#but i always thought bc it was a pepper that means it is normal to be spicy
skyistheground · 2 months
i am a creature of science. i think i got peer reviewed into the floor
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shinkei-shinto · 1 year
this one requires a little bit of context:
so I make faces when I taste things. I've wondered if I have the "supertaster" thing, but an ex verbally berated me about that so I've stopped claiming it, plus I think there's something else going on.
anyways, I make faces when I taste things. as long as it's strong in taste (alcohol always does it, most fruits do it) my face will screw up and be weird -- so much so, that a friend in college specifically stole me away to feed me a shot of absinthe and record my face contorting over it, once.
And, of course, I've always done this - ever since I was aware of awareness, anyways, which means I did this as a little kid. And I think lots of little kids probably do this! These flavors are new and intense in strange ways! I bet kids make faces even when they eat something they like, much less a new thing with a strong flavor.
So now, the not-normal-story part:
I've never had a meatball. Before college, I had never had oranges, grapes, I've still never had an enchilada (grew up in Texas, hello!) there are so many things that I've only gotten to try as an adult,
because my mother didn't believe in little kids, I guess?
I made faces as a kid, too. For everything. I'd try something and my face would screw up, and she would instantly declare, out loud, while taking away whatever I had tried, "oh, [they're] picky, [they] won't eat this!"
Didn't matter what it was, didn't matter how I felt about it, didn't matter what I said afterwards, didn't matter if I could later "prove" I "liked it" by eating more elsewhere. Once she had Decided that I was "too picky" and "didn't like it", that was it! I was never allowed to even try that foodstuff ever again.
Oh, except for things she thought her children should eat. "Try two bites" every single time she put asparagus on the table. "Two bites! Your tastebuds change!" every single time there were brussel sprouts. I ate the fuck out of peas, green beans, broccoli, btw. It wasn't a greens issue.
Eventually, I grew up, and while I now get to try things on my own, I've also discovered other things that came of this horrible treatment of children: I can't handle spice. Like, at all. I used to be able to tell when pepper had been added into a dish because that would cause it to be "too spicy" for me. Regular black pepper! I used to cut the edges off of nice steaks bc the pepper crust was too much for me! It has taken years for me to get to the point where I can have pepper and a couple of other spices inside of food without my mouth registering them as "spicy". Years of slowly raising my tolerance and trying things every single opportunity I get.
So today, as I was walking through my kitchen, getting my breakfast, and I saw the jar of four-cheese red pasta sauce my partner and I picked up from a grocery store to have with pasta at some point, I realized:
I've never had a meatball. While my whole family was eating homemade meatballs, red sauce, and spaghetti every single sunday, I sat there, having nothing but plain - unbuttered! - pasta.
If any of this sounds familiar in any way, congratulations: you were abused! I'm sorry to be the bearer of this news, but there's good news too!
Now that I'm an adult, I get to try everything. I have experiences as an adult that I've never had before in my life. Do you know how incredible it is to taste a fruit for the first time while in full control of my faculties? To have the ability to try things, to spit them out without judgement if I need to, and to discover that things actually taste good! There are things out there that I have NEVER even thought about, that I never had the chance to try as a kid, and now I get to try it as an adult, and that means I can buy as much of that stuff as I want. Ha!
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etherbonded · 1 year
@letrckstr: faith!akira will shyly place a kiss on fool!sumi's lips, took him a ton of courage!! but he must show his love for her!
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" Aww, Aki, you're so sweet my love~! ♥ "
Now she's pulling him in for a tight embrace as she begins to pepper his whole face in kisses, she's so proud of him for building up courage like that! Now he's going to be peppered with kisses for the rest of the day if she can help it. There is no escaping this one anytime soon!
( justice!aki also kisses her on the lips but he leaves afterwards! )
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" Wha-...! HEY, get back here you jerk! "
Is she pouting when he leaves? Maybe. She wants to give him a kiss too, it's not fair that only he got to kiss her! Oh, she's so going to get even with him later somehow. As to how specifically though? She'll figure it out eventually, she always does afterall,
She's not one to back down from a challenge. Especially not one that was to do with HIM either.
fool!akira will kiss on the cheek, hold hands and propose all in this order. she may punch him, but he doesn't care at all!!
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" Uwah?! "
It's all almost too fast as her cheeks flush red from Akira's gestures, oh dear lord what in the HELL has she gotten herself into? It's only when he PROPOSES of all things while holding her hand that makes her promptly snap out of the daze she's in and bonk him on top of his head, as if to knock some sense into him.
" Akira, first off, what were you thinking I, urgh. I mean, it wasn't horrible you kissing me I and holding my hand isn't the WORST but I must ask, WHY ARE YOU PROPOSING TO ME?! "
She sighs while pinching the bridge of her nose, she's not upset obviously, she's just bewildered by his behavior honestly. ...Her father's pointed it out to her that she talks about Akira differently than most other people she does but she shuts it down.
For she knows all too well she loves him, she's just... not ready to say it yet.
( faith!aki does run away bc he doesn't want her wrath SAKJNDKJAS )
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That's right, as he should. He should stay away from her, because who is she to taint someone with such a kind soul?
( Wait, since when did she care about that? )
If she keeps this up, she's sure she can get him far enough away and out of her life to where she's not a concern. He irritates her, for why does she feel her chest tighten when she sees him and his shy attitude? Why does she for a moment wish she was normal and could become close to him without him knowing that she's killed people.
( Maybe she's scared of people leaving her for finding out her true colors more than she thought. )
Whatever, it's probably not too important if she can't figure it out. It's just going to keep irritating her if she thinks about it.
( She loves him, so she wants to push him away. )
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OUGJHFFH today (Jan 6) is Sherlock's, Queenie's, and Spock's birthday!!!!!!!! I now must share how my individual s/is help them celebrate and feel special nrhrbr
Tex makes sure to get Sherlock an Earl Grey how he likes it (black two sugars) in the morning on xyr way to work and drop off her present which is a tin of fresh homemade gingersnap biscuits, a new pair of gloves since sherly is always misplacing at least one of them, and a notebook for pouring his thoughts. Xe makes her one of their favorite Mexican dishes Tex knows how to cook (baked chicken and cheese enchiladas with tomatillo sauce & cilantro rice on the side) for dinner that night.... he gives xem a genuine smile and warm hug and kisses the top of xyr head before ruffling xyr hair ;--;
For Queenie, Tex gets her a box of strawberry macarons to give to her at work + a bouquet of pink roses & baby's breath enchanted to live a bit longer than normal cut flowers. Xe makes her and Tina a nice lemon pepper chicken dinner with veggies and mashed potatoes (Queenie's favorite). For her gift, Tex gets her a new piece of jewelry she'd love, maybe a gold bracelet with flowers and vines etched into the metal... Tex embeds it with magic that helps keep her safe... she gives xem a huge hug, squealing excitedly, jumping up and down and oufufhff... gives xem butterfly kisses before kissing the corner of xyr lips hRK ;---;
For Spock, my s/I knits him a new jumper every other year (bc a.i. means xe can just download how to do it LMAO) to wear bc the ship runs a bit cold for his natural body temperature. The jumper is always a jewel tone dark color to compliment his pale skin and dark eyes... xe enjoys buying a bunch of new puzzles for him to almost immediately solve from different times they go on shore leave on some foreign planet too and sing him "happy birthday". He always gets a little flustered and physically affectionate, likes to hold xem in a warm hug, offer a Vulcan kiss, and tell her quietly that he appreciates the effort xe always puts in ;---;
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wanderrlust0 · 2 years
first meal of the day at like 11:30pm and i tried wingstops chicken burger for the first time.
it was the spicy korean one and it was decent. it was more like a bbq sauce flavor but it was nice bc it was saucy. also tried some of the lemon pepper chicken burger and that was good too. that one felt more like an original chicken burger flavor since it didnt have all the sauce on it. their fries are so unique like i just realized they put sugar on them and thats why they taste sweet but i like it. now im full and tired but not tired; my body is tired. wasnt expecting to but i cried a little today and i did it in front of my bf. i can count on one hand the amount of times he’s seen me cry in person. i just feel like my body doesnt allow me to cry easily in front of people except one person. so yeah that happened while we were cuddling and just talking about parts of my life that is a sensitive topic for me. i didnt think it was but the more that it has come up in discussion, ive realized that it just makes me wanna cry and i’ll typically just fight back tears and hold it in. im also really bad when it comes to expressing the thoughts that i try to forget about or avoid sharing bc i feel like im trauma dumping. my bf helps me sort of break out of that mindset and to let things out. its still hard for me tho and i always feel choked up when i talk about situations and feelings i keep hidden. i also dont like making eye contact when its deep, vulnerable convos like that. ive always been kind of weird with eye contact. sometimes im still making sure that i keep eye contact with whoever im having a convo with. mostly if they keep looking at me i feel like i need to look at them back ofc & then sometimes my mind starts wandering bc im thinking about if my eye contact is too strong. if i look weird. if they can tell that i feel forced to look back. obviously this is more so for people im not friends with bc ofc im fine with friends but yeah. i always break away eye contact to feel more comfortable and so i feel less stared at, especially when me and my bf get into more serious talks. they know im reserved and stuff. idk, lately life keeps giving me highs and lows. as soon as something good happens its like okay something bad will happen soon. it always does. theres always something new. i literally just wanna feel like my life is normal. be as independent as my friends. have normal family relationships like my bf. not feel behind in life. feel successful and healthy. i feel like ive developed abandonment issues over time. i worry about the thought of losing my bf in my life. not in a codependent way but in a way where my life will just drop in serotonin. in recent past, when ive made him upset and he confronts me about it, it always made me scared in the moment that i could lose the one person who literally loves me the most. i mean he like loves loves me and it shows. i honestly still have moments where i’ll get insecure over things like if they mention another girl i’ll overthink and worry or whatever or i’ll wonder if they miss people from their past. i feel like thats normal tho maybe. i wanna cry again. as i was getting ready for work i was seriously saying to myself that i just want to cryyy right now and there i am, hours later, quietly crying in his bed. then about another hour later were just fucking lolol. so he mentioned androgyny and opinions on what i think he can do to look like that. that surprised me a bit but just a bit. i had no problem with it anyways. i think androgynous people are really attractive. i already like guys with femininity soo.. and ugh if theyre partly emo or looks like a pretty male and could prob be a twink lol and they have piercings or tattoos i. am. interested. completely random but my sex drive has been kind of on and off. i also kind of sort of want to get a sex toy. i dont own any rn so i want to try one. i also think it could help make me feel a little more pleasured in bed and thats a whole long separate topic. i shouldve taken melatonin but maybe i’ll get more sleepy soon and i can sleep in so its fine. didnt think id write this much but its been a while since i have // 10.8.22
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chippedaxe · 3 years
𝑨 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒌
Title: 𝑨 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒌
Warning(s): NSFW, not sure what other warnings ?? Pet names used, unedited (as always)
Pronouns : they/them, non specified genitalia (Or at least I tried to keep it vague)
Synopsis: What was a seemingly harmless prank turns out to cause a helluva lot of chaos.
Pairing: c!Sapnap X gn reader (Sub reader btw)
Word count: 2k
Note: simping for Sapnap hours <3 No one requested it but I suddenly got this idea and was like 'I have to write it, it's what the people would want' and I also wrote it bc Sapnap has no full fics in my masterlist yet <3
* lemme know if I've missed any warnings/tags or if you see a mistake in this fic that I can quickly change (I didn't rlly proof read, I just sorta scanned over it with my eyes)
2nd POV
You walked to the bathroom after a long day. You were held back a few hours to work overtime without warning and you’re pretty sure that you won’t be getting paid extra, you weren’t in the mood and just needed to relax with a nice shower.
You entered your bathroom and closed the door, you assumed by default that Sapnap wouldn’t bother you since he’s normally such a good roommate and he hadn’t bothered you in the bathroom before! You stripped yourself of your clothes and hung up your outfit that you were planning to wear when you get out of the shower.
You placed the clothes on your sink counter and then approached the shower, your feet were placed on the bath mat as you stood there patiently. You took a deep breath before walking in, you turned both faucets and waited for the water to warm up to a good temperature. You got underneath the water and let the shower rinse off all of the dirt and negative emotions.
You could only hear the water hitting the shower floor since most of the water plugged up your ears, you tried to wash it out but failed so you better hope that no roommate of yours comes in here and plays games while you’re basically half deaf. You grabbed the soap and lathered it in your hands, your soapy hands running over your soft skin.
You came to a pause when you thought you heard something but decided to shrug it off “what would it be anyways? It’s not like Sapnap would come in here” you thought to yourself as you continued washing up. Your hand trailed down to your nether regions and you whined a bit as you cleaned down there, you were just cleaning but your body didn’t know that and so you became a bit aroused.
You ignored the arousal and just continued to have your shower, if you were still horny later on than you’d deal with it but not now. You rinsed the soap off your body and sighed, today was a rough and tiring day but you got through it.
You turned the shower off when you were finished getting clean, grabbing the towel and wrapping it around your body. You got out onto the bathroom mat and started to dry yourself with the towel, you glanced over towards the bathroom sink and your eyes widened.
“Where the fuck did my clothes go?” You asked out loud, your eyes searching the floor just in case they may have fallen down. You groaned in annoyance and wrapped your towel around yourself securely so it wouldn’t fall and then you stomped out to your bedroom to look for the little thief.
You had a look through your drawers to quickly get dressed and confront the troublemaker but it seemed as all your clothes had mysteriously disappeared. You pulled out all the drawers and you searched all the shelves, even your closet was completely empty apart from some scattered shoes.
You whined angrily and then stomped downstairs, your feet dragging along the floor “Sapnap!” You called out to him and he came to your call “what’s up? Like the new look!” Sapnap looked up and down at your towel covered body “Oh hush up! Where’s my clothes? I know you had something to do with their disappearance!” You accused.
“What? Me? What makes you think that?!” Sapnap gasped “they couldn’t have just grown legs and ran away!” You put your hands on your hips “psh, you got me! It’s just a harmless prank..” Sapnap put his hands up in defeat “Good- great, now give them back please!” You held your hand out expectedly.
“Why? I’m liking this outfit you’ve got on right now..” Sapnap teased “oh please, do not start with the flirting again” you rolled your eyes “I can’t give your clothes back right now but feel free to borrow some of mine!” Sapnap smiled “Huh?? Why can’t you give them back?” You exclaimed “if I told you than it’d ruin the whole prank! Just borrow some of my clothes” Sapnap invited you to his wardrobe.
You pouted and entered his room, roaming his closet and just mindlessly picking some of his clothes. “What am I meant to do about my underwear? Can you at least give that back?” You asked “you don’t need underwear, if you do then just borrow some of mine” Sapnap shrugged it off. You wanted to argue with him but found that he had already turned his back to you and left.
You changed into his clothes, his baggy shirt and pants made your body look more boxed up. You tugged at the fabric and it started to cling to your body more “stupid electricity-“ you tried to get it to move away from your curves but it stayed stuck to you.
You walked out into the living room and crossed your arms “When am I supposed to be ‘getting pranked’?” You sighed “oh fuck, you’re looking hella good in my clothes, maybe I’m doin you a favor” Sapnap licked his lips quickly. You scoffed and flicked his forehead “I look good in my own clothes too, you know??” You huffed “I personally think you’d look way better without any clothes, you looked amazing in that towel earlier” Sapnap wiggled his eyebrows at you.
“You’re disgusting!” You laughed at his little flirting attempts “you know you love it, baby!” Sapnap winked “oh I do” you decided to tease back which made the tip of his ears turn slightly red “oh you do? That really warms my heart, c’mere and show me some love!” Sapnap held his arms out to you but you only pushed him away.
