#how much must have that meant to shinsou??
stillness-in-green · 1 year
Chapter Thoughts — Chapter 383: Meek Spirits
Pre-cut Positivity—
O Rule and Mount Lady are a fantastic team-up.  Mount Lady is, in general, pretty boss this week.  I want to combine this and my last fandom and give her Barbatos’s mace-chan.  I also have to admire her exercise routine, given that winging around a solid metal wrench as wide as your leg and almost as tall as you are must take considerably more strength than e.g. wielding a similarly sized spear or club made mostly of wood.[1]
O The effects of Mina's efforts on her appearance are neat. The way the blacks of her eyes melt off??  I wonder if Curious’s could do that too, under the right circumstances.  Also, her horns extending out is a cool look, one that I don’t recall ever seeing before.  I wondered briefly if it was meant to represent a quirk evolution like Koda growing in that horn, but Mina’s seem to go kind of droopy afterward, so I don’t know if they’ll be permanently different in shape the way his seems to be.
Hit the jump for the rest. Note that I have seen the leaks, but I’m leaving the writing below as written pre-leaks, if only because I am very much going to want an accurate translation before I start talking in-depth about the Machia content in 385.
On Gigantomachia and the Limits of Emergency Situation Excuses—
The bit about Machia embodying “pure psychological scarring” is very…  Like, guys, That Is A Person.  He is not a symbol, not a metaphor.  He is a human being.  Apart from being a bad look in general, it's especially bonkers to dehumanize Machia in this specific fashion—“From the standpoint of ordinary people”—when the first thing the heroes’ do upon bringing Machia, the soul-numbingly terrifying symbol of everyday peoples’ trauma, under their control is to—stampede him fifty miles back across the landscape over the same path he took before?  What are they going to do, stop to yell at everyone they see between here and Jakku not to worry, he’s working under hero auspices now, please refrain from having any PTSD-induced panic attacks!
As I said last time, turning Machia against his own is the sort of thing trial-at-the-Hague war crimes are made of, or would be if this were an international conflict.  What’s even more maddening is the stench of double standard hanging over it: when Spinner turns up intending to rescue his ally use a mentally conditioned victim as a tool, he got a moralistic scolding from Mic about how “that guy ain’t gonna be your ace in the hole.”  But as soon as the heroes find themselves in a tight spot, all concerns about not using mentally conditioned victims as aces in the hole go right out the window.
The only difference between Kurogiri and Gigantomachia that matters in this context is that the person Kurogiri was pre-mental conditioning was friends with a hero, whereas Machia, so far as we know, has always been loyal to AFO.  That’s it.  If Machia had been best school buddies with e.g. Ryukyu, we would never have seen him used like this; the heroes would never have even thought about it.  We even know that’s the case because the heroes could just as easily have had Shinsou brainwash Kurogiri to open all the portals they needed to kick off this combat; instead, they had Monoma copy the Warp Gate quirk and use it under his own power.
Kurogiri is not to be used as a tool.  Eri is not to be used as a tool.  But Machia?  Break out the psychic hammer and tongs and start beating him into shape; the heroes have lots of uses for him.
I know there’s a measure of shrugging and saying desperate times call for desperate measures out there on this topic, and, indeed, that’s the way Kirishima and Tsukauchi both frame this—a back-up plan, a massive gamble.  But the heroes of BNHA are not just any sort of protagonists; they’re called, by both the narrative and as an in-universe job title, heroes.  That carries a connotation of ideal, of role model, of a character/person viewed as worthy of admiration and acclaim for their nobility and courage even under duress.
@robotlesbianjavert reminded me of a quote by Rich Burlew, author of the webcomic The Order of the Stick, that really encapsulates my problem with the heroes’ tactics and the big shrug those tactics elicit from certain portions of the fandom.
Burlew said, “Being heroic often means rejecting some tactical options that, while potentially effective, violate your personal moral beliefs.” While he was talking in the context of D&D characters with specific moral alignments, I feel it’s applicable when it comes to superhero comics, as well. Certainly it's a plot that comes up with marked frequency in the U.S. comics Horikoshi draws so much of his heroic iconography from.[2]
If I may use a more widely recognized sentiment, “The ends don’t justify the means.”  That’s the issue with the calls the heroes keep making, over and over again.  They condone things being done to their enemies that they would never condone in any other context.  This isn’t admirable Plus Ultra determination; it isn’t heroic.  It’s pessimistic and inconstant, useful only for securing short-term victories.
By all means, that’s a valid story to tell, and heck, sometimes the short-term victory is all you can get, so you do what it takes to get it.  That’s true in real life, too.  Certainly, if the narrative just wanted its leads to be able to do whatever it takes to get the job done, it could have framed them as being harshly pragmatic, doing whatever it takes to get the job done, dirtying their hands and making hard, uncomfortable decisions in order to keep people safe.  That’s the bread and butter of spy dramas and political thrillers! Heroism, however, especially in the sense of cape comic imagery and tropes that Horikoshi is using, requires harder decisions still.
A hero is someone who doesn’t take the easy way out.  They not only have to get things done, but they have to get things done in a way that doesn't betray the ideals they uphold. That means they don’t get to use villainous tactics and still call themselves heroes.  They certainly don’t get to castigate their enemies for their methods and then turn around and use those same methods themselves.
(More on this next time.)
Moments with Mina—
You know, I thought it was a little weird, back in the Class A vs. Deku fight(‘s aftermath), that Kirishima’s “thing” he tells Deku is that he saw the news story about some kid facing the Sludge Villain.  It felt so out-of-left-field, so random—surely there could have been something more relevant to Kirishima than a callback to the Sludge Villain that he had never once indicated he knew about?  But now I wonder if the selection wasn’t about Kirishima in that moment, but rather, undercooked set-up for this one.  Bringing the Sludge Villain back here instead of any place he might confront a character he faced before just felt like such a non-sequitur, but with the earlier setting, at least there’s that tiny bit of connection.  Save that it doesn’t come to anything here, either—I don’t even get the impression Kirishima recognizes him?
Instead, we get a moment for Mina, and—it leaves a bit to be desired, I’m very sorry to say.
O Firstly, okay, Mina failed against Machia before—froze up when she recognized his voice and had a brief, vivid flashback to the fear she felt when she first crossed paths with him.  Yet here, when she comes up against him again, he’s basically incidental to her.  Which, yeah, I guess you could say is progress—she’s come so far she saves Mount Lady from Machia as an afterthought.  On the other hand, though, we’re deprived of a big moment of her facing the fear she failed against before—which Kirishima got!—and instead get her taking out the Sludge Villain, with whom she has no prior interaction, to save Shinsou, so Shinsou can stop Machia.
Not only does her action, then, come down to another example of a girl’s action being crucial to enable and support a boy’s more decisive action, but she even credits it to the training she got from two boys—Bakugou and Shouto—rather than her own efforts.[3]
O Mina being the one to talk about Midnight continues to feel a little strange.  Midnight never had a close-close relationship with any of the students, but surely both Momo and Mineta had more significant moments?  And Momo’s not here; she’s being criminally wasted on the Sky Coffin battle.  Mineta certainly is here, though, and he gets a sum total of bupkis to say or do when faced with Midnight’s killer.
O I wish I didn’t find Hose Face’s writing this week so overwhelmingly exhausting (more on that shortly), because Mina’s line to him about heroes and villains both finding strength in numbers is interesting on its own merits and would be even more so if it weren't being wasted on such a flat caricature.
It has echos of things like Jeanist calling heroes and villains two sides of the same coin and Spinner spitefully accusing the MLA of being the same as him (bandwagon jumpers).  It’s also somewhat ahistorical in the sense that the story alludes a few times to the fact that groups of villains were fairly rare prior to the rise of the League of Villains/the fall of All Might.  Hero teams were likewise uncommon until they had to start banding together to fill the gap All Might left.  The MLA has certainly been cultivating strength in numbers for generations, but it’s still a pretty new thing to both “sides” of the conflict Mina’s talking about.
Anyway, it’s interesting, but I wish I knew where it was coming from.  The closest Mina’s ever been to facing the humanity of her enemies is keeping Shouto company in the wake of the Dabi reveal.  There’s Aoyama, too, of course, but there’s been no collective effort made to extend the class’s experience with Aoyama—forced into “villainy” against his will—to empathy about other villains they don’t know personally.  So wherefore this sudden empathy with villains looking for closeness with like-minded people?
O My final issue with Mina’s big proclamation is that it carries zero weight for her to disavow revenge when she’s never been shown to have a vengeful personality.  Mina’s cheerful!  She’s upbeat!  She doesn’t hold onto anger; she doesn’t brood; she’s extremely well-adjusted in that she cries when she needs to, to get it out of her system, and then she bounces back.
If Mina had been shown to have a particular fondness for Midnight,[4] then maybe I could buy her having to struggle with a darker turn.  In the story we have, though, she lacks both: she has no personal connection to Midnight more significant than “teacher whose classes I enjoyed,” nor did the story spend even a breath of time prior to this on Mina struggling to cope with Midnight’s death.
It’s the same issue I have with, say, Deku’s “mad drive to save.”  I can’t accept the characterization of Deku’s saving instinct as so intense it’s like a form of madness when the story continually fails to treat that instinct as in any way aberrant or alien to the people around him.  Likewise, I can’t applaud Mina for overcoming her rage or desire for revenge when the story never portrayed her wrestling with either.
Way to keep forcing Shouji to be the model minority for everyone else, though.
Hose Face and the Incongruous Belief Set
The PLF material this week is mostly just sigh-inducing and difficult to muster up much enthusiasm for discussing.  To recap, though, the members of the erstwhile MLA are taking every opportunity in this second war arc to double down on quirk supremacy despite tiny little issues like the fact that a great many ranking officers and members of high command have quirks that aren’t suited to getting them ahead in a society built around quirk supremacy. 
I mean, really.  Here’re some impromptu categories and characters that fit them:
Good but unrelated to the function they actually serve in the organization/plot:
o Skeptic – Makes active use of his puppets exactly once; otherwise does nothing that isn’t connected to electronics. o Curious – Quirk has combat applications, but they have little to no relevance to her day job of running the MLA’s propaganda arm.
Okay but not so impressive that you’d think they’d have what it takes to rise to high positions in the society they themselves profess to want:
o Hose Face – His emittance lets him float, and does—what else, exactly?  It’s clearly not lethal to the touch, given that he uses it to float a bunch of his allies, so at best, I can see it giving him a bit of extra punch if he boosts his attacks with it.  Not all that impressive or stand-out compared to things that hit harder or are more versatile. o Galvanize (Taser Dude) – Lightning is a great quirk, except for the fact that elemental quirks seem to be relatively common, so you’d be up against every other asshole in your town that has the same power as you but with some barely more than cosmetic variation.  Hard to make a name for yourself that way!
Just kind of whatever:
o Slidin’ Go – If he were getting as much mileage out of a slip-and-slide quirk as e.g. Captain Celebrity or The Crawler, he’d be more famous and recognizable instead of being basically a joke. o Brand (Pinstripe Shark)– If his quirk is so impressive, why does he bring a katana to the battlefield with him? o Scarecrow and Nimble - Are their heteromorphic appearances all they have going for them?  If not, we sure didn’t see them do anything else, even in the middle of pitched combat. 
Functionally useless in an every-man-for-himself world:
o Trumpet – If he had to live in a dog-eat-dog world where only the strength of one’s own quirk, zero other factors, determined who got ahead, he might as well be quirkless.
There are other issues, of course, but another one that’s on display this week is how quirk supremacy is nowhere to be found in the words of Destro or Re-Destro.  Nowhere in any line Rikiya has ever spoken, even in the privacy of his own mind, has Might Makes Right-style quirk supremacy been in evidence; he has unfailingly thought of nothing but liberation and building a better, freer world.  Here this week, Hose Face’s flashback entails a memory of Re-Destro calling himself and whatever audience he's speaking to comrades, equals, “one and the same.”  What part of your supreme leader calling himself and you equals is in accordance with the law of the jungle?
Seriously, guys, if the MLA were actually supposed to have believed all this in such a heavy-handed way all along, why was Geten[5] the only one who actually brought it up during MVA?  MVA is the arc that introduced the CRC; surely Hori wasn’t worried about the League fighting a bunch of violent extremists!  Or is it rather that he didn’t want to show the League allying with a bunch of violent extremists, so he downplayed the truth as much as he could?
Is it doublethink/groupthink, a cult-enforced unwillingness to ask logical questions if they run you into trouble with the dogma?  Is Hori just simplifying them because he’s rushing the ending and doesn’t have time to resolve their plot lines in the way that would be necessary if they were written as having valid points?
On both the Watsonian and the Doylist levels, I’m completely at a loss.
Stray Notes—
O Hose Face’s face hose gets torn apart, and I have some seriously pressing questions about whether he just lost a limb to what was functionally a hero’s attack.  I suppose it could have been a support item, but no lines between his quirk, his briefly glimpsed fighting style, and an enormous fucking hose on his face leap to draw themselves in my mind.  Again, if his quirk is a biohazard of some kind and he needs a mask to protect him from its effects, like Mustard, surely he wouldn’t use it to float his unmasked allies around the battlefield? So what is it, just dead weight on his mask to make him look creepier?
Anyway, there’s none of the blood spray that has tended to accompany traumatic limb loss in the series to date, but I do wonder.  It would be, I think, the only instance other than All Might pulping AFO’s face of heroic action maiming a villain to such an irrevocable degree.[6]  You know, just to exacerbate the severity of turning Machia on his allies even further.  God knows Shinsou doesn’t tell Machia to hold back, and those claws were plenty lethal against heroes, as we all well know.
O Not sure why Shinsou had to base his Persona Chords arrangement on recordings from Tartarus when he could have just gotten it from the phone call to the Aoyamas.  I wonder how much time he needs to program those voices in?  It definitely drives home that the heroes had been contemplating using Shinsou against Machia for a long time, though.  Which, again, would be perfectly fine if all Shinsou were doing were making Machia stand down.  Not so much all the rest of it, though.
O Would it kill Horikoshi to stop telling us the outcomes of these flashbacks before we spend whole chapters on them?? At least when Mirio came back during the war, we spent like a page and a half on the foregone conclusion before getting on back into the swing of things. The reason the fight with Spinner at the hospital had tension is because we didn't know the outcome in advance. What exactly would have been the issue with ending Chapter 382 with Machia showing up and hurling a mountain at the combatants without revealing that the target is AFO and showing Shinsou and Kirishima?
(Tune in next time for: trying to make heads or tails of what exactly Shinsou thought he was doing.)
------------------ FOOTNOTES ------------------ [1] I’ll take Scale Considerations the Author Probably Wasn’t Thinking About for $600, Alex.
[2] Consider, for example, Bad Future Timelines where the present-day heroes have to debate and, ultimately, defeat jaded dystopian future versions of themselves. Or the perennial question, "Why doesn't Batman kill the Joker?"
[3] This after crediting her Acid Man move as being inspired by Kirishima’s Unbreakable, too, recall.
[4] And I’ll note that both times she’s brought up Midnight, here and in the war arc when Mineta is fretting, it’s in the context of going back to Midnight’s classes.  She never actually brings up Midnight as her own person, Kayama Nemuri, because Mina doesn’t know Kayama Nemuri.  It’s always and only “Midnight-sensei, whose classes I like.”  It can’t be stirring and personal when it’s so staunchly removed from being personal.
[5] The kid whose name means Apocrypha, to repeat myself for the umpteenth time.
[6] Give or take the way the heroes have been pretty openly using lethal force against Shigaraki ever since he got out of the tube.
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flfverse · 1 year
Hiii it’s the sub!kiri anon again 💞 I meant to drop in earlier but immediately after your response I had like. a Cinematically terrible week so I’m stopping in now instead!
I loooove all your thoughts on the kink variety, especially everything you said w kaminari todoroki and shinsou! I’m curious about kaminari especially—like, what solo stuff looks like in this particular setting where kink isn’t always inherently sexual? and also how safe it is to do that kind of stuff alone, especially for a sub, since that headspace is super vulnerable! like if a sub drops in a forest and no one’s around to hear, how does he rebound from that? 👀
and for todoshin I’m just… frothing??? like yes good to make todoroki match shinsou but also UM?? the DRAMA of todoroki of all people being into pain, when you look back at his particular upbringing? It makes so much sense that he would get the wires for love and pain crossed with all the shit his parents put him through. there are so many layers of coping to unravel with him i could practically write an essay, so matching him up with shinsou is just soooo perfect imo haha. But yes!!! Service/pillow Princess todoroki is VERY IMPORTANT!! He can have both!!! The duality of man!!!!!!! He just feels so fluid to me like he can do it all and he SHOULD!
you mentioned shinsous damage with gags an muzzles… is that just because of his quirk, or is there trauma to unravel? 👀 i must admit I always love the trope of shinsou being muzzled as a kid, but with the context of this au i feel like it adds even more flavor ✨ that is, there’s kind of something inherently sub-like about being muzzled, and with shinsou being a dom, i gotta wonder what that could do to a kids head? like a dom being forced into a submissive role without consent during the formative years of his youth… much to think about 🧐
I’m also curious about how a dom/switch (or sub/switch, but I’m particularly talking about todoshin rn sooo ;p) works with the biological components! In your bkdk story there’s the switch therapy arc (which I LOOOOVE btw tysm for that💞💞💞 caretaker fatigue is so real and it felt so validating to get to see Bakugou getting taken care of for a lil bit ❤️‍🩹) which made it sound like switching if you don’t already lean switch would be difficult or unadvisable? So if a switch is paired with a dom, does that switch also need to satisfy their own dom leanings to be healthy? Or are they able to do alright with hanging out in the Sub Zone? And if they do need to go Dom Mode sometimes, how does the usual dom in the relationship handle that?
Sorry for all the questions! Todoroki n shinsou just got me thinking! 💞 also, kind of a non sequitur, but I wanted to say that some of my favorite scenes have been the subcircle scenes in each of your fics—especially the one w deku and todoroki that went so downhill 😏 what can i say I love the dramaaaaa
but yeah, sorry for the long message again! It felt too presumptuous to message you so I hope you don’t mind 💞This au has really been getting me through some difficult times lately, so thanks so much for all your hard work! I can’t wait for the next installment! Much love💞💞💞 —V
omg hi again! i’m sorry about your week :(( i hope it’s going a bit better now 💞💞
okay okay on kaminari and solo play—i came up with that fairly on the fly lol BUT i imagine this world has like, a thriving ASMR community where someone pretend-talks you through a scene or something lol, so that’s the main option. but also depending on the person they could just hang out and put themselves in a light headspace if they really tried. like the first thing coming to mind is pet play again 💀 even with no dom around you can still dress up yknow?
but you are correct it is not exactly what one would call Safe lol. definitely not uncommon, but ill-advised, because of the risk of drop or the sub hurting themself. the best-case scenario is something like what kaminari has, where other people are nearby to notice if something has gone wrong.
ugh and YES todoshin, i love them both so much so ofc i have to give them all the angst >:3 imagine it coming out that todo’s into pain and someone just decides to like, shame him about it. “obviously you don’t actually like it you were just conditioned by your father and you need therapy and your dom is abusive if they take advantage of that” yada yada yada. like no! well maybe! he does need therapy but shh anyway.
and oh i love giving shinsou quirk-related trauma so ofc muzzles <3 but i did NOT think about the inherent sub-ness of it omg….the urge to write about like a 13yo shinsou getting adopted by erasermic in this verse grows STRONGER. i need to talk about his issues. also uhhh the parallels of todoroki being forced into a dominant role and shinsou into a submissive one??? hello
yes okay and dom/switch relationships. there’s two ways this could go! i actually wrote a tiny exchange in CTL chapter 3 about how todoshin deal w this but i just had to go reread what it says bc i do not know my own lore. anyway. obvs this could be solved by polyamory but in the context of a monogamous relationship
scenario one: the switch is allowed to have other partner(s) as needed. todoroki alludes to this in CTL and says that recently he and shinsou & aoyama and tokoyami made a sort of…i guess friends with benefits? arrangement, since they have the same kind of issue. they’re not all dating each other, they just sometimes do a scene together if necessary. easier and more personal than always finding a different partner.
scenario two: i was going to use spinneraki as an example for this which is when i realized that i never wrote spinner’s orientation down anywhere. i have no idea what i want it to be. problem for later. regardless, shigaraki is a really sub-leaning switch, so he pretty much exclusively subs and works out his Dom Energy via running the league. so if someone leans hard one way or the other they might be fine doing that.
switches do generally need both headspaces for balance, though, BUT it would take a good bit longer to get to actual withdrawal if they were only indulging one side, if that makes sense?
ugh and YES i love the sub circle scenes they’re very fun. i have an idea in my wip list about todoroki angsting over joining one at ua bc he’s so used to just being a dom, but now that we have trans!kiri i can also give him the same angst…hehehe. i too love the drama.
and omg do not apologize for sending asks, i always love getting them and i love your energy💖 absolutely feel free to message me as well, but no pressure if you want to stay on anon.
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kirikiribaku · 3 years
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I would literally do anything for him
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bnhabadass · 3 years
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Pairing: Shinsou x Reader Genre: Angst with happy ending, NSFW Word Count: 4,049 Synopsis: Shinsou is sick and tired of seeing you go out on all these disappointing Tinder hookups, especially when you always seem to ask him to satisfy you afterwards. But there must be a reason why you keep going on these dates, right? A/N: This is my piece for the bnharem roommates collab. I always forget how much I love writing Shinsou’s character but this definitely brought my spark with him back. Make sure to check out everyone else’s collab pieces on the masterlist!
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Another night of tinder swipes. Another night of late night walks through desolate and windy streets. Another night of sleepy dinner and listening to the same old boring stories that every date has to offer. Another night of disappointing sex as he can’t seem to find the hole and his finger nails are sharper than they need to be. Another night of two pump chumps who ask, “does that feel good baby?” and another night of lying through your teeth as you fake moans and count the seconds before you’re allowed to leave.
It’s just like any other Saturday night where your toes are crushed in the tips of your heels and you shiver as you walk back to your apartment, keys clutched between your fingers just in case someone tries to pull something and you need to think quickly. You have your routine ingrained in you, like second nature.
The walk back home is cold and clammy. You can’t shake the feeling of the little hairs on your arms and legs springing up like a cat in shock as the wind pushes right past you. The only thing you could think of to keep yourself from toppling over from exhaustion was the heat that would be coming from your room back home, the fuzzy blanket you’d lie under, and the man awaiting your return to greet you with surprises like no other.
When you did open the front door, heat wafted towards you and your achy muscles began to relax.
“Rough night?” The voice from inside cooed.
“‘Oh baby do you like that?’” you mocked. “‘Does that hurt so good?’”
The person sitting on the sofa with a book covering their face laughed. “Please tell me he did not say that.”
You kicked off your heels and rolled out your ankles. “Shinsou, I swear to god, you have to meet some of these people. This one guy was ridiculous. As I was sucking him off he told me I reminded him of his mother.”
The purple haired young man gagged. “And you still sucked his dick?”
“That’s the best part,” you laughed. “He finished right after he said that.”
Shinsou grimaced. “Why do you keep going on these dates when everyone you end up sleeping with sucks.”
You collapsed on the couch next to him. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s because a certain someone always ends up taking care of me after.” Laying your head in his lap, you smiled up at him.
Shinsou gave you a lazy smirk back. “So that’s it, huh? I actually know how to use my tongue so you’re purposefully coming home unsatisfied.”
“I wouldn’t say purposefully,” you said with a mock offended tone to your words. “If there ever is a man out there who did know how to please me then I can guarantee I wouldn’t be coming home every night I have a date.”
He propped his cheek up against the palm of his hand. “But that hasn’t happened yet, has it.”
You loved this, the flirty and dangerous aroma in the air. It was intoxicating and you craved every bit of it.
“So what are we going to do about it?”
You leaned up and kissed him, and then that kiss led to another. Soon you had gotten up and moved into Shinsou’s bedroom. Your tights had been stripped down and your dress was pulled up over your ass.
Getting onto his elbows and knees, Shinsou readied himself to lick his first stripe along your folds and make you melt beneath him.
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The week went by, like usual, and your relationship with Shinsou remained the same, just like usual. You’d each come home from work, him tired from training and patrols and you exhausted with paperwork and having to deal with bothersome coworkers taking up all your spare time.
Nothing happens during the week. The two of you laugh and joke around like best friends, like neither of you have seen each other naked, and you’re sure you’re happy this way. That’s what Shinsou keeps telling himself anyway.
You never seem to notice the way his eyes linger on you for a split second too long or the way he glares at your phone over your shoulder as you swipe left or right on dating apps. You’d think that if he was jealous he would try to distance himself, to back away from the trouble you might get in and the disappointment you’d find after each hookup. But no, Shinsou cares too much about you to let you go out on your own without knowing who, where and how you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
“Hey Shin,” you call from the couch on Thursday night. You’re lying down with your feet propped up against the arm rest. Shinsou has to move them out of the way before plopping down himself.
“What’s up.” His large palm rubbed up and down your legs as they rested on his lap.
“I think I matched with someone who won’t be horrible in bed.” You showed him your phone, and as he scrolled through his profile you could feel the itchy heat of embarrassment rising to your face.
Shinsou’s heart seemed to stop. His eyes widened when he read the words “pornstar” and “Onlyfans'' in the dude’s bio. Handing your phone back to you, he kept his eyes trained on the floor. “That’s great. He seems like he knows what he’s doing.”
“Yeah.” You took the phone back and resumed looking through his photos. “He messaged me earlier and we have a lot in common too.”
Shinsou nodded. Why did he feel so weird? He knew that not every guy you matched with would be a disappointment. He had been telling that to himself for months now, but watching the nervous smile that crept up your face as you received a new message from this guy made Shinsou want to scream. “I’m gonna go for a run,” he said, lifting up your legs to stand up from the couch.
“Really? It’s dark out. Are you sure you want to go running?” You didn’t look up from your phone.
“Yeah I’ll be fine.”
“Okay, stay safe. Oh! Did you still want to watch a movie tonight?”
Shinsou froze. “Um, maybe not tonight. I’m not sure. I’ll see if I’ve cooled down a bit after my run.”
You looked up from the screen, slightly deterred. “Oh, okay. Have a good run.” You weren’t exactly sure what he meant by that. He hadn’t seemed to be bothered by anything earlier, so why was he acting weird now? You were sure you hadn’t said anything to make him upset and when he told you about his day, he didn’t seem bothered by anything that happened at work.
Rolling over on your side, you continued texting this new guy, a new sense of nervousness clouding your vision.
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It’s Saturday night and you’re putting on your makeup. Your hands which have never been shaky before have fucked applying your eyeliner three times now. You’re not sure why you’re so nervous. You’ve met up with guys every weekend for months now. Could it be that this guy is different because he knows what he’s doing? Yeah, that must be it. You’re worried that you won’t be good enough for him, right?
Still, that didn’t seem like that was it. You were so excited talking to him at first. He made you laugh and you wanted to meet up with him so bad, to see his charm in person. But then you showed his profile to Shinsou and things started to feel different, like somehow they were falling apart.
