promise you that this is not your fault, okay? [Michael: It’s my job to look after him.] (20:53)
I know how you feel, I’m a big brother, too. But you got to go easy on your mom right now, okay? (21:24)
Dad did not send me here to walk away. [Sam: Send you here? He didn’t send you here, he sent us here.] This isn’t about you, Sam, alright? I’m the one that screwed up. It’s my fault. There’s no telling how many kids have gotten hurt because of me. (25:35)
Dad never spoke about it again. I didn’t ask. But he, uh... he looked at me different, you know, which was worse. Not that I blame him. He gave me an order, and I didn’t listen, and I almost got you killed. [Sam: You were just a kid.] Don’t—don’t. Dad knew this was unfinished business for me. He sent me here to finish it. (29:26)
Are you sure you want to do this? You don’t have to. It’s okay, I won’t be mad. (33:57)
[Sam: Sometimes I wish that...] What? [I wish I could have that kind of innocence.] If it means anything, sometimes I wish you could, too. (40:05)
Dean, I’m sorry. [Dean: For what?] You know. I’ve really given you a lot of crap for always following Dad’s orders, but I know why you do it. (34:39)
Sometimes I wish that... [Dean: What?] I wish I could have that kind of innocence. [If it means anything, sometimes I wish you could, too.] (40:05)
I’m sure that this is about Jessica, right? Now, I don’t know what it’s like to lose somebody like that, but... I would think that she would want you to be happy. God forbid have fun once in a while. (20:47)
I had a girlfriend. And she died. And my mom died, too. I don’t know, it’s like... it’s like I’m cursed or something. Like death just follows me around. Look, I’m not scared of much, but if I let myself have feelings for anybody— [Sarah: You’re scared they get hurt, too.] (30:39)
Sarah: I know, losing somebody you love—it’s terrible. You shut yourself off. Believe me, I know. But when you shut out pain, you shut out everything else, too. (31:27)
He does what he does for a reason. [Sam: What reason?] Our job. There’s no time to argue. There’s no margin for error, alright? It’s just the way the old man runs things. [Yeah, well, maybe that worked when we were kids, but not anymore, alright? Not after everything you and I have been through, Dean. I mean, are you telling me you’re cool with just falling into line and letting him run the whole show?] If that’s what it takes. (14:51)
I’m happy he’s okay, alright? I’m happy that we’re all working together. [Dean: Good.] It’s just the way he treats us like children. [Oh, God.] He barks orders at us, Dean. He expects us to follow him without question. He keeps us on some crap need-to-know deal. [He does what he does for a reason.] What reason? [Our job. There’s no time to argue. There’s no margin for error, alright? It’s just the way the old man runs things.] Yeah, well, maybe that worked when we were kids, but not anymore, alright? Not after everything you and I have been through, Dean. I mean, are you telling me you’re cool with just falling into line and letting him run the whole show? (14:51)
[John: You left. Your brother and me, we needed you. You walked away, Sam. You walked away!] You’re the one who said “Don’t come back,” Dad. You’re the one who closed that door, not me! You were just pissed off that you couldn’t control me anymore! (19:27)
[John: Sammy, it never occurred to me what you wanted. I just couldn’t accept the fact that you and me, we’re just different.] We’re not different. Not anymore. With what happened to Mom and Jess, we probably have a lot more in common than just about anyone. (29:20)
John: This is never the life that I wanted for you. [Sam: Then why’d you get so mad when I left?] You got to understand something. After your mother passed, all I saw was evil, everywhere. And all I cared about was keeping you boys alive. I wanted you prepared, ready. So somewhere along the line, I stopped being your father. I became your drill sergeant. So when you said that you wanted to go away to school, all I could think about, my only thought was that you were gonna be alone, vulnerable. (28:21)
For the last time, what happened to them is not your fault. [Sam: Yeah, you’re right, it’s not my fault, but it’s my problem!] No, it’s not your problem, it’s our problem! (05:42)
You’re just willing to sacrifice yourself, is that it? [Sam: Yeah. Yeah, you’re damn right I am.] Yeah, well, that’s not gonna happen—not as long as I’m around. [What the hell are you talking about, Dean? We’ve been searching for this demon our whole lives. It’s the only thing we’ve ever cared abut.] Sam, I want to waste it, I do, okay? But it’s not worth dying over. [What?] I mean it. If hunting this demon means you getting yourself killed, then I hope we never find the damn thing. [That thing killed Jess. That thing killed Mom,] You said yourself once that no matter what we do, they’re gone. And they’re never coming back. [Don’t you say that! Don’t you—not after all this, don’t you say that.] Sam, look. The three of us, that’s all we have. And it’s all I have. Sometimes I feel like I’m barely holding it together, man. Without you or Dad.... (37:51)
So Mom’s death, Jessica—it’s all because of me? [Dean: We don’t know that, Sam.] Oh really? ‘Cause I’d say we’re pretty damn sure, Dean! [For the last time, what happened to them is not your fault.] Yeah, you’re right, it’s not my fault, but it’s my problem! (05:34)
John: I want to stop losing people we love. I want you to go to school. I want Dean to have a home. I want Mary alive. I just want this to be over. (21:10)
You know that guy I shot? There was a person in there. [Sam: You didn’t have a choice, Dean.] I know. That’s not what bothers me. [Then what does?] Killing that guy, killing Meg... I didn’t hesitate. I didn’t even flinch. For you or Dad, the things I’m willing to do or kill, it’s just... it scares me sometimes. [Azazel!John: It shouldn’t. You did good.] You’re not mad? [For what?] Using a bullet. [Mad? I’m proud of you. You know, Sam and I, we can get pretty obsessed. But you, you watch out for this family. You always have.] (29:41)
Listen, you mind just getting this over with, huh? ‘Cause I really can’t stand the monologuing. [Azazel: Funny, but that’s all part of your M.O., isn’t it? Mask all that nasty pain, mask the truth.] Oh yeah? What’s that? [You know, you fight and you fight for this family, but the truth is, they don’t need you. Not like you need them. Sam—he’s clearly John’s favorite. Even when they fight, it’s more concern than he’s ever shown you.] (36:52)
[Dean: Well, you and Dad are a lot more alike than I thought, you know that? You both can’t wait to sacrifice yourself for this thing. But you know what? I’m gonna be the one to bury you. You’re selfish, you know that? You don’t care about anything but revenge.] (19:24)
Azazel: He’s gonna tear you apart. He’s gonna taste the iron in your blood. [Dean: Let him go, or I swear to God—] What? What are you and God gonna do? (35:09)
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couldbeasong · 4 years
1-60 for the ask meme
Ope sorry I did not see this until today. I think I know the one? If it’s not the one you meant just lmk lol
1. Selfie?
You can have this picrew but I wish to be unperceived.
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2. What would you name your future kids?
For female names I like: Harmony, Slyvia, Edelweiss, Bethany, and Opal
For male names I like: Uriah, Aiden, Kai, Levi, and Luke
3. Do you miss anyone?
My grandpa and Midnight (old dog)
4. What are you looking forward to?
Going on vacation in a few weeks, the end of the semester, and seeing @calligraphywitch tomorrow
5. Is there anyone who can always make you smile?
@calligraphywitch and my other girlfriend. They’re hilarious lmao
6. Is it hard for you to get over someone?
Romantically? Not really. You kinda gotta just accept it and move on. In the past, always being like: this will never work because of reason xyz helps.
Friendship wise? Absolutely. It depends a lot on the emotional investment I put into the relationship, but I find myself still missing people I haven’t talked to since High School or Middle School.
7. What was your life like last year?
It was weird being a freshman in college and trying to survive. I had a lot of family problems going on along with one of my best friends from High School being on her death bed for a while. A bit of a crisis of faith as well. But we survived, God willing! I miss pre-pandemic times tho
8. Have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
Ask my brother. I’m sure there’s been an instance.
9. Who did you last see in person?
My grandma across the room from me!
10. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
I hide them so well I can’t even find them!
I like to pretend they aren’t there and repress them a lot but idk if I’m good at hiding them from others per say.
11. Are you listening to music right now?
I’m in a zoom meeting for class, so I guess my professor's voice?
12. What is something you want right now?
13. How do you feel right now?
Kinda tired, kinda nauseous, kinda bored. Idk I probably need to drink some water.
14. When was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
Uhhhh idk about a week ago? My last hug was probably a week ago too XD
15. Personality description
I like to think I’m funny
16. Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
I work in customer service- everyday (:
17. Opinion on insecurities.
Everyone is insecure about something. It’s kinda fascinating how even though all of humanity is exactly the same (in terms of our struggles and insecurities, we don’t vary) we still judge others for having them. Confidence is seen as a virtue and the most attainable goal. Society profits off of your insecurities tho so be aware of what they are and don’t let yourself be scammed.
18. Do you miss how things were a year ago?
Certain aspects perhaps. But 2019 is gone. It performed and then it left. It can’t hurt us or help us anymore. There’s little use in dwelling on that and wishing for 2020 to be 2019.
19. Have you ever been to New York?
No, but I swear Ima go one day and see a show on Broadway.
20. What is your favorite song at the moment?
I have like three I’m cycling between rn
When You’re Home from In the Heights
Wake Up by Jenny Owen Youngs
Together by For King and Country
21. Age and birthday?
Old enough to know better and October
22. Description of crush.
He’s super great and super intelligent, not to mention super in love with God. Frankly, he deserves better than me. I gotta lot of self-improvement that needs to happen, but we’ll see what happens XD
23. Fear(s)
Heights, drowning, spiders, super dark streets and rooms, not being good enough
24. Height
5′5″ respectfully
25. Role model
It’s changed through the various stages of my life. Rn tho a few of my Christian online friends
26. Idol(s)
I mean I stan Brian David Gilbert, but I don’t idolize him lol
27. Things I hate
Cheesecake, sickly sweet stuff, when someone grabs the receipt out of the printer even though it’s way more effort for them to do so than for me just to hand it to them and it throws me off of my rhythm, fudge
28. I’ll love you if…
You exist (and even not then because fictional characters just hit different lol)
29. Favorite film(s)
Tangled, Ella Enchanted, Enchanted, Howls Moving Castle, Princess, and the Pauper
30. Favorite tv show(s)
Brooklynn 99, Parks and Recreation, Ouran High School Host Club, My Hero Academia, and Bojack Horseman (I’m going through a phase with it rn lol)
31. 3 random facts
Blue is my favorite color, I own almost nothing in blue, people are better at identifying members of their own race better than members of other races.
32. Are your friends mainly girls or guys?
Girls- they’re easier to talk to and approach. Tho I stan and love my guy friends. They are kings.
33. Something you want to learn
Everything? Idk I have an insatiable desire to learn and it switches. Consistently, I want to learn how to make my own clothes, play either piano, guitar, or violin, and detail cars.
34. Most embarrassing moment
Uggg I’m not talking about it and neither is @calligraphywitch
35. Favorite subject
I really enjoyed Statistics as much as I have hated it. My all-time favorite class I have ever taken tho was AP US Literature
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
Graduate grad school, get married, travel overseas
37. Favorite actor/actress
uhhh probably Chris Pratt or anyone who was on Parks and Recreation. Tho Broadway actors, I love Christian Borle
38. Favorite comedian(s)
John Mulaney
39. Favorite sport(s)
I miss playing softball and volleyball so prolly those
40. Favorite memory
There are too many to count. But usually, involve good conversations under the stars after 2 AM.
41. Relationship status
Have a picrew of my sister and me. Keep scrolling and mind ya business (jk ily anon)
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42. Favorite book(s)
The Bible lol but fictional book wise, I will always love the Warrior Cats series. Red Queen was pretty lit. The Hourglass Door gave me a love for time travel aus lol. And Library Wars is near and dear to my heart.
43. Favorite song ever
You can’t ask me thisssss
Idk Hope is what we crave by For King and Country
44. Age you get mistaken for
24-30 it depends on the context
45. How you found out about your idol
46. What my last text message says
No xD not disney
47. Turn-ons
When you have a musical playing and the end of one song is the start of another so they bleed into each other. CHILLS or when a line of poetry just expresses how someone feels. OR when different parts harmonize just right
48. Turn-offs
When my computer deletes my homework right before it’s done
49. Where I want to be right now
In a little cabin in the woods
50. Favorite picture of your idol
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51. Starsign
52. Something I’m talented at
Reading peoples emotions
53. 5 things that make me happy
Music, Friends, Deep Conversations, Hugs, and God
54. Something that's worrying me at the moment
So much to do so much to see
55. Tumblr friends
Friends and mutuals include:
@calligraphywitch @an-assortment-of-forks @repentance-brings-healing @synthetic-blanket-hairs @loneallegiance @boywiththewand @knightof-cups @a-lil-strawberry @linkedwolf @indygo @obnoxioushair
There’s plenty more than that and I love you all ^^
56. Favorite food(s)
Tacos, Crab Ragoons, Salty Foods, RICE
57. Favorite animal(s)
Wolves and cats
58. Description of my best friend
Artistic, beautiful, supportive, hardworking. She is hilarious and an amazing person. There’s so much to the many reasons I love her I just can’t do it in words
59. Why I joined tumblr
Back in the 7th grade, my friends all had one and helped set me up with one. And that’s that.
60. Ask me anything you want
You want nothing ig lol if you want to submit one I can answer it still
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vgdemy · 4 years
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@gallagherintro​ here we f*cking go!
⌠ olivia holt, 22, cis female, she/her ⌡
welcome to gallagher academy, victoria grace demy! originally hailing from metz, france, they were exposed to too much during the protest, and the academy is now in charge of their safe care. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (short blond hair, missoma jewelry, and white nail polish). when it’s the (cancer)’s birthday on 06/20/1997, on the bad nights they request their creamy spinach parmesan orzo from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re safe in witness protection.
here's a timeline-slash-broad strokes biography of vg's life:
vg's mother, a then 19-year-old jeanette beymer, promised her parents she'd go back home to chicago and go to college after spending the summer in france after graduating high school. she never did that. jeanette stayed and worked to support herself, all to live her parisienne dream.
jeanette met vg's father robert wise, a fellow american traveler, at a student bar in lyon, and spent one night together before parting ways. that night they made vg, unbeknownst to either of them. once jeanette realized she was pregnant, robert had already gone back to the us, and jeanette chose not to tell robert of his child. instead, she carried on with her life in france as a single mom-to-be.
this was all a bad idea, of course, considering jeannette's parents insisted she come home, and she refused, as one does. she promised them she'd make it work. not the kind to abandon their daughter, jeannette's parents offered financial support, which gave her mother naming rights—hence victoria grace.
jeanette settled in metz, where life was peaceful and worked 16-hour days to support her little family. thankfully, jeanette had friends (and an elderly, maternal landlady) who helped her raise victoria grace. somehow, jeanette made it all work.
of course, little vg would often ask her mom where her dad is, and the only thing she's ever heard is, "he's just not with our family." for the most part, that worked.
fortunately, a 25-year-old jeanette met a 27-year-old rené demy at a company party where rené was an old friend of a colleague. one thing led to another, and four years later, they were married. 
rené formally adopted vg at 16 years old. vg adored her new (and seemingly only) father. he encouraged her to pursue artistic endeavors until she found her place in music. who knew that vg was a songbird?
the warm and happy household cultivated by her parents molded her into a passionate, empathetic, and joy-loving person, even when it's to the detriment of her productivity. but such is the life of a quasi-parisienne-but-also-an-american-girl-next-door, no?
growing up, vg wasn't much of a troublemaker than a girl prioritizing the pursuit of happiness. she was everyone's friend and, often, a fleeting lover. there's no questioning that vg had love to give, and through the years, she could've won a medal running a figurative marathon in search of that someone who could keep her heart. where she thrived in performing and making people smile, she failed in monogamous relationships. terribly. how did her mom make it look so easy?
by her late teens, vg had already labeled herself a lovelorn singer, because with passion comes a dramatic personality, and the only thing keeping her from becoming a chore of a person is her self-awareness. yes, she's bad at love, driving, and basic math, but she's quick-witted, is a fast learner when the topic interests her, and can sing better than anyone within a 25-mile radius (she thinks).
vg's pursuit of happiness couldn't have stopped in france—she would've never let it happen. as much as jeannette didn't want history to repeat itself, after vg graduated, she allowed her to travel all over europe to find whatever it was she was looking for. but once again, unlike her mother, instead of her finding her true love, vg collected sad songs and credit card debt. maybe it was time for a new scene and a new continent altogether.
i'll add more to this absurd novel once i flesh out how she got to where she is now, but for the time being, she followed suit what the other wp kids did that landed them in gallagher.
other information:
she formally goes by grace, and only close friends call her vg. it's a much more fun nickname in france than it is anywhere else.
she learned how to speak english by watching american television growing up, thanks to her nbc-loving mother.
she's visited the us a handful of times over the years. she loves american fast food, and she stands by that no matter what.
her fragrance of choice is le labo another 13, but in the summer, it's lush sikkim girls. they're nearly the same scents, but still.
she's an arachnophobe, stemming from a spider leaping onto her face when she was 7 back in her mom's old apartment. she's thoroughly unimpressed by spider-man as a result.
her first kiss was with a boy named georges when she was 14, which was also the first time she realized boys could be mean because georges permanently avoided her after they kissed.
she's never had a serious, long-term relationship before (despite her fruitful attempts), which led her to develop a minor inferiority complex, which she hides well.
she's good at making fruit bongs. apple bongs, coconut bongs, pineapple bongs—you need to get creative when your friend accidentally breaks your first bong.
she's trying to kick her cigarette smoking habit because she knows it's not doing her voice any favors, but she can't quit because of its convenience. fruit bongs take time to make.
wanted connections:
honest 2 god close friends — because she needs ‘em (chaotic good gang rise up!)
blunt buddies! — because when you’re traumatized you gotta hit that blunt
tutor — i assume she needs one. don’t ask me why (would also be great for her to have someone to pester about gallagher and an enabler because she wants to sneak around and go to places where she shouldn’t, but that can be a separate connection)
enemy — why not? someone hate on vg. as a treat
unrequited crush — let me show you a concrete example of vg’s dummy thot heart by letting her have a crush on you and she gets rejected
uh i don’t want to get presumptuous with romantic relationships because she’s a new girl but if anyone wants to be vg’s affectionate friend/casual hookup/adorable booty call/genuine romantic interest i’m down like chinatown
again, more to be added when i can think of it. also, hmu at my discord: tin#0697 🤍
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Chapter 4 - Disappearing One
Toronto Ontario Canada, January 31 1972
"But John this is crazy... there's got to be some way to explain this,"
"Cathy, just relax. Andrea's  fine see? She's in her playpen, no harm done,"
"But I swear she wasn't there a second ago,"
The sound of my mother's voice filled with worry, echo throughout the living room as my father desperately tries to explain just where I've been for the last 8 minutes. If there was a way that I could explain with actual words, since I can't quite make out full sentences yet, I would just tell my mother that I was only just upstairs but 1 year before this current time.