“Your offer is very kind but I must decline, I don’t show love to people who steal my clothes!” You told him. Sapnap lowered his head and frowned “What’re you so upset for? I was gonna get you out of your clothes anyways” he jokes around “oh be quiet!” You slap his arm playfully.
He gasps and exclaims dramatically “OUCH! I can’t believe you’ve striked me! All I did was love you and this is how you repay me??” He falls to the ground slowly and fakes his own death “may I have one final request?” He whispered and You leaned down “maybe one..” you decided to play along “can a dying man please have one final kiss?” Sapnap closed his eyes.
You decided ‘fuck it’ and leaned in, your lips pressing against his. He caressed your cheek and deepened the kiss but you were quick to pull away “hey, I don’t go making out with thieves” you smirked “Oh? Maybe you can make this ol’ criminal a good guy again, what’dya think?” Sapnap wrapped an arm around your waist.
You looked up at him and smiled “oh of course, is this thief gonna return my clothes?” You asked “only if you return mine..” Sapnap whispered and started to slowly tug at your collar “hm.. I think we have a deal” you slipped your shirt off and stood there with a bare chest “you look good, baby” Sapnap blew a kiss at you.
You slipped the rest of your clothes off and kicked them away, you were completely naked now “Shit- I can’t believe you were hiding all this from me..” Sapnap came up to you and ran his hands down your sides “my eyes are up here, play boy” you grinned. Sapnap’s eyes snapped from your body up to meet your gaze.
You leaned in and kissed him again, your mouth parting to allow his tongue entrance. You wrapped your arms around his neck and panted slightly as you two were now having a heated make out session. You pulled away for air and gulped down your spit “Sapnap..” you breathed out “yes, Y/n?” He smirked.
“Take your clothes off, it’s unfair” you complained and started to pull at his clothes “calm down. I’ll take my clothes off whenever you ask, baby” Sapnap stripped himself hastily and then posed for you, your eyes narrowed as you stared at him “checking me out?” Sapnap laughed.
Your eyes couldn’t help but be attracted to the large thing hanging between his legs, his cock was huge and throbbing “oh fuck..” you muttered “what was that?” Sapnap got closer “your cock is humongous!” You shouted “haven’t I told you that before?” Sapnap kissed your neck gently as you two were speaking and taking in each other’s beautiful bodies.
His hands rubbed at your hips gently “I’ve been waiting so long for you, Y/n.. I’ve had this crazy attraction to you ever since we met, you were the only one that ever joked back with me..” Sapnap confessed “I always had a soft spot for your stupid jokes..” you whispered softly, “I KNEW IT!” Sapnap hugged you and started to pepper kisses all over your face excitedly.
“Does this mean we’re dating??” You questioned “no it means we’re mortal enemies, of course we’re dating!!” Sapnap joked around “oh wow..” you blushed softly before realizing that you two were in the middle of having sex “oh um..” your face was red.
“Do you need me to stretch you out, do a little foreplay?” Sapnap’s hands caressed your torso, his mouth leaving soft kisses on your neck which left tiny purple marks “ah.. No, I just need your cock now..” you were ready for him! Sapnap guided you to his bed and laid you down onto your back, he then crawled on top of you and smiled.
Sapnap positioned his huge throbbing cock with your tiny hole, you gasped and threw your head back when he started to slide into your slowly “does this hurt?” Sapnap asked when he saw your facial expressions “n-no! It feels so good..” you cooed.
Sapnap gripped onto your hips and started to thrust inside of you, his cock was overwhelmed by the feeling of your tight warm squishy insides. Your legs were quivering and your hands were covering your mouth, you felt embarrassed to have such loud lewd sounds spewing out of your mouth like this but it was hard to control.
Sapnap thrusted harder and faster which made you yelp, tears pricked at your eyes from the overwhelming pleasure that you were getting from his cock stretching your insides “Fuck! Gonna cum-“ you scratch his back, leaving light claw marks on his skin. Sapnap continued to fuck into you roughly “cum for me, baby..” he encouraged.
You went over the edge and came hard, your juices running down your thighs. Your head was thrown back and your eyes were rolling into the back of your head, your back arched and your legs were shaking uncontrollably from the stimulation “FUCK! I love you!-“ you then panted and whined as you tried to catch your breath after just having the best orgasm of your life.
Sapnap came shortly after, his cum leaking out of your hole and down your thighs “shit, sorry about the mess-“ you shut him up with a kiss “clean the mess. Return my clothes. Cuddle me.” You instructed as you tiredly laid down on the bed “will do! I love you too, Y/n” he gave your forehead a kiss before going to clean everything up.
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
Sick day headcannons!!!!!!!
Hell yeah, I do have a post on this already (linked here) but sick day headcanons are some of my favs so let’s do some more! (Just btw there will be some repeats but that just means I rlly like that headcanon)
Dick: Oh no, god no!
Wally: What’s wrong?!
Dick: I’m dying!
Wally, suspicious: Okay…
Dick: Please Wally this is serious, I need help!
Wally, deciding to take Dick seriously: Okay, what’s wrong? What do you need?
Dick: Just a coffin. Made of maple- no oak! And roses, preferably white, oh or blue! With baby’s breath. And-
Wally: Dick, what’s wrong?!
Dick: I burnt the roof of my mouth.
Wally leaves.
A good rule of thumb for Dick is the more dramatic he is the less serious the situation. The less dramatic he is the more serious the situation.
He will go into work with a cold and complain the entire day.
If he has something serious that’s contagious he’ll call in sick but just say it’s a slight stomach bug.
If it’s not contagious he will act like everything is completely fine.
One time he did this after getting an injury on patrol and ended up passing out and spending that night and the next day in the ICU.
He has become a bit more responsible over the years, mainly bc he thinks it’s adorable how sweet and cuddly Damian gets.
His favorite sick day activity is eating junk food and watching rom coms under a fuzzy blanket .
Dick: Please go to bed!
Babs: I am, I am, just one more line of code.
Dick: You’ve said that for the last three hours!
Babs tries to relax when sick but she has trouble actually taking a step back to rest.
Most of the time she’ll take a nightquil then get distracted by something and ends up falling asleep in front of her screen.
Usually Cass or Steph will come over and take care of her.
Steph always makes the best comfort food. And usually Cass will tuck Babs into bed.
Babs loves dozing on the couch to the sound of Cass and Steph laughing in the kitchen as they make her soup.
If Cass and Steph can’t come over she loves talking to them over discord while eating take out. Usually she and Cass just listen to Steph babble or she watches on of them stream something.
She also usually ends up falling asleep.
Bruce: Are you sick?
Jason: I’m legally dead.
Bruce: That doesn’t-
Jason: So,legally, no. I am not sick.
Jason will forever and always argue that he can’t get sick since he already died.
When he was little he was rarely able to get extra rest when he was sick. Because when he was really little he wanted to go to school to avoid Willis. After Catherine died he was too busy just trying to survive to focus on being healthy.
But when Catherine was alive and Willis was away Jason would stay home from school, and if Catherine was sober she would read to him and sing lullabies. This only happened like twice but Jason cherishes those memories of Catherine.
As a kid if he was ever sent home for being sick he’d get in huge trouble with Willis.
After being adopted the first time he was sent home with a fever he begged Alfred not to tell Bruce and hid in his closet until he stopped crying being sad. Alfred sat by the closet door with soup, a grilled cheese, and tea, reading The Princess Bride aloud until Jason came out. It took two hours.
Jason’s favorite sick day activity is drinking tea and rereading The Princess Bride (with the movie playing quietly in the background) while wearing his Wonder Woman hoodie.
Steph: Cass why are you patrolling while sick?!
Cass shrugs.
Steph, with a sigh: You’re allowed to take a sick day, okay?
Cass looks unsure but nods.
Steph: C’mon, let’s get you a bath and fuzzy blankets.
Cass forgets that she’s not just a weapon/tool. She forgets that she’s allowed to rest when sick.
Because of this she will keep going no matter what and tends to view ‘taking a sick day’ as a failure.
Steph, Tim, and Babs have been working on this with her. She’s improved a lot now that Tim lost his spleen and gets sick easily.
Now usually Steph cooks for her while Babs lays with her.
Cass isn’t against taking medicine but she never feels like the situation is severe enough to require medication. So someone in the fam has to convince her to take her meds.
She becomes extremely cuddly when sick and will cling to anyone near her.
Her favorite sick day activity is watching old horror movies with Steph or Babs.
Steph: I’m fine.
Steph: I’m fine.
Steph: I’m fine.
Steph: I’m- I have a fever of 104, I should rest.
Stephs mom is a doctor, so she’s used to being told “it’s just a cold, you’re fine”.
Usually she keeps going until she can’t then sleeps for like three days.
But it’s less out of stubbornness and more out of habit. So if someone tells her to rest she’s immediately like “okay!” and takes the sick day.
Babs always calls or comes over to check on her every day that she’s sick.
Cass has been learning how to cook and loves making Steph food when she’s sick.
Tim used to come over but now he always calls.
Stephs favorite sick day activity is sleeping with an ice pack or heating pad, depending on the sickness, with a giant cup of ginger ale and Cass curled up beside her.
Jason: Tim, are you sick?
Tim, tiredly staring at case files: No I-
Tim is interrupted by a violent coughing fit.
Tim: Oh, I guess I am?
Growing up Tim loved getting sick because it meant the house keeper would come over and take care of him and he might even get a hug.
But she stopped coming over when Tim was ten, his parents thought he was old enough to handle being sick on his own.
Sick days in the manor were a shock to him because he was rarely alone, there was always one family member by his side.
Now that he’s immunocompromised he’s always surrounded by people, he pretends to get annoyed with it but really he loves how much they care.
Dick always sings Romani lullabies and runs his fingers through Tim’s hair. Jason, Duke, and Steph will cook for him. Damian stay by his side and bring him tea. Babs will play video games with him. And Cass does a bit of everything, at least everything other than sing to him.
The family also takes Tim getting sick very seriously so if they here one cough he’s immediately being interrogated and getting his temperature checked.
Tim’s favorite sick day activity is laying under a weighted blanket with a cup of tea and playing video games with Babs, Steph, Duke, and Cass.
Dick, knocking on Duke’s door: Hey bud, why are you still in bed? I thought we were training together?
Duke: Sorry, I forgot to cancel. I’m sick and don’t think I can handle training today.
Dick: You’re sick?!
Duke: Yeah, but don’t worry I’ve been disinfecting and cleaning so no one else should get sick.
Dick: I’m not worried about getting sick, I’m worried about you!
Duke: …oh, okay.
Growing up sick days were spent at home either resting alone or with one of his parents.
He had to do some fending for himself (like cleaning and making food when his parents weren’t home with him) but nothing extreme or unexpected. So, overall he had pretty normal sick days.
After he parents went missing he was so focused on getting them back and saving them that he never stopped to rest when sick.
Now as a member of the Wayne family his sick days are always spent with someone by his side, at least they are if he tells the family he’s sick.
He’s gotten in trouble several times for not telling Alfred/the family that’s he’s sick. Not because he puts Tim at risk, he like all the family is very cautious about that, but because everyone worries about him and wants to help take care of him.
After several lectures from Alfred he’s finally getting better about telling the family when he’s sick.
His favorite sick day activity is reading Jason’s copy of The Princess Bride while having a bowl of Alfred’s chicken noodle soup.
Jason: Are you sick?
Damian: N-
Damian sneezes like a kitten.
Damian: No.
Cass, smiling: Sick baby brother, cute sneeze.
Damian tries to be offended but ends up having a sneezing fit.
Steph: That’s so adorable!!
Damian has the most adorable sneezes. He literally sounds like a kitten and the entire family and hero community finds it adorable. Damian hates it.
He used to try and pretend he wasn’t sick and just work through it.
Then he sneezes in front of Harley and Ivy and they cooed over him for an hour.
Now he grumpily secluded himself in his room when sick.
Usually the family will check on him and find that Jon flew over and they’re cuddling on his bed watching cartoons.
When Damian’s sick he really craves spicy food. Like everything he eats he’ll add hot sauce or pepper to. His food is so spicy that only Cass can handle it, like it makes ghost peppers look like child’s play.
His favorite sick day activity is drinking masala chai under one of Tim’s fuzzy blankets while wearing Dick’s old hoodies and surrounding himself with various soft things he stole from his siblings. This is preferably done while eating spicy tomato or lentil soup and watching cartoons with Jon.
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yourmcu · 3 years
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
You’re not like most people who enjoys Valentine’s Day. Can a certain redhead change that?
A/n: just a late valentine related imagine for all of u bc I’m incapable of posting this sort of stuff on the exact day. enjoy! (I’m finally using this iconic gif don’t mind me)
Word count: 1,753
Warnings: fluff
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The 14th of February is just another normal day for you. You always find Valentine’s Day cheesy, you don’t see the point of celebrating it. That sort of thing isn’t as important as Christmas or Halloween. Not that you're bitter because you're single, you couldn’t care less about that, it just isn’t the occasion for you.
Tony outdone it this year. The compound looks like it was powdered pink and red overnight from all the decorations when you step out of your room. You almost don’t want to know what the main area looks like. Sam and Wanda are probably getting started on breakfast which would consist of everything shaped like hearts.
Your plan for the day is to stay in your room, only coming out for snack and drink refills, simple as that.
“Hey, Happy Valentine’s...” you pretty much tone out every v-day greeting that came your way, rolling your eyes playfully as you sit down with everyone, greeting them with the usual good morning. You expect the compound to be deserted by midday since surely all of them have plans with their partners for the rest of the day, which is perfect. For you. And for them, of course, yeah.
Sam and Bucky made their way to you. “So, Y/N, how are you?” Sam greets. You already suspect that they were hyping you up for something. “Food good, coffee good... sleep well?”
You turn to them with a smile on your face. “Alright, what do you want?”
“Well,” Bucky lets out a breathy laugh. “Sam here was just helping me-”
“That is not what’s happening. What he wanted to say was,” the birdman cuts him off. “We both wanted to take you out to dinner tonight, we can’t settle on who, so we’re letting you pick.”
You blink. They have to be joking. Do they not notice your routine during this time of the year? After socializing with the team you’d grab a day’s worth of snack, head back to your room, lock the door and lose your mind on video games until the next day.
Unhealthy, but it's for one day.
“Only if you want to,” Bucky adds hastily.
“Come on, this is a chance of a lifetime!” Sam insists, wiggling his eyebrows.
“We’ll go to your favorite restaurant.”
“It’s just a friendly date.”
What you fail to notice was Natasha listening to the events happening. Her foot taps against the floor as she discreetly waits for your response, taking coffee sips and bites of food and looking away whenever she looked like she's eavesdropping. No one else is paying attention, everyone has their own conversations.
Inside, she pleads that you’d turn both of them down, just because she’s planning to ask you out herself. They just beat her to it.
“I appreciate the thought but I’m sorry, I have plans,” you shrug. “Why don’t you take each other out instead? Not literally.” You give them another smile and walk out of the room, coffee in hand. 
Sam and Bucky nods indicating they understood. Sam tells his friend that if he had more appeal you’d agree to the date. But they take you up on your advice, already planning a guy’s night.
Natasha almost cheers when she hears the first part, only to spiral when she hears that someone had already asked you beforehand. You're unavailable. She could ask you out any day, but you deserve something extra special. She sees this day as her only chance to confess her feelings for you.
Her eyes trail you as you walk out, turning to Wanda when you were out of sight. “Do you have any idea who asked Y/N out?”
“I don’t,” Wanda replies, a bit distracted. “They’re lucky, I’ve never seen Y/N show interest in anyone since I met her. Anyway, I have to go, Vision and I have a whole day planned...”
Natasha huffs while people slowly file out of the kitchen. As far as she knows, Tony's with Pepper, of course, Wanda and Vision, Steve is probably going to join Sam and Bucky on their night out, and Clint is back at his farm celebrating with his wife.
