#honkai starrail oneshot
rukkiya · 1 year
losing control
(welt yang x reader)
tw: reader is uncomfortable with physical touch
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“Welt and you will be going down for this mission. Please be careful, I advise you to stay close with him at all times y/n. The people you’ll be dealing with are anything but good.”
Himeko’s voice rings in your ears.
The crowd was only getting worse, the city you were at wasn’t like ones you were used to. Sure cities were busy and all but you were getting swept away by the crowd.
“Y/n! Grab me!” Welts voice comes out strained, people pushing you and him further apart.
The look on your face was making him desperate to get out of there. He knows you have a problem with having people too close let alone touching you, you looked utterly scared.
He doesn’t dare try and grab you; he doesn't want to scare you anymore than you already are hence why he’s telling you to grab onto him.
You reach your hand out to reach for his forearm only to feel someone else grab your arm, sweeping you further away from welt.
“Hey let them go!” Welt pushes forward seeing you squirm uncomfortably.
He would grab you, would bring you close to him but he knows just how uncomfortable you are with any sort of physical touch.
He first noticed it when you joined the Astral Express.
He picked up on your facial expressions and body language when you’d squirm away from the slighted touch. When others would accidentally bump into you even sometimes when March would hug you, though you tried your best to not show it, he noticed it.
You felt bad, didn’t want others to think you were uncomfortable around them exactly. It’s just you’ve never experienced it much and before you knew it when it would happen you found yourself wanting to get away from it.
It made you feel vulnerable, it made you scared for so many reasons.
Doesn’t help that the reason why you were in this mess in the first place was because you had already miraculously gotten on the bad guys side and now they were tailing you.
Welt and you were asking around about the city and it’s recent troubles with the gangs that run certain parts. Little did you know someone from one of the notorious gangs just happened to be listening in.
“Excuse me ma’am sorry to bother, I just wanted to ask you about your troubles with the city lately. Do you think you can tell me anything revolving around certain people?” You politely ask the old lady behind the counter who was serving coffee.
“My dear, please don’t speak so loudly of such people, you never know where they are I wouldn’t want you to get in-“
“Looks like todays your lucky day kid! I just so happen to be involved with the people you speak of. Now, what business do you outsiders have with us huh?” an older man clears his throat leaning next to you, making you lean back stepping off the stool you sat on. Welt’s shoulders come into view to block the man from getting any closer.
“We are here to ask questions, nothing more, please step back.” Welt clears his throat, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
“Wasn’t talking to you four eyes. You two are here to cause trouble clearly, anyone who asks about us has bad intentions your little friend there knows just what they’re asking.” The man laughs, making Welt sigh, talking to people like this was like talking to a wall.
“They mean no harm, please don’t start a ruckus in my diner.” The old woman behind the counter sighs, pushing a cup of coffee your way, a look of worry on her face as she looks over to you.
“Go out the back if anything happens.” She mouths and you nod your head, an uneasy feeling setting in your chest.
“Hey,” the older man clicks his tongue, hand reaching over for you. “I’m talking to you kid, don’t you know how to respect-“
In an instant the man’s hand and head were pinned to the table below you, Welt standing over him pinning him down.
The second the man’s head slammed the table around fifteen other men shot up from their seats, weapons drawing pointing at both Welt and you.
“Y/n, get the older woman and take her somewhere safe in the back, have her take you outside, I’ll be there right now.” Welt whispers, making you immediately shake your head no.
“I can’t leave-“
“Y/n you’ll be fine, I promise I’ll go out there for you right now.” Welt’s voice comes out a bit calmer this time, giving you a small nod.
You slowly nod back, placing both palms onto the counter.
“Now!” Welts voice urges you, making you push yourself up and jump over the counter, grab the old lady’s hand and run to the back.
“He’ll be fine.” You tell yourself over and over.
The noises coming from the dining hall were anything but pleasant making you all the more scared.
“Ma’am I’m sorry about all this. I’m taking you away from the fight so you won’t get hurt but I need you to tell me where the back door is at.” You make your way down the narrow hall with her behind.
“Leave me here around the corner dear, I’ll be fine, this is my dinner after all.” She slows down and you turn back to her.
“The door that leads to the outside is all the way down. Make one right and a left. It should lead you outside but beware of the crowded streets, it will however make it earlier for you both to escape. Now go!” She explains, pointing down the hall.
“I can’t leave you here, what if they-“
“I need to stay, they won’t hurt me, trust me. Besides I need to tell that boyfriend of yours where the back door is too!” She turns, hearing the hallway door open.
You open your mouth to say something but she only gently moves your forward to the back.
You quickly thank her once again and make your way down. The door to the outside soon came into view and your legs full on sprinted only coming to a halt when your arms reached out to push it open. You weren’t leaving without Welt.
However Welt was right behind you, the old woman had told him which back door to head out and managed to lose the guy who was tailing him.
Loud footsteps were heard from the corner of the hall and you held your breath.
“Where’s welt?”
“Is he ok?”
“What if it’s not him?”
“What if he’s hurt?”
Your mind racing with so many questions all at once, only does it stop when you see the familiar head of brown hair and glasses come into your view.
“Over here!” You push the door open and step out, waiting for him to fully exit to shut the door and block it from the outside.
As soon as Welts leg left the door, the man from earlier had turned down the corner and was running straight towards you.
You push the door forward with all your weight but it didn’t close fully, the footsteps were now much closer.
You lean back and throw your body against it to push it more but nothing happened.
Welt leaned over your body leaning over the door and shoved it closed just as the older man was about to burst through it.
“Thank you, are you ok?” You ask out of breath.
