#batboys xreader
gulnarsultan · 1 year
slade wilson , ra's and thadeus al ghul x batsis reader, scenario where the three assassins are batsis' soulmates only they have to pass by Damian who is ready to fight them for his beloved mother
Batsis is the mother and sister figure of the family. Everyone in the family loves and respects your reader. In particular, Damian sees the reader as his mother. He has trouble sharing his readership, even with other family members. These three guys have to work hard to get approval from Damian. Damian treats them like an angry cat. It seems like it will take a long time for Damian to accept them. But these three men will not easily give up on the reader. A complete competition and battlefield.
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we-dragons · 8 months
Chapter 18
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My head throbs and my eyes are heavy as I rise from my position on the bed. My brain feels threaded with fog making it hard to process my surroundings.
"Was I...was I drugged?" I look around realizing I'm still in my room. I move out of the bed and try to use my legs. They fail me and I crumple to the floor a harsh thud follows me. I hiss in pain and curse every creature and fairy any tongue I can muster in the moment. Gripping onto the bed frame I pull myself. The door opens, I don't have to know who it is. I look up at the green-eyed traitor.
"What did you do to me? How long was I even out?"
"Long enough for us to remove the bangles from your arms and put them back in the box I found on your floor."
I pat my arms feeling for them for the stones. I feel stitches but nothing inside my skin. I don't feel the strange tug of power that urged me to become a part of them. My arms still hurt but not like before. I was healing much faster and I could feel it.
"Where did you put the box?" He narrows his eyes at me sauntering over, he lifts me up with ease and puts me back into bed. "Where is the box?" I repeat.
"Somewhere you don't need to know about yet. Your job is to rest. I have some of your Lady Grey tea steeping on the counter. And Molly is coming by later to give you some of your homework. I told her you are very sick and that you got me sick as well so she'll be leaving everything by the door."
"You drugged me and you are still playing nursemaid." I glare at him. "You perform non-consented surgery on me. I said I was going to be alright and you still did it. How could act like everything is alright?"
He doesn't answer me and turns to the door. He came back with my tea not much later. I stare at it, eyeing the liquid with suspicion. I don't drink it.
"Is your father looking over the bangles, is that why you look like you hiding something?"
The green-eyed menace gives me a slightly irritated look, he pulls up a chair and sits next to me. The tea is taken from me and placed on the nightstand.
"He looked at it, yes, but I got them back. If you really want to know. They are in a place only I know about. Away from harm, away from people who want it, and away from you."
"What is that supposed to mean?" He doesn't answer. "Damian!" He shifts uncomfortably for a moment before hardening himself He leans forward elbows on his knees eyes obscured by his hands.
"You don't know what you looked like when you were there. Just hanging from the sky and then falling. You were fading. You nearly vanished and you were bleeding to the point those wretched things looked like they were consuming your blood. You were dying and you didn't look like you cared. We were going to take them out anyway but you woke up. A miracle in itself. You looked so dead when you woke up as well. And When I looked at them again those things were merging with you. I couldn't allow that."
"You had no right-"He shoots up banging his fist on the nightstand, the tea from my cup spilling over the edge.
"I had every right to save your selfless and humble ass from dying in my presence! What about me? What about how I was feeling about everything? It killed me to see you like that! What did you want me to do let you die and become something else?! Like hell I was going to do that!"
"I wasn't going to die!"
"Then what was happening?"
"I was just sick, it's like an allergy!"
"You can still die from an allergy!"
We scream at each other for god knows how long. We only stop when my voice goes sore and I start coughing so much I couldn't talk without hacking. Damian leaves the room to blow off steam while I drink the cold tea from my nightstand. Pleasantly still good and not drugged. I start to cry drinking the lukewarm water, thinking about my outburst. I know I was saying those things from fear and anger. Angry he didn't ask me, fearful that he...Maybe I should leave. I feel Nightmare come into the room. He comforts me with warm thoughts and images. Purring in my lap as he tries to wipe away my tears with his head.
"Maybe I'm being selfish Nightmare... It's been so long since I've had to worry about another human being in this way. What happens if he directly touches one? I'm scared to think what might happen to him..." I cup the Flerkin's face in my hands rubbing circles into his cheeks. "I should apologize. No doubt he won't outright forgive me for a while but I should at least try. We both are wrong in a way so it's only right." My eyes watch the door for any signs of movement or even his presence in the doorway. I see and feel nothing. I manifest a crutch and make my way to the door. Opening it I enter the hallway. It feels colder and darker than usual. I look to Nightmare to see if he senses anything wrong but he walks ahead and turns to the living room. He purrs.
I swallow my pride and hobble to the living room. Even with my cat on his lap, he doesn't seem happy. He sits on the love seat I had found a few weeks ago discarded because of a broken leg. I know he hears me, I see his eyes flicker just a moment before settling his focus on the cat. Not wanting to take up too much of his space I sit on the other side hands tucked into my lap. I don't say anything getting used to the silence before I speak.
"Thank you, for the tea."
He grunts, leaving the seat and taking my cat with him.
"Wait!" The desperate tone leaves my mouth before I know it and I'm griping onto the sleeve of his shirt. I bite my lip and look down letting go of him as I do. "I'm sorry, for yelling at you and for making it worse. You were only trying to help. I just think drugging me was going too far. I just...I'm scared something will happen to you like Jubilee."
I feel him sit back down closer to me this time.
"I've lost so many friends and family to these kinds of things. Jean was lost to the Phoenix Crystal, and before that, she took the lives of others under its influence. The infinity stones have done so much damage as well. Countless wars started because someone touched them. And in most humans the outcome of touching one is death. They have this whisper you know. They promise everything you could ever want. They want to be used. So if you tell me that they are in a safe place I believe you. I trust you. But you need to give them back before I leave."
"So you've decided to go." I lean on his shoulder looking down at our rings.
"I don't think I have a choice, I have a deal to complete remember?" His hand intertwines with mine. "But I'll come back I promise you that. No matter how long it takes."
We sit in silence again, the weight of unspoken frustrations, fear, and anger permeating the air around us. The atmosphere grows heavy with unresolved emotions, as if everything left unsaid has created an invisible barrier between us. It is in this moment that his head gently leans on top of mine, seeking solace and reassurance. The late morning sun finds its way through the city's natural fog, casting a warm, soft glow upon us - a gentle reminder that even amidst chaos and uncertainty, there is still beauty to be found.
Inhaling deeply, I allow myself to let go and surrender to the serenity enveloping us. Time seems to stand still as we bask in the warmth of each other's presence. Amidst the ambient noises fading into white noise background melodies and distant sirens echoing through labyrinthine streets, there exists an unwavering sense of peace that only arises in shared silence. As the late morning sun continues to filter through the fog, casting ethereal rays upon our entwined beings, I am reminded of the resilience and beauty we carry within ourselves. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that surround us, this moment serves as a gentle reminder that even amidst the chaos.
A knock at the door breaks the quiet like a knife, jolting us from our comfort. Startled, I exchange a confused glance with Damian before Molly's voice echoes through the hallway. "Hello! It's Molly here!" she announces, her tone filled with a mix of playfulness and annoyance. "You are lucky that you have a note from the doctors that say your immune system is crap and your grades are good. Because your attendance is shit." Molly unlocks the door with her spare key, causing it to swing open as she barges in carrying a folder filled with my homework along with bags from various clothing stores and patisseries. She drops the bags in front of us and points an accusatory finger at Damian. "You! Big, bad, and scary. Book it," she demands, her eyes narrowing at him. "I don't care if she's sick and you're her daytime nurse. I deserve time with my friend that you have monopolized since you met her. Yeah, she's fun," Molly jabs a thumb into her chest for emphasis, "But I saw her first." As I process Molly's words, a mixture of surprise and amusement washes over me. Damian shifts uncomfortably beside me, clearly taken aback by Molly's sudden intrusion and assertiveness. "Molly," I interject gently, trying to diffuse the situation before it escalates further. "Damian has been helping take care of me while I've been unwell. It doesn't mean he's taken you away from me." Molly stares at me incredulously for a moment before sighing dramatically. "Fine," she concedes reluctantly, throwing her hands up in defeat. "But next time, you are all mine" She plops herself down on the loveseat right between us, Molly begins rummaging through the bags she brought, revealing an array of new clothes and delectable pastries. "Alright," Molly grins mischievously. "Since Damian is here to stay, we might as well make the most of it. Let's have a fashion show and indulge in some sweet treats."
"Molly, I don't think I do that in my condition."
"None sense! Since you've been gone I've been tailoring outfits in your size and style. Where am I gonna get the chance to see you in them?! Never?"
"Molly-!" A cannoli is shoved in my face and not just any cannoli, a Cosseta's cannoli. "You know I think I'm feeling better."
"Y/N!" Damian's voice echoes confusion. "Your whole attitude changes for a cannoli"
"Noo~" Molly waves her finger at him. "Though desserts might be her weakness, there is only one place she can truly never say no to. And that is Cosseta's. Or has she not told you all of her favorite things?" I hear her snicker as I take a bite of the little piece of heaven I moan as the flavors of home hit my tongue.
"Is this a joke?" Damian Growls at Molly a murderous aura fills the air. "I know more about her than you."
"Then you know her favorite animated series isn't Gargoyles but a very RISQUÉ anime about two angles killing demons for money to heaven?"
"You're making this shit up she rewatches that show like it's her lifeblood!"
I shake my head at both of them and move Molly to where I am sitting. Making sure that they don't start a fight.
"While Panty Stocking is pretty good, and Gargoyles is a personal best you are both wrong. It's Samurai Jack."
Molly Leaves hours later after poking and prodding me about how I've been. Often butting heads With Damian. The world seemed right in these moments. The sky now dimmed and the table was full of boxes that had been filled with desserts and food that was spilt during our time together. Though I was saddened to see my friend leave so soon, the green-eyed menace was ecstatic. As soon as the door gently closes behind her, he wraps his arms around my shoulders resting his head on one of them.
"I should've picked the work myself. That woman gets on my nerves."
"You seemed to like her at school."
"You haven't been on the phone with her for the last 3 days. Her voice is grating and she is persistently annoying." He makes a sound similar to a growl.
"Well, she is my best friend so you'll have to get used to her. I can't just avoid her." I move out of his arms and start cleaning up the room. He mumbles something and sets me on the couch.
"You get up and I'll drug you again." He cleans the room mumbling about Molly, I try not to laugh at how ridiculousness of it. When he finishes he comes to me and lays his head on my lap. His usual scowl was painted on his face.
"Are you angry at me or are you thinking?"
"Both." I smile at him.
"Pray tell, why are you angry with me?"
"A number of reasons come to mind," He pauses watching my face. "I don't want to tell you quite yet." I brush some of his hair from his face. Then something on the balcony catches my eye.
"Hey, Damian when was the last time you contacted home?" His gaze follows my own and his face turns red. With anger or embarrassment. But his brothers waving from the door seems to cause him to run around my apartment to close all my windows and blinds and make sure everything is locked as he saves the kitchen for last 'telling' them to leave.
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batboysoneshots · 6 months
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Random (hopefully funny) Batboys oneshots hope you like them I am literally obsessed with Batman (he is my favourite Superhero) and also the Batboys so I decided to make this hope you like it
I ship both Superbat and CatBat
So Bruce will be in different relationships woth either Superman or Selina because I can't decide I love both ships
Hey this is where you can request things that you would like me to do, please do and I will be happy to write some.
What you can request 
Kidfics(when they get turned into kids)
anything lgbt 
what i DONT do
Batboy x Batboy (they are brothers!)
or Bruce x Any Batboy not  incenst they are family 
no xreaders these are just oneshots about the Batfamily and friends
i do not do Smut of any kind
Thnak you and I hope you comment bye 
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bad4amficideas · 2 years
Can someone recommend xReader fics with the batboys? bitter ones, cheating, misunderstandings, "I do it for your own good", stuff like that.
It can have a happy ending but must have angst.
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batarella · 3 years
3 birds 1 stone - chapter 10
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‘Dick, Jason, and Tim. Supposed brothers 'till the end, until all three fall in love with you. Who wins your heart?
The man who earned it, the man who stole it, or the man who always had it?’
A/N: NO BATBOYSXREADER FIC WOULD BE COMPLETE WITHOUT THE FAMOUS GALA EPISODE. WE’RE GETTING TO THE FLUFF FOLKS (there’s still a bit of angst but it’s a helluva lot better than last time) 
WORDS: 11,220  WARNINGS: none
You chose to wear white that day.
No reason in particular. No reason you could outrightly point out. Not even if that innate admittance wasn’t something you could deny. That day, supposedly a great one, didn’t have room for meaning. Not when meaning brought too much to your front or forced you to do things outside of your own time. You had the time. It just didn’t have to be now.
And with that, you chose to wear a white pantsuit, flaring down to your heels and lightly kissing the floor with its flowy hem. Not a dress. Not when that would imply meaning. Not even when it wasn’t about you when it technically was about you. And since that was, you wanted to wear this.
You had your hair pulled to the side, face just about as made up as it possibly could be, a black tube top underneath the blazer…
You chose to be you. No color. No exposure. Just you.
Though, a diamond necklace wouldn’t hurt.
Every carat shinier than any set of teeth could possibly smile back. This was the first time you wear this outside your vanity, or anywhere past a mirror. Now, it was time. Now that it wasn’t as heavy around your neck as it used to be.
And as you hooked the ends to the back, you let your finger run through its chain, gently caressing it as if it would break if you held it too harsh. Then you set your hair back, eyes on your reflection. The lights were dim. And you preferred it to be. When you soon step out into the light, into the thousands of lights that’ll soon be shifting their focus right at you for the whole of the night, you’ll have to look the part.
Three knocks out your door. On cue.
You stood from your mirror and grabbed your bag, just as you heard the door swing open before you even told him to come in.
“Y/N, let’s go-“
With your back still turned to him when you checked your purse, it was that same, gawking silence you’ve grown to be familiar with. Then you faced him, arms relaxed and your hip cocked to the side, you’ve never seen a man with his eyes as wide as his right then. The world stopped.
Tim looked absolutely gorgeous with his suit on, and just as he stared idiotically silent at you, you found yourself idiotically staring back at him. Long black hair parted neatly in the middle, swept to the back of his head while a few unruly strands defied the gel he put and flopped over his forehead. Hands stuffed into his jean pockets. A red tie tucked beneath his suit jacket that fit firmly onto his shoulders.
It took every ounce of your self-control to not just run to his chest right then make him hold you.
You’d have expected him to go on with the ‘wow’s and the ‘you look amazing’s and the endless roster of bashful remarks while he wouldn’t let his stare look away for even just a moment. But he didn’t.
Tim’s cheeks flushed a deep red, veins popped out of his neck, and his eyes wandered about on the floor frantically searching for something else to stare at. And his lips were curved up, being held back by his cheekbones that looked painfully sharp as well.  His shoulders tensed, his hands fisted themselves deeper into his pockets, then you saw his lips tucked between his teeth. A further attempt to conceal his smile.
You wished he hadn’t stayed so dorkily quiet for so long, because you weren’t any different. You dipped your head down, let your hair fall to your cheeks, then placed your purse in front of you to cover yourself. Like the world had matted, blurred out, numbed, silenced, everything around you this charred mess of nothing and there was only Tim you could see, perfectly dashing and handsome in every way you dreamed of.
“Uhm…” Tim swallowed hard. You could see his neck hitch. “We’re late.”
His voice was too soft and he practically whispered the words out of him. You nodded, turned your lamp off, then you walked over to him so you’d stand closer to his chest.
You just wanted to melt at the way he looked at you. You never saw so much shine on a single pair of eyes as you did right then. This deep, cerulean blue. You could wander off and never be found like you’d be in the triangle of the Bermudas.
Your best friend. How perfect he was.
You locked onto his eyes.
“Thank you for taking me,” you said. Tim swallowed again like it was just so hard to get any words out of him.
“Of course.”
You didn’t wait for him to give you his arm. You took it, hooked your wrist around it, and held tightly onto his bicep. At first, you felt him tense, fixed himself up so he didn’t look so awkward, then he settled down and softened, especially when you had your thumb running against his jacket to soothe him. “Jeez, Tim. Relax.”
“Shut up.”
You laughed as you stepped out of your room, closed the door behind you, then you walked down in silence with your hand gripping tighter onto him as the nerves unfolded. From the corner, you could see the lights leading straight down to the ballroom. You tensed even more until eventually, you reached the top of the stairs with your breaths barely even and your chest heaving.
You were only distracted when Tim took your hand and gently placed his lips against your knuckles. Eyes diverting to him, and only him, you calmed.
“I’m here.”
His hand no longer left yours, and you’d rather he hold you this way than having to cling onto him like a lifeline. You were safe. He was safety. He brought it to you and you’re to revel in it for so long as you needed it.
