#dr. cox x reader
Scrubs - requesting time!
I'm currently doing a rewatch of Scrubs seasons 6-9 and I'm really in the mood for some writing, namely, for these characters!
So request fluff/smut/angst straightaway for:
- Dr. Cox
- JD
- Carla
- Turk
- Elliot
- Keith
and whoever else you can think of!
Please note that don't write x male!Reader when it comes to smut because I feel like I can't really capture the experience.
You know what? F*ck it! I'll try my best. Request away.
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just-alittle-spooky · 1 month
Pairing: John Dorian x reader Summary: The story of how JD and the reader ended up together. Warnings: none. Just fluffy. My poor attempt at a Dr. Cox rant.
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It could be said that you had unique taste. Maybe even unusual taste. At least, that's what Dr. Cox, Dr. Kelso, Laverne, Mrs. Sullivan—hell, even The Janitor—had all told you. It wasn't the way you dressed, or wore your hair, or the music you listened to. That was all fairly normal. In fact, most of your interests were as ordinary as they came. Still, your most acquired taste was that of your peculiar boyfriend: the one and only John Dorian.
JD had been there for you in your first year as a medical intern. He was only a few years ahead of you, and you'd been one of the newer interns while he was in his last year as a resident. One time in particular, patient had coded. She was a sweet elderly woman that you'd grown unnecessarily close to. Even though she'd been your patient, you froze when you heard the flatline, and it wasn't until Dr. Dorian got there that you felt like you could breathe again. It was always easier to handle things when there was someone more experienced in the room. He let you run the room, and pronounced Miss Fleming dead at 7:02pm. Afterwards, he'd reassured you that you'd done your best, and there wasn't anything else you could do. To your great humiliation, he noticed the few tears that rolled down your cheeks, and he had scrambled to give you the crinkled, brown, cafeteria napkin he had in the pocket of his scrubs. It managed to pull a smile out of you, and from that point forward he was your go-to guy whenever you had a question.
It was only fair. JD was brilliant, and more than approachable. Dr. Cox and Dr. Kelso were terrifying, and you got the sense that Dr. Reid didn't like interns very much. Or maybe it was just you that she didn't like. Carla was loving and supportive, but she always seemed like she had enough on her plate, and didn't need you adding any more on.
That left JD. You'd called him Dr. Dorian at first, until you heard some of his friends refer to him by the two letter nickname. And one day you finally mustered up the courage to ask if you could call him that as well. He gave you a crooked smile and enthusiastically informed you that you could, and that he'd love nothing more. After that, JD wasn't just a superior, but a friend.
He made your first few years a whole lot easier. It was nice having someone around that you could always go to with a question or an emergency, and who always seemed to have the right answer. Furthermore, he was always eager to help, and it was a lot easier to ask him than the surly Dr. Cox or the neurotic Dr. Reid.
As for JD, he loved playing the hero. He'd never understand why Dr. Cox got so irritated when interns asked for his help. JD loved it, he thrived on it. And sure, maybe he was a little extra helpful when it came to you. But, really, who could blame him? You were attractive, fun, kindhearted, and smart. It wasn't his fault that when you asked him for help, out of all people, it made his heart flip.
Which brought you to a few weeks ago. By now, you'd settled in quite well. You were in your final year of residency and you'd gotten to know the hospital like the back of your hand. Stop by the nurse's station and say hello first thing every morning or there'd be hell to pay, always be in the cafeteria before or after the lunch rush to avoid getting trampled, don't ask Dr. Mickhead about his wife, don't take Dr. Kelso's insults to heart, and avoid the Todd at all costs. Beyond that, you'd made friends with JD's gang, a title that you'd given them in passing which the namesake had latched onto and refused to let go of. Carla had stayed just as maternal as ever, Turk was supportive and surprisingly wise, Elliot was still wary of you but warming up every day (even if her hands never did), and JD, of course, was JD.
He was handsome, witty, goofy, and sensitive, with his heart eternally in the right place despite the countless missteps he might've taken. John Dorian was nothing short of the guy of your dreams, even if he had no romantic feeling towards you in return. Or so you thought, anyway.
Carla had been telling you for months to just ask him out but you always had a reason not to. He was busy, or you were busy, or he wasn't interested, or Dr. Cox was hounding you, or you thought you saw JD flirting with the cute radiology nurse, or you were too young, or he saw you like a sister, or you didn't know what Carla was talking about at all. JD? Who's JD?
"For the love of God, just ask him!" Carla groaned, feeling the wall of composure she'd carefully built up start to crack. She'd had about enough of your and JD's endless pining. If it kept up like this for much longer, she was about to take matters into her own hands. "If you don't, I'm gonna ask him for you because I can't take your weepy looks and his dreamy sighs anymore."
"Absolutely not," you shook your head, picking up a random chart to busy your eyes with. Mr. Simmons in room 201; classic case of gastroenteritis. "If I ask him, he'll just say no. And then I'll have to quit being a doctor and move to Costa Rica. Or just kill myself, whatever's cheaper."
Carla rolled her eyes but a smirk danced on her lips. "Oh please, he's had it bad for you since you were an intern. He's not gonna say no."
"I'm not asking JD–" you began to say, having intended to finished that sentence with 'out on a date.' But you found yourself very grateful that you didn't get to finish your sentence when you registered what the interruption had been.
"Ask me what?" JD wondered, strolling into the waiting room where you and Carla stood talking by the desk. The two of you faced him, her with an expectant and irritated look on her face and you, white as a sheet with embarrassment. When no one answered, JD's overactive imagination filled in the blanks and he asked with a giddy look, "does somebody need a date to the zoo?"
You and Carla both shook it off, used to his daydreaming and odd idiosyncrasies by now. Before you had a chance to answer him, however, Carla jumped in, "(Y/N) has a question to ask you but she's too scared."
You glared at her but she only met you with a swift, "you're welcome," and sauntered back behind the desk.
Turning back to face JD, you saw his eyebrow raised, and you felt yourself start to sweat. You knew you had to give him a question, but for the life of you, you couldn't bring yourself to just pull the ripcord and do as Carla said.
"(Y/N)?" He prompted, "why are you scared? You know you can ask me anything."
God, you wanted to swoon and die right there. Damn that crafty nurse for putting you in this situation. You quickly shook your head and came up with a lie, "um, Mr. Simmons, he's presenting with abdominal cramping but I just can't figure out why."
Carla slammed a stack of charts down on the desk, causing you and JD to jump. She glared you down for a second before shrugging innocently and saying, "oops, my bad."
"Alright, well, let's have a look at the guy," JD answered you, recovering quickly. You nodded and handed him the chart. As you expected, he diagnosed Mr. Simmons immediately. But luckily for you, your goofy prince didn't question you for not knowing something so simple. You didn't know if you should feel comforted or offended. Didn't he think you were a good enough doctor to figure it out, yourself? Maybe he knew it was a cover and he was just being kind. Maybe he knew... oh god, maybe he knew you liked him and that Carla was trying to force you into asking him out and he was sparing your feelings by not blowing your cover and–
"Oh, for God's sake, Candace, if you stare at her any harder you're gonna wear a hole in her face," came the harsh, unmistakable voice of Dr. Cox, gearing up for one of his famous rants. "Now, I know you like to be the little spoon, but one of these days you're gonna have to just put on your big girl pants and ask her to the prom, o-kay?"
Your cheeks burned red, and by the time you turned to look at JD, he was gone.
"What did you mean?" you quickly asked Dr. Cox, heart beating out of your chest. "About the prom and all that?"
"Oh my goodness, shorty, you can't possibly be that oblivious. You just can't," he shook his head, staring down at you with disbelief.
"Can you cut to the chase, please?"
"Oh, tou-chy. I guess you like her back," he teased and held a hand up to cover his mouth as he pretended to giggle. Just as suddenly, he dropped the act and crossed his arms, "look, seeings as you are somehow a doctor and ya do have people's lives in your hands, I'm gonna go ahead and assume there's just no way you haven't caught on to Newbie's little crush on you. I say 'little,' of course, when I mean very big. Very very very big. Humongous, even. So big, that when Jordan asks me how those new jeans make her ass look, I say, 'Newbie's crush on (Y/N).' And, of course, I assumed that you knew all about said crush but you were just ignoring it because the thought made you nauseous in places you didn't know you could be nauseous. But now, I'm thinking you got so wrapped up in your own big scary feelings that-cha didn't even notice his, am I right?"
All you could do was nod. Awestruck and a little intimidated.
Dr. Cox made a sound between a growl and a groan and huffed out, "and now I'm nauseous." He grabbed a chart and swept out of the room in one fluid motion.
Carla met your eyes across the desk, satisfied grin playing on her lips. You just mumbled, "I gotta go find JD."
As you fled the room, you could hear her call after you, "I bet you do!"
You finally found him in the break room, staring up at the TV and not really watching. He was holding a pillow close to his chest, face buried into it to the point that he almost couldn't breathe. He didn't hear you enter the room so you had to announce yourself.
"JD?" you started.
He jumped and threw the pillow, startled. "Hey," he drawled and spoke your name, causing your heart to skip. There was an insincere laugh in his words, "about that thing that Dr. Cox was talking about, that thing he said... about the–"
You cut him off, "will you go to the prom with me? I mean– crap. Not the prom. I don't think there even is a prom. There's no prom! Forget the prom!" You took a deep breath and sighed heavily, wiping a hand down your face. Finally giving in, you figured it was better to just tell the truth, "JD, will you go out with me?"
He paused and everything was silent for a long while as he just looked at you. After a moment, that crooked smile lifted up his mouth and he said in a low voice, "I'd love to."
And that brought you to today. You and JD sat across from each other at a small round table in Coffee Bucks. You giggled about crazy patients and crazier coworkers, feeling lighter than you ever had in your life. JD leaned in for a kiss and you swore you tasted mango and soap on his lips. Definitely an acquired taste.
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livelovelaug-h · 4 years
"My karma" ep rewrite
well part of do rewrite- part 2 of "my fruit cups"
Cox x reader 
Summary: Imagine breaking up with Dr. Cox. 
A/n: the next story I come out with won't be related to this story but it will be a requested (Cox x male) reader I'm excited to write it! Will be out in a few days.
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Things have been going pretty great for you and Perry. 
You and Perry got a little tipsy leaving you guys laughing for hours.  "I mean it was hilarious." He said laughing. 
"I remember when I was in highschool and my one teacher was behind me, I ended up slipping on someone's backpack. Haha it was funny but embarrassing." 
"Oh yeah I've fallen at school way too many times too hahah." 
It was a perfect way to end the night. X
Nurses station~
You walked over with a huge smile on your face.  Carla asked: "Oh, why are you so smiley today? That excited for work?" 
"I just feel so warm and happy when I'm with perry. I think he's the one. He gets me you know. It's great." You couldn't wipe the smile off. 
"That's great sweetie I'm so happy for you guys. You guys make a great couple." 
It's funny how you can be good with a person one day…. 
"Thank you." He really did melt your heart. You just couldn't wait for the next time you ran into him in the hallway. Sometimes you guys would sneak into the medicine room, where you mostly made out but you did talk. Sometimes. 
And have that change in a whole other day...
The more Jordan got to her due date the more Perry pulled away from you. 
You were alone in Cox's bed when you looked over at the clock, it read: 3:00 am.  Cox wasn't home and he was off work at 9:00 pm….
2 months later - 
"Hey have any of you seen Dr. Cox around?" 
"Yeah well Jordan's water broke so he was getting her one of the suites." 
"Jd!!" Carla said to him. 
"No it's fine. Thank you for telling me JD." 
Later you saw Perry doing some paperwork so you went over to talk to him. You had put on some makeup in the bathroom, since you've been feeling a little self conscious. Perry hasn't been talking to much and he was barely home.  "Hey Perr, how's Jordan?"
"She's doing good." He was avoiding eye contact. 
