#thank you so much for sharing this nonie i really appreciate you trusting us in our lil sleepover here šŸ„ŗ
seiwas Ā· 8 months
okay so, this is the story all about how i had a fairytale romance straight out of a fic n now iā€™m living a nightmare lmao.
back when twitter was twitter i was in the music producer scene cause thatā€™s what i do in my spare time. well this poet guy i was following made a post saying for all the indie artists to leave their soundcloud links. so trembling in nervousness, i did. i was a beginner at the time and so sharing like that was hard. but this other guy was in the comments who shared is and on a whim i looked at his twitter. he was so so talented! so i followed him. he followed me back. we became fast friends. he lived in new jersey while i lived in oklahoma. after like a month we were crushing on each other so hard so i told him i told my nana we were together so we couldnā€™t lie to nana and thatā€™s how i bagged him. ff three years. we do long distance for a while but it just means we saw each other once or twice a years. we had a big even that should have been my biggest red flag but love is blind so year three he moves in. we start our lives together. we get two dogs. ff to it being seven years. i move from my home state with him 19 hours away.
everything is good for a while but as soon as he had me isolated, our relationship broke down and i met a man i never in the seven years we were together thought iā€™d meet. i couldnā€™t leave bc i didnā€™t really have money and also, our dogs. itā€™s been four years with them by then and theyā€™ve grown up by each otherā€™s sides. we canā€™t split them. all of this is happening and so he asks me to marry him after months of us going back n forth about if we even wanted to be together. l m a o.
stupidly i say yes.
bc love isnā€™t blind itā€™s just ME šŸ˜­
two weeks post engagement we go on a trip with his family. bc i am introverted af, i sat out a lot of of the extraneous social activities. the family collectively decided i was being ā€œemoā€ and no longer liked me. so, while we were all on a trip seven hours from home, he breaks up with me but i still have to endure the next two days with everyone.
we get back. he stresses how over it is. pushes me to move out so i do. goes so far as to say heā€™ll pay most of my bills just so i will. i was for sure he was seeing someone so i just go, not wanting to know the truth bc my heart was already in fragments. i stay close by bc of the dogs. we set up a coparenting custody schedule. doing this was better than going back home to my abusive family. we try out this new dynamic. it hurts for me. itā€™s hard for me. but when we finally sat down n talked about our feelings in depth i lied and said the dynamic was good for me n not at all that iā€™m still so in love with him i want to throw up bc before asking me my feelings he said something that let me know that as of now, my feelings are unrequited. dunno how long they were, but i took that as pre-rejection and said everything was fine and i wasnā€™t bothered at all. but god i was and still am so bothered besties. so so bothered.
now here we are at the present. iā€™ve been moved out for a couple months. but as of last week he says we might have to live together again for financial concerns. n lord jesus i donā€™t want that. bc i just want to move on but every time we hang out itā€™s always clear weā€™re so perfect together bc omg we have all the same hobbies. same humor. different interests but itā€™s always great conversation. heā€™s the one who encouraged me so much to do more with my writing and music. he pushed me to do so many things to overcome my crazy reserved nature. and now i feel like iā€™m stuck in the depths of a love that will never be returned again. šŸ˜­
pass the ice cream sleepover besties.
nonie hello!! šŸ„ŗ welcome to the sleepover!! āœØ
omg. i don't even know where to begin nonie... how he asked you to marry him even after months of fighting... and how his family didn't like you so he straight up broke up with you and you had to endure that stay šŸ˜­ and then he pushes you to move out like ???? šŸ˜­ and your inkling that he might be seeing someone too šŸ˜­ and oh gosh nonie šŸ˜­ i'm so sorry about your family šŸ˜ž you deserve to be treated with kindness and love, especially from the people meant to be closest to you šŸ˜­
i don't have a lot of experience with relationships nonie but !! i do know that you a deserve a love that's as much if not more than the love you give out šŸ™ i know breakups can be a tricky thing, especially when there are so many other things involved (your dogs, financial, feelings especially) but i hope you always remember to put yourself first!! to love and respect yourself before anything!!! and to make sure that the people you allow into your space are people who would treat you the same way you would treat you šŸ˜­
i am giving you all the ice cream in the world nonie!! šŸ¦šŸØšŸ¤ adding extra sprinkles of love and hugs on it too šŸ„ŗ
let's have a sleepover!! šŸ’— send me any questions/stories you wanna share!!!