And you’re with that person, which most likely someone who isn’t on the team otherwise she’d know. She's left by herself to mope.
Few hours have passed, maybe three, it’s lunchtime. As you suspected the compound is empty, so you make your way to the kitchen to make yourself something to eat.
Boxed mac and cheese is the only thing you knew how to make.
You almost drop your stirring spoon at the sudden voice. You feel embarrassed about your choice of outfit, you feel and look like a grizzly bear while she looks stunning, even if it’s just plain workout clothes.
“Hey, Nat.”
“I thought you were... out with someone?” Knowing you, she might’ve misunderstood when you said you ‘had plans’. You look so cozy she would love to hug you on the spot if she isn’t so sweaty.
You let out a curious hum, turning off the stove. “I was?” You giggle. “Where’d you hear that?”
“I didn’t, just, I assumed you’d be,” she mutters and finishes her water bottle. 
You're now grabbing a bowl for the mac and cheese you made. “I mean, Sam and Bucky did ask me if I wanted to but... y’know, if I’m being honest they’re not really my type.” You pause to look at her who was staring back. “Have you eaten? This batch I made is enough for three people, I think.”
Natasha nods at your offer. “They did say it was a friendly date.”
You stop scooping the macaroni and perk your head up with a grin. “So you were listening.”
“Not like I had any choice, I was in the same room.” Quick save.
Then there's  a minute of comfy silence as you clean the area you made the meal on, putting the pot away and stuff.
“Why don’t you have a date today?”
“Anyone would kill to go on a date with you, Nat.” Is what you say in your head. But instead you say, “Well, you know, I didn’t expect you be here too.”
Natasha shrugs and before she could answer you add, “No one’s caught the notorious Black Widow’s attention yet?”
She chuckles at your words, looking up at you. “Who did you think I’d go out with?”
“I dunno, Steve-”
“God, no,” she quickly cuts you off and laugh,  you laugh along but at the same time sigh in relief.
“Crap, I just remembered I have a game to finish,” you hold the bowl of cheese and macaroni and stick two spoons on the side. “I’m cordially inviting you to my room, you are very much welcome, after you change.”
Natasha tells you she’ll see you there in a bit.
“Huh. I just noticed you do this every Valentine’s Day,” Natasha notes as she takes everything in. Your PlayStation's on, your trash bin is almost full of snack wrappings, couple of beers tucked at the side of your bed. “Cozy.”
“Why, thank you,” you say sarcastically, picking up a controller and waving a vacant one at her. “Feel free. Or you can just watch me fail at this game.”
Natasha decides to join the game a little later, now she's lost in thought on how someone like you spends such a day like this, or how beautiful you looked as your eyes dart at every direction of the screen and how you sometimes bite your lip when you're that focused in the game.
It's always the little things she likes about you.
Glancing at you one more time before eating a spoonful of mac, she turns back to the TV to watch how you're doing.
But you're witty, kind and easy to get along with, why wouldn’t you have a date - or why wouldn’t you want a date on Valentine’s Day?
If only you knew how she feels, she’d make sure to treat you well. Like you deserve. She’d take you on dates you’d enjoy every time the 14th rolls by. If you don’t like the holiday for some reason she’d find a way-
“NO WAY,” you cover your mouth and bump your head to Natasha’s shoulder in defeat, making her come back from her trance to look at the big red words on the screen, indicating you lost. “I almost had it!”
Natasha leans into your touch and pats your back. “You can try again.”
You groan. “I definitely will but for now, I’m gonna take a break.”
“Great,” she shifts a bit to get comfy, switching to Netflix and choosing whatever’s trending right now. “I’m just curious but, do you like someone?”
You hum in response, sipping on a beer, not completely processing what she said. “I - yeah. I guess so,” you tug the blanket closer and pout at the movie that’s on. You don’t like romance movies. You always prefer an action or a mystery one any day. “Do you?”
Natasha feels her heart ache for a moment. “Yeah. She’s kind and sweet, goofy but can still seriously kick your ass type.” Your eyes land to her hands. You knew fully well Natasha isn’t straight, she admitted and definitely doesn’t act like it. “There’s just something about her that makes me... love her.”
“She sounds great,” you mumble, starting to get lost in your own thoughts. “I guess I just-” you hesitate, just because the woman you're about to describe is the same one sitting next to you. “I feel bad for her that someone like me likes her.”
“Why would you think that?” Natasha chuckles, shaking her head.
You shrug. “She’s amazing. So out of my league, I’d say she’s so close but so far away but that would be really cheesy and ugly,” you laugh. “I don’t know, she deserves way better.”
Natasha hums. “Sometimes I think she needs to her worth, because what she doesn’t know is, she’s very much amazing in her own way.”
Looking up at her from her shoulder, your eyes light up and you don’t know when it happened, but you just found her lips pressed against yours softly.
Even if it was just a short kiss you feel breathless when she pulls away to look at you again.
“Just so we’re clear, we’re just describing each other like idiots right?”
Natasha leans in to kiss you again.
oh my god I want a hug
[shameless plug] check out my natasha romanoff ambience here
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mxvladdy · 3 years
I would like to request! Can I request? Well I wish for you to consider what type of person/what kind of situation would cause the brothers to make a pact with someone. Maybe even what they would request in exchange? This can be before or after they met MC. With that out of the way, I totally binge read all of your works after my sister gushed to me about the True Form series, and just thank you??? It made me really happy reading them and it's always impressively detailed and well thought out.
Awww thank you! I’m glad it’s rave-worthy! I plan to add to it soon bc it was an absolute riot to write and research for lol
And wow this one is a toughie! I’ve actually never thought of what would make them want a pact! Hope ya like it!
Lucifer- Pact of Success
Absolutely the hardest brother to do business with, but that is probably a good thing. He is incredibly selfish with his contracts. Sure, they’ll benefit from his pact mark, but he will get the most out of it. Aside from MC he only takes requests for contracts from the human “elite”. They make wonderful feathers in his cap.
But also he takes some enjoyment in breaking them. They always get so cocky with his contracts thinking that they have him on the ropes and at their beck and call. It gives him a good chuckle, humans are so brazen considering their very short lifespan.
He destroys them slowly over time- all the little minutia he peppers in his legal bindings adds up. Not that his normal clientele ever read the fine print. But he designed it that way to make sure they don’t. All their requests are the same and so simplistic. Big boats, fancy cars, climbing the proverbial ladder faster than their friends or enemies - blah-blah-blah. At least the paperwork is easy to complete.
Very rarely does he find a contract he is excited to make. Those contracts are given to artists and craftsmen he sees potential in. He loves good art, and every artist should take pride in their work.
When it comes to the “price” of his pact it is worryingly simple. All he wants is some of their time. It sounds simple, and it is. Which is why it’s dangerous. The contract doesn’t specifically say how or the rules of it. How he takes your time is completely up to him.
Sometimes he simply comes for a drink and to ask how business is going. Or with the pacts he gives a damn about- he pops in to see progress on their artist visions or listen to their latest musings.    
Other times if he grows tired of his pact holders’ ever-growing demands or ludicrous requests he comes and takes time right out of their lifespan. His visits leave them weak and fatigued though they can’t place why. He is a slow siphon of death and they are too foolhardy to notice. If he is feeling especially cruel, or sentimental he takes memories, things that a demon generally wouldn’t want.
Time with family, the first time they met the love of their life, a child’s birthday. He takes them all and leaves them with only a blurry recollection in his wake
When MC crosses his path though he is very apprehensive. He doesn’t want a pact or anything that could jeopardize Diavolo’s upcoming plans. But they make his skin itch with want. He doesn’t want them to be another trophy on his wall. He wants a mutually beneficial pact, one that almost leans in their favor and it grates him. Should/ when a pact is made he won’t use his powers on you as then he would have to take something in return. Instead, he takes his time and coaches them to be successful by their own right, though if he has to eliminate some obstacles- well they don’t need to know that.
Mammon- Pact of Riches
I love his man with all my heart, but even when he isn’t losing bets or getting tricked into pacts he still isn’t the most selective with who he conducts business with. He is the avatar of greed, after all. I guess it comes with the territory.
He scouts for already wealthy humans or people with a good head for numbers and is money smart. Some are too smart to deal with him, knowing that whatever monetary gain they are granted from him will backfire in the end (or their mama’s taught them not to make deals with strange demons). But a sucker is born every minute, and he has nothing but time on his hands.
His pacts are pretty simple and upfront. Sign on the dotted line and they get some of his wicked gamblers’ luck and more riches than one human life span could do much with. While he gets a glorified accountant and a nice percentage of their profits. It’s a win-win… for him.
See he forgets to mention that there are two sides to every coin, and his flip side is particularly detrimental to one’s health. He just so conveniently glosses over that his luck will wear out over time depending on how frequently the pact holder uses it.
But the hunger for more doesn’t. If anything that particular sensation grows into an all-consuming fire in the pit of their pitiful guts. It forces them back into the seedy basements or griming gambling halls. One more roll, one more stack of bills, just one more time and they will hit pay dirt surly! But the losses just keep coming. If one of his pact holders ends up face down in a ditch after one too many bad hands and uncontrollable greed… well ain’t nobody’s fault but their own.
He has a softer spot for humans that seek him out and treat him like a living being instead of some tool to be tossed around at will. It’s refreshing. He will actually take some care with these pacts and tell them to temper their use of his magic so they can get the most out of it in the long run. They still might run into misfortune and he is genuinely sorry for that but there is only so much he can do in the end.
With MC he doesn’t even tell them about what his pact can do or how to use it. He doesn’t want anything bad happening to his human. If they want something tell him he will do it himself no magic or pact summoning required. He wants to keep them happy and healthy for as long as his lifespan will allow.
If MC should find how to use his pact mark he will get pissed. Not so much at them but the situation in general. He’ll be upfront about the whole thing, judge him how they want but he refuses to let greed consume them too. He focuses a lot of time and energy on learning how to reel in his magic with them so they get some of the perks but none of the major downsides. Unlike with his other pacts where he lets it all just run wild (just means they use up their contact faster and he can move on to even bigger fish).
Leviathan- Pact of Wisdom and Skill
Surprisingly, despite his antisocial tendencies with “normies”, he gets around when it comes to contracts. Perhaps it’s jealousy at his other brothers or perhaps he finds collecting contracts a bit of a game on its own.
He has a small niche of people interested in his pacts. Pacts with him give people a strategic advantage in nearly any situation. Seemingly overnight his humans turn into near tactical geniuses. Because of that, he is very popular with military leaders and humans with dangerous careers.
He also makes mini contracts with foot soldiers and humans with dangerous oceanic jobs. They just want to make it out alive and he gets that. With contracts like these, he is more lenient and doesn’t ask for much. Make an offering of fancy food to Henry 2.0 or wait in line for a rare human figuring he wants. Wam-bam thank you ma’am kinda business.
This is completely different from his larger contracts. With the military contracts, he expects them to continue with their duties until they die in the field. Simple as that, he doesn’t mince words in his contract. It’s what he would do as General so he expects it from them. Should they try to define him he will get rid of them.
He takes delight in defiant contract holders. They think they are as clever as he is now. But they forget that they are using his magic. He could take his magic away right after they defy him sure...but he won’t. He lets them stew for a bit, thinking they have had the last laugh on envy. If they wish to play games with a General then he will make sure it’s good.
With MC he plays on easy mode, granting them insight and little touches of his magic during exam week or when playing a game against his brothers. He wants nothing in return from them but some quality hangout time.
Satan- The Pact of Retribution
As the only pure-blooded demon out of the seven, he does these pacts out of necessity like most other demons. While the others do it more so out of monetary gain and an obligation to the crown. Or if you’re Belphie, sheer enjoyment.
He does it because he hungers, it a hole in his very self that he is trying to fill. He hunts for one reason only- relief from his cardinal sin. He will never feel the calm after a storm of rage naturally. Patience and tranquility are the antitheses of his very creation. So he gets it artificially through his contracts.
He looks for the downtrodden, angry, and the most bitterly despondent humans he can find and gives them the chance to seek vengeance. He is very upfront with what his pact entails. Once the vengeance is complete his rage will consume them and they will become another soul for him to consume.
He isn’t cruel about the process or tries to trick a human into a mark. Very few of the ones he approaches turn him down even after hearing the details. It is possible that humans once shot to get even and he gets to feel bliss, to feel calm. He finds out that the longer or more obscure the plan for retribution is the sweeter the outcome is for Satan.
If he is feeling super ornery he will go after people affected by the outcomes of Lucifer’s pacts. They are easy prey and almost as wrathful as Satan himself. Bonus it aggravates Lucifer to no end when he has to go out of his way to clean up the mess Satan’s contract made of his own.  Anything to piss him off makes Satan feel all the better.
With MC he doesn’t need to use his pact magic. Mostly because they are always around him in the Devildom, and no one is stupid enough to mess with someone Satan favors. If someone or something does irritate his MC he will take it out before it can fester into something his magic will try to latch onto. Keeping you calm and happy makes him feel almost tranquil as well.
Asmodeus- Pact of Gratification
Another very popular pact to try to get, and how could it not? He is fabulous~ But as much as people try to find him, he only goes for a certain type of contract. He has his perfectly manicured fingers on the pulse of the fashion and beauty industry.
His name is a whisper among the up and comers in the business. Many-while not looking for a pact - at least want to see him at least once. Many never will, they get cut from their agency or quit before they could get a foothold. It happens, and he hates to see it. Everyone deserves to feel gorgeous, or at least get a chance to be in the same room as him!
But for the ones the perceiver and climb the ranks get invited to one of his many parties. They can only get invited by someone wearing his mark. He trusts them to know who would be amenable to his contract.
His pact grants its bearer a glamor that can’t be broken by any meer mortal or mage. It makes them absolutely irresistible. How they wield that power is completely up to the user, he won’t judge or intervene.
Once they sign the contract all his holders see him frequently. He absolutely loves dropping in on their shoots or fancy dinners to say hi or get a recap on how they are fairing. Not because he is a nice demon or just super friendly (though they would like to think so). No, he just likes to watch.  
His payment is slow, methodical and no one sees it happen until it is already complete. In exchange for beauty and the graduation of getting whatever their little hearts could as for he gets their ability to love, whether that be familiar or sexual. Asmo loves the feeling of being loved; he wants it in all ways possible.
Some pact holders don’t have an issue with this. They got their looks, a successful career, and people to manipulate to their heart’s content. Not having strong contentions with anyone works in their favor. But others don’t and while they search for him to try and get that little slice of humanity back he is long gone. He got what he wanted anyway.
MC is his darling. He can and will make a special contract just for them (reviewed by Lucifer). A beautiful new contract for a beautiful soul! He wants you as unchanged as possible because this MC is the one he fell for.
Beelzebub- Pact of Prowess
His pact is a very elusive one as he isn’t keen on going and looking for one. Beel isn’t a big fan of these trades, but he needs them every once and a while. Nothing is more filling than a contracted soul.
His trade is basic, make a pact and you get his strength. He, like Satan, is upfront about what his payment is and what side effects will plague them. He sees no reason to lie about it. The more they draw on his power the more the host's body gorges itself. Their bones will collapse in on themselves from the stress of it- the magic feeds on anything in the host bodies. It will deplete the iron in the blood, go after the calcium in the bones, sink its teeth in their muscle system.  
It’s all rather gruesome and Beel does feel bad about it. He tells though who are still adamant about binding with him ways they can negate some of the side effects by taking supplements and augmenting their diets.
But it is like patching a deep cut with a bandaid, it just won’t work. His stomach is near bottomless- humans most certainly aren’t. They simply can’t eat enough to sustain their body like he can.
