#apparently i do best when i do whatever the hell i want
b14augrana · 3 days
‘The Death Of You’
The pursuit to being the greatest of all time comes above everything, including your health.
Barça Femení x reader
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Warnings: slight overshadowing of injury
A/N: edited this author’s note way too many times buttttttt im not making a pt 2 of this because its just a silly little blurb that’s been rotting in my drafts and thats i wanna say okay thanks enjooooyyyyy
“When you think of passion, you think of someone that does anything for their club, and that’s (Y/N). The blaugrana is everything to her, and it is a part of her. She puts the badge before herself, and all she emits, all they admire of her, everything she represents, is Barça.
(Y/N) is Barça, Barça is (Y/N)” — Mapi León.
For Barça, you would give your life. You have put your body on the line and taken the hits until your skin turns the colours of the jersey you truly believe you’ll die in.
It’s what your mother says will eventually kill you. Going down with the jersey, for the jersey, your love for the greatest club in the world coming before all. It’s proof, almost, that Barcelona is so great, it’s worth dying for.
But, the funny thing is, you hadn’t loved living in Barcelona growing up. In fact, you hated everything about it. It felt like an asylum or some sort of confinement where the only things left to stare at are the four walls you’re enclosed by, except, those four walls were littered with posters of men you constantly watched play at the stadium of your dreams, and the only thing that made staring at those four walls so much of a punishment is the fact you were a girl and there was no such thing as a woman footballer.
You had shitty friends to remind you of that every single time they caught you stopping in the street (though you don’t even stop, your foot just drags along the ground a bit slower than usual) just to take a closer look at a mural of some Barça legend.
You hated living in Barcelona because you had nobody on your side that believed there was a place for you or any other woman behind the huge, towering walls of Camp Nou.
Barcelona went from being an asylum to a garden that was nurtured with every match played and goal scored, a title or medal sprouting from the buds of every stem and bush.
You would die for Barcelona. Hell was worth living through, for Barcelona, just to feel whatever emotion devoured you when you step out to a full stadium in the famous blue and garnet.
You want to be the best. That comes above everything — there is no point in devoting your life to something if you’re not going to be the best at it, and you had given more than what was required for Barça.
What you also want is to create a legacy not only for yourself, but the club as well, one title at a time. A legacy associated with winning, and being the greatest of all time. The last thing you need to implement this reputation? The Champions League.
You take in the stadium, the raindrop-covered grass, the noise. That headache inducing noise, caused by the record attendance in the stadium. The headache inducing noise that, when you focus on it, begins to become coherent and recognisable as the Barcelona anthem. With every step closer to the pitch, you find it harder to pay attention to anything around you, and the anxiety in your stomach is more apparent than ever before.
You kill the period of time between exiting the tunnel and finding your place on the field by warming up (or in other words, doing whatever you can to shake the nerves). You step out onto the pitch and feel the pinch of the cold wind which, for some reason, elicits an epiphany; the only thing separating you and that trophy is these 90 minutes.
Those 90 minutes drag on. Pass after pass, unsuccessful dribble after unsuccessful dribble, you’re not getting any closer to the goal but you can’t feel disheartened or unmotivated because all you have is 90 minutes. Everything can change in 90 minutes.
Everything does change. You don’t know how it happened, or who passed you the ball, or whether you even called for it, but you had it and you were moving quickly with it. Managing to glide past Renard, leaving her behind you to grapple at your jersey hopelessly, you find yourself up against Endler on your own.
Although there are 20 other players on the pitch, discarded behind you, it feels like it’s just you and Endler in an empty stadium. The goal looks bigger than it should be as your foot swings down onto the ball, and the raucous noise of the stadium can only intensify when the ball just misses the tip of Endler’s glove and meets the back of the net.
It is hard to ignore the unfamiliar discomfort in your knee, but you do it anyways. You run off to celebrate and don’t pay it another thought. You don’t mention it to anyone amidst the celebrations because how could you possibly ruin this moment, and it’s basically gone by the time you return to the midfield.
For a moment, there's hope. Your goal sparks new light into the eyes of your teammates. One golden boot shines brighter than a golden glove and there's a connection between your foot and the ball that just makes sense, and it's put away in the back of the net.
But when the ball starts rolling again and it meets the feet of Van de Donk, you realise 1 goal isn't enough.
No, it's like hanging off the edge of a cliff, fingers clawing for whatever jagged edge of a rock they can reach, clinging onto the little thing you have keeping you up. But with every minute, every intercepted pass, missed or deflected shots, the cliffside is crumbling.
Lyon is an exceptional team. That's why they manage to put one past Sandra, and you're back to square one. Your mind, drunk on pride, pushes you to do more, to give more. Your body feels like it can't possibly give anything more, yet you still run up and down the pitch without slowing down once and you throw yourself at the ball every time you find the opportunity.
It’s what your mother says will eventually kill you.
So it does, internally. When the final whistle pierces your ears and the minority of Lyon fans in the crowd burst into cheers, it kills you, because you would die for this club and it hurts to come so close but fall short.
The winning legacy you were so close to completing, was now tainted by your failure to actually win.
Your knee also hurts. A lot.
You lie down on the pitch, its soggy and uneven surface being the only comfort you have in this place where everywhere you look, there are reminders that you’re not good enough. The more you think about all the sacrifices and things you put on the line for this title, you wonder, ‘When’s it gonna be my turn?’
Disappointed fans filing out of the exits, your teammates surrounding you trying to hold in their tears, the dancing and celebrating from Lyon.
The sound of sniffles can be heard from beside you, and you roll over to see Mapi, her eyes bloodshot and her cheeks dusted with patches of red.
As you line up to receive your medal, you don’t even want to wear it. Silver will never be better than gold, there’s nothing good about being second to best, being outperformed is nothing to be proud of. But you still keep the medal on.
You hang your head and look away from the winner’s stage, because your heart is too sore to take in the fact that would’ve, could’ve, should’ve been you.
‘When’s it gonna be my turn?’
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modanisgf · 20 hours
wc: <1k
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unfortunately for you, you felt so alone on your ‘date’ that you stayed in the rain for a while causing you to wake up sick. you felt horrible that morning, being sick and sad didn’t mix well.
you tried not to cry but you couldn’t help it, you thought you and hanni had finally made amends but apparently you were wrong. who would ever make their girlfriend wait for them at a date?
did hanni even love you?
thoughts about what hanni truly felt for you ran through your mind, until you decided to close your eyes again refusing to look at your phone. you hoped nobody would come by your house, especially not hanni as right now you needed anything but to see the girl’s face. you think you would breakdown in front of her, something she didn’t need to see.
you knew your friends had their concerns for you, but you hoped they’ve known you long enough now to give you some space before checking up. especially when it dealt with love, dating wasn’t easy as an actor nobody wanted to deal with the harsh reality of fame so when you finally found hanni you felt extremely happy.
you thought she would understand your problems, but maybe she just wanted to mess with you. but who really knows? all you could do was lay in your bed, reality setting in as you finally closed your eyes drifting off to a deep sleep.
you were awoken by a sudden crash, presumably downstairs. you got up from bed quickly, rushing down your stairs to be met with people in your kitchen.
“riki! you’re so damn loud!” hyein whisper yells, her voice getting softer as she noticed you.
“hi yn..” hyein says, giving you a nervous smile.
“how the hell did you guys get in my house?” you ask, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“you gave danielle an extra key when she lived here for a bit.” hyein replies, to which you sigh.
“look, i love you guys so much but i really just think now isn’t the time.” you say, your friends looking at you with pity.
their looks did nothing to comfort you, just reminding you how real this situation was. you diverted your attention from them, looking through an open window to see the rain back again. it was like it knew when you were sad, coming back to make you feel even worse everytime.
“well, we made you soup!” danielle says, making you smile a bit.
“thank you guys. i appreciate it.” you say sheepishly, you were embarrassed they had to see you like this.
it had been a long time since you’d been heartbroken like this, only sunoo and danielle knew about your past relationships the two being your friends during it. you felt you could never find peace in love, but you tried to push those feelings aside putting on your best face for your friends especially hyein and riki.
you all went to sit in your living room, hyein turning on a show creating a quiet conversation between your friends. hyein and riki even whisper fighting, making you laugh.
for some reason your laugh comforted your friends, the group smiling whenever you did happy that their presence made you feel at least a bit better. you focused on the show, invested in whatever plot line was being solved now.
your phone was long forgotten, the rest of your friends also having theirs off for the sake of you. little did you all know, hanni wasn’t doing amazing either.
hanni couldn’t believe herself, she feel asleep when you wanted her to meet up with you. you weren’t answering her texts, or anything the only thing about you she had was hyein telling her to watch out on twitter, riki commenting and agreeing aswell.
she had to stop herself from tears, why weren’t you answering her? couldn’t you let her explain herself? hanni had never wanted someone more than you, your presence giving her nothing but happiness and peace. she hoped you didn’t think she hated you, but the possibility was strong. maybe you were just taking a quick internet break? the possibilities only ran through her mind at a even more rapid pace as each one passed on, making her feel crazy.
hanni was texting minji in panic, the girl on the other end doing her best to comfort hanni but nothing seemed to work. hanni valued you too much, and she didn’t know what she would do without you. she wanted a future with you, to see you walk down the aisle slowly approaching her with your eyes locked on hers. she wanted you two to have a house together, having a family of two cats and four dogs. okay— maybe she was getting a bit carried away, but the point is hanni had nothing but strong love for you.
she needed to get you back, no matter what she has to do.
your love went too deep for a simple misunderstanding to ruin it all, hanni swore she wouldn’t let it happen.
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TAGS 🏷️ (CLOSED): @jayjj7 @haerinsloverr @aribunnu @masuowo @multiliker @winieter @sewiouslyz @edenzeepy @popasi @home2venus @ghstvr @technicallyimportantsweets @he------len @yukianism @yeetaberry127 @haechansbbg @linnnsworld @sixflame438 @emotionallyrin @gtfoiydlyj @inosfavgf @rvoulte @hotluvlet
a/n— next few chapters might be crazy guys writing sad stuff while emo is NOT a good idea..
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fleshadept · 10 months
one of my oldest memories is from when i was about five or six years old. my grandma was visiting that evening, so she was tucking me into bed. now, my parents raised us agnostic with a side of unitarian universalism, so i knew next to nothing about christianity, or that god fellow, or whatever. my grandparents never approved of this, convinced they were damning us kids to hell forever.
so when my grandma was tucking me in and she told me to repeat after her and say “i love you jesus,” i did.
but then she said: “there. and now you’ve let jesus into your heart.” and kissed me and left me to dream sweet child dreams probably of jesus saving my immortal soul or whatever.
except, i didn’t know who the fuck jesus was, and i did not understand metaphor. i certainly had not realized that by saying that, i had apparently invited a small man to take up residence in my heart. my child brain raced with panic: was he in there? what would he do? would i be able to feel him moving around? was he stuck forever now? that seemed mean to him, and felt like my grandma had played a trick on me.
so, sensibly, i decided my best bet to expel this tiny man who i had NOT wanted to move into my heart (aside from surgery, which i discounted as an option when i imagined asking my parents about it) was to do the reverse incantation: i fell asleep that night mumbling and mentally shouting I HATE YOU JESUS I HATE YOU JESUS I HATE YOU JESUS, hoping he would get the message and relocate somewhere that wanted him.
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werecreature-addicted · 10 months
i love the idea of a werewolf best friend who is totally in love with you and keeps trying to court you but since you're human you're just thinking he's being thoughtful or something
but he busts every night to the thought of you crying into the pillow, his heavy body pressing onto you and pushing you to the mattress, as he fucks his fat cock into you, trying to knot you and knock you up
want so badly to mark you as his that when he even gets a glimpse of your neck/shoulders he salivates and gets hard
werewolf courting is a subtle thing- really it's more about keeping others away from you than winning you over. you don't see all the sharp glares he sends to other people. or the way he snaps at his other friends for mentioning how cute you look.
he's sweet to you. he gives you bites off his plate. and almost always brings you a drink or snack when you hang out together. he'd be leaving kills on your doorstep but apparently it "freaks out the neighbors" and "you don't know what to do with a whole deer carcass" or whatever. humans are so hard to please. those silly little candies you like can't be very filling but he can't shake the urge to feed you. so he does.
He's also very protective. he always walks/ drives you home at the end of the night. he'll be by your side in an instant if you call for him and god help any idiot who tries to fuck with you.
Also, his home is always open to you. if you ever want to come over randomly or borrow something- what's his is yours. you don't realize how territorial he is with everyone else because he's always so generous and giving with you. especially with clothes!! if you want a sweatshirt or a pair of shorts, they're yours. he loves little things like that to make you smell like him.
To any other werewolf, any one of these things would be a clear indication of romantic interest. I mean- the guy lets you eat off his plate! do you have any idea how territorial wolves are with food? No! Of course, you don't you're human. all of it feels normal to you. there might be other things that you take for flirting that he's doing on accident. but really you think of him as a really good friend.
it's hell on your werewolf. He doesn't know what he's doing wrong. he's a perfect mate for you, but you never seem to acknowledge his flirting as something romantic. he hates it when you stretch your head to the side, baring your neck to him, it's like you're begging to be marked. and by "hates" I do mean it gets his mind spinning. it's like you have no idea how hard it is not to bite you sometimes.
He can't help himself. he will keep going until you accept him because he knows that you're the one for him. so he walks you home for the night then goes back to his place, alone, and lays in bed thinking about you.
at first, it's nothing dirty. he's just wondering what the two of you will do when you hang out next, then he's wondering what you're doing right now. did you take a shower? did you go straight to bed? what do you sleep in when you're all alone? what if you sleep in just your underwear- or naked.
he's hard. he always is when he lets himself think about you too much. he can't help it. so he starts touching himself while he lets his mind wander.
it would feel good to bite your neck. it would feel better to bite the soft sensitive skin of your inner thigh. he wants to mark you while he fucks you. he wants to own you inside and out. he knows you'd take his cock well. it's big but you don't mind, right? you'd like a little pain with your pleasure.
he thinks about all the different positions he could put you in. he thinks about you ridding his cock, about flipping you over and pinning your knees to your chest so he can see your face as he ruins you.
he cums all over himself imagining you screaming- begging him to knot you. he can only hope one day his little fantasy will become a reality.
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solarmorrigan · 7 months
Steve Harrington is absolutely the sort of person to become emotionally dependent on a pet. He grew up lonely and he loves taking care of things, and here's this creature that loves him unconditionally and is dependent on him for care? He's a goner
He finds a kitten in his backyard, wet and cold and alone, but in pretty good shape, all things considered. It hisses and swipes at him, but it's also mewing pathetically, and Steve can't just leave it, so he manages to get the thing inside with minimal blood loss (all his) and cleans it up and feeds it. It's a lot more amenable to the idea of Steve once it's warm and dry and full, and by the end of the day, it's curled up and purring in the crook of his neck, and Steve is already prepared to die for this thing
He does recognize that the right thing to do is to ask around and see if anyone is missing a kitten, which he does do, but no one on his street or the next one over lays claim to it, and there aren’t any kind of wanted posters going up for it, so Steve decides he is now the proud owner of a cat
He names her Baby and dotes on her accordingly. (In his defense, the name is Robin's idea; she tells him that he treats the cat enough like a baby, so the name might as well fit. Steve's always been shit at coming up with names, so he just goes with it)
Baby is the world's most spoiled cat, which Steve readily admits. But isn't that what cats are for? She's a wonderful cat and she clearly deserves nice things and Steve is going to get them for her. Toys, treats, a plush cat bed, the best food, whatever he thinks she could possibly need or want. If "I work hard so my cat can live a better life" t-shirts had existed in the 80s, Robin probably would have gotten one for him and he probably would have worn it
Of course, it helps that Baby actually does adore Steve. With everyone else, she ranges from frosty to outright hostile (she's taken a particular dislike to Eddie, of all people, which is unfortunate, because Steve really, really likes Eddie); she'll consent to be admired, and she'll accept treats, and she might even let more familiar people pet her, but in the end she is very much Steve's baby. If he's home, she's stuck to his side like a burr, curled up wherever he is and purring away, content just to be with him. She still snuggles up in the crook of his shoulder at night, just like when she was a kitten, even though she's bigger now and is a bit less easily accommodated
It goes without saying that Baby is strictly an indoor cat. Steve lives right up against the woods and there are predators out there, and people in town drive like assholes, and Steve won't take the chance of her being eaten or run over or meeting some other horrible fate. He really doesn't think his heart could take it
But of course, because all cats are terrible bastards at heart (affectionate), Baby darts out the back door one day as Steve is coming in off the patio, chasing after some other small animal that Steve can't even see, and she's out of the backyard and up towards the trees before Steve can do much more than make a grab for her
And Steve, who has survived interrogations and monster attacks and many situations objectively much more stressful than this, does not panic. He does spend half the night wandering around in the trees with a flashlight, shaking a bag of cat food and calling for Baby, but that's not panicking, that's problem solving
He eventually gets too cold and too tired to keep going and has to pack it in for the night. He holds onto some shred of hope that she'll be waiting by the back door when he wakes up, wondering why the hell it's taken so long for him to come let her in, but apparently that's not the way life works, because the patio and all areas around the house are still distinctly catless come daybreak
Eddie shows up sometime mid-morning, just as Steve is preparing to head back out and look for her. He has genuinely never seen Steve so upset; he looks like he might actually cry if he doesn't find that damn cat, which just isn't something that Steve does. But he's actually fucking distraught, and Eddie simply can't have that, even if Baby is his nemesis, so he goes to the phone and makes some calls
He cashes in on favors, he makes promises, he actually agrees to pay Mike ten bucks to show up, but he gets the kids, all the older teens (the only reason Robin hadn't been there already is because Steve hadn't paused long enough to tell her what was going on), and even the Corroded Coffin boys up to Steve's house to comb the woods for Steve's damn cat
It's Eddie who finds her in the end, a shock of pale, mewling fur actually stuck in a fucking tree. The cliche nearly kills him – either that or trying to climb down a tree one-handed while holding a cat. He's surprised she actually lets him pick her up, but then again, she's been out here all night, she's cold, and at least she recognizes Eddie. Maybe this is the beginning of a truce
Or, she might go back to hissing and swiping at Eddie any time she the mood takes her, but Eddie doesn't even care, because Steve is elated to have Baby back, so fucking happy that he doesn't even seem to notice that she's digging her claws into his arm as she clings to him for dear life all the way back to the house. Eddie will deal with anything that Steve loves that much
Steve pays for pizza to thank everyone for putting their Saturday on hold to search-and-rescue a cat, and everyone warms up and eats their fill before slowly filtering back out of the house. And later, after Baby's been cleaned up and fed and properly doted on and is purring away curled up over a heating vent in the living room, Steve takes Eddie upstairs to show his thanks in a much more thorough manner
After all – Baby is very important to him, and he's more relieved than he can say to have her back, but she isn't the only thing that Steve adores
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ode2rin · 1 year
petty!rin is so baby girl i love writing him as much as i love clingy!rin | warnings: profanity and lil ooc | mentions of food
itoshi rin, likes to believe that he is one rational man. 
he truly is. he is a man grounded with rationality, the real definition of calm and quiet. he prides himself on his ability to be stoic and composed at all costs.
he is one to be blunt, approach what’s wrong head on with his words that bleeds. never to cower, never one to hesitate. 
truly indeed, itoshi rin is a rational man.
so, why the fuck is he in the kitchen, tightening all jars that he could see?
apparently, when rin is faced with the seemingly impossible mission of getting you to talk to him after a small (he thinks so) disagreement, all rationality goes out the window.
suddenly, he finds himself overcome with a desperate need to hear your voice, to mend whatever rift has come between you. and so, he does the only thing he can think of at this point: he heads to the kitchen.
there, he methodically tightens every jar he can find, each twist of the lid a small act of rebellion against his own calm demeanor. he puts your favorite snacks up high on the shelf, just out of reach, hoping that you'll come to him for help.
on a normal day, rin would never do this. this is nothing but a foolish, incredibly ridiculous, absurd plan. he would never do something like this, but he exhausted every rational option he had at his disposal. he already asked you if you wanted takeout (you just looked at him, you never say no to takeout), asked if you knew where his cleats were because he couldn't find them (of course he knows where they are), and his last resort was to play your favorite show in the living room in the hopes that you'd join him on the couch.
nothing worked. zero successful attempts. nada.
you are officially ignoring him for 5 hours and 36 minutes (not that he’s counting, the wall clock in the living room is just obnoxiously big for its purpose and it keeps reminding him of the time, yup, that must be it). 
and rin thinks if this goes on for much longer, you might suggest sleeping in the guest room out of stubborness. no, rin thought of the idea. 
there’s no way in hell would rin sleep away from you. that’s just vile torture in his book. a cold ass bed without you? sleep without you in his arms? (he might genuinely prefer to be locked in a room with shidou than have that). that is atrocious, he needs to prevent that from happening, or else he would really lose it.
seemingly content with his scheme, rin places himself on one of the bar stools at the kitchen countertop to wait, boring holes into the bedroom door you've isolated yourself in. if this doesn't work, pinning you down until you utter a word to him may be the next best (worst) option.
after what felt like an eternity (it was ten minutes, max) to rin, you finally emerged from your shared bedroom with a purpose, and that is to fill your grumbling stomach. making your way in the kitchen, you ignored how rin is intently watching every step you make. 
you open one of the cupboards to get your leftover bag of chips from yesterday, only to be met by an empty shelf. looking up, you see the said chips placed two shelves higher than usual. 
when did that even get there?
hastily, you reached out for a stool to reach it. rin can’t help but let out a silent huff at the sight of you standing on a stool. that stool must be fucking with him, because why is it conveniently there? 
rin shifts expectantly on his seat when he sees you looking for the jar of dip you always combine with your chips. and the heavens must be siding with him as he sees you annoyed and struggling to open the said dip.
“let me.”
you were about to deny his offer when you felt his chest already pressing on your back as he reached out for the culprit of your annoyance.
“thanks.” you timidly uttered, but rin didn’t move an inch from where he was pressing on you.
instead, rin tentatively wrapped an arm around your waist and pressed a kiss to your temple. you felt the side of his jaw on your temple, his other hand rubbing smooth circles on your shoulders, tapping on it three times.
you shut your eyes tightly at the feel of his touch, "rin," you started, but you didn't know how to continue. 
“i know. i was in the wrong,” he trailed off, tapping three times once again on your exposed collarbone as if the gesture was a language you two only understand, “i’m sorry, y/n,” he said, voice laced with remorse.
you looked over your shoulder to meet rin's gaze. his eyes were soft, and his expression held a hint of guilt that you rarely saw. he seemed to be waiting for your response, and you took a deep breath before answering.
