#anywaY alexa play despacito
heich0e · 11 months
i haven’t had a chance to read past part 1 of yakuza au yet (astounding as always!!! looking forward to the rest) but that ask where you talked about kita’s mafia wife being an equal partner… i literally blacked out PLEASE i need it i need it i need it i love that shit if the character is like dark and powerful and acclimated to violence and the reader can match them stride for stride
LIAAAAAA!! i mean i tend to think that even canonically shinsuke would need a wife who he sees as an equal, but ESPECIALLY in this particular circumstance. he would absolutely dote on/cherish his partner, but he would need to see them quite literally as his other half. something that completes a pair, not complements a whole, yknow?? i think he would need someone who he knows could step into his position if anything were to ever happen, and shoulder his responsibilities. that he TRUSTS to assume that role.
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recurring-polynya · 3 months
I am never not thinking about Renji giving people rides on Hihiou Zabimaru, but somehow I forgot about the time Rukia used a Hakuren to launch Kon into the air during the kemari episode.
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Reader, she was not sorry.
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Unfortunately he started to go out of bounds, so Tessai felt it necessary to shoot him down with a Bakudou #99, p2.
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I cannot emphasize enough that this was for a game of kemari to resolve some vague beef Rurichiyo and Kenryuu were having, there were literally no stakes whatsoever to everyone else, who just showed up and chose violence.
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starii-lins · 1 year
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small doodle dump
second pic is my octatrio hc of how well theyd handle spice
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her eyes peek to the moon outside the window; she hears the moon tell her she will heal from this.
she does not yet know that the woman in the moon is but her own self, protecting her infinitely. she hears me now.
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kirstenonic05 · 1 year
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He's pancaked...
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makerofmadness · 2 years
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Wasn't this dude already fighting possession by that sword? Dear god
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iiigris · 5 months
I wanna draw something for Love from the Other Side’s 1yr anniversary so badly but I’m also just so so tired like my brain is mush…
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heavensvoid · 1 year
  there were three things that Musashi knew beyond a shadow of a doubt. one, the enemies in this specific biome were putting up a fight even against her in her normal state. two, everything in these damn forests had a bloodlust for anything that moved. and three? dragons were surprisingly persistent. and had very, very large teeth because this was about the fourth time that the dragon has tried to bite her head off and coming very close (too close) to succeeding. true, she didn’t have to smack what she thought was a rock but was actually the dragon’s hind leg but in her defense, they looked the same! 
         that’s not important though. what is important is that she’s playing hopscotch with an oversized lizard because someone has decided to see if they can solve the magical riddle and that left her to play the distraction. 
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     “ Would you —” a dash to the left. ” let go of the — ” a jump to the right. “ damn magic stick already?!" the sharp clang of teeth meeting the metal of her swords resounds in the clearing as the Saber turns, caring none for decorum. “ I do not want to have to do this all over again because you refused to not touch the thing!!”
@exousiate​ -- down you go
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orionangeline · 2 years
So. I went to a funeral the other day, right. For one of my grandmas. And they played. Despacito.
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gyokujyn · 2 months
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CATWS 10th Anniversary | REJECTS! » Prompt: To the end of the line » Title: Alexa play who wants to live forever » Reason for Rejection: So, I actually loved this one so much, but in retrospect after completing it to this point, I felt that the 2nd and 3rd panel gifs needed to be switched which would have basically required making the damn thing again from scratch because I have no idea what I'm doing and only started using gifs because I couldn't figure out which stills to use of Seb in his knife training back on TWS Cast day... I digress. Anyway, despite being for the last day in the event, I didn't get the time to fix my fuck up and I knew I already had a TON of options for that particular day, so this one fell to the wayside. Also, I think this was the second or third one that I named some variation on the "this is so sad, Alexa, play despacito" joke. But, I do love it.
a loving homage to A Softer World and @asofteravenger made for the CATWS 10th Anniversary Celebration
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milkmynk · 1 year
ORV Fic Concept - Spiritual Isekai KDJ
OW = Original World (where KDJ is from, modern civilization) MW = Medieval World (where KDJ spiritually isekais to)
KDJ wakes up one day isekai-ed as a noble in MW. But he quickly realizes that it is spiritual isekai, because whenever he falls asleep he isekais back into OW, and vice versa (poor KDJ literally can't sleep now, he's always working either in OW or MW...)
