#he never knew how to speak to her he only just curled up next to her and let her cry like a baby
ivantillz · 2 days
find me;
ivantill, 4.1k, inspired by this post by @ivanttakethis Ivan returns - alive - after round 6 despite all odds but something is different about him. Wrong. Till is on his own to figure out what happened and how to fix it.
Till didn’t know how to describe what he was feeling – that wasn’t quite true; he had an idea. He was numb. He thought he’d been numb, before, but after watching Ivan die… now he knew what true numbness felt like.
He might not have expressed it enough, looking back. Just how much he appreciated having Ivan around. Maybe, he hadn’t even known yet how terribly empty this place would feel without him.
And now he would never get to tell him. He would never even get to talk to him again.
It was over, and frankly Till was too tired to keep fighting. It didn’t matter. His next opponent was Luka and he wasn’t naive enough to think he could win.
Strangely, he felt an odd sense of calm alongside the numbness. He was ready to go. He was ready to see if the aliens were truthful about this one thing, at least. Was there much of anything after death or just eternal darkness?
Maybe that really would be better. To feel nothing. Be nothing.
Till heard a familiar bell; it was dinnertime. He curled up tighter, hugging his knees and closed his eyes. He wasn’t hungry.
He wasn’t sure how long he’d been asleep when he was finally jostled awake. He blinked, once, twice, eyes having a hard time adjusting to the brightness of day.
When he lifted his head, he was met with the face of a girl about his age, dark hair and dark eyes. Unassuming. He was pretty sure he’d seen her around once or twice. They’d never talked.
“I thought you might, um.” She was wringing her hands nervously. Till shouldn’t care. He had given up caring about anything, especially whatever she was struggling to tell him.
He sniffed. “If you have nothing to say, please go away.” He just wanted to go back to sleep. Sleeping was the only time he didn’t feel completely hopeless. At least in his dreams, he wasn’t alone.
“I know we haven’t talked much or anything,” she continued, speaking just a little too fast, “but I thought you might want to see this. You, um. You were close to him, right?”
She didn’t say his name. She didn’t need to.
Till didn’t even bother answering. He just blankly stared at her. Apparently, that was answer enough.
“You really need come see this,” she said again, this time with more urgency.
Till frowned. He should just ignore her. He didn’t want to entertain whatever game she was playing.
“I’m serious,” she was fidgeting again. “Please.”
He could’ve ignored her, but he didn’t. Even now, he supposed his curiosity had a way of getting the better of him. Standing up, he winced when his back cracked and his knees popped.
She smartly didn’t say anything and just led the way. Till followed slowly. It was only when she stopped abruptly that he finally looked up, barely avoiding running into her.
“Hey,” he barked. “Watch it!”
She stepped to the side, opening her mouth, probably to retort, but he couldn’t hear anything over the rushing in his ears.
There, in the middle of a small crowd, was Ivan.
He didn’t even know what to focus on first – his hair, brushed back with a small clip on the side to keep it out of his face. His clothes, pure white and pristine. The smile on his face, warm and sweet.
But none of that mattered, really. Nothing mattered but the fact Ivan was here.
Ivan was alive.
Till didn’t even wait to see if the girl had anything else to say; he rushed past her and joined the crowd, pushing people out of the way. Some of them glared at him, some yelled, but he didn’t care.
He needed to make sure he wasn’t seeing things. He needed to know Ivan was real.
When he finally reached the center of the crowd, he let out a shaky breath and just stared. Ivan was really there, standing right in front of him with a confused tilt of his head and an unnervingly polite smile.
Then Ivan opened his mouth and asked possibly the dumbest question he could:
“Are you okay?”
Till felt anger rush to the forefront of his many conflicting emotions, red hot and burning. “Am I okay?” he repeated in disbelief, and suddenly grabbed the collar of Ivan’s shirt. Ivan blinked, but didn’t move to stop him. “You seriously think you can do all that and then just ask me if I’m okay?”
Ivan stared back at him with a familiar blankness before suddenly he was smiling, soft and kind, “I’m sorry,” he said, and Till couldn’t remember ever hearing him apologize, before. “I don’t know what I did but I assure you I didn’t meant to upset you.”
He reached up and gently touched Till’s hands, still clutching his collar.
“If you would let go, maybe we can go somewhere private and talk.”
Till blinked, once, twice, before suddenly letting go like he’d been burned, his hands curling into fists at his sides “You don’t know what you did?” he repeated, slowly, icily. “Is this some kind of sick joke to you?”
His heart was thumping in his chest too fast, too hard. He felt like he was struggling to breathe.
“I really don’t,” Ivan replied softly. It was unnerving, hearing him talk like that. “But I’m assuming I did something to hurt you, and if I did, I really am sorry.”
Till bristled, fists tightening. He could feel something wet in both palms of his hands; blood, maybe, from where his nails were digging too deep.
“You really don’t remember?” he asked, terrified of the answer.
Ivan smiled again; it was too sweet. “I’m afraid I don’t.”
“Okay.” Till swallowed, forced his hands to relax at his sides. “Okay.”
Without waiting for any kind of response, he turned and ran.
For a while, he isolated himself and just tried to figure out what had happened. Maybe some kind of head trauma? That would’ve explained the memory loss, maybe, but Ivan was acting like a completely different person.
Before he had seen Ivan again - before he had gotten confirmation he was still alive - he had gone over all the things he wanted to say to him, good and bad.
Now he couldn’t bring himself to say any of it. He avoided even crossing paths with Ivan for the first few days but then he realized something:
Ivan was avoiding him too. Not on purpose, it seemed, but somehow that realization was even more terrifying.
He used to do anything to get his attention - steal his things just to return them, start trivial fights, ask him to teach him about music (he never paid attention). Now he barely looked in his direction most days, too distracted with the handful of other contestants who were seemingly glued to his side.
Before, he hadn’t had any friends. Not for a lacking of trying - many people wanted to be friends with Ivan - but he had never even bothered trying to act interested.
Eventually they had stopped trying, of course, but now that had changed. It was like people could smell he was different, and they were right.
To make matters even worse, Till had overheard a few of Ivan’s conversations with some of the contestants. He wasn’t sure if Ivan meant it but when they would flirt, fluttering their eyelashes, pouting a little, Ivan would seem interested, smiling coyly.
That was possibly the most obvious sign something was very, very wrong.
Ivan didn’t do friends - not beyond what championship he had been able to forge with Till and Mizi, possibly Sua (before) - but he certainly hadn’t flirted with others.
He hadn’t even flirted with Till prior to their round, despite seemingly having some kind of feelings for him. Or maybe he had, but in unconventional ways. He certainly hadn’t been obvious about it.
(He wanted to talk to him - the real Ivan - understand what he really felt, but now he couldn’t. The Ivan of now apparently felt nothing for him.)
Could a head trauma do that? Till wasn’t educated in that kind of stuff; some of the others were, the way he was interested in music, but even they hadn’t had many chances to explore it with their limited resources. So when he asked, they simply apologized and said, honestly, “I don’t know. Maybe?”
He was grateful for the honesty but it had brought him no closer to figuring out what was going on, or how to reverse it (if that was even possible. He really hoped it was possible.)
Till finally reached a breaking point after Ivan won round 7.
(Since nobody had expected him to survive, and it was unprecedented, they had decided to add two new contestants to the lineup; one to go up against Till and one to go up against Ivan, extending the season to 9 rounds overall. The finale would make history as - for the first time - three contestants would go up against each other at once. Till really didn’t care about dissecting what that meant for them, in the future.)
Obviously he was glad he had won - he had been watching the broadcast with bated breath - but he had won by singing a new piece. Till felt an odd sense of comfort, hearing his voice again (maybe the only thing that hadn’t changed) but then he had started to pay closer attention to the lyrics.
And it was wrong. All wrong. Since when did Ivan sing of birds flying through clear blue skies, free and fearless? Of requited love, sweet and true?
It might’ve been his voice, but those weren’t his words. Something was wrong. Ivan was here, but he wasn’t.
Then finally Till made a realization. It was a working theory, of course, but at least it was a start.
It started with Till watching Ivan even closer (something he didn’t think was possible). He started to slowly notice other details that were wrong.
Just little things. Things that might not have been noticeable to other people. Like the way Ivan’s laugh was a little off (slightly too high-pitched compared to before). The way his eyes were brighter, now, but somehow lacking life at the same time.
Till realized he reminded him of a doll. Too happy. Too polite. Even Mizi - sweet as she was - hadn’t been nearly as perfect. It was unnerving.
Once - still testing his theory - Till had even spilled his soup on him during dinnertime. Just to see. Ivan had barely spared him a glance, a polite smile. “Don’t worry,” he had said before disappearing to change.
He returned with another white shirt. Laughed with everyone else at a joke that was objectively not funny.
That was when Till was certain he was on the right track. They had done something to him. It wasn’t surprising, in a way. They had experimented on Till many times before, after all, but this was different. This was Ivan; the pride and joy of the season.
It was risky to mess with him, but he supposed if it was that or his death, the aliens had weighed their options and decided this was the better outcome.
And truthfully, it had worked out for them. Ivan had gotten even more support than ever after his latest round; brands were lining up to work with him, he had a new interview being published almost every week.
But Till wouldn’t be so easily satisfied. Even if this Ivan was easier to deal with. Even if he smiled more. Till missed tussling and rolling around in the grass with him. He even missed the times Ivan would steal his things just to return them a few days later.
He missed Ivan, his friend, and possibly something more, one day. He still wasn’t sure; wouldn’t be until they could actually talk about what had happened on that stage. But either way, he would find a way to snap him out of this.
Easier said than done. Now it was hard to even get a moment alone with Ivan, seeing as he was always surrounded by people.
Finally Till did what he had to do (and he wasn’t exactly proud of it): he pretended to be hurt, and Ivan - this new version of him, at least - couldn’t resist the bait. He helped him to his room and stood there, seemingly unsure of what to do next. Till pretended to massage his ankle.
“Thank you,” he said, and a part of him meant it.
Whether or not this was the Ivan he knew, he still didn’t like him looking so lost. It was jarring, compared to the easy confidence he usually carried himself with. Before and after. The confidence had always been the one consistent thing across both versions of him, although it had certainly manifested in different ways.
Ivan smiled then, looking more sure of himself. That smile - bright and full as it was - still didn’t manage to quite reach his eyes. Till knew this was it. He had to take this chance and find out a way to reverse whatever they had done to him, if that was possible.
(It had to be; he didn’t know what he would do if it wasn’t.)
For now he just had to keep him here with him, separated from all the others.
“Can you sit with me for a second?” he asked, and Ivan didn’t even hesitate before joining him on the bed that felt more like a concrete slab with a blanket over it.
He even sat politely, hands together in his lap, back a perfectly straight line. He was still smiling. “Did you need anything else?”
Till hesitated for a moment, mentally scrambling for an excuse to keep him here longer. “My ankle really hurts,” he blurted, “even worse than before.” He paused, biting his lip, still thinking. Then he thought of it, the perfect excuse. “Could you maybe look at it?”
“I’m not sure I’d be able to tell you anything,” he replied despite already moving to the floor. Till watched, heart pounding in his chest, as Ivan gently touched his ankle, lifting his foot a little.
He should’ve prepared a bit more, maybe, because his ankle was perfectly fine. No bruising, no cuts. Still he winced, frowning. “It’s sore,” he said, pointing to a random spot. “Around here.”
Ivan nodded, softly running his fingers over the spot with pursed lips.
Till knew he should’ve been thinking more, formulating a plan. He couldn’t just keep Ivan here forever looking at his ankle, and he was no closer to finding out what the aliens had done (or how to reverse it.)
Until he saw it:
A ring, perfectly discreet, around Ivan’s finger. It wasn’t quite silver but an odd hue that nearly blended into the color of Ivan’s skin. Like he - or someone - hadn’t wanted others to notice it.
Till felt his heart beating a little faster. There was no way, right? Surely it couldn’t have been that easy. All these weeks - all this pain - had been caused by a ring?
“Your finger,” he said, voice thick. He hoped Ivan wouldn’t notice; he didn’t, seemingly, still focused on Till’s ankle. “Where did you get that ring?”
Now Ivan looked up. For a long moment he just stared before finally he blinked, once, glancing down at the ring around his finger. “It was a gift.”
Till nodded slowly. “From who?”
“I - ” Ivan stopped, eyebrows furrowing as he idly spun the ring around his finger. “I don’t quite remember, it seems.”
Till knew this was it. He was onto something. He slid off the bed to join Ivan on the floor; Ivan gasped, just a quick breath, gesturing at his ankle with eyes full of concern. Till didn’t know if it was real - his concern. He didn’t know what was real anymore but in this moment he liked to believe it was, as unfounded as it was.
“I’m okay,” he assured him. “I just, can I - ” How did he ask for this, he wasn’t really sure. Finally he gave up and just grabbed Ivan’s hand.
Ivan let him, even as his eyebrows furrowed again, watching as Till gently turned his hand in a few different directions. It was a simple ring, no stone or decorations. It was loose enough for Ivan to spin it around his finger with ease, but too tight to fall off by any accident.
“Do you mind…?” he asked as his fingertips brushed the ring. Surely it wouldn’t be so easy, but it was still worth a try.
Ivan blinked; there was something lost in his gaze, almost like he wasn’t quite seeing. Then suddenly he was pushing Till back with enough force he yelped as his back hit the edge of his bed.
“Don’t touch me,” he said, icily, as he stood and turned toward the door.
It was all wrong. The Ivan that had been, here, for the last few weeks would’ve never reacted like that. So aggressive and cold. That was when Till knew there was no other option: that ring had to go. Whatever was going on, it was clear the aliens had put in some kind of safety measure to keep Ivan from letting anyone take it off.
Whether or not it would magically fix everything was unimportant. It was a start, at least. Till scrambled back to his feet and grabbed Ivan by the arm, yanking as hard as he could. Ivan stumbled, for just a second, but it was enough for Till to get the upper hand he needed.
He spun them around and pushed Ivan onto his bed; he fell with a huff. Before he could fully recover, Till was on top of him, pinning his arms down by his sides. Ivan had always been stronger than him but thankfully with the element of surprise and whatever adrenaline was coursing through his veins it seemed he had managed to subdue him.
“What are you doing?” Ivan asked; his voice no longer had that icy coolness to it, but he was obviously still not happy.
Till squeezed his wrists, hard. “I know you don’t remember me or - or what happened,” flashes of that night on the stage, painful and sharp, played through his mind, “but I know you cared about me and I don’t know if you knew at the time how much I cared about you too.”
Ivan just stared up at him, unblinking. Till took a shaky breath.
“I wish I had let you known, before that night.” His eyes burned but he forced the urge to cry back, swallowing thickly. He needed to focus right now. “Maybe if you had, you wouldn’t have done what you did. Maybe we could’ve found another way. You had always been the smartest out of any of us. If anyone could’ve done it, it was you.”
Ivan finally blinked, his mouth pressing together into a thin line. Till couldn’t spend too long wondering if any of this was getting through to him. He just had to keep talking.
“Instead you felt like the only way to save me was through sacrificing yourself, and - ” It was too late; his eyes watered, blurring his vision just a little. “I was so mad at you, at first. I was so angry I was sick. You - ” Till paused, shaking his head, hard. “You had no right to do that. To decide for me what I needed.”
He paused, took another shaky breath. Ivan still didn’t say anything.
“I missed you so much, Ivan,” his voice wavered with each word. “I thought I was never going to see you again and I was so numb. I realized I cared about you, more than I ever realized and - and you weren’t even here for me when I needed you the most.” He sniffed, squeezing his wrists even tighter. “You selfish asshole.”
Finally Ivan opened his mouth to say something. His eyes looked shiny, glistening. Till didn’t even bother waiting to see what he had to say; he surged down and slammed their lips together so hard their teeth clanked together, sending a jolt of pain through his jaw.
Ivan made a small noise in the back of his throat. Surprise, maybe. Till used the moment to let go of his wrist and feel for the ring; as soon as he found it, he yanked it off without hesitation and threw it across the room. He heard the distant clattering and then Ivan was kissing him back with fervor, taking his face in his hands.
Till felt something warm in his chest - hope - as he shifted, deepening the kiss. He was almost afraid to stop, afraid that he’d been wrong and nothing would be changed. Afraid he was kissing a stranger, not the Ivan he knew and desperately needed back.
But finally he had no choice; he pulled back and stared down at Ivan, eyes half-lidded, mouth wet and swollen from the aggressive kissing.
“Please,” he whispered. “Please say something.”
Ivan blinked, some clarity seeming to return to his eyes. His tongue poked out, licking at the corner of his mouth where there was just the smallest spot of blood, probably Till’s fault.
“I’m sorry,” he said, and for a moment Till felt the world stop. He had failed. But then Ivan’s hands were at his sides, holding on gently. “I never even considered how you would feel.”
Till sniffed, waited. Didn’t want to get his hopes up too much.
“I can’t even lie and say I thought you wouldn’t care.” Ivan smiled, a small thing. It was nothing like the fake smiles he’d been giving for weeks now. “Because you’re you, and you care more than you let on.”
He didn’t even realize he was shaking until Ivan smoothed a hand down his back, trying to calm him.
“But one of us had to die up there, didn’t they?” Ivan’s hand stopped, low on his back. He let out a soft sigh. “And it couldn’t be you. I couldn’t let that happen.”
Till swallowed around the lump in his throat, almost too big to breathe. “You kissed me,” he said. It wasn’t an accusation, just a quiet acknowledgment. “You asshole, you kissed me and then left me here to try and pick up all the pieces by myself.”
He wasn’t really angry.
“And you just kissed me,” Ivan said, slowly. “Good way to distract me, hm?”
Till couldn’t do this. He couldn’t let things go unsaid between them, not after everything. What if something happened again? What if this was his only chance?
“I did use it as a distraction,” he admitted, but then, “I’d been thinking about it for a while.”
Ivan’s hand twitched against his back. “You had this plan for that long?”
“No,” Till answered truthfully before leaning down a little; their noses were only a couple inches from touching. “You should’ve told me, Ivan. Given me a chance to decide what I really wanted.”
Ivan stared back at him, unwavering. “You wouldn’t have chosen me,” he said with a confidence that sent a pang through Till’s chest, and maybe he would’ve been right, once upon a time, but things were so different now.
They could never go back and change the past, as much as Till wanted to, but the least he could do was be honest with himself moving forward.
“Maybe not back then,” he admitted, because he wasn’t fond of lying and it felt important to be honest here. “But I’m not the person I was back then, am I?”
Ivan gazed up at him with an intensity that made him shiver. “No,” he agreed. “I suppose you aren’t. Because you never would’ve gone through this much trouble for me, before.”
“I always cared about you, Ivan,” he replied, softening his voice, needing him to hear it. “I think I just didn’t know how much.”
Ivan opened his mouth, closed it. Till didn’t know what he was going to say, but that was okay. He wouldn’t push it. They had a lot to figure out over the next few hours - like how they were going to hide Ivan breaking through whatever the aliens had done to him, or if they even could hide it because Till didn’t want to risk putting the ring back on, or even where they stood as friends or more - but for now none of that mattered.
Ivan was back, he was here with him, gazing up at him like he used to, when he used to think Till was never looking (and he wasn’t, most of the time, but not all the time.) And Till knew he would do anything to ensure he never left him again.
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goobiestar · 1 year
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Uncle Goosefeather protecting his niece no matter what
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munsonfamilyband · 1 year
I’ve been on a Soulmates kick today and just saw a fic where Steve has two marks - one for Robin and one for Eddie. And it’s got me thinking.
Of course, he doesn’t know who his marks are for. He only knows that they’re two people because they look so different. Soulmarks show up where you and your soulmate will have the first skin-skin contact, and they have the words they will say when that happens written in their handwriting.
Steve has one covering his palm, the handwriting is small and sharp, all angles and no rounded edges. That one says “Steve, we need to run”. It seems scared, the wording, but he refuses to think about it. The other mark he has is covering his left hip, curling like someone was holding him from the side. This handwriting is completely different from the other one and is best described as chicken scratch. It’s big and messy, letters flowing into each other like the writer didn’t even pick up their pen between each stroke. That one says “I got you, just lean on me”. It seems less scared but there’s concern laced in the words that helps Steve feel less alone when he’s laying in bed late at night. That’s the only time he ever lets himself think about his soulmates, during the day he avoids it like the plague. His parents are soulmates and they barely speak, so soulmates can’t be all they’re cracked up to be. After Nancy never makes one of his marks tingle and burn he tries to give up on the idea entirely, figuring he can go on without a soulmate and be with Nancy - but then she breaks his heart and those late nights are all he has.
His first soulmark changes when he’s stuck underneath Starcourt mall the summer after he graduated. He had been working with a girl, Robin, who barely tolerated him on a good day and now she’s been sucked into his shitty world. When the alarms go off in the bunker he barely has a second to react before Robin is grabbing his hand and yelling at him, “Steve, we need to run!” His feet start moving and he yells back for her to be careful with his arm, even as he feels the tingling burn cover his palm and in that supply closet, leaning against the door next to Robin they make eye contact. In that short second of connection he knows that she felt it to, that he’s just found his soulmate and despite his fear he’s so happy that it’s her. Later, after they had both puked up their guts and he had confessed to having a crush on her, Robin told him about Mrs. Click’s class and Tammy Thompson and how she’s sorry that he’s stuck with a soulmate who can never love him back. Steve blinks and suddenly his two soulmarks make so much more sense.
“Robin, I have another soulmark. I don’t… I don’t think you were ever a romantic soulmate for me.” He watches the relief and, maybe even, joy cover her face and she launches herself at him in a hug, squeezing him tight and he returns the favor completely ignoring his own pain.
The other soulmate comes over 8 months after meeting Robin. He was so grateful for having her in his life but he still wanted that other piece, he loved Robin and she loved him but he wanted romantic love too. Unfortunately for Steve, just like with Robin, his other soulmark was triggered when he was fearing for his life. He had just been dragged through Watergate and made into a chew toy for a bunch of demobats. Steve was just trying to catch his breath when they all heard the bigger hoard approaching and he knew he had to run. He made it surprisingly far before the pain of each step started to settle in, his feet dragging more and more and his pace slowing when someone moved in beside him, wrapping one arm around his back to settle his hand on his hip. Eddie grabbed the arm closest to him and dragged it over his shoulders, giving Steve a grin. “I got you, you can lean on me.” This only made Steve completely trip; the sudden onset of tingling burning at his side so close to his currently bleeding wounds had his left leg collapsing under his weight.
“Why does this always happen when I’m in danger?” Eddie froze and then a laugh burst forward.
“That makes so much sense with context. C’mon let’s get you somewhere to sit and we can talk more when you’re not bleeding over me.”
When he and Eddie got to Skull Rock, he and Robin made eye contact and he watched her eyes flit down to where Eddie’s hand was on his side. Her eyes grew about three sizes and he just shot her the best grin he could. He didn’t care that he had been bleeding all over his soulmate for the past few minutes - he had gotten blood on Robin when they found out that they were soulmates, so it seemed fitting for him to be doing the same to Eddie.
Years down the road he would look back and laugh at the drama surrounding him finding both of his soulmates. Eddie even joked that the universe gave him two to make up for his shitty parents, and Steve wasn’t going to argue.
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finelinevogue · 17 days
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summary - you’re overwhelmed but luckily you have harry
pairing - boyfriend!harry x reader
word count - ~1k
“Hey, I came as quick as I could.”
Harry was ushered inside by Maya, your best friend. Harry was wearing joggers and a baggy hoodie - since it was 2AM and he had been sleeping.
“I’m actually slightly scared. You live like twenty minutes away and I only got off the phone with you like twelve ago…” Maya chuckled, shutting the door behind them.
“Yeah I might’ve already been out of the door and in the car by the time our phone call ended.” Harry rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“Well you certainly win boyfriend of the year.”
“Speaking of, where’s Y/N?”
“Curled up on the sofa.” Maya showed Harry the way through.
“Still upset?”
“It’s scary how she doesn’t run out of tears…”
Harry chuckled because he knew all too well.
