#anyway i will keep going feral over this the next days just watch me
artinandwritin · 2 months
live footage of mona plotting out niv's story:
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churipu · 6 months
Hiii!! I can ask for jjk men (your choice!) with a girlfriend who doesn't look like it but is like super strong! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ I have a love for those types of characters<3 thanks in advance!
I hope you are getting better ❤️‍🩹
jjk men & their "looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill" you gf
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featuring. gojo satoru, toji fushiguro, nanami kento x fem! reader
warnings. cursing
note. anonnn <33 i absolutely love this one, i have so many speculations for different characters about this request omg, thank you for requesting love, i hope this one is up to par, much love xoxo (and i am feeling so much better now, thank you for checking up on me). OH AND GUESS WHAT? u don't understand how thankful i am to reach 300+ followers in the first week??? u guys rock, ilysm
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GOJO SATORU. i feel like he'd feel so betrayed after finding out how you're very strong?? one second he's looking away and then the next second, he looks back and a curse is ready to pounce on you. he grits his teeth when he realizes that — but before he could even do anything, there you were, sending out a strong punch that leaves a gust of wind as a cherry on top.
gojo could only stare at you, jaw dropped. all he could think of was how on earth did you do that and how could someone so...cute and adorable like you send out that kind of punch. honestly, on one side he felt so betrayed to only know of your power now — but on the other side, he's so damn proud of you.
after all of that, you still managed to send him your most innocent smile as if you didn't just almost possibly created a hurricane with that punch of yours. skipping happily and then throwing yourself onto the male, "satoru!"
"you never cease to surprise me, baby." he chuckles.
and you blinked at him innocently, a little confused at what he's talking about. at first gojo thought you were just pretending not to know, but when he realized that you actually didn't know, it dawned upon him that maybe you didn't even realize how strong you actually are.
"y/n, you just obliterated a curse."
"oh. oh. yeah! i did."
yeah, you definitely weren't aware of your own strength. which surprised gojo even more.
TOJI FUSHIGURO. he's always thought that protecting you was one of his main duty, and believe me when i say that toji is always on guard for anything that could possibly send harm your way. feral animals, harmful plants, annoying babies, curses, anything he finds annoying — he just assumes you don't like them either.
despite not having a cursed energy, toji is strong. anyone would agree with that. so when he settled in with you, someone who radiates such loving and gentle aura, toji made it his job to keep you out of harm's way.
but apparently, you've got that under covered.
being in a relationship meant going out on dates occasionally, right? however, some people do not understand the meaning of "i have a boyfriend" and it annoys you. so when toji was away to fetch a few things and you were left alone, a stranger felt like it was the best time to hit on you.
"saw ya' from a couple of minutes ago, thought you're cute. we should hang out."
obviously the word "no" didn't work as he kept on bothering you, and you do know how people react when they don't get what they want sometimes? they just plain out throw words to boost up their ego and deny their own embarrassment. it's funny.
"whatever. ya' aren't that cute anyways." everything began out as an exchange of words — until anger consumes the best out of them. the male got ready to swung his hand on you.
and believe me when i say that toji was having the time of his life watching you exchange angry words with the guy, until he saw the male raise his hand. toji was about to drop everything and come to your rescue, but stopped when you smacked the stranger across his face harshly it sent him stumbling over his own feet.
toji chuckled lightly, although surprised. that day, i swore he promised himself not to get on your bad side (also, he thought it was pretty hot of you). he told you he'd been watching from afar, and was so ready to be your knight in shining armor.
apparently, you are your own knight in shining armor.
NANAMI KENTO. for the longest time, nanami has stood his ground in defending you from malices and curses. some of the people do not like the idea of you and him together, especially girls who failed to obtain his attention (obviously). and he'd always be the one to tell them to piss off and not to butt in his relationship.
you were just a normal businesswoman working normal office hours, and nanami — well, he's a pretty busy man. but he has made himself visible to your work environment a couple of times, mostly because you were clumsy enough to forget your bento box that you made for yourself before going to work.
and apparently that few times was enough to make girls swoon over your boyfriend. honestly, you could care less. you trust nanami. but things went rock bottom when this one particular girl, a co-worker who was obviously jealous of you. and she doesn't hesitate in showing that to you.
"accidentally" spilling coffee on you, "accidentally" stepping on your foot with her heels, "accidentally" bumping into you, "accidentally" elbowing your head when she walks by. just everything in an attempt to get a reaction out of you so she could possibly play the victim card.
you brushed her every attempt off, although it bothered you quite a bit. but your last straw was when she "accidentally" ruined the report you've been working on for the past week, sacrificing your rest and sweat for it — only for her to dump down a cup of iced macchiato on it the day you were supposed to hand it in to your boss.
you've just had enough of her, and this was not something you can brush off like her other "accidents" because this report would affect your position in the company (and possibly get you fired). but at this point, do you even care? no, no you don't.
"so, is this the part where i hit her?" you ask another co-worker who was there in the room when everything happened, and they nervously shook their head, "really? i feel like this is the part where i do."
so when you did send a punch to her jaw, your other co-workers were quick to run find help (your boss). and all it took was one punch to make the girl wobble weakly, her knees buckling.
oh, and your boss wasn't too happy about your resort in violence, especially in the work area.
"i don't care, i'm fired anyways." you took off the company's id card that was hanging from around your neck and tossed it onto the table before packing your bag to leave.
your boss wasn't the only unhappy one, you were too. and nanami as well.
"it isn't my fault, kento."
"i know, darling. i'm not saying it's your fault, i'm just surprised...that's all."
well, that was the first time you've ever threw a punch to someone. and the first time you've ever been fired, so yes. it is a surprise to nanami, but to you? you were expecting it sooner or later with the pace of how that co-worker was going in with her shenanigans.
"she was pushing it."
nanami was silently proud of you for being able to defend yourself though, "well, at the end of the day, you won the fight. right?"
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satoruxx · 7 months
sorry to go feral in your inbox but ghostface!miguel who is crazy about you (in a good way I promise) and does everything in his power to protect you and keep those horrible college guys from your classes away from you but you only know him as the mysterious gravelly voice who calls you every night that you’ve grown fond of as your personal lullaby-
pairing: miguel o'hara x fem!reader | 1.5k words summary: ghostface!miguel, stalking, possessive miguel, violence, death, killing, obsessive behavior, suggestive, killer miguel ofc, reader is WAY too trusting, miggy just loves you so much !! rheya’s note: NONNIE BABES YOU GENIUS !! he absolutely would oh my fucking god. i am so normal about this (going feral) i was literally squealing while writing this it was rough. why is this concept hot? do i need therapy? probably. anyways he's a creep in this but in a good way? (the way this ask literally got me inspired to draw ghostface!miguel UGH) anyways ENJOY !!
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miguel isn't a bad guy. he's not. he's one of the good guys actually, a hero. he's always been a hero.
it's not his fault that there are some assholes in the world that are fucked up, preying on innocent people who just want to live their lives.
sweet, innocent people like you.
how a girl as sweet and precious as you managed to get yourself surrounded by such horrible people is beyond him. and you're so nice too, always assuming that nobody has it out for you or that everyone has some good in them. with that mindset, you were just asking to be put in danger.
so, being the hero that he is, it's his obligation to look out for you, right?
it starts off quietly. he doesn't make an effort to connect with you, choosing to watch you from the shadows as he silently tracks your day. miguel is nothing if not observant, mentally noting every single person you interact with or looks your way. and if they get a little too close, a little too comfortable? well, then he'd just have to take care of that for you, wouldn't he?
he hates that one flirty coworker of yours, always leaning a little too close to you and chatting like he's your fucking boyfriend. miguel can see the little crease of discomfort in your brows whenever that coworker is nearby, and he decides that he hates that expression on you. but you feel fine afterwards, because when your coworker goes missing the next day, you send a quick thank you to the heavens, trying to push down your guilt.
he finds out that you try to make some extra money by tutoring a guy at your school. and when miguel watches the two of you through the windows of the library he feels hatred like no other run through his veins because he doesn't like how this guy looks at you. that asshole probably didn't even need tutoring to begin with, using it as a pathetic excuse to get close to you. what a fucking joke. but you don't have to stress about tutoring anymore because the next day you get a text saying the kid has transferred schools. you never hear from him again.
oh but the worst ones are the ones who ask you out on dates. they don't even know how lucky they are, getting to see you all dolled up and pretty for them, only to absolutely destroy your hopes for a good time. it makes miguel so angry he sees red. every fucking time one of those losers makes a comment that has your shoulders slumping with disappointment, a miserable frown on your pretty lips by the end of the night, he feels sick to his stomach. but he hopes that when you see your date's body on the news the next morning, you won't be so disappointed anymore.
only after watching over you for a while does miguel decide to finally talk to you, finding the perfect hiding spot to watch you through your window as you pick up your ringing phone. he has to stop himself from groaning because your voice sounds so much sweeter when it's in his ear, smooth and precious as you ask who it is. and he can't resist playing with you, dying to hear more as he sighs behind his mask.
"tell me your name and maybe i'll tell you mine." miguel answers, gravelly voice practically purring through the speaker. he can see the confusion on your face as you pace your kitchen, reaching for a bag of chips before walking back to your couch and settling in to watch a movie. he hears the screams from the tv and bites his lip. "what's that noise?"
"a movie." you reply, the expression on your face getting less guarded as you listen to his voice.
"a scary movie?" he asks, leaning against the edge of the roof so that he's got the perfect view of you. you take a chip and pop it in your mouth, chewing quietly, and he follows the movement of your lips with eager eyes.
"mhm," you nod, and miguel thinks it's so fucking cute the way you move your head even though you think he can't see you.
"you like scary movies?" he asks with a hum, and you voice out a yes. his eyes remain hooded and attentive as he effortlessly continues the conversation. "you got a favorite, sweetheart?"
he catches the way you melt under his sweet words, and miguel decides then and there that he's never letting you go. he listens to your answers with a grin, tucking his knife away and watching you animatedly talk to him for the remainder of the night.
and the rest is history.
you tell him about a guy who's bothering you? he'll bury him. someone made you cry? he'll break their legs. your date stood you up? he'll stab them so many times he loses count. and then after all of that, he'll call you like he always does, rumbling honeylike words into his phone as he casually watches you from behind his mask.
"and how was your day today, sweetheart?" he'll drawl out, late at night as he perches on the neighboring roof to your apartment. with the way he's angled he can perfectly see the innocent little smile on your face as you settle in bed, talking on the phone like you're not scared of him at all.
and you shouldn't be, because he'd never hurt you, of course.
some nights you'll giddily tell him about the most exciting parts of your day, smiling and giggling until you fall asleep without a care in the world. but on the nights when you complain or whine about somebody that's made you upset, wronged you, or god forbid, showed interest in you? well, those are the nights miguel has to grit his teeth and clench his fists, trying to control the flare of pure rage that courses through him. he lulls you to sleep with sweet words, trying to keep his cool but still vibrating with anger because who the fuck do they think they are, getting near you like that?
"don't worry, pretty girl," he sighs into the phone, twirling his knife between his fingers. "i'm sure they'll stop bothering you soon enough."
and they do. but you being the precious oblivious little thing you are, assume that you're just lucky. a guardian angel, you had said, was watching over you. miguel had just chuckled into the phone, deep and rich as he smirked at you from the roof once again.
"guardian angel? well lucky you, huh?" he had asked, feeling all too pleased with himself. you agreed with a nod.
well, if that's what you wanted to see him as he had no problem playing guardian angel for you.
and no he doesn't even want you to find out, because the last thing he wants to do is scare you. no no, he'd much rather protect you from the shadows, eliminating every single threat could ever harm a hair on your pretty little head. his reward comes in the form of you living your life, carefree smiles and all.
and granted he feels much more rewarded when he calls you late at night, deep voice teasing with an underlying sense of possessiveness as he speaks to you about anything and everything. he doesn't understand why and how you decided that he was safe to talk to, but you do, laughing and sighing into the phone until you've dozed off.
and if you've accidentally left your windows open, well of course being the gentleman he is, miguel will close them for you. but not before he stands at your bedside, raising his mask to watch you sleep peacefully. such a pretty little thing, so sweet and gentle. and after pulling himself away from your sleeping form, he quietly shuts the window behind him, yanking his mask back down with a smirk because he doesn't want anyone else to see you all vulnerable like that.
you were too trusting to begin with, but you trusting him is alright. after all he's the only one who's been looking out for you. anyone else tries to get near you and he'll have no choice but to tear their limbs off. they could be a threat to you, right?
but that's why he'll never let you out of his sight.
you're his after all.
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masuchu · 2 years
pairing. dazai x reader, chuuya x reader,
warnings. nsfw, f!reader, overstimulation, cunnilingus, face sitting, rough sex, creampie, pure filth LMAO
love, masu. i’m rlly leaning towards nsfw on this blog now hh >///< but anyways, here’s a gift for you all <33
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DAZAI — [太宰]
pussydrunk dazai! is a menace. he’ll have his face shoved in between you legs, licking at your soaking cunt and constantly sucking harshly on your clit, uncaring when you plead and whine in desperation for him to give you a break.
pussydrunk dazai! lacks patience. if you’re tugging on him or pushing him away, he’s tying you up tightly and going straight back to his meal uninterrupted. he eats pussy for his gain, not yours. he’ll loop his arms under your thighs, his hands gripping the plush skin and keeping them open for him to continue on slurping up your juices, moaning at the taste.
pussydrunk dazai! will beg for you to sit on his face, wishing that he could suffocate underneath you, the taste of you on his lips as he dies. he’ll eat you out until your legs go numb, succumbing to the pleasure and collapsing onto him, allowing him to carry on feasting on you as if you’re his last meal.
pussydrunk dazai! has no shame. he will moan at the sight of you trembling above him, only taking it as a challenge to push you even further over the edge. his voice is desperate as he tells you “ah, belladonna. you taste so good, if you were underneath yourself like this, believe me you’d be just like me.” he bring a hand up to your chest, groping at your breasts as he moans out blatantly false promises of “one more, sweetness. one more, i promise.”
pussydrunk dazai! won’t be satiated until you can’t form coherent sentences, nothing but gibberish and moans tumbling out of your mouth when he taps your cheek and pushes his slender fingers into your mouth. he’ll only stop the constant torture when your hands aren’t even clawing at him anymore, merely pawing at any skin you find.