“i only want what's best for you, rin. seeing you exhaust yourself like that hurts me,” you explained, turning to face him and resting your hands on his chest. “and i'm sorry for being immature and ignoring you. it wasn't the right way to handle things.”
immature? only if you knew.
he tightened his grip on you, burying his face in the crook of your neck. “i hate it when we fight," he mumbled, his voice muffled. “it hurts when you don’t look at me.”
taken aback by rin's confession, you struggled to find the right words to alleviate what you’ve done. instead, you tapped three times in his chest, right where his heart beats.
in which you earned a - “not more than i do,” reply from rin, suggesting he understood.
“as you should, rinnie.” you replied with a playful teasing smile.
ah, there it was - the smile rin loved so much. the smile that always promises him that it will be fine - you two will be fine.
if it meant earning that smile over and over again, rin wouldn’t mind throwing out every ounce of rationality from his body. 
he’ll never tell you about it though, you’d tease him to death. besides, if you knew, how could he use the same scheme again?
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note. i love this trope in books so much that it's everything i think of lately (˘・_・˘)
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thestarrynightslover · 9 months
Discreet Not Detached
Pairing: Harvey Specter x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1,397
Warnings: None, really.
Summary: Mike goes to Harvey's apartment to deliver some files only to be proved wrong about his boss being a lonely workaholic.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the show Suits, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way, or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: My first Harvey fic in a while, I had the idea based on an episode (I don't remember exactly which) and tried to elucidate to it here. Anyways, I hope it doesn’t suck and feedback is appreciated as usual!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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Another day in the office, another drama for Harvey Specter: this time it was his associate, Mike Ross, wanting to tell his girlfriend the whole truth about the terms of his employment and Harvey couldn’t let him do it, for obvious reasons. But, as you’d expect, namecallings happened and it all ended with Mike throwing in Harvey’s face his being an alleged workaholic in lack of a personal 一 and, in this case, love 一 life. Emphasis on alleged, cause what Mike didn’t know was that his boss actually did have someone to go home to…
It had been a long day but at least you got to go home to your excentric puddle of comfort of a boyfriend: New York City’s best closer, Harvey Specter. Once you got to your place, where the two of you lived together, you were welcomed with the smell and the view of a freshly cooked dinner that Harvey probably had someone making for the two of you.
As you started taking off your coat and shoes by the door, Harvey came out of your shared bedroom wearing nothing but sweatpants and looking like he’d just taken a shower. “Oh, hey, honey!” He greeted you with a smile on his face. “Sorry I didn’t wait for you to shower but I mingled too much with people of dubious hygiene today, so I kinda really needed to get clean.”
“Ah, that’s okay,” you said while pouting cutely at the same time. “At least dinner is ready, 'cause I am starving!”
“Ha! You say it like it’s cutting-edge news!” He tells you, as he puts on a shirt 一 much to your disappointment. 
“What is that supposed to mean?!” You ask feigning offense while putting away your bag, shoes, and coat.
“It means that you’re always starving, sweetheart,” Harvey answers nonchalantly like it’s nothing.
“That is not true! Or at least it’s not entirely true: I’m always starving if it’s past mealtime and I haven’t eaten!”
“Sure, whatever you say, baby!” He says it already knowing that your hunger and all the pet names will only soften you.
“You know what? After today I don’t even have the energy to bicker with you…”
“That bad, huh?”
“The ED was a complete chaos today, apparently all hospitals were swamped, which is why they called more surgeons downstairs to help out. I’ve been on my feet the entire day! I’m basically dead.”
“Dramatic… But I’m sorry you had a shitty day, baby.” He said coming to hug you from behind in your bathroom. Looking at your reflex in the mirror 一 both of you, together like that 一 filled your heart with love and your mind with peace. Harvey was definitely your happy place.
Some time later, after you’d had your dinner, gotten ready for bed, and watched a sappy rom-com you chose, you and Harvey were already cuddling, almost asleep when you heard insistent knocking on the door.
“Stay here, honey, I’ll go see what that’s all about.” You sorta heard Harvey say to you as you lost your personal space heater.
Out in the living, Harvey opened the door only to find his associate Mike Ross standing there looking all tired and disheveled. Before his boss could even say anything, he went ahead entering the apartment mumbling about the case they were currently addressing in the office.
“Harvey, you’re not gonna believe what I found about our not-so-innocent school teacher!” He said to the older man with such energy that sounded like he had had a few too many energetics.
“What the hell, Mike?! Why are you showing up on my doorstep this late at night?”
“Because I knew you’d wanna see this as soon as possible, besides, it’s not like you’d have anything important going here, would you?” Mike asked sorta mocking Harvey.
Ignoring his employee’s last comment, he took the papers Mike was offering and said: “This better be good, Ross, otherwise you’re gonna meet a whole different side of me.
As Harvey started reading all the documents, Mike started having a look around, cause when would he have another chance at taking a peek at his boss’s house like that again? And he couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing, he would definitely be making a few thousand jokes about it in the near future: there was a romance novel lying on the table, one of those with drawings on the cover that were becoming so popular then.
“Oh my God, Harvey, when were you gonna tell me about your love for reading?” He asked while pointing at the book with his head. 
As Harvey’s eyes emerged from the papers in his hands with a confused look to them, Mike continued: “You know you could have told me, in fact after seeing the kinda genre you like I might actually ask for some recommendations, you know, to get my grandmother a few as presents.” The younger man said already starting to laugh loudly.
“That’s not mine…” Harvey began to answer with his mind still on the documents at hand.
“Oh no? You know there’s no need to lie to me, I promise I’ll try not to judge!”
“Funny. But that’s actually-”
“Mine!” You said as you came out of the bedroom wearing nothing but one of Harvey’s expensive dress shirts. “I don’t think we’ve met yet!” You exclaimed, already extending your hand to shake Mike’s. “I’m (y/n), Harvey’s girlfriend.”
“Girl- g- girlfriend?” Mike looked so shocked he almost choked on his laughter.
“Yes, but it’s doctor (y/l/n) for you.” He answered instinctively moving to your side. “What are you doing out of bed, sweetheart?”
“Sweetheart?” Mike murmured to himself in disbelief of the version of Harvey he was seeing, especially after their argument in the office and the things he’d said to Harvey.
“Well, I assumed it was something work-related when I noticed how long it was taking you to come back and came to drag you back to bed!” You announced to your boyfriend entangling your bodies with certain disregard for the other man standing there in shock.
Only then did Mike notice a framed picture on the sideboard behind him and it displayed both you and Harvey looking at each other with love in your eyes as he carried you bridal style into the water on a beach. Which was another surprise to the young attorney since he didn’t even know that Harvey was a fan of beaches.
“So you’re the famous Mike Ross, then?” You asked, catching his attention again. “You know, it’s very rare for someone to impress Mr. Specter here like you did!”
“Oh, honey, don’t do that, or he’ll spend an entire month finding new ways to subtly bring up in every conversation-”
“Oh, there won’t be anything subtle about it, Mr. Specter,” Mike said mockingly, finally coming out of the shock he had been on. “But I’m curious now, how long have you two been together?”
“About three years, isn’t it, babe?” You answered quickly not paying any mind to the mockery on Mike’s voice.
“Yeah, that’s right.”
“Wow, I never would’ve guessed it. Harvey never talks about you. Like ever.” Mike impolitely announced. “I mean, I didn’t even know he had a girlfriend and it’s been months since we started working together.”
“Well, that sounds about right since we don’t like to display our personal lives at work.” You said nonchalantly.
“But do Jessica and Donna know?”
“Of course they do. Must I remind you that you’re not a Donna or a Jessica, Mike?”
“Ouch. But do Lewis and Rachel know?”
“No, and no. And as interesting as your findings were, it’s time for you to leave. We’ll talk more about it tomorrow at the office.”
“Mike. Now!”
“Oh, Harvey, don’t be like that.” 
“He needs to go now and we need to go back to bed, so bye, Mike!” Harvey said while shoving Mike out the door.
And after he was gone, just like in the picture, Harvey picked you up from the floor and started carrying you back to the bedroom.
“Harvey!” You squealed out. But he didn’t mind it as he tossed you on the bed, got on top of you, and started kissing you. Apparently, Mike’s visit had put him in a good mood. And, apparently, it was going to be a long night.                                                                 
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mrsbarnesblog · 6 months
masterlist ko-fi ao3
Summary: Bucky's trigger words are being removed and you finally talk about your feelings.
Word count: 5.2k
Warnings: +18 ‼️ smut, trigger words, feelings, oral sex, unprotected sex, size kink, dirty talk, love confessions.
Author's note: read part 1 for the better experience💘
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After that night, you woke up with Bucky holding you tightly to his chest, and it was really one of the best feelings—waking up in the warmth of his body wrapped around you. Your muscles were sore; you wanted to nuzzle into him and stay like that forever, but unfortunately, Fury called you not so long after because apparently you were the only one who was able to do the mission. 
You two didn’t have enough time to talk about whatever happened between you. You were able to say just a few words to each other, with another agent hurrying you up from the quinjet. And after almost the whole month passed by without any contact, you finally got a call from Shuri, who told you that in a couple of days Ayo was going to officially remove trigger words from Bucky, and if everything goes well, he would get a new arm and would be a free man. 
Sitting in a quinjet a few miles away from Wakanda, you felt nervous as hell. You didn’t know what Bucky felt toward you. Were your feelings mutual? He did say that he thought about you, but was it just sex for him? Or maybe he regretted everything and wanted to be your friend again. 
Honestly, you wouldn’t be able to handle that. After that night, after you finished your mission and were again alone in your room, the aching feeling in your chest made you want to cry. You wanted Bucky with every piece of your body, and living for a month with a million questions and scenarios was too tough. And now, thinking about the coming ceremony, you could barely stop yourself from going down the rabbit hole. 
When you finally landed, one of the Dora Milages met you to guide you to the place of the ceremony. It was in the woods, far away from the city and anyone’s eyes. At first, you saw Ayo, who only nodded to you with a small smile. 
But then your eyes fell on him. 
Bucky was already looking at you, and you didn’t quite understand how he felt about your presence. He was sitting near the fire in his usual Wakandian clothes and with a cute, messy bun—the same that you saw on him when everything between you went downhill. The fire in front of him danced across his face, making him look stunning. Though you could see that he was scared and nervous about what was coming. Those deep lines in between his eyebrows, the slightly unfocused and distant look in the eyes, and the nervous clenching of his fist. It took everything in you not to run closer and hug him to say that he was strong and everything was going to be okay.
Bucky couldn’t believe that you were really there. You came to Wakanda for him, to support him in such an important moment, even though you didn’t have to. You looked gorgeous as always, and the soft smile on your face calmed his overthinking mind. Mumbling a quiet “hey” under your breath, you saw the soft smile blossoming on Bucky’s face and his lips slightly moving as he said it back to you. He was nervous as hell, he couldn’t fight the feeling that there was no chance for him to heal and that the piece of the Winter Soldier was forever immortalized in his brain.  But you believed in him, so had had to be strong for you. 
“Are you ready, James?” Ayo interrupted your silent conversation with each other and came close to Bucky. 
“Are you sure about this?” Bucky looked at the fire, now feeling unsure because of this whole situation again. 
“I won’t let you hurt anyone.” Bucky’s worried eyes slipped back to you for a second, as if the thought of you being there when everything might go wrong scared him the most. He just slightly nodded back to Ayo and took a deep breath.
Honestly, you had never heard or even read Bucky’s trigger words because they created a weird, disgusting feeling in your stomach, so when Ayo started to say them, it sent goosebumps down your spine.
Your blood froze in your veins by the way Bucky’s face expression changed. His eyes were glued to one spot, and any piece of that soft and warm look that he had for you disappeared.
“This is not gonna work.” His body started to tremble, overwhelmed with the emotions and memories of his past. 
Bucky’s eyes filled with tears, and he gripped his clothes in his right hand to control his body. You silently cried with him, praying to whoever was up there to let this man be free. You knew that he was strong and that he could fight against people who messed up his head, and seeing that he was not giving up made you feel so proud inside.
Возвращение на родину. 
Грузовой вагон.
“You are free.” You deeply inhaled, only then realizing that you had held your breath. Bucky completely broke down with Ayo’s words, lowering his head and unable to hold burning tears.
Ayo looked at you, and that was everything you needed to rush closer to Bucky. You fell to your knees right on the ground in front of him, wrapping your hands around his shoulders and bringing his head to your neck. He sank into you, crying harder and gripping the back of your shirt with his hand. 
“I’m so proud of you. I’m so, so proud of you, James. You did amazing. You are so strong, baby.” Your soothing voice filled his ears while you held him close to you with one hand and rubbed his back with another. 
“‘M sorry.” The hot breath touched your neck when Bucky started to mumble and apologize with a shaky voice. 
You pushed him back by his shoulders and immediately put your hands on his face when you saw the panic on his face. “No. No, Bucky. There’s nothing to be sorry for, okay? I’m here for you. You did such a good job, and I’m so proud that you fought back and got rid of these stupid words. You can live a normal life now, and I’ll be there for you as long as you want me to.” Your fingers wiped the tears, not missing how Bucky leaned into your touch.
“Thank you for coming here. It means everything to me. I’m serious, Y/N. There’s no one in the world I needed to see during this moment besides you. I missed you so much.” He was clearly unsure whether he should say it or not, but you gave him another soft smile, feeling how the tension left his body a little bit.
“I missed you too, Buck.” Your faces moved closer, eyes glued to each other's lips. “I’m sorry that I left in such a hurry. I didn’t want to.” You almost whispered, unable to stop thinking about kissing him. Bucky had almost given in when his body moved closer to yours as a magnet, but this little intimate moment was interrupted by the voice of Wakanda’s princess. 
“Sorry to disturb your peace, but me and my brother have a little present here. And I’m not a fan of looking at other people making out, by the way.” Your face got hot when you looked back and saw Shuri, T'Challa, and Dora Milaje all staring at you. 
Bucky quickly stood up, helping you get up from your knees and then leaning lower to dust off your knees. He looked back at you with a frown on his cute face, as if only then he realized that you had been standing on the ground this whole time. You only grabbed his right hand and bit your lip, trying to hold back your growing smile. 
You led Bucky closer to everyone, and when two women brought a large vibranium box and put it in front of Bucky, you freed his only arm, putting your left hand on his lower back in a supportive gesture.
“Congratulations, White Wolf.” T’Challa nodded his head, and one of Dora Milaje’s stepped in front of the case and opened it, revealing Bucky’s new arm. 
It was truly beautiful. Smooth, dark vibranium arm with golden pieces. 
“It’s completely my design. This arm is much better than the last one; it’s stronger, it has some cool options, and you can take it off whenever you want to. But what is more important is that I worked hard and found a way to connect it to the nerves so you can feel everything. Not as good as the real one, of course, but still.” Shuri said with her hard accent, obviously being really proud of her own masterpiece. You couldn't hold back the tears, overwhelmed with the fact that she made it for Bucky and didn't ask for anything in return. 
“I can feel?” Bucky’s voice almost broke, and you came closer, pressing your body against his back. “Thank you. Thank you so much, Shuri. And you too, T’Challa. I can't express how grateful I am that you allowed me to stay in Wakanda and are now giving me this.” 
“It’s an honor, Sergeant Barnes. So do you want to try it on?” 
Dora Milaje easily lifted what looked like a really heavy arm; Bucky rolled up his clothes, and, with a quick motion, it was connected with his shoulder. He stayed silent for a few seconds as if he were getting used to the feeling, but then he rotated it 360 degrees, and you heard the soft swirling of the plates. 
He looked down at his new hand, clenching and unclenching his fist, moving each finger, and you stared at this in awe. 
“Can I... hurt someone with it unintentionally?” His eyes quickly shot to you before looking back at Shuri. A knowing smile appeared on her face, and she exchanged looks with her brother. 
“No. Speaking in simple terms, it’s connected to your nervous system and brain. Like your right arm, the brain just sends electrical impulses there. If you have no intention of doing something, it won’t happen. I promise this.”  
“Well, I think we can finish it here. You both can be guests here as long as you want to; our country is always open for you. Have a great night.” T’Challa lowered his head, and you mumbled a little ‘thank you’, and after that, you and Bucky were left alone near the fire. 
You felt the tension between you two as you both stayed silent. Bucky looked too lost in his head, unsure what to do or say to. How was he supposed to acted around the woman he had an amazing sex with and who he had crush on for way too long. It shouldn’t have been that awkward. You were best friends, and even if you both had secret feelings for each other, nothing changed. 
“Can you show me?” You stretched your right hand, waiting for Bucky to feel confident enough to allow you to touch his new vibranium arm. He looked at you curiously, with a hint of fear and insecurity. “It’s just me, Buck, remember?” 
He deeply inhaled before putting his left hand in yours; his eyes were staring at your face, closely looking at your reaction. 
Your hands wrapped around his vibranium wrist, holding it gently and getting used to the feel of the smooth metal. Your right hand went higher to trace golden plates with your fingers, absolutely stunned by their beauty.
 “I– I can feel your touch.” Bucky got a lump in his throat because of your gentle movements and how softly you treated him, even though he didn’t deserve it. It wasn’t exactly how he felt with the right hand, but it was something. The thought of finally being able to hold you and hug you sent a warm feeling through his stomach.
“You deserve it, James. I’m so happy for you.” One of your hands flew back to Bucky’s face, and you bit your lip when the feeling of the moment that you two shared earlier washed over you again.
Bucky once again leaned into your touch, showing how much trust he had for you, while his eyes never left your beautiful face, lit by the warm light of fire. He stepped closer, finally realizing how much he needed to feel you again. Since that day, almost a month ago, he has thought about you non-stop. Even if the rational part of his brain told him that you just couldn’t call or visit him whenever you wanted, he still convinced himself that it meant nothing to you. That it was a mistake, because how could you possibly want him, out of all people?
But now you've come back. You came here again to visit him on such an important day. You stood by him, touching his metal hand without fear, and staring at him in that strange way that made Bucky weak in the knees. 
He didn’t know what to do or how to talk about that night in his hut, but when he nervously licked his lip and your eyes immediately shot there, Bucky couldn’t think straight anymore.
Before you could even process what was going on, Bucky’s hands were on each side of your face, dragging you higher and closer. His slightly chapped lips attacked yours, moving quickly and almost desperately. You were taken aback, but you didn’t mind, kissing him with no less passion. Your tongues were connected, dancing around each other, making you both moan and trying to get your bodies as close as possible. 
It was overwhelming—too hot to handle, actually. If you thought that you just missed Bucky before that, then during the kiss, your mind and your body screamed for him to take you right on the spot. You needed him closer—on top of you, inside of you. 
You suddenly moaned into the kiss, remembering how fucking good it felt to be so full of him. Bucky freed your face, instead finally gripping your waist and hips and pressing you closer to his hard chest. 
“Bucky– James, please, I want you so bad.” You whined, clinging onto his shoulders. He pulled his face away, licking his lips to get more of your taste, and when you locked your eyes again, your body tensed, and you unconsciously started to squeeze around nothing.
You both already looked so messy, with red cheeks and hot skin. Bucky stayed silent for a moment, still getting used to being able to hold you with both arms.
“Are you sure, doll? I don’t want you to regre–” 
“No, no, Bucky. I won’t regret it. The last time was the best fucking night of my life. I wish I could stay, but you know that they didn’t allow me. I missed you, and I thought about it so much that it’s embarrassing to admit.” You quickly interrupted him. Bucky’s hands tightened around you at your confession, and he nodded more to himself.
“C’mon, my hut is not far away.”
It was really not far away, but still, while Bucky was leading you by your hand, you almost fell. You were just so mesmerized by his strong back that you completely forgot to look under your feet in the almost complete darkness. Bucky’s reflexes helped you stay on your feet, and mumbling something like “It’s faster that way, anyway,” he casually lifted you off the ground, making you wrap around him like a koala around the tree. His right arm was under your ass, and the metal one was protectively lying on your waist. 
It was so effortless for him, as if your weight were nothing, and it made you even more wet and excited than the kiss. 
In just a few minutes, Bucky got to his hut, turning on the small light and closing the door. He put you back on the floor but he didn’t let you go far away. 
“You can’t imagine how much I want you, Y/N. I dreamed about you even before our first time. You are so beautiful, so gorgeous, fuck.” He dragged you closer, connecting your foreheads. Your chest felt tight after his words, and you gently rubbed his bearded cheek.
“I want you the same way. Since the day we became friends. I wish you could see yourself the way I do—that you deserve all the best things in the world, that you are not a burden for any of us, and especially not for me. ” You mumbled, not breaking eye contact.
Bucky shook his head in disbelief, but then leaned closer and connected your lips. It was much softer, without a rush. You both were just enjoying the feeling, happy to be in each other's arms again. You grabbed his clothes, not ending your kiss, and started to go back until you felt the pile of soft blankets on the floor. You then lowered both of your bodies and laid back, so Bucky was now on top of you.
He stopped kissing you and pulled away to look at you. 
It was and felt much different than your first time. He was on top of you, holding himself with his left arm near your head. Even if Bucky knew that you truly didn’t care about it, the fact that he was now capable of pleasing you and treating you the way you deserved made him feel a little bit better about himself. 
Bucky’s eyes slowly checked your whole body, from your pretty eyes and plump, swollen lips all the way down to the soft skin of your legs. He couldn’t help himself and put his large and warm hand on your left thigh, then traced your legs and belly as if it were his first time. You were shivering under his eyes and touch, but you still didn’t move and let him do what he needed too. 
You understood how hard it was for Bucky to be almost without control the last time you were together. He needed to feel in charge after everything he had gone through, and you didn’t mind letting him do whatever he wanted with you.
“Let me take care of you, doll. Please.” He almost whispered, looking back at your face.
“Do you remember what I told you the last time? You can have me, Bucky.” You put your hands around his body, feeling tensed muscles under his clothes.
I promise that when you get your new arm, I’ll let you fuck me however you want to, okay? 
Bucky growled when he remembered the exact words you told him. 
He caught your lips in a kiss again, rubbing your thigh with his hand and then getting it higher until it rested on your breast, covered in a bra. His mouth moved lower, slightly pinching and biting the tender skin of your neck and collarbones. At the same time, he dragged the cups of your bra lower, finally getting to your boobs. Two fingers took your sensetive nipple in them, slightly pressing on it and making your body tremble. Your fingers slid up from his shoulders until you were able to bury them in the soft brown locks.
“So sensitive, hm?” His hot breath on your chest made you unconsciously nod in agreement, and you could swear that you felt how Bucky’s lips curled up in a smirk. “I need to take it off.” 
Suddenly, he was not lying on top of you anymore but sitting in between your legs with both hands on your thighs. He looked flushed and had that kind of shine in his eyes that you had never seen before.
Bucky’s hands moved higher, pulling up the shirt over your head and throwing it somewhere on the floor. Then he looked at your bra but didn’t do anything.
“You can take it off, Buck. If you remember how to do it, old man.”
