#bc the pressure is apparently getting very bad
arrowheadedbitch · 23 hours
Okay, I just spent, like over two hours talking about how a Leanna Firestone song (Tourniquet) is perfect for Shawn and I'll be damned if I don't make a post out of it so here we go, buckle up
Okay first of all, here's the song
Enjoy, it is VERY good
So let's get into this, yeah?
This includes my suicide attempt hc that I mentioned in a previous post in it
I have been listening to this song on loop and it's making me go just a touch feral
"You can get a new car, but you can't forget the way it sounds or feels to crash
High speed impact
Normally the first person I'd call was my dad"
But im imagining that hc/story we were talking about yesterday, so change the words tooooo.....🥁🥁🥁
"You can get a new car, but you can't forget the way it sounds or feels to crash
High speed impact
But, later on, I realised that the song ACTUALLY says "NO POLICE, the first person I called was my dad" NOT normally, which hits different in this context but doesn't actually change much
And like, him yelling it in front of everyoneeeee
Henry is THERE
They're all like....what do you mean by that...
He will not elaborate but now they know that apparently something bad happened to him because he called his dad?
"Shawn, what are you talking about"
Shawn does the dramatic "I said something I shouldn't have" hand over mouth clasp
He freezes, he stumbles over his words, then he makes a run for it
Everyone is just standing there confused as hell
It's such a not shawn thing to yell out and do tho that even Henry is slightly concerned
Or maybe just confused
Or offended at the implication that he somehow hurt shawn so bad with some random phonecall
And now there are a bunch of people needling him to tell them about wtf he was talking about
Pressuring him to tell them about this traumatic event
ESPECIALLY Gus, who would normally be in the loop about something like this so he's extremely concerned and maybe even a little hurt that Shawn won't tell him
Even Henry, who usually doesn't give a shit about this kind of thing, is trying to get it out of him
He mostly just wants to know what the hell shawn is blaming him for this time lol
But he doesn't get how serious this is
None of them do, that's why they keep trying to get it out of him
They just assume it's another one of those silly things he always has going on, not, yknow....SUICIDE
Not even his mom knows, maybe they'd try to call his mom bc he tells her pretty much everything and find out she ALSO doesn't know
Then they're like....Gus doesn't know......his mom doesn't know.....holy shit maybe this is serious
"Some people die before they're dead!
Building collapse, pressure outweighs the pain
I don't feel sad
I don't feel ANYTHING
Only will when the blood returns
But I'd rather be numb then know how bad I'm hurt"
Someone save my boy
He is emotionally constipated
His mom also might fly down to figure out what's happening after she gets that call
So now literally EVERYONE is bugging him about this
Poor Shawn, there's even a THERAPIST needling him about this traumatic event now 😭😭😭
And everybody wants to know
At this pace he's gonna become a hermit so he doesn't have to tell anyone 😭😭😭😭
"So, I'll keep the tourniquet on
I'll block it out and off
Cuz I don't need anyone
I don't need anyone
I don't need anyone at all
If I keep the tourniquet on"
I think all of this would lead to Shawn blowing up on then, maybe he'd say something that accidentally gives away more of what happened but I don't think he'll be able to bring himself to actually say out loud what happened, at least not to them
Because, well, emotional constipation, anyone?
He wouldn't talk about his feelings at gun point
"Maybe we always start
Back where we end
Don't know if I'm God
Or if I'm sisyphus"
But maybe change to
"I try to act like God
But I'm just sisyphus"
Or something similar
So, this first part has been about Shawn saying the stuff in the song or just really good lines that he would relate to
But this next part is more of an....application for all of this
Imagine with me, if you will
Shawn does a few artsy stuff like....drawing that he doesn't really like to show off a lot, so imagine this,
/Shawn would totally be a good songwriter/
Imagine he wrote a few songs as more of like journal/vent things and he never wants them to see the light of day
This is while him and Jules are together btw
So, Juliet finds out about the songs, he tries to brush them off bc he doesn't like to think about them and he doesn't want her to see them, that kind of thing, but she reads it as insecurity
This is the same woman who went around Lassies back to plan him a birthday party and accidentally invited a bunch of criminals, so, I don't think it's that big a stretch that she would try to do something to make him feel better about his music and go behind his back a little to do it so she can *surprise* him
She grabs the first complete song she can get her hands on, maybe glances through it but makes the mistake of not reading it thoroughly and submits it to a song writing competition, if it loses, Shawn will never know, if it wins, boom! Boost in his self esteem about his songs!
A win-win plan, really
And the song she grabbed was the Shawn version of Tourniquet we've been talking about, obviously
Yeah, it's *her* turn to do something for *him* with good intentions that ends up being awful, she's not gonna be in the doghouse for this one...she's going straight to the pound
The prize for winning the contest? Well, a celebrity sings it of course!
And...well Juliet may have overlooked that it's sung.....on live television...
All classic song writing prizes, maybe you can win a record deal and a bunch of money too or whatever
Not that Shawn would care about any of that
Anyways, her and Shawn go to the place where they're announcing the winners, you know? Big party. Shawn doesn't know what it's about but he's having fun, probably solving a case here too!
But then he wins....
It's the big finale, announce the winner and sing the song on stage and on camera
"And, this song will be our grand finale! The winning song of the song writing contest will be revealed and sung!" So the singer gets on stage and Shawn is all smiles until he hears "And this song is...🥁🥁🥁 Tourniquet by Shawn Spencer!"
And Shawn is going through all the stages of grief, he turns to Jules all "What the fuck did you do" (Perhaps first time she hears him legit cuss??) [Ty Luka]
And suddenly Juliet realises that she should have read the lyrics a bit closer before submitting it
It's the first time she's seen him ANGRY because he is about to get angry
They get in an argument, Shawn storms off, she feels bad
But, the song was on LIVE TELEVISION
Everyone saw it! Everyone HEARD them attribute it to him!
And they don't know he wasn't in on it! They have no reason to believe he's upset about winning!
So, when he shows up at the station, everyone is trying to talk to him about it!
Gus is asking about it, but he stopped pretty quick when he noticed how pissed Shawn seemed about it
Henry's been calling him
He's been not answering, obviously
Juliet tries to talk it out with shawn but he's not having it right now, "Shawn, I-"
"You, shut up, you are in the /pound/!"
