#reader doenst like physical touch
rukkiya · 1 year
losing control
(welt yang x reader)
tw: reader is uncomfortable with physical touch
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“Welt and you will be going down for this mission. Please be careful, I advise you to stay close with him at all times y/n. The people you’ll be dealing with are anything but good.”
Himeko’s voice rings in your ears.
The crowd was only getting worse, the city you were at wasn’t like ones you were used to. Sure cities were busy and all but you were getting swept away by the crowd.
“Y/n! Grab me!” Welts voice comes out strained, people pushing you and him further apart.
The look on your face was making him desperate to get out of there. He knows you have a problem with having people too close let alone touching you, you looked utterly scared.
He doesn’t dare try and grab you; he doesn't want to scare you anymore than you already are hence why he’s telling you to grab onto him.
You reach your hand out to reach for his forearm only to feel someone else grab your arm, sweeping you further away from welt.
“Hey let them go!” Welt pushes forward seeing you squirm uncomfortably.
He would grab you, would bring you close to him but he knows just how uncomfortable you are with any sort of physical touch.
He first noticed it when you joined the Astral Express.
He picked up on your facial expressions and body language when you’d squirm away from the slighted touch. When others would accidentally bump into you even sometimes when March would hug you, though you tried your best to not show it, he noticed it.
You felt bad, didn’t want others to think you were uncomfortable around them exactly. It’s just you’ve never experienced it much and before you knew it when it would happen you found yourself wanting to get away from it.
It made you feel vulnerable, it made you scared for so many reasons.
Doesn’t help that the reason why you were in this mess in the first place was because you had already miraculously gotten on the bad guys side and now they were tailing you.
Welt and you were asking around about the city and it’s recent troubles with the gangs that run certain parts. Little did you know someone from one of the notorious gangs just happened to be listening in.
“Excuse me ma’am sorry to bother, I just wanted to ask you about your troubles with the city lately. Do you think you can tell me anything revolving around certain people?” You politely ask the old lady behind the counter who was serving coffee.
“My dear, please don’t speak so loudly of such people, you never know where they are I wouldn’t want you to get in-“
“Looks like todays your lucky day kid! I just so happen to be involved with the people you speak of. Now, what business do you outsiders have with us huh?” an older man clears his throat leaning next to you, making you lean back stepping off the stool you sat on. Welt’s shoulders come into view to block the man from getting any closer.
“We are here to ask questions, nothing more, please step back.” Welt clears his throat, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
“Wasn’t talking to you four eyes. You two are here to cause trouble clearly, anyone who asks about us has bad intentions your little friend there knows just what they’re asking.” The man laughs, making Welt sigh, talking to people like this was like talking to a wall.
“They mean no harm, please don’t start a ruckus in my diner.” The old woman behind the counter sighs, pushing a cup of coffee your way, a look of worry on her face as she looks over to you.
“Go out the back if anything happens.” She mouths and you nod your head, an uneasy feeling setting in your chest.
“Hey,” the older man clicks his tongue, hand reaching over for you. “I’m talking to you kid, don’t you know how to respect-“
In an instant the man’s hand and head were pinned to the table below you, Welt standing over him pinning him down.
The second the man’s head slammed the table around fifteen other men shot up from their seats, weapons drawing pointing at both Welt and you.
“Y/n, get the older woman and take her somewhere safe in the back, have her take you outside, I’ll be there right now.” Welt whispers, making you immediately shake your head no.
“I can’t leave-“
“Y/n you’ll be fine, I promise I’ll go out there for you right now.” Welt’s voice comes out a bit calmer this time, giving you a small nod.
You slowly nod back, placing both palms onto the counter.
“Now!” Welts voice urges you, making you push yourself up and jump over the counter, grab the old lady’s hand and run to the back.
“He’ll be fine.” You tell yourself over and over.
The noises coming from the dining hall were anything but pleasant making you all the more scared.