The tension in Bucky’s body immediately vanished after your joke, and his brows flew to his hair. 
“Well, then you fuck with an old man, sweetheart. And I do remember how to do it.” He proved his point by sliding his hand behind your back and, with one swift motion, unclipping it. “Shit, I almost forgot how good they looked.” 
His hands hesitated for a few seconds, and when you saw that slightly distant look in his eyes creeping back, you decided to slightly push him. 
“Give me your hands, Bucky. Both of them.” He looked at you unsurely but still obeyed your request.
“I’m not sure—”
You completely ignored his words, instead taking both wrists into your hands and placing Bucky’s hands on your boobs. The feeling of cold metal made you hiss, but it felt good against your flushed and sensitive skin.
“Do you remember what Shuri said? You won’t hurt me until it’s your intention. And you don’t want to do it, do you?” You playfully arched an eyebrow, already knowing the answer.
“No, God— no, doll. I would never, I swear.”
“Then I want you to properly touch me with both of your hands and finally take off your damn clothes.”
“You’re hot when you're being bossy.” Following your instructions, he finally gave in and started to play with your hard nipples with his thumbs. His head lowered back to your chest, and then his hot mouth was sucking and gently licking your nipple while the metal hand took care of the other one.
It felt amazing and addictive. You couldn’t control your moans and the way your hips tried to rub onto something, but only met with Bucky’s lower stomach. You were desperate to get more, without feeling shame grinding on his torso, and finally, when Bucky was satisfied with giving attention to your boobs, he went lower, kissing your belly down to your shorts.
“Need to taste you, doll. Please let me do it.” You just nodded, and it was everything Bucky needed to quickly drag your shorts and panties down your legs and lay flat on his stomach, trowing your legs over his shoulders. 
Your mouth slightly opened at this picture. You would’ve never thought that Bucky Barnes, your best friend and deadliest assassin, would be in between your legs, asking to taste you.
He didn’t hesitate, instantly diving in and licking a long stripe across your folds. You both moaned. Your head fell back, and Bucky gripped your thighs only tighter to hold you close. He was obviously enjoying it himself. You felt it in the way he circled his tongue around your clit, then went lower and put it in you to get every drop of your juice; by the way he was slightly moving your hips, as if he just wanted you to ride his face; and by the way he moaned into your soaking core when your hand slipped into his long hair and gripped them.
Your orgasm came quick and unexpected, washing all over you and making you desperately moan and squeeze your thighs around Bucky’s head. He licked you softly and gently, helping you to go through it but still wanting to taste your sweet cream.
“S’ pretty, baby. Can spend here all fucking day, I swear.” His face and beard looked soaking wet, but he didn’t seem to mind when the self-satisfied grin appeared on his lips. 
You thought that you liked him that way. You felt good that you were able to bring it out of him, even for some time. Bucky looked different, as he forgot about everything else in the world and even about things that happened just an hour ago. He looked younger and happier, and you bit your lip to not smile like an idiot.
Bucky moved higher up your body, kissing you again. You moaned into his mouth as soon as you tasted yourself on his lips, while your hands started wandering around his body and trying to feel more bare skin. Finally, you unfastened his belt and were able to take off his red shuka, revealing pretty and tanned skin that you hadn't had a chance to see fully the last time. 
He moved away, watching your face while your soft hands touched his skin. You were so delicate, tracing with your fingers from his abs to his left shoulder. Bucky’s body shivered when you finally reached the rough, bumpy skin covered in scars. Besides the Wakandian doctors, you were the first person he allowed to see that, and the fact that your face didn’t show any sign of disgust or fear almost brought Bucky to tears.
“You're really beautiful, Bucky; you know that?” Even in the dark light of the room, you could see the pink dust covering his cheeks. “C’mere, I want you.” You dragged him back on top of you, kissing his soft lips. Bucky finally got rid of his clothes with a free hand, and when you felt the weight of his hard cock on the lower part of your belly, you instantly moaned into the kiss. 
Bucky’s flesh hand gripped your thighs, lining his own perfectly that way, so his cock was sliding back and forth on your wet core. You wanted to continue kissing him, but it was hard to concentrate when his tip bumped into your still-sensitive clit every single time. 
“Fuck, I missed your moans. Baby—so wet for me, huh? Can just easily slip in…” There were only a few inches between your faces, and your lips were touching with each word, but your head was so light and fuzzy with the stimulation that the only thing that you were able to think of was his dick inside of you.
“Please, Bucky, please, I need you inside.” Your legs wrapped around Bucky’s waist, pulling him closer, and your hands were tightly holding his shoulders.
Bucky bumped his nose into yours in an affectionate way, and the next thing you felt was the way he slowly entered you. 
Your eyes rolled back with the loud gasp escaping your mouth. Bucky growled in your neck, settling in and stretching you out so deliciously. His hand probably left fingerprints on your delicate skin, but he just couldn’t control himself with the way your wet pussy was so welcoming and warm around him. 
“My good girl. Fuck, I won’t let you leave again; you’re mine now, baby.” Bucky quickly pulled himself together, standing on his knees in between your legs, and finally started moving. 
He didn’t hesitate when both of his hands held you tightly in place, so you wouldn’t move with every thrust of his hips. He set the perfect steady rhythm, pushing his cock all the way in and then drugging it out so only the tip would stay inside.
You were just a moaning and whining mess, trying to find anything to hold onto. Bucky was standing over you, and as much as you wanted to enjoy his pretty face and perfect body, your eyes were hazy, and you couldn’t really concentrate on anything. 
“That’s right, baby. Feel so good ‘round my cock, takin’ me so well, fuck!” A quick look at the place where the two of you connected almost made Bucky instantly cum. You looked much smaller than him; your pussy gripped his cock so hard, and he was basically drenched in your wetness.
Bucky stretched his right arm to squeeze your nipple, and the change in the angle of his body made the base of his cock touch your clit with every thrust. You couldn’t control the volume of your moans when you dug your nails into Bucky’s arm, and your legs started shaking from the coming orgasm. 
“Bucky, ah—don’t stop, I’m gonna cum! Please!” 
“Cum with me, babydoll, just let it go.” He didn’t stop. He fucked you even harder and faster, moaning your name out loud. You both were in your little bubble, touching each other, scratching and moaning, trying to reach your highs.
It didn’t take you long to fall over the edge. You whined, arching your back from the floor, as your vision became white with a loud noise in your ears. The way you were spasming around him brought Bucky to his final, and not being able to hold himself anymore, he filled you up with his semen, collapsing on top of your body.
You both were quiet for some time—maybe minutes or even hours. Your mind was floating somewhere because the heavy and warm body on top of you made you feel incredibly safe and comfy. Only when Bucky slightly moved away and brushed sweaty baby hairs from your forehead did you open your eyes.
He was flushed and sweaty too, but he had the biggest smile you’ve seen on his face.
Bucky couldn’t help but stare at your pretty face with dreamy eyes. You were so perfect—literally the best human being in the world—and right now you were with him. You accepted everything he had done; you showered him with your attention and your kindness, even before this happened and when you were best friends.
He wondered who you were for him now.
After that, he couldn’t be your friend anymore. Not when he saw you naked, kissed you, or heard you moaning his name. Even if Bucky tried to silence the voice in his head and lock away his heart, it was impossible to do it now. Lost in his head, his mouth finally worked on it’s own, saying things that were created by his stupid brain. 
“I love you.” 
Bucky froze in your hands, as if he had surprised even himself with those words, but you didn’t let him pull away and become distant again. You grabbed his face and couldn’t hold back your bright smile.
“I love you too, Buck. I’ve been in love with you for so long.” Bucky couldn’t believe his ears and stared at you in pure disbelief.
“I was head over heels for you but I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to ruin everything between us.” Your foreheads touched as you both closed your eyes to enjoy each other's presence.
“Well, me too. I guess we’re both just stupid.” You chuckled. 
“Yeah, definitely.” Bucky smiled back at you before he closed an inch between your faces and kissed you again. Sweetly and softly, this time showing you all of the emotions that he kept for you.
“So what’s next? What do you want to do? You are free now.” Bucky fell near you on the floor, pulled you closer to his chest, and deeply inhaled.
“I don’t know... I like to be here, but I want to go back to New York, to Brooklyn, and I want to be with you.” 
“Then stay in the compound. Stay with us. Stay with me. We can spend a few more days in Wakanda and then go back to New York. I bet that Steve and even Sam miss you.” Your fingers traced the lines on his stomach, and you looked up to see Bucky's reaction to your words.
“Okay, doll. Let’s do it. I'll be happy to do whatever you want to, as long as you're with me.” Bucky kissed the top of your head, tightening his hands around your back, and you nuzzled deeper into his body, finally being happy and calm.
Tags: @scorpiosaintt @livingoffsavvyillusion
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thevoidstaredback · 2 months
Tim was curious. Maybe a little addicted to whatever the hell was in that coffee, he's still standing by the point that no other coffee will ever be enough, but that's not the point.
He wants answers. The Justice League want answers. No one has been able to get them. Because Phantom stays in the House of Mysteries, no one but the JLD can actually get time him. The Supers have tried listening out for him, but magic is something they're weak against and therefore can't hear through. Batman has tried to get into the House, but he's been sent everywhere else for his attempts. They would track him down as a civilian, but no one actually knows if he has a civilian disguise. It's very hard to hide hair that starkly white and skin pale enough to be blue.
Regardless, everyone wanted answers and Tim was determined to be the one to get them. Why does Phantom claim to be thirty-eight, fourteen, and eighteen all at the same time? Where did he come from? When did he die? How did he die? What the hell is in his coffee because damn was it good!
Off topic.
Tim had the rest of the Titans return to the tower while he stayed out. It'd be easier to track if he was the only one doing it. Besides, these guys work with Raven, they won't hurt him. Probably.
The fact that Phantom apparently smelled like death was another concern Tim had. Was it because he was dead? And what did Constantine mean that 'the smell lingers'?
More questions kept popping up like goddamn daisies, and there was no answers to clip them down. Tim was getting frustrated, to say the least.
Danny made an effort to at least try and help Constantine with the demon problem the building was having. Honestly, it wasn't even that bad, in Danny's humble opinion. The demon was just messing with people, not hurting anyone or stealing anything! He was, at most, planting minor inconveniences everywhere.
That's not technically his monkey, though, and it was most definitely not his circus. He figured he'd offer to be helpful, though, if only so that Constantine would owe him a favor. A favor he already knows how he's going to cash in.
"Why'd you really want to tag along?" Constantine asked Danny while they searched for the demon.
"What do you mean? You offered to bring me along."
"Yeah, but that's because you need to get out of the House more."
"Funny, coming from you."
"I spend more time outside of the House than I do inside." the Brit scoffed, "Now tell me why you agreed to come along. This is demon hunting. You only ever go ghost hunting."
Danny sighed and ran his left hand through his hair. Not that he could feel it, stupid nerve damage. "Deadman's been on my ass about my first trip to Gotham. I would've left to go find some place to crash, but the entire Justice League is also on my ass for some reason! I'd honestly rather not have to face any of them."
"You've been to Gotham?" Constantine asked, "When?"
Danny groaned, "Not you, too!"
"Whoa, okay, okay. You don't need to share with the class."
"You better be."
"Now tell my why the JL proper are after you?"
A sigh. "You remember at that meeting when Red Robin mistook my drink for his?"
"Yeah. Hard to forget. You freaked everyone out a little bit."
"Yeah. Turns out they all have questions that I don't want to answer. Avoiding them all has been the best way to not answer."
"You know you can't dodge them all forever."
"I know, but I really don't want to have to explain anything!" he whined, "The questions that they'll end up asking are gonna be really painful to answer."
A raised eyebrow. "How do you know what they'll ask?"
"Because everyone always asks the same things. Worded differently, but still that same."
"Then refuse to answer."
Danny met Constantine's eyes with a deadpan glare. "You're gonna look me in the eye and tell me that the Justice League and their sidekicks will leave me alone if I tell them 'no'?" He shook his head. "Lying's a bad habit, old man."
Constantine rolled his eyes as he went for his lighter, remembering they were were in a no smoke zone and retracting his hand. "Don't sass me, brat. Wonder Woman and Superman, at the very least, would back off. They'd get everyone else to, too."
"What about Batman and his brood?"
"Touche." the man said, "But you can't hide from them forever."
"I can try,"
"But you'll fail."
Another groan. "Can we just get this thing over with? I want to lock myself in the basement and wallow."
Part 5 Part 7
Tag List:
@zaiothe4th @someonebored0100 @wolfeyedwitch @angelheartgamer @nymanders @princessbelix @luminanightfall @kgne-k @bianca-hooks123 @reigning-catsanddogs @sassywombatranchhorse @dontfightmecauseillcry @soul-lime @anarinette @serasvictoria02 @the-chaos-goblin-child @confusedshades @caicie @fantasticstoryteller @randomshtickidk @itsberrydreemurstuff
710 notes · View notes
samandcolbyownme · 8 months
New Jersey Devil(s)
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Summary: Y/n joins Sam and Colby on their investigation in the most haunted forest of America, the Pine Barrens, and they just so happen to be her boyfriends and try to keep everything off camera.
Warnings: some SMUT18+, non-penetrating, reader getting fingered and eaten out, some dirty talk, lots of fluff and ghost/investigation stuff
Disclaimer: this is based off of their video for the New Jersey devil, and I'm writing it as if you are apart of the group. I will add some things that did not happen, just to make the one shot better and there will be quick and dirty parts as well. This is going to be a longer one shot. Enjoy it.
Word Count: 10.3k |Not edited
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
You're sitting in the back of the car, staring out the window until you feel a hand slide onto your knee. You glance down, smiling when you see the rings, knowing it's Colby's hand.
"You okay?" He looks back at you over the seat and you nod, "Yeah, not a big fan of woods, but it's fine."
Sam looks back at you from the drivers seat, "Do you want to do this?" You laugh slightly, "We're already in Jersey and I really don't want to sit in the car alone."
Colby squeezes your knee, "You know at any time if you want to stop, we'll stop. Just let us know." You lay a hand on his, "Thank you."
"So Batsto Mansion first?" Sam asks looking at Colby.
"Yeah, I think we should stop there and then go to the diner." Colby takes his hand away and grabs his phone, pulling it up, "Oh dude we're so close to it already.
You were excited, you loved being with them no matter what you were doing.
Colby opens the door for you and you climb out. He pins you to the car after he shuts the door, "You sure you wanna do this?"
You nod, "I do. Now, stop it before you make the other one jealous." You smirk slightly and lay a finger on his lips. Colby whines slightly, "Just one kiss before the cameras start rolling?"
You sigh, "Fine. But just one."
Colby grabs your face and presses his lips to yours as Sam shuts the trunk, "Whoa, hey. What's going on here?" You pull away from Colby, "I was just, you know. Giving you guys each a kiss before we start filming."
Sam smirks slightly and nods, "Uh huh."
You pull him in for a kiss by gently pressing your lips to his, "Now. Let's go do whatever it is we need to do."
Colby smirks and shakes his head at Sam who does the same thing. You get under their skin but in the best way possible.
"Ready?" Sam asks as he gets the camera ready.
You and Colby nod and Sam click it on after he sets it down on something, "We are here at what is considered the most haunted forest in the United States." He pauses for a moment, "Thousands of actual sighting have seen this devil looking creature."
As soon as he said the last few words, a chill went down your spine, "Whoa." You turn around and look at Sam, "Sam, just as you said the last three words, I got an instant chill."
Sam looks at Colby, "Shit." Colby shakes his head, "This is going to be interesting." Sam looks back into the camera to continue talking for a few moments before picking up the camera and pointing it on Colby.
"This is the Batsto Mansion, apparently the Jersey devil has been rumored to be roaming around these areas and if you look-"
As Sam is recording Colby, you take his hand into yours and he looks over at you with a smile.
"The Batsto mansion." Sam repeated and that causes them to repeatedly say the name over and over again while laughing.
As we walk up, Colby suddenly jumps back yelling. Sam jumps pushing you slightly, "Yo what the fuck was that?"
Sam lays a hand on your back, "Sorry I didn't mean to shove you." You laugh and bat the air as you walk over to Colby who lifts up the rock.
"Ah, gonna catch some critters tonight." Sam says laughing. You lean over to look and Colby jumps at you doing a slightly loud "rahh."
"Ah, fucking hell." You scream and lay a hand on your chest, "Don't do that to me." You glare up at him and he laughs, "Sorry, sorry."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Ready?" Colby looks at you then Sam. You nod and Sam gives a thumbs up, "We're all just friends remember."
You nod, "Got it covered." You stand there with your hands clasped together behind your back and smile as Colby does their intro.
"What's up guys, it's Sam and Colby, and today,  we have y/n with us to help catch us a sighting of the Jersey Devil for another episode of Hell Week!"
You all scream and Sam sighs, "So as we said in the video before, we're here at what is considered to be the most haunted forest in the United States because the freaking devil lives here, like no joke.."
"Not Bigfoot.." Colby chimes in and it makes you laugh, "But the devil himself roams these woods."
Sam goes on to explain the terrain and everything about it, and you catch yourself giving him a loving stare so you look behind you.
"Y/n, do you want to tell the people what we are doing tonight." You eyebrow twitches and you hide your smirk the best you can, "We have a campsite that is deep in these woods. I don't know how they talked me into doing this, but I'm here for it."
You know why you're there.
"So like, this thing looks like a stupid version of charzard, basically, right?" Colby asks as he looks at Sam, and he nods, "Yeah, like a big goofy version of Charzard."
Sam continues talking, going about the intro to the video.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
As you're walking around the empty village, Colby explains that the the devil is half horse and then Sam turns the camera around so it faces all of us, "We got an interview with someone who's basically an expert, who has lived here for sixty plus years and knows all about the pine barrens. So let's go get that."
He finger guns to the camera and puts his palm to it and cuts it off.
"Did you actually feel a chill earlier?" Colby looks at you and lays a hand on your arm, "Like was there anything else or-"
You shrug, "I didn't feel that chill until Sam said those three words. It was weird, almost like.. you know how when I lightly drag my nails up your back and you get that chilly tickle thing that happens?" You pause and wait for him to nod, "That's what it felt like, but a lot colder."
"That's fucking.. weird wow." Sam shakes his head, "Are you ready to go meet this guy?"
You and Colby both agree and off to the diner you go.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"So this guys name is Paul, and I'm actually really excited to talk to him." Colby says looking over at Sam. Sam nods as he parks the car, "I'm ready to hear what he has to say."
You lean up from the middle seat in the back, "I'm just making it known now, that if we see this fucking devil thing, I'm sprinting the other way."
They both laugh and Colby reaches up to grip your chin with his thumb and rests the side of his pointer under your chin, "You are so cute."
You lick your lips, "I know, we're on a mission and all right now, and this is probably bad timing but.." you pause as you see Sam smile.
"What?" You ask tilting your head at him. He chuckles slightly, "I know where this is going."
"Where's it going, Mr. Golbach?" You ask with a smirk and he just shakes his head, "Well take care of you in a little bit, babe."
Colby picks up instantly and he leans in, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek, "Anything for our girl."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Hey, how's it going, I'm Sam." Sam shakes his hand and Colby does the same as he introduces himself. You step up, "I'm y/n." You smile and shake his hand.
You all sit down at the table, you in between Sam and Colby of course, and the guy sitting across from you, introduces himself as Sam continues recording.
"My name is Paul Evans Pedersen Jr, and this is the Legendary Pine Barrens.." Paul continues to talk about the book, keeping your attention the entire time.
As you're sitting there, talking to Paul, who's now giving you his backstory, you kind of start to feel dizzy.
Sam notices and leans in slightly, "What's going on? Are you alright, y/n?"
You're Sam and Colby's girlfriend, so of course they're going to care, but you all agreed to pretend like you aren't when the camera is rolling, so they play it cool. Colby slides his water over to you, "Dizzy?"
You nod, "Yeah, yeah. It's gone now though."
Paul stops talking and looks at you, "Can she feel spirits?" You look up at him, "Something like that."
"She'll come in handy." He wags his finger at you and you notice Sam and Colby trying to hide their smirks, "Yeah." Sam nods, "She is a big help."
"So it's one point one million acres of nothing but forest." Paul continues, "but the cool thing about the pine barrens, is that where you're gonna be, there's no people for square miles."
You sit up a little straighter and Colby's eyes move onto you. A smirk slowly grows on his face before he clears his throat and Sam moves the camera onto Colby, "so like pitching tents, is that, will that be easy to do?"
Paul nods, "As long as you have long stakes, you'll be fine. Oh and another thing, you don't want to go off road."
"So what you're saying is, every turn is a wrong turn?" Sam points to the camera on you and you laugh slightly, "That's what I'm picking up."
Paul laughs and shrugs as he grabs his drink, "You could have a really long night."
As the conversation goes on, you can't help but watch Colby as he talks. His hands and his rings, oof, you need his fingers in you soon.
Your eyes move over to Sam, who's intently listening to Paul and Colby talk, and you can't help but focus on his lips as he smiles and laughs.
You have no idea why you're so turned on right now, but you need him between your legs, somehow.
"So what does this thing sound like?" You lean forward and Sam pits the camera on you, "Like, a screeching sound?" You try to imitate a screech and Sam and Colby laugh, which makes them fall deeper in love with you.
"So like a blood curdling scream?" Sam asks and Paul nods, "Oh yeah." He goes on to tell his personal experiences answering questions, giving advice on what to do and what not to do, and then soon enough, you guys are ready to go out on your own.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
As you get back into the car, you lean forward between them. Sam looks over at you slightly and Colby leans forward out to look at Sam, "I can take care of her now, then you can take care of her later?"
Sam licks his lips, trying to hide his jealousy, "Fine."
You smirk and lean back into the seat, spreading your legs slightly as Sam starts to drive, "Let's get out of here first."
After a few minutes a drive, Colby climbs over the seat and makes his way next to you. You look up at Sam who smirks, "Treat our girl good."
You feel Colby grip your chin and turn your head to face him. He smirk and raise his eyebrows quick, "You know I always do."
You look from his eyes to his lips, leaning forward to connect yours with his. His hand slides down to your hips, pulling you closer to him.
You reach down, undoing your jeans as Colby kisses down your neck. You shuffle your jeans down mid thigh and grab his hand, pulling to where you're aching to be touched the most.
"Eager little thing, aren't we?" He chuckles as he pushes his fingers in past your panties and slowly pushes them against your clit.
You gasp and whimper, "Please." You lay a hand on his shoulder and tilt your head back as he slips his fingers into your pussy.
"She's soaked, Sam." Colby says looking up at him. Sam tilts his head, "When is she not?" He smirks slightly as you open your eyes and look at him, causing a smirk to grown on your lip.
Colby curls his fingers, as he leans in to kiss your neck, "Cum for us, baby girl." His voice is low, "Is that what you want to do?"
You nod, "Yes, Colby."
