#but seeing your support really shows me that people genuinely care and I’m honored you’ve given me support so I can show support to others
josiebelladonna · 11 months
okay, i officially hate art contests.
you know how yesterday i was saying that ai has cheapened art on pretty much every level possible? well, art contests play a role in that, too. probably a bigger role, tbh, and ai is merely writing its obituary.
i just think of all the contests i’ve ever entered, starting with the science fair in elementary school where my dad and i built a trebuchet together and we all thought that was going to be a slam dunk. our catapult lost out to your stereotypical volcano eruption of cola and mentos. A CATAPULT!
then there was an art contest in middle school, when i entered a cartoon in—i don’t remember what it was exactly but i had drawn a picture full of people in my cartoon style, fresh off the press from the winter before. i lost to the crappiest drawing you’ve ever seen, and i knew there was some favoritism going on there.
then there was soundgarden’s fan art contest in 2016. i entered a drawing of soundgarden themselves into it and i had absolutely no hope for it just from my past experiences. get this: it actually won… but no one on my facebook cared. i think one person liked it, but that was it (this was 2016, too, way before ai came about and ruined everything). the other girl who won got support out the nose. i also hated the prize, too, so figure i distanced myself from the whole thing. what, we put our hard work into this shit and you can’t even be bothered to do better than vinyl records?
then there was chalk on the walk the year before and in 2018. i drew a koi pond in 2015. got bupkis, not even a “thank you”. i drew chris with my heavy metal flowers in 2018. got a bunch of people stopping and taking pictures and asking me questions, but i didn’t even get an honorable mention. i don’t even know who won either year, i don’t even remember them.
i entered my beatles drawings into the state fair in 2018, all four of which i spent hours on. got nothing: i lost to the shittiest drawing of edgar allen poe i had ever seen in my entire life, and i wish i took a picture to show you guys because it really was that godawful.
now here we are with mermay. did all my stuff this year by hand and i’m starting to wonder what the hell is even the point now when it’s obvious they like the clean, digital, disney-ish stuff better. the month isn’t even done yet and i’m starting to feel like a complete idiot for even bothering with it. really, i feel genuinely embarrassed for even attempting it in the first place. i’m just gonna post the remaining ones and then just be done with it, i’m not gonna give a shit about the winners (plus, i’ve been on ig four years now and you’d think, logically, my account has grown by now. fuck me, right?)
i’m thinking of participating in a fashion one for edward gorey’s foundation later this year just to try something different but… now that i write this out, i really, really don’t know and i’m starting to regret even considering it. i have the worst track record with these things and my so-called family and so-called friends wouldn’t give a shit if my life depended on it. i can just see their reactions towards it, too, like “oh, great, here we go again… another contest, another forgone conclusion… get a real job, sweetie”. the people who claim to care about me don’t care at this point. they didn’t care in 2016, and they really don’t care now.
I don’t win contests. i never can, either, simply because of the whole unspoken act of favoritism. you put your heart and soul into a portrait of your dead friend or into four of the four lads from liverpool and you fucking lose to cheapness and amateurness in the worst way possible taken to its dumbest conclusion. they also shortchange artists, too, like the prizes for the chalk on the walk competitions were like gift cards. the soundgarden one had fucking vinyl, not meeting the guys or having a say in the art for the next album or anything awesome like that. just: “here. vinyl”. (worse, they didn’t even tell us what it was until after the fact, so yeah, figure i totally felt used and it left a bad taste in my mouth). because of this, they are very limiting. you can only get away with so much for the sake of the dumbest conclusion you can possibly think of.
art contests are complete bullshit. don’t bother with them if you respect yourself.
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familyvideostevie · 1 year
I hope you don’t mind me dropping in asking for unsolicited advice, ignore this ask if you want of course, but I know you’ve discussed the not so fun sides of writing before and I need your help in that way.
Have you ever wanted to quit writing because no one interacts anymore? I have ideas I love and want to share but I know that if I did I’d get three notes and they’d all be likes. I don’t want to quit because I fucking love writing, but then again I do want to quit just to see if anyone noticed if I did, you know? Not even mutuals interact anymore, I get one like from them on occasion but that’s it so it’s not even that I have a small circle of people that I can rely on to interact.
I apologise again for leaving this type of thing. I am somebody you know hiding on anon, rest assured I’m not a rando, but yeah. Once again ignore this if you want to! There is no obligation to answer, I’m just at a threads end, thanks.
hello! i do not mind at all, please come for advice whenever! i've been thinking about how to answer this all morning, so please forgive me for the long ramble.
first of all, i am sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. to answer your first question: of course i have felt this way (and still do, depending on the day!). when i first started posting the longest fic i've ever written, it wasn't showing up, no one was reading it, and i spiraled massively. i thought about deleting this blog, i thought about never going on tumblr again, i thought about taking an indefinite break. but i had to really sit back and be like, what the fuck is my problem? i don't meant to imply that you shouldn't be feeling this way, that's not what i mean at all. however, i think that there really is value in genuinely not caring about notes, genuinely not caring about engagement, and just writing for yourself. that's easier said than done, trust me, i know. but i think i've reached a point in this blog where i don't really associate the value of my work with people seeing it. this has helped massively. i write because i want to. because the stories i want to tell, i want to tell them for me. i know that i can say this easily because if you look through my blog, you'll see that i do get notes! i do get reblog and comments and such, so i know that this sounds hollow.
it's pretty clear to me that the stranger things fandom is in a bit of a lull, which is natural! people come and go from things they like and that's perfectly alright. i myself have felt a waning interest in writing steve and eddie, though i am trying to maintain those masterlists for the people who follow me for that. i don't think we can fault people for moving on, moving away, or taking a break! but that doesn't change the fact that its discouraging and can even feel like betrayal, especially when that distance comes from mutuals.
here's my take on mutuals: i have made some really lovely friends on here (of which you are one, i am sure), but i don't ever hold them accountable to read or reblog or interact with my content. i want to talk to them because i want to talk to them! in fact, i talk about anything other than writing with most of them. i want to follow them because i really enjoy their stuff, and whether or not they want to interact with mine says nothing about our friendship or the quality of their person, you know? i don't ever want a friend of mine to feel pressured to support me on here, because we're all meant to be having fun and making sure our blogs are what we want. i see a lot of discussion about the tumblr honor code that's long gone, and i do think to a degree passivity on tumblr has increased, but i don't think we need to go at each other for that. you do not owe me something because we follow each other. i know that you might be like, "emma, are you serious? you don't support me, you don't support other people, this is just an excuse!" maybe so! i just think you should enjoy this place however you want to! life is hell and we need to take hold of joy with both hands where we can find it. that is how i am treating myself, too.
so, all of that said. my advice, which you can take or leave because i don't know if it's any good, is to renegotiate a healthy relationship with your blog and writing. write something for you and never post it anywhere, just to see how it feels. turn off tumblr notifs, take a break from notes, and just make something that you're proud of. if you're proud of it, then you've won.
anyway, i am sorry you are feeling down, and if you decided to leave, i am sure that i (and others) would miss you dearly. this should be a place of refuge, a place of community, and if it stops being that for you, it's not worth keeping it around like a festering wound. i can't tell you what to do -- i just want you to be happy and healthy. i love you!
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queen-breha-organa · 2 years
IvyVille is no longer a village, we are now a small township-
I’m renaming this place IvyTown and you are all now townspeople
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 317: My Boy Was Just Like Me
Previously on BnHA: AFO randomly blew up Lady Nagant as a good reminder of why you should never make a deal with this fucking guy, smdh. Hawks was all “well if it isn’t my two best friends, Deku and Lady Nagant, both of whom I respect and love tremendously.” Everyone was all “??” and Horikoshi was all “shh... just pretend” because it was too embarrassing for him to admit that he forgot to write a couple of set-up flashbacks I guess. Anyway so Hawks got Lady to tell them where AFO was hiding out, and everyone said goodbye to her and Overhaul, who never did get to see his boss (sorry buddy, I’ll send you a vial of my tears in the mail), and headed out to a house in the woods. AFO was all “hello Deku :) :) it sure is fun making you suffer :) :) :) anyways this is a trap”, and blew up the house. Yeah, we all here are getting reaaaaaaaal tired of your shit, AFO.
Today on BnHA: The Hawksquad and Edgeplatoon meet in a warehouse and are all “what should we do about the fact that everything sucks?” Mt. Lady is all “here’s a thought, what if we tried battling AFO with more than six people.” Hawks and Endeavor are all “great initiative, but just a friendly reminder that our friends also suck and would probably betray Deku which would suck further still.” Shouto is all “ANSWER THE PHONE DAD” and Endeavor is all “[IRONICALLY DOESN’T ANSWER THE PHONE].” Meanwhile over in Sadtown, capital of Sadland Prefecture, Japan, Deku is all “All Might, as you can clearly see I am completely fine and good, never been better in fact, definitely not caught up in the throes of an epic mental breakdown which is shutting me down emotionally, anyway so on that note I would like to leave you now goodbye!!” All Might is all “[can’t actually form any words because he’s too distraught].” Fandom is all “o(╥﹏╥)o.” Horikoshi is all “(*^-’) 乃 [pew pew finger guns and barrel rolls into the darkness].”
sweet jesus lord
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this literally doesn’t even look like Deku anymore?? this looks like Dark!Deku who shows up to fight you in that one room in the Water Temple. he looks like he’s about to crawl out of my television set and murder me with his psychic powers good lord
holy shit lmao Horikoshi is really just shrugging his shoulders and resolving last week’s cliffhanger with a single line of dialogue
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fire is no one’s weakness. idk what other options you’ve got, AFO, but you’re gonna have to go back to the drawing board. maybe try bees or something. I’m just saying. we’re all expecting fire at this point but nobody is expecting bees
anyway so now they’re all sitting in some warehouse somewhere chatting about it I guess. shoutout to Horikoshi for finally giving my man Edgeshot some more dialogue at long last
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well, Edgeshot, to answer your question, she exploded. so naturally she’s fine
nah just kidding, Hawks says she won’t be able to help them out much because she’s recovering from being exploded. this is the part where we all ignore the fact that Hawks got set on fire for like a full ten minutes back during the War arc and was only in the hospital for a day. anyways enjoy your temporary plot hiatus Nagant
man there’s a lot of dialogue here and I’m trying to figure out where to insert commentary but it’s kinda difficult lol. basically, Edge and the others are saying that they should gather up the other remaining heroes and get them all caught up on the whole OFA situation. which, hmmmm
like on the one hand, these guys definitely aren’t going to cut it on their own, so it’s a reasonable suggestion on the face of it. but on the other hand, do we really want to entrust the OFA secret to a bunch of other people, most of whom shat the bed during the War arc to be quite frank? is it really worth the additional risk? especially given that any one of them might go spilling the beans to the public -- or worse, betray them to AFO??
also just a quick side note here, Mt. Lady’s character development never ceases to delight me. she’s become so committed to her responsibility as a hero these days, and it fucking suits her. I genuinely consider to be one of the elites now. I mean it doesn’t hurt that all the other elites are fucking dead lol but still
wait what? Death Arms retired??
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Death Arms as in the guy who was too afraid of a little fire to try and save a terrified 14-year-old kid who was slowly suffocating right before his eyes?? that Death Arms???? color me surprised. shocked, I tell you
...okay but holy fuck
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Death Arms. bro. my expectations for you were low but holy shit. like I’m sorry, but I don’t even have it in me to try and pretend like I feel the slightest bit of sympathy for him or Old Man Samurai or any of those other guys today. thanks for a whole lot of nothing my dude. good riddance
(ETA: so I’m rereading this the next day and realize this comes off as kind of harsh, so let me just try to clarify. it’s not the fact that he’s quitting that bothers me, to be honest. it’s the fact that he’s quitting specifically because he feels like the public is being mean to him. that’s it.
seriously. it would be one thing if he was quitting because he was scared, because now that is human. nobody wants to die, and I doubt any amount of training can ever fully prepare someone to go up against that fear. but the thing is, he never once mentions that, or talks about the danger aspect. instead, I got the distinct vibe from this speech that Death Arms is one of those people who only became a hero because of the limelight. and I just don’t have any patience for that. if all you care about are likes and subscribes then go become a fucking youtuber or some shit. nothing wrong with that! but you didn’t; you signed up to be a hero and protect these people. they gave you their respect and admiration because they trusted you to protect them. and now that they’re no longer in the mood to worship and applaud your every move on account of them being scared shitless because they’re living in the literal end times, you decide to dip. so like okay, fine then. don’t let the door hit you on the way out. anyways lol sorry for the rant.)
anyway so yeah. perfect example of why I don’t exactly have a ton of faith in most of the remaining heroes out there lol. also let me just once again give a shoutout to my best girl Mt. Lady whom I suddenly find myself appreciating all the more
“please calm down makeste. drink some water and enjoy this fresh new jeans pun” listen Horikoshi don’t tell me what to do dammit
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fine. it is a nice pun, I guess
-- damn so now Endeavor’s saying that the media is already being fed info by the retired heroes. so for some of these guys it wasn’t enough for them to abandon all the people they swore to protect and to leave their fellow heroes out in the cold; they decided they might as well actively make things worse for them while they were at it, huh. like I get wanting to spill all the dirty secrets from your old job that you just quit, but this isn’t Jeff Bezos you’re screwing over, this is a sixteen-year-old kid
-- like, yes!! this, right here!!
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exactly!! let’s not forget that there are already two prior instances of this happening. Endeavor arguably deserved it, but Katsuki not so much
huh. Endeavor seems to have a more optimistic outlook regarding this than I do lol
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I mean, this is the same public that didn’t hesitant to blame a kidnapped child for his own kidnapping, and then later on for being the downfall of the Symbol of Peace. but okay then
anyway so blah blah blah, more talk about how they need to use Deku as bait, which basically puts them back at square one, and then they’re all just trailing off into silence and sitting around in the dark lmao this is getting very depressing
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OH HOW THE TURNTABLES OMG. THE GHOSTER HAS BECOME THE GHOSTEE. Endeavor you petty son of a bitch. and what a brutal cut to that flashback too. “let’s stop Touya together” nah Shouto I’ve got a better idea why don’t I abandon you in U.A. and sally off with Hawks and Jeanist to found the “let’s pretend like we’re doing something to help Deku” club, which basically consists of us sitting around making terrible decisions all day long
Shouto, honey. you deserve better my little Coca Cola can. .........but if you really do have something important you need to tell your dad you could just text it to him. all the love and support, hugs and kisses, you’re doing amazing sweetie. but if you need to pass on any vital information you can just write it down and hit send honey that’s all I’m saying love
now he’s getting another call?? -- or, no, Hawks is getting a call from All Might
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so while you all were sitting around talking about how useless you are, the kid you’re supposed to be protecting was battling another hired gun. I see. please pardon me for one second, I have a phone call to make. the phone call is to RockLockRock and Manual. the reason for the call is to apologize for calling them the worst bodyguards ever back during the War arc. the reason for the apology is because it turns out I WAS SEVERELY MISTAKEN OMFG
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shoutout to Horikoshi for offscreening this fight. we get it, lol. Deku strong and scary, villains ineffectual and feeble, and AFO... [checks notes] yep, still a dick. the angst arc continues
-- the angst arc continues, SIR
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jesus christ I may have to rethink all of my opinions about Deku being framed for murder in movie 3 lmao. never mind. he did it, your honor
holy fucking shit Deku. “he might blow up, so please be careful” fdlskjflk jlskdjflk lwkejflk anyway so I’ve decided the explosion running gag can stay, actually
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lol why do I get the feeling some serious shit is about to go down. ALL MIGHT NEVER MIND BACK OFF I THINK HE NEEDS HIS SPACE
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shit. shit shit shit shit and OF COURSE all I can fucking think about is that stupid fucking prophecy and gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Deku please. please please please if you really are going to leave All Might here, please be so very careful in choosing your farewell words to him now because have this sudden horrible fear that this might be the last time you ever see him alive and oh god. oh god oh god
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holy shit. and the fucking callback to the prophecy now. just in case we forgot. WHICH FYI, WE DIDN’T. but that’s basically confirming that this is all still very much on the table and HORIKOSHI NEVER FORGETS oh my god someone please hold me
and the fact that Deku’s flashing back to it now too, though?? because he never forgot either, because of course he didn’t, and now all this stuff is happening, and AFO’s words are getting to him, and this is literally his worst fear come to life and so of course he’s distancing himself from everyone, and now it’s finally come to even this. even the person he admires most
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(ETA: just a quick note that even though some of the posts I’ve read have described these as All Might’s flashbacks, I’m pretty sure they are Deku’s. most of these are scenes that only he was there for, so yeah. even though All Might is the one thinking the thoughts on the next page, the flashbacks are what’s running through Deku’s mind right now, and so we’re getting that emotion from both of them, which makes it extra devastating lol.)
wait, what???
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WHAT??? do you really think that’s why he’s been so determined to protect you this entire time?? simply because you’re his successor?
-- oh no wait lol I think I got that mixed up, this is All Might saying that Deku feels the need to protect him. well that makes more sense lol
oh my god I cannot
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his last words. his last words to him. and we can’t even see if he is smiling, like All Might always encouraged him to do. but what are the odds he can’t actually bring himself to do it. what are the odds he’s actually crying. oh god this scene is going to rip my heart out and STOMP on it in the anime isn’t it. Deku’s VA is going to full on murder me with emotion. not that there’ll be much of me left to murder after the thorough job that Horikoshi has already done here
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nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope no words just feels just a big ol’ pile of feels. I do not have the strength. future me... [broadly gestures] good luck with all that
what breaks my heart here is All Might. All Might, and everything he’s been through, and history repeating itself, and forcing him to live this moment from both sides because he wasn’t strong enough to fix things.
Toshinori had only just turned eighteen when Nana died. like, I feel like we don’t mention this enough. the All Might we know is a sixty-something-year-old man, and so everyone always talks about him like he’s basically been an adult forever. but he was a child when he met Nana. and he was still just a child when she died. barely a year older than Deku is now. younger than Mirio was when we first met him.
and we don’t talk about that. we don’t talk about how devastating that was for him. and we don’t talk about how the reason he grew up to become so reserved and withdrawn -- for all that he always tried so hard to outwardly project the image of a bold, confident, smiling hero -- was specifically because of what AFO did to him. because AFO targeted him in the exact way that he is now targeting Deku. because that’s what he does. he goes after every new user of OFA, and he finds out what’s most important to them, and then he destroys it. and for Toshinori, that was Nana. if you’ve read All Might Rising, you know that AFO basically killed her in front of him (and only killed her, while letting Toshinori and Gran get away). Toshinori (while crying) later says she was like a mother to him. and interestingly enough, during this same conversation, Gran tells Toshinori that he can see “that madness in [his] eyes” when Toshi talks about becoming strong enough to defeat AFO. madness in his eyes. sound familiar??
what’s happening to Deku now is the exact same thing that happened to Toshinori when he was a boy. AFO tried every bit as hard to break him as he’s trying with Deku now. “the path you’ve chosen is a thorny one. every battle grinds away at your soul with no end in sight.” we don’t talk about how Toshinori experienced this same thing for forty fucking years. and all the while isolating himself, exactly like Deku is doing now. pushing people away, exactly like Deku. because he never had anyone who was able to reach out and pull him back. and those words that he now finds himself frozen and unable to speak -- “don’t push yourself”; “you can rest” -- are the same words that no one ever said to him until decades later, when it was already far too late to make any difference.
everything that Deku is experiencing now is what Toshinori also went through. and it’s only now, as he watches it happen to his student, the boy he loves like a son, that he’s finally starting to realize the full extent of how wrong it was. you shouldn’t have to fight alone. you shouldn’t have to bear that kind of enormous burden alone. you shouldn’t have to push yourself, and you can rest. you can rest.
but it’s too late. just as he’s finally coming to understand it all, it’s all too fucking late. and he can’t say the words, he doesn’t know how to say the words, and then just like that, Deku is gone.
and he’s alone. again.)
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I can’t. this can’t be their goodbye. I’m not ready. for this to be how they finally part, and then they never see each other again except in OFA. how is that fair. how is that fair. how is that fair
fuck me. lol. how many pages are left in this thing. let’s just wrap this up lol. so now of all the times for this fucking guy to finally show up
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I can’t believe Stain has been here literally this entire time hiding behind this random wall and cutting onions. that was you who was cutting the onions, right. no need to answer that we’ll just say it was
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Stain did you also let AFO give you a new quirk. what’s with you guys. do you like blowing up
oh nvm lol because they were talking about THIS GUY ohhhhhh my fucking god
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omfg. and so yes, good, the chapter is ending here now on page 15. for once I am FULLY on board with that lmao
anyway so tune in next week for more adventures of Werewolf Deku!! that is, assuming we don’t finally cut back to U.A. at long last, which is actually a strong possibility considering that this chapter will likely mark the end of volume 31. it sure wouldn’t kill Horikoshi to start giving us some hope after everything he’s just put us through lol. KACCHAN COME GET YA BOY
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Hi! I love everything that you write and heh I am a fan! 😄 tbh this is my first time requesting something on Tumblr! If you don't mind and if I am not being a bother...can you write about how the guys would react If MC suddenly starts making meme references? I don't know how I got the idea but I am REALLY curious. And love you! :D
Hiya! Tyvm for the kind words, and apologies that this took a while! I hope you have the chance to enjoy it regardless ❤️❤️❤️ Love you too, sweet pea! I promise to get to the next request you’ve sent ASAP~
Aight but this would be hilarious because the range of the reactions is just ungodly. I will be putting this under a cut after Napoleon so I don’t clog up everyone’s dash, but all the suitors are included below otherwise! 
Comte is the one that recognizes a few, but didn’t really stay in modern times long enough to be as well-versed as a Gen Z kid might. Regardless he finds the wittiness and absolute chaotic fuckery to be delightful, and will 100% support the harmless nonsense. It never fails to get a laugh out of him
Mozart that first day be like: “Buzz off MC I hate you” MC, because she likes swinging bats at wasps’ nests: “Well that’s not very cash money of you” Mozart: ?????????? Comte, giggling in the bg like the secret fae he is This one’s just because I’m petty, but after the events of Comte rt I just imagine them encountering Vlad again and MC’s just “I lived bitch.” while Comte is flipping him off behind her lkjahgkjhdsg
Comte @ Leo when he finds the latter under his desk: Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.  MC: wheezing from the hallway as she’s about to give him his letters
MC: So how was your day, honey? Comte: Good, good--briefly had to go beastmode upon the punk that pilfered my lint roller MC, biting her lip to keep from laughing: So does Leo still have his kneecaps? Comte: for now.
Comte, @ literally anyone upsetting the MC: I won’t hesitate, bitch
Comte: Be careful with my emotional baggage, it’s designer
MC: What if I was evil and ran towards you at very fast speeds Comte: My arms are strong, I would catch and hug you
Leo and Dazai are the ones that don’t have a single reference point but are filled with so much dumbass chaos energy that they just. Understand immediately???? Nobody knows how or why, but they just catch on so fast--adapt the language in a matter of weeks. Never underestimate the power of combined boredom, depression, and humor
I swear to god I just see MC taking them their Blanc/Rouge and being like “here you go sir, one enslaved moisture” and they just go fucking hog wild from day one. MC starts impersonating Theo when he leaves the room around Dazai, like fake deep voice “you all only hate me because you do not like me and I am mean to you. grow up.” Or like the MC meets a baby on her travels with Leo around town and she holds them and says v seriously and sagely “So you are Baby? I have heard tales of your exploits.” and Leo about loses his shit right there. They both think MC is the funniest person alive--they’ve never been more eager to throw a ring at someone in their entire life.
Also a bonus for my beloved Dazai:  MC, facing even the slightest inconvenience (like dropping her fork) in the most dramtic voice possible: Life is not daijoubu. Dazai: wheezing
MC, after watching Theo turn down a woman at the bar in the meanest way possible: bro quit letting the darkness consume you u r scaring the hoes Dazai, literally rolling around on the ground, half-drunk and dying:
MC, walking alongside Dazai and stopping to stare at her reflection in the River Seine. Dazai’s expecting some sad or twisted shit, since people often feel comfortable talking about those things around him, but instead she just: “Oh, it’s you. The source of all my problems.” And he about falls into the river from shock HAHAHA
At this point don’t be surprised if his next book is about an absolute madlad woman similar to MC
Napoleon finds it to be a delightful quirk more than anything? He doesn’t really understand it, but he finds it funny when they change their voice for effect or speak in exaggerated tones. If it’s just comprehensible enough for an outsider to understand--or Sebas gives him context--chances are it’ll send him into a laughing fit
For this one I just imagine MC singing that Ratatouille meme song obnoxiously bad while cooking, and Napoleon and Comte are just so wildly amused by it bc it makes zero sense and it’s only vaguely French at this point
MC @ Napoleon while they’re cooking brunch: Can I offer you a nice egg in these trying times?
MC, conflicted because she’s tired and wanted to sleep in but also got to see Napo’s cute sleeping face for a few hours: For my next stunt, I’ll wake up at 5AM on the day I can sleep in. Sebas: Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise MC: early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch Napoleon: laughing in agreement
Isaac is the type to be bewildered and concerned at first (especially when he hears the more nihilistic ones hoOOOoooOO BOY) but eventually begins to understand it’s some bizarre attempt at humor (that hurts Zack baby). While some part of him laments that it reminds him of Dazai and he’s secretly jealous of how she and Dazai bond over it, he will sometimes join in the chaos when the mood strikes him and he’s feeling mischievous
Isaac: How are you feeling? MC: Oh, I’m not Isaac: seconds from dialing 911 Isaac: Are you okay? MC: Oh yeah dw I just suffer from that syndrome where your neutral expression makes you look like you’re an angry serial killer Isaac: say sike rn
Isaac, tutoring MC and correcting something:  MC, muttering while redoing it: The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math. Isaac: unable to help a laugh
One time MC was avoiding Isaac for fear of hurting his feelings and he just confronts her like: Isaac: back by unpopular demand, me! What’s wrong, MC pls MC was so hecking proud of him
Isaac, telling MC about a recent discovery he learned at uni from another professor: bones typically heal stronger after they’ve been broken--so long as they’re set properly, of course MC, looking him dead in the eyes: So what you’re saying is that I should break every bone in my body until I become superhumanly powerful? Isaac: please do not, no
Mozart and Jeanne are just. Totally lost. Why are you talking like that??? Why are you making “crab hands”???? They don’t understand. Maybe never will. They reach a point where they just kind of laugh and shake their heads, endeared by the oddity after they’re used to it and have determined it isn’t a threat/insult. 
MC: It’s a cold and it’s a brooooken, Waluigi. Waaaaluigiiiii...waaaahluigi..... Mozart: surprised, then starts snickering and playing along on the piano
Arthur, asking MC very personal questions out loud because he is an idiot sometimes: Soooo MC, are you a top or a bottom? MC: I’m a threat. (If he asks a second time, the response will be “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy.”) Jeanne, fighting a smile:
MC, about to punch an asshole: Your free trial of being alive has ended Jeanne, seconds from laughing for the first time in 100 years:
Also, because I genuinely can’t help myself. You know that knight meme like “Parry this you fucking casual.” I cannot stress enough that it is literally the personification of Jeanne’s entire character. I’m not even joking.
Arthur and Shakespeare are utterly fascinated by the rapid evolution of wordplay and the sheer hilarity. They will ask all about these so-called “memes” and ask for examples of them if MC can show them (either somehow accessing her phone or drawing them). MC draws Arthur the knife cat meme and he about a s c e n d s at the hilarity of it all, points and yells THEO IS HOLDING THE KNIFE. He is correct. They will be delighted and follow along eagerly, and--god forbid--will make their own based on late 19th century struggles.
Is this where Shakespeare got the idea for “What, you egg? stabs him” and “You are a saucy boy.”? I’m too scared to ask. Don’t even get me started on “The Fool jingled miserably across the floor.” That one is just too on the nose...
I can’t even imagine what would happen to Shakespeare if MC like translated vines and memes into Ye Olde English around him. Imagine she’s at one of those noble balls and hears rumors of these two guys living together and they’re so obviously gay and he says “And those gents w’re roommates.” And in the most false surprised tone ever MC just replies “oh mine own god, those gents w’re roommates.” Imagine having a wife that’s just as hilarious as you are and hits you with all the force of a bag of wet mice every time you speak in retaliation, he’s going into palpitations.
Every time Arthur does smth stupid MC just: “I Pretend I Do Not See It.”
Vincent is tickled pink by MC’s penchant for finding joy and/or amusement in nearly everything they do, and he smiles gently when he sees them muttering and laughing to themselves. He wants to be able to join them in what they love, but he has a harder time following along and understanding the darker humor sometimes. Mostly gets confused??? Please give him the easier ones to mimic and laugh when he tries--or just include him in your jokes MC. He’s babie your honor...
But he also. Will not. Stand any kind of self-deprecation or borderline verbal self-harm. He’s usually very easygoing and calm, but for whatever reason that stuff makes him go deathly quiet and upset.
MC, after something goes horribly wrong, hugging Vincent: Oh Vince, we really in it now Vincent: giggling a little despite his worries, relaxing
MC: Theo stop simping for Vincent that’s my job
MC, when Theo leaves the room and she gets Vincent all to herself: The evil is defeated.
MC: And this is where I would put my will to live...if I h a d one! Vincent: ;-; MC: oh shit, oh fuck, I was only kidding Vincent wait (MC was subsequently lectured and loved on for many hours)
Theo is conflicted because on the one hand, he loves to see you smiling and having fun. On the other, you’re clowning as hard as Dazai and Arthur and he can only handle so many monkeys in his circus. Most of the time he will roll his eyes and be the straight man of this comedy, but you might find him cracking a smile--or accidentally letting a chuckle slip past his lips now and again.
MC, after meeting Theo: I’m a nice person, but I’m about to start throwing rocks at people.
Theo, those first days: Oh? You’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me? MC: I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.
Theo: Every time I ask MC to explain “vibe check” to me she hits me with some kind of improvised weapon
MC, after the “incident” (you know the one): This year, I lost my dear lover Theo Theo, in the distance: QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD! MC: ;-; sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Sebastian is last because oh boy. OH BOYYYYY I LOVE HIM. Okay so the way I see this happening with Sebastian is just. So wild. Because at first he’s t r y i n g so hard to be the proper butler man. He does not meme. But then he starts to drift closer to what Niles from The Nanny was, where he’ll quip and joke in private or when the situation is just beyond the amount of absurdity he can handle without making a snarky comment. Everyone in the house can’t fathom how Sebas and MC got so close so fast, but there are points where they’re just “Are they even speaking English anymore???” It’s 11 times funnier than normal because Sebas almost never smiles or laughs when memeing, the deadpan quality of his playing along sends MC every time
Has ABSOLUTELY said “HEY. PANINI HEAD. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME???” jokingly when MC made a mistake in the kitchen. They laugh about it for y e a r s
MC: I can’t date someone who keeps a lamb as a pet, that’s so weird Sebas, brushing Lotte in front of MC: MC: MC: Okay, I will make an exception because she looks very polite
MC and Sebas, fully aware of the fame some of the men will reach in modern times: We will watch your career with great interest.  (I s2g that’s like half of Sebas’ rt right there I’m crying)
Sebas rt with Lotte be like that 500 dollar Mareep meme: “sometimes a family can be just a boy, his gf, and their 500 dollar two foot tall Lotte”
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minniepetals · 4 years
Rose & Thorns: 07
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— summary: a lone rose, a little broken, until Jungkook came along and the two of you saved each other. and in doing so, Jungkook showed you a world where he shared with his six other mates.