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CHUUYA �� [楚雅]
pussydrunk chuuya! is rough. he’ll have you face down, ass up, crying into the sheets below you as he meanly pounds into you, hitting so deep you can feel it in your stomach. he’s so obsessed with the way you tighten around his cock, completely infatuated with your pussy.
pussydrunk chuuya! won’t relent for anything. when your hands come around to you back, pushing at his hips behind you, he’ll gather your wrists in his hands and pulling you up, using them as leverage. god, how he wishes he could be in two places at once, watching you from the front as your tits bounce again and again when he slams into you.
pussydrunk chuuya! doesn’t even forget to pull out, the thought went through his mind, he just didn’t want to. one particularly rough thrust hits right in that spot inside of you, his cum flooding through you warm cave as you orgasm with him. the position he’s got you in is perfect for keeping his warm seed inside of you, which is just perfect in his mind.
pussydrunk chuuya! goes feral as he sees his cum slowly dribbling out of you. well, he can’t have that can he? he roughly slams right back inside of you, relishing in the way your expression goes from dazed and fucked-out to shocked and overwhelmed. he’ll growl out harsh words like, “fuck, this cunts sucking me in so hard.. ngh, it’s almost like you don’t want to to stop, huh?” and he’ll laugh harshly in your face when you whimper and cry.
pussydrunk chuuya! will finally topple down on top of you after a few more rounds. he’ll grumble out apologies and tell you that he’ll call in for a day off tomorrow, looking away when you complain about the soreness your body is feeling. as much as he’s sorry, he feels a sense of accomplishment in his head when he sees you limping around the house the next day. he’ll grin for a few seconds, before picking you up bridal style and carrying you for the rest of the day!
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munsonfamilyband · 1 year
I’ve had a Different Meeting AU stuck in my head for ages and I’ve decided to share it
After Starcourt Steve can’t sleep. The nightmares and panic keeps him from getting sleep; if he’s lucky he gets an hour. After a week he’s falling apart and he suddenly remembers a piece of his past - he remembers smoking weed with Tommy H and sleeping like a baby. So he starts digging, ends up having to talk to people he never wanted to speak to again, but he finds out who to call.
Eddie Munson. The name is familiar, but the number isn’t. Steve calls Eddie and sets up a meeting the next day to buy some weed. When he drives to the meeting spot he walks through how he’s going to apologize for who he was. Steve is pretty sure he never did anything to Eddie but he wants to be safe rather than sorry. He gets out of his car and ambles through the woods to meet Eddie at a picnic table. Eddie Munson is sitting on the table, legs kicked out in front of him and leaning back on his elbows. Steve quickly averts his eyes from the tattoo he can see on Eddie’s stomach where his shirt has ridden up. He’s aware that he finds men attractive, has been since Jonathan beat him up in ‘83, but now is not the time. Eddie looks up when Steve steps into the clearing and smirks.
“You’re late, I was starting to think you were going to stand me up.”
“Uh, sorry, I got a little side tracked. But um, before we do this I wanted to say sorry…I guess? I’m not sure if I ever did anything to you in school, I’m pretty sure I didn’t but I wanted to apologize for being a dick anyway.” Eddie just blinks at him, grin gone, as he sits up fully while still sitting on the table.
“You’re….. sorry?”
“Yeah, man. I’m trying to be a better person, throw the whole ‘King Steve’ shit out, and I figured that apologizing to the guy I’m hoping will sell me weed is a good place to start, y’know?” Steve knows that there’s a flush crawling up his neck from the embarrassment, can feel it heating up his ears, but he can’t focus on that with Eddie Munson staring at him with his big eyes and wild, curly hair- nope, stopping that right now.
“Oh. Well, you didn’t do anything, I mean, your buddy, Tommy H, used to fuck with me until he started buying my shit. The guy’s almost feral but he isn’t stupid enough to piss off his dealer. So, I guess we’re good then?” Steve breathes out a sigh of relief, moving closer to the table to sit while Eddie climbs down to sit on the opposite side. “So, how do you want to do this?”
Steve clears his throat, glancing around a bit. Eddie probably assumes it’s from nerves around the deal, which is fine with Steve. He doesn’t need to know that Steve is still looking over his shoulder for Russians and flesh monsters. “Uh, look, man. I know you’re wondering about my face, and it has to do with why I’m looking to buy. I was at the mall when it…burned down.” Steve hears Eddie mumble something like ‘holy shit’ under his breath. “I got knocked over during the panic and got trampled,” Steve easily lies. The cover story had been repeated to him until he knew it just as well as the real events. “Ever since, I’ve been having a hard time sleeping and I know weed can help so I was looking to get some to help.” He can feel Eddie’s eyes on him, studying his face in a way that reminds him eerily of Nancy.
“I can totally get why you would need weed after that. But, no offense or anything, you seem way more nervous about this than normal.” Steve can’t help but sigh, of course the drug dealer can read him like a book.
“Yeah, I uh, I got drugged when I was at a club a little while ago. I guess I’m nervous about being high again, even though I need to sleep.” Steve meets Eddie’s eyes and watches a complicated series of emotions flash across the other man’s face before seeming to decide on something.
“Okay, I normally wouldn’t do this, but you really do seem to be trying to be better, and you’ve clearly been through a lot lately, so I’m going to make an offer and you can decline if you want, but I figured I would try.” Eddie takes a deep breath, Steve narrowly avoiding watching his cheat expand with it. “Because you’re nervous about this, I can waive the fee this time and bring the pot to smoke with you. So that you don’t have a bad trip, or whatever.” Steve freezes, thrown aback by the offer. After a moment he is able to voice a response.
“You would do that for me?”
“I mean, just because I deal drugs doesn’t mean I have no morals. It feels weird to sell you shit and then let you go off on your own knowing you had a traumatic experience.”
Steve, despite being stunned, manages a smile. “That- thank you, Eddie. That is- I appreciate it a lot.”
The quickly make a plan to meet up the next day at Steve’s house, and Steve offers to get food as payment.
This pattern continues for a month before Eddie’s friends convince him to try a move on Steve - who has been maybe flirting since they met - and the night ends with them making out on Eddie’s couch. They date happily for 6 months, laughing as they pretend to not know each other in front of the kids, until the first day of Spring Break Steve sees a trailer he spends more time at than his own house on the news. As soon of Dustin and Max show up, Steve is grabbing his keys and running to his car, knowing exactly where Eddie is hiding.
Steve never wanted his boyfriend to get involved with this part of his life, but there is no way he will leave him alone now that he is.
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countryclubkook · 1 year
A/N: This made me feral and turned out longer than originally planned so enjoy. Minors DNI, this is 18+ ONLY
JJ stealing your panties from your drawer when you’re not home and using them to get off because he can’t seem to bring himself to actually fuck you or make any kind of move on you. One day he takes a risk and stays in your room after he steals a pair and slowly starts stroking his aching cock with them, too caught up in his fantasy of his hand being your pussy milking him dry to hear you walking upstairs. You hear noises coming from your room and freak out thinking someone had broken in and carefully open your door to reveal JJ jerking off on your bed holding the new pair of baby pink panties you’d bought. The small gasp you let out brought JJ back to reality as he quickly turned his head towards you, your eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. “it’s not what it looks like i swear!” he quickly tried defending himself, what else would it have been?
You knew you shouldn’t have liked the sight as much as you did, JJ was one of your best friends and here he was sitting in your bedroom, with your panties, stroking his cock with them. But there was an uncomfortable feeling between your legs that you desperately tried to get rid of by clenching your thighs together to no avail. JJ obviously noticed this and took the opportunity to sway the situation in his favor. “Princess, we both seem to have a problem. I think I know a way of fixing it” a small smirk on his face as he motioned for you to join him. You hesitantly agreed and joined him by the bed where he told you to bend over. You looked confused but did so anyway.
“What are you doing JJ?” you squeaked as you felt him pull down your shorts, but only your shorts. “I’m helping us both out baby, just tell me to stop and I will” he waited for a response before he continued, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. That feeling between your legs was growing more and more intense causing you to push your hips back against him and whine a small ‘please’ hoping he knew what he was doing.
He took his cock that was leaking precum and rubbed it against the wet spot in your panties before moving to your clit. You let out a small whimper at the feeling, the fabric between adding more friction, which encouraged him to rub your clit a bit faster. “You’re making such a mess babe, panties are going to be ruined when we’re done here. Such a messy pussy” his words causing you to let out a moan. He was already close from where he was touching himself just moments before, but he was determined to make you come at the same time as him and began slowly sliding his cock up and down your clothed pussy.
Your breath hitched in your throat at the feeling, your hands gripping your sheets and knees going weak. His pace was getting faster as he got closer and he hoped you were close too. “You close baby? Going to cum in your panties like a good little slut for me?” you only whimpered in return which made him grab your hair and pull your head up.
“Answer me” he demanded, his lips right next to your ear. “Y-yes JJ. I’m so close, please make me cum” he moved his cock back to your clit and began rubbing it again, the knot in your stomach expanding until it came undone. JJ followed your release immediately, his cum going all over your panties as your own pooled inside. You were an absolute mess in both senses, the mixture of your cum with his and the way you couldn’t form words keeping you from speaking.
JJ pulled away from you panting as he reached over to the tissue box beside your bed and wiped himself off before throwing away the ruined tissue. He watched as you finally starting to come back to reality, giving him a lazy smile, and took his phone out to take a picture of your fucked out face. “You look so pretty baby, all fucked out and pussy covered in my cum. Just want to remember this forever” he muttered, moving to take a picture of your ruined underwear before pulling your shorts back up and giving you a smug look.
“You keep these on until you shower tonight, I want proof you followed orders. Understand?” he stood by your door waiting for an answer. “Yes, I understand” he gave you a smile before pocketing the panties he was using when you’d barged in on him.
“I’m keeping these with me as an excuse to come back. I think I'm just too addicted to your pussy now baby. Next time I might have to just fuck you for real” was all he said to you before walking downstairs and out the front door to go back home. You finally managed to calm down enough to climb fully into your bed and just stared up at your ceiling replaying his words.
‘Next time I might just have to fuck you for real’
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aloesarchives · 6 months
Tags/Warnings: Fem!Reader/Pronouns, Swearing, Gojo has a hard crush on you, Gojo vs Toji Part 3, The word ass being used, Toji straight up having beef and fighting a bunch of teenagers, Nicknames such as beloved and hon(ney), JJK OCs, Out of pocket moments and sayings, Me being an annoying narrator
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[Semi-proofread, informal formatting, and edited as of 12/22/2023 10:18am CST]
Summary: One of the truths behind Toji's beef with Gojo
Word count: 2.8k words
(A/N: I spent 10pm-6am writing this because I just need to or I would never forgive myself if I didn't! I promise I will have some of the "Toji lives" AU posts ready by next week because your girl got her ADHD meds back in stock!! Thank you for being patient with me and my inconsistent updates!!) (12/22/2023 6:05am CST)
💙I love you all! 💙🥰😚💙
💙❤️Please Enjoy!!!💙❤️
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The REAL reason Toji has major beef with Gojo is because Gojo had a crush on you during his high school days when you would sub for Yaga in the classroom and training sessions. He did try his best to keep it under wraps but Geto was like,
"Bro, she's the same age as Yaga-sensei. . . Stop reaching, Satoru. . . Do I need to remind you who (L/N)-sama is married to again?"
The Gojo responded with, "Suguru, I don't give a shit about that loser. He's a bum, anyway. The question you should be asking is why (L/N)-dono is fucking married and still in-love to a deadbeat like him. I would have been a better option. Face it Suguru, I'm right."
While Satoru has a point, as Suguru noted, it doesn't change the fact that Satoru was crushing on a MARRIED woman who had TWO kids.
Though it was true, Satoru would have technically been a good husband/father/lover. However, there are many reasons why it must be ruled out.
Satoru is over half your age. Picking him meant allegations and a prison cell. Gojo tried reasoning with you, "But (Y/N)-dono! Age is just a number, give me two years!" "And Prison is just a place, Satoru-kun. I don't want to be labeled as a child predator, let alone be framed for "seDuCinG" the Gojo heir. I want to have a clean record."
While his personality brought you happiness, his carefree nature would clash a lot with you. He can mature but his child-like spirit and carefree persona isn't something you would personally deal with.
He was more of your protégé/junior/student if anything. You saw him more as your son and acted like a parental figure. You wanted to watch him grow and mature. Not become his lover.
To spite the higher-ups and Jujutsu elders(excluding your clan). Given you were a powerful and skillful sorcerer, marrying Gojo would be "BeNeFiCiaL" to Jujutsu society. However, it meant that you were on a watchlist 24/7 and pressured to have an HeIR. It made you physically sick and ill thinking what those old useless dementia white-haired cowards are allow to do that just to better "society" but not its citizens.