"Gotta hurry. Almost here." Sam says as he glances back at you in the rearview, watching your face twitch with the pleasure that Colby is giving you.
Your hand grabs Sam's seat, digging your nails into the interior as Colby guides you along to orgasm, "You got this, baby. Cum for us."
You arch your back against the seat, whimpering as you clench his fingers with the walls of your needy cunt, "S-shit."
"There ya go." Colby breathes out, continuing to fuck you through your high, "You good for now?" He slowly pulls his fingers out and you bite your lip as you nod, leaning forward to take his fingers into your mouth.
He gasps slightly as he watches you lick his fingers clean. The car comes to a stop right outside of where you guys are going, so you take that opportunity to lean up and kiss Sam.
He lays a hand on the back of your head and his tongue dances with yours, moaning as he tastes you on your tongue.
"Fuck." Sam breathes as you pull away, "You're something else." He gently pinches your bottom lip and sighs, "I hate to be the rain on this parade, but we're losing daylight and I think the shot of the woods as we're driving would be great."
You plop back into the back and pull up your jeans, "No you're right." Colby leans over and kisses your cheek before getting out and moving back up front.
Sam starts to drive again, continues to look back at you every now and then, waiting patiently for his turn.
Colby has the camera out of the window until you start talking, "So this is what the Barrens look like."
Colby looks back at you and nods, "this is it, b-"
Sam's head snaps over and Colby turns off the camera quickly, "I caught myself." You all laugh and compose yourself so he can re-record that,
He points the camera to Sam, "It's literally only pine trees, like the whole way."
"Is that why it's called the pine barrens?" Colby asks and Sam shakes his head once, "No."
You smirk and shake your head, leaning forward to look when Colby says a thing about the water and Colby turns the camera around to show all of you, "We have made it through the body of water and we have reached our official campsite for the night." He looks over at you and Sam, "How are we feeling?"
You shake your head and smirk, "I'm feeling.. alright I guess." Sam makes a face, "I am .. well come back to that."
"Alright." Colby laughs as he turns the camera around, showing the campsite, "Oh shit, there's wood for us."
"Good thing we have the lighter." Sam says in a sing songy tone and you smile and shake your head, "oh no." They turn to look at you and you point up to the passenger window, "Look at all the bugs already."
Colby films the bugs, "Great. Great."
"Okay." Sam says and Colby turns the camera off, "Why don't we find out first thing, the watering hole,"
"Yes, yes." Colby says turning in his seat. He smiles at you, "You alright with this?" You nod, "As I said, I see anything that's nine foot tall, I'm dipping." You motion with your thumb and they laugh at you.
"I'm serious." You try not to laugh but you can't help it.
Sam bites his lip as he stares at you and you look at him, "Hmm?" He shakes his head, "Just can't wait to have my turn with you."
You blush and bite your lip to hide your smile, "Let's film this first and then we can go from there." You wink at him, "Burning day light, remember."
He rolls his eyes with a laugh and gets out, opening the door for you. "I'm going to start recording." Colby says as a warning. "Hang on." Sam says before pulling you in by your neck to crash his lips into yours.
"Okay." He says leaning back, "Go ahead,"
As you walk to your first destination, Colby carries the camera and they freak out about mosquitos until you stop and try and figure out where you're doing.
Sam ruffles his hair and you bite your lip as it falls over his eyes. He notices and smirks, "Anyway we're looking for.."
You walk behind Colby, smacking mosquitos off of you as Sam talks about the origin of the Jersey devil, "Holy fuck." You yell as you smack your neck and pull your hood up, "Colby why did you not grab the bug spray!"
His mouth drops and he tries not to laugh, "I'm sorry, okay! I'm sorry!" He holds his hands up, "You know, the sun sets in ten, maybe twenty minutes."
"So it's going to get dark." You smirk and he laughs, "yes."
"Did we- wait.." Sam pats his red pants and his voice is slightly whiney at first, "we didn't bring a single flashlight. What the fuck is going on?" He laughs and turns the camera around to film us all walking back.
"We just left everything in the car." Colby said swiping a mosquito away. Sam sighs, "Let's just hurry up, get to this place and get back."
"Remember when you got lost in the witches forest, Colby?" You laugh slightly and he turns around, still walking, "I am not having that happen again."
You finally reach your first destination and Colby points out that it looks like the same one from Dracula's castle, and he almost falls in, but Sam grabs him.
"Holy hell." Colby laughs as he stands back up, "Don't want to fall into that." Sam moves the camera to you, "It's going to get dark soon, how are you feeling?"
I wrap my arms around myself, "I'm cold. Like freezing all of a sudden." Sam looks at Colby and he walks over, "you know what, it is kinda cold like just right by y/n."
Suddenly, a truck gets stuck in the sand and they guys yell out if they got it, which the people on the other side of the water get free and you start to make your way back to the car.
Sam stays back a little, filming you guys walking, "You know. I'm not cold anymore." You look over to Colby who's walking beside you, "That was weird." He says looking back, "There was definitely something there."
"Colby?" Sam says jogging up to you guys, "What time is it?" Colby pulls out his phone, "I don't have service but it is currently seven thirty."
"Luckily we have about a half a mile away, so.." Sam says pointing towards the trees, "Almost back."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
In the car, after filming on the way back for a little bit, Colby cuts the camera off and looks back at you, "You scared?" He asks teasingly and you shake your head, "Mm. Kinda. Yeah." You laugh and nod, "I keep thinking about seeing that thing and it just makes my want to jump out of my skin."
"We love that beautiful skin of yours," Sam speaks up, "So don't do that." He chuckles and points, "Oh here's our site."
Colby turns the camera on and starts filming, "Back at the campsite, it's pitch black and-" he stops talking when Sam puts on his blinker.
You laugh and Sam shakes his head, "Why did I just use my blinker?" You see Colby has the camera pointed out towards the front of the car so you gently scratch Sam's head and laugh.
"We're 4 right?" I ask pointing, "Yeah four." Colby says and you look around, "And there's no one else here?"
"There shouldn't be." Sam says putting the car in park, "Oh my god. You can't see anything it's pitch black."
Sam turns off the headlights of the car and it truly is nerve racking. Sam and Colby both "ooh" as Colby pants the camera around, "Oh my god."
He moves the camera to you, "Y/n. You still back there." You decide to stay quiet and Sam cracks a joke, "Jersey devil got her."
You lean forward, "No he didn't."
Sam jerks slightly and gasps, "Oh my god." Colby laughs as do you, and you all just take a moment to realize how dark it actually is.
"The fact that we're actually just out here alone.." Sam sighs and Colby nods, "dude, we're deep in this shit. Six miles into the forest with no service or lights."
"Y/n. Take the camera. Colby." Sam sighs and tries not to laugh, "You have been voted the one to get out and take the stuff over."
Colby puts up no fight as he hands you the camera, giving you a wink before he gets out. He shuts the door and Sam leans forward, "Oh my god. He is such a brave soldier.."
You lay a hand over your mouth as you hold the camera on Colby who's now, at the front of the car setting the stuff down, "He is insane."
"yeah, for you." He says without thinking.
"Sam!" My mouth drops and he hangs his head down, "Fuck." He laughs and you smirk, "Well edit that out."
You look up as Colby sets the tent down and Sam turns off the headlights.
"Sam!" You gasp and squint to see Colby, "Where is he?" You laugh slightly and look around and Sam lets out a groan, "I can't see him and he's only two feet in front of us."
He looks around and you move the camera, trying to catch anything and Sam yells, "Oh no. Where the fuck did he go?"
At this point you're scared because you know he's going to jump scare you regardless, "Oh my god, Colby!" You run a hand through your hair, moving around to look again, "Where is he?!"
"I don't know! I don't know!" Sam yells out with a slight laugh, "Oh my god."
Next thing Colby does, is hit the window, and you and Sam both yell. You grab onto Sam's shirt and Colby opens the door, peaking his head in, "There are thousands of gnats out here."
You stop recording and set the camera down, "Guess what Samuel did."
Colby gets back in and looks between the two of you, "What did Samuel do?" You hand Colby the camera, "watch from the time you get out until right before the lights go out."
You listen to the video playback and can help but smile the whole time,
"He is insane."
"Yeah, for you."
Colby's mouth drops and he looks at Sam, "Dude!" He laughs and Sam hangs his head down, "I know. I know. We'll have to make sure to edit that out."
Colby nods, "Uh huh." He look back at you, "So, do you and Sam want to do your thing before we get out? Because once we're out, I plan on filming as much as we can."
You smirk and move up to sit backwards on the center console, "I think right now is perfect for Sam and I to play around quick."
Sam pulls you into his lap, "I can put the seat back and you can sit on my face?"
"Now that's sexy." Colby says biting his lip. You smirk and nod, "I'd love to sit on your face Mr. Golbach."
You move back to the back seat, handing Colby the camera, "Don't accidentally turn that on." You tease as he takes it, "No promises." He smirks and you shift your pants down as Sam puts the seat back.
He lays back and welcomes you to straddling his face with a big smile, "Thought about this all day." You bite your lip as you settle down, staring down at him as you hold his hair in a firm grasp.
He goes in, sucking your clit and squeezing your thighs as you moan. Your eyes roll back and your hand searches for something to grab with your other hand. Colby takes your hand into his and he watches Sam eat you out in pure silence, enjoying every second of it.
Sam pushes his tongue into you, humming slightly as you pull his hair, "Fuck Sam." You whimper out, gasping as you feel your orgasm coming on.
Colby rubs your hand with his thumb, biting down on his lip as he watching you cum on Sam's face.
"Fuck, fuck." You squeeze your thighs together slightly and Sam's fingers dig into your skin.
Once you're down from your high you pull yourself off of Sam and move back to the back to put your pants back on, "That was so fucking good, babe."
Once your bottom half is dressed again, you lean up to kiss Sam, swirling your tongue against his and moving to kiss Colby, giving him a taste of yourself, too.
"So fucking good." Colby mumbles against your lips, "We're not done with you yet, though." You smile as he grabs the camera and you do a once over on Sam, making sure he doesn't look like he just had his face sat on.
You ruffle up his hair and he smirks at you, pulling you in for one last kiss before Colby hits record.
Once you're out Sam takes over the camera as you and Colby set stuff up, there was rustling in the bushes and you start kinda freaking out, "Yeah like right over there."
"Oh no, that's not good." Sam says in a high pitched tone, "Already?" Sam stands up, "Hang on." He puts his hands on either side of his mouth and makes a loud, "Ooowah" sound that echos and he looks at Sam as he listens for a sound back.
You have to admit, Colby making that noise was hot as fuck.
"What the hell was that?" Sam asks laughing, "y/n. Make that noise you made at the diner." You laugh and do the same as Colby did, but make the sound you made."
And they found you just as hot, too. Always down the adventure, they loved it.
After a few moments of silence, you guys go back to setting stuff up and Sam shushes you, "Whoa, whoa guys. Guys. Shh." He holds the camera still out towards the woods and you look at Colby as soon as you hear a growl.
"Oh shit." You jump towards Colby and stand close to him, he lays a hand on your back, "What was that?"
Sam comes walking over, "Was that a fucking growl?"
"I think so.." you look back out at the trees, watching and you swear your mind is playing tricks on you because of how dark it is out there, "Maybe it was a plane?" You look up at Colby and he shrugs, "I have no idea.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Aftera while of Colby messing with the tent and finally getting it set up, Sam reveals that he doesn't have lighter fluid in the lighter and Colby said about putting dead grass on the top.
Sam bickers with him over it, "You really think you can  just light it with just the sparks, boyscout?"
Colby holds his arms out, "What do you expect me to do everything!" He laughs causing you and Sam to laugh.
Eventually, after a while trying to make a fire, Colby fails, "You know, I don't want anyone thinking I'm not mainly or anything like that."
You walk over, standing over his shoulder and Sam turns the camera to the woods. You lean down, whispering in his ear, "I can vouch that you are most definitely are manly."
You peck his cheek and stand up quickly as Sam turns the camera back, "You tried your best, Colby. We have a devil to find."
You start walking around and you walk into a giant spider web. Screaming and thrashing around, "Get it off. Get it off."
Colby comes over and helps you get the web off while trying not to laugh, "Hang on. Hang on." Sam is recording the whole thing, laughing at your antics, "Oh my god."
Colby steps back, shaking his head as you take a deep breath, "I'm going to the tent." You start walking back, "Nevermind. It's too dark."
"Alright alright, back to the tent to tell some scary ghost stories." Sam laughs as he walks with you and Colby. Sam cuts the camera and you guys work to get settled into the tent.
Sam turns the camera back on and sets it in the corner. You're sitting between them with your knees pulled to your chest and Colby lets out a sigh, "Well we did it. And it's hot and the mosquitos everywhere. And there's a devil in the woods." He groans and covers his face.
"I know I said if he scared shitless, but I kinda want to see what this goat horse charzard things actually looks like." You look between them and they agree.
Everything goes silent and Sam whispers, "The cicadas stopped and then there was two creaks, but anyway."
Colby takes the camera and points it at Sam, "We all know what can physically harm us.."
"Guns, knives, fist.." Colby lists and you laugh but Sam looks directly into the camera, "the Jersey Devil."
Colby gives an over exaggerated reaction and you shake your head, "Oh my god. You guys are nuts."
"Well you're here with us so you're just as much of a nut as we are." Colby says behind the camera and winks at you. You smirk and shrug, "Yeah, I guess so."
Sam talks about the story of the white stag, and you zone out staring at him, thinking about getting double teamed by the both of them.
You needed both of them this time.
"Y/n?" Sam asks waving his hand, "You with us?"
Colby looks at you, knowing what you were doing and he raises his eyebrows. You clear your throat, "Yeah, sorry. I just like zoned out there for a second." Colby puts the camera on you, "oh no, the devil is getting to her."
He moves the camera back to Sam and Sam lets out a nervous, high pitched, "Ohhh nooo."
"I can promise you, that it's not the devil getting to me. I'm not sure what that was about." You look at Colby and he has a smirk on his face. He reaches up and grabs your chin, only to stop when something outside sounds like growling.
"What is that?" You ask looking behind you, "That was a growl." After a few moments of silence, Colby starts to tell his story after handing the camera to Sam.
You know you're probably in the shot so you keep your staring to a minimum, "No we should definitely go do that, the whole lights thing and all."
"You know, it is getting late and it is kinda far away, so we should do that now if we are." Colby says looking at his phone. He keeps his hand over his screen so your face on his lock screen doesn't show to the camera.
"let's go summon a little boy demon." Sam says and we all get up to make our way out. As we're walking, Sam calls Colby over to a tree, "Colby. Come look at this scratch on this tree."
You walks over, "is it on any other trees?"
He walks over and points, "Yeah, it's on that one and that one and that one, like what the fuck."
"I think it was someone trying to fuck with people, but like, it could use the trees to launch itself and travel? I don't know. That's fucking weird anyway."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"You know what I was zoned out on?" You speak up from the back seat and it catches both of their attentions.
"What was that, darling?" Colby asks turning to look at you. You smirk and lean up, your arm reaching around the seat to drag your nails up Sam's neck, "Getting double teamed by the both of you in that tent."
Sam tilts his head and clears his throat, "Same."
"Yeah, I'm guilty of that too." Colby says with a chuckle, "since we both got you once, it's only fair that we get you together next, right?"
You nod and go to say something but point, "Sam. Water." You remember what Paul said about the water and Colby gets the camera to record, "Is he going to make it?" Sam drives over the puddle and Colby cheers, "Yessss, he did it!"
After a little bit longer, Sam groans, "There's another puddle."
"That one looks deep." You and Colby say in unison which causes you to laugh. "What do we do? Get out and walk through it like the guy said?"
Colby shakes his head, "I'll throw a rock or something. I don't trust the devils water." He gets out and same takes the camera, "So Colby is going to do a rock check for us. He's definitely our hero tonight, going out into the dark like that."
You smile, because he really is your hero, Sam too.
You watch as Colby throws a few things in and comes back, "We should be okay, but I don't know."
After debating for a few minutes, Sam decides to turn around and go another way. "didnt we just.." you point to the window, "Sam this looks like something we already passed."
Colby looks at Sam, "she's right. This is making no sense." You lean forward, "Have we passed the campsite at all? Or any of them?"
Sam shakes his head, "Oh my god, no."
You look at Colby, starting to panic a little and luckily the camera is off because he grabs your face, "Well get out of here. I promise okay."
You nod and Sam rubs your back, "Just hold on, babe. I'm kinda freaking out too."
After about fifteen minutes of driving, you come to a bridge and Colby starts to record again, "Just a little, funny update for you guys, we actually got lost."
"I have no idea where we are." Sam admits, "I think we missed the first left."
"We're at a bridge that we didn't find on the way here so we're definitely lost." Colby says before cutting the camera off.
About half hour later, "We're back, baby. Ten minutes and we'll hit civilization." You sigh,  "Oh thank god." Colby chuckles, "One of these days we won't get lost. I promise."
Colby starts the camera, "Back on the main road-" the road becomes a bumpy mess, throwing you all around, "and the road is.. a.. fucking me- mess."
"Oh my god." You say with a laugh, "I'm going to get sick."
"Are you really?" Sam says turning around quickly and you shake your head laughing, "No, no. I'm kidding."
After a while, you make it to your destination and Colby turns the camera on, "Who the hell.." he pans to the basketball hoop that's sitting on the side of the road, "Is playing basketball out here? Like what?"
"Well, we're here so that's good. I just have to go down make a u turn and we should be good." Sam says, "we have the thermal camera, so.." he continues to drive and turns around, getting us to where we need to be.
"So at this point the drunk driver has already hit the kid, so he went back. And pulled up to.. right here.. the crack.." he comes to a stop and takes the camera, "Park, one, two, three." Then he flashes the lights three times and you and Colby are watching out the window intently.
Sam turns the car off and everything goes dark, "Oh fuck." You whisper causing them to try not to laugh.
"It's too dark, I feel like my eyes are playing tricks on me.. wait. Is the car moving?" Sam leans forward to try and see and Colby holds up the thermal.
The green glow casted on his face makes him look so good because he's doing what he loves doing. You're staring so intently that a tap on the window causes you to scream and you almost end up in his lap.
"Whoa, no. No. My window." You yell out and point.
"What? What? What?" Colby asks you quickly turning around to make sure you're okay. You look at them, "something tapped my window, that window."
Sam pans the camera back to you, "That wasn't you?" Sam asks and you roll your eyes, "No, Sam. It wasn't me." You're fighting back a smirk but you're trying to keep playing annoyed. Colby snickers slightly and shakes his head before looking back, "Whoa. What was that?"
He gets out of the car and starts walking forward, still holding the thermal up, "Colby!" Same calls out as you guys get out and follow him, "Wait!"
"Do you see this? Look?" Colby stops and Sam takes the camera up, "Show the camera dude, what is it?"
Colby points on the thermal, "That little red spot, right there."
"What is that?" You ask as you lean in between them to see better, "It was in the middle for like three seconds and then it went up in the tree." Colby sighs, "It's like a white orb or something."
You hear a slam and jump, turning around, "What the fuck?"
They whip around, "What was that? Was that the car?" Colby asks and Sam points to the building, "Was it that building?"
"Sam. You left your car door open." You say as you look at him like a deer in headlights, "You never shut your door when you got out."
"I did?" He asks concerned and you nod, "Yeah, you got out and ran after Colby and I got out and I know I shut mine. You didn't shut yours."
"That was the car door for sure?" Colby asks, "Seriously?"
You nod, "Yes. One hundred percent, Colby. Sam left the door open and now it's not." You can feel your hands shaking, "I'm fucking shaking, guys."
Sam wraps an arm around your waist, making sure to keep the camera on the car, "There's no fucking way. What!? I thought we all closed our doors."
"This is fucking insane." You walk close to Sam back to the car, "Oh my god. No I definitely feel something."
"There was an arm, by the trees an-"
Sam cuts Colby off, "Was that you?"
"What was me?" Colby asks and Sam pans the camera the way the sound came from, "There was-" he makes a blowing noise with his mouth, "Sounded like a deer or some sort of angry mating call."
You grab Sam's sweatshirt and bunch it in your hand. You just got a really bad feeling, "We need to go. Now."
"What?" Colby asks, "Are you okay?"
You step back and Sam puts the camera on you, "I ju- I just got a really bad feelings like something is telling us we need to go."
"Okay. Let's just get into the car." Sam says and cuts the camera off.
"Sit up front, y/n." Colby says leading you to the front. You get in, sitting next to Sam and you look at him, "I don't even know how to explain that." Your eyes move back onto the road and you shake your head.
"You're okay, sweetheart." Colby reaches up and gently scratches the back of your head to assure you. You rest your head back into his hand, "That was fucking crazy."
"Yeah, yeah." Sam sighs, "Okay. Let's just.." he starts the camera again and flips it so we're all in frame, "So y/n. You're sure my car door was open."
You nod, "One thousand perfect, Sam. I swear to god."
"Let's just get out of here.." Colby says, slightly in shock, "I didn't, that's not what I thought was going to happen."
"Yeah, no good idea." Sam passes the camera to you and you keep it out to the front of the car. Your heart is still racing, but Colby's touch is slowly calming you down.
"What is that noise? Why is the car.. making that noise?" Colby leans forward and you show Sam who is looking at the steering wheel confused, "what the fuck is happening?" He looks around, "What is going on with this car?"
"Is it stuck or something?" You ask leaning over. Sam nods, "Yeah, stuck in first gear.. I don't.."
"It's not going up at all, what the fuck." Colby says with a sigh, "it's working now?" Sam nods, "Yep. Fine now. That was so fucking weird."
You cut the camera off and rest it in your lap.
Sam reaches over and lays a hand on your leg, "What's up?" You shake your head, "just trying to decompress from that." You let out a laugh, "Why do we do this?"
"For the thrill." Colby says with a laugh and Sam squeezes your thigh, "You good to keep going or?"
You nod, "If you're in, I'm in." You smile as you look at them and you proceed to make your way to what you honestly hope is the last stop of the night.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"How's our girl doing? Are you hungry at all, y/n?" Sam asks glancing over at you. You nod, "Now that I think about it, yeah." He nods and looks back at Colby who hasn't taken his hand off of your neck.
"We can just stop here, I guess, since it's already so late." Colby points to a gas station and Sam pulls in. They both look at you and you look at them, "Hmm?"
"The way you held your composure back there is amazing." Sam brushes hair from your face and squeezes your chin, "Come on. Let's go get you some food."
You go to sit in the back and Colby asks you what you're doing. You smile up at him, "I like being in the back, so I can see you both."
"Isn't that sweet." He smiles and kisses your head before getting in the front and hitting record, "Alright guys, before we go to our last stop of the night, we stopped off for some food. It is one thirty."
"And how you may ask.. how? Well I'll tell you." Sam says with a laugh, "Each place we went to is like an hour away almost, and we got lost."
