#i forgot about this i guess? idk why i didn’t post it
dogboy-mustaine · 7 months
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the cutie patootie pose
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mumms-the-word · 1 month
Shadow Curse Events Pt. 1
Ketheric, Selûne, Shar, and Aylin
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I’ve played through the game a few times at this point and I always find myself struggling to understand the timeline or at least order of events that occurred with the Shadow Curse. I know some things conflict because there was one version of the story in Early Access (the version where Halsin accidentally killed Isobel) and it was heavily altered for the final version of the game, and some things just got *gestures vaguely* waved away, but I keep wanting to make sense of it anyway.
So that’s what this post (edit: I mean series) is going to do. After the cut, obviously. Long deep dive post ahead! Picture of a tired Ketheric for attention and because same bro c':
TLDR: These events happen either in the 1370s or the 1390s. Ketheric loses Melodia (his wife) and Isobel (his daughter) and turns to Shar. He captures Aylin, then builds a Big Dark Justiciar Army, training them and forcing them to kill Aylin over and over. Meanwhile, a Selûnite resistance is brewing in the town, and it's kind of making everything worse. One Selûnite rebel even goes so far as to make a deal with a devil. And all of that is BEFORE the Harpers and druids arrive as an army.
We don’t have dates, unfortunately, aside from knowing that the shadow curse itself was unleashed about a century ago, so “timeline” would be a loose term to use if/when I use it. But I have two theories about when it happened.
One theory is that because the Spellplague was happening between 1385-1395 DR (during which there was neither a true Weave nor a Shadow Weave, which is what the shadow curse is made of), the shadow curse likely started around 1396-1399, just shy of a full 100 years before the game’s events in 1492. But that’s just me conjecturing based on the idea that if the Shadow Weave is gone…how does the shadow curse stick around? 
The other theory is that the shadow curse was unleashed sometime between 1371 and 1374. This is because a) Dark Justiciars were still being sent by Ketheric Thorm to destroy Moonhaven (the Blighted Village) in 1371 (Ketheric writes a letter about attacking Moonhave and a journal dated 1371 boasts that Ilyn Toth, the basement apothecary-necromancer dude, got killed by Dark Justiciars) and b) because Khelben Arunsun himself, the literal Blackstaff (super powerful and very old wizard), wrote a letter negotiating surrender on behalf of the Harpers.
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We cannot be party to the suffering of the people of Reithwin, and indeed, of the great loss of life that this war will visit upon the Sword Coast - and, perhaps, beyond it. So it is written, and so let it be done, Khelben Arunsun, on behalf of the High Harper Council and its allies.
Wiki says Khelben broke his alliance with the Harpers in 1370 due to some disagreements, but it’s possible his splinter faction was at the battlefield with the other Harpers. I doubt he was there personally, but who knows. I wouldn’t go any earlier than 1371, though, because Baldur’s Gate II happens in 1369, and Jaheira would have been too busy dealing with those events to deal with Ketheric too. But it can’t be later than 1374,  because Khelben Arunsun dies in 1374.
(I have questions about how the shadow curse survived the Spellplague and the loss of the Shadow Weave, but the answer to that could simply be All Magic Was Weird and Unstable at the time…plus Thaniel was already in the Shadowfell by this time, so the land couldn't heal.)
So it’s either 1371-1374 (because of the Khelben timeline, and I guess the Spellplague didn’t affect it) or it’s 1396-1399 (because of the Spellplague, but the writers just forgot Khelben was dead by that point, or maybe his ghost wrote the surrender notice idk). Both are good enough for Halsin and Jaheira to talk about things happening “a century ago,” but you can see why I’m avoiding dates.
But let’s push it back a few more decades. Back when Ketheric was a Selûnite and Isobel a very small child.
As we’re probably all well aware, during this time, Ketheric worships Selûne along with his wife, Melodia. At some point, he even commissions the local Mason’s Guild to build Moonrise as a testament to Selûne herself, according to Morfred the mason (who you can talk to in House of Hope, it’s pretty cool). Ketheric and Melodia have Isobel, but then Melodia dies while Isobel is still pretty young. Ketheric remains a Selûnite, mostly for Isobel’s sake, until she dies too.
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Ketheric: I’ll tell you a story, True Soul. About a man who sold himself piece by piece. He had…everything. A wonderful wife. A brilliant daughter. They lived not far from here. His wife died too young. Grief tore through their home like a thief, snatching away the scent of her hair, the rustle of her skirts. But the man did not break. He could not break. His daughter needed him whole, after all. She grew up—grew strong. Challenged him. Filled his heart with such joy it supplanted all sorrow. When she was killed, the man…he tried to remain whole, but it wasn’t possible. Do you understand? Player: So the man fell to pieces. Ketheric: The pain was unbearable. All-consuming. He decided he’d do anything for reprieve. First, he sold himself to the goddess of loss. But the pain did not subside, no matter his obscene feats of devotion. Then a new god came—a god who promised the man something wonderful: his daughter. Her life returned. Imagine it. He would have to give everything: his body and soul entire. He did not hesitate. Not for a moment.
We know this story. Ketheric turns to Shar and everything goes Very, Very Badly. But the exact details/order of Ketheric's Sharran days are a little hazy. So here's what I've been able to piece together to sate my own curiosity.
While Ketheric is still a faithful (but waning) Selûnite, Dame Aylin visits as an emissary of Selûne. Moonrise/Reithwin is a Selûnite refuge and the Thorms are allegedly devout favorites of the moon goddess, so it's a big deal. While she's there, she and Isobel fall in love. Ketheric disapproves, in part because Aylin is immortal and Isobel is not (Isobel and Aylin both say this in dialogue).
Plus, and this is a personal opinion, I think Ketheric might have seen Aylin's interest in Isobel as another thing Selûne was trying to take from him. It isn't enough that Selûne let Melodia die, now her daughter is trying to woo his daughter and take her too.
But then Isobel dies. Somehow. The launch version of the game isn’t clear how. Aylin mourns but Ketheric spirals. He turns to Shar, hoping she will force him to forget about Isobel, but he doesn't. Nevertheless, he becomes a zealous Sharran.
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[A journal spanning years, beginning with the birth of a child and ending with what appears to be a series of dateless tragedies.] How can she be gone? Where did she go? The Moonmaiden cannot be so unfeeling - so cruel. Not toward her most devoted servant. Not after Melodia. It makes no sense. It makes no sense. I won't survive it. That much I know. Forgetting is the only possibility. The embrace of oblivion. The reprieve of nothingness. It would not be possible for a man to survive knowing what he knows. Knowing what can be lost. Shar understands that. Hers is the only mercy I can comprehend. My mind is full of holes - yet not enough. The emptiness. The time. The nothingness. And still I remember. Still I remember it all. There is no mercy in this beating heart. There is no mercy in life at all.
He builds the Gauntlet of Shar (or maybe renovates and Shar-ifies it, maybe it was already there) beneath the Thorm mausoleum, connecting it to the much more ancient Grymforge area. Grymforge becomes a kind of base or stronghold for the Justiciar army while the Gauntlet is designed to test their mettle and prepare them for the task that will make them official Dark Justiciars—killing Aylin, though it's not clear when Ketheric and Balthazar lure her into the Shadowfell.
I'll get back to that later.
We know that Grymforge was used as a Dark Justiciar stronghold and possible training ground because of all the Sharran stuff we find there. It's like super obvious. The feasthall room, the dormitories, the weapons that lay everywhere. There's basically a whole Sharran city in the Underdark beneath and near Reithwin, some of which we can see from various points in Grymforge. In fact, if you go through the poisoned room where Nere is, you can see the Gauntlet down below.
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(It's a little hard to see here 'cause I play on console but there's a glimpse of the giant Shar statue that takes up a ton of space in the Gauntlet. Somehow, the two places used to connect.)
Ketheric's new Sharran teachings are ruthless and vicious. He encourages his Dark Justiciars to kill a Selûnite once a tenday or more as part of their training and service to the Lady of Loss.
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The Law of Nightfall: From the moon falls the foulest of lights. iIt peeks through cracks and fissures, illuminating the most remote recesses of the Underdark. Light bestows hope, a pernicious notion which must be extinguished. At the darkest hour, pray to your Lady and feast in Her honour. The second day after, slay a disciple of Selûne. If none may be found, a Lathanderian or Mystran are an acceptable offering. Do this once a tenday, and the Lady of Loss shall know you.
Reithwin and the surrounding village soon become a hunting ground. Most people convert. Those who don't get hung in the square as examples (according to a shadow memory). All faithful Selûnites are forced to practice their devotion to the Moonmaiden in secret, led by Morfred the mason and his brother Halfred the innkeeper of Last Light Inn. Halfred hides Selûnite relics beneath Last Light (you can still find them) while Morfred plots a true resistance.
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[Hidden amidst columns detailing the income and expenditure of a tavern is an aside, written in tiny, urgent handwriting.] I have concealed the sacred relics of our revered goddess in the darkest corner of this place. Morfred, my loyal brother, seeks to forge a network of allies to stand against the oppressive reign of Ketheric Thorm. Sadly, fear has gripped the hearts of many, turning them away from our cause. I cannot truly blame them, for trepidation fills my soul as well - but I must put aside my own fears and reunite with Morfred in the bowels of the Mason's Guild. Together, we shall preserve what we can of the Moonmaiden's light, and hope that the banners of the faithful soon rise against that treacherous dog, Thorm.
But as time goes on, Morfred grows increasingly distressed with the events happening in Reithwin and the ease with which people are eager to switch faiths.