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: angst / fluff / poly!au / fantasy!au / dragon!au
— word count: 7.5k
— warnings: hurt and comfort
╰ part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10
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"Prince Taehyung? If you're the head of the nursery nest, how are you able to take care of me?"
"Because this is my part time job," the dragon told you while mixing herbs with a light spirit. "I've always had the tough decision to choose between watching over the whelps or being able to heal my whole clan which are both an honor to do but in the end I chose to be a guardian of the little ones."
"Really?" You stared in fascination from where you sat on the bed. "What made you choose the whelps?"
"Baby dragons are adorable, dear Y/N," he laughed cutely. "Kinda like you."
You blinked, not expecting such a bold comment as your face began heating up. "L-like me?"
"Yup," Taehyung nodded as if it wasn't uncommon to say such a thing.
"But, how?" You asked, even more flustered because he was so casual about it. "I thought baby dragons aren't able to transform into their human forms until they've aged into a more mature age."
"They can't but they're still cute and you're cute too so they remind me of you."
He was probably the first person to ever compliment your looks — well, Jinyoung did it before but he was rude about, someone you didn't really feel comfortable to hear words out of. Yet with Taehyung, you felt more at ease hearing the compliment coming out from his mouth.
"Hey, when you get better, want to come visit the roosts with me? They'll love you, I just know it."
Though flattered, you tilted your head in confusion at the excited boy. "How would you know?"
"No one is born with hate, dear Y/N," Taehyung told you with a voice that was calmer and sincere, "we only learn to hate because the people around us has taught us to do so. Maybe that's why you only love."
"Your parents must have been the sweetest, huh? To raise such a sweet child who doesn't know how to hate?"
You smiled at his soft words as you looked down at your hands. "They had...the sweetest love for one another," you remembered. "Mother had always been ill but she risked her health even more by giving birth to me. Father never gave up hope though, he was always there for the both of us. They've always taught me to look on the bright side to things, to people, and know that if there's a dark side, there is always going to be light. Like the moon. Father left us sooner than we expected but even then Mother never lost sight of her love and hope for me. I always blamed myself for making her health worse but she's always told me that I was a gift and that the world will one day reward me if I continued being kind and gentle."
"And you believed her."
"Of course." You smiled. "One day the world will see," a sigh left you, "hopefully."
"It will." You hadn't realized Taehyung had gotten up from his spot to walk on over to you until he took your hands into his larger ones, stroking it with such gentleness. "One day you'll find happiness and people who will give you the same amount of love as you have given the world."
"You really think so?" You asked him with bits of doubts, unsure and worried, timid and afraid.
Taehyung gave you a sweet smile as he squeezed your hands. "I know so."
When he looked at you, he could see a beautiful rose waiting to bloom. The rain had already given you enough of itself, now you just needed light in your life in order to grow from your budding state.
"One day, Y/N, one day soon."
"Jungkook?" You called upon his name softly, gently, a soothing voice he wanted to hear forever. Was it wrong to want to hold you? Was it wrong to want to take all your pains away so that you could never understand what hurting meant? Was it wrong to want to love you?
His eyes continued gazing out from the balcony, watching his clan from below while he replied with a soft hum. He loved his mates, loved ruling the clan alongside them, so perhaps it was indeed wrong to want another by his side when he already had six. Jungkook felt so selfish but a part of him didn't want to admit to his wrongdoings, didn't want to admit that the feelings he felt for you were wrong.
He didn't want for it to be wrong.
You deserved someone to love you in turn for the world's forsaken kindness and he wanted to be that person — or maybe one of them?
Was that wrong? For him to want his hyungs to see what he saw in you so that they wouldn't hurt if he ever did confessed the things he felt for you to them? He knew he could never confess to you, not before letting his hyungs know and getting their permission. They mattered as much as you did.
"You're lucky, you know."
"How so?" He asked.
"To have a love so sweet and beautiful," you breathed. "I don't think I've ever seen such a love so pure. Your hyungs all care about you, the same way you worry and care for them. It's something many will envy, you know, you should never lose that love."
Jungkook knew his love was pure, always knew he'd never want to leave any of his hyungs and would want to spend all of his life with them by his side. "Really?" yet he asked, curious for how you perceived their relationship in your eyes.
You nodded. "You'd do anything for them, wouldn't you?"
"I would," he confirmed.
Your gaze fell with a genuine smile, a little envious of the beautiful love but more happy for him than anything. He deserved such a love, they all did. Your hand reached up to trace along the scar that held just slightly away from your heart, an arrow you had taken because you saved Jungkook and brought him back to his home.
And now? Perhaps now it was your turn to find your own home.
"When I am all healed and can walk on my own without support of another, I am planning on taking my leave from this clan."
Jungkook's head was quick to snap your way and you almost flinched at the abrupt moment. His eyes widened, brows a little furrowed as if he couldn't believe what you had just said. "What?" He asked, words a little too soft, almost a whisper, as if he was afraid he heard it right.
But you sent him a smile despite the fear in his eyes, despite the little stab in your heart and a little moment of relief from the way he looked as if hurt to hear you wanted to leave. You felt glad for just a moment. "Home isn't a specific destination, it's where your heart lies, where you feel safe, loved and protected. You've found that within the arms of the other princes, and I have yet to find my own but I don't believe my home lies here."
Why not, he almost said it aloud.
But he had almost forgotten that you weren't his, you didn't love him in the same way he was falling for you. He had almost forgotten that if he were to ask those two words, he'd sound desperate and you'd wonder why. You wanted your own home and you didn't feel it through him or anyone in the clan.
If he were to ask the question aloud, it'd be an even more selfish wish upon wanting you to stay despite the fact that he knew he couldn't have you.
So knowing that, knowing he couldn't keep you forever even if it meant just watching you from afar in hopes of your heart being his, he let his head process the whole thing, nodding slowly though reluctantly.
"I see," was all he could utter out in a low whisper.
Deep down, he hated it, he didn't want to accept it.
But he had to.
"What's wrong?"
Yet no matter how easy it was to hide his feelings from you, it could never go past the ones that did loved him back, the ones that had known him for much, much longer.
"Nothing," he tried to say.
"You're lying, Jungkook," Seokjin said with eyes that grew with more concern because they had set a promise to tell each other everything and Jungkook, out of them all, wasn't one to break promises.
They all watched their youngest lover while he stared into an empty space, past the plate of food that hadn't been touched since dinner started.
Jungkook wanted to show them that he was okay, he didn't want to hurt them because of the things he felt for you, but he knew that he was going to have to tell them the truth one day. But did it have to come so fast? Was there really a need to tell them so soon? He didn't want to.
But they weren't going to have him going to bed restless with that frown on his face, not without a talk first.
He didn't want to talk. Yet he knew he had to.
And for that, his heart fell. "I'm sorry," he breathed almost inaudibly before swallowing a big lump that rested in this throat and blinked quickly at the tears that threatened to escape.
He stood up from his seat, ignoring the concern in his hyung's voices as they called after him. Jungkook kept walking away, not wanting them to see his tears though he knew fully well that he could never hide from his mates. They knew him more than anyone, loved him more than the universe itself.
But the thought of speaking up and inevitably hurting them even further than he had already done so, Jungkook didn't want to face them just yet, he didn't want to be selfish.
"Jungkook?" The eldest called upon his name softly while his heart dropped at the sight of Jungkook in the bedroom, curled up in one of the corners as he tried his best not to cry while hugging his knees. He looked so weak, so vulnerable and the sight was enough for them all to want to do absolutely anything to make their youngest mate smile again.
"It's Y/N, isn't it?" Namjoon guessed, his voice gentle as he tried his best to assure Jungkook that just the name alone wasn't going to make him resent anything. Weeks before, he would have hated it, but after your sacrifice, Namjoon couldn't bring himself to hate you even if he wanted to.
He didn't want to now.
"I'm so sorry," the youngest prince squeaked. So, so scared. Afraid not just for them but for his own feelings that had kept growing and growing. He didn't know whether to feel guilty or not. Jungkook didn't know what to do at all.
Jimin began to hush him gently as he took a seat beside him, placing his young mate's head against his chest. "We're not upset at you, Jungkookie," he reassured. "What are you worried about, hm?"
He cried into Jimin's chest, the sounds echoing into the room which broke their hearts. "She says...says she's going to..-to leave after she heals." A few minor hiccups. "And I don't want her to leave. I don't want Y/N to leave. She saved my life."
"And she saved mine," Namjoon nodded, acknowledging the fact with a soft understanding. But as he knelt in front of Jungkook and took his hands into his, Namjoon squeezed it with a tight smile on his face. "But this is her choice, Jungkook, we can't make the decision for her."
"I-I know but..-"
He knew, knew more than anyone that he'd rather let you leave in peace and with a smile rather than to stay in the clan feeling like you'd never belong. You wanted to find a place that would accept you, a place that would love you just as you had loved the world. And maybe that'd take a while, not because of you, but because people had yet to understand of your true pure nature.
But ever since learning the fact that your former village had never liked you, Jungkook always wanted to protect you despite the position he was in. You became the keeper of the dragon, the keeper of him. You kept him company, spoke of stories after stories so that he didn't have to be alone in that cave, brought him food each morning, stole blankets to keep him warm, and risked your own life to help him escape so that he could return home.
The scar left upon your left chest, a scar that will always remain no matter how much time will pass, will always remind him of what you have done for him.
He felt so, so guilty. He loved you yet he felt so useless and unworthy of loving you. You saved him yet what had he done for you? He couldn't protect you from when his hyungs had once hated you to such an extent, he couldn't make you feel better when you were left trapped in the dungeons. It was Jimin who had helped you out. And he hadn't been there to protect you when you fell from that cliff along with Namjoon, left to only destroy himself over the fact that he couldn't do anything.
"Why can't I be the one to save her just as she had done for me?" Jungkook asked in a small weak voice and Namjoon's eyes fell.
You were always the one on the hurting end, the one to sacrifice your own happiness for someone else's.
"I want to save her too, hyung."
But would you let him?
"Oh, you're um, up early."
You looked over at the sound of Hoseok's voice and found the dragon flying just a few feet away, surprised you were up earlier than the sun. He looked like a beautiful creature from where you stood, golden eyes similar to that of Jungkook's, contrasting Seokjin who held the eyes of the moon.
You wondered what colors the others held.
"I can say the same thing to you, prince Hoseok."
He smiled with his head beckoning over towards the higher grounds of the mountain leading outside. "I'm in charge of the early patrol this morning, gotta be extra early to get ready. And you?"
You hesitated for a moment before replying. "I couldn't sleep well the night before."
"Why's that?" He asked and you gave a light shrug.
"I guess I had too much to think about last night."
Hoseok fell silent for a moment as he thought back to Jungkook who couldn't sleep as well because even the thought of you leaving had broken their youngest mate's heart. A part of him wanted to understand what the feelings were, but another part of him felt conflicted because he didn't understand.
And what about the others?
He could see it in Jimin, the soft care he had for you, taking in everything he learned about you and holding that dear to his heart. Seokjin grew a soft spot for you too, he could tell. He was no longer grumpy about having to take care of you and most days he'd willingly take over Taehyung's nursing for you when Namjoon wasn't in much of need. And Namjoon was beginning to care as well. After you saved him and he held you close while you finally broke down for the first time, you also became a soft spot for him.
The rest of them, him, Taehyung, and Yoongi had yet to figure it out but something told him it wasn't going to be hard.
"Thinking can be good but sometimes it gets a little overwhelming. Clear your mind, Y/N, be at peace." You stared at him with confusion as if you didn't know how to do that. A light chuckle escaped his lips. "I know a great way to take your mind off of things."
"What's that?"
"I'll show you," Hoseok offered. "It's right on the highest point of the mountain but don't worry, we don't have to venture any further than that." He could tell you were still afraid and in fear after the attack. "Want to come with me?"
You hesitated for a moment but then thinking about it, you guessed being left by yourself all the time wasn't at all a good thing and perhaps Hoseok would be able to get your mind off of things so you nodded at the prince. "May I?"
He smiled sweetly. "Climb on."
It was a little more difficult than not having someone else hold you while you got on a dragon's back but you made it towards the highest point of the mountain nonetheless.
When you got down from his back, you walked cautiously towards the edge of the mountain, staring in awe at the sight in front of you. It was as beautiful and exciting as when you were with Seokjin and it felt like you were on top of the world. The Earth was vast and fascinating in ways you could never find the right words to describe, but in your heart, you felt like owning it all.
The love and divine land of Earth.
From where you stood beside Hoseok who had already shifted back to his dragon form, your eyes could only focus on the sun breaking through the endless white clouds, its streaks stretching onto the vast land and gifting the earth with its mesmerizing bright yellow and orange rays.
"You're so lucky," you told the man beside you. He tilted his head just slightly and you answer his unspoken question. "The world is so much more beautiful when you're looking from the sky. I've always only lived looking at the Earth from the grounds and though it can be beautiful in its own way, it's nothing compared to this sight you get to witness everyday."
Hoseok smiled. "Having wings has its benefits," he said, nodding, "but it's nothing if you can't share it with the ones you love."
"Hence you are even more lucky for that."
Hoseok was silent for a moment, eyes only focused on the view in front of him but his mind consisted of you. "Where will you go, Y/N?" He asked and you look away from the view for a brief moment.
"I don't know," you admitted, "but the world is vast. I'm sure I'll belong somewhere."
"What if you belonged here?"
You smiled softly. "I wouldn't mind. But I'm a human."
"So what?"
"It's tiring, prince Hoseok."
He looked at you. "What's tiring?"
You sat yourself down on the ground and he followed, eyes never straying from you. "Everything, Hoseok," you told him. "I'm so tired."
And you did looked tired. Not like the tiredness where all you had to do was take a nice good rest — though that would be ideal too — but the kind of tiredness that left you deprived of energy and love. You were tired of keeping up, trying to prove to others of your worth, and a part of him knew that it was partly their fault.
You were just another person capable of anything they were, yet because of stigmas and the way dragons and humans didn't naturally get along, you were hated for a reason no one had yet to find out. You were kind and gentle, soft and sweet. You saved their youngest prince when you didn't have to. You betrayed your own kinds for a dragon that felt more human to you than anyone else you've met back in that village. Yet even after all that sacrifice, you still had to face discrimination and loneliness that you didn't deserve of.
"Come here," was what Hoseok said in response. You looked over at him with some confusion while he gestured for you to scoot in closer to him, patting at his lap. "Rest, Y/N."
You hesitated. "You're a prince."
"That's only a title," he insisted. "Now come."
You shifted towards him and slowly laid your head against his lap. Before long, you felt soft, long fingers running along your hair and the soothing touches were beginning to make your eyes droopy. Hoseok did that often to the younger ones when they felt uneasy and just needed time to stop everything and rest. He was used to it, to taking care of others when they needed it most and always being able to tell.
The two of you remained there in silence but you didn't mind it. There was no need for exchange of words, his actions alone told you that he wanted to make it better for you, to make things easier and that you could always rely on him if you needed.
Hoseok knew he should have already gotten ready for the morning patrol but right there in that moment with you, he also understood that it was far more important to keep you company. Maybe the others will be alarmed when they figured their patrol leader wasn't going to show up, or find you missing from the medicine nest. But for the time being, all he cared about was letting you have your rest.
"Is Y/N with you?" Taehyung asked the moment Jungkook flew in and transformed himself back into a human.
The maknae's brows furrowed with alarm. "Why would she be with me? Where is she?"
"I-I don't know," the older man quickly began to panic. "I thought that if she wasn't here, the first option would be that she'd be with you."
"Have you checked with the others?"
"Hoseok's missing too. He hasn't shown up to the morning patrol," Jungkook quickly informed before returning to his dragon form and flying out.
Taehyung spat out a curse as he followed his younger mate from just behind, both heading towards the castle to see if the others had seen the two of you. Yet when they both realized that the others had also not seen you nor Hoseok around, it only worried them further.
"Maybe they're out together," Jimin tried to suggest.
"That early?"
He shrugged when Jungkook doubted.
"He's supposed to be out for the morning patrol."
"Maybe it was an emergency and Y/N needed some fresh air, let's not panic alright?" Namjoon said, stepping up to try and calm things down.
"Hoseok won't leave the mountain right before a patrol even for something like that," Yoongi pointed out as he thought about it. He knew Hoseok a little more than the rest because they grew up together, as close as soulmates could be. Kind of similar to the relationship between Jimin and Taehyung.
So he also shared something with Hoseok, a place they often went to when they needed to take a break — or in this case, for you to take a break.
Perhaps Hoseok had brought you there.
"You look like you know where they might be," Seokjin interpreted and with a light nod and a glance Jimin's way, he sped off in his dragon form.
"I thought you might be here," Yoongi noted the second he flew down and returned to his human form, finding you lying against Hoseok's lap. He kept his voice low (though it wasn't with much effort because Yoongi was usually quiet), and looked at the two of you. "Is she alright?" He asked and Hoseok shrugged lightly.
"She's tired," he stated. "Tired of many things."
"I would be too," Yoongi nodded. "It's surprising she's held on for this long."
"She's used to it, I guess." Hoseok's eyes fell down to your form, watching you with a soft gaze as you breathed in with a slow pace, clearly deep in the sleep that you needed. "It's sad, isn't it? Knowing that we were one of the reasons to cause her distress?"
"We can change, Hoseok," Yoongi told him, "it isn't too late."
It wasn't too late.
Nothing was ever too late, for Yoongi knew that it was better to be late than never so when Hoseok looked up and their eyes met, a mutual gaze of understanding tied them together like soulmates and Hoseok smiled.
"You set off a panic, by the way."
He raised a brow. "Did I now?"
Yoongi chuckled and Hoseok joined in just imagining the maknae line worrying over nothing too serious. "You can apologize later, just head to your morning patrol. I'll take Y/N back," Yoongi offered and when Hoseok nodded, the older man kneeled down next to you, joining Hoseok in waking you up.
"Hey, little one," the younger one cooed as he lightly brushed his finger against the tip of your nose. Your face scrunched up cutely and they chuckled at your little whines of protest. "Time to wake up."
You opened an eye, frowning with an adorable pout. "You can sleep some more when we return to the nest," Yoongi informed and you look between him and Hoseok in confusion. "Hoseok has a morning patrol," he answered your unspoken question.
"I'll be back, don't worry."
Why did everything feel so soft all of a sudden?
Just minutes before when Hoseok had first approached you you weren't feeling all that great, thoughts running all over the place while your heart weighed heavily against your chest. Everything felt overwhelming but now? With both Yoongi and Hoseok there, something about their presence made it better.
You couldn't pinpoint why but you liked it. A lot.
"Come on," Yoongi encouraged and picked you up in his arms. Still sort of half asleep, you took advantage of your hazy thoughts to snuggle in close to him.
It felt wrong yet so right at the same time and Yoongi only held you closer. You couldn't remember ever seeing Yoongi acting gentle towards you before but it was fine. More than fine. And you liked it.
Liked it a lot.
And when he brought you back, the only thing you could remember — besides his gentle hold — was the bright moon that held his dragon eyes.
"They're going to love you so much!"
When you asked Taehyung to meet the whelps, he had been so excited to let you visit the nursery nest where all the baby dragons resided, yet there was one thing he was certainly not prepared for.
The overwhelming cuteness overload due to the combination of you and the babies.
All you did was say hi to a little baby dragon just four years of age and the next thing you knew, the remaining whelps were quick to surround you at all sides and Taehyung watched from the sideline, watched your soft smile that grew so bright and brilliant as the babies all asked for you to pick them up because they've never seen someone as pretty as you before.
He stood there by himself leaning against the entryway, not minding the peace he was finally given because the babies did adored him too, and now that they had someone else to play with, his presence was nothing more than invisible because of you.
But he was happy to just stand there and watch.
You looked so happy and soft, being so gentle and sweet towards the babies that he couldn't help but feel butterflies fluttering in his tummy just watching you surrounded by them. He never knew he'd love it that much but he did.
It was only when a little one tried to climb on you and accidentally touched the shoulder that was still in the process of healing did Taehyung finally step in to make his presence known. You were too kind to push the little one away but he heard you wince.
"Careful with her," he warned in a gentle chiding voice and everyone looked up with exciting eyes at the familiar caregiver of the whelps. But Taehyung paid no mind to them just yet as he walked over to carry the little baby that was hoping to grab your attention by climbing on top of you. He met your eyes with a soft concerning gaze. "You okay?"
Before you could give him an answer, the whelps were already bombarding the two of you with questions filled with concerns, worrying for you.
"Is noona alright?"
"What happened?"
"Did someone hurt her?"
You gave out a soft chuckle as you shook your head lightly. "I'm alright, I'm alright," you assured them all.
"But you little ones have to be careful around her, okay?" Taehyung chided softly again with pointed fingers going around at each of them. "She heroically saved Namjoon and hurt herself so she needs time to heal. Her shoulder is injured."
Their mouths gaped, eyes widened, and their wings and tails flipped around with excitement just from hearing what Taehyung had just said.
"You saved our leader?"
"You saved prince Namjoon?"
"Wow, noona is so cool!"
"I didn't..-" you cleared your throat as you sent Taehyung a pout to his exaggeration, embarrassed for yourself now. But he only giggled. "I didn't save him," you emphasized to the little ones.
"She's being too humble."
"What? No, I-"
"So no matter what she says, just know that Y/N is pretty and kind and if someone ever bullies her, you have to be the big and mighty dragons you are to protect her okay?" He instructed them all and when you try to protest again, a little dragoness, the one who Taehyung had picked up to rest against his hold, spoke up before you can.
"But I'm not big and mighty," she said to the prince with cute pouting eyes as if disappointed she wouldn't be able to protect you when the time ever came. "I wanna protect unnie."
How cute they were to already have such a bond with you even though it hadn't even been a day. But Taehyung was fond of it and wanted to take advantage of it, so he gave her a sweet smile before poking at her little nose. "You are strong and courageous and if the prince says you are mighty enough to protect someone else then you believe his words without a doubt," he told her then turned to the rest to echo the same thing to the doubtful ones and you watched him with a gentle gaze.
He had the sun in his eyes as a dragon, like Jungkook and Hoseok, but as a human, they all shared the night sky and you couldn't help but wonder why it was so fascinating to you.
But you had to shake the thoughts away as the children brought your attention back on them, their eager selves declaring to protect you just as Taehyung had told them to.
It was wonderful, and Taehyung was right when he said that no one was born with hate. At first you had been afraid of visiting the little ones that would soon make fine warriors for the clan some day. You were afraid that they wouldn't accept you just as the older dragons.
But being there and finding yourself surrounded with love and laughter, your heart began to warm up and glow a beautiful sunlight's ray.
It felt nice for once, to not have to worry about judgement and needing to prove yourself to be accepted. Children always brought out the best in others because they were all born with love and only had love to share. They were too innocent to understand the evil part of the world, where hate and beliefs in society separated others and you were so happy for that.
Perhaps it wasn't all so bad, being there in the clan.
The prince's have all seemed to warm up to you, being much kinder than they were previously, and now you had admirers who wished to see you again the next day and other days to come.
"I'm telling you, the goblin is kind and sweet and handsome."
"Goblins can't-"
"You've never seen a goblin so you can't tell me what they should look like," you were quick to cut Jungkook off when he tried to tell you otherwise, a scolding expression on your face while he remained stubborn.
The four of you sat around in a circle where you resided, the three maknae dragon princes awaiting to hear one of your many stories, yet it was cut off too soon by Jungkook.
"You've never seen a goblin so you can't just say that they're nice and good looking," he countered. "No stories have ever said that they were nice and good looking."
"But this is my story, you can't base your facts off myths and fairytales," you pointed out a little more agressively as the argument began to rise and Jimin and Taehyung looked at one another, laughing silently. "What if myths and fairytales went on about dragons being ugly creatures and that they are nothing but mean and vicious?"
Jungkook frowned as he rolled his eyes. "There are already stories that base the facts off those ones."
"Exactly!" You argued. "You see how that's wrong? You can't just discriminate another creature just because you've been hearing the same rude things about them over and over again in stories and folktales. Their feelings could get hurt, you know."
The dragons laughed at how cute you were being. "So that's why your goblin is nice and handsome?" Jimin asked.
"Mmn!" You nodded without hesitation. "So stop interrupting me, Jungkook, because I really like this story. Father told me about it."
He settled down upon hearing the last sentence with a soft gaze. "Your father?"
Your smile grew just thinking back on it. "It was mother's favorite story. But he made the goblin ugly and I didn't like that so I changed that part of the story."
"Alright then," Taehyung leaned back to settle himself with a soft smile, "proceed."
"Right. As I was saying," you cleared your throat to begin the story again, hoping there will be no interrupting this time. "This story is about a handsome goblin, the goblin's bride, and a handsome grim reaper."
"Grim reapers-"
The man could only laugh when you, Jimin, and Taehyung all shouted at him for interrupting you.
He loved it though, that moment right there, upon the lighthearted night that became a supposed sleepover with you returning to your beautiful glow. But he knew that right then and there was a much better time than when you were back in your village.
Your smile was genuine, everything felt genuine, even when you pouted and scolded at him for trying to interrupt. The memories of the cold nights in that dungeon made him shiver a little but he was glad for it, glad to have wondered off and gotten caught. After all, everything happened for a reason.
He met you. You became his light admist the night and set him free.
And even though not everything had been great when you came to his clan and you had to suffer for so long, being there in that moment while he stared at you telling your story with an intense passion, Jungkook wanted to believe that everything previous had all been worth it.
Because Jimin and Taehyung had joined him, wanting to hear your stories as well. And the other hyungs have gotten closer to you as well, smiling rather than giving you the glares like before. The clan had even began to warm up and the whelps loved you.
And you were smiling.
He wanted to say that it was all worth it. That it was enough to convince you to stay.
He wanted you to stay.
Seokjin didn't have to ask to understand that you were tired because just watching you from where you sat helping him with his herbal remedies made sense with the way your head kept dropping and eyes kept drooping.
"We ought to keep an eye out for you little ones when you have your game times," he chuckled.
"We weren't playing games," you told him with a big yawn. "They were just listening to me while I told them my stories and we lost track of time because they were that good."
"Really?" He grinned and you hummed with pride. "Then I think the whelps would love that, wouldn't they?"
"Would they?" You asked with interest, head perked up at just the suggestion alone.
"Everyone enjoys stories, Y/N," Seokjin said, "especially the little dragons. You should go to the roosts and surprise them with your presence, Taehyung told us they really love you."
A light hint of blush formed around your cheeks upon hearing Taehyung telling them about you and the little ones. "But..what about you?" You asked.
Seokjin turned around, tilting his head in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"I like helping you out in the medicine nests but if I were to head to the roosts, won't that make you lonely?" You pointed out. "Taehyung has the whelps to keep him company, who will you have if I'm not here?"
It was so cute the way you were thoughtful for even just that and the eldest of the prince found himself smiling softly at your consideration. "No worries," he brushed it off lightly, "it is a much harder task trying to keep young dragons in line. Training them to one day become an apprentice of a warrior is not a task for just anyone and I think you have the gift of taking care of the little ones. We need that in our clan, you know."
He hoped it wasn't too straightforward but just enough to try and subtly tell you that he wanted you to stay with them in the clan. If you ever wanted to leave on your own accord then he hoped it would be because you just didn't feel it was your rightful home rather than because you just didn't feel needed.
And it wasn't just because his little maknae wanted you to stay and he wanted to make him happy, but it was also because Seokjin genuinely wanted you to remain in the clan.
He'd have a talk with Namjoon about it later on.
"You think I'm perfect for the job?" You asked him and he nodded.
"I know it."
"But being a healer isn't just for anyone either, you know," you told him. "Not everyone can listen well and do the tasks you tell them to do. Can't I do both?"
Seokjin chuckled. You were just too kind for your own good. "Maybe we can squeeze both in your schedule."
You sent him a bright smile that almost blinded him. "We sure can! I'll make sure of it. I'll help both you and Taehyung with no problems you won't have to worry about a thing."
Seokjin was ruined.
So, so ruined.
"Should we build bridges?" You looked up at Yoongi with a confused gaze but he went on. "Should I ask Namjoon if we should set up bridges to connect the nests together?"
"Bridges?" You asked.
"You know," he said, "so that it'd be easier for you to walk around rather than taking the long way around, traveling back and forth between the medicine nest and the roosts."
You eyed him carefully for a moment. You hadn't even started the jobs side by side and yet he already knew. "How often do you guys discuss about me?"
More often than we should, Yoongi wanted to say but he knew that wasn't appropriate just yet. Him and the guys have found themselves always talking about you whenever there was an opportunity, whenever discussions about the clans were over and the topic would almost immediately turn to you.
"I'm just saying," he shrugged off the thought, "it'd be a lot faster and efficient."
Yet you shook your head. "Don't bother. Building bridges would mean taking a few warriors out of their tasks and besides, I..."
You trailed off and Yoongi watched you.
"What?" He queried before stating bluntly, "still thinking about leaving?"
You could only shrug at his question before changing the subject. "Anyways, prince Seokjin asked me to collect some herbs for him and since I don't have wings like you guys, I came to you."
"To me?" He raised a brow, slight amusement falling upon his face.
"The patrols have already gone so I couldn't ask them to pick up some herbs or ask for a ride, prince Jimin has to keep watch of the dungeons, prince Taehyung has to watch the little ones, and prince Namjoon and prince Seojin are busy on their own."
"So you just assumed I wasn't busy myself?"
"No, I-" you stuttered to defend yourself, "I didn't mean that. I just didn't know who else to turn to. I'm not really used to the other dragons but if you're busy then-"
"I'm kidding, Y/N," he cut you off with a light chuckle, amused by your presence alone. "I'm free for an hour, no worries," he said as he stood up from where he was lying, stretching his limbs with a big yawn before jumping off to transform into the dragon he was. "Climb on," he beckoned and you smiled, jumping onto his back without hesitation unlike the first few times you've climbed onto a dragon's back, and the two of you rode the wind.
The sky felt safer that time around with no worries about another clan trying to invade your space because they had already been dealt with.
It always felt nice riding the back of a dragon that made you feel safe, as if you owned all of the lands and skies. You would have never imagined yourself feeling so free at that moment right there. Things were beginning to look up, the happiness and freedom blooming in your chest, warming your heart.
Yoongi had once been so cruel and coldhearted. They all were. But eventually they found themselves on the wrong side and decided to change their ways.
There was no need for apologies. Words were only empty thoughts unless actions were done about it. And they showed you through their acceptance and smiles that they were sorry for what they've said and done and that was all you needed.
But a part of you was still unsure about where you belonged.
Did you belonged with the dragons? Or was your fate to roam around the Earth, traveling on your own and seeking new discoveries and wonders?
You didn't know yet but sitting there on the back on Yoongi, you know you wouldn't mind it if your fate belonged with the dragons. After all, it wasn't just the princes that had begun to accept you, but the clan itself was beginning to warm up to you.
Seeing you with their young ones, the whelps who were all fond of you and took great pride in their vow of protecting you, or the way you'd go out of your way helping Seokjin out with his medicinal remedies as the prince had once been left alone to deal with the task, you thought of it as them beginning to see your true heart.
And you hoped you weren't wrong.
"Go on, I'll wait for you here."
With a basket in hand, you took off on your own while the dragon prince settled himself on the grounds of the forest, resting in his dragon form and closing his eyes.
You chuckled at Yoongi's typical drowsy self before going on to search for the herbs Seokjin had asked you to.
It took about a good twenty minutes to fill up your basket halfway yet just as you were about to search for some more feverfew, the voices of humans was what caused you to freeze up. It wasn't the fact that they were human, why would you be afraid of that when you were a human yourself? And you knew Yoongi could take care of himself if they were to ever catch him.
