#anyway i saw her and went 'oh shes perfect' and had to draw her immediately <3
miyu-d · 6 months
Ace with the tailor reader part 2
A/N: @boomboom-tanjiro2019 it made me so happy when you requested a part 2. Here it is. I'm sorry it took me some time. Hope you'll enjoy this...
[ Part 1 ]
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Everyone was so happy about Ace's arrival and threw a party to celebrate. They were talking and laughing so loudly when you went there after finishing your work. It was more lively than other days. Chopper was showing his chopstick dance to Ace, and he was laughing at it. Then Sanji came out of nowhere and served you a drink.
"Neeehhh~ Y/N-chwan! I brought you your favorite..."
"Thank you, Sanji-kun." You smiled and took the drink.
When you gave your attention back to Ace, he was already looking at you, resting his chin on his hand. A spark ran through your body, and your legs felt a little numb when you saw the way he was looking at you. A small smile curled in the corner of his mouth. His eyes were talking, looking deep into your soul. That moment was so intimidating; you felt time had stopped, and only two of you were in the room. You looked back into Ace's eyes with the same passion, subconsciously. Only a few seconds passed, but it felt like forever.
You snapped out of it when you heard Chopper screaming and yelling. Both of you immediately broke the eye contact and looked at him. You got relaxed for a moment when you saw it was nothing serious, just Luffy playing with Chopper.
But you didn't have the guts to look back at Ace again. You walked towards a seat in the corner, hoping no one else saw what happened between you and Ace.
(Actually, only Robin saw it. She giggled a little to herself and went back to reading her book.)
At night, you went to the spot on the ship where you loved to sit and draw new designs while enjoying the sea breeze. You kept thinking about what kind of outfit you could make for Ace. Even though you had so many ideas when you first met him, now you can't imagine him wearing anything other than his significant outfit—no top, just a short with some accessories.
You leaned back more comfortably and looked out at the calm sea. After a few minutes passed, you let out a huge sigh and opened your sketch book. You felt the presence of someone, so you lifted your head up and looked. You saw Ace watching you, leaning over the railing.
"How long have you been there?"
"Not so long," Ace said, slowly walking towards you. "So... what are you doing there?"
"Nothing special. Just... trying to design some new clothes, I guess..."
"Can I see?"
He was really interested in it. So you showed him your designs and explained them to him. You had no one to talk to about this before. So you enjoyed telling him everything. You talked his ears off. Ace also enjoyed listening to your ramblings. He shared his thoughts about them too... You two became more comfortable with each other.
"I don't like this one."
"Whaaaaaaat?? That is one of my favorites."
"But it's too plain."
"That makes it more elegant."
"Add some sequins or something."
"Nope. Not gonna happen. This is perfect."
Ace gave you a pouty face. He sat down on the floor and started to mutter to himself.
"Oh, come on, Ace~" You also went and sat down next to him. "Fine, I will design a new dress the way you want. So leave that one alone. Okay?"
He stayed pouty.
"Okay?" You peaked to see his face. "Hmm?"
He kept hiding his face from you.
You signed and gave up on pestering him. You leaned on your back and looked up at the sky.
"Why do you care about it anyway? Do you want it for your girlfriend or something?"
"What? No!! I don't have anyone!!! It's just..." He blushed and looked away. "I thought it would... look good on you that way."
"Maybe... maybe that plain one, that one you called elegent, or something is also... look good on you."
He gave you a quick look, checked what you were wearing, and looked away again. "That one also looks good on you.."
Ace was so flustered. "Anything looks good on you." He was really a flustered mess.
You tried your best not to laugh. You wondered where that cool and firm Ace had gone. But you loved this side of him more.
You slowly put your head on his shoulder and whisper, "I think anything looks good on you too."
He slowly tilted his head and looked at you. You smiled at him. He blushed and looked away. You couldn't help but chuckle.
You had no idea how you got the confidence to act like this, taking the lea and all. But somehow, you could.
"Let's go" You pulled him by his hand and started walking.
"Where are we going?" Ace let you pull him and followed you.
"You are my new and first fashion model. I'm gonna make you the best outfit ever. (Y/N)'s designs, special edition, one and only, only for you, Ace collection, first outfit."
Both of you chuckled and walked to your sewing room, holding hands and swinging them back and forth.
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iikkeee · 1 year
Jealousy | w. adams
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Wednesday x Reader fluff!
Summary: Y/n is in a relationship with Xavier but when he sets his eyes on Wednesday, Y/n couldn’t help but feel horrible. That’s when Wednesday reveals she only has feeling for Y/n.
Warnings- cheating, being friends with Bianca, Xavier being an ass
A/n- this idea randomly came across to me and I needed to write it so bad, anyways hope you guys enjoy! You might see me writing an Enid oneshot later on!
You sat giddy on your chair at the back of the classroom, you could not wait for the raven. It would only be better if you actually had someone to go with you thought as you longingly stared at the long haired boy at the front of the class, he drew and it came to life off of the pages. You couldn’t help but fawn at him. When the bell rang you immediately went next to his side, taking Ajax’s chair as he waved you both off.
“So…your going to dance right…?” You asked drawing circles on the boys hand. “Of course” He replied intertwining his hand with yours “well aren’t you going to ask me something..?” You said leaning into him, he looked farther off in to the distance not even paying attention to what you were saying. You looked in the direction that he was and saw Wednesday, she was beautiful of course. She had gorgeous hair and captivating eyes, she was so pretty, you couldn’t help but have a ping of jealousy from her. She was perfect, especially to your boyfriend who couldn’t keep an eye off of her no matter what.
You sat there in silence for a bit, stunned at the new emotions you were having as you looked at you boyfriend longing for another. “Xavier….?” You asked reluctantly as you looked away from his face in sadness. “Oh sorry…what did you say?” He asked shaking his head and giving you a soft smile, you sighed before giving him a fake smile “I said aren’t you going to ask me something..?” “Oh haha, right. Um should we go together?” He asked nonchalantly, you smiled and grabbed your textbooks, getting up and quickly leaving the classroom. His eyes following you as you left.
You sighed as you got out of the doorway, sliding down on the wall next to it, your head in between your legs as you tried not to think about what you had just experienced. You felt someone stand in front of you, she crossed her arms and blew a raspberry. You looked up to see Bianca. “Need a hand?” She asked leaning down and holding her hand out to you, you grabbed it and pulled her into a tight hug.
“What happened now?” “He doesn’t like me anymore.” “And what makes you say that?” “All he ever does is stare at…” you cut yourself off as you stared over at the black haired girl, she spoke to her colorful friend Enid, her gaze returning to met yours. You felt a ping in your heart before you brushed it off and looked at Bianca. “Wednesday huh? She’s the freak of all freaks, I’m sure Xavier doesn’t like her like that.” She said rubbing your arm reassuringly “I really hope so…” You mumbled as you made your way down the hall, Bianca fumbled as she tried to follow you. “Don’t worry about that, just think about how much we’re going to have at the raven tonight!” She said grabbing your hand and smiling widely.
Once you completed all your classes, you decided to go dress shopping with Bianca. You both giggled arm in arm as you made your way into the different shops, slowly your worries went away as you hung out with your best friend. “Ooh, let’s go in there!” You said pointing at a gothic store, filled with black dresses that were dramatic in every way. “Really?” Bianca asked curiously, her eyebrow raised at she looked at the dresses. You gave her a nod and she sighed motioning to the door. You squeaked and went inside, the bell rang as you stepped inside. “Woah this is amazing!” You said going through the aisles, every one filled with beautiful gowns. “Yuck, this stuff looks like something that Wednesday girl would wear” Bianca said looking repulsed as she touched a black dress residing at the front of the store. “I think she has great style” You said rolling your eyes as you shuffled through the clothing rack. “Ew.” Bianca said as she made her way over to you. “It’s not like she can help it, she is allergic to color” you said sighing “right like I believe that, why are you even defending her?” She said curiously, her hands residing in her hips “no reason…” you said focusing on the gowns in front of you.
Truth was that you felt a certain way about the strange girl, was you boyfriend interested in her? Yes. But that wasn’t it, you yearned for her attention. She was one of the most beautiful people you’ve ever seen and you wanted everything to at least be friends with her. You closed your eyes before quickly going into the back of the store looking at the dresses that were hung up on the wall. You looked up to see a beautiful black gown, it has long sleeves that spread out at the end, it almost looked like wings. It was covered with floral lace that decorated the ends the small details, you looked in awe. “This is it” You said causing Bianca’s eyes to shift towards it “well if that’s what you want…” she said giving you a small scoff
You quickly asked the worker at the front to get it down for you, she happily obliged and lead you to the dressing room, you said a quick thank you before heading inside. You let Bianca hold your bag and sit on the couches outside of the fitting rooms. “Let me know if you want any help in there okay y/n?” “Alright” you yelled back before slipping the dress on. You smiled as you looked in the mirror, the dress perfectly framed your body showing your curves. You came out and span for Bianca to see “this is perfect!” You squeaked “you look so good Y/n” She said giving you a smile, you smiled back before going back into the room and changing back.
You came out to not see Bianca, you checked the front of the store and noticed her paying “what are you paying for?” You asked curiously as you looked above her shoulder “I found a dress while you were changing” “I thought you didn’t like any of the dresses…” you said teasing her “trust me it’s one of the normal ones” she said chuckling as she rolled her eyes, she pulled her bag off the counter letting you put down your dress as you payed for it. “Let’s get going then, no need to be late now” She said quickly grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the store.
Once you made it to your shared dorm you both quickly got ready. You applied your makeup and smiled to yourself in the mirror, looking good… “Ready to go?” Bianca asked happily, she wore a blue sequined dress with blue eyeshadow plastered on her lids. “You look beautiful, Bianca” “right back at you” “but um, I’m just going to text Xavier really quick” you said grabbing your phone off of your dresser, quickly sending a text to him “where are you?” You sent “Alright, we’ll I’m going to be right outside if you need me” She said opening the door “Just go without me, I’ll be there soon” “Alright then” she said reluctantly before shutting the door.
You paced around the room waiting for an answer, you rolled your eyes as you waited for a reply. It had been ten minutes and you were fed up so you quickly composed yourself and made your way into the ball room. “Welcome to the raven!” Ms. Thornhill exclaimed as soon as she saw you “Hello Ms. Thornhill, and principal Weems” you said giving them both a big smile “you look beautiful, miss l/n” Principal Weems said “thank you.” You replied gratefully before making your way inside. You quickly scanned the room and went to the table where Bianca sat.
“Hey y/n!” She exclaimed happily pulling you into a chair next to hers “Where’s Xavier?” She asked looking behind you worriedly “you tell me…” You mumbled, slumping down in your chair. “Ugh…boys” She said rolling her eyes. You both stood in silence before you looked up to see Xavier jogging up to your table. “Y/n!” He said giving you a kiss on the cheek and sitting next to you, scooting his chair to face yours. “Where have you been, I sent you a text” you said rolling your eyes “oh um…guess I didn’t notice?” He replied sleepily as he checked his phone. “I’m going to go get punch” Bianca said quickly trying to get away from the situation
“Whatever it’s fine” you said breathing up and composing yourself, maybe you could forget about all the horrible things for once and just focus on what should be one of the best days in nevermore academy. You laid you head on Xavier’s shoulder looking at the dance floor where creatures of all kinds danced and laughed at the blasting music. You closed your eyes as he leaned his head on yours, he hand finding yours as he squeezed your hand. He truly was one of your most favorite people, he was so sweet and kind. You could melt into his arms.
He suddenly squeezed your hand tightly making you screech quietly as you removed your hand from his. His hands were in fists and his face was red with fury. You gulped as you looked at his expression before looking at where he was to see Wednesday dancing with the guy from the towns coffee shop. “Why is she with him off all people?” He said in between his teeth, your expression fell, your eyes becoming filled with tears. “How could talk about her when I’m right here?” He didn’t like you anymore, there’s no way he did. All he cared about was Wednesday, not you. “Y/n you don’t understand-“ he said grabbing you hand in between his “Let me go.” You sniffled as you pushed your arm away from him, he loosened you grip and you ran away. Your long dress following you as you made your way outside of the ball room.
You sobbed as you you sat on the concrete steps outside, the teachers and students were no longer inside and instead you sat alone. The cold wind flowing through your hair as you cried, mascara running down your cheeks and onto you pretty dress. You heard footsteps come from behind you, and someone sat next to you. “You okay?” You heard a familiar voice ask, you looked up to see Wednesday, her hair was neatly pulled up into a braided bun. Her puffy black dress surrounding her body as she sat next to you, her features glowing in the moonlight. “Go away…please” as much as you knew it wasn’t her fault you couldn’t stand to look at her at the moment. “What happened y/n?” She said her hand residing on your knee “Xavier…all he can talk and think about it you when I’m his girlfriend I mean-“ you were cut off when Wednesday pulled you into a kiss. You were shocked but melted into it, her lips moved gracefully against yours, as if you were both made for each other. Her arms wrapped around your waist and you snaked yours around her neck, pulling your bodies closer to each other. She got on top of you pulling away when you were fully on the ground.
You held her cheeks in your hands, both of your cheeks flushed as you looked at each other “I only like you y/n” She whispered bluntly “but…Xavier” you replied your eyes shifting at her gaze “leave him, he doesn’t deserve you as much as I do” She said caressing your cheek “okay.” Was the only thing you said before pulling her back into a passionate kiss.
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stevenbasic · 1 year
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GITJ Post 321: A Date with her Chest, p1
MANIFEST: My breasts are perfect, and huge. He loves huge breasts. When he thinks of my breasts he thinks of comfort and good things.  My breasts are all he needs for warmth and protection. The larger they grow, the more they can provide for him. He wants me to provide everything for him. He wants me to be able to do it all and take care of him. Without me he is helpless and in danger. Without my breasts he is cold and afraid.
She had heard the doorbell - he’s right on time! - from where she stood in front of the mirror in the downstairs bathroom, doing her little pep talk with herself. It had made her tingle, the thoughts she’d been having, what she’d started talking about making manifest, making real. If it really worked…omg haha! Anyway, she hurried towards the soaring foyer - click click click went her high, high heels - and took a deep breath just to inflate her cleavage, right as she opened the door. There he is! And ooo he brought wine!
His eyes went right to her chest, she saw. He was so fixated by them, immediately, that he didn't even pretend to turn away, or try to say a word. Seemed like her manifestation was doing the trick already! Well, I shouldn’t be surprised, she thought, as she set her shoulders and let him take a good look. She’d worn this top - an off-the-shoulder lycra bodysuit of a pretty blue-green that she had tucked into her little white shorts - specifically because of how big and full it made her boobs look. She didn’t even need to use a bra with it and yet it gave her such a nice shape and support that she knew she’d have his attention and draw his stares. So, she was getting exactly what she wanted…but she figured she could scold him anyway haha. “Oh honey, look at you. You’re ooogling,” she laughed, smiling at him when his eyes tore themselves away and he mumbled a quiet apology, “So naughty! Most boys would get a slap for staring.” This was going great already, and she bit her lower lip fetchingly. “Hi there….welcome…” she finally purred as her eyes flashed in excitement, greeting him at her new place. Or, rather, her mom’s place. 
He blinked himself back to the moment, remembering his manners and having just had the image of her slapping him clean to the ground with one blow. “H-hi…” he stammered back, smiling wanly and looking at the grand, sophisticated doorway. He was eager, though nervously so, for this evening. Their alone times together, his and Melissa’s, had been mind-blowing so far, but he had concerns about, well…the developing power dynamic. He’d been struggling with his self confidence this week, and since the election there’d been a bit more distance between the two of them. He knew she’d been busy but it made him anxious, and he had to scold himself when he caught himself thinking like a schoolgirl, worried about interpreting everything she said or did, obsessed with reading signals, feeling himself becoming emotionally needy. This wasn’t him! 
He smelled something. Was something burning?
Melissa could sense the nervousness in him. She liked this, she liked him when he was nervous! It made him so adorable. Her outfit, painted tightly over the curves of her athletically voluptuous body, was having its desired effect and already she felt like the huge spider-lady that had just caught a fly in her web. She had him right where she wanted him, and could just wrap him up in her tendrils. Now, would she eat her prey right now or save him for later haha? She knew she should wait but the way he was looking up at her, as she stood nearly two feet taller than him made her want to gobble him up that instant! At the very least she needed-.
“Come here…” she said with a gentle voice and extending her arms, “...hug.”
He glanced down: as tall as she was, she was wearing heels. Big ones. Big white ones. He stepped to her, swallowing nervously and with every step she just looked taller. 
“Come closer, come on, I´m not going to bite,” she urged, giggling. She wanted him to come to her; in her six-inch heels she was - by god - seven feet tall and her head might not have cleared the oversized doorframe without ducking.
Step by step, he approached her, wondering how close was close enough, until he felt her arms reach around him and pull him into her. His head came to rest just below her massive breasts. He felt so awkward, standing there holding a bottle of white Burgundy. She was such an enormous woman to him. Melissa wasn’t skinny, but she was ultra slim in the waist, and his arms could still encircle her. She just seemed huge, and her hug was tight, strong, warm. She rubbed his back with one of her hands, and as she knew she was making him feel small in comparison to her, she finally spoke. “I wanted to give you a hug because hugs can make you feel calm,” she said girlishly, but then dropped a knowing warmth into her voice, “I know you’re nervous, sweetie, but settle your mind. It’s just us here tonight, we have the house all to ourselves. We can talk.” She continued to rub his back, holding him to her with her other hand palming the back of his head to her sternum.
He tensed. How did she know? How did she know how anxious he’d been? He breathed in her deep perfume; that made him feel a little better.
“I know you´re not feeling so good about this whole thing, what’s happening in the world,” she continued, indulgently, “And I understand it, I totally do.This must not be easy for you. Plus, I’ve been so busy - at work, moving - that I haven’t really been there for you.”  She petted his hair and couldn’t help but feel it: it may have been her imagination, but in their hug he felt like he was even smaller than last time they were together. She fought back a smile, and resisted the urge to mention anything just yet.
Finally, after another long, tender moment together just enjoying the feel of his body against hers, Melissa released him from her embrace and stepped back, into the foyer entry of the house. “Take your shoes off,” she directed as he took his first step in, “my mom doesn’t like shoes in the house. Here I’ll take the wine.” 
He handed it over, the bottle of ‘26 Pouilly-Fuissé.
“Oooo this looks fancy!” Melissa cooed, reading the label, “Did one of the girls pick it up for you?”
“I, um, ran in myself,” he admitted, remembering how just ten minutes ago he’d nearly had to retch at the counter of the liquor store, “I’d asked Aubrey to stop by the wine place over on Fairfield on the way over.” So weird how his stomach was these days, after…was it being in a car? Just being new places? I mean, he felt fine in the car with Aubrey, who had given him a ride and dropped him outside the wine store to pick up the bottle. Aubrey had urged him to look in her eyes and breathe deep when he’d got back in the car with the wine and a splitting headache, the world spinning; that had weirdly worked. And now that he was here, at Melissa’s place, he felt okay too. But even the walk from the car to her front door made him queasy and uneasy. So weird…  
“That was so nice, but next time you don’t have to,” Melissa answered, “My mom has a really big wine cellar thing downstairs and I know wine’s expensive.” She looked at the label…not that she really understood anything on it, despite the time she’d spent in France as a kid. But it actually gave her a weird little shiver, thinking of him paying for this bottle himself, all alone in the store with strange people. She should have asked Aubrey to go in with him. 
Trying to ignore the little twinge to his pride that her last comment left - it was true: he was nearly broke, but it was just a bottle of wine! -  he answered back. “Well, it was really nice of Aubrey to drive me over.”
“Oh, she was so happy to do it,” Melissa replied, shutting the heavy front door behind him with a portentous, sealing <shluup>. She had arranged Aubrey - who certainly seemed, yes, more than eager to oblige and have some time alone with him, have him all to herself if only for the twenty minute drive. All her girls liked him so much, but Aubrey had had a girlish crush on him for years. She had been giddy when Melissa asked her to help out tonight. She’d ask Aubrey for details on the ride later, but she’d given her specific instructions: hands off, for tonight. Tonight haha he’s mine! Aubrey was a good girl, and though hormones were running super high in the office these days, Melissa knew she’d respect her wishes. It really made Melissa excited that they were becoming this big, happy family together.
“Here, I’ll go put this in the chiller, then I’ll give you a little tour,” she said, turning to walk through to the kitchen. As she left she felt his eyes immediately go to her butt, and fighting back a little smile she purposefully put an extra sway into the already ultra-feminine swing of her broad hips.