Original MW!KDJ has a fiancé (YJH), whom he's told "he" is obsessed with but our KDJ couldn't give a rat's ass about, he's way too busy for romance ok??
Until one day he hears that his fiancé has been exiled from his own noble family for... indiscretions. Anyway KDJ picks him up from the garbage, like a big angry stray cat UwU
(Ex)fiance YJH heavily disliked KDJ due to original KDJ strong-arming him into an engagement (cause he was obsessed and not above a little blackmail). So like... in the dream that sparked this, the reason why YJH had been exiled was cause he got an STD from visiting the pleasure district LOL OOC my dude XD
KDJ cures him by using medicine from OW (he can bring items across worlds by holding them in his hand when he goes to sleep). So eventually KDJ had to tell him the origin of the medicine and his secret.
Anyhow, YJH having no other place to go and (reluctantly) intrigued by our KDJ decides to stay and be employed by KDJ. But before he realizes it, he loses his heart to oblivious!KDJ. 😘
Angst starts setting in because he starts worrying; what if KDJ stops isekai-ing into MW one day?
He only truly realizes that he doesn't want to lose KDJ when, for the first time, KDJ doesn't wake up in MW for three whole days.
He begins to panic, what if KDJ really did find a way to stop his spiritual traveling? What if he never gets to see those bright eyes and that wide smile again?
(Insert YJH waxing poetic internally about KDJ, it's all very angsty, Alexa play Despacito)
KDJ eventually wakes up with a massive headache, to see YJH dozing in a chair by his side. Warm feelings that KDJ immediately represses the hell out of ensue; KDJ thinks so loud he wakes YJH up
YJH grabs KDJ’s shoulders and goes ballistic at KDJ like, you were asleep for 3 days!!! You didn't go to sleep in OW for 3 days???
And KDJ is like. “Firstly, I have a big headache right now, please stop rattling me like I'm a baby rattle”
And, “Secondly, yeah?? I had a project deadline coming up, I needed to get the work done!”
Poor YJH stares at him, wild-eyed, before letting go and slumping back into his seat. He echos, “... You needed to get the work done.”
“Or get fired, yeah”
YJH drags a hand down his face, then pinches the bridge of his nose for good measure. “So you didn’t sleep... For three whole days.”
"Red Bull gives you wings," KDJ agrees, helpfully.
YJH thinks to himself, I’m in love with a suicidal idiot, and despairs.
Interlude where YJH gets so terrified of losing KDJ + "someone needs to take care of that idiot and it sure isn’t going to be KDJ" + he's interested in the advanced civilization of OW That he asks whether, since KDJ could transport items by holding them in his hand when he goes to sleep... If, y'know, for science, if they held hands while KDJ slept... Would YJH be transported as well?
And KDJ immediately shoots him down. Cause KDJ, despite being a suicidal idiot, has a good head on his shoulders and knows that cross-contamination of populations could cause widespread destruction and death of both populations (Pathogens that one population is adapted to might be devastating for a population that is not adapted to it, etc.) Anyway that's the end of YJH isekai-ing aspirations lol /end Interlude ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
KDJ eventually finds the way to stop isekai-ing.
It’s simple, really. He doesn’t know why he didn’t think of it before. The basic theory is that his soul is compatible with both bodies and hence flits between them when one body goes to sleep.
So, in order to stop the spiritual traveling, simply put... If there's only one body alive... well, nowhere to flit to.
He, of course, does not divulge this information to YJH. But he does start making preparations for his eventual departure. You know, like an uncommunicative asshole 😊
But YJH can sense it, like there's an urgency and finality to KDJ now; like he's tying up loose ends.
They're having dinner together one night and that suspicion/feeling peaks so hard that the words in him are about to burst.
Why are you doing this?
Why aren’t you telling me anything?
Are you going to leave me?
When KDJ beats him to it.
KDJ sets down his cutlery, wipes his pretty pink mouth, and looks at YJH with the stars in his eyes and a trickster's smile on his lips.
"Hey, YJH. Shall we get married?"
YJH, to his utter horror, opens his stupid mouth and says, "Yes."
They do actually get married, but they don't consummate the marriage (because KDJ is an emotionally repressed/avoidant POS).