You went down the stairs, out into the open. The ballroom filled with almost a hundred people you didn’t know but will soon be having your work against the walls of their offices and homes. You held tighter onto Tim’s hand, and as you reached the ground, Tim led you straight for the dining tables, to the one at the very front, where you and the family would be for the whole of the night.
You took your seat, Tim took the one beside you, then when Dick came in, with Babs in his arm looking so beautiful it was no surprise that everyone in the room stood with their jaws on the ground at the sight of her, you managed an acknowledging nod, as you caught Dick’s eye that wouldn’t leave yours that short moment he took his seat.
For a while, you let your eyes dawdle on each other from opposite ends of the table. A twist and a pull, coming from somewhere within. Your eyes were on him much longer than you would have wanted.
Dick let himself smile at you, gently, then looked away once again when Tim placed his arm at the back of your chair.
You turned to Tim, smiled back, then you heard someone go off on the mic.
You let it go on without letting the time that passed nor the words spoken bundle your nerves too much until you’d reach the point where you couldn’t do so much as breathe. The host’s voice, this enthusiastic child-like beam, didn’t do so much to help. Of course, there’d be thoughts, doubts, anxieties, questions whether or not you’ll end up embarrassing yourself in a room of the wealthiest who were expected to splurge their money on some nobody’s paintings, but you were going to calm yourself. You were going to enjoy yourself. You were going to sit there and pretend that this night was not, in fact, a fundraising gala purposed to auction a number of paintings, a lot of it including yours, for a cause that had grown to rely on what you’d done so far to help out, and instead pretend that it was something else.
When they brought out the first of your paintings, however, all that pep talk was thrown out the window. It wasn’t so silent that it’d have to spark even second-hand embarrassment from the waiters, but there weren’t any exclamations that they were impressed, intrigued, or even interested in the portrait of a woman being shown in front of them. Then they projected it onto a screen, to show the tiniest details of your craft. You heard some whispers by then.
The bidding started. It sold for eighty thousand dollars.
You didn’t know if you wanted to throw up right onto your plate, jump out of your seat and scream at the ceiling, or die.
Maybe these snobs with their noses up their asses weren’t so bad after all.
And that was for a painting that didn’t do so much as ignite a gasp, not like the second one they just pulled out. One of the Gotham City skyline, taken from the bridge leading to Arkham. Bruce must have invited a few enthusiasts, it seems, because that one sold for a hundred thousand.
“Tim, this is insane,” you whispered.
Tim knew what you needed. He waved at a waiter and he poured your glass to the brim with the inviting red liquid you didn’t know you craved. You gulped down half of it in a single swallow.
“Relax. How much were you expecting?”
“I don’t know,” you hissed. “A thousand? Ten at most?”
“Ten?!” He snorted. “Even I can give you that kind of money right now.”
“I don’t know if you’re humbling yourself, but everyone knows you’re the richest kid in the room.” Your eyes were all over the ceiling. The third painting just came up. Sixty! Seventy! Eighty! A hundred thousand!
“That’s ‘cuz Bruce is in the bathroom.”
Tim laughed and went on to take your hand when he saw it shaking like popcorn kernels in a microwave, soothed the back of it with his thumb, and pointed at the stage so you could see your work being sold for what you thought was the price of your own soul.
Everyone at the table congratulated you every time you heard that ungodly ‘SOLD!’ and the applause that followed right after. Of course, it excited you. Overwhelmed you even. None of this just happened to be something to expect.
You raised so much money you wanted to crawl to every buyer’s feet and kiss their toes, no matter how disgusting or degrading that would be. When the nerves subsided, the thoughts, the jarring misgivings, all you thought then, and all you wanted to think about, was how you were going to change so many lives.
This night wasn’t about you. It was about a cause. And your worries shouldn’t have to hinder how far you’d potentially soar just because you had the resources and the connections to have access to so much money, money that could be used to help out so many. You weren’t going to let it stop you from instead taking advantage of these resources and put them to better use. So whatever the paintings might have looked like, no matter how unsatisfied you were or how much you thought you could have done better, the fact that it sold for more than twenty times what you’d expected, was enough. Worrying about whether you were good enough or that your paintings didn’t deserve half the attention would be selfish.
It wasn’t about you or how good you were. This was about the children who’d suffered the worst kinds of pain, how that pain would forever be marked onto their skin just like it had on yours, and how they were going to have to live with it for the rest of their life.
People left their tables, their unguarded bags on their seats, and with another in their hand, they went off into the empty space in the ballroom. The dance floor. And with the music this gentle, soothing jazz from the live band not far from where you sat, you shifted in your seat, grabbed your glass from the table, and emptied it.
Tim found your hand once again, and you felt the tickling in your throat, the same as when you saw him the first time that night.
“I’m proud of you.”
You let him play with your fingers. He was always so soft when he did that. “Thanks.” You swallowed. “And thank you for not bidding.”
“Even if I had to, I don’t think these sharks would let me have it.” Tim finished his glass.
“’Sides. I’m used to your paintings specially made for me.”
You rolled your eyes once again. The music played louder, livelier. There were cheers and laughter from the people all around. A lot more were dancing, twirling about as if their feet couldn’t have tumbled about any less.
Tim pulled your hand, and he stood.
“Dance with me.”
“Oh no…” you said. “I couldn’t.”
“Dude, just come on.”
You were on your feet, being pulled by his incredibly strong grip on your wrist and you almost sprinted your way to the ballroom, to the side where you weren’t standing so close to the center and draw attention. Your teeth were showing, and your cheeks started to hurt at how much you were grinning right then. Tim took your waist, held your hand, and you gently placed yours on his shoulder. The saxophone was enough to drown out everyone else’s voice and all you could hear, if not for the music, was Tim’s laughter as you both struggled to dance like normal people without looking too much like you were high on cocaine.
But you couldn’t stop laughing, not when his dancing was horrible enough to almost have you tumbling on the floor, his sorry excuse of swaying that would have thrown your body against the wall and his chuckles that made you want to laugh even more.
“Tim, I swear to God-“
“Come on. Let me have this. Just put your feet to the side-“
“I’m not having you step on my toes again, you ass. I only have five left.”
You heard him snort. “Jesus, just hold on.”
He bumped into someone much taller than him, who then gave you both a dirty look. “Sorry.”
Your lips were between your teeth. It was the only way for you to stop yourself from screaming. You gripped onto Tim’s shoulders. “Now I remember why it’s been years since we last danced.”
“Hey. I am not that bad.” He looked down at his toes. “If I can just get this-“
“Just keep swaying. We’ll be fine.”
His hair had fallen out of its grip from the top of his head, and a few more strands landed on his forehead, some reaching the top of his nose and his eyes. You reached over, brushed it to the side, and he lost his laugh, mouth closed, and stared at you so quietly.
“Tim,” you whispered. “Don’t look now, but someone’s been staring at you for the past ten minutes.”
“What?! What does he look like? Does he have anything suspicious on him?”
“For crying out loud, not that kind of stare.”
You then shifted both your bodies so he’d face the right way. “You see that girl with a red dress?”
He squinted his eyes, glanced over your shoulder before turning back away. “Yeah.”
“She’s been whispering and giggling over to her friends.”
“Y/N, come on.” He switched back so he was facing away and swayed about much more relaxed than he had been. You felt his shoulders drop from the tension, and he dipped his head closer to you. “She probably knows who I am. The Wayne Heir. About to inherit billions of dollars.”
“Tim, you say that as if you got nothing else but your money,” you said. “You’re gorgeous. Even if she thought you were a peddler out on the street, she’d look at you no differently- Tim!”
He returned that statement with a spin that almost knocked you off your feet. Grimacing at you, glaring whilst you pulled yourself up and almost pushed him back.
“Fuck you, asshole.”
“You deserve it.”
“I’m telling the truth.”
He ignored you and looked around. “Seems like everyone’s having a good time.”
“Too good a time. And interesting. I see even more eyes on you.”
“On us.” Tim looked over your shoulder, at a man who was writing something down on his phone that looked much too old to be a personal phone. A work phone, perhaps?
“A reporter.”
“Jesus,” you hissed. “And in here?”
“I thought Bruce kept them away.”
“Obviously we didn’t do a great job at that.”
Tim turned you around, hand keeping you close to his chest as you locked eyes with the reporter, who went at it with his thumbs keeping a close eye on your movements.
“He has the same look on his eye as everyone else.”
“And what do everyone else’s eyes have that’s so noticeable?”
“They’re looking at us funny.”
You pulled back so you’d only see Tim and his eyes that have grown so radiant and bright, the dark bags that had faded away the more weeks had passed.
“Funny?” he smirked.
“You remember the reports back in the day,” your grip on his shoulder tightened. “Back when Damian wasn’t around, you were the star of Bruce’s wards. Everyone wanted a glimpse of your life.”
“Including my beautiful girlfriend.” His smile as he never let his eyes stray even a second away from your gaze melted you. “I know. I remember.”
“They wouldn’t leave me alone. Like Kate Middleton just before she married William.”
“I’m more of a Harry, really.”
You nudged him and he impishly snickered, tenderly pulling you close for an embrace as you swayed about and let your wonderous laughter fill the air.
“Tim, they’re gonna think we’re together again.”
“Ouch,” he scoffed. “You make that sound like a bad thing.”
Your eyebrows raised to your forehead. “It’s not… but-”
“Why not? Just let them. They’re just reporters.”
“I know. I know. I’m kidding,” he flicked your nose. “We never could tell what comes out of a reporter’s mouth, but the important thing is we’re here as friends. Nothing more. You know it. I know it.”
Your smile was soft, natural, yet difficult. “You know I didn’t mean anything by that.”
“I know.” You felt him soften his grip on your hand. “Don’t worry about it.”
Your arm circled his shoulder, and you held onto him even tighter. No longer did your ankles fumble, or your legs weaken. Everything else was a haze you couldn’t care less about. You felt warm. You felt safe. Even in what you were in, a scratchy pantsuit and heels with your makeup running by the second, with him in your hold, with Tim in your hold, it was as good as being curled up in a warm quilt wrapped around you and Tim’s shoulders, on a couch that was neither too big nor too small to fit you both so perfectly as you watched a movie so calming, you wouldn’t be able to help but have him within your arms, just to have that extra bit of calmness.
That was what it was like with him. What it has always been like with Tim. And with a smile so bright, you leaned in and let your cheek press up so lightly against his so he could whisper into your ear even more things to worsen your laughter, and that was how it was for a while. Just you, him, and some music somewhere you couldn’t care less about.
Like a fairytale. A romance novel. Maybe even one for the insanely fluffy fanfiction fantasies anyone could only dream about. You were kids when you first met, when you’d just moved to a new school filled with the children of the wealthy and haughty. You were in high school, and already their socks were just as expensive as your phone. You weren’t usually so shy, but then, you were cautious. Everything was a mess, as it always would be at that age, and you counted your steps making sure you wouldn’t slip.
Another boy in your class was new as well. And you didn’t know who he was. Hell, no one knew who he was. Not when he was still years away from being adopted and would soon be a hell of a lot richer than most of the snubs around at school. Timothy Jackson Drake was seated at the far end of the class, right next to you, and little did you know he’d end up being the brightest student in just about every class he was in.
He came up to you one day, after a few weeks of sitting silently beside him in Chemistry without so much as a glance. He asked if you wanted to be lab partners and you agreed. Every day, you met him at the lab. Then, you’d invite him over to your house to do work. Then, you grew to be so close there wasn’t a second of you two being apart. Your best friend. Your soulmate. Platonically. At least, at first.
He was there every moment, every milestone in your life from that day forward. He told you everything he knew about himself and you’d eventually find out about the things that he didn’t. You had a crush on a guy once, and you talked to him about it like he was your brother. It was a glorious time. You didn’t have half the problems you had now.
And he treated you the way every woman should be treated. You once told him about the state fair that was closing up by the end of the week, and that there was no one at all that could take you, so he rented a car with his money saved up and drove you four hours to the fair without you even asking. You once said you liked this specific flavor of ice cream and he bought that very same kind for you every time he ran into that convenience store he only rarely finds. You told him you were starting to get into art, that being with the gymnasts at school wasn’t much of an interest, so he got you your first real canvas and paint so you could start to learn.
One day, he told you about Robin.
He was new to all that. Barely a week of service to the city. And he was nervous. Not an idea of how he did things was on par with what Batman wanted out of him, how different he was from the past two Robins, especially the last one who’d died. And always, he compared himself to him. Every night, after patrol, he called you.
And, when you started being honest with yourself, you wanted a piece of it, too. You wanted the kind of rush he’d go on and on about at nights when he told you he just saved a building full of civilians. And the moment he asked you, when he told you he wanted to share this bit of his life with you, you agreed. Your first suit wasn’t the best, and you constantly had to pick yourself up from the ground after falling a few good yards up in the air, but you managed. You were Robin and Falcon, partners from then on. Bruce trained Tim, and Dick trained you. Even as his whole life changed, his parents died, he got adopted, and became a Wayne, you remained constant. You were his constant.
He told you he was in love with you one night. Nothing even happened to spark such an attempt. It was just you and him, under the beautiful starless sky when all else was calm. And even as you never outrightly admitted to yourself that you’d always felt the same, that night, you were sure, you did. With all your heart. You loved him.
And you still did. He still did. Nothing changed. Nothing could change.
As you continued to dance, or whatever you were doing just rocking about to your sides and having your laughter fill in through the gaps of the song, you didn’t want this all to end. Not for a second.
So you enjoyed it, after that time so difficult for you both, there was never to be a change, the fact that whatever happened or will happen, you’ll always end up in his arms. The one you’d ultimately come back to. Your home.
Playing Among Us on your phones in the middle of a gala probably wasn’t the best look for the papers, but there you were, at the corner of the ballroom, your backs crouched over like you were thirteen with your noses glued to your phone screens. Tim tried to pry your hand away when he saw you try to accuse him of being suspicious, and you chortled as you reached for another glass of wine.
Bruce came up to you. It was too sudden. Any forewarning you got was none but a shadow. Pointy ears at the top of his head and you would have been certain it was Batman out of nowhere. You both looked up at him, widened eyes, then you stuffed your phone back into your purse.
“Tim. Enough with that.”
“What’s wrong?”
You stood up from your seat and dusted off your clothes, then you heard a frustrated sigh out of Bruce.
“Have you seen Jason?”
“Jason?” You choked.
“No, I haven’t,” Tim said. You ignored the sudden buzz at the mention of his name. Tim went on. “Did he leave?”
“I thought so. But I had all the gates guarded.”
“You know that wouldn’t stop him.”
Bruce looked around at everyone oblivious. “Last time I saw him he downed his third bottle. I doubt he’d gotten too far off after that.”
“Then he must still be here,” Tim nodded at you. “We’ll find him.”
“Why is he here?” you asked, and tried not to let your voice pitch too high.
“Extra security. He wouldn’t come over unless I paid him.”
“Surveillance. Always when there’s a gala. We’ve had too many incidents not to be careful. Everyone’s in on it.”
Bruce then gritted his teeth at Tim and snatched his phone away from his hands. “Including you.”
“Jeez, we were just taking a break,” Tim scoffed at him.
“Find Jason. Now.”
He left, and Tim drew his hair back, on his toes looking around at the crowd. You joined him.
“No one told me Jason was gonna come over.”
“It was a last-minute thing. It took a lot of convincing.”
“He didn’t want to come?”
Tim snorted and you walked with him up the staircase. Jason wasn’t anywhere in the ballroom. “He hasn’t talked to any of us in months. He changed his phone again.”
“I, uh-” you coughed, and you swerved away from telling him that no, he did not change his number and that he only ever replied to a text that was from you and not anyone else. “You have any idea why?”
“Not a clue. But it took a hell of a lot of convincing just to get him to show up.”
You reached the top of the stairs and Tim turned the lights on for the hallway. You headed for the bedrooms. “Why does Bruce want him so bad?”
“Jason pays attention to a lot of detail. When it comes to surveillance, he’s your man.”
That shouldn’t have to be the case. You wished that wasn’t the case. But alas, it was. And now you were going to have to face the guy who’d rejected you horribly and hadn’t so much as texted you since his birthday.
You reached his room, one of the only rooms that had been unoccupied for many years, or thought to be unoccupied unless he’d been coming over more often than you knew about, and Tim shook the door handle. Locked.
“Jason, I know you're in there!” he called out.
His fist knocked hard against the wood. There wasn’t a response, but you heard bottles being knocked over on the floor and a grunt coming from someone with a very deep voice. Jason was there. Definitely.
One two three four five. The door rattled beneath his hits, and eventually, it was loud enough to annoy a rock. The door latched and it swung open, almost breaking under an almost inhumanely strong hold.