Yes, I know it probably sounds crazy, and completely confusing so allow me to explain.
Ever since I can remember, which is pretty far back mind you, I've somehow been able to slip through time. I still can't quite put my finger on what actually causes me to do so but it's usually only for just a few minutes. As I got older, the length of time that I would slip increased from just a few minutes, hours to eventually days and weeks, even years.
Now I know what you're thinking... "How does one slip through time?"
It should be easy to explain the process but really, unless you've experienced it yourself it's hard to explain just exactly what happens. At first it feels like the most euphoric sensation you can think of. Like you're purely at peace with yourself, like nothing else in the world means anything anymore. Then it changes to nausea and dizziness like you just drank a 40 of Jack Daniels so fast it could make your head spin. Then, just like that, everything goes black and suddenly I'm somewhere else, naked and alone, trying to find clothes, shelter anything to protect myself.
When I was younger and I would time slip, most of the time I would just end up somewhere else in the house only it could be either 30 minutes before, or as far back as actually seeing my mother pregnant with me.
Yes I have gone back in time and met myself before. It's not a regular occurrence mind you, but It's pretty much how I taught myself to pick locks when I needed to and find the right places to hide if I so happened to end up in the middle of a sticky situation. Most of the time I was alright though. Most people, when they see a naked girl on the street, they try to help as much as they can rather than the opposite so for that I'm thankful.
Now I know most people would think "Well how the hell does that happen? What about the grandfather effect, the butterfly effect and all the other effects of nature that rule against the fact that you can go back in time?"
Well to tell you the truth, I don't know. It's not something I can explain. I can only say that I've only ever been able to travel as far back within my own life time. I can't go back and see the amazing symphonies that Beethoven wrote nor, go back as far to stop World War 2.
Meeting a your future self is something that's amazing and strange at the same time. Every time it would happen, my younger self always knew it was my older self. My older self knew not to tell my younger self about the future, but gave me useful tools like lock picking so that I could protect myself. I was very careful at not disrupting anything that could alter my future for the worse. And... like I said, it was very few and far between that I met up with myself anyways.
"Cathy, I think you're just imagining it,"
"John, I know what I saw. I set Andrea in her playpen turned around to grab her bottle and when I turned back she was gone,"
My father then walks over to me, his boots thudding against the hardwood floor. He picks me up, brushing a few curls out of my face while I smile at him and he places a kiss on my little forehead. Leaning into him, I giggle, resting my head on his shoulder, my little fingers playing with the shaggy curls of his dark golden hair that rest just at his shoulders, and that familiar smell of Aqua Velva after shave filling my nostrils with delight.
"What were you up to baby girl?"
His deep voice vibrates through my little frame and all I could manage was a giggle.
"Daaaady," I manage with my little voice and he chuckles placing another kiss on my forehead.
I think for the most part, my father was in denial of the whole thing. I know it frightened him to no end at the fact that his only daughter disappears for moments at a time, with no explanation and no reasoning and then re-appears as if nothing had ever taken place.
He sets me back down in my playpen and I continue on with playing with my little stuffies without a care in the world.
"John, I think we should take her to see Dr. Fresno... maybe he can figure out what going on,"
"Cathy, she's still so young, she's only 2 years old, I don't even know if a neurologist is going to even see anything wrong,"
"Are you kidding? John, it's been happening more frequent than you realize... but wait, you're hardly ever here with us so it makes sense why you're in such denial over it,"
Oh the inevitable arguing. They argue over everything and it always seems that my father is the one to blame. My mother always bringing up the fact that he was never home, that he was always on the road travelling with his band Steel Gates - a sort of Black Sabbath/MC5 hybrid- playing bars and clubs never bringing in any real money. I for one love my father's music. It's so real and the way he can play, I swear he was like the next Tony Iommi.
"Ok well, I gotta head out here and meet the guys at The Edge... are you meeting me later on?" My father says walking away from me and towards my mother, who just stands there with her arms crossed.
"No, I have Andrea to look after,"
"I told you, you can bring her... you know she loves it when she's around the band,"
She just stands there and glances back at me with her arms still crossed, reluctant to even say goodbye to him, even if it's just for a few hours. 
With that, he hesitates for a moment, as I laugh and giggle playing with my little furry friends, then leans in to place a kiss on my mother's temple though she still doesn't look at him. He then turns and grabs his leather jacket, slipping it on as his boots thud against the hardwood floor.
"Ok, well I'll be home later on tonight," His voice deep as he heads out the door, leaving my mother watching me as I play.
Toronto Ontario Canada, June 13 1976
"Ok sweetie, now place your fingers here, here and... here,"
"Like this daddy?" I ask looking at the fret board of my amber burst VOS guitar with a white pick guard, my dark little curls falling in my face.
"Uh huh, now strum,"
I scrunch up my face as I try to hold the strings down with my fingers, my father sitting across from me with his own Cherry Burst Gibson SG across his lap, reaching over and helping me place my fingers where they should be. I start to strum and the oddest sound emits from the amp but once I'm able to adjust my fingers perfectly, the beautiful distortion bellows through the amp.
"Yea... alright now put them all together... like this," My father smiles as he starts to play the three chords in succession like he showed me and I follow along with him as we play together.
I had been learning to play guitar from my father for the last few months since we discovered that music seems to calm the time slip episodes down. My mother insisted that we see Dr. Fresno to see just what exactly is causing the time slips and though my father reluctantly agreed to, he did eventually see that it was a good thing that I was seen by a neurologist.
I've been diagnosed with a neurological disorder - time displacency -not an actually medical term I know but there's never been a case quite like mine before. After some testing, Dr. Fresno discovered that it's a relation to epilepsy but is also triggered by a multitude of emotions, especially if I feel stressed or anxious. It can happen either consciously or subconsciously and when it does, a seizure will take place inside my brain at the exact moment, somehow causing a time slip. At first, the doctor did prescribe medication - the type that helps with epileptic seizures - but that was no use. I was still time slipping. Possibly even worse than before.
Nothing seemed to really work until one day I was in my father's studio  - I was 5 years old at the time -and I walked up to Cherry Burst Gibson SG, and started to play with the strings while it sat on the stand. I've always loved his Cherry Burst Gibson and when he noticed just how attached I became to that guitar, he got me one of my own for my 6th birthday - well not a Gibson but it looked exactly like one - so that I could practice with him. He was amazed at how quickly I was learning Chords and strumming for only being 6 years old.
"...ok now change... good... now D...." He smiles as he watches me keep up with him though I keep my eyes glued to my fingers making sure I was changing to the right chord properly. Then he starts to improvise on his own, playing a little solo part while I continue to strum and I look up at him and laugh.
"Wait daddy wait... I wanna do that," I giggle and he smiles at me.
"Alright sweetie go ahead..." He chuckles and I attempt to try to improvise but everything sounds completely out of tune. I scrunch my face up again and stop but my father continues to urge me on.
"I'm not really good at that," I say and he chuckles a little.
"Andrea it's alright... just keep going, you'll get it," He smiles at me. We continue to play, with him teaching me some more and after a little while I hear my mother come down the stairs.
"Andrea, your lunch is ready," She calls and I set my guitar down back on it's stand beside me.
"You coming with me daddy?" I ask.
"No sweetie, you go on ahead, I've got to work on some stuff down here," He says sweetly as he sets his guitar back down on it's stand.
"Ok... um... can I come back down when I'm done?" I ask.
"Of course you can sweetie, you know that," He chuckles and pulls me into him and starts tickling me. I begin to laugh and squeal as he laughs as well, then eventually letting me go but not before placing a kiss on the top of my head.
"I love you daddy,"
"I love you too baby," 
Toronto Ontario Canada,  May 15 1985
"Damn it John, I can't do this with you anymore! I told you this is it! You need to leave!"
"Babe - "
"Don't 'Babe' me. It's done! It's over now just get the hell outta here!"
It was the middle of the night and I wake from my sleep hearing voices coming from downstairs. I push the covers off me and quietly get out of bed, rubbing my eyes to rid the sleep as my dark curls fall down around me. Once I reach the hallway, I can hear my mother screaming at my father from the front door.  As much as you think you get used to hearing your parents fight, you never really do. This time though, it was different.
"Cathy just hear me out ok? It was nothing, it meant nothing - "
"No! Don't fucking touch me! I want you outta here! Just get the fuck outta here!"
I quietly sit myself down on the top of the staircase as I listen to their fight. Even though I was still half asleep, I could feel this strange feeling deep inside my chest. I could hear my father pleading with my mother but she was not giving in. There were so many times before when they fought, that I just brushed it off, not letting it affect me. They were never terribly mean to each other, such as calling each other names or anything from what I  remember, but this time like I said, was different. My mom was just letting it all out calling him everything that you could think of and it makes me wonder just what he did to make her so angry. If he did anything at all.
The strange feeling in my chest grew as he continued to plead with her but she still wouldn't give in. Moments later I hear the front door slam and my mother quietly crying. She then appears at the bottom of the stairs and as she takes a few steps she sees me sitting at the top.
"Andrea, what... what are you doing?" She asks looking away wiping away a tear. I say nothing as she looks back up at me.
"I'm sorry you... heard all that... I didn't mean to - "
"Don't mom, just don't," I say trying to hold my tears back, though I'm not sure why I'm feeling like I need to cry in the first place.
"Andrea - "
She starts but I rise from the stairs and turn to make my way back to my room.
"Andrea honey..." She says as I hear her voice breaking while she attempts to hold back her tears.
"Don't! Just leave me alone," I say, still not recognizing my own voice, hearing myself begin to cry as I hear my mother following behind me. I've never felt like this after they've argued. I've always been able to push the feeling away. Shoving it down into the pit of my stomach and only release it when I play my guitar that my father gave me. This time it's different. I can feel my chest tighten and it feels like I can't breathe.
"Andrea - "
"Go away!" I exclaim and slam my bedroom door leaving her outside in the hallway. As much as I try to will this feeling away, I can feel it growing.
Why? What is this? Why does this hurt so much?
As I feel my heart begin to pick up pace, I close my eyes, standing in the middle of my dark bedroom surrounded with posters of Black Sabbath, Aerosmith, Ramones, and Motorhead, I start to feel euphoric, almost like an adrenaline rush, then completely at peace, then suddenly I feel dizzy and nauseous, like I'm about to vomit.
"Oh god," I exhale and suddenly there's a quick flash of light and everything goes completely black.
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kanasmusings · 5 years
[Translation] StarMyu Season 3 Kao Kai - Character Q & A - Part 2
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Here’s part 2~! It covers Kasuga-chan, Irinatsu, and Chiaki! I had so much fun reading all of these because it just gives us a glimpse about how the new Kao Council are outside of their usual activities in school~ After this, the new songs will be posted~! 
Now, I’m wondering-- Who’s everyone’s favorite new member for now??? XD 
※ Please don’t re-post and re-translate this interview under any circumstances. If you want to translate it to your native language, the kanji is readily available in the anime official website.
Anyways, full interviews under the cut, enjoy~!
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[Kasugano Shion Q & A]
  1.) Please introduce yourself.
- Musical Department 3rd year. I’m the Kao Council’s Kasugano Shion.
2.) What first impression do people usually have of you?
- “Behaved”. And then when we get to know each other a bit more, it becomes, “You’re kinda weird.”
3.) But really, it’s?
- I don’t think that I’m a noisy person. I don’t know whether I am weird or not, too.
4.) What are you confident in?
- I don’t get surprised no matter what happens. My fortune-telling hobby sometimes warns me greatly about certain happenings.
5.) What are your weaknesses?
- … Shiki and Irinatsu said that I sometimes get easily offended…
6.) What was your nickname in middle school?
- “Shion,” and “Haru.” When I got to high school, Irinatsu started calling me, “Kasuga-chan.”
7.) What’s your favourite way to travel?
- If the weather is good, I like to walk.
8.) What was usually written on your report cards?
- … “One flaw he has is he’s quick to be offended.”…
9.) What’s one thing you absolutely can’t forgive?
- When Shiki’s keeping things to himself-- If he experiences a painful memory then… I won’t forgive myself.
10.) What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
- Fix my bedhair. Since I have soft hair, it takes quite a while to fix it in the mornings.
11.) What’s your favourite food?
- Shiki and Irinatsu have said that I like things that have a lot of calcium in it.
12.) How do you spend your days off?
- Lately, I’ve been researching ways on how to make fortune cookies. I can eat as many as needed until I get the “great luck” fortune.
13.) What is one bad point about yourself?
- … That maybe I really am… a bit quick to be offended.
14.) What’s your favourite place?
- I love the school’s rooftop. I feel so calm when I do fortunes there. I feel like I’ll make a really accurate fortune reading and stuff like that.
15.) How do you relieve your stress?
- I’ll try to predict what my luck is for that day. Fortune-telling is not “magical” at all but is based on data so, it is connected to self-analysis, too. Above all else, it makes me feel at ease. If that doesn’t work then… I’ll make a voodoo doll of the person giving me stress.
16.) What’s the thing you want to do the most right now?
- I want to oversee my students properly while they prepare for the upcoming Ayanagi Festival. I also want to be of help to the other first years even if they’re not my pupils. That’s because it’s what Shiki would want, too.
17.) What subjects are you good at?
- Math and science. I like subjects that have a definite answer.
18.) What subjects are you bad at?
- Japanese language. There are a lot of questions that have multiple answers depending on the person answering them so, I just can’t feel convinced about it.
19.) Sleep or eat, which one can you not live without?
- Shiki… I wonder if he’s eating and sleeping properly. Lately, I’ve been a bit worried about him…
20.) Any parting words?
- The Wheel of Fortune… I feel like something is about to happen…
21.) What’s your favourite drink?
- Green tea and o-shiruko.
22.) Are you skilful with your hands?
- I might be dexterous. The other day, I had Irinatsu play with me and I did some tarot card table magic. It went better than I thought it did.
23.) Favourite weather?
- A sunny day with a slight breeze.
                                  »»————- ★ ————-««
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[Irinatsu Masashi Q & A]
  1.) Please introduce yourself.
- I’m the Kao Council’s Irinatsu Masashi~!
2.) What first impression do people usually have of you?
- “Are you half [foreign]?” Ain’t that funny? (laughs)
3.) But really, it’s?
- I’m Japanese! (laughs)
4.) What are you confident in?
- ‘Course I’m confident in my ability to make music. It’s a talent I inherited from my mom and dad after all~ That’s enough to make me feel confident in it, right?
5.) What are your weaknesses?
- I get hungry quickly. I munch on stuff even during meetings sometimes and Ryo-chin glares at me (laughs). Sorry, Ryo-chin!
6.) What was your nickname in middle school?
- “Masashi” “Irinacchan” “Nacchan” “Massan” “Masa” That too much? (laughs)
7.) What’s your favourite way to travel?
- Running! Sweating it out’s the best!
8.) What was usually written on your report cards?
- “Too lax,” or something? I was living in my grandma’s house when I was in elementary school, y’know? That’s why my body clock was like an old man’s, too.
9.) What’s one thing you absolutely can’t forgive?
- I tend to forgive anything! In exchange, it’d get pretty scary when I become super angry, ‘kay?
10.) What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
- I let out a loooooooooooooouuuuuuuuud voice! It relaxes me and ain’t it gonna help you wake up if you get surprised by your own voice?
11.) What’s your favourite food?
- Shaved ice. Unlimited sea grapes. I also loved the chanpuru* my grandma used to make me. Grandma, are you doin’ well~?
12.) How do you spend your days off?
- There’re times when I just laze around at home, there’re times I go to cafés to look for inspiration, too. I found a really good shop lately! It’s got a good atmosphere and at night there’s a piano being played there, too!
13.) What is one bad point about yourself?
- Only one is boring (laughs). Go ask everyone!
14.) What’s your favourite place?
- The work-room is my castle. It’s got everything there in order for me to express the music I make. Oh, and then after that, ya just gotta wait for your imagination to overflow!
15.) How do you relieve your stress?
- I play the piano fervently in a sound-proof room. I get drunk on hitting the keys as loudly as I can (laughs).
16.) What’s the thing you want to do the most right now?
- Camping! “Chiaki-chan, wanna go with me?” I realized I asked him that back when we were second years. That guy’s definitely the outdoorsy type and he’s got good physique. He looks like he’s good at putting up a tent!