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- How quickly things change. The Thorms are Selûnite through and through - or so I believed. Perhaps Ketheric only converted for Melodia, and with her death - and then his daughter's - his faith died too. But to turn to Shar? It beggars belief. - Ketheric's Justiciars are growing greater in number, and more determined to rout out any traces of Selûne in Reithwin. Why do they think this town was built? One cannot rip out the foundations of a building and expect it to remain standing. - Brother and I remain the last two bastions of Our Lady of Silver in the town. A few - the trusting few - come to worship in secret by moonlit nights. Others - converts, all. Whether they truly believe, I cannot say. Impossible, isn't it?
(Don't worry, the second page is further down lol spoilers!)
Life is not going well in Reithwin, even if you're not a Selûnite. Ketheric is determined to destroy all traces of Selûne and treason of any kind. His Dark Justiciars begin tormenting citizens to reveal pockets of Selûnite resistance. He also suffers no treasonous word against him, even if the citizens in question aren't Selûnite. We see a glimpse of this and of the Justiciars' cruel influence during the questline with He Who Was and Madeline, who ratted out her friends' innocent(?) complaints about Ketheric to some Justiciars, resulting in their brutal deaths.
Eventually Morfred realizes that the Dark Justiciars are too powerful to resist and turns to Raphael, offering his soul in exchange for something to destroy the Dark Justiciar army.
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- Sick of standing idle while Justiciars gain power in our humble town. What will become of us if we allow it? I met a man who was no man. Touched by a devil. Or maybe worse. But he offered me something I couldn't refuse - help. - The time is now. Ketheric's Justiciars, their stronghold in the temple below - they will be wiped out. All of them. I didn't ask how. I just want them gone. Let the Harpers have at Ketheric now. They'll make short work of him.
You can ask Morfred about this in the House of Hope, actually, where he confirms the details. I mean, he's in Raphael's house, so it's pretty obvious the he did, in fact, make a deal with him.
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Infernal Mason: When tragedy came, my master fell into darkness and despair. He marshalled a great army to ruin the world and bring all into shadow. I could not let it happen. I sought out the devil Raphael and signed an infernal pact with him. He promised to destroy my master’s army, and I promised him my soul in return. The devil was true to his word. Fiends slaughtered my master’s forces, but he endured somehow, and blighted the land.
The Fiend in question here is Yurgir, who ends up crashing through Grymforge and the Gauntlet to kill all Dark Justiciars in his path. (He misses one, because Raphael is a sneaky bastard who let one get away by turning him into a swarm of rats, but I digress.) We know Yurgir caused the destruction in Grymforge, too, because of the Merregon masks and hellbeasts we find around the area, and the fact that if you pass all the checks with the Duergar mason examining the stone, he helps you piece together this narrative:
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Stonemason Kith: An ancient city, hewn from the stone by the disciples of Shar, later abandoned. Untold centuries later, a new tribe revives it. Fresh walls, fresh sculptures...until a great hellbeast charges through, toppling the walls and crushing the people! Heh - that explains the infernal plate I found. Perhaps you might have use of it.
Further proof that Grymforge and the Gauntlet were once connected...somehow.
Anyway, by the time Yurgir is called in, Morfred's already been found out. Thisobald overhears him drunkenly complaining about Ketheric in the Waning Moon and informs Ketheric of his treachery. Ketheric orders a raid on the mason's guild, leaving Halfred the lone source of Selûnite resistance. It's unknown what becomes of Halfred, but considering the fact that the inn was still taking guests (like Art Cullagh) and housing the Harpers right before the shadow curse descended (there's a shadow memory of a Harper toasting his comrades in Last Light right before the battle with Ketheric long ago), it's likely he's a victim of the curse and not Justiciar brutality.
I’m not sure which is worse, honestly.
It's unclear when Morfred dies, though he admits to witnessing the first part of the shadow curse (i.e., "...but he endured somehow, and blighted the land"). But Morfred's deal coincides in some ways with the arrival of the Harpers and druids. I think he probably makes the deal with Raphael before the Harpers officially march against Ketheric and then gets caught after he hears rumors of the Harpers.
Raphael makes good on his deal around the same the Harpers arrive, perhaps a little afterward. This means Yurgir's slaughter of Justiciars in the Underdark must happen concurrently with the battle happening topside between Ketheric's army and the Harpers/druids, meaning Ketheric is losing his army on two fronts at the same time. Victory seems assured for the Harpers and druids, but of course we know now that Ketheric had a way of cheating death already in place.
He had already imprisoned the Nightsong in a Shadowfell soul cage.
Again, we’re not sure exactly when this happens, but it’s after Isobel dies and before the shadow curse, which unleashes with Ketheric’s supposed death in the battle against the Harpers and druids. However, Aylin herself says that Ketheric and Balthazar lured her into the Shadowfell under the pretense of saving an innocent.
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Dame Aylin: He and his loathsome advisor Balthazar lured me into the Shadowfell, claimed they'd found someone in need of my aid. There they trapped me in their infernal cage. I was killed, murdered, made dead, over and over and over by Justiciars of every make and kind. I was reborn, for it is my nature. And Ketheric fed upon my immortality all the while.
This makes me think that Aylin wasn’t aware of Ketheric’s conversion yet, so it must have been very soon after, because otherwise, why would she trust a known Sharran telling her to enter the Shadowfell, the realm that is entirely under Shar’s control? I also suspect Ketheric built (or renovated) the Gauntlet around Aylin after her capture, perhaps at the behest of Shar due to their collaboration in making up new Justiciar teachings, or perhaps out of a sick, vengeful desire to see Aylin tormented for daring to love his daughter.
If this is true, then there’s a very real chance that Ketheric was unkillable before he truly started to torment Reithwin town, and well before the Harpers stepped in to take him down.
Anyway we at least know that Ketheric trapped Aylin in the Shadowfell before the big battle against the Harpers because a) both Isobel and Aylin talk about her being there for a century and b) because Ketheric is already using her invulnerability to survive assassination attempts on his life prior to or during the actual battle against him and his army:
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23 Elient The Harpers came too close - they poisoned Father Ketheric himself, yet he professes no ill effects. Malus insists it a fluke. Doctor he may be, but he is no less a fool for it: Father has achieved that of which I can only dream: immortality. I have long suspected. I can guess Father's purpose, but I cannot fathom the means.
This brings us to the eve of the battle itself. But this post is already hella long, so keep an eye out for part 2, all about the Harper and druid battle against Ketheric!
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takenbypeter · 1 year
Lovely Neighbors
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Eddie Brock x reader
Words: 727
Author’s note: Did I write this slightly based off of personal experience? Yes. Gotta love neighbors. Also I set it up like there may be a part two because I feel like there should be but idk if I actually want to do that.
Warning: one part alluding to sex but like barely
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“Oh god, why? Why?” You’d whisper shout while clenching your hands tight and shaking your head.
When you decided to make the transition from a big house with your family to a small apartment living all on your own, what you forgot to remember was the lack of privacy, and it seemed like your dear neighbors forgot as well.
The thumping, the moaning, you could barely even think with all the sounds that were coming out of that apartment. You’ve only been in the place for two months and they’ve done this a number of times. And it’s not like they were right next to you, they were your diagonal neighbors so that went to show either one; how loud they were, or two; just how thin the walls actually were.
At first you were going to ignore the problem altogether but it was nearly impossible to do.
Now you were not a confrontational person, so while you stood with your hand wrapped around your own front doorknob you practiced what you were going to say.
“All I’m gonna do is go over there,” you mumbled, “and say, ‘hey I love that you guys love each other, that’s super important in a relationship but other people live here, please keep it quiet…please,’ yeah that’s it, that’s perfect.”
You shook your head once more and inhaled for confidence. With that small boost you turned the knob and pulled the door open. Just as you did, the front door of the the apartment next to you flung open and out came your next door neighbor.
You watch, a little surprised because you’ve genuinely never seen the man before. He was always out and about, and honestly you weren’t sure if there was one person living there or two because when he was home, he was always talking with someone. It was funny, after hearing his voice multiple times and now seeing him, he looked exactly how you imagine. Like a volunteer firefighter. Like a really tired, annoyed, angry volunteer firefighter.
That being said you watched from your door post as he knocked on the door, hard. You could hear him mumbling angrily. He didn’t wait long before knocking again and when it was obvious that no one was going to answer the door he did something that no one would believe you if you told them.
You heard him say , “that’s it.” And his arm started becoming encased in black goo or something like that and then he punched the door.
Wide open.
The door practically flew open.
Then a deeper voice spoke, one that you recognized as the other person he talks to, “If you two don’t shut up I’ll rip both your heads off.”
That got them to stop.
The goo practically disappeared back inside of him and at this point you don’t know whether to be confused or horrified by what you just witnessed. You guess it was sort of obvious on your face because when the man went to turn back around he spotted you clearly for the first time since the whole ordeal started.
You stood, with your body frozen against the door post, eyes wide in a panic. His own eyes fell to the floor for a moment, almost like an ashamed child before he went back in his apartment and slammed the door.
After that there was nothing really for you to do expect retreat back into your own apartment.
You go to bed that night feeling awful. But honestly thankful to that mystery neighbor that saved you knowing it to be true that you were more likely than not going to chicken out at the last moment.
