#and it turn out that's all they needed to stop committing atrocities
messengerhermes · 1 year
Look, maybe I don't need to worry about whether the "evil" character has earned their redemption/happy ending, particularly when the evil character is coded as undesirable and abandoned. Maybe I can enjoy the vicarious fantasy that even if deep abandonment and abuse drives someone to their worst, they can still come back from that and find belonging and love.
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otdiaftg · 3 months
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The King's Men - Chapter Fourteen
Day: Saturday, March 9th / 10th* Time: 3:48 PM EST
"So the attitude problem wasn't an act, at least," Andrew says. "I was going to tell you," Nathaniel says. "Stop lying to me." "I'm not lying. I would have told you last night, but they were in our locker room." "They who?" Browning asks. Nathaniel switches to German without missing a beat. He is pretty sure he earns a dirty look from Browning for that trick, but he won't take his eyes off Andrew to look. "Those weren't security guards that came for us. They were there for me, and they would have hurt all of you to get me out of there. I thought by keeping my mouth shut I could keep you safe." Nathaniel still has his hands up by Andrew's face, so he lightly taps a thumb against the bruise at Andrew's eye. "I didn't know they'd staged a riot." "What did I tell you about playing the martyr card?" Andrew asks. "You said no one wanted it," Nathaniel says. "You didn't tell me to stop." "It was implied." "I'm stupid, remember? I need things spelled out." "Shut up." "Am I at ninety-four yet?" "You are at one hundred," Andrew says. "What happened to your face?" Nathaniel swallows hard against a rush of nausea. "A dashboard lighter." He winces at the awful sound Nicky makes. The groan of a quickly- shifting mattress almost swallows up Aaron's ragged curse. Nathaniel looks back without thinking, needing to see who is on the move, and see's Aaron has rolled off the bed to go stand with Nicky. Turning means the others get a look at his burned cheek. Kevin recoils so hard he slams into the wall behind him. He claps a protective hand over his own tattoo and Nathaniel knows he is imagining Riko's reaction to this atrocity. This time it is Dan stopping Matt from getting up, her knuckles white against his dark shirt and her head turned away. Matt starts to fight free but settles for a hoarse, "Jesus, Neil. The fuck did they do to you?"
Art used with permission by Midgart. Thank you @midgart!
*Due to the Leap Year, I have opted to highlight the day rather than the date to keep the events in occurrence to the 2007 year. I will continue to mark both days accordingly.
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dancingastralwitch · 7 months
A Palestinian man is asked in an interview by a white woman if he condemns Hamas while his people are being slaughtered in the open, and HE is the one condemned when he yells that it's injustice to insulate that his people deserve to be murdered, because "Hamas chose this."
A black woman is attacked first in a fight and SHE is the bad guy when she strikes back, she is the one whose face is plastered all over social media to be condemned and shamed for "aggression."
Two sisters are appropriately reacting to their oppressors by ripping off posters promoting their propaganda, and THEY are shamed and attacked for their lack of politeness when their people are being killed for existing.
An American democrat watches her colleagues cheer on genocide and ethical cleansing, the murder of children and the rape of women and the slaughter of families, and SHE is the one censored for speaking out in defense of them, despite her grief of losing family members.
Zionists are not condemned for enjoying the thought of children being killed, for calling Palestinians "animals" or saying Gaza should be "turned into a parking lot", Israeli doctors can get away with demanding that Palestinians, HUMAN BEINGS, should be murdered, that their only remaining hospital should be crushed.
They are not condemned for saying they wanted nuclear weapons unleashed on Gaza, they are not condemned for the imprisonment and torture of children, for desecrating dead Palestinians' corpses and mauling their bodies, for mocking Muslim Palestinians by rubbing their bullets against pig's skin before shooting them, for bombing Palestinian churches, for bombing universities, for shutting electricity from Gaza, cutting Palestinians from food and water, not letting them access to aid, for bombing CANCER hospitals and CHILDRENS HOSPITALS, for turning the sky of Gaza RED from explosions, for killing enough students that the entire school year was canceled, for annihilating families, for attacking Jewish people in Jerusalem, for cutting dead fetuses off dead mothers, for STEALING THEIR SKIN AND ORGANS and using them for their benefit, for forcing CHILDREN to hold a press conference to say that hey, they want to live.
Insinuating that this is about religion is the basis of Zionism. 60 members of Hamas were killed, and 10,500 civilians killed, 4000 of which are children. Over 800 bloodlines erased. Israel says they aim for "damage, not accuracy." Implying this is about Hamas is lies.
When white people in power tell you from their air-conditioned studios this is Israel defending itself, refuse to let Palestinian journalists explain things happening from their point of view, watch those journalists lose their entire families for speaking about what's happening to them, demonize Arabs who rage about injustice, ask Palestinians grieving if they condemn Hamas, know this is propaganda.
You shouldn't need them to tell you they're parroting lies to you. Their lies kill people. Their lies destroy people. Their apologies are insincere and their "sympathy" is limited only to those who look like them. It is unjust. It is cruel.
If I was were to narrate to you every atrocity Israel commited that I am aware of, I would never stop typing.
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kseung · 2 years
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Bad Timing
Pt. 1 of Better Timing
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Contains: Light cursing, fighting (verbal), kisses.
Warnings: Light cursing, writer on mobile 💀
Words: 2,185~
Dedicated to @cozwaenot
This wasn't how this was supposed to go. Not at all. You knew that asking Wednesday out would be... interesting, but you never thought you'd see such atrocities. Namely, a certain atrocity called Tyler.
After days of begging, Enid had finally convinced you to ask Wednesday out. Nerve-wracking as it was, you accepted. Worse that can happen is she murders you. Not too bad.
You were walking around in town, strolling merely to have some time to think. Wednesday was all you thought of anyway. There's no escaping her, like an endless nightmare. She'd be happy to hear it that way.
Your feet suddenly came to a halt when you saw Wednesday some steps ahead. She entered the place even though the sign clearly read "closed", to meet a boy you knew was named Tyler. Bad luck was all you had, perfectly demonstrated when the girl of your bad dreams kissed the boy. It made your heart feel small and frail, like it was being drained of every last drop of blood to be found in there. No thoughts came to mind as you kept watching the scene playing before you.
—I see...
So that's how things are. Right. They stopped kissing, staring at each other before kissing again. You knew you had seen enough. You turned around so fast you felt dizzy. Your tendency to the drama made you feel like your world was loosing all its color. Not even the loudest of noises could snap you out of whatever emotional trance you were in, much less the faint sound of a chime and a door opening.
Wednesday knew she'd fucked up. Bad. In the actually bad sense of the word. She'd kissed a hyde, and also made one of the only ones that listened to her run away. Life definitely was onto something presumably not nice.
She knew calling out for you would do nothing, so she had to wait until the next day. The next day you had classes, but it wasn't as bad as it could be. Or at least she hoped so. Strange.
Enid noticed it straight away. You were avoiding Wednesday like she was a plague. And you were, admittedly, avoiding everyone. She sent you a look which you ignored. You needed some time for yourself, as childish as that was.
During the entire class period, you kept yourself far from them, not even talking at all. They all noticed, really. Wednesday had the littlest twinge of sadness that day, feeling rather on edge. More now that she knew who was causing all those murders. The betrayal made her feel particularly strong desires to commit arson.
—Did you scare them off that much?
All but Wednesday nodded to what Enid was saying. Being the subject of your liking, Wednesday was the only one out of the loop regarding your confession.
Clearly, everyone else knew, which made Wednesday confused and maybe even defensive.
—Why would I?—. She understood how she'd scare off some people, but not you. You were never afraid of her, ever. Not even when she tried to threaten you. But scaring you, for once, would never be a bad thing. They looked at her, silently asking for more words. —I hope so—.
Xavier sighed. —Things didn't go too well, huh—. Wednesday stared at him. It was true. She did not mean to make you run from her. At least not because of that.
—Writing hour.
You watched from your place as Wednesday left. You sighed in relief. Looks like it's also your time to leave, just not after her.
First, you made sure the rest of your friends weren't looking at you. Then, you just vanished. This was her 1-hour dedicated time for creative writing, working for her novel.
You usually went with her, to make her company. You were always silent, so she didn't complain but at first. Those were fond times, but no more. Seems like now she'd have to be alone again.
Your wandering led you to the forest, on a hidden place near the shed. If she, for some unknown reason, decided to search for you, she'd expect you to be far away from places she visits often. So you hid close.
At times like that you wished you could stay there forever. Technically, you could. But that wouldn't be good for you, and cause some headaches to Weems. Not that you weren't opposed to that.
You spent hours sitting on the same spot, surrounded by nothing but nature. It was a good thinking spot. Even better was the fact that nobody knew you liked it there, so nobody looked there.
She went to the Rave'N with him. Why didn't you know she'd kiss him before? Looking back to it, it was obvious something was about to happen. Wednesday, the anti-social emo kid, going to a dance? Yeah. Too suspicious. And you thought you had good critical thinking skills... Even more outrageous!
It was pathetic. You feeling so down for a crush you knew from the start was unreachable? Unreasonable. You were angry. Frustrated at yourself. It's not that Wednesday was incapable of liking you, since she seemed to like Tyler... But after that? Yeah, no. She had chosen already, and you weren't who she picked. Nothing wrong with that, as sad as it made you.
—There you are.
She had to show up at the most inopportune of moments. You did not look at her, simply taking your stuff and heading back to Nevermore. You couldn't bring yourself to look at her. You knew you'd cry to her, for her. You bit your tongue, on both senses.
—Don't ignore me!
Even her voice when strong seemed muted. A tinge of feeling escaped, and your shoulders tensed. You knew how she looked when she spoke like that. Her chin would be angled upwards, eyebrows furrowed, and, maybe, her lips trembling even when she tried not to. You had only ever seen that once before, but once is more than enough to remember it. You sighed and continued on your walk back to your dorm.
She took a sharp breath, furious. Her pace quicked, catching up to you and turning you over. She looked desperate, more than she wanted to admit. You couldn't help but laugh dryly. What did she want now?
—Just what do you want?
That question couldn't have shocked her more. The tone was cold, unlike how you usually spoke to her. You weren't even looking at her, focusing instead on a tree behind her.
—I- —, she cursed internally. —I just wante-
—Oh, please. Don't talk. I have nothing to hear. There's no reason for you to speak to me. Just stay away.
Her hand was still gripping onto your jacket, so you shook her off. You wanted to apologise for being rude, but you had a greater urge to just go away. Rejection had never hurt her so bad.
—Why are you being like this? What did I do wrong?
Her tone was desperate, again. You wanted to cry. You looked at her through glazed eyes. She herself was not doing too well either.
—Don't I ought to know?
—Stop asking questions.
—Then tell me!
She was getting angry. That was not good, not at all. You sighed and nodded.
—I just need some time, Wednesday. I... —. You looked away again. You didn't want to cry in front of her. —Give me time.
—Is this about Tyler?
And you sighed. You didn't knew she knew, but she did, apparently. You nodded, swallowing hard. Your voice wanted to tremble.
—It is. But it's fine. I totally support you. It's just shocking.
It wasn't fine. Still, you wanted to support your friend. You tried to smile at her. It was more of a grimace, but she accepted it.
—I'll be going—, you said. You tried to turn around and go, again, but she held onto you, again.
—No. You're not going anywhere. You will listen to me.
You didn't understand why she was being so difficult. Why was this even affecting her? You were defeated, so you accepted. —Make it quick.
—I don't like Tyler.
You were seriously about to throw hands. She noticed, so she held on to them. Tightly. It made you feel things, good things. Ironic. And such a bad moment for it.
—I know how that sounds! I know! I just... had a vision after I kissed him. He's the Hyde. We are not together.
You went pale. He's the Hyde? And she kissed him! You didn't want to hear it. Even less from her. But that was a shocker. It's always the one that seems less like it.
—I- I really don't know what you want to hear from me.
You were too overloaded, both mentally and emotionally. In turn, your body started to ache. You shook your head.