Gulping, eyes fixed and unblinking, he couldn’t help but admire the form of her perfectly formed backside and bare, killer legs, hamstrings corded, powerful thighs narrowing to knees and then flaring out again to strong calves and down again to elegant, similarly corded ankles.  Melissa had big feet. She’d been keeping the house warm enough to wear shorts, and he in fact was now feeling a little - gulp again - warm himself. Her hips swayed in a hypnotic motion as she walked, and he watched the pendulum of her ample bottom sway like a huge steel apple under brief, tightly stretched shorts of white denim. His gaze then shifted up to her incredibly toned back, left half bare by the scoop back of her top. Her hair looked thicker and fuller than he had ever seen it as it swished back and forth over her well-muscled shoulders.
Melissa disappeared for a moment, out of the front foyer and around the corner into the kitchen, suddenly jolting him from his frozen reverie. Oh yeah! Taking off shoes! One hand on the wall for support, he leaned over to start untying. Her mom, he guessed, liked to keep things clean, or preserve her floors or whatever. 
But…wait. What about her, Melissa? She was wearing heels tonight, right?
He didn’t have even a moment to ponder the question before Melissa reappeared, holding a hand out and wiggling her fingers to urge him towards her. “Let me give you a tour,“ she beamed.
After clumsily removing his final tightly-laced-but-still-too-big sneaker and dropping it aside the door, he stepped to Melissa and, hand inside hers, was treated to a walk-through of the house. He smiled up at her, and tried not to stare at her tits.
Her perfume was lovely, but he got another whiff of something else, burned. 
“So, my mom moved in here a few years ago, so I never really lived here,” she began, as she took him first into the kitchen, a big, beautifully modern space done in whites and greys, stones and natural woods. “It’s so weird, at least I think so. It’s so big, and fancy,” she continued, running fingers over the marble countertops as they strolled through the kitchen, “and we grew up so poor. She’s all by herself, travels a lot. I don’t really know why she needs all this.” Big chrome appliances, lots of glass and white cabinetry, beautiful artwork. He admired it all, tried to take it all in, not able to help but wonder what Melissa’s mother did for a living, or how she’d come into money. Melissa tended to be evasive about her family and upbringing, and he was actually a bit surprised when she’d asked him to come over to see her mom’s place, dinner for date night. Speaking of dinner…he also noticed a tray, a baking pan, with something black, still smoldering. 
“That was going to be our lasagna,” Melissa laughed, “I’m still working on my cooking.”
“I’m sure it would have been delicious,” he joked, and she waved him off, assuring him otherwise. They casually made their way out of the kitchen, into the adjoining great room.
“But, with her away for a bit, I thought I’d move in for a while…me and Tiger,” she continued, name-dropping her cat who had not yet made an appearance, “the old place was…getting a little small for me.”
“I’m sure, uh, Tiger will appreciate all the extra…space,” he commented, as his gaze drifted around the enormous living area, with its huge windows and built-in bookshelves. He took particular note of the high, high ceilings and then secretly glanced down again at her long, long legs. This woman was growing, for sure, and he couldn’t help but imagine in a moment of fantasy why she might need these soaring, vaulted ceilings. His reveries were just that, pure fantasy, but again: gulp.
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Through the great room they stepped, past some tasteful, expensive-looking sculpture that Melissa said was “African or something.” She led him to a set of wide, glass doors set in a glass wall. Behind it was darkness, but on opening it she released a wave of chlorine-scented air and deep purple lights came on to dimly illuminate a small indoor pool. “It’s not on, and really cold right now,” she explained, “but maybe next time you come over you can bring your suit and we can swim. If any of my bikinis still fit…”
“Hm. That’d be terrible if they didn’t,” he joked, immediately picturing a night of skinny-dipping with this enormous, buxom Amazon. At her height now and...gulp one last time...the size at which he'd just been imagining. In this warm, dark pool with a beautiful giantess…
“Oh that’d be terrible, huh?” she laughed, scolding him playfully as she slid the glass door closed again and admonished him with one powerful hip-bump that met his ribs. 
Oof! He had to catch himself. To her it had been just a casual gesture but her hip was powerful enough to nearly knock him off his feet, and he stumbled. 
“Ooo I’m sorry!” Melissa laughed, turning and reaching out a hand to help steady him. 
“Yeah watch that thing..!” he laughed back, maintaining his feet but half-embarrassed about losing his composure. 
“Hm no you watch that thing,” she then said, turning again to present him with another view of her big, round, muscular backside. She bent at the waist a bit, stuck it out towards him and heard him immediately go silent. She giggled, careful not to flex too much and tear through her tight little white shorts, and wiggled it at him. 
“Wow Melissa you really look amazing tonight,” he managed, softly, just barely able to restrain himself from reaching out and putting both hands on her hips. So wide she was, everything round and bulging with muscle and bigger than him. He dreamed that he’d need to climb her to mount her but nnnngh my god. This woman was built like a sex goddess, and his already-thick cock began to swell up further in his pants in tribute. “Jesus…”
She giggled again, and stood back up. “Flattery,” she purred, turning towards him and reaching out to take his face between her two hands, “will get you everywhere.” At that she leaned down, puckered, and planted a big, slow <mwah> of a kiss right on his lips. Both she and he felt the immediate magic, the magnetism that made the kiss hard to break, and his eyes nearly fluttered closed in pleasure. “Mmmmmm….” she purred again, a smile crinkling up her dimples in the most adorable way and bringing a sparkle to her eyes, “let’s do the rest of the tour later, and get you onto the couch…” 
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geminiamethyst · 2 years
Limitless. Chapter 19: Living Accommodations
Chapter 1: click HERE
Chapter 18: click HERE
Chapter 20: click HERE
Once the ship docked and everyone grabbed what they could, they immediately evacuated it. This was the closet port that they could find since leaving the island. No doubt this is where it was supposed to dock if things went according to White's plan. His men might be waiting for them somewhere nearby. Even if they weren't, sixteen people suddenly getting off of a boat that wasn't supposed to be there will draw attention to them soon. They need to hide somewhere. They had no money, so they can't go into a hotel for the night somewhere or get themselves food. There might be a place for homeless people to get food, like a soup kitchen, so that might not be too much of a problem. However, they can't sleep on the streets. If there was a homeless shelter that they could stay at would be a blessing, but not if the shelter was full. Besides, White might order his men to check out any homeless shelters for everyone, so it might not be safe anyway. Maybe an abandoned building could be safe for now. They just need to make sure that it was suitable enough to stay in.
It took a while, but the group was able to find a two floor apartment building with a basement. It was boarded up at the windows, meaning that for now, everyone was obscured from view. Miu set to work in fixing the wiring inside the building. If anyone was going to be using the lights or any electrical outlets, they need to make sure that it was safe to do so. With Kirumi's help, everyone helped to make it was clean as they could. There wasn't any furniture to get comfortable on, and there weren't any carpets, but at the moment, that didn't matter too much. It wasn't perfect, but it'll have to do for now.
"Well, at least we can sleep in the dry now." Kaede commented as she brushed dust off of her hands.
"Not to mention warm! I fixed the heating too." Miu shouted as she came back up from the basement. True to her word, the building started to feel a little warmer now.
"That's a relief." Himiko sighed in content. "But what about money? We need to get food and clothing somehow."
"I've already thought of a solution. I can rent out my services under an alias. Tsumugi, could you assist making a disguise for me?" Kirumi spoke up, giving everyone some relief.
"Of course." Tsumugi smiled, happy to put her dressmaking skills to some use finally.
"Maybe I can help to. I can use my powers to fix shit for people and get payed for it." Miu offered, thinking of a similar idea to Kirumi's. Everyone else was thinking the same thing, wanting to try to find some way of employment or any other way to get money other than begging people on the street.
"At least that'll help out in terms of money." Shuichi said. "So where are we all sleeping?"
"Oh! Oh! I know the perfect place for Murder Girl! The basement!" Kokichi suddenly declared.
"What?!" Kaito exclaimed, whipping around to face everyone so quick that he almost slipped.
"I agree! It's plain to see that we can't trust a killer." Tsumugi asked, pointing right at Maki.
"Atua says that almost everyone agrees." Angie added joyfully. Maki didn't react to this. It was like she was expecting this to happen. She knew that this was going to happen to her. She knew the moment that she saw that there was a basement, everyone would rather keep her down there. Just like she was kept in Isolation.
"Hold on a sec! You can't just-" Kaito protested, his shoulders tensing up. The basement will only remind Maki of the hell that she was forced to go through for five years. She went through it longer than everyone else. She doesn't deserve to be locked away and everyone still treating her like a monster.
"It's fine." Maki suddenly spoke up before Kaito could say anything else. Kaito was stunned into silence the second she started speaking. Maki looked at everyone in the eye, wanting to confirm that this was truly what they all wanted. "So long as I'm kept down there, you'll be fine with that right?"
"Yep! You stay down there, and everything will be just fine." Kokichi smiled like a child at Christmas. Kaito looked back at Maki, hoping that she would state an argument to say why she shouldn't be put down there in the dark. However, Maki was silent and her face was emotionless like a doll. She finally turned around and headed towards the door of the basement.
"Hold on! Maki!" Kaito shouted after her, but it was too late by then. Maki only answered him by slamming the basement door behind her. Hearing her quiet steps disappear into the basement, Kaito immediately turned to everyone else. "What is your problem?! If it wasn't for Maki, we would never have gotten out of there!" Almost everyone looked shocked that Kaito was suddenly this angry. It was like they didn't see the problem with what had just happened and what they were doing right now. It made Kaito furious to think that they were this ignorant.
"Maybe. But have you forgotten that she's a professional killer? We need to make sure that she doesn't hurt anyone." Kiyo sighed, is voice sounding far too calm about this situation.
"Besides, I only let her out of Isolation because I thought that you were going to use her as just a distraction for us to get away!" Miu barked, remembering what Kaito had asked her to do as they were escaping.
"You mean that you expected me to leave her behind?!" Kaito glared at Miu, causing her to whimper and cower a little bit. That wasn't his objective at all! He wanted Miu to let Maki out because he wasn't going to leave her behind. She didn't deserve to get left behind at all.
"Well...yeah! I mean...that's all she is right? A heartless weapon." Miu whimpered so quietly that Kaito barely heard her.
"That's right. She is an assassin after all. The only thing that she is good for is killing." Tenko added.
"Even Gonta not sure if Maki should be trusted." Gonta spoke up, but he sounded unsure himself about what he was saying.
"Are you all idiots?!" Kaito shouted so loud that the apartment building seemed to rattle. Again, everyone looked at him in surprise. Seeing that he got their attention, Kaito kept going, wanting to get what he needed to say out. "Maki never had a choice in that life! Did any of you think to at least trying to get to know her?! No? I didn't think so! She's still human. And if you don't see that, then you're no better than the monsters that hurt her." Everyone continued to look stunned as Kaito said that. After a couple of seconds, a few of them looked ashamed. The ones that looked ashamed seemed to have gotten the message. Kaito felt like it was a small victory in a way, but it might not last. Wanting to calm down, Kaito stomped outside. He regretted it a little as the cold air hit him like a truck. He didn't bother going back in to grab a blanket to keep himself warm, he wasn't sure if he could face the others just yet. Clenching his teeth to keep them from chattering, Kaito started rubbing his arms to try to warm up. He looked up at the sky, seeing that it was starting to cloud over again. Looks like the snow was getting ready to start falling once more. Kaito hoped that the heating down in the basement was fixed, otherwise Maki might freeze to death.
Kaito jumped a little when he heard the door being opened and closed. He turned a little to see Shuichi coming outside to join him. He had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and was carrying another in one hand. He offered it out to Kaito, noticing how cold his friend suddenly looked. Kaito smiled gratefully and gently took the blanket from Shuichi. He wrapped the blanket around him, sighing silently in content as he felt a little warmer now, his breath turning into mist as it made contact with the winter air.
"Are you okay?" Shuichi asked as he stood next to Kaito.
"I'm fine. I'm just fed up with everyone judging Maki just because of what had happened in the past." Kaito explained, trying his best not to have a too much of a rant, otherwise he and Shuichi might be out here all night.
"I'm ashamed to say that I was like that. But, I'm willing to give Maki a chance. After all, she did get us out of that place." Shuichi sighed, offering a reassuring smile to Kaito at the end. Kaito returned the smile, again feeling like he had a small victory. At least one person admitted that they were wrong to distrust Maki. He was quite surprised that Shuichi had changed his mind that quick. The others however, might be a different story. After all, not everyone changes their opinion overnight. Especially if they've had the same opinion about something or someone for a long time. It might take some work, but Kaito wasn't going to give up easily. Another thing as well to consider is Maki. She might not be trusting of everyone else yet, especially after the way they had treated her just now. She seemed to trust him, which felt good. Hopefully overtime, she'll start trusting everyone else too. All it takes is time.
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I was at school (the school looked nothing like my old or currentl). I was told my math class was wrong and I needed to change it to a different teacher and so my Monday schedule was all changed. I met these two people because of this and we became friends. We were chilling in one room together for a while until we had to go to our next class. We were doing something that was almost like a fictional setting where one of the friends (a women) was evil, but when that ended and we were back in the room, she was nice. A bit bitchy, but a nice person. Anyway, we had to go to class, but apparently I had A lunch. I didn’t bring my lunch and nor did I bring any money for school lunch
I wanted to go to Runza because I left a drink (lemonade) there and I managed to convince an adult to drive me. Idk what state this dream took place, but it was like a place that wasn’t defined. Anyway, she took me a really long way to go to the Runza and then we never went in! I ordered a Chili and she had a $50 so I could have it, but we never went in!
She took me to a grocery store and did grocery shopping and I humored her for a bit but after a while I was like “I have to get back to school” and she was like “it’s fine, I can call you out”
I was still in the grocery store and got bored so I started to run and play around in a grocery store. There was this like, somewhat famous tik tok person who was known for cosplays and pretty outfits and drawing and they were running around in the store with us and encouraged the behavior. There was this guy we were teasing but in a friendly manner. We were climbing on stuff because there was like forest decor in this store, like you know the set ups where they promote the Super Bowl? Imagine that but not promoting anything and it’s forest themed and there’s several of those around.
both me and the boy needed to get back to school though so eventually we had enough and tried to leave. Somehow we found a car (We probably stole it) and when I tried to go back to school, I had to drive myself and my new friend. Driving was difficult since I haven’t learned yet, but I managed to not crash into anything.
There was a major time skip and stuff that I know nothing about happened.
I found this lady outside a different grocery store and I was panicking and saying I needed to get to school and I forgot what my school was called so I just kept saying the name of my old school and the lady I was talking to said they found someone else similar to me and it was the friend! He was in this little home that the lady provided him and she let me in and told me to rest for a few days. As soon as I came in, I saw him at the door and we immediately hugged. So some shit that I know nothing about happened apparently that was really rough cause I was on the verge of tears. I was really scraggled. The boy must have been there a few days, cause he seemed relatively alright. Not perfect, a little banged up, but definitely better than I was
And then I woke up
We never made it to the school :((((((
"Oh wow thats quite an interesting dream you are right!"
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ponyaday · 2 years
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2/4/22 - Baby Lollipop
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azucanela · 4 years
pls some headcanons for Bakugou, Shinsou and Shoto when the reader kisses them infront of everyone. Thank you :)
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SUMMARY: in which you and the boys kiss in public, and now everyone is screaming. oh no.
WARNING: season three spoliers, insecurities, arguments,
A/N: i wanted to do scenarios bc this was too good ugh thank YOU for requesting this 
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you two are already dating but you keep it on the down low because its Katsuki and he’s like ew people knowing i have feelings other than anger? ew ew ew
you’re fine with it, but if he thinks its bothering you he’ll talk to you about it and smother you with affection, but he’ll act like its nothing
wants to rub it in his faces that you are his girlfriend, yes, but also he doesn’t want the teasing that comes with it. he knows for a fact that all his friends would bully him because he is SOFT FOR YOUUU and he’s also just a generally private person
you respect this and like it’s fine woo yeah okay it’s nice being the only one that sees the side of him that’s all soft and cute and affectionate
i can’t really see the two of you slipping up unless it’s influenced by a lot of emotions
where do these emotions come from? you might ask
his kidnapping.
you were a mess, but it was lowkey, real lowkey. and unlike the others you do not support trying to save katsuki on their own, trusting the heroes to do their job is the way to go.
so you don’t go with them. the next time you see your lovely boyfriend is when he’s giving kirishima money
so naturally, consumed by all the fear and panic you felt while he was gone, you kiss him!
and he kisses you back and its really soft and oh-
what a shame the whOLE CLASS IS THERE 
everyone is really confused, but they’re happy because they think that the two of you finally addressed the clear tension between the two of you, all it took was a lil kidnapping
except then you pull apart, completely disregarding them, your hands on his face, “baby are you okay?”
you don’t call someone you haven’t kissed before baby
then it clicks for the rest of the class
so much yelling
oh god have fun with that one
the bakusquad is yelling at him for not telling him, the dekusquad is scolding you for not telling them, there’s just a lot of questionable things
katsuki will get SO FLUSTERED because this is not what we wanted
at least the attention was off of his kidnapping now
maybe that was your goal idk 👀
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Katsuki really wished everyone would shut up about his kidnapping, it wasn’t something he wanted to think about right now, or ever if he was honest. So much had happened in the past few days and he was still struggling to process all of it, and the disgustingly warm welcome he’d received to the dorms wasn’t helping. It was gross. 
He’d shoved cash into Kirishima’s hand, rolling his eyes when he began to panic at the possibility that he’d taken it from Denki, shutting down the idea almost immediately.
And then he saw her.
Y/N was shoving past everyone and heading to him, and he couldn’t help the relief he felt when he saw her. Katsuki was grateful she hadn’t been involved in the little escape plan Deku had hatched out, but seeing her made him feel calmer than even as she practically tackled him, hands coming to his cheeks as she brought him into a kiss.
Their lips molded together perfectly, his hands coming to her sides and holding her like he’d never let go as her hands gripped his face rather harshly. It would have been the perfect moment, had the rest of his class not been there. 
Y/N seemed to disregard this as she pulled apart, eyes darting across his figure as his brows furrowed at her clear distress. “Calm down, idiot.” His cheeks are turning red as he realizes that everyone is staring, but he can’t help but focus his attention on her as he feels a wave of relaxation wash over him as she begins to run her hands all over him in search of injuries.
“Oh, I’m sorry, for caring about your wellbeing.” She grumbled, wrapping her arms tightly around his torso when her hands left his face. “Baby, you scared me.” His arms wrapped around her shoulders securely, as he rolled his eyes, though Katsuki wouldn’t deny he was appreciating all the attention she was giving him, he was beginning to feel embarrassed as he allowed her to hold onto him.
As if the kiss hadn’t been enough to astonish the rest of their class, the pet name simply amplified their shocked as they all cried out, “baby?” Kirishima had exchanged looks with Mina, who looked equally confused before returning their gaze to Katsuki, a look of betrayal evident on both their faces.
Stupid barbarians. “SHUT UP EXTRAS!” Katsuki exclaimed, holding Y/N tighter to his chest as his cheeks flushed red, he could hear her laugh against his chest. “Can’t a guy hug his girlfriend in peace.” 
He was grateful for the subject change, though he didn’t appreciate the fact that his relationship had been exposed, until he looked back to Y/N, who beamed at him. 
If she was happy then it was fine he supposed. 
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this one will probably have the funniest reaction
you did not just kiss him, in front of all these people, was that a joke?
i think he’s the only one you wouldn’t already be in a relationship with, purely because this is just 10x funnier
so ever since the two of you first started hanging, there have been people criticizing you for befriending him at all, because of his quirk, they just cannot believe that the Y/N L/N is hanging out with Shinsou Hitoshi
but also, ever since the two of you started hanging out, the bullying has lessened immensely, most because you threatened everyone it was really subtle, but they got the message
nobody screws with Y/N L/N
anyways, you two are probably hanging out again, and it’s been a while since you got one of those comments, which is the main reason this one sets you off.
“quit hanging out with that freak L/N, he’s gonna ruin your chances at becoming a pro.” 
shinsou was used to this, and your violent reactions, so he immediately brought a hand to your arm to ensure you didn’t commit a murder, shaking his head at you
you turn back to him, and you’re lowkey glaring at him before turning your piercing eyes back to the other guys
and without breaking eye contact with them, you grab Shinsou’s face, earning stares from everywhere in the cafeteria, and then kiss him
shinsou is shocked
you killed him.
he did not anticipate this um, you kinda caught him by surprise with this one, he genuinely did not think it was possible for you to feel this way for him
when you pull away, the kiss is almost like magic
you don’t mess with Y/N’s friends, much less their boyfriend
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When Y/N beams up at Shinsou, he can’t help the way his heart skips a beat. It’s ridiculous, he knows this, and he hates that he can’t prevent it. Shinsou is no fool, he knows Y/N L/N, a UA student that could potentially be a member of the Top Ten heroes in the future, would never like him. He wouldn’t be shocked if she befriended him entirely out of pity, given how students used to treat him prior to their unlikely friendship. She’d weaseled her way into his life, despite his attempts to avoid her, ignore her, and even tell her off, she’d stuck around. 
