#but!!! i hope things look up for you soon 🙁 i know they will!! i believe they will!! i don't know when but it'll come!!
seiwas · 8 months
okay so, this is the story all about how i had a fairytale romance straight out of a fic n now i’m living a nightmare lmao.
back when twitter was twitter i was in the music producer scene cause that’s what i do in my spare time. well this poet guy i was following made a post saying for all the indie artists to leave their soundcloud links. so trembling in nervousness, i did. i was a beginner at the time and so sharing like that was hard. but this other guy was in the comments who shared is and on a whim i looked at his twitter. he was so so talented! so i followed him. he followed me back. we became fast friends. he lived in new jersey while i lived in oklahoma. after like a month we were crushing on each other so hard so i told him i told my nana we were together so we couldn’t lie to nana and that’s how i bagged him. ff three years. we do long distance for a while but it just means we saw each other once or twice a years. we had a big even that should have been my biggest red flag but love is blind so year three he moves in. we start our lives together. we get two dogs. ff to it being seven years. i move from my home state with him 19 hours away.
everything is good for a while but as soon as he had me isolated, our relationship broke down and i met a man i never in the seven years we were together thought i’d meet. i couldn’t leave bc i didn’t really have money and also, our dogs. it’s been four years with them by then and they’ve grown up by each other’s sides. we can’t split them. all of this is happening and so he asks me to marry him after months of us going back n forth about if we even wanted to be together. l m a o.
stupidly i say yes.
bc love isn’t blind it’s just ME 😭
two weeks post engagement we go on a trip with his family. bc i am introverted af, i sat out a lot of of the extraneous social activities. the family collectively decided i was being “emo” and no longer liked me. so, while we were all on a trip seven hours from home, he breaks up with me but i still have to endure the next two days with everyone.
we get back. he stresses how over it is. pushes me to move out so i do. goes so far as to say he’ll pay most of my bills just so i will. i was for sure he was seeing someone so i just go, not wanting to know the truth bc my heart was already in fragments. i stay close by bc of the dogs. we set up a coparenting custody schedule. doing this was better than going back home to my abusive family. we try out this new dynamic. it hurts for me. it’s hard for me. but when we finally sat down n talked about our feelings in depth i lied and said the dynamic was good for me n not at all that i’m still so in love with him i want to throw up bc before asking me my feelings he said something that let me know that as of now, my feelings are unrequited. dunno how long they were, but i took that as pre-rejection and said everything was fine and i wasn’t bothered at all. but god i was and still am so bothered besties. so so bothered.
now here we are at the present. i’ve been moved out for a couple months. but as of last week he says we might have to live together again for financial concerns. n lord jesus i don’t want that. bc i just want to move on but every time we hang out it’s always clear we’re so perfect together bc omg we have all the same hobbies. same humor. different interests but it’s always great conversation. he’s the one who encouraged me so much to do more with my writing and music. he pushed me to do so many things to overcome my crazy reserved nature. and now i feel like i’m stuck in the depths of a love that will never be returned again. 😭
pass the ice cream sleepover besties.
nonie hello!! đŸ„ș welcome to the sleepover!! ✹
omg. i don't even know where to begin nonie... how he asked you to marry him even after months of fighting... and how his family didn't like you so he straight up broke up with you and you had to endure that stay 😭 and then he pushes you to move out like ???? 😭 and your inkling that he might be seeing someone too 😭 and oh gosh nonie 😭 i'm so sorry about your family 😞 you deserve to be treated with kindness and love, especially from the people meant to be closest to you 😭
i don't have a lot of experience with relationships nonie but !! i do know that you a deserve a love that's as much if not more than the love you give out 🙁 i know breakups can be a tricky thing, especially when there are so many other things involved (your dogs, financial, feelings especially) but i hope you always remember to put yourself first!! to love and respect yourself before anything!!! and to make sure that the people you allow into your space are people who would treat you the same way you would treat you 😭
i am giving you all the ice cream in the world nonie!! đŸŠđŸšđŸ€ adding extra sprinkles of love and hugs on it too đŸ„ș
let's have a sleepover!! 💗 send me any questions/stories you wanna share!!!
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angxlofvenus · 11 months
hi, hi, hi! could I request the brothers + diavolo during a meeting together when their s/o (the mc) starts to doze off and then suddenly faint? Turns out, the MC forgot to drink water that day-
That happened to mr a few days ago, it wasn't fun - so here's a reminder for you to drink some water too :')
Thank you so much for the request!!! I am so so sorry to hear that happened, I hope you're doing better <3 If anything in this post seems insensitive please let me know! Have a wonderful rest of your day/night
Genre: Mostly fluff, Some Hurt/Comfort Ship: Demon Brother+Diavolo x reader (individual) TW: Minimal cussing, mentions of fainting, mass panic, yelling, second person pov for reader (If I missed anything please tell me!!)
When You Faint
You watched as the clock slowly ticked by the minutes as the Demons around you spoke amongst themselves, Your talking had slowly come to a stop as the room started to spin, Some of the men looked at you strangely but nobody expected you to fall out of your chair and onto the council room floor...
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He's immediately up out of his chair
Oh lord, he’s now fully in mother mode-
Barking orders at everyone, Yes this includes Dia
As soon as he gets over to you his wings are out, shielding you from everyone else
Once you come to, He isn’t letting you out of his sight
And once he finds out you fainted because of dehydration? 
He would so buy you one of those big ass waterbottles 
One of these mfs
Freaking out pt. 1
Definitely hootin’ and hollering
He is indeed making a scene
Won’t really be on you until after you wake up because he knows Lucifer and Diavolo can do more for you then he can
After you have awoken though? He isn’t letting you out of his sight
You don’t have to worry about remembering to drink water, He’s there to remind you now!
Humans are such fragile creatures and now that he's seen that firsthand, He will barely let you do anything
He will make sure you are healthy whether you like it or not dammit
Freaks out pt. 2
Somehow freaking out even more then Mammon
He doesn’t know what to do! He leaves his room one time and this is what happens!
Will kind of just stand there in shock as everyone erupts into chaos
He isn’t the best example of someone who looks after their body lets be honest
But when ya’ll are gaming You’ll start to see some more healthy options popping up in the mix of chips and soda
He will beat himself up over not noticing, Please comfort this man before he decides you resent him
He won’t ever really bring it up but rest assured, It will never happen again
Would also run to your aid
He has read a lot of medical books in his time, He knows what to do
Would take you to a doctor afterwards, just in case
Kind of beats himself up for being unaware of your condition
I don’t think he’d freak out as badly after the incident, He knows it was probably a one time thing
Will bring up in conversation casually if you’ve eaten and drank water today, just to be sure
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Freaks out pt. 3
Yelling at Lucifer/Satan to do something!
Will be all over you as soon as you’re awake
Don’t scare him like that! 
Will get extra pouty when he learns why you passed out
Has Ya’lls self-care sessions meant nothing to you?!
No more of that, not on his watch
He will offer you water at random times throughout the day
Studying? Water! Watching Tv? Water! Sleeping? Water! no, no, Beauty sleep is important
Doesn’t knows what's happening, Why are you on the floor?
Will stand on the sidelines concerningly as he watches Lucifer take over, He trusts his brother to help you
Will also feel immense guilt he didn’t see the signs, He just wants to keep everyone safe 🙁
When he thinks Ya’ll are doing something too straining for a human, He’ll stop to ask if you’re okay/ need a break
Will start carrying around a water bottle specifically for you 
He totally wasn’t sleeping when it happened, nope
Woke up to his brothers and the Prince of the Devildom freaking out around you
I don’t think he’d really get too involved with helping since he doesn’t actually know wtf just happened
If you don’t immediately perk back up, He’s gonna cuss out Lucifer and maybe try to fight him
Gets a little snappy at everyone (except you ofc) after the incident
He even started to set alarms on your DDD as reminders to drink water
Will tease you just a teeny bit, But you can tell how worried the entire thing actually makes him
Was over to you in record time
Commands everyone to step back from you while he calls Barbatos and a royal doctor
You will be given the best treatment don't worry
He thinks he's being very sneaky about making you drink more water He is so obvious about it, it hurts
You will definitely notice how Barbatos now almost immediately refills your glass as soon as it’s half full
Another one to openly ask if you’ve drank enough water that day
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papercorgiworld · 1 month
I pretty please request a little fic abt Enzo being jealous, you write him so well 🙁
“I’m your brother’s best friend, I'm allowed to be jealous.”
A jealous Enzo Berkshire x Nott!reader imagine 
Cedric asking you out has innocent Enzo freaking out.
Warning: a little bit of smut, little bit
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“Doesn’t it bother you?” Blaise asks as he looks at Theodore who stares at you and Enzo entering the great hall laughing. “What?” Theo asks lazily. “That Enzo’s drooling over your sister?” Theodore snorts. “No, it doesn’t bother me. Rather Enzo than Matt.” Mattheo’s brows furrow as his eyes roll to Theo, raising his hands offended with his mouth still stuffed with food. “What’s wrong with me?” Mattheo says after quickly swallowing his food, but is quick to add: “On second thought, don’t answer that question.” Blaise chuckles but returns his focus on Theodore, asking silently to answer his earlier question seriously. “Enzo’s a good guy.” Theo explains. “I kinda hope they’ll end up together. He’ll be good to her and she’ll be good for him. Enzo doesn’t get into fights and he’s not a possessive psycho. He’ll treat her right.” Mattheo’s eyes knit together again. “Why do I feel so attacked?” Theodore ignores him and continues with a hushed voice since Enzo and you are approaching. “I kinda hope he’ll finally make a move.” Blaise raises his eyebrows and shakes his head. “Don’t hold your breath mate.” Enzo plops down next to Blaise. “Hold your breath for what?” Theodore smirks. “For Dumbledore to give slytherin points for something.” A soft laugh leaves your lips. “Never happening.” Enzo’s eyes focus on your smile as you fill your plate. That smile. 
Enzo was madly in love with you, but you were Theo’s little baby sister so he assumed you were off limits for him. However, Cedric Digory wasn’t friends with Theodore so there was no reason for him to stay away from you. You and Cedric had been good friends for years, much to Enzo’s dismay and every year you got prettier and every year Cedric showed more interest in you and every year Enzo ended up hating Cedric more. 
“Oh all bowtruckles in a tree! He asked you out!” Luna's eyes go wide, not believing what she had just heard. You nod and smile, leaving the classroom. “Yes, I know, crazy, right?” But your joy instantly disappears when you see Enzo approaching, his soft demeanour changing with every step he takes. Enzo was the best, but every year you noticed how he got more and more annoyed with guys showing interest in you. He also had made it very clear that nothing would ever happen between you two because bro code and stuff. Honestly, the most ridiculous thing ever, especially since your brother had the hottest friends ever. Right now, you were seriously getting annoyed with Enzo, what did he expect of you, to stay single forever? Not happening. “Who asked who out?” Enzo forces a smile as his eyes move between you and Luna. You sigh. “Cedric asked me out.” You say, bracing yourself for whatever irrational argument Enzo was gonna throw at you. “Ah, yes, that ‘good’ friend of yours that I’ve been warning you about since forever. I told you that guy is only after one thing-” You make eye contact with Luna and raise your eyebrows, before interrupting Enzo. Leaning a bit his way you whisper: “Well, I hope so, because honestly Enz, I’m only after one thing as well.” Your voice sounds bittersweet to Enzo and he watches you and Luna walk away giggling. He clenches his jaw as he considers his options. Talk reason into you, impossible. Punch reason into Cedric, not my style. Or be a tattletale and spill the news to your brother...
“She’s going on a date with Digory!” Enzo yells as soon as he enters the slytherin common room and spots Theodore. Theo looks up to see a fuming Enzo approach. “You should do something.” Enzo says, calming down a bit, but also annoyed by the lack of response from Theo. “Like what?” Theodore asks eyebrows knitting together as he folds the newspaper he was reading before Enzo stormed in. “Tell her not to go. The guy’s bad news.” Theodore lazily stares at Enzo. “The guy’s a Hufflepuff, he’s barely news, let alone bad news. And tell her not to go
 You obviously don’t know much about siblings, but let me tell you this: they don’t listen.” 
“What! You’re just gonna let her?” Theodore was getting a little frustrated with Enzo’s tone and Mattheo could barely keep himself from laughing at seeing Enzo so upset. “Yeah, as long as she doesn’t date Mattheo I’m good with it.” Theo says with a bit of a sterner voice and Mattheo frowns feeling offended a second time today, but Enzo’s clearly angry with Theo and shakes his head. “You rather have her date someone like Cedric than one of your friends?!” There’s silence but Enzo’s just so terrified of you going out and falling in love with someone while he’s left pining, that all his feelings boil over into anger. “What kind of a shit brother are you!”  At those words Theodore gets up in a second, almost pressing his head against Enzo’s to make sure Enzo gets the message. “I’m not a shit brother and I never said that I'd rather have her date Cedric than one of my friends, just not Mattheo but trust me Berkshire if you keep this crap up then you’ll be out of my sister’s life in no time.”
