#and yeah I could have just reblogged it or something but idk I just figured I'd repost it whatever
gremliinsart · 7 months
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Tell me something I don't know...
Posting this again cause the original post just...ate itself...happy Thanksgiving I guess? NFHDNDMN
Anyway I've just had this idea floating around that, because Bubble is an ai used for information (there's quite a lot in that little brain!) that someone like Jax, if given the opportunity would use that to get info on Caine for drama or perhaps more nefarious reasons...
And while Bubble is loyal to Caine (he did make them after all) they don't exactly understand that just because you know something, doesn't mean you should tell. Can you blame them though? It's in their programming...
As always, the Amazing Digital Carnival au belongs to the lovely @sm-baby 💖
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dollfacefantasy · 10 months
Can't Help It
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pairing: dbf!leon kennedy x fem!reader
summary: your dad's coworker needs a housesitter, but the house isn't the only thing you'll be sitting on (haha pls laugh)
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, masturbation, oral (m receiving), age gap (i imagine early 20s/late 30s), both reader and leon are kinda pervy but not in a skeevy way <3
word count: 5.3k
a/n: hi hi i am back! this was such a pain to write for no reason, but as always, i hope people enjoy. i'm not sure what trope this really falls under, it's probably more accurate to say dcw (dad's coworker), but we'll go with dbf for convenience. i might make a part 2 of this idk. also, i know the header images are really giving graphic design is my passion but... it is what is lol. as before, thank you for all the support on my last fics. if you reblogged or commented, i'm giving you a smooch rn. and just wanna say that i do take requests. if anyone is interested, don't be shy ;) any who, feedback, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! <3
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When your dad’s new coworker asked if you’d be interested in housesitting for some easy money, you couldn’t find a reason to say no. Agent Kennedy, like your father, traveled for work a lot. Often gone for weeks at a time, he needed someone to watch the place and take care of menial tasks like getting the mail and watering the plants. It paid well and all you had to do was basically live in his house.
You had met him several times in passing before he offered you this job, and he was always nice to you. He would say hi when you’d come down for a snack while he talked to your dad in the living room. He’d ask how college was and about the different classes you were taking. One time he even told you about some old band he liked that he thought you would too. And that was all great.
But what was even better was that he was fine as fuck.
You had a fat crush on him from the moment you were introduced. The way his eyes pierced right through you but in the softest way. How his lips curled into a knowing smile while his hand gripped yours in a firm shake. The way he said “pretty name for a pretty girl” when you told him your name. From any other middle-aged man, that would have been so corny and had you internally shriveling up. But from him… you had to fight the urge to get on your knees then and there.
He’d approached you about watching his house, saying something about how there had been some nearby break-ins in empty houses and it would be a good way for you to get some spending money and blah blah blah. You were on board as soon as the opportunity to have more of him in your life presented itself.
Unfortunately, it was the nature of housesitting that you rarely saw your employer. You would see him when you showed up and when he came home and that was it. But those moments were enough to sustain your delusion.
The first time you came over, you walked into the house, glancing around the den of the man who enraptured you. It was pretty basic, but you figured that not being home a lot would be the reason for that. When you were done trying to psychoanalyze him from looking around his house, he gave you your own set of keys with a wink that had you blushing an embarrassing amount.
“Thank you, Mr. Kennedy,” you said softly.
“Call me Leon, Sweetheart,” he replied.
You had to look away to conceal your giddy smile. You didn’t think he noticed the effect he had on you. Or if he did, he didn’t care about your pitiful infatuation. But other times, you could have sworn he did this kind of thing on purpose.
Your first stint in the house went smoothly. You made sure to do everything he asked and even cleaned up the place a little bit. When he returned from wherever his work had taken him that time, he seemed impressed to your delight. He looked around, making small talk with you before writing your check.
“You get up to anything crazy while I was gone?” he said, smirking as he scribbled his signature on the small rectangle.
“Yeah, I was real wild - I brought out your vacuum for probably the first time.”
He laughed, handed you the check, and teasingly purred “good girl.” 
Now, he may have been joking, but your panties nearly soaked through with arousal regardless. You yet again hid your revealing expression as you said a timid goodbye and headed out to your car. You were shifting your thighs together the whole ride home, fantasizing about being a good girl for Agent Kennedy so he would relieve that ache between your legs that clouded your thoughts.
Honestly, all of this made you feel pretty pathetic. Lusting after your father’s coworker, now technically your boss, who was a good fifteen years older than you. Blushing and squirming every time he said something more than ‘hi.’ Weren’t you better than this? But then you’d see those thick biceps and mysterious eyes, and the answer in your mind would be a resounding no.
Because honestly, you weren’t better than this, you were so much worse. After the good girl incident, you decided that if he didn’t want you yet, he would. You would make sure of it. From then on, every time you were housesitting, you wore your most revealing outfits, did your hair all pretty, and even tried special perfume so you’d smell extra nice.
But none of it seemed to work. He kept up his regular teasing and charm, but to your dismay, he hadn’t railed you on that sad leather couch in the living room. You tried to convince yourself that his gazes lingered longer and that his touches were more strategic, but that felt like reach even for you. 
It was so frustrating. What more could you do? You touched his arm while he spoke. You laughed harder at his corny jokes. You even hugged him once or twice when you could justify it. You tried to drop hints every way you could without literally just trying to seduce him, and he did not seem to care. You nearly gave up. You decided that maybe you should just cut your losses and spare yourself the humiliation. Leave yourself with some dignity and resign to just being his housesitter.
You would have done this if not for the fact that he lets you sleep in his bed while he’s gone.
His house was meant for one person. It didn’t have a guest room. He told you on your first gig that you were obviously allowed to sleep in his bed since the alternative was the aforementioned sad leather couch in the living room. He told you to bring whatever you needed to be comfortable - sheets, blankets, pillows - since you’d be there for weeks at a time.
At first, it was too weird. It made you feel dirty, sleeping in his bed while harboring your secret carnal desires. But goddamn, that couch in the living room was uncomfortable. You stuck it out for the first time, but the second time you housesat, you relented and dragged your belongings back to the room you’d forbidden yourself from knowing. 
His bedroom, like the rest of the house, is pretty blank, but there’s a little more personality here. It made you feel like such a stalker, but you couldn’t help making observations, right? You got to see the type of cologne he wore, the few dusty books he kept next to his bed, what kind of stuff he crammed in the nightstand drawers. It sounded creepy, but you just had curiosity, right?
You set yourself up in his queen size bed, draping the plush blanket you brought with you across the mattress. The bed was comfy enough, but the absolute best part, the part that kept your fantasies alive and well, was the way the sheets smelled like him.
You nearly moaned when you took a deep breath, filling your nose with that familiar scent. It gave you such a rush pushing your face into those smooth gray linens. It was so wrong, but you couldn’t help shamefully slipping your fingers beneath the waistband of your shorts to play with your swollen clit. You clutch the sheets in your fists as you writhe on the bed, whining as you fantasize about your special agent.
Leon had gone years leaving his house desolate without an issue. All that nonsense about potential burglaries and spending money for you had been total bullshit. It’s not like there was anything of value in his house anyway. Those excuses served only as a way to get more of you in his life. He thought housesitting was a happy middleground, a tether to you without being obvious about his motivations.
Ever since he saw you for the first time, heading out your front door, offering a timid ‘nice to meet you,’ he had been hooked. You bewitched him with your sweet temperament, that soft laugh when he told you bad jokes, those gorgeous eyes projecting all the emotions in that pretty head of yours. God, you were so fucking cute.
You made him feel like a dirty old man, sick and perverted for coveting his colleague’s daughter. The embarrassment he felt within himself when he’d notice he was staring at your tits or imagining how your soft lips would look wrapped around his cock was immeasurable. Even though the guilt boiled inside him, he couldn’t stop himself. He craved you. He started finding more opportunities to visit your house, hoping he could steal a few moments of your time. That’s when he knew enough was enough.
Having you as his house sitter worked perfectly. He could have his moments with you without feeling too disgusted with himself. Even though he liked to tease every so often, he kept it friendly. He noticed that you, on the other hand, seemed to be doing everything to change that.
He wasn’t a fool. He could see the changes in your appearance. Those skimpy outfits you’d flaunt yourself in drove him crazy. The way you’d playfully roll your eyes and brush his arm had his cock twitching in his pants. It was becoming all the more tempting to spread you out on the dining table and take what he wanted. But he still wrestled with that part of himself that said to not take it too far. That you deserved better.
That was until you started sleeping in his bed.
He had come home after your second gig, given you your check, and sent you on your way quickly because he was exhausted from his mission. He went straight to his room and collapsed on the bed. He could tell the sheets had been freshly washed by the soft feel, but also because you were always going above and beyond to please him. Despite the recent cleaning, he swore to himself he could smell some of your perfume on them.
He looked like a madman, smelling his bed sheets for the faintest hit of that scent. He groaned, picturing you lying here, your beautiful body sprawled out on his bed. He inhaled deeper while conjuring images of your unkempt hair and sleepy eyes. It wasn’t long until his dick sprung to life as he saw images of you with one of his pillows between your legs, whimpering as you drag your dripping cunt back and forth along the fabric. He couldn’t help the need to desperately pump his cock to sinful visions of his precious girl.
This morning it’s about six when Leon unlocks the front door and quietly walks inside. He completed his mission hours before. He was tired, but it had been short, only about a week, and relatively easy. He told you he would be home in the evening, but he’d finished earlier than expected.
