#i dunno but i don't care since i gotta love myself as well
pastel-twilight · 9 months
✨ An Analysis of Shiki Misaki ✨
Neku, Beat, & Josh were all bitter towards the world because they felt like they couldn't be understood. Shiki stood out from them in that she outright wanted people to perceive her in a different way than she actually was.
It's interestingly ironic since she's the most accepting & empathetic out of the whole group. She's more than willing to encourage others to open up so she may understand them, & yet, she's very unwilling to show her "true self" out of fear that she's not good enough to be cared about in return. It shows how unworthy she feels in comparison to those around her. She even puts herself down at several points, subtly or not.
She was patient with Neku, gentle with Beat, & she'd likely be kind with Joshua. But she believes she's not like them. She shouldn't be herself. If she were, it'd expose just how unimpressive she truly is. Nobody would like her & her friendships would fall apart.
However, as good as her intuition is, she's very incorrect about that. Eri, who's apparently a large source of her self-hatred, adores Shiki. Claims to be nothing without her. Neku, a guy who hated humanity & pushed everyone away, warmed up to Shiki in a matter of days because of the cracks in her façade revealing someone he could have better respect for. He outright says he likes her as she is & to discard the notion that she has to be like Eri.
Shiki - insecure lil Shiki - caused a domino effect that led to the city she dreamed of basing her future in being preserved. It was Neku who proved Joshua wrong in the end, but it was Shiki's influence that inspired Neku to become better to begin with. She's simply that amazing.
Sadly, being able to change & befriend the previously uncaring Neku didn't fully clear her doubts. This led to the telling question, "Once you see the real me, will we still be friends?"
"Count on it. You'll always be Shiki," wasn't something she expected to hear in return.
I theorize that during the ending, she was only mostly shown & not completely because her arc wasn't finished. It symbolizes that her journey towards self-love has not yet reached its conclusion. We can't see Shiki at her (literal) fullest until she's ready to accept herself.
NEO is where that changes. She's living out her dream, being herself down to a fashion sense that might seem tacky to others, but feels cozy to her. It's what she feels about herself that matters, after all, & she's finally acknowledging it. This is why I like her new design.
Shiki used to base too many of her feelings on how others may or may not feel about her, but now that she knows she's good enough, she can be confident in whatever she does. Wear sneakers with a dress & oversized cardigan, then top it off with large, nerdy glasses? Sure, why not! She even succeeded in starting her fashion brand with flying colors. Now she can simultaneously make herself & others happy! Sad as it is that Eri didn't show up alongside Shiki, it goes to show that the seamstress can be iconic even if her bestie('s appearance) isn't involved.
Also, contrary to popular belief, Shiki's not shy. She was awkward when it came to herself & her needs, but was loudly eager to befriend & aid others. She was mostly super capable of putting her foot down when she felt disrespected. That strength can't be faked. It's no persona.
Shiki Misaki's bountiful optimism & compassion already helped her stand out. She never needed to be someone else to shine bright.
When we finally get to see her eyes, we note that they're big, beautiful, & brown like Eri's, but with a different hue. Shiki's hue. 💚
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queenlua · 3 months
ugh religion/politics venting
* today i read the latest in the depressingly long series of incidents in the saga of, "the Southern Baptist Convention simping for the goddamn child molesters/enablers in their own church." i know i'm phrasing that in the maximally inflammatory way; i don't care. it's not like there's a whole fucking gross awful history here or anything
anyway i have felt bizarrely emotional about it, for someone who left that church over a decade ago and has no strong attachment to it otherwise. i guess it's like, i read that article and thought to myself "jfc, where are people even going nowadays, like, if your church's senior leadership sucks that much you gotta leave, right." and i was sort of tempted to call up some of my old church-y friends and ask "ok where are you going now," but... (1) hahaha a lot of my church-y friends left all churches whatsoever a long time ago, and (2) the ones who remain, like, i'm not close enough to them to ask, right? if i called them and randomly asked them intrusive questions about their Religious Organization Feelings, they would peg me as the obnoxious chick who left to go become a coastal liberal elite and now is being a dick to them. and i mean i wouldn't be trying to be a dick but i would be being awfully nosy and presumptuous, right
anyway, my wondering about that sent me down a whole rabbithole of "which congregations are actually growing in the US nowadays anyway," and while it's gratifying to see that the SBC shrinking, i don't exactly love the growth of pentecostalism in its place, right, seeing as "pentecostal brainworms" is at least partially responsible for like 50% of my trans friends getting kicked to the fucking curb by their parents the second they Deviated From The Script. so, y'know, fuck that
i did learn that the "free will baptist" denomination skews surprisingly young and, wow, what a kickass name for a denomination. i know nothing else about them but i hope they're as cool as the image in my head
...anyway, all that idle research didn't really do much to assuage how fucking weirdly furious i am over the SBC. like, i sincerely think the SBC mostly sucks and hasn't been redeemable pretty much ever, but it was also a cultural juggernaut in my youth, and one sort of hopes one's cultural juggernauts might find some way to reform into something humane, or at least fade away with grace. it's somehow secondhand humiliating and depressing to see it devolve into what i knew was always there at its core: gross old men power-tripping and protecting their own and never never never coming down on the side of anything that felt good and right in my heart of hearts
* unrelated but since i'm being unvirtuous and Politicsing On Main anyway:
every goddamn thing i've read out of netanyahu's mouth makes me want to punch his stupid face in until his skin is paste and the paste is mush and the mush is fine little bits of organic matter to feed the soil. and still the dude will not have suffered enough. not to be former-southern-baptist or anything but: i hope keeping your precious status & deliberately inflaming the most brainpoisoned rightoids in your nation & all that other shit is worth the fires of hell that await you after buddy!!!!
i don't have a Sophisticated Take on the israel/gaza stuff, but. at the end of the day i have cultivated a caveman's sense of morality, as a reaction to my tendency to over-intellectualize, and that caveman's sense of morality imo has served me pretty well, for instance: when The Big Guy is beating the everloving shit out of The Small Guy, the thing that is happening is fucked and i don't care who started it, it's gotta stop well before, i dunno, "bombing the shit out of a bunch of kids" for fucking starters. this works for an awful lot of Big Guy vs Small Guy scenarios. try it sometime
(i hate that i even remotely feel the urge to caveat it this way but to be clear: bibi & his homicidal campaign != judaism. judsaism rules, antisemitism is bullshit. but no more fucking more kids dying in a stupid campaign, ceasefirenow etc)
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Please please can I get a sick fic with farrell ozzie I wanna either have him take care of me or take care of him myself 😭
A/N: awww of course you can sweetie! Honestly, I think we could all use a little of daddy ozzie to take care of us, no? Plus he’s a lot more fun to write when he’s spoiling you guys ♥️
Word Count: 1.4 k…I dunno how it got that long holy shit
Reevesverse/Farrell Penguin Taking Care of Sick Reader:
"Sweetheart, I know you don't want to, but you gotta stay in bed." 
"Ozziieee" You whined. "I'm fine! My nose is just a little stuffy." 
"Doll, you're congested. You have a fever of 104. And your voice sounds like it's going through a cheese grater."
"Why is it so cold in here, Ozzie?" You tried to wrap yourself closer in the layers of sheets and the comforter. Trying to seal in any warmth they provided.
"And you have the chills." Oswald sighed.
You groaned. You laid back down on the California King-sized bed and buried your head back into the pillow. 
Oz was sitting on a chair set by your side of the bed. He wore a pair of boxers, a silk mauve-colored robe, and slippers. He came up beside you and tucked the sheets underneath you. He hasn't left your side since you woke up feeling like absolute garbage. Just a wastebasket of mucus, pressure, chills, and muscle pains.
"Will you please stay put? I'm gonna go grab you a few things."
Oswald sat up from his chair but you stopped him by grabbing his wrist. 
"Oz…I-I can get it." You wheeled before going to a coughing fit. 
Oz patted your back as you grabbed a tissue on the bedside table and hacked into it. 
"Yeah, nah. Not a chance, doll. Let me take care of you." 
He stood up from his chair. "No buts. You're sick and need to rest, baby. And besides-" Oz pushed some strands of sweat damped hair away from your forehead and he kissed the middle of it. "-You know as well as I do, how much I love taking care of you."
Well, you can't argue with that can you? You sighed dreamily, you could have sworn that you finally felt your body start to warm up.
You hummed softly. "Well, you got me there.."
Oswald chuckled, his gold tooth glinting in the warm table lamp light. "I'll be right back, I promise." 
You really didn’t think you could get up if you actually wanted to.
You just didn’t want Oz to leave. Your chills made you feel like you were stuck in a bucket of ice in a freezer and Oswald was the furnace that would eventually melt away the ice to freedom. 
Thinking of him coming back and huddling you up in his warm protective embrace made you slowly lull yourself to sleep. 
Oswald came back in with a small silver tray in hand. He prepped a bowl of soup, glass of water, and some medicine. He slowly trekked his way back over to the side of the bed. Oz noticed you softly breathing through your mouth, your nose far too stuffed and congested to let air in or out. 
He chuckled softly as he set the tray down on your bedside table. He really didn’t want to wake you, but you had to take some medicine. 
Oswald placed the tips of his calloused fingers along the start of your scalp and carefully combed his fingers through your hair and along the top of your scalp. He repeated the motion to slowly coax you into waking up. 
Your eyes started to move under your closed eyelids. The soft, easy strokes caused a tingling sensation along your scalp and for once your head wasn’t absolutely throbbing and about to crack open at the slightest bit or pressure. 
Hesitantly, you blinked your eyes open and were instantly rewarded with Oz softly smiling down at you. You grinned giddily, quickly slamming your eyes closed, and continue relishing in his ministrations. 
“Sweetheart, you gotta eat something and take some medicine.” He said in a hushed tone, despite trying to refrain you from dozing off. 
You groaned. “But it feels good…”
Oz chuckled softly. “I’ll make you a deal, honey. One I know you can’t refuse. You eat something, take this medicine and drink some water…and ol’ Ozzie will get back in bed with you and I’ll stroke your head until you fall back asleep. Hm?”
“Mm hm..” You nodded, albeit your eyes were still closed. 
“Sound like a deal, doll?” He slowly removed his hand away from your scalp and you could’ve cried. 
You huffed but eventually sat up in bed. 
“That’s it…I promise it’ll be worth it.” 
He placed the tray on your lap and you couldn’t stop the soft gasp that left you. “Oh, Ozzie…you’re a life saver. Thank you, I hate you had to do all this…” The gesture truly made your heart swell.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, Y/N. It’s like I keep telling you, I take care of you because I want to.”
“Because you love me.” You cooed knowing that was the answer. 
“Now, you’re getting it.” He grinned. 
You started to finally eat and drink, when you felt you had enough in your belly you swallowed the pills. Oz kept an eye on you just to ensure there wasn’t anything else you may need. 
“Ahh...shit..” Oz cursed under his breath. “I’ll be right back, sweetheart.” He got up from his seat and gave you a swift peck on your cheek. You started measly chewing the saltine cracker you soaked into your soup. 
You were silently praying he didn’t have to go to to the club. However you also knew just how much of a role he played, he couldn’t be out of commission too long or too much or the whole system gets backlogged. 
Oswald walked into the bedroom’s private bathroom, but still left the door slightly cracked open.
“Listen, can’t you just deal with it? Have one of the twins take care of it!” 
You could hear some parts of the conversation. You stopped chewing so you could listen in.
“I’m not comin’ in, today. Just…goddamn am I the only one with a functioning brain in that whole building?...No you weren’t supposed to answer that…” Oz groaned. 
“If there’s any emergencies, call me. But like I said, I’m not comin’ in…yeah? What about The Batman? Tell him I ain’t there, he’ll have to find his vengeance elsewhere…”
You could hear Oswald wipe his face in exhaustion and annoyance. “Ya done? Yeah, yeah I’m fine, but my baby’s sick and I’m taking care of them…what? No! My significant other you dense…ugh. Just…call if there’s any emergencies, yeah? But I’m out.” 
You heard him hang up, and you quickly resumed eating as if you totally weren’t eavesdropping. You looked up over at him when he walked back out into the bedroom. 
“Is everything okay, Ozzie?” You asked softly. 
“Of course, sweetheart. You don’t worry about anything, except for getting better, okay?” He took a glance down at the tray and chuckled. 
“What?” You asked.
“And you said you didn’t need anything…”
You looked down at the empty bowl, empty glass, and the missing pills. You bit your lip. “I may have fibbed a tiny bit.” 
Oz snickered. “Uh huh, that’s what we’ll call it.” He went over to your side of the bed and picked up the tray from your lap. 
“I could’ve set it down…” You mumbled.
“I know, I know…you’re just taking care of me.” You smiled in sweet defeat. 
“Now, Oswald…” You announced sternly.
Oz perked his eyebrow at you, not sure where the seriousness came from. 
“...it’s your time to fulfill your part of the bargain.” You crossed your arms, before defiantly flipping back the covers on the other side of you and patting the bed. 
That caused Oswald to chortle in delight. He began slowly making his way to his side of the bed, almost like he was reluctant. 
“Ozzieee…I’ll be better by the time you get here!” 
“Kinda the idea..” he mumbled under his breath, jokingly. He was interrupted in his journey by a small pillow you threw at him. 
“Hay is for horses and cuddles are penguins, get your ass in bed.” You snickered, already feeling a little better. 
“Can’t argue with that.” He hopped back into bed and before he could even get comfortable under the covers–you immediately buried yourself into his side. 
“Whoa gorgeous, gimme a second..”
“No.” You stated. You grabbed the wrist of his hand and placed it on your head. 
