#but yeah idk i don’t even mind growing a bit distant from this friend we are very different people
teabookgremlin · 10 months
love when a friend texts me after months of not speaking and it sounds like she’s trying to make plans but she’s really just asking for a ride
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masterkief · 3 years
hiii this is really gross and I’m ashamed...pls forgive me and hopefully u enjoy. Also I did this from ryan’s pov so like idk?
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Heaven. I never really thought it existed, until tonight that is. Call me a weeb, corny, lame, whatever you want but when she walked into the room every once and a while and she danced with herself as she chatted up friends it felt as if the earth stood still and I was in the presence of a goddess. It was Saturday and some friends and I had gone to a party for the night. She was dressed in tight light blue dress that was decorated in various Animal Crossing characters, gripping at her curves in all the right ways.  Her hair was twisted in loose curls that fell just below her breasts and her smooth skin gleamed just as bright as her eyes.
“Aye ya big goof, just go talk to her!”
Although Matt was sitting right next to me his voice had gone distant as soon as my mystery girl had entered my vision. A sudden hand waved in front of my face attempting to draw my attention back to reality. I blinked slowly and reluctantly looked in his direction, my mind refusing to draw away from her. “Her” I didn’t even know “her” name, I didn’t know anything about her but still I was instantly infatuated.
“What?” I half growled, irritated that he took my attention from her.
He raised his eyebrows shocked at my irritable reaction, and then smirked when he realized why I was so mad.
“Go talk to her.” He suggested pointing his head her way.
I slowly turned my head back towards where she last stood and felt my stomach fall when I realized that she had vanished again. My eyebrows furrowed with slight annoyance that I had missed my chance because Matt needed me to look at him. I forced myself up but not before pounding my fist into his shoulder. The slight buzz from the alcohol I had gulped down was beginning to take over and I could feel my vision growing blurry. I searched the house up and down trying to find the girl who flooded my thoughts since the beginning of the night but found no luck.
“Fuck.” I grumbled to myself stopping in front of the table full of alcohol.
Drinking probably wasn’t the best idea if I was going to talk to this girl but my nerves were shot already and I hadn’t even spoken to her yet. As I was pouring the whiskey into my glass I glanced up and noticed the girl from before standing right dead in front of me, her eyes examining my entire existence intently as if she were reading right through to my soul. A hidden fiery lust began to burn through my veins and I wasn’t paying attention to my glass that was now overflowing with Jack.
“Shit!” I cried as the sticky substance soaked my hand and the table.
The girl giggled timidly to herself as she watched me flail and panic to quickly clean up my mess. When I had gotten it under control I looked up to see her smiling at me from behind her hair, her alcohol glossed eyes gleaming beautifully under the dimly lit kitchen light.
“Am I funny to you yeah?”
I guess they don’t call alcohol life’s “liquid confidence” for nothing because the confidence that suddenly filled my mouth shocked even myself. The girl chuckled again and raised an eyebrow seductively.
“In fact,” She started, leaning closer to me.
My eyes tried not to avert to her cleavage that was protruding from the top of her dress but I failed which caused her to laugh again and my cheeks to burn a deep shade of embarrassment.
“You are quite funny.” She finished slowly standing straight up again.
She put her cup to her mouth and took a sip. A droplet of the drink sat dormant on her bottom lip, her tongue soon traced the plump pink flesh to clean it off and she made sure her eyes never left mine. Hunger filled her brilliant eyes and I could feel a hunger of my own pressing firmly against the inside of my basketball shorts. My head began to spin quickly as the burst of confidence from before began to drain quickly, nervousness filling its place.
“So…” She began again placing her cup down. “What’s your name Mr. Funny?”
Words trapped themselves in my throat as I picked my brain for what my own name was.
“R-Ry…Ryan…Ryan my friends call me Ryan.” I stammered from both nerves and the liquor that swam through my veins.
The girl smiled again and shifted in place so that she was putting all her weight on her right leg and the table.
“Well R-Ry-Ryan,” She mimicked playfully. “I’m Y/N.”
‘Y/N’…her name floated through my head rapidly. I thought of beautiful things, like sunshine and rain and fields and fucking her mercilessly right here for everyone to see. A harsh throbbing erupted through my groin at the thought and my breath hitched in my throat.  Y/N’s eyes slowly moved from mine down to my hips and she absentmindedly licked her lips again.
“Ryan.” She stated knocking me from my inappropriate thoughts.
My eyes met with hers again as words escaped me. She tilted her head upward and eyebrow rose.
“Follow me.” She demanded with another radiant smile.
Without a word or even a thought of detesting I made my way to her side. She put her hand in mine causing a shot of electricity to ravage my spine as she led me throughthe living room where the music was the loudest. My head was spinning more rapidly now and I felt as if I might explode. 
We ended up on the patio, a cool breeze sending a chill down my spine.
“You smoke?” Y/N asked as she plopped down at the little glass table.
I watched as she pulled a blunt from her purse and cracked it open with her thumbnail, spilling the tabacco guts into the bush behind her. Without a word I sat down across from her, watching as if she might disappear.
“What?” She asked, looking up at me from beneath her eyelashes, “Never seen the devil’s lettuce before?”
She finished packing the blunt with the all too familiar green substance and I couldn’t help but watch her run her tongue across the end to seal it. She knew exactly what she was doing to me.
Lighting it, she took a few hits then passed it in my direction. It was as if I never smoked before and I smoked every fucking day. Trying to keep my hand from shaking as best I could, I took it from her.
“First time?” She teased with a playful laugh, exhaling the smoke.
I couldn’t help but snicker as I passed it back to her, “I wish.”
We sat outside for what seemed like forever. My brain was finally able to comprehend sentences and by the time we finished the blunt it felt like we were long lost friends just catching up.
“You’re really cute.”
Her sudden compliment caught me off guard, causing me to choke on my cigarette. She giggled into her cup as she took a sip of her drink.
“I’m sorry.” She started, “That was really weird.”
Ha...weird? I’ve been obsessing over her the entire night and she felt weird?
“You’re joking right?” I blurted out, sounding more harsh than intended.
Her eyebrows pulled together with confusion and offense. Way to go Magee..
“Sorry.” I apologized quickly, throwing my cigarette butt. “It’s just you’re a fucking babe.”
She bit her bottom lip and stood up from her chair.
“Come with me.” She whispered, leaning into my ear as she passed me.
I obeyed silently as she led me back into the house and eventually down a darkened hallway. She didn’t even give me a chance to make a move as she suddenly threw me up against the wall towards the end of the hall, her mouth destroying mine. She bit at my bottom lip causing a throaty moan to escape from my mouth.
“Fuck me Ryan.” She ordered in a harsh whisper against my neck.
My hands grabbed and squeezed eagerly at every inch of her as we backed towards a door still attached to each other. We busted through not even checking if anyone was already occupying it and closed the door quickly behind us. I threw Y/N to the bed roughly, our bodies only parting briefly so that I could eye her up as she laid on her back, her breasts coming out of the top of her dress even more. I licked my lips and quickly put them on hers again. Soon they traveled to her jaw…then her neck…and then her collarbone as I left sloppy kisses and bites against her skin. I tore her dress down to her waist violently not being able to hold back any longer.
“Ryan.” She moaned as my mouth planted itself onto her right breast.
I bit and nipped at the skin making sure to let my tongue trace her perfectly hardened nipple. Slowly but surely I moved downward gliding my tongue down the valley of her stomach, stopping right at her hips. I heard her breath lodge itself in her throat as I got dangerously close to her core. My hands gripped her thighs, my thumbs digging into the inside of each one causing her to buck her hips upward. I moved back up to her face and her hands tugged at the top of my shorts. Our lips crashed together fiercely as I ground my hips into hers causing a more audible moan to come from her mouth. My shorts soon found their way to my ankles and I kicked them off, then sliding Y/N’s panties off from under her dress. We reconnected once again as I readied myself at her entrance.
“Come on funny guy.” She groaned eagerly, wanting me to enter her. “Show me what you’ve got.”
I smirked and raised an eyebrow, the tip of my cock now right against her slit. Her eyes widened, in complete disbelief that I was teasing her. She forced herself upward trying to push it in for me but I pulled away every time knowing it was driving her crazy.
“Please.” She begged. “Please Ryan just fuck me.”
Her begging set me off and with her least expecting it I plunged deep into her warm, and wet center. As her noises of pleasure grew louder and louder I pumped harder and harder into her, the headboard of the strangers bed surely putting dents in the wall.
“Ryan.” She cried, her walls getting tighter around me. “Ryan I-...I’m close already.”
I smiled against her neck and thrust into her as hard as I possibly could, surely about to break her. 
“Not until I tell you to.” I ordered, my voice shaking as I got close to my own explosion.
I pulled away from her neck and placed my hand over her mouth to keep any outside audience on the edge of their seats. Wrecking into her I felt her breath on the palm of my hand grow faster, indicating that she was right at the edge and unable to take anymore.
“Cum for me Y/N, cum!” I growled against her ear.
Soon enough she screamed my name into my hand, her muffled cry of ecstasy setting me off as well. I collapsed next to her, both of us breathing heavily.
“Christ.” She breathed heavily her legs trembling.
“I’m not just good at being funny.” I teased, my hand now resting on her thigh.
Y/N laughed her lovely laugh, which made my head continue to spin.
“I see that…”
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Party Jitters
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Pairing: Bakugou x anxious reader
Warnings: SWORE (also some anxiety but it’s not too intense. Maybe a bit of bullying, but it’s not really directly to y/n)
Author’s Note:
So this is the first request I’ve ever completed (🎉✨✨🎇) and I’m pretty proud of it! I started out having this go in a completely different direction and I got pretty far along until I decided it wasn’t really the vibe I was going for, so I stopped and started over. I might post the original later (either I’ll finish it up or just as the wip it is) but idk. Tell me if you want it, I guess? Idk, I might just post it anyway bc I do that sometimes.
Anyway, huge thank you to @bozowrites​ for sending in this request! I hope it fit something along the lines of what you were thinking!
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Oh, if only you knew how you had gotten yourself into this situation now
Except you did know, and it was all your own damn fault
You hated parties. You knew you hated parties; but in a moment of unjustified courage, you had convinced yourself that it was a good idea to get out there more
A friend from your middle school was throwing a get-together for your previous grade, and you thought it might be nice to see some of the kids you’d grown up with
You’d done yourself up with a different hair style and moderately more formal clothes than you wore normally, even convincing your boyfriend to come along with you
But oh, no. This was not good. The furthest thing from a good idea, if you asked your present self
It was as if only now you remembered that there weren’t many people there that you cared to see
You were at someone’s house, music blaring and lights dimmed
Katsuki had wandered off to get you both an age-appropriate beverage, and now you were standing alone in a corner
You spotted the group of kids who used to throw rude comments at you. To be honest, they were pretty rude to everyone, yet somehow they were still considered popular
That was all a whole year ago. We’re in different schools now, it doesn’t matter
Nevertheless, it felt like they wouldn’t stop looking over at you. You swore that one of the girls leaning over to whisper something in her friend’s ear was without a doubt talking about you
What could be wrong with you? You smoothed your top, wondering if you’d somehow magically changed into something else; something out of place and stupid
It felt like any minute they would come over and try to talk to you, even though you’d barely talked to anyone at all the entire time you were here
You felt like an outsider, which was ridiculous, since this was your old class
But no, there it was; the sick, nauseous feeling you were all too unpleasantly acquainted with
You wanted to run, but you’d made all the effort to come here. Where was Bakugou? You couldn’t ditch him
You tapped your fingers against your thigh to the rhythm of the music; a song you’d never heard before
This had been a mistake; a bad idea, and now your throat was starting to close up, the distant beginnings of tears prickling in the corners of your eyes
Your eyes snapped up from the floor, fearing the worst for a moment
Theywerehere, theywouldtalktoyou, theywouldteaseyou—
Bakugou stood next to you, holding two cups of lemonade
“Here.” He handed you the plastic drink container, and you took it with shaking hands
“Something wrong?” Katsuki asked, noticing
You went to shake your head, but finally thought better of it
“I don’t think I want to be here,” you admitted, sipping at your overly sugary drink
Bakugou scanned your face, setting his cup down on the floor next to the wall beside him
“Did something happen?” he asked, cupping your face in one of his large, strong hands
“No, I just . . . I’m sorry I dragged you here. This isn’t what I thought it would be.”
Bakugou shrugged, pulling you closer into him. “I’m glad I came. Otherwise you’d be here alone.”
You simply nodded, taking a deep breath to right yourself. “I’m glad you’re here too.”
Katsuki slipped his hand into yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Wanna get going?”
“I’ll take you to my place and we can watch a movie or something. This party’s lame anyway.”
You chuckled. “That’s not very nice.”
“It’s the truth. Now let’s go.”
He pulled you to the center of the room, nearing the crowd of popular kids you’d been watching before
“Hey, is that Bakugou Katsuki?” 
“The slime monster kid?” 
“No, the one from the sports festival.” 
“Same person, dipshit.”
Your boyfriend froze at the sound of his name, slowly turning to glare at your former peers
“What about me?” he questioned, gruff voice easily heard over the sound of the music
“Just wondering what you were doing here,” one of the girls said, giving him an overly pretty and practiced smile. “You didn’t go to this school.”
“No, I didn’t, but I’m leaving your dumb party anyway.”
He started to walk off again, but that was when they spotted you behind him
“Did you bring him here?” 
“Is he supposed to be your boyfriend or something?” 
You swallowed heavily, averting your eyes and walking faster, only to bump into Katsuki’s back
He had stilled in his path, a shadow crossing his eyes. You knew that look, that dangerous expression on his face. Bakugou was little more than a ticking time bomb, and your former classmates had just set him off
He slowly turned again to face them, and you could feel the palm clutching yours growing hotter in its grasp
“Have a problem with her? Or do you have a problem with me?” he asked, voice too low, too quiet
The same girl scoffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “It’s just that someone like her? With someone like you? You know what I mean, right guys?”
She snickered, turning back to her friends, who had now turned their full attention to the both of you
You weren’t sure if you’d ever seen Katsuki so angry, which was saying a lot, since he was outraged about something nearly all the time
Trying to prevent him from doing something he’d regret, you tugged at his shirtsleeve
He glanced back at you, face softening the tiniest of fractions
Balling his opposite fist, he walked back to the girl who’d called him out, pointing a finger in her face
“(Y/N) is my girlfriend and I love her, got it? I don’t need the opinions of shitty extras like you on my goddamn relationship. Just get the fuck out of my way and don’t talk to us again.”
With that, he went back to walking out, pulling you behind him in tow. He easily cleared a path for the both of you, yelling when someone wouldn’t move out of the way fast enough
When you were finally outside, he started walking you to the train station so he could take you home
“Don’t listen to those extras,” he finally said. Bakugou slowed down his pace and relaxed his grip on your hand, letting you settle comfortably into step beside him
“We do make quite the couple,” you remarked
He looked over at you, letting his face fall into the smallest of smiles. “Maybe tonight was kind of a shitshow, but you best believe that it won’t last.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“Because I’m the best boyfriend there ever was, and I know how to show my girlfriend a good time.”
You grinned, hugging him from the side as you walked. “You most certainly are.” Maybe it wasn’t always a good idea to inflate the blond’s ego, but you couldn’t help but be forever grateful for how he had impacted your life
When it came down to it, Katsuki would always show how much he cared, whether it was in your defense or simply getting you through a tough day
By the time you’d gotten off the train, all your worries had slipped from your mind, walking hand in hand in the moonlit darkness to spend the night at your boyfriend’s home
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Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @iiminibattlehero​ @pyrofanatic​​ @sokkasangel​ @xoxopam4​​
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
okok here it is, i don't have a working title yet lol and i wrote the first like three paragraphs a year ago and only now finished it
but uh here it is ig (it's long so below the cut)
oh and i named the characters before i read chog believe it or not so there is no correlation lol
Prologue - Cordelia
May brings with it the memory of battles fought and won and the ever looming presence of a war not quite lost but certainly nowhere near done. As I hand out threadbare blankets around the flickering fires of the temporary war camp, I have to force my mind not to stray to all the people who should be here but are not. Well, the one person, really. I don’t allow myself to dwell, for I know that if I let my heart open to loss, there will be no hope at closing the hole left behind. No one here will tolerate that.
Yet no one criticizes Halen when she fumbles and breaks her fragile composure, storming out of the planning tent, the memories glistening in her eyes threatening to spill over. No, when it’s her, they rush to comfort her, to appease her, and they tell her to take all the time she needs. After all, has the poor girl not been through enough? they whisper pityingly as though we all haven’t lost others to this fight. But, of course, it’s not my place to comment on the actions of the mighty Chosen One. Even if she is my friend.
I look down to find my hands are empty. Tir has taken the last blanket from me without my noticing, and he’s settling down against his pack with his bare feet at the fire. I scowl; he isn’t allowed to speak against Halen either, despite being her older brother.
Heaving a sign, I slump down next to my friend and pull a corner of the blanket over myself. Tir shifts slightly so I can lean against his shoulder. We don’t speak. There are no words big enough to dispel the cloud of grief that hangs over us.
I know Tir is thinking of Zo today, just like he knows I’m thinking of Cherry.
Both of us, I’m sure, are also thinking that Halen ought to be here. She ought to be spilling those tears she always threatens and apologizing meaninglessly for deaths that aren’t her fault. Since when did she choose to be distant and calm? Couldn’t she at least have the decency to break down with the rest of us?
I scowl at a gecko as it skitters through the dirt toward the treeline to the west. I should say something to Halen. I should scream at her, sob at her, cry out until she understands that we need her as a friend, not just a commander.
My mind made up, I stand quickly, earning a confused stare from Tir. “Where are you off to?” he asks, his voice thick.
I shake my head. “Somewhere that isn’t here.”
He chuckles and reaches up to squeeze my hand. It’s enough. He was never one for many words.
I smile sadly down at him and set off to the eastern shore, where the purple and gold tents of the Eneris royal tents have been set up. Their fire and sun emblem shines bright on the tent flaps behind guards dressed in layers upon layers of robes and wraps and blankets. I scoff. The army settled just twenty yards away is shivering under thin blankets and dying fires while the royals and their company dine on mutton and venison. Not that I’ve come to expect anything else from them. They recruited Halen and built this army from the ground up—of course they believe themselves worthy of a few more precious coins exchanged for better conditions.
Even today, the first anniversary of Monvira’s troops storming villages and uprooting lives, they haven’t so much as acknowledged the flood of pain that’s sweeping through their army. I wonder if they even know what May first means to their people.
I stop mid-stride, staring straight ahead at the Strategy tent, where I know Halen spends most of her time these days.
It hits me: May first. The sky is clouded and the birds are silent, but it’s May first and no one bothered telling me that I forgot my birthday. Which was April thirtieth. No one noticed.
Weariness pushes at the back of my eyes, and I blink heavily against the tears blurring my vision. Memories from last year flood my mind as I turn and hurry towards Halen’s private tent. It bares the same colors and seal as the others.
I collapse on her bedroll and let out a single sob.
Last year, on the night of my birthday, Cherry had wrapped a blanket around us both as we stumbled back to our village after a whole day spent together at Renton Lake. She’d kissed my hand and twirled me toward the hut I shared with Halen, giggling in the moonlight, her dark unbound hair spilling over her shoulder like a waterfall of night. The memory rips through me, forcing another sob out of my quaking body.
The next morning, she’d been gone.
I’m not sure how long I lay there, my tears collecting in a pool around my head, but eventually the shaking subsides and leaves behind a solemn heaviness. Only when I hear the tent flap ruffle do I stir. There’s a small gasp, then: “Delia?”
Halen’s nickname for me only makes the smallest dent in my sorrow. I push myself to a sitting position, sure that my face is red and splotchy and my hair wild and tangled. All in all, I don’t blame her for looking taken aback. “Delia, what is it?” she gushes, crouching before me and taking my face in her hands. “What’s wrong? What can I do?”
This is exactly what I wanted when I stormed in here. Now, I nearly laugh. It’s pathetic, really, all this time I’ve spent cleaning up after Halen, chasing her, thinking maybe she could do something that would fill the cavity growing inside me. I see it now, as her hazel eyes rake my face. “Nothing,” I tell her. Her thumbs are soft as they wipe away the tears that trickle down my cheeks. “Not anymore.” My voice is scratchy, and I push down against a wave of shame. I’m better than this. I’m better than breaking down in my friend’s plush tent. I’ve never been the emotional one—that was always Halen.
I wipe away my tears, feel myself stand and walk out of the tent, my mind still occupied with hazy revelations I’m too exhausted to fully pursue. There’s a feeling in my gut, the only one that matters right now, and it’s an overwhelming cry to get out.
The grass is silent under my feet as I walk, and I’m distantly aware of Halen calling after me. Her cries of “Wait!” and “What’s going on, Cordelia?” follow me, even after she stops.
I keep walking.