He trudges through the house and down the hall to his bedroom, collapsing in bed at the forefront of his mind. It’s not until he reaches the door and hears your deep breathing that it occurs to him that his bed is currently occupied. He gently pushes the door open and walks in, planning on rousing you so you could get your money and be on your way. When he sees you though, that plan vanishes from his mind.
The sight of you nearly melts him into a puddle. He pads closer to the bed, careful not to disturb you. Your shiny hair is draped across the pillow as you lie on your stomach with one leg hiked up. Your arms rest close to your face, their raised position causing your t-shirt to ride up and allowing him to see your waist. The blanket was tangled between your legs, and his eyes are immediately drawn to the junction of your thighs covered only by those thin panties you wore.
Despite your beauty, he controls himself. He pulls the blanket over your lower body and sits beside you to contemplate his next move. He came up with a few different things he could do, but all he wanted right now was to watch you sleep. He felt like such a creep, but you looked heavenly in this state. His ears strained to hear those delicate exhales coming from your parted lips.
He could just go sleep on the couch until you woke up. He could just wake you up and offer to let you stay until you had your bearings. Or he could just let himself enjoy this a little more.
He wanted to wake you though. He wasn’t fully sure of what he was doing, but if there was any part of you that had reservations he wanted to know. It would rip his heart to shreds if he frightened you somehow. He begins rubbing your back in long soothing strokes. He makes small circles with his fingers every so often. You stir a little, but don’t wake.
He continues his ministrations, smiling at your sleeping form. He uses his other hand to brush your hair from your face. He strokes the locks away from your closed eyes before leaning closer to you. He can smell that familiar scent that had driven him to humping the sheets for the last few months.
“Hey Angel, need you to wake up for me,” he coos in your ear, his hot breath fanning across the side of your head.
It slowly registers inside your unconscious mind that you aren’t dreaming. Actual fingers are coasting along your back. An actual voice is coaxing you back to reality.
A low hum emits from your throat as you shift to face the source of your disturbance. Your eyes open, still heavy from sleep, and Leon enters your field of vision. For a second, you wonder if you’re still dreaming.
“There she is,” he whispers, giving you that charming smile. He runs his fingers along your jaw and tilts your chin to turn your face completely in his direction.
You feel your brain malfunctioning as he floods your senses. The morning light coming through the window illuminating him as he looks down at you. The deep timbre of his voice speaking to you. His rough fingertips dragging across the smooth expanse of your cheek.
Soon as your eyes come into focus and your mind clears the fog of sleep a little, you grasp enough of the situation to feel a jolt of panic. It felt like you woke up late for school. You shoot up in bed and look at him with wide, apologetic eyes.
“Oh my God, Leon, I’m so sorry. I thought you wouldn’t be back until tonight. I’ll be ready in a minute. Just-” you ramble. You go to fling the blanket off of you, but remember you didn’t wear shorts to bed. You have to sit there, looking at him as you feel heat creeping to your cheeks.
“Hey, it’s alright,” he cuts you off with a quiet chuckle, gently catching your arm when you sit up, “I finished a little early. You don’t need to rush out the door. I figured you’d still be asleep.”
The look in his eyes soothes you. He has that rugged, worn out look that he gets when he comes back from missions. Your heart rate falls back down to normal levels, but your eyes still cast downwards, a little embarrassed he’d caught you unprepared. His fingers trail up and down your arm, and you shift a little to try and hide the fact that your nipples are hardening beneath the flimsy fabric of your shirt.
“Thank you. I’ll be up in a few though. I know you’re probably tired,” you say, giving him a sheepish smile.
He moves so that he’s further on the bed with you. He lays back on the pillows and looks up at you, rubbing your back how he was before you woke up. 
“Mmmm, I am, but you still don’t need to rush. I’m not gonna complain about a sweet thing like you warming my bed,” he says, that teasing smile spreading across his face and his fingers starting to trace patterns exclusively on the small of your back.
Your eyes flit away as your own smile grows on your face. How were you supposed to be normal about this? You look down at your hands in your lap and mutter a thank you.
“Honey, you really don’t need to be so shy all of the sudden,” he says softly, but there’s a smug lilt to his voice as well. You bite your lip as his hand begins fidgeting with the hem of your shirt.
He can’t help the smirk and predator-like glint in his eyes that form at your reaction. This was it. That little smile and refusal to meet his eyes was all he could stand. He was closing in now. The flirtation between you two had gone on long enough. He wanted this, and if you wanted it too, his mind couldn’t find a reason to deny the two of you any longer.
“Sweetheart, if you have something to tell me, you can come out and say it. I don’t bite. Unless you want me to,” he says as he reaches up to pull your hair behind your shoulder and out of your face, “And, lately I’m starting to think that’s what you want.”
You look over to him now, your eyes staring into his. Your limbs feel weak, disbelief coursing through your veins. Your thoughts stampede through your mind, but you eventually force the words from your throat.
“I think I want that too,” you breathe. Your heart seizes at his brows playfully rising. You lay down on the bed, resting on your side so that you and Leon are face to face. Your pulse thunders in your ears while you try to conceal how shaky your breathing is.
He scooches over to you, pushing you on to your back and propping himself on his elbow so he’s positioned above you. He leans down and presses two faint kisses to your cheeks. Pulling back, he looks into your eyes and strokes your cheek again with the same soft and slow movements.
“Think, babydoll? I think you know what you want,” he whispers, dragging his thumb over your bottom lip, “I think you’ve known for a while. Wearing all those cute little outfits, prancing through my house and brushing against me like a kitten. You were just begging for my attention.”
You squirm slightly under the spotlight of his affection. Somehow, you maintain eye contact even though every cell in you feels the urge to look away. Part of your mind wonders if he’s still teasing. If he’s about to pull away and leave you wanting.
Before you could overthink anymore, his head lowers to the crook of your neck. He takes a deep breath of you as he moves himself further on top. 
“Now, you’ve got it, but all you had to do, sweet thing, was ask,” he says as his mouth ghosts over your neck, “That’s all you have to do right now. Just want to hear that you want me as bad as I want you.”
“Yes,” you whimper without a second thought, “Please touch me.”
“That’s my good girl,” he hums as he begins kissing your neck. The kisses are soft. They’re barely there, but they’re overwhelming to you. You can’t help the pathetic sound that leaves your lips as you tilt your head back. The hand that had been touching your face trails down to your waist and begins caressing your side under your shirt.
His tongue gently laps against the skin of your neck between kisses. Your whole body is starting to heat up while simultaneously getting chills. Every inch of you aches for his touch. Your thighs subconsciously spread as your breathing becomes heavier.
Leon lets out a small laugh at your display. “You must really want this Baby. Just a few kisses and rubs and you’re already mine,” he murmurs as his lips move up your neck and down your jaw. He kisses your lips next, giving your bottom lip a little nip.
Another needy sound escapes your mouth. You return the kiss and flick your tongue against his lips. “I do, wanted this since I met you,” you moan, your body writhing for more.
“Naughty girl,” he teases against your lips, “That’s okay though, Angel. I’m the same way. Wanted a handful of these pretty tits since I saw you.” His hand moves up and kneads your breast. His fingers massage the flesh before centering and pinching your nipple. 
You whine and arch into his touch. Your eyes flutter as your face contorts with desire. He slides over you, straddling your waist. He stares down at you and takes in what was finally in his grasp. He coos for you to sit up a little while he pulls your shirt off of you. You comply and then flop back against the pillows. Now exposed from the waist up, his eyes feel even more intense. He’s locked on to the view of your tits.
“Oh, Sweetheart,” he mutters, “Even better than I imagined.” His hands cup the sides of your breasts, groping them a bit. You can now see his cock beginning to strain against his jeans. Your mouth waters at the sight, but it’s gone when he leans down to take a nipple into his mouth.
His tongue circles the peak before lapping against it, drawing more whines from you. Your body arches into his touch while his hands never let up their fondling. You take your lip between your teeth again. He moves to give the other nipple the same treatment, leaving the other one cold as the air touches the saliva-coated skin.
He plays with your breasts for a while more before drifting down your abdomen, lavishing your stomach with kisses. He squeezes your waist as he playfully tugs the hem of your panties with his teeth. He looks up at you deviously. “Your nipples were so hard, I bet your pussy’s fucking soaked for me.”
All you can do is nod, any verbal response tangled up in your esophagus. He leans back on his knees and swiftly pulls the garment off. His pupils seem blown out as he gets a look at your cunt. He pushes your thighs to your stomach, spreading you out for his gaze. You felt so exposed, at his mercy as he held you there and just looked at you. Your arms reach down and pull at the hem of his shirt.
“Wanna see you too,” you whimper with pleading eyes.
“Yeah?” he says with a soft smile. He leans back and pulls his shirt off. It takes everything in you to hold back a gasp. “Been fantasizing about me, have you?”
Your eyes rake along his chiseled abdomen, drinking in every line and shadow of his muscular frame. You reach out and pull him back on top of you. His grin grows, and he indulges you. You connect your mouths again, this time sliding your tongue inside his. He groans at your sudden eagerness. He runs his hand through your hair while you feel up his back, exploring the definition there.
You give him a little push, signaling that you want to roll over. His body flips over and takes you with him so that you’re positioned how you wanted. You make out for a minute more until you pull back, looking at him with your lustful eyes and swollen lips.
“Wanna suck your cock,” you say simply, sliding down his body so that you’re lying between his legs. You nuzzle against the bulge in his pants before unzipping them and tugging them down.
His eyes follow your every movement. He pets your head as you rub your face against the outline of his dick. He tilts his head back and lets out a sigh. 