“Yes I am, they didn’t get me, don't worry I’m not hurt.” He replies equally as out of breath as you, you step close to examine if he’s actually ok or not but stop when you hear something hit the door.
A loud bang comes from the door you've just closed making you both turn, only to see the hinges fly off.
Welt and you made no comment, the second the bolts flew off the door you knew you had to leave.
Your legs waste no time, running down the dark alley and into the crowd.
That’s how you both found yourself in this predicament.
The old woman wasn’t lying when she said the crowded streets would make them lose you, only they proved to be more than you thought, you were losing sight of Welt as people swept you farther and farther away.
“Y/n!” Welts tone calls out laced with worry, his voice sounds so close yet far from all the muffled voices overlapping
The people passing kept bumping into you making you all the more uneasy, being so close to others wasnt something you were used to. You need to get out, the people around you were making it even harder for Welt to spot you.
“Welt! Welt where are you?!” You pull your arm towards you, away from the random person and push your way through the crowd, seeing Welt reach out his hand again.
You felt as if you were slowly losing control. You couldn’t keep your balance, couldn’t move, you were being pushed, grabbed, shoved it was all too much. It was making your skin crawl, burn in an uncomfortable way.
“Grab me, I'll try getting you out of here, just grab my hand or arm wherever you can!” Welt calls out and you manage to get closer.
“What if they can’t reach me?
“Do I grab them?”
“No, I don't want to make them any more uncomfortable than they already are.” Welt argues with himself as to whether or not he should but youre so close, just mere inches away.
You stretch out your arm again, fingers just brushing against Welts before gunshots are heard.
If the crowd was bad before, now, there was truly no way of getting out now.
“No I can't- don't take them.” Welts eyes widen when you get swept back further, your face falls into one of complete horror and he feels his heart drop.
Frustrated tears were now building up.
You had no choice, you know he was trying to respect you by not grabbing you himself. Everyone on the astral express knows and respects your boundaries, but right now you didnt want to be here.
It was strange, though you dislike physical touch right now having Welt grab you or being closer to him sounded so comforting.
“WELT!” you shout and his eyes widen when he sees you crying.
“Grab me! I can't reach you so grab me! It’s ok if you do! I promise it is, you can grab onto me!” You shout, seeing him lunge forward not a second after you called out to him.
You were trying to stop your legs from moving back, staying still getting shoved, pushed, grabbed onto for leverage, you stood your ground.
Welt was much closer than before, squeezing himself though the crowd getting ready to grab you and make it out of here.
This time was the last he'd let this happen.
He wasn't going to stand this anymore. Seeing you get shoved and pushed when you were already this scared.
Another particularly hard shove makes you stumble and lose your footing, you feel yourself slip before you can steady yourself but you never hit the ground.
Welts hand wraps itself gently around your bicep and pulls you close. His other arm barricades you into him as he tries his best to prevent anyone else from bumping into you.
His taller frame didn’t get swept away as easily as you did so he managed to hold his ground. Though it was still tough to force his way out, after what felt like hours he had managed to make it out of the crowd with you.
The gunshots were still going off, the yelling and screaming making everything, the whole situation way down on you.
If you’d only kept your mouth shut, only listened and took your time this never would’ve happened.
Welts legs didn’t stop moving, he still had a firm hold on your arm as he kept you in front of him as he made his way back to where the astral express could pick you both up.
After what felt like ten minutes of walking, Welt stopped and looked around, finding a small deserted area a good place to stay for a bit.
He makes his way to the small bench by the wall with you near, his hand reaching for his phone but stops when he feels your shaking arm intensify a bit.
He looks down at you and notices just how harsh the crowd was on you. Your sleeves were missing from your shirt from being practically thrown around pulled and pushed.
“Hey, hey y/n are you hurt? Are you ok?” He asks, moving back so you can sit on the bench so he can see if you were bleeding anywhere. Feeling the corners of his mouth tug downward when you look up at him with misty eyes.
“I- I’m ok. I just didn’t think it- it would turn out this way.” You stutter, looking back down at your arms laid on your lap, feeling your lips start to tremble.
“Everyone was just so close, I couldn’t stand it.” You shiver a bit, the cool air and memories were making you squirm. “I couldn't reach you. I’m so- I’m sorry I made this whole mess happen. I didn't mean to worry you.” You suck in a deep breath, you didn’t want to cry over this. It wasn’t their fault you felt that way about touching it being close to others. Everyone, including Welt and you were in a panic.
“You don’t need to apologize to me y/n you did nothing wrong.” You feel his hand gently let your arm go, strangely you didn’t even feel it on you. You had forgotten he grabbed you until he let go.
“It’s understandable why you are shaken up and nothing is wrong with that ok? It’s understandable to be uncomfortable in these situations, especially if you don’t like it in the first place. You did nothing wrong, this was out of both your control and my own.” He assures you, voice much softer than earlier.
“Here, if you’d like you can put this on for now. Your sleeves are missing and it’s cold, I wouldn’t want you getting sick too after this.” He shrugs off his coat, sitting next to you on the bench while putting it over your shoulders, being careful as he did so. You’ve taken too much already today he knows you need time to recuperate.
Your fingers clutch the fabric over you, pulling it closer to your skin. The familiar comforting scent makes you calm down a bit more.
“Thank you for saving me, for grabbing hold of me and for being considerate even in a dire situation like that. You didn’t have to wait for me to give you the ok, you could’ve grabbed onto me before but the fact you did makes me feel safer than I do with anyone else Welt, I appreciate it.” You send him a wobbly smile, letting out a long breath, feeling like you can finally breathe now that you’re both safe.