Maya showed Harry to where you were curled up on the sofa, blanket tucked high up your body and tissue in your hand. You were staring at the room - not particularly looking at anything.
“Thanks.” Harry smiled at Maya and she took it as her queue to hang back in the kitchen.
Harry rounded the sofa and slowly came into your line of vision, not wanting to startle you.
“Hey, my pretty girl.” Harry smiled when he saw your puffy eyes and red cheeks from crying so much. “What’s all the fuss about, hm?”
“Harry.” You pouted and then started to cry again, cupping your hands over your eyes because you were so embarrassed he was seeing you like this.
Your relationship was 5 months new and even though you’d already had arguments and cried in front of each other, it’d never been like this.
This was full on sob and snot crying.
You didn’t even cry like this on your period.
“Hey, hey. What’s this about?”
Harry did in fact know what this was all about, after being rung by Maya when she’d gotten concerned about how much you were upset.
What’s strangest about this situation is Harry knew you weren’t even upset by something that had hurt your feelings. If anything, you were upset because you were feeling too much.
“Hello?” Harry answered the phone groggily, wincing as his eyes adjusted to the bedside lamp.
“Hi Harry. I’m sorry to wake you.”
“No, no it’s fine. Is there a reason you’re calling off Y/N’s phone, Maya?”
“Harry… Y/Ns a little upset.” Harry sat up in bed then, “Actually, a lot upset. I didn’t want to call but i’m getting kind of worried.”
“What’s happened? Is Y/N okay? Are you guys safe?”
“Yeah we’re in my house. It’s just, we had quite a bit of wine to drink and got to talking about relationships and then Y/N started talking about you. At first she was all giddy and happy but then she started getting herself worked up about how perfect you are and how she doesn’t think she deserves you.”
Harry liked the thought that you liked him a little bit more than you lead on, but he didn’t like that it came at the expense of your anxiety. Anxiety you had tried so hard to overcome from previous relationships.
“Can I come over?” Harry asked, already getting himself out of bed.
Harry sat on the sofa next to you, picking you up gently so he could situate you in his lap. You didn’t take long to become comfortable, by throwing your arms around his neck and burying yourself into the safe crook of his neck.
“Ssh, shh. I’ve got you.” Harry kept repeating.
He rocked you ever so gently, just allowing you the comfort of being held.
“You’re here.” You said after you’d settled slightly.
“I’m here.”
“You’re the best.”
Harry smiled at that.
“I like to think so.”
You stroked his chin stubble, finding a strange calmness to the grizzle.
“I’m sorry.”
“No, but I am.”
“I don’t want you to be. Means you’re sorry about the reason you were upset in the first place and I actually quite liked the fact you maybe like me a little too much. If i’m being selfish.” Harry gave you a cheeky smirk that had you calming in an instance.
“I just got so overwhelmed.”
“I know.”
“Because… B-because….”
You looked up at Harry in his not-so-scary eyes and for once you found this part of a relationship easy.
“Go on.” He encouraged with a whisper.
“Because I love you.”
You smiled and felt your cheeks flush. Harry’s face copied your emotions and he leant down to give you a welcomed kiss.
“You love me?” He asked excitedly, kissing you again because he couldn’t deny himself.
“I do.”
“Hmm.” He giggled excitedly.
“Do you… do…”
“I love you. I love you. I fucking love you, Y/N.”
It was your turn to chuckle and let the tears well up in your eyes again.
“No, no, no. No more tears.” Harry was quick to rectify the situation by kissing you again, moulding his lips to yours like that’s what they’d been created to do.
“I feel five times more overwhelmed than I did before you arrived.” You said.
“But I also feel five time more safe and calm than I did before you arrived.”
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wlntrsldler · 7 days
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synopsis: series of events between zeus!reader and luke that started the prophecy. not canon-compliant; inspired by the prophecy by taylor swift.
series masterlist | previous | next
Hand on the throttle, thought I caught lightning in a bottle, but it's gone again.
"Do you think Thalia knew I loved her?"
There was a bite in the air, as there always was when the summer began to fade and fall began to creep up at Camp Half-Blood. It happened every year, at least for the past three years you've called Camp Half-Blood your home.
Luke sat beside you on the hard, dirt floor, looking up at the green of Thalia's pine tree. The summer campers knew of her legend, but it was the year-rounders like you and Luke who understood her sacrifice best. There was a feeling of guilt and gratitude that engulfed all of you, like the protection Thalia blanketed over the campgrounds. You were thankful that demigods had a place to feel safe, but it came at the cost of a life. Thalia should be here.
"Of course she knew," Luke replied, unconsciously yanking out the blades of grass that flourished between the cracks in the floor. "She's your sister."
"Yeah, but do you think she knew I chose to love her?" You clarified, turning your head to face him. You did this every year, you and Luke at the foot of Thalia's tree once the summer campers all left for the year. “I mean yeah, I had to love her because she’s my sister, but do you think she knows that I would’ve chosen to love her even if she wasn’t? I feel like I never told her that. We always fought.” 
Each year you studied Luke and noted the things that were different. He's older now. His arms were more defined, muscles beginning to form on his otherwise lanky frame. He'd grown taller in the last few months and his body was adjusting to his new height. The pants he wore all of last summer were discarded a few months ago. They stopped short on his ankles and Luke decided that it was time to let them go. 
Another bead was added to his necklace, three wooden beads clanking against each other, just like yours, when he moved his body too quickly. A new bracelet adorned his wrist given to him by a young girl in the Hermes cabin before she left to go back to Virginia for the year. Luke had a collection of bracelets stashed in his bedside drawer. It was a reminder of all the demigods he wanted to protect. Some became painful reminders of the ones he couldn't.
Luke pursed his lips, "Sisters fight. I don't think she took it personally."
Each year you studied Luke and treasured the things that stayed the same. He still had the same smile as he always did, bringing you back to when you and Thalia first met him all those years ago– just three kids fighting for your lives all on your own. You and Luke were the same age, him only your senior by a few weeks, but he took the protector role seriously. Luke was your safe place before Camp Half-Blood. 
His curls were the same, especially in the mornings when he first gets out of bed; all wild and unruly, just like how he is when he wasn't carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Some people say it's because he's the son of Hermes so mischief ran through his veins, but there was nothing about Luke that mirrored his father. He was too good to be like the gods.
"I just wish my last words to her weren't that," You uttered, a bitter taste in your mouth as you replayed your last conversation with Thalia. In the final stretch of your journey to Camp Half-Blood, you and Thalia got into an argument. In hindsight, it was petty, a disagreement that any older and younger sister would have, but it felt big at the moment. You didn't speak to her for two days. And then, in the blink of an eye, there was a blinding light, and suddenly, your little sister vanished.
You don't even remember what the fight was about anymore.
"You need to forgive yourself," He said, flicking away the blades of grass he had in between his fingertips, "This wasn’t on you."
He said this every year, yet it never felt rehearsed. It always felt genuine when Luke said it. You wondered if he got annoyed at how you brought this up each year, this never-ending feeling of guilt that you didn't turn around to see if Thalia was behind you, that you couldn't protect your little sister, but Luke was patient with you. If it bothered him that you thought about it often, he didn't show it.
"Sometimes it feels like it is," You whispered, watching a singular pine fall from a branch. You like to think that Thalia did these things to let you know that she's listening. "Our dad hasn't talked to me since."
Luke clenched his jaw, wiping his hand on the fabric of his cargo pants. His warm palm took your hand, giving it a soft squeeze, "You're better off."
"You are," He said, clearing his throat. His chest felt heavy as he spoke. "I have to tell you something."
You turned your hand over, lacing your fingers together. Holding Luke's hand always felt right, even when you were fourteen and he had to drag you away to safety from the monsters who were out to get you; even when you were fifteen being woken up by the nightmares caused by the empty Zeus cabin, a chilling reminder that your sister was supposed to be there; even when you were sixteen and began to take on more responsibilities at camp despite your protests. "What is it, Luke?"
"I have a quest," He admitted. He'd been keeping this from you for days. He was meant to embark on this journey today, but he pleaded with his father to give him until tomorrow to begin. He knew the day the summer campers left was hard on you. 
Your stomach dropped. Luke had been waiting for a quest from his father for years. You watched him fall into a pit of despair every time a camper who'd been at camp for a shorter period of time got a quest and returned with the glory of the strongest and bravest champions. You knew Luke wanted the opportunity to prove himself to his father. This quest was it, but it didn't mean that you were enthusiastic about the idea. "When do you leave?"
"In a few hours."
"Are you upset?"
"No," You said, then paused. You thought about it. Luke let you think in silence, rubbing his thumb along your skin. "Yes, but I can't do anything about it. I can't stop it."
"Say the word and I will, you know that," Luke rebutted, staring at you now. "I won't go if you don't want me to."
"Luke," You sighed, "You can't deny the gods."
"For you, I'd try to." Sometimes Luke said things that worried you. You'd always been told that your allegiance should be to the gods, your parents. Sometimes you felt differently, but you never said it out loud, but Luke had no problem doing it. He made it clear that his allegiance was to the people he loved, to you. 
"You should go," You said, ignoring the shake in your voice. It was tempting to tell him to stay; Tell him to be content to live a quiet life in the safety of these grounds, to be content with the glory he received from being the head counselor of the Hermes cabin, as the best swordsman at camp. But Luke craved more to life than this, you knew that. He needed more than another notch on his belt from Capture the Flag. He deserved more. He deserved a father who cared about him. Maybe this quest is the key to giving him exactly what he needed. You couldn’t in good conscience keep him from that.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." The lie burned your tongue. While some demigods returned victorious, some never returned at all. The thought of it made a chill run down your spine. It made Luke flinch.
He wrapped his arms around you. The position was awkward, but neither of you cared. When you were younger, his curls tickled the side of your cheek when you hugged him. You used to be able to look him in the eye back when you were the same height. You used to be able to memorize the features on his face; the crinkles by the side of his eyes that would appear when he'd smile, eyelashes brushing against the stray hairs of his eyebrows; full cheeks dusted with the faintest shade of pink from the beating sun or the wind chills; a crease under his lips that cast a shadow on his chin.
Now that you're older, his curls fell against your temple when he held you like this. His face was thinner, jaw more defined and cheeks hollow, like his youth was being drained from him each year. But his heart remained the same. A steady thump against your own, a beat that became synonymous with home. 
“I feel like this is a test,” He murmured, shaking as he spoke. He’ll blame it on the wind if you asked, but he knows that his words would fall flat. You always did know when things felt wrong with him. Sometimes he thought that you knew him better than he knew himself. Luke licked his lips, “Like he’s expecting me to fail and prove what he’s known all along.” 
“You always tell me that I’m more than what the gods think of me,” You said, looking up at him. Luke was staring at the sky, jaw rigid as he fought back the tears. There were only a handful of things that made Luke emotional– talking about his father was one of them. He used to cry when he talked about May, too, but now when someone asks about his mother, his tone turns robotic. He recited her fate like a broken record, waiting for the inevitable looks of pity from the onlookers. You brushed your thumb along his jaw, “Luke?” 
“Hm?” His eyes darted to yours, a ghost of a smile appearing on his lips as he studied your features. Luke always knew you were beautiful, but sometimes when he was this close to you, it knocked the breath out of his lungs for a moment, like he couldn’t believe you were real. 
“You always tell me that I’m more than what they make me out to be,” You repeated, holding his face in the palm of your hand, “And yet you never believe it for yourself.” 
He couldn’t help but chuckle. You’d called him out on his hypocrisy more times than he could count. You were right, though. He did always tell you that the opinions of the gods didn’t matter, not when they didn’t know you like he knew you, not when they were too preoccupied in their own world to realize that you were the greatest thing they created. 
“You are more than what your father thinks.” 
He wanted to believe you, he really did, but all his life he’d been told that he was destined for something great. And yet the things he’d been able to accomplish so far seem so miniscule, irrelevant, in the context of the gods. He craved more. 
When Luke was a child, May Castellan used to mumble the same phrase over and over again. He didn’t think much of it then, nothing that his mother said usually made any sense to his nine-year-old self anyway, but the more time he spent at Camp Half-Blood, the clearer her words became. Luke was destined for something, it’s in the cards, it’s in the hands of fate. This quest might be it, the first step to reaching eternal glory. 
There are times though, during moments like this, with you beside him, when he thinks that he’ll be fine not reaching eternal glory. He can live out his life happily with just this; you and him at the foot of Thalia’s tree, with you telling him he’s more than what the gods want him to be. After all, he’d give up eternal glory if it meant being with you. 
“You’re gonna be okay without me around?” He teased. For years, it had always been you and Luke. It was a type of co-dependence that made Chiron and Mr. D's eyebrows raise. They found it dangerous. You overheard them talking in the Big House about it once, how unnatural it was for two demigods to choose each other despite the dangers of it. You joked that it was a trauma bond of sorts, but you and Luke both knew that it was more than that. Neither of you said it out loud, though, both too scared to ruin whatever this was.
“No, probably not,” You confessed. Your words took him by surprise. He was expecting you to join his teasing, but he found no trace of banter in your tone. You bit your bottom lip, “But you’re gonna come back, so I’ll be okay. I need to be okay with you being gone. I can’t expect things to always stay the same.” 
Luke couldn’t help but frown at your words. He knew you were right like you always were, but he didn’t like the idea of things changing. So much in his life moved with the tides, and up until he met you, he was fine with it. But the idea of the two of you changing, the idea of one day not having this, not having you, well, Luke didn’t think he could stomach the idea. His lips hovered over the crown of your head, almost touching you but not quite, “Not us, though. It will always be us.” 
Luke didn’t know what he was destined to do, what prophecy the gods and the Fates had in store for him, but the only thing he was sure of was you. And that was never going to change if he could help it.
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shadesslut · 8 months
a father’s malice
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Pairing: (Ex-Gf!Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader)
Content Includes: (Angst)
Summary: After the Ghostface attacks, Y/N tried her best to move on from Ethan with raising their son, but things get harder after Ethan gets out of jail.
part 1 part 2
Things were starting to go better for Y/N. It had been a year after the incident, a year of therapy sessions, and a year of Y/N trying to move on from Ethan Landry. It’s also been a year since she found out she was pregnant. She couldn’t believe it; that Ethan was a Ghostface, and she couldn’t believe that Ethan could help create something as innocent as their kid. She named him Ollie, short for Oliver, and the last thing Y/N wanted was Ollie to resemble anything like his father.
Ethan was the only Ghostface survivor in the attack and was now currently residing in prison. She had visited him twice; once to tell him how much she hated him, and twice to tell him she never wanted to see him ever again. He kept his head down during both visits, not saying more than two words. He only nodded when she told him she’d never visit him again, and his fingers instinctively twitched, resisting to reach out and touch the glass.
It was hard, but she pushed through during the past year, especially with the help of her friends. They gave her their sympathy, but they didn’t understand; they never liked Ethan, so they weren’t as upset. Except Chad. Chad was the only one who bonded with Y/N over Ethan’s betrayal, which led to Chad being Y/N’s number one supporter with taking care of Ollie.
“Can you warm up his bottle?” Y/N asked, rushing to gather all of Ollie’s necessities in her bag. Ollie’s cries echoed throughout her apartment while Chad bounced Ollie on his legs. Chad winced as Ollie’s cries grew louder, and he nodded before standing up and shifting Ollie to sit on his hip.
“Here,” she offered out her hands towards Ollie, who happily reached for her. His cries quieted, and he rested his head in the crook of her neck, gently closing his eyes. “Finally,”
Chad held the bottle of milk under the faucet, turning on the hot water. He looked back to her and softly smiled.
“Hopefully, he’ll stay like that when we get there. Speaking of, Mindy texted me saying to hurry up.” Y/N sighed, throwing the bag over her shoulder and took the warm bottle from Chad. Chad sighed, and he took the bag off her shoulder, swinging it over his. “You ready?” He asked, turning off the lamps. She nodded, and she followed him out the door.
Sam smiled down at Ollie, who was letting out a very contagious laugh. She continued to tickle his round belly, while Tara held up one of his stuffed animals. The sisters were sitting on the floor in their living room as Y/N and Mindy washed dishes in the kitchen.
“Did you see the interview?” Mindy asked Y/N, slowly turning her head towards her. “And the bullshit Ethan said?”
Y/N’s hands stopped, and her shoulders slumped. She only shook her head silently in response.
Y/N’s hands stopped, and her shoulders slumped. She only shook her head silently in response.
“He said his dad manipulated him and Quinn, and that he honestly didn’t want to hurt anyone. And he blamed Anika’s death on Wayne, so now he’s just serving time as an accomplice. Total shithow,” she cursed, aggressively drying the plate in her hand. Y/N only had a solemn look upon her face as she dried her hands.
“Do you think they’ll let him out?” Mindy asked. She knew Mindy meant well, but God did she wish she would just shut up about Ethan.
“Mindy, stop talking about him.” Chad yelled at her from the living room. Chad gave Y/N a supporting smile, to which she returned. Mindy quietly apologized, before leaving the kitchen. “You okay?” Chad whispered to Y/N as she sat down next to him on the couch, looking over at Ollie.
“I’m fine.” She told him, but he didn’t believe her. She felt her eyes start to water as she looked at Ollie. He really did look like Ethan. His soft curls pointed in different directions, and his brown eyes were bright and big, just like Ethan’s. Ollie noticed her stare, and he immediately giggled before crawling over to her, hugging her legs.
She softly chuckled as she picked him up, and she laughed as he rammed his head onto her chest, cuddling with her.
“Okay!” Tara clapped her hands together. “Time to watch National Geographic!” She said in a baby voice, pinching at Ollie’s cheeks.
“Ollie, you wanna see the sharks?” Sam asked, also making her voice high-pitched.
Ollie’s head perked up at the word, and he immediately swung his arms up and down as he celebrated. The girls giggled as they turned on the TV.
It had been an hour of the group watching shark videos, and as cute as it was watching Ollie get excited over them for thirty minutes, it got a little boring. Chad, Tara, and Mindy had fallen asleep in their spots, and Chad’s head rested on Y/N’s shoulder as he snored lightly.
Sam looked over at the two and softly smiled as the two boys who were passed out on top of Y/N. She nudged her shoulder, causing Y/N’s droopy eyes to open.
“So, we haven’t had time to talk tonight,” she whispered.
Y/N yawned, trying desperately not to move to wake up the boys. “No, we haven’t.”
“How have you been?”
“It’s been hard. I know everyone else has moved on-“
Sam interrupted her, “You don’t know that, and it’s okay if it’s true. I’m still not over what happened with Richie.”
“Really? You seem so,”
“Put together?” Sam asked, dryly chuckling. “Not at all.”
Y/N’s mouth formed an ‘o’ as she looked down. She rubbed the side of her finger over Ollie’s cheek, it slightly squishing.
“What about you and Chad? I think he likes you,” Sam smiled at her, bringing her attention back to her. Y/N looked over at Chad and snorted. His mouth was wide open, and drool spilled out of his mouth and onto his shirt. She never noticed Chad’s pining over her, she only ever saw him as her comfort person.
“I don’t know. Chad has always been, well, Chad.” Y/N answered.
Sam lightly chuckled, before her phone rang. The two looked at each other with concern, but it faded once they saw Danny’s contact. Sam smiled at Y/N, before getting up and answering her phone.
Y/N checked her phone, the time reading 9:34, and she started to lightly shake Chad. He groaned, rubbing his eyes.
“Time to go,” she whispered.
The two gave their quiet goodbyes to Sam and an angry Tara who was woken up by Chad’s voice. Two two walked in a comfortable silence to their apartment, enjoying the soft breeze that made their noses cold.
Chad sighed, setting down the baby bag on the couch as Y/N locked the door.
“Here I can put him down,” Chad offered.
“No it’s okay, you go to sleep.” Y/N said softly. Chad nodded and smiled, flicking his eyes up and down at her. He waited, like he wanted to tell her something, but instead, he whispered a goodnight before retiring to his room.
She sighed, resting Ollie in his bed, gently tucking him in as not to wake him. She laid her head on the headboard, sadly looking down at his sleeping position.
“I know you don’t understand this,” she whispered to him. “But I miss your dad.”
Ollie continued to softly snore, his chest rising up and down as he peacefully slept. She reached down and moved a few curls out of his face.
“I know you probably think Chad is your dad, and I’m dreading the day you realize that he’s not. I honestly wish he was sometimes, you know? That your real father isn’t a murderer, and someone who enjoyed hurting others. I don’t want you to end up like that; I want you to be a good person.”
Again, Ollie only snored in response.
“I love you Oliver, and I’m sorry. Sorry for continuing to love your real father.” She softly started to cry, her tears rolling off her cheeks onto Ollie’s forehead. She sniffed and wiped it off.
A loud banging on the door woke Ollie up, him instantly crying from the tiredness.
“Jesus Christ,” she muttered, picking Ollie up into her arms as she wrapped her hand around his head. He cried louder, and she groaned as she walked towards the front door. She unlocked the door and opened it.
“What?” She asked sternly, immediately freezing at the person in front of her.
It was Ethan, hair a little longer, face paler, wearing the exact same outfit as he wore the day he was arrested, and a hopeful glint in his eyes. He smiled widely at the sight of her, and his eyes went straight to Ollie. Y/N shifted, turning her body to create distance from Ollie and Ethan.
“H-How-“ she stuttered, eyes widened nervously.
“They let me out. Someone sent me bail money.” Ethan cut her off. He looked happy, excited. Like a husband coming home after a business trip to his family.
“Who?” She shook her head. No this can’t be real.
Ethan shook his head, not knowing who sent the money. He covered his mouth with his hand as he looked at Ollie, smiling. “Is…I-Is he mine?”
She didn’t answer, her silence answering for him. He let out a happy laugh as his eyes watered.
“Who’s at the door?” Chad groggily asked, yawning as he appeared in the doorframe. His fight or flight kicked in once he saw Ethan, and he immediately pulled Y/N behind him. “What the fuck-“
“C-Chad, hi,” Ethan nervously stammered, trying to peek around him to look at Y/N and Ollie. Y/N started to cry again, holding on tightly to Ollie.
“Don’t fucking look at her, I swear to God I’d fucking kill you right now if she wasn’t right here.” Chad cursed, grabbing Ethan by his collar once again.
“Some things never change, huh?” Ethan lightly joked at Chad.
But Chad wasn’t laughing, he threw Ethan against the wall and spat on him, slamming the door shut. Chad locked the door, and instantly turned to hug Y/N. “What was he doing here? How’d he get out?”
“He said someone sent bail money. I-I don’t know how he knew where I lived. B-But Chad,” Y/N said, looking up at him.
He wiped her tears with his thumb.
“He knows about Ollie now.” She cried.
Chad sighed, resting his hand on the back of Ollie’s head, and he leaned down to kiss her forehead. “I’m not gonna let anything happen to either of you.”
They ignored the continued knocks on the door throughout the night. Chad had practically forced Y/N to let him sleep with her and Ollie that night. He barricaded the door with her dresser, wiping his hands on his jeans as he finished. He curled up against the two of them, letting Ollie wrap his fingers around Chad’s index finger. He looked up at Y/N, who was worriedly staring at Ollie.
“He’s gonna come back.” She whispered to Chad. “He won’t stop now that he knows he has a son.”
“It’s going to be okay. I’ll never leave your side.” Chad comforted her.
She softly smiled at him, before drifting off to sleep. Chad followed shortly after. As for Ethan, he didn’t get much sleep that night. He slept in the lobby of their apartment building on a bench. As he shifted his body uncomfortably, he felt giddy inside. He had a son, a son with Y/N. He wondered what his name was, how he would react to Ethan saying it. He smiled to himself, thanking God he was alive. Somehow, and he had no idea how, he was going to slip his way back into her life. He was going to help raise his son, and he was going to treat him the way Ethan wanted to be treated. He was going to be loved. More importantly, he was going to be protected. Because Ethan, oh, Ethan would kill anyone, for coming in between him and his family.
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demiesworld · 9 months
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☆ pairings: toji fushiguro x black!chubby!femreader
☆ synopsis: basically toji eating the pussy real sloppy. yes i got the title from glorilla's "lick or sum" and???
