purplefairywriter · 4 years
Where / Ever
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Hobi is a warrior training to become a paladin: a warrior who wields a sword in one hand and the texts of a god in the other. However, he finds himself victim to a strange set of nightmares that change his course in life forever. [BTS fantasy AU fic set in a D&D/RPG-like (so medieval fantasy) world. 4.5k words, stand-alone. Doesn’t go on and on about any religion, real or fake, a great deal. No pairings, just J-Hope being J-Hope in a way. This is gonna be a trip, so settle down for a ride.] Enjoy your freaky Friday the 13th, y’all!  _____________________________________________________   Hobi woke up that morning drenched in sweat. The sun shone in from his window, illuminating his room. He groaned and lifted his blanket over his head. With each passing day, the day of his great final exam was drawing closer. The fighting test that would ensure that he’d become a paladin. Despite it being a childhood dream, now that he was closer to achieving it, the more he longed to just stay in bed until there were no more gods. A knock at his door made him sit up in bed. “Hobi, come on! You’re late! The Grandmaster is going to have you by the ears for this!” Hobi recognized that voice as one of his fellow paladins-in-training. Hobi groaned before rubbing his eyes and getting out of bed.  “Okay, okay, I’m workin’ on it!” Hobi said as he clumsily got dressed. His hair was a wild, untamed mess. It clashed with the simple elegance of his light plate armor. Hobi, like all good paladins, spent an inordinate amount of time ensuring that his armor shined. Over the years, he had grown convinced that this wasn’t just to ensure the armor’s upkeep but to also attempt to blind any opponents with the awesome nature of a paladin’s armor. Hobi stumbled out of his room. He went towards the direction of the main eating hall only for one of his fellow trainees to grab him by the arm. “Come on, sleepyhead. You slept in too late. Again. Grandmaster said no breakfast for late sleepers.” Hobi grumbled as he walked side by side with his fellow student. As they walked outdoors towards the training ring, Hobi covered his eyes to keep the sun from blinding him. The lush green fields and the bright sun made for a beautiful day. Hobi only frowned when he saw the rest of his fellow trainees standing in a circle with the Grandmaster in the center. Hobi calmly walked over. Two trainees moved to make space for him. “Late again, are we?” The Grandmaster stopped in the middle of his previous speech to ask that. “Yes, Grandmaster,” Hobi said with as little enthusiasm as possible.  The Grandmaster sighed before continuing his speech about how the circle of life worked. Or that’s what Hobi assumed. He began to tune out the speeches on right and wrong long ago. Deep down he knew their version of right and wrong was wrong.  “He has to be the worst paladin I’ve ever seen.” Hobi tuned in just in time to hear someone across from him whispering that. “I know! I’m surprised Grandmaster hasn’t fussed at him about his hair…” Another person whispered. Hobi sighed. He knew they were talking about him. He was the butt of jokes for his training group. Ever since he had first arrived as a snot-nosed teenager, they had ridiculed him. So Hobi threw himself into training to be a great paladin. Now that he was among the top students of his class, despite his manners and appearance, it drove his fellow students mad. Lately, however, Hobi felt himself starting to slip... “Hobi!” The Grandmaster snapped. Hobi looked up and towards the Grandmaster. “Yes, Grandmaster?” Hobi asked. “You see a burning house. You go to investigate it. You see a mother and child inside, both still alive but struggling to get out. You also see an altar of evil in the home. What do you do?” The Grandmaster asked.  Hobi stood there. I hate these stupid tests, it’s all about morals. It’s not about what techniques you’d actually use. Hobi scratched the back of his neck before answering. “I’d rush in and save them,” Hobi said with a degree of confidence that made his comrades’ stomach churn. “No, you wouldn’t. A good paladin would leave them be.” The Grandmaster said with a frown. “You’re telling me that just because you see possible proof of wrong-doing, you’d leave two people to die?” Hobi exclaimed. The group gasped as he spoke out of turn.  “There is right and there is wrong, Hobi. Evil in any form cannot be condoned.” “Yes, but maybe they weren’t evil! Many times, a tribe of barbarians take over and replace the local population’s gods with evil ones. On the pain of death, they have to get rid of their old gods or get killed!” Hobi said. His attempt to restrain himself in a more subdued way of speaking failed as he grew more enraged.The other trainees in the circle whispered among each other. Hobi sighed, knowing they were insulting him and his words. “You can’t punish people for what is out of their control. Maybe the mother and child had no choice but to put the altar-” Hobi started. “That’s how the degeneracy begins, students. You let one person slip through the cracks and into evil. Then before you know it, the entire countryside is engulfed in darkness.” The Grandmaster said. The tone in his voice let Hobi know all he needed to know. Hobi frowned. I’ve done nothing but disappoint people since I got here... He thought. “Do you even know the procedure for saving people?” The Grandmaster asked after a moment of nothing but the other trainees whispering among themselves. “I… um…” Hobi said as he scratched the back of his neck. “… you save people?” The Grandmaster sighed. “Hobi. What do you do after that?” “Wish them well?” The Grandmaster shook his head at Hobi’s response. “No. You’re supposed to teach them about the gods. Haven’t you been paying any attention?” Hobi knew replying either way would result in harsh words. So he decided not to reply at all. The Grandmaster rolled his eyes and waved his hand dismissively. “Just… go back to your room. Go get some sleep, you clearly are lacking that.” The Grandmaster tried to say that in as caring a tone as he could. Hobi, however, only heard the excuse he was given to leave. Hobi sighed and walked off towards his room. Hobi stared at the austerity of his room. I hate it here. Was the only pressing thought on his mind. I’m not allowed to be myself here. I used to be so different. I’d laugh, I’d shout… now I can’t do any of that. I have to be this shell that spouts out whatever propaganda the Grandmaster feels is appropriate. Hobi closed his door, changed into more comfortable clothes, and sat on his bed. He had not pulled his curtains closed to block out the sunlight. He happened to look out the window when he heard a songbird warbling in the distance. The world isn’t a scary place. Yes, there may be scary parts of it. But there’s so much beauty. I don’t think people can be straight good or straight evil. Hobi sighed as he turned away from the window. He began to try and lay down when a sharp caw snapped him out of his thoughts and into reality. Hobi looked back towards his windowsill to see a crow sitting there. He sat up. For a split second he eyed the sword he kept near his door. The crow tilted its head and cawed again. Something about the way the crow stared at him caused Hobi to feel uneasy. I know that crow. I swear I do… He thought as he stood up. Just as he reached out to touch the crow, the crow flew off. Hobi stared out the window wondering if it would come back before he sat back down on the bed. Eventually, he laid back down on the bed. When Hobi awoke again, it was dark. The full moon was the only thing illuminating his room. What awoke him was the sound of the crow again, cawing on his windowsill. Hobi got out of bed again, and like earlier, tried to touch the crow. This time, instead of flying