“That’s a good girl, just gotta give you some love and then you loosen up, don’t you?” he coos.
“Mhm,” you hum. You kiss his solid length over the cloth of his boxers. Then, finally, what you had been waiting for since meeting Leon. You loop your fingers over the waistband of his underwear and pull them down, unveiling his beautiful cock.
You wrap your fingers around it, just an exploratory touch. You feel the veins in your hold and the heat radiating from his shaft. You slowly bring your head to the tip to give him some tiny licks. Your eyes dart to his face, looking for approval.
Leon’s chest ached from the way you were looking at him like he was a god. When your tongue sticks out and your eyes return his stare, he nods at you and keeps stroking your hair. Your lips soon wrap around the tip, and you bob your head a little. He groans and his hips twitch.
“That’s a good girl, baby. Good fucking girl,” he moans as your head slides further down his member. His fingers lace through your hair, pulling a little.
The praise only makes you more enthusiastic. You move up and down with more speed, making lewd slurping noises as you work. His hand on your head and his sounds of pleasure has heat collecting in your belly, leaking out of your dripping pussy.
His head rests against the head board as he watches you with half-open eyes. His eyes squeeze shut and his body tenses as you push your head all the way down, taking him into your throat. Spit trickles from your mouth and drips on to his pelvis.
“Fuck, Sweetheart,” he whimpers, tugging on your hair a little. You taste his pre cum leaking on your tongue. A gagging noise comes from you and his hips twitch harder. He barely restrains himself from bucking up and lodging himself deeper in your throat. You moan around his cock, driving him even crazier. He feels the rush of an orgasm approaching and tugs your hair with more firmness, guiding your head up and off his lap. You whine softly as you lose the taste of him.
“Sorry, pretty girl, don’t wanna cum just yet,” he says.
You crawl back up his body, so you’re in his arms again. You kiss his cheeks and the corners of his mouth as he rolls the two of you over so he’s on top again. He connects your lips in a deep kiss, tasting himself on you as he drags the tip of his cock through your slippery folds.
He doesn’t tease for long though. Soon enough, he’s pushing himself into your tight cunt. You both let out a symphony of sinful noises. Leon watches as your face contorts with pleasure as he stretches you out. You both felt a budding sense of satisfaction after finally receiving what you craved for the last several months.
He bottoms out inside of you. His head falls forward against your neck. He pants as he holds himself together and lets you adjust, keeping an iron grip on your hips. Your fluttering around him as you accommodate his girth. Your nails lightly dig into his back while you cling to him.
He begins thrusting with slow and deep strokes. You moan out his name a few times with a variety of expletives. He keeps his face buried in your neck, grunting as he feels the velvety sensation of your walls around his length. His motions become more fluid as he finds a rhythm with you.
“That’s right Angel, better than your dreams?” he murmurs against your neck.
“Yes, fuck, yes,” you whimper, “So much better. Think your cock was made for me.”
“That so, Baby? I’m made to fill up a precious girl like you? Keep you happy and full of cum,” he growls into your neck, his thrusts gaining intensity.
You nod thoughtlessly as he continues battering your insides, gliding over your sweet spot repeatedly.Your arms wrap tighter around him as you feel yourself getting dragged closer and closer to the edge. Your noises become more strained as Leon lays sloppy kisses on the side of your head.
He hooks his arms underneath your knees and brings your thighs up to your abdomen again. His arm loops around and thumbs your clit as he slams himself in and out. Your back arches and you squirm from the rush of white hot pleasure. You’re right there, not able to hold on for much longer.
“I’m gonna have you so full of my cum today, it’s gonna be dripping out of you still the next time you’re here,” he grunts into your ear, “Make sure your pussy remembers me till I can fill her again.”
His vulgar words rip a high pitched moan from your throat and cause your eyes to roll back. “Fuck, Leon, I’m gonna cum,” you whimper.
“Go ahead, sweet girl. Squeeze me nice and tight,” he moans, his own voice getting strained.
You do as he says. The orgasm overtakes you. You release a strangled cry as your body rhythmically rolls into the feeling. Your pussy clamps around Leon tight, sucking him deep and keeping the attention on that blissful spot. The thrill of satisfaction rushing through your mind only works you further. Your eyes flutter and your lips part as you completely let go.
As he watches you cum, he notes that it might be the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. The sight of your gorgeous body writhing and trembling because of him. The primal sounds of your moans and cries. It’s too much for him. He growls and grunts into your neck, fingers digging into the flesh of your hips. He snaps even harder into you and floods you with his sticky, hot cum.
You both ride the waves of euphoria together until you both start coming down. He basically collapses on you as he catches his breath and you wipe the sweat from your brow. After a minute, he pushes himself off of you and flat on to the bed next to you. He gazes at the ceiling as his chest continues to rise and fall with the need for more oxygen.
You sit up slowly, realizing he probably wants you gone now. Like he said, you feel his cum leaking out of you as you move to grab your panties from the corner of his bed. This is how you expected it to be, but it still hurt a little. Nothing you couldn’t handle though. Your pulling them back on when your snapped out of your thoughts by Leon’s arm around your waist, dragging you to him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks teasingly, spooning you and softly kissing beneath your ear, “You got what you wanted and now you’re running out?”
“Oh, uhhh… I thought you’d want me to leave,” you say quietly.
He guides your face so you’re looking at him. His eyes are still soft but more serious. “You think I would just fuck you and then throw you out on your ass? You’ve been sleeping in my bed for months, but you don’t know me as well as you think,” he says and kisses your nose, “You don’t have anywhere to be today, yeah? You thought you’d be here till later anyway.”
You nod in agreement, your eyes casting down with some embarrassment over your assumption.
“Hey, don’t get all shy on me now. There’s no reason for it,” he teases, “We have all day for me to show you how I want to take care of you. Just give me a moment, I’m not as young as I use to be.”
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 months
Can we see a chubby!reader who maybe doesn't know that Feitan is part of the phantom troupe, so she doesn't think Feitan can carry her but then he proves her wrong (maybe with a little bit of angst because she's self conscious, and then comfort because Feitan loves that there's more of her)
Idk if that made sense
Feitan x Chubby!Fem!Reader
A/N: another short one… but I like it!! Join my server !!
warnings: insecure reader, a bit of internalized misogyny
SFW: @lightshowerrr @jungtoast @nenggie @aliceattheart @atransmuter
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You had been dating Feitan for nearly a year now, and you still knew so little about him. His whereabouts while he was out of town were a mystery to you, and you had no idea what he did for work. All you did know was that he didn’t have a normal job.
When you jokingly asked him if he was in the mafia, he scoffed. “Mafia bunch of puss- wimps. Not part of it, not by long shot.”
You were a little perturbed by his answer, but couldn’t help laughing at the way he censored himself for your sake. He seemed to see you as some kind of delicate princess, closer to a porcelain doll than human. Feitan was always extremely gentle when touching you, his hands almost hesitant when making contact with your skin.
This was something you didn’t understand. Throughout your life, people viewed you as bigger, tougher, when in reality you were quite easily hurt, both physically and mentally. The topic of your weight had been a sore subject…
But your Fei wasn’t really good with reading social cues.
“Eat good. Here, for big girl.”
You stared at your boyfriend as he used his chopsticks to drop an extra egg roll on your plate. In your mind, you know he meant nothing by it. He was friends with larger people like Uvogin who ate tons to keep up his strength and figure.
But your heart felt hurt. You pushed your plate away and huffed. “Hmph.”
He was bad about assuming things, even if you knew it Feitan wasn’t being malicious, it still hurt your feelings when he assumed random things because of your body type.
But what you didn’t know, was that Feitan wasn’t assuming anything. You were his girlfriend, he had to provide for you and make sure you ate well. In meteor city, having meat on your bones usually meant you were well taken care of, and all he wanted to do was make sure you ate.
Feitan, though… he wasn’t good at communicating that. Or communicating at all, really, so he just stared as you pushed away the food. He scoffed, slightly offended that you turned down his offer.
“Why huff? Being brat.”
You sniffled, standing up and storming off. Feitan wouldn’t let this slide, he hated seeing you upset.
The dark haired man caught your wrist, squeezing with just enough force to catch your attention. “Why act like this? Made you mad?”
You pouted, puffing out your chubby cheeks. “Mmph… it’s embarrassing. You’re thin and I’m not… aren’t girls supposed to be dainty and small? Isn’t that what you would prefer, someone you could easily pick up?”
You wiped the tears from your eyes, not daring to look back at your lover.
But you didn’t have to look, because he turned you around and began lifting you with ease. Once you were in the air, he held onto your ass, squeezing softly. You squeaked and immediately wrapped your plump thighs around his waist for support, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
“See? Easy. My little bunny.”
He held you in his arms, not straining or struggling in the slightest. It was like you weighed nothing at all to him and it was… relieving.
“Can’t understand? You… are mine.”
He huffed, sitting down with you in his lap, his arms wrapped around your waist. “We clear?”
You snuggled him, burying your teary face into his neck. “Yeah…”
Feitan tried to be a bit more sensitive with you after that, and made it a point to carry you around and show you off to his friends. It was a little embarrassing… but you felt loved and beautiful.
And that was all you needed.
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starlostseungmin · 2 months
stray kids ─── as one direction songs.
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✰ pairing : non-idol!skz x afab!reader
✰ genre : fluff, angst, maybe suggestive?
✰ warnings : subtle mentions of sex and drugs, kissing, mentions of food and profanity. lmk if i missed smth.