It was so much more than that.
Because those voices? Especially the one that was loud and clear and held a sickening humor that brought chills down your spine, memories of the night you saved Jungkook and tried to run away with him came spiraling back almost instantly.
The angry voices of the villagers echoed in your ears, the arrow that had pierced against your chest, the scar still there and would never go away.
It was as if fate was playing with you, the same once fading memories returning to your side clear as a crystal just as you had taken a step forward into the world. Only for it to force you back to where you had once came from.
He took a step forward and you trembled in fear as you took two steps back, realizing who it was.
It was Jinyoung.
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honeytea8 · 4 years
✨✨La Squadra Boyfriend Headcanons✨✨
[Alexa, play Boyfriend by Big Time Rush]
Guys, I spend an ungodly amount of time thinking about La Squadra, so here are some bf headcanons for the sexiest group of assassins in Naples. No one asked but I am bringing it straight to your dash anyway! (under the cut for length lmao)
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I’m going to start with Prosciutto, who has recently fallen on my radar pretty heavy! 
He’s a good and decent boyfriend, if not a busy one. Not that he doesn’t care about the relationship, but most of his energy was going to Passione things before you waltzed in and so he’ll struggle a bit between his work responsibilities and maintaining his relationship with you, but only in the beginning. 
If you are also a part of Passione, it’s a hell of a lot easier to manage. 
I see Prosciutto as the gift-giving type: lingerie, sweets, perfume, designers, etc. His salary isn’t the best, but he manages it as well as he can just to accommodate you! 
I just can’t get the idea out of my head that Pro was raised by a strict mama, that’s why he can be a bit of a stickler sometimes. He’ll catch you still lounging in bed at nine am, and be like “Why are you still in bed? Get dressed, we’re going out.” Dude!
I’m sorry to say, but Prosciutto is absolutely the ‘lecturing’ type. (He lectured someone in nearly every scene in the anime, Formaggio once and Pesci numerously and Bucci too) 
He will lecture you when you make mistakes, especially because as his s/o, he has high expectations for you and believes you’re capable of so much more. It’s never, ever out of hate. He loves you, and that’s why he chides you a bit lol. 
This does not negate the fact that he doesn't mind when you lean on him for support. He likes when you count on him, because he always comes through especially for you!
Depending on whether you’re in the mafia or not, I totally see him sparring with you, or working out with you in an effort to make you tough. Prosciutto wants you to be able to defend yourself, just in case. If you complain, he’ll tell you, “Better safe than sorry, tesoro”.
Prosciutto will respect you, period.
A good listener, goddamn! He’s up there with Risotto when it comes to who listens to their s/o more! If you have an issue, he’ll hear you out and offer advice if you want it. If you give him advice, he’ll take it into serious consideration. He’s honestly a good partner, can’t stress that enough.
Finally, sex with Pro is an entire event. Romantic dinner, candles lit, wine, the whole nine yards before he gives you nine inches of something else :) (I’m kidding!! Lmao, kinda). 
But as I said, Prosciutto is quite deliberate, and a bit of a perfectionist. He knows what to do and how to do it, you can trust him.
Ghiaccio is next only because he’s my favorite. 
The ice gremlin is probably the most interesting (and hilarious) boyfriend out of the bunch (I say this with only a tidbit of bias). He isn’t funny himself, but funny shit just happens to him. 
Because of this, he will use you as a soundboard when everyone else refuses to listen to him. He’s got a lot to say, so be prepared for his TEDtalks. LMAO!
It will take some perception on your part to notice when he actually expects a response from you, and other times he’s just ranting to get his point out. 
He will correct your grammar when you text, but barely notices when he makes a similar mistake (his brain moves in mph). Please use the proper names like Venezia, Italia, Roma and Napoli when talking to this man; save yourself from the headache.
When it comes to dates, please have mercy on him, he’s a textbook over-thinker! You’ll just have to plan something simple at home for you both to enjoy. 
He isn’t incapable of planning dates, but he’ll want everything to be so absolutely perfect for his s/o and will throw a fit when it ultimately isn’t. 
Contrary to popular belief, I think that Ghiaccio is a pretty attentive partner. He’s super intelligent and I think a part of it stems from his innate ability to read people (I’m referencing the part in the anime where he deduced what Giorno and Mista had come to look for, while going off very little information). 
The more time he spends with you, the better he gets at it. 
His form of affection will be shown through the amount of time you both spend together. When it comes to sex or anything related to that, be gentle and slow as Ghiaccio will likely be a flustered mess. 
As he becomes more comfortable and confident, he will be bolder and just ask out right if you’ll suck him off tonight or not. The man appreciates directness, so don’t bother being coy. “You want me to give you head? Cool, lay down a towel or something.” is what he’ll probably say.
Very practical 👌🏾👌🏾
Melone, good lord, he’s kind of perfect. 
A bit of a doting boyfriend here and there—very much concerned about your health. Expect him to ask if you’ve eaten, or taken your multivitamin. How are your bowel movements?  LMAO
It can become a bit much, but he really genuinely cares. He’s not asking to be intrusive or nasty! If he was, you’d know. 🤣
But I seriously consider Melone to be the one (at least among La Squadra) who is way, way invested in his relationships. He will know every little detail about you; will ask you lots of questions and expects you to ask him just as many. 
This may be annoying to some, but this dude will definitely bring up your horoscope in an argument. He’ll be like “I honestly can’t fathom why you’re being this way, though it’s to be expected from a libra.” 
Peg this bitch so he can shut up.  
Melone is also touchy as hell, but not in a clingy way. He loves touching, and just to tag onto the headcanon about his partial blindness, I want to say that he’s so touchy because that’s how he ‘sees’ you best.
Just know that half the time, he isn’t touching you to be lecherous, even if he genuinely does like the feel of your skin under his fingertips. Melone will even encourage you to touch him back. 
Rub his thigh or back and he’ll be simping.
He is obsessed with your legs, and will paint your toes if you let him. 
LOVES PDA! Melone will also tongue-kiss you in public if you let him!
Notice how I keep saying ‘if you let him’. Give him an inch and he’ll press you for a mile, so if there are boundaries you would like to establish, please do, cuz he sure as hell won’t, just saying!
When it comes to sex, Melone is a dick and coochie sensei. Oral is his favorite thing to do, probably enjoys giving more than receiving to be honest. I’d say he’s pretty much mastered sex for what it is. 
That being said, if he’s ever talking out of his neck, just invite him to put his mouth to better use. He’ll even thank you for your gracious request.
Formaggio is next 💀 
According to my JoJo compatriots from discord, he’s like the Optimus Prime of fuckboi’s so let’s ride that wave for a bit! LMAO
I hope it doesn’t come as a surprise that Formaggio is pretty shameless. He will send you a dick pic on Sunday morning before church and have the audacity to say “Just wanted to bless you real quick”. 
@autumn-kouhai mentioned him giving his s/o sickly sweet pet names and I just have to agree. 
Expect to be hit upside the head with: baby-boo, sugar plum, honey bunches, sweetums. I can imagine them becoming really ridiculous too like “the last piece of red velvet cake” or “cheddar bae biscuits from Red Lobster”
His catch phrase is “Got nudes?”
Send them, and he won’t be afraid to reply with something equally sexy. 
Be warned though, he will stockpile whatever you send him and then be careless with his phone. If you don’t mind Illuso’s snoopy ass seeing your nudes then by all means, have at it. Otherwise, send them through snapchat, so they disappear later. 
As far as La Squadra boyfriends go, he’s the most fun! Y’all don’t even go anywhere because man’s is broke. BUT, Formaggio knows how to have a good time without any need to spend money (my kind of dude tbh) you guys just crank up the tunes, dance, and get lit until the neighbors complain. 
Formi is also the CEO of jokes/memes, and will have you in absolute tears almost always! I literally tell my friends that funny guys are so dangerous, don’t sleep on them! They will make you laugh until your panties drop, it’s magic, I swear. Formaggio has that same energy. 
No matter how bad of a day his s/o is having, rest assured, he will draw the biggest laugh out of you.
Besides his fuckboi tendencies, his most redeeming quality is the fact that he’s super cool and fun to hang with. You’ll literally have a good time, always, because his energy is right! Very good vibes around this man, I swear! It’ll be exactly like dating your best friend, because essentially, he will be your bestie.
Formi has many moments of tenderness that aren’t sexually charged too—moments where the jokes stop and he’ll just rub your back or feet, this is usually when you aren’t feeling well and need some quiet. 
However, Formaggio won’t let you mope all day, he’ll pull out the big guns and call you his “sweetie baby” and when you try to resist he’ll say “What, I’m just tryna show you some love.”
He’s a good dude lmao I’d date a guy like him irl 😭
Pesci stans wya??! Let’s get into this baby boy. 
Pesci is boyfriend material, idgaf what anyone says. 
He is pretty much the least problematic to be with among all of La Squadra, even more so than Risotto (don’t argue with me). 
Pesci is hyper aware of your likes and dislikes and will literally go out of his way to make sure that you’re well and okay. 
Arguments are basically nonexistent and if they occur it ain’t coming from his side. 
I also think that Pesci has a lot of empathy, so when you’re going through something, he’s right there in the thick of it with you. If you’ve seen that meme that goes ‘when my gf is on her period it’s UterUS’ lmao that’s Pesci’s energy 100%. 
Sometimes, he’s more of a lover and not a fight, that is perfectly okay!
However, if someone tries up his s/o, say farewell to Mr. Niceguy. He will defend your honor to his dying breath. And with you in his corner, trust me, he’s not going down. 
A romantic at heart, Pesci will plan little date trips like picnics in the park or boat trips to Capri, actually, I’d like to point out that he excels in the art of date planning. If you’re the adventurous type, he’ll plan outings where you both will be more active, like biking through the city or renting a mop-ed and going sight-seeing. 
Because Pesci has a sensitive stomach, he’s very much considerate of what you both put in your bodies. If you have dietary restrictions or allergies, this guy knows all about it and will cater to you perfectly. 
A true gentleman through and through, he will never force himself on you, ever. In fact, he really doesn’t like engaging in anything sexual when you’re drunk or high, sorry if you’re into that! 
Pesci is the kind of guy who keeps up with your favorite shows.
If ya’ll have similar taste in media or literature, he will immerse himself in it so that he can relate to you all the more.
If there’s anyone who will entertain anime-related discourse, no matter how nonsensical, it’s Pesci. And he isn’t just putting up with it, he’s actively engaging in the conversation so you are always heard and validated. 
He’s an A+ boyfriend, that’s all I gotta say! Haters can stay mad :)
Goddamn Illuso... idk man.
I really feel like you have to have thick/tough skin to handle this guy, for various reasons. 
The first being that Illuso can be a bit mean at first. He’ll push your buttons on purpose just to see what’ll make you tick. Will tease the living heck out of you, always, kind of a bully lmao but not to the extreme, it’s just his brand of humor—and the thing is, he won’t be mad when you dish it right back, so it’s cool. 
Secondly, Illuso has big dick energy!! 
I mean rightfully so, because he is indeed packing! But my word, he ain’t humble about it at all! 
He is not above making jokes about ‘splitting you in half’. In fact all of his jokes have hidden, dirty undertones! 
His affection is shown through speech mostly. Illuso will drop subtle innuendos and provocations, half to see you flustered and half because he wants you to know how much he wants you. 
Illuso isn’t incredibly vocal about his feelings outside of ‘I’m tryna hit that thang’ but you won’t doubt that he loves you because Illuso doesn’t waste his own time. 
If he’s spending his time with you, you can rest assured that it’s because he wants to. 
Illuso is a voyeur and you’ll just have to understand/accept that and move on. 
He loves watching you and will even creep over to your place through the mirror world just to hang or watch you do chores. Loves to surprise you and give you jump scares lmao it’ll make you a tad paranoid but it’s also fun. 
Illuso is prone to random bouts of sweetness; it’s very sporadic, very touch-and-go. 
One day, you’ll wake up to chocolates on your dresser or new shoes, lingerie, or makeup if you wear it. I imagine that if you’re low on funds, he will even help you buy your groceries that week. 
It’ll surprise the hell out of you, but that’s just how Illuso is. He enjoys keeping you on your toes! 
He’s prideful and smug as hell, so he will definitely expect a thank you, because even if he does it out of the kindness in his heart, he also wants to hear that you appreciate him
Same goes for the bedroom scene. Illuso loves making you vocal, it’s his favorite thing in the world, so he’ll make a game out of doing the things that get the biggest reaction out of you. Like I said, it's that big dick energy at work here, smh.
Sorbet and Gelato in a polyamorous relationship with you? Let’s get it! 
We don’t get anything substantial about these two except that Sorbet follows the money, so these are all personal headcanons for how I see and write them. 
Here’s the juice: when it comes to you as their s/o, these two are possessive as hell. You are theirs and that’s that on that! 😭 Don’t ask questions, just go with it.
Sorbet is the chill one of the duo. He can be a bit smug at times, but he’s mostly a laid back dude who doesn’t get bothered by much.
When it comes to you, Sorbet likes to spend quality time with you more than anything, and will ask you to cook for him at your place so he ain’t gotta spend money. Oh? Did I not mention that I kinda think of him as a cheapskate? Lmao cuz I do.
Sorbet will come by your place just to steal your coupons from the mail then head out; you’re not using ‘em so why should he let them go to waste?
Gelato is the complete opposite; personality wise, I headcanon him as a mix between Melone and Formaggio lmao
But it’s not as crazy as it sounds, he’s cute and outspoken like Melone, while maintaining a free-spirit like Formaggio. One quality that I like is that he’s quite devoted to you and Sorbet. If anyone crosses either of you, goodluck to them!
I like to think Gelato’s also just really boujee and high maintenance. He loves to pamper and be pampered. You and him tag-team Sorbet’s wallet and go on spa dates together at his expense (not that he ever really stood a chance)
While Sorbet is cool with just being in the same room as you, Gelato loves hugging/cuddling with you and Sorbet—will definitely fight for the middle spot between the two of you on the couch during movie nights.
He baby, so let him have it lol
In the bedroom, I would salute anyone with the guts to take the two of them on. They both lay down that work, period. 
Sorbet gets his kicks from teasing and edging you (his sadistic side comes out a bit), while Gelato loves when you give him extra TLC. To put it short, they know how to take care of you, so there are no issues there. 
Last but not least, Mr. Risotto Nero himself.
Man, idc on the lowest of keys, he seems a little bit like a grandpa to me
The type to sit at home and do crosswords, has a bird feeder in his yard and plays old Italian hits while washing the dishes. It’s very domestic 💀 (I find it cute, whatever!)
As a boyfriend, I can’t imagine him suddenly being spontaneous or outgoing unless you drag him out of his home/comfort zone.
Be patient with Mr. Nero, and he can come to surprise you
After a while, it won’t be just you dragging him out and about; one day he’ll ask you to come over and you’ll be greeted with a nice, traditional, homemade meal
Pay attention and you will notice him watching your face to see if you like his cooking 🥺
After seeing his fight with Doppio, I must admit that Risotto is very, very observant, almost scarily so.
I can totally picture him pointing out random things about his s/o that even they don’t know
One night, Risotto may come up to you and say “I talked to your neighbor about the dog, they’ll keep it inside now.” And you’re just staring like 😳 how did he know the barking was keeping you up at night????
He’s sweet, and will take good care of you as a boyfriend should.
Very good listener, won’t talk as much but will hang on to your every word, I promise. He could even recite it to you verbatim.
He’s a big dude, that ain’t news, so expect to be swallowed up in hugs and sometimes even picked up (as a tall girl myself, I simp!!!)
Gives A1 piggyback rides, lol
Big dick energy, but on low volume 👏🏾 after all, he doesn’t need to do much talking, because a night with him is more than enough!
Listen babe, you better stretch, do some squats, and prep in whatever way you can before Mr. Nero gives you that work. 🤐
Lowkey a freak, but it’s well hidden behind his ‘quiet giant’ exterior
So, who are y'all dating? Personally, I’m going for Formaggio and Pesci hehe
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bbdaydreams · 3 years
Courage My Love// Semi Eita
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Pairing: Semi Eita x Reader
Summary: You like Semi and come up with a plan to confess to him, unfortunately it takes a turn. You meet again a couple years later by chance.
Chapter Five: Old Friends
Series Masterlist•<previous•next>
“Thank you all so much for coming out tonight!” Semi spoke into his mic, sweat dripping down his face from all the jumping around he’d done in the past thirty minutes. “We’re coming up on time so this next one is going to be the last one. Once again thank you so much!”
The boys were currently playing a well known venue in their area that offered a standing room for shows and seating towards the entrance for those looking to eat. It’s small but mighty, especially when it’s filled at max capacity at least once a week. The boys were regulars, performing at least once every other week.
When they finished the song, they all walked off stage and headed backstage to put away all their gear so the next band could play.
“God, I love playing here,” Subaru started.
“Yeah, we’re lucky to get to do this,” Jiro added on.
“Imagine if we played a bigger venue. I don’t know how I’d act,” Semi continued.
“Crazy, right?” Ranmaru and a strangers voice added on. The four young men turned to the source of the voice.
“Hi, I’m from Misfits Records. You guys have quite the following and I’d like to sign you guys. I’ve been to a couple of your shows and I think you guys have what it takes to make it.”
The boys turned to look at each other before looking at the man, Jiro being the first to speak. “Are you sure it’s us you want? There’s still more bands playing after us,” to which the rest of the boys responded by punching his arm.
“He means yes. We’d be honored,” Semi took over.
Fast forward two years now, your band has blown up and you now have listeners all over the world. You’ve had the opportunity to travel to 4 different continents, some tours lasting a week, the longest being three months. Getting to open for bigger bands was always becoming normal but being invited for guest vocals during sets and songs was even more frequent.
You’ve gotten the chance to perform at festivals and events like Warped Tour which is what really helped expose Courage My Love to even more people. The first time you were invited to join the run, the four of you spent the entire tour talking to people as much as you could, being kind to strangers, thanking fans for their support, and checking out other bands and complimenting their performances. All that wasn’t to promote yourself, even though that was the goal. Everything you did was genuine, and you four genuinely wanted to get to know others. This caught the attention of many passerby’s which caused them to check out your music. It made other musicians want to befriend you for being so honest which was something that was hard to find in the music industry nowadays. People were so hungry for fame, they weren’t above using others to climb higher. Your rise in popularity caused curiosity which made you guys get more interviews.
“Hey, hey, hey, we’re here in Courage My Love’s tour bus! Say hi everyone!”
“Hey!” You four greeted when the camera was pointed at all of you.
They asked general questions about your formation, how the tour was going and about the second album you just released months prior before deciding to ask more personal questions.
“We can all agree that dating is hard enough as it is, I can’t even imagine how it is for you guys since you’re on the road so much.”
“You’re right about that. We’re all happily single at the moment though, right?” Yui answered causing you and the others to nod your head yes.
“We definitely have tried to date but yeah touring definitely gets in the way,” Izumi added.
“We’ll have you guys ever thought about dating another musician? Maybe someone throughout the tour? Anyone caught your eye?” The interviewer asked suggestively.
With interviews, you always had to be careful with how you respond. You never want something to come back and bite you in the ass. You also had to watch out for suggestive questions like the one asked, those are just trying to fish out some drama.
“Personally, no. I don’t think I could simply because it’d be a lot of time away from your partner which isn’t fair to either of you,” you answered before looking at Haruka so she could answer the rest.
“We take everything we do pretty seriously despite how we can come off sometimes. Dating someone you’re touring with just seems like drama waiting to happen which is something none of us want to be a part of,” she finished with a smile.
“I see. Well, what is it like to be an all female band in the music industry?”
“You can just check out our newest single, Now You Know, for that. I think it explains itself pretty well.”
“Oh! Looks like we’re out of time, thank you so much for hanging out, see ya next time!” She thanked you guys personally for your time and you all did the same before her and the crew left.
“I can’t believe she tried us with that,” Yui spoke, stretching in her seat.
“It was pretty bold of them,” Izumi agreed.
“It’s sad. I just know they wouldn’t ask guys that. We’re here to make music just like them,” you added, getting up from your spot to go to the small kitchen to start dinner for you all.
“Being a woman sure is hard, and for no reason,” Haruka finished, grabbing her drumsticks to tap the table to get some frustration out.
Album release day! Courage My Love released their third album the following year, coincidentally the same day Semi’s band released their first album, whom unknown to you changed their name from Eagle Thorns to Won’t Regret. Courage My Love reached the number one spot in the rock category that week, a huge milestone. Won’t Regret reached top 20 which was a much better response than they expected. Both bands spent that day celebrating by having a small party at their respective label’s office.
The next day when you went into the studio your manager delivered you with the news for your next tour. “You guys are going to be touring with ONE OK ROCK in the US! You’re going to be the second act. Big things girls, big things.”
“We’re touring with them?” You asked, not believing the fact that you were going to be playing shows with one of your favorite bands.
After reassuring you, you reached out and grabbed onto Yui’s arms in excitement jumping up and down. While you were hyping yourself up, Haruka asked their manager who the opening act was going to be resulting in her eyes going wide.
“We’re touring with who?” The boys asked their manager, leaning forward in their seats with mouths wide.
“You’re gonna be touring with ONE OK ROCK and Courage My Love. Your latest single really blew up, the singer of ONE OK ROCK loved it so much he actually asked for you guys specifically.”
“No fucking way,” Semi spoke in awe.
“We’re not doing it,” Ranmaru announced, making the rest of his band members jump in surprise and disagree.
“Are you crazy? We can’t decline an opportunity like that!” Subaru started.
“Yeah! This is such a huge opportunity and you’re gonna say no?” Jiro added.
Semi stayed quiet, knowing he was the reason why Ranmaru said no. The two of them were pretty similar in mindset which made it easy for them to call each other. “I’ll do my best,” Semi said, looking at the bassist.
“Eita, we don’t need drama on our first big tour.” Ranmaru did feel bad for being blunt but he knew it was how he could get his point across. This tour could either help make them or break them. “I want us to succeed. I want us to keep playing music together.”
Subaru and Jiro stayed quiet, now understanding why Ranmaru reacted the way he did. They both had to agree with him. They’ve all put years worth effort into the band, it’d be a shame for it to fall apart after they had just made it.
“I know. I don’t want to ever not play music with you guys. I owe you guys a lot and I’m tired of holding us back. I swear I’ll be on my best behavior. I’ll apologize the moment I see them. Won’t Regret comes first, always has and always will.” Looking around the room he saw the small smirks on their faces, giving him comfort.
“Whatever you say, leader,” Ranmaru joked, pushing Semi’s shoulder so he wasn’t so stiff.
“We’re right behind you dude,” Subaru laughed.
“We’re gonna do it!” Jiro jumped bringing his band mates into a group huddle.
“You guys won’t regret this tour, I promise,” Semi said earning a smack on the back of his head from Subaru.
“Bad pun, Eita.”
Hey, this is Taka from ONE OK ROCK!
You guys are probably preparing for tour since it starts in a few days but I’d like to invite you and your band mates to dinner to meet you all!
Let me know if you can make it
-Taka :)
That was the text that you had received that led to you and the girls getting mildly dressed up to go eat at a restaurant the day before tour started. The tour was going to last six weeks and starting it off by having fun with everyone you were going to be performing with sounded like a great idea.
The four of you walked into the dimly lit restaurant together resulting in the hostess to escort you towards the table that had been reserved for your group. “Oh! Ladies you have arrived! Please have a seat,” Taka spoke, getting up to pull open the chairs so you all could sit.
Upon announcing your arrival, everyone looked up to face your group. Your face immediately grew warm when you saw the familiar faces, locking eyes with the one person you never thought you’d cross paths with again and even though Semi was fully aware this was going to happen, he still couldn’t believe it. Breaking eye contact with him, you gave a look to Haruka as if asking for help since Yui and Izumi already sat in their seats. Your actions didn’t go unnoticed by your old friend, reason being you used to give him those same looks all those years back. Haruka nodded her head and took a step towards the empty seat next to Semi before being stopped.
“Oh I’m so sorry, I don’t mean to come off as rude but I’d like your singer to sit here. I’d like to talk about vocal and stage stuff with them if you don’t mind,” Taka apologized. Knowing he was being sincere and understanding where he was coming from, you knew you shouldn’t argue and instead just suck it up. Haruka gave you a gentle smile before sitting between Yui and Jiro. Sitting down on the chair between Semi and Izumi, Taka pushed it in for you like a gentleman before going back to his own seat. “Alright, let’s order!”
A waitress came over to the table and gave her regular spiel of the specials as she handed out the menus which you unfortunately had to share with Semi since they were short on them.
“You can order first,” Semi spoke softly, letting you have the menu to look through. He wanted to tell you so much more. Apologize right then and there and try to fix things between you two but he couldn’t knowing he had to be professional right now. Ranmaru and Subaru kept glancing at him over their booklet as a warning to not fuck up the nice meal for them while Jiro chatted with your band mates. Semi just wished you two could talk like old friends.
Accepting the tall binded leather booklet, you gave a small thanks before opening it to look through it. This was going to be a long night.
a/n: filler chapter but look!! They finally reunite!
Taglist: @pluviophilefangirl @yourstarvic @sunaswife @mynscorner @syaziahvg @discountkiyoko
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jalapeno-princess · 3 years
Chapter 5: Yours, Mine and Ours
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Mark Tuan X Reader
Final chapter of the “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” series
Genre: So much sweet, cheesy, adorable, heartwarming fluff (and quite a bit of horny ass Mark) (Some sexual content but nothing too crazy...I think)
Word count: 23K (Of course I had to go all out for the last chapter guys good luck)
A/N: Here’s the finale! The last chapter for our favorite couple. God, I can’t fathom just how sad I am that it’s actually over. I genuinely loved writing this story and I feel as though it has helped me progress in my writing (although there is a lot of repetition and parts that don’t make sense, I love how the entire series came out. Thank you so much for all of your love and support for this specific work of mines. I was so overwhelmed with how much positive comments I’ve received for this story in particular. (Dude when am I going to find me a man like the Mark I write in this story I’m going to die single and alone hahaha). Anyways, I feel as though I could have wrote this one much better because it is the last chapter but who cares! I just wanted to put it out for you guys and I’m so excited to be starting a new series. Happy reading everyone. Who knows, I might just end up writing a couple of one shots based on this couple some time in the future.
“I don’t get it, why am I here? Don’t get me wrong Y/n, you’re like a sister to me and I would do anything for you—but out of all of our friends, why did you choose me to come wedding dress shopping with you? I saw on Instagram that the guys are out at the arcade; your fiancé literally put on one tux and called it a day. This is the fifteenth dress you put on and it doesn’t seem like we’re going to be finished anytime soon. Isn’t this something you do with both his and your mothers? Or your girlfriends—“
You rolled your eyes at the older boy’s numerous complaints and made your way back in to the dressing room to put on the next gown. Mark had proposed to you over a month ago and out of the many wonderful memories you’ve made together so far in your relationship—that night had to be the best night of your entire life.
“Will you do the amazing honor and continue to make me the happiest man on earth by marrying me?”
There were so many different thoughts running through your mind—how long has he been planning this for? How long has he had the ring for? What made him choose this night in particular to ask you such a life changing question? Did anyone else know what his plans were? Watching him look up at you with nervousness yet adoration in his eyes made your heart flutter.
You’ve had the incredible opportunity to see Mark get all shy and flustered whenever it came to you for so many years now and he’d only get more timid as the two of you got older. He might have been a very outgoing and outspoken person; as a leader of multiple sports teams, he would always have to be upfront and command others to do things. However, you were the only person that he would submit to—well, any time other than when it came to the bedroom.
Your boyfriend was completely captivated by you and in his eyes, every little thing you did was magic. You already knew your answer; you’ve known your answer even before you could comprehend what it meant to get married. As kids, you and Mark would play house; he was the husband and you were the wife. Most boys hated playing house and it was obviously because they found the game boring and considerably “girly”. Mark on the other hand enjoyed doing anything domestic with you and he confessed once that he enjoyed playing house with you so much because he’d get a taste of what your future together would be like.
At the prime age of eleven and honestly—even before then, you’ve dreamt about marrying Mark. If only your five-year-old self could see how far the two of you have come. What you and Mark had was rare; people would always tell the two of you that you were “too young to know what love was” and that your relationship was just “puppy love”. You wondered how the people who doubted your relationship would feel if they knew that your boyfriend of fifteen years was currently on bended knee, asking for you to spend the rest of your life with him.
You brought one hand down in to his hair while cupping his cheek with the other hand. He immediately leaned in to your palm and hid his face against your thigh; you had a feeling he assumed your sudden skin ship was a bad sign with the way he was preventing himself from looking up at you.
“Look at me.”
He shook his head in disagreement—probably because he was extremely nervous for your response, but you reached for his chin and lifted it up so that he was making direct eye contact with you.
“Mark Yi-En Tuan, it would be my honor to marry you baby. God I sound so formal—but I want nothing more than to finally be called Mrs.Tuan. I can’t—I can’t fathom how happy I am right now nor can I even find the words to describe how much I love you, with every fiber of my being and how happy I am to be the lucky girl who gets to love you and is loved by you. You mean everything to me Mark—you are my everything and I can’t wait to walk down the aisle and set our love in stone. I love you so fucking much I can’t even express it in to words. You’re otherworldly my love. I’m so fucking excited.”
You sank down to your knees and allowed him to place the ring on your finger to which he clumsily missed a couple of times because he was too busy staring at you with so much excitement and adoration. Before he could say anything, you brought his face in between your hands and roughly smashed your lips against him. He smiled gently in to the kiss; humming contently while melding your lips together. In all your many years of being in love with him for, this had to be the happiest you’ve ever been; you were completely over the moon.
He lowered his hands down to your waist and gripped on your hips all but gently while bringing you on to his lap. The two of you made out for a couple of minutes; the desire to be as close in proximity with each other as physically possible was seeping through your veins. You wanted him to feel just how thrilled you were to finally become one with your boyfriend.
Once you felt his excitement through his sweats graze against your thigh, your cheeks were flushed with pink. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t excited at the idea of celebrating your engagement—you couldn’t get your hands off of the devastatingly handsome man sitting in front of you. As soon as he pulled away to catch his breath, you let out a soft whimper; earning yourself the most adorable high pitched laugh that never failed to make your heart flutter.
“When did you—how did you—wait, babe, did you tell my parents? Does anybody know?” He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment while looking everywhere around your shared bedroom but at you.
“I uh—the guys know—um, but I didn’t get around to telling anyone else. I was meaning to do it, but I wanted to ask for their blessing to marry you in person. Since we don’t plan on going back home for another two months, I made a plan to act as if I had yet to ask you and see what they thought about it—that’s if you said yes. But let’s be honest baby, you were going to say yes to me even if I proposed with a ring pop.”
You scoffed playfully at his words before shoving him. A part of you was actually quite nervous to hear how your parents would react to Mark asking for your hand in marriage—even if your parents loved the older boy and knew that the two of you were destined to spend the rest of your lives together, you were both still so young.
Hell, you were both in college working shitty ass jobs; you knew your mom wanted you to be financially stable before making the choice to get married and start a family. But all of that didn’t matter right now. All you cared about was the fact that Mark was just so excited to marry you that he couldn’t wait to ask—no matter how much he might have been going against your parent’s wishes.
“Wait, Mark—the ring. It’s so beautiful—honestly, it’s so perfect. But I’m sure it must have costed you a fortune. You know I would’ve been content with one of those rings you get from cereal boxes—“
He covered your mouth in attempts to keep you quiet and placed a sloppy kiss on your jaw. This man was honestly all you could ever need for the rest of your life—Mark Tuan in more or less words had to be the most imperfect perfect human being that you’ve ever met.