away, it vanished in thin air. Hobi gasped before letting out a groan. Not another dream, please… He thought as he heard a knock at his door. Hobi opened his door, ready to tell off whoever was bothering him. Instead of seeing the normal hallways of his training grounds, but a white room with a wooden table in the center. Hobi hesitated at the doorframe for a moment. Two men were sitting at the table. Hobi didn’t recognize one of them. He looked to be a bit older than Hobi was and wore glasses. The other man, however, Hobi felt like he recognized. His short, shorter than Hobi’s hair at that moment, seemed to be a dirty blond. When the blond man looked up, he smiled, revealing his dimples. Hobi stood there, staring at the man, trying to remember who he was. I know his face, but I don’t… I don’t know his name. But I should know his name! But I don’t… Hobi thought. “J-Hope hyung! You look like you didn’t know we were meeting today. Which is funny because you are late…” The blond man said in a jovial tone. Hobi looked over his shoulder, trying to find who this J-Hope person was. The older man laughed and shook his head. “You know he’s always a joker.” That statement made the two men chuckle a bit before the blond man invited Hobi into the room and to have a seat. Hobi sighed. Great. Another weird dream. What is it going to be this time, me getting eaten by herd of a giant sheep? Hobi shrugged and sat down in a chair close to the man. “So! I know we’ve already discussed making this album a series of solo songs for each member of the group, yes?” The older man asked. “Yes.” The blond man said. “But we still have to do that comeback trailer. I know we discussed themes for the album, but I… I don’t think that temptation is a good idea for a theme. Especially for a comeback trailer, people may think our album is just… I don’t know.” Hobi looked at the older man before looking at the blond man. I shouldn’t add anything, should I? He asked himself. When the older man turned towards him, Hobi knew that staying quiet wasn’t an option. Okay, it’ s only a dream. It’s not like whatever I do is going to affect anyone’s future, right?  “I mean… Temptation is a great theme, I think. Doesn’t everyone deal with temptation? I mean, don’t we all want things we’re not supposed to?” Hobi asked. The grin on his face disappeared once he realized that both the older man and the blond man were staring at him. “That is true, you know, Rap Monster.” The older man said. The blond man nodded. “You were having a hard time writing the lyrics for the comeback trailer, I know. Why not let J-Hope help? After all, we were talking about making it his comeback trailer…” Hobi felt his jaw slack as shock took over him. “L-lyrics?” RM chuckled and shook his head. Hobi nearly started to frown when RM’s smile faded. RM sighed. “J-Hope hyung, I wasn’t making fun of you. I thought you were kidding! You make a lot of jokes. There’s a reason people call you the sunshine of the group, you know. Look. How about you, Pdogg and I work on the lyrics for this? Then you can rap it or sing it, you can make your own dance routine too! That’d be cool, don’t you think?” RM said with such enthusiasm that Hobi found it impossible to say no. Until he remembered something. “But… But I can’t sing or dance. And I don’t know what rapping is.” Hobi said in a serious tone. Instead of chuckling, RM just shot a wary glance over towards Pdogg. “Don’t tell me you’ve been listening to those netizens again. Don’t listen to them, they don’t have any idea what they’re talking about. You are one of the best dancers I’ve ever met. And your rapping? Without you, our rap line wouldn’t be so great!” RM said to diffuse the situation. It worked as Hobi smiled at his words. “But we’ll focus on the lyrics for now and we’ll worry about the singing, dancing and all of that later.” “And you can’t forget the MV,” Pdogg said in a voice barely above a whisper. A ringing noise made Pdogg sigh before taking a strange object out of his pocket and looking at it. “I’m sorry boys, but I have to go. We’ve already gone over what lyrical offerings I have to offer. Bye!”  Pdogg got up and began to leave the room. Hobi watched him as he left. “What? I… What’s an M-” Hobi began before just shaking his head. They haven’t answered any of my questions so far, why are they gonna start now? They clearly think I’m someone else. Pdogg closed the door behind him, further making sure that Hobi’s questions would be unanswered. Hobi looked back at RM and cleared this throat before speaking up. “Let’s get started.” “Good, now I have some lines I thought of for the song. I have the hook, I believe, but I can’t think of the first verse.” RM said as he opened up a notebook. Inside were a bunch of notes and scribbles, with one page titled ‘comeback trailer’. He pushed the notebook towards Hobi. “See, I only have bits and pieces for the first verse.” Words like ‘this love is another name for the devil’, ‘but because of my uncontrollable greed’, and ‘because of my childish love’ all jumped out at Hobi. He poured over what RM had written so far. Hobi felt like the lyrics that RM had written so far were capturing what Hobi himself truly had been feeling lately. Despite never having met the man before… “What about, for this line ‘because of my childish love’, it ends with ‘I lost my way’ or something. Something about a dream you had but you abandoned it for something better?” Hobi suggested. RM nodded. “How about ‘I lost my way on a path of a dream’?” RM asked as he began to write those words down. “Sounds good!” Hobi said, watching RM write. “Any ideas for the first line?” RM asked. “I was thinking something about light…”  It took a moment for Hobi to realize that RM was still talking. It was just that Hobi couldn’t hear him. Hobi reached out to touch RM when he heard another knock at the door. It was louder, more insistent than the previous one. Hobi stood up and slowly went to the door. Hobi pressed his ear against the door to ear someone on the other side, muffled, telling him to hurry up. Hobi opened the door to find a man about his age with yellowish blond hair. He had bangs that covered his eyebrows but somehow his face was able to carry a great deal of expression without visible eyebrows. The stranger smiled a little once Hobi came out of the room. A very toothy but somehow attractive smile. “I thought you were dead or something.” The man said in a slightly teasing tone. “I… I was um… I was just writing lyrics.” Hobi said, trying to remember whatever words this dream wanted him to use. “Really?” The man’s voice dripped with interest. “I didn’t know you were planning on a follow-up for your mixtape so soon, Hoseok-hyung. That explains a lot. Usually, I’m the one who stays in my hotel room all day while the rest of you decide to go do whatever.”  Hobi smiled. He’s my friend. He thought as he watched the man shrug. I don’t know how I know that, but he’s my friend.  “I just wanted to tell you that…” The man cut off his words as he turned towards the wall behind him. An odd portal seemed attached to the wall behind them out in the hallway. There was a little chime playing, one that Hobi felt he had heard before as he watched the white screen faded into a black one. Hobi was confused as to what he was seeing. Flashing images of a bunch of things that Hobi felt he recognized began whatever it was he was watching. Hobi’s eyes widened as he realized that in one of the brief clips he saw himself with a group of other men. When he saw what looked like was his profile standing there in the shadows, his mind began to race. That can’t be me. There’s no way that can be- His jaw dropped when the shot lit up and revealed it was indeed him. Hobi was still in denial right up until he heard himself singing. For about the next three minutes, Hobi stood there, his eyes transfixed on that odd portal as he watched himself. He found himself chuckling as the copy of him in that portal proclaimed ‘wherever my way’. The way the portal him said that reminded real-life Hobi of how he used to be before the paladin training set in. Perhaps that reminder was what made Hobi grin ear to ear as he video on the portal came to a close. Hobi swore he felt tears forming in his eyes as he watched the portal version of him sitting on top of a building, lit up by the bright lights of the city. The video ended and the man chuckled. Hobi snapped his head over towards him. He had forgotten where he was and who he was with. The man was smiling, which relieved Hobi in some way. “That turned out really well!” The man said. “I think it perfectly captures who you are based on the beats alone. I’m glad they used some samples from the intro from our debut album... We’ve come a long way since we debuted, haven’t we?” Unsure of what to say, Hobi only nodded in response. “I still wish we could go to just one hotel without people knowing who we are, though. It was kind of cool that they decided to play your comeback trailer.” The man said in a whisper. Hobi wanted to ask him why that was when the man spoke again. “Look, I’m going to go rest up. That was a very good MV though, everything about it was great! Maybe you should write more songs.” The man said as he patted Hobi’s shoulder. Before Hobi could even mutter thanks, the man walked off, leaving Hobi to look around the hallway. Just as Hobi thought of walking further down the hallway, there was a knock on the door behind him. Hobi turned and placed a hand on the doorknob. He waited to hear some noise from behind the door. Only silence. Hobi opened the door to find himself standing in front of a dark forest at night. The trees looked gnarled and blackened by the light of the full moon. Crickets were the only noise he could hear. Hobi braced himself for the worst. This is only a dream. He reminded himself over and over. He walked out into the forest. As he took a few steps in, he heard the door behind him close. He turned around to see that the door was gone. There was the only forest both behind and in front of him. A cawing noise made Hobi look up at one of the tall trees in front of him. A crow was perched upon a high branch, eyeing the young man. Hobi swallowed hard. The crow tilted its head to the other side to stare at him through its other eye. An eye that was unnaturally blue. Hobi took a deep breath. This is only a dream. He reminded himself again. The crow flew down from the branch. It swooped down near Hobi, who cowered when it flew past him. Hobi stood back up once he was sure the crow was gone. The crow cawed again from behind him, where it sat on a tree stump. Hobi sighed. “What do you want, huh?” Hobi asked the crow. “I know this is just a dream, okay? Can’t you just… go away so I can wake up?” The crow cawed again. This time, the caw transformed into laughter. A cloud of black feathers surrounded the crow. Once the cloud disappeared, a human man was sitting there on the tree stump. His hair was pitch black, as if Hobi was staring at a void instead of hair, as were his clothes and eyes. His eyes seemed to lack a human glow to them. Hobi closed his eyes for a moment to remind himself once again that this was not reality. “Why would you want to wake up? Don’t you like your dreams?” The strange man asked. His voice sounded both mysterious and ordinary. Hobi opened his eyes to see the man sitting there still. “I… I do, but… they’re just dreams.” Hobi said. The man sighed as he stood up. “Then you aren’t ready.” The man began to walk away. “Wait! Not ready for what?” Hobi asked. The man laughed before turning back around to face him with his arms crossed. “Ready for the truth.” Hobi felt himself squint at the man, much to the man’s delight. “You’re the only one who has the dreams, you know. The rest of them don’t.” The man said. “I know that I know that the rest of the trainees don’t have these dreams,” Hobi said. “No, no. That’s not what I meant.” The man sighed a heavy sigh. “There’s seven of you, you’re one of them.” “Seven?” “Yes, seven. Seven of you who were taken from one reality and placed into another.” “And how am I one of them?” The man rolled his eyes.“You were brought here by someone who doesn’t want you messing with that reality anymore. In the other reality… Your dreams are the reality, Hobi. Your nightmares? They aren’t nightmares. Your life in this reality is the nightmare.” Hobi began to shake his head. The words ‘that is impossible’ were about to cross his lips when the man continued. “There are six others. All of you have to defeat the darkness in this reality to get back to your real reality. In the real world, you are famous beyond anyone’s wildest dreams, Jung Hoseok. Your restlessness, your dreams are all a result of the real world, the real you wanting to exist and be real again. To do that, you must defeat the one person who wants to keep you here. The one person whose goal is to keep the people across all realities unhappy.” “Where will I find that person?” Hobi’s words spurted out before he got a chance to contain them. “You can’t defeat that person alone.” The man said. He snapped his fingers and a wooden box appeared in front of Hobi. “Go on, pick it up.” Hobi hesitated for a moment. The man’s glance urged him to do as he demanded. Hobi lifted the box, expecting it to be heavy. It was lightweight. Hobi opened the lid of it. Seven ribbons, each one a unique color, were laid out. He managed to pick out the one that caught his eye. A silver ribbon, which glowed gently in the moonlight. The man chuckled. Hobi looked up at him as he felt the box disappear from his hand. “You will get your calling soon enough. You and the six others will bring peace to the land and then you may return to your own reality.” “But… how do I know you’re not lying? Or that this isn’t just some weird dream? How will I know those six others? How will we-” Hobi’s voice grew frantic as the information finally set in. “You only need to know that you will know those things and the answers to them in time.” The man said. Before Hobi could ask another question, the man dissipated into a cloud of black feathers. The man’s last statement rang in Hobi’s ears as he began to wake. Hobi sat up in his own bed at the knocking at his door. At first, he ignored it. I could still be asleep. Hobi reminded himself. The knocking grew more frenzied the longer Hobi waited. He made sure he was at least dressed decently before opening the door.  An elf stood outside the door. Hobi knew he was gawking at her for he had never seen an elf before. He had heard the countless rumors that elves were pretty, but he never thought they could be that pretty. If he was more awake, he would have thought of something interesting to say to her. Something about her pretty black hair or the faint freckles that ran across her nose and cheeks. Maybe even something about her green eyes.  “Are you Hobi?” She asked curtly. “Yeah, that’s me,” Hobi said as he leaned in the doorway. He laughed nervously at realizing she was a bit taller than he was. That and the fact he nearly lost his footing trying to look relaxed by leaning against the door’s frame. His confident tone seemed to outshine his slip up as she did not seem to notice. She nodded her head in acknowledgment of his answer. “Message for you. From the king.” She said as she handed him an envelope.  Hobi took it, expecting he would be able to finally interject some kind of one-liner when she just walked off. He sighed as he looked down at his envelope. There was nothing on the front, but a red seal with Elvish writing on it on the back. I can’t read that. I hope I can read the letter… Hobi thought as he ripped open the envelope. He pulled out the single piece of parchment paper.  