—Let me go.
You were back to your cold tone, staring at her. She furrowed her eyebrows, but still nodded. She let you go, keeping her arms by her sides.
You did not look at her more, simply walking off to your dorm. You knew you wouldn't get a good sleep that night, but you still tried. You were lucky your roommate decided to sleep elsewhere again.
It was obvious that things weren't going good. You kept from everyone, especially her. From her friends too, both of yours. It was hard, but sometimes people need time. Even if it meant having no one to talk to for days.
You were walking mindlessly on the hallways of Nevermore when you heard Enid talking to Wednesday.
—Say that again—, Wednesday demanded.
—They have feelings for you! For being a detective, you're so blunt sometimes.
Your breath hitched. So she now knows. It was inferable, really. You were surprised someone had to tell her.
—Oh. I guess that makes more sense now—, she pondered.
You were starting to feel like a burden, once more. She had more things on her plate, so you being one of those made you feel incredibly guilty. You started to wonder off, going to your room. At least you'd be alone, without anyone to bother. Your roomate had a club to attend to anyway.
You made sure that neither Wednesday nor Enid followed when you were entering your room. You then locked your door, finally breathing. You turned around, intending to go lay down, only to find Wednesday silently waiting for you while sitting on the edge of your bed.
—Fuck my life—. You almost ran away. Almost. But Wednesday had you still with what she said. She walked until she was closely in front of you.
—I know.
You tried to act dumb. Which, to Wednesday, was the dumbest thing to do in that situation.
—What do you know?
You tried to sound annoyed, but you were panicking. There was nowhere to run to. She was in your room, and you couldn't exactly go to the woods.
—I know what you feel. For me.
You shook your head.
—What do you know about feelings, Wednesday? Let me be and get out of my room.
She glared at you, pursed lips and tensed jaw included. Your defensive words would make her feel hurt if she didn't know better. Maybe did hurt, a little. Her eyes were difficult to decipher.
—I don't always know what I feel. But I do know that I feel good when I'm you—. She took a sharp breath, gulping audibly before takling again. —I like to feel things if they're related to you—. It was a weird confession for her to make. Why would she like it? You didn't understand.
—Bullshit. Now, do leave my room—. You moved your head to point towards the door.
—No. I'm not lying. I am not leaving. I had enough time to be without you and notice that I don't want that to happen again.
You watched her intensely, eying her with distrust.
—I don't believe you.
She looked at you, holding your hand in hers. It was weird. For starters, you liked having your hand held by her but you were also sad and a little angry. Add to it the fact that she dislikes physical touch, so she was both awkward and very tense.
"Is it too late?" She wanted to ask.
—Want it or not, I have feelings too—. She disliked to say it. She hated it, but she knew it was something worth the uncomfortableness of admitting. —And I want to feel things you make me feel. Am I too late?
—Wednesday, it's not about the timing now. I just... need time, okay? I'm not saying "no" either. I didn't like what I saw, and I think I still need to cry it out. We can talk more about it tomorrow.
She nodded, the least bit hopeful. She looked around for a bit, trying to make up her mind about what to do next. She glanced at you for a second before slowly moving closer to you, until she was pressing herself lightly towards you.
You didn't think twice before surrounding her with your arms, careful not to push too hard on her limits. You felt some light touches on your back, smiling as she did too. You'd be alright.
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bokettochild · 11 months
I just saw a post asking which Link would make the best villain and....
It's Time guys
Like, I love the man, but let's be real; he's a second from snapping and committing atrocities.
Twilight is so thoroughly traumatized by the vision the spirits gave him and Fi's judgement of him that he literally can't stand messing with magic that isn't actually his own or connected to him. And while, sure, he doesn't need magic to be a villain, let's be real, it'd take something magical to force him to turn his back on everything he's ever fought for.
Similarly, Wild fought and died for his kingdom, and his people. There is nothing and no one worse than what he's already seen that could possibly make him turn his back on it all and throw his work down the drain just to destroy everything he'd built himself.
Legend is the same. he's been doing this far too long to ditch now. Granted, he's a grump, but if you look at his games, you see he's a highly empathetic and caring person. Unlike the others, who were tasked with saving the world by a mentor or friend, or had to go and save a friend or family member, or who where sworn to duty; Legend was literally some kid who was asked by an utter stranger to help, and did. Six times. No way someone like that is going to go and destroy everything.
And Wind! Wind is a moral guy, with a good heart. he set out for personal reasons and saw in his journey that there were bigger fish to fry, and he fried them. He had no reason to take it on, no call of the goddess, no responsibility, no reason for him, a child, to go and save the world as well as his sister, but he did it anyway.
Sky and Warriors are simply too devout. Warriors to the kingdom and it's people; with everything he suffered for them, you can't tell me the man isn't dedicated to serving his country. And Sky is loyal to Sun, who is Hylia, so he literally would never go against her. And by the law of the Zelda universe, villains are those who go against Hylia and Hyrule.
Four is an iffy one. Most people might say "but Vio was a villain!" but let's be real; if you read the manga, you know Vio was bluffing all along. If Vio, part of Four, didn't bow even under Shadow's influence, and Vaati's, and Ganon's, then again; who and what would drive this man to become a villain? Granted, the persuing of dark magic to bring back his lost friend could be argued, but is more likely to lead to his corruption than his attempting to take over Hyrule and kill innocents.
Hyrule is tough, since we have very little to work off of in cannon, but come on, even if Hyrule did turn to evil, he wouldn't exactly be able to do much. Hyrule's already in ruins in his time, and the monsters wouldn't hear of working beside him. He'd have everyone against him, and even if he does hold the triforce in it's entirety and thus could do all sorts of horrible things, he has neither motivation nor reason to turn away to becoming a villain.
Time though......
Time has watched the world burn and all his efforts be turned around and lost. He has lost everything so many times, usually with no reward or reason. In the end, Time, though a good man, cares more for the individual than the country. He cares about his wife and his boys, and based off the scars, we can only guess what lengths he's already gone to in order to accomplish his goals.
Time, if faced with the right issue, has every risk of dropping from defender to threat. Hyrule be damned, this man cares for his wife, his kids, his home, and if you threaten that, no matter who you are, he will go after you. He's one second away from going after Hylia and all she has done to him and those around him. He detests the Blade of Evil's bane, the symbol of Hylia's blessing. He borders every moment on the precipice of taking power beyond mortals to fulfill his own wishes, even if it is to help those he loves.
Put Malon in danger, heck, one of the boys, and Time won't let something silly like morals stop him from doing whatever it takes to protect what little that is still his and hasn't already been taken from him. He will fight tooth and nail not to lose anything else, and he won't let even the goddesses stop him.l
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milkywaydrabbles · 8 months
Heyyy I'm enamoured by your writing style and loved your recent posts <3
So I wanted to ask for the kinktober 16/17 with Gojo? Maybe with a curse reader he spared? 🫡
A/N: Does this make sense not really but I actually LOVED it. So I hope you like it too. Gojo is a loverboy through and through I refuse to believe otherwise. ANYWAYS here it is mwuah
Size difference/Orgasm denial x Gojo Satoru
Gojo Satoru was the strongest.
He didn’t need help, he was at the top of the chain.
And yet, here he was crumbling just by looking at you. You, who threw yourself in front of what he then found out was your brother ( another death painting, one who had already tried to kill him) silently pleading to leave him alone, let him live. You, who he spared from the atrocities he could commit to curses with the sheer pressure of his infinity alone, you’d all seen what he did to Hanami. 
You, who he found himself thinking of when trapped in the prison realm, how small and frail you really did look in comparison to the rest of them, and yet the fury your eyes held left him shaken. How can someone--how can a curse make him break like this? He could have crushed you under his thumb, and he didn’t. He’s getting soft, weak, he thinks. 
And when he’s out of the prison realm? The first one he seeks out is you. Before anyone else even knows he’s out and well, he finds you. Separated from your brother, Choso, who is now fighting for their very cause he tried to destroy.  He finds you, before anyone else. You stand before Gojo, a bit shaken up, ready to plead your case, to beg him to listen, to have him understand that you and your brother were just misguided, and that you understood now, and that you would fight with him. 
But instead, he simply walked to you, looming over your small and dainty frame, wiping some muck off your face and pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. You were so small, he thought, yet with a fire in your eyes he could never shake. You started to speak, apologizing for what you’d done, apologizing on behalf of Choso, hands shaking out of fear and something else, clutching onto his shirt. He cupped your hand in his face, so delicate, like you would crumble in his arms if he moved too fast; if he held on too tight. “I forgive you.” He whispered, pressing his lips to yours, leaning down even when you’re on your toes to meet his kiss. So small. So frail. He needed to protect you, a curse. It was sick, he thought, how the one who plagued his mind is the one he vowed to destroy. 
“Gojo,” you started, gasping in between kisses. “We need to get back, w-we need to--help them, the o-others--” You were overwhelmed with him, with Gojo Satoru, but not in the way he overwhelmed everyone else. He was still so delicate with you, yet taking over all of your senses.  It took you this long to realize he turned off his infinity, for you--to kiss you, to hold you, to pull you closer into his much larger body. You tried again. “Gojo--”
“Baby,” Your heart was in your throat at the term of endearment. “We will. Promise.” He spoke in between kisses, trailing from your mouth to your cheeks, down your jaw to your throat. “Just let me have this, please. Can’t stop thinking about you.” Your head was spinning, dizzy at the thought of the Gojo Satoru thought of you, even in his capture, that he found you first. Gojo hoisted you up on his hips, your breathing hitched as you wrapped your legs around him. “You’re so small,” He started, carrying you with ease to an untouched and unbroken bench. “You could get so hurt, so tiny.” He mumbled against your skin, leaving fire in the wake where his fingertips grabbed at you. “I can fight,” you argued, knowing he’s seen you and your cursed energy already. Knowing that you can kill, seeing it firsthand. “Mm, I know baby,” heart squeezing in your chest again. “But I need to protect you, look at you,” Suddenly your world is flipped, Gojo looming over you broad shoulders and strong biceps flexing. The blue irises practically glowed while he devoured you with his eyes. “So small underneath me, can’t defend yourself from me--how can you fight without me?” 
You didn’t know what he was saying, and Gojo wasn’t sure he knew either. But you plagued his mind for however long he was in that prison, and you were feeling incredibly small under his gaze. “Go--” “Satoru. Please.” You gulped, looking anywhere but his face. “Sa--Satoru...” You didn’t know why you said his name, you didn’t know what you wanted to say. But being underneath him felt right, somehow, like he spared you and your brother because he knew he’d want you, because he knew you’d want him. Gojo lowered himself, hands playing at the hem of your pants, nuzzling your throat. “What do you need, angel? Anything, I’ll give you anything.” Gojo Satoru, the strong, begging you. Your head was swimming.
“Satoru, I need you to protect me..When we fight, please..” You hiccupped, feeling entirely too overwhelmed with everything. “Please protect me.”
Gojo snapped, capturing your lips in a heated kiss again, urging you to at the bare minimum take your shoes off so he can properly yank the clothes from your legs. They were barely off, but enough for one leg of your pants and underwear to be removed, lifting your leg as he mouthed at your throat again. “I’ll protect you, I promise.” He growled into your skin, free hand pushing your shirt up to expose skin that he immediately latched on you, trailing kissing and bites down your stomach until he got to your thighs, hitched leg above his shoulder as he left your inner thighs covered in kisses and love bites of his affection. He palmed at your cunt, hand covering you fully, fingers measuring up on your stomach. “Look at this, baby, look how deep I’ll be.” He mumbled, letting you look for just a moment before pushing two of his fingers slowly into your wet heat. You gasped, heading reeling. You’d never felt something like this before, something so foreign and yet so fucking pleasurable it had you moaning in an instant. Gojo pumped his fingers in and out, seeing you gush and squirm underneath him, strong arm steadying you. 