✰ notes : uhm i really don't know what i wrote. this has been sitting on my drafts since november and thank god anon reminded me about it (i actually went on hiatus after minho's birthday last year so yeah) the songs i associated with skz members are just strongly my opinion mehehe i hope you guys like it, idk if you agree with me in regards with the songs but DO NOT FORGET TO REBLOG, COMMENT AND LEAVE TAGS after it! thank you so much <33
✰ tags : @notastraykid , @ameliesaysshoo , @l3visbby , @reignessance , @lix-ables , @skzfelixlove , @rachabreathing , @hyunverse , @minluvly
masterlist | taglist.
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chan ─── perfect
honorable mention: little things
you already know how fucked up your life is but ever since he came, those days became different. it is always the small gestures that one fails to notice in the blink of an eye. you are just going to be surprised by the time it is done or how you managed to get out of a small inconvenience. he loves you so much that he would put you first before anything else. 
chan is different from everyone else. maybe because he is labeled to be kind and so above average of doing the bare minimum which people seek from their partners. he’s perfect but he doesn’t think of it the same way. 
you tried to convince him a hundred times but all you got in response is him being a blushing mess and his giggle that makes your heart warm every time you hear it. a smile would tug on your lips that would make him stare at you, he’d bounce back on the things you said to him and you think about what did you do in your past life to deserve someone as perfect as him. 
“baby, you’re perfect,” you said for the nth time, “no, i’m not, but i’m perfect for you,” he winked. “that was smooth, chan,”
lee know ─── night changes
he might be the type to not show his feelings immediately but he’s the one who subtly shows them. it started slowly, he reassured you that everything would fall into place once you both could figure out what was going on with this relationship. 
but as long as you’re together, the love you and him shared will never change. although the process of this love story has made things go in different directions, the thought of having to stick together is essential. 
your parents didn’t like him at first, they had someone in mind and that wasn’t him and yet, you didn’t care even if your first date was a disaster and the next one after that, but that didn’t stop you. it took a while for your parents to finally accept him after tons of convincing them that he’s a great guy, but it succeeded later on. 
you had a place on your own and welcomed his cats to live with you when some of them were wild, that’s what you think. minho was a mess when you met him, but thanks to you, it’s not that bad anymore. 
changbin ─── temporary fix
honorable mention: i want to write you a song
changbin is the type to offer himself as someone you can lean on but it’s not always because of this friendship you have, but as a lover who wanted to make you feel better and forget about shit. 
temporary fix is not always meant to be a cover-up of something you’d open up again to allow another train of bullshits in your life. it felt like he was being sent from the heavens to look out for you, an angel whose sole mission is to make you happy, the same feeling like something that keeps you high. 
there’s this thing on changbin’s vibe that you don’t want to share with anybody else and he makes you feel things when you’re with him. even though this relationship sounds like a fling and a guy who sneaks into your dorm late at night to make out with you, well, it used to be. but you know changbin is so much more than that after a while. 
the phrase, “you can call me when you need me, you know?” whenever he sleeps with you is now in the trashbin the moment you settle to be someone to each other.
hyunjin ─── last first kiss 
remember the time when he said that he chose to be the last love instead of the first? exactly. being the last person to love is basically spending the rest of your life with him, even if he’s not your first kiss, not your first love, not your first in everything, it’s fine as long as he’ll be the one you’ll remember as your eternal love. 
hyunjin being fitted into this song is like a message that he wanted to convey to his love, a sentiment that would indicate how much he’d spend time and effort to stay by your side until the end of time. indeed, a hopeless romantic man he is. 
last first kiss is the very first song that reminds you of him, it is part of those memories you made with him. it was that time when he decided to take this relationship to the next level, yes, he did mention that he wanted to be your last, and by what he meant, an everlasting love. 
“let me be your last,” and when you heard him say that, you knew he was the man who fits perfectly into your broken puzzle that would mend the wound forever.
han ─── rock me
honorable mention: midnight memories
rock me suits him as well as midnight memories. but midnight memories have their effects on han, giving him the vibes of being a musician specializing in the rock genre. and as someone who loves to listen to almost every genre in the world, you fell in love with him after watching him busking by the streets. 
you were amazed by how talented he is. his fingers strummed that guitar well, and his voice? like an angel. one could say that he is a free-spirited human being who does whatever he wants and writes songs about some things that piqued his interest. 
then there’s you, a broken melody who longed for him to come back, the same goes for him who let you go. both of you thought that you were too young to be in love and jisung was better off alone but his songs were dedicated to your break up. you rocked his world when you came and left broken notes when it ended.
but he always believed that what you had back then, was real and that you’d always remember the love you had. 
felix ─── why don’t we go there 
honorable mention: kiss you
felix is someone who gets hyped easily whenever you’re with him. his bright smile, his funny reactions, and the unidentified sounds that came out of his mouth made him a fun guy to be with. it started with a fling that turned out to be something you didn’t want to rush but it is slowly beginning to have a label. 
having a relationship with him offered different dynamics. it is the way he grabs your hand when you both start to get caught by the waves crashing by the shore or how he felt when you kissed him for the first time. he is someone who can get dragged with you to whatever your plan is, a great ball of sunshine to your rainy days, someone that you don’t want to be the one that got away. 
he does think the same, especially the fact that he treasures you so much and it became an opportunity to love you more when you spend that one night together somewhere, alone. it was an invitation actually and it made you realize a lot of things. 
it is the way he looked at those stars with those dazzling eyes of his. the constellation plastered on his cheeks glowed along with them, it is what they call freckles, you love them as much as how felix felt for you. having him as a getaway made you don’t want to come back, ever again.
seungmin ─── no control
night changes was the first choice but then no control became the one for him, no control, because he is, a menace. he believed that being in love was something that gullible people would do and get hurt, maybe a few of them proved it to be valid and worth it, yet he isn’t convinced because it is just a waste of time. 
and yet, you came out of nowhere. it is the way he looks at you with those dazzling puppy eyes, the way he obeys the things you wanted him to do, and it gets worse when you share intimate affections. from a gentle puppy to a wild wolf. there’s something about you that drives him crazy every time. 
nothing matters to him when you’re around and he never felt this way before. he’d kiss you out of nowhere when you reached home with your back against the wall as your hands played with his hair. he gets weak and powerless, but gets hyped and rough which you get caught off guard every time. 
and he is very loyal, he always makes sure that no other will ever meet his interest. you don’t want to share, anyway and you got him down bad.
jeongin ─── summer love
honorable mention: fool's gold.
loving jeongin is like a breath of fresh air, the freedom that he finally held in his hands, and the time he can make up for himself to be with you. it was a reckless summer that you spent in your grandma’s place, away from the bustling city and this boy showed up on your doorsteps. 
it didn’t take a while that you immediately had this puppy love type of interest in each other. you started sneaking out in the middle of the night when your grandma was in her deep sleep, swimming together by the river across the small town on a random afternoon, sharing a kiss under an oak tree that tasted like your grandma’s apple pie, it was great. you didn’t want it to end. 
and just like any other summer, it did. you didn’t know if you would still have this continuous conversation when the school year starts since jeongin is miles away from where you live. 
you saw him sitting on one of those branches of the oak tree where you kissed for the first time, and there you promised not to lose each other even if the summer ended. you couldn’t believe that what you did for less than two months was this serious. it was hard to say goodbye, yet you hoped nothing would change after the last summer’s sunset.
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seungly · 1 year
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— untitled — | BANG CHAN
➸ pairing: Bang Chan x gn!reader
➸ genre: fluff, established relationship
➸ wc: -
warning/s: none. they’re just cute.
a/n: i love writing simple fluffs like these. thank you!!
requested by : @tyuniiz 
  - hiya, can i request a lil something fluffy with chan please? maybe mc is wasting time doing those silly skz boyfriend quizzes, determined to get chan as her results but she keeps getting another member? idk maybe this is a silly idea, you don't have to write it btw, no pressure
© seungly 2023
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It had been 30 minutes ever since you went silent, leaving Chan confused. He could hear you yelling quite a few times over what seemed to be a game, but you suddenly went quiet. He figured you probably just stopped playing so he returned to his work.
Turns out the silence wouldn't last for 10 minutes longer since he almost dropped his dear laptop after hearing you curse out your computer.
Concern fills his chest, quickly leaving the laptop om the coffee table before running to you. He found you glaring at the screen, mumbling curses under your breath.
"What did the poor thing ever do to you?!" He chuckled, feeling more calm knowing you were safe.
"Chan..." You groan, dragging yourself to him. "They're so mean."
"Who?" He wraps his arms around you.
"The ones who made that quiz." You turn for a moment to point at the computer screen before facing him. "They won't let me get you." You pout.
"but you already have me..." He giggled, placing a kiss on your forehead.
"I...I know, but the quiz—"
"It's just a silly quiz, baby. You play it for fun."
"But I keep getting Hyunjin..." You sigh, walking back to your chair. "They think I'm compatible with Hyunjin!"
"Does it really mean that much to you?" He asked, walking closer to you. "Even though we both know that I'm literally the one for you?"
You giggle, looking at him, "oh, we both knew that?"
You laugh, shaking your head. "I'm kidding, of course. But yeah, it means a lot to me."
"Alright, let's get you me." he laughed, leaning to kiss you.
You meet him halfway, lips meeting his. The feeling brings you comfort, spreading warmth across your chest.
You pull away with a smile, letting yourself get lost in his gaze for a moment before turning back on the screen.
"Now, let's get to work." you huff, gabbing the mouse and putting all focus on the screen.
Chan couldn't help but laugh at how determined you were, you're adorable to him. "Yes, ma'am." he smiled softly.