The paper only had a few sentences on it, written in clear cursive.  The time is now. Be at The Crested Dragon at dark tonight. Your quest begins now, Hobi.  It was unsigned. Hobi shook his head at the letter. His name was right and he knew where that inn was, it was right in town. This can’t be right. This isn’t for me, I don’t know any elves, let alone an Elvish king- His thumb brushed over an unfamiliar texture. He moved his thumb to see a silver ribbon identical to the one from his dream. He closed his eyes for a moment as the man’s last sentence rang in his head. You only need to know that you will know those things and the answers to them in time…  Hobi packed all of his things. He showed the letter to the Grand Master, who gave him permission to leave his training as long as he called himself a ‘probationary paladin’, do good by the order, and came back to training as soon as he was done. The Grand Master seemed more concerned with the seal rather than the letter’s contents. As Hobi walked away from the training compound where he had spent the last few years of his life in misery, he hummed to himself. He was grinning with the knowledge that he would never, ever come back. He accidentally bumped into another trainee coming back inside. “Hey!” The trainee cried. “Where do you think you’re going?” Hobi thought for a moment. The look on the trainee’s face let Hobi knew the man was looking for a fight. Instead of apologizing, Hobi only shrugged. “Wherever my way is,” Hobi said lightly as he walked off. 
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purplefairywriter · 4 years
Shadow in Flames pt. 1
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Summary: Rogue!Suga/Yoongi x herbalist Y/N. When your life gets saved by a rogue, your life is changed in ways you never would have expected… This mostly sets things up so don’t be disappointed. 2.5 k words BTS fantasy / Dungeons & Dragons AU. Also please forgive my crappy thumbnail I just really kind of wanted to get this out in time for a certain birthday or something, idk~ _____________________________________________________ Yoongi stood in the alleyway. He watched some pickpockets go by, just enjoying the sparse quietness that the night brought him. The hood over his head and his quiet nature afforded him the joy of being left alone. No one bothered mysterious men as long as they stayed quiet. It was a lesson he had learned a while ago. As well as a lesson that he kept well. No one needed to notice Yoongi. He was of no importance. Some part of him liked that, liked being of so little import that people could choose to ignore him. He sat in that alleyway nearly every night, just to watch people, enjoy the moonlight, and stay nice and warm under his hooded cloak during the winter without having to stay cooped up in a seedy inn room. The sound of a knife unsheathing some distance away made him leap unto his feet. He looked over to see a grown man aiming the knife at a cowering child. “I’ll pay you back, I promise!” The child cried. “You lousy brat, you haven’t been able to steal anything for two weeks now! What did I ever hire you for?” The man asked, his words slurring. Yoongi walked over to the pair and tapped the man on the shoulder. The man turned around with a growl.  “What are you doing talking to my son like that?” Yoongi asked his hand on his knife’s handle. The man looked at the kid then back at Yoongi. “Then why are you lettin’ him roam the streets and work for me? Some moron idiot father you are.” The boy looked up at Yoongi, visibly frightened. Yoongi had never seen the boy before in his life. But Yoongi knew what it was like to deal with angry, cutthroat criminal scum like the man standing in front of him as a child. “Leave the boy alone. How much does he owe you?” Yoongi asked. He kept his hand on his knife, ready to draw in case the criminal lashed out. “50 gold.” The man grumbled. Yoongi pulled out his coin purse and nearly handed it to the man. “It’s between me and the brat. I don’t want your blood money.” The man turned back to the boy, his anger growing. “I could’ve made twice as much profit this week if I didn’t have to feed you. I should’ve let you rot!” The man raised one hand, tightly gripping a knife over his head as the child screamed. Yoongi managed to pull out his knife and stabbed the man in the shoulder, which reduced the man to a crumpled heap of pain on the alleyway path. Yoongi knew the blow would not kill the man unless he decided to lie there and bleed to death. The worst it would do was make it hard for the man to ever stab someone else ever again. Yoongi grabbed the child’s arm and dragged him out of the alleyway and towards safety. The rogue only stopped running when he knew they were a good distance away. He stopped for a moment to let the boy catch his breath before questioning him.  “What are you doing on the street dealing with a man like that?” Yoongi asked. The boy stared at Yoongi’s face as if he could see the expression on the older man’s face under the darkness of his hood. Yoongi sighed. He looked up and down the desolate alleyway before leaning down to the boy’s eye level. “Look, I know you’re afraid. I’ve had to deal with hundreds of men just like that one in my lifetime. Never turns out pleasant, I can tell you that.” “You could be just as bad as he is!” The boy stated with a passion that made Yoongi chuckle. “Yes, I could. But I’m not.” “Yeah? Prove it.” Yoongi laughed at the boy’s bravado. “If I take my hood off, will you trust me then?” The boy frowned a bit at the thought. Slowly but surely the boy nodded. The rogue knelt down to the boy’s eye level as the boy froze. Yoongi sighed as he let down the hood of his cloak. It was an open secret there was a half-elf wandering the streets. In a mostly human town, anything remote Elvish got looked down at. The human population was divided between people who were strongly anti-elf and people who couldn’t care less. Yoongi’s slightly pointed ears seemed to have no effect on the boy. The rogue’s smile and warm brown eyes did. The boy smiled. “What are you?” The boy asked. Yoongi laughed. Of course, the boy had never seen an elf before, left alone an elf mongrel like him. “Well… I’m a half-elf, half-human.” “Oh.” The boy pouted a bit. “You sure you aren’t full elf? Mom says that elves are just fairy tale creatures who save people from monsters.” Yoongi wrinkled his nose at hearing half of his heritage was being relegated to ‘creature’. The boy gave an awkward laugh. “I was only sayin’ that because you saved me from Jennings, that’s all.” The boy said. Yoongi patted the boy on the shoulder before the sound of distant footsteps made him put his hood back up. “Look, kid, keep this whole thing between us, yes? I think the last thing we both need is the town guard knocking on our doors, asking us what happened tonight.” Yoongi said as he stretched. “Okay. Do I have to keep quiet about the fact I met an elf or can I tell my friends? Scott just last week was talking about he saw this great big el-” “Especially the elf part, kid. You should keep elves as fairy tale creatures. Okay?” The boy crossed his arms as if that would change Yoongi’s mind. Yoongi stared at the boy until the boy sighed in defeat and uncrossed his arms. “Now let me walk you home,” Yoongi said. Yoongi stood back up. He began to walk towards the alleyway’s entrance and out onto the street. The boy stood, pouting. “What’s wrong?” “… I’m afraid to go home.” The boy said. “I’m sure your parents won’t be mad.” Yoongi did not know this to be true but still said it nonetheless. “I’m sure they’ll be overjoyed that you’re home safe and sound.” “My mom is sick. My dad left us when I was little. The doctor refuses to see her unless we pay him and we didn’t have any money so I came out here and I was going to-” The boy began. His words became more choked up as he began to cry. Yoongi frowned as he felt a wave of empathy wash over him. The boy began to sniffle as a tear ran down his face. Yoongi stared at the child, unsure of what to do or say to make him feel less melancholy. An ingenious idea hit Yoongi as he broke out in a grin. “Maybe, if you promise me not to go out on the streets again looking for money and the trouble that comes with money… I’ll see if I can’t help your mother out, huh?” The boy burst into a huge smile that spanned nearly ear to ear. “How… why would you do that?” “No one should go sick, starving or living on the street because of who they are or where they come from. As long as you promise not to go out on the streets again.” Yoongi said. “I promise!” The boy exclaimed. “Anything to make my mom better!” Yoongi smiled softly at the boy’s words. He knew the mother would probably not agree to his help but it was worth a shot. “Come on, let’s get you home,” Yoongi said as he and the boy finally exited out of the alleyway and onto the street.  _____________________________________________________ Yoongi and the boy approached the house. The boy eagerly knocked on the door before Yoongi even got the chance to think of doing so. The door immediately opened to a woman, pale and gaunt, who looked like an older but more feminine version of the boy. She gasped in delight at the sight of her son before leaning down and hugging him. “I’ve been looking for you these past few days!” She said, half chiding and half thankful. When she pulled away from the hug, she cupped her son’s face. “Don’t you dare ever do that again, do you understand me?” “Yes, ma.” The boy said. “I was only trying to get enough money so you could see the doctor!” “I told you, we can’t afford a doctor. Don’t worry, it’s just a cold, it’ll go away soon.” She said. Yoongi noticed she was trying to sound optimistic but the look in her eyes told him she knew otherwise. “But he can!” The boy looked over at Yoongi. The woman finally looked up at Yoongi and slowly stood up. She eyed him with heavy suspicion. A look that Yoongi knew too well. “Who are you?” She asked, her tone tinted with fear. “He saved me from having to steal for the rest of my life, ma.” The boy said. “If you refuse his help, momma, I’ll go right back out on the street.” Yoongi and the mother’s jaw dropped at the boy’s threat. They looked at each other before looking back at the boy. “No, you won’t do such a thing, do you understand?” The mother said. “You will stay right here or… or… I’ll ship you off to go live with orcs!” “Awesome!” The boy said, oblivious to the fact that what his mother had proposed was a punishment. “No, not awesome! Just… go to bed, we’ll have a talk about how you shouldn’t threaten your own mother or run away from home later.” The mother’s stern tone came out in a way that made the boy sigh and walk towards the other part of the house. The mother sighed as he went out of earshot. She coughed before speaking again. “I’m so sorry for your trouble, sir.” “It was no trouble, madam,” Yoongi said, straining to come off as polite as he could. “I thank you for bringing my son back but I cannot accept your charity.” “Please.” Yoongi’s desperate plea, while only one word, made her close her eyes.“I can’t take your money. If I do, you’ll…” She said. Yoongi felt his heart drop into his stomach with the knowledge he knew what she was going to say. “I won’t. I know I’m nothing but a rogue but… I had a mother too. I lost her when I was young. Some sickness, probably very much like the one you have, madam.” Yoongi said with a frown. The memory was still crisp in his mind despite it happening over a century ago. “I… I’m sorry to hear that.” The mother said before she coughed again. She turned her head away from the door frame as she did so. “I won’t take advantage of you or your son. I only want to help. I only want to keep another person from ending up living on the streets like me.” Yoongi pleaded. The woman sighed. “Okay. I’ll trust you. But I swear if you as much as look at my son or I the wrong way, I’ll-” “Have me skinned alive and made into armor,” Yoongi said in a joking manner that managed to make the woman chuckle. “The only problem is none of the doctors will come out here because it’s too…” The mother said, letting her words drift off as she looked down the rundown street and buildings. “I know a doctor. Very good quality doctor, very discreet. Very good bedside manner, hard to find in most doctors nowadays. They know herbs and the fancy college stuff. I’ve known them for years and I will vouch for them with my own life if needed. That is if you don’t mind me procuring a doctor for you as well as paying for it, madam.” Yoongi said. Replace years with maybe half a century or more, and replace ‘a doctor’ with ‘a family of doctors’, then I’m not lying too badly, am I? He thought with a chuckle. “That’ll do.” The woman said with a shrug. “I’ve never seen a doctor before in my life, so I have no idea what to look for in one. I’ll be here all day tomorrow but I work as a fruit vendor on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.” “I’ll remember that, madam. If you don’t mind, I’ll come back to notify you of when the appointment is. I’ll try to get one for tomorrow.” Yoongi said. The woman nodded with a faint smile. They both said goodnight to each other before he turned away as if to leave. Then he felt the tug of guilt at his heartstrings. He turned back around to face her. “Here.” He said, pulling out a small bag of about twenty gold coins. “Food for you and the boy, madam.” The woman stood there with her arms crossed staunchly for a moment. Yoongi still handed her the bag. After a moment she took the bag gently. “Thank you, sir. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.” The woman said with tears in her eyes. “Let me help you. That’s the only repayment I need.” Yoongi said. “If you ever need me, go to the tavern down the road and ask for sugar. They’ll let me know.” The woman thanked him again before she closed the door. Yoongi walked down the street and into his inn to try and get some rest. _____________________________________________________ Yoongi waited until the next morning to go see his trusted doctor. He had known this doctor’s family for ages, ever since he was nothing but a scrawny teenager. Now he was well over a hundred years old but still looked like he was about twenty-five years old. He forgot how his relationship with the family began but knew it was started cordially enough. As he walked towards the doctor’s place of work which doubled as their home, Yoongi sighed. He walked up to the door and cracked his knuckles before knocking. “I’ll be right there!” A voice cried. Yoongi smiled at the sound of that voice. Although it was faint, it sounded melodic. Eventually, he heard a set of footsteps rushing towards the door. When the door was opened, Yoongi stood there staring at the person who had answered the door. Everything about her seemed to carry this air of kindness, even he could not properly explain it. The way she smiled at him as she opened the door, the color of her hair, the fact she looked up at him despite him wearing a hood… It was enough to drive him mad. And her eyes! Her eyes were somehow unlike anything he had ever seen before, so radiant that he thought they were blessed by the sun itself. “Hi. I’m Y/N! What’s your name?” She asked, her enthusiastic tone failing to force him into speaking. “I… um…” Yoongi stammered. “I’m here to see the doctor?” “She’s in the back. I’ll be right back!” Y/N said before closing the door. To be continued~
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purplefairywriter · 4 years
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May you continue to wreck my bias list like there is no tomorrow, Yoongi and bring light into like everyone’s life. You mean the world to ARMY, Suga.