17.) What subjects are you good at?
- Music’s gotta be number one, y’know? And then, social sciences? Like Japanese and English. I write lyrics, too, after all.
18.) What subjects are you bad at?
- Hm, I don’t think there’s much. I love everything.
19.) Sleep or eat, which one can you not live without?
- If I were to choose, it’d be food, probably~ Ah, but sleeping gives me good ideas, too~ Both are very important, y’know?
20.) Any parting words?
- The Kao Council will do their best to fire up the Ayanagi Festival, ‘kay?! Expect a very hot atmosphere, got it!?
21.) What’s your favourite drink?
- Hot coffee. Doesn’t it feel refreshing?
22.) Are you skilful with your hands?
- I play instruments so the dexterity between my right hand and left hand is pretty different. If it’s attacking someone with tickles then, I’m an expert (laughs).
23.) Favourite weather?
- Definitely sunny!
 Translator’s Notes:
* “Chanpuru” is an Okinawan stir-fried dish and is kind of a stable food in Okinawa. It’s also called a representative of Okinawan cuisine.
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[Chiaki Takafumi Q & A]
  1.) Please introduce yourself.
- I’m Chiaki Takafumi. Nice to meet you.
2.) What first impression do people usually have of you?
- I get called flashy a lot. I think it’s ‘cause I grow my hair out.
3.) But really, it’s?
- I’m pretty serious and don’t have a lot of free time.
4.) What are you confident in?
- I’m pretty good at embroidery. Every year during April, I make a huge amount of stuff for my younger brother and sister.
5.) What are your weaknesses?
- You might not understand but, it’s “mochi”. When I was a kid and we went to a mochi-making event, I kept seeing Ryo eat it while looking so disgusted. I saw that and I ended up disliking it, too. Eating something with such a sour face is nonsense, you know!?
6.) What was your nickname in middle school?
- “Takafumi” and “Fumi”
7.) What’s your favourite way to travel?
- There’s really not any but, I do want to have a driving license soon.
8.) What was usually written on your report cards?
- When I was a kid, “Very mature,” was always written. I’m the eldest child so when I was still the only child, I was pretty behaved. There were a lot of people at home that it was hard to go out.
9.) What’s one thing you absolutely can’t forgive?
- Fuyusawa Ryo.
10.) What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
- Make breakfast. Lunch and dinner are what my younger sister’s in charge of so, I have to at least help with breakfast.
11.) What’s your favourite food?
- Likes and dislikes aside, I make sure to finish anything my sister makes for me. She makes me a character boxed lunch everyday so, it’d be scary if I got teased for that.
12.) How do you spend your days off?
- Taking care of my family. Though, Irinatsu keeps inviting me to go camping. What nonsense.
13.) What is one bad point about yourself?
- I think it’s me spoiling my students too much. I’m probably weak to those younger than I am.
14.) What’s your favourite place?
- We moved to a newer building since 2nd term started but, I was pretty fond of the old school building we used during the 1st term. The facilities are old but it’s calming.
15.) How do you relieve your stress?
- Going back home and playing with the kids.
16.) What’s the thing you want to do the most right now?
- I feel like I won’t be able to relax until the Ayanagi Festival’s test stage is over. Making sure my students get into the Musical Department is what I wanna do the most for now.
17.) What subjects are you good at?
- I’m pretty fine with any subject but my specialty is probably kanji, geography, and calculation.
18.) What subjects are you bad at?
- Those shapes in math and time, too.
19.) Sleep or eat, which one can you not live without?
- I’m an early sleeper… Staying up late is nonsense.
20.) Any parting words?
- This term’s Kao Council members are independent. We don’t interfere with each other’s guidance policies and we respect each other’s opinions, too. But—Not having disagreements would make things too smooth, right? I wonder who’s being such a goody-two-shoes here…
21.) What’s your favourite drink?
- Floats. I don’t care about basic drinks.
22.) Are you skilful with your hands?
- Ah, I’m dexterous.
23.) Favourite weather?
- Sunny, probably.
                                  »»————- ★ ————-««
※ Please don’t re-post and re-translate this interview under any circumstances. If you want to translate it to your native language, the kanji is readily available in the anime official website.
If you enjoyed this, please consider buying me a ko-fi here to support my work! It’ll be a really big help. (o^▽^o)Thank you!!
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tarithenurse · 5 years
All is fair in Love & War - 13
Pairing: Loki x reader Content: Loooooaaaads and loads of pining. Add some violence, death, and soulsearching...a tiny bit of angst. Oh and maybe some very rude comments. A/N: Thank you all for reading, liking and especially commenting/reblogging.
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13. Absence
…   LOKI’s PoV   …
Slipping through the Midgardian encampment, Loki has to restrain himself constantly. All he wants to do is let out the turmoil inside by decimating the enemy forces that have found their way across the border into Jotunheim, but he adheres to one simple rule: the only Midgardians dying are the commanders…unless he is engaged in open combat. [Y/N] would be oh so proud of me, the Jotun thinks wryly, trying to ignore the ache the name awakens.
The next target is already in sight, and thanks to the flickering of the fire at the centre, Loki can see two shadows move about with drinks in hands. Now and then they bend over a table, becoming warped on the canvas. The king’s colours. A few steps, a roll, and a crouch brings Loki in position with the back against the tent where a large piece of furniture stands inside (By Odin’s beard, is it a wardrobe?). No one hears when he slits the fabric with a dagger because they are too busy drinking and dividing spoils they have yet to win. The heavy sweetness of mulled wine and the sour stench of sweat waft past the intruder as he slips in, carefully poised in the shadows for the opportune moment to present itself.
“I’m tellin’ you, Hans,” one of the men proclaims, “I just want the bastard skewered, a round in the hay with his bitch if he has on’…aaand a teeny-tiny box o’ gold.”
Anger rises like a flood in Loki’s mind, sweeping all else aside while he clings to reason with all his might, afraid of being swept away.
“WHA’?! Ye gotta be desp’rate!” The second man is cackling unabashed. “Ye really wanna go a roun’ with her? She gotta be a troll or som’thin’!”
A dam breaks, sweeping any self-restraint from mind and heart, and Loki emerges from the shadow with long daggers materialising in his hands in a similar fashion as the horned helmet, his crown. If they want a troll, they will have it – horns and all. The first man dies before either of the Midgardians have truly understood what is happening, blood trickling from his mouth as he looks down at the dark blade that has passed through his chest, piercing his heart in the process. He still stands when Loki steps past him, eyes set on the offender who dared speak ill of [Y/N].
The commander’s already pale face drains of all colour. “L-Lok-k-ki.”
“I should make you suffer. Let you toil the last of your pathetic, insignificant life away in the deepest mines, bereft of food and water save for what not even the rats would touch!” the Jotun king hisses, bending over the man who has stumbled and fallen in his panic. “But I am merciful unlike you and your kind.”
The commander only answers with a half-choked scream that descends into a gurgle as hot blood foams and flows from the slit throat. Mimir’s balls! Already, there is a scuffle beyond the tarp. Acting swiftly, Loki does what any reasonable god would do and tosses the corpse of the late Hans upon the fire in the center of the tent, plunging the place into complete darkness.
“My lord?” The male outside is hesitant but grows persistent as no one answers. “Lord Ragnar, are you alright?”
It is barely possible to see the tent-flap open for any human being. Loki is Jotun, however, and his eyes have adjusted to the lack of light already. To him, the silhouette of the low-ranking guard that had been stationed nearby is clear against the faint backdrop of other tents and their fires. Quick as the wind, he steps behind the soldier and covers his mouth with a hand while making sure that there is no mistaking the point of a dagger against the unsuspecting human’s throat with something else.
“Do I have to tell you what will happen if you try to alert anyone?”
A muffled sound which Loki interprets as a “no” is the most useful reaction. The other is a distinct smell of piss. Stepping back ever so slightly from the captive, the god is once more reminded of [Y/N]’s description of the common soldiers in the Midgardian army: farmers, miners, crafters, young and old. Almost no one fit for battle and its terrors. Studying the frightened figure, it becomes apparent that this individual is very young indeed. No more than 15 summers.
“You have a choice, mortal, to either die here or run back home.” The sharp intake of breath passing Loki’s fingers seems to indicate surprise. “Your king is deceiving you, forcing you to fight and suffer for a cause that does not exist so that he may live comfortably. Look in the tents of your commanders. Ask your comrades what they see. Think.”
There is mumbling which grows increasingly insistent until the Jotun carefully removes his hand, allowing the boy to talk. “Ye mean…ye’ll let me live?”
“…yes.” It is hard to hold back the sigh. Dense human. “If my intent had been to kill you all then trust me…you would all be dead now. Your armies would be destroyed.”
Clearly, it takes a certain amount of effort before the statement makes sense but eventually the lad reaches a conclusion: “Oh, so tha’s why they only keep needin’ for new co’anders? Ye only kill them?” As if on an afterthought a tentative “ye maj’sty” is added.
“Such a bright observation…”
Apparently, the soldier has not learned much about sarcasm either because he straightens with pride at Loki’s comment. Rather than suffering through another minute of conversation with the dimwit, the chat is brought to an end with a hard blow to the head of the boy which renders him unconscious, allowing the Jotun to exit the tent unhindered.
He should be resting or at the very least study the reports the spies have delivered, but the only thing Loki can do is reread the single line of text on a crumbled piece of parchment that he received more than a week ago:
  Everything is proceeding as intended.
Those five words hold all of Loki’s hopes and fears although it is impossible for an outsider to make proper sense of the message.
When a raven had delivered the small note, it had felt as though years of sorrow fell from the Jotun king’s chest. [Y/N] has arrived safely, and not just that, no, she has managed to claim a place in the court without casting suspicion upon herself which always was the biggest risk. The plan could have failed if just one person with weight behind their words had objected to her presence. But apparently, it is greed rather than intelligence that is prevalent in the Midgardian court.
Now all Loki can do is wait for the information he needs. The details that will grant him access to the castle and put an end to the corrupt king’s life.
So he waits for [Y/N], his love, to return so he once more can offer her a life with him – but one that is based on free will rather than founded on the unbalanced relationship of a captive and her captor. Meanwhile Loki keeps occupied by seeking out every single encampment on either side of the border, he travels to towns and villages in Jotunheim to ensure that everyone is getting through the winter without lacking…and he wanders the forest and keep at night because he cannot find rest except in the small room that served as her chamber, and each time he wakes surrounded by her fading scent the absence pains him even more.
Sometimes, he curses himself for having grown so soft, so sentimental, and yet he has to acknowledge that all the changes within may very well be for the better. The incessant notion that he is alone is gone, replaced by a tranquility – or it would have been if it was not for the fact that his lovely mortal is gone. Why did I let her leave? Loki knows that he is to blame. He planted the notion in her head that she could be a spy in the very heart of the enemy’s land and not a day goes by where he does not regret that, causing him to snap at the servants who try their best to tend to his every need.
Loki hears them, listens to their mumbled conversations when they are unaware of his presence. At first, he had been outraged at their worry-full tones. No one were to pity him! Did they not truly understand how powerful he is? But then he notices the affection laced in the words, and although the admiration is tethered to [Y/N], whom they have taken to call Little Queen, Loki is pleasantly surprised that his people willingly extended it to encompass him. Perhaps Frigga is right when she has said that love and patience are not a sign of weakness in a king…at the very least, he knows that the feisty mortal would agree.
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hopeduckling13 · 5 years
Find My Way Back To You: Chapter 33
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Summary:  Hope Swan-Jones is the product of the product of true love and her true love, so her having very powerful magic was always in the cards. Luckily she lives in a town where everyone is very familiar with magic, so nothing can go wrong, can it?
Or so everyone thought, but then one day as a newborn Hope accidently travels back in time with her mother Emma.
How will the past population of Storybrooke react to their Savior having another kid and being married? And more importantly will the Savior and her baby daughter find a way back home to all of their loved ones?
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Catch Up:
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14857127/chapters/34395467
FF.NET: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12964592/1/Find-My-Way-Back-To-You
Tumblr: [Prologue] [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12] [Chapter 13] [Chapter 14] [Chapter 15] [Chapter 16] [Chapter 17] [Chapter 18] [Chapter 19] [Chapter 20] [Chapter 21] [Chapter 22] [Chapter 23] [Chapter 24] [Chapter 25] [Chapter 26] [Chapter 27] [Chapter 28] [Chapter 29] [Chapter 30] [Chapter 31] [Chapter 32]
Reblog to be tagged in future chapters
Taglist: @capswantrue @captainoffantasy @momontheice @youlxlshit
~~~ EMMA’S POV ~~~
When Hook joined me at Granny’s earlier, I never would’ve thought he’d order my favorite food for himself. Usually, he just pulls a face at my meals and mentions a million times how unhealthy it all is.
I’m sure that’s still going to happen.
Ruby really needs to hurry up with his order, I’m sure it’ll be interesting and funny once it arrives. I’m really looking forward to it.
Or maybe the three-hundred years old pirate, sitting across from me will actually enjoy modern food. Who knows? He is full of surprises sometimes after all. I never imagined that we’d be friends either. Back when my future self told me, that we will be, I was really shocked and didn’t want to believe her. But she is right. We do get along well - once we sort of got to know each other anyway.
He isn’t that bad, really, if you can see past the constant innuendoes and flirtations. It’s not like he’s being serious after all. It’s just how he acts with everyone, and once I realized that I was okay with it.
Knowing that he’s not in love with me at all helped me accept him as a friend. We’re not awkward around each other any longer ever since I figured out that piece of information.
Ruby suddenly arrives back at our table and sets down Hook’s food and hot cocoa in front of him, effectively drowning out all of my thoughts. The fun’s about to start!
Apparently, I’m not the only one who’s curious here, seeing as Ruby doesn’t leave once she set down the food. She stays right next to our table, looking at Hook with a smirk. He smiles at her for a moment. “Thank you, lass.”
I don’t know what’s happening, but suddenly my blood runs cold and I can’t help but think back to that time Hook was in the hospital. He flirted with Ruby back there, too. The only difference is, that this time she doesn’t roll her eyes. Is there something going on here?
A moment passes until Ruby smirks once more and walks away. “Enjoy the food, captain.”
This shouldn’t come as a surprise to me. They both are the biggest flirts this town has to offer. Of course, they would eventually end up flirting with each other. It only makes sense.
The only thing that does not make any sense is, that I feel a clench in my heart. Why does this seem to bother me? I don’t care what they do in their spare time. I should be glad right? Hook being interested in Ruby means he really doesn’t have feelings for me. That’s a good thing.
I should be happy about it, but somehow I’m not.
~~~ HOOK’S POV ~~~
The wolf girl brings my food out - if you can actually call this junk, food. Why did I decide to order it again? Ah, right. Because it’s Swan’s favorite. This woman will be the bloody death of me.
I raise my head up from the plate to glance at Emma, when I notice Ruby is still standing there, looking at me in amusement.
“Thank you, lass.” I tell her, hoping she’ll take the clue and leave. I can’t risk her saying anything to Swan about me ordering this meal just because I want to bond with her.
Luckily, the wolf girl takes the hint and smirks at me one last time before she eventually walks back to the counter.
I  move my gaze back to Swan and am surprised to see her all stiff and pale. What the bloody hell is going on? Is she sick? Is she okay?
“Everything alright, Swan?” I try hard to keep the worry out of my voice, but I’m not sure it really works that well. Let’s just hope Swan doesn’t catch on to it. It would surely send her running once again. I can’t let that happen. We’re just getting along. I can’t lose her again, especially not, if I want to help my sweet baby daughter get home. She’s counting on me and I won’t let her down. Not ever.
Something in her shifts as sudden as a lightning strike. Emma relaxes again. She gives me a soft smile and a nod. I can tell that the smile is fake. She is an open book after all. At least to me. But I don’t comment on it, no matter how much I wish I could. I won’t push my luck. That’s not a good idea when it to my Swan.
She is easily freaked, but who could really blame her? She had to go through so much, and she was all alone for the first 28 years of her life. And still, unlike me, she never gave in to darkness. She stayed true to herself.
She’s the strongest person, that I know.
“So, how’s the food.” She motions her head towards my untouched plate. I give her a smile and pick up an onion ring. I put it into my mouth and as I chew, I must admit that it doesn’t taste half as bad as I thought. I then take a bite from the grilled cheese.
Swan was right. This does taste pretty good. How could I have ever doubted her?
“It’s good.” I say to her with a bright smile on my face. I can’t believe we have this in common, too. I always just assumed that we bond easily because of our similar pasts, but looks like we have more things in common than I thought.
“Just ‘good’?” Emma raises an eyebrow - or tries to do so. But both of her eyebrows just raise up in the process. Was she trying to do my infamous eyebrow-raise?
“Very good, Swan. I love it.” Not as much as I love you, but that was to be expected. Nothing could ever compare to my love for Emma Swan, to be completely honest.
She smiles brightly at that and we continue to eat our meal in silence.
Once both our plates and cups are empty, Swan gives me another small smile. “I gotta get back to work. Cora won’t turn up on her own, I fear.”
“Then, I won’t keep you any longer from it.” I say.
Emma seems to be lost in her thoughts for a moment before she continues speaking. “Actually, why don’t you join me on patrol? Driving around town isn’t the most exciting thing to do. Some company would be nice and you know Cora, so you might be able to help. Only if you want to, of course.”
“I’m in.”
I can’t believe Swan just invited me to spend more time with her. Am I already making progress?
I get up and put down some doubloons to cover our meal. Swan surprisingly doesn’t complain about me paying for both of our meals.
