#captain america theories
incorrectquotesmcu · 4 months
[Steve and Bucky kissing]
Natasha: If Tony could see you two right now he'd have a heart attack.
Sam: Good idea. I'll take a picture.
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georgie3116 · 2 months
*Steve and Bucky organising their Wedding*
Steve: Maybe we’re being old-fashioned defining these role by gender.
Bucky: You know, historically the best man’s role was to defend the the bride and groom in combat.
Bucky: I mean, if that’s not Natasha, I don’t know what we’re doing here.
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fotibrit · 8 months
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This scene, when Tony shows off B.A.R.F. tech, is used as a way to show a little more of Tony's backstory to the audience. But the thing is, canonically, he is presenting to a whole crowd, who are all watching the memory with him. This is the memory that he chose to present to the public. He didn't have to choose the memory before they died, he didn't have to choose a particularly traumatic memory at all. He could have made a funny moment out of it, or something that makes the Stark company look really good. But he didn't. He chose this one, a warped version of this one that reflects his guilt and his faults.
He had to have intentions for that, especially given how protective he is of his fathers reputation despite the resentment he holds towards the man. Tony chose this memory for a reason.
Now, it's not the greatest memory. It doesn't make Tony look great, it doesn't make Howard look great, it isn't an effort to get the public to like either one. A point could be made that it's an effort to get the public to like Maria, but there must be a reason beyond that. Tony himself in the scene admits thats not how it actually went. He had to have a reason for showing this scene in this way to this crowd.
Many possibilities here, but my favorite and the one i choose to believe: Tony was making a first step towards opening up to the public about his own struggles regarding his upbringing. Such a famous person from such a famous family, and he was so hesitant to talk about his father. I think this was his effort to show the public that the dynamic wasn't as black and white as they might want or expect.
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whore-for-chris-evans · 4 months
Does having the super soldier serum make sure you never need glasses to see?
Cause myopia and hypermetropia aren't infections, they're distortions in the shape of the eyeball, which causes the lens to either get thicker or thinner and changes the position inside our eyes where the image is formed.
Does the serum make sure your eyeballs never get squeezed or stretched out of shape?
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sad-trash-hobo · 3 months
Do you ever think about that the heads of marvel had to have read our posts about bucky and Steve and Sam all working together and the avengers witnessing bucky with Steve and how even back in the 40s Steve must have just been doing shit and that he had even less self preservation when he was with bucky than present time? And all the stories of bucky and Sam getting into shit and making fun of each other? And all the stories of nat and bucky goofing off and being friends? And all the stories of Steve and thor being friends and chilling? And then they decided to not give us those moments, not even a little bit
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stuckytoyoulikeglue · 9 months
Continuing on my theme of random thoughts:
What if the reason Steve was so old when he finally made it back wasn't because he lived out his life in an alternate timeline, but because he nipped back for five minutes just to clean up (return the stone, keep his promise to Peggy, rescue Bucky) and then thought 'I could do more' and got completely carried away?
What if he's just spent eighty odd years hopping from timeline to timeline rescuing Buckies left right and centre?
He's just about dumb enough to think that if he keeps going, maybe he can save them all.
Well, all except his Bucky, and he'll never forgive himself for that.
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simplylupin · 6 months
I was watching CA: the first avenger the other day and I saw something which I thought was kind of crazy.
Y'know at the beginning when Red Skull steals the Tesseract, he pushes (or pulls or does something to) the little wooden snake engraving in the wall to reveal it. That snake engraving is at the bottom of Yggdrasil, or the tree of life.
Who does a snake represent? Loki.
Who essentially became/made Yggdrasil? Loki.
What one thing basically kick-starts Loki's assent to the God of Time/The God of Stories? The Tesseract.
Please correct me if I'm completely wrong with this or if someone's already pointed out but I just needed to share.
Also I know they can't have planned this because this film was literally made a decade ago but...
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summerfrwrks · 2 years
yes, he's an elderly man that committed war crimes. he's charismatic. he's ruthless. he can break my neck with barely any effort. but he's also very sexy-
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hufflepotato-18 · 1 year
whoever started the theory that tfatws bucky might’ve been a skrull, i hope both sides of your pillow are warm tonight and every other night.
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icalledhimpietro · 1 year
Me busting into every Avenger's house demanding to know what their excuse is for not being there for Wanda
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Then proceeding to slam open the doors of a nursing home and catch that star spangled son of bitch's eye
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Steve's old ass just eating his jello:
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jo-ann-kramer · 2 months
If the price of the Soul Stone is a soul, then if Cap REALLY returned it at the end of Endgame, then they should have got Natasha back (there's a return warranty on every trustworthy infinity stone). This didn't happen, so the two possible explanations are:
Cap couldn't return the Soul Stone and just kept it as a souvenir, but couldn't do jackshit with it.
Cap returned the Soul Stone (punched Red Skull in the face, probably) and got Natasha back, but he didn't want to return to the present so she third-wheeled with Peggy and Steve for a while, then moved to Germany and had a kid named Jojo and worked secretly against Nazis.
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incorrectquotesmcu · 5 months
Sam: Wow, a lot has changed for us huh?
Scott: I don’t know, I’m still the same guy I was. I still put my pants on both legs at a time.
Sam: One of these days that’s gonna end very badly.
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georgie3116 · 2 months
*Bucky to Steve after getting defrosted in Wakanda*
Bucky: I feel renewed.
Bucky: I’m to deal with any changes that come my way.
Natasha: *With Blonde Hair* Hey, look whose back!
Bucky: Your hair is different. You changed your hair. I can’t take this. I’m out!
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Avengers: Endgame
hypothesis: Steve and Natasha are both alive and young at the end of endgame.
the way they explained time travel and the multiverse, Steve would not have been able to return to his own timeline if significant changes had been made.
when retrieving the soul stone, Clint and Natasha were told it's a trade of "a soul for a soul"
the present-day soul stone was destroyed by Thanos, and Gamora did not return.
the only things we were shown on screen for sure were 1) Steve leaving to return the infinity stones to preserve the timeline 2) him dancing with Peggy and 3) him appearing to come back as an old man, and refusing to answer questions.
when Steve returned the stones, the "soul for a soul" deal was enacted in reverse - therefore Natasha should have come back.
based on the explanation, the only way Steve could have come back to this timeline was if little to no changes were made in the past. (therefore not creating another branch in time)
Steve had a dance with Peggy to say goodbye, then returned to the present with Natasha, both the same age as when they left.
Steve used the same technology that Natasha did in CATWS to disguise himself as an old man.
conclusion: it's very much possible that Steve and Natasha came back alive and well, but faked their endings to 1) maintain their cover to go on a secret mission 2) escape responsibilities and retire or 3) for shits and giggles.
secondary hypothesis: if Steve ever gets spotted in public he whispers "no one will ever believe you" and promptly disappears.
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off-color-darkrai · 4 months
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More Captain America: Winter Soldier x Bad Batch jokes. Gotta make them all now before the theory gets proven wrong (or right).
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benjinoff13 · 2 years
I have a theory I really really want to test so please reblog or comment with the following: 
What country are you from 
What is your opinion on the Sokovian accords 
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