You are MARRIED to a man who is trying to step up after his major fuck ups. It's not perfect but Toji is his best trying after you gave him his life and freedom. Since he technically can't leave your home or go to Jujutsu High without your supervision, he's basically househusband duty. And he was getting pretty damn good at it too. Plus Toji's hot, he got you feral and gnawing at your teeth with his signature smile and smirk. And the way his arms flex when he crosses them, or how they feel when you link arms together.
While it wasn't super obvious, okay it was obvious, you always shot down Satoru's playful confessions and light-hearted shenanigans. Basically rejecting him every time. Usually, Suguru would warn you in advance but you know it would happen with each interactions. While you firmly turned him down, you made him understand why it can't and WON'T happen. You still care for him, just never romantically, only platonically and motherly. You made it clear that his "love" for you was just a strong admiration and infatuation disguised as a crush.
Though he was heartbroken, at first. Satoru slowly understand what you mean and his crush slowly fades away as it's replaced with immense respect for you.
HOWEVER, it still linger and not widely known because Toji finally gets word of this through the grapevine. A.K.A, through his two children Megumi and Tsumiki. It happened one day when you brought the two to the school so you can keep a close eye on them since they didn't have school that day. Toji was out doing errands so the two kids are accompanying you. Megumi and Tsumiki were occupied with their books and toys while you taught and trained the students. Megumi and Tsumiki went to find you because they were hungry and you had their lunches. As they looked for you, they see you talking to Satoru. They meet him a couple of times but he's still a stranger to them compared to Shoko or Suguru. So when they see Gojo with you, all alone with no one around, they thought it was major sus.
As they snuck closer, they could hear bit and pieces of what Gojo is saying to you. Megumi lowkey thinks Gojo is super annoying and acts more of a child then he does. But what catches his ears first was something with along the lines of, "(L/N)-dono, please consider it-" "Satoru-kun, how many time will I need to say no to you? You know I can never feel for you that way. Plus it's bad for me to agree to it. You know that it's admiration and infatuation if anything. Not love."
See Megumi knows you only use love as in 'I love you" to him, his sister, and his dad. But to this dude? Nah, something fishy is going on and Megumi gotta tell his dad about it. Megumi comes running, yelling "Mommy!!!". You and Satoru turn to see your son running to you and colliding with your legs. You crouch down and pat your son's head and smile at your daughter following behind him. Megumi hands your hand tightly as you lead them away to have lunch with your kids. Satoru made a face at Megumi when he saw the kid glare at him.
Once you three made it home, you're in the bathroom changing into some home clothes. Meanwhile, Toji was cooking dinner while Megumi and Tsumiki were waiting for you at the dinner table. As Toji was asking them about their day with you, Megumi brought up Gojo's advances and confession towards you. When Megumi said this, the beef Toji was about to flip plopped right back onto the pan. He looks back at Megumi and asks if there's anything else that he can share. As Megumi shares what he has seen through his perspective, Toji asks Tsumiki to confirm is this is all true, to which she said yes, backing up Megumi's claims.
"Yeah, Papa. Satoru-kun is weird. Even though Mama keeps saying she's married to you, he still does it. Tsumiki saw it too."
"I see... Thank you, Megumi and Tsumiki for watching and taking care of Mama for me. I appreciate it a lot. Can you tell her that dinner is almost ready?"
The kids nodded and went to go get you. After dinner and putting the kids to bed, you were sipping your favorite drink as Toji is doing the dishes. You would have helped him but he said no. While you two were talking, he brings up Satoru and his school crush on you.
"Toji, beloved, you know that it's just a small crush. It's nothing more then puppy love for me. Nothing more and nothing less. And you know that you're the only man that I am willing to give my heart to."
"I know that, (Y/N). But what does this brat got on me to think he's a better match for you? Just because this kid is practically a god doesn't mean everyone will bow down to him. I'm definitely not one of them. And to know that said brat is flirting with you even though you're visibly married with kids, he needs to read the room. I will be going with you to school tomorrow. The kids go back to school the next day, and I already got this week's groceries and cleaned the house."
You would have protested if Toji didn't give you a searing kiss while caging you in his arms. Fuck he looked so hot. Curse him and his good looks *punching the air*.
"Fine, you can come. BUT, Toji you need to behavior yourself. You already knew the deal. You better not be doing any funny business."
"Yes, Ma'am. You're the boss, I promise you." Toji says as he gave you a kiss on the cheek before lightly patting your ass.
After dropping the kids off, Toji accompanies you to the school. Toji is just silent and sits in one of the chairs as you do your lessons. Toji is leaning on the chair with a smirk plastered on his face. Not a care in the world. After a few lessons, you were going to teach and train Gojo, Geto, and Shoko for the rest of the school day. As you went to their classroom, they greet you, especially Gojo. However, the mood changed when they saw Toji walk in behind you, wearing nothing but a black slim fit t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Toji gave a head nod to the teens while he just takes a seat in a chair to lean on it. The three were shock to see him.
Particularly because they did expect him to come with you to the school at all. Suguru had an idea but he hoped it wasn't going to be it. After teaching a lesson, you told the three to practice their curse techniques and let their curse energy loose. While doing so, you told them that you would have to speak to Yaga for a bit on something and would be back 15 minutes tops. You told Toji to behave, and he nodded and gave a thumbs up. As you leave the kids and your husband on the train grounds, that's when the storm started brewing. Toji walks up to Gojo and is 3 feet from him. He smirks while looking at him up and down, sizing him up. Shoko and Suguru are on the sidelines as Toji, a married adult male in his 30s, was beefing with a 16 year old high school student.
Suguru: "Satoru, I don't think this is a good idea-"
Satoru: "Hush now, Suguru. . . It's my time to shine. . . Watch the master at work."
Suguru proceeds to roll his eyes but becomes a little weary after his last encounter with Toji was. . . unideal. Given one of their teachers was shot in the throat by Toji saving Anamai, and himself getting injured. It wasn't something he wanted to constantly get reminded of. But ever since you liberated Toji from the higher ups and explained it to your students, Suguru has slowly been changing his views on Toji. It will take a while but it's getting there. Anyhow, Suguru told Shoko to book it once the two were going to throw down.
Satoru: "So, what brings you back here, Toji~? You just couldn't get me out of that little mind of yours~? You're mad I'm 1-0 with you?"
Toji: "Kid, I'm pretty sure that it's 1-1 since I won our first battle. Anyway, I heard through the grapevine that you gave (Y/N) a love confession. Don't you know it's bad to confess and hit on a married woman who has kids? Were you taught any manners? Then again, by the way you act, you probably have none."
Satoru: "You're just mad, Old Man. That I, Satoru Gojo, would treat (Y/N)-dono better and treat her worth. Face it, Old Man. I'm a better match for her than you'll ever be."
Toji: "Like she ever goes for someone half her age, Brat. Plus, you'll never look at you as a lover ever. You're more of a son to her and that's the closest you'll get."
Satoru: "Well, she doesn't need a bum like you around. Imagine fighting a bunch of teens and getting your ass beat by said teens. Skill issue if you ask me."
Toji: "Watch your tongue, Boy. Remember who made you struggle for the first time in your life and actually killed you. While, you know, fucking up your best friend, the second strongest sorcerer, with no curse energy? I got your ass with no gifts other than being a superhuman with weapons. You can never beat me, I'm just built different, Kid."
Satoru: "You wanna test that, Toji~? You got no curse weapons with you. I can pack you up like you're a school lunch."
Toji: "Kid, please. I don't need any weapons to beat you, let alone kill you. You see this? This is a rock, and I can use it to beat you. I also still have my hands too. And I am more then willing to give it to you, Gojo~kun."
Satoru: "You think I'm scared of someone like you? I've ascended, enlighten if you will. If you even know what that word is. Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honored one. Remember those words, Fushiguro-san? Remember them good because I will put you six feet underground."
Toji: "I see then, Kid. . . So you're playing God? I guess that makes me a God Slayer then. . . Prepare yourself, Kid. . ."
Satoru: "Alright, bet then, Bozo."
Thus, Gojo and Toji started to go at each other for round 3. Shoko was already gone and the two started fighting in the training grounds. Five minutes have already passed and they have made five decently sized craters. Just as both of them were about to throw a punch at each other, they suddenly felt a powerful presence which halted them. They turn to you walking towards them with a furious face unimaginable.
You moved like a blur and appeared next to them vice gripping their forearms tightly. You dragged them to the nearest empty classroom you can find or any room. You were just so livid that you didn't hear Gojo whining about your grip and asking to let you go like a child. As you let them go once you dragged them far enough, you smacked both of them hard on the head. Shoko and Gojo were watching this as Yaga appeared right next to them shortly. It was interesting seeing two of the most broken people in the world kneeling with their heads down in-front of a woman who doesn't have god-like abilities.
"BUT (Y/N)-dono! He-"
"Okay, Hon. I take full responsibility for my actions today."
"But (Y/N)-dono, I was not going to kill him last time-"
You start to calm down but you are still firm with them.
"I know this started because of Satoru's crush on me. . . Satoru, I will not love you romantically and date you. Please understand that. I care for you like family and that is said for the rest of you. Yes you, Suguru, Shoko, and Yaga. And Toji, I'm not leaving you for a child. I would be in jail and not working here. . . Geez, I saw this from a mile away but never expected this to happen. Now, you two better behave yourselves or else. You two don't have to say sorry or anything like of the sort. Just don't go tearing at each other's throats when I both am and am not around. Please, for me. . ."
The two looked at each other before saying a soft yeah. After that, Yaga told you to go home early and he would take it from there. You had to patch up Toji a bit but it wasn't anything of concern. From then on, Toji and Gojo just banter and bicker with each other. It's funny to watch except for Megumi since he's seeing his dad beefing with his unofficial adoptive older brother 24/7.
Satoru eventually grows out of his crush for (Y/N) but Suguru and Shoko never let him down. Hell, it's a running gag in the school about Gojo's old crush on you. Gojo always gets super embarrassed about it, especially when you join in but it's all fun and games with you all.
The only person who genuinely hates it is Megumi because the thought of Gojo having romantic feelings for you and trying to woo you made Megumi visibly ill and sick to his core. He would lowkey help his dad beat up Gojo if Gojo's crush on you became serious again.
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💙Author's Notes💙: 💙I am truly grateful to each and everyone of you in showing me that my writing is enjoyable to read!!! I appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart for making my comeback worthwhile! I hate to sound giga cringe but every single one of you that likes, reblogs, and comments on my writing post make me want to continue writing because I know that there are people out there that like what I make.💙 💙So once again, I am truly grateful and feel appreciative that everyone single one of you enjoy what I have been writing. I hope you all stay healthy, drink your water/favorite drink, treat yourself kindly, and take a break because you earned it!💙🥰 ❄️💙💙Happy Holidays to all of you, my GOATS!!!💙💙❄️
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scribbledghost · 2 months
Fem!Simon NSFW Alphabet
I really wanted to do one of these for fem!Simon, purely because I have a lot of ideas. I'll be doing a SFW version as well in the coming days! (And as always, feel free to send me an ask if you'd like me to elaborate on any of this).
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Fem!Simon is... quiet. She'll dutifully take care of you, make sure you're properly fed and hydrated, and clean you up. She'll even change the bedding if need be. But all the while, she doesn't say much. Especially in the early days of you sleeping together, she gets a little in her own head.
If given the choice, she prefers to take a bath or shower with you after sex. She'll wash you, hold you, and just wait until the water's cold. Ask her where her mind goes sometime, and she may just give you an answer besides a small smile and a kiss.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For herself, she's pretty proud of her biceps. She lifts regularly, and she finds the activity relaxing. As a kid, she always wished she was bigger. Stronger. And now, she finally feels like she is.
On you, it's a solid tie between your thighs and your breasts. I've spoken a bit about it before, but Simon constantly has a hand on your titties if she can manage it. Not even necessarily in a sexual manner (most of the time, anyway), just because she thinks they feel nice.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
If she can get you to squirt, she's over the moon. She won't pressure you, and she never wants you to feel bad if you can't do it (her primary concern is making sure you come, regardless of whether or not you squirt, and she knows not everyone can do it. After all, she herself can't).
But if you can? Goddamn if that doesn't really get her going. She gets a little feral with it, begging you to do it again, doing everything she can to make sure it happens.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
She's too embarrassed to admit it, but there's one thing she feels like she "missed out on" as a teen, and that's messy makeout sessions on the couch. Straddle her lap, grind down, and let her taste into your mouth. Even better if she can slip one hand into your pants.
One thing she'd like to ask you for is for her to watch while you touch yourself. Truthfully, it's mostly so she can know exactly how you like it, but she's apprehensive about asking for it, because it makes her feel like a bit of a creep (and she has a hard time keeping her hands to herself when it comes to you).
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
She's got some, but not as much as you'd probably think. She didnt date as a teen/young adult (she hadnt come to terms with her sexuality yet and she didnt date boys/men), and there wasnt much time for such things after she joined the military.
After she was captured and tortured in Mexico, she became mostly sex-adverse, and this didn't really change until she met you. It took a lot of time, patience, and understanding for her to work up to sex, and even then it was more giving than receiving.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
She has two: one with her strap, and one without. With her strap, fem Simon tends to go for standard missionary - it gets her close to you, lets her grind right against your clit, and gives her front-row access to all those pretty faces and sounds you make. She's a simple woman.
Without her strap, she's fond of using her fingers or a vibrator. Her preferred position for this is with you on your back, and her on her side next to you. She'll usually have one arm beneath your head while her free hand works you to your orgasm.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I wouldn't say she's super humorous, but she does like to keep things lighthearted. She'll crack jokes if the situation calls for it, or give you those soft, smitten smiles you've come to associate with her.