Then, we both walk towards the door and leave the diner. In the doorway, we run into her mother.
“Emma! I was just picking up some food for your father and I. Do you want anything?” She looks at her daughter with a smile.
“Oh, no it’s fine. Hook and I already ate. We’re going on patrol now.” Swan answers. That also seems to be the moment her mother first realizes I’m here. She looks over to me and her eyes narrow.
“Since when do you go on patrol with Hook?” I can tell she tries to remain calm, but her cold voice betrays her. It seems the lady Snow doesn’t approve of me spending time with Emma. It’s probably the whole pirate thing, but maybe if I help them find Cora, they’ll realize that I’m not just a pirate, but also someone who is willing to become a better man for Emma. Someone who is worthy of her love.
“He knows Cora, so he could be helpful.” Emma says, also rather coldly. “If you excuse us now. We gotta get back to work.”
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caasiturner · 6 years
Love Is a Four Letter Word.
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I must start this off by apologizing. This will most likely be one of the most rambling things I will ever compose. I have been pondering the meaning of this word “Love”, what it means to actually define it, and/or live it out or truly believe it.
Today’s society would say love is a feeling or a physical act. It’s being happy with a person, sex, having intimacy, etc. Others would say it’s not real, it’s simply an influx of chemicals to our brain.
Well. Here’s a fun quote.
“Love is a misunderstanding between two fools”
-Oscar Wilde
Wow. Way to be really hopeful there bud.
Well I want to know what this thing really is, I want to know what emotion causes these countless songs, these beautiful films and shows, and has started many a war.
(Please Pause and play the song 'I Want To Know What Love Is’ by Foreigner now. Done now? Ok good). 
The opposite of fear....is love.
To love is to be brave. It means being willing to put your heart and your emotions out on the line. It means you’re willing to be broken, to face danger, to face heart ache and all sorts of negative emotions.
The opposite of fear....is love. 
If you truly love something you don’t fear it. I don’t fear potatoes. I wouldn’t say I love them, but I don’t fear them. They taste good and can be made into many different dishes and are awesome with ketchup. Sorry. The Irish is talking.
I do fear relationships though. I fear the inevitable end. The thought of the girl I have been with on top of someone else, throwing away all our memories and chalking them up as a blur from her past, that scares me. I fear the moment when that girl realizes she no longer wants me and that I actually make her extremely unhappy.
I have had three girls tell me they love me. Nearly every time it was an accident. The first, I’m pretty sure I said it first and over text. High school Isaac was not know for his smoothness. The second time was in a college dorm room as I was hanging out with this girl. I later found out she had a boyfriend so that made things a bit awkward. Also btw, she chose him over me. In her words, I was safe option and she wanted to be free of commitment. The last time was in my car last year Halloween. My girlfriend at the time and I had just gotten back to her place and I said something corny and sweet and it slipped right out of her mouth. It took me a moment because I didn’t realize how serious she wanted things, but I quickly said it back as I realized my feelings were the same.
You never forget the last time a person says “I love you” to you. My high school sweetheart said it right before she walked out of my college apartment and out of my life. The second girl says it on a regular basis but it is as a friend way. My last girlfriend said it as I walked her to her car before we broke up via face time two days later. When I close my eyes, I can still picture the scene. What each girl was wearing, what the weather was, the hope I had in my heart that everything would work out. The tremendous love I had for them.
The opposite of fear....is love. 
To be honest. I don’t know if I’ve ever truly loved another girl. According to this quote, the opposite of fear is love and I have always feared. If you love you don’t fear. You don’t fear the future, you don’t fear their past no matter how awful it may have been, and you certainly don’t fear the present moment with them.  You don’t fear baring your soul to them, you don’t fear communicating to them your hurts and faults no matter how they respond, you don’t fear your relationship failing because you hope in all things. Love is not fearing despite the circumstance.
Maybe I’m the problem. I fear loving and allowing myself to be loved.
I used to joke around with my girlfriends and be like “You don’t love me”. I meant it as a joke, but maybe I was really trying to cover up an insecurity.
Love is sacrifice.
I hear that one all the time. Especially from old people. LoVe iS SaCrFiCe. haha. Sorry. It’s just so over said. But I suppose it’s true.
Love is laying down your desires. If I had my way I’d sleep till 10:30am every day and be up till 2am the next morning. Every girl I’ve ever dated is a morning person and loves breakfast. I was not good at sacrificing my sleeping for them. Sacrifice means travelling. I would drive every weekend to Stevens Point to see my girl. I even did it in the middle of a freaking blizzard, where I couldn’t see a thing and I could only go 15 mph. And we were fighting at the time! I had no reason to sacrifice my safety, except I wanted her in my life. Not patting myself on the back, but at least I did that right.
Love is sacrifice.
It takes alot of time. It takes money that I would rather spend on tattoos or I don’t know. Dune Buggies. Onion Rings. Skateboards.
Love takes a lot of courage.You have to sacrifice and be willing to open up and communicate. You have to be willing to put your soul on the line and let another rip it to shreds should they wish.
You will have to sacrifice your pride and lose a few fights. You may have to compromise on some issues. You may have to stop being stingy. I’m so awful at all three of those things. I love to win. I don’t like being wrong. I don’t like being broke.
Love is sacrifice.
Love is scary, man. I once jumped off a fifteen foot cliff into water and white water rafted just because I thought I loved a girl. That was sacrifice. Sacrifice of my comfort and being willing to put myself out there because it made her happy.
(Note: Both sides should be doing this. Not just the man should be compromising and sacrificing. Sorry you crazy feminists).
Love is meeting another right where they are, accepting them, and helping them move to a higher plane.
It’s not a feeling or an action. Those just make up Love. It’s kinda like a car. Love is the car. The feelings and actions and intimacy and whatever are the tires, the gas, the oil, etc. Love is a struggle. It;s not easy changing oil in the dead of winter. But love keeps going when the feelings are gone and there seems no reason to stay (this excludes abusive relationships). It’s work to put on new tires, but I would rather do that than try and buy a new car. Sure, it’s easy to quit on a relationship, but the loans I took out (aka the emotions and mental investment) are worth the bit of pain I may have to go through. I think most relationships quit because the accessories are gone. You’ve grown discontent, you've tried to change the other, etc. when really you just need to get back to the basics.
sacrificing sucks in the moment. But the future investment is so worth it. Think of sacrificing for your s/o like sacrificing for a doctorate degree. In the moment it blows. You’re steep in debt, you study all the time, you have no social life. But in the end...You make a ton of money and have an awesome job. The short sacrifice equals a long reward.
Love is meeting another right where they are, accepting them, and helping them move to a higher plane. 
Helping. Not forcing. Not molding. Not making. Helping. As in working with them. Holding their hand as they take steps forward. Meeting them with all their hurts, all their baggage, all their pain...and accepting them. Not fixing them. Just being there and saying “I accept you for where you are” and having your actions follow that.
Accepting. Accepting the fact they may have made countless mistakes before they met you. Accepting that They may have made questionable decisions, ended up in too many wrong beds, snorted up too many substances. But accepting that as their past. loving them for where they are and then helping them move forward.
I try to make the movement happen in an instant. I am not good at waiting, being patient, slowly building trust and then helping them take steps forward. I'm not good at Accepting when they make mistakes and then restarting the process again.
Obviously, I am no expert in any of the advice I have written as I am still single, but then again “coaches don’t play.”
I already regret typing that. 
The Bible says the attributes of Love is, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (1 Cor. 13) 
That’s deep. Even if you’re not religious, you gotta admit that’s deep. I’m certainty not those things. In fact, 90% of the time in my relationships I am the complete opposite of those things.
But I don’t want to be that way. I want to love. I don’t want that word to be sour in my mouth, or something I am ashamed to say. I don’t want to fear the implications of saying that word, and be afraid of the rejection. I want to sacrifice and dote on another. I want to learn from my mistakes of trying to fix people and force them into my "model" girl.
Point is, if someone is worth something to you, there will be pain. Life sucks, so thus loving sucks to. But If I can have even half of the happiness in the good relationships I have seen...I’ll be happy.
Love may be a four letter word, but I want to say it.
I want to say it endless times to someone that will say it endlessly back no matter how awful life gets around us.
Till then dear one,
Much Love.
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willgayers · 6 years
uhhhh i need a reddie as parents hc
oh my god yes!!!!!
planned together w @remushlupin again
its also long again. do i even need to say this anymore??? all my hc’s are long i cant write them short sue me
lets assume they have a boy and a girl (*cough* neil patrick harris & david burtka *cough*)
so ever since the kids first arrived at the shared household of tozier and kaspbrak,,, richie would not put the polaroid camera out of his hands
he’d be taking pictures of the kids CONSTANTLY in every situation ever. bath time? absolutely. messy spaghetti for lunch? you bet your ass. play time on the floor? DEFINITELY. eddie changing the diapers? even then.  
“well what! we gotta memorize everything!”
richie’s also constantly emailing the photos to the rest of the losers because he’s such a proud dad
“this is rhiana eating. this is rhiana outside playing in the leafs. this is rhiana taking a bath. this is rhiana sleeping. this is rhiana —”
“okay richie great pics!!” (please no more)
“thanks! now here’s liam watching tv. here’s liam with the neighbor dog. here’s liam in his favorite overalls isn’t he just so CUTE—”
so many shopping for baby clothes!!! beverly’s also bought so many like every time she sees a cute baby overall or something she buys it immediately
they basically have so many colors like all the colors of rainbow
once the kids get a little older like around 4-6 all they wanna do is watch disney movies!!! and eddie and richie are down with it of course
just imagine reddie + kids movie night???? all of them cuddled up on the couch??? with a bowl of popcorn??? under a blanket????
mulan is rhiana’s favorite and little mermaid is liam’s favorite
richie of course learns how to do the voices to all the funny disney characters, his best ones are sebastian and mushu though and the kids LOVE them!!!! they love them so much and it just drives richie to do the voices even more so eventually eddie has to forbid him from doing them around bedtime because the kids will never stop giggling and every time they giggle richie’s heart expands like a trillion times so he will just continue with the impressions and it’s a CYCLE
in case you were wondering, richie’s the stay at home dad. i repeat, richie’s the stay at home dad!!!!!
he definitely does the laundry and dishes wearing a baby blue apron
eddie’s working 9 to 5 as an accountant and he fucking hates the job
richie and the kids decide to cheer him up and call him facetime calls and eddie’s immediately feelin better :“)
also. whenever eddie has to work a long day he comes back home to a ready bubble bath,, a warm prepped meal and a glass of red wine
eddie knows it’s gonna happen every time he’s coming home late but somehow he always forgets? so whenever he comes home and opens the door to see the dim lighted kitchen with a candle on the table next to his foil-covered plate and the wine glass he nearly bursts out in tears
richie’s a very caring husband™
but not that great with dressing up the kids
*one night when richie’s taking liam to the movies*
“honey … what is liam wearing???”
“he’s wearing fashion.”
“is that a… baby hawaiian shirt???”
anyway,,, how cute would christmas times be too?? like baking gingerbread cookies all of them around the kitchen counter together while listening to christmas songs ,,, richie and eddie forgetting about the kids for a moment when richie accidentally gets some red sugar frosting on eddie’s nose and eddie’s like “omg what did you do!!!” and richie says “you’re rudolph now” and boops his nose,,, and eddie just swoons and oh WOW they’re in LOVE and some disgustingly cute heart eyes to each other are exchanged before richie leans to kiss him and the kids go “EWWWWWWWW!!!”
imagining this just added 10 years to my life
richie literally spoils them SO MUCH
*reddie shopping for christmas presents*
“richie what is that?”
“it’s the doll house rhiana asked for”
“uhh yes and it’s also 200 dollars”
richie would fetch them the moon from the sky if they asked for it
also imagine the christmas mornings ,,, richie and eddie on the couch snuggled next to each other with cups of coffee/tea,, with smiles on their faces watching as the kids open the presents and it’s literally just the photo of a perfect family on a snowy xmas morning 
well lets fast forward a little again, the kids are like 8-10 now
rhiana has the prettiest dark, curly hair and her eyes are brown and beautiful
liam has light hair, it’s kind of like dirty blonde and he’s got blue eyes
rhiana has a lot of friends over all the time and eddie’s always making food and/or snacks and bringing them to the kids 
liam has like three good friends and they’re also constantly over but they’re mainly inside liam’s room playing video games. (or secretly listening to britney spears)
rhiana does karate and liam plays soccer
richie always drives them to school and practices ,, eddie always picks them up
they’re definitely at every competition/game cheering
that’s not richie by the way. that’s eddie
and at liam’s soccer games they definitely have the big foam thumbs and self-made cheer sheets
whenever liam scores richie’s gonna tap the person next to him on the shoulder and be like “tHATS MY SON!!”
and that one time when liam did the winning score,,, oh my god eddie screamed and richie accidentally threw his nachos to the air
at one karate competition, rhiana got kicked a little too hard and she fell on top of her shoulder, dislocating it
eddie and richie had sort of an argument after this,, whether or not they’re gonna let rhiana continue
eddie doesn’t want his daughter anywhere NEAR the karate ring anymore and richie thinks that if rhiana wants to continue she should
however she doesn’t want to do it anymore and richie notices she’s super sad all the time, so he suggests a new hobby and rhiana is like “like what?”
richie’s like well how about i teach you how to play guitar!!
rhiana learns acoustic guitar in like a freaking week and she gets so excited about musical instruments so she learns how to play piano and fipple flute and ukulele and wow richie’s so proud
liam gets interested in instruments too now that he has to listen to his sister practice in her room 24/7 (because of course richie bought her her own piano too), so liam learns how to play the bass
“kids, i think we should start a garage band!”
eddie cutting in between with slightly nervous laughter
“i think NOT, richie!”
lord knows eddie couldnt take it
times of horror ahead at the age of 12-13
so many “I HATE YOU!!! I HATE YOU BOTH!!!!“s
…because they weren’t allowed to play video games after 11pm anymore or go to slovenia with their best friend’s family or buy the shoes that cost 150$
(even richie’s getting a little strict now because eddie keeps on telling him this is your fault you spoiled them too much and now they walk around thinking im gonna buy them a fucking 2000$ smartphone)
richie’s hurt because his imitation voices aren’t funny to the kids anymore, instead they say he’s stupid and childish
wait did i say richie’s hurt? i meant richie’s heartbroken
because his kids his babies his best friends don’t want him around anymore they push richie away and rhiana even told him to ”get a fucking life, dad!!!!“
they definitely won’t let richie take any photos to the "baby photo” books that turned into a little longer than expected
so one night eddie walks upstairs to find richie crying in the bedroom with his head in his hands
“honey what’s wrong???”
“they hate me”
“richie they adore you. they’re just teenagers it’ll go away you know it”
and it does go away thankfully,,, and at the age of 15-16 they’re almost back to normal again. but now they’re just so teenagers
richie’s the good cop and eddie’s the bad cop 
one time liam comes home high
fun little fact; they’re looking after their neighbor susan’s cat for a week because she’s traveling and richie is stroking the cat on his lap as he speaks
(you know how bad guys turn around on the chair)
“well well well,,, look who decided to come home”
eddie has one leg thrown over the other and hands resting on top of his other knee with such a strict look on his face
liam goes pale as he turns around, his eyes are so red and he’s just. definitely not there
richie tilts his head
“are you… are you high?”
liam just looks at him before shaking his head slowly. like. way too slowly
“shit you got any left?”
eddie gasps and slaps richie’s arm who immediately then blurts out
later that night richie tries to get some sexy times but eddie’s still mad at him
“oh come on eddie it wasn’t that bad”
“…okay i guess it was a little bad but-”
next week rhiana wants to go to a party
surprisingly tho, richie won’t let her
she asks this over dinner and she on purpose asks this from richie directly because she’s sure he’s gonna say yes
“so dad there’s this party on friday and-”
eddies eyes widen, rhianas jaw drops and liam raises his brows but he’s lowkey gloat that his sister gets told no for a chance
“you heard me” richie just guides a piece of the steak to his mouth
“this steak is very good honey” he just speaks like he just didnt forbid something from his daughter
“thank… you”
“excuse me but why am i not getting to go to the party??????” rhiana is like uHhh WTF dad
“because i said so”
liam snorts
“OH MY GOD!!!”
“:)” richie
“but EVERYONE is going!!!!!”
“i don’t care you are not”
“liam’s sixteen”
“yes so wait one more year”
liam decides to take advantage of this
“hey so uh, johnny invited me to this-”
“i said no”
“yes, and last weekend you got home high”
“no buts. liam, you are… what do you call it…”
“ah, right. grounded”
“really?” even eddie asks, confused
“says who?”
liam is just gaping
“thats what i thought”
eddie’s lowkey turned on and needs to take a sip of some ice cold water in his glass
at the age of 17-18 liam starts dating some girl from his high school and both richie and eddie love her she’s a very sweet girl!!
she’s at the house constantly and now both eddie and richie realize that rhiana’s never once mentioned having a boyfriend?? and now they’re confused because she’s gorgeous and smart and funny and everything
richie thinks he’s such a scary dad that no guy would even dare to approach her
eddie just snorts and mumbles a "sure…”
one time eddie and rhiana are having some quality time together at the mall and eddie brings up the relationship subject even though him and richie agreed not to bring it up but hE CANT HELP IT
“so… any cute guys at your class?”
rhiana gets so pissed off and storms out of the restaurant and won’t talk to eddie for the rest of the day and eddies so confused like what did i do wrong??? honey i’m so sorry???? but rhiana won’t answer she just sulks for the whole car ride
when they get home she locks herself in the room and won’t come out and eddie has to tell richie that he asked her and richie’s like why would you do that and blah blah blah
anyway then richie goes up to knock on rhiana’s door
“GO AWAY!!!”