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roo-bastmoon Ā· 2 years
Not eveyone is solo or anti . My bias is also tae but i feel very bad for jimin bcz he is v's soulmate . Every single time it is always jimin who gets hate. If ww say anything about jm or defebd him , yall call us solo and if we say about jikook yall say we r jikook anti and shit. But No . We also care and i just care too much for jm. He us not on SM , he must be chlling and all without him knowing what is happening here bcz of his so called mf 'jungkookie'. All jk needs was to bring up jm , and sit and enjoying the hate he revieves from his MOTHERFUCKING SHIP. WowwšŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘. Today reading the tweets about jm , people makong fun of him i remembered the past. When jk used to rank him last in the looks bcz he was 'too ugly' for him. 'Chubby' 'cheeks' 'fatty' 'ugly' . Jk is still immature & selfish person. I can never watch jk anywhere near jm today after all this he did. He better stay the fuck away from jimin like he does when there are no cams selfish mf. Disgusting.
Nonie I know youā€™re upset at all the hurtful things Jimin was exposed to today because of JKā€™s comment. But thatā€™s crazy fansā€™ fault, not JKā€™sā€¦ Thereā€™s plenty of evidence that all BTS members have been insensitive to each other and a tad selfish at times over the yearsā€”they are human and have grown up under extremely unusual (idol life) circumstances, always in the public eye.
But remember also how much Tae and JK and Jimin love each otherā€”truly, not just for the cameras. Remember that JK compliments JM so often, said in front of everyone on record that heā€™s the hardest working member and hardest on himself. Remember JK climbed a mountain to bring Jimin snow. Remember he planned the whole Tokyo trip to please Jimin. He got Jimin a special birthday present one year but didnā€™t do that for any other member. He raves about Jiminā€™s momā€™s kimchi. He showed Jimin how to teach Bam tricks. He went on a OMAD diet with Jimin and it was the only time Jimin stopped starving himselfā€”to protect JKā€™s health. They stay up all night together. He spends hours sitting quietly in Jiminā€™s hotel rooms after concerts. He waits hours after a long work day just to share a car with Jimin. Heā€™s always watching Jimin. Heā€™s always copying Jimin. He literally carries Jimin on his back even when heā€™s exhausted. He loves Jimin.
And Jimin is a consummate professional, a global superstar, a taekwondo black belt, a millionaire, with 8 years of kendo and Chinese martial arts training, plus an IQ of 128. Heā€™s smart and can take care of himself. If he considers JK a true friend, I trust his judgement.
Iā€™d absolutely prefer if JK and Tae came right out and told toxic fans to lay off Jimin, but it probably wouldnā€™t do much goodā€”haters thrive on hate. Iā€™m glad there are fans like you who may have a bias but still see the good in other members and have empathy for them!
I can only hope our boys demonstrate their love for each other enough in private that they never doubt how much they mean to one another. The way they care for each other can be clumsy and needy and cringey and strained at times, but itā€™s realā€”not for clout or fan serviceā€”itā€™s a genuine bond we fans might never fully grasp.
Keep the faith, Nonie. I believe JK just needs to grow up and learn how to interact unscripted with fandom. Anything he says can and will be used against him (and Jimin). The sooner he learns to navigate that, the better. But V and Jimin are too smart and self-sufficient to keep close to a selfish asshole. I really do think this is just a case of JK making a teasing comment and the dark side of fandom weaponizing it. And weaponized social media is why Jimin is so inactive. I worry BTS will relinquish social media to their label if fans donā€™t settle down soon.
But yes, thank you for loving Jimin and wanting him to be appreciated and considered.
In any case, I hope the upcoming concert has some amazing and fun moments that heal your heart, with lots of great Tae and Vmin moments to enjoy!! <3 Be well, Nonie!!