You replayed that embarrassed look he gave when he caught you staring at him. Even though you couldn’t see your own face, you could just picture the horrified expression you made. You couldn’t help it, it was just a natural instinct, you meant nothing by it. At this point it’s well into the night and you’re not sure if what you’re worried about is a serious concern or if you’re just overthinking things as you typically did. But either way, as you drift off to sleep you decide not to address what just happened. I mean you’ve never seen him before this. It’s not like you were going to really see him again. Right?
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tmntxthings · 10 months
∑一 Gasoline・゜・。
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author’s note: so I started this months ago and came back today and somehow finished it? it’s now 4 am and idk what I’ve written but we posting it babyyyyyyy
song: reckless driving by lizzy mcalpine, ben kessler
warnings: cursing, narcissism, over-dramatics, cringe, sarcasm, flirting, confessions, unedited
Okay, I’ll admit. I’m not the best when it comes to..following the rules? Heeding caution? Listening to anyone??? Yeah not the greatest in that department.
But! I’m practically flying high in all others. Better brother, better turtle, cooler weapon, and not to mention handsome as fuuuck. So handsome in fact, I know I’ve snagged your attention. Heh. Call it what you will, intuition or gut-feeling, I know I’ve been occupying your mind.
But the thing is, you won’t admit it. No matter how much I prod, tease, or blatantly ask. It’s always “Leo, no.” “Leo, stop!” “Leo, shut up!!” And never “Yes, I think about you endlessly Leo, you’re right, and super handsome, be my one and only turtle”
It’s never ever that. And maybe that’s the reason why I can’t let this go. Because I know I’m right. If I wasn’t why would you keep coming around? Why would you spare glances my way? Why would you wear blue? It was all so infuriating to see these little details only to be denied again and again.
Raph says I’m getting a little obsessed. Donnie doesn’t give two fucks. And Mikey says something even worse, that I’m in love. Barf. Gross. Me? Love? Hell no. I collect admirers. I flirt with everyone. Unabashedly. Why would I fall in love with someone who is so clearly in denial that they are in love with me??? All I’m doing is getting them to admit the truth, and then they’ll be another tally mark. Another addition to the ever growing list of admirers I have.
It comes with the title of being the Face Man and all of that. Perks of being me I guess!
And so I was up to my usual antics.
“Keys Y/n, keys babe!” You scoffed pushing my hands away. “Keep your grabby mitts away, there’s no way in hell I’m letting you drive.”
“I curbed one time Y/n. Once! Give a turtle some slack here!!” I’m practically begging at this point. Because I have a plan. A genius plan to get you to finally admit the truth. It’s going to be epic.
“I think you’re also forgetting the three times you purposely ran into trash cans. You almost backed into another vehicle. And don’t get me started on how many times you accidentally forgot the keys in the car!”
…Okay so maybe there are a few more reasons as to why I shouldn’t be driving. But no matter! I’m a master manipulator. I can sway those around me like a pro. Plus since ya have feelings for me, I’m sure you actually really do just wanna hand over those keys. You’re just like playing a little hard to get is all.
“Whaaaa?? Are you sure that wasn’t Angelo? Pretty sure that was totally him and not me.” A big cheesy smile lights up my face trying to turn that frown of yours upside down. “Plus in any case I’ve got super rad portal powers to snab the forgotten keys!”
“Leo. No.”
And the actual begging and groaning and bemoaning ensues. I don’t throw temper tantrums that often. Only when necessary. After many ‘pleases’ and promises to drive extra careful. I finally get my long awaited—
“Leo, I said noooooooooo!”
A hard flick resonates against the space right above the middle of my eyes. Dramatically I flinch backwards crying out in faux pain. My hands going up, one covering the space that has just been so grievously wounded. “Oh c’mon that didn’t hurt…”
“Did it?”
Peeking through my three fingers I see the wisps of concern on your features and it’s at this moment where my all-of-the-sudden-plan enacts. As you draw closer out of worry it’s just too easy to create a small portal with my other hand that is behind my back. Don’t ask how the dagger got in my palm. Sometimes being a ninja just has its perks.
And just like that the keys to your car are securely in my hand and I bolt before you can realize you’ve been…hand-pocketed? Pick-pocketed? Whatever the case!
As I gloat from the driver’s side window, with the locks safely on so you couldn’t just rip open the door and strangle me like you were threatening to do right now. I make a show of raising the volume in your car and celebrating more with a little dance in the drivers seat. It’s not until you shake your head and the flames extinguish from your eyes do I dare to unlock the passenger door for you to get in.
You do slam the door close though. “Dramatic much?”
I can’t help but tease. I love winning. I love rubbing it in everyone’s face. And it makes my bones sing to see you get so riled up all over little ol’ me. You glower, somehow holding your tongue, perhaps giving me the silent treatment as you take over the music.
Driver gets veto power though. So I skip a bunch of songs you choose until I feel the flames start to rise again and I worry we (or rather I) may never even make it out of your driveway before I turn into roasted turtle. And that can’t be tasty.
So I let this particular song play. Humming along since I don’t know the words as I start to pull out and drive on the road. You stay silent for the most part and that just won’t do so I may or may not get a little too close to a curb for comfort on your side of the vehicle.
“God damnit Leo if you curb!!” You hiss as you clutch the handle on the car door. “Whoopsie!” I laugh getting back to the middle of the lane easily enough. “Where did you want to go so badly anyways?” You grump. But at least you’re talking now! “It’s a surprise!” I sing-song.
Now initially, my plan to force your admission of feelings was to continue to drive really recklessly and maybe almost die in a car crash or something like in the movies. And while you think I’m about to die you just have to tell me that you are helplessly in love and like magic. Confession secured.
But now thinking about it more seriously there are plenty of unknown factors like, what if I do actually kill myself in the process. Or ya know, you get hurt? Or I just wreck the car and we both are totally fine?! I don’t see myself surviving much longer after that if that ends up being the case. So I have nothing. Zilch. Nada. No back up plan was really made.
So I just drive.
And as previously mentioned, I’m not the best driver…
So you are on edge the entire time and constantly telling me to “Watch out!” “Don’t curb!” “Don’t hit that dude crossing the street!” “Red means stop!” “Yellow means slooow!”
Thankfully I know what green means. Aka turtle. Aka go ninja go ninja go. I’m proud of that one. Anywho, the drive winds up and down the backstreets of New York until even I don’t know where the fuck we are.
I pull over, parallel parking. Miraculously it’s one of the few tricks I can do with a car and you breath out a very unnecessary sigh of relief. “So this is the surprise?” You are looking around the low rise buildings with slight curiosity but more confusion than anything.
Nothing here is really special. No shops. No bright sparkly lights. It’s actually pretty grim because a few of the streetlights are out making the dark night even darker. It’s probably the least romantic place in the world. Definitely holds no sentimental value for an awe-inspiring confession.
My head hits the steering wheel as I close my eyes and say “Yup!” As bright and false as possible. I feel like a jerk and even worse than that a failure. I’m greeted with silence and I don’t open my eyes to check your face. I’m sure it’s turning into disappointment right now.
“Leo, everything okay?”
My head turns slightly, if only because your voice sounds a little different. I mean you usually are quite serious, but it’s also one filled with… care? “Just thinking.” And that is not a lie, just a very vague statement.
“Wanna talk about it?”
I mull it over. What am I even thinking? Driving around in the middle of the night. Being chaotic. Being a nuisance. Being with you. Dragging you along. Trying to get you to say something you’ll never say in a million years. And turtles sadly don’t live that long.
“Y/n, do you like me?”
I don’t dare take my eyes off of you now. Truthfully I feel like spewing out nonsense to cover up my mistake. I just had to open my big fat mouth. To actually say shit I actually mean. Or in this case something I really want to know. Your eyes widen ever so slightly, and you tilt your head as if you hadn’t even considered that a possibility. Liking me.
I’m instantly filling up the silence. “Like better than Mikey right? Pretty sure I don’t have to sweat over Donnie. And Raph may be second place but I’m definitely number one right?”
This way it’s easy. This way it’s safe. This way no one gets hurt. This way I don’t get hurt. This way I can play it off.
“I do like you.”
My thoughts empty and I straighten up. Swallowing back the spit that’s suddenly filling up my entire mouth. “Right duh, of course you do. Everyone does!” I laugh, smiling big as if nothing you just said affected me. Like I totally won’t be thinking about this even later tonight back at the lair. Overthinking it. Surely you meant it as a friend… but a turtle can hope?
“Even though you are so annoying.” You tack on, but your smile is too much. It’s genuine. It’s not plastered on like mine. It doesn’t hide anything.
Oh shit.
I just continue on, blabbering complete and utter nonsense at this point. Because part of me can’t believe it. That you really said it. That you do like me. That this surely isn’t possible, that you’re about to laugh and say that this was all some funny joke.
“Do you like me?”
And where there was nonstop chatter, it turns to silence. I avoid your stare now. In fact I turn my whole face away because I can feel my red marks heating up. Which is never a good sign. Blushing will only end in embarrassment. More than I can handle.
“Whaaaat? Me? Like you?”
I leave it open ended. To be inferred that I couldn’t possibly. But I think I just continue shooting or maybe slicing myself in the foot. Over and over and over again. Because in the window I can see you’re still looking my way. And your lips are pursed together in a small know-it-all smile. I whip my head back around, forgetting all about the embarrassing heat that covers my face.
“Y-yeah. I do.”
And then you lean forward.
Time slows.
And I feel your lips on mine.
And my eyes are so wide. I don’t know what to do but just stare. I don’t move. I don’t breath. Your eyes are closed and your lips are soft if only a little chapped. You pull away slightly, and I can feel your breath fan over my face.