“it’s me”
the door opens
rhiana’s eyes are all teary and her lower lip is shaking and richie’s heart drops at the sight
“,,,baby what’s wrong??”
rhiana bursts out in sobs and richie steps in to her room,,, pulling her to a hug and she just cries and cries
richie then asks again what’s wrong and suggests sitting down and talking about it
“i… the reason why i… haven’t… brought a boyfriend home is… because…”
“yes???” richie asks, his voice soft
rhiana sniffs
“honey you can tell me anything okay???”
“its because im gay, dad”
richie doesn’t say anything for a moment
it’s not because he’d be shocked but because why would his daughter feel awful about telling this to him??? to eddie?? her parents are gay,, she shouldn’t feel like this,,, but clearly something or someone has made her feel like it’s wrong and now richie feels so sad
“okay.” he just says
rhiana blinks
“okay. so you’re gay. lovely!”
rhiana lets out a stuffed-nose laugh
“really? that’s it?”
“well we can throw a parade if you want to”
rhiana just hugs richie and murmurs a “i love you dad”
she then gets the courage to tell eddie too and eddie tries not to cry because he’s actually so happy??? that his daughter is so brave to tell both him and richie ?? like he never would’ve had the guts and he never even did tell his mom he’s dating richie before they were 19 and richie pROPOSED but here his daughter is at the age of 17 ,,, and he tells her she should never be ashamed of herself and honestly the two of them have a long heart-to-heart conversation that really just,,, brings them so much closer than they ever were
liam,,, in his hetero relationship however…
“eddie calm down. they’re eighteen-”
richie just ignores eddie and asks liam,,,
“just tell me you were at least using a condom?”
“baby isn’t that a good thing? the kids are being safe!”
“okay can we PLEASE stop saying sex?!?!!,”
“oh come on babe we were like sixteen when we first-”
liam gags and eddie gasps
that was a long, long night and a conversation for all of them. also painful
for poor liam especially
anyway overall they’re just the greatest family ever
ikea shopping together
painting the kitchen walls together and eating chinese takeaway food on the floor
disney land trips
family vacations 
movie nights
watching the ball drop from the tv at new years and shooting some fireworks from the backyard
(richie nearly set the house on fire once or twice tho)
when the kids were younger and it was date night and babysitters were needed…. losers club to the rescue!
stan and bill as godfathers,,, they always take the kids to museum tours or great restaurants
mike is their favorite because sheep,,, cows,,, chickens!!!! also he shows them pretty places and photos from when richie and eddie were teens which is funny because what the fuck is richie wearing and why does eddie have two fanny packs?????
ben and beverly always take them to cute ice cream shops or play board games with them
and when richie and eddie come back home/pick the kids up they’ve literally just missed them so much
@superbyersbros @xbell22 @donthateonk8 @stenbroughbros@reddiebrekmyheart@itsgreywaterrichie @donvex @blueeyespurpleskies@ageorgymi@oh-youre-the-worst@eddiekaaspbraak @whipashwhipash @rissyq @richietoaster@edskasqbrak@urtury@bukiminajimu @kcutieeesblog @stansmansuris @adorefack @reddieaddict@icyeyes102@denbroughbill @graveyardshipper @taletellingsir@anxiety-freak-yuuri@rheddie@queertrashmouth @richiefreakingtozier@castletozier @tohzier @80soleff @lonewolfhard@low-key-dying @sad-synth @richietoaster @badboyharrington @beepbeep-losers@temptedtozier@kaspbraccs@kylieee827-blog @sad-synth @low-key-dying@officiallyreddie@reddietofall @stanleyboii @eternitynurarms@remushlupin@turtleneckrichie@rosegoldrichie @80srichie@asteroidbill@lonewolfhard @trashmouthgazebos @littlepointman 
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rosettecapito · 3 years
40 Things...Another 6 years later
1. What is your natural hair color?
2/9/09 - Dark brown/black...specks of white
4/15/15 - Black, golden/light brown/copper ombre type deal (I really need to get my hair done again.  This haggard look is getting old. haha!)
7/19/21 - Black w/ more white hairs strewn throughout
2. Where was your profile pic taken?
2/9/09 - In the front room of my home during Thanksgiving this year.
4/15/15 - At my first olympic lifting meet in Mattoon, IL.
7/19/21 - In my bedroom on Christmas Eve - I was in quarantine since I got COVID.
3. What's your middle name?
2/9/09 - Marie
4/15/15 - Hasn’t changed, still Marie.
7/19/21 - Siri calls me "She-Hulk", but it's still legally Marie.
5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?
2/9/09 - Ugh...couldn't tell ya, haven't talked to him in a while...he says he's curious, but that could mean anything
4/15/15 - No.  So now I don’t have a crush anymore.  Yay! (I’ve learned not to linger anymore, waste of time and energy...NEXT!)  Am I too old to use the term “crush” anymore? I’d like to think its more like “misguided feelings that come from a lack of reality and wants being projected on another being who has potential” ... isn’t as catchy as “crush”, but I’ve always been known to be long winded.
7/19/21 - He likes me as a friend, but nothing more. Hoping this time I learn my lesson.
6. What is your current mood?
2/9/09 - Rushed
4/15/15 - Melancholy
7/19/21 - Amused, but tired.
7.What color underwear are you wearing?
2/9/09 - light green
4/15/15 - nude (glad to know I’ve changed my underwear in 6 years. lol)
7/19/21 - dark blue
8.What makes you happy?
2/9/09 - Tickling Jaeden, listening to musicals, singing/performing musicals, reading, writing, etc...
4/15/15 - Lifting heavy shit, traveling with my loved ones and having adventures, watching Jaeden accomplish something he didn’t think he could.
7/19/21 - Spending time in the sunshine and nature with Jaeden.
10. If you could go back in time, and change something what would you change?
2/9/09 - My boy-craziness.....
4/15/15 - My laziness and lack of focus on the real things.  Valuing shallow ideals and people who did not see my value or treat me how I deserve to be treated.
7/19/21 - I like to exercise a little more emotional self control.
11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day- what would you be? 2/9/09 - A cougar. (When I wrote this I did not mean the type that pick up young guys at the bar/club.)
4/15/15 - A phoenix.
7/19/21 - A dog in a loving home.
12. Ever had a near death experience?
2/9/09 - Does tripping and falling into a street into oncoming traffic count?
4/15/15 - Still the same one as before.  I’m a ninja when it comes to eluding death.
7/19/21 - Getting hit by a jeep, but we really weren't going that fast so death wasn't really imminent - but it was scary.
13. Something you do a lot?
2/9/09 - Talk to myself....sometimes I just need to talk my thoughts out...
4/15/15 - Self analysis (ie. this survey)
7/19/21 - Scroll ( trying to lessen then phone time)
14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now? 2/9/09 - Giling-GIling.....stupid Wowowee...probably because dad's watching it right now..
4/15/15 - “Centuries” by Fall Out Boy
7/19/21 - Because I just read my last response, I guess it's "Centuries" again...
15. Who did you copy and paste this from?
2/9/09 - Michelle
4/15/15 - My 2009 self.
7/19/21 - My 2015 self.
16. Name someone with the same b-day as you? 2/9/09 - Cameron Diaz....lol...the only person I could think of at the moment...
4/15/15 - Warren Buffett
7/19/21 - Bebe Rexha
17. When was the last time you cried?
2/9/09 - a few months ago...i've come close, but only teary eyes...stupid Ice Princess movie...lol
4/15/15 - It’s been awhile since I’ve had a hearty cry.  But I did shed a few tears a couple of days ago when I was watching “Big Hero 6″ with my family.  Good movie.
7/19/21 - Last Friday in the parking lot of the gym. Gave myself an hour to get it all out.
18. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
2/9/09 - HELLL YES!!! I WAS LIVING MY DREAM!!! *Le sigh*
4/15/15 - HELLL YES!!! Still one of the best moments of my life.  I miss the stage. *Le sigh*
7/19/21 - HELLL YES!!! One of the highlights of my life.
19. If you could have one super power what would it be?
2/9/09 - I would love to have the power to teleport
4/15/15 - Still would want the power to teleport.  It’s no longer a want, it’s a necessity...
7/19/21 - Seriously...how is teleportation not a thing yet....
20. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex?
2/9/09 - Attitude/mood...I can tell when they're in a bitchy mood, then I in turn act bitchy if they're pissing me off....but then I get the to relax with my awesome charm....lol....
4/15/15 - How they carry themselves: do they walk with confidence and purpose?
7/19/21 - The kind of attention they give me.
21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
2/9/09 - Venti White Chocolate Mocha
4/15/15 - I’ve been on a carmel apple spice kick lately, but if it’s coffee usually a cinnamon dolce latte.
7/19/21 - Lately, Dragon Drink
22. What's your biggest secret?
2/9/09 - I'm not telling...
4/15/15 - I don’t have secrets. My hair isn’t big enough.
7/19/21 - Still don't have any...not much to hide, except my feelings I guess...
23. Fav color?
2/9/09 - Green!
4/15/15 - Same, green!
7/19/21 - Green...teal...maroon...red...depends on the day
24. When was the last time you lied?
2/9/09 - A few weeks ago...I don't remember....
4/15/15 - A couple of weeks ago. I needed to get information, so I lied about who I was...You can call me the new 007...
7/19/21 - March 2019 coming home from Salt Lake City
25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
2/9/09 - I have a 1 and a half year old...what do you think?
4/15/15 - My cousin was right last time, i would still watch kiddy movies and TV shows, with or without my own child..I was just belting out Frozen last night.
7/19/21 - Uh...duh...I just started watching Sailor Moon again...
27. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
2/9/09 - Nada
4/15/15 - Water.
7/19/21 - Water.
28. Do you speak any other language?
2/9/09 - does Jaeden language count?
4/15/15 - Sadly no. It’s on the “To Do” list.
7/19/21 - Nope.
29. What's your favorite smell?
2/9/09 - Fresh baby! and not in the cooked way...in the right after a bath sense...
4/15/15 - Apple cinnamon glade plug ins
7/19/21 - All my new scentsy waxes!
30. If you could describe your life in one word what would it be? 2/9/09 - Changed
4/15/15 - Moving
7/19/21 - Giving.
31. When was the last time you gave/received a hug?
2/9/09 - before jaeden went to sleep
4/15/15 - same, saying good night to Jaeden.
7/19/21 - Saying hi to Jaeden when I came home from the gym today.
32. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?
2/9/09 - No...some day
4/15/15 - Some day still hasn’t come...
7/19/21 - Not really waiting for some day anymore...
33. What are you thinking about right now?
2/9/09 - getting ready to leave in a half hour....gotta go coach the speech kids..
4/15/15 - going on vacation
7/19/21 - that I should really go to bed because I have to wake up early to lift.
34. What should you be doing?
2/9/09 - Writing my essays for my internship application/ doing homework
4/15/15 - Getting ready for bed/Sleeping
7/19/21 - Sleeping..
35. What was the last thing that made you upset/angry?
2/9/09 - Columbia canceling my Forensic science course a week before school started....
4/15/15 - Today- vendors I have to interact with for work who don’t know how to do their jobs.
7/19/21 - Letting my emotions run a muck and losing sight of reality...
37. Do you like working in the yard?
2/9/09 - I do at times...
4/15/15 - Yes I do, just worked in the yard this past weekend and fertilized the grass.
7/19/21 - Absolutely. Add this to my previous answer to "what makes me happy."
38. If you could have any last name in the world, what would it be? 2/9/09 - I love my last name thank you....and later on..whoever I marry..
4/15/15 - Capito - Italian, meaning “understood”
7/19/21 - The one that I have already.
39. Do you act differently around your girlfriend/boyfriend? 2/9/09 - ummm....dunno haven't analyzed that yet....
4/15/15 - No. If they don’t love me for who I am at all times, then they are not worth my love because I love unconditionally.  Not sure many people know what that means anymore.
7/19/21 - No, unless it's a moment of growth for both of us, then I imagine we would act differently but adapt the change going forward.
40. Name one song that reminds you of an ex?
2/9/09 - I try not to remember....
4/15/15 - Everything by Lifehouse
7/19/21 - Bless the Broken Road by Rascall Flatts
0 notes
kenjkats · 6 years
HEYY because I have no self-restraint JakeXMC for numbers 1-23, 38, And 41? THANKS LOVE!!♥️
LOL I GET IT THO it’s JAKE. MCKENZIE. Who has the restraint???
Note: Using F!MC and default name Taylor. And these get specific so I might use personality/backstory HCs especially for MC
1. How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
They’re quite cuddly. Even if they didn’t go to sleep in each other’s arms they often wake up to find that Taylor is resting against Jake’s shoulder and he has that arm wrapped around her. Waking up varies, either very lazy mornings filled with groaning and “five more minutes”, one of them stretching and smacking the other in the face. Or, groping each other half asleep that devolves into sex. I don’t make the rules.
2. How’s their team work? Do they share well?
GREAT. They got through a bunch of hellish life and death situations on La Huerta, their daily team work is a piece of cake. Although they argue over whose turn it is to do a certain chore.
3. Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
VERY OPEN. Jake McKenzie doesn’t give A F*CK. If he wants to kiss Taylor, he’s gonna kiss Taylor. And she doesn’t mind at alllll. A big lesson from the island is you gotta live in the here and now and say you love the ones you love when you can. Everyone hates them a little for it. Lots of eye rolling and groaning and, “Seriously? Do you have to do that HERE?”
4. First impression of each other? Was it love at first sight?
Not love, but they were attracted to each other right away. Taylor saw this pilot sleeping in the cockpit with his feet up and thought he was lazy, snarky, but cute. Jake definitely noticed her when he laid eyes on her, masking it with jokes and nicknames, of course.
5. Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes?
6. Any tasks that are always left to one person?
They kinda settled into the routine of Taylor cooking and Jake doing dishes. Some sort of similar agreement goes for most of their other chores.
7. What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could?
They love each other’s little quirks, but what annoys them both is that the other has the tendency to cut the other off for their sake. Taylor not telling Jake or the gang about some dangers (that she could talk about without messing up time) just to protect them. Jake trying to make her go when Lundgren was after them. Stuff like that. They wish the other would let them just be there for them cause they’re supposed to be a team, but the need to protect the other gets in the way.
8. What do they like best about their partner?
Taylor loves Jake’s hair (she runs her fingers through it a lot because it’s surprisingly soft), and the smirk he gives her a lot. Let’s not forget the beautiful blue eyes that like to wander over her body.
Jake loves her smile. He tries to hide it most of the time, but it makes him melt. And the way she smells. When they’re lying next to each other at the end of the day and he takes in her scent he feels happy and safe, because to him she smells like home.
9. Do they discuss big issues? Religion? Marriage? Children? Death?
Yes but they’re both a little awkward about it and there’s a lot of beating around the bush. But they eventually do, especially when a situation forces them to. Jake makes sure to insert a lot of jokes and puns to deflect the awkwardness of any conflicting opinions. Although they surprise each other with their very similar views anyway.
10. Who drives? Cooks? Does the handiwork? Cleans? Pays the bills? Handles the public?
Taylor drives. Jake actually only knows how to work planes. Go figure. Taylor cooks most of the time except for when Jake is in the mood to barbecue or grill things outside. Jake does a lot of the handiwork around the house. Cleaning is split, with they heavy-duty outdoor stuff taken care by Jake (he likes it because you do those less often than say, sweeping lol). Taylor pays the bills. They hate the public XD
11. Do they celebrate holidays? Anniversaries?
They do! They usually have a thing with the gang then sneak off to have some private time drinking together, lying in a hammock cuddling, or… things.
Their favorites are New Years and their anniversary. Add to that the anniversary of Jake’s name being cleared, letting him move back to the states so they can live together.
They also celebrate the anniversary of when they all returned home. It’s a special holiday only they celebrate. Lots of feels and good times on that day.
12. Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
THERE IS. It was on the island. Their relationship never went along the normal progression anyway. Everything just happened quickly. Jake proposed one day after all the mess on La Huerta. They were still on the island, but everything was more lax. They could afford to party, relax, and figure out how to get home in peace.
Jake and Taylor were sitting quietly on the beach, talking about how great it felt to be free from all the weird stuff. And Jake is staring at her as she talks about home. He never thought about getting married, but he wasn’t stupid, either. He saw very clearly how lucky he was, how he wanted her and only her, and just asked then and there. Why wait?
It was a lovely little ceremony officiated by the Vaanti, with a feast of course and Raj getting everyone drunk. They saved the honeymoon for when they got back home, and had it on a regular island getaway without time magic nonsense.
13. What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up?
They’re very chill. They like to lay around the house, or go for walks and hikes outside. Occasionally they do go for an adrenaline rush: surfing, jetskiing, diving, Jake flying them around, that kind of stuff.
14. Anything they both dread?
An angry Michelle, Zahra, Estela, and worst of all Grace lol
They can handle anything else, really.
15. How adventurous are they?
Very. They’re that type of couple that likes to go on mountain hikes and would try anything that gave you a big adrenaline rush.
16. Do they keep secrets? Lie? Cheat?
Nope. By the time they get back from La Huerta they’re pretty much open to each other all the way. There are times though when they feel the need to hide something from the other when they feel like it would keep the other safer or it was unnecessary to worry them about it, but these things usually come out if they need to.
17. What would make them break up? Would it be permanent?
If they can’t keep up with adjustments in each other’s lives. I mean Taylor would be adjusting to the new life of being an adult: finding a job, getting used to paying bills, and figuring out what she wants to do with her life. Jake on the other hand has to get used to being back in the states, and could have trouble adjusting into the quiet normalcy of everyday life. 
