beebundt · 2 months
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puppyaulait · 4 months
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dragon-fics · 2 years
DOS: Sweetheart (Male Dragon-Shifter x Male Human/Reader)
Summary: Shunned by the village, you pity the "abomination". With his kind heart, you can't help but want to get to know him better.
Requested on wattpad
I had known him since I was a child. Or at least I knew of him. No one ever really was allowed to know him. Our parents were never pleased to see him close to us, never willing to see him as more than an “abomination” and “monster”.
I didn’t see that, though. He always had such a kind face. I couldn’t understand why they didn’t like him. Yes, he was different, but why was that an excuse?
Gadro was his name. He was some sort of cross between a dragon and a human. His human mother had brought him here when he was young. She’d grown up here and had hoped the village would welcome them both home. But… poor Gadro was barely tolerated by his mother’s relatives. They didn’t like his pointed feathers, cat-like icy-blue eyes, and not to mention the more obvious things that made him… unusual for this village; he had a long blue tail, cobalt scales on his cheeks that clustered like freckles and short addax-like horns.
He was quite handsome, though, at least to me. I hope he knew I wasn’t staring to judge or think he was “exotic” or something.
Gadro looked in my direction, probably noticing my lingering gaze, and I looked away hurriedly, heat rising to my cheeks. I risked a glanced, and he looked away slowly, getting back to his work. The scorching desert sun made his scales and bare, sweaty torso glisten. He carried a buckling goat under his strong, slick arm and had a bale of grass on his shoulder.
I watched as he trudged off to bring the young buck back to the herd at the edge of the village, my thoughts going to somewhere they shouldn’t.
I felt something tug on my sleeve. “You like him, don’tcha?”
I looked down at my little sister, Heba. She grinned.
I huffed and looked away. “Does it matter?”
She shrugged. “Not really. You should be able to like whoever you want.” She lifted her nose smugly. “You like him like Mama likes Papa.” She grinned again, taunting me.
“Oh, stop it!” My face heated again.
Heba chuckled delightfully. “I’ll keep quiet… for a price.”
I sighed and handed her some money for the market. “There.”
She looked at me smugly and skipped off to spend her money, her rag doll bouncing in her hold. I turned away and went about my errands for Mama. I was busy for over an hour. I went searching for Heba. Then I heard her voice.
“Leave me alone, Darius!”
I frowned. Heba had been complaining about him for weeks. Darius was picking on her at school, and now in public. He rushed towards her voice.
I heard Heba yelp and then yell, “Darius! Give her back!” Her voice wavered on the brink of tears.
I finally saw them. Darius was dangling Heba’s rag doll above her head, accompanied by two of his posy members, one yanking on her brown locks, the other cackling. Darius tossed the doll into the branches of a potted Mimosa tree. I scowled and opened my mouth to call him out. But I was cut off.
“Enough!” a stern voice growled. The boys stopped their behaviour and scrambled to hide behind each other. Gadro appeared from behind a shed across from the path. He came towards them and stood intimidatingly in front of them.
The trio of boys looked at him for a moment, considering whether to challenge him or give in. “Whatever.” Darius huffed, as if he hadn’t been quivering at the sound of his voice moments before. He stormed off, his less courageous pals following.
Gadro sighed and went to the tree. Heba and I watched him as he jumped up, grabbing her doll. He went to her and knelt by Heba to meet her at eye level, offering her doll.
I came closer.
“Here you are,” he whispered, very different from his intimidation act. He looked at me and I shyly smiled back.
“Get away from her!”
I looked at the owner of the voice; it was Mama.
Gadro got to his feet nervously, not wanting trouble. “I didn’t mean any harm.” He held up his hands in submission.
“Tsk! Stay away from her. All you bring is trouble!” She took Heba’s hand. “Come, Heba, (Y/N).” She looked at me sternly.
I blinked as she stormed off. I looked back at Gadro. “Thank you for helping her. I’m sorry.” Before he could respond, I left with the groceries to get back to my mother.
The night was chilly, and the sky was clear, as it is most of the time out in the desert. I watched a couple of fennecs run across the orange sand, the pale moon and stars watching over them. I stood by the doorway of our home, thinking about what had happened that day, how Gadro had helped Heba.
“(Y/N), was it?”
I whipped my head around in fright. Gadro stood close by, this time clothed and cleaned.
“Yeah… yeah, my name is (Y/N).” I nodded.
He smiled softly. “I have something.”
Heat rose to my cheeks, and I tilted my head. “Oh?”
Gadro nodded and reached for something behind him. He pulled out Heba’s doll and smiled. “I didn’t get to return it.”
I blinked and smiled softly. “She’ll appreciate that. Thank you.” I gently took it from him, feeling its soft knitted pattern.
He inclined his head and looked up at the rolling dunes and the twinkling stars.
I caught my breath, not even realising it had quickened. “A-and thank you for your help earlier. I’m sorry about Mama.”
Gadro looked at me for a moment, as if considering my words. He glanced down. “it’s okay. I’m used to it. I’m just glad your sister could get her doll back and those boys didn’t do worse.”
I nodded. “They’ve been bothering her for a while. No matter who she told, no one in the school would step up. So, it’s nice to know someone other than myself was willing.”
He hummed. “So, they’ll scold a kid for trying to be friendly with me, the weird kid, but they won’t deal with bullies?” He grit his teeth in frustration.
Earing him say that unearthed a hidden memory of the two of us knelt in a corner, showing Gadro my drawings. I blinked and watched him.
He sighed to relax himself and smiled softly. “I guess having been in her position all my life makes me hungry for justice.” He chuckled, then his face got serious. “No kid deserves that.”
I shook my head. “No one does.” I breathed.
Gadro looked at me, ears perked up. “She’s lucky to have a brother like you.”
I blinked and shyly looked away. “You’d make a good brother yourself.”
He hummed. “Maybe. Though I think I ruined any chance of that for my mother.”
“It wasn’t you that did,” I scowled, “it was everyone else and their stupid narrow-mindedness!”
Gadro stepped closer to me. “Are you fawning over me?” He said it too suspiciously to be teasing.
I shook my head. “I suppose it’s pretty late to finally find a friend here… Especially with the fact that we were in the same class.” I couldn’t remember anything about the two of us.
Gadro shrugged and nudged my arm with his elbow, the warm light of the house illuminating half of his face softly. “I remember what you used to do. It’s not entirely your fault that you were scared.”
I looked up at his face. “What I did?” I echoed.
He nodded. “The notes. The candy. You used to talk to me at break and show me your drawings.”
I blinked. I mustn’t have remembered that because of how the principal and my parents scolded me. “You… remembered that?”
Gadro nodded. “Very well. You… made school bearable while you could.”
I glanced down. I wanted to talk more with him but here wasn’t the best place. “Can you give me a moment? I want to talk more. Just let me give Heba this first.” I lifted the doll.
Gadro nodded. If he was affected by the sudden change, he didn’t show it. “I’ll be by the square?”
I nodded. “That sounds perfect, Gadro.” I gave him a smile and slipped into the house. I rushed to Heba’s room silently and gave her the doll. I passed through the kitchen swiftly, taking a couple of sweet feteers.
“(Y/N)?” I could hear the frown in Mama’s voice.
I turned my head slowly. “Yes?” I squeaked.
“What are you doing?” she folded her arms.
“J-just meeting a friend—Babu! I’m meeting Babu. I won’t be too long. An hour or two.” I put the pastries in my bag.
She didn’t respond for a moment, and I felt my brow grow wet. “Alright,” she said after a nerve-racking moment. “Don’t take anymore feteers! You know I made them for your Jaddati’s visit.”
I nodded. “I won’t Mama.” I smiled softly and slipped out of the house.
I skipped towards the square, unable to stop myself.
Gadro sat by the water fountain in the village square. I managed to walk the rest of the way to him, heart racing and face heated. He lifted his head and smiled at me, a lantern beside him to light up his face.
“All okay at home?”
I nodded. “Just strict parents.” I sat beside him and reached into my bag, water gurgling behind me.
Gadro glanced at it and tried not to look.
I chuckled. “It’s nothing to hide, just brought us a snack.”
He tilted his head, and I handed him a honey feteer. A smile formed on his face. “It looks delicious.”
“They’re pretty good. I could be biased, though; I grew up with the old recipe.”
Gadro hummed. “A family recipe?”
I nodded. “Yeah. I know it too. I think I do it better; I add ginger to the honey.” I grinned and winked.
He chuckled. “Well, I’ll have to try that sometime.” He leaned closer to me and my face heated. His tail moved against my leg.
I found myself leaning closer to him, his breath tickling my face. I glanced at his lips, my heart skipping, then I looked at his pale blue eyes. I felt his hand fall on mine, sandwiching it between the sandstone slab I sat on. His other one touched my face. I saw his gaze fall on my lips and, after what felt like an eternity, his lips landed on mine.
My eyes drifted closed, and I kissed him back, my hand moving to touch the back of his neck, cool scales against my skin.
He jerked away after a moment and glanced around nervously.
My eyes fluttered open, my lips cold with his swift removal of his. I looked at Gadro and frowned at his flightiness. He jumped to his feet, my hand removed suddenly from his neck and his from my skin. “Gadro?”
He looked at me. “I’m sorry I… shouldn’t have done that.” He looked away as my heart felt wounded.
Gadro’s jaw and shoulder tensed. “Good night, (Y/N)…” He slipped away, keeping his head low, back to his home.
I didn’t get to talk to Gadro after that night. I’d tried approaching him, but he avoided me. It confused me. I didn’t know what to think!
The next time I got close to him was while I was foraging for ginger in a mini jungle close to the village.
“Fancy meeting you here.”
I spun my head around and looked up at him from my crouched position beneath the humid palm trees. “Hi Gadro.” I looked away. “What brings you here?”
He stood beside me. “I, um, wanted to talk to you. And I figured somewhere private like this was good.”
I scowled and got to my feet. “You could have told me that! You could have written me a note! Or, or just whispered it to me! Do you have any idea what you’ve put me through?!”
Gadro blinked and looked at me, stunned. “I didn’t know how fiery you could be. I like it!” He smirked. I jabbed my fingers into his ribs, and he bent over with a discomforted groan. “Touché!”