Your head bounced along with his chest as he let out a hearty laugh at your antics, but true to his word he began stroking your scalp like he did earlier. 
Between the loving strokes, the steady beat of his heart, and his natural warmth engulfing you in a sweet homely confection. You found yourself able to fall asleep instantly. 
As your breathing evened out, Oz could tell you were finally resting. He adjusted himself accordingly, turning on his side so both arms can be around you. He placed his chin on the top of your head, but not before kissing it as his hands resumed his massages. 
“You’ll be better in no time, sweetheart.”
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rosetintedgunman · 3 months
February 14th
It was a very busy evening at the Moonlight Roller. Many couples had decided to choose the venue as their date night. And why wouldn't they? Those who favoured the cheesy holiday would be rewarded with bright, heart-shaped decorations, special deals that were literally too good to be true, and plenty of activities to encourage a good night out.
Except... Wilford wasn't anywhere to be found.
That was rather unusual. After all, wasn't this a holiday that was made just for him? It seemed someone else had drawn this conclusion - the person whose home he had crashed.
Dante was not one to observe Valentine's Day, but it was one of the rare times he allowed himself to indulge in a simple pleasure from his human life and read a romance novel on the couch. Wilford was on the floor, one hand holding a joke book in the air as he debated on whether he wanted to read it.
It was... surprisingly peaceful, taking the reporter's eccentricity into account. In fact, it took some time before Dante realised something rather important:
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It was a good question, and one that Wilford didn't immediately answer. Instead, he placed the book on his lap and slumped against the piece of furniture.
"I don't think I'm th' expert of love I always claim ta be." Wilford leaned his head back until it lightly pressed against the arm of the couch. "I mean... I know I cared fer Celine an' all, but that love was fake since she didn't love me back. I was just an escape."
Dante hummed, closing his book to give his friend attention. "This isn't like you. Normally you'd redirect your attention to your love of your friends."
"True, but I can't really have friends hangin' in a date night zone tonight, can I?"
"I doubt it would be a helpful night to find someone single."
"Nah. With how things have been fer me, it's th' best time ta find that lover, or somethin'. My days are in order, I've barely fallen into other times, an' I'm on a good no-kill streak. I'm practically safe as a baby! But...." The humour in his voice disappeared, leaving a sense of deflation behind. "It's almost as though me bein' like this makes me feel like I gotta keep an eye out an' protect th' chickies."
"The... 'chickies'?"
"Yeah! All th' younger folks goin' through th' loops!"
"I don't think you need to worry about 'age difference' between us and adults of consenting age when those of our fate are unable to feel the progression of time in the same way."
Wilford put his book down so he could roll sideways until he was kneeling against the side of the couch. "What if they think I'm old an' not hot?"
The entity quirked an eyebrow. "You sound ridiculous right now."
"What if I'm losin' my hotness radar an' I can't find anyone of my type 'cause I dunno what that is anymore??" Truly, what a rotten fate!!
Unfortunately, Dante was not the person to lament to. "You act like I know the answer to your problems."
"Yeah. Yer smart."
"But about a matter such as love? I grew up in a loveless family and died a bachelor. I'm not a fountain of knowledge."
Wilford slumped forward until his chin bumped against the couch. "Yeah, I 'spose... I'll get all that figured out in time." That appeared to be the end of it, as his eyes half-focused on one of the back cushions. "Ya think I ever found love in between then and now?"
Dante didn't know the answer. However, he had to give some sort of response.
"Romantically? I think you did. I'm sure you'll remember something about it that will help you remember your 'date skills'."
Wilford chuckled, moving his gaze to Dante. "Yer a good friend, y'know that? I'm gonna help ya find a date. Least I can do." Wilford's offer did not go down well.
"I can barely tolerate myself most days. I won't subject anyone else to do likewise."
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goofyahhteachers · 1 year
Ask for SketchBook: how do you feel about the other teachers (that you have met)
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Sketch: O-OH! w-well I mean I gotta talk about my lovers first, right? <:3
Electracey is so amazing I love having her as a partner! It's a lil silly sometimes, tearing some parts to see if it's electric or not but it's ok!!
Tony is also amazing, GAH ALL OF THEM AMAZING TO BE HONEST OK OK BUT TONY, he can be serious at times but they're so nice!! I've met them ever since high school! He's a bit busy at times but they always make time for us!
When I first met Morgue I was kindaaa scared, but talking to him a lot made me a little bit braver to talk to him! Morgue is really nice once you get to know him just don't break his tempter heemhem
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I don't usually pick favorites but... My favorites would have to be Lazarus and maybe Stephan!
Lazarus is so silly I love xem! Of course, xe kinda spaces out at times but whenever xe's not, xe is fun to be with, and hanging out with xem is the best!
Stephan is just a big ol' dad! He's so sweet but.. sometimes he can be dumb... well I'm one to talk. BUT he's just really nice and goofy!
My least favorite but still on this list is Vegaline, can be annoying sometimes and... green... but I can deal with her. Unemployed Brendon is second on the list.
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Sketch: Ummm so... Shrignold, Warren, and the twins... I.. like them but I don't..?
Shrignold is just trying to force us to join their cult at times, I dunno why... They still consider yellow a member even though she's not..
Warren is umm weird, and greasy. I honestly just feel bad about him having barely any friends and not a lot of people liking him. I'm honestly happy that he's dating Shrignold and Lazarus.
Oh man, the twins, they remind me of Shrignold but instead of obsessed with love they're obsessed with family.
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Sketch: UGH, I honestly dislike Colin and Keith! I don't hate them because I just can't make myself hate them but they can be so annoying!
Colin is a narcissist, talks about himself or about Keith sometimes, they don't care how we feel sometimes and it just bullies Warren and Gilbert for no reason??? Compute is kinda a bitch if I'm being honest. He complains to us about its sister, Lia, I don't even understand why.
Keith is also a bitch, he makes fun of everyone just for fun, he always complains about this house not being safe, and umm.. sometimes I just hear him saying stuff? I'm not sure what but it's just kinda weird. Maybe he just hallucinates friends.
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some-creep · 2 years
fluff 3 from the prompt list?
With a little mention of 17 because two people wanted that.
Also I think I might be bad at sticking to these prompts as "intended". Oh well :^)
Callie had been home for a little over a month before she allowed herself to be intimate with Marie again. Or rather, before she let herself *try*. Callie didn't feel like she deserved it anymore, not after all the trouble she had gotten up to while she was kidnapped. It wasn't as if she thought having a lot of sexual partners made her unworthy of Marie (she'd had plenty before her anyway), it was just the fact she felt like she cheated on her. She knew how much Marie cared about her, and in a way, she felt like she'd broken that trust. Worse yet, she was too ashamed to admit it.
They were sitting on the couch together when Marie had once again attempted to coax her into…anything romantic, really. They'd hardly even kissed since she'd come home. Callie had turned to junk food in an attempt to find comfort, which had only caused her more problems she didn't want to deal with either. Marie was understanding of her reluctance, but it didn't make her any less confused. Even so, she could tell Marie missed being with her, so finally, she relented. Tried to.
Callie let herself be kissed, let herself be touched, and struggled to let herself enjoy it. If she didn't love Marie so much, she wouldn't feel so guilty! It wasn't a problem she thought was possible, but here she was, unable to get turned on without feeling miserable for it!
She tried to focus on the here and now. Marie was soft, warm, and smelled faintly like cigarettes. She'd yell at her later for that. It was nice, sure, but she couldn't shake the feeling she didn't deserve it. Marie was being mindful, kissing her slowly as she tried to gauge Callie's reaction.
"Do you want me to carry you?" Marie asked, rubbing Callie's thigh. She was perched over her on the couch, watching her closely.
"To your bedroom. It's been a while, yeah? The couch is a little tacky. Not that I'm against it."
Callie blushed, more out of embarrassment than arousal. She didn't want that! She didn't even think Marie could anymore. Callie had already felt like she'd let herself go before being kidnapped, and now? She knew she had, she just knew it!
She shook her head, wrapping her arms around Marie's neck, "nu-uh. Here's fine." She reached back, grabbing Marie's shirt and tugging it up over her head less than gracefully.
Marie laughed, wrestling out of her shirt with Callie's help. She grinned, grabbing Callie's hands and pulling them to her sides, "Hey cutie. See anything you like~?"
Callie couldn't hold back her giggling. It was the calmest she'd been with Marie in a while. She was such a goof. And she did see plenty to like. From head to toe, she liked every bit of it. "Ohh… maybe. What else ya got?" She asked, dropping her hands to Marie's waistband. "Gotta check before I buy!"
Marie watched Callie unbutton her pants, letting her slide the zipper down before she stopped her.
"Your turn."
"No sale without a down payment."
"Ooh. But I'm just browsing!" She whined.
Marie began to slide her hand up under Callie's shirt, feeling her freeze up. She stopped, pulling back her hand. "Cal?"
"N-No, no it's fine I just…mmn."
"What's up?"
Marie's probing gaze made her shiver, she looked so intense, and serious! She felt tears in the corners of her eyes, she was going to break.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I was a bad girl while I was gone and I'm not even taking care of myself anymore cuz what's the point and–"
"Hey, hey, slow down." She hushed, kissing her forehead, "One problem at a time."
Callie took several deep breaths, hugging herself tightly. "Okay. I…" She closed her eyes, glad that Marie didn't push for more. "I'm not ready to tell you about all of that stuff. Maybe eventually. I feel really bad and different and like I don't deserve you, y'know?"
Marie kept quiet, just listening.
"I dunno what to do with myself since getting home. And I know I'm getting fat and you probably think that's gross cuz I used to be so pretty. Now I have this stupid tattoo and I dunno what to do about it and I don't want you to look at me. I don't deserve you."
Marie exhaled slowly, shaking her head. "Cal. Relax. You're getting worked up over nothing."
"You're getting in your own head. So what if you did bad stuff with the bad guys. I don't need to know what happened if you're not okay with it. And so what if you gained weight! Who cares? You're still pretty. Hot, even! I didn't fall in love with fake celebrity TV Callie who never screws up except when it's for a sketch. I fell in love with messy Callie who likes to eat fries and watch bad comedy movies and cries when she sees cute animals. I love you just the way you are, no matter what. All I care about is you love me back."
She blinked, starting to cry harder. Not what Marie wanted, Callie could tell, judging by her confusion. She squeezed Marie in her arms, sobbing like a baby. They could talk about it eventually, and Marie would wait. Marie would listen and she'd understand.
Though she'd probably need another reminder she was loved by then.
And a few reminders before that.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
May I pretty pleaseeee have a Sinclair love letter? You can pick the brother, I love 'em all.💜 Subject can also be up to you, I trust you and your judgement 🥰💜 don't think I won't be reciprocating!!!!
Of course Eri! A little SFW Bo Sinclair love letter! Hope you enjoy it!
I dunno why the fuck M’ doing this.
Okay, okay, shit, that was kinda harsh and it isn’t true, I’m doin’ it because I know today’s important. I might be stupid but I’m not that fucking stupid to forget what day it is. S’ been a whole year since you’ve been in Ambrose and I had to do somethin’ for it. 
You deserve more than just this an I am gonna, swear on Jonesy I will but for now I’m doin’ this.  
I gotta be honest I wasn’t sure why I kept you round at first, not to sound like a dick or nothin’ but s’ true. I wasn’t sure why. But now it’s more obvious than gettin’ run over by a truck. You are the perfect fit.
For the town, for what we're doin’, for our family and yes, for me. 
I don’t say it as often as I should, I care about you. A fuckton. How you help keep things running, how you look after us and remind me to take care of myself sometimes when I get too into something. You’re really important to me, an I dunno how we would ever go back to doing this without you, hell what I would do without you. 
Not to be a fucking creep but I watch you sometimes when you are working and seeing you so focused on a task is well it’s hard to stop. I think that this letter might be a bad idea just cuz I know how you can get. You work too damn hard already, shouldn’t praise you so much over it or you’ll run yourself into the ground. 
Point is, case it wasn’t obvious, I love you. Now that you got it in writing I won’t have to say it as much so really it’s a win for me too. 
I’m kidding! 
Anyway, I gotta go get your REAL gift together before I get in trouble.
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 3 years
it just saddens me how "hating-uno-shoma" has become a gateway to fs stan twt,,,, like you can't be accepted to fs stan twt if you don't actively trashtalk shooms every single living minute,,, i've been wanting to make an account now that i'm actively watching fs again but tbh i gotta preserve my sanity first
I know this may be the feeling when you just look into fs twt and some big popular accounts with many followers - hence many likes - hence the tweets who get presented as popular. But don't be sad this is not representative for the whole FS fandom on twt or any other SNS.
I can't tell you FS Twitter is a good place, it's not, but don't believe there are no Shoma fans there. There is a big part of FS Twitter who still loves and supports Shoma very much. I can name you accounts to block and to follow to live a peaceful Shoma fan life if you wish. I do it myself and have fun on FS Twitter, you just have to do self care and not look into the hater accounts.
I didn't see much negative stuff because I know which accounts to block and I also got blocked in return.
And tbh most of those haters, hated him long time ago when he was close to beating Yuzu at 2017 Worlds. Some of them hold a grudge for very long. There are also those ppl - fired up originally by Ambesi - who trashtalk his technique - that admittedly is far from ideal - and started to call him cheater. But this was all on the judging site, so they couldn't lull other ppl into believing he is a bad guy. In 2019 things changed with the one thing he said - I have talked about it many times already and am not going to repeat it time and time again, imo it was blown a lot out of proportion and also not looked at with context - sadly some ppl don't want to have the full story - so they canceled him so here we are.