There are times when she gets a little too in her own head. During these, she's more serious. Like she's trying to memorize everything about you (she is). These usually happen more when she's been away for a lengthy period of time, or if her op didn't go as smoothly as it should have.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
She doesn't shave. Anywhere. She may trim her pubic hair if it starts getting in the way, but she doesn't trim too close. She just doesn't see the point - shaving would take up time she usually doesn't have, and shaved pussy kinda squicks her out if she's completely honest.
If you shave, she's not gonna tell you to stop, but if you ask her what she likes best, she'll be honest: full bush.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
She's incredibly intimate. She views sex as sort of an ultimate display of trust - something she unfortunately has in short supply with just about everyone but you. So she acts accordingly. Her guilty pleasure is creating the right atmosphere; she's a sucker for the "low lights, lit candles" type of aesthetic.
And, even though she prefers to use her actions instead of her words to show it, she really does love you. She takes your wants and desires into account no matter the situation, but especially in bed. She wants you to feel good, and she wants to make sure you're satisfied.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Honestly, she doesn't masturbate too much. Her drive is fairly low to begin with, and truthfully she would much prefer to involve you in the process somehow. If she's been away for a while and will be for a while more, she'll take care of her own needs, but it's not a common occurrence.
When she does jerk off, it's a quick affair. She knows her body, and she knows how to get it done and over with, so to speak. She rarely takes time to touch herself anywhere but her pussy, and skips most "self-foreplay" behaviors.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Body worship and praise are huge for her. The woman treats you like royalty anyway, but especially do in the bedroom. She loves everything about you and your body, and she loves showing it. This is more giving than receiving though. It takes her some time to not feel intrinsically uncomfortable receiving praise like that.
For herself, she enjoys edging quite a bit. She feels like it makes the ensuing orgasm that much stronger, plus there's the added benefit of prolonging sex altogether. She doesn't keep track of specific time or edging attempts, she just goes based on how she's feeling.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
She's a simple woman, she prefers the bed. There's plenty of room, privacy, and it's comfortable. She won't turn you down if you wanna go a round on the couch or somewhere else, but if you give her the choice, she's hoisting you up and carrying you to bed.
There have been times when you two haven't quite made it there though, and have wound up on the floor. She'd be lying if she said those times didn't scratch a specific itch for her; there's just something about how primal and needy it was that tends to get her going now when she thinks back on it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Talk to her. Tell her point-blank that you want her, talk about what you want to do to her (or have her do to you), and she's at your mercy. Bonus points if you lean in and murmur it in her ear - she'll never admit it, but her ears are extremely sensitive.
She also loves it when you get a little bold. Sit on her lap, initiate sex, whatever that looks like for you, and she gets the message real quick. Simon doesn't quite realize it, but she does get off a bit on seeing/hearing how much you want her.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
She's not gonna hurt you or degrade you. She'll give you hickies and may give you some spanks, but not enough to make you sore or leave lasting marks. No matter how much you ask for it, she's not doing it. This goes double for things like cnc, just because of her own trauma.
Also, she refuses to be tied up or blindfolded. She'll hold her hands and arms still in certain positions if you ask her to, and she'll close her eyes, but she needs to be able to move around and see what's going on.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Definitely prefers giving over receiving, just because she can never get enough of you. She won't turn you down if you ask to eat her out, or at least, most of the time, she won't. she does sometimes shy away from the idea of anyone touching her just because of past trauma.
At first, she was a bit clumsy, having gotten most of her education on the matter from porn (and let's face it, that is a piss-poor sex ed medium). But after some time, patience, and instruction, she nails it. Very, very talented tongue on that woman.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
She can do either, though it highly depends on the situation. Most times, she prefers to be slow and sensual. She likes to take her time, likes to map you out and discover new ways to make you feel good. The woman worships you, what can I say.
However, there are times where she gets a bit more rough. This is usually if she's super pent-up, or still high on adrenaline for one reason or another. This is when she'll take you hard and fast - she knows your body, and by god she's gonna make it sing for her.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not often, but she won't turn one down if you come to her all needy and begging. Otherwise (as stated in letter P), she likes to take her time. But if one of you just can't handle the slow touches and gentle teasing, and if you've been teasing the other one all evening, it's gonna be a quicker session.
Fem Simon will readily admit that quickies have their place, and can be a good way to let off some steam if you've got other plans. But if given the choice, she much prefers those longer lie-ins with you instead.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
She's game to experiment for sure. She's always up to try new positions, new acts, etc. (Provided they don't conflict with any of her "Nos" from letter N). She doesn't want you to feel embarrassed about asking for what you want, and if it's something she's not comfortable with, she'll just let you know.
As for risks, it depends on the type of risk. She really doesn't want to risk any sort of exposure for the two of you, so stuff like semi-public sex is a no-go. She also doesn't want to do anything that carries any sort of significant risk to your physical or mental health. Anything else though, you can convince her to try at least once.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Usually its just one round, but by God Simon makes the most of it. She's got stamina like you wouldn't believe, and she puts it to very good use. Strap game is immaculate, and thanks to her SAS and sniper training, she's excellent at staying laser-focused for long periods of time.
When she's really in the mood and you two have enough time to spare, that one round can stretch for hours. After all, just one orgasm doesn't mean she's done. And it definitely doesn't mean you're done. Not if she has anything to say about it.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Fem Simon definitely owns toys. A couple vibrators (namely a bullet vibe and a wand) and a strap, to be precise. She's definitely down to use them, both on you and herself.
Mostly, she likes to pair them with other sexual acts. Using her fingers in you plus a vibrator on your clit, using the strap while she paws at your breasts, that sort of thing.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She teases a moderate amount. She likes to keep things light, so naturally she's kind of a jerk about it lol. She likes pretending she doesn't know why you're whining "please" or bucking your hips, telling you to use your words. It has the bonus effect of getting you that much more worked up before she really gets to it.
Simon doesn't mind some teasing at her expense, either. It helps keep things interesting, she thinks. She doesn't want sex to become some formulaic step-by-step thing, so she's down for some good-natured teasing as you try and push her into taking over.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Fem Simon is relatively quiet. Her voice is soft, and the loudest she'll get is a long, drawn-out groan when she comes. Other than that, she tends to keep her voice low, just because most of the time she's laser-focused on all the pretty sounds you're making.
As for what sounds she makes, there's a lot of groans, heavy breaths, and quiet moans. If she's not talking, that is. A lot of the time, she's giving you soft praises and telling you how good you're being for her.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Fem Simon prefers clitoral stimulation over most forms of penetration. She'd much rather eat you out or use a small bullet vibe on your clit than use any sort of dildo or whatnot. Not for any particular reason, other than she just finds external stimulation better (and she's one of the majority of women who can't orgasm from penetration alone).
She did once have a dream where you were under her desk in her on-base office eating her out while she did reports, and quietly kept going while Price wandered in to ask her something about a recent op. She woke up completely soaked and the neediest she'd been in a long time.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
As previously stated, she doesn't shave. There's gonna be hair. As for the actual anatomy, most of it is hidden beneath her labia majora, unless she's got her legs spread. A dark pink color that gets more red as she gets aroused.
A solid B-cup for her breasts. Uses a sports bra most of the time (unless she just goes without, which is equally likely), and wouldn't be caught dead wearing anything with an underwire.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Truthfully, it's fairly low. Sometimes it ticks up (usually if she's had a particularly rough workout or is fresh back from deployment), but otherwise she's more apt to enjoy simply spending time in your presence. There are some sure-fire ways to get her going though (see letter M).
She is more prone to being horny when she's ovulating too. About a week or so after her period ends, it's not unusual for her to wake you up with teasing touches and hushed whispers of how badly she wants you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends on how... intense things get. On an average day, it takes her a bit to fall asleep (mostly because she's more worried about getting you comfortable and taken care of).
If she's come back from the gym or an op on an adrenaline high though, she's out like a light. Once she spends time working out the energy buzz, she knocks out. Twice as fast if you get her to lay her head on your chest while you run a hand through her hair.
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You meet Bucky and Steve while on the run. The three of you quickly learn that nothing is more violent than love.
Based on the poem Wishbone by Richard Siken. Lines taken directly from the poem are in bold. If you're interested, you can read the full poem here.
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Pairing - Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x female reader
Age Rating - 18+
Warnings - 18+ - blood, cursing, guns, sexual content. this is a little dark. your media consumption is your own responsibility.
Word Count - 3617
Author's Note - my god I had fun writing this. wishbone is my favourite poem ever, and I reread it a few days ago and had a vision of nomad steve and bucky on the run and just had to turn it into something. if you haven't read the full poem, I'd highly recommend!! this is darker and a bit more jagged than my usual fluff but you know, versatility and all that. I strongly believe that Steve was feral while on the run - he has to crack at some point. I mean you can only be squeaky clean for so long, right? as always, thoughts, questions or requests, send them my way! feedback is massively appreciated always <3
Masterlist. Requests.
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You saved my life he says I owe you everything. You don’t, I say, you don’t owe me squat, let’s just get going, let’s just get gone.
You met them on a bridge in the middle of the night somewhere in Europe.
All three of you running from your sins.
Steve and Bucky had bolted the minute they refused to sign the accords. They were under the impression they’d all go together – Team Cap, side by side.
Wanda and Vision left them first. Natasha next. Lastly, Sam.
Steve and Bucky were the only ones remaining. It started with just the two of them. It would end with just the two of them.
Your ankle cracks and splinters as you barrel forwards over the bridge. Gunshots rain down around you, like some sort of lethal meteor shower. You don’t know how they found you. These remainders of the past won’t leave you alone. They’re shooting at you, four of them, these grown men firing their guns at this runaway girl.
The broken bones finally give way, and you slam into the concrete, head bouncing off the surface. The road is warm under you, and you relax into it, ready to surrender to your fate.
A fate which never comes. A strong, metal arm grabs you by the bicep and pulls you up, your ankle sending strokes of pain lashing through your whole body. You’re screaming, and you’re thrashing, and there’s blood pouring into your boots. Your cries for help are ignored as the man throws you over his shoulder and starts running at an inhuman speed.
He keeps sprinting, heavy shoes hitting the ground with every step, the impact rattling up into your bones. Everything is hazy and nothing makes sense and the lights of the city are blinding you as you’re carried by the stranger. You don’t know if he’s saving you or kidnapping you or both or neither.
A blond man appears, running next to the brunette with the metal arm. You’re thrown from one man’s shoulder to the others, as if you weigh nothing. As if you’re worth nothing. Just a girl caught in the crossfire. A victim. If only they knew.
Your shoes are filling with your own damn blood.
You passed out sometime on the journey, the men’s heavy steps lulling you into unconsciousness.
One minute, you’re being thrown around like a ragdoll, and the next you’re waking up on the floor of a dingy motel. You think you might be in Berlin. Or was it Brussels? It didn’t matter anyway. Doesn’t make a difference.
The carpet is sticky and caked in dirt and patterned like it was made in the 70’s. You wake with a jolt, gasping for air. The blond man is nowhere to be seen. The brunette is sat on the edge of the bed, watching you with careful blue eyes.
“Why am I on the floor?" you ask, venom dripping from each word. “You couldn’t throw me down on the fucking bed?”
He scoffs and shakes his head.
“Your boots are filled with blood,” he spits. “Better on the carpet than the sheets.”
He crosses the room and kneels down in front of you. He cautiously unties your left boot and pulls it off. Then he unties the right one, the broken one, and yanks it off with a careless hand. You grit your teeth and hiss, hand flying out to fist into his shirt.
“Asshole,” you mutter. “That fuckin’ hurts.”
“Yeah, no shit,” he replies. “It’s fractured. Smashed to pieces, actually.”
He grabs your boot and walks over to the tiny sink in the corner of the room. Turning it upside down, he watches as your blood pours out.
“Shit, girl,” he mumbles. “How are you still fightin’?”
You think you hear a New York accent. Brooklyn, maybe. It seems to come out in waves, a slight twang every now and again. His raspy drawl vibrates through your stomach, right into your core. He’s handsome. He’s battered and bruised, clothes ripped, hair mussed. But he’s handsome.
“I’m tougher than I look,” you retort.
He chuckles, and it makes you want to rip your clothes off.
He comes back to your place on the floor and yanks you up by your arms. He throws you onto the bed unceremoniously, ignoring your groans and protests. He grabs you by your chin and forces you to look at him.
“Stop fuckin’ wincing,” he snarls. “I’m trying to help you.”
You figure his help is better than nothing. You go pliant, and let him assess you, only whining when he presses his thumbs into a sore spot.
I’m always saving and you’re always owing and I’m tired of asking to settle the debt.
Steve has always loved playing the hero. It’s the role he falls into naturally. Bucky does too. After everything he’s done – been forced to do – it makes him feel good to save people now.
Maybe that’s why they saved you.
They watched you run from those men, four vigilantes out for blood. Bucky and Steve had gone out to kill them, to get them off their backs. As soon as Bucky had seen you fall, he was moving at the speed of light, barrelling across the bridge to scoop you up and out of the crossfire. Steve just watched, shaking his head. Buck had always been a sucker for a pretty girl.
They don’t question why you were out there, fighting men with your bare hands. They don’t wanna know. Frankly, they don’t care.
“What the fuck?” Steve asks when he swings open the door to the motel room. “She’s still here?”
“Her ankle is all messed up,” Bucky replies. “There’s no way she’s walking. We can’t throw her onto the street. The rest of them will come for her.”
Steve’s rolling his eyes as he walks over to where you’re unconscious on the bed. He grabs the front of your shirt and pulls you up level with him. You startle awake, and stare daggers into his pretty face.
“What did they want with you?” he spits.