“For fuck’s sake, Jason. What the hell are you doing?!”
“The fuck does it look like to you?!”
“Living like a hobo in your room when you’re paid to be here?!”
“You just answered your fucking question. Now get out”
“And- Jesus Christ what kind of animal has been living in this dump?!”
The pickiest neat freak in the whole family now had his hair so long it almost reached his nose, a dark, scruffy stubble that was the longest you’ve seen him in, his suit in the worst mess it could possibly be, shirt untucked and jacket discarded on the floor. At least his tie was still intact, but that was basically it. And his room, you didn’t even want to mention. The sheets were pulled off, bottles and bottles of different kinds of alcohol scattered about on the floor, spilling onto the carpet without so much as sparking a blink out of him, it seems. And he’d only been here for a few hours. You could imagine what his actual apartment looked like now.
Tim took the bottle of… something out of his hands and sniffed it.
“Even the devil wouldn’t have this,” Tim gagged. “What are you so drunk for?”
“Tim. I don’t get drunk.”
“You sure look the part.”
“Give me that-“
Jason tried reaching for the bottle but Tim held it away. “No. Get off your ass and come down.”
“Bruce can keep his fucking money. I’m not about to go-“
He saw you.
You were too far off to the side that Jason hadn’t seen you at first glance, not until he’d reached for Tim’s hand and stepped out of his room, seeing what was at the side. You, with your hands pulled to your back and your head dipped down in silence, kept that silence and reveled in it. You shouldn’t have been. You shouldn’t be standing there so still, mouth parted open as you locked eyes with someone you hadn’t seen in so long. With someone you wished you talked to differently not knowing it would be the last.
Jason stilled himself as well. You saw his neck jump. You saw his limbs straighten. Suddenly, he grew aware of what he looked like. Jason dusted off the mess of his shirt and frantically looked about, avoiding your eyes.
“Hi,” you said.
Tim was in his room. “Jason, don’t fucking tell me you took a shit on the-“
“Calm down. A cat came in and made himself at home.” You had your eyes on the ground and Jason rubbed the back of his neck.
“A cat came in from the window and you just let it?!”
“He’s still there. Somewhere.”
“What do you mean he’s still in he- nice kitty… Nice kitty... Niiiice kitty.”
You swallowed away the tightening in your throat, and you couldn’t keep him off the side of your eye. Jason kept his distance, then he coughed.
“How have you been?” he asked.
You sucked on your cheeks. “I’m great, actually.”
“That’s… great,” he stuffed his hands into his jeans. “Congratulations, by the way. About the auction.”
“Thank you,” you said. “What about you?”
“I…” You heard Tim and the cat scream as they wrestled on the ground. Jason just went on. “I’m alright.”
“Are you?”
Jason brayed as his eyes went over from the empty walls, then to you. “What makes you ask that?”
You should have mentioned his hair, his clothes, his room, the fact that he looked like he hadn’t shaved in a week. But you just shook your head.
“You haven’t called in four months.”
Jason let his eyes fall from your body down to your feet. You didn’t like how silent he became.
“Yeah, I’m… sorry about that.”
“It’s fine.”
Tim shot out of Jason’s room and immediately locked the door behind him. You heard the cat screech, then it pounced at the wood, shaking it almost off its hinges.
“What the hell did you feed that thing?!” Tim cried. Jason just laughed at him.
“Awe, look at you.” Claw marks were all over his shirt, so you went over to dust off his jacket and pull his hair back to his head.
“We have to go,” he said. “Jason.”
His older brother just waved him off and Tim handed him his suit jacket. As you both turned for the hallway, you couldn’t keep your attention away from looking at him to your side, making sure he was following you. And he was. At that, you wished you hadn’t been so obvious.
Jason trailed off the minute you reached the bottom steps. Disappeared into the crowd so obviously not wanting to be found.
But that wasn’t nearly enough of a talk than what you had right then.
“I think Bruce wants me over at the bar,” Tim groaned. “I’m sorry. I know I’m supposed to be your date.”
“It’s fine,” you fixed his hair again. It was far too unruly now. “I’ll be alright.”
“You sure?”
“I’m sure.”
That warmth that wasted no time seeping up your cheeks worsened when he squeezed your hand and your shoulder. “You know where to find me.”
“Just go,” you laughed.
He left for his station.
The remnants of darkness left within you, the ones that still held on to whatever hope for the peace you could find just couldn’t help but look around, at the crowd and every open door there was that Jason could have gone into. That wasn’t enough. You just wanted to talk. You needed a week of talking if it were up to you.
But this might be your only chance.
You saw him go off into the gardens at the back, away from any prying eyes. You gripped onto the sleeve of your jacket and continually hoped you weren’t making yet another wrong decision as you walked over to follow him.
As you turned out the door, the crowd less and less, somehow you were pulled out into the marble porch of the main backdoor, the one that faced the center of the garden with all the statues and vases at each corner. Bruce had the place completely dark, so there wasn’t anyone around for as far as you knew.
The sound of your heels was all there were, and as you drew closer, eventually the crickets and the noises of the night coming clearer to your senses, you saw his figure crouched over the marble railing, head almost down to his arms. He was so quiet no one else would have seen him with his clothes just as dark as everything else.
It probably wasn’t going to do anyone any good. Not you. Not Jason. Not the whole family. Hell, what you did with him should have spurred more chaos than it actually did, but it didn’t. It should have. You should’ve been cast out. You shouldn’t be here at all, enjoying a party that had so much to do with you and your work as if you were just the most perfect person there was. And clearly, you weren’t.
But you dragged and hovered, yourself over to his side. Jason knew you were there the moment you stepped out the door, but he didn’t turn so much as a side-eye. But he let you stay.
You let your elbows rest on the railing just like his, and you watched the leaves and the bushes fluttering like wings with the light breeze that passed. Not even the bugs that lived within those bushes made much noise. As if they were cautious of you both, of the tension that lived on.
It didn’t have to be, though. You faced him and let your shoulder nudge his.
“Can you tell me what you’ve been sulking on about the past four months?”
He didn’t even look at you, or do so much as move his lips. When you looked up at the sky, at the starless sky that watched you both respecting the peace, Jason’s attention was entirely onto the grass.
You toyed with your sleeve, anything just so that wavering emptiness wasn’t so awkward, but it didn’t help. Not especially when he answered.
“Why do you think?”
You then held onto the edge of the railing. Somehow, you were too close over a ledge, so close to just falling ten stories above. That’s what it felt like.
Was it not true, then? What he told you that day, that he wasn’t in love with you the way his brothers were? Was it not true? At least, not anymore?
He wasn’t always the easiest to talk to, nor approach. It was why you weren’t so close at all. Especially not at first.
Not at all like the rest of them, or anyone you met for that matter. First, there were talks that Jason Peter Todd, the late son of Bruce Wayne, the one Tim had replaced as the renowned boy wonder, might possibly have cheated death. Or worse, was brought back from the dead.
At a faraway alley in the corners of Gotham even you had no idea about, and with you so newly inaugurated as a part of the Bat family, you were frightened, to say the least. You heard this man was violent, ruthless, and that most of all, he kills. That enough was a warning to never get too close. You had Tim by your side, and when you all chased him down that narrow dead-end, bullets run out and having nowhere to turn, that’s when he talked. His voice was muffled then, but you could hear him right through it. His voice, so broken and alone. You just kept your distance. You and Tim. He didn’t seem to like either of you at all.
It got better, contrary to what you thought, which was him going on as this prodigal, estranged son and never contact anyone in the family ever again. That was it for a long while, him and Bruce. Indifferent. Estranged. Bruce kept tabs on him, almost every day. But that was as far as it went.
Then Bruce died.
With what happened in your own life revolving around the death, you weren’t so sure with how it affected him. But from what you did know, Jason didn’t take it very well.
That’s when you officially met. When he finally bit back his pride and called Dick for the first time, called the rest of the family afterward. Then, he visited the cave.
Jason came out of nowhere, hacked the cave’s security systems, and came up to all of you. Dick, Babs, Steph, and a newly discovered Damian Wayne. He wasn’t in his suit and he had to hold his hands up to surrender to Babs who had her sticks up his throat. He came in peace. That was what he said. And he actually did come in peace.
He came up to you later that night, when you were all out in the city. He had his mask on so you couldn’t see him, but Tim had something to take care of and you were supposed to stay up in that radio tower to give him cover.
Jason asked you about Tim, about Bruce, about the rest of the family he wasn’t too keen on talking to himself. You were the only one he hadn’t known beforehand other than Tim, who he refused to even talk to when at first, he’d constantly torment him for being his replacement, and Damian, who, frankly, was like talking to a mute troll.
You ended up working together that night, and by the end of it, you were the one who made Jason and Tim talk things through, realize that they were brothers, that this was how things were going to be.
Maybe he was mourning Bruce more than he let on. Maybe he was just as in denial about it as Tim. Maybe, he realized, he should have talked to Bruce, let go of their history while he still could, before it eventually became too late. Maybe, he thought, the same could happen to the rest of the family, which was already greatly possible in itself. Maybe he didn’t want that same estrangement and regret to happen again. So he got closer, even to you.
When Jason heard you broke up, he sent you a text, asking how you were. You hadn’t texted him before, which meant he went out to find your number. Perhaps from Dick. You texted him back and he didn’t reply.
A trait of his you wished wouldn’t still be so relevant even after all these years.
You couldn’t possibly let this silence linger on.
Nudging his shoulder again, Jason audibly snarled at you to back off. “What?!”
“We can't live like this.”
“You mean you can't. I’m perfectly fine.”
“On the contrary, you’re not fine at all. I’m feeling great.”
Jason chewed on his cheek and let the breeze blow on his long hair and scruffy stubble.
“I don’t mean it that way,” you said. “I regret the way things ended with us. Everyday.”
“You clearly don’t look like it.”
“I’ve been trying to look for the peace beyond all this. It works, you know. When you make sure you're on good terms with everyone you care about.”
Jason squinted at you. “Why are you telling me this?!”
“Because I’ve been trying to contact you, and you disappeared off the face of the earth.”
“So what?”
“So, I’m telling you it’s alright. We at least could track you if you were alive, and we’ll take what we get.”
“So you don’t resent me at all for not calling?”
“No. Not even a little.”
“Jason, come on. Can we at least be friends?”
Jason turned from having his gaze forcefully locked onto the field to you. You took to smiling at him, even when he was gripping the railing far too harshly.
Then he sighed, loosened up.
You giggled and it made him scowl at you again, playfully this time as if that was all it took for him to break past that brick wall. “Come on,” he said. “They turned the fountain on for tonight.”
You went by his side, over to the fields that had grown brittle from the summer sun. With the winds not so harsh, you reached the pond that had been long overdue for a cleaning, its cement walls that met at four sharp corners filled to the brim with moss and algae, then beyond the music that was blaring out of the windows and back doors held open for the whole manor to hear, it was the faint sound of gentle water spewing out of a stone lion’s mouth, so soft that it was so enthralling to listen to all day.
Finally, as you reached just the side of that fountain, you stared at Jason through his reflection on the dim water, and he stared at yours. A Lilypad and a few leaves so quietly hovered over the cold surface, and it greeted you with the kind of calmness that wasn’t so often met.
“I should have called,” he said. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
You couldn’t hide your smile when he could see it from the water.
“You understood what it was like to be me for so long. It’s only fair that I understand you.”
He stopped looking at you and instead watched as a frog leapt over one of the pads.
“Thank you…”
The song that played matched that same calmness. Still with the jazz, but a woman’s voice so tantalizing and deep, it worked with how the fountain was so quiet and everything else so unmoving.
You don’t think you’ve ever asked a guy to dance before, but with where you were, how the darkness felt light, how the water soothed all else and you were in the middle of a beautiful garden with a beautiful man, you’d be sure to regret it if you let it pass.
“Dance with me.”
Jason chuckled. “No.”
“Come on. Just a while.”
“You wanna dance?” He snorted and laughed. “Here? In front of this fungi-infested pond?”
“Jay, it’s just a dance.”
Maybe you did push his buttons, ask too much when he didn’t even want to be seen by you. But when he let himself look at you in the eye, and for a moment, take in your eyes so gently holding him as if you were already in his arms, he took a step closer, with you both at the edge of the pond, and he looked behind you waiting for the song to change.
When it did, he grinned.
You took his hand, then his shoulder. And though you felt his reluctance, especially with his arm feeling tense and his body still so stiff, eventually, he had his hand on your waist, then he swayed. Entirely different from when you danced with Tim, which was to this lively, upbeat tune mixed with your laughter and your feet fumbling so bad and looking nothing less of a joke. Jason was this calm, serene lowness, sexy and inviting. Quiet, but riveting.
The moment you felt his chest so warm against your suit, you knew perhaps this wasn’t the best idea, not when the singer started to sound like she was making love to the microphone.
“Nice necklace,” he said. You let that pave a way for a distraction. “Tim?”
“Yeah… For Christmas last year.”
“Fun.” His laugh was low and breathy. He was good at dancing. And you wanted to lean in even more, feel more of how he was swaying about.
“And what did Dick give you that year?”
“A lot of stuff. Little things,” you smiled. “One of them was this hard drive full of movies I loved.”
“Ah. Sentiment.”
“In the body of ketchup packets and cheap sunglasses. Yes.”
Jason started turning you around, in a circle so close, you almost fell off the ledge if not for his strong hold on your waist. Your faces were close, perhaps too close. But one thing was for sure, you couldn’t leave his eyes. Not for a second.
“I should have given you something better,” he said. “Cheap brushes from Amazon. Even Damian would have done better.”
“Don’t think that way. I loved them.”
“You actually use them?”
“Of course, I do.”
The way he softened his hold, the way that softness crept up to his lips that pulled his cheeks up this ample smirk, and with his eyes widened, then you realized he was looking at your lips.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have brought that up.”
“Why not?”
Your dance. It all came so naturally at that point. And with how close you were, you were practically whispering.
“I’m not comparing myself to Dick and Tim if that’s what you thought.”
“No,” you said quickly. “It wasn’t.”
“Or competing with them. Or whatever.”
“I know that.”
His lips. Despite the stubble. They looked just as soft as you’d left them. Glistening. Chapped. Yet, inviting. The woman’s voice got lower, somehow, and with everything to silent, and the lack of wind, it meant it was hot. Or, at least, that was how it felt.
You weren’t even looking at his eyes anymore. It was his lips that got your attention and how when he spoke, his breath fanned over your nose.
“Speaking of,” he coughed. “How are you with them?”
You shrugged. “We’re all alright.”
“With Dick?”
“It isn’t like before, but we’re good. Whatever good is.”
“I thought you’d be with one of them by now.”
You knew he’d ask that. Somehow. He looked like it was just about to blurt uncontrollably beyond his control. You sighed, and it allowed you to look away. Perhaps to the pond.
“I didn’t choose between them, if that’s what you're asking,” you said. “Things are great. Better now that I got to talk to you. I’ll know what to do. In time.”
“Of course.”
“Can we talk about something else?”
“Sure. Sorry.”
You wanted to laugh at how he looked like he was about to topple off his own knees. But he kept his smirk on. He wasn’t nervous. Jason never gets nervous. Though it was obvious, he hadn’t even an idea what to say.
His lips. His jaw. His awfully sexy jaw.
“I’m just… saying whatever comes to my mind at this point.”
He laughed at that last bit, and you along with him. You faced him again, and he felt closer this time. And his breath was so hot against your mouth, you remembered how that same breath used to fan over your skin, at the sweetest spots you craved him the most.
You wanted to ask ‘why?’ Why was his hand that was on your waist feeling so relaxed, yet so stiff that it was just a push away from holding you even tighter?
“It’s okay…”
It wasn’t even from your voice. You said that in a breath. You could feel it burning because it made him lean even closer to you, and his hand on your waist that eased in, trailing slowly to your back and tracing your spine.
You stopped swaying, letting the woman’s voice and the fountain and the frogs and the crickets fill the void between that ringing in your ears. Jason’s hand, the one that wasn’t holding you, let go of your hand and found waist.
You desperately, so greatly wanted to lean in and ravish yourself with him, have that intoxicating taste that only ever came from his lips, his tongue, every part of him you’d tasted. You wanted to have him, right then, right there, his clothes be ripped by your meager strength, his hair between your fingers gripped on while he pushed himself further against you. You wanted so badly to have that understanding and danger and the dark, alluring mystery that was him, in some form of physicality, something you could have in your hands that were just aching to feel his skin and have that scorching burn all over your flesh. You wanted to be so out of breath that you’d have to force yourself out of it in the end, have him relieve you of that growing itch that was only ever present when you were with him.
But, with your lips empty, you stood still. Your skin was burning. Your breaths were hot. Every part of you was screaming for you to pull him to you but you didn’t.
He had the same idea.