☆ contents: nsfw, oral (f. receiving), pussyeater!toji, pleasuredom!toji, daddy kink, dirty talking, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, squirting, use of toys (clit vibrator; toys are our friends), pussy slapping, slight dacryphilia (if you squint), just the usual filth
☆ notes: reader is a female and she is black. she is described as being chubby but her weight is not numerically indicated. reader's pronouns are she/her. i wrote this for my big girls bc we need the content (yes im a fluffy mami in rl). i put my pussy into this and im not sorry for the mess i made.
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Before you met Toji, you had never met a man that would willingly, and most of the time without asking, eat your pussy out before. Your previous exes didn't eat your pussy out when you asked, or they didn't satisfy you enough to lead you into a mind-boggling orgasm. They left you feeling dry, unhappy, and unsatisfied. It was a blessing and a curse for you to end up with a man like Toji. Someone who didn't take "no" for an answer, someone who will deal with your bratty attitude and fix that shit with his dick in your pussy, and who ate your pussy simply for his own pleasure.
You were on the bed, laying on your back with your legs pressed against your chest. Toji was laying on his stomach and his face was in between your thighs, his mouth slurping on your clit while his fingers were driving into your cunt. The slickness of your juices were wetting up his fingers and making a mess on the bedsheets. He didn't bother to put a towel underneath you because in his words, "The way you squirt, that shit will just go through the towel anyways," so he didn't do it.
Toji had been eating at your pussy for who knows how long. He had already made you succumb to three orgasms by using only his fingers. This man was putting your body through the wringer. His tongue never faltered in flicking at your hardened clit. Those long, thick fingers of his were fucking into your pussy and making the most obscene, wet noises in the room. Accompanied by those squelches were your shrill, whiny, high-pitched moans. Your back arching up from the bed and toes curling when Toji would suck and nibble at your sensitive nub.
"Tojitojitojitoji!" You babbled on his name, and jerked your hips down towards his fingers. A trail of saliva was coming out of the corner of your mouth as you squirmed about trying to bring yourself to another climax. "Fuck, fuck, I'm g'na cum again! Oh fuck! Fuck!"
Your walls tightened around his fingers and another stream of your juices came squirting out right onto his face. Your man smirked while he pulled his mouth away from your clit and pulled his three fingers in your pussy out. Toji lapped up the wetness you had just made before pulling his mouth away and kissing fervently at your puffy folds.
You jolt from his lips, hips twitching, legs trembling and let out a whine, "Tooojiii, d-daddy, n-no more, I-I can't!" You had tears brimming at the corners of your eyes. Fat, warm tears that fell down your cheeks as you laid there on the bed. "I can't take iiit!! Too much, too much!"
He reaches out a hand to your cheek and wipes away a tear. "Ssh, ssh, baby girl you can take it. You always take it don't you? Hm?" His gruff voice was soft when he was speaking to you. When you were like this, a dumbed down mess from back-to-back stimulation, he knew he had to console you gently. You look at him, nose scrunched up and plump lips pouting. "You can take it baby girl. I know you can,"
Toji sits up from his position and kneels on the bed crawling above you. You were starting to think that your man was going to fuck you, but what he did next surprised yet scared you. He reached underneath the pillow you had your head on and grabbed the hot pink toy wand you had. Your eyes went wide as you stared at the toy then look back at your man. "D-Daddy p-please!! Please daddy!"
Your mind already knew that once Toji brought out the toy wand it was game over for you. He knew how to angle the vibrator just right for you to squirt all over him. Your hands flew to around his broad shoulders and shaky thick thighs wrapped around his small waist in an attempt to keep him from going back down on you.
"P-please daddy, y-you don't have to do that," you begged of him, and squeezed your legs tighter. You bring him down for a kiss to your lips, not knowing that Toji had already turned the vibrator on with a press of the button and was guiding it towards your clit. In between the messy kisses you were stammering, "S-See daddy? C-Can you juss- TOJIIIII FUCK OH MY GOD!" You were interrupted by him pressing the vibrator to your clit.
Toji circles the toy around your sensitive nub and his tongue licks at your cheek. He tastes the dried tears from earlier on your soft brown skin. He glances down at where the toy is rubbing at your clit then looks at the fucked out expression on your face. He smirks cockily at you. "I want you to give me a couple more before the end of the night baby girl." His scarred lip presses a firm kiss to your round cheek. "Then I'll stop."
You shake your head and claw your manicured nails into his shoulders. "Mm! Mm! Mm! C-cumming! Cumming!" You warn him, feeling your stomach tighten, your eyes rolling back when you cum again on the bedsheets. There's practically a puddle of just your bodily fluids soaking the blankets. The room stinks of the scent of musk and sweat, but it doesn't deter either of you from stopping.
"Yeeeeah that's it. That's how daddy fucking likes it." He growls, and places the wand to the side. His hand grabs your chin, turning your face to him and he kisses you roughly. You try your best to respond to the kiss, but your body is tired and your mind has turned into mush after climaxing for the sixth (?) time. Toji doesn't care as he sucks on your limp tongue after gnawing at your bottom lip with his canines.
Soft, weak moans left from you when Toji was slapping his hand on your pussy. His fingers stroked your folds gently followed by another slap. You unwrap your legs from around him and let your arms flop to your sides. Your body no longer touching him as you become pliable for him.
"That's my fucking girl, my good fucking girl." He hooks his thumb on the corner of your mouth and stretches your cheek. "Open your mouth up for daddy." You part your lips and stick out your tongue, Toji laughs at this before he spits onto your tongue. With narrowed eyes he watches you swallow it then he returns to going back in between your thighs.
His lips kiss on your inner thighs, teeth bite down on your brown skin and leaving bite marks there. Murmurs of, "so fucking good for me", "going to make this pretty pussy cream some more", could be heard from the man between your thighs. Toji kissed and licked on your thighs some more until he got to your pussy. He reached over and grabbed the toy wand, turning it back on then holds it against your puffy clit. Your man had it pressed right against the nerve of your clit while his tongue was delving into your entrance.
You squirm shakingly on the bed, but you once again chase that one high that Toji is trying to give you. In contrast to your body wanting more your words say something different. You whine, "No more daddyyyy!!"
Toji ignores your cries while he uses a hand to keep your plush thigh spread open. He stops eating you out to say, "One more then I'll stop baby girl," He lifts the wand away from your clit to suckle on it. "Come on, baby, come on." He mumbles onto your nub.
He encourages you to cum for him one last time, and by the grace of whoever you did. Your wrecked out body, unable to release any more of your juices due to the constant stimulation, just writhed and clenched as you came for him. A lewd "pop" emitted from Toji when he plucks your clit out of his mouth. He kneels on the bed before you, rubbing his hands on your fleshy thighs and stroking the bruised skin that he caused.
"You did so good baby girl, so fucking good, I'm so proud of you baby." He leans down to peck your lips. When you start to whine and whimper from coming down he whispers, "It's okay baby, I'm here baby, look at daddy," He cups your face in his hands, directing your attention to his green eyes. "Look at me. I'm going to run you a bath okay baby?" You nodded your head and he continued, "You want me to carry you or can you walk?"
Again you shake your head and whine, Toji took this as a "no I can't walk" and he went on to pick you up from the bed with ease. He carried you with his hands underneath your thighs into the bathroom, gently sitting you down on the toilet seat before he went to the bathtub and ran the water. Your man returned back to you, since you were already naked he wrapped your hair up in a shower cap and used a damp towel to clean up any messes on your body.
"Mm, T-Toji... I... good?" You quietly ask him.
His eyes look up to your tired expression, and he smiles approvingly at you. "Yes baby girl you did good for me. You always do."
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★ letter from demie: FUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK. it don't make no sense why this can't happen to mee!!!! fuck i hate this!!! anyways!!! tell me what you think of this smut! i think i just let the faucet run on this one!!
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yearning-for-autumn · 3 months
Would That I -- Part 11
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A/N: God this took me aaages to get to a point where I liked it. But here we goooo, finally some interaction between reader and Eris! Thank you so much for your support on Part 1, there will be one more part after this. I hope you enjoy! Based on an amazing ask from @fandomsmultiverse who has the best ideas.
Pairing: Eris x Illyrian!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, masturbation (male), oral sex
Word count: 5k
Part 1 Part 3
Were you jealous?
You could have thrown the letter into the fire. There was no need for a signature for you to know exactly who it was from, and you seethed. After he had kissed her neck, Eris had proposed to Nesta. Proposed. And yet here he was, writing letters, crawling back to you. Imagining him on his hands and knees, grovelling, soothed the hurt somewhat.
You re-read the letter again and again, losing yourself in ever worsening fantasies of Eris begging at your feet.
How dare he.
It stung all the more knowing your answer, deep down, was yes. Knowing that when you had locked eyes with your mate—your mate—all you could feel was the cold sting of envy. He was yours. You hated him. You needed him. You wanted him dead.
You crumpled the letter, then unfurled it and put it in a box, kicking it under your bed.
Cauldron damn and burn him.
The next week you received another letter.
Your silence tells me everything, little fox. And here I was thinking that you hated me. Send my regards to Lucien, I hear he has taken to sheltering in your dingy court.
You huffed an angry breath. But you read it over and over, searching for something. Something to be truly mad about. You came up short. Lucien was spending more and more time at the house of wind these days. Avoiding Elain. You had found a firm friendship trying to help him settle more in Velaris. Cauldron knows your brothers weren’t doing enough to help.
You found him in the living room, reading.
“Your brother sends his regards.” You said, watching intently for his reaction. His metal eye whirred as he looked up from his book.
“Hello to you too.” He said after a pause. “Which brother?”
You waited for him to say something more, but it never came. You sat down next to him biting your fingernail, debating whether to let him see the letter.
“Read this. Please.” You said, thrusting it into his hands. He read it, looked up at you, then back down at the letter. His lips curled into a grin.
“Oh, he’s practically begging for you.” He said, still grinning. You scoffed and grabbed the letter from his hands.
“He hates me. And I hate him.” You said decidedly. Lucien stifled a laugh with the back of his hand.
“Ok. So he’s writing you letters for you to...burn, I presume? Just to get you all riled up?” He bit his lip when he saw your murderous expression. “My brother wouldn’t be writing to you if he wasn’t interested in you. Rhysand told me about the ball, about how you were staring.”
“He proposed to Nesta that night, not me.” You said.
“Ah, so you are jealous.” Lucien teased. You growled.
“You are not helping.”
“Sorry.” He apologised, though he didn’t look remorseful, “I don’t know what you want me to say. My brother ruined my life, forced me to watch my love be killed and now he’s mated to someone who hates him. Seems like fair retribution. Send him my love of course.”
He was joking, but you saw through his mask of indifference. His unharmed eye revealed much more than you suspected he knew. He was pleading to speak to his brother. Despite your better judgement, you resolved to write Eris back, if only for Lucien’s sake. Excusing yourself to your room, you picked up your pen and paper.
Lucien sends his love in return. In future, if you wish to speak with your brother I suggest you contact him directly.
It disappeared into the ether and you stared at your desk. Another letter landed in front of you before you could get up. You blinked in surprise. You had spent so long hating this male that you had never spoken directly, reports of his cruelty coming second hand, and yet here he was, his handwriting so hurried you could have sworn he was excited you had written back.
Unlike you, Lucien would burn his letters. I will let myself believe Lucien sent his love sincerely, please let him know I wish to see him. I also wish to invite you to dine with me.
Why in all the realms would I dine with you?
You are my mate, are you not? It has snapped for you also. I saw how you stared at the ball. Nesta is a beautiful female, but you should know I am not the unfaithful type.
You have no one to be faithful to.
You wrote back, cruelty flowing onto the paper. It felt good for a moment, before the bond soured it. You stared at the letters piling up with increasing disdain. Who did he think he was, acting as if you were already his. His reply popped onto your desk moments later.
There you are, unfortunately, most correct, little fox.
Eris spent the next few days in agony. He had never expected you to write back, but after seeing the hunger in your eyes that night… If there was any chance you had changed your mind about him, he would be in the Night Court in a heartbeat. Rhysand had been keeping all diplomatic matters at arms length, not allowing any visitation into Velaris. Eris was no stranger to the territorial behaviour of a male with a pregnant wife.
On that note, he was supposed to be shopping to find a gift for his nephew today. He whistled for Cheddar, who brought along Lulu, his youngest. Eris rolled his eyes.
“Ok, Lulu can come too if she must. But both of you will have to be on a short lead.” He said, mostly to himself, but Cheddar cocked her head in an inquisitive gesture that made Eris grin, rubbing her head with both hands.
He was in a small toy shop, full of handmade stuffed bears and wooden doll houses, when the letter appeared unceremoniously in his hands. Excusing himself outside, he slunk into a nearby alleyway to read it.
Lucien has agreed to see you.
Was all it read. His heart leapt into his throat. He scribbled a response on a scrap of spare paper in his pocket and it vanished from his hands before he had time to regret it. The response was immediate.
Rhysand will allow you in Velaris for two hours under strict supervision from Lucien. Tomorrow at noon.
Eris tried to catch his breath, not wanting to admit to himself how overjoyed he was that his baby brother wanted to see him. Not only that, but he was granted permission to enter the Night Court, Velaris for that matter, where you would surely be. He pet Lulu gently, grounding himself. Now to think of an excuse as to why he would be absent from Court tomorrow. In the shop, he picked out a soft brown bear with a doe eyed expression, letting himself believe it was because his nephew loved bears, and not because its glossy eyes reminded him of you.
Beron took the lie surprisingly well; any dealings with the Night Court were beneficial to Autumn, which was dangerously close to having few allies in Prythian. Beron liked Kier, and whilst he looked down on them, appreciated the brutality of the Illyrian armies. Night would be a strong ally indeed. If only he knew exactly where their loyalties lay.
Eris laid in bed, the window ajar, unable to sleep, thinking of you. His mind straying to that night in the Hewn City, how you looked in your silken gown, back deliciously low to show off your magnificent wings. You had been downright sinful, and he had had to remind himself to keep his eyes on Nesta, who, whilst stunning, held no candle to you that night. Not to him. He ran a hand down his chest as his cock stirred. 
Memories consumed him. The heat of the ballroom. Trailing his eyes all the way up the slit in your dress, dragging his gaze to the top of your thigh, no panty line visible. His hand grasped his cock through his slacks as he imagined peeling the fabric back to reveal your unclothed cunt, and he squeezed hard as he saw himself drop to his knees.
“No panties?” His voice was husky. You gave a coy smile,
“Wanted you to have me, Eris.” You breathed. “Wanted you to taste how much I need you.”
Unbuttoning his slacks and freeing his cock, Eris hissed as he pumped his already dripping length. Your pussy would make a delectable mess of your thighs, drooling just for him. He licked his lips and fucked his hand harder as he fantasised. Your moans would be music to his ears as he messily ate you out, tongue laving across your swollen clit, sucking and nibbling as your thighs shook with pleasure.
Debauched sounds filled the room, the wet shlick of his cock becoming the squelching wetness of your pussy as he finally sunk his fingers deep inside of you. He wanted your hands in his hair. He wanted to guide you down onto the floor so that he could feast on you properly, drink you down, consume you. You would cry out, just the thought of it had him squeezing the base of his cock to keep from cumming too soon. His hips bucked into his fist at a punishing pace, his eyes screwed shut and head thrown back in pleasure. 
The bond was thrumming like drums in his chest, heightening every feeling as his thick member pulsed, spurting precum into his hand. It didn’t take long until he growled, his whole body tensing and his cock painting his stomach white with his seed. When he groaned out in pained pleasure, it was your name on his lips.
You stood by Lucien’s side, the redhead almost vibrating with nervousness.
“Remind me why I let you talk me into this?” He asked. You smiled gently, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Because you want to see him. I could tell the moment I gave you that letter. You’re happy he still thinks of you.”
“It’s complicated.” He groused, “We haven’t spoken properly in decades. What if—what if he’s not the male I remember?” You felt your heart break at Lucien’s words, cursing yourself for meddling in his relationships. You just wanted to see him. Once more. To confirm that your hatred was justified. But you pushed that aside, feeling terrible for dragging Lucien into your little game.
“Lucien, he’s your brother. I know you haven’t been feeling so settled here lately, I think seeing him will do you some good.” It was the best you could do, unable to tell him for certain that the Eris you knew was the same doting brother he had told you about. You squeezed his arm and were relieved to feel him relax.
“Will you stay with me, just for a bit?” He asked. You wanted to say no, but you couldn’t, not to Lucien. You smiled at him gently.
“Of course I will. Just don’t expect me to have anything nice to say.” He laughed, but his bright smile faded as he spotted Eris walking up the path, escorted by a deadly looking Azriel. Your breath caught in your chest when you saw your mate, impeccably dressed and ruggedly handsome. Your eyes lingered for a moment too long. Azriel shot you a warning glare, then winnowed away. Eris, finally free of his chaperone, looked at Lucien and you felt nervousness wash down the bond. He dug in his bag and pulled out two small boxes.
“Lucien.” He said.
“Mother baked apple cinnamon biscuits. They are—were your favourite.” He handed one of the boxes to Lucien, who took it with so much care it could have contained something much more valuable.
Eris turned to you, “I also brought you something.”
Surprised, you were handed a little box of your own. You peeked inside and heat rushed to your cheeks. A small dagger, with jewel encrusted hilt lay on a bed of luxurious velvet. A courting gift. You looked at him incredulously. He was here to see his brother, he hated the very thought of you, why in all the realms was he bringing you courting gifts.
“What am I supposed to do with this?” You frowned, looking down at the dagger as if it had offended you.
“Usually they’re used for stabbing people.” Eris said, with a mask of cool calm betrayed by a tightness in your chest that didn’t belong to you, “But I suppose it would make a pretty kitchen accessory, should you wish.” He quipped. You rolled your eyes.
“I am not a housewife.” You sneered.
“No. That’s not what—” Lucien cleared his throat and saved you from whatever Eris was about to say next.
“Let me show you around Velaris.” He said, diffusing the tension. “It’s not often outsiders are allowed to just waltz in.”
“Of course,” Eris said, “Will you be joining us?” He asked. You shook your head.
“I will spare you the agony, Vanserra.” You turned to leave, but looked back at Lucien, “Do not let him out of your sight. Rhys will have my head if he does anything stupid.”
As soon as you were a few feet away you felt you could breathe easily again. The bond had been simmering, thrilled at your proximity to your mate. It was a constant buzzing and humming in your chest. You were relieved you could no longer feel it, and made sure to send that feeling loud and clear down the connection between you and your mate.
In the following three days you received: A small wheel of cheese, a bouquet of marigolds and a pair of amber earrings. Lucien couldn’t stop laughing when he presented you with the cheese, but it had been amazing with some salt and pepper crackers that evening.
You rolled your eyes so hard it almost hurt when Lucien came the next day with another box. He was grinning wildly, barely stifling his laughter.
“I think this might be the worst one yet.” He said, thrusting the box into your hands, “Please open it.”
Eris had been sending the gifts through Lucien, and, like the letters, you had been hiding them from the rest of your family. It felt bad, going behind your brothers backs. But they could never find out that Eris was attempting to court you, for his sake and theirs. Lucien and Eris had managed to start talking again, over the constant gifts and letters. As annoying as it was, you were glad some good had come of it. Though he hadn’t been allowed in the Night Court again.
Lucien was practically rocking on his heels. Inside the box was a knitted headband. It was poorly made, full of holes and oddly misshapen. You frowned.
“What is this?” You looked to Lucien for an explanation but he was doubled over. He took a ragged breath.
“I told him not to send it. I told him it was a shit gift.” He managed before he was wheezing with laughter again. You inspected the headband.
“Did...did Eris make this?” Lucien simply nodded through his tears. You blinked.
“I don’t want these gifts. Please tell him to stop wasting his time.” It felt cruel. But your mind flashed to his lips on Nesta’s neck, his emotionless eyes during the battle with Hybern, your cousin's agonising cries when she had returned in Azriel’s arms that fateful night. You balled the cursed thing in your hand and chucked it back in the box. Lucien bit his lip, not finding it quite as funny anymore.
“It’s tradition in the Autumn Court to send things that are useful, as well as just objects of beauty.” He explained. It was clear which one the headband was meant to be.
“I’m Illyrian. Does he really think a bit of cold is going to hurt me? I don’t want any courting gifts, Lucien, regardless of their use.”
“You ate the cheese.” He murmured.
“We all ate the cheese, Lucien.” Was your quick reply.
He had no retort, and you decided that it was for the best. When you returned to your room, you pushed the box under your bed with the rest of the letters and gifts. The marigolds were wilted and dead for lack of sunlight, the earrings never touched. You could feel the mating bond screaming, begging to be heard, but you pushed it back further. This male would not have any part of you. None at all. You would never be his. No matter how much the thought pained you.
You were not reciprocating. Eris had spent all night fumbling around with those stupid needles trying to make something you might actually care for, and your response was silence. He thought back to that night. He knew he had not imagined the hunger in your eyes that almost knocked him dead. Yet how had he repaid you? By kissing Nesta. By proposing to Nesta. 
He had fucked up. As if, after everything you already thought about him, you might have given him a chance.
Yet the bond raged so fiercely, he could barely stand to ignore it for even a day before his chest burned so badly he thought he might drown. It would be a fitting way to go, he thought. To be hated so much it killed him. He had done enough to deserve such a fate.
Weeks passed, then months. Rhysand had been kind enough to let him visit Lucien twice more, once ending in a painfully awkward run in with Cassian that had him leaving earlier than intended. Those overgrown bats hovered around him as if he might try stealing you away the longer he spent in the Night Court. He never managed to catch even a glimpse of you. Not with Azriel or Rhys silently staring, or Cassian barging in every few minutes pretending to need something from the room. He was allowed nowhere without Lucien as his chaperone, he could say nothing without it being overheard. So much for bats, they were more like hawks.
He had stopped sending courting gifts. And he had stopped sending letters.
Cheddar lay her head on his lap, and he stroked her soft head gently.
“Am I just a fool, Cheddar?” He asked, knowing she could do nothing more than side-eye him as he spoke. “What good is it, pursuing your mate who hates you and whose brothers want you dead? Should I let this go?”
Cheddar whined, and thumped her tail. Checking the clock Eris found it was almost time for her walk. Eris glanced at the paper laid on his desk, gathering dust for weeks. He sighed. Once more. Once more he would grovel for your attention, to soothe the pain in his chest, the ache in his heart. Then he would let it go.
Let you go.
Join me for a walk. I wish to talk. Eris.
He signed his name, the first time he had ever bothered to. Before he had time to overthink it, it vanished from his desk. His hands shook. Seconds passed, minutes turned to half an hour. Then it came. Popping onto the desk unceremoniously. Your response.
Fine. Where should I meet you?
He replied quickly, Cheddar beginning to get restless.
On the border, there is a doorway from Night to Autumn, I will walk you past the wards.
I will be there.
It was now well past when he would have usually taken the dogs out, but they would be walked, this time with his mate in tow. He stood with a shaky breath, and took the leads off the wall. Winnowing with his dogs to the edge of the Court, he steeled himself. He was ready to face you, to face his one chance to change your mind.
You stood at the edge of the Autumn Court. You had told no one where you were. Nor had you told anyone who you were with. Rhys would have a fit if he ever found out, Azriel would never speak to you again. Cassian might have allowed you to go, but not without following you and glaring holes through Eris the entire time.
It was safer for Eris on your own.
You heard his dogs first, then his voice calling after them to slow down. A brindle smokehound bounded up to you, its tongue lolling and tail wagging frantically. They were a beautiful breed, and rare, you couldn’t help the warm smile you gave it. It stopped just short of smacking into your legs and you giggled, holding your hand out for it to sniff. It was a few beats ahead of its owner, who was walking slowly with four more dogs waltzing around him, one calmly at his side. You watched as they ran circles around you and Eris as he came to a stop before you. He gave a short whistle and they stopped dead in their tracks, then retreated to his side. You couldn’t help the short burst of arousal you sent down the bond. Eris gave a cocky smile.
“You came.” He said, his smooth voice giving away no emotion, the bond closed off to you.