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happy yoongi day!!
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purplefairywriter · 4 years
Look y’all, Alexa has killer hair, killer mvs and killer music as well as an interesting concept (if sci-fi is your thing) and if you aren’t listening to or stanning her then what are you doing? (Seriously though, the way she has her hair styled kills me. This then the braids and before that the little head buns? sigh I have the hair for it just not the time or patience to do it myself) 
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purplefairywriter · 4 years
*footage of Druid!RM saying this to Bard!Jin, colorized*
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purplefairywriter · 4 years
This made me feel things. Like legit I re-watched this one part. Yep. totally not thinking any ideas over here to write about nope I’m not   But seriously this whole MV was amazing.
I wasn’t even over the James Corden performance, I was not prepared for this
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crying out a silent cry
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purplefairywriter · 4 years
Maknae Line BTS as RPG Classes
And I’m back! If you’re starting here, here’s the gist: This idea has been wandering around in my head for a while so I finally decided to release it into the wild world. This is based on D&D for the most part but I opted not to go into details about their races, so this is just going to be a run down of their classes and alignments. If you don’t know what classes are alignments are, I’ll explain it as I go through the members of BTS. Alignments are only meant to be kind of a guide to your characters and not a blanket statement for how characters will act. SPOILER ALERT: most of them are on the good spectrum alignment wise. Hyung Line
Blurb Jimin sat on the bridge, with his legs dangling over the steady river below. He heard the footsteps of many other adventurers and wanderers cross the bridge. He was at peace until he heard crying. Not just any crying, but a crying he had come to recognize. The crying of heartbreak. He slowly stood up and turned around to see a rather attractive woman standing at the bridge, crying her eyes out. He walked over and greeted her. When she looked up at him, he recognized her as an old acquaintance of his that he always had liked in a romantic way. But he realized she viewed him as nothing more than a friend long ago, as many women had. They saw him as a "cute, fluffy puppy" as one woman had put it. It never bothered him, the only thing that mattered to him was that he made people smile. Other people's smiles were the only thing keeping his inner darkness at bay. Jimin knew he had the power to make women swoon over him but he rarely used it. Now was not one of those times. He took the instrument off his back, and with a smile asked: "Would you like me to play a song for you?" The woman stopped crying and nodded. After hearing him sing, she knew all she needed to do was think of Jimin and smile if she ever got sad again... Class “The bard is a master of song, speech, and the magic they contain... Only rarely do bards settle in one place for long... Bards thrive on stories, whether those stories are true or not.” This is BTS’s 2nd full on bard. Unlike the stereotypical bard, he's not gung-ho, flirting 24/7. He may tell a dirty joke here and there, but he most comes off as shy. Which works great as an advantage. With your average bard, you can spot them a mile away with their general swagger. Jimin, however... he can be sitting there, in the tavern, gaining someone’s trust by making them think how cute or how much of a non-threat he is only for them to be astonished by how he can actually hold his own, fight, and be sexy as anything while doing it. Which makes him a whole other kind of threat! I have a feeling that if Bard!Jin and Bard!Jimin ever met the two of them would get into a fight over who was the best bard. Alignment Neutral Good (he would work to do the best good he can without disregarding or upholding every law).