Enzo’s so angry that he can barely process what Theodore is saying, but he’s sane enough to walk away and not pick a fight with his friend and the brother of the girl’s crushing on. 
“Why always use me as the definition of trouble?” Mattheo complains, making Theodore roll his eyes. “Cause you are, I just hoped we had at least one sane friend in our group, but apparently Enzo’s just as dysfunctional as the rest of us.” Theodore sighs, unclenching his fists and sitting back down.
You leave your classroom to find a shaky Enzo pacing the hallway. When he spots you he immediately walks over to you and you can see the nervousness in his eyes. “What's wrong?” You ask as his hand firmly wraps around your arm. “We need to talk. Now.” His voice is urgent and his eyes avoid yours. “Enzo calm-” “No, it’s important.” Enzo snaps at you and pushes a door open, shoving you into a broom closet. “You can’t go out with him.” Enzo states as soon as he closes the door behind him. There’s a dim light that lights his pained face just enough for you to see. “Enzo-” Your voice is soothing, but Enzo’s too afraid of what you’ll say so he continues to rant. “It physically hurts when I think of you being with someone else, loving someone else. So just, I beg you, just don’t go out with him.” He sighs and moves a hand over his sweaty forehead. “I almost had a fight with your brother, because I’m freaking out and I’m freaking out because I know Cedric is a good guy and you like him and you’ll love him and forget about me and I- I-.”
You grab his face and place an urgent kiss on his lips, hoping you’ll keep Enzo from spiralling any further, but to your surprise he suddenly spirals into a whole different direction. Eagerly kissing back, one hand finding the small of your back as he takes a step towards you pushing you against the wall of the small closet you’re in. “I need you.” Enzo breathes lips only inches away from yours and his eyes piercing you, silently begging you to let him love you. “Let me have you.” His husky hungry voices make your knees go weak. “Have me, Enz.” You whisper, meeting his lips with an equal amount of hunger. What took you so long. He kisses you until you're out of breath then he leaves sloppy kisses on your jaw, before sucking at the flesh of your neck like you taste divine to him. His hands lustfully trace every inch of your body, squeezing the flesh of your thighs and ass. “I’ll make you love me.” Your eyes roll to the back of your skull at the sound of his determined voice. Not that you needed him to do anything, you had already fallen for him before he had even seen you as someone more than just Theo’s sister. However, you were more than enjoying Enzo working for your love. 
You straighten your skirt and do your best to comb your hair with your fingers to look as decent as possible after what Enzo had just done to you in that tiny closet. “You look fine.” Enzo ensures smiling at you adoring your beauty as you stand there nervously watching if anyone has seen you two leave the broom closet. You force a weak smile and Enzo can’t help but get nervous as well. Though not about getting caught with you, but about whether or not he had convinced you to not go out with Cedric. Even having you moan and cry his name wasn’t enough to reassure him that you were his. He needed to know. “Are you still going out with him?” Enzo blurs and your eyes meet his. Is he for real? “Was this really all because Cedric asked me out?” Enzo shrugs, a bit embarrassed about how he had acted. A soft chuckle leaves your lips. “Really Lorenzo Berkshire you got jealous?” His hands sink into his pockets and he stares at the floor, thinking of a good response. “I’m your brother’s best friend, I’m allowed to be jealous.” 
You frown at his silly excuse. “Pretty sure Matt’s my brother's best friend and even if you were that’s not an excuse at all. Neither does it excuse what you just did to me in that closet.” Enzo takes a step closer to you and meets your eyes. “What do you want me to say?” Your eyes drown in his. “The truth Enz.”
He takes a deep breath, before confessing. “I’m so incredibly jealous, because I’m in love with you.” A happy smile tugs on your lips and Enzo’s delighted at how happy you are with his confession.
“You know
 I never said yes to Cedric.” Enzo’s eyes widen and his mouth almost drops. “What?” A sweet laugh escapes you at the view of his shocked face. “I only ever said that he asked
 I wanted to say yes, but I couldn’t because I’m in love with you.” Within a split second Enzo’s lips crash onto yours. You had just made this man the happiest in all of Hogwarts.
Word count: 1771
Picture link: https://pin.it/2LVDPbwNS
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pupyuj · 3 months
[cw: cnc (reader receiving ofc), g!p ive, somnophilia, exhibitionism, degradation, humiliation, spanking, slapping, etc. (there’s just
 a lot going on)]
been having cnc thoughts with ive so this is what i came up with! i’ll try to get some asks done and ehehe i’ve been working on a new fic for a while but ofc i get the block sdkdhsj.. BUT i’ll get out of this little predicament and hopefully come back w more food for you guys đŸ„° i hope this was okay! i’m still tryna get my groove back đŸ€•đŸ™
p.s. this is like, long asf for no reason so have fun guys! 😭😘
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everybody knew (y/n) (l/n) as ive’s brightest little star that was pretty much perfect in all aspects â˜ș nobody adores you more than your members though! you’re their battery, their personal motivational speaker.. but sometimes there’s a better use for you than simple bear hugs and little kisses.. you were the elder members’ toy, and they all love to use you in different ways
yujin gets real busy so she doesn’t have a lot of time to relax and do whatever she wants 🙁 poor girl barely has enough time to just sit and watch her favorite show before she has to leave for another schedule! she’s exhausted, angry, and most importantly, so fucking needy đŸ€­ so one day, she'd come home all tired and grumpy as she usually was... walks lazily towards the bathroom to get changed and wash her face when she notices an underwear of yours haphazardly thrown on the floor, missing the laundry basket nearby... and ofc yujin gets hard! it was annoying, really! how easy she gets horny whenever she sees you or thinks of you—you were too pretty! soon enough, yujin would sneak inside your room all hot and bothered, more than grateful that you were wearing the shortest shorts and the thinnest tank top in your closet.. fuck, yujin could practically cum at the sight of you alone!! yujin never liked touching you without your permission, but she remembered how you never fail to tell any of the unnies about how they "can use you however and whenever they want" and how "you wouldn't have a problem with it".
you were in deep sleep, so you didn't do or say anything at all when yujin swiftly gets rid of your shorts and it turns out you weren't wearing panties at all! god, you were such a slut—you just figured one of the unnies would come into your room and fuck you silly while you're asleep đŸ€­đŸ€­ best believe yujin would be fully erect with even just the thought of fucking you in your sleep, so taking off her pants was quite ‘liberating’ in sense! ugdhhfhcbsig baby whimpering as she slowly inserts her cock inside you, practically drooling at how tight your pussy was! đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« she gets a little scared when you stirred slightly, but then starts thrusting into you in a steady pace once she realizes you weren’t going to wake up any time soon đŸ«Ł omgomg her whining in your ear bcs it’s been so long since she’s been inside you đŸ„ș sure it might be more fun if you’re awake (yujin needs a good riding right now actually
) but yujin couldn’t wait for that!! and now because she was thrusting inside you so fast and deep, naturally you’re wake up 😰 but you couldn’t even do anything bcs yujin’s pushed your head down to your pillows, telling you to “not say a fucking word” and “take it” and ofc you do that bcs who were you if not yujin’s stupid little pet?? 😋
biting your lip while yujin’s grip on your hair tightens more and more the closer she gets to her climax, afraid of waking the other members up and disturbing their rest :(( yujin pulling your head up roughly just to get a mix of a moan and pained sound out of you.. oh she fucking loved it 😙 seeing you look at her with both fear and lust in your eyes was what made yujin cum! filling you up to the brim but the two of you were far from finished! you haven’t cum yet after all
 so expect yujin to manhandle you for the rest of the night bcs one thing she wants more than fucking the lights out of her pretty doll? control.
 gaeul doesn’t know why but you had a real knack for pissing her off 😒 she never had too much of a problem with it before bcs most of the time you were just doing it for the camera to establish a cute little dynamic between the two of you for the fans to see! it was all fun and games until one day you went too far and gaeul just snaps 😔 the two of you were fooling around in an empty waiting room—making out and being touchy and all that, then you made a stupid joke which gaeul laughed off at first
 but then you started to outright insult her and it wasn’t until gaeul has slapped you to shut you up that she realized that oh!! that was what you wanted out of her!! well, that angry reaction anyway
 the whole bending you over in front of a vanity mirror and forcing you to watch yourself get fucked from behind was a surprise, but a welcome one 😋😋 she’d ignore your whining about how your hair, makeup, and outfit’s gonna get ruined, only grinning in response when she sees your shaking your head at her desperately bcs it was all becoming too much :(( her cock and her grip on around the back of your neck.. her other hand holding your hip, keeping you steady while she slams into your walls
 and now what gaeul couldn’t ignore were your tears, and the pitiful way you’ve started sobbing â˜č
gaeul would’ve stopped right there (she would never want to hurt you on purpose! well except when she slapped you earlier—)
 if it wasn’t for the fact that you subtly started to push back into her when she slowed her thrusts bcs she had been worried đŸ«ŁđŸ«Ł gaeul looking at you all confused and a bit conflicted bcs you literally were sobbing but you looked back at her, urging her to keep going, to keep ruining you
 and you didn’t have to tell gaeul twice for her to do just that! “look at how much of a slut you are for me.” her now gripping your hair and pulling you up so you’d look directly at her through the mirror
 oh that condescending look in her eyes mixed w disgust and annoyance.. you could’ve cum right there, really! but you knew gaeul would be disappointed if you did so you just stayed there, bent over and spread open like the good pet that you were đŸ€­ with how loud the two of you were, you were surprised that nobody has come in and interrupted you.. or maybe the noises drove everyone away! đŸ€”
eughfhdhc the thought of people outside the room hearing all of this.. somehow the idea did nothing but turn you on even more!! now you were moaning gaeul’s name even louder, calling her all of the names she likes through your sobs and whimpers
 eventually gaeul feels you claw at her wrist, and that was when she finally came and with you, too!! 😋 as mean as she was, gaeul will definitely kiss the cheek she slapped an infinite amount of times and apologize đŸ„ș even though she knows it wasn’t going to be the last time you were gonna pull that stunt on her

rei loves taking care of you! out of all the members, she was the one you stuck to all the time! everyone knows rei and (y/n) are attached to the hip, the pretty best friends who have the best instagram feeds due to each other being their own personal photographer
 basically, you and rei were inseparable! đŸ„° she knows you like the back of her hand, inside (😉) and out—all that stuff! the two of you didn’t fuck much, mostly bcs all you wanted to do when you’re together was gossip, make jokes, go to pretty places to take pretty pictures of each other
 sure you’ll make out every now and then but ultimately, rei doesn’t touch you unless the mood strikes her 😙 and apparently, you coming home drunk out of your mind after a fun night out with your other friends was a good time for ‘the mood’ to hit rei 😚 her swinging the door open and seeing your flushed face, lazy smile, and messy hair.. she didn’t like the smell of alcohol no matter how fancy it was but when it came from you, it smelled nice enough! and then partnered with the very outfit rei helped put together
 well, who could blame her for getting so hard?! by the time she sat you down on the couch, her cock was practically begging to be freed but she ignored that feeling for a while! giving you a glass of water to drink, taking off your jacket for you, caressing your hair and pushing strands away from your face.. god, who allowed you to be this pretty??
as rei slowly left kisses from your collarbone up to your jawline, she wondered if it was okay to take advantage of your dazed state like this.. it had to be, right?? you were the one who said the unnies can do whatever they want to you whenever
 and rei wasn’t stupid—she knew you just wanted to get fucked for no reason bcs you were a stupid slut. she knew you better than anyone! in fact, she gets a pass for all of this, she’s your best friend after all 😚 it didn’t take long until she had you laying on the couch, with your pants and underwear removed and legs wide open and ready just for her
 rei licking her lips at the sight of your wet pussy clenching around nothing, oh how she couldn’t wait to make your scream her name tonight.. 😋 you were exhausted though, barely processing anything that was happening until you felt something stiff and hard entering your pussy.. panic rushes into you until your eyes met rei’s, and then it was just a wave of emotions flooding through your head
 confusion, lust, thrill.. and then even more panic when rei pushes in further, moaning loudly at the feeling.. you don’t know why it pained you so, perhaps you weren’t used to feeling rei inside you or maybe it’s bcs you clearly weren’t in the right state of mind to be doing this but fuck, why did that fact turn you on??! but your mind goes blank when rei decided to just force her entire length inside you, her ears tingling at the sound of your choked moan, wanting to hear more until your voice was gone...