"That's good. How does she like her suite?" 
"Well I didn't get it… yet, because someone else is in there." 
"Oh. Hopefully soon. Hey I was wondering do you want to grab some lunch or dinner together in the cafe since we'll both be here."
"Um yeah sure let's do lunch just in case Jordan gives birth around dinner." 
That was like a punch to the stomach. Why did it matter if he was there when it's not even his baby?  "..Okay" you whispered but he didn't even seem to hear it as he walked away. 
Dr. Cox leaves Jordan's room. ''Hey, Girl's Name!" He shouts to JD.
Dr. Cox: "Gimme a break -- I got a lot on my mind, Ellen! Ooh! Look at that! I bounced back! A-hey-anyway, the cave bat just kicked me out of its lair, and seeing as I no longer have my all-access pass to crazy town, I'm going to need you to occasionally go in there and poke her with a broomstick, just to see how she's doing."
"Dr. Cox---"
"Uh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh! Please! Just...check on her, 'kay? All right." He doesn't really wait for an agreement from J.D. before walking down the hall.
[calling after cox] "But what if she has the baby while I'm in there?"
Fantasy Sequence: 
The Birthing Suite
J.D. stands nervously by as Jordan delivers.
Dr. Donna: Here it comes!
J.D. looks over Dr. Donna's shoulder at what has emerged from Jordan. "What the hell is that?" 
Dr. Donna [to the baby] ''Goo-goo, ga-ga! Ga-ga, goo-goo! Goo-goo! Gee-gee! Agh!''
With other-worldly squeals, the slimy monster leaps from Dr. Donna's arms & latches on to J.D.'s throat.
"AAAGGGHHH!! GAH! Oh, somebody get it off!!!!!!" Jd yelled. 
Carla is doing some organizational work. Dr. Cox stands in the doorway talking to her. "So, now...why'd you finally agree to marry Gandhi?" He asked her. 
Carla: Well, he's amazing in bed...and he has an awesome CD collection.
"Seriously, what got you to the point where you weren't scared anymore?"
"Please! I'm still terrified! I mean, good luck finding a pen cap at the nurses' station. Know why?"
Dr. Cox: Why?
"Ate 'em all."
Dr. Cox: Sounds like good roughage to me.
"What do you do when you get scared?"
Dr. Cox: Run away, get a divorce, drink alone.... You know, the classics. The thing is that, this time, I am killing myself for this woman, and I'm still getting my ass handed to me.
"There is no Shangri-La, you know? Every relationship is messed up. What makes it perfect is if you still want to be there when things really suck."
Dr. Cox: Yeah, well, I'm not so sure.
"It'll come to you. But what you have to do is choose either you're with Jordan or Y/n. You can't have both. And you're not being too fair to y/n these days. " 
You got your lunch at the Cafeteria & sat down waiting for Perry. You waited a little bit to eat so you guys could eat together but, 10 mins later you gave in and ate, you were starving. 10 mins later: "Hey y/n" 
"Hey jd. What's up?" 
"Nothing much today is just not one of the good days." 
"Your telling me." 
"Hey do you believe in karma?" He asks you.  You thought about it for awhile. 10 more mins later and Perry didn't show up. 
You stood up grabbing your tray. "To answer your question, yeah. I do believe in karma." 
Call me new agey, but I think karma's a powerful force.
You were walking out of the building thinking about what JD said about karma. 
Because I honestly believe, if you've got some bad karma coming your way, well…
Dr Cox was waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs. When you seen him you scoffed and tried to walk around him but he lightly grabbed your arm: "Hey can we talk?" 
… You can't hide from it.
"About what?" 
"About us.. look I'm sorry I haven't been around much I really am, but I just I need to be there for her." 
"Got that loud and clear." 
"That doesn't mean I don't like you, it just isn't a good time right now for us to be dating."
".... Okay." And instantly your world was shattering. You literally couldn't breath.
"I'm sorry. I know I messed up something great because…Well I don't think I deserve you." 
"But you do." You whispered almost sounding too broken. Now what? 
"I'm sorry." 
You were in shock. 
Karma's really just about doing the right thing.
"Me too."
~~At the bar~ 
"hey is there someone I can call. We're closing?"
"what no stay and ppartyyy." You said you were totally wasted. you gave the guy your phone and told him one name.
He walked in and seen all of your cups.
"JD!!! heeeey come have a drink."
"we can't there closing. Come on let's go home."
"Less go skinny dippin'!!" You said slurred.
This is not good. It's gonna be a long night. It's always hard seeing one of your friends going through a tuff time.....
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constantlywriting1 · 2 years
Hello Friends!
I was thinking about posting some original content on here so let me know if you'd be interested. I would list the actors for each character and I would provide pictures and things for you guys to get into the story.
Also I would love to do some requests so send in anything you want and I'll try and get to it ASAP.
As for future planned works...
Matt Murdock College fic: should be posted later today or tomorrow
Frank Castle "One Night" fic: coming soon
Druig fic series in the 1920's: coming soon
Doctor Strange marriage fic: coming soon (it's not exactly ehat you're thinking)
and anything else that comes to mind will be written when I get to it lol. Thank you for all the likes, reblogs, comments, and support. I'm so glad to have started doing this.
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I knew it
Summary: Carla makes fun of asks Perry about his new crush.
Pairing: Perry Cox x Reader
Word Count: 669
Warnings: None, really
A/N: Been a while since I posted so anything, so let me start it off in a niche. Feel free to request if you like it!
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not my gif "Morning, (y/n)!"
"Morning, Carla! Dr Cox."
Perry Cox nodded and send a small grin to the woman who had greeted him, before closing his eyes in frustration and letting his head hang low. He didnt like those very confusing feelings he had caught for (y/n) in the slightest.
"Ha-ha, someone has a cru-ush", he heard Carla sing, obviously trying to mock him.
"Oh, please", he replied straightening his back again and crossing his arms. "You can’t possibly think that. First of all, she’s a resident and the simple fact that she hasn't killed anyone... yet! Has given her a bit more, well, I don’t want to call it respect, so let me call it... I might want to kill her a little less than certain other residents." In the background he heard the clatter of fallen down equipment and didnt even bother to turn around, knowing that it would just be another resident, stealing him his last nerve. "Point proven", he said through gritted teeth.
"Whatever", Carla simply replied, still giving him a suspicious, smiling look.
He clenched his jaw. He knew she didn’t believe him and of course he couldn’t just let it go. "Even if", he tried to save the last bit of his pride as Carla seemed not to believe a word he said. "What would someone like her want from a forty-something year old guy, other than maybe already keep an eye out for nursing homes, cause I'm not sure of many things, but I am sure that I am old enough to be in one of them soon, but yet unfortunately not old enough for a bunch of young girls just waiting to marry a rich old guy who will hopefully die very soon, so despite the fact that you are clearly joining me there too, soon", that had earned him a deadly gaze from Carla, but he ignored it simply rambling on, "cause I can only assume your eyesight and maybe also your mind has weakened if you assume I had a crush on her or that she could be in any slightest way ever interested in me."
Carla remained unimpressed and simply raised an eyebrow. "You done?"
He wet his lips and nodded. "Yeah pretty much." "Well, the only thing I know", Carla started leaning in towards him to lower her voice slightly, "is that everytime I see you two, she is sneaking you glances and every time (y/n) turns around, you are checking her out, if you want to admit it or not."
"Oh come on, that's simply not true!"
"Carla?", he suddenly heard (y/n)'s voice behind him. Immediately he turned around towards her, also a little bit worried that she might have heard bits of their conversation. But she was simply picking up a badge from the ground and although he knew he was just proving Carla's point and that he really shouldn't be one to stare, he couldn't avert his gaze from her. She got back up, holding up a nurse’s badge. He was still looking at her, taking in her (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair, his eyes following her as she approached as if he might not get the chance to look at her this intently ever again.
"Is that your badge?", she asked, and he saw Carla smile at her out of the corner of his eyes.
"Yes, thank you, (y/n)! Wow, I really have absolutely no idea how that ended up on the ground". And with a slight smile she attached her badge back to her shirt, while (y/n) smiled at him one last time, making him grin back like an idiot, before she turned around and left to take care of her patients.
"Ha-ha, I knew it." That sing-songey voice again.
"Good play", Dr Cox admitted simply, his grin fading into a snarl, but as usual, Carla wasnt even the slightest bit scared of him and just turned around, going back to work and leaving him standing there to think about what just had happened.
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
Jealousy Is A Condition - Dr. Perry Cox x Reader [Fluff]
Synopsis: JD takes a liking to the cute nurse from radiology. Cox isn't having it.
Notes: Based on an ask I recieved from an anon!
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JD was getting weird.
Not just usual JD weird, but weird weird. Flirty weird. Which was too weird for you.
You had always thought of JD as a cute, somewhat hapless guy, who you occasionally pass by in the halls on your way to radiology. But lately, he had taken an even closer interest in you.
His arm rests against the counter of the nurse's station as he tries to push his sleeves up and cross his arms. You look down at his arms, how he's trying to force his muscles out, and stifle a laugh.
"Hey, Dorian." You blink. "What're you doing there?"
"Just existing," he smirks, "Sexily."
"Sexily," you frown, "That's... a new one. Okay."
"I just wanted to say," he says, and straightens up. He looks as though he's trying to put something into words in the smoothest way possible. "I wanted to say... that you look really cute today. Like hot cute. Fly, if I may be so bold." He drops his voice to a whisper. "It's okay, Turk said I could say fly."
You smile. "Well, thanks JD."
"And I also wanted to know if you'd be up for a night of appletinis and Star Trek?"
Hmm. You do like Star Trek. But...
Just as you're thinking of a good response, you see Dr. Cox and HIS flexing crossed arms walk over. He stops next to JD, and looks down to the younger man's arms. JD compares the two, and sighs, dropping his.
"What in the I-don't-give-a-crap is going on here?" Cox demands, glaring at JD. You hope your blush doesn't give away your crush on Perry. You're having fun teasing him into thinking you don't care.
"We were just talking, Dr. Cox," JD says.
"Uh huh," Cox nods, "Alrighty Debra, have fun 'just talking', but I'm gonna go ahead and make the wild assumption, judging by those SUPER-flexed WWE arms, that you're compensating for something. CHA-ching, money shot!"
This is the part where Cox usually walks off, but he remains, staring at JD expectantly. When the younger doctor doesn't get the hint, Cox begins anew.
"Ah, yes. I'm sensing something in your future... there it is! I'm sensing a huge change... death! I'm sensing death, at the hands of... who's this handsome fella now? A tall... ginger... ego-maniacal... angry..."
"Okay, I get it, yes," JD backs away slowly, and starts to run down the hall. You turn back to the desk to grab your files, smirking to yourself as you feel Cox's eyes on your ass, which you're currently perking up. As you walk off, Cox leans against the station, biting his lip.
"Enjoying the view?" Carla asks, not looking up.
"Damn straight," Cox sighs. Some interns look over, and he glares at them. "Oh, like you've never checked out a cute nurse's ass!"
Carla looks up with a quirked eyebrow, and Cox coughs.
"Hopefully not this one. Ghandi got to her first."
Over the next week however, JD gains the courage to keep flirting with you back. Amusing you to no end, Cox always finds something else for the poor guy to do.
One day, JD tries to really put the moves on you as he's walking by with his mentor.
"Hey, (y/n). Looking fine today."
"Newbie, how many times have I told you? No distracting the cute nurse from Radiology! She's busy, she's got boring black and white pictures to stare at all day."
Cox starts to walk off, expecting JD to follow like a dog, but instead, JD stays in front of you.
"What do you say to those appletinis?"
Cox turns, and it's as if the entire hospital has gathered around to see this showdown.
"I don't think..." you start to say, but JD puts his hand softly over yours.
"I just really wanna take you out, (y/n)."
"Rrrrr!" Perry growls, and tackles JD over the counter from behind.