“You know you deserve the entire world and more. I’m marrying you for that specific reason—I’m going to give you everything you deserve baby. My girl deserves nothing but the best. Damnit y/n, look at how soft you’ve made me—oh I mean, you make me really fucking hard a lot of the time—99.9% of the time, but I’m such a lovesick fool for you and I love it. I would do anything and everything for you. You should know that by now. I’m not going to lie, it wasn’t the cheapest thing I’ve purchased, but I’ve been saving up money since the time we were in elementary school. I’ve known from the beginning that I was going to marry you one day, so twelve-year-old me started up a piggy bank and put every single dollar I got—from my allowance to birthday and Christmas money in that jar. I missed out on the PS4 because I wanted to buy you the ring of your dreams baby and trust me—seeing that beautiful smile of yours right now, it was so worth it. However, if you want to show me your gratitude by sucking me dry or even buying me the ps5 if you’re feeling generous, be my guest.”
Tears began to brim at your eyelids as you listened to him talk about how he wanted to provide you with nothing but your hearts desires even at such a young age. Most boys at the age of ten don’t even think about marriage nor was anyone in a relationship other than you and your boyfriend. What did you do to deserve such a golden-hearted, selfless, loving, caring and generous man to call your fiancé? God, you were never going to get tired of calling him your fiancé.
“We don’t have to get married just yet if you’re not ready. I’m sure you want to finish college first or at least until we can actually afford a decent wedding but if I’m being honest with you baby, I don’t care where we get married. We can go to fly to Vegas tomorrow and get hitched if that’s what you want. I don’t care if we have hundreds of guests or only ten people there—I don’t care if we have flower arrangements or a ten-tiered cake. All I need is for you to meet me at the altar. But I’ll do whatever you want me to do—I’ll take our engagement at whatever pace you want to. However, I’m taking our love making session tonight at my pace—I hope you’re ready.”
You felt your cheeks warm up as you remembered how Mark took you up against almost every surface in your apartment right after the proposal. He wasted no time practically ripping your clothes off and worshipping your body in the most erotic way.
Although sex wasn’t the most important aspect in your relationship, it had to be in the top five of your favorite things you did with Mark along with cuddling, going grocery shopping, baking something together that you’d see on Cake Boss and going to bed in his arms. But it was more than just reaching an orgasm and feeling the delicious stretch his cock would bring to your pussy—sex was extremely intimate.
No matter how rough, dominant and animalistic Mark could get during every single love making session, he’d find himself whispering multiple love confessions in your ear while intertwining your hands together and kissing you all around your face and body.
As you put on the next dress, you found yourself not able to take your eyes off of it once the employee came in to help you zip it up. To say this dress was beautiful had to be an understatement—it was everything you could ever dream of in a wedding dress. You didn’t care if it was cliche; ever since you were a little girl and watched every single Disney princess movie there was, your dream was to get married in a princess gown; one made of tulle and took up most of your walking space.
The top was a v-cut and showed off just enough cleavage that didn’t reveal too much yet could still be considered exceedingly sexy. You began to tear up—even if you and Mark both agreed that the two of you wouldn’t rush with the wedding arrangements and that you both wanted to focus on finishing school before getting married, you were still so excited getting to look around for dresses, accessories and anything that had to do with the wedding.
“I obviously chose you for a reason BamBam. You have an eye and taste for fashion that none of the other guys possess. Don’t worry, I’ll treat you out to lunch right after we’re finished. We can go anywhere you want to go. By the way, I um—I was actually going to ask if you wanted to be my man of honor. I don’t really have any friends other than the five of you and my fiancé. I was going to ask my sister to be my maid of honor, but she volunteered to be the photographer. If you don’t want to or if you’re against that idea, I can choose someone else—“
“Don’t you dare—that spot is rightfully mine! I’ve always known I was your favorite and I don’t blame you, I’m pretty amazing. Now hurry up and let me see the next dress!”
You let out a soft chuckle and took one more look in the mirror; smiling at how the dress fit you perfectly—as if it was made for you specifically. Right as you walked outside, BamBam’s eyes widened in shock while his jaw dropped. If this was his reaction, you couldn’t wait to see Mark’s—that’s if you decided to go with this dress.
His expression made it obvious that the dress was one that he must have liked; he never said much about the other fifteen dresses you tried on so far. Either that or he just really wanted to hurry up and go get some lunch.
“Y/n—you look beautiful. Like an actual princess. Mark is a very lucky guy. Wow—I can’t stop looking at you, you’re glowing. Wait, I value my life—I didn’t say anything. You heard nothing.”
Your laughter filled the waiting area that the two of you were occupying at the moment; knowing Mark’s jealous and territorial tendencies, BamBam did not want to face his wrath if he were to find out what the younger boy said about you—even if it was all in good fun. Being the youngest, both BamBam and Yugyeom found themselves doing things they knew would get under Mark’s skin just because they found entertainment in driving their eldest friend crazy.
However, all the boys knew not to do anything to or with you that was crossing any boundaries; they would never hear the end of it. One time, the naive boy who was currently accompanying you jokingly intertwined your hands together while you all went out to eat dinner and you found yourself going along with it to get a rise out of Mark. Your fiancé tried his best to conceal his jealousy; even if everyone knew just how protective and extremely territorial Mark was when it came to you, he didn’t want to make it obvious that he was bitter over your interactions with his friends or rather—their interactions with you.
Mark didn’t say anything out loud about what he thought of the skin ship between you and BamBam, but you could tell he was upset when he bought ice cream for everyone but BamBam. He also confronted you for your playful and flirtatious behavior back at your shared apartment which led to extremely kinky and passionate sex—he wanted to take out his irritation and jealousy out on you while ramming himself deep inside of your tight pussy. You weren’t going to lie, a jealous Mark was a rough and dominant Mark—anytime he showed that he was jealous or felt intimidated by another man it just solidified that he was afraid to lose you and that he loved you so much, he hated the idea of someone else taking you away from him.
No matter how many years the two of you have been together, how many memories you’ve shared with each other or how many times on a daily basis that you remind him exactly how much you love him and only him—that didn’t stop him from thinking negatively but it was only because you meant the entire world to him.
Sometimes he’d gaze at you while you were asleep and thanked whatever power it was that put the two of you together because God knows he would be nothing if he didn’t have you.
“Thank you BamBam. I think—I think this is the dress. I can’t stop smiling, I love how it looks and feels on me and I love how I feel wearing it. Should I keep looking around or should I put it on hold?” He stood up and walked over to where you were standing in front of the mirrors and helped you fix the dress before gently squeezing your cheek.
“This is the one. You said so yourself, this dress is your dress—I think you look unfathomably stunning and I know Mark’s going to both cry like the emotional ass we all know him to be and get hard as a rock—I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up starting your family on the night of your honeymoon—ow! I’m being serious, we all know how horny the two of you are I’m surprised you don’t already have children—I hope you know I plan on ringing up your bill to pay for the abuse I’m receiving. Oh, and I plan on getting tipsy, so be prepared.” You scoffed sarcastically before giving him a teasing smirk.
“I can’t wait until it’s your turn to go through something like this—“ He shook his head in disagreement before you could even finish your sentence.
“I don’t see myself getting married if I’m being honest. Unless I find someone who looks at me like the sun shines out of my ass the way your fiancé always looks at you and loves me the way you and Mark do with each other, then I plan on staying single for the rest of my life. The two of you are really lucky to have found one another. I don’t know if he’s ever told you this nor do I know if I should be admitting this to you right now so please do us both a favor and keep this between the two of us—but Mark told Yugyeom and I that he would give up every single person in his life—everyone—our friends and even his family just to have you in his life forever. He claimed that he could live without any one of us which I found extremely rude, but he made it completely aware that he needs you. You’re like his lifeline or some sappy shit like that. Honestly, I think you and Mark were made for each other. You’re so cute together it’s disgusting.”
He let out a chuckle when he saw tears forming as he continued his heartfelt speech—but it was the truth. The two of you have know each other for almost the entirety of your lives. Everything you did, everywhere you went—so did Mark and neither of you would have it any other way. Right after you went back inside of the dressing room and changed in to your clothes, you went up to the receptionist and put the gown on hold.
The two of you made your way to BamBam’s favorite restaurant—one that was extremely fancy and renowned, which also meant expensive; but it didn’t matter. He did you a huge favor by coming with you today, the least you could do was treat him to a meal. BamBam wasn’t wrong when he confirmed the fact that he was your favorite out of all Mark’s friends. Each boy held a special place in your heart, they all treated you like you were a member of their family—but your relationship with BamBam was just a little more tight knit.
Lunch was filled with laughter, playful banter and him nonchalantly hinting towards wanting to be a godfather to one of your kids when you and Mark actually did start having children—he also snuck you some wine and a couple of mojitos when the waiters weren’t paying attention which led you on the path of inebriation. Mark sent you a few text messages hinting towards wanting you to come home as soon as possible because he missed you and wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon just lazing around on the couch together.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a lightweight and that you were completely all there mentally because you were the complete opposite of mentally stable. BamBam knew he made a mistake of allowing you to drink as soon as you began laughing at nothing. You never really drank; especially because you were still underage and didn’t believe in breaking the law, but there were a couple times when the guys would come over with a couple of beers or wine coolers and you’d find yourself drinking one or two every now and then.
It never got you drunk enough to the state you were in right now and BamBam could only hope you would sober up once you got back to your apartment or else he would get in trouble with your fiancé. Watching you drink more than you should have actually sobered BamBam up pretty quickly so he was able to drive you home. The car ride went faster than expected but it was probably because alcohol slowed down your thinking. For all you knew, he was driving for over half an hour but it felt like five minutes as he pulled up to your building.
“Let me know when you get upstairs and tell Mark I said hello. Have a nice evening y/n, I’ll see you next week!”
You didn’t know how you did it, but you walked up three flights of stairs without stumbling. Sure, you weren’t completely drunk, but walking seemed like the hardest thing to do right now. Once you finally made it up to your unit and walked inside, you placed your things on the counter and smiled softly to yourself when you saw Mark sitting on the couch.
“Hey baby! I’ve missed you, how was dress shopping?”
He was currently shirtless and wearing a pair of gray sweatpants; a very lethal combination especially because he’s been working out a lot more these days. You could feel warmth building up in your core at the sight of him—he was so attractive and it’s as if the alcohol heightened your senses—you wanted to pounce on him.
“It was good—I um—I actually found a dress I really like—how about you? BamBam was um—complaining that you um—arcade—“
Slowly and hesitantly, you sauntered towards the couch and found your place on top of his lap. You didn’t know why you were now extremely horny—well, you were always in the mood for sex with Mark, but normally it took a little of sexual tension and flirting to get to that point. What exactly was in those drinks that BamBam gave you?
You looked up at him with your glossy eyes and Mark knew in his gut that you were drunk. The way you kept repeat the word um and your body movements confirmed his suspicions and he was mentally cursing BamBam for allowing his sweet, innocent—well, innocent when it comes to following the rules—fiancée to drink alcohol—especially in an environment where you both could have gotten in trouble if you were caught.
He wasn’t going to lie though, drunken sex with you was on the top of his list of the many kinks he had. From what a few of his teammates would tell him, drunk sex had to be the best mind of sex next to make up sex and reunited sex. By the way you were grinding all but gently against his pelvis, he had a feeling you were just as turned on as he now was and he had no intentions of stopping you.
“Be honest with me, you drank alcohol didn’t you?” You didn’t even hesitate in nodding your head and he let out a snarky little chuckle at your eagerness before grabbing your ass and massaging both cheeks.
Since he was completely aware of your insobriety—you found no point in continuing to pretend that you weren’t tipsy and began to leave sloppy kisses along the juncture of his neck while running your finger along his hardened abs. It didn’t take long for you to feel his hard on press firmly against your clothed entrance and it only motivated you to quicken your pace.
“You are so sexy Mark—fuck—“
Hearing a moan fall from his pretty lips led you to roughly smashing your mouth against his. BamBam had a point; how were you not a mother yet? You and Mark could never keep your eyes nor your hands off of each other, no matter how tired you and your fiancé were after you came home from work and school, you both always seemed to have enough energy to relish in your love together.
“Have you seen yourself? You look so fucking good y/n I don’t know why I even allowed you to leave this morning. I know I told you this outfit was so cute on you earlier but I just know it will look cuter on the floor—ah shit.”
You secretly slipped your hand inside of his pants and palmed him through his underwear; grabbing and squeezing on his cock through the soft fabric. His dick was stiff at this point and you could feel your mouth water at the thought of blowing him. He let out a whimper as you got off of his lap and was right about to complain until he saw you lower yourself with your face just inches away from his penis.
“I plan on sucking you dry—then I’m going to bounce on this cock and I want you to fuck me from behind. Am I clear?”
Mark’s eyes widened in shock at your command; normally, he was the dominant one in bed with you occasionally taking the lead whenever you felt like it but it was extremely rare to hear you tell him what you wanted him to do to you and honestly—your dominance drove him insane. He nodded profusely; wanting to show you how much of an animalistic and lewd effect you were having on him.
The two have dabbled in drunken sex before, but it was always your boyfriend who had a little too much to drink. You never really drank to the point where your mind wasn’t all completely there before and Mark was more than excited to see how dirty and naughty things were going to get between the two of you. If you were already being so forceful and commanding, he couldn’t imagine how much more dominant you were going to be. To Mark’s dismay, your movements were slow—too slow for his liking.
“Y/n, please—“ You looked up at him and feigned innocence.
“Please what baby?” The glare he sent you, knowing exactly what he was asking for sent chills down your spine. He let out a growl from the back of his throat and all but gently pulled at your hair.
“Don’t get me wrong, I can’t wait to fuck the living shit out of you and I’m all for a dominant y/n, but if you don’t hurry up and shove my dick down your throat I will make it my responsibility to make you immobile for the rest of this week. Am I clear?”
You rolled your eyes at his words; scoffing quietly at his mimicking, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it. You began rubbing your thighs together to enforce any kind of friction against your throbbing core. The coil in your stomach began to twist the longer you continued to tease him; dragging your fingers painfully slow against his throbbing veins and fondling his balls.
Whenever you were either swallowing him whole or giving him a hand job, you would receive just as much; if not more pleasure from watching his facial expressions and hearing his breathless moans. It never failed to rile you up and get you extremely turned on. He hissed when he realized what you were doing—as much as he loved it whenever you would tease and mess around with him—play with him and drive him to the brink of insanity, he was not having it right now.
He’s been thinking about you the entire day; some thoughts were cute and romantic, but most thoughts were dirty and naughty; most of the thoughts were the different kind of positions he wanted the two of you to experiment with.
“Y/n, please—do anything, I’ll be a good boy, I promise—ah—ah—shit!”
You did both you and your fiancé a favor by finally pulling his underwear down to his knees before grabbing his cock at the base and grazing your thumb along his slit. Bringing your index finger up to his tip, you swiped off some of his precum and brought it in your mouth; sucking your finger clean of him.
“Shit—shit, you’re so fucking hot.“
Anytime Mark complimented you; no matter what it was about or referred to, your stomach would fill with butterflies. You didn’t know what you liked hearing more—him telling you that you were the most beautiful goddess to walk this earth or that you were the sexiest woman he’s ever laid his eyes on and that his favorite place to be was in between your thighs. You licked a stripe along his hardened cock, running your hands along his length and leaving a sloppy kiss on this tip before finally taking him in to your mouth completely.
He let out a loud, wanton moan at the feeling of your warm mouth encompassed around his cock—bringing him as far down your throat as you could without gagging. You wasted no time bobbing your head up and down—moaning against his girth every time you felt his tip touch the back of your throat.
His reactions—the many praises—erotic grunts—dirty words—they only made you want to go faster. You hollowed your cheeks, trying to keep your mouth as tight as possible to give him an immense amount of pleasure against his length while you continued humming softly at every tap of his cock against your uvula. His grip on your hair was tight; he yanked and pulled every time you sucked a little too hard. However, you were well aware by the sinful noises falling from his lips that he was really enjoying this—as he did every single time you found yourself on your knees.
Switching back and forth from his dick to his balls, you could tell Mark was close—he had a tendency of tensing up at the endless amount of pleasure you were generously giving to him. Unlike a lot of horror stories you’ve heard about or read online, you genuinely enjoyed giving your boyfriend head. It might have been just the tiniest amount of painful, but hearing and seeing the effect you had on him made the pain worth it.
“Damnit—I didn’t want to come just yet—fuck—“
His warm, creamy liquid was shooting in squirts against your tongue and you swallowed it up entirely before releasing him with a loud pop. You placed a soft kiss against his tip before making your way back up to him.
“God, I can’t even—give me a second would you?”
Your laughter filled the room at the sight of how visibly exhausted he looked; it wasn’t something you weren’t used to though. No matter what it was the two of you did together during your love making sessions, whether it was sucking the life of him, bouncing on him like a rabbit or letting him take you from behind, Mark was notorious for never being able to last long. In the beginning, he was embarrassed that he could reach an orgasm in less than ten minutes, but the longer the two of you would experiment in location, positions, with toys and just taking turns with who would be the dominant one and who would be the submissive one for the night—he realized that there was nothing wrong with the fact that he could cum in a matter of minutes. In fact, he was proud to say that you were just so good to him he couldn’t contain his excitement or his load for that matter.
“I know I say this a lot, but you’re actually going to be the death of me you know that? Come to think of it though, I wouldn’t mind having the cause of my death being sex or particularly getting a heart attack while your pretty mouth is wrapped around my cock or while I’m in the middle of railing the shit out of you. However, I’m very adamant on spending the rest of my life with you—but I’m not complaining. Getting my dick sucked by such a professional is a dream—your mouth is as beautiful as it is so fucking naughty.”
He pulled you up to him and stole a sweet kiss from your lips—gliding his tongue along your bottom lip all but gently. His teeth clashed against yours as he melded his mouth at an angle that was easier to kiss you in. To his dismay, you pulled away to get a better look at him and playfully pinched his cheek.
“You’re an idiot you know that?” He rolled his eyes at your insult before squeezing both of your butt cheeks.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. But I’m your idiot and you love me.”
“That I do.”
He beamed up at you before flipping you on top of the bed and hovering over you. His lips found your neck and he began to attack your nape with sloppy kisses.
“Let me return the favor.”
He was about to make his way down to your entrance which he knew was probably soaking at this point when he noticed you shaking your head in disagreement. This shocked him; you were just as much a fan of receiving head as you were of giving—but he wasn’t going to question it. Were you already worn out? He felt bad; you took such amazing care of him and literally blew his mind—it was only natural for him to want to give you that same experience.
“As much as I want your pretty little tongue slurping against my folds while you bury your long, skinny fingers inside of me, I want something else to fill me up. Having you in my mouth only made me want you deep inside of my cunt baby. You can eat me out later. Now—now I need you to fuck me like you hate me.”
The growl that came from the back of his throat went straight to your core—if you weren’t already wet, you would be drenched here pretty soon. He pinned you to the bed and smashed his lips against yours. He gave you no warning as he yanked your blouse off—nearly tearing it at the bottom; earning himself a glare that he simply laughed off.
“I’ve bought you many outfits after ruining them—this time is no different. I just need to see you bare—naked and writhing just for me. I want you—all of you y/n and I can’t help myself—fuck—I’m very blessed to have the honor in seeing your tits every single day but I’m never mentally prepared for what the sight does to me and my overbearing hormones.”
One by one, both his and your clothing items were scattered throughout your room; his mouth encompassed one of your breasts—licking and sucking on your nipple, bringing it in between his teeth while massaging your other breast with his free hand.
“Such a beautiful, beautiful girl with such pretty—pretty titties. My perfect little baby. I’m going to wreck you my love—that’s a promise.”
For hours, you and Mark loved on each other’s bodies—going down on one another, dry humping him and allowing your juices to seep down his leg, riding his cock while he hid his face in between the valley of your breasts, allowing him to take you up against almost every single surface in your apartment, letting him fuck you on all fours while he roughly shoved your face in to the pillows and finally ending in missionary so that he could chant many love confessions while sinking himself in and out of your tight walls.
Once the two of you both tapped out from exhaustion, he started to run you a bath and prepared your things; a pair of clean underwear, your blow dryer and one of his oversized shirts that practically swallowed you whole. He carefully picked you up bridal style and joked about how you should get used to being carried like that since it was likely that the two of you would be tying the knot pretty soon.
Your fiancé took his place inside of the bathtub and brought you down with him; leaning against the tub and allowing you to get comfortable while he grabbed your shampoo bottle and lathered some of it inside of your hair.  
“If I knew how fucking amazing that was going to be, I would have given you alcohol a long time ago. You’re so fucking horny when you’re drunk. You’re also a lot rougher and lewd—I think you’re a lot more libidinous when you’re tipsy and I fucking love it. I’m getting you drunk at least once a week—I think that’s why you literally sucked me dry of all that I have.” You giggled softly before reaching for his hand and placing gentle kisses on each fingertip.
“Baby, look at me.”
You did as you were told and turned around to face him; giving him the softest and most adorable smile he was sure he’s ever seen. There was no way you were real; you were too damn perfect to be real. You had to be a figment of his imagination; yet here you were. Skin on skin; kissing him feather-lightly, running your fingers through his hair, tracing his features and looking at him with so much love and adoration to the point where he was sure he could melt in to a puddle. You hummed in curiosity and brushed back some of his hair while giving him your undying attention.
“I can’t wait to finally marry you. I’m 100% sure our wedding day is going to be the best day of my entire life—especially our wedding night. I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up pregnant the week after—ow! I’m being serious!”
“We literally just had sex for over four hours yet you’re still so horny—you’re a work of art you know that?”
“Well I mean—look at you. You’re an otherworldly goddess, it’s only natural for my dick to be hard 24/7. You’re constantly on my mind at all hours of the day, and in my wet dreams--fine—I’ll be more romantic—I’m serious though, I’ve been wanting to marry you as soon as I understood what marriage was. I can’t even describe how happy you make me—I know I tell you all the time but I don’t think that it’s enough. It’ll never be enough. From what I’ve heard from my aunts, uncles and even my parents, marriage can be rough sometimes. Both partners have to put in the same amount of effort to make a marriage work and I get that. But I also think that when you really—truly and genuinely love your person—then you can get over any obstacle. We’ve had many disagreements in the past and we’re both stubborn as hell, but I’d like to think our little disputes and moments spent apart only strengthen the love we have for each other. I wouldn’t want to go through this life with anyone else but you. I’m telling you—God made you for me and me for you and I pray to him every single night, thanking him for giving me the--my greatest blessing. You.”
You were in tears at this point and playfully began to hit at his chest for making you emotional, but each word did wonders to your heart. He was right; he confessed such heartfelt words to you every single day, but each time he did so, it’s as if he grew more and more sentimental as the days went on.
“I’m going to have to get professional assistance in writing my vows; there’s no way I’ll be able to top whatever it is that you have in mind to tell me. You’re already such a poet during intimate times when it’s just you and I alone, what more when we’re in front of all our families and friends, confessing your true feelings for me on the day we finally become one—in a legal sense but technically in a spiritual sense too. Damnit Mark Tuan—I hope you know that I expect you to be sweet like this even when we’re in our eighties and I’m all old, wrinkly and can barely move around without a cane.” He laughed against your shoulder blade and pressed a gentle kiss there while running his hands along your arms.
“Trust me babe, I only get cheesier as I get older. My love grows for you the longer we’re together for. I don’t care if your boobs sag to your knees or if your arm fat sinks to your elbows, I just know you will still be the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on and I will remind you every single day until my last breath.”
The two of you sat in the tub for half an hour more; helping the other clean up while sharing fleeting kisses, words of love and adoration, cheeky little touches here and there—mainly the cause of your fiancé and just promises for the future. After you both decided it was time to get out, he grabbed your towel and started wiping you down; drying your hair as much as he could before moving on to himself. You put on the clothes he gave you and began your nighttime routine, brushing your teeth and putting on moisturizer before heading back in to your room.
Mark came out not too long after and plugged in the hair dryer; motioning for you to sit on his lap in order to help you dry your hair. He ran his fingers through your wet locks gently as he moved the blow dryer all around, putting it on the lowest setting so it wasn’t too hot against your scalp. It was the little things like this; doing something for you that you could do by yourself in order to help you out and making sure that you were comfortable and relaxed while he was doing it. Small gestures like these only proved his irrevocable love for you.
“Thank you Mark.” He placed a soft kiss on the top of your head before motioning for you to get off of his lap—but he gave you no time to do anything before pulling you tightly against his body and wrapping his arms around your lower back.
“Of course babe. I love doing these things for you. I’m sure I wore you out, so it’s the least I can do. But I genuinely enjoy being able to do such domestic things for you. I love taking care of you, it’s like my second nature. Now, let’s get you to bed—we have to be up early to pick my parents up from the airport tomorrow. I don’t need my dad giving me snarky looks if he sees you limping. They can stay at a hotel y/n—it’s fine. I’ll pay for it. I don’t think they will appreciate hearing the noises we’ll make nor am I willing to give up your pussy for an entire week so—hit me one more time and we’re going another round don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
As the months went by, you and Mark only grew closer and closer if it were even possible. There were the occasional arguments here and there—him leaving the toilet seat up when you would always nag at him to put it down, you leaving your dishes in the sink instead of washing them right after you were done using them, him being a little too loud as he played his video games and you leaving the light on while you were studying in the middle of the night—there were even situations where Mark would sleep on the couch because you refused to sleep in the same bed as him.
Sometimes you would sit and think that maybe you rushed in to the engagement a little too soon; you might have known with your entire soul that Mark Tuan was the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with, but the stress that came from planning a wedding only added fuel to the already intense fire. However, your fiancé was very good with giving up his pride and apologizing first.
Although, if you just so happened to have started the argument or were the cause of why he was angry, then he wouldn’t take the full blame and instead admit where he was wrong in the situation while mentioning what you could do differently too. Mark wasn’t the type to give you flowers to show that he was sorry; flowers were meant for happy, celebratory or intimate moments. Normally after a fight, he would write you a letter and buy you some of your favorite food—one time he even got you a cake that said sorry on it because he was truly sorry.
He would also show how apologetic he was with his head between your thighs; having you pull on his hair as he got you to sing for him with his teeth nibbling on your clit and his tongue lapping up the juices along your folds. It broke your heart whenever he’d question if you still wanted to marry him—but you knew it was a habit of his to feel insecure whenever the two of you would argue.
Almost twelve years of a relationship and your fiancé still questioned his position in your life every now and then. It made you feel as though you weren’t as verbal or physical as you should be with professing your love to him. There was nothing you could really do other than to reassure him that yes—you still wanted to marry him. Even during times where you gave each other the silent treatment or the cold shoulder, you still wanted to marry him.
Arguments, disputes, yelling at each other to the top of your lungs, not being able to look at him because you were so upset—they weren’t going to change the way you felt about Mark. You would rather fight with him than to be happy with someone else. When Mark was in his last semester of college, he received a letter that you were sure could change his life forever.
One day while he was at work, you went to check the mail. Nothing ever really came in other than bills for doctor’s visits, letters from both your parents, postcards from Jinyoung while he was studying abroad in France and care packages from Jaebeom filled with snacks from Korea. However, there was an envelope addressed to him from the major league baseball association.
Automatically, you found yourself running back to your apartment in order to send Mark multiple text messages about what you discovered. He hadn’t text back immediately and you understood it was because he was at work, but you couldn’t contain your excitement. You might not know exactly what was waiting in that envelope—for all you knew it could have just been a regular subscription to a magazine or something but you couldn’t help feeling as if it was something more than that.
You came to the decision that you would clean up around the house to take your mind off of the glee that was building deep inside of your chest. You also felt the need to cook some of Mark’s favorite food just in case there was a need for celebration. Anyone who knew of your fiancé were well aware that he loved baseball. Mark ate, breathed and slept sports; specifically, baseball.
He preferred football, but right after Jackson got a concussion in their sophomore year, you talked him in to dropping the sport in the fear of him getting badly hurt. He dropped all the other sports and focused solely on baseball. Mark was talented, there was no doubt about it. Everything he put his heart in to—he was such a talented baseball player and that alone was an understatement. Not only was he undoubtedly an all-around player; an amazing catcher, pitcher, hitter and shortstop, but he put in extra time and effort perfecting his performance.
If the letter was what you hoped and believed it was, then you were over the moon for him. When he finally arrived to your shared apartment a few minutes after 8, you flung yourself at him and waved the envelope in front of him.
“Open it, open it, open it—“ You pouted against his lips as soon as he connected them with yours but allowed him to deepen the kiss.
“Hello to you too. I know you’re probably dying to know what the letter says, but I’ve been dying to have you in my arms all day so let me have five minutes to really take you all in and change before we get to opening it okay?”
You released a soft sigh but nodded in agreement before intertwining your fingers together and leading him over to the couch. He sat down and pulled you on top of his lap—wrapping his arms around your waist out of habit and placing a soft kiss against your bare shoulder blade.
“Tell me about your day my love.”
���Well, I finally turned in that paper that was driving me to the brink of insanity and I’m going to sit in agony for the rest of the week waiting for my professor to give me my grade. BamBam called me about going with him and Yugyeom to pick out a gift for his mom’s birthday this weekend, work was work—boring as usual. Then I come home to this letter and now you’re preventing me from getting to read it—“
“Does it really mean that much to you? I think you’re more excited than I am babe—“
“It does and I am. So can I open it?” He laughed at your enthusiasm—you were always so relentless whenever it came to something like this; so Mark was well aware there was no point in trying to prolong the situation.
“Fine, go ahead. I wish you were this enthusiastic about sex—“
“Mark—babe—oh my God—they want you—THE MLB WANTS YOU! Look, look!”
You practically shoved the letter in his face before getting off of his lap and bouncing around like a little kid on Christmas. He was right; it wasn’t even you who was being given the offer, yet here you were, running all around your living room like a maniac.
Watching and supporting him at every single practice and game he attended since the beginning of his high school career—seeing his eyes light up every time he won a game—being nominated as team captain for every sport he played, you were just so happy for him. Whenever something wonderful happened to either of you, the other one just so happened to be just as delighted—this time was no different.
This was something huge—out of the millions of aspiring baseball players you were sure spent just as much time practicing and putting in work in the hopes of becoming a professional baseball player, your boyfriend was one of the lucky ones who was contacted rather than contacting them. That meant they must’ve been watching him his entire baseball career.
His grades were impeccable—it honestly astounded you how he did so well with school while working full time and going to practice for hours on end. Mark was an otherworldly being—there was no way he was human. He was too good to be true. When you took a look at him, he had a blank stare on his handsome face.
Usually you were really good at reading his facial expressions and you could tell what he was feeling by looking at his body movements, but right now—you had no idea what he could be thinking or what he was feeling and it worried you. Maybe this was his way of taking it all in; he wasn’t loud and overbearing the way you were whenever something good happened. He celebrated in silence, it’s just who he was. You made your way in between his legs; bringing one hand in to his hair while cupping his cheek with the other.
“Talk to me babe, what are you thinking?” He looked at you and gave you a soft smile before shrugging.
“I can’t—I can’t believe this. This is so cool—I’ve been wanting this since I was a little kid. I’ve been watching baseball for years and every time the Dodgers had a game, I told my parents that I wanted to be a professional baseball player. Not once in my entire life would I ever have thought I’d be given an offer, this is crazy.”
You smiled at his words; even if he didn’t say anything, you were sure this had to be a big deal to him. He brought his baseball bat with him everywhere when you were kids. He’d also always wear a baseball cap even against your pleas when you’d go on your dates back in middle school. Baseball was in his blood and he was going to be able to have a career that he actually would enjoy.