I crossed my arms. “If you’re going to court me, you could at least be a gentleman about it.” I lifted my nose and huffed.
He smiled and drew in a breath. “I’m sorry for what happened at the fountain… I was worried you’d get in trouble again, or in worse. I can’t imagine fraternising with the town ‘abomination’would be better than being my friend.”
I looked at him, my stance softening. “You’re forgiven… I’m still upset, though!”
Gadro nodded. “I know, but I hope this will help make up for it.” He pulled out a small paper bag from inside his trousers and offered it to me.
The smell of ginger and honey caught my attention. I peeped into it, seeing small zalabya, glistening with a dried layer of ginger honey. I smiled softly and looked at him.
“It’s no feteer but I’m still learning.”
I shuffled closer and kissed a scaled cheek. “you’re such a softy. You need to get better at communicating, though!”
He chuckled and nodded. “I’ll try, (Y/N), for you.”
We met at that spot most evenings to be together, just having a calm oasis of sorts to ourselves. It was nice to have the peace, letting Gadro relax himself after his long day of heaving and hauling, using his draconic strength.
I smiled at his resting face on my thighs, running a hand through his dark hair. He smiled.
“Yes, Sweetheart?”
“My mother wants to meet you.”
His statement was jarring, and I paused my stroking, bringing my hand to my face. My jaw tensed and I was locked in my mind. How does she know? Would she tell anyone? Does he expect me to tell mine?
Gadro sat up slowly. “Darling?” he frowned and touched my arm.
“How—How does she know?”
He pinched his lips together. “I told her? I wanted her to know.”
I slowly nodded. “Would… she tell others?”
Gadro shook his head. “Not unless I tell her she can. She wouldn’t do that to us. Ma knows how… quickly people are to spread news.”
I snorted. “You mean people are nosey and full of gossip.”
He chuckled. “Yeah.”
The smile slipped from my face. “Do… you want me to tell mine?”
Gadro thought for a moment. “If and when you feel ready, I’ll be there to support you.” He smiled softly.
I nodded and rested my forehead on his shoulder. “Thank you, sweetheart. I’d love to meet your mother.”
He kissed my head. “I’ll let her know that the dinner is on.”
I held his hand, my slim fingers between his calloused large ones. “I love you, Sweetheart.”
“I love you too.”
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zephyrbug · 11 months
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Tufani Titanszikra beast of the mountain and daughter of storm 💫🐗🌩️
New campaign new character time!! This is Tufani, my boar shifter storm herald barbarian!! I cannot tell much yet as a certain party member is around 👀👀👀 but she’s come down from her northern home to go to magic university! She’s a big sweetheart and is just really excited to see all the fancy thing at the school and to make friends! The whole actual ‘school’ part…she’s certainly gonna try her best!
Just had to make this piece REAL quick cause i’m so excited to play her but i’m still getting through coms! Finishing up the initial batch then it’s off to the waitlist soon!
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fimbry · 4 months
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Something's down in the dry creek.
This is Charbon for Neb! It was fun to draw like this again.
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fiendishfables · 4 months
Hello! Can I plz request Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) x reader where he meets the reader and is attracted to her but after he sees her transform into a beautiful Light Fury dragon (How To Train Your Dragon) he's like: they have to be mine.
pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Female! Lightfury Shifter! Reader
summary: ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴇᴛ ꜱᴛᴜᴄᴋ ɪɴ ʜᴇʟʟ ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ ᴇxᴛᴇʀᴍɪɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴅᴀʏ; ᴡʜᴇɴ ʟᴜᴄɪꜰᴇʀ ᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇʟᴘ ʜɪꜱ ᴅᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ ʀᴇʙᴜɪʟᴅ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀᴍᴀɢᴇꜱ ꜱᴜꜰꜰᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀᴅᴀᴍ ᴀɴᴅ ʜɪꜱ ɢᴏᴏɴꜱ, ʜᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴏɢɴɪᴢᴇꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʜɪꜱ ᴅᴀʏꜱ ɪɴ ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ. ʜᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴋɴᴏᴡꜱ ᴏɴᴇ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛʏ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴜʀɴ ɪɴᴛᴏ ꜱᴜᴄʜ ᴀ ᴍᴀɢɴɪꜰɪᴄᴇɴᴛ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ…
warnings: cursing, slight angst, fluff, Lucifer + reader are secretly in love and are complete dorks about it
words: 6k+
a/n: I saw this request and immediately got to work; I love HTTYD, so I hope you enjoy its inclusion in this fanfic. I was thinking about adding 1-2 more parts to this; just let me know in the replies if you guys even want a second part to this; wanna give y'all what you want. Thanks again, anon, for requesting this! ^_____^
A Dragon's Vow
(Part 1?)
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Lucifer had been standing in the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel, speaking with his daughter, Charlie, when he first met you. He had come by the morning after extermination to check on her, as well as the other residents of her hotel (for whom he didn't particularly care for, in all honesty; especially not that Alastor fellow).
They had been speaking about renovations to the hotel after the events that took place prior and during the extermination. The hotel had suffered many damages to both its interior and exterior; damages that normally would take one a while to fix if they weren't in Hell. He promised Charlie his help with fixing whatever needed fixing.
And that's when he first saw you.
Everyone was gathered in the hotel lobby, residents and all. His eyes had begun scanning around all the potential bodies that would be helping with the reconstruction of his daughter's life-long dream of a project, when he had spotted a head of pure white hair in the group's mass. He squinted his eyes, as he couldn't remember seeing such a color that stood out as much as it did, but when he saw your face it was all over for him.
You were absolutely stunning.
Your hair had to have been a result of your transformation into the afterlife. He had never known any being to have such a pure color for hair while still being alive. At least, not naturally.
Your body, from what he could see, appeared to be dusted with white glitter markings, highlighting your already beautiful skin. The light coming through the broken windows of the hotel seemed to gravitate towards your figure, as if sensing the need to accentuate how unique your presence actually was.
In Lucifer's mind, it was almost like looking straight at an angel.
Only was he shaken from his thoughts when he finally noticed the pair of snapping fingers that had been in-front of his face for who knows how long. They belonged to his daughter.
"Dad!" Charlie exclaimed, continuing the snap of her fingers in-front of his eyes until he finally gathered his bearings with a blink, turning to look at her.
"Huh- oh, did you need something dear?" He asked, blinking his eyes slowly, like a toad who'd been sitting on a log all day without interaction. Charlie gave a sigh and put her hands together as she then tried again to reach her father with words.
"I said," She began, a smile creeping its way up onto her face, "Dad, I would like you to meet our newest resident to the Hotel! Her name is Y/N! And, Y/N, this is my dad, Lucifer!"
Then, "I just wanted to introduce you both since we will all be spending lots of time together, trying to rebuild the hotel! I want everyone to get along!"
It was just then that he had realized that you were now also standing in-front of him, alongside his daughter. Your beautifully colored eyes were pinning him under their gaze. Your sparkling skin looked even more enticing up close. It really made him wonder what sort of hybrid you must've been to be able to adorn such a naturally beautiful look. Your eyes had looked at Charlie with such a softness, before turning their now piercing daggers onto him.
Wait...did his daughter say...Y/N?
That had to be a coincidence, he was sure. Such a familiar name, it was just making him think of those he used to know.
Yet, the leap of his heart in his ribcage didn't fail to go unnoticed.
He wasn't given much time to delve deeper into his confused thoughts, because he was already being pushed slightly closer towards you, as a means to encourage him to introduce himself instead of just standing there like an oaf, he assumed was Charlie's idea behind it all.
A goofy grin overtook his face as he took a step forward on his own accord, without any help from his daughter. He was going to nail this 'introduction'. Or so he thought.
As he began the simple motion of extending his arm for a polite handshake, he was surprised to see that, once he re-opened his eyes after a blink, you were no longer standing in-front of him.
Rather, in your place now stood a white, glittery colored dragon, lips pulled back in a snarl, baring your teeth, snout wrinkling with the motion.
Lucifer hardly had any time to react, let alone back up, before you let out an earth-rumbling roar; the sound caused him to instinctively reach a hand up to steady his top hat atop his head, to make sure it wasn't blown off by the force of your bellowing sound. He shut his eyes against the harsh gust of wind that suddenly swept past his face following the noise; the complaints and confused murmurs of the other hotel residents were barely audible as he was the one experiencing this head-on. More to the face than head, but same thing for him.
Once the whirlwind of noise had stopped, he opened his eyes just in time to see you turn tail and flee, going up the main stairs and off to one side of the staircase, disappearing deeper into the hotel. No one went after you. He supposed from that reaction he got just from trying to shake your hand, that was what you most preferred.
In that moment, he realized that Charlie was once again trying to tell him something, but his eyes were still trained on the last spot you'd been.
"Heh...sorry, Dad." Charlie said, rubbing the back of her neck with her big, awkward smile that he knew so well; she got it from him. "I-I forgot to mention that she's still a bit skittish. She was pretty banged up when we first found her during extermination. I've noticed that she doesn't seem to want to be touched or even remotely looked at for too long, for that matter. I shouldn't have pushed her or you, I'm so sor-"
"Charlie, it's fine." Lucifer assured, finally turning his body towards his daughter as they talked, leaning on his cane nonchalantly. "New sinners always need time to warm up to things down here! I can...always say 'hi' later." He assured, giving her a big grin of his own.
His eyes found themselves instinctually looking back over at the stairs and railing, then down the dark hallway where you had disappeared deeper into the hotel. A soft glimmer lit his eyes.
So it was true. He had thought you looked a little familiar...maybe a bit too familiar when he first laid eyes on you. The white hair might have been what threw him off to start, but there was no mistaking it now. The Lightfury form was a dead giveaway for anyone who knew you personally.
It was you.
Y/N. His acquaintance; the person who had tried to help him rebel against God, prior to his falling. Always he had wondered what had happened to you, being his helper in his schemes, after he fell. What had God done to you? Were you punished as well? He had never known and still didn't, for that matter.
At the time he had hoped, even though it was selfish to wish and he knew it, that you too, would be cast from the clouds and bound to join him in the afterlife down in the various cities of Hell.