“Fuck, have to protect my tiny baby.” He babbled, your small hand wrapping itself onto his forearm, not even close to wrapping your fingers around his arm. His pace was unbearably slow, teasing and taunting with each thrust. “S-Saatoruu, please, keep going.” You huffed, bucking your hips into his fingers until his other hand pushed your hips down onto the bench. He shook his head, curling his fingers in you enough to have you whimpering again, not enough to throw you over the edge. “This isn’t how I want you, this isn’t how I want to make you cum.” He spoke with such conviction it raised your hairs on the back of your neck. Like he was promising you the world later.  “Just wanna feel you on me.” He whispered, removing his fingers and sucking them, moaning at the taste you left behind. Gojo pushed down his pants enough to release his cock, leaning over to smother you in kisses again. He mouthed at your neck, at your throat, feeling you swallow hard with anticipation. “Don’t be scared, pretty.” He whispered against your skin, sizing up his cock against your tummy. He was so much bigger than you, he was sure it would feel like he was in your throat when he fucked you. 
With a slow push in, your pussy parted and swallowed him, feeling tight and hot around him. You gasped, clawing at his shoulders as he pushed in inch by inch, feeling neverending. “Satoruu” you whined, seeing and feeling nothing but him. Gojo leaned back, pushing his hips up into your guts, seeing the bulge on your tummy of where his cock hit. “Y’see that, baby? See how deep I am? Big cock filling you up.” His pupils dilated, focused on the way the bulge shrunk and expanded with each thrust. Your hands grasped at him again, distracting him enough to look up at you, your eyes teary with pleasure. But it wasn’t enough. “Satoru, need more,  please.” You begged, and he shook his head again. “Not now, baby, just wanna feel you remember?” He reminded, and you were losing your mind. “Don’t whine, angel, I’ll give it to you real good after I win, ‘kay?” He quickened his pace, just a little, edging himself just as much as he was you. But he knew he could hold out longer than you could. He had to. “Pussy s’tight, baby...splitting you open” He murmured, looking at the juncture when your hips met, seeing how your pussy lips wrapped around his huge cock and took him in. Without thinking, his hand trailed up your body, palming at your chest--he was enamored with the way his hand could easy cover you. It continued its way up, wrapping his fingers around your throat. You gasped, feeling his grip tighten, taking a hold on the edges of your neck. Your eyes rolled, your own hands covering his and gripping at his wrist. You couldn’t push him away if you tried--even if you really wanted to. 
How could he let you go on your own when you were so small?
“Could break you in half,” he whispered, tightening his fingers a bit more, before relaxing and just leaving his hand there as a necklace. “Anyone could, can’t let you outta my sight.” You were so close, and any time he felt you tighten too much he’d slow down, fucking you slow to keep the pressure and the band never snapping. Tears flowed freely from your eyes, and Gojo leaned down to kiss at the salty drops as they fell. “So mean.” You complained. “Sorry, baby, feels so good.” He pulled out fully, and you cried--leaving you so empty after filling you up so full in your belly. “We gotta go, angel--promise I’ll give it to you just how you want it. Remember? After I win.”
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cipheramnesia · 3 months
There's a brand of criticism that looks at Night of the Living Dead (1968), and suggests people consider the interpretation that Harry Cooper, the racist and misogynistic antagonist of the movie, was right the whole time. After all, if everyone listened to Harry, they would have stayed safely locker in the cellar and survived. He was a bad person, but if you think rationally about, his plan would have worked.
This has nagged at me awhile, because it felt off, and now I can tell you unambiguously that interpretation is not just thematically inconsistent, but factually wrong. Here's why.
First, consider what each character symbolizes. Ben, the protagonist, is revolutionary thinking. He represents taking action, problem solving, creativity and opposition of authority. Barbara is the iconic public in the face of sudden, overwhelming horror. Think the shock and horror in response to the Vietnam War, fresh at the time, the first real widespread use of television exposing USAmericans to the graphic atrocities committed by their own soldiers. Harry, the antagonist represents isolationism, conservativism, and the idea that everything is fine as it is. There is no need for change for Harry, let the government fix it.
Secondarily! Harry's wife Helen and daughter Karen. Helen is also a symbol of traditional values, but in what you might call a centrist way. She too thinks, at first, that Harry is right and it's all going to work out, but as the movie progresses she comes to realize too late that she is not being kept safe but rather held as property and Harry intends to let everyone die if it means what he has stays his. Karen, meanwhile, represents the idea that the external problem (zombies) cannot be ignored and just locked away. The problem is already inside the house, it will affect everyone regardless.
Lastly! Judy and Tom, what else could they be but the innocent hope of youth (Tom) and love (Judy). They die first because their naivete and blind optimism put them in each other's way. They are the proud soldiers of the US military going of to an idealistic war only to die, burning and alone, for nothing.
So, factually speaking, first and foremost, the "Harry was right" position always glosses over that Karen is infected. They believe that as a large group it would be easy to avoid further infection by Karen. This is incorrect, as the movie shows several times. First, Helen stays at Karen's side so extensively that she is ultimately killed when Karen turns. We can from this also recognize the same thing would happen if everyone stayed in the basement. Helen will be infected. Second! Harry repeatedly shows his belief that his wife and daughter are property, and he will act irrationally in his own self interest. It is safe to say that Harry will insist on protecting his wife and daughter even after they become zombies. This means the group will be isolated in a small space with two fresh zombies. What happens from this point is immaterial the group is now at best 3vs4 on the side of zombies, and they have NOT successfully made it through the night unscathed.
But wait! This is already giving the idea that Harry is right too much credit because Harry does not want to leave the basement at all. This means that if Harry was listened to, there would only be Tom and Judy in the basement versus Harry and his zombie family. They would all die if they did not take action. Furthermore! Only by leaving the basement does anyone other than Ben and Barbara find out how to stop zombies, and Ben is the only one who has genuinely figured out one solid antizombie tactic on his own.
Not only this, but Harry has no way to predict that people like Barbara and Ben will show up. His basement plan hinges on a stable situation, which they are not in. He has not planned against a horde of zombies until Ben arrives, and after Ben arrives, he works almost exclusively against the group goals. Harry is not just isolationist but selfish. His plan does not work because at no point does he show any ability to cope with the direct problem, and every version of "sitting it out in the basement" just gets more people killed. Harry is wrong and his plan is bad and critics who suggest his plan was good ought to feel bad.
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codenamesazanka · 5 months
because like, Tenko, age 5, wanted to be a Hero and the reason he gave for it was "there were these two kids who was being excluded by the others, but I was nice and became their friend," making the very core of that desire kindness. A sense of fairness, a refusal of rejection even if everyone else was doing it; then the willingness to reach out, to bring them them into his fold. Connection. Friendship. Belongingness.
And see, Tenko himself understood rejection, for he was rejected by his own family - gently, he notes, the house my father built rejected me gently - but it was denial all the same, it decayed him from the inside out; then he understood it to a level that shattered him, when an entire city of people ignored him at his most desperate and vulnerable. Saw him, and decided he wasn't worth helping. A city of people who lived under All Might billboards and touted Heroes as the pillars of their society, who expected, demanded help and saving from Heroes, and yet turned around and did not feel the need to embody those ideals themselves, never even thought to pay it back or forward. The common trash, all too dependent on being protected. And the Heroes themselves? Brave guardians who created the trash that need coddling. They uphold all this. Whatever they believe, whatever genuine and high ideals individual Heroes hold, they have relinquished it to safeguard the system. A corrupt, vicious cycle.
(Even now, Heroes see him and—what happens is this: Possession by All For One has them musing strategically that they rather deal with All For One than Shigaraki; the arena to battle him in is called his Coffin In The Sky. Those jerks who hurt me over and over, he calls the Heroes he fought - and he tells this point blank to Deku. And above all, Heroes would give their lives to save a corpse - already broken and gone, I already destroyed that one - in midst of an urgent war, when years ago on a normal day, they never showed up to reach out a helping hand to a child looking to live on after the end of everything he knew. The dead have their place among the Heroes; but not all of the living. Do they even consider him as part of their world? Not like anybody would even look at me.)
Tenko can't forgive them; Shigaraki won't forgive them.
And these two things are what make up his origin, feeding into each other. It's because he values connections, friendship, belonging, that he refuses to forgive - everything I've witness in this world, lead to the existence of that house...this whole system you've built has always rejected me...Now I'm ready to reject it…; and because he refuses to forgive, he wants to destroy the world to create one where there's nothing but the one enclave of solidarity and belonging he founded - the League of Villains. The future? Unnecessary. Whatever lies ahead, I want them to live how they see fit.
That unforgiving valuation of connection and belonging, though, is also directed at himself. After all, Shigaraki himself rejects the world, rejects having a place in it. It’s not allowed to be part of what comes after his horizon. He does not believe in futures. He killed his family and destroyed any chance of reconciliation. He’s committed atrocities that put a chasm between him and the rest of humanity. Now he rejects being human at all. Shigaraki believes the rejection to be complete both ways, and belongingness to be mutually exclusive. Understanding is no longer on the table. It’s him vs the world; it’s the League vs everyone else; it’s I don’t care if you don’t understand… That’s why we’re Heroes and Villains.
To stop Shigaraki is to save him; and to save him, the key is exactly that origin, the two things most important to him, but remade: forgiveness, and reconnection.
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sugurus-fave-monkey · 4 months
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Everything about SatoSugu makes me absolutely depressed, so I thought I would contribute.
TW/Cw: AU( Geto doesn’t stop Gojo from killing the worshippers), death, violence, suicide mention, self injurious behaviour, depression, angst, living with guilt. Geto Suguru x Gojo Satoru
WC: Roughly 2200
“Suguru, should we… kill these guys? The way I am right now, I doubt I would feel anything?”
They had been only sixteen. Suguru didn’t speak at that time. He had turned his back on his one and only friend. He had heard the screams of the dying. The applause stopping at once. Satoru Gojo had snapped. And Suguru could have prevented it.
He could have walked back down the stairs, snapped Satoru out of it, and made up some story, that they had been attacked. But he didn’t. He ran away, the screams seemingly imprinted in his brain. He knew Satoru could find him if he wanted to, but he didn’t care.
Suguru had turned into an empty alleyway, clutching himself and emptying whatever remained in his stomach. He sunk down against the wall, running his hands over his face. It was all his fault.
“Satoru Gojo is henceforth deemed a special level threat.”
Suguru had cursed himself. If only he had said or did something. Of course nobody else had blamed him. Satoru had learned RCT, if it had come to a fight, Suguru likely would have lost.
As the days turned into months, turned into years, Suguru still questioned himself. What would he have done in Satoru’s position? What if he would have said yes and joined him? Could they have changed Jujutsu society forever? They were the strongest, after all.
Whenever those thoughts creeped into Suguru’s brain, he needed to take a cold shower, the shock of the water clearing his head, if only partly. He could scream, he could smash his fist against the wall of the tile, until his knuckles grew raw. He could stare, entranced by the crimson mingling with the water.
“You were smart to bring them back here, who knows what those people would have done.”
Shoko’s voice, reaffirming that he did the right thing. It took everything in his soul to stay level headed. How could people treat children like that? He wanted to slaughter them, torture them, but he couldn’t bring himself to commit such an atrocity.
The strong exist to protect the weak. With Satoru gone, and a potential enemy, Suguru needed to keep himself in check. If Satoru wanted to, he would be able to wipe out every sorcerer.
Nanako and Mimiko were instantly attached to Suguru, practically glued to his legs. They became a ray of light in his dark world. Made him cling to the small bit of hope that remained.
“There’s a teaching position open. We would love for you to take the role.”
Twenty four years old, and he became a teacher. He wonders if both Satoru and himself would have worked alongside one another. His bank of curses grows and grows. Exorcise, consume. Teach the young sorcerers how to reach their potential.
They watch in awe, as he makes the curses submit to him, spiralling into themselves, before only leaving a ball of their essence. He always walks away from them, turning his back on them. When he ingests the curses he feels his most vulnerable. The befouled taste of the curse, it causes his eyes to sting and water. He has to hold himself back from gagging, it’s like an oil spill in his mouth, leaving a stain in its wake as it travels down his throat. Satoru had been the only person he ever allowed to see him at his weakest. He would pull a sweet out of his pocket, gently placing a hand on Suguru’s back, soothing him as he retched.