It surprises him that people still seek him out. To some, the pros outweigh that very huge cons. Some really do believe that they can find a loophole or find the right mix of medication to offset it.
He doesn’t get beaten up about it anymore but it gets on his nerves how obstinate humans can be about his very clear warnings. When his magic finally consumes them he takes both the body and soul back down with him and feasts on both.
With MC he keeps an eye out on them. Consistently checking in, making sure they don’t skip a meal, and join him at the gym often. He wants them to be strong and healthy enough to not ever want to use his pact. Though he does speculate that their angelic bloodline buffers both his and his brother’s magic a good bit.
Belphegor- Pact of the Visionary
Dreamers come in every shape and size and from different walks of life. But they are are all suckers to Belphie. He is known as the Lord of Decet for a reason.
He will promise them everything and anything their heart desires. That invention that will change the world? Done. A patent that is long overdue. Easy enough. A sudden rush of ingenuity to complete that nagging project. He is a devil of his word, it will be done. It- just won’t be done in the way they would want it.  
See manipulating the physical realm is hard work. Like a lot of hard work. More than he would ever do for some stupid little human. It’s a lot easier to control outcomes in his realm.
The moment the contract is signed his hosts fall under his control and he takes it from there building a perfect little dream world for them to frolic in and believe they are getting what they want. He feeds off of them here, taking little sips from their energy and exploring these new fresh dream worlds. His dreamscapes get boring every once and a while, so having a new human under his influence is always refreshing.
While his humans thrive inside their minds their bodies waste away in bed as his magic draws them further and further into an endless sleep.
He doesn’t see anything wrong with his contracts. Who would argue with him that the dream realms aren’t real in their own sense? Did his humans not accomplish their goals in the end? He doesn’t think of the outside effects of his magic and pacts. Belphie really doesn’t care about what families he broke apart or lives he inadvertently affected.  
MC is different to him though. He doesn’t keep them under his spell hardly ever (maybe if they are spending too much time with Dia or Lucifer. But he doesn’t push it with them.).He still walks into their dreams whenever he feels but he comes just to visit, not to change. He simply just enjoys keeping you company and relaxing in the little mini paradise you always seem to create in your dreams.
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If you’ll have me
Bucky x insecure!reader
Summary: my entry to “The Other Punk’s 500 Writing Challenge” by the lovely @buckys-other-punk I chose the prompt: “I want you to remember: you deserve this”
The reader moves to the avengers compound, she soon learns how easy it is to fall for a certain supersoldier and how easy it is to give into the lies your brain tells you, and how hard it is to see your own worth in a building full of superheroes.
Warning: panic attacks, self-image issues, anxiety, bad writing, fluff of course, all the themes from the 2012 avengers mindset, endgame!steve is non-existent and everyone is alive bc wow I changed the timeline!
Word count: 4,677
A/N: this prompt could have gone in a spideypool comic kinda way- sarcastic and witty and funny; Or in the direction that I took, I’m at a rough spot so I decided to write the kind of fic that I could use right now. This is the first time I’m sharing my writing, to anyone. So hopefully my nerves won’t be the death of me.
A/N 2: so, I planned this to be around 2k but it got out of hand and the characters did whatever they wanted, I had no control and so the plot is different than what I originally thought.
You can’t say no to Tony Stark, you learned that very early on in your friendship. It was absolutely impossible. So when he out of the blue showed up at your apartment at 2am with a request to move out of your house and into the Avengers compound… you knew there was no way out.
Unlike your best friend, you were more introverted, the thought of moving into a big compound full of superheroes and gods was scary for a civilian. But tony needed you, and you are nothing if not loyal to him.
Ever since the fight between tony and Steve, he told you how lonely he felt in the big tower, after they made peace and settled back into the tower- even though they talked it out and were understanding, tony wanted you around.
“It’s to ease the tension, you are easy to get along with, they will all love you. And you got me to talk about my emotions so maybe you could help them. A little normal in our chaotic life, it’s purely logical.” He said to you, but you could read him better than that. Yes, his argument was logical, but he just wanted a friend.
So of course, you agreed. Working for Pepper was so much better than your old stupid job, she was an angel compared to your mean boss. So a month later you moved into the compound and settled in with Pepper on your new job as her assistant.
When you first met the infamous Winter Soldier he was back from a visit to Wakanda just a few days after you moved in. You noticed his left arm was different from what you’ve seen on the news- it was now black and a little golden, no red star in sight.
He was laughing with The Falcon and ran his fingers through his short hair when tony walked with you into the common room his arm around your shoulder as you walked towards the two avengers. Tony told you everything, so you knew about their past and while he told you how they both decided to move on from that you where still a little nervous.
“Y/N meet: Birdie and Spiky.” Tony gestured forward as he took you to meet the two avengers “Guys, this is the incredible Y/N.”
“I’m Sam, pleasure to meet you.” He nodded to you and shook your hand “this is Spiky.”
“Spiky? Really Tony, you could do better than that, my hair is not that spiky.” He shook his head but you could hear the amusement in his voice. That was a good sign you thought, but that was before he looked at you and you saw his eyes, the blue piercing through your soul. “I’m Bucky.”
“Y/N” you raised your left hand to shake his, you could see a slight tension forming in his eyes as he raised his vibranium hand to meet yours, eyes studying you. You smiled at him.
He flashed you a smile that made your heart skip a bit. This is definitely going to be a problem.
“Are you a new recruit?” Sam had asked you then.
“Oh no, I’m just a friend.” You looked at tony with a smirk “apparently this guy can’t function without me so I decided to move here, for the sake of saving the world from the worst cook ever.”
“It was one time Y/N! I did not mean to blow up your microwave.” Tony looked betrayed as he looked at you.
“I present to you one of the world’s greatest mechanics ladies and gentlemen!” you waved your hands towards Tony. You could see the amusement in his eyes, giving in his failed look of annoyance.
“I already regret my decision,” he groaned and rolled his eyes at you. “I hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
“Well, it was very nice to meet you Y/N,” Bucky redirected the conversation to you again, A sincere look on his face. “I hope we will see you around more then.”
“Unfortunately, we have to go, Cap is waiting for us.” Sam nodded towards you and Tony. You returned a goodbye before tony swept you away to show you his new project.
“What was it back there lover boy?” Sam teased Bucky when you were out of earshot. Bucky looked back at you and shook his head.
“Don’t know what you are talking about, Wilson.”
“Sure” Sam laughed at him but let it go.
As much as you hated to admit that tony was right, it didn’t take long for the team to warm up to you and take you as one of their own. Two weeks later and you found your place there. Natasha and you became quite close as you, Wanda, and Pepper occasionally had girls night.
Tony was smug all day long when one day at the lab Bruce told you that you’re very calming to have around. When Steve and Sam agreed and said it could have a good effect on the team Tony’s smugness somehow increased. It was very annoying. No one should ever let Tony be proved right.
Thor was the biggest puppy you have ever met, basically a Labrador. You found out his slight obsession with pop tarts, and you took it on yourself to educate him on some pop culture because let’s be honest who would turn down an opportunity to watch your favorite movies with someone who wouldn’t object to any of them. When you one time watched the Sherlock Holmes movie with Thor and Steve came in and said he didn’t watch it, you decided it is absolutely essential to have a movie night. You found Clint in the vents shouting an agreement to you.
Even though you managed to befriend Thor, Loki and you soon became good friends. He appreciated your skill of lie detecting and you two often sat and read books together.
Then there was Bucky, your friendship started to form when you joined in on a prank on Sam. You and Bucky ran so fast, dying of laughter, as Sam chased you around with his brand new sparkly pink wings.
From there you friendship blossomed, but to your dismay so did your little crush. It started from invitations to go on walks, to him coming to your door in the dead of the night in seek for comfort after a nightmare. You always let him in. you’d listen to him if he wanted you to, and you distracted him when he didn’t.
Your best friend never showed up to breakfast so you’d sit next to Bucky instead. In movie nights you found Bucky saving you a seat next to him every time until he didn’t have to, it was a silent agreement amongst the team.
You never would have expected the next development though: Bucky was a cuddler. It started small, a hand on the small of your back in the morning when he entered the kitchen. Then an arm in the dark around your shoulder, stroking your arm as you all sat and watched a movie.
“Can I just maybe lie down?” he asked one night. It was 3am and the dark circles under his eyes made your heart ache. You just nodded but were surprised at his actions. You assumed he meant to lie down on the bed rather than sitting against the headboard. He lowered himself on the bed and put his head on your thighs and began to talk to you. You got over your momentary shock to listen to what he wants to talk about, absentmindedly you found yourself stroking his short hair. It was soft and from his content sigh he seemed to enjoy it too.
Imagine the Fourth of July. Now, imagine it with a bit more… Tony. That’s exactly what happened to Steve’s birthday party. Tony told you all about what he was planning weeks before, and you two worked about it endlessly since then. You were a bit annoyed at first, it was way too extravagant to your taste but now that you’re standing at the entrance, looking down from the stairs at all the people there, you couldn’t help but feel proud. The people there varied, from the avengers to the agents you didn’t recognize and all sorts of people who you assumed were high profiled? Never the one to initiate a conversation with a stranger you went ahead to the bar to try and find Tony.
Instead, at the bar you found Natasha who sat there with a drink, scaring away anyone who tried to bother her, you of course she welcomed.
“I’m so glad you came! I know it’s not really your thing but this place looks amazing, so is your dress!” Natasha gashed at you.
“You look absolutely incredible Nat!” you took in her tight short stress and how well she looked in it, she was your friend but you could feel the discomfort start to grow. You smoothed down your skirt. “Do you know where tony is?”
“he is probably talking to some rich assholes who are leaning in to his every word” she joked with you, “I think I saw him with our birthday boy so maybe you should ask him.” She nodded to behind you.
“Steve! Happy birthday!” you rushed to hug him. “How do you like the party?”
“Well, tony sure has expensive taste, it’s lovely Y/N.” America’s golden boy smiled at you.
“Speaking of tony, have you seen him?”
“Yeah, he was actually looking for you earlier, he’s right there.” Steve pointed to the other side of the room where tony stood with Pepper, surrounded by a group of people.
With a short thank you, you attempted to make your way there, casting tens of apologies as you tried to shuffle through the dancing crowd. From the corner of your eye you spotted Bucky, sitting on the couch next to a girl who was basically sitting in his lap, you saw the smile on his face, you never saw that kind of smile on him before. In an attempt to ignore the twist in your stomach, you continued pushing people until you found Tony, surrounded by a whole new group now. When he noticed you and the look on your face, he whispered to Pepper who then diverted the conversation away from Tony- who slipped away towards you.
“Hey darling, I tried to find you earlier.” He told you as he gave you a hug.
“It took me a little longer to get ready I guess.” You looked behind you to see Bucky still with that girl, you adjusted your dress.
Tony took in your actions. He knew you too well.
“Do you want to go outside, a little bit of fresh air could help?”
“No, no you love these parties! I can’t take you away from that.” You dismissed it quickly.
“Well fine, if you want me to enjoy it so much then dance with me.” He dragged you to the DJ and you heard him ask for a couple of slower songs, and then dragged you to the middle of the dance floor. You heard your favorite song playing and tony enveloped you in his arms, immediately comforting you. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“There isn’t really much to talk about, you know how sometimes these parties can trigger me. Sometimes it can make a person like me feel a bit inadequate I guess.” You leaned your head on his chest.
“You’re better than all of these people sweetheart, you’re my best friend tell me who made you feel like this and I will personally give them a free ride to Antarctica.” You could see him doing that which made you laugh.
“With all the penguins? That sounds fun though.” You argued.
“Oh you’re right. I guess I’ll have to think of a different place then. Do you think Barnes would like the desert? I mean with that metal arm it must heat up-”
“Wait what? Why would you say Bucky?” that sneaky son of a bitch.
“Come on, I saw you look at him, did he make you feel bad?” tony looked you in the eyes this time, sincere.
“No,” you shrugged. “I just saw Nat and all these beautiful agents and then I saw him with one and I guess it just made me feel bad way too fast. He didn’t do anything wrong.”
Some days were worse than others, some days it was just a few passing thoughts, some it was thunder and dark lingering clouds.
“Well, there isn’t a point in me telling you how gorgeous you are because you will never believe me, even though you are and I should probably get you an eye doctor, maybe schedule something with Dr. Cho. Anyway, if this is because of Barnes, then I can assure you he only has eyes for you.”
“I don’t need an eye doctor!” you hit his arm and laughed, before putting your head back on his chest. “And about the other thing, I doubt that. I think maybe he should be with someone more like him, which makes more sense.” You still looked around, not seeing Bucky anywhere.
“I don’t think you should make any sort of decision when you’re this anxious. I don’t think you’re capable of clear judgment in this situation darling.” He said to you quietly, worried overtones in his voice.
“I’m fine Tony, I’m not that anxious.”
“your hands are shaking Y/N…” as he told you that, you looked at the hand you put on his chest, his hand now cradled it as you saw it shaking. How did you not notice it? When tony saw as you realized what was happening he knew there was no room for argument. “I’m taking you away.”
You put up no fight as he quickly managed to take you away without drawing too much attention. You didn’t see Bucky searching for you in the crowd after that.
Bucky sat there on the couch, happy for his best friend as he enjoyed his party. He was smiling uncomfortably as the girl next to him scooted closer to him. His mental health got a lot better, and his confidence grew- he felt the man he once was but newer, most of the time. Big crowds still managed to get to him though. He nodded along to the girl next to him who refused to call him anything but James, he tried to be polite. He hated the crowds, you would know that. He thought. Then he heard your favorite song playing from the far side of the room, there he finally saw you, dancing with Tony. He knew tony was your best friend, but he still felt a tug at his heart as you put your head near his arc reactor.
He has been pondering on when to tell you about his feelings for you, confident that you wouldn’t turn him down. The two of you grew so close, you were an absolute angel to him. He saw you hit Tony’s arm and suddenly his smile turned genuine. He knew you felt the same way as him, it was hard to ignore. You seemed almost as happy as he is when the two of you are alone. Maybe he could tell you tonight.
“James? Are you even listening to me?” the girl called him.
“Yes, sorry, your name is August right?” she nodded at him. “Sorry but I have to go, I have a couple of things to do.” He got up then and went towards where he last saw you, but you where nowhere to be found.
The next day tony seemed to be stuck at your side, you tried to tell him that you’re fine but he insisted to “borrow you from Pepper because he needs an assistant.” Or so he claims. Apparently he needed an assistant to buy him ice cream in your favorite flavor or to cook him a meal which coincidentally happens to be your favorite desert- to give him credit he did try to help but he might have tried to mix the eggs with the flour and got it all over the counter. You burst into a fit of laughter and he told F.R.I.D.A.Y to order pizza. So, the two of you sat in the kitchen with your pizza, after cleaning the place.
“I might have to borrow you from Pepper more often, you are a great assistant.”
“Yeah, sure” you played along before setting your pizza down. “Thank you Tony.”
“Anytime” He smiled at you through a mouthful of pizza.
The kitchen door opened, and in stumbled Steve and Bucky, who for once slept in today.
“Well hello boys, what got you looking so bad?” Tony smirked at them.
“It’s all Thor’s fault, he brought the Asgardian mead.” Steve said, you laughed at his hangover state, it was rare but precious.
“Hey doll, I didn’t get to talk to you yesterday, couldn’t find you.” He smiled at you, his rough voice nearly killed you- you were certain. You looked over at tony as you stumbled over what to say.
“We left early, she claimed I was too drunk and should get some air.” He winked at you “isn’t she just the best Barnes?” he then looked at Bucky; you swear you hated him sometimes.
“An absolute angel,” Bucky replied, assessing tony. “But you seem okay enough.”
“Yes well I tried telling her, but she insisted.” Tony easily replied and matched Bucky’s stare.