"s-so big..." aww you were so cute underneath rei as you whined and weakly tugged on her shirt đŸ„ș but ugh as much as this all ‘weirdly’ felt good, you just wanted to have a good shower and sleep till the next afternoon.. but rei was intent on keeping you where you were when she pinned both of your hands above your head, using her other hand to clamp your mouth shut when you started to whine in protest đŸ˜€ tells you to “be a good slut” and ofc you didn’t want to disappoint your best friend so laid there and let her use you to her heart’s content! rei needed it anyway, what with everything she’s had on her shoulders as of late.. and you would never pass up on the opportunity to be of use to your unnies! after rei’s breeded you for hours on end, expect to be coddled and babied for the next week 💕 perhaps even spoiled 👀 (maybe it’s time i write sugar mommy rei actually
now wony
 wonyoung’s got a lot to express, okay?! between living up to her ‘perfect idol’ image, schedules, and practices, you can’t exactly blame her when she suddenly just decides she wants to pull you to a corner and fuck you like it’s her last! every time she fucks you there’s always a sense of urgency in her actions
 as if the world will explode if fucks you a second longer than she planned 😗 sometimes you feel like just another ‘activity’ in wonyoung’s calendar, there would be a specific date, time, and location when she wants to play with you and truthfully, it makes you feel shitty! she makes you feel shitty! god, the things she does and says to you??? you’re so lucky you’re such a slut that’s super into being practically bullied and humiliated
 otherwise you’d be crying while she fucked you (but she’d probably love that) 😙 that ‘urgency’ makes wonyoung do a little of risky things.. especially if she’s desperate and wants to get off to let her frustrations out! all of ive would be alone in a waiting room and she’d literally daydream about fucking you right where you sat and laughed with yujin and rei
 then she’d send leeseo out on an adventure (the baby will NOT see this fucking shit AT ALL in her life, wonyoung will make sure of it) before asking you, from across the goddamn room, to suck her cock 😀😀 there would be a pause, then the change in the atmosphere would make you shiver as wonyoung held your confused stare with a confident glare of her own
 her ego only getting bigger when yujin nudges you and tells you to obey wony with a knowing smirk
 evil, evil girls đŸ«Ł
ofc you were scared so you’d be frozen in your seat, trying to figure out if they were all joking or not but nope, they were 100% serious!! frustrated, wony takes up the space in between you and rei, not even giving you a minute to form a thought before lifting her skirt up, pulling her dick out of her compression shorts, and grabbing you by the back of your head đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« “you know i don’t like repeating myself, (y/n)-ah.. nor do i like being denied of my pleasure
” and then she was balls deep inside your throat đŸ€€đŸ€€ she simply loved how your mouth fit around her cock like a glove, making sure to control your pace so that your lips drag on her entire length.. finding joy in the way you’d gag and choke whenever she hits the back of your throat
 even your tight grip on her thigh added to the fun—your tears too, ofc!! she’s sick, smiling wickedly while she listens to your muffled moans and your attempts to breathe but failing.. wony would feel bad but you clearly liked this! you weren’t protesting, you weren’t tapping out, you weren’t looking around trying to ask the other unnies for help
 in fact, gaeul had already pulled her phone out and started recording you but you didn’t seem to mind! đŸ«ŁđŸ«Ł
“f-fuck, really..? in front of your u-unnies and in a p-place where—oh, shit..!—we could easily be caught?? you’re disgusting
” you can’t see wonyoung but you can just imagine a psychotic expression on her pretty face while she said those words.. nothing makes her more happy than knowing that she can do literally anything and everything to you whenever and wherever
 “where next, hm..? o-on stage? in front of dives? y-you wanna show them.. ahh
 who you really are?” wonyoung, as well as the rest of the unnies, would burn the entire world if anybody else saw you like they do but it was a nice tease
 pulling you up briefly so you could answer.. you frantically shaking your head no bcs the thought genuinely mortified you, then wony laughing at how panicked you looked bcs you knew that if she was pissed enough she would terrorize you during a fansign or something
 after a while, she’d be done playing games—moving your head up and down so fast that you can barely keep up â˜č she’s so desperate to cum it’s not even funny!! and when she did, she came a lot 😋 yujinnie making sure that every single drop is not wasted so she keeps your head down since wony had gone limp, they’re all cruel really 😣😣 but wonyoung, being a gentlewoman, is the one who cleans you up and returns you to your presentable state! becomes super soft bcs she knows she goes overboard sometimes 💔
jiwon is one strange case! she’s lowkey a perv and touches you inappropriately all the time but when it comes to actually fucking
 well, suddenly she’s stupid 😭😭 either way, when you told the unnies they can use you
 jiwon got more than a few ideas as to how exactly she’ll use you, but never had the courage to do it all! â˜č but then you’ll find yourself in a situation that completely mirrors that one drunken experience with rei
 this time around, jiwon came home completely wasted! she and yujin apparently had too much fun and now you were left to take care of the blondie 😙 she’s slurring, she’s stumbling, falling all over
 can’t even take a step without needing to lean towards the wall to support herself 😭 she was GONE gone 💔 and when you hurried over to her side to help her, jiwon catches a whiff of your perfume and her entire demeanor completely changes!! đŸ«Ł “w-what is that perfume you’re wearing..? smells nice
 can i
” then she’s hugging you?? face down on your chest, sniffing your shirt, while her hands groped your ass?? “unnie.. come on don’t do this here
 we need to get you to your room so you can rest up..” but nope jiwon refuses to listen! your scent alone was enough for her cock to stiffen right up

first things first though—she has to feel how tight you are with her fingers đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« subtly unzipping your jean shorts and slipping her hand inside your panties
 literally moaning at how soaked you were, trailing her fingers along your folds as she leaves sloppy wet kisses on your neck.. god it was as if jiwon was completely hypnotized by your scent, going as far as to inhaling your hair and getting her boxers all wet bcs of all the precum that was leaking out of her
 being so weak that you don’t do much when she presses your back against the wall đŸ«Ł now rubbing your clit gently.. who knows how many marks she has left on your neck and chest at this point?? she doesn’t care! and jiwon barely bats an eyelash when she hears a pained squeak from you as she suddenly inserts two long fingers inside in your cunt đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« she could practically cum at how your tightness just sucks her fingers in.. you’re squirming but you were clenching all around her! and she doesn’t miss the way you’re slightly grinding on her hand.. so she continues her work, fingering you in the best way she knows how
 her free hand roaming anywhere she could touch until she grabs a fistful of your hair so you could look at her before she crashes her lips into yours 😋 jiwonie kissing you feverishly and getting so lost in your taste that she doesn’t notice you tightly gripping her wrist bcs she was going too fast
 not that she’d care if she noticed anyway đŸ€­
“mmhn.. need to feel you on me
” jiwon moans in between kisses.. her being so knuckle-deep inside you that it hurts a little but jiwon showed absolutely no signs of stopping! she needs to hear you scream her name, needs to see you cream all over her hand
 you looked so pretty with your neck all marked up and a bit of your lower lil bleeding bcs jiwon bit you while kissing you
 nobody can blame her for pushing you over the edge to the extreme and making you cry as you came!! đŸ«Ł jiwonie shushing you bcs you ended up being so loud, giggling a little seeing your tears and your swollen lips đŸ€­ definitely makes you clean up the mess you made on her hand, barely giving you time to react before she’s dragging you to her bedroom by your shirt, more than ready to ruin you until sunrise đŸ€€
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sixosix · 8 months
wc 900, guys i’m still a 4.0 lore player so forgive me if lyney’s getting ooc now 🙁 but anw ENJOY THIS MESS OF A GUY!! requested by anon
or, lyney can't stop staring at your lips
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Lyney is beginning to think he might be obsessed with you. Or that you’re bad for him.
He’s stumbling over his lines when he sees you in the audience, his fingers catch on each other when he catches you smiling knowingly, and he gets nervous—the most absurd tell. It’s unlike him to feel his heart pounding in his ears when he’s already started the show. None of this feels natural.
It gets to the point where Lynette has to drag him off after a scene, worry evident on her usually-passive features.  “What’s happening to you?”
“I think I might be going insane,” Lyney admits, running his hand across his face. “I can feel it, Lynette. I’ve gone mad.”
All because you kissed him and he damn near exploded on the spot.
It wasn’t a special kiss. There wasn’t even tongue involved. He didn’t even see it coming. Hell, it was half a second and only on the side of his lips. Can it even be counted as a kiss?
If kisses could drive Lyney to a point where he can’t stop thinking about your lips, it might.
Lyney makes a pitiful noise, like a wounded animal. Lynette sighs heavily, as in relief that it’s not anything serious. But it is something serious. How is he supposed to move on in his life when you’re the only thing running through his head?
“Lynette,” Lyney cries, “this isn’t normal. I’ve caught something. Check my temperature.”
“You’re lovesick,” she replies simply, batting the hand that’s trying to get her to place her palm on his forehead. “and you have a show to finish. Get it together, brother.”
Get it together. Yeah, he can do that—if the object of his desires isn’t seated in the front row. But for now, Lynette is glaring daggers, stern like a mother, and Lyney sucks it up and makes a point of avoiding your eyes later on.
Avoiding your eyes usually means staring at other parts of your face.
Lyney feels the last bit of his sanity chip away when you decided it would be a splendid idea to wear something glossy over your lips, as if he wasn’t already distracted enough as is. You have got to be doing this on purpose.
Your tongue swipes over your bottom lip. He feels lightheaded.
“You look desperate,” Lynette tells him, which is frankly enough to make him want the ground to swallow him whole.
This also gets to a point where Freminet pulls him aside and asks him if he’s feeling sick. He feels like it. Lovesick and desperate, as Lynette so elegantly put it.
How embarrassing. Is this what you’ve reduced him to? Freminet looked at him with all wide, worried eyes, and Lyney can’t outright say the reason for his predicament. He excuses that he feels tired, and he doesn’t mention that his lips are feeling incredibly lonely.
Freminet, precious and understanding and thankfully unaware, nods and says, “I hope you feel better soon.” Lyney finds that unlikely, but he thanks him anyway. “Oh, and you should look behind you.”
Lyney turns and finds you waving at him, gesturing for him.Your fingers curl and it almost looks like you’re calling for a pet. And Lyney, weak and obsessed Lyney, follows without a second thought. Try as he might, he can never stay too long away from you, because as much as you’re driving him crazy, seeing you, hearing you, is enough to brighten his entire day and momentarily forget you’re the reason why he almost messed up with his lines.
He stands before you with a bit of distance. You want him gone so you pull him by the collar until his head is dipped down.
“You look feverish,” you say. Feverish, desperate, the list could go on and on.
I feel like it, Lyney wants to say; instead, his words are caught on the tip of his tongue as your eyes trace over his entire face. He feels as if he’s laying himself bare for you, but he finds that he doesn’t mind it at all, not when he’s soaking up your attention like he doesn’t know how to do anything else.
“Hey,” you whisper, a testament to your proximity, a smirk on your face, “my eyes are up here, Lyney.”
Lyney frowns, feeling petulant now that he’s aware of your schemes. “I’m not being indecent; please don’t phrase it like that.” Or is it worse that he’s ogling your mouth?
You laugh brightly, and he melts just a little. “You’re too obvious, Lyney.” He loves it when you say his name. He’s addicted to how your mouth carves his name. A poke on his cheek startles him enough to look up to your eyes, shame crawling in his cheeks. “See? You’re doing it again.”
“I don’t know what you’re on about.”
“Lyney.” You have got to stop doing that. Then again, he’s starting to think you’re doing it on purpose seeing how it affects him terribly. “If you want something, take it. Don’t stand around and do nothing about it.”
Lyney’s breath hitches, his blush climbing higher from his neck to his entire face. “Don’t just say that.” He can’t handle your crooked grin. He pulls you to his chest and buries his face on your neck—if it’s to keep your face away or to hide his expression, no one would be able to tell. “You can’t just say that.”
“I know what I’m saying. Don’t take me for a fool.”
Your lips brush his. His mind blanks. You’re bad for him—you have to be, but everything that comes after feels natural, at least.
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ant0nsfirstluv · 7 months
Riize romantic headcanons
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A/N: firsttt postttt just some simple headcanons I have for Riize as boyfriends đŸ«¶đŸŸ hope you enjoy
Warnings: none frm what I know
More under the cut
So in love with you whaaattt 🙁
Teaches you some easy japanese phrases so you guys can have your own small convos and inside jokes with each other without others budding in LMAO
Hug machine, even if he isn’t just hugging you he has an arm around you in some type of way whether it’s around your shoulders, you two link arms, an arm around your hip, anything !!
For a date he’ll probably take you to the fair, he’d pay for all the food you two eat and has you get on so many rides the main one being the farris wheel, you will take pics in it !