“Ma’am I’m sorry about all this. I’m taking you away from the fight so you won’t get hurt but I need you to tell me where the back door is at.” You make your way down the narrow hall with her behind.
“Leave me here around the corner dear, I’ll be fine, this is my dinner after all.” She slows down and you turn back to her.
“The door that leads to the outside is all the way down. Make one right and a left. It should lead you outside but beware of the crowded streets, it will however make it earlier for you both to escape. Now go!” She explains, pointing down the hall.
“I can’t leave you here, what if they-“
“I need to stay, they won’t hurt me, trust me. Besides I need to tell that boyfriend of yours where the back door is too!” She turns, hearing the hallway door open.
You open your mouth to say something but she only gently moves your forward to the back.
You quickly thank her once again and make your way down. The door to the outside soon came into view and your legs full on sprinted only coming to a halt when your arms reached out to push it open. You weren’t leaving without Welt.
However Welt was right behind you, the old woman had told him which back door to head out and managed to lose the guy who was tailing him.
Loud footsteps were heard from the corner of the hall and you held your breath.
“Where’s welt?”
“Is he ok?”
“What if it’s not him?”
“What if he’s hurt?”
Your mind racing with so many questions all at once, only does it stop when you see the familiar head of brown hair and glasses come into your view.
“Over here!” You push the door open and step out, waiting for him to fully exit to shut the door and block it from the outside.
As soon as Welts leg left the door, the man from earlier had turned down the corner and was running straight towards you.
You push the door forward with all your weight but it didn’t close fully, the footsteps were now much closer.
You lean back and throw your body against it to push it more but nothing happened.
Welt leaned over your body leaning over the door and shoved it closed just as the older man was about to burst through it.
“Thank you, are you ok?” You ask out of breath.
“Yes I am, they didn’t get me, don't worry I’m not hurt.” He replies equally as out of breath as you, you step close to examine if he’s actually ok or not but stop when you hear something hit the door.
A loud bang comes from the door you've just closed making you both turn, only to see the hinges fly off.
Welt and you made no comment, the second the bolts flew off the door you knew you had to leave.
Your legs waste no time, running down the dark alley and into the crowd.
That’s how you both found yourself in this predicament.
The old woman wasn’t lying when she said the crowded streets would make them lose you, only they proved to be more than you thought, you were losing sight of Welt as people swept you farther and farther away.
“Y/n!” Welts tone calls out laced with worry, his voice sounds so close yet far from all the muffled voices overlapping
The people passing kept bumping into you making you all the more uneasy, being so close to others wasnt something you were used to. You need to get out, the people around you were making it even harder for Welt to spot you.
“Welt! Welt where are you?!” You pull your arm towards you, away from the random person and push your way through the crowd, seeing Welt reach out his hand again.
You felt as if you were slowly losing control. You couldn’t keep your balance, couldn’t move, you were being pushed, grabbed, shoved it was all too much. It was making your skin crawl, burn in an uncomfortable way.
“Grab me, I'll try getting you out of here, just grab my hand or arm wherever you can!” Welt calls out and you manage to get closer.
“What if they can’t reach me?
“Do I grab them?”
“No, I don't want to make them any more uncomfortable than they already are.” Welt argues with himself as to whether or not he should but youre so close, just mere inches away.
You stretch out your arm again, fingers just brushing against Welts before gunshots are heard.
If the crowd was bad before, now, there was truly no way of getting out now.
“No I can't- don't take them.” Welts eyes widen when you get swept back further, your face falls into one of complete horror and he feels his heart drop.
Frustrated tears were now building up.
You had no choice, you know he was trying to respect you by not grabbing you himself. Everyone on the astral express knows and respects your boundaries, but right now you didnt want to be here.
It was strange, though you dislike physical touch right now having Welt grab you or being closer to him sounded so comforting.
“WELT!” you shout and his eyes widen when he sees you crying.
“Grab me! I can't reach you so grab me! It’s ok if you do! I promise it is, you can grab onto me!” You shout, seeing him lunge forward not a second after you called out to him.