What he had gathered from your sudden appearance here, at his daughter's Hotel, told him that you were most likely still living in Heaven, and probably against your will. Whether you were still an angel or not, he didn't know.
All he knew was that you weren't where you were supposed to be.
But he was determined to find out why you were here, and how on Earth you were still managing to be as beautiful as the last day he laid eyes on you.
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Whilst everyone else was out helping with fixing hotel damages, Lucifer had snuck back into the hotel; he was searching for you, to put it plainly. You had caught his interest earlier, and he just wanted to apologize to you for being so forward and making you uncomfortable enough to scurry away like you had. He was also terrified that he had already made a horrible impression on such a beautiful woman, which whom used to work right alongside him back when they both spent their days in Heaven. He had lost you once; he couldn't afford for that to happen again, especially not when he could help it.
He practically skipped up the stairs two at a time to the second floor of the hotel, as that was where he had watched you disappear an hour or so ago. He assumed that meant your room was somewhere nearby.
It surely didn't take him too long to find your room. The side of the door exposed to the hallway had some unique-looking, luminescent vines hanging down from the top of it; some tiny glowing crystal shards were embedded into the wood of the doorframe.
Lucifer stood outside that door for a good five minutes. He swallowed many times, as if trying to physically push the nerves back into his body.
What was he supposed to say? What should he do? How should he act? Would you even let him near you? Did you remember him at all? Did you...hate him?
He remembered receiving some pretty angry sounding letters from you when he fell from Heaven. Claiming to him about how the angels, as your side of the punishment, had started using you for tests to try and better understand your hybrid anatomy; forcing you into executing angels who refused to follow the rules with your plasma blasts. He had then sent a letter back, asking why they didn't cast you out like they did him. You told him it was because the angels deemed you 'too valuable' to just be thrown down into 'that wasteland', as they put it.
Lucifer shook his head. He was still stalling. You were just on the other side of this door, someone who he used to call his partner in crime; his friend. He sighed, straightened his outfit whilst taking a deep breath, then knocked a total of three times.
He waited patiently, tapping his foot outside the door silently, mentally willing for you to open the door and possibly (hopefully) greet him with open arms.
But like all the other things pertaining to your complicated relationship status, he knew that was amongst the many things that was very unlikely.
He raised his fist to knock again but there was no need. The door opened a crack. He stiffened in surprise, moving his head to peer into the small crack the sudden opening provided. A soft glow could be seen within the room but besides that, the interior was shrouded in darkness. Although you yourself had not physically come to the door to let him in, he took this as an invitation rather than a deterrent. Stepping inside, wincing at the small creak of the door on its hinges, he shut it behind him without so much as a sound.
Lucifer looked around, taking in the interior design of your room. The half shrouded in blacks and greys looked like any of the other hotel rooms. It held a fancy, well-kept king sized bed; a nicely crafted wooden desk with a chair, a small carpet under it additionally to avoid scratching the floors; a large dresser; a decent sized standing mirror beside the bed; a small nightstand on either side of said bed.
The other half of your room was a totally different story completely.
And he had to admit, it was pretty amazing.
The second half was an expanse of forest-like figures. It held high rocks that seemed to stretch to the endless ceiling of the room, while the original half of your room had a short-stopped ceiling just high enough for five-star comfort. Said rocks held many various colored crystals on them, each which glowed a slightly different color than its neighbor, each bearing that welcoming yet cautioning signal to any beholder.
The wooden floor gave way to a grassy texture; the grass was glowing lightly, looking more like an expansive patch of algae rather than everyday grass. He could tell it was most likely very soft though, as it swayed lightly, subtly, as if a draft were coming through from somewhere not visible to the naked eye. There was even a little pond in the distance he could see!
As he thought to himself more and more, he realized that he did know what this stuff was. Landscape one would see in The Hidden World. In your Heaven days, the both of you would sit around for hours and swap stories with one another, going all the way back to the times when you were alive and what life was like for you. You always spoke to him about The Hidden World; the homeland and birthplace of all the dragons of your kind. From what you had told him about it, he had deemed it pretty amazing in his mind. He remembered you speaking about the glowing necessities, the luminescent markings on dragons, the crystals you sometimes liked to collect, and the overall peaceful atmosphere. He was able to get a general image in his mind of all the things pertaining to the homeland that you mentioned; looking at this area of your room now, he told himself it was probably safe to assume that this whole area was a resemblance of where you come from. He felt as if he could almost puff his chest out in pride for remembering something so important to you. Of course, he had to stay humble now if he wanted any chance of getting you to talk with him once again; maybe not like old times, but a greeting would be nice, surely.
You had said that The Hidden World was truly a place that you felt peace for the first time in your life whilst you were alive. Then you had proceeded to tell him after that, that he now provided that same feeling for you. That sense of safety. Security. Belonging.
As he made his way across the normal part of the room to get to the additional beauty, that's when he noticed you there. You were, hanging from a bare tree by the tail, it looked like. Your beautiful, white wings were wrapped around yourself except for a tiny crack in their merging.
And in this crack between your wings, was a thin-slitted pupiled eye staring straight at him.
The sight caused him to freeze in his tracks, with one foot now in the glowing, algae-like grass. He gave a nervous smile your way, which only caused you to narrow said eye further and uncurl your wings. Like the most skilled acrobatic, he watched as you unfurled your long, slender dragon body; walking along the branch, you then jumped down to the grass below.
Your eyes were still slits as you approached him now, slowly, cautiously. Almost as if he were the prey and you the predator. Honestly, that's how Lucifer felt right now.
But then, instead of pouncing, you just stopped and stared at him. Your long, elegant tail lashed slowly, barley touching the grass as it swayed freely, yet with a controlled fashion. Eyes still narrowed, you let out a snort of annoyance, rolling your eyes, before tossing your head in an irritated gesture and finally coming to sit on the grass, still a ways away from him.
"...You're ruining my grass..." You huffed, narrowed eyes taking him in, raking over him as if you could pick him up and toss him out of your proximity with just a gaze.
He blinked at your dragon form, confused. Then he looked down, seeing how one of his shoes was sunken slightly into the delicate, glowing grass. He gave a sheepish smile, quickly removing his foot and placing it back on the hardwood, rubbing his neck with a nervous chuckle. Although he knew there was a human soul beneath the dragon you were currently transformed into, he also knew that you could probably reach him in a faster time than he could scream. So, he wanted to try and keep you happy, especially if it meant you would keep talking to him, even if in a condescending tone. And especially since he didn't know your current feelings towards him.
"Sorry, I-"
"Save it. I don't want to hear your excuses, Lucifer. Don't you think you've given enough of those already these past hundred years?"
He looked up at you, eyes shining with a little bit of hurt. That might be the first time you had ever used his full name since he first met you. He was so used to you calling him Luci.
Lucifer just...didn't sound right. Not coming from you.
"Then, you come in here and trample my grass; the same grass of my homeland; the grass my ancestors before me walked on!"
"I-its just grass, darling-"
Your head snapped in his direction quite violently due to the nickname and his response. Your body stood up on its own accord and began slowly stalking over to him.
"Just...grass? Just GRASS?! I was born on said grass-"
You continued walking towards him, pupils back to those dangerous slits that signaled your current emotional state; upset and angry. You kept rambling to him about the grass and its importance to your true home. You got so close to him to the point that he had to start taking steps backward, until there was no room left to do so. He was at the door to your room, back pressed roughly to it as your dragon form prowled closer to him, flat snout right in-front of his face; he could practically feel the hot air being emitted from your nostrils. By this time, you were nearing the end of your rant.
"and at the end of the day-" You let out a hiss, baring your teeth. "...it really is just grass."
Your face relaxed almost immediately. Your wrinkled snout became smooth again, the luminescent glows from the vines on the door making it sparkle lightly. Your bared teeth dropped their snarl, turning your dragon lips into a sly smirk. You turned tail and lazily sauntered back to the grassy expanse of glowing vegetation. Doing a few circles in one spot you then decided to lay down on your side, eyes never leaving his. Almost as if you were taunting him to draw nearer.
"I- oh. Wait, what? W-What-"
Lucifer sighed and awkwardly leaned on his cane, rubbing his temples. He knew you to be intimidating back then but holy shit, now? Now thinking about it, he never really had experienced your fury head on before. He hoped he never had to.
Seemingly sensing his hesitation, you sighed.
"Oh for fucks sake, Lucifer. I was kidding. You of all people should know how dramatic I like to be."
Seeing as he still didn't move a muscle, as if wanting to respect your personal space and not get any closer if you really didn't want him to, your cylinder-shaped ears flattened against your head, an almost worried look overtaking your features.
As if he didn't believe you were real.
"Am I really that scary?"
As soon as that question left your lips, he was by your side. Having teleported, it made you jump a little when he so suddenly appeared by your side on the grass, sitting cross-legged.
You let your muscles relax once again, letting out a silent breath. You offered him a toothy, cute dragon smile. He gave you his big, signature grin right back.
"No, no, no. You're one of the most beautiful dragons I have ever seen! Absolutely no one can compare to your beauty, light one!"
With the way he spoke, as if he was presenting a speech, it made you let out a huff and a snort, which was also the dragon equivalent of a laugh in most cases. It also made your heart thump rapidly in your chest, hearing him use the nickname he often used for you back when you both resided above the clouds together.
Light one.
You figured it was only fair to change back into your human body, since it had been so long since you had seen one another in person, that he deserved to talk with you face-to-face and not to the face of a dragon, no matter how much he claimed you were beautiful both ways.
In a span of seconds, there was no longer a large dragon sitting beside Lucifer in the grass, but rather another individual, just as himself. Your legs were crossed just as his were, mimicking his body language. The two of you sat in silence for a long while, although throughout it all you could feel his eyes on you. With how quick he was to reassure you of your beauty, you knew he must be dying to ask you a bunch of questions; catch up on all that you had missed of one another's life since his falling and sparse letters in between.
You sighed and folded your hands in your lap, looking at your soft, glitter-dusted skin. It was hard to think of things to say when you really need not say anything at all. The silence, for you at least, said all that words could not and so much more beyond that limitation.