❥• ┈┈┈┈
@starlostseungmin , @zoe8stay , @kim-seung-mo , @bluechans , @lotus-dly , @sstarryreads , @mybelovedhamji , @crispybangchannie ,,
a/n: today was tiring, still fun tho. Anw, hope you liked this drabble !! <33 it really helps me relax when i write.
feedback is appreciated and please reblog or leave a comment !!
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Fish Can't Tell Fortune
SUMMARY: You show a mysterious fish to Azul. WORD COUNT: 400+
WARNINGS: I wrote this in like ten minutes, spoilers for the fortune telling fish if you haven't done this in chemistry??? Idk A/N: I literally had this experiment and I was immediately like "This would make a good fic idea!!" Lmfao. Technically I was going to write something for my event but that's going to (hopefully) happen later this weekend (also my birthday weekend woohoo) Uh yes anyways I did kind of submerge my fish in water yesterday and I don't know how that ended (because I've been too scared to see if it still works) so that is fun- Anyways I can already tell that I'm going to dislike Chemistry just because- yeah. I enjoy it but also memorizing stuff is going to be a pain (I wish Azul tutored me (I'm broke though))
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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Azul never believed in fortune-telling. It never told the truth; only hard work could show it.
But when he saw you being all excited with the small red and white packet in your hand… He couldn't say no.
He listened attentively as you talked about how this toy used to be popular with children in your world; apparently it was now a novelty. It was… Interesting. And this could show him his 'fortune'? Well, he had to try it out - even if he didn't believe in it.
He took the bag from your hands, looking at the outside. "Fortune Teller… Miracle Fish. Mhm." He nodded slightly, before pulling the small red fish out of the packet.
Doing as instructed, he placed the fish on the palm of his hand. It immediately started to move, and the two of you watched intensely.
"So… It turned over. What does this mean?"
You read the small text on the packet (that you had snatched from him after he took the fish out) before you stifled a snicker. You turned and showed him the words.
"False? What do you mean I'm false?" Azul looked irritated to almost a comical amount. "I am not- what does it even-"
You shrugged, just telling him that the fish said what it wanted to say.
Azul let out a soft huff, shaking his head. "I'm not believing this. What about you? What does it do when it's on your palm?"
You took the fish from his hand, holding it in the palm of your hand. It moved, albeit slower this time; it curled up entirely.
"…Passionate?" Azul read out loud, a soft frown on his face. "Well, I suppose I can see where that comes from…"
You laughed, telling him that the fish never lies.
"Whatever you say. Now, give me that. I want to figure out exactly what's going on with this."
And a few days later, he had actually figured it out.
It hadn't been hard for him; he thought it was either heat or moisture. As the fish didn't react to any type of heat-related thing, that was out. However, the water did make it move faster.
And after testing some more and remembering old bits of information, he deduced that it was some sort of chemical reaction that was going on that caused the fish to move in the way it did.
Even as you told him it was no fun if he figured it out, he shook his head.
"Now I know that science - not a miracle - powers this fish. And it was interesting to research as well. Thank you for showing me this, kantokusei-san."
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As always, reblogs and comments are always appreciated! ♡ Send your thoughts grr
This post has details for requesting, and I also currently have a writing event going on here. Please check it out! (And request stuff for the event please I am running out of motivation-)
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dykevanny · 6 months
Sorry I don't know all of the wererabbit lore could you explain to me? Sorry if you already have by the way!
Ok so basically. Idk when exactly it takes place but the aftons are all alive, henry and Charlie are alive, the glamrocks are a few 20-somethings with a shitty transgender garage band, cassie tony and Ellis are hanging around, cassidy hangs around Evan and Charlie, and well basically. Vanessa and Gregory were both homeless (they met at 17 and 6)(vanessa ran away, gregory has dead parents LOL) and ended up living with Freddy yay! Nessa soon got a nice normal job at a totally normal local diner (Fredbears) and ends up meeting william yay!! They hang around a lot and it’s nice :] will gets someone new to monologue at and vanessa gets a whimsical father figure. Unfortunately for literally everyone William has made a discovery!
For some fuckass reason he’s discovered how LITERAL KOOKY MOON MAGIC works and is using his favorite employees as his TEST SUBJECTS. He tried to turn bonnie into a wererabbit and the guy DIED. Surely this did not impact anyone in any sort of way. Well after perfecting his funky spell he decided to test it on Vanessa and .. it worked.! So now during full moons she turns into a giant rabbit creature that William can command. He uses this power for murder of course- because he is quite silly. Vanessa does not remember anything that happens as the werebunny and is quite distressed whenever she wakes up in the woods in her PJs covered in somebody else’s blood. Not fun. However she hasn’t. Told Gregory or Freddy because she doesn’t wanna worry them.. also William knows about this issue and says he can help so surely she doesn’t have to worry right? one night, the afton kids had gregory over for a goofy sleepover!(Michael was acting like a chaperone all ‘ohh well I’m the oldest so i better make sure you guys don’t set lizzy’s room on fire’ when actually he is participating equally in the chaos.) they end up playing hide and seek in the woods…. Which sounds stupid but trust me living in front of the woods does that to ya. Anyways they encounter the werebunny (ran away from will.. turns out giant neurotic prey animal is difficult to control sometimes) and these whimsical children take it home with them because they noticed it had been chained up and decided they HAD to save it.. so of course the beast had like 13 bows in it’s fur. They have it sleep under lizzy’s bed just in case mrs afton walks in and sees it and well in the morning they check and. WHY IS VANESSA HERE.!?
……………so basically the kids know vanessa is a werebunny. Vanessa is just finding this information out and is very distressed. William doesn’t know his kids found the werebunny but he knows SOMEbody is tampering with his murder freak animal (and well, gregory treats the werebunny like an oversized lapdog, Liz and Ev are living their Disney princess dream, and Michael is having his HTTYD era but ultimately that doesn’t affect Will’s control over it he’s just got control issues)
Um and yeah it’s uh basically a goofy silly au from my Powerful Transgender Mind uhh yeah 👍 fucking bunby reblog if you agree
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gaykey · 5 months
Since I wasn't around since the beginning, why was the relationship between Key and Jonghyun so popular compared to other members? I've read that people were genuinely convinced there was something going on between them, but as heartwarming as their relationship was, I can't really see a difference between some others.
well, back in the early days, when minho was pretending to be all stoic and serious, and he and key were still not seeing eye-to-eye, and jinki was trying to balance being a leader/father-figure/big brother & friend all at the same, whilst national baby taemin followed him around with stars in his eyes, jongkey were kind of the stand out relationship?
during debut era, of course you could see they all had a bond, and were friends, but jongkey just seemed to instantly have that connection, at least, in the most obvious way. idk, they were both so loud, and funny, and of course were not shy when it came to physical affection. they were always hugging and holding hands, and were wrapped around eachother. which, of course fostered a huge shipping culture in the fandom.
so, i think part of it being so popular for years, was because it was probably the first proper ship in shinee. in fact, one of the first fan videos i remember seeing was a jongkey ship video, with all clips from yunhannam and that was barely a month or two after debut.
yunhannam was an early jongkey shippers dream lol.
that and that one behind video from when they were filming a cf, and the members are messing around singing along to the songs playing in the background. ugggggh, i'll have to try and find that after and reblog, because it's truly iconic.
as the years went on, whilst we got to see more of all the members different realtionships, and dynamics, other ships emerged, but jongkey already had a strong fanbase built by this time.
and of course, they grew up, and got closer, and sort of veered into flirty banter & petname territory lol ('watch out babe!') so some fans got quite intense about them.
looking back, i personally see their relationship, as two non-hetereosexual best friends, who are incredibly close, and shared a certain understanding of each other, and their experiences.
but yeah, each member has their own unique relationship with each other, and nealry 16 years in, we can't say that two of them are more close than others. they're family. they're all close in different ways.
but, that took time, and effort to get there.
whereas jongkey just seemed to hit it off right from the start, and that was that.
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ghostiiess · 9 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - how i think jp would help you with your mental health
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pov: title says it all!
warnings: mental health, stressed and anxious days, some swears here and there
type: comfort
member: justin phan
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Justin would be such a great comfort buddy
Maybe he doesn’t look like that guy in the nsb videos since he’s always playful and stuff like this, but trust me.
he is the definition of the words ‘comfort’ and ‘calm’
Let’s start this hc, shall we?
« hi baby! I’m back home! » he said
He couldn’t find you :/
So he started searching for you
« Baby? Are you home? »
He started panicking a little bit ngl
(Rest of the hc under the cut!)