“How did you manage to get him to actually listen to you Y/N? That’s impressive.” Steve commented, oblivious to the slight tension as he made coffee.
“Years of practice I guess, it is hard to accomplish because he sure can be an ass sometimes.” You kicked Tony under the table to look at you. He only smiled.
“Capcicle doesn’t like that kind of language Y/N.” you heard Steve groaning as he put a coffee cup in front of Bucky who was seated next to you, and sat in front of him next to tony.
“That happened years ago Tony!”
“Doll, I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie later maybe?” Bucky leaned in to ask you, before you could answer though, Steve spoke up.
“Why is there flour on the counter?”
“On your ass too, you picked the wrong chair.” Tony helpfully chimed in “you know, those pants do nothing for your ass.”
“Tony messed up the kitchen, I guess we didn’t clean it all.” You said apologetically and got up. “I actually have a lot of things to do for Pepper today, since tony stole me, so I should probably go start on that.” You exited the room, looking forward to a distraction at work.
“Tony, you know you shouldn’t cook!” Steve patted the chair, and then sat on it again.
“Hey, I was only trying to help Y/N in baking a cake, I had good intentions!” tony defended.
“Why was she making a cake in the afternoon?”
“Relax Barnes, I asked her to bake me a cake but when it tragically somehow blew up we settled on pizza.” Tony lifted up his slice of pizza in proof. “Why do you care anyway?”
“What kind of question is that?” Bucky looked at him quizzically. “Tony, is there some sort of a problem?”
“I’m just asking, why do you care about her?” Steve noticed the change in the question but Bucky just looked confused.
“I care about her because she is my friend, just like the rest of you here!” Bucky was getting angry by the second, where was this all coming from?
“Yes, but do you care about her only as a friend?” tony asked and this time Bucky noticed the change and his anger all melted away.
“No.” he admitted, not bothering to hide it. “Were you just trying to get me to confess my feelings?”
“They learn things so fast, don’t they Steve?” he looked at an amused Steve who just nodded.
“Even I couldn’t get him to say something. Good job Tony.”
“Okay, I am leaving, this is clearly an ambush.” Bucky left the kitchen then.
Bucky was headed to his room to clear his head, hoping you won’t be as busy tomorrow. He was in the hallway when he passed your room, it was then that he heard your TV on; he recognized the theme song of Brooklyn Nine-Nine playing. Why were you watching TV when you said you’re working? Bucky went to his room and decided to let it go.
For the next week Bucky studied your moves carefully. You started to avoid going out with him, making excuses that he could easily read as lies. At night you accepted him with open arms to talk about his nightmares, but he noticed you smiled less now. When movie night came along he found the seat next to him empty as you sat next to tony, he wasn’t the only one to notice it. That was it for him.
“Nat,” he found Natasha the next day alone in the common room. “Do you know if Y/N is upset with me?”
“Probably, yes, I don’t know why though.” Natasha shrugged.
“I don’t know what I did, she is still nice to me but she avoids even being in the same room as me.” Bucky sat next to her. The assassin put her book down finally and paid attention to Bucky. “I don’t know what to do; I can’t accuse her of anything. I just feel something is wrong. We were really close.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing major, you should talk to her.” Natasha put her hand on his, to try and comfort her friend. She’s seen the way you looked at each other, it was impossible to miss the connection.
You entered the room, unaware of the conversation until you looked up and the two avengers stopped talking and looked at you, but you looked at the position they were in, you were clearly interrupting a private conversation.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you were here. Sorry, I’ll leave you two alone.” You exited the room before Bucky even stood up, he came to seat back down but Nat kicked him.
“What are you doing? Go and talk to her!” she all but commanded him. He wasn’t going to fight Natasha, that’s just a lost cause.
You were safe in your room, it was all fine. Everything was fine. You couldn’t have expected that falling for an avenger would be a good idea. They are different from you, you’re just… you. They are superheroes. Everyone in the building is either a highly trained agent or one of the top scientists in the world. You were just Tony’s friend, here to support him and maybe bring some normalcy to the superheroes. How could you possibly compete with all that? Your lungs felt too tight, it’s like you could barely breathe.
“Miss Y/N I am recognizing symptoms of a possible panic attack, would you like me to call Mr. Stark?” F.R.I.D.A.Y called to you, snapping you out of your daze.
“No, don’t call tony, or anyone, can you just talk me through breathing?” the AI complied until you managed to calm down and get your breathing right. Bless Tony Stark, anxiety can fuck off.
“Miss, Sergeant Barnes is requesting to open the door; I have shut it alongside any outside noise, would you like me to lift it?”
“Yes F.R.I.D.A.Y, thank you.” You could handle it. You opened the door to see a frustrated Bucky. “Hi Bucky, what do you need?”
Bucky just stepped right into your room and shut the door behind him.
“I need you to tell me what did I do wrong?”
“What? You didn’t do anything wrong.” You were confused now.
“Then why the hell are you avoiding me? I thought you were happy, I thought you wanted me around.” Oh, how could you explain this to him without him taking pity on you?
“Of course I want you around Bucky, it’s okay it’s not that. I’m just giving you space. It’s alright.” You tried to assure him, while also hoping you could convince yourself.
“Giving me space? Doll I don’t want space away from you. Why are you pulling away from me?” he reached for your hand, his metal arm trying to bring you closer.
“Bucky, really it’s alright. Just let this go.” You pleaded him.
“No it’s not alright, I’m not alright. Because the woman I’m in love with is pushing me away and I don’t know what to do to bring her back to me!” He confessed to you, the frustration in his voice gave away to the longing look in his blue eyes.
“You- you what?” you stopped trying to resist him, your shock letting him pull you closer, he was holding both your arms now, keeping you close.
“I’m in love with you. Is it really that hard to believe?” He questions, his voice low now, as if someone might hear, and he wanted to keep this intimate moment just for the two of you.
“No.” you said before collecting yourself. “No, you can’t be in love with me.”
“Of course I can, it’s really easy to fall for you doll.” Bucky huffed a laugh. “I thought you felt the same way, do you?”
“I…” Could you really lie to a supersoldier? Would you lie to Bucky? “I do. Of course I do, but you don’t understand. Bucky, you’re a superhero, a supersoldier. I’m on the other hand just a girl with too much anxiety who happens to have the best friend in the world which is why I was even allowed to live here in the first place. You deserve so much better Bucky, you really do. And I- I don’t deserve you.” You hang your head low, if only he could realize that, it will hurt less. Your eyes were watering but you blinked them shut.
Bucky’s right hand came to your chin and held it up. You are an absolute idiot. Bucky mused at what you said.
“Doll, if there is one thing that I learned in therapy is that even after everything I did, I can still become the man I want to be and I deserve to get happiness. You make me so happy doll, you really do. But you deserve happiness too. Tell me, do I make you happy?”
“Yes, very much. But-”
“No. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world and if you’ll have me, I promise to keep you happy, always. I know I can’t solve anxiety, I have it too. But you help me with it, so I’ll do whatever I can to help you.”
You looked into the sea in his eyes, trying to find any doubt, but all you found was determination to make you understand, to make you believe it. And for a moment you did. That was all it took.
“If you’ll have me, I promise to make you happy and make sure you are loved, always.” You whispered. “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me, I just- I want you to remember, you deserve this. Whether it’s happiness with me or with someone else. You deserve to be loved by your friends, and if it’s here than this is your home and we’re your family. You deserve love and support and if it’s me then please, will you have me?”
“Yes. I don’t want anyone else.”
The next thing you knew, his lips crushed into yours, pouring out all of your emotion to the kiss. This feels right, this is right. Maybe you’re worthy of a happy ending after all. Maybe you’ll find it right here, in this compound, with Bucky.
Little did you know, in the far away land that is Tony’s messy lab, F.R.I.D.A.Y notified him per his request about your panic attack. Now, with the monitors turned on, he watched the two of you with a smile at his lips.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y? Tell Steve he owes me 20 bucks.”
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milf-harrington · 2 years
Can you tell me about Milo?
can i tell you about milo-
anon. i would be delighted.
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Milo is one of 6 main characters from my work-in-progress book titled 'Arson: And Other Crimes' and he is... a mess. And honestly, out of all of the characters, he deserves to be.
Milo is very old, and cannot die. Not really anyway- i mean technically he can die but he gets better.
He's the most powerful character in the story, but can you tell? no
He's aroace
He has really bad eyesight in his human form and sometimes his bones hurt. He has arthritis from the strain that shifting into his creature form puts on his body but the pain level varies from day to day and activity to activity and how recently he died
He's scared to sleep alone
He's almost always hungry and can eat anything- roadkill, rotted/mouldy food, people, poison etc. and this is something that Jai finds incredibly entertaining to test
He hates pepper and chickpeas, something Jai continues to be bewildered by because "really? i just watched you eat a flattened crow from a ditch and you wont eat this sandwich because it has pepper on it?"
He bleaches his hair, and is actually a really good hairdresser but none of the rest of the arson gang figure that out for awhile
He is constantly exhausted and running on caffeine and willpower bc he suffers from insomnia and from the general strain of holding a second being inside of him
He falls asleep in random places when he feels safe, this leads to a lot of naps with Jai who also suffers from insomnia and an inability to leave things unfinished
He has a strong sense for good or bad people- kind of like unknowingly weighing their souls? however sometimes he does let himself get kidnapped just to keep things interesting
He wont step foot in a church, still gets that lurch of fear in his gut when he wakes up in a grave eventhough his friends only bury him a foot deep, still feels drawn to crossroads the way a ghost is drawn to the place it died
He can smell emotions, which makes him one of my favourite characters to write scenes for, along with Nancy (she's a telepath and i love describing the different way people think)
He has a really dry kind of humour
He's probably the least fashionable of all the main characters, and often forgets/doesnt care to shower bc he is depressed and so over being alive
His creature form is Big and half made of smoke and it can do all sorts of weird shit with it's body
When the magic and such becomes unstable in their town (*cough* the conflict of the story *cough*) Orli winds up having to drag a half-creature-half-human Milo out of the shops where he was just. having a field day in the meat section.
He has a raspy voice and his thoughts are "foggy dirt-tasting images [...] that felt heavier than a non-physical thing should feel" (a snippet from nancy's pov <3) and his hands shake a lot
He is covered in scars, one for every death
He doesn't like to be blindfolded, he doesn't like not being able to open his mouth and he doesn't like having metal things in his mouth, he doesnt like small, dark, spaces
Despite the fact that he looks like a strong enough breeze would tip him over, he has a dangerous kind of presence about him that makes people wary without even realising it
He helps Orli come up with an epic Plan To Woo Nancy which unfortunately just involves Orli leaving various dead animals on Seftan's porch in an attempt to show Nancy that she is a strong and capable provider. Neither Milo nor Orli quite figure out why it doesn't work. Jai thinks they're both idiots.
i could've gone deeper into his character but honestly the roots of his story are kind of heavy and i'm also too tired to write a little analysis like i might've normally so i hope just. dot points outlining my favourites bits of his character are good <3
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moonlit-han · 4 years
stray kids reacting to you having bad cramps ↠ all members
genre: reaction, fluff word count: 3.5k warnings: discussion of menstrual cramps, pain, etc., swearing request: yes (anon)
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a/n: hey, anon~ sorry this took me so long to write for you;;;; I decided to try a new style—it was nice to write this because I got to imagine how I’d like to be taken care of. (wow, can you tell I could use some cuddles right now?) I hope this is comforting to you! stay cozy✨
✧ masterlist in bio ✧
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bang chan
bad cramps are a normal thing for you
and chan knows this all too well
but sometimes just explaining something doesn’t do it justice
your cramps are so bad that, a lot of the time, you can’t even get out of bed
bad enough that you can’t even scream
chan probably wouldn’t show his concern too much because he doesn’t want to worry you
he would be really concerned the first time you had horrible cramps around him, though
he’d slept over after a movie night and woke up to you curled around a pillow, whimpering
the first thought he’d had was that you were having a nightmare
and so he just gently rubbed your back a little to calm you
but you’d kept whimpering and occasionally curled more closely around the pillow
aaaand you’d finally managed to explain that you were having cramps
and couldn’t exactly move…
chan had quickly drawn a bath for you
(and added a rubber ducky just because he could aljhadfjlkshfjkh)
you’d kinda squeaked when he picked you up, not expecting to be lifted bodily out of your blankets
chan would just kiss the top of your head as he carries you to the bathroom and then gently help you out of your pajamas
the bath would be extremely hot but that was perfect (♡‿♡)
hhhhhh and he’d even add rose bath soap to the water since it was your favorite
(you’d end up with a tiara of bubbles on your head heheheh)
chan would wash your hair and rub your back, massaging your sore muscles
even though the pain is only in your low back and abdomen, you still manage to hold tension in the rest of your body
and then he’d join you in the shower to help you rinse off
he’d hold you because the pain is just so bad and you can barely stand
and if you needed more than just a massage, he’d be happy to oblige
sometimes the release of pleasure helps ease the pain, too
chan just wants you to feel good and to be relaxed
after helping you dry off, chan would bundle you into warm clothes
it was always important, you’d said before, to stay warm
he’d even brush and braid your hair (if you have long hair, that is)
the little tingles that shoot through your scalp when he plays with your hair feel amazing
chan would kiss your cheek and your neck as he works his fingers through your hair
he insisted that you needed to stay hydrated, sometimes having to cajole you into drinking water because you could barely move
he’d want you to be as comfortable as possible
he’d make a blanket nest for you
he’d even put a heating pad or hot water bottle in there for you
pain meds and water would be close at hand
and whatever food you were craving
and he’d be extra affectionate
so many hugs and cuddles
just hugs all day long
maybe it’s just because you’re in pain
but chan’s hugs when you’re having horrible cramps are somehow different from his usual ones??
like he just envelopes you even more than usual and doesn’t let go
you’d just burrow into his arms even further
he’d give you one of his wonderfully big and comfy sweatshirts to wear
it smells like the soap he uses and just his general chan-ness
in other words, the best smell  e v e r  ㅠ_ㅠ ( ◡‿◡ ♡)
and just having him there with you would make everything better
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lee minho
he would also be really loving and caring
and totally calm, not at all surprised
he’s just so even-keeled, you know?
would probably insist that doongie, soonie, and dori sleep with you
minho: “cats are totally medicine! their purring will help!”
they’re super snuggly anyway and just hunker down next to you
and minho is just a fourth cat, honestly
he kinda just curls up with you, massaging your low back if you have cramps that ache there
or just resting a warm hand on your belly to help soothe the pain
he’d get you a fluffy blanket and some orange juice (for the vitamin c to help your muscles relax and to reduce the inflammation!)
and definitely a heating pad or a hot water bottle
if you have two hot water bottles, he’d make a sandwich out of you and the water bottles
(so he could eat you up later ;) )
minho would insist that you take naps, holding you to his chest so you’d fall asleep more easily
he’d also queue up episodes of a show or several movies for the two of you to watch if you were home for the day
if you were at work and had super bad cramps, minho would bring you whatever food or pain meds or anything you’d need
he’s the kind of person who would just drop everything to take care of you, you know? (((we know, lee know alfkjafkjshjhk i’m so sorry i had to)))
he’s just a little ball of love and would want you to feel better
he’d kinda rock you back and forth in his arms if you have a particularly bad spasm of pain
like chan, minho would also get you into the shower to help you feel better
he’d have to convince you to even get out of bed, tho...
“come on, y/n. you’ll feel better if you take a shower. i promise”
“hhhhhhh i don’t wanna get up”
*minho grabbing your hands and tugging* “sweetheart, please.” *tug* "UGH why do you have to act like dead weight now of all times. geez, y/n.”