He likes when you wear his clothes especially his big graphic tee shirts, he’d probs buy couple shirts for you two (the cute ones not the corny ones 😭)
Randomly teaches you dances and once you have it right he’ll kiss your forehead and tell you how good you did
Always checks in on you, sometimes he’ll shoot you a quick texts asking about how your day was and if you have anything you need to rant about
Uses cute emoticons rather than emojis when making your contact name
He really loves you but gets worried that he doesn’t show it well :/ even tho he is literally the biggest sweetheart
Buys you snacks throughout the day and randomly hands them to you but will play it off by saying something like “ I got these because you’re greedy đŸ«”â€
Places your hand in his jacket pocket, keeps a hand in the back pocket of your jeans, holds and kisses your hand while sitting together, silently plays with your hair in any way he can
Even though he’s nonchalant he does worry about you like if you’re taking longer than usual to get home or he can’t figure out where you are he’ll try to be calm but soon sends a row of messages
Has random moments of cuteness aggression, you two will be sitting together and he’ll look at you and just squish you by pinching/smushing your cheeks, randomly pulling you extremely close going “AAAAAH SO CUTE”
Basketball date 😗 will go tough on you until you make THAT ONE FACE, and then he automatically goes easy on you..hell he’ll even lift you to the hoop
Your favorite giant
When in public he’s practically all over you so nobody even ASSUMESS you’re single, will literally hold you from behind kissing the top of your head + cheek
So clumsy. You’ll get random text from him like “How much is a doorknob.” And you’ll ask him why and then he sends a pic of the door without its knob
Lovesss kissing your face he CANTTT STOPPPP
Play wrestling is KEY ! you’ll be teasing him and he’ll pick you up and toss you into his bed or couch and start play fighting
Goes “😧😩” if you start fighting back 😭😭.
Goes out of his way to feed you, like randomly he’ll be like “you hungry ?” and even if you say no he’ll buy you a little sum sum to munch on for now or later
Yes, he’ll have you go to the gym with him to spend time together 😭
He’ll teach you the proper form for some of the machines and do goofy muscle flex poses in the gym mirror to make you laugh
In the beginning he’ll try to come off as some playboy and would be quietly flirty
Does things to come off as smooth..slides in compliments, somehow finds a way to wrap his arm around you, randomly asks you on dates
Even though he seems all cool and smooth in reality he’s blushing as soon as you look/walk away
Most definitely does things in order to impress you..plays your favorite songs on his guitar, tries his best to win if he’s playing with the members and knows you’re watching
takes you out clothes shopping and has you try on wtv he thinks you’d look good in, he’d think you were so cute and would try sooo hard not to geek out watching you dress up 😓
Gets you a matching pair of earrings with him :(( it’ll either have a matching gemstone or a matching engraved symbol
Its been confirmed that he can be clingy so he’ll do whatever to be around you, if you’re laying down on your phone he’ll come lay/sit by you and it turns into cuddling, he’ll follow you around without noticing etc etc basically like a cat lowkey
You two will be quietly cuddling soo close and then he just randomly says “I wish I could live in your skin.” And you’d go “What.” Just for him not to repeat it EVERRR
this man is literally
delusional over you 😭
considering he’s a libra (imma whore for astrology) before you two would even be together he’d have a “SHE WILLL BE MINEE” mentality once his crush begins
for a first date once you two are together I feel like it’d be sweet and simple, you over at his playing games and watching movies eating some takeout with r&b playing in the back getting to know each other even moree đŸ«¶
has you sit on his lap while he plays fifa just so you don’t feel lonely waiting for him to hop off the game,, he’ll even teach you how to play it + other games he has..PLUS he’ll shower you with kisses when either of you win
you know how seunghan will call sohee cute for doing literally anything
yea he does the same exact thing with you 😭😭
you wake up from a nap ? “cuteee”, you’re in the middle of eating “cuteee” even if you’re scolding or bickering with him about something he’d stop and go “cuteee”
possessive, just like Sungchan he’d refuse to let anyone even assumeee you’re single he’d give as much pda as you’re comfortable with just to let these mfs KNOWW
if a girl tries to flirt with him he’d shut it down so fast he’d mention you every 5 seconds just to irritate her and get her away
A bestfriend and boyfriend in ONEEEE
the members in the group call you two the twins because y’all are attached at the HIPPP
ofc he sings for you like cmon now . he’d sing you lullabies to help you sleep if you’re having a hard time, he’d sing to you while cleaning up together, sometimes he just feels like singing for you just because
likes watching you do your hair + makeup. he’d even ask you what each product does to your face or what you’re putting in your hair, he’ll even asks if you’ll let him do it for you one day â˜č
lovessss sharing with you. It can be anything..clothes, food, body wash, his computer whtvvv as long as you mention enjoying it he’ll share it with you
uses your shampoo or lightly sprays your perfume so he’ll have your scent around and wants you to do vice versa with his shampoo + cologne
he’ll randomly make you instant foods and will just pop up with the food with the biggest smile on his face even if you weren’t super hungry you couldn’t refuse a few bites
this is so specific . but imagine sharing icecream or a milkshake with him..like it would probably be so cute omfg 😭
takes a random photos of himself + the members just for your reaction
makes you a playlist almost biweekly..has the title “for my other half” and the picture for it is either a solo candid pic of you he took one day or a photo of you two together
this is such a random headcanon but imagine one day you’re super burnt out tired or sick he’d help you brush your teeth and do your skincare in the morning
takes .5 pics of you and sulks/pouts if you asks him to delete them (he won’t)
literally uses pinterest to come up with date ideas
he’d come up with a day long date itinerary for what you and him would do like everything is planned out and he even has a few back up plans if things go left
he will carelessly blow your phone up sending hilarious ass tiktoks or simply updates you about his day and asks you about yours
let him take you swimming !!! he’d be a little shy with you seeing him shirtless one on one but he’d overcome it, he’d teach you how to dive and will even race you 😭
he’d feel awkward about public affection but would force himself to have courage and will suddenly kiss you + wrap his arms around you
likes nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck whenever you two are cuddling
if y’all aren’t holding hands you two are mosttt definitelyyy holding pinkies
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blingblong55 · 6 months
If I could lie to you-Philip Graves
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Based on a request:
! jealous ! Phillip Graves x F! Reader??? Hera me out🙏🙏 Ok so let's say shadow company & TF-141 (reader is like a sergeant in 141) are like working together for a mission, but graves has a crush on reader, but we'll just tells himself that he doesn't like her even though he really does...Let's say graves explored around the base cause she was curious on how it looked but just his luck he went into room where training usually happens and he saw reader sparring with one of there recruits seemingly helping them improve their skills, And graves did not like it one bit. The way reader holds the recruits arms, hips, shoulders everything. Despite she was just trying to help he felt jealous. That should him who she's touching like that. Not that recruit. He watched as the sparring session between the two, his attention was at her(reader) and her only. When he saw that she pinned down the recruit he felt even more jealous considering how close they were. The rest is up to you🙏🙏 sorry if it's long🙁
A/N: Don't worry anon, nothing is ever too long...well...you know what I mean
---- F!Reader, fluff, romance, soldier!reader, jealous!Graves ----
Task Force 141 and Shadow Company worked together on another mission and intel operation. You and Gaz were sent first to help Commander Graves gather intel from a base located in the Middle East. After coming back with a successful amount of intel and a day-long rest, Philip found you training and sparring with the men on his team. Velikan was instructed by Gaz himself to be rough with his training and sparring session with you, he was hesitant at first but soon warmed up to you. Graves admired you from far away the whole time, always in the back just observing and chuckling to himself when you'd win or lose a sparring match.
This kind of day has become usual for you all. So much so that you grew close to the people in Shadow Company. Eventually, Laswell instructed you to leave back to the Task force's base. Time passed and you heard little from Shadow Company.
Months pass and eventually, the task force needs the help of Shadow Company. As all the others get settled in the bunks, Graves walks around the base. He checks out all the training rooms and overall enjoys his walk around the base. From afar, a lit room could be seen. He gets curious and when he walks in, he sees Velikan and you. Originally he asked for some tips back at the Shadow Company base and this time was no different, you were teaching him ways to improve his stance and some other easier ways of fighting.
Graves leans on a darkened wall, lights dim on that side where he was at. All those months when you stayed with Shadow Company, he admired you from afar, rarely talked to you but was always so polite. If you asked Gaz about why Graves was that way with you, he would smirk and shrug. It eventually created a small fixation in Graves's head, liking you was more of a hobby when he would learn things you liked, all so he could impress you someday. When that someday didn't arrive and Gaz and you flew back to England, he lost hope in confessing. After that, he told himself he didn't like you, that it was just him being some desperate single military man and that, that was the reason behind him improving himself for you. It had to be, right? Not because you were so smart, funny, strong and beautiful
not that.
Now as he watches a man from his team be so close to you, it seems unfair. What does he have that Graves doesn't? Not charisma, that's for sure. So, he kept cool and walked away. With time, he got close to the others in your team. He was brave enough to command an army of men and women yet he couldn't confess that he liked you and that he would do his best to be the man you deserve. And then
your hand went to his shoulder, Velikan's hand on your hip as you taught him one of your favourite yet best moves. You and he laughed trying to stay serious and as he and you fought using all the moves taught that is when Graves walked to you both.
Before you even noticed him, Velikan was pinned to the ground. It was impressive but Graves did not like it at all. He was supposed to be the one there, to have you in his arms, both for comfort and for other activities. Maybe for lovemaking. "Sergeant, get off my soldier and Velikan, get out." He said through gritted teeth. Shit, did Soap get him in a bad mood again? You thought. "Graves we are training-" the man tried to explain. "Do not give me a reason to make you run around the base- a matter of fact go fucking run." He snapped his fingers in the direction of the door. "Don't abuse your power-" Velikan tried once more but failed. "OUT!"
When he left the training room, Graves turned to you. "You know, you didn't have to be rude to him," you speak calmly. "I did, especially with what he was doing." Your brows furrowed, "What was he doing?" Graves shook his head in disbelief, it was as if you didn't notice how the man touched his girl
his fucking girl. "He was touching you, what's more to explain." You chuckle, "Oh that? No we were sparring," you explain but still, he didn't see it that way.
not the way he looked at you, not how he grabbed you and especially not how he stared at you. What, are you training him on how to get women?" You sigh, a stubborn man he is. "No, and besides that is still no reason to get mad." "Maybe it isn't but-
fuck it- I like you
no I feel strongly about you. I like you Sergeant R/N, you are a sweet girl and you are so independent and funny and so cute and
why can't you see me?" You were taken by surprise and before a smile fully formed on your lips, he continued. "Do you have any idea what I'd do for you?" "
I don't think so-"
"And that is our problem. I would do it all. I like how you are so positive and so naive, it's absurd how it took me so long to say this. If one day you look up to the sky and see no stars, it's because I stole them for you. Even if you weren't real I would make you up, I'd brag about how beautiful your heart is, even if it gets me killed. I like how smart you are, and how you glow when you share a fact about something, it's beautiful to watch you stand up for yourself and how gorgeous it is to see you be so independent and I'll admit I want to be the guy you depend on for basic needs."
He walks closer, "I wouldn't disappoint you, trust me okay? I want to see you shine, want to see you glow and be the centre of a room. I want to be the guy you go home to. I want you, the good, bad and everything you can give me." His hands hold yours, placing them over his heart. "If I could lie to you, I'd say I don't believe in love at first sight. But when I saw you be you, how you didn't change no matter the situation, that's when I fell in love."
"Graves-" "Let me confess it all, R/N
please just let me say the words I've been dying to say." One nod from you and he goes on. "One stare from you, just one and it makes my day. You pat my back after a long day and I go to my room excited to prove the next day that I am worth more than a pat. That I can be the guy to watch from the stands as you shine. I get it now, I get why those romance films get you excited, why you read romance, I do because now I know and understand how good and strong real love feels."
"What if I'm not the girl you think I am?" "You see, that's where you are wrong." "I am?" "Yes, let me explain, okay?" "
okay." your voice small "With every girl I've ever met, I never felt this strong about them. With reason, I know now that all those kisses from past lovers were missing something, they were missing you
" "But-" "My love, please let me explain further." He takes a deep breath and looks at you with conviction, "I was full of doubt, I was scared of why I didn't feel so strongly about someone." He kisses your hands and places them back over his heart. "It's so lovely to get to know you, truly. I promise that someday, when we get married, you'll be the one who runs it, whatever you say goes and that is final." You chuckle and he smiles. "I'm being serious here."
"I want to give you reasons to fall for me every day of our lives. I need to be the guy who you look at and smile and go, 'Yeah
I did right' and I swear to be that forever."
"What if you are fooling me?"
"I'm not, I swear by all that I care for that I am not."
"Pinky promise?"