“I did.” You answered, unable to block your side of the bond quite as effectively.
“Did you receive my gifts?”
“I did.” You repeated. He cleared his throat and shifted on his feet.
“Well, the dogs will be off leash, I hope that’s alright. They’re usually good, but this one might try and go for the squirrels.” He said, pointing to a gorgeous black dog who pressed it’s long nose into Eris’ hand. You gave the pup a small smile.
You walked in silence for a while, both of you unsure of where to start, what to say to mend the fraying thread that connected you. Golden and ruby leaves crunched underfoot, the dogs panting breaths fogged little clouds in the crisp air. It was truly beautiful. You had always felt a sense of calm when Autumn fell over Velaris, but it could not compare to the serenity of the Autumn Court. It felt as though the whole Court was holding its breath, the season of change, never-changing, unending. Eris let you soak it in, watching as you beheld the forest in all its magnificence, not bothering you with conversation.
“You kissed her.” You said finally, breaking the peaceful silence. Eris fiddled with the leash in his hand.
“I had to.”
“Why?” You asked, the question sounding childish as soon as it escaped your lips.
“There were expectations on me that night I don’t expect you to understand.” The bond was still sealed tight from you, he spoke with the emotionless tone of a well-trained courtier.
“Try me.” You pressed.
“I don’t want to.” And perhaps it was the truth, but frustration built the further you walked, the silence dragging out between you uncomfortably. He had invited you here to talk. So talk he would.
You scoffed. The bond buzzing incessantly at your closeness to your mate, finally right where it wanted to be. But all you could focus on were his eyes, his heated gaze, as he had brushed his lips across Nesta’s bare neck.
“No.” You snapped. “You knew I was watching when you claimed my sister. When you proposed to marry her. You have given me no reason to believe you care for me. Never once apologised for what you did to my cousin. How could I ever trust you? That is what you want, is it not?”
He was staring at you now, no longer averting his gaze, amber eyes cold and calculating.
“I had a duty to my father to propose marriage to Nesta, I have no feelings for her, only for you.” Eris said, carefully ignoring any mention of Morrigan.
“You don’t know me. You know nothing about me. Only that we share this bond.” You argued. One of his dogs trotted up to your side and you pet her head to calm yourself. The action grounded you, and it didn’t go unnoticed by Eris, who felt it deep in his chest.
“I know that you seem to care an awful lot about what I did with your sister, yet claim to detest me” He said, dropping the walls he had carefully placed around the bond.
Nerves. Anger. Disappointment.
“I have waited centuries for a mating bond, and will not let your unfortunate Court affiliations bar me from trying, especially not when you show me so clearly your true desires.”
You rounded on him with anger glinting in your eyes.
“You could never be serious, professing my ‘true desires’, if you knew how much I loathed you, Eris Vanserra.”
Hurt. Pain. Despair.
“You are a power hungry brute who as far as I know has a secret thing for Illyrians.”
There was a pregnant pause. Eris stared straight at you with an expression you could not decipher. He was bathed in dappled golden light. He looked ethereal. You couldn’t help the guilt that washed over you, and you knew he felt it too.
Something clicked, his expression shifted and he moved towards you with a darkness in his eyes that sent heat rushing to your core. You stepped back until you hit a tree, your back pressed up against it, and you were trapped. He crowded you, so close you could almost taste his spiced perfume.
“Is that what they have told you, little fox?” He asked, his deep voice low and sensual against your ear, “The only Illyrian I have a thing for is you. The moment I saw you swagger into that meeting as if you owned the place, I knew the Mother had made the right choice. She mocks me with your family, but I would risk their disapproval for just a taste of you.” You sucked in a breath, anger quickly replaced with lust as he pressed against you, and you cursed your body for reacting. You knew he could smell your arousal as his cruel grin widened.
“You feel it too, don’t you little fox.” His scent consumed you as he dropped every glamour, the heady rush of his arousal surrounded you like a drug. “That despite everything you think about me, you want me too. You want this.”
There was nowhere to run, with your back firmly pressed against the tree. There was no escape. That would be the lie you kept telling yourself afterwards as you surged up to kiss his lips, no longer able to resist. You took him by surprise, and used your advantage to spin him around, lips still on his, pushing him against the tree. He looked at you with lust blown eyes, throwing his head back, eyes screwed shut as you squeezed him, hard.
“This is mine.” You growled, the jealousy and need you had felt at the ball rushing back full force, “You are mine. From now on if you so much as sniff around another female I will make sure to show you exactly who you belong to.”
He panted, nodding frantically.
“Yes. Please. Please y/n, I need you.”
You fished his cock from his pants, it was wet and throbbing, the length of it in your hand making your pussy clench in need. He hissed at the cold air. You needed him closer. You needed to taste him. Dropping to your knees, you enveloped him in your mouth, his hands flying to your hair.
“Fuck, fuck, fuuuckkk.” He groaned. He pulled your hair roughly, and you looked up at him with doe eyes. You wanted it hard, rough. Wanted him to fuck your mouth as if he hated you. He felt it all through the shimmering golden thread and whimpered.
“You’re killing me, Y/n.” He grit out. With a small smile you bobbed your head, experimentally. A burst of salty precum coated your tongue and you swallowed it with a moan. He was hot and pulsing in your mouth, you pushed your head further down until he was at the back of your throat, your nose bumping against his navel, wanting him to feel the contractions as you swallowed around him. Breathing through your nose, you tapped at the back of his legs. you wanted him thrusting into you.
Slowly, painfully slowly, he pulled his hips back, dragging his cock lavishly across your tongue. With a sharp breath he pushed in, and you met his thrust with a bob of your head, knees aching, eyes watering.
He growled, and picked up the pace until he was fucking your face with abandon. His moans and pants sending slick dripping into your panties. Salt was all you could taste as his dick leaked continuously onto your tongue. He was soaking wet, with your spit, with his slick. It was the messiest blowjob you had ever given, and you fucking loved it. The bond hummed in pleasure as you gagged and drooled around him.
“Sweetheart, fuck, I’m close.” He whined, his thrusts growing sloppy as he ground his hips against your face.
“Gods your mouth, your fucking mouth, you’re gonna make me cum.” You laved your tongue over him, his constant stream of words both amusing and arousing you. You pulled off his cock and held your tongue out, looking up at him, hand pumping him roughly.
“I’m, I’m cumming, shit, Sweetheart, fuck.” He came copiously, so much that you choked on it. You swallowed, watching his eyes darken as you licked your lips.
He leaned against the tree, panting, and you sat on your knees.
This was not what you had planned. Not in the slightest. You had come to tell him to fuck off, to let the bond grow cold and stale. And yet you were on your knees in front of him, the taste of him consuming your senses. What had you done? You knew he could feel the growing fear, spreading through your chest like a chill.
“I have to go.” You stood abruptly.
“Don’t—” You didn’t stay to hear what he said next. You ran to the doorway, and didn’t stop running until you had reached your bedroom in the Night Court.
You opened the door. Rhys stood, a murderous look on his face and letters gripped tight in his fist. The scent of Eris was all over you. You had no way to hide it. His eyes darkened, your desk cracked and splintered then misted into thin air.
“Rhys I—” You scrambled for the right words to say as your brother took a heavy step towards you.
“I can explain.”
@anotherbook-obsessedhoe @glitterypirateduck @homeslices @leeknows-wife @cat-or-kitten @macimads @esposadomd @forever-paramore28 @going-through-shit @fabulouslyflamboyant5 @astarlitsoul @crazylokonugget @imagine-that-100 @sorry--for-the-mess @glittervame @the-sweet-psycho @yamburger @bunnyredgirl @historygeekqueen @acourtofbatboydreams @starrystarkey93 @holb32 @iimichie @goldenmagnolias @theravenphoenix26 @63angel @agoodgirlsguidetomakingmencry @walkerchick007
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harryslittlefreakk · 4 months
late night talking
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summary: a chance meeting with harry before his wembley dates leads you into a bizarre friendship
wordcount: 1.7k
a/n: i HATE writing meetings. this part is so slow but the next part is linked underneath, which is much nicer ;)
my masterlist can be found here!
“Just a caramel macchiato please”, you said, rubbing at your eyes as you spoke. You always had a hard time sleeping in hotels and tonight was no different. You’d travelled to London to attend some concerts with your best friend, and although she’d invited you to stay with her, you didn’t want to infiltrate her newlywed bubble. So now you were standing in a quiet Starbucks, in your pyjamas, at almost midnight.
You chose one of the comfy tables at the back, hoping not to be noticed by any of the other crazies out at this hour. But not long after you sat down, someone decided to sit in the seat immediately behind yours. You sighed and kept your eyes on your phone, knowing only too well what kind of person chooses a seat next to a woman in a deserted space.
“Sorry, do you have a napkin?” A man’s spoke came from behind you, interrupting your quiet solace. You grabbed one off your table and turned around to pass it over, not looking too closely at the man who asked. His gold rings caught your attention, an obnoxious H S that sent your wide eyes darting up to meet his. The brown curls peeking out from under his hood, the dimpled grin sitting on his chiselled face. It really was Harry. Your heart rate quickened, inches away from the face of the man you were here to see. His laugh broke your spell, and you realised you’d never even let go of the napkin. “Sorry, sorr-“, you spluttered, suddenly unable to think, let alone speak. Harry watched your brain reboot, his smile never faltering, before asking what you were drinking.
He looked over at you from the counter, taking you in. Your messy brown hair, your black vest top paired with pale pink pyjama pants. Your zip-up hoodie had slipped off your shoulders, allowing him to see some patchwork tattoos poking out.
When he returned, Harry sat down across from you and placed the drinks down gently. Holding out a hand for you to shake, he told you his name, which of course you already knew. “Y/N,” you replied, meeting his green eyes. “Well, Y/N, what are you doing in a Starbucks at this time?” Harry asked, taking a sip of his coffee. You mirrored him, bringing your cup to your lips before explaining how you couldn’t sleep in hotels and were in town for a show. He smirked, eyes glimmering knowingly. “I’m here for a show too. And I like being out at this time. It always feels more anonymous.”
The girl behind the counter called out to you, letting you know the cafe was closing. You hadn’t even noticed the tables being wiped down or the whirring of the coffee machines on their cleaning cycle. Harry slipped a 20 onto the counter as you stumbled out together, mumbling a quick apology. The air was cold after a warm day, and only then you realised how late it must be. “My hotels this way,” you pointed, not wanting to take any more of Harry’s time. His strong hand reached out and grabbed yours, tugging you behind him as he stepped in the opposite direction. “Come on,” he grinned. “I know somewhere we can get more coffee.”
You walked through an eerily deserted London, laughing alongside Harry but wondering now what on God’s green earth you were doing. If Harry was anyone else, you’d be running a mile. You glanced down at your feet, unsure why they weren’t taking you home. Your heart-print pyjama pants were just another reminder of where you should be going. But as you doubted yourself, Harry ground to a halt, sending you flying into the back of him. “What are you doing?” You asked, staring up at the skyscraper hotel in front of you. This was definitely nicer than your choice of digs. Harry only smirked in response, walking towards the doors. You followed him blindly, trailing through the entrance and into the lift behind him. He pulled down his hood and ran a hand through his hair, watching himself in the mirror before his eyes flicked to you. Finally, he spoke, “hotels will give you coffee at any hour on any day, I’ve noticed.”
“Are you staying here?,” you questioned, stepping out of the lift straight into what must have been the penthouse suite. Your eyes were wide in awe, you’d never seen a hotel room like this before. A small kitchen sat on one wall, with a living area big enough to seat an entire family. A king size bed peeked out from behind a glass room divider, everything accented with black and gold glossy metals. You ran your fingers across the back of one of the blue sofas, twirling round to take in your surroundings before your eyes rested on Harry’s. He nodded, amused by your wonder. “You’re welcome,” you scoffed, setting your jacket down on the table. Harry’s eyebrows furrowed, opening his mouth to question you. Swatting at his chest, you replied, “I paid good money for your shows. You’d be in a travelodge if it wasn’t for me.”
“You and thousands of others!” He interjected, swatting right back at your hand. You giggled, holding your hands up in surrender. “Okay, big man.”
Harry slipped off his hoodie, leaving him in only a sweatshirt and running shorts. You studied him properly for the first time, your eyes running from his tousled hair, to the way his sweatshirt was the perfect amount of baggy, to his toned, tanned thighs. If you weren’t careful you might have dribbled. He’d been the celebrity you’d pined over for years, and now you were standing in his hotel room. “You like what you see?,” he said, snapping you out of your daydream as he padded over to the coffee machine. “You got me here under false pretences, you know that?,” you grinned, plopping down on one of the armchairs. Harry’s head whipped around, mouth wide open in a half smirk. “I promised you coffee,” he gestured to the coffee machine, “here’s coffee.”
“You didn’t tell me the coffee was in your hotel room,” you smirked, before mouthing ‘weirdo’. Harry wagged a pointed finger at you, “ah ah ah. Only nice manners get you caffeine in my cafe.”
Your conversation continued well into the early hours. Tattoos, music, work, life, pets - you had everything and more to talk about. And you seemed to feel bizarrely comfortable around each other. It was almost 4am before you checked the time, and you stood up almost immediately to grab your jacket and leave. “My God, Harry, I should really-“ you tilted your head towards the door, your voice groggy now from talking and laughing for so long. “Stay here tonight,” Harry’s words came out quiet and almost shy. “It’s too late to go back to where you’re staying, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with you out alone at this hour.” He stood up as he spoke, yawning and stretching his arms. “Come on, I’ll show you where the bathroom is.”
As he led you towards the bathroom, you realised just how exhausted you were. And his enormous bed did look comfier than anywhere you’d slept in your life. “Harry, I’m really sorry, but do you have a t-shirt or something I can borrow?,” you asked, leaning on the doorframe. He looked you up and down, laughing. “You’re wearing pyjamas already pet.”
“I know! I know. But I went outside in these. Plus my legs get hot when I sleep.” This was true. You loved fluffy pyjama pants as loungewear but you only ever slept in a top and pants, and you couldn’t exactly wear your skimpy vest on its own tonight. Harry shook his head as he chuckled, his unkempt curls bobbing as he did. He yanked a shirt out of his wardrobe and chucked it at you. “Yeah yeah. You just want to tell the world you wore Harry Styles’ shirt.”
“Oh yes,” you rebutted. “Because ‘I slept in Harry Styles’ hotel’ wouldn’t make a good enough story.”
As you came out the bathroom, you resumed your post leaning against the doorframe, watching Harry throw a blanket on the sofa before trying and failing, several times, to stuff his long body on the loveseat. Stifling a laugh, you called out, “Harry, seriously. Not a chance you’re fitting on that sofa. Come to bed.”
As much as he tried to ignore it, you telling Harry to come to bed was far more inviting than he wanted it to be. He felt nuts. After all, you were a fan - a big enough fan that you’d go to all 4 of his Wembley dates. If word ever got out, he’d have hoards of fans outside every hotel waiting to be the next lucky girl. He just couldn’t explain why he was so drawn to you.
“Thank god for that,” Harry sighed, throwing his head back. “I have places to be tomorrow, I need a good sleep.” He whipped the covers bad and climbed in next to you, rubbing his hands over his face. You were thrashing around, trying to find a comfy position. Settling on your side, you tried to scoot as close to the edge as possible to make this slightly less awkward. Neither of you were used to sharing a bed without the promise of ending up tangled around one another.
“Hey,” he spoke quietly now. “What are you wearing tomorrow love?” Pulling you head up to look at him, you giggled sweetly. That pet name could be dangerous for you. “Why do you want to know?,” you questioned. Suddenly, you felt shy about your outfit choice. You were saving your best outfit for the final date, and now you wished you had something flashier to tell him - although, he’d seen you in your cutesiest pyjamas so the damage may have already been done.
“Want to see if I can spot you in the crowd,” he replied, shrugging his bare shoulders under the duvet. You tapped on your nose as you replied, “baby, you don’t need to worry about spotting me. Anyway, what are you wearing?”
Harry copied you and tapped on his nose, before switching off the bedside lamp and calling out a soft ‘goodnight’. You were pinching yourself up and down your arms to make sure you weren’t already dreaming. You couldn’t believe an insomnia stroll turned into Harry Styles’ bed. The Harry Styles’ bed. If only you knew what the rest of the week would hold.
part two
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byunpum · 3 months
Safe Heaven | Part 2
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Pair: Neteyam x Human!reader (sully family, others na'vi)
Warning: 18+ (some smut...a little) Neytiri being a bit(a lot) controlling, forced pairing, cozy moments, comfort moments, All characters are adults.
Note: I promise you that the third part will not be as late as this second part. Still…I hope you enjoy this part.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4[final]
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That night was too cold for your taste, if you had known you were going to sleep in your secret place you would have brought a blanket. But the warm body heat that neteyam's body gave off was very warm, you had snuggled more on his chest, feeling how his arms wrapped around you completely. You had gotten up as soon as the sun started to rise, but you decided to stay still and enjoy this moment. Feeling neteyam's calm breathing, and breathing in his scent. This man had such an addictive natural scent, you could only think how addictive it had to be for the female na'vi. If you were a human you could smell him, you didn't want to know what the female na'vi who had a sharper sense of smell smelled like. Sometimes you didn't understand what neteyam saw in you…just sometimes you didn't understand.
You feel his arms tighten, and he starts yawning. "Baby…" says neteyam sleepily, looking down to see you curled up on his chest. "Good morning…did you rest well?" you can see neteyam laugh out loud, of course not. The airplane chair wasn't comfortable, but you knew he wasn't going to say he slept uncomfortably. He preferred this more than anything. "Well…I'd prefer to sleep on top of a rock," Neteyam speaks, listening as you now laugh. Lifting you off his chest, lowering you to the ground to stretch, behind you was a sore neteyam. You are thankful that he had endured a whole night of discomfort for you. You move behind him, and since he was sitting it was much easier for you to stroke his back, and begin to massage him. "You are so tense teyam" you reach over and give him a quick kiss on his skin. You can hear him humming, and relaxing into your touch.
You didn't want this moment to end, but it was getting late. You were supposed to be in your respective homes, you were practically on the run. "And what are you going to tell your mom?" you ask, pausing to wait for an answer from neteyam. He looks at you, and lifts his shoulders. "And you?" neteyam asks you. "I don't know… I'll say I was with kiri" you watch as a smile tugs at neteyam's lips. Kiri didn't know anything about your relationship, but she didn't mind being an accomplice in your adventures. She will always be there for you. After getting ready, before leaving the plane, Neteyam gets off the plane. Neteyam comes down to you, giving you a quick kiss. "I want to see you later? Yes?" says Neteyam between kisses, you push him away a little. "Go away…otherwise they will kill you" you were all giggles, while he continued to kiss you all over your face. You ended up pushing him away seeing how he was running away, it was getting a little late. He was supposed to come home and lay in the hammock and make it late at night. But it was already too late for that. On the other hand, you turn everything off…pick up everything you had to take with you and start walking to the lab.
On the other hand… neytiri practically didn't sleep all night, she realized that her son never arrived. Sure, neteyam was a man now…and he had his own life. But she wanted to know who he was with, he liked leeka?. She had barely spoken to him…plus she suspected something was going on. Neteyam was not one to do this, he was a well-behaved boy. The whole family was up, and they were eating together. Noticing Neteyam arrive, he looked a little agitated as if he were running. Stopping for a moment at the entrance, watching as his family looked at him curiously. "Good…morning" neteyam says, coming over to sit next to his brother. Carefully taking his portion of breakfast, he dared not speak, as he felt his mother's piercing gaze. "Good morning son…hey where did you spend the night?" asks jake, but it was not in a tone of authority but one of forming a conversation and breaking the ice. "I was standing guard" says neteyam, chewing his fruit. "Oh… was it calm?" asks jake, looking at his son noting that he was a little nervous, neteyam just nodded his head.
But this didn't convince neytiri, she knew something was up with her son. "Teyam… why did you leave leeka alone last night, that was very rude of you" speaks neytiri. Kiri, tuk and lo'ak look quickly at their brother, as if he was in big trouble. And yes he was… because he didn't really have a clear answer to tell his mother. He just didn't like leeka, and he had no business talking to her if he wasn't interested. "Ahh I had to leave, because I remembered I had guard duty" says neteyam, swallowing hard, hoping neytiri won't pursue the subject. "mmm and what do you think of that girl?" asks neytiri. "Ahh she's…fine" says neteyam. Feeling his brother push him a little "'fine? Are you kidding?" lo'ak almost gives him a fit, leeka was the most counted na'vi of the clan.
And he was rejecting her. "you should get to know her better" says neytiri, jake was getting tired of this conversation, it was very clear that neteyam didn't want to talk about this topic. "Ok… it's too early for these topics, why don't we just eat and spend this time as a family" says jake, giving neytiri a look. She just rolled her eyes, she knew that jake didn't really care who her son was hanging out with. After he was safe was more than enough for him.
But for neytiri, this was a cultural thing…something that had been passed down from generation to generation. She didn't want neteyam to make a mistake. After breakfast, all the family members began to divide into their daily chores. Neteyam was about to leave, just when neytiri called out to him. "Neteyam?" neytiri approaches her son, it was just the two of them so it was the perfect time to talk to him. "Honey… I don't want to burden you with this stuff. But the mating season is coming up and I just want to…" neytiri speaks, watching as her son begins to shift uncomfortably. Neytiri did not understand the disdain her son had on this subject. "Mama I have a lot of things to do" neteyam says, taking up his weapons. "Neteyam I wish you would choose a mate who will give you the position that belongs to you…just that" says neytiri, watching as neteyam only answers her with a 'hmmm' and walks out of the hut. Leaving a more worried neytiri. Besides knowing that her son was lying, she could detest a different scent…a scent that was attached to her son's skin. It was feminine…but which one was the na'vi girl? Who? She had to act fast, she had to have a second plan.
In the lab… You had arrived a little late, you had gone back to the plane to look for other things. And you stopped on the way when you met mo'at. She told you to stop by her hut, she wanted to show you some things. Mo'at understood that there was something wrong with you, and that you were in a hurry. But she didn't want to ask too much, eventually you were going to tell her what was wrong. You had always been like that… saying goodbye to her. To run to the lab, finding it empty. "uhhh I'm safe!!!" you cheer a little, you didn't have to lighten up with awkward questions. But you weren't expecting your favorite intruder. "Safe from what or who?" asks spider, making you jump a little. He had been sitting in the back all this time. " Nothing…just ahhhh where's norm?" you ask, watching as spider chuckles a little. He knew you had done something. You and spider had grown up together, you were practically like brothers, so he already knew when you were lying. "He's sleeping…but the real question here is…where did you sleep last night?" asks spider, approaching you. You nudge him, sometimes it could be very annoying. "I was with kiri" you speak, turning away from him and starting on your way to your room. You didn't really have much to do there, but it was the best place to escape from spider. Spider laughs, winking at you…he knew you were lying to him. But he didn't care where you had spent the night either, he had his suspicions but he wasn't going to say anything until he was sure. "Well… that 'kiri' smells a lot like ….neteyam" says spider, seeing you stop in your tracks. And you turn quickly signaling for silence. "Shut your mouth…you idiot!!!" you whine, ignoring him. Listening as spider laughs out loud.
Spider didn't know anything, or so you thought. Maybe he could have been suspicious, but you ignored his comments. And you go on your way, you wanted to get ready to go help mo'at. So you practically run for your materials, and run out of the lab. Running as fast as you could, you knew mo'at didn't like to wait, so you had to be there in seconds. To your bad luck, or out of pure conscience…you were so distracted running that you could barely see who was in front of you. Without realizing, you were about to crash into neytiri and leeka. Hitting your head on leeka's thigh, falling sitting down on the ground. "Hey…watch out!" the girl speaks, looking down. "Sorry" you groan, you'd taken a good punch. Neytiri reaches over, and grabs you by the forearm. Helping you to stand up.