*tugging intensifies* “get! up! i’ll drag you into the shower, you dork. you know i will”
he’d still have to pretty much drag you to the bathroom
minho gently stripping you out of your clothes would kinda be like trying to dress a baby, since you wouldn’t want to move
he’d just hold you in there, rubbing soap over your body and shampoo through your hair
the hot water and minho holding you, honestly, works as well as any pain med
thank goodness 。゚(゚∩´﹏`∩゚)゚。
and at any time whatsoever, minho’s gentle smile would just make your day so much better
and you know he’d pepper you with kisses all over
(i mean all over)
bc it just always make you feel the most contented ever hhhhhh
and you deserve to not be thinking about pain
bc pain fucking sucks;;;;
and he’d just tell you how much he loves you so much you don’t even know how to respond
and it kinda makes you wanna cry
but from happiness
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seo changbin
changbin would be pretty calm and would know exactly what to do
just matter-of-fact about taking care of you
you’d told him you get really bad cramps before
but the first time you had really bad cramps around him, he was a little freaked out
he hadn’t realized that period cramps could be that bad
you’d come home and pretty much collapsed on the couch
he’d thought you were just tired
but when you let out a strangled scream, changbin was;;;; um;;; a bit worried
okay not just worried
c o n c e r n e d (⊙ __ ⊙);;;;
maybe even a little scared??
he didn’t want to let on that he was worried about you
hearing you kinda just whimpering and crying out in pain tore at his heart
changbin would give you all the stuffed animals you have
(gyu would also make an appearance)
just pile them up around you “for emotional support”
and then he’d wrap his arms and legs around you to cuddle you close
definitely your basic case of:
“binnie please let go”
“binnie i can’t breathe…”
“oh,,,” *loosens hold slightly*
he’s literally just a cuddle bug hhhhhhhh
and I MEAN
he’d rub your belly or your back, depending on where it hurt
and just want to make everything better
changbin would be the one to give you a full body massage if your cramps are bad
he’d insist on doing it, actually
even if you’re whiny and complain, he knows that once you’re relaxed you’ll feel a million times better
he’d concentrate on your low back, pressing his wonderfully warm hands into your muscles
and slowly but surely you’d feel the pain and tension release
hhhhhh he’s probably really good at giving massages 。・゚(゚⊃ω⊂゚)゚・。
ALSO!!! can you just imagine how warm binnie would be cuddling?
you wouldn’t even need a heating pad
he’s all the warmth and comfort you’ll ever need
aldfjkahjlskhsl (♡‿♡)
and his muscles would be the comfiest
they’re all so big but would be so squishy when at rest
hhhhhh just imagine it
laying your head on his chest with his arms around you
the softest oh my god
changbin is so kind and gentle that he’d just want to make sure you’re okay and be really soft
once you were feeling a bit better, he’d probably tickle you a little
just so you’d release your tension
what a cute goofball
he’d sing you to sleep while threading his fingers through your hair
and his low raspy voice would be so calming and lovely
binnie’s go-to medicine is just literally just all the cuddles ever ((well, and pain meds, etc., of course, bc cramps are horrible and evil))
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hwang hyunjin
this boy would be just a little panicky
ya know, jUst A litTtLE
you’d suddenly doubled over while you were out shopping
for matching couple sweaters
(you know, the horrible kind that could only be worn ironically or by people so pretentious that they don’t know the meaning of irony)
and hyunjin is all 
“OH MY GOD Y/N  (@_@) (」゚ロ゚)」
WHAT CAN I DO;;;;;;;;;”
he’d kinda flutter around you like a moth
all worried eyes and nervous energy
he really wouldn’t know what to do
bc FUCK???!!
CRAMPS??!!!! ┗(`゚Д゚´)┛゚
not his forte
“i just need to go home, jinnie. i’ll be fine”
((yeah... lie thru your teeth y/n;;;; ))
he’s still panicky as fuck
when you get home you kinda just collapse on the bed
hyunjin’s all “OOOOH CUDDLE TIME YES”
which was okay for like 2 mins until  a g o n y
“jinnie, i need pain meds. NOW” (x﹏x);;;;;
hyunjin would bound off the bed all “I got this, babe!
and then realize that he had no idea where you kept the pain meds strong enough to deal with menstrual cramps
“uuuuh where are they . . .” (⌒_⌒;)
*y/n flailing in the general direction of the medicine cabinet*
so once he found them, he’d get you a glass of water and help you sit up to take the meds
all better?
you’d need a hot water bottle and blankets
oh and chocolate. lots of chocolate
hyunjin would be so damn determined to make you feel better
to do anything he could bc you seemed in so!! much!!! pain!!!!
ten minutes later you’d find yourself practically swaddled in blankets on the couch with Hyunjin curled around you like a fucking squirrel or something
just let him take care of you
he’s doing his best;;;
he’d want to make you all the food you’d ever want
but would keep getting distracted
bc all he wants to do is just kiss you a bunch
and tell you how cute you are
bc, let’s face it, y/n, you’re pretty cute aldsjfhgsjfkhalhg
even though he isn’t sure what to do at first, hyunjin is actually quite good at taking care of you
if you’re at his place, you’d definitely end up with kkami on your lap
bc why wouldn’t you want a sweet pup giving you all the love when you’re in pain?!!
hhhh so sweet
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han jisung
oh jisung, my sweet precious squirrel boy
jisung would probably be a lot like hyunjin alfjahkjdfh
kinda panicky bc he doesn’t know what to do
really surprised that someone could have cramps that bad
it’s clear to him that, while he’s felt pain before, it was nothing like what you’re dealing with
how the hell do you do this every. single. month.
keeps telling you you’re badass
but,,,,, um;;;;;
*queue fluttering, panicky hands*
“hhhhhh baby what can i do;;;;;”
y/n: *indistinct pain noises* “i’m fine”
“yoU’rE NOt fiNe!!!”
“ji really it’s okay. i’m used to this”
(you say as you’re curled on the couch, clutching just below your belly with a look of concentrated pain on your face)
he’d end up bring you soup and some water
bc soup helps everything, right?
and all the pain meds he could get his hands on
there would be like 10 random bottles of every kind of pain relieving medicine tumbling out of his arms
“i didn’t know what would work;;;;;”
he’s just a sweet lad
what else was he supposed to do?
you’d manage a weak smile before another stab of pain would decide to hurtle through you like a fucking bullet train
at this point, jisung would definitely be feeling sympathetic pain
(not fun;;; )
he’d help you sit up and take the meds
then c u d d l e s
literally just all the cuddles in the world
jisung would hold you tightly, arms and legs wrapped around you, stroking your hair to get you to fall asleep
not that you’d be having any trouble with that, since you would be snuggled by
The Master of Spooning™ himself
even though he’s comforting you and helping, jisung can’t help but be glad that he gets to cuddle you for a long time
and when you felt angry at your body for giving you such horrible pain he’d hold you even tighter
then find some way to make you laugh
laughter is very important in jisung’s world (and, therefore, your world)
and you do find that it takes your mind off the pain, if only a bit
it’s almost like clockwork when you get bad cramps
same time of the month, same kind of pain
(you’ve definitely cursed every single god you can think of for this)
so he knows in the small, secret recesses of his mind, that he’ll get to cuddle the heck out of you at those times
he’d just smother you with kisses to wake you up to make sure you’d take more pain meds
okay;;; he’d smother you with kisses all day, too
and, like a cat kneading, he’d massage your belly and back to relax your muscles
you’d felt a little better after that
resting your head on his chest and hearing his heartbeat would be incredibly calming
by the end of the day, jisung would just hold you on top of him
like you’re a little otter and he doesn’t want to lose you
alkjfghakjlfhahjfgaklhga (●´ω`●)
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lee felix
felix would be amazingly casual about the whole thing and just ready to go
like;;; this boy would just immediately pick you up, kiss your forehead, and carry you to bed
need pain meds?
he’s already put them in the drawer of your bedside table as soon as you’d started your period
need a heating pad?
he’s got like five—all different shapes, sizes, whatever you need
(you’re not quite sure where or when he gets all this stuff, but you’re not complaining)
all he’d want is to just cuddle you
he’d turn those big, soulful eyes on you like you’re the best thing he’s ever seen
((which you are (≧◡≦) ))
and even if you’re curled on the bed in mildly stinky pajamas
he’d still just curl up with you and try to make everything okay
felix would just ramble on about anything and everything to try to distract you
yes, you’d probably be witness to Felix’s Interpretive Dance Time
.....whether you wanted to or not
(you secretly like it when he’s that silly alkfsjhajkfh)
and, of course, felix would make you breakfast (even if it wasn’t morning)
an absolutely delicious meal of all your favorite foods, even if they’re not normal breakfast food
((but honestly, what even is normal breakfast food??? just eat what’s yummy!))
since he’s been practicing baked goods, he’d also make you a lil cake just to cheer you up
and would try to ice it, which would come out really cute
he’d put “to my smol bean: UR CUTE ILY”
bc we all know felix is a cute dork who’d totally put something like that on a cake
would probably call chan or changbin just to make sure he’s not forgetting anything for taking care of you
he wouldn’t forget anything for you, anyway, bc he’s just that committed to making you feel better
oh and you’d definitely watch like 15 children’s movies in a row (okay maybe not in a row, but still)
bc what’s better than laughing at the antics of various animated characters?!
and singing along to the songs would be really fun and take your mind off the pain
it would make you breathe properly and relax! 
felix would probably act out some of the scenes to his favorite movies beside the screen just so you could check his accuracy
and if all you wanted to do is sleep, felix would curl up with you on the bed or couch
and run his fingers through your hair and down your back to soothe you
and give you smol sweet kisses before falling asleep
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kim seungmin
seungmin is also quite practical
when you told him that you get excruciating cramps, he immediately went and researched everything about menstrual cramps
potential causes for especially bad cramps
what to do for someone who’s having bad cramps
what not to do when someone’s having bad cramps
and he’d immediately gone out and bought what seemed like a year’s supply of pain meds, chocolate, three heating pads, and three hot water bottles, as well as extra pads and tampons
so the first time you were together and you kinda just went “aaghhh” in pain, seungmin immediately ran to his closet to get All The Things
you’d given him a quizzical look when he came back into the living room
he had a bag that looked, somehow, Official
although, most of seungmin’s things look Official~
(he’s just that organized and meticulous alkjfhsjfghsh)
so when he’d opened the bag, you had to stifle a giggle
in the bag, seungmin had put everything you’d need for when you had your period
hhhhhhhh what a sweetheart (✿´ ꒳ ` )
and if you need space, he’d just be in the other room minding his own business until you demand cuddles
he’d just absentmindedly give you head pets while the two of you watch a show or something
or he’d read to you from whatever book he’d been reading
or that you’d been reading  (▰˘◡˘▰)
would make you tea~
you’d probably end up cuddling his little puppy stuffed animal at some point
um;;;; seungmin’s potential fathering instincts would probably come out a little bc he just feels so much affection for you
and is just in CARING MODE
if you’re out together and you have cramps, you’d find yourself whisked back home for a day of rest
if you can’t go home, seungmin would just get you the proper pain meds and some water
he probably keeps meds for you in his wallet (´ω`♡)
all seungmin wants is for you to not be in pain
bc it hurts his heart
he doesn’t exactly show it a bunch on the outside to other people
but he’s really caring
most of all with youuuu~~~
he wants to ki— kick whoever decided that cramps could be this bad
like what the fuck, man;;;;;
he’d be very encouraging as he talks to you, since he doesn’t want you to worry or anything
he’s knows you worry enough about why you get bad cramps
whenever the pain would get so bad that you want to cry and feel like you’re going to lose your mind, seungmin’s bright smile would bring you back to earth
he’d reassure you that everything’s okay
and kiss the top of your head as he holds you (*/ω\)
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yang jeongin
jeongin’s remedy to cramps is stuffed animals
all the stuffed animals
all of them
e v e r
you both have a propensity for stuffed animals, characters, random objects, etc.
you even have a stuffed strawberry that’s the size of your torso
so jeongin would just pile up all the stuffies and a bunch of pillows
and settle you in them
you’d feel like you were drowning in stuffed animals ajkfshgkjfhg
like felix, he’d probably secretly call chan just to check that he’s doing the right thing for you, too (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
jeongin would make you tea and bring a pot of it to your bedside table
(just herbal tea, not caffeinated bc he doesn’t want you to get dried out)
he’d bring everything you could ever want in tea:
honey, milk, lemon, sugar
the tea would be reeeeeally yummy
and the warmth would help calm your nerves that had been on high alert since the night before when the cramps had started
jeongin would curl up with you and just stroke your hair
he’d turn on a show the two of you had been watching
a comedy, of course
why would you want to watch anything else while in pain??
okay so as calm as all this seems, he’d be fucking panicked as hell inside
like how is supposed to deal with this???
welp….. might as well just pretend it’s any other day
and you just happen to need more cuddles
he finds it really cute when you are  b a b y
and when you’re having horrible cramps….
yoU ARE B A B Y!!!!!!
the cutest ever
like holy shit
jeongin would be completely floored by how cute you are
you’d just kind of nuzzle into his stomach as you curl up next to him
of course, he’d also make sure you remember to take pain meds and all
sometimes he’d be a little annoying about it but not by much~
just enough to get you to WeAR sOcKs Y/N!!
he’d totally be the one to kinda pounce on you and carry you outside to sit on the lawn
not one but two blankets would cushion you from the grass and any bugs~
he’d probably bring all the stuffed animals he’d piled on you earlier outside
“they’ll get lonely!!”
definitely not an excuse to throw the radish plushies he got you at your head…..
((you’d get him back, though, with a few well-aimed charizards or something))
but if you needed him to be serious, he would be
bc, really, he cares about you so much he feels like his heart’s gonna burst (*♡∀♡)
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fanficmemes · 3 years
Anon with the fanfic tropes list (most of these are somewhat specific but that's cause they just appeal it me), didn't think you guys want to see it that bad but here it is! (I said it's over 1k words so don't say I didn't warn you) (also Note: few of them are implied nsfw but it's mild)
-The italicized oh.
-Sun and moon dynamic
-Teaching someone how to skate
-comparing hand sizes
-picking a flower and putting it behind someone's ear
-babysitting together (bonus if kid thinks they're dating but they are just mutually pinning or kid figures out one of them have a crush on the other and either try to get them together or straight up blurts it out while the crushing tries to get them to shut up)
-when someone's laugh/smile/moan becomes a character's favorite sound/look in the world and they try as much as they can to hear/see it
-A Covering their face with their hands/arms/etc and B moving them and saying 'you're beautiful/I love you/I want to see you'
-Sharing headphones
-SHARING/BORROWING CLOTHES (bonus if it's too big for them)
-using nicknames
-Stealing food off someone's plate
-Sharing food with someone
-comparing them to either sun, moon, stars, god, angel, etc and ultimately saying something about worshipping them (and their body LMAO DONT CALL ME OUT)
-Riding on a motorcycle/bike together
-calling someone something in another language (bonus if they don't understand what it means and says it back)
-voice messages
-cooking/baking together
-when a character wears something new and asks 'how does it look?' And the other absolutely short circuits
-sitting between someone's legs?? (Doesn't have to be inherently sexual, it's just cute like:
-playing with someone's hair
-head on someone's lap and they just look up with the sappiest smile on their face
-oh my the inherent and absolute banger of peppering kisses on someone's face!!
-Kissing someone's nose (as in a 'boop' kind of way)
-FOREHEAD TO FOREHEAD (bonus if one of them is cupping the others cheeks)
-Kissing someone's hand
-Scar kissing
-watching someone play video games
-taking pictures of the dumb shit they do (and them favoring those pictures over normal ones)
-friendship bracelets
-personal special friendship greetings
-still using/wearing something someone's outgrown (small rings on necklaces, old tee shirts as headbands, etc also; "you kept that?" "Of course, why wouldn't I? It's special to me." )
-Painting someone's nails
-Seeing how peaceful someone looks while sleeping
-'I missed you.'