"*gasp* the pound?"🥺😢
And Lassie was gonna give him a hard time and ask questions but he saw that interaction and realised that he shouldn't touch this with a five foot fucking pole
The precinct feels oddly tense today because well....no one's ever seen SHAWN SPENCER so ANGRY
Or really angry at all
He really powers through solving this case and is actually pretty scary the whole time and he won't talk to Jules, they are not in speaking terms right now
Anything that he would normally go to Jules about, he goes to Carlton and acts like she's not even there while he gets Lassiter to do whatever it is he needs
No fun nicknames either, but what really hits? When he HAS to address jules.....he calls her Detective O'hara
So she REALLY knows she's in trouble
Obviously she's gonna do anything she can to make it better, we know Jules
So she asks around for advice on what she should do
Talks to anyone who will listen really, Lassie, Gus, she even goes to Henry
[Side note, I've been imagining she heard the song, like it was playing all throughout so they could hear it a little muffled from the spot they were arguing at, but she probably missed a good chunk because of the arguing and talking, though her not having heard it would be a really interesting turn to take! She doesn't know what was wrong with the song, only the aftermath, that could be interesting]
Anyway, she gets mostly the same advice, let Shawn cool down and then work it out
But, since she talked to Henry, he now knows that not only did Shawn not submit that song, he's pissed that it played at all
Which will affect the way he treats Shawn when they inevitably talk later
Instead of thinking Shawn did this to get back at him, he knows these were private thoughts that were shared against his will, so he'll be a little less defensive and accusatory
Gus doesn't know what exactly the song was about, but he gets to be the most in the know since he's the only person Shawn is really actually talking to right now
A lot of ranting to Gus about this, of course
Lassie has the least know of the situation because an angry shawn is a startlingly untalkative shawn
Shawn takes a week or two to stop being so completely pissed
He talks to Henry at some point, they probably have a moment or something, but he won't tell anyone what the song was meant to be about
Eventually he calms down enough to let Jules talk to him again and she gets to apologize profusely and work her way off the shit list
And now everyone knows about the depth to shawns character that he didn't want them to know about so he'll just have to slowly chip away at that by going back to being the town idiot as usual
Maybe he agrees to sell his songs as long as his name doesn't go on any of them, I dunno
Everything goes back to normal...eventually, but it takes...a while
So shawn ends it just as emotionally constipated as before but now everyone KNOWS he's emotionally constipated
Everyone gets to go "holy shit, this kid actually has emotional depth?!?!??"
And Henry gets to sit and wonder what he did to Shawn that was a "crash", what phone call? What did he do?
And Yeah, most of them forget probably
But also, there's that inkling of.......is he really okay?
Always in the back of his friends minds
They /heard/ the song
Juliet goes over board trying to make up for it in a way that's so endearing shawn can't help but smile
And forgive her, but only after the third pineapple/hj
Gus is a little concerned but he knows Shawn doesn't want to talk about it so he let's it go
Lassie tries not to pry but he's still feeling kind of awkward about it (what is he supposed to do in this situation? Anything? Should he even care? Should be be on O'Hara's side because they're friends? Shawn's side because he was the one wronged? Anyone's side at all? Should he say something? Welp, he just won't do anything, maybe)
Buzz has no idea what's going on but did try to comfort Shawn a few times and it was sweet
Buzz never knows what's going on with the main four but we love him anyway
Henry has the song on loop trying to figure out what he did and if there's something he should do or say about it
And someone should definitely get Shawn a therapist but they don't
And the whole song is soooooo about his dad
So about his dad it hurts
Tho Gus is a little offended at the "I don't need anyone" part and he makes sure his thoughts on that are known
"I spend every night
With the TV on
I can't bear to be
Alone with my own thoughts"
And now you guys won't be able to stop thinking about this either, MUAHAHAHAHA
To the people who talked to me on discord, thank you!
@mores0 @storm-cloud-lightning
And also @j-snapdragon who joined right at the end
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I love when I tell people that I have IIH and they're like what's that? Bc then I can tell em it's Lost In The Sauce Disorder. Maximum Juice Syndrome. Under_Pressure.mp3 Disease.
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AITA for not letting my partner meet my parents?
I (26 “F” (closeted nonbinary passing as cis for safety reasons)) am queer, formerly out as a lesbian which my parents knew about for the past 10 or so years. They didn’t accept me at first and it caused serious issues, but around 3 years ago they begrudgingly decided I wasn’t literal satan spawn and don’t need to go to conversion therapy.
The thing is, they’re still very viciously transphobic, and my partner (26M) is a trans man. I never updated my parents on my labels because I don’t talk to them often, and I know they will throw a hissy fit about the mere existance of a transgender person instead of judging him as a person after meeting him. My mom spouts all sorts of transphobic rhetoric whenever I see her because she’s been keeping up with our state’s politics, and she also posts it on facebook all the time. She’s more against trans women than trans men but she still says awful things about both. She’s a bigot.
We’ve been together for a year now. His parents are supportive of him and our relationship and I’ve had dinner with them about 6 times. Unfortunately, his parents have started seriously pressuring him into meeting my parents, which I’ve always shut down in conversation. They apparently told him that it’s a “red flag” that I won’t let him meet my family.
So he asked me why he can’t meet my parents and I said it’s because they’re bigots. It’s true, they will actually say offensive stuff TO RANDOM TRANS PEOPLE they see just existing and minding their own business in public. I don’t want to expose my partner to that. He says he can handle it, but I told him the idea of my parents saying awful things to him makes me angry and uncomfortable, to which he shifted the blame to “me being embarrassed to be with him”. He then brought up that my parents initially rejected me but then came around years later.
I then told him that my parents are physically abusive, when things get bad at home in arguments I often get things thrown at me / hit with stuff. Yes, I’m an adult, I know it’s fucked up and why I don’t visit them if I can help it. He didn’t understand and said to just “call the police” on them if they got physical.
Part of me feels like maybe I should just bite the bullet and bring him to meet my parents and then deal with the shitstorm that will follow, but it’s really avoidable stress that I don’t want to deal with so I stood my ground. My partner keeps warping it into a “trust” thing and refuses to see my side of the situation.
Adding this as INFO bc I feel like people would ask, my partner is visibly a trans man and cannot pass as a cis man or a cis woman in a way that my parents would be “fooled” by, nor would I ever ask him to do something like that for me.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 10 months
Round 2
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Propaganda Under Cut
Elizabeth Midford
She started as just a cutie fiancée trying her best, turns out she's also a swordfighting genius, very under pressure to perform feminity in the Victorian Rose type of way. Fandom crucifies her bc she's Ciel's fiancée and they want him to be with his butler, Sebastian, the demon he sold his soul to for revenge
anime was a shitty canon divergent adaptation that butchered her character down to her "cutesy silly girly" persona, which obviously made the 2008 anime fans hate her with a passion (nothing wrong w being girly I'm just saying the adaptation made her super one dimensional) anyways fujoshis used to treat her as a villain because she's the fiance of Ciel,, who as u might know already was HEAVILY shipped with his butler, Sebastian back then (now it's kinda looked badly upon, nice tbh that ship sucks ass xD) She's a bit similar to Misa Amane from death note in the way she was treated. (Like an obstacle the yaoi ship must overcome rather than a person)
she's my silly little rabbit! i could gush about her character but i'll keep it short and just say that she's really well written and one of the best characters in the series. anyways she's ciel's fiance and she's like, rightfully annoying as any other 13 yr old girl would be but the fanbase fucking crucified her for even existing. she gets demonized for being 'annoying', but then ciel gets yaoishipped with an even more annoying guy. there is 100% an argument that lizzie/ciel is weird bc they're cousins (i personally don't ship it) but that falls flat when her detractors then ship the 13 yr old ciel with an eons old demon who Canonically looks like his father. the anime also never reached her main character development until years after its peak and that was only in a movie, so she really got the bad end of the stick here. not me though i had a giant crush on her when i was 12
Katara is constantly mistreated by the fans in favor of the Zukka ship (Zuko × Sokka.) They make her out to be mean, homophobic, and completely out of character just to add drama to the Zukka ship. In reality, Katara is very compassionate, and would never act that way toward anyone. 