The relationship you and Neytiri had was not great, but you knew she treated you better than spider. You always thought it was because mo'at treated you like a daughter. But you never got close to her, you barely talked to her. You had always related more to her children and jake. "Are you all right?" asks neytiri, helping you to adjust the ornaments that covered your breasts. "Yes…I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. Mo'at is waiting for me" you speak, thanking her for helping you and running towards Mo'at's hut. Both women look at you as you walk away. "She is…strange. Well, she's a sky person so everything about her is strange" says Leeka, she had a bad look on her face. Neytiri is silent, she didn't want to comment much about you. But she did have some very respective comments about you and your relationship with her family, but she kept them to herself. "Well…as I was saying. I think you should meet neteyam one of these days?" says neytiri. The girl was a little disappointed about the night before, neteyam hadn't talked to her much and then left without saying anything.
"I think he doesn't want to talk to me" says leeka, neytiri laughs a little. But it was a more ironic smile. Touching the girl's shoulder, so that she calms down. "Sure he is… he is a little shy" neytiri says. "I'll try to talk to him…I'll ask him if he wants to go hunting with me or for a walk" says leeka, seeing how neytiri smiled approvingly. Neytiri didn't want to force anything, but she knew what she was doing. She had to support the girl. "He'll love it…I'm sure," Neytiri says. Staying quiet for a moment, she had smelled a familiar scent on you. She wanted to think it was because you were always with neteyam and his children. But this awakened an alarm in her.
You quickly arrive at the mo'at hut, seeing how the woman was already waiting for you. You excuse yourself, and sit down next to her. "Where were you?" mo'at was cutting some herbs, preparing for the demonstration she had prepared for you. "Ahh I was in the lab" you speak, nervously. "Mmm but we ran into each other earlier… so you weren't there" mo'at looks at you for a moment, noticing how your little eyes widen. She had caught you, but she wasn't going to say anything. Mo'at hands you the container she was working on. "Ok, let's get to work" Mo'at speaks, watching you settle more into your space. She had to teach you everything she knew, she had plans for you in the future. You had shown her that you could stay in charge of the medical area of the clan. The people in the clan trusted you, and little by little you were improving every day. Mo'at knew you were doing a good job, you were a very good girl. It had been a while, since morning. You were in a corner eating something, enjoying your free time. While listening to mo'at. "I hope this mating season will be successful…and many couples will come out" says mo'at.
"Yes" you speak, lowering your head. This was something you did not like to talk about. You were aware of your position, neteyam could tell you that he wanted to get away from you and choose a na'vi woman. You knew what happened every week, every week neytiri tried to match his son with different girls. They were so…perfect for him. You couldn't compete with them, you were…just you. And you had a lot of confidence in yourself…but you were aware that you and neteyam were different species. You didn't know what was going to happen. "There's no one you're interested in?" mo'at looks at you curiously. "ahh there are no boys my age here" you laugh nervously. "And spider?" mo'at asks, watching as you fall silent and then start laughing. She joins you… she knows that you and spider are like brothers. But she wanted to make you laugh. "H-hello" speaks neteyam, carefully entering the hut. "Ahh what are you doing here?" asks mo'at, examining his grandson with his eyes. He looked very well.
You get a little nervous, chuckling a little when your gaze meets neteyam's. "I came to see if you would help me…with this cut" neteyam points to his shoulder. "teyam…there's nothing there" mo'at says, watching as his grandson laughs. "Grandma…it's really annoying, I cut myself on a branch" says neteyam, sitting down on the ground. Mo'at gives you a look, causing you to laugh. "Y/N…clean neteyam's deep wound" says mo'at, you get up from the ground approaching neteyam. To sit in front of him. Taking a cream that was in one of the many bottles that mo'at had. You can see the smirk of confidence on his face. "You're bleeding to death" you joke, watching as he moves closer to you. "I just wanted to see you… it's been a long time" neteyam takes your hand, to caress it.
"It's only been a few hours" you place some medicine, moving closer to him. You two were now very close. "That's a long time….hey" neteyam whispers. You look back, glancing at mo'at. The woman was too busy at her work, so she wasn't paying attention to you. "What?" you say, while pretending you were putting in more medicine. "How about we meet at the waterfall?" neteyam asks you. "What for?" you feel neteyam's hand hold yours, pulling it closer to his chest. Lowering his head further, so that it is now closer to your ear. "To bathe together…you and me" neteyam laughs a little, watching as you place your hands on his mouth. He had to be quiet, his grandmother couldn't hear anything. Seeing mo'at still not paying attention to him. "close…touching us" speaks neteyam, a little loudly. You tell him to shut up, laughing at him.
Mo'at looks at you from afar, the scene ahead of her was interesting… the two of you were in front of each other. Your hand on neteyam's chest, he held it caressing your skin. While both of you were laughing, whispering to each other. The woman takes a deep breath, the feelings she was feeling that you two were transmitting was something that she knew would cause problems, but it was something strong. Something unavoidable, it was more than evident that the two of you were together. Mo'at turned her attention back to her work, it was best if she pretended not to see anything. She knew that when they needed her help you would talk to her. "Well…see you at sundown,ok?" neteyam waits for your reply, you nod, watching as neteyam walks over to you and gives you a quick kiss on the shoulder. You push him away, pushing him out of the hut as you two were giggling. You sit back down next to mo'at, you can feel her giving you a few glances. But you see that she doesn't speak, she doesn't seem upset. So you assume she didn't see you and doesn't suspect anything.
That same afternoon… Neteyam had finished all his chores, he was ready to go to the waterfall as he had planned with you. Today had been a good day, the only downside was the conversation he had with his mother that morning, but everything else had run smoothly. Neteyam had rushed to the family hut, leaving his hunting tools behind. Feeling more relaxed and to come find you at the lab. This meeting was important to him, being with your company was very precious. With you he could be himself, no longer the perfect son that his parents wanted him to be. Well…that his mother wanted. Neteyam was aware of his mother's plans. And he knew that in the end he had to make his decision, but at this moment he was not going to think about anything and he was going to enjoy the afternoon.
Just as he was entering the laboratory he bumped into Leeka. The girl greeted him from afar, neteyam tried not to make a bad face. He didn't want to be rude, but he didn't want to talk to her, especially knowing that she was doing what his mother asked her to do. Leeka approached him. "Hello, how are you?" the girl asks. "I'm fine…thanks" neteyam was already feeling uncomfortable, and now even more so that he was in a hurry. "Hey…I was wondering if you I…can we walk for a while" says the girl, noticing how neteyan tenses up and laughs uncomfortably. "It can be now…or whenever you want" leeka was sure neteyam would agree, he looked like a guy who wouldn't say no. "Leeka….I don't" neteyam was about to answer her, but just at that moment the door to the lab opened. "Y/N!!!" neteyam shouts a little, coming closer to you. Taking your hand quickly, pulling you closer to his side. "Is something wrong?" you are a little confused, you were going to go look for him. You weren't expecting him at the entrance, and even less so with this company.
"No…I was just waiting for you. Why don't we leave?" says Neteyam, the boy is anxious to get out of there. "Aren't we going for a walk?" leeka looks at neteyam, she still couldn't believe he was denying her request. "no….we'll talk later" neteyam drags you with him, while you look back feeling how leeka's gaze is glued to you. You decide to ignore what happened a moment ago, and focus on neteyam. The path to the waterfall was a bit far, so he ends up carrying you like a little horse on his back. Talking about anything, and enjoying the moment. When you arrive at the waterfall, neteyam puts you down. While he goes to check on the water. "Love… this water has a nice temperature" says neteyam, seeing how you were taking something out of your bag. You had been carrying a strange bag all this time. A long time ago neteyam stopped wondering what were the things you sometimes brought with you, it was a common thing with you. Always with bundles, and boxes with you. You are kneeling on the floor, your back to Neteyam. "Baby what are you doing there?" neteyam kneels behind you. Putting his head on your shoulder, you push him a little. "Wait!!!" you speak up, you wanted to show him something you had been working on for weeks.
You had been working on your new oxygen mask for weeks. And you had waited all day to show it to neteyam. Neteyam sees you take off your current mask, and gets nervous. "Baby what are you doing?" but within seconds you turn around, showing neteyam that your face was free of that annoying glass. "Taraaaa what's up?" you were very happy that it worked well, you had tried it but you still had your doubts. "This…I can't believe it, you finally finished it" neteyam kneels down to be at your height, getting closer to you. Watching carefully how everything worked, small tubes that entered through your nose and traveled behind your ear. Then connecting to your oxygen machine. Neteyam takes your face with his hands, kissing you. It was the first time he could kiss you, being in his environment. He felt needed, as if he couldn't have any more of you. "ok, what are we waiting for" neteyam gets up from the floor. You were still a little shaken by the kiss, you didn't want him to pull away from you. You move closer to him, moving to his arm to rest on his forearm. But you can see how neteyam moves away from you and starts to take off all his clothes, the bracelets.
"Hey…what are you doing?" you laugh nervously, trying to stop him by placing your hands on his waist. "We weren't going to bathe?…we have to take off our clothes. Come on," Neteyam says as if it were the most normal thing in the world. And yes it was, you were the one who had that conflict. But even so, you knew from the look neteyam was giving you that he had other plans in mind. You watch as he continues to remove his clothes, reaching for his loincloth. "You're going to leave me alone, come on love…" neteyam starts to take off his loincloth. While you look around worriedly, you didn't want anyone to see you naked. Well, it's not like you have a lot of clothes on at the moment. Your top of ornaments, didn't cover much of your breasts. The last piece of neteyam falls to the floor, leaving him completely naked in front of you. You shift your gaze, you felt your cheeks were getting hot, neteyam was very beautiful…too much of beautiful. "Do you want me to help you?" asks neteyam, approaching you. Neteyam kneels in front of you again, coming over to help remove the knots from your top, moving it out of the way. You swallow hard, you loved it when he took care of you. Pulling the knots out of your loincloth, leaving you naked.
Neteyam pulls away a little, looking you up and down gently. It made you nervous, when he did these things. You laugh shyly, touching his chest. Neteyam meets your gaze, and there was a tender smile on his lips. His look was one of love and admiration. Damn…you had him so in love. "Hey…come on!!!" you move closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, to kiss his cheeks. "Ok, ok" netayam wraps his arms around you, standing up suddenly. Making you scream, as he walked towards the water. Sometimes you forgot how tall neteyam was, holding you tightly. As neteyam got deeper into the water you were stealing sloppy kisses all over his face and neck. When the water finally touches your shoulders, you can feel neteyam tighten his grip on you. Taking your thighs, to wrap them around his waist, you squeeze him intently trying to seek friction on his skin. He begins to kiss your neck, while his hands move over your hips, and squeeze the soft skin. You were getting a little desperate, kissing and seeking more of his touch. "I thought we were just going to bathe" neteyam says giggling between kisses, enjoying the attention you were giving him. Holding you tighter, lifting you higher on his body. "You started it" you laugh. "Hey…did you know I can hold my breath for 5 minutes straight?" says neteyam, looking at you mischievously.
"And?" you speak, feeling neteyam pull you a little away from his body. But he still holds you so you don't move too far away. "I would like to know if I can break my record…and I need your help. What do you think?" neteyam starts to go down in the water, while you laugh. Feeling him pull you closer to him. He dives completely into the water, kissing your stomach leaving a line of bubbles rising up. You place your hands on his hair, helping him a little. You knew the way he was going. Lowering it further, feeling neteyam take your thighs, to wrap them around his shoulders. Sinking his face into your cunt, His tongue flicked your clit and then spread from the bottom of your pussy to the top. The sensation of rough tongue, the feeling of bubbles caused by neteyam's lack of air. They caused you to shudder, and squeeze your thighs tighter against the sides of his face. Tangling your hand in his braids, you didn't know how he was managing to stay underwater so long, but he was making his point.
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Leeka thought about what had happened. For her it was strange enough that a boy like neteyam was denying her proposal to count. Leeka was a highly demanded na'vi in the clan…but she had her eyes set on neteyam. But what she was most curious about was the strange relationship neteyam had with you. She knew that you had grown up together, and that he had always been around demons. But… neteyam was very very close to you, and she was thinking that this was not normal. She was beginning to believe the rumors among the younger members of the clan. The romantic closeness the two of you had, how neteyam's scent was wafting over you. How you had been seen together, in unusual situations. But she knew she could fulfill what she promised neytiri…besides neteyam couldn't be with human, that's ridiculous. Leeka decided to go for a walk, she wanted to clear her mind. But she also wanted to look for neteyam, he couldn't be far away. The girl had walked quite a long way, she thinks it's been an hour. But she can hear the sound of water very close to her. She was going to stop and get some water…but stopped when she heard some voices.
Neteyam climbed up, breathing fast and with a stupid smile on her lips. You were stunned by the previous activities. You felt your cheeks burning, when Neteyam placed his hands on your face. Leaning in for a kiss, pulling away a little. Enjoying the view, of his partner all shattered in his arms. And that was just a little bit…of everything he wanted to do with you. You relax into his touch, resting your head in his hands. As you try to regain your normal breathing, neteyam slides his thumb across your lips…sliding it into your mouth. Watching as you instinctively suck it gently as he withdraws it, leaving a 'pop' sound. "You're a good girl" neteyam says, moving closer to kiss your lips. "Thank you" you speak, watching as neteyam lets out a laugh, pulling you close to his chest, so you can hug him. After a moment of cuddling, keep silent. "I want us to unite before eywa" says nateyam out of nowhere, noticing how your eyes widen in surprise. "What?" you ask.
Neteyam was getting tired of playing these little games with you, he wants you to be his partner. May you be his woman completely. That he could have you completely and he knew that you wanted too. He could feel it. “But what will your family say,” you speak, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I will talk to my family…they will understand. I want this to be serious, I love you” Neteyam is interrupted when they both hear Leeka's voice calling Neteyam. “Neteyam?” Leeka is standing on the shore, the girl glances at her feet. Noticing the mountain of outfits on the grass. And seeing how you and neteyam were together. You quickly move away, swimming further. Meanwhile, Neteyam turned around, now looking at the girl. "What's going on?" Neteyam asks. "What are you doing here? “I thought they were somewhere else,” Leeka says, crossing her arms. “I never say where I was going…besides, why do you care so much?” Neteyam sounded arrogant and annoyed. Leeka sulks, but she knew that she was no one to complain to him. “Sorry…I only found you guys by accident” Leeka says, looking at you intently.
You were trying to cover yourself, you didn't want her to suspect anything. Leeka looks at clothes again, and then laughs a little. “It seems like you are enjoying the river,” she says sarcastically. “Yes… and you are interrupting us” says Neteyam. “teyam!!!” You scold him, but he ignores you. His attention now was on Leeka leaving them alone. “Well… sorry for interrupting, see you later teyam” she laughs and looks at you as she says the last word. They both stay there, watching the girl walk away from the river. Leaving you alone again, Neteyam watches carefully, making sure she's not around. To turn to see you. He can tell how upset and scared you were right now. “Y/N?” neteyam calls, trying to take your arm. But you walk away, swimming towards the shore. “I told you that someone would come…and ahhh” you start arguing to yourself. You knew it wasn't his fault, but you were also aware that this could cause problems. “It's no big deal…she won't say anything” Neteyam says, keeping up with you. You guys had already gotten out of the water, and you were starting to put on your clothes.
“Of course…neteyam that girl was chosen by your mother. She talks to her, spends time with her…her” You turn to look at him, as you put on your last piece of clothing. “I want to go back to the lab, yes?” You give up, you didn't want to talk about this topic now. Your good time had been ruined by her. Neteyam also felt like you. “Okay…but” neteyam takes your hand, kneeling down to be at your height. “How about we meet in our place today? Yes…please” Neteyam begs, kissing your hand. You think for a moment, you didn't want things to escalate, but you also wanted to spend more time with him. You smile at him, and move closer to kiss him on the tip of his nose. “Ok…we'll see you at the same time” you see how the boy gets excited. They both finish getting ready, and begin their way back home. But this time, neteyam would carry you all the way, you were too tired to walk back.
Neteyam dropped you off in front of the lab, he was aware that what had happened had hurt both your spirits. You had barely spoken on the way home, but he was not discouraged. Maybe all you needed to do was get some rest and then you could go see each other. Neteyam came up to you, giving you a big kiss on your cheek. And another on the crown of your head. "I'll see you…yes?" neteyam looks at you hoping you wouldn't stand him up. "Yeah" you speak, smiling shyly and walking into the lab. Looking back, watching as neteyam stood there waiting for you to come back to him. But you decide to continue on your way, leaving him more frustrated. The boy sighs loudly…why that girl had to show up, why his mother was so insistent. He was going to put a stop to this whole situation… his family had to know the truth and accept it.
Neteyam arrived at the family hut, to his good fortune he found his mother and grandmother. Mo'at was visiting the hut, helping her daughter. Both women watched as Neteyam entered the hut, they could see that he was upset. But not in comparison to his mother, who had barely turned around to greet him. "Mom?" speaks neteyam, approaching his mother's side, to sit next to her. "I have to tell you something" neteyam didn't mind that his grandmother was with them, in the end she always found out everything. "I want to talk to you too" neytiri says, neteyam is silent so that her mother can start first. Neytiri looks up, her look was one of confrontation. "What the hell were you doing naked, and kissing Y/N in the river this afternoon" neytiri blurts out, neteyam gets nervous quickly. Jumping out of his seat, looking quickly at his grandmother. Mo'at looked shocked, but she already knew her daughter was going to ask that question to the poor boy.
After Leeka left the river, she went ahead. Running as fast as her feet would allow, she quickly reached neytiri. Telling her everything she saw, this left neytiri astonished. She couldn't believe it, it was one thing for her son to be friends with these humans. But that he was romantically involved with one…she couldn't believe it. As soon as mo'at arrived to visit her daughter, she told her everything that was happening. Even neytiri complained to her mother, because of the closeness she had with you. "Are you suggesting that because of me the two of them are together?!!!" shouts a little mo'at. "Don't say they are together" neytiri was falling in crisis. And now she finally had the chance to ask him in person, neteyam had to tell her the truth.
"Mom…" neteyam looks down for a moment, takes a breath and begins to speak. Now…this was the moment. After so long he was going to tell her everything. "Y/n and I…we want to be a mates. And we are going to unite before eywa. That is my wish and Y/n's wish" says neteyam, he had a confident voice. He knew what he wanted and that no one was going to change his mind. Neteyam's statement left Mo'at speechless, she looked at her daughter. Neytiri's eyes were closed, and for a moment she bit her lower lip in anger. "You're going crazy…that's impossible. I won't allow it" neytiri shouts, turning completely around now. "Mama but" neteyam tries to defend himself. "No…you know all that we have sacrificed for those humans and now you tell me that you want to join your life with one of them…that is something, impossible. It is something almost…grotesque" neytiri speaks, neytiri's words hurt neteyam.
And yes, he didn't have the heart to yell at his mother. So he just lowers his head, letting his mother vent all her frustration. "Daughter" mo'at tries to rationalize with neytiri, touching her shoulder. But neytiri pulls away, getting up from the ground angrily. "Listen neteyam… you're not going to see that girl again. I know you're of age, but I won't let you give away your future" neytiri storms out of the hut, not before stopping at the entrance of the hut. "I'm so disappointed in you" neytiri says, walking away. Meanwhile neteyam had remained there, sitting with his head down. And mo'at could notice, as some tears fell to the ground. Her grandson had been an exceptional child all his life…she knew what was going through his head now. And how bad he felt…but she also understood that no one was in control of his heart.
Mo'at settles down next to her grandson…wrapping him in her arms. Giving him a kiss on the side of his head. "neteyam don't worry… I will talk to your mother" Mo'at says. Watching as the boy looks up quickly. His face was teary, some tears were still running down his eyes. "You're not upset?" asks neteyam. Mo'at was a little confused, but not upset. She had learned that things in life cannot be controlled, that eywa has its own plans. And even if you interfere with them…it never works. Besides, they were talking about you, she knew you. She had practically raised you, she knew you and she knew you were a good girl. Neytiri was either overreacting…or she was already going crazy. But she was going to support her grandson…she couldn't leave him alone.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
Genre: fluff
Word count: 6k
Summary: you like peter, he doesn't get it. until you confide in spider-man
i hope you guys like this, i've been really really busy at work but i'm working on my other fic i promise.
You didn’t know Peter Parker was Spider-Man. 
To be fair, no one really knew. Tony Stark knew because he knows everything, May knows because she walked in on him in the suit, so did Ned, and MJ found out on her own, because, well, she knows everything. So enter in you, a girl who moved into the city and got into a smart kid school. Almost immediately you befriended MJ, you sat next to her in English and noticed her head stuck in a book. You leaned over into her space, you saw her tense up and smiled at her eyes peeking at you through the corners.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. I’m new here and I want to die in a falling elevator, what about you?” 
MJ peered at you and smirked, she stuck out a hand to shake yours.
“Hi, I’m MJ. I’m old here and I’m still trying to decide.” 
You two have been friends since. 
“No, you’re not getting it Ned! I dare you to ask Betty, that is if she’ll still talk to you.” Peter grinned at his friend and laughed when Ned threw a spork at him. Ned and Betty were in their usual weekly dispute, usually something dumb but slightly significant. 
“Are you just mad I have a girlfriend that gets mad at me?” Ned teased back. He did feel like he had the upper hand, being honest he always thought Peter would have all his firsts, well, first. But Ned was collecting the firsts while Peter kept to himself. 
Peter scoffed at the assumption, “No way man, If I was a boyfriend I would never pick a fight. I’d be a good boy and listen.” He hummed and shot his eyes to yours, you were already looking at him. 
“Right, Y/N?” He shot a wink at you and you froze, was that real? Was he actually talking to you? 
Peter Parker is beautiful. You’re not sure when you liked him, actually you think you always have. The second you met him you felt pulled to him, you couldn’t stay away from him. Subconsciously you walked the longer loop around the school to peek at him at his locker, and you always laughed at his jokes, and you made constant eye contact when you weren’t staring at his mouth. 
His brown curls laid over his forehead, you remember last week he was talking about getting it cut, and you frowned at him and said ‘absolutely not, if anything you should grow it longer’, you can’t help but notice it hasn’t been cut yet, and he is looking more tempting by the day. Maybe two more weeks and you could have an excuse to run your hand through it, tell him you noticed it was in his eyes and you were just helping. 
Even MJ knew, you think Ned and Betty have an inkling. When the four of you were together they loved to talk about Peter, except they would only praise him. He has the ultimate wingmen even if he didn’t know it. And speaking of not knowing, he had no clue you were into him. It’s not like you’ve been straightforward but you also didn’t hide it. You always made flirty comments towards him, and he would usually smile shyly and brush it off. 
“How did you think you did on Mr. Tusks test? I think I did fine.” He once asked during a passing period, you made a show of looking him up and down, “Oh trust me, you’re fine.” Peter rolled his eyes and then asked if you had heard about Kayte and Brendon. 
��Can you do me a favor?” Peter asked while you and the rest of the group met at his house for a study session before PSATS, looking over at you from his shoulder at the kitchen table. You stepped closer and grabbed his bicep, “Trust me, I’d do anything for you, Peter.” MJ let out a quiet ‘oooh’ and Peter flushed, he cleared his throat and held up some crumpled paper. “Can you throw these away for me, please?” 
You wrapped your hand around the paper in his and let your fingers rest against his palm for a moment, you looked in his eyes and pouted. “Aw, that’s all?” He looked at MJ for help, she instead looked at you and smirked with a slight nod to her head. You met her with a similar smirk and walked away to the trash can. 
Then that time at the movies you hopped around Ned to steal the spot next to Peter, “Dibs! If anyone is gonna get cuddly with Peter it’s gonna be me.” You pushed Ned’s shoulder to prove your seriousness when his jaw dropped open, he sputtered but then slunk to the seat next to you. Peter joked to ease the tension, “There’s enough of me to go around,” you looked at him and smiled, “but most of you is mine, right?” Peter went to respond but the lights dropped and the trailers started. 
You almost thought he made a move, almost. 