And yes, Shinsou had made the mistake of liking her. On days like this, he’d entertain the possibility that Y/N liked him back, because sometimes she hugged him for longer than average friends did, or maybe she’d press a kiss to his cheek, or even hold his hands.
That was probably just something best friends did.
“Hitoshi! Don’t you know what this means?” She exclaimed, hands finding their way onto his shoulders in the middle of the cafeteria.
Yes, she used his first name.
Shinsou rolled his eyes, trying to keep himself from getting flustered purely because her hands were on him, “Y/N it’s not a big deal, and besides-”
“We’re going to be in the same class!” Her hands move from his shoulders to around them as she pulls him into a hug, “I’m so proud of you.”
He’s shocked that she’s saying these things, and its clear she has more confidence in him than he does. Aizawa had offered him daily training to get him onto the same level as the other Class 1-A students, and he’d be joining them the next semester, assuming everything went well. “It’s no guarantee.” He mumbles, wrapping his arms around her torso.
Shinsou felt Y/N swat his back as she pulled away slightly, much to his dismay, “you’re so talented! Of course, he’s gonna let you in.” 
She sounded so sure, and Shinsou felt his heart swell with pride. 
He moves to speak, only to be interrupted by a passerby, “L/N. Come on, quit hanging out with that freak.” Y/N recognized him, James, he’d bothered Shinsou before, and he’d tried to get Y/N to stop hanging out with Shinsou and been unsuccessful. “He’s just gonna ruin your chances at becoming a pro.”
Y/N pulls away slightly from Shinsou, her brows are furrowed as she moves to confront him, only for Shinsou to grab her arm, shaking his head. “Don’t.”
Turning to glare at the guy, Y/N scoffed, “is this because I rejected you?” 
“He asked you out?” Shinsou asked, but Y/N gave him a look that said they’d discuss it later. She could remember the day vividly, he’d asked shortly after she returned from hanging out with Shinsou, telling her she could do so much better, and so much better meant him. 
She disagreed. And now Y/N couldn’t help but feel bothered as their argument begins to draw attention from others within the cafeteria, she can see in the corner of her eye that Izuku has come to a stand. Though Iida is grasping his shoulder to try and prevent him from doing anything irrational, they all knew Y/N could stand on her own. 
James scoffed at her words, “you probably rejected me because he made you.” The implications were dark, the idea that Shinsou had forced Y/N to befriend him and reject James, though he’d never used his quirk on her and swore he never would. 
Shinsou found himself releasing Y/N’s arm, taking a step backwards as he sighed, only for her to grab his hand and yank him closer before taking his face in her hands and kissing him.
She was kissing him.
Shinsou’s mind empties as Y/N pulls away, turning back to James as she says, “my boyfriend doesn’t need to make me do anything.” And the boy practically stomps off in frustration, grumbling about Shinsou’s stupid quirk or something of that sort. Not that either of them are paying attention as Y/n brings a hand to the back of her neck awkwardly, searching her mind for an explanation.
“Boyfriend?” His voice is soft, small, and he knows there are other people in the cafeteria but he can’t bring himself to care about their stares. 
Y/N turns to him, and she feels her cheeks warm as she tries to avoid his eyes, “well. Only if you want to-”
“I want to.” Shinsou replies too quickly, his cheeks flushing.
Y/N nods, “cool.” 
Izuku can’t help but beam as he watches the interaction, hitting Iida’s arm repetitvely as as he exclaims, “does this mean I’ll be able to study his quirk more?”
Tsu just sighs, “this means we don’t have to listen to her pining anymore.” 
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probably the most relaxed about it, not flustered at all, you tried thoughh
your relationship isn’t really a secret, it’s just that neither of you are that into PDA. 
there will be occasional cuddling on the common room couch of the dorms during movie night, but that’s seen as normal to the rest of Class 1-A. during dates, there will be hand holding, a kiss on the cheek, an arm around the shoulder, otherwise most of the intimacy is reserved for your rooms
this lack of PDA is why class 1-A was completely unaware that the two of you were dating, 
though you hadn’t tried to hide it, you also hadn’t made it entirely public, you also lowkey thought everyone knew.
mostly because it was so blatantly obvious that shoto was in love with you, but the entire class thought he was unaware of his own feelings and you were just oblivious 
oh how wrong they were
you come into class one day and you see shoto and you’re just like lol hi babe and you kiss him, he kisses back, LIKE IT IS THE MOST NORMAL THING
he’s temporarily caught off guard because like i said you two don’t really do PDA, but he digs it, 10/10 would kiss you again in front of everyone, mostly because after all of the CHAOS that this kiss causes, the other boys in the class stop blatantly flirting with you
speaking of chaos
the class erupts into PURE CHAOS
so much yelling and screaming, they are so confused, have fun explaining that one
shoto is equally confused as to why they are confused and you’re just laughing because you knew this would mess with their heads. he ends up getting a little flustered by all the sudden attention the two of you are getting, but maintains his apathetic attitude.
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Shoto places his bag beside his desk before pulling his things out one by one to place them onto the desk along with the small cup of coffee. Shoto wasn’t really the coffee type himself, he preferred tea, Y/N on the other hand had an obsession if he was honest. Of course, he enabled this obsession, he liked being the one to bring a smile onto her face. 
Yeah, he was whipped.
He could tell when Y/N entered the room because the atmosphere seemed to change entirely, she seemed to brighten everyone’s mood despite how early it was. Greeting their other classmates, she began to move towards him, seeing that he was holding a cup of coffee, Y/N raised a brow. “You drink coffee now?” She asked as she placed her things down. 
Shaking his head, Shoto extended the hand with the cup of coffee towards him, “it’s for you.” He explained, small smile on his face.
The rest of their classmates watched the interaction, Kirishima punching Kaminari’s arm as he exclaimed, “so manly!”
Bakugou scoffed from beside the both of them, “if he was really manly then maybe he’d actually ask her out.” Crossing his arms, he averts his eyes from the two, finding the class’s obsession with their relationship a tad ridiculous. Though everyone seemed to be at least slightly invested in the potential outcome at this point. 
“Whatever, Bakugo.” Mina says, “L/N has the prettiest boy in class wrapped around her finger- ugh! I want someone to love me like that.” She places her head in her hand, brows furrowing as she stares at the two. Y/N is smiling widely at Shoto, who returns her smile with one of his own. 
And then Y/N kisses him. As though this is an everyday thing. 
Mina practically jumps out her seat, and though Bakugo would never admit it, his mouth gaped open in shock as she cried out, “did you two just kiss?!”
Shoto’s cheeks are red as they pull away, though his face remains apathetic as he looks to the ground and Y/N replies, “can I not kiss my boyfriend?” She tilts her head in confusion, laughing slightly at the outburst and the clear shock in everyone’s faces. 
“Boyfriend?” Hagaruke cried out. “Why didn’t you tell us?!”
Y/N’s brows furrows as she looks to the rest of the astonished class, “did you guys seriously not know? I thought we were obvious, I literally call him by his first name-”
“We thought that was because you two were madly in love with each other but neither could confess!” Momo exclaimed suddenly, her cheeks flaming red at her outburst as she slaps a hand over her mouth.
Mina simply nods in agreement, “exactly! But now he’s buying you coffee and-”
Shoto shakes his head in confusion, “I often buy her coffee, normally she finishes it before we get to class.” He looks to Y/N, a small frown on her face, “today she woke up too late for me to walk her to school so I couldn’t give it to her then-”
“You’re so manly, Todoroki!” Kirishima exclaims, though Shoto simply looks at him in confusion as he removes his hand from Y/N’s waist. 
Shrugging, he takes a seat at his desk and Y/N speaks once more, “I just don’t understand how you guys didn’t know.” Standing beside him as he organizes his things while seated, Y/N runs a hand through his hair, and Shoto’s cheeks seemed to redden once more.
“You guys aren’t normally so touchy!” Uraraka has joined the conversation, shock clear in her features. 
Shoto nods in agreement,  “your behavior today is abnormal, Y/N.”
Now Y/N can feel her cheeks warm as she removes her hand and takes a seat t her desk, “you guys are weird.”
Izuku simply sighs, deflating almost as he watches the interaction and leans over towards Iida, “now I owe Kacchan money.” 
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Good Girl, Bad Boy (Pt. 10 of 15)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.3 K
Summary: You're the extreme opposite of Billy Hargrove. The good girl, with perfect grades, the child every mother wants to have. And you don't want to have nothing to do with his kind. Ignoring Billy – and his constant, lingering stare – became an habit. But after you're put together for a special school program, you'll have no choice but to get along with him. And soon enough you'll find out that Billy is so much more than just Hawkins' bad boy.
<-Previous part (09)
Next part (11) ->
A/N: This part was inspired on the song Treacherous by Taylor Swift
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
You can't believe you let Billy convince you into this. These parties were never your thing. They usually happen during the week, and on the next day, you can see the effects on those who went. Today is Saturday, but even so.
Maybe it was Billy's intense stare, or how he smiled and caressed your cheek as he asked you to go with him... Or how he said he wouldn't go without you because there would be no point.
Sighing, you look at yourself in the mirror, blushing at the memories. Your hair is styled with some waves, and they flow down your shoulders. The dress you choose is tight, perfectly hugging your body. Not too tight though, as the dresses Stacy and her friends wear. It's decent and delicate, pink and black... And you wonder if Billy will like it.
“(Y/N), Billy is here!” Your mother yells and you sigh, fixing your hair and leaving the bathroom.
Once you put the high heels on, you take your purse and go downstairs. Billy is seated on the couch, but his eyes find you immediately, and he stands up. “Hey.” You mutter, walking over a very weird Billy. He has his mouth half-open, eyes scanning your body. “Have you lost something?” Trying to keep the sassy tone, you cross your arms, heat spreading through your cheeks.
“I just never saw you on a dress before and...” He sighs, eyes meeting yours and a smirk coming to his lips. “You're stunning.”
Biting your lip, you look down, taking in the leather jacket and the red shirt underneath, which has a lot of buttons left open. “You look good too.” You mutter, running a hand through your hair. “Shall we go?”
“Sure.” Nodding, you start walking to the front door.
“(Y/N).” Your mother calls, and when you turn around, she's standing by the kitchen door frame. “Be back by ten, alright?”
Silently, you nod before waving and walking out.
The ride to the party is filled with small talk. Billy keeps stealing glances, a small smile that never leaves his lips.
Once you get there, a house you don't even know who lives in, you raise your eyebrows as you walk in. The music is loud, but the people are louder. The place is crowded, and you wouldn't want to be the one to clean this place after.
“So, what do you think?” Billy asks, mouth close to your ear.
“It's very loud!” You tell him, and someone bumps on you, making your shoulder collapse on his chest.
Billy gives someone a hard stare before looking down at you. “Wanna dance?”
“Come.” He takes your hand, guiding you to the living room, which has the furniture all moved, creating an open space. There are a lot of people here already, but they move aside for Billy. A lot of eyes lay on you, but you ignore them. “I don't even know if you can dance, pretty girl.”
“Oh, I do.” Smirking at him, you wrap your arms around his neck, and start moving.
Billy raises his eyebrows, clearly impressed as his hands encircle your waist. You're very, very close, and you can feel all of his body. Your cheeks burn, the proximity making the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. The heels do make you closer to his lips, but still, he'd have to bend down to kiss you.
Kissing Billy Hargrove. You never thought you'd want to do such thing.
But here you are now, dancing with him, spinning around and colliding your back against his chest as his arms hold you close, moving to the hectic beat. And it's perfect, amazing. Not because of the party, but because of him. You want to be like this forever, in his arms.
“You? Here?” The voice, very familiar breaks through your stupor, and you come back to Earth. Steve raises an eyebrow, purposely ignoring the man holding you. “I could never convince you to come to these parties. Not even when we were dating.”
Billy gets tense behind you, arms holding you a bit tighter. “Well, that was because I never had a good reason to come. Now I do.” Shrugging your shoulders, you gesture at Billy. “Where's your girl?”
“Bathroom.” He says, looking around. “There she is. Gotta go.” He steps away, but stops suddenly, eyes focusing on Billy for the first time. “You try anything with her I–”
“Steve, go.” Cutting him off, you speak up. “I'll be alright, Billy treats me well.”
“He better do.” With one last angry stare, Steve walks away, and you breathe out, relieved.
“I'll get you something to drink,” Billy says, letting go of you. You turn around, giving him a look. “A soda. Just soda.” Smiling, he raises both hands in defeat. “I know you well, pretty girl.”
“Alright. I'll check the backyard.”
“I'll meet you there,” Billy says and you nod, starting to make your way through the people.
The backyard isn't empty, but it's not crowded as the house is. Blame it on the cold. It's freezing, and you wish you had brought a jacket. The yard is cute though. A single three and some wooden tables scattered around. There's a bench under the tree, so you sit there bracing yourself and rubbing your arms.
“Hi.” Someone says, and you find Tyler coming to join you on the bench. “You look absolutely amazing.”
“Thanks.” His tone sounds weird, and you move away from him a little.
“People didn't use to notice you, but they sure are now. And God, you're so beautiful.” He says, and you give him a confused glance. Why is he saying this? “How did you manage to stay invisible for so long?”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you shrug your shoulders. “Because I'm not the type of girl guys like you pay attention to. And now that I'm with Billy–"
“You're with Billy?” He cuts you off, eyes following a small group of people walking by. “Is it official?”
“Mmm... We're... We're hanging out.”
“There's a big difference, see...” Tyler moves closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You immediately shake his hand away, but he keeps it on the backrest of the bench. “Because if you're with Billy, your off-limits. And if you're not... Well, I can have a shot with you.” Tyler run his fingers through your shoulder, all the way to the back of your neck. So you get up, not even trying to seem polite.
“I'm not interested, Tyler.” Bracing yourself from the cold, you look down at him.
“Look, you know Billy won't keep you. Save yourself a broken heart.”
“(Y/N),” Billy calls and you thank the heavens. Turning around, you find Billy coming your way. “Tyler.” He says in a weird, plain tone.
“Here.” He hands you over the can of soda, eyebrows furrowed. “Everything alright?”
“Sure,” Tyler speaks before you can, a humorless laugh escaping his lips.
“Wasn't talking to you.” He snaps, eyes coming to look at you.
“I'm fine.” With a half-smile, you tell him, craking the can open and taking a sip.
“Mmm.” Billy mumbers, and you can read the question in his eyes. “Here.” He says at the same time he starts taking his jacket off. “You're cold.”
“I'm not, really.” You protest, but he puts the jacket around your shoulders anyway. “I mean it, B. You'll be cold.”
“I'm alright.” He assures you. “And come. Let's get out of here.” Without giving Tyler a second glance, Billy guides you away, and you don't even try to resist.
You thought he was driving you home, but instead, he took you to a snack bar, where he bought you ice cream. And here, leaning against his car in the almost empty parking lot, you're having more fun than you were back at the party. The night is a bit cold, but the sensation Billy brings out makes you warm.
“Did Tyler say anything?” He asks, putting his empty plastic ice cream cup on the hood of his car.
“No, just... He said I'm pretty, that you'll break my heart so I should give him a chance.” Shrugging your shoulders, you look down, putting your cup next to his before pushing yourself up, sitting on the hood of his Camaro. “But don't mind him. Nobody else knows what happens between us.”
“I won't break your heart. I'm scared you will break mine.” Billy says, a nervous giggle leaving his lips. “(Y/N), I...” He comes closer, his hand, on the hood, touching your leg. Then you fold a leg under yourself, your body leaning closer to him. It happens involuntary, as a need you have you didn't even know was there. “I use to act and think and feel like I was unbreakable. But you... You made me weak.” It comes out as a plead, and Billy ends the little distance between you two. His face is too close, and his blue eyes are everything you see as his hand comes to caress your cheek. “I'm completely at your mercy. I'll do anything you say”
You've never been this close to Billy. And yet, you want more. The whole world is out of focus, and even the gravity is too much. Your heart needs him, it wants him. “Put your lips close to mine...” Your voice is barely a whisper, as your mind tries to win the fight over your heart. You'd be smart to walk away, but Billy is quicksand. He pulls you in. His kindness, gentleness... His touch, his voice, his eyes... Every single thing draws you closer. “As long as they don't touch...”
“I'm in love with you,” Billy says, eyes never leaving yours. “I've been since I saw you for the first time but it only got stronger. When we're close, I want to kiss you, and touch you and look at you... And when I see you walking away all I can hear is the sound of my own voice asking you to stay.”
A smile takes over your lips. He's confessing it, he's saying it with all the words. Billy's heart is open... And he loves you. “Everyone warns me about you. They tell me not to fall for the bad boy and sometimes it scares me but... Your name has echoed through my mind and I just think you should know.” Holding on the collar of his shirt, just to make sure he'll stay close, you look at his lips. “But nothing safe is worth the drive so...”
“(Y/N)...” He says, begs, pleads.
“This path is reckless... Treacherous... But I like it.”
And it's settled. You want him. And when Billy loses control, when he kisses you, you surrender. His lips taste like ice cream at first, but soon after all you can taste is him. And it's amazing, indescribable, inebriating. You've never kissed someone like that, you never wanted to kiss someone like that, and now you know why.
You've been waiting to kiss Billy all along.
And when you have to pull away, he holds you close, forehead touching as you both catch your breathes. The silence that follows isn't uncomfortable. It's the silence of two people in love enjoying each other's company.
“So...” Billy says after a while, his thumb caressing your lower lip. “I believe we're dating now.”
The different tone makes you laugh, playfully pushing him away and jumping off the hood. “What makes you think that?”
“A good girl like you wouldn't kiss someone she's not dating.”
“I'll make an exception for you...” With a smirk, you open the passenger door. “We can go back to the party if you want.”
“No way. I'm taking you home.” Billy gestures for you to get inside, closing the door for you.
“Are you for real?” You ask as he starts the car.
“You know my mother isn't home, right? She wouldn't even know.” Putting the seat belt on, you look at Billy. He has a smile on. The kind of smile you've never seen before.
“No, I want to make things right this time.” He glances at you, and your eyes fall on his lips, making you want to kiss him again.
Blushing, you nod, looking at the road ahead. “Alright.”
On the ride home, you listen to some music. And as he speeds through the streets, you sing out loud. Some people look with an angry face, eyebrows furrowed, but it only makes you sing louder. You're happy, like you never felt before.
The song is only turned off when he stops by your house, and you step out of the car. Billy walks you to your front door, and you stop there, turning to face him.
“I had fun tonight.” You tell him, a hand on the door handle, but with no intention of going inside.
“So did I.” He mutters in a low voice, stepping closer. Despite the high heels, he's still taller, so you raise your head to look at him. The darkness hides you both from curious eyes, and it makes you brave enough to move closer, holding on to his shirt.
“You know that if I cross the door with this jacket I won't give it back anymore, right?” You whisper, a smile on your lips.
“Take it, it's yours.” He whispers back, a hand caressing your cheek. “The jacket... My heart...” And he kisses you again, slowly, allowing you to feel the warmth of his lips and mouth against the cold of the night.
But he pulls away too soon, and you sigh. “What?”
“It's past ten, pretty girl. Get inside.” He places a kiss on your forehead, reaching behind you and pushing the door open. “See you tomorrow at school.”
“Good night, B.” Smiling, you turn around and step inside, but the door remains open until his car disappears down the street.
@multific @tina1938 @graciehams @moatsnow @all-the-stars-on-your-skin @captain039 @rebelemilu @theodore-likes-frogs @prettyinpunk85 @taisab02 @pascal-rascal424 @aleksanderblack @gruffle1
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writingbywatson · 3 years
Genshin Boys With A Dense Crush (Part 2)
Here is part 2~ so, the reason why I didn't include Bennett and Razor is the fact that I can never write for them, like IDK why but its just very hard for me. So yeah, sorry about that. Part 1 (Albedo, Childe and Diluc)
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Dense + Dense = more dense
It was painfully obvious that Chongyun likes you but for some reason, he can’t quite figure that out for himself
But everyone around them knows
Xingqiu is actually on the road to writing a book about the two of you
Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao, and Yan Fei are betting on how long until Chongyun realizes his feelings
Chongyun doesn’t know why he likes to see you every day, wants to have meals with you, and why he gets uncomfortable when he sees you with another person and smiling at them
Maybe it was the work of g-
“Oh I like them” -Chongyun one day when he woke up
He consulted his best friend Xingqiu about this and Xingqiu just placed his books down and said “dear archons finally, it was getting very painful to watch”
So the two started planning a cute little confession scenario
Somewhere Xinyan and Yan Fei are crying because they lost the best but Yan Fei is arguing that betting was illegal and has no ground in the law… Yan Fei, you betted with your conscience please stop
The pair of best friends decided to go with a simple type of confession because less is more in Xingqiu’s books
It was going so well, a cute dinner and all of that
“I like you Y/N, can we be more than that?”
