#john c mcginley smut
headoverhiddles · 5 years
Jealousy Is A Condition - Dr. Perry Cox x Reader [Fluff]
Synopsis: JD takes a liking to the cute nurse from radiology. Cox isn't having it.
Notes: Based on an ask I recieved from an anon!
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JD was getting weird.
Not just usual JD weird, but weird weird. Flirty weird. Which was too weird for you.
You had always thought of JD as a cute, somewhat hapless guy, who you occasionally pass by in the halls on your way to radiology. But lately, he had taken an even closer interest in you.
His arm rests against the counter of the nurse's station as he tries to push his sleeves up and cross his arms. You look down at his arms, how he's trying to force his muscles out, and stifle a laugh.
"Hey, Dorian." You blink. "What're you doing there?"
"Just existing," he smirks, "Sexily."
"Sexily," you frown, "That's... a new one. Okay."
"I just wanted to say," he says, and straightens up. He looks as though he's trying to put something into words in the smoothest way possible. "I wanted to say... that you look really cute today. Like hot cute. Fly, if I may be so bold." He drops his voice to a whisper. "It's okay, Turk said I could say fly."
You smile. "Well, thanks JD."
"And I also wanted to know if you'd be up for a night of appletinis and Star Trek?"
Hmm. You do like Star Trek. But...
Just as you're thinking of a good response, you see Dr. Cox and HIS flexing crossed arms walk over. He stops next to JD, and looks down to the younger man's arms. JD compares the two, and sighs, dropping his.
"What in the I-don't-give-a-crap is going on here?" Cox demands, glaring at JD. You hope your blush doesn't give away your crush on Perry. You're having fun teasing him into thinking you don't care.
"We were just talking, Dr. Cox," JD says.
"Uh huh," Cox nods, "Alrighty Debra, have fun 'just talking', but I'm gonna go ahead and make the wild assumption, judging by those SUPER-flexed WWE arms, that you're compensating for something. CHA-ching, money shot!"
This is the part where Cox usually walks off, but he remains, staring at JD expectantly. When the younger doctor doesn't get the hint, Cox begins anew.
"Ah, yes. I'm sensing something in your future... there it is! I'm sensing a huge change... death! I'm sensing death, at the hands of... who's this handsome fella now? A tall... ginger... ego-maniacal... angry..."
"Okay, I get it, yes," JD backs away slowly, and starts to run down the hall. You turn back to the desk to grab your files, smirking to yourself as you feel Cox's eyes on your ass, which you're currently perking up. As you walk off, Cox leans against the station, biting his lip.
"Enjoying the view?" Carla asks, not looking up.
"Damn straight," Cox sighs. Some interns look over, and he glares at them. "Oh, like you've never checked out a cute nurse's ass!"
Carla looks up with a quirked eyebrow, and Cox coughs.
"Hopefully not this one. Ghandi got to her first."
Over the next week however, JD gains the courage to keep flirting with you back. Amusing you to no end, Cox always finds something else for the poor guy to do.
One day, JD tries to really put the moves on you as he's walking by with his mentor.
"Hey, (y/n). Looking fine today."
"Newbie, how many times have I told you? No distracting the cute nurse from Radiology! She's busy, she's got boring black and white pictures to stare at all day."
Cox starts to walk off, expecting JD to follow like a dog, but instead, JD stays in front of you.
"What do you say to those appletinis?"
Cox turns, and it's as if the entire hospital has gathered around to see this showdown.
"I don't think..." you start to say, but JD puts his hand softly over yours.
"I just really wanna take you out, (y/n)."
"Rrrrr!" Perry growls, and tackles JD over the counter from behind.
"TOUCHDOWN!" Laverne shouts.
On the floor, Cox points in JD's face. "That's it. That girl. Is. Mine. Got it?"
"But you never made a move!" JD squeaks, under his crushing body weight.
"Newbie, you know my flirting techniques! Pretend to hate someone, hang around them frequently, occasionally smile around them, then drop the hint I want to re-heeeally bang their brains out casually into a heated argument!"