And every time he had to ingest a curse, his heart ached, the memory of his best friend, creeping up on him. He swears he can feel Satoru’s hand on his back, but instead of warm and soothing, it’s icy, filled with hatred. And the dreams that come after, are always the same. Satoru’s charming smile and soft gaze turn malicious, full of hatred. Blaming Suguru for everyone who he killed.
“Yuta Okkotsu shall be executed, and the Special Grade Vengeful Spirit known as Rika, shall be exorcised.”
Suguru had fought against the higher ups, vowing to enact the execution and forcefully absorb Rika if it came down to it. How pathetic that they sit comfortably turning their noses up at things they don’t understand. Would it have been so wrong to destroy that village? Would Satoru have spared the kids life? He had been Satoru’s moral compass, and failed him when he needed him most.
Yuta amalgamated well with the other students, learning how to use Rika efficiently. Next year the school was supposed to take in another Zenin, a 10 Shadows user. Suguru wondered if Satoru would be proud of him. He didn’t have to wonder for long.
“Hey Suguru, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
Suguru’s blood ran cold, that voice, he would never forget that voice. Everyone had sensed Satoru Gojo’s presence, and quickly responded, but by the time they reached him, his arm was already draped around Yuta.
Suguru had fired an army of cursed spirits at his best friend, still not trying to kill him, but begging him, willing him to leave, and save himself. Suguru fought back tears, wishing he could just take Satoru and run away, leave this life of sorcery behind.
“I came to give you time to prepare. Yuta is distantly, a member of my family. I’ll be returning on December 24th to collect him. If you don’t want casualties I would suggest handing him over willingly.”
With that, Gojo was gone. Suguru’s heart felt like it had been ripped from his chest, still beating. So many emotions coursed through his body. He practically sprinted to his quarters, collapsing in front of his toilet, vomiting until his throat was raw.
He had brushed his teeth, before stepping in the shower, this time a scalding temperature, hoping to cleanse him of his feelings. He looked at his knuckles, faint scars on them, before sending his fist flying into the wall. He didn’t even feel the pain, it didn’t help anymore, nothing would help anymore. For a brief second he debated slitting his own wrists, but what would that do? The rushing water ate the sounds of his sobs as he lay fetal position in the tub, crimson once again mixing with the clear water.
“Where is Yuta? Nobody has seen him since last night!”
Fuck. Panic. Chaos. Suguru’s hand was wrapped in bandages,having hammered it until it was bleeding every single day. He focused in on Yuta’s residuals, following him.
It didn’t take long to find them. Yuta, with the help of Rika were managing to keep Satoru at bay. Suguru would later learn that Yuta didn’t want anyone to die for his sake, so his plan was to either kill Satoru, or die trying.
Suguru had approached Yuta, clasping a hand on his shoulder. He told Yuta that was enough and to give him his sword. He would be the one to kill Satoru Gojo.
“You’re late Suguru.”
Suguru put his all into his final fight with Satoru, unleashing Uzumaki upon him, and quickly closing the distance, sword in hand.
Satoru no longer fighting back, lying crumpled in a heap on the ground. He was even smiling as Suguru stared down at him with tears in his eyes. Everything had come to this, and it was now time to depart from this world. Satoru could have won, but he made this choice. He couldn’t bring himself to kill himself after everything he had done, he just hoped Suguru had the strength to kill him.
“Any last words?”
Suguru was willing to let him depart with whatever he wished to say. But wasn’t expecting what came out of Satoru’s mouth.
“I always loved you.”
Suguru felt the blow to his soul. He should have stopped Satoru. There were so many things he wished he had done. His stomach is a pit. It felt like someone blasted a hole into him with a shotgun. He tastes bile in his mouth. His mind is reeling. He tightens his grip on the sword.
“I will always love you.”
Suguru’s final words to his best friend. In a single slash, Satoru’s head was sliced off his body. A clean cut. An honourable way to die. Suguru can’t even look at the body before turning away, and heading back to the school.
The pain only deepens. Suguru takes on riskier missions, absorbing more and more curses. His knuckles never get a chance to heal, when it’s not enough he squeezes his nails into his thighs until he draws blood.
His dreams worsen, replaying the worst moment in his life. His eyes are constantly suffering with dark circles under them. He tries to spend as much time with other people as possible. He trains, his capabilities ranking him as one of the strongest sorcerers of all time.
He would never show his suffering. Especially not towards his students. He would smile at them, ruffling their hair, laughing at their jokes. Nanako and Mimiko looked up to him as a father, and he saw them as daughters. They would brush his hair out for him, and he would relax, the sensation soothing him.
“Sukuna’s Vessel, Yuji Itadori must be executed.”
Another child he has taken under his wing. He shouldn’t have sent the Zenin boy looking for the fingers. Megumi was still green, though talented it was too highly ranked a mission. Had Suguru gone himself, he could have easily absorbed the cursed spirit that had taken possession of the finger.
Suguru trained Itadori easily, summoning weak cursed spirits at first, then gradually increasing their rank, forcing Yuji to channel his cursed energy. The kid was a quick learner and Suguru was thankful for that, as it seemed since Sukuna had awakened, there had been more cursed spirit activity.
Suguru kept getting assigned missions that put him out of the country, and during those times nothing but bad luck seemed to befall the students. Sukuna had taken over Itadori, and somehow the boy survived. The Goodwill event had went to shambles with cursed spirits attacking the students. Geto had to unleash Uzumaki once again. Cursed wombs had taken form and attacked.
Was this all from Sukuna? The cursed spirits were strong, intelligent and seemed to have motive behind what they’re doing. Nanami had fought one that he described as patch face, having the form of a human, and seemingly enjoying toying with Nanami.
“All sorcerers need to report to Shibuya Station.”
December 24th 2018
Something was wrong. Suguru was the only one able to pass through the barrier. Everyone else was instructed to work on taking it out, to allow entrance inside.
Suguru felt chills as he walked through the station. He tried to get the attention of the civilians, but they were unresponsive.
The cursed spirits ambushed him. Suguru put up a good fight, but he wasn’t willing to risk the lives of the civilians, and he was unable to use RCT. He was still standing, but he knew it wouldn’t be long until he collapsed from blood loss.
“Hey, Suguru. Been a while, hasn’t it?”
Impossible. Every memory he had involving Satoru flooded his head at that moment. He managed to turn around.
Satoru Gojo, in the flesh stood before him, stitches on his neck, and on his forehead. There was no way. Suguru had cut his head off. Even with RCT a dead body can’t heal itself. Tears once again brimmed in Suguru’s eyes.
“You’re not Satoru Gojo!”
One last act of defiance.
“What the fuck are you?”
Pulling out the stitches. A brain with a mouth. Both mouths smirking at him. Replacing the stitches.
“Satoru, are you just going to let this thing have its way with you?”
Satoru’s hand flying up to his throat, choking him. But he was laughing. Satoru’s body made a hand sign.
“Don’t worry, Suguru Geto, I won’t need his body much longer. Hollow Technique: Purple.”
Death was painless. Suguru finally felt relaxed. At peace. His soul finally freed.
“You’re late, Suguru.”
His eyes snapped open. Satoru Gojo, complete with his sunglasses reflecting light, and his smirk stood above him.
Suguru’s body moved on its own accord. He ran to his one and only friend, embracing him, his tears finally spilling. He did what he should have done ages ago, and pulled Satoru in for a kiss. Needy, passionate, broken, desperate.
When Suguru pulls away, he sees himself reflected in Satoru’s sunglasses. He’s wearing his school uniform, his hair short and in a bun. It seemed his soul took the form of when it was the happiest.
“We can’t stay.”
Satoru confirmed what Suguru had thought from the moment he arrived.
“I know.”
“I love you.”
“I have always loved you. This time, I’ll get it right Satoru.”
And so they walked away, departing from each other once again.
“Suguru, should we… kill these guys? The way I am right now, I doubt I would feel anything?”
They are only sixteen.
“No. There would be no meaning to it.”
Suguru’s knuckles had been scarred as long as he could remember. They finally stopped burning.
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lilredghost · 5 months
WIP Wednesday: Raised-as-a-Sith Vader
This started as a prompt fill for @himilce-persephoniea but then quickly spiralled into its whole own thing and also never reached the prompted dialogue (sorry friend, I'll get there eventually). So, um, new fic, I guess?
Vader curses as he reaches a dead end. It’s not often that his senses fail him, but this cave is a labyrinth, and something about the stone is muffling his hold on the Force.
He turns on shaky legs to find a different route, but Kenobi is already stepping into the mouth of the chamber, eyes sharp and watchful.
Vader leans back against the wall, letting it support his trembling body under the cover of darkness.
He calls out, hoping to stop the Jedi before he gets too close.
“Let me go, Kenobi. We don’t need to fight, isn’t that what you always say?”
“Us not fighting is very much contingent on you no longer committing atrocities.” Kenobi gestures to the Sith artifact held tightly in Vader’s palm. “And that is very much an atrocity.”
Vader bares his teeth, trying to straighten up as the Jedi comes within arm’s reach. He has his hands up and away from his lightsaber, as if Vader is some sort of wild animal that needs to be tamed.
For some reason, Vader has yet to draw his own saber.
“Technically,” he says. “You owe me one, Kenobi.”
Kenobi pauses only a moment before shaking his head. “This isn’t about debts, Vader. If that artifact makes it back to Sidious, countless innocents will suffer.”
Vader swallows hard, trying to ignore the pleading look on Kenobi's face. “I— I don't care,” he snarls forcefully.
If I should have to suffer, they should too.
Somehow, Kenobi seems to think the appropriate response to this is touching him.
Vader flinches away, but the Jedi follows him with soft, gentle hands, laying a palm on his cheek.
He leans so close that their foreheads touch, their breaths lingering in the same space.
“You don't mean that,” Kenobi says softly. “I know you don't.”
Anakin shudders, closing his eyes in defeat.
How long has it been since someone touched him like this? Since someone believed he'd do the right thing, if he had the choice?
How long has it been since he's had the choice at all?
“Fine,” he whispers. “Take it then.”
So Kenobi slips the artifact from limp fingers, turning to stow it in the bag at his waist. The Jedi will return it to his Temple, where it will be safe and looked after. Not misused. Not a weapon.
Easy as that.
“Thank you, Vader.” Kenobi gives him a small smile, stepping away— and Vader feels something like panic rise in his chest. Like an opportunity is slipping away.
“Anakin!” he blurts out.
Kenobi stops, looking confused.
“My name,” he clarifies. “It's—”
“Anakin.” Kenobi's smile broadens into something sweeter. Something kinder. “You can call me Obi-Wan, then.”
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So, the atrocities Rhaenyra committed never happened because “unreliable source” but F&B is suddenly very trustworthy when it comes to the Greens, am I right ?
Most of the stuff that Rhaenyra was claimed to have done was stuff she did. Eustace primarily looked to whitewashing Aegon II with his whole “he didn’t care until his children were threatened” BS.
Most of what she did during her half-year tenure (the taxes, the murders, the lavish feasts while her people starve, refusing to offer credible surrender terms to the Greens, etc.) cannot be mistaken as anything but her doing, with the only exception of Haelana, who may have been pushed, may have committed suicide, or may even have been murdered by Larys Strong (I doubt that though). Arguing for people who doubted the Strong bastards’ paternity to have their tongues ripped out definitely happened (and as Tyrion stated, “when you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say”). Rhaenyra knew about Blood & Cheese beforehand, and never punished Daemon. Maelor’s death can’t be biased history, her Knights Inquisitor were publicly charged with finding Maelor. Ordering Lord Mooton to murder Nettles and ordering Addam Velaryon to be executed without trial was also something that definitely happened, writs of execution have paperwork.