“So, how are you supposed to accept the offer? Do you call them? Email them? Should we go to the stadium tomorrow—“
“I won’t be accepting the offer.”
Your eyes widened at shock at his sudden revelation. Did he just say he had no intentions on getting back to them? Was he crazy? Being awake for almost 24 hours had to be the reason behind his confession. There was no way he was going to give up such an indescribable opportunity. You were sure if Jackson were to receive the same letter, he’d be jumping at the chance and he would have the same reaction you currently had.
“Mark, you can’t be serious. Maybe you should think about this a little longer. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. This is your dream babe, what if you end up regretting your decision down the line—“
“I’m already living out my dream baby. You are my dream. I’m months—maybe even weeks away from marrying the woman of my dreams. I’m a few months away from graduation and I already have a couple of job offers lined up. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so grateful that they would even consider me and I just know everyone’s going to be disappointed with my decision, but think about it y/n. Training is a solid year, and what if I end up playing for a team outside of California? What if Denver wants me, or Nevada, or Oregon—“
“Then I’ll follow you wherever it is babe. Don’t give up because you’re afraid of us being apart. We’re older now, we’re wiser and we know the sacrifices we have to make in order to be happy together. I will go wherever it is that they want you to go. I don’t care if we end up going somewhere boring like Idaho, I’ll be right there by your side—your number one fan like always; shouting your name and cheering you on from the stands. Don’t worry about me or our future together—I—we’ll be perfectly fine. I just want you to be happy Mark.” He gave you a toothy grin before pulling you back on to his lap and left a peck on your cheek.
“God, I really am the luckiest man in the entire world. You’re so wonderful y/n. I—I love you so fucking much. Thank you—your endless support means everything to me—you—you mean everything to me. But my mind is already made up. I’m thinking about the long run; MLB isn’t the same as college or high school baseball. Contracts get messy—and when we start having kids, what if they have me switching teams and we have to move again? I couldn’t do that to them. What if you get a job in California that you end up loving only to find out that we have to pick up and move again? This isn’t just my future we’re talking about—it’s yours, ours together and our family’s when we finally start having kids. Plus, I don’t want to end up hating the sport of something bad happens. The last eight years have been amazing, but I don’t think I want to be physically overworked anymore. I want to enjoy life—not spend every moment worrying about taking the team to victory. Baseball is extremely competitive; I don’t think I want to put up with all that unnecessary bullshit. I know it’s upsetting to hear, but just know I won’t regret a thing, okay?”
Hearing his explanation as to why he didn’t want to take up the offer made a lot of sense. You couldn’t force him to do something he didn’t want to, especially when he had his many reasons as to why he wouldn’t want to spend another five to ten years being told what to do by coaches who probably couldn’t care less about him other than the money he’d make for them. You hid your face in the crook of his neck; breathing in the scent of his cologne and leaving a few wet kisses against his collarbones. “I support every decision you make. I trust you Mark—I know you’re doing what you think is best for everybody—damnit, I wish you would do something for yourself for once, but maybe this is for you in disguise. Why don’t you go take a quick shower and I’ll make you something to eat?” He hummed contently against your cheek and pulled you down with him on the couch; allowing you to hover over him while placing his hands not so innocently on your butt.
“That would be nice, but let me hold you for a little while please? I wasn’t lying when I said I missed you—“ you playfully shoved his shoulder as your cheeks warmed up hearing how whipped he was for you.
“You saw me this morning clingy—“
“Yeah, but that was this morning. I feel like we hardly ever see each other these days. I can’t wait to finally graduate, we’ll have much more time to spend together. More time in positions like this—with less clothing—or none at all really.”
His laughter made your heart flutter and you found yourself laughing along with him. For someone who was 23-years-old, his laugh was so high pitched—it never seemed to change and that was one thing you were glad about staying the same.
The next few months came and went within a blink of an eye. Nothing really big happened other than attending your fiancé’s last few college baseball games and searching for wedding venue, but like Mark had mentioned before, he wanted the both of you to be ready—free of stress before you finally got married.
On his last day of school, the two of you along with Jackson, BamBam and Yugyeom went out to a bar in celebration of Mark and Jackson’s last few days before heading in to the real world. The three older boys teased you about how they hand plans on taking Mark to a strip club and that’s when you retaliated with the idea that you were going to ban them from the wedding.
It was in times like these—laughing about your past together and remembering all the good memories that seemed so far away now that made you sad about how fast time flies by. Although Mark’s group of friends who were considerably family to you claimed that they would make sure to keep in touch with you and your soon-to be husband. BamBam even hinted towards moving in with the two of you once you were to buy a house to which Mark was quick to shut him down.
This was the fourth graduation of his that you had the honor of attending and just like the last three ones, you found yourself crying tears of joy. Your boyfriend never failed to make you so proud; he always wanted to be the best he could be—even if it meant staying up to study, staying back an extra hour at practice to work on his pitching and taking on extra credit. Mark was a firm believer in regretting the chances he didn’t take, so he made the most of every single endeavor he took on.
When Mark broke the news to his family about not accepting the offer to become a professional baseball player, they weren’t too pleased. They witnessed how much of an amazing athlete your fiancé was, he had to be crazy not to accept something so big like becoming a professional baseball player. However, after Mark explained himself, his family were a little more understanding. Sure, it all sounded good on paper, but then again, what if things didn’t end up the way he assumed that they would?
What if scandals were made up about him or even about you since he would be somewhat in the limelight? A part of him began to grow curious about what could actually happen if he were to sign a contract with the league, but he was sure things could get messy if he were to try and leave before his contract ended.
Unlike Mark’s family, his friends didn’t take the news lightly; especially Jackson. The younger boy was very vocal about how much of a mistake he believed his older friend was making. Ever since the first time they met, both Mark and Jackson had dreams to make it to the big league.
Unfortunately, Jackson focused solely on the athletic aspect and not on his grades, so recruiters immediately decided that he wasn’t who they were looking for, even if he was just as amazing player as Mark was. Your fiancé was patient with Jackson; taking each and every jab, listening to each and every complaint—but he did grow frustrated after a while. What did no one understand about making decisions for other people in your life, not just yourself.
Jackson wasn’t a selfish person—well, he did care about himself quite a bit, but that’s because he worked extremely hard to get to where he was. However, he didn’t have anyone to worry about the way Mark had you. It really didn’t matter to him what anyone had to say anymore, you were supportive of his decision and your opinion was the only one that mattered to him.
“Congratulations baby, I’m so proud of you. You never cease to amaze me you know that?” He gave you his signature award winning smile and allowed you to give him the multiple leis you both made and bought for him before pulling you in for a brief, chaste kiss.
“I mean, you remind me at least three times a day, but I don’t mind hearing you say it again.”
You cupped both of his cheeks with your hands and grazed your thumbs gently just below his eyes. Like always, you and Mark were in your own little worlds, smiling adoringly at one another, holding each other protectively, stealing wet kisses—you both gave no attention to anyone around you. Neither of you knew just how long you stayed like that; just basking happily in the other’s presence, it’s as though you were caught in a trance that none of you could break out of.
If it was your choice, you’d take your fiancé home and order a bunch of his favorite foods in celebration of his huge milestone, but you didn’t want to be rude and have him all to yourself before the rest of his friends and family could come and congratulate him.
“I would tell the two of you to get a room, but there’s really no point. I just know you both are the type to make out in church—freaky asses. You’re getting condoms from me for your wedding gift.”
You playfully shoved Yugyeom and rolled your eyes at the sound of the three other guys bursting out in laughter at his immature comment. Yeah, nothing’s changed at all.
“Wow, we’re all getting old guys. The two oldest of all of us are college graduates and we’re not far behind what the fuck? Time needs to slow the hell down, there’s still so many college parties I have yet to attend.” The five of you continued to stay and talk for a few minutes until Jackson finally came over to join in on all the madness.
“Shit dude, we’re fucking college graduates, can you believe it?”
The two of them did their handshake they’ve been doing from the time they were kids before pulling each other in for a hug. Looking at all five of them, you wish you could freeze this specific moment in time. You remembered how much it sucked when they all went away for college, especially because most of your best high school memories were because of them.
Now you were all going your separate ways again—even if you knew you were all going to stay friends for the long run and that you would make plans to meet each other again every so often, it wouldn’t be the same. You could only hope the next chapter in your life and in Mark’s was going to make up for all the change that you could have done without.
“I still won’t forgive you for not taking on the offer, you could have made it big dude and I could have used you as leverage for getting promotions and shit, but I guess I can see why you said no. Your pussy must be magical y/n—ow!”
“She was just as upset with my decision as you were, but I have another person I have to include in my future plans Jacks, this isn’t just my life or my future we’re talking about. It’s hers too and I’m going to do whatever I can to make her life easier, even if it means making such huge sacrifices that others might not agree with. I don’t mean to get all sappy, but all my decisions that I make are with y/n in mind. What is best for her—for us as a couple. What will keep her safe, happy, healthy—I care about her well-being and her happiness more than I do my own. I hope one day you’ll be able to experience a similar kind of love and then maybe you’ll be able to see why I did what I’m deciding to do.”
You reached for his hand and intertwined your fingers with his; squeezing them ever so softly while bringing his hand up to your lips and placing a soft kiss against his wrist. Hearing Mark explain to you that he did not want to join the MLB because of how difficult it would be having to move around so much and then hearing him tell his friends that he cared about making decisions based on what he felt would benefit you brought you to the brink of tears.
That man really did love you, there was no other explanation for his selflessness. You wanted to feel bad that he gave up such a once in a lifetime opportunity that so many other guys his age would have accepted in a heartbeat specifically because he didn’t want to put you under the stress of being a spouse of a professional athlete—but you knew if you were in Mark’s position, you would have his same mindset. You cared more about him than you did yourself—so you completely recognized the idea that all he really wanted was to have you by his side at all times. What was the point of having your dream job if your dream person was thousands of miles away?
“Well—when you put it like that—nah I still think you’re dumb as hell but that’s only because I know I will never find anyone who could love me even half as much as you and y/n love each other. God made you specifically for the other and I just want to know, GOD WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE MY TURN?”
You all burst out laughing at Jackson’s complaining but you did find his words very heartwarming. It always intrigued you whenever someone would describe your relationship with Mark from their point of view. It’s as though everyone had the same opinion—you were two peas in a pod—best friends who had the amazing honor of becoming lovers and were seemingly so obsessed with each other.
“Okay, let’s get drunk at y/n and Mark’s place so we don’t have to worry about getting kicked out of a bar for falling asleep—“
“Hey, what if y/n and I already had plans? You guys can’t just invite yourselves over without our permission—“
“Oh we all know you’re going to fuck once you get home. You have the rest of your lives to have sex you nymphomaniacs, spend some time with us before we all start settling down and no longer are able to anymore.”
Just like everything else in your life, the time seemed to go by faster than you would have wanted it to. Mark decided to give himself the summer to relax and enjoy the last few moments as a recent college graduate before going on the hunt for a job in engineering.
Some days, you went to look around at wedding venues, flower shops and even catering companies because you were growing more and more serious about speeding up the date of the wedding. You were just so excited to finally marry the love of your life, neither of you seemed to care that you weren’t financially ready to pay for a wedding.
Other days were spent traveling all around New York, making the most of the last few months you had left there. You only had a semester and a half left of college left as although you were going to miss the fast paced and upbeat life in the big city, you were more than happy to finally return back to California.
Most days, Mark stuck on to you like glue; he always needed to be around you—holding you as you swept the floor, prepared lunch, hung the laundry or even as you took a shower, he desired to be in close proximity with you. The two of you hardly ever fought anymore—there was nothing really to argue about; even if there were a few things that he did that would get on your nerves and you knew there were things you did that probably got under his skin, you both learned to completely dismiss whatever it was that bothered you. It wasn’t worth getting mad over.
If something did seem to be the matter, your communication progressed and it was easier now to tell each other when you didn’t like one another’s habits. You ended up transferring to UCLA in your last semester when Mark received an offer in downtown Los Angeles to work at one of the biggest tech companies in the state of California and just the entire country in general. It didn’t bother you to have to transfer on such short notice, there wasn’t much you had to do to send over your information anyway.
Mark felt guilty knowing that you were sacrificing so much in order to be with him; attending college in New York when you could have just stayed with your family while waiting for him to graduate from college—waiting in multiple lines at the cashier’s and registrar’s offices to get the specific documents you needed for your transfer, having to pack up all of yours and Mark’s things in less than a week so that you would be able to fly back to Los Angeles in time for Mark’s orientation at his new job.
Not once did you complain about having to do any of these things for him nor did you ever disclose how exhausted you must have been, but that was just who you were. You did things for the older boy without hesitation because of the eternal love you held for him and because you knew he would have done the same for you in a heartbeat.
Little did you know, your sacrifices would pay off for the not so little surprise he had waiting for you back home. Leaving New York was bittersweet; you have developed fondness over the lively city; the night life was a lot more fun than California’s and it actually snowed—something you were genuinely going to miss.
The flight back went by faster than you expected; although, most of that time was spent with your face hidden in the crook of Mark’s neck as you slept most of the day away, tired from the last bit of packing that you did. Thankfully, Mark took care of everything else, dragging both your luggage and your carry-on along with pulling your lethargic body through the airport.
He also bought you some snacks for the plane ride that obviously went unopened, but you scarfed down as soon as the two of you landed and called yourselves a taxi. You were quick to pick up on the fact that Mark seemed excited about something; he was playing with his fingers as his leg began to jitter—he began taking a look at his phone every so often and you were too busy focusing on his now suspicious demeanor to realize that the driver was taking you down a road that you weren’t quite familiar with. He looked at you with a gentle smile and softly squeezed your hand while placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I love you.”
No matter how many times he’s said that four letter word, your entire body would end up in flames every single time. You playfully pinched at his cheek and hid your face in the crook of his neck to hide the fact that his words were making you feel all warm and bubbly inside.
“I love you too.”
When the car came to a halt, that’s when you took a look outside and you furrowed your brows in confusion. Did the driver make a mistake? You were currently in front of a house you’ve never seen before; it was a beautiful house in a nice looking neighborhood, but it was unfamiliar to you. Where were the two of you exactly?
Mark didn’t give you a second to even let out a word—he made his way out of the car to pay the driver and thank him for the ride. He grabbed both your bags and headed towards the house without even looking to see if you were treading right behind him. He quickly opened the gate and continued to make his way to the front door and in the corner of your eye, you saw the names on the mailbox that brought you more curiosity.
“Mr. and Mrs.Tuan.”
“Babe! When did your parent’s get a new house?” He stopped in his tracks once he made his way up the three steps and turned around—sporting the biggest grin on his face.
“They didn’t. We did.”
Your eyes widened in shock at his sudden revelation. Was he serious? This house was yours? But how—when—
“I can feel you overthinking baby. Get over here and I’ll explain everything.”
You were feeling so many different emotions; excitement, confusion, elation—more positive feelings than negative, but you were soon overwhelmed with happiness and the desire to look around.
“This—this is our house?” He nodded happily before reaching for your hands and swinging them back and forth.
“Yeah. This is our house baby. I remember you going in to detail about the house of your dreams many times—there’s two floors, six bedrooms, three bathrooms, a dining room, a backyard and you even have a walk-in closet—“
You jumped on to your fiancé all the while wrapping your arms tightly around his waist and began leaving wet, fleeting kisses all along his jaw and the nape of his neck. He pulled you closer to his body and laughed softly at your multiple reactions.
“Wait, when did you do all of this—how can you afford this Mark? This is a house—I’m sure it costs at least half a million dollars—why—who—I can’t even speak right now—“
The sloppy kiss along with the cheeky squeeze against your butt stopped you from continuing to stutter—you were just that speechless and in awe at the thought of him pulling all kinds of strings in order to purchase the two of you a house.
Not just an ordinary house—the house you’ve been designing in your head and even on paper for longer than Mark could even remember. He placed you down so that he could give you a tour of your new estate and reached for your hand; pulling you in the direction of the kitchen. He was so excited to show you around; it boggled your mind that the place was fully furnished. Every piece of furniture matched so well with the colors of the walls; the fridge and cabinets were stocked with all of your favorite foods and snacks.
The bathrooms had such pretty curtains and towels; engraved with both your initials—it was so much more than you could have ever asked for. As he showed you every single room, you felt tears brim at your eyelids when talked about your future kids and how he purchased this specific house so that they were all going to have their own rooms once the two of you finally got around to expanding your family. You were well aware that the two of you were going to settle down one day soon and start having kids, but knowing that he made decisions based on what would be best for your children—it did wonders on your heart. Your fiancé was really the most considerate and remarkable human being you’ve ever met.
“The room downstairs is the guest room and I made it that way for a reason; BamBam and Yugyeom wouldn’t shut up about getting their own rooms here. I don’t know why I told them about this house; I’m genuinely shocked that they’ve actually kept this a secret from you. But then again, I did promise that I’d put aside a room for them. However, I said room, not rooms. Plus, I don’t want them complaining about not getting any sleep while they’re here—what? Why do you always look at me like that whenever I insinuate that we’re going to have sex? You act like you don’t have fun when we make love—your kinky ass always hints towards sucking my dick almost every day don’t act like you’re innocent. Now, to the last and the best room in the house; our room.”
He motioned for you to open the door all the while biting his lips nervously. The entire house so far was in more or less words perfect beyond belief, but you knew that he wanted this room to be your favorite. Right as you opened the doors, your jaw dropped—you were at a loss for words. The walls were a light blue shade—one of your favorite colors.
There was a queen size bed in the middle of the room and a couch right in front of it. There was a long mirror right next to the closet, two separate desks; one you assumed was yours and the other one being his, a vanity—the same vanity you’ve had your eyes on for months, a few pictures of the two of you scatted all across the walls and a night stand. Your mouth practically dropped to the floor in disbelief—you were still having such a hard time processing the idea that this house belonged to you and your soon-to-be husband.
“Wait baby—before you say anything, go check out the closet.”
You were a wreck at this point; the tears kept falling from your cheeks and Mark’s laughter echoed throughout the room. He’s done so many things for you in the last decade—things that were by far life changing and sometimes hard to wrap your mind around the idea that someone had the ability to love another person the way Mark irrevocably and profusely loved you.
But this—buying the two of you a house at the age of 24-years-old—a house that was one right out of the movies—one that a couple your age with jobs that the two of you had could only fantasize of having—this had to be the best thing he did for you so far and you felt in your chest that it would be hard to top. Once you opened the door to your closet, you gasped at just how spacious it was.
Sometimes you and Mark would watch house renovation shows in your free time and you’ve talked about wanting to have a walk-in closet. He made snide remarks about you having so many clothes that you never even used and how it would be best for you to have a space big enough to put all your clothes so you could actually see what you owned; but you would have never considered it to be this wide. You walked around and smiled slightly at how much of a dream this all felt—but the grip on your hips made it all the more real that you were going to live here.
“So, what do you think?”
You spun around and playfully thumped him on the forehead when he laughed at your emotional state before roughly smashing your lips against his. You were still trying to form the right words to explain exactly how you were feeling and how wonderful your fiancé was to even plan everything on his own. He deepened the kiss—humming contently as he felt you nibble on his tongue while smiling against his lips.
“I can’t even—God Mark—you—you’re so wonderful I can’t even fathom it in to words. I love it—I love it so much—this house is everything I could have wanted in a house and more—It’s perfect—almost as perfect as you—I still can’t believe it holy shit I’m so fucking happy—and I can’t wait to start living here with you—what did you do to get it? Did you sell a kidney or something—“
“You’re such a silly girl you know that? Babe, we all know I’m saving my kidney for you—I would only ever give my kidney to you. Hell, you can have my heart if you needed it—it’s yours anyway. But try not to need it right now, I kind of want to live as long as I possibly can to enjoy life with you. I might as well just tell you everything because you’re probably going crazy thinking about how I went about with this entire thing. I’ve been planning on getting us a house even before I proposed to you. I had to put a down payment of $20,000 which I took from scholarships and what I made at the coffee shop—my parents helped pay for the furniture and I’m currently taking a loan from the bank to pay for the first few months of mortgage until I can find an actual career. I know we were going to get a house sooner or later, but I wanted to surprise you. You’ve sacrificed so much for me—for us to be together. You were back and forth from California and New York—you left your family and everything familiar to you just to be with me. Then you left your last semester at NYU just to follow me back home—you never complained once about any sacrifice you made because of my decisions. You did everything in a heartbeat and I couldn’t come up with a way to show you or even tell you how grateful I am for you and how much you mean the entire world to me. I told you I’d take care of you didn’t I? I know it must be hard for you, so it was the least I could do. There’s so much more you deserve and so much more I want to do for you, but I was hoping a house would suffice for right now. Don’t worry your pretty little head about anything else okay? I’m really glad you like it. I tried to get all the furniture you wanted, but we can go shopping maybe sometime this week if there’s something you want to return or replace—“ You shook your head in disagreement and placed a quick peck on the corner of his mouth while bringing one of your hands up to his hair and running your fingers through his soft, brown locks.
“Everything is perfect—I’m still in shock—really, everything is amazing. Thank you baby—thank you so much. You didn’t have to do this just yet though, I would’ve been content with a studio or a one bedroom apartment until we could actually afford something as amazing as this house—“
“Should I call the bank and tell them to cancel the loan—“
“Don’t you fucking dare Tuan I will end you.” The two of you erupted in laughter at your hostility as he picked you up and threw you on to the bed all but gently.
“I’m kidding baby. I know, I’ve actually thought about doing that—but then I thought about how excited you would have been—how you are right now when you were to actually see the house and I’m happy I decided to go along with purchasing it. Now that we got around to exploring the place, how about you and I break in the bed?”
Normally, you would roll your eyes at his suggestion, but you found yourself flipping your bodies over so that you were hovering on top of his lap. You began to grind your clothed core against his pelvis—earning yourself a breathy groan from the handsome boy as he brought his hands down to your ass.
“Do whatever you want with me Mark—tonight is all about you babe.” The growl that fell from the back of his throat went straight to your pussy and you found yourself biting your lip at the tight feeling in your lower stomach.
“Fuck—I just bought this bed—ah whatever, we can just get another one tomorrow. I’m going to wreck your pretty little cunt babe. If it’s any consolation—I pictured taking you up against every surface in this house after my parents sent me the photos. God y/n, I’m so fucking in love with you—but tonight I’m going to fuck you as if I despise the shit out of you.”
Mark landed a job at one of the most prestigious construction companies in California as a civil engineer. He genuinely enjoyed it; although it wasn’t the easiest job in the world, it paid well and the hours weren’t all too bad. He was also told by his manager that if he were to do well, he could get promoted in less than a year and there were many opportunities for him to become someone prominent in the company.
You were currently in your last semester of college and you were offered a teacher’s assistant position at the elementary school just ten minutes away from your house. You and Mark got to spend more time with each other now that your schedules no longer collided; most of your classes were online and he finished work at around 5 o’clock—so the two of you found yourselves trying out new recipes together that you’d see on the food network, driving all over California—watching movies at the theater, going to the arcade, grocery shopping and all kinds of other fun activities that neither of you used to have the time for.
Both your families would come over for dinner; and it was the first night that your parents came over did your fiancé break the news of the engagement to them. Just like they reacted when they first heard about your relationship back in middle school, they weren’t exactly surprised. You and Mark always made decisions before talking to anyone about your plans, but the two of you were old enough to make choices for yourselves. If your mom was upset, she didn’t show it nor did she say anything until after dinner—but she was genuinely so happy for you and couldn’t stop raving over how excited she was for the two of you to get married.
Your rowdy group of friends; specifically, Jackson and BamBam came over more times than Mark would have wanted them to. You were fine with the guys coming over to visit as much as they felt like, but Mark was very vocal about how he wanted to spend as much alone time with you before you were to settle in to your career and before your family of two turned in to three—four—five—or however many children you both decided on having one day.
“Just say you hate having us over because you can’t fuck with us around. I have no problem with that; free porn, plus y/n is sexy as hell. She gives porn stars a run for their money—“
“You’re banned from ever coming back here again Wang.”  
You and Mark were just about done with wedding arrangements and you didn’t realize just how fast the days were going by. It wasn’t until you and Mark were cuddling in bed one night after you returned home from dinner with your sister did he remind you that your wedding was less than one week away. Since all the planning started over a year ago and you had pretty much everything set—your dress, his tux, your bridesmaid’s dresses, his groomsmen’s suits, a reservation to the hotel you were having your reception at, the cake, the flower pieces, the DJ, the centerpieces and receiving back all of the invitations with an RSVP from every single person you invited, you were both good to go. All you had to really worry about was messing up your makeup because you were positive you’d end up crying an ocean of tears. Literally.
“You’re going to be Mrs.Tuan in less than a week—are you excited? Because I know I am—I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle looking like the most ethereal goddess to walk this earth. We both know I’m going to cry—so just be ready for that. I can’t believe it’s almost here. I’ve been waiting fifteen years for this moment. I can’t wait to put the ring on your pretty little finger—and I’m even more excited for the honeymoon—“
“Of course you are, horndog. Sometimes I feel as though you’re only with me for the sex.” You giggled at his fake hurt reaction as he put his hand on his chest and gasped in disbelief.
“I’m with you because you’re the love of my life and because I’m so madly in love with you. The sex is just a bonus—an extremely great bonus.”
“You’re insatiable.” He beamed up at you and cupped your cheek in his palm; grazing his thumb right above your brow.
“And you love me for it.”
“I do. I really do.”
As much as you didn’t want the wedding to come just yet because you knew once it did arrive, it would go by so quickly and you just wanted to revel in it as much as you possibly could. The night before your wedding, Mark’s friends begged you to allow them to have a bachelor party to celebrate his last night as an unmarried man—and you actually allowed it.
He deserved to have fun; but under one condition—he had to allow you your fun too. Your sister alongside his two older sisters planned a bachelorette party for you. It was only you, your sister, his sisters and a few of your cousins, but you all had an amazing time. They all snuck you a few drinks here and there, you ate all of your favorite foods and danced along to some of your favorite songs.
They even surprised you with a few male strippers—but it was all in good fun. His sisters made sure to send him a few videos of you enjoying yourself—allowing one of the dancers to give you a lap dance and he would not stop calling all three of you once receiving the photos and videos. He claimed that the guys pulled the same stunt on him—Jackson, against your wishes ordered a few strippers to stop by their hotel room, but Mark did not let any of the strippers near him in fear of upsetting you.
You however, were having a great time knowing that he was probably growing angry with the idea of another man getting so close to you—in proximity that only he should be allowed to. It was selfish of you—but you loved seeing your fiancé get all riled up in jealousy—it was a huge turn on and you were excited for the punishment you knew you’d receive once you were both to return home.
“Y/n.” You looked up at Mark’s sister in curiosity at the sudden call of your name.
“I’m so excited to have you as a sister-in-law. My brother—he really loves you. I think we all knew this day was going to come since the day he came home with the biggest grin on his face, telling us that he made a friend at A+ and that she was such an amazing artist. Then I got to witness how bashful he’d get whenever someone would bring up your name in conversation. He even had me go shopping for rings with him to get a woman’s opinion on what would be the perfect ring. I’m sure a lot of people have told you this already, but the two of you were made for one another. I believe that wholeheartedly. Your love—the love you have for each other—it’s one to be envious of. You’re perfect for one another—the term soulmates isn’t even a good enough word to describe what you and Mark have. I wish you both nothing but happiness, health, wealth and success. Welcome to the family.” You wiped away a stray tear before pulling her in to a hug.
“Thank you Tammy. That’s so sweet of you to say. Your brother means everything to me and I can’t even tell you how much of a positive impact he’s had on my life. I’d be nothing without him. Truly nothing.”
You all continued to celebrate for one more hour until everyone felt that it would be best for you to get some rest before your big day. Your soon-to-be husband had other plans however. Once your sister dropped you off—Mark gave you no time to even put your bag down before he pressed you up against the door.
“Hmmm, someone missed me.” He attacked your neck with sloppy kisses and sucked all but gently right below your ear.
“I did—can’t say the same about you though. What a naughty girl. Did you have a nice time having a half-naked man grind himself against your lap—“
“Don’t act like the victim babe. I have social media too you know. Should’ve told BamBam to block me before uploading videos of you receiving a little dance of your own. Plus, it was your sister’s idea to get strippers. I had no clue that they were coming tonight—“
“I’m sure they came in more than one way with how lethal you look. Whatever—that doesn’t matter, I’m the one who gets to love on this beautiful body of yours. By the way, once I’m done rearranging your guts, I’m calling the both of them and uninviting them.”
He roughly picked you up and threw you over his shoulder; slapping both of your ass cheeks as he made his way to the bedroom. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t gleeful for what was to come. You loved it when Mark would remind you exactly who you belonged to.
“Wait, I know we’ve joked about someone having to push me in a wheel chair down the aisle but I swear to God Mark if I can’t walk tomorrow I’m filing for divorce.” He rolled his eyes at your comment before pinning you down to the bed and reconnecting his lips to your pressure point just above your collarbone.
“Fine—I’ll go easy on you tonight. I can’t say the same about tomorrow night though. Good luck with getting out of bed once during the entire honeymoon. Actually—spending an entire week with you indoors doing nothing but each other sounds perfect—“
“You’re getting papers on Monday.”
“Babe!” You laughed against his lips; he was always so gullible. You let out a soft moan when you felt his hands go in to your blouse as he dragged his nail along the valley of your breast; flicking at one of your nipples before cupping both of your mounds with his hands.
“Fuck it—who cares if you have to be pushed in a wheelchair—I need to ruin you.”
The entire night was spent showing each other just how excited you both were to be finally tying the knot. He spent a lot of time with his face in between your thighs, bringing you to heaven three times before you tapped out from exhaustion. You also rode him to the point where he had to physically lift you off of his cock or he was sure he would cum faster than he would like to.
The next morning, you woke up with a pleasurable pain in your legs, but it wasn’t unbearable. You were surprised when you woke up to an empty bed, but your question of where Mark could have been was soon answered when you smelled what you thought was pancakes coming from the kitchen.
After picking up his discarded shirt from the night before and putting it on, you made your way downstairs to the kitchen and found your fiancé wearing nothing but his boxers. The sight made your cheeks warm. You slowly made your way over to him and placed your chin against his shoulder blade—leaving a kiss there before bringing both hands around his bare abdomen.
“Good morning handsome. That smells good. What’s the special occasion? You never cook—“
“Hey, that’s not true. I cook all the time—“
“Instant ramen doesn’t count Mark.” He scoffed before turning to face you and gave you a peck on your nose.
“I’m going to remember that the next time you ask me to make you ramen. Today is a special day, I’m finally marrying my best friend. I just wanted to give you a glimpse of what married life is going to be like—for the first week. Don’t expect this on a weekly basis though. I know I love you more than life itself and I know I’d do anything you’d ask me to, but I cut the line at cooking.”
You hummed against his chest and held him for a few seconds before he released you from his embrace and asked for you to prepare the table. You both ate in silence; stealing glances from each other every now and then, but you were just basking in the other��s presence. Sometimes, you preferred staying in the peace and quiet with Mark. You were able to appreciate him better that way. Once you both were finished with breakfast, you stole a few kisses and got ready to head over to the hotel.
The entire drive was filled with so much laughter and fleeting kisses every time Mark pulled up to a stop light. It didn’t take too long to arrive and right as you both got out of the car, he lazily wrapped his arms around your lower waist and placed his chin on the top of your head.
“The next time we see each other, we’ll be exchanging our vows and making the most important promise to one another. I’ll see you soon baby. I love you y/n. I love you so much babe.”