That hand on your cheek, he let it brush your hair back. He kept that smirk, and you just wanted to punch that out of him.
You went back to the party not long after. Jason stayed in sight. No longer did he hide. And that darkness that was over his head for the whole of the night, it had left.
Everything was supposed to be over.
But, of course, you knew it wasn’t.
Just when you thought this was going to a night without meaning or milestones or anything to dwell about, you had just one more thing you hadn’t taken care of.
One, if you were truly being honest with yourself, you so greatly wanted to settle. Perhaps more than anything else. Even with it not being so visible. It was there. The silence. The strain. The holding back. It just wasn’t the same.
You weren’t sure if it was right, but you hoped it would get better. It has to. He was too precious to you to let this all go.
And, as if the world was inviting you to do just that, you saw him sitting at one of the tables, lonely and alone. All the other chairs had been kept except that one. The lights were still on, but that was only because the guys were cleaning up the stage and the caterers packing up their carts.
You hated yourself, constantly, at how Dick lost that brightness he once brought to every room he went into. Because even with his kept hair and ironed suit, looking incredibly handsome that even the older women you saw were making eyes at him, his head was to the floor, staring too intently at what was supposedly an empty floor.
You went up to him, purse in hand. The moment he looked up and saw it was you, his back shot up.
You swallowed. “Can I sit with you?”
“Of course.”
He stood up and let a chair fall back onto the ground. You thanked him, took your seat, and when you saw how he purposefully let his eyes lock onto the wall right across, you went on to watch the same thing. Perhaps then you’d know what he was thinking about.
Clearly, it was a lot. For him to focus on something so blank, it wasn’t the same in his head. It was something even you could see.
“I’m proud of what you did tonight,” he said.
Even his voice hurt to listen to. You had your hands on your lap.
“I owe a lot of it to you. And your support.”
What you should have said, and wanted to say, was that there was absolutely no one else in the face of the earth that’d supported you so much throughout your career, your work more than Dick had. No one had sat through you having to paint for more than five hours a day. No one gave you the supplies and means you needed to further push you to greatness. No one has ever brought you to soar so high, high enough for it to be worth the unbelievable amount it’d garnered tonight, much more than he had.
But that was all you said. And to make things worse, you added, “Everyone’s support.”
Dick faked a smile. You could tell he faked it when you’ve grown to memorize his real smiles and just how bright it was. But that wasn’t it anymore.
You had to be careful. Maybe that was it. Maybe that was why the darkness had befallen. You were too careful around him now, so much that none of it was genuine. Not even the smiles. Maybe, because you knew how fragile this all was, how close this was to breaking, whatever you had with him and how much he had to beg you for it to be okay again. To salvage what was left of it. You were careful, and you hated how it had to be necessary.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get to come up to you tonight,” you said.
“It’s alright.”
“Did you have a good time, at least? With Babs?”
Dick breathed harshly out his nose.
“She wasn’t my date. I just took her to the table.”
“Oh,” you swallowed. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.”
“No, I mean…” You counted your breaths. Careful. “I should have asked you to dance, at least. You shouldn’t have to be so lonely tonight.”
Finally, he faced you.
“Y/N, I’m alright.”
Your eyes were on him. Always, they found their way back to him. You were aware of how quiet you were right then when that happened. And how not much else came to mind.
Dick pulled out his phone, almost frantically, then he was scrolling.
Music started to play. No words. No singer. Just a piano that sounded like it was playing from a far distance in the forest.
Dick stood up, and with a smile less forced but wasn’t perfectly real, he walked over in front of you.
“I…” he rubbed the back of his neck with one hand and held out the other one to you. “We could… have that dance…”
You swallowed. “Now?”
“Yeah, I mean. It’s quiet. I have music- nevermind. It sounded a lot better in my head.”
He got the phone back and scrambled to silence it if not for your hand that reached out.
“No, no,” you smiled at him. “Please. Let’s dance.”
He searched your face, maybe to look for any sign that you were held at gunpoint or that you were at all forced to say that.
“I’m serious, come on.”
You took the phone from his hand, placed it on the table.
Then, finally, his soft beam was something more like what you’d remembered. When you had him in your arms, and you in his. You held onto his shoulder and let your waist be held by a strong hand once again.
That smile wasn’t to last, however. But Dick couldn’t, not for a second, look away from your face.
That was it. That change.
The blue. No longer was it so bright so much like a luminously lit sky, but rather this tranquil hum of the ocean at night.
And unlike that other two times that night, you didn’t have a word to say to him. Neither did he.
Tim’s older brother. That intriguing, dashing, immensely handsome older brother of your best friend. He didn’t look at you twice. Not at first, at least. He was older. About three years your senior. And he probably thought of you as no one else but his brother’s best friend. And that you were, and just like the stigma, you found yourself dreaming and gushing over him and his handsomeness every time you came in to visit.
You first met when you ran into him one day when you got yourself lost in the library. Tim had left to get something in his room, and you were alone. Richard John Grayson walked into that room and almost had you cornered when he shut the door behind him, not having an idea that you were there at all, reading a book in front of the fireplace so silently without so much as a whisper.
He wanted to take a nap on the couch, it seems, because he was headed right there just before he caught your eye and froze. You smiled, a painful, goofy smile, and he laughed back. You wanted to crawl under that carpet and find some sewage manhole just so you’d disappear.
But Dick, as he always had been, with his charm and charisma so unmatched, he sat right next to you and asked you about your book.
Then he made you laugh so hard you almost threw the book right into the fire. It wasn’t so different since then. You ended up talking about things much more than just that book, and when he mentioned he was an acrobat, you mentioned you were with the gymnasts at school. You weren’t the best. Far from it, in fact. It wasn’t something you were too passionate about, not like you were with art, but it was something you had in common. And you reveled in that.
You ended up talking, and it seemed like you did so the whole afternoon. When you turned, Tim had fallen asleep on the couch and no one even noticed, so you went on and on until the sky got dark and the fire being the only light there was.
You grew closer as the weeks passed. He was your friend. One of your best, in fact. Then when you became Falcon, he volunteered to train you so Bruce can train Tim. And, if you were to let yourself get lost in those precious memories, you’d know that those times were ones you’d turn to when you needed something to smile about.
You weren’t sure when he’d fallen for you along the way. Something did change, you were sure. But not enough to know exactly that point in time when things had shifted. Maybe, you realized, it was when you and Tim got together.
Yeah. It probably was. Because you noticed just how much he’d actually been staring at you without looking away until he suddenly stopped, knowing you’d belonged to someone else.
Content. Happy. Bright.
That had always been how it was with him.
By then, and with the song long gone, you continued to hold him. You wouldn’t let him go. Not when it had all changed. Why can't all this go back?
To conceal your cries, your lips were pressed up to his shoulder, and his to your hair. There were tears, which you hadn’t even felt until they seeped into your lips and you got to taste the salt.
He used to pull you up from even the darkest depths, and only Dick had ever been there, could have possibly outshone every smidge of darkness there was and had done infinitely everything to make things so much better for you even when better seemed impossible. Every bit of sadness. Every bit of anguish. It was him. He made you laugh through the tears. He made you smile through the pain.
Why does it have to change? Why can't things just go back?
Why can't you just have this all go away with a night at the movies? A cheesy comedy? A cheap romance story? Why isn’t it blowing away the way it so easily used to when it came to him?
You couldn’t talk.
You could listen.
“Remember when we watched The Proposal? Years ago?”
You wanted to pull back, but you couldn’t possibly allow him to see you like this. Not when he’d already felt you shaking.
“I remember you laughing so hard you snorted popcorn out your nose. My fault, really. I couldn’t shut up about any of the scenes. Then you drank soda and you ended up spilling that all over the carpet ‘cuz you had to roll over your back from laughing again.” He chuckled.
Of course, you remembered that. You remembered every minute with him.
“It ended up being one of the movies I loved watching over and over again. Of course, it’s a lot better when it’s with you. A lot more fun when I have to watch you having to clean popcorn snot from your mouth than just Sandra Bullock. But I did. At least, to relive it all.”
Your hand on his shoulder tightened. “Yeah…” you managed to say.
“I know things aren’t what we wished it would be. I really hoped everything would go back to the way it was. But we could try. If you want, we could watch that movie again. Not now, but soon. We could watch it, and maybe things will be better.”
You closed your eyes, let your face get buried even deeper into his shoulder.
“Is that okay?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, and you wiped your tears with your sleeve, now tainted with your mascara. “Yeah, I’d love that.”
That was it, really. That was all he had to say, and all you had to say.
No. It wasn’t going to go back to the way it was. Not even by a mile.
Because he wasn’t Tim. He wasn’t someone you’d eventually fall back to even after you’d gone through your worst together. He wasn’t someone who grew up being your best friend and would stay that way even when you were lovers. You couldn’t, can't, go back to being friends the way you easily stayed friends with Tim just months after you broke up. It’d been months since that incident with Dick, and still, nothing had mended.
Because he loved you too greatly, enough to want to walk out on his wedding to another woman just minutes before, too much to ever stay friends and pretend nothing happened. And just like you, you and him the same, you couldn’t push that love to the side just to let your friendship win over.
You loved Dick differently, a love that was so much stronger than a friendship.
One so strong, that you’d either be the lovers so obsessively in love or nothing at all. Because you couldn’t, he couldn’t, not after you’d admitted it, ignore that love even if it was to save your life. He was the only one you had to pine over for so long. He was the only love so unrequited, at least for a while. At least, for what you thought.
If that were true, then it was why things had to change. Why you couldn’t stick around and see him so often and not have him in your arms.
It was painful.
Much, much too painful.
The lights started shutting off, and that was the cue. You had to leave. You had to pull back and forcibly look him in the eye.
You pulled away still with your tears barely dried out. But he wouldn’t let you hide it from him. He took your face, ran his thumbs over your cheeks.
And you let yourself get lost, not allowing whatever resistance that existed that could stop you from pulling away. But that had proven far too useless when Dick backed off and took his hands off from holding you so tenderly.
“A car is waiting for me outside,” you said. “I have to go.”
“Of course.”
You took your purse, stopped yourself from getting lost again in that deep ocean blue, and tried so hard to keep your head down. You hurried when the lights continued to turn off.
You tried to. You tried hurrying out the foyer so quickly so nothing, not even those voices so eerily forceful could pull you to turn back. Because at that point, you were just a measely string away from breaking and falling right back into a place you hadn’t known. And when you heard him running to you, and his voice call out like he was screaming from the top of a cliff, it was all over for you.
You turned back.
Dick’s whole body was trembling, but he looked at you like it’d hurt just as much to see you this way than it was to not have you in his sight at all, no matter how much you resisted. You couldn’t pull away. Not from him.
“I know you usually go to Tim when you need something,” he said. “But…”
You wanted, so desperately, to fall back into his hold and never back away.
“If you need anything at all. Anything. I’m here for you…”
And you let that want take over. Without much thought on anything else.
You ran, crashed into him like a bright blue flame so newly ignited, and held so tightly onto his strong neck you heard him gasp. And you wouldn’t have noticed, with your eyes held shut, that the lights had completely dimmed out when Dick finally hugged you back.
@everyartistwas-firstanamateur, @sarcasmismyfirstlove, @damned-queen-of-gotham, @idkmanicantenglish, @wunderstell, @birdy-bat-writes, @get-loki, @everyday-imfangirling, @comic-nerd-dc, @multifandomgirl-us, @icequeen208, @offendedfishnoises, @egdolan, @xemiefx, @arkhamtoddler, @elsenthal, @mythicbitchx, @lucy-roo, @roseangel013bf, @loxbbg, @reclusive-chicken-nugget, @l-inkage, @http-cherries, @river9noble, @zphilophobiaz, @annoylinglyaries, @knightfall05x, @hyp-oh-critical, @satan-s-ass, @1-800-starmora, @flowersgirl02, @nahcho, @thatonecroc, @trixie-bb, @daddyissuesmademe, jasonsbitch, @shadowsndaisies @jaybirdbooty​ @writing2sirvive​
@spaceservicestation, @thedeadlythoughts​, @vanessafabricius, @pinkforest05
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minimoxha · 3 years
Heyo! I love your writing!! Can I request a Batboys x Black!Batmom and how they would act/be.
Batfam x Black!Batmom
How the batboys would react to having a black Batmom!
Characters: Bruce Wyane, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Timothy Drake, Damien Wyane
Warnings: None
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☾-Soul food. All of the boys loved when they would come home from doing they’re activities and see you in the kitchen whipping up some baked Mac and Cheese and Chicken.
☾- Jason would tear up the chicken and Alfred loved getting a break from cooking sometimes.
☾-They would pick up on AAVE and it would be funny as fuck when you’d walk in and hear Jason say “Chille Bye” or Dick say “I done did it already”
☾-Bruce is confused on how you get braids into your scalp and sit there calmly (but in reality you were in painnn)
☾-sometimes Bruce would take your Bonet and wear it because it was comfortable
☾-You’d just end up getting him and the boys one. They all ar each other’s favorite colors too
☾-they all slayed in it lmao
☾-Queue you and Damien making white privilege jokes sometimes
☾-They love hearing about black history from you and they are so for BLM
☾-Going to BLM protests together was Always amazing (Jason was EXTREMELY passionate about it)
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What do you think about a dick grayson x reader who is Tony Stark's daughter? Love your blog ♥️
Sorry I'm late. That request gave me an incredible idea.
I will post a Dick Grayson x Stark reader series. Based on the TV series, How I Met Your Mother.
I'm so thanks u. Thanks u for your love.
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Stark Reader
Title: Dick x Stark!Reader. Headcanons part 1 (maybe)
Warnings: None, light angst
First thing: GALA FRIENDS
Second thing: Bruce and Tony are not friends, they are just .... business colleagues
Probably Bruce did not support the old policy of the Stark industries or the fact that Tony exposes to the world that he is Iron Man
Third thing: Despite the relationship between your parents, Dick and you remained Gala friends, well until one day he showed up with a date.
Barbara Gordon
When you saw them together, with that chemistry between them, those smiles exchanged. God, you wanted to throw up
Good thing you’re your father’s daughter, and you drank at least two glasses of champagne before chatting quickly with the couple and sitting down with your brother, Peter.
In a perfect world, Peter is your unofficial brother that his father also takes to the dances, just to show you off- Morgan is still very young and his father wanted, deep down that you and Dick were dating, just because he noticed your feelings before you noticed what you felt- Going back to history / headcanon
Dick noticed your absence, I mean, you saw each other a few times a year and like, after introducing Barbara, you disappeared.
Despite minutes later, he finds you, talking to Peter and he comes to you
Just not
In a perfect world, that would happen. He knew where you were, he just didn't approach you, too busy delighting the guests and suchs
Well, that was the last time he actually saw
After weeks of reflecting on her feelings, Y / N Maria Stark realized that she liked Dick
So what does a good Stark do when she notices your feelings?
And drink.
To the sound of an alternative rock playlist - More specifically, the band Panic! At the Disco, because I love this band-
After the gala, Dick will call you because you are Gala friends
Okay, you are more than Gala friends
Only you two don't see this
Grayson is concerned you ignore your calls. So, what does he do?
Call Peter
Peter is nervous, so nervous that Dick could feel through the connection
Besides being nervous, Peter was tired. I was tired of everything, the looks that you didn't recognize, especially the sexual tension
So, he tells everything.
From the night of the gala to the drinks.
And the call ends
So he doesn't go on patrol
Of course, he warns Bruce and his brothers
But he doesn't give a good sorry, just asks them to do him this favor
And they do, because even Damian knows what he was going to do
Like the romantic comedies of the 2000s and the 90s
He goes after you. And when he faces the door of his apartment, and he breathes and knocks on the door.
And you open the door
You stare at each other, you hold your tears. And Dick says:
He enters your apartment, you close the door. You sit on the couch, you are silent.
After minutes, although it seems like hours, you talk.
And Dick notices a few things about you, even though you're not dressed up. With messy hair, wearing pajamas, with a red nose, and dry tears on his face. Richard Grayson thinks you are the most beautiful girl in this universe
You offer, he accepts. And you start drinking together and remembering the good times - despite being friends with Gala, you kept in touch.
After hours of conversation, you decide to try something
So, that same night, you decide to go out for a burger
Like something other than friends.
And that's how Dick started his journey.