"TOUCHDOWN!" Laverne shouts.
On the floor, Cox points in JD's face. "That's it. That girl. Is. Mine. Got it?"
"But you never made a move!" JD squeaks, under his crushing body weight.
"Newbie, you know my flirting techniques! Pretend to hate someone, hang around them frequently, occasionally smile around them, then drop the hint I want to re-heeeally bang their brains out casually into a heated argument!"
"Right... should have recognized the wisdom of your ways, sir."
Cox gets up, and pulls JD with him. Perry goes to talk to you, but you ignore the sexy older doctor.
"So," you say, brushing the dust on JD's shoulders off, "About those appletinis, Charlotte?"
You turn over your shoulder, and lick your lips with a little wink Dr. Cox's way. Perry groans, running a hand through his curls.
He didn't think it was possible to want you any more. Judging by his absolutely lust-ridden gaze, you can tell it's gonna be rough when you finally do give him what he wants.
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fatliberation · 3 years
Here Are Some Fat Positive Activists, Educators, Therapists, and Artists to Know!
First and foremost, the pioneer of organized fat activism:
• Bill Fabrey (he/him)
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Bill Fabrey, a self-proclaimed fat admirer, founded NAAFA (the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance) in 1969 after gaining an understanding of the day-to-day oppression and discrimination faced by his wife, Joyce. Fabrey founded the organization in hopes to raise awareness of weight stigma, criticize biased studies, and increase overall acceptance and accessibility to fat Americans. He is considered one of the pioneers of the fat liberation movement, and is heavily involved to this day.
• Judy Freespirit, Sara Fishman, Lynn McAfee, Ariana Manow, & Gudrun Fonfa (she/her for each)
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(Members of The Fat Underground, 1979)
Fat, radical, feminist members of NAAFA! Their agenda was much more aggressive than NAAFA’s, and eventually they broke off and formed their own group called The Fat Underground, which acted as a catalyst in the creation and mobilization of the fat liberation movement. Based in LA in the 1970s, the Fat Underground did not fight to change discriminatory laws but rather discriminatory thoughts and practices in different aspects of society, which included those of doctors and other health professionals who perpetuated the unhealthy habits encouraged by diet culture. In 1973, Judy Freespirit and Alderbaran published the “Fat Liberation Manifesto” which establishes that fat people are entitled to what they were denied on a daily basis: “human respect and recognition.” The other objectives then outline the commercial exploitation of fat bodies by both corporations and scientific institutions. (x) I will go into more detail about the Fat Underground in my next post, “The History of Fat Activism!”
• Dr. Lindo Bacon (they/them), PhD
(no photo)
Creator of the concept of HAES (Health At Every Size).
Dr. Bacon is best known for their paradigm-shifting research and advocacy upending the weight discourse. They have mined their deep academic proficiency, wide-ranging clinical expertise and own personal experience to write two best-selling books, Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight, and the co-authored Body Respect: What Conventional Health Books Get Wrong, Leave Out, or Just Plain Fail to Understand about Weight. Both are credited with transforming the weight discourse and inspiring a hopeful new course for the fat liberation movement. Dr. Bacon holds their PhD in physiology, as well as graduate degrees in psychology and exercise metabolism. Dr. Bacon formerly taught at City College of San Francisco, in the Health Education, Psychology, Women’s Studies, and Biology Departments. A professor and researcher, for almost two decades Dr. Bacon has taught courses in social justice, health, weight and nutrition; they have also conducted federally funded studies on health and weight and published in top scientific journals. Their research has been supported by grants from the United States Department of Agriculture and the National Institutes of Health. A truly great pioneer in medical health research! 
https://lindobacon.com/ | HAES | IG
• Aubrey Gordon, a.k.a. Your Fat Friend (she/her)
(no photo)
Aubrey Gordon writes about the social realities of life as a very fat person, previously publishing anonymously as Your Fat Friend. She is the author of What We Don't Talk About When We Talk About Fat. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Lit Hub, Vox, Gay Mag, and has been covered in outlets around the world. She also hosts the podcast Maintenance Phase, in which she and cohost Michael Hobbes debunk and decode wellness and weight loss trends. Her articles are incredibly heartfelt and enlightening. You can read all of them at www.yourfatfriend.com !!
@ yrfatfriend on IG & Twitter
• Sabrina Strings (she/her), PhD
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Sabrina Strings is an associate professor of sociology at the University of California, Irvine and the author of Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia, which exposes fatphobia’s roots in anti-blackness. Strings contributed an opinion story to The New York Times titled “It’s Not Obesity. It’s Slavery.” With Lindo Bacon (creator of HAES), she coauthored “The Racist Roots of Fighting Obesity,” published in Scientific American. Strings has a BA in psychology and an MA and PHd in sociology. This book is #1 on my to-read list!!
• Hannah Fuhlendorf (she/her), MA LPCC NCC
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Hannah is a highly educated and experienced counselor whose work focuses on self acceptance, eliminating the effects of internalized oppression, and practicing through a HAES lens. She is a fat liberationist who puts out educational videos daily. Hannah is also married to a healthcare professional, and the two of them are working toward making the medical field more accessible to fat people in their local community, and offering education on how to be fat allies. I really admire Hannah and the work that she does!
@ hannahtalksbodies on IG and TikTok
• Tracy Cox (she/her)
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Tracy is an award-winning performer and artist, who co-created the web series “Angry Fat People” with Matthew Anchel, which takes a pop culture approach on serious issues faced by fat performers. She has been interviewed by the New York Times on fat politics and accessibility, and currently has a huge following on IG where she unpacks fat performance, fashion, and politics. You may know her as the creator of the ‘fat vanity’ trend on TikTok!
@ sparklejams on IG & TikTok
• Da’Shaun L. Harrison (they/them) 
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Da’Shaun is a non-binary abolitionist, community organizer, and writer. They are currently a managing editor and columnist at Wear Your Voice Magazine. They travel throughout the United States and abroad to speak at conferences, colleges, and lead workshops focused on Blackness, queerness, gender, class, religion, (dis)abilities, fatness, and the intersection at which they all meet. Da’Shaun is the author of the book Belly of the Beast: The Politics of Anti-Fatness as Anti-Blackness, which is expected to be published in July 2021. They have an incredibly enlightening social media presence as well!!
@ dashaunlh on IG and Twitter
• Lauren Buchness (she/her)
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Lauren Buchness is one of my favorite artists. She’s a contemporary artist and fat activist based in Tucson, Arizona. By combining painting & performance, she aims to question Western standards of beauty and create conversations that alter preconceived notions about the fat body. Go check out her gorgeous work!!
@ ladybuchness on IG and TikTok
If you’re interested in learning about diet culture and intuitive eating, check out
Shana Minei Spence (she/her), MS RDN CDN
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Shana is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who opposes food restriction and encourages intuitive eating! She spreads food positive daily messages on her platform. She used to work in fashion, but she left after being dissatisfied with the industry and went back to school to become involved in food policy and public health. She offers counseling on a HAES approach. I have much respect for Shana!
@ thenutritiontea on IG
And right here on tumblr (who was my personal introduction to fat lib) -
@ bigfatscience !!!
An anonymous fat liberationist. They share so many great resources, diving head-first into the scientific research of weight and health, they’ve found that the relation between the two is extremely complex. They tackle the biases of  research in a system that profits off of fatphobia, and they offer a fat positive perspective based on scientific studies. Their blog serves as an easily accessible resource for fat folx and fat activists who want to learn about fat positive science to support their own personal interests/activism. Thank you for your work, bigfatscience!! (if you have questions for them, you will have a greater chance of getting a response with anon off!) 
• Sonalee Rashatwar (she/they), LCSW MEd
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Sonalee is an award-winning clinical social worker, sex therapist, and grassroots organizer. They’re a superfat queer bisexual non-binary therapist and co-owner of Radical Therapy Center. Sonalee is specialized in treating sexual trauma, internalized fatphobia, immigrant kid guilt, and South Asian family systems, while offering fat positive sexual healthcare. Go, Sonalee!!
@ thefatsextherapist on IG
• Fat Rose (org)
Fat Rose organizes fat people, building a more radical fat liberation movement in strong relationship with other social movements, such as anti-fascism, anti-ableism, and anti-racism. Check them out on Facebook!
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Honorable IG mentions: (Some anti diet culture specific blogs in here, as well)
@fatangryblackgirl  @msgigggles @thefatphobiaslayer @bodyimagewithbri @saucyewest @fatpositivetherapy @fatlippodcast @chairbreaker 
And here’s an amazing list of fat-positive book recommendations from HannahTalksBodies!
Science & Health:
Health at Every Size by Lindo Bacon PhD
Body Respect by Lindo Bacon PhD and Lucy Aphramor PhD, RD
Secrets from the Eating Lab by Traci Mann PhD
Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison MPH, RD
Fat Liberation:
Fearing the Black Body by Sabrina Strings PhD
Fat Activism by Dr. Charlotte Cooper
Fat Politics by J. Eric Oliver
The Fat Studies Reader by Esther Rothblum (Editor) and Sondra Solovay (Editor)
Fat Shame by Amy Erdman Farrell
Self Acceptance:
The Body is Not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor
Things No One will Tell Fat Girls by Jes Baker
Eating in the Light of the Moon by Anita Johnson PhD
Happy Fat by Sofie Hagan
You have the Right to Remain Fat by Virgie Tovar
Thanks for reading! Please feel free to share this list of resources!
Image descriptions below.
1. [ID: A black and white photo of Bill Fabrey, a straight-sized, balding white man with thick black glasses wearing a suit and tie, standing at a poduim in front of a sign that reads, “NAAFA”. Beside the image is another photo of Fabrey, from his left side.]
2. [ID: A black and white photo of seven fat, female and gender non-conforming members of The Fat Underground, performing a recital.]
3. [ID: The cover of Sabrina Strings’ book, Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia. On the cover is an illustration of four upper-class white people in fancy colonial period clothing showing shock and disgust at a Black woman’s exposed body. Beside the book cover is a photo of Sabrina Strings, a straight-sized Black woman with dark brown curly hair wearing a blouse.]
4. [ID: Hannah Fulhendorf, a fat, white woman with straight hair dyed blue, wearing a black tank top and holding her shoulder while smiling brightly and looking into the camera.]
5. [ID: An artistic picture of Tracy Cox, a fat, white woman with long, straight brown hair, laying topless on a bed of flowers. There are flower petals placed strategically in her hair on her skin, and along her lower eyelid. Beside that image, is an image of the album cover for Angry Fat People, picturing two angry faces made out of white paper against a grey background. In the top left corner, black, bolded text that reads “AFP” and “FAT LIBERATION”.]
6. [ID: Da’Shaun L. Harrison, a fat, non-binary Black person with a beard, glasses, and long dreadlocks, wearing a shirt that reads, “TO BE VISIBLY QUEER IS TO CHOOSE YOUR HAPPINESS OVER YOUR SAFETY. -DA’SHAUN HARRISON” against a natural backdrop of autumn leaves.]
7. [ID: A watercolor painting by Lauren Buchness of a white and tattooed fat body, hands caressing abstract rolls of fat with wild blueberries and grapefruit between folds. Beside it is another Buchness watercolor painting of Black hands with long sharp nails, caressing the midsection of a fat Black body, with purple crystals growing out of the skin.]
8. [ID: Shana Minei Spence, a straight-sized, Black woman smiling with bright pink lipstick and her long wavy hair pulled back, wearing a floral pattern shirt and jean shorts. She is holding small marquee that reads, “BE CAREFUL OF WELLNESS COMPANIES THAT SAY THEY’RE PROMOTING HEALTH YET ARE STILL ONLY TRYING TO GET YOUR BODY SMALLER” and a heart symbol.]
9. [ID: Sonalee Rashatwar, a superfat, South Asian non-binary person with short black hair, wearing a long floral dress, standing in front of large glowing text that reads, “BIG GIRL ENERGY” against a coarse-textured wall.]