I don’t look back.
so uh yeah that's it 👉👈 i can give u the idea of the book if u want or you can just take this offering and run lol <33
Im gonna give you my unfiltered thoughts with no order or organization
1) i have a basis for how the crown is unfair (based on cordelias description) ALSO HOW CORDELIA DESCRIBED "i wasnt even sure if they knew what may 1 meant to their people" IDK BUT I LOVED HOW OT WAS WRITTEN. Its not explicit BUT LEAVES THE MESSAGE SAID
2) basis to whats going on? C H E C K
Artie i've told you a million times but I adore your writting style, i always adored it BIT READING YOUR ORIGINAL WORK
Your style is perfect
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littleredlie · 3 years
Hearts (S1P5)
Series Masterlist | Master Masterlist
Chicago Med x doctor!OC Morgan Fitzgerald is a doctor at Chicago Medical and family secret’s spill as her younger brother goes through major life changes. Her relationship with her colleagues also alter as she weighs everyone’s decisions during the day. Based off S1E14 of Chicago Med
4.0k+ Words 
Featuring: Morgan Fitzgerald, Marcus Fitzgerald, Will Halstead, Maggie Lockwood, Connor Rhodes, Stephanie Fitzgerald (mentioned), Don Fitzgerald, April Sexton Warning:  mentions of rape and murder, idk what else ???, cursing ??? , patient death, mentions of pregnancy loss A/N: I don’t know how I feel about this one. We learn more about Morgan and her family. And Connor and Morgan’s relationship is altered. She also reconciles with Will. Let me know.
Part Four
“Dad? Is everything okay?” 
Morgan’s father rarely called her. It wasn’t that they were distant, they just didn’t like talking on the phone. And Morgan always made the effort to fly out to Colorado Springs at least once a year.
“No, everything’s not okay. It’s Marcus.”
“Marcus? What happened?” Morgan stops in a vast hallway, her body looking out to the street that runs alongside the hospital.
“He dropped out of college.”
“Um,” Morgan thinks about what to say. “Dad, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do about that.”
“He’s not answering our calls and his roommate hasn’t seen him in a few days.”
Morgan and Marcus were close. But after Olivia’s death they grew distant, even though they lived in the same city. Occasionally, they would get together for lunch or dinner and they would try to spend birthdays together, but Morgan was busy (more like consumed) with work and Marcus was focusing on school. 
“Dad, I just got back from a trip two weeks and I’ve been nonstop busy with work. I haven’t necessarily been keeping watch.”
“Well, when you get the chance can you please tell him to call us. Or even talk to him yourself.”
Morgan lets a sigh out unsure on how to handle the situation. “I’ll do what I can dad, but no promises. Marcus is his own person and after Olivia, things have been different.”
“They have been for us all Morgie. It doesn’t mean he should throw away his life.”
“Dad.” She sternly cuts him off before he could continue. “When I get a hold of him I’ll talk to him. You’ll only get him mad.”
“Now Morgan, I just want what’s best for him. I let him fly out there for college and he proves me wrong by being irresponsible. Stephanie is friends with the dean, she can reverse his decision.”
Her father continues, but a nurse walks up to Morgan gaining her attention.  “Dr. Fitzgerald, your brother is waiting for you in the cafeteria.”
“Thank you.” Morgan nods and turns her attention back to her dad. “Dad, listen. I have an important case that I need to get back to. When I see or hear from Marcus, I’ll call you.” The older man tries to continue talking, but Morgan hangs up the phone and makes her way to the cafeteria.
When she makes it to the vast space, she easily spots her brother Marcus. He’s using his fork to push around a tomato on his plate and his leg is bobbing up and down, shaking the chair next to him. 
“Hey Marcus. You haven’t been waiting long have you?” Morgan pulls the chair away from her brother’s shaking leg and sits down in it.
“No, I just got here.”
“Good.” Morgan pulls out her lunch, noticing how hungry she’d gotten. “So, what’d you want to talk about?” She asks then shoves a forkful of pasta in her mouth.
“I came to give you this.” Marcus pulls out a key and slides it over to his sister. Morgan hurriedly swallows her food to question him.
“Why’re you giving it back?”
“I appreciate you letting me stay in your apartment these past couple of weeks while Hayden’s gone.” Morgan urges him to continue. She pushes away her fettuccine alfredo dish and picks up the key. 
“I told you, you could stay as long as you want. Hayden’s gonna be out for another two weeks or so.”
“No, I know that. And again thank you. But I’m actually leaving Chicago.” Marcus tries telling the news slowly, but it still brings shock to his older sister. Her eyes have widened and her eyebrows were almost aligned with her hairline.
“Don’t you think that’s a little too rushed. It’s not too late to go back to school or –”
“No Morgan. It’s like I said last night. It’s been a little rough on me and I just don’t think school’s for me.”
“What’re you gonna do?”
“A friend of mine has some work in Louisiana for me.”
“And what exactly is your plan Marcus? You dropped out of school two weeks ago. Your name is still on the lease of your apartment. Are you planning on  going down to Louisiana to couch surf? You haven’t thought this through.”
“Wow Morgan. Out of everyone, I thought you’d be more supportive.” He scoffs, a little offended. Morgan can see her brother pull himself away from her, leaning back in his chair.
“It’s not that Marcus. I’m your sister, I’m allowed to be like this. Criticize your actions. Worry about you.”
“Well you need to understand that this is something that I want to do?”
“Why? What happened two weeks ago that has prompted you to uproot your life?” Marcus glances away, looking anywhere but at his sister. This irritates Morgan a bit and she taps the table to get him to look at her. “You can talk to me Marcus.”
“Two weeks ago, I got arrested and was almost charged with drug possession.” The news shocks Morgan even more and now she’s the one to lean back into her chair.
“Why didn’t you tell me? What happened?”
“I didn’t tell you because my mom didn’t want me to tell you. She used her connections to get the charges dropped.”
“She got the charges dropped? More than she ever did for me.” Morgan mumbles the last part, but Marcus hears her.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
The older sister makes a sucking noise with her teeth and shakes her head. “It’s nothing. Got into a fight at a frat party and got arrested, and instead of bailing me out, your mom let me spend the night in jail. And I had to do all the hard work to get it expunged.”
“Maybe that’s why she didn’t want me to tell you.”
“Yeah. Probably.” Morgan and Stephanie didn’t have the best relationship. It might have started from the fact that Morgan refused to call her ‘mom’ and had always called her by her name. Maybe even the fact that Morgan looked just like her mother. It could have also been the fact that Stephanie’s only son with her father, Marcus, looked up to Morgan as her replacement. Stephanie was always away on lawyer business; their dad had expectations for all his children to fulfill and it got a little overbearing; Olivia was an older teen that was out of the house by the time Marcus was four; and his older brother Omar was a kid himself, so most responsibilities that pertained to Marcus growing up, fell onto Morgan. She didn’t mind, but Stephanie did and it only created a bigger rift between stepmom and stepdaughter. 
Take into account a bunch of other events that occurred since Stephanie married her dad and it’s no surprise that the two didn’t get along and had to restrain themselves during family holidays. When Marcus moved out to Chicago, he did it as a way to get closer to his big sister again and he also understood that the death of their older sister was hard on Morgan. But despite his efforts they never did get close as they used to be.
Morgan is pulled out of her thoughts when she realizes that she’s staring off into the distance. “Anyways, that all doesn’t matter. Your mom got you out, it doesn’t seem like that is a reason to leave.”
“Well our dad’s apparently had enough of my shenanigans this semester, so he cut me off.”
“He cut you off?” Morgan leaves forward again, her forearms accidentally slamming into the table too hard.
“Yeah. My grades have been slipping. I’ve been to more parties than lectures. And I guess the arrest was the last straw.”
“And instead of helping you out, he cuts you off?”
“I don’t really care. I’ve finally realized college isn’t for me and that I just want to find my own path.”
“Okay, Mr. Fortune Cookie. Are you sure? Maybe you shouldn’t abruptly leave and detach yourself from your family after something like that happened? Maybe you should stay with me a little longer.”
“Morgan, I love you. But you’re never home. Since I got here last year, you’re never available and I know that’s not gonna change soon. Dad and I aren’t talking. And I’m not gonna move back home just to be stuck listening to my mom trying to push me back to school.”
“You can at least find a job in a city you know. I’ll help pay for your rent.”
“You still have student loans to pay off and your own rent to worry about.” “What about Omar? He and Rachel have an extra room in their apartment in California. It’ll be a new town, but you’d have family.”
“I’m not moving into an apartment with my older brother and his wife, not while they’re trying for a baby.”
“Is there any way that I can get you to change your mind?”
“Dad called, he might uncut you off.” She shrugs, trying anything to get him to not make such a rash decision.
“Morgan,” he takes his sister’s hands trying to calm her down. “This will be good for me, I promise.” There’s a smile on his face, a dimple poking out of his left cheek. Morgan tries to say something again, but her phone beeps, indicating that she is needed in the emergency room. She hesitates, not wanting to end this conversation. “Take it, I have to head back to my apartment to pack.”
“Marcus–” He gives his sister a look and she pulls out her phone. Yep, she was needed. She stands up and he does the same. “You better not leave without giving me a proper goodbye.”
“I won’t,” the 19 year old pulls his sister in for a hug and she hugs him firmly, kind of scared to let him go. “Why don’t we go out for dinner and bring Connor?”
“Connor?”  Morgan pulls her body away from her brother, a confused look decorating her features. “How’d you know he was back?”
“I actually talked to him about this a few days ago.”
“I didn’t know you two were that close.”
“He’s a family friend. Friend of the family. I am also in this family.
“Yeah, I guess. I’ll ask him.” Morgan shoves her brother slightly and then begins making her way to the emergency department. “Keep the alfredo. Connor made it.” She yells back to him, the abandoned food resurfacing in her mind.
The second Morgan walks into the ER she spots Connor at the desk. She walks up behind him and places a gentle touch on his bicep.
“Hey,” he says when he sees her.
“Hey.” He turns back to the Mac computer, but she keeps looking at him. “Why didn’t you tell me about Marcus? You and I see each other everyday.”
“It’s not that I was keeping it from you, Marcus wanted to tell you himself. And he asked me for advice on how to tell you.”
“Oh,” she tilts her head to the side as if to get a better perspective. “ I didn’t know I was that difficult to speak to.”
“You have your moments Fitz, but telling you was really important to him. So I was willing to help.” 
“Well thank you. He seems to be at ease with his choices.” 
“Well I’m glad.” Connor nods, giving a little smirk to his friend.
“He’s invited us to dinner. Wanna come?”
“Yeah, sure.”
A ding resonates in the department and Morgan sees Maggie in the corner of her eye.
“Dr. Fitzgerald, trauma one incoming.” Maggie says, a light tap on the doctor’s arm before moving towards the ambulance bay doors. 
Instantly Morgan grabs two pairs of blue gloves from a box on the countertop, throwing the extra towards the surgeon. “Come on heart doctor.” He chuckles, but pulls the gloves on and follows Morgan.
“18-year-old female hit a guard rail, flipped her car. Open left tib/fib, BP 90/75.” Everyone begins reeling the gurney into a trauma room. “Heart rate 130, GCS 10.”
“Alright, she’s gonna need ortho.” Dr. Rhodes starts. “Call X-ray. Alert the OR.” Maggie signals her understanding before putting the orders in her cube.
Morgan grips the sheets the patient is on to start the transfer. “One, two three. Transfer.” On her orders everyone moves the patient onto the treatment bed.
“It’s okay, sweetie.” Maggie soothes. “Let go of the purse; it’s okay. Let go.”
“It’s okay.” Connor tries to comfort as well, seeing the hesitance in the patient’s eyes. “You can give her the purse, okay? You can give her the purse.” 
Morgan moves away from the top of the patient and focuses on her other injuries. Morgan looks up to the screen; worry beginning to climb in her chest. Maggie leaves the room on a quest to find the girl’s family. Maggie takes her place next to Doris. “BP is crashing,” she says to the team.
“Pulse ox is 78.”
“She’s lost consciousness.” Morgan notices, taking a torch and flashing it into the girl’s eyes to gauge her reaction.
“Give me 100 of Sux, 20 of Etomidate.”
“Need a hand?” Morgan’s head raises to the sound of Dr. Halstead.
“Yeah, throw in a tube.” Morgan recommends and Will enters the situation. Morgan grabs the breathing mask and places it on Skyler’s face as the red headed doctor begins prepping the tube.
“She’s bleeding from somewhere.” Dr. Rhodes says. “Get the level one transfuser, trigger the MTP. I need the FAST scan and a chest X-ray.” The FAST scan is put in Connor’s hand as Will continues to intubate the girl. Morgan holds the breathing mask, waiting to move onto the next task to help the patient. Nurses surround the doctors giving off statuses and performing duties. 
“I’m in.” Will says and Morgan hands him the breathing tube so that he can push air into Skyler’s lungs. He nods at her and Morgan gives off a smile before moving away.
“All right, there’s no free fluid in her belly.”
“Let’s get the X-ray in here. And increase O2 to the max.” Morgan immediately announces when Connor removes the ultrasound wand. Will puts on a lead apron, Connor places a board under the girl and Morgan heads out of the way.
“X-ray, clear.”
The room continues moving as soon as the X-ray is done. Will looks at the results, analyzing the problem. “Her left side is whited out and her mediastinum has shifted to the right.”
“It’s a tension haemothorax.” Morgan mumbles, her hands moving to the drawer with a chest tube. 
“Chest tube tray now. 36 French.” Connor says, and Morgan places it in his hand.
“Hand me the trauma shears.” Morgan asks April, who hands it to her. The doctor then cuts the girl’s shirt and disinfects the area. She moves out of his Dr. Rhodes’ way as he begins to cut into Skyler’s side.  Blood begins squirting out of the cut while Connor tries to plug it closed. “We need more sponges.” 
“Yes, doctor.”
“More four by fours.” Someone says.
“She tore something major in there.” Will exclaims as he tries to help his colleague. 
“Transfuser’s here!” April vocalizes, pulling the machine.
As Connor continues with the chest tube, Morgan leads the way. “Alright, let’s hook it up. Start with the blood and the plasma.” The nurse starts to do what was directed and Morgan moves back to Skyler’s head. A few more things are addressed before Connor makes the move to go up to the OR. Together the team, excluding Morgan, wheel the girl in the direction of the OR.
The doctor throws the gloves in a trash can, making her way over to Maggie’s desk.
“You’re not going up with them?”
“No, Connor’s got it. Besides I was paged down here for something.”
“Yes, a patient of yours in treatment 4. Should be your last before you head up to OBGYN.”
Morgan takes the tablet with a smile and turns, heading to the new patient. It’s been two weeks since she got back from her vacation and the break has allowed her to enjoy her job. You could see it in the way she easily smiled and they way interacted with her surroundings. Kevin and Adam taking the case out of her hands, helped as well. Maybe life could be a little easier now.
When it came to obstetrics and gynecology, it was not as hectic as the emergency room. And during her hours there, Morgan was able to slow her pace down a little. Sure at times it could get a little boring, but Morgan loved seeing pregnant women and delivering babies, the beauty of life.
She’s standing in front of the glass window of the nursery room. Babies sprawled in their little incubators. Some fussing, some sleeping, some peacefully looking at the dim lights about them. She’s so entranced, she doesn’t even notice the person walking up beside her.
“They’re adorable, aren’t they?” She turns her head to see a woman who’s also looking at the newborns. “Is one of them yours?”
“Oh no! I just like looking at them.”
“Understandable. The one right here,” she points to a baby with a light green hat,” is mine. Harley is her name.”
“Beautiful.” Morgan sighs out, a small grin on her face.
“Do you have kids?”
“Um, no.” The doctor chokes out.
“Do you want kids?”
The personal question shocks Morgan. It almost makes her faint. Lately she hasn’t thought about it; but usually whenever she was on the phone with her dad or Stephanie, they’d remind her that her biological clock was running out. “I think I do.” Morgan answers, unsure what kind of answer that was. “I was pregnant twice before, but after that I never thought of it.” The doctor had no idea why she just told the woman that. No one knew about her pregnancies, not Hayden or Connor, not her brothers or her dad. This was something she wanted to keep to herself, not like it was anyone else’s business.
“Well I hope that you figure it out.”
“Thank you,” Morgan stalks away trying not to let the revelation of her child situation get the best of her. She continues walking until she gets back to the ED. She resumes working for the last few hours of her shift. Her mind forgetting everything else going on in her life and continuing with work.
“Hey Will, have you seen Connor?” Morgan asks after venturing through the ED looking for her dinner date. “We’re supposed to have dinner.”
“So now you’re talking to me? Cause it’s almost been a month.” He says, packing away some things in his bag.
“Yeah, I am.” She looks at him. He isn’t looking at her and Morgan understands why. “Will, I’m sorry, I am. Everything that was happening a few weeks ago was a nuclear bomb. You were going through your own things and I didn’t necessarily help.”
“You were a little hostile,” they both chuckle at that. Morgan steps a little closer, testing the waters a little bit.
“I know I was. When it comes to my family, I get a little defensive. Especially with what happened to my sister. Then you went a did something incredibly stupid and I just got mad at you. And everytime I thought about approaching you, you went and did another stupid thing. You’re a great doctor. Amazing. I don’t want you to ruin that.” The two of them are closer now and Morgan tries to show her sincerity. “You have been one of my closest friends these past few years and I didn’t want to lose you. I’m sorry.”
“I forgave you a while ago.” He answers back and Morgan releases a breath she didn’t know she’d captured.
“And I promise I will try to tell you about my family and other things. Just give me a little time.”
“Yeah, of course. No big deal.” He nods, his eyes grazing the features of her face.
“Thank you Will. I don’t deserve you.” Morgan throws her arms around him and he almost doesn’t have time to react as she quickly pulls herself back. “I’m sorry to rush this nice moment, but have you seen Connor? We’re supposed to meet my brother for dinner.”
“Oh! Yeah, sorry. He was here just a few minutes ago. He was packing up to leave.”
“Damn, he must’ve forgot about dinner.”
“Morgan, you should know that our peds v auto patient didn’t make it. She died in surgery and I think it got to him.”
Taking a few steps back, Morgan nods, understanding the situation. “Thanks for letting me know. I’ll go make sure he’s okay.” Grabbing the bag that was prepped before she went on her search for Connor, she heads out of the room and throws a quick wave to Will.
It’s a little cold when Morgan steps out and she tightens her coat around her. Connor’s car is still in the parking lot and the sight pulls her body towards him. As she gets closer she sees him crying. The scene demolishes Morgan’s heart and it almost makes her cry, her eyes wetting as teardrops sit unshed. Her hand raises to tap on the driver window and she sees her friend jump a little. His head hesitantly turns to look at Morgan and she offers a small smile. He just looks at her, unaware of what to say or do, but gladly Morgan does. 
She walks around the front of the car and opens the passenger door, throwing her backpack in first and placing herself inside. The door slams shut and silence envelopes the two doctors. With no hesitation, Morgan reaches across the center counsel and takes Connor’s hand. Her thumb grazes his knuckles as his sobs calm down a little.
“I’m sorry about your patient Connor.” He turns his head and looks at her with a grateful look. “I already canceled dinner with Marcus. We can have it another night.”
“Thank you.”
“For the time being though, let’s go back to my place. We can watch movies and order pizza from that old pizzeria that we used to go to as kids. And you can’t say no.” Her other hand cups his face and softly wipes the tears away. “We’ll even drink wine or something. Whatever’s in the cupboards.” Connor’s hand clutches the wrist of the hand on his cheek, his thumb now soothing the exposed skin. There’s a small smile adorning his face and they almost reach his eyes. 
“I’m sorry about dinner.” His voice is raspy, bothered by the crying he was just doing. But Morgan finds it cute and it only brings her closer to him.
“No need to apologize. Like we promised, we’d always be there for each other.” It’s intimate, the most they’ve ever been and it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was as if they had always been this intimate. And no one knew who moved first, but in a short moment their lips clashed against each other in a kiss that was long overdue.  
Connor’s hand leaves Morgan’s and moves to cup the back of her neck as a way to bring her closer to him. The action, along with the temperature, sends a chill down her spine but the warmth of his lips soothes her. The tenderness of the kiss remains and they both decide to keep it gentle because these were new waters. His lips are a little chapped, but they compliment her soft ones and it parallels her callous fingers that are caressing his soft skin.
If Morgan could kiss Connor forever, she would. But they were still sitting in his car in the hospital parking lot. Their movements stop for a moment and they both sit there with their eyes closed, lips barely touching. When Morgan opens her eyes, he’s looking at her. There’s still a sad look present, but a small grin is pointed at her. She notices the dark scruff sculpting the bottom of his face and the tears sitting on his eyelashes. His eyes are on her lips as he feels an overpowering urge to kiss her again.
“We can also do more of that if you aren’t up for movies.” Morgan jokes before giving him a chaste kiss.
“Yeah, why not.” He whispered, willing to continue the private moment but also take a break from the day.
Part Six
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maxmiz · 3 years
Okay, If Max were to propose Mariam on her 23rd birthday, what would it be like? Please write something on this, I am eagerly waiting to see this content written by you.
Firstly, thank you much for the ask @velox-the-knight. I thought I’d do one better and write a short one shot fanfic on this. But I’ve tweaked the facts a little. I’ve made it so that they’re both 28 (23 feels a bit too early for someone like Max to marry idk?) and I’ve not made it on her birthday. But I’ll hope you’ll like this!
Also tagging @stroblitzfalborg, @bakutenmayhem @araingirl @midnightstarr8 @gingericywolf @luxahheart @dangpanterita @turquoisewisteria @tshjortile @hiwataris-bitch and anyone else who would like some Max/Mariam content. Feedback is appreciated from anyone who likes Max/Mariam in the fandom! (This is a hurriedly written short fic, so it may not be great lol)
The path to the dojo was covered in chrysanthemums and a young, blithe man strolled down the road, inhaling the fresh scent of spring into his lungs in the hopes that it would inspire him to finally pop the big question. The golden strands of his hair mirrored the bright beams of the radiant sun above, and twenty-eight-year-old Max Mizuhara strode into his best friend’s house with every ounce of his courage tucked away in a little black box in his pocket. Today was the day that he would ask her to marry him.