You haven’t spoken to your roommate much in the last couple days. His usual pokes and prods at the men you tend to meet up with were replaced with silence. You haven’t joked around like usual or spent time together unwinding after work, and you were worried. It hadn’t been this distant between you since one of your female friends told you about a guy she knew who was looking for a roommate and the two of you met for the first time.
Since then, you haven't gotten anything but closer. You began your weekly rituals of getting takeout and watching movies and getting drunk after particularly rough days at work. Living with Shinsou was the happiest you have been in a long time. So why did that change?
Stepping out of your bedroom, makeup incomplete and dress unbuttoned, you peered into the living room where Shinsou was working.
He sat shirtless on the couch, legs propped up on the automen with his laptop balanced on his legs. His wild purple hair, which had gotten longer since the two of you met, was loosely tied back with a hair tie. His gray sweatpants were untied and you were sure that if he were to stand up they would ride low on his hips.
As you stared at his profile, you couldn’t help but admire how his chiseled face, adorning a pair of reading glasses, looked so serene as he stared at the work ahead of him. He looked calm, calmer than you’ve seen him in a while, and that made his face more youthful. Shinsou stretched out his arms and you could hear his corded back crack before he went back to typing away.
You ran back into your room and slammed the door. Your face was hot and flushed. Beads of sweat permeated on your temples. How could such a simple act of stretching make you feel so hot and bothered and worked up and oh no. How is it that you were so blind? You were in love with your roommate.
Shit shit shit shit shit.
You paced back and forth, rubbing all of the makeup off of your eyes in the process. You stared at your blackened fingers and rubbed them on your dress, not caring that it would dirty. Thinking back to all the moments you cuddled as “friends” and all the times you would lay together after a disappointing date, you were able to pinpoint each exact moment where your feelings grew.
You sat on your bed and watched as your hands shook. You couldn’t go on this date now. You don’t care about the guy, no matter how good at sex he might claim to be. The entire time, you’d just be wishing you were on a date with Shinsou. Granted, every date you’ve been on, a little part of you has wished it was with Shinsou. Every week you couldn’t wait until it was over so you could be enveloped yet again in his flirty aroma that was so, so addictive.
So that was it, you wouldn’t go on the date and things would go back to normal between the two of you. But would they really? What would you say if he asked why you cancelled? All you wanted were things to go back to the way they were. You wanted to bask in the flirty air and feel Shinsou hold you close and caress every curve of your body with so much love and tenderness.
You stood up and looked at your blotchy face in the mirror. Surrounding your eyes was a mix of black and shimmery gold swarming together. You wiped them off along with the rest of your makeup. You won’t be going out tonight so there’s no point of dolling up.
What am I going to do?
You slid off your dress and slipped into a pair of pajama bottoms and threw on a tank top. The least you could be is comfortable in such a stressful situation.
I can’t act the way I used to, knowing how I feel now.
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You may have been an idiot for this, but you decided to face your situation head on. Without doing so, who knows how you wouldn’t go crazy living under the same roof as the man you’re in love with.
You stepped into the living room. Shinsou was still typing away and looking over reports, so you cleared your throat to get his attention.
“Hey, you about to go out?” When you didn’t respond, he looked up and his face fell. “What’s wrong? Why aren’t you dressed?”
You couldn’t look him in the eye. As soon as you heard him speak and the amount of concern in his voice, you just wanted to cry. The sting of acidic tears and mucus welling in the back of your throat made you want to throw up.
“Did something happen?” He took off his reading glasses and scooched over, letting you take a seat beside him.
But you didn’t move, just kept staring at your cold feet against the hardwood floor.
“(Y/n), talk to me.”
You looked up at him and tears began rolling down your face. You felt so pathetic, that you would be crying over love of all things. Love was supposed to be magical, right? Not embarrassing and tear-ridden. “Can you,” you started, but you needed to take a step back when you heard your achy throat cracking as you spoke. “Can you give me a reason not to go?”
Shinsou adjusted himself. He was clearly trying to make out what you were saying. “What? If you don’t want to go then don’t. No one’s forcing you to go on this date.”
You couldn’t help crumble at what he said. If only he knew what you really looked forward to after each date and what you were really thinking about when you were out with these other guys.
Shinsou stood up as you crumbled to the ground and squatted down next to you, wrapping his arms around you. You sunk into his chest and sobbed against him. It felt so unfair that with his arms around you, you felt whole, like you were two pieces of a puzzle.
“Why do you need a reason not to go on this date? Is he pressuring you or something?”
You shook your head against his chest. “I don’t want to go on a date with him.” On one hand, you thought your subtle hints would get through Shinsou’s thick skull, but it seemed as though they were a paper plane trying to penetrate a brick wall.
“So find some other guy.”
Why was he being so dismissive? You didn’t want just some other guy, you wanted Shinsou.
“Look, you’ve found plenty of other dates in the past, just because you don’t want to go out with one guy doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.” He kept rubbing circles in your back. “Why don’t you call up a past hookup or something?”
You pushed away from him. “How could you say that,” you whispered. “I don’t want to go on a date with one of them.” Your voice began to raise. You had never raised your voice at Shinsou before. “I want to go out with you, you idiot.”
There was a moment where all you could hear were the little noises throughout the apartment like the ticking of the clock in the kitchen or a fly buzzing close by. Then, you slapped a hand over your mouth. You didn’t mean to say that outloud. You didn’t mean to raise your voice or push away from him. But you did blurt it out, and Shinsou looked at you with wide eyes and a slack jaw.
The hair on his arms and the back of his neck raised up like static. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know if he should look at you with shock or look away in embarrassment. He was completely and utterly confused.
“Shit,” you whined from behind your hand. “Forget it.” You rubbed the tears under your eyes away and went to stand up. “I’m gonna go to bed.”
“Wait.” Shinsou grabbed your hand before you could fully stand up. You had never realized how small your hands were compared to his until now. “You can’t just say that and then walk away.”
He was right. You sat back down on the ground, his hand still grabbing onto yours, playing with your fingers. “Okay,” you mouthed, knowing you wouldn’t be able to get any sound out if you tried.
“Why do you go on all of these dates?”
You thought about it for a moment. You were never really sure why you bothered hooking up with so many people, but sitting on the ground with him, you had a pretty good idea. “Because we’re roommates.”
You kept your eyes on your fingers intertwined with Shinsous. “Because realizing you’re in love with your roommate is shitty, so the least I could do is hope that after an unsatisfying night of sex, you’d be willing to provide.”
He stopped playing with your fingers and instead, squeezed your hand. “And I hated seeing you with these different men so much that any chance you gave me I ate up.”
You blinked once, twice in confusion before meeting Shinsou’s eyes. “You...”
“Mhm,” he nodded.
The heavy weight of tears on your chest finally lifted. You could finally breathe freely. There was silence among you before the two of you burst out laughing. You rested your head on his shoulder as your chests heaved up and down. When you took your head away to look him in the eyes, he leaned in and kissed you. You didn’t hesitate to kiss back and wrap your arms around his neck.
Shinsou dragged your body closer to him, so you were straddling his lap, and weaved his arms around your figure. He was a good kisser, which you already knew, but you had never taken the time to feel his passion until now. Shinsou made sure to tease you with a darting tongue and hands which traveled down your figure and stopped at the base of your hips.
You weaved your hands through his soft hair and pulled his hair tie out. His fluffy purple locks were so fun and tempting to tug on. Kissing him with this amount of love and emotion enthralled you, and you felt a little disappointed when he pulled away.
“Would you like to move this to my bedroom?”
And you bit your bottom lip before nodding, a smile creeping its way up along your face. You stood up and followed him into his bedroom eagerly.
After Shinsou closed the door behind you, he turned around and snaked his hands up your back. You giggled at the contact and let him pull the shirt over your head. You weren’t wearing a bra, so Shinsou immediately leaned over to take one of your nipples in his mouth. He sucked it until it puckered and let it go with a loud pop.
“You know,” he said, backing you against his bed. “I’ve never been able to say until now how truly beautiful you are.”
“Shinsou,” you sighed, taking a hold of his purple locks. You collapsed onto the bed and let him kiss his way down your front side. His kisses were rough but full of love, and you know they would leave bruises behind.
He slid your pajama bottoms and underwear down your thighs until they pooled on the floor at your ankles. “Everything you do is gorgeous, even the way you’re sprawled out under me, under my command just waiting for me to touch you.”
You could feel your pussy clench at his words and your thighs shook in waiting.
He kissed the top of your pussy and trailed kisses around your thighs. You watched as he hiked your legs over his well muscled shoulders while keeping eye contact. His long tongue darted out and he licked one long stripe between your folds and suckled on your little sweet bud.
You arched your back and let out a choked moan. Out of all the nights you’ve slept together, this was the first time you really saw him for all the love he gave you.
Shinsou kept his face right in front of your dripping hole just for a moment and let his hot breath tickle your needy clit. He chuckled at your squirming form and teased you even further with kitten licks and hands that reached up to squeeze your breasts as he dove in to lap up your juices.
Your hands grasped at his, keeping them firmly clenched onto your chest as he delved in deeper and deeper into your wonderful taste. You could feel your orgasm quickly building up. Your toes curled and knees jerked up, hips bucking your clit further up into Shinsou’s mouth. You let out a loud moan and sigh of relief and surprise when you could feel your juices spraying onto Shinsou’s face and watched as they dripped down his chin.
You had never squirted before. You could feel a calm wash over you as you settled down. Shinsou wiped his hand down his chin. “That was fucking sexy.”
He kissed your lower lips one last time before standing up and allowing you to scooch further up on the bed. You were exhausted but it didn’t matter. Watching Shinsou strip down and seeing his cock spring to life only made you want more of him.
He crawled over you and kissed your lips. He tasted like a mix of your juices and honey, probably from that tea you saw him drinking not too long ago. Whatever it was, it was addictive. “Are you ready?” he asked as he positioned the head of his cock in line with your opening.
You nodded, heaving up and down and running your hand along the side of his face. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
Shinsou was thicker than most of the people you had slept with, and you always felt the stretch of him penetrating you every time he pushed himself in.
Knowing that it probably hurt a little, the stretch of it all, he paused every so often and kissed your face, allowing you to warm up before he bottomed out inside of you. You were just so tight and welcoming, it took all his strength not to pound into you immediately, to take it nice and slow as he rubbed against your clit with his thumb.
Your face was hot. It was odd to you that it had never felt this way before, that until now you had never been this nervous to feel his cock pulsing inside of you and to feel his mouth nip at your clit and nipples. You had closed your eyes and focused on your breathing.
Shinsou reached over to tickle the palm of your hand. As you looked up at him, he cupped your face and smiled down at you before he started to thrust his hips.
You squirmed and writhed around as he bucked deeper in and out of the hole that seemed to suck him in further and further.
He felt it was so unfair because he never seemed to last as long as he wanted to when he was with you. The way your aching pussy clenched around him so tight was euphoric. He wanted to let his dick bask in your warm, gushing cavern forever.
“You’re beautiful,” you heard him whisper as he sped up, his orgasm fast approaching. “You’re perfect.”
And again, you squirmed around as that cord built up inside of you and snapped, leaving you gushing around Shinsou’s cock and heaving up and down underneath him.
Shinsou didn’t last much longer. He came almost immediately after you did, feeling your walls clench around him oh so tight. He rolled over next to you and laid his head in the crook of your neck. His hair tickled your nose as you nuzzled into him.
“We should clean up.”
“After snuggles,” he yawned.
You laughed. He’d never been this clingy until now. He had never praised you so much until now. “What does this mean?”
“For us?”
Shinsou rolled over to look at you. “It means you’re gonna sleep in this bed with me tonight, and tomorrow morning I’m waking up early to make my girlfriend a pancake breakfast. Okay, kitten?”
You had to keep yourself from squealing at the nickname. Instead, you closed your eyes with a goofy smile on your face. “Okay.”
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midnight-on-pluto · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if your asks were open, if not that's totally fine.
If you could, comfort headcannons, and scenarios, for bakugo, midoriya, kirishima, denki, todoroki and shinso where the reader finds the boys crying because of an insecurity they have or something like that. And then the reader comforts them and let's them cry it out, reassuring the boys and making them feel loved. Thank you!
Reader is gn, if you may.
Comforting them masterlist
A/N: Yes! This is so cute and I was literally going to write one the other way we must be in sync 😙😙 but here you go!! Added Iida just to make things all even 💕 Sorry this took so long i almost finished and then tumblr DELETED EVERYTHING UGHH and Todoroki’s was so long (it still is but BUTTS)
Warning: insecure MHA boys, crying,
𓆝 You had found Midoriya in the UA library, silently crying in a study room off to the side. It was heartbreaking really, seeing the usually bright and bubbly boy with red puffy eyes and sniffling back any tears left to come. He quickly wiped the tears away, apologizing and getting ready to leave before you called out to him. “Midoriya, are you okay?” He gave you his signature smile, bright and big as ever, but the facade was quickly brought down by a frown and more tears. His knees buckled below him and you had to lunge forwards to catch him.
“No,” his words were broken, cracking as his sobs came through. You held him tightly, feeling his head shuffle closer into your neck. “I’m sorry, it’s just…. everyone here is so strong, and they know exactly what they’re doing” He finally got a sentence out. “How come I’m so useless? I can’t be a hero…” Your heart broke at his words, then broke once more hearing him start sobbing again.
“Izuku, you’re the most fit of all of us,” you told him. “You’re so determined and strong, you’re willing to injure yourself permanently to protect someone you barely know, just because that’s who you are.” You heard him sniffle and pull away from you. His green eyes searched yours, puffy and red as tears welled in his eyes. “Izuku you’re the definition of a hero.” A smile formed on his face and he hugged you again, thanking you. He wasn’t crying anymore, but you still stayed. His arms wrapped around your neck while he calmed down.
𓆝 You hadn’t seen Iida since his match, worried you’d searched everywhere to no avail. Defeated, you met up with Midorya and Uraraka, huffing as you asked if they knew where Iida was. “His family called,” Uraraka said. “Some emergency, it didn’t seem too good.” You nodded, becoming increasingly worried at how Iida might be feeling.
Laying in bed that night you couldn’t help but worry about where he could be, mind racing with how he must be feeling. Silent footsteps in the hallway took your attention, wondering who else could be up at this hour. Sneakily, you opened your door to take a peek. Your eyes slightly adjusting to the dark, you noticed Iida figure walking shakily down the hall.
“Iida?” You called in a whisper. He stopped, turning to look at you. With the soft light from your room and your adjusting eyes you could barely see his face, however it was clear to you how he was crying. Immediately you rushed over, engulfing his body in a hug as he silently broke down in the hall. “Shhh, Iida it’s okay.” You reassured, bring you both to the floor. “You’re okay, I promise. Everything will be fine.”
𓆝 It wasn’t often Todoroki got insecure. There was the off day he hated his scar, the pink tissue a constant reminder of how he’d hurt his mother. He barely looked in the mirror, never touched it, and ignored any questions people had about it, but it wasn’t like he was insecure, right?
As soon as the blue haired third year spoke to him he knew the words that came from her mouth. “How’d you get that scar?” He ignored the question, bringing a hand up to touch the scar. Immediate regret and sadness welled inside him, the permanent mark residing just under his fingertips. He was in a bad mood the rest of the day, snapping at anyone who spoke to him and grumbling lightly under his breath. This made him hurt more, especially when you bounded happily over to him, asking if he could be your partner for a school project. “Why,” he scowled, pushing past you harshly and making you stumble back. He already felt bad, but the way he’d spoke to you made his heart flow with regret.
He stayed in his room that night. No one had come in, calling him out for dinner or scolding him for the way he’d spoken today. He’d pushed everyone away, left alone with the stupid scar. Tears welled in his eyes before he finally broke down. Silent tears flowing as soft cries came from his mouth. There was a knock from his door, which stopped his tears as he stared at the wood. “Todoroki?” Your voice called. “I’m coming in, is that okay?” He never responded but you still pushed his door open.
Immediately you took in his state. Red eyes and tears falling from his bicoloured eyes. Hands shaking in his lap as his mouth contorted from a frown into a false smile. You ran towards him, falling into his arms as you squeezed him closer. You felt his face find solace in your neck, tears wetting your skin. His body shook in quiet sobs as he spoke. “Why?” He asked again. “Why would you want me as your partner? I have this disgusting scar on my face.” You pulled away after his sentence, looking intently at his eye. Your face softened and you leaned forward, placing a kiss to the boiled skin. He froze, eyes widening at your touch. When you pulled away, tracing the mark with your fingers, he leaned closer to your touch. “Shoto, your scar isn’t ugly, it makes you strong.” You told him. His eyes closed and a smile formed on his face, you wiped away the access tears. “How could you ever think that about yourself?”
𓆝 Bakugo was aloof, angry, and loud. That’s why, when you walked into the dark, empty room, you never expected to see your fiery friend sitting on the floor. His body shook with tears, being quiet as you’ve ever seen him. Cautiously you made you way to him, not sure if comfort is something he wanted right now. You placed a careful hand on his shoulder, practically hovering over him. “Bakugo?” You questioned softly. He stopped crying for a moment before turned to look at you. His pale cheeks had become red, tears staining the soft skin. His eyes were red, almost puffy as they pleaded for you.
You threw your books to the side, wrapping your arms around him and holding him close. You felt his hands come up to your arms, reaching from behind him. His touch was soft as he pulling you closer, nuzzling into you. “How could any of you like me?” He asked. “I snap at you, yell, I’m a horrible person. It wouldn’t surprise me if all of you just hated me.” His words broke you, making small tears fall from your eyes and onto the back of his neck. You sniffled, tugging him even closer, if it was really possible.
“Bakugo, what do you mean?” You asked into his neck. “Do you really think Kirishima and Kaminari would’ve spent all that time trying to be your friend, if they hated you? Do you think Deku would strive to be better than you, be stronger than you, if he didn’t look up to you? Do you really think I’d be here, if I wasn’t your friend, if i didn’t like you?” He quieted at your words, taking them in before shaking his head. You moved to face him, curling onto his lap before wrapping your arms around his front. “Bakugo, no one here hates you, and there’s nothing you can do to change that.” He wrapped his own arms around you, holding you closely as he whispered thanks into your neck.
𓆝 Kirishima wore his heart on his sleeve. Telling Bakugo he loved him, even if he only got grumbles back, always being happy, telling people how he truly feels and doing everything he can for those of 1-A. So when the perky, cheery red boy had knocked on your door, tears filling his eyes as he pulled you close to him, you were surprised to hear he was hurting too.
His tears wet the sweater you wore, barely audible sentences flowing from his mouth. “I’m not as strong as any of you,” you caught his words. “Everyone here will become a great hero and I’ll just be stuck behind, never growing.” He poured his heart out to you, clinging onto your body as the words left his lips.
“What do you mean?” You questioned. “Kiri, you’re the strongest here. I envy everything you do, everyone loves you, you have such a strong quirk, you could take every punch or attack with just your skin alone. Kiri, you are strong, and you have some of the most development of any of us here.” He pulled away to look at you, eyes full of love. “You mean it?” He asked. You nodded, pulling him close as you nuzzled into him. “I do.”
𓆝 You looked into Kaminari’s eyes. The tears falling from them hitting the floor as he spoke. “I’m gonna fail this test, God why am I the dumbest here!” This wasn’t a new occurrence, you desperately tried to study with the electric boy and he always ended up crying. But this time was different, this time he really meant it.
You stared blankly at him, confused. He continued, “I’m the dumbest in this class! I can’t do anything, I’ll never be a hero at this rate.” You were quick to hug him, falling blankly on his lap as his eyes widened. Suddenly you felt his arm wrap and your waist and a finger tilt your head up. Tears still stained his cheeks but a smirk stayed plastered on his face.
“Hey babe,” he spoke. “Wanting some attention there?” Immediately you groaned and sat back up. “Did you really just switch from crying just to flirt with me?” You asked, slightly disappointed. “If all I had to do was cry to get you on my lap, I would’ve done it much sooner.” He leaned closer to you. Only Denki Kaminari would ruin you trying to comfort him, sorry. Please slap him and let him study alone next time smh
𓆝 Shinsou wasn’t one to show how he felt often. So having him crying in your arms felt slightly comforting. His sobs shook his body and he clung to you. Silently he ranted to you, trying hard not to cry harder.
“I can’t be a hero, everyone thinks I’m a villain.” He spoke. “Why does everyone just assume that? It’s not my fault….” You held him close, letting him cry softly in your shoulder. “Shinsou, you’re the most heroic of anyone.” You told him.
He looked up at you, tears spilling from his violet eyes. “You want to protect these people from the person they think you are, you get no gratitude, barely any respect, yet you still want to protect the people who’ve hurt you most. That’s the most heroic thing I’ve ever heard.” He smiled, a real smile, before hugging you once more and wiping his tears away.
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Incel!Shinsou x F!Reader fanfic idea (Part 2)
So here we are, Incel!Shinsou is back and this time with a bit of growth that he needs to make independently (While thinking about the reader of course. Thank you so much to @blossominglark for sending in such a lovely message! Also here you can find a small explanation as to why i even started the Incel!Shinsou series.)
"I think I want you. I think you're bad. I think you're good, it's like the love I never had. I think I need you. Oh God, it's true. I think I'm falling and there's nothing I can do" - Beetlejuice Chill by Life After Youth
Part 1: Incel! Shinsou x F!Reader
Part 3: Incel!Shinsou x F!Reader (1/2)
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How difficult could it be? To forget that you ever existed... thats what's haunting Shinsou ever since the conversation you two had a few days ago. He cant seem to focus anymore, everything just reeks of you. (His own bedroom where you two would sit on the floor and work on your project together. You would laugh at something that came on the television, every time resulting in his face heating up and heart beating harder at the sound, the beautiful sound, of your laughter. It doesn't feel the same anymore. He cant sit or sleep there anymore.) Shinsou starts speaking with Aizawa more, to be honest its not like Aizawa gave him that much of a choice. He needed to understand what was happening with his son and you in order to help or bring some constructive input.
Shinsou goes on and on about how he mocked you to his "friends". When questioned on his "friends" he said that they were all telling him that you needed to be taught how to be a "proper woman" the "perfect girl for them".
("Hitoshi what-...why would you...?"
"I don't know! It made sense when i was young and- i... i dont understand how or why and...please just- help me i dont understand!"
"It's ok, it's ok, come here." Aizawa hugs Shinsou tightly. He starts running his hand over Shinsou's hair comforting him.
"What did you show them? What did you tell them about...her, exactly?") A mess of tears and regrets, thats what Shinsou is. A puddle which he somehow drowned you in out of a bitter rage that had nothing to do with you.
Aizawa finally holding a grasp as to how Shinsou's mind worked, he couldn't help but feel defeated. He neglected his son so much he became bitter and resentful towards the wrong people, the wrong person. (Aizawa only ever told Shinsou that his mother moved away from them because it was "too much for her". Young Shinsou couldn't grasp why his mom would leave him, but again he never really asked questions since he saw how upset it made his dad. "Dont worry Hitoshi, ill be here for you no matter what. Got it, problem child?") An intervention needs to be made now. To prevent even more damage, to keep his son safe and his sons ex-friend safe.
"Hitoshi? The posts and things you put online, you need to delete everything now." Urgency was a must, damage control needed to happen now. Who knows if Shinsou wrote about where he lived, where you lived and studied at, if he showed those "friends" of his your face. Who knows how much information he put out there to a bunch of strangers about you. "Ok, ok. Let me delete everything...yeah...thats-yeah...makes sense." He's slipping, Shinsou is slipping into a pit of shock and disgust, he needs to fix things and that only starts by wiping away years of miss informed opinions disguised as truths.
Everything is gone. No more accounts. No more pictures. No more you. He didn't make any announcements or even address why he was wiping everything. He didn't answer the piles of questions flooding his inbox about why he was doing all of this, he just didn't care anymore. He couldn't find you either. No account on any platform with any signs of you. (He should have asked for your socials, but knowing where you two started off at he thinks its better that you two didn't. It saved you from his incessant torment he saw himself being capable of.)
Week one came and went. You didn't show up for classes and people started to take notice.
"Does anyone know why y/n isn't at school anymore? Is she sick?" Midoriya asked one day. Everyone kind of just looked at each other hoping that someone might have an answer. Be it that no one other then Shinsou was in the same class as you, everyone in his friend group knew about you since you where always nice despite the way you presented clothing wise. (The clothing didn't matter nor did the labels, you were still so welcoming to everyone. Hell, you even welcomed Monoma and that guy is considered psycho by everyone.) Shinsou couldn't do anything but listen to his friends (Midoriya, Shoto, Denki, Mina, Iida, and Ururaka) go on about how nice you were. How they miss you. He misses you . He ruined this, he ruined your school experience and pushed you to lose the friends you had because of his own ignorance. He forced you to choice between showing up to school and dealing with him or not coming in at all and losing the friends you had because of him.
The Sports Festival was coming up soon, here all the students would compete against each other to show off their skills. The Festival acts more as an opportunity for the different Courses to fight each other since its focus centers on the physical strength and wellbeing of the students instead of their study of focus. It also helps with publicity by letting UA show off their students to the general public. (Shinsou didn't understand why the school would have a Sports Festival. UA was better known for being STEM and Art focused which meant that many of the students only had to take 1 year of P.E. instead of the 3 years other schools required.
"So again, what's the purpose of this?"
"Its just a chance for the different Courses to bully each other, and for the General Course to get mocked." responded Togeike. Be it that she never spent time with Shinsou, they both had a mutual attitude and just stayed away from each other out of disinterest. It wasn't after Shinsou's personality changed did she feel more comfortable being around him and started speaking to him casually throughout the day.
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"So what does the Business Course do during-"
"Hey, didn't you and y/n work on that project together?" This caught Shinsou of guard. For the past week its all been about you and how you hadn't been coming to class. (You haunt him even outside of school, the guilts too much for him at times.)
"Yeah...what about it." he snarls. Just because he's changed in appearance and largely in attitude, that doesn't mean he's over the way he treats people. Cant she get to the point already-
"Geez man, i just wanted to ask if you needed her number." That...was off. Why would she assume that he needed your number?
"Why would you give me her number? Don't you think that as former project partners i would already have her-"
"You're clearly upset about her not being here, so shut up. Either take it or leave it, jackass." she bit back. How did she know? Shinsou has always had a resting bitch face which made it hard to read his emotions. How did she manage to figure it out? (God he was an asshole!)
"Yeah, please....i'm sorry. I could-"
"Please shut the fuck up, i don't want an apology from you. Take it and fix this shit. I hate seeing people mope and you're pretty much dying in a pit here." Togeike really gives no fucks and she was tired of the purple haired boy looking like a kicked puppy. She assumed it had something to do with you. When you started skipping class, Shinsou also started to look upset and wouldn't speak that often. It wasn't like Shinsou was shy, he just didn't see the need to speak all the time. So to see him become even more silent was concerning.)
He left school that day with a skip to his step. He has your number! He has a way of contacting you! Yet, he still knew that having your number wouldn't fix anything. You left him alone and it wouldn't be fair for him to barge back into your life without proving he's improving, that he's actually deserving of you're friendship at least....
The Sports Festival.....
He can prove himself to you there....
Everyone will see it, every student at UA has to be there for credit....you'll have to be there. You'll also have to participate for the start of it, so you'll have to interact with someone.