Colby chuckles, "That means we fucked up and lost four hours."
"But as you can see, we just turned on to the gravel road that will lead us back to the campsite in about ten minutes, or so." Same glances back at you and you smile.
He smiles and Colby snaps, "We also have a lighter, so we can get the fire going but there is one last place and that's where we are doing the seance at."
They talk about the bridge while you stay quiet, you kinda feel tired, but not tired enough to quit.
"The devils bridge or whatever it's called?" You say leaning up. Sam glances back, "The one in my story was Quacker Bridge."
"The white stage?" Colby asks and Sam nods, "Yeah, yeah."
"And since we're the only ones here, you know in these woods, all the energy will be attracted to us, right?" You tilt your head as Colby points the camera to you, "Exactly."
"So, in my mind, the closest bridge to our campsite will probably be best." Sam says and Colby cuts the camera off.
"You alright to do this seance?" Colby turns and rests his elbow on the consol, chin in his hand. You lean up and rest your forehead on his, "I promise. I'm okay."
"You mean that?" Sam asks holding his hand out. You lay your hand in his and he gives it a squeeze, "I mean every word I ever say to you guys."
"Oh, campsite." Sam cheers and you laugh, "Glad you didn't get us lost this time." He snaps and points back at you, "Hey now."
You bite your lip, "Had to." You laugh and they shake their heads.
Colby gets the camera rolling, "can you just imagine if we pulled up and everything was just destroyed?"
Sam laughs, "I put in the coordinates and it's just a few minute walk down that road." He points with his thumb to the left, "To the bridge, so let's get everything ready, a bunch of flashlights and.." he clicks his tongue.
"Let's git er' done." Colby says and cuts the camera off again. You sit there for a moment, taking a sip of your water before getting out.
"Come here." Sam says as he gets out. You walk around, meeting him at the back of the car. He pulls you in for a hug. Colby walks up and wraps his arms around both you and Sam, "I love a good group hug."
You and Sam laugh and he cups your cheeks, pressing his lips to yours, "let's go talk to the devil." He moves around, leaving you with Colby and he does the same thing.
"You two are more alike than you care to admit." You laugh and walk over, grabbing anything they'll let you carry, and off you go.
As you're walking, you stop and shine the light at them, "Hey guys. Over here."
"What did you find?" Sam asks as he walks up, "No fucking way." Colby bends down and runs his finger along them, "Those are definitely hoof prints."
"Oh shit." You whisper and look at him, "Shut up. Look, there's more."
"We are close to the white stag." He says as he holds his arms out and Sam nods, "The white stag, yeah!"  You start to walk away and Sam shakes his head, "That's actually kinda fucking horrifying."
A little bit more down the road you stop and shine your light on a daddy long leg, "Oh my god. That is - nope." You start to back away and Sam puts his hand on your back.
Colby bends down to pick it up, "Oh it's scary.. what? He's a friend!"
"Colby. No." You shake your head, "No, no." Sam laughs and shines his light on a puddle, "holy shit, imagine our car trying to get through that." He shines his light up more, "I see a sign."
"That's is right there." Colby says looking forward, "we're by the water, which means we're about to be by a bunch of spirits.. y/n. How are you feeling?" He turns around and looks at you and Sam puts the camera on you.
"I'm ready." You hold your thumbs up, "Paul said I'll be a help so I'm hoping he's right."
"This is what we have spent all night for." Sam says with a laugh but then sighs, "Oh god I have bad news."
"What?" You and Colby stop to look at him.
"We can't fucking go on this bridge, bro." He laughs and Colby turns and does his cute little thing about the likes on the videos and not being subscribed.
You continue walking towards the edge of the bridge, shining your light onto a massive bug, "Oh shit. Fuck that." You back up and Sam and Colby come over to you, "What the fuck?" Sam asks as he looks down.
"Fuck, no no no!" You take off running and of course they follow you, "Turn off the lights, turn off the lights!" Sam yells and the lights go out.
Colby finds you in the dark, holding onto you, "What the hell was that?"
"That was the biggest fucking bug I've ever seen in my life." You pant as you try and catch your breathe from sprinting.
"That was a huge, giant fucking murder hornet." Sam clicks his light back on and you step away from Colby quickly, even though you don't want to, but camera is rolling.
"There it is!" Colby says pointing and you start to freak out again, "Fuck fuck."
You guys move and Sam says something about the Blair witch forest, and suddenly Colby takes off sprinting, you and Sam following behind.
"That shit went right by my fucking head." Sam tells while running, "How the hell are we going to film with that shit?" He asks as you all stop.
"No we're going to go and stand our ground." Colby says as he walks away and Sam's voice goes up a few octaves, "You want to stand your ground against a fucking murder hornet?!"
Sam's explaining how it went past his face and Colby is laughing and you can't help but smile at him.
"I was so scared, I turned off the camera." Sam says as he starts recording again, "But instead of this being a random fucking hornet, what if this isn't sign from the white stag to not go here and do a seance?"
"Something is chasing us out." Colby says as he runs a hand down his face.
"Y/n. What do you feel?" Sam looks at you. You shake your head, "Honestly, I think you might be right, Sam."
"I have a bad feeling something is going to happen." Sam says with a sigh, and you continue to walk over towards the bridge and Colby starts freaking out, "I heard it! I heard it!"
"I don't know if it's just because since we're out on our own without the car but I'm the most scared I've been all night." Sam ends recording and looks around, "should we?"
Colby looks at you and you hold your hands up, "I'll do whatever it is you guys want to do. But I am kinda freaked out, like you said Sam."
He pulls you into his side and Colby moves to your other side, "You wanna stop and we stop. Okay?"
You nod, "Okay. Let's talk to the devil." You quietly clap your hands together and in unison, "That's our girl."
They get everything out, Colby switches the camera back on and they start explaining all the equipment.
"We'll set these around and I know I say we call out to the Jersey devil but also to the other ghosts of the pine barrens. We'll try our best but I feel like something.. bad is about to happen."  Sam takes a deep and Colby cuts in, "If there was any time for something to happen in this forest, it would be right now."
You cross your arms over your chest, looking around.
"Pine barrens.." Sam's voice is kinda shakey, "We came to you, because we heard you're the most haunted forest in the United States." He shines his light behind him, "Now is your time to show us that."
You move closer to Colby, as Sam continues to talk, "Please show yourself."
After a few moments of silence and Colby moving the camera around, his voice makes you jump, "We're you trying to give us a sigh earlier? Was the hornet some sort of signal for us to turn back?"
He looks down at you, "Ask about the white stag." You nod and take a calming breath, "if the white stag is here with us, make yourself known."
Another moment or two passes by and Colby laughs slightly, "That sign keeps scaring the fuck out of me."  Colby says what can be touched and Sam adds in about the little boy and to make themselves known and that's when the thermal goes into auto shutdown.
"That's fucking weird, like right as you said that." You look at Colby and he shrugs. Sam looks around, "Maybe underneath the bridge?"
"Closer to the water? That might be better." Colby walks over to the edge, "There's a little beach area."
You jerk your flashlight up, shining it onto the trees and stare, "Rustling, I heard some sort of rustling over there." You move your flashlight and then the box on the ground starts blinking and making the noise it makes when there's something around it.
You look down, backing away slowly as you look up at Sam, "That wasn't me was it?" He shakes his head, "Maybe but-" it starts going off again, "Whoa, whoa."
"Okay, I don't know what that was exactly but I do remember Paul saying something about the coywolves? The coyote wolves, inbred wolves?"
"Inbred wolves?" Colby laughs and Sam explains before you make your way down to the water.
"This is as close to the water that we can basically get. Got the rem pod over there." Sam points as he moves the camera over, "It's almost three so this is perfect."
You look around, shining your light and Colby starts to speak out, "any spirit, white stag.. or dare I say, the New Jersey.. devil."
You get that chill again and gasp. They look at you and you tilt your head, "I got that chill again, but it wasn't until you said the last three words."
"Fuck." Sam curses and sighs, "You alright?" You nod, "Yeah. Yeah." You clear your throat, "Thousands of people have said that they've seen you. So where are you?"
"If you want to make yourself known, you'll be on camera. A lot of people will start to believe in you." Sam looks over at Colby who has the thermal, "Anything?"
Colby shakes his head, "Huh.. nothing on here."
You point, "Hey. The rem pod. There a light but no noise. What the hell?"
"Wai- wha- why? I've ever seen it do that before. Wait.' Turn off the lights." Sam motions for the lights to be off, and both you and Colby comply.
"What the fuck?" Sam whispers, "What's happening?"
"It's never made that noise before." Colby walks up closer to you and looks at Sam then back.
"Maybe try and ask something." You say and Sam nods, "if that is a spirit, please.."
Colby jumps in, "Is there someone trying to give us a sign right now?"
"Make that signal a little bit stronger, please." You say jumping in.
After nothing, you sigh, "That was suc-"
"What was that?" Colby jumps and turns and Sam points, "Dude look look look! The brush, it's still moving! It's still moving! There was something right behind you, you can see-"
"What the fuck happened to my- oh that's never happened." Colby sighs and Sam cuts the camera off, "What the fuck was that?"
You walk close to them, "This is fucking freaky." 
"One more question then we can be done?" Sam asks looking at Colby. He nods, "Yeah. I guess." Sam wraps his arm around your shoulder and kisses your head.
Colby does the same and you smile waiting for them to start rolling again, "Alright this is going to be our last question of the night.. if the-"
"I keep hearing a beep." You say looking around.
"Anything out there that wants to communicate with us and or touching the rem pod please do it again."
After nothing, you decide to pack it up.
You hear the wolves howling, or coyotes or whatever and you cling to Sam's side. You all stop once it happens again and you all huddle together, whispering.
"That was not a fucking owl. That was a screech." Sam says quietly. The lights are off, but the camera is rolling, catching everything.
"We need to keep moving." Colby says quietly, "let's just keep it as quiet as we can."
"That was close. Too close." Sam says and switches the light on, only to turn it off again, "i keep hearing the fucking rustling."
You have a hold on Colby now, and he's squeezing your hand, "We just need to get back to the campsite because we have a ways yet."
You continue back, stopping every so often and you couldn't tell if it was your nerves or what but you were almost shivering.
"There it is. We made it." Sam says and turns the camera light back on, "Here get in."
You all get in the car, Sam and Colby up front, you in the back. Sam sets the camera on the dash, holding it there while you guys talk about what happened.
"Right before we did the ritual, we all heard some other deer noises? Basically this entire time we've been hearing different animals come up next to us."
"Honestly." Colby cutting, "Don't know if there is going to be animals-"
Your flash light falls off the seat and makes everyone jump, "Sorry."
"Oh shit that scared me." Colby sighs and Sam looks back, "You good? You good?" You nod, "yeah."
"I'm glad we came back, because that was fucking close." Colby rubs his face and Sam sighs, "So I guess the question is, are we staying?"
You look at your service-less phone and sighs, "I mean it's literally three am right now.." Colby cuts in, "Finding a hotel after driving forty five minuets out of the forest is going to be tough."
"It has to die down sometime? Right. We did make a lot of noise, so like what if we just make a fire, so that was we know nothing will come up to the campsite."
"I'm down, but can we wait like fifteen, twenty minutes  and just wait in the car?" Colby asks as he brushes his finger over his lips.
"We can eat too, just kinda wind down." Sam sighs and looks back, "Thanks for coming, y/n." You smile and laugh slightly, "Thanks for having me, I feel like I'm risking my life for you guys so."
Colby holds his hand up, "wait.. you don't.." his voice goes quiet and he grits his teeth, "it wasnt like the.." his words go almost inaudible, "New Jersey devil right?"
"I mean.. we really have no idea what it sounds like so.." Sam looks back at you and you shrug, "so mean, he said it sounded like the sound I made so.."
"What sound are we talking about?" Sam asks and you tilt your head, "Again?"
He sighs and Colby laughs, "You'll catch on. Don't worry." Sam cuts the camera off and you shake your head, "What are we going to do with you?"
"Shut up and get up here." Sam holds his hand out and you climb up front, sitting in Sam's lap and extending your legs into Colby's lap.
"Thank you for coming with us today." Colby says as he runs his hands up your legs, "Anything for my boys." You scrunch your nose up and smirk.
You spend your time waiting it out talking and going back over everything that happened until finally you guys get out and Colby starts the fire.
Sam gets the camera rolling again and Colby laughs, "It's getting there okay. But listen, have you noticed that no sounds have been made since getting this going."
"There's nothing. Fire is our savior." Sam laughs slightly and you sit down next to Colby as Sam puts the camera on you guys, "We lasted a full day in pine barren forest."
"We survived!" You say and clap your hands gently together.
"The hornet thing was weird, but there is a lot of scary animals out here, maybe?" Colby says and you point, "But what about Sam's door closing?"
"Oh yeah, true true! And those loud booms. Whether it was the devil or not it's still something scary because we heard a lot of noises."
"What screeches like that?" Colby asks with a laugh and Sam flips the camera around to him, and Colby pulls you into him.
I actually believe that maybe it isn't the devil coming straight out, but like there might be other mutations in this forest." Sam turns the camera around to all of us, "This has been our experience here at the pine barrens."
"Yeah, we'll film again if anything happens during the night, but I'm about to clock out, man." Colby nods his head and he does look so tired.
"Yeah, I'm tired." Sam adds and you shrug, "I probably won't sleep until after we're in the car leaving, so."
"I think I'll pass out, y/n. You look exhausted." Colby looks at you and he looks so good in the glow from the fire, but you look back at Sam as he talks about Hell a week.
"With that being said, we'll see you guys in the next one." Sam blows a kiss and you wave as Colby raises his arms, "Peace."
Sam stops recording and moves to sit next to you. You rest your head on his shoulder and honestly you don't even hear what he's saying because you're slowly falling asleep.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Feed back is appreciated as to this is my very first Sam and Colby one shot. I was watching their videos again today and this idea just popped into my head so I rewatched it and went along with it, writing the reader in as much as I could with also trying to keep the original video timeline. I added some behind the scenes stuff too which I didn't think you, the smut readers, would mind.
Thanks for reading!
You can find it on Wattpad here
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spacedace · 3 months
“Hey, I need to get married for bullshit Infinite Realms reasons, you two in?”
“Tt, of course.”
“Sure thing! Do we need to get going for that like, right now? Or later?”
“Eh, like in a couple of hours? The Observants are demanding some Royal Ball or something and they pulled out some stupid old laws out of their collective asses that if I’m not married by the time it starts they can assign me spouses of their choosing, can you fucking believe that shit?”
“Woah, what the hell? Can they even do that?”
“I was under the impression they were only permitted to observe.”
“Right? It’s total crap, but apparently there’s like this super old law on the books and they didn’t bring it up until now when there’s like no time left to try and force me to marry someone they pick.”
“They are training to gain influence over you?”
“Eh, more like they’re trying to get control of my Dad by way of me. But still fucked as hell.”
“So why do you need to marry both of us? Or do you just need to marry one of us and we should play rock paper scissor for it?”
“Technically I only need to marry one of you, but I don’t want them pulling out any loopholes or something. So, it’d be great if one of you could be my consort for my role as Queen of Mirrors, and one could be my consort for my role as Crown Princess. You two can figure who’s who on that all that, I’m good with whatever.”
“Oooh, can I be consort for the Mirror Court? I can annoy Kon more that way.”
“I am amenable to that. Grandfather will have a fit when he learns that I can cut his access to the Pits off at my discretion and there’s nothing he can do about it.”
“Awesome, okay are you two good for meeting up at like, three? We can pop over to my Lair and get everything sorted out there.”
“Works for me, my only class til this afternoon is at one and the professor already said we’re cutting out early because she has to go out of town this weekend.”
“Four would be more agreeable if possible, I have to take Titus to the vet for his checkup.”
“Okay let’s aim for four then. It’s just signing some paperwork, making some quick blood-slash-ectoplasm pacts and swearing a couple binding oaths… Should only take like five or ten minutes?”
“They’re not gonna make you have a huge royal wedding or anything?”
“Nah. Dad keeps things pretty chill so as long as the paperwork is all in order we’ll be good. Though once Auntie Dorathea finds out she’s absolutely gonna make us have one. She loves planning weddings. Swear its what she makes her hoard out of somehow.”
“So long as we have a say in some of the proceedings I have no issue with that eventuality.”
“Same, it sounds like it’d be a fun way to annoy the Observants even more.”
“Don’t for get all the weirdos trying to be my suitors and all that bullshit.”
“We have an accord then. We can reconvene at the usual place.”
“Awesome, you two are the best! I gotta jet and let everyone know and get the ball rolling on the paperwork stuff. See you guys at four!”
With that, Nomad - Stella Phantom, Crown Princess of the Infinite Realms, Queen of Mirrors, Core of the Speedforce and ghostly hero of the Titans and the Justice League - tore a rip in the fabric of space and time and darted out of the room the same way she came. Through the mind-bending tear in reality the eerie, eye-searing green of the Infinite Realms glowed in all its unsettling glory, Phantom Keep a glittering expanse of night sky made solid in the distance.
Jon waved at her cheerfully as Damian gave a nod of farewell before both silently turned their attention back to their respective tablets as the portal closed behind their friend and teammate and the glimpse of the Ghost Zone disappeared again. Completely unbothered by the conversation just held or the life changing implications that came with them.
Jon was humming as he tapped away at something on the screen before him, Damian propping his head up on his fist in vague boredom as he frowned down at the information he was reading.
The rest of the room Nomad had left behind was caught in a frozen, stunned silence in the wake of the baffling conversation they’d all just been witness to. All eyes in the room darted between Flamebird and Pheonix seated calmly at the end of the table, then to the space where Nomad had disappeared to, back to the young men, and then towards the head of the table where Superman and Batman sat looking bewildered and a bit on the verge of heart attacks.
The short status update meeting was about to become much, much longer it seemed.
Though a lot more entertaining.
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metalomagnetic · 2 months
After seeing about 50 'Dumbledore is evil' and 'everything is Dumbledore's fault' and 'but why didn't Dumbledore did this or the other' posts in a row, I find myself wishing Dumbledore just fucked off to somewhere nice and sunny in '81, early retirement (or is it early if he's already 100?) and washed his hands off magical Britain entirely.
Some of y'all sound like Fudge with your Dumbledore bashing. I wish, at least, Dumbledore would have left when Fudge and that corrupt as hell Ministry did their best to ruin his name and his image.
Pack up his ancient shit and move to a nice beach somewhere, with his pet bird and a huge bag of candy.
This way, my man Voldemort could have won in like five minutes, and Harry would be dead, Voldemort would rule supreme, Bella would keep being the queen she is, and my little Voldemort shaped heart would be happy.
But no, Dumbledore stayed, orchestrated Voldemort's downfall by giving Harry step by step instructions, gave up his own life in the process, made sure Harry would keep his, because apparently that's what 'evil men' do instead of retiring in comfort.
Not only Harry wouldn't have survived without Dumbledore, but he most likely wouldn't even exist without Dumbledore. Because, you know, this evil man is also the one that took down another dark lord back in the day; if Grindelwald would have won, there would be no Lily, most likely. Thus no Harry.
But yes, go get your 'Dumbledore is evil' badges- I hear Fudge and Umbridge are leaders of the hate club, I'm sure they'll receive new followers with open arms. Draco is probably the secretary, because he hates Dumbledore, too, and he likes making badges.
Also, can someone explain to me how Dumbledore, the only gay man in canon, became the fandom's resident homophobe? That's just weird, my friends. Very weird, to say the least. It gets even nastier when you say he 'groomed' students. That's an awful thing to throw around about a gay dude, you know?
There are so many reasons one can dislike Dumbledore for, but you do have the option to not like a flawed character without turning them into a ridiculous caricature of themselves.
P.S: I am not talking about fics. Write your fics and your characters however you want, whatever makes you happy. Your fic is your domain, and you do whatever you want in there, hopefully with no asshole to attack you in the comments. Same with reading- read what you want, bashing or no bashing. Have the best of fun!
I am talking about these 'meta' type posts on social media, tagged with "Albus Dumbledore", where they act as if canon Dumbledore was legit evil, incompetent or homophobic.
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neptuneiris · 7 months
True Intentions | (One-shot)
Be the only one or be an 'sometimes'?
pairing: modern!aemond (best-friend brother) × fem!reader
summary: even knowing his reputation, you've always had a little secret crush on the most popular boy in school, Aemond Targaryen, until it becomes impossible to hide it when your brother Cregan makes friends with him and you begin to see him more frequently.
word count: 9.0k
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I'm very excited about this!
I hope you really like it, I loved writing this even though it took me a while, but here it is finally:) comments and reblogs are appreciated beautiful people, thank you so much for reading!❤
warning's: language, slight angst, mention of alys, sexual content, spanking.
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You always hated it when your brother Cregan brought his friends over to your house when your parents were away, whether it was to watch soccer games, play video games or have some fun at the pool.
You especially were never the type of sister to bring friends over, rather you were the type of sister who preferred to go to friends' houses, as you never mentioned your house as an option.
It just wasn't comfortable for you.
And apparently it wasn't enough for your brother and his friends to see each other almost daily at school that they also had to go to your house.
But you couldn't really do anything, he's the older brother and it wouldn't make any difference to accuse him to your parents since logically there's nothing wrong with him inviting his friends over, besides they work almost all the time and probably wouldn't make a big deal out of it.
So you can only lock yourself in your room with food as a provision, put on your AirPods and wait for them to leave.
And that's what you do, all the while Cregan and his friends prowl around your house. But you reach your breaking point when again Cregan plans a pool party.
"Are you serious?" you inquire, clearly annoyed, "I swear to God, Cregan, this is not going to happen again."
"Oh come on," he gives you a tired look, tossing balloons and animal inflatables into the pool, "Live a little, sis."
"No! You always do this, the same old shit!"
You reproach him as you follow him back into the house, where at the kitchen island is a stack of beers that he begins to store in the fridge completely disinterested to your clear dissatisfaction with it all, as he just doesn't care.
"Last time everyone was coming into the house like it was nothing to leave the whole floor wet, they also left a mess all over the kitchen, pool and garden," you remind him annoyed, "Not to mention we had complaints from the neighbors for all the fuss you made."
"Fucking Hell, will you relax? I'll take care of everything," he says looking at you wearily, only increasing your anger more, "The guys won't be long and I needed everything to be ready."
"That's what you always say but I'm the one who ends up cleaning everything up in and I'm the one who deals with the neighbors because of you fucking fault!"
"Fine!" he exclaims in exasperation, looking at you, "You have my word, I'll take care of everything this time, yeah?"
He looks at you seriously to get back to dealing with the beers, but you don't believe half a word he says.
"Now do you want to help me turn on the pool lights? Also lock the upstairs doors, just in case."
You slowly shake your head in his direction with your arms crossed with your completely serious and annoyed look in his direction.