He can only offer you a soft smile back and a nod of his head in return. The smile you gave him and the genuine appreciation in your tone made him feel warm even though his coat was off. Right now at this moment he couldn't be more relieved that you’re safe to see you smile though he knows it’s affecting you more than you’re letting on.
He feels his phone buzz and sees a message from Himeko.
“How’s everything down there?”
He clicks her contact and dials her number, deciding to call and explain what exactly happened.
“No no, I’m ok, so is y/n they’re right here-“
His voice cuts off when he feels the weight of your head lean over on his shoulder, you fell asleep.
“Is everything ok?” Himeko asks and Welt clears his throat, slowly adjusting his glasses as he does so as to not wake you.
“Yes, everything is fine. They’re sleeping right now. They had a long day, I think it’s best we give them some time off when we get back up.” Welt smiles as Himeko hums in agreement .
“Well of course after all today was hard for them from what you’ve told me. We’ll give them as much time as they need. Now, we’ll be there right now to get you both, sit tight.” Himeko tell’s Welt before handing up.
Welt gently leans back into the bench and looks back down at you leaning on his shoulder. Smiling to himself seeing you look at peace for the first time this whole day.
“Get rest, we’ll be home soon.” He whispers as you subconsciously wrap his coat tighter around your frame.
authors note: helloo loves!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و I finally wrote for this handsome man AHHHH welt, blade and yuan jing all have my heart in starrail but something about welt makes me- O-o HDHDHDSH GO CRAZY LOL I’ve been wanting to write this so a while now, this is something I personally struggle with as well so I thought I’d be ok to write it out to help idk lol it’s been getting kinda bad lately so it’s just a way to help me somehow if that makes any sense? ended it on a lighter note bc I need to give y’all a break with the angst hehe but I hope you enjoy! please take care and stay safe! ^~^<3 (also this is not proofread ahh so apologies for any errors!!)
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cooliofango · 11 months
For your honkai star rail requests, may I ask for - Sampo/reader - Sampo "you're flirting with me?" Reader "have been for the last year thanks for noticing"
“Took You Long Enough!”
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A/N: The fact that you asked for one with Sampo has me SENDING— I’ve been having the hugest brainrot for this man for a while now so the convenience that the first ask is one with him?? ✨PERFECT✨ The only thing I need now is actually get him in the warps~
Warnings: None other than fluff <3
Paring: Sampo Koski x GN! Reader
Synopsis: You and Sampo have been the closest thing to partners in crime as it gets in Belobog— well, that’s what he says, anyways. Through a mutual “partnership”, the two of you grow close. Closer than you both initially thought the other had. It’s a shame he’s a tad oblivious…
"There's nothing wrong with havin' a little side job, (Y/N)!"
"Stealing artwork from the museum isn't exactly a side job, let alone a little one, Koski," You sighed petulantly at your dear friend as you continued to wrap his arm in bandages you had gotten restocked by Natasha earlier that week.
"Ow! (Y/N), not so tight!" Sampo whined in pain, drawing out your name. He flinched a little away when you had tightened the white fabric-- though, honestly, you had only tightened it more in a bit of retaliation. A string of whines followed afterwards, leaning his head away.
You couldn't help but laugh lightheartedly, carefully tying off the ends of the bandage to keep it from loosening. "If you were careful with handling those automatons, you wouldn't have to worry about how tight or loose any bandages are, lover boy~" You teased. Sampo only pouted at your words, staying still as you paused your work to clean off the table covered in disposable, bloody tissues and bandages you had to toss out because they ended up getting dirty when Sampo wouldn't stay still when you started playing doctor. Sampo came to you to avoid Natasha's scolding whoever he got injured for doing rather "stupid" things as you had so kindly put many time before now.
The nickname was something you had been using over the past few years. It started when you first noticed the relationship between your close friend and your mentor. Now, as assured by both of them in their own ways and by observation, you know that there isn't anything romantic between the two of them. At most, it's more of an admiration for the Wildfire leader and what she fought for down in the Underworld. However, you couldn't help but tease him for almost kissing up to her in certain situations-- when he brought the trailblazer and her comrades down from Belobog to help them get away from the Silvermane Guards. It simply stuck with you, even when you had started developing feelings for the cunning yet cowardly charming man before you.
You weren't a shy person when it came to those you loved and cared for. Whether they were friends, family, or the idiot you had a crush on for quite a while now, you weren't afraid to openly show you cared. This ranged from standing up for them when things get dicy to delivering some medicine to them whenever they were feeling ill. As for these romantic feelings you held for Sampo, you never bothered to hide any attempt of showing how you felt. At first, you subtly flirted, thinking your observant friend would realize your emotions rather quickly:
"Sounds like a good plan, right (Y/N)~?" His voice dipped playfully at the end of his question.
"Of course it does," You leaned back in your seat and tilted your head back to get a better look at him, "Only the great Sampo Koski could come up with such good plan~" Your compliment rolled so easily off your tongue, you had almost bit it when you had realized how it may be interpreted.
Sampo grinned from ear to ear, leaning close to you. It took everything in you no to lean away. "Couldn't have put it any other way! Glad I could count on your input, my dear friend~" Sampo cooed, sitting up. Without another word about the compliment, he began to ramble about what the two of you would need to execute this plan.
Subtle compliments grew a bit more direct and often from then. Compliments went to casual touches:
"We can freely go to the surface!" You cheered with a bright smile on your face. After Cocolia had been defeated and Bronya had became the new supreme guardian, the people of the Underworld were finally able to return to Belobog as they chose to. Sampo was the first one you came and told. You had lived in the Underworld your whole life and wanted to tell the guy you grew to love.