Imo there are a few big accounts who remind ppl time and time again of the evil Shoma Uno everytime he competes or gets any kind of positive attention like ppl cooing over his dogs etc. Imo these must be miserable and masochistic ppl to watch and follow someone they hate so much. I mean in the end even if I believe someone is a bad person, it doesn’t make him/her a bad skater undeserving of medaling. Wild concept I know.
I think this one sentence speaks volumes about the state of FS Twitter "we need to uncancel Shoma" this was said by supposedly haters at SkAm. They don't hate him, they are just afraid they get blocked and lose some of their "precious" hater friends, because they know some of them make their twt experience a hell of a living. I am very sure many of the FS fans in general don't have a problem with Shoma at all, but if you wanna get "popular" on FS twt and get followers you need to "cancel" ppl (not only Shoma, but Vincent, Nathan, Mariah Bell etc.) or just not talk about them at all.
I also even know accounts who said "I wouldn't say a word about Shoma because I don't want to get in trouble, but I love him and his skating." So much for "everyone hates him". Well...NO we don't.
I also saw that turn of "trying to be popular" on twt with a Tumblr acc here, who talked positively to me in messages about Shoma and on Twt she is one of the ppl who gets involved into trash talks about Shoma. I dunno if she is serious or just trying to fit in, just that this is very different from the way she talked to me before and she knew the Shoma issue since 2019, but only in 2021 decided to be a "hater".
One thing I see with Shoma haters is that these are mostly young women or teenagers who don't have much life experience and feel personally insulted or try to fit in just like in real life or believe everything they are told. So maybe one day they realize that the world isn't black and white and skaters are ppl with faults and backgrounds and that cancel culture is not allowing growth for anyone - the hated and the hater.
I believe if you're grown up and have work and a life and FS is only your hobby - a precious one but a hobby - , there is no time or need to fit into a virtual world full of toxic remarks on who to hate and who to like. And we all know being grown-up isn't always about age.
I probably could have answered this shortly, but anyway I mean what I write...😅 (this is my biggest problem on twt, the size limit of tweets)
These are my personal observations in the FS fandom, so others experience might differ. But one thing is sure in social media you have to find your safe heaven.
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levis-little-nuggie · 3 years
What the Ever-loving FUCK Happened in Chapter 16??!?!!
A synopsis/transcript of the events that transpired between the end of Lesson 15 and 16.
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15-17: Time Loop 1
Barb shows us to his room and goes over the mission, telling us how to return back to the “present” after finding out about the door
15-20: no title
Open to Mammon’s room, all the brothers are in there bc they’re trying to get Lucifer and MC together, like a horror/scary thing to set the mood; the purpose to get Lucifer and MC alone together to open up; MC’s portal opens up and plops them in Mammon’s room with all the brothers; Lucifer and MC are in Levi’s room to play the game. We leave Mammon's room and immediately have to hide
16-1: Time Loop 2
Lucifer and MC are coming out of Levi's room and we're forced to hide in Lilith’s hidden room.
16-6: Time Loop 3
MC finds themselves standing face-to-face with Belphie, the attic door is open, and he starts hugging MC.
16-10: no title
Belphie kills us, then we’re speaking to a voice (Lilith's soul had been trapped, “I knew I picked the right person, I’ve been waiting for so long, you see. I’ve been waiting for you to come find me...after my death I remembered who I was, ever since becoming a soul, I’ve been watching over them, and in that time, I’ve forgotten how to get to the Celestial Realm.”) 
16-12: The Reunion
Brothers are standing over MC’s corpse and Belphie is out of the attic. There's a flashback of Barb telling us to find out how/who opened the attic door and not to be seen by anyone; however the brothers see us and the body Mammon is holding disappears; MC talks about Lilith having lived happily as a human.
16-15: no title
“I tell everyone the story as I heard it from Lucifer;” Diavolo comes in and informs MC they’re Lilith’s descendent. All the brothers start hugging MC and Diavolo asks: “Do you want to hug MC too, Belphegor?”
16-17: The Truth Revealed
Belphie tells us it’s his fault he couldn’t protect Lilith but Lucifer says it was his fault. The screen goes black and we're left with the assumption Lucifer lays out everything we already know based on what he revealed earlier in lesson 11 and in MC's flashbacks of Lucifer swearing loyalty to Diavolo.
16-19: no title
Barb is making and serving tea to the brothers, everyone’s in a good mood.
Lesson 17 starts with everyone acting awkward now with Belphie out of the attic and MC is now tasked with mending his relationships with all the brothers.
But wait, aren't we missing something?
You're right. We are.
16-A: Stuck Waiting
Levi: *sigh*
Asmo: Ugh, Levi, how many times have you sighed now?
Levi: I dunno, maybe 10 or so?
Satan: No it’s been 30 times at least
Asmo: Yes but what about you, Satan? How many cups of tea have you had, hmm? You know, if that stomach of yours gets all bloated from tea, i’m going to find you much less appealing
Satan: I couldn’t care less whether you find me appealing or not, Asmo. Also, instead of criticizing me, how about you say something to mammon here
Mammon: *mumble* … man this sucks so much … *grumble*
Asmo: Mammon, do you think maybe you could stop pacing around the room grumbling to yourself?
Levi: yeah, it’s super annoying
Mammon: Shaddup! How can I sit still at a time like this, huh? I mean MC went to the PAST!... Alone! Lke, MC may seem like someone who’s really got it together and stuff, but there’s a real boneheaded streak there that pops up at the weirdest times! Boneheaded, weak, and super reckless. Oh, and too damn gutsy! You never know when Marcie’s gonna take some sorta crazy risk! And like, that makes me wanna be there just in case. Like I GOTTA be there, or who knows what’ll happen?
Levi: Mmhm, sure, MC is SOOO special to you… What, are we supposed to be impressed or something?
Asmo: ooh I know exactly what you mean! It’s like you can’t help but what to lie down together on a bed or a sofa and do all sorts of naughty things- 
Satan: You’d better not do that Asmo
Asmo: excuse me? Could that be jealousy I hear, Satan? Relax. I won’t deny that MC is cute, but still, I think you’re pretty cute too Satan, so no need to worry
Levi: Yeah, MC really IS totally cute, don’t you think? And sort of … hard not to like… *grumbles*
Asmo: wait a minute… Levi, am I hearing what I think i’m hearing
Satan: You’ve only ever been interested in yout anime characters. Levi, has something changed?
Mammon: Whoa, is it just me or does that totally sound like a sign that Armageddon’s about to hit?
Levi: hey come on! Stop looking at me like that! Um...um...Asmo! You should go to the past and check to see how things are going!
Asmo: excuse me/ I know you’re just trying to change the subject, but don’t be ridiculous! I mean, you know that’s impossible. The doors into the past are inside Barbatos’s room, you realize?
Levi: Sure, but can’t you use your powers to charm Barbatos or something?
Asmo: ugh… no thank you! I mean, we’re really talking about Barbatos. If my powers did work on him, who knows what he might do to me once he ends up charmed? He might kill me, and i’m too young for that.
Mammon: pff, what’re ya, chicken?
Asmo: okay them why don’t you go seduce him, Mammon?
Mammon: Me? Um...really? … … Oh no no no no! No way that’s happening!
Asmo: but you really considered it for a second there, didn’t you? You considered seducing Barbatos!
Mammon: N-no, I didn’t! I mean, if it were MC, that’d be another story…!
Levi: You don’t need to remind us that you’ve got it bad for MC, Mammon. Keep it to yourself.
Satan: Well, powers of seduction don’t work on MVC to begin with, so you couldn’t do it even if you wanted to. Come to think of it...why are we all so hung up on MC anyways? It’s hard to believe that a simple human could have this kind of effect on us.
Asmo: hmm…I guess MC is just special, you know?
Mammon: ...yeah right. Special, that’s it!
Asmo: Still, let’s be honest. When it comes down to it, out of all of us, I’m the only one Marcie has eyes for!
Mammon: ...huh? What’re you talkin’ about?
Asmo: well it’s only natural, right? I mean, show me a human who doesn’t find me absolutely irresistible
Levi: ...well i’ll have you know that MC said that i was a true friend
Mammon: You’re all dumb as stumps! Have you all forgotten? I was MC’s first, after all, so clearly I’M the one deservin’ of all the love!
Satan: *blushing profusely*...
Asmo; mammon, don’t be intentionally misleading! You ‘ve got satan here thinking that you actually WERE MC’s first. Satan, what Mammon really means is that he was the first one to make a pact, okay?
Satan:...pff, like i care
Levi: if you don’t care, then why do you look so relieved? We can all see it on your face, Satan
Mammon: oh MC…! MC! Come back to us dammit! And soon!
Levi: Wait a minute! Where’d Beel go?
Asmo: Beel? Um, he was right there a second ago. 
Satan: Maybe he went to find Belphie?
16-C: no title
Beel: ...Belphie? Are you in there?
Lucifer: Shh, quiet
Beel: …! Lucifer!
Lucifer: he seems to be asleep
Beel: …
Lucifer: Beel, there’s something I need to talk to you about
Beel: What?
Lucifer: When belphie disappeared, you were the one who it hurt the most
Lucifer: I shouldnt’ have lied and told you he was up in the human world. It was wrong of me. Also, i knew how hard it was for you, but i couldn’t bring myself to talk to you about it… i’m sorry
Beel: Forget it. It’s fine. Belphie’s back now, so it’s fine.
Lucifer: Beel…
B: but to make up for it, Lucifer… from now on, i want you to trust the rest of us more. Look to us for help and support when you need it. Not just me. I mean all of us - including Belphie
Lucifer: But what if that still isn’t enough, even with all of us working together? What then?
Beel: that’s easy. At times like that...you can call on MC to help, of course. Isn’t that right?
L: Yeah. That’s right. 
Beel: I sure hope MC comes back soon. 
Lucifer: Yeah. And by the time that happens, Belphie will probably have woken up, too.
That's right. There exists a dimension where they don't get their MC back. The MC from that dimension has replaced the MC that Belphie killed.
Diavolo and Barb sent MC back in time to figure out who or how the attic door opened. MC had been acting under the notion that they needed the power equivalent of having pacts with all 7 brothers to open the door yet, even in the time loop it's still not clear. One moment we're hiding in Lilith's secret room and the next, we're standing in front of Belphie and the door is open.
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keylimeimagines · 2 years
Alright, thank you so much for the answer!
Now then, I would very much like to ask for a matchup for P5! ( Romantic ofc, I'm leaving it up to you if you'd also like to add platonic, considering romance is your main focus!!)
So I go by She/Her and They/Them, I honestly don't care about which pronouns are used.
I'm an ENFP - 9w1, Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon, Capricorn Rising!
I'm a demisexual, no preference for any gender really! They just gotta be nice yknow yknow
I would consider my love language to be.. quality time I think? Either that or giving gifts to others! On the other hand, I'm not too comfortable with physical affection,, dunno it's just rather awkward!! I do like myself some words of affirmation though,, that's some good shit I swear
Now, personality!!
It kinda depends on who I'm with- so starting with strangers and acquaintances:
I don't really go out all that often (or well.. at all) so I'm pretty awkward around strangers or well- in person in general. I'm usually pretty quiet around them and speak up when I'm spoken to really. I'm as I said super awkward so it's a bit exhausting to talk because I dunno I may be an extrovert but not knowing what to do and say is a bitch I tell you--
As for people that I'm comfortable around/online, I very much let all of that awkwardness go and throw it into the fucking trash HSJDB
I get really really excited and loud and also really chaotic! I like to joke around a lot and like to also sorta make fun of them if they are comfy with it- I am a bit stupid though so because I don't take cues very well so if it looks like they're joking to me when expressing discomfort then oops I'm proooobably not gonna be understanding it,,,
Ok seriously tho I have really high guilt so I like feel guilty for basically every shit imaginable. So, well, I tend to blame things on myself even if I didn't directly cause anything.
But yeah-
That was about it for SPECIFIC traits, here are some general traits!
Generally, I'd consider myself kind! I care for others needs more than mine and tend to forget about myself a lot- but hey! Others say that I'm easy to talk to!
I generally have a problem with taking things seriously! I dunno I just?? Can't get into the mindset of being serious when I need to be? Like I can't relate man- I just feel that a little joke will lighten stuff up y'know!!
Another problem is that I maaaaay bottle up my emotions a lot and then tell people not to do that like a dumbass lmao
Aaand I also am a lousy multitasker- Like I cannot concentrate on more than one thing- especially auditory things! So if I'm doing something it's gonna take like 10 tries to get my attention by just talking- honestly just come up to me and tap me on the shoulder a bunch of times
And lastly, I'm very impulsive! Like impulse spending included- if I think something is funny I'm doing/buying it. No questions asked.
Alright, onto my Hobbies!
I love to draw! I have been doing so for about 10 years now, and I'm not thinking of stopping anytime soon! 5 y/o me made the right choice to copy my sister with doing art as well >:)
I also love to play video games hehe- I prefer singleplayer, but I can do multi if I play with friends! Especially for stuff like Identity V- I'm not going in without at least one other person! That being said, my fav genres atm would probably be RPGs, Indies and horror! Horror doesn't give me the scares at all but it's amusing nonetheless!
I also really really love listening to music! I cannot go without it since I don't like it when theres a lot of people talking (either in general or to me)- my fav genre will always be Jazz or honestly Breakcore ATM!! It does the scritch scratchy on my brain well...
Oh and I also roleplay a lot I GUESS- I just have so many characters what would I ever do with them!!