You glare at him for a solid minute, but he doesn’t crack. He wants answers.
“Pissed them off, I guess,” you snicker. “They tried to hurt me. Hurt them right back but harder. They didn’t like it.”
Bucky’s watching the two of you interact, his head tilted to the side. He’s not quite sure how this is going to play out. He can’t wait to see.
Steve surveys you, eyes scanning your face methodically. God, he’s tired of playing nice.
He grabs your chin firmly, forcing you to open your mouth. He stares into your soul, as if daring you to defy him, before he spits onto your tongue, never once breaking eye contact. You swallow, holding his gaze – goading him into making another move. He slams his lips onto yours, shoving his tongue into your mouth, claiming you as his. You suppose you owe him this, at least. He did save your life, after all.
I say I want you inside me and you hold my head underwater, I say I want you inside me and you split me open with a knife.
This is how it always goes. Your new normal.
The three of you run from city to city, country to country, never staying in one place for too long.
They marked their claim on you that day. All of you without a place to call a home – so you found it in each other. And what a fucked up home it was.
Somewhere along the way, you realise you’ve changed. Not just mentally, or emotionally. But physically. You’re taller, stronger, able to run faster. You’ve gone through some sort of metamorphosis and you don’t know what it is but you like it.
You’re in Colombia, in a motel room, naked from the waist up and sat in Bucky’s lap. You can’t tell where you end and he begins. Just the way you like it.
“I’m different,” you tell him, and he nods his head.
“Why do you think we saved you?” he replies.
He straightens up to sink his teeth into your shoulder, right next to the bite mark left by one of them the day before.
“You are different,” Steve tells you as he walks through the door. “It’s our fault. Sorry, sweetheart,” he says, with no real apology in his voice.
Both you and Bucky turn to look at him. Where did that cut on his cheekbone come from? Blood is dripping down his face, and your mouth waters. You want to lick it off.
You crawl to the end of the bed and rise onto your knees, before grabbing Steve, both hands twisted in the front of his shirt. You run your tongue from his jaw to his temple, savouring the taste of copper. Fuck, he tastes so sweet. They both do. You’d drink it if you could.
Steve moans, and the sound makes your legs weak. He fists a hand into the back of your hair and yanks, exposing your throat to him. Then, with no gentleness whatsoever, he scrapes his teeth along the side of your neck, bruising as he goes. You’re purple and red and tender and sore and your big doe eyes are looking at him like you want him to eat you alive. It takes everything in him not to devour you whole.
Bucky doesn’t possess the same amount of self control.
He yanks you back by your wrists, pinning you underneath him. He crawls along your body, and catches your underwear in his teeth, dragging them down and off. He looks hungry. No, he looks feral. It’s animalistic, this connection the three of you have. It’s sharp and bloody and jagged and raw and it makes you want to cut them open from head to toe so you can live inside them forever.
You hate this life and the fact everything is temporary and you hate that you have nothing. Not really. You’re not even one hundred percent sure that these two men wouldn’t leave you if they got offered something better.
But for now, you let them get lost in you. In each other. It’s all you can do to stay sane, in this life spent running and hiding.
Will you let me kiss your neck, baby? Do I have to tie your arms down? Do I have to stick my tongue in your mouth like the hand of a thief, like a burglary like it’s just another petty theft?
You’re in another motel room. This time, Argentina.
The three of you are sat on the bed. The wound in your side is gushing, and Steve has his hand practically in your rib cage, trying to quell the opening.
“Fuck, baby,” he murmurs. “It’s alright, it’ll stop soon. The advanced healing will kick in any minute now.”
Advanced healing.
It’s something you’d known for a while. Something you’d never brought up with them, just in case. But here he was, telling you like it was nothing.
“I’m a super soldier, aren’t I?” you gasp out between raspy breaths. You’re not actually in that much pain, you’re just panicking. No one should be able to lose this much blood and heal like nothing ever happened.
Bucky nods his head from where he’s sat behind you, chest pressed to your back. His strong arms are keeping you still while Steve plays doctor.
“We didn’t mean for it to happen, sweetheart,” he whispers in your ear.
“It was probably Brazil that did it,” Steve chimes in.
Bucky had been shot and you’d been stabbed and Steve was bleeding for some reason too.
You’d crawled to Buck, throwing yourself on top of his body. Your wounds were both open and your blood was mixing together and you couldn’t tell whose flesh was whose.
You’d stuck your tongue in his mouth and he drank you down, blood and dirt and sweat be damned. Steve yanked you both up and threw an arm under each of you, practically dragging you to safety. You were painted in crimson and dripping with the evidence of your love.
Yes. It was definitely Brazil that did it.
“I didn’t even know that was possible,” you utter in disbelief.
“Honestly, neither did we,” Steve replies.
“But now you’re one of us,” Bucky murmurs. “The three of us. The same.”
He’s kissing your shoulder and you’re squirming because you can feel your skin healing, patching itself back together slowly.
“Let him kiss you, baby,” Steve urges. “Do I have to tie your arms down?”
“Yes,” you beg. “Please. Do it. Please.”
Bucky twists your arms behind you and locks them into place with his metal hand. You can’t go anywhere. You don’t want to.
Did he find that one last tender place to sink his teeth in? 
One day, somewhere in Alaska, Steve finds you crying in the bathroom.
You’re staring at yourself in the mirror, and you don’t recognise what you see. You have scars scattered across your face, your hair is darker than it’s ever been, and it’s shorter from where Bucky took the scissors to it. Who are you? What have you become?
“Now isn’t the time to have an identity crisis, darling,” Steve says when he enters the room in his boxers.
You nod, and smile, and sniffle, taking a deep breath.
Steve walks over to you, placing you effortlessly to sit on the counter. He stands between your legs and cradles your face in his gun calloused hands.
“Most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he reassures into your mouth.
Leaning forward, he runs his tongue up your cheek, catching the tears as they fall. He grabs your chin with one hand, and tugs your pants off with the other.
“You’re so fucking pretty when you cry.”
It feels like love when he sinks his teeth into your neck so hard, he draws blood.
and with this bullet lodged in my chest, covered with your name, I will turn myself into a gun, because it’s all I have, because I’m hungry and hollow and just want something to call my own.
You crack on a random Tuesday afternoon in Bulgaria.
You’ve been shot at one too many times. It’s not something anyone should ever have to endure. The bullets have carved you out and left you hollow. There’s only so much blood you can lose.
The three of you are sat with your backs against the door of the dingy motel room. Just minutes prior, there had been men banging on the wood, demanding to know where Captain America was hiding.
You hadn’t heard that title in a while.
America’s Golden Boy. If only they knew.
If only they knew how he craved the taste of blood now.
If only they knew how he’d lick the sweat from your neck and keep on going.
If only they knew how the fear turned him on.
Being on the run had taken Steve’s golden blood and turned it black. He didn’t mind. Neither did Bucky. Neither did you.
This was out of your wheelhouse, though. Bucky had gone through wars, been on the run more times than he could count. Steve, too. You, however, were different.
You weren’t 100 years old. You’d been a super soldier for a matter of months. You’d gotten into trouble, pissed off the wrong guys, and it had spiralled out of control. Now, you’re hiding from six armed men with Captain America on your left and The Winter Soldier on your right. How times change.
It all explodes suddenly, and you can’t contain it anymore. You jump up, gun in hand, tears sprinting down your cheeks. You’re pointing the weapon at them, and you’re not sure why. But you’re angry. And upset. And so in love with the both of them it’s driving you crazy.
“Tell me you’re not going to leave me,” you threaten, pressing the barrel of the gun against Steve’s chest.
“Sweetheart-“ he starts, but you cut him off.
“No. Tell me you’re mine. Promise me you’re not going to leave me.”
You’ve still got the gun pointed at Steve, but now you’re grabbing Bucky by his hair, forcing him to look up at you.
“Both of you. Promise me.”
They aren’t looking at you like you’re crazy, or unhinged. They’re looking at you like they’re proud of you. Like they want you. Like they love you.
Steve kicks you hard in the shin, making your legs give way. You’re flat on your back now, and Bucky’s moved to pin your arms above your head. His full weight is pressing into you, and his blond counterpart has crawled to yank your head into his lap.
“We’re yours, baby,” Bucky murmurs against your lips.
“We’re not leaving,” Steve adds from where his forehead is pressed against yours.
“And you look really fucking hot pointing a gun at Steve,” Bucky smirks as he kisses along your neck, sucking a bruise as he goes.
“Asshole,” Steve retorts, but he’s smiling. Not that golden, Captain America smile that everyone’s used to. No, this is different. This is a dark, jagged smile, that’s equal parts cunning and broken. It makes you shiver. But you’re not scared. Quite the opposite, actually.
I’ll be your slaughterhouse, your killing floor, your morgue and final resting, walking around with this bullet inside me ‘cause I couldn’t make you love me and I’m tired of pulling your teeth.
Somewhere in Croatia, you watch Steve and Bucky almost die.
Bullets are raining down, and you’re surrounded on all sides. You can’t see past the swarms of armed men, and you’re bleeding but you’re not sure where from. Steve and Bucky are trying their best, but they’re losing. You’re all losing.
You don’t know where it comes from, the rage. One minute, you’re down on your knees, breathless and sweating. Next minute, you’ve elbowed a man in the face and stolen his machine gun. You’re gunning down men left and right, ignoring their pleas for mercy. The ceiling is raining blood and you’re dripping crimson. You’ve never looked more beautiful.
By the time you get to Bucky and Steve, the abandoned garage looks like a slaughterhouse. You’re stepping over bodies like you’re in a cemetery, your eyes glued to the two people you did all of this for. They’re looking at you like they’re scared of you. Finally, you think. They see me.
If you love me, Henry, you don’t love me in a way I understand. Do you know how it ends? Do you feel lucky? Do you want to go home now? There’s a bottle of whiskey in the trunk of the Chevy and a dead man at our feet staring up at us like we’re something interesting.
The three of you hijack a cabin in rural Canada.
You’ve been walking through the forests for days when you come upon a small wooden lodge with smoke pummelling out of the chimney. Respite.
Bucky shoots the man point blank when he answers the door. You leave him dead on the porch and make your way inside. It’s cosy, all flannel patterns and fur rugs. You could get comfortable here.
You shower while Steve cooks you dinner. Buck finds decent whiskey in a cabinet, and the three of you take turns drinking it straight from the bottle. You all sit on the floor, legs tangled, warming up by the fireplace. Steve falls asleep, and you step outside to get a breath of fresh air.
The dead man is still on the porch, staring up at you.
“He looks peaceful,” you say to Bucky, who’s appeared silently behind you in the doorway.
“He probably is,” he replies. “God knows anything is more peaceful than this life.”
You charge at him, and bite his lip so hard he whimpers. He takes you right up against the front door, frosty cold biting into your back. Steve watches through the window.
This is where the evening splits in half, Henry, love or death. Grab an end, pull hard, and make a wish.
When Steve and Bucky get called back to SHIELD, you get scared.
You’re not exactly an upstanding citizen. You’re the furthest thing from an Avenger. SHIELD are going to take one look at you and lock you up for the rest of your life, you’re sure of it.
The boys won’t let that happen.
The two of them argue about going back for days. You get caught in the crossfire. You’re used as an excuse, a bargaining chip, a distraction. You’re a tactic, both of them trying to use you against the other.
Eventually, Bucky cracks. Maybe it’s because your lips are on his neck and Steve’s are on his stomach. Maybe it’s because he’s tired of fighting.
“Fine, Stevie. Fine,” he sighs. “But if it all goes wrong, I’m taking her, and we’re running. I ain’t dealing with all that shit again.”
Steve nods in agreement, and shoves his tongue in Bucky’s mouth.
The three of you decide you’ll go back together. You make a deal – you’ll refuse to be separated. If you have to fight, you’ll fight as one. No one’s going to tear you apart. Not even death.
Steve cuts his palm first, then yours, then Bucky’s. You join hands, and promise that no matter what happens, you’ll always choose each other.
Blood drips down your wrist, and Steve catches it with his tongue.
Both men look at you with their big blue eyes, and you know nothing is ever going to hurt you as much as love does.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 9 months
I’ve been always been obsessed with myths, legends, and fairytales. And one thing that always stood out to me was that how various cultures all seem to have tales about magical women bathing, a man spotting a particular one with interest, and then either marrying her, or dying/having some cursed downfall eventually. So…can I request a story like that…but with a twist of course. Male Yandere X Female Nymph Reader
So broad premise…Darling is a nymph (or some general magical maiden) bathing in a body of water, combing her otherworldly super long hair, and just living her best life. Yandere stumbles across her and starts to stalk her over the course of some time, falls in love with her, etc. But Darling has played this game many times before and thinks this is dumb schmuck nth, and continues her innocent/ignorant/helpless act, thinking that she’ll be able to lure this man to kill him in a few days (for food, riches, or something, idk). What she doesn’t know is that Yandere is a lot more smarter and is also putting on his own act in front of her. Cause the twist is that Yandere is partial/descendent magical creature of some sort, and thus Darling’s magic doesn’t work on him. (He’s also had training resistance against magics of sorts or something). Anyway…confrontation happens, Darling thinks she’s gonna successfully drown him, but Yandere reveals his true colors and does some ritual that binds the two of them together for eternity (like some f-ed up magical matrimony), and of course takes her away to some magical residence? (I don’t know what this man does for a living, nor what his home would be like since I want to leave up what partial/descendant magical creature he is to you) where he proceeds to consummate their eternal marriage. Cause in his head, a magical eternal chain isn’t enough…no this man needs to see lots of babies. The literal “fruits of his love.” (Forgive me…I like babies/pregnancy/breeding/baby trapping in Yanderes. That stuff makes me go feral). Can’t wait to see what magical children are produced from this union. LOL.