But anyway, that's how it all started
And everyone thanks until today for that night, especially Peter and Damian, who couldn't take that tension anymore.
curiosity: After a lot of struggle, Peter and Damian became "friends"
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love-lost-insecure · 4 years
Follower Interaction
Okay so I wanna try something and be more interactive with you guys. I wrote this but don’t know who to continue it with so let me know and the person with the most votes win. I’ll close the voting tonight at midnight. (Current time: 6:40p.m)
The steam from the shower fogged up the room, the scent of lavender made you take deep breaths, filling your lungs. Footsteps moved lightly across the misty tile floor, unknown to you as your hands started to massage the shampoo into your coily roots. Curtain was snatched to the side as another larger body filled in the space behind you. Heart was pounding at the sudden intrusion but those hands gripped at your shoulders, kneading the muscles then ghosted down the skin of your back. No words were being said in this time, just the shared shaky breaths mixing in with the hot steam. A light tap had your ass bouncing slightly and you leaned back across the expanse of his chest, letting the water roll down the valley of your breast.
Hands held your waist, pressing your ass to his swelling cock, the tip poking your lower back. Just the size of it could make you moan, your hand tried to make a grab for it but, the word no made it fall back to your side. One hand stayed at your waist and the other pressed down on your back, making you bend down and plant your hands against the wall. Water was flowing down your back, water droplets weaving down to your parted legs, mixing with wetness already down there. 
He dropped down to his knees, spreading your cheeks even more, watching the way the water was glistening. Tongue swiped across your folds, earning a praiseful hum from his throat, the taste of you making his cock leak out more. Fingers moved down to part your folds, exposing your clit to his awaiting mouth.  His lips attached to the nub, teeth barely grazing around it, sending shocks up your thighs to your beasts. When he sucked harshly, the sound you made was a whine, your fingers had nothing to grip on the wet wall. 
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astralis01 · 4 years
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Bat family X reader (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/z1VCXhpeU1 One shots for the bat family. I won't be doing angst or smut. I might also do some special one shots whenever I wish.
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
Batboys Scenario 1: secret model girlfriend. 2/2
They get you back!
Warning Jason and Tim’s scenarios contain mature situations so if that makes you uncomfortable in anyway skip them.
Dick Grayson: it had been six weeks since the whole S/n incident and Dick was wreck, he gotten rid of his posters and the magazines because every time he looked at them he'd see Y/n crying would cause him to feel angry and ashamed of himself.
 and if that wasn't enough to add insult to injury he's hearing rumors that Y/n [S/n] had gotten back together with her ex boyfriend.
 A beefcake model named Arden Silva apparently there were pictures of them both together... But Dick never bothered checking to see if it was true, it made his chest hurt thinking that she'd moved on from him so quickly...
While in reality Y/n wasn't dating Arden far from it actually; early in their careers he came out to her, and she pretended to date him to keep his family from finding out he was gay; till he was ready to come out publicly about it. They 'Broke up." after he met his boyfriend Daryl and both were kind enough to let her stay with them, until she could figure out what to do and where to go from here...
The last thing she wanted was to run into Dick he tried contacting her, but she blocked him; every night consisted of her getting drunk crying over him or being dragged to some wishy-washy party by Arden which of course caused rumors of them rekindling their relationship. 
No, doubt Dick had heard about it. the mere thought made Y/n wanted to pick up the phone tell him wasn't true...But it hurt hearing how he really felt about her; it did a real blow on her self-worth made wonder how other friends saw her.
Kori of course told her it didn't matter if she were S/n or not; Y/n was Y/n and she was beautiful and the kindest person the alien was happy to call her friend not matter what! Hell even Damian who was usually cold towards Y/n told her that there's more to her then just a pretty face and Grayson is a fool for not seeing it, She was touched by that she really was but it still stung.
"Hey guys, I'm going for a walk." she called out to Arden and Daryl who were cuddling on the couch looked up at her concerned. "Are sure that's a good Idea?" Daryl asked having born and raised in Gotham he knew that was a very bad life choice especially at this time of night, After some debate Y/n sighed "Yeah, I'll up on the roof..." The blond man nodded and tossed her the key to elevator.
"Be Careful." the H/c nodded and made her way up to the roof for some air the h/c shuddered as she stepped out of the elevator she should've brought a jacket. Y/n hugged herself as she wandered around the pool area staring up at the sky when someone came up behind her "Y/n-" the h/c yelped and fell backwards into the pool.
Y/n couldn't swim so naturally she freaked as she started to sink, till pair of hands grabbed her by the arms and pulled her out. The h/c wheezed and coughed out water whilst trying to breathe, all while who ever was up on the roof with her rubbed shoulders and apologized.
 when she could finally get air into her lungs Y/n looked up to see who the mystery person was, and was befuddled to see Nightwing looking down at her concerned. Her brows furrowed over why Bludhaven's resident hero was doing in Gotham, and what could he possibly want with her? 
It didn't take long for Y/n to find herself under a pile of towels and the glow of a patio heater as Nightwing cut to the chase and said he was a friend of Dick Grayson's, the H/c's mood dropped lower then her current body temperature.
 "Oh, I'm not special enough for him to come find me himself?" She hissed trying keep her voice leveled the hero tense as She said this, his lips formed thin line as he thought his words out carefully.
"It's not like th-"
"No, it's exactly like that! he made it abundantly clear! so, whatever lie or excuse he script you into saying? He can go shove it up his a-"
"He thought you were cheating!" Nightwing cut her off causing to Y/n to flinch then look at him confused. "What?" she spat obviously skeptical about this sudden revelation. As the masked man sighed frustrated he wanted nothing more then take her home and talk about this as Dick Grayson, but beggars can't be choosers.
"The date cancellations, the hush phone calls, the guy he saw kissing you while leaving ou- your apartment, after you told him you were at work? What does that look like to you?"
Nightwing chided as Y/n though this over...that look bad to anyone in Dick's shoes. "That man was Arden's boyfriend." she mumbled Nightwing's head whipped around to looked at her surprised *B-boyfriend? Arden is gay?...s-So she's not with him?!" as happy he was to hear that, they still solve this mess they gotten themselves into.
"And that made it okay to flirt S/n and say those things about me?" 
She croaked as Nightwing shook his head "No it didn't...Truth be told he's a real Dick and crappy detective for not putting it together." The raven haired hero chastised himself for missing how obvious it was. 
Y/n canceled a date because her editor says she has go France; S/n has a show in France! hell S/n even had the same freckles/birthmark on {spot} as Y/n and he was too caught up in the 'She's cheating' scenario to even notice.
as for why Dick said what he did? there was no excuse, he was hurt and just wanted to be mean and let Y/n hurt for betraying his trust. He regretted every goddamn word once Kori told him who he was talking to. 
"Look, just go home...Please? He misses you." Y/n started crying causing Nightwing to pull her into tight hug. "And trust me, he is very sorry for everything..." the hero said pulling away from her Y/n nodded and eventually left the roof, not fifteen minutes later Dick Grayson got a text his heart rattled nervously in his chest as he check his phone.
{Are you awake? I want come home.]
 [I'll be waiting..}
[I love you...}
{First ILY, Milestone and it's over text, way to make a girl blush.]
Dick snorted to himself as he put his Nightwing gear away hopefully one day he'll be able to tell her about his Stage name.  
[Warning attempted sexual assault! Skip is it make you uncomfortable!]
Jason Todd:  If someone ever told Jason Todd that his nerdy ex girlfriend turned out to be the hottest model in Gotham with a fan-base reaching international levels, he would laughed in their face and called them delusional.
 Well too bad the universe decided to make that scenario a reality, And delivered it to Jason via sloppy hay-maker to the nose! At first he didn't understand what had happened one second he's flirting with his idol! the next he's on the ground holding his bloody nose and gawking up at his sobbing girlfriend.
That was the last time he saw Y/n, she didn't come home that night or return any of his calls, She was still in Gotham or rather S/n was still Gotham he'd see articles on her shoots or see and interviews on TV... He tried getting Artemis to tell him where she went, but the Amazon gave him a dirty look and slammed her door in his face.
 leaving Jason to wallow in his anger and guilt, There he was Jason Todd: Red-Hood, former Robin trained by Batman to be a detective and he couldn't even figure out that his own girlfriend was the pin-up model!, he's such damn idiot! the signs were right there staring him in the face.
Cancelled plans, the e-mails,hushed phone calls, her being able to afford such a nice apartment despite being on a Librarian's salary,and the damn diets! Jason would always give Y/n crap for those back in high school because as he said.
"You don't need to go on a diet, you're a still growing teenage girl who's barely [y/weight] soaking wet and perfectly healthy." He chided before pushing a plate of Alfred's cookies towards her.
 then tried to coax her into telling him who said she was too fat/skinny, cause he was gonna see just how much they weighed after he shoves his boot up their ass! 
"T-two months ago, when you left me at the mall? there was this talent-" She was so close to telling him about her being S/n, but they were interrupted by Bruce calling Jason for a mission, Y/n let him go...
Jason smiled bitterly at the memory as he got ready for patrol, Currently Red-hood was staking out a shady modeling firm, that might be front a trafficking ring. Girls would go in... But never come out, he looked through the binoculars at the activity when he caught something out of the corner of his eye... 
A woman with a familiar mop of y/hc being dragged inside, Jason blood went cold it couldn't be Y/n, but he had to be sure! he silently infiltrated the building through an old service entrance, what he found in this building made made Jason sick.
Women and girls in cells they were filthy and hooked up to Iv's being pumped with drugs so they couldn't run and they all had prices tattooed to their arms. he checked around for any signs of the girl he was looking for.
 when he saw something small glittering on the floor. Red hood crouched down and felt his heart drop it was a necklace, Y/n's necklace! the one he gave her in high school before he died, she never takes it off.
Jason heard a door open and a man walked in and noticed the necklace on the floor, he crouched down and to look at it when the click of gun's safety going off caused him to tense, the man stared dead ahead as a modulated spoke up. "I'm not even gonna give ya a choice, where do they keep the new girls?" Red-hood snarled keeping his gun on the guy's head who was shaking.
"the basement, with the boss! if he sees one he likes he-" He didn't get a chance to finish as Jason snapped his neck, and made his way down to the basement. and stopped when he heard two men talking. "See that h/c broad they brought in?" the other nodded "Yeah, if she tweaked her hair and ditch the glasses she'd looked like S/n..." 
The first one hummed agreement." probably why the boss wanted her so god damn badly, she's his dream girl after all.." the Jason let out a low growl so, it was Y/n neither men had noticed the vigilante silently approaching as other man snorted "Well, hell he can keep her, did you see what that bitch to Ernie's hand..."
Instead of his buddy he saw red not that he was angry or anything; Red-Hood just headbutted him knocking him to the floor, before stepping on his neck. "where's the boss?" he hissed the dazed man pointed at the office. "thanks." was all the vigilante said before popping a cap in his skull no doubt altering his boss to his presence.
 Meanwhile Y/n mind was starting to slip into unconsciousness, she kept struggling to push this disgusting man off of her. but she was getting weaker, what ever was in that needle he jabbed in her was starting to take effect, she felt tears welling in her eyes as she tried think of something, anything that would take her away from this situation!
the man had gotten her shirt and bra off when a loud bang caused him to pull away, "I'll be right back sweetheart..." He cooed kissing her cheek if Y/n could gag she would, She watched her kidnapper pull out a gun and cautiously walked towards the door. a shadow appeared under the door, the guy didn't even opened it he just fired at the door.
 there was a thud and a noticeable give against the door's metal surface. he smirked and opened it only for the body of one of his thugs to drop in a heap at his feet. The trafficker gasped in shock and started backing towards Y/n, only for the window shatter in a downpour of shards the trafficker grunted as he was sent to the floor.
Y/n's eyes widened as a large man in a black leather jacket and tactical gear came into view, it took her a moment to realize it was the Red-hood. who slowly stood up and started walking towards her kidnapper. who was begging for his life as the vigilante approached him "no,no,no please!...the girl!" He pointed at Y/n frantically.
 "y-you can have her man, just don't-" He was cut off by Red-hood pointing his gun at his head "that's kind of the point pal." the vigilante said before shooting him in the face splattering blood on his suit, as he turned Y/n and immediately made his way over to the semi conscious girl.
Y/n saw Jason take off his jacket before covering her with it. He lifted her off the desk and carried her out of that hellhole, the last thing she saw was Red-hood looking down at her while calmly telling her. 
"You're alright N/n...I got cha...I got cha..." he soothed holding her close before everything went dark.
 When she woke up Y/n was confused as to where she was and how did she get there, then she remembered being kidnapped and what that guy almost did to her...the Red-hood, Jason saved her?
She looked and saw a familiar helmet on the room's nightstand and noticed the familiar figure in Kevlar sitting next to the bed watching her intently "Jay?" she croaked still trying to understand what she was looking at. 
she couldn't tell if he was a hallucination from what that trafficker injected her with, or if her ex really did come and rescue her? the raven haired man sighed in relief. "Hey...Looks like we've got a lot talk about? he said numbly before reaching into his jacket and gave her necklace back. "I would've never found you without it." 
The two just talked and told each other everything, how she ended up being S/n, while he told her why he was acting like an ass to her the last couple months, was because he saw he out with one of her Co-workers a male model and thought she was two timing and planing to leave.
and his plan was two could play at that game...only to be blindsided when the girl he chose; turned out to be the love of his god damn life and he screwed everything up like always! Y/n immediately berated him for blaming himself!
"This was more my fault then yours! I'm the one should've told you about S/n then this would've been avoided." she said as Jason took his gear off and crawled into bed with her and wrapped his arms around. 
"We're both Idiots..." he mumbled tiredly into her shoulder as one of his hands roamed under her shirt, his thumb made circles on her hips. "That that we are.." she hummed holding his free hand. "I love you." she mumbled Jason kissed her neck "I know, go to sleep." they drifted off...   
[Note: Tim and the reader are like college aged in this: 19-22 years old just to make that clear!]
Tim Drake [light smut]: *How, the hell did this happen?!* a red faced Y/n frantically wondered as her naked body was pressed against Tim's who was trying to hide the h/c from the other men in the locker room, How did this happen? Y/n came to the school to ask Tim for the key to her apartment back, but she didn't know college layout...
and got to asking if anyone knew where Tim Drake was? Well some girls who were fans of Tim pretended to take her to him and "Accidentally" spilled their drinks on her; since Y/n didn't go to this school, they easily tricked her saying it was the women's room. they stole her clothes and the e/c eyed girl was trapped!
After sitting in that shower stall scared and freezing her ass off. The model breath hitched when she saw the stall door opening and realized she hadn't locked it. the h/c immediately tried to grab the handle only to come face to face with Tim Drake who looked very stunned to find her there!
 "Y/n? what are you doing in-" Y/n thanked every deity out there that it was Tim who found her and not some creep, She started crying and threw herself at ignoring the fact that he wasn't exactly dressed, the raven awkwardly hugged back as he was still trying to process what was going on?
Tim although stunned was also very upset to find his Y/n naked and scared in the men's locker room; where anyone could've found her like this! his first thought was someone already had. "What happen, did someone bring you here?..did they-" Y/n shook her head "No, I was looking for and some girls said they'ed take me to you then spilled their drinks on me, and tricked me into going in here." she quietly explained unfortunately for them a group of men started pilling in!
Causing Tim to curse under his breath he climbed inside the stall with Y/n and locked the door. The raven haired man held her close to him, in an attempt to try and keep anyone from seeing her...thank god the shower stalls had tall dark tinted privacy doors instead of curtains, and no space for anyone to crawl under or they would both be screwed!
Y/n gulped when the raven haired boy pressed closer to her, she held her breath as the outline of a man appeared and the door jiggled a little. "It's busy dude..." Tim said hoarsely his voice rumbled against Y/n's ear who let out a tiny whimper hoping they'ed leave, whoever was out there huffed annoyance and tried to look into the stall  through the door "Are you even Showering in there?" the man asked clearly suspicious.
Tim had reached over the y/height girl and turned the water on; to a least look like he's busy so the others wouldn't be curious. "Yeah, these old showers take a while to turn on when they're all in use." another voice explained all while Tim and Y/n were trying their hardest not look at each other or touch anything. whoever was at the door huffed and walked away along with whoever told him about the delay in water pressure.
the couple relaxed, Well Y/n was relaxed until...She felt something poking her inner thigh. 
Tim's jaw set and awkwardly looked down at Y/n who noticed and averted her gaze to the wall, the raven haired boy swallowed hard feeling her boobs pressed against his chest, it had been almost a month since they were this close to each other...Clothed and otherwise. So, can imagine how quickly Tim lost his battle with the beast... 
then Y/n did the mistake of looking up at him again, with that look in her eyes, because next they knew they were making out against the tiled wall any gasps or whimpers Y/n made were drowned out by the men loudly talking or the locker doors slamming. 
The h/c bit her lip trying not to moan as Tim's length slowly entered her needy core. "Don't make a sound..."Tim growled lowly in her ear she whimpered into his shoulder as he began to thrust into her roughly, needless that was possibly the hottest sex they've had in a while!