I could see Taylor hang on even if they had trouble keeping up with each other on top of these life changes, but Jake would be the type of guy who might ask to cool off if he feels like he’s being a burden or hindrance in her new life.
Probably not permanent. Taylor is stubborn and would keep coming back.
18. What are their dates like? How long do/did they date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other?
They feel a little awkward at first readjusting to life back in the normal world and going on actual dates that didn’t involve simultaneously running away from prehistoric predators. But when they do adjust, they hang out a lot. 
Jake shows her around his hometown, and they like to take little trips together and he shows her all the places he’s been with his old plane Delilah. They like going to bars together, or camping, or just hanging out at one of their houses or in the backyard, lounging around, talking, and drinking or eating. When they get a little bored of the quiet, they like to go hiking, or to the beach and do fun activities like jetski races ofc.
I HC that Taylor doesn’t really have a home in the US like she thinks, so when they go back they move in together right away. They maybe date for about a year before Jake cuts the BS and asks her to marry him lol. They were never the couple to take things slow anyway. They were sure of each other from the start.
Ofc they need breaks from each other. Everyone needs alone time. Taylor likes to go out with the girls: Michelle and Estela especially, while Jake likes to have alone time in his hammock or watch a game with Craig, Zahra, and Sean.
19. What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How do they make up?
They fought quite a bit when they were adjusting to a normal life and living together. Not having to worry about surviving attacks and starvation lets you notice the annoying things a little more. They argue about bad habits and chores, but nothing too big. Their arguments are just a few annoyed words, then one of them, usually Jake, walks off before they lose their temper and say something they don’t mean.
They make up by just approaching the other and hugging them, mumbling an apology. Always a lot of make up kissing/sex lol
20. What does their home look like? Their room?
Simple, but homey. These two could live on a shack on the beach and decorate it with a bunch of souvenirs from their travels, which is basically how they decorate their actual home. Nothing fancy. Same with their room.
21. Do they share any interests or hobbies?
Yes! I imagine they love watching sports and support Sean in his career. They also love outdoors-y type activities. Jake shares his enthusiasm for flying, and tries teach Taylor how to fly his new little plane. Taylor introduces Jake to a bunch of her favorite TV series.
22. Does their work ever interfere with the relationship?
In the way of time maybe. They feel frustrated when they’re trying to get into a routine. Taylor is a fresh grad trying to settle into her first job and she’s kept busy quite a lot. Jake on the other hand doesn’t have too many options after serving his country. He goes back to being a pilot and is away a lot.
23. How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?
Jake often does the side hug, draping one arm around Taylor to pull her in then kiss her on the forehead. Taylor likes wrapping her arms around his waist when he does this and buries her face in his chest.
Their kissing always leads to things. They can’t help it, they enjoy the feel of each other too much and if they are alone, they will take advantage lol.
Flirting is shameless. Doesn’t matter when or where, even in serious life and death planning mode with the gang, Jake especially will find a way to pull out a flirty joke or pull her into a kiss. You miss all the shots you don’t take, is one of his life mottos.
They comfort each other with light-hearted jokes, words, and light touches or lingering hugs. Like when Taylor found Jake’s idol. She hugs him for comfort and he returns it, asking her what’s wrong and reassuring her. Or like in the tent before they went after Rourke and Jake poured his heart out to her about Mike. She was there for him and reassured him, making sure he knew she was there for him.
38. What are they like in the bedroom? Any kinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they won’t do?
Insatiable, really. They just go at it whenever they can and wherever they can, you saw them on La Huerta lol EVEN IN THE CAVE XDD
So they’re really hungry and rough about it, especially in the beginning, but then they also have that side where they’re softer, slower, and are more gentle - usually in quieter moments and later on when they fall hard for each other.
They won’t do anything too crazy, but they do like to mix it up now and then (cough tying each other up is canon cough). Hmm stuff with food, blindfolding, doing it in non-bed places, stuff like that. Jake loves LOVES watching her though, it’s a simple thing is a huge turn on for him. Like he’ll watch her as she moves on against him or he rocks against her, drinking in the way her face looks, how her hair is splayed over the sheets - all of it. Drives him crazy.
41. Are they party-goers? What are they like when they’re drunk? Does it happen often?
Yes but in that relaxed way. Like, they’ll go to a party, but are the ones sitting around and just drinking in their own little group. Jake isn’t drunk too often. The man’s threshold is HIGH. But when he is, he gets kind of sleepy and is extra touchy with Taylor. He also either laughs more or gets a little miffed with people around him who make fun of him cause he looks so drunk. Like Craig will crack a joke and Jake tries to push him a little, but he misses and just ends up sitting on the floor. Idk XDD
Taylor is drunk more often. She tries to drink the same stuff Jake does, but usually can’t keep up. She’s a happy drunk, prone to dancing, yelling, and lots of giggling around her friends. She’ll also drape her arms around Jake a lot, kissing him all over his cheek and ruffling his hair, still giggling.
Send me a ship and some numbers and I’ll give you HCs (limited, see this link for ships I do!)
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gothchic6 · 5 years
Silver’s Skater Girl Chapter 13: Rocket Adventures and The Talk
Disclaimer: gothchic6 doesn't own Pokémon or any of their characters. I only own my OCs.
Chapter 13: Rocket Adventures and The Talk:
*Calypso's POV*
"I'm coming to kick your ass, Team Rocket!" I announce as I advance towards the Grunt, who replies,
"Try it, teenaged twerp! You and Hiker dude aren't getting past here without winning a battle against me!"
Anthony, like most of the people I hang out with, has the sense to grab me by the back of my vest when I start getting angry. Wow, I can't believe I'm actually making people I can call friends!
"I don't think that's a good idea, chica! Your Pokémon aren't healed yet, remember?" Anthony interrupts me before I go to punch the Grunt in the face and start a fight.
"Yeah, I guess you're right, " I mutter irritatedly to Anthony, who lets go of my vest.
"Ha! Admit it! You never thought you could beat me, huh, brat?" The Grunt retorts snidely to me.
I roll my eyes at his boastful arrogance. "Nah, Rocket douche, I'm just too hungry to battle you right now. But I'm coming to kick your ass after food!"
The Grunt starts calling me all of the most ridiculous insults in the book, the most creative being, "A Munchlax Wearing a Wig and Pretending to be a Pokémon Trainer."
"You hear that, Anthony", I speak lowly as we ignore the ranting Grunt and start walking to Azalea Town, "he basically called me fat, among other things. The nerve of that guy!"
Anthony chuckles, so I nudge him lightly in the shoulder for laughing at my misfortune.
"I would agree that was rather rude. Insulting a lady like that." Anthony says after a brief moment of silence.
I shake my head while smiling, "Not exactly my point, but yeah, I'm definitely coming back to kick his ass after I go eat food."
It takes us five minutes to walk to the Pokémon Center, but when we get there, Anthony and I heal up. Being my paranoid self, I check the Pokémon Center bulletin board to check to see whether Silver or I's wanted posters are hanging around. Thankfully, there's no sign of either poster. JP is working her magic at the department well. I sigh to myself in relief.
Anthony and I have a small lunch of vending machine microwavable ramen, because, let's face it, most Pokémon Trainers are broke. We have a conversation that mostly consists of small talk. In that conversation, I learn that Anthony is 33 years old, has two-ex wives, and three children with said ex-wives. That conversation is such a mess by itself that I don't even bother to say anything about myself at that point. There's no need.
We start to leave to confront that idiotic Rocket Grunt at Slowpoke Well, but just as we're about to walk out the door, my Poké-Gear phone starts ringing. I recognize the number as JC's, so motioning my intentions to Anthony, I excuse myself to the women's bathroom for a private conversation. I walk into a stall, and answer the phone.
"Hey, JC, what's going on?" I greet her when I pick up the call.
"Hey Calypso, just wanted to check in on you since the last time we saw each other was a little shaky. How's your day going? Have you made it to Azalea Town yet?"
I twinkle slightly at her Mom Friend concern. It's nice to know I have people I can count on, especially since most of my actual family is gone.
"Yeah, things are going okay. I made it through Union Cave after battling a shit ton of Trainers, and I met a new friend outside of Union Cave! We were walking to Azalea Town to heal up our Pokémon, but then I saw a Team Rocket Grunt outside of the Slowpoke Well. That pissed me off, so I went to go to kick his ass, but my new friend stopped me! Isn't that nice of him?"
JC's voice develops a suggestive tone at the mention of my new friend's gender.
"Him, eh? What did you say his name was? And is he cute? Tell me everything, girl!"
I shake my head in disbelief at her suggestion. "JC, it's not even like that, so get your mind out of the gutter. He's a Hiker named Anthony who's in his mid thirties. He's a nice guy, but if a guy that old wants to date me, a seventeen year old, I'm running the fuck away."
JC pauses for a moment before replying, "Yeah, you make a good point. Sorry for making stupid assumptions."
"All is forgiven," I assure her, "but do you have any updates on JP working on my case?"
"Oh yeah, that's what I meant to tell you when I called! JP called me about a half hour ago to let me know that she talked to her boss, the Sergeant Officer Jenny in Violet City about your case. She convinced her that there was suspicion of domestic abuse and corrupt judicial activity in your case, so she's contacting the Sergeant Officer in Cianwood City in order to open a domestic abuse investigation on your Gran.
Because of that, they ordered to suspend your arrest warrant and that all of Johto trash the wanted posters of you until the investigation processes, so they can tell whether you were pressured into doing what you did because of abuse, like you said."
Placing my hand over the left side of my chest, I can feel my heart beating irregularly in reaction to JC's words. Will the Johto Police Department actually believe what happened to me all those years, and go after Gran for domestic abuse?
My voice cracks as I continue, "Tha-at's amazing news, JC, thank you so much! And tell JP thank you too! You guys have really helped me out and made it so I can live my live freely without having to worry about getting arrested. But one last question: Are all of the charges are dropped, including the ones Monica placed against me for theft?"
"Yeah, the Cherrygrove Police Department trashed the police report after Monica repeatedly called them and insulted them for not getting her case done with quickly. She bit herself in the foot with that one," JC replies with a laugh. I can't help but feel satisfied at Monica fucking herself up.
"Yeah, figures Monica would do something that ended up fucking the dumb bitch in the end," I drawl harshly.
"And while that is probably the best thing that has happened all day, I am also excited to hear about your Pokémon too! Has your egg hatched?" JC asks.
"Nah," I said, "But my team has grown a lot. Cyndi is at level 19, Spirit and Dusk are both at level 16, and Forest is at level 14. Oh! And I forgot to tell you! I traded an Unown for a Buizel named Zellie in the Ruins of Alph, and she grew to level 6 on our way to your Pokémon Center."
"Oh, wow! So you have five Pokemon now! Damn, only one spot left on your team to fill. That's awesome! Hey, while you're in Azalea Town, make sure to check out Kurt's house. Remember I told you he makes special Poké Balls?" She reminds me.
"Yeah, and since I've been traveling, I've collected quite a few Apricorns. I think I have two green, two pink, and two black ones."
"That's nice. Oh, hey, Calypso, I just looked at the time, and my break is over. I'll call you sometime later tonight or tomorrow morning. If you don't hear from me by the end of tomorrow, assume I'm dead or kidnapped, okay?" She ends the conversation morbidly.
"Deal! Talk to ya later!"
The Poké-Gear beeps as I hang up the call. Maybe it would be a good idea to go see Kurt before confronting Team Rocket. I leave the bathroom to go suggest the idea to Anthony.
*Third Person's POV*
As Calypso leaves the bathroom, she doesn't notice the strange high-pitched giggling or the phone beeping coming from the stall closest to the wall.
"I listened in on that freak's conversation the whole time, and she never even realized it, Sharon! No one calls me a dumb bitch, and gets away with it!" The lime green haired girl growls in hatred to her friend, Sharon, over the phone.
"Well, if she's such a pain in the ass, Monica, then what are you going to do about her?" Sharon replies exhaustedly.
"I've been training for this moment for way too long, Sharon", Monica snarls, "and when that freak gets to Goldenrod City, she's not going to know what hit her. Goldenrod is my hometown, and I have connections there. So she better watch the fuck out."
"Oh, I'm sure, Monica. Listen, I gotta go. The Growlithe that I'm dog-sitting for my aunt is trying to set the curtains on fire. I'll call you back later. Bye!"
"Bye." Monica grumpily hangs up the phone.
"She will pay for what she's done to me."
*Calypso's POV*
Apparently while I was busy in the bathroom with my phone call, Anthony also got a call himself. When I come out from the bathroom, the man is in tears.
"My second ex wife, Linda, wants to get back together again for the third time! So I have to start heading back towards Violet City, where we used to live together with our kids. But it was great hanging out with you, though."
I look at him quizzically. "So this is really random… all of that happened when I was in the bathroom, I guess? Did you still want a battle before you leave?"
He smiles warmly. "Of course, that's why we came here in the first place."
So Anthony and I go to the training arena on the right side of the Pokémon Center to have our battle.
Anthony sends out his Level 11 Geodude, while I send out Forest.
"Geodude, use Rock Throw!" Anthony instructs.
"Forest, dodge it and use Sleep Powder!" Forest gets hit on the shoulder with a small boulder, but he doesn't look too hurt. Forest shoots a large amount of silvery powder out of his mouth. It hits the Geodude dead on.
It doesn't take long before Forest suffocates the sleeping Geodude with a Vine Whip that knocks it out in one hit. Anthony recalls his fallen Pokémon.
"Damn, your Bellsprout is strong, chica. But you won't take out my next Pokémon so easily! Go Machop!"
Anthony's Level 11 Machop flexes its tiny muscles like it's at a tiny body building competition. I smirk. I know who is perfect to take his Machop on.
"Dusk, come on out!"
Dusk pops out of her Poké Ball, and floats over to the battlefield. She's yawning because she just woke up, but Machop interprets her yawns as her mocking him.
"Machop, use Karate Chop!"
Machop goes to injure Dusk with a powerful Karate Chop, but the Pokémon's fist goes straight through her!
Anthony's looking at Dusk and making the realization that Youngster Joey never did. His Machop can't land any hits on Dusk because fighting type moves don't affect her!
"You and Machop are in for a nasty surprise! Dusk, use Psywave!" I exclaim.
The piercing psychic sonic wave hits Machop directly. Machop loses all but a bit of HP due to it being super effective. The loud noise makes Machop a bit dizzy, so Dusk goes in for the finish.
"Psywave!" The attack hits again, and Machop is knocked out.
"Misdreavus! (I won!)" Dusk cheers happily. I cheer along with her.
"Wow, you are so strong! Here's your prize money," He says as he hands me 352.
"So I have to return to Violet City to see my wife and kids, but if she ever kicks me out again, call me! I'll be on Route 33, probably very depressed, and in need of another battle."
So Anthony and I exchange numbers and heal our Pokémon before going our separate ways.
I walk the five minute distance to Kurt's house on the left side of Azalea Town. I notice a white apricorn tree behind his house, so I pluck the apricorn off before I knock on the door.
A short old man with grey hair opens the door, and his jet black eyes zero in on me.
"Hm? Who are you?"
"I'm Calypso, and my friend told me that you can make Poké Balls out of Apricorns?"
He studies me up and down before looking back up to my face, "Calypso, eh? You sure look familiar, but I can't remember from where.
Anyway, you want me to make some balls? Sorry, but that'll have to wait. Do you know Team Rocket?"
I go to answer yes, but he completely talks over me, "Ah, don't worry, I'll tell you anyhow. Team Rocket's an evil gang that uses Pokémon for their dirty work. They're supposed to have disbanded three years ago."
A look of determination settles in Kurt's narrowed eyes.
"Anyway, they're at the Well, cutting off Slowpoke Tails for sale! So I'm gonna go give them a lesson in pain! Hang on, Slowpoke! Old Kurt is on his on his way!"
Then he dashes off towards Slowpoke Well with a speed I never would've expected from an old man. I try to power walk to keep up with him, but he quickly sprints out of sight, leaving me in the dust.
A five minute walk later, I come upon Slowpoke Well, but both the Rocket Grunt and Kurt are nowhere to be seen. I advance towards the entrance, until I feel one of my Poké Balls shaking.
"Bui!" Zellie squeals as she lets herself out of her Poké Ball. She yawns and stretches her muscles.
"Oh, so you're finally ready to train some more?" I ask her teasingly.
She rolls her eyes at the comment, but rubs her head on my leg in affection. I scratch her head a few times before we climb down the ladder into the Well.
At the bottom, I find Kurt flat on his back on the cold stone floor!
"Kurt! Are you okay?"
He opens his eyes and gazes up at me.
"Hey there, Calypso! The guard up top took off when I shouted at them."
Surprised, I remark, "Really? Cause all he did when I yelled at him was call me fat."
He pauses to stare at me with a weird expression but continues on,
"But then I took a tumble down the Well. I slammed down hard on my back, so I can't move. Rats! If I were fit, my Pokémon would've punished them… Ah, it can't be helped. Calypso, show them how gutsy you are in my place!"
"Are you sure you don't just want me to help you up? You look like you fell pretty hard." I suggest to him.
He shakes his head. "Nah, I just need a few more moments on my back before I can get up. I'll be fine. You go take care of them. They're all yours."
"Okay, if you insist," I affirm as Zellie and I carefully walk past Kurt, and into the next chamber of the Well.
I know that I have to be careful because Zellie is around the same levels as the Pokémon that live in the Well, so I'm guessing that Team Rocket's Pokémon will be a bit stronger than Zellie is used to facing.