“Good.” Is all you say. And I nod like a dumb pile of rocks is all I have for brains. “Now how about I drive?” Again I’m nodding.
The only thing that breaks the trance is the warning beep from your display signaling that I’ve just wasted all of the gas left in your tank.
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nymphie-mama · 2 years
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A/N: this is pure fluff. enjoy. 
PAIRING: cute!jj maybank x nervous!reader
WC: 780
SUMMARY: in which reader has a nightmare and JJ surprises her. 
WARNINGS: fluff, nightmare (idk??), mention of underage smoking, reassurance, not beta-read
It was barely midnight when she fell asleep. She was in her own room for the first night that week, having been at the chateau or Kie’s place every other night. Being with her friends was Y/N’s favorite part of the summer, but more than anything, she loved being with JJ. 
She’d been in the middle of an iMessage conversation with the boy himself when she fell asleep. Him, knowing his perfect girlfriend was only a night owl when someone was with her in person, gathered that she passed out after only a few minutes of not responding. Nonetheless, he sent her a goodnight text (or two), just in case. 
It was about 2 o’clock when Y/N was starting to get scared, even if she was asleep. She was dreaming of her friends- except, they simply weren’t. JJ and Kie forgot about her, John B and Sarah were gone, and Pope just up and left. JJ was asking who Y/N was, saying he never knew her before she jolted up. 
She sat straight up, hair flat against her head and warm streaks down her cheeks. She was breathing heavily, chest rising and falling rapidly as she thought to check her phone. 
1:23 a.m pretty boy: 
good night, princess. i’ll see you tomorrow 
1:46 a.m pretty boy: 
well, later, i guess. It is “tomorrow.” good night, for real this time.
At first, she didn’t want to text her boyfriend and bother him, assuming he was actually sleeping by now. He probably would’ve sent a few more messages by now if he wasn’t. Y/N made a few vicious attempts to go back to sleep, reminding herself it was ‘just a dream’ and that everything would be okay. 
It was almost three, she still wasn’t sleeping and decided to give in and text him. 
2:58 a.m princess: 
are you awake? i had a bad dream, can’t sleep 
She threw on a t-shirt of his, for his smell while she scrolled through Instagram mindlessly for at least thirty minutes, liking posts from various creators and her friends. Her blanket rustled around her figure as she kept finding herself uncomfortable over and over again. I miss you, J, she thought, helplessly. Nothing could comfort her more than JJ holding her right then. 
Just as those thoughts completed in her head, there was a familiar knock on the door. In the just-right rhythm, proving to be JJ. She pushed herself off the bed and rushed to the door, a smile stretching across both of their faces when she opened it to him. 
“You are so lucky my parents aren’t here, they’d-” Y/N started, interrupted by a smooth kiss on the cheek, “Hi, pretty. Why do you have the backpack? Don’t tell me you brought the gun to my house-”
JJ rushed the backpack off of his body as he let himself into the door, pulling out all of his girlfriend’s favorite snacks, an extra t-shirt, and a blunt. Funny, JJ. He smiled brightly at her as relief washed over her face. He pulled her into a tight hug, resting his chin on the top of her head, “I’m sorry it took me so long, love. I went as fast as I could, I didn’t even properly open your text. It was just a dream, everything is okay. I’m here, I’ve got you, baby.”
Y/N didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around the blonde’s waist, pressing her cheek into his chest, still standing in the doorway. “Are you sure? I’m sorry I bothered you, J” she asked, bringing her chin to his chest and gazing at him. JJ scoffed and pushed Y/N off so he could look at her whole face, eyes shining with something pure. 
“No, princess, I was awake. You couldn’t bother me, love,” he said, pulling her back into her bedroom and laying on the bed, “Do you need anything? Other than snacks?” 
“Please hand me that,” she said, pointing to the snack JJ had in his hands, “and then hold me, please,” she added, laying down next to him and crawling into his arms, leaving just enough (dreaded) space between them for their now shared snack. 
“Do you want to talk about the dream? It’s okay if you don’t,” he said, treading one hand into his girlfriend’s hair while she shook her head, smiling just a little bit at his touch. 
“No, just, I’m so glad you haven’t forgotten about me, baby,” she said, touching her forehead to his. 
“What? Of course, I haven’t forgotten about you, princess. I could never forget about you.” He placed a kiss on her cheek, some water welling in his eyes just thinking about it, “I love you.”
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starplusfourletters · 3 months
I read vision of the future (hand of thrawn book 2 aka Who Scams the Scammers)
(spoilers) and once again it turned into a liveblog, apologies
Hold up are we doing Warrior Cats? Is this Warrior Cats Planet??
What base is “arm around your waist to serve as a psychic translator conduit”
Omigod I WISH my Warrior Cat name were “Jaded of Mara”
Everything I know about Soontir Fel I learned from x wing but I would not have guessed his primary motivation to be "dirt"
@ luke and mara: the girls are talkingggggg
North Barris Spaceport has me twitching
Ghent not remembering who the president is and just assuming it’s probably Leia. I mean fair
What base is "holding hands to brace yourselves over a swarm of flesh eating insects"
So we’re finally asking why Mara ISN’T actually dark side and the answer is… shrug emoji?
Man Zahn really is stuck on “character bonding hike” as a device huh. But consider I eat that shit up
Oh No Lando is racist
LMAO at “so oblivious you need a child pterodactyl to tell you to just kiss already” to “besides I don’t want my life to be like spiderman three I hated that movie” to “kissing with dubious consent” ALL ON THE SAME PAGE like Zahn finally realized he really needed to get this show on the road
LMAO at Ghent getting a free pass from Pellaeon to hack the empire. Like you’re just going to get the thing you need and not steal all of our military and political secrets right? Riiiight? Even more LMAO at the fact that that would probably not even occur to Ghent
When everyone assumes they're the protagonist so finding this one macguffin is their job personally. Like guys I like the energy but maybe we've got enough different plans to do the same thing (the exception, hilariously, being Luke) (and Oh No it turns out Luke is the one to find the macguffin because You Have to Follow Your Heart and Let the MacGuffin Come to You. I eat that shit up also)
Mara’s just... So great.
Not to make everything about my blorbo but absolutely to make everything about my blorbo I do wonder to what extent Ahsoka’s characterization post-Rebels doesn’t click for me is because a lot of the more obvious directions for Oldsoka overlap with Mara, and the powers that be didn’t want to reinvent the Mara Jade wheel. Not to say they have similar characterization – Mara has terminal sam coded dean girl syndrome – but idk, in dynamic range maybe? Calling out bullshit, weaponizing her own abrasiveness, covering insecurity with humor, being Kind of a Lot with a side of trust issues at any given moment – there are modes Mara and Youngsoka share that didn’t pass to Oldsoka apparently. Idk possibly all this is just me wanting them to TALK
Establishing that you can do evil things for selfless reasons without necessarily being in any danger of falling to the dark side is... Philosophically interesting
We interrupt this tale of political espionage to bring you Jedi Relationship Counseling (spoiler alert: communication is key)
"That part of her life [Mara’s time with Palpatine] had died unmourned" I mean mourned a little bit. Mourned for at least a book and a half
I've been willing to suspend my disbelief on everything in this book until "both Luke and Mara forget that ysalamiri exist"
I will never not be a sucker for The Movements and Transferred Ownership of Emotionally Significant Weapons
Oh No thrawn made a second foundation
The Aing-Tii seem OP but whatever
Oh No the second foundation forgot to close the garage doors
(Re: The Jade’s Fire) I know Mara’s having a Moment, and I promise I’m taking it seriously, but when the warrior cat asked “What is it you want, Mara Jade” my WHOLE BRAIN responded with "I want Hermione Granger! And a rocket ship!"
Moranda has real Kevin from home alone energy and I'm living for it
Is it bad that I’m actually kinda happy the Imperials’ Bothawui shield plan worked? Like, they had a really interesting plan and I’m happy for them. They earned it
What base is “full mind meld while you’re fighting for your lives”
Who would win: ~1.5 Jedi, 2 sentinel droids droidekas, or Artoo with a sauntering gun
If I had a nickel for every time this duology explicitly established Jedi can’t go completely without oxygen, even when in a trance, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but which makes me feel like the Ahsoka show had a weirdly specific axe to grind with the source material
Luke’s proposal to Mara is Just. The. Funniest. Thing. That’s some Anakin-level cringe and the prequels aren’t even out yet. He truly is his father’s son.
I mean POV there’s this guy and for a couple years you want to kill him, and then you realize that’s more of a You Problem, so then you’re friendquaitances for a decade mostly because you don’t approve of the shit he’s getting into, and then you have one (1) honest conversation and get caught in a death trap and he’s like “so I think the next step for us is marriage”
LEIAAAAAA! Full Jedi Knight Leia is both terrifying and hot. I would run.