10. [ID: A circular logo with a red fist in the center, with text surrounding it that reads, “FATTIES AGAINST FASCISM” with roses separating the word “RESIST”. Beside it is another image, of eleven fat and superfat activists, standing and sitting on mobility scooters, holding fists and middle fingers in the air, wearing T-shirts and holding banners that both read, “FATTIES AGAINST FASCISM”. In front of the group is a large cardboard sign that spells the acronym “F.A.B.” which stands for “Fat Antifascist Brigade”.]
2K notes · View notes
snapessecretdiary · 7 years
Starting your new job at the Sacred Heart would include:
being nervous about working in a hospital such as big as this one
but as you´ll be one of the few Occupational Therapists you´re rather confident about what you are doing, since it´s the job you always dreamed of doing
you soon befriend with Elliot
she kind of loves you like a younger sister and asks you for advise about anything every once in a while
JD also becoming really fond of you and loving to sit down in the cafeteria with you and complaining about Dr. Cox
“He´s calling me girl names all the time. And he does that weird whistling thing, it´s kinda annoying.”, he once told you.
“If I´d be you I would just kick his god damn ass!”
Dr. Cox being quite a bit intrigued by you
you not caring for his remarks nor his flirty attitude towards you, which only result in him being even more interessted in you
Dr. Kelso noticing and actually making fun of Perry everytime he sees him in his hospital
Dr. Cox being a bit jealous at how close you are to JD, but never would he actually admit it 
the janitor being friendly to you everytimes you randomly meet him
the first time you really talk to Perry is when you and your friends are meeting in the bar
when you said your farewell to go home he offered to bring you there and you agree
you kind of starting to feel comfortable when he´s around
when you´re reaching your flat he shoots you a warm smile and asks you out on a date
which you´re agreeing to 
not seeing him much at work after that
when the day of the date arrives you´re quite nervous because you started to harbour feelings for the sarcastic doctor
the date actually being the greatest one you´ve ever had
but still, it takes four more of them till you finally get together
“Would you mind stop that whistling thing? Or may just do it a little less? It annoys JD a little.”
“Because it´s you, I´ll try. But you know how hard it is to break a habbit..”
getting onto your tiptoes to plant a soft kiss on his lips 
“Thank you dear!”
“Anything for my baby.”
130 notes · View notes
On-Call Birthday
“Okay, guys,” JD said, setting his lunch tray across from Turk and Carla. “Y/N’s birthday is coming up and I want to do something special for her.”
“Like what?” Carla asked.
“I don’t know. Something that matches how I feel about her. She deserves the best. Because she is the best!”
“Well, for Carla’s birthday last year, I gave her this really expensive necklace,” Turk said.
“And I wear it every day,” Carla said proudly, beaming towards Turk.
“And then, she was so excited about the necklace, she--”
“JD doesn’t need to know that,” Carla said, elbowing the surgeon in the ribs.
Little did Carla know that JD already knew exactly what had happened after she’d opened the necklace.
“When’s her birthday?” Carla asked.
Carla cocked her head to the side. “Don’t you work that day?”
“What? No. I made sure to take Tuesday off.”
Carla shook her head. “I’m pretty sure I saw your name on the schedule, Bambi. You’re pulling a twenty-four.”
At that moment, Elliot came over with her tray. “What’s with the long face?”
“Bambi forgot he works on Tuesday.”
“What’s Tuesday?”
“Y/N’s birthday. JD wanted to something special for her,” Turk said.
“Well, she’s also working that day.”
“She is?” JD asked. “But… isn’t she pulling a twenty-four on Sunday?”
Elliot shrugged. “You know she’s trying to get as many hours as possible. I’m not sure the last time she really had a day off.”
“Last week,” Carla said with a nod.
“Man, that stinks,” JD said. “We both have to work. But at least we’ll be in the same place all day.”
“If you want, we can make sure you guys get some time in the break room,” Turk said with a wink.
“Nah, Y/N doesn’t really like hooking up in there. One time, we were getting hot and heavy and we didn’t know Todd was in there.”
Everyone shared a shudder, thinking of the times Todd just kind of… appeared places.
“What if you throw her a party?” Elliot said.
“Yeah, we could even keep it a secret, make it a surprise,” Carla said. “I think she’d really like it, Bambi.”
JD nodded. “We may be onto something here…”
At that moment, you walked up to the table, no tray in hand. “JD, there you are. Did you get Mr. Simmons’ sample sent to the lab?”
“Of course, Y/N.”
“Okay, great. Carla, do you know if Mrs. Delani got her MRI scheduled?”
“It’s for four o’clock today.”
“Great. Okay, so now I just need to--”
“Y/N,” JD said, standing. “You need to take a break. You’ve been working too hard.” He lowered you down into the seat he’d just vacated.
“Thanks, I--” At that moment, your pager beeped, causing you to spring back up. “Crap, it’s Mrs. Gimmer. I’ll see you guys later.”
The four watched as you disappeared down the hall.
“There gonna be cake at this surprise party?”
JD spun around, finding the Janitor standing behind him, leaning on his mop. “What?”
“The party. For Y/N. There gonna be cake?”
“Well, yeah. What’s a party with no cake?”
The Janitor nodded. “Great. Then I’ll be there.”
“Who said you were invited?”
The Janitor shrugged. “Who said I have to keep the surprise party a secret from Y/N?”
“So we’ll see you on Tuesday for the party,” JD said, slinking away.
Apparently, the universe was out to get JD. Tuesday was the busiest day the hospital had seen in weeks. JD barely saw you, only mere glimpses in the halls, passing each other like ghosts.
But finally, he managed to check in at the nurses’ station. “Do you know where Y/N is?”
“I saw her heading down to oncology,” Laverne said.
“Great. I’m going to go find her. Is the cake ready?”
Laverne pulled the cake out, setting it on the counter.
“Thanks, Laverne.” JD examined the cake. “Is that… a picture of Jesus in the corner?”
“You say that like he doesn’t belong there.”
“Of course he does,” JD said, heading for oncology. He was almost in the elevator when a sharp whistle sounded behind him.
“Shirley!” Dr. Cox said, approaching. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“I didn’t realize you had any patients down there.”
“Skipping out on your actual patients?”
“Look, Dr. Cox, we’ve hit the biggest lull we’ve had all day and I need to go find Y/N so I….”
“So you can what, Newbie? Go canoodle in the break room? Sneak around like a couple of teenagers?”
“So we can celebrate her birthday, okay? We’ve planned this surprise party for her and of everyone in this hospital, she deserves a break and--”
“Are you saying the rest of us don’t work hard, Janice?”
“You’re right. The hospital would just fall apart without Y/N here. Thank God she’s been here.”
JD shifted on his feet. “Um… can I go now, or…”
Dr. Cox growled, waving JD off as he stormed off the way he’d come.
“JD, what are you doing?” you asked.
“There’s something going on upstairs, they need you,” JD said, pulling you toward the elevator.
“Come on.”
Before the two of you stepped out of the elevator, JD covered your eyes with his hands. “What are you doing?”
“Just… step out of the elevator. Turn left.”
You let JD guide you down the hall towards the nurses’ station. When the two of you approached, JD nodded at everyone. They started singing and JD uncovered your eyes, letting you look around at the balloons and flowers and smiling faces of your coworkers.
JD led you over to the cake as the singing ended. Cheered on by the clapping of your friends, you blew out the single candle Laverne had placed in the corner. Carla began to cut the cake, Laverne handed pieces out to everyone.
You stood off to the side, chewing on your fork.
“There you are, birthday girl,” JD said, stepping over with his plate. He noticed your eyes were shimmering. “What’s wrong?”
You smiled up at him. “I’m just… this is amazing, JD. I never expected anything like this.”
“Well, that’s not all.”
You raised an eyebrow, waiting.
“I got Carla to work the schedule. You and I both have Friday off. I figured we could go to the movies or something.”
You smiled up at JD. “You are the best boyfriend ever.” You gave him a small kiss, just as your pager began to beep. “Damn,” you said, looking down at it. “I have to go. I’ll see you later?”
JD nodded, watching as you disappeared once more. Turning, he saw Dr. Cox standing at the nurses’ station, talking to Carla. “What are you doing here?”
“What can I say, Newbie. You’re throwing a lame party for a stupid reason, but the cake is decent.”
‘At least he’s not yelling at me,’ JD thought, hurrying away before that statement was no longer true. As he turned the corner, he nearly ran into the Janitor.
“That for me?” he asked, nodding down at the cake in JD’s hand.
“What? No, this is--”
“My payment for keeping the surprise party a secret,” the Janitor said, taking the plate.
“How are you going to eat cake and mop at the same time?”
“Huh.” The Janitor looked at the mop, then at the cake. “Good point.” He shoved the mop at JD before heading towards the nurses’ station. “There punch here, too?”
73 notes · View notes
writing-in-april · 3 years
MGG Characters Masterlist
This is my Masterlist for characters that Matthew Gray Gubler portrays. They are sorted by fluff, angst and smut and from first posted to last. Requests are open for this actor. Upcoming fics are on my main Masterlist. ♥️=Author’s Favorite⚠️=Major trigger warning Main Masterlist
Spencer Reid x Reader
SERIES (2+ chapters):
Chronological series:
The Five Stages of Grief : Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Spencer going through the stages of grief after the death of the Reader. (ANGST) ♥️⚠️ —completed—
- Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde: Dom!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Reader meets a mysterious man at the library during book club. ♥️ -in progress- -prompt/request—fic swap— (18+)
Unlinked series:
Spencer Reid & Letters: Group of fics exploring how Spencer and different types of Readers correspond through letters and their relationships.(Fluff- may contain angst & smut in the future) -in progress-
- Ghost Story : Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Spencer tells Reader a ghost story before the power goes out.—request—
- Curl Recovery : Post Prison Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Curly Hair Reader: Spencer’s hair took a beating in prison along with the rest of his being. Reader helps Spencer gain a little back of what he lost. ♥️-Hurt/Comfort-
- 9 o’clock : Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Barista Reader: Reader is an owner of a coffee shop and learns the identity of her late night regular as well as the reason why he likes so much sugar in his coffee.
- Dahlias :Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Spencer over analyzing what type of flowers to get for Reader for their first date ♥️-fic swap-
- Happy Coincidences : Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: You keep running into Spencer before work will you ever get his number? -request-
- The Best Time To Wear a Striped Sweater: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Where does Spencer’s striped sweater go after the first episode?—1000 follower celebration—
- My Knight in Shiny Armor: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Reader is a fantasy novelist and writes Spencer into their story. ♥️ —fic swap—
- The Melody Lives On: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Seeing Spencer after so long apart makes past feelings come to the surface again.
- Cinematic Coincidences: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Spencer can’t bring himself to go on another date that’s been set up for him- so he stands his date up. Spence seemingly can’t catch a break and runs into the date he stood up. -30 fics in 30 days-
- Origins: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader (Reader is from a specific geographical location): Reader feels homesick after a particularly gruesome case. Spencer can’t buy a plane ticket, but he can try to help recreate part of home with them. -30 fics in 30 days-
- Question and Answer: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Garcia gets Reader to answer some questions about their feelings for Spencer. -30 fics in 30 days-
- Shining Bright Above You: Spencer Reid x Male Reader: Spencer finally gets to go out with his boyfriend after getting out of prison and gets to see the light despite the overwhelming darkness. ♥️-30 fics in 30 days-
- Unwinding in the Vines: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Reader can’t get enough of cuddling Spencer. -30 fics in 30 days-
- Manicured: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Spencer finally lets Reader paint his nails. -30 fics in 30 days-
- Lactose Intolerant: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader : Spencer loves dairy despite his allergy, it comes back to bite him and reader takes care of him. ♥️
- Spooked: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Reader really wishes Spencer hadn’t picked a haunted house as a team bonding exercise.