"Look, Luci, I-"
A sudden force knocked you onto your side, arms wrapping around you in the span of a second, squeezing you tightly. You yelped in surprise, although it was quite obvious the only person it could be.
"Oh my goodness, it really is you!" Lucifer exclaimed happily, eyes shut tight as he buried his face into your neck as your hug proceeded. "I knew it! Oh, I knew it as soon as you transformed back in the lobby- when you called me Luci just now. Oh my gosh, it really is you!"
He sounded exactly like a little kid might on Christmas, just getting their first train set, with many more to come after that within the following years. Alongside that excitement usually followed laughter, and oh was that universal sound flowing in the room at this moment.
You were both hugging and laughing to your hearts content after you had gotten over the initial shock of him bowling you over. For a little man, he surely had strength, that was for certain. Yet you knew best that he was not to be underestimated.
"Shit- yes, yes, it's me, I promise! I know the looks a bit new, but its me!" You said, trying to speak coherently through his own rambling and excitement of having finally found his friend after so long. The person who had been by his side through all his rights and wrongs whilst in Heaven. His wingwoman. His ride or die.
The person whom he had loved since first glance, but was too much of a coward to ever admit it. He always knew you deserved better.
"I-I'm sorry, I just...I can't believe you're really here! After...after all this time. Oh, Y/N...how I've missed you..."
Lucifers voice had dropped to a whisper at this point. You had to strain your ears to hear him, but made sure you did. You always heard him, whether he thought so or not.
"I've missed you too, Luci...really. I'm so sorry we got separated. I should've fought harder for your safety, I should've tried harder to convince the council, I-"
A finger found its way to your lips, shushing you with one, quick motion.
"Stop. Just...stop." Lucifer said, brows furrowed, a sad look overtaking his features as he sighed, eyes closed. "It was my fault for even convincing you to help me in the first place. I should've just kept you out of it."
He sniffled softly, turning his body away from yours a bit, not wanting you to see how emotional he was getting. He could still remember the way you cried his name as you got a front-row seat to watching him fall, courtesy of Adam.
Adam. That son of a bitch. He could only imagine the cruel and unusual punishments the sadistic man had thrown at you in return for helping the Devil himself (although he hadn't had that role back then just yet).
"What have they done to you...you know, since I left? They knew we had a good connection. I can only imagine the things they did to you as a result of helping me. I know you said they refuse to kill you or cast you out..." He muttered, now having his knees up to his chest, his chin resting on top of them.
You frowned, mainly in pity for him, watching him seem to curl up into himself like this. You had been thinking about all the ways the separation had been hurting you all these years, but now you had come to realize that you hadn't done much thinking about how it was affecting Lucifer. You figured that, since his fall, he had been doing just dandy down in Hell with his wife, Lilith. God, you hated that woman, or at least you had when they had decided to cast Lilith down into Hell with Lucifer instead of you. Many nights you had cried yourself to sleep, wishing so desperately that you could be down in this wasteland with him, comforting him about the recent events. You knew Lilith most likely wasn't doing it, and even if she was, you knew you could do better. He was your truest friend. You knew him both inside and out. Better than anyone.
"Its not of importance what they did and still do to me, Luci-"
"Yes it is! It's very important!" He burst out, making you raise an eyebrow. "It was supposed to be my job to protect you from any harm that came our way, remember? Remember what I said? I-I promised to always protect you from danger, to keep you safe, and I couldn't even do that without messing up!"
He threw his hands up, exasperated, using a gloved hand to cover his eyes and rub them. You gave him a soft, sad smile, one you were not sure if he saw, but knew he could sense. He was being way too hard on himself, you knew.
You had made the choice to help him, and wouldn't change a thing about that decision.
"Lucifer..." You spoke lightly, as if speaking to a scared animal. In a way, you were. "None of what happened to me is your fault. None of what is still happening to me is your fault. If someone has to take the fault, it should be me. I knew what I was potentially getting myself into when I agreed to help you. Those possible consequences never mattered to me."
You had to look away from him for a split second, some tears falling from your eyes as you blinked, then onto the lush grass beneath both your bodies. A deep breath inflated your chest before you allowed yourself to continue talking.
"All that ever mattered to me..." You began again, voice shaky as you maintained your composure, "...was the fact that I was getting to help my closest friend. The first person in Heaven who welcomed me, took me in with open wings. The first person to ever hug me. The first person to show me how unique and special I was, as well as my abilities and hybrid form. The first person who...didn't look at me like I was some sort of monster, due to the fact that I could transform into a dragon."
This seemed to shock him, for he raised his head to stare at you once again, cheeks lightly tear stained.
"People thought you a monster?" He asked, eyes wide and confused. "Why? H-How-"
You shrugged and picked at the grass beneath you with a finger.
"People tend to be scared of the things they don't understand, Luci. Things they've never seen before, such as a hybrid like myself. Even angels get scared sometimes, believe it or not."
Lucifer was at a loss for words. The angels had seen you as a monster when you first appeared at their gates? Someone as beautiful, majestic, and powerful as you? He truly couldn't believe that. He made a silent promise to himself in that very moment to give Adam a little extra punch for treating you like that upon your first visit to Heaven. You had never told him, either. Or, at least you hadn't had the time to before he fell.
"Apparently." Lucifer grumbled, whilst rolling his eyes. "Damn idiots never know what the hell they're talking about..."
At this, you raised both your eyebrows, and couldn't help the small giggle that left your lips at his protective nature. After all of this time not seeing one another, he was still as protective over you as the first day you met. It was refreshing to see that some things really never did change when it came to the King of Hell. Since the day he became so.
He perked up as you began to giggle, a shot of red flashing across his features from embarrassment. Then, despite himself, he too began to chuckle.
The steady rhythm of his heart made itself well known in his ears as the two of you continued to laugh together, just like old times in the clouds.
Although when you were together it felt like no time had passed at all, you both were aware that that was far from the truth.
You had some catching up to do.
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The hellish sun beat down on the Hazbin Hotel. All the other residents, including Charlie, were outside helping to rebuild and design a new look for the previously destroyed hotel.
You and Lucifer had finally come out from your room after chatting it up for what had to have been over an hour. It was nice, now knowing the truth behind some of the things that had happened to him, and you were sure he felt the same about the things pertaining to you. He had promised you he would deliver quite the ruthless punch to Adam's groin when he saw him next, due to the things he had put you through after his falling. This had made you roll your eyes, but the idea wasn't dismissed. You'd allow it. Maybe even a couple times. Especially if it meant you got to see Lucifer happy.
Now, both of you were currently outside with everyone else, helping to rebuild the structure of his daughters hotel. You were in the form of your Lightfury, whilst Lucifer was standing proudly on your back as you flew laps around the perimeter of the hotel, giving him range to shoot blasts of magic, where building parts would then materialize before ones eyes.
You craned your neck around to look at the little man on your back, who was already looking down at you, smiling like the dork you knew him to be. This was almost like the perfect moment, especially after the deep conversation you both had back in the hotel room-
"DAD! No riding my residents, please! I'm glad you're making friends though! Proud of you! I just don't think we have the insurance to cover an injury yet!"
Charlie's voice cut through the atmosphere like a knife, causing both of you to startle and look down at her. She had a finger pointed up at you both, an adoring smile on her face; following it were the rest of the residents eyes. You both were now the spotlight of attention.
Your smooth-skinned dragon face had a bit of a red tint to it now because of the princess's words, and you didn't even have to look at Lucifer to be able to say that he looked the same. His daughter didn't even know how deep the history went between you both; she didn't even know you two knew one another prior to this. Nor did she really need to know. It could be you and Lucifers little secret. Something just for the two of you.
You snorted at her words, managing to screw your face into an extremely unamused expression quick enough to hide the blush, making sure to keep flapping your wings so you wouldn't falter in your hovering.
"Dear, you may just find yourself jealous because I have a dragon and you lack one! You see this beauty? Extraordinary! Such a great species too, infact-"
You managed to look even more annoyed than you felt, as Lucifer continued to take it upon himself to deliver a little speech on your back whilst you were just hovering there, explaining his good fortune to have found a friend in you once again and now being able to get free rides. But, no one seemed to tell him that you were the one steering this ship.
In the span of a millisecond, you had tipped your body to the side, sending him sliding off your back and plummeting towards the ground, following with him yelping in both surprise and momentary fear. You snorted in amusement and instantly tucked your wings and went into a dive, following right after him.
The wind whistled past your sensitive ears as you were now falling right beside him. You looked at him with your wide, cat-like eyes, a curious coo escaping your throat as he just smirked at you, putting his hands behind his head as you both fell through the air, as if in some sort of movie. You then narrowed your sharp eyes and struck him playfully in the chest with a paw, sending him spinning off balance and crashing into some nearby bushes.
Quick to steady yourself, you quickly turned around midair and swooped just low enough to snag Charlie from off the ground, holding her in your arms, before letting her climb onto your back and sitting comfortably. Her smile was wide and cheerful, making you laugh as you shot back up into the air.
"Woo-hoo!" Charlie hollered, holding onto your neck by wrapping both her arms around its thick expanse as you warbled in response, showing off your toothy dragon grin as you flapped your wings vigorously, taking both you and the daughter of Hell off into the surrounding city.
Lucifer sat up in the mas of bushes, spitting out some leaves and rubbing the side of his head. He could've used his wings to slow his fall but he figured if it made you smile, he would get a little banged up. He still had that same grin plastered to his face.
He couldn't even be annoyed as he picked off thorns from his suit and top hat, watching with a soft sparkle in his eyes as his two favorite girls flew away together into the sunset.
Upon Charlie finding and helping you on extermination day, which had been only yesterday, you had now become an official resident of the Hotel. You kept telling yourself it was temporary until you were able to go back up to Heaven, but the more time you spent under the clouds and the feet of those still alive and walking, the more you came to realize that this place felt more like a home than the one you came from originally.
Lucifer had promised to wait for you in Hell after he fell, even for all eternity if that's how long it took for your pure soul to deserve damnation.
In return, you had promised never to truly leave him. To never abandon. To never relinquish your connection. And you would hold that promise, through and through.
It was your vow.