You were trying to stop your legs from moving back, staying still getting shoved, pushed, grabbed onto for leverage, you stood your ground.
Welt was much closer than before, squeezing himself though the crowd getting ready to grab you and make it out of here.
This time was the last he'd let this happen.
He wasn't going to stand this anymore. Seeing you get shoved and pushed when you were already this scared.
Another particularly hard shove makes you stumble and lose your footing, you feel yourself slip before you can steady yourself but you never hit the ground.
Welts hand wraps itself gently around your bicep and pulls you close. His other arm barricades you into him as he tries his best to prevent anyone else from bumping into you.
His taller frame didn’t get swept away as easily as you did so he managed to hold his ground. Though it was still tough to force his way out, after what felt like hours he had managed to make it out of the crowd with you.
The gunshots were still going off, the yelling and screaming making everything, the whole situation way down on you.
If you’d only kept your mouth shut, only listened and took your time this never would’ve happened.
Welts legs didn’t stop moving, he still had a firm hold on your arm as he kept you in front of him as he made his way back to where the astral express could pick you both up.
After what felt like ten minutes of walking, Welt stopped and looked around, finding a small deserted area a good place to stay for a bit.
He makes his way to the small bench by the wall with you near, his hand reaching for his phone but stops when he feels your shaking arm intensify a bit.
He looks down at you and notices just how harsh the crowd was on you. Your sleeves were missing from your shirt from being practically thrown around pulled and pushed.
“Hey, hey y/n are you hurt? Are you ok?” He asks, moving back so you can sit on the bench so he can see if you were bleeding anywhere. Feeling the corners of his mouth tug downward when you look up at him with misty eyes.
“I- I’m ok. I just didn’t think it- it would turn out this way.” You stutter, looking back down at your arms laid on your lap, feeling your lips start to tremble.
“Everyone was just so close, I couldn’t stand it.” You shiver a bit, the cool air and memories were making you squirm. “I couldn't reach you. I’m so- I’m sorry I made this whole mess happen. I didn't mean to worry you.” You suck in a deep breath, you didn’t want to cry over this. It wasn’t their fault you felt that way about touching it being close to others. Everyone, including Welt and you were in a panic.
“You don’t need to apologize to me y/n you did nothing wrong.” You feel his hand gently let your arm go, strangely you didn’t even feel it on you. You had forgotten he grabbed you until he let go.
“It’s understandable why you are shaken up and nothing is wrong with that ok? It’s understandable to be uncomfortable in these situations, especially if you don’t like it in the first place. You did nothing wrong, this was out of both your control and my own.” He assures you, voice much softer than earlier.
“Here, if you’d like you can put this on for now. Your sleeves are missing and it’s cold, I wouldn’t want you getting sick too after this.” He shrugs off his coat, sitting next to you on the bench while putting it over your shoulders, being careful as he did so. You’ve taken too much already today he knows you need time to recuperate.
Your fingers clutch the fabric over you, pulling it closer to your skin. The familiar comforting scent makes you calm down a bit more.
“Thank you for saving me, for grabbing hold of me and for being considerate even in a dire situation like that. You didn’t have to wait for me to give you the ok, you could’ve grabbed onto me before but the fact you did makes me feel safer than I do with anyone else Welt, I appreciate it.” You send him a wobbly smile, letting out a long breath, feeling like you can finally breathe now that you’re both safe.
He can only offer you a soft smile back and a nod of his head in return. The smile you gave him and the genuine appreciation in your tone made him feel warm even though his coat was off. Right now at this moment he couldn't be more relieved that you’re safe to see you smile though he knows it’s affecting you more than you’re letting on.
He feels his phone buzz and sees a message from Himeko.
“How’s everything down there?”
He clicks her contact and dials her number, deciding to call and explain what exactly happened.