During the movie he lent into your ear, his warm breath sent goosebumps down your spine. “Hey.” You turned your head and almost stopped breathing, his face was right against yours, if he lent up half an inch your lips would meet. You wondered if this was the moment, all the flirting was for something. “Yeah?” You whispered back, you looked between his eyes and mouth, he caught you looking at his lips and watched you lean in a tad closer. “Can I get a sip of your slushie?” 
His grin was highlighted in the blue light of the theater screen. You grumbled and thrust the plastic cup at his chest, “Not how I imagined swapping spit with you in a movie theater, but I guess it will do.” Peter nodded absentmindedly while his attention was on the screen, and you might have maybe, just for a second, thought about punching him in the ribs. 
And right now he was asking you if he would be a good boyfriend. 
“Are you kidding me Parker? You’re the definition of boyfriend material.” You matched the grin he gave you and he shot a HA! At Ned. 
“Told you! And when I finally find a girlfriend I’m gonna be the best boyfriend.” He made a cocky grin at Ned that let him know he won the fight. Your ears were ringing, did he just say? He couldn't have. No way he’s that dumb. 
You slap your palms on the table and narrow your eyes at him, “What do you mean find a girlfriend?” 
“Oh! You know, when I finally have a chick that’s into me.” He shrugged, so casual. Did he think you were just playing around? 
“When you have a chick, into you.” You repeated the words slower and watched him nod his head and take a sip of chocolate milk. 
MJ hid her snort under a cough, you turned to look at her, silently saying ‘is he for real right now?’ and MJ gave a look back that said ‘oh i think he is.’ 
You kissed your teeth, “and tell me Peter, how the fuck would you know when a girl is into you?” 
His eyes widened for a second, “Uh, I dunno. I think if she likes me she’ll make it known.” 
You laughed dryly, “Or she can make it known and you’re just totally oblivious.” 
Peter thought for a moment and hummed, “No, I think I’d know.” 
You looked at MJ with a wide mouth.
“Okay. Fuck this, I’m out.” You grabbed your backpack off the table and stomped out the cafetera doors. 
“Did I say something to make her mad?” Peter missed the look MJ and Ned shared. 
Peter couldn’t help but feel guilty, he didn’t know what he did but he’s almost sure he made you upset. And he would normally never interfere with Spider-Man but he’s the one that saw you tossing pebbles and crushed cans at a brick wall down an alleyway. So he had to make sure you were okay, just doing his civilian duties. 
“Fucking stupid, oblivious, what does he want me to do? Fucking show up at his house naked?” You mumbled to yourself and kicked a cardboard box, sending it into the side of a dumpster. 
You heard something drop behind you, spinning to the sound you were met with the masked vigilante seen across the city. You had never seen him in person, not even a glimpse when you were walking around. You were starting to believe he was a figment of people's imagination.   
You narrowed your eyes, you didn’t know or care why he was there. 
“Fuck off, Spider-Man.” You turned to throw another rock at the wall and watch it bounce off, just like all your attempts with Peter. That frustrating prick. 
“Bad day?” 
He didn’t leave and he just brought a shit storm apun himself. 
You spun to face him again, “You have no idea.” 
“Tell me about it.” Maybe you would slip why you were pissed at lunch. 
You looked him up and down and tapped a finger on your chin, “Do you take hits?” 
“Like punches? I mean I try-” 
You cut him off, “No. I mean if I tell you to beat someone up would you do it?” 
Peter’s eyes widened in the mask, but then collected himself. 
“Maybe, it depends why you want them beaten up.” 
“Because he deserves pain.” You threw another rock. 
“Who’s he?” Peter had a feeling it was himself. 
You groaned and rubbed at your eyes, you paused to think of the story and decided to tell the whole thing to make sense. 
“Are you like a therapist or something?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Like patient doctor confidentiality. I can tell you anything and no one knows?”
Peter thought to himself, he had never viewed himself that way but he sees how some may think of him like that. Just a random guy to dump their shit unto. 
“Sure, yeah. I won’t go screaming from the rooftops about your bad day with ‘he’.” He used air quotes around the ‘he’ and smiled when he made you laugh. 
“Alright, cool.” You nodded and paused after rubbing the bridge of your nose, then finally looking into the white masked eyes of Spider-Man.
“You brought this on yourself. Okay look, I’m new here right? Moved here from Manhattan, and got into this, like, super smart kid school.” You watched the masked face nod. 
“And I met this girl on my first day and she’s super cool and she tells me she’s gonna introduce me to her friends, and I was super excited to make friends, right?” You watched him to make sure he was listening, “And sorry for the next part, if you’re like a thirty year old guy just understand I am a horny teenager and you were once me, okay? Okay.” 
“So I met her friends, Ned and Peter. And let me tell you, Peter? Wow! Look, I’ll level with you. I’ve liked dudes before, maybe even kissed a few, who’s to know?” Peter froze for a moment, did you just hint at what he thinks? 
“But, Peter? I have literally never wanted to hump someone's face until I saw him.” 
Peter coughed then cleared his throat, his cheeks felt on fire. 
He knows you’ve always said things to him, he knows it was flirty but he didn’t realize you were being serious, cause he was him, and you were you. Peter never had that aha moment where he realized you were in fact flirting and did like him like that. He now wants to curl in shame because of the way he’s blown you off for so long, he doesn’t know why he thought you were always playing around with him, especially now. Because you only ever told Peter, you wanted Peter. 
Peter feels really dumb right now watching a girl he never thought he could pull, in distress because he is in fact, not pulling her. 
“I don’t know how to explain it but I felt so pulled to him, I hadn’t known him for twelve seconds and I wanted to know everything about him, you know? And I’ve tried everything, man. I don’t know how much more clear I can get, I mean I flirt with him all the time. Like, all the time. I literally told him I wanted to make out with him at the movies and he was just like… But can I get some of that slushie? I wanted to kill him and then myself.” 
You noticed the wide eyes on the mask but held up a hand to continue. 
“And today! My god I really thought he got it, get this, the fucker,” You exclaimed the fucker. “This fucker looks at me, dead in the eye and says ‘I’d be a good boyfriend right?’ and I was like ‘Oh my god, yes. You are literally perfection, look at you. So handsome, such baby, I will die if I don’t kiss you.’ And he goes, and I cannot make this shit up, ‘when I finally find a girlfriend I’ll be the best boyfriend.’” You mocked his voice, well not Peter’s, but a general man's voice. 
“Oh.” The first response you’ve heard from him yet. 
You laughed bitterly. “Oh, I’m not even at the part that made me fly off the wall.” 
Peter knows what you’re talking about. 
“At this point I just thought he was his normal little dumb self but when he said that? Game over. So I said, ‘how the fuck would you know when a girl is into you?’ just like that too, and he goes,” You paused to laugh again and shake your head, “‘I think if she likes me she’ll make it known.’ How fucking disconnected is he from reality? I wonder what it would be like to be in his head, really. Just a fuckton of open space huh? Anyways, I just told him that maybe she is making it known and he’s just not paying attention and he goes, ‘hmm, nope. I’d think I know.’ I couldn’t take it and just walked out.” 
You finished up your rant, “So, in conclusion. Fuck Peter Parker, but also, I want to fuck Peter Parker. It’s hard being 17.” 
For the first time Spider-Man was speechless. He didn’t know how to navigate this because he wanted to take your side but also didn’t want to throw Peter under the bus. When he noticed you were waiting for a response he let out a ‘Wow.’ 
“Well, wow.” He was still trying to find words. 
“I know right? I told you, you brought this on yourself.” You sat against the brick wall and pulled a quarter from your pocket running it across your knuckles. Spider-Man moved to sit next to you. 
“I know you say you’ve been forward but maybe he thinks you’re joking, or maybe he didn’t see it like that because he thought you wouldn’t like him like that.” 
“Babes, you have no idea how much I like him like that.” 
“Right. I mean, maybe give it another shot, you never know.” He shrugged his shoulders, who knows? Peter may even ask for a date next time you talk. 
“Oh, you think I’m giving up?” You raised an eyebrow at him. “No way, if anything this makes him even more attractive. Who doesn’t like a good chase? I will tell you my next method was just popping up at his place like, you, me, lets fuck, right here, right now.” 
“Chasing is only fun if you catch them in the end. And I doubt this Peter kid would ever give into that method, you’d scare the shit out of him.” You sighed and thought about it. “You’re right, he would respect me too much. It’s gross how much I love that.” You watched the quarter roll across your middle knuckle and held it tightly. 
You leaned a cheek against the hero’s shoulder. 
“Don’t beat up Peter Parker. He’s a sweet boy, just a little unaware.” 
“Although, if he doesn’t wake up to smell the bacon next time we talk I’m sending you a smoke signal and his address and I won’t let you leave until I see blood.” 
Peter let out a big laugh, “Deal.” 
You stood up and brushed off your butt then reached a hand out to help Spider-Man up. 
“Thanks for talking me off the ledge. Here’s a tip.” You tossed the quarter in your hand towards the red glove. 
Peter nodded and gave a two finger salute, “Just doing my job ma'am, I am the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man after all. I’ll look around for you, I hope I get a Peter update soon.” 
You smiled at the hero once more. 
“Me too.”
You watched as he took off and started to walk home, not even twenty minutes later a text came through. 
hey, sorry if i made you upset at lunch today. 
It's fine, I'm sure you’ll make it up to me. 
yeah, i’ll show you how sorry i can be.
And hell if your breath didn’t hitch. Did he just flirt with you? There is no way in God’s green earth did he just send a text like that not knowing how you’d take it. Did he finally wake up and smell the roses? Did the behavior at lunch kick in a thinking cell? 
Either way, you couldn’t wait for school tomorrow.
Walking in the doors you rubbed the palm of your hand over your cold nose, the temperature was slowly reminding you summer was over and the nips of frost and changing leaf colors proved it. You were excited for fall and winter, you would have friends to go to a halloween party with, maybe even get to wear a couples costume with Peter if it worked out for you. You would trickle into thanksgiving and then have a whole season for cookies, movies and snow fights. A part of you couldn’t help but think about Peter's eyes sparkling in the christmas lights. 
Peter’s head darted up at you the second you walked through the door, his teeth nibbling his bottom lip. He wasn’t sure what to say, or if he should say anything. Does he wait for you to say something? Does he walk up and ask you on a date?
Either way you were about to walk past him, you looked preoccupied, in your own world. You were nibbling on your thumb nail, lost in your thoughts about Peter, and the weather, and Peter, and snow, and carving pumpkins with Peter, and the way leaves would crunch under your feet, and then floated to central park and walking hand in hand with Peter, and kissing Peter under a tree, or maybe he’d take you to rockefeller plaza and ask you to be his girlfriend there, and you just know in your heart Peter would always give you extra whipped cream on your hot chocolate. 
You were so lost in thinking about Peter you didn’t see Peter. 
Not until he jumped in front of you. 
“Hey!” He smiled and it made your eyes go hazy. 
“Peter.” You let out dreamily, still stuck in daydreams where he was yours.
“Whatcha thinking about?” His grin gave away he knew, but you know he didn’t.
“Would you give me extra whipped cream on hot chocolate?” 
“Oh yeah. I’d even throw in some mini marshmallows and a cinnamon stick. Or do you like peppermint more?” 
You fawned at his response, he was so gentle it warmed you. 
“Would you carve pumpkins with me?” You looked at his locker. 
“Why not? Seems fun.” He tapped his fist against your shoulder.
“I would need your help, cause I’m good at getting the guts out but the actual carving part hurts my hand because I have to use so much force. So I could draw a design and you could cut it for me, cause you're way stronger than me.” 
“Why are you good at getting the guts out?” He poked a finger at your elbow to get your attention back on his face. 
You bit your bottom lip and changed topics. 
“Have you ever walked through central park?” 
I mean, if Peter thinks about it he’s spent a fair amount of time there, but he’s not roaming around. He’s swinging around or stopping crime or running after someone, so he guesses not. He’s never walked through the park and enjoyed it, he thinks he did it a few times as a kid but he can’t remember the last time he went. 
“As a kid, I haven’t been in a while.” 
“I think it would be really pretty to walk through it when the leaves all change.” 
“I love the feeling of the leaves crunching under my feet.” 
“Me too! As a kid I used to build leaf forts and just roll around for hours.” You smiled brightly at the shared feeling. 
“We could go sometime, just say when. We could even get the group together.” He winked playfully but dropped the grin when he saw the disappointment flash in your eyes when he added the friends part. You didn’t want a group trip, you wanted a Peter trip. 
“Or it could be just a you and me thing, I think I could use some one on one time with you.” Peter retracted his earlier statement. Your eyes lit up at his suggestion, “really? You do?” 
“Yeah, of course. I love talking to you.” He smiled and watched you bite your bottom lip as you stared at his. 
“Anything fun happen yesterday? I didn’t see you after lunch.” Was he possibly hinting at you talking about him to him? Yes. 
“Uh,” You trailed and thought about telling him, scared if you said too much he’d ask details. 
“You know, I started to believe Spider-Man was a mass hallucination, turns out he’s a real guy. Kinda cool.” 
Peter raised his eyebrows, “You suddenly came to that belief yesterday?” 
“Well I mean, you know. He was like, there. And was like, hey.” You gave a general response and shrugged your shoulders. 
“He was just there and said hey?” He slowly repeated the words back. 
“Hey! He promised he wouldn’t talk about what we discussed and I will promise the same. We had a nice conversation about someone close to me and he gave me a little pep talk.” You defended your stance. 
“Like patient doctor confidentiality?” He was having a little fun here. 
“Exactly! It was true alleyway therapy. I even gave him a quarter for his troubles.” You crossed your arms and grinned, it was funny how good you felt after talking to him yesterday. Maybe exploding emotions on a third party stranger was good. 
“Sounds like you have a crush on Spidey.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, “If he was here right now, and heard that coming from your mouth? He would have a fucking field day, I promise you that.” 
Peter raised his eyebrows in coyness. 
“From me? Sounds like he knows something, was I maybe the close person you had a conversation about?” 
Your cheeks felt warm, you were on the spot. You always hinted at your crush on Peter but you were kind of pussy to outright say it so you hoped he would catch on and ask you out. But now you didn’t know how to react, you had said too much and backed yourself into a corner. 
You opened your mouth to play off a response when the bell for first period rang out, you let out a breath of relief and smiled at Peter. 
“Saved by the bell.” 
You were begging Spider-Man was out, looking around where he had dropped down yesterday. 
Things have progressed with Peter and you promised him an update, it was just about keeping him in the loop. It had nothing to do with getting to fantasize and romanticize you and Peter’s interactions. 
Jumping in excitement you saw him standing on the corner of the same building you were hiding behind yesterday, hands on his hips with his head turned the opposite way. 
“Spider-Man!” You whisper shouted. 
“Hey! Spidey!” You raised your tone some. 
“Yo! Spider-boy!” You picked up a pebble and threw it up the building. 
Getting his attention the hero looked behind him then pointed at himself with a thumb, “me?” You rolled your eyes, “yes, you. C’mere.” Watching him jump down and land in a squatted pose you couldn’t help but think about how fucked up your ankles would’ve been if you tried it. 
“Peter update, bitch. I don’t have another quarter on me, so this will have to be on the house.” 
“I kept it.” He handed it back to you and you thought about how if Peter did that you would be putty in your shoes. 
“I think he was flirting with me. I think. I don’t know, he’s so coy. I love him.” You sighed and held a hand to your heart. 
“And I am so sadistic, I’m using him as a pawn in my sick games. I’m asking him questions that I’ve already answered in my head about him and when he gives me a response it’s better than I imagined.” 
“Maybe he was flirting, or trying. Something tells me you make him nervous.” 
“Am I intimidating? I don’t want him scared of me, I want to mash my parts with his.” You pouted and thought if you were making him uncomfortable. 
“First, gross.” (Not really, he also wants to mash parts.) 
“Second, I don’t think you’re intimidating. I just think you are much more forward than him.” 
“Oh no. Is that a problem? Do I keep doing what I am, or should I let him do this? Am I over stepping? I’ve never had a boyfriend, is he supposed to pursue me? Have I done everything backwards? Oh god.” You covered your face with your hands and missed Peter's eyes growing wide and his panicked arm movements. 
“No, no, no, no. You’re fine, you’re good. It’s good. You can make the first move, totally okay. I just meant you’re expecting him to ask you out any second and I think you need to make it more noticeable rather than joking.” 
“Ew! Gross! I will not walk up to that man and tell him I wanna smooch.” 
“Oh, C’mon! You basically already have!” 
“Nope. Not happening. You’ve helped me make up my mind, I will wait for Peter Parker to make the next move.” You tossed the quarter back to him, “Don’t worry. You’ll see me again.” 
“Woah, wait.” MJ stopped in her tracks and spoke her next words carefully. 
“You told Spider-Man about your crush on Peter?” Her voice was smooth and quick, MJ almost felt panicked for you, because you didn’t know what you just did. 
“Yeah?” You didn’t get the big deal, not like Spider-Man knew who Peter was anyways. 
“What did he say?” MJ was pulling at the thread.
“That I should be more clear, or less intimidating, or something.” 
“He said you were intimidating?” MJ narrowed her eyes. 
“Well kind of, when I said that he kind of back tracked but-” 
MJ cut you off when he locked eyes with Peter coming down the hall towards you, he tilted his head in question, he knew that look and he wasn’t sure why he deserved it. She grabbed Peter’s forearm and tugged him next to her, your eyes went wide. You didn’t need to understand why MJ decided to bring Peter into this conversation, you just needed to end it. 
“Peter, do you think Y/N is intimidating?”  
His eyes saw your subtle head shake at her, an unvocal way of telling her to shut the fuck up. 
“Uh, no. Not at all. Why?” 
MJ waited for you to talk but you stayed silent, you would definitely spill if you tried to navigate the conversation. 
“Because, the Queens nightly hero thinks she is.” Her tone was bitter, who knew MJ was this defensive over you. 
“He said I was too forward, MJ. Drop it.” You pleaded to get out of this alive. 
“Too forward, imagine that, Peter. Imagine confiding in someone about a crush and they say you’re too forward.” 
You felt your knees hit your ankles, Peter would connect the dots. You told him you had a conversation and MJ just admitted it was about a crush. 
You started to dryly laugh, not allowing Peter a chance to answer that. 
“Not a crush! Nope! Don’t know where you got that theory.” You darted your eyes around looking for an escape. 
“No?” Peter questioned you. 
“You know MJ, she lives in her own world. Never said anything about having a crush on someone, definitely not you.” 
Peter had to play into this, your turn to squirm. 
“Who said I thought you had a crush on me?” 
Your heart couldn’t beat any louder than it was at the moment. 
“No one did.” You flashed a nervous smile. 
“No, I think you just did.” 
You breathed heavily out your nose and looked harshly at MJ like ‘wtf? Why did you do this?’ 
“I just didn’t want you to think I have a crush on you.” 
Peter pouted, “Why not? I think it would be cute.” 
It was your turn to sputter. 
“Cute? It would be cute? Cute how? Cute, that's adorable or cute, let's date?” 
You didn’t miss MJ’s look of ‘wow. Subtle much?’ 
“Depends. Do you have a crush on me?” 
“Do you think I have a crush on you?” 
Peter hummed and pretended to think. 
“Sometimes.” He shrugged his shoulders. 
“Only sometimes?” 
“I’m confused. Do you want me to think you have a crush on me or not?” 
MJ raised her hands and slowly started to back away. 
“Depends. How would you react?” You cautioned. 
“Probably how you want me to react.” 
“And how do I want you to react?” 
Peter smiled and leaned in close, you held your breath for a moment. Was he about to kiss you? Is that how you want him to react? Yes. 
“You tell me.” 
Then he straightened himself and winked as he walked away. 
Peter just had to wait for an opening, not that you would take long to give him one. You couldn’t keep it in, it was second nature at this point.
If there was any way he could ask you out casually then you needed to make it a bit clear, as much as you said you wanted it he couldn’t imagine the flip of “he doesn’t notice anything” to “hey, wanna go out?” 
 Peter was trying to set himself up for one of your comments and you tried your best to keep a poker face but when he said that? Game over. 
“I think I have a shot, she totally likes me.” 
Was he talking about you? He better be, because if you were walking into his house for the regular Friday movie night and he was talking about another girl you would actually lose it. You had just got there, still waiting for MJ and Ned to show up when he greeted you with his words. 
“Who likes you?” 
“Kendra! During math she was holding up her highlighters trying to match one to my shirt. It’s pretty obvious right?” 
“No. You can’t be serious.” 
“I am! I told you if someone liked me they would make it obvious, and I’m pretty sure she did.” 
“Oh fuck you Peter! You’re the actual worst, I sit here all fucking day saying things to you, about literally wanting to be all over you and a girl with a fucking highlighter collection is booted to top of the list?” 
“I mean, what am I? Chopped liver? I have been pining after you for months, and all it took was a highlighter? Do you know I wear that green sweater all the time because you said you liked it once, or that I follow you around like a puppy? How about when I flirt with you, or do you even know I’m flirting with you?” 
Peter had a shit eating grin that made you even more upset. 
“Why are you so happy right now, you’re really pissing me off.” 
Peter stalked towards you until you were backed up into the wall, with nowhere to go you felt his chest brush yours, his arms caging you against the wall, your head between both of his hands. 
Save for the position, you were excited. This was going to be a new daydream scenario, he had you pinned to the wall. The only way out was through him. 
He leant in close, if you just pushed yourself up you could have his lips on yours. 
“Because, you finally admitted it.” 
You narrowed your gaze at him. 
“What is that supp-” 
He cut you off. 
With his mouth. 
On yours. 
No matter how many times you dreamed about this exact moment nothing could match the real thing. His lips were soft, his hand cupped your jaw to bring you closer to him. His body leaned in so he was flush against yours, you felt every curve and divot of him blend into yours. You grabbed at the waist of his shirt, begging for him not to leave his position of being on your mouth. 
Instead he opened his mouth to deepen the kiss, the feather touch of his tongue on your lower lip sent your head into a spiral, the boy you had been obsessing and pining over the past few months was moving with your movements, you gasped into his mouth and he squeezed a hip with his hand and you in turn pressed your hips into his. 
He pulled away and placed a kiss to your jaw, then neck. 
“Was that the reaction you wanted?” 
Your eyes stayed closed but you nodded, scared if you opened them the illusion would disappear. 
“I kissed you with my heart and soul baby girl, can’t a guy get a response?” 
You whimpered at the pet name. 
Then a knock at the door, the curtain dropped. The other friends were here and it would go back to pretend this didn’t happen for a few hours. The front door was being opened from the outside, you had your head turned to the right to watch it open. Peter still had you pressed into the wall, he placed an arm out to hold the door shut. 
“I’m not done yet.” 
He leant in for another one, and another. 
And another. 
“I was beginning to think you forgot about me.” 
You did promise Spider-Man an update, but it’s been a busy few months. Christmas was just around the corner and Peter and you have been busy. Between dates and seasonal activities you haven’t had a moment to track down the hero and catch him up to date. 
First it was Halloween and you did get your couples costume. (and he helped you carve your pumpkin.)
 Then it was Thanksgiving. (and he walked through central park with you.)
And recently you’ve both been busy with present shopping and baking. (and he gives you hot chocolate with extra, extra whipped cream.)
 “I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been too busy being a girlfriend.” 
You squealed. “Yes! He totally set me up and I was all like, ‘How do you not know I like you?’ and BAM! He just started kissing me, I was seeing fucking stars.” 
“Peter Parker finally smelled the bacon, huh?” 
“Yeah. He’s really awesome. I know we were friends before but it’s gotten so much better now he’s my boyfriend, I don’t even know how to describe it. I think it’s because everything I feel for him is reciprocated times ten by him.” 
“I think it’s because you love him.” 
“Or because we’re mashing parts.” 
You laughed at his reaction. 
“Gross.” (Not gross. He fucking loves mashing parts.)
“But yeah, I think it’s mostly because we love each other.” 
“I’m happy for you, I’m glad I can stop looking for smoke signals now.” 
You grinned at the hero and had to fight back the urge for a hug. 
“Thanks, if it makes you feel better if I knew who you were under the mask I’d buy you dinner.” 
Sirens blaring broke the reunion. 
“It’s alright. I have a feeling you’ll know soon.” 