The smallfolk of KL turned on her, and that can’t be explained away as propaganda after-the-fact, they were the ones living it. Their reactions can’t be explained away as propaganda; they slaughtered the dragons: the living symbols of Targaryen power, and justified their actions as righteous action. How can that be construed as anything but legitimately held rebellion against the very aspect of her rulership ? The heads that were placed on pikes above Maegor’s Holdfast too, are physical things that can be observed and confirmed (or disproven).
See, I don't think anyone taught you how to analyze unreliable sources. An easy way to do that is if there are other sources corroborating the story or see if the idea makes sense with the person being talked about. It's also important to consider the context of the decisions, which is analysis 101 by the way. So, since apparently holding your hand and walking you through something like I'm your fucking middle school teacher is necessary, let's go through your post.
First off, the taxes. Yes, I agree with you, the taxes are something Rhaenyra actually did, we know this because in a kingdom, tax records are always kept. This is how I know that you, much like all the Nettles stans who interact with me, have never fucking read a thing I've written. I've said that the heavy tax isn't something that's a sign of Rhaenyra being incompetent or a tyrant. It's a necessary cost of war, especially since the Greens stole the treasury, she needs money. The people did hate this and eventually riot, but, by looking at the context of the riot, it was rooted in hatred of the war, not Rhaenyra. They believed that if she took the throne, the war would be over, but it wasn't because of Aegon's cowardice. If Aegon was still on the throne, the people would have still rioted, they hated the war and blamed the monarch, end of story.
As for the beheadings, I hate to break it to you, but F&B takes place in a medieval world, meaning that beheading was the method for punishing treason. Aegon's supporters committed treason then, unlike Rhaenyra's supporters, tried to hide throughout the city. Now, am I saying that beheading your enemies and putting their heads on spikes on the walls is a good thing? No, it's something that's barbaric and cruel, however, it's no less than what Aegon did to her supporters, so condemning her for something Aegon does is extremely hypocritical and sexist. Also, it wasn't a witch hunt, Rhaenyra needed to find the treasury and Aegon in order to stop the war; was it extreme, yes, but, again, context is important. I find it interesting that you condemn the taxes she levied while also condemning her attempts to end the reason for the taxes, could it be you just hate Rhaenyra and are looking for any reason to shit on her?
Now we're getting into something that requires a little critical thinking, which I know is hard for you: the feasting. The only source that says Rhaenyra held feasts while she was in KL is Septon Eustace. Let's look at Eustace really quickly; he's the man who crowned Aegon and is known by the in-universe writers of F&B to be unreliable, he also wasn't in KL when Rhaenyra was ruling. So, if the maesters who wrote the sources F&B drew from deem him to be unreliable and he wasn't present during her reign, does that make Eustace a trustworthy source? And if the many courtiers who were in KL and weren't fans of Rhaenyra didn't corroborate this rumor, is it likely to be true? The answer to both of these is no. Eustace claiming Rhaenyra feasted during her time in KL is 99% a lie, and that other 1% would refer to the fact that nobles always ate better than their people.
Now, I have another question for you anon, I do hope you'll consider it. Would you offer mercy to the man responsible for the deaths of all but two of your children, your husband, your ex mother-in-law who acted as your surrogate mother, began a war based on your gender, and wanted to kill you and your remaining children? Unless you are literally a saint, the answer is, no, you wouldn't be inclined to offer that person "credible surrender terms". I think you're just referring to when Rhaenyra refused to split the kingdom between her and Aegon as well as refused to spare his life if she caught him while she was in KL. How exactly is throwing the kingdom into a shit storm by splitting it in half, despite the fact that a majority of the lords supported Rhaenyra, "credible terms"? It's not, it's fucking entitled and ridiculous, of course Rhaenyra rejected that audacious idea. Also, Aegon refused to surrender in any way, in fact he was more determined than ever to keep the war going (even after Rhaenyra was murdered, he kept fighting), what's the point of offering peace terms if they're going to be rejected again? She already offered very merciful terms at the beginning of the war.
"As for my half-brothers and my sweet sister, Helaena," she announced, "they have been led astray by the counsel of evil men. Let them come to Dragonstone, bend the knee, and ask my forgiveness, and I shall gladly spare their lives and take them back into my heart, for they are of my own blood, and no man or woman is as accursed as the kinslayer." (Fire and Blood: The Dying of the Dragons - the Blacks and the Greens)
Keep in mind, this is an official decree by Rhaenyra, terms delivered to Aegon and his council, meaning they were recorded and had official documentation. So not only are you not using any critical thinking, you're flat out lying and making shit up to try and support your argument.
Now, moving on to Rhaenyra's sons, her wanting people who are committing treason to be punished how the king decreed isn't an outlandish or unreasonable expectation. Jace, Luke, and Joff were declared the legitimate sons of Laenor by Viserys, Corlys, and Laenor himself, making them (at the very least adopted) Velaryons. Are you saying that people who are adopted are undeserving of inheritance just because of their blood? That's not even a medieval idea, since adopted heirs has been a custom since the Ancient Romans. Moving on, Viserys was the one who declared the punishment for the treason of questioning the boys' legitimacy, not Rhaenyra. There's also the fact that no one outside of the Greens cared about whether the boys were Laenor's blood or not, they are recorded by everyone, including Eustace himself, as true Velaryons. I'm not even going to address the Tyrion quote, since you clearly don't actually care about accuracy or literally any of the messages in ASOIAF.
Continuing your trend of blatantly making shit up, there's no evidence that Rhaenyra knew about B&C. All we have is Daemon's letter to her, which only said that Luke would be avenged, something which could be accomplished through taking her throne and executing Aemond. In fact, that's the most likely conclusion to be drawn from such a vague letter.
As for Maelor, Rhaenyra did order her knights to find him, as having Aegon's last child could motivate him to surrender. However, she didn't order him to be executed, that was clearly an example of how war twists people and drives them to atrocities. Rhaenyra offered a reward for his return, meaning she wanted him alive, it's not her fault that a mob tore him to pieces. Her people came to break up the mob, but they were too late, so they executed the people responsible. Rhaenyra gave Maelor's remains a Targaryen funeral, something Aegon and Aemond didn't bother giving to her children.
Rhaenyra ordering Nettles' and Addam's executions are actions that I don't defend and never have. Those are signs of how Rhaenyra is another gray character, a woman driven to intense paranoia and making unjust and harmful decisions. This makes her a gray protagonist, not an unredeemable villain, as you and her other antis seem to believe. If you guys want all good protagonists, maybe read a differen book series.
As I said earlier, the revolt of the KL smallfolk weren't against Rhaenyra herself, it was against the war. They killed the dragons because they were being led by a man who took their discontent and used it to support his religious fanaticism. The Shepherd wasn't preaching against Rhaenyra, he was preaching against the Targaryens, including Aegon. That's why they killed all the dragons they could, not just Rhaenyra's, they killed Jaehaera and Helaena's dragons, how is that an act just against Rhaenyra?
TG stans and Rhaenyra antis' arguments are driven solely by a lack of critical thinking, willful ignorance, and twisting of passages. You either have issues that aren't actually supported by the narrative or simply apply double standards to Rhaenyra while supporting other characters who do the same or worse. You seem to think that this ask was a "gotcha" moment, however, you have simply shown how even the Rhaenyra antis who have read the book lack critical thinking and don't understand how unreliable sources work. Have a good day/night anon, I do hope you'll eventually learn how to use logic and your critical thinking, I'm sure you can do it.
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majesty-madness · 9 months
A Past Encounter - Bucky Barnes x reader (nsfw)
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Summary: Being in a relationship with Bucky, Y/N prided herself on knowing him quite well but when she’s accidentally teleported back to 1940, Y/N discovers that there is a whole other Bucky that she has yet to meet. The sweet flirt that had everything going for him before his unfortunate capture by HYDRA.
Word Count: 2300+
Warnings: modern Steve & Bucky, court proceedings, recently researched knowledge of the U.S Executive Branch procedures (I tried), light amount of politics, politicians (no one mentioned by name or related to real life), arguing, mentions of the Winter Soldier, court case involving Bucky that isn't fully written in this series, 40’s in general, 40’s Bucky & Steve, 40’s Bucky, small 40’s Steve, angst
a/n: not proofread. Commissions are available so don't forget to check that out!
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Chapter Twelve
Eerie is the morning air before the grand jury of the U.S government, especially when meeting with the President himself and of course, the dear Secretary of State. There was no helping it, the chance that they might get Y/N back was well worth the dread that grew in the pits of their stomachs. 
With Tony’s well established reputation, and the compelling wisdom of Steve’s character, they managed to swing an audience with the President much quicker than normal. The morning of the hearing, the tension around base was near palpable. 
“How long do you think it’s going to take?” Sam asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee. 
“It’s hard to say, a couple of hours at least.” Natasha sighed as she sat down at the kitchen bar, already dressed in a clean, feminine suit. 
“And that depends on how much time they want to stall before addressing the real issue.” Bucky quipped while rounding the corner from the hallway directly into the kitchen as well. 
Sam took a sip of his coffee then spoke again. “So I shouldn’t be expected back in time for dinner?” 
Natasha scoffed, a ghost of a smile on her lips. “Don’t worry, you’ll be back before your curfew.” 
Bucky didn’t say anything, not in the mood to deal with jokes or sarcasm. He hated going to court and the last time he went to court, it was over the matter of whether or not he should be pardoned for the crimes he committed as the Winter Soldier. The prosecutor at the time made a pretty compelling case of sending him to prison for the rest of his natural life, however thanks to numerous testimonies and the thousands of pages of scientific research conducted on him in the time he was brainwashed by HYDRA, the judge ordered that he be excused. He defended the man by stating he was not responsible nor at fault for the atrocities he was forced to commit by such a formidable enemy. 
That case had been a long, grueling one. The thought of going through it all again turned his stomach in knots. More than anything, he wished he could be with Y/N right now. 
Just then Tony and Steve came walking in, both dressed in suits. “Alright kiddos…” Tony started, “You got your bags all packed? Lunch money? Go to the bathroom one last time?” 
“What? They’re not gonna let us go to the bathroom?” Sam sarcastically asked, setting down his cup. 
“Guys, let’s focus please. We’ve got to go, they’re expecting us in an hour.” Steve gently scolded as he approached the team. 
Natasha sighed, staring at the counter for a few seconds then hopped off of the bar stool. “Well don’t want to disappoint them.” 
“I don’t know about that. I always found a strange euphoria in the disappointment of authority.” Tony casually remarked, sticking his hands into his pant pockets. 
Both Sam and Natasha offered a light laugh before Steve ushered everyone out to the jet with little to no question. The flight to the hearing was all but silent, everyone stuck in their own thoughts, contemplating what they needed to be prepared for. When they felt the jerk of the technologically advanced plane coming to a stop, they snapped their heads up and suddenly remembered where they were.
They stepped off the plane onto the runway, shoes making the quietest noise as each step made contact with the concrete. Despite the low risk of danger, Bucky’s heart was in his throat. The pounding throb of the living muscle leaving him feeling short of breath, and his hands twitching in and out of a fist especially as several guards and officials lead them inside of the capitol building.
“This way, the President, Vice President, and the Cabinet are preparing for the hearing.” A well dressed man said, gesturing to the big rustic doors of the building who they learned the night before was Tony’s attorney. 
Steve, who stood at the front of the group, politely nodded at the statement as they were then led down a hallway. At first it was just that, a long corridor but quickly cascaded into a tall opening with a single staircase spreading into two, one going left, the other going right. The archways lining the top floor held up by stone roman looking pillars, the round bulbed lamps giving off an orange glow contrasting of the bright light of morning. 
Instead of going up the staircases, the man led them off to the side which laid another set of doors; dark chestnut with a glossy coat making it shine. The man pushed the doors open easily revealing the rows of individual chairs, forming a half circle across the entire room, all facing the higher placed chair stain a deep brown color where the President was already sitting. 