Zutara was a popular ship but when zukka got popular over covid during the atla renaissance there were a million posts about how zutara was problematic while zukka was perfect usually for racist reasons. Meanwhile katara and sokka are siblings so it didn't even make sense. They did not have to be so illogically rude to her to ship zukka and it was weird
Katara is FANTASTIC I fucking love her to pieces she is so cool and yet the entirety of the ATLA fandom treats her like garbage because she “talks about her mom dying too much” (even though she BARELY does & also was parentified from a young age due to her mother’s death) and, of course, because she’s a more feminine women when compared to her counterparts. Even in the show itself she’s mistreated: she’s ALWAYS shown cooking for the rest of the gaang, doing their laundry, any ‘womanly’ task. She ends up with the guy who kissed her twice without her consent & who she never showed any real attraction to and apparently (despite being a badass warrior-doctor!!!) after the show ended she just… settled down in the South Pole and had a bunch of kids and never did anything else. She didn’t even get a statue :( Anyways during the ATLA renaissance, despite Zutara actually not being canon, people felt that Katara threatened the sanctity of the new almost entirely baseless yaoi ship, Zukka. Unfortunately for them, due to the fact that Katara and Sokka are siblings, the usual anti-Zutara arguments didn’t work as well. So they resorted to just… slaughtering her character. If she was lucky, they’d just make Katara a background character, wingwoman, &or throw her together with her canon love interest. If she was unlucky they’d do anything from make her homophobic (??) to killing her off! Fuck’s sake, she never even got a token spare-the-pairs wlw ship! Sorry for getting so heated, that whole debacle made me FUMING MAD.
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linonyang · 11 months
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read maknae line version here
pairings: hyung line x gender-neutral!reader (written separately per member)
genre: fluff, very light angst, college au
warning: mentions of food and insects
word count: 1.6k words (390-400 words per member)
tag list: @awooghan​​ @hwangsify​​ @xiaoderrrr​ @cosmic-railwayxo​​​
note: i impulsively wrote this since i am on the brink of getting insane bc of this one project i have... so don’t mind me /hj i’ll probably write the second part/maknae line next week when i am done with the mentioned project lol i hope you enjoy this short hc!
© linonyang - all rights reserved. please do not copy, translate, modify, repost, or claim as yours.
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since he’s a guy who loves to stay awake all night, it’s no problem for him to join your cramming and procrastinating in projects and exams!
if not, he might be the little devil on your shoulder to stay awake with him, instead of the other way around (which was the original plan) :p 
he’ll do everything to not make your eyes close in the study hall!!!
if you’re into coffee, he’ll bring you a cup of coffee of the biggest size from your favorite cafe nearby
or if you’re feeling like eating something sweet to spike up your sugar a little bit, he might buy all of your favorite candies and desserts (including your favorite cakes and pastries) in small portions
so you can have a little bit of everything :>
chan will instantly embrace you if you’re on the brink of breaking down
you can cry on his shoulder (literally) and have him as your pillow whenever you want to give yourself short breaks after long hours of studying
and he’ll never tell this to you: he really enjoys you staying beside him when you guys do your own things
he just finds it comforting‌…
he loves how you don’t feel bothered when there’s someone beside you (him) when you usually prefer to study alone on a normal day
it’s like he’s an exception, he really loves the idea of it :* he loves to joke that you’re so down bad for him! (let’s be real, he’s not lying </3)
so you don’t have to stress out all on your own, chan’s there with you to feel less pressured and worried about your incoming exams and deadlines!
when chan notices that trouble is slowly surfacing on your face, he’ll talk to you a bit to lower your anxiety
he really doesn’t want you to feel very stressed!!!! he hates seeing any negative expression on your face!!!
he’ll feel sad too when you feel sad :((( 
being the knight in shining armor, as usual, he’s willing to bring you home whenever you feel like doing so <3
(and you can’t stop him from doing that, he wouldn’t be able to sleep at night without knowing that you arrived safely at your home or dormitory!)
chan will definitely send a message that you should not extend your studying at home because you did a lot already when you were with him!
minho will probably do everything to make you consider studying in his home
so you can not drown in instant food and fast food and have delicious meals cooked by him from time to time instead <33
also, his cats!!!!!!!
he’ll probably bring soonie, doongie, and dori near you so you can have some comfort whenever he’s not in the room with you, whenever he has to cook, take a shower, and all that jazz
and the three cats seem to make your day every time
it’s like minho communicated with them beforehand about how can you study healthily
when you’re sitting and reading the papers on the desk for too long, one cat will block your way and sit on the papers and books
then another will jump on your lap and ask for your love and affection (just begging you to pet them :D)
and one will constantly meow behind you, already on the bed, so you can take a good nap
when you do get to nap with all of minho’s cats on his bed, he always arrives at the wrong time, apparently
you’re asleep! but he cannot help but feel butterflies in his stomach because you look so cute napping with his beloved kitties :’>
as you instructed him before, he’ll wake you up once you reach your time limit
then he’ll join you to study once you’re back at his desk! :D
minho will definitely pet the cats beside you when you’re endlessly typing on your laptop
just so he can look after you because he does not want you to lose track of his so-called “healthy study session” for you
he’ll definitely scold you when he’ll hear your stomach growling in the middle of the night
because “how can you study with no source of energy?!?!”
he always reminds you to not overwork and don’t pass your limits
when you want to take a longer snooze (especially when it shows from your constant yawning and eye rubbing), he will not hesitate to bring all of your materials to the couch outside of his room
and drag you to his bed!!!!! so he can cuddle you all night and whisper all of his manifestations for your good results in school!!! he believes you will ace the exam, and you did so perfectly in all of your tasks!!!
this guy…
oh when you ask him to accompany you to the library
he’ll drop all of his things and find you in an instant!
changbin will take your studies seriously as if he’s the one studying :p 
a strict but loving kinda person
he’ll not hesitate to scold you if he sees you sidetracking! lmao </3
but he wouldn’t do that when he knows you’re taking a break
when you feel a little disoriented or frustrated, changbin will give you energy with his powerful hugs!
“my hugs are proven to give you a better mood and more motivation to do whatever you want!!!”
“what if i don’t want to study anymore?”
“that is not included, alright?!”
(he didn’t lie about his hugs making you feel better and energetic again tho ;D there was an immediate effect right when he hugged you tightly for a solid minute)
he does serve as a distraction sometimes because he will lovingly stare at you when he’s at the peak of feeling bored
but when he is dealing with something, changbin will unintentionally bother you by making noises
in conclusion, he gives you a realistic feel of what being a student is
it makes you reassured‌… that how you’re facing academics is considerably normal?
even if changbin did promise you he’ll make sure you’re doing well, it seems like he’s the one who needs some guidance
when he’s aware that he’s not tracking you that frequently anymore, he stops what he’s doing and goes back to staring at you with heart eyes
“how are you doing?” and some good sliding of his water jug on the table to you because you can’t be dehydrated!
he steals your notebook of reminders and asks you if any of the pending deadlines and exams listed should be crossed out already
changbin will drag you out of the library when you have crossed enough pending tasks in your notebook! and take you on a scrumptious dinner date because he knows you deserve it for all the work you’ve done :>
will always pay for your dinner, even if you’re willing to pay
and will probably baby you when he discovers you finished all of your work
“aww let’s order another plate of that food we ordered! you need more good food after that exhausting study time!”