Basically KDJ's thought process was like :
1. If I die now, there won't be a successor to my duchy, this would cause power wars and unrest. It would be best if I could get someone competent to take over my role... Hey YJH is right there let's sic the job on him 👍
2. This way YJH can be assured that he'll have a home / job / position even after I leave
(Insert happenings / angst / sweet pain cause I haven’t actually thought of the in-between. But, I have thought of TWO endings.)
>>> THE BAD ENDING, IT MAKES ME SO MAD (The one that actually happened in my dream WHICH IS WHY I’M AWAKE AT 4AM FROM ANGST.)
KDJ takes poison in MW and lies down to sleep for the last time. As his consciousness dulls and fades, he hears his door open.
He hears familiar footsteps walk closer, before a scarred, calloused hand slips into his own, and holds on tight. Searing warm, against his rapidly cooling skin.
"... You dumb bastard," KDJ sighs, before the world fades completely.
The implication is that YJH was transported to OW with KDJ... And it would have been a happy ending if it’d ended at this point.
Like, the thing that gets me so mad about this ending. IT FITS.
1. It parallels canon!!!!! KDJ tried so hard to give 0th turn a good life, but 0th turn said haha no I choose suffering 😊
2. YJH wanting to meet be with KDJ, no matter the cost
3. It ties in with the interlude??? Hello my brain why are you smarter asleep than when you're awake???
4. It also ties in with that odd power KDJ has to transport items between worlds, which was originally introduced like a goddamn gimmick to ingratiate himself with YJH via the power of modern medicine???
I’m legitimately so upset about this QAQ
>>> The Good Ending, a fix-it for my own dream, this tastes like betrayal tbh
KDJ decides that he loves MW more than OW and stayed in MW with YJH instead. Happily ever after.
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innytoes · 2 years
I am late I feel like but Autumn prompts Number 1 with Reggie and anyone.
"IT'S DECORATIVE GOURD SEASON MOTHERFUCKERS!" Reggie shouted, pouncing on Alex' back. Alex, after years of being in Sunset Curve and thus used to Luke and Reggie's shenanigans, automatically caught him. He brought his hands under Reggie's thighs, hoisting him up in a piggy-back. Reggie beamed, hooking his chin over Alex' shoulder and clinging to him like a baby koala.
"It's what?" he asked, the words only now filtering through.
"It's decorative gourd season! I saw my first pumpkin today," Reggie explained. "Your boyfriend taught me that."
"My boyfriend taught you to swear?" Alex said, giving Willie a reproachful look.
"I'm pretty sure he knew the word 'motherfucker' before he met me, Hotdog," Willie said, amused. "It's a meme."
Willie had explained all what a meme was. Alex was still a little vague what the difference between a meme and a regular joke was, but apparently there were a lot of them now. Still, it was fun to make Julie wonder where the hell they'd learned about 'that's so sad Alexa play Despacito'.
Reggie adored the dramatic chipmunk and the word 'yeet'. Luke had taken 'anyway here's wonderwall' and ran with it, trotting it out every time Julie was annoyed with him over something. Alex' favourite was the sarcastic 'sure jan'. He got a lot of use out of that one.
"Also, how is it pumpkin season already? It's September. Isn't pumpkin season supposed to be October?"
"Hate to break it to you, hotdog, but Pumpkin Spice Latte season starts in august. People are like, really into fall these days."
"Wh-why?" Alex asked. This was LA. They didn't get fall. They had summer, and slightly less warm summer.
"Because it's spoopy season!" Reggie crowed. "And it's even better, because now we're ghosts! It's our season, Alex!"He wriggled so much that Alex dropped him on the couch. He did not use the word 'yeet', even if he did think it, maybe. Dammit, Reggie.
"It's like eighty degrees out," he said.
"Soooo, is that a no to going to a pumpkin patch, stealing some pumpkins, and floating them around with the words 'repent, homophobe' on them in the yard of a homophobic congressman?" Willie asked. Reggie turned to Alex, puppy eyes on full display.
"Well, I didn't say that," Alex muttered.