The familiar, idyllic setting of Takao’s house greeted him at the entrance and comforted him as he tried to pull himself together and calm his nerves. The oddly mature words of wisdom of his precocious younger sister, Charlotte, surfaced in his mind – if you know she’s the one, then she is. If she’s not, you can move on to other things. Like buying me a Playstation.
His eyes scanned the dojo. He half hoped that Daichi would not spring out of some corner with a bowl of soup in his hand and ruin the bouquet of wild flowers that Max was carrying, by tripping and falling over some rock as usual. Max’s mother, Judy, had not appreciated Daichi’s clumsiness when he had all but destroyed her immaculate designer pantsuit by spilling a drink on it by accident.
I can’t believe that I brought flowers, he thought to himself amused. Max had never really been the flowers-and-chocolates type of boyfriend. Romantic gifts were more of Rei and Takao’s domain. Mariam and Max had always had a jovial, easy-going relationship. They did many things together – from trekking to mountaintops and sleeping under the stars together, to skydiving and dancing at carnivals to which Raul and Julia often invited them. But romantic cliches had never been something that either of them was particularly fond of.
Growing up with parents who rarely lived in the same city, Max had never had the occasion to watch any romance blossom between them. Family dinners were often a cold affair, with his mother being an emotionally distant workaholic and his father being in blissful denial about the crumbling state of their marriage. Even as things had improved between his parents after he had won his first world championship, Max’s faith in romance and marriage had forever been marred by the shadow of his childhood in a dead home.
Yet, here he was, ready to ask the love of his life to marry him, with flowers no less. The irony was not lost upon him.
Oddly, it was his two friends Kai and Hiromi who had suggested that he take flowers with him as he proposed to her. Max could swear he almost choked on his drink as he heard those words leave Kai’s mouth. It made him wonder if, in private, Kai had actually ever given his nature-loving boyfriend Brooklyn any flowers. The thought of a romantic Kai seemed almost as inconceivable to him as the thought of Yuri and Takao’s errant brother Hitoshi hooking up. But stranger things had happened in their world – Balkov becoming a reality show star, for one. He certainly gave the Kardashians some stiff competition in the vanity department. Yuri almost retched at seeing Balkov’s vainglorious Instagram account.
Chuckling, Max looked down at his bouquet as the memory of his last conversation with his friends popped up in his mind.
“You listen to me Maximilian Mizuhara…”
“Actually, it’s just Max,” said Max, cutting her short, meekly.
“Did I say that you could interrupt me?” growled Hiromi, rolling her eyes. “Now, as I was saying…you have to get her flowers! You can’t propose without flowers to a woman who has been raised in the mountains in the lap of nature. Back me up, Hiwatari!”
Kai put down his drink on the table and shrugged. “You heard the woman.”
“You can’t be serious,” said Max, surprised. “And what if she does not like flowers?”
“Then you can take off your clothes and hope that she forgets about the flowers when she sees you in your magnificent birthday suit,” said a drunk Takao, laughing at his own joke without a care in the world.
“Takao!” said Hiromi, smacking him lightly on his head.
“Ow, what was that for?” said Takao, crossly.
“Your jokes are getting worse every day. Soon you’ll give Ivan a run for his money and that is not a compliment. Ask Yuri and Boris. They had to make a jar specifically for him in which he has to drop a penny every time he makes a terrible joke. There was enough money in it by the end of the year for Yuri to buy Julia a gift pack from Victoria’s Secret and have money left over for Boris and Sergei to go drinking expensive wine at Ralf’s vineyard. Do you want me to make such a jar for you too?” said Hiromi, narrowing her eyes.
“If it helps get you your favorites from Victoria’s Secret, why not,” said Takao, playfully.
Hiromi blushed and pretended to text on her phone.
“Okayyyy, get a room you two,” said Rei, laughing.
“Alright, guys, can we deal with my problem before Mr. World Champion here starts his drunken monologue? Is it yay or nay on the flowers? Won’t it be too cliched for Mariam to appreciate?” said Max, frowning.
“Make it so that it isn’t,” said Kai, in a deep voice.
 Make it so that it isn’t. I hope I’m doing this right.
Max walked further into the dojo to see Mariam sitting on the porch, with her long blue strands of hair casually tied up on top of her head in a bun. She was dressed in a white shirt and red skirt, while a tattoo of Sharkrash on her smooth, porcelain skin glimmered under the light of the sun. Max gasped as he watched his beautiful girlfriend concentrate on the book that she was reading, one that Max instantly recognized as his favorite, personal copy of Bitches Gotta Beyblade. Ming Ming had written quite the tantalizing but wonderful biography of her life as a beyblading and singing sensation – and though Max had initially found her annoying during her BEGA days, he had come to admire her over the years. Juggling school and Beyblade while winning Grammys every year was no mean feat.
As Max stepped into the garden by the little pond, Mariam lifted her face from her book and looked at him with a smile on her face.
“Maxie. What’s up? Why are we meeting at the dojo when neither Takao nor grandpa are here? Feels a little weird,” said Mariam, suspiciously.
“Weird? Why is that? We’re always hanging out at the dojo on weekends,” said Max, hiding the bouquet behind his back.
“You know…like we’re trespassing or something while he’s not around,” said Mariam.
“Trespassing? Did your conscience prick you like this when you were stalking me day and night to seal my bit-beast?” teased Max.
“For the last time Max, I wasn’t stalking. I was just gathering intel,” said Mariam, feigning annoyance.
“Alright, Mata Hari, pipe down,” quipped Max. “Ozuma can’t hear you, you know. We both know that you couldn’t get enough of me.”
“Oh yeah, and who was the one putting on all the moves in a collapsing building? Seriously Max, who flirts when they’re almost about to get crushed by a building?” said Mariam, playfully.
“Guilty as charged, m’lady,” said Max, laughing.
Mariam uncrossed her legs and leaned against a wooden pillar casually. “What have you got behind you?”
A romantic cliché, that’s what.
“Hmm, let’s see,” said Max, pulling out the bouquet and presenting it to her.
“Flowers…” said Mariam, surprised.
“Not just any flowers,” said Max, handing her the bouquet.
Mariam looked more closely at the bouquet and Max could see her face lighting up.
“Orchids…from my village in the mountains…” said Mariam, looking touched.
Max knew that Mariam missed her village frequently. Even though she quite liked her life as a marine biologist, free from the shackles of her tribe’s strict and conservative rules, Max often found her wistfully longing for the mountains that she called her home. He knew that if flowers were the way to go, he would personally write to Yusuf and request him to send them to Japan, where he and Mariam were living temporarily after taking a sabbatical from their jobs in California.
“What…what’s the occasion?” said Mariam.
Oh boy, here goes.
“Well…I don’t know how to do this…” mumbled Max, as he slipped his hand into his pocket.
Mariam watched him curiously as he pulled out a little black box.
“Oh…my…” said Mariam, intuitively, the minute that she laid her eyes on the box. “Are you asking me to…”
Max stared at Mariam, unsure about how to proceed with it. He stood quietly staring at her for a solid two minutes until Mariam said, “Uh…Max?”
Kneel, you moron. You can gawk at her later, thought Max as he mentally slapped himself, before going down on one knee.
“Mariam…I never thought that there’d come a day that I’d find myself asking you…or anyone, to marry me. I have never believed in fairytale endings or happily ever-afters. And I don’t believe that being with you is my fairytale ending, because nobody knows what the future holds. But you certainly are the beginning of my fairytale. Now I wish I had Rei’s eloquence to be able to come up with a romantic poem on the spot, but that’s not me. I’m all smiles and jokes and mustard on noodles and we have had always had an unconventional relationship. So, in the spirit of that…” said Max, opening the box, mid-sentence.
Okay, here goes nothing.
Much to Mariam’s surprise, Max pulled out a red, silken bandana from the box and tied it around her forehead.
“I could have got a ring…and I will after this, but I don’t do cliches. Now, I’m 14 years late, but here’s a long overdue replacement for the bandana you tied around my arm when I injured myself protecting you in that collapsing building. I’m tying this around your forehead as a promise to protect you for as long as I can, no matter how many buildings collapse on us and no matter what hurts me in the process. So…will you…marry me?” said Max.
Mariam gasped. She looked like someone had punched her in the gut.
“You know, Takao’s garden has just been hosed an hour ago. My jeans are getting soaked in the mud. Could you answer faster?” said Max, sheepishly.
“Well…yes, you idiot!” said Mariam, throwing her arms around Max and hugging him tenderly.
Kissing her softly on the cheek, Max pulled away and looked into her gorgeous green eyes. He had spent many a night looking into them, but this was the first time that he had seen a touch of vulnerability in them. If anything, her eyes looked even more beautiful now.
“Oh, that was so fucking cute, I’m going to faint!”
“Hell yeah, go Maxie!”
“Max, you dawg…”
Shocked, Max and Mariam looked to the left to see their friends peering at them from behind the dojo and giggling amongst themselves. Kai and Brooklyn did not seem to partake in their laughter, but smiled approvingly at him and Mariam.
“How long have you guys been there?” said Max, going red in the face.
“Long enough, buddy,” said Takao, bellowing with laughter.
“You promised you’d be out,” said Max, embarrassedly.
“And miss this? Never!” said Hiromi, slyly.
“Oh yeah, Kyouju even taped it,” said Rei, giving their bespectacled friend a nudge.
“It’s time for some celebration!” said Hiromi.
“Drinks in the garden?” said Takao.
“On it,” volunteered Brooklyn. Kai joined him to go into the house and fetch the celebratory champagne.
Max looked at his friends and then at Mariam, and smiled. He had finally found a sense of contentment that had eluded him for most of his life.
The beginning of a fairytale indeed.
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purplefairywriter · 4 years
Shadow in Flames pt. 1
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Summary: Rogue!Suga/Yoongi x herbalist Y/N. When your life gets saved by a rogue, your life is changed in ways you never would have expected… This mostly sets things up so don’t be disappointed. 2.5 k words BTS fantasy / Dungeons & Dragons AU. Also please forgive my crappy thumbnail I just really kind of wanted to get this out in time for a certain birthday or something, idk~ _____________________________________________________ Yoongi stood in the alleyway. He watched some pickpockets go by, just enjoying the sparse quietness that the night brought him. The hood over his head and his quiet nature afforded him the joy of being left alone. No one bothered mysterious men as long as they stayed quiet. It was a lesson he had learned a while ago. As well as a lesson that he kept well. No one needed to notice Yoongi. He was of no importance. Some part of him liked that, liked being of so little import that people could choose to ignore him. He sat in that alleyway nearly every night, just to watch people, enjoy the moonlight, and stay nice and warm under his hooded cloak during the winter without having to stay cooped up in a seedy inn room. The sound of a knife unsheathing some distance away made him leap unto his feet. He looked over to see a grown man aiming the knife at a cowering child. “I’ll pay you back, I promise!” The child cried. “You lousy brat, you haven’t been able to steal anything for two weeks now! What did I ever hire you for?” The man asked, his words slurring. Yoongi walked over to the pair and tapped the man on the shoulder. The man turned around with a growl.  “What are you doing talking to my son like that?” Yoongi asked his hand on his knife’s handle. The man looked at the kid then back at Yoongi. “Then why are you lettin’ him roam the streets and work for me? Some moron idiot father you are.” The boy looked up at Yoongi, visibly frightened. Yoongi had never seen the boy before in his life. But Yoongi knew what it was like to deal with angry, cutthroat criminal scum like the man standing in front of him as a child. “Leave the boy alone. How much does he owe you?” Yoongi asked. He kept his hand on his knife, ready to draw in case the criminal lashed out. “50 gold.” The man grumbled. Yoongi pulled out his coin purse and nearly handed it to the man. “It’s between me and the brat. I don’t want your blood money.” The man turned back to the boy, his anger growing. “I could’ve made twice as much profit this week if I didn’t have to feed you. I should’ve let you rot!” The man raised one hand, tightly gripping a knife over his head as the child screamed. Yoongi managed to pull out his knife and stabbed the man in the shoulder, which reduced the man to a crumpled heap of pain on the alleyway path. Yoongi knew the blow would not kill the man unless he decided to lie there and bleed to death. The worst it would do was make it hard for the man to ever stab someone else ever again. Yoongi grabbed the child’s arm and dragged him out of the alleyway and towards safety. The rogue only stopped running when he knew they were a good distance away. He stopped for a moment to let the boy catch his breath before questioning him.  “What are you doing on the street dealing with a man like that?” Yoongi asked. The boy stared at Yoongi’s face as if he could see the expression on the older man’s face under the darkness of his hood. Yoongi sighed. He looked up and down the desolate alleyway before leaning down to the boy’s eye level. “Look, I know you’re afraid. I’ve had to deal with hundreds of men just like that one in my lifetime. Never turns out pleasant, I can tell you that.” “You could be just as bad as he is!” The boy stated with a passion that made Yoongi chuckle. “Yes, I could. But I’m not.” “Yeah? Prove it.” Yoongi laughed at the boy’s bravado. “If I take my hood off, will you trust me then?” The boy frowned a bit at the thought. Slowly but surely the boy nodded. The rogue knelt down to the boy’s eye level as the boy froze. Yoongi sighed as he let down the hood of his cloak. It was an open secret there was a half-elf wandering the streets. In a mostly human town, anything remote Elvish got looked down at. The human population was divided between people who were strongly anti-elf and people who couldn’t care less. Yoongi’s slightly pointed ears seemed to have no effect on the boy. The rogue’s smile and warm brown eyes did. The boy smiled. “What are you?” The boy asked. Yoongi laughed. Of course, the boy had never seen an elf before, left alone an elf mongrel like him. “Well… I’m a half-elf, half-human.” “Oh.” The boy pouted a bit. “You sure you aren’t full elf? Mom says that elves are just fairy tale creatures who save people from monsters.” Yoongi wrinkled his nose at hearing half of his heritage was being relegated to ‘creature’. The boy gave an awkward laugh. “I was only sayin’ that because you saved me from Jennings, that’s all.” The boy said. Yoongi patted the boy on the shoulder before the sound of distant footsteps made him put his hood back up. “Look, kid, keep this whole thing between us, yes? I think the last thing we both need is the town guard knocking on our doors, asking us what happened tonight.” Yoongi said as he stretched. “Okay. Do I have to keep quiet about the fact I met an elf or can I tell my friends? Scott just last week was talking about he saw this great big el-” “Especially the elf part, kid. You should keep elves as fairy tale creatures. Okay?” The boy crossed his arms as if that would change Yoongi’s mind. Yoongi stared at the boy until the boy sighed in defeat and uncrossed his arms. “Now let me walk you home,” Yoongi said. Yoongi stood back up. He began to walk towards the alleyway’s entrance and out onto the street. The boy stood, pouting. “What’s wrong?” “… I’m afraid to go home.” The boy said. “I’m sure your parents won’t be mad.” Yoongi did not know this to be true but still said it nonetheless. “I’m sure they’ll be overjoyed that you’re home safe and sound.” “My mom is sick. My dad left us when I was little. The doctor refuses to see her unless we pay him and we didn’t have any money so I came out here and I was going to-” The boy began. His words became more choked up as he began to cry. Yoongi frowned as he felt a wave of empathy wash over him. The boy began to sniffle as a tear ran down his face. Yoongi stared at the child, unsure of what to do or say to make him feel less melancholy. An ingenious idea hit Yoongi as he broke out in a grin. “Maybe, if you promise me not to go out on the streets again looking for money and the trouble that comes with money… I’ll see if I can’t help your mother out, huh?” The boy burst into a huge smile that spanned nearly ear to ear. “How… why would you do that?” “No one should go sick, starving or living on the street because of who they are or where they come from. As long as you promise not to go out on the streets again.” Yoongi said. “I promise!” The boy exclaimed. “Anything to make my mom better!” Yoongi smiled softly at the boy’s words. He knew the mother would probably not agree to his help but it was worth a shot. “Come on, let’s get you home,” Yoongi said as he and the boy finally exited out of the alleyway and onto the street.  _____________________________________________________ Yoongi and the boy approached the house. The boy eagerly knocked on the door before Yoongi even got the chance to think of doing so. The door immediately opened to a woman, pale and gaunt, who looked like an older but more feminine version of the boy. She gasped in delight at the sight of her son before leaning down and hugging him. “I’ve been looking for you these past few days!” She said, half chiding and half thankful. When she pulled away from the hug, she cupped her son’s face. “Don’t you dare ever do that again, do you understand me?” “Yes, ma.” The boy said. “I was only trying to get enough money so you could see the doctor!” “I told you, we can’t afford a doctor. Don’t worry, it’s just a cold, it’ll go away soon.” She said. Yoongi noticed she was trying to sound optimistic but the look in her eyes told him she knew otherwise. “But he can!” The boy looked over at Yoongi. The woman finally looked up at Yoongi and slowly stood up. She eyed him with heavy suspicion. A look that Yoongi knew too well. “Who are you?” She asked, her tone tinted with fear. “He saved me from having to steal for the rest of my life, ma.” The boy said. “If you refuse his help, momma, I’ll go right back out on the street.” Yoongi and the mother’s jaw dropped at the boy’s threat. They looked at each other before looking back at the boy. “No, you won’t do such a thing, do you understand?” The mother said. “You will stay right here or… or… I’ll ship you off to go live with orcs!” “Awesome!” The boy said, oblivious to the fact that what his mother had proposed was a punishment. “No, not awesome! Just… go to bed, we’ll have a talk about how you shouldn’t threaten your own mother or run away from home later.” The mother’s stern tone came out in a way that made the boy sigh and walk towards the other part of the house. The mother sighed as he went out of earshot. She coughed before speaking again. “I’m so sorry for your trouble, sir.” “It was no trouble, madam,” Yoongi said, straining to come off as polite as he could. “I thank you for bringing my son back but I cannot accept your charity.” “Please.” Yoongi’s desperate plea, while only one word, made her close her eyes.“I can’t take your money. If I do, you’ll…” She said. Yoongi felt his heart drop into his stomach with the knowledge he knew what she was going to say. “I won’t. I know I’m nothing but a rogue but… I had a mother too. I lost her when I was young. Some sickness, probably very much like the one you have, madam.” Yoongi said with a frown. The memory was still crisp in his mind despite it happening over a century ago. “I… I’m sorry to hear that.” The mother said before she coughed again. She turned her head away from the door frame as she did so. “I won’t take advantage of you or your son. I only want to help. I only want to keep another person from ending up living on the streets like me.” Yoongi pleaded. The woman sighed. “Okay. I’ll trust you. But I swear if you as much as look at my son or I the wrong way, I’ll-” “Have me skinned alive and made into armor,” Yoongi said in a joking manner that managed to make the woman chuckle. “The only problem is none of the doctors will come out here because it’s too…” The mother said, letting her words drift off as she looked down the rundown street and buildings. “I know a doctor. Very good quality doctor, very discreet. Very good bedside manner, hard to find in most doctors nowadays. They know herbs and the fancy college stuff. I’ve known them for years and I will vouch for them with my own life if needed. That is if you don’t mind me procuring a doctor for you as well as paying for it, madam.” Yoongi said. Replace years with maybe half a century or more, and replace ‘a doctor’ with ‘a family of doctors’, then I’m not lying too badly, am I? He thought with a chuckle. “That’ll do.” The woman said with a shrug. “I’ve never seen a doctor before in my life, so I have no idea what to look for in one. I’ll be here all day tomorrow but I work as a fruit vendor on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.” “I’ll remember that, madam. If you don’t mind, I’ll come back to notify you of when the appointment is. I’ll try to get one for tomorrow.” Yoongi said. The woman nodded with a faint smile. They both said goodnight to each other before he turned away as if to leave. Then he felt the tug of guilt at his heartstrings. He turned back around to face her. “Here.” He said, pulling out a small bag of about twenty gold coins. “Food for you and the boy, madam.” The woman stood there with her arms crossed staunchly for a moment. Yoongi still handed her the bag. After a moment she took the bag gently. “Thank you, sir. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.” The woman said with tears in her eyes. “Let me help you. That’s the only repayment I need.” Yoongi said. “If you ever need me, go to the tavern down the road and ask for sugar. They’ll let me know.” The woman thanked him again before she closed the door. Yoongi walked down the street and into his inn to try and get some rest. _____________________________________________________ Yoongi waited until the next morning to go see his trusted doctor. He had known this doctor’s family for ages, ever since he was nothing but a scrawny teenager. Now he was well over a hundred years old but still looked like he was about twenty-five years old. He forgot how his relationship with the family began but knew it was started cordially enough. As he walked towards the doctor’s place of work which doubled as their home, Yoongi sighed. He walked up to the door and cracked his knuckles before knocking. “I’ll be right there!” A voice cried. Yoongi smiled at the sound of that voice. Although it was faint, it sounded melodic. Eventually, he heard a set of footsteps rushing towards the door. When the door was opened, Yoongi stood there staring at the person who had answered the door. Everything about her seemed to carry this air of kindness, even he could not properly explain it. The way she smiled at him as she opened the door, the color of her hair, the fact she looked up at him despite him wearing a hood… It was enough to drive him mad. And her eyes! Her eyes were somehow unlike anything he had ever seen before, so radiant that he thought they were blessed by the sun itself. “Hi. I’m Y/N! What’s your name?” She asked, her enthusiastic tone failing to force him into speaking. “I… um…” Yoongi stammered. “I’m here to see the doctor?” “She’s in the back. I’ll be right back!” Y/N said before closing the door. To be continued~
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theshinsun · 4 years
A-Z for honesty hour because I'm an asshole. :D
A - If I’m in love.