“but my stomach is full already, binnie </3”
hyunjin is one worried baby when you tell him you’re in “super study mode”
you refuse to believe that your boyfriend is behaving like a mother
he will visit you and shower you with so much love
it’s like… he wants to lessen your worries :’<
he is willing to do all the chores so you can study without interruptions!!! 
he is also willing to feed you so you don’t have to get out of your seat!!!
hyunjin will always be on the go when you need something
his hugs and kisses? he will drag you to your bed and give you some!
his words of encouragement? he has prepared a long list in his head to give you more determination to finish your work!
will never get out of mom mode until you’re done
whenever you update him on your progress, he always congratulates you as if you won a life-changing award
“i am so proud of you!! :DDD” and clapping loudly
that’s because he knows how grueling studying is, and you should be congratulated for being hardworking
he loves to see you snort and laugh at his antics, even if they’re very exaggerated
and he moves and acts exaggeratingly just so you don’t have any direct source of the negative atmosphere
when he notices that you’re slowly sighing heavier than the previous one, he rushes to your side and looks after you literally
he will endlessly peck your face and stroke your hands with his thumbs
“you are doing so well! don’t say that you barely did anything today! you did so much already and i saw all of it!”
if hyunjin thinks you’ve done so much already, he’ll tell you to stop and invite you to take a walk outside with him
it’s a win-win situation because you get to relax by looking at the view of the park and hyunjin can capture beautiful photos and find inspiration for his paintings :DDD 
plus, that’s the perfect time for hyunjin to lighten up your mood
“i already washed your toilet btw, i saw a cockroach walk towards me while i was scrubbing! ugh, worst experience ever!”
“what did you do?”
“i hit it with a toilet scrubber too lightly, it was still alive so i ran out of the bathroom for a bit :’D heh”
“where the cockroach went to then?!?! i don’t want cockroaches in my home?!”
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moons-of-dewclan · 5 months
Do you have tips on how to draw neutral poses?
I can… only draw action shots apparently. Anytime the characters are meant to be still I struggle so bad. No pressure to answer ofc, but any tips would be greatly appreciated :]
- Roachclan anon
OMG ME TOO THO. it's nice (and sad for usLAKDSN) to hear someone else struggles with such a weird thing. the only reason i'm remotely successful in this comic is bc i've simplified their shapes so i just draw a circle for a body with four circles at the bottom for paws and i'm like 'he's sitting now' i struggle the MOST with static standing poses!! i think in my case it's bc i'm not very good at general anatomy consistency yet, and it becomes very obvious when the anatomy isn't distorted by action?? i THINK that's it for me if that's it for you too, all we can do is study anatomy and break down shapes more, annnd make sure we reference static poses a lot. gotta make sure we're capturing the way weight sits on limbs.. it's taken me.. Still Not Yet, to learn references are usually always the answer to any 'i can't draw this as well as i want to', in art. even tho i forget that constantly and then i get mad i can't draw things from imagination HAHAAA BUT WE CAN LEARN TOGETHER. rEFERENCES
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thedvilsinthedetails · 4 months
small rant:
(I don’t mean to sound ungrateful btw if that’s how it comes across, ik im super lucky abt a lot of stuff but yeah)
the way my parents are telling me ima fail my GCSES unless I make a study plan right. now.
I have a study plan actually I just don’t have set dates for shit bc I literally always buckle under time pressure
they don’t like my plan though and since my entire self worth appears to hinge on my exam results apparently that’s a reason to yell at me like a lot
(Look ok ik education is important and exams are important im not denying that, im just resentful that nothing has ever been more important to them [cue flashbacks to the time when i was eight when i told my mum i wanted to be an actor and she said it was unrealistic and i should pick a better career because being an actor is shit and also not gonna happen]
like ok yeah but also I’m not doing that badly…like if I was getting 1s maybe I’d get it but the majority of my results in mocks were 7s and 8s (and I have plenty of time) and I just had one 5 and that was literally my lowest score so
Im just sort of sick of hearing about what a bad kid I am bc like if it was just this maybe I’d get it
but I’m also rude and impertinent and insensitive and mean
and I’m also messy and scatterbrained and untalented
and I’m also always badly dressed and have a dull fashion sense and should wear my hair down more not tie it up so I look like a little boy (or an egg, I’ve gotten both lmao)
like Jesus give me a break please
[P.S. also for the acting thing btw, still very much my dream, dear mother pls piss off and stop telling me I’m not good enough - ik it’s a difficult field but like I practice a lot and also like I’m not jumping into it with no backup plan I’m just saying part of me does think I could do it and i don’t see why I shouldn’t give it a shot yk]
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entomologistologist · 5 months
south park kids' college/hs drug use theories/headcanons:
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Kyle: would smoke weed, would experiment widely with other drugs but ultimately quits it all when he decides it's time to grow up and be a real adult. if you think he's too uptight to experiment that broadly with drugs, then I invite you to recall that everyone getting high on cough syrup that one time was HIS idea, and also the time when he accepted acid from the san franciscan kids.
Stan: would not smoke weed bc he doesn't want to be anything like his dad (don't take this headcanon from me; it's my favorite). Would experiment with other drugs but he probably shouldn't since we all know he has addictive tendencies. He already has enough problems with alcohol and I think he's smart enough to avoid going in too deep with drugs on top of that. I think struggling with alcoholism is pretty much his destiny at this point (although he'll beat it!) so he has enough to deal with.
Kenny: you already know he'll do every drug and also several things that weren't previously believed to be drugs. And then I headcanon that he will have major problems getting off them because he knows he can't die (or rather stay dead) from an overdose, and it gets so bad that all his friends are worried sick about him, but maybe Kenny secretly WANTS them all to be worried sick about him to compensate for all the deaths they forgot. what then? what then??? (Kenny's parents are Not worried because they know about the death curse but Carol is pretty pissed that she has to keep rebirthing him after reckless deaths. She's getting too old for this, rip.)
Cartman: okay you gotta hear me out on this one. what if Cartman...... doesn't like drugs. He's not a dweeb so he'd experiment a little with them with his friends but what if, like... that's it. Okay, so this is a little unintuitive because Cartman is unhealthy, self-indulgent, self-sabotaging, etc., but my rationale for this radical fresh take is: 1. He associates drugs with groups of people he looks down on: hippies, poor people, lazy people, minorities in general. 2. He comes from a family of addicts, which he has low awareness of currently but when he's older he's eventually gonna realize how that screwed them over and will want to be better than them. (Liane was canonically a high-functioning crack addict although she apparently quit sometime between seasons, Cartman's uncle is in prison for some reason, and Cartman's grandma left him all her money because she said everyone other than him would spend it all on crack).
Butters: Not much to say for him; he's susceptible to peer-pressure so he would probably try some stuff but I don't think he'd be very into it.
Conclusion: they're the south park boys, of course all of them are at least going to try drugs (especially since... they all already have). what did you expect. my three girlfriends yes they smoke weed etc
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celestial-vapidity · 5 months
'your beauty never ever scared me' tidbits (part 1/???)
Hey y'all! I was going to write more for this AU, but AO3 is apparently down rn?? So here are just some thoughts and stuff about this series instead. (There are some NSFW bits, just so y'all know).
As previously stated, Alcina is trans femme in this series. However, she's at a point in her transition where dysphoria isn't really a thing she experiences anymore?? Like, we all been knew she's confident to the point of arrogance, and even if somebody were to openly misgender her (which would probably get them killed lbr) she would be more faintly annoyed/coldly amused than anything. She would probably still retaliate ofc, that's just who she is (and she has an image to maintain).
Like I said before, Reader is AFAB but gender-neutral. So it's up to you if they're a cis woman, trans man, or AFAB enby. However, in the case of the latter two, Alcina would NOT take Reader being misgendered lying down, and would probably react much more harshly toward whoever was doing it, unless Reader was to intervene.