With a few more kisses all over your face, he sent you on your way to your sister’s suite. Everyone in the room was so frantic; your mother looked as if she was about to throw up with how she was pacing all over the room.
“There you are! You’re almost twenty minutes late.” You apologized profusely; giving her the excuse that there was traffic, but your mother wasn’t born yesterday.
“You and Mark can go a few minutes without sucking each other’s faces off. Now go change in to your dress so that the makeup artist and hairdresser can start working on you. I think guests are already on their way.” Your sister gave you a knowing look and laughed softly to herself while you took the seat next to her.
“How are you feeling? I’m still having a hard time processing that you’re getting married before me, but we all knew Mark was going to propose sooner rather than later. I’m surprised the two of you didn’t get married right after high school. Everyone and their mother’s know how much the two of you are obsessed with each other and that is an understatement. I’m really happy for you y/n. You may be moments away from becoming a married woman, but you will always be my little sister. Never hesitate to come to me if and whenever you need me okay?”
She let out a giggle when she saw tears brimming at your eyelids and reached over to wipe them away. “If you’re already crying at my words, what more when Mark reads his vows?”
Hair and makeup took less than an hour and you couldn’t stop staring at yourself. You never really thought much about yourself. Sure, you thought you were decent looking, but you knew there were many more beautiful girls in the world you wished you could look like. Mark never let you talk negative about yourself though. The minute you said anything negative about yourself--he’d bring you to a mirror and point out every single thing about you that he loved, which was everything about you. Every freckle, birthmark, dimple, scar, curve--he loved it all.
But right now, you felt so beautiful. Everyone in the room began to cry; Mark’s mom, your mom, your sister and his sisters. They all raved about how gorgeous you looked. However, once you put on the dress, their compliments grew.
“You look like a princess y/n. You’re so pretty. Mark’s definitely going to cry, I’m so excited.”
You laughed at Grace’s comment and thanked everyone before walking over to your mom. Her makeup was ruined at this point, but she didn’t seem to care. She pulled you in to a hug and ran her fingers through your hair.
“Where did the time go? I still remember the day you finally told me about Mark after hiding him from me for months. Now you’re just a few minutes away from marrying him. You look stunning my baby girl; absolutely gorgeous. I’m so, so happy for you and I know you’re in great hands. I trust that Mark will take good care of you. That man loves you, I say that with so much confidence. I’ve seen the way he looks at you and he might not have wanted me to tell you this, but he actually called me up on your junior prom night right after you came home upset and he was sobbing. He begged me to make sure you would take care of yourself and that he was sorry for what he put you through. I know you love him just as much. I’ve never met two people who wholeheartedly belonged to each other the way you and Mark were destined to be together. Just remember, I don’t care that you’re going to be a married woman, you will always be my little girl. If anything ever happens, you can always come running to me baby. But I know Mark’s it for you, so I have nothing to worry about. I love you y/n. More than you will ever know sweetheart. Now, I think it’s time for you to get married. Shall we?”
Your heart felt as if it was going to jump out of your chest. The bridal party made their way down to the third floor and to your surprise, BamBam was waiting right outside the door. “The man of honor has arrived--oh my God--y/n--”
“Hey Bam. You look great!” He smiled bashfully and politely thanked you before looking at you up and down; his jaw dropped but he quickly closed his mouth before grabbing at one of your hands and bringing it up to his lips, placing a soft kiss on the back of it.
“Wow--you look--wow, I’m a fucking genius. I knew this was the dress. You look so beautiful, you could honestly pass off as a Disney princess. Ah, I better stop looking at you or else I won’t hear the end of it from your soon-to-be husband. Now let’s go. As much as I want to say I can’t wait for the two of you to hurry up and get married, I’m fucking starving so the sooner you walk down the aisle, the sooner I get to stuff my face with crab legs and you won’t hear a word from me.”
BamBam could sense your nervousness, but deep down he believed it was more excitement than it was any kind of negative emotion. When you made it down to the chapel, you watched your cousins and Mark’s friends one by one make their way in to the room. You laughed when BamBam lined up next to one of your brothers and linked arms with him.
You heard your dad before you got the chance to see him. There was only two times you’ve ever seen him cry; once at your grandmother’s funeral and the second time during a fight that he had with your mom. Apparently their marriage was on the rocks at that time but you were too young to understand. It came as a shock to you when your sister told you about it when you were eighteen, but they both decided that it would be best for them to take couple’s reconciling classes in order to rekindle their marriage and their marriage only grew stronger after a few months. He released a long sigh before brushing away the many tears running down his face.
“Hi daddy.”
“Hi princess. You look so beautiful. Mark’s a very lucky guy. I still can’t believe my baby is getting married. You know, you’re still so young y/n. Marriage is a huge deal, it can wait--” You gave him a knowing smirk and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“I love him daddy and I know he loves me. I don’t think I can wait much longer to finally be his wife. Don’t worry, this doesn’t change anything. I’m only fifteen minutes away. I’m sure Mark would be fine letting me come and stay with you and mom every so often. I’ll always be daddy’s little girl and you will always be my favorite man.”
“You got that right. Are you ready darlin’?” You beamed up at him and nodded in agreement.
“More than I will ever be.”
“Then let’s do this.”
Watching everyone’s gave avert to you made your heart rate pick up and you didn’t even think that was physically possible. It was already beating a mile a second; but seeing everyone beaming at you while some of your relatives wiped away some tears made it all the more real--you were getting married.
Once your eyes landed on Mark; your breath hitched. He was the handsomest man you have ever laid your eyes on. You’ve known that for years now. You’ve seen him in suit and tie at least seven times, but something about how he looked right now--maybe it was because this was your wedding or because he got a haircut and his hair was pushed back with gel, showcasing even more of his handsome features made your stomach fill up with butterflies.
His eyes began to tear up and you giggled softly as he let the tears fall freely while he watched you walk closer and closer to the altar. The boys were making fun of him; mocking him silently, but you saw tears building up in both Jackson’s and Yugyeom’s eyes. You snickered softly to yourself before returning your attention back to your fiancé. As soon as you made eye contact with him and saw how much love and adoration he held in his eyes, you began to tear up yourself. Before you knew it, you were standing in front of Mark and the pastor. Your dad’s grip on your wrist only tightened and you couldn’t stop the laugh that fell when the older man told him it was time to let you go.
“Take good care of my y/n Mark. I might really like you, but I won’t hesitate to slash your tires if you hurt my baby. Congratulations to the both of you.”
As your dad made his way towards your mom, Mark reached for your hands and intertwined them together with his.
“Hi.” He whispered softly; not taking his eyes off of you at all.
“You look so beautiful my love. I can’t stop looking at you and I don’t think I will any time soon.” You grazed your thumb against his wrist as a way to calm down your racing heart and to nonverbally hint to him that he needed to stop with his heartfelt words or else you’d end up breaking down in front of everyone. 
“Thank you. You look handsome as always.” 
The two of you were too busy taking each other in to realize that everyone had been waiting for you both--even the pastor. It wasn’t till you heard him cough did you break out of your Mark induced haze.
“Hi there. It seems as though the two of you were off in your own little worlds for a second there but that’s totally fine. I don’t know either of you that well, but I can already tell by this interaction alone that you must have a love for the ages. Now, dearly beloved, we are gathered here to celebrate the union of Mark Yi-En Tuan and y/n y/m/n y/l/n.” 
Everything the pastor was saying seemingly went through one ear and out the other. You and Mark could not stop making silly faces at each other and even if the older man noticed the two of you fooling around, he didn’t say anything. 
“Now, for the vows, who would like to go first?” You looked up at Mark and gave him a knowing smirk.
“I will. Knowing you, you have a speech prepared that I won’t be able to match, so to prevent me from making a big fool out of myself, I volunteer to go first. Mark Tuan, there are not enough words in the English dictionary that can describe what I feel for you. Every moment spent with you--it’s like my entire body is on fire. I don’t know what I did to deserve you--I don’t know what world war I must have fought in my previous life, but I’d do it again and again if it meant having you as my person in every single lifetime. I love you with every breath that I take. I’m happiest when I’m with you. Hell, you’re the main reason for my happiness. There’s a quote--”Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” You and I, our love story is so rare. So special. Sure, there were times where I was afraid we weren’t to make it--but I was so afraid at the thought of losing you. I was going to do anything and everything in my power to make sure you and I stuck together. No matter what life throws at us, you and I are endgame baby. You’re my entire world Mark Tuan. You’ve changed my life in ways that I never thought was possible. You’re my best friend, my soulmate--the only man I have ever loved--sorry dad, you know what I mean.” Everyone, including the pastor laughed at your apology. 
“I’ve loved you for more than half of my life and I plan on loving you for the entirety of it. Even when we’re old and wrinkly, fighting over oatmeal and cream of wheat. I don’t care what happens to us in the future; as long as I have you, I’m set for life. You are all I could ever want and need baby. Thank you for every single thing that you’ve done for me, I will never be able to thank you enough for your many sacrifices and simply just for loving me. But I will spend the rest of my life returning that same love. I love you, I love you, I love you and I’ll never get tired of saying that. Ever.” 
Mark was in tears at the end of your speech--he was practically sobbing at this point and you had to stifle back a laugh for his sake. He was always such an emotional guy, but you loved that about him. You placed kisses on both of his cheeks earning yourself some boos from Jinyoung, Jackson and Yugeyom. He mouthed that he loved you and squeezed both your hands before starting his vows.
“Fifteen years ago, I was at A+, playing dominos with a few of my friends, when I noticed someone sitting in the far back of the cafeteria all by herself. I actually noticed you a few days before approaching you and I’ve never told you this before, but I was afraid that you’d tell me to go away. However, when I finally built the courage to approach you, I was mad at myself for not doing it sooner. You were such a bright, bubbly little girl and I found myself wanting to spend as much time with you as I possibly could. I loved being around you; I loved hearing your contagious laughter and being the reason behind it. Watching the passion you had for drawing; seeing the way your eyes lit up whenever someone complimented your art, it tugged on my heartstrings. Seeing you happy made me happy. I loved you before I even knew what love was. I think the first time I realized that I had more than friendly feelings for you was the day that I tripped and fell on the sidewalk, ultimately scraping my knee and you ran to your teacher, asking for a bandaid and helped me up before patching up my cut. You always did everything for me without a second thought. You moved thousands of miles from California in order to be with me. You’d stay up late no matter how exhausted you were just to talk to me. You missed out on parties, family gatherings and even vacations just to fly up to New York and be with me. I could ask you to do the most insane thing--bungee jump, sky dive, zip line or even to runaway with me and I know you’d do it in a heartbeat. Every time something good happens to me, you’re the first person I want to tell the good news to and if something bad happens, I want to run to you and have you hold me; telling me that everything is going to be okay. You deserve the entire world and so much more y/n and that’s what I plan on giving you. I’d go through hell and back--I’d run to the ends of the earth just to make you smile. I would do anything you’d ask me to, be whoever it is you want me to be, go wherever you want to do. My heart is yours. It’s always been and it always will be. My heartbeat increases whenever we’re together--but when we’re apart, it’s like i’m living but not existing. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I know I say this a lot, but I really don’t know what I would do without you. I need you y/n. You’re the reason why I wake up with such a huge grin on my face. You’re the reason for my entire existence. You’re my person and I am yours. Forever yours. I love you y/n, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
You looked around and saw that there was not a dry eye at all in the crowd. Every single person, including those that you’ve never seen show any emotion was teary-eyed. You playfully smacked Mark before wiping away at your tears.
“You asshole. See what I meant. You always had such a way with words, I don’t know why I said anything at all.” He giggled profusely and so did everyone else at your comment.
“Do you Mark take y/n--”
The pastor giggled at his eagerness, but didn’t correct him before attempting to ask you the same question.
“Okay. Do you y/n take Mark--”
“Wow, this is the first time in my thirty years of being a pastor that I wasn’t able to finish my speech. The two of you are adorable. I wish you nothing in the best with your marriage and any future endeavors. Well, with the power vested in me, I pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride.”
Mark wasted no time bringing your face between his hands and smashing his lips against yours. They were salty and wet from the tears, yet the kiss was wonderful nonetheless. He continued to kiss you; ultimately bringing your bottom lip in between his teeth and sucking on it all but gently. As much as you wanted nothing more than to continue kissing your husband, you had to remember that you weren’t alone.
“Mr. and Mrs.Tuan would like to invite you all to the grand ballroom for dinner.” Mark tugged on your hand and led you down the aisle, this time--a newly married woman.
“Mrs.Tuan, I like the sound of that.” You smirked.
“I do too. It has a nice tone to it.” 
 The dinner went off without a hitch. Both BamBam and Jackson gave their best man and man of honor speeches; both making you cry as much as you did laugh. Everyone seemingly had a wonderful time; congratulating you and your husband all the while dancing to the upbeat music that the DJ played ad eating the amazing food the hotel had to offer. 
Mark didn’t even hide the fact that he was turned on with how you looked. He kept commenting on how beautiful you looked, and how he couldn’t wait to take you upstairs and rip your dress off of you. When it was time for the first dance as a married couple, Mark pressed you tightly up against his body and wrapped his arms around you protectively while kissing your cheek and your forehead repeatedly.
“This feels like such a dream. You’re my wife--I will never get over calling you my wife. Nor will I ever get over how ethereal you look right now. God, tonight is genuinely the best night of my entire life. Nothing could ever prepare me for this moment. I hope you had just as a mind blowing day as I did. All I care about is how it was for you.” You stole a kiss from his lips before placing your head against his chest.
“It was perfect. Everything that involves you always turns out perfect. Thank you baby. I will never forget this day or how beautiful and loved you’ve made me feel. Now, as much as I love this dress and how I really want to make the most of tonight, I think it’s time you take it off of me. You’re not the only one who was suffering tonight babe. You look so damn sexy--”
“Yup, we’re going upstairs. I don’t even care if anyone picks up on what we’re going to do. I need you right now. Come on baby, it’s our first time making love as a married couple, we have no time to waste. Fuck, I can’t wait to have my way with you. I need you to know what your vows did to my heart--and my cock,”
Both BamBam and your husband were right; it came as no shock to you less than three weeks after your honeymoon when you found yourself hovering over the toilet, throwing up anything you consumed the night before. You assumed that it might have been food poisoning; Mark had a tendency to leave perishable food out for a while without telling you, so you just assumed that maybe the pasta he bought for you could have been spoiled. However, the nausea and sickness went on for the rest of that week and it only ever happened in the morning.
The two of you relished in your marriage every single day on your honeymoon. The day after your wedding, you headed over to the airport to prepare for your flight to Europe. You and Mark had a hard time deciding on where to spend your honeymoon. He wanted to go to Hawaii, and you wanted to go to Greece. You don’t remember how you both agreed on Italy, but you ended up really liking it.
In the morning, you would explore Italy and all of the beautiful architecture and delicious food the city had to offer. Once you arrived back in to your hotel room, neither of you could keep your hands off of each other. It’s as if getting married only caused the lust you had for each other to grow deeper. You went at it like rabbits--going rounds and rounds and only tapping out when you were both exhausted beyond belief.
You never kept track of your periods before; since you were on birth control, your period was very irregular. It came two to three times a month and then there were months that you didn’t even get your monthly gift. But you realized that it’s been quite some time since Mark went to the store and purchased you pads and a quart of ice cream.
It didn’t take you long to realize that there was a big possibility that you were pregnant. You didn’t want to tell your husband of your suspicions just yet; you didn’t want to get him too excited. Mark has been asking you to try for a baby the entirety of your honeymoon. You were just as excited to start having children as he adamantly was, but you wanted to graduate from college first before taking that huge step in your marriage. Plus, you wanted to enjoy married life even just for a couple of months before getting pregnant.
Pregnancy was a beautiful experience; this you knew was true from what you’ve heard from your mom, Tammy and Mark’s mom, but it was also very tiring, physically and mentally. Your body would change completely in the nine months of your pregnancy and you didn’t want your child to feel the stress you received from college while they were in your belly. You were also afraid of postpartum depression--the last thing you needed was to be afraid of hurting your baby before you could even really get the chance to spend time with them.
When Mark was away at work, you decided to head over to the grocery store and grab a few things; laundry detergent, grilled chicken, shampoo, conditioner, hangers and a couple of pregnancy tests. You ended up purchasing three; wanting to make sure your suspicions were true. A part of you was completely over the moon; sure, you weren’t quite ready to have a baby just yet, but if you were pregnant, you weren’t going to be too upset. In fact, the more Mark brought up starting a family, you found yourself wanting to give in to him.
Once you got home, you placed the groceries on the counter and made your way in to the guest bathroom; not wanting to wait another moment before finding out the news that could soon change your and your husband’s life forever. You peed on all three tests and placed them all on the counter. Waiting three minutes to hear the beep felt like hours. You began pacing back and forth across of the bathroom, wanting nothing more than to hurry up and get the results before you grew impatient. Finally, after a few moments, all three tests sounded off and as soon as you flipped all three over, you covered your mouth out of habit.
All three tests were positive. You were pregnant.
The smile that quickly rose on your face felt so natural. You were going to be a mother and Mark was going to be a father. It was hard to wrap your mind around; there was a fetus growing inside of you. You were going to be responsible for someone else other than your husband and yourself. As much as you were craving to tell Mark of the news, you decided to wait until he got home so you could celebrate together. However, you weren’t sure as to how you should go about with confessing the fact that in less than ten months, a baby that you made out of the intense and passionate love you had for each other would come out in to the world; in to your lives.
Being a very simple person, you placed all three tests on the counter in your bathroom and waited for his reaction to seeing them. Mark came home from work three hours later; you didn’t know what felt longer. Waiting for him to come home, or waiting for the tests to beep. 
“Hey baby. How was your day?” You didn’t want to give anything away, so you just shrugged before placing a soft kiss on his lips.
“It was okay. Better now that you’re here. How was yours?”
“Rough. I don’t really want to talk about it. I’m going to go change and then we can watch a movie or something. Why don’t we order take out? I’m sure you must be tired, so I don’t want you having to worry about anything else.” You nodded at his suggestion and he left a kiss on your forehead before making his way upstairs. You sat down on the couch, patiently waiting for him to finally head in to the bathroom and find the tests. 
After almost ten minutes of sitting in agony, you heard him yell your name and before you could head upstairs, he came running down the steps; almost tripping on the rug. 
“Y/n--baby--is this--are you--” You beamed up at him and nodded vehemently.
“Yes. You and I are going to be parents Mark.” He picked you up and spun you around; it was obvious that he was elated with the news. His excited reaction took a huge weight off of your shoulders, not that you were worried at all. You knew he’d be so joyful hearing that you were pregnant. He began kissing you all over your face; your cheeks, both your eyes, your nose, your chin and finally, your lips.
“Oh my God, I can’t believe it. I’m so excited, me and my favorite person--my person--we’re having a baby. I’m so happy y/n! Shit, nine months though, that seems so far away. I want to meet them now. There’s so much we have to do. We have to start setting up the nursery, we have to call and tell our parents--wait, should we start saving for their college tuition--”
“Mark, we haven’t even started paying our own off. Slow your roll there baby. I know you’re excited, trust me, I was freaking out even when I came to the realization that I might be pregnant. Every time I’d see you with your nieces, I’d always picture how you’d be like with our own kids. You’re already such a wonderful uncle, what more as a father? I’m going to start having to see my gynecologist now and I’m going to warn you, I heard pregnant women can get pretty cranky, but I’ll try my best not to take all my anger and frustration on you.”
He placed one of his hands on the back of your head while running his other one over your stomach. “Ah, there’s a baby in this beautiful tummy of yours. That’s so crazy. I’m sorry babe, I know you’re going to suffer a lot, but don’t you dare for one second think that I’m not going to be here for you. I’m going to do everything you need me to do. You’re hungry for taco bell at 2 in the morning? I’m on it. You have cramps? I’ll make you a heating pad. You have a paper to write but you’re too tired to do it? I got your back. I will attend each and every single appointment that you have. If you think I’m already clingy right now, just wait and see what I’m like now that you’re pregnant. You’ll probably get tired of me, but I don’t care. I’m going to remind you at least ten times a day just how breathtakingly beautiful you are every single day and how thankful I am that you’re carrying our baby in your tummy. I know the process is going to be extremely exhausting and I want you to know that I wish I could carry the burden for you, I hate seeing you in pain. But you’ll never be alone in this you hear me? God, I’m so, so excited. I love you so much y/n. I don’t think I could ever tell you in words just how much. Words will never be enough. I can’t wait to start this journey with you. This is only the beginning for us baby.”
5 Years Later
“We’re home! Zachary? Mark? Babe where are you?”
You waddled in to your house with your eldest daughter Mia skipping blissfully right in front of you. The two of you had just returned from her parent teacher conference and to your surprise; it actually went really well—not that you expected otherwise.
The first thing she wanted to do as soon as her teacher told her that she was one of the top 3 students in her class, was to tell her daddy of the good news. From the time she was born, she and your husband were magnets; two peas in a pod.
It was obvious with the way Mark spoiled her even before you gave birth to her that she was going to be a daddy’s girl. You knew that she loved you—but it wasn’t as much as she loved Mark. She always chose her daddy in almost every situation; whether it was choosing between what you and Mark wanted to eat for dinner, who was the one to take her to the store, who picked her outfits for school and if you couldn’t agree on a movie, she would go with Mark’s choice.
When you received the notice that parent teacher conferences were coming up, you and Mark playfully argued over who was going to go with Mia. As much as you felt like the two of you should have gone together, one of you had to stay home to take care of your two-year-old son Zachary.
To your delight; Zachary was the definition of a mommy’s boy. In fact, he wasn’t too big a fan of Mark just yet. It did bother your husband seeing as how he wanted Zachary to be his little mini me—all he really desired as a father was to get him involved in sports and to have the young boy play some video games with him once he was able to hold the xbox controller with both hands—but the adorable little toddler refused any kind of affection from his dad nor did he let Mark do anything for him.
You joked around that it was because he saw the way Mark always had to have his hands on you and he took it as his dad trying to harm you or cause trouble towards you. Zachary was extremely protective and territorial whenever it came to you—it was a trait he took from your husband other than being a carbon copy of Mark. Knowing that Mark and Mia got along better, you used that as your excuse to force him to go, but then he counteracted with wanting to bond with your son and attempt to get the little boy to like him.
“Daddy, Zach—where are you guys?”
You placed your bag and keys on the counter and right as you were going to try and call out both their names one more time, Zachary came running naked in to the living room with a bunch of bubbles in his hair from which you assumed was shampoo and the sight made you giggle softly to yourself.
“Hi momma.” You looked down at him with a look of curiosity on your face but you were trying your best to stifle back a laugh.
“Hello my love. Why are you naked? and where’s your daddy—“
“Zach! Get back here bud, you’re not done with your bath—oh—hi—when did you guys get home?”
Mark’s clothes were soaking wet and he didn’t look too happy. He didn’t have to say anything; you knew he must have been helping Zach in the bathtub but the little boy was probably giving him a hard time.
“Mommy, please help me. Daddy doesn’t know what he’s doing—he didn’t put bubbles in the bathtub and he didn’t bring in my sea animals like you always do. He’s so boring mommy.”
You tried your best to lean down to his level; there was an obstruction making it hard for you to move around as much these days, but it wasn’t anything you weren’t used to. You placed a soft kiss on his cute little cheek before cupping his face in between your hands.
“Why don’t you go back in to the bathtub and mommy will be right up okay? I just have to talk to daddy and then I’ll go grab everything you need. How does that sound?” He gave you the most adorable toothless grin before carefully making his way back in to the bathroom. Mark walked over to where you were standing with his head down and shoulders slumped in embarrassment.
“How are you so good at this? That boy worships you and never stops talking about you. I mean—I know I do the exact same so I don’t blame him—but it’s like he hates me. I suck at being a father.”
He pulled you in to his embrace and placed a few kisses on your lips while hiding his face in the crook of your neck. You brought one hand in to his hair; running your fingers through his soft locks ever so gently and bringing your other hand up to his neck in attempts to comfort him. Mark was an extremely sensitive guy; which just so happened to be one of his characteristics that you loved the most about him.
Seeing him cry or show any kind of emotional reaction just proved that he cared and that he had a heart of gold. However, you never thought you would see him so shook up over the thought of his son not liking him.
As a parent, it had to be disheartening to think that one of your children couldn’t care less about you, but you didn’t want it bothering him completely. He’s told you on multiple occasions that he felt as if he was a terrible father and that he didn’t know what else to do to get the little boy to like him—he felt defeated. You made it a habit to remind him on a daily basis that he had to be the best father in the entire world and that both your kids were very lucky to be blessed with him as their dad.
“Hey, you’re doing the best that you can—that’s all that matters. Don’t say things like that—you know that’s not true. You’re the most amazing father and an even more amazing husband—you’re nothing short of perfect Mark. He’ll come around sooner or later baby. We have another one coming out here pretty soon—so maybe things will change once the third baby arrives. I know you’re extremely happy that it’s a girl this time.” He nodded rapidly against your neck before lowering his hands down to your butt and playfully squeezing both cheeks.
“Hmmm, I can’t wait till our second little princess arrives. I miss holding you without this basketball of a baby bump in the way. I also think it’s my turn to be inside of you again, it’s been so long—ouch! What? I’m being serious y/n, I miss making love to you so badly I don’t understand why we can’t—we did many times with your last two pregnancies. Your gynecologist did say that sex is good for the baby—you know what? I think you better go help Zachary before I go against your wishes and take you up against this counter as payback for all these bruises you’ve given me.”
His words sent electricity through your veins. It was true—you told Mark that you didn’t want to be intimate when you reached the end of your second trimester only because you didn’t want to put your baby at risk. This might have been your third pregnancy and you felt confident in the way you handled yourself—but your doctor informed the two of you that your baby was growing in a different way; he told you to be extra careful with how you took care of yourself this time around or else you could be having a c-section when it was time for you to give birth.
Your husband did not take the news lightly; he tried his best to get you to reconsider but then again—he didn’t want to put you nor the baby in a dangerous situation. It wasn’t only the sex that he missed—although, he loved feeling your walls wrap tightly around him and hearing you chant his name like a mantra never failed to drive him to the brink of insanity. He felt as though he did a great job professing his love for you while burying himself balls deep inside of your pussy.
It was also the best stress reliever to come home to after a long day at work—but he was just going to have to be content with fleeting kisses and cuddling until you were completely healed from your pregnancy. He just missed being able to do the things you used to do together that you were no longer able to do since you weren’t physically able to do so.
He missed sitting in between your lap while he played video games, he missed going hiking and swimming with you, he missed getting to do all these fun activities together with you. He just missed you. If you were being honest, it wasn’t only your husband who was suffering though; you craved him—feeling his body pressed up against yours, having him hide his face against your neck while reaching his high—you missed being one with him to the point where you tried to talk yourself in to letting him have his way with you.
You were currently seven and a half months pregnant with your third child and you honestly couldn’t be more happier. Settling down with the man of your dreams—the love of your life—your person, and starting a family one day was all you could ever want for yourself from the time that you were a little girl. Not too long after you first had Mia, Mark practically begged you to start having more kids as soon as possible.
You’d be lying if you said parenthood was easy—it was exhausting and sometimes you felt as though you weren’t cut out to be a mother. There were many sleepless nights for both you and your husband—days where she would cry and neither of you knew the reason. Breastfeeding her wasn’t all that easy either—especially when her teeth began to come in and you both were so scared of hurting her while burping her after she drank milk.
However, you and your husband got the hang of things after a couple of months of the same routine and a lot of advice from both your families. When Zachary was born over two years ago, raising him was a breeze. He also was an easier baby to take care of; he didn’t cry as much as Mia did. All he ever really did was eat, sleep and poop. Now that Mia knew that she was having a younger sister—she was very vocal about helping you and Mark take care of her after you were to take her home from the hospital.
Sometimes you felt as if everything was too good to be true. Not only did you have the most wonderful husband who you were so lucky to have in your life for over twenty years now, but you had the most adorable, caring, creative and crazy little kids who were both very smart for their ages. There were nights where you would look at Mark in adoration while he slept and constantly thanked the higher power that brought the two of you together.
Your life in more or less words was perfect—you couldn’t ask for anything better. You were afraid that one day, you would wake up and see that this was all just a dream—a figment of your imagination. Some dream life that you made up because your reality wasn’t what you wanted it to be—but the more you looked at both your children and at Mark—spending time with them no matter what it was that the four of you were doing, it only made things all the more real. This was your life and you weren’t going to take it for granted.
“Keep your hands to yourself horndog oh—and I’d watch it if I were you. Mia is a very intelligent little girl. I’m sure she’s old enough to understand how babies are made. I can’t even count on my fingers how many times the kids have almost walked in on us having sex. I promise, once Sophia is born, I’m all yours and I will make up for having you wait so long. By the way, our munchkin has something she wants to show you.”
There were times where you and Mark could get lost in your own little worlds and completely forget about your surroundings. It was extremely irresponsible of the two of you and you were both trying to work on it—but that just showed how obsessed you were with each other. Sometimes you would be in the middle of making out in the kitchen and you’d feel a tug against your skirt—breaking you both out of your steamy moment.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love our children with every fiber of my being, but they are the biggest cockblockers—“
“Hey, they’re the product of our love and your failure to keep it in your pants. I don’t blame you though—I’m a sight for sore eyes if I do say so myself.” He playfully rolled his eyes at your sarcasm and stole a quick kiss from the corner of your mouth while walking towards Mia.
“That’s the understatement of the year. You’re so fucking sexy—especially while you’re pregnant. You’re completely lethal. Come on y/n, what about a blow job at least—you’re killing me here. You know, I don’t say this as much as I should, but I just want to say thank you. Actually, I could never thank you enough for blessing me with the most wonderful family and the most beautiful kids. I know I say this a lot—I’ve said it many times in the last two decades but I mean it and I will always mean it for the rest of our lives. You and I were made for each other. We’re way passed soulmates baby—the term soulmates isn’t even enough to describe what you and I are.”
The tears were slowly building up in your eyes and you weren’t exactly sure how he was going to go about with his speech, but if you were already such a mess after only a few sentences, what more when he finished telling you everything he wanted to say? It reminded of you of your bachelorette party when his sister told you the same exact thing and you could feel his words having the same effect on your heart as Tammy’s did at the time.
“I know—we’ve hit a couple of bumps in the road in the duration of our relationship and we went through situations where life wasn’t all that good to us. There were so many things that changed in my life—going away for college—giving up my career in sports to focus on our relationship—having to switch jobs because my first one wasn’t giving me the benefits and pay that they claimed they would; that they said I deserved—I went through so many changes but you were the only thing that stayed constant. People say that home is a house—a roof above your head with windows, doors, bedrooms, bathrooms and a kitchen. I didn’t realize it until I was older and left for college—but a home is so much more than that. A home can be a pair of the most beautiful eyes—arms that make me feel so safe and so loved—a body—such a breathtakingly beautiful and extremely fucking sexy body—kisses that are so addictive—like my own personal drug. I genuinely believe that home is where the heart is—my home is wherever you are. Wait no—you are my home y/n. You’re the only thing that I want to stay the same in my life. It was always you—and it’s always going to be you baby. I meant it on the night I proposed to you—I meant it in my vows and I mean it right now. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me—well, other than our babies, but you—God I was never able to give you a genuine explanation to how much I love you and I don’t think I will ever be able to form the right words that would describe even half of what I feel for you. But I love you—with every breath I take—every beat of my heart—every kiss that we share—every time we relish in our love together—you’ve had my heart from the day you allowed me to take a look at your art. Something so near and dear to you—something you never allowed anyone, not even your family to see. But you let me without hesitation. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for our growing family—which I want ten kids at the least so we better keep popping them out one after the other. Spending the rest of my life with you is all I could ever wish to do.”