...yes. I never thought I would be again, I thought I’d been too hurt and jaded to feel this way again, but against all odds, I’m back to being 17 in full force.
B - Who the last person I talked to on the phone was.
The only one who ever calls me is my mother. And customers at work.
C - How long it’s been since I’ve kissed.
damn, almost a year now… not since my last relationship ended back in October-ish. even then, it was mostly casual pecks idk if we ever seriously made out tbh.
D - If I have a preference for boys or girls.
already answered (twice) but I'll keep going… I've got a definite preference of guys over girls, but I'm also a bi disaster and sometimes it doesn't make a lot of sense why this person is instantly attractive to me while that person isn't. certain aspects of femininity do appeal to me, but weirdly other aspects seem to be a turn-off and I can't always put my finger on what or why. ...that caveat does not apply to masculinity though, even if it's traditionally "masculine" features on a feminine-presenting individual I am 100% down every time.
E - How many holes I have in my ears.
two and a half? I got a third piercing at some point halfway up the lobe but it got infected and scarred over I think. the holes I do have are also stretched (I'm up to 0G now) and I've been meaning to get some more.
F - Give me any options, like ‘hot or cold?’
wasn't given any options, so I guess I'll go with hot or cold lol. I prefer hot, I'm one of those weirdos who loves summer because of the heat and I'll usually take a hot food/drink over a cold one.
G - The last person I said ‘I love you’ to.
my mom, over the phone just now.
H - The last person I hugged.
my roommate. we're not always super touchy-feely with each other but I've been feeling kind of down and she noticed.
I - The last time I felt jealous, and why.
I'm not usually a very jealous person, but the last time I really felt that way… I'd recently broken up with my ex, and they were sitting on someone else's lap and I… felt things. part of the reason I realized I may have made a mistake.
J - Are you insecure. What about?
K - What my full name is
already answered, my first and middle are Jacob Brooks, I'm not putting my last name out there sorry I don't trust like that.
L - If I have siblings.
already answered, I've got two, an older brother and a younger sister.
M - If I forgive betrayal.
I mean, I forgive but I don't forget, ya know? like I'll accept an apology if it's sincere and welcome the person back and never bring it up again, but I'm probably gonna be cautious around them in the future, and not trust them as readily as I would have before.  
N - If you want to know how I treat my friends.
if I call someone my friend it means I really feel close with them, and I treat my friends basically like my family. I try to always be honest and supportive of them, bc I love and appreciate them and just want them to be happy. 
O - If I like my school.
I love my school. the campus is beautiful, the teachers are fantastic, and I just love being there and learning and growing in my classes. I'm really sad this semester is probably going to be mostly online because I really feel like I belong in those studios and on that campus and I miss it.
P - What kind of music I like.
already answered, and it mostly boiled down to all over the fuckin place, so this time… band recommendations, here we go. no you have no say in this.
here, have a clump of random favorite bands off the top of my head: mother mother, bad suns, nothing but thieves, hozier, shearwater, the neighbourhood, steam powered giraffe, rainbow kitten surprise, the oh hellos, gregory alan isakov, caravan palace, mystery skulls, khai dreams, autoheart, muse, silversun pickups, thousand foot krutch, two door cinema club, twenty one pilots, blue october, jukebox the ghost
Q - What the last party I went to was, and when the next will be.
I'm not a partier at All, but I did have a bunch of friends over for the 4th (okay I say a bunch but it was like four people from our usual less-socially distant circle). I have no idea when the next get-together will be, it's kinda hard to plan those kinds of things lately.
R - For me to tell 10 of my curiosities.
the phrasing of this question is weird but I'm gonna assume it means things I'm curious about? let's go with that.
travel. I haven't ever been out of the country and I'd like to see other parts of the world at least at some point in my life.
tattoos. both getting them and learning to do them, it's a niche branch of art that I'm just fascinated by and I might like to do it as a career if I knew more about it.
same thing with being a florist. I'm really drawn to it as a concept and I'm super curious how it works, but I have no idea what kind of… qualifications and whatnot I'd need for that.
 surfing. I'm surrounded by the lifestyle and now kind of own a surfboard, I just want to know what the appeal is.
this may be a bit tmi, but I'm really curious what it's like to have a dick. I don't suppose I'll strictly ever know, but I still really want to… probably one of the biggest things to clue me in that I'm definitely trans is the literal penis envy ngl. 
I've always kind of had a fascination with the ocean, and I'd love to go like, scuba diving or something someday, to see it up close and personal.
I think everyone has the impulse thought of shaving their head at some point. maybe someday I will I don't quite have the balls to do it now.
I've gone this long in my life and never wielded a sword? a travesty. I don't pretend to have the grace to actually know how to use one, but I've like, never even held a real one and the idea interests me a lot.
this one might be slightly morbid curiosity, but I don't think I've ever been like, properly drunk or high before, like I've been tipsy but I've never been wasted, you know? the idea kind of scares me and I don't think I'm going to go out and remedy it, but it's still there, and even if I know it's not a good idea, I do still wonder what that's like.
same vein, maybe even a little darker, but I've got at least a little morbid curiosity about like, death and real danger. again, not planning to act on it At All, but the thought is still lurking in the back of my mind like what if…? you asked for honesty.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
S - 2 habits.
bit of a new habit, but I have a whole ritual of disinfecting groceries when I bring them home, and then disinfecting the door knobs and counters. I don't know if it'll persist after the pandemic is over, but it's already ingrained in me and I don't feel comfortable if I skip it or do  it differently.
I apologize for things that aren't my fault. it's such an instinct at this point to say "sorry" when I'm uncomfortable or anxious that it doesn't even register anymore, even when people tell me not to be sorry, I'm still gonna say it, sorry.
T - 5 things I love unconditionally.
already answered so here's 5 more
my family. if I haven't got my family I haven't got anything, we've got each others' backs and I won't turn on them for anything
my friends. same deal, I owe so much to my friends, I love them, and that won't change no matter what they decide to do or be.
sleep. I love sleep so much, even if it's just an involuntary nap, though for someone who loves it so much I sure don't get enough of it
spotify. I know it has problems, I know there are probably more streamlined/cheaper music streaming services out there, but at this point, I've sunk too much of my time and energy into this one and I'll never give it up
my ocs. I don't talk about them very much on this platform, but I have them, they're my children, and I love them even if they're assholes and never easy to write/draw. 
U - How many texts I send daily.
already answered, the number varies, and sometimes swings drastically between like, 5 and 35 on any given day.
V - 3 big dreams.
graduate art school. it's gonna be a serious undertaking and probably take several more years and a lot of loans at this point, but I'm still determined to get there someday.
someday I want to write a book. I know I've said that before on a different prompt, but it wouldn't be a list of dreams without including this one that I've held onto since childhood. 
this one's kind of vague, but someday… I want to not be afraid anymore. like I want to finally be in a state of mental/financial security so I can live my life without the fear of what's coming next. 
W - An idol.
it's probably really basic to list a youtuber, but I've still gotta go with Chase Ross. the guy was an inspiration and a major source of information and support for me early-on in my transition, and even watching him now I still want to approach life with the pure positive energy and confidence that he has. 
X - If I’ve done something I regret very much.
yes. a couple things, really… some of which I don't think I'll ever be able to make up for.
Y - If I like my town and why.
my current town? yeah, it's got its problems but it's also beautiful and full of life and art and unique energy and I miss the days before the Corona End Times when I could actually go out and enjoy it.
Z - Ask any question you want.
??? I did not receive any specification for this one, and given that I didn't skip even the duplicate answers and this is ridiculously long, this one I'm gonna SKIP.
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mintymiknow · 5 years
Scintilla - ch. 2 | Bang Chan
summary & more info | masterlist
Characters: Stray Kids, Reader
Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader
Summary: Curious and stubborn you truly were, still sneaking out with Changbin even when Minho was clearly against it. This time, however, someone else follows suit, witnessing the growing bond between the Seo siblings and Newbloods.
Genre: Royal fantasy [Red Queen AU]
Word count: Approx. 7.5k
Warnings: n/a
A/N: This chapter is a bit longer than the previous one hehe. Idk but I personally think a lot went on in this chapter uwu. I’ll just leave y’all to read it. As usual, my asks are open for any questions or if you just wanna blurb about this :>
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Facing Minho didn’t seem like the best decision right now, but you did anyway, bracing yourself for his steely glare. “You really want the truth, Minho?” you say lowly, though Seungmin and Hyunjin still hear the boldness in your voice.
Minho narrows his eyes at you almost as if this was some sort of mental battle. You don’t smile. It was almost as if you were looking at the male with pained eyes. “The truth is that,” you start, “you’re not the boss of me, and neither is the Council. What I do and where I go is up to me – they’re my decisions. You can’t keep me tied up and following your rules when I’m the one who should have the most authority here.”
Minho seems unfazed as he lifts an eyebrow, “Given that, do you still think it was wise of you, the princess, to go out into a place where you could have easily been murdered? I’ll let the fact that you went to Elysium pass, but District 9?”
“You went to District 9?” Hyunjin stands, hands slamming on the table; whether it was intentional or not, you didn’t know, but the horror on his face was definite, “Y/n, you straight up went to District 9?”
You clench your jaw, refusing to look at Hyunjin as you continue to glare at Minho, “Yes, I went to District 9.”
Hyunjin worriedly looks to you, “Why? Why would you go there?”
“Clearly, our dear princess seems to have trouble following rules.” Minho says coldly, “And I don’t think she’s the only one.”
Minho’s eyes move from you to Changbin who easily levels his glare. Seungmin mentally questions the prince, making eye contact with him. Once Seungmin gets the answer he needed, his eyes fall to his untouched food, mouth agape in shock. The disbelief if Hyunjin’s voice rises as he asks the prince, “What? You too, Changbin?”
Changbin doesn’t bother to hide his smirk as he took pride in whatever he did the previous day, “Yeah, and nothing’s wrong with that.”
“Oh please. Tell me you fools didn’t notice her injuries.” Minho hisses, causing Hyunjin to flinch.
“We did,” Seungmin says, “we just…wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt that she tripped outside or something.”
Minho grips your wrist to spin you around. You’re now facing your friends who were seated at the table. “Nothing’s wrong, nothing’s wrong.” Minho sarcastically sing-songs before speaking in a lower tone, “Tell that to the Council when they see y/n’s wounds. See her face? An abrasion and bruise, right there.”
Seungmin sighs, “I…may have to agree with Minho on this one.”
You and Changbin snap your heads to him, and he continues to speak, “I honestly couldn’t care less if they were Reds or Newbloods or what. They could be Silvers for all I care. But you both put yourselves in danger, and that’s not something I’d be proud of.”
“But I don’t think they were…you know, expecting to be in danger.” Hyunjin quietly speaks up, “I mean, Changbin’s completely fine.”
Minho scoffs, “Obviously. If you were to pick which one to hurt or kill, would you pick the prince who withdrew his rights from the throne? No! You’d aim for the princess who is inheriting it!”
His patience was wearing thin, and you could tell the younger ones were starting to feel uneasy in the tension-filled room. You take a deep breath and give yourself a moment to compose yourself. Spitting back at Minho would only fuel the flames of his anger, and that’s the last thing you want. Lee Minho rarely got angry, but when he did, it was a horrific experience – and it was not something you wanted the younger boys to see. “Minho,” you finally say, pausing for a few seconds to make sure his attention was on you, “I’ll take responsibility for whatever happens because I chose to go.”
“I expected better from the two of you.” he says flatly, “I don’t give a damn if Changbin goes to Elysium or District 9 by himself. But what gets me is that he had to drag you along in his little adventure. You’re the one who’s going to sit on that throne, ruling this kingdom.”
With another piercing stare, Minho turns to your brother, “If she died there last night, her blood would have been on your hands, Changbin. Yes, Newbloods may have murdered her, but who would have been the cause? You would – ”
“Minho, stop it!” you wriggle your wrist out of Minho’s hold, “I forced Changbin to let me go! Changbin didn’t want me to go, but I forced him. You hear me? I – forced – him! Don’t you dare make my brother guilty for something he’s not responsible for!”
You knew that Changbin had felt guilty over a lot of things – not being a better son, not taking his princely duties properly and giving it all to you, running away from the throne – there was much more to him than the rebellious prince everyone knew him as, and you weren’t going to let Minho add to his guilt list.
“Then maybe you both should have thought things through before sneaking away!” Minho yells.
The three others have fallen silent, and you know that they want nothing than for this to be over. You huff in exasperation before stomping your way out of the dining hall. However, when you reach the huge wooden doors, a knife comes flying towards you, impaling the wood right next to your head. Any other person would be shaken up by such circumstances. Not you. Not a single fiber in your body was affected. You calmly turn around to see Minho’s eyes on you, cold like the steel he loves to manipulate. “I’m not done with you.” he says, nearly growling.
You keep your eyes on his movements, words refusing to come out of your mouth – not when he approaches you strongly. Not when he takes your hand in his, gentle unlike his expression. Not when he drags you out of the dining hall. Not when he threatens the three others, “None of you are to speak about this, am I clear?”
Once you and Minho are outside, Seungmin turns to Changbin, “Seriously, what were you two thinking?”
“Hey, don’t lump y/n in this. It was my fault.” Changbin mutters, eyes sorrowfully glued to his unfinished bread.
Hyunjin couldn’t describe what the unbearable feeling was that kept tugging at his chest. It was as if he felt disappointed and angry at the Seo siblings, but he also felt sorry and pitiful towards them. Were Minho and Seungmin right? Were you and Changbin right? The young man didn’t know, mind still trying to comprehend what he just witnessed. Hyunjin sighs, “I…can’t say whether you’re right or wrong but I just hope that you and y/n aren’t turning your backs on us.”
“Exactly.” Seungmin keeps his eyes to his empty teacup, “Just don’t forget where your loyalties lie, I guess. We don’t want you betraying us.”
“That’s not going to happen.” Changbin says firmly. He sounds so sure that Hyunjin and Seungmin decide to leave the topic alone, resuming their breakfast in silence.
Changbin looks at your place on the table, his eyes painted with a color of guilt and regret. Hyunjin offers him a tentative smile – it’s an uncertain assurance, but he was trying his best. “They’ll be fine. She’ll be fine.”
With Minho in that state, Changbin surely hoped you’d be fine.
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Minho has dragged you all the way to the balcony of your own room. He swings the glass door open, allowing both you and him outside. The morning breeze rustles your hair while Minho’s eyes remain glued to yours. “What else do you have to say?” you ask bitterly.
His facial features are much calmer now, but with the way his eyebrows are knit together, you can tell he’s still angry. His eyes seem distant and detached, but there’s a tempest inside them, raging on and on, and you fear that if it’s released, it would leave you in ruin. He speaks with a low voice, “Do you really have such little regard for yourself? Do you really not care about what happens to you?”
“I…no, of course not.” you start, eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the male’s question, “Why would you say that?”
He crosses his arms across his chest, expression telling you that he didn’t believe a word you just said. He says, “You just go do whatever you want, don’t you? You don’t seem to pay attention to the other variables and consequences.”
“I do, Minho.” you groan, growing frustrated with every passing second you spoke to him, “I know it was dangerous. I know it’s against the rules. I know all of that, ok? But I wanted – no, I needed to see it all for myself. I’ve always wondered, what’s it like outside my castle walls? What’s it like outside my city walls? What’s it like beyond our little Silver heaven?”
“That ‘little Silver heaven’ is your priority. Remember what we were taught as children? The Silvers have the most importance. It’s the hierarchy – the system.” Minho explains, his gaze now looking out towards the extravagant city before you.
His words, however, reminded you of something someone else had said to you.
“As rightful queen, your loyalty will always be with your own people.”
The Newblood, Chan, had said that last night when he caught you with his friends. You join Minho in scanning the city’s horizon, but unlike Minho whose eyes are fixated on the pristine structures of Miroh, your eyes gravitate to Elysium, then inevitably towards District 9. Even when you wanted to tear your eyes away from the city of rebels, you kept getting tugged back as if a gravity were compelling you to keep your eyes on it.
You voice out your thoughts out loud, “But as queen of the whole Nortan Kingdom, aren’t citizens of Elysium and District 9 my people as well? Shouldn’t they be part of my priorities?”
Minho doesn’t look at you – either he refuses to, or he’s still irritated. “They are your people, yes. But the Silvers precede them in any circumstance.”
You roll your eyes at yet another elitist comment. Typical from a Silver, what were you expecting? “I just don’t think it’s right. I talked to them, Minho. I laughed with them.” you whisper, voice almost a plea to the man who refused to listen. “Father was right when he tried to keep it united. They aren’t what you all think.”
His eyes are now on you; all semblance of anger or irritation is now gone, perhaps washed away by the cool breeze. Minho is many things, but he is not the most soft-hearted person. So, when his hand reaches up to caress the skin of your cheek – just below the abrasion and bruise you received – you are taken by surprise. Well, surprise was an understatement. You felt as if someone had taken Minho’s place, and it scared you. Not in the fearful sense as you felt when you were attacked, but scared because this was something new to you – something Minho had never done.
“But their people were also the ones who did this to you.” Minho whispers, his voice soft like silk, sending shivers down your spine, “Believe it or not, but millions of Reds and Newbloods are waiting to have you dead, y/n. I can’t let that happen.”
“This?” he continues, removing his hand from your cheek so that he could hold your own hand. He lifts your arm, causing the sleeves of your dress to slide down, revealing the stab from yesterday. “I can’t let this happen to you again.”
“It’s not going to happen, Minho. Please, trust me on this.” you say, voice barely a whisper as you felt your throat go dry, words struggling to come out.
“You know what else makes me angry about this whole thing?”
“It’s that you don’t see how the Council is going to deal with your sneaking away.” Minho’s voice is harsh once again, his hand letting go of yours, “You keep it up, and you’ll be labelled a traitor. Doesn’t matter if you’re queen-to-be. They’ll take you away, torture you, and execute you.”
He whispers the next words, hatred laced in his voice, “Just like they did with her.”
He can’t say that name – how could he? It brings him so much pain to just mention the idea of a certain person. You did not expect him to bring up that topic. Your gaze falls to the marbled floor as Minho takes a step back, “It’s unfortunate that your selfish heart can’t see that.”
Those were his last words before the male sauntered out of your room, leaving you speechless. Tears pricked at your eyes, accumulating but refusing to spill out and trail down your face. Forget about being hurt by him or his words. No, you were not a heartbroken princess. No matter how many times you argued with Minho, he was still your best friend – someone you leaned on since you were children. Having fights this big were never easy for you; it would leave you devastated at the thought that another rift was thrust at your friendship, and maybe Minho would leave you alone one of these days. Maybe you really had a selfish heart, but who could blame you? You sniff, mumbling to no one in particular, “That idiot.”
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Afternoons were Chan’s favorite times of the day. Something about the balance – the middle ground – between day and night was calming for the male. And somewhere in his little city was a place owned by SKZ. They called it the Yellow Wood, though nothing about it was yellow. In fact, it was simply a forest with numerous remnants and ruins of cement buildings and structures covered in vines, leaves, moss, and all kinds of greenery. Perhaps the only time it was “yellow” was during the autumn when leaves turned gold like the sun. It was, however, a welcomed change from their gothic, cement-filled city.
The male lay on his back on one of the elevated structures, eyes peacefully closed as the winds danced through his pale locks. Sleep was something Chan struggled to enjoy, partly due to the fact that he was always thinking about something. But it was also because of his sensitivity to sound. He heard the crunch of footsteps hitting the cemented ground but didn’t bother to open his eyes.
“You’re back, Jisung?” he asks the figure, eyes still closed.
Jisung smiles at the older male, “Yup. Nothing new, but Felix and I gave some food to a few homeless Reds back at the Trench.”
Jeongin falls into step next to Jisung, his usual bright smile now apologetic, “Woojin and I snuck into Dolorem and as expected, the Royal Guard is everywhere.”
“Hyung, what’s in Dolorem that makes it so important to us?” Jisung asks, kicking a pebble down the spiraling stairs.
Chan sits up, “No one knows. We were just told that some Silver secrets worth spilling lie beyond its enormous walls.”
“Can’t Jeongin just pretend to be Changbin or the princess and strut into that forsaken place?” Jisung raises an eyebrow.
“That’s been tried by other rebels. There are Whispers guarding the place, and it’s a standard procedure for them to read the minds of anyone who passes.” Chan shakes his head, “Even if Jeongin’s good at acting and controlling his own mind, those Whispers are trained.”
Jeongin nods, “Too risky.”
Jisung yelps when Felix suddenly appears beside him, “Can you not jump so suddenly and so close to me?”
“Can’t help it.” Felix laughs before turning to Chan, “Hyung, I picked up some news from neighboring towns.”
Chan gestures for the male to continue. Felix clears his throat, “Our spies found out that y/n – I mean, the princess – got into an argument with Lee Minho. He knows they’re sneaking around, and this can be dangerous.”
Jisung’s eyes widen, “They can have the Whispers read their minds and reveal our whereabouts! They may follow them if they sneak out again!”
Chan calmly smiles at the panicking male, “No, I doubt it. The Council won’t act on something that just happened once. They’ll brush it off and attend to ‘more important’ matters.”
“Besides,” Chan’s eyes look out into the open forest, an amused spark dallying in his eyes, “The princess does not know where her loyalty really stands.”
“Are you saying we use her…use that to our advantage?” Jisung questions, watching the way the golden sun paints the sky.
Chan chuckles, amusement further provoking his dimples, “No, of course not. But if we manage to convince her, she’d make a really big difference in turning the tides on what we’re fighting for.”