I would say that I'm a fairly decent writer, I can definitely write a good few at most 10k character long response-
Uhm uhm other interests that aren't art, writing and music uhh
I find astrology very interesting!! It's just something I've been wanting to get into for sooo long but I never have time auuugh
I also am super super interested in psychology- it's so cool to research stuff and learn new things about the mindset of some people!
Thats- that's all I guess
As for habits!
- I tend to like bounce my leg up n down! And also move around a lot
- A big habit of mine is to ramble on with something and like explain shit really difficultly?? like like yknow uhhh I will talk about something but when I have to explain something it will not be a simple thing like- At fucking all.
- Im pretty sure being Impulsive is a habit? I already explained but- if I want to do something (preferably something that sounds funny) then I'm DOING IT. No questions asked. I will just go "Heheheh what if I do this" and most of the time everyone goes "DONT DO IT NO" and then I already have done it :>
- I like to bite at my nails, but I'm working on this one right now!! A, after I stop biting again that is- maybe I should get some nail polish again..
Uhhh I think that should be all? I'm super sorry if this is so long! English isn't my first language btw, so if there are some grammatical errors and such I apologize for those!
Anyway, please do take as much time as you need on this!! Oh oh, and do remember to stay hydrated n all!! ✨
The one I choose for you is....
Yusuke Kitagawa [ISFP]!!
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He would love to spend time with you (quality time is also one of his love languages <33 whether it's just you with him while he's painting OR you're the one he's painting; he doesn't have a preference really (but painting you causes him to get this fluttering feeling since he's capturing you essence as he says)
He paints things for you and gives them to you as gifts! Along with other types of things he'd think you'd want <33
He also gets pretty awkward with physical affection, but he loves to complement you! he's very elegant and philosophical with the way he complements you tho
he doesn't really like to go out for dates often, so just staying inside and doing something is much for fun for him (and of course, painting dates are a thing)
He tries to remind you to take care of yourself as well! He does appreciate your kindness, but he also wants you to be happy as well!! we love a self-care king!!
when you have a problem with taking things seriously, he exactly the opposite - he takes almost everything seriously - but you too complete each other <33
ALSO since you bottle up your emotions and feelings (like he kind of does as well in a way), he'll always offer his shoulder if you need to let it out! he's a very good listener if you need it :))
he's very calm and collected, but despite how much he thinks Ryuji is annoying, he does appreciate your 'chaoticness' a bit
he'll try to help you calm your impulsivity, and your impulsive buying too! he's very understanding, so he won't criticize you for your habit, but try to help you overcome it!
he LOVES the fact that you also like art! albeit it's different forms of it (at least i think he only does painting? im not sure). like i said earlier, you two definitely have art dates <33
one of my headcanons for Yusuke would be that he cannot focus correctly if there isn't some form of music to sooth his mind. Bc of this, he always plays stuff like lofi or jazz, really just anything to help him focus on something (whether it be school work of painting)
he kind of wishes that he was talented in writing, even though he is actually pretty good
astrology isn't something that he's majorly interested in, but he would love to hear some facts and trivia you want to share! same goes for your interest in psychology (off topic but i also love psychology and all that sort <33 )
with your general impulsivity and when you wanna do something risky or something that may be considered dangerous, he just calmly tells you "no, you probably shouldn't do that" and just leaves it like that
artist bf is pretty cool ngl!! im jealous >:(
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mybrothershands · 3 years
MBH/Dumpling 2
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second installment, same art because otherwise you'll be waiting on it all day tomorrow. Characters by myself and @diddlesanddoodles and editing by @thundering-susurrus
The giant pinched up his face as if he smelled something bad. He then prodded the lump in his chest-pocket. "Get up, you lazy fool."
Several emotions crossed Yale face all at once, from anger to confusion to relief. Now that he knew where to look, Yale could see a distinctive lump in the man’s front pocket and heard the smaller voice emanating from within. Well, if he had a human companion of his own, that was a welcome relief. But he still kept his hand on Nenani. Grinning, he jerked his head to indicate the lump on Ka's shirt. “Ah, well I suppose that answers that. He yer assistant then?”
"Parasite, more like," he said, fishing around in his pocket until he caught the man by the shirt and pulled his shoulders over the lip of the pocket.
"Why you little two-ton son of a hog-bellied cob, I ought to--" The human smacked the hand away.
A nervous laugh escaped the giant, and he clasped his hand over the smaller man's mouth. "Er, this is my brother. He took care of me when I was small," said Ka.
Yale had been watching Ka fish around in his pocket and smirked at the human’s grouchy reply. The human’s snark immediately reminded him of Farris, but upon hearing Ka call him his brother, Yale gave pause. His curiosity was piqued.
“Wha –? Really? Can’t say I’ve ever heard ‘a that. That must be one hell of a story,” he said and jerked his head towards Ka. “Ye must’ve had a time of it keepin’ ‘im fed and clothed proper.”
The giant paused, then seemed to draw back within himself and looked away. Cairo, however, had no such loss for words. "Got that right. Ungrateful, too. You should see the spot in my side where he--" The massive hand clamped over his mouth again.
"I, erm," Ka cleared his throat, worry painted on his face. "I was old enough to work when he took me in. I cleared land for a human farmer in exchange for food. Cairo paid for my clothes and gave me a place to stay."
Polly then decided to use his leg as a scratching post and began rubbing her face up and down the side of his pants, leaning into him. "Woah, hey!" Ka said as he was knocked off balance. Once he found his feet, he pulled her bridle back over her ear and straightened her forelock. "But yes, I'm," he waved his hand in a circle, "I can work with humans just fine. They just need to let me know they're there and keep away from my feet."
“Ah, well no worries there,” Yale said with a light laugh as he pulled his apron aside to reveal Nenani at his hip. “You know better than to be underfoot, ain’t that right Dumplin’?”
Nenani nodded while she observed the new giant and silently marveled at his height. Despite the way in which he towered over them, he had a kind face, and she was not afraid.
“Farris doesn’t like it if I’m on the floor,” she explained. “He doesn’t trust the footmen to keep a look out.”
Ka's expression softened. She was a little thing, even for her kind, with auburn hair that shone in the sunlight. Somehow she met his gaze without fear, and it gave him pause. "H-hello there," he said quietly. "I am Ka. It's nice to meet you, miss."
It took the giant a moment to realize that the young man must have been hiding her, and why he had questioned him so. Come to think of it, he had not seen a single small person, nor chest pocket since he had entered this town. Pieces began to fall into place, and he decided he should not stay here for long. Not with Cairo. Absently, his hand found its way to his pocket.
“Hi. I’m Nenani,” she replied back, trying to look friendly. He looked so nervous, she thought. Yale easily scooped her up and sat her on his leg. After getting comfortable, she gestured up at the cook and said, “And he didn’t say so, but this is Yale.”
Looking confused, Yale looked down at her. “I didn’t introduce myself at all did I?”
“Nope,” she replied. “That was very rude. Lolly would swat you.”
“Ah, well,” he said, giving Ka and Cairo an apologetic shrug. “She wouldn’t be too pleased with me bringin’ the lil’un on this errand either. So there’s that.”
Cairo grumbled as Ka fawned over this little girl. She seemed unafraid and even kind towards his brother, which he respected. Still, he regarded Yale with a critical eye. Hooking his elbow over the frayed lip of the pocket, the human raised his voice. "What kind of kitchen is this anyway, boy? It's a bit late in the day to be fetchin stuff. What are you doing out here now?"
“Best kitchen in Vhasshal,” Yale fired back with a smug grin. He pointed over his shoulder towards the castle behind them. “That being the royal kitchen.”
“But Gjerk didn’t clean the chimney and it ruined the luncheon roasts,” Nenani supplied with a frankness that made light of the true disaster. “Almost caught the whole kitchen on fire.”
Yale frowned and, blushing just a bit, agreed with a muted nod. “Aye. Well, even the best kitchen in Vhasshal can fall victim to inattentive tenderfoots. So we’re needin’ to shuffle things ‘round a bit. Headin’ to a merchant who raises and sells field rocs.”
Ka's face became a smiling mask with a blank stare. Royal kitchen? Was this boy not worried that some stranger picked off the street could poison someone Important? Even the king himself? What if something went wrong and he was blamed for it and put in prison? Even he himself was not sure he deserved such trust, and yet kept his mouth shut in hopes that there was something he did not know.
Cairo, meanwhile, looked the man up and down, and then the girl in turn. They seemed easygoing and honest, if not a bit frank. At last he nodded. "We will accept your offer."
The giant balked. "Cairo, I'm not sure--"
"Shut up," he said, waving a hand. "Your belly's been a'growling all day, and I'll have no more of it. This is an easy job, and you're gonna take it," Cairo barked.
Ka paused, a hint of frustration on his face. Still, this was Cairo. The giant seemed to let go of his worries and nodded. "Just tell me what to do," he said, fixing Yale in his gaze, "and I'll help as much as I can."
He seemed eager enough, Yale thought. And even if his kitchen skills were minimal, so long as he could hold a knife, he could find something for him to do. Ka’s human companion was clearly the more dominant of the two, which Yale found to be quite amusing. And even a bit refreshing. He was so used to humans reacting to him with fear or at the very least nervous suspicion. Not that they did not have a valid reason of course.
He decided he liked Cairo.
“Well, first we gotta go collect them rocs and scurry on back,” Yale said with a grin. “So if we just wanna follow along we’ll go get that done and we can get ye to work.” He paused as he considered Ka. “And get ye somethin’ t’eat. Farris might gripe at me fer it, but believe me. He’s gonna be thankful fer yer help. Even he don’t show it. Or say it. Or yells at ye.”
Yale flicked the reins to usher Polly forward, bringing a hand up to hold onto Nenani when she almost fell off his lap.
“Oh, sorry there, Dumplin’.”
"Oh," said Ka as he backed away and let the animal slip past until he could walk beside the cab. This Farris fellow seemed a bit crotchety. "Thank you," he said above the creaking wheels. The mention of food set his mouth to watering. They had had so many good things down at the market, maybe now he could get his hands on something. "I can pay you, but I'm afraid my coin may just be trinkets to you."
From his pocket, Cairo squinted one eye, adjusting his position to better watch the small giant. "Why you call her 'dumpling,' anyhow?"
“It was a joke,” Nenani explained with a flat look. “Wasn’t a very funny one.”
“I dunno, I thought it was a pretty good one,” Yale replied with a knowing grin. He poked her belly and the girl squealed and laughed, batting at his fingers. She lost her balance and almost fell back off his lap, but Yale was quick enough to catch her and place her safely down on the bench beside him. He ruffled her hair into a bushy mess. “Anyway, I caught this one here after she’d nicked some fruit. And right in the middle of the King’s weddin’ feast too. Don’t think I’ve ever been that stressed in my life.”
“He threatened to eat me...” Nenani said with the same flat expression.
As lovely as he found the girl's laugh, Ka's smile quickly faded as the girl voiced the joke. He made a sound half way between a choke and a quack. "Hmm?"
Cairo looked more surprised at the noise his brother made than Nenani's admittance. "Oh he did, did he?" He sat up, eyeing Yale. "He looks like a pansy to me."
Yale could not help the smirk of satisfaction at seeing the way Ka reacted. But his focus drew to the man’s pocket and the human within. Leaning towards them and planting his hand on the other side of where Nenani sat, he grinned at the human man.
“Big words fer a fella who travels by pocket,” he challenged. “Why not come on outta there and I’ll show ye how much of a pansy I am.”
Nenani glared up at Yale and grabbed onto his sleeve and gave it a firm tug. “No fighting.”
Cairo merely laughed at the girl's reaction. "I ain't stupid. Think I'll stay in the pocket, eh?" He slapped Ka's chest.
The giant rolled his eyes. He kept pace with the cart fairly easily, even as the Svaldifari trotted. He cleared his throat. "Keep acting like that and I may just let him have you."
"What!" he exclaimed, clutching a hand over his heart. "He might skin me, don't you think? You brute, you should protect your poor old brother."
Ka sighed, plodding along. "You can take care of yourself just fine."
“Smart man, your brother,” Yale said to Ka. “With him taggin’ along, ye might just survive a day in Farris’s kitchen.”
There was something very comforting about watching Cairo and Ka banter. It was all too easy for Yale to be drawn back to the horrible memories of the war and the way it seemed to him at the time that the bloodletting would never cease. Yet before him was a man who openly and easily called a human his brother.
“As fer skinnin’: nah. Too much of a hassle. Much easier to just toss ye into the stew and pop the lid on.”
Beside him, Nenani rolled her eyes. She had become nearly desensitized to all staff’s banter about eating and cooking people. Cairo didn’t seem like the sort to take Yale seriously. But Ka, she observed, seemed to not care for the jokes at all.
Ka lolled his head back, exasperated, then clamped his hand back over Cairo's mouth. "Ne- Nena-nani, er..." he chewed on his tongue for a moment, still trying to decide how many syllables the girl's name had. "Nenani," he said decisively. "He... Yale. He said he found you stealing?" said the giant, desperate to change the subject.
There were a few shoves and knocks on his hand before there at last came a double-tap and Cairo's mouth was freed. However, he kept his mouth shut for once and watched the road ahead. The mare seemed to need a bit of guiding, unused to going this way, but Yale was not quite paying attention. He peered ahead. Was this the way they had come before? Where was the market?
“Oh. Yeah,” she replied as she fiddled with the hem of her skirt in slight embarrassment. “But it’s not like what Farris and they all thought at first. I’m not from the Hill Tribe, I’m from the Southlands. They were loading a bunch of carts near the docks and I tried to sneak in and grab a persimmon before anyone noticed, but the basket was really big and I just...kind of fell in. And got stuck.”
Yale stifled a snicker as he corrected Polly’s path. She whinnied at him in annoyance. “I remember all them peels, lil’un. It was certainly more than one.”