You began to playfully punch his chest while the tears streamed down your cheeks and the sobs fell from the back of your throat. When the two of you were younger, Mark wasn’t as much of a man with words as he was with actions. Sure, he never went a day without telling you that he loved you. Even on the days that you two would get in to an argument, he never let you go to sleep without telling you those three magical words. But he preferred to show you that he loved you rather than to say it.
Anyone could tell you that they loved you—but only people who genuinely love you would go through great lengths to show it. However—these days, it seems as though he’s been making you cry on purpose by confessing to you all these heartfelt messages. It didn’t take a lot for you to cry—especially because your hormones were all over the place right now—and every time Mark would explain in detail what you meant to him and how he would be nothing without you—it always elicited tears and ugly crying noises. He always laughed though; he loved seeing the affect his words had on you.
“Shithead. You know what speeches like that do to me. God—I—I love you. That’s all I’m going to say. There’s no point in trying to top your confession. I don’t think it’s even possible. You outshined me on our wedding day and I didn’t even want to read my vows after how beautiful and fervent yours were. But I love you Mark Tuan—I love you—I love you—I love you. You’re my best friend and the owner of my heart. I would go through hell and back for you. You mean the entire world and more to me. Thank you for loving me baby. Thank you for being you. I don’t know what World War I must have fought in my past life—but I would do it again and again if it meant being the lucky person who loves you and is loved by you in each and every single lifetime. Being your wife and the mother of your children is the best job in the world. Damnit you ass, I didn’t want to cry at all today. You know what—I need to have you in any way I possibly can—if you’re a good boy, I’ll suck you dry after we tuck the kids in. Mia baby—show daddy what you got from school so I can go help Zach. I can’t wait to see your reaction.”
He beamed at your offer and let out a muffled moan—but his expression was quick to change once you brought up seeing his reaction. He looked at you in curiosity but you just kept quiet while leaning closer in to his chest. Mia went to grab her backpack and took a seat on the hardwood floor. She had a soft smile on her face; obviously delighted with whatever she was going to show Mark. Once she pulled out the item you were referring to however, she looked at her dad worriedly—in fear of a negative reaction.
“A teddy bear—and some—flowers? Who gave you that? I didn’t know teachers gave away gifts like those—“
“It wasn’t her teacher.” The smirk on your face didn’t make your husband feel all too good. In fact, it gave him an idea of who it could have been from and he immediately clenched his jaw before shaking his head in aggravation.
“Nope. No way. No. Mia baby, you’re going to go back to school tomorrow and give this back to whoever was brave enough to give it to you in the first place.”
Seeing your daughter frown because of Mark’s response tugged on your heartstrings and you were quick to pinch at his bicep in annoyance; earning yourself a piercing glare. “Mark—“
“Let me guess—someone has a crush on our princess. It doesn’t surprise me, I always knew she was going to break some hearts one day, but not this soon. She’s only five y/n—“
“Hey! I was five when I met you. I was also five when I started having feelings for you. I think it’s adorable babe. I’ve seen them interact—Ethan genuinely seems to care about her. It reminds me so much of you and I. Come on Mark—don’t be such a hard ass. I’m sure my dad reacted the same exact way when he found out about you, but that didn’t stop us did it?”
He whined before looking back and forth between you and Mia. You were right—in most situations you were always right and he accepted it. But as of right now, he wanted nothing more than for you to be wrong. You and your daughter looked at each other menacingly—both of you began to pout at him—something you knew would get him to give in. Being Mark’s weaknesses had to be one of the only traits you had in common with Mia. You used it against your husband on multiple occasions and it always worked because he was never able to tell either of you no.
“Mark—she likes him too. Remember how people used to tell the two of us that we had no idea what love was? That we were too young to start dating? Now look at us—we weren’t even old enough to cross the street without an adult let alone start a relationship, but we have a love for the ages. If my parents or even your parents were to tell us back then that we weren’t able to be together—do you really think we would be living out our lives the way we are now?” He shook his head in disagreement before releasing a frustrated sigh.
“No. But y/n, she’s my baby girl. It’s different. I know how young boys are—I was one. I didn’t start having those kind of thoughts of you until we were both in high school—but we weren’t necessarily all that innocent back in middle school. I didn’t even know what sex was but I knew that it wasn’t normal for my penis to get hard whenever we would make out. I don’t want anyone taking advantage of or hurting my baby. I don’t care what happens to me—I’d do anything for you and for our children. Even if that means spending my life behind bars. It actually scares me to think of the lengths I’m willing to go in order to protect you all but I honestly wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.”
No matter how many times you’ve witnessed Mark get all soft for your daughter, it always sent so much warmth to your heart hearing and seeing how much he loved that little girl. As a father, seeing your daughter start taking interest in boys was likely to make your skin crawl. You were sure that even when Mia were to enter her twenties and even her thirties, Mark would have this same reaction. He just didn’t want her growing up so fast so soon. Parents weren’t supposed to have favorites—and it didn’t matter how many kids the two of you ended up having together; Mia was his first baby and she would always have a special place in his heart.
“Fine—whatever. I give up! You win! You always win because I can never say no to you. I want to meet this boy tomorrow. I’ll take Mia to school. I want his name, address, date of birth—“
“Social security number, blood type—“
“Both his parent’s names, where they work—“
“Mark Yi-En Tuan, I know I just confessed my love for you—but I am willing to take back my words—“
“You wouldn’t dare. You’re stuck with me forever you beautiful pain in my ass. I get it—you and I started our love story very at a very young age, but that doesn’t mean I approve of our children doing the same. I’ll think about it—if Mia’s happy, I guess I’ll have to learn to accept it. But don’t think I’m going to let this slide—I’m adding this on to you owing me orally which—you promised to blow me off once the kids go to sleep tonight so get that cute little butt of yours in the bathroom and help Zach with his bath so you can finally help me with the problem you caused in my pants.”
This earned your husband a lighthearted eye roll and a not so gentle shove against his rib cage. Right as he was going to retaliate, Mia came running over to the two of you and motioned for Mark to pick her up. He lifted her up without a struggle; like she was as light as a feather and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.
“Daddy, my teacher says I’m one of the top three students in her class!” He beamed at her excitement before spinning her around in elation—your daughter’s laughter filled the kitchen as she gently hit at his chest to put her down.
“Good job baby girl! I’m so proud of you! You’re such a smart kid, you get that from daddy—ow! You get your sassiness and abuse from your mom. Why don’t you and I go get some ice cream as a reward? Don’t worry babe—I won’t forget to get you some. Since you ended up eating almost all of mine the last time, I’ll purchase an entire quart for you this time—Mia let’s get out of here before daddy faces any more of mommy’s wrath and not in the way that I would prefer.” Mark pulled you against his chest and placed a couple of sloppy kisses on your mouth before picking up your daughter and walking towards the door.
“Hey daddy, mommy said to ask you about how the two of you met.”
A smile crept on your face as you heard of her question and began to hastily walk down the hall. Mia was still kind of young to understand the concept of love and relationships—but then again, so were you when you met Mark. Love had no age.
She began to ask you questions in the car about how old you were when you were introduced to her father and you took that opportunity to have Mark explain it for you. You honestly didn’t know how to bring the subject up to her without having her asking why it was wrong for her to like someone at her age. Since Mark was the one who didn’t seem all too fond of the idea—you were going to make it his responsibility to tell her of your love story.
“Oh—um—well, you see—your mom and I—we met back in—well—uh—babe, did you maybe want to help me out with this?” Your laughter echoed throughout the hallway at the nervous intonation in his voice. It was obvious he too had no idea how to go about responding to such a difficult question and the thought made you chuckle.
“That’s all you my love. I need to go help Zachary. Good luck! Drive safely and don’t come back without my ice cream! I love you!”
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nelliebrookstone · 3 years
( BRIANNE HOWEY, 29, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER ) * hey, i’m looking for the office of ELEANOR ‘NELL’ BROOKSTONE. they’re the EMPLOYEE who’s known around the office as THE BURN BOOK, if that helps ? not to be a gossip, but i’ve heard that they’re SUPPORTIVE but PETTY, is that true ? i also heard that they’re the one who CRIED IN THE BATHROOM BECAUSE SOMEONE TOOK HER YOGURT. anyways, here’s the coffee they ordered.
Greetings Earthlings, my name is Asha I am simply a fellow human from planet earth looking to hang out with my cool friends at the Build-A-Bear. I’m excited to be here! I have more information on Eleanor (nellie if you know here, nell if you don’t) below the cut! If you give this a lil like I’ll slide into your exclusive tumblr DMs to plot! 
So, who is Nell? Well let me tell you. As far as most people know, Nell is a former Masters Model turned Head of Talent Management for models. She’s a mix of sweet Alabama charm and scary dead smile energy, and she always has a compact for you to borrow in her purse. Most people know she always has a perfect french manicure and knows most people by first name. You might also know she recently divorced Parker and is no longer using his last name, please do not call her Mrs. Carson she’ll cry in the bathroom and then leave you a bad yelp review. You’re not even on yelp, you say? She’ll make one for you and then leave a bad review. 
But like a curated Insta, this ain’t it folks. So buckle up. (I say this dramatically but tbh she has had a pretty stable life)
Nellie grew up in a smallish town in Alabama. If you ask her, it wasn’t small at all. But it certainly was compared to large city centers, and definitely compared to New York. It was the kind of town where everyone knew your business, and Nellie had a lot of business. 
She was a teen queen! Head cheerleader, student president, shining volunteer of the county and Lady Alabama of 2010 (not to be confused with Miss Alabama, but if you ask her it’s basically the same thing). She was very involved in her community and her parents were well known in the area for their construction company. Everyone loved her that she was like the golden child of the town.
It was a great, privileged life! Her parents got married young, had a bunch of kids, and had the means to care for them! Her parents also have a very genuine love story, still passionate about each other years later. She and her sisters (all five of them) have always wanted a life like their parents’. 
The one difference between her and her parents remained her desire to roam and see the world. She wanted to travel, or at least live in a place where she could meet new people from new places. Moving to New York seemed like a great place to get some experience, though if you ask her mother she probably got the idea from some dumb TV show. She did. It was a lot of shows. And a lot of movies. There were a ton of romantic comedies that TRULY shaped this desire. 
she started sending in applications to various schools in New York. She was an honor list student with a lot of extra-circulars and passion to be at these places that shown through on all her apps. She got many a rejection, the one from Columbia was the hardest. It was the worst thing that ever happened to her at the time, so you can imagine how her life must have been. 
She DID get accepted to NYU for Public Relations! CHEERS ALL AROUND! She was so excited. She was gonna see the world and be a big city bitch 10/10. In college, she was quickly involved in everything from various clubs, to sorority, to trying to get involved with the community. It didn’t work out as well. New York was just such a different town...in that it was...big. And she wasn’t used to that. 
But she did meet a funky guy named Parker Carson! And they fell in love! And here is a short synopsis of their relationship: 
they met at a department store. Parker looked a little lost in the dress shirt area so she helped him pick out an outfit and the rest was, as they say, history. 
they had a great relationship at first, full of love and passion and fun times. he had a pokemon tattoo, she used to play pokemon snap. what a team! 
but really, they had a great time together...which led them to get married real early. In fact, for Nell, this was even a little late. She thought she’d be married with kids by 23. 
a lot of little things led to their downfall, but it can be boiled down to not fully understanding what it takes to live with another person who doesn’t mesh with your lifestyle. A big issue for Nell was kids. She wanted them, right then and there. He didn’t! No one’s fault, but it seemed to be a block they couldn’t get over. 
they’re divorced now. it’s fresh. she’s got a lot of conflicts about it. She cannot believe she is divorced before 30. she cannot believe she doesn’t have kids by now. She is under the impression she’s run out of time for everything, which is not true at all but it’s how she feels. She’s none too fond of the man at the moment. 
But listen! Nellie is a fun girl! She’s got a lot of ~zest~ for life and likes to do new things and try new places. She’s also just as comfortable spending the day at home on the couch with everything she needs within arms reach. She seems like someone who would be into partying but that’s really not her scene. She’s a brunch girl, a drive-thru movie theater girl, and an all-day 90 day fiance girl. She has an addiction to cherry cokes and always misses her stop on the subway because she gets distracted listening to her music and zoning out. She cries a lot during sad AND happy movies and can’t eat pork because she once knew a pig named Babe (no relation to the famous babe). Her favorite animal is the octopus and she volunteers with the homeless shelter every weekend. 
All of this doesn’t really come across in her work persona. She always seems like she’s extremely put together and very good at what she does. She’s quick, snappy, and not afraid to speak her mind. She’s a master at the backhanded compliment and is the master of the delayed burn (you won’t know you’ve been roasted until she’s down the hallway). She has a very charming way of speaking with a thick southern accent and tons of sayings that no one knows the meaning of, but sometimes that Nice Southern Girl smile comes out and you know she would be stabbing you if such an act were socially acceptable. Despite this, Nellie doesn’t think she’s a mean person. 
But I’m sure there are MANY people who think she is. Because...sometimes she is! No one is perfect, and she definitely has a reputation of being a major pain in the ass if you’re on her bad side. Nell remembers EVERY slight against her. Oh, she remembers when you commented on the amount of emails she sends. She remembers when you mentioned that you thought her font type was a little too bold. She remembers it all...and stores it in her mental burn book. 
This also happens often because she is...pretty sensitive. And because she’s going through a divorce, which is NOT what she had planned for in life, she’s like a stubbed toe away from a full cry every day. She’s started to invest in waterproof mascara but it’s not working out. She really DID cry in the bathroom over her yogurt. She also came back the next day and wrote a VERY angry letter on the fridge titled ‘to the person who likes to take things that don’t belong to them, I hope your mother knows she raised a THIEF.’
As petty as she can be, she’s also a great person to have in your corner. If you’re a friend, she will fight for you to the end. She’s very loyal and will often drop whatever she’s doing if you need her. She can be very generous, no expenses spared to lift up someone she loves. If you’re a friend of hers, she’s a great friend. The kind you can call at 2 am when she’s dead asleep and she’ll still come help you move out of your shitty ex’s apartment. 
Basically, Nell is a whole lot of things. Not all of them are great. But she likes to think of herself as a good person that cares about other people. She generally is! She’s also fairly good at having heart to heart conversations, and isn’t afraid to own her mistakes if she’s not still upset about the issue. But she’ll also try to ruin your career if you steal her yogurt. Fun! 
I’ll add more as I think of it, but for now I’m here for all the plots. Best friends, enemies, the person who caught her crying in the bathroom, the person who caught her angrily scribbling her name on all her yogurt, you name it! 
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Sweet Dreams
The Clarkes (The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope) & Child!Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: Domestic (Family) Fluff
Summary: When little Y/N is finally given a home by the Clarkes family, she’s rightfully very shy and apprehensive as any toddler would be when surrounded by strangers and finding herself in a new surrounding. Luckily, all the members of the Clarke family are nothing short of sweet and welcoming towards her, getting her warmed up to her new life almost instantly.
Happy birthday, @artlovingbre! I hope this reaches you in time despite the time difference and whatnot but anyhow - I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy the best birthday you’ve had yet. Thank you for giving me the honor of writing this sweet and adorable fanfic as a gift for your birthday. I hope the final product lives up to your expectations. Once again, happy birthday! Enjoy your special day and this fanfic I’ve written you! Lots of love, Vy ❤
Safely strapped into the car seat with a seatbelt, the five-year-old Y/N fidgets with her hands resting in her lap, too shy to look up. Her reaction to the sudden change is completely understandable. In fact, the woman running the foster home mentioned that Y/N had handled the news of being adopted much better than other kids had in the past. The woman - Mrs. Jones - mentioned to James and Anne on several occasions how special of a girl Y/N is. Wise beyond her years and with a heart of gold, she had said the second Anne pointed the little girl out to James when they had gone to the foster home for the first time. Despite being quiet and reserved when she was sat down with James and Anne so she could meet them, the married couple already knew the little girl was the one they’d want to adopt into their family. Sure, she did come across as shy at the start, but having observed her as she played with the other kids, smiling and giggling like the children her age, Anne and James knew she was a wonderful girl. Truly, a heart of gold.
James is in the driver’s seat, a lot happier than he’s letting on. The idea of adopting another child was entirely Anne’s. After they had adopted Megan, he had never once thought about adopting another child into their already buzzing beehive of a household. Four kids, all at different ages and stages, it could get pretty exhausting and frustrating, especially when the older ones - Tanya and Dennis, to be more specific - would yell at each other from across the house. With these images in mind, James was very opposed to the idea, though he was aware that he’d cave eventually. He could only deny his wife’s wishes for so long but when she brought up the argument of Megan feeling lonely, that’s when she had him in the palm of her hand.
Anne, James’ loving wife is sitting beside the newest addition to the Clarke family in the backseat of their car as they get closer and closer to the house where their four curious children are awaiting to meet their youngest sibling. Anne had been looking at their family as it was - chaotic, dysfunctional even at times with the disagreements and argument among their four kids. Her and her husband had been hoping they’d grow out of this fighting phase and grow to be a lot more tolerant of one another, but the case seemed to be completely opposite. And the more time passed, the more the older kids would argue amongst themselves and occasionally pick on the youngest Megan. It goes without saying that they all love each other dearly, however they love getting on each other’s nerves just as much. Seeing no other way to put her family in balance and seeing her youngest daughter constantly left to the side, ignoring the arguing of her siblings, Anne had made the decision to incorporate a new addition to the family and she was determined to get over any obstacle to make it happen - the only obstacle being her husband and his will which was easily overpowered by her persistence.
The couple couldn’t have possibly chosen a better, sweeter, smarter child. The little girl, in their eyes, is a lot like Anthony and Tanya. Despite her age being closer to Megan’s, the two girls appear to have nothing in common except the childish excitement and goodness of their hearts and their friendliness. With that in mind, James and Anne know the girls would get on just fine. In fact, they know for certain that Y/N will be welcomed and accepted into the family no problem. The only member that worried them and the only one they seriously sat down to give a pep-talk to was Dennis but even he was offended because his parents felt the need to sit him down and instruct him on how to behave. Main reason for that was the fact that he too was just excited to meet his new little sister as was everyone. Of course, he never showed it or expressed it, but deep down he could barely wait for this day to come. He even supported Anthony and Tanya’s argument that they should come along to pick the girl up from the foster home - an argument that was inevitably turned down by James.
“You want to scare the girl before she even comes to our house? I won’t allow it.“ He said, mush to the disappointment of the aforementioned young adults.
In the meantime, as the car glides over the street only three streets away from the Clarkes’ house, all Y/N can do is wonder; think and rethink every possibility of what’s to come. No matter how many adults say she’s such a grown and mature kid, they have no idea what’s going on in her head. Just because she doesn’t go to confine in an adult about the monster under her bed or the one in her closet doesn’t mean she doesn’t fear those monsters. She does, but she’s never wanted to bother anyone else. Her main fear, however, was that haunting sound of the wind howling throughout the old house of Mrs. Jones. The eerie noises produced by the gusts of wind peeking in through the cracks and holes in the walls and around the door and window frames. Those sounds kept her up at night from the very first time she had to sleep in that small room she shared with another girl her age. She never outgrew that fear and on the autumn and nights she barely slept a wink. Now, she hopes she’ll finally be absorbed by the sweet slumber, confined in a warm bed with people that she can call family an arm’s reach away.
Pulling up to the house, Y/N finally looks up, eyes twinkling curiously as she looks up at the modest house standing tall above the vehicle her and her new parents are sitting in at the moment. Looking to the side, she finds Anne’s warm, caring gaze on her, accompanied by a small smile of genuine adoration.
“Here we are.“ James announces, unbuckling his seatbelt with a mildly trembling hand, “Let’s quickly head inside, the kids are probably lining the windows with excitement.“
And that they are. Tanya, Anthony and Megan are all aligned by the living room windows, staring at the vehicle expectantly, waiting to see their sister for the first time. Little do they know, Dennis is doing the exact same thing but by the kitchen window. He’s just as curious, but once again, not as willing to show it.
With her hand held in Anne’s, Y/N steps out of the car, finally getting a good look at the house she’ll be calling home from now on. There’s almost zero hesitation in the steps she takes towards the front door which opens before anyone even gets the chance to place their hand on the doorknob.
Light pours out of the brightly lit hallway out onto the porch, illuminating the married couple and the little girl standing in the slowly falling night.
“Welcome home.“ Anthony is the first one who greets them, more specifically Y/N, while Megan is restlessly shifting from one foot to the other, eager to run up to her new sister, six years her junior, and give her a hug. Tanya’s hold on her shoulders is the only thing preventing her from doing so.
The welcome wagon of three steps aside, allowing James, Anne and Y/N to walk in just as Dennis emerges from the kitchen, his gaze immediately seeking out the youngest member standing in the hallway.
“Y/N, these are your older siblings.” Anne says, motioning to the older kids aligned in front of her, simultaneously flashing them a warning look, “Why don’t you all welcome your sister while I get dinner ready?”
“I’ll help you.“ James chimes in, accompanying Anne in the intention of heading into the kitchen, allowing the kids to give a welcome to Y/N on their own. Though somewhat risky, they are hoping for the best outcome from their first interaction.
As the married couple walks away, the group leads Y/N into the living room where the girl, while still rather shy, finds herself feeling at home and comfortable. She’s curious above all else, though. Looking at the unfamiliar faces, all she wants is to learn more about them.
The one to break the introduction ice is Tanya. She crouches down so she’s at eye level with Y/N and gives her a warm smile. “Hi, Y/N. My name’s Tanya. I’m your older sister. It’s really nice to meet you.“
Surprising the older girl, Y/N steps forward and gives her a hug, opposing her shy and hesitant appearance. “Nice to meet you too.” She whispers before pulling away and looking around at the faces she still doesn’t have names to connect to.   It doesn’t remain that way for long though - Megan, excited that she’s finally able to give her sister a hug, doesn’t hesitate to take the opportunity.
“Hi, I’m Megan! We’ll be sharing a room together! You’re gonna love it! I have a lot of toys we can share too!“ Not bothering to hide her enthusiasm, Megan approaches Y/N grinning at the younger girl who smiles right back at her.
“Do you have stuffed animals? Mine will come tomorrow, but I can’t sleep without them.“ She says timidly, embarrassed by the confession.
“Of course!“ Megan squeals, “You can have them all if you want!“
Anthony is next to introduce himself, earning himself a hug also. However, when Dennis’ turn arrives, he’s rather hesitant on how to approach the situation. He’s not used to these interactions nor is he known for being very nice or welcoming and the last thing he wants is to scare or upset the little girl, leaving her with a bad impression of him.
“And that’s Dennis.“ Tanya says, shooting him a glare as a silent ‘be nice!‘ before changing her expression entirely, giving a Y/N a sweet smile. 
While Dennis remains still as a statue, death-glaring his older sister, Y/N takes a step towards him, offering a shy ‘Hi’ while avoiding eye-contact before giving him a hug too. Stunned and with a breath that has caught somewhere between his lungs and his throat, Dennis wraps his arms around the small girl as if on autopilot. Huffing out the quietest and most reluctant, “Nice to meet you, sis.”
James and Anne pick that exact moment to walk in with the intention of inviting their kids into the dining room where James has already set the table for dinner. They stop mid-step however when they see the scene in front of them - Dennis carefully - and fearfully - hugging his five-year-old sister as though she’s either a porcelain doll he’s afraid to break or an otherworldly being he’s never laid eyes upon before. The parents are debating between laughing and melting at the sight, simultaneously relieved at how well the newest addition to their family has been accepted by the rest of the members. Looking at Anthony and Tanya confirms that the two are thinking the same.
“Come on kids, dinner’s ready.” James announces, wrapping his arm around his emotional and teary-eyed wife’s shoulders, pulling her closer as a non-verbal way of reassuring her he feels the same way as she does.
To the surprise of everyone in the room, instead of letting go of the little girl, Dennis lifts her up into his arms as though she weighs as much as a feather, causing her to yelp and giggle.
“Bet you can’t make it there before Y/N and I can.” He exclaims, dashing past everyone and towards the dining room with the child giggling and squealing in his firm embrace.
If there was any shred of doubt left in James or Anne’s minds, it has now been erased and replaced with ease and joy they have been longing to feel since the moment they picked Y/N up from the foster home.
                                                            *  *  *
Following dinner, Megan and Tanya set up Y/N’s bed with the colorful sheets, pillow and blankets they had bought earlier that week. Megan didn’t forget to lay out a bunch of stuffed animals as well, remembering what Y/N had mentioned about those toys earlier. Meanwhile, Anthony and Dennis were giving Y/N a tour of the ground floor - or at least tried to. Y/N’s attention was immediately stolen by the box containing Dennis’ vinyl records and - much to Anthony’s surprise - he actually let her look through them and examine each and every record without giving her any warning or instructions when it came to how she held, picked up or put down his most prized possessions.
Being the youngest and also exhausted after such a busy day, Y/N was the first one to start yawning while the family sat watching TV in the living room. Anne and James were quick to react, taking the little girl up to the room she’s sharing with Megan. Tucking Y/N in with James’ storytelling filling her ears, Anne couldn’t suppress the pleasant feeling of joy and fulfillment. She plants a loving kiss on the little girl’s forehead just as James closes the story book and sets it on the bedside table, getting up quietly as to now awaken the already asleep kid. With one exchanged look they know exactly what the other’s feeling - shimmering eyes, glowing with fulfillment, genuine smiles, allowing their fondness to shine through. The two exit the room, allowing only the night light to stay one and leaving the door open a crack as a reminder that they are nearby. That she’s not alone. That she has no reason to be scared if she wakes up in the middle of the night.
But she won’t because for the first time the little girl is sleeping as peacefully as a child should be. Not at all bothered by the sound of any winds or thoughts of any monsters that might be lurking in the dark. She’s safe and sound, dreaming sweet dreams in her new loving home.
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greekgrad07 · 3 years
favorite things about your mutuals? its positivity hour, go!
it would be a fucking honor 😭 i tried to get all my mutuals this time but i’m sure i forgot people. i’m sorry if i did pls don’t hate me 🥺
this is in no particular order btw
marisa (@skaterbeth): my fellow short asthmatic <3 i love you bruh 😭 i remember being nervous to message you at first bc i thought you would find me annoying. now look at us 😌 i can message you without fear bc i know you find me annoying 🤍you’re so talented and beautiful and incredible. i love your enthusiasm and you’re so funny. every time i get a notification that you’ve sent me a meme on instagram i get excited (and idk how but there’s one almost every morning when i wake up. i’m not complaining though)
erica (@skateryue): MY TWIN ILY 🤍🤍🤍 i forgot to tell you this but i took a which female atla character are you quiz and i got yue and thought of you <3 you’re so sweet and supportive and deserve all the love! i’m glad our mutual love of the parent trap, our mbti types, and how we’re both jeff goldblum brought us together lol. the vibes are immaculate 😌
adi (@bitcheusjackson): adi you are so smart. THE TAGS I LEAVE FOR YOU ARE WELL DESERVED! you’re such a good writer and your love of musicals is so cute! i also love getting to be an annabeth simp with you (as we all should). you’re also a talented artist! i know you don’t post a lot of your art but when you do i’m always blown away <3<3<3
fátima (@deepestempathllamalawyer): my adopted child 😌 i love you sm 🥺 you’re so sweet- like seriously, i appreciate every self help posted you tag me in and every cute animals post as well. i absolutely love seeing you in my notifications! you’re also the reason i became a malconnor shipper to thank you 😭🤍 (also i still have no idea wtf your url means but at this point i’m too afraid to ask)
ashna (@silenabeth): fun fact, you were the first “big” pjo blog that followed me and i absolutely lost my shit so there’s that <3 you’re such a talented writer and editor bruh i don’t tell you that enough. also, the queen who brought us connabeth i will forever stan 🤩 you’re so funny and one of the most supportive people ever <3<3<3 (also love all of your call out posts about marisa 😌)
sarah (@perseusjackkson): i told you that you were too cool to be following me and i stand by that. you’re so chill and funny, i vibe with you sm. really, your blog is full of so many different fandom and i vibe with almost all of it. you really made your blog for the people <3 i love reading your tags on the things you repost bc they are usually hilarious. also, i couldn’t be more supportive of your engagement to my twin 🤍
regina (@bisexualzia): regina you’re so sweet and genuine and funny and the fact that you associate me with cookies still makes me 🥰 and idk why. your tag has 🔥 by it and i told you it’s bc of ouat. idk if you get that but it’s my favorite show and one of my favorite characters is named regina so <3 also i’m glad there is someone else that can agree suki is superior 😌
zitz (@four-names): another reason why i ship malconnor <3 lol you send the most random asks and they always make my day! and your tags are everything btw stop hiding them 😂 you’re not afraid to speak your mind and you’re a very genuine person :)
drew (@cubanpercyj): you are so caring and passionate! i love your replies and tags to my posts and i’m glad we agree that percy can’t swim lol. you’re super chill and i vibe with you very much. and i’m sure you’ve heard this a lot but i love your aesthetic. the water header is so pretty <3
kayra (@awkwardteenwriter): you are so sweet! and YES ofc you have a tag bruh. i remember when i first tagged you in a post and you said that it made you happy aljdkhagf i tag you in like everything now i’m sure it gets annoying. you’re one of the most caring people ever though! one of our first interactions was you sending me a virtual hug during a hard time for me and i’ll always be thankful for that 🥺🤍
jaina (@jainadurron): you are so nice. every interaction we’ve had has been nothing but absolutely lovely and i’m glad that you joined the pjo fandom! you like almost all of my posts and i love seeing you in my notifications. also! i forgot to tell you your new avatar is so cute 🥺
haania (@padfootno): i love you and i’m sorry the fic isn’t out yet pls don’t hate me 😭 you’re literally the sweetest and most helpful person ever! i’m so thankful for your help on writing hijabi silena and ever since you’ve been so nice! i also love when you tag me in posts :)
@perca-beths: you give me such good vibes idek how to describe it. also, you’re insanely talented! i found your fic on a03 and when i realized it was you who wrote it i was blown away. anyways you’re awesome and i can’t wait for your next update :)
@percabethica: again, YES you have a tag 😂 you’re so nice! i remember i asked to be on your taglist for your fic and you were so kind. speaking of your fic, i loved it i loved it i loved it! you’re incredibly talented. i always end up seeing your reblogs from me on my dash before seeing it in my notifications and there’s always a second after i notice it where i’m like “omg that’s me. i posted/reblogged something she liked.” also your aesthetic is so pretty, i love it
gray (@bbyannabeth): idk why you’re following me. what do i have to offer? when i tell you i binged your masterlist after you posted it i’m not kidding. you’re so talented and seem so chill. also i just saw that you posted a new fic and bruh, i’m about to create a reblog that has so many tags
@ohmydamgods: i’m not above admitting that i’ve stalked your instagram. your posts are so fucking funny and so are you! i also see people posting your textposts on instagram and i’m always like “*gasp* does she know?” and then i see you’ve commented and it’s all good 😂 also you’re so nice :)
@mydramaticflare: YOU ARE SO TALENTED! when you comment on my fic there’s no time to unpack all of that i lost my shit bc your fic Quiet Moments inspired me to write a percabeth sleepover fic in the first place. also you seem so sweet and you show up in my notifications a lot :)
brin (@skatersuki): first of all, suki supremacy <3, secondly, you’re so smart like wtf. every time you go off about photokinesis and all that i’m like 😐😣😐 also every time i see the book circe by madeline miller i think of you bc you’re the first person who i have seen recommend it
teriza (@wasithard): we haven’t really interacted but we have a lot of the same mutuals so i know you’re cool. lol fr though you do seem very nice and fun and chaotic in the very best way, plus you’re blog is awesome
kayla (@eggplant-avenger): hi kayla :) we met through the connabeth agenda and you are super chill. also i hope that you know whenever i read your tag i hear chris mccarrell’s voice singing ‘being a half-blood, it’s scary, it mostly gets you killed in very nasty ways’
charlotte (@sonofsallyjackson): you are the most supportive person ever. every time i read one of your comments on my fics, my heart swells. you’re too kind for this world <3
taylor (@saltyypercy): another one of my connabeth friends 🤩 speaking of connabeth, your memes are everything! you’re hilarious and your content is awesome
@getwokescullyy: you are such a talented writer!! and you’re so nice and supportive! :) we also have a lot of the same hc’s for post canon percabeth 😌 super excited for your next update btw!
olivia (@thegraystreaks): you are so talented idk why you’re following me. it had to of been a mistake. if, so pls don’t leave 🥺 you’re such a supportive person and seeing you and liz interact is so funny. fr i love your writing sm and i’m obsessed with your url 🤩
aya (@percasbeths): again, WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME? seriously i have some of the most talented writers following me and idk why but i’m not complaining. all of your au’s are beautiful and i’m always blown away <3
@judoflipped: you introduced me to Apartment 305 so i’m pretty sure i owe you a kidney or something now lol. fr though you were so nice to me during our first interaction <3 you’re so sweet and you seem super chill
emma (@jasongrape): first a foremost, a superior url. you’re posts are hilarious, especially the ones of you and ash going back and forth lol.