The Vice President was there as well, sitting not far from the President with the rest of the officials taking their places in the room. And of course, one of those individuals was the Secretary of State, Thaddeus Ross; the very man who told them to leave the situation alone. Steve, Tony, Bucky, Natasha, and Sam all seemed to notice the man at the same time, sparing each other knowing glances. They all watched him as they passed some of the others, returning the icy glare that he was giving them before curtly turning their heads to take their seats in front of the President. 
Once everyone settled down in their chairs, an older woman with graying stood with a piece of paper in her hands and began to read aloud. “The court is now in session, and we will be discussing the appeal to overturn the decision to cease an outside investigation by the Avengers into the retrieval of retired SHIELD Agent Y/N L/N. The attorney of the plaintiff may now read their opening statement on this matter.”
The woman sat back down leading Tony’s lawyer to stand. He briefly cleared his throat, then spoke. “Thank you. Today we are here to discuss the details in which the decision was made by this court on the matter with the disappearance of Y/N L/N caused by the influence of a known supporter of-"
“HYDRA. A known terrorist organization set on the deconstruction and disorder of the people on a global scale and this man, James Buchannan Barnes was an asset to the schemes.” 
The people inside the courtroom muttered in hushed voices at the statement all the while Steve and Y/N shared scared looks before glancing to Bucky who sat at the front of the room, cuffed, dressed in a prisoner jumpsuit. He spared them his own look, not one of fear but of shame. 
“Now I ask the jury, the people, how can we let such a man walk free when he has caused nothing but death in his wake?” The prosecutor tried to reason with the jury, cleverly keeping an eye on their reactions.
“After all the testimonies, the evidence presented, we know for a fact that this man has killed over one-hundred people in his time with HYDRA. The world knew nothing of his existence until it was brought out into the light when he made an attempt on Captain Steven Rogers life; a born example of who makes this country strong.”  The man continued in his persuasion of the jury. 
Y/N again looked to Steve, witnessing his jaw clench and the concern swimming in his blue eyes at the remembrance of that day. She couldn’t help but feel the same, seeing as how as the Winter Soldier, Bucky had attempted to kill her too. 
“Think of your loved ones, your children, do any of you want your children to have to fear for their lives when one man could make them disappear off this earth, never to be seen again? I wouldn’t, and I know that none of you would because it would go against the ideals of justice, freedom, and peace this country was built on. And that is why I ask the jury to please think of a future in which we turn a blind eye and allow criminals to wreak havoc on our peaceful lives.” The prosecutor took one last to the jury, then the audience, then the judge then finally sat down at his table. 
There was a whirlwind of whispers amongst the people in the courtroom in the moment of silence before the defense attorney made his statement. 
“The defense attorney may make his case for Mr. Barnes.” The judge announced, hand gesturing to the suited man sitting next to Bucky. 
The D.A. gave Bucky the best reassurance he could offer with a nod and a tight lipped smile. He stood from his chair, clearing his throat as he did so and approached the jury. “It is indeed a fact that James Buchannan Barnes was involved in the many assassinations over the course of seventy years due to HYDRA’s advanced science, but it is in that very science that brings us to only one conclusion; he was brainwashed.” 
Y/N felt her heart skip a beat at the mention of his years of torture. While she never saw it happen, she knew the effects it had on his psyche. The nights he woke up thrashing in his bed, screaming, crying like he was going through it all again and every time she’d talk him back to reality, realize he was safe. 
“Following the incident in Washington, Agent Natasha Romanoff released highly confidential documents to the public to reveal the dark truth about HYDRA and in these documents was a file about the procedures conducted on Mr. Barnes in order to make him cooperate with their demands. In each session, they would strap him to a machine and electrocute him for hours at a time all the while recounting a series of trigger words and suddenly he’d be a weapon for their purposes.”
For a moment, Steve’s gaze ended in his lap upon hearing just a sliver of how much pain Bucky went through; he couldn’t imagine how it felt to actually be there. 
The D.A. continued, “Now I ask the jury to consider this question, is it fair to condemn a man when he was stripped of his free will? Is it fair to punish him for decisions that were not his own? I wouldn’t think so. A man who is not free to choose is an innocent victim in a scheme much bigger than himself, bigger than any of us. Someone like that should be given a chance, a chance to live the life that was taken from him for seventy years.” 
Bucky’s heart pounded so hard within his chest that it almost hurt, each breath of air shorter and heavier. 
“We are not savages, we are not hypocrites who dispose empty justice, we are the goodness that the generation after us will look upon for guidance. We set the path for righteousness, and it is our duty to make sure that the innocent walk free.” The D.A. witnessed a few of the jurors nodding, making him nod slightly back and much like the prosecutor, he looked to the people, the judge, then sat down. 
There was a moment of silence, allowing the words of both the prosecutor and defense attorney sink in, allow the jury to formulate their opinion. 
“At this time we will allow the jury to step away and come to a conclusion of whether James Buchannan Barnes is guilty or innocent. Please lead them to the conference room.” The judge said to one of the police officers standing by the doors. 
It felt like a lifetime as the jury walked out of the courtroom, and felt even longer as everyone waited for them to make a decision. Y/N was beside herself, constantly on the verge of crying at the fear that Bucky might be convicted and spend the rest of his life behind bars. Steve offered her a few words of encouragement which did make her feel the slightest bit okay. 
But when the jury met back inside, the small relief vanished. 
“As members of the jury, we have come to the decision that-” 
“We will deny the appeal to continue the investigation in the retrieval of Y/N L/N.” 
The team looked on in disbelief, mouths hanging open and eyes wide at the statement. “What?!” 
“It came to the attention of this court that due to the delicate circumstances in regards to Henry Tallis’ influence over some U.S. officials it would be best that the case be investigated by members chosen by this court alone and not be left in the hands of a third party even if the Avengers.” The President explained professionally, voice staying even and an average volume. 
Steve instinctively looked back to his best friend, seeing the anger on his face masking the heartbreak in his eyes. He wanted to spare some kind of comfort, but even Steve felt the despairing sting of hopelessness. 
She let out a guttural scream as she flipped the wooden table on its side. The sound of clattering tools and scratching of wood echoed in the small room. It was late in the night with no one around to hear, but even if it wasn’t she didn’t care. 
It wasn’t working, none of it was working! 
Y/N spent hours and hours trying to understand, trying to get it to work, trying to get home and it amounted to nothing. All this time amounted to nothing, she was stuck and now it was forever. Forever she would have to live the rest of her days in time she never belonged to, forever alone with the truth. 
As soon as the realization settled, Y/N crumbled to the cold ground eventually flopping on her side. The tears flowed freely down her hot face, the sobs wracking through her body with new vigor after each one, her body shaking uncontrollably, and the deep ache of sorrow entrapping her heart. 
She would never see him again.
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@honeyrydernot @spn-obession @tinyminxie @fluffybunnyu @saintmagx @hopelessromantic423 @marygoddessofmischief @theeleggymeggy @lethallyprotected
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cupidsyndrome · 5 months
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🏹 ANGST , HURT / NO COMFORT. 639 WORDS. 💌 in which after days of searching for him-- he's finally there. now what ? 🩷 cw. none (except for the usual mentions of murder that go hand-in-hand with geto).
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you’ve lost countless hours of sleep trying to get there. now, you’re unsure of what to do. you’ve thought about it again and again; unable to find answers to your own torment. you can feel him– well, not exactly him but his energy, overflowing through every nook and crack of the old house. you notice it doesn’t have the same warmth it used to have; it all feels too cold to even be his.
a shadow catches your attention in the corner of your eye. you freeze, your heart almost jumping out of your chest.
it’s him.
he looks better than the last time you’ve seen him; hell, he somehow looks healthier. your appearance seems to take him just as much by surprise– cat-like eyes widening just enough for you to notice it. the both of you spend a long time analyzing the other– still never commenting on it. it almost brings a sense of comfort. the higher-ups told you that he was a lost cause: nothing more than another curse user to get rid of. 
you’ve heard of the atrocities he had committed. you’ve seen the atrocities he had committed. why is it still so hard to believe any of it was ever real ? looking into his eyes– you’re only seeing the boy you love. the same one you grew up with, the same one you’ve shared your first kiss with. while his body had grown distant, the familiar tenderness held in his gaze remained there; unaffected, never-changing.
the sight brings tears to your own orbs.
his arm reaches out on instinct. 
“don’t,” it comes out as a plea. don’t make this harder than it needs to be, is what you actually mean. he gets it– like he always used to, when it comes to you. he gets it. it doesn’t stop him from taking a step closer, that’s when you notice he still wears the fragrance you’ve been desperately trying to remember for the past few weeks. “don’t– don’t come any closer, i will..” you’ll what ? the words die off your tongue, unable to find the strength to fool him (nor yourself). 
he’s close, so close. 
if you decide to meet him halfway you’ll be done for. you know it just as much as he does. the consequences, the warnings– it all falls on deaf ears as you take the final leap of faith. whether you’re falling into your own salvation or damnation doesn’t matter. all that matters is the way his calloused hands cradle your face oh-so gently– affection running so deep that your soul feels the soothing of his touch. his tongue darts out to wet his lips; and the fleeting thought that he might kiss you makes you blush. if it wasn’t for the underlying atmosphere, it would have been devastatingly romantic. a part of you thinks it is– no matter what. 
you can tell he’s hesitant.
his lips press into a thin line as he lets his thoughts wander. his thumb grazes your bottom lip– it’s a habit of his (“it helps me think,” he once said). you have to remind yourself you’re not seventeen anymore and this house isn’t your dorm. his mouth opens– as if he was about to say something, and only now you realize how eager you are to hear anything he has to say. how eager you are to hear his voice. he chuckles at your expression, adoration adorning his features. you smile at him– and then, there it comes.
‘i’m sorry,’ he doesn’t dare say the words, only mouthing them. you get it.
‘i love you,’ you mouth back. 
he lets go of your face after that, turning around and leaving like nothing happened– like he's so used to do. you can only stare at his back as you accept your faith.
freedom isn’t always a gift– sometimes it comes with a curse.
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© CUPIDSYNDROME, all rights reserved.
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adonis-koo · 2 years
wicked • 14
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↳ Summary: In a desperate hope to stop war from breaking you are a serviced to wed the most vile man alive, the one who has committed atrocities and war crimes beyond comprehension, he who is responsible for the fall of many nations, the wicked prince who’s heart is made of stone. You are to marry a man who challenges every belief and moral you stand for, all while being faced in a foreign land with nobody but yourself too trust…But are you both truly that different? Or is hate not too far from love?
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/reader
↳ Genre: arranged marriage AU, enemies to lovers, it’s kind of a period AU??? Historical but also technically not? prince!AU, eventual smut
Word Count: 10k
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tags: oral (f receiving), breath play, slight spit kink (it does not end well), lots of kissing >:)
Note: surprise shawtysss!!! I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I have! I cannot apologize enough for this incredibly late chapter but I hope a lil somthing makes up for it ;)
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“How do you feel?” 
“Umm, nervous?” 
Wearing armor was….different then you had anticipated, first off it was heavy- which you knew logically it was, but you didn’t realize just how heavy it was. Jungkook had gotten it fit for you once you had started up training and only in the past week had you started wearing it to train in. 
Time, however, had run out. 
Meaning today was the day. 
“...stupid.” You admit with a sigh, Wheein had just finished styling your hair out of your face, “I’ll be happy when I lose and get this over with.” 
You hadn’t been able to sleep the night before and your stomach had been twisting into unpleasant knots all morning long. 
“Don’t say that m’lady!” Wheein objected softly, “So long as you fight with honor and vigor, you’ll never be a true loser.” 
“It’s more than Seohyun will be able to say about herself.” Taehyung nodded, he had sat in front of you, giving your hands one last look over before he began bandaging them up for you as an extra layer of protection. 
“Even the smallest chance, is still a chance.” Jungkook spoke, but the words did not sound as if they were his own, it seemed as though he were quoting someone, “Try not to worry about it and just stay focused.” 