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astrologysvt Ā· 4 years
SVT as Boyfriends - Vernon
Happy Birthday Nonie~ šŸŽ‰ You confuse me constantly and that makes me want to baby you šŸ’›
anonymous asked: im not sure if u do these kinds of posts so feel free to ignore if u donā€™t but can i request vernon as a bf according to his chart? i love ur blog! šŸ’—
this reading is more geared towards their habits in relationships and romance!Ā i did end up talking a little about intimacy. iā€™m not putting any kind of nsfw warning because this is extremely pg and itā€™s honestly a gigantic stretch to even categorize it as that. but if thatā€™s something youā€™re incredibly averse to i wanted to be sure to say it here so you can skip this reading if thatā€™s the case~Ā also, i ended up usingĀ ā€œyouā€ generally because writing ā€œs/oā€ was getting tiring.Ā 
so his chart really strongly indicates that heā€™s very independent and thrives when heā€™s allowed to be a free spirit.Ā 
but thereā€™s also a part of him that is deeply committed through that cap venus.
super reliable boyfriend, and thatā€™s also in due part to his scorpio moon.Ā 
he would drop absolutely everything if you needed him.
he is super super protective and will absolutely throw hands if someone were to say anything negative about you.Ā 
even with a moon trine mars that makes him slow to anger, his principals are so strong through his aqua placements, scorpio moon, and cap venus that he would absolutely not stand for it.Ā 
this would be one of the few times he could justify resorting to anger, and while he may not attempt to hunt the offender down, you will definitely notice a dramatic change in demeanor as he rarely ever lets this side show.
and then when you take that sense of being protective and pair it with his cap influence, he really likes taking care of you.Ā 
heā€™s very competent in that regard, and he shows this in practical ways like getting you lunch, giving advice, maybe offering to help with work. things like that.Ā 
this also makes him very receptive for when you return the favor! like when woozi prepared a meal for him that one time when they were overseas, you could see how touched he was by the gesture and the thoughtfulness behind it.Ā Ā 
heā€™s also very emotionally intuitive thanks to that scorpio moon and pisces mars.Ā 
heā€™s super observant and would get really really good at reading you over time.
may not express his support in so many words thanks to his moon square mercury making him pretty awkward with it -- this placement makes it hard for his aqua moon to convey how feeling/intuitive he is -- but he will certainly let you know he is there if you need him.
i also find scorpio placements donā€™t really put their feelings in so many words.
even with an emphasis on intellect with an aqua sun and mercury, heā€™s bound to not be the quickest to shower you in verbal love/appreciation and is more willing to let his actions speak for himself.Ā 
if heā€™s going to say anything, itā€™s going to be sincere and straight to the point.Ā 
and whatā€™s interesting is that heā€™s got this scorpio moon, so i can imagine him actually being a pretty possessive boyfriend regardless of how chill he is normally.
BUT I DO WANNA MAKE IT CLEAR that that doesnā€™t necessarily mean heā€™d be a restrictive boyfriend either.Ā 
especially with those cap/scorpio/aqua influences that would really respect someone who was their own person and didnā€™t apologize for that. tbh i think the last thing heā€™d wanna do is restrict that.Ā 
i think well developed scorpio placements honestly just like having proof that you are committed and most certainly their s/o.
would probably say things likeĀ ā€œthatā€™s my ____ā€ just to assert this fact very casually, affectionately, even playfully.
really honestly just likes knowing and being reminded that youā€™re his, may it be through gestures or physical proof (you wearing his clothes, promise rings, you going out of your way to do something for him,Ā hickeys.)
his moon sextile venus makes him very romantic and affectionate.Ā 
he feels a lot of love and is very emotionally invested in his partner in this very protective scorpio manner, and thanks to its relationship to venus he goes about expressing this love in very practical yet classy ways.
he has a tendency to randomly do the most thoughtful romantic gestures.Ā 
he does have this free spirit thatā€™s pretty easily distracted so it may not be the most obvious or well planned gestures.Ā 
but itā€™d be things like. if heā€™s out and sees something that reminds him of you heā€™ll bring it home, may it be flowers or your favorite food.Ā 
itā€™s interesting because, as out-there as he is himself, he really craves a sense of predictability in relationships.