Oh is that Xingqiu, Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao, and Yan Fei spying on both of you from the bushes? Why, yes indeed.
“You want to be best friends Chongyun? But don’t you have Xingqiu as your best friend already?” - you with your ever so innocent voice and expression
Chongyun is frozen in place
Xingqiu, Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao and Yan Fei are betting again this time how many times will Chongyun get a friendzone
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Someone revive him
He can’t take your dense nature anymore
This is Kaeya after all everything he does allude to something so WHY WON'T YOU GET IT STILL
“Oh, Kaeya? You like someone!? Can you introduce me to them?” - you asking excitedly upon hearing his and Rosaria’s conversation
Kaeya was pretty sure he was describing you
Rosaria is holding back her laugh, she can't breathe… SOMEONE SAVE HER
“I love them but this dense attitude is too much!” - Kaeya as he slams his fist on top of Diluc’s bar
“Have you tried wooing them?” - Diluc as his wiping a glass down, he's so nonchalant about this situation LMAO
“HAVE I TRIED?” - Kaeya sounding very offended
“How about getting a white bed sheet and painting “will you marry me Y/N” on it?” - Rosaria
“Yeah, they leave me no ch-”
“Sit down, don’t embarrass yourself like a child” - Diluc pushing his brother down to sit
“Just confess, normally… like… a normal person” - Diluc
Kaeya decided that in two days time he was going to confess to you, two days because he needed to make sure it was perfect
But the moment he saw you laughing with some random guy all the planning was thrown out the window
“Meet me in front of the church when the sun rises” - Kaeya to you when he passes by you at the corridor of the headquarters
When you arrived, he made you stand at the flight of stairs in front of the church while he went down
He kneeled with his right knee touching the ground and he pulled a very neatly folded white sheet from his pocket
He unraveled it and wrote, “WILL YOU MARRY ME Y/N?”
But even before you can react a thunderous shouting can be heard and a chuckle
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I’m going to try but still little info on this new pyro husband
Thoma is a very understanding boy
He likes you so much that he's willing to wait
But damn has he been waiting long
He decided he was going to confess to you today as well!
“Y/N! I like you!” - Thoma
“I like you too! You are like my best friend!” - you
Every time this happens Thoma stress eats.
Ayaka is giggling because he has never seen her friend like this
He's trying his best for you to like him, he cooks for you, takes care of you, guards you, protects you…
“You know the festival is ongoing” -Ayato as he watches his sister’s friend mop around like a puppy who has been kicked. “Why don’t you try confessing properly and straight-forwardly there?”
That gave him an idea
He dragged to the talisman-wishing thing and told you that you two should make one
When the both of you were done, you should each other what you made and to your surprise, Thoma made a drawing of the both of you holding hands
“It’s not us being best friends forever” - he clarified
“It’s me hoping to spend many more years beside you as your lover.”
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Barbatos aka Venti the Bard has been singing a lot of love songs lately
Especially when you were in the audience watching
He always likes your smile especially when you were watching him
So when the two of you were strolling around near the church of Monstad
He decided that he was going to confess today
Years of being alone and he finally get what Vanessa told him about meeting the right person
“Y/N, I love you-”
“Aww, Venti, I love you too!”
“Really?!” - Venti very excitedly
“Yeah! I love you as a friend! We’re like besties!”
Dvalin felt that
Andrius felt that
Hell even Vanessa felt that from Celestia
“Oh I got to go, bestie, I have something to do! See you tomorrow!”
Lately, the winds of Monstad have been depressing?
“I don’t understand! I thought they liked me back!” Venti his chugging his alcohol while Diluc looked at him in irritation
Diluc wants to kick him out but Venti is Monstad’s archon so he decided against it
“Venti! There you are!” - you
Venti hears your voice and because his drunk his happy instead of upset
He throws himself at you in an attempt of a sloppy hug
“Y/N! I love you~”
“I love you too, we are fr-”
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When Xiao first had these feelings he was confused
He lived a long life and this was the first time in his life where when he sees someone his chest becomes constricted and warm
“Xiao! Do you like traveler!?” - you excitedly
Xiao felt a tightening in his chest not that good type but am i being stab right now type of tightening
His answer would usually be along the lines of no and he can’t have relationships with mortals
He usually has a lot more patience with you compared to others but hearing you say that he looks good with someone else just made something in him snap
He didn’t mean to shout at you nor did he mean it when he said you should leave him alone
That’s why he's waiting for you at Wangshun Inn, his loneliness grew into worry when after 2 days you weren’t back yet
Upon eavesdropping around he also found out that no one has seen you and your last known location was Mt. Hulao and he immediately began to worry because that place was prohibited to humans
“Are you looking for someone?” - Mountain Sharper appeared behind Xiao as he reached the top of Mt. Hulao. “Are you looking for a mortal perhaps?”
“How did-”
“-That mortal is pretty noisy, they don’t stop talking and they know you.”
Oh, the warm feeling in his chest is back because they were talking about him which means that they weren’t angry at him!
“Where are they!?” Xiao would realize and I swear to you his ready to break every amber rock around Mt.Hulao
“Calm down, they are currently collecting Qingxin flowers”
Right on cue, “XIAO!? IS THAT YOU!?” he heard your voice from behind him, when he saw you, he immediately rushes to you and hugs you
“What are you doing here!?” Xiao would ask, his voice was raised only because of relief
“Oh, I got lost! And Moon Sharper here saw me, we ended up chatting and I guess I forgot the time, he shared so many stories about y- WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE THAT ARE YOU HURT!?”
“I’m alright… I just… I m-miss…”
Moon Sharper is just looking at this scene and he knows he's about to spill the hottest tea next time the adeptus (idk plural form okay) have a dinner party
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At first glance, it might look like that he isn’t affected at all
But internal his boiling
“You’ll make a great husband someday Xingqiu, I know it! Your future wife would be so happy!”
“I want you to be my wife though”
“What was that?”
He knows he needs to move so he can win your heart but how can he when you were dodging every advance he makes
What is more frustrating is that YOU ARE NOT EVEN DOING IT ON PURPOSE
As an author he wants to experience romance first hand, so he tries to be romantic about it but this was frustrating
He decided to pull his last technique from his sleeves
He lent you a very romantic book and between one of the pages he inserted a paper that read “I wish for you to be my muse.”
If that doesn’t work Xingqiu is going to ask you to fight him
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Zhongli, Rex Lapis aka Morax has lived thousands of years
Yet this is the first time he encountered someone so dense at first he taught you were just kidding and pretending but when he described what he likes in someone which was pertaining to you
You simply said “WOW THEY SOUND WONDERFUL AND YOU MUST REALLY LIKE THEM BECAUSE YOU SOUND SO IN LOVE” at his face with genuine awe, there was no sign of you being flustered and whatnot
Hu Tao was there to witness this and the younger female had a good laugh when she witnessed this
Zhongli is now praying to Guizhong for help and patience
He first wondered if the reason for such behavior was because you dislike him but it wasn’t the case because you would always smile when you see him
Which makes his knees very weak
In heaven, all the dead gods are laughing at him
He has lived for so many years and yet he doesn’t know what to do because he wants to spend years with you
But a part of him says this isn’t right because his an immortal and you were a mortal, someday him being a former god would drive an enigma in the future
That’s why he was also hesitating on his part
“Zhongli, look-look! A merchant from Monstad gave me a Cecilia!” - you snapping him from his thought, he's a tall man so you had to tip-toe to put the flower in his hair
“There you look even prettier now!” - you smiling up to him
As you were withdrawing your hand, Zhongli grabs it and places it in front of his lips
“I love you Y/N”
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Chaconne: Part 9 (Agatha Harkness x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: With the first concert of the season approaching, you continue working as the personal assistant of Maestra Agatha Harkness, while attempting to juggle your relationship and future in the process.
Word Count: 5K Words
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCfDtxcFoyM
A/N: Hello everyone! Welcome to Part 9 of Chaconne. One quick thing...I have decided to extend this story by just a few parts, I really don’t want to rush through the ending and there are a few more things I want to write haha. Anyways, I included a link to the first movement of Dvorak Symphony No. 9, and it’s briefly mentioned throughout the story so if you feel inclined feel free to listen. I really hope all of you are still enjoying the story, and that you enjoy Part 9! As always, please feel free to leave a comment and my asks/messages are open if you have any questions :)
Tag List: @annie-mit-ie​  @celasteria​  @danvers97​  @imthedoctorlove​  @mcfriggingonagall​  @meowsaidmissy​ @notsosecretlyalesbian​ @sarahp-stan​ @scarletwxtxh​ @scarletmeltstheice​ @shinkomiii​ @sxfwap​ @thestrangeundoing​ @teenwonder​ @upsidedowndanvers​  @venticalooks​  @vintagegoddess12​  @everythingmarvelsherlockspn​  @thoroughly--confused​
You weren’t sure how long you were frozen on stage, completely lost in your thoughts before the sound of Agatha’s heels came clicking from backstage. Just as you managed to clear your head of Wanda’s offer, the alluring scent of lavender invaded your senses. Even from a few feet away you could hear the conductor mumbling to herself about god knows what. As soon as she spotted you, however, the ramblings immediately stopped.
“Ah, there you are,” Agatha said, offering you a rare but genuine smile as she set her belongings down on the podium. “I see you set the stage.”
Nodding you motioned across the hall. “It didn’t take too long but I gave the winds extra room like you requested.”
The conductor nodded before curiously eyeing you. “Are you alright, dear? You seem distracted.”
Well you could tell her that her least favorite concert pianist had just suggested you move to Vienna. Or how Wanda was apparently aware that there was something going on between the two of you. A part of you did think it would be important to inform Agatha of that, but you also didn’t want to make the situation any worse than it already was.
You quickly nodded and gave her a reassuring smile. “I’m fine. Just a bit tired.”
Agatha’s eyes searched yours for a moment before nodding and turning her attention to her Dvorak score. A few minutes later, various MSO musicians arrived and began unpacking on and off stage. You eventually headed out to sit in one of the front rows, and you realized you never told Monica that she would be getting a new stand partner.
Luckily it didn’t take long for the violinist to enter the hall, followed closely by Jimmy and Darcy. Her face lit up when she saw you, and went to set her violin down in the row you were sitting in.
“Hey Y/N,” Monica greeted you brightly, before frowning when she noticed something was amiss. “Where’s your violin?”
“I...I’m not playing with the MSO anymore,” you explained quietly, watching Agatha berate the second chair oboist on stage for the way she tuned. “Hayward had blind auditions to fill the chair and I didn’t get it.”
“That’s whack,” Darcy immediately replied, causing Jimmy and Monica to glare at her. “What? It is.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Monica said sincerely. “You’re really talented, I hope you know that.”
“Yeah and it’s only one audition,”  Jimmy pointed out. “Hayward’s always been a bit hard headed when it comes to filling seats, especially if it’s someone he picked.”
“It’s okay,” you insisted. “And Monica you’ll be getting a new stand partner so I’m sure he’ll be really good.”
“Which one is he?” Darcy asked curiously as she scanned the hall.
You discreetly glanced around the room before you found him. He was already heading on stage, violin in hand. You hadn’t really paid him much mind before the audition, but now you seemed to notice every detail about him. The sure way he presented himself as he practically strutted up the stage. His rigid posture as he sat in his seat, as if that was a comfortable way to sit.
You motioned your head to the stage and Darcy let out a quiet snort. “Oh good. John Walker.”
Monica rolled her eyes at her friend. “You know this guy?”
“Of course I do,” Darcy replied. “I know everyone.”
“What’s his deal?” Jimmy asked curiously. “He seems a bit...”
“Like he has a stick up his ass?” Darcy guessed, and Jimmy laughed.
“I was going to say uptight, but sure.”
“Walker fancies himself to be a bit of a prodigy,” Darcy explained and shook her head. “He’s good, don’t get me wrong, but he’s not amazing. I played a few gigs with him last summer in the Hamptons and I dreaded every moment spent in his company.”
“I’m sure he’s not that bad,” Monica argued before giving you a sympathetic glance. “Sorry, Y/N.”
“You don’t have to apologize, I agree with you,” you reassured the violinist. “I’m going to go see if Ag- Maestra needs anything before rehearsal so I’ll see you guys later?”
Agatha was leaning against the podium, drinking her water when she saw you approach her. The conductor appeared exhausted again, and you made a mental note to make sure she went straight home after rehearsal.
“Is there anything you need me to do?”
Agatha handed you her spare Dvorak score. “I’ll need you to tell me how the sound projects through the hall. We’ll be running the first movement today and I need to make sure the opening cello theme is clear enough.”
“Right, and if something isn’t clear what do you want me to do?”
“Well you could always throw something at Dottie,” Agatha suggested. “That would certainly get my attention.”
“Very funny,” you deadpanned. “I’m being serious.”
“As was I, dear. Dottie needs to look up from her music more. Perhaps that would encourage her to do so,” Agatha replied nonchalantly before sighing at the look you gave her. “Fine. I’ll ask you at the end of the movement what your notes are.”
“You mean my notes on sound projection, right?”
Agatha shrugged. “Or any suggestions you have on how to improve different sections. I...” the conductor paused and glanced around the hall to make sure no one else was listening in. “I do value your opinion.”
Your felt your heart sing at those words, and it took everything in you to not grab the older woman and kiss her senseless. Instead you gave her a bright smile. “Well I suppose I can try really hard to come up with a few meaningful suggestions.”
Rolling her eyes at your words, Agatha shook her head. “Try not to make me regret my decision, dear. Take a seat a few rows back, I’ll be starting rehearsal soon.”
Sure enough, just as you took your seat Agatha had the orchestra tuning before instructing them to start at the beginning of the first movement of the Dvorak. You loved every movement of Dvorak Symphony No. 9, and while you adored the fourth movement, there was something quite special about the first. There was this beautiful building intensity that started in the strings before slowly rising to include the entire ensemble. It was passionate, colorful, and left you eager for more.
As much as you loved performing, and you did more than anything, you found yourself enjoying getting to observe the rehearsal from your seat in the audience. It allowed you to focus on so much more than when you would be sitting in the first violin section. Before you never saw how Jimmy appears to have his entire part memorized since he usually has his eyes locked on Agatha the entire time. Or how talented Darcy was. You knew she had to be a good percussionist to be subbing for the MSO, but she performed with so much energy you found it hard to tear your eyes away from her.
Then there was Agatha. The conductor appeared lost in the music as she mindlessly conducted, but you swore you never saw anything more beautiful. Every single time you had the privilege of watching her conduct you swore she kept finding new ways to draw you in. How someone could make the simple movements with a baton and her hand so enticing. She had so much energy in her while conducting, and the love she had for the music was so clear in her eyes. What was even more fascinating to you was how easily the rest of the orchestra seemed to follow her. All of her cues were perfect, and she never missed a downbeat. She was by far the best conductor you had ever seen and you would never tire of getting to see this side of her.
The movement progressed and you turned your attention to the first violin section. Monica was was entirely in her element, and you immediately felt a slight pang at not being next to her on stage. You had a few stand partners who had been lovely over the years but Monica was better than all of them combined. She was so precise in her playing, and her technique was absolutely flawless. But what made Monica so unique was how genuinely kind she was. A lot of violinists were so focused on their craft it didn’t matter who they stepped on to get their way, but it was clear Monica didn’t play by those rules.
As you felt your eyes wander, they landed on the new violinist. John Walker. He was...good. The egomaniac violinist inside of you wanted to argue that you were better, but you shoved those comments away. For one thing he used far too much bow on his tremolos, and you were worried he was going to send his bow flying across the stage with the way he was holding it. Then there was his posture, he sat so rigid in his seat. After a few moments, you realized you were sounding more and more like Agatha.
Tearing your eyes away from the first violin section, you wrote down a few notes on sound quality throughout the movement and forced yourself to stay focused. The movement progressed and you couldn’t help but note how good the orchestra was sounding. Granted Agatha ran them hard, but it was clearly paying off. They were good before, but they were finally playing with more of a purpose. Unfortunately, you didn’t think Agatha felt the same was. As soon as the final chord rang out, the conductor whipped her baton on her stand, and you could tell she was angry.
“I don’t know where to begin,” Agatha spat out as she flipped through her score. “That was the saddest attempt of Dvorak I have ever heard in all my years of conducting. I’ve worked with youth symphonies who sounded better than all of you combined.”
Personally you felt Agatha was exaggerating a tad, but you watched her continue to rant.
“Woo, your projection is eons better than before but I still need more,” Agatha called out to the winds section, and you saw Jimmy shoot up in his seat as the conductor called his name. From the percussion section, Darcy also appeared to notice Jimmy’s change in posture and she glanced over and shook her head at you.
“If the rest of you could play as well as Woo I doubt we would be having this conversation but alas,” Agatha sighed, before tapping her baton on the stand. “Flutes, I’m starting to wonder if all of you are deaf or just enjoy the sound of my voice berating you, because what the hell was that? Jones, all of your solos are splitting my brain open. Either work on your intonation and have it fixed by tomorrow morning or I’ll be moving you to second chair.”
Dottie slouched in her seat and you bit your lip. Agatha had lost her temper before during rehearsal but this was slowly starting to get worse.
“I don’t have to time to rerun all of this because we have the idi-Miss Maximoff joining us shortly, but please turn your attention to measure seventy-five,” Agatha instructed the ensemble, before turning her attention to the first violins. “First violins, I need this melody to be sweet and light as we begin, don’t give me too much too soon.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the new violinist raise his bow to ask a question. Oh good. That would definitely end well...Agatha continued rambling on about vibrato and tone, seemingly unaware of the violinist and a part of you hoped perhaps he would simply move on and ask the question later. But it appeared he was the persistent type as he cleared his throat to get the conductor’s attention. Although you were positive Agatha heard him, you were a few rows back and the sound was clear as day, she continued her rant, ignoring him completely. At this point the rest of the orchestra seemed aware of what was going on and everyone seemed to be waiting for Agatha to acknowledge him.
“Maestra? I had a question,” The violinist’s voice boomed through the hall, and you internally winced as you watched Agatha whip her head to look at him.
“Ah yes, our new addition,” Agatha said briefly, as she eyed the violinist. “John Walker, is it?”
He nodded. “I hate to interrupt Maestra-“
Agatha cut him off, appearing to grow more uninterested with every word that came out of his mouth. “Yet you still proceed to act like a privileged toddler to get my attention, so please, Walker, what is it?”
“I merely wanted to suggest a different approach to measure seventy-five,” John explained and he had far too much cockiness for your liking. “I know you feel it’s best to take a softer approach, I was always told to start with a bigger sound then slowly decrescendo. It’s just a suggestion.”
There was another pause as Agatha stared at the violinist with a calculating and cold stare. A part of you wondered if this would be the day she finally snapped and whipped her baton at someone. You had heard rumors of a betting pool the interns had on when Agatha would inevitably strangle someone for making her too angry. You had thought they were being a bit drastic at the time, but seeing the way she was looking at Walker was making you reconsider that.
“Thank you for sharing your very generous suggestions with us, Mr. Walker,” Agatha replied, and there was emphasis on the word suggestions. “I’m not sure if you are aware of where you are, but this is my orchestra.”
John frowned at that, and once again unwisely opened his mouth. “Maestra, I wasn’t attempting to overstep. I just thought I would offer my opinion on how to make the section stronger.”
“Ah yes, my mistake. I must have forgot when I asked for your opinion,” Agatha retorted. her temper appearing to grow more and more heated. “Would you like to offer any other suggestions, Walker? I’m positive the entire orchestra is simply dying to hear your words of wisdom.”
This time John remained silent, but you saw how darker his appearance grew at being called out in front of the entire orchestra. Agatha appeared satisfied by that and she tapped her baton against the stand again. “Lovely to see the newbie catching on. Measure seventy-five.”
The rehearsal of Dvorak continued to drag, and you marked a few notes for suggestions like Agatha had asked you to. You would occasionally check the clock, wondering when Wanda would be arriving since the orchestra was set to rehearse Rachmaninoff at 8:30 sharp. Eventually the doors to the hall opened, but instead of Wanda entering the room it was one of the interns Agatha hadn’t managed to scare away during her early reign of terror. The intern appeared nervous about something, who knows what, and they quickly sought you out.
“Y/N, you have to tell Maestra Harkness that Miss Maximoff won’t be attending rehearsal this evening,” the intern told you, and it looked like they were going to pass out from the fear of having to tell Agatha.