Also, in this series, she secretly had some difficulty learning to sign at first. Like, she has huge hands. But once she saw how happy Reader was that she was learning, she immediately doubled down, to the point where she became fluent surprisingly quickly.
Reader's cane was actually a joint effort between Donna and Karl. Donna supplied the wood from her garden, while Karl put it together and made the claw-rose charm. Alcina didn't mind asking Donna for help, but she really had to swallow her pride to ask Karl.
Alcina is actually kind of nervous about accidentally infantilizing Reader, due to their disabilities. She's good about not doing it, but that doesn't stop her from secretly being anxious that she'll slip up one day and offend them.
Reader is actually Alcina's first serious love. Like, she has had crushes and loved people non-romantically before, but this is her first time really being IN love. It takes her a bit to realize that that's what she's feeling though (and she internally panics a bit when she does), since she's never really been close to anyone outside of Miranda and the other Lords before. She's determined to do it right, though.
When she was a human, Alcina had a bad relationship with her family. They were not accepting of her transition and were the type to demonize her for being attracted to women, but still wouldn't want her to be into men either bc she's AMAB.
She eventually gets to a point where she becomes pretty domestic with Reader, something they are all too happy about.
Alcina also really wants to have kids with Reader at some point, she thinks that they would be an amazing parent. Eventually, they do have Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela.
As for Miranda and the other Lords, they're all less evil (as mentioned previously). Miranda for instance is still trying to bring Eva back, but is not doing so by trying to kidnap other people's children this time.
Miranda and the Lords all genuinely care about and love each other as family in this series. Even if some would prefer not to admit it (Alcina and Karl). They all kind of found each other when they didn't have anyone else, so it's very much a found family type situation.
In the beginning of their relationship, Alcina had a hard time being convinced that Reader wasn't afraid of her. However, for Reader, it was something close to love at first sight.
NSFW: As an unexpected result of her Cadou, Alcina now has ruts and a knot (like in an omegaverse setting). She can and does enjoy sex outside of her ruts, but when she is in one, she's nearly insatiable. She gives great aftercare though!
NSFW: Has a lot of kinks, but would never pressure Reader with them. of course. However, if Reader shows interest in them, then that's another story entirely.
NSFW: These kinks include (but are not limited to): BDSM, mommy kink, breeding/pregnancy, blood (obvi), marking, pet play, cockwarming, wife kink (idk what else to call it but she loves when Reader calls her their wife, it really turns her on).
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wr0temyway0ut · 7 months
AU for five headcanons: haunted walking tour au!
Oooh this one is so fun! I love haunted walking tours so much and this ended up as way more than 5 headcanons but i regret nothing
— So one of the many attractions at the Hollywood Ghost Club is a haunted walking tour through the hotel and the surrounding area. Willie, being the owner’s kid, has worked there since they were old enough to work and is now the club’s most highly reviewed and requested tour guide.
— The demand for tours always spikes around Halloween, so they hire seasonal workers to work as tour guides and as ghost actors to jump out and scare the guests. Alex, Luke, and Reggie join as a way to make some extra money to record their demo.
-- It very quickly becomes apparent that only Alex and Reggie have the charisma needed to be tour guides; Luke gets relegated to ghost actor because he has no idea how to talk to the guests in a professional manner and also keeps forgetting the stories he's supposed to be telling.
-- This leaves Willie in charge of training the two very cute new tour guides. Reggie doesn't need much training though, he very quickly starts to rival Willie in popularity among the guests. Alex takes a little longer to warm up to it, almost seems embarrassed about the job, but once he gets into character on the tours he's really good at it and it's so hot really impressive to Willie.
-- He keeps telling himself not to get too attached though, they keep telling him that they're only working there for the season, and he's like 98% sure Alex and Reggie are already dating.
-- Meanwhile Luke keeps himself entertained by coming up with new and extreme ways to scare the guests (within reason). One day Julie and Flynn come in for a tour and Luke scares them so bad that Julie goes running all the way back through the hotel, screaming the whole way. Luke chases after her because holy shit do you hear that breath control this girl must be an insane singer which only makes her scream longer. Once he finally manages to calm her down (with the help of Reggie, who's leading her tour) he asks her to join the band and she's so bewildered that she says yes on instinct. And thus Julie and the Phantoms is born!
-- A few days later Bobby and Nick come in for a tour (maybe dragging Carrie along with them but only because she likes the glamour of the HGC), and when Luke pops out to scare them Bobby panics and punches him in the face. Luke finds this incredibly hot and asks him out on the spot even as his nose is bleeding. Similar to Julie, Bobby is so bewildered he says yes. He ends up joining the band eventually too.
-- Alex decides that even if they do this again next year Luke will not be joining them bc at this rate their band is going to turn into a full on orchestra.
-- As the end of the season quickly approaches Willie is dreading it because he's become really good friends with Alex and Reggie, but he knows how this goes. They’ll promise to keep in touch, they’ll text a couple times in the next couple weeks, and then they’ll eventually fall out of touch and forget about each other.
— Except the day after their last day, Alex and Reggie show up to take the tour as guests. Willie is just happy to see them, so he pointedly doesn’t ask why Alex is so nervous even though he knows where all the jump scares are. After the tour ends the two of them hang out in the club until Willie gets off of work, and at that point Reggie and Alex tell them that they didn’t want to ask while they were still coworkers so as not to pressure on him, but they would really really like to take him out on a date and have him join their relationship. Willie of course says yes immediately and the three of them live happily ever after
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ghostiiess · 9 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - how i think jp would help you with your mental health
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pov: title says it all!
warnings: mental health, stressed and anxious days, some swears here and there
type: comfort
member: justin phan
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Justin would be such a great comfort buddy
Maybe he doesn’t look like that guy in the nsb videos since he’s always playful and stuff like this, but trust me.
he is the definition of the words ‘comfort’ and ‘calm’
Let’s start this hc, shall we?
« hi baby! I’m back home! » he said
He couldn’t find you :/
So he started searching for you
« Baby? Are you home? »
He started panicking a little bit ngl
(Rest of the hc under the cut!)
Your car was in the entrance and your clothes were at the same place as yesterday
And you didn’t say you had plans…
« Babyyy? Are you there? Are you playing hide and seek or something? »
Usually, it’s at this moment where you laugh and stop playing
But not this time apparently
He went to the room you both shared and saw you, laying there on the bed, your back facing him
« oh shit, is she sleeping? Hope i didn’t wake her up… »
He took the blanket close to you and put it on you, smiling that his baby was finally resting (go rest yourself babe)
He was going to kiss you on your forehead, but instead saw tears rolling down on your face
And that’s when he realized that you were, indeed, not sleeping, but crying-
« Baby… are you okay? Why are you crying? »
« Did something happened? »
His heart broke
It broke even more when you pushed him away
« No.. i don’t want to leave you alone! What’s up? Why are you crying, my love? »
He slowly caressed your hair and your cheek, seeing you weren’t answering him
« Baby… why are you like that? What happened when i was gone? »
He would comfort as much as he can
« Pretty girl, what’s up with you…? Who broke my baby’s heart? »
His face is :(
He would listen to you without judging you
He wouldn’t even put pressure on you for you to talk
He would wait until you are ready to do it
« take your time, okay? Talk when you’re ready »
He would hug you, and play with your hair
And cuddle you if that’s something you like
« Breathe in… breathe out.. yeah just like that, you’re doing great »
« Just relax and do breathing exercises, okay? »
He would peck your forehead or cheeks to calm you down
« It’s okay, baby.. i know it’s not always easy »
He would be there all the way in
« Just forget that when things get hard, I’m here to help and listen to you, okay? »
You could talk for 4h straight and he’d stay here with you
« Taking care of ourselves is not always an easy task, baby… if you can’t do it alone because it’s too hard or too complicated, just let me know and we’ll figure things out okay? »
« You are doing great, my love. »
« With or without mental health problems or issues, i still, and always will, love you just the way you are »
« Thank you for trusting me with that »
« you are a blessing in many people’s life and this is a fact you can’t deny. »
« ‘bet?’ Wdym bet?? Hold on, do you want me to say every person you helped and comforted since you’re on this fucking earth?! »
He would be so worried for real, he always want to see you smile :(
He hate to see tears rolling down on your cheeks
Justin know bad days can happen, but everything he looks at you and see you sad, he feel bad
He want your happiness.