-Grabbing someone by the wrist as they're about to leave and saying 'wait-...stay.'
-Hand/finger on someone's mouth and the one with mouth covered is silently short circuits/panics
-pinkie promises
-maybe this is one sided joy but tickle fights
-pillow fights
-Going swimming (bonus if one of them isn't dressed for water and the other is so they just drag them into the pool)
-hugging someone from behind with arms around their waist and head resting on their shoulder
-hugging someone with so much force that they almost fall over
-putting someone's hair over their ear/clipping it
-Getting into a certain media because of someone
-When pets like a person and the owner is like 'Awww they like you, they're usually shy/etc' and it's symbolism for their relationship
-'oh you like this?' (Starts buying merch or whatever it is just for them)/(gives the one they own to them)
-riding something together and the other has to hold them tightly/close
-playing video games together or just watching them play
-Distraction kisses (whether to beat the other in a game or just to distract the long enough to let them escape, it's good)
-singing karaoke together or just preforming as a duo
-When a character wins or finishes a race and they immediately rush to a certain person, asking them 'did you see me/that/did I win??' Cause all they really care about is the person they're asking's opinion
-A staring at B from a far and B noticing them and either waving/smiling at them or blowing them a kiss from a far and A just looking away really quickly cause they were caught
-Saving spots/anything for somebody
-drawing somebody (bonus if the muse actually sees it and they're like 'woah is that me?? You're a great artist!!' And artist reacts by either quickly closing it or just dying)
-licking lips, wether it's their own or their partner's, it's good
-"you taste like (food)"
-aaa goes along with licking lips but like savoring the taste
-*calls other their s/o in front of people proudly and said s/o is either embarrassed or really likes that they're not afraid to be known that they're together*
-alternatively, calling the other their s/o when it's just them and they haven't decided what they are and said s/o is very much short circuiting
-ALTERNATIVELY that but they're together and one of them uses a cute nickname for the other!!
-Leaving Notes around for them w cute messages
-communicating through a notebook/notes together in class
-throwing paper airplanes at them (they have notes inside)
-carrying something someone else always forgets
-sending songs that remind them of each other
-not exactly romantic but this still slaps, other friends seeing their pinning from a mile away and putting bets on them
-when couple gets together, one person going 'TOLD YOU/CALLED IT! HAND IT OVER, (NICKNAME)' and the doubters reluctantly hand over 20 bucks
-and when they do get together and find out, friend group is like 'yeah and what?? Y'all were so obvious *acts out/recalls their past pinning*' and couple just shuts down
-Oh and the pinners somehow gushing to their friends about said crush
-making pictures of said crush and them as their wallpaper
-the dumbest possible contact names for each other
-making a flower crown for someone/putting flowers in the other's hair/tucking a flower behind their ear
-describing a kiss or a feeling as addicting
-describing something as downright sinful
-Siblings or friends cheering/teasing the couple (wether they're dating or pinning, it's always fun)
-running through the rain together and laughing
-Dancing together (bonus if one of them is reluctant or inexperienced to dance and the other teaches them or just tells them to have fun, also bonus if they do 'the dip')
-Taking care of someone while they're sick
-Intoxicated/high/sick person confesses that they like the other/gets affectionate/flirts and other is very blushy (bonus if other gets to see a side of the intoxicated they've never seen before)
-Sharing a drink (like milkshake)
-Kissing someone's lips to taste something or get lipstick
-The visual of lipstick smudged or all over
-A seeing B with a different hairstyle and absolutely being like: 😳💘‼️
-Same reaction but A hears B's morning voice
-Preforming on stage and performer (who's already with s/o) points at their s/o in the crowd and is like 'this one's for you, babe!' And said s/o is embarrassed but finds it endearing
-or the exact opposite where s/o points at performer and says 'THATS MY S/O!!!' very proudly and loudly
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Okay why is this so goddamn well thought out!!!! Honestly we should make this an ask game one day bc I’m the “THATS MY SO!!!!” trope
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fantastic-bby · 3 years
Pairing: Reader x Mark 
Word count: 1.2k
Genre: Comfort | Angst | Fluff | Married AU 
Summary: Mark holds you while you break down
Warnings: Depression
A/n: Hi lol. Uhh, kinda wrote this while I was feeling big sad. I’ve actually been feeling big sad lately, but writing this kinda helped (?) and I hope that maybe it can help anyone else who might need it. Everything’s been real big sad and w the fucking panorama pandemic shit going on right now, I hope that everyone’s coping okay bcs this shit is starting to break down my mental health lol oops. Sooooo, enjoy. Also, anon who requested this, I hope this was what you wanted <3 
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3. I don’t want to feel this way anymore  10. I would give up everything for the chance to see you laugh again
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It could’ve easily been how your friends seem to exclude you out of things. Or maybe it’s the increasing load from work. Or it could be your husband having to spend more time working with how hectic things have become, but you don’t know why you’ve felt so down in the past month or so. So much so that even Mark has noticed despite how he’s spent a little less time at home than he usually would. However, when he is home, he watches you slug around your shared home silently. 
It worries him. 
Instead of pressing you about it, Mark just patiently waits until he finds the opportunity to talk to you when you’re not waddling around the apartment like a lifeless shell. But the opportunity comes to him when he least expects it. He hadn’t seen your natural glow in a while which worries him. You see, Mark isn’t the type of person who would actively reach out because he doesn’t want to overwhelm you. He waits until you come to him because then he knows that you want him to be there. Other than that, he’ll patiently be on stand-by until he needs to act. 
That doesn’t mean that Mark’s heart doesn’t ache for you, though. While he patiently waits, all he can do is watch. He doesn’t want to approach you at a time where you would push him away because he already knows that you’ll do that, but it hurts for him to just watch and wait as you slowly break down. So, when he comes home from work after what seemed like a relatively normal day, he feels everything freeze when he sees you bundled up in one of his sweaters and sitting on your bed. The only problem is that you’re crying, a lot. 
“(Y/n)...?” Mark calls out gently as to not frighten you, but the sound of his voice makes you jump anyway. “Baby, what’s wrong?” Just the sight of him standing in the doorway, light from the hallway shining behind him and into the otherwise dark room just makes you feel more overwhelmed with your emotions. So, you start crying harder which makes Mark panic even more as he takes slow steps towards the bed, his hands outstretched in front of himself. “(Y/n), honey.” You open your mouth to speak, but the only thing that comes out are incoherent whimpers as you reach out for him. The moment he sees you reaching out as well, Mark’s immediately moved onto the bed and pulled you into his arms. “I’m here, baby, it’s okay.” 
Your hands meekly wrap around him as you bury your face into his baggy Balenciaga t-shirt. Mark’s hand gently runs up and down your back to try and calm you down, but it does little to soothe your jumbled up thoughts. There’s too much going on around you. Too many things going wrong. Too many things in your mind. Are you broken? Why can’t you feel happy when you have almost everything you need? You have a home to call yours, a stable job, your fluffy white dog baby, and your loving husband. You have everything, but why do you feel so… 
It took a while, but you’ve finally calmed down. Mark rocks you back and forth gently, humming anything that comes to mind to try and get your mind moving at a more calming pace. Your grip around him has loosened only slightly, but Mark doesn’t let you go even for a second. He still holds onto you, calloused hands gently running up and down your back while his cheek rests on the top of your head. The room’s gone silent, but your husband still doesn’t talk. 
“Mark,” you softly say, making him hum in response almost too eagerly; as though he was waiting for you to say something—waiting until you were ready to say something. “I don’t want to feel this way anymore.” Your voice has become a whisper that Mark almost misses had he not been on guard for your every word. But the way your voice cracks only adds to his pain for you. 
“What’s wrong, my baby?” he asks softly as he pulls away. 
Your mouth opens, but nothing comes out. You don’t know what’s wrong. So, that’s what you tell him, “I… I don’t know.” Your grip around him becomes tighter when you can feel more tears prick your eyes. “I don’t know, Mark. I’ve just… felt so tired. I’m so tired, Mark. Of everything. I don’t know why.” 
“You need some rest, (Y/n),” Mark says gently as his hand moves to cradle the back of your head. He leans his head down and presses a kiss to the crown of your head, a simple gesture that he does to let you know that he’s there. “I haven’t seen you truly glow in a while. It pains me to see you like this, baby.”  He pulls away slightly, hands moving to cup your face and angle it so that his chocolate brown eyes are looking straight into yours, “I just want you to be okay.” 
“I-I’m sorry.” Your hands clenched into fists, his shirt bunching up in your hands as tears start streaming down your face once again. “I’m so sorry, Mark,” you hiccup. It hurts to see him in pain because of you. 
“It’s not your fault, my (Y/n).”  Mark starts pressing more kisses to the top of your head when you bury your face in the crook of his neck. “I promise you, it’s not your fault.” 
“Then why does it feel like it is?” Your voice cracks and it makes him squeeze his eyes shut. “Why does it feel like everything is my fault? Why am I even like this?” 
“You can’t control how you feel,” he says, his body starting to rock you back and forth once again. “It’s okay to feel this way.” 
“But I don’t want to feel like this.” Mark goes quiet. He honestly doesn’t know how to respond. He only knows that he needs to be there to help you, but he doesn’t know the right words. “You being here is enough,” you say when you can practically hear the cogs turning in his head. “Your presence is enough.” 
“I want to help you, (Y/n). I would give up everything for the chance to see you laugh again.” He pulls away to cup your face and look you in the eye once again, “you can always reach out to me whenever. I’m always here. I’ll be here to help you if you let me.” Mark leans down and presses a soft kiss to your forehead, your hands moving to hold his. His touch is so gentle as though you’re a porcelain doll that he might accidentally break if he’s too rough. 
“I love you,” you whisper. He presses another kiss to your skin, then another, and then another, until he’s just peppering your face with soft kisses. It’s enough to lighten your mood. “What are you doing?” you giggle. 
“I’m kissing you better,” Mark grins, happy that he’s managed to make you smile. “It seems to be working, so I’ll continue.” He presses another kiss to your nose and you respond by scrunching your face up. His thumbs brush away any stray tears, a small smile on his face as he presses his forehead against yours. “I love you, (Y/n). 
You’re my everything
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ifmywishescametrue · 3 years
and bc i have no self control. #41 kisses to shut them up for rhodeytony
So this one spiraled so quickly, because I also have no self control! And now it’s a 3.4k words of 5+1 for Rhodey and Tony’s first kisses together. Hope you like it :)
The first time is something of a joke. Tony is doing that rambling thing like always, hands moving around rapidly and coming dangerously close to smacking passersby in the face. He gets more than a few dirty looks for it, but he doesn’t seem to be noticing. Rhodey isn’t even sure what he’s ranting about anymore. Maybe one of his professors, or that annoying guy in his physics class. All he does know is that he wants to get to the cafeteria before they run out of pizza and Tony walks slow when he’s talking. So Rhodey grabs him by the wrist when his hand flies in front of him again, spinning him around and planting his lips firmly against Tony’s for just a moment. It does the job of stunning him into silence, but it also makes him freeze completely on the sidewalk. Rhodey keeps walking, and Tony has to run to catch back up. 
“What was that for?” Tony asks, eyes wide. 
Rhodey shrugs, “Had to shut you up somehow.”
Tony makes an offended squawking sound, hitting Rhodey with the too long sleeve of his sweatshirt. Rhodey’s sweatshirt, technically. 
“That’s rude,” Tony says. “You’re getting me ice cream to make it up to me.”
Rhodey laughs, slinging his arm over Tony’s shoulders to pull him along. “Whatever you want, Tones.”
If the first was a joke, the second is just the repeat performance. Between Rhodey’s basic training and Tony’s recent and sudden rise to CEO, it’s been almost three months since the last time they’ve seen each other. Basic has him questioning everything and feeling like a bit of failure. He should have been able to handle it better. The homesickness, the pressure, the constant grind of work. It’s been the dream for so long that he doesn’t know what to do with the feeling he has now. 
“Maybe I should quit.”
Tony snorts inelegantly, “Pretty sure that’s called deserting and it’s a crime.”
“So I’ll go on the run,” Rhodey argues, like it’s a perfectly reasonable response. “I’ll move to Tahiti or Fiji or one of those other islands. Wait, you have a private island, right? I could go there, and if anyone comes for me, I’ll just take a rowboat out to sea, and they won’t have any jurisdiction on the water to arrest me. I’m pretty sure that’s a thing. Right? It’s -”
Tony’s lips are a little sticky from the beer he’s been drinking, and his hands are warm where they cup Rhodey’s cheeks. He doesn’t understand what’s happening or why, and at first he can’t think enough to react. When he can think again he can’t decide whether to push him off or kiss him back, and he still hasn’t reached a conclusion when Tony pulls away. He doesn’t know if it lasted two seconds or two minutes, and it’s confusing to realize that he isn’t sure which he would prefer. 
“Wow, that is effective,” Tony grins. “Thought maybe it was just me it works on, but I should try that on board members sometime if it’s that good.”
Rhodey gapes at him when he connects the pieces. “Seriously, Tony? That happened two years ago, and I’m in the middle of a crisis right now.��
"No, you were spiralling and now you’re not," Tony says simply. "Situation resolved by not talking about it."
"That's not how that works."
"Of course it is. How do you think most fires get put out? By putting a lid on them until they die."
"Alright, ignoring that that's not even true, what the hell does it even mean?" 
"It's very true, and what it means is that I have put a lid on this irrational fire, so it doesn't have the chance to spread and ignite the rest of your life. Containment, honeybear. It's about containment."
"That's a terrible analogy," Rhodey says, and Tony tosses his hands in the air. 
"What do you want from me on the spot?" 
They spend most of the night trying to come up with something better, laughing and drinking the rest of the beer in Tony's fridge, until Rhodey forgets that he was ever stressed in the first place.
Their third kiss is an accident. It happens somewhere in between Rhodey deciding that he hates Tony's new boyfriend and him realizing exactly why that is. 
He comes back from six months overseas, and it's a few days ahead of what he was expecting. He told Tony Thursday, but his plane touches down in California on Tuesday morning, and he gives the taxi driver Tony's address without a second thought. Tony likes surprises, and he has no reason to think this might be a bad one. 
He uses his key to let himself in, fully knowing that Tony won't be awake yet to answer the door. The first traces of sun are just starting to filter in through the windows, and Rhodey sets his duffle bag down near the door before moving into the kitchen. Tony's refrigerator is nearly barren, but there are a few eggs and a green pepper that would be rotten by tomorrow that he can make due with. He finds an onion, too, and falls into a rhythm while dicing vegetables. 
It's this kind of thing that he misses when he's away. He misses having a kitchen and making what he wants in it, even if this isn't his kitchen or his first choice of food. But he misses the simplicity of it all. Life on the base seems alternate between too fast and too slow, but this is all his own pace. 
He hears footsteps on the stairs a little after the eggs hit the pan, and he glances over his shoulder to watch Tony shuffle into the room while rubbing his tired eyes. If he had stayed turned around a little longer, their third kiss wouldn't have happened at all. By the time Tony opens his eyes, Rhodey's back is to him again. 
Instead of instantly reacting, Tony slowly wanders over and puts his hand on Rhodey's shoulder. The words are mumbled when he says, "You're up way too early," and Rhodey doesn't have time to process how strange the sentence is, because he's being kissed the second his head turns. Not the shut up kind of kiss or even that sort of friendly peck he's seen people do sometimes. It's the kind where Tony's tongue is slipping between his lips, and his hand is wandering lower. The kind that friends don't share, but lovers definitely do. 
Rhodey falls into it without question. 