TW: implied attempted assault (not described - not V’s doing), swearing (not V’s doing), violence (I think most of us would agree really deserved violence but I’ll let you decide that) Blurb V sat on what used to be a great oak tree. Now all that remained was a stump, worn away by time. His bow and arrows were close by. As they always were. He held a piece of wood in his hand as he whittled a slight heart shape out of it with his knife. He knew these woods like the back of his hand. He could walk through the forest blindfolded, he had bragged once. Back when he had friends. Life was far more comfortable for him now that he had separated himself from nearly everything. All he needed was the forest. Or so he reminded himself nightly as he slept under the stars. A loud scream from the distance made him jump to his feet. He grabbed his weapon and wandered towards the source of the noise. He had expected it to be some poor idiot who managed to get themselves mauled by a bear. Instead, it was a young woman who had run into a lone bandit. "Let go of her." V demanded. "Why should I, ranger? Fuck off." The bandit said as he pulled the young woman closer to him. She was crying, crying in a way that made V's skin crawl. He could tell from the way she was dressed that she was nothing more than an innocent villager who had either gotten lost or had wandered into the woods. "Last chance. Let her go or we'll have a problem." V said, not wanting to distress the woman further. "Fuck you!" The bandit said. That was the last thing the bandit ever got to say as he found himself with an arrow lodged right between his eyes. The bandit dropped dead, releasing his hold on the woman in the process. "You okay?" V asked as he approached her. She nodded, still a little distressed. "I'll show you how to get back to your village if you need me to. Don't wander in the woods like that, not unless you're properly prepared." V said, accidentally showing a little care as he spoke. He turned around to lead the way. When she said something that made him stop in his tracks. "But... but my father's been taken by a fae!" Class “Warriors of the wilderness, rangers specialize in hunting the monsters that threaten the edges of civilization—humanoid raiders, rampaging beasts and monstrosities, terrible giants, and deadly dragons... Many rangers, though, are independent almost to a fault, knowing that, when a dragon or a band of orcs attacks, a ranger might be the first—and possibly the last—line of defense.” Ranger. I don’t know why, I can just see V wanting to sleep under the stars each and every night (as if that isn’t true for other members of BTS...) Also, with his IRL family being farmers, I’d think that in an RPG setting, V would naturally end up becoming a ranger somehow. Why not a rogue, like Suga? Unlike Suga, I feel like V would want to feel truly alone. Suga would want to share his music if he ever got the chance, he would want to be around people to watch and talk to. Suga would thrive off the metropolitan lifestyle of cities. V would like to at least think he’s alone every once in a while which would be harder to do in a city. Alignment Chaotic Neutral. He’d follow his whims most of the time, wanting to just be left alone so he can do whatever he feels is right. However, I do feel like he’d lean towards the ‘Good’ side with most things, so like Suga, he’d start off as more Neutral before becoming more Good. However, if he felt like he was doing something for the ‘right person’, he would probably do it, regardless of the alignment that action is assigned to.
Jungkook stood at the bar of the tavern, pondering over what to drink. He heard a group of rowdy men behind him, boasting of their adventures around the world. That perked his interest. He picked up his weapon and wandered over to the group. He listened in for a moment before finally entering the conversation. "I fought a bear once!" The men glared at him, seeing his unscarred face and body (the parts of his body they could see anyways), and said nothing. Until their leader scoffed. "You're nothing but a boy! You'd best save your tall tales for your mother, shouldn't ya?" Jungkook was taken aback by the response, as he had fought a bear. He beat it fair and square too, unlike half of those men who relied on magic or trickery. "I'm telling the truth, I did fight a bear. I've beaten an orc, too, once. He was drunk, and I made the mistake of calling his tusks small-" Jungkook began, excited that he could finally tell his stories as well. "Go tell your mother, boy. Leave us men to talk business." The leader said. Jungkook frowned. "Fine. You're the leader of this warrior guild, right?" "Right." The leader replied. "Then fight me. If I beat you, I get to join you guys on a real adventure!" "And if I lose?" "Then I'll go home and never bother you guys again." Jungkook said that in a way that made the leader roll his eyes. "Awful cocky for one so young... fine, it'll serve a good lesson to you when I grind you into dust, boy." The leader said as they headed outside to duel. The leader got his ass handed to him in a tough but fair fight that Jungkook won by relying on his pure strength alone. From that day forward, Jungkook became like a son to the warrior guild, who raised him to be strong and brave. Although they never quite got him to stop being so cocky... Class “Fighters learn the basics of all combat styles... Some fighters feel drawn to use their training as adventurers. The dungeon delving, monster slaying, and other dangerous work common among adventurers is second nature for a fighter, not all that different from the life he or she left behind. There are greater risks, perhaps, but also much greater rewards...” Fighter. I don’t think Jungkook would be much of a Barbarian, he’d have to have order and reason. I think Jungkook would have a bit of a higher charisma score compared to other fighters, which gives him an edge over other fighters. Alignment For Jungkook, a lot of that is up to the party he’s in imo. His ‘natural’ (if you can call an alignment that, I’m not sure) alignment would be somewhere on the good spectrum, probably neutral good to start out. I could see Jungkook ‘breaking alignment’ for a friend in need. That’s it for now! I may do some actual character sheets (as in a full-on character build with races, stats, the whole 9 yards maybe) or even write the whole situation regarding the blurbs!
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purplefairywriter · 4 years
Hyung Line BTS as RPG Classes
This idea has been wandering around in my head for a while so I finally decided to release it into the wild world. This is based on D&D for the most part but I opted not to go into details about their races, so this is just going to be a run down of their classes and alignments. If you don’t know what classes are alignments are, I’ll explain it as I go through the members of BTS. Alignments are only meant to be kind of a guide to your characters and not a blanket statement for how characters will act. SPOILER ALERT: most of them are on the good spectrum alignment wise. Here’s the maknae line one for you guys!
Blurb Jin walked into the dimly lit tavern. There were a variety of fair and buxom maidens there, all of whom turned to stare at him as he strutted in. Carrying his lucky red rose and his special lute, he went to the first maid who caught his eye. He gave her the rose before taking his lute and playing a single, beautiful chord. Then he leaned in and said "Hello, beautiful. I'm Mr. Worldwide Handsome. Are you gonna tell me your name or are you gonna let me just call you beautiful?" Class “The bard is a master of song, speech, and the magic they contain... Only rarely do bards settle in one place for long... Bards thrive on stories, whether those stories are true or not.” BARD. He’s a bard, 110% a bard. I mean... His personality screams it. There’s a reason I call this man the “good guy version of Gaston”. He has a charm to go along with his “Worldwide Handsome” title. That and the fact he was literally studying to be an actor before he go recruited by BigHit makes me believe he’d be a great addition to any party who is trying to do undercover/spy missions. Need a cocky nobleman? Jin’s got you covered. Need a down on his luck pig farmer? Jin’s got you covered. In my opinion, he’d have one of the higher charismas of a BTS party, which would help with the bard life. Alignment Probably chaotic good, so a rebel. He values personal freedom while at the same time upholding what is good. He probably comes off as an asshole/playboy when in reality he cares a lot about his friends/loved ones.