“No no, I’m ok, so is y/n they’re right here-“
His voice cuts off when he feels the weight of your head lean over on his shoulder, you fell asleep.
“Is everything ok?” Himeko asks and Welt clears his throat, slowly adjusting his glasses as he does so as to not wake you.
“Yes, everything is fine. They’re sleeping right now. They had a long day, I think it’s best we give them some time off when we get back up.” Welt smiles as Himeko hums in agreement .
“Well of course after all today was hard for them from what you’ve told me. We’ll give them as much time as they need. Now, we’ll be there right now to get you both, sit tight.” Himeko tell’s Welt before handing up.
Welt gently leans back into the bench and looks back down at you leaning on his shoulder. Smiling to himself seeing you look at peace for the first time this whole day.
“Get rest, we’ll be home soon.” He whispers as you subconsciously wrap his coat tighter around your frame.
authors note: helloo loves!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و I finally wrote for this handsome man AHHHH welt, blade and yuan jing all have my heart in starrail but something about welt makes me- O-o HDHDHDSH GO CRAZY LOL I’ve been wanting to write this so a while now, this is something I personally struggle with as well so I thought I’d be ok to write it out to help idk lol it’s been getting kinda bad lately so it’s just a way to help me somehow if that makes any sense? ended it on a lighter note bc I need to give y’all a break with the angst hehe but I hope you enjoy! please take care and stay safe! ^~^<3 (also this is not proofread ahh so apologies for any errors!!)
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smolweeblets · 8 months
Yelena AOT X Reader fluff alphabet
A/n: Yeah im not dead yet, not my best work but i feel bad for leaving you guys for so long, i really miss writing, till next time 😭❤️
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Affectionate in a soft, quiet, and gentle way. Like, this woman just goes up to you and snuggles you while you do your thing and just plays with something of yours, like your hand, your hair, or a piece of your clothing.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Super sarcastic and rough as a friend but of course has that soft and caring side when it really matters. She teases and bullies you (playfully, and if youre okay with that). Her favorite one is definitely calling you short. No Lena, we arent short, youre just an overgrown beanstalk.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
She actually does not like being too close when you sleep together, but always needs to have something touching you. Maybe an arm around your abdomen or stomach or you two holding each others hands.
Also, just silently plops next to you if youre doing something in your couch or bed and just sleeps there or tries to make menial conversation.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I feel like younger Lena (or, i guess the current one) is really focused on their job for a better life for the two of you but if youre still with her after a few years, she starts to reach her goals and cares less for working so much.
She just knows the kitchen basics, maybe has a signature dish that she always knows how to make well. Shes really nothing exceptional in the kitchen but she can definitely cook a decent balanced meal. As for cleaning, she doesnt do it much but when she does she does a whole deep clean of everything in the house. If you live with her I suggest leaving for a while because she enjoys working alone and she will be moving and messing up some of the furniture for a bit.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If she knew it was coming, they would try to delay it for as long as she possibly can. She genuinely doesnt want to hurt you, but sometimes, thing cant be fixed and she has to do it. She speaks clearly and gets straight to the point. Comforts you for the time being and offers to stay friends. She probably will hate how awkward it would feel to be around you but she makes an effort, she still cares for you deeply.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Really takes a while, she doesnt feel the need to be married, she doenst really care for your titles or anything but she would probably do it for you and so other people know you are very serious with each other.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Usually gentle mannerisms because being rough and brash really isnt her thing. She does like to playfully wrestle sometimes though, and she isnt afraid to swat the back of your head of you said something out of line. Emotionally? She tries her best to be mindful of you, but she usually really isnt good at this sort of thing.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Only during like really emotional moments. Maybe something like gently cradling you after intercourse or comforting you when youre upset. Sometimes she wraps her arms around you and rests her head on top of yours when your both just standing idly.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Takes a while. She knows for a while but is scared to admit it out loud until shes super sure that its safe with you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Doesnt really get all that jealous, if ever she does shes just quiet and brooding about it bust shes definitely gonna be noticable more clingy away from prying eyes. Its adorable. But please dont actually make her jealous shes gonna be sad.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Usually quick and they can land anywhere on your face. Can be passionate too of course, but likes to keep them short and sweet most of the time. She likes her kisses to be reciprocated, like, anywhere on her face as well. If you give her some unprovoked shell take a second to process then smile goofily and give you some back.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Shes actually pretty good around children, they vibe with her and she vibes with them. Doesnt see herself having ome of her own though, is aware of the responsibilities and stuff and its just too much for her. Loves babysitting though.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Groggy asf morning voice. It melts your heart.