Zellie and I climb up to the first high platform on the right. As soon as we reach the platform, a Team Rocket Grunt notices us.
"Hey, Team Rocket is here cutting off Slowpoke tails for profit! You can't be here!"
"Make me leave, Rocket douche!" I challenge.
The Grunt sends out two level 9 Rattatas that Zellie has no problem taking out with her Sonicboom + Water Gun combination.
"Zellie grew to Level 7!" The Pokédex echoes loudly in the cavern.
I congratulate Zellie on her growth while the Grunt looks astonished at his fallen Pokémon, and then back at Zellie in puzzlement. He silently hands me 360, and let's me pass.
Zellie got hurt a few times when the Rattatas used Tackle or Quick Attack, so I go ahead and heal her with a Potion.
We walk further past the first Grunt, only to have a female Rocket Grunt confront us,
"Look what we have here… A little brat of an intruder! Go Zubat!"
"Zellie, let's kick some Rocket ass!"
Zellie eagerly goes to face the Grunt's Level 9 Zubat.
"Zubat, use your Supersonic attack!"
"Zellie, cover your ears and use Sonicboom!"
She doesn't cover her ears in time, so Zubat's Supersonic confuses Zellie. As she dizzily waddles around in confusion, Zellie attempts to use her Sonicboom attack, but she hurts herself in her confusion.
"Zubat, Leech Life!"
Zubat flies towards Zellie and bites her hard, draining a fourth of her HP. It doesn't concern me too much, but I decide to switch her out so she doesn't keep stumbling around, confused.
"Zellie, return! Spirit, you take care of this!"
"Zubat, use Supersonic again!" The Grunt tries to pull off her confusion tactic again.
"Spirit, dodge it and take Zubat out with your Wing Attack!"
Spirit flies up high to avoid the Supersonic, and she swiftly dive bombs the Zubat, striking it powerfully with her wing. Due to her seven level advantage and high attack, she knocks Zubat out in one hit.
"Spirit grew to Level 17!" The Pokédex echoes again. I praise Spirit by ruffling her head feathers a few times. She chooses to perch on my shoulder instead of returning to her Poké Ball because she likes the darkness of the Well.
The female Grunt grits her teeth in frustration. "My last Pokémon is way stronger than my first!"
She throws a Poké Ball, and out comes a hissing Level 11 Ekans. My instinct is to call out either Dusk or Cyndi, but I decide that Dusk is the better choice.
"Go Dusk, use your Psywave attack!"
The sonic wave hits Ekans straight on, but the super effective attack only eats about a third of Ekans' large amount of HP. To my disappointment, the Ekans recovers quickly from the Psywave, and listens to the next command from its Trainer,
"Ekans, use Bite now!" Ekans uses its high speed to sneak up on Dusk and bite her on the back of her ghostly hair. Due to the super effectiveness, it nearly halves Dusk's HP. Dusk shrieks in pain, and uses Astonish on Ekans to get it to let go of her. The Astonish becomes a critical hit and it reduces Ekans' HP to about a little less than a third.
The Astonish makes Ekans flinch for a few seconds, so I instruct Dusk to go in for the finishing move.
"Dusk, use Psywave for the last time!" Dusk's accuracy doesn't falter, and she takes the Ekans out.
The female Grunt recalls Ekans. While growling grudgingly at me, she hands me 440. I heal Dusk with a Potion before continuing past her, and onto the last Grunt.
With Zellie's HP fully healed, I send her to take out the last Grunt's Pokémon. His team comprises of a Level 7 Rattata and two Level 9 Zubats. Zellie uses her Sonicboom +Water Gun combination to take out all three of the Grunt's Pokémon, to his dismay. She loses about half her HP in the process, but the experience she gains from it is more than worth it.
"Zellie grew to Level 8. Zellie grew to Level 9."
The last Grunt pays me 360. I heal Zellie again before recalling her so Spirit is the battling Pokémon.
I walk a few more steps past the last Grunt, and I can see a large man wearing an ugly black beret on my far right side. He hasn't made any indication that he's noticed me yet, so I loudly announce my presence while walking into his sight,
"Hey, Ugly Beret!"
The man's head snaps over to stare at me sharply. I immediately notice several things about him.
He's at least 8 feet away, but when he turns around to face me, I can tell how tall he is. I start walking closer, and I can tell his full height is probably around 6'2" or 6'3".
I get close enough to see that he appears to be in his late twenties. He's well muscled and broad shouldered.
His uniform is different than the rest of the Grunts. The regular Rocket Grunts wear black uniforms with grey boot and belts. This guy is wearing a grey uniform with a white belt and boots. I assume this means that he's of a higher rank.
To many, I guess his outfit might be considered stylish, but I just can't get over that beret. And underneath the beret, his hair sits neatly, but the color throws me for a loop: Mint Green?
I don't know what would be worse: That hair being natural, or deliberately choosing to dye your hair that color.
We finally make eye contact, his cat-like eyes staring me down intensely. Oddly enough, his eyes are the same color as hair.
I notice his gaze move down from my face, and I start to feel uncomfortable. He lingers too long on certain areas, and it's pissing me off. I feel a shiver run down my spine because of the way he's looking at me. It's the same way PG stares at a hot fudge sundae; like he's going to devour it! The mere thought makes me almost gag.
I have the sudden urge to cross my arms over my chest. The entire time, he never tears his stare away, and when he goes to speak, I'm almost afraid of what he'll say.
"Well, look at what we have here? Aren't you the cutest thing, trying to interfere with Team Rocket business," he says in what many could consider a smooth voice. I find it nothing but whiny and grating. I can't help but shudder in disgust.
"After I teach you a lesson and put you in your place, I might just keep you for myself!" He remarks while giving me the stare down again.
I purposely fake cough a few times while muttering the word, "Creep."
Apparently, he deciphers what word I'm saying because he frowns in response. His cat eyes glower at me, warning me not to make him angry. But I've never been one to listen to warnings.
And though he probably has 7-8 inches and 50 pounds on me, I'm not intimidated in the slightest. Big buff guys like him often rely on their huge build to intimidate people into doing what they want them to do. And since people rarely disobey them, they don't really want people calling their bluff. I think this guy is of the same breed, though I'm not sure if he's bluffing about the "keep me for himself" part. Ew.
I'm not even that that attractive by society's standards. Sometimes, at first glance, I look like a guy. I have no idea why a guy his age would ever be attracted to someone like me. Either way, he better keep his hands to themselves unless he'd like some broken fingers.
"I doubt you'd be able to catch me, let alone keep me," I reply cooly, whilst placing my hands in my pockets casually and allowing one eyebrow to rise.
His tough guy persona almost falters for a second, but he quickly recovers, and gives me the stink eye. Then, an expression of realization suddenly pops onto his face. He smirks at me, almost as if he has something to blackmail me with.
"My name is Proton," he introduces himself, "and I know who you are! You're Calypso Primrose, the delightful young woman who has a warrant out for her arrest. Your wanted poster was very interesting. I believe you're being charged for theft, aren't you?" He states smoothly, his smirk growing into a full blow grin.
He thinks he has me cornered. How cute. Well, I'm more than happy to show him how wrong he is. I smile sweetly, which seems to faze him.
"Had, motherfucker. I had a warrant out for my arrest. Not anymore. As of today, the wanted posters have been trashed and the warrant has been suspended until my investigation pends. So nice try, Rocket douche!"
I flip him the bird with both hands. His smug expression turns into a rueful smile. It's the smile of a guy who's struggling to control his anger. Let's see if I can push him a little bit too far…
"You're really testing my patience, sweetheart," He growls tensely, "and you wouldn't want to make me angry. I'm not just a mere Grunt, I'm a Team Rocket Executive. I'm considered to be the cruelest and scariest guy in Team Rocket, and I'm not afraid to live up to my reputation. So, Callie, are you gonna be a good girl and behave, or am I going to have to punish you?"
The mocking nickname and sexist comments cause my little self-control to instantly disintegrate into nothing. I barely comprehend anything that I am doing as my left fist does a meet n' greet with Proton's face. I hear a sickening crack; Blood starts spurting from Proton's nose in a steady stream.
"You crazy fucking bitch! You broke my nose," Proton screams, though his voice is slightly messed up due to the broken nose.
"The name's Calypso, motherfucker, and you know, just as a suggestion, why don't you use your ugly beret to soak up your nose blood? It really has no other useful purpose. No, wait, I was wrong, it covers up your hideous hair color! Tell me, is that natural, or did you purposely want to look like a weirdly deformed tree?"
I see that I'm in for a real fight when I see murder in Proton's kitty eyes.
"You," Proton snarls sinisterly, "You made a big mistake, sweetheart. I was going to be nice, and let you leave here unharmed. But now? You've ignited the wrath of Team Rocket, and you've made it personal. You got here with your Pokémon, so I'm going to end it with Pokémon. Go Zubat!"
Proton's Zubat is Level 8, weaker than I expected for a Rocket Executive.
Spirit indicates that she'd like to take on the Zubat, and flies to face the Zubat in the air.
"Spirit, let's take these fuckers down!"
*Spirit's POV*
I am staring at the sleaze ball's Zubat, who looks mildly terrified. He looks like he has no idea what's going on, and he refuses to make eye contact with me. Wait, never mind, I forgot Zubats' don't actually have eyes.
"You seem to be really confused right now. Are you okay?" I ask the Zubat.
"No, not really, miss. I was captured by this man a few days ago, and this is the first time I've been out of that Ball since then, and I have no idea what's going on."
"Zubat, use Supersonic!" The sleaze ball commands. The Zubat hears his name, but doesn't use the move.
"Is he talking to me?" The Zubat asks me.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this situation.
"Yes, he is talking to you. He's your human. Look, this is a Pokémon battle between two humans and their Pokémon. Your human pissed off my human, so I have to knock you out now."
"Zubat, USE SUPERSONIC!" Sleaze Ball bellows. His Zubat finally figures out that the command is for him, so he screeches a super sonic sound blast to try and confuse me. I've seen too many of my team members fall for this tactic, and I refuse to. So I manage to fly up and dodge it.
"Spirit, use your Faint Attack!" Calypso instructs.
I enjoy using this move. It has an above average power base, it gets a 1.5 typing bonus, and it plays well with my high attack. Plus, it never misses.
I disappear into a cloud of darkness, and the Zubat freaks out because he can't figure out where I am. A second or two later, my cloud opens up behind him, so I strike.
The Faint Attack knocks him out in one hit. Calypso ruffles my head feathers in affection before returning me to my Poké Ball for a nap.
*Calypso's POV*
Proton grits his teeth and growls in anger, "Return, you waste of space!"
Part of me feels bad for the Zubat. No Pokémon deserves that verbal abuse.
"That first battle was a fluke! I just caught that Zubat, and hadn't trained it yet. But my last Pokémon is much stronger!" Proton tries to boast.
"Yeah, that's what they all say. At least you just admitted that you basically suck as a Trainer, though."
Proton growls again but says nothing as he sends out his last Pokémon, a Level 12 Koffing.
I can't help but start to cough. Koffing's poison gas is nothing to laugh at.
I go to send out Dusk, but Cyndi's Poké Ball starts shaking. She let's herself out of her Poké Ball.
"Let me fight!" Cyndi requests, "I haven't been battling lately, and this guy looks like a chump."
"Good observance, Cyndi! Go ahead and wreck them."
*Cyndi's POV*
The Koffing's toxic gas is really making it hard for us all to breathe.
"Cyndi, use your Quick Attack!"
I begin charging the Koffing, but his human says a command first,
"Koffing, use Poison Gas!"
I plow into Koffing just as he starts amping up his Poison Gas. The hit reduces his HP by 2/5ths, but I also get poisoned in the process. Definitely not my favorite status problem.
I can feel the poison in my bloodstream, and I start to feel a bit woozy. But for Calypso and the Team's sake, I am going to be strong.
"You got this, Cyndi!" Calypso cheers in encouragement, "use your Ember attack!"
"Koffing, use Smokescreen!" His human screeches. Arceus, I hate that guy.
I charge a fire ball until it's blue, and shoot it at the Koffing. Unfortunately, he releases his smokescreen right before I see whether it hit or not.
When the smoke finally clears, I see the Koffing collapsed on the ground, fainted. Calypso loses her shit when she realizes that I'm poisoned.
"Here, Cyndi," She says soothingly as she uses an Antidote and a Potion on me. The physical relief of the medicine makes me feel so tired that Calypso recalls me into my Poké Ball.
*Calypso's POV*
"Grr… For a rookie Trainer to be this good… I didn't see it coming." Proton says as he recalls Koffing.
Proton crosses his arms together, and refuses to make eye contact with me like a Growlithe with its tail between its legs.
"Humph… Team Rocket was indeed broken up three years ago. But we continued our activities underground. A small obstacle like you won't be much of a problem for our mission. I advise you to be very afraid of what's to come!" He warns me before flinging a small wad of money at me for winning and fleeing the Well using an Escape Rope.
I go to check on the Slowpokes, when I hear footsteps coming closer. I get nervous, only to relax when I realize that it's Kurt.
"Way to go, Calypso! Team Rocket has taken off! My back's better, too. Let's get out of here."
"Sounds like a plan!" I reply. Kurt and I safely transport the injured Slowpoke to the Pokémon Center for treatment before returning to Kurt's house.
We get back to Kurt's house, and he invites me in. The moment we step in, I hear a yell of,
A little girl who looks to be about six runs into the room, and clings to Kurt. Then, she takes one look at me, and says,
"Where's Slowpoke? Who are you? You look funny. Did you help get Slowpoke back from the bad people?"
"Calypso, this is my granddaughter, Maizie. Maizie, this is Calypso. She helped bring Slowpoke back from the bad people. And Slowpoke is at the Pokémon Center so they can heal him."
Maizie marches up to me, and to my surprise, she gives me a hug!
"I like you! I hope grandpa makes Poké Balls for you all the time!"
"Calypso, you handled yourself like a real hero. As I mentioned before, Team Rocket was disbanded by a boy called Red three years ago. Now that they have come back… I have a bad feeling about it… In any case, it would please me greatly to make Poké Balls for a Trainer like you, Calypso. This all I have now, but take it."
Kurt hands me a Poké Ball that I don't recognize.
"It's a Fast Ball," he explains, "It works especially well on Pokémon with a high speed stat."
"Thanks, Kurt!" I take a glance at the nearby window, and I notice the sky getting dark.
"I think I'm going to need to rent a Pokémon Center room tonight so I'm going to head out. It was awesome meeting you guys."
"Noooooo!" Maizie runs towards me and wraps her arms around my legs.
"Don't go! Grandpa has one more bed for when I want to have sleepovers! You should staaaaaay!"
Kurt smiles softly at Maizie's fondness for me. "Maizie is right, you know. You are more than welcome to stay if you'd like. We have an extra bed, and you wouldn't have to pay for a hotel room."
"Well, when you put it like that, I can't really say no."
Maizie squeals happily, "YAY! Sleepover!"
So Kurt makes a homemade chowder for us all to share for dinner, and despite me asking several times if he needs help, the old man refuses to let me help him.
"You're a guest at my home. The only thing I need to for you to do is to sit down, and enjoy your meal."
After dinner, Maizie and I play a few board games, including her favorite, Chutes and Ladders. We play that game about three times, Maizie winning two of the three times.
At around 8:30, Kurt sends Maizie off to bed.
I start towards the room where Kurt said I'd be staying, but the soft utterance of my name stops me in my tracks. I turn around, and Kurt is standing in the hallway, a strange expression gracing his features.
"Calypso, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to have a few words with you before you turn it for the night."
Part of me inwardly panics. What if Kurt saw my wanted poster? Is he going to confront me?!
"Sure," I reply nonchalantly, hoping he doesn't pick up on my anxiety, "After, I am a guest in your home. How can I say no?"
"You are one clever girl," Kurt chuckles, and gestures me to for me to follow him.
He leads me back to his kitchen/dining room and we sit at the dining room table, which is placed right next to the kitchen window. Taking a gander out the window, I notice that the moon is full. That explains all the crazy energy going on with every thing today.
I turn my head back to Kurt, and he's looking at me with that weird expression again. He stares at me for long enough that I ask,
"So, Kurt… what did you wanna talk to me about?"
His stare breaks, and he looks like he's snapped out of a trance. He still doesn't say anything, so I question,
"Hey, Kurt, you there? You seem a little off."
He finally comes back to reality and starts talking in a flurry.
"I've just been thinking and pondering constantly since I saw you for the first time today, Calypso. You looked familiar, like someone that I used to know, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Then, when I fell down the Well, I had to lie there for long enough for my back to feel better, so I could get up. It took me almost the entire time you were defeating Team Rocket to figure it out, but I did."
He hasn't mentioned anything about the wanted poster yet, so that makes me feel better. But I'm still anxious.
"So what did you figure out," I ask tentatively.
"I'll tell it to you in a story. When I was a young Pokémon Trainer, I had a group of friends that I was rather close with. Professor Oak and Agatha of the Elite Four were among these friends. Another member of this group was a young man by the name of Peter Marken. Most people called him Pete."
I flinch at the surname, which I know I shouldn't because it's my dad's surname, but it's also Gran's surname. I resist the urge to vomit.
If he notices my reaction, he doesn't say anything. He continues on,
"Anyway, Pete was a talented Pokémon Trainer. He routinely competed against the other members of the group, and won about 60% of the time. He could've trained to become the Champion, but Pete had a different passion. He joined the Goldenrod City Police Department at age twenty, and he served as an Officer and a Detective.