this cap brings a sense of tradition and loves the idea of stable, long-term relationships.Ā 
heā€™d bring a strong sense of reliability and practicality to relationships.Ā 
heā€™s very dedicated but simultaneously very levelheaded and realistic with you.Ā 
scorpio moon can give him a bit of a jealous streak.Ā 
but iā€™ll say it again: that may not be as bad as it sounds if his emotional control is good. which IT IS thanks to his moon trine mars.
his moon trine mars means these feelings never result to actual anger or action. heā€™ll let you know his comfort levels, but itā€™s highly unlikely heā€™d act out negatively due to feelings of jealousy.
he may just get a little extra handsy, affectionate, or may ask for reassurance!Ā 
tho i do think itā€™s interesting to note he may not normally be the most physically affectionate guy.Ā 
he has such airy placements that he isnā€™t going to subconsciously reach out without noticing if that makes sense.Ā 
if heā€™s reaching out himself, itā€™s probably very intentional and more than likely with the intention to show support or as little randomĀ ā€œi love yousā€ throughout the day.Ā 
as i said before, heā€™s rather awkward with putting these things into words so body language may be a huge factor in communicating with him in relationships which makes him pretty purposeful with it as well.Ā 
this kinda loops back in to how much of a lone wolf he is sometimes -- not that he doesnā€™t like affection, itā€™s just not in his instinctual wiring as heā€™s pretty solitary in that brain of his.Ā 
his well aspected moon and pisces mars, however, makes it very easy for him to accept affection and makes him pretty physical expressive.
he may need space every now again, but will probably very easily let you know when that is (may it be verbally or through body language) and is open to however cuddly you wanna be the rest of the time.
his pisces mars makes him a very sensitive and emotional boyfriend, especially in relationship to intimacy.
i think itā€™s important to mention because he has this very airy, independent, almost detached attitude about him on the surface.Ā 
you really do get the sense that heā€™s on another planet, or that he could potentially be OVERLY practical, logical, and not easily perturbed by emotion -- but that is absolutely not the case behind closed doors.Ā 
lol okay maybe heā€™s still on another planet, but he isnā€™t removed/indifferent. rather heā€™s very attentive and sincere.Ā 
this is where he kind of loses his sense of practicality and can be pretty all-giving and obsessive.Ā 
pisces influence on the part of mars means he takes physical relationships very seriously and sees it as a non-verbal expression of love and intention.Ā 
he also has a very subtle, gentle, traditional way of approaching intimacy.
itā€™s genuinely an experience sharing that part of himself with someone, and itā€™d be in those moments that you would truly understand the full extent of his feelings.Ā 
not only that, but heā€™s very emotionally sensitive in this regard.
allowing someone in to that degree can actually be a very daunting experience for him.Ā 
not necessarily if it were a merely physical relationship without the romantic/intimate association, but knowing that there is is this devotion involved makes the concept of allowing someone to see and understand the depth of this side to him a really hard thing to wrap his head around.
this is heightened by that cap venus that doesnā€™t take to commitment lightly.Ā 
with a pisces influence there is kind of a switch they have with regard to emotionally packed situations -- theyā€™re either detached out of risk of those feelings becoming all-consuming, or extremely feeling and potentially open to this all-consuming aspect and to them that is an extremely vulnerable feeling especially with another person involved.
and so for him to go into those romantic situations and decide to be open and sensitive, that can be a really overwhelming thing especially with so many placements that value individuality and composure.Ā 
ESPECIALLY with a scorpio moon which is already an incredibly intense placement to have, thereā€™s a great deal of investment thatā€™s kind of hard for him to face head-on and this is honestly because he can hardly fathom these depths himself.Ā 
and then you throw in this super airy influence through his aqua and this intensity within him may fly completely under the radar until heā€™s forced to face it.