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Changbin observes your demeanor as you walk along the dusty road. Your eyes are puffy and swollen, eyebrows furrowed as your mind wanders from one thought to another. Seungmin would have difficulty reading your mind in this state. “Are you…sure you want to come?” he asks cautiously.
You hum in response, clenching your fists, “Yes. I want to be as far away from Minho as possible. Asshole. Jerk. Stupid idiot. I hate him.” you mumble, kicking the ground in the process.
You literally just got chewed up by Minho’s anger for sneaking away, yet here you were, sneaking out with Changbin again. Your brother couldn’t care less if Minho hated him, but he worried that it was different for you. He sighs, taking your hand in his, “I’m really against this and would have left you in the castle. You really shouldn’t be out.”
“Then just leave me in Elysium while you frolic around with the others.” you state.
He gives your hand a reassuring squeeze, “Not a chance. I can’t stop you, so I’ll just be with you. Besides, I’m not going to District 9. I’m meeting Felix and the boys in Elysium.”
“How do you communicate with them?” you ponder, head titled in curiosity.
“We don’t. We just…come up with these plans and tell each other before I leave their city.” Changbin explains.
A few hours later, you and Changbin arrive at Elysium. Despite a rather rough start to your day, being away from the castle and all the Silvers made you feel at ease. You pushed any negative thoughts to the back of your mind and urged yourself to feel free. Deep down, you knew you’d never really be free, especially with oaths and pledges clinging to you like leeches sucking your life away. With your brother taking you around the city of paradise, you didn’t feel any of that. For now, at least.
While Changbin bought a few pastries, you couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching you. “I’m being paranoid.” you tell yourself, sighing.
You wanted to ignore the eerie feeling and just feel like a normal citizen who enjoyed life to the fullest, but the logical conscience in you kept you on guard. Who could blame you? People tried to kill you the last time you were here. You carefully look on both sides before slowly looking behind you. Nothing seemed suspicious or out of place, so you clear your throat and tug on Changbin’s sleeves, “Can we go somewhere less crowded? I feel anxious here.”
Changbin pays for the pastries before ushering you away from the marketplace. “Are you ok? Do you want to go home?”
“No, I just…” you trail off, deciding to shoo your worry away, “no, it’s nothing. I guess I’m just hungry.”
“Hmmm.” Changbin hums to himself, not fully convinced by your words. He knew you better than that.
But before he could prod further, a sunny voice breaks the fragile quietness, “Fancy seeing the two of you here.”
Felix appears in front of you two, a large smile on his lips, “Y/n, is it ok for you to be out here?”
You offer the male a small albeit devious smile, “Of course not, but I’m here already, right?”
“I know,” Felix laughs, “Can’t do anything about that.”
Changbin tosses the bag of pastries which Felix catches with ease, “Go crazy, buddy.”
Felix grabs a pastry and happily bites into it. “Thanks.” he chuckles, words muffled by his delicacy-filled mouth, causing you and Changbin to laugh.
A figure approaches the three of you, and when you lay your eyes on the person, your heart stops for a second. You felt like a deer caught by a hunter in the deep forests, eyes shaking nervously as your body stiffened. “Oh, Chan.” Changbin nods in acknowledgement, yet you remain silent.
“What happened to your feisty attitude, Your Highness?” he cockily raises an eyebrow.
You roll your eyes and look away, embarrassed by the shade of pink dusting across your face, “I’m not obligated to answer that.”
He simply chuckles, a rather melodious sound. How such a thought came across your mind, you could not fathom, but you shove it away just as you would with Minho’s snappy remarks. “I thought I made it clear that you shouldn’t be here.”
“You said not to step foot into District 9. We’re in Elysium, genius.” you scoff, a small smirk starting to squirm itself onto your lips.
“Hmm?” he hums in amusement, taking a bold step closer so that he towered above you, “Are you being sarcastic with me, princess?”
Your brain feels short-circuited at the particular way he says “princess”, blinking your eyes rapidly. You refuse to back down and spit back, “Yeah, what are you going to do about it?”
He stares into your eyes for a few seconds before backing off and doubling over in a fit of giggles. You stand there, raising your eyebrow in suspicion. In front of your very eyes, Chan’s figure slowly morphs into a younger male, revealing himself to be Jeongin. He falls to the ground, laughing endlessly with Changbin joining his outburst. “Ah, y/n, you really are a tough person!”
You stand there, dumbfounded with a deadpan expression on your face, “Your name was Jeongin, right?”
“Yes.” he grins, dusting the dirt off his clothes as he recovers from his laughter.
Felix giggles a little, “I really thought that was Chan for a moment.”
“I doubt that weirdo would do anything like that.” you pout, “He looks to stiff to act that cocky.”
Jeongin shakes his head while still smiling, “Hyung acts like this a lot, honestly. I mean, maybe he’s not as flirty, but he does like to tease.”
“You’ve got guts, little boy.” you smirk, reaching up to ruffle his hair.
Jeongin’s smile reminds you of a little boy, but you could tell that there was more to him. “So, why go through the effort to pretend to be Chan?” you curiously ask, a sly smirk on your lips.
“He says he finds you amusing.” Jeongin explains, “He didn’t expound, but he seems to have…”
Jeongin looks at Felix who shrugs in response, “Taken an interest in you?”
You curse your hormones for betraying you as your cheeks turn pink once again. Hopefully, none of the boys notices; you, the tough princess who had much more pressing concerns, were blushing – for a reason you couldn’t think of – over the fact that a rebel took an interest in you? Who’s to say that his “interest” wasn’t in killing you? You mentally smack yourself for suddenly acting like this.
You dismissively wave your hand and cross your arms, “I’m not interested.”
Another person happily makes his way to your group, sparks of electricity fizzling out around him. “Are you sure? Chan’s a really nice person when he warms up. And wait ‘til you meet Woojin! Well…if he shows himself. He’s kinda shy around new people.”
“Really?” Changbin tilts his head, musing over his thoughts, “I actually think y/n has better chances befriending Woojin over Chan.”
Jisung shrugs, shaking off the electricity around him, “I mean, they did get off on the wrong foot, but Woojin’s more…textbook-ish?”
“Who’s Woojin?” you ask.
“He’s Chan’s best friend.” Changbin answers.
Jeongin adds, “They’ve known each other since they were kids and, well…they’ve been through a lot together.”
You slowly nod, trying to imagine what Chan’s best friend would be like. “Anyway,” Jisung smiles, “now that I’m here, shall we go to Sognare?”
“Sognare?” you inquire, “Is that the hill where an ancient castle once stood? I only read about it in books.”
As the group ventures out, Jisung answers your question, “Bingo. Legend has it that a Silver king from long, long ago planned to establish his rule in that castle, but he was forced back to Miroh with his castle being destroyed.”
“They what’s left on that hill is all that remains of his grand castle.” Felix notes.
You walk in front with Felix and Changbin before asking, “And people are allowed to just go there?”
“Technically not.” Jeongin chuckles, “A huge part of the castle is closed off due to unstable grounds, but there is a particular area that we usually hang around. No one really goes there ‘cause they don’t have much care for a castle that is long dead. Just another set of ruins for them.”
“It’s kinda like our tree-house.” Jisung laughs.
After a few minutes of engaging in a light-hearted conversation with the boys, you all arrive at the ruins of the mentioned castle. There was really nothing left but cement pillars, cracked walls, ruined staircases – each wrapped with vines and flowers. It was far from what castles looked like in Miroh, but it was undoubtedly ethereal in its own way. “You might think it’s childish, but this is where we like to…” Jeongin starts.
“It’s where we get to act like everything seems perfect.” Jisung finishes as he climbs the stairs, standing next to a crumbly pillar to look out at the sunset.
You and Changbin follow as Jeongin sits on a window sill, legs dangling in the air. Felix stands next to Jisung. “Do you have sunsets like this, y/n?” Felix asks, eyes filled with wonder as he imagines himself standing atop a castle in Miroh.
Changbin turns to you with a gentle smile, and you reply with a soft voice, “Yeah, we do. But it’s much more magical out here.”
“Right?” Jisung smiles proudly with his hands on his hips, “District 9 is filled with tall buildings and is basically a concrete jungle. We have a place called Yellow Wood, and it’s the closest we have to this place. But this is literally magical. Elysium really is the best place.”
“I mean, I nearly got killed here but yeah, I get your point.” you laugh, causing the other boys to smile in return.
A blissful silence ensues the group as the wind dances around, the golden sun kissing each of your skin with warmth. For a second, it felt as if no line between Silvers and Newbloods existed. It felt like you were all just young men and women enjoying your youth together.
The silence is soon broken, however, when Jeongin catches a glimpse of a shadow. “Someone’s here.” he gets off the window sill, scooting closer to Jisung and Felix.
The two are quick to react, scanning the area. “Could it just be Chan or Woojin?” Changbin points out as he guards himself.
“I don’t know.” you say quietly, the sparks on your flame-maker ring lighting up, “I felt a presence following me back at the marketplace. This feels similar. Do Chan and Woojin do a lot of lurking?”
“Yeah. But this feels different.” Jisung mentions, a smile still plastered on his face as if this was something worth enjoying.
The shadow darts across two pillars, and Felix utilizes his deep voice to warn the stranger, “We know you’re there. Show yourself.”    
When the figure slowly steps out, his identity is concealed by the shadows being cast by the pillars. Jisung sends a burst of lightning towards the figure, but the person dodges it with a simple side-step. Jisung doesn’t waste time to bombard the figure with more lightning strikes, but he simply evades each attack with precision and ease, jumping or twisting his body with the most subtle movements. A particular bolt of lightning flies past the figure’s face, giving you and Changbin a glimpse of his features – charming, young eyes with a mole underneath, and thick lips pouted in concentration. How and why was he here?
Jeongin stands behind Jisung as Felix readies himself for a jump, but you and Changbin exclaim, “Wait, stop!”
The three Newbloods look at you two in confusion before Changbin sighs, “We know him.”
“What?” Jisung questions, looking towards the male who was now hiding behind another pillar.
“Hyunjin, come out. It’s ok.” you call out to him.
He slowly peeks out from his spot, eyes cautiously watching each of you. When he slowly steps out, Jisung readies himself, making sure that Jeongin is safely behind him. Hyunjin sheepishly smiles, waving awkwardly at the group, “Uh…hey.”
You push past Jisung and walk over to Hyunjin. You question the male, “Hyunjin, what are you doing here?”
“I could ask you and Changbin the same thing.” he playfully smiles, though it morphs into a frown when you sternly stare at him, “Ok…I may have followed you and Changbin.”
Changbin joins in the conversation, “Since when?”
Hyunjin shrugs with nonchalance, “Since you both left the castle? I mean, even after Minho went on a rampage, I knew both of you wouldn’t actually listen to him. I saw you two leave the premises, so I decided to follow you.”
“Why though?” you ask out of curiosity.
Hyunjin gently smiles, “There must be something out here for you and Changbin to keep sneaking out.” he mumbles his last sentence, though all of you hear it clearly, “And…I needed to get away from the High House ladies.”
Changbin laughs, clearly amused by Hyunjin’s confession. You chuckle lightly, “Ok, I get it. But you do know that by doing this, you’re also going to be in big trouble?”
“When am I not?” Hyunjin giggles.
Jisung interrupts, hand raised to get everyone’s attention, “Yeah, that’s cute and all, but am I the only one who thinks this is really bad? Like really bad? Another Silver is here! I thought we’d just kind of stick to the Seo siblings!”
Felix nods in agreement, turning to Hyunjin with intimidating eyes. The latter shakes his head and dramatically waves his hands around, “Oh no no no. I’m too young to die. Don’t get rid of me, please. I promise I won’t say a word. I’m good at keeping secrets, I swear.”
Jisung seems skeptical, chewing on his bottom lip as he thinks. Felix offers Hyunjin a small smile, “We’re not going to kill you; that’s too much work, especially if you’re a Councilor’s son. Rather, we need to know what your intentions were for following y/n and Changbin.”
Hyunjin makes an “o” with is mouth, nodding as he replies, “Curiosity? Boredom? And I just wanted to make sure they weren’t doing anything stupid or dangerous. I may also have had suspicions and wanted to make sure that they aren’t conspiring against us Silvers or something. You know what I’m saying?”
He continues, looking at the three Newbloods, “And seeing as to little man, lightning man, and deep-voiced man haven’t killed you two, I guess they’re ok?”
Jeongin slowly smiles as he moves away from Jisung, “Are you a Silk?”
Hyunjin scratches the back of his neck shyly, but the smile on his face is nothing but proud, “Yeah, I am. How’d you know?”
The youngest male smiles wider, “No one noticed you were following us for quite a while.”
“Yeah, who dodges my attacks that easily?” Jisung pouts.
“Yeah.” Jeongin ignores his comment, “I observe a lot of people in Elysium, but not many of the Silvers there are Silks, maybe a good handful only. Silks are probably…the most fascinating Silvers for me.”
Hyunjin’s eyes sparkle as he, once again, dramatically reacts to his words, “That’s great, I’m touched. People always notice Magnetrons like Minho or Burners like these two, but never Silks like me.”
“You are handsome though.” Jisung points out with a deadpan expression, and you’re not sure whether he meant it or was being sarcastic. As a result, Changbin laughs, the sound echoing throughout the castle ruins.
Hyunjin chuckles, “So you three are like…legit Newbloods? You’re really Newbloods?”
“In the flesh.” Felix grins as he goes on to explain their powers.
“That’s cool.” Hyunjin smiles, “I always thought that Newbloods were a bit different.”
“What? Like we’re not as handsome as you?” Jisung continues to chortle.
Jeongin slaps his friend’s back, “The only thing that sets us apart is the color of our blood.”
Changbin walks up to Hyunjin and gently places a hand on his shoulder. “Jin, you have to promise that you won’t speak a word about this.” he says this gently but firmly.
Hyunjin nods immediately, “Minho won’t be the only one murdering me. Seungmin will too, so I’m not risking it.”
“Can we trust you on that?” Jeongin asks one more time.
Hyunjin turns to the young male, a friendly smile on his lips. “Yes, you can.”
Jeongin was a master of reading people; he wasn’t a Whisper like Seungmin, but when you grow up in an environment full of mysteries and masks, you sort of develop a survival instinct for seeing past such deception. Shifting and transforming was his ability, but he also picked up a skill from years of observing and watching people.
He did not see any trickery in Hyunjin’s eyes. In fact, he would have thought that the male held the same pure and clear eyes as he did. After a moment of silence, Jeongin’s lips curl into a smile, “I think we can trust him.”
“That’s not for you to decide, Jeongin.”
A voice you’ve never heard pierces the peaceful afternoon, and you call turn to the source. Chan stands at the bottom of the spiraling staircase with another man. He had a good body – tall, too – with gentle facial features. But his body language was anything but gentle as he crossed his arms over his broad chest, eyebrows furrowed.
Chan smiles at his Newblood friends before turning to you, Changbin, and Hyunjin. “I see you’ve brought another buddy, Your Highness.”
Hyunjin was about to open his mouth, but you shut him up. “He’s clean, Chan. He isn’t dangerous.”
“That’s also not for you to decide.” the male beside Chan says firmly.
Chan nods as they ascend the staircase, “Woojin’s right. Your friend is a High House Silver. Royalty or not, you’re all dangerous until we really see we can trust you like Changbin.”
Chan’s presence is as commanding as ever, but one could not deny that the man who stood next to him was just as intimidating. Woojin doesn’t smile, nor does he seem angry. His expression remains neutral as he addresses his friends, “You guys can’t just keep hanging out with Silvers on a whim. Chan and I made it clear that Changbin was an exception. The only exception. Now you’re frolicking around with the princess and a High House elite?”
“How’d you know – ” Hyunjin nervously asks.
Woojin immediately responds, “We have our sources.”
Felix tugs at Chan’s arm while quietly whispering to him. He looked like a little boy seeking help from his older brother, and despite your initial hostility towards Chan, you couldn’t help but think that this man was their support – their strength. They depended and trusted him. “I honestly don’t think these three mean any harm, hyung.”
Chan’s eyes fixate on Felix’s pleading ones. With a sigh, he turns to Changbin for a quick second, then moves on to a nervous Hyunjin, and lastly to your unwavering eyes. The male smiles to himself and turns to Woojin who gives him a questioning look. “Let’s give them today. Just today.” Chan states.
Woojin sighs with a shake of his head, “You sure about that, Chan?”
“Positive. Jisung and the rest came to Elysium for a break. Let’s give them that for now.” Chan explains.
Woojin nods in understanding, “If you say so.”
Jisung and Felix high-five each other before pulling Jeongin into their little celebratory hug. They grab Changbin’s hand as he hesitantly joins their circle. Hyunjin laughs, and you watch them with pleased eyes. Seeing Changbin this happy was refreshing. He was fine in the castle, but out here, you could see pure joy in his eyes – something you haven’t seen since your father died.
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The sun was starting to set, but the whole group remained at the castle ruins. Changbin and Felix climbed another part of the castle, exploring its secret areas. Jisung begged Woojin to make use of his Gravitron abilities for the sake of their entertainment. He hesitantly complied with a sigh, stretching his arm out towards a pile of rubble nearby. The gravity shifts, and the rocks start to float before Woojin clenches his fist, the rocks falling back with a loud sound. Jeongin explains things to Hyunjin who simply goes “wow” at everything, perhaps flailing his arms every time something “amazing” happens.
They all now chase each other around the ground level of the ruins while playing a game of tag, some climbing walls or vines to escape the “it”. “Felix, teleporting is cheating!” Jisung cries out.
“No it’s not!” Felix laughs, evading Jisung’s touch as he jumps to higher ground.
Hyunjin stealthily flips and tumbles onto the tops of shattered pillars while Jeongin screams as Jisung catches up to him, “Hyung, help!”
Woojin smirks, shaking his head. “Please!” Jeongin yelps, barely dodging Jisung’s hand.
With a nod of his head, Woojin shifts the gravity around Jeongin as he floats above, the huge grin on his lips teasing Jisung. “Stop using abilities!” Jisung laughs, his hands starting to crackle with sparks.
You watch them from a run-down tower, smiling from above. You don’t hear the footsteps behind you, so when Chan positions himself beside you, you jolt in surprise. It causes Chan to chuckle, “Jumpy, aren’t we?”
“I didn’t hear you.” you mumble.
“Of course you didn’t. I did it on purpose.”
“Hah, you’re funny.”
“So are you.”
You narrow your eyes at him, studying the features of his face. Without realizing it, you’re actually staring at him, and Chan finds it odd…but amusing, too. He smiles, and only now did you realize he had dimples. “Is there something wrong, princess?”
You nearly choke and look away, nervous eyes looking below, “It’s nothing.”
Dusk paints the sky as you and Chan watch your friends in a surprisingly pleasant silence. When Changbin’s boisterous laugh pierces the sky, you find yourself grinning wider, “Changbin’s way happier here…with them. It’s been a while since I saw my brother look this happy.”  
Chan’s gaze shifts to you, watching the way your usually-blazing eyes soften with the dusky light. The way the winds swirls through your hair was almost perfect, making you look like a work of art. “Yeah?” he whispers, “It’s the same for Felix and Jeongin. Jisung’s always bright, but it’s nice to see Felix and Jeongin laughing like this.”
Your eyes watch as Changbin and Hyunjin team up to defeat Jisung and Felix in some tag-team game, screaming and exclaiming at each other like frenzied children. “If these kids can get along well, don’t you think it’s possible for the whole kingdom?” you whisper to yourself.
Chan’s sensitivity to sound allows him to hear your musings. He faces you with a calm expression, “Your Highness, ‘these kids’ are an exception. You can’t expect your whole kingdom to get along like them.”
“But it’s worth a try, right? I mean, if Father didn’t try, would he have been able to unite both people?” you question, shaking your head once you realize who you’re talking to, “Nevermind. Why am I talking to you about this?”
Chan’s eyes glaze over to the horizon, voice soft, “When your father attempted to unite us, my parents were overjoyed. So were Woojin’s and basically every Newblood and Red. The Silvers…they didn’t like it. They only complied because your father decreed it so.”
His eyes return to you as he continues, “He’s gone, and the Council tells you how to rule, am I right? Obviously, they’re going to want things to go back to the old ways – Silvers are superior. Your people precede mine, princess. Like I told you before, your loyalty is with them. You rule for them, not us.”
You decide to contradict his statement, a small but challenging smirk coiling at your lips, “Are you not my people as well, Chan? Newbloods and Reds are still part of my kingdom and therefore are my people too.”
Chan chuckles softly, the low sound causing your heartbeat double in speed. “That’s how you see it. A majority of your Council thinks otherwise. Majority rules, right?”
You look down on the ring you wear, eyes downcast, “I just want to do what’s best for my people. Both people.”
Chan makes a bold move, placing a finger gingerly under your chin, lifting it so you looked directly into his eyes. “You can’t please everyone, y/n. That’s the sad reality.”
Under normal circumstances, your girly heart would have jumped at the fact that he called you by your real name, but you brushed it off. “That doesn’t stop me from trying.” you declare, “I’m sure you’d still try if you were in my place, right?”
Chan gives you a gentle smile as opposed to his usual cocky smirks, dimples on full display. “We have much more in common than you think, princess. I’d do anything – ”
“ – for the people I love.” you finish his sentence, chuckling to yourself.
He gives you a little smile, “You’re a leader – a ruler and future queen – y/n. I lead these boys too, so I know how much you want everyone to be happy, including your own Silvers. But you need to see my side. You and the Hwang boy being with us is risky.”