“So it is treason” – Some random guy
Lando needs to be on the New Republic payroll simply for being willing to speak to any of the other characters and also he needs a raise. This poor guy getting called on to command the entire New Republic fleet mid-battle and he’s like “I’ve been a civilian for 15 years and also I knew you would pull some horse piss like this steve”
Mara Jade, Imperial protege. Skills include: Identifying load-bearing walls. (Now all I want is Property Brothers: Sith Edition)
Mara please. Luke please. These absolute idiots. This is some pear scene shit. I hope nothing bad happens to them ever
The whole back half of this book has been an emotional rollercoaster for me specifically because I wanted Flim to be Thrawn FR soooooo baddddd. And now I’m sad. His name literally means scam don’t do this to me Zahn
I’ve been amused by all the Star Wars universe idioms but I gotta take a moment to specifically showcase “burned your sky-arches.” Karrde is a delight to have in class
Having an independent intelligence agency that’s supposed to work for both the New Republic and the Empire seems absolutely unhinged but go off I guess
When the New Republic and Empire sign peace accords and Luke can’t even be bothered to show up
Mara is great and her arc is fuckin hilarious to me. The narrative has identified her as The Damaged One and I’m like???? She came to terms with her troubled past, drew her own boundaries regarding the Dark Side, recognized that there are people who care about her instead of pre-emptively pushing them away, and resolved to form deeper emotional connections. Smash cut to ROTS Anakin whose physical and psychic damage has literally turned his brain into oatmeal
Again I know this was before the prequels Mad points for explicitly saying Mara needed to form attachments to become a Jedi. Zahn being pretty gangsta there
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Quinn Hughes Edition (Part Nineteen)
previous: eighteen
next: twenty
this is long and unedited and idk how i feel. lmk your thoughts!!
SATURDAY, APRIL 8TH (before z’s penalty)
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liked by _quinnhughes, colemcward, and 8,648 others
yourusername welcome to my postgame penalty box show: quinn actually smiled tonight edition! tonight was the last home game of the season, and that means it was fan appreciation night! not only that, but team awards were also given. and guess who got best defenseman? my best friend that’s who!!!
quintin also received a penalty tonight! this is second penalty in a row, and his record for number of consecutive games with a penalty is three! two of these came from the back to back games against the red wings, and i hate the red wings, so good riddance. let’s see if he can match or break this record for an already amazing record breaking season he’s having! he also have a very lovely speech; something i never thought i would see my best friend do. he’s grown so much this season and i couldn’t be more in awe of him <3
now on to the most important news! mine and quinn’s son (sorry jamie) SCORED HIS FIRST NHL GOAL TONIGHT! HE WAS IMMEDIATELY ADOPTED AFTER! PETEY WAS OUR CONTRACT WITNESS! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU, SON! p.s. nice heckin’ job on that shorty tonight, petey! you’re magnificent as always and i love you sm <3 and kuzy!! congrats on the game winning goal in the shootout bestie!!! proud of you boys! @_eliaspettersson @/kuzy_096
you’ve been a treat to watch (get it?) this season, bubba💙 i love you!
tagged _quinnhughes and colemcward
view all 316 comments
_quinnhughes i love you, too, sissy💙 you’ve been a treat to have by my side this season
yourusername aw, quinner! you’re my favorite sap <3
trevorzegras no, no, no, no! do NOT bring back sissy
trevorzegras @/jackhughes keep it that way! i got smacked anytime it slipped out!
_quinnhughes i’m bringing it back
lhughes_06 i’ve been using mom and sissy this whole time
trevorzegras @/lhughes_06 not in front of me!
jackhughes @/trevorzegras she’s your girlfriend why would you call her sissy?
trevorzegras @/jackhughes says her ex boyfriend
yourusername @/trevorzegras we don’t talk about that
user2 there are… so many things to unpack here
lhughes_06 @/colemcward hi, welcome to the family! i think i’m your half brother?
colemcward hi😂
yourusername let’s say yes
edwards.73 @/colemcward hi, i’m also your half brother!
_quinnhughes @/colemcward remember, you signed up for this! and congratulations on your first goal, kid!
colemcward @_quinnhughes thanks, dad!
kuzya_096 thank you, y/n!💙🏒🥅
yourusername always, kuzy!!!
user4 and the hughes brothers call her sissy?
user3 i am confused
yourusername it was a MONTH so we don’t really talk about it or count it
jamie.drysdale UM?!?
yourusername i said sorry!
_quinnhughes we didn’t get married so she’s still your wife
jamie.drysdale i have more step kids than actual kids…
trevorzegras i detest this
jackhughes @/trevorzegras whoa big boy word!
_alexturcotte that’s my best defenseman!!! way to go quinner!!
_quinnhughes thanks, man!
yourusername what if i… hold my own post season awards?
_alexturcotte @/yourusername do it
_quinnhughes @/yourusername please don’t
edwards.73 @/yourusername please do
yourusername @_quinnhughes i am a mother first and your best friend second. sorry quinny!
user5 this game had me so stressed
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes congrats on your award! (p.s. suck it, i’m far ahead of you now)
_quinnhughes thanks, z! (p.s. just you wait)
yourusername this was mostly nice so i’m taking it as a win! let the world see how you two REALLY are
_quinnhughes @/yourusername no
trevorzegras @/yourusername this is way more fun
_eliaspettersson i love you too!
yourusername and congratulations on your awards!!
user6 the old quinn can’t come to the phone right now. why? because he’s dead
colemcward i’m really happy you got to see my first goal, mom!!!
yourusername me too!! it was amazing!
jackhughes y/n and quinn why are you two just spilling our childhood nicknames? first howdy rowdy, then sissy and bubba, i am terrified to what else you two slip out😭 (ps. so proud of you quinny!)
yourusername i’m also terrified of what else we slip out
trevorzegras me too
_quinnhughes i’m not
jackhughes @_quinnhughes that’s because all the embarrassing things happened to us
_quinnhughes 😁
_eliaspettersson added this to their story
colemcward added this to their story
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goldenlol · 24 days
also this is sword anon again and honestly your cookie run art is partially why i wanna get back into it after a long time but i remember some drama circulating around that darkmilk has a significant age gap n stuff and in extension so does yammilk (ik your pinned post doesnt include them I just added that since that was part of the discussion) so whats your take on their age thing cuz idk what type of shipper you are lol
I don’t talk about milkyam cause I just don’t like the ship, or most of its shippers. I don’t like a lot of choco ships tbh..but all I will say, is milk would protect choco from yam BUT THATS IT. THATS ALL.
for me, I hc young prince as 15 and milk around the same age, idk maybe 13? I cant see how people think young prince choco was an adult...?? Yes she went out to find a sword by herself but I think she was only allowed that because she is a good fighter and can survive on her own, it’s obvious cacao had trust that choco will return safely.
She just looks tall or mature for her age ig?? I think it’s because how she was raised, never allowed to be a child and trained to be better but yea no, I fr can’t see her as an adult here
edit: I forgot to add but she still kind of had that “oblivious” mindset I guess? Believing she can save her kingdom and could change her fathers mind even tho he’s so stubborn and that mentality of being “a hero just like his father”, I’m sure thats associated w younger people because “ur just a child you don’t know any better”
after she comes back she sees what her father rlly is and basically calls him a coward. It’s fr someone maturing and seeing someone for what they rlly are, not blinded by the child mentality anymore and only seeing someone as perfect when they’re not at all (not saying cacao is a coward mb minty, but bro wasn’t the best father 🙏😔 I love cacao) but also choco is manipulated easily because of her weak mentality.. my girl.
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I know a lot of people are iffy or just hate chocomilk and that’s alr ig but god pls enough w tagging the ship and making threads telling people to hate it.
I know someone whose too afraid to draw it because of what people say and I’m like !! I got you bro I’ll draw it for us!!
Also I don’t think devsis would even allow such a ship to exist if it was wrong?? (it’s funny cause they make art of it n even make captions like that one where choco and lico go to an amusement park together, w “don’t tell milk” )
also I just hate how mischaracterized milk is w choco... my god y’all are weird as fuck w him. Milk wouldn’t harass choco or stalk him pls stop that, it’s uncomfortable..
he respects his space and choco’s life. When he met choco in that cutscene, people took choco being “uncomfortable” around milk, he wasn’t? He was just shocked or just “?? Rlly??” Kind of reaction because this man hasn’t been told anything nice after he became “bad” or whatever, so having someone tell him that he was the reason they became stronger and “want to be just like him” is obviously shocking to her, she wouldn’t believe that she made someone life better because she thought she only hurt people and deserved to be hated and treated in any way.
Anyway yea, they def both met as teens, didn’t see eachother til adults and it’s obvious milk is in love w choco idc (me too bro)
this is long as fuck sorry but GOD I NEEDED TO SAY SHIT!!
Take the cute art tho I love them sm (I think choco just has the mentality that no one could love him after what he’s done so he doesn’t understand why milk faints all flustered n shit but the idea of her being oblivious is cute too 😭 fuck it shes both!!)
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also what type of shipper I am?? Wym
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struggling-author · 3 months
Hey what are your avatar otps besides azulaang?
oh umm… I wouldn’t call them OTPs since that is exclusively Azulaang, but my bi Azula headcanon lives in a variety of ships. Azutara, Azuki, Maizula… not Tyzula tbh because that feels like… imbalanced? and not Tophzula because they are menace-besties but not romantic, but with any of the other girls I think it could be great. Azutara has the enemies to lovers from Azulaang but with more spice and less forgiveness, they‘d tear eachother apart first but that makes it even sweeter if they eventually fall in love. Azuki is kind of different because Suki is more rational and holds less of an emotional grudge, it‘d be difficult for Azula to earn her trust but she would not be openly hostile to her unless necessary. I imagine this one could only happen if Azula is already in the middle or post redemption though, because Suki would not put up with any EtL shit. I guess that is exactly why it intrigues me too, I feel Suki would be more willing to give Azula a chance, more than Katara for example, but at the same time it would be impossibly hard to win her trust and I‘d like to see if Zula can manage it. Lastly Maizula, and I prefer this one over Tyzula because I feel Mai is more capable of holding her own against Azula in a relationship. It’s a complicated version of childhood friends to lovers and I‘m kind of here for it. No idea how it would work though lol.