He chuckles and holds his pinky finger out, "I pinky promise to always love you, to be the man who stands here today and pours his heart out. I pinky promise to be good
to be excellent and never make you cry
well unless we laugh too hard
or if we get rough when we make love
" When both of your pinkies link he kisses them and wraps his arms around you. His warm lips are on your forehead as he kisses it repeatedly and whispers sweet nothings.
If this were a lie, your heart and his wouldn't sync, and your heartbeats wouldn't beat for each other. If he could lie to you, you wouldn't be preparing to walk down the aisle a year later. If he could lie to you, you wouldn't be home, sitting on the sofa, his arms wrapped around you as you chose names for the child you carry. The same one that was made out of pure love. If only he could lie

A/N: isn't he so perfect....besides the war crimes of course....
@puffinhp @chicfille222 @rowrowrowyourboat13 @fanofstuffidk @staniyabuns @underwatertales @graesage @liyanahelena @johfaam0 @goldenmclaren @ghostslillady @moonsua1 @frazie99 @viomast @night-mare-owl-79 @vampsquerade @alxexhearts @baldwinhearts @tiredmetalenthusiast @jinxxangel13 @strangepuppynightmare @luvecarson
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jadeslashes · 1 year
Hi, just wanna say i am happy to found your blog and how much i love your blog. (Also ope you take request/ideas from others)
Also can you maybe do something with Slasher and an ADHD reader, where the biggest interests/all time hyperfication are Horror, and crime? [Golden retriever s.o with an big liking for horro viebe?]
Thank you, hope you have an hood day
includes: patrick bateman, charles lee ray, tiffany valentine, jason voorhees, michael myers, pinhead, jennifer check, freddy krueger, jackson rippner, stu macher, billy loomis.
warnings: none !
note: this idea is so cute ! thanks for requesting <3
your passion in the subject of true crime is very interesting to him, and he finds how much you know about it impressive
he loves that when he makes a reference to a specific serial killer or case you almost always know exactly what one it is and have more information about it to bring up
he may still try to mansplain some things from time to time 🙁 even if you already know everything there is to know about it
he’d also try to bring up gory or disturbing details that he thinks would freak you out, and be surprised (maybe even a little disappointed) when you either already knew and/or aren’t shocked by it
🛠ïč’CHARLES LEE RAY ꜜïč’âŸĄïč’
if you’re dating chucky, you’re in the right place tbh
you may have seen every true crime doc and every horror movie possible, but he’ll show you real crime and supernatural stuff firsthand
he’ll also recount every crime he’s ever done probably, with pride too, and he really loves how interested you are in his stories
pretty much the same deal for tiffany honestly
especially if you’re into supernatural stuff as well, that’s where she has a lot of experience
your liking for horror goes a longer way for jason than you would have expected
the fact that you’re interested in that type of thing makes him feel like he won’t scare you away immediately
same thing goes for michael honestly, as soon as he knows you’re into true crime and horror, he feels more comfortable
⛓ïč’PINHEAD ꜜïč’âŸĄïč’
the hell priest is going to show you things that are far worse than any horror movie you’ve seen or any serial killer you’ve researched
i’m sorry but more often than not anything you have to tell them or show them will not faze them whatsoever, they may even appear bored at times, but that’s also just,, how they always look
if you tell them about anything true crime related they’re probably just going to think about how trivial and silly the mortal realm is tbh
but don’t get me wrong, they’ll still listen to you and look at whatever you want to show them, they just might not react how most of the other slashers would
đŸ©žïč’JENNIFER CHECK ꜜïč’âŸĄïč’
she will listen to you for hours, and probably ask a lot of questions too
horror movie nights all the time, and every time she finds a movie that she thinks you’ll like she makes sure to show you
she has a habit of bragging a little about how much you know about true crime
“babe, tell them about that case you were talking about yesterday!”
no one is going to support your hyperfixation more than she is <3
as much as you think about, listen to, and research horror and true crime related stuff, when freddy appears in your dreams it still scares the hell out of you
and he takes a little bit of pride in that not gonna lie
if he knows a horror movie you watched and really liked, he’ll try to recreate some of the scenes in your dreams just for fun if that makes sense
he’d watch so many true crime documentaries with you
and considering your interest in that subject and his job, you’d both find it kind of ironic that you ended up together
his job can be hard on him though, so don’t press him too hard for details, sometimes he needs a bit of a break from the subject of crime and horror because that’s what his livelihood revolves around
đŸ„©ïč’STU MACHER ꜜïč’âŸĄïč’
he is going to make a lot of jokes like all the time, but trust me he finds your true crime infodump very interesting
also your golden retriever vibe goes really well with him, because he’s similar, your easygoing and good vibes are really attractive to him <3
📞ïč’BILLY LOOMIS ꜜïč’âŸĄïč’
you and billy are so cute together imo
he’ll pick your brain and ask questions about everything you tell him about, he’d want to hear every detail
and he’s definitely mentally taking notes when you’re infodumping btw
to you it looks like he’s just really paying attention because he loves listening to you, and he does <3
but he’s also making note of everything so he can avoid what’s gotten people caught before to make sure he doesn’t make the same mistakes, and probably getting some inspiration
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aleksa-sims · 5 months
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RL Simself Story
Finally arrived at home after a long day at the hospital. N. & I had planned to see each other later, but we'll catch up on our date tomorrow. I was so tired... My family was exciting waiting for me at home. My Mom made dinner. She and Ana immediately wanted to see my Baby's first Ultrasound pic.
My Mom took my Baby's pic and hung it up on the wall next to Ana’s and my photo in a empty, nice frame, where Daniel's & my pic was before.😔 A nice gesture to show me, that she is happy about my Baby. Though the situation was still a bit tense. My Dad wasn’t upset or anything, but he usually didn’t say anything, when we talked about Nico's & my Baby. He was also happy for me, supported me and all this, but he was more reserved when it came to my pregnancy. He was worried about my Baby’s development & health due to the meds I was taking.🙁
After dinner I played with my cat. Ana & I constantly took pics of Lucky. He’s so cute, he really enjoed posing for us. Lucky loved it at my parent's place. He was so happy here. Meanwhile it became his new home.
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I missed my room & my bed, while I was at my grandparents. Here it's just more comfortable for me. My bedding smelled wonderful. Soft & pleasantly fresh. Idk how my Mom does it, but she, her/our home and stuff, always smells perfect. I was even often asked at work by co-workers, who sat next to me in the office, what kind of nice smell this is on my clothes? Anyway! Even though I slept well, the next morning I didn't feel good.
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I realized that I usually felt nauseous in the morning after waking up since I was pregnant. I had to eat something to get rid of my nausea. I just didn't know that yet at that time. My Mom heard me in the bathroom. I coughed and choked, my stomach was empty but my body still reflexively tried to throw up. Anyone who’s ever been pregnant knows what I mean. However, after I was.... done, I was totally exhausted but I felt a relief. As I washed my hands, my Mom came to me in the bathroom. She immediately started scrubbing the toilet.đŸ˜…đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïžShe's such a neat FREAK!
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Me: Mom? What are you doing? I was just about to clean the toilet.
Mom: It's ok. You can take a shower so you will still have enough time for breakfast before going to work. I just wanna help you... I know how you feel rn. It's.... not fair.
Me: Not fair? What do you mean?
Mom: Well, having a child... Everything always stucks with us women. Pregnancy, delivery and even later. But you're not alone, A. Your Dad are there.
Me: I know. Thanks. But N. will help me too. He wants that.
Mom: Why isn’t he with you? He promised to be there for you. But to me it seems... Nico doesn’t add anything to all this. I mean... your Baby will need a room, a bed, a stroller and many other little things. Like I said, your Dad and I will handle all this. But I think Nico or his parents should add something too. They are doing a lot better financially than us, A. I hope you don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to argue with you or him. But you should tell his Mom. They need to know you’re pregnant. He will soon have to go abroad again. His parents should also help a bit.
Me: You're right! I'm gonna talk to him later. But about N. & me, you're wrong! It was my fault.
Mom: When he was sleeping with you, he didn’t mind you being married. Now that it’s getting serious, you’re pregnant, he suddenly got doubts?
Me: Yea, that's right. He'd say I failed him. He trusted me, but I hesitated with the divorce. You know?
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Mom: Look, I’m staying out of your.... relationship. But some important details, you should make clear to him!... For Nico nothing has really changed. He will continue to play soccer, live abroad and you will be here alone with your child. Make sure he will support you financially! Tell his family, A.!
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And again, my Mom was right! 🙁I'll be here alone. I have to sort all these things out with him. We don’t have much time left. Only 2 months! In September he has to go back abroad.
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dullahandyke · 2 months
yippee yippee yippee yippee eimear con haul!!!!
Hi. It was my birthday recently and I'm bad to shop for so instead of gifts I got money to spend at Kaizokucon. So here's a haul. Under the cut bcos I couldnt fit it nicely in one picture and I wanna ramble
ok we're gonna take it one picture at a time ^_^ the ID in the alt text explains what everything is if u just wanna see what i got without the rambling sure to come with it. links in rambling r to the artists of the fan stuff where i can find em ^_^ only one of them is a direct link to the product tho bcos some ppls shops r down and some ppl dont have all their stuff online. lemons_arent_green youre a real one
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Ok the flat stuff!!! black rock shooter poster bcos i already have a figure but i liek her... badass anime girl ily.... was so so sure i saw a reigen keychain but when i went to go get one there weren't any so i got this sticker sheet instead :3 SPEAKING OF KEYCHAINS!!! yippee yippee kaguya i love you youre my special little tiempsy. yue you are a gay anime boy with a cool design. tomoyo ive always felt a kinship with you and its because im a desperate dyke. monokuma is here ig 🙄 i put him on my carabiner and hes fun to stim with. i am not immune to the sdr2 fanboying. also full disclosure ive not watched naruto (its in the spreadsheet) i just thought funko pop sasuke keychain was really really funny. my son who stares into my soul. comparatively i dont have as much to say on the badges!! luka luka fever for real girlie ily. the bandori ones were blind bags and i got himari on my first try <3<3<3<3<3<3 sorry eve i kind of dont care. 🙁 the dr girlies i kinda picked at random based on who i've been vibing w lately.
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THE POKEMON DIORAMA!!!! its soooo cool, staff were setting up the trade hall so i was in there all day friday and this shop was one of the first to set up their stands and i was literally staring at it all day... so fucking awesome. the rings n the necklace r from the same shop look at them... im fucking obsessed w the catgirl necklace. literally look at her. i dont thiiink shes supposed to be a specific character but she might be. oh well. cat girl ily. aaaand the arisa stand is actually a little clip for papers n stuff!! she was also a blind box but specifically for popipa so i was gonna b happy w whoever <3
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MIIIIKUUUUUU MY PRINCESS MY EVERYTHING!!!!! she was calling to me she beckoned..... shes actually rlly big irl shes the biggest figure i have, replacing my kokoro one... shes the one where i audibly said 'it was my birthday i can buy things' bcos figures spencey... she wasnt too bad actually i just like bitching. 6 euro axel for scale
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BOOKS đŸ’„đŸ’„đŸ’„ i was reading nana a while back and i dropped it but i gotta pick it up again... rlly pretty and awesome... aaaand the summer hikaru died!!! kay if youre seeing this then know you posting abt it convinced me <3 i originally got it bcos i was on door duty in a quiet area and didnt wanna spend my time draining battery life on my phone but after i bought it i realised that that was literally a terrible idea so <3 we'll get around to them soon
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FINALLLYYYYYY TSHIRTS!!! the top yellow one was my staff t-shirt, it has 'staff' on the back i was wearing it all weekend and yippee i love it.... emotional bond.... and if this is a safe space can i just say. if kaito was a woman? would. next up FAYE FUCKIN VALENTINEEEE!!! do u remember that post i made going thru all the sellers that were gonna b at the con that started like 'i hate shounen fans. name a woman'? well this is the seller i was talking about but all was forgiven in the name of FAYE ! GODDAMN ! VALENTINE ! ugh i love you girlie. and the last t-shirt was given out free to staff after the closing ceremony!! it was the tenth anniversary of kaizokucon so we got this awesomes design yay.... wore it to classes today hoping somebody would comment on it and nobody did 😌and in the middle i got CLOW CARRRDS BITCHES!!!!!! i saw them and immediately all thought left my fucking brain. i needed them. so important. the seller also recognised the axel in my fanny pack yippee!!!! a few people recognised him over the weekend actually and i was always like yes!! the him
anyway. yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! con con con con con :)
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songrhia77 · 6 months
To wait the entire year like a sad woman wanting more of Jikook content, I mean we have had enough of course, with all the wlives and the CT trip and all
.but you know similar to what we used to get earlier
the official videos, behinds etc etc

And then just to be bombarded with so much in not even a weeks time! I am a weak woman, my heart will melt very soon! đŸ˜©
This seems enough to last me till the end of 2023
trust me when I say i took a half day sick leave from office today just to see the clips! Over and over again! Huh I am a lost cause!! đŸ«Ł
But this video, I just can’t help but 👀 (side eye and you know why!). Like Jimin you were asked if you were able to rest and his response??!!