Blurb J-Hope sat in the open field, admiring the sun. It was the sun that brought life to everything and everyone he knew. His best friend sat next to him, reading their favorite book. When a gruff voice shouted a slur towards his friend, J-Hope jumped up. "Hey! Try that on someone your own size, buddy!" He proclaimed without even sizing his enemy up. It turned out to be one of the local members of the warrior's guild, one of the toughest fighters out of the bunch. J-Hope held his ground, though. Their words escalated until a duel was unavoidable. J-Hope's friend tried to dissuade him from fighting. "I'll never let some idiot hurt my friends, physically or no! I'll teach this bully a lesson!" After the duel was over and the bully was simpering in defeat, J-Hope reminded his friend that he, like the sun, would never fail his friend. Class I’m feeling warrior type. You could go with either fighter or paladin with him. Either way, he wouldn’t be able to stay in the back and watch his friends get hurt without raising a ruckus. He wouldn’t be quiet or sneaky enough for a rogue and being a spell caster might not be up his alley. He’d want to have a hands-on approach in helping his friends, he would want to be in the front lines kicking butt. Why don’t you just pick one class? aka Why are you lumping paladin in there? Well, because J-Hope, as well all know, has a high charisma. Paladins need a high charisma as well as strength versus just strength alone. Paladins are basically more determined warriors and/or defenders/protectors of others, as they have a religious cause to be fighting for rather than just fighting because why not. Plus I have to admit, I think it would be funny to have J-Hope as a paladin because he’d be a bad paladin. As in he wouldn’t be screaming from the mountaintops about his god, he’d save someone and then go “oh yeah by the way I gotta tell you about my god real quick”. I’d imagine if he was in a paladin group everyone would make fun of him for helping people without preaching to them. He would stick to his guns (or should I say swords, this is a D&D post after all) about things, though. It’d be hard to sway him against doing a thing, which probably makes for a great paladin in some ways. If he was a paladin, he’d choose a sun or a mischievous god that fell under good. (In my world if he was a paladin, he’d be one for a crow/raven god that is mostly good but mischievous at times.) Alignment Chaotic Good, so the same as Jin. Although if you go the paladin route, he may end up being Lawful Good, which means he would have a strict sense of honor while at the same time putting down the freedom of others (even though I personally don’t see J-Hope being that way, but I can see him acting that way if he felt like he had no other option, really.)
TW: slight verbal abuse (Not Suga giving it), violence Blurb Suga sat in the alleyway. He watched some pickpockets go by, just enjoying the sparse quietness that the night brought him. The sound of a knife unsheathing some distance away made him leap unto his feet. He looked over to see a grown man aiming the knife at a cowering child. "I'll pay you back, I promise!" The child cried. "You lousy brat, you haven't been able to steal anything for two weeks now! What did I ever hire you for?" The man asked, his words slurring. Suga walked over to the pair and tapped the man on the shoulder. The man turned around with a growl. "What are you doing talking to my son like that?" Suga asked, his hand on his knife's handle. The man looked at the kid then back at Suga. “Then why are you lettin’ him roam the streets and work for me? Some moron idiot father you are.” The man asked. The boy looked up at Suga, visibly frightened. Suga had never seen the boy before in his life. But Suga knew what it was like to deal with angry, cutthroat criminal scum like the man standing in front of him as a child. “Leave the boy alone. How much does he owe you?” Suga asked. He kept his hand on his knife, ready to draw in case the criminal lashed out. “50 gold.” The man grumbled. Suga pulled out his coin purse and nearly handed it to the man. “It’s between me and the brat. I don’t want your blood money.” The man said. The man turned back to the boy, his anger growing. “I could’ve made twice as much profit this week if I didn’t have to feed you. I should’ve let you rot!” The man raised one hand, tightly gripping a knife over his head as the child screamed. Suga stabbed the man in the shoulder, which reduced the man to a crumpled heap of pain on the alleyway path. Suga grabbed the child’s arm and dragged him out of the alleyway and towards safety. [The boy isn’t Suga’s child, obviously. Suga is probably going to feed the kid and find him a safe place to stay at least.] Class
“Rogues devote as much effort to mastering the use of a variety of skills as they do to perfecting their combat abilities, giving them a broad expertise that few other characters can match. When it comes to combat, rogues prioritize cunning over brute strength. A rogue would rather make one precise strike... As adventurers, rogues fall on both sides of the law.” I know some of you guys may be like “no wait Suga can’t be a rogue, he isn’t evil!”. I feel like Suga would make a good rogue, I do, I just have that feeling. He seems like the type of guy who devotes time to developing his skills, as well as a guy who speaks only  when something needs to be said. He comes off as a big tough guy when in reality he cares. “Why isn’t he a bard?” I feel like for Suga, music in an RPG setting would be secondary. Given that in real life he grew up with a family who was didn’t support his ideas of his music career, I could see him having to resort to rogue-ry things in order to support himself and survive (he would never break laws for fun, he’d do it in order to survive) with the idea of becoming a musician someday. If he dual-classed, bard would be his second class. Alignment Chaotic Good. But like I said earlier, he may come off as more neutral at first. He may put his own needs first before readily accepting that he does care for other people in a way.
Blurb RM stood in a secluded glade. Crickets chirped nearby, the only sound keeping the world around him from silence. His companion was frightened, desperately trying to start a fire in the dark of the forest. "Are you sure this'll work? It seems strange, being out here so late at night..." The companion’s voice was deeply concerned. RM sighed as he stared up at the stars for a moment. "It's alright. If there's one thing I know about magic, it's that you have to trust yourself in order for it to work. Don't be afraid, I've got your back. Okay?" The companion nodded, his words bringing some comfort to them. They finally got the fire lit. The companion sighed in relief at the light the fire offered. RM spent the next few minutes casting protection spells before he sat down. "I know that darkness is scary, and the thing that dwell in it are even more frightening. One day you'll be able to face the darkness without any fear." RM said as he got comfortable. "How do you do it? How do you not be afraid?" His companion's question made him chuckle. "It took me many years to get to this point. Like there was this one time..." RM told his companion stories until they fell asleep. He'd do this until the companion felt safe, until his companion was as strong as he was when it came to facing the dark. Class I’m thinking either druid or wizard for RM. Wizards require high intelligence (which RM has!) while druids require high wisdom (which RM also has!). I can imagine him as either the wizard who’s spent much of his life reading every magic book and trying every magic spell he can or as the druid who enjoys spending time being at one with nature. For a staff, I’d be inclined to give him one that looks like a thyrsus totally not because I’ve watched Dionysus too many times or anything crazy like that because it’d be a cool reference to BTS. Alignment I could see RM being Chaotic Good or Lawful Good. It just depends on the situation, really. He’d probably want to be a good example for other people and look after them in a way. That’s it for now! I may do some actual character sheets (as in a full-on character build with races, stats, the whole 9 yards maybe) or even write the whole situation regarding the blurbs (kinda gave Suga’s away though, I knew I couldn’t leave you guys hanging like that) eventually so... Thanks for reading! Here’s the maknae line with Jimin, V, and Jungkook!
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