You had took his hand in your own and had began pulling Sampo towards the exit. He looked a little flustered at the action-- though it wasn't for the reason you had hoped for. As you would soon realize, it was simply because he still held a bit of a fear for getting caught by the Silvermane guards, "I don't think Madam Supreme Guardian's guards would like me up there, even under new management."
At the time, you had to promise to have the both of you stay out of sight to get him to join you (that's not to say he wasn't happy for you-- just cautious of the not so good rep he ended up building when he would sneak to the surface). It was only your eagerness to lead the way out of the underground, you figured, that kept him quiet about your intertwined hands through the journey above.
It was from there that you had noticed that Sampo Koski was more oblivious to emotional approaches directed towards him than you originally thought. You flirted and complimented him in anyway you knew possible-- and you did so for an entire year up till this point.
You sat back down, fresh tissue in hand as you began cleaning a smaller cut on his forearm. "Just do me a favor and stay out of trouble for a little while, okay? As much as I love seeing your pretty face, I'd prefer to do so when you're not injured." By this point, you spoke these words without skipping a beat. You weren't fazed or flustered by your words anymore.
However, what did faze you was the silence that followed. You expected a comeback of some sorts-- a "No promises!", for example. But as you looked up, you were met with Sampo close up to your face like he had done when you first started flirting with him. Even then, you didn't expect the words that came out of his mouth.
"You're flirting with me?" He had a slight cocky grin on his face.
Your expression fell to a slightly shocked one, caught off guard by the sudden recognition. It was an expression that didn't last long as a smile took to your own lips, "Have been for the last year, thanks for noticing."
It was his time to look surprised now, his emerald green eyes widening and his grin falling immediately. "Wait. A-A... year? You're serious?" He muttered. You just sit back and laugh out loud, giving yourself a second to take in the amusing situation before speaking.
You look back down at his arm, continuing to clean the blood from around the break in his skin. Joy laced your tone, ingraining the image of the pink blush on his face into your brain, "Took you long enough!"
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 2 months
★Working on★
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Sunday x reader
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miserableworm · 1 month
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🪱 // Any pronouns. Wasian. (N)SFW + multifandom blog. Certified Tartaglia lover 🫶
Fandoms I mainly write for:
ᯓ★ Genshin Impact
ᯓ★ Honkai Starrail
ᯓ★ Jujutsu Kaisen
ᯓ★ Chainsaw Man
& others upon request!
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ᯓ★ Things I will write:
- Smut, fluff, angst, x reader
ᯓ★ Things I will NOT write:
- Male!Reader
- incest, pregnancy
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ᯓ★ Requests are open but due to a busy schedule, my writing may be inconsistent. Apologies in advance!
ᯓ★ I mainly use Tumblr for oneshots/drabbles. My longer stories can be found on Wattpad (@MiserableWorm) and soon on AO3.
ᯓ★ English is not my first language, so there may be grammar mistakes. Feel free to correct me.
ᯓ★ Work is not proofread, lmao
ᯓ★ Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! I love reading comments 🫶
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© 2024 MiserableWorm — do not repost, copy, translate, modify, etc my work on any platform
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iloveyouinred · 10 months
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• This Blog contains NSFW content so Minor please Do Not Interact.
• I'll be writting about [◇ Genshin Impact ◇] and [☆ Honkai Starrail ☆] character.
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Work on progress:
1. Req: 1 |
Virgin!Neuvillette x Experienced!Reader ◇
2. ?*
Should have bought Oversize. | ft. Neuvillette, Zhongli, Danheng
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Recent work:
Drunk!Watchmaker(Mikhail Char Legwork) x Reader [Done] ☆
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Food is ready!
🎃 Spooktober (i love october⚘️)
♤ Honkai Star Rail
Ghost Groom: Blade x Reader [Done] ☆
Looks Like A Vampire: Danfeng x Reader [Done] ☆
◇ Genshin Impact
Red Riding Hood: Wriothesley x Reader [Done] ◇
Behind The Door: Scaramouche x Reader [Done] ◇
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1. Anon Request
Yandere!Ganshin Male x Reader | ft. Venti, Thoma, Kazuha, Kaveh, Cyno [Done] ◇
Yandere!Kazuha x Drunk!Reader [Done] ◇ | Part 2?
Mentor!Tighnari x Reader [Done] ◇
Should have bought Oversize. | ft. Itto, Alhaitham, Kaeya [Done]◇
2. Series:
Continuation of Part 1: Kaveh x Broken Heart!Reader ◇
Part 2: Alhaitham x Reader[Done] ◇
Part 3: Diluc x Reader[Done] ◇
Bonus: Genshin Man With Their Pregnant Wife [Done] ◇
Extra: Baizhu x Reader[Done] ◇
3. Oneshot, Two-shot, Three-shot.
Albedo x Veterant Mountain Climber!Reader [Done] ◇
Neuvillette x A Tease!Reader [Done] ◇
Neuvillette x Reader Part 2 [Done] ◇
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..That's all for now.
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breedbun · 2 months
☁️(⁠๑⁠´⁠•⁠.̫⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠`⁠๑⁠) × breedbun! 🐰🍓
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🚫‼️fem-aligned blogs, fujos, DNI!!
๑⁠♡˖⁠꒰⑅⁠꒱ what i will write; 🩷💫
honkai starrail
male/ftm/amab/gn reader
found family/familial
full fics
SOME kinks (eg. breeding, bondage, size diff)
my ocs x reader/oc x oc/ ocxcanon
self indulgent
homosexual relationships‼️‼️
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🦴🪷 ; what i won't write ! ꒰⑅⁠꒱˖♡๑
romanticising mental illness/abusive relationships/health issues
fem/mtf/cis afab reader (not my thing!)
wlw relationships (occasionally, but not my thing!)
top reader (not my thing!)
weird kinks (eg. poop, piss, racism, etc)
anythn weird or gross
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„ what i usually write ! ” ★
twinky ass reader
kinky shit
self indulgent
amab reader
size diff, breeding
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@breedbun 2024 ⟩⟩ 🐰🍓💫
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fl3ur3 · 2 months
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⤷ Since I’ve actually started writing now I thought I’d make a Little introduction, for any future or current readers who are interested :)
I’ll start with some general info about me!