Plus not to forget the subtitles added by the editors! “Army doesn’t have Jungkook” “Jungkook doesn’t need to knock”. Yeah we know they know we know lol! 😂 Yes I am sad that we don’t have Jungkook, that he is taken
I get it! 🙁
Am sure everyone gets it, I mean look at them doing whatever they are doing in those clips, who would not get it???🧐 Oh right, sorry! There are a bunch of idiots who don’t, they have their eyes closed just like this emoji right here 👉🙈
OR maybe Jungkook was “forced” to go to Jimin’s room? Maybe he was “forced” to pick up Jimin while leaving the PTD venue, “forced” to stay back with Jimin to rehearse together! I have lost count of how many things Jungkook was forced to do by the company especially in the last few days!
But anyways
this is what I live for, get up every morning hoping for any kind of Jikook content, however small that is and the last few days have definitely been the best ones in 2023! đŸ„č
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avida-heidia-5 · 4 months
Okay, slight change of plans: I made a promise I was going to publish For The Sake Of Nature today, but it’s close to midnight where I live and I’ve been writing on and off for roughly 8 hours and me very sleepy. đŸ„±
Sorry everyone. No Martian fic on Martian Monday, I’m afraid. Self-care comes first. I’ll have to either publish it on Martian Mtuesday or Martian Mwednesday depending on my schedule. It can be very unpredictable at times. 🙁
Here’s a sneaky peeky of what to expect to make up for it:
“Come on! It’ll get dark soon.”
The sound of Sebastian’s sing-songy voice ripped Mark out of his thoughts again. He rolled his eyes as he heaved himself up, using the base of his bike for support, and stretched his stiff, sore limbs, grimacing a little as he felt every joint pop and crack from the pressure. He propped his bike against a nearby tree, unclipped his helmet and hooked it over the handle, and reached inside his backpack for the tent.
“I hope you’ve brought the mallet and tent pegs, or else you’ll be sleeping in the cold.” he quipped.
“Got ‘em right here.” replied Sebastian, wiggling the bag containing them at the Australian’s face. “So thankfully, I won’t have to.”
Mark folded his arms and cocked an eyebrow at him. “I thought you didn’t mind the cold? What with you living in Switzerland and all.”
Sebastian shrugged. “I don’t mind the cold. If it’s not too overbearing, of course. If the air is something like this–” He reached a hand out into the air for emphasis. “–then it’s fine. It’s comfortable for me. But if I’m at the Race Of Champions for example and it’s 10 times below freezing, then
yeah. It isn’t pleasant.”
“Says the person who once stripped himself naked and got into an icy lake at the same event.” snorted Mark, his hand already sneaking its way to cover up his grinning mouth.
Sebastian’s eyes widened at that. “You know about that!? How did you–? You don’t even go to that event!”
This made Mark burst into fits of laughter. “Word spreads, mate! It’s all over social media! That’s how I find out about these things. I’ve seen the videos.” he added with a wink.
Now it was Sebastian’s cheeks that felt warm. “Th–That was a dare! Okay? Someone dared me to do it and, uh
heh! You know me. I never say no to a challenge. It was so cold in that lake! You wouldn’t believe it!”
“I can imagine!” snickered Mark as he wipes his tears away with his knuckles and the backs of his hands. When he manages to catch his breath again, he lets out a big sigh. “You proved one thing to me, though.”
“What’s that?”
“That you’ve got bigger balls than me. Besides, I wouldn’t even dream of going into that lake. That takes nerves of steel to do something as ridiculous as that. You’re something else, mate. You really are.”
When his attention turns back to Sebastian after his tears dry up, he finds him seemingly looking at something on the ground. Mark frowned and tried following his eye line, but all he could see were dry brown leaves, and bits of twigs and soil beneath their feet. Was there an insect or a caterpillar or something on the ground?
“What is it?” he asked.
Sebastian grazed his teeth thoughtfully against his lips. “I’m just figuring out how big your balls are compared to mine.”
Mark’s jaw dropped in such a way it was comical. Then he feigned a scowl just as quickly.
“Ooooh, you cheeky little bugger!” he growled as he lunged at Sebastian, grabbing hold of his tiny waist and shoving him into a big bear hug.
And with that, I shall go to bed. Nighty night! 😮
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phantom-of-the-501st · 1 year
Season 2 Episode 5 Thoughts
Spoilers for TBB Season 2
I'm glad we're getting to see more of her character.
Wrecker taking Omega out on scrap hunting missions is adorable. đŸ„°
Tech looking at what Omega brought and being like "this is useless". 😭
Hunter, Tech and Echo in their civilian clothing! Happy to see the outfits changing up a bit more frequently this season. At least they're getting chances to relax.
Hunter and Echo are so the parents. 😭
They way they are constantly looking at each other like "🙄 oh well, should probably tag along and make sure they don't get killed". đŸ€Ł (Edit: added "don't" in because I missed it out. Oops. 😭)
"To what?"
I swear, the more I watch this, the more I realise how much like Echo I am. 😭
Wanted Gonky, got Mel.
And while we're on the topic, R.I.P, Mel. â˜č
Although the moment they left her outside I felt like something was going to happen to her. And I was right.
Ngl, I think this has been my least favourite episode so far. It wouldn't say it was bad, I just wasn't as invested as other eps. 😕
The Batch feel very much like side characters in their own story this episode and I don't love it.
But I am happy that we got more Phee!
And Omega getting excited over treasure hunting is adorable. đŸ„°
Them getting split up was... kinda pointless. 🙁
Oh no, they were split up! What's going to happen?!
Nothing. The other three just walk around the side with practically no issue whatsoever, so... yeah.
Although Hunter, mate. If you could stop falling off of things that would be great. đŸ€šđŸ˜‚
Hopping back to an earlier scene, Hunter running over to check on Wrecker after Phee pushed him out the way was sweet.
So that's what the giant metal thing was.
Was hoping it would have more of a role this season, ngl.
Looked cool but was kinda underused.
Legitimately thought the Maruader was a goner though. đŸ˜„
I thought this episode was gonna be a 2 parter with the amount of stuff happening in the last few minutes. I guess the ending felt a little sudden but the episodes are short, so that's bound to happen.
Hunter is so exasperated, omg. đŸ€Ł
Poor Wrecker took a bit of a beating as well. 😭
Wrecker throwing the monster thing out the window! đŸ˜­đŸ€Ł
I know loads of people were calling the last episode pointless and filler, but I actually feel like this episode was less relevant.
Probably gonna need to sit on it a bit and pick it apart to see where it really starts to tie in to the main story.
Oh, and we got to see a little hint of Hunter's enhancement coming through! Liked that little touch. đŸ„°
Was really excited to see Echo again and he was there! But he was very much giving S1 Echo.
And by that, I mean he was there but he wasn't really doing anything. 😕
Echo and Hunter feel particularly grumpy atm, though. Something to do with the nugget delivery? Something to do with finding out what the others had been up to last episode? Tensions causing problems? đŸ€”
That's what I'm more interested in. The changing character dynamics in the Batch. We seem to have put that on the back burner atm.
Isn't always a bad thing (look at last ep for example) but I hope we go back to exploring the conflict soon.
Turns out I was wrong about the Tech and Omega stuck in a cave thing. Wonder when that is going to turn up. đŸ€”
Overall thoughts about this episode is that it was alright. I didn't dislike it, but it just didn't click with me the same way every other episode has.
Seeing more Phee was great, but the Batch felt like side characters in their own story, which I don't always love. Omega had a little bit of time to shine, though, which I appreciate.
Little bit annoyed by the lack of decent Echo content this episode. Was hoping with him being gone for 2 eps he'd have more time this episode and he didn't. He was just kinda there. But hopefully we'll get more of him next ep. We know that he's with Omega and Gungi at some point and I feel like it would make sense for that to come up soon.
We did get some Hunter content, though! Very much giving off tired parent vibes. But he's letting Omega do her thing and I love that. đŸ„°
But yeah, overall I thought it was fine. Not desperate to rewatch it like I was with the other eps but I'll definitely sit on it. Hopefully, if I mull on it and go back over the ep I'll get more into it.
Once again hoping for more Echo content soon. â˜č
Also, where is Gonky at???
Edit: Thanks @eriexplosion for pointing out the missing word! "Make sure they get killed". Ffs, how did I miss that? đŸ˜­đŸ€Ł
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lyon-amore · 1 year
What if...? Duskwood Chapter 22
Chapter 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Macie POV*
 I don't know how much I slept tonight... Two hours? One? maybe nothing?    "Good morning Henry
" I greet him when I see that he is at the foot of the sofa "Did you sleep better than me? " I ask, stroking his head. I'm worried, Jessy hasn't texted me yet and I haven't gotten a message from Jake. I don't know how they are both. I decide to write to Jake first, I hope he answers me now.
Macie Good morning Jake Are you alright? I really need to talk to you I want to know if you are ok Even if it's just a short message 🙁 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I wait for him to answer me, will he be awake? He said that he hadn't slept since last year
 I'm worried that it might affect him. And will he feel alone without me? Where will he stay? Too many questions to worry about. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie You don't know how much I need you right now... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I give up and go to Jessy's chat. I feel like I don't give myself a break with my phone. Before she hardly used it, since I already had my friend in this city and that I went to see Stephan when there was vacation, I have never stopped working. Now I have more friends to worry about and to talk to and a man who drives me crazy that I don't know if he's been caught or
 I'd better write to Jessy before I gets worse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Jessy, how are you? Please tell me you're alright... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Before I leave, I decide that the best thing to do is call Richy to tell him about Jessy, and I end up getting a message from him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Richy Jessy called me earlier and told me she wasn’t coming to work today She sounded weird and she didn't tell me why she wasn’t coming either You don’t happen to know what’s us with her do you? 😔 Macie I just wanted to call you because of that Jessy was on her way home And suddenly she was attacked by a masked stranger I’m super worried about her Richy What?? Macie I was totally helpless... Richy I have to go to her right now! Macie Yes, that would be best Can you tell her something from me? Tell her to text me when she’s feeling better Richy I’ll tell her ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I sigh a little relieved. I hope to hear news soon and not just to see if she's okay. I have to know if anyone else knew that she would be out so late. That man
 How long had he been following her? The atmosphere today is at least more relaxed at work, it seems that everyone has forgotten about the video and I stop noticing stares. I put my coffee thermos on the table. I'm going to need quite a bit after staying up all night.
 My head hurts and everything is spinning... Really this time I am not feeling well.    "But I can't leave, I spent a week making too many excuses, this time they won't believe me." I put my hand to my head, feeling annoying pricks.     I get up from the table and approach Lian's. Maybe she has something.    "Lian, do you have something for a headache?"    "I'm sorry, everything I have is prescribed for pregnant women." she answers me, while I see her looking at me worried "Are you okay?"    "Yeah
" I sighed, narrowing my eyes. The light also bothers me "Do you think if I ask Brian to come pick me up to take me home he'll listen to me?"    "Well
" she starts to look away, a little sad "I know he is busy today, so I don't think he'll come, sorry Macie."     Those words don’t relieve me at all, it makes it worse. I want to think it's some meeting and it's not like they found some clue where Jake is or I'd end up going looking for him myself.    "And what happened to you?" Her curious look of hers makes me alert to any question "You don't have a very good face... Is everything okay?"    "Yeah, everything's fine." I replied, forcing a smile. "Well I'll keep working then."    "Macie?"    "Yes?"    “Stop staying up late watching Damon"     Good thing that's what she imagine! I let out a laugh. She never hits.    "Actually, it was the entire 'Twilight' saga that kept me awake."    "Don't tell me you sighed for Edward again?" She rolls his eyes "Jacob was better and you know it."    "But the one who was breaking beds was Edward." I answered with a mischievous smile, trying to make her forget that I'm wrong.    “Macie!" She exclaimed in surprise.    "What? Jacob only wanted Bella for her ovules, therein lay the secret of his love for her. "    "No, you're not right" she frowns angrily. Obviously, not really ". Now go away, I'm busy working and I don't want to hang out with a 'Team Edward' right now."     I hug her while she laughs at me. I really needed a bit of a break and this has been a lot of fun for me. I decide to go to the building where Jake was staying, the cordon is still there so that people don't enter. I look around hoping I won't meet anyone and I enter the building.
 I climb the stairs and carefully step into the apartment. Everything is black, destroyed. I can see burned paper. The photos I had posted. Luckily they are one touch away from destroying themselves if I touch them. It still smells burning. So much that I can't breathe.
 I leave the apartment and sit on the stairs. I can't believe he's not here yet... I closed my eyes remembering his face. I wish I could mentally contact him, it would be so much easier.