"You're unbelievable, you know that?"
You don't wait for him to say anything back nor do you say anything else, you just annoyingly turn around and walk upstairs to your room, preparing to be another long night confined to your four walls.
And this is what happens every time your parents aren't home, having to put up with the liberties Cregan takes to do whatever he pleases around the house.
It's not until one day when you get home from your music lessons at almost seven o'clock that when you open your front door, you hear a lot of voices and laughter.
During the week he usually doesn't invite anyone over, except for a few times he invites the Velaryon brothers, Jace and Luke, over to play video games after school.
The weekend is when it really bothers you that he throws big parties without your parents knowing.
You close the door hard enough to announce your arrival and look into the living room as you head for the stairs, when then, you see them.
And they see you too.
With handsome faces and infectious smiles, besides their unusually silver hair and blue eyes that steal the breath of every girl in the school, Aegon and Aemond Targaryen, the kings of the whole school and also the most players, are in your living room having a few beers and smoking with Cregan.
And Cregan is the first to react.
"Guys, the lady of the house is here," he says, "So let's take this to the pool, shall we? Before she starts screaming."
You watch him with a completely serious look on your face as you see Aegon let out a small chuckle to himself. And without a word, you avert your gaze and continue on your way to the stairs, feigning disinterest.
And just like all the other girls at your school, you can't help but feel equally captivated and attracted to him, Aemond.
However, you don't leave without one last look at him, Aemond Targaryen.
From your single couch and with a cigarette between his long fingers, gives you back an intense and burning look that makes you feel a strange sensation all over your body.
But it's not something you really go around telling everyone, let alone something you want your brother to know now that he's apparently become friends with him.
However, you should have expected him to notice.
And it happens when Cregan again throws a pool party with all his friends and him too, where you don't confront him much about it like previous times and that's what gets his attention.
"Which of the two is the one you like?"
He asks you suddenly with a curious expression and a hint of suspicion in his voice, making you watch him with confusion on your face.
"What are you talking about?"
Your whole body tenses up completely upon hearing your brother's words and you inevitably start to feel terribly nervous, as well as your heart starts to beat too fast, especially because of his suspicious look on you.
"The Targaryens."
He points at you with his gaze, crossing his arms and looking at you again attentively and suspiciously.
"You haven't caused a scene since the two of them have been coming around often and you certainly don't look upset when it used to be a problem with anyone coming around, so you definitely must like one of the two of them, so tell me, which one?"
But you feign innocence and confusion, only to stare at him with your most incredulous face of all and try to evade him.
"You're talking nonsense."
"Oh, am I?"
"Cregan," you observe him seriously, "Have you ever seen me talk to either of the two of them here or at school?"
"Hmm," he says for a moment, thoughtfully.
Still he doesn't look entirely convinced and analyzes you with a completely intent and penetrating gaze, making you feel more nervous but you control him well.
"Still I find it odd that you don't complain about them when they come."
"Then maybe you should think about the fact that I just got tired of telling you the same old thing over and over again," you persuade the subject, "No matter how many times I complain, you'll still do what you want," you tell him seriously, "Besides, you assume that as if I didn't go to the same school as you and didn't know the Targaryens."
"That's exactly why I'm telling you," he says instantly, just as serious, "Do you think I'd like to see you start dating one of them?"
"And why do you care?"
"Why do I care?" he repeats incredulously, "I'm your brother, of course I care."
"As if I care about the girls you date," you tell him just as incredulously.
"Well, at least I have a good reason here," he insists, "I know them, both," he clarifies, "And I don't want you to get hurt, that's why I'm telling you."
"Stop being ridiculous," you tell him with your clearly annoyed tone, starting to head to your room, "And even if I will start dating one of them, it's none of your business."
You sentence to finally leave him behind, leaving a tension in the kitchen, while inside, you finally stop feeling tense and nervous, but Cregan continues with his suspicion.
He almost had you, almost.
And after that conversation, automatically the Targaryens come to your house more often, even more than usual.
Even after school, Cregan invites them over, the two of them and also the Velaryon brothers, where they all together invade your house and you start to witness the personality of him that he is mostly known for.
And it happens one day you're making yourself food and you hear them all talking from the living room.
"Oh, this fucker is texting Savannah," you hear Aegon's excited and amused voice.
"What!? Savannah Williams!?"
"Yeah, since yesterday. I saw her name on his phone when she texted him."
"So what do you say, dude?"
"Not much, actually," you hear his voice.
"But haven't you gone out with her before?"
"Yeah, but you know, it was casual," he explains, "Just now she told me her parents aren't home."
"Oh dude, if I were you, I wouldn't waste the opportunity," your brother says excitedly.
"But what happened to that girl at the party last week? What was her name? Emily, I think."
"Ah Emily… yeah, we had a thing but it was casual too. We only met once after that party."
"She was so hot, but Savannah is hot too."
"Yeah, I know," you hear his nonchalant voice.
"So will you go see her?"
"Yeah, I think so."
You hear them continue to talk, but you tune out and sneak off to your room unnoticed.
It's not the first time you've witnessed these conversations, though. It also happens when they are in the pool and you find yourself back in the kitchen preparing food.
But you can't concentrate because through the glass of the huge windows you see Aemond's bare chest marked. This is a distraction but you try to ignore it as much as you can, but to no avail.
When then the movement and sound of him emerging from the water catches your attention and that of Cregan and Aegon.
"Where are you going?"
"To Cerelle's," he announces, with his phone in hand and his towel over his shoulder.
"Yo! Cerelle Lannister!?" exclaims Cregan in surprise.
"She's so sexy," Aegon says, grining.
"She told me she's home alone and wants me to come over," he explains, as you watch him quickly move his fingers across his phone screen.
"Good luck, dude!"
Even though you know his reputation and how you are aware of his numerous 'adventures' with other girls, you can't help but feel a knot in your stomach and wonder if he might ever be interested in you.
You feel another pang of disappointment when you hear all this and also when you see how he smiles and starts to make his way over here without taking his eyes off his screen.
This immediately makes you react to quickly go to your room so you don't cross paths with him.
Not in that way, since you really don't want to be another girl on his huge list, but be something more genuine and real to him.
But that's totally ridiculous and impossible.
You tell yourself in disbelief, seeing the reality, as it's clear he's not looking for something serious and you don't want to be a 'one night stand' for him if you'll be ignored, forgotten and to some extent humiliated afterwards.
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One day, taking advantage of the fact that Cregan is not at home on the weekend and neither are any of his friends, much less your parents, although that is actually no surprise, you decide to make this day for yourself, relax and enjoy your own company.
You decide to stop paying attention to your phone and with your towel in your arms, you leave your room and go down to the pool.
But just as you finish walking down the stairs and are about to turn down the hallway, the doorbell rings.
You stop with a tired expression as that alone has slightly disturbed the zen zone you now find yourself in, but having no choice, you turn around and head to open the door, thinking it must be Mrs. Arryn to ask you for sugar, as usual.
But when you open the door, it is not Mrs. Arryn, but rather you come face to face with Aemond, taking you by surprise and takes your breath away for a moment.
If he is surprised to see you, he doesn't show it, just raises his eyebrows slightly and you notice how he shamelessly runs his eye up and down you, making you embarrassed and nervous as you remembers your outfit, which is a cute black two-piece bikini.
And you quickly try to cover up a bit with the towel in your hands, although in reality this shouldn't embarrass you, since you're at home and you didn't expect to see him, besides this bikini doesn't leave much to the imagination.
Or so you think.
He says to you dispassionately in greeting mode, with a look that you can't really describe but that makes you feel more nervous and you feel your heart beating too hard.
"Hi," you try not to stutter, "I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else."
Aemond watches you with a little mischievous smile barely visible and a spark of amusement in his eye.
"No worries," he tells you in his soft tone.
"Hum…" you place your confused face, "My brother is not here," you let him know, still finding it strange that he doesn't know that.
"Oh," he is silent for a moment, watching you intently, "He's not?"
You shake your head.
"He said he was going to Alysanne's, but he left hours ago," you explain and he hums in understanding, "Did you tell him you were coming today?"
"No, although I should have, I was just passing through and decided to come," he explains to you as well, shoving his hands into the pockets of his silk jacket, "I left my wallet here last night," he tells you later, getting your attention more, "That's why."
"Oh," is all you say, not knowing what else to say for a few seconds, "Well, I'm not sure what time Cregan will be back. But if you want to go up and get it, I'll be at the pool."
You allow him passage, as it's not as if he's a complete stranger and it's not as if he doesn't hang around here often either, it's as if he and Aegon live here too, being the brothers Cregan wished he had.
"Okay, thanks," he tells you as you step aside and make room for him to come in.
"Just close the door when you leave," you tell him, still feeling your heart beat too fast against your chest.
Aemond turns his gaze back to you, nodding in your direction.
"All right."
You give him a small smile and without saying anything else to him, you walk past him, hurrying to get out of his sight and urgently needing, now more than anything else, to get your whole body into the warm water of the pool that will make you stop feeling so tense.
And this is why you don't feel Aemond's piercing, burning gaze on you as you pull away, admiring your bare skin and having a perfect idea of your naked body to the imagination.
And with that alone, he feels himself getting hard at the sight of your smooth, long legs, as well as getting a good look at that ass of yours jiggling as you pull away.
He wets his lips and with a little grin, finally makes his way to Cregan's room, thinking about little things since you're here alone…. now with him.
Meanwhile you, wanting to forget that Aemond Targaryen is in your house right now, submerge yourself completely in the water, where you immediately feel a sensation of freshness and relief.
The water caresses you and envelops your body completely, while you let out a small sigh of pleasure and begin to get used to the new temperature, letting the revitalizing sensation envelop you completely.
Then you emerge with a slight jump, remove your wet hair stuck to your face and begin to swim elegantly, where your arms and legs move at a steady pace and the water takes you in all directions.
You submerge again for a moment and watch the horizon, as your house is on a hill and you can see the lights of neighborhoods below, being a beautiful sight when the sun sets and also when the sun goes down.
However, again your zen zone is disturbed when you hear the movement of the kitchen glass doors sliding, so you turn around in confusion and again feel all your nervousness wash over you.
Aemond makes his way over here, but what strikes you more than anything else is how he has clothes in his hand and also one of the many clean towels Cregan has in his bathroom.
You look at him confused face and he looks back at you with his intent gaze.
"Do you mind if I join you?"
The words get stuck in your throat, watching him still confused, feeling really very nervous and not understanding what he is doing here since he was supposed to go get his wallet and then leave, while he stands at the edge of the pool, watching you.
"Hum…" you say not really knowing what to say, "Are you going to wait for Cregan?"
He averts his gaze from yours, then drops the towel and clothes on a chair with dispassionate movements, to return his gaze to you.
"Yeah, I can do that too."
"And what are you actually here to do?"
You watch him warily and with a slight distrust, but not in a bad way, it's simply nerves.
He looks at you slightly amused.
"To keep you company, of course. Unless you don't want me to," he hastens to clarify.
And here your dilemma begins.
Being alone here with Aemond, in your house, in your pool, was a scenario you longed for and feared at the same time. You longed for because that's how your mind works when you're attracted to him, but feared since anything could happen.
And knowing his reputation, maybe when the moment happens, if the moment happens at all, you don't know if what will come next will be bad or good.
Also, you don't know if Cregan will arrive at any time or even later, so if he arrives in a couple more minutes and sees you alone here with Aemond, you don't even want to imagine the scandal he will make.
You don't know if Aemond has considered that possibility too but if he has, he doesn't seem to mind.
"So?" he looks at you expectantly.
But you again, can't utter words.
You let out a long breath and swallow hard before responding, trying to hide your excitement and nervousness.
You don't want to look bitter by telling him no, that it will be best for him to leave, but you also can't find another way to politely decline.
And on the other hand… there is that inevitable emotion in your being that begs you to invite him into the pool with you.
"Hum… yeah, sure, if you want," you say acting nonchalant, averting your gaze from him and distracting yourself with the water.
Aemond can't help but put on his smirk again and right in front of you, wanting to give you a show, he takes off his shirt, to which you watch him helplessly out of the corner of your eye and make sure he doesn't catch you admiring the view.
He's wearing that usual silver chain around his neck that makes it stand out against his skin, making him look only even sexier when he doesn't have a shirt on and God, you don't know if you can survive this, thinking it's a bad idea.
Then you watch as he pulls on a pair of Cregan shorts, secures his hair in a low bun and finally steps into the water.
In a nonchalant way you make yourself more towards the shore, unobviously avoiding getting too close to him as he swims towards the center of the pool, making it more impossible for you not to watch him as it's getting dark and the last orange rays of the sun beautifully illuminate his skin that glows slightly from the water and his face.
And then feel his intense gaze on you, while you try to distract yourself with your eyes, trying to focus only on you.
But it is genuinely impossible.
However, he doesn't make any effort to talk and neither do you, which you are grateful for, to continue to feel the calmness and relaxation throughout your body, although it's a little hard for you being here alone with him.
And it's a bit awkward since neither of you are talking, but is there anything to talk about?
He's one of your brother's best friends and you're just the sister, the two of you don't really know each other, so it makes sense. But still you feel the slight tension between the two of you and you don't even know why.
You wonder if he feels the same way too when suddenly his low, amused voice almost makes you startle in your place.
"I've always wondered why you're so quiet when Aegon and I come over."
You look at him with a slightly surprised expression, not expecting that, feeling again how your heart is beating too fast from nerves, for what are you supposed to tell him?
You should tell him that you have a crush on him and that your brother warned you about him?
"I know it's your house and I come with your brother but… you look like you hate me or something."
Oh God.
You think, only making you feel more nervous, especially since it's really impossible not to see a part of his torso and pectorals that looks almost glowing from the water and sunlight, not expecting to hear those words either.
And you force yourself not to turn your back on him anymore to watch him while they talk, adopting a relaxed and confident attitude, just like him, when actually inside you are shaking with nerves.
"You just said yourself, you come with my brother, not me," you say softly.
And while he watches you and listens attentively, he also struggles just like you not to see too much of your breasts confined in that black bikini of yours that makes you look too sexy, especially the way the wet fabric looks and your skin on your chest and collarbone too.
"And I don't hate you," you clarify, slightly amused and absurd, "We just don't talk, that's all."
"Because you haven't given me the chance."
You look at him expectantly.
"I don't remember a single time you ever tried to talk to me."
"That's exactly why," he tells you softly, "Because you run away before I can try."
Now it is you who watches him completely attentively, while you feel your heart beating like crazy and you look away from him for a moment, not knowing what to say or do since he is right, feeling really very nervous, especially when he starts to swim slowly towards you, with a determined look.
And you for insisting, you start to back away, watching his slow and calculated movements with some trepidation, having an idea of what he intends to do and you know it's not a good idea at all.
"See? You're already running away," he points out to you with his amused and satisfied look.
And you don't miss his determined look, how his head is slightly tilted as he continues to slowly advance towards you, with the corners of his lips twisted upwards in a small smile and his blue eye glowing, while his prosthetic eye remains the same as ever.
And you still don't want to agree with him.
"That's not true, I'm not doing anything," you defend yourself in a weak and pathetic attempt.
"Oh no?" he raises his eyebrows expectantly at you.
And you start to lose it all when he's already in front of you, cornering you.
"Aemond," you call him in a sigh in warning mode, fully alert, leaving his name in the air as you become very nervous of his intense, dark gaze on you.
"What's wrong? Are you afraid of me?"
You watch him with a slight expression of surprise and even more nervousness, as you press your lips together and try to say the right words.
"No," you reply softly, "But I know you're no good either," you confess.
And he frowns, watching you interestedly.
"What do you mean?" you are silent for a moment, as you give him a sad look, serious and obvious at the same time.
"We both know what," you tell him softly, without much detail.
And at this, Aemond can't help but feel annoyed, immediately noticing how you clench your jaw and look away from yours for a moment, serious and thoughtful.
You know he shouldn't have to be upset with you for implying a truth you both know, especially him, but still you can't help but hold your breath, hoping that maybe you haven't gone too far.
All the while thinking that maybe you've ruined the first chance you've had to talk to him by telling him that he's no good by reputation, since that's not your concern, but at least you make it clear that that's not what you're looking for now.
"And you don't even want to try?" he asks you quietly, turning his gaze back to you, attentive and completely willing.
You stare at him, completely speechless, as you feel your whole body tense and your eyes are slightly wide open, your lips parted, not having the slightest idea what to say at the same time as a million questions invade your mind.
And just at that moment, Cregan's words come back to your mind.
"I know them, both. And I don't want you to get hurt, that's why I'm telling you."
So you know.
Aemond is not like you and the only thing he wants is to fill his list, no matter with whom, not even if it's the sister of one of his best friends, who are supposed to be 'forbidden', somehow.
And that's why you decide to answer him truthfully, no longer caring if you hurt his feelings, even though you doubt it very much.
Not wanting this to go any further, since you knew all along that letting him stay was a bad idea, you move as fast as your body in the water will let you, walking away, wanting to keep your distance again.
"And be just another girl on your list that you never speak to again and suddenly pretend she doesn't exist anymore? No thanks."
But just as you pass by him, he's faster and you feel his big hand grab your arm and twist you in a demanding motion back towards him, slamming his chest against yours, locking you in his arms, making you gasp in surprise.
His face is above yours, completely close, causing you nerves and you try to free yourself from him, but he doesn't let you, even having that determined, attentive and dark look.
"Do you ever stop running away?" he asks you in a low, husky tone.
"What do you think you're doing?" you hiss nervously.
"You're not even letting me explain."
"There's nothing to explain."
"Oh no?" he asks, "Did I say I only wanted you for one night?"
"That's what you do, Aemond, with every girl," you say absurdly, "Am I suddenly going to be the exception? How am I supposed to believe that?"
However, any further protest gets stuck in your throat as Aemond grabs one hand from your cheek and the other places it on your bare waist, pulling you closer against him in a possessive grip.
And you know you're losing the battle when he brings his face closer to yours, where your noses brush lightly and your breathing becomes more rapid, having no idea what's going on.
But Aemond does.
And as he strokes your soft, wet cheek with his thumb, watching you intently and with understanding, his next words make you reconsider the situation completely.
"You won't be just another girl on the list," he murmurs softly to you, "I won't hurt you. I promise."
You shudder completely at his words, but also at his touch and closeness, being impossible not to look between his violet eye or his full lips, which Aemond notices, also peering between your eyes and lips hungrily.
And you don't even think or discuss it anymore when he leans his face towards you and kisses you with need, without even giving you time to react.
You moan into his mouth in surprise and he pulls you roughly to him, lowering his hands to your body where he makes you wrap your legs around his torso, then makes room between your lips with his tongue, making you gasp.
You immediately bring your arms around his neck and deepen the kiss further, a passionate kiss, where you barely give each other time to breathe properly before desperately bringing your lips together again.
A slight tingle of desire is felt between your legs as you move your body and legs to hold his torso tighter, where you perfectly feel the hardness of his cock under your ass.
You moan as you feel one of his hands grip your thigh and the other caress the skin of one of your ass cheeks, making you gasp against his mouth, closing your eyes in delight as he pulls his lips away from yours and begins to leave soft kisses on your neck.
"I fucking knew it," he murmurs in delight too in his husky voice, running his tongue over your sensitive skin, "I knew you wanted me too."
You squint completely as the hand on your ass reaches lower and nonchalantly rubs his palm over your covered, moist center.
"Aemond," you moan.
"I know, baby, I know," he coos, smiling in the middle of your lips as he kisses you again.
But it's there in that moment with his hand caressing you right at your nerve center that your brain for an instant seems to react, realizing what's really going on and you stop kissing him abruptly, watching him in surprise and slight fear as he watches you slightly confused.
"W-we can't," you say in a trembling voice, "We can't do this, t-this is wrong. Cregan—
"We can't do it or we can't do it here?" he inquires expectantly.
You let out a sigh.
"Both," you say with a certain embarrassed tone, "But I'm more worried about Cregan. If he sees us, he'll go crazy."
"Come on, Y/N, you're not a little girl anymore."
"I know but he warned me about you and your brother," you tell him hopelessly, "And you're one of his best friends."
Aemond is silent for a moment, watching you and nothing else, where he is aware and so are you of the hardness in his shorts, while in his thoughts he bets that you too must be spilling your juices between your legs.
Honestly he understands your concern, but he also understands that Cregan is really no one to tell you who you can and can't date, as the decision is totally up to you.
He doesn't want to have problems with him either as he also considers him one of his best friends but you... you simply drove him crazy with seeing you in this black bikini and now he is even more so for you, wanting, needing more of you, no matter the consequences.
"Then we have to be careful and not to say anything to him," he tells you softly, in solution, "Only if you want to," he clarifies, "But if you want to stop now, just tell me and I will, before we take this any further."
But you don't really have to make a decision when you are already here, in his arms, feeling how much he wants you and you also recognizing how much you want to keep touching and kissing him, no matter what.
But he still gives you that option, to make you see that he really doesn't want to hurt you and that he respects your decisions, since you are the one in control of all this and you are the one who puts the stop, at any time.
And when Aemond sees how you are watching him intently, with indecision in your gaze, holding back your true desires, thinking fast, he cocks his head to one side and watches you curiously.
"Or do you really want me as much as I want you, princess?"
Something snaps inside you and not just from hearing that nickname for you, but from having him so fucking close and his lips being a complete invitation to you and in fact all of him.
Soon enough, he is sitting on the edge of the pool and you find yourself sitting on top of him, your arms around his neck as you press yourself against the hardness of his shorts.
So you think no more and again crash your lips against his, resuming what you were doing before, to which Aemond responds with the same rudeness and fervor.
And then without stopping kissing you, he carries you to the edge of the pool along with him.
You move your hips in circles on top of him, rubbing your needy center against his hard cock, while he caresses your thighs, your ass and all the skin he blindly finds without stopping kissing you, feeling his breathing just as ragged as yours.
Then he brings his hands up and starts sliding the strings of your bikini over your shoulders, sending fiery electricity throughout your body.
"What was it you said? That we couldn't do this here?" he murmurs hoarsely against your skin, leaving wet kisses on your collarbone and neck.
You moan, as your bikini top piece is loosened completely by Aemond's fingers and you involuntarily wiggle your hips more intensely.
"You just can't resist, can you?" he asks you amused amidst all the sensuality.
"Shut up," you whine pathetically into his lips.
This time he kisses you again, softly and tenderly, deep, as he with his hand pulls away the piece of your bikini top that covers your breasts, freeing them, causing him to groan at the sight in front of him.
"Fuck," he murmurs, "Such a pretty tits, princess."
He says to you with his eye fully dilated and watching you hungrily, then you moan as he brings his mouth to your hard, wet nipple and begins to caress it with his tongue and lips, sucking on it, while he kneads the other one with his hand.
"Oh yes," you moan, pulling your breasts closer to his face.