- Four More Months & No More Months Spencer Reid x Pregnant Female Reader: Spencer talking to their baby while Reader pretends to sleep.-1000 follower celebration-1250 follower celebration-request-
- Jinxed : Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader : Reader is deeply affected by a case and is comforted by Spencer, at the end of the case Reader gets injured. (ENDS HAPPY)
- Too little Too Late : Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Spencer isn’t sure what he’s fighting for anymore and feels abandoned by Y/N and his team. Set post Revelations. Major Trigger Warnings ⚠️ (SAD ENDING)
- A Greek Tragedy: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader (Masc. coded) :Spencer and Reader’s lives now resemble a Greek tragedy after Spencer returns from his kidnapping. ♥️⚠️(Hurt Comfort) (Light at the first of a tunnel sad ending)-prompt/request-
- Off the Table: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Based off the Ariana Grande song off the table. Reader wants to ask Spencer- I’d love off the table? ♥️⚠️ —1000 follower celebration— —request-
- Converging Parallels: Spencer Reid x Female Single Mom Reader: Spencer goes to a support group Penelope suggested after the death of Maeve. He quickly connects with a single mom who’s experiences have been similar to Spencer’s. -30 fics in 30 days-
- Tiny Vessels: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Spencer is done lying to himself about his true feelings for reader, but isn’t done lying to them. ♥️-30 fics in 30 days-
Smutty (not full on smut, smut is further down):
- Yeah: Sub!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: When Reader’s favorite song comes on while they’re out at a bar with the team, Reader can’t resist wanting to dance with Spencer even if it outs their secret relationship. -request-
- Training Wheels: Sub!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Years ago Spencer taught Reader to drive despite the fact that he hates driving. When they become good at driving enough to learn how to ride a motorcycle they get Spencer to come along for a ride.
Sub!Spencer Reid x Reader:
x Gender Neutral Reader:
- Georgia Peach: Sub!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: Spencer sees reader eating a peach and goes a little crazy. ♥️ -request-
- Helping hands: Sub!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader: After a bad case Spencer needs help shaving after getting injured, he gets help from the least likely person to help in his life. ♥️ (Enemies to lovers) -prompt/request-
- Slapped: Sub!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader x Elle Greenaway: impromptu little fic that @sparklinspence and I ended up writing quickly in the reblogs about Spencer getting his cock slapped while away on a case. ♥️
x Female Reader:
- Surprise Pretty Boy  :Sub!Spencer : Spencer Reid x Female Reader : Reader hasn’t had any sex in what feels like forever, so she seduces Spencer. When they get to Reader’s apartment she has a surprise waiting for him.
- Solaris: Sub!Spencer : Spencer Reid x Female Reader : Spencer and Reader finally get a vacation, so they go and see a Russian film called Solaris. Reader coxes Spencer into getting freaky in the theatre.
- Painted Nails: Sub!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Spencer’s dom paints his nails for date night and she goes crazy at the sight of them.—-request—-
- Plot twist: Sub!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Reader buys a new pair of heels but they aren’t for her. ♥️ —750 follower celebration—
- Keep Reading: Sub!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Reader brings a surprise for Spencer at their picnic date. -♥️—750 follower celebration— —prompt/request-
- Braided Brat: Sub!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Spencer lets Reader braid his hair, he can’t help but tease her. —750 follower celebration—
- Pleasent Surprise: Sub!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Reader asks Spencer if she can try to be more dominant in the bedroom. —750 follower celebration—
- Guest Lecturer: Sub!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: gets Spencer riled up during class while he’s guest lecturing. ♥️—750 follower celebration—
-Taking care: Sub!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Spencer needs Reader to help him relax after some people were unkind to him —750 follower celebration—-request-
- Good in Red: Sub!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Spencer really likes the color of your lipstick. ♥️ —1000 follower celebration—
- Green with Envy: Sub!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Spencer gets mad over something reader can’t control and a fight ensues- plus heavy makeup sex after the fight.
- Soured Nostalgia: Sub!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: When Reader moves their stuff in to Spencer’s apartment they find photos that he kept over the years. One photo of the past springs up memories of Spencer’s precious relationship with Elle. ♥️-30 fics in 30 days-
-Erotica Explained: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Spencer finds Reader’s erotica writing. ♥️-30 fics in 30 days-
Dom!Spencer Reid x Reader:
- Star Trek vs. Star Wars: Dom!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader Smut: Spencer and reader get into a heated argument over which is better Star Trek or Star Wars, Reader in turn breaks some of Spencer’s rules. —fic swap—
- The Case of the Missing Coffee: Dom!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader Smut: Spencer gets on Reader’s nerves just a little too much one day.—fic swap—
-Occupied: Dom!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Spencer and Reader get caught in a bar bathroom by one of their coworkers after Reader couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. -500 follower celebration- -prompt/request-
- Birthday Spankings: Dom!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: A normally shy reader decides to tease Spencer on his birthday thinking she could get away with it —request—
- Poker Face: Dom!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Reader thought she could get away with speaking her desires out loud as long as they were in a different language. Turns out, someone could understand her. ♥️
- April Fools: Dom!Spencer (not as harsh as others): Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Spencer needs to one up Reader just as he’s about to loose a prank war. —30 fics in 30 days-
- Dressed in Crimson: Dom!Spencer: Spencer Reid x Female Reader:(Royalty AU)Spencer is a stable boy with a passion for learning and Reader is the princess of the palace that he serves in. They’ve been in a secret relationship, the two grow restless about not being able to be out in the open. ♥️ -30 fics in 30 days-
Non specific dom Spencer Reid x Reader:
- Russian Roulette: Non specific dom: Spencer Reid x Female Unsub Reader: Reader and Spencer formed a relationship during an investigation, turns out she was the unsub they were looking for. Spencer finds the Readers hiding place cornering her, but he can’t let her go yet. Major Trigger Warnings ♥️⚠️ (SAD ENDING)
- Mismatched: Non specific dom: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Reader is Spencer’s roommate and they have been pining after each other for a while. One morning they finally get to act on their feelings.
- The Big Bluff: Non specific dom: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Spencer goes up against a professional poker player. ♥️-500 follower celebration-
- Any Iteration: Non specific dom: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: Reader is nervous that this new iteration of her won’t be something Spencer will like. ♥️
- A Snowy Morning After: Part One, Part Two: Non specific dom: Spencer Reid x Female Reader: After being snowed in after a one night stand, Spencer wants to go for a round two. -1000 follower celebration—30 fics in 30 days-
Chip Taylor x Reader (MGG character from 68 kill)
- Chipped: Chip Taylor x Gender Neutral Reader: Chip Taylor watching Beauty and the beast for the first time with Reader. -500 follower celebration- -prompt/request-
Sub!Chip Taylor x Reader:
- Party Play: Sub!Chip: Chip Taylor x Female Reader: After Reader gets Chip to voice one of his deepest desires Reader takes him to a play party Reader’s friend hosts. ♥️-30 fics in 30 days-
Raymond Wadsworth x Reader (MGG character from Suburban Gothic)
- Unsolved: Raymond Wadsworth x Gender Neutral Reader: Raymond runs into the buzzfeed unsolved duo investigating the same place he is, plus their cute camera operator. -500 follower celebration- -prompt/request-
Sub!Raymond Wadsworth:
- Spooks: Sub!Raymond: Raymond Wadsworth x Female Reader: Raymond starts sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong at the next haunting he’s investigating. ♥️ -30 fics in 30 days-
- Birthday Blues: Raymond Wadsworth x Gender Neutral Reader: Raymond wants his partner to come back from the dead.
Franklin x Reader (MGG character from Beginner’s luck)
- Bowling Ball Baby Franklin x Pregnant Female Reader: Franklin and Reader get into a fight about him not being there for Reader’s pregnancy. He has a unique way of apologizing.♥️-Hurt/Comfort-
- Gutter Balls Franklin x Male Reader: While meeting up for a friendly game of bowling with Franklin’s team some very rude people try to insert their opinion on yours and Franklin’s relationship. (Has some angst but is v happy). —request—
- Chili Cheese Fries: Franklin x Gender Neutral Reader: Franklin tries to make bowling alley food taste better during a first date. ♥️ -30 fics in 30 days-
- The Owner’s Office: Dom!Franklin: Franklin x Female Reader: Franklin won’t stop pestering the owner of the alley about getting a discount. —1000 follower celebration— —prompt/request— ♥️
Lesley Smith-Juniment x Reader (MGG in Hot Air)
- Unintentionally Unrequited: Lesley Smith-Juniment x Gender Neutral Reader: Reader holds in their love for Lesley after his broken engagement. -30 fics in 30 days-
-Will be adding more characters in the future-
839 notes · View notes
njeancastro316 · 4 years
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The Night we met ...Part 2
This needs a title and I need help.
Warnings: Swearing and a tease spoon of violent behavior. New characters.
Elijah x female reader
Bolds are thoughts
Like, comment or reblog 🤗😘
English not my first language 😳
Two days had gone by since he met her. He should’ve gone after her as she made her swift exit. He wanted to but something inside him stopped him, ‘maybe it was for the best’ he thought biting his lower lip. Elijah had left the bar not long after when he stepped on something with his shoe, he had broken a card . Looking down to investigate he smiled widely. He bent to take the item , in his hand was Y/N ID badge from the hospital she must have dropped it on her way out. Apparently he had broken what held it together. At first he didn’t know what to make of it, upon closer inspection it looked like a vertebrae with a bow and a happy face. ‘Adorable just like her’, he smiled again and after carefully wrapping it on his handkerchief he placed the little treasure on his suit pocket . He went by the hospital to find her but she was off duty and although he could’ve compelled anyone to tell him when she was going to be back he found himself not wanting to. He would go to the hospital and try his luck again today , if fate wanted him to meet her then so be it, if not he would not pursue her anymore. ‘I can’t wait to see you again little one’ he thought as he put on his suit jacket and headed towards his Bentley.
At the hospital...Y/N was preparing her next surgey after two days of total rest , isolation,food and Netflix with her long time friend and fellow nurse Jess.
“So let me get this straight you went to a bar for a drink , you met a guy that possibly showed real interest in you and you freaking left him!!??? Jess was livid.
“Well I said goodbye to him, I’ll be regret my decision for the next 6 months so prepare yourself” Y/N lowered her head in shame.
“I outta kick your ass , so you know what this means , no let me rephrase that, what it would’ve meant, a chance for you to forget and be over that dickwad Stephen and you fucking ran from it like a bat out of hell” Jess shouted flustered.
‘Yeah I suck’
“I am over him Jess , I don’t need anyone”Y/N pouted.
‘God I am over that asshole for good, yes I am say it again as many times until it sticks’she thought.
“Yeah right and I’m Oprah” her friend massaged her temples clearly frustrated “Y/N you are gorgeous, not to mention the sweetest human being I’ve ever known and you deserve so much better than that asshole who cheated on you with a surgery resident”.
“If a chance comes to you , bitch you take it , I’m not saying fuck him right away” earning a incredulous look from Y/N “Give it a day or two”Jess winked. “I’m just saying you deserve a good man in your life , one that loves you and cherishes the treasure that you really are”.
“You think I’m worthy of that” Y/N whispered her eyes shining with tears.
“Of course you are , so when are you going back to the bar”? .
“Jess I can’t ... I mean , I’d be so embarrassed besides what if he’s not there”
“And what if he is”Jess countered.
“Then you know me I’ll grow mute probably do something that I will regret later point being I’ll mess it up” Y/N shrugged her shoulders.
“You are giving up ! I’m going to kill you”Jess placed her hands on YN neck to choke her making her scream.
“Your hands are freezing, you lunatic stop!! , You can kill me later”. Y/N pushed Jess away laughing.
“Miss Y/L/N” came from one of the surgeons .
“Dr. Cox! , Is there something you need sir”?
“There is someone at the front desk asking for you” . He said
“What?! Who?” She and Jess exchanged looks.