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mayakern · 4 months
leave a comment if YOUR soul bonded liege lord has ever broken your heart 🙄🙄🙄
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bardicblast · 9 months
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night of the full moon
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redtallin · 3 months
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He's finally done! It took me ages between commissions to chip away at colours, but Rook's updated lvl 5 design is donnne ^_^ At least until I change my mind and make him a new outfit.
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kaidabakugou · 8 months
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♱ — 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜʀᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴛᴇʀᴍꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʀɪᴛᴜᴀʟꜱ | ɢʀᴀᴘʜɪᴄ ᴅᴇꜱᴄʀɪᴘᴛɪᴏɴꜱ | ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ | ɪɴᴊᴜʀɪᴇꜱ | ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ/ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ᴋɪɴᴋ | ᴘᴜʙᴇꜱ | ʙɪᴛɪɴɢ | ᴍᴀʀᴋɪɴɢ | ꜱᴘɪᴛ | ɴɪᴘᴘʟᴇ ᴘʟᴀʏ | ʜɪɴᴛꜱ ᴏꜰ ʙᴏᴅʏ ᴡᴏʀꜱʜɪᴘ | ᴏʀᴀʟ ꜱᴇx | ꜱᴄᴇɴᴛ ᴋɪɴᴋ | ᴛᴏɴɢᴜᴇ ꜰᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ | ᴍᴏɴꜱᴛᴇʀꜰᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ | ʜᴇᴀᴛꜱ | ᴛᴇᴀꜱɪɴɢ | ᴋɴᴏᴛᴛɪɴɢ | ᴋɪʀɪʙᴀᴋᴜ ᴛᴏᴡᴀʀᴅꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ | ꜰɪɴɢᴇʀ ꜱᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ | ᴘᴏꜱꜱᴇꜱꜱɪᴠᴇ ᴋɪʀɪꜱʜɪᴍᴀ
♱ — 𝐖𝐂: 6.4ᴋ
♱ — 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐃𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: ᴇᴇᴇ ɪᴛ'ꜱ ꜰɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ʜᴇʀᴇ!! ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴋɪɴᴋᴛᴏʙᴇʀ, ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇʟɪᴇꜱ!! ꜱᴏ ᴇxᴄɪᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ꜰɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇ ᴀʙʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜱʜᴀʀᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴜʏꜱ! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴏɴᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴋɪᴄᴋ ᴏꜰꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴘᴏᴏᴋʏ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʏꜱᴍ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ!!♡
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𝕹𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖞 𝖙𝖜𝖔 𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖎𝖆 𝖆𝖌𝖔,
𝖆𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙.
The taste of ash weights heavy on your tongue when you descend through the clouds towards the glare of fire below. The heat from the smoke prickling at your skin causes you to tighten your grip around the black spikes on Kirishima's back where you sat atop the crimson dragon as he rushes towards the commotion below, massive leathery wings tucking close to his large body - far too large for a juvenile like himself as his shadow swallows the night sky behind him when you emerge from the sea of smoke revealing the magnitude of destruction the town has suffered in mere moments. Streets that were once booming with vendors and some of the finest establishments you could find this far south of the kingdom, now nothing but ruins that further crumble under the weight of the wind from the red dragon’s wings as you continue to hurry towards the source that caused such calamity.
You'd traveled from the west with Bakugou, the dragon prince, and his dragon Kirishima, the Crimson Dread, under the orders of the king to deal with the issue of a fiery dragon that's been rumored to have gone rogue and has been terrorizing the southern towns at night. Upon your arrival the immensity of the situation was evident when the ancient bridges that connected to the neighboring towns were demolished for the river below to swallow, something only the great scaled beasts could manage, leaving the southerners to result in new measures and travel by boat.
It was only your second night in the town when you were setting up the fire place in your inn with Kirishima whilst you waited for Bakugou who ventured into the other side of town in search of something to cook for the three of you for the night, when the thunderous sound of an explosion in the distance alerted you. Rushing to the open area of the plaza where Kirishima could shift without causing damages to the housing nearby as you quickly mounted the dragon and headed towards the commotion. The orange glow of fire blazing in the horizon only feeding the worry that sat heavy on your chests knowing Bakugou was near that area of town, and now as you fly through the core of where the beast continues to wreak havoc, you could only pray to the gods above that he was okay.
A piercing roar ahead pulls you from your thoughts as it collides with the crackling sounds of Bakugou’s explosive magic followed by the clashing of steel from his dual swords. The silhouette of the onyx dragon comes into view amidst a pit of fire, your eyes frantically searching for your prince as you spot him beneath one of the beast's hind legs trying to wriggle out from between its three prehensile talon-tipped toes that hold him captive as the chest of the dragon begins to glow a deep orange hue, preparing to spew a stream of deadly fire upon him that was sure to leave a flaming crater in its wake from the force - one that not even Bakugou’s fire resistance could survive.
Swallowing the vile lump that builds in your throat at the thought, you lean forward against Kirishima’s back, the rough scales of the dragon’s armor brushing along your palm when you reach for the large spikes of his torso. The ones that prepare him to attack once you give him the command, but just as you take a sharp inhale to give him the order you're interrupted by the rumbling of snake-like hisses building up a thunderous roar as Kirishima leaps towards his opponent.
Catching the attention of the onyx dragon as he directs his fire towards you, but the Crimson Dread is not only known for his size, but also for his abnormal speed and agility that was rare for a beast of such calamity as he quickly rises to flash his hind legs. Sharp claws locking onto the beast’s neck, pinning him down as the horrid screeching of both dragons clashes together - one from anguish in a desperate attempt to be released and the other from a raging hunger for blood as Kirishima's claws pierce through the black scales, slashing the dragon’s throat open causing it to wriggle beneath him as it chokes in its fiery blood. But the red beast remains unsatisfied as he leans down to grasp the head of his victim in between his dreadful maw before tearing it from its body and tossing it into the fiery pits of its own creation followed by a victorious roar that seems to further agitate the flames that surround you.
You press your palm to his scales in an attempt to calm him despite how taken aback you were from his actions for he has never acted on his own without his rider’s orders regardless of the ravenous creature he was. Gently caressing his heated scales whilst you coo down at him as his snarls slowly shift into low rumbles under your touch when your soft voice reaches his ears between haggard breaths. Shaking his head with a final blow of smoke through his nostrils as his scales shudder from head to tail until he returns your pets with a content purr, letting you know he's calmed down before directing your attention towards Bakugou who was already climbing up the dragon’s side to join you on his back. Unharmed, lest a few scratches that oozed with blood yet nothing you couldn't heal later with your magic.
“All good?”, bare chest pressing against your back as he leans forward to press his palm to the crimson scales alongside yours as you look over to your side where his head rests on your shoulder. Only answering with a nod when your eyes meet his vermilion ones, not all there as he looks lost in thought before your gently nudge him with your elbow as they focus on you again, sharing the same concern for your dragon but nothing to fret about right now considering the long night you've all had as you feel him relax against you before signaling Kirishima again. Taking to the skies once more as you fly back into town for the night since you couldn't do anything else for now until the fires die out with morning come.
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The ache in your muscles melts away as you sink deeper into the hot springs, the warmth enveloping your body when you rest against the edge to peer up at the night sky where remnants of the smoke from the fires obstructing your view of the stars as the faint orange hue of the horizon begins to fade, letting the sound of the water around you prevent your mind from thinking back on the prior events.
Once a dragon bonds with one rider, no other person can bond nor ride them throughout their life for they will remain loyal to their mount until they are parted by death, but Kirishima is the first ever dragon to bond with two riders. Claiming both Bakugou and you as his mates, a rare case in history that not even the wisest of maesters could decipher, tossing it up to be a result of his shifter abilities. But being a mate to the great fiery beasts of this era was not for the faint of heart as dragons undergo different stages in their lifetime that could be overwhelming for some, and your dragon’s recent stubborn behavior could only mean the beginning of one thing.
You lean over the edge towards the tray that rested on the rocks near the natural basin, reaching for the bowl of hot water to pour it over the previously strained matcha before taking the chasen and begin whisking. Too distracted to notice the water rippling behind you but your ears prick at the sound of low purrs approaching, hearing him before you feel him as sharp claws circle around your thighs. Curving along the plush skin of your hips to trail up your sides causing the hairs on your spine to rise towards your nape as he presses his nose above your rear before following the prickled skin up towards your shoulders in a slow calculated pace that causes your toes to curl against the hot stone below until his nose finds the crook of your neck - inhaling deeply as he savors your scent, the smell unlike any other causing his tail to slowly sway from side to side through the water whilst the purring amplifies. Feeling the vibrations against your back when he presses his hot chest to your skin as you lean into his frame, claws circling your abdomen when scaled arms hold you close causing you to hum at his touch as you settle back into the water.
The heat that radiates from him rivals the one around you as hot puffs of air fan across your skin, feeling the tips of his forked tongue ghost along the back of your ear where his nose is nestled into your hair. An occurrence that wasn't foreign to you since the three of you often slept wrapped around each other and Kirishima would find solace in sleeping with the smell of his mates right under his nose, but there was something different in his current demeanor.
When a dragon's heat is near, there are often visible warning signs to heed to avoid falling in their grasps when overcome with lust. The scales along their skin tend to darken in color, one of the more elusive signs to notice considering the change is very minimal but easily spotted for those that are in constant contact with the scaled giants. Their breathing patterns as well as their purring shift from long and passive inhales to heavy huffs followed by exhales of higher temperatures to their regular hot breaths. Every dragon's purrs are slightly different in melody but it's often deeper while in heat, emitting from somewhere further down their chest and at a much quicker pace than normal. The most identifiable of the signs are their behavioral changes, although already territorial, dragons tend to be more aggressive and jealous towards others lurking around their den and mates as well as seek out physical touch more often and show higher levels of affection. All signs that usually begin to manifest weeks in advance.
But Kirishima’s changes only began hours prior. Even though it wasn't the first time his heat had started abruptly, another unknown factor that the maesters could only assume as a product from his shifter abilities, it was the first time you've been in battle when it happened. Which justifies your worry while seizing the onyx dragon earlier.