Your car was in the entrance and your clothes were at the same place as yesterday
And you didn’t say you had plans…
« Babyyy? Are you there? Are you playing hide and seek or something? »
Usually, it’s at this moment where you laugh and stop playing
But not this time apparently
He went to the room you both shared and saw you, laying there on the bed, your back facing him
« oh shit, is she sleeping? Hope i didn’t wake her up… »
He took the blanket close to you and put it on you, smiling that his baby was finally resting (go rest yourself babe)
He was going to kiss you on your forehead, but instead saw tears rolling down on your face
And that’s when he realized that you were, indeed, not sleeping, but crying-
« Baby… are you okay? Why are you crying? »
« Did something happened? »
His heart broke
It broke even more when you pushed him away
« No.. i don’t want to leave you alone! What’s up? Why are you crying, my love? »
He slowly caressed your hair and your cheek, seeing you weren’t answering him
« Baby… why are you like that? What happened when i was gone? »
He would comfort as much as he can
« Pretty girl, what’s up with you…? Who broke my baby’s heart? »
His face is :(
He would listen to you without judging you
He wouldn’t even put pressure on you for you to talk
He would wait until you are ready to do it
« take your time, okay? Talk when you’re ready »
He would hug you, and play with your hair
And cuddle you if that’s something you like
« Breathe in… breathe out.. yeah just like that, you’re doing great »
« Just relax and do breathing exercises, okay? »
He would peck your forehead or cheeks to calm you down
« It’s okay, baby.. i know it’s not always easy »
He would be there all the way in
« Just forget that when things get hard, I’m here to help and listen to you, okay? »
You could talk for 4h straight and he’d stay here with you
« Taking care of ourselves is not always an easy task, baby… if you can’t do it alone because it’s too hard or too complicated, just let me know and we’ll figure things out okay? »
« You are doing great, my love. »
« With or without mental health problems or issues, i still, and always will, love you just the way you are »
« Thank you for trusting me with that »
« you are a blessing in many people’s life and this is a fact you can’t deny. »
« ‘bet?’ Wdym bet?? Hold on, do you want me to say every person you helped and comforted since you’re on this fucking earth?! »
He would be so worried for real, he always want to see you smile :(
He hate to see tears rolling down on your cheeks
Justin know bad days can happen, but everything he looks at you and see you sad, he feel bad
He want your happiness.
« i love you so much. I’m here for you anything you wants and need. »
« Never think that you have to be strong 24/7 just for me. You don’t have to wear a mask for me. It’s okay to be weak sometimes.  I’m weak too sometimes »
« Everything will be okay, just concentrate on my voice okay? »
Idk how to end this hc, bc if it wasn’t for the readers (don’t want to make it too long), I’d continue
Justin has such a good heart like-
Please, do not hide things from him
He only want your happiness
He want to see you smile, he want to hear you laugh, he want to make you realize how important you are to him
Please, do not reject him :(
Taglist! (Open! Send an ask if you’d like me to add you!) @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0
Bold can’t be tagged.
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rohirric-hunter · 2 months
wildcard ✨ !
Me? reblog an ask game and then immediately forget about it and then spend weeks wondering what's up with these contextless asks in my inbox? I mean IDK how likely you thought it was but apparently it's more likely than that.
Anyway this was from this ask game and did you know you could pull up things you posted on a specific day on desktop by typing in yourblogname.tumblr.com/day/year/month/day?:That's just a cool and useful feature that more people should know about and I definitely didn't figure out what these asks were about by doing that and then scrolling through everything I posted that day until it made sense.
My apologies for how late this is.
But, yeah, worldbuilding.
In LotRO, the position of Mayor seems to be hereditary in Bree and the surrounding towns. It's possible that Nellie Boskins was simply stepping in as a deputy after her father's sudden death, but there's never any talk of an election. The Wildwood stuff is mostly quest-locked until after you've completed the Trestlebridge questline, and is about the same level as mid-to-late-game Angmar stuff, so it's safe to assume it's meant to happen much later, and yet Nellie is still the Mayor of Trestlebridge and this is never questioned. So it seems like after the death of her father Nellie took up his mantle and will keep on being Mayor -- perhaps this is a case of Nellie having been active in Trestlebridge's politics and even serving as a sort of assistant or vice-mayor to her father, with their relationship being not exactly incidental but not the primary reason for the transfer of authority. But personally I find it a lot more entertaining if it's just a hereditary position for no reason. If the Mayor doesn't have any children, like Mayor Tenderlarch doesn't, then there will be an election, but if there is a child and they're old enough to do the job when the Mayor passes, the job just gets passed on to them. (There is, of course, a recourse for removing unfit Mayors from office, but more on that later.)
(I know not everyone headcanons Winterhome to be part of the greater Bree area like I do, but if you do, then while Mayor Goodnough does seem to fear being removed from his position if word of his indiscretions gets out, he doesn't appear concerned about the possibility of being voted out by the people who live there and already know how much he sucks at the job.)
This is one of those things that hobbits from Bree and the Shire find each other terribly uncivilized over.
(I was going to allege that this probably happens in Herne as well, but while looking up spellings for that claim I saw that the Mayor of Herne is involved in a very long and involved questline that I've only done the first few quests in, and there might be something there that refutes it. If that's the case, then I put forward that this is something unique to Herne/Mossward, most likely a cultural import from the Shire or the Stoors, and Bree thinks they're super weird for it too.)
The thing is, the Mayor of Bree doesn't really do very much. He used to have this quest where he would greet players who arrived in Bree for the first time and send them around to all the interesting places in the town, then ask them to help with the growing brigand problem, but it was canned a few years ago in favor of a quest that vectors you from any named guard straight to Barliman Butterbur, passing over the Mayor entirely, which is telling in my opinion. These days he does only three things: there are still a couple of vector quests to Bree that send the player to speak to him, at which point he greets you politely and then doesn't say anything else to you; once you complete the Shield Brother questline he will summon the player and thank them for dealing with the haunting which, despite this being an observable and provable phenomenon happening actually quite close to his office, he didn't actually believe was happening; and you can optionally go to him during a late Vol. I quest to ask who knows anything about the Barrow-downs. (He also technically offers a vector quest from Bree to Trestlebridge but I'm pretty sure no one actually does this, as the Mayor's office is out of the way and the quest has no rewards.)
Nellie Boskins is more involved with Trestlebridge and seems, on the whole, more aware of her surroundings, but Trestlebridge is also further north, closer to Angmar, and seems to be subject to more danger. Stoneheight was founded by people whose homes were destroyed by orcs out of Angmar, but the town is large and well-established, so it seems like these attacks have been going on for some time. The attack whose aftermath you help the people of Trestlebridge recover from may have been the first attack against the town itself, but it does not seem to be the first attack against the farms and smaller communities in the North Downs. As a result, Nellie and her father before her had to be more aware and involved in order for their community to survive.
But given the Mayor of Bree's relative detachment, the actual governance of the town has to be done by someone else. It is likely that as a relatively peaceful community protected from most dangers by the Dunedain, they really did not need very much actual governance prior to the start of the game, but there still had to be some body that actually sets foot outside of the town hall every once in a while to decide on laws and mediate serious property disputes. There must be some sort of tax system in place to pay the guards and maintain the roads and walls and public buildings and pay adventurers for the bounties (tasks) they fill. So my thought is that the Mayor's actual job in Bree is to preside over a council of prominent citizens and landowners and the head of the town watch who collectively make these decisions. Obviously there's a lot of room to abuse these positions, but the idea is that these people would be generally invested in keeping the region happy and prosperous, and in practice enough of them are decent, reasonable people that most of the abuse is kept in check well enough.
(In the Wind Will Set Me Racing 'Verse Lady Hackberry is on this council, on account of owning a large parcel of good grazing land. The idea is that she would hire a lot of people to live on and work the land and act as their representative in government -- there's some debate about whether or not having a lot of children constitutes the same thing. Robb Thornley is also on the council and a good example of one of the more mundane ways such a system of governance can go wrong -- I've been meaning to make a post about this for ages, but to make it brief, while he doesn't seem actively malicious, he doesn't take very good care of the people he's got working on his property and the difference is striking when you compare it to, say Adso Haybank.)
The smaller towns around Bree, Archet, Staddle, and Combe, don't seem to have Mayors, at least not officially. Staddle's watchers seem to be a division of the Bree watch proper, but Archet's guards appear to be independent, and also seem to have that weird hereditary chain of command thing going, since Jon Brackenbrook just kind of takes over after his father dies and still seems to be in charge months later when you come back asking about the key to Carn Dum. Perhaps the captain of the guard and the Mayor in Archet is sort of the same position. At any rate, these towns and other small towns in the area likely have significantly less formalized versions of the same council system.
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Ghost From The Past
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Pairing || TFATWS!Bucky x Female!Reader
Summary || A ghost from the past comes back to haunt your beautiful and peaceful life.
Word Count || 363
Contents & Warnings || Mild Fluff/Angst — yeah idk what specific warnings to put because there is nothing major.
Authors Note || A quick lil something interesting I wrote. Would love to turn it into a series one day maybe ;)
TFATWS!Bucky Masterlist
I don’t do taglists anymore so please follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
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Hand in hand, clinging to your boyfriend, you decided to walk home from your little date night out, as you didn’t want the wonderful evening to end anytime soon.
He was very chatty on the way home, talking about your fun night and how much you meant to him, and you didn’t mind at all. You could listen to his sweet and calm voice, so full of love and life, forever.
You were just happy that he was content.
Once home, you decide to cuddle on the couch for a while before heading to bed. He turned on the TV to have it in the background. It turned on the new channel with a crucial breaking news alert.
“Good evening. Shocking and devastating news tonight, the President has been shot and killed. The assassination happened just 20 minutes ago while they were holding a public speech to the people.”
“What?!” Both you and your boyfriend expressed shockingly while leaning closer to the TV.
“The assassin, a figure believed to be gone, has returned once more to cause havoc and destruction on our nation. Many of you may know him as….”
There was a loud ringing in your ears, making you zone out on what was said and went into shock as they showed a video from the shooting. The frame stopped on a closeup of the supposed killer’s face.
You knew him. Even with half his face covered and his long hair falling down over it, you knew those piercing crystal blue eyes as clear as day.
No, that was impossible. That person was long gone, nonexistent, eradicated, dead, but there he was, staring right at you through the TV screen.
It was undoubtedly him—The Winter Soldier.
“B-but tha-that’s impossible, r-right?”
You turned to your boyfriend, who was in just as much of a shock as you were. He knew it too.
“Right?! This can’t be true?!”