“He didnt give me a name he just asked for you” . He said leaving before she could ask anything else .
“What do I do ? What do I do”???!!! Y/N trembled.
‘Oh my god...oh my god , Could it be him ? OH MY GOD!!
“Stop it ,don’t make me slap the crap out of you Y/N , now relax and stand up straight let me look at your make up , what flavor on the lip gloss ?” Jess eyed her friend . “Strawberries”Y/N answered.
“Good you can never go wrong with strawberries .Breath check”
“Nonsense Jess my breath is fin”...
“Breath check now”!! Jess interrupted making Y/N puffed her breath . “Mmm fruity , what is that ?
“Trident tropical twist gum” earning a thumbs up from her friend.
“Hair is a bit wild but its ok”Jess tried to tamed her friends unruly wavy locks.  “You are perfect ,now go get him”Jess encouraged followed by a slap in Y/N behind.
“Jess!! That hurt!”
“Oh you love it”! She teased.
Y/N walked towards the front desk of the OR slowly her heart was like a hummingbird beating so fast she thought it might fly out of her chest.
‘Please God don’t let me make a fool out of myself’ as she neared the desk she saw Stephen.
‘Oh fuck me’she dreaded ‘What is HE doing here’? Y/N went passed him ignoring him completely.
“Hey Bae”Stephen called “Y/N! ,What are you doing ?, Did you leave your contacts at home ? I’m right here”
Y/N closed her eyes and let out a big sigh. ‘Of course it has to be him and not Elijah ,its like literally the heavens open and say Fuck you Y/N’ She took a deep breath and turned to face Stephen.
“Dr .Burks can I help you with anything”? Y/N said annoyed.
“Aww come on bae don’t be like that , I missed you . Are you busy tonight ? Do you want me to swing by your place and you know” ... his eyebrows moved up and down suggesting the obvious.
“This is not the time nor the place for this Stephen” she pulled him into a big hallway away from the managers and people that ran the OR avoiding their questioning looks.
“Y/N please when are you going to grow up , I made a little mistake , you know I love you , there is no one but you lets kiss and make up” he gave her his sexy smile one that she used to love .
‘I’m about blow the fuck up’ anger surged through her body.
“How dare you?! Stephen seriously!!, no one but me?! Did you told the same crap to that poor naive resident before you plowed her into your bed . You have some balls after two months of dumping me for her. Well not this time I’m not going to fall for this again, its over Dr. Burks ... we are over.” Y/N turned to walk away but Stephen was faster he grabbed her by her wrist and tightened his hold.
“No we are not over until I say we are over. Stephen smiled at her as if not to cause a scene.
“Let go , you are hurting me ...please !! Stephen you are hurting me” she clenched her jaw her wrist felt like it was going to shatter under his hold.
‘God please please , I need help’ she thought desperately.
“Is there a problem here”? a voice came from behind her. Y/N closed her eyes and smiled in relief she’d recognize that voice anywhere.
“Elijah” Y/N turned pulling her hand away from Stephen. She walked towards Elijah stopping mere inches from him personal space be damned.
“Are you ok little one”? He asked softly surveying for signs of injury as she panted. He could hear her heart drumming on her chest . Her emotions were all over the place anger , fear , happiness and lust. Her cheeks were tinted pink. She was beautiful. He smirked.
Y/N could feel his breath on her and she searched his face for any indication that he was uncomfortable with her being this close.
“Y/N” Stephen called “Who’s this guy?, Y/N ... Y/N”! He repeated to deaf ears.
‘Sorry ... not fucking sorry’
Y/N closed the space between them grabbing Elijah by the back of his neck and pulling him into a fierce kiss.
Cliffhanger 😈 Im learning from the best 🦄 🤣😂
Girls I need a title , I can’t think of any 🤦‍♀️HELP
@hellotvshowtrash @elijahs-wife @drachentraum @nikmikaelsonswife @mikaelson-emma @elejahfanfic @eternityunicorn @dumble-daddy @svnkissedskies @soul-revoir @kaiiiiiiparkerismyhusband @lokis-favorite-follower @iirocioii
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gonzo-rella · 3 years
To-Do List of Requests
One-shot, Romantic: Pat Butcher
The mutual pining story.
Requested by: @night-sky-full-of-stars​
One-shot, Romantic: Dr Cox
Overly optimistic!reader
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Annie Edison
Fem!reader spends night over at Troy, Abed and Annie’s apartment.
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Britta Perry
Britta helps the reader with an assignment because she has a crush on them.
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Britta Perry
Britta is feeling like a failure and the reader comforts her, but this leads to the reader inadvertently confessing their feelings for her.
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Troy Barnes
Gn!reader tries to get Troy to back down from the pillow fight in an attempt to save Troy and Abed’s friendship.
Requested by: Anon
Headcanons, Platonic: The Study Group
The reader, a freshman, joins the Study Group, who have just entered their junior year.
Requested by: Anon
Headcanons, Romantic: Troy Barnes
Dating Troy Barnes.
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Thomas Thorne
The reader, who can’t see ghosts, moves into Button House, and Thomas falls in love with them. The reader ends up dying and Thomas helps them adjust.
Requested by: 🌵 Anon 
One-shot, Romantic: Sam Obisanya
Sam tries to gather the courage to ask out Will’s friend.
Requested by: Anon
Headcanons, Romantic: Trobedison
General Trobedison headcanons.
Requested by:  @coiseachd-nighean-marbh​
Headcanons or Ficlet or One-shot, Romantic: Cameron Frye
Reader and Cameron’s first date
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Nicholas Angel
The reader and Nicholas are working overtime at the police station, and Nicholas confesses his love for them.
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Jeff Winger
Jeff with a fem!ace!reader.
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Jeff Winger
Jeff with an AFAB!nb!reader
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Rebecca Welton
Rebecca x fem!reader
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Edwina Sharma
Edwina x Bridgerton!reader
Requested by: Anon
Drabble, Romantic: Cameron Frye
Cam finding out his crush is genderfluid.
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Jamie Tartt
The reader comforts Jamie after he has a fight with his dad.
Requested by: Anon​
TBD, Romantic: Steddyhands
Reader who is loyal to Stede. Pre-poly -> poly
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Jim Jimenez
General shenanigans.
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Izzy Hands
Sword fighting, tension, confession.
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Kat Stratford
Best friends, argument.
Requested by: Anon
TBD, Unspecified: Colin Robinson
Colin trying not to drain the reader because they’re the first person to actually care about him.
Requested by: Anon
TBD, Romantic (probably): Nandor the Relentless
Bad anxiety (mood lol).
Requested by: Anon
TBD, QPR: Guillermo de la Cruz
Guillermo + enby!reader - QPR.
Requested by: Anon
TBD, Romantic: Nadja of Antipaxos
Requested by: 🌙 Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Annie Edison
Enemies to lovers + pillows and blanket war.
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Guillermo de la Cruz
Possibly Hanahaki, definitely hurt/comfort.
Requested by: Anon
TBD, Platonic/familial: Rodrick Heffley
Sibling!reader gets into a fight.
Requested by: Anon
TBD, Romantic: The Djinn
Literally anything will do.
Requested by: @mask-knife-is-heimdalls-wife
One-shot, Romantic: Izzy Hands
Disabled!reader with crutch. See ask for more detail.
Requested by: Anon
Headcanons, Romantic: Rodrick Heffley
Short trans bf.
Requested by: Anon
Headcanons, Romantic: The Captain
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Platonic: The OFMD crew
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Izzy Hands
Requested by: Anon
Alphabet, Romantic: Dani Rojas
Requested by: @mingihandholder 
One-shot, Romantic: Rebecca Welton
Physio-therapist, argument.
Requested by: @wosoobsessed 
Headcanons, Romantic: Abed Nadir
Trans ftm reader.
Requested by: Anon
Alphabet, Romantic: Colin Hughes
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Jamie Tartt
Forced proximity, enemies-to-lovers.
Requested by: Anon
Whatever, Platonic: Roy Kent
Requested by: Anon
Headcanons, Romantic: Jamie Tartt
Plus size reader.
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Lottie Matthews
Trans reader (FTM), dysphoria.
Requested by: Anon
One-shot, Romantic: Cameron Frye
Reader has fight with parents; Cameron picks them up and tries to cheer them up.
Requested by: @rynsfandomsfun
Ficlet/one-shot, Platonic or Romantic: Blackbeard/Edward Teach
SH fic.
Requested by: @vampirlovr
Headcanons, Romantic: Jeanie Bueller
Dating hcs.
Requested by: Anon
37 notes · View notes
livelovelaug-h · 4 years
How you & Dr. Cox get together
Dr. Cox x reader small jd x reader
A/n: Sorry this is so long loll 😅 credit to @mona-stay for helping me with this and being my beta!!! 💕💕💕
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It sucks when you like someone but it especially sucks when it's someone you're working with. it can be hard to get their attention especially in a hospital. 
Of course you first thought Perry Cox was arrogant and full of himself. But it was all an act and he started growing on you the more the days went on. You guys didn't talk much but just seeing him around was enough to make your heart Start pumping out of its chest. He was so hot. 
You heard a rumour that 
"Cox has feelings for Carla" and they seemed pretty close so you didn't interfere. You got confused when Carla started dating Turk Jd's best friend. You and Jd talked only a little here & there, but when he broke up with Elliot you guys starting talking more and helplessly flirted. So you guys agreed to be friends with benefits. 
Your feelings grew more for Perry when you saw his true colors on this one specific day:
You were not having the best day. You lost two people. You lost a kid in the morning that was born premature and a girl who had terminal cancer. The rest of the day was going to torturous.
Crying in the medicine room for awhile, you heard someone come in. Perry Cox. You quickly wiped the tears away, picked up some random bottle to make it seem like that's why you were in there and started walking out. 
"Hey, I was looking for you." He says with something in his voice you couldn't quite place. 
"Look I don't need one of your world famous Dr. Cox lectures or rants right now. I know I could have done better I don't need you telling me too." You said. 
"I wasn't gonna say that actually. I was going to tell you that I think you did a good job."
"Yeah ever since you started working here you haven't needed me half as much as the others. You're independent, smart, and there was nothing you could have done differently to save those lives." You were now on the verge of tears. "it would have happened no matter who was their doctor. Don't doubt yourself for a second." 
"Wow... thank you. That means a lot coming from you." You let a tear shed, turning to walk away you heard: "Hey.. uh my shifts up in a few minutes wanna grab a cup of coffee?" 
"Yeah sure, I'd love that."
You guys sat down after being in line getting your coffees.  "Hey how are you feeling?" 
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks. 
"Well... we knew it was terminal and the day would come, but it doesn't make it any easier. It's not fair, she was so Young." He must have seen you were about to cry again so he put his hand over yours. 
"It doesn't get easier but that just means you can't let it tear you down. It means you have feelings. I remember my first time losing someone, 20 years later I still react the same." 
"What do you do with the pain?" 
"I drink my pain away. Always will always have. Also every now and then I talk it out with someone. Maybe your boyfriend Abby can help you with that." 
"Jd? Oh no we're not dating. I told him it would be better if we were just friends." 
"What about you? Who's your special someone." 
"No one at the moment." 
You guys lost track of the time and stayed in the cafe over an hour just talking. He truly did make you feel better. 
Jd came in the Lunchroom and started heading over to you guys: 
"oh hey you guys are still here. Are you ready to carpool?." 
"Yeah sure. By the way (you looked back at Cox) you were right it was nice talking with someone." You smiled at him. 
"Of course I'm always right." He said teasing, which you laughed too.
"I really appreciated this. See you tomorrow." 
"Yeah, see ya." 
End of flashback
Since yesterday you couldn't stop thinking of him even more. You had to walk past him so you nodded saying "doctor Cox." 
"Doctor (y/l/n)." He was smiling too much, but you didn't get to see since you were walking away. When you left he did a little "ugh" but the good one. 