(This was it)
This was so much fun to write! Lets give this a slow build up to give him proper character development and redemption. The next part will be the Sports Festival and what he plans on doing to get you back. Let's set up that his intention is too for one, make an impression on the school for when he decides to transfer to the Art Course but also to make an impression on you and get you to notice him in a positive light. Our poor incel is trying his best ok....
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notchesandbullets · 3 years
Tangy Starfruit and White Sea Foam (Tiger!Todoroki x Reader)
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Warnings: none, unless you count ridiculous amounts of fluff and shenanigans (oh and cursing). hints of BKDK and Kami x Jirou, pro-hero AU, aged-up!AU, Todoroki’s a tiger as a result of a quirk accident that happened on the job. Todoroki and reader are in a established relationship. Bakugou gets tied to a tree, Shinsou and Tsuyu are good friends, you and Todoroki may have a mishap on your hands in the near future. Featuring the rest of class A + Shinsou.
A/N: third and final piece for @ultimate-astridwriting​ ‘s hybrid collab!! i had an entirely different thing written out for tiger todoroki, it was 2.5k words full of angst bc real life is shitty atm but then bam, i got an idea while eating dinner and now here we are xD. get ready for sun and sand at the beach with a graduated class A!!
Words: 7k
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Golden sun raised high in the sky scorched the earth below, turning the pristine white sand into scalding hot lava. But that didn’t hold back the group of 22 from surging forth.
Happy squeals that tumbled from the girls as they caught sight of the sparkling blue waves dancing on the horizon turned into wheezing laughs and yelps as the sand burned their bare feet.
Jirou whooped, a wide smile stretched across her face as she grabbed Yaoyorozu’s hand. “Last one in is a rotten egg!!”
“No fair, Kyoka-chan!!” Uraraka huffed as she pumped her short legs to go faster and catch up. 
Kaminari hollered obnoxiously, screaming all the way into the ocean as he tore right past you. 
“Do not run!!!!” Iida yelled, trying to make himself be heard above the clamor but to no avail.
You smiled at him sympathetically but he merely shook his head and followed after them to make sure none of his former classmates hurt themselves. 
They’re lucky to have you… You thought to yourself, clapping a hand over your mouth when the sound of him scolding Mina and Sero reached your ears from all the way across the deserted beach. 
You had found this isolated spot a long time ago, back when you lived on your own and had yet the privilege of calling anyone family. This was a place of comfort for you, a gem hidden away from the greedy eyes of the world looking to corrupt anything and everything that was pure. 
Here, you found solace. You found peace.
After you graduated from UA and everyone was giving each other teary goodbye hugs in the common floor filled with all the boxes of things they all had to move into moving trucks, you offered up one day. One day, if everyone wanted to come, you would show them a place very special to you.
The girls had a vague idea of where you guys were going based on the swimsuit dress code. In all honesty, maybe you should’ve made it a little harder for them, but they were your friends. And you were too excited. 
Here, on this beach hidden by dense foliage and sheer cliffs, your little piece of paradise remained a secret. Until now.
“Y/N, come on!!!” Hagakure shouted, waving excitedly for you to join them.
“In a minute!!” You yelled back, looking back to see if your boyfriend was following. “Shouto?”
You spun around in a full circle when you couldn’t find him, a frown twisting your features until Shoji came up behind you and tapped you on the shoulder.
“He’s coming.” He told you, jerking his chin back a few paces the way you guys came to signal where he last saw him.
You shot him a look of relief for his well-timed reassurance. “Thanks.”
Shoji dipped his head, hoisting the basket slung over his shoulder higher as he motioned for Tokoyami to pass you. “No problem.” 
A skeptical Tokoyami followed the gentle giant, muttering under his breath why the use of quirks had to be banned for today. Koda waved to you shyly and you smiled.
Iida had made it a rule for the day that no quirks were allowed to be used unless in case of an emergency. This was to do damage control and hopefully prevent a fight between Bakugou and literally anyone else. 
No one had any arguments. They were all here to relax, not think about their work life. All villains and life outside of this paradise was put on hold until tomorrow came.
You decided to wait until Todoroki caught up with you, and since everyone had raced on ahead, eager to soak up as much sun as they could on the one off day they were all able to get off together, you leaned back against the rough rock and tilted your head up to the sky.
Sighing wistfully, your eyes fluttered shut as the sun’s blazing afternoon rays warmed your body.
You knew what showing them this place meant, and you knew that your friends were fully aware of it. It had been something so special to you for so long that you sharing it with them meant that you trusted them a great deal. 
They were honored.
As rising pro-heroes in the world, they were constantly swamped with malicious villains, endless paperwork, press conferences and training the next generation. There was no time for rest.
But your former classmates were insistent that time be taken out for that purpose amidst all the craziness, especially Bakugou. 
Down time was important. It was necessary. Or else you all would burnout and then none of you would be any good to save anybody. 
This is why you chose this place. 
It was secluded enough where there was no paparazzi, no cameras, no exposure and no one was the wiser. Here, you guys could be as loud and as free as you wanted because there was no one around to threaten that fragile bubble of happiness. 
Heaving the bulging bag full of food and other amenities that you had swiped from Yaoyorozu as soon as you guys arrived higher on your shoulder, you wiped the bead of sweat from your forehead as it started to drip down your face.
“Shouto, c’mon!!” You encouraged aimlessly, since you didn’t know where he was. “Don’t you want to join the others?”
A faint rustle came from the bush a yard away from you and then it stilled. “No.”
You fought back a smile at the curt reply. You could almost envision that pout on his lips. Cheeky boy.
“Shouto~” You sang, fishing out a piece of his favorite food and waving it in the air, knowing that he could smell it. “I have a present for you…”
A beat of silence passed, and then two fluffy ears, one white and one red, poked out from the brush.
You suppressed a smile, knowing that would only make him leave in a huff and then his stubbornness wouldn’t let him come out and joy you for another hour. You couldn’t do that, he would miss all the fun!!
Waving it a bit more so that the enticing scent of the delectable food encouraged him out of his hiding place, you opted to hold your ground. “C’mon, Shouto. I promise, no tricks.”
His facial expression didn’t change but his ears perked up a bit and you couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped you. He was adorable.
Todoroki’s face fell the second he heard you laugh. “You’re laughing at me.”
You stopped immediately and straightened up, shaking your head. “I’m not.”
“Yes, you are.” He pushed back, crossing his arms over his chest as he stepped out of the bush with stray leaves clinging to his fur and branches sticking out of his head. Plopping down on the dirt, he puffed out his cheeks.
Your eyes softened and you set down the heavy bag, keeping your form relaxed as you tuned out the splashing and shrieks of laughter coming from the ocean.
“I’m sorry I laughed.” You apologized sincerely, never once breaking eye contact with your boyfriend. “I just thought you were very cute.”
Todoroki snorted, a sound so unlike his normally stoic and guarded demeanor, burrowing his face into his arms resting atop of the knees tucked into his chest. “That’s not funny…”
Your smile saddened a fraction as a memory washed over you as though it just happened yesterday. 
Trouble had a habit of finding your beloved boyfriend and last week was no different. 
The villain he was fighting against had a particularly interesting quirk, since he could manifest certain traits of people into their animal counterpart based solely on their personalities. 
Todoroki wasn’t put off until someone pointed out that he must have rage like a tiger, making him internalize everything and now a good seven days later, he still had yet to come to terms with his appearance and strange habits involving a diet of primarily meat. 
Fuyumi had sobbed how grateful she was that you were willing to take care of her brother in your apartment until the effects of the quirk dissipated. He was arguing with his father a lot more than usual and the tension in the Todoroki home had skyrocketed.
You brushed it off, merely telling her it was the least that you could do. 
Your boyfriend had a tough time adjusting to his new normal. Things were hard for him to grab and he couldn’t cuddle you like he was used to. He liked walking on all fours since he found he could go a lot faster when he used all his appendages instead of only half. 
His quirk, however, had been giving him a particularly rough time and the finesse he had honed of over the years disappeared overnight.
To say that Todoroki was upset about it was an understatement. 
He would do nothing else but sit in his room for days when you brought him home with you, refusing to let you in unless you came with a peace offering. 
That always smoothed things enough for you to talk to him and you were hoping it wouldn’t fail you now.
Todoroki eyed the fish skeptically, tilting his head curiously when you offered it up to him once more. With the pace of a snail, he uncurled from his protective ball and padded forward slowly, raising his nose in the air to sniff.
“Hungry?” You asked sympathetically. 
Todoroki hesitated a second before nodding slowly. 
Your shoulders dropped and you knelt down, holding it out to him. “Here.”
His eyes lit up and his tail flicked back and forth, gaze darting to you instinctively as though to ask if it really was okay.
You bit back a smile but the corners of your eyes still crinkled and you inclined your head to give him the go ahead.
Before you could blink, the fish was swiped from your hand and as soon as your eyes focused, you burst out laughing.
There, Todoroki crouched on the ground, chomping on the tasty treat.
Wiping off the palm of your hands on your hiking shorts, you beamed down at him, offering out your hand for him to take. “Feel better now?”
“Maybe…” He mumbled quietly as he polished it off before reluctantly accepting the invitation.
It wasn’t that he didn’t love you or love to shower you with affection, it was just that he was used to doing all of that when he was fully a human, not a hybrid. 
It was weird.
He found himself clinging desperately to your old t-shirts when you left the home to go on patrol, waiting around for you to come back. He heard when your heartbeat would speed up whenever he was around and how your breath hitched when he leaned in to kiss you goodnight.
Ever since the start of your relationship, he had been the one to take care of you. And he liked it that way.
This dynamic was foreign to him. And he wasn’t sure if it was because he truly disliked you taking care of him, or if it was because of something else. 
Todoroki was broken out of his deep thoughts the instant you came to stand right next to Iida. 
Before he knew what he was doing, the edges of his mouth pulled back in a menacing snarl and he pounced.
The unsuspecting Iida landed hard on the white sands with an ‘oomph’.
“Todoroki-kun!! Please control yourself!!” Iida shouted, doing his best not to hurt him as the tiger hybrid clawed at him.
You gasped. “Shouto!! Oh my gosh, Iida, I’m so sorry!!”
Pulling him off of the other, you went rigid as your boyfriend whined in your ear. The sound was too low for anyone else to pick up on, but you heard it. 
“What’s wrong?” You whispered as Iida brushed off his swim shorts, thrusting his hand straight up into the air to stop Kaminari from drowning himself in an attempt to prove to Sero and Mina that he could hold his breath longer than they could.
Todoroki wrapped his arms around your waist, mouth pressed in a thin line as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. 
You allowed yourself to relax against him as he pawed feebly at your sides, getting as close to him as possible. 
With the increase in physical contact, the tension melted away from Todoroki’s broad form and you heaved a sigh of relief. 
“Awwwww~” You cooed teasingly, reaching behind you to pinch his cheek gently and tugging until his smile morphed into a scowl. “Who’s the big scary tiger?”
Todoroki swatted you away, scrambling back until he was free from your affectionate hold on him. It wasn’t his fault he couldn’t control his protective instincts and it certainly wasn’t his fault for reacting the way that he did when he smelled Iida’s scent all over you. You were his.
Of course he was going to protect you.
Baring his teeth at the tease, he hissed, tiny fangs on display. 
You shouldn’t have found that as cute as you did.
Two more bodies shouldered their way past you and you grinned. 
“Took you two long enough.” You smirked, wrangling your boyfriend back when he struggled in the firm grip you had around his arms to prevent him from knocking another person over.
The power couple had a habit of falling behind their ranks while getting lost in their own world. It was disgustingly cute.
Bakugou rolled his eyes angrily and gnashed his teeth. “Now you’re counting, dumbass? You’re worse than the shitty nerd.”
Midoriya ignored that comment as he sidled past you warily, forest green eyes sympathetic once they fell on your significant other. “Todoroki-kun still hasn’t changed back yet?”
He had seen the news coverage on it when the incident happened. Luckily, he wasn’t physically harmed, just physically altered, but it didn’t look like it was going away anytime soon.
Planting your hands on your hips, you yelped as Todoroki ripped himself from your grasp to tear off after Shinsou and tackled him next when he got too close to you. “No, not yet.”
Spraying white sand everywhere with his hind legs, it was almost endearing how his head raised and heterochromic eyes blinked back at you as soon as your voice sounded, silently begging for permission. 
You followed his gaze to the ocean spray behind you and shook your head fondly, suppressing a smile as you jerked your head in Yaoyorozu’s direction. She would watch over him and make sure none of the other boys bullied him.
“Go on.” You encouraged softly, and that was all he needed.
While Bakugou set up the tent for him and his boyfriend so that Midoriya wouldn't get sunburnt, not that he would ever admit to doing it for that reason, your best friend eagerly asked for updates on all the latest changes.
Whipping out his hero notebook, his eyes shone with enthusiasm. “What has he been eating?! Does he prefer tuna or white cod? Oh, oh, oh, is there a difference in his quirk?! How does it impact his—” 
Midoriya’s endless and excited rambling was cut off by his fuming boyfriend as he smacked him over the head and he cried out in pain, clutching his head. “Wahhhhh, Kacchan!!!”
“Shut the hell up, Deku.” Bakugou snarled, stomping past him to throw a bottle of sunscreen at you. “Put this on, shitty woman.”
You grinned, already squeezing the tube to squirt some onto your hand and slathered it on your arms. “Aw, you do care.”
“Go die.” He hissed, turning on his heel so abruptly that he almost slipped.
You refrained from giggling as he furiously, yet meticulously, took out various food items from the picnic basket that he had brought with. No matter how much he claimed he didn’t care about any of you, actions sure spoke louder than words. 
Class A had graduated from UA all together and each and every one of you had secured a spot as a sidekick for many top pro-heroes all around the country. Before a year had even passed, all 22 of you had made a name for yourself, so much so that you were all almost as famous as the pros.
Midoriya was the first one to start his own agency, no surprise there. But what was a surprise was Bakugou following right after to build one right next to his.
The general public suspected it was because that area where their agencies were was riddled with violent crime, but you knew better. You all did, really.
How could anyone miss the lingering gazes filled with adoration and passion?
“Y/N, come on!!” Shinsou hollered, ducking under Shoji’s arm to sprint back towards you. “You’re missing all the fun!!”
“Be right there!!” You shouted back, rearranging the tablecloth on the ground so that it would lay flat.
You still needed to grab the bag you left at the foot of the cliffs because it was getting too heavy for you to carry. But you chanced a glance up and the glimpse of your friends had a wide smile breaking out on your face. 
Todoroki was splashing in the shallows, completely soaking his fur. Jirou and Hagakure shrieked as Mina chased the two of them around, sparking an impromptu game of tag. Koda was in the middle of showing Tokoyami his seagull friend when Uraraka bumped into him. 
Tsuyu and Kirishima were beachcombing for shells a little bit away when Kaminari skidded to a halt in front of them with Yaoyorozu in tow.
Aoyama, Ojiro, Sato, Iida and Mineta were playing beach volleyball with the inflatable ball that the former class president had brought along with them. 
Dragging the beach bag behind you over to your spot that you set up far away from the shore so that when the tide came in, it wouldn’t wash everything away, you took out an array of towels, more sunblock, floaties, snacks, water bottles, coverups and a pair of sunglasses for Aoyama in case he forgot his again.
Standing up tall, you cupped your hands over your mouth and yelled, “Lunchtime!!!”
Several whoops and hollers pierced the salty air and you snorted when Midoriya almost tripped over his boyfriend’s outstretched feet in his haste to get there first. 
Amidst the clamor and friends swarming around you, you twisted around, looking for your tiger hybrid boyfriend. “Shouto—”
“I’m here.” 
You jumped as the low rumble sounded right by your ear, shivering unconsciously as his warm chest pressed up against your back. 
“Hey…” You murmured as he mashed the top of his head in between your shoulder blades before planting a soft kiss there. “Did you have fun?”
He nodded, resting his chin on your shoulder to look over it as everyone rearranged themselves in a large circle. 
You and Bakugou took care of the food prep while all your friends engorged themselves on the pre-made sandwiches and finger food.
“Oi, half-n-half bastard.” Bakugou growled, breaking the bubble of peace you two had with his temper that came out the longer your hands stayed motionless. “Stop bothering her, she’s not doing shit.”
Normally Bakugou’s crude language didn’t bother or upset Todoroki in any way, so you were shocked with a snarl echoed, washing over the group and effectively silencing them.
You squeaked as his arms tightened around you almost protectively and landed with an ‘oof’ as he pulled you to the ground.
“Shouto?!” You cried out incredulously as he unabashedly nuzzled his face into the hollow of your throat, setting his thick thighs on either side of you.
You rolled your eyes when Bakugou went rigid with anger. You could feel the heat emitting from your beloved’s glare as he locked stares with the pomeranian who was furious that the dumb extra thought he was flirting with you.
“That’s enough.” You scolded, though it was unclear who you were really talking to. 
Neither wavered.
“Icyhot, you dumb fuck.” Bakugou spat, never once breaking eye contact, even as the chatter picked up again. 
Todoroki snarled but the expression of rage contorted into meek sheepishness as you ran your fingers lightly through his hair, being mindful of his ears. 
Humming softly, you coaxed him back down to earth long enough for common sense to return to him. 
Todoroki bundled you up in his arms, tail swishing back and forth lazily as he held you. “Sorry.”
You shook your head at his apology, knowing he couldn’t fully control his impulses sometimes. “Not your fault.”
Bakugou snorted, smacking Kirishima in the face with a fish fillet when he asked to see what he was cooking. “Yes it fucking is.”
He just barely managed to dodge the shoe you launched at his head, straightening up with an enraged scowl etched on his features.
You giggled, wiggling back to get comfortable against Todoroki’s chest. “You deserved it.”
“TAKE THAT SHIT BACK!!!!!” He thundered, smoke coming out of his ears.
“Kacchan!!” Midoriya cried out, wrestling back his boyfriend before his temper tantrum could reach the two of you. 
He begged Jirou or Kaminari to help him but the two of them simply flipped the bird to Bakugou, and he exploded. 
What happened next was a flurry of the class rep containing the situation and a spark of green lightning before it was over as quickly as it started. 
“I’m going to fucking kill all of you.” Bakugou seethed angrily, eye twitching from where his loving boyfriend had used One for All to pin him to the ground, tying him to the trunk of a nearby coconut tree until he calmed down.
“Ah…” Midoriya winced sheepishly as his glare turned on him. “K-Kacchan—”
Jirou’s loud slurping of the smoothie that Sato just made interrupted him and she regarded the fuming grown man disinterestedly. “Who’s up for a game?”
“Oh, oh, oh, meeeee!!!” Hagakure shouted, raising her hand high in the air alongside Uraraka and an intrigued Tsuyu. 
“MEEEEEE!!!!” Mina screamed, nearly blowing out Kaminari’s eardrums as he collapsed on top of his girlfriend.
Jirou pushed him off without hesitation, fighting back a smirk when he let out an overexaggerated whimper of pain, knowing full well that he wasn’t actually hurt.
Shoji stopped what he was doing to pay attention and even the usually shy Koda looked interested in her proposal on how to deal with the tied up pomeranian thrashing in place. 
Jirou raised an eyebrow slyly and everybody held their breath in anticipation.
“PIN THE TAIL ON THE BAKUGOU!!!!!” Jirou screamed, holding up a sticky dart that they all regularly used for training.
How she managed to sneak equipment out of the agency she worked at was beyond you.
Jirou whooped, scrambling forward and held it up high. “I’m going first!!”
“Me next, Kyoka-chan!!!” Uraraka pleaded.
“Class A, this is highly inappropriate!!!!” Iida shouted, trying to curb the situation before it got out of hand.
Too late.
As the girls, save for Yaoyorozu, clustered gathered around a livid Bakugou, Tokoyami uncrossed his arms and pushed off of his post from where he had been keeping watch over the perimeter of the beach.
“I will join.”
You and Todoroki were both surprised, not expecting the normally reclusive individual to join in on the shenanigans. 
Your dropped jaw caught Tokoyami’s attention and the corner of his mouth twitched in amusement. 
“I find great satisfaction in tormenting the souls of the wicked.” He declared impassively and a light bulb went off in your head. 
“Ahhhhh,” You drew out with a grimace. “I get it.”
Back when you guys had lived in the dorms, Bakugou had made the fatal mistake of scaring Tokoyami during Halloween, making the latter let out an inhuman scream that traveled all the way across campus. Even though he had sworn to the moon and back that it was accidental, that there was no way he was actively participating in the game that Raccoon-Eyes and Flat Face had going on, Tokoyami never forgot it.
And now it was time for his revenge. 
Tokoyami caught the tomato that Sero threw his way and tossed it up in the air with the most menacing glare on his face as everyone advanced to the struggling pro-hero.
“Bakugou, you ready?!” Kirishima shouted excitedly, removing the gag from his best friend’s mouth.
“PISS OFF, SHITTY HAIR!!!!” Bakugou exploded once he was free, yanking at his restraints even though he had no chance of getting out of them. 
His boyfriend tied them.
Hagakure tapped Jirou’s shoulder warily. “You think we should’ve left it on?”
The other girl shrugged nonchalantly, unbothered by the rage rolling off of him in waves. “Eh, he would’ve found a way out of it eventually.”
Shinsou twirled a piece of Tsuyu’s hair that he was braiding, boredly looking on at all the chaos as they all pushed and pulled each other. He had asked Aizawa to teach him how back when he lived in the dormitory so that he could do it for Eri whenever she came over to visit. 
“Shinsou-chan, are you going to take a turn?” She asked curiously, staying still so that he could braid her long hair properly.
He shrugged even though she couldn’t see him. “I don’t really see the point in it.”
“Kero,” She ribbeted thoughtfully. They were the only two not contributing to the shouting other than you and Todoroki. “I see.”
“Ehhhh?!?!” Kaminari exclaimed, losing his footing as he accidentally tripped over Kirishima’s foot and crashed into Shinsou.
Shooting him a sharp glare as all his hard work undid itself, Shinsou pushed himself off the ground, not sparing him a glance as he marched back over to the frog girl to fix it.
You giggled to yourself at Kaminari’s expression of mock hurt but pursued your lips quickly when his head snapped towards the sound. Pure smile dripping with innocence, your shoulders shook with laughter when he turned all the way around suspiciously, piercing gaze landing on his girlfriend as she doubled over with laughter at something Yaoyorozu said.
Bakugou thrashed helplessly against the coconut tree. “I’M GONNA FUCKIN’ KILL YOU, EARPHONES!!!!!”
But Jirou’s boisterous chortling was all that answered his threat.
You sank back against Todoroki, sighing blissfully despite the war raging on as they started the game, Bakugou protesting violently all the way. 
Angling your head up, your eyes squinted against the sun but you still smiled as soft fur brushed your cheek.
“Are you happy, Shouto?” You asked softly, quiet enough to not catch the attention of the others as they yelled for Midoriya to keep his boyfriend still.
He paused, choosing to play with the fringe of your shirt instead of responding right away. “Right now?”
Your smile dimmed a fraction, not expecting that answer. “... I suppose I meant just in general, but you could answer with whatever comes to mind…”
You trailed off, leaving the question itself open ended so that he could opt not to answer it if he didn’t feel comfortable.
Todoroki hesitated. “Where… Where is this coming from?”
Outright frowning now, you pushed off his knee so that you could sit across from him to see him better. 
“I was just wondering...” You said slowly, trying to keep the defensiveness out of your voice. 
Was he not happy? Why did he hesitate? Would he be happier with someone else? Did he not want to be with you anymore?
You shook your head at the insecure thoughts invading your head. That wasn’t right. He would’ve told you if he didn’t want to put work into this relationship anymore. You two had made that pact when you started dating, to break it off if one person no longer wanted it instead of stringing the other along and ended up hurting you both in the long run.
Taking a deep breath to calm yourself down from spiraling too far, you steadied your heart before opening your mouth again.
“I asked because I wanted to know.” You told him honestly, speaking from the heart. “Your happiness matters a lot to me, I always want you to be happy. That’s why I wanted to ask.”
Placing a hand on his knee, you smiled apologetically at him and the shenanigans from your friends faded into white noise as you tuned out everything else besides him. 
Your Shouto. The person you loved the most in this entire world. The one who had been with you through thick and thin and the one who swore he would never abandon you. 
He knew what those words meant to you. He had your heart.
And you had his. 
Todoroki’s heterochromic eyes softened a fraction and his ears and tail drooped as he realized that he had acted so defensively out of reflex.
“You don’t have to apologize.” You reassured him swiftly, clearly. You knew what he was going to say. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Todoroki’s rapid heartbeat steadied at the loving conviction in your voice and a breath he didn’t know he had been holding in whooshed out of his lungs.
Reaching out, he laced his slim fingers with yours and tugged you closer to rest his forehead against yours. 
He closed his eyes and sighed. 
“I am happy.” He murmured quietly so that only you could hear him, emphasizing the soft declaration with a gentle squeeze of your hand. “I feel… the most when I am with you.”
Despite his words growing softer and softer, you still heard them and your heart leaped in your throat.
Swallowing thickly, you gave him a wobbly smile at his admission and fought to keep the tears at bay as you leaned in to press a quick kiss to his lips, commending him for his bravery and vulnerability when it came to expressing his innermost thoughts. You knew it wasn’t easy for him to do.
“I’m glad.” You sighed, trying not to get too caught up in the moment so that your emotions didn’t run away from you. “And I’m honored you feel that way around me. I will continue to do my best to make you happy.”
This time, Todoroki was the one to frown, his nose twitching in displeasure. 
“You do not need to do anything.” He stated matter-of-factly, tilting his head in confusion. “It is your company, I believe, that makes me feel this way.”
That was an understatement. You elevated his heart and spirit in all the best possible ways. With your encouragement and kind nature, he felt like he had the strength to do anything. Including tough out this quirk incident that was causing a huge inconvenience in everybody’s lives.
Todoroki ducked his head and hid a smile, recalling to mind the time you blurted out in passionate fervor that it was not an inconvenience to anyone, let alone you, when he confessed thinking such to you. 
You really were too kind to him. He was going to make sure you were protected forever and always. 
Nudging your temple softly with his nose, Todoroki purred contentedly as your sweet scent washed over him like the summer breeze. 
“Starfruit and coconut?” He questioned curiously. 
Ever since his temporary transformation, he had been picking up more and more of what you smelled like, and he loved it. But this certain combination was brand new to him.
The tips of your ears burned red and you gnawed on your bottom lip shyly. “Y-Yeah… it’s a new lotion. I liked the scent.”
Todoroki hummed thoughtfully, another throaty purr emitting from his chest as waves lazily crashed upon the shore. His arms tightened around you in silent request and his ears perked up as you repositioned yourself so that your back was flush against his bare chest.
“It smells good.” He finally admitted, glancing down at you.
You shifted in his hold, stretching out your legs and crossing your ankles. “Yeah?”
Todoroki buried his nose into your soft hair and inhaled deeply, eyes fluttering shut as he thought about how lucky he was to have someone like you in his life. How much tragedy and hurt he had to go through, what he had to sacrifice almost to the point of giving up, when he met you.
You were his light, his partner, his everything.