Also doesnt feel like doing much of anything in the mornings, even talking seems like too much effort when shes just woken up but if youre still in bed with her shell pull you closer and you two just cuddle together for a while until shes ready to start the day.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
She is not a night person, but shes usually sillier and more vulnerable when you both are going to bed. Loves having pillow talks with you.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Ohohoh. She is the queen of being usually secretive then suddenly dropping a bombshell and you just stare at her dumbfounded.
You never knew she even had an actual family until she invited you to a dinner with them on a random night.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Patience of a saint but only when it matters. With you, when youre taking while to do something or when theres a good reason to be waiting then shell be able to do so for hours. But in small inconveniences shes grumbling and groaning to you about how the line is so slow, or the internet isnt working again or this man at work is getting on my nerves.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Remembers everything. She will know the name of your first pet you had to the name of one of your friends in first grade.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
Definitely when she knew you reciprocated her feelings.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Super protective. Within reason of course but she constantly worries and fusses over your wellbeing and always makes sure that you are as safe and comfortable as you can possibly be. Her heart melts when you try to protect her from anything even though you know she is fully capable of caring for herself.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Not too much effort, usually a gift or maybe a schedule to go somewhere but she is literally the most thoughtful person ever. Like? Lena I dont even remember when I said I liked this but now that I have it I'm going to cry because I love it so much.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Has a tendency to go quiet a lot, especially through text. She just doesnt find it in her to reply or talk sometimes. Yoy can never tell if shes mad or if you did something if you dont ask. She can and has left you on received for days at a time.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Decently concerned. Like, she'll make sure that she always looks presentable and stuff but doesnt go out of her way to do any special routines or anything, just a good face wash and shes practically good to go. Doesnt do makeup, if she does its like super light you barely notice its there.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
For short trips when she knows youre gonna come back, shes decently fine. Misses you of course, but she’d manage. But if youre gone for good, shes going to hide and suppress how much she wants you back and just how big of a part of her life you were.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Shes a menace with weird/cursed food combinations. I cant think of any specific ones but I know some of the things she likes to eat should be considered a threat to humanity and what it stands for. She also offers you some. You politely decline.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
I think she doesnt like people who are unsanitary. She doesnt care much for looks but you need to be clean and practice basic personal hygiene. This is partly because she has a strong smell. Shes understanding if youre going through something like if youre mentally unwell though, but only if she already knows you and what youre going through. Otherwise she generally wouldnt be near you.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Not so much a habit but if shes not cuddling with you she literally sleeps like a corpse. Stiff as a plank and her hands crossed over each other on her stomach. You have so many picture of her when shes taking naps on your bed you giggle every time you see it.
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
What about a yandere platonic kirishima with a reader who loves his cats (or whatever animal he has) more than him the reader refuses to talk to him and ignores him 24/7 and spends all there time with his cat I feel like he would be a very jealous boi thank you goodbai
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At first, kirishima really doesnt mind it. He had the cats here, not only because he likes them, but also because they could serve as a form of comfort and distraction for you. It really doesn’t bother him at all when you’d start to hang out with them a lot more, there really ain’t anything better than having a feline friend cuddle up next to you while you sleep is there? He just thinks it’s so cute when you ramble onto them like they’re real humans, or when you fall asleep on the couch with them under a blanket.