"Right... should have recognized the wisdom of your ways, sir."
Cox gets up, and pulls JD with him. Perry goes to talk to you, but you ignore the sexy older doctor.
"So," you say, brushing the dust on JD's shoulders off, "About those appletinis, Charlotte?"
You turn over your shoulder, and lick your lips with a little wink Dr. Cox's way. Perry groans, running a hand through his curls.
He didn't think it was possible to want you any more. Judging by his absolutely lust-ridden gaze, you can tell it's gonna be rough when you finally do give him what he wants.
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
How To Save A Life - Dr. Perry Cox x Reader [Angst/Smut]
Synopsis: You and the doctor on your friend’s case share the hardest day you’ve both had yet. 
Notes: Sad quickie :( I had feels from this episode. This would never happen with an actual doctor, buuuut fanfiction! Takes place during 5x20, “My Lunch.” 
Warning: Mention of illness/an accident/death. 
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You sit in the hospital chair, looking forward, looking through the wall in front of you. It had been 6 hours, and still no news of your friend. They had been put on life support after the car accident, and the wait was killing you.
You let out a bitter laugh at the irony of that statement. You weren't the one who ended up through the windshield; that was your friend. You had just been the one driving.
You pick your nails into the cracked cushion of the seat, discomfort racking your body. You feel sick to your stomach with worry, your body is buzzing with anxiety, and you don't know what to do with yourself. Just as you're about to walk out and ask just what the hell is going on, the door handle turns.
Why did the damn pager have to beep on this too? Cox thinks to himself as he grips the file a little tighter. Can’t I have one second to mourn? Fucking job. 
In walks a man in a white doctor's coat. He's a little bit older than you and handsome, you can't help but notice-- you're only human. He has red curly hair, and a tiring in his step. He looks at you, eyes red and weary. This is not the first bad news he's had to deliver today.
She’s pretty. Fuck. Don’t think that, Perry, you asshole. Think about what you have to tell her.
"I'm Dr. Cox," he says slowly, as if he doesn’t really know anymore, and closes the door. You wipe your eyes, and nod.
"(y/n). How is she?"
Cox sits there, and almost spaces out. You already know what he's going to say, and he knows you know.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," he concedes, voice cracking. You get the sense he doesn't say that a lot, but he's reached a breaking point.
A few tears roll down his cheek, when you get the urge to join on the small sofa, and comfort him, to comfort yourself. You act on it, walking over and taking a seat next to him. The tears fight to come out, but you just can't make them. You sit there in silence as Dr Cox dries his eyes.
"Shit," he says. "I've been doing this for 20 years and I've never lost it like this." 
You get the sense you’re seeing a side of him not many others get to, and watch him closely. You inquire about his own day.
"What happened?" 
He rubs his face. "I'm not about to tell you."
"After those waterworks, I think it's a requirement." You offer a good humored smile, and despite himself, he laughs. It’s a painful laugh, but one nonetheless. 
"Three people lost their lives because of me today. They needed transplants... but I didn't test for something I should have. I made mistakes. And when I make mistakes, people die."
You finally feel your tears stream down.
"I made a mistake too. And, someone died."
He looks up, and wipes his eyes again. You breathe through the crying, and lean forward, kissing him. He's surprised, but you both know he wants it just the same as you. Your kissing gets deeper, becomes more passionate, urgent, and you push his coat off, rubbing a hand down his chest.
He looks at you, assessing what he's about to do, and almost backs out. His hand catches your wrist, but you hold to him.
We both need it, you seem to say. 
Without having to confirm, he does so by wrapping you up with a hushed moan in his arms, turning you over on the couch so he's on top. He cups your cheeks and groans as he finds your panties under your pushed down jeans, and buries himself inside of you, breathing hard.
"Please," you whimper, eyes welling up, "I need you."