"Ooo looks like someone has a crush." Carla said. 
"Oh no I don't." 
"No? what do you call it when you smile like that?" 
"I am not smiling -  (he stops the smiling) no I'm not and I call it one of the only people in this hospital that doesn't drive me crazy? Ding ding ding ding ding we have a winner and it's not you anymore." 
"Oh please you know I'm right!" She says while he walks away. 
~~The next week~~
You had just finished up your shift and wanted to change from your scrubs. It had been a long day so you were ready for a drink. You had on a nice top that was a little revealing but hey Friday night was the night to let your hair down right?! 
You were walking towards the front of the hospital where you seen Todd, Cox and Carla. Of course Todd was drooling. "Boobies. Oh… I mean you look hot."  Todd blurted out before he could stop himself. 
"Todd give It a rest." Cox said hitting him on the head.
Todd shrugs looking towards Carla "but she does look hot" he said low so cox wouldn't hear. 
"You look nice." Perry says, taking a step closer. OMG HE THINKS I LOOK HOT. His tone sounded slightly sarcastic but the cheek wink and flirty smirk, definitely made it clear to you alone he really meant it. "going anywhere special?" he asked.
You could feel the blush on your cheeks burn, "erm only the local with these two" you pointed at Carla and Todd "the others are meeting us there, you should come"
"Ah no i don't want to Intrude." 
"Oh no you won't be. Plus I'll need someone cool to talk to." 
"I'll think about it." he winks.
"Hopefully I'll see you there."
The whole time you kept checking the door to see who was coming in and every time you got disappointed. He never showed up. 
JD walked over to you and asked: "Hey why do you keep checking the door? who are you waiting for?"
You shrugged "no one." Carla gave you a sad smile.
You may have thought you had someones attention but maybe it wasn't enough to pull them in.
Fear is something we're constantly fighting. Weather its a new relationship or a new job it always seems to be there.
Carla walks in the hospital and sees Dr. Cox
"Why say your gonna be somewhere and not show up?''
"ahh don't let the bf hear you say that but I'm flattered you missed me."
Fear can make you do a lot of things like, not show up to something even though you really wanted to go.
"it's not me who missed you but if your gonna play y/n like you do all the interns I'm not gonna stand around and watch." 
"y/n only wanted me there because I was there for her when she lost those people."
Carla soften up "maybe but that girl had eyes for you since day one and if weren't so full of it you would have seen that."
Cox is quiet for a moment and rubs his head.
 "see you do like her too!" 
"I don't and even if I did it can't happen."
"Well it's unethical we work together" 
"yeah right like that ever stopped you. Next excuse."
"so what? even if it's possible to date each other why would she want me, I'm sure she'll find herself some younger nicer boyfriend."
"Sure you are ignorant most of the time but we know that you are no Bob kelso. You are a good man and that's what she sees." 
"Ehh yeah i don't know." 
"I think you're just scared to commit." He stands quiet again. Carla was looking at something behind him. 
"...But if you don't believe me you can ask her yourself."  Perry turned and saw you standing there. 
Maybe after all you did have their attention..
"is that really how you feel?" You asked him.
"look I like you but I'm older and I have a lot of baggage."
"we all have our baggage. And as long as the age I don't care. We don't have to get serious or jump right in, we can go out and have fun and just see where the feelings lead us. "
"that sounds good. Wanna go grab a drink after work? I promise I'll show up this time."
"i would love that." You giggle.
In the end it just takes talking it out with a friend to get over- well anything. In some cases it might help you realize that you shouldn't let fear hold you back.  
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allfandomxreader · 4 years
He Dies in the End
Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader
Words: 1000ish
Warnings: Death
A/N: It’s been a hot minute since I wrote about Tom but here we are!! This was my favorite piece I wrote for my creative writing course so I turned it into a little tom fic, now that I’m reading it, it’s kinda shit but oh well. Feedback, as always, is appreciated!!
not my gif
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Main Masterlist // Marvel Masterlist
You shift almost soundlessly, trying your hardest not to rub the chair and wake Tom. Your body feels stiff, it yearns for your shared bed. You can’t remember the last time you’ve slept soundly. Lately, you’ve been living your lives trapped within four walls of the hospital room. He looks peaceful though. You try to ignore the tubes that plague his arm. Tom made a joke a few weeks ago saying they’re the only thing giving him life. You wish that wasn’t true.
From beyond the door, Dr. Cox almost enters before you hold up a hand to stop her. Tom hasn’t been sleeping well either, it’d be a shame for him to wake up now. You stand on wobbly legs and make your way towards her. He doesn’t even stir as you close the door.
“How’s he feeling?” She asks, tucking the clipboard under her arm.
“Sick,” You sigh. She only purses her lips. You attempt to comb through the tangles and knots in your hair out of awkwardness but eventually give up. You know she’s seen much worse than a young woman with unkept hair and exhausted eyes. “How did his tests go?” She doesn’t need to answer; her frown says enough. “How long do I have left?” You’re almost disgusted by the meekness of your voice and that even in the time of his passing you’re making it about yourself.
“I don’t think he’ll make it through the night.” Her words alone make you dizzy, your legs more unsteady than before. You have to lean against the wall to stop yourself from collapsing. “Is there anyone else I can call for you? You shouldn’t be alone.”
“I’m not alone. Not yet.” She reaches out and squeezes your shoulder before turning back down the hallway, presumably to check in on her other patients. You can only hope she can give them better news.
You don’t need to close the door quietly, but you do anyways. Tom’s already awake and staring at the ceiling, you asked earlier if he wanted to watch something on the small TV, but he refused, you’ve both grown sick of the few channels the hospital provides. You’ve watched at least half a season of soap opera reruns; you’d give anything to go home and watch a football game with him. Two months ago, nobody in the world could’ve paid you enough money to sit through one.
“What’d she have to say this time?” His voice is hoarse and filled with exhaustion. Looking at him now, you notice things you’ve missed while being here. Tom’s skin has become ghostly, his normally vibrant brown eyes have dulled, and his body has lost all muscle definition. You feel sick just glancing at all the scabs that litter his arm.
“What she always does, still looking for progression. The nurse will be back in a few hours to take some more blood for your tests.” You sigh, letting yourself pretend those were her words, that the conversation wasn’t to prepare me for a goodbye. You’re not sure if it’s to protect him or you.
“You’ve never been a good liar,” His lips quirk into a faint smile, “There aren’t going to be any more tests, are there?” All at once, it feels as though all the wind has been knocked from your body and you’ll never be able to breathe right again. You shake your head, eyes dropping to the floor, unable to hold his gaze any longer.
Slowly, Tom reaches for you, scooting to the edge of his bed giving you just enough room to slide in beside him. You’ve never had to worry about hurting him, he’s always towered above you and could’ve easily thrown you over his shoulder without a second thought. But that was then, and now you can only focus on trying not to crush his frail body.
He traces lazy circles on your shoulder as you nuzzle closer to him, he sighs in what sounds like contentment. You toy with the cheap fabric of the hospital gown as the two of you lay in silence. “I’m tired,” Tom whispers.
You wish you could talk about something the way you used to. His stories from set or the secrets he wasn’t legally allowed to share with anyone, but he always made an exception for you. You’d listen to him talk for hours, now, you’re lucky if he’s awake for more than one. Your old routine feels like a lifetime ago when really, it’s only been a few excruciating weeks.
Tom opens his mouth to say something more before he erupts into coughs. You try to rub soothing circles against his chest, to do your best to offer comfort or relieve any pain the best way you can. You can tell he’s in pain despite the drugs pumping through his body and the smile he always adorns. He’s trying his best to make it hurt less for you even when he’s the one dying.
When the fit passes, he settles back into his rightful place holding you a little closer and just a little tighter than before.
You find yourself memorizing anything you can. From the rhythm of his heartbeat to the way he traces three circles on your skin before reversing his thumb’s direction. A week ago, you would’ve told him to keep fighting, to trust the doctors, that everything would be okay. But you know he’s tired, you also know the only reason he’s still holding on is because of you.
“You can sleep now,” You whisper, he doesn’t say anything back, you’re almost certain he didn’t hear your words.
“I won’t wake up.”
“I know,” You nod against his chest, “I know and that’s okay.”
It doesn’t take long for his breathing to slow and become uneven, it almost feels like you’re back at home, like he’s had a long day and happened to fall asleep before you did. He stopped drawing circles but never let go of your hand. You didn’t need the machines to tell you when his heart stopped beating, you could hear it for yourself.
You’re left alone in a world that should’ve been full of so much more. So many moments you’ll never get to experience, adventures that will never be taken, sights that will never be seen, songs that you won’t get to hear him sing. The moment he slipped away, you knew that you did too.
Forever Tags: @superfrankie111​ // @rueinn // @lemonadeorange73​ // @simplechicwithacrazedheart​ // @youshutthefuckupville​ // @captainpeggy40​ // @alexdamereysmith
Marvel Tags: @lionsfandomsandbearsohmy​ // @delicately-written​ // @smexylemony
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notyetneedcoffee · 4 years
Distress Call
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Continuation of the Calling Series (Masterlist)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: NSFW; 18+; Smut
Being in the middle of a hostage situation was not the way you wanted to spend your Monday morning.  
You lowered yourself against the wall along with the six other laboratory technicians and doctors. The masked man before you with the gun shouted at the others to quiet down. Another armed man forced the two women from the front office into the lab. Lisa, the lab technician next to you, teetered on the edge of hysterics. You reached out and squeezed her hand.  
The morning began with a simple stop at the lab of colleague. It wasn’t even for work. You brought Dr. Paul Wilkinson a bottle of wine for his birthday gift. Now you sat with an automatic weapon in your face. Your purse sat on the other side of the room, with your phone in it.  
Thankfully your watch, one of Stark’s designs, tied directly with your phone and had a panic mode.  
“Lisa,” You whispered. “Just breath.”
You pulled your hand back and touched the pattern on the face of your watch. Hoping it worked, because there was no outward sign, you began speaking.
“What do you want?”
“Shut the fuck up.” The bigger guy barked at you. His voice was gravely, with a Russian or Eastern European accent.  
“I’m just trying to help.” You said, remaining calm, passive.  
“When I want your help you will know it. Now shut up.”
The other man was hooking a computer into the network line. They were breaking into the network for something. You had a singular fear of what they were looking for. Nothing volatile was ever kept in this office. A few research items, maybe, but nothing particularly dangerous. 
At the other end of town, just pulling into Stark tower, FRIDAY interrupted the radio of Steve’s car. He and Bucky were returning from a visit to the VA Hospital. “Captain Rogers, Seargent Barnes, please report to situation room three immediately.”
They parked and headed up as quickly as possible. Arriving at the situation room, Tony and Clint were already leaning over the readout. A three dimension blue print of a building floated above the table. Bucky’s question died on his lips when he heard your voice.
“Hey! Leave her alone. She’s freaked out. Let me help, okay?”
A woman cried in the background.
“Don’t move or I will shoot you! Shut up! Quit your crying and put in the password.”
Bucky’s hands curled into fists. You were supposed to be at a friend’s lab this morning.  
“What’s happening?” Steve stepped forward, looking over the information on the readout.  
“Hostage situation.” Clint answered. “Y/N activated the com in her watch. She’s done pretty well giving us some good intel. We know there’s eight people being held. There’s at least two armed men. She’s gotten one talking. Russian, I think.”
“How long?”
“It’s been active for just under six minutes.” Tony zoomed in on the blueprints.  
“What are we waiting for?” Bucky growled.
“You, actually.” Clint smirked. “Figured you’d be pissed if we went in without you. Quin is all warmed up.”
Bucky growled and stalked out. Steve and Clint followed. Tony jogged to the balcony, his suit at his call. By the time the others were changed and in the air, Stark was already giving a live read out of the building.  