You nodded at all of their words. They were right, you just needed to believe in the slightest chance, and even if you did lose, you would be more than happy for this to finally be over. This duel had been looming over you like a darkened cloud for nearly two months now and you’d be glad to finally be relieved of it. 
Wheein had escorted you to the courtyard where the duel would take place, the castle seemed particularly energetic today and people had tossed you many stares, some encouraging, as if rooting for you, and others in sneer, as if waiting for your downfall. 
Taehyung walked alongside and Jungkook had stayed a little behind as you all made your way to the courtyard where wooden stands had been put up and the court had been taking their places, all eager to watch you attempt to keep up with the notable swordswoman. 
“I didn’t realize we were going to have so many eyes today…” You mumbled, feeling even more stupid now then you had before. 
“Well, it’s not every day a royal duel takes place, all of the court want a seat when it happens.” Wheein ushered softly before giving you a reassuring smile, “Once the match starts you’ll be able to tune them out.” 
Your throat had dried and the knots in your stomach only furthered as you nodded, stopping at the far corner of the courtyard where Taehyung had set up any supplies that might be needed for later. 
You could hear the small crowd usher at the sight of you as you tried to calm yourself as your eyes met Seohyun’s from across the courtyard, she looked stunning, plated in a deep maroon armor that suited her striking features, her eyes like razors as they met yours. 
The chapel bell rung deeply, sounding that it was time. 
“Y/n,” Jungkook called out, making you turn to look at him, he stepped in closer to you as his voice softened, just a tad, “Just focus on what we talked about.” 
You didn’t trust your voice in this moment, only nodding at his words, his hand hesitantly reached out, softly grabbing your chin to lift it to fully meet his eyes, “And remember, the slightest chance,”
“Is still a chance.” You breathed out with a nod. 
Jungkook nodded at this, “Good luck.” 
You turned back around as Jungkook made his way up to the royal podium, taking a seat next to his father as you walked out to the middle of the courtyard where Seohyun met you halfway. 
“Looks like today is judgment day for you Princess,” Seohyun spoke, her eyes cold and her lips twitched into a viscous smirk, “And I look forward to deciding your fate.” 
You stood tall, unsheathing your sword, “We’ll see about that.” 
This made her smirk drop as she sneered at you, unsheathing her own sword as she lifted it up, you mirrored her as the tips of your blades touched. And without a second to waste Seohyun was immediately on the offense.
She was aggressive and sharp with each of her swings, metal clattered and echoed off the walls of the courtyard as you blocked each of her blows, albeit a bit clumsily but that was at the back of your mind as she jumped up. 
Throwing down another powerful blow that made you break your grip, she lunged forward with her sword as you whirled around, managing to dodge what could’ve been a punctured stomach wound a second later. 
“You’re damn lucky she’s good at dodging.” Areum watched her nephew shift in his chair at the violent sight ahead of them. 
To the untrained eye it might seem he was unbothered by the whole ordeal but to her, it was clear as day how on edge he was, watching the fight unfold before them. 
Jungkook shifted in his chair, “But will it be enough?” 
You quickly regripped your sword once more as Seohyun let out a gritted chuckle, “You fight like a newborn walks. My expectations were low, but this is truly pathetic.” 
You both began to circle one another, “Then why is it you haven’t hit me yet?” Jungkook had told you to engage in as little conversation with her as possible, but it was difficult to not rebuttal at all.
“It doesn’t need to be enough,” Areum replied as she lounged about in her chair, leisurely crossing her legs, “She just needs to burn Seohyun out of her energy.” 
Jungkook shook his head wearily, “But she’ll need to be careful to not let her guard down under the false pretense that Seohyun pretends she’s burnt out.” 
Seohyun’s face lit with rage at your comment as she lunged forward but this time you met her blow with one of your own, metal clapped together loud in the air and your hands nearly thrummed from the power.
This didn’t stop Seohyun from throwing another upper slash your way, you had ducked under before going for an under slash which she had agilely blocked before back stepping to put some space between you both. 
You however just as quickly closed the space between you both once more, throwing an upper slash and lower one which she had quickly blocked before she managed to catch your foot on her own making you fall onto your back. 
“I remember those days,” Areum watched in amusement as you fell, “Confidence can make one a bit greedy hm?” 
Jungkook’s hand squeezed into a fist at the sight, “An ameatur mistake but she’s only going to learn through experience.”
Seohyun’s straight slash looked as if she was attempting to kill you as you rolled to the right, metal clashing to the ground right next to your ear, you had barely managed to get up before she aggressively began attacking you once more as you fumbled backwards. 
Attempting to put more space between you both but she wasn’t letting you have an inch as she slashed forward, the only thing that saved you from her next slash was the column she hit as you rounded the inside of the court yard. 
Weaving through the next few columns before you had put a sizeable amount of distance between you both, your breath heaving and you needed a few moments to regather yourself, your body was aching already and yet she looked hardly out of breath. 
“Do you all see this?” Seohyun laughed out, stepping out of the inner part of the courtyard as she gestured to you, “Behold, our cowardice Crowned Princess. Running away just as any other true Eunoian does.” 
Your jaw immediately clenched at her words, “Eunoia is not-” 
“Oh but they are,” Seohyun cut you off, whirling her sword in her hand as she leisurely began to close the distance between you both, “Where was Eunoia when our predecessor Seoul fell?” She called out rhetorically, “Where was Eunoia during the Five Year War?” 
She stopped a short distance away from you, a genuine disgust on her face as she scoffed, “You’re all nothing more than a bunch of glorified cowards. Too scared to pick up arms and fight, or perhaps you just have nothing left worth fighting for.” 
Areum curiously watched the two as she briefly looked at Jungkook, “I don’t think anyone could resist words like those.” 
Jungkook shook his head, “She knows better than to let Seohyun goad her into making a mistake.” 
Areum shifted in her seat, “She may, but that might not stop her. After all, if one abandons pride in their Kingdom, what else do they have left?” 
A fire had kindled in you at her words, giving your sword a whirl before you gripped it once more, lifting it up, “We were busy tending to the dead and there is nothing more brave than looking death in the eyes and choosing to live another day.” 
You swung your sword just as she did hers, your swords clapped together but what you hadn’t expected was for her to unsheath a dagger. A sharp stinging pain immediately burned into your skin making you whimper out. 
Backing off as your hand ghosted your upper abdominal, blood glistening off your glove, the wound was extremely shallow but it was a well placed blow in the opening of your armor. You had quickly regripped your sword, backstepping once more as Seohyun dual wielded both her sword and dagger. 
Lunging for you once more with her dagger, what she had failed to realize however was she left herself open, you remembered in that brief second the demonstration Jungkook showed you, and without a moment of hesitation you followed his instruction. 
Jungkook let out a breath of relief at the sight of you managing to disarm the dagger right from Seohyun’s hand and even she looked surprised for a brief moment, “She remembered.” 
Areum smiled at his words, “And she executed it well.” 
If Seohyun’s reflexes were as sharp as Jungkook had said they were then surely she’d be able to block this- You swung the dagger around, grabbing it by the blade before sharply throwing it right in her direction. 
Seohyun had managed to hit the smaller blade with her own, surprised none the less and that was all you needed, kicked her sharply in the stomach, the force knocking her down before the tip of your blade met her neck. 
“There is a certain strength in kindness,” You ushered softly, “I hope one day you’ll be able to find that.” 
You lowered your blade down before you turned to face the royal podium, everyone looked stunned by your victory as you stepped closer, intending to bow to end the duel. 
What you hadn’t expected was to be shoved to the ground but before you could even try to get up, a foot was firmly placed on your back.
“That’s cheating!” The voice was angered and it sounded a lot like Wheein’s, you winced at the foot shoving into your back further, your eyes met sideways with Wheein’s figure, anger like you had never seen in her eyes and Taehyung had immediately grabbed her by the shoulder, shaking his head rapidly. 
Ushers immediately were spoken between the court as Seohyun cackled, “I will not let my reputation be besmirched by an outsider such as this. So take heed in my words, Penumbra does not stand for weakness! We do not let ourselves soften to the likes of a traitor, and we will certainly not standby if duty calls! No less for the likes of this.” 
She shoved her foot down into your back for good measure making you whimper out, your back beginning to throb. 
“Jungkook!” Areum hissed out but it was too late, his face was kindled in rage as he stepped down the steps, immediately unsheathing his sword. 
Seohyun scoffed in amusement at the sight but what she hadn’t expected was for him to roughly grab her by the back of her head, hand ruthlessly yanking at her hair as he shoved her off of you, blade immediately pressed harshly into her neck. 
Even the slightest movement would draw blood, “Jungkook!” Seohyun looked shocked at the gesture, as if she truly, naively thought that this would be a meaningless threat as it always had been in the past. 
Jungkook’s eyes were stone cold, “You dishonorably challenged my wife to duel when she had no previous experience and even now, you dishonorably won. How does the hollow victory feel?” He snarled, he yanked on her hair even further making tears sting her eyes, “You may have won the battle but you’ll never win me back now, as a matter of fact I have no interest in ever seeing your spiteful, victidive face ever again after this.” 
“Just your existence is an embarrassment to Penumbra.” Jungkook snarled before he shoved her away, as if disgusted to even have her this close to him, the force of the shove had her tumbling to the ground. 
Wheein had already come to your side the moment Taehyung would let her, helping you up as you winced, your back was now aching heavily and your appearance disheveled, as you turned to look back at Jungkook and Seohyun. 
You had always thought you had met the ugliest side of Jungkook first, and in some ways you still believed it, but right now, his eyes were like glass, disgust written across his face in a way that would make anyone feel ashamed. 
Seohyun’s eyes were filled with tears as she fumbled to get up, “You’ve changed.” 
“No I haven’t,” Jungkook snapped, “I’ve always been this way, you just chose to ignore it for the sake of vanity and pride. Now go, get out of my sight before I decide to do something dishonorable since that’s the new code for you.” 
And much to your surprise tears streamed down Seohyun’s cheeks, as if maybe it had finally just hit her that there was no going back to a time when they were together, she looked genuinely heartbroke as she managed to walk back to the corner where funny enough- her medic and the Rosewood knight Claudin had been waiting for her. 
You however only watched in dismay as your eyes met with the knights, despite the fight being over, you had a sinking feeling that this had only just begun. 
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You didn’t understand why the court was so determined to throw a banquet in celebration of your victory. Because you didn’t exactly win, now did you? It didn’t feel like a full victory, or more like a victory that was robbed from you. 
And therefore you had been particularly glum about it all day. Everybody still had their daily duties to attend to and you hadn’t even had the chance to speak with Jungkook about it, after his temper had been put on display he had immediately had been summoned by his father and uncle and you had yet to see him since. 
Probably getting a scolding of a lifetime but somehow you doubt that would make him regret his words in the least. He looked terrifying in that moment but somehow, the words he spoke to her had soothed you. 
‘You’ll never win me back now’
He said it as if it was finalized as if this was the final straw. He didn't want her so much as even in his presence anymore. Was it selfish to say it made you happy? You briefly wondered, if you should feel less happy about it. 
After all, it wasn’t as though you both were…together…
You were married yes but, your relationship with Jungkook had been anything but easy, and these days you still weren’t sure where his feelings lay when it came to you, you were friends now at the very least and the thought made you happy. 
But something in you was yearning for…more. 
Something deep inside you desperately wanted more. You could still feel the ghost of his hand tenderly grabbing your chin, when did his touches become so soft with you?
As if he was handling fine glassware and afraid he might break it, when once upon a time, he manhandled you as if you were nothing more than a sack of flour. It made your heart skip a beat as you fiddled with your lace gloves.
The evening light had casted a silhouette on everything making the halls look almost magical as you headed for the bedroom, Wheein had a few last tasks to finish up before she said she’d meet you there to get you changed for the banquet. 
After all, you’d be attending since it was for you and you’d feel rude otherwise. 
Many thoughts swarmed your head as you opened the door to your shared room. What you hadn’t expected was your husband inside. You nearly yelped out at the sight of him half undressed. 