15 minutes later after all the guys had left...
the two girls who had tricked Y/n were still waiting outside very confused over why they did't hear any hooting and cheering or see a naked girl run out of the locker room, the blond was annoyed glaring at he phone, while the brunette who was holding a bag with Y/n's ruined clothes inside sat nervously next to her. "Um, Shelly y-you don't think the guys did something, do you?" she asked scared that they may have helped someone get assaulted or murdered.
"Shut up Britney." the blonde hissed causing her friend glare at her "I'm not gonna shut-up, and I ain't going to jail for-" They were cut off by Tim Drake walking out of the locker room holding hands with a flustered Y/n who was in his spare gym clothes. He noticed the two girls gawking and held his free hand out whilst giving them a stern look the brunette sheepishly handed him the bag, the couple walked off seemly lost in their own world. 
in the locker room after making sure everyone was gone, Tim helped Y/n dry her hair off get dressed, the two got to talking about everything that happened like how and why Y/n kept her modeling career a secret from him. 
She said she kept all of her S/n stuff at the studio clothes, make-up etc. and reason she hid was because she didn't want to be S/n all the time, nor did she want her fans harassing her and knowing where she lived and try to get with her. "It's happened, they were waiting in my living room."
Tim tense up a bit luckily this was before they dated, but that still didn't make it alright "has anyone tried following you since we-?" He asked handing her his red windbreaker to wear Y/n shook her head, and explained that they usually tried anything security would toss them out.
They usually ignore her because they're looking S/n not some plain coffee gopher. that and if they ever give up on S/n and went after Y/n, those self-defense lessons Tim gave her, told any unwanted guests that maybe they should back right off! After that said and done Tim wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
"I'm sorry I was a jerk." 
"I'm sorry for keeping secrets from you."
Tim went quiet for moment before making a very big decision "...Yeah, Do you want spend the night at my place? I need to show you something." Y/n looked up at him curiously. "What is it?" As the two got up from the locker room bench, Tim snorted and grabbed her hand and started walking to the exit.
"It's kind of personal, Just... Don't freak out." the h/c's face turned red she wanted say *we just had sex in a crowded locker room without getting caught! nothing could surprise me at the moment!* But, all that came was a meek "Alright." as Tim led them out the locker room, Hopefully she takes him being Red Robin, better then he took to her being S/n... 
Adult! Damian Wayne: 4 week...4 weeks since he'd last saw Y/n and Damian was goddamn wreck! He was subtle at first almost like he didn't care, he thought Y/n would come back after 2 or 3 days...but when she didn't? the usually cool and collected Wayne was unnerved, clumsy and irrational. 
Often finding himself lashing out at his brothers or being too violent on patrol. He finally opened up to Dick after figuring out his oldest brother knew about her double life and demanded to know why she would tell him, but not her boyfriend! 
However, Dick had very choice words for his brother he was still livid that Damian lied to him. "She was going to, but after the stunt you pulled? Hell, I'm surprised I'm even talking to you." The younger man looked at his brother stunned as Dick continue to scold him.
"You used brag that you weren't like Bruce! You'd never play with a woman's heart, that you were waiting for the right girl to come along, and you had her!" the raven haired man ran his hand through his hair trying hard not to deck Damian in the face.
Don't get him wrong, Dick loves his little brother, but right now, he was too disappointed and angry! "And instead of having a night to show her off? you chose to lie and be shallow about her looks and took some money grubbing bimbo to parade around as your girlfriend!" Damian went to say something, But Dick wasn't finished, he had to go there...
"What if You and Y/n had gotten married? What then, were you going to pay some actress to be her while the real one sat alone in a room? while everyone's congratulating you and whats-her;" The younger man slammed his fist on the metal table denting it "I Fucked up! I get it alright?!" he snarled causing Dick to cock a brow.
He knew full well that Damian was planning to propose."Now, would you please help me find Y/n and fix this?" the green eyed man asked desperately as Dick not entirely sure if he was making this better or worse...
 "She's in L.A., probably staying with Robbie Reyes, the guy you saw leaving with her." The acrobat paused for a moment reading Damian's face the mix of jealousy and confusion was evident; making it clear Y/n never mentioned Robbie before.
"Be careful around him, He's the kind to hold grudge when someones wronged his family." Dick met Robbie once by accident the same night he found out about Y/n's double life. 
Although he seemed like a nice guy, there was something off about the Latino boy, in some ways he reminded Dick of Jason...but that's putting it mildly! whatever Dick had seen in that boy's eyes made Jason look like small potatoes in comparison.... 
"You really didn't have to do this N/n.." Robbie said as he helped carry the groceries Y/n had bought, the h/c just waved her foster brother off. "After all your family done for me it's the least I can do!" She greeted Gabe who looked up from his homework a for brief moment.
"There was call while you were gone!" the teen rolling his wheel chair to the two and taking one of the bags from from and immediately dug in a found a bag of Reese's mini pieces. "Oh, for me or your brother?"
Y/n asked grabbing a package of ramen, The teen had teared the bag open and chowed down on the candy. "For you some dude, named Damian?" The rooms temperature seem to drop a few degrees there was a loud pop caused by Y/n squeezing the ramen packet, as Robbie felt his stomach flop thinking all the hard work he's put into bringing Y/n back on her feet was about to be blown to pieces.
"And what did, he say?"
"That he's sorry for the gala?"
"tsk* anything else?"
"He's staying at his family vacation house, and isn't leaving until you go see him."
Y/n let out a bitter laugh "Well he's gonna be waiting a long time!" She spat as Gabe tilted his head befuddled before Robbie could divert the subject or tell his brother to finish his homework the younger Reyes spoke up. "He lied and did a bad thing but so did Y/n, isn't it only fair that she gives him another chance? or at least hear him out?" the boy asked innocently.
Robbie awkwardly looked between his siblings before grabbing the handles of Gabe's wheelchair and pushed him out of the room, "10 minute break! go play Skyrim or read comics!." The older Reyes brother said frantically as his brother protested, then there were two.
"Y'know Gabe is right, You need closure and to achieve that you need to talk to him." Robbie said as Y/n tossed the ramen packet away. But before she could say anything Gabe' voice came from the living room.
"Awesome! it's Batman!" the h/c tensed up and went out to see what the teen was watching and saw the news, it showed Batman fighting Bane! what was Bane doing in LA?! Y/n flinched as she watched Damian get thrown around she turned towards Robbie, who was watching the screen he slowly looked at her and it was like having mental conversation, before it clicked the Latino silently mouthed out *Your Ex is Batman?!* she winced and nodded and with that Robbie grabbed her hand and to two slipped away.
With Damian.
Damian was getting the tar kicked out of him, each of his brothers offered to come with him, but no! he had to regain his beloved on his own accord. He really was a prideful bastard and he was paying for it! big time! Damian was exhausted black dots were starting to paint his vision.
 He briefly wondered if this is how his father felt moments before Bane broke his back? The news helicopter would've made an efficient getaway, but it fled the second Bane started throwing pieces of train parts at it. The new Batman tried reaching for smoke bomb try to escape while he could still stand.
however Bane got a hold of his arm and lifted him off the ground. "I broke you once, I'll break you a again!" the drug lord roared and got ready to pull Damian's arm off only for the loud thunderous roar of an engine broke through the silence. And in an instance Damian was airborne as something black and on fire crashed into Bane sending the venom charged hulk flying into some cargo containers. 
Damian lifted himself off the ground to see what saved him it was some kind demon car? a 69 charger...that the car Todd's been sobbing over and the car he saw Y/n speed off in...
He wasn't prepared for what happened next he saw Y/n step out of the flaming vehicle dressed in all black and wearing a domino mask she borrowed for Halloween, but never got around to returning.
She ran up to Damian and pulled him off the ground as Robbie got out of the car they heard Bane roar with rage in the distance. "Stay in car...I'll take care of the big guy."  the mechanic hissed as his eyes began to glow, Damian watch in awe as the man's body ignited in flames burning away his flesh and down to his skeleton.
"Aim for the hoses connected to the dispenser on his back, it's how he's injects himself with venom." Y/n explained the skeletal creature nodded at the y/height girl as she helped Damian into the car the vigilante looked between Y/n and whatever the thing was.
 "Wh-what the hell is that?" Damian croaked in pain and concealed fear as Y/n helped him into the backseat. "That's my brother Robbie, He's the spirit of vengeance the ghost rider." The masked girl explained as the two watched Robbie kick Bane's ass, Using his chains to burn through the hoses on the drug lords back.
When the rider was done with the power-house of a villain, the rider tore Bane's mask off. "Look into my eyes...Your soul is tainted with blood of the innocent...feel their pain!" the rider hissed as Bane was subjugated to the horrors he had inflicted on all his victims over the years. causing the drained crime-lord to scream in agony as the ghosts of the many tormented him causing Bane to flee in fear, straight into a metal beam. Knocking himself out.
The rider then turned back to the hell charger and got in the car."Where too?" Robbie inquired as he slowly turned back into his human form. "Normally the hospital, But in this case...how good is Gabe at keeping secrets?" Damian quizzically while the mechanic nodded.
"Pretty good, Just don't make-out or bleed out on my couch!" Y/n snorted at her brother "Trust me making out with guy who ashamed of me is the last thing on my mind?" She huffed looking out the window, as Damian sat himself up in the back seat. "I'm not ashamed of you." he hissed in pain holding his dislocated shoulder Y/n sucked her teeth at him.
"Right, you just went with some whore, because I'm so fucking gorgeous I turn people to stone when they look at me?" Robbie whistled awkwardly and put his headphones in to listen to music as the couple talked, Damian swallowed hard as he looked at Robbie then at Y/n trying to figure out what to say, he tapped into his inner Grayson.
 "Okay, I'll admit I wasn't thinking about you or your feelings, I was thinking about myself and my reputation when I asked that girl to gala and not you, And it was selfish and scummy of me." He winced feeling his bruised ribs constrict, coughed shallowly. "But your no better than I am..." Y/n slowly turned to look at him in disbelief. "Excuse me? I'm not the one who cheated!" She hissed venom dripping on every word.
"1. I didn't cheat, I just paid I a girl to hang off my arm and look pretty."
"You lying-"
"2!..We've been together for five years and never once have you talked to me about meeting your family, You've met mine hell, you lived with us after Grayson accidentally burnt your house down. And as that alter-ego of yours? I told you about my secret because I trust you, I thought same the same of you! but clearly I was wrong." 
Damian chided as Y/n felt rotten realizing that he right, She knows almost everything about Damian's life vigilante and civilian. But never once has she talked about her family as for telling her secret? truth be told.
Y/n honestly thought Damian was playing with her using her as a cover even after five years; she kept expecting him to just drop her out of the blue and never talk to her again. And that stunt he pulled at the Gala pretty confirmed her apparent false assumptions...
"Oh, for the love of-" Robbie suddenly cut in "look! You're both stupid for each other, so either make-up or shut-up! c'os I'm getting real sick of this Donna/Eric bull-shit!" The Latino snapped causing the couple to flinch as he eye were ablaze, Robbie took a deep breath pulled over and got out of the car to take a break.
Both Damian Y/n sheepishly stared at each other. "I was looking for you," He let out a bitter chuckled "Grayson finally told me where you were, after telling me how much I screwed up." the man removed his cowl and his appearance caused the rot to spread as Damian was pale his green eye were sunken and dull it was clear he hadn't been taking care of himself since the break up.
to be fair Y/n wasn't either... She hardly slept and when she did, she could hear Damian bad mouthing her and that girl laughing at her! if she was alone with no one was watching, she would go hide in the bathroom or garage and cry while staring at Damian's number on her phone conflicted she wanted to call but... 
She didn't know if she wanted to scream at him or just cry more. Robbie eventually figured it out and started bugging her to call Damian and talk; if he's not sorry then move on...If he is give him chance.
"Are you really sorry?" She croaked as Damian grabbed her hand squeezed it. "Yes, I am." He said firmly as the h/c eyed him still unsure. "what about that girl?" She mumbled suspiciously as the raven haired winced from shifting his weight causing his ribs to protest.
 "Like I said she’s someone I paid, she meant absolutely nothing to me." He rested his head against her shoulder, like he used to when he came back from a long mission, the h/c bit her lip as she thought this over then swallowed her pride.
"One chance..." Damian looked at her hope visible in his eyes. "One more chance Dam, If you pull any sort of crap like this-" She cut off by Damian kissing her passionately before pulling away. "I won't..." He promised as Y/n smiled at him shyly, as Robbie got back in the car. "Did you resolve your problems?" the couple nodded Damian keeping his hand on Y/n's. 
"Good, now we're going home and you're going introduce me and Gabe to the guy whose banging our sister." the mechanic said seriously while giving Damian a cold look "Can it wait till' Damian's ribs aren't breaking everytime he breathes?"  
Y/n pleaded obviously trying to at least let Damian heal before her brothers try to intimidate him. "No." Robbie huffed as the couple slouched against the seat "Sorry, Damian." He kissed her hand smiled painfully at her."Don't worry beloved, I'll soldier through it just for you.." Y/n smiled gently at her boyfriend as her mind tried to work through how Gabe was gonna react to his sister dating batman, hopefully he takes it better then Robbie is a the moment... 
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superhero-boogie · 5 years
Criminal Empires (Part 1?) Jason Todd x Mob!reader
A/N; I got this idea and just had to take it out of me, hope you guys enjoy it. It was super fun writing this one. Let me know if I got something wrong!
Request; (none) You were one of Gotham's most feared mob chief, your code name was Nulla Falcone, Red Hood comes after you.
Life in Gotham wasn’t easy. Its fame wasn’t just made-up stories that parents told their children to keep them out of trouble, even though most of them were already in trouble themselves. Your life wasn’t easy, you were born and raised in Gotham and have never left the city in your whole life.
When you were eight your family lost everything you had because the company that built your house was embezzling money and used cheap material, making it unable to live in. That’s when your dad got involved with the mob, fist it wasn’t a big deal, some favors here, some services there, until he got Falcone’s attention, growing fast inside their circle. At first, you were happy that suddenly you guys had a good house, lots of food in your fridge, and didn’t have to worry about the money, but then... you lost your dad. Shot in a crossfire with the police. You were twelve, and as fast as the money came, it left. Your mom didn’t get involved in that side of the law again, not if meant you could lose her too. But her shitty job as a waitress wasn’t enough, so when you turned sixteen, a teenager full of anger, resentful of life, desperate to prove yourself, you did the most reckless thing. You had walked into Falcone’s club, demanding to him right away, and that you wouldn’t take no as an answer. You almost got shot, but as you weren’t a treat, a teen that barely fit in her clothes, they let you in. Falcone remembered your father.
-He was a good man. Great in the job, and I could trust him.- He said.- Can I trust you? 
You were as good as your father, sometimes even better. Cops could barely be called an obstacle, your steals were clean, you made sure no one got hurt. And if some of your partners shot someone, you made sure to shoot them in the same spot. You never let your mom found out, you told her about a half-period job in some random shop, and every time she asked, you would change the name. Her only concern was your school, but that wasn’t a problem anymore since you got a scholarship in Gotham's most prestigious academy, obviously your boss’s doing. You learn Italian has a Thank You.
 Fast, you turned in Falcone right arm; you were ambitious but would never betray someone who did so much for your family. As for Falcone, he saw your potential and send you to Coast City to finish your studies. Your mom radiated pride even if melancholic because she would miss you.
You were in the last year of college, the normal life not appealing anymore when Falcone died and left you with his empire. You were now twenty-one and decide to not keep lying to your mom; she was beyond mad. And beyond worried. While you’re gone a new vigilant had shown up on Gotham. The Red Hood. You wanted to laugh, so many times you fooled the Big Bat himself, who was someone that got their name from a fairytale against you? 
Your empire grew, Gotham’s biggest villains respected you, and since no one knew your real name, soon enough you became Nulla Falcone, the Italian word to nothing. Just like the one before you, better than the one before you. Your first encounter with Red Hood was hilarious. One night he broke in thinking that was the day of a big drug operation and ended up scarring the kids you had brought home to feed. You knew your radio frequency was being listened to, so you changed the codes. It was fun screaming no sense words with an Italian accent and even funnier when he tried to calm you down. In your second encounter, he didn’t see you since you were watching from the cameras. 
He got in and barely got out. You had paid a former League of Assassins to train your employees so when normal people did martial arts; he figured it was time for a strategic retreat. Now here you were. Heading for the third one, you couldn’t believe it. He had a nerve coming after your mom. You looked at the picture of your mom through her window an unknown number sent you.
- Your mother is adorable. Does she know what you do for a living? What happens if I tell her? 
Want to meet up? - You reread the text, for what it seemed the thousand times, and checked if the place were right. Going in the abandoned warehouse you got your gun ready expecting the worst.
- Hello there, Falcone. What brings you here? - His sarcastic voice echoed through the empty warehouse.