⪼ My names Fleur ^3^
⪼ I’m a huge yoimiya fan <3
⪼ I play both Genshin impact and Honkai starrail.
⪼ English is not my first language so don’t be surprised by any errors in my writing
⪼ I write when I feel like I’ll enjoy it so don’t expect fast or consistent updates/posts
Fandoms I write for
- Currently I only write for genshin impact
What I will write
- Fluff
- Comfort
- Angst
- Gender neutral - Female - Male reader (all my works will state what reader it is at the top <3)
What I will NOT Write
- No NSFW of any kind
- Any Illegal ships or ships that generally make me uncomfortable.
- very descriptive Gore
Closed, note that it could take any amount of time for Me to write your request , pls be patient in the mean time <3
If you do request, Pls include.
- the character you’d like it to be about. (1 max)
- Reader type (If not included will automatically go with gn)
- Any scenario or situation you’d like ( if not included I’ll think of a story myself dw) or anything specific you want in the story.
I’m by no means a professional writer just a person who writes whatever she can think of for fun, So any oneshots I write won’t be incredibly long.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy your time here <3
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ratioyangreal · 3 months
I am a side blog, dedicated to writing two specific rare pairs, ratioyang (Dr. Ratio X Welt Yang), and bible study (Loucha X Sunday), for a friend.
Adding on to this, I will do suggestions/submissions sent to me (anon or not), however they will either be answered in a few minutes, or be answered months later. So, have patience, please :').
My rules for requesting are quite simple,
- No other ship than ratioyang, bible study, sampard or bronle. Anything else I will delete or not do.
- Sfw & Nsfw's are allowed, but you must put warnings first things first. Also, nsfw works will be tagged with the #🪡 tag, while everything else goes to #🎗️ or #🎀, or both.
- You can write long requests, or short requests, I don't mind. However, if it is a bit longer, sometimes I won't add the ask.
- Optionally, you may include what you want me to write about. (Be it headcanons, a short oneshot, a drabble, whatever. If you don't, I'll decide.)
- Finally, include the pairing, genre (fluff, angst, or smut), and some tags, too. (I.e : ratioyang fluff, found family with guinaifen + hook, domestic life, modern au)
And now, some info about admin, (aka me), Hello. I go by 🎀 / 🎗️admin, whichever you get on your keyboard that's easier to address me by. I go by any pronouns, however I prefer he/him and she/her.
The main pairs I do are for ratioyang and bible study, and that's it, there might be occasional sampard/bronle, however there are other blogs that specifically write for them, so there won't be much of them.
This blog is mainly for drabbles and oneshots, stuff that doesn't get posted on ao3, and miscellaneous works I do that are ratioyang/bible study. There will probably never be long series works here, as I'm horrible at doing them.
So, we bid farewell. Until next time, trailblazer.
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k0yaz · 11 months
☆ requesting rules ☆
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Keep these rules in mind when requesting, please and thank you <3
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What I will write:
Character x Reader
Oneshots (short or long, you pick)
Modern au/ any other reasonable au I guess
Kink safe for MOST kinks (kinks I won’t write for in the next part)
Feel free to request lgbt shi I’m gay asf too
If you have any prompts feel free to request
I WILL Write for male/amab Reader but not often so try not to ask me that
So far I write for Demon slayer [your request will be done fairly slow if you request kny], YTTD, danganronpa (preferably v3), Genshin impact, chainsaw man, seven deadly sins, honkai starrail, ddlc [your request will get done at the speed of light if you request ddlc]
Please be specific with your requests, like (reader gender, hc or oneshot, scenario like dating hcs or sm)
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What I WILL NOT write:
Piss/vomit/shit kink (what the actual fuck is wrong with y’all-?)
Character x character
Polyamory (can’t write this idk why)
G!p (sorry i don’t feel comfortable writing this)
Trans people (I don’t know what it’s like to be trans so I might not write an accurate depiction)
No danganronpa udg
I’m pretty sure you guys know what I mean by weird kinks but just no weird kinks in general PLEASE 😭
No goofy ass headcannons (for example no OC’s or “SHSL” stuff for danganronpa)
Please, don’t ask for joke fics. I only take actual requests.
Don’t nag me about when your request is getting done, I have a life outside of tumblr.
If I don’t like a request for personal reasons I will not write for it.
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daydreamteardrop · 9 months
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Hi hiiii
Small Intro, My name is Daydream, I exist on this app. i am a fanfic writer, I analyse stuff and I make art that i just really never post.
I dont have a lot of writing posted on here, because I mainly post on ao3. (DO NOT LOOK AT MY OLD STUFF I AM BEGGING) But I want to write a lot more on here as well, but probably more oneshots. Thats gonna be what my inbox is for. Ill list fandoms i would write for down below. (Will get updated, bc ill probably forget stuff)
Now, for my analysis, I do have smart thoughts I post on here occasionally, those would be my silly little essays or theories.
Fandoms under cut. Feel free to put stuff like requests into my ask box.
Black Butler
Oshi no ko
Kingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy (mostly 7 and 15 im sorry)
Honkai Impact 3rd
Honkai Starrail
Genshin Impact
Vanitas No Carte
Fire Emblem
Sally Face
Project Sekai
Bungou Stray Dogs
Balan Wonderworld ig? Just Balan tho?