Vibrant turquoise and cloudy grey hues softened imperceptibly as they gazed down at you, his tail coming around to wind around your thigh, clutching it almost possessively. 
“Yeah…” He whispered, allowing his eyes to finally slip shut as the sun got to him, exhaustion washing over him like a tidal wave. 
And you, you sat there in his embrace, ready for whatever this life threw at you next. Because in spite of the hardships, you knew that you could face it together. 
Playing with his fingers, you relaxed against him and wriggled more comfortably into his side. 
“Hey, Shouto,” You murmured under your breath, fully aware that he couldn’t hear you based on the even rise and fall of his chest. “When we get home…”
Hooded eyes darted to the bag you brought with you, honing in on the small cube outline bulging from the pouch on the side. The size of a ring box.
“I have something to ask you.”
Everyone had worn themselves out. Night had fallen, the ambiance only broken by the occasional remark of the ocean spray as they made themselves known. 
Stars twinkled high in the sky and the group of 22 felt the most at ease that they had been since they assumed positions in society as top pro-heroes. 
Well, all except one.
Bakugou glowered at his boyfriend sitting a couple paces away from him. “Deku, I swear to fucking—”
“Kacchan, shh!!! I’ll never get this opportunity again!!!” Midoriya whisper-shouted at him, furiously scribbling in his hero notebook. 
He glanced up once in a while at your sleeping form draped against Todoroki’s white and red fur. 
He had turned into an actual tiger halfway through the night when everyone else had fallen asleep and Midoriya had no idea if it was because he felt at ease enough that he let go, or if this was another step in the quirk manifesting itself. Either way, it was incredibly interesting and he was jotting down everything he noticed.
Rolling his eyes when his fanboy of a boyfriend didn’t put down his pen, Bakugou tapped his foot impatiently. “Of course the fucking Number One Hero still is hung up over these shitty extras.”
Midoriya squealed excitedly despite the other’s discontented grumbling, clutching his notebook close to his heart. “Kacchan, it’s so cool though!!!”
Bakugou huffed, turning away but that was so he couldn’t see the pinking of his cheeks.
Alright, look, it wasn’t his damn fault the shitty nerd was so fucking cute when he got like this!!
Tugging at his restraints purposefully, Bakugou burned a hole in the back of Midoriya’s head when he refused to look his way.
“Oi, let me out of this shit.” He demanded hotly, trying to blast his way through, only to find out that the ropes were made of some kind of quirk-cancelling material.
“In a minute.” Midoriya babbled, waving him off as he scrambled closer to his slumbering friend to get a better look. “Todoroki-kun is so cool!!”
Bakugou’s eyebrows scrunched together at that and he frowned. “What the fuck, you shitty nerd?!”
Midoriya yelped as a red aura emitted from him. “Eep!!! K-Kacchan?!?!”
“N-No, of course it’s not!!!” Midoriya replied desperately, waving his hands to ward him off and hopefully stop him from waking everybody else up.
That hope was diminished as quickly as it came as Bakugou roared. “WAKE THE FUCK UP, ICYHOT!!!!!” 
“I really rather not.” Came the dry reply, catching the both of them off guard.
Bakugou recovered quickly and his expression contorted into fury. “WHAT THE FUCK?!?!”
Midoriya approached him cautiously, hoping to placate him. “K-Kacchan, maybe we should—”
“HAH?!?!” His head whipped around towards him, wrists already chafed from how hard he was yanking against it. “YOU STILL THINK FUCKIN’ HALF-N-HALF IS BETTER THAN ME?!?!”
“I didn’t say that!!!” Midoriya cried out.
Bakugou leaned back against the trunk, vermilion eyes glinting dangerously. Every muscle in his body was coiled and ready to strike. “Get the fuck over here, damn nerd.”
Midoriya’s feet moved before he knew what he was doing until he came to a standstill directly in front of his boyfriend looking at him with an entirely different expression on his face. 
One of mild interest and pure determination.
Bakugou smirked. “I’m gonna make you eat your damn words, Deku.”
His eyes lit up at the implication and he ground his fist into the palm of his hand before untying the bonds. 
“Bring it on, Kacchan.”
“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU TWO DO?!?!” You shrieked, horrified at the sight that greeted you in the morning. 
The two of them were covered head to toe in bruises and scrapes, and absolutely soaked. 
Iida was the most upset. “NO QUIRKS WERE ALLOWED ON THIS VACATION!!!!”
Bakugou stuffed his hands in his pockets and scoffed. “Vacation’s over, Emergency Exit.”
“THAT IS NO LONGER AN APPROPRIATE NICKNAME!!!!” Iida corrected and you pinched the bridge of your nose.
“I can’t believe this.” You mumbled to yourself exasperatedly. “You guys actually sparred all night?!?!”
“L/N-san, it was awesome!!!” Midoriya rambled enthusiastically, the glow in his eyes never faltering even as Iida continued to chew out a bored Bakugou. “Kacchan was so cool!!!”
You sputtered. “This was supposed to be a vacation!!!”
“It was!!” Midoriya insisted with a determined pout and you shook your head.
“You don’t understand the concept of a vacation, hospital boy.”
Tokoyami nodded, satisfied as Iida punished Bakugou with a week’s worth of chores despite the fact that none of them lived together anymore. “Vengeance is served.” 
“Anyone got any food?” Hagakure chirped while Mina whined in the corner about how hungry she was.
Kaminari was already rifling through the beach bag you brought with you, fishing out every single piece of food you had left. 
You looked on fondly at them as they handled the food emergency themselves. You were lucky to have friends like these. Ones that could goof off whenever and be as silly as you were, as well as be there when it counted. 
Todoroki tapped you on the shoulder with the tip of his tail, offering up a bagel he had managed to snag before everyone else emptied out the reserves. “Hungry?”
You shot him a thankful look, breaking it in half to share with him before munching on your piece happily. “Very.”
The two of you basked in the momentary peace the sunrise brought as Bakugou argued against Iida that he wasn’t even the one to start the brawl, even though it fell on deaf ears.
You bit back a smile as Todoroki’s tail looped around your waist, pulling you into his side and you laughed lightly. “Is this your way of telling me you want to cuddle some more before we have to go back?”
“Maybe.” He mused, gaze filled with adoration and humor as he fixated his eyes on you.
Todoroki blinked slowly, dipping his head down to draw your head close to his. “Y/N?”
You tilted your face up at his inquiry. “Yes?”
The depth of love in your eyes was reflected in his heart.
“Later today, if you get a chance, stop by my agency.” He requested somewhat timidly and you raised an eyebrow in surprise at the odd desire.
“Yeah… okay, sure.” You affirmed with what you hoped to be a reassuring smile to put him at ease, even though you had no idea what this was all about.
Todoroki chuckled softly at your lost expression. You looked cute when you were trying to figure out what he was thinking. No chance though, you could think about this one all you wanted, you were never going to figure out where he was going with this. 
“There is something I would like to ask you.” He hinted with a mysterious smile, unlocking his grip around your waist to stroll over to Koda and help him pack up the picnic basket.
It took a second for you to process. And then another passed before you realized what he meant.
“W-Wait a minute— Shouto!!!!”
Ringing laughter was all that accompanied your cries and torrent of questions as you asked over and over again if he was insinuating what you thought he was.
In a moment of bravery, he threw you a wink. “You have to wait to find out, Y/N.”
“No fair!!!”
“I don’t see how it’s any different than what you pulled last night.”
“... I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Todoroki shrugged nonchalantly, aiding Iida and Yaoyorozu in packing up the rest of the supplies. “Okay.”
“Wait six hours, Y/N.”
“SIX HOURS?!?!?!”
Your wailing only made that grin on his face grow. “I could double it.”
You shut your mouth at that ominous threat. Like hell he was going to do that to you. 
Todoroki smiled triumphantly but it only lasted for a second when you glared at him.
“You’re a cruel, cruel man, Todoroki.” You proclaimed dramatically, stumbling back when Kaminari took that opportunity to plop a heavy basket in your arms to make you carry it.
Todoroki’s shoulders shook with laughter at your attempt to catch yourself. You were as clumsy as a newborn deer. “I learn from the best.”
Your eyes glittered with mischief and throwing down the basket, you sprinted over to somewhere behind the rocks, disappearing from sight.
But your voice still carried.
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firebendersimp · 3 years
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summary: maybe bakugou katsuki doesn’t hate all the stupid pet names you call him as much as he says he does and maybe he doesn’t hate you as much as he pretends to.
warnings: female reader, swearing, jealousy, shoto todoroki slander (by bakugou), bakugou being a dumbass, mention of ‘dynam*ght’, aizawa exists.
word count: 2k
a/n: i fully blame @astroninaaa​ for this, i was just minding my business not simping for someone named dynamight and then she bullied me into watching bnha and now there’s a 2k fic. but go follow her writing blog @patchofsunlight​.
There was a reason why Katsuki Bakugou didn’t remember the names of the students in his class and it wasn’t because they were just useless extras like he claimed. He was afraid, afraid of making connections with these people, afraid of having to depend on them. But if his classmates scared him, then he was terrified of you. He had tried to treat you like he treated the rest of them, tried to forget your name like it meant nothing to him but it was like someone had engraved it into the back of his mind. He was always thinking about you, he noticed your absence when you were late. At first he’d assumed it was part of your quirk that you were like Shinsou and you had brainwashed him into having feelings for you- not that he had feelings for you- that was an absurd notion and he was probably just sick or something. Or at least that’s what he told himself and just as he’d managed to convince himself that he had just caught some weird virus, you had looked at him with that stupidly pretty smile and asked, “Is something wrong, Bakugou baby?” And he faltered, it was like his brain just shut down. After that you were relentless, constantly calling him increasingly stupid pet names like, “pretty boy”, “babe”, “my love”, “honey” and then there was your favourite, “baby”. 
You slid into the seat next to him, your head resting on his shoulder as you shuffled closer, looking at the notepad in front of him. “Are these your ideas for pro hero names?” He grunted in what you assumed was a yes but it was hard to tell. You leaned closer, pointing out a particular name, sitting up slightly, your lips against his ear and your hand just above his knee, “Just so you know babe, dynamight sounds stupid but you could be dynamine.” You were so close that you could feel the heat radiating off his body as he processed what you had just said. You pulled away before he started screaming, a laugh escaping your lips. You didn’t notice how he didn’t yell or tell you to shut up or how he was looking at you like you were something worth looking at like he was entranced by you. Of course he didn’t say that, just shook his head mumbling something about your terrible sense of humour. 
You may not have noticed the difference in him, but Kaminari, Kirishima, Mina, and Sero had taken notice of how he no longer complained about the pet names he claimed to hate, or how his voice softened ever so slightly whenever your name escaped his lips, or the way the corners of his lips curled into an unconscious smile whenever you were in his line of sight. They never comment on it, out of concern that he’d withdraw back into himself if they pointed it out to him and they weren’t entirely sure what was going on with him but it seemed like it was good for him, like you were good for him. But they could see that it was like you were stuck in this weird phase with him where you both had obvious feelings but neither of you wanted to be the one to make the next step and it seemed like nothing was going to happen....unless they took matters into their own hands and so a plan was formed. 
As soon as class ended on Friday morning, Mina marched over to your desk with a dangerous look in her eyes as she seized your hands with her own, “Sooooo y/n, what are you doing this weekend?” She was staring at something behind you as she spoke but you decided to ignore it as you told her that you didn’t have any plans. Her eyes lit up and she squeezed your hands, “Can I set you on a blind date? Just say yes and I’ll owe you one.”
“Okay I guess?” She beamed and darted off to chatter excitedly with Kaminari. There was a crashing noise as Bakugou stormed out the classroom, slamming the door behind him and it was only then that you remembered that he sat in the desk behind you, she had been staring at him while she was talking to you.
As the weekend drew closer you were plagued by the same thoughts, swirling through your mind, nerves about this blind date, wondering why Bakugou seemed angrier than usual, and wondering why Mina wanted you to go on this date, did she like Bakugou? Was she trying to get you out of the way? Not that you were in the way, you and Baku were just friends, right? But now you were questioning it, you found yourself wondering if it was normal for the sound of a friend’s voice to constantly linger in the back of your mind or if it was normal to keep catching yourself staring at a ‘friend’.
You got to the café an hour early and as you were waiting for the other person to show up, your mind started to wonder. Maybe- maybe this person you were waiting for, maybe it was Bakugou. Maybe he had the same confusing feelings that you had been experiencing for the past year. As the hour dragged by, you were certain that he was about to step through the door any second now and then the door finally swung open and your heart dropped as you made eye contact with the mismatched eyes staring back at you. Todoroki slowly made his way over to you and you scrambled through your mind for something to say to him, something that wasn’t, “Why are you here?” He slid into the chair opposite you, the chair that had been praying would be occupied by someone else but you offered him a small smile as you attempted to suppress the disappointed feeling in your chest. “Hello Y/n.” He smiled and you felt the guilt creep in, “Hi Todoroki.”
His face scrunched up momentarily before the smile reappeared, “Call me Shouto, please.” His hand reached across the table, his fingers interlocking with yours as he spoke. And the guilty feeling became stronger, guilt from being disappointed after all, there was no denying that Shouto was beautiful with a voice you could listen to for hours and a guilt you couldn’t really name, you just knew that this feeling had Bakugou’s face attached to it.
So wrapped up in whatever Shouto was talking about you didn’t notice the table where Sero, Denki, Kirishima, and Bakugou were sitting just out of sight after being dragged there by Mina who was chattering excitedly about ‘how well it seemed to be going’ to a bored looking Sero. All while Bakugou was quietly seething as he watched that ‘half and half bastard’ holding your hand and leaning in unnecessarily close as he talked to you about something stupid. He didn’t notice how the conversation around him died down as his friends shared a knowing look.
Shouto walked you back to your dorm, his arm occasionally  brushing against yours as he told you some story. The date had been perfect, everything went right and Shouto was so nice and sweet but there was nothing there. The only thing this date really achieved was that there was no longer any doubt that you did have feelings for Bakugou and he could never know. It would be disastrous if he ever found out.
He knew. Somehow he either found out or just figured out that you had feelings for him, he must have, why else would he be avoiding you? But you’d been wrong before like when you were certain that he liked you back so maybe there was another way to find out why he was avoiding you. You waited until class was over and everyone had left and then you cornered Kirishima in the empty hallway, asking, “Why is Bakugou avoiding me?”
His eyes widened and he glanced over his shoulder to check no one else was there before he answered, “He’s not avoiding you and even if he was, how should I know?”
“You’re his best friend, you’re the only one he tells anything to.”
He scoffed, “Best friend? I doubt he even knows my name.” But there was something in his eyes, he knew more than he was letting on.
So you tried again, “Does he kn- think that I have feelings for him?”
“You have feelings for-”
“I said ‘does he think I do’, of course I don’t have fucking feelings for him.” You spat, your voice a little harsher than necessary but you reasoned that it didn’t matter. And perhaps you’d be right if Bakugou wasn’t waiting around the corner, listening in on your conversation.
Talking to Kirishima didn’t clear anything up, in fact it might have made things worse, Bakugou had started avoiding you even more, the only time you saw him was during class and then he’d refuse to look at you and just act like he couldn’t hear you if you tried to talk to him. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Aizawa had decided to make him your partner for a very important project, sometimes you wondered if he took some sort of sadistic pleasure out of partnering students that hated each other for important things. Not that you hated Bakugou, but you were pretty sure that he hated you now as you sat with him in his dorm as he stared at everything but you. You stared at your hands as you finally broke the silence, “You know you can’t ignore me forever.” He didn’t say anything but you could feel his eyes burning into you, “Look you can go right back to pretending I don’t exist after this but I’d rather not fail this project just cause you hate me or whatever.”
“Like you want to be doing this with me.” He finally spoke and your eyes darted up to meet his gaze.
“What are you talking about?”
He scoffed, staring back up at the ceiling, “I’m sure you’d rather be doing this with your stupid fucking boyfriend.”
You shifted closer to him and his eyes flickered down to study your face, “Are you talking about Shoto?”
His face contorted in disgust, “You call him by his first name?”
“He asked me to.”
He rolled his eyes, “Fucking bastard gets everything he wants, does he?” His voice was venomous but then his voice dropped to a whisper as he stared at his hands, “You’ve never called me by my first name.”
“I thought you hated me, why do you care?”
He let out a humourless laugh, turning to look at you, “Don’t you get it? I never hated you, I love you. But I know you don’t feel the same way.” You frowned and he sighed, running a hand through his hair, “I heard you talking with Kirishima, it’s fine, I get it, I’m kind of a dick all the time.”
You stared at your hands as you shifted closer to him, your shoulder brushing against his, “I was lying to Kirishima when I said that I didn’t have feelings for you. I was afraid he’d tell you. I love you too, even if you are a dumbass.”
He bumped his shoulder against yours, “Don’t call me stupid, stupid.” His hand came up to your face, slowly tilting your chin up, his eyes searching yours as if he was scared that you would take it all back at any second but he was taking too long so you leaned closer, pressing your lips against his.
He pulled away, an unconscious smile slowly creeping across his face, “Say it again. Tell me you love me again.”
“I love you Bakugou Katsuki and I’ll say it as many times as you need me to.” The smile on his face widened and his arms slipped around your body, tugging you closer to him. 
He watched you smiling while you talked to him with his face cupped in your hands and he finally felt like he must be doing something right if he’d managed to make someone as wonderful as you fall in love with him.
tagging: @loversamongus​
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ibiitsu · 3 years
Monoma Neito [bnha] x gn reader hc’s [dates]
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Dates and other scenarios [05/02/2021] [05/17/2021]
More Monoma because <3
A/n: double update?!? It was in fact, not an double update. Your dear author was too lazy and decided that he should spend the rest of the night on the genshin grind and then proceed to forget about writing. This was supposed to be written with the Shinsou one, 2 weeks ago.
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Kinda meant to be a part 2 for the other Monoma head cannons
Outside of 1A’s view (and school in general), Monoma is pretty nice, although maybe it’s just to you
Since he has horrible fashion, you spend most of your dates shopping for clothes with him. Where the money comes from? Monoma’s wallet obviously, you definitely don’t have enough money as a high schooler to buy clothes every week
Monoma loves classical plays and medieval fantasies so of course, dark academia was his favorite style (which he decided immediately the moment he saw you wearing an example of it)
Right after he decided what he wanted to try, Kendo (who just happened to be there) grabbed you two and suddenly announced that it’s time to shop for clothes... with Monoma’s money.
Pro tip: take advantage of your rich friends ;) /j
Along with getting Monoma some fashion taste, you and Kendo took the chance to buy clothes with an excuse to “match with him”. (Which wasn’t really convincing since Kendo bought things for cosplaying)
Monoma actually let you both spend his money, although he made you buy some matching clothes because ya know, matching couples <3 (kendo was just a third wheel and to fill in some background space)
It was almost going to be a peaceful shopping trip (well, as peaceful as it could be) until some 1A students entered the store. Fortunately, there wasn’t a certain angry porcupine at the scene, so we thankfully avoided a murder.
Monoma proceeded to try and bully Deku to get out of the store
Since you’re in 1A, Monoma must maintain his appearance so while he insults your classmates, you hide in the clothes racks
Calms down with cake and desserts (his own money again)
Speaking of cake, watching movies with him must always include cake which is usually made by him beforehand ever since you and Kendo almost destroyed the dorm kitchen when trying to bake something for his birthday
Even though his birthday was ruined when you and Kendo tried to make him cake, for some unknown reason, it became a tradition for you and Kendo to make the cake. Each year, you gradually got worse at making cakes but it’s too late now, it’s already a tradition :)
Since you and Kendo are banned from the dorm kitchens, you would bake a cake at Monoma’s house, although the decorating isn’t really a surprise since Monoma needs to make sure you don’t burn down his house. The moment Monoma leaves you two alone, disasters strikes.
He prefers to watch movies with you alone so he can receive affection without anyone else seeing him flustered. Also because more cake and sweets for him
When watching movies or just lazing around, he loves to be the little spoon since it’s warm, no matter how much we taller or shorter than him you are
It’s a different story if you’re staying over at his house, he needs his bed space like the pretty princess he is and if you dare take up bed space, you’ll end up on the ground in the morning (he’d apologize later although he doesn’t rly mean it)
The day after you bought clothes, you, Monoma and Kendo went to have a photo shoot with matching outfits (which he made into his home Screen)
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More Monoma here
We need more Monoma appreciation
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babymilkawa · 3 years
are your requests open? if so can i get bakugou, kiri, shinsou and sero (or anyone) surprising their s/o with a puppy they’ve always wanted? or their s/o coming home with a puppy without telling the boys ? thank you !! n happy valentine’s day
this is so cute!! My requests are almost open lol and if they’re not, it’ll show up on my pinned post ^^ And happy belated Valentine’s Day to you too anon <33 make sure to take care of urself 🤍
surprise puppy headcanons with:
bakugou katsuki, kirishima eijiro, shinsou hitoshi, sero hanta
gn!reader :)
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bakugou katsuki
he knows that you’ve been looking on adoption sites for dogs
you haven’t actually brought up the topic to him yet, unsure of what his response would be
it just so happened that your anniversary was coming up and bakugou couldn’t think of a better gift for you
he didn’t mean to be snooping around but he had searched your history and noticed one tab that you just never deleted
it was a a little puppy, about 2 months old and bakugou had a feeling that this was the one
sharing the site to his own laptop, he booked an appointment to adopt immediately
he had to choose between taking you to the adoption center or straight up bringing the puppy home
the latter seemed better though
so it’s the day before and your boyfriend is leaving it at your neighbors place so he can pick it up the next morning
he wanted you to wake up to the puppy
smiling at the thought, bakugou entered into the home you shared and greeted you at the door
“How was your day, babe?” you asked
“not too bad, you?”
you yawn and stretch and tell him of your day’s activities
then he asks what you want to do for your anniversary tomorrow
“Hmm maybe keep it lowkey this year? hang out at home?” you asked hesitantly, unsure of whether he wanted to do something more
but bakugou thought it was perfect
you could spend the whole day with your new puppy
the night before, as you laid cuddled to his side, bakugou stared at the ceiling until a thought occurred to him
what if you hadn’t told him about wanting a dog because you weren’t sure urself? No but you never closed that tab
You must’ve really wanted it
he just wished that you could’ve told him
he didn’t want you to hold yourself back for his sake
you were always so selfless and thoughtful of him
he hoped that tomorrow and in the years ahead, he can show you just how much he appreciates you
it’s 5 am and bakugous slipping out of bed
he makes sure you’re warm before leaving the house, careful to not make any noise
he knocks on the neighbors door and they hand him the puppy in its cage
at home, bakugou takes out the box he’s pre-wrapped and places the puppy inside it
it starts to squirm a little, now that it’s finally out of its cage but bakugou holds it still, petting its head to calm it down
the puppy was quick to obey and he let out a sigh of relief
carrying the large box to your room, bakugou froze when he saw you come out
“huh? what’s that, babe?” You say, sleepily
“just go back to sleep y/n” he said, placing the box down
he ushered you back in bed and you tried to pull him down with you, whining when he protested
“I gotta do something real quick, ok? I’ll be back”
thanking the heavens that you were facing the opposite direction as the door, he slipped the box right next to it
there was still a couple of hours until you would agree to start the day so bakugou joined you under the covers and pulled you close
he must’ve been exhausted because when he woke up, you had a little blob laying on your chest
“oh my god, katsuki!!” your face was split into a wide smile and the puppy was happily playing around with you
bakugou’s eyes widened and cursed out loud
“sorry babe, we were supposed to open it together. I must’ve overslept”
“Aww it’s ok katsu, I woke up to this little ball of sunshine here”
it must’ve jumped out of its box, he thought
“But how did you know that this was the exact one I wanted?” You asked
he shyly rubbed the back of his neck, “you had that tab open for ages”
the puppy continued to bounce in your arms and bakugou admired the smile on your face
leaning in for a kiss, he said, “happy anniversary baby”
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kirishima eijiro
you had gone to the adoption center just to look around while your boyfriend was at work
you really hadn’t meant to actually commit to it when you saw the most cutest puppy ever
it was even clinging on to you, surely it was perfect
and your boyfriend also seemed to really like dogs so you really just said why not?
it was a pretty big impulsive purchase but you knew he wouldn’t mind
it was for the both of you after all
bringing it home, you couldn’t wait to think of names with your boyfriend, knowing that he’d come up with really creative ones
kirishima still had a couple hours left of work so you decided to pass the time with your new friend
you set up its bed and its food, all while having the puppy follow you around the house
you were in the closet at the back of the house, rummaging for a blanket when you noticed that your puppy wasn’t right behind you any more
not having a name for it yet, you weren’t sure how to call out for it
so you decided to just look for it yourself
it wasn’t until you were closer to the front of the house did you hear the sound of your boyfriend laughing
he was holding the puppy in his arms and it was licking his face, causing him to laugh in response
it was such a cute sight, you had to snap a picture
“what’s his name, hun?” He asked
“haven’t decided yet. I was hoping you’d have some good ones”
“How long have you been planning this? There’s no special occasion is there?”
“I went to the center for fun and I decided to just get it”
“Good choice” he laughed
“so you got any names?”
he set the puppy down and it whined, looking up at him
“I was thinking d/n?”
it was perfect
calling its new name out, the puppy immediately turned its attention to you, leaping into your arms
“aww” your boyfriend said, before wrapping you both into a hug and picking you up
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shinsou hitoshi
so we know he’s more of a cat person
but after seeing how much you interact with dogs and gush about them, he decided to surprise you with one
it was shinsou’s day off but you still had to work so he took that chance to visit the adoption center
before when he had asked you what kind of dog you wanted if you were to ever get one, you told him your favorite types, including gender
luck seemed to be on his side because he found the exact same breed you liked
it was a much younger one though, only being a few months old
excited to see your reaction, shinsou signed the papers and brought your new puppy home
he also figured that since you seemed to be stressed and overworking yourself, this was the perfect present
there was no special occasion but hey, couldn’t he just spoil his s/o?
by the time you came home, the puppy was asleep but away from your line of vision
your boyfriend kissed you hello and took your belongings
he could see how exhausted you were and part of him was glad that the puppy wasn’t jumping around right now
hopefully you could play with it when you had more energy
“you hungry y/n?”
“no just come here please” you made grabby hands at him and he laid on the couch with you
he ran his fingers through your hair and gave you a small peck on both your eyelids
you were about to fall asleep when you heard small, high pitched barks and the sound of paws on a hardwood floor
sitting up, you looked straight in the face of your new puppy
“that’s for you babe. I know you’ve been stressed out recently so I thought it would help”
“but I thought we agreed to get a cat?”