“The laboratory is on the 32nd floor. They’ve locked down the elevators. So that’s either 32 floors up or 28 floors down. Either way, they’ll see us coming.” Tony’s voice came over the com.  
“I’ll do a fly by and drop them on the roof.” Clint responded.  
“Do it.” Bucky barked. “Get me in there.”
“Sir,” FRIDAY’s voice interjected. “I have accessed the building’s systems. Would you like me to reactive the elevators?”
“No.” Bucky growled. “They’ll see it. Unlock the security doors.”
He hit the jets ramp, cold air billowing across his face as he secured another gun to his body. Steve stepped up beside him with a stern nod. As soon as they got close, Clint shouted out a countdown. At the signal, Bucky and Steve dropped the fifty feet to the roof of the building.  
You fought the urge to look at your watch. The clock on the wall told you fourteen minutes had passed since you activated your watch. The fear and anxiety made those minutes feel like hours, but you knew help was on the way. You just had to stay calm.  
Unfortunately, with the asshole holding his gun to Lisa’s head and Paul freaking out, calm was hard to find. Three of the lab techs cowered in one corner. The gunmen were becoming impatient with their inability to break into the network and Lisa’s explanation that she didn’t have access. They were trying to get to an area on Dr. Cox used, but he’d been off for several days.  
The work being done by Dr. Cox was highly confidential. His work to find an antidote to a biological pathogen being weaponized by a covert Russian team actually led to a far more dangerous strain. Only a handful of scientists knew about it. You were one.  
“Try again!” The Russian one growled at the other masked man.  
“I am.” He barked back, slamming his fist into the desk. Lisa yelped. One of the women the corner screamed. There was a distant thump.  
The Russian swung his gun around.  
“Hey!” You stood up. The gun swung around to you. “Calm down. We’re not causing any trouble.” You put your hands up. You didn’t want anyone hurt, but you couldn’t let them succeed either. “They’re scared. We all are, okay. But we’re not causing you any trouble.”
“Try it again!” The other man grabbed Lisa by the back of neck, holding the gun to her head and forcing her toward the keyboard. She let out a strangled cry.  
Things happened all at once.
A shot rang out. He fell forward, a hole the size of a baseball in the back of his skull. Lisa screamed and fell away. The Russian grabbed your wrist and pulled you close. The muzzle of his gun under your jaw. Bucky and Cap busted through the door.  
“You drop your gun and you’ll live through this.” Steve growled.  
The gunman pulled himself against a filing cabinet, using it and you as shields. “Let me walk, or she dies.”  
Bucky’s lip twitched.  
He only needs a millisecond, a minor opening. You looked at Bucky, waited for him to make eye contact. His blue eyes flickered to yours, he seemed to know what you were planning. His brows pulled together just a bit more.
You could feel your heartbeat in your ears. In one fluid motion, you pushed against the gun, jerked you head away, and dropped. A shot went off. Your ears rang. A weight pulled you down. You blinked, Bucky was suddenly over you.
He pulled you up, gathering you to his chest. Warmth and safety caused you to melt against him. A loud buzzing filled your ears, muffling the words Bucky whispered into your ear. “I got you. You’re safe, Doll. I’m here, Love.”
Tony came in, he and Steve ushering the others from the room. Bucky led you to the other room after a moment. Officers now gathered around, gathering evidence and taking statements. You took a seat a bit away from the rest. Bucky crouched down in front of you, gently touching your face.
“You okay, Doll?”
“Yeah,” You nodded. “Ears are buzzing, but I’m good.”
“I know.” His lips touched your cheek. “You did good.”
Tony stepped closer. “He’s right. You kept calm, gave good intel, helped the others. Good job, Doc.”
Looking up at Stark, you sighed. “I know what they were after, but the local cops don’t have clearance.”
It took hours before all the questions were answered. The adrenaline wore off. Exhaustion took hold. By the time you made it back to the Tower, you dozed against Bucky’s chest.  He gently prompted you up when the car Tony had called parked at the elevator doors.
“Come on, Doll. Let’s get you clean up and in bed.”  
Once in front of your bathroom mirror, you groaned as you got a good look at yourself. Blood splatter speckled across your shoulder, hair and skin. “I look like shit.”
“Let’s get you in the shower.” Bucky begins peeling your clothes off of you, not minding the dried blood. He turned on the hot water and striped down himself. Stepping under the hot water together, you tipped your head back and let the water flow over your head.
Bucky lathered up his hands and gently washed your hair. You leaned heavily against him. The feel of his body making you sigh, his touch turning you to mush. You muttered into his chest. “I knew you’d come.”
“Always going to protect my girl.” His hands cleaned down your shoulders and back. You felt him sigh. His touches became more sure, more seductive, as he washed you clean. His mouth covered yours, lips soft, tongue warm.  
“Bucky,” You breathed against his lips. “Take me to bed, please.”
He dried you both with fluffy towels and led you to the bedroom. “You sure, Doll? If you’re too tired...”
“I just need you, Bucky.” You ran your fingers over the muscles of his chest. “Need to feel...you.”
Bucky gathered you to him, kissing you slow and thoroughly. His mouth trailed down your neck as his hand slid over your ass, pulling you tight against him. You practically purred at the feel of his hard body rubbing against yours.  
He lay you back, crawling over your body, kissing your flesh with reverence. His tongue left warm trails over your breasts, down your stomach. His fingers slid between your legs, cool metal against hot, slick flesh. You breathed his name as his fingers slowly pumped in and out of you.  His mouth closed over your clit, tongue lapping lazily at your core.
“Bucky,” You fingers wound in his damp hair, other hand sliding over his shoulder. “Yes.”
He crawled up your body, and your legs wrapped around him.  Bucky nibbled at your neck, his cock slipping against you. You cupped his face, kissing him deep. As he buried himself deep, you moaned into each other’s mouths. He moved slow, drawing out every sensation, every feeling.
Your hips rocked together. His weight holding you together. His scent, the sound of him, grounding you. The tension built, heat coiled. You moaned against his neck. Bucky whispering into your hair, “Need you, Doll. Feel so good.”  
“Yes,” You wrapped yourself around him, body trembling. He thrust into harder. “Bucky, oh shit. Yes.”  
“That’s it, Doll.” Bucky breathed, close to his own release. “Yes.”
The heat rolled out, washing over you, making you shake under his body. You lost yourself in the sensation as your orgasm stole your breath. His groans mixed with your gasps. Bucky’s hips snapped. He held you tight, pushed into, as he emptied himself.  
You lay there wrapped in each other, breath slowing, bodies cooling. A deep relaxation mingled with the release of all tension of the day. A tear slipped from the corner of your eye.  Squeezing him tighter, you breathed. “I was so scared.”
“Me too, Doll.” He kissed you. “But you’re safe. I got you.”
“I know.”
“And you did so good.” Bucky slipped to side, gathering you to his chest. “You were so calm, kept your head, did just the right thing.”
“I was scared, but I tried to remember everything you told me.” You mumbled as you snuggled into his chest.  Sleep began to drag you down. You yawned.
“I know. I’m really proud of you. Don’t worry, Doll.” Bucky kissed your hair and trailed his fingers over your shoulder. “You sleep. I’ve got you.”  
You trusted him, felt safe, felt home... and drifted into a deep sleep.
@rainbowkisses31​ / @dsakita​ / @geeksareunique​ / @lbouvet​ / @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ / @theneuropsychwriter​ / @vanillabunn21​ / @sammghgecko​ / @beautifullungs​ / @badassbaker​ / @the-omni-princess​ / @sebbysstangirl​ / @jesseswartzwelder​ / @unadulteratedwizardlove / @the-reading-octopus​ / @bangtan-serendipity​ / @kiki5283​ / @mindtravelsx​ / @josie605​ / @ladifreakingda / @dawnlaufeyson​ / @wildmoonflower​ / @rynabarnesrogers​ / @notyourtypicalrose​ / @sllooney​ / @wwe-fanfiction-queen​ /@wwe-fanfiction-queen / @thorfanficwriter​
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
How To Save A Life - Dr. Perry Cox x Reader [Angst/Smut]
Synopsis: You and the doctor on your friend’s case share the hardest day you’ve both had yet. 
Notes: Sad quickie :( I had feels from this episode. This would never happen with an actual doctor, buuuut fanfiction! Takes place during 5x20, “My Lunch.” 
Warning: Mention of illness/an accident/death. 
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You sit in the hospital chair, looking forward, looking through the wall in front of you. It had been 6 hours, and still no news of your friend. They had been put on life support after the car accident, and the wait was killing you.
You let out a bitter laugh at the irony of that statement. You weren't the one who ended up through the windshield; that was your friend. You had just been the one driving.
You pick your nails into the cracked cushion of the seat, discomfort racking your body. You feel sick to your stomach with worry, your body is buzzing with anxiety, and you don't know what to do with yourself. Just as you're about to walk out and ask just what the hell is going on, the door handle turns.
Why did the damn pager have to beep on this too? Cox thinks to himself as he grips the file a little tighter. Can’t I have one second to mourn? Fucking job. 
In walks a man in a white doctor's coat. He's a little bit older than you and handsome, you can't help but notice-- you're only human. He has red curly hair, and a tiring in his step. He looks at you, eyes red and weary. This is not the first bad news he's had to deliver today.
She’s pretty. Fuck. Don’t think that, Perry, you asshole. Think about what you have to tell her.
"I'm Dr. Cox," he says slowly, as if he doesn’t really know anymore, and closes the door. You wipe your eyes, and nod.
"(y/n). How is she?"
Cox sits there, and almost spaces out. You already know what he's going to say, and he knows you know.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," he concedes, voice cracking. You get the sense he doesn't say that a lot, but he's reached a breaking point.
A few tears roll down his cheek, when you get the urge to join on the small sofa, and comfort him, to comfort yourself. You act on it, walking over and taking a seat next to him. The tears fight to come out, but you just can't make them. You sit there in silence as Dr Cox dries his eyes.
"Shit," he says. "I've been doing this for 20 years and I've never lost it like this." 
You get the sense you’re seeing a side of him not many others get to, and watch him closely. You inquire about his own day.
"What happened?" 
He rubs his face. "I'm not about to tell you."
"After those waterworks, I think it's a requirement." You offer a good humored smile, and despite himself, he laughs. It’s a painful laugh, but one nonetheless. 
"Three people lost their lives because of me today. They needed transplants... but I didn't test for something I should have. I made mistakes. And when I make mistakes, people die."
You finally feel your tears stream down.
"I made a mistake too. And, someone died."
He looks up, and wipes his eyes again. You breathe through the crying, and lean forward, kissing him. He's surprised, but you both know he wants it just the same as you. Your kissing gets deeper, becomes more passionate, urgent, and you push his coat off, rubbing a hand down his chest.
He looks at you, assessing what he's about to do, and almost backs out. His hand catches your wrist, but you hold to him.
We both need it, you seem to say. 
Without having to confirm, he does so by wrapping you up with a hushed moan in his arms, turning you over on the couch so he's on top. He cups your cheeks and groans as he finds your panties under your pushed down jeans, and buries himself inside of you, breathing hard.
"Please," you whimper, eyes welling up, "I need you."
"It's okay," he whispers, feeling it himself, "I’m here, sweetheart.” The two of you kiss, and kiss, and kiss, forgetting the day, forgetting life, everything. You weren't a doctor and a survivor anymore. You just ended up here, together.
He holds you down as you arch your back, and with a few more thrusts, you come hard. He holds you, rocking you through it, and when he pulls out, you finish him off in your hand. 
You both sit there, staring into each other's eyes, and he blinks, dazed. An understanding passes between you, a clearing in the sea of ‘what the fuck did we just do?’. He swallows, evening out his breath. "...Thank you."
You nod. "I'm pretty sure that's how normal people fall in love... right?"
He glances over at you, and starts laughing. “I re-heeally doubt you and I are normal people.” 
 You laugh too, and sit there together. Just together.
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