Aside from Azula ships, I think Zutara is pretty cool and works well alongside Azulaang. Kataang is kinda cool in theory too, but I don’t like shipping Aang with anyone except Azula, it feels wrong 🤷‍♂️ The only other Aang ship I can imagine liking is Zukaang, but I don’t talk about it much.
Oh and I have to give a shoutout to Sokkla, I don’t particularly vibe with it but they’re the sister ship to Azulaang and I do see the potential of the two genius strategists, so if Aang didn’t exist I would definitely ship Sokkla instead. Nothing but love to the comrades over there. 🫶🏼
edit: totally forgot this but I actually also love Tylaang aka Ty-Lee and Aang, it just has absolutely no fandom so it’s hard to get the ball rolling. I just feel they would be such a wholesome bubbly cute ship, and I dig the Ty-Lee airbender ancestry theory so she‘d love to learn all about airbender customs and they‘d have so much fun and probably a huge family 😅 anyway I think party of why I ship this is just because I think these two deserve the world and it represents my wish for them to be totally carefree and happy. you can also add Azula and make this a throuple, I think that would work because you have Tyzula as the polar opposites and Aang in the middle to bridge the gap.
speaking of throuples I enjoy the idea of… Azutaraang? (Azula/Katara/Aang) but it is very difficult to make work. The only way I can see it is if Azula and Katara fall in love first because nothing good could come of them fighting over Aang. or maybe I could see like a stranded on a deserted island AU where the three of them have to work together and learn to rely on eachother… idk, difficult but not impossible.
Oh and I love Zuki too (Zuko x Zuki) …damn I guess I do have quite a few non-Azulaang ships. anyway this is essentially a bodyguard AU and it’s actually my favorite Zuko ship (sorry Zutara) not much to say about it cuz I’ve barely engaged with it, but I love the idea and think they would just work really well together. I also can see this as a throuple with Sokka again. I don’t really vibe with Zukka on their own but if you add Suki then I love it, because Suki deserves two good boys and it’s more fun for everyone involved if those two good boys are in love with eachother too.
final edit hopefully: Sokka Azula Aang is good too, for the same reasons listed for Zuko Suki Sokka, I swear that’s it now. goodbye lol.
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minheeology · 1 year
zerobaseone reaction ➵ s/o asking “notice something different about me?”
pairing : zb1 x gn!reader
genre : fluff, crack (?)
warnings : none.
a/n : this is my first zb1 post, as well as my first post in a while!! with that said, i want to apologize if these are a bit out of character for them, as i’m stil analyzing them a bit, so please understand!
he’s honest with you.
“uh, no.. what’s new?”
will try his best to guess if you refuse to tell him.
when he does find out what you changed - if you changed anything at all, he will make it his mission to compliment it every day to make up for missing it before.
“nothing is different about you, y/n.”
he’s so confident about it.
he notices every little thing, so of course he would notice if you changed something!
will just give you the ‘are you done’ look if you try to convince him he’s missing something.
“oh, of course! your hair looks amazing today.”
he doesn’t notice anything, but doesn’t want to make you feel bad
panics a little when you tell him that you never changed your hair.
“oh? well it looks good anyway!”
tries to change the subject so that he doesn’t hurt your feelings since he didn’t notice anything different about you.
“no, but you look amazing!”
his smile will stop you from being upset that he didn’t notice.
will beg you to tell him so he can compliment it!
if you got a new shirt or something, he might consider buying the same one in a different color.
unrelated but i totally see him liking couples items idk why..
“y/n! you changed something? you didn’t tell me you were changing something!”
lowkey hurt you didn’t tell him you were gonna do something new lol.
notices pretty quickly what it is that you changed.
makes sure to tell you how much he likes it/how good it looks!
huuuugee smile on his face <3
“how was i supposed to know you changed something?”
lowkey shocked (?)
like how didn’t he notice???
apologizes tbh.
from now on, he keeps a close eye on you so he’ll never miss anything you change.
he looks so confused.
“you changed something?”
“did you really?”
is literally shocked that he didn’t notice something.
but you didn’t change anything??
he won’t allow you to tell him what’s different, opting to try and guess.
he makes a game out of it jvbksnbfckjs.
“you know i love you, y/n.”
he, in fact, did not notice anything new.
“well remember when you forgot [something from a long time ago]? this makes us even!”
you forgive him since who can stay mad at gunwook?
if it was a joke, pls don’t tell him
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rose-of-the-grave · 8 months
In The Mountains
Pairing: Lily x James
Modern AU
Ok, so I'm sorry about how late this is. I was on vacation. I had planned for this to be posted on my birthday but here it is a day late. Technically it's still my b-day tho since I never actually went to bed. Anyway, here's part 2 of The Pact, hope you enjoy! I'm the author (please don't repost) <3
Masterlist Series Masterlist Part 1
Read on Ao3
Warnings: idk none?, lying, one bed trope, fake dating, cheek kiss, shitty editing
Word Count: 1,959
Description: Now that the group is in the mountains things are about to get more complicated for lily and james' fake dating scheme.
Taglist: @sylveryfire
“So, you and James?”
“What about me and James?” Lily responded. She and Remus were shelving books in the back.
“How come you didn’t tell me you were together?”
Looking over her shoulder she was able to get a better read on his face. Remus was good at hiding his emotions but it was clear that he felt hurt that his friend hadn’t told him that she was dating his other friend.
Lily shrugged. “I wasn’t sure how to bring it up and I honestly didn’t think it would last. I’ve hated him for so long that, even though I decided to give him a second chance, I think that, deep down, I was still convinced that I wouldn’t be able to like him.”
“Fair enough, I suppose. But why now?”
“I don’t know. I mean, I mainly hated him because, well, you know.” She grimaced. “I suppose I kind of forgot how well we got on before. We were hanging out and he said something funny that made me laugh. I forgot how easily he could make me laugh. He convinced me to give him another shot and here we are.”
He nodded.
“Hey, do you know where Lily is?” A voice asked from up front. A voice that Lily knew well. James.
“She’s in the back. I can go get her?” The cashier, Nolan, replied.
Lily put the book that she had just grabbed back on the cart.
“No need, Nolan. I’m right here.” She smiled through gritted teeth. What was he doing here?
Remembering a bit belatedly that she needed to act as if he were her boyfriend and that it was completely normal for him to come to see her, Lily walked up to him and wrapped him in a hug. She hissed into his ear, “What on earth are you doing here?”
“Just paying a visit to my girlfriend.” He whispered back before pulling away. “Hey, Rem.”
Lily turned to see Remus standing next to one of the shelves. He must have followed her.
“Hey, James.”
They all sort of stood there awkwardly for a moment longer than considered normal.
“Well,” James started. “I just came by too say hi. Oh! And to give you this.” He handed Lily a cup. “I got you coffee.”
Staring at him, bewildered, she wrapped hand around the cup and thanked him.
“You really didn’t need to.”
“It wasn’t a problem, just wanted to treat my girlfriend. There anything wrong with that?” His eyebrow popped up, almost daring her to call it all off.
“No! No. Of course not!” Bringing the cup to her lips she took a sip. It was made just the way she liked it but she didn’t give it a thought. It must have been just a lucky guess.
“Well then, I’m off. Need to get back to work. Bye Rem!” Remus waved. James turned to look at the red-haired girl next to him. “Bye, Lily.” He kissed her cheek causing her to jump a little.
Unfortunately, her reaction did not go unnoticed. James turned and walked out, the bell on the door chiming.
Taking yet another long sip, Lily dared to look up into her friend’s face. He made a face as if to say “well?”
“I’m just not used to him doing that when other people are around.” Lily assured him nervously. Surely he could her how her voice trembled and her heart raced. Surely he could see right through her. With every second that passed she became more and more sure that he had realized that she was lying and was about to call her out on it. Then, he simply nodded and wandered back to where they had been working earlier.
It looked as if they had gotten away with it. At least for now.
James: Hey, can we talk?
Lily stared at her phone.
Lily: Sure.
James: It might be for the best if we just called this off.
Lily: Why?
James: Do I really need to answer that? When I kissed your cheek earlier you almost died of fright. If we can’t make it look like we’re actually together then we’re doomed. We might as well just call it off now.
Lily: Ok, first of all, it wasn’t that bad. Second, Remus isn’t at all suspicious, I told him that it was still really new for us to be public about our relationship. We can do this! Besides, it’s only for a little while longer.
James: Are you sure? It’s not too late.
Lily: Yes, I’m sure. And it is too late, you and I both know that.
James: True. Sirius would never let me live it down.
Lily: Exactly. We just need to get through this trip then it’ll all be over.
James: Ok, but only if you’re absolutely sure.
Lily: I am.
James: *insert thumbs up emoji*
"I call shotgun!"
"No fair!"
"Come on, his girlfriend's driving, at least let him have shotgun." Marlene told Sirius. He pouted but relented, climbing into the backseat next to Remus who had already started reading a book.
Great, not only was Lily driving for several hours but she would have to endure James' terrible taste in music. If it weren't for this crazy idea of hers she could protest but both of them needed to convince their friends that they were actually dating.
At work Remus had been asking a lot of questions and Marlene had already said she was willing to room with Alice and Dorcas, her friend from work. Remus and Sirius were sharing as well. This left Lily and James in the third room together.
The last few days hadn't been too bad, everyone was so busy packing that they hadn't been paying them attention. James had stopped by at the store a couple times with baked treats and hot chocolate. He would kiss her on the cheek before heading out.