Jack Skellington ig?
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hykar · 3 months
💫🌷Hi-kar here!•°
Hi, This is Hykar and welcome to my blog where I mainly talk, write, and post about my favorite characters and sometimes the game/fiction where they are from. Welcome to my little world! You may ask me about myself but please make sure its not too personal :)!
I read Manhwas, Manhuas, Fanfictions, and Novels—I also like to watch Donghuas, Animes/Animated series, and Films. I also like to play a wide range of games (mainly adventure and building ones) such as Pokemon (Emerald), Genshin Impact, Obey Me!, Dark Corridors, Honkai Starrail, Path to nowhere, Project Sekai!, and so much more.
Overall just a person who's really into books and fiction. I also write my own novels and comics with my own characters!
🌷What I write and accept:
I write Character x Reader/OC/another character Fanfictions (Including: scenarios/imagines, oneshots, and AU's) (that will be definitely divided into parts because they will most likely going to be long) with an ACCEPTABLE trope and/or dynamic. (E.g. Rivals to Lovers, Picky-eater character x Eats everything character).
Requests are accepted! (Characters that differ from the ones I will write about may take some time because I want to understand their character first before writing).
I specialize in ANGST.
🌷What I DO NOT write and accept:
Character x Reader/OC/another character Fanfictions (Including: scenarios/imagines, oneshots, and AUs) that DO NOT have an acceptable trope and/or dynamic. (E.g. Character x Reader/OC that are siblings or have a... Jaw-dropping age gap.)
🌷What will take some time to be considered:
Dark Romance (It depends on what kind of Dark Romance is being implied.)
🌷SOME of my favorite characters and the game/fiction where they are from that I will post about:
Honestly, I have A LOT of favorite characters and most of them are either the side character that doesn't get a lot of screen time, dies or underrated. Sometimes all of the above. Henceforth I will be writing about them so that people that enjoy the same character I do get some more content about about them. Here are my top 3 favorites!
1. Sucheon Kang of Eleceed
2. Amajiki Tamaki of MHA/BNHA
3. Rosaria, La Signora, Arlechinno/Knave and Kaedehara Kazuha of Genshin Impact (My main too!)
4. Oliver Wood of the Harry Potter series
5. Neji Hyuga and Ino Yamanaka of Naruto
6. Sanzu Haruchiyo of Tokyo Revengers
7. Toge Inumaki of Jujutsu Kaisen
8. Tokito Muichiro of Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer
9. Kyousuke Tsurugi of Inazuma Eleven GO!
10. Simeon of Obey Me!
11. Boothill of Honkai Starrail
-Too many of them to count so I'll stop here. You may ask me who else!
🌷I have a lot of favorite Character x Character/ships but I won't list them anymore cause this post will be too long to read ㅠ ㅠ.
1. I may or may not write too often because of: Schoolwork, Writers block, Burn-out, My forgetfulness
2. Please be patient and respectful with your requests :(
3. My writing is pretty sh-t, Im sorry.
4. I edit my work sometimes which is often. (Perfectionist struggles... Jk. Maybe.)
5. I might post my opinions/thoughts in here and it might bury my works so I will keep it to a minimum, Including the reblogs.
6. I will generally refer to the reader/describe them via They/Them/Their pronouns for the reasoning that: me, as a writer does not know the reader personally, and so that my work is also accessible to everyone. This however, may or may not be applicable when it comes to a request since there are specifications.
🌷Thank you! This is Hykar. Pleasure to be of acquaintance!💫
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rukkiya · 1 year
trying your best
(gepard, march 7th, sampoo x sleepy reader, (separate)
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gepard .ೃ࿐
-before you both got together he’d wonder how you even became a captain in the Belobog military, that was until he saw you in action, he realized just how much you do behind the scenes
- many would wonder how you both attracted each other when you both were polar opposites
-you weren't the most talkative, you didn’t follow most protocols as a soldier, you were always caught sleeping or eating in the middle of meetings but many including Geaprd still respected you nonetheless, you just had your own way of working, much different from his
-after you started to date he only grew to love that side of you even more!
During his break Gepard finds himself making his way to your office, bag of your favorite treats in his hands.
The captain found himself buying more candy these days as he always gives you some every time he visits you, which has become more often lately.
A soft knock on your door stirs you from your nap making you hum aloud signaling to whoever was knocking to come in.
Gepard quietly opens the door and is met with your head laid upon your desk.
“Y/n, are you feeling ok? Did you not get enough sleep last night?” He ask’s, closing the door behind him as he steps closer to your desk. You only sit up rubbing the sleepiness from your eyes.
He notices you in your uniform, something you were never really in despite having to wear it, you never did as it was too uncomfortable.
“You're in uniform? Were you called in?” He cracks a smile seeing your hair sticking up in different directions. He loves this sleepy side of you, he wishes he can indulge with you most times.
“I had a meeting earlier, when I got back I tried taking it off but it’s too hard. I got sleepy so ended up sleeping in it.” You yawn and hear him chuckle next to you.
“Help me? Please, it's too tight on my thighs.” you giggle standing up showing him how some of your thigh was spilling out the top of your thigh highs, the armor surrounding your legs makes them feel suffocated. He wastes no time undoing the piece of armor attached to your leg than moving to the next leg.
“Ahh much better, thank you love.” you let out a sigh of relief, leaning up to kiss his cheek as a thank you. Finally feeling free since you’ve put the damn uniform on.
“My pleasure.” he smiles back, thumbs caressing the indent from the tight armor on your plush thighs that he loves so much. “Oh! I picked up something for you on my way here.” he beams, grabbing the bag he placed down on your desk and handing it to you.