“I was in there for three days,” she said and stuck her tongue out at Yale. “What else was I gonna eat? The basket?” When Yale only shrugged at her, she continued. “I grew up being told stories about Vhasshal and I was really scared. So as soon as the caravan stopped, I tried to run.”
“Caught her tryin’ to make a run fer it,” Yale added lightly pinching her arm. “Didn’t get all that far. Like...a half a dozen yards maybe before I got ‘er.”
Ka frowned. He did not like the way that last bit sounded. He steered away as they passed another cart on the road. He wanted to ask the stories about Vhasshal, and why she had been so frightened, but the girl had not seemed a bit embarrassed about that point in her past. Come to think of it, maybe he did not want to know. "Persimmons... have peels?"
The edge of the village was approaching, and Yale could hear the sound of the rocs long before their pens came into view. Their destination was a handsome little cottage just at the end of the tight clusters of row homes. Though was an older building and had but a thatched roof, it was well maintained and clean. Behind it were the roc pens. There were a dozen or so of the birds loose in the larger space, and Yale felt relieved. He was only going to need ten for the luncheon service, and he’d be able to get a few extra just in case anything else went horribly wrong today.
“Well, I think they’re actually husks,” she was saying. “They’re from overseas somewhere. But you’re not supposed to eat the outsides because it’ll make you sick.”
“Ye did get sick though. Just not from eatin’ fruit,” Yale pointed out. His eyes trailed after the other cart as they passed, having seen the way they had been gawking at Ka. Poor guy must get that a lot.
“Yeah, I had the red reap,” Nenani said. “It was terrible. But Farris took care of me and gave me medicine and watched me all night while I had the fever.”
Ka blinked, trying to make sense of this new information. He had no idea what red reap was, but then again, he was not familiar with most diseases. "It sounds terrible," he said, worry on his brow. The way she had explained it, it sounded deadly. He could not imagine having to care for someone through the night, not knowing if the little thing would make it.
Though he had not yet met the man, Ka found himself reconsidering this Farris guy. If he was the type to yell at someone new, it seemed a bit backwards that he would worry over a thief. He shook the thought away. He had not met him yet. Maybe he would understand later.
It was then he heard some bird-like squabbling, and looked up to find a pen with some frighteningly large feathery beasts. "What... are those?" He felt a bit stupid for asking, but then again, nothing was familiar to him here. Nothing at all.
"What, you never seen a chicken before?" Cairo butted in.
“Oh them ain’t no chickens,” Yale answered, giving Cairo an amused sideways glance. “Those are common field rocs. Those beauties eat chickens fer breakfast. Literally. They’re birds of prey. And they’re what we’re here fer.”
Yale maneuvered the cart towards the pens and when they were close enough, he pulled the reins lightly and Polly came to a gentle halt. She turned to her head back at Yale, expectation in her eyes. With a chuckle, he reached into his apron pocket and pulled out a pressed oat cake. Turning to Ka, he held out the treat. “Wanna give Polly her reward while I go spend the king's money?”
A grin spread across Ka’s face, and he chuckled. "Seems she's in good hands," he said, gently taking the biscuit from him.
Twelve common field rocs were in the back of the cart, their wings tied down to their sides and hemp sacks placed over their heads to keep them docile. Nenani hung off the back of the driver’s bench, looking down at the immobilized birds. They were as large as cows, and it was a little daunting to think that there were birds that big in the world.
The trip back was fairly uneventful, except that news of Ka seemed to have made its way around the village, They seemed to be getting more stares than before, but Yale made a point of staring down whatever gawkers he noticed. But he did not have the same presence as Farris did, and mostly, the people just kept on staring.
Nenani found it to be pretty rude, and to several she stuck out her tongue.
As they approached the back gate that led to the kitchen courtyard, the guards stationed there did double takes as Ka came into view, but Yale was quick to head off any questions. “He’s here to help out for the day. If you have a problem with that, take it up with Farris.”
There was enough of a threat in those words that they were allowed to pass without any form of harassment.
“Don’t let those guards make ye nervous none, lad,” Yale said to Ka. “Most of ‘em are real decent fellas.”
Yale was still looking towards Ka as he directed Polly along the road, around the last bend, and into the courtyard. He pulled the reins and was about to say something else when felt a tug on his sleeve and he looked down at Nenani. “Hm? What’s it?”
Nenani merely pointed further ahead of them and Yale’s gaze followed along. A large fire pit had been lit in the middle of the yard, and the largest of their cooking pans was placed over the top, with a sizable pile of pumpkins next to it. Saen and Avery were in the middle of carving a few up but had made little headway.
But what had caught their eye was none of them, but the solitary figure just a short distance away. Standing with his arms akimbo and looking very displeased was Farris. His green eyes narrowed at Yale.
“Yer fuckin’ late.”
Ever since the border guards, Ka had gotten increasingly fidgety. As soon as Yale quieted down, he slowed up and walked behind the cart. The castle ahead was bigger than any he had seen, especially this close up. He ran his hand up and down his sleeve, trying to create some warmth as his breath crystallized before him. Upon hearing the voice, the giant's first impression was how gravelly and frayed it sounded, possibly from overuse. The second was that it did not sound happy.
"What's it to you?" Cairo muttered under his breath. It was more of a knee-jerk reaction, than anything, but it was enough to remind Ka to keep an eye on him. The human's left arm and legs lolled out of the pocket. He picked at his teeth as the giant walked. "Move over, Ka, I want to get a look at this meathead."
Ka merely shook his head, hand straying up to cover the man. "Be careful here. We don't know for sure if it's safe yet." There came a grumbling and a shove at the fingers, but for the most part he kept his mouth shut.
Before Yale could even begin to explain himself, Farris caught sight of Ka, and the kitchen master’s eyes widened as his gaze traveled up and up and up until he met the taller giant’s eye. “And just who in the Seven Hells are ye?”
Ever since the border guards, Ka had gotten increasingly fidgety. As soon as Yale quieted down, he slowed up and walked behind the cart. The castle ahead was bigger than any he had seen, especially this close up. He ran his hand up and down his sleeve, trying to create some warmth as his breath crystallized before him. Upon hearing the voice, the giant's first impression was how gravelly and frayed it sounded, possibly from overuse. The second was that it did not sound happy.
"What's it to you?" Cairo muttered under his breath. It was more of a knee-jerk reaction, than anything, but it was enough to remind Ka to keep an eye on him. The human's left arm and legs lolled out of the pocket. He picked at his teeth as the giant walked. "Move over, Ka, I want to get a look at this meathead."
Ka merely shook his head, hand straying up to cover the man. "Be careful here. We don't know for sure if it's safe yet." There came a grumbling and a shove at the fingers, but for the most part he kept his mouth shut.
Before Yale could even begin to explain himself, Farris caught sight of Ka, and the kitchen master’s eyes widened as his gaze traveled up and up and up until he met the taller giant’s eye. “And just who in the Seven Hells are ye?”
Before Ka could answer, though, Yale jumped in. “Came across him on the way to get the rocs. He was lookin’ fer some work, and I offered to let him help us today.”
All through Yale’s explanations, Farris sized Ka up with a critical eye, pausing at the distinct bulge in the tall man’s pocket. His eyes narrowed suspiciously before turning their vitriol onto his assistant. 
“Oh ye did, did ye?” he demanded. “Are ye fuckin’ daft boy?”
Yale hopped down off the cart. “We need the extra help, and as mad as ye are, ye can’t deny the big fella could be of some help. Hell, he’d make short work breakin’ down the pumpkins.” Yale leaned around Farris to yell past him towards his fellow cooks. “A whole lot faster than them two knobheads!”
Saen and Avery looked up from their work to glare back at Yale. Avery waved his knife in the air, calling back, “Go fuck yerself, Yale.” 
Yale was still grinning when Farris drew his attention back with a growl. “And ye think I’d let just anyone off the street come in and cook in my kitchen, do ye?”
Yale glanced over his shoulder at Ka and then back to Farris. With a shrug, he said, “Honestly boss, I don’t think he’d fit. Be a bit tight.”
Farris’s ever-present glare faltered as an amused smirk crossed his lips. With a grunt he looked back at Ka. “Ye have any experience in a kitchen there, son?”
The giant clutched his fists against his chest, shoulders hunched and brow scrunched with worry. Though the man was half his height, he scared Ka. He looked like someone who knew how to fight and just might if aggravated.
"Y-yessir, just a bit, sir." Ka stuttered, coming out from behind the wagon. "Look, I promise I mean no harm, sir. I just, well I- I- I was looking for some work is all. He was nice enough to give me a chance. I promise I'll do my best if you'll only let me help."
Farris was silent for several moments, eyeing Ka once more. “Where ye from?”
The giant straightened up a bit, a slight hope welling in his chest. "Benhyke, sir. I'm... trying to find my way back there, actually."
“Never heard of it. So ye mean to tell me yer as tall as a fuckin’ house with no proper sense of direction?” The kitchen master didn’t give Ka a chance to answer before walking over to the cart where Nenani sat. He laid his arm across the drivers bench and looked at the girl. “What say ye Dumplin’? Think he’s some sort of secret assassin tryin’ to worm his way into the castle?”
Nenani blinked and shook her head. “No.” 
“Well, if yer so sure,” he said with a small smile and scooped her up. Tucking her into the crook of his arm, he turned back to Ka.  The warmth he had spoken to Nenani with was gone and the harsher tone returned. “Ye got a name?”
He scratched his head, still harboring the initial insult in his mind, and had not quite heard him speak to the girl. "What? O-oh I am Ka. And this is--" he paused. At first caution took over, but once he saw the way he cared for Nenani, the fear melted. "--Cairo," he finished.
Upon hearing his name, a single hand came out of the pocket and gave a dramatic wave. "Evening to you, you motherless goat," he called, then the hand disappeared again.
Farris’s expression darkened and, behind him, Yale was making a frantic motion with his hands at Ka that translated roughly to “Bad idea. Stop.”
“I’ll give ye fair warning now, boy,” Farris warned as he walked towards Ka. Pressing further into his space, he stared up at the taller giant and pointed towards his pocket. “Keep that one’s mouth under control or I’ll be doin’ it fer ‘im. I’ve had plenty of humans toss out insults at me and, one way or another, they learn not to. If ye wanna work, I’ve got work fer ye. And you’ll be paid fair wages fer it. But if that one skulking in yer pocket don’t watch it, he’s gonna become intimately acquainted with the inside of a roasting pan.”
Ka's face paled and he backed away, clutching one hand to his pocket. "No! No, please, he's my brother. Y-you can't--I won't..." He seemed to get ahold of himself then, squared his shoulders. "Take that back," he said, regaining his ground. If it were not for the girl in his arms, Ka was not sure what he might have done.
Farris did not back away, and his only movement was to use his free hand to cover Nenani as though to shield her. He met Ka’s eyes with a firm unwavering stare. “I don’t take it back. This is my kitchen and my word is law.” Farris let a small smirk come to his lips. “Just keep in mind though, I didn’t say nothing about actually cookin’ ‘im.”
The giant blinked, relaxing a bit. "What?"
At this point, Cairo heaved a dramatic sigh and pulled himself up. He looked the man up and down and came to a conclusion. "Ugly lump."
Nenani poked her head out from behind Farris’s hand. “No fighting.” 
At Nenani's word, Ka took a step back. There was still anger in his blood, and he elected to stay on his toes, but any hostility was snuffed out by the girl's voice.
Farris only adjusted his hand to ruffle her hair.  “Well ye ain’t no Blue Thorn Beauty yerself,” Farris shot back at Cairo, then raised an eyebrow at him. “Ain’t ye a bit old fer being carried ‘round like a babe?”
Cairo raised a brow, then patted the chest behind him. "This one here's the baby when it comes down to it, little man. Now--" He cut himself off as if he had heard something. "Alright already," he grumbled at apparently nothing. "What do I have to do to get your sorry bag of bones to do something decent, eh? This boy's half starved."
"Cairo..." Ka hissed through his teeth. "I haven't done the work yet."
Farris huffed and rolled his eyes. “Yale,” he called without taking his eyes from the pair. “Go grab this one one ‘a the leftover meat pies.” He paused, reconsidering the man and his height. “Make that two.”
“Will do, boss,” Yale replied, flashing Ka a wide grin before running off towards the stairway that led into the kitchen proper. 
“I don’t run a charity here,” Farris told him sternly. “But if yer gonna be any use to me at all today, it wont be with an empty belly. Ye’ll eat and then ye’ll work. Understand?”
"No," Cairo said blatantly before Ka had a chance.
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hoaxsen · 3 years
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| angst has been coming to me easy now and idk how to feel about that.
| tw; character death, in depth talk of death, mentions of blood and other gruesome parts, season three spoilers.
| word count; 1.8k.
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It was all over, spreading like a plague inside the walls upon their arrival. The victory of Wall Maria, along with the near extinction of the Scouts. How many supplies were lost during it? How much destruction was there while it all went down? Does anyone have a true number on how many bodies were being carried back on those flatbed carts after that expedition? 
They were mostly parts of bloodied and mangled things, some weren't even able to be called a body. More like a massive piles of mixed dirt, debris and whatever part of the human body there could be. One hundred and ninety nine people, turned into one enormous jigsaw puzzle that anyone has ever seen. How many carts were used for that, and which cart did this specific body rest upon? 
This body held the features of bright blue eyes, that the captain of the Scouts could sometimes find himself staring into for hours on end. Unknowingly at that. Blonde hair just swept back and kept so neat with its undercut. Sometimes Levi wonders if it was soft to the touch, it doesn't look to be hard, or dirty. Just right, minus those brows. If anything there were times where Levi wanted to trim the blonde bricks of hair off Erwin's face himself. 