“Hm, sure. Have a goodnight, Spidey. I’ll see you around.” 
“You too, Y/N.” 
Then he swung off, it left a grin on your face. 
‘How did he know my name?’ 
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sungvrhs · 4 months
what about jealous hoon with strength kink???????? 😍😍
yes, i can't get over future perfect hoon with his hot bicepsss 😔
Jealous hoon and strength kink? A good combo I'd say 😋
Genre; Explicit | Sunghoon x Female!reader word count; 1.3K
note; T T took me 5 turns to write this cause I was had to gulp down some water everytime I wrote a single line about him.
You wanted to test how deep were the waters and seeing your boyfriend coming up home from the gym his plain white t-shirt drenched in sweat as his muscular boy would be outlined perfectly as he'd stand in front of the window pane. The effect he had on you was unnoticed by him. And you hated how he would simply be able to make you all worked up just by his small actions.
“I haven’t seen your boyfriend clenching his jaw even once.” Your best friend spoke while you both were on facetime as you giggled. “Well what do you want me to do about it? Get him pissed off for no reason?” You rolled your eyes as you saw her scoffing from the other side of the screen. “Why, thankyou for catching my words in one go for the first time.” You scrunch your nose at her words. “What do you mean?” “...UGH I take my words back. You’re dumber than I had thought.” You chuckled at her words, finding it amusing how hot-tempered she was. “I’m telling you, just do anything, literally anything to piss him off real bad.” You thought for a moment, not agreeing with the idea. “I don’t know Sana, this feels really off. I haven’t done anything like that.” You heard her groaning from the other end. “You-” she stopped for a while, her lips curling into a small smile as you noticed it. “Oh you know Sana, you can’t hide it that you’re thinking of something-” “No no I ain’t trust me?” She cuts you off as you roll her eyes. “Come on Sana, your face tells it all-” You heard the door clicking as you knew Sunghoon had come back. “Ah hoon is back. I’ll hang up-” “Hey Y/n.” Another voice interrupts from Sana’s end as you turn back to your phone. “Jake? Oh My God! When did you come back?” You saw him seated on the couch next to Sana as she sent a wink to you, leaving you confused as you eyed her for what was going on. “Hey babe, I’m back.” You heard Sunghoon as he walked in through the door, causing you to briefly look at him with a smile. “Hey love.” Sunghoon smiled, pointing at the bathroom as he indicated that he will be back after washing up. It took him only a few steps as he heard Jake speaking from the phone. “Ahh, I just came back a few days ago. I missed you.” Your eyes widened at his words as Sunghoon turned around to face you, raising an eyebrow at the new voice that just emerged from your phone. “Ahh, I-I missed you too.” You spoke, your gaze landing on Sunghoon as utter confusion was written on his face. You saw the incoming notification of Sana’s text that wrote; ‘Play along, this will be fun.’ And so agreed with the eyes as you both made "You changed a lot! The blond hair suits you.” You answered, holding the phone up high as you brushed your hair to one side as you flashed him a smile. You heard Jake chuckling as he spoke, “Ahh thank you! I was thinking of changing it to black but since you found it attractive, I will prolong the period.” You chuckled at his remarks, failing to notice the piercing gaze of your boyfriend. “Why I’d be honored! No wonder why you had the whole campus wrapped around your finger.” You spoke, knowing that this never happened but, oh well. “Oh does this mean I had the heart of this pretty lady too?” He spoke, leaning close as you giggled softly. “Well, what do you think?” You smirked, too engrossed in the convo as you heard his chuckle, “Well, I think-” His words got cut off with your phone being snatched by Sunghoon as he ended the call as you let out a small gasp. “What- Sunghoon! I wanted to hear him-” “Speak that you liked him? In front of your very own boyfriend?” He spoke, clenching his jaw as he tossed your phone on the couch next to you. “Sunghoon, I can explain-” Your words got cut off as he scooted our little figure in his muscular arms, taking you by surprise as you held onto his shoulders, you back meeting the bed as he chucked you down on the bed. “S-Sunghoon, wait!” You didn’t have time to react as he hastily hovered over you, taking hold of your wrists as he pinned them above your head. “You didn’t stop flirting with your ‘Jake’ so why should I stop?”
He scoffed, pushing his hair back with his free hand as the sight had your cheeks flushed; the way his muscles flexed while his messy locks dangled free on his forehead even after he had them brushed back. “Look at you being a total mess. I just pinned you down and you’re already breathing at an inhuman pace.” His words caused your cheeks to ablaze on a brighter shade of red as you wiggled your wrists under his hold. “Sunghoon, it was just a prank.” You spoke, letting out your breath which you didn't realize that you were holding onto. Your words only had him smirking as he leaned closer to your ear. “Well now that you admitted, pranksters deserve a lesson after being snitchy on someone, don’t they?”
“Look at you, simply falling apart on my fingers. I wonder if you will be able to take my big cock inside that pretty pussy of yours.” He taunted you, his two digits moving at an inhuman pace while your hands wrapped around his shoulders, moans escaping from your lips as you felt yourself reaching on your orgasm. You bit your lips, shutting your eyes close as you were near, ready to untie the knot forming in your stomach but Sunghoon was sly enough to pull out, causing you to groan as you let out a whine. “Agh, Why!” You spoke, earning a smack on your thigh as you let out another moan. “Acting all cocky even after being the one at fault? Tsk tsk.” And he had it all followed up for 2 more times, until you had it enough, begging for him to have mercy. “Yeah? You want mercy? After pissing me off?” He spoke, flipping you over swiftly as you were lying on your stomach, feeling his hand gripping your hair in a ponytail as he pulled you up, his tip teasing your dripping entrance. “Please H-Hoon.” You choked on your tears, earning a husky chuckle from his end as whispered against your ear. “Please fucking what Y/n?” You took time to recollect your lost voice whilst he spoke. “Can’t even beg for pleasure properly.” He moved back, his hand moving around your throat as he pulled you back, your back arching at his actions. “Can Jake ever fucking touch you like this?” He growled against your ear, pushing his tip inside you as you let out another moan, your walls clenching around his big shaft. “Can he ever fuck you like I do?” The soft hoon that you knew was no longer here as his inhuman pace was making you roll your eyes back. “Answer me or you’re not coming for the next few hours.” Your lips falling apart at the gush of pleasure as you spoke. “N-No he can’t. Only you can- Ugh Fuck.” Another moan escaped your lips as he plunged deeper inside you, causing the tears to slip down your brimming orbs as you yelped. “H-Hoon it’s too big, I can’t-” “Oh yes you can. You can take his big smile and his big lovely compliments. So you can take in my big cock too.”
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etfrin · 3 months
❝ꜱᴏᴜʟꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴄʀᴜꜱʜ❞ — chapter seventeen | coriolanus snow
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「ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ:」 SFW | canon typical death, violence, mentions of self harm, Coriolanus Snow, mentions of suicide | lmk if I forgot anything
「ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ:」 young! Coriolanus Snow x fem! Reader
「ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ:」 coriolanus snow is now a peacekeeper.
「ᴀ/ɴ:」 i wrote this at four am, please forgive me if it's not good, give me your feedback!! And uhm.. i am gonna pull an all nighter, coz if i sleep now i won't be able to wake up in time tmr, wish me luck!!
Beta read by 🩶 @nowitsmissing 🩶
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Coriolanus was on the train. He had nothing but mere minutes to pack his belongings and say goodbye to his life in the Capitol. Tigris was in tears. And he knew the hug he gave grandma’am would be the last he ever received from her. Peacekeepers have to serve for twenty years after all.
He was on his way to district twelve. Not once had you come to visit him. He would lie to himself if he said he thought you would be at the train station. He expected an explanation. He was ready to accept lies. But no one was waiting for him. He was all alone.
Snow has lost his previous blonde curls as all officers had to have a buzzcut. He also had been sprayed with extremely cold water before he was given the blue uniform of peacekeepers. Coriolanus had gone over a small handbook and he realized hierarchy is everything. There are ways to raise rank but what's the point of it all?
What's the point?
He will never be president.
The Snow name will fall.
He will never have you.
He should just end it all.
That's when the door to his train cabin opens. The person who enters is completely unsuspected. Sejanus Plinth. His… friend.
Sejanus sits before him. Coriolanus doesn't even greet him. He's shocked. He blurts out, “Before you came, I was thinking about the merits of suicide.”
Sejanus replied with a chuckle, “Don't give them the satisfaction, Coryo.”
Coriolanus nods. He won't. He will make it out somehow.
“Why are you here?”
“I volunteered,” Sejanus said proudly, “as a medic. I will make a real difference like you said I can.”
Coriolanus wants to roll his eyes but doesn't. He likes the company he has right now, it's better than nothing. He smiles, all nice and fake. “Of course, Sejanus. You'll also meet your songbird.”
Sejanus Plinth blushed, “That too.”
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧
The First Week.
Ma Plinth sends letters regularly to Sejanus. She also sends him various goods including pastries that Sejanus shares with him. He hates it. Coriolanus still finishes his share of the sweet as it's so rare to find in the districts.
They don't have a day off yet. Sejanus hasn't found Lucy Gray. He's worried. Coriolanus speaks false words to put the poor boy at ease. It works more often than not.
The training is hard but Coryo excels. He's noticed by several of the recruits. They're friendly. He doesn't reveal that he's from the Capitol, nor does Sejanus Plinth. The gifts from his Ma are kept a secret.
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧
The First Month.
Coriolanus Snow trains more and more. He trains harder than everyone. Snow eats well. He has more muscles than he had in the academy. Coryo could beat several people in combat now. He had gained the respect of his peers.
He was angry.
That’s the only reason he trained so much. Because if he thinks too much, he won't be able to live. He checks his mail every day. He gets them weekly from Tigris. It doesn't say much except the fact they're doing well.
Coryo rarely writes her back.
He yelled at Sejanus today.
It's the first time he ever yelled at the boy. Sejanus looks like he is about to cry and Coriolanus doesn't know what to do.
Coriolanus Snow is mad at you. And you aren't here to take the burn.
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧
The Second Month.
Coriolanus caves in. He writes. He writes and writes dozens of letters addressed to you. It's about the smallest thing. How heavy the gun was for him to carry in the beginning and how it is now. How the air is fresh in some parts of the district and horrible near the factories. How bright the sun is. How pretty the flowers are. He speaks about the culture he thought district people could never have. He speaks about the people who are… kind. Different than he thought so.
Coriolanus doesn't send them to you.
However, Sejanus Plinth does.
Sej is sure you'll reply.
You don't.
He stops writing the letters.
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧
The Second Month; Second Week
He begs onto the paper. So much ink is wasted.
Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please.
He scrawls the words roughly onto the letter over and over again. Tears falling from his eyes and ruining the ink. It makes some of the words ineligible. He doesn't care. You'll get it.
You get him.
Out of all the people, why did you abandon him like this?
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧
The Second Month; Fourth Week
Snow doesn't get a reply. It doesn't matter.
Whatever healing his soulmate scar had gone through had reversed. It was the same ugly scar now. It didn't matter. Nothing does.
Sejanus says he's colder now. Angrier. He has a temper. Coriolanus doesn't care.
Sejanus Plinth forces Coryo to enjoy his day off. He drags him to The Hob, the bar in District Twelve. He sees Lucy Gray dancing and singing around. He meets with the Covey. He laughs for the first time in a while.
The same night he kisses someone. He doesn't remember who. He hates it. It felt like spiders crawling on his skin. He vomits outside of the bar. Sejanus is concerned. Coriolanus Snow quietly cries himself to sleep that night.
He doesn't touch his soulmate's scar for comfort anymore. He wishes he could cut all the skin off from his wrist where the mark was.
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧
The Third Month; First Week
When he comes back to the Capitol, he will. He will kill you. He will ruin you like you ruined him. The next time you meet Coriolanus Snow you aren't coming out alive.
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧
The Third Month; Fourth Week
Coryo can imagine his life here. With Sejanus and the Covey. Lucy Gray quickly becomes his friend (somewhat). Maude Ivory, her younger cousin, is sweet and considers Coryo like a brother figure.
It means a lot to him.
The music they play. The cabin in the woods. The cool lake is hidden in the forest. It's nice. A life worth having (he's lying to himself).
He hates the heat.
He misses the Capitol.
He misses you. Though he will never admit it.
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧
The Fourth Month; First Week.
Coryo finds out what the hanging tree is named after. It's a tree used for hanging the rebels. And some rebels were caught recently. Their names were called out by the captain. And they were sentenced to death.
Coriolanus had to stand up straight and keep a poker face as they were punished. A girl calls out the unfairness of it all. Pleads that they were doing nothing wrong. Snow wants to scoff. The rebels tried to escape, flee to the north, away from the safety that Panem offered. That's betrayal in Coriolanus' book.
The girl is taken away as a rebel as well.
As it should be.
Dumb district girl.
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧
The Fourth Month; Third Week.
A few officials have come from the Capitol to district twelve on a mission nobody knows anything about. Coryo hears rumors about it being about district thirteen and he's reminded of you. He doesn't pay much attention to it as they were just baseless rumors. District thirteen ceased to exist and his family had to face the consequences because of it.
Commander Hoff gathers every peacekeeper in the Nauen radio station. Hoff begins with a speech, “Today I call you here to let you know about the prestigious guests staying in District twelve for the time being. It is suffice to say that they expect the best from you as one of you will be assigned to be each of their bodyguard for their safety. They're from the Capitol, remember their lives matter more than yours. Do not let me down.”
Commander Hoff calls out names one by one and the peacekeeper is assigned to the person. He calls out your name. Coriolanus freezes, perhaps he heard wrong. He looks around onto the stage where the officials are and sees you for the first time in months.
Fuck. You're so beautiful.
He fists his hands. He bites the inside of his cheeks. It takes him everything not to descend into madness.
“...is assigned to Coriolanus Snow.”
You're under him now.
Good luck.
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Next Part
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1d1195 · 7 months
Love and Dryer Sheets I
I haven't figured out how long this will be just yet but I anticipate at least three parts. This is where I'll keep the rest of it: Love and Dryer Sheets
~3.6k words (I know it's shorter. I just want to post and get some more ideas flowing)
Warnings: Harry is VERY grumpy/angry, right person, wrong place.
“I never miss the opportunity to say I told you so,” she giggled.
Harry snorted as he chuckled. “Your boyfriend mus’ love that,” he mumbled.
“Very smooth, Harry.”
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The door slapped open and hit against the wall loudly so that she had no choice but to look up. The sound was followed by a tall man entering the room with a scowl on his face. He looked like he was having an internal argument with someone that wasn’t even privy to the conversation. She glanced away from the page she was reading briefly at the noise but turned right back to the book to give the grumpy person their own space. But it didn’t stop her from discreetly peeking up from the novel to catch sight of how pretty the man was. The first thing she noticed was his height and his scowl. But his hair was the color of chocolate twisting around his head in the softest, gentlest curls she had ever seen on a man. His skin was tanned, and he looked like he should be a model for sweatpants. Below the scowl, she could just make out that his eyes were green, but she was too far away to make out much more.
Except that he was very beautiful.
So beautiful that not even his crankiness could take her mind away from the idea of him. It seemed wrong that he was so angry. Someone as attractive as he was shouldn’t have been that upset. Especially about laundry. The anger had to be misplaced.
Stop analyzing a stranger just because he’s hot. Her brain yelled at her.
“Can’t even...” he grumbled. “Fucking laundry,” he slammed the washer lid shut and continued his angry mumbles.
She pretended not to hear and stopped stealing glances. It seemed he only just realized he was doing laundry because he muttered something unintelligible about detergent as he made his way over to the little dispensary machine containing fabric softener and the like. He dropped five quarters in it, grumbling the entire time, and twisted the knob. But unfortunately, there was nothing. No detergent fell from the space the way it was supposed to. She had only watched this man for all of a minute, but she already knew the inconvenience was going to be bad for his already crummy mood.
He slammed the side of his fist into the machine causing a loud metallic clang to echo through the room. Loud enough to be heard over the sound of the washers and dryers running throughout the room. “Jesus fucking Christ!” He ran a hand over his face. She wondered what his next move was going to be but without her really realizing, she started to speak.
“Hey, I have detergent if you need some,” she offered kindly. Smooth. Her internal voice rolled its eyes. Interact with the maybe psychopath yelling at laundry. Honestly, she did it more as a favor to herself than to the stranger. Conflict was one of her least favorite things. Even if he was having conflict with an inanimate object. Growing up in a household where her parents displayed argument after argument as if it were normal for two people who “loved” each other to constantly talk in terms of passive aggressive remarks and angry tones for hours of her childhood did a number on her. As it was with the laundry debacle here, it felt like it was her responsibility to mediate the argument. Reduce the tension. Find a solution.
He only just seemed to realize he wasn’t alone in the communal laundry room. It was a bit naïve on his part to forget it, even. The laundry room was often one of the busiest spaces in the apartment building. Moreover, there were about five or six washers and dryers going at any one time—like right now. Usually, people just left their stuff but here was this girl sitting on top of the washer, one leg propped up so she could lean her book against it while the other dangled over the front of the machine and rested on the top of her overturned tall basket.
The angry air left him in a heavy sigh. He turned more directly toward her. “Sorry ‘bout that,” he sounded a bit shy. Embarrassed by his outburst it seemed. She slid off the washer and lifted her basket right side up to reveal the jug of detergent and a bag with folders and papers in it. Briefly he wondered what they were, but it was none of his business and it was weird he wanted to know. He hadn’t even learned her name yet.
“S’okay. Laundry can be intense, I get it,” she joked.
He smirked, feeling the annoyance leave him the longer he looked at her. She was so pretty. He shouldn’t have thought that way. Not at all. But it was impossible not to notice. Her hair was in a ponytail and pieces were falling around her face like she meant for it to frame her features. It was like the little strands were pointing directly at her with the intention of drawing his eyes across her kind face. The slope of her lips, the way her cheeks bloomed as she smiled gently at him, how the corners of her eyes crinkled and her lashes brushed against her cheeks when she blinked.
Stop. It. His brain hissed at him.
“Thanks,” he said taking the jug from her and moved over to his washer. He felt all the anger that was rattling his body disappear as he undid the cap, poured the liquid into it, and started the washer. He returned the detergent back to her. “Sorry, ‘bout m’slamming around,” he said sheepishly. “S’jus’...been a day,” he rubbed a hand on the back of his head awkwardly, feeling bad that he looked like an idiot. She shrugged.
“S’okay, doesn’t bother me,” she reached out and grabbed his hand effortlessly. She turned it over as if she randomly grabbed strangers’ hands all the time. “Thought you might have hurt yourself,” she murmured and then dropped his hand. He wished she didn’t, though. Her gentle touch felt like heaven.
He cleared his throat because he absolutely could not find himself losing his mind over a girl he had met for thirty seconds. “M’Harry,” he said.
“Nice to meet you,” she smiled introducing herself. “I just moved in... third floor, just a little under a week ago.”
Harry nodded. “Welcome,” it sounded a little sarcastic, but not in a mean way. “M’on the fifth floor,” he said. Tell her. Tell her right now. His conscience shouted at him. She hopped back into her position on top of the washer and resumed her reading position. “You don’t have t’stay with your clothes,” he told her as he checked the dials on the machine he was using.
“Hold over from college. My last apartment building was also not very good about it,” she shrugged. “I don’t trust it, but I don’t mind. I have a good book.”
Harry glanced at the title, committing it to memory so he could go purchase his own. No. Don’t. Stop it. You can’t do that. His conscience was screaming but he simply ignored it. It was the first time he didn’t feel angry in hours. She was just this bright little spot in the basement of the apartment building. It was a rainy Saturday and the only light coming in was from the egress windows. It wasn’t very light at all; merely the sun trying to force it’s way through the clouds above but getting trapped among the rain drops. Harry was feeling angry and the weather wasn’t helping.
But there was this...kind and lovely angel just sitting on a washing machine. Inspecting his hand for injury. Pure, gentle, perfect sunlight.
“Gotcha,” he murmured. “Well...m’doing other chores and things...I’ll be back down later.”
“Okay, nice meeting you, Harry,” she smiled. “I hope your day gets better,” her words were warm with kindness. It made him feel off kilter. He had been so angry all day that he nearly forgot what it was like to feel...happy.
He managed to smile at her, give a little wave, and left without another word.
Shortly after he left, she found herself a little flustered by the interaction. She was surprised she inspected his hand like that. It was totally out of character to be so forward—offering detergent and help, checking for injury. But really, taking his hand allowed her to admire the tattoos that lined his wrist and forearm and how the veins in his hand looked like the prettiest spiderweb she’d ever seen. Part of her hoped she would run into Harry again while doing laundry. Smiling, she returned her attention to her book and thought she really wouldn’t mind being around Harry for a longer time period.
Harry’s anger was renewed as he headed back to the laundry room. His chest was achy with the feeling of anxiety and a pressure forming from the annoyance he felt in his life. Part of him thought he should have just stayed in the laundry room with the girl that reminded him of sunshine.
That’s a stupid idea, and you know it.
He was really beginning to hate his conscience.
But his anger skyrocketed further as he entered the laundry room to see piles of laundry on top of washers. First, he was irritated because he was going to be livid if someone touched his clothing. This hadn’t happened in the year and a half he had lived there. But of course, it was going to happen on a day that he was simmering in anger over everything. Maybe more importantly, he thought he had given poor advice to Sunshine, and he was not happy that he did that.
Did you seriously just call her SUNSHINE? His brain was having independent thoughts, but Harry ignored it.
He was practically shaking with anger as he marched over to the washer that he had used earlier in the day. Other washers had piles of wet, crumpled clothing items on top of them waiting for the person to find them and be just as bitter and annoyed as Harry was. But instead, Harry found the washer he was using and none of his clothes had been moved. He felt his face pinch in confusion. That didn’t seem right.
But in place of a lump of wet clothes, was a piece of paper. He felt the confusion deepen. At the very least it made him forget how angry he was. At least for a few minutes. Scrawled across the paper read:
Out of Order. Do NOT use. -Management
Harry felt a new wave of anger wash over him almost instantly. If his clothes were damaged or stuck or something he might lose his mind. But he opened the washer and found his clothes were perfectly spun out. Smelled like the air after it had just rained. The confusion he felt continued as he pulled the items out of the washer and dropped them into the basket so he could throw them in a dryer next. He reread the note on the lid trying to figure out why the apartment management would say the washer was broken when it very obviously wasn’t.
He pulled the paper off the washer allowing someone else to use it now. As he did, he caught sight of writing on the back.
Told you so :) -304
Harry felt the urge to run out of the laundry room, wet basket of clothes and all, and knock on the door labeled 304 until she answered. He wanted to read beside her. Ask to use one of her dryer sheets or whatever it was that made her laundry smell so good. Her little knowing “told you so” didn’t even bother his already fragile, grumpy state. In fact, it only made him like her more.
STOP IT. His brain shouted. Shaking his head, Harry rid himself of his thoughts of Sunshine. What else am I supposed to call her? He asked rhetorically to his conscience. Instead, he tried not to think about her. He had only chatted with her for all of four minutes and that couldn’t have been nearly enough time to think he was already falling for her...right?
Today she was laying across two washers, a book above her head. She didn’t notice when people filtered in or out and no one paid any mind to her either.
Until Harry showed up.
“More laundry?” He asked.
She smiled, folding the corner of her page down and sitting up so she looked less crazy. Harry had a basket at his hip, and she noted there was a jug of detergent on top of the pile of laundry inside. “I love laundry,” she shrugged.
He wrinkled his nose at her in distaste. “M’least favorite,” he murmured.
“Aw, that’s too bad,” she frowned.
“Thanks for saving m’washer the other day,” he said dumping the items into the washer along the back wall—opposite of where she was seated.
She smiled down at the book in her lap and then looked up at the back of his head. “I never miss the opportunity to say I told you so,” she giggled.
Harry snorted as he chuckled. “Your boyfriend mus’ love that,” he mumbled.
“Very smooth, Harry. Unlike my ex-boyfriend, my imaginary one thinks that my perfectionism and tendency to be right is admirable. He clings to my every thought and word,” she fluttered her eyelashes cutely. If she were magic, she would have made a halo appear above her head.