“For doing great today, and everyday your favorites!” he explains, his own smile widening at your happy reaction.
“Really?! You got my favorites thank you!” you lean your head on his shoulder and he wraps his arms around you pulling you closer. “Let's share, yeah?” you mumble and he chuckles.
“I'd love that.” He pulls back a bit, kissing the top of your head as you grab the bag of snacks and sit him down by your desk to enjoy the treats together for the remainder of his break.
⋆ ☄︎. ·˚ * 🔭
march 7th .ೃ࿐
-she's always seen with you if she's not on a mission with Stelle and Dan Heng
-usually stays behind when missions only call for two people, letting Dan Heng and Stelle go so she can have you all to herself
-everyone is surprised how she gets so calm around you though?? How do you do it?
Many people think March 7th is strange, you take the cake. That’s what ultimately made her more attracted to you.
You normally kept to yourself however when Himeko and Welt brought her in you welcomed her and befriended her quickly.
You didn’t really talk much but you’d always leave her small things here and there most likely snacks you had with you. Most times you would hold out your hand and place whatever treats you were snacking on, on her palm so she can have some yummy snacks too!
Most nights March couldn’t sleep so she always found herself going into your room to do so, you didn’t mind one but though!
She especially loved to lay her head on your soft belly or thighs, she found comfort in your presence and you did with hers as well.
“Where is y/n?” March whispers to Himeko who was reading in the main lobby of the express.
“March you startled me, why aren't you asleep it's late?” she asks, her brows drawing together in worry as she sees march’s eyes red.
“I can't sleep, nothing important, I was just looking for y/n, they weren't in their room.” March yawns and Himeko puts her book down.
“They just came back from their mission, I saw them walk into the kitchen a few minutes ago, I believe they're still in there.” She points in the direction of the kitchen and smiles when March’s eyes light up.
“Thank you Himeko, get some rest too!” She quickly makes her way past the red haired lady, waving goodbye as she makes her way to the kitchen.
The kitchen door opens but you don't need to turn around to know who it is. Once you feel the weight of her head and see her familiar pink hair in your peripherals you know who it is.
“I can't sleep.” she admits, arms looping around yours as you finish washing your hands.
“Sorry I got back late, I got held up.” you apologize, looking at her and seeing her eyes already closing.
“Hey sleepyhead you’ll fall asleep while standing, open your eyes.” you lightly flick her head and she laughs.
“Learn from the best.” She peeks her eyes open and sticks her tongue out making you laugh.
“It happened once.” you poke her and she lets go of your arm.
“Can I sleep in your room tonight? I've been having nightmares again and-”
“Of course you can, no need to explain yourself ok? Come on let's go to bed, we both have to be up early tomorrow.” You grab her hand, making your way out the kitchen.
“I have to finish my report but you can sleep and be quiet.” you tell her as she closes your room door, plopping herself on your bed afterwards.
“Oh yeah! Before I forget I got you a-” you voice lowers when you feel her lay her head on your stomach, arms wrapping around your torso as she does so.
“Get rest, I'll give it to you tomorrow.” you whisper, pushing the hair from her face and placing the small bag of chocolates you got her onto your night stand to give her tomorrow morning.
⋆ ☄︎. ·˚ * 🔭
- you both first met when he tried to pickpocket you.
- he’d been keeping an eye on regulars that walked around Natasha’s clinic, you being one of her workers made things easier.
- you were more on the quiet side, not much of a talker, when confronted you’d apologize
-you preferred being alone and sampoo preferred to be annoying
It was late, your shift had just ended. sampo was out up to gosh knows what when he spotted you leaving the clinic.
Now he never thought of doing anything else but playing silly tricks on you and sure, he might take some things when you weren’t looking but he never had any bad intentions. In all honesty he liked you but he literally doesn't know how to show it so he just chose being annoying as an option hoping you’d notice him more.
“Heyy y/n right? Uhh sweetie listen here,” he puts up a front but you can tell from his lopsided smile this was an act. “You see one of my friends, they hurt their leg pretty bad and can’t walk.” He explains and you stop to look around, looking back at him as your eyebrows draw together.
“Where are they?” You ask, you’ve heard about this sneaky man but you also feel inclined to believe him.
“Back there around that alley.” He points and you turn the direction his finger is in and he takes his chance.
He only gets so far, his hand doesn't even make it near your bag before he feels your small hand grab hold of his wrist making him gasp in surprise.
“How’d they?” He thinks to himself as his mouth falls open in surprise making you sigh.
“If you wanted some of my candy you could’ve just asked, no need to steal someone’s food.” you shake your head disapprovingly, handing him some sweets you keep on you from your bag.
He only stares at the small candy in his hand and has to hold back the laughter that bubbles up.
To say the least from that day on he’d seek you out more often, not to steal no, well yeah actually. not money or your snacks though but your heart! (he’s so cheesy)
After you got to get to know the guy, see that he genuinely wasn’t a bad person, you opened up to him more than you thought you would and found yourself getting too used to his presence. Ultimately starting to like him too.
He had made a promise when you had gotten together that he wouldn't steal from good people. Only those twisted crooks who do bad because in his logic that’s what they get.
Your shift was a late one and you found yourself going into your shared apartment well past midnight only to see Sampoo still up and weirdly full of energy?
“You’re back dear, I was getting worried,” His long legs bring him in front of you in seconds and you reach out for him as his hands find their way on both sides of your face, gently caressing your plush cheeks with his thumbs.
“I’m drained.” You sigh, opening your eyes to look at him as he squishes your cheeks together, something he’s been doing since you’ve started dating.
He can’t help it! Your cheeks are so cute and plush! She loves to kiss em’ and squish em’!