He was non-responsive. His mouth agape, his face drained of life as his body lightly shook. His crystal blue eyes, usually full of love and joy, held nothing but emptiness now.
“This is impossible. There must be a mistake. You were with me all night, Bucky….”
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Thank you for reading 🖤 Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
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trans-cuchulainn · 5 months
any tips for where someone might wanna research to kick off an interest in medieval literature? there's a LOT out there and i've not had much luck with only university reading lists as a start point.
hmm are you looking for books about medieval literature or are you looking for medieval texts to read
because if you are looking for medieval texts to read, i highly recommend táin bó cúailnge lmao (i just think it's neat! also i read it with basically zero contextual knowledge as an 18-year-old weirdo and had a good time). if you search for the tag "reading list" on my blog (i think that's the one i use!) you'll find previous posts with recs of medieval texts and where to find them, including a "so you've read the táin, now what" post that might be helpful if you take that first rec. it's all very irish bc that's what i do. other people have lists for other languages
if you are looking for info about medieval lit though i would say possibly a good place to start is podcast/videos if you are that kind of learner? i am not, so i can't offer many recommendations, and there's definitely a lot of bullshit about there, but. sometimes the bullshit is fertiliser. like you hear something you think is interesting so then you look it up and find out what it's actually about, yunno? there are also real academics and other clued-up people talking about medieval lit though. you could try the celtic students podcast for some tasters of what research people are doing in the field these days. for irish lit @finnlongman has some videos with retellings and further reading in the descriptions (sorry, i don't know a lot of non-irish/celtic-specific resources haha)
like i absolutely got into medieval literature in... not the WORST way bc it wasn't actively racist except that a lot of my sources were from the 19th century, but it definitely wasn't a GOOD way either. i read a LOT of bullshit, from heavily sanitised retellings and terrible 80s fantasy novels to romanticist popular history, so i had to unlearn a lot of stuff once i started doing it properly haha. so all my "introductory" sources were bad and i would not recommend them. but also it did work for me. which is the problem bc it means i don't have a lot of recs for stuff when you're first starting out and haven't already figured out what bullshit you're trying to get to the bottom of 😂
but yeah check out the "reading list" tag for other recs i've shared in the past and also other people's recs that i've reblogged! there might be some useful stuff in there idk!
sorry this isn't more helpful i'm very sleepy
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satoruyes · 2 years
caught blue handed (blue balls reference there)
steve harrington x gn!reader (one shot/drabble?? idk the difference) 580 words
warnings// unfaithful!reader, so angst?? , smut!! voyeurism??
prompt: your boyfriend calling you while they're balls deep, you not stopping when the phone rings, forcing you to answer and speak as if you arent clenching around them | credit: @meduim-rare-bimbo
m.list | navi
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“fuck baby, right there,” steve says, his hands on your hips guiding you up and down his length. As obedient as you are you follow his orders and continue riding him at a steady pace. He starts to encourage you to be louder, the two of you were home alone anyways. His parents out doing whatever, “cmon let me hear you baby, no ones here anyways,” he says, engaging you in a sloppy mid sex kiss. You can only moan in response. The pleasure overriding your senses.
Your phone vibrates and youre too caught in the moment so you ignore it and hope it wasn’t your mother. It vibrates once more and then you hear your ringtone go off. You and steve stare down at the phone trying to get a glance at the caller ID so you start to slow down. You look to go see who it was calling you this late— it’s Jonathan; your boyfriend. the same boyfriend youre cheating on right now. Whoops. You froze and looked at steve, he didn’t even look the least bothered, if anything he had a smug grin. You figured this was a whole ego thing since he seemed to be still salty about Jonathan taking Nancy from him although you hoped this wasn’t just a way for him to get back at jonathan. “answer it,” he says grinning, you pause and started at him to see if he’s serious “now.”
So you oblige, hopping off of steve, well atleast trying to before he grabs you tighter by your waist and flips you over on your back. Putting his dick back inside of you as he reached for your phone on the bed side table. “what has gotten into you harrington,” you say laughing a little bit. He only chuckles back and answers the phone for you.
“hello?” you hear on the other side of the line “ba-babe wuh-whatsup?” you ask. “oh um well i haven’t heard from you and i called your mom and she said you weren’t home,” he says. “oh- uh fuck- i’m sorry Jonathan it must have slipped my -uh mind,” you reply trying to keep composure as steve mercilessly thrusted into your warm insides. “it’s fine babe.. where are you though?” he asks and by the way he asks you swear he already knows.
Guilt was starting to get to you and you knew jonathan was a sweet boy and you honestly didn’t deserve him Nancy kind of broke his heart and now you were going to as well. Maybe you should’ve broke it off when you left california. “hello?” he says again. “oh um- im with robin and steve, we’re- fuck i mean watching a movie,” you stutter out. Steve had sped up at a brutal pace if that was even possible. “oh you’re with steve?” he asks and you can almost sense the jealousy laced in his tone. “ye-yeah well i’m in the bathroom right nn-now though” you reply, jonathan hums in acknowledgment. “well me and argyle are about to go to his place so i’ll call you later, i love you y/n” *silence* “i love you too”
“what the fuck steve.” you say laughing, but feeling slightly guilty about what happened but still on cloud 9 from cumming so hard. “what? you liked it right? must’ve liked it enough to cum on me so fucking hard” he says back. something about making a person cum while theyre on the phone with their boyfriend boosts’ the ego. “whatever you little shit, one time thing” you say back. “sure. sure it is”
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i usual write for anime characters but these prompts are too good although i could use some for anime characters (which i will in the future) figured why not write for “stranger things” also i love steve and jonathan that’s why i added the guilt part cause i love him sm i’d never cheat on you bae 😜
© ymylu (2022) reblogs are appreciated! ☆
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So as probably my 0.5 fans know I am a pretty big fan of towel studios’ (Spamton’s) “The Big Shot Autos Project” (TBSAP for short) as I’ve done a ton of art and other things, it really blows me away. Anyhoo! Spamton and another very talented soundcloud user by the name Puff worked and made Property Damage 2023 edition, which adds on to the already amazing song, from Spamton’s “I think this is a holiday album” album. Now it’s a stellar track, but I noticed a few things that now makes me have a theory: Realtor or a version of him will be a future secret boss in tbsap!
Now you may be thinking why I think this, well let me lay it all out for you!
First off: Vocals, can you hear them? kinda! they are distorted but if you use a vocal isolator you can hear them better!
it’s hard to make out but what we can understand is that these aren’t just stock voices, because we can hear “Follow the royalties Spamton, However, (Have more honor??), I will kill (or hear) you in broadway”
Let’s dissect this! Follow the royalties huh? due to it being the reator the most likely explanation is he is telling Spamton that he should pay for using his space, or area, or work. note this. if spamton would follow what the Realtor does, which in a sense is most likely sales, then this could explain spamton actually becoming a salesmen in the first place.
but doesn’t the christmas album take place after tbsap most likely due to the thumbnails? well here is the thing…
“Have more honor”
I think the Realtor, in a sense is a ghost of christmas past to spamton, this fact is supported by Pipineezer Scrooge song, referring to spamton.
I think then yeah that makes sense! case closed! Realtor is a representation of a sort of christmas ghost to spamton! well… what if?
Second off: Leitmotifs
during this new run of Property Damage, tbsap might notice a piece of music hidden in the background, is that…? TBSAP FREEDOM MOTIF?!
If you’ve listened to Heaven is Calling (Storgsly’s theme) you’d know that the freedom motif is the ending motif of the song, according to a comment by Spamton on the song, and that motif reappears in Property Damage 2023, well what does this mean? let’s get back to the last part of the vocals!
“I will kill (or hear) you in broadway”
Now the obvious meaning is the legit way this is said, the Realtor will hurt or hear spamton in broad day light, possibly as a punishment, makes sense makes sense, but what if you consider the chapters of tbsap?
in a question on the tbsap tumblr page (and on their twitter with an image), it was said one of the chapters of tbsap is theater themed, now what is this have to do? well the obvious: broadway. where in new york the first big hit theater shows where showed. now this seems far fetched, but go back to the original Property Damage song, where it is talked about the history of broadway and radio transportation, so there does seem to be a theme with theater, and with a theater chapter, this feels likely.
Now with an update, spamton told me themselves that there is something important about the songs rebooted
out the songs in the album, 3 where rebooted: Oink goes the egg, Property Damage, and Snow.
Oink goes the egg to me doesn’t feel like much importance, though that could be drastically wrong, but personally idk
Snow’s original lyrics was spamton singing about snow being everywhere, like his dumpster and in his hair, this could connect with the scrooge idea, but I’m not sure…
The order of the songs! wait.. Oink goes the egg is first, while Snow is the finale song. and property damage is also a final song, right now idk exactly what to do with this info, but it could be a christmas ghosts idea.
That’s all I have right now!! I love TBSAP and everything they do!!! so go follow those suckers and yeah! once I figure out more stuff I’ll make sure to update this post, or reblog it!
EDIT: This is my theory for now..
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TBSAP Tumblrs
@tbsap @towelstudios (They are so cool)
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vivika-ka · 2 years
now that i am done torturing myself and finished season 4, i’m not going to explain why the last episode made me pause multiple times to pace in my room because i was so angry lmao because i reblogged plenty of well explained posts already.
but i’ll talk about other stuff that stuck with me, and people might hate me for it but…yeah, ain’t that the life of anyone that doesn’t enjoy popular characters.
grammar might be shit because english is not my first language. fyi, this is fairly big and it’s very negative, so if you want to skip, feel free.