He continues, slightly lowering his head to look directly in your eyes, “You’d do anything to keep them safe, right? It’s the same for me. If a single Silver learns about what you’re doing, it puts us in danger. You really can’t keep sneaking away from your castle, especially if Lee Minho manages to find out.”
You sigh, “I know, but Hyunjin and I won’t let anything like that happen. I see how much happiness you all bring to Changbin. I’ve ruined so much things for him, and I won’t let myself do it again.”
“You’re a great sister,” Chan chuckles, “but you’ll need to be a good queen as well.”
You nod, eyes glued to Chan’s own as if naturally being pulled to it, “That’s the plan, Chan.”
He chuckles once more, smile now wider than usual. He softly arranges your wind-struck hair, tucking a strand behind your ear in a feather-light motion. Your friends’ laughter and screams become louder, so Chan mutes the sound, enabling you to hear him and his voice only, “I can tell that you’re a good person, y/n, but I’ve seen for myself that Silvers are not.”
His eyes are ablaze as he whispers his next few words, “I don’t know if I can trust you – put mine and the boys’ lives at stake, but can you change that?”
Chan’s hand against the skin behind your ear is warm, and you feel as if it belongs there like a baby snuggling in its mother’s arms. With a grin, you respond, “You’ll see.”
“Indeed.” he chuckles.
He hears footsteps approaching, immediately retracting his hand from its position near your cheek, warmth slipping away. Woojin has his hands in his pockets as he ambiguously smiles at you two, “Sorry to interrupt your little chat, but it’s getting late. We need to go back, Chan, and so do you, Your Highness.”
Felix is ready behind him, giving you a little wave, “Jump time.”
You glance back at Chan who playfully salutes at your direction. You roll your eyes before saying your goodbyes to Jisung and Jeongin. Felix holds onto yours, Changbin, and Hyunjin’s hands as he teleports you three away. The eldest male looks at Chan with a mischievous smirk, “What’s got you smiling like an idiot, Channie?”
“Channie’s in love.” Jisung snickers, earning a smack on the head from Woojin.
Chan pats his snickering friend’s back before smiling at Jeongin and Woojin, “I don’t know, but I have a feeling that our princess is going to have a crucial role for us.”
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Notes from my Samarkand reread
I basically marked up my whole book (yeah I write in my books sue me) and there’s honestly too much to be said in one post but there were some things I forgot about until rereading, particularly odd character tidbits that might be relevant to any fanfics I attempt to write, and also some stuff that made me do a double take either cause it was funny or I have questions about it or I didn’t absorb it fully the first time or cause it lines up suspiciously with the next two books.
Under a cut cause longposting and incoherent
Mrs. Underwood makes an offhanded comment about Nat looking for the chocolate spread for breakfast. This is almost entirely conjecture, but I do find the idea of Nat liking Nutella cute.
Nat is a swimmer. He took lessons twice every week as a kid with the Underwoods, and in the months leading up to summon Bartimaeus it mentions he swam every morning to improve his stamina and to “grow strong in body”. Summoning has a physical element to it, so being athletic is actually vaguely relevant to magicians. This is a long-winded way of saying I don’t think Nat is as weak and pathetic as we tend to think of him. Idk how much he continued exercising into books 2 and 3, but I find it doubtful he would have just stopped entirely especially with his fixation on remaining in control and staying strong in front of his demons. He’s kind of portrayed as frail and out of breath in parts of Ptolemy’s Gate, but that might be more due to exhaustion than him being a wimp? The bottom line is, he’s not about to get into a fist fight or anything, but I think he could probably take Artemis Fowl if he had to.
In conjuncture with the swimming point, Nat apparently took classes with commoner kids, but was too awkward to make friends early on, and by the age of 8 they were actively avoiding him due to his status :(
Nat knows how to play a lyre (yeah yeah I guess I’m just rehashing his education regimen but this stuff was all things I’d forgotten).
Music also appears to be a trigger for Nathaniel, since it leads to ‘distant memories’ resurfacing, presumably of his life before the Underwoods. This makes me wonder if maybe one of his parents was a musician. Or maybe they just had a lot of music playing in their house. Either way, Nat is sensitive to it.
“You don’t want to die just yet, do you Nathaniel?” StroUD?????
Nathaniel’s birthday is in November. He’s most likely a Scorpio. Could be sagittarius but assuming the first book still takes place in November, but after Nat’s birthday, I’m going with Scorpio. I don’t even believe in astrology, so idk what the significance of this is but it seemed funny.
“Do you beat him?” “Rarely.” is in fact in the book and not just a graphic novel addition. Anyway, Underwood? We’re going to have words.
“He made swift progress with his studies, for his mind was fired with hate.” Ah, spite, the best motivator. Also, what a mood.
“Too much hate is bad for you.” “Why?” The fact that Nat just does not get it...I stan an emotional illiterate.
Nat at 12 and Ptolemy at 14 are the exact same height, according to Bart. Either Nat’s a bit tall or Ptolemy is a bit short. Given the fact that people are on average taller than they used to be, and also Bart labels Nat as very average, I’m rolling with Ptolemy being short by our standards. Kitty at 13 is also slightly taller than Ptolemy, and ergo slightly taller than Nat.
When was Bart’s last pre-Nathaniel summoning? He knows what a Yellow Pages book is, and is familiar with kids playing marbles (both things that started late 1800s/early 1900s as far as I know), so presumably sometime within the last century? I’m really curious what his other adventures during the modernish era looked like.
“Ambition is all very well, my lad, but you must cloak it. If it is too obvious, you will find yourself brought down in flames before you reach your twenties.” StROUD????????
“I shall get that stamped at the ministry directly and you will then officially exist. However, don’t go getting above yourself.” wow such an ego rush, being publically acknowledged to exist. If it isn’t obvious the reread doubled my hatred of Underwood.
Think it’s interesting to note that at the Prime Minister’s address, there are other apprentices and they appear to know each other and the magicians. Nathaniel not having any kind of peer group is an oddity even among magicians, and more so than his powers singling him out, it’s probably because Underwood forcibly isolated him.
“His face mottled with rage, he took two quick steps in Nathaniel’s direction, his hand raised to strike. Nathaniel flinched, but the blow did not fall.” Nat flinches. Underwood has done this before. If he weren’t already dead I’d kill him myself.
I only relate to Underwood once in this whole book and that’s at how upset he is when Lovelace breaks his best teapot.
Nathaniel ran straight into fire, toward Jabor, just because he thought there might still be a slight chance of saving Mrs. Underwood. My heart.
“He was going to his death. Which would have been fine, except he was taking me along for the ride.” I know this isn’t necessarily foreshadowing but why are there so many references to Nathaniel dying in this book? The comparison to Ptolemy and not living very long, most magicians not being as ‘suicidal’ as Nat? The two quotes I marked earlier? Was Stroud really laying the groundwork that early?
More evidence for Nat being high-int/low-wis; he just takes off his pants while swapping into the grocer uniform and when Bart tells him not to put the uniform ones on because he didn’t realize he’d taken his off, Nat just...goes with it? And doesn’t question why Bart is telling him to just ditch his pants????
I forgot that Nathaniel straight up murders someone in this book. And not even in that usual way of children’s stories where the villain’s own mistakes do them in??? Nat just. lobs some mild explosives at him like huh let’s see what this’ll do. (granted Schyler was trying to kill him but it’s still not usual to kid’s books)
“Surrender to my tender claws” “Nathaniel went white” Nat is so freaking scared of Bart? Earlier he was having nightmares about Bart eating him. It really makes their relationship that much sadder.
Bart shouts Nathaniel’s name in the hall at the end. How did nobody hear that and connect the dots? Then again I guess nobody noticed much of Bart towards the end. Nat did manage to pass him off as a foliot.
The reality distortion toward the ending reminded me of Annihilation (a spell turning to flowers, a chandelier turning to a flock of birds). Feel like it could be aesthetically interesting if they ever make that movie.
Devereaux flinching when a literal twelve year old approaches him. How did this man become Prime Minister (yeah yeah, I know, a coup and nepotism, but still)
That’s about it.
Also feel like the climax of this book could have been speeded up if someone had a gun. It wouldn’t be as dramatic but it sure would be funny. Let’s see the Amulet of Samarkand try to defend against bullets.
Okay that’s it.
Also Nathaniel deserved better.
I’m done.
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HC for the horsemen and Azreal assisting or just being friends with an expectant human mom-to-be? Doesn't have to be romantic if you dont wanna, but im all about the wholesome shit yo these guys deserve all the love in the world, just like you~ have a wonderful evening (or whatever timeit is, idk
((Here you go, love. I think I’m going to make Azrael his own thing, just cause he was the one holding me up. Anyways, I hope the others are okay because I’m kinda sleep deprived.))
“So yeah… I don’t want you to feel obligated to co-parent or anything. I know you don’t like change and if it’s ever too much for you I’ll be happy to move out.” Fingernail polish certainly didn’t last long with the nervous woman, as the littered flecks of paint that accumulated on the wood floors could attest.
“For you, I can make adjustments.” Death finally said, crossing his legs and returning to his book.
“Wait, really?” He took it much better than she had anticipated. It was so suspicious that she felt certain he would pee in her shoes like a cat she used to own. She didn’t know much about the Horseman, as no one seemed to, but she knew him well enough to know that “adjustments” weren’t a part of his skill set.
“We should probably start with child locks on the cabinets.”
“You’re joking.”
“The scar on War’s lip would say otherwise.”
“No I mean… What I’m trying to say is…” Oh boy, he really wasn’t easy to talk to. “You don’t have to be involved at all if you don’t want to be.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. You are important to me, as you were before we started this little experiment. I would lay down my life for you, and as such, I would lay down my life for your child as well.” His eyes spoke of sincerity, a rare and vulnerable moment indeed.
“Well… Thank you, Death. You’re sweet.”
“I know. That’s why we’re not calling it Alice or Richard.”
“Those are my parent’s names and you can’t change my mind about them.”
“Because it’s good luck.”
“They both died before 30 how lucky can they be?” He knew he had went to far, but giving people permission to refer to what he considered his son as “Dick” wasn’t an option.
By the pale tint to Fury’s face, she knew she had gotten to the part of the parenting book about childbirth. Probably the part about mucus plugs and placentas and the picture of a baby’s head crowning. You know, the gross stuff that no one told her about before her and her wife agreed to become pregnant.
When the Horseman’s face turned toward the human, she wasn’t sure if her expression was one of concern, pity, or disgust. Knowing her, it was probably both. There wasn’t anything exchanged between the two of them except a handful of pleasantries during breakfast.
“So… you knew about this?” The vague gesture toward the ‘gross’ chapter of the book was indication enough of what she meant.
“Yes. I am an OB/GYN. Kinda my job to know about it.”
“And there was no… man?”
“There was, but he wasn’t there during conception if that’s what you meant.”
“Well, you have three brothers. It’s just like that, except it goes in a vial instead of a sock.”
Fury’s face scrunched before concluding in a shudder. “At least we’re having a girl.”
“And you’re going to be an amazing mom.” She pressed a quick kiss to her partner’s temple, “Once you finally let me paint the nursery pink.”
“You know what,” she flung the book across the counter, “you deserve to punish this baby however you see fit, since your going to have your vagina ripped to your betty button anyways.”
“That’s not how a C-section works, Fury. Read the book.”
“I don’t want to anymore.”
She sighed and laughed, “Well at least come help me paint the room and get the to-go bag ready.” Wiggling fingers beckoned her to follow, and she did.
“It’s like a fish bowl.” Strife concluded as he stared at the fuzzy image in his hands that only vaguely resembled something that would turn into humans. He was told the babies looked healthy for twins at 12 weeks. About the size of kumquats, the doctor said. Whatever the hell kumquats were. And the mother? Oh, even bloated and fatigued he still thought she was the most perfect woman in all of Creation.
She giggled and hooked an arm under his. “I can call one Fineas and one Finwick.” She sobered quickly, “Thank you for coming with me today, Strife. It means a lot to me.”“Always. I’m sure the father will be very happy to hear the news.”
“I called him a few weeks ago but he said he didn’t want anything to do with them. Happens, I guess.”
A hand appeared in his periphery and beckoned the picture back. Roused from his stupor, he realized the red box in front of them was her car and it was time for their brief time to end.
“Well, if you ever need anything, or nothing, you know, give me a ring and I’ll be here. For the baby or for yard work or something. And I’m totally fine being the guy you bring to these things.” Air sucked in between his teeth to make an awkward hissing sound. “Yup it’s… totally fine by me.”
“Okay…” Strife’s stomach sank as the car door popped open. “Bye, Strife.”
“Yup. Okay. Bye.” He held up his hand and turned away with a sigh. Lovely to spend time with her, as it always was.
“Actually, Strife?”
“Do you wanna… come with me to pick up my prenatal vitamins?” Her grin was intoxicating, “If that’s fine with you, that is.”
If it wouldn’t have been completely weird, he would have done the happy hippo dance from Fantasia. “It is.”
War had become distant since the revelation of the new roommate that would be joining the house, even more distant still as he realized that her ever-expanding belly held this new life. His hands had crushed things significantly less fragile than the petite woman, and their few nights together proved that even at his best he still left bruises. And, worse still, the thing that was growing inside of her.
As to how he was able to sire an offspring was beyond him. Between his hybrid status, their differing species and centuries of horseback riding, he had considered the possibility unlikely, to say the least.
Neither his brothers nor his sister minded the addition to the Nephilim family, seeing as it would be taught the values of a human they considered level headed, for better or worse. But War minded. He minded quite a bit. But the decision was ultimately hers and there wasn’t much he could do about that except keep her somewhat entertained during the mandatory bedrest that began a few weeks into her pregnancy.
“Oof.” She clutched her stomach.
He was to her side and leaning over to examine her before she could finish a deep breath.
“It’s fine.” She pat his arm. “Just a kick.”
The father grunted and moved back to his shadowed seat to sulk and pretend like he wasn’t watching the show that was on. Quite frankly, he ate those reality TV shows up like Skittles.
“Do you want to feel?” Her grip on his hand was surprisingly strong as she pulled the only hand he had down towards the obscenely stretched and visibly moving skin.
“No.” He wasn’t about to fight against her, though.
“Just feel and I’ll stop bugging you.”
And so, he did if only to be done with it. But he was in love by the first kick. There was no way he could explain the sudden surge of emotion when the little warrior to be jutted a foot against the gentle pressure of his hand. What he was certain of though, was he had to turn away lest anyone should see the tears that suddenly attacked his eyes.
“The doctor says you can see that she has hair on the ultrasound.”
“Yeah, she. Did you want to say something to your daughter? She can hear you, you know.”
“Is that why you’ve been reading out loud like a mad woman?”
“Yeah, that’s the reason.” She offered the shoddy book of poetry to him, “This is all we have with rhymes. Though with all the detective shows I’ve been watching I’m sure that’s had more of an impact.”
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shirolovesu · 5 years
Can I request a Shiro x gender neutral reader where the paladins + the reader get back from a huge battle and they are all badly wounded and Shiro gets a ptsd attack and the reader takes him back to his room to you know heal him or whatever. But like there’s comforting and confiding and whatever else is angsty. Maybe it ends in a makeout session idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I live for those angsty comfort scenarios thankyou so much
You can see that Shiro’s holding his side despite his armor and your heart immediately drops. Over the comms, everyone had checked in and reported no major injuries, but Lance is limping, Keith is already headed to the healing pods without a word, and Shiro… Shiro is leaning against the wall and avoiding looking at anyone else. It’s hard to tell from this distance, but you’re pretty sure he’s shaking.
“That was a hard battle, but thanks to all of you, the Castle is mostly undamaged,” Allura says. She’s still in her battle gear and even she looks exhausted from the hours-long fight to defeat the Galra ambush. “The scanners don’t show any remaining ships in the area, so there is time to rest and recover. We’ll debrief tomorrow and go over any important information. You’re all free to go now.”
With that, the paladins scatter in the direction of their own quarters, eager to shed their armor and tend to their wounds. You’re as beaten up as any of them, but your injuries are pushed to the back of your mind as you trail after Shiro.
“Hey,” you call softly, but he doesn’t stop. Maybe he didn’t hear you. You follow him until he pauses at his door and half-glances in your direction.
“Thanks, Y/N. But I’m okay. Go take care of yourself.” He moves quickly, entering his quarters and shutting the door before you can argue.
He says he’s okay, but you’re not convinced. Any time that he refuses to look you in the eyes is never good, and he’s kept his back to you since he returned from the battle. Also it’s not like him to be so distant; he barely glanced at the team and he didn’t stay around to make sure everyone’s injuries were taken care of. That in itself sets off alarm bells in your head.
You knock at the door, expecting and receiving no response.
“Shiro, I just want to check on you.” Taking a deep breath, you brace yourself. “I’m going to open the door now.”
There’s a hiss of hydraulics as the door slides open, but inside the room is silent. All the lights are off and it takes your eyes a moment to adjust. Finally you can make out Shiro sitting hunched on his bunk, still wearing all his armor.
You take a step forward and the door shuts behind you, dimming the room even further. “Hey. You with me?”
You can tell that he’s lost in his mind and the last thing you want to do is startle him. Finally he stirs and looks up; his expression is invisible in the darkness.
“I’m worried about you,” you say again. You’re desperately hoping for some sort of response – a brusque dismissal, a chuckle at your anxious hovering, anything. But he only stares at you for an uncomfortably long time without a sound.
“Can I sit down?” The question is rhetorical, more to give him a heads-up than to ask permission. Nevertheless, as you wearily sink to the mattress next to him, Shiro shifts away ever so slightly. It makes your chest hurt that even now, after all your time together as friends and more than friends, he could still harbor any unease in your company.
You know that drawing any attention to that will only make him feel guilty, so you decide to take a safer approach. “My shoulder really hurts,” you say, which isn’t a lie. Your whole right arm throbs with growing bruises where an explosion flung you against a wall. “I can’t reach around to unbuckle my armor. Can you help?”
Maybe it’s cruel of you to use Shiro’s eagerness to help against him, but right now you’re far more concerned with his uncharacteristic silence and withdrawal.
There’s a long minute when you’re not sure he’s going to respond at all, but at last he shifts to face you and waits for you to turn your back to him. He’s still not talking, but this is progress, right? You try to tell yourself it’s a good thing even though his hands shake so badly that you can feel it through your armor. He fumbles with the buckles for longer than necessary and finally works them free, letting your chestpiece drop to the floor.
“Thanks,” you say, honestly meaning it. You carefully stretch your arms and roll your uninjured shoulder; it feels good to be out of the hard, restricting shell. “Want me to help with yours?”
It’s hard to see, but his head gives a slight nod. More progress. Good, good. Now to coax him into talking.
You have a feeling that anything dealing with the battle or the Galra are bad topics right now, so you wrack your mind for something safe to talk about. But before you can settle on anything that won’t possibly lead down a darker road, Shiro lays a hand on your arm.
You still instantly, the buckle on his chestpiece half undone.
What is it? you want to ask, but the look in his eyes stops you.
He stares up at you, dark eyes lost in the shadows on his face, until he finally lets out a breath you never noticed him holding.
“You’re really here.”
Of all the things you expected him to say, you don’t know how to respond to that. “Yeah, of course I’m here,” you respond. You raise your hand to his face and brush your fingertips lightly along his cheek. “What made you think I wasn’t?”
He moves again, turning away from you and bowing his head. “I’m not sure. I’m not even sure where I am right now. I don’t know what’s going on…” Shiro’s voice is soft, yet it strikes pain into your heart.
“You’re right here with me,” you say, kneeling down to try and see his face. “You’re on the Castle, safe, with all the other paladins. There was a big battle but everyone made it through okay.”
Well, okay may not be the best word. You’ve seen Shiro’s panic attacks before but this is something new.
“I feel like I’m going to wake up at any minute.” Shiro clasps and unclasps his hands – with his gloves on, both hands look the same.
“This isn’t a dream, if that’s what you’re thinking. There’s a bit too many bruises for this to be a good dream.”
He shakes his head. “But this is one of the good dreams. You’re here to take care of me and I feel safe and like I might actually make it out of here. It’s too bad…” he flinches before forcing himself to continue, “too bad I’m just going to wake up in the arena again.”
Shock stabs through you. “What? No!”
“No?” Shiro smiles wanly. “Come on, none of this is real. You’re just a part of my mind. And since I might wake up any time, can’t I at least get some happiness while I can?”
You’re not even sure what to say. What can you say to something like this? Shiro’s never dissociated this badly before, at least not that you’ve ever seen. The thought crosses your mind that it might be bad to bring him back to reality, the same way that it’s bad to suddenly wake a sleepwalker. And since Shiro is really here, really safe, there’s no harm in giving him what comfort you can.
“Of course,” you say. It’s clear that Shiro prefers living in a dream rather than facing whatever nightmares from his past are haunting him right now. “So tell me how I can make you happy.”
“Honestly, just being you being here is nice. I’m always alone in my cell, except when the guards come in to rough me up or drag me off to another fight. Just…”
“Just what?” From the self-conscious way he cuts himself off, you can tell he is about to ask for something he thinks he doesn’t deserve.
“Would you mind… could you… please kiss me?”
Your held breath comes out in a laugh. Of all the things you’d be willing to do to help Shiro, kissing him is the very least you would do. Never mind the fact that it’s as pleasurable for you as it is for him.
“Come here,” you murmur. He willingly leans closer and brings his left hand up to cup your cheek, as if to ground himself and prove that you really are here for him.