“you wanted to get a cat for me. But I know you like dogs better babe”
“aww” you pulled him into a hug and he kissed the top of your head
the puppy, wanting to be included, jumping in between you two and snuggled his way in
as it got settled on your lap, you gave your boyfriend a thank you kiss
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sero hanta
sero’s birthday was coming up and you had no idea what to get him
you couldn’t think of anything your boyfriend had said he wanted recently
until you guys were talking about his boss’s anniversary with his wife and how she got him a golden retriever
a lightbulb binged in ur head
that’s what you’d get him
trying to not reveal your plans, you asked him what kind of dog he’d want
he was open to anything really
so you went straight to the adoption center the next day and you decided to find one you’d like too because your boyfriend was ok with any kind
after hours of playing with each dog, you settled on a small puppy
it had been sleeping on your lap the entire time until you brought out snacks the staff gave
it woke up immediately and obeyed when you told it to “sit” and “jump”
driving back home, you were satisfied and picked up a cake for the celebration tomorrow
you decided to just give the puppy early and have the cake on his actual birthday
when sero came home, he called out for you, receiving no response
thinking that you must be busy, he went into the kitchen to feed his stomach
turning around with a sandwich in his mouth, you popped up from the corner and held the puppy up, a cute ribbon tied to its neck
he looked at you and dropped his sandwich, his face lighting up
he pumped his fists in the air and yelled “hell yea we got a puppy!”
you let him scoop it from your arms and it’s snuggling up to him immediately, licking the remainders of his sandwich from the corner of his mouth
picking up the sandwich your boyfriend dropped, you set up dinner while listening to the joyful sounds of your boyfriend playing with his new puppy
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bnha masterlist
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izusun · 3 years
Goblin anon back with the Robin Hood AU
I have put together Izuku's band of Merry Men who he collects through various shenanigans:
"Robin Hood" is Izuku, who's the head honcho of the operation
"Little John" is Kirishima, who is Izuku's right hand man and usual backup
"Maid Marian" is Himiko, who helps on heists by turning into people
"Friar Tuck" is Yaomomo, who uses her wealth to cover up heists and fund the operation
"Will Scarlet" is Tokoyami, who usually helps on the more stealthy heists
"Much the Miller's Son" is Hatsume, who makes everyone's gear and costumes
"Alan-a-Dale" is Shinsou, who is the newest addition to the crew
Also the basic plot of the au is just
Izuku as Robin Hood: Rich people should get robbed at least once a week.
People: Why?
Izuku, in the middle of a heist so he can't go on a wild anti-capitalist tangent: Builds character.
- Goblin anon
goblin anon rn:
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I LOVE LOVE THE TEAM!! ok but imagine how they all meet:
midoriya met him during middle school? like imagine after the whole sludge villain incident and the posting of midoriya’s angry rant in social media, kirishima sees him and goes oh. i want to be strong (confident, angry at what’s wrong and speaking up about it) like him
their meeting was purely coincidental too. midoriya’s coming home from visiting the library (stemming from the old post, that’s where midoriya spends time searching for credible sources that were critical of the hero system. books and anecdotes and journals that could be traced back before the emergence of quirks, often cross-sectioning areas that overlap because hey look we never learned from the past even though we have proof that this thing that’s going on is leading to a big trouble because it helps him build his agenda and shapes his plans) and they just bump into each other.
they become friends because of the similarities between them, and one day kirishima asks if midoriya can teach him what he does because he wants to be better, but also because he wants to help. so midoriya does, tells him that kirishima’s big heart is something the world will need and that it is something kirishima needs to take care of because the hero system may be wrong now but they’d need kirishima’s honest kindness to reshape it to how it should be.
oh toga sought him out. unlike kirishima’s friendly stumbling, toga cornered midoriya with a feral grin and an even more feral eyes. despite the way she pretended to be unhinged, midoriya knew how dangerous and serious toga was at the moment.
“did you really mean it when you said quirks don’t define a person?” she asked then and midoriya was filled with clarity.
of course quirkless weren’t the only ones in the bottom of the caste, villainous quirks were there too. midoriya remembers this one student who transferred to aldera who also had a quirk dubbed villainous, then his parents relocated again when they found out about the bullying. so midoriya knows what toga meant. he saw firsthand just how bad and broad the discrimination is, so of course he won’t fail her.
“i do,” he said and toga must have heard–must have seen–the way he meant it. toga grinned, backed off, and from then on, they became friends.
(she doesn’t become a villain here!!)
the next ones he meet are shinsou and mei (both of which i talked about in the prev post)
he meets her because of mei (mei, shinsou, and kirishima attend UA). mei created a file about yaoyorozu, and with kirishima’s personal input, he goes and meets her.
the first meeting wasn’t smooth. yaoyorozu, despite understanding midoriya’s stance, doesn’t want to help because “it’s the wrong way of going about it.”
but midoriya expected that. expected that as much as yaoyorozu is kind and smart and so so empathetic, she is still looking at the lens crafted for privileged people. so midoriya shows her. takes her to the self help groups for people who are discriminated because of their quirks, or the lack thereof. he shows her statistics that are presented by the media and by the news, then tears those statistics apart because they’re lacking, because they don’t show the truth. so he shows her. adds the numbers that are not recorded, shows that the quirkless are no longer even accounted for. shows things like unemployment rates for people who are quirkless or who have villainous or mutant quirks and yaoyorozu understands.
because while she can help change all of these once she’s a hero, it isn’t enough.
so she joins.
he’s recruited by toga, of all people.
(this is something i’ve always been headcanon-ing about but basically since the hero commission is canonly sketchy, i think that at the start of the hero commission’s rise, they implemented some laws that restricted rights of...unheroic quirks. since they had to sell to the majority of quirkless population that quirks are beautiful and good, mutant quirks and villainous quirks were discriminated against. thus, the ancestral line of tokoyami must have been restricted by those rules. of course as time passes by, they remove those restrictions and hide the fact they existed into the shadows, but the damage is still there.)
HENCE why toga and tokoyami see each other eye-to-eye. they both understand the fucked up system, practically grew up in it alongside midoriya so of course tokoyami’s also privy to midoriya’s plans.
sorry again for rambling but i just like the dynamic of midoriya’s merry men
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os-hyoideum · 3 years
"I have come to a coclusion." Shinsou Hitoshi x fem!plus size!Reader
"i figured out why you're so into me… it's because wherever you grab it feels like a boob" (my inspo, in the form of my stupid thought - I wanted to do a few more of my fav characters, but we'll see)
Word count: 1263 Content: Pro!Shinsou (over 18), fluff (I think), funny (I hope), slighly just suggestive at the end (letting out a perv a bit, but just teensy bit), plus size/chubby/fat Reader, Reader has nipple piercings (I just think everyone -who wants them ofc- deserves them), Reader has big? (heavy) boobies
a/n: Like I'm never inspired to write, this time I just did (and had fun, surprisingly... it's that Shiso brainrot 😔). This is literally THE SECOND time I have ever written something (that isn't an academic essay) in English. Also, THE FIRST time using the second person in writing, but I wanted to try. It's just some quick fic, so enjoy! Also, sorry for, perhaps, a weird use of commas, I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to put them correctly everywhere.
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Hitoshi let out a relieved sigh once he stepped over the threshold to your shared apartment.
It wasn’t anything particularly special, with its open space kitchen-living room combo, bathroom, and decently sized bedroom, but it was a home that brought him comfort after hard days (or nights) of work. Particularly, when it was an unexpected task of giving the talk to aspiring heroes at his former high school - UA.
It was a bit weird for him to get home during late afternoon, as his usual night patrols made him used to getting back at rather early morning hours, but still, he was just glad to be finally in the comfort of his own place.
After taking his shoes off and walking a bit more inside, he was met with a sight to behold (by his own requirements).
There, laying face down on a couch was you, clothed only in a pair of black panties and a sports bra. Electric fan, standing on a side table, was blowing straight onto your exposed back. Hitoshi supposed it wasn’t anything particularly strange, given it was the middle of summer and, additionally, you must have been tired from your work trip; nevertheless, he decided to ask.
“Well, hello there,” he started, crossing his arms and quirking an eyebrow, “That’s a nice view of your ass, but why are you basically naked?”
You propped yourself on your elbows and turned your head back to look at him. The breeze from the fan stung your eyes a bit, so you sat up straight and faced Hitoshi properly. Partly, to just be able to admire him (like usual) and, partly, so the breeze would still be directed towards your back.
“First of all: it’s hot as hell today. I have never been more grateful for our AC… that still was not enough, but well…” You listed lifting one finger up.
“Okay, fair.” Hitoshi nodded. He looked at you lifting another finger.
“Second of all: I had a little, hmm… mirror sesh? I guess it could be called like that.”
Hitoshi knew exactly what you meant and instantly was put on alert. He did not know what to expect from the outcome. You weren’t particularly insecure, but drops in confidence happen to everyone, at the best of times. Having a truce with your body didn’t mean an endless peace.
He looked at you with intensity, looking for any indicators of feeling low, but relaxed a bit seeing you being at least in a neutral, if not even good, mood.
“Oh? Is that so?”
You stood up, the slight jiggle of your soft body not concealed by anything. He had seen you bare many times before (like, a lot of times), but still caught himself admiring the patterns your stretch marks drew upon your skin. He knew it’s not anything special, quite the natural part of the human body, yet he still saw some intricate artistic thought behind it.
“Yes,” you said, putting one hand on your hip and gesticulating with the other, “and you know how I, personally, feel about myself. Like, sometimes it’s good, sometimes bad, nothing new, right?” You asked rather rhetorically, to which Hitoshi still nodded slightly, listening from behind a bar piece separating your kitchen and living space.
“BUT,” you emphasized and pointed a finger at him,” today I was wondering in particular, why YOU like THIS-” you paused to encircle your body with one hand “-so much. And I have come to a conclusion”
Hitoshi hummed and took a sip of iced coffee he took from the fridge in the meantime.
“Yeah? And what’s your conclusion then?”
“You are so attracted to me because everywhere you touch feels like a boob.”
That was an unexpected sentence that left your lips; so unexpected actually, that Hitoshi almost choked on his coffee. Luckily though, he did not. Not paying much attention to your could-have-died significant other, you continued with your reasonings.
“Arm? Boob.” You squeezed your upper arm to emphasize. “Tummy?” A little squeeze creating a roll between your fingers. “Boob.” You propped your leg on the couch to poke at your inner thigh. “Thigh? Boob. Calf? Boob. See? Everything’s a boobie!”
Hitoshi just laughed looking at your excited expression, he assumed from coming to such boob-tastic revelation. He fixed his black headband, keeping his beautiful hair out of his face, and pointed at your leg.
“Well, I don’t remember your boobs being quite so hairy. Though my memory might be failing, after all this time.” He said with a chuckle, hinting at your two weeks of separation, due to your dreadful trip.
“How DARE you!” You gasped dramatically and threw a pillow that Hitoshi expertly caught with a laugh. “Are you shaming my body hair?”
“Oh, of course not,” he smirked playfully, “I quite like your hairy legs.”
With a slightly frustrated groan, you fell on the couch and loudly sighing slid off onto the floor. Sitting behind your low coffee table, you tilted your head down and glared at Hitoshi from under your eyebrows. He knew someone could have gotten scared had they been on the receiving end, but spending so much time with you, he was used to it and just found it amusing. Seeing the lack of reaction from him, you just stood up and walked towards the bar to stand in front of him.
“If you don’t stop, I WILL sit on you.”
Hitoshi quirked an eyebrow at you and turned around. He took a step towards the kitchen sink and, after turning the water on, splashed his face.
“What are you doing?” You asked, not quite expecting him to start washing his face in the middle of a conversation.
After taking a small, clean kitchen towel to dry himself off, he looked you straight in the eye.
“Prepping your seat, baby.”
You stared at him for a few seconds with wide eyes, before slowly clapping and nodding with approval.
“Huh… outstanding move. True dedication to a joke.”
“I wasn’t joking.” But you already knew that.
“Damn…” You started, holding his intense gaze. “Okay, Mr Shinsou, you’re on.”
He looked you up and down with an expression of a man starved.
“You’re in for a ride…” But you already knew that too. “Mrs Shinsou.”
“I’m not Mrs Shinsou.”
“Not yet.” You knew it was mostly playful banter since neither of you was in a rush to make your relationship official. It was comfortable enough, to the point actually, that others did mistake you for a married couple at times. So it turned into a joke, being called by his name.
“Alright…” You smiled softly at him before your expression became much more devious. “Wanna take a shower before I take my rightful place upon my throne?”
Without waiting for his response, you pulled your sports bra over your head. In an instant, Hitoshi’s gaze fell onto your heavy chest. Decorated with shining metal nipples perked up, due to the slight chill from the AC and the fan, both working at full capacity. You turned around and walked towards the bathroom with a nice sway in your hips. In the doorway, you slid your panties off and threw them at Hitoshi with a heated look from behind your shoulder.
He caught them with one hand and, looking you straight in the eyes, brought them to his face. He took a long breath in, taking in your scent mixed with sweat that almost made him dizzy with desire.
He put his cup into the sink and, with your panties in hand, followed you into the bathroom.
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shoutogepi · 4 years
Jealousy Has Its Perks
Todoroki Shouto
word count : 10.4K holy shit im tired
[  ✘ (nsfw!), ☀︎ ]  sin with a cute ending
themes : jealous,dom!shouto, brat,sub!reader, friends with benefits, degradation, quirk use, edging, overstimulation, general bdsm things, & a sweet lil confession
bio : Even though you’re not his, Shouto can’t help but turn green with envy when he sees you dancing on another man at the club.
author’s note : uhhhh can i get a hell yeahhHHH for jealous fwb trope? lmao my basic ass loves these. hope y’all do too <3
also available on AO3 here
  ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
🅂hinsou’s hands land on your waist, cold fingertips pressing into your exposed midriff and guiding your hips along with his. The circular motion has your head spinning, and you let your skull fall back onto his sturdy chest at the feeling of his semi brushing against your ass. Shinsou’s purple locks tickle your neck as he bends and presses his lips to your skin, sucking on the skin just hard enough to leave a ghost of a bruise. His hands cup your hips, squeezing the flesh there softly while his thumbs trace the crest of the bones.
The song blasting through the club changes, a novel and heavy bass causing your throat to vibrate. The sudden need to quench your thirst emerges, and you pull away from the handsome man regretfully. His lavender irises regard you with understanding as you point to the bar, holding up a finger to signal you won’t be long.
Your heels stick to the dancefloor slightly as you cut through the throngs of club-goers, and unsurprisingly a handful of guys attempt to stop you on your travels. Finding a familiar pink head of hair, you slip into the empty spot next to Ashido and let out a sigh of relief as your elbows land on the wooden counter. Perspiration makes the hairs at the back of your neck stick to your skin, and you fan yourself with a cocktail napkin as you attempt to catch the bartender’s attention.
“Not doing so bad for yourself, Y/N,” Ashido grins at you coyly, her words a tad slurred as her black eyes give you a once-over.
You let out a chuckle, painted lips curving knowingly. “Yeah, well… he used to have a crush on me back in the day,” you explain with a nonchalant shrug, finally giving your order to the woman behind the bar. You look at Shinsou over your shoulder, who has returned to his table of friends and is currently being shoved, high-fived, and noogied animatedly.
Ashido gasps exaggeratedly, her mouth turning from an ‘o’ of shock to a grin of delight. “Two heroes wrapped around your finger at once? I can’t believe you,” she laughs, perhaps too hard, because you have to hold her arm tightly to keep her from falling off her stool.
“Hey now, I’m a free woman!” You reason, thanking the bartender as they hand you an icy glass. “I can fool around with whoever I want, thank you very much.”
“Can’t argue with sound logic,” Ashido taps your glass with hers, throwing back the remaining contents of her drink. “You know, you should tap Bakugou, too. Last night, he Lord-Explosion-Murdered this pussy.”
You snort, the alcohol burning your nostrils as it leaks into your nose from the abrupt reaction to Mina’s words. All the pink-haired woman does is laugh with you, the both of you maybe a step past tipsy but not nearly blackout drunk. Not yet, anyway.
“Shinsou though, really? I’m surprised… I thought you were too in love with IcyHot’s dick to tap anybody else,” Ashido teases, poking your shoulder as a frown forms on your face. Her words are playful, but they send irritation surging through your veins. That asshole had cancelled your weekly appointment tonight, which is why you’re here at the club, prowling for a suitable replacement.  
You shrug again, allowing the bitter liquid to drift past your lips before you speak again. “What can I say? He knows how to get the job done, and he’s sexy as hell.”
“You sound a little smitten. He must be pretty damn good,” Ashido wiggles her brows at you, a devious smile making its way to her face.
You disregard her comment, looking away from your friend with an eye roll. Smitten? Your relationship with Shouto is strictly physical. But maybe you had been a bit too disappointed when he’d sent you that text earlier. Shaking your head, you take a gulp of your drink, willing the intrusive thought to disappear.
Ashido’s phone vibrates and you watch her face light up at the message. After a brief moment, she stands, collecting her jacket and purse. “Hmm, seems like Bakugou is calling for an emergency meeting,” she winks at you, flashing you a rather lewd photo of the blonde that was clearly not meant for you to see as she walks away. “Give my regards to Shinsou! I wanna hear about all the nasty stuff he does to you with that mind control quirk of his.”
You can’t help but chuckle at that, sighing as you cross your arms. Would Shinsou really be enough to satisfy your cravings? His quirk does interest you sexually, but it’s unclear if he’d be willing to dominate you like that. He always seemed like the type to go with the flow… and tonight, you really need someone to force you to swim against the current, so to speak.
“Shinsou, huh?”
Speak of the icy devil. The voice behind you makes your body still, your eyes widening at his deep tone. The scent of his encaptivating cologne infiltrates the air around you, and a hand slides around your waist, pushing you backwards against his firm chest. You swallow, your tongue poking out to wet your lips in anticipation. What’s he doing here?
“Already forgetting about me, angel?” Lips ghost over the shell of your ear, his hand gliding across your torso until it reaches the other side of your waist, grabbing there and spinning you around. He catches you as you turn, snatching your wrist with his other hand to steady your half-finished drink.
You look up into his heterochromatic eyes, noticing a new emotion simmering there. Is that… jealousy? His cold breath fans over your flushed face, and you bask in the cool relief it provides in contrast to the stuffy club air. “It was you who cancelled our appointment,” you murmur, feigning innocence as you look to the side in a faux-bashful manner, “I needed to find a substitute. A girl has needs, you know.”
Shouto grins down at you, but it seems like more of a snarl as his eyes glare down at you with hostility. One eyebrow raised in mockery, he chuckles lowly. “And Shinsou Hitoshi is gonna do that for you? Are you sure he’s big enough to fill my shoes, angel?”
Your eyes wander back to the intimidating man before you, lingering on the ridges of his muscular form hidden underneath his button-up and slacks. Feeling brave, you down the rest of your drink, tongue rolling out and over the lip of the emptied glass. Shouto’s eyes burn as they follow the movement, his lips parting slightly while his grip tightens on your waist. Shooting him a playful smile, you tug your wrist free, placing the vacant glass on the bar. “What are you even doing here, Shouto?” You change the subject, hand reaching up to tug on his slim tie as a cheeky grin splits your lips. “You don’t like to have fun.”
The action causes him to lean closer to you, his face next to yours. “I was dragged here against my own will, of course— boy’s night. But would you believe my surprise when I saw my little minx walk in, all eyes on her in her skimpiest dress?” His baritone voice loud and clear despite the blaring music, his lips hover dangerously close. The hand you’d freed strikes your ass abruptly, causing you to jump closer to him in shock. His fingers hold the reddened cheek through the thin material of your dress, gathering you into his chest. No one seems bothered by the blatantly sexual action in the club, everyone distracted with their drinks and their own sensual pursuits. “And then, can you imagine how I felt watching her grind up against mind-control, watching him put his filthy fucking hands on what’s mine?”
You let out a heavy breath, delighted at how responsive he is. How possessive he is. “What’s yours?” You challenge, hands landing on his broad chest. His expression makes you press your legs together eagerly, your body starting to bend to his will.
Shouto’s hand leaves your waist to cradle the back of your neck, forcing you to bend your gaze to meet his. “Mine,” he whispers, his lips inching closer to yours by the second. Your pulse pounding, your fingers curling into the cotton of his shirt, your eyes flutter closed. His lips brush over yours, and then he pulls away.
A whine of protest escapes you, and you shove your palms against his chest in annoyance. But he doesn’t even budge, his fingers slipping into your hair and pulling your defiant face to look at him.
“Let’s get outta here, angel,” he nods toward the exit, releasing you and lightly smacking your ass again before his fingers settle at the small of your back, “I think I need to remind you who you belong to.” Shivers shoot down your spine at his choice of words, effectively drowning the bratty response you were so ready to quip at him. Without even a glance at Shinsou, you allow Shouto to guide you out of the establishment and into the crisp night air.
The brisk walk to his luxurious apartment is silent, but laden with anticipation. Your brain begins to ponder if his words had a deeper meaning. The two of you had been engaging in this affair for months now— you aren’t quite sure how it came to be. Your relationship had remained stringently physical, but you couldn’t help the butterflies that filled your stomach when he held you through the night, when his hands would rub your exhausted body tenderly, and when he would kiss you for hours before you’d slip into a satiated, peaceful slumber. And you did not dare to acknowledge the warmth that would blossom in your chest when you’d drowsily awake, still swaddled against his muscular chest with his arms around you as sunlight peeked through the blinds. Physical, yes— your relationship is only physical… regardless of the fuzzy feelings that ebb through you when you’re next to him.
And when he had proposed to have you come over twice in one weekend, you’d nearly panicked at the raw excitement that coursed through you at the premise. After much consideration you had denied his request, fearful that if you allowed yourself even a shred of further indulgence you’d be entirely consumed by the captivating man. He hadn’t overstepped that boundary since, and you weren’t sure if you felt appreciative or disappointed.
Your train of thought is interrupted as you reach the tall doors of his apartment building. The complex is perhaps one of the most expensive in the city— the lobby boasts flat leather sofas and sleek wooden tables. Lush tropical plants with leaves as wide as tennis rackets break up the space, magnificent orchids dotting the area just sparingly enough, and to top it off, an entire wall with running water rushing over the flat surface, creating a sheet of liquid that trickles quietly as you wait for the elevator.
Next to you, Shouto has his hands in his pockets, a blank expression on his face as usual. But after months of getting to know him, you can easily recognize the irritation lingering on his handsome mug. You are not able to think of any words that could possibly calm Shouto’s crackling, brooding intensity, but honestly, a large part of you desperately wants to find out what exactly he has in store for you. It’s clear that he has no intention of forgetting you were about to leave with another man, and his blatant acrimony brings a sliver of joy to you while jealousy oozes out of his every pore— you know you’re in for a wild night.
When the door closes with a deafening click behind you, your body freezes as you wait with bated breath. Sure enough, two large hands curl around your stomach, coasting down your pelvis in a V shape. His long fingers nearly graze your clothed slit, but he changes direction at the last moment, instead securing his palms on your inner upper thighs. He rubs the flesh there roughly, making your head fall back against his shoulder as you gaze up at him. His smoky eyes are already on you, a smirk decorating his pretty lips as his fingers work on your sensitive muscles. Thumbs brushing against the sides of your panties, his movements push the hem of your short dress up along your hips.
“You need to be fucked pretty bad, huh, angel?” He taunts, analyzing how your ass rubs zealously against his crotch. His smirk only grows as you nod, your hand flying up to grapple onto his bicep. “Bad enough to drop your standards so embarrassingly low?”
You snort at his words, turning your head so your eyes catch his. This asshole has some nerve getting jealous after he was the one who cancelled on you.  “Shinsou is just as hot as you, Shouto,” you reply boldly, wondering what exactly the price of your words will be. How far can you push this envious beast? Will you be able to take his punishment?
Shouto’s expression darkens, allowing his hair to fall over his eyes as his stare falls to the floorboards. His hands leave your skin, and you whirl around ready to dish out another line, but he’s already a step ahead of you. He lashes out, yanking your body against his by swooping his hand underneath your thigh and cupping your bare ass. He lifts your body so your heels leave the floor, rushing to press your back flat against the drywall. He’s hoisted you up high enough to set your ass against the thin, tall table next to the door which usually holds his keys.
Your legs parted with him standing between them, he places his hands on the tops of your thighs. A low chuckle rumbles out of him, his tidy fingernails trailing up your flesh. “Just as hot as me, hmm? Is he really, Y/N?” His left hand jumps from your thigh to your cunt, the only barrier between you two your skimpy panties. The heat emanating off his palm catches you off guard, a moan tearing out of you as he easily cups your covered sex, sending a searing fever through your body.
“Fuck,” you whimper, hips bucking instinctively against his palm, your body hoping for some kind of friction. The heat makes your pussy twitch, stirring as a cat slowly pulled from a deep slumber.
He tilts his head, as if he doesn’t understand why you’re breathless. “Huh? What was that?” He wiggles his fingertips a bit, enjoying how you whine as the ends of his blistering fingers dig into your core through the material of your panties. Your wetness drips through the thin cloth to coat his hot digits, making it easier to glide them against you.
“More, Shouto,” you squeak, panting heavily as his fingers rub along your slit at an infuriatingly slow pace.
Shouto lets out a low purr of satisfaction at your plea, savoring how your smooth leg tenses up underneath his other palm. Your sweet whimpers are music to his ears, his right hand moving around your thigh to meander toward your ass. “No, baby. Not until my angel answers me,” he murmurs, ducking his head down and placing his lips against the delicate skin on your neck.
A wayward moan evades your gasping lungs as his tongue ravishes your flesh, his teeth scraping over the wet skin. Your legs wrap around his waist, wiggling your body forward so your soft breasts press up against his hard chest, your cunt inching closer to his crotch. “Ugh— nooo,” you gasp as a fingertip presses harshly against your core, just barely pushing your panties into your pussy.
“No? No what?” He laughs darkly, his breath tickling your sensitive collarbone. He draws back from you, his intense gaze focusing on the other side of your neck before he looks directly at you, a sinister glint in his eyes.
Your lip trembling, the brat you’d been so ready to let free is for once taciturn at his dominance. Your submissive nature leaking out in desperation, you whine when his fingertip recedes slightly, leaving your panties barely inside of you without the pressure you really want. “No— Shinsou’s not nearly as hot as you, Shouto!” You rush out, heavy breaths making your chest rise and fall swiftly, restless for his touch to return to you.
But Shouto does not seem appeased by your admission. In fact, his gaze becomes a glare, his mouth curling into a snarl as he grabs your hips, crushing your body against his. “I hate hearing another man’s name come out of your pretty little mouth, Y/N,” he growls.
You’re shocked by his possessiveness, your eyes widening like saucers as his teeth skim your pouting lips. His proclamation makes a cocktail of doubt and lust unfurl in the corners of your body, but you’re torn as you wonder if he really thinks of you as his. Before you can ponder the meaning behind his statement, his eyelids shut and he smashes his lips onto yours.
Your arms are around his neck in less than a second, all thoughts vanishing as your nails scratch his scalp through the short, buzzed hair at the base of his undercut. He groans against your mouth, eliciting a moan from you in response. He takes the opportunity in stride, his hot tongue thrusting into your mouth as hot steam puffs out his nose, his calloused hands squeezing your body carnally. Your lips dance with his clumsily, your other hand cupping the corner of his sharp jawline and pulling his lips closer to yours.  
He pulls away from you as your hips begin to grind against his, his eyes still closed with his lips pulling back into a snarky smile. Your needy mewl of disappointment makes his eyes slit open, regarding you with a predatory gaze. He takes in your desirous expression, his stare cold yet sizzling with passion. “You let him defile your perfect skin, angel?”