It had been odd at first, the very first time he had leaned in to brush a kiss against her cheek she had nearly jumped out of her skin. When Remus had questioned it she had brushed off his suspicion, telling him that she was not used to being public about her relationship with James. Her explanation had allayed his suspicions for now but he was sure to think something was up if she continued like that.
The next few times he had stopped by, James had texted ahead of time. Sirius, she hadn’t even seen recently. Marlene had tried to get all of the details out of her but had quickly become distracted with telling Lily about her own relationship woes. Alice was busy taking care of her son who had been sick for a day or so. Thankfully he had made a quick recovery or else she wouldn’t have even been able to come on this trip. She desperately needed a break. None of them had had enough time to fully scrutinize her and James’ supposed relationship.
Now all seven of them were going to be trapped in the same vehicle for six hours. This was going to be torture.
With everyone and their bags in the car Lily waited for everyone to fasten their seat belts before backing out of the driveway. She wove her way through the neighborhood until she got to the freeway exit. Accelerating to freeway speed, she merged on.
Needless to say, the next few hours were excruciating. The events followed a pattern that repeated endlessly. Sirius would get bored and start distracting Remus. When Remus said that he wanted to finish the chapter Sirius would then shift his focus to Marlene. The two of them would eventually wrap Dorcas into their conversation. It would inevitably turn into an argument leading them all to declare that they were not speaking to each other. Alice, everybody left alone. The moment the car started moving she was out of it. All of this occurred a total of three times, all with a soundtrack provided by James. Most of it was whatever was on the radio. He seemed to have developed a knack for finding a station playing the same songs over and over and over. Every time Lily asked him to change the station he would simply turn the volume up a little.
After a few hours of driving she pulled off, thankful that she could finally change seats and maybe borrow Dorcas’ noise-canceling headphones. Once everybody had rearranged themselves, Lily pulled out a book.
She felt a sharp elbow against her rib cage. Putting a bookmark in between the pages she had just been reading she looked over.
“Look outside!”Alice said, excitedly.
Turning to look out the window she was met with the most beautiful sight. The hill they were driving up had been cleared but along the sides were piles of snow. They hadn’t gotten snow yet in the city because of the altitude but the mountains had clearly gotten plenty. 
As the car pulled into a driveway Lily was stunned by the cabin. She had never been before, this was usually a trip that she had had to miss because she was visiting her family. This year however Petunia had flat out said she didn’t want her there. Their parents had both passed away in the past few years so Lily mainly went to see her sister, her self-important brother-in-law, and her nephew.
Now that Lily could finally see the cabin with her own eyes she was stunned by how big it was. Everybody got out of the car and she could feel the snow softly falling onto her face. Spinning in the snow, she laughed, facing upwards into the cool gray of the sky. Around her she could hear the sounds of her friends grabbing their things and rushing into the warmth of the cabin.
She looked over at James who was holding her suitcase out for her to grab.
James grabbed his things and slammed the door shut. Together they walked up the steps, carefully so they wouldn’t slip and fall. When Lily stepped into the cabin she exclaimed at how gorgeous it was. The entryway was wide and open with high ceilings. She continued onward into the kitchen which opened into the living room. The far wall was almost entirely made up of windows that had a stunning view of the snow-capped mountains that they would no doubt be skiing on later.
Lily followed the sounds of laughter up a staircase that she hadn’t seen earlier. Peeking into the bedrooms she eventually reached the end of the hallway where the final, and empty, bedroom was. Twisting the doorknob she opened the door into a large room that had a bed. One, single, massive bed.
“What?” James asked from behind her.
“There’s only one bed.”
“Seriously?” He shoved past her enough to get a look at the room and there it was, sure enough, one bed.
“I’ll go ask Sirius if his family have any air mattresses lying around.” Lily moved to leave but James halted her with a hand on her arm.
“No, wait. If you ask that they’ll ask why we can’t just sleep in the same bed. After all, we are dating and it is a big bed. We could probably sleep without even knowing the other person was there.”
Lily sighed, but accepted the futility of her situation. Now her only thought was of going to bed next to James. Sure, she’d seen him in a bathing suit before but this was different. There was something infinitely more intimate about sleeping in the same bed as someone than being in a pool together.
At that very moment, a similar thought occurred to James.
Shit. He was fucked.
Part 3>>
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sepulchritude · 3 months
ianthe and Coronabeth are soooooo normal. it kills me that harrow genuinely just did not want to become a lyctor. She was SO unenthused. She would do anything to get 5% bonus credit on a test but not this. The toxic codependency is real as fuck. “GOD I miss Gideon’s narration” is the fandom mood!!! (For some nonzero portion of HTN/NTN, that may be all of it, and also may be only part of it, depending on whether Gideon IS gone-gone or not, which you don’t know). We ALL just wanna hear about biceps, broadswords, and broads. also. We can probably trust horrible godman. I bet he’s, like, cool and normal about people and events. Also unironically he’s one of my faves. At the time I finished GTN it was my greatest hope to have more Ianthe Activities and I will not specify to you whether that hope was fulfilled or not
Okay so I’ve kept this in my inbox specifically so I could reply once I know more (approx halfway through htn rn) and god!! Okay so.
Ianthe and Coronabeth. I wanna put them in a jar and shake them, I’ve seen spoilers that Coronabeth comes back at some point but not whether she and Ianthe get to be in the same room as each other. I guess I can see why Ianthe couldn’t take her as her cavalier (too toxically codependent to risk never seeing her again and living like that) but I stand by my point that now Ianthe has to exist in unholy fusion with Babs of all people
And okay like I don’t know things yet but I’m hearing the 2nd person/3rd person switches between current vs past events, and I’m hearing snippets of Gideon-like phrasing in the 2nd person narration and Harrow’s thoughts, and I’m very 👀👀👀 about it. I know lobotomy brain hemorrhage etc etc spoilers so I’m thinking Gideon is existing in her brainspace someway that’s imperceivable to Harrow. But I don’t know what exactly the past Harrow knew that made her do things the way she did. Gnawing on drywall about it tbh
And I love all of the “is this really how it happens?” in the flashbacks, no idea what’s actually going on with them (I thought it was just Harrow’s scrambled brain attempting to make sense of the events without Gideon but they seem too detailed and divergent for that at this point tbh!) but I love the slow horror of everything being different in confusing ways! When Palamedes and Camilla died I was like ohhhh, uh oh we’re in for something weird here!
And then poor Harrow is just so wretchedly alone in a way she’s never had to be and it highlights how much of a pillar Gideon was in her life! Her and Ianthe’s dynamic is everything to me though, absolute perfection. I didn’t know I needed more Ianthe after reading gtn but I’m delighted to get it.
And the soup scene was *chef’s kiss* incredible especially because Harrow at the time was so fucked up she was staring at a spoon trying to divine its purpose and then forgot the word for bone marrow. Mercymorn said “I can’t tell if you’re a once in a lifetime genius or a brain damaged imbecile” and I was grinning because, both! :D
And then God. Based on spoilers I’ve seen I think I haven’t really seen everything John’s got going on, but I’ve been struck the whole time I’ve been reading htn by the sheer charisma he has. He says all the right words, he gives all the right praise, he’s empathetic he’s kind he’s supportive—he has clearly spent the last 10000 years developing a level of diplomatic personable grace that works on damn near everybody. I saw a post about how another reader kept expecting it to be a facade that he would drop eventually and show himself as a manipulative villain, but that the truth is more banal and somehow worse because of it. Idk I don’t remember the rest because I didn’t have context at the time, but something about “how can you just sit there and eat peanuts after everything you’ve done?” And I’m really looking forward to seeing how that all comes together, I want to see what’s going on with this wretched little man.
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jordynbreeloa777 · 4 months
(SOME BACKSTORY) Me and this guy have been talking for 4 months! Just taking things slow, no rush he sometimes would go days without texting me first which I changed cause of my thoughts duh, but this time it was different? OKAY OKAY anyways, I know I been posting about other things I been manifesting but I forgot to tell y’all this!! ME AND MY SP WENT 4 DAYS, WITHOUT COMMUNICATING, HE UNFOLLOWED ME OFF SOCIAL MEDIA, AND HIS FRIEND UNFOLLOWED ME TO. This was also RANDOMLY TOO? I was texting and yet no response, so I stopped. Took a deep breath when the world starts getting too loud and you start to lose faith in your abilities. Also I didnt know if something happened, or what but I didn’t think so once him and his friend removed me from there instagram. BRO I kid you not, of course as the god of my reality I said Unt unt. I immediately went into imagination and affirmed “ he’s in love with me what are you talking about?” “*his name* always text me” “ creation is already done” “isn’t it wonderful “ I affirmed those for the past few days whenever I got the chance (didn’t do any saturation sessions, no subliminals, no void, no SATS) just me my thoughts, and basic a+p, y’all. why I get a text RANDOMLY an hour ago saying “yoo, my bad baby I apologize??” idk rlly what went down, but when I asked what he said “something personal” I know that’s kinda hella dry but ay he still my man😛😛(We also talked about what had happened) LMAO, I’m taking this as a success story. I mean who can stop me I’m literally a MASTER MANIFESTOR who always get what I want just because I said so. Your subconscious works in MYSTERIOUS WAYS. YOU DONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THE HOW, JUST THE END. HOW IT UNFOLDS, IS NOT, AND I MEAN, IS NOT YOUR JOB!! I guess you can say I used “states, askfirmations, and robotic affirming!