« i love you so much. I’m here for you anything you wants and need. »
« Never think that you have to be strong 24/7 just for me. You don’t have to wear a mask for me. It’s okay to be weak sometimes.  I’m weak too sometimes »
« Everything will be okay, just concentrate on my voice okay? »
Idk how to end this hc, bc if it wasn’t for the readers (don’t want to make it too long), I’d continue
Justin has such a good heart like-
Please, do not hide things from him
He only want your happiness
He want to see you smile, he want to hear you laugh, he want to make you realize how important you are to him
Please, do not reject him :(
Taglist! (Open! Send an ask if you’d like me to add you!) @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0
Bold can’t be tagged.
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gogolstoelicker · 2 years
You think you can do a Komi Shouko!MC with the Dorm Leaders + Ace & Deuce?
Dorm leaders + Adeuce duo with a Komi Shouko!MC
You're a shy and sweet individual. You suffer from extreme social anxiety and communication problems, often trembles like a leaf if you're forced to speak.
While you appear gracious on the outside, your nature is a little silly at times. You're a very detail-oriented and meticulous person. You're also curious about experiencing new stuff, often enthusiastic about it. You could also be surprisingly competitive.
kind of confused on why are u not speaking up
and kind of annoyed honestly
until he noticed how you're literally shaking so much
now he is concerned because????like??? are u ok????
at first he kind of just assumed you're scared of him bc of his reputation as a tyrant
so he tried to be patient and try to approach u first slowly
but then realized you're like that with everyone
so he tried asking why you're like this
ofc, no pressure. if u don't feel comfortable telling him, he won't force u!!
and if he found out why you're like this? he spends his time researching what to do to help
and now you're in riddle's lesson class
good luck😰riddle's a good teacher but u might need that goodluck
he's really patient with u and won't force u to do anything if you're still uncomfortable
will collar anyone who dared to talk abt u in a bad way bc of ur anxiety
straight up stomping their way with his uh wand??? round magic thing??? wtf is it called yolanda???? ready to swing
he's very surprised that you're competitive but its not like its not an unwelcomed surprise
will compete with u fairly
probably how yall got close idk my brain is fried after school
thought you're scared of him too💀
so he just leaves u alone
well u had no choice but to still interact with him anyway because the god of storyline wont let yall not interact
hes observant, he'll finally notice it then
honestly? not big of a difference lol
he doesn't wanna deal with people so he mostly just leaves u alone too💀
might defend u if someone talked bad abt u tho🤔
only if its in front of him ofc
"i dont want any troublesome things to happen in front of me"
he may have said
but now u wanna be his friend
be his friend = errand runner + pillow
you'll help him with errands just fine
well sometimes
no promises with ur two friends and ur cat by ur side
but being his pillow? thats where the problem starts
literally shoots up like when a cat saw a cucumber
leona: ??????!!!!??????
u startled him so much the first time, he actually woke up for the rest of the day💀
he was annoyed but he just lets it slide bc he can't really get mad at u for smth u cant control
he'll need that level 10 friendship before he'll ever be able to make u his walking pillow
which means more effort from him head in hands
leona realizing he needs to put an effort into smth again:
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he won't underestimate u or make fun of u
he's friends with idia and even tho idia doesn't like being in crowds, that doesn't mean he's dumb
plus hes just as quiet as u when he was younger so like🤔
doesn't mean he won't try to make a contract with u
oh u want friends??? WOULD U LIKE TO HAVE A DEAL WITH HIM????
cue him and the tweels chasing u around school with a contract in hand /j
literally tried to come up with smth to help u with ur anxiety bc you're actually willing to make a contract with him
you apparently desperately want some friends bc you're pretty lonely or smth
so now azul is working his ass off to help u
whenever u help him or smth, he will think its a sign that u wanted him to hurry up with his potion to help u
listen man, he's not used to kindness alright🤷‍♀look at the people he's around with all the time
won't knock out of it until u shakily said you're just helping him just because u wanted to (and bc u wanted to be friends with him)
azul stayed awake for a whole week trying to decode what are u trying to say to him
bro almost became a human research genius
until the tweels just go "...yeah we better just say it to him before he pass or smth😰"
he ended up passing out after the tweels told him anyway
bc the exhaustion finally caught up to him
that and bc hes shocked you willingly wanted to become his friend??? after??? all???? that???
but he recovers pretty quick don't worry‼️
plays board games with u
and the tension was so bad bc yall were so competitive like chill out its just a board game😰
might accidentally made u uncomfortable at first bc of his extroverted vibe as idia said
quickly apologies and tried to make up to u in the most extravagant way ever
which made u even more nervous and uncomfortable💀
but it is ok! jamil is here to save the day‼️
he then spends the rest of the day telling kalim why are u shaking and looked nervous
which leads to the next day
he, unfortunately, is still very loud
so he deadass shouted ur name and ran up to u
but he gave u a whole ten page essay on why hes sorry as soon as hes in front of u so uh🤔
tried his best to tone down his enthusiasm for ur sake
more excited than u abt getting u friends than you being excited trying to gain new friends
dragged the pop music club to meet u and be friends with u
and then he dragged the second years to meet u
and then he went to drag u to meet all of his dormmates
out of everyone, hes probably the only one whos actively dragging people/dragging u around to find u some friends💀
mans even promised he'll make u meet his siblings so that they'll be ur friends
well uh with kalim by ur side, im sure you'll have more than 100 friends soon‼️
it is ok, VIL WILL HELP😘🤗‼️
now u have like two teachers trying to help u with ur anxiety
he may be busy but he can never pass up the chance to make someone who has a lot of potential shine brighter than they alr are
will step on anyone who dared to talk bad abt ur anxiety
but then again, he doesn't wanna dirty his shoes with trash so like🤔
he tried to push u into things little by little until u get more comfortable with the change and getting out of ur comfort zone
hes very patient with u do not worry‼️
u wont get out of ur comfort zone overnight, he understands that so that's why hes taking small steps with u until u get more comfortable
when u told him u wanted to make 100 friends??? hes all abt it
literally gave u any advice u may need to gain friends, he might even introduce u to a person or two if u ask
the savior friend to introverts who goes "excuse me, they asked for no pickles"
the one you're probably most comfortable with
i mean hes the mom friend so can't really blame u🤔🤷‍♀
is more than happy to know that you're competitive and smart
like thats a really good quality to have so he really encouraged it
more than happy to compete with u
dont think he'll go easy on u just bc he has been a little soft on u‼️
ah, if it isn't his kind of person
he kins u
you're both smart but u both have social anxiety
the only difference is that idia dislikes people and u kind of like them and wanted to be friends with them
yalls first meeting are gonna be so funny LMFOAOAOA
it was ortho's idea btw (our wingman)
literally just two people struggling to speak up to each other
but uh since yall are kind of similar to each other, its easier to get comfortable with each other🤔
ortho is the translator for the both of u during that time
"brother feels you're kind of relatable!"