it IS important to note that his moon trine mars both kind of heighten the intensity of these situations, while also giving him better tools to process them.Ā 
his scorpio moon also means that heā€™s really fascinated with these feelings even though theyā€™re very daunting.Ā 
it can beĀ ā€œscaryā€ but he isnā€™t particularly deterred if he trusts you because of how all-in scorpio placements can be as they love the concept of delving past the point of no return.Ā 
if heā€™s at that point where heā€™s so deeply committed, his scorpio is going to give him the confidence to take that step.Ā 
but because this part of him is so emotionally sensitive and reactive, he may retreat every now and then.Ā 
it is important not to interpret this as indifference/distance, often times he doesnā€™t know exactly who he wants to be some days and so you kinda gotta be okay with the unexpected.Ā 
this is simply because he gets overwhelmed and needs space, otherwise it just feels like heā€™s staring into the sun non-stop.Ā 
but if you learn how to read him, his energies, his body language/rhythm, youā€™ll understand how big and bleeding his heart is and how he expresses this, even when heā€™s not 100% there.
lololol all of this sounds SO DRAMATIC.Ā 
itā€™s funny writing this because vernon has such an air forward chart.Ā 
I wouldnā€™t be surprised if, for some WILD reason, he read this reading and thought this was a dramatic description as well.Ā 
he really is his own person and i imagine this reading feels super left of field and honestly thatā€™s because it IS.Ā 
a lot of his chart is pretty hard to pin-down and generally more focused on developing the self than depending on external forces like relationships, and so itā€™d take a lot for him to get to this point.
you can tell even now itā€™s hard to imagine what heā€™d be like in a relationship heā€™s so singular, and i imagine even his members know there is a bit of a wall despite how much an open book he is.
i really think that itā€™d take the right person for him to place such a strong importance on emotion in order to make this reading super relevant to him.Ā 
his aqua and cap are pretty hard to convince and are logical/intellectual enough that itā€™s often hard for those placements to surrender that mental control over to emotion/the intangible.Ā 
and so I donā€™t imagine this is a part of his chart that he would fully be aware of until heā€™s in an incredibly committed relationship and these placements are tested by being forced to accommodate someone else so intimately.Ā 
because otherwise heā€™s his own unit. these parts arenā€™t scary to him by himself, but theyā€™re naturally very private so sharing these aspects is what switches things up.Ā 
generally heā€™s a very thoughtful boyfriend!Ā 
his weird habits are going to stay intact because of how independent he is and, if his chart is really well developed, heā€™d never let his individuality be compromised by a relationship.Ā 
tho i will not lie, a scorpio moon and pisces mars may put him at risk of losing himself a bit as that scorpio moon has a tendency towards obsession, while that pisces mars can really easily get absorbed and lost in the case of love.Ā 
but with that being said, i think his aqua and cap are so established in his chart through his work and personal values that i donā€™t think he is in any actual danger.Ā  Ā 
so back to my main point.Ā 
he has such a strong understanding of himself and his life/goals through that aqua/cap, but there is so much in his chart that is really eager to bring someone into that.Ā 
heā€™s def the type of guy that makes it hard to fathom how committed he could possibly be on the surface, but once the relationship deepens, it gets clearer and clearer how romantic and devoted he is.Ā 
and also how simple and straight forward he actually is about these things, which in a way adds to the romance and earnestness.Ā 
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sunnydwrites Ā· 6 years
Complementary Character Traits
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Anonymous said:
I know you are not back for a few days. But I'll just leave this here. Could you please write up a list of character traits that compliment each other? Like for romantic relationships? Thank you.
Hey Nony! Before I start, thanks so much for your patience with me. I was out for about a week longer than I initially said and I really appreciate it.
So these are definitely a bit of a challenge to come up with someimtes; itā€™s hard to figure out which ones would go well together without creating too much conflict between your characters.Ā 
The dictionary defines complementary as ā€œcombining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or anotherā€, so thatā€™s how Iā€™m interpreting this. The qualities on the left side of the list were taken from The Positive Trait ThesarusĀ by Angela Ackerman and Becca PuglisiĀ (but that doesnā€™t mean that those on the right are definitively positive or negative).