This idea just seemed fun to write about…two manipulative main characters, each thinking they have the upper hand. Sorry for the long post. Hope you can have fun with the story! <3
TW: Dubcon, Impregnation kink, drugging, forced marriage, blood,
Being a water nymph of mixed ancestry is one of your favorite things about yourself. Everyone expects you to be the helpful water nymph to help sailors from sirens. Little did they know that your dad was half-siren. Of course, he didn't show any traits because the gene that makes sirens sirens is on the second X chromosome. So when your half-mermaid-half-nymph mom had you and your five other sisters, every single one turned out to be sirens with the tail of a mermaid and the trustworthy face of a nymph.
The best part is that your innocent face helped you lure sailors. Everyone is warned to be suspicious of the woman with a beautiful face and an alluring voice. Nobody expects their angel of death to be a maiden who looks like they're supposed to help you. This earned you many new bones for decorations and combs. Along with many treasures to keep. Plus, the sea creatures let you live in an otherworldly part of the beach hidden away from humans in return for killing a few fishermen. It is truly the dream of a maiden of the sea.
"La, la, la!" You joke around, playfully singing to a romp of otters.
Your long, pastel, aquamarine, wavy hair blends in with the water. The seashells decorating your hair make it look like your personal halo. Your striking blue eyes look like they could pierce through anyone. Your long dusty lilac, coral, and beige tail swishes in the water.
"So, what should I do next?" You ask the otters, going deeper into the water.
The otters swim up to you, then stop. They all stare at something behind you. You turn around and see nothing. You can't help but roll your eyes. Every so often, some human man will come along and watch you. Then, he'll confess his love to you, hoping you'll be his mythical legend wife. You accept, bring him in for a kiss, then bite him on the jugular or drown him.
"Don't worry, I'll have him gone before the weekend," You whisper to your otters.
You go underwater and swim to your grotto for rest. Planning to kill men takes a lot of work.
You sleep until the morning sun shines through the water. You swim to your spot and do your daily routine.
"Let me the morning sun. So much stuff has to be done," You sing, moving your long hair out of the way to expose your bare breasts.
The old topless mermaid trick. The oldest one in the book and usually worked in luring men to their deaths. You pull yourself out of the water and transform into your human form. Your hair covers your naked backside, and you venture into the woods. You hear a branch move nearby and enact your plan.
"What pretty berries," You say, bending down to show your entire bottom and pussy.
More branches move, and you smirk to yourself. You pop a berry into your mouth, and suddenly, your memory goes blank. When you wake up, your body feels so tired you decide to return to your grotto for the day. When you reached the bed, your demeanor had changed from tired to horny. You couldn't help but pleasure yourself. Every nerve on your pussy felt alive when you stroked and fingered yourself. You were seeing stars and the Milky Way when you came. You fall asleep and transform into your mermaid form.
When you wake up, you swim to your spot again and brush your hair. You don't even notice you're not wearing a top. A flower blooms next to you with a golden comb with a letter.
To the sweetest maiden in the sea,
My love, I've been watching you for a long time. I love the way your being becomes one with nature. Though, you should be careful about what berries you eat. Eat too many random ones, and you might not come back.
Your admirer, L.
You laugh. The love letter is cute. So is the comb. But the flower trick really impressed you. You might get a mage's loot this time instead of some fishermen's or hunters. You brush your hair with the comb, and it shows its magical properties. The comb instantly made your wet hair wavy. Usually, it would take a couple of hours for your hair to get wavy after being in the water. You hum a song while combing your hair and sink into the water while relaxing. The branches rustle and twist into a tall, pale figure looking at you from the brush. You can't see its face. But you can tell it's a man. You wink, and you sink deeper into the water. Flowers bloom a path to the water's edge.
You sing a siren's song to lure your suitor to his death faster. Nothing happens except the trees twisting, turning, and breaking. Some even bloomed flowers. When you open your eyes to see the chaos you've done, a hand that's disappearing is reaching out to you. You try to touch it, but it vanishes like it is magic. You groan in disappointment and swim out to sea hoping for something to entertain you.
Your admirer finally showed himself. He was waiting for you at your spot. His silver hair reached his back, and his skin was so pale it shimmered. His blue-green eyes were mesmerizing.
"Hello, my sweet," The man says, pulling you out of the water. "My name's Lochlan and you're going to be my wife."
"Of course," You lie, sweetly going into his arms.
He carries your merbody in his arms, and you bite him in the jugular. Blood splatters all over the grass. His body tumbles into the water, and you hold his head underwater. Lochlan's body finally stops moving, and you let him sink into the water. You dive in, preparing to rip him apart. You can't see his body. It's gone. A hand shoves some sort of berry paste down your throat, and you gag. He slips a silver ring with a blue gem on your finger.
"Did you seriously think I would die from that? I'm half-fae. I don't die easily," Lochlan says, dragging your merbody to the shore's edge.
Your body feels hot, and you want nothing more than to return to your grotto.
"Feel familiar? You ate the key ingredient in our aphrodisiacs," Lochlan states, holding your body as it transforms into its human form. "Don't worry, you'll feel better later."
His hand keeps a steady hand at teasing your pussy. Your watery home slowly disappearing. You can't take it anymore and cry until you pass out.
"Ahh~" You moan, climaxing again from Lochlan's fingers.
"That's it, cum again," Lochlan coos, slowing down his pace as you cum.
Ever since Lochlan took you from your beach, he's been pleasuring you. Turns out that the ring he slipped onto your finger bound you to him as his wife forever. Or at least until he wishes to divorce. But that's not going to happen.
"Are you enjoying our honeymoon, my sweet? How does it feel to be Mrs. Caspian? The next queen of the sea fae," Lochlan asks, taking his fingers out of you and sticking his cock inside you. "I waited for you for so long. You even made a cute show of singing your song just for me. I admit it got to me, but I managed to teleport myself away before it was too late."
"Nessie!" You scream, taking his cock for the 5th time today.
"Keep calling me pet names based on the Lochness monster, and I'll breed you till your stomach bulges," Lochlan growls, thrusting faster and cumming into your pussy again. "I can't wait for you to have our babies. They'll be so powerful they could rule every portion of water on Earth."
Before your wedding ceremony, you were locked inside a room the size of a small closet with Lochland. In his culture, a bride and groom must whisper their secrets to each other, then into a conch shell. Then, the conch shell is sent to sea to start the marriage with no secrets. Though you didn't need to whisper your secrets into a conch shell. Your tears meeting a body of water would automatically send your pain through it.
"Just try it, my pretty pearl. A couple of whispers can't hurt. Besides, I want to start this marriage on the right track," Lochlan pleads, clasping your hands.
You relent and bring the shell to your lips.
"I wish I could be with my sisters and family. I wish I could see my precious otters again. I wish I never met him. I wish I never had to marry him!" You whisper, eventually turning into a yell.
Your yell vibrates through the shell, almost cracking it. Lochlan snatches the conch shell from you as you cry. He looks at you with pity and lets you weep on his chest. He brings the conch shell to his lips and whispers his secret.
"I want to be the best husband for my wife. Even if she hates me for eternity. I want to return to the sea to visit my mermaid mom and her family," Lochlan whispers, noticing you looking at him.
"If I marry you, will you return me to the sea with my family?" You ask, looking into his eyes.
"Of course. Anything for you."
And that's how you got to the present. You and Lochlan fucking in his private underwater palace near both of your families. It was a nice compromise and made you feel more at ease.
"I'm about to cum, Lochy!" You moan, feeling your legs about to give out.
"Me too, my pearl!" Lochlan screams, holding onto your hips tight.
You feel him cum in you one last time and fall to the bed. Lochlan falls on top of you and snuggles with you.
"I love you, my pearl," Lochlan pants, kissing your neck.
Lochlan is sitting with you in bed and combing your hair.
"This comb really works wonders on your hair, my pearl," Lochlan compliments, enjoying the golden comb turning your hair into beautiful waves. "Are you doing ok? I know being pregnant in your mermaid form isn't easy."
"I'm fine, Loch. I'm really tired, though," You answer, rubbing your slightly big stomach.
It's been three months since you married Lochlan. Since your honeymoon, you've been pregnant with his kids. Admittedly, he's been a great husband and is making sure your pregnancy is going well. Not only that, but you've been able to see your family.
"Lochlan, can you get me some grouper? Maybe some lobster too? I'm having bad cravings."
"Of course, my sweet."
Lochlan leaves your bed and comes back with a plate of fish and lobster.
"I brought some extra lobster for you. Eat up. You and the babies need nutrients."
"You really care for them, don't you?"
"Of course, I do. A proper king should care for his queen and future heirs. Now, eat. You need to rest during this pregnancy."
Lochlan kisses your head and feeds you.
Headcanon post
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heisenberg-simp257 · 2 years
Hi! Can I request 4 lords with their S/O who is very cuddly and affectionate? Hope you have a great day/night!
Sure!❤️❤️ Thank you!
The Four Lords with a Very Cuddly and Affectionate S/O
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-She is the type of woman who always loves to be cherished and given attention. So, Alcina absolutely adores having you be all cuddly and affectionate. Gives her a chance to feel loved, even though she is already loved by her three daughters.
-Uses her size to her advantage as it gives her more room to hold you since you loved to be held. 
-You are also the type of person who likes to grab her hand and go full Tarzan-mode by holding your much smaller palm against her larger hand and lacing your fingers together. You do this multiple times.
-And your cuddliness doesn’t just go towards all the hugs and handholds, it also goes with how much thought you put into her. So, things like dates on the terrace (with wine of course) or you complimenting her daily are things that you like to keep in mind.
-Another thing you guys do is, since she is so tall, she will lean down and give you access to kiss her cheek. It’s something her daughters swoon over and find adorable. They are happy for their mother. 
-Alcina never gets overwhelmed by your constant cuddles and affection. For her, it’s a constant reminder that she is loveable, not that she ever thought she wasn’t, but that she has someone who sees her as more of a person and less of a conquest.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-At first, Donna was overwhelmed by how cuddly and affectionate you could be. She’s not used to someone like that and is certainly not used to having someone actually wanting to hold her.
-You have to peel back her insecurities if you want to get Donna to open up since you randomly hugging her once put her in cardiac arrest. It may take a while, but she will eventually learn to be just as cuddly as you.
-Soon, you and she are a sappy affection mess. The two of you can be caught together in each other’s arms on the couch, holding hands around the garden, and don’t get me started with how much you love to lift up her veil and kiss her.
-Angie finds the whole behavior odd and disgusting. In reality, she’s just jealous that Donna is spending more time with you than her. It takes some time (and discipline), but Angie learns to stop being feral. Towards you, anyway.
-Since Donna has a tendency to get caught up in things a lot or just have her depressed days, you always put together a time where you guys can just have some tea together. That, or you fill her bedroom with her favorite flowers.
-As stated, she used to get overwhelmed by your affection, but soon learned to love it and even reciprocate it. However, if you start to be all cuddly in front of the other lords, she shuts down. So, just try to save the attention for private spaces.
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Salvatore Moreau
-Someone who loves him? Who also happens to be very cuddly and affectionate? Moreau would probably combust from how happy he would be for having someone like you. In fact, he’s probably worse than you.
-The two of you are the sappiest beings on the planet. If the other lords see you guys holding hands together or some other kind of affectionate business, Heisenberg will fake vomit, Angie will cover Donna’s eyes, and Alcina will just roll her eyes like an exasperated mother.
-You guys would be the type of couple who constantly go, “I love you.” “No, I love you more.” “No, I love you more.” This type of scene is also probably accompanied with you guys being in each other’s arms under the stars.
-Still, even while he is just as affectionate as you, you manage to plan a lot of things that show how much you love him. Things such as movie nights, walks, or star gazing. Heck, even bird watching is something that he would love to do with you.
-Moreau sometimes can’t sleep because he is so excited and happy to see you the next day. If you guys sleep together, Moreau will just watch you (not creepily, but cutely) as you sleep. He just loves and admires you so much. Also, he is just so grateful for you.
-Even with how cuddly and affectionate he is back; Moreau still has self-doubt about whether or not he is worthy lover towards you. This is what leads you to continue your actions, reassuring him that you love him and don’t plan to give this affection to anyone else.
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Karl Heisenberg
-Having someone be so cuddly and affectionate is something this poor man was never used to. Heisenberg will tense up whenever you hug him, kiss him, or hold his hand. He’s just not used to receiving such love from another person.
-It can get overwhelming for him, but he keeps it to himself. Heisenberg will just put up with your affection because he truly is appreciative of having someone love him the way you do. He kind of puts on an image of being cocky with you, but deep down, he’s just simping big time.
-He will get feral if the other lords notice your behavior with him. If you’re going to be all lovey-dovey, due it behind closed doors with him. This is because Heisenberg can finally let his guard down when it’s just you and him.
-Whenever you do something affectionate for him, examples being buying him something special from the Duke or making him something to eat because this poor man forgets, he just discombobulates. This is because he’s just not used to this kind of behavior. Then, he gets all flustered and avoids eye contact.
-For Heisenberg, he just needs time to get used to your cuddly and affectionate nature. So, every time you hold his hand or nuzzle into him, he tenses up and you have to remember that he is not used to any kind of physical or emotional affection.
-Still, he values your presence because love like this was something that was absent in his life. It will take a long time, but he eventually starts to show a bit of that affection back. In small forms, but he will soon stop tensing whenever you hold him or tell him you love him.