"they said you feel relatable too, brother!"
gaming buddy
thats how yall bond
yall are really competitive abt it, ortho actually got worried friendship could be broken from this
hes probably the second or third person you're most comfortable with??🤔since u guys are so similar
but he cant really help u in social situations bc like
he doesn't even go out💀
he might help u from his ipad tho
if he feels confident enough that is
if not, he'll just make ortho go to wherever u are and help u
thought u were scared of him bc of how much u were shaking so he avoided u for ur own good💀
it takes like a week of convincing from lilia for him to even talk to u again
ah, you're just shy and is suffering from anxiety, he sees
teleports back to the library or smth to find ways to help (after yall finished talking ofc)
and honestly? he tried his best to give u advice and all that
mans even went to take some advice from lilia abt this for u
i dont think anyone will even say a thing abt ur anxiety with malleus by ur side💀
they could just mention ur name and malleus will look at their direction
which scared the students and they haven't even said anything😭⁉️
nobody wants to fuck with him thats for sure
malleus: 🤔????
he's confused on why did they stopped talking abt u when all he did was look😔
he wanted some of those juicy gossips abt u and how you're doing too yknow😔
heard of ur problem and he couldn't relate more
he too, wants some friends and is having difficulties trying to have one
suggest u two have do this quest where u both try to get friends together
bc hey!! u two will have each others' back!!
which failed pft💀friendless behavior
i mean, oh no thats so sad im so sorry
well i mean its ok!! u guys have each other ig😁!
ur very own walking translator to people
but hes just like google translator
and by that, i mean he will give out the wrong translations sometimes
someone asked if i coukd tutor them and u wanted to say yes? ace said u said "fuck off"
someone is making fun of u? the same thing but louder and more threatening
someone is praising u and is making u uncomfortable? same thing
someone wants to eat lunch with u? same thing with the added "this table is full🙄"
doesn't really understand much why u cant speak up but tries to🤔?
he may be confused but at least he got the spirit‼️
will try to speak up for u when the professor called on u to answer some questions
which sometimes helped sometimes got u both into trouble for no reason💀
is there on ur quest to make friends
which lowkey drive them away bc they don't wanna get into trouble and all of u got into trouble often woops💀
compete with each other the most i say
it got to the point a small crowd is gathering around yall bc they're so interested in whatever u guys are competing about
be it uno, monopoly, who did the most math questions or smth, yall get so competitive abt it with each other
if someone makes fun of u because of ur anxiety, he will send them flying
someone is unconsciousnessly making u uncomfortable? he's alr warning them
like he straight up became a goku kinnie if someone made u uncomfy or said smth bad abt u
not even one word can get out of their mouths before they blink and deuce is in front of them with his fist up
ngl he had a hard time communicating with u too since uh
you're kind of like shaking a lot and he naturally became nervous too
so ace and deuce had to help yall warm up to each other
is really gentle and nice with u‼️
literally so scared that he might have made u uncomfortable in one way or another so he often asks for ur reassurance before anything
he usually gets u to tutor him
and hes really proud that hes ur only student that he'll wear a badge about it
honestly? he does not get these uh anxiety thing either
so he spends hours in the library and internet researching how does anxiety even work
he may be confused but at least he got the spirit‼️(2)
tried his best to help u when you're having difficulties saying smth to someone
he may butchered up a thing or two and almost made the person fight u or smth but hes a pro now‼️
literally smacks ace if he said "fuck off" again even tho thats not what u wanted to say
u wanted friends??? WELL HE CAN TRY TO HELP YES‼️⁉️
spends day and night planning how to get u 100 friends in a day💀dawg thats now humanly possible calm down
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
tws ahead of time: venting, discussion of medical examinations of sex organs (pap smear), masturbation mention
so i am. very asexual. sex ambivalent but i’m really just not interested overall. i’m also afab. which means when i’m 21 i’m gonna have to get a pap smear. which is gonna SUCK
being trans makes this twice as bad. i’m low dysphoria but the idea of ANYTHING entering my body like that makes me want to cry. like i get panic attacks at the thought of having to put in a tampon (i’m a pads person) it’s like. bad. technically i’d be able to handle it (had a short period of time before realizing i was ace + trans where i thought i HAD to masturbate bc “everyone did it” (my parents gave good sex ed but normalized masturbation a bit too much lmao)) but i’d hate every minute of it
so the idea of a pap smear horrifies me. first off- i have to let a doctor see me half-naked. this part doesn’t bug me too much because . it’s a doctor and it’s completely non-sexual but i still don’t like the idea of anyone seeing . that
then i’d have to just fucking sit there while they put a fucking giant cold metal tool in my body so they can reach my fucking CERVIX???? and THEN they’d have to brush cells OFF of said cervix??? no. no no NO that gives me such bad anxiety it’s fucking insane.
i’m also terrified it’ll hurt because. i’m not gonna be sexually active and i don’t even fucking use tampons. and i KNOW that if i go to a good gyn then they will find ways to help me be less scared or feel it less but i still hate the idea of sharing that vulnerability. i’m a crier and i do not want to cry in front of a doctor because i’m scared of such a normal procedure. it’s less a fear of judgement and more just a pride thing i think. i know they deal with it frequently i’m just kinda horrified. the idea of coming out as ace to someone who has control over my health is also actually terrifying esp bc i live in texas
if i could i’d just get my whole uterus removed and solve the problem but apparently it “produces important hormones” that i don’t want to throw off balance so. guess i’m stuck
idk i need to talk to my mom about it (she gives good advice) or maybe my aunt (similar feelings towards sex as me) but god it just sounds so scary. i’m incredibly scared for it.
that being said if you have a cervix and are 21+ (25 if ur british) then you do need to get a pap smear once every three years. it may be horrifying but cervical cancer is way scarier. i’m sorry it sucks for us but it’s like life-or-death important. can’t really afford to skip out on it unfortunately :(
if anyone else has similar worries and/or has had a pap smear i’d love to hear about it in the notes. no pressure of course privacy n all but it’d make me feel less alone so if you’re comfy sharing. hope everyone’s having a good [time of day]
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You're an artist! Please tell us a story about a time you had blood drawn.
(tw for mentions of needles
alright, here's the thing: i had fainted before. In fact, there was a full month or so during which i would frequently faint (and bonk my head on the way down, ugh) so I was already familiar with what fainting would feel like before I lost consciousness. It stopped after some time, but the knowledge remained.
fast forward to the day i'm getting my blood drawn. I haven't eaten anything for 12 hours, they're stabbing me with a needle, i'm v sensitive so it hurts like heck and i'm looking away bc I know seeing the blood doesn't help.
I'm holding up. I can do this. I'll be fine.