The spatula clatters to the floor from his hand, and Tony laughs into the kiss before pulling back. There's a grin and a joke on his lips that's quickly replaced by dawning horror. 
"Rhodey?" Tony squeaks out. His hand flies up to cover his mouth, and through it Rhodey hears, "Oh, shit." He looks down at the complete lack of space between their bodies, dropping the hand to raise them both in front of himself like a defense as he backs away a couple of steps. "Fuck, I'm so fucking sorry. I thought - you weren't supposed to be here yet. Thursday. That's - you said Thursday. Didn't you?" 
It's like ice water with how quickly the warmth of that kiss leaves his body. 
Rhodey raises an eyebrow and plays at unaffected. "I did, yeah. Seems like you should attack an intruder instead of kissing them, though." 
Tony's cheeks turn a vibrant shade of red, and he runs a still shaky hand through his hair.
"I thought you were someone else," he sheepishly admits. "It's just that from behind you, um, well you look a lot like Ryan, and he wasn't in bed still when I got up, so I came down here, and, uh, I guess you know the rest of that story." 
Ryan, Rhodey's mind bitterly repeats. The guy Tony's spent the last three months talking about on the phone and in his letters. It's always about him in some way.  He told me the funniest story yesterday, Rhodey or Isn't he so romantic, platypus? But Tony seems happy, so he fakes a laugh at a story that definitely isn't funny retold and agrees that string quartets are romantic instead of horribly cliché. He helps him plan dates when it's Tony's turn, because apparently that's yet another adorable thing they do together. 
He just barely suppresses the sigh before saying, "Don't worry about it, Tones. It's all good."
Tony looks relieved, and after an awkward minute or two they fall back into their normal conversation like it never happened. They talk about the missions Rhodey has flown for and the designs Tony has been working on between bites of burned eggs and coffee. 
Neither of them ever mention that Rhodey kissed him back. 
Tony and Rhodey are both drunk for the fourth. The music is loud at the club, and the air is a smoky haze. It's someone's birthday, he thinks, but he can't really remember anymore by the fifth shot of tequila. 
He leans back against the bar on his elbows, watching in drunken amusement while Tony tries to put the moves on someone to hold up his end of the bet. The guy looks like he isn’t quite sure what’s happening, and Rhodey laughs into the rim of his glass. All he needs is one kiss, and Rhodey will be out the contents of his wallet. He isn't even sure what those contents are, and Tony wouldn't let him check before the handshake. It could be anywhere from a nickel to fifty bucks, he figures, which is worth it to watch this complete trainwreck. 
It takes another ten minutes of flirting before Tony finally gives up and comes back over to the bar. 
“Loser,” Rhodey teases. “What happened to having ‘game so good a straight man would fall to his knees?’”
Tony flips him off and steals the glass from his hand. “He has a girlfriend, which is the only reason it didn’t happen.”
“He didn’t even realize that you were flirting with him, did he?” Rhodey laughs, and Tony pouts pitifully. 
“The no touching rule wasn’t fair.”
“A good bet doesn’t involve actual harassment,” Rhodey reasons, just like he did earlier in the night. “If you can’t get them to kiss you by flirting with just words, they wouldn’t want you touching them in the first place. It’s called consent.”
Tony rolls his eyes, “I do not need to be taught about consent. I am the king of consent. Enthusiastic, resounding consent, even.” He pauses, and there’s a dangerous look in his eyes when he narrows them at Rhodey. “Okay, I know that this about to go against everything I just said, but it’s you, and we don’t have rules, right?”
“Just say yes.”
“Yes to what?”
Tony leans in with enough time that if Rhodey really wanted to, he could pull away. He could put his hand over Tony’s mouth or step to the side or simply tell him no and Tony wouldn’t do it. 
But he doesn’t do any of those things. 
He lets Tony cup the back of his neck to tilt his head to the right angle, and he threads his hand into Tony’s hair in return. His lips taste like the vodka and cranberry juice from the stolen glass, until Rhodey has kissed him so thoroughly that he can’t taste it anymore. 
“There,” Tony says, grinning proudly like he’s just done something exceptionally smart. His breath is coming quickly, and Rhodey’s head is spinning with the thought that he’s the one that did that to him. “I got a straight man to kiss me. Pay up.”
Rhodey laughs, full-bodied with his head tilted back. “No, man. You definitely didn’t.”
Tony’s still a little too drunk to fully understand what he means by that, and he takes it as if Rhodey’s saying that he stole the kiss, rather than earned it. He spends most of the night after that trying to get him to kiss him again on his own accord, but Rhodey doesn’t want another one like that. He wants Tony’s soft-eyed gaze on him, and his body held tight in his arms. He wants to hear him say the same words he’s saying right now, but to have him actually mean it when he says the word please. Like he won’t be able to live for another second without Rhodey’s lips on his. 
He doesn’t want the joke anymore, but he knows he won’t ever get to have the real thing. 
Rhodey is half asleep for kiss number five, and he isn’t even quite sure that it actually happens. He’s lying in a hospital bed somewhere in Germany, he thinks, and machines are beeping all around him. He can’t really remember what brought him here as he drifts in and out. There was some kind of fight - that much is obvious. He sees flashes of bullets in the sky, flames, and a rapidly plummeting altitude reading. Was it a mission gone wrong? An attack they weren’t expecting? One of the machines ticks a little faster when he tries to clear his head enough to think about it, and then darkness takes over again. 
When he partially wakes the next time, there’s something warm and solid in his hand. It shifts a little, brushing lightly in circles over his skin, and it takes him a longer amount of time than it should to realize that it’s another hand. But when he does, he knows without a doubt who it belongs to, and the thought sends him back into sleep with a warm feeling in his chest. 
He finds out later that he was unconscious for three days, and Tony hardly leaves his side for a minute of it. Rhodey doesn’t want to say how that makes him feel, so he falls back on what he does know how to say. 
“You should really at least go back to the hotel to take a shower. You’re starting to smell, man,” he says after the doctor leaves the room. 
Tony gives him a weak laugh, running his hand through his hair and grimacing at the oily texture. "Maybe in a little bit. You just woke up."
Rhodey shifts against the pillows, tilting his head to get a good look at him. His clothes might be the same ones he showed up here in, all wrinkled with a coffee stain on one of his sleeves. The circles under his eyes are darker than he's ever quite seen them before, and he looks too pale. 
Tony isn't supposed to look like that. 
He's supposed to be sunlight embodied, all tanned skin and bright eyes and fluid motion. But this Tony is slumped over in his chair, small and fragile looking like the wrong word could destroy him completely. This Tony offers him a brave face and a delicate smile that doesn't reach his eyes, and Rhodey can't stand it. Can't stand that it's his own fault he looks like that. 
Stretching his arm out, he turns over his hand to open his palm. The movement tugs at his injured shoulder, but he grits his teeth to hide the pain and it's worth it to have Tony's hand back in his where it belongs. He squeezes gently, and Tony squeezes back. 
"You almost died," Tony whispers. "You're not allowed to die."
"I won't do it again," Rhodey says, even though they both know he can't make that promise. 
Tony nods, and for now that can be enough. He switches the topic to something else so they don't have to talk about it anymore. So Tony doesn't have to say what the last three days felt like, and Rhodey doesn't have to admit that his last thought before the plane went down was regret that he'd never get to have this again. 
Tony makes him laugh until his battered ribs are aching with it, until they've talked about everything and nothing and sleep is pulling at Rhodey again. It's hard to keep his eyes open, and he fights it until he can't any longer. 
A hand runs over his hair, and down the side of his face to linger on his cheek. Rhodey leans into the touch with closed eyes as Tony murmurs, "I'll come back tomorrow. Don't you dare do anything stupid like dying while I'm gone."
He feels the warmth of Tony's breath on his skin the moment before Tony kisses him. It's a barely there, wisp of a thing, right on the corner of his mouth. There one instant, then gone the next. It's the last thing he feels before slipping into sleep again. 
“I’m so old,” Tony groans, flopping down on the beach chair next to Rhodey’s. “Ancient. Decrepit. On death’s door.”
“You’re thirty,” Rhodey says, and he laughs at the pout on Tony’s face. “I’m a year older than you. What does that make me then?”
“A senior citizen, just like me.”
Rhodey lifts his beer from where the bottle was balancing in the sand and clinks it with the bottle in Tony’s hand. “Welcome to the club then. We’re happy to have you.”
Tony kicks off his shoes and tucks his feet under his thighs as he settles back in the chair. It’s quiet out here on the beach, away from the crowds and noise from the party. The crashing of the waves and the distant thrum of music are the only sounds, and they watch the water in the still of the night for a while. 
“Don’t you want to get back to the party?” Rhodey asks softly, unwilling to break their bubble of peace. “It’s for you.”
Tony shakes his head. “I like it better out here.”
“Want me to kick everyone out for you?”
Tony looks over his shoulder at the house, filled to the brim and lights flashing from every window. He leans over the inch between their chairs and rests his head on Rhodey’s shoulder. “No, they can have their fun in there, and I can have mine here.”
Rhodey cards his hand through Tony’s hair, feeling warm despite the cool breeze. “This is fun for you, huh? Sitting in silence?”
“It’s always good with you,” Tony murmurs, so quiet that Rhodey almost loses it to the ocean. He’ll always be thankful that he didn’t. 
He lets his hand go lower, slipping from his hair to run his thumb along Tony’s jaw, and it would be so easy, he thinks, to kiss him right now. To tilt Tony’s chin up and turn his head to the side just a little. To brush their lips together, slowly at first, then steadily growing more desperate as he gives in to everything he’s wanted for so long. He thinks of the way Tony would sound, if he would sigh or moan or whimper under his mouth. Tony would be sticky sweet from the buttercream on the cupcakes from earlier, and Rhodey would taste sugar on his tongue. 
“Rhodey,” Tony whispers, looking up at him. The moon is reflected in the deep brown of his eyes, and Rhodey wants to keep this image of him in him in his mind forever. “Can I tell you what I wished for?”
“Won’t come true if you do,” Rhodey whispers back. 
“I think it’s the only way it might,” Tony answers, and he seems even closer than he was before. 
“What did you wish for?”
Tony’s cheeks are flushed, and Rhodey thinks for a moment that he’s going to lose his nerve to say whatever it is. He’s ready for the joke instead, but it never comes. 
“For you to kiss me,” Tony says with an unsteady breath. “For it to mean something when you do.”
Rhodey slides his hand a little higher, and he strokes across Tony’s cheekbone. He doesn’t miss the way that Tony’s eyes flicker down to his lips. “And what do you want it to mean?”
“Everything,” Rhodey repeats, and Tony smiles, soft and unsure. “I think I can manage that.”
Years later, Tony still likes to tease Rhodey about their first kiss, except now it's become their thing. The interrupted sentences sometimes get finished after and sometimes don't because kissing Tony is more important than whatever it was that he had to say in the first place. 
He loses count of what number they’re on. One thousand or one million, it could never be enough. They have all kinds of kisses now. Early morning, sleep-hazed kisses, and quick, little pecks on the way out the door. Good night kisses that turn passionate and desperate as often as they stay innocent and sweet. Reluctant ones when Tony is mad at him for something silly, lingering ones in apology. 
Each one still means everything.
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kvgehiras · 3 years
HELLOO !! i hope ur doing okay <33 could i request for kaoru general dating hcs? i love your writings (☆▽☆)
HELLO!! YES YES ND THANK U !!!!! hope u enjoy~
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• kaoru def started liking u years ago
• hes a pining FOOL
• there was this bookstore that u'd go to at times bcs it was just so peaceful
• nd this one day kaoru walked in nd saw u
• u were reading this book that u had bought as u were leaning on the wall
• nd his brain goes empty
• but he makes his way towards u anyways!!!!! bcs hes not a pussy (*`へ´*) 彡3
• ....or so he thought
• he walks in ur direction, sees that u lifted ur head to look towards him, nd then a takes a u-turn, nd just . goes to the other section of the bookstore to hide from u
• (at this point his actual intention to just sit peacefully in the bookstore in the ac doing absolutely Nothing has vanished from his mind.....what a dumbass)
• u on the other hand r like (・・?)
• "am i intimidating....other ppl......."
• so like a normal person u decide to just leave nd read it at ur place
• kaoru is too late unfortunately the dumbass comes back nd sees u gone nd hes like :(
• so the entire day hes sad
• hes patting himself on the back for showing up in hopes to see u again nd actually finding u
• so true kaoru now Pls Make A Move
• u look up to see the same dude again but this time talking to himself nd ur like ???
• so u approach him
• "hello do u uh...need some help?
• nd hes just Frozen
• his brain is going fight or flight mode rn
• but this is kaoru so he has another mode along w fight or flight : flirt
• so he does just that
• "oh i was here to ask if u were uh . free for like! a coffee! or smthg!!!!"
• nd ur just like
• "hm..... my schedule is free today...ok! let's go :D"
• nd ur heading out alrdy but hes just standing in place like Did It Just Work. Oh My God It Worked
• so now yall like to meet in diff cafes every week or so (ˊᗜˋ*)
• nd it's so fun!!!! kaoru is like...weirdly knowledgeable abt diff cafes nd their speciality .... it's weirdly....attractive
• how dare he be physically Nd brainiacally attractive....not fair kaoru
• but u see . while u were starting to like him more than u had expected he was stuck in one place
• his brain kept yelling at him to do smthg abt his crush but also he didnt want to be a douche yk.... he alrdy has a reputation of being a playboy but he!!!!! genuinely likes u!!!!!!
• so he just never does anything. keeps pining for u. (loser)
• nd at one point when u guys were at a cafe sitting inside bcs it was just v hot outside nd also no one was there
• so ur just like . casually .
• "hey kaoru do u wanna date?"
• nd he looks up at u. thinks abt it a lil. then goes RED
• like not just red he goes RED. w the caps lock on
• poor boy has been pining after u for so long.....give him like a lil kiss or so pls...
• "i- i uhm- u- u like me...?"
• hes Struggling
• it's so visible it physically hurts so u go sit beside him , grab his face, nd give him a smooch
• u pull away, his face still in ur hands, nd hes leaning into ur touch when u say
• "yes. i like u. let's go out?"
• nd he gives u the biggest grin nd kisses u back (#kaoru1stwin)
• but the pining doesnt stop even after yall start dating LMAO
• usually hes v confident that hes dating u. definitely boasts abt it to his friends
• izumi's Sick N Tired of his ramblings
• koga has threatened to smash a guitar (not his. just someone's) on kaoru's head if he keeps talking abt u for the nth time
• unfortunately he doesnt stop
• u see....hes a lil puppy in love
• but a hidden one
• in front of ppl hes SOOOOO CLINGY. STICKS TO U LIKE A GUM
• expect him to latch onto u more (holds u by the waist, playing w ur fingers) if someone tries to hit on u
• when u get home expect him to be whiny but dw give him loads of kisses he'll be fine after that!!!!!
• u guys still go to cafes !!!! except this time kaoru has enough courage to call them dates
• would go to cafes that yall used to go to when yall hadnt dated yet nd would be like "i used to sot here nd w every sip of my coffee id do the 'y/n loves me, y/n loves me not' thing....nd the coffee would always end at 'y/n loves me not'....i think the coffee is bullying me y/n"
• "bully Nd liar!!!!! bcs look im here as ur s/o now :D"
• expect ur face to be peppered in kisses after u say that no kaoru does not care abt the ppl that r staring at him rn (on kaoru's behalf, im so sorry fellow customers (⌣_⌣”))
• would take u to the bookstore every anniversary!!!!!! nd then reenact the first time he met u
• "kaoru this is the third time im seeing u reenact this pls"
• "nd u'll have to see me reenact it again!!!!!!!!!"
• overrall hes a big whiny simp. save urself /j
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