Your lips touch his -- a hesitant kiss at first, like he’s kissing a ghost, but it quickly morphs into pure desperation and passion. Shiro moans against your tongue and presses his mouth harder against yours, deepening the kiss. You’re more than happy to give him everything that you have and you let him plunder your mouth with abandon, responding with moans of your own.
“More, please,” he says, words squeezed into the breathless silence.
Anything for you. But you don’t say those words, instead proving your willingness to him by tugging at his lower lip, nipping gently with your teeth, making Shiro close his eyes and lean more of his weight against you.
You two stay like that for a long time, bruises and battle wounds forgotten in the comfort of each other’s embrace. Shiro’s desperation finally eases and he kisses you one more time before slowly, reluctantly drawing away.
When you regain enough of your senses to open your eyes and focus on him, you’re relieved to see a spark of recognition in his gaze.
“This really is real, isn’t it? You’re real.”
“Yeah.” You nod. “Everything you see, it’s real. You survived -- we both did. We made it to the other side and now we can be happy.”
A soft smile curves his lips and brushes a thumb along your cheek.”
“I’m so glad. Thank you... for indulging me.”
You scoot closer to him on the bed until your hips are pressed together. “Don’t mention it. I’m happy to bring you back to reality any time you need it. But meanwhile...” You roll your shoulders and feel a twinge of pain. “...we should probably get patched up. Then we can get back to making out. Sound good?”
“Sounds absolutely wonderful.”
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Hi again! This has been sitting in the back of my mind recently--are early morning (I'm talking like 3 am) talks a thing? Like, what gets discussed then? Idk about you but the early hours have always been a bit weird feeling to me, I'm not sure how to explain it...
Three am talks are one hundred percent a thing with Loki. Theyare a pivotal part of any friendship, especially when you’re as close to Lokias you are.
The talks range in content pretty drastically, anywhere fromsomething as ridiculous as to trying to figure out how rain works…
“Y/N, I’m telling you, I know science can explain why itrains, but why do we need rain?”
“I don’t know, to water crops? To refill lakes and ponds? Idon’t know but you’re making my headhurt, stop it.”
…to more serious conversations, about things you’ve bothgone through, experiences you’ve both had.
You’ve opened up to Loki about fights you’ve had with yourparents, disagreements with friends, times you made decisions you wished thatyou hadn’t. Sometimes you even open up about harder emotions to deal with, likehow sometimes you aren’t even sure you’ll make it to your next birthday.
And Loki is always careful to gently assure you howimportant and special and needed you are, by them, by the rest of the team, by yourfriends and family.
It takes a little bit longer, but Loki opens up, too, albeita little less enthusiastically, particularly in the early stages of the threeam talk sessions between the two of you.
Loki has never really been used to talking about their pastand their feelings; at least, not in a way that wasn’t mid-fight with a lovedone or spoken while in the process of destroying the entirety of New York City,but eventually you get them to open up.
Loki talks about how hard it was to grow up thinking onething, only to learn that all along it had been a lie. You try so hard tounderstand what they’ve gone through, but you just don’t quite get on the samelevel of understanding until Loki explains it to you one night while you’reboth sitting shoulder to shoulder in your bedroom, curled up under thecomforter.
“Imagine if… everything youknew… your parentage, your family, the way you were raised, your entire reasonfor being, for… existing, even… wasall a lie.”
You scrunched your nose, a little unconvinced. ��Surely itwasn’t everything.”
“It was, though. I was raised believing Odin was my truefather, that I had a place in Asgard’s lineage, a real bid to the throne. Andit was all a lie. I was a player in a game, that I didn’t want to play, that Inever even knew I was playing, andone that I ended up losing devastatingly.”
You considered that for a moment, taking in the distant lookin Loki’s eyes, in the way their tension seemed to grow more intense the longeryou stayed silent. Finally, you shrugged slightly. “Yeah, but… that doesn’thave to define you. And yes, you’ve made some bad decisions, but you wereacting out of grief and pain and hurt.And while that doesn’t excuse those actions, it does make what you did make alittle more sense.”
Loki sighed. “And I’ll never be able to outrun theconsequences to my actions.”
“Perhaps not. But you’re trying.You’re trying to be a better person, trying to fix what you messed up, tryingto good. And that matters more thananything, Loki.”
Loki says nothing in response to that, but they hug you, soyou hug them back, and just snuggle close.
After all of that tension, you decide there definitely needs to be a topic change,to something far less saddening, and with a completely serious expression, youturn to look at them.
“What are your thoughts on the current state of the parkbenches in Central Park?”
“Y/N, what?”
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sponfawn · 5 years
MTH - Buttercup & Mitch, Floyd, Lloyd, and Harry
This one goes out to a certain anon~ So this is surprisingly one topic that I haven't thought about extensively regarding MTH, but it’s a really interesting dynamic to think about. I wasn’t sure if by pre-breakup interactions between BC and the guys, anon meant like pre-relationship as a whole, or post-relationship but pre-breakup. So I thought about both. Disclaimer: because we don’t really have much to go on in terms of pre-relationship interactions, this is gonna be a bunch of conjecture based on how the characters currently behave and interact. I also gotta be honest, Harry and the twins tend to kinda clump together in my mind. I know what they looked like at 5yo, but in terms of current characterization they’re similar enough that they exist as a group in my head. Tho Harry does end up as the butt of a lot of jokes, more so than the twins. I guess that’s to be expected when your name is Harry Pitt.
This may have been stated in MTH in one of the early chapters, in which case, nevermind. But I feel like Buttercup probly started hanging out with the guys more starting at around when the Girls were 7 or 8? Blossom began her dance lessons at around 6 or 7, and I think 7 is around the age where kids in school start solidifying more who they consistently hang out with, and start subtly drifting a bit from siblings of about the same age. And as they got older (like maybe around 11/12) is really when Buttercup more clearly diverged from her sisters’ friends. In middle school, Blossom and Bubbles were both in choir apparently, and Buttercup rejected that completely. I’m guessing around that age or a year or so older is when they started wanting to form a band together, and then freshman year they actually started to play together as No Neck Joe. I think the guys started liking her pretty early in their collective friendship. I can imagine them all kinda realizing that they all had a crush on her. It’s possible it caused some mild conflicts between them, but I can’t imagine it lasted long at all. Then they came to a mutual agreement to prioritize their respective friendships with her. Honestly when Mitch and she started dating, I feel like Harry and the twins saw it coming and resigned to it without fuss. I just can’t see those 3 getting all pissy over it. Awkward? Yeah. Disappointed? Yeah. But not angry.
From what we see in their interactions after Butch becomes their buffer, I think they used to interact as a group much like how they did in chapter 9 at the Boys’ apartment, and in the video clip. Lots of ball busting, ribbing, general goofing off, and comfortable banter. Tho obviously with one difference being the current distance between Mitch and Buttercup. At this point in the story, while Buttercup and Mitch are starting to relax slightly around each other, they still kinda skirt the edges of the group and avoid much direct interaction. In group settings, Mitch was probably in a similar position that Butch currently inhabits, at least in terms of his closeness to Buttercup. That’s not to say that Butch is just a Mitch replacement tho. More that Harry, Floyd, and Lloyd are both relatively close to, and distant from, Buttercup. They’re in her closest friend group, but were never the closest to her within said group. Mitch and BC were BEST FRIENDS before ever going out, and that is the most obvious shift in the group as a whole. In my mind, Mitch likely interacted with her in less rough ways compared to Butch, both in term of rough housing (knowing that even if he could dish it out he wouldn't be able to take it), and dirty jokes aimed at/about her. I mean the guys have probly liked her for many years, and since they all were trying to hide their crushes i doubt any of them made many jokes suggesting any kind of attraction towards her. After Mitch and Buttercup started going out, that inclination would have probably increased (at least for Floyd, Lloyd, and Harry). Tbh, from the video Mitch was so earnest and sincere that I doubt he ever made dirty jokes about them as a couple, anyway. I feel like he’d be shy/awkward about that, especially knowing that she’d be flustered about it.
Based on the scene in the mall where the guys ask Buttercup to hang out with them for anti-prom, it’s pretty clear that not only is she just as shitty at communicating with her friends as she is with everyone else, but Mitch is as well. (To refresh memories, they're like “We don’t know what we did to piss you off, but whatever it is we’re so sorry and please be our friend again”, and she’s internally like “oh shit, that’s right they didn’t actually do anything and it’s not their fault, it was Mitch who told me”). I can understand why Mitch wouldn’t wanna talk about their breakup and the fact that he spilled the beans on all of them. But I bet it’s been lonely for them. Aside from the jealousy they probly had over Mitch being the one she chose to go out with, it was probly like being 3rd, 4th, and 5th wheels around them at times, cuz they were best friends even before dating. And in this situation, it wasn’t just feeling like an awkward entourage, it was like they fully lost one friend and the other one refused to clue them in as to why. I think if given the opportunity to be emotionally supportive in some way, theyd be fucking dorks about it but they’d try their best. But they were never given that opportunity by Mitch or BC, despite being friends since kindergarten. I feel like that probly hurt them, to be treated like it had nothing to do with them, even tho they were all friends. They haven't really addressed it, partly out of not wanting to accidentally push Buttercup away again, and partly cuz they’re just so relieved that they’re all friends again. I doubt they’ll ever decide to bring it up. Tho i could see Harry having a sudden outburst about it if she ever tries to ghost on them again. Idk why exactly but I feel like he’s the one most likely to have the guts to be vulnerable like that (both in expressing discontent/anger about something like that, and in terms of possibly invoking BC’s wrath). He seems slightly more assertive in some ways than the twins, and I feel like the twins look to each other a lot to decide what to say and when to speak up about something, which makes both of them hesitant to be the first to bring something up. Whenever I imagine who first brought up the idea of them forming a band, it’s always either Mitch or Buttercup, and Harry and the twins jump on the bandwagon. I think all 3 of them are less inclined to take the lead, but when necessary, Harry nervously steps up to the plate. After all, he is “the most determined drowning man of them all”, who spoke up first and ended up actually inviting her to their mini anti-prom.
I’ve been in BC’s position before, unwittingly pulled into the crush zone by friends, and I know the heartbreak over finding out someone just hung out with you cuz they wanted to get in your pants. But I don’t think that's fully the case for Harry and the twins. I’m sure they fantasize about it, but I think they genuinely care about her and value her friendship. At one point, she’s thinking about how she thought the guys “saw her” as a person, but after finding out they all liked her she feels like they didn’t actually see or like her as a full person at all, just as a “girl”. And again, I fully understand that feeling. But I think it also speaks volumes about how she perceives crushes and guys who have them. She knows that guys objectify girls, and I think she’s really internalized how attractive women are portrayed in various media, as well as how her sisters are perceived by virtual strangers - girls/women are not attractive due to their athletic feats, their sense of humor, their thoughts, their personalities, or their strength. They are attractive due to physical looks and femininity, and she equates being seen as “attractive/desirable” with being seen in a 1 dimensional and objectified way. She’s surprisingly like Blossom in that way (I’m thinking specifically about the scene in the diner and how she reacts after the photoshoot where she was asked to pose on the cover of a men’s magazine - “I don’t have a problem with people thinking I’m pretty... But... I do all this other stuff”), altho the way it manifests in their behavior is different. With Mitch she was ok with him liking her, and I think that’s partly cuz she liked him back but also cuz of how close they were. As best friends, she felt he saw her more completely than anyone else - until she realized that he thought she was interested in the other guys as “backups” and didn't see how much she loved him. (Which is interesting to me, cuz while she didn’t voice her feelings much to him, even Butch “emotionally constipated” Jojo could see how much she loved him through the videos and pics. It’s normal to feel insecure or unsure about someone’s feelings if they don’t communicate them, but I wonder if Mitch ever looks at those pics and realizes in retrospect how much she loved him.)
It makes me happy that she’s at least marginally getting better about communicating, even if it’s just with Butch (I hope that ability grows to other ppl for her as well). But for me it just highlighted how Buttercup doesn’t really have a support system. With the guys, she never talked about the tough stuff. I mean they didn’t seem at all surprised that she wasn't telling them why she was upset with them. She is very adverse to showing any sign of what she perceives as weakness, and since even Mitch had a hard time understanding her feelings, I’m sure it hasn’t been easier for the other guys by any means. They have fun together and share common interests, which is great, but she really keeps them at arm’s length. This is another aspect that's similar with Blossom, even tho Buttercup goes out with friends more often. They’re both quite emotionally isolated, tho Buttercup is now sharing more with Butch and Blossom is quite close with Bubbles. Of course, this isn’t due to a shortage of ppl around them who want to be close to them, but their own issues with showing vulnerability. I hope we get to see them open up a bit to more people. Now I’m honestly really interested in seeing how Harry, Floyd, and/or Lloyd would respond if Buttercup had like a serious conversation with one or all of them.
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fizzyhosh · 6 years
Nothing Else Matters (Remus Lupin)
Anon: please write a remus x reader in which the reader is from a really old important pureblood family but on the down low isn't anything like them but comes across really cold (and like a bit of a mean girl) her and remus get paired for a project & he's all sweet & charming & she falls for him but gets mad & distant cause stupid remus & his stupid perfect face & stupid wit & stupid beautiful eyes running her plan to fly under the radar until she can get away from her family but happy fluffy ending
Warnings: angst, blood status prejudice, but like fluff at the end
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Slytherin!pureblood!Reader
Summary: When you get paired up with Remus for a project, you have to decide which is more important: keeping up the reputation of your pureblood family by never speaking to anyone, or flirting with the cute, charming boy from Gryffindor.
Word Count: ........like.......... 4.1k
A/N: This may have come out a bit more angsty than I wanted, or maybe not angsty enough, idk it’s hard to tell if it’s good after reading it through a thousand times so let me know what you guys think!!!!! Sorry it’s so LONG but I hate putting stories in multiple parts :///
Also, I feel like it’s confusing so idk but I really like this one :))
Also also #awkward it’s a sherlock gif but I’m watching it for the first time ever and wooooo I can’t find any better gif we love mixing fandoms 
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You didn't really have a lot of friends. It's not like you were a loner or pathetic or anything, you chose to be by yourself. If you ever had friends, they'd realize how different you were from your very well-known pureblood family, the (Y/L/N)'s. 
They were one of the oldest Wizarding families, and all your ancestors had become either very, important and successful authority figures, Death Eaters, or both. People expected you to be exactly like them because you were put in Slytherin as every single one of them had. You didn't like the idea of ruining the family name, something that had been burned into your mind since you were little.
Maybe it would be different if the sorting hat chose any other house. Every time you thought about the day you got sorted, your stomach turned with regret at the thought that you could have been wearing different colors, probably with actual friends. 
"Ah, yes, interesting. (Y/L/N)..." the sorting hat spoke softly upon your 11-year-old head. "I see you're determined just like the rest of your Slytherin family... you'll do anything to get what you want.... but I see you also have a heart of gold, you're loyal, you would do well in Hufflepuff. And, yes, you're also brave, very brave, like Gryffindors should be. Ah, and wise beyond your years, I see. You could prosper in Ravenclaw." 
You gulped as the hat hummed. 
"But what would your family say if you were anything but Slytherin?" it asked off-handedly. 
What would they say? They'd probably banish you, abandon you, or kill you. Maybe all of the above. 
"I see you have great doubts about the other houses. Better be... SLYTHERIN!" 
If only you hadn't doubted, maybe the hat would have chosen differently for you. That thought killed you every day. 
You never tried talking to anyone in your house or anyone in school. You kept quiet and stayed away from people. You worried what they would think about you and your family if they knew how close you were to straying from your family's path. 
The other pureblood Slytherins always talked so highly of their families and other pure bloods they knew, like it was a competition of who could go back the furthest in their lineage without encountering a half-blood or Muggle-born relative. It made you sick to hear them talk like they were higher than everyone else. 
You looked down at your hands as you sat at the end of Slytherin table. There was a good eight feet between you and the next person on the bench, so clearly no one else really cared to get to know you. You got looks from everyone, especially your housemates, that told you people thought you were a little weird or maybe even intimidating. 
"Isn't that a (Y/L/N)?" was a common question you heard whispered as you passed in the halls, often followed with an equally badly executed whisper of, "yeah, I heard she hates her life and her family. She might have pushed that first year down the stairs. You know, the one they say had to be sent to St. Mungo's and might die?"
That's just how your experience was at Hogwarts, and that's how you preferred it. You didn't talk to anyone and no one talked to you. 
Until one day, Professor Slughorn decided that apparently no one could research a potion on their own.
"We'll be starting a few very complicated potions and to ensure that everyone fully understands, we'll be working in pairs for the research and brewing portions. Everyone grab a partner."
It was one of the worst things that could have happened. Not only would you be singled out as not being able to find a partner, if you did manage one, you'd have to introduce yourself and they would either hate you and make you get a bad grade, or like you and want to be friends. 
Slughorn looked around the room as people stood up and switched seats so they could sit with their friends and new partners. You sat still but the girl next to you hopped up in a second. 
"Ah, Mr. Lupin, why don't you go over and partner up with Ms. (Y/L/N)?" 
Someone placed their books in the seat next to you and you felt their presence as they sat down. You turned your head slightly to see one of the popular Gryffindor boys. You cursed in your head. 
"Hi, I'm Remus," he said with a large smile and stuck his hand out. You glanced at him, then his hand, and looked back up to the front. His hand lowered slowly and he cleared his throat. "Alright..." 
Slughorn continued the lesson. "Now, we will be brewing these in class as pairs, but I want you to research each of three potions and write a four and a half foot essay on each by next Tuesday. It will be worth a very large grade, so it's in your best interest not to fail." 
After class was over, you stood up quickly, eager to leave before Remus tried talking to you again. 
"Wait, (Y/N),"
You turned quickly, eyes wide in shock and confusion. "You know my name?" 
His confidence faltered in your sudden speech abilities. "Oh, uh, yes? Is that surprising?" 
How did one of the super popular, hot Gryffindor boys know your name? Did that mean you weren't as secluded as you thought? 
You shook off the question and the thought about him being hot and raised your eyebrows to ask what he wanted. 
"When can we work on the project? I like to get homework out of the way." 
You crossed your arms and thought. "Library at three tomorrow afternoon."
He nodded and smiled lightly. "Works for me. I'll see you then, (Y/N)." 
He put a light hand on your lower back as he walked past so he could get by you and your breath hitched, your skin tingling where he touched. A few other girls in your year looked at you with their mouths open slightly before they started gossiping to each other in hushed voices. 
"How does he know her?" 
"Who even is she?"
"Isn't she that (Y/L/N)?" 
You rolled your eyes and turned to leave. Maybe you were more under the radar than Remus made it seem. Then why did he, of all people, know your name?
You glanced up at the library door every 20 seconds or whenever someone walked in, hoping waiting for Remus to arrive. It was 3:17 and you were growing impatient. Part of you was excited to see him, but you didn't know why. You couldn't possibly like a boy you met the day before and even if you did, there was no way he'd like you back. On the off chance that he did like you back, you'd never date him because him being so popular meant people would start knowing you because of your association and you couldn't let that happen. 
A flustered Remus walked up to the table quickly and set down his bag. "Sorry I—"
"You're late," you said coldly. 
He hesitated. "I know, sorry. My friends were just—"
"I don't care. We have a project to do," you said in soft but strong voice.  You looked up when he didn't respond, expecting to see the classic deer in headlights look when you said things like that, but were shocked to see a small smile on the boy in front of you. 
"Wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, did you?" 
"I always wake up on the same side," you said as you looked back down. 
"Might wanna try the other side for a change. You seem a bit grumpy, (Y/N)." 
You looked up at him again. Why was he acting like you were old friends? "Excuse me?" 
He shrugged and pulled out his potions book. "So the first potion that we have to research is..." 
"The Draught of Peace," you mumbled and he glanced up at you. 
"Yes, right," he flipped through his book and you mimicked him, almost forgetting why you were there. 
Remus had proven to be a very good accidental distraction. 
While you two were writing, you heard Remus' quill slow to a stop and you felt his eyes on you. Without looking up, you said, "it's going to take us a lot longer to do this if you're going to keep staring at me." 
He didn't reply and you looked up, your face heating up when he didn't break eye contact. He smiled. "Sorry." He looked back down and this time, you were the one staring.
"I expect you're wondering why I'm not afraid of you?" he started, making you wonder if he could read minds. He glanced up when you didn't respond. 
"A bit. I hear what people say about me."
"Why do you assume I would be one of those people?" 
You shrugged. "Figured everyone was one of those people."
"Well I'm not afraid of you because I know what you're like." 
You scoffed. "No, you don't. I'm nothi—"
"Nothing like your family?" 
You stopped, your heart beating fast. How did he know?
He nodded and dipped his quill into his ink and started writing again. "So is my friend, Sirius Black. His whole family is pureblood Slytherins. Of course, I'm sure you've heard of them. Gave him a right scare to be sorted into Gryffindor. But he's nothing like them either." 
"What makes you think I'm not like my family? I'm a Slytherin just like them." 
He looked up again and you lost your voice again when his eyes met yours. "I've never seen anyone's sorting take as long as yours, especially not a pureblood and especially not a pureblood if they really are like their family. I expect that unlike the rest of your family, there was another option for you?" 
You nodded slowly and shyly. You'd never admitted that to anyone, but you trusted Remus for some reason. 
"Which house?" he asked, like it was a normal conversation. 
"All of them," you breathed, relieved to finally tell someone. 
His eyebrows shot up. "Wicked. You're the full package, then."
A large smile slowly grew on your face and he mirrored it. 
"Ah, so she smiles." 