He rolled his eyes at her and nodded. Tell her! His conscience yelled. RIGHT now. He ignored it as he had been since the last time he saw her. “A new book?” He asked instead.
She nodded, flipping the book over in her hands inspecting the front and back cover carefully. “Yeah...I try to read three books a month. The last one was a little dense but this one is a quick read. Entertaining, ya know?” She smirked. “It’s a little cheesy but it’s cute. It makes me happy,” she shrugged.
Harry thought that was sweet. He wanted her to be happy.
Stop. It.
She watched Harry throw everything in the washer in one load. “You should separate the light and dark stuff.”
“I’ve never had a problem with it before,” he shrugged. “S’this you trying t’be right again?”
She laughed and looked at her lap. The heat rose to her cheeks. “No, actually. Told you, just really like laundry. I notice a difference in my own stuff. But if you don’t obviously it’ll be fine,” she shrugged back. “I just really like laundry,” she repeated.
Part of him wanted to do exactly as she said. But even Harry, not just his conscience, thought it would be too much. She watched as he poured in the detergent, closed the lid, and then he hopped on top of his washer just like her. They were facing one another. She could see how green his eyes were now, a little bloodshot around the iris, she wondered if he had a late night and what from. His smile was sweet, a deep dimple dented the middle of his cheek depending on which side of his lips lifted when he smirked. But right now, he was smiling completely, making him look so innocent and boyish. It made her stomach flutter.
“So...are you in school still? Or do you have a job?” She asked.
“M’gainfully employed. Work in the financial district.”
“A corporate sellout,” she remarked neutrally.
Harry smiled again shaking his head at her banter. “Oh? And you, Sunshine? Y’work for the Lollipop League?”
“It’s the Lollipop Guild, and Lullaby League, actually. But no,” she snorted. “I work in the hospital as a counselor,” she said. “I can see how you would think it’s like being on the set of The Wizard of Oz.”
Harry tapped his fingers against the washing machine and pursed his lips at her. “Mus’ be a tough job,” he murmured.
She nodded. “It’s rewarding though. Gives me a cathartic cry about once a week,” she opened her book back up to where she stopped. She felt Harry watching her though and she realized she probably shouldn’t have admitted to an almost stranger that she cried so often.
Harry hated the idea of her sadness. She was the embodiment of sunshine. Tears shouldn’t have been allowed in her eyes nor on her face. His conscience was angry and loud. Harry Styles stop it.
She let the silence wash over them and Harry didn’t seem to mind. They both went to their books and read silently for a while. She giggled cutely every so often and Harry thought it was an adorable sound. He wished he could ask what she had read. He wanted to recite things to her that made him think of her.
Harry was properly and crazily losing his mind.
The words on the pages of her book blended together. She thought Harry was meant to just be looked at for hours upon hours. He was so insanely beautiful it made her mind turn to mush.
He had to be her soulmate, surely. He mentioned her favorite movie and book completely unprompted. She wanted to ask if he had ever read the book or if he liked the movie. If he would ever want to watch it with her in her apartment cozied up on the couch with apple cider. Growing up, her dad read the twenty-four chapters in a loop over the course of months and years. She found Oz completely magical. It was unbelievable that a total stranger would bring it up.
It had to be fate, right?
She could probably recite the book from memory. When she found out about the movie, she watched it on VHS and then DVD and now streamed it at least once a month or played it in the background when she did chores. It was something she had little ones watch at the hospital and she dressed up as a different character every Halloween to pass out candy to the little ones when trapped in their hospital rooms.
Fortunately, her washer buzzed, alerting her she was done, and Harry glanced up briefly and gave another cute little smirk that she was beginning to think was simply meant to keep her up at night—and maybe looking for things to wash.
“So...s’jus’ you in apartment 304?” He asked.
She smiled to herself. If this was his way of flirting it was lame. “Yeah, just me.”
“Awful lot of laundry you’re doing,” he muttered.
She threw her stuff into a dryer, tossing in the scented beads that made her clothes smell good along with a dryer sheet. “I told you I do laundry the right way.”
He chuckled and she thought that his laugh might have been her new favorite sound. “S’fair, I suppose,” he remarked. Slipping off his washer, he inspected her new book and the back cover. He mentally wrote the title down once more. “Do y’have a favorite book?” He asked.
She nodded. “S’kind of silly. It’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. My dad used to read it to me before bed. And I like history and there’s theories on the symbolism for the populist movement—I don’t know. It just makes me think of my childhood and of course the movie was just—” She stopped suddenly, and Harry was completely riveted by the beginning of her explanation.
“What, Sunshine?” He asked so gently. It felt like he was wrapping her in his arms and whispering in her ear. It was like he was trying to reach into her chest and hold her heart in his hands himself. It was sweet and she hated how nice it felt after they had spoken in total for maybe seven minutes since meeting.
She didn’t turn around to look at him. But she could feel his gaze warming her as he watched her fiddle with the dryer. “Just...don’t want to bore you about The Wizard of Oz.”
He ignored what his conscience was shouting at him once more. “I don’t think y’could bore me,” he murmured.
She turned then, looked at him with these beautiful round eyes that he swore were little suns and brightened the whole room as she met his gaze. “Guess the only way we’ll find out is if we keep chatting. Tell me about your book,” she suggested gently. It was an invitation and Harry didn’t really know what to say because the book hardly made any sense over the last few minutes. He was intently focused on her when he was supposed to be reading. He managed to make up something about how it wasn’t much of a page-turner yet but liked it well enough and thought it would get better.
Eventually, Harry’s washer signaled it was time to switch to the dryer and he worried their time was truly limited because before he knew it, her dryer was done. She stayed to fold her stuff, and they continued reading and chatting casually.
She was falling hard for Harry. It seemed it was inevitable. Between the gentleness he showed her in such a short time, the mention of her favorite story, and simply being there during her favorite chore, it was like Harry was meant to meet her. Meant to find her in the laundry room and befriend her so quickly.
There was no use denying she hoped it would escalate to something more.
Harry’s conscience continued to tell him what a terrible idea it was to keep up this...pretense with her. But his heart was saying that he needed warmth, needed the kindness she showed in just the little bit of time he had been around her.
Sunshine was his cure.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
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thesamoanqueen · 5 months
Raiting: 18+
Warnings: smut, jealousy, my bad english as always.
A/N: It should have been my gift to @harmshake for her day but I didn’t made it in time and here Im, posting it anyway *delusional smile*
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He was getting a headache, a bad one because Y/N was unbeatable at driving him crazy. He always tried to control himself, freaking out during arguments didn’t fit him well and he could successfully have done it, at least until she got involved or decided to press that button, the one she had claimed from the first second Roman laid eyes on her. Thank God she wasn't the kind of woman who liked drama or kicking her feet, but if she decided to go down that road...
Roman could count their arguments on one hand, exceptions, extraordinary events, but every time it happened from one moment to the next, escalating in a few seconds and for reasons that weren't even real reasons. And it had been like that that time too. The night before Y/N had gone out with the girls, they had gone to have fun, there was nothing wrong and he had even been fine with it, because now that his schedule was no longer so oppressive they spent more time together, both didn't have to work hard as before. The next morning she got up and he had left himself speak, a comment about alcohol that she had clearly drunk, not about her, not even trying to scold her, but from there to chaos it was a short step.
Standing in the kitchen for who knows how long, he lowered his head in exasperation, exhausted, the idea of getting something to drink to go and relax, perhaps with her now only a memory, while Y/N marched through the living room, taking random stuff and dissecting that story as only she was capable of doing.
- I can do whatever I wanna do ‘cause you my daddy when I say you're, not every moment of ma life – she crashed into him at the other end of the huge room and Roman raised his head as if someone had slapped him.
She could do what? He wasn't what?!
- What did you just say?! – he snapped, not at all intending to let that time pass.
He had never tried to stop her from doing anything, he knew well who he had decided to be close to as a partner and it had never crossed his mind to treat her otherwise. He had made a comment, a comment because he cared about her, he was always worried, even if they were together and she came up with that story? He was a man, he didn't need to control her to feed his little ego.
- Thought it was me tired, but now the one who cannot hear me is you? - she insisted stubbornly, refusing to let go and Roman gave her a warning look, his gaze dark.
- Y/N stop running that mouth
- Well if you don't like my attitude anymore, go find someone else and I'll do the same – she pointed at him and Roman knew that she was throwing everything on the table by now, but she had to slow down because he had enough now.
He wouldn't have gone anywhere, above all she wouldn't have found anyone else. She could put it out of her head to play those games with him and above all to turn around and leave him there as she was trying to do. He quickly crossed the living room, before Y/N could even disappear and grabbed her by the waist, hearing her let go with a thud all the stuff she had in her arms, struggling.
- What-Get your hands off me, lemme go-
- You better calm down- don't kick! - he warned her, taking blow with a grimace as he dragged her with him across the room - don't… no… babygirl-
- Roman put me down, ain't joking! And don't call me that! – she struck again, convincing him to put her down on the coach, to grit his teeth, irritation growing.
- No more babygirl, ain't your daddy, you can do whatever, what's going on huh?!
Frozen, Y/N stared back at him. Her arms wrapped tightly around her chest, legs curled up on the couch where she still had tried to escape him at first, even though he was literally towering over her. He had raised his voice, he never did it, except when they got to that point, but every time it happened he ended up regretting it the same instant just by looking at her. He couldn't stand those moments, because they didn't belong to either of them and for sure wasn't what he wanted for their relationship.
- You don't own me – Y/N said, refusing to lower her head and Roman ran a hand over his dark beard, inspiring, before looking back at her deadly serious.
- I own you
He knew what was going on in that head of her, because Y/N thought and thought even late at night when she should have been sleeping, she was dangerous. And that argument had been the reason she had struggled to have relationships in the past, the same one that had led them to chase each other for a year before giving a name to what was between them. It had been a stupid comment, said with a completely different intention, they both knew it, and yet she had snap.
-I do – he repeated, seeing her physically stiffen when he crouched down in front of her – as you own me – he admitted without shame.
He knew what he wanted from his life and he knew what he was willing to risk, he had never been the kind of person who liked to be led, but since she had entered his life, his vision had changed. It was like this from the moment he woke up to the moment he went to bed, it was his law, it was what he chose and what Roman committed to. He wasn't a kid, he could make sacrifices and he wanted to bear them.
-That's how things work – he explained, eyes running over her figure without forgetting a single piece, while hers studied him.
They were doing this together and there was no "whatever" for it to work. They had each other's backs, they belonged to each other and there was no one else who could replace either of them in that mission. No plan B, no alternatives, it was all or nothing, she was the one who told him first and Roman stuck to that. He could keep his mouth shut, ignore if he wanted, he had no problems, but what they were had to be clear, for better or for worse, during arguments or not.
Y/N insisted on not moving, legs still bent on the coach, shoulders still tense and her gaze fixed on him who hadn't moved an inch too, ready to take yet another blow that never came. She only needed a few words, if the right ones, to send those moments away and Roman knew he had said them to her or she wouldn't have given up. An arrogant and slightly softened grin was struggling to show itself, but he just frowned, tilting his head a little to look at her inch by inch again.
-May I touch you now? – he asked, his voice now low, soft.
- What if I say no? – he heard her ask immediately, stubborn and without mercy.
Firm in his purpose, Roman did not give up, completely unimpressed by that attitude which had single-handedly eliminated any competition long before him.
- Please – he begged hoarsely and Y/N once again didn't move.
She didn't even answer, but her dark chocolate eyes did it for her, wavering for a moment at that plea and he reached out with both hands, slowly pulling her legs off the couch by ankles. He slid one on the carpet, placing the other on top of his knees, caressing the caramel-colored skin, soft calf, her eyes pointing at him in religious silence as he went up higher, touching behind the knee to spread his hand on her gorgeous soft thigh. He felt her body vibrate imperceptibly, responding to that contact and Y/N immediately push her foot against his chest, stopping him from going any further.
-Babygirl...- he called her back, looking up again.
Still no response and Roman took the opportunity to slide her leg over his shoulder, making his way between her. His hands began to caress her again without waiting any longer, going up, taking the opportunity to take care of the other leg in the same way and in the same way, even with the other, Y/N stopped him. Roman looked at her in silence this time, he placed a kiss on her skin, pinching it with his beard, breathing in the scent of coconut and vanilla lotion, receiving a new push in return. He waited a second, just one, to collect himself, before also pulling the other leg over his shoulders and bending her on the couch, without asking or negotiate anymore, crashing his mouth onto her to get a moan.
Y/N under him struggled, trying to push him away, refusing to let him win that fight as useless as the argument they had was. He stopped her from the wrists, bracing them with a little force against the couch backrest, pressing them with some of his weight, heat rising quickly and her complaints, muffled, slowly turning into hot moans. Roman knew that she was ready to not make his life easy and repay him in some way, but he was fine with that.
He liked challenges and if she was the prize, he could take more than a couple of pushes.
Slow and unstoppable, he made his way over her. Feeling her mouth slowly indulge him, her hands stop shaking and her legs squeeze him to have his body closer, to have him where he belonged. He still refused to let go, keeping her pinned beneath him, sliding only one large hand, first around her throat and then further down, under her oversize shirt, over her breast free from any constriction. His thumb automatically went to play with her nipple and Y/N mewled into his mouth, panting hotly when Roman finally abandoned her to move down, licking her ear and jugular before biting and sucking that soft skin with the only purpose to leave his mark.
- Mmh! – a moan, strangled, still a little freaky, teeth closing on her swollen lip to stop it.
Annoyed, he looked up at her, studying her focused, breathless, cute expression. He pushed a little on her wrists, feeling her body soften and pulled her white shirt up a little more, to go down to kiss her between her round breasts, inhaling her scent, dipping his face there to devour her hungrily. Her shivers, her heartbeat dangerously close, even the sound of her swallowing while trying to catch her breath, had quickly turned that exchange into something more and bossy Roman rubbed himself against her, his cock now hard inside his gray jumpsuit. He watched Y/N bite her lip again, try to hold back, belly tense and eyes finally searching for him as he began to suck and bite on one of her dark salty buttons.
Her back always curved into a delightful arch when he paid her that kind of attention. An almost unnatural, desperate and needy arch, which Roman get never tired of holding in his hands and admiring, often asking for more, demanding everything.
He watched her throw her head back, almost hiding between cushions and his arm slid behind her back, pulling her against him, grabbing her hip so her center was in place. Y/N struggled again, breathing short, her gaze liquid with excitement and Roman tightened his grip on her wrists, freeing her breasts shiny from his saliva and quickly place a kiss on both her legs that were resting onto his shoulders. Quickly, he fumbled with his clothes, pulling them down with his only free hand, immediately feeling his erection jump to attention and Y/N gasp in anticipation.
- What do you say sweetheart huh? – he asked hoarsely, pressing it against her perfect ass, while also freeing her too – do you want me to ask nicely or not?
-Lemme-e go- he heard her repeat, but this time he knew that her intention was not to run away.
- Please babygirl? – he chanted into her ear, almost crushing her beneath him.
- Please��� daddy – a meow more like a moan and Roman released his grip on her wrists.
Her hands grabbed his face instantly, forcing him into a kiss he would never refuse and then wrapping around his torso, scratching his solid neck with demand, as he thrust into her without waiting any longer. Her folds were soft, welcoming and every single time he ended up searching for the bottom, that exact point that made her tighten around him in a vice from which Roman always hoped not to escape. His body was shot through with every sigh of Y/N, every single moan and prey to an uncontrolled reaction his hips moved reflexively, thrusting and pinning her down.
They hadn't fucked like this for a long time now, since they were nothing and their encounters seemed more like a desperate attempt to leave their mark on each other so that no one else could get in the way or hope to. Now those thoughts, those doubts were far away, but Roman still felt in the bottom of his chest the urge to claim her, to give her everything and because of that, he took advantage of his strength to turn her onto her side, leaving one of her legs down. From that position he could push at another angle, holding her round buttock, straightening his back.
- Like tha-aht, yes-
-Yeah, let's strech my pussy good…-he growled hungrily, giving her an appreciative slap on the ass and the moan that Y/N let out was accompanied by her throbbing walls.
- There-yes there!
Quick, rough, he knew that neither of them would last long, but he put a hand on her belly anyway, touching his bulge, hitting that spot and observing, satisfied, the whitish ring that had already formed around his cock. He saw it spread across his entire length, back and forth, again, while Y/N tried to hold him between her folds, inside her sweet cave. He licked his lips, savoring her moods from a distance, pressing with his fingers where her mound welcomed him, feeling his own hardness, his thumb sliding further down to play with her swollen button.
A couple of thrusts and Y/N exploded beneath him in a succession of gasps, hands gripping the coach cover, eyes closed tightly and that wonderful arc that Roman moved again, to take her from behind, pushing himself onto his knees to have her into a press. Frantic, he let his head loll, pounding frenetic through his orgasm, refusing to give in until Y/N slapped her hand against one of his arms and he pulled out quickly, missing her warmth instantly.
A growl left him, but just as he had felt that unpleasant absence, he welcomed Y/N who had sat up to take him into her soft mouth, licking both of their juices with a moan of appreciation. With one arm resting on the coach backrest and the other hand holding the back of her head, he watched Y/N wrap her lips around the tip, suck until she tore the soul out of his lungs and then swallow him almost in his entire length to allow him to empty himself inside her.
- F-Fuck, open wide, so warr-rm-
He held her in place, moving on impulse, feeling the heat of his own body mix in Y/N's throat, her tongue pampering him until the last drop dirtied her mouth and his long fingers extricated themselves from the curls that he had pulled away from Y/N’s bun, stroking it affectionately, feeling the pop of that dangerous mouth that released him after having swallowed and cleaned up the mess of both of them. Breathing heavily he let himself fall down, pulling her against him as messy as he was, realizing only after long, infinite minutes of silence that at the end they had both managed to relax there together even if how, they had gotten to that point, had not been what he imagined.
He tilted his head, seeing her clinging to him with that tired look that he was responsible for this time and he couldn't help himself, leaving a kiss on her forehead that made her lift her chin to look up.
- We made it again – he noticed, seeing that adorable pout that she reserved only for him.
She who would have eaten alive anyone out there without a second thought, with him instead every now and then she gave into the temptation to behave like a little one and as long as it was her, Roman could handle anything. She owned that right and privilege.
Tag squad: @sunnyfleur23 @racerchix21 @alyyaanna @angelreigns444 @romanreignsdefencesquad @romanstheory @claymorexpunisher @keybladeofsteel @msbigredmachine @nayys-world @gobbersworld @utika151209 @cumxxslutt @civildawn @romanmydaddy @triscillal @papireigns-05 @helensanders92 @darqchilddaydreamz @meggylynnloves @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @nicolewoo @reignsx @reigns-central-blog @kianaleani @daguenoire @extra-11 @thedonsfactory @snowpanda18 @brattyfics @mzv11 @romanreignseater @tribalchiefdaily @2baddies2furious @vebner37 @depressedneedingrevenge @cyberdejos2 @usosthetics @mahi-wayy @jxtina-86 @harmshake @harlem11680 @southerngirl41 @spritelucozade
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anonymityisfunwriter · 2 months
bad idea right?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Summary: It's a bad idea. He's a bad idea. A walking red flag - if your friends are right about him. It's really too bad red was always your favorite color.
bad idea right? | get him back! | love is embarrassing
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"This is an intervention."
You sputter, almost choking on your wine, "What?"
Nat crosses her arms, her eyes boring into you as she speaks, "A Bucky Barnes intervention."
"What are you talking about?" you hedge.
"You've been seeing him again." It's not a question, but a statement of fact. You don't know how exactly she found out, but you don't doubt that somehow she knows everything. You've been caught red handed. 
You had two choices here. Come clean to your two best friends. Or lie through your teeth. You choose the second. "No, I-"
"You left your location on," Wanda explains, stopping you before you try to lie your way out of this conversation. "You were at his apartment two nights ago. You didn't leave until the next morning."
You hold your head in your hand, still curled up on the couch, "Can't two people reconnect?"
"He's your ex for a reason."
You knew that. You knew that there was a reason you and Bucky broke up all those months ago.
And you certainly didn't plan on getting involved with him again. It just sort of happened.
If you thought about it, really, you were blameless.
You hadn't heard from him since you broke up three months ago.
Three weeks ago, you found yourself out and drunk.
Calling him was just a drunken accident.
Bucky coming to pick you up and take you back home was not at all your plan.
Leaving your bag in his car was just a funny coincidence.
How else were you supposed to get your things unless you saw him the very next day?
And was it your fault that he invited you inside to catch up? No, of course not, you were just being polite! 
Really, who could blame you? It just happened.
"I only see him as a friend." It's definitely the biggest lie you've ever told your friends.
"So you just tripped and fell into his bed?"
Your jaw drops as your cheeks flame, "It's not like that!"
"Well, clearly you think you're doing something wrong when you're lying to us about seeing him," Nat accuses.
"I haven't lied to you guys about anything!"
"So two weeks ago you didn't lie to us when you were actually with him?"
"I never lied. I told you I was asleep." You just never said where. Or in whose sheets. "Alright, fine, I might have omitted, but that's just because I know how you guys feel about him."
"Because you could do so much better!"
You shrug, knowing Wanda is probably right. You could find someone so much better for you. Someone who you probably wouldn't have to sneak around with. Someone you hadn't already broken up with, but something about Bucky Barnes makes your brain a little fuzzy. You can't think straight when you think about him. And you most certainly can't be trusted around him. 
Even now, just thinking about him, you're spiraling back to a place where a bad idea turns into the best one you've ever had. 
You know've probably seen much hotter men, but then you think back to two nights ago, and you suddenly can't remember when.
Not when Bucky stood at his door with his sweatpants slung so sinfully low on his waist. Not when he wore that henley that left so little to the imagination - and he wore it so well. His arms crossed over his chest. Leaning against the doorway, one hand clutching the top of the door frame, as he waited for you. That teasing, challenging smirk. Those mischievous blue eyes. That vibranium arm glinting in the moonlight. 
Could you really be blamed for appreciating what was right there? Of course not. Or at least, that's what you told yourself. 
Natasha waves her hand in front of your face, "Are you even listening?"
Your eyes shift back to her, your mouth inexplicably dry, "Huh?"
"I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but it's a bad idea," Nat emphasizes. "A terrible, stupid idea."
"What I think Natasha is trying to say," Wanda gently interjects, "Is that we love and respect you too much to watch you get hurt all over again."
Natasha was right. You knew that.
Your impromptu girl's night came to a close with her reminding you one last time. It was a bad idea.
Seeing him tonight is a bad idea. It's most definitely a bad idea. You knew it the moment your phone lit up with a text from Bucky.
"I want to see you."
You could almost picture the disappointment in their faces. You should turn around and go back to your room and forget about Bucky Barnes. Never speak to him again. Block his number. Forget he exists. 
It's a bad idea to grab your keys and hop in your car to go see him.
It's a bad idea to drive to his apartment right now in the dead of the night.
And it was definitely a bad idea to wake up twisted in his sheets again.
It's a bad idea, right?
But you're standing in your room all alone - with no one telling you that it was indeed a bad idea. And it sounds like a fantastic idea to you. Yes, he's your ex, but can't two people reconnect? And if you trip and fall into his bed, really, what's the harm?
You shrug your shoulders, snatching up your car keys.
Fuck it, it's fine.
Part 2 - get him back!
Bucky Barnes Masterlist AnonymityIsFun Masterlist
As always, let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez@ludicbouquetfromearth@matchat3a@famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff@valoraxx@blue786sworld@buckyandgeraltsupremacy@geminigengar@ansaturn@ecolle@lexhalstead3@ybflkmj@mediocre-daydreams@shanye1112@thegirlnextdoorssister@toomanyfanficsbruh@moonlightreader649@breathtaking-cynthia@mirikusashes@beans-and-toast@niyahcoca@katiechikin@elxvrr@antiheroxsblog@infamouslyclumsy@krissydclayton93@buckysbarne@deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic@whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy
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