The air around you felt heavy and the tension was almost palpable with the way he was holding you, like prey caught in the jaws of a predator as his claws travel along your skin, occasionally gripping at your flesh while his hold on you tightens. Moments like these remind you of the danger that he kept hidden from you most of the time until he had you in his grasp - so pliant and at his absolute mercy, he could do anything he wanted and you’d let him.
A sharp dark claw travels across your abdomen in slow back and forth motions beneath the water before trailing up the exposed skin of your chest. Circling your tits in a teasing matter that has your nipples hardening at the threat knowing it wouldn’t take much effort for those claws to rip into your skin. Kirishima smiles against your neck when he feels the way your heartbeat increases under his touch, how the rise and fall of your chest quickens the more he greedily explores your body. Savoring the way your smooth skin feels against his calloused one, the sweet scent of you downright intoxicating as he feels his teeth ache at the thought of you on his tongue. Moving his mouth to rest at the juncture of your neck at the temptation to feel your skin give under the force of his fearful maw, tearing into your flesh and watching you bleed for him as his purring deepens at the thought knowing how pretty you’d look covered in crimson to match that of his scales.
His tail curls around your ankle as it slowly travels up your leg until it’s wrapped around your plump thigh, squeezing the fat of it while scales drag against the curve of your rear. The scaled pointed tip ghosting along your inner thigh as it occasionally brushes through the tuft of hairs above your cunt at slow, almost ticklish pace that had you suppressing your moans against the edge of your cup as you bring the warm tea to your lips, enjoying it while you can knowing that it will soon be forgotten with the way Kirishima’s scorching breath was fanning over your skin alerting you of how close he was to your vital spots.
“Fuck, my love”, the searing touch of his tongue licking along your skin makes you gasp as thick drips of drool burn onto your skin, “I need you”.
“Your heat becoming too much, baby?”, you hum against him before drinking the last of your tea as you reach forward to return the cup onto its tray.
“I could just devour you right now”, he purrs close to your ear as he takes a deep inhale of your skin, continuing to let your scent invade his senses. “Will you let me, love?”
“Go ahead”, you tilt your head further giving him access as your voice falls into a breathless whisper at the feel of sharp teeth grazing against your skin. “Tell me how I taste”.
A guttural growl ripples from his chest at your words as his tongue laps at your skin again, more drool dribbles against you before his lips press to the juncture where your neck meets your shoulder sucking on that spot as you arch your back with a sigh, the feel of his teeth digging ever so slightly into your skin behind closed lips sends a whirlpool of emotions to your gut. The moans you suppressed earlier ripping from you when his fangs finally break through your flesh as a rush of warmth spreads across your skin where he eagerly drinks from you, letting your blood quench his thirst before he sucks bruising kisses higher up your neck making you squirm against him.
Tightening his grasp as he slowly moves your bodies towards the edge of the natural basin where claws circle your waist to spin you around as he looms over you, caging you between the warm stone that digs against your back and his large body as he presses himself against you. Gently nuzzling his nose into the top of your head before slowly trailing down the center of your forehead to meet your nose as your eyes lock with deep pools of scarlet staring back at you. Your hands reach for his biceps, feeling the scales shift under your touch as you continue to trail upwards towards his nape where your fingers brush through the crimson strands of his hair whilst your other hand reaches for a stray strand on his forehead, securing it behind the dark, curved, and angled horns that protrude on either sides of his head that would demand submission from even the most endowed elks that roamed the enchanted forests, a grin spreading across his lips when you do before he leans down to press his lips to yours.
Hot breaths melding with each other as claws curl around your throat pressing his purlicue beneath your chin causing your head to tilt further, giving him more access as his lips move frantically against yours - messy and wet as spit smothers against your skin while your tongue tangles with his long one until the need for air becomes inescapable. Leaning back to catch your breath as far as his firm hold around your neck allows you but he can't help but chase your lips with his sharp teeth, keeping his intentions gentle against the delicate skin but still so, so hungry for you as he nibbles on your bottom lip until it splits for him. The sting makes you hiss as lustful eyes meet your equally lewd ones when he slowly pulls back, sucking the small dribble of blood into his greedy maw until your lip slips from his own. Not giving you enough time to recover as the warm pads of his digits digging into the sides of your neck twitch as they pull you back in to meet his lips - mouths bruised and swollen as his tongue swipes against you to lick into the small cut.
Parting from your lips to press kisses on your jaw and down your neck as his hands reach down to grip your waist and hoist you up onto the edge. Stopping when he reaches the valley of your breast as he leans back to look at your body now fully on display for him, mesmerized at the sight like the first time he saw you like this and he can’t help the shudder that ripples through his scales and settles at his pelvis where his cock twitches beneath the water.
Fiery pupils dilate when they rake along the curve of your breasts and settle on your nipples, wet and glistening and so inviting as he dips his head down to capture the erect bud in his mouth. The feel of sharp teeth scraping against your skin threatening to pierce through your flesh sends shivers down your spine followed by the smooth contrast of his warm tongue alternating between fast flicks and tight curls against you that causes your hips to slightly grind forward as arousal begins to gather at your core. The faint smell of it hitting his nose only riles him further as he suckles on your tit harder while roughly kneading the other as he pulls and twists the bud between his clawed digits.
Only stopping to sink his teeth into the flesh of your chest again and again with low mumbles of ‘mine’ whispered into each nibble as he continues to trail them down your abdomen. Drowning in the increasing scent of your arousal the closer he gets to the source, his mouth unable to stay away from you other than to quickly move to another unmarked spot on your skin as his breaths become haggard at the mouth watering aroma of your drooling cunt leaking onto the stones below. Calloused hands curve beneath your thighs as he spreads you open for him, ankles resting on his broad and scaled shoulders while his mouth never leaves your skin as it reaches your pubes. Inhaling deeply into the tuft of hair as he feels the way your body twitches against his touch when he slowly pulls the hairs between his lips, his warm breaths feels almost ticklish but the sensation is quickly replaced by the slight sting from his tugging before he releases the hairs from his lips.
Diving forward again to run his nose through them, his head dipping lower and lower until the slick feel of your pussy lips meets with his own, savoring you a little longer as he trails his nose through your swollen slit causing it to part as he does. Eyes fluttering at the feel of your arousal coating his skin before finally surging forward into your heat making you arch in your spot as your arms stretch behind you to support you further from the intensity of his mouth against you. Tongue pressed flat on your pussy as he wriggles it from side to side while thick globs of saliva drip from his thirsty mouth onto you - creamy slick and viscous spit mixing together as both of you become more and more lost in pleasure.
Moans falling from your lips without a care if others residing within the inn could hear you for you’re unable to hold them with the way his tongue laps up towards your clit, circling it with just the tip before his lips wrap around the sensitive bud while his eyes look up to meet yours causing something to ripple in your stomach the closer you get to your release. Watching how they darken when he feels your fingers skim across his pointed ears, ghosting along the wet strands of hair before wrapping around one of his horns knowing it would get a reaction out of him with how sensitive they were, especially during his heat and you can't help the grin that breaks through your features when you see his lip curl with the nastiest growl you've heard resonate from his chest thus far. Strong enough to make the water around him shake causing it to ripple at the same thundering cadence while his hands pinch and knead at your thighs, feeling how the muscles clench and tremble under his touch when you feel the vibrations of his snarls against your pussy.
Causing your features to morph into a whine as you let your head roll back onto your shoulders to release a moan up towards the sky while briefly closing your eyes before your entire body jolts when Kirishima slots his hot mouth onto the length of your puffy slit. Demanding your attention as your eyes meet again, a newfound hunger in his fiery orbs as your clench around his imposing figure when the tips of his forked tongue tease along your entrance before wriggling it’s way inside - velvety walls tightening around the incredibly long and thick muscle as it spreads you open, greedily slurping every last drop of creamy arousal that pours from your messy pussy.
Both of your hands now wrapped firmly around his horns to pull him closer and the snarl that follows causes his sharp teeth to scrape dangerously against your swollen clit, sending you over the edge as static rings in your ears making the world around you spin as your release gushes into his awaiting tongue. Claws dragging up and down along your thighs leaving red, throbbing marks in their wake before they press into your hips, threatening to pierce the skin as he holds you down when your hips continue to jerk and twitch. Overstimulated as he continues to drink every last drop of your sweet nectar, not stopping until he gets his fill as your cries clash with the loud and wet squelch of your pussy ravished by his hungry maw.
Slowing his movements to ease you down from your high as his tongue slithers out of your warmth, running it through the red and swollen folds of your sopping wet pussy before leaning back to watch the pretty mess he created - thin threads of syrupy slick and viscid spit clinging to his skin causing it to glisten under the faint moonlight emerging from the smokey clouds as the distant fires begin to die down. Whimpering at the empty feeling as you fall back onto the stones breathless, your hands slipping from his horns in exhaustion only for scaled ones to catch them as he brings them towards his face, nuzzling into your palm to lay kisses onto your wrists - soft and tender unlike the previous ones as he repeats the actions on the other one before trailing up the length of your arm while slowly rising from the water to slot his body above your own.
Warm droplets of water dripping onto your skin where he continues to lay gentle kisses as his lips press against your stomach to travel up onto your breasts, briefly nibbling on the plush skin before dipping towards your collarbones; feeling how he follows the outline of your protruding bones with the tip of his nose to settle at the small hollow at the center where his searing exhales fan over your skin causing you to lean your head back to allow him more access as he wanders up the length of your throat where he slows down to feel it contract against his lips when you swallow, eliciting his purrs to return as they vibrate into your jaw until he curves along your chin to finally capture your lips in his. Tasting yourself on his tongue when it tangles with yours as it freely explores every inch of your mouth before he pulls away to peer down at your pretty face, noticing your eyes glossy with tears as he smiles down at the sight before leaning in for a kiss once more.
So enthralled with each other that you don't hear the distant call of your names when the wooden door of your room slides open. Only the feel of something hot dripping against your thigh capturing your attention, making your breath hitch into him as he pulls back to press his forehead onto yours for the both of you to peer between your bodies to reveal his large cock.
A mass of dark pubes trailing from his belly button towards the base where thick veins throb with need around a swelling knot as they fork out onto the ribbed crimson ridges that matched those of his scales leading up to a tapered tip that dripped molten globs of creamy white onto your skin where it hanged heavy causing it to curve downwards from the weight and size as it twitched the more his knot continued to grow with the overwhelming and carnal desire to empty load after load of the sticky cum that resided within the hefty balls that rested hulking between his muscular thighs inside your heat.