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evansbby · 2 years
OMG JUST HAD A THOT IMAGINE boyfriends dad!ari (can u tell i’m obsessed with ari lol) has the day off work and is working out at home doing press ups and whatevs, you show up wanting to surprise ur bf (he’s an ass anyway we don’t care ab him x) but it’s just ari in the living room grunting and sweating, doing these push ups in just tiny shorts with those big thighs and hairy tiddies out🥵
he’s all like “sorry honey didn’t see you there” and ur just like drooling over him and he’s like “you wanna help me workout?” so you lay on his back whilst he does press ups all cute n domestic and then shit hITS THE FAN NEXT THING YOU KNOW HES RAILING YOU INTO THE CARPET😩
“oh baby you’re so tiny, who knew you’d be such a dirty slut for me. your pussy’s so tight, no one’s ever used you like this before huh?”
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oh bestie you always send in the hottest thots!! boyfriend’s dad Ari makes me feral in ways you don’t even know!!! just imagine this hunky, dilfy daddy… so calm and collected… knowing he could seduce you so easily it’s almost laughable…
Warnings: daddy kink, dumbification, dubcon, age gap below the cut!!!
You can’t keep your eyes off the scene in front of you. Ari — your boyfriend’s dad — in the middle of his intense workout routine, shirtless and tanned skin glistening with sweat, his chest so hairy and virile — so unlike Ransom but not in a bad way.
“Oh, sorry honey, didn’t see you there.” The grunting suddenly stops as Ari gets up mid-push-up, running a hand through his long brown hair before making his way to you, “Ransom isn’t at home so what brings you here?”
Oh. You’d come to surprise Ransom — your boyfriend. He hadn’t told you he’d be out, however. But looking at his father right now, standing in front of you with his glorious and muscular body dripping with sweat, you can’t say you care too much.
Ari smirks, “Honey, are you staring at me? Be honest.”
You shake your head, suddenly shy, “N-No. sorry, Mr. Levinson. I was just leaving.”
“Aw, honey, don’t leave. Why don’t you help me with my workout? These push-ups are getting a bit too easy, you know?”
And that’s how you find yourself sitting cross-legged on your boyfriend’s father’s back while he does his push-ups, “And I want you to count each one for me, sweetheart. You think you can do that?”
“Y-Yes, Mr. Levinson.”
You count for him, the number going well into the double digits. And he’s so strong, so sturdy as you grip onto his firm shoulders, watching his sweat-covered muscles flex.
“This is barely a workout, honey. You’re so tiny and cute, I can barely feel you on me.” Ari suddenly flips over, causing you to topple onto his chest as he lies on the floor now with you on top of him.
You squeak softly, what is he doing? Isn’t this, like, super inappropriate??? “Uh, I should go, Mr. Levinson.”
“Call me daddy, baby.” He whispers softly, grabbing your wrists tightly and holding you against his chest, “And what’s the hurry, huh? Thought you wanted to help daddy with his workout?”
“Ransom won’t like this!” You cry, although your own body seems to like this very much, judging by how you’re pressing your thighs together.
“Ransom’s a child.” Ari growls, lips now nipping at your neck, one of his hands guiding yours down to the waistband of his shorts, “C’mon, honey. You said you’d help me out and you don’t wanna make your daddy sad, do you?”
He pushes your hand into his shorts and you gasp, but Ari is unperturbed, “Daddy will be so sad if you leave right now, honey. Because you know you’re my best girl. Always coming over when you know Ransom isn’t here, always staring at daddy and thinking I won’t notice. But I notice everything. I know Ransom doesn’t satisfy you. No, a little baby girl like you needs a proper daddy to take care of her.”
He’s rubbing your dainty hand over his dick now, and it feels so big and thick that you can hardly believe it. Oh, Ransom doesn’t compare to this at all!! You involuntarily let out a moan and Ari smirks.
“Just like that, baby. Jerking your daddy off so good, aren’t you? I know you’re a baby and you don’t know anything but that’s okay. Daddy’s gonna teach you. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Nngh, yes! Yes, daddy, please teach me! ‘m a dumb baby an’ I don’t know anything!” You wail, finally giving in to how good it feels.
“That’s right, baby. Make your daddy proud, let me show you what it’s like to pleasure a real man. I know his dick isn’t as big as mine, not even close. And you’re my baby, you deserve the best, the biggest. I’m gonna treat you so good, baby. Daddy’s gonna treat you so good.”
“Yes, yes, yes!” You chant, humping into his thigh as he continues to guide your hand on his dick.
“Cute little baby, look how enthusiastic you are. Gonna make your daddy cum so fast, aren’t you? Like a little natural. God, baby, next time we’re gonna do this in daddy’s bed, alright? Gonna make you my pretty little wife. And Ransom won’t mind you being his new mommy, because I’m never letting you go.”
SORRY BYE ✌🏼😳😳😳😳
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dilf-whore · 2 years
can you do a stranger things image with sweet f!reader with billy where reader's mikes older sister meets billy at the pool
know you more
pairing: billy hargrove x f!reader
genre: a lil’ suggestive if you squint, fluff (?)
A/N: if i get the braincells, inspiration, and motivation, then i’ll make a part 2 and write smut for it. lol let me know if you guys are interested, i’ve been thinking of writing some smut for quite a long time now and i feel like i should give it a try but i still don’t know lol 😵‍💫. anyways send in your thoughts on this fic, hope you guys like it!
requested: yes
requests are OPEN
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You go to the lounge chair by the pool and open the umbrella. You place your things together with Mike and his friends’ belongings, you were the designated babysitter for today as Steve and the other older ones were busy today - plus, you also wanted to go to the community pool anyways. “Holly don’t go any farther okay? stay close to Mike” you instruct your youngest sister as she puts on her floaty.
You put on some sunscreen and lay down under the umbrella, you open your book and start reading.
After a good thirty minutes, Holly calls for you, “Y/N, I want some juice!”. You put your book down and grab your wallet, “okay, what about you guys?” you ask Mike and his friends. They all shook their heads, “we’re good. Thanks”.
You head towards the vending machine, you curse at yourself for forgetting your sunglasses at home as you cover your eyes with your hand - the bright sun blinding you. You take your steps carefully and slowly, only seeing the floor and the feet of the people around you. 
You look away just for a second and you suddenly get hit by a figure and almost fall down, but luckily, the person immediately caught you as a strong arm wraps around your waist to prevent you from hitting the ground. You gasp and your heart drops in fear.
“You alright?” the man asks. You get a hold of yourself, “yeah, I-I’m good sorry for-” 
You suddenly stop when you finally take a look at him, it’s no other than Billy Hargrove. His handsome face and stare causes your cheeks to warm up, thank god it’s hot you thought - you’re able to hide how flustered you are right now. “Oh, it’s you Billy, sorry about that, I wasn't looking. My eyes were partially covered” you continue, trying your best not to look at his toned body while Billy wasn't even trying - he’s checking you out from your face down to your chest with a smirk plastered over his face. “You’re Mike Wheeler’s sister, Y/N. Never thought you’d be prettier up close”. 
You have no idea but you caught Billy’s eye ever since he first stepped in school, he saw you drop off your brother in the middle school campus and he swore he’s gonna go talk to you but for some reason, it seems like he can’t approach you. You’d walk past him in the hallways and his body just freezes, stomach starts to feel odd, he just goes feral inside.
It was a weird feeling for Billy but a good weird.
The school year has ended and he only got to talk to you now.
“So what are you doing here?” he asks. You gain the courage to look back at his dreamy features, “I’m watching over my baby sister and well, Mike and his friends too. Your sister is with us by the way” you point at Max swimming with your brother and the rest of their friends. “Yeah, she told me she’ll be hanging out with you guys this morning”
You squint your eyes causing Billy to chuckle, he takes his sunglasses off and put them on you. “As much as I love seeing you wearing my glasses, you shouldn't forget yours especially during days like this”. 
“So how long have you been working here?” you ask, attempting to play it cool despite his flirty remarks. “Since the start of summer” he reply.
He pauses for a while, thinking of what to say next - he didn’t want your conversation to end. Gotta think of something fast, Billy. He says to himself.
“Aren’t you gonna go for a swim?” he speaks again.
“I want to but I have to keep a close eye on Holly”
Billy approaches you more and closes the gap between you two, faces are now inches apart. He finally got to talk to you and he’s gonna make the most out of it. “I’m the one closing later, you can come by tonight at 7. We’ll have the pool all to ourselves, it’ll be a bummer if you don’t get to use that lovely bathing suit of yours. Plus, I wanna get to know Y/N Wheeler more”.
Oh my god
You bite your lip and look around, checking if anyone - especially Mike is looking at you, luckily he was too busy clinging on El. You look back at Billy and reciprocate his smile. 
“Sure I’ll see you tonight”
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quill-and-the-curse · 2 years
Healthy Competition
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: None :)
Taglist: @cityofidek, @valeridarkness
A/N: Y'all...writing this was so much fun. I kind of want to do a smutty Part 2. Let me know if you'd be interested in reading that! Anyways, thanks for reading <3
+ Part 2
There was always a competitive edge during the training sessions with the inner circle. Cassian and Azriel were always fighting to prove something. Who was better with a sword, who was better at hand to hand combat, who was better at archery. Feyre and Nesta would often challenge each other on drills, while Gwyn and Emerie fought over simple things like who had the best stance or best balance. 
Rhysand claims the competition keeps things exciting and encourages everyone to work harder. You hate that you agree with him, but it made training less of a chore and more of a game. 
What you did not expect was the rivalry between you and the Shadowsinger. Every morning, you two were the first two ready to go. You’d always been overly punctual, mainly for your own sanity. During the sessions, you began to notice Azriel catching quick glances of you to gauge how you were performing. 
At first it flattered you, because you knew you were a high performer and the fact that Az was concerned you’d beat him did stroke your ego. But it quickly turned tense, because you too became concerned that you would be outperformed. Staying leveled with Azriel was your only concern. You wouldn’t allow him to overshadow you, you would represent the Valkyries to prove that females can be fierce warriors too. 
Outside of training, your relationship with Azriel was contentious. You and him would bicker like children one moment, and would be laughing together at something Cass said the next. It was all very confusing to the rest of the inner circle. 
You regarded Azriel as a pain in the ass, but gods he was captivating. During said competitive training sessions, you’d often catch yourself watching the way his sweat left a thin layer all over his body, making him look like a god. You would also watch his muscles flex while he completed his drills. Something about his back caused you to nearly go feral. All you wanted to do lick him.
But you knew he didn’t feel the same about you. You were nothing like the other females he has been interested in. You weren’t as thin or toned, your legs weren’t as long, and you didn’t have the grace of a delicate flower. You were a warrior, you spoke loudly and dressed for comfort and efficiency over style. It was difficult not to compare yourself to Mor and Elaine. They were perfect. It made sense why Azriel longed for them. You just couldn’t help but envy them for it.
It was a regular morning when things took a turn. You rose with the Sun, and began to get ready for training. You were particularly excited because you received a new set of leathers from Feyre as a gift, and it was time to break them in. After trying them on, you felt extremely self conscious. They fit, but they clung to every part of you for dear life. 
You just needed a day or two for them to adjust. You could make it that long. 
Upon arriving to the training ring, Mor and Feyre approached you quickly.
“Are those the new leathers, Y/N?” Feyre asked excitedly. 
You returned a smile. “Yeah, though they are a little tight right now, they are so nice. I didn’t realize how bad I needed a new set. Thanks again.”
Mor chuckled and looked you up and down with wide eyes. “Y/N, these leathers are working wonders for your ass. Holy gods!”
Your cheeks instantly flush. “Stooooop.” Your hands went up to cover your face to hide your embarrassment. 
“I was thinking the same thing but didn’t want to mention it first. Y/N, turn around for me! I want to see!” Feyre lifted your hand above your head, cueing you to do a spin. 
From the distance, you hear Rhys approaching. “What’s going on here, hmm? Shouldn’t we be warming up?”
“How can I do such a thing when Y/N’s phenomenal ass is distracting me? I couldn’t possibly focus on anything else,” Mor responded to Rhys. His response was only a small chuckle, and then he clapped his hands and announced, “Alright! Let’s begin everyone. No more small talk.”
You were thankful, because you didn’t know how you would handle your High Lord checking out your ass. He was like a brother to you.
Training went off without a hitch, but you were struggling to perform as well as you usually do due to the restriction of your new outfit. You knew to expect this, but it was still frustrating beyond belief. 
You were too scared to look at Az to see how he was doing, because you had a suspicion that he was going to win today. And you couldn’t look at the smirk he would wear when he realized that too. You’d want to punch him too badly. And his face was too perfect to fuck up.
But one peak wouldn’t kill you. When you looked up, Azriel was staring at you. But not your face, no. He was looking directly at your ass. Normally you would’ve said something, with the hopes that it would throw him off of his game. But you decided to ride this out a bit longer. Maybe continuing to let your glorious behind distract him would land you the win after all. 
And it seemed to be working, because after catching him looking at you, he’d been struggling. After every arrow he shot, he let out a frustrated growl. None of them were landing where he wanted them to. It took all of your strength not to laugh.
Males were so predictable. If all it took to guarantee your victory was wearing a pair of extra tight leather pants, then you were about to be on a winning streak. 
A part of you found it cute. Azriel was so flushed and beside himself, and it was honestly adorable. 
Before you knew it, training was over and everyone was headed to their respective destinations. Azriel was quick to make his leave, probably to go sulk in his chambers about his tragic loss. 
You opted to head to the library. Last night, you were up later than you should’ve been reading your book. You ended up finishing it on accident. It was too good to put down. So you were on a quest for your next story to get lost in. 