"It's okay," he whispers, feeling it himself, "I’m here, sweetheart.” The two of you kiss, and kiss, and kiss, forgetting the day, forgetting life, everything. You weren't a doctor and a survivor anymore. You just ended up here, together.
He holds you down as you arch your back, and with a few more thrusts, you come hard. He holds you, rocking you through it, and when he pulls out, you finish him off in your hand. 
You both sit there, staring into each other's eyes, and he blinks, dazed. An understanding passes between you, a clearing in the sea of ‘what the fuck did we just do?’. He swallows, evening out his breath. "...Thank you."
You nod. "I'm pretty sure that's how normal people fall in love... right?"
He glances over at you, and starts laughing. “I re-heeally doubt you and I are normal people.” 
 You laugh too, and sit there together. Just together.
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headoverhiddles · 4 years
Miscellaneous Smut Masterlist
Harvey Keitel 
Harvey Keitel x Readers
Read Through
Thelma and Louise: Hal Slocumb x Readers
Late Night 
Reservoir Dogs: Mr. White x Readers 
Milkshake Memories
Pulp Fiction: Winston Wolf x Readers
Back Seat 
Steve Buscemi 
Reservoir Dogs: Mr. Pink x Readers 
House On Haunted Hill
Ghost World: Seymour x Readers 
Fly Me To The Moon (Fluff)
5 PM Blues
John C McGinley 
Scrubs: Dr. Perry Cox x Readers
Tough Love 
Jealousy Is A Condition (Fluff) 
The Curious Case Of Two Doctors In The Nighttime 
How To Save A Life 
Brad Pitt
Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood: Cliff Booth x Readers
Mr. Hollywood
Rob Zombie
Rob Zombie x Readers
Spookshow Baby
Rock Star Antics (Ft. Manson) 
Rob Zombie Being Jealous With A Younger Girlfriend Would Include
Being Kinky With Rob Zombie Would Include 
Spending Valentine’s Day With Rob Zombie Would Include
John 5 
John Lowery x Readers 
Werewolf Floaties 
Christopher Lee 
House Of The Long Shadows: Corrigan x Readers 
Moving Shadows
Kurt Russel
The Christmas Chronicles: Santa Clause x Readers
Naughty List
Death Proof: Stuntman Mike x Readers
The Car
Robert De Niro 
Dirty Grandpa: Dick Kelly x Readers
Get Dirty (ao3) 
Goodfellas: Jimmy Conway x Readers
Dating Would Include
Him Being In Love Would Include 
Comforting You Would Include 
Joe Pesci 
Goodfellas: Tommy Devito x Readers
Too Good To Be True
Demian Bichir 
The Nun: Father Burke x Readers
Holy Ground 
Deliverance - Part I
Deliverance - Part II
Being Married Would Include 
Aiden Gillen 
Game of Thrones: Petyr Baelish x Readers
Benedict Cumberbatch
MCU: Stephen Strange x Readers
Time  (Fluff/Angst) 
Rami Malek 
Bohemian Rhapsody: Freddie Mercury x Readers 
Killer Queens 
John Malkovich 
The New Pope: John Brannox x Readers 
I Fiori Del Male 
Tom Berenger 
The Substitute: Shale x Readers
You Really Got Me
Platoon: Robert Barnes x Readers
Barnes Fighting Over You Would Include 
Oscar Isaac 
Big Ol Ao3 Collection Here Ya Go Have Fun
Rainn Wilson 
The Office (US): Dwight Schrute x Readers
Women Are Like Wolves
Josh Gad 
Murder On The Orient Express: Hector MacQueen x Readers
Compartment 6 (ao3)
Sophie Turner
Sophie Turner x Readers
Polaroid (Fluff)
The Emmys
Being Engaged Would Include
Rose McGowan 
Scream: Tatum Riley
I Spit On Your Garage
Keira Knightley
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Elizabeth Swann x Readers
A Woman’s Scorn
Gemma Whelan
Game Of Thrones: Yara Greyjoy x Readers
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