“Wanda’s not coming to rehearsal?” You asked curiously.
The intern quickly nodded. “She’s sick.”
Sick? You had just seen the pianist a couple hours ago and she appeared fine, but maybe she just came down with something. Giving the intern a small smile, you stood up. “I’ll tell Maestra, don’t worry.”
“Thank you,” the intern said sincerely. “I’m pretty sure if I tell her she’ll find a way to fire me.”
The intern hurried back out of the hall and you slowly made your way to the front of the stage, hoping Agatha would call for the orchestra to take a break so you could make your move. With there only being a few rehearsals left until opening night you knew the absence of a soloist would send the conductor over the edge. But hopefully her strong dislike of Wanda would lighten the blow. As if the two of you were telepathically connected, Agatha turned around as you approached the stage and signaled for the orchestra to stop.
“Let’s take ten,” Agatha instructed them. “Have Rachmaninoff ready by the time we come back.”
The musicians all but hurried off the stage, and said hello to the few you had gotten to know over the past few weeks. Darcy caught your eye as she walked down the stairs and motioned her head to where John Walker was standing by his case, rolling her eyes in the process. You swallowed the laughter that threatened to escape as you went to join Agatha on stage. It didn’t take the older woman long to realize something was wrong.
“If you’re going to say I was being too hard on Walker, don’t,” Agatha quietly warned you, and it was apparent she was still fuming.
“I need you to promise me that you’re not going to throw a temper tantrum after I tell you this,” you said, and your tone was light, but Agatha gave you a look.
“I do not throw temper tantrums,” the conductor hissed as you motioned for her to follow you backstage.
“Of course not, Maestra. Your outbursts are completely normal for a woman of your-“ you quickly paused as Agatha arched an eyebrow at you, clearly unamused.
“My what, darling?” Agatha questioned, giving you an unconvincing glare as you laughed.
“Your stature,” you corrected yourself.
“You’re on thin ice,” the conductor warned you. “I’m not sure I like how easily you tease me.”
“Coming from the woman who’s done nothing but tease me since we met I think it’s only fair,” you offered, and Agatha smirked. “But really, please don’t freak out.”
“If you don’t tell me what’s wrong I’ll have no choice but to tie you up and force the words out of you myself,” Agatha mused, causing you to blush, which made her smirk grow wider. “Ah, do you like the sound of that, darling?”
“The rest of the orchestra is only a few feet away,” you warned her as she took a step closer to you. “If our relationship is supposed to stay private wouldn’t it be a bit unwise to...”
“Oh no, dear, don’t stop using your words now,” Agatha practically purred, she closed the distance between you, lightly shoving you against the wall. “We’re just getting started.”
“Agatha, I really think maybe we should do this somewhere-“ you began to say, and you truly had every intention of trying to be the rational one here, but any remaining brain function you had left was erased as Agatha’s lips began trailing up your neck, occasionally stoping to nip at skin. “Agatha...”
“Now, what was it you wanted to tell me?” Agatha whispered against your ear, the warm air of her breath sending tingles down your spine. “Or do I need to encourage you a bit more?”
“I don’t know how you doing this is supposed to encourage me to talk,” you argued, and bit back a moan as the conductor bit down on your earlobe.
“I’m just trying to help, darling,” Agatha insisted, pulling you impossibly closer to her as you were pressed against the wall. “I can help even more if you would like.”
“Wanda’s not coming to rehearsal,” you finally managed to let out with a gasp, and Agatha paused her movements at that.
“Darling, I know I’m a bit distracted but I believe you just said the Sokovian dingbat won’t be at rehearsal,” Agatha said slowly, as if she was trying to wrap her brain around what you just said.
Unwrapping yourself from the conductor, you nodded, trying to gauge her reaction. “She’s sick so she won’t be in attendance today.”
Agatha scoffed, shaking her head at your words. “Wanda Maximoff doesn’t get sick and miss rehearsal. I was-I worked with her long enough to know that.”
“Well that’s what personnel told me, so I’m not sure what to tell you,” you said, and you found yourself stuck on what Agatha had almost said. What wasn’t she telling you?
The conductor took a moment to pull her phone out of her pocket and her frown deepened even more. “Oh for the love of...” Agatha trailed off before whipping her phone against the wall, shattering it in the process.
You jumped at the sound, but Agatha barely seemed to notice you as she was entirely too lost in her thoughts. “Agatha, what’s wrong?”
“Cancel the rest of rehearsal,” Agatha said dismissively as she straightened her sweater. “Those idiots are infuriating me far too much and without Wanda we won’t make any progress on the Rachmaninoff.”
Gaping at her, you took a moment to process what she said. “You’ve never cancelled rehearsal before. Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Now, Y/N. I have something I need to do,” Agatha said before storming out of the room, leaving you alone.
To say the MSO musicians were relieved Agatha had cancelled the remaining two hours of rehearsal would have been a vast understatement. You swore you never saw half of them move so quickly when you gave them the okay to leave. Since Agatha had apparently left for the day, you took the liberty of grabbing her belongings and dropped them off in her office on your way out. It wasn’t out of character for Agatha to lose her temper, you had grown used to her yelling and ranting. But her outburst backstage was unlike anything you had ever seen before. There was something the conductor wasn’t telling you, and while you had no idea what it was there was a sinking feeling in your chest that it had something to do with Wanda. Regardless of how curious, and anxious, you were over Agatha’s abrupt exit, you knew there was no good in worrying. She would tell you what was wrong...right?
It had been two days since you heard from Agatha. You received a call from management personnel early Saturday morning informing you that the conductor had cancelled all weekend rehearsals due to a stomach bug, which made you immediately go to call her until you remembered she left her shattered phone backstage. It wasn’t unusual for you to go a day without hearing from Agatha, the conductor valued her privacy and you respected her enough to give her what she needed. But after the practical smothering you had received from the older woman since the blind audition, it left you with a gut feeling that you had done something wrong.
What were the odds that Agatha was sick mere hours after storming out of rehearsal? They were slim, and it didn’t take a genius to tell you that. You had told Sam and Bucky what happened, and while they thought it was suspicious they also agreed that giving Agatha space would be the smartest move. Rationally speaking you knew that everything was fine, it just would have been nice to have received confirmation from the woman you were worrying so much about.
It had been a long time since you last had a Saturday off, so you spent your weekend watching Disney movies and napping while trying your best to keep your mind off Agatha. In fact you had been so distracted with the radio silence from the conductor that you almost forgot about Natasha Romanov and Vienna. The keyword being almost. You knew you needed to make a decision on if you were going to meet with the violinist, and you needed to make one soon. There was no guarantee Natasha would even choose you for her group, but still you found yourself imagining a world where you were performing in Vienna and finally getting to live your dreams. Only those dreams seemed somewhat bittersweet at the prospect of having them without Agatha. It was cliche being this attached this soon, but you couldn’t help it. You had never felt this strongly for anyone you dated before, there was something so different about Agatha that kept drawing you in.
Would it be fair to her if you moved to another continent when you were just starting your relationship? You knew she was concerned you would leave the Symphony after not getting the chair placement. While she had never directly told you, it was what made the most sense when considering her recent behavior. You didn’t want to leave her, you really didn’t. Agatha had given you so much while asking for nothing in return.
But the voice in your head asked if it was fair for you to stay somewhere you wouldn’t be happy. Would you grow to resent your job, or Agatha by association by remaining on as her assistant? Sam had been right when he said there were other jobs in New York City, but you knew nothing here would compare to the Manhattan Symphony Orchestra. While quitting would allow the two of you to date publicly, maybe, it would also ruin any chance you still had of hoping to join the MSO. Was that something you were willing to sacrifice? You had a lot you needed to consider, you just wished Agatha was there to help you.
Monday morning came far too quickly for your liking. You were anxious to see Agatha, to make sure she was okay, but you also had to make up your mind on whether to meet with Natasha Romanov. Wanda had sent you a polite, but short, email late Sunday night asking if you made a decision or not. You were still just as torn as you had been all weekend, and sadly this was a decision only you could make for yourself. As you exited the coffee shop, you were slightly surprised to see Agatha’s car waiting for you. The rear window was rolled down and Agatha had her gaze fixated on yours. Giving her a small smile, you approached the car while balancing both coffees.
“Good morning Maestra. Fancy seeing you here.”
Agatha rolled her eyes before helping open the door. “Yes yes, good morning dear. Please hurry up and get in before I have Hank leave without you.”
“You’re in a mood today,” you said lightly after making yourself comfortable in the vehicle. “Rough weekend?”
Agatha grimaced at your choice of words before shrugging. “Oh it was fine. A lot better since I didn’t have to hear those morons butcher Dvorak on Saturday.”
You gave her a look as you motioned to your coffee. “Oh right, your stomach bug? Maybe this won’t sit well then, should I give it to Hank?”
The conductor all but snatched the coffee out of your hands, glaring at you. “Funny, as always darling. I’m feeling much better now.”
So she was sticking with the sick story. As much as you wanted to press and find out why she stormed out of rehearsal so suddenly, you thought it best to not start a possible argument this early in the morning. Besides, Agatha wouldn’t lie to you, right?
You decided to take the safe approach. “Well I should probably keep my distance in case you’re still contagious. Wouldn’t want to catch anything.”
“If that’s what you think best, dear,” Agatha replied. “I would hate to get you sick.”
That’s how things remained the rest of the day. Agatha was clearly not over whatever upset her on Friday, and it appeared she wasn’t willing to share her troubles with you. So you did what you did best, and ignored the persistent voice begging you to talk to her. You busied yourself with various tasks both in and out of the conductor’s office. Opening night was in two weeks and there was much to do still. Even though Agatha had promised to be nicer to the interns, it appeared her generosity had run out as you began counting the number of crying individuals sent running from her office since lunch. Her mood was only growing more and more unstable as the hours passed, and even you found being in her company to be slightly unbearable. Agatha was clearly stressed, and you understood she was under a lot of pressure, you just wish she thought of healthier outlets to relieve it.
Towards the end of the day you received yet another polite, yet persistent email from Wanda and you knew the time had come. On one hand you wanted to ask Agatha’s opinion on the potential job, for you valued her opinion over anyone else’s. But the fear of a fight, especially over something involving Wanda, was enough to make you realize now was not the right time to bring up a potential move to Vienna. Plus you were only meeting with Natasha, it wasn’t like she was going to offer you a job on sight. There would be little to no harm in setting up a meeting. Then you could talk to Agatha.
Satisfied with your decision, you sent a quick reply to Wanda stating you would be interested in meeting with Natasha before heading back to Agatha’s office. Hopefully the conductor had enough time to cool down to consider leaving work within the next few hours. However, when you opened the door you were surprised to find her hunched over her desk, eyes locked on her laptop. She didn’t appear to hear you enter, and a part of you wondered if you should leave and come back later. Ultimately deciding that you would stay, you lightly knocked on the door to attempt to draw her attention away from the screen. It worked, only when she finally looked at you, you saw something unfamiliar in her eyes. Fear.
“Y/N...” Agatha trailed off, and you could practically see the frown lines become embedded in her skin.
“Agatha?” You barely recognized the sound of your own voice as you approached the conductor. “What’s wrong?”
Before the conductor could reply, your phone began to repeatedly ding. Pulling it out of your pocket you felt your heart sink at the notification. You had several texts from Sam, Bucky, Monica, even Darcy, but what caught your eye was an article from The New York Times.
‘Agatha All Along? An Inside Scoop to the Alleged Affair Between MSO Conductor Agatha Harkness and Concert Pianist Wanda Maximoff’
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I have an idea for a one shot, Elucien, Nessian, and Feysand cutest couple contest and Elucien wins but then Eris and Arina walk in and actually win 😂
Okay anon, I'm sorry I sat on this for so long but it took me a hot minute to figure out how to write this.
I think you wanted fluff? Anyway you get unhinged insanity. This is the mating game (like the newly wed game) and if ANYONE says I got any of these couples besides Elucien wrong, it's because this is my first time writing them in earnest.
This is SFW though there are impolite sexual references so exercise good judgement. References to HENrietta the chicken (no apologies).
“What is this, again?” Nesta groused, crossing one leg over the other.
“It’s the mating game,” Gwyn, ever cheerful, replied. Beside her, Azriel helped organize a stack of cards, offering them to Gwyn without a word. The red-haired priestess perched on a stool to survey the group of people sitting in Rhys and Feyre’s drawing room. Though the game ought to be fun on its own, there were bottles of liquor just out of reach on a nearby table surrounded by cups and snacks.
“Why doesn’t he have to play?” Rhysand demanded, jerking his head towards the spymaster. All heads turned to look at Gwyn and Az, the two newest mates in Rhysand’s inner circle.
“Because he doesn’t want people knowing his personal business,” Gwyn offered. Azriel’s cheeks flushed as Lucien, Rhysand, and Cassian all glanced anywhere but at the females across from them. Twin black, leather couches had been rearranged for the game, with males on one side and females on the other. Behind the males, a roaring fire kept the howling wind outside from leeching cold into the softly lit room.
“Can we start or—”
“Not so fast,” Eris Vanserra stated, bursting through the twin glass, French doors theatrically. Behind him Arina, bundled in a puffy red coat, rolled her eyes and shook out long, blonde hair.
“I invited them,” Elain murmured quickly before Cassian or Rhysand could protest. “Arina is my best friend.”
“Hurtful, baby sister,” Eris intoned, joining the other males across the room. Arina plopped between Nesta and Elain, squeezing her friend tight. Azriel offered Arina a large stack of white cards and a black marker while Gwyn offered the same to Eris. It was impossible not to notice how Azriel’s eyes avoided Eris despite how desperately Eris was clearly trying to provoke him.
“The rules of this are simple,” Gwyn, perhaps sensing a squabble brewing, began explaining the rules of the game. “I ask questions about your mate, and you answer. The team with the most right answers wins that knife in the corner, generously donated by my mate, not to be used on anyone in this room.” Her eyes slid to Eris as she said that last part. Behind Azriel sat a gleaming silver hunting knife with a black, leather wrapped hilt placed just beside a matching leather sheath.
“Males first,” Rhysand decided and though Gwyn rolled her eyes, she didn’t contradict him.
“Want to take bets on who wins?” Cassian whispered.
“Shush,” Feyre shot back.
“The first question: What would your mate liked you to have served them when you accepted the bond?” Gwyn asked. All four females immediately turned to their cards. Elain began scribbling immediately, her lips upturned in a smile that very much said her and Lucien had discussed this before. Arina, too, was writing though her shoulders shook with laughter.
Nesta frowned, looking over at a furiously scrawling Cassian. “Did I not give him exactly what he wanted?” She whispered.
“No cheating!” Feyre elbowed Nesta though she hadn’t written anything either.
“Ten seconds,” Azriel warned. Everyone turned back to their cards, the only sound the squeaking of markers on slippery paper.
“Okay, we’ll start with Feyre. What would your mate likedyou to have served them when you accepted the bond?” Gwyn asked, teal eyes twinkling.
Feyre glanced towards Rhys, who was grinning openly. Azriel narrowed his eyes.
“No mind sharing,” the spymaster warned the pair of them.
“We’re not,” Feyre replied earnestly though the glitter in Rhysand’s violet eyes told the room he had definitely tried. “I wrote exactly what I gave him.”
“Turn your card, Rhys!” Gwyn replied excitedly. Rhys’ grin only widened.
“Oh for fucks sake,” Nesta snapped when Rhys revealed Feyre herself.
Beside Rhys, Lucien began shaking with silent laughter.
“I wrote what Feyre wrote,” Nesta replied, turning a card that read a biscuit.
“Oh…babe…we are going to lose,” Cassian said sadly, turning a card that read A nice roast.
“Ungrateful, is what you are,” Nesta grumbled.
“Elain?” Gwyn asked hopefully.
“Lucien said he would have been fine with dirt,” Elain replied, her card written neatly to reflect exactly what she said. Lucien turned his own card excitedly to reveal the word dirt written in impossibly nice calligraphy.
“The bar is so low,” Gwyn mumbled. “Okay, Arina, give us what you’ve got.”
“Eris wanted an apple pie,” she replied, flipping her card with a wink. Eris grinned, revealing his own card that had a drawing of an apple pie, followed with a little arrow pointing to his description that read apple pie.
“We cannot lose to Vanserra’s,” Cassian told Nesta.
“Then do better,” she hissed.
“Next question,” Gwyn interrupted, her teal eyes bright with amusement. “What is your mate afraid of?”
Everyone collectively groaned as they wrote. “This feels like political subterfuge,” Eris grumbled.
“Like anyone cares about your fears,” Azriel mumbled as a reply.
The responses were only a little better. Feyre and Rhysand both guessed my mate dying as their response. Nesta wrote endless warwhile Cassian responded with nothing, causing a booming laugh to escape Azriel’s mouth. Elain and Lucien also wrote my mate dying, and Eris, grinning at Arina, clapped his hands when she wrote falling into a pit trap. He’d done another drawing of a stick figure falling into a hidden hole causing the room to burst into speculation as to whether it had happened or not. The twinkle in Arina’s eyes suggested it very much had.
“Next question. What was the first thing your mate thought when they saw you for the first time?” Gwyn’s enthusiasm was unmatched and Azriel scooted just a little closer to Gwyn, his own hazel eyes bright with affection.
“Don’t get this one wrong, darling,” Rhys told Feyre as he wrote.
“I just know you two are cheating somehow,” Cassian complained.
“If we were cheating, we wouldn’t be losing to the Vanserra brothers,” Feyre shot back. “No offense, Lucien.”
“Some offense taken,” Lucien joked.
“Turn over your cards,” Azriel demanded.
Feyre went first. “I wrote, my mate is a human.” Rhys groaned, flipping over a card that read, “most beautiful female I’d ever seen.”
“That’s what I thought!” Feyre replied, outraged. Rhys merely shrugged. “We were thinking the same thing.”
Nesta, smirking, turned her card over next. My mate is terrifying.
Cassian cackled, revealing a card that read Nesta scared me.
“I know that’s romantic but…wow, Cas,” Azriel teased. Cassian merely shrugged.
“I always knew my perfect female would terrify me.”
“Same,” Nesta agreed with a smile.
Elain flipped over her card which read, oh no.
“You two sure are romantic,” Gwyn joked when Lucien’s card said the same.
“How do we know they’re not cheating?” Rhys demanded; eyes narrowed. Lucien sighed, exasperated.
“Perhaps we spend more time talking than the rest of you,” he suggested. Rhys considered that.
“Maybe. But only because my mouth is occupied—”
“C’mon!” The room complained. Even Gwyn narrowed her eyes at the High Lord, who displayed not one ounce of shame. Arina went last.
“Eris thought about how to get me naked,” Arina replied, revealing her card. True to form, Eris had drawn a rather crude image that caused Lucien to take the card from his elder brother and rip it in half.
At the end of the first round both Lucien and Elain and Arina and Eris were winning, with Feyre and Rhys coming in second and Nesta and Cassian in last place. They were given some time to talk with one another while Gwyn flipped through her cards, but the males were only interested in a rare bottle of whiskey Rhysand had recently acquired.
“This is why we’re losing,” Nesta complained when Cassian did two shots consecutively with Lucien.
“Hardly,” Elain teased as Azriel chuckled in agreement. Cassian narrowed his eyes towards his brother and Azriel shrugged.
“I heard enough up at that house.”
“Okay, okay, let’s do round two so we can all drink,” Gwyn insisted, urging everyone back to their spots. Elain winked at Lucien as Eris called, “We can’t let Lucien and Elain win.”
“Hey!” Elain cried.
“Full offense, Elain,” Eris added, earning a sharp elbow to the ribs from his younger brother.
“First question,” Gwyn called over the chatter. “What is your mates perfect day?”
The males all immediately began scribbling responses while the females watched suspiciously. Feyre went first. “In my art studio.”
Rhys groaned as he flipped his card. “In my bed.”
“You had to know I wasn’t going to write that,” Feyre chided.
“Ah but you were thinking it,” Rhys crooned.
Cassian, too, flipped over a card revealing a wholly inappropriate answer. Nesta sighed as she flipped hers over.
“Seriously? With my girls eating cake?”Cassian asked with disbelief while Gwyn rose from her stool to high-five Nesta.
“Hell yes, Cass. You know I love you.”
“Do I?”
Lucien was quick to flip over his card. “In the garden.”
Elain beamed, her own card reflecting his answer.
“That’s a euphemism, by the way,” Lucien informed the group, his cheeks-tinged pink from the alcohol. Elain spluttered, clearly embarrassed for all Lucien noticed. Cassian high-fived him with what he clearly thought was some covertness.
Eris was the last to flip his card which, true to form, depicted a rather crude drawing. Beneath it he’d written, getting absolutely wrecked.