Now, days like that will never come. For the sole purpose, of Erwin Smith being deceased. Giving his life up to his stupid cause and dream, this isn't what Levi meant by plundering your dream and lead those crying brats to hell. Was it selfish of him to think that Erwin might come back alive for him? It was, wasn't it? The man having to live through this shit as the leader, making gambles that no one knew how the hell they paid off. Let's not forget about the cadets and soldiers lost along the way in his gambles. A devil among men, though it was Levi wanting to be the one to raise hell right now. Bring a darker hell to the one on this very Earth for the fact that he chose to revive Armin instead of Humanity's Hope. 
Cold, and hardened steel grey hues watched as his body was pulled away, riding alongside on his own horse with this cart. Levi felt only himself at fault, what if he did revive Erwin? Despite the small specks of rocks, falling out and shredded intestines, and lack of life in the blonde's eyes, how would he look taking on the power of the colossal titan? Would he have looked the same as the treacherous Bertholdt, or better? If anything, he'd be alive right now. . .fighting a war once more in this hell. Yes, it was selfish, but Levi Ackerman had his reasons to be selfish in a time like this. Bringing back Erwin instead of Armin wasn't just going to be for humanity, it was also going to be for his own desires. To stop toying with the feelings the ravenette has for the blonde, to stop the daily lies about his ' small crush ' being just a phase. 
The captain never even got to make good on his promise before the commander passed. Wanting so hard and bad to end the Beast Titan, to make him feel the pain Erwin did before his final moments. Hopefully that chance comes back for him some other time. How badly Levi needs it, it'd only be fitting since Erwin gave up his dream for the wall retake to even have happened and succeed. 
For all Levi could do now, was regret and hope that Erwin's funeral would bring him into a small state of piece. Since the ex-commander was already in a permanent state of his own, never to be disturbed. The Ackerman slowly starts to wonder to himself, which kind of suit would really bring out a dead man's eyes? For blue, it had to be a subtle white, right? An ashen grey? Whatever color it was going to be, Levi knew he'd detest it. Knowing it'll be the final suit he sees Erwin in. 
Fast forward a bit to the lowering of the old Scouts' commander into the ground, Levi stayed behind a little ways after the ceremony. Standing before Erwin's grave, a short sigh leaving him as he placed a hand on Erwin's tombstone. 
Erwin Smith 
xxxx - xxxx 
Humanity's Beacon of Hope.
The words Levi read over, and over, and over again. Humanity's Hope, snuffed out a little ways too soon. Levi just had to wake up and face the music, it was bound to happen one day or another. He just wishes that day came a little later than this. Brushing his hand over the words, better now to say this before he keeps it inside for too long. He already regrets not saying this to him when he was alive. 
" How many of these have we attended for our fallen? Now look at you, dumbass. Right there with them, tell Petra I said hi when you see her. " 
His last chance to say this all know, because whatever God out there knows that Levi wouldn't visit Erwin's grave again after this. For the small grudge he'd hold against himself for using the syringe on Armin. 
" I followed you into the fire, made it out with a few scrapes. Though you were burned, still had the guts to carry on more bravely than me. . .even make a choice with that odd line. ' What if there is humanity outside the walls. ' Or some shit like that, and then I realized, and knew. . .that was how you were plundering your dreams and leading those crying brats to hell. " 
Unbeknownst to the captain, he wasn't alone. Just standing from afar, was another grieving heart. Armin Artlet, another soul wanting to say an unspoken peace to their old commander. But ended up seeing Levi there before him. 
" It's not fair you know, Erwin. Or that just might be me being selfish right now, yeah sounds like it. A biased opinion, since I fucking loved you and didn't have the guts to say it. Wanna know why? Cause I'm a coward. Since people I love keep leaving me in ways like this, death. Am I that detestable that death is the only way out? Gotta be, shitty way to go if you ask me, but probably your only way. Call it a curse, I guess. Sadly shit like this happens in the fucked world. I didn't even want to use it on Artlet, but you made your choice. So I had to make mine, fucking bastard. " 
Now that was a surprise to the little eavesdropper in the back, covering his mouth with his hand to not make a sound. Azure eyes bugging out of his head as the captain droned on. Armin himself wasn't even sure why he was saved, wouldn't Erwin have been a better pick? The power of the titan wasted on him, that's how it sounded. On the bright side, the colossal titan was in their arsenal with Eren's titan. Just with the wrong user in Artlet's mind. 
" It's not fair, you asshole. You get your peace, and leave me behind in this hell with a bunch of brats! Yes, they can pull their own weight. But you're not leading them anymore, instead it's gonna be someone else who can't live up to your name. All because I got emotional and saved that runt, when I knew, even with Hanji, that you were the better pick! A massive fuck up on my end, but then a small lived victory right? We have another titan ready to fight for us when needed. But I want you here! It's not fair, you trusted me to do the right thing with that weird liquid, and I don't know if I did! I promised myself that I'd follow you wherever, why did you have to go somewhere I can't go yet?! You and your stupid gambles, well make one with the devil down there and win, come back goddamn it! " 
At this point, Levi was screaming to a grave on the verge of tears. From standing to dropping on his knees, the turned up dirt from a freshly dug hole in the ground was staining his pants. Giving him the feelings of touching the underground floors, though this time he didn't care. Fighting back an attack of tears, his hands digging into the soil and gripping it. Dirt being trapped in his fingernails, a fierce look on his face with a few stray falling tears from his eyes. 
" I promise you, I'll make that sonva bitch pay. Along with aiding in to see that your final goal, your final dream is fulfilled. Even if I have to  die to make that happen. " 
It was a footstep, and the use of sharp senses that brought Levi out of his moment. Spinning around quick as could be, just to be met with a crying, tear stained face of one of his cadets. This was Levi's moment of vulnerability, being seen by Armin as if privacy wasn't a thing. Though now, the man couldn't hold it against the boy, dusting off himself to be free of the dirt and grime. Levi sent Armin a small glare, no words have been spoken yet, and not one really knew what to say. 
" Captain . . . I'm sorry, but you should have us--. " 
" Can it brat, I dunno how much you heard, and I hate repeating myself. But I'll make an exception, Erwin made his choice. I acted on it, now you might have to step up to bat. " 
Levi's words drew a small gasp from Armin, making him want to roll his eyes. 
" No one can live up to be Erwin, but I trust that you know what you're doing. Don't make me regret saving you now. " 
" Y-Yes sir! But can I ask a question? " 
That made a brow raise on Levi's face, a sign for Armin to carry on with what he was saying. The boy had to take a deep breath to even get the first word out. It almost made Levi scoff at a time like this. 
" Y-You l-love Commander Erwin, sir? Is-Is that true? " 
The stuttering fool really had the balls to ask. The captain almost looked impressed, but at the same time angered somewhat. 
" Yeah, I loved him, Artlet. A main factor playing on in why I wanted to use the syringe on him. But something happened during it, like I said. Don't make me regret it. " 
All he got was a frantic nod from the other blonde, even a salute for some reason. Levi responded with his own nod back, figuring now that his time alone with Erwin was up. Looking behind him at that grave, he sighed, his eyes narrowing somewhat. 
' Don't worry, Erwin. You won't be along for long, I said I'd follow you right? Into that same fire I'll soon be going. ' 
He whispered out, making his way to leave now. Going as far as to pat a startled Armin on the shoulder. His own line echoing inside his head to help cope with this, just tweaked a bit this time. 
' Plunder all your dreams, and lead those crying brats to victory. In his name. ' 
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twstwonderlandstuff · 3 years
When a cub visits! (Cheka and OC! ft. Leona and Grim)
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Cheka and Himawari Nikko! ft. Leona and Grim
Summary: It's a little difficult to draw when there's an enthusiastic lion cub by Himawari's side. Luckily, he's got plenty of tales to entertain them.
A/N: THIS IS NOT A SHIP BETWEEN LEONA AND MY OC, you hear me! Leona is 20, a certified adult. My OC is 16, a certified TEENAGER. This is about a teen who happens to take care of an adult's nephew, and then they have little interactions, okay? Ok.
Warning(s): I'm using they/them for the sake of lore (cuz their actual gender isn't revealed yet HEHEHE) so... yeah.
Notes will be written after the fic and will be placed under-cut because of length.
Leona sighed, frowning. Why, of all days, does he have to be here?
“Uncle Leona!” God, what an annoyance.
“What?” He spat at his nephew, who was holding his hand and walking cheerfully next to him down the hallways. Many steered clear of the lion, and for good reason too.
“Can we play Magic Shift? Please?” Cheka begged, looking up at him.
“Go by yourself.”
“But Papa said I gotta be with you all the time!”
“Tch-” Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the herbivore who ruined his plans… a sneer crawled up his face.
“After you play with the herbivore over there.” Leona gestured lazily towards the orange-color mop. “Then I’ll play Magic Shift with you.”
“For real?!” Cheka lit up, squeezing Leona’s hand. “We gotta make a pinky promise first, uncle!”
“Fine.” After the deed was done, Cheka ran off towards the boy and Leona quickly made his escape to the botanical garden to sleep.
“Hey hey!” Himawari turned around and so did Grim who laid in their lap. They were perched on one of the benches in NRC, looking at the sunset as one does.
“Hey, it's Leona’s kid!” Grim noticed, tilting its head. “Why’s he coming to us?”
Cheka quickly fell into Himawari’s arms, which scared Grim from leaving their lap. Hima gave the lion cub a quick squeeze before making him settle down next to them. They took up their notebook, quickly scribbling: ‘Hello!’
“What’s the big deal, oi!” Grim grumbled. “That was my seat!”
“Uncle Leona said I gotta play with you before I can play Magic Shift with him!” The child smiled with glee, sharing a toothy grin. “So, I’m gonna play with you!”
“He totally wants to get rid of you, huh…” Grim whispered, both it and Himawari sharing a look. Himawari smiled, carding a hand through Cheka’s hair, writing: ‘How long are we going to play?’
Cheka shrugged. “Dunno, I guess until Uncle calls- oh!” Cheka quickly reached for the notebook. “Can I draw, uh… hmmm…”
“The name’s Himawari, and I’m the Great Grim! Remember us!” Grim cackled, smirking.
“Oh-oh! The one who fainted during the Magical Shift! That was funny!” Cheka pointed out, laughing. Himawari let out a sigh, glaring at Grim.
“It’s not my fault that henchman's really weak!” Grim shot back, sticking its tongue out. Himawari shook their head at the cat, nodding at Cheka’s request.
“Yay!” The lion cub got busy, but eventually…
“Aww… it didn’t turn out right…” Cheka gloomed, staring at the picture. “Uncle Leona… doesn’t look like that!”
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“It looks kinda bad-” A sharp glare came from Himawari. “Ah, uh, it looks pretty good, kid!”
“No, it doesn’t… you’re lying!” Cheka grumbled, starting to sob. “Uncle looks cooler than this…”
An idea sparked in Himawari’s head as they gently took the notebook away from Cheka, writing: ‘I can draw him for you if you'd like.’
“...Okay!” Cheka gave the magicless student a thumbs up, pressing against their side, enthusiastically waiting. Grim followed suit, pressing against their other side. With a small smile, the Ramshackle Prefect began to sketch.
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“Uncle’s so cool…” Cheka murmured, laying his head on Himawari’s shoulder. “I wanna be like my uncle one day.”
“But he’s kinda lazy, you know. He slacks off and is kinda a douche.” Grim grumbled. Cheka shook his head.
“No, he’s not! My uncle works hard, it’s just… no one knows that he does.” The cub trailed off quietly. “When he’s at home, sometimes I see him reading books and solving hard stuff, but he doesn’t know that I know.”
“...I like my uncle. He’s the best.” The lion cub smiled, looking towards the orange sky. “Someday, I’m gonna beat my uncle in Magic Shift, you'll see!”
‘Good luck.’ Himawari wrote on the notebook, adding: ‘It’s gonna be hard. Your uncle is strong.’
“Yeah, I know, but I will! Oh, you know, I’ve been working on my roar. Wanna listen to it?” Before he could get an answer, Cheka roared, making Himawari pull away.
“Fgna-!” Grim was quick to cover its ears.
“Tada~ Uncle’s gonna love it- pfft!!!” Cheka’s eyes gleamed in excitement as the cub took a look at the drawing, already giggling. “His face!” Himawari flinched at the sudden movement.
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“Has he ever smiled like that…?” Grim asked, peering at the drawing. Himawari shook their head.
‘Probably not.’ They giggled. ‘I’m not good with faces.’
“Can I show this to Uncle?!” An immediate shake of the head came for the artist. “Why not? He’ll like it!”
“More like he’ll get mad at us.” Grim corrected. “Especially with that goofy smile…”
“Hah, what’s this~?” A teasing voice came from above. Himawari paled as Cheka looked up.
“UNCLE!” Leona flinched at the volume.
“Don’t be so loud, brat.” Leona easily pried the notebook out of Himawari’s hands, to their horror.
“Hah.. what’s with my face?” The lion questioned, looking at the page. “Oi, herbivore, I don’t look like that.”
“I asked Mister Himawari to make it! It’s nice, right, Uncle?” Cheka added, standing up to follow Leona. The second-born hummed absentmindedly in reply.
“Since you drew it for me, I think I’m going to take it.” Leona chuckled, ripping the page out of the book before handing it back to Himawari. “Come on, brat, let’s take you to Magic Shift.” “YAY!” Cheka cheered, hugging Leona’s leg. “See you, Hima-chan, Grim-chan!”