@clr-stan: we haven’t interacted much but your posts are so good!! and you seem super sweet :) also, you’re right. if the pjo movies weren’t based on the books i would have been invested
@writinglettersaddressedtothefire: i’m pretty sure you’re also a mutual of fátima’s which makes you awesome. plus your writing is so good! also i see that you’re having a great time with taylor’s new album coming out so i’m glad you seem to be doing good 😂
lexi (@multifandom-420): one of the other three malconnor shippers on this cite 😭 you seem so sweet and your posts are top tier
@esistkeinponyhof: you are literally always in my notifications and it’s so fun lol. we’ve never really interacted but i’m glad that you like my blog :) also you’re a fellow directioner which is amazing 😌
@himbolin420: how does it feel to have a canon url? apart of the bolin defense squad and connabeth nation? we have no choice but to stan <3 i remember you kept a count for all of your mutuals when i first followed you and i thought that was absolutely precious lol
@twilight-hours: you’re in my notifications a lot and i'm not complaining. lol you always reblog the funniest stuff and i love seeing it on my dash. i know we haven't really interacted but i know we would vibe 
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cinnamon-roll-seth · 4 years
Happy Medium (Part Two) || Rafe Cameron x Maybank!Reader
Part One
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Request: hi! um this is oddly specific but i had this idea so... can you possibly do an imagine where rafe and the reader are dating and rafe is like super super sweet (and she makes him a better person🥺), but the reader is also jjs sister and he gets really mad when he finds out about the relationship bc he is really protective of her, but at a party or something a touron messes with the reader and rafe sticks up for her so jj starts to come around to the idea of their relationship
“Babe come on. It’s your birthday, you have to have a party!” Rafe pleaded, pacing around his room as you laid on his bed reading some fashion magazine Sarah had given you.
“No I don’t. Lots of people don’t have parties on their birthdays.”
“Y/N you’ve had a party for your birthday every single year since like forever. It’s how I had your birthday memorized even before we started dating.”
“Yeah and no offense but most of those parties ended up getting ruined by kooks. Besides, it’s not like JJ or any of my friends will even be there so what’s the point.”
“But the kooks wouldn’t be there to ruin it this time. Please, just let me throw you a fun party for your birthday. It’ll take your mind off everything that’s been going on. You can get wasted off your ass and I’ll stay sober to take care of you.”
“Promise?” You ask, looking up from the magazine.
“Promise,” He grins.
“Fine. But I require fruity drinks that are going to taste like pure sugar but still get me fucked up after like five sips. Beer is getting really old.”
“Of course. Anything for you Sunshine. Hey I gotta go meet up with Topper and Kelce about something. I’ll be back in an hour, you good to stay here?”
“Yeah. Rose was gonna teach me how to make some Greek meal that she learned how to make when she visited there, since I’m always saying I want to go.”
“Alright well, have fun. I’ll see you in a bit,” He leans down to plant a kiss on your forehead before disappearing out his bedroom door.
“Oh hell no,” JJ growls, seeing Rafe standing on the porch in front of him.
“Wait,” Rafe sticks his foot out and stops him from closing the door, “Please JJ, it’s important.”
“What the hell do you want? I thought I made it clear that I don’t want you hear. Leave.”
“Y/N‘s birthday is in two days. I’m throwing a party and I want you and the other three to come. She’s been having a really tough time these past couple weeks and I know she’d be happy if you guys came.”
“A party at your kook house surrounded by other kooks, yeah not interested. Didn’t think Y/N would ever be interested either but I guess you got your claws deeper than I thought. I trust you’ll tell her happy birthday from me?”
“Okay dude, what is your goddamn problem? I get it, you don’t like me, but Y/N is your sister. You’re supposed to be there for her but no. Instead of supporting her and being happy that she’s happy you and your friends have all been complete assholes towards her. You guys have cut off all contact and have completely alienated her because you all have too much pride and hatred for kooks to accept that she’s in a relationship with one. I’ve sat and watched for two goddamn weeks as she’s been borderline depressed, struggling with the fact that you all have disowned her. You know you guys think we’re the bad guys but you have stooped so low as to treat one of your own like complete shit simply because she fell in love with one of us. This isn’t fucking Romeo and Juliet, get over yourselves. We’re not having the party at my house, it’ll be on the beach because I know she’ll be most comfortable there. And for your information, she didn’t even want to party. I begged her to let me throw her one so I wouldn’t have to watch her be sad on her own birthday. I came here to ask you if you’d come because I know it would make her happy but if you’re going to show up acting like that then don’t bother. Goodbye JJ,” Rafe rants angrily, stepping back to exit the porch while leaving your brother standing in the open doorway in shock.
“Jesus you look beautiful,” Rafe grins, watching as you do a little spin in the party dress he’d bought you. You told him not to but he insisted and who were you to tell him no.
“Stop, you’re making me blush,” You laugh.
“As you should be because you look gorgeous. You ready to go? I told everyone to start showing up at six.” You nod and he grabs your hand, dragging you out of his room.
When you get to the beach the sun is just starting to set and the beach is already packed. You and Rafe walk through the crowd, searching for Kelce and Topper, who were in charge of protecting your girly alcohol. You clutch your boyfriend’s hand, overwhelmed by the amount of people you don’t even know shouting happy birthday at you.
“Yo Y/N! Happy birthday! Don’t worry, we got the good stuff!” Kelce shouts as you near the pair of boys, handing a bottle of pink lemonade UV out towards you. (A/N: Fun fact, I got waisted off of Pink Lemonade UV on my 18th birthday and ended up puking all over my aunt. Good times lmao. Drink responsibly kids.)
“What, no mixer?” You ask, taking the bottle from him.
“Oh we got that covered,” Topper replies, holding up an old milk jug full of some pink liquid. Pink Lemonade probably, it’s a good thing that’s your favorite drink.
“Well thank you boys. I’m honored,” You smile, pouring a generous amount of alcohol into your plastic cup, followed by some of the pink lemonade.
You continue to hang out with Rafe and the boys, drinking, laughing, and just genuinely goofing around. While pouring your fifth drink you look up and watch as a familiar group of pogues walk along the beach, through the crowds of people.
“What the hell are they doing here?” You ask Rafe, pointing towards them.
“I asked them to come. I figured you’d like it if they came. With the way JJ reacted I didn’t actually expect them to show.” He replies, looking shocked to see them.
“Can you hold this for a minute? I’ll be right back.” You give him a reassuring smile while he takes your drink.
You head for your brother and friends, planning to confront them, until a random touron steps in front of you, blocking your view. He must’ve already been there for awhile, as he’s clearly wasted off of his ass.
“Damn girl, where you headed to?” He slurs as you gently trying to brush past him.
“I- um- can you just let me by please?” You ask politely.
“Now hang on a minute,” He grabs your shoulders, “Just stay a minute. You know, you’re one of the hottest chicks I’ve ever seen.”
“Thank you, but I have a boyfriend. Now can you please move?” You ask again, more insistent this time.
“What a shame. Surely he’d be okay with sharing though. I mean sharing is caring, right?” He looks up and down your body hungrily, making you shiver in disgust.
“No. Get off me.”
“Don’t be so mean. I’m only trying to have fun,” He leans in so you can feel his breath on your neck. You try to squirm away but he’s clutching your shoulders so tightly that you’re stuck in place. You whimper at the pain his death grip is causing. His lips barely make contact with your skin before he’s harshly shoved off and you watch in a blur as Rafe pins him to the ground and begins to punch him repeatedly.
You blink back tears as Sarah runs up to you and wraps her arms around you comfortingly. From the other side of the fight you see your friends staring at you with wide eyes, clearly they’d just witnessed that entire thing. Rafe doesn’t stop beating on the guy and nobody really does anything to try to stop him anyway. Blood splatters the sand as he screams angrily in the boys face.
“Rafe stop! You’ll kill him!” Sarah yells finally as the guy begins coughing and choking on his on blood. She turns to you softly, so nobody but the two of you can hear, “Y/N you have to tell him to stop. He won’t listen to anybody but you.”
“R-Rafe. Baby, please stop.” You plead softly. Immediately your boyfriend stops and stands so that he’s standing over the injured touron.
“Don’t you EVER lay a hand on a woman without her consent ever again. Now leave or I will fucking kill you,” He spits, watching as the bloodied boy scrambles up off the ground and limps away.
Everyone starts going back to their partying, bored as the fight has ended. Rafe walks towards you and pulls you out of Sarah’s arms and into his own, petting your hair soothingly.
“I’m sorry you had to see that. Baby, I’m so so sorry.” He whispered comfortingly.
“It’s okay,” You tell him honestly. You were a bit shaken up but you felt so much better the second you were in Rafe’s arms.
“Y/N,” JJ says cautiously, stepping towards you.
“Look man. She’s already dealt with enough crap in one night so if you’re gonna get on her ass about being with me then just go away.” Rafe tells him but JJ shakes his head.
“No. I- uh- I came to apologize. Y/N, I’m so ashamed of how I acted. You told me that you were dating Rafe and I just, I just lost my shit. But you’re my sister and no matter what I should always support you and be there for you. These past few weeks I’ve been a horrible brother and I feel so shitty. It’s just that after years of getting the shit beaten out of me by him I didn’t want to believe that you were actually dating him. I felt a little betrayed. These past two weeks I’ve expected you to walk through the door telling me you’d made a mistake, begging for my forgiveness. I was only thinking about myself. I didn’t think about your happiness and I’m so sorry.”
“JJ I don’t know what to say. You abandoned me. You turned all my friends against me. You made me feel like a bad person for being happy.” You reply softly.
“I was angry. Anger does horrible things Y/N and I’m not proud of it but I’ll admit that I got those anger issues from Dad. I know that I can never take back how I treated you these past two weeks but I want to make it up to you. Please Y/N, I know it might take awhile but I’m willing to do whatever it takes until you forgive me.” He pleads. You’d never seen JJ Maybank beg for anything in his life until now.
“What about Rafe? I know you don’t like him and I’m not going to stop dating him.”
He turns to your boyfriend, “I still hate you...but I’ll tolerate you. Seeing how you protected my sister tonight and listening to how you talked about her the other day I know you love her. That’s all I ever wanted for Y/N, for her to be happy and loved. Maybe someday I won’t dislike you so much but for now can we just agree to get along for her sake?”
Rafe nods his head, “Happy medium?”
“Happy medium.”
Taglist (I hope I didn’t forget anybody 🥺)- @butterfliesinthenightsky @copper-boom @khiaraaa-in-spacee @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @jj-maybabe @ilovejjmaybank @starrystarkey93 @outerbanx96 @delinquentstarkey @justcallmesams @starkeysgirl @yeslifeofateen @frankiebcanon @tovvaf
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
a/n: for some reason, i got the idea of prince!akaashi stuck in my head. mildly inspired by the swan princess. 
wc: ~2.1k 
genre: arranged marriage!au, royalty!au, emerging feelings. fluff mainly? idek, it’s word vomit
royalty!au: adsentio (pt. 1) | bonus letters (pt. 1.5) | the masque (pt. 2)
Prince Akaashi likes to believe he’s a smart cookie, even if he’s only seven. Then again, his parents aren’t exactly the most subtle people on the planet, and he believes it’s quite obvious as to what they’re planning. In fact, not only is he aware, but the whole castle is as well. Hell, even 90% of the citizens in the kingdom are fully aware of what’s to be expected. He strongly dislikes it, and he wishes it didn’t loom over him every summer.
Ever since the summer of the year he turned five, Princess (y/n) of the West Kingdom would show up for two months to make his life miserable. To be fair, it wasn’t exactly your fault, as you were very much forced into this arrangement as he was, but it was easier to blame you. He’d rather just play fight with Bokuto all summer rather than try to include a girl. It’s not because you’re capable of kicking his butt.
That is absolutely not the case here.
His mother, the queen, is scrambling to get all the preparations done in time for (y/n)’s arrival. Akaashi almost rolls his eyes when he spots her rearranging a bouquet of roses in the dining hall. Unfortunately, she spots him from the corner of her eye and beckons him over with a frantic hand. Never one to deny a parent, he quickly jogs over to her.
“Oh darling, would you be a doll and check in on your father? He needs to be dressed properly for the West Kingdom’s arrival. Tell him to wear that cyan blue shirt of his, it’s much more flattering.”
“Do we need to be so overboard like this again? They’ve already been here twice, it’s not like they don’t know us.”
“For reasons you don’t know, they’re extra special to us. Aren’t you excited to see (y/n) again? You two got along so well last summer!”
Akaashi wrinkles his nose in distaste. “It feels like I just saw her yesterday. Bokuto and I just wanna play by ourselves.”
“Nonsense, dear. Now go check on your father, please,” His mother implores before scurrying off to another bouquet of flowers.
It’s so obvious, he thinks to himself as he jogs towards his parents’ chambers. Did they really need this alliance with the West Kingdom? Would they be that much more powerful together? “In due time, you’ll understand,” his parents always said. Akaashi was starting to become tired of hearing those words.
Why is it so hard to just tell him now as to why they want him to marry Princess (y/n)?
“You know why I’m here, right?” (Y/n) asks him one evening. They’re sixteen now – Akaashi counts that this is your twelfth time at the castle. You call the castle your second home, as he once heard you tell your assigned handmaiden, the same lady who attends to you every summer. Somehow, the statement strikes a chord within him – his initial childish annoyance at your presence had long disappeared and been replaced with something akin to defeat. There was very little chance that they could run from this, but in the late nights, Akaashi found himself believing that if there were someone to be betrothed to, (y/n) wasn’t so bad.
“What do you mean?” He replies, slowly turning a page in his book. You both found that one way to quickly pass the time was to raid the royal library. At first, it was custom to read your respective books at opposite ends of the castle. Yet as time passed, you found yourselves meeting closer and closer towards the middle. If desired, the servants could find you two either together in the library, in an empty ballroom by the massive windows, or on the balcony in the summer sun. Most times, Bokuto, Akaashi’s most loyal friend, was with you as well. Reading wasn’t necessarily one of his top hobbies, but he’d rather be with friends than alone wondering around the castle.
This time, the two of you have taken refuge by a fireplace, a terrible thunderstorm casting a chill over the building. Bokuto is conveniently off doing his own thing.
“The reason why I’m here every summer.”
Akaashi casts his best exasperated look towards you, but it goes unnoticed as you refuse to look away from your book. “I’ve known since I was six.”
You sigh and gently shut your novel closed, one finger stuck between the pages to keep your place. With the grace of an angel (Akaashi thinks), you pick yourself up from the lounge chair and drift over to the couch he’s sitting on. Because he’s sitting upright towards the end closest to the fire, there’s more than enough space for you to sit and stretch your legs across the cushions. In fact, you do just that, settling for leaning your back against Akaashi’s strong side profile, his arm supporting most of your weight. Without meaning to, Akaashi finds himself adjusting his sitting position for your comfort. He feels your body tremble slightly and a small wave of concern washes over him.
“Should I ask one of the servants to bring a blanket for you?”
“That won’t be necessary. But thank you for your concern, your highness.”
“You don’t have to address me as so.”
“My apologies, it’s a force of habit.”
Akaashi has long given up on reading the words before him. Your question repeats in his head like a broken record.
“Doesn’t it frustrate you?” You whisper, interrupting his thoughts. “Doesn’t it anger you that since my birth, you’ve been forced into a game that you have no choice but to play?”
Akaashi hesitates. This topic has never been broached before, and he’s not sure how to address it.
“I’ll admit it was more frustrating in the beginning. Nobody enjoys being told what to do, especially when you’re little. But I learned to just accept it. In fact, to call it a game would assume that there is a losing side. From what I’ve studied, both of our kingdoms would benefit from this merger. What’s the loss?”
“Our freedom and choice,” you bite out, yet refusing to look at him. You’ve also given up on reading, yet you don’t want to arouse suspicion that this conversation is happening. If a servant were to hear, rumors would fly around the castle like a plague. “I think it’s only human that I want to experience love the way ordinary people do. We don’t even get a say.”
“What about both of our parents? They were arranged yet they love each other.”
“Simple, they got lucky.”
“Then would you rather run away and find another man to fall in love with?”
“More than that, I just want to experience life beyond the castle walls. My position is different from yours.”
“How so?”
You purse your lips, pausing. “Your Highness, what do you think would happen to you if I were to disappear, or god forbid, die?”
Akaashi’s eyes widen in bewilderment. “Why would you ask that?”
“You just need to answer my question.”
“Well,” he ponders. “I…believe I’d be somewhat sad. We would mourn the loss, surely.”
For the first time this summer, he hears a genuine chuckle from you. “I’m honored by your sentiment, your highness. I’m asking more of what you think would politically happen to you.”
Akaashi’s cheeks flush with embarrassment. “I guess…politically I’d be okay. Mother would be devastated, but I guess they’d find me another match. The merger with your kingdom would’ve been our strongest move, but it could still happen since we’re already on such good speaking terms. Supposedly there are other princesses waiting for a chance, and a merger could result from that as well.”
“What a humble braggart you are, your highness,” you tease.
“That’s not what I meant—”
“I know. But in all seriousness,” you switch to a more solemn tone. “The point is, you’d be okay. As you so nicely put it, you have women lining up to be with you.”
“Aren’t men lining up to be with you as well?”
“It’s not the same, Your Highness. As a princess, I’m brought up to constantly prove my worth to others. More importantly, I’m raised to prove my worth as a wife and a queen. We’re left to care for the children we must bear, we must keep our noses a reasonable distance away from kingdom business. If this engagement were to break, many outsiders would automatically assume that I was deemed unworthy of you, that I must’ve wrapped myself in some horrible scandal.”
Akaashi hums and stares into the fire. “I suppose that it’s rather unfortunate. I wish I had realized that sooner.”
“Your self-awareness speaks volumes. I usually wouldn’t admit this to you, but I know you’ll be a great king when it’s your time. Your people already love you, and they will only continue to love you more.”
“That’s very kind of you, Princess.”
“I only speak honestly. There’s no need to sugarcoat my words around you.”
Somehow, Akaashi finds that very comforting. Perhaps as someone in his position, he would consider honesty and wisdom to be valuable. Just because he’s destined to be king someday, doesn’t mean he would always make the right decisions. He would appreciate having you by his side in his decision-making.
“If this happens,” Akaashi finds himself speaking, also not one for beating around the bush. “I can promise now that I’ll try to change that. Even if we end up never loving each other, I’ll do my best to ensure that you never feel confined to such a role. As my w-wife,” he stumbles over the word. “I would want your input. You have a good head on you, and I’m sure you have valuable wisdom that I will need in due time.”
“Somehow, that’s the most romantic thing a man has ever said to me,” you say. He can hear the smile in your voice, his own small one forming on his face. When you move off the couch, his body immediately misses the warmth of your body pressed against his. After you’re done dusting yourself off, you begin to curtsy. He knows that this means you’re retiring for the night, but he’d rather you not leave right now.
“Wait,” he calls out, reaching for the hand not holding your book. You stay silent as Akaashi delicately holds your hand, then breaking out into a slight blush when he lays a soft kiss on the back of your hand, eyes never breaking contact with yours. He’s never been more princely to you than this moment – though his mother had made him do this on every first day you arrive at the castle, it never held so much meaning. This was of his own doing, his own volition, and that spoke volumes to you. He was trying to make this work in his own special way.
You don’t miss the way his thumb ghosts over your knuckles before releasing your hand, although the movement seems hesitant and troubled. “Good night, Princess,” he bids quietly, eyes looking back at the ignored book in his lap. Your heart beats with adrenaline, the chemical fueling you to step closer to him and bend down to place a kiss on his cheek. Akaashi does his best to not look surprised, but he knows that he has failed when he hears the sound of your gentle laugh.
“Good night, Keiji.”
The prince concludes right then and there that he has never heard anything more beautiful.
When you return to your chambers the next night, it’s hard to miss the most beautiful glass vase you’ve seen that’s sitting on your dresser. Inside stands a half-bloomed peony, a flower you recognize from the castle gardens. The petals have a tender shade of a light blush pink – if the flower-arranging lessons taught you anything, they stood for romance, compassion, and bashfulness. A neatly folded cardstock with your name stands demurely by the vase. The handwriting is strikingly familiar, and you can’t help but smile at the words neatly written inside.
To my future queen.
As you bring the flower to your nose and inhale the sweet scent, you begin to think that perhaps, you and Akaashi might just be lucky enough for love.
feel free to send requests for this au! 
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juwon-ah-moved · 3 years
Tumblr media
hi friends! this year had its highs and lows and i’m ready to let go of it, but i won’t let go of the beautiful people i met on here in the past months, and those i already knew and who keep bringing joy onto my dash! i got into a new fandom that brought me many joys and new beautiful people into my life and i couldn’t be happier about that! you’re all cool so here’s my humble thank you to you ♡
i don’t follow that many people, i kinda find comfort in seeing the same familiar faces on my dash, but i have been trying to look around more because honestly especially the (lgbt) fandom for asian dramas/”bl” has so many nice and funny and talented people that it’s a pity not see who else is on here! so here’s to hoping i’ll meet even more awesome people in 2021 :^) also, if i forgot anyone, i’m really sorry! and to those of you who i for whatever reason haven’t followed back but who are always around, i want you to know i see you and appreciate you showing up in my notes, it genuinely makes me happy and know that you can talk to me any time! love you! <3
okay i talk too much, here we go:
@amasawaseiji aaaa edo!! now we pretty much only talk outside of tumblr but we did meet on here and !!!! ur the only italian i respect jdskn ur seriously one of the nicest and funniest people i know and ur a very dear friend to me, i know i always tell u but it never hurts to hear so: i love you!!!! i hope 2021 will be a good year for u and that we can finally see each other again, i will fight covid :(
@petekaos rahul, what can i say!! i feel so lucky to have gotten the chance to know u this year, we had so many never-ending convos, on here, on twitter, we shared heacanons (ram and bohn friendship forever, @ perth Listen To Us) and you’ve been a great friend to me, you’ve always supported me even when i was at my worst and i will honestly never forget that. ur kind and funny and we can go from talking about serious stuff to laughing about u quoting gandhi and that’s friendship to me! u also have read i think 2 of my fics before i posted them at this point and both fics mean the world to me and the fact that u supported me through the process of posting them when i was so insecure also means a lot to me! as do all our conversations about my engineer, manboss, petekao, etc. just... i love you! never forget to take care of urself <3
@pangwave daaaawn u are such a kind and strong person and i really appreciate how u were there for me when i was questioning earlier this year. i know u understand a lot of what i was going through and in general we have stuff in common that i know if i talk to u about, ur gonna understand. i wish u the best always and we should catch up one day, please know i am always here for u, for anything! and u have such good taste and i love seeing u on my dash :) !
@yioh yuraaaaa im gonna say it again i need to find a nickname for u. u have the worst one for me but it is so endearing at this point that i love it sjdsk ur such a nice presence on my dash and i like coming by ur askbox every once in a while bc first of all i love you, secondly u always have the best replies to asks. i can’t explain it ur just nice and ur energy is amazing !!! ur art is also so pretty and warm and makes me feel... home. i wish u the best with uni and with ur life and aaaalso ur The cherry magic blog to me. see cherry magic? think of yura. also given always makes me think of u. i associate so many little pieces of media with u bc ur just so lovely when u talk or blog about the shows and movies and stuff u like that when i see those things i immediately get reminded of u idk!!
@gigiesarocha cata!! even if we haven’t talked that much, u are such a light on my dash and i always love seeing ur posts, be it gifsets or reblogs. u have amazing taste! when u said u still listen to the playlist i made for u i was so happy, im glad u liked it :’) keep being the sweet person u are!
@morksuns sumaya!! u beautiful human!! it’s always so nice to see u on my dash, i know this will sound like a silly reason but for example i love ur tagging system, it’s so satisfying to look at u tagging everything. i just think it’s neat. u have great taste in shows and great opinions (both on Good Shows and on Bad Shows/Rep) and i know i can trust u! also, ur very pretty and i love ur moodboards! i hope ur 2021 will be filled with good things <3
@lesbian-earn may! oh my god okay, i literally have been following u for 2 seconds but! we’re getting to know each other a little and talking to u is really so nice and ur such a sweet person!! ur support for my itsay fic warmed my heart so much and so does ur general kind words and OFC the cat pics u send me. what a blessing!! i wish u the best of luck with ur exams and i hope we can talk more because i already am fond of u! <3
@brightwin jelly!! u are such a warm and kind light in this fandom and i honestly enjoy even just seeing ur url, before i see any post, because u just bring so much positivity with u! ur gifs are so pretty and i can always tell they’re yours immediately. i miss them and u tbh!! i hope ur doing well! :)
other people i love following a whole lot: @fushiguroo @labontas @mrchicsaraleo @speedrunsuicide @ikarosapollo @panncakes @makotokyoqoku @burfee @class2clown @metawwin @leoyunxi @asianmelodrama @lesbianspeedy @earthfluuke @wjmild @lakornladies @torfight @khaotungthanawat
honorable mentions for my football sideblog (@franckkessie): @captvandijk @montosmadman @hendos 
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zkfanworkweek · 4 years
ZFAW Content Creator Interviews: OwedBetter
Hey everyone! We hope you’re all excited for ZFAW, and to honor (ha!) ZFAW’s commitment to supporting and celebrating fan content creators in the Zutara fandom, we’re going to be rolling out a series of interviews with well-known and widely-beloved content creators over the next few weeks. We’ve got artists and fanfiction authors, some names you recognize as well as a few phenomenal up-and-coming talents, and we can’t wait for you to meet them all!
I’m super excited about this one! For the sixth (incredibly delayed, I’M SORRY) interview in the cycle, we have Jo, aka @owedbetter. Best known for the absolutely iconic Zutara fanfiction “I’m Still Here,” Jo’s works can be found at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12312357/chapters/27990618
Tell us about how you came to ship Zutara. What does this ship mean to you?
To use one of my favourite lines from Jane Austen, "I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun." I started watching Avatar: The Last Airbender when I was just a tiny little baby child at 10 turning 11 years old. I do know for a fact, however, that Zutara had simply always been it for me from the very beginning. I believe it was during "The Storm" that I just knew that there was more to Zuko than what was at surface level. As a brown girl trying to make her way into positions of leadership as a child, Katara's strength, rage, and bravery paved the way for me to survive in the way I have. As a survivor of child abuse myself, Zuko remaining kind and gentle and good was of paramount importance. Together, they were the joining of two souls that met in conflict and chaos but through merit, equal standing, and forgiveness, they were exactly what each other needed. They are not opposites nor two halves of a whole; they are the sky and between them is only the world. Everyone has the need to feel truly seen and understood as they are by another, and Zuko and Katara do exactly that. Other stories come and go, but they're the story I come back to and will continue to call home every single time. I will never tire of them.
2. What inspires you to create Zutara fanworks?
 I've been a professional writer for the last ten years. It's my job to imagine and create stories. I also love consuming stories through every medium possible. The well never dries when you keep it full to the brim. When you do the work I do and you consume as many stories as I do and you've lived a long enough life and paid attention to the life around you as I have trained to do, to be inspired is second nature. For Zutara, however, these are voices that have lived in my brain for fifteen years. When I get an idea for a story, literally any story, it's like my subconscious is naturally attuned to their dynamic that every prompt I come up with is automatically a Zutara prompt. Such is the way. If I ever publish a novel and/or lead my own show/movie, you can bet that it's probably Zutara if you squint.
3. Be selfish - if you could request one fanwork based on your own art/fanfic, what would it be? What would you absolutely love to see someone create? 
To this day, "i'm still here" is probably the single greatest thing I've ever done in my whole stupid life. It would be the greatest honour to see my work interpreted visually. Genuinely, I'd love to see certain scenes as comic panels or something. Katara's realisation at the beach over who she is and she thinks about Yue, her mother, and her grandmother. Zuko and Katara's mutual understanding. The scene that started it all: baby Zuko taking care of baby Azula at the beach. Katara and Iroh talking in Chapter 7. Toph meeting fear for the first time. The entire ending of Chapter 6. As of writing this, I haven't updated the sequel yet but I would love to see visual interpretations of incoming Original Characters because they've been fun to create. I don't even know. If anyone wants to draw something from "i'm still here", I would like to see it. Please let me see it. I will cry. But also, I would like to see visual interpretation of Zutara in my modern quarantine pandemic AU because I would like to see long haired 28 year old Zuko wearing autumn-wear in a public park filled with flowers with 26 year old Katara basically wearing anything I wear because I am projecting in that story for a reason. 
4. Any words for people who are new to the fandom and/or nervous about sharing their work for the first time?Buddy, we're all just a bunch of nerds who are creating things for our enjoyment and the enjoyment of likeminded individuals. Do things for you and because they bring you joy, first and foremost. Everything else can be ignored if you want to ignore it. You're doing great. 
5. What is your favorite Zutara-related thing you’ve made and why is it special to you?
 Again, "i'm still here" is literally the greatest thing I've ever done in my life. Something I get commended for a fair amount with ISH is how I handled Zuko being a child abuse survivor, and his conflicting emotions with his violent abusers because he's still a child who wants his family to love him. That comes from an extremely personal place for me and it means the world to know that other survivors out there resonated so well with it. Also, Masterchef Zuko with that chicken adobo meant me getting a LOT of people saying they tried out the recipe themselves and I can feel my grandmother radiate with pride over knowing I'm so great a cook that I can convince people to want my dish just by writing about it. I'm so proud of everything I did with ISH. I worked really hard on it and I'm so happy to know it means a lot to other people too. 
6. What’s an idea for a fanwork that you have but haven’t gotten around to making?
I have this one modern AU involving dogs that I've put on the backburner since 2017. One day... one day!!! I'm a bit of a workaholic, though, so most of the things I want to do, I just do 'em. 
7. Are you participating in ZFAW? If so, want to give us a hint as to your plans? 👀
I am! I have a draft ready based on one of Hayley Foster's animatics and I'm very excited. Tumblr user hayleynfoster, I owe you my entire life. 
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