"Yesss!" Reggie cheered.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Nathalie is a little better than Gabriel. I will support her redemption if only because 1. She’s the only reason Adrien was allowed to go to school. 2. She is generally nicer to him than his father and has tried several times to appeal to Gabriel when she sees him upset. 3. She encouraged Gabriel to be honest with Adrien over what he was doing 4. We never got to see her in the aftermath of the reveals in Ephemeral or Chat Blanc. She gave Chat Noir up but it’s possible that she didn’t realize Gabriel would react the way he did.
It’s true she’s been supporting a crazy terrorist man and simping needlessly for him but I am just happy to see her (maybe) come to her senses and I’m more tolerant of her redemption than his. I don’t know how long this anti-Gabriel phase is going to last. He might lure her back in. In one of those screenshots it looks like she might get akumatized and be purple too? So she might say “he made us purple together and that means his love is true.” I’m hoping for the best anyway.
I don't think Nathalie nor anyone is worse than Gabriel. Gabriel is the bottom of the bottom. I just find their relationship toxic and Nathalie's standards low af. Gabriel isn't even good looking and he doesn't have a nice personality.
At first I didn't even notice Nathalie. Then in Heroes Day part two I found her relationship with Gabriel already toxic and a huge red flag was how she risked her life for a man who just beat two children with a stick in front of her. He did THAT to Ladybug and Chat Noir in front of the whole Paris and Nathalie was like "I love him so much he deserves help he is a good man who loves his family". Then as the season 3 went on I disliked her and their whole relationship more and more, I already hated him of course. But the whole concept of what they have is unhealthy to me. Then in Chat Blanc she literally spent all credit with me. The "she didn't know what he was going to do to Adrien" could work if she didn't help Gabriel break Adrien's and Marinette's hearts earlier in the same ep. She already hurt Adrien, she broke his heart. Then when she snitched on him to his father OH MY GOD I WANTED TO MURDER THESE TWO ADULTS SO MUCH IN THAT EPISODE! Then Risk, don't forget it when she flew in to control Adrien with the ring cuz Gabriel couldn't. I don't see her as a momma bear nor anyone who looks at Adrien more than a tool to help his father. I literally don't care if she dies. I used to feel little sorry for her in Strikeback when she collapsed but now I legit don't care. I just want her to go to prison or whatever. Like people legit hate Marinette and then call Nathalie "power woman who has standards, successful queen" what's with the fandom praising every bad female character and hating the good ones lol?! I would rather give Chloé development at this point than Nathalie. Chloé has more potential and she's a kid, Nathalie is a grown woman destroying the world for a one inch long d*ck and now I'm supposed to forgive her?! The same woman who's creating and killing sentimonsters knowing full well what Adrien is. Also the same woman who is also teamed up with Lila and she helped Lila against Adrien in Ladybug. Also when she let Gabriel take credit for the gift Marinette made for Adrien... (also I don't need the "that's bc the writers hate Chloé and they will give everyone development before her" just admit the writers f*ck characters up quite often at this point that no wonder the fandom is so confused who's good and who's bad). I'm just so sick and tired of hers "oh no this is so sad Alexa play Despacito" moments. Also when someone compares Gabenath to Love Square 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 f*ck them.
Now I don't know if she'll come back to Gabriel but I always compared Nathalie to Serena from The Handmaid's Tale cuz they are basically the same character, but there was a part of the series when Serena was seriously considering leaving Fred (who is just as bad as Gabriel) and she was so close and then she came back to him even though she wasn't 100% happy with that choice she still forgave him everything. So everything is possible. I just know that it's impossible for me to like Nathalie like it's impossible for me to like Serena. When a character crossed it they crossed it. If Nathalie and Serena don't have standards I have them.
Also (this isn't about this ask tho) if Nathalie stans could just ignore my blog instead of harassing me and making fun of me for hating her that would be really appreciated 😘
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joeycon · 6 years
having a good heart but also being aware that other people won’t always be good in return is so stressful because i SHOULD allow myself to respond to rudeness in kind but i ALWAYS end up taking the high road because i CAN’T be purposefully an asshole fml
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possessed-cryptid · 3 years
trying to understand the professor lore and looking back at old posts I’VE made like 6 months ago,,,,, and what even,,, it’s like a fever dream and i don’t remember anything,,, guess he just transcends everything now
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i-like-gay-books · 2 years
lost my water bottle today. genuinely devastated 
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