Then, it becomes a problem. Everything you do, is done without him, instead replaced with a cat. He never thought he would say this, but he’s literally jealous of a cat, he can’t do anything with you anymore, as you’re always speaking with them instead of him, when he wants to feed you, you’re done on the floor feeding the cats, when he wants to bathe you, you bring along one of the cats so they’ll put up a fuss about the wayer, hen he wants you to cuddle with him, you’ve already got a cat on you, blocking him form even touching you. Everything you do now is done with a cat, the worst part about it is, taht you stopped talking to him entirely, he felt like he was being relaxed by a furball.
He hates it
Meanwhile, you are quite enjoying yourself, you weren’t ever allowed a pet before coming here, so the 12 or so cats were like a little refreshment form your situation. Your “daddy” is the one who kidnapped you, he can deal with whatever wierd coping mechanism you have, even if it annoys him, he brought it on himself! These cats are t jsut little animals anymore, they’re like your friends, you spend most of your day just lazing around with them anyway, and they show no sign of objection, so it’s safe to say from both sides, you are all besties.
This situation is… a problem, for kirishima at least, you aren’t really doing anything wrong, and he wouldn’t punish you for no reason, but also he doesn’t get any time with you anymore, it’s like you’re trying to grow up in him, and he can’t have that. He also doesn’t want to just throw the cats out, because he likes them, no matter how annoying they could be, and you love them, it would just break your little heart to see your best friends go, he never wants to see your cute little face muddled with tears, so he can’t do that to you.
That doesn’t make him any less jealous though, when you brush him off, or ignore him outright, just so you can pick up the cat and giggle, it’s so cute taht it makes his heart melt, but it also makes his heart hurt because you’re refusing to talk to him, so he’s confused, and jealous. He actively pulls you away from them just to get a few moments, and push away the cats when they come anywhere near him. He’s just a little petty… just a little
You just find him pouting across the room, a full ass grown man is pouting because you refused of give him a hug. He is very passively telling you to pay attention to him, wether it’s negative or positive, he just wants something. You to scream at him and call him names, or for you to wrap your hands around his waist and hug him, he just wants anything. At some point he’ll get so fed up that he’ll physically pick you up, and sit you on his lap, and talk to you about how he knows that you live them, but all he’s trying to do is “help” you, and it can’t be one sided.
So of course, this “cat episode” as he calls it, is out to an abrupt end quite quickly actually. The two of your are back to being normal, if that’s what you could call it, taht doenst exactly mean no cats are involved anymore. You’re partly the reason he keeps them, so it’s not like hell completely isolate you from the fluffy cuddleballs, you still get to talk with them, and play with them, and cuddle with them, that’s all you have to really do, but now it just includes kirishima.
It’s pretty easy for you to get submerged into just being with them, and accidentally annoy your captor, but hells map you out of that pretty quickly, asking you if you wnat or make cookies or watch a movie with him. He still thinks you are absolutely adorable when you cuddle with all the little kitties, just now, he’s cuddling you with them.
It’s a win win situation, you get your kitty cuddling time, and he gets time with you. So you’re both happy, now you’ve gone back to being his sweet little baby again!
Fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff, I thought this was so cute.
Thank you for requesting anon! Tell me if you want to change anything!
Goodbye, have a great day!
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outivv · 3 years
How is your day/night going?
Ahem, I want to start this off by saying if you don't feel comfortable with writing this you don't have to, I understand!
Also I want to put a trigger warning for self harm.
So I'm a month clean (how'd that happen :0) and I've been struggling a lot lately especially with school starting back up so I was wondering if you could do a comfort/ fluff of genshin characters having a s/o (they/them or not mentioned) that has a problem with self harm and/or eating.
I don't really mind the characters but if you do end up writing could you put some girls in?
You're amazing have a good day/night! :)
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Synopsis: reader with a problem with self harm/ eating.