 I hear the notification sound and open my eyes, have I fallen asleep? Half of my worries fade when I read his name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jake Hello Macie. Macie Hello Jake 🙂 I thought they’d caught you Jake I won't make it that easy for them. I'm sorry that I wasn’t able to contact you for so long. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I let out a small laugh. It's only been a day that we haven't been able to talk to each other, but it seems like we both feel like it's been months that we haven't. Do you miss me that much? I love it.
 I get up and go back to the apartment, staying outside but looking inside, imagining that everything is as before and him standing there, although I am very careful not to touch anything. I recreate a scene of the two of us talking. There are so many things to talk about face to face...    "But as I can see, you got along pretty well without me" he smiles sweetly at me, trying to encourage me in my investigations.    "I do what I’ve gotto do" I shrugged. I want to imagine myself with a good face, so as not to worry him ". Did you read what I sent you?"    "That's true," he looks at the computer, taking a quick look. ". And I also read through some of your chats to prepare for our conversation."    "Thanks for the heads up."     At least that way I'm also prepared for everything I want to say to him.    "So, Jessica was attacked..." I want to imagine that even though he says her full name, he's worried about the situation... No... I don't want to think that he doesn't really care about this.    "Right in front of my eyes, no less." I hug myself, remembering the scene. It really was worse than a horror movie.    "The attack on her must have been terrible for you." I'm sure he would avoid looking at me and I understand why.    "Worse than I had expected," I say, approaching him. "Didn't you assure me that the others would be safe?" I ask, a little annoyed. "Something about the kidnapper won’t cross?"    “I was mistaken."     Jake looks at me, uncomfortable with my words.    "Everyone makes mistakes." I want to believe that he really thought they'd be safe because the group wasn't of interest and he just wanted to scare them
 I want to believe it and that he never thought it could happen and he put them at risk just looking for Hannah. For his own interest.    "Thank you for your leniency," he looks at me hurt and disappointed with himself "I completely misgauged the kidnapper,” he sighs, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "And that just show me more clearly hoy dependent I am on you." Damn
 He knows how to fix it
 "But why Jessica? Does that make sense to you in any way?"     I start to think about all the threats from him.    "I have a suspicion: the kidnapper only had me in mind." I recall the scene in my mind and then think of another specific threat. The threat in front of Cleo hadn't intimidated me. I only warned Cleo, but not the group to go look for her.    << Wait
 How then did he know that he didn't intimidate me? I must write this down in my notes. >>    "I understand," he puts his hand to his chin, thinking, "Did you maybe to notice anything about the attacker?"    "Let me think
" I close my eyes, remembering the scene again. I have it engraved on fire "He wanted me to see him" I narrate slowly, feeling cold through my spine. " He looked right at me. "    "Did he anything to you?"    "No, not a word."    "And did you say anything to him?"    "No, I I was to shocked. "     I couldn't even think about when he looked at me, fear left me paralyzed.    “That’s all very strange.” He frowns, and he looks at me. "You should definitely question Jessica too. Perhaps she noticed something. "     I shake my head.    "We should leave her a little more time."    “Anyway, we can probably rule out that Jessica is behind Hannah's disappearance."     Something horrible had to happen for her to have to leave her off the list of suspects, right?    "I already knew that." I answered, annoyed again.    "We should complement our previous insights and assumptions with the new infotmation." He ignores my glare. I told him from the beginning and he ignored it. "So, Hannah is suddenly completely changed and won’t ever mentioned anything about her strange behavios." He changes the subject to avoid a discussion about Jessy's theory.    "None of the others ever said anything about her changed behavior." And it's strange, those things are immediately noticeable if you know someone your whole life. Hannah really knows how to hide things well... Surely she must know many secrets.    "So, she hadn’t confided in anyone and Thomas was the only one who notice anything."    “Correct."     I see that he sighs heavily.    "We haven’t received any hints about who accompanied Hannah to the unknown family yet." I remember all the clues we gathered and my brain starts to think "With your newly acquired information, however, I would assume that it was not Thomas.” I imagine erasing her theory on the board, ruling out Thomas as a possible suspect. “What do you think, Macie?" He looks at me curious to know my answer "Who went to Iris with Hannah?"     I try to think of the possibilities that there could be.
 Knowing Hannah—in the hypothetical sense of the word—she surely would have gone with a friend and not include her sister. Someone who knew what was going on and who was trustworthy. Someone
    "This person is a woman" I replied, striking the same thinking pose as him. " It could have been someone from outside the group." since no one knew what was wrong with Hannah.    "Someone outside of their circle of friends?" Look at the photos, one by one "Unlikely. However, possible." Unless someone really keeps the secret from us because she's also in on whatever happened to Hannah. "There is a connection between the bracelet and what incident in the forest and Jennifer Manson.” I nod. On that we agree. "However, some important pieces to this puzzle are still missing.” He puts his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt, looking at me. "At leats we can assume that Hannah bough the bracelet herself" which is what relieves me most between us ". That way, the lover theory loses credibility."     "I
" I bite my lip nervously. It's going to sound ridiculous to say this "First I thought you might be her lover" it's hard for me to look at his face. I don't want to sound jealous because I've never been jealous of anything. "J for Jake, H for Hannah
"    "Oh" he looks at me, but not knowing what he's going to say, his response terrifies me. "I squeeze my phone tightly as I imagine ". Neither was I Hannah's lover, nor did I have any other form of relationship with her."     My heart beats fast, excited.    "I'm glad to know," I smiled at him. Even though he can't actually see me, I sure look silly, gripping my phone tightly and saying 'thank you' several times. I had never felt like this before, I really hadn't.     He smiles at me and it's a warm smile. Perhaps even he would take my hand, also happy to tell me.    “I have to admit, you’ve come across a really good thought there,” he admits, proud of me. "I had never thought about the fact that it may seem to you that the J may me for my name" I suppose it's because he has no relationship with her, that he omitted the thought that it could be his. "Another thing.” He goes to the computer and starts looking for something, then turns the screen around and shows me the bracelet. "I noticed the stones of the bracelet."    "They're emeralds, Jake." I correct him, approaching the table with a small laugh.    "I noticed the emeralds on the bracelet." he winks playfully.     After learning that he is not Hannah's lover, he is lucky that he is not present. I would have already left behind and surely I would dare me to kiss him for doing that.    "Didn’t we recently read something similar recently?" I try to remember. Too much information at once lately "In Hannah's diary?"    "Exactly" he turns the screen around again, ", Would you like to read the diary entry again?"     If I remember correctly, it was the second entry... Well, I remember everything now. They went to see a woman named Iris.    "No, I remember the contents." I answered calmly.    “What Hannah wrote about Iris at the end” I see Jake reading carefully " ‘She has the same eyes. Eyes much like emeralds’ " he looks up and he looks at me. "So there's another person with emerald green eyes.” He taps the table, thinking. "I'm assuming that this must be Jennifer."     Little by little I am putting together the puzzle in my head, while imagining, I write it on the whiteboard.    "I know what the connection is, Jake." I leaned against the table, looking at him. "Jennifer is Iris's daughter and the bracelet with the emerald’s is Jennifer."    "I think so, too" he gets up, pacing the room again. ". Hannah bought the bracelet, when she saw it in the pawn shop’s window. Why?"     I starts to make sense of everything.    "Because she recognized it as Jennifer's bracelet" I answered, slowly as I remembered Hannah's words to the doctor.    "But the initials don't fit." Jake looks at me confused. "You said her name was Jennifer Manson. "    "Then, Richy was wrong," I answered, worried about the situation now.    "I don't know." He puts his hands behind his head, tense. "We're so close to our, Macie.” Little by little, he begins to relax and ends up looking at me, again, with pride. "You’ve made a lot of progress. Without my help."    "I learned from the best." I wink at him and he blushes. "From my dad, a famous detective."     I tell him the truth, with pride.    "You're the only person who can still make me laugh, did you know that?"     Jake lets out a nice laugh in my ear, not wiping his smile, moving closer to me.    "Is it weird that I like it?" I sit at the table and when I have him close to me, I take his hand, intertwining my fingers with his.    "I don’t think so, no. "     He starts caressing my fingers delicately.
 My breathing really starts to get out of control with my imagination. I would have him very close and of course, we would be looking at our lips, because we want to kiss, but we know that it is a dangerous line for both of us. So, so close that I would feel the fabric of his pants on my legs, having more contact. It sounds so stupid, but the closer I imagine it, the more dangerous it feels. And I like that.    "Can we talk a bit more, Macie?" His question of him surprises me "I mean" he looks at the floor nervously, but looks up a little. His green eyes shine "Apart from everything else?"    "You mean small talk?" I ask, smiling at him.    "Yes, exactly."     As it is my imagination, I let him get closer, until I can feel the heat of my body, or is it mine because of my imagination?    "I’d love to." I replied, with soft voice.    "Please excuse my phrasing." I noted with a tremor in his voice.    "Are you a little nervous?"    "Yes" he looks at me surprised ", how do you know?"     I read his words so far. I think it's pretty obvious.    "I just know." I sigh, then smile at him, "What do you want to talk about?"    "I'd like to know how your day was."      Ah
 I don't want to worry him
 If he finds out that I didn't sleep well because I was worried, I don't want him to risk him coming looking for me.    "Pretty good." I replied, thinking at least of the silly conversation with Lian about 'Twilight'. "But nothing worth explaining has happened."    "Is it positive or negative?"    "Positive."    "I'm not good at finding topics." he says annoyed with himself.     I can imagine it. Running away for so long without having a conversation with someone, he must have lost a bit of skill in knowing how to talk to someone.    "Let me take over that part." I wink at him, placing my hands inside his sweatshirt and resting my head on his chest as I look up.     He smiles and brushes my hair away, stroking my cheek, the way he usually does.    “Glady."    "May I ask what you’re busy with all the time?" I need to know what he's doing so he's not always connected. I need to stay calm.    "Of course you may." He places his hands on my hips and looks at the ceiling, thinking, before looking at me. "I have managed to make my pursuers’ information advantage my own."     I look at him a little confused.    "Is that good or bad? "    "It’s more or less both," he confesses and I worry. "I have more time than I thought. But it also means that I won’t be able to avoid going into hiding." again, that horrible fear. I don't want him to leave me again
 I wouldn't bear it. "You didn't ask me because you're worried about me, did you?"     How did he know? I thought he wasn't that good at reading other people's feelings. Am I easy for him to know?    "Of course I did." I'm honest with him, why hide it?    "Please don’t worry about me, Macie" he tries to calm me down. ". They won't find me.” He winks at me, with a mischievous smile.    "How can you be so sure?"    "Because it would separate me from you."     I bring the phone to my chest, exhaling charged air. I have the body on fire. Not even when he's close to me does he get that effect. I feel that my legs are shaking and that if I get up, I will surely fall.    "Everyone says things to make me start to doubt you, because of all the things you're hiding" I confess ", but I don't listen to them, because I know you... Although I must admit that you made it very difficult for me at first..."    “Thanks Macie.” He traces circles over my body with his thumb, calming me down. "This won't go on for long, alright?"    "Promised?"    "Promised."     I close my eyes and feel how he rests his head on mine. We would be so close...    “I've ruled out the thought that you were behind Hannah's kidnapping,” I say slowly. "It's impossible to be you, right? After all, you can't be in two places at the same time... right?"    "I'm sorry you even had to deal with a thought like that, Macie" I want to think that
 Maybe he would kiss my hair
 To calm me down
 It would be something innocent
 Something that wouldn't make us cross the line that he fears so much. "I have nothing to do with Hannah's kidnapping."     I nod and finally decide to hug him, even catching him with my legs.
 I want to keep him in my imagination. Let him stay a little longer. I don’t wanna lose him
    "Why do you suddenly have time to small talk?" I ask, breathing easier.    "I don't have it." I look up and give him a dirty look. I don't want to be entertaining him "Well
" he places a hand on my chin, stroking under my lip with his thumb "To be honest, It's pretty hard to concentrate on my task when my thoughts are always drift off to you."    "And does talking to me will change that?"    "No."     He amuses me because he wrote it as soon as I sent it. He has written it fast. He smiles shyly at me. It's nice to have shared this moment with him...    "I have gotta go." A veil of depression begins to cover me. I didn't want to read these words now. " Thanks for your time."     We pull apart slowly, even though I don't want to.    "I like talking to you."     Again, another smile. I want the last one I imagine to be special. It's only mine.    "Can you go on with the telephone list in the meantime?" He asks me, going back to professional mode again.    "Sure." I replied, getting off the table.    "If anything happens, you can message me any time."    "Same to you." I answered, taking one of his hands.    "I think it would be be-"
      I look at the screen, confused. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Jake I think it would be be Macie Are you okay? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I see he go offline and I start to get nervous. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Jake? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Well, let's not think about the worst
 Let's continue with the list.