“Don’t call us that!” Grim grumbled as Himawari meekly waved goodbye.
After they left, the two Ramshackle live-in’s gave a collective sigh. “He scared me!” Grim grumbled, Himawari enthusiastically nodding.
‘I thought he was going to rip my notebook.’ They wrote, smiling in relief.
“Maybe he really did like it?” Grim questioned.
They both shrugged. Himawari closed the notebook and set it aside, inviting Grim to sit on their lap as they once again bathed in the glow of the sunlight.
“I’m confused why the kid likes Leona, but eh,” Grim shrugged. “ ‘s not really our business… ah, the sun’s so warm.”
Himawari nodded. It really is.
“Whatcha say, uncle?”
So, there's this OC Question Meme by @marchenvillain here and it's 100 questions, so! Instead of asking people so I can answer, I'm going to do it myself!
Question 1: What’s a unique skill they have? Is there any reason why they can do it?
Answer: They have the unique skill of taking care of children. Himawari adores babies, but they don't seem to like their face very much, and kids think it looks funny, so they stick to caring for children. They got this skill from volunteering at a daycare back home.
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^ (as evident by the picture, Himawari and babies don't get along well)
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Summary: Detectives James Barnes and Y/n Y/l/n never really got along, despite being partners for seven months. You could say they hated each other, however, when James' past shows up threatening to break him all over again, the truth about their feelings comes to the surface.
Pairing: cop!Bucky Barnes x cop!Reader
Genre: angsty
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @sinviix @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack
Warnings: abusive ex-partner, mentions of toxic relationship, hungover, scars
A/N: I'm back from my brief hiatus(?) yayy! I'm still feeling super insecure about my writing so if you see something I'm doing wrong or something that I should improve, tell me. Tomorrow I'll post the next part of The Protege, but now enjoy <3.
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist (you can find part I there)
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The moment my eyes fluttered open, my hands gripped the sheets I had gotten tangled with, trying to suppress a loud groan the would have just made my head pound harder.
I stirred and turned my head to the man lying besides me as a proof of the bizarre events that my mind remembered from the night before.
This time I was unable to hold back a now regretful groan, which ended up shaking him awake.
"what the- Fuck" he sat up, pressing the heels of his hands against his shut eyes. "fuck fuck fuck fuck"
I shifted my position in a way that I had a perfect view of his bare back.
And that view made my heart clench, because it made me remember what I wanted to talk about without him in first place.
It also proved me that, sadly, there was no way in hell that I was wrong. The patterns of the scars were signs of domestic violence without a doubt.
"Barnes" I called him, not daring to move. "we still have to talk." my voice sounded demanding, but still tender and quiet.
"what 'bout?" his eased voice almost made me doubt my gut feeling, because after all, those scars could be something else.
But then he put his shirt faster than normal, and before even putting on his underwear.
"Dot." his shoulders tensed for a moment, but he did his best to hide it from me. "what happened between the two of you?" I didn't want to ask it directly, so I decided to take the long way.
"c'mon Y/l/n" he let out a humorless laugh, getting up to put on his underwear and pants. "You're the smartest detective I've ever worked with" I managed to hide my surprise at the compliment and I sat up on the bed. "do you really need to fuckin' ask?"
"yeah" he glared at me, leaning over the bed to grab his jacket. "Barnes for fucks sake" I let out a groan, falling back on the bed after I had seen him get out of my apartment.
I got in the precinct an hour or so before my shift actually started, but, honestly, I couldn't care less.
I made a bee line to my desk, not bothering on greeting my colleagues "Hey man, are you okay?" Wilson asked, probably noticing how bad I looked like due to the hungover.
"always" I curtly replied, grabbing the manila folders Y/n had been working on, and displaying it in front of me.
"Bucky?" I didn't even need to spare a glance at Steve to see his worried gaze. "what are you doing here? You don't-"
"got a problem" I muttered low enough for only us to hear it. "I- Y/n and I-"
"Please don't tell me that-"
"yeah" I replied before he finished his question. "we were drunk and-"
"Oh c'mon man" Steve sighed and I let myself fall on the chair while he kept pacing besides me. "with her out of everyone? You had to fuck your co-worker, who you've been pinning over for the last four months?"
"Listen, jerk that's not the important thing right here" I hissed, leaning over the desk to be closer to him. "she knows."
"she knew the moment that Dot showed up" he replied, sitting over my desk. "why does it matter anymore though? The trials start in a week."
"I didn't want her to know" I confessed, running my hands over my short hair. "not now, not like this."
"well there's no going back, pal" Steve said with a sad note on his voice. "you gotta- oh, there she goes" squeezing my shoulder, he got up and walked to his own desk. "Mornin' Y/l/n. Isn't it a bit early?"
"I have work to do" she replied emotionless, looking for the folders on her desk. When she didn't find them, she silently walked to stand besides me and, leaning over my desk, she started to grab the folders.
"I won't tell anyone" she whispered in a tone much softer than I expected. "it's your place to do it so don't worry" with that, she came back to her desk.
It was midnight and Y/n and I hadn't spoken since our brief exchange of words in the morning. Now that we were the last ones left in the department, it was impossible for us not to chat with the other.
It was Y/n who started the conversation.
"Hey listen" she called in low voice, walking to my desk to sit besides me. "I'm sorry for pushing you. I just-" she sighed, scratching her arm distractedly. "I-I just wanted to be wrong, and then" pursing her lips, she spared me a nervous look. "I don't know"
I glanced at her for a moment and, after taking a deep breath, I spoke. "I fell for her when I was really young" I stated. "Hell, I fell hard" she peaked at me, leaving the pencil she was using over the papers. "she was so charming. We got married when I was twenty-six"
"That's..." she looked at me with a puzzled expression on her face. "that's nine years"
"not really" I scratched my neck, feeling Y/n's eyes on me. "we took lots of breaks" I tried focusing on the reports in front of me. "things went south during the last three years, though. We fought. A lot." I scoffed "I loved her so I always blamed myself-"
"Bucky" she cut me off in the most tender way possible. "we- you don't- we don't have to talk about it." before I could tell her that I wanted- no, that I needed to, she spoke again. "unless you want to."
I nodded. "one day I came home late. We argued and she... Uh... Slapped me." I shrugged, not daring to look at Y/n. "and I thought, she's worried, don't mind it." Y/n stayed quiet for me to tell her the rest of the story. "slaps turned into things being thrown at me, and then... Well, you already saw it."
"Your back." I nodded at her guess. "Bucky, those are some serious scars." I just shrugged, not knowing what to answer. "what the hell did she use?"
"what does it look like?"
"I didn't look at them enough to-" I started to unbutton my shirt to take it off. "you sure of what you're doing?" I nodded, leaving the shirt aside. "Okay uh" she stood up and hesitantly traced the scars with her fingers "those three ones gotta be from a belt."
"they are"
"well then she's strong as fuck" I let out a nervous chuckle while she inspected the rest of the scars. "this one... Did she stab you"
My nod was almost unnoticeable "That's the last one"
"I wanna believe that this burn here" her fingers ghosted over it. "isn't one of them." she sighed, grabbing my shirt and handing it to me.
I realized too late my hands were shaking too much for me to be able to button up my shirt. When she noticed this, she kneeled in front of me and did it for me.
"the last time we were together, she ended up stabbing me" her jaw clenched.
"I'm guessing she came here" she got up and came back to her chair. "because you brought a lawsuit against her?"
I nodded, clenching my fists a few times in an attempt to calm my nerves. "she showed up in my house yesterday. That's why I was in the bar."
"what are you gonna do tonight?" That question didn't really need to be asked, but still, I did.
"I'll stay in the break room" he replied distracted. "tomorrow I'll figure something"
Without thinking twice, I casually suggested "come to my place"
He shot me a perplexed glance "and then what?" before I could even think about replying, he spoke again. "we fuck again?"
I couldn't help but snort with a note of bitterness in my laugh. "I'm trying to be nice, what the fuck was that?"
"not sure" he muttered absently, a frown forming between his eyebrows. "I'm sorry, I think I'm too tired"
I sighed "yeah, me too" I looked up at the clock and, taking a deep breath, I spoke again "we should go home"
"yeah" I got up, not wanting to face him for some reason I could not pinpoint. "You're staying at my place remember?"
"Y/n" he called me "there's still a week left for the trials"
"I think" I grabbed my things and put on my jacket "that we're more than capable of standing each other for a week"
I heard him standing up and I finally turned around to face him again. "Y/n, you don't have to-"
"Oh shut up" I said cut him off, throwing him his jacket. "I bet if it was Steve, you wouldn't be so hesitant"
"of course I wouldn't" he admitted, letting out a chuckle. "he's my bestfriend"
"then- I dunno" I shrugged with a grin on my face while we made our way out. "pretend I'm Steve, but stop complaining"
"That's-" he snorted falling into step with me. "that's so fucking weird"
"why? 'cause we fucked?" there was a beat of silence, but when I looked at him, we both burst into fit laughs.
"yeah, because we fucked" I confirmed, looking ahead of us with a smile dancing on my lips. "Where's your place, by the way?"
"what the hell? you were there last night." she shook her head a couple of times with a grin pulling the corners of her mouth. "I guess you were too drunk."
"so were you"
"yeah, but I still know where's my place" she stated proudly.
"what the f- Y/n, that's because it's your place." a snort escaped her lips. "which way, genius?"
"This way, jerk" she placed a hand on my back to guide me and, despite the thick jacket, I could still feel it's warm.
It was in that moment that I realized her touch somehow soothed me, and I found myself wishing she didn't let go of me.
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scarletttext · 3 years
Hey, I’m shy so i’ll just be an anon
But i wanna thank you for your post about your birthday, It made me feel a bit better about myself since I’m going through depression right now since it’s been raining schoolworks and the issue about me (I’m still confused, me too i hate periods). My paternal family is catholic while my mom’s christian, so basically they think that people who are not male or female will not enter heaven so i’m a bit scared and I’m also stressed on how to tell them.
My siblings are not that supportive, you see. But they’re less worse than my aunts and uncles. Sorry i rambled too much haha my anxiety kicking in even I’m in Anonymous. Anyway Thank you for your post It made me tad bit better and I hope that you’ll be happy and Stay safe and healthy!
-With love anon
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ( even if it’s full of bad memories, i hope you win the lottery or something lol)
Hey there anon, no worries! I totally get feeling shy, it's okay. School is always a very stressful thing in life, I gotta say, the amount of work they throw at ya is insane and very unhealthy, so I totally get being down about it, just hang in there buddy, it gets better. About discovering yourself, I can only tell ya to take it easy, there's no rush, you don't have to know exactly what you are or what labels feel better in a flash, take your time, go through it like you're in a game, ya know? Exploring everything, finding all those tiny details and hidden boxes. Do what feels best for you, but be careful when going about it. On coming out, I'd look into things around you better, see if it would be dangerous for you to come out, try to gauge what their reactions would be, and prepare yourself accordingly. I only came out to my parents after I got a job, so I had a failsafe in case things went down south. Because you see, my whole family is also heavily catholic and christian, they raised me in there, and I've had some not so great experiences in churches and with priests trying to ''exorcise'' me, so I fully understand the fear and downright panic when you're getting ready to come out. (On a sidenote here, I dunno if you have any faith, or if you're active in church, but those places can be hella dangerous to lgbt+ people, so I wouldn't trust someone in there, unless you're a 100% sure that they won't force you out of the closet or tell on you. I got lucky on this one, since I grew up always close to my grandma, and she was indigenous, so I had close contact with other religions, which made it easier for me to leave the catholic church).
All in all, thank you for your message, you were very kind and made me smile, thank you for the well wishes :D . I hope you stay healthy, and hang in there buddy, I know how bad things can get sometimes, and I know that sometimes it seems like there's no light on the horizon, but trust me, there is. It might be raining now, but the sun always comes back!
And when it's hard to keep going out of hope, try spite instead, it works for me LOL like, if you get tired of waiting, keep going for the sheer PLEASURE that you'll feel whenever you piss someone off by staying strong, trust me, there was nothing better than the day I found out an ex-bully was angry ranting at one of my old friends because I was doing fine LMAO
0 notes
estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
18 - I’ve Missed A Lot
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This chapters songs:
Car; Porches
The Poetry Of August; Lamp
Homage; Mild High Club
- Y. L. Perspective
"What'd I miss?" I ask, running up to Kiyoko. My left shoe was barely holding onto my foot after I'd run so fast from the changing rooms to the gym.
For the past two practices, I'd had to skip to do a couple of recording with the band. But man—I missed the wrong days.
Her greys eyes grow wide as she shouts. "Y/n! There you are. I was wondering if you would show up to—" I quickly put a finger over her mouth.
"I don't want anybody knowing I'm late!" I whisper loudly. Once my other shoe was on, I straightened up my back, looking at the gym in front of me.
'Why are there so many random men here?'
"They've already noticed, Y/n. Just sit tight, I'll go tell the coach who you are before he kicks you out of e gym."
'Coach?!' I think, turning to question Kiyoko and her statement. But before I'm able to, she's already speeding to the side of an older, taller man.
It was only a day before our weekend training camp was next on our schedule. I didn't think too much about it. My only job was to clean up after my team and take care of them with Kiyoko. I was so caught up in writing new song lyrics that I had completely forgotten about Eclair and her presence, which was now a part of my day.
"Hi, Y/n! It's nice to see you again!" Her soft voice says from behind me as she comes to my side, looking at the floor in front of us. "The team missed you!"
I nod, smiling. 'Please, be quiet today.' I thought to myself as my eyes wavered towards Sugawara. He smiles at me, waving one of his hands, then putting it back down.