You continue to move your hips on top of him, desperate and needy to feel the friction his cock gives you against your swollen clit.
When you least expect it, you begin to approach your limit, as your whole body tenses and his caressing hands only add to the pleasure.
"Mhm," he moans against your hard nipple, then gives the same attention to the other, still kneading them as he pleases.
"Fuck, Aemond, please don't stop," you say under your breath.
But that's exactly what he does, he releases your nipple with a wet sound and captures your lips in a sensual kiss, making you moan and groan at the same time from the attention on your breasts.
You arch your neck and moan, clinging to him completely, needing more of him, driving you completely insane.
And you sigh as he again distributes kisses all over your neck and his teeth grind against your sensitive skin.
You feel the moist heat of his mouth and hands all over your body, as if he wants to mark you with each firm, possessive touch.
"Remember we have to be careful, baby," he suddenly murmurs hoarsely in your ear, feeling his warm breath, "And we don't want your brother to see his innocent little sister getting the fuck of her life if he comes back, do we?"
Despite all the desire you're feeling and you're dripping completely for him, his words reach your brain and scare you a little, so you force yourself to be patient and you both go up to your room.
And soon enough you find yourself lying on your bed, with Aemond on top of you, spreading your legs for him, watching with his dilated eye and gently biting his bottom lip your wet pussy ready for him.
"Seven Hells," he growls, running his fingers all over your entrance, "Look at you, you're dripping, princess."
His cock pulses in pain for release, watching you in complete delight as you moan with every movement of his fingers that collects your juices, spreading them all over your pussy, making you wiggle your hips against his hand.
"Aemond, please," you cry, needing to feel it inside you, now.
"What is it, baby? Do you want me to fuck you? Do you want me to fuck this pretty pussy hard?"
He teases you, running his fingertips over your hole, making you moan, sigh and groan.
"Please, just fuck me, fuck me with your cock," you implore him.
"Yesah? Is that what you want?"
"Yes, please!"
"Only because you asked nicely."
He joins in, leaving you needy and trembling on your bed, spread wide open for him, watching as he removes his wet shorts and boxers, completely freeing his entire erect, heavy, hot, hard cock, just for you.
Your mouth waters at the sight and he proudly holds it in his hand, turning to make his way back to you, thrilling and scaring you at the same time as you've never had a cock like Aemond's inside you before.
"Do you take control pills? I don't have a condom."
"Yes, I take them, don't worry," you assure him instantly and he grins.
"Eager, huh?"
"Aemond," you groan and moan at the same time.
"Someone's acting like a little brat," he croons, starting to rub the tip of his cock against your pussy, making you shudder and moan, needing him inside you, "Behave yourself, princess. I'll give you exactly what you want."
"Stop teasing," you whine between whimpers.
When suddenly Aemond enters you in a single hard, firm movement that makes you release all the air in your lungs, moaning loudly at the rough intuition as he pulls it all out of you again.
"What did I say? Stop being a little brat and behave yourself," he warns you.
"Yes, yes, I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I promise."
You plead desperately and moan as he slams the tip against your pussy, to again enter you fully in a more careful and slower way, letting you feel all of him, making you moan.
"Oh fuck, Aemond," you moan his name, drunk with pleasure, closing your eyes tight.
"Yeah, just like that, squeezing me so fucking good, baby," he murmurs hoarsely in delight.
He leans fully into you, kissing your hot, sweaty skin, just like him, then slides all the way down to your bottom, where you feel every inch of his long, hard cock, moaning into his mouth, as your whole body trembles.
He stops once he's all the way inside you, letting you get used to his size, while you feel him pulsing inside you and all his heat flooding through you.
When he rolls his hips in a grunt and his tip touches exactly your swollen clit in need of release.
His hands run along your waist and thighs as he lifts both of your legs and places them around his torso, feeling him sink more easily inside you.
"You're so hot, baby. So fucking perfect," he growls against your lips, closing his eye and rests his forehead with yours as he begins his swaying hips back and forth.
"You're so deep," you moan, clinging to his back, lightly digging your nails into his pale skin.
This makes Aemond grunt and feel more desperation as he begins to penetrate you with more rhythm, all the way in, with hard movements that hit exactly that spot inside you that makes you squirm beneath him.
"Yes Aemond, right there," you moan.
"Yeah? Do you like it, baby?"
"Yes, fuck, yes."
You both gasp into each other's mouths, where then his dark gaze returns to your features and he watches you intently, never ceasing to slam his hips hard and deep against you.
"You're mine now, you know that, don't you?" he asks you in a low, husky tone.
His words only make you clench tighter around him and you feel yourself slowly reaching your limit, each onslaught sending delicious waves all over your core that soothes your needy pussy.
"Say it," he demands forcefully, only this time to plunge your cock back into your wet pussy with a hard onslaught that knocks the air out of you, "Say you're mine."
"Yes," you gasp, "Yes, Aemond. I am yours," you manage to say it, "I am completely yours."
He smiles complacently and contentedly, never ceasing to move for a moment.
"Yes, you are," he croons, "You. Are. Mine," he rams you hard to the hilt on every accentuation, not giving you time to anticipate it, making you moan loudly in pleasure and pain, "And I don't fucking share."
He brings his lips back to your skin, marking and sucking on your breasts and neck even with his heavy cock inside you, fucking you hard and grunting against your ear telling you how tight you are.
He takes you completely over the edge, where your mind goes blank with each thrust, filling you completely, swelling inside you, as both you and he begin to gasp for breath, but he doesn't slow down or change his pace, continuing to penetrate you and press you against your bed.
Until finally everything inside you explodes, you see stars behind your eyes and Aemond's warm semen fills everything inside you, coming with an almost painful grunt in your ear and with a last strong thrust that leaves you drunk with pleasure and makes you forget everything for a moment.
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Things didn't end with Aemond there, not at all.
He was honest with you when he told you that he wouldn't hurt you or make you just another girl on his list, just as he was honest in telling you that you are now his and he doesn't share.
After that day in your room, the little secret affair began.
When Aemond comes to your house along with Aegon, you both behave towards each other as you were before, completely indifferent.
However, you and especially he are not entirely patient, so once you reach your limit, he secretly intercepts you in one of the empty classrooms or labs and you take advantage of that little moment as much as possible.
You don't even speak to each other and avoid as much as possible to look each other, where no one suspects the two of you. And at school it's the same, although especially there you have to be more careful.
Even in the library, you both find a secluded corner between the shelves of books and can't keep your hands off each other, where Aemond makes you come on his fingers and sometimes you also dare to suck his cock, hoping not to be discovered.
As far as you know, he has not been seen with other and his usual girls, since almost all the time the two of you are texting each other and sometimes, when Cregan is not at home, you let him know and he comes as fast as he can, not missing the opportunity.
Already being in the four walls of your room, the two of you can do whatever you want without fear of being discovered, where Aemond fucks you against your mattress in all positions.
And sometimes, when things have not been in favor of either of you, he climbs through your window at midnight and unable to hold back any longer, he fucks you silently, silencing your moans with his mouth, hands or cock, since Cregan's room is at the end of the hallway.
And this lasts for a while, all in secret, where you look for small moments to share intimate moments, hidden caresses and soft whispers in your ear that only you and he can hear.
But of course, the good things can't last forever.
Jason Lannister, a friend of Cregan's, throws a Halloween party at his house and practically the entire school has been invited. So you see this as an opportunity to be able to be with Aemond for a few moments of the party.
Cregan dresses up as a wizard and you choose to dress up as a sexy sailor girl with a skirt that exposes your legs, a simple white blouse, you put on your tie and also your hat, and then you and Cregan head off to the party.
You immediately look for Aemond, but he is nowhere to be seen, even though you meet Aegon and his younger brother, Daeron.
However, not to be obvious, you start pouring yourself drinks and talking to your friends, starting to get into the same mood as everyone else because of the music with twinkling lights and also because of the whole decorated house.
You see Aegon talking to Cassandra Baratheon, dresses up as a vampire and she as an angel, then you see Alysanne talking to your brother, dresses up as a bunny, and then you keep looking around the party, not understanding where Aemond is.
You are about to send him a message, when you look absentmindedly towards the kitchen and then, there he finally is, only he is not alone.
Dresses up as a pirate, Aemond is chatting with his ex-girlfriend, the gorgeous Alys Rivers, dresses up as a witch.
You had been enjoying the party, but your mood inevitably changes and also without being able to help it, you feel a twinge of jealousy all over your insides, watching them intently.
They both talk, she occasionally laughs and places her hand on his chest, playfully smacking it, both of them too close, while you see Aemond's grin on his lips at all times, making the knot of jealousy in your stomach tighter.
And, you mean, you can't even blame him, she's Alys Rivers.
When then at that moment your gaze crosses his casually, who slowly wipes away his smile, but you quickly avert your gaze from him as you bite the inside of your cheek, trying to act nonchalant.
But too late, he's already noticed your annoyed look.
However, you quickly make room with Aegon, Cassandra and Daeron, simply to dissemble in front of them and him as well. Then Cregan and Alysanne join in and of course so does he, but you don't even notice him and continue drinking.
You notice how he wants to approach you slyly on a few occasions, but you don't let him, you continue to laugh with Daeron, ignoring him altogether, not wanting to talk or be with him anymore.
Until the hour starts to get late and taking advantage of the fact that one of your friends is already leaving, you ask her to drop you off at your house and she accepts. You just tell Cregan, who nods and you leave the party with your friend.
And once you get home, you take off your costume, take a shower and get ready to sleep, although you should have expected Aemond to start calling you, but you send it to voicemail.
He calls you a couple of times more where you don't answer and you also get severe messages from him that you don't read, to finally leave your phone on mute and try to sleep.
But you barely last a few minutes with your eyes closed, suddenly you hear some sounds at your window.
You sit up confused in your bed, looking at your window, instantly knowing what it is or rather who it is, since only one person has the habit of doing this and you let out a long resigned breath.
Reluctantly you open your curtains and the window, where the figure of Aemond stands down there, watching you confused and attentive.
"What are you doing?" you reproach him sleepily.
"You're not answering my calls or texts," he tells you with some anger in his tone of voice, "And you ignored me the whole party."
You press your lips together in anger as well.
"It semeed to me like you were too busy," you can't help but say with some bitterness.
He lets out a sigh, lowering his gaze for a moment.
"It's not what you thin—
"No matter. Go home. I want to sleep," you cut him off, intending to turn away from your window.
"I swear to God Y/N, I'm not leaving until you listen to me," he warns you.
"It's after midnight!" you reproach him.
"Open the door," he demands.
"No," you say firmly.
"I'm not going to repeat myself."
"I don't care."
"Y/N," he warns you again.
"Stay there all night, I'm not opening for you."
You sentence and finally move away from the window, close it and close your curtains as well.
Feeling no remorse, you settle back into your bed, ready to sleep again, but only a few seconds pass when you hear noise again.
And that's when you realize you should have locked your windows.
You startle and turn your head to watch how Aemond is entering through your windows with the same agility as always, with a serious and threatening look, jumping into your room and you look at him angrily.
"You're unbelievable, you know that?"
"You don't know what you just got yourself into," he says as he makes his way towards you.
"Fuck you," you spit back at him.
"Oh yeah, I just pretend to do that, princess."
"Alys wasn't available at this time that you decided to come and play with me?"
He lets out a long breath, rolling his eye.
"You're getting it all wrong—
"Oh I am?" you inquire, "She's your fucking ex, Aemond. I'm not stupid."
"In fact yes, you are being stupid right now, " he says, coming towards you.
And just before you can escape, he catches you, instantly grabbing you by both wrists, cornering you between him and your bed, climbing on top of you with a mischievous, menacing grin and his pupil fully dilated.
"Let go of me," you gasp, trying to shake him off.
"Listen to me—
"I mean it, get off me and get the fuck out of my house!"
He cocks his head.
"Where did this bratty attitude come from, hm?"
"Aemond," you plead, "Stop it."
"Oh baby," he croons, bringing his lips to your ear, "Can't you see? Can't you see how fucking crazy I am about you?" he murmurs hoarsely.
You try to fight your own urges, telling yourself that you shouldn't let yourself get carried away by him, that he can talk and fuck whoever he wants, while you are only exclusively for him and these are just empty words to convince you.
"Alys and I ended on good terms, we're just friends, it's nothing to worry about," he says earnestly in your ear, as your breath is cut short when you feel his knee make its way between your legs.
"Aemond," you whine.
"But if you want me to stop talking to her, fine, I will," he murmurs in understanding, only to feel his knee press lightly into your pussy, making you moan.
"Oh, A-aemond-" you try to say, feeling so good.
"Yeah, baby? What's wrong? Does it feel good?"
You can't formulate words, especially when he puts more pressure and makes you gasp more, just that making you feel good, only to then feel him drop almost his weight against you and now positioning himself between your legs, he starts rubbing his hard cock inside his pants against you, making you shudder.
Now he gasps along with you, as he lets go of your wrists and slides one of his hands under your shirt, kneading one of your breasts with ease as you sleep without a bra.
You arch your back against him and bite your bottom lip as he begins to leave soft kisses down your neck, never letting go of your touch and never stopping rubbing against you.
"Please, Aemond, please," you beg him, needing him.
He marks the skin of your neck, sucking and sucking, then brings his lips back to your ear.
You bring one of your hands to his face and turn him towards you, kissing him with need and depth where he responds in kind, where you are completely delighted by his caresses and words.
"Now do you get it, princess?" he says hoarsely, "You're the only one who can make me play this fucking game of hide and seek with your brother and everyone else."
He says honestly, making you moan as he puts more pressure on his hips.
"But you know what? I've had enough and I don't fucking care if Cregan bothers or not. I don't give a shit."
And that night Aemond fucks you from behind, hard and fast, while you hold the sheets tightly under you and avoid shushing your sobs and moans too loudly against the pillow, as every time you do, Aemond gives you a hard spank with his hand on one of your ass cheeks as a way of punishment for your bratty attitude earlier.
And he doesn't give you a chance to silence your moans as he gathers all your hair into a fist and makes your back arch, while his other hand takes it to hold your throat firmly and rests his cheek against yours to fuck you with more accessibility, fast and deep, bringing you to the peak several times.
And when it's all over, you melt into the arms of your perfect, official boyfriend.
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thank you so much for reading!❤
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May I request Nanami and Gojo finding out their s/o got disowned by her father, who is one of the higher-ups, because she showed mercy and defended Yuuji?
Nanami Kento
It was late at night when he got the knock at the door. So late, in fact, that Nanami was just about to go to bed, already in his pajamas with his teeth brushed, when he heard it.
“[Y/N]?” He asked curiously when he saw them there. Standing in front of his door, looking a mixture of distraught, sad, and just hopeless. A strange case given that they were usually so confident and strong as a Special Grade Sorcerer. “What’s wrong? Has someone died?”
“No. No one has died. I guess that’s the problem.” Nanami arched a brow at their cryptic comment, before they let out a shaky sigh. “Can I stay here tonight?”
He of course let them in. Offering tea or some kind of comforting drink, although they don’t take him up on the offer. “Will you tell me what’s wrong, please?”
They eventually break down and tell him everything. About the boy that ate one of Sukuna’s fingers. How he was slated for execution, which was cruel but reasonable in their world, and how that idiot had them stick their neck out to vouch for the boy’s hold even though they didn’t know a thing about him. Of course, Nanami knew that they would speak up for him. They had an incredible sense of morality and standing up for the weak. ‘That’s the job, isn’t it?’ They had told him that more than once.
Apparently not everyone shared their noble heart, it seemed. Not even those in her own family. For standing up to the higher ups and ‘embarrassing’ the family her father kicked her out with threats of disownment and banishment. Whether or not he meant to follow through would be a problem for tomorrow, but right now she was out on the street. Which in his opinion was unforgiveable already.
“You can stay here as long as you like.” Nanami told them. Amending their original request from earlier to stay the night.
[Y/N] sniffle once, but seem hell bent on refusing to cry. Nanami told them to take a shower if they wanted and he would find them some clothes to sleep in. They literally had nothing on them. So they would have to make do.
Both of them now in pajamas with their teeth brushed, [Y/N] curled up beside him and tried to get some sleep. It seemed a struggle, but the emotional exhaustion took hold, he thinks, and they both try to get the best night sleep possible for the hell that was to greet them in the morning.
Gojo Satoru
Gojo whistled down the hall as he made his way from one part of campus to the other. He was quite pleased with himself.
It wasn’t every day he got to ridicule and humiliate the higher-ups; despite his attempts and life’s goal to make it an everyday occurrence on his part. Those old fools didn’t know what hit ‘em when Gojo plead his case and told them what happened. He might not have gotten this Yuji kid off scot-free, but he bought him some time. That’s all he needed for Gojo’s master plan to come to fruition (whatever it was).
He passed a familiar doorway and saw a light was on. Thinking it had been left on by mistake, he invited himself in and was surprised to see [Y/N] there. Boxes on their desk as they were throwing things into it.
“Hey, isn’t it a little early for spring cleaning?”
“Not for me.” They told him. “I have to be out of here by morning.” Gojo tilted his head to the side, so they explained further. “I’ve been sacked.”
Gojo’s face was one of alarm. “Wait. What are you talking about?” They couldn’t have been fired. Really? For what??
“Apparently my behavior at the council meeting was ‘unbecoming of an educator at this institution’.”
Gojo growled in his throat. “That’s bullshit! I was there too, and it was my idea! I did all the talking!”
“Yes, but I don’t have the Gojo name to defend me.” His ire and shoulder fell. Oh shit….
“They seriously fired you?” [Y/N] nodded. He clicked his teeth. “Can’t you do something? Your dad maybe?” He’d hate to ask him for any favors, but if it kept [Y/N] here they should take it.
“Who do you think signed my ‘death warrant’?”
He wanted to say he was surprised, but he wasn’t.
“I’m sorry [Y/N]. I didn’t realize that you might –“you did the right thing Satoru. Even if it was originally for selfish reasons.” He sighed. So he guessed they knew that the only reason he initially did this was to piss this old coots off. They lifted the box and put in on their hip. “I’ll be fine. I’m not exiled entirely. Not yet. I’m still a Special Grade. Still can go on missions.”
“Yeah. Ones that will get you killed.” They all knew what happened to people who weren’t Gojo that stood up to the council. They were given mission in far off places and then ‘died under mysterious circumstances’ while in Brazil or Cameroon or something.
[Y/N] let out a bitter chuckle. “They’d have to catch me first. For now, I need to find a place to stay. Get an apartment. They took away my professor housing too, and I obviously can’t go home to dear-old-dad.”
“You’re staying with me.” Gojo cut in quickly.
[Y/N] seemed surprised, but quickly schooled it into coy. “Ooo….I never thought we’d be in a point in our relationship where we were moving in together.”
“Don’t be stupid.”
Gojo grabbed the box they were carrying and helped carry it out. “I really am sorry.” He apologized on the way.
“I know.” They told him. But that was all they said this time. No ‘you had a good reason’, ‘you did what you could’, ‘it’s not your fault’. He suddenly felt all the more guilty. He had to remember more often that just because things couldn’t touch him, that other people weren’t as lucky. Collateral damage was something he never thought of. He’d need to think about that more in the future. Especially with his new student.
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alleiwentcrazy · 1 year
Now with a part two!
There’s a guy that comes to the cafe Eddie’s working at. Every other day, he comes to the counter, smiles at Eddie and gives him a post-it with “hi, an americano with two sugars please :)” written on it. He has a different color of post-it assigned for every day. Eddie smiles back and makes the americano, trying to keep his heart from jumping out of his chest. 
Needless to say, the guy is insanely cute. He has swoopy chestnut hair, droopy, almost puppy-like eyes, and two moles on his neck that make him look like he’s been bitten by a vampire. Eddie’s not sure if he finds it more adorable or sexy; either way, he’s definitely developed a crush. And now, after months of trying to gather up his courage to say hi, after months of pining and staring from afar... He’s still nowhere near ready to talk to him. And Chrissy’s not letting him live it down. 
“You’re insufferable,” she whispers to him frantically when the guy comes through the door on the first Monday of December. “Do something more than smile dumbly or I’ll fire you.”
“You can’t fire me,” Eddie hisses back as he tries to dust pastry crumbs off of his shirt. 
“I’m the manager. I can do whatever I want,” she chirps back and goes on to cleaning the machines that don’t need to be cleaned, because Eddie did that twenty minutes ago. 
The guy comes to the counter. There are snowflakes in his hair, big and soft. Eddie thinks that they compliment his eyes—then he realizes that it’s a weird thing to notice about a stranger. 
The stranger smiles. Eddie smiles back. Today’s post-it is light purple.
Eddie makes the americano. It’s muscle memory at this point, he’s not even thinking about what he’s doing until he has to force a lid onto the cup and serve it to his customer. Hell, whatever. He grabs a sharpie and bends down to drabble something on the cup, trying not to spill the coffee. He manages to draw an ugly looking snake that was supposed to be a dragon, cringes, writes “Have a nice day!” underneath it and prays that it isn’t too weird.
Of course it is. But, miraculously, the guy looks at it, huffs a tiny laugh and smiles right at Eddie and – yeah, whatever, curse him – the whole room lights up. Yes, it’s sappy. Sue him. He could be sappy for this guy—if the guy wanted it.
He takes his coffee and leaves, but before he crosses the threshold, he turns back and waves at Eddie, using only three fingers. It’s a small wave, but a wave nonetheless, so Eddie sends him his best grin and waves back.
When he’s finally out, Eddie bends over the counter and groans. Chrissy pats him between the shoulderblades, mocking sympathy. “You’re on probation,” she whispers. Eddie groans once again. This is hell.
He has to call in sick on Wednesday. Now that he’s thinking about it, he kind of knew that the mayo smelled funny and it wasn’t good anymore. But he’s a broke college student and he had a choice: stale bread with mayo and a slice of tomato, or just stale bread with a slice of tomato. These weren’t even real choices. It was suffering or suffering.
Apparently, he’d chosen double suffering, and he had a whole night of hurling to prove it. Good thing he doesn’t have to send Chrissy any photos of what he had to deal with – when he calls, she cuts him off with “Just take my afternoon shift tomorrow and we’re even. You’ll miss out on your cutie, it’s a punishment in and of itself,” and goes on with her day.
Eddie’s so grateful for Chrissy. He wouldn’t get anywhere without her. 
Eddie doesn’t expect his guy to come on Thursday, it isn’t his regular schedule, so he’s in for a surprise when his morning shift ends and turns into Chrissy’s afternoon shift, and then, some time later, his guy comes in—and he’s not alone.
He’s with a girl. With a pretty, pretty girl, who has beautifully curly brown hair, inquisitive eyes and kind but determined expression on her face. There’s something quite unique about her; Eddie thinks, briefly, that she looks like she’s from another era. Like if they were living in the 80s, she would have a perm, wear bold lipstick and have a whole wall of degrees and certificates in her office. She seems to be destined for great things. She’s a badass.