The library was a very peaceful place. The smell of the parchment combined with the white noise and ambient lighting could lull you to sleep. There were countless nights where you would accidentally fall asleep in an arm chair, with a book resting on your chest. Azriel would sometimes carry you to your room, claiming that the chairs were uncomfortable and he didn’t want you to be stiff at training the next day. Then it wouldn’t be as fun beating you. 
Azriel was an avid reader too. You often stumbled into him in the library, and sometimes you would chat for a while.
So it was no surprise when you found Azriel sitting in the very armchair where you’ve slumbered, reading a book. 
You cleared your throat to make your presence known. He looked up, and you could see the flush return to his face at the sight of you. Still clad in those gods damned leathers.
“You alright?” You ask him. He just nods with a grunt in return.
Sighing, you sit on the chair across from his. “We all have our bad days, Az. Sulking won’t change anything.”
Annoyance was clear on his face. “I’m not sulking. I’m thinking.”
You raised your brow. “Thinking? About what? Your monumental loss today?”
To your surprise, your snide remark didn’t bother him as much as you meant it to. He just seemed to remain still, a look of contemplation adorning his features. 
“No sassy response? Gods, Azriel, you must really be going through it. Were you distracted today?” You ask. You wondered if he could pick up on the slight provocation in your tone.
His eyes finally met yours. “You could say that.”
You stood up and began pacing around the bookshelves near him. “And what, may I ask, were you distracted by?”
Before he could answer, you deviously stood up on your toes to reach a book. You knew this angle did many favors for your ass. And you prayed Azriel was looking. This was too much fun.
He was, in fact, looking directly at your ass. You observed him do so, and his eyes slowly returned to yours. 
“Do you like my new leathers? I feel like I look ridiculous, but Feyre and Mor seem to like them. What do you think?”
The color drained from his face. “I-uh…they look n-nice. You wear them well.”
Butterflies erupted in your stomach. “Thank you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go read in my bed. See you at dinner, Shadowsinger.”
You walked away from him, making sure to sway your hips a bit more than usual. 
You couldn’t wait for training tomorrow. 
Let me know if you'd be interested in reading a smutty Part 2 👀
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navibluebees · 1 year
Omg I just have read "Trio" and damn Lyle and Z-Dog made me feral. If you have time and fancy could you please write something nsfw with them? Maybe including the differences between them. Like in public Lyle is very touchy and Z is more remote, but when they are in private place all of them only want to cuddle and maybe it's developing into smut. Form of HC is very nice but normal fic is also dope. Love your writing so much, hope you have wonderful day
Trio - Part 2 (Lyle Wainfleet x Zdinarsk x GN Human Reader)
Please read before interacting.
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Of course, dear! I love that my writing made you feel that way~ 😘 Thank you for your request and support! This is NSFW, minors keep your eyes off of it! 💞 *Note: since it wasn't specified in the previous ask or this one, I'm going to do a gender neutral reader.
& I hope you have a wonderful day as well <3 Also as a fun tidbit, this is not the first threesome scene I have written that is set in the Avatar world.
Your partners in crime, love, and everything in between were headed your way. Your body grew hot under their intense gazes and you glanced up to the corner of the room, trying to push all the dirty thoughts of the night before from your brain. Their bodies moved fluidly toward you and you pressed your legs together, aching for friction as they sat next to you in the chow hall.
Z bumped her shoulder against yours and ran a quick hand in a caress down your back. Lyle broke your concentration on her by sliding his hand in between your legs, hidden under the table. He squeezed gently and rubbed slow circles on the inside of your knee.
"How's our sweetheart this morning?" his voice rumbled.
Z's voice purred on the other side. "We weren't too, rough, were we?"
Prager rounded the table, tray in hand and started squatting to sit on the seat across from you. He inhaled deeply and paused, mid-squat. His eyes darted to you after scenting you and he shook his head, lips pulled tight in a grimace. "Mm. Nope. Not today. Have a good one guys." He stood back up and started walking to another table. Lopez paused, confused, but Prager grabbed his bicep and spun him around to go the other way.
Z chuckled lowly in your ear and held your hand in hers under the table. You leaned into Lyle and sighed. This was gonna be a long day.
You could barely focus on your work. Every minute, it seemed the clock was ticking even more slowly. When it came time to clock out, you jumped up and nearly ran out of your office. When you got to your room, you rushed to the shower and stood under hot water, trying to soothe your tense muscles. You washed off quickly and got out, drying off with. a fluffy towel. You wrapped it around your body and paced in your room, eventually settling on pulling on one of their giant t-shirts. You had no idea whose it was and figured it might not matter much anyway because it was more than likely about to come off.
You scurried down the hallway and poked your head around the corners. I'm sure security is having a great time watching this, you thought as you ducked behind a door to hide as people passed by. You sighed in relief when they walked by, missing your hiding spot. You turned around the door and walked smack into a blue chest. You cringed and kept your eyes closed, sure that if you couldn't see them, then they couldn't see you.
It was almost a relief when you heard Lyle's impish giggle as he picked you up and tossed you over his shoulder. He ran with you down the hall and ducked in to his room, covering your head so you wouldn't whack it on the doorway. He tossed you onto the giant bed and crawled on top of you, caging you in his arms. The long shirt slid up and he sniffed eagerly down your body, pressing his face between your legs and inhaling deeply.
"No underwear? Naughty, naughty." His teeth flashed as he purred the words at you. The door flew open and you flinched, but he didn't move from between your legs.
"The hell?" Z was leaning against the door and looking between you two.
You raised your hands in surrender. "It isn't what it looks like! Well, it probably is, but we wouldn't do anything without you. Right, Lyle?"
He growled, a deep need rumbling in his chest and you lifted your foot to his chest, pushing him away as much as you could. Z stepped forward and shoved him back, taking his place between your legs.
"Hi, baby," she murmured as she planted soft kisses on your lips. You softened under her touch and pulled her close, wrapping your legs around her. A small chuckle of happiness bounced out of her mouth and she lifted you up, sitting back against the headboard and holding you to her chest.
Grumbling, Lyle moved behind you, between her legs and palmed your ass. He whined, asking when it would be his turn and she shot him an unimpressed look.
"When you don't take an unfair advantage head start."
He playfully tossed himself beside you and snuggled up with his head on her shoulder, an arm wrapped around your back. You turned your face to him, cheek still pressed against Zdinarsk's sternum and caressed his ear. It flicked irritably in your hand and you grinned, knowing it was one of his most sensitive areas.
He moved his hand down and reached under your shirt, gently cupping your ass cheek and dragging his finger down slowly on the soft skin to tease you. He moved behind you and leaned in to kiss the back of your neck. You leaned back on him and he held you close, burying his face into your neck. He inhaled your scent and sighed deeply.
Z held your hips as you straddled her, gently massaging your thighs with her fingers. You felt your arousal stirring between your legs and whined when Lyle reached down between them. He rubbed achingly slowly and thrust against your back, making you fall against Z dog. She pressed soft kisses on your face, holding you close and nuzzling into your neck.
You heard Lyle spit and he groaned as he started massaging his cock with his wet hand. He rubbed it at your opening and you looked up into Z's eyes.
"You good?" she murmured.
All you could do was nod and gasp as Lyle started to press into you. He grabbed your hips and pulled you back, thrusting carefully into you. He was so girthy and you had a hard time taking him. Tears leaked from your eyes and he leaned over you, kissing and nipping at your shoulder while Z kissed your lips and ran her tongue up your jaw.
Her fingers moved between your legs, rubbing you and cooing at you to relax while Lyle took you from behind. He whimpered as he felt you clench around him while he thrusted in and out. Z's fingers moved faster and you cried out as you came, trembling around him.
He groaned and stilled for a moment, fighting his release. He moved back, taking you with him, holding you with a hand around your throat and arm across your torso. He put you down carefully, ass in the air and your face between Z's spread legs.
"Taste her," growled Lyle.
You dove into her pussy and lapped up her juices. You slid an arm under her thigh and pulled her as close as you could, your nails digging into her leg. With your other hand, you slid two fingers in and thrust them sharply, desperate for her. She squirmed and held a gentle hand at the back of your neck, sliding lower in the bed to adjust her hips on your face. Lyle pulled you close, thrusting into you, making you rock against her as you licked, your nose bumping into her clit.
She let out a breathy sigh and her head fell back on the pillow. Lyle continued his thrusting, holding a hand under your stomach to keep you up and holding himself up with his other hand planted on the bed. Your moans were messy and muffled with your face fully in her cunt. Lyle let out a soft laugh.
"Look at our little love," he murmured. "Looking so good wrapped around me."
All Z could do was nod and dig her fingers into the sheets as you drove your fingers in harder. Your tongue licked up to her clit and you flicked it lightly, making her gasp again. You continued licking at her clit, Lyle pounding you from behind. Your moans vibrated against her and soon she was coming undone by you.
Lyle saw and pulled you back into his lap, using his hands to move you up and down on him. His muscles tightened and his hand moved down between your legs to rub. Z laid limply against the pillows and her eyes roved over you two and lingered on where you were joined. Lyle's body trembled around yours and he increased his pace, hand moving with his rhythm.
You cried out as you came and clenched around him with him finished only a split second later. He held you in an iron embrace until he stopped shivering and carefully pulled out, lowering you down onto the bed. You whimpered, feeling sore and cold. They noticed and quickly pulled you between them, pulling the blanket over you.
You curled up facing Lyle's chest and Z curled up behind you, sliding a leg between yours. Her leg smeared everything that had leaked between yours and made you tremble as her skin brushed against yours. She pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head and held you close. Lyle moved closer and wrapped an arm around the both of you, kissing you both goodnight.
"Bet that person who flirted with you earlier couldn't do this for you," Lyle stated proudly.
You whined in annoyance, pushing at his chest. He pouted and tried to move closer, but Z tightened her hold on you.
"Mine," she growled playfully.
Jealousy wormed through Lyle and he grabbed your waist, about to pull you closer. Your hands reached up and you pat both of them on the head.
"Settle down, kitties. Time for bed," you yawned.
With minimal grousing, they both curled around you and their breathing slowed. You held Z's arm that was around your waist and moved your hand up to rest on Lyle's chest. They moved even closer, all your limbs tangling together. You drifted off thinking that there was no better place to be than smushed between your lovers.
@drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @ikranwings
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lipglossanon · 9 months
so i guess my first few 💀 emoji anon being me wanting to get railed by Krauser and Leon and/or Chris is coming full circle because me i maxed out the amount of words you type in an ask for the fifth time 🫣
imagine reader goes camping in the fall, small little secluded campsite a good hike into a forest the locals said she shouldn’t go into and she does anyway. food goes missing, clothes go missing, miscellaneous liquids? on the trees around her campsite, so many little things so she’s concerned about someone being out there with her right,,, so she stays up one night and hears growling and grunting so she peeks out of the tent and sees a wolf like creature tearing open her bag of clothes she lost the other night, and the creature goes through her clothes to find her bra and smells it while his cock twitches and leaks,,,,, grossly fascinated with what she’s seeing she doesn’t realize another one has come up behind her and she screams when she turns to see what was breathing down her neck. crawling out of the tent she’s trapped between the two werewolves now and the one she watched go through her clothes slides his arms under hers and keeps her pinned to his chest while the other one spreads her legs and sniffs her cunt before biting her thigh making her scream and the one holding her laughs and says i think you should’ve been nicer Chris which the other one, Chris, just chuckled before going back to remove your shorts to lazily lap at your clit making you moan causing the one holding you to start marking your neck so you to rut yourself against Chris’s face making him pull away and move up to rip your shirt off saying i think i’d rather you take your time with her Leon before running off so you’re left alone with Leon and he’s absolutely feral marking you, humping your thigh, sucking on your nipples and using his teeth until they bleed you’re just entirely cock drunk before anything’s happened and he knows this as he watches you spread your legs as he strokes his dick a few times, thumb not been close to touching his fingers making you whine when he starts to stretch you out around him and when you try to scoot back he bucks his hips forward bottoming him out instantly making you bleed and scream causing a loud bark from the forest surrounding you as Chris returns with someone else while Leon whispers “maybe listen to the locals when you come out somewhere you shouldn’t be” the new one grabs your thigh and says “maybe put her on her side, let me have a turn” and he does just that putting you on your side both of them in each hole while Chris is fucking your throat and when they’re done they don’t leave and instead take you back to little shack where the new one, you heard them call Krauser says “i can’t believe the locals let her out here during mating season,” Chris agrees while Leon puts his phone away saying “the Full Moon should last another few days” and they should keep you there until it’s done while his eyes rake over your body covered in dried blood and bruises while the conversation becomes muddled as you feel yourself finally relax the last thing you remember hearing is Chris saying they shouldn’t be so hard on you tonight to which Krauser and Leon disagreed (obviously 🤭)
- 💀
(i seriously didn’t think it was that long but i got rid of four paragraphs 👀 and the red text blocks that show up when you max out the text for an ask feel condescending after the sixth time you try to type an ask and it’s still too long lmao but the other four paragraphs were them using her the next night and Leon taking her back to his place after it’s over and they make it a regular trip to meet up with the other two every mating season because there has to be one for werewolves right?)
💀 anon, you’re killing me 🥵 🥵
I love every single bit of this 😩 and they’re absolutely feral since it’s mating season and just 😵‍💫 😵‍💫
And I hate that there’s a word limit on asks cause I’d love to read all your thoughts on it 😭
Just this is a perfect storm of everything that I like 🤭 🤭 (Ive really been sitting on the fence about like a lycan!Chris and reader but idk if I’m ready to write a new RE character lmao)
And also! May I suggest the song Little Red Riding Hood by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs (which I love lmao) and this more moody cover which is also phenomenal 🤭
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