Youā€™ll find some tips for incorporating these qualities into your characters beneath the cut. But without further ado! Behold, the big olā€™ list of complementary character traits:
Adaptable vs.Ā Rigid
Affectionate vs.Ā Withdrawn
Alert vs.Ā Oblivious
Ambitious vs.Ā Unmotivated
Appreciative vs.Ā Ungrateful
Bold vs. Timid
Calm vs.Ā Energetic
Cautious vs.Ā Reckless
Centered vs.Ā Scatterbrained
Charming vs.Ā Antisocial
Cooperative vs.Ā Independent
Creative vs.Ā Unimaginative
Curious vs.Ā Indifferent
Decisive vs.Ā Indecisive
Diplomatic vs. Rude
Discreet vs. Inattentive
Easygoing vs.Ā Strict
Efficient vs.Ā Sluggish
Empathetic vs.Ā Callous
Extroverted vs.Ā Introverted
Flirtatious vs.Ā Modest
Friendly vs.Ā Antisocial
Funny vs.Ā Serious
Generous vs.Ā Stingy
Gentle vs.Ā Rough
Honest vs.Ā Dishonest
Honorable vs.Ā Cowardly
Humble vs.Ā Proud
Idealistic vs.Ā Realistic
Industrious vs.Ā Lazy
Innocent vs.Ā Dirty-minded
Just vs. Partial
Kind vs.Ā Cold
Loyal vs. Unreliable
Mature vs.Ā Immature
Meticulous vs.Ā Careless
Obedient vs.Ā Rebellious
Optimistic vs.Ā Pessimistic
Organized vs.Ā Messy
Passionate vs.Ā Indifferent
Perceptive vs.Ā Ignorant
Philosophical vs.Ā Shallow
Private vs. Sociable
Proactive vs.Ā Stagnant
Professional vs.Ā Inept
Protective vs. Negligent
Quirky vs.Ā Conventional
Responsible vs.Ā Irresponsible
Sensible vs.Ā Foolish
Sentimental vs.Ā Pragmatic
Sophisticated vs.Ā Unrefined
Spiritual vs.Ā Irreverent
Spontaneous vs.Ā Deliberate
Spunky vs.Ā Apathetic
Thrifty vs.Ā Extravagant
Traditional vs.Ā Modern
Trusting vs.Ā Wary
Uninhibited vs.Ā Careful
Whimsical vs.Ā Serious
Wholesome vs.Ā Indecent
Wise vs.Ā Unaware
Choosing Traits
So, thatā€™s a pretty long list of traits to choose from. As youā€™ve probably guessed, though, there are any more to choose from; whatā€™s above is just a fraction of all the possibilities. But if there are so many, how do we know which ones to choose?
If youā€™re just starting off, choose two or three pairs to work with. Create your characters and develop these traits, building off the ways that would separate them. Then, find some traits that they would have in common, traits that would actually give them a reason to stay together. Maybe Character A is more perceptive while Character B is a bit more on the ignorant side, but theyā€™re both extremely creative and loyal. In this case the reasons for these characters to stay together outweighs their differences, so that would be a good goal to start with.
A general guideline thatā€™s worked well in the past for me has been to choose differences that you know can be balanced out by shared traits. I donā€™t want the characters in my pairing to have six complementary traits and only two shared ones; that could create a lot of conflict and would make the relationship more work than necessary. You want them to complement each other, but donā€™t overdo it.
CreatingĀ ā€œComplementary Charactersā€
Well, my first response is this: You shouldnā€™t create a character based off of the traits of another.Ā If you do this, thereā€™s an extremely high chance that your readers will be able to tell. Another thing youā€™ll probably want to avoid is adding these traits into a character youā€™ve already created. If that character has already been rounded off, throwing more traits into the mix might mess with the balance.
Instead, I would advise choosing your traits and developing a character around them. If weā€™re using the character example from above, I know that I want A to be perceptive, creative, and loyal. These arenā€™t the only three traits they might have, but those are the three I want to start with. The same goes for B; theyā€™re a little ignorant, really creative, and loyal, but those arenā€™t their only three traits. I find it easiest to start with things like these and develop the characters more from there, letting things evolve naturally to create the characters I want.
Something to Remember:Ā These traits donā€™t all follow the same path, based on the characterā€™s entire personality. Keep this in mind; chance are itā€™ll help you vary your charactersā€™ personalities during development to really make them stand out.
Something to Remember 2.0:Ā The above list and tips donā€™t apply only to romantic relationships! Complementary traits will play a huge role in (probably) every single one of your characterā€™s releationships!
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