When he was 21, he met a woman named Ruth who worked in the Attorneys' Department. They fell in love, and when he was 25, they had a son named Daniel.
Pete served in the Police Department for 15 years until a leg injury forced him to retire when he was 35.
Then, his son, Daniel, grew up, and became a semi-famous fisherman. He met a Kimono Girl named Akira Primrose while she was vacationing in his hometown of Cianwood City.
They fell in love and got married, and he moved from Cianwood City to her hometown of Ecruteak City, despite Ruth's insistence that he stay in Cianwood. Dan felt that her job as a Kimono Girl was more important. They settled there, and soon Akira became pregnant with a daughter."
Then he has the audacity to look pointedly at me. I throw him a tight lipped smile.
"Okay, you caught me. My name is Calypso Aspen Primrose. I am the daughter of Daniel Marken and Akira Primrose. Pete and Ruth Marken are my paternal grandparents. Happy?"
"Yes and no. Pete was one of my closest friends, and to see his granddaughter carry on his Trainer legacy makes me happy. But I also miss him, too. He died a year after you were born, from a heart attack. He was only 48! Oh, well, the good people always go the fastest." Kurt finishes.
"Do I look like Pete?" I ask Kurt after a comfortable moment of silence.
"Huh? Oh yeah, you do. You look like both Pete and Daniel. You've got that brown shaggy hair that both of them had. But you also have the smoothness of Akira's facial features, and her purple eyes. So, in all, I'd say you're a nice mix of your parents' features."
That makes me smile instantly.
"No one has ever told me I look like my parents, ever! Mostly because they're dead, but Gran also hated them, so she never talked about them. I'm just glad I look nothing like her," I say gratefully.
"Ruth has been a selfish person ever since I met her. When Pete and I were still close, he would tell me what was going on with his family at times.
Ruth hated Akira because she married Daniel, and she hated Daniel for daring to move away to Ecruteak, where she couldn't control him.
And she put all this stress on Pete, trying to get him to help her break the two up so Daniel would come home, but he always refused. It's no wonder the man had a heart attack."
"Yeah, Ruth still isn't a good person. Did you ever hear what happened to me after Daniel and Akira died," I ask.
Kurt shakes his head, and says,
"No, after Pete died, no one in that family kept contact with me. I had to find out that Dan and Akira had died from reading a newspaper article. There was no way Ruth was ever going to contact me. She hated and was jealous of Pete's friends and coworkers. She wanted nothing to do with us."
"Well, then I have a story for you," I declare,
"I was only four years old when Mom and Dad died. In accordance with their will, their family friend, Tina, was to be my legal guardian if anything ever happened to them. I think my dad put that in there after he moved to Ecruteak, and cut off Gran, so she couldn't control me like she did to him.
Well, Gran didn't like that, and she put in a request to the Goldenrod City Court, claiming legal custody of me because of her being an immediate blood-related family member. She used her power within the Legal Department to make an old conservative judge that she knew take the case. And, because of her corrupting and cheating the judicial system, she gained full custody of me!"
Kurt's expression goes from curious to horrified in a split second.
"You're telling me you spent your entire childhood with Ruth, and you turned out okay?"
I can't help but laugh at his statement, "Yes, and believe me, I had to fight to keep my sanity intact the entire time. She was always overbearing, and tried to control every aspect of my life. At that point, I was the only thing left of her life with her husband and her son, aka, the only thing left for her to control.
I tried to escape multiple times as a kid, but I was always clumsy. She'd hear me knocking stuff over, and bust me. Then, when I was fifteen, I started to behave in order to gain her trust. After a year of good behavior, Gran let me go outside unsupervised for the first time.
On one of my outside excursions, I met a Medicine Guru who lives at the bottom of Cianwood City. I told him my story, and he said he'd help me escape from Gran, because he thought she was crazy, too. Over the next year, he helped me keep my sanity in check, and he gave me my first Pokémon, Spirit.
There was a day where Gran had to go serve jury duty in Goldenrod City. The Pharmacy Guy and I used that day to do my escape. After Gran left me in charge of the house while she was gone, I ransacked the place, and did quite a lot of property damage. Then, PG got me a ferry that took me to New Bark Town, where I finally started my journey."
Kurt takes a second to process all of that information. After a moment, he says decidedly, "Ruth probably deserved it. That woman has been bad news since day one."
I pull out a wanted poster of me that I took from the Pokémon Center back in Violet City. I roll it out, and show him it.
"Ruth is trying to charge me with Grand Larceny and Destruction of Property. What she doesn't know is that I have a few friends who work in the Johto Police Department, helping me work on my case. They've gotten the wanted posters taken down, and my arrest warrant suspended. They're going to investigate Gran for corrupt judicial activity, and for domestic abuse."
Kurt gives me a sharp look. "Abuse? You never mentioned abuse in your story before. What type of abuse?"
"Let's just say Ruth has depression, alcoholism, and anger issues, in that order," I say dismissively.
"Humph! And she claimed to be the superior guardian… Well, Calypso, I'm so sorry you had to suffer through such circumstances as a child. I will do everything in my power as your grandfather's friend to keep Ruth away from you. I might be a little old, but I still got some kick left in me," Kurt exclaims warmly.
I can't help but tear up at his dedication. "Thank you so much, Kurt! It's so satisfying to know someone else sees her the way I see her. I can't handle her obsessiveness anymore. I am my own person, and she needs to realize that."
"I don't think she ever will," Kurt interjects, "that's the kind of person she is. She doesn't have enough of a sense of self to sustain her so she suffocates the personalities of the people around her."
"I've never heard a truer statement, Kurt."
We both look at the clock. It's 10:30. My mouth stretches open as a yawn I didn't know I had forces its way out.
"Well, we better get to sleep if we want to be rested for tomorrow. It was nice talking to you, Calypso. Goodnight."
"Night, Kurt."
That night, I fall asleep with a peace of mind that I don't know if I've ever felt before. I feel at home.
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redrobin-detective · 7 years
Not trying to get into the shipping war but I didn't get into Avatar TLA fandom until post S2 and it had never occured to me to ship Katara/Zuko. They were enemies who fought over Aang. They had the worst relationship w/each other until post TSR ep (which for a number of reasons I thought was the most anti romantic Zuko/Katara ep that also pushed why Aang was more compatible). I personally find their platonic dynamic, be it as enemies or friends, much more fascinating/better for each other.
(Just want to take a moment to say thank you anon, I’ve been looking for an opportunity to rant about Zutara when I see this in my ask. Thank you for giving me the chance to rant about something that’s bothered me for 10 years)
People are allowed to ship what they want, I can’t stop them and I generally don’t care but Zutara has bugged me since I decided to watch ATLA (the Day of Black Sun was the first live episode I watched). If you like Zutara, go ahead and please enjoy it. I strongly dislike it and I’m going to explain why. If you don’t want to see it, don’t read under the cut. I will be discussing why I dislike Zutara and why I support Maiko and Kataang (with caveats).
I think Zutara was the first, really big ship I encountered in fandom. I was blown away by how mean and intense some people were into shipping fictional characters (still am tbh). This is also probably the first real time I was exposed to the ‘Opposites Attract’ trope of shipping which. I. Utterly. Despise. Everyone was all 'oh fire and water, opposites coming together in love uwu’ and I’m like ??? Even 13 year old me who’s terrible with people and was still icked out by the idea of guys knew that opposites attract is a complete fallacy in a relationship.
People don’t fall in love with their opposite! Or maybe they feel strong attraction but to have a stable, respectful relationship you simply can’t work with someone who you can’t find common ground with. Now I know this isn’t completely true even as I type this, there are exceptions to everything but in most cases, opposites don’t work for romance. Let’s also kill the 'Oh these people hate each other, it must be sexual tension’ trope while we’re at it. Sometimes you just gotta let people hate each other.
You may argue that Katara and Zuko aren’t complete opposites and I would agree, they actually have a decent amount in common. The main problem I see with them is their complimentary traits don’t suit each other and as a couple they wouldn’t achieve a healthy, happy relationship.
- Both Katara and Zuko have unresolved anger relating to their childhoods and respective traumas. We see in TSR that Zuko is trying to reach out to her by feeding her anger and Katara very nearly does something she would have regretted later, something opposed to her basic traits while Zuko is having his father’s teaching on hatred and revenge justified to an extent. This is not a healthy thing.
- Both Katara and Zuko are compassionate and protective almost to the point of jealousy and rage. Again, that sort of personality wouldn’t promote respect but become confining. Zuko has shown that he struggles with romantic jealousy (though most of that incident was born out self-hatred, it’s still there just better controlled) and Katara has a desire to mother and protect. Those two instinct would war with each and make the relationship troubled from the start.
- Both Katara and Zuko are fiercely loyal to their people. I have never been more confused than I was by a text post saying Zutara should have been endgame because Katara “wouldn’t have had her cultural identity erased to become Aang’s baby momma” like??? Aang, for all his faults, loved Katara as she was and she maintained her Water Tribe roots even as his wife. If Katara married Zuko, she’d have been Fire Lady, loyal to the Fire Nation first and forced to live in a Palace. Katara would HATE that level of confinement and while she mightbe better with the Fire Nation now, I doubt she’d be totally cool spending the restof her life amongst the people who murdered her Mother.
Not tomention the whole animosity they had literally throughout the entire series. Ofcourse, Zuko proved himself in TSR but I don’t think Katara really accepted himuntil Sozin’s Comet. And before you cry your tears about how Zuko saved Katarafrom Azula’s lightening, I’m 100% certain given Zuko’s character that he wouldhave done that for anyone. Azula knows her brother is softhearted and we’veseen Zuko protect literal strangers when he didn’t need to. That could havebeen Old Man Li and Azula would have shot that lightening and Zuko would havethrown his stupid ass in the way.
I can see Katara and Zuko growing to begood, close friends. Because we all have those friends that we care and rely onbecause they’re different from us,think differently and bring something unique. Zuko probably relied on Katarafor counsel, advice on how to be a kind but strong ruler while Katara wouldseek him out on political manners and how best to handle Aang. Zuko is a partof the Gaang, now and forever more, he and Katara are the mature ones of thegroup, there to bring order and peace and pave the way for the new world. Butas a romantic couple, they’re simply not complementary in personality andlifestyle to have a truly happy relationship.
Whichbrings me, briefly I promise, to the relationships the two characters are in:Maiko and Kataang. I love Maiko, it’s my favorite of the ATLA ships (aside fromSokki) because I feel they do work and complement each other. I’ll start by gettingthis right out of the way; yes it’s kind of ridiculous that Mai and Zuko hadthat cute lil kiddie crush and then, 5 minutes after Zuko’s back in the FireLord’s favor, Mai makes a move. I’d have preferred if they showed more build-upto the relationship but I guess there wasn’t enough time. But I don’t get allthese accusations of Maiko being abusive. Becauselet me tell you, just because someone messes up in a relationship, makes amistake for the right reasons, that does not mean they’re abusive.
To me, Maiand Zuko are products of the same environment: emotionally stunting/abusive,rigid, accepting nothing less than perfection but they handled it differently.Zuko chose to become angry and emotional over his circumstances (I thinkbecause it’s the only way he could fuel his bending) and Mai chose to bury herfeelings. Healthy? No, Realistic? Yes. Mai liked Zuko because he was genuinelynice guy, he was expressive and open when no one else around her was andencouraged her to be more open. Zuko liked Mai because she was cool and calmbut also a bit nurturing when he needed someone to soothe his flames.
Twodamaged kids helping to repair each other’s faults, what’s better than that?Mai makes mistakes with Zuko, she doesn’t know how to handle his troubles in the Fire Nation and, frankly, she couldn’t. Zuko needed that time to self-reflect and understand that what was happening was wrong. Zuko likewise behaved badly in a few episodes when his anger and self-hatred were making him explode. They both worked through this to improve like, gee, a normal healthy relationship.
Plus Mai would make a good Fire Lady. The Fire Nation needed stability afterthe war and Mai was nothing if not stable. She comes from a good, noble family(to soothe traditionalists) and she’s experienced in keeping firebenderscontrolled (for those worried about Zuko’s youth) and experienced in the waysof the world like Zuko so he can bounce ideas off of her and have her give backa more well-rounded perspective. It’s not perfect but when the series endedthey were 16/15, they have time to learn and grow together. (also I’m ignoringthe comics after The Promise because everything after has sucked)
Kataang I’ma lot less invested in but I can still understand it. Like Zuko and Mai, Aangand Katara have a lot in common and provide a good balance for one another.They really bring out the best in each other, Aang’s encouragements and naturalcheer brighten Katara’s inner sadness/anger and Katara gives Aang a sense oflove and purpose while also gently nudging him the way he needs to go. Peoplecomplain that Kataang was pushed from the start and it was, but man if Aangdoesn’t love the hell out of Katara. He respects her and relies on her andadores her but is still able to push back when she’s out of line. My main thingwith Kataang, which will eventually resolve itself, is the ages. Aang is 12when he’s freed from the iceberg, Katara 14. Aang’s love was a kiddie puppycrush on a calming maternal figure which made me feel a bit icky during the finalepisode.
Because earlyAang did love Katara but he also needed her as a guide and a mother figurewhile Katara was nurturing Aang and making sure he’s safe and happy when hereally needed to be facing the consequences of some of his actions. I see whythe characters did what they did but it makes a romance then kind of ug. I’dhave preferred if the series ended with hints and then skipped to LOK where wesee they married and junk. Because given a few years, I can see Aang and Katarabeing a good healthy couple (with no *shudders* sweeties to be seen).
Aang has just changed the world, he needstime to settle himself as the Avatar and to help Zuko and other leaders repairthe damage done by the 100 year war. Katara needs to figure out what she’sgoing to do, go home? Travel? A romance isn’t advised, especially since they’reso young. But when they’re a few years older, Aang is more mature and iswilling to see Katara as a partner and not someone to mother him and Kataragrows into her potential and decides what she wants, yeah then they’d be happy.
TL;DR: Istrongly dislike Zutara (along with the ‘opposites attract’ and ‘animosity =sexual tension’ tropes it embodies) because it’s not a healthy, compatible shipwhile the canon ships: Maiko and Kataang are much more in line with thecharacters and their goals and have the chance to be long-lasting and happy.
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these are actually cute y'all
No one is asking but I really want to answer so *shrugs* here goes!
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
more cereal than milk for sure.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
most definitely
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
scraps of paper, paint samples, anything really resembling a bookmark but isn’t actually a bookmark
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
tea all day everyday. it just needs to be hot, but i usually don’t take milk with my tea. sometimes honey sometimes nothing.
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
no 6: do you keep plants?
succulents ‘cause they don’t die on you. and they’re kind of cute 7: do you name your plants?
... no, no I can’t say that I do. 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
writing. poetry and journal entries and fiction stories that are never finished. 9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
yeah. I don’t always notice that I do, but when I roomed with a friend at college she really took issue to it so that’s how I learned that I do it a lot. funny how my family never told me about it.
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? 
side and sometimes stomach.
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends?
usually teasing over something one of us does/did habitually. you’d have to be there.
12: what's your favorite planet?
Jupiter. I can always see it in the sky during winter. It’s beautiful.
13: what's something that made you smile today?
a picture of a baby
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
minimalistic, with lots of dark grey, wood furniture and floors, succulents in corners, lots of huge windows, orange, purple and blue blankets and pillows, bookcases and books in most of the rooms..
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! 16: what's your favorite pasta dish?
spinach ravioli
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
i don’t want to. I did red highlights once, and it was nice, but i really like my natural hair color.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
talking crazy stuff in my sleep lol I’m never going to live that down.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
yeah, I have multiple journals lol. the one on my computer is emotional baggage and everyday life dreams/goals/fears. It’s introspective. The other is kind of a writing idea journal, so short poems and thoughts and sometimes I tape things in there if they fit.
20: what's your favorite eye color?
hm dark brown I think. there’s a lot of warmth and sincerity in brown eyes I think.
22: are you a morning person?
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
read, write, watch my favorite movies. all with tea.
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
my mom maybe.
28: sunrise or sunset?
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
no, I don’t know that I have.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
i like socks? sleep with socks. no judgement about color they just gotta be warm. 
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
pretending to be someone you’re not. holes in socks. dirty bathrooms. loud music. judgemental people.
39: what color do you wear the most?
gray and dark purple.
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving?
Ten Thousand Skies above You by @claudiagray the whole series was just all good things I loved it. 
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
This morning when I woke up early.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
yeah for the most part. unless I’m taking a multiple choice test.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? a good sense of humor and confidence to be who they are without doing it for the sake of attention.
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
YES I love Auden and Frost and Hemmingway plus many others. 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
Both. My books are very organized, but when they end up in piles all over my room it doesn’t bother me too much.
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
Really happy and at peace.
68: what's winter like where you live? the sun’s usually out but it’s not hot. Except on days when it’s rainy and misty (not very often) 71: what's your favorite kind of tea?
green tea, but white tea is a close second
73: what are some of your worst habits? singing or humming, laughing too loudly, checking out more books than I can read from the library
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? studying
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? The Intouchables (french movie, but has perfect English subtitles)
The Pursuit of Happyness
Chronicles of Narnia
Mulan 89: are you close to your parents?
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
Ghana, maybe Ireland later in the year.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
Cheese in pasta?? if it’s not lasagna I won’t put in any at all... Why would anyone do that?
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? a bun 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
lol i think you know the answer to that. who does an update right away?? no one.
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
INTP, aquarius, ravenclaw
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
about 10 years ago. No.
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
River flows in you, Chronicles of Narnia soundtrack, Tu Sei
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
5 years into the future. really curious as to how the world turns out.
source: @dubblebubble 
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