- The fact that you got a picture of my mother, you son of the bitch. - It was your quick response. You look up to see him on one platform.
- Oh, no need to go for the mothers, Y/N. You know, your real name is prettier than the Nulla bullshit. 
- Says you. Tell me what you want so I can leave, Hood. I’m a busy woman.
-Well, you sure have an empire to run, but who said anything about me letting you leave? Besides in a corpse bag, of course.
You evaluate the situation, you couldn’t leave; He could go after your mom again. You could kill him, but you would be doing more damage than not. The thing was; the job Red Hood did? Helped you. He got rid of the disgusting part of the scum and, sometimes, even of your rivals. So you tried to stall him for more time.
- How did you found out about my real name?
- It was a coincidence, really. I was messing with some old stuff and saw an old group picture. Found this pretty girl I was sure I knew, the problem was; I couldn’t remember from where. Then it hit me; the Italian lady. And with your surname, it was easy to find your background. - His explanation caught you off guard, you were never really a group person, so how could he have found a PUBLIC old one? The only place where you did this was school.
- So you went to school with me? - You said trying to remember your classmates.
- You wish, sweetheart. No, it wasn’t my old stuff. - He said leaning on the platform’s handrail.
- Again, What. Do. You. Want? 
- You know I just didn’t go to your place and decorate your floor with the inside of your head, Y/N? - It was his response.
- Why? 
- I got curious. Impressive, huh? You see, for you, I had to do some research, because even on Batman’s computer you came out of nowhere. And that’s not even the unusual part. You seem to fight crime from the inside. You take homeless kids and feed them, you train outcasts men to work with you, and you shoot criminals when they shoot civilians. So tell me, what are you; a hero? A vigilant? One of the bad guys?
- Someone growing tired of your bullshit, Red Hood. Are going to kill me? Are you not? - You asked seeing him get down from where he had been when you enter. - Like I said I’m a busy woman. I was born in Gotham, so what if I don’t want to see my people fall deeper into this hell? Do you know the difference between a criminal and a villain? No? Well, let me explain to you. A villain enjoys when someone suffers, a criminal doesn’t care about nonworking laws. Wanna guess which one I’m?
He was almost six and a half feet from you now, gun still in his hand, but since it wasn’t aimed at you, you left your down.
- How about we make a deal? - He said confusing the hell out of you.
- What do you want?
- There you go again with this question. Listen, I let you live, and you give some information about a friend of yours? How does that sound?
- What friend? I'm not a snitch, everyone is a bit dirty in my business segment.
- Oswald Cobblepot, are you close to him? - The sound of your rival's name made you smile.
- What do you want to know? - The implicit question was "how much?"
- Where will he be next?
- The fair grand opening. He has been invited to speak.
- Are you sure of that?
- You can come for me if I'm wrong.
- Okay. We're good to go. It was nice to meet you, Nulla.
You turned on your heels and headed for the exit.
- Delete me and my mother pictures, Hood. She has nothing to do with my job. If anyone comes after her, I am coming for you.
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we-dragons · 2 months
Chapter 20
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The quietness of the world still scared me. All the mediocre patrols, all the calm nights. They were too peaceful given my circumstances. As my birthday closed the fear of this nothing only terrified me more. Nightmare, despite a telepathic and emotional connection, didn't seem to worry the same way. Even when I sent him out to do his own patrol in the veil. Nothing. Nothing was not a normal behavior of the Crow, nothing was not natural. Something tore into my core. A sort of despair I haven't felt since the trial of my parent's murder, my aunt not caught and danger still relevant. When I'm at school l Look over my shoulder so much I cause concern. I falter over my steps, constantly on guard. I know something isn't right. After all. The fate of the crows rests in the hands of my survival. And there is nowhere left to run. Not for me.
"What are you thinking so hard about dear?" Martha's voice pulls out of my head I turn to her almost shocked. "You've done nothing but polish silverware since that boy left with his brother. In fact, you've been doing it so much when your friends are gone. I'm sure they've begun emitting their own light." She puts a hand on my shoulder and leads my hands down, putting the silverware and polishing supplies away. "I think you should take a small break. You need it." I'm dragged to one of the tables set to the side for workers.
"Mrs. Martha, It's nothing really! I just felt they needed a good clean is all." Martha pushes me in a seat, and starts pouring one of the chamomile teas we have, and puts it in front of me. I attempt to get up and she shoots me a glare.
"You get up from that seat and I'll have Glen cancel your contract with us young lady." Sighing I sit back down and take a sip of the tea.
"I'm sorry, I've just had a lot on my mind recently."
"You're thinking about home again, right?"
"Something like that, It's just..." Pausing I turn the tea cup in my hands feeling the warmth heat my fingers. "So many nice things have been happening lately. I can't help but feel like I'm only in the eye of the storm."
"Do you really think that's where you are? The eye? Have you not left the storm, my dear?" A sadness hits her voice.
"No, what scares me more is that if this isn't the eye, then it's the calm before something worse."
She nods placing a hand on my wrist.
"And I'm sure not hearing about your family only makes that feeling fester. After all, you've been running for a long time haven't you?"
My eyes stare down at the ripples forming at the movements of the shop. I look back at all the people who had tried to help me in the past. Sheltered me. Fought. It weighs on me. I haven't felt so heavy in a long time. grip the cup tightly but not enough to break it.
"Yeah, nowhere is safe when a dangerous psychopath is after you. The government can only do so much I suppose."
"Yes, too bad the Faerie couldn't help you quite yet. 17 is a tight number you know! especially when you started lying about your birthday. Very clever of you to use your power to alter the knowledge of your birthday to the day you leave. But that magic was ours to spell with you can't influence us."
My blood freezes, and shakily I look at the old woman. The world seems to tear in front of me again. The slight tug I had been ignoring about these people aches urgently. I feel magic, old magic. Something I hadn't felt since the time I met with the Fay court. My body immediately adjusts not fighting the thought anymore. The old woman didn't look so kind her features became sharp, and the sense of calm I felt around her was replaced with warning. She looked younger despite her hair remaining white. I feel sick.
Her hand still remains soft around my wrist, her face still smiling.
"Your mother was a dear friend of mine. She spoke of you often. I was supposed to take care of you in the land of the Fay but your stunt in court, though understandable, made that difficult. I did Try to collect your brother, but your uncle and your pesky group made that too difficult. Your friends and family hid them well. Im really sorry that I couldn't be there to save you from the crow. I can't physically enter their relm. However me and Glen have been trying desperatly to make sure they don't break that barriar around this particular planet. It was so hard to get the Council to accept our agreement with your mother. But how could they say no to a binding deal."
I don't look but I feel the world freeze around me. Only one figure moves It was Glen, but not Glen. He pulls up a seat next to his wive. I stare at the hand that is too slender and elegant for a human. When he speaks he sounds so different and odd.
"All we had to do for them was capture your aunt and put her in the Plains. If she was only hard to find. All itterations of her were wicked and foul. She was so changed, she was half way to becoming a Crow herself. They way her flesh was torn-"
"My dear, she doesn't need to know the details."
I feel like static fills my brain, my body trembles and shakes when I finally look up the creatures both smile at me. I've never been able to accurately read the Fairy. My powers want so bad to learn about what makes them like that. Powerful and ethereal. I have to pull myself back fast.
They both increase their smile, it seems impossible. But they smile so widely I feel like their faces would break, but it looks like they could smile more.
"We loved your mother, she married our son after all."
"My father's parents were people from the Mediterranean! I met them, Don't-"
Their faces reform again taking on the those of my father's parents. I feel my breath catch in my mouth. I cant help but heave. Fairies can't completely match a person's appearance so I know it's them. My grandmother's mouth moves but all I can hear is the sound of the fairy's voice.
"With your...Birthday...coming soon. We think it's finally time to actually take you with us to Avalon.  was such a rebellious child. To choose a human wife and to have mortal children when he could have raised you and your brother with us. Preparing the wild hunt, and teaching you the mischief of our blood in the trees!"
"What-who are you?"
"Who else would I be my dear? I am your grandmother Mab, Queen of the Winter Court. Your father was crowned prince of the fall court. And this is your grandfather, Oberon. Dashing is he not?"
Glen, no, Oberon takes his hands in mine and kneels down below me.
"Your to come with us to live your life in our lands You will take your father's place and become the Crowned princess of the Fay Wilds. You'll not only rule the court of autumn, you'll be the heir to all the courts. Guaranteed safety within our realm. Forever."
I push myself away and off the chair. I run to my apartment slamming every sigil I ever learned on the door to my home.
"Nightmare! Nightmare! If you can hear me stay in whatever ever in between you in!"
I lock all my windows and doors and lock myself in my closet. The whole place smells like magic, it overwhelms my senses. I feel so sick.
Stay quiet Y/N it will all be over soon, breath slow, so hunters don't find you, and the predators don't hear you. You are safe in this space. You carved wards of all kinds on this door. Nothing that is magic finds you easy. So don't throw up, don't throw up, don't-
The door to the closet swings creaks open, and just before I surge energy around me I recognize the faint scent of cologne. My nerves tingle still unsure if my senses are being lied to.
"Y/N? I've been looking for you, what are you doing in the closet?" I hear him kneel down, and feel a hand cup my face. It didn't feel like that thing's fingers. So I opened my eyes and met the crystal green I had come to memorize. I latch onto him and breathe heavily, magic still permeates the air.
"Take me out of here please!"
"Y/N what's wrong? Did the crow come back?"
"We need to go! I beg you get me out of this place!"
He doesn't say anything but grabs some of my things and takes my hand. He leads me down the fire escape, to his car where I see Nightmare. He purrs as soon as he sees me. I watch the windows for things I wasn't catching before. There were so many eyes I had learned their frequency for shifting and now I can see them almost everywhere. Damian doesn't say anything for the entire ride only glances I can see from the side of my eye. We pull into a concealed entrance to an old clock tower. As soon as the entrance closes behind us I get out of the car. Cutting my hand open, drawing sigils, wards, and runes to any surface I can find.
"What are you doing?! Y/N!" He pulls me back wrapping his arms around my middle. "Calm down! Your safe! Stop mutilating yourself and look at me!" He turns me to face him. "What the matter why are you wiping your blood on the walls?"
"If I tell you, you can never go back to the coffee shop." I grip my fists in his shirt. "At this point, I don't know what's real or a figment of magic. I need you to be cautious of who you meet now. Because what just happened to me changes things. And I'm not actually sure what to believe at the moment."
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writersfailure · 6 years
Hurts like hell
A/n: Hey guys, the lonely demon is back. This was requested by a shy reader named Ice. This is kinda dark so if you have problems with that steer clear of this fic. Also, if you’re a homophobic asshole steer clear too, please and thank you. For extra feels, listen to Hurts Like Hell by Fleury
If you’re going through anything like that, you don’t have to go through it alone. Get some help or you can always talk to me. I’m not good at advice or helping, but I’ve been told by a very smart person that it’s better to get it off your chest. I’m always here for you people.
The school day had started out like any other. You and bf/n had met up at the bus stop and walked to school. You two talked about the silliest of things as you walked. Your cheeks still had a light dusting of pink from your blush. You and bf/n had had to hold hands on the way here so that you wouldn’t get separated in the morning rush.
It wasn’t until you got to your lockers that the day which had started out great began to go downhill. On bf/n’s locker were scribbled insults and crude drawings that would make anyone cringe. You saw your friend bite her lip and frown before she plastered on an emotionless mask. The things they did to her locker would make your average girl cry, but bf/n wasn’t your average girl.
Bf/n was tough and strong. She was perfection in your eyes and you never would know what god you had pleased that allowed you into her life. A couple rude words would never change how amazing she was. They would never take away her kind smile or the beautiful glint that she got in her eye when she talked about something she was passionate about. Those jackasses could never take her away.
Or so you thought.
Tears ran down your face as you traced the scars on your arm. Each scar mirrored the ones discovered on bf/n’s body. Alright, you may have added a couple of your own but what was the difference? Bf/n was still gone and you would never see her again.
It hadn’t happened quickly but eventually the bullying began to take its toll. Bf/n’s belongings would either be broken or vandalized with all kinds of slurs. She began to show up to school with bruises from people trying to beat out who she was. They tried to change the way she loved.
You hadn’t noticed until it was too late. Everyday you had watched the girl you loved become a former shell of herself. You figured that it was normal and that she would go back to being herself soon. It wasn’t until that fateful night on top of your family’s building that you realized how far gone she was. And that there was nothing you could do to bring her away from the edge.
The wind whipped at your body, trying to pull you into the street below. You stood firm. You weren’t going to let something as weak as the wind stop you. The Wayne enterprise building was one of the tallest in the city and you knew it was a one way trip off of the roof.
Bf/n stood close to the edge. Too close. Tears streamed down her face and you could hear her heart wrenching sobs over the wind. Your heart hurt so badly seeing her like this. You wanted nothing more than to go and embrace her, wipe away her tears and make her happy again. But every step you took forward, she backed away closer to the fatal drop.
She shouted her words over the wind. As soon as you heard the words leave her mouth, you ran forward as fast as you could towards her falling body. You grasped uselessly at the air and watched as she fell into the traffic below. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. The fluttering of her clothes, the people pointing up towards her, her hair whipping around her face.
None of that affected you so much as one thing about bf/n as she fell. You had watched as she looked at you before closing her eyes. When she closed her eyes, a sad smile spread across her face. The people who first saw her body said that she looked like she was in complete bliss.
When you saw her hit the ground, you turned away. You didn’t want to see your beloved with a broken body. You didn’t want to see the Crimson blood pool around her as if it was a blanket. Most of all you didn’t want to see her smile. The awful smile that showed that she had given up all hope.
As you curled up into a ball and hid your face, hoping it was all a bad dream, you replayed her final words over and over. “I’m sorry Y/n but I have to do this. Don’t blame yourself, okay? This isn’t your fault. I love you and I always will. Goodbye Y/n.”
Your brothers had heard about it and they tried their best to comfort you. Dick stayed with you for hours as you cried and spent the time in a daze. Jason was always there when you had a nightmare about it or if you started breaking down again. Tim wasn’t awkward for once. You had told him that you didn’t want to sleep, that sleep would bring nightmares. He understood and brought you his strongest coffee but when he saw the toll it took on you, he slipped a couple knockout pills in it. Damian spent the night sleeping in your room while Titus and Alfred the cat slept with you.
Your father diverted all the media away from you and took as much time off of work as possible. He also helped bf/n’s parents pay for the funeral. Alfred made you all manners of sweets and comfort food. He was the one who helped you get back in the swing of things and made sure that everything was okay.
You know that they did some things that they won’t admit to. Dick and Jason found as many of the kids who had made bf/n’s life a living hell and “persuaded” them to never do anything like that again. Tim sent evidence of the kids confessing, among other things, to their principal and parents. And if by some miracle, a few weren’t expelled he framed them for things that definitely would ruin all hopes of a good career. Damian sent threats to them, he was in on the persuasion plan with Dick and Jason. Bruce came home one night with a small smirk and said nothing, you’ve yet to discover what he did. Alfred was less subtle.
Some one apparently commented on the news cast of bf/n’s death about how the f** deserved it. Then proceeded to laugh about it. Alfred took action. Last thing you heard, that motherfucker was still in a coma at the hospital and wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon.
You were grateful that your family had tried their best to help you. You don’t know what you would’ve done without them. As much as you love them though, it still hurts so much. Bf/n’s death has made it so hard to keep on living. Everyday, you wish that you could just go to sleep and never wake up. Never feel this pain ever again.
And you’d see bf/n again. You didn’t know if there was an afterlife or not but you were willing to find out. You’d do anything to see her again. ********************
Bruce and Damian were swinging around Gotham when they got an urgent call from Alfred. “Y/n is on top of the Wayne enterprise building. Master Bruce, please hurry! I think she’s going to jump!” Alfred shouted. Bruce had only heard this amount of concern a few times before and the tone was reserved for when either him or one of his sons had almost died.
The boys rushed to the building and when they got there, they saw a terrifying sight. You were standing on the edge of the building. “Damian, go up to the roof and stop her! I’ll set something up so that if she does jump, she won’t die.” Bruce shouted. Damian nodded but it took a little bit for the shock to wear off enough for him to move.
He couldn’t see his sister die, much less take her life. He would do whatever it took to stop you from doing this. ***********************
Jason and Tim stood on the roof a good distance away from you. You faced the both of them with the wind whipping at your clothes, trying to pull you into the sweet embrace of eternal sleep. Tim was crying and your heart hurt a little. You knew that this would cause them a lot of pain but they would get over it. Your family was tough.
Jason had tears running down his face and he slowly took another step closer to you. You backed up as much as you dared until he stopped. Tim opened his mouth to say something but the only thing that came out was a strangled sob. Jason looked at your brother and nodded.