[i mean it, if you read something you don’t like to the point you want to send me threatening messages or cyberbully me, keep scrolling and leave me tf alone. thanks.]
1. dustin had waaaay too much screen time. why are we supposed to accept him as the certified genius of the group when all of members of The Party are “nerds.” all i’m asking is maybe instead of dustin always being the one figuring the upside down out, give some of those ground breaking discoveries to lucas. but also, it got to the point of being so annoying. i know it’s supposed to be a running gag of “maybe some humility will do you well,” but all the time? shut up.
2. everything and everyone revolving around nancy. i’m not joking. robin is scrambling to get on her good side and make nancy like her, which season 3 robin would’ve cared less. the whole stäncy thing, i just…please move on. the fact that she expects jonathan to be the one to drop everything to be with her, when he’s been doing that for every season, like maybe nancy can make some effort too? idk. the expectation that jonathan has to be the one to absolutely change the trajectory of his life because of what she wants (point is, he shouldn’t be afraid to decide the trajectory of his life, this is a relationship which entails two people, not one). the portrayal of every character being annoying, stupid, and incompetent sometimes, while she is always portrayed as someone incapable of mistakes. the same old self righteous and superiority crap that i don’t like. (but that’s on me because i never liked the wheelers since season 1, so i admit i’m biased).
3. going from stäncy fiasco, it still is technically tied to the overt attention to nancy, but steve was supposed to grow up. when she says he’s grown, i could only laugh at that point. part of growing up is realizing that maybe, just maybe, you have to learn to live with yourself instead of desperately seeking for a lover, which is what steve had been doing. being in a relationship isn’t going to fix all of your problems (this applies to mïleven but i’m not even going there). we had moved on from steve being in love with nancy, but the duffers act like that’s all there is to his personality, and let’s be honest, they were obviously out of ideas for steve’s character because they don’t know how to write characters other than relying on their superficial and stereotypical lenses. it would have been interesting to maybe see steve realizing that he is convinced he needs nancy in his life because he is lonely as fuck—so it’s not about “being in a relationship with nancy would change your life for the better,” there’s no such thing, it’s about “you’re seeking what is convenient and familiar because you are terrified of ending up alone.” but whatever, steve will always love nancy because that’s all he is there for.
4. the overt attention to karen wheeler. why am i supposed to care about this woman? why are we getting karen and ted’s reactions so much, and not the sinclairs or mrs. henderson? they are the ones watching their kids run towards danger right in front of them, why are they panning to karen constantly? “she’s worried about nancy,” yeah it’s been established again and again, but i am interested about the parents who are at that moment watching their kids turn their backs to them instead of asking for help. but then again, why should i care about her? to me she’s nothing but a woman who was flirting and willing to have sex with a 17-year-old in seasons 2-3, so, y’know, i’d much appreciate the sinclairs’ outburst about trust given they seem to be the most stable family in this show.
5. max’s “he made my life a living hell” after episode 4, but also after season 3 when it portrayed both of them as not super close but on the way to a better relationship. (i could go on about this but as i said, plenty of people did already). + the scene of billy breaking the sauna door portrayed as though that was all him and not him possessed by the mind flayer, me poupe. + “you’re much braver than your brother,” and the scene didn’t cut to said brother standing up to the mind flayer? ME POUPE.
6. the whole papa redemption arc. just get the fuck out of here. yeah, eleven didn’t forgive him, but the whole “i love you, you’re my family.” are you kidding me? the man ripped kids from their families, experimented on them, without a doubt killed and got them killed, all for the sake of winning an ideological war. ME POUPE.
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wren-kitchens · 2 years
well, who’d have thought? (ch. 1)
this is an impulsive thing I wrote, who knows if i’ll actually finish it, but here you are  this is like a scarian fake dating au thing idk what to call it
will tag as #well who’d have thought (scarian) 
(please reblog! likes don’t do anything)
when scar woke up that day, he did not expect to have grian leaning directly over him. and yet, here he is, inches away from his face.
scar gives a little scream of surprise and almost falls out of his bed.
“oh, goodness, grian!” he says as grian takes a step back, laughing. “you can’t spook me like that!”
“sorry, sorry.” grian grins. “i just need to ask you.. ah, a favour.”
scar frowns, immediately suspicious. “I don’t like how you said that.”
grian shifts his weight from foot to foot. that’s not a good sign. “well, I may have.. something to prove, and it might, maybe, sort of include you.”
scar sits up, leaning against his pillows, and crosses his arms. “okay, how does it include me?”
“so, I was talking to pearl earlier, and she was saying how she’s surprised.. um. that we’re not together.” grian starts fiddling with the cuffs of his jumper sleeves. “and I asked why, and she said that she thought I might be scared to ask you out, which is why we’re not dating.”
scar’s face is a little pink. admittedly, he’s heard rumours about him and grian liking each other, but they don’t! not in that way, anyway. they’re friends, that’s all.
“and I.. well, I got defensive-“
“of course you did.”
“-and I said I wasn’t scared to ask you out, and before I could say why she said ‘well if you’re not scared then go ask him’.” grian explains, sheepishly. “and..”
“and here you are.” scar sighs. “grian, can I just say, you are an idiot sometimes.”
“yeah..” grian chuckles.
“so your pride is wounded, and you want me to.. what, exactly?” scar asks.
grian blushes embarrassedly. “um. could we.. pretend to date? just for a little bit?”
scar blinks. then he sighs again and nods, resignedly. “sure.”
“really?” grian’s wings puffs up excitedly.
“take the yes before I wake up properly.” scar chuckles. “so how are we going to go about doing this?”
“ah.” grian says. “I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”
“okay, you go and tell pearl you did it, i’ll get ready and we can figure it out in about an hour.” scar says.
“good plan.” grian says. “thank you.”
“anytime.” scar says and watches grian fly out the door.
“so, I made a list.”
grian comes back to scar’s base to find him holding a book and quill, looking proud of himself.
“a list?” grian asks.
“of stuff to convince people we’re actually dating.” scar says. “I put a box next to all of them, so you can tick the ones you’re comfortable doing and leave the stuff you’re not.”
grian is slightly taken aback at how seriously scar’s taking this. it’s sweet of him, he thinks, to be doing this all just because grian wanted to prove a point.
“are you comfortable with all this?” grian asks, taking the book and quill from scar.
scar nods. “there’s not a lot in there.”
holding hands ✔️
pet names ✔️
hugs ✔️
kisses (on cheek/nose/etc) ✔️
kisses (on lips) ✔️
flirting ✔️
lap sitting ✔️
bragging about ‘relationship’ to other hermits ✔️✔️
“is this all in public then or just when pearl’s around?” scar asks, taking the book back and laughing at the multiple ticks on the last one.
“I mean, it’d be more believable if other people saw it, right?” grian says.
“good point.” scar says. “okay, what should we do now?”
“well, we should tell someone trustworthy that it’s fake.” grian suggests. “so we don’t have to pretend around them.”
“who do you think?” scar asks.
“maybe cleo?” grian says. “she was on all the life games, and that’s kinda where pearl got the idea that we like each other.”
“she wasn’t even on 3rd life.” scar says. “arguably that was the most homoerotic time.”
grian snorts. “don’t say it like that.”
“what? it was!” scar laughs. “‘you may slay me and take the enchanter’ and you didn’t!”
“god, you were so dramatic then.” grian says.
“says the man who came flying in from the treetops yelling ‘traitor!!’ when I killed you.” scar points out. “and, not only did you not kill me when I said you could, you made the cactus ring! that’s the most dramatic thing you could have done.”
“okay, we were both dramatic.” grian admits. “so you agree on telling cleo?”
“sure.” scar shrugs. “pearl probably told her that we’re dating anyway.”
grian frowns. “why would she?”
“did you not hear the rumours? everyone thinks we like each other, and some think we’re actually dating.” scar grins. “they resurface every life game.”
grian’s eyes widen. “you’re kidding.”
“nope.” scar says.
“oh my god, that must be why pearl thought we liked each other.” grian realises.
“I can’t believe you didn’t know.” scar says. “i’ve been asked at least 10 times since double life if we’re together.”
grian jumps to his feet, startling scar in the process. “we need to go to cleo now.”
“why?” scar grabs his cane and stands up too.
“I need to know just how many people think we’re together.” grian says.
“you weren’t already dating?” is cleo’s idea of an adequate response.
“still technically aren’t.” grian says, frowning. “are you telling me that almost everyone here thinks we’re together? including you, until just now?”
“yes.” cleo shrugs. “well, come on, you two were attached at the hip on 3rd life, acted like divorcees on last life, and when grian went after bigb on double life, scar went around saying he was cheating on him.”
“alright, I can understand why it looks like that.” grian says. “but- but that’s not even why we’re here!”
“we’re here to ask you to help us.” scar cuts across.
“help you?”
“well, we don’t really know what we’re doing.” scar grins. “after, like, a week we’re gonna tell everyone this was a prank, but for the time being, we need some help.”
“what kind of help?” cleo asks.
“like, what do couples do?” scar says.
“I mean, you spent 30 seconds with jimmy and tango, didn’t you?” cleo jokes. “I don’t know, just do what feels natural.” she shrugs. “if you’re trying to fool everyone, go places that a lot of people visit, like the shopping district.”
“that’s a good idea.” scar nudges grian.
“we can just kiss in a tree.” grian jokes. “that’ll do it.”
“i’d pay money to see that.” cleo says.
“thank you cleo, we’ll see you later!” scar grabs grian’s hand and pulls him along, shooting a rocket. “to the shopping district!”
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