Arina laughed. “You know me so well.” Her overturned card read Non-stop fucking.
“More information than I ever needed,” Azriel grumbled.
“Jealous?” Eris taunted. Azriel leveled an unyielding stare.
“In your fucking dreams.”
“I do dream of you,” Eris replied with a mocking grin.
“Who doesn’t?” Gwyn asked, defusing the situation with a smile. Next question, gentleman.”
“Don’t be gross this time,” Elain murmured, sending Lucien the sweetest death glare to ever exist.
“What are your mates biggest pet peeve?” Gwyn asked. All four males hesitated, glancing towards their mates as they wrote.
As usual, Rhys and Feyre went first. He wrote Tamlin which earned a round of laughter though did not match Feyre’s response (unlabeled paint tins). Cassian guessed Nesta’s answer right (being told what to do) and for the first time, Lucien guessed Elain’s answer wrong.
“Weeds?” Elain asked with an eye roll as she flipped a card to reveal mismatched patterns.
“Ah I almost wrote that,” Lucien said with a sheepish grin, reaching for the bottle of whiskey in Cassian’s hands.
“Are we going to let Eris win?” Nesta asked incredulously as he flipped over his card. It was a drawing of his face with big x’sfor eyes.
Arina laughed, her card reflecting his answer.
“I’m so afraid to go to Autumn Court,” Cassian mock whispered to Rhys. The High Lord nodded as he poured out more shots.
“Last question!” Gwyn told the room. “What is the best gift your mate ever gave you?”
All four men immediately began writing.
“Cassian I know what you’re thinking—”
“You don’t,” Cassian interrupted with a grin that told everyoneexactly what he was thinking.
“That’s my sister,” Elain reminded Cassian, who merely laughed.
Feyre got a little weepy when Rhys flipped over his card to reveal Nyx written in elegant script. She went and plopped into his lap, twining her arms around his neck. “Is that what you wrote, darling?” She showed him her card which did, indeed, have Nyx written on it.
“Ugh,” Nesta and Elain complained at the same time when the two began kissing. Cassian interrupted their moment with more crudeness.
“What?!” He asked with a laugh when she tossed her card at him. “We were losing anyway and these two—” He jerked his thumbs towards Rhys and Lucien –“Are being gross and sentimental. Is that what you want? Open, public displays of affection?”
“Were you not already?” Azriel asked with one arched brow. Nesta’s cheeks immediately reddened.
“What did you write?” Cassian demanded, picking up his card. His face softened at what he saw. “Oh Nes.”
“Oh no,” Azriel muttered when Nesta attacked Cassian’s mouth with her own. “Someone stop them.”
“Hey,” Lucien snapped next to Cassian’s ear. “Save that for later.”
“What did the card say?” Gwyn asked curiously. Nesta showed the red head her card, displaying my freedom to the room.
Lucien flipped his card quickly. “See, this is what I meant,” Cassian grumbled when Lucien revealed the word you to which Elain, beaming, revealed a second wrong answer.
“Did you really write Lucien’s best gift was the chicken you two share?” Arina asked with disbelief, looking at Elain’s card.
“Henrietta is our baby,” Elain protested. Lucien chuckled but did nothing to contradict her assertion.
“Alright Eris. What did Arina write?” Gwyn asked.
Eris had drawn a picture of what was clearly Arina in a crown. “My High Lady,” he crooned, his russet eyes filled with affection. Arina smiled, her card the same.
“It was a nice surprise,” she admitted.
“I can’t believe you two let Eris win,” Rhys chided Lucien and Elain, now sitting on the same side of the couch holding hands.
“You know, while all of you were fucking instead of getting to know each other, Arina and I spent vast amounts of time separated. We wrote letters,” Eris informed the room with just a touch of defense. Arina perched herself on the arm of the sofa Eris sat on, her hand resting on his shoulder. “I could tell you her whole routine since the moment she was bornuntil this morning.”
“I’d rather have done the fucking,” Cassian announced. Lucien choked on his whiskey as Rhys nodded in agreement. “We’ve got forever, I’m in no rush.”
“I’m boring, anyway,” Rhys added. Feyre elbowed him hard.
“This is not how I thought this was going to go,” Gwyn admitted. Azriel, his hands on her shoulders, was walking her to the half empty bottle of whiskey.
“At least we have alcohol to numb the pain,” Feyre joked. There were giggles in response.
At least they had each other.
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cadopan · 2 years
Arsenal’s player ratings for Manchester City vs Arsenal FAWSL Matchday 11 (1-1)
I think I’ll just be straight up with it and say that although it felt like the best thing in the world to nab a draw in the dying moments of the game, I don’t think we deserved it. People are saying it’s a “fair result”, yes, due to the mishandled ruling by the ref that led to our goal, but looking at the game in its entirety — City were the better side and rightfully took the lead. Anyway, it wasn’t all as gloomy as I made it sound so far, there were significant positives from an Arsenal POV and I’m excited to get into those too. Leggo! 
As usual: these are based on my impressions of watching the game live, not analysing it in replays so there could be moments that I didn’t pick up on, I’m not claiming to have remembered all of it. 
Starting XI:
Manu — 6.5/10. Not at fault for the goal, and put in multiple solid saves that kept us in the game. The one at point-blank range from Jess Park was especially fantastic. An anon once pointed out that Manu either “makes worldie saves or stays rooted to the ground, there’s no in between” and it particularly resonated with me as I watched her in this match haha. Her distribution is generally okay, but she takes ages to release it and is often lumbering over the ball so that gives me mini heart attacks sometimes. Noelle — 6/10. One might say this is a little high for her since it was her side that got completely cut open when we conceded (and several times thereafter), but I still think she did a tremendous job of keeping Lauren Hemp quiet up till that moment in the game. I mean, she was totally bossing Hemp in the first half and her defensive covering was near perfect too. But as she was in her last game against United, her forward contributions have completely faltered and I don’t even recall the last time I saw her overlap or join the attack.  Leah — 7.5/10. I don’t want to watch an Arsenal game without her again. Literally our saviour, best passer (among all the outfield players I’m not lying), and so much more. It’s an entirely different viewing experience when she’s in that backline and she’s on the ball. Honestly, if we had the CB depth I would move her into midfield in a heartbeat because she was doing more ball progressing and accurately spraying passes than all the midfield combined until she had to be subbed off. Thank goodness it wasn’t injury problems that came back but she just went off because she was tired. Lotte — 6.5/10. She did alright, aeons better than what she’s been showing for the past half a dozen performances at least. Both CBs did ever so well to completely nullify Bunny Shaw’s presence in the first half, and that’s a feat — Bunny Shaw is a literal physical specimen; Lotte is quite well-built and even she looked dwarfed next to Bunny. In terms of buildup, she tried some long diagonal balls in the second half but you can definitely tell that they lack the crispness and accuracy of Leah’s distributions. Leah’s balls pick out an attacking player (usually one of the wingers) and immediately stick to their feet, whereas Lotte’s ones sorta float into the air and the player on the receiving end has to jostle with a defender for it. Katie — 4/10. I didn’t think Katie had a good game at all. She was letting Jess Park rinse her time and again, and she just won’t give up on foolish fouls that I fully expected her to get a red and be sent off. Her crosses were overhit many a time and she barely offered anything that impacted our attacking game either, but truly it was the defending that was not up to standard. Jess Park essentially had all of City’s good chances (at least three or four) and they were all very damning ones where she was left wide open on that right wing. Oh, and I don’t even want to think of our predicted lineup for the upcoming Brighton game which she’ll have to miss because of accumulated yellow cards. Let’s all think back to our away game at Reading when she got booked for time-wasting while we were 4-0 up. Sigh, if only… Frida — 4.5/10. Sadly, also poor. She doesn’t seem like she’s getting anywhere near regaining that early-season form and she just looks stripped of confidence in whatever she does. Any time she tried to pick out a pass or get the ball forward, it was wayward and straight back into the feet of the City defenders. I feel like I’m watching a different player to be honest; there’s zero creativity coming from her on the ball and I actually have to make it a point to notice her because her presence is that nonexistent in midfield. As long as Lia’s fit, Lia needs to start ahead of her or else that extra body in midfield is going to amount to nothing but a ghost. 
Kim — 5/10. Even as the team’s been beyond poor these days, I felt Kim was one of few who kept her level to a certain standard each game, but today she got on my nerves a lot. We’ve all echoed it many times I’m sure, but she. takes. too. long. to. pass. the. ball. Countless opportunities to break on the counter and teammates around her busting a gut to offer themselves as an option, but she just dwells on the ball and a swarm of opponents eventually forces her to turn back or wiggle free into a position where the attack is already dead. Move the ball along and even if the pass isn’t threaded exactly right, it gives us a chance to make something happen further up the pitch!!! This is so clear for everyone to see, so Jonas or the girls better be getting on her case about this. That being said, marking 250 appearances for the club is monumental, and she deserves all her flowers because she has been one of the most consistent players this season so far (despite my frustrations with her today).
Jordan — 5/10. I really wanted Jordan to have a good game because she was awful during the last, but boy did she make it hard for herself by starting the first 30 or so minutes absolutely terribly. She was getting her pocket picked nonstop and losing possession all over the pitch. I’d say the only saving grace today was her work rate; girl ran everywhere, from making well-timed defensive tackles to pressing the opponent goalie way up at the front. It was a performance as if to show how much it prides her to be a box-to-box midfielder. And to be fair, a couple of times in the second half she spun the defences and did well to get some quick passing going, but still… these moments were few and far between and we need way more of those from her. Preferably asap, since Kim’s not much of a chance creator to begin with and Frida is just floundering at the moment.
Beth — 5.5/10. Arguably all of our best chances of the night fell to her. The open goal from the goalie error in the first half, and her shimmy past Lucy Bronze that led to her chance later in the game. I would like to think early season Beth would’ve put at least one of those away. And a recurring feature of her game today was that she just took too many touches. And it’s a different kind of dilly dallying on the ball compared to Kim, because Kim stays on the ball but rarely gives up possession. Whereas when you’re one of the forward players, the decisiveness required is so much faster as you have defenders facing up to close you down and also because the opportunity wasted is so much more valuable. Finally, we all know Beth does her best work on the right wing, not the left where she has to start if Keets plays. It’s actually hurting us that our best LW option is an injury-prone Tobin and we don’t have an out-and-out left winger whose best position is there. How bout we cop another one from Hoffenheim, Jule Brand anyone?
Viv — 5/10. Sigh, I think even that might be generous. The only reason it isn’t lower, and I sound like a broken record saying this is because she isn’t getting enough service. At all, in fact. Our play through the middle seems all but broken down, and we’re feeding the balls to our wingers but they aren’t actually sending in balls that Viv can get her head (or boot) onto?? Bless her for dropping so deep every game just to carry the ball forward herself and kick off a move so she can get some service. Even if we scrape by matches like this and grind out results till the end of the season, can’t blame her if she leaves soon because I wouldn’t want to be playing this kind of football either. 
Keets — 4/10. Yeah, she had a really bad game. I don’t even remember the times she got forward or looked threatening with her pace (which is what she’s in the team for), but rather her defensive tracking back instead. Though I’m sure Noelle appreciated those greatly. And it greatly limits us that she can only function as a right winger (or centre forward but no room for that since, well, Viv and Stina). Whenever she and Beth have this mid-match switcheroo, we instantly look 50% less dangerous because she’s simply ineffective on the left wing. And it becomes a clusterfuck in the centre because she drifts inward into Viv’s space and there’s just a huge gaping hole going forward on the left side. Ideally, Katie could bomb up and take over that space to send crosses in from deep, but she couldn’t do that as she was occupied with Jess Park… so it really only works against weaker teams who sit deep and let us have the ball, not in an open game like today’s.
Rafaelle — 6.5/10. What a breath of fresh air. Gone are the days where I had to dread every moment a long ball was played behind us or we had to defend a counter. What an introduction, and she was outpacing/dealing with Bunny Shaw ever so well until she got her tap-in. Upon watching the replays of their goal, I did find myself a little disappointed that she just let Hemp’s cross glide past her and into Bunny’s path. As a CB, one should at least attempt a slide or interception instead of just ball-watching in that situation but I guess she didn’t want to risk an own goal on her debut lol. Elsewhere, she also did a Leah-esque forage forward in the second half which gave me hope that our buildup from the back will not have to be so reliant on Leah from here on. Anyway, good stuff and hope she keeps it up so we don’t have to see the likes of our other CBs start another game again.
Lia — 5/10. Came on, did her job, but I’ll just be blunt and say that her impact was minimal so I might as well not really give her a rating. She came on right before the opening goal, and once the goal was scored we practically crumbled until the last few minutes when Tobin rescued us a point. Stanway and Weir were carving up our midfield in that passage of play right after we conceded, I was practically waiting for them to extended their lead. Back to Lia, she should start the next match and I said it in another ask but I think she’ll do well to sit in front of Leah and our new CB combination of those two who are more adept in possession should help her get into the rhythm of spraying out her inch perfect passes a lot more. 
Tobin — 7.5/10. What a way to come back in style. At the death, too. And it wasn’t just her goal that was impressive; she was doing her part to relieve us of City’s pressure and started off in much deeper positions way back in our half (also due to the formation change when Stina came on). So it was just superb play that she got herself in that position to finish off her goal, and the execution really doesn’t require more to be said. She delivers in important moments, but I think we all already knew that. @ Injury Gods, please let her stay fit for the rest of the season, please please please. Tobin-Viv-Beth front three has to become a mainstay, especially for this tough patch of matches we have coming up. 
Stina — 6.5/10. Her presence in and around the box in undeniable. And it was her being in the thick of things that made Tobin’s goal possible in the first place. Mmm, and we did get to see Viv and Stina coexist together, but I actually thought it was pretty ineffective and would’ve been considered somewhat underwhelming if the late equaliser didn’t happen. Given, we were in shambles after conceding, but they were hardly linking up with one another and just sorta hovering around that front space together. They defo need more time to gel so I’d be open to seeing more of this two-at-the-top system but Stina could just be a direct replacement for Viv and I’d be fine with that too. Although, I loved seeing her call for the ball and make darting runs into space, then receive it with her chest or outmuscle the City player to get to it. This kind of “target” presence leading the front line is really important, and Viv hasn’t really been (or hasn’t been getting the chance) to do this in recent times so it was different element that we were missing. 
My MOTM goes to Tobin even though her shining moment was solely that stunning goal but she gets it because of how well-taken and dramatically late in the game that was, and how simply average everyone else was. Tbh, it should go to a City player and that would be Lauren Hemp (followed closely by Jess Park) because their wingers today were nearly unplayable and all the moves that contributed to them looking the better side came from contributions via those two.
Jonas Eidevall — 3/10. Yeah I’m getting annoyed with this dude. His screaming incident was already a huge turnoff and mark of unprofessionalism, but he’s repeatedly losing his temper when he should know better as the leader of the team it’s really not a good look in my books. Not to mention the players looking less and less convinced by his “game plans” or tactics, I wouldn’t be surprised if things gradually start to go south (if it hasn’t already). He’s really fortunate we didn’t walk away with nothing today because whatever he set out to do, didn’t fall into place at all and individual magic rescued his ass. Also haven’t read his post-match comments or interview but I have no impetus to dissect anything from him right now anyway. 
Referee — 2/10. In this day and age where we can easily whip out the rule books and technicalities, it’s especially easy to dispute a decision that was utterly wrong, which it was. Rightfully, play should have been halted and restarted in City’s possession (or a drop ball) but I can also understand what was going through the ref’s mind when she decided to wave play on. Possession wasn’t lost to the other side and actually ended up with another City player, albeit in a more fortuitous position (according to hindsight), so she let it carry on. And I think that we were thoroughly beaten in the following few moves (Hemp gliding past Maritz and the cross beating both Lotte and Rafa), so it was a fact that we came second best in the defending and thus let the ball into the back of our net. I’m just happy this headache isn’t the headline thanks to Tobin’s equaliser because I don’t want to wade through all that whining even if it’s for pleading my team’s case. But that ref was also dodgy on some of her other calls and I didn’t like her at all. 
Overall: Phew, we finally got here. Thanks for sticking with it if you managed to read this far! 
To sum it up, what I took from today’s performance was that we still have so far to go in getting the players clicking together and actually play as a team. So many times I thought to myself, this team is not even thinking of working together. Especially in attack when being in tandem is so crucial. Like are they even looking for each other when they send out a pass or just whacking it aimlessly? Even for our goal, the ball fortunately fell at Beth’s feet from the City defender misclearing it and we scrambled it into a chance for Tobin. 
Hence, throughout the game I also got the sense that players were just trying to do too much by themselves. Individual magic is what we were counting on from the moment the kick-off started and today we had Tobin Heath to provide that, but we all know teams don’t get very far only relying on that. Certainly not the top teams, which we are aspiring to be and certainly have the personnel to do so. I’m at least grateful for a slightly positive result to cap off the weekend after taking countless hits over the past week from both the men’s and women’s Arsenal teams 😮‍💨 Feel free to leave your thoughts in my ask if you have any, I always enjoy a good discussion.
Edit: one other thing that leaves me feeling more meh over this match rather than celebrating the draw is the fact that City were the better side, but didn’t look like they outplayed us off the park in a way I sort of expected. To be even poorer than a side that was also kind of underwhelming given the bolstered squad they have now, is what gets me down most. It felt different from, say, imagining how Chelsea would play us. If our team met Chelsea in our current state, we would surely be ravaged, maybe even worse than the outcome of the FA Cup final. 
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onceupon · 3 years
London Boy - Part 2: Let the Game begin
summary: You had always thought you knew exactly what kind of boys Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton were - but did you actually?
pairing: Rafe x reader (slowburn)
warnings: swearing
word count: 2.5k
a/n: no one is asking for this but here it is anyways lmao enjoy (not canon Rafe)
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You make it back to your room and take a deep breath. Boys. You were living with boys. Not just any boys - Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton. Whatever, you thought, shaking yourself back to reality. It didn’t matter anyways. You weren’t about to let them get in the way of having the time of your life these next few months and you definitely weren’t going to let them keep your mind tied to OBX. That was a tie you desperately wanted to cut. Besides, if you knew Rafe and Topper like you thought you did, they’d be too caught up with playing both the field and the girls of Westheath before you knew it, effectively keeping them occupied and out of your way. 
You decided to go about your day as you usually would. Your Have a Great Day playlist was queued up and playing as you slipped on your favorite jeans and top. You let yourself get absentmindedly lost in your actions as you did your hair and makeup - enough to make you feel put together and regain some control after the way this morning had left you feeling vulnerable. Looking good made you feel good - and if anyone else thought you looked good too, then hey, that was just an added bonus. 
You hadn’t noticed how lost in the process of getting ready you had gotten until you looked down at your phone and saw that an hour had flown by. You were half way down the hall to the kitchen when the door of your flat flew open, bringing you face to face with two new people for the second time that day. 
“Oh my gosh hiiii!” a girl turned to you, pausing her laughter from the conversation she was having with the girl next to her. “I’m Olivia! It’s so nice to meet you!!” the bubbly girl exclaimed, immediately embracing you in a hug. The other girl laughed at her friend’s excitement and forwardness which had clearly startled you. 
“I’m Millie - you must be one of our flatmates,” the other girl smiled, introducing herself to you as well. 
“Hi, I’m Y/n,” you smiled softly. 
“Oh my gosh Mills! I knew it! I told you we’d get roomed with the Americans! Ugh this is so exciting, there’s so much I need to know I don’t even know where to start!” Olivia squealed with a little hop. 
“Alright don’t scare the poor girl, she’s gonna think they’ve stuck her with a couple of psychos,” laughed Millie, pulling her friend’s arm to lead her down the hall. “Come on Liv let’s let y/n breathe for a second while we go put our bags down,” she said, giving you an apologetic smile.
You laughed and continued on to the kitchen to get some water as you had originally set out to do. You were honestly relieved. Thank god your other two roommates were girls who weren’t remotely associated with OBX. You didn’t even mind their intensity, it was endearing really, and you’d take a couple of loud but genuine girls who seemed like they were a bunch of fun to hang out with over the bitchiness and cattiness you were used to with the girls back home at Kildare. 
“Alright Y/n, I forgot sheets and Mills didn’t bring a towel so we’re going to Primark and you’re coming with. I want to hear all the American gossip,” Olivia reappeared and then slipped back down the hallway with a wink. You laughed and went to go grab your bag, just then realizing Rafe and Topper were no longer at the flat. You wondered where they had gone, not hearing them slip out over the music you were playing earlier. Not that you cared, it was a relief to have them out of sight and out of mind for now. 
“Hmm Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton, does sound rather posh,” mused Millie as you had begun providing some intel to your friends on the two flatmates they had yet to meet. 