The same thighs that slide closer to press behind yours as a clawed hand slides along the side to grip the back of your knees and guide one leg around his waist, mirroring the action with your other leg as they lock at the dip of his back where his long tail sways languidly from side to side. Securing your bodies together as he lowers his hips to meet yours, slotting his cock between your thighs to slide his pulsing length through your weeping slit. Gasping in unison when he grinds his hips harder through the slickness as your hands snake around his broad shoulders to bring him closer, his lips already chasing yours as claws tangle in the hairs at your nape where he cups your head to deepen the kiss. His thumb smearing away the stray tears that stain your cheeks at the feel of every ridge and curve of his cock rubbing through your slick pussy, getting caught against your clit with each thrust making you mewl into his mouth as he swallows every sound.
Groans and purrs vibrating softly against you when he feels your hips roll up and fall into rhythm with his. Smiling against him when your actions elicit a broken whine to rip from his chest, amused at how such a feared beast could be reduced to such a needy thing when it came to moments like this, entangled with each other in such ways that it's uncertain where one begins and the other ends.
The growl that festers deep in his chest pulls you from your thoughts as a heated sting spreads across your bottom lip when he draws the sensitive flesh between his teeth to get your attention once more, prying your mouth open for him as he chases your bloodied lips with a carnivorous hunger that elicits another growl to crawl up his throat as clawed digits wrap around your wrists to capture your hands in his and stretch your arms above your head, pinning you beneath him and rutting his hips desperately against you until the bulbous head of his leaky cock finally presses against your entrance. Both of you falling silent as you peer down between your bodies, watching how your pussy splits open and swells around each girthy bump of his cock until it reaches the curve of his knot as it presses against your slit; ceasing his movements to relish the feel of your heat wrapped around him while you bask in the way it stretches your pussy so good you could almost feel him in your throat as you lips part around a silent moan.
Heavy knot throbbing against your entrance, not quite ready to slip inside just yet as he rolls his hips back - your pussy molding perfectly to each ridge as the friction makes you arch your back so beautifully into him. Both of your hands restrained under one of his while the other curls around your center to hold you close as his lips press along your jawline, whispering sweet praises in his mother’s tongue as he falls into a steady pace that has the telltale coil winding tightly inside you sooner than expected as white spots cloud your vision when you sink into sweet ecstasy. Soft kisses and nibbles morphing into feral bites as he grows wretched with need at the taste of your blood mixed with the tight clench of your silken walls gripping his cock so deliciously he feels he could devour you whole.
Slowing his thrusts to a gentle rock as his lips find yours again in a sloppy and panting mess - the sound from your heaving chests echoing through the area loud enough to quiet the heavy patting of feet against the damp stone floor approaching your position until a shadow obstructs the dim light of the candles that surrounded the hot springs, looming over you as it waits for the two of you to notice its presence.
“‘M gone a few minutes and you two can't keep yer’ hands off of each other that long, eh?”, both of you peer up to meet vermilion irises staring down at you with amusement. Grin spreading across his features when your eyes simultaneously trail down to look at his cock fully displayed before you, the thick vein beneath his shaft throbbing all the way up his leaking tip where milky beads of white coat his skin.
Meeting his gaze again, your sultry smile matching his own as you feel lips press to your jaw followed by the slight tickle from Kirishima’s hot breath fanning over your skin as he speaks.
“You're just in time, my prince - our little princess is just about ready to take me whole”, a dark claw brushes through the stray hairs that cling to the damp skin of your forehead as he tucks them behind your ear to press his nose to your own, voice falling into a whisper. “Aren't you, baby?”, nodding into his touch while he beckons Bakugou closer.
“Come ‘er, Katsuki… I want to watch you both as she takes my knot”, to which he complies as Bakugou lays down beside you. Pulling you towards him when Kirishima leans back from his position as you straddle the blonde, his eyes wandering down your skin as his fingers trace along the wounds that adorn your body - bruised and bloodied.
Digits stained with red as he brings them towards his lips for a quick taste, eyes fluttering when he does before he reaches for your skin again to collect more of the blood that dribbles from the bites left by the dragon, bringing them up to your lips this time where it mixes with the drooly blood from your bottom lip as you wrap them around his fingers to languidly suck on them.
Clawed thumbs dig into the fat of your hips as Kirishima positions himself behind you, curling along your spine to press his chest against you. His large physique overpowering the both of you when he stretches his wings, briefly casting a daunting shadow that consumes you before he tucks them back into place. Leaning in close to nuzzle his face into your neck as Bakugou mimics his actions to your other side, their warmth encompasses you entirely like a heavy cloth draped over you on a cruel winter. Bakugou’s lips press tender kisses along your mangled skin while a long, wet and hot tongue laps a stripe all the way to your ear where he nuzzles into you once again.
“Hold still for me, my love”, arching into Bakugou’s chest when the tip of Kirishima’s cock presses against your cunt, dripping heavy glops of precum that seared against your skin - so impossibly hot like it was made from the molten steel used to make the finest of swords. Spreading it through your slit as he strokes it up and down causing syrupy strands of arousal to leak onto Bakugou’s thighs before his cockhead catches your entrance.
Immediately feeling the stretch of every ridge and curve again as your lips part around a loud whine, both men reacting instantly as hands roam every inch of your body in a mixture of soothing touches and hungry kneads from sharp nails that twitch at the urge to tear at your skin to elicit more of those sweet noises to rip from your body. Kirishima doesn't waste time to settle on a fast pace that knocked the wind from your lungs, lost in the way your pussy sucked him further - squeezing him so tightly he couldn't help but to nibble on the skin of your neck again, fangs piercing anywhere they could reach causing his purring to morph into wet gurgles from your blood while Bakugou leaned back to ogle at the sight.
In all your years together, nothing riled him up more than moments like these. The both of you look ethereal above him - recalling all the times he had the same thoughts and he fears they might fall short to the sight before him. The first time he laid eyes on Kirishima when the crimson hybrid shifted into a fierce dragon for him to ride after many had failed to mount the fiery beast; the same beast that never allowed anyone to get too close to him, yet there you were mounted on his back treating a tear to his wing while cooing down sweetly at the scaled giant while all his rider could do was just stare at the two of you in awe in that field of freshly bloomed blue irises all those springs ago. He never thought that just winters later he would find himself by a ditchfire and a chalice filled of your joined blood, a scar on each of your left palms to prove it - wed by fire and blood to be sealed by a long night of mating.
And now, as the hard stone cushioned by a the thin bedding of moss forming on the rocks dug into his back as he stared up at the two of you above him, your skin riddled with bites and blood with Kirishima still latched onto your neck as you cried out into the night to soon take his knot, the sight before him rivals all the others for he thinks he's never seen the two of you so beautiful as this very moment.
His heart skipping a beat when both of your eyes meet his own, reaching for him as your hands curl around his shoulders while claws press against the dip of his skull to bring him closer to your bodies. Your lips pressed against his while Kirishima nuzzles the crook of his neck, smiling against Bakugou when you feel his breath hitch at the dragon’s fangs piercing into his flesh. The taste of both of his mates blood mixing on his tongue turn his thrust violent, extremely so you can't contain the overstimulated squeals that ripped from your chest and before you can register it he thrusts forward in a hard roll of his hips until you feel it - a wet pop as you're stuffed to the brim with his knot. Your eyes rolling while you feel lightheaded at the mixture of his thick, knotted cock grinding deep inside of you along with the heat that radiates from their bodies engulfing you completely.
Claws suddenly digging into your flesh as Kirishima yanks your bodies closer to him, switching from marking Bakugou’s neck to yours back and forth while lips brushed against skin in a mantra growled in the old draconic tongue.
Mine mine mine
“You're mine, yeah? My blood?”, each question is followed by a pull of his lips against your skin and all you can do is desperately nod against him as salty tears stain your cheeks while your cunt spasms around him, squeezing and pulling him deeper as he grinds rapidly into you.
“Both of you were made for me”, he snarls as his lips chase Bakugou’s next, piercing his bottom lip in a much more hurried manner than he did yours causing a groan to vibrate loudly from the blondes chest as the redhead devours him.
“You were born bound to me, right?”, your bodies were dripping in sweat and your brains were fogging with the overstimulation of both pleasure and pain, as the dragon reminded you who you belonged to while switching between your bodies; licked, sucked, and bitten into the skin of the familiar things pinned beneath him. Chasing your sweat with teeth and tongue, drunk on the scent of home - of mate. Many would call the love Kirishima felt for the two of you an obsession, but that pales in comparison to the unwavering hunger and passion he felt for you.
His thrusts turn vicious, borderline animalistic as he rolls his hips forward once, twice, three times until you finally feel it. The rush of cum pouring in hot, always so impossibly hot, heavy globs against your velvety walls as he ruts his hips close to bury himself deep in your pussy to ensure you were plugged up and stuffed full with his seed that continued to pour inside of you in a never ending river that had the both of you falling depleted against the blonde making him groan at the sudden weight pressed against him. All three of you panting as your bodies relax against each other, hearts beating as one while you let the soothing sounds of the water splashing behind you ease you down from your highs.
But the Crimson Dread was nothing if not insatiable, leaning back as clawed digits captured Bakugou’s chin between them to bring him closer, pulling him into a kiss while you trailed kisses along the blonde’s jawline. Your ear pricking when you hear the redhead speak into the kiss and you can’t help the grins that follow at his words.
“Your turn, my prince”, he whispers while maneuvering your bodies into the warm water to soothe your wounds and prepare you for the long night ahead.