The hickey Shinsou had left is barely even that— nearly indistinguishable from your skin tone— yet Shouto’s eyes make the flesh on your neck blister with his scalding intensity. Your cheeks flush red, his words fanning the fire inside of you as you bite your lip. You had hoped he wouldn’t notice, but now you realize it was foolish of you to even allow yourself to think his perceptive gaze would skip over something so blatant.
“This heavenly body is mine to mark,” he hisses, a hand fisting your hair and pulling your neck back roughly to reveal the hidden skin from the shadows.  The vaguely purple mark now on display in the dim mood lighting of his entryway, more steam billows from the man as he sneers in contempt. “And only mine. Got it, baby?” He does not allow you to answer— his mouth attacks the bruise, harshly sucking the skin while he washes away any recollection of the other man with ferocious swipes from his strong tongue.
Your back bows, your body wriggling in his grasp at the surge of devastating arousal that pulses through you. You shriek his name, hands clawing hysterically into his shoulder and the soft hair atop his head. Your pussy clenches around nothing, making you very aware of the aching need for him to claim you building in your core. Your legs snag his hips closer to yours, his body crashing into you as he grunts, lips finally releasing your battered skin. Without a doubt, the once indistinct mark is now more akin to the remnants of a punch to the throat, the colors already eclipsing into a deep shade of violet.
The lust crackles in the air between you two like thunder, your body a savannah ready to receive the generous relief of the first deluge in months. God, it’d only been a week since you last saw the man, but the unmitigated yearning for him to ravage you is the only emotion you can process.
“Please, Shouto, I need you to fuck me,” you beg, the words slipping out of you like a wet bar of soap from your desperate clutches. You’re mortified at your shamefully wanton admission, your cheeks still red and your body flushed, nearly shaking. You are not accustomed to this submissive side of yourself, but the brat inside of you only watches on in avid curiosity. If he doesn’t escalate this tryst fast enough, you’re afraid your body will fold like a limp noodle in his strong arms.
Shouto seems just as affected as you, his pupils dilated and his erection painfully straining against the confines of his slacks. His hands leave your frame, going to loosen the collar of his shirt by yanking his tie loose and then beginning to unbuckle his belt. You lean forward, your lips meeting his again as your fingers eagerly land on his cheeks, beckoning him closer to you. He moans into your mouth, fist nearly ripping the leather belt from the loops on his slacks, the metal of the snake-shaped buckle klinking loudly as he discards it carelessly onto the tabletop. Hands trailing up your spine, he tugs the zipper of your dress down your back, effortlessly lifting your hips in one hand to slip the garment under your ass and off your legs.
The inferno of jealousy ignites once again as he appraises your figure, clad in a matching set of white silky lace adorned with satin ribbons on each hip and one beneath the valley of your breasts. You’d worn this and Shinsou had almost seen such a marvel? Seen your delectable body in this gorgeous lingerie that he himself had never feasted his starved eyes upon?
Unaware of his change in mood, your lips move along his, begging for him to kiss you back as your tongue swipes his full bottom lip. His palms slide along your back, moving to cup your ass cheeks as he picks you up. You nibble on his earlobe as he swiftly carries you to his bedroom, his fingers jabbing into your behind in response. He kicks open the ajar door forcefully, unflinching as the doorknob nearly cracks the wall. Sliding onto the edge of the mattress, he sits with you on his lap, your legs still secure around his torso. His rough palms glide over your hips, rounding your waist and seizing your breasts, lifting the flesh to sit more perkily on your chest in perfectly round spheres.  
“Why are you so fucking gorgeous, Y/N?” He groans, eyes closing in pleasure as you feel his cock twitch beneath you. He presses his mouth to the supple skin just above the cusp of the bra, slurping and nipping and leaving a trail of pretty pink marks. “You’re damn ethereal, angel.”
You’re gasping for air, hips unabashedly rolling against his, the feeling of his strained length making your desire for him to fuck you senseless multiply. Your hands latch onto his broad shoulders to steady yourself, your mind spinning dizzily with desire and the prolonged buzz from your earlier drinks.
“Take off my tie.”
The command rouses you from your far-away state, your fingers slightly trembling as you work on the silky material of the tie. After what seems like an eternity, the knot loosens and the tie slides off his neck into your hands. Shouto’s lips cover yours again, instantly enchanting you so that you don’t notice the sleek item slip through your fingers.
All of a sudden your front meets the cool sheets, your lips ripped away from his. Instead your face meets his pillow, engulfing your senses in the sexy, virile smell of him. You moan into the pillow, ass pushing into the air as your cunt throbs between your legs, ready to be taken in whatever manner he decides. His knees land on either side of your hips, his bulge rubbing into your ass teasingly as his hands close around your wrists. Tugging them behind your back carefully, he loops the tie around the both of them and fastens the knot with a firm pull, jerking once more for good measure.
You swallow into the pillow, teeth poking out to capture your bottom lip when he trails a sole finger along your spine. He’d never tied you up like this before, and the concept excites you to the point that your arousal visibly permeates your white panties.
“Do you feel that?” Shouto inquires, rutting his hips against your bottom so his clothed cock rubs between your ass cheeks. He’s panting lightly, his palms groping your ass and pinching the skin torturously. “Can you feel how much I want you, Y/N?”
“Fuck yes,” you answer, your head turning to lay against the pillow so he can see half your face and hear your voice. “I want you too, Shouto— I need you.”
He sighs at your saccharine words, almost swayed by your submissive antics. If he gives in now, his cock could be in your tight hole in just seconds… But then he wouldn’t get to have his way with you.
“Mmm, you’re cute when you’re desperate, baby,” he remarks, grasping your hips and pulling you down the sheets. He maneuvers you over his lap, and your eyes bug out of your skull as you assume position, knowing what comes next— he’d only done this once before but the memories of that night makes your pussy twinge excitedly. Your arms tied behind your back, your face dangles perilously beside his ankle, your forehead almost skimming the wooden floor. Your body is stiff, and Shouto hums as his hands drift along every inch of your back, ass, and the backs of your thighs.
“I wanna give you what you want, angel, but I promised I would remind you who you belong to, didn’t I?” His words are phrased like a question, but his tone implies them as a statement. Unsure what he wants, you keep quiet, waiting for him to continue.
Apparently, that’s the wrong move, because his freezing hand slaps down hard onto your ass. A mix between a shout and a whine falls out of your lips, your fingers clutching onto themselves in apprehension. Your breathing picks up, ascending into a pant as his other hand caresses the reddened skin with a soothing heat exuding from his palm.
“Did you know I was going to be at the club tonight?”
His question catches you off guard, and you think for a moment before replying with a simple, honest “No.”
Shouto lets out a long sigh, his warm hand leaving your ass and making you tense in preparation.
“So you wore this little number thinking you would just show it to whomever you went home with?” Oh, that’s where he’s going with this.
Again, you’re not sure how to answer. Either way will be unsatisfactory— either you say yes and that would certainly result in a jealous smack, or you say no and he’d spank you for lying to him. You cannot come to a decision fast enough, and the next frigid slap across your other ass cheek steals your breath away as you whimper, your pussy clenching in sadistic delight.
“Answer me, angel. Or I’ll turn this flawless little ass of yours scarlet.”
“I bought it for you!” You blurt out meekly, your cheeks flushing with mortification. It’s not a direct answer to his question, but it’s more than enough to amuse him.
The warmth of his left hand feels hotter this time as it curves around your irritated skin. “Oh?” Shouto all but purrs, his brow raised in interest. “For me, angel?”
You nod, even though your head is below his eye level. “I was gonna wear it tonight, just for you,” you whisper sincerely, blush bright red as your thumbs rub over your knuckles in a self-soothing manner. Deciding you’re already deep enough into your embarrassing confession, you finish your thought with your eyes scrunched shut as you prepare yourself for what you know will come next. “But you rainchecked, so I… thought Shinsou might enjoy it instead.”
Shouto remains eerily quiet for a moment, your heartbeat accelerating wildly as he leaves you waiting, questioning just how he will react. Your body jumps as his left hand swirls around your hips, his arm resting on your back to gather your ass higher across his lap. The neat bows on your panties unravel at your hips, the cool air hitting your swollen cunt as the material is snatched away and discarded. He forces you to wait for another dizzying pause, the urge to squirm in his grasp tempting but you force yourself to stay motionless.
Tears spring into your eyes as his palm crashes against you, his arctic hand causing your body to thrash in recoil, and a strong gust of chilled wind slapping against your dripping folds. A shaky breath escapes you, morphing into a distraught cry when his hot thumb plunges into your aching core, rubbing and curling against your shuddering walls with spite.
“I thought I told you not to say his fucking name,” Shouto jeers, taking his thumb out of you to rub mercilessly betwen your petals, spreading your abundant slick with ease. Coasting down to your clit, he smirks as you sob, your legs quaking.
Your hips jut backwards on their own accord, forcing his thumb to penetrate your cunt again. You moan at the stimulation, squeezing the digit and grinding so it presses against your velvet walls.
He chuckles, pressing the finger as deep as he can and savoring the shameless wails the action induces. “How can you look so pure and act so naughty?” He wonders aloud, his frosty hand trailing along your thigh as he works his thumb inside of you. “You’re really just a little slut, aren’t you? Fucking yourself with my finger so brazenly.” He sighs as he feels your core clenching around his thumb, grinning as you whine at the loss of the digit.
“Please, just fuck me,” you exclaim, turning your face to look at his haughty gaze above you,  “Make me forget about anyone else!”  
Shouto pinches your inflamed ass cheek, forcing another whimper to croak out of your throat. “Aha, is that your game, angel? Want me to fuck you so hard I’m the only man you see? Fuck this little pussy so good no other cock can satisfy you, hmm?” He maneuvers your body effortlessly, positioning you to face him as you sit on his lap. The smooth material of his slacks irritates your sore ass slightly, but all you can bring yourself to do is nod, your arms shuffling behind you with the want to reach out and touch him.
His hands settle on the apex of your thighs, rugged fingertips soothing the skin there before he lifts your body, standing and placing you neatly on the floor before him. Casting an innocent look up at him, you shuffle to your knees, arching your back to your breasts and ass pop out for his aerial vantage point.
“You know what to do, don’t you baby?” Shouto snickers as he untucks his shirt and begins to snap open the buttons down the center of his chest, revealing his creamy skin to your lustful eyes. Leaving the shirt on with his abs on display, he undoes the clasp and zip at the front of his hips, slowly unveiling the delicious V tapering south below his slacks. You squirm in impatience, eyes glued to the trail of fine, bicolored hair he uncovers as his slacks sag tantalizingly slow. His thumbs slither underneath the elastic band across his pelvis, lowering the hem just enough to show you the base of his thick, hard cock. “Alright, angel,” he rumbles, and you feel a stray bead of arousal drip down your thigh at his gruff tone, “Convince me you deserve to have this cock in you.”
As soon as he shoves his briefs low enough for his length to spring free, your lips drown his cockhead with haste, your tongue welcoming his hot, heavy tip with eager flicks. Shouto groans when you suck abruptly, your cheeks hollowing as you allow his member to drive deeper into your mouth. His hand landing on the back of your head, you take that as your cue to leap forward, slamming the entirety of his impressive cock into your open throat as your nose brushes into his abdomen.
“Fuck, Y/N!” Shouto gasps, his hips bucking into your face and shoving the tip of his dick into the depths of your throat.
Tears beading in your eyes, you refuse to let up, releasing a loud moan that makes his cock vibrate. Shouto throws his head back, his fingers curling in your hair as his hips recede, leaving only the tip inside your mouth and you gratefully take in a breath of air before he shoves back in.
“You take my cock so well, angel— fuuuuck, just like that,” he grumbles, pistoning into your face at a slow, deep tempo, the back of your throat caressing his tip delectably as a fat tear races down your cheek. Your cheeks flush pink and your chest tightens from the lack of air, but Shouto’s low grunts falling on your greedy ears has your cunt pulsing with need, your spit trickling down your chin. Shouto’s rabid gaze locks with yours, monitoring your wet eyes and your pleading pout as he speaks, “You look so beautiful slobbering on me like this, my little slut.”
You flutter your eyelashes at him, humming on his length as you continue to bob back and forth. Your tongue lathering the veiny underside of his length, the promiscuous flavor of salty pre blooms on your tastebuds. Your head recedes back, keeping just the swollen head inside your mouth as you twirl your tongue in circles around him.
You pop his cock out of your mouth, and send him a closed-lip, coy smile as you smear the slick tip against your mouth. Shouto sighs when your half-lidded gaze meets his, your tongue poking out and curving to dawdle up and down his length.
“That’s enough, baby. Come here.” Shouto bends and picks you up from the floor, kneeling on the mattress and crawling toward the center with you in his arms. Your back collides with the silky sheets, your arms awkwardly stuck behind you with the tie rubbing your wrists. Shouto opens your legs, hovering over your body and making you suddenly feel small in comparison to him. Your cunt parts at the motion, exposing your twitching, saturated hole to him and sending a fresh blush to your cheeks. One hand propping himself up, the other stroking your cheek gingerly, he ushers you to look at him. He whispers to you, his voice calm yet enticing, “You want me to make you feel good, angel?”
“Please,” you implore, your voice hoarse and quiet from his abuse on your throat, “Please touch me, Shouto.” Your mind hazy with a lascivious fog clouding your senses, you can barely find the words to beg.
Even just his hands floating down to your breasts makes you shiver. Your lip between your teeth again, Shouto smirks at you as his fingers pinch the ribbon holding your bra together. Deliberately taking his time, he unravels the neat bow, examining how the silky fabric falls apart so smoothly. The bra cups fall to the side, exposing the smooth skin of your breasts to his feasting eyes. You release a string of mewls as his lips graze the marks he’d left behind earlier, darkening the blemishes with gentle bites. Tongue tracing around your areola, your thighs squeeze around his waist when the warm muscle brushes along a pebbled nipple. Pressing your lips together harshly as he sucks the pert bud into his mouth, your hips jolt against his. His hand kneads your other breast expertly, tweaking your nipple between his skilled fingers. The rough pads of his fingertips only make your nipples stand out more, scraping against you and sending your head spinning.
“You like that, Y/N? Want all my attention on you, don’t you, greedy girl?” Shouto purrs, your breast falling from his lips as he grins at your cheekily.
Swallowing another moan, your breath comes out ragged as you retort, “I could say the same for you, baby.” His fingers on your nipple press together in a pinch, eliciting a strained whimper from you.
Shouto chuckles, poking his tongue out to rove over your other breast, flicking the nub playfully before he speaks a single word. “Touché.” Drifting lower between your legs, his lips leave a wet path down your torso, nibbling and slickening your skin. His mouth littering your body with kisses, an artist eager to make a fresh blank canvas his own. Hot breath colliding with your glistening sex, he groans at the sight of you spread before him. “But damn, angel, can you really blame me?”
Without any warning, he thrusts his tongue into your folds, swiping vertically along your slit and dipping into your entrance with a moan, eyes closed as he relishes your sweet nectar. Your hips dig into the mattress as you struggle to handle the instant relief his touch provides, unfiltered noises of pleasure escaping you. One of his hands slides underneath your thigh to cup your ass and bring your body closer to his face.  
Every time Shouto’s mouth is on you, you’re reminded of just how good he is at pleasuring you. He alternates between rubbing his tongue along your silky inner walls and curling the muscle around your clit, sucking the nerve into his mouth and applying just enough suction to steal your breath away. Your body reacts to his touch naturally, with each moan summoned true and raw.
His fingers prod your sex gently, coating the digits in your essence before they slide into your body at a snail’s pace. The friction of his touch inside of you makes your legs clamp around his head, eliciting a deep laugh from the man that reverberates against your clit. Your eyes roll backwards as he begins to pump the digits at a reasonable pace, knuckles curling deeply in search of that plush spot that makes you fall apart underneath him. Saliva mixing with your arousal, Shouto’s chin is drenched in the sinful concoction as he continues his hunt with determination.
“S-Shit,” you choke as his fingertips push into just the right place, your thighs gripping his head so tight you think you’ll crush him. But Shouto doesn’t seem to care, angling his wrist to gain better access, lithe fingers speeding up as his teeth graze your clit. His vigilant eyes fix on your face twisted in ecstasy, minding how your pussy begins to clench onto his digits in desperation, trying their best to suck them back inside. Your heels dig into his broad back as your body begins to squirm, preparing for your first orgasm of the night.
But just as you’re about to tip over the edge, Shouto pulls back. Your eyes fly open to look at him in distress, your lips parting with a gasp as your climax flees without a trace. “Shouto!” You hiss, regarding his sultry smirk in shock. This man has some audacity. “I was about to-”
He interrupts you, his fingers gliding back into your core without resistance, lips wrapping around your clit again. The sudden pleasure of the intensity stokes the mere embers of your previous orgasm with fervor, your head flinging backwards onto the pillow as your spine bows.
Your palms behind your back are slick with sweat, your hardened nipples cutting into the still air of the room as your body writhes on its own accord. Your thighs tremble ever-so-slightly on top of his shoulders, your eyes shutting again as you try your best to hold in your whimpers.
But Shouto doesn’t like that, his mouth abandoning your pearl to snarl, “If you wanna cum I’ve gotta hear your voice. I wanna hear you beg for me, baby.”
His dirty words send a new wave of humiliation crashing over you, your mind horrified at your body’s betrayal. Your submissive demeanor is by no means akin to your usual behavior during your weekly rendezvous, and you’re honestly impressed and shocked that Shouto had coaxed it out with such ease. Already you can feel the tension building in your core, your body happily receptive of his generous caress. Your chest heaves as you attempt to even your frazzled breaths, but once your focus switches to that, the pleasure increases exponentially between your legs. Your cunt quivers obviously, Shouto’s eyebrow raising as he shoots you a taunting look.
“I’m the only one who can get you so close so quick, angel. Aren’t I?” His mouth leaves your clit to speak but his teeth capture the nerve instead as he speaks, his hot breath steaming against your throbbing cunt.
Your chin against your chest, you nod vigorously, your hips inching closer to close the distance between your cunt and his mouth. Your fingers curled into fists against the sheets, your back sticks to the sheets with perspiration.
Shouto shakes his head, teeth releasing your aching clit as he clicks his tongue at you. “I said, let me hear you, Y/N.” His fingers pull out, the fingertips just barely inside as he rims your entrance, just enough to keep your pussy throbbing. He exhales, an icy breath rushing over your sopping sex.
“N-No!” You wail, your voice nearly breaking as your orgasm fades away once again. You were so fucking close! You let out another sob, tossing your head to the side in humiliating agony.
“There’s that divine voice of yours,” Shouto chuckles, nipping your inner thigh playfully. Taking his fingers away, his thumb replaces them as it glides over your soaked slit, dipping into your clenched core amusedly before tearing it away again. Your destitute whine only feeds his dominance, and he rolls his thumb over your puffy nerve gently, enjoying how your hips buck weakly in response. “Come on now, angel. Just tell me what I want to hear.”
Your chest jolts as his thumb presses down just a pinch, cruising down to rub your entrance brusquely. “You’re the only one that can make me so breathless, Shouto. Please,” your voice wavers as you grovel, eyes locking with his, “Please, make me cum! I need your touch, I need your cock, I— I need you!”
Shouto’s gaze flickers for a moment before he smirks, ducking down to kiss your clit softly. “See, baby? Was that so hard?” He murmurs, his words rumbling on your shivering pussy before his tongue parts your folds, driving deep inside you.
You scream at the intense bliss as his thumb works quickly over your clit, his tongue assaulting your velvet insides. Your thighs weakly tighten around his head, your body unable to stay still as the pleasure wracks through you. Lewd moans and swears tumble out of you as you grind against his face, thrilled by the way his tongue never tires. The pressure between your legs is back and faster heightening, your eyes flying open in shock at how astonishingly fast your climax is approaching.
“S-Shouto, I— I’m—,” is all that you can get out before you seize in his arms, your entire body spasming in ecstasy. Shouto only pins your hips down against the mattress with his free hand, forcing your legs to stay open as he continues to assault your cunt, tongue pummeling your tender core and thumb abusing your clit. You can’t even let out a moan because your lungs are empty— all that slithers out of you a string of shrill and broken cries. The pleasure thrums through your body from head to toe, your fingers and toes curling and splaying as sweat runs down your skin.
Shouto diligently continues to lap at your cunt, slurping up the fresh essence dripping out of you onto the sheets. When he pulls back all he can see is your blissed-out, flustered expression, and your nipples standing upright in arousal. Wiping his chin with the back of his hand, he tears the shirt off his shoulders in one swift motion. His slacks shed just as quick, he grabs your hips and throws you onto your front, your face once again in his pillow. “You came without my permission, angel. You wanna be a slut? I’ll treat you like a fucking slut,” he snarls, rugged palms coiling around your hips and forcing them into the air, bending your spine so your body transforms into a delicious arch.
Your heart slams against your ribs in apprehension, your mind still too woozy to make a complaint as his cock plunges inside of you. Your walls spread for his length welcomingly, your arousal and your cum lubricating your cunt. Your eyes roll back at the fullness— the stretch of him stuffing your cunt with his thick cock so delectably euphoric. You’re so wet that it doesn’t even hurt as he impales you, pleasure the only feeling coursing through you.
Shouto growls, your pussy hugging his length so snugly he has to take a moment for his head to stop spinning. “Fuuuck,” he utters huskily, sliding out halfway and inspecting how your cunt grips his slippery cock so desperately.
You cry out as he thrusts back in, the angle already perfectly locating your g-spot and making stars flash across your vision. Your body shakes as a palm cracks against your ass, more tears collecting on your lower lashes at the pain that hurts so good.
Shouto grabs the tie around your wrists with the other hand, yanking your body backwards to slap against his hard torso. Hands flying to your hips, he drills into you as he holds you upright against him. Your breasts bounce as your back arches, cunt trembling at the familiar tension building deep inside of you.
“You wanna fuckin’ cum already, don’t you, slut?” Shouto barks, a hand leaving your hip to hold your breast, trapping your nipple between his long fingers. The friction he provides is exquisite, and long, unabashed moans float out of your parted lips.
“Yes! Yes! Please— Make me cum, Shouto!” You howl, your toes curling at the sacred pleasure so close to peaking within you. Lips latched onto the claim he had laid on your neck, his teeth pinch your skin. His ragged grunts in your ear make your core clench around him, about to reach salvation for the second time.
“Do it, Y/N. I want my slutty angel pussy to cum all over this cock,” he commands, forcing your hips to crash down onto his so his tip jabs your g-spot harshly.
Your body collapses at his approval, cunt squeezing and fluttering and leaking onto him as you release a lewd scream. White hot bliss shoots through you as sinful tides of delirium pull you under. Your body trembles as the ecstasy pulses in your veins, your jaw unhinged and your eyes rolled into your skull.
Shouto pushes you forward so your torso falls flat against the mattress limply. His hips do not stall, continuing to push into your tightened cunt with determination as he drags out your orgasm. “Where’s my nasty little brat now?” He laughs crudely, slapping your ass gently and grabbing the reddened flesh, pulling your hips back against his. “Nothing to say, hmm?”
As if your brain is functional enough to form words. Your limbs feel like jello, wiggling with pleasure and shock as he advances his plight. Your throat is dry from all the panting, your ass sore underneath Shouto’s oppressive grip. But it feels so fucking good, you can’t bring yourself to tell him to stop.
Shouto sucks a breath in between his grinding teeth, watching how your ass bounces against his pelvis as his cock slides into your depths. Sweat dripping down his chest and along your back, his hold on you is tight enough to cut off circulation. His lip twitches as he recognizes his orgasm creeping up inside, and he groans as he pulls out of you abruptly.
You whine at the loss, but you’re silenced immediately as he flips your body and presses his lips to yours. His kiss is pleasantly soft, a harsh contrast to his rough hands which slide around your back and fumble with the tie around your wrists. His tongue pushes inside your mouth, searching for yours and caressing it at first touch. Once the silky material slips off you, his hands rove over your breasts, massaging the heavy flesh tenderly as his cock brushes along your slit. A string of saliva stretches between you as his lips leave yours, a hot, breathy sigh fanning over your face. “This beautiful body is all mine, Y/N,” he whispers, tip slipping between your folds and entering your cunt with ease.
Your eyelids flutter shut at the feeling of your aching hole being filled once again, but the pain makes the pleasure so much more enjoyable. His lips wander along your neck as he begins to thrust into you, your legs wrapping around his waist. He kisses along your clavicle and down your breast, tongue washing over your nipple as his cock brushes along your velvet walls so perfectly.
The friction has your eyes nearly crossed, and the pleasure only intensifies when Shouto guides your legs to rest against his chest, your ankles by his ears. The angle allows greater access, his thick member reaching new depths that elicit a sharp gasp from you. His left hand pushes your abdomen down slightly, his thumb travelling south to flick along your clit lazily.
“Shit, Shouto, I— s-so sensitive,” you whimper, your hand timidly reaching out to rest on his flexing abdominal muscles. The sensation of him dragging against your g-spot so sensually causes your bottom lip to tremble, a tear sneaking down your cheek to land in your hair.
Shouto’s large hand guides yours to land on your thigh, and he tucks his arm so his own hand covers yours as he pulls your thighs closer to him. “One more, baby,” he moans, the thumb on your clit speeding up.
The extra attention summons that familiar build up in your core, a long whine falling from your lips. “I can’t, I can’t,” you mewl but your body says otherwise, pussy tightening slightly as your ankles cross behind his neck.
“I thought you wanted to cum, angel?” He uses your words against you as he sighs, hips picking up to ram into yours. He holds his breath as you clamp down on him, your sinful expression fueling his impending orgasm. “You gonna make me finish on my own?”
The thought of him blowing his load into you has you biting your lip, your hips shuffling against his. Shouto moans, thumb circling your puffy nerve even faster as he continues to pound into you. The sound of your skin slapping together fills the room, the only noise to interrupt that your huffs and moans.
Steam billows from Shouto’s nose as his eyes nearly close, his abs flexing out of his torso as he fights to keep his orgasm at bay. His heavy breath and visible restraint convince your body to give in, and you weep as you sink into euphoria for the third time tonight. Shouto’s right there with you, a strangled growl mixed with a moan ripping from his lungs as his seed spurts into you, his cock twitching and balls draining as he falls to his elbows above you.
Your body feels sluggish as your limbs tremble slightly, the high from your orgasm still clouding your brain as your arms wrap around Shouto’s shoulders. His cold breath refreshes the moist, flushed skin on your neck, long eyelashes tickling your jaw as your nails scrape carefully down his spine.
When he pulls out your body feels incomplete, but Shouto nuzzles into your jaw affectionately, his hands sliding between the damp sheets and your skin to hold you close. He scatters sluggish, persistent kisses along your throat and up your jaw. And when he moves to your face, they only become longer and more intimate, gently guiding you back to reality.
You sigh in content as you lean in to capture his lips, moving sweet and slow against each other. Your digits amble into his hair, combing back the soft tresses so you can see more of his charming face. He moans at your touch, pleased by the soothing sensation of your fingers feathering along his scalp. His own hand follows your lead, fingers steering a stray hair off your forehead and gliding into your tresses to hold your head in his palm.