Warnings: self harm, eating disorder (kinda?), and it’s not proofread per usual :’)
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Characters: ganyu, rosaria, thoma, xiao, and hu tao
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello! I’m doing pretty good and I hope you are as well! Also congrats on being a month clean!!!!! That’s a amazing milestone :D!!! I understand school can be… to put it bluntly really really shitty. But I know you can stay clean :). I hope you enjoy, and if you want more characters I’d be glad to write for them! Have a nice day/ afternoon/ night!!! <3
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— ganyu —
I think she understands what you’re going through. At least how you feel, because the situation is different for everyone.
She’s very very sweet, and supportive, telling you how you can get through this, how you’re an amazingly strong person, and how she’ll always be here for you even if things get rocky.
I think the longer you go without harming yourself, and/ or eating the more and more… excited she’ll be. When you tell her you’ve been a month clean she’s over the moon with joy, and will shower your face with kisses while telling you how proud she is.
If you relapse (which is normal and it doesn’t mean anything against you or the progress you’ve made!) she’ll be right there by your side, never leaving you.
All in all ganyu is proud of you! She wants to see you succeed, and wants to be right there next to you when you do succeed!!!
— rosaria —
Rosaria also slightly understands the same way as ganyu. She understands how you feel, and wants to be there for you, but unlike ganyu she doesn’t know how.
Rosaria doenst have a gentle touch, and isn’t good with feelings, but she does small things for you.
She keeps track of how long you’ve been clean for, or how much you’ve been eating every day. She Isn’t the greatest cook (her special dish looks like it would be… painful.) but she’ll make food for you whenever you like! Say the word and she’s on it!
Rosaria isn’t much of a person for physical affection… or words, but she will kiss any self harm scars you have. She’s so soft and gentle it almost feels out of character for her.
She can’t always be by your side due to her being a nun and all, but she’ll stay up into the latest hours of the night for you. Comforting you, or making you food. She doesn’t care. She just wants you to get better.
— thoma —
Absolute sweetheart. Has almost… a motherly vibe when it comes to you. In a weird way? But a good way.
There’s a lot of cuddling while telling you how proud he is of you. He’s very gentle with you, his touch being light as a feather across your skin, and his words painfully sweet. He does this every time you’re having a rough time, pulling you close, and saying words of encouragement.
So respectful of whatever eating problems you may or may not have! You want food? Ok! It’s 3 am but he’ll make a whole meal if it’s for you! You wanna go somewhere else to eat? Ok! He’ll excuse you both from your friends to go eat somewhere in private if that what you’d like! You don’t wanna eat anything? He’ll encourage you to eat something, even something small like a berry, but won’t push you.
Did I empathize enough how respectful he is? He doesn’t push you to talk about anything if you don’t want to! He wants you to be comfortable around him, confide in him, he wants to be… a safe space if that makes sense?
— xiao —
He… doesn’t understand. Xiao has to deal with huge amounts of karma weighing on his shoulders every day, so why aren’t you ok? He also thinks he’s being stupid and selfish in a way, and feels guilty that he thinks the way he does sometimes.
I think when you told xiao about your eating problem, he probably flat out said, “yeah I only like almond tofu. Have you tried it? Maybe that’s your problem.” Listen I love xiao I really do but he’s most likely clueless and doesn’t know what to say.
Despite that though, he is… oddly caring, and protective? Let’s say you have self harm scars, and want to cover it up. Here take his jacket, or here take his whole wardrobe, he doesn’t need it. It isn’t about him right now it’s about you, and you need to be comfortable.
Won’t push you to eat, he doesn’t really like eating either, so he understands, but if you just… aren’t eating all day he aggressively will tell you to eat. He’ll Bring you a bowl of fruit, or a plate of crackers and cheese, slamming it down on the table and coldly saying “eat.”
Despite not knowing what to do, xiao is your number one supporter. Tracking how many days you’ve been clean, quietly telling you he’s proud (ok he doesn’t tell you but he give you… a warm look that is only reserved for you when he’s proud of you :D)
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