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drowninginblox · 11 months
Rewatching voltron
I’m only on season one and- I want to filter my thoughts I guess
Okay so full disclosure-
I forgot most of Voltron and I wanted to watch it again just to see where it went wrong + maybe rewrite it. Most of this list is grievances and high praises. But yknow- it’s fun for me.
Hunk deserves better
Of course best boy is going first
I distinctly remember from the end of voltron that hunk didn’t have alot of moments to shine. I’m only in episode 5 as of writing this point and I see SO MUCH PROMISE. He’s a great middle man, he’s loyal as hell, and he’s so smart! The following seasons are gonna be painful for me I know it.
“You have a better idea?” / “Actually yes I do.”
That’s it. That’s the red talk.
Coran deserves better
I want more caring dad
Why couldn’t we have more??
He cares so much for Allura and for w h a t
The “we make a good team” line + TW: Klance in general
Holy shit us Klance shippers were sooooo desperate. Like- my god. We fucking ran with that shit to the universe and back god damn. And it all started from that one line. I don’t know if I should be proud or disappointed my god.
Since we’re talking about this ship- there are a lot of missed opportunities for Keith and Lance’s dynamic and individual character. Like, I think, we all forget that Lance was the person who came up with the plan, when him and Keith were supposed to sabotage the galra forces at Balmera (living mining planet). Lance was actively aware of the planets saltines and he stopped kids from acting on his impulses, resulting in them (initially) covertly deactivating  the hanger so they can prevent further reinforcements.
I also don’t like how the scene introduces Keith’s heritage. I understand that this is a set up for a greater plot point and we’re not really supposed to know how Keith activates galra tech but- fuck I need to go on a tangent in the later seasons if I go along with this series of blog posts, I guess
Gundom every few episode format
Holy shit I LOVE that a group of episodes are dedicated to arcs that help the main story and THAT THE BIG MONSTER DOESN’T SHOW UP EVERY EPISODE
If only we had this more often-
I do not know how old these fuckers are and that is concerning. The only information I have on age is one of the Galra generals calling Pidge a child when they were taking over the castle. Like- Voltron please tell me how old these mfs are.
I have my own HCs ofc but like- CMON.
Speaking of, Pidge is giving 14-16, Hunk, Lance, Keith and Allura are giving 17 to 18, Shiro is giving 18-25, and Coran is at a good 34-40 not including the 10000 year long freeze Allura and Coran went through
Minor characters
I love the tribal civilization at inhabits allura’s home planet
The POWs, Shay’s people, the mercenaries, I love all of these guys
I like how the planets are alive
Just- good job Voltron for universe building
The lions are their own characters
I really like the idea of the lions being specific with who they allow in as their pilots. However, I wish that the selectiveness was a longer process. And key situation it was a life or death one. It felt like the redline had to actively choose, whether or not to save him from the deep vacuum of space. Meanwhile, for pitch it was just oh hop in and get going you know. Same with Shiro I get that he unlocked the synchronicity of the lien and pilot relationship immediately, but it feels too give in.
Piggybacking off of that I don’t like that Alura basically assigns the paladins Hogwarts houses as soon as she sees them. I think that’s bullshit. I got that she grew up with the lions and was born shortly after their creation but still. 
I also like how during battle of the lines actively recommend which strategies and weapons, the pilot should use, and which ones they refused to go along with
Also- element powers?? I miss those
Idk the yellow goo before being refined into quintessence having healing properties- WHY WAS THAT FORGOTTEN??? That could’ve been huge! Even if it only applies to galuras
Also- god I wish there was rules for Allurans powers and wtf quintessence is.
The Black Lion (the episode not the actual mech)
I forgot so much of this season holy shit.
The main conflict being tied to Shiro connection w/ his lion is a great plot point
It also is a great reveal that Zarkon is the original black palidin. I love how the B
Also- Shiro coming head to head with his PTSD is m w a h
Peak Keith in this ep (for this season ofc) Ofc he would take on Zarkon by himself. I’m so mad I forgot about that
THE BLADE!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally screamed when I saw them lol
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makigorogoro · 8 months
disorganized thoughts on fionna and cake eps 5 and 6
ok ive only seen the eps once each and im going off of memory so a lot of this is probably gonna be paraphrased and mixed up but whatever . also this post is really fucking long lol sorry
-obviously we are in the farmworld, not surprised but very happy!!!
-also not very surprised fionna and cake immediately went along with simon’s plan
-the whole time they were talking about where to find a crown i was like lol. simon don’t look behind you
-cake bringing fionna a dead rat was really funny
-the versucci gag or whatever was also really good
-but what made me die was fionna talking abt how she’s played a lot of post apocalyptic rpgs and then it pans over to “man who has actually lived through the apocalypse”
-was really cool to see how the farmworld has developed after what happened with ice finn, i think it’s interesting how they’re more technologically advanced since the first time an ice age happened in this world they pretty much reverted to medieval times (does that make sense. you know what i mean)
-i was SO convinced jay was farmworld finn’s little sibling so when he said dad my heart stopped
-the name jay didn’t immediately click until bonnie was revealed to be one of his other kid’s name and i was like HOLY SHIT PUHOY???
-veeeery interesting since assumingely golb destroyed/erased the pillow world
-i guess you could just chalk it up to finn would have named his kids the same thing in any universe?
-but i mean speaking of his kids GOD he got busy with huntress wizard
-i mean it has to be huntress wizard. one of them looks just like human hunter wizard
-sucks that she died though
-simon’s ship of theseus thing was so fucking funny oh my god he’s just like me fr (i started talking about the ship of theseus in one of my assignments a few days ago and i was like. is this too nerdy.)
-i haven’t really talked about farmworld finn yet. a little sad he turned out so cold (pun not intended oops 😭) because of what happened to him when he was younger
-good on him for saying simon was a damn fool or whatever for wanting to put the crown on lol
-i wish they actually had a talk though
-cake saying fionna should kiss him while knowing he’s just an alternate version of her??????? girl
-also farmworld jake still being alive was crazy
-so it did turn out the crown was destroyed in this world, i honestly wasn’t sure since the crown from the main world survived direct contact with a comet lol
-the romeo and juliet style romance going on between finn’s kid and big destiny’s kid was really good
-finn showing up with bartram lmao!!!!!
-dude i love bartram, the bit in finn the human where finn’s mom says that they have to sell the mule and then bartram’s head peaks out from the bed in the corner is unironically one of my favorite jokes in adventure time
-i kinda forgot what happens between here and the end
-so did farmworld finn fucking die????
-idk what happened there i sure hope not
-i really don’t know if we’re going to revisit these worlds in any capacity considering the amount of time left but i hope we do now!! i feel like we need to see what happens lmao
-now for ep 6
-wasn’t really expecting it to open on “fionna world” as they started calling it
-i was wondering how they were gonna balance gumball and marshall yaoi with what’s going on with the main trio
-they did it really well though i think
-i also wasn’t really expecting to be introduced to winter king right away once we got back to the main plot
-he definitely gave me weird vibes right from the start im gonna be honest lol
-blaah i don’t really remember what happens between that and the winter wonder world sequence
-so ill just talk about that. holy fuck
-every review i read before the show came out was really hyping this scene up and i get why now
-was really cool to see the beyond the grotto animation again and the song was so good it’s still stuck in my head
-but the moment the winter king said he overcame the crown with sheer will i was like. um. im calling bs
-i was just thinking however it did happen though i have a bad feeling about! felt really bad for simon and when he said that he sucked i was like. oh no ☹️ dude
-the moment i saw little ice marcy pretty much cemented it for me i was like oh no something fucked up is happening here. tbh i still can’t really figure out what happened with that but given what the winter king said about making an ice betty. uhhhhhhhhhh
-OH YEAH cake once again saying simon and the winter king should kiss . GIRL WHAT ARE YOU ON
-i looooved crazy pb
-i remember when people were saying she was a marcy pb child lmao.
-simon saying that he wanted to “fix her” while the winter king just wanted to kill her was really interesting. im trying to figure out what it means lol. like we know that simon wants to be the ice king again but also now knowing he would want to fix and save someone from that madness…idk
-her song was really good
-her playing those ominous notes on her keyboard made me laugh
-i haven’t really talked about gumball (im not calling him gary im sorry) and marshall. i thought they were really cute!!! could definitely see marcy and pb meeting in a similar way
-the juxtaposition between gumball talking about his creations to fionna fighting the fucked up versions of them was really cool
-i hope gumball doesn’t take what the lemoncarbs said to heart . they’re just like that
-ok so. I was honestly more shocked that fionna kissed (a version of) simon than him disintegrating seconds after lmaooooo
-i have to wonder why he immediately died here when in betty (the episode) he was dying relatively slowly without the crown’s magic
-ive been writing down a bunch of crack theories and the first thing ive gotten right was the winter king transferring his craziness to pb lol lets goooo
Tumblr media
-i was thinking that simon might’ve transferred it himself but then i was like nooo he wouldn’t do that….apparently he would do that
-idk despite how he seemed i think the winter king was still a little insane in the membrane.
-maybe the crown was still influencing him in some way? and that’s the message here? idk
-i can’t believe bi fionna is real
-back to gumball and marshall. gumball describing slumber party panic……oh my jod 🥺🥺🥺
-the baby world was so cute
-“and i’ll be cursed the right way” simon do you fucking hear yourself
Ok that’s definitely not all i have to say but this post is long enough lmao ,, god this show is SO GOOD i can’t believe it’s real. ok that’s all
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