The pair of you continue to kiss for who knows how long, touching each other tenderly and savoring the feeling of skin against skin. Your lips melding into one, cradling one another fragilely as if you mutually fear the other will break without your embrace. You could spend eternity like this, high off his ambrosial, tender care.
You are the one to pull away first, knowing Shouto would keep this going until morning if he didn’t think you’d come back down from your high. Not that you would mind that, but you should probably clean up the mess that your passionate session had created— his release beginning to trickle out of you onto the sheets. As he pulls back, the emotions swirling in his striking two-toned gaze shock you. His brow is slightly creased as he nibbles at the corner of his lip, eyes darting around your face.
“I’ll be right back,” he murmurs, sitting up and scooting off the mattress, disappearing around the corner of the bathroom door. The sound of water splashing in the sink fills the silence as you sit still, closing your eyes as the cogs in your brain begin to turn.
Oh god, you’d been so shameless tonight— you’d taunted him and he had made you fall apart and beg in return, bending to his every command. Sure, he had always been the dominant one in your rendezvous before, but tonight was different. He had been jealous, when he had no right to be. But is that why your heart is beating so quickly in your chest? Suddenly you’re anxious, overthinking as usual. This is just sex, right?
But then, why did you leave Shinsou’s side so quickly at the bar when Shouto had been the one to cancel on you? And then there was that, too— why had he just ditched his friends in the middle of boys’ night when it was the reason he cancelled on you in the first place? And he had clearly been furious at the thought of you spending the night with another man. Was it because he knew Shinsou? Or was it because he wanted to be exclusive with you?
Well, if he wanted to be exclusive friends with benefits, isn’t that the same thing as dating? Would he ever date someone like you? Wait, would you even be willing to date him? Do you want him to be your… boyfriend? Your eyes widen and a pink girlish blush emerges on your cheeks at the label. What are you, eight years old? Why do you feel so giddy at the possibility of him wanting you, for more than your body?
Shouto strolls out of the bathroom just in time to catch that embarrassing look on your face, but he only smiles sincerely at you and it makes you blush even harder. What the hell? You’re extra submissive for one night and now you’re thinking about your feelings for him? Wait, did you just admit you have feelings for him?
He clambers over to you in the middle of the bed, a washcloth draped on his slender finger. He leans down and pecks you like it’s no big deal, humming as his lips linger on yours just long enough to make you want more. Your body jumps at the feeling of the damp warmth the towel provides, but you relax as the feeling soothes your aching core.
“Was that okay? How do you feel, baby?” Shouto asks softly, watchful eyes gauging your expression as you look at him. “You seemed like you were enjoying yourself, but, I wasn’t too rough, was I?”
You let out a breathless, mirthful chuckle at his concern, reaching out to put your hand on his strong arm. “No, I’m fine. And it was… great. Mind-blowing, actually,” you smile at him bashfully, hoping it was just as good for him.
Shouto’s eyes twinkle as he smiles back, nodding slowly. “It was, wasn’t it?” He helps you sit up, maneuvering you carefully off the bed and gesturing for you to use the bathroom.
After relieving yourself, you look at yourself in the mirror that hangs above the sink, vision falling on the massive bruise blossoming on your neck. You sigh when you inspect the purple mark, but when your gaze floats back to your face, you’re dumbstruck to find yourself grinning like a fool. Terror and thrill floods through you at the realization that if any other guy had left a mark this nasty on you, you’d be furious. And yet, having Shouto’s claim on you makes you feel like the luckiest girl on the planet.
Shit. Looks like you do want him to be your boyfriend.
You’re half expecting the reflection to show a stupid cartoon character with the way that your heart feels like it’s thumping out of your chest. Taking in a deep breath, you determinedly point at yourself in the mirror and breath out shakily, “You can do this.”
Exiting the bathroom, you return to find Shouto leaning against the headboard, the sheets pulled up to his waist and his fingers rubbing together awkwardly. His eyes on his lap, he almost looks anxious. But he notices your presence right away, peeling back the corner of the blanket and beckoning you to slide in.
Placing yourself stiffly on the side of the bed, you take in his confused expression. “I need to tell you something,” you say as steadily as possible. Man, that’s a scary sentence, even if you’re not on the receiving end.
Shouto’s lips part and he looks like he wants to say something, but he swallows whatever it was down and nods, his expression guarded. “I’m all ears,” he replies, placing his hand on the pillow in front of you.
With the spotlight on you, your throat feels dry as dirt, and you nervously shuffle, suddenly very conscious of your nakedness. “Um,” falls out of your mouth, anything to split the suffocating silence. Your palms are clammy, and your fingers delve into the folds of the sheets to hide your nerves. “I know this is gonna sound kind of lame, but… well, I um…” Shouto’s gaze is burning your face, your cheeks redder than ever as you will this humiliation to just end already. Sucking in another breath, the words blurt out of you. “I have feelings for you.”  
The surprise on his features is unmistakable. All you can do is stare at him, frozen in uncertainty but strangely enough it feels like a weight has been lifted off your chest. A heavy one at that— one whose existence you refused to acknowledge until ten minutes ago.
“R-Really?” Shouto stutters, looking like he’s just seen a ghost with how wide his eyes are.
You aren’t sure how to take that response, but as soon as your gaze falls from his, his hand shoots out to latch onto your wrist. When you look back at him, a different emotion is painted over his face, one of… hope?
“I have feelings for you, too, Y/N,” he whispers, his own blush dusting over his cheeks. His eyes are soulful and hold nothing but candor and content.
Before you can process his words, his hands are rounding your waist and pulling your body toward his. A different kind of high bursts through you as his lips touch yours, joy storming through the both of you and warm, tingly static crackling between you. These kisses feel different— your heart feels like it’s about to pop, swelling with excitement and relief. Shouto begins to laugh against your lips, and the alluring sound infects you, too, as you join him with a giggle. The both of you are laughing at nothing in particular, but you don’t need a reason to let the noises of elation loose.
Once your laughter ceases, Shouto collects your chin in his hand and places a gentle kiss upon your grinning lips. When he pulls back, his eyes contain a wisp of that jealous fire that had consumed him only hours earlier, and he shoots you a mischievous smirk as he squeezes your ass playfully. “Do you think Shinsou could ever make you feel this good, angel?”
You roll your eyes, chuckling in exasperation at this man’s relentless, absurd envy. “Hmm,” you pretend to think for a moment before you lean closer to him, hands hung loosely around the back of his neck. “Shinsou? Never heard of him.”
  ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
you reached the end!! thanks for reading this long ass fic lmao, i know it was an investment. I hope the ending was not too cringe, I usually just end my fics after the nut but I wanted to try something new :’)  be sure to lmk if you enjoyed <3
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𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐩𝐢 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞��𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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shinsorokiri · 4 years
Can we have a headcannons of shinso,hawks, aizawa, and dabi finds out their female s/o (s/o has a really powerful quirk) was badly injured by an unknown villain and s/o were not going to able use her quirk anymore. By the time their s/o wake up, s/o Actually lost all of her Memories, please?
Shinsou, Hawks, Aizawa, and Dabi HCs
Warnings: Language, violence, mentions of stab wounds, sad bois
A/N: This was a trip to write! This was the first time I ever wrote for anyone other than Shinsou, so I hope I did okay! I changed it a little so the reader lost all/most of her memories in regards to her s/o because I didn’t want to go so far back as to take away absolutely everything including her memories on how to walk, talk, etc. because could you imagine how genuinely traumatic that would be? I would have no idea how to properly write about that. Also, the villain is similar to Ty Lee from Avatar: The Last Airbender. They’re able to block someone’s chi flow, and in doing so are able to take away a quirk and people’s memories. I hope this is to your liking, and thank you so much for requesting!!
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shinsou hitoshi | mindjack
After graduating UA the two of you immediately became underground heroes
And of course who better to train under than Aizawa
But in all seriousness
You two were a force to be reckoned with
The mix of your insanely powerful quirk and his with his top notch physical combat skills really came in handy for catching and apprehending criminals
The only problem was that you two constantly tried to save each other
If anything went wrong
One of you guaranteed would sacrifice yourselves to save each other
And so far it hadn’t been anything too bad
A few broken bones
A couple of scars
Lots of reprimanding on both ends
But today was different
You and Shinsou were fighting a new villain
And his hand to hand combat rivaled Shinsou’s
And while they were fighting
You saw him about to strike Shinsou on the back of his neck
You being you
Jumped in the way
Instead getting whatever punch that villain was about to throw
You thought that was it
Until you felt the villain hit you a few more times
And you fell down on the ground
But hey that’s nothing
You can still defend yourself with your quirk
But wait
Why isn’t your quirk working?
What is going on?
You keep trying to activate your quirk but literally nothing is happening
Which is not good
Especially considering the villain has his attention focused all on you now
“Hitoshi! He-”
You can’t even finish your sentence before the villain is hurting you
And they’re hurting you bad
Hitoshi catches him in his binding cloth as fast as he can
But not before the villain knocks you unconscious
The craziest thing Hitoshi noticed was that the villain knocked you unconscious with just one hit to the back of the neck
The one he tried to use on him earlier
Hitoshi keeps him trapped in his binding cloth
And is high-key glaring at this dude
“What did you do to her?!”
The villain just laughs
No response
And Hitoshi can’t help it
His anger overtook him
And next thing he knew
The bad guy was also unconscious on the ground
He runs over to you
Saying your name to see if your responsive
Which you aren’t
Which scares him
He notifies the hero agencies in the area about the villain
And waits until some of them show up before hurrying you to the hospital
Luckily you have a pulse
You’re just very beat up right now
And for some reason you weren’t using your quirk earlier
Hitoshi noticed that
He also noticed the fear in your voice when you screamed his name
That was uncharacteristic of you
Regardless he gets you to the hospital
And they take you back right away
The best healing quirks in the place get to work on you as soon as possible
All the while Hitoshi just waits
He’s absolutely terrified
He can’t lose you
You’ve been the best thing in his life since high school
There’s absolutely no way he can lose you and make it out okay
He’s notified that you’re in stable condition
But probably won’t wake up for a few days
And that when they did a scan of your brain to see if you had a concussion or brain damage
Something seemed wrong with it
Parts of your brain that should be working just weren’t
And of course that freaked him out
But he pretended like he understood everything
In front of the doctor at least
When he was in the room with you alone though?
Boy was sobbing
He was a mess
All he wanted was to turn back time and make sure none of this ever happened
He blames himself
Of course he does
He was there
And he still couldn’t save you
He stays by your side for the next multiple days
He will be there when you wake up
And every day you’re getting better
And eventually
You wake up
now he’s ecstatic when you wake up
Even though you look very confused
You’re awake
That’s the best thing ever
“Oh my god (Y/n) you had me so worried I thought you were never going to wake up again and I was just so freaked out and-”
“Shinsou? Why do you look, like… older…?”
Two things
You haven’t called him Shinsou in years
The last time you did was probably a few weeks into you two dating
Then you made the transfer to Hitoshi
Because you were his girlfriend
Granted you started dating your third year at UA
But you were friends for a year before that
And older?
What was that supposed to mean?
“Uh… what do you mean…?”
“You don’t look seventeen anymore… you look like… a little older? What’s going on?”
Did you think that he was seventeen?
He must have look confused
Because you started blushing
He always found it cute when he made you blush like that
Not making sense in front of him was something that you hated because he would turn it around and make fun of your for it later
But he didn’t like it right now
“(Y/n)… have we graduated UA yet…?”
“What? No… we’re in our second year… right…?”
Big fucking ouch
You think you’re still in high school
And to make matters worse
It’s the year before you two started dating
You don’t remember anything you two have done together
At all
“Shinsou… are you crying?”
He didn’t even realize there were tears coming out of his eyes
“Uh… yeah. Um. We’re not in high school anymore. We graduated.”
He presses the call nurse button
And then a nurse and a doctor come in the room
You look at him with a confused expression as he just stares at the ground
The best parts of his life are gone from your memory
That’s what the doctor meant by parts of your brain weren’t working
And he was devastated
And maybe this had something to do with you not using your quirk during the fight
The only thing he could think about was going to the prison that villain was in
And he didn’t care what he had to do
He would get answers from him
He would find a way to fix this
He had to
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aizawa shouta | eraser head
Workplace romances are such a cliché
But that didn’t stop you and Shouta
I mean how could it when he looked like that
Y’all had lowkey crushes on each other ever since you first met each other two years ago
But it escalated into something much more intense
Not that either of you were complaining
And yes
The kids did ship you two
And yes
The kids were scared of both of you
But they loved how strong and how protected they felt with both of you around
And they loved how strong and protected the two of you were over each other every time ether of you saw any danger
You were there to save him
And he was always there to save you from whatever was about to happen to you
He only didn’t make it in time the one moment it mattered the most
The League of Villains infiltrated the school again
And this time at night
When all the teachers were supposed to be sleeping
But fortunately for your students
You and Aizawa had been on edge and taking shift staying up all night to make sure they were safe
And you were awake the moment the League popped in
You immediately got to work
Easily taking down many of the villains
And in the commotion
Aizawa woke up
Along with many of the other pro-hero teachers
So everything should have been fine
That is until a new villain appeared
No one has seen this person before now
And they took no time in fighting you
You were the one who stopped all the others after all
And they were very agile
Very good at hand to hand combat
Aizawa saw what was happening and tried to rush over to assist you
But before he could get there the villain grabbed you
And hit you in multiple points of your body
Aizawa saw panic flash through your eyes as you fell to the ground
You held our your hand to use your quirk
But nothing happened
You tried again
But there was nothing
And that’s when the villain started mercilessly beating you!
Love it
And Aizawa couldn’t even help
Because another villain started going after Aizawa
Which meant he couldn’t get to you
All he could do was hear you getting hurt
And see it out of the corner of his eye while fighting off the villain
It didn’t take him long to capture the villain
But it took long enough
When he ran over to you
You were on the verge of being unconscious
And the villain hit you in the back of your neck
And a weird light thing emitted from their fingertips
And you were knocked out
The villain was about to attack Aizawa
But before they could they were pulled back into one of Kurogiri’s portals
And then they were gone
Aizawa picked you up
Wincing at how bloody, bruised, and broken you looked
Genuinely very panicked
He rushed to the infirmary
And Recovery Girl was woken up in the commotion
Waiting to heal a broken bone or two
She was not expecting to see what Aizawa brought to her
She went to work as soon as you got there, though
Healing most of your injuries
But she could just
Sense that something was wrong
Something was very unnatural about you right now
She let Aizawa know something was wrong
And he started panicking right away
What did she mean something is wrong?
What could that possibly even mean?
He found out that one of the things that meant
Was that you weren’t going to wake up for a few days
Recovery Girl would help heal you every day
Constantly trying to help you wake up
But that weird off feeling never left her
And then you woke up
And after talking with you for five minutes
She knew exactly what was wrong
And then she asked you to use your quirk
And she realized just how genuinely bad this situation you were in was
She went to Aizawa’s class
Calling him out to the hall
He was in the middle of lecturing 1-A
But he left without hesitation
“Did she wake up?”
“Yes… but-”
“But? There’s a but?”
Now Aizawa usually never interrupts Recovery Girl
But this was about you
And she knew that
So she didn’t sass him for once
“She doesn’t remember the past few years of her life.”
“She… she doesn’t know who you are, Aizawa.”
He’s quiet
You didn’t know who he was?
“And she still can’t use her quirk… I don’t know what that villain did to her, but she’s showing no signs in regaining anything. Besides, she didn’t even have a concussion or anything and I’ve never seen a quirk like hers just… get taken away like this.”
Aizawa still says nothing
He’s hearing everything
But he doesn’t really feel like doing anything right now
He just wants to zip himself up in his sleeping bag
I mean
He truthfully just wants to hold you
But now that you don’t know who he is?
That probably wouldn’t go well
And he is not taking it well
He goes back in his room
But he doesn’t resume the lecture
He just says that they’re going to study quietly for the rest of the day
He doesn’t care right now
Besides they do have exams coming up and knowing over half of these kids they could use some goddamn study time
But they can tell something is just wrong
Especially when he just curls up in his sleeping bag
He makes sure to face away from them so they don’t see his tears
Of course after around fifteen minutes of this
Present Mic comes in
He heard about what happened
So he told Aizawa he was there to take over his class
Aizawa left without a word
And beyond his better judgement
He went to the infirmary
He stood outside for a few minutes before Recovery Girl came to the door
“If you want to see her you can, I’m sure she’d love to know who she’s been intimate with for the past year and a half of her life.”
He nods
Making sure he doesn’t look too much like shit
Then walking in
Sure enough you’re awake
But when you look at him he doesn’t see the usual sparkle you get in your eye
And instead of the smile that screams ‘that’s my boyfriend!’
It’s just a polite smile
“Hi… I’m sorry, but do I know you?”
His voice comes out quieter than he intended
It’s hard to hear that come from you
And he isn’t necessarily happy that it’s coming from you
“Oh… well, um… this is awkward but-”
“I know you don’t remember. And that’s okay. I just… wanted to see you.”
He doesn’t really want to come out and say ‘hey! you’re my girlfriend! we’re in love! i love you!’
But he knows he’ll have to
He could stay quiet
But that wouldn’t be fair to you
And he hates keeping things from you
“Oh? Would you mind telling me who you are?”
He takes a deep breath
Clearing his throat to fight back the tears threatening to start again
He won’t cry in front of you, though
He won’t let himself
He doesn’t want to make it worse for you
“I’m Aizawa Shouta, and we’ve been a couple for the past year and a half. I don’t know if I should have told you that, but honesty is just really important to me and well… I never lied to you or kept anything from you before and I’m not about to start doing that now.”
You stare at him without saying anything for what feels like forever
Until you finally speak again
“Could you… tell me about our relationship…? I have to admit, you’re a very attractive man, so… I’m willing to try if you are.”
Now he’s crying
And as much as he wants all of your memories to come back
He doesn’t care if they do
He doesn’t even care if you want to actually take him back
All he knows is that you’re never getting hurt again
No matter if it kills him
He’ll keep you safe now
No matter what
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keigo takami | hawks
Keigo always worried about you
He couldn’t help it
It’s just the way he is
But no matter how much he worries he always knows that you’re strong and you can defend yourself
I mean, you were one of the best pro-heroes in the field
And yes
He did constantly brag about how you were amazing
He just preferred when you were amazing with him
That way he can assist in making sure you are okay
And in his worrying he may sometimes fly around where you’re patrolling just to check in
He also just misses seeing your face sometimes
Someone is whipped
But yeah he was flying around where you were on patrol today
Just looking to see you and maybe swoop down and annoy you for a bit
But for some reason he can’t??? seem???? to find you????
And now he was concerned and alert
It’s very unlike you to not be where you’re supposed to be
You’re very passionate about helping people after all
He circles keeps flying around until he spots on of your sidekicks
Who admittedly looks very stressed
He lands next to them
Scaring the shit out of them in the process
“Hey kid, any idea where (Y/n) might be? Haven’t seen her and I circled this area like seven times.”
Your sidekick doesn’t say anything for a second
Because they’re thinking of how to phrase what happened
And that extra moment of silence just proved to Keigo that something was definitely wrong
“Where is (Y/n)?”
Keigo’s fun loving demeanor everyone loves s completely gone
He looks very serious
It’s only to cover how scared he is though
Doesn’t mean your sidekick isn’t intimidated
“We were all fighting this villain who made their first appearance today and uh… they kind sorta maybe did something that may have taken away (Y’n)’s quirk and then they kinda ‘made an example of her’ and now she’s in the hospital…”
Keigo immediately takes off for the hospital
He doesn’t even say anything else to your poor sidekick who now thinks Hawks is going to hate them for not helping you
When his phone was constantly buzzing he just assumed it was the Hero Commission getting on his ass for posting that picture of you and him kissing on instagram
So he just let it buzz
He never even looked at his screen
Until now of course
And just as he expected
All the buzzing?
Actually missed calls from you
If he would have checked, then maybe you wouldn’t be hurt
He’s at the hospital in like
Five seconds flat
Don’t underestimate his already speedy self when it comes to you
He hurries in and sees another one of your sidekicks about to leave
“Where is she?”
Your other sidekick points in the direction, telling him your room
He’s about to sprint there when suddenly your other sidekick stops him
“Hawks, I just need to warn you. It’s… pretty bad. Not only did the villain beat her within an inch of her life but she wasn’t able to use her quirk at all after he did this weird hitting pattern thing. She’s probably not going to wake up for some time.”
Keigo just stares at them
And they hurry away
Which causes him to deadass RUN to your hospital room
Sure enough you’re lying there
Lots of machines hooked up to you
He expected it to be bad
But he didn’t expect it to be this bad
He hurries over to you
Grabbing a random chair and sliding it so he could be at your bedside
And he carefully grabs your hand
He doesn’t realize he’s crying until he tastes his tears
He could have prevented this
If he would have just come to see you a little bit earlier
If he would have just checked his phone
This is how he feels about the entire situation for the rest of his life
Especially for the two weeks you were unconscious in a hospital bed
Luckily, you were a graduate from UA and when Recovery Girl heard what happened she began helping your healing process
It definitely sped up your recovery a lot
And Keigo was very grateful
He just wanted to talk to you again
Maybe even hug him if he weren’t in deep shit for unintentionally ignoring your calls
So imagine how sad he got when he came to the hospital after his patrol (like he did every day) only to find out you woke up without him being there
Bird boi did a big sad
But he was anxious to finally talk to you again
At this point he would be genuinely happy if you started yelling at him
He missed you 🥺
He made his way to your room
Nervous but excited to see you again
When suddenly
A doctor stops him
“Oh, it’s okay! I’m her boyfriend, I’ve been coming here every-”
“I know. I just need to prepare you for what you’re about to see. Something that that villain did cut off her connection to the part of her brain that has the knowledge and information of her quirk, meaning she has no recollection on how to access it. Now she remembers having a quirk, and not being able or knowing how to use it has been very upsetting for her... how long have you two been together?”
“One year.”
“How long have you known her?”
“We met two and a half years ago when she first became a pro... why?”
Keigo isn’t stupid
He has an idea why the doctor is asking this
But he doesn’t want it to be true
“The villain also cut the connection of her brain that consists of her long term memory. Fortunately, it didn’t make her forget too much...”
Oh thank god, for a second Keigo though that you wouldn’t remem-
“Just the past two years... but I’m sure she’ll still be happy to see you.”
Keigo stares at the doctor with a blank face
The past two years?
That means that you’ll barely know him
Yeah you guys got along before you started dating
Obviously you were friends
Keigo doesn’t trust easily so entering a real relationship with someone he just met is a no go
But this means that so much of what you two have is just
“Uh... Hawks?”
The doctor is looking down at his arm to which Keigo follows the gaze
Somewhere in his thoughts he latched onto this man’s arm
To be fair he was doing everything in his power to have a mental break right then and there
He let go
“Sorry. I... can I still see her?”
“Yes, just try not to confuse her, please?”
Hawks nods
He walks in the room and sees you sitting up
You’re gazing out the window when you turn your head to look at him
The shock is evident in your face
“Hawks? What are you doing here?”
Two years was before you knew his real name
“Thought you could use the company. After all, not many heroes get attacked by an unknown villain and survive.”
“Did Miruko set you up to this? Really, it’s okay, you don’t need to-“
“I’ve had my fair share of close calls, dove, but... I never had to go what you’re going through, and I need to be here to help. Helping people is what I do, after all.”
He sees a small smile break out across your face
“Thank you.”
The two of you talk for a few hours
He catches you up on everything he can
But he can’t bring himself to let you know about your relationship
Or maybe he just can’t say out-loud that you don’t remember who he really is
Maybe it would just hurt too much
Regardless, he has to leave eventually
And when he does he makes it a point to find out who this villain was that just uprooted yours and his lives
And he knows just the person to ask
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todoroki touya | dabi
Heroes destroy everything
That’s what Dabi has always thought
And he’s not about to change his mind any time soon
Especially after what happened to you
He normally doesn’t get attached to people
But your annoying ass somehow managed to cling to him
And after about six months he didn’t mind it
He actually really enjoyed it
Not that he’d ever tell you just how much he enjoyed it
But you were the first and only person he’s even let near the real him
So even though he’s a little shit who pretends he doesn’t care about anything
When it comes to you
It’s very obvious just how much he gives a fuck
Which is why the series of events that happened to you absolutely destroyed him
It was just a normal day like any other
He was at the hideout while you and a few others were on a mission for the League
Now was he okay with you going on this mission without him?
Not necessarily
But it turns out that’s what happened anyways
To be fair Dabi did go a little too hard on his last mission and he’s still recovering
But he was still pissed he couldn’t go
Regardless, Dabi was waiting for you and the rest of the League to come back
Casually sitting on the couch
Smoking a cigarette in solitude
When suddenly
The rest of the League burst through one of Kurogiri’s portals
And to say they were frantic was an understatement
Dabi looks over
His usual uninterested expression present on his face
Until he sees who Magne is carrying
Spoiler: it’s you
And you’re unconscious
And you lowkey look dead
And that is the reason his cigarette literally bursts into flames
He’s snatching you from Magne before any of the other villains even have the chance to start speaking
“What the fuck happened.”
He doesn’t necessarily ask
He more demands to know
Shigaraki walks past him, obviously annoyed because he’s scratching at his neck again
“There’s a new Underground Hero after us.”
“Don’t you fucking walk away from me right now, why does my girlfriend look fucking dead you fucking-“
“She threw herself at the hero because unlike you, she somewhat understands that me ending up like how she is right now would put an end to this entire thing.”
Dabi glares at Shigaraki
So the reason the only person he’s ever trusted in this world is severely injured is Shigaraki
“Why wouldn’t you-”
“She’s faster than me. Or she was. Whatever the hero did took away her quirk. That’s why she’s like that. Now leave me alone, I need to reevaluate everything now because of this little incident…”
Shigaraki starts muttering as he walks to his room
Dabi glares at the others before taking you into his room
He lays you on his bed and assesses you for injuries
He isn’t the best at treating things
But the deep cuts where it seems like you could bleed out at any second?
He can help with those
You’re probably going to kill him for the scars, though
He doesn’t really have time to think about that though considering you’re dying on him
He immediately begins cauterizing your wounds
For like the first time ever the familiar scent of burnt flesh makes him frown
But it’s only because he knows that it’s your flesh that’s burning
He carefully removes your destroyed villain costume
Placing you in one of his hoodies
Specifically the one he knows you love
Even though he barely lets you wear it because he knows you love it and he loves to piss you off
You always say it smells like him and you like it
Which he doesn’t really understand because he doesn’t wear cologne and he’s pretty sure he reeks of cigarettes, burning flesh, and alcohol
But you say there’s a comforting kind of campfire smell mixed in there too
Plus, he wears deodorant so there’s that smell too
He figures you’ll appreciate it when you wake up
If you wake up
He begins bandaging you up
He’s very careful to clean everything to ensure nothing becomes infected
Of course he’s just recalling what you do for him from memory
He’s hoping he’s doing well
After he finishes all that, he checks to see if you have any broken bones
Much to his relief, it doesn’t seem like it
Just a lot of bruises in random places
And y’know
Several severe puncture wounds
At least none of them were in lethal places
Damn heroes and their ways of not killing unless absolutely necessary
Just severely injuring
It’s obvious that that hero was trying to prove a point in hurting you like this
But how did he even manage to get you?