As for my relationship with him, it hadn't changed much. We were still staying silent about being together or not. I think what made us both have our doubts about being girlfriend and boyfriend was the idea that we would get too attached. Either way, that didn't change the fact that we already acted like a couple. The only difference was that we didn't have labels.
Kiyoko ran back to me in an instant with a scared expression on her face. "Uh...the coach wants to see you personally. He's right over there," she says, pointing to the man.
I gulp down the fear that was choking me and nod to Kiyoko, walking towards the man with my head down and my hands together. When I arrive at his side, I introduce myself as the manager. "My name is Y/n L/n, one of the managers of this club. My apologies for arriving so late, sir," I say, straightening myself again.
"Ah! Takeda had told me there were two managers. It's nice to meet you, I'm Ukai. For now, I'm nothing official. Your team supervisor is simply a persistent son of a bitch, so I had no choice but to come down and see what the fuss was all about." He explains himself. "So, it seems your team is a bunch of feisty young boys. Do you have any notes on them you wanna give me? I'm trying my best to get them into shape before that practice game they have after the training camp."
"Hm. I do have a couple of things I've been saving recently. My only big concern is how to get the little guy— Nishinoya— to become an official part of the team without another player." I point my pen to the second year as he stretches out his arms.
Ukai seemed to be one step ahead of me, for he raised his brows, pointing to yet another boy. But this one was nothing like Nishinoya. He was most likely the tallest on the team and had the features of a grown man. "Well, that issue seems to be fixed already!"
I purse my lips, embarrassed that I'd been so stupid as to miss so much. "I'm sorry, Mr. Ukai. I haven't attended practice ever since Tuesday, so I haven't been caught up on what's been going on," I say in a disappointed tone.
"That's alright. You just make sure to catch up with your friend, Kiyoko, and you should be all set. For now, just sit back and watch the practice game," he says. With that, he sends me off back to Kiyoko. I hadn't thought that he would be so nice to me after the look he gave me from afar. But I was glad that he'd let my absence slide this time.
Throughout the game, I wasn't allowed to talk to anybody other than the people on the bench, which was only a few of the boys I wasn't too comfortable having a conversation with. As for Kiyoko, Eclair wouldn't stop pestering her with facts about France and her appreciation from the team. Especially Sugawara.
But all wasn't too bad. In fact, this was the best game that I had ever attended. Not only was I able to see the skills of Nishinoya and his partner further, but Koshi was included. He was with a few of the older men and Noya, as well as Asahi, the man that was resistant to come to any of the previous practices.
There were many times when I wanted to scream and shout for the boys. Thankfully, I decided to be smart and not make a full out of myself. Instead, I sat tight, completely focused on Koshi. Was it a bad thing that I hadn't noticed his talents beforehand? I felt horrible that I hadn't been asking him about volleyball. The moment that he began to play, I was able to see just how passionate he was about volleyball. The gym floor was where he belonged, just in the way that I belonged with music.
Just like that, the first set had ended.
I spent no time gathering water bottles for the men, handing each of them a towel and bottle. Sadly, I wasn't able to reach him before Eclair did. It wasn't as if I could go against her actions. Koshi and I hid our feelings from the team, so it would be obvious if I stole him away for a second to give him compliments. I wanted nothing but to praise him for doing so well in the game.
After the boys return to the court, Kiyoko bumps my shoulder. "You know, I haven't seen Sugawara in such a good mood until recently. He's matured into a more enthusiastic guy. Do you think that has anything to do with you?"
"Maybe. It doesn't matter, though. I just want to see him do what he loves," my voice breaks in an instant as I put my hands together in front of my face, smiling at him as he looks back at me.
Though I had absolutely no clue who the extra grown men playing with our club were, Kiyoko and I still bid them a farewell before beginning to clean up with the rest of the team.
"Y/n! I wish we could have talked to you more today!" Nishinoya runs to my side, putting his hands onto my shoulders. The young man didn't seem to take the hint that I wasn't interested in him. Still, it was nice to be surrounded by a change of scenery. I was used to quiet, composed friends and family. "Asahi! You've gotta meet our new manager!"
The two of us look at the tall boy as he grows fearful. What did someone like him have to be scared of? It wasn't as if I would bite one of his fingers off. Hesitant to greet me, he rubs his neck, awkwardly smiling. "H-hi, I'm Asahi. It's nice to meet you."
"Mhm, you as well."
Am awkward silence overcomes us.
"Oh, come on! You call that a greeting?!" Tanaka intervenes, taking Asahi and I's hands and bringing them together. "Asahi, this is our totally awesome new manager, Y/n! She's a great girl and very fun.
Y/n, this is Asahi! The cry baby!"
"Hey! I'm no cry-baby," Asahi says, frowning.
I smile back, taking my hands back into my pockets.
"Erm, it's nice to have you back on the team, Asahi."
Suddenly, we all bring our attention to the temporary coach, who clapped his hands together.
"Great game today, everyone. Our main problem is receiving, so we'll be practicing that tomorrow, got it? After everyone has gotten their things together, please make sure to get lots of rest and arrive here tomorrow at 6:00 PM!"
Everybody nods, bowing lightly and running out to change into their regular school clothes. As for me, I decided to simply take my clothing in my bag and head home in my uniform. As did Sugawara.
I head out of the locker rooms and make my way to the usual spot we met up at after practice. There he was, looking up at the stars. He soon notices I walk towards him with absolute joy. "Why hello, Y/n."
"Hello, Koshi," I utter to him, smiling at his silly behavior. He wraps one of his arms around my back as always, beginning our walk towards home. "You were so good today! I haven't ever seen you play before. I wish I could have known sooner so I can suggest things to the team, like, 'Sugawara sure is a great player!' You know?"
"Well, now that you've seen me play, I think it's time I hear your band perform."
I'm surprised by Sugawara's words. Hear me perform? I could have sworn he'd already heard me and my friends perform a song. I tell him, "well then, you'll just have to wait till our competition. It's around next month. And if you'd like, you can bring Daichi and Kiyoko along. That Asahi kid too, I'd he's your friend."
"Can you imagine the number of requests you'd get from the first and second years if you told them you're in a band? They'd go crazy," he says. "But if it's next month, doesn't that mean you've got a lot of work to do? Are you sure you have enough time to be coming to volleyball practice?"
"That's why I need some help on finding an idea on what to write about! So far, I can't find a way to write anything." I slap my forehead in disappointment.
Sugawara lovingly pats my head. "Just forget about that for a second if it's bothering you, sweetie. Are you excited about this spring? The tournament is coming up as well. Have you talked to your friend Oikawa about it?"
"Koshi, he isn't my friend! And no... we haven't talked ever since the practice game. Should I ask him to say what he wants before I block him for good?"
He shrugs. "I dunno. Honestly, I've never had anybody be very persistent to apologize after something so mean."
"Hm. It's okay. I'm excited to be spending some time with you~" I lean into him, making him stumble slightly. "I know it's weird to say, but I'm proud that you decided to play today. I know you have potential that you don't use and it hurts to see you bottle up your talent that way."
Sugawara looks at me with the most gentle expression he'd ever shown the earth. "I—I try. Thank you. I'm glad I could show you that I'm not a completely useless player," he chuckles. "Honestly, I don't think I'm gonna be playing on the court this year."
I nudge him hard. "Sugawara! Don't say things like that. You're speaking words into existence. Try to have as much confidence as possible and I'm sure that our...new coach...will let you play!"
"Hm, maybe."
By the time we had arrived at my house, the clock struck 8:00 PM. I hadn't expected to be staying out so late. Since there was a surprise practice game, I had no choice.
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow," I say, unlocking my front door, and stepping inside the house. As always, it was quiet and felt empty. I turn to smile at Koshi one last time before closing the door, but he stops me with a rug at the wrist. "What is it?"
"Uhm...since it's Friday, do you just wanna sleepover at my place? That way we can get ready together tomorrow." His skin turned peachy as he asked.
I was yet to visit his house. It was always mine that we'd hang out at, so I was very caught off guard by his request. Come to think of it, I didn't know much about his family or lifestyle when it came to being home. All I knew was that his mother left his family with a cloud over their heads. And so, I laugh awkwardly, "ha, are you sure it's okay with your dad? I wouldn't want to be intruding or anything."
Sugawara quickly shuts down my reply, saying, "of course not. My little brother has people over all the time. But if you don't want to, that's okay."
I felt nothing but happy that he had invited me over, but was it really a good idea? After what he described his father as I was scared he would think of me as a burden. Although, I didn't want to pass my chance to meet his family. And so, I nod slightly.
"Okay, yeah! But I have to get some things together. Do you wanna come inside real quick?" My excitement is heard through my tone. I open the door wide for him to enter the house. He does so, happy that I had said yes.
"Come on in!"
Not in a million years did I ever expect Mr. Sugawara to be such a welcoming man. So tall, too.
"I've just gotten back from work, so excuse my strange appearance," he says to me as Koshi and I walk into the house. The man was the spinning image of his son: silver hair, hazel eyes, and thin yet strong build. But no beauty mark. He wore black blazer pants and a button-up white collared shirt, telling me he was a sophisticated man.
I bow. "Thank you for having me, Mr. Sugawara," I say to him.
"It's no issue. Your brother and I were just finishing making yakitori," he stated, before rushing back to what I assumed was the kitchen. After Koshi closed the door behind us and we took our shoes off, he led me there.
He and his other son were setting up the dining table. The boy was surprisingly shorter than Koshi, had pale brown hair instead of silver, and matched beauty marks with him. 'His mother must have been a brunette', I thought to myself as he ran off to help his father and brother.
Not soon after did the younger Sugawara look my way in the surprise of my presence. "Uhm—hi!" He says. The voice that came out of him was just as raspy as Koshi's, but a bit more aggressive and whiny.
'So...his mom must have had brown hair, was a short woman, had a raspy voice, AND gave her sons the beauty mark..' I was very quick to build an image of what I imagined his mother to look like. If only I'd be able to meet her in person.
"Hello. Could I help you guys with anything? I'd love to." My hands rub together like clay, sweaty and clammy. I didn't realize how nervous I was to be around so many men at once.
"No need, I'm just about done!" Mr. Sugawara placed a very big plate of skewers in the middle of the table. "Why don't you sit down with Isao and Koshi."
I do as told and make my way behind the kitchen and into the dining room, where a fair wooden table and a few zaisu chairs surrounded it.
The younger boy decides to sit across from Koshi and me, snaking eyes at me every few seconds. I think not much of it. It must have been strange to have a random girl join him and his family for dinner. Nonetheless, he doesn't think twice to begin his pattern of questions. "So, are you Koshi's girlfriend?" He bluntly asks with a grin on his face as the mentioned man scolds him.
"Isao! It isn't polite to ask people questions without introducing yourself first," He says as his dad continues to pour cups of water in the kitchen, pretending not to hear much of the conversation.
I feel my cheeks heat up immediately. How could I have explained that we were in love for quite some time but haven't been tied down yet? I clear my throat, looking at Koshi, who is shutting his eyes in embarrassment.
"Oh! Well, I'm Isao Sugawara. It's a pleasure to meet you...Y/n is it?"
I'm utterly surprised by his question. From what it looked like, Koshi had already told his brother about me. It was flattering yet terrifying. "Yes. It's nice to meet you as well." I try my best not to sound grim, but it's hard when you're stuck in such an uncomfortable situation.
"I'm guessing you're the one he's been hanging out with so much! You're so pretty! Come to think of it, I don't think Koshi has ever had a girl over." The boy chuckles.
'I thought he had many girls wrapped around his finger.'
Ending the most heart-racing conversation I'd ever experienced, Mr. Sugawara comes back with a few drinks in hand. "Well then, let's get to eating!" He exclaims, giving everyone their glass of water before sitting down next to his youngest son.
Each of us grab a skewer and began munching on the delicious chicken yakitori. Every once in a while I'd look up at the family, who didn't seem to be by the idea someone out of their comfort zone was there. As for Koshi, he kept asking if everything was alright for me and smiling. The sweet guy had no clue how shaken I felt.
"So then, tell us about your friend, Koshi." His father gulps down the last bite of his yakitori to drink a sip of his water.
The boy blinks a few times. "Uh—well, Y/n and I used to be friends during our first year but separated until this year. We've really renewed our relationship!" He laughs anxiously, downing his glass of water after his brief explanation.
"So, do you like to play volleyball too?" Isao interjects.
"Uhm, not exactly. I'm just one of the managers of the volleyball club. I've only been there for two weeks," I reply.
"What do you like to do? You seem like a sophisticated girl!"
Koshi snatches the chance to speak about me. "Y/n is a musician! She plays guitar and is a vocalist for this band she's in. She's even going to sign with a big label once she graduates!"
"Oh, cool!" Isao slams his hands on a table with a bright smile spread across his face. "I've always wanted to meet a musician! Koshi is so lucky to have a cool girlfriend like you, Ms. Y/n!"
He snaps at his little brother again for calling me his girlfriend, nervous now that his father was listening in this time. But Mr. Sugawara simply chuckles. "How fun, Y/n. So, I see you have some big plans! What kind of music do you and your band play?"
'Jesus, I did NOT expect that.'
"Mostly rock, sir. We're more of a punk band than anything," I say, folding my hands in my lap. Though the yakitori was delicious, I wasn't Anel to take in another bite. "May I do you all a favor as to wash the dishes? I appreciate you having me over so suddenly."
I stand up from the zaisu, picking up both my plate and Koshi's. Isao and his father also hand me theirs, thanking me for my kindness. "Do what you'd like! Thank you for joining us."
also ily pls take care of yourself <3
- estrxlar
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