“Two American ladies men, sign me up!” cackled Olivia. 
“Hey watch yourself missy, you’re taken,” Millie scolded. 
You had only known these girls for maybe an hour and somehow you had been comfortable enough with them to open up about your entire life’s backstory as you walked with them through the home section of Primark. It felt like they had been your friends for years, the three of you gelling together effortlessly. 
“Oo you have a boyfriend?” you asked as your eyes scanned over the shelf of fluffy blankets in front of you. You simply couldn’t leave without the light grey one, daydreaming about how cozy napping with it would be. 
“I do. His name is Jake,” Olivia beamed, “he’s kind of an idiot, but I love him.”
“And he’s got a whole squad of idiot friends too, but you’ll see for yourself,” Millie laughed. 
“Oh shit that reminds me! I invited them all over to pregame tonight before freshers,” chimed Olivia. 
“What’s freshers?” you asked, raising your brows in confusion. 
Millie and Olivia shared a quick laugh at how clueless you were to everything in their world. 
“So freshers is like this huge club event at the beginning of the school year. It’s really meant for uni freshers but since half of us are 18 and we can easily sneak in the other half it’s kind of tradition for Westheath kids to go their last year. Me and Mills went last year too though, one of the guys we knew the year above us was cousins with the bouncer,” Olivia grinned proudly. “But literally everyone is going and that means you’re coming too and- oh shit I’m such a bloody idiot aren’t I! I’m sorry Y/n I literally didn’t think at all to ask anyone from our flat if it was okay to host a pregame,” she bit her thumb with guilt-ridden eyes. 
“Looks like you and your idiot boyfriend are actually a match made in heaven,” joked Millie as Olivia gave her the finger, trying to suppress the smile tugging at her lips. 
“Oh no that’s totally fine! I’ve had like barely any human interaction these last few days and it’ll be nice to meet some more people from Westheath. It’ll be fun,” you reassured Olivia with a genuine smile. “I just uh- I’ve never been clubbing. Like what do I even wear, I don’t think I brought anything like that. And I’m not 18 for another month, would I even get in?”
“Well it’s a good thing we’re here isn’t it!” exclaimed Olivia, grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you to the clothes section. “Mills this would be PERFECT don’t you think,” she said as she held up a sheer black top in front of you. 
“Oh my gosh yes. With a black bra underneath and mini skirt,” Millie grinned, nodding in excitement with Olivia. 
“Guys I don’t know if I can wear this. Like I don’t think I can pull this off,” you said meekly. 
“Oh my god shut up this would look so good on you. Your body is killer and you can 1000% pull this off,” Olivia insisted, shoving the garment toward you. “And we’ll get you in the club no problem,” she added firmly, shutting down any possibility of you talking your way out of tonight. 
“Wait shit do you think Rafe and Topper will be cool with the pregame? We haven’t even properly met them yet and I’ve already invited a bunch of strangers to our place,” groaned Olivia as the three of you headed toward the register. 
“Trust me, if there’s two things those boys definitely don’t mind it’s a party and a reason to drink,” you laughed. 
As the three of you unlocked the door to your flat you could hear Rafe and Topper’s voices from the kitchen. Ugh, back already. 
“Hellooo boys,” called Olivia with zero hesitation, walking straight into the kitchen. “Name’s Olivia, pleasure to meet you,” she smiled extending her hand. 
“Pleasure is all ours,” Rafe smiled back. It took every ounce of your will power not to roll your eyes at his smugness. 
“Indeed it is,” grinned Topper giving her a hand shake. “And you are,” Topper immediately drew his attention to Millie entering the kitchen right behind Olivia. You didn’t miss how his eyes ran her up and down. 
“Millie, your fifth and final roommate,” she smirked, not having missed his wandering eyes either. 
“So listen boys,” Olivia clapped her hands together, drawing everyone’s attention. “I may have invited my boyfriend and some of our friends over to pregame tonight before we all go out to the club. You guys are obviously welcome to join but if you’re not cool with us having people over just say the word and-“
“Done deal. What time should we be ready?” Topper cut her off
“9. See you then,” she grinned from ear to ear sauntering off to her room. 
“Alright I need to go unpack, but it was lovely to meet you boys, see you soon,” Millie smiled, eyes locking with Topper’s for a second too long before she too slipped away. You wanted nothing more than to escape to your room as well but you were starving, and since you were now living with Rafe and Topper you’d have to learn to go about your life around your new home despite their presence. You sighed as you made your way to the fridge, trying to decide what you were gonna scrap together for dinner. 
“So how long have you been here already?” asked Rafe, grabbing some Pringles and taking a seat at the table, Topper already spreading out comfortably on the couch. 
“Uh, few days,” you replied, not bothering to turn around. 
“See anything cool yet,” Topper chimed in as he scrolled on his phone. The way they were asking you questions was oddly normal. You were trying hard to detect any hint of cockiness in their voice but you couldn’t find any. You weren’t ready to let your guard down fully, not entirely trusting the pair, but you decided to soften a bit and give them a chance. 
“Yeah actually, I walked around Hyde Park the other day and the day before I watched the sunset from Millennium Bridge. It was beautiful,” you replied, finally turning toward the boys, a jar of pasta sauce in hand. 
“Crazy being in a city like this huh. Definitely not the Outer Banks,” Rafe chuckled lightly, gaze settling on the window. 
“Definitely not the Outer Banks,” you smiled. 
“What do you mean you haven’t watched Friends!?” you let out an exasperated cry as you twirled more spaghetti on your fork. 
“It’s stupid,” said Topper, making a face. 
“It’s a classic,” you retorted. 
“No. The Office though. Now that’s a classic.”
“Should’ve know you were an Office guy,” you shook your head, Rafe laughing from his seat across from you. 
“Listen, I can’t help you if you don’t know how to appreciate true comedy,” Topper shrugged. 
“Yeah okay,” you rolled your eyes, turning now to face the dirty blonde seated across from you, absent mindedly shuffling a deck of cards for no reason, the golden ring on his finer catching your eye as his hands moved in a repetitive motion. “And what about you Mr. Dealer,” you asked Rafe, eyes motioning to the cards in his hand before going back up to meet his gaze. Rafe knew how to keep good eye contact with a person, confident yet not overpowering, and as the evening progressed and you become more comfortable you welcomed the challenge of his piercing blue eyes. 
“I’m more of a How I Met Your Mother guy,” he answered nonchalantly. 
“Huh, I wouldn’t’ve pegged you as that.”
“And what would you have pegged me as, Y/n,” he asked, still holding your gaze to which you just shrugged playfully, letting him wonder. 
“Okay, forget about comedies. Game of Thrones. Hands down best thing I’ve ever watched,” Topper stated, throwing his palms down on the table. 
“I mean I do hear good things, but I don’t know, seems kind of intense,” you said before shoving another forkful of spaghetti in your mouth. 
“No no no Y/n you literally don’t know what you’re missing out on, it’s pure genius,” Topper continued passionately. 
Rafe gave you a knowing glance as you two made eye contact again, trying not to laugh, “He’s been on my ass for years to watch it.”
“And now you have no excuse! It’s senior man, classes will be light work, just give it a chance,” Topper pleaded. 
“You know what Topper, just because you’re practically jumping out of your seat right now, I’ll check it out just for you,” you laughed as Toppers face pulled into a wide grin. 
“Good enough for me,” he said victoriously. 
“Lemme one up that Topps, I’ll also give it a chance, so it better be worth it,” Rafe added, Topper’s eyes growing wide in simultaneous glee and disbelief. Topper quickly got up from his seat, puffing his chest, “woooo! Winter is coming to London baby!” he exclaimed, pumping his fist before heading down the hall to his room. 
Two hours had passed by with you hanging out in the kitchen with Rafe and Topper, and to your surprise… you were actually enjoying yourself. You guys had talked about the things you wanted to do in London, the music you all listened to, favorite movies, and tv shows of course. You almost didn’t know how to process it. How could two guys who seemed like such kook douchebags actually be - cool? You had always regarded the two at face value, but perhaps there was more to these boys than what meets the eye. 
“Oh god how is it already 8, I’m so behind,” you groaned, getting up to wash your dishes. 
“Once Topper is full speed ahead, there’s no stopping that man,” Rafe laughed. 
“Hey,” you turned your head around from the sink, soapy dish in hand. “I was actually serious about giving Game of Thrones a try. Damn Topper if he didn’t make me curious now,” you laughed, “but I was thinking, if you’re actually gonna watch too, that we should time it so we both watch on the same days. Because then if we’re on the same schedule, whenever we see each other in the kitchen or something we can discuss and we’ll be on the same episodes so no spoilers.”
“So you mean we’d both watch on our own but at the same time?” Rafe asked. 
“Yeah,” you replied, as if it was obvious. That’s what you literally just described. 
“Well if we’re gonna watch it at the same time, we might as well just watch it together Y/n,” he calmly stated, walking right up next to you to put his Pringles away. 
“Uh yeah I mean that works too,” you replied, looking up at the boy now next to you, getting slightly flustered by his presence once again. His blue eyes were piercing right through you, and this time it was a losing a battle. 
“Cool,” he smiled, turning around and walking out of the kitchen to his room. You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding in, the water still running in front of you as you stood their holding the sponge like an idiot. What the fuck just happened?
Part 3
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tacticaldiary · 3 years
Pairing: Reader x Tamaki Amajiki
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
She had been pining over him for years. He had been pining over her for years. Love makes people do strange things, like ignore the other or try to convince your friends that you, in fact, do not like the person you love.
Misunderstandings are bound to happen
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There are many things that make Tamaki’s anxiety spike. Public speaking, drawing attention to himself, messing up. Y/N also fell into this category.
Y/N. Every time he saw her, he had the same reaction. His stomach fluttered nervously and although he loved butterflies this type of fluttering felt like that one time he accidentally manifested wings when he was 7, and proceeded to lose control of them and nearly fall off the monkey bars.
His mind went blank and his hands started to shake at the thought of talking to her. The prospect of actually talking to her alone, without Mirio or Nejire was terrifying, let alone actually confessing his feelings.
He knows that he probably shouldn’t be actively avoiding being alone with Y/N, but he couldn’t help it. He panicked, not knowing what to do, and usually ends up mankind an excuse to leave.
He feels like he might just combust at the thought of them being more than friends...in a good way, of course.
“Just do it! I’m telling you she feels the same way!” Nejire exclaims, standing next to the seat Tamaki was sitting in, hand on her hip.
“You don’t know what you're talking about.” He says in his usual quiet voice. His face is a light red as he denies the fact that he has a crush.
“So you don’t like Y/N?” Mirio chimes in next to his friend.
Tamaki grimaces and shakes his head, eyes fixed to the edge of his desk. He couldn’t tell them. They would pry and he would never hear the end of it. As much as he loved his friends, they could be a little...overbearing at times.
“I don’t...like her. I don’t like her at all.” Mirio starts to protest, about to point out how very obvious his crush was. The fleeting glances, the way his face flamed up instantly, the way he stumbled and stuttered more than usual around her. He doesn’t get to say anything, before another voice speaks.
“What…?” Y/N’s voice is fragile and a little faint. The three of them turn around and Tamaki feels his stomach sink as he sees Y/N standing in the doorway, her hands gripping a small box. She looks rather upset. “I thought...” She trails off, realising that the three people are still staring at her. Clearing her throat, she takes a small breath, before managing a small smile, her eyes glassy.
“Sorry for interrupting. I’ll just...” She places the small box on the desk nearest to her, making eye contact with a frozen Tamaki. “That’s for you. I was going to say something with it but...It’s clear you don’t feel the same way.” Her voice chokes up at the end as she turns around and quickly walks out the door. The tears start falling as soon as she closes the door behind her.
She thought he liked her too. People had assured her that Tamaki felt the same way but...apparently not. After she had gathered up the courage to finally confess…
Tamaki only snaps out of it when Nejire waves a hand in front of his face. The moment he looks at the box, his thoughts spiral into a panic.
Had she heard him? No, that was stupid, she clearly heard him. She was crying wasn’t she? Oh God she was crying, he made her cry. He didn’t mean it! He doesn’t hate her at all, the exact opposite. Did she hate him now? He wouldn’t blame her-
“-aki...Tamaki!” Mirio squeezes his shoulder, brining his friend to look at him with a panicked expression.
“I-no, I didn’t mean...I messed up, I-I didn’t mean it, I like her but she-she-” He’s grips the edge of the desk tightly, eyes wide and thoughts running wild.
“Okay, stop. Hey-” Mirio kneels down in front of him, meeting his gaze. “-It’s going to be alright. You can fix this. Just breathe first.”
Tamaki forces himself to let go of the desk and clasps his hands together instead, letting his friends calm him down.
It’s late at night, and Y/N isn’t asleep. Curled up in her bed under the cover with a tear stained face, she stares idly at the ceiling. She still can’t believe she thought she could be with someone like Tamaki. He was kind hearted and soft-spoken and just...perfect. She must have been really blinded with awe to think she could have a chance with him. Of course things wouldn’t turn out her way.
He seemed to not want to be around her these days anyway. Y/N thinks about all the times he’s ignored her or left the room when they were alone. It hurt to think about.
She lays there until she hears soft knocking on her door. It was so quiet, she doubts she would have heard it if she hadn’t been silent.
Sniffing a little, she gets up slowly and walks over to the door. Opening it slowly ,her eyes widen as she sees a familiar mop of purple hair.
“..Tamaki?” She feels a pang of hurt, but ignores it, looking at him curiously. “What’s wrong?”
Tamaki had spent the past 4 hours building up the courage to go up Y/N’s room to fix things up. After multiple times of turning back around, here he was. The moment she opens the door, he can feel his heart speed up and those god-awful butterflies fill his stomach.
“Hey...Can-Can I come in?” He asks, eyes glued to the carpet next to her feet. He sees her shuffle aside and he hesitantly steps in the room. His gut twists nervously as he hears the door shut behind him. He was in Y/N’s room, about to talk to her...alone. He feels himself start to panic, but takes a deep breathe, forcing himself to relax.
“Did you need something?” Her voice jars him as it cuts through the silence. He looks up at her and immediately feels a wave of overwhelming guilt crash over him as he takes in her appearance.
“I-...about today-”
“It’s alright.” She manages a small, sad smile that makes Tamaki want to reach over and grab her, to make her smile properly. “It’s okay. I get it. You don’t have to return my feelings, Tamaki-”
“I do!” He blurts out, his eyes widening as he slaps a hand over his mouth. He did it. He said it. Trembling slightly, he lowers his hand and breathes. “I didn’t mean...what I said.” He chances another look at her and finds her standing there with a look of disbelief.
“You...what?” She frowns a little. THis couldn’t be real, he made it clear that he didn’t like her. “If this is about the gift, you don’t have to feel guilty about it. I got it for you, so you can keep it.”
Tamaki shakes his head a little, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the box she gave him. Opening it slowly, he pulls out an intricate glass butterfly. It was delicate and beautiful and Tamaki remembers going red and feeling a wave of emotion when he opened it before. The glass catches and glints in the light, showing the lovely craftsmanship. It was a stunning piece of craft.
“This just...This-I love it and I- I just...” he struggles for a second, his throat turning dry and the words getting stuck in his mouth. His face slowly turns red. He had to do this, he had to.
“I like you, Y/N” he winces at the shakiness of his voice. “A-a lot. Since a long time.” He gulps nervously. “And I’m...I’m sorry I upset you. I didn’t mean too, I-I swear. It was just to get Mirio and Nejire to leave me alone.” he finishes explaining, his gaze on the ground.
The silence that follows makes him want to shove his forehead against a wall and block everything out.
“R-really.” he assures her quietly.
After a beat, he hears her move closer to him, her socked feet coming into his view. He feels her hand gently touch his face, cupping his cheek. Beet red, he looks up with wide eyes. Gingerly, he reaches out and grabs her other arm gently. He’s taken aback as she tugs on his shoulder and pulls him forward, into a hug.
Shocked for a second, because he was actually hugging Y/N, he stands there frozen. He feels her huff a small laugh against his chest, before he brings himself to slowly ad loosely wraps his arms around her, and...oh.
This felt good. He buries his face in her hair and takes a deep, shaky breath. He’s overcome with a wave of emotion. This felt really nice. They stand there for who knows how long before Y/N breaks th silence.
“Hey Tamaki.” She whispers. He responds with a hum, staying where he is, Y/N wrapped in his arms.
“I like you too.” He smiles, a warm, content feeling spreading through him.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Falling for you ( Falling from grace) Jungkook x OC
Rated : 18 +
Warning : . Fuck buddies? Or rather enemies that have sex. They just really hate each other but also can’t keep their hands off each other.
Chapter 1   Chapter 2    Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5
Chapter 6
“Are you sure you want to head back to work today, Areum? Hoseok told me that he would give you the rest of the week off if you like... That bruise on your face is looking pretty nasty.” My sister commented mildly, her eyes worried as she watched me dab concealer on the mottled purpling skin on my jaw.
“I need to finish a couple of reports by the weekend. And Namjoon oppa told me he wanted me to be there when we viewed the CCTV footage later today. It’s going to help getting that bastard fired.” I flinched at how bad this side of my face looked. 
The bastard. 
“He’s not fired yet?” My sister made a noise of outrage.
“Of course he is. There’s a restraining order against him. But formally he needs to be terminated and Namjoon wants to do it in a way that it goes on his record permanently. Especially considering he’s already out on bond.” I wrinkled my nose. 
There wasn’t much chance of Junho going to prison over this but I definitely did not want him within fifty feet of me, ever again. 
“Jungkook’s busy with his practice is it? I haven’t heard from him...” My sister prompted and I nodded.
“His big match is coming up on Sunday. That's like four days away ...he’s probably cooped up in that gym of his.” 
“I know... Seokjin works out there too... its a great place...how come you’re never there?”
I frowned .
“He actually has me blacklisted. I’m not allowed inside the establishment. ” I muttered. 
My sister’s eyes widened.
“What? Why?”
I shrugged. The memory was a good one and worth reliving. In fact i relived it quite often when I was particularly horny with only my own hands for relief. 
“I seduced him against his favorite punching bag once and he had to get rid of it because the cum stains wouldn’t come off. He’s a petty jerk.” I grinned at my sister enjoying the way her eyes went wide as saucers. .
She stared at me slack jawed. And then she shook her head in disbelief. 
“You talk about him this way but you always look like you're half way in love with him. I don’t know what is going on in your head when it comes to Jungkook.”
I laughed.
“I love him. Of course I do.... I’m pretty sure he cares about me too, “ I remembered how warm and content I’d felt when he’d held me, how the police officer had immediately concluded he was my boyfriend, simply from the concern radiating off him, “  But, I’m not going to push for anything. I like how we are ...now.”
“Friends with benefits.?”
“I prefer the term enemies who fuck” I winked and she groaned. 
“Whatever you say. But remember, you’re going to have to DTR at some point and I hope you don’t get a shock if he isn’t on the same page. “ 
“Unlikely. Now go distract mom so I can slip out of the back door.” 
“That looks pretty fucking bad.” Hoseok winced when he saw me and I groaned.
“Don’t remind me. I ran into Namjoon on the way up and he swelled like a bullfrog. Is Jungkook in today?” I asked him brightly.
Hoseok frowned.
“you guys are awfully chummy these days ....Need I remind you about the clause on interpersonal relationships in the office?” 
I flushed.
“We’re...not....I mean. We’re friends. “
“I thought the term was enemies who fuck.” Hoseok said thoughtfully and I jumped.
“Jungkook told me, you little brat. I asked him why he went over to the police station and broke Junho’s fucking jaw and he spilled...”
My own jaw came unhinged.
“ He what?!”
 “He posted the bond money for the bastard himself to get him out and then apparently punched him hard enough to land him in the hospital.”
“Oh my God...is he in trouble?” 
Hoseok sighed.
“Of course not... Mr. Jeon had it taken care off at once but I knew something was up . He’s too old to play knight in shining armor , unless there was something between you guys...” 
I sighed.
“We’re in a purely physical relationship yes with of course a splattering of affection for each other. But nothing that deserves a label or close scrutiny from the HR dept. Please Hobi oppa, just let me be. “ I fluttered my lashes and he rolled his eyes. 
“Just as long as you know that Jeon Jungkook is a chaebol. He’s not going to make a honest woman out of you.” Hoseok gave me a pointed look and I wondered if I really did wear my heart on my sleeve. 
Apparently, everyone could sense that my feelings for Jungkook ran deeper than just lust and I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing. 
“Anyway, yo answer you question, yes. He’s in his office right now.”
I made to turn away but Hoseok grabbed my wrist.
“You have thirty five memos to answer and seventeen appointments to schedule. Your desk is this way, I suggest you head in that direction.” His eyes glinted in a way that told me he was incredibly serious. 