 I call the following number: 95042. Skip an answering machine.   "You have reach 'Alan's', the person you call is not available, please try it later."
 I decide to go back to Jake's chat and write to him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Macie Jake? I called the second number The number belongs to some guy called''Alan'' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I wait for him to connect. Not again
 Macie I hope you’re okay 😕 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 I put my phone in my bag, hoping Jake is okay.     "He told you, they won't let them catch him because they would take him away from you..."     I will trust his words then... *Jake POV*
 I send the mail quickly, and then put a virus in the computer that makes it delete everything. I will have to abandon it.    <<I hope you understand my instructions. I know he's a smart boy, I don't think he'll have a problem understanding him. >>
 I had to stop talking to Macie because I thought I heard something in the building. I hide behind a door and pay attention to my surroundings. Years has only made me able to focus on the environment and detect when something happens. But this time I got distracted by talking to Macie.    "Are you sure he's here?" I hear a male voice say, near the second floor.    "Yes, the signal came from here." another male voice.    "The exit is covered, I don't think I can escape" third voice, this time female. ". And there's no way out at the top, so he's surrounded."     I pull up my mask and hood, going upstairs. The building next door is quite low, I think I can jump without any problem. Do they think I can't jump? 
I slowly go upstairs. How have they discovered me? I had it under control and I have improved the security of my cell phone.    << And if they haven't tried it directly from me? What if what they did was a diversion through Macie's cell phone?>>     Luckily I have prepared everything so that she is safe. For now I will have to cut off all contact with her. I climb up carefully, even though my heart is racing with fear of being caught. I can't do that to her. I told her they wouldn't catch me.    "Stay there!"    << Shit!>>     I don't look down and go faster. I can hear the guy running.
 I open the door by pushing it after three times to open it. I run to the ledge, ready to jump.    "Stop or I shoot!" I stop raising my hands. Shit "Turn around!"     For now I will pay attention, so it will give me time to look around a bit to know what to do. I turn and see the man. He's in a suit, and he points the gun right at my head. He will not be more than thirty years old, like me. He keeps his gaze on me, but he doesn't shoot me. He squeezes the gun hard and is hesitating? Why doesn't he come closer to me? He's the one with the gun.    “Let's do this” he tells me calmly “, you come here slowly, you give up, and I promise you everything will be fine."     Yeah, sure, like I'm going to believe that. I look down, I would have to make a big push now to get to the other building. I step back without looking, calculating how far I have to jump.    "Look, it took me many years to catch you" he continues speaking "and I'm sure you don't want anything bad to happen to you, do you?"    <<What is he talking about? >> I take another step and he gets nervous.    "Okay, okay! You don't have to end up like this!" He yells, lowering the gun a bit "If you surrender, we can nego-"    "What the hell are you doing Brian?!"     A partner of his appears and distracts him, giving me time to jump.    "Stay there!" Shouts the man who has just arrived.     I hear a shot just as I jumped.
I scream in pain, reaching to grab the building's water channel in time.    "Why did you shoot him?!" the one who had been called Brian yells at him.     Perfect, if they fight it will give me time to get away from there. Thanks to the adrenaline I don't feel the pain, but it’s better not to stop.    "He's in the other building! Go for him!" Shouts the man who shot me.     I'm jumping from building to building, I know I'm bleeding to death, but it's not time to stop. Unfortunately, in one of the buildings it is higher and I have to sneak into a house. Some older people scream in fright as I try to get out of their house. I can't avoid this mistake, they will alert the police for sure.
I leave the apartment and bump into some people who live there. It's never been noticed before, I don't know how to fix this.
I stay hidden in the doorway of the building, waiting for the agents to pass by. They will think that I have climbed down the windows. Who would risk entering a flat? That only happens in movies to recreate action scenes.    <<Will they look here? >>    I hold my breath when I hear someone stop in front of the door. I try to stay close to the wall, so he doesn't see me.    "Do you see something Brian?!" The woman asks.     I notice that a few drops of blood begin to fall on the ground. Have he seen it?    "No! Everything under control!"     He runs away and I take a deep breath. Several footsteps pass in front of the building, including some cars. 
I take a look and when I see that everything is empty, I go out slowly. I continue walking, ignoring people who ask me if I'm okay. I ignore them while I'm pushing them, which makes them annoyed with me and ignore me for my behavior. It starts to rain. Brilliant. This helps my conditions.
 In the end I end up sitting on a bench, tired. I put my hand on the wound, trying to cover it.    "Fuck..." I mutter, "This wasn't planned..."     I throw my head back, trying to calm down.    <<Macie
 Think of her
 You can't leave her alone
>>     I make an effort and get up, returning to walk. I need to find a motel to meet.    <<But it is far away, without transportation and in this state I don't think it will arrive. >>    I stop walking and breathe. I remember her perfectly... her smile... I have to go back to her
 I have to talk to her again
her name is Macie
and I
I am
" I try to think clearly. My name
 I remember when I told her my name. That day I recovered my identity "My name is Jake..."     I just fell to the ground. I can't do anything on my own.
 My body starts to burn. I think my fever is rising.    "Hey you!" I hear a woman speak to me "Are you okay?"     I look up from her and look at her. When she puts her hand on my shoulder, I hurried away.    "Don't worry, I'm a doctor." she tells me calmly. "Okay, I have to take you to a hospital."    "No... Mo-motel..."    "Are you crazy?" she frowns, helping me up "In a hospital they can treat you better."    "If you do... You'll be in danger..." I threaten her with a lie. "Do you understand?"     The curly-haired woman looks at me scared. Then she sighs, leading me to the car.    "Shit... It's okay, even though I don't accept it."    "I know
"     She manages to get me in the car, in the back.    "Okay, now I need you to talk to me, you can't fall asleep, okay?"     Ha, easy for her that she doesn't have a bullet in her body.
 The last thing I hear is Macie on my mind. I'd rather close my eyes and dream of her than be awake and know she's not by my side.
Chapter 23
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jolyneslut · 2 years
Lemon shampoo — ft. Suna Rintarou
pairing: Suna Rintarou x fem!reader
au: fake dating
summary: you're two idiots in love đŸ«¶
warnings: kinda gets suggestive for a little, lots of thoughts and little dialogues
notes; this is the first fic im publishing so im a bit nervous 🙁🙁 hopefully it gets some love!! sorry if there are any mistakes i tried to reread many times but english isn't my first language so you never know. enjoy‌
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A hand on her lower back and the other holding her wrist to prevent her from falling. Just a few inches apart, all she smells is lemon shampoo.
"Easy there, be careful." Suna says.
Y/n couldn't even comprehend what was going on. Smell of lemon all around her and his breath lingering on her lips. If she moved just a bit they would kiss, that was the only thing her brain could process. That was Suna's effect on her. And she wasn't supposed to be feeling like that. She wasn't supposed to be feeling like he was her whole world. Like there wasn't anything else but him. She was down bad from the very first kiss on the forehead followed by a "Hey, love." from Suna when they first started "dating". "Dating" yes, because they were just fake dating. It was just acting, so why was she feeling real butterflies in her stomach whenever he would even just graze her or look her way? It was just acting... the hand holding, the pet names, the cuddling, the sharing earphones. At first, Y/n thought it would be easy to be a pretend girlfriend to help a friend. Now tho, now she feels like the best option she has is run away, change school, move city, get a new identity and never see Suna again, because it's too difficult to feel his love and realize it's fake and that it'll be over soon. And Suna wouldn't have the time to question anything because she would simply not exist anymore. So that sounds like a good plan, but she doesn't run away. Because even if it's so difficult she doesn't want it to end yet, so maybe she should at least wait for him to call it off. Maybe she should get all the love she can from him, till it last. So she decides to stay for a bit more, to keep helping her friend and certainly not because she hopes for something more. And certainly not because she couldn't stand not seeing Suna ever again, if she really thinks about it that sounds like the worst idea ever. She would rather not being born at all than never seeing him again.
So a simple "Thanks for catching me." is what Y/n goes for.
He's still holding her close, and it doesn't seem like he intends to let her go anytime soon.
"Can i kiss you?" Suna asks basically whispering as if not to scare her off.
Y/n feels like her heart would burst out of her chest at any moment now. She feels like trying bungee jumping would feel less exciting than whatever is going on right now. She tries to say something, anything, but nothing comes out of her mouth. Her heart is beating so fast she's really scared she's having a serious case of tachycardia.
"You can say no..." he says.
"NO!" she screams, her eyes widen and she shakes her head rapidly "No! I mean, Yes!" she takes a deep breath, "Yes, you can."
Suna laugh before getting closer to her, he moves his hand from her wrist to cup her face and then he puts his lips on hers. He takes a few steps forward until her back hits the wall. Y/n puts her arms around his neck and pulls him closer. His hands start wandering her body, her back, her waist.
She feels out of breath but she can't stop kissing him so she waits for him to stop. And when he does, he's quick to kiss her again because she's the best thing he has ever tasted and her lips are the softest he's ever touched. And because he's waited way too long to only kiss her once.
So he covers her up in his kisses and he touches her all over. He goes back to her lips and pulls her hair a bit by the nape, a moan escapes her mouth and oh wow if that isn't the most beautiful sound he has ever heard in his life then he doesn't know what it is. He nips at her bottom lip and then slips his tongue in. His hand still tangled in her hair keeping her in place. She can't believe this is actually happening. If it's a dream then she hopes to never wake up. She feels weak in her knees. Quite literally. Because she almost drops to the ground as she doesn't feel her legs anymore. Suna is fast to grab her thighs and put her legs around his torso to hold her up, "Falling for me, love?".
Y/n rest her head on his shoulder, "Shut up. You're the one who wanted to kiss me.".
Suna knows he has no right making fun of her. Not when he's the one who asked her to be his fake girlfriend for a while and fell in love right after, when she grabbed his hands and said "Sure." while smiling at him. And not when he's the one with heart eyes whenever she greets him in the morning at school. And not when he's the one that now can't sleep anymore if she's not next to him. And also not when he's so clingy with her, forehead kisses, hugs, or even just brushing his hand with hers when they walk close to each other, he's always touching her one way or another as if he was standing on a cliff and that was the only thing keeping him from falling.
"That's true." Suna says as he lays her down on the bed.
She smiles and tugs at his sleeve, "Lie down with me."
They lie down facing each other, his arm lazily thrown over her waist.
"Goodnight, my love." Suna says.
She rest her head close to his chest and all she hears is his heartbeat and all she smells is his lemon shampoo.
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destinyc1020 · 10 months
are you part of the SAG by any chance? Or have you heard anything regarding the strikes going on in Hollywood/// thankfully I'm in the Canadian union ACTRA! we have definitely felt it up here as there is such a lack of auditions. I usually got say 5-10 a month, but now it's more like 2. But i try to keep up to date with all the strike stuff in case I ever need to join their union, but I probably know as much as you.
I did hear there are new temporary, hopefully permanent, audition rules that help actors out a lot, such as no day-of audition requests (has to be 48hr for adults, 72hr for minors now), having the opportunity to audition live (which helps build a needed rapport with casting so they are actually forced to interact with you and see your face and full performance-instead being able to skip the tape all together if they feel like it), and no horizontal camera full body shots (now they can be in portrait mode- which I actually dream of ACTRA implementing, it sounds random but it is so great). so hopefully the AMPTP agrees to these very basic updates for the future. but also them and SAG haven't even reopened negotiations since the strike started so who knows. My teacher said strike could look to end around canadian thanksgiving (october), but the general conscientious is winter or spring '24 which is like horrifying
If you're into it I would check out the acting reddit sub for updates as members post a lot about it and a lot of them are SAG
Hey Actress Anon! đŸ‘‹đŸŸ
Thnx for answering my question! 😊
Yea, I don't foresee any of these strikes ending anytime soon tbh (definitely NOT by October), especially not after the ridiculous gaslighting stunt the studio execs just pulled a few days ago. 🙄😒
But to hear that some don't think it will be resolved until maybe spring if next year is just madness.... but honestly, I wouldn't be surprised! I've been saying for a while now that everyone thinks this thing is just gonna blow over and be done with by next year, but I've always been unsure about that. 👀
With the way these execs are acting, we could well be into this strike even NEXT year y'all. đŸ™đŸ€ŠđŸŸâ€â™€ïž I am fully ready for that possibility.
It's a total power play. And when someone is more concerned with exerting their POWER over you, and getting their way, instead of using reasonableness, and actually trying to negotiate some terms so that BOTH sides can sorta win in this, then this thing can go on for a LONG time. đŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™€ïž
We've already surpassed the length of time of the previous strike from 2007 (100 days) . Let's hope đŸ™đŸŸ we don't surpass the WGA Strike of 1988 (153 days). 😔
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