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beebundt · 2 months
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silly mindless doodle page with bas
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puppyaulait · 5 months
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Fantasy AU winter wonderland
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ydteus · 9 months
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Played with some lines a month ago
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kaciidubs · 8 months
Precious Jewel | Spooktober 2023
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@goblinracha asked: Dragon!changbin using his long, thick tongue for "hole inspections" but he likes to call it "polishing his favorite jewels" 🫡
❣ Summary: You were his precious jewel, and as his jewel, you were to be treated with the same care as the other jewels in his collection - even if the process was slightly different. ❣  ❣ Word Count: 1.5k ❣ Warnings: Shifter! AU, Dragon Shifter! Changbin, Dom! Changbin, Sub! Reader, smut, oral, fingering, pussy inspections, long tongue, subtle possessiveness, slight rimming, slight vagina anatomy lesson, multiple orgasms implied ❣  ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣  ❣ Additional Tags: Changbin is referred to as Binnie, and Baby, Reader is referred to as Bunny, My Jewel, My Treasure ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist ❣ Spooktober 2023
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You were his precious jewel, he’d always say - his precious jewel that was worth more than all of the treasure in his horde; he could lose all of those precious gemstones and gold without batting an eye, but if he lost you he would burn the world to the ground with no hesitation.
“Show me.”
Your face burned as you laid before him on a sea of pillows and blankets, the thin silk of your nightgown covering your form like wrapping paper over a gift. “Binnie, really?”
“You know how this goes, bunny,” his voice was low, fiery eyes boring into your own, “don’t play shy, we’ve done this before.”
It was in his nature to make sure his treasures were kept as clean as possible; polished and shined to reflect their value in the most obvious of ways, and as his jewel, this nature applied to you, too.
As his jewel, you were to be treated with the same care as the other jewels in his collection - even if the process was slightly different.
You shifted, watching as his sharp gaze dropped to the spaghetti strap of your gown as it slid down the curve of your shoulder - undoubtedly making you look more like helpless prey trapped in the dragon’s den.
“Either you do it,” he knelt at your feet, shirtless, hands crawling up to wrap around your ankles, “or I do it for you.”
That small touch was enough to elicit a whimper from the back of your throat, your head moving in a weak nod as your hands slid to the hem of your nightgown.
Taking the cream colored silk into your hands, you slid it up the expanse of your thighs slowly, eyes intent on watching his own as more skin was revealed to him. You shifted your hips to help the rest of the fabric pass from underneath your ass before stopping at your waist.
Changbin loosened his grip on your ankles as you shuffled your feet outward - your knees remaining knocked together much to his dismay, but he held his composure to let you move at your own teasing pace.
Chest rising in a small breath, you let your knees slowly part, goosebumps rising along your skin as the cool air mingled with the warmth of your now exposed pussy - pantiless and free for his viewing pleasure.
“There she is.”
He wasted no time in pushing your legs further apart to allow more room for his muscular shoulders, lips making quick work in pressing light kisses down the inside of your right thigh before mirroring the same to your left - the intensity growing the closer he got to where he craved the most.
“Changbin!” The whine of embarrassment in your voice wasn’t lost upon him, judging from the way he squeezed the outside of your thighs before sliding them to the insides.
“Look at you,” he sighed softly, awe settling in his tone as he looked at your cunt as if it were the first time he’d ever seen you - it never got old to him, and it never would. 
His thumbs went to your outer labia, gently spreading them to reveal your vagina fully; cute clit begging for his lips to wrap around it, while your inner labia glistened with arousal from your opening.
“So messy already - don’t worry, Binnie will get you all cleaned up.”
You barely had a chance to register his words - as if he was actually regarding you in this moment - before his head dove between your legs, warm tongue eagerly dipping past your walls for a taste of your arousal before journeying up to trace circles around your clit.
Your body jolted against the soft pillows, his forwardness sending your mind into a spiral as your fingers tightened around the bunched up gown. “Oh- Oh my god-”
He pulled away with a lewd slurp, panting lightly against your cunt, “So fucking delicious, as always,” teasing the tip of his tongue along your walls, he hummed, “tight… Is Binnie gonna have to teach you how to stretch on his cock again? Surely it hasn’t been that long since I’ve had you, my jewel.”
It hasn't - It’s barely been three full nights, but to him, that’s three nights too many.
Your opportunity to speak was stolen from you yet again at the feeling of his right hand dipping down to where his tongue was currently teasing you open, your arousal catching onto the pads while he laved spit along his middle and ring fingers in preparation.
“This should help you remember, bunny - can never be too thorough with these inspections, gotta make sure you’ve been taken care of inside and out.”
With no further delay, he slowly pushed his thick fingers inside of you to the first knuckle, reveling in the shivering moan that floated past your lips as your hips lifted in efforts of getting him to give you more.
He chuckled lowly, your cunt attempting to suck his fingers in further, admiring the flutter of your walls as he curled them upwards in a ‘come hither’ motion before pulling them out to spread your arousal over your clit, “So shiny, don’t even need a polish, hm?”
His fingers traveled south once more, slipping into your cunt and spreading ever so slightly to expose more of your entrance to him before he dipped his head - a sharp gasp catching in your throat.
If there was one thing you quickly learned about dragon shifters, it was the point that their tongues were something of a marvel; long, thick, and easily maneuverable inside of someone - and one thing you learned about Changbin, was the point that he loved fucking you with his tongue, almost as much as his cock.
His free arm draped across your abdomen to hold you in place as his tongue explored the far reaches of your pussy, writhing and sliding against you in ways that made your eyes roll back - slack jawed and officially ruined.
“O-Oh- C-Changbin- Binnie, fuck!”
Your hands abandoned their death grip on your nightgown in favor of tangling themselves in the thick black curls on top of his head - both in an effort to hold on for dear life, and to keep him flush against your cunt, as if he would ever dare to leave it.
He moaned against you, each ragged inhale bringing more of your musk into his senses as his tongue collected every drop of you - sweet, savory, heady, he often wondered how he was able to live his life without your taste before.
It wasn’t long before he could feel the telltale pulsing of your walls around his tongue, the grip on his head getting tighter as your legs began to tremble.
“C-Close- Binnie, ‘m close!”
A swell of pride bloomed in his chest as he brought his hand up to rub quick, tight circles around your clit with his thumb, eager to have you coming undone around his tongue in record time.
Your thighs shook around his head, broken moans splitting your bated pants as your climax coiled in your abdomen before snapping with a well timed flick of his tongue deep inside of you.
You came with a cry of his name - at least, you hoped the sound you made resembled his name as your back arched, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you rode his tongue through each earth shattering wave.
The way his tongue slid out of you before you had the chance to fully come down had you tugging at his roots, trying in vain to get him back where you needed him - trying to gain control over the situation.
That is, until the large hand that was pressing at your lower stomach slid down to easily wrap around both wrists, wrenching your fingers free from his hair with a barely hidden snarl.
Two seconds, one inhale - that’s all you had before the warmth of his body was torn from between your legs, and a strong pressure gripped your hips before you were unceremoniously flipped onto your stomach in one go; your hips hiked up and your nightgown slipping toward your shoulder blades.
“Ah- shit! Baby, a warning-”
The words died on your tongue, giving birth to a moan instead as he spread your ass cheeks; his blazing eyes focusing in on the way your cum dripped toward your clit with the change of angle.
“So… So shiny,” he breathed, basking in the aftershocks of your pussy fluttering around nothing, “shiny, and pretty, and mine - my treasure, my jewel, all mine.”
Changbin used the tip of his tongue to spread your cum around your puffy clit, circling in a figure eight to make a trail up your entrance, across your perineum, and slicking up the tight rim of your asshole.
You gasped hotly, fisting an extremely soft blanket as you propped your cheek against a pillow, “C-Changbin?”
“Gonna make you shinier,” his breath was warm against the curve of your ass, your pussy clenching as if you weren’t just given a mind numbing orgasm already, “just for me - only for me, my jewel.”
His jewel, his precious treasure - he loved you more than all the gold in the mines, all the gems in the earth, and he would make sure you shined as evidence of his burning love.
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0h0possum · 3 months
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Some doodles of Cody and Rex from my Dragon shifter AU (AKA: my How To Train Your Dragon/ Clone Wars crossover)
Wanted to practice drawing the Duskfury/Cody’s dragon form. Plus conceptualize Rex’s dragon form.
Also since Cody was the first clone to gain his dragon from from his damaged chip, the first person he told/showed (other than Obi-Wan) was Rex. Except Rex was totally a dramatic little brother about it.
See my previous post about this AU for more details if you’re interested.
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rs-hawk · 7 months
Dragon Girlfriend
WLW Romance Smut
Part One
Part Two
Your roommate’s long, thick fingers hesitantly touch the side of your neck. The heat that seeps into your skin makes you melt against her, encouraging her to use her other hand to pull you even closer. Her lips kiss the back of your neck along where the golden necklace sits, occasionally catching it with her surprisingly sharp teeth, drawing a gasp or shine from you.
“You’re so soft,” she murmurs, her voice low and raspy.
You struggle to find words. All you can do is lean your head to the side, exposing more of the soft skin there to her. That draws a chuckle out of her, her laugh vibrating against your skin just like her words had. The chain catches her teeth again, and this time she tugs on it slightly, forcing it to pull against your throat. The racing of your heart from that simple action makes your blood rush into your ears, nearly drowning out the sound of your moan as she curls her fingers around your throat as well. Those thick, coarse fingers pressing the chain more firmly against it.
“Such a pretty girl,” she whispers, nearly in a growl. Her hair tickles your shoulders as she uses her other hand to pull down your sleeve, dotting that same shoulder in kisses and gentle bites.
“You think so?” you manage to get out, trying to find your brain in the foggy haze of lust that’s shrouding it.
“I always have,” she insists, her tongue darting out to taste your skin.
You can’t really think it through, but for a brief moment you think her tongue feels odd. Like two little ones. Forked maybe? But the thought is driven away by the feeling of her sucking on her neck, the chain lifting away from your skin as she does. Your little whines and moans fill the room as she draws you closer into her until you’re finally in her lap.
Her nails suddenly rack across your skin, feeling a little sharper than you expected, though not entirely unpleasant. You lean against her, letting your body melt to hers. Everything feels so intense so quickly that you can hardly think. Her fingers quickly work over the buttons of your shirt, then your pants, sliding her fingers against the thin fabric of your panties and teasing your nipples over your bra. You try not to squirm, but you’re desperate for more friction. More of her.
“Please,” your voice comes out weak, tinged with need.
“Do you know what you’re asking for?” her voice is raspier than usual, sounding almost like a hiss.
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