I pouted.
Fine... I’d wait for lunch to go meet Jungkook.
Jungkook had a secretary of his own , the smitten Miss Lee and she gave me an angelic smile, telling me that Jungkook was out to meet someone in the marketing department. If there was anything important, I could leave it with her.
Declining the offer and thanking her, I made my way to the fireescape and the back stairwell. One of the doors opened to the emergency exit in Jungkook’s office and it took me a little bit of running around but I managed to locate it easily enough. 
Jungkook had left the door open and less than ten minutes later , I was in his office, staring around in mild awe. 
Weirdly enough, I’d never been here. before, mostly because Jungkook himself wasn’t in here all that much. But there was no mistaking that he actually did take his work seriously . I peered around the expensive drawing Tablet and the three or so monitor screens , the stylus tossed about. 
It was probably a huge breach of his privacy but I couldn’t help but click on the mouse, watching his monitor come alive. 
I blinked in disbelief when I realized what I was staring at. 
“Oh my  fuck...”  I
I felt my face flood with heat as I stared at the screen. 
It was a drawing of me. 
I was completely naked , reclining against what looked like a thick white fur rug , with countless plush cushions scattered all around me. The snow white fur set off the golden glow of my skin and I noticed the attention to detail, the tiny mole in the corner of my hip, the small half moon scar on the edge of my collar bone and of course an impressive collection of hickeys on my neck and my inner thighs. 
I looked the way I usually did when I was mouthing off at him, a little angry and rebellious, my eyes blazing with a challenge and my lips parted in annoyance . I had one hand resting right between my legs, two fingers pressed against the labia while the other two disappeared into me. The other hand lay on my breast, fingers tweaking one hard nipple . 
I turned away quickly, breathing harshly as I realized that Jungkook had literally drawn an incredibly accurate drawing of me masturbating , purely from memory.
Not entirely sure if i should be angry at this or not, I tried to clear the hazy cloud of arousal that was beginning to settle all over me. I wasn’t angry. 
I was just ridiculously turned on. 
And incredibly curious if he had other pics of me. 
I whirled back around to the computer and then nearly jumped out of my skin when I realized that Jungkook was leaning against the doorway, watching me with an amused smile on his face. 
“Oh, fuck...” I clutched at my heart which felt like it was going to give out. 
“Pretty sure your desk isn’t here, Areum. Are you lost?” He drawled, stepping away from the door and stalking over to me. 
I stepped back quickly, the action purely instinctive. 
“Did you punch Junho?” I asked sharply.
Jungkook gave me a small smile.
“That is a very mild way to put it yes. He’s gonna be eating through a straw for a couple of months , yes.”
I glared at him. 
“What if you got arrested.” I folded my arms.
He laughed.
“Baby, come on. fucker had it coming. Anyway enough about that loser. Why are you hovering near my desk. Corporate espionage is generally frowned upon baby... Am i gonna have to spank you, you naughty girl?” He waggled his eyebrows. 
I rolled my eyes before walking up to his desk and turning the screen around to show the lewd artwork . 
“how long have you been drawing me like that?” I pointed at the screen and Jungkook looked surprised. 
Surprised but not particularly bothered. 
“Ah... i love that one... Did you see the way I only drew four of your fingers between your legs baby, your thumb is supposed to be rubbing on your clit.... I was working on it when I got called away earlier....” He looked apologetic. 
I felt like I had turned the exact shade of the marron carpet under my foot. 
“Jungkook how long have you been drawing me naked...” I snapped. 
“ Oh... probably the first time you let me see you naked.” He said nodding lightly and I stared at him.
“How come I’ve never heard of this?” I hissed and he gave me a grin. 
“Because it’s for my own personal...use.” He grinned. 
I glared at him.
“How many....?” I demanded.
Jungkook shrugged.
“50...? 60? Definitely at least fifty.” He said casually. 
I stared at him.
“I wanna see them.” I said sharply. Jungkook sighed, like I was being a pain , which was so unfair it made me want to scream. 
“Areum, I-” 
“Jungkook?” A soft voice called from the outer office and I frowned when Jungkook startled. 
“Oh, hey... Sana..... Come in.” His voice had shifted into something mild and pleasant and I felt my hackles rise. 
“Oh..hello... Areum ssi...” The girl gave me a confused smile and I resisted the urge to fold my hands and demand what she was doing there. Instead , I moved away from behind Jungkook’s desk, grabbing a file. 
“Good afternoon Sana ssi.” I smiled.
“I’m sorry, I missed lunch, Sana.... I wanted to give you this. “ Jungkook pulled out a small envelope from his jacket, smiling an absolutely angelic smile at her. 
Sana looked suitably enthralled, her eyes trained greedily on his perfect face as she took the envelope.
“Oh.. are these--?”
“Tickets to my match on Sunday yes...” He smiled. “ I’m hoping you’ll be there.” 
I felt my lungs expand as I took a deep breath to calm myself down. The urge to screech like a banshee was increasing by the second. 
“Oh, I’ll be there for sure. I’ll be cheering you on from the front row, Jungkook !!” She all but bounced on her feet, looking positively giddy with excitement as she bowed to both of us and literally floated away. 
I waited till she was fully gone before turning on him. 
“There better be another envelope in there with my name on it.” I gritted out. 
Jungkook grinned wide at that, eyes dancing with mirth. 
“In my jacket? Not really. But there’s something much better in my pants with your name on it. Want me to whip it out for you baby?? “
He grabbed the edge of his belt buckle, tugging the leather out of the hoops and I glared at him. 
“You are out of your mind if you think I’m going to be okay with you letting everyone watch you fight but  me. That is just unfair and uncalled for.” I snapped. 
Jungkook was still tugging on his belt, but he paused to give me a look.
“What’s in it for me?” He said softly. 
I frowned.
“I’m not going to enter a deal without an equitable pay off....Its obvious that you’re really turned on by the thought of watching me fight . So unless you give me something I’m thirsty for.... I’m not going to indulge you,” He said casually. 
I laughed in disbelief. 
“There is literally nothing I’ve denied you in bed , you're crazy to even suggest -”
“I haven’t fucked your ass yet.” He said casually. 
I could feel myself turning red.
“No.” I hissed. “ Absolutely not.”
“Why the hell not?” He frowned.
“Because it fucking hurts. I’m not going through that again.” I snapped. 
Jungkook groaned like he was in actual pain. 
“Baby, its hardly my fault you’ve never slept with a real man before me, is it? Why should I deprived the pleasure of fucking your ass just because those buffoons didn’t know how to do it right?” Jungkook’s voice was dangerously close to a whine and I resisted the urge to throw something at him. 
“I don’t fucking care...its a no. So drop it. ” 
Jungkook narrowed his eyes. 
“Fine. I’ll drop it. For now.” He muttered and then made a big show of thinking, “ alright fine. How about you let me tie you up.”
I stared at him.
“You literally do that every time we have sex.” I pointed out. 
“And I get to use my toy box.” 
I blinked.
“Your toy box.” I said , confused. He grinned mischievously. 
“You know the one...Big mahogany box  underneath my bed. The first time I showed you, you kind of screamed and called me a monster?” He grinned wide.
i had a brief flashback of an assortment of whips, floggers and gags. 
I shuddered. 
This wasn’t working. 
“How about this.... Either you get me those tickets or you don’t get to fuck me. At all.” I smirked.
Jungkook hummed.
“Why would you punish yourself like that love?” He drawled. “ You can’t live without my dick, the sooner you accept that the easier life is going to get for you.” 
The audacity of this bitch. 
I walked right past him , ready to stalk out,  but his hand shot out, gripping my elbow and pulling me into his embrace.
I struggled against his hold, but he brought both arms around my waist, flexing his muscles so I could feel just how futile it would be to try and break free. 
“Come on baby, walking out in the middle of negotiations...that’s just really poor etiquette. Think of the poor hostage....” He pouted , doe eyes wide and I nearly caved. He had no fucking business being sexy  and  cute. 
I laughed in disbelief.
“Hostage??....are you talking about your fucking ego....?” I stared right up at him , tilting my face when he moved to kiss me. His lips latched on to my jaw instead, tongue licking the skin there gently as he hummed . 
“No...I’m talking about my dick.” He grabbed both my elbows, swinging me around like I weighed nothing, one arm holding me in place as he pressed up against my back, hips rolling so I could feel the hardness of his dick right against the swell of my ass. “ Dude’’s feeling pretty darn trapped right now. Poor thing just wants to get inside you and ruin you baby, why you making it so hard for him...?” 
I elbowed him sharply, vindicated when the sharp edge of it caught something hard and fleshy. Jungkook grunted in discomfort but didn’t let go of me. 
“My little hellcat. “ He bit down on the juncture between my neck and shoulder, “You know why my dick is hard?”
“To match your cold unfeeling heart?” I snapped and he moaned in mock hurt. 
“Not fair baby...I have the kindest heart... Soft heart, hard dick....That’s literally my entire persona.” Jungkook nuzzled my neck .  
I fought the urge to laugh . 
“So why then? Because I’m within ten feet of you? Isn’t that all it takes usually?” I muttered, wincing a bit when his teeth sank in a little deeper.
Jungkook let out a soft chuckle.
“Normally I’d agree but today... I’m so fucking hard because you looked like you wanted to claw Sana’s face off when I gave her those tickets....” 
I flushed.
“Well, I just don’t think I should be the only one not allowed to see you fight.” 
“Or maybe you just hate the idea of any one else getting to touch my dick...because like I said...it’s got your name on it right baby?” Jungkook laughed against my ear and I blushed . 
“I still think its rude that you don’t let me come to your matches.” I grumbled. 
“And why do you think that is, baby? Why do you think I’m so adamant about you not being anywhere near me when I have something important to do...”
I didn’t reply, eyes fluttering shut when he suckled on the skin near my neck. 
“Its because I’ll probably lose..” He growled into my ear, “ Don’t wanna get knocked out in the first round because I was too busy staring at your pretty, pretty face and delicious fucking body... My only distraction, my  favorite  distraction.”
  I felt myself melt like an ice cream cone in the fucking sun. 
“Oh, fuck you....you honey-tongued son of a bitch...” I choked out, unable to fight the wide grin that was taking over my face. 
Jungkook chuckled in victory, hugging me tighter.
“So tell me.... Can I tie you up tonight? Get some of my favorite toys...Want to play in your sandbox....” He leered and I laughed despite myself. How could this man make the most innocent of phrases sound so fucking sexy.... 
“Only if you let me pick the toys.”
Jungkook let go of me and gently turned me around. He was frowning deeply. 
“Babe you don’t even know what their called.” He complained.
“But I can gauge how much damage they’ll do and that’s more important to me.” I pointed out. 
Jungkook gave me a thoughtful smile.
“Hmm....fine... But I get to offer the choices. “ He said softly. 
I narrowed my eyes at him.
“Okay, in that case you need to let me see every single drawing you’ve made of me... right now.” I smiled.
Jungkook grinned, already grabbing my wrist and tugging me back to his desk.
“Deal...but I’m gonna need you to sit on my cock and keep it warm while I show them to you..... okay?” 
I glared at him but he was already moving to the wide , comfortable chair behind the desk. He sat on the chair, manspreading and unbuckling himself before wriggling the slacks down past his waist and tugging his boxers down. 
I watched him reach in to pull out his hard cock ,  pumping the hard length of it a couple of times before smiling at me expectantly. 
“Horny bastard.” I muttered under my breath, before letting him maneuver me into his lap, fingers slipping up my skirt and tugging my panties aside , before lining himself up against my center. 
“Ready baby?” He kissed my cheeks fondly and I nodded lowly. He pressed a couple of fingers against my slit, dipping in just enough to make sure I was wet enough. I wasn’t dry per se, but it still stung a bit when he drove himself in with one swift stroke. 
“Oh, fuck...” I groaned when he entered me , the rock hard length of him cleaving my insides and making my tongue go dry. I clenched down on him, thighs beginning to tremble already. I gripped the edge of the table in front of me. 
“Maybe I should call Sana in now.? Huh baby...that’ll show her who this dick belongs to, right , angel?” He whispered against my ear and I moaned, a gush of arousal staining my thighs at his words., Jungkook laughed knowingly, wrapping an arm around my waist to keep me still before rolling his hips gently and settling inside me. 
“So baby, which ones do we start with.... Solo shots? ones with me....? There’s one of me fucking your pretty pink hole, maybe that’ll change your mind about letting me take you in the back...”
Author’s Note : I’m stopping here because the next chapter is just like 5k of porn and I wanted it to be a standalone chapter. 
Comments are love , Feedback is really appreciated. Send me your thoughts, ideas or even just scream about how hot Jungkook is....anything works. 
taglist : @veronawrites @aamxxrii  @brooky95
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if you guys wanna be on the taglist just lemme know...
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kimistorm · 3 years
Nathaniel x Reader || Art, an Evil Villain, and an Erased Window
“Nathaniel!” you winced as Ms. Mendeleev scolded him for drawing again.
“I’m going to get him the notes!” you tried to defend him.
“He should be writing his notes by himself, go to the principal’s office!”
“It helps him focus!” you stood up to continue to defend your red haired best friend.
“(y/n) sit back down!” she scowled, “you’re causing a disruption! Nathaniel! Go to the principal’s office now!”
“It’s alright (y/n),” Nathaniel sighed and picked up his papers to listen to what Ms. Mendeleev commanded.
You frowned but sat back down anyway, until Chloe tripped him. Then you jumped back onto your feet so fast that the chair you were sitting in fell backwards with a clatter.
“Ooh look at this,” Chloe mocked as she held up one of the papers that fell out of his hand.
“What gives you the right to look through his stuff!” you shouted from the back of the room.
“(y/n) sit down!” Ms. Mendeleev snapped.
Chloe continued to talk as if you hadn’t said anything, “it’s Nathaniel as a superhero!” she then gasped, “and he’s saving Marinette!” You felt your heart throb. Marinette? Of course he would like her, she’s sweet, kind, and the perfect friend. But you couldn’t deny that you had feelings for the red haired tomato, and it hurt to know that those feelings weren’t reciprocated. Nathaniel hurriedly grabbed his papers from Chloe and ran out of the room.
“Ms. Mendeleev! You’re being too harsh!” you argued while still standing up.
“That’s it (y/n). Go to the principal’s office now!” she ordered.
For a moment you were shocked, you had never been sent to the principal’s office before, but you quickly got over that shock when you realized that that was where Nathaniel was. You could defend him, “okay!” you replied and quickly gathered your items before running out the door. You were making your way to the principal’s office but was stopped by a rather peculiar person roaming around. You ran over to see what he was doing. You couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw him, “Nathaniel?” you asked in shock. He couldn’t be. Nathaniel? The sweetest person whom you’ve ever met being a supervillain? It made sense though, the red hair, the artist vibe, and the fact that Nathaniel was just sent outside.
“It’s not Nathaniel, it’s Evillustrator!” he shouted.
“No, this isn’t like you.” All of your stuff clattered to the ground as you looked at your best friend. “What have you done to Nathaniel!”
“You’re being too loud,” he snarled as he walked towards you. You stumbled backwards. This wasn’t your friend. “I don’t want Ladybug and Chat Noir to come just yet. I have some revenge I need to place on Chloe.”
“I get what she did was mean, but you don’t need to become a supervillain because of her!”
“Be quiet.” He drew something on his pad and tape was stuck over your mouth, immediately your hands flew up to your face to try and rip it off but your hands flew back as you got stuck to the wall with more tape. If looks could kill you would’ve killed Evillustrator right then and there, but he left the room without another word.
You struggled against the tape that held you back. Either you were weak, or this was some super strong tape. Definitely stronger than one strip of duct tape. You sighed. Here you were, stuck against a wall because of some tape with nobody around. You stood there dejectedly until an idea came into your mind. You remember reading somewhere on the internet that licking the tape that covered your face would cause it to come off. So that’s what you set yourself on doing until someone came by.
Screaming came from somewhere in the school, and you wished you could see what was happening. “Wait, (y/n)?” you nearly cried in relief when you heard Nino’s voice. You vigorously nodded. “Dude, what are you doing here?” You glared at him, if you could explain, you would. “Let’s get you freed.” He first set on picking at the tape on your face, “okay this will probably hurt. One, two, three!” with a yank the tape was off your face.
“Oww!” you groaned as your face started to sting.
“Sorry dude.” He answered and went on tackling your hands, “what is this, super tape?” he asked as he too struggled against the tape.
“I don’t know, but if it was just duct tape, I would’ve freed myself ages ago.” You struggled against the tape to try and help Nino get it off. Suddenly the tape was loose and your arm flew forwards, accidentally punching Nino in the chest. “Oh my gosh Nino I’m so sorry!”
“It’s fine.” He laughed and started on the other hand, except a bit more to the side. This process repeated for the last three pieces of tape until you were free.
“I’m free!” you shouted excitedly and raised your arms in victory.
Nino laughed, “come on, let’s get back to class.”
You were at home working on your homework. Ladybug and Chat Noir still hadn’t captured the Evillustrator. You sighed and sent the image of your notes to Nathaniel. Ms. Mendeleev was just too tough on him. Actually, she was just overall a really angry and cranky teacher.
“So, (y/n).” You screamed and fell out of your chair as a voice came from your window. It was the Evillustrator, and with a few flicks of his pen your window disappeared and he walked into your room. You couldn’t do anything but stare at him dumbfounded. “You’re my best friend right?”
“What? I mean, of course.” You shakily got back onto your chair, “what’s with this sudden question?”
“What should I do for a date.”
“Huh?” you almost shouted, “a date?”
He winced at how loud you were, “with Marinette.”
“Oh,” you visibly deflated, “of course. A moonlit stroll is kind of cliche.” You thought out loud, “but I think the moon is out tonight. So that would actually be kind of cute.”
“I was thinking, riding down the Seine on a boat?” he asked uncertainly.
You gaped, “yep. That’ll definitely do it. Add candles and dinner and you’re practically golden. Fairy lights would definitely add to the theme, and if you want to be cheesy. Flowers.”
He nodded as you listed off ideas, “that’s great! Thanks (y/n)!” he hugged you before jumping out of the window.
“Yeah.” You quietly agreed wistfully. You snapped back into reality as you realized you still had a gaping hole for a window, “at least fix the window!” You groaned and laid back onto your bed. Your heart hurt as the entire weight of the situation settled. Nathaniel, the boy you were hopelessly in love with, was hopelessly in love with Marinette. You were already being rejected and you hadn’t even confessed yet.
You ended up going to sleep early that night. With your homework unfinished, your window a gaping hole, and your heart hurting.
“So, how’d that date go?” you asked as you roughly sat down next to Nathaniel the next day.
“Date? What date?” he questioned in confusion. He turned to you with blue eyes wide in confusion.
“I uh, I mean nothing.” You blushed and turned away from him. You rested your face on your hand and spaced out as you looked at the floor. He didn’t remember anything from being the Evillustrator. Not the date, not the fact that he left you taped to a wall.
“What’s wrong (y/n)?” Nathaniel placed a hand on your shoulder and tried to get you to look at him.
“It’s nothing,” you sighed.
“Please,” he begged, “we’re best friends. I thought we told each other everything?”
“Except the fact that you’re obviously hopelessly in love with Marinette.” You snapped back bitterly. Your eyes widened and you clapped your hands over your mouth. He looked to be just as shocked. “I’m sorry I need to go!” you nearly screamed as you ran out of the classroom.
“(y/n)! Wait!” he called as he ran after you. He caught up to you and grabbed your hand, “please (y/n). Wait.” He panted
“I’m sorry Nathaniel.” You whimpered and tore yourself out of his grasp.
“Please, tell me what’s wrong.” He called down the hall.
You stopped running and turned around, but made sure to keep quite a bit of space between you two. “I’m sorry Nathaniel. It just hurts that you’re hopelessly in love with another girl.”
“I’m not hopelessly in love with Marinette.” He told you eagerly, “she’s just a very good model. I like to draw her.”
“Oh,” you weren’t entirely convinced. You didn’t want to sound like a brat, but what about you?
He seemed to notice your hesitation, “I didn’t draw you because there was no way any of my drawings could come close to portraying how pretty you are.” Your jaw dropped and you froze. Your mind couldn’t think of anything to say. “Sorry. I don’t think that really helped. I really like you (y/n), but it doesn’t seem like that feeling is reciprocated.” He turned around sadly and started to walk back to the room.
You snapped out of your daze and ran back to him before launching yourself to hug him, “silly.” You whispered to him, “I love you too.”
“Really?” he asked in shock and turned back around to face you.
You placed your forehead on his forehead, “of course. Why would I ever lie to you?” Both of you smiled at each and let your lips melt together in a kiss.
Masterlist (Originally posted in 2018)
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