"I've just... never told anyone that." 
You shook your head. 
"Well, I'm honored, (Y/N)." He smiled at you for another few seconds before he turned back to his paper and wrote some more. You bit your lip gently, trying to suppress an excited smile. Remus smiled down at his paper. "It's going to take us a lot longer to do this if you're going to keep staring at me, (Y/N)." 
You became suddenly aware of how often you passed Remus in the halls. It was hard to ignore his loud group of friends before, but now that you and Remus had met and he knew something personal about you, both of you had a hard time not staring at each other when you passed. 
"How come I hardly see you around during free time and such?" "Because we’re in different houses, I guess."
"I know you're lying." 
You hid a smile. "How's that?"
"You have a look." 
"You've only known me for a few days," you laughed. 
"Come on, how come I've never seen you?" He lightly kicked your foot under the table. 
You shrugged. "Because I stay in my dorm. I hardly leave."
"Afraid of getting into trouble?" 
"Partly, I think I would die if I got detention—don't smirk at me—but really, I don't have many friends."
His smirk fell. "Why not?"
"Believe it or not, people don't really enjoy girls who only say snarky things to them." 
He fake gasped. "No way!" He laughed and continued, dropping the sarcastic voice. "Why don't you just be nice to people then?" 
You shrugged. "No point. I'm afraid of people knowing how much I'm not like my family."
"You want people to think you'll most likely be a death eater?" You frowned at him. “Sorry,” he added. 
"No, it's just... I'm worried about disappointing my family. I don't want to be shunned or banished from the (Y/L/N) family. It's just easier to... not be myself, I guess."
"You don't agree with their morals and things but you'll fake it to be accepted by them?" 
"I know it doesn't make sense. I guess it's the other houses in me, internally fighting. I know what I want and what I believe, but I'm afraid of letting people down or confronting my problems. I'm trying to stay loyal to my family, no matter how messed up they are."
He nodded slowly. "Well, I like being your friend, (Y/N). Even if you are a... from your family."
"Why can't you say my last name?" You raised an eyebrow. 
"Because if you're not like them, I figure you don't want to be called one."
You smiled. He was exactly right. 
As the days went by, you were starting to like Remus more and more, which terrified you. You had gone so long without making friends and now that your friendship with Remus was so easy, you were worried that you'd get too close. You had been under the radar for so long and doing so well. You didn't want to give that up for some boy, no matter how charming and cute and funny and sweet he was. 
You tried really hard not to smile at him when you wrote your essays together. Honestly, you two would have finished a lot sooner if you hadn't subtly flirted the whole time. 
"Is it bad that I wish we were brewing love potion instead of the Peace Draught?" you asked. Genuinely, it was only because you wanted to know what it would smell like to you. You weren't trying to flirt, though you didn't mind the response you got. 
"You don't need it," Remus replied peering over his book with smiling eyes. You raised an eyebrow at him and he winked before turning back to his book. "But you do need a date for the trip to Hogsmeade next week."
He said it so casually that you froze. Did he realize he was asking you on a date? 
"What d'you say? Would you like to go with me?" 
You get your chest tighten. You wanted to go, but if you did, people would notice you and they'd talk about you. You couldn't have people talk about you and figure out you're nothing like your family. Your family was all uptight and never had fun, but you, the real you, were so bubbly and happy and cracked jokes all the time, Besides, none of our family would be caught dead hanging out with half-bloods and Muggle-borns. That's not what your family did. They were strict about their pureblood status. 
"I mean, yes I want to, but I can't." 
You shook your head. 
"Why not?"
"I just can't, Remus." 
"I get it, but why? Even for just an hour?" 
"It's not about because I don't have time, it's because..." 
"You have a boyfriend? Girlfriend?" 
Your chest hurt so bad it was almost unbearable. You felt like you were being cornered but it was just you and a few other people in the library. "No, it's because it's...you." 
"Sorry... I just thought, you know... you liked me..." his voice faded with the saddest tone you had heard. It broke your heart. "Sorry, that's stupid, I don't know why I thought that—"
"I do like you."
"You're making no sense, (Y/N). Then why can't you go on a date with me?"
You paused, trying to breathe and not cry, both of which were not working out for you. What were you supposed to say? 
His face turned from concerned to completely relaxed, but not in a comforting way. His shoulders fell and he say up a bit straighter than usual. "Oh." 
"Oh, what?" you asked, hoping he was assuming a good excuse that you could go along with. Unfortunately, he was almost dead on with his idea. Almost.
"Nothing like your family, eh, (Y/L/N)?" he said softly but intensely as he stood up slowly and collected his things. 
You frowned. He never used your last name before because he knew you weren't like them. "Wha—"
"Can't be seen around half-bloods, or traitors, or Muggle-borns, can you?" 
Your eyes widened. "Remus, you know that's not why—"
"Why else then?" he tried, raising his eyebrows as your eyes filled with tears. 
"Okay, maybe it is. But it's not because I care, it's because—"
"It's because you're a (Y/L/N). You can't go ruining your reputation, can you?" 
"Good luck finishing that last essay, (Y/L/N), you might need it if you've just been using me to get a better grade." Your last name on his tongue sounded like nails on a chalkboard. It felt like some kind of accusation, like the worst thing he could call you. 
With that, he strode out of the library, leaving you with your teardrop stained parchment and short, labored breaths. 
The brewing part of the project took three days, each day you brewed one of the three potions that you had written the essay about. You could tell Remus dreaded those days. 
"You sure you still want to be my partner? Wouldn't want my half-blood germs in it," Remus muttered under his breath. 
"Remus, stop it."
"Sorry, you're right. As a pureblood, you have total authority over everything I do. I just had forgotten."
His words stabbed you with more pain than you had ever experienced, but you felt like it was deserved. After all, you did deny a date with him because of his blood status. 
But it wasn't like that. It was because of your family’s opinion, not yours. If it was up to you, you would have been in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff and you probably would have been dating Remus for at least a year. Things would be so different. 
After the last day of the brewing project, Remus packed up his things quickly and left with his friends. You ran after him, stopping him in the hall. 
"Remus, please," you felt tears slip down your face as you looked at him. "I'm s-so sorry, I didn't mean it. Please let me explain—"
He just stared at you with the least amount of expression you had seen a person have, or not have. "Don't worry, I'm used to being disappointed by others, believe me." 
He turned and you heard his friend whisper quite loudly to him. "Wasn't she your partner for the project?" 
"Yes. But that's all."
"What'd she do, mess up the potions?" he laughed.
Remus turned to look at you over his shoulder. "Something like that." 
He turned the corner and disappeared. You didn't know what you had to do. Did you have to stand on a table and profess your really really strong like for him? You let out a breath you had been holding. It seemed like that just might be what you had to do. 
Your trip to Hogsmeade was like any other, except this time, you had to avoid a boy in order to not cry. Other than that, it was lonely and quick like usual. All you needed to buy was a few sweets from Honeydukes, where you almost literally ran into Remus, and you were gone. 
You didn't even try to talk to him, knowing he wouldn't care to listen. 
By the end of the day, you had finally mustered up enough courage to go and talk to him and tell him that you actually cared about him, not his blood status. 
It was dinner at the Great Hall like always, except this time, you were anxious for more than one reason. You sat facing the Gryffindor table, in direct line of sight to Remus and his friends, though his back was turned to you. 
Dumbledore had finished his speech and everybody was eating happily when you stood up and made your way to Remus. People watched as you passed, curious about why you were getting up from the table. The Gryffindors near him looked at you and whispered. 
You tapped his shoulder. “Remus?” Nothing. Sirius, who sat across from him, kicked him under the table and nodded toward you but Remus just shook his head lightly. 
"Remus? Can I please talk to you? It's really important." His friends looked at you sympathetically but you stood your ground. "I'm not leaving until you talk to me."
He turned around and looked up at you, giving you the most fake smile. "Fine, what’s up? How's your day? Brilliant, so was mine." He turned back to his friends. "Bye, now."
You stepped back and took a deep breath. Filch spotted you by the Gryffindor table and eyed you. He starting walking towards you, ready to use any excuse to get any student into trouble. 
You put your hand on Remus' shoulder and he turned to yell, until he realized that you were using his shoulder to give you a boost to get up on the table. 
"(Y/N), what are you—"
You saw Filch hobble towards you quicker and all the Gryffindors were staring up at you as other tables started to realize what was happening. You were only looking at Remus, who looked like a worried mother. 
Sirius glanced up but accidentally saw right under your skirt and giggled immaturely with James. Remus kicked both of them and looked right back up at your face. 
"Remus John Lupin!" 
"(Y/N) you don't have to—"
"I stand before you and our entire school, asking for your forgiveness!" you said in a dramatically poetic and totally not serious way.
He was red, his eyes not breaking contact with yours. 
You lowered your voice from a shout to a desperate but still confident level. "I don't care what anyone thinks. Not anyone in the room, not my family, not Filch," a few people around that heard you chuckled as the old man approached you, but Remus was still focused on the 'family' part, "and not you, Remus. I don't care what anyone thinks." 
"About what?" he snapped. 
"I don't care what anyone thinks about me anymore. I, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), like you, Remus. And I don't care who knows it. In fact, I want everyone to know!" 
His face dropped. 
"And if you don't believe me, just look at me," you put your arms out and a small smile creeped it's way into his face. "I'm standing on a table in front of hundreds of people, confessing my feelings, seconds away from being sent to detention. That's three things you know I'm afraid of and I'm doing them for you." 
He was full on grinning now. 
"What I did was terrible, and I didn't mean it. I was afraid of letting down my family so I always stayed quiet and in the back of the room. But then you walked in with your stupid perfect face and stupid, funny jokes and stupid beautiful eyes and you were so charming and smart and sweet and you made me feel like me. So, Remus. Please accept this as my apology, and please, please, be my friend again. 
He stood up and grabbed your wrist, pulling you down to his level again. Once you got to the ground, he grabbed your face and stared at you for a moment. "I'll do more than be your friend." He smiled and kissed you hard, beyond happy that anyone would do anything so romantic for him. "You should be in Gryffindor just for that, love." People were cheering around you but all you could hear was Remus' voice. 
Someone cleared their throat behind you and your turned quickly to see Professor McGonagall looking down at you over her glasses. "Hallway, both of you," she said sternly and you quickly followed her out. 
As soon as the door closed, Remus spoke. "Professor, please don't give (Y/N) a detention, it's my fault, I ignored her and she had to do that so I would talk to her." 
"Your fault? Are you claiming that you blackmailed her to stand on the table?" 
"Well, no—"
"Then perhaps used the Imperius Curse?"
"Did you even ask her to stand on the table?"
"No ma'am," he said softly. 
"Didn’t think so. Then it is not your fault, Mr. Lupin. Ms. (Y/L/N) is entirely responsible for her actions. Now, as touching as it was, it is my job to give you a detention!"
"Yes Professor." You looked at your feet. 
"But whether I have to is entirely my choice." 
You looked up hopefully. 
"And as interruptive and frankly unsanitary as it was, I have never heard you speak more than four words to me. I was pleasantly surprised to see you give such a speech." 
Your face got hot. 
"But please, in the future, try to refrain from standing on tables when you need to speak. A raised hand in my class will do just fine" She gave you a reassuring smile and turned to go back into the Great Hall. 
Remus turned to you and grabbed your hands. 
"Remus, I'm really sorry. Seriously. I should have never let my families beliefs affect my own. I don't care what you are. Pureblood, half-blood, Muggle-born, muggle, even a werewolf," you laughed, "I'd still like you." 
He smiled and wrapped his arms around you tightly. "I like you too, (Y/N). I'm sorry for yelling at you." 
"You had the right."
"No I didn't. I should have listened to you."
"Stop blaming yourself. It just came out wrong when I said it."
"Oh for the love of Merlin," James groaned. 
You turned and saw him, Sirius, and Peter by the door. 
"Just kiss already, would ya?" Sirius asked.
You looked at Remus and smiled, put your hands on the back of his neck, and pulled him down to kiss you. 
You knew this new thing you so had going on would attract a lot of attention. People would know that you weren't anything like your family, because a (Y/L/N) was dating the popular Gryffindor half-blood and she spoke her mind when she was around him and she participated in school events now. You knew you'd get a howler a week later from your mum or dad and probably not be allowed back home. 
But you didn't care. 
None of it mattered, except for Remus.
Remus Tags: @knowledgeisthebomb @the-best-fanfition-ever @harrypotterimmaginaa @stateofloveandvedder @gryffindorprincess379 @finnofamerica
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Shall We Dance: Part 1
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(Not My Gif)
Poe Dameron x Reader (eventually), Female Reader
Based loosely off of two requests by Anonymous
Hi!! I absolutely love your writing and was wondering if I could request something like Poe being super embarrassed that he can't dance after a large party with the rebellion  and the reader being super embarrassed that she can't pilot, so they come to an agreement that they help each other.   
omg i love your writing so much!! i’m glad someone loves Poe as much as i do lol. anyway, just a really fluffy Poe x reader where idk the reader’s personality is kind of like Padme and Poe just treats her like a princess all the  time and just lots of fluff like him bringing her stuff back from his missions. thank you so much you’re wonderful!       
A/N: Because why wouldn’t I start another story when I have two WIP.  Sorry guys, I had to get this out of my system.  I promise I’m still working on Shey, I’m just hitting a bit of writers block.  In the meantime, PLEASE COMMENT AND REBLOG IF YOU LIKE THIS!!!
Word Count: 1.7 K
         Poe stood awkwardly at the edge of the party, shifting his foot from one to the other. He took a long sip of his drink as he thought about just how much he hated this part of the job. 
          Most of the time his duties as Commander were relatively easy; lead his squad members into battle, shoot down as many Tie-fighters as he can and try to get all his people back alive.  Yes, there was paper work, and maintenance on his X-Wing, but those were things he could deal with.  Having to play dress up among the elite of the Republic as a kind of prop while Leia went around the room trying to negotiate ships and funds to the Resistance, not so much.
          He understood why of course.  He was the best pilot in the Republic Fleet, and proud of it, but this politics stuff always left him feeling agitated.  It was too two-faced, too under the table for him to feel comfortable.  He preferred his battles to be fought out in the open, with the rules clearly established so it was be easy to tell if the other was cheating.  But, it was necessary and for the time being he would have to suck it up and do his job.
          He finished off his drink and went to go for another one when a young looking Togruta girl walked up to him.  She was the daughter of one of the senators if he remembered correctly, but he couldn’t remember her name.  
          “Excuse me, Commander,” she asked, in a soft shy voice.  “I was wondering, that is, if it isn’t much trouble, I mean, if you want to, would you possibly dance with me?”
          If he was still holding his drink, he might had spat it out.  A mild panic took over him as he tried desperately to think of some excuse.  It wasn’t that he didn’t want to dance with the girl, she seemed nice enough, but he knew exactly what kind of embarrassment he’d bring, not to just himself, but to General Organa as soon as he stepped out on the dance floor.
          He then started to realize he hadn’t said anything.  He had just been staring at the girl in stunned silence, and a look of embarrassment and disappointment was starting to show on her face.
          He covered up with a fake gulp as if he just finished off his drink before slipping on an easy smile.
          “I’m honored you asked me,” he said, kindly. “But you see…”
          “Dameron,” a voice cut in.
          Poe turned, surprised to see you standing right behind him.
           “Leia needs to see you,” you said, in a clipped professional tone.
           He glanced between you and the Torgruta girl and back again.
           “Like, right now, right now,” he asked.
           “Yes, she’s waiting on you,” you said, before turning your attention to the girl behind him, smiling kindly.  “I’m sorry to take him away from you Cesha.”
           Cesha shook her head as if it wasn’t any trouble at all.
           “I understand,” she said.  She then gave Poe one last smile, before turning away and back to a group of other girls huddled in the corner.
           Poe felt a stab of guilt as he noticed her shoulders slump a little once she reached her friends.  One of the girls put a comforting hand on her shoulder, and Cesha covered her disappointment in a small smile.
           “You better start following me or she’ll get suspicious,” you said in a low voice, snapping him back to reality.  His brows furrowed in confusion, but before he could say anything you and turned and made your way out of the main ballroom.  Poe followed after you, coming to a mostly empty hallway. You paid little mind to the people around you as you found a comfortable place against the wall, giving your feet some much needed relief.  You turned to him, nodding to the place beside you.
           “Join me Commander?”
           Poe looked at you completely lost, but then, suddenly, he understood.  
           “Leia doesn’t need me right now, does she.”
           “No,” you said honestly.  “Although, she will be finishing soon.  We can make our exit then.”
           Poe couldn’t help but wince slightly at the implication.  It was no secret he wasn’t a dancer, but having to have you swoop in to cover for him was a definite low point of the evening.  He breathed out a sigh and took a spot next to you on the wall.
           “Guess I should thank you,” he said begrudgingly.
           “It’s my job to make Senator Organa look good,” you said. “I was saving us both the embarrassment.”
           Poe felt like he should had been insulted, but the irony in your voice only made him smile.
           He didn’t know under what other circumstances he would had met you.  He had spent his entire life either in the jungles of Yavin Four or on a military base, while you came from a prominent family on Naboo; every single member of which seemed to have a hand in government. Your mother had even been queen for a time, and a beloved one by all accounts.  You had been groomed to follow in her footsteps, but, you took a different path. One which lead you to the senate, Leia, and finally the Resistance. Yet, despite the comparatively low ambition of your station, you still retained the poise and cool confidence of royalty.  Poe had never seen anything like it and, in some ways, it intimidated him. But there was always a smile there, a small glint in your eye to break the façade if only for a moment and he would once again feel at ease.
           “Although I will say, you really should learn,” you continued carefully. “I can’t always come in to rescue you.”
           Poe gave a non-committal shrug.
           “I’ve had other things on my mind.”
           “Understandable,” you conceded, “but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t learn.  I could teach you, if you’d like.”
           This surprised Poe causing his raise an eyebrow as he looked at you.
           “You? Teach me how to dance?”
           “Is that so strange?”
           “Yeah, actually it is.”
           He folded his arms, looking at you intently. He was getting better at spotting the different masks you wore, and something told him you weren’t offering out of altruism.  
           “What do you get out of it?” he asked.
           You pursed your lips meeting his challenge with a hard gaze.
           “It makes my job easier if members of the high command can actually be sociable on these occasions,” you stated. “That is rather their purpose.”
           Poe waved you off, not buying it for a second.
           “Fine, I get that, but why would you teach me?”
           You considered him carefully with that perfect mask, but it didn’t last. Eventually, you let out a sigh, shifting your stance as if what you had to say next was physically painful.
           “I thought we could come to a mutually beneficial agreement. I find myself in need of a teacher as well.  It is becoming clear that I will need to familiarize myself with Starships sooner rather than later, and I believe you would be the best man to help me.”
           Poe looked at you in astonishment a small smile spreading across his face.
           “You don’t know how to fly.”
           “I know how to fly,” you said, a little defensive, “but a cruiser is a far cry from X-Wing and that’s not even taking into account combat situations.”
           Poe thought about it for a moment.  You were right of course.  Starships were completely different from civilian ships. He also had to admire your willingness to get into the fight, even if your image of you behind the controls of the X-Wing seemed almost comedic.
           “So, I teach you how to fly, you teach me how to dance.  Is that it?” he asked.
           His smile grew a little wider, giving you a sideways glance.
           “You know, princess, you could had just said that.”
           He could spot just the lightest touch of a blush on your cheeks as you met his gaze, smiling a bit yourself.
           “Well I do have my pride, Commander,” you said lightly, “as do you.”
           Poe felt like he should argument the point but decided against it.  After all, you weren’t wrong.  
           “So, do we have an agreement?” you said, offering your hand to shake.
           Poe took it, unable to keep the laugh from escaping his lips.
           “Not sure how much good it would do,” he said, dropping his grip. “I doubt I’m going to need to dance for much longer.”
           The smile on your face fell, your eyes growing suddenly distant.
           “For both our sakes I hope you’re wrong,” you said quietly.
           Poe frowned, as the whole weight of the implication came down on him. But before he could say anything, Leia came down the hallway.
           “Please tell me, you’re just as ready to leave as I am,” she said briskly. “There is only so much of Senator Tarr’s monologuing I can handle.”
           The smile on your face returned as you nodded in agreement.
           “You’ll hear no complaints from me,” you said.
           Leia then turned to Poe, meeting him with a half-smile.
           “You can go ahead and loosen that collar Dameron, we’re getting out of here.”
           “Yes ma’am,” he said, gladly unbuttoning the first few buttons of his uniform, finally giving himself room to breathe.
           “C’mon Y/N, I need your ear while we walk.”
           You nodded in compliance and quickly took a place beside the general, walking in step.
           Poe followed behind only catching bits and pieces of the conversation talking about which senators were or were not on her side, supply chains and all the other behind the scenes mechanics that made the whole Resistance run. However, his mind wasn’t on the conversation in front of him.  Instead, he found himself thinking about what you had said.  
          War was coming, you both knew it.  But, you had still offered to teach him.  You still had hope. He had to admire that.
          You stole a glance behind you, catching his eye and offering a small eye roll as Leia continued to prattle on.  He gave you a smile in return, feeling his heart beat just a little faster in his chest.
          Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Permanent Tag: @sassy-satanunicorns, @roseslovedreams, @stargeek727, @kaliforniacoastalteens
Poe Tag: @readytourie, @poedameronandothertrash, @starwrite-er, @xenwayy, @whymak, @thefirebreather00, @cobalt-one, @aroseamongthestars, @tlittlet, @bobateaandchocolatepudding, @mrsdaamneron
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