In comes the other nurse, holding something in her hands and crowding in to the front of where i'm sitting and saying "hi, i'm here to measure your coagulation" (I was not warned that would happen) and she stabs a needle in my earlobe in a way that feels like she'd actually cut me with a tiny razor. She looks at my ear for a second, thanks me, excuses herself and walks off.
All the while the blood-drawing nurse is taking what feels like the tenth vial of my life sauce.
(putting a "read more" below so I won't clog people's dashboards lmao)
And I'm thinking how I wish I didn't have to take these tests every six months to check my hormone levels due to my stupid hashimoto's. (It's an autoimmune disorder, if I don't take my hormones my thyroid antibodies start trying to kill my thyroid bc they're stupid little fucks).
Anyway, I suddenly feel it. Shivers creeping up my nape all the way to the base of my skull. A feeling like my head is suddenly hollow but also simultaneously too heavy to hold upright. Darkness slowly yet steadily devouring the corners of my vision.
Ah, crap, I think. I'm gonna faint.
Since I have no interest in suddenly collapsing and having - hell forbid - the needle cut my vein or whatever, I turn my swimming gaze to the nurse and say, very seriously:
"I'm gonna faint."
The nurse, suddenly wide-eyed, exclaims:
"Oh, no, darlin', please don't do that!"
To which, in my mind, I sarcastically reply "oh, my bad, cancelling the fainting now. Apologies, I did not know it was a bad time", but before I can make the joke, my entire body and brain decide to hit the snooze button and I collapse.
When I come to, I'm in a white corridor, being carried in the arms of a very attractive nurse guy, and I'm thinking like 'boy, I never believed in heaven, but it sure it's starting to look good'.
He plonks me down on my back on a gurney, and I foggily realize I am not dead yet. The man is relieved to see me well, and he practically begs me to eat a saltine cracker bc apparently my pressure had dropped to shit levels.
More or less the exact same thing happened three other occasions before I followed a nurse's advice and started having my blood drawn while lying on my back rather than sitting.
Whenever the staff on a lab says that "that's not necessary, just sit" or "oh we don't have a place to have you lying down" I now reply "okay sure, it's just that I always faint and I will definitely faint now too, just letting u know :)"... and suddenly a reclining chair or gurney appears.
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xrenjunniesx · 1 month
What did Lucas do???
I would say, google it. but I’ve seen way too many people seem confused so yk what, here is my summary for those who can’t be bothered to google it apparently. (please correct me if anything is inaccurate, I’m doing this on pure memory and I’m very tired rn😁)
triggering content below.
in 2021, he received accusations of cheating on girls, manipulating them, pressuring a fan to have xxx with him and from multiple sources was said to gaslight them. I also remember one about him taking money from these girlfriends he had and making them spend a bunch of money on him.
he was put on hiatus, and eventually kicked from the group last year.
he recently came back into the industry, still under sm. for months though there has been multiple sightings - he has been at concerts from groups/idols under SM, and just in general they’ve been soft launching him.
then he made a documentary 😀
tbh, I have not watched this documentary (I’m not going to waste my time) but I have seen clips of it and heard from friends who have watched it. he basically apologises, but he is apologising for taking a photo of a sasaeng fan who was following them. he is apologising for causing trouble to his members and what not… tbh I don’t really know what was going on in that documentary but it feels like a whole lot of bullshit from the company trying to get people to like him and feel bad for him
AND IT WORKED. bc as you can see, a bunch of people are feeling bad for him and becoming his fan. which is just???? the whole documentary is literally so clearly meant to be manipulative. ofc the vibes are sad - the colour scheme was grey and cool, the way they’re acting, and just that sentimental(?) feel to it - it’s so incredibly obvious that they want to evoke this feeling from its viewers.
all those accusations from the beginning have never been clarified again, which is just? they are such heavy accusations that you can’t just forget about? you can’t ignore them. it needs to be clarified, so yeah obviously I will stand with the victims ??? WHO WOULDN’T?
some people are too comfortable supporting lucas ... and for those people, you need to rethink your morals.
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rosiethedragongeek · 1 year
(telling u here bc i didnt wanna hijack the fic post jdbddbbfskdvb)
the main reason I DON'T/WOULDN'T want a canon Spitelout redemption is because I'm not confident Dreamworks could do it well. Riders Of Berk and Race To The Edge do the job of making sure we understand that we are NOT meant to sympathise with Spitelout. Three's a pattern and off the top of my head there are atleast three "spitelout bad!" episodes ("Thawfest", "Snotlout Gets The Axe", "Notlout") and a couple where it is featured as a B plot ("Race to fireworm island"). The writing for Snotlout specifically is probably what I'd pin down as the best in the show, so i guess I never thought to narrow it down to bad writing. I knew that (apparently) it was never commited to one way or the other in the end, but Ive expressed numerous times that the constant back and forth is VERY interesting to me. I love that Snotlout keeps forgiving him. I love that Spitelout keeps getting worse. I love that even though Spitelout causes him pain, and its acknowledged that its wrong, Snotlout still admires him and pines for his attention. Its very special and relatable to me that it takes a lot for Snotlout to learn his lesson, that hes constantly optimistic, and that it always hurts him because he knows he should expect that by now. But he doesn't.
Dreamworks gave us a fair share of Spitelout episodes, seemingly testing the water of what they could get away with showing each time (High amount of pressure -> degrading him infront of his friends -> causing extreme delusion and paranoia). I think they knew that if we were going to get a conclusion, which we had to, it would have to be an important part of the episode - maybe even of the season. Maybe Spitelouts following them around for the episode, and Snotlout's doing perfectly fine, but Spitelout keeps criticising and jumping in to set an example. Maybe things go wrong and someone gets injured. Maybe its Hiccup, or Hookfang, or snotlout himself. and Snotlout has to stand there with a weapon - because I highly doubt Spitelout would take it seriously if there wasnt one involved - and say for the final time that he doesnt need him. That hes had enough of the criticism and the backhanded praise and the stupidly high standards. That he loves him like the father he has failed to be, and that thats what stings most. And Spitelout wouldve had to make a choice. And dreamworks did not have the anything neccessary to do that.
It would have had to been so carefully crafted. So many things would have had to be balanced. Snotlout shouldn't be too soft because then he wont listen - but he cant be too harsh because Spitelout is a survivor of the same mentality that he himself has. They cant put every single bit of blame on him - but to not do that would be irresponsible because they are his actions. They probably csnt use the word 'abuse' - but to use anything else would be downplaying it. It would have been so extremely difficult that I dont know if i wish they had even tried.
It just upsets me to know that they dont have a conversation. They never even have one. (english teacher voice) Maybe their relationship is less of a redemption arc, but more of a tragedy on the endless cycle of abuse perpetuated on war-ridden homelands like Berk.
This is such a thorough analysis I’m obsessed (and I am SO sorry it took me so long to get here omg)
They really do have a very cyclical, Snotlout gives and Spitelout takes type relationship. Most of their episodes include Snotlout looking up to Spitelout in the beginning, Spitelout being pretty awful to Snotlout in one way or another, and then a sorta positive interaction at the end that doesn’t necessarily address their conflict or what Spitelout did within the episode. It is then assumed that Snotlout and Spitelout have made up and are good again. Only for it all to happen over again.
It really upsets me too that they never have a real conversation where they actually talk about what’s going on, and that there is no indication that anything will ever change between them (aside from Snotlout’s character growth and his new complete understanding of his self worth and the fact that he can live his life outside of the box Spitelout’s created for him.
Thank you so much for this dude this is insane
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