Eddie’s nothing like her. He tries to swallow down the jealousy as they near the counter. His – his? – guy looks surprised, but smiles either way, his eyes lighting up in a matter of seconds.
“Hi,” the girl says. Her own smile is so nice and warm Eddie can’t stay mopey for too long. “I’ll have a latte with two shots of espresso, and…”
She turns to the guy beside her, but Eddie doesn’t have to know the answer. “An americano with two sugars. On it.”
Their eyes lock for a second. The guy seems a bit shy, but he’s still smiling. Eddie counts that as a win. But he’s still quick with their coffees. He can sense the staring contest they’re having even while he has his back turned to them. He kinda wants them gone, but they didn’t ask for to go, so he just tries to stay calm. Focused. Sharp.
Fortunately, he doesn’t spill anything. They get their order and sit in a corner. It doesn’t look like a date, they pull out books and notes, scribble and sign from time to time. The girl clearly knows more than just the basics of ASL, unlike Eddie. Since the guy started showing up, he’s been trying to learn more about it, but now he makes a mental note to enroll on a course. It’s time to commit – to what, exactly, he’s not sure. But he’s gonna make it happen.
Hours pass, but they stay in the same position. Eddie steals a glance every now and then, trying not to let his jealousy get to the surface again, but it’s hard. The guy is cute, the girl is smart and beautiful. He decides to call Chrissy on his way home – if he has to pine, she’ll suffer with him.
The end of his shift is nearing when he hears a giggle from the godforsaken corner. He looks up from the cups he’s been rearranging and sees that it’s his guy’s girl who’s laughing. She’s laughing at yet another girl, who’s standing outside and drawing hearts on the dirty window. She has a goofy grin on her face, one that makes her eyes and her prominent cheekbones pop even more, and it’s the same grin that the girl inside is wearing at the moment.
Now, Eddie doesn’t know a lot about love, but he definitely recognizes heart eyes when he sees them. He smiles to himself – don’t judge a book by its cover, huh?
His guy looks exasperated about being completely ignored, so he taps the glass a few times. The girl outside looks at him, shocked, like she’s only just seen him now, sticks out her tongue at him, and goes back to blowing kisses at her girlfriend. The guy looks truly wounded. Eddie snorts; the dynamic here is immaculate.
In the meantime, the not-his-guy's girl has gathered her things and prepared to leave. She kisses his cheek on her way out, but the guy stays put, bending over his papers again. Eddie thinks it’s quite interesting. Then, he makes a plan.
When he’s done with work, his guy is still there. Which is perfect. Eddie fixes his hair one last time, trying to gauge whether his outfit is metal enough (it is) for the occasion, and grabs the americano with two sugars he’s made.
It’s alright. Everything’s alright.
His wildly beating heart isn’t so sure about that.
When he gets to his guy’s table, he sets the piece of paper on it first. “Looks like you’re swamped – it’s on the house,” it says. The guy looks up, surprised, his mouth opened in a tiny oh. His eyes go wide for a moment and then he smiles. Something warm settles inside Eddie’s chest.
The guy picks up a pen and writes “Thank you!!!” on Eddie’s piece of paper, but before giving it back, he changes his mind. “I’m Steve,” he scribbles, and then gives it back with a flash of smile.
He smiles a lot. It’s an amazing sight.
“Hello, Steve. I’m Eddie. Nice to meet you,” Eddie replies. “What are you working on?” he adds after a second, because he’s feeling bold and he really doesn’t want to go yet.
The guy – Steve – sighs. He makes some room on the loveseat he’s occupying and pushes his books to the middle. Eddie takes it as a cue to sit down. Their knees bump, Eddie gets goosebumps, but he doesn’t move away. Neither does Steve.
“I’ve got an assignment on modern fantasy and its mythological origins, but I’m not as nerdy as my friends so I’m struggling a bit. Nance helped, but she’s not an expert either and my other nerdy friends went for a trip. Maybe you have any experience?”
Eddie’s eyes open wide and he bounces with excitement, nodding his head along the way. “YES,” he writes, all caps, and Steve huffs another laugh. They look at each other then, Eddie all hyped and ready, Steve—soft? There’s no other way to describe it. His gaze is gentle, almost caring. Eddie can feel his cheeks warm up.
His phone buzzes aggressively in his pocket. He checks it – it’s Chrissy. She’s got her period and she’s out of tampons.
“Shit,” he mumbles. Steve bumps their shoulders.
“What’s up?” he asks.
Eddie picks up the pen. “Tiny emergency, I’m sorry. Tomorrow?”
He knows that his hopeful stare must seem desperate, but Steve reads his reply, looks up and smiles, nodding. Eddie wants to scream victory, but he only nods back and gets up instead. When he’s about to turn and leave, he feels fingers wrap around his hand, delicate but firm. Slowly, Steve opens up his hand and writes something on it.
It’s a phone number. “In case you get sick again :)”
Eddie can’t hold back his dopey smile any longer. When he looks at Steve, the corners of his lips quirk up too. He’s lovely.
Eddie can’t wait for tomorrow.
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thewulf · 1 year
Sir || Aaron Hotchner
Request: Do you think you could do a Hotch x ADHD reader where they are energetic and talkative all day since Aaron came back from a tough case. With the constant questions and comments Aaron gets irritated due to stress and says something like “can you be quiet for 5 seconds please” or “enough with the stupid questions, it’s annoying” and the reader ends up talking less with him and only responds with short answers and they try to suppress their ADHD ticks around him.
A/N: Well, I couldn't sleep on the plane home yesterday and I found a surge of inspo! Had so much fun writing this one. I just adore Hotch! Thanks for the request! @ghostridrr
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Word Count: 3.9k +
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You’d never expected to be dating an FBI agent nonetheless fall hopelessly head over heels for the guy in a matter of months. Coming from humble beginnings in a small southern town. Not many people made it out, but you did. You were determined. Determined to get the hell out and never look back. So, you did. You made it happen. Working your ass off through college becoming a civil engineer and finding a job at a firm in Washington DC you quickly found your groove. You worked your way up from an engineer to a manager to a project manager within ten years. Loving your job meant giving your all which didn’t leave much time for your personal life nor a love life. It’s not like you hadn’t tried you were just busy.
 It all hit you on your birthday that you wanted more. You wanted a partner. You wanted to have a life with somebody. For years you put in effort to try. Dating good guys and shitty ones alike. You were about to give it up for good after the years of trying. But the universe had a different plan for you.
It all started so casually on a sunny Monday morning at Quantico. Your firm had been contracted out to completely renovate the old Quantico offices and bring them into the 21st century. You’d absolutely fallen in love with your job, the project manager, over the course of the six months. Between working with the clients, budgeting, staging, and executing the demo and construction you’d found loved. It was the perfect job that kept your busy brain occupied and constantly moving. Always showing up to work with a big cheesy smile on your face and ending the day with an inevitable streak of dirt across your shirt or jeans.
Everything went so smoothly until your crew moved up to the sixth floor. The BAU. Whatever the hell that is. Apparently, nobody had warned the boss man and he wasn’t too thrilled to say the least. You were used to working around the residents of the floor, but this wasn’t starting out to great considering your crew would be working on the floor for the next few months.
“What the hell is all this? Why is there tarp in my conference room?” A strong voice broke you from the planning board you were reviewing with your construction Forman, Eric.
Snapping your head around you made eye contact with possibly the most handsome man you’d ever seen. Of fucking course he had to be hot as hell. This was certainly going to make things way more interesting for you.
Putting on your best smile you slowly walked over to him, hardhat and high visibility vest and all, “I’m so sorry sir. I thought somebody from your leadership would’ve informed you. My crew is starting some demo and renovations on this floor today. We’ll do our best to keep the noise down, but we might have to kick you out of a few spots every now and then.” Trying your best to charm the man with a big smile you only felt intimated when he simply just looked at you. As if he was studying you. Not frowning, not smiling, stoic as hell. You involuntarily took a step back. Intimidating the hell out of you.
He must’ve picked up on your discomfort as his straight-faced gaze softened ever so slightly. He pinched the bridge of his nose as you cocked your head to the side observing him. He must’ve been choosing his words very carefully.
“I don’t have time for this today. I’m sorry.” He sighed in clear frustration. A real frustration you’d seen time and time again on the job.
You frowned. Annoyed at his leadership for failing to tell him you were about to ruin his next few months as your crew worked through the floor. You had to think quick. This was your job after all, “I’ll tell you what sir. We’ll start over on those conference rooms this week. Hopefully that gives you time to sort it out?” You pointed to the rooms on the other side of the office, not the large one his team clearly needed.
He gave you a curt nod. His gaze almost fully softening as you tried to compromise with him still with a genuine smile on your face. Even he had to admit that smile was breaking him down far faster than he would’ve thought possible. He had yet to even look at a woman since Haley’s death, that was years ago now. It freaked him out a little. He’d been so fine on his own. Figuring out a good routine with Jack and Jess. Getting too complacent. He knew it wasn’t fair to Jack. Especially since he was getting to an age where a mom was crucial. Jack needed somebody to lean on and it certainly wasn’t fair to Jess to pick that up.
“It won’t mess your plans up?” The handsome stranger asked you. Your smile grew as you knew he was going to be willing to work with you. More often than not you’d have to get into with whomever was arguing back with you, often the government trying to shut you down. But you knew better. You always had all the permits you needed and knew the rule book like the back of your hand. That’s why you excelled. You never let anybody get the better of you. ADHD was a curse and a blessing at the same damn time.
Shaking your head you continued, “Not at all! That’s construction. You plan, and then it changes 45 times before you actually start. It’s no big deal at all. Really.” You tried to reassure him. He looked embarrassed that he was so upset only a few moments prior. The last thing you wanted to do was make him uncomfortable. You knew you had at least two months of face to face with the guy. Starting off on the wrong foot was the worst thing you and the crew could do.
“I’m sorry. If you wouldn’t mind. We have a crucial case involving some kids…” He stopped himself before he divulged too much. He didn’t want you to get kicked out on his own accord. He knew you only had a clearance to enter the building. Nothing more, nothing less. He wouldn’t risk that at your stake.
“No explanations necessary sir. We’ll find a better day to demo.” You never dropped your smile as you maintained eye contact with him. You found that making sure to look whomever in the eyes always met you with better than looking around, looking scared.
“Aaron. Sir is too formal. Aaron Hotchner. My team, whenever they get here, will call me Hotch. Call me whatever.” He stuck his hand out for you to take. Gently you set your hand in his. You’d always been taught to go for the death grip when shaking hands. It established dominance or some bullshit like that. Especially since you were a woman in such a male dominated field. Working in a man’s world was exhausting. But something struck you as different with the man. So gentle it was.
“Nice to meet you, Aaron. I’m Y/N.” He shook your hand just as gently as you set your hand in his. You weren’t sure if he felt the pull that you felt but you simply couldn’t take your eyes off him.
“It’s nice to meet you to Y/N.” The handshake when on for a little too long. You were positive Eric was going to give you hell for this when you walked back over, “And again, I’m sorry for the outburst. These cases get stressful.”
You laughed a giggle that shouldn’t have come out of your mouth at work. His stoic expression tweaked into a soft smile after hearing your laugh, “Believe me when I say that was tame. The yelling matches I’ve gotten in with men twice my age are too plentiful to count.”
He laughed this time finally dropping your hand, gently of course, “I’m sorry you have to deal with that.”
You shrugged, “Part of the job. Plus, it’s fun to yell back sometimes.” His small smile grew into a much larger one, eyes crinkling and all. You’d done it. You’d charmed him.
“Hotch!” A female voice came yelling out of the conference room, “Round table, let’s go.” The pretty blonde-haired lady smirked at him before turning back to the room. The two of you failed to see his team file in during the conversation.
He broke his gaze turning around to see his agent vanishing from the doorway, “Got to go. Nice to meet you Y/N. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.”
You nodded your head, “Likewise Aaron.”
The rest was literally history. He ended up bringing you some sort of coffee or baked good every morning he was in the office, which you learned very quickly wasn’t all that often. He and his team seemed to be away more than they were actually there. You took advantage of that and fixed their office spaces and conferences rooms right as they left for their trips. You’d check in with Penny to make sure you weren’t in the way when they got back.
Small chit chats in the morning turned to lunch “dates” as Eric so kindly called them. You’d refused to call them as such, not ever truly able to gauge whether he was actually interested in you or not. You tried to make it as blatantly obvious as possible, but he was Aaron. Calm, cool and collected. The two of you had even been the butt of office jokes as you got closer. You didn’t seem to care though. It felt too good with him to give whatever you had up.
Lucky for you those lunch dates turned to dinner dates and before you knew it you were meeting Jack and spending time at his place. Weeks turned to months, and you were spending almost every night at the Hotchner’s. You and Jack were getting along as thick as thieves. Aaron even trusting you to watch him while he was gone. You made Jack promise not to tell his daddy that you gave him ice cream almost every night. It was a secret between the two of you.
Jack was off on a summer camp, and you’d just wrapped up the Quantico project leaving you far too bored sitting at Aaron’s place. So, you did what you always did when you had nothing to do. You cranked up the music and started cleaning. It was a Tuesday morning, and you really weren’t expecting Aaron to get back from his case. It was a long one out in Colorado. He never gave you the specifics, but he sounded horribly upset each night when he was on the phone with you. Distracted and distraught.
You hadn’t heard the door open and close as you were upstairs cleaning. But when your music abruptly stopped you hightailed it downstairs to get it going again. To your surprise your boyfriend was standing at the kitchen island rubbing his temples. You should’ve known there that he wasn’t going to be in the best of moods.
“Hon.” You grinned ear to ear seeing him standing there, “Your home! How was the trip? Happy to be home? I missed you tons. Especially with Jack being gone, I haven’t had anybody to talk to.” You wrapped your arms around his front, hugging him from behind. You were usually really good at picking up on social cues, but you must’ve been too damn excited to see him to pick up on his mood.
“Y/N.” He gave you a half smile before squeezing your hands tightly but gently. Like he was afraid of losing you.
“Aaron.” You let go of him brushing the now overgrown hair out of his face, “Are you alright? Was the trip okay? I just missed you so much. Hopefully it wasn’t too bad. I’ve really gotten used to having Jack around. I wish you didn’t have to go so often.” You admitted.
He sighed a deep one, “It was a tough case.” Was all he gave you. You should’ve known there that he wasn’t going to give you much else. But your stupid ass brain decided to ignore the cues. It wasn’t really your fault that it bounced around so quickly. You’d even taken your meds today. It was something about Aaron that seemed to break anything those meds were holding back.
“Want to talk about it? I know you never do but it could be good for you. You know? It’s not great to hold that kind of stuff in. It’ll eat away at you.” You just wanted him to be the Aaron you knew. Not the ball of stress standing before you.
He shook his head, “Not this time.”
“You sure? You look upset hon. I don’t like to see you like that.” You continued not noticing him closing his eyes. Surely more than irritated with you at the moment. But were you going to catch that? Nope.
You nodded, “Alright. If you say so. Are you hungry? I can whip you up some lunch…”
He interrupted you before you could go on whatever long winded rant you had built up, “Y/N, can you be quiet for five seconds please? I’m trying to think.” You were turned away from him and didn’t see the immediate regret that washed over his face. He didn’t really mean it he just needed you to stop for a moment. He wasn’t expecting you to be home and wasn’t ready for the bombardment of questions. After cases that involved so many deaths it took him a moment to come back around. He needed a second to himself. The job was hard and you knew that.
And with that you felt your heart deflate right then and there. The smile that hadn’t dropped since he came home immediately vanished without a trace. Your happy eyes immediately dropping and filling with hot, wet tears that desperately wanted to spill over. You’d been with him for almost half a year and that had yet to come out of his mouth. It took you by surprise, to say the least.
“I’m so sorry.” You squeaked out before walking out of the kitchen hastily. You weren’t good with conflict. Always running away from it.
He knew he fucked up. You weren’t overly sensitive, but he knew what he said was over the line. Especially since you were simply trying to help him. But he also needed that moment. So, he shamefully let you sit upstairs with your thoughts. You had an issue of letting things ruminate in your head for far too long.
Letting the tears fall you continued to clean the bathroom in silence. Why were you like this? As soon as you got comfortable with someone you seemed to ruin it with your dumb ass brain. You should’ve known he was exhausted. He’d been gone for nearly two weeks. Cases never ended well when he was gone for over a week let alone two. You should’ve backed off the second he started giving you short answers. Stupid stupid brain ruining everything.
Once you finished you thought it best to spend some time back at your own apartment. The last thing you wanted to do was annoy him into breaking up with you. Tip towing downstairs you found him asleep on the couch. Biting your lip, you scribbled a note letting him know you went home making a dumb excuse that your friend needed you. As much as you wanted to spend the night with him, he clearly needed it alone.
It wasn’t long after you got home that your phone buzzed. Looking down you saw Aaron was calling. Deciding it best to give him space you decided not to pick up. When it rang for a second time you answered, “Hey.” Why were those stupid tears threatening to spill again?
“Sweetheart where are you?”
You frowned, “Home. Emma needed some help with a dress.” You partially lied. Your friend Emma really did need help hemming her dress, something you were oddly good at. But she wasn’t coming over until the weekend.
“Oh, are you coming back after? We can make Spaghetti, your favorite.” You knew this was his attempt to apologize. Quickly realizing in the relationship that Aaron was a quality time kind of guy, his true love language.
Should you? You weren’t feeling great about the whole thing and a night away might make the heart grow fonder, “I don’t think so Aaron. I’m tired and she’ll be over for a while.” Another lie. You hated doing this to him but you just couldn’t confront it head on. It just wasn’t something you were ready for.
“Oh, okay.” He sounded sad. It made your heart lurch just thinking about it, “Come over tomorrow after work?”
“Yeah, sure.” You knew you were being short with him but God, you just didn’t want to annoy him. A specialty you’d seemed to master.
“Everything alright sweetheart?”
Everything was not alright, “Yeah, just a bit tired. I should get going, she’s almost here.” You hardly heard the confirmation on the other end of the phone before you hung up on him.
You didn’t sleep well nor work great the next morning. Aarons comments ringing in your ears over and over again. When it came time to go home you took his route home. Knowing you had to confront this at some point. Aaron would make you. He always did. As bad as he was with words, he always made sure to talk things out.
Somehow, his black SUV was parked in the driveway. You had an inkling feeling he was going to beat you home no matter what. He might’ve even taken the day off today. Walking through the front door you found Aaron in the kitchen cutting up some tomatoes.
“Sweetheart.” He smiled while dropping the knife and walking over to you. Wrapping you in a tight hug he made sure to give you an extra squeeze. He was a profiler after all, he knew something was amiss.
“Hi.” You mumbled in his chest. Breathing him in completely you let your eyes close as you leaned into him. He was clearly trying to make it up to you now, might as well let him.
“Have a good day?” He asked while prying you away from his chest.
Shaking your head you decided to answer honestly. The little white lies you told yesterday making you feel gross, “No, not really.” Yawning you leaned your head back into his chest.
He starting brushing through your hair with his fingers having an inkling as to why, but he needed to know for sure. He hated hurting you. You were nothing but sweet to him and he returned it by snapping at you? He’d done it to Jack as well. He knew it was something he needed to work on even if he wouldn’t say it out loud.
“And why’s that?” He asked softly making sure not to startle you.
“Didn’t sleep great. Then my boss decided to put me on the worst project. Pipes.” You sighed. It wasn’t an attack on you, every project manager had to have a hellish utility job. You were just next on the list. It couldn’t have come at a worse time though. Pipe work meant constant oversight, and anything could shut the project down. Tedious and annoying but necessary, you knew it.
“I’m sorry honey.” He confined brushing through your hair.
“It’s fine.” You signed closing your eyes as you listened to his heartbeat. You weren’t in the mood to talk which was strange for you. You always wanted to talk. To dive a little deeper. Understand him a bit more. But you weren’t feeling it. Was it actually your mood or were you just terribly self-conscious now? You refused to ask that question as you shoved it to the back of your mind.
“You sure it’s fine? You’re awfully quiet. I miss my chatty girl.” He knew he needed to apologize. He should’ve just spit it out already. But he wanted to see if he could see if it was anything more. He’d never seen you so down and out. You were always there with a smile and seeing you so sad had him worried. Had he done that to you? Did you not sleep because of him?
You nodded into his chest, “Yeah, ‘M just…” You paused. Was it really worth not telling the whole truth? Aaron would figure it out. He probably already had. He was doing that profiler shit on you now. As annoying as it was you grew to love it. It was him. You loved him. Everything about the man intrigued you, “Tired.” You finished. Not the whole truth and you knew it.
“Honey.” He kept brushing through your hair knowing how much it calmed you.
Feeling a little surge of bravery, you looked up to him, “Yeah?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to dismiss you yesterday.” He paused giving you a brief kiss on your forehead but not giving you enough time to respond before he continued, “I love all your questions. I really do. It’s just this last case was rough. And I know that’s no excuse to treat you like that. It’s just… this guy. He targeted women that looked just like you. It’s been an awful two weeks. I just miss you. Please stay?”
“Oh Aaron,” You frowned but squeezed him tightly, “I’m so sorry. If I had known…”
“I should’ve told you. Don’t apologize. I should be the one apologizing.” He kissed your forehead again holding it there. Just holding you in his arms.
Feeling so safe and secured in his arms made you feel every emotion all at once. Thrilled that he still felt the same about you. Embarrassed you took it so personally. Scared you would mess this up. So in love with the guy who recognized so easily what was bothering you. It was all too much for you. You couldn’t try to stop the tears that flowed down your cheeks even if you tried.
Aaron pried you away from him taking your head in his hands. Softly he wiped away the tears with his thumbs with a sad look on his face, “I’m so sorry sweetheart.” His eyes searched your face for anything. His heart breaking just a little more seeing your hurt expression across ever feature.
Nodding, that’s all you could do. Absolutely you accepted his apology. He was so sincere with it you know he meant everything with his entire heart, “It’s okay.” You managed to choke out between breaths. After a moment the tears finally stopped. You’d normally be horrified by the sudden outburst but with him you weren’t. You knew he had you.
“It’s really not. I’m so sorry. I won’t do it again.” He assured you wiping away the final tears.
“Thank you, Aaron.”
He pulled you back into him, “I’m not perfect but I promise you I’ll try.”
“I know that.” You beamed up at him. You felt so much better. Words always helped, running away never did.
“I love you, my dear.” He smiled down at you while rocking you back in forth in his arms.
“And you know, I love you too.”
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Taglist: @twilightlover2007 @morgthemagpie @ashie-babie @buckybarnessweetheart @wendy234678 @adhdannieedison @emilykolchivans @aurabambi @pipecleanerweyesfp @simp4f1 @ghostridrr @sunflowers-4
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