You’re usually so quick in fights because your quirk
Shigaraki said something about your quirk being gone or something?
Dabi is sure it’s only for a day
Maybe two
It’s not for good...
He sighs, getting into his bed with you
He gently pulls you against him
He wants you to know you’re safe when you wake up
As safe as you can be in a bar full of villains and with one of the most dangerous and angry ones holding you in his arms of course
He also just wants to know that you’re here
And you’re okay
Because you have to be okay
He glances at the clock in his room
And sees that it’s late
He should sleep
Key word should
But he’s a little preoccupied in his mind going through the ways he’s going to torture and kill whoever did this to you
And this goes on for a week
He doesn’t sleep
He barely eats
He spends all his time with you
Anyone who gives him shit gets a new burn mark on them
Sorry not sorry Twice
He makes sure to change your bandages and check in on your every day
Which is very unlike him
And he knows it
And honestly he hates it
But you’re special to him
And even though he’s a heartless piece of shit who loves to make fun of you and pretend like he doesn’t care
He does
He really does
So imagine how happy he feels when one day he’s holding you
Like he always does
And then you twitch
He immediately sits up, staring down at you
And sure enough, you open your eyes
He can’t hide the small smile that spreads across his face
“Looks like someone’s lazy ass decided it was time to finally wake up.”
He expects to hear one of your sarcastic quips about how you were just brutally beat and how you don’t need his snarky comments at a time like this
But you just stare at him
And you look... confused?
“What’s wrong, doll?”
His voice changes from sarcastic to concerned
Why were you being quiet?
You were never quiet with him
“I’m sorry it’s just... who are you?”
He genuinely feels like his heart stops beating
That’s not a cute thing to do to him
“Very funny, (Y/n). Can you see how amused I am? How much I’m laughing at this shitty attempt of a joke.”
“I’m being serious, asshole. Who the fuck are you, where the fuck am I, and why does everything hurt so much?”
He freezes
“You really don’t remember me...?”
“Should I?”
“Considering I’m your fucking boyfriend, yeah. You should.”
“Oh. Well, sorry. No idea who you are. Don’t even know your name and, wait boyfriend? I have a boyfriend?”
Okay this is officially not a joke now
He tries to get what happened out of you
But, as he expected, you have no idea
He clenches his fist
A flame appearing
“Woah there, hotshot, calm down. You’re still sexy as hell even if I can’t remember you, so you have a good chance with me again. Just... tell me where I am? What’s going on? Your name...? Why the eerie smell of deaht mixed with a campfire is actually very soothing to me right now?”
He tells you everything
And that campfire comment low-key made his heart swell because awwww his little crazy doll is just genuinely crazy and enjoys the smell without even knowing it’s his how sweet 🥺
But he has to ask Toga for help to explain what happened to you
And he realizes that wow
If your memory is gone then your quirk is probably definitely gone too
He leaves you with Toga so she can tell you all about how good of friends you two are
And goes to Shigaraki’s room
He doesn’t even knock before entering but before Shigaraki can scream at him Dabi asks a simple question
“Where can I find this new hero?”
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weirdthinkingdragon · 3 years
Welcome To The Family (4/???)
1/ 2/ 3 here
Note- This festival is a different one than the festival arc.  Sorry if the ending seems kinda sudden. Didn’t really know how to end it. 
I’m unsure what time exactly they will be here. They probably should have told me that before, now that I think about it. Luckily, everyone is passed out by sunrise so that’s not an issue of them seeing who is in the vehicle. My issue is them possibly entering here, so I should probably wait outside. 
On my way to get outside, I run into the mold-quirked male. He’s passed out on the floor in the hall. His really long, oddly-textured white hair sprawled everywhere around him. I’ve never touched it, but just by looking at it, the hair seems weird. It looks like what fuzzy mold possibly feels like if that makes sense. Makes me wonder if his hair IS mold. Gross, no thanks. 
I wonder whether to wake him or let him sleep. I decided to just let him sleep and walk over his body. 
Exiting the building, it was like there was never loud music blaring, or even a party. No mess anywhere. That must be how they get away with it. 
I brought my money with me to play a few games, but nothing extreme. Of course, I should be safe around three heroes, but not taking any chances is still the better option than bringing all of it. 
It only takes a few minutes for the familiar black car to pull up. Being texted they were on their way would have been nice, but beggars can’t be choosers. Hitoshi exits the car for me to get in. 
I’m greeted by the very happy smile of Eri. That will never be a tiring sight to see. I buckle up and lean over since her arms are outstretched for a hug. 
From the view of Aizawa in the front, he’s dressed decently today, and even his hair looks much tidier than I’ve ever seen it. The same for the first time he’s wearing something besides his hero outfit. No doubt Hizashi made him do it, or even more likely he did it for Aizawa himself. He still has that scarf though. I resist the urge to laugh at the thought of him unwillingly being tidied up by Hizashi. 
In speaking of Hizashi, I’ve never seen his hair not standing up before. It’s a good look in the half-bun, but I wonder what it would look like fully down. Nope, don’t think too far into that. That’s kinda weird. 
“Morning Y/N!” Hizashi exclaims. 
“Morning guys! What’s planned first when we get there?”
“Eri wants to get a candy apple. She loves them after last time.”
I look at her. “Candy apples? Why did you never tell me? We could have made those at some point before.” 
“It should be more of a treat than a daily thing,” Aizawa says. 
“Says the one who pretty much lives off jelly pouches,” Hizashi informs.
“Like you’re much better with forgetting sometimes to eat at all.” Aizawa shoots back at him. 
Jelly pouches? How in the world is he still in such great shape then? Obviously fighting and training often helps, but that sounds like multiple deficiencies just waiting to happen. Same with Hizashi. Jeez, these two seem rather irresponsible sometimes. At least they’re focused on their kids since I’ve never heard Eri telling me they forgot to feed her. 
“You know how to make them?” Hitoshi asks. 
I look at him and nod. “Yep. I helped a friend in the past who was in a candy apple tournament with their other friends. Whoever could make the coolest-looking ones wins. They sadly got second place, but to me, galaxy apples look a lot cooler than the tree candy apples that won. You couldn’t even bite the top of the silly things without breaking your teeth!” 
Eri gasps and puts a hand on her mouth in the thought of breaking her teeth. 
“Don’t worry. I wouldn’t make them even if I could.”
She nods relieved. 
We get to the festival and Hizashi finds somewhere to park the car. 
Walking around, I could swear we passed a few familiar faces to me. The games are rather interesting and pull me towards them, but we can go to them later since Eri wants a candy apple. 
I notice Hizashi and Aizawa refraining from holding hands though they seem to want to. I try to come up with a reason for why that might be. Not very likely they’d be recognized by villains since they look like entirely different people. Hmm… Obviously, Hitoshi and Eri wouldn’t care. 
The only other thing I can think of is their students. Of course, their students might be able to recognize them. Did they not tell their students they’re married or something? I know Midoriya wouldn’t care since I met him, but maybe there are a few in his class that wouldn’t be too open-minded about it? It’s not my place, whatever is the cause. I do feel a little bad though they can’t act normally. 
Hizashi suddenly stops, making the rest of us stop, and pulls out his phone. He reads something with a frown forming on his face. He pockets it and looks at me. “Yo, Y/n? Could ya hang out with Hitoshi and Eri alone for a bit? Sho and I gotta go take care of something that came up.” 
Hero work I’m guessing. Poor guys, they really can’t seem to catch a break. “Of course!” 
They both then run back in the direction we came from. I look at Eri and Hitoshi. “Well, should we continue looking?” 
Eri happily nods.
Hitoshi goes in front of me with Eri, probably leading the way since he seems to know where they are. I stay rather close behind them so no one gets between us and we lose each other from how crowded it seems to be in this area. 
Over the music, I can swear I hear tiny explosions quickly getting louder, and maybe closer? Coming from behind me. I turn around to see people clearing from behind me to show an angry blond coming up incredibly quickly. Explosions crackling from his hands. His feral glaring face was enough to put so much fear in me that I freeze in my place. I clench my eyes closed and wait for an impact that no doubt is going to be painful.
“Kacchan, stop! They’re Eri’s babysitter!!!” A very familiar voice yells to the blond in front of me. 
He stops with one of his hands millimeters from my face. I can hear the sizzling and feel the heat radiating off of it onto my face. I slowly open my eyes to meet his still-glaring ones. 
… Isn’t he one of Aizawa’s and Hizashi’s students? I think he was one farther in the back frowning in the picture I saw on my first day. 
In the blink of an eye, Hitoshi slightly pulls me back, and stands in front of me, preventing the blond from coming close again. Midoriya is running up to us as well. He tries to cheer me up by giving me a kind wave. It does little to help my still-panicked state. 
Eri hugs me by my side in worry. I feel like fainting. 
The blond becomes slightly less tense at realizing she’s hugging me.
“Hah? How the hell was I supposed to know with the way the damn extra was following so closely?”
“Uh… Kacchan, I don’t think Shinsou would be so open for attacks…” 
The blond glares at him like Midoriya is the dumbest person on the planet. He refused to reply, and just storms off. 
Midoriya looks at me and smiles sheepishly with one of his hands behind his head. “So sorry about that! Kacchan can be rather… headstrong when villains might be involved.”
I just shakily nod. “Uh… y-yeah, good first impression.” 
Hitoshi’s face grows into one of great worry, and I think some anger. He puts one of his arms behind my back as a sort of comfort and support. Surprisingly, it helps a little bit. 
“I think I need to sit down for a moment.” 
“There should be some benches not too far from here,” Midoriya informs, and we get there after a bit. Miraculously, one of them was empty. I sit down with Hitoshi to the left of me. Eri sits on my right, clearly struggling in trying to figure out how to help.
Midoriya stands at my right, in front of Eri’s spot. He seems to be in thought for a moment. “Togata has a surprise the next time we come over. He found a new dress he wants you and Eri to judge.”
That sunshine adult makes me end up smiling slightly. Shinsou seems a bit annoyed at the mention of the kind blond. “Aw, that means Eri and I will have to make him another tiara so it will match his new dress.” 
“I hope it’s poofy!” Eri chimes in. 
I smile at her. “What color do you think it will be? Maybe it will be green! We should have one where we all wear green to match your tea set!” 
Her eyes shine in excitement at the idea. 
“I uh, I guess I have that covered,” Midoriya says. 
“You know you don’t HAVE to wear a dress, right? I bet you’d look great in a green suit too! Ooh! You could be the beloved butler!” 
“I think I’ll just stick with the dress I have… It was so awkward telling my mom about it back when I got it. I don’t know if I could ask her to buy something else too.” 
Hitoshi gets a message on his phone and pulls it out. I’m too focused on Midoriya and Eri. Going on that idea of Togata helped calm me down greatly. 
“That’s understandable. Suits can be rather expensive.”
“Midoriya?” Hitoshi suddenly pipes up. 
“Yeah, Shinsou?”
“You might want to run. Ashido knows you’re here and wants to give you more dance lessons.”  
His eyes widen fearfully, and he takes off while looking around. 
“I didn’t get to hug him…” Eri says rather disappointedly. 
“What’s wrong with dance lessons?” I question.
He has a rather large grin on his face. It kind of creeps me out a bit. How can someone be such a perfect combination of two adults that aren’t blood-related to them? “He usually doesn’t mind them, but recently they got struck with a personality-changing quirk. They became sterner than my dad.” It was easy to tell which dad he meant. 
Just thinking of someone even more serious and stern than him is terrifying. I bet Aizawa isn’t too happy to be stuck dealing with that. 
Hitoshi also seems rather relieved Midoriya has left. Wonder what’s up with that. 
I look at Eri. “Well, why don’t we continue to find your candy apple now that things are a little more settled?” 
She nods, and the three of us stand up. 
It doesn’t take long to find them. They look rather unappealing compared to my friend’s homemade, but I’m not going to bring that up.
After Hitoshi gives it to her, she looks at it for a second, then looks at me. “What is your favorite jewel?” That’s an odd question out of nowhere. Then again, maybe the hard shell makes her think of rocks?  
“Why do you want to know?” 
She shrugs. “They’re so pretty. I like the red ones!”
Red like the candy apple? How cute. I tell her my favorite.  
Hitoshi pulls out his phone and texts someone again. “Something is holding our parents up. It might be at least a few hours before they return.” 
I feel rather bad for them for that. Being a hero is something I thank them for daily, but it must be so exhausting not being able to spend time with your family… 
“Okay. What should we do then? I don’t think we should do any rides for now from Eri eating.”
Hitoshi shrugs. “The only thing we really can do is games unless there’s a different food you’re interested in getting here.”
I shake my head in reply. 
Eri gently tugs at my clothes with her free hand. I look at her and she points at a prize in the shooting game. It’s a stuffed animal of my favorite creature. It’s also my favorite color, and even has a rather similar eye color to mine. Huh, what are the chances of that? 
The game seems simple enough. Hitoshi notices what Eri is pointing at, and smirks at me. He crosses his arms. “Are you going to try first?” 
I get the attention of the person behind the counter and pay, having them give me the corks. I load it and take another quick look at Hitoshi with a smirk myself. “Well, what does it look like? And I’m going to be the one that gets it for her!” 
He teasingly huffs with a roll of his eyes. “Sure you will.”
I look back towards the prize and focus my aim. 
… It misses. Not by much, but my aim is a little too high and too far to the right. 
“You missed.” His tone isn’t condescending in any way. 
“Yeah, yeah. I still have two tries.” 
Looking again, I aim slightly down and more to the left. 
… It missed again, but much closer this time. It’s the right height, but now I have it too far to the left. 
“You missed, again.”
“Hush, you.” I don’t even have to look at him to know he has an enormous smirk forming on his face. I’ll show you!
I force my breathing to slow, focus a little longer, move just a tad to the right...
… Yes! I got it! 
The person goes over and grabs it, giving it to me. I then give it to Eri which gives her an enormous smile on her face. 
I give Hitoshi an “I-told-you-so” face. 
“I would have gotten it on my first try.” 
“Sure you would have.” 
“Next time I’ll show you.” 
“Mhm, whatever you say, Hitoshi.”
After that, we did a few more games and ended up going on a few of the rides. It was rather difficult due to Eri being too small for them. She was a little saddened by that, so I told her maybe she will be able to next year.
Hitoshi and I also ended up getting hungry at one point, so we bought some snacks. After taking a bite of what I bought, I look at the time. Surprisingly, about four hours have passed. I don’t think taking care of a villain should take this long, right? Maybe they got ambushed?
Don’t think about it. They’re pros. They should be able to handle anything. 
In speaking of them, a message from Hizashi pops up on my phone. “Just about done here! Was a rather bad ambush, but we’re good! Gotta clear up a few more things, then we’ll be on our way!” 
He put us in a group chat. Hitoshi is in it, and I’m guessing the other is Aizawa. He reads the message as well. 
Eri is still playing around with her new stuffed animal. 
“Should we do the same rides when your parents come?”
He shakes his head. “They will probably be rather tired when they return. Hizashi wanted to ride the Ferris Wheel with all of us more than anything.”
Why does that seem so accurate for him? “Really? The Ferris Wheel out of everything?”
He shrugs. “My other dad doesn’t really care. He’d rather sleep, but we all know Hizashi wouldn’t allow that.” 
I laugh. “He seems like the type.”
A chill suddenly goes down my spine. Why do I feel like someone is watching us? Hitoshi notices my discomfort, and goes on alert, scanning the crowd around us. He doesn’t seem to see anything concerning. He pulls out his phone and quickly texts someone again, constantly glancing around. 
“Don’t mean to be intrusive, but who are you texting?” 
“My dads. I’m telling them to hurry up.” 
Again, I feel bad for the two grown men. “It shouldn’t be too much of a problem. It’s probably just someone thinking they know me or something.” 
He frowns. “Not taking any chances.” 
I guess that makes sense. “If it’s such a problem, why don’t we find Midoriya to be with us again? I’m sure-”
“No.” He cuts me off. He was rather firm on saying it. 
… No? I thought they were on good terms? “Are you two not on the best terms anymore or something? You don’t seem to want him around.”
“If there is someone watching, it would be better for a student in the top class to not be involved. It could make you a bigger target if your feeling of being watched is correct.” 
Didn’t think of that. It still seems kind of like a ridiculous claim though. After all, Hizashi is a very well-known hero, so what difference would that make between Midoriya being with us or an adult?
 I decided to just brush it off. 
Whatever Hitoshi told them must have worked, since they arrived and found us at what must have been a record-breaking speed. 
“Hey guys, you got here quick!”
“Well, we couldn’t let you three have all the fun now, could we?” 
“Speak for yourself.” Aizawa tiredly mumbles. They’re wearing the same outfits they did earlier. I wonder if Hizashi was recognized during his fight. I have a feeling they keep their weapons in the trunk of their car just in case they get called. 
I look at Eri and notice her yawn. I then look back up to Aizawa. “Looks like you’re not the only one that’s tired.” 
He looks at her with the tiniest smile as she yawns again. “Fine. Just a few rides, then we go home.” 
We end up on a few of the rides Eri can go on. I still don’t feel comfortable around Aizawa, so I try my best to sit with Hitoshi and Eri. 
Hizashi keeps looking around as we go on a few of the rides. He tries to be more stealthy about it, but he’s failing at it greatly. Aizawa seems like he couldn’t care less. I should have just ignored it since now I feel like I’m ruining the rides for them for the imaginary odd feeling. 
We decided the very last ride to be the Ferris Wheel. “You guys should go ahead. I’ll wait down here for you.” I inform them. Three out of the four of them look at me like I just grew another head. “What? It will be too tight a squeeze otherwise.” Hizashi just shakes his head and grabs me by one of my wrists to come with. 
The feeling multiplied after he grabbed my wrist, making me forcefully stop and look behind me. He stops as well, looking in the same direction.
“That’s another thing! We can’t just leave you alone down here if someone’s watchin’ ya! C’mon!”
He drags me into the line for it with the others. Luckily, there wasn’t much of a wait. I can’t believe it’s sunset already. I also can’t believe I’m stuck going on it with them. 
We all get into the cart, and I try to sit down with Eri and Hitoshi. Hizashi grabs my wrist again, having me sit between him and Aizawa. It’s a rather tight fit with my thighs and sides being pressed on theirs. This is rather uncomfortable, and definitely something I did NOT sign up for as a sitter… 
At least the sight is beautiful to see with the sun shining brightly to the right side of us. Eri leans against Hitoshi and closes her eyes, hugging her new stuffed animal close. It stays quiet between all of us for a bit. Hizashi slips his arm behind my shoulders, making me tense. I decided he must be trying to give us a bit more room. 
“Sorry for not bein’ around much today to hang out with. Tell ya what, why don’t you join us next Sunday for dinner as an apology?” 
My eyes narrow in thought. “An apology for what? You guys couldn’t help it. It happens.”
He shakes his head. “Come on, we already cleared our schedules for it. It would be heartbreaking if you say no!” 
“But I was planning on hanging out with my friends next Sunday… Why not the Sunday after that?” 
“Just go with it. Having him change his mind is impossible.” 
I mentally sigh. “Fine. But the Sunday after, I won’t be coming. I WILL spend my day with them then, so please don’t invite me into anything.” 
I could swear Hizashi frowns disappointingly at the news, but his face becomes a smile before I can put much thought into it. “Great! Be sure to wear somethin’ at least a little fancy, okay? We’re going somewhere special! Oh! And we’ll pick ya up again!” 
“Okay…” was my only reply.
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Hello! How are you, and I have a request if you wish to do it. So I was thinking of a College AU with Shinsou working there as a part-time employee, then one day fem! reader comes in and at first he is like “Pfft whatever” but then he brings dropping his tsunade behavior and beings growing soft for her while he got to know her and he has seen her rescue a kitten in which he asked to help co-parent their child. He is doing it to get to know her more because he fell for her, but she is a bit oblivious when it comes to ✨feelings✨. I thought this would make a cute HC/ Drabble, however you wish to do it, of how their relationship began to bloom at the local coffee shop.
Happy Birthday to Shinsou Hitoshi!💜
The most adorable, handsome, and overall best purple headed boy on the show (Fuck off Mineta).
To Take Care of a Stray: Shinsou Headcanons
Barista! Shinsou x F! Reader
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As any college student would tell you, cheap caffeinated drinks were a must.
Coffee specifically was a must.
Shinsou was honestly debating if he needed his 3rd cup of coffee that morning or if he could just wing it and go on with an empty tank.
He procrastinated when it came to his assigned project, plus his project partner ditched him, so he was practically all alone figuring his shit out.
And thats how he found himself working at his local coffee shop.
He hated every single customer that would come in at any hour of the day that he work on.
They all demanded his attention and honestly, some days he wished he could just scream in their faces that "No, i don't give a fuck about your pet bird speaking back to you. I'm only here to make you your coffee and take your money."
The cheap coffee was worth it though, so he keeps the complaining to a minimum.
Retail is honestly a "no reward" type of job. The amount of entitlement that some people have baffles him at times.
Around his second year in college he ends up working the late shift to make some extra cash. It also meant less people coming in and demanding an overly complicated drink. Score!
The sound of the rain pouring down helped calm his nerves and allowed him to relax for moment before the door of the shop swung open.
"Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to do that." The first time you walked into the shop you accidentally pulled the door with too much force that it ended up slamming into the wall.
Shinsou immediately didn't like you.
Who the fuck was this woman?
You went up the counter and told him your order taking out your money and handing it to him.
Clean and simple. Nothing special.
Then you came back again a few days later. That really fucked with him.
Most customers came in and never bothered to talk to him. He wanted their money while they wanted the shitty coffee they sold. Easy, right?
Nope, not with you apparently. You came in and asked about his day, how his studies were going, and if anything interesting happened in the shop.
He would respond with brief answers and immediately ignored you afterwards.
You were just so annoying.
..Ok, maybe not.
You were funny, the way you fumbled and played it off as you being intentional.
The way your mouth would widen into a smile anytime he spoke back to you.
You weren't overly energetic, nor overly happy. You were just nice, nice to him.
He wasn't use to that.
You fascinated him just because you existed and he wanted to learn more about you.
He got his chance on the 5th time you came in.
You usually came in at a specific time, always when there was barely any customers, but today you didnt' show up at all.
He wont admit it but he got concerned and would keep looking at the clock on the wall and back to the door of the coffee shop.
When you finally came in, you had scratches on your hand and on your cheek.
"What the fuck happened to you?" He leaned onto his hand that was placed on the counter top. His body relaxed and only showed boredom.
In reality he was terrified, you had scratches on your hands and red streaks too. Why?
"Oh, i was just- i fell into a bush." You gave him a smile that made his heart flutter and legs go weak.
He was so happy he was leaning on the counter because he hadn't he would have fallen onto the floor.
Your smile just had that affect on him.
"How stupid can you be? Look were your going next time."
"Aww, thanks sir!"
Good mood was gone. He told you not to treat him like your friend, thats not what you both are.
...But he really hated that you took that very literally and didn't bother to at least call him by his last name.
"Hmm." He gave you your usual and answered the questions you had for him that day.
You started to come in 4 times a week and every time you did he would notice new scratches on you.
The scratches weren't that bad, he thought maybe you were one those "adventures" types, but the red marks were concerning him.
When he would ask you about them you always had a different excuse for them.
"My backpacks straps are bit rough."
"I placed my arm wrong on the table"
It was this or that but never a concrete answer.
It was happening every time you came in so something had to be wrong.
He gathered up the little cuarage he had and decided to ask you what you were doing.
"Why do have so many scratches on you?" You werent expecting him to be so blunt but you happily told him to meet you after his shift at the nearby alleyway.
He was suspicious of you but he was also curious, he desperately needed answers because the concern for your wellbeing was getting to be too much for him.
He followed your instructions and walked towards the alleyway you directed him to.
When he turned the corner he saw the most beautiful scene in the world.
You were surrounded by cats...and you were giving them food.
He could die happily then and there.
"W- this is why you show us with scratches all over you!?" You nodded but got up and walked over to a cardboard box that was tucked under a bigger box.
You told him to follow and when he crouched down to see what was in it he saw two huge eyes staring back at him.
"You've been- this little thing is the reason for your scratches?"
He laughed at you and helped you feed all of the cats.
When the two of you finished up, you picked up the box that the small kitten was tucked in and gave it a pat on the head.
"What are you going to do with the kitten?" Shinsou asked you.
"Well, i wish i could take it with me but i don't think i'd be able to take care of it since i work early in the morning and have classes late at night."
Shinsou's mind started planning.
He really liked you and wanted to be around you more often.
Shit, if he was brutally honest he had a crush on you.
"Well, i have classes early morning while i work at night. So...why don't we co-pa-... i mean co-care for the little guy?" He knows his ears were red, he knows his face was starting to turn red as well.
But he wasn't about to admit that he really wanted you to say "yes".
"Uh, ok. Sure!"
Shinsou was over the moon with this and it was all going so perfectly as well.
The kitten would spend the mornings with you and in the afternoons the two of you would meet up to take care of it together.
You both decided to name the kitten Mieko.
""Beautiful blessing child", thats a cute name! Why do you want to call him that?"
"Because...i want to- y-you idiot. Stop asking so many questions!" You just laughed at him and gave him a pat on the shoulder.
Shinsou melts.
Shinsou would bring the kitten with him to work since his boss had a soft spot for animals.
Imagine how exited he was when you first invited him into your own apartment.
"You have your own place? Color me impressed."
"Thanks Shin." Shinsou blushed a little at the nickname. It had been over a month that you both agreed to take care of the kitten together.
The more time he spent with you the more he fell.
"I hope you like the umm...book." This was another thing that started after the two of you began to co-parent the kitten. He would bring you gifts and act like it meant nothing.
Reality is that he was courting you.
He expected you to make a comment on his gifts but you glossed over them like nothing.
It was getting on his nerves.
"Aah, hey. Do you want to take Mieko out for a walk...again."
"Was that a question or a demand?" You laughed at him
You made it look easy with how much you make him blush.
The more time you both spent with each other, the more Shinsou realized he was truly in love with you and wanted you to be by his side.
But he was facing a problem. You.
You wouldn't pick up on the hints he was dropping on you. His interest on you.
So one day he decides to just tell up upfront if you would like to go on a date with him.
"Hey Shin, do you want to go on a date with me?"
Shinsou. exe has stopped operations
"I'm joking buddy! But seriously do you want to go out to eat? I think Mieko would-"
"W-WHaT!? F-fuck no!" That upset you because you thought he might like free lunch.
"You could've just said no." He was losing you, again.
"N-no wait! What i wanted to say was umm, would you like to go out with me? Like a date! N-not like friends."
You both just stared at each other for a moment, the silence only making the situation worse.
Mieko, your child, just blinked at the two of you.
"These two ridiculous humans are my parents, great." At least this lead to Shinsou moving in with you and Mieko having a permanent home now.
Double the pats for the two new people in your home, double the purring sounds, double the angry and grouchy cats begging for your attention.
Who wold trade this? You got to cuddle with the two most adorable people in this world.
"I'm not fucking adorable Y/n!"
"Shush Toshi or you're not getting cuddles and kisses."
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