“Well luckily you have the best boyfriend ever, not to brag,” he boasts, making you roll your eyes. “I went out and bought your favorite snacks and made your favorite food! After we eat we can sleep in until tomorrow since you have the day off. How does that sound?”
“Not too bad.” you laugh, bringing your hand up to squeeze his cheeks in return.
“Thank you, I appreciate the gesture. You didn't have to do this but you did this makes me very happy, especially the part where we sleep in.” You laugh, making him now roll his eyes.
“Now let me show you what i hEY-”
He laughs as you throw yourself onto him, making him fall back onto the couch behind you, resting your head on his chest as you close your eyes.
“Give me five minutes please.” you hum, your voice vibrating against his chest and he cant say no, seeing your eyes close he pulls you in and you both lets you rest knowing just how much you do everyday. He’ll cook for you and buy you as many treats you want to show you just how much he truly is grateful for you.
authors note: helloo helloo ( * ́꒳`*)੭ posting my very first starrrail oneshot ahhh!! this requester was THE FLIPPING CUTEST I had sm fun writing it! I quite enjoyed writing for these three, I do hope in did march, gepard and sampoo justice lol they’re so goofy silly I luv them! I do hope you all enjoy! please stay safe and take care! ^~^<3 (this isn’t revised so apologies for any errors!) thank you @loverofgenya for the request I really enjoyed writing this (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
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cooliofango · 11 months
Masterlist of Masterlists
Any requests including the kids (Hook, Clara, Bailu, etc.) will only be platonic unless reader is also a kid and it is innocent puppy love.
Sampo Koski
“Took you long enough!”
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tyunphoria · 1 year
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! ! ! my blog is open to everyone except posts that are labeled MATURE/NSFW, so please be wary ! ! !
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k-pop groups i write for are . . .
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ skz, txt, ateez, xdinaryheroes
animes i write for are . . .
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ haikyuu, mha, blue lock
other . . .
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ mystic messenger, obey me swd, honkai starrail
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…..basic requesting info
i wil not write anything related to the reader’s physical appearance or ethnical background, my works make sure everyone is included.
(except if you want to specify an AMAB/AFAB, or SHE/THEY/HE reader then that is fine ! ! ! )
this is strictly an x reader blog, so i will not write any ships.
specify if you want it to be fluff, angst, smut, etc.
imagines, oneshots, textfics/smau, bullet points are fine.
please be respectful. if i don’t tend to your request right away, please don’t spam my message or inbox.
…..additional information
i will NOT in under any circumstances write about topics of sc@t, vomit, water sports, g0re, sh, su///c1de, feet fet//ish.
incest is also a big no-no, as long as they aren’t related !
i am fine with dark topics. just nothing too insane, ig? yandere, mafia, stalking, etcetc is fine but that doesn’t mean that i condone these actions in real life.
all in all, just don’t be weird.😀
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astraeusasta · 5 months
☾⋆⁺₊✧ Masterlist
This is my masterlist for all of my oneshots, both future planned and currently standing. Both on my ao3 page and on my tumblr. I won't write often but when I do I try to at least make it over 1k words so that there's a decent amount to read. So without further ado, here is my masterlist.
My request are open. Read below for what you can and cannot request. Requests will be anonymous. The list below are, at the moment, the only things I will write for.
I will write - Fluff, Angst, One Shots, Hurt/Comfort, Sensitive Topics (such as addiction.), Descriptive Violence, Established Relationships, AU, Canon Universe, Female or Gn Reader, Headcanons I will not write - Smut, Male Reader (I can't write as a man, I swear I'm terrible.), Racist characters, Homophobic characters, Pregnancy, Controversial Topics.
This is a 17+ blog for the reasons of in most of my fics I discuss and portray blood or extreme violence. Not to mention mental health discussion and other triggering or sensitive topics. That should also serve as a warning that if you are sensitive to; Descriptive violence, blood, delusion, anxiety, depression, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks or anything along those lines. Read at your own risk.
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Attack On Titan
We Are One Of The Same - Eren Jaeger x TitanShifter!Reader (One Shot) ao3 link
The Kindest Winter - Annie Leonhardt x Fem!Reader (One Shot) ao3 link
Never Meant To Be - Reiner Braun x Reader (One Shot) ao3 link
The Horse and The Ocean - Armin Arlert x Fem!Reader (One Shot) ao3 link
The Loveless Soldier - Levi Ackermann x Dying!Reader (One Shot) ao3 link
What You Meant To Him (Part One) - Armin Arlert x Fem!Reader (One shot)
Oops. Nothing seems to be here. Yet
Demon Slayer
Oops. Nothing seems to be here. Yet
Genshin Impact
For His Birthday - Wanderer x Fem!Reader (One shot)
Honkai Starrail
Oops. Nothing seems to be here. Yet
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dozinggen · 1 year
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honkai: star rail requests.
fluff, and angst
different au’s (excluding animal!reader or character, omega universe, etc)
scenario, headcanons, Drabble, oneshot (if necessary)
female and gn reader
dark content, incest, nsfw
ships. I only do character x reader
Romantic relationships with minors. Such as Yanqing, hook, Clara, etc.
specific traits for the reader (ex. “reader with blue eyes” “reader has freckles”)
male reader. I don’t have experience, sorry.
Any other fandom, i am a starrail centered blog
If you do not specify if you want a certain gender I will resort to fem reader.
I will pick requests to do first. (Yes I will have favorites.)
My works will always be short, unless you have an extremely detailed prompt and request otherwise for a longer piece.
when you request, you could at-least please be respectful. Something simple like starting off with hello and ending with thank you. I love people who do that. ^^ this isn’t a necessity btw!!
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