“Trust me, kid, you don’t want to do this. I’ve been dead before, remember? It’s not fun take my word for it. I don’t remember much from when I was dead but I do know one thing. I was alone. I don’t know if it was because I was stuck in limbo or something but I do know that you won’t see bf/n again.” Jason shouted to you.
“It’s worth a shot! Jason, I have to see her again. I have to tell her how I felt.” You shouted back. The door burst open right then and Damian and Dick ran onto the roof. Damian started running at you, but Dick caught him around the waist and held him back.
“No! Y/n, don’t do it! Please sister! Let me go, Grayson! I need to help her! Put me down!” Damian screamed. You saw him start to sob and you wanted nothing more than to run towards him and hug him. But you couldn’t do that. They would stop you from seeing bf/n again. But still, you were having a second thoughts about this. You had never seen Damian cry like that and you’d only seen the rest of your family worked up like that when Damian or Jason had died.
“Y/n, please step away from the edge. I know you’re going through a lot but killing yourself isn’t the answer. It only hurt more people.” Dick shouted. You shook your head. “Please baby bat! Come here, we’ll help you. We’ll find someone you can talk to, someone who can help you In all the ways we can’t.”
The offer was tempting, so tempting. Part of you yearned to walk away from this and pretend it never happened. But a much larger and more persuasive part of you wanted to die. You turned your back on your family despite their protests. Even with your eyes closed and your back turned you knew what was happening.
Jason and Tim were running forward to stop you. Damian was screaming and sobbing your name. Dick was trying his best to keep Damian away, so that the kid wouldn’t see this. Damian was still a child, he didn’t deserve to see his sister kill herself.
The wind rushed past you as you fell forward and you smiled a little. Time seemed to go in slow motion. You fell a little farther until fear gripped you. Your eyes opened, and with a scream, you realized something.
You wanted to live.
You screamed as you fell, hoping and praying to whatever higher power existed that you would be saved. When an arm grabbed your waist and pulled against a warm body, you cried, for your prayers had been answered. You clung to your savior and held them as tight as you could, burying your head in their neck.
“Shhh, it’s okay. I’ve got you y/n, and I will never ever let you go.” Your father said. You cried a little harder. “I can’t see another one of my kids die. I promise I’ll do whatever I can to make you feel better. I’ll buy the best help for you available.”
Slowly your father’s grappling hook pulled you both to the roof. With a gasp, you got out of his arms and scrambled away from the ledge. Tim saw you and flung his arms around you. “Sis! Never do that again.” He cried. You hugged him back until you felt Jason hug you.
“You scared me! Oh my god, y/n I thought you were done for.” He said. Dick was next and he hugged you so tight, it felt like you were getting crushed. “Y/n, I was so worried. You scared all of us but I think you scared Damian the most.” At those words you looked around for your youngest brother.
“Where is he?”
“Inside. I had to get him off the roof. He was fighting tooth and nail to try and see you. I didn’t know if you had actually died but I think we can all agree that your body would’ve been the last thing Damian needed to see.” Dick said. You nodded and went to find your brother.
A blur of green and a smaller person squeezing the life out of you meant that you had found him. You could feel his body shake as he sobbed and his tears soaked through your clothes. “‘Ukht, I was so scared. Everyone was screaming and you were screaming a-and, Just never do that again!” He sobbed. Your heart broke into pieces as you hugged your little brother.
“Don’t worry Dami. I’ll get the help i need, and I promise I won’t leave you like this. I’m so sorry Damian.” You said. ************************
That night, after everything had been taken care of, you had a strange dream. You were on the roof again but there was no wind. No noise of Gotham traffic. Only peace and quiet. The Stars shone brighter than the neon lights that normally hid their soft glow. You were amazed by how beautiful everything was when you heard a small giggle.
You turned around and saw the most beautiful sight. Bf/n, smiling at you. Her eyes were full of love and light. Tears streamed down your face as you ran to hug her. “Bf/n! I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too y/n.”
“Why did you leave me? Is this just a dream?”
“Y/n, I did leave but not because of you. I loved you but others tried to deny me that love and I couldn’t take it anymore. And as for the second question, well, that’s up to you. Am I just a fragment of your imagination or am I a ghost that came back to comfort you? You decide.”
“Bf/n, I love you so much. I’m sorry I didn’t save you. I-” Bf/n cut you off with a quick kiss.
“My time is running out, I’ve got to go. Goodbye Y/n.” She took a step back and began to fade.
“Goodbye, my love.”
A/n: not gonna lie, I cried a lil while writing this. I’m sorry it’s so long and that it took forever to write. I hoped you liked it.
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77uchiha77 · 6 years
Young Love - Older!Damian Wayne x reader
Part 2 to “Weakness”
Request: A lot of people asked for a part 2!
Note/Warning: Language
Word Count: 1,217
Part 1
D/C = dream college
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He jogged around the school hell-bent on finding you. He approached your locker, spotting a figure similar to yours, all over a male.His heart clenched hoping it wasn’t you. As he approached nearby, the male brought you closer and kissed your nose as you smiled ever so brightly. That smile of yours was contagious.He smiled to himself, thinking of all the times he made you laugh and grin.
Then you spoke three words that changed everything.  “I love you.” You gleamed looking happier than ever staring into the guy’s eyes. Damian squeezed his bookbag straps, jaw clenched. Quickly turning the other way, he stormed into his AP Physics C class muttering
“Like I said, love is just a weakness.”
 Days later and multiple attempts at trying to talk to Damian, Damian finally gave in to talking to you.
“ Y/N, I don’t think our friendship will withstand any longer,”
Your face twisted into a look of confusion. “Okay, and may I ask why?”
“Separation... will benefit the both of us,” Damian muttered, walking away joining the crowd of people in the hallway trying to get to their next class. I stood there confused and mentally drained, wondering what the hell did I do. 
2 years later
  You grimaced at the thought of when you and Damian last spoke. During the span of these 2 years many, many things occurred. From that day you’ve definitely grown into your figure for one. Damian’s personality changed, at once known for being a genius brooding Wayne to Damian becoming an all-around social/popular guy. Not that you knew this was all just an act.
These changes made you think maybe you were holding him back. Holding him back from interacting with certain people or being his best self? You didn’t know but all you could think of what could’ve been. The present-day you were getting ready to leave for the airport. As you were accepted into your dream college.
 I gazed at the picture of Titus, Damian and I. Quickly wiping the tear coming out my eye, as the thought of losing the closest thing to me was because of some misunderstanding. You knew it was because of the scene he witnessed when he requested to talk to you. His "girlfriend", Jennifer kept sending you shit for it. As to why you were such a whore when clearly Damian loved you and now tending his broken heart and other b.s.
The boy that was all over you was your boyfriend at the time. You dumped him 2 days later after realizing how toxic the relationship was. He said I love you first in which he started pressuring you into saying back, trying to make you reciprocate feelings you didn’t and probably would never have for him. 
 As I shoved the last piece of clothing into my luggage, I stared at myself in the mirror. I wasn’t going to sulk on a friend I lost, friends come and go. I’m an adult and independent I can do this. I gave myself a pep talk as I started getting ready to head over to the manor.
Despite the fact that Damian and I weren't on great talking terms, regardless I went to the manor time to time to see Tim, Dick, and Jason. Incidentally, Damian was never spotted at the house when I went by, Which I thanked him for that. I grabbed a quick snack from the kitchen and threw my luggage in my car, driving towards the manor to say my quick goodbyes. 
Pulling up to the manor, I recognized Jennifer’s car parked obnoxiously, making no room for another car to enter. I quickly exited the car, my hand now hovering over the door, the door opened. I was met with a frowning Damian with lipstick stains on his lips and a dazed Jennifer, Damian's girlfriend.
 “Oh, hi?” I finally spoke as we held eye contact for the longest.
”Ttt, what are you doing here L/N?” Damian glared at my form, not that you noticed the slight blush rising to his cheeks, just looking at you.
 “Ouch, you call me by my last name now? News flash Dami, I’m friends with your brothers. Don’t worry though,  I’m just saying my quick goodbyes and I’ll be out your hair forever.” The mention of the nickname he hadn't heard in years almost made him break into a smile, almost.
 “What do you mean by out of my hair forever?”
 “Ugh, Damian is this really necessary right now?” An annoyed expression crossed Jennifer’s face as she tried cleaning up her smudged red lipstick, indefinitely smearing it more across her face.
”Didn’t you hear? I’m going to D/C, I want to get settled before starting my first semester. Plus there’s nothing really in Gotham for me anymore.”
 Damian's heart panged at the mention that there’s nothing in Gotham that was willing to make you stay. Despite the fact that you broke his heart, to his knowledge recklessly tossing around "I love you" to a boy that didn't deserve you, he still loved you, maybe even more now. Absolutely nothing can make him stop loving you.
“Y/N!” Dick loud voice cut them out of the trance. Damian continued walking, pulling on Jennifer's hand a little too hard.
 “I’m gonna miss you kiddo.”  Dick pulled me into a hug, suffocating me.
 “Yeah yeah, don't get soft on me Richard. ” I laughed. Dick internally cringed at the mention of his name. Walking towards the large black couch, I looked at Tim's sleeping form and ruffled his hair. Saying my quick goodbyes to everyone else that was in the house. I walked towards my car, being met with Damian leaning against my door, no Jennifer in sight.
 “Damian?” I called out, he looked up at his phone, looking unsure of himself.
 “I just wanted to wish you a safe trip, I’ll be going now.”
 “Is that it? I thought you were going to apologize for ignoring me for 2 years.” I unintentionally sassed.
 “Ignoring? I’m sorry, I didn’t want to see the person I was infatuated with, kissing somebody else every day.” 
“I’m sorry, what?” I questioned now getting angry at his confession. 
"If you hadn’t noticed, I was and have been in love with you for as long as 4 years,"  Damian said looking everywhere but me.
 “In love with me?” I was dumbfounded.
Damian turned around heading back into the manor, I pulled on his wrist. Damian instantly freezing.
”Honestly Damian, I couldn’t really tell you were in love with me of all things, between the constant insults then flirting, I was confused. Plus you aren’t the best at admitting your feelings.” I huffed.
“But I do have to admit, I love you too, Damian and I mean it”
Damian’s eyes snapped towards me. I laughed, hooking my arm with his. Damian stiffened then relaxed.  “I don’t know, perhaps you should list why you love me,”   Damian wore a smug smile. I smiled brightly the thought of having my best friend back and maybe something more.
The two got into the car, driving to the airport, catching up. Dick stared at them from the manor’s window until they disappeared into the city lights, whispering, “ah, young love.”
“Dick, stop being so creepy!”
“Leave me alone Jason!”
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bad4amficideas · 3 years
One throughts for my rambles & anon dearies for all answers (not requests)
Isekais xReader tag (all I read I mean)
EARTH 1T8 masterlist (Isekai! Bat! Reader x Yandere! Batfam)
Yandere write-it-yourselves prompts
Reader is Alfred lost grandchild
What if each Justice League member represents an Olympian god... and Reader is Aphrodite.
Young Justice + Teen Titans Verse
Fae! Or Succubus!Reader searching Harem
Being Robin with the Batboys being all villains
Batboys with superpowers
Working under Dick Grayson as a Police officer
Reverse isekai, the yanderes fall/trapped in your house!! (Maybe as cute animals)
JUSTICE + YOUNG JUSTICE + Teen Titans HCs/Requests
Yandere Justice League NSFW HCs
Symbiote!Reader comes from an alternate land. Their original self died in the main one. JL goes yandere on them
Yandere Damian + Yandere Raven HCs
Yandere Young Justice reacting to the reader telling them pick up lines?
Platonic Ra's Al Ghul x Youngest Daugther Reader
BATBOYS HCs/Requests
🆕️🆕️ Damage Control IsekaiReader x Yandere!DC
🆕️🆕️ Damage Control 2
Yandere Deadwing HCs
Robin Reader HCs
Platonic Yandere Alfred HCs
Random Batboys Yandere HCs
Yandere Batboys NSFW HCs
Legal Sex Worker AU part 1 (Tim + Jason + Dick)
Soulmate + Yandere AU with the Batboys
How would the yandere Batboys react to the reader having a stuffie that kinda comes to life and both of them are best friends?
Reader with a necklace that creates a protective forcefield around her when she meditates
Yandere Batfam with pregnant reader getting away and finding them years later thanks to their 15 y/o kids. They meet again at the kid birthday.
Starfire's sister reader run away from batfam, discover is pregnant, have her child, and now gots hunted back plus her sister tries to defend her
Yan!Batfam x Raven!Sister. Reader gots pregnant, gots away, the sisters and child are found and punished five years laters. What will they do to Raven and how will they break the reader into being the obedience little wife?
Yan!Batfam with superpowered sisters darlings who ended drunk-pregnant-married with them. Years laters are found with another man who know what they suffer and whom their kids call daddy. Yan!Batfam gets their darlings and sons back in the same place where it start
Batboys react to Reader asking if can publish their stories online
Yandere Platonic!Bruce + Ex!Damian with witch!Reader. Damian dump her for Raven, then gets into accident and Raven dump him. Reader heals him
Yan!Batman&Yan!Damian x IvyDaugther. In jail ivy get a letter saying she's going to be a grandma
Yan!Batman&Yan!Jason x HarleyQuinn!Sister where they kidnapped Reader after a fight with the siblings where Harley got away cuz her sister help her and now Reader is not in jail but missing!
Superman and Batman sharing a darling, her running but being captured because has two kids of them whom were discovered by their fathers, kidnapped by Joker and she had them rescued.
Yan!Batman x Catwoman!Sister. How would the sons react to her being their teacher and now new mom and how would Bruce reaction to it
YandereBatmanxJoker!sister where she  fall into the same stuff that the cuz she was trying to help him get away and Batman bring her to the cave to keep her safe and to make them depending on them
Yandere!Batman x bat!superhuman!reader like they where he found her in a cave while casing bad guys and she got hurt
Yandere Jason Todd reacting to someone trying to attack pregnant reader
Yandere Jason Todd testing reader to see If she’ll escape but she only goes to get him a bouquet
Yan!Batman&Yan!Jason x HarleyQuinn!Sister where they kidnapped Reader after a fight with the siblings where Harley got away cuz her sister help her and now Reader is not in jail but missing!
🗡️DAMIAN HCs/Requests 🗡️
Yandere DemonHead!Damian HCs
Yandere Damian + Yandere Raven HCs
Reader is part of a band/dance group and have to perform at another location. Yandere Damian Wayne can’t tag along
Yandere Platonic!Bruce + Ex!Damian with witch!Reader. Damian dump her for Raven, then gets into accident and Raven dump him. Reader heals him
Yan!Batman&Yan!Damian x IvyDaugther. In jail ivy get a letter saying she's going to be a grandma
Yandere!Damian with a reader with a really unhealthy sleeping schedule
Yandere Damian with a beloved in a idilic relationship
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trashseobin · 3 years
Sure can beautiful!
sub!xChangbin, Dom!xReader, smut, mentions of oral, unprotected penetrative sex, degradation, angry sex, tied up, marking, butt plug, batboy!changbin
“Stop it” you snipe at Changbin, he whines underneath you while wiggling pleading you to move. Anger boiled up in you, you weren’t usually one to get angry but after the day you had at work you were going to take it out on Changbin in the most passionate but safe way you could. You looked at the red ropes attached to the headboard and wrapped around his hands. These ropes would leave a mark on him tomorrow. Then you looked at the pink cat ears and collar he was wearing, you couldn't see it now as Changbin was on his back but he also had put a pink cat tail butt plug in as you had instructed. This was all so overwhelming for you and you clenched around nothing.
You hovered your entrance over his cock already leaking with precum. Your hand made its way around Changbins neck as you glared at him.
“Beg, kitten” you snap through gritted teeth, his eyes widen and his cheeks blush matching the colour of his collar. Fuck, he looks so gorgeous like this, so submissive and all to your mercy. You notice his pink lips are still wet from him eating you out as you sat on his face. You wish you could just sink down around him, but this was too much fun.
“P-Please” He stutters
“Please what?”
“Please mistress, let me fill you up. F-fuck me please” he whined, his eyes squeezed closed. You moaned at the dominant name you had instructed him to call you as you tied him up and shivers ran up your body.
“You’re my little fucktoy Binnie” you knew you couldn’t take it any longer, you needed him to fill you up and abuse your holes. You sunk down on him slowly, he was stretching you out with his girth and making you moan loudly again. You take a few deep breaths, and you could hear your heart beating so loudly. Changbins breathing was so loud, but a clear smile was seen on his face at the feeling of your warmth being wrapped around him.
“Can we move?” Changbin pouted and you nodded, knowing if you spoke it would be laced with moans. You bounced on his cock as he moved his hips in time, the butt plug making it hard for him to hold back.
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