A fine silk black robe, one you were familiar with, adorning his otherwise naked upperbody and his pants seemed to be hanging lower on his hips than normal. 
“Oh! I- I didn’t realize you were- um…! I apologize…!” You looked anywhere but at him, should you go…? 
You still weren’t used to sharing a room with someone and therefore had forgotten to knock! Ugh you needed to be more considerate in the future! 
“Let me see it.” Jungkook’s voice was soft but there was a demand in it that took you off guard. 
“Pardon…?” You tilted your head at his words. 
Jungkook sauntered up to you making you nearly wheeze, trying to look at anything except his exceptionally sculpted chest that was on display, tattered in various scars that your hands nearly trembled at just the thought of being able to trace. 
“The wound, from the dagger.” Jungkook replied immediately, his hand grabbing your waist to pull you closer to him. 
“I um…!” You fumbled with your words, feeling your face warm, “It’s just a shallow wound, nothing more than a scratch.” You offered him an awkward smile. 
Jungkook frowned at this, his eyes dropped to your stomach where the wound had been bandaged and you were being truthful in your words, you had been lucky enough to have the distance you did otherwise Seohyun would’ve been able to cut much deeper. 
“And your back?” Jungkook asked, pulling you a little closer as his hand slid from your waist to your lower back causing it to ache. 
The gesture made you wince, causing Jungkook to lift his hand off of it with a frown, “I should’ve gotten to you quicker.” 
“It’s…okay.” You mumbled, wrapping your arms around yourself, dimming visibly at the mention of what had happened. 
“I always knew she was a sore loser,” Jungkook mumbled, “A vindictive one at that, but I suppose I never realized the lengths she was willing to go to until now.” His hand brushed back against your waist.
He snorted at the thought, “Nevermind that though, we have a banquet to attend in your honor, the first in your honor.” His lips tugged into a tiny smile but it melted away at the sight of it unreciprocated by you. 
“What is it?” He asked. 
You wouldn’t meet his eyes as you shrugged, “...I didn’t win Jungkook.” 
“You did,” He immediately rebutted, much stronger than you about it, “She just always has to have the final say. But you won that battle fair and square, she broke the Code of Valor when she chose to attack you after victory and with your back turned away from her no less.” 
You shook your head at his words, only feeling worse about it now but Jungkook wasn’t having any of it, his free hand grabbed your chin making you meet his eyes, “You won. You did in my eyes, and I won’t have you sulking this evening when we should be celebrating.” 
The intensity of his eyes had your heart fluttering and your words lost on your tongue, unable to do anything but look up at him before your gaze dropped to his lips. 
Jungkook seemed to recognize this, “Well? Are you going to be a good girl and listen to me?” He squeezed your waist a little tighter, yanking you near flush with his body, you jolted, catching yourself against his chest, his skin was warm and taut and your hands weren’t about to let go now. 
“I…I, um…” You fumbled with your words, having a difficult time remembering what the conversation was about when you watched those plump lips curved into a tiny smirk, “Jungkook…?” 
He hummed in response, leaning in a little, his bangs brushing against your skin. 
Your mouth felt dry and you couldn’t stop staring at him even if you tried, his lips were so close to yours and your fingers kept trembling, and instead of asking what you wanted too, your mouth finally betrayed what your body carnally ached for. 
“Can you kiss me?” 
Jungkook’s hand wrapped around your throat making a breathy whine escape you, his hand was delicate with it, his thumb gently rubbing into the skin of your windpipe, “You want me to kiss you?” There was a light tease in his tone. 
Your body felt like it was on fire and your lips trembled a little, unable to trust your voice anymore as you nodded. Your thighs were aching and your body was flushed with arousal despite his touches being so soft and feathery. 
Jungkook closed the gap between you both with his hand, his lips pressing into yours, it sent sharp tingles down your spine at the way his lips roughly melded into yours, his hand on your throat giving it a slight squeeze. 
It caused an embarrassing moan to escape you as your hands dragged up his chest to wrap around his neck, he seized the opportunity to push his tongue past your lips. There was no fight of dominance or dance of tongues. 
You had instantly given up to him, wanting him to be able to do whatever he wanted as his tongue lathed and dragged against your own. His free hand had immediately begun undone the back of your dress before his other hand released your throat from his hold to help. 
And for a brief moment you broke the kiss, needing a breath of air but Jungkook wouldn’t allow more than a second, pushing back against you as he nibbled against your lower lip, wanting back into your mouth. 
When did you get so close to the wall? And how did you end up pressed against it? Jungkook’s hands managed to pull off your outer dress, revealing the slip beneath it as you whined softly against his mouth.
Jungkook’s lips broke from yours only to feel his breath hotly fan over the skin of your neck before he sucked against an open patch of skin. Everything felt warm, your skin, your face, everything. 
You couldn’t even bare to look at him, opting to close your eyes as you tried to hush a moan at Jungkook’s lips trailing down to find a particularly sweet spot on your neck, “Don’t be quiet,” His voice was deeper then normal, a husky tone taking over, “I wanna hear.” His tongue dragged back up your neck.
“Jungkook…!” You tried to make it sound reprimanding but your voice was too weak, coming out more like a whine that made him chuckle. 
“Don’t pretend to get all sulky,” Jungkook lightly chided you, pulling you close to him once more, “I can see it in your eyes, you enjoy getting bossed around secretly don’t you?” 
“I- I do not!” You stammered, somewhat indignant at his crass words and yet you still couldn’t fully think straight.
Jungkook had already turned you away from the wall, back you up until you lost your balance from his bed, sitting down in front of him as a pout suddenly jutted on your lips at the look on his face, “As you were saying?” He mocked before grabbing your chin, “After all, weren’t you the one that asked me to kiss you?” 
He grabbed your thighs, yanking them to pull you closer making you yelp out, “Ah! Jungkook, stop…!” You whined out, covering your face, but it wasn’t a plea for him to stop what he was doing- but to stop teasing you. 
This made Jungkook smirk, “Stop what?” 
“You know what!” 
Jungkook kneeled down with a hum, pushing up your slip, “No I don’t think I do.” His hand suddenly squeezed tight against the open skin of your thigh, “Look at me when I speak to you.” His tone of voice was causing knots to form in your stomach. 
But these were not out of nervous, but excitement, your body was flush and his tone was sent straight to your cunt that was throbbing at just his words. You however only shook your head, purposely making this harder for him then needed. 
Jungkook’s hand reached out to your throat once more, grabbing it making a soft moan escape you as he forced you to look at him, that single second could’ve lasted an eternity before he scoffed, “You enjoy being disobedient do you?” 
You still refused to look him in the eyes, now flustered at his words as he taunted you further, “Where’d your tongue go?” Jungkook asked, squeezing your throat tighter making a whined moan escape you, “Thought you didn’t like to be bossed around?” 
“Don’t tease me Jungkook.” You finally managed to mumble out, trying to not let him fluster you anymore in this position. 
Jungkook chuckled, “When you make it this easy it’s difficult not too princess,” You jolted at the feeling of his hand releasing your neck once more to grab your thighs instead, pressing an open wet kiss against the inner side that was sent straight to your cunt. 
You could feel it, glossy and aroused, sticking to your panties as you breathed out softly, your thighs, as if on their own parted for him further as he pressed his tongue against your skin, hot and wet as he dragged it closer to your cunt. 
“Mm…! Jungkook…” You mumbled out, trying to calm your rapidly beating heart. 
Jungkook’s lips only suckled against your other thigh as he moaned softly, “Relax princess, ‘m not gonna do anything you aren’t ready for.” His hands were stroking your outer thighs in continuous pets.
His hands trailed up to the band of your panties playing with them as he spoke, “Besides, I’m sure this is nothing new to you…” 
This made you scoff briefly, trying to ignore the fact that he was so close to your cunt, “It is as a matter of fact!” You replied, “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you but I don’t have-” 
“But Seokjin-”
“What about him?” You frowned, trying to not let your face look so flustered, was now really the time for this conversation!? “He never not once was under my skirt like you are right now!” You looked away from him closing your eyes to ignore the way your cheeks throbbed, “So yes! This is very new to me- Ah! Jungkook!” 
Jungkook had suddenly ripped your panties off, as in, literally ripping the material before he pulled you by the thighs closer to him, his tongue suddenly pressing into your folds making you yelp in surprise, your hands immediately buried into his soft hair. 
“Good,” Jungkook growled out against your cunt, his tongue dragging up to- “He doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near this cunt, doesn’t deserve to play with your clit.” 
He sucked against the bundle of nerves making a loud moan escape you, “Mine. This right here princess? Is mine,” He hissed out before letting his tongue lap against your bud once more making your thighs squirm as you whimpered out, pleasure immediately blossoming in your body. 
“Ah…! Jungkook, ah-” You couldn’t even form a full sentence at the feeling of his hot tongue dragging against your folds. 
His fingers dug into your thighs hard enough that it would surely leave some form of bruising, “Mine, this is  my cunt now.” He moaned softly, dragging his tongue down to your little hole, “Fuck, your so wet princess,” He pushed his tongue in making you whimper out, jolting making him grip you even tighter. 
Your walls tightened around his tongue in need as your eyes immediately squeezed shut upon feeling his fingers ghost of your sensitive clit making you cry out just as a knock echoed out making you jolt in your spot. 
Jungkook made a noise of displeasure, his tongue dragging out of your hole back to your clit making you squirm, biting down on your lip hard to keep a moan from escaping you. 
“Princess, I’m here to help you get ready!” Wheein chirped from the other side of the door. 
“Jungkook…!” You whimpered out quietly as his lips suckled your clit making a sharp pleasure thrum in your body, your eyes immediately closing as your hips buckled against him, “...Mmph fuck! Ah…” 
The pleasure quickly built into something more and more intense as Jungkook wettly kissed your clit before letting his tongue drag against it before he found the sweetest little spot to suckle against. 
Your thighs had nearly suffocated him as the pleasure suddenly snapped in your body, desperate, quiet whines escaping you as you came for him just as he had hoped, his tongue soothingly sucking on your clit once more as your thighs twitched against him. 
He released his hold on you as he looked up at you with that stupidest smirk on his face, lips glossed in your arousal as he licked them making you unable to resist the urge to shove him out of embarrassment, “Jeon Jungkook!” 
“You can come in!” Jungkook called out already standing up with a brief chuckle, “Apologies to keep you waiting, I just wanted to check her wound from earlier to make sure it was okay.” 
He opened the door to not only Wheein but Taehyun as well as you fumbled to push your skirt down, smoothing it out as you embarrassingly looked anywhere but at them. 
“Of course Sire it’s not a problem!” Wheein smiled as she walked in with Taehyun, none the wiser. 
Or more like she just actively chose to pretend like she didn’t see your outer dress on the ground by the wall that made it very obvious what had happened. 
Gods give you strength…
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“I don’t suppose you know when the Princess is going to be making an appearance at her own banquet?” Jimin exclaimed as he stretched out, a large mug of ale in his hand as he sat down next to the Prince. 
Jungkook had been enjoying himself, as well as he could without your company, just the memory of being up your skirt an hour ago was enough to keep him in his thoughts, eager for the next moment he could get you alone, “Wheein was taking her time getting her ready. She’ll probably be down soon enough.” 
“Good, good!” Jimin nodded, “I was worried quite frankly, given how the duel came to an end that she’d be down in the dumps about it.” 
“Oh she was trying to be,” Jungkook replied dismissively, “I wouldn’t allow it though, Seohyun was a snake to the bitter end and I won’t allow her to dismiss her own victory because of it.” 
Jimin hummed at this but the smirk that began to coil on his lips told a different story, “You seem to be getting awfully close with the Princess these days.” 
“She’s my wife.” Jungkook replied, as if that was supposed to explain the change in his behavior. 
“Ah yes but you didn’t seem to care beforehand, if I remember correctly,” Jimin tapped his chin with a smug look, “But now you’re going out of your way to coddle her? It’s all very sweet really.” 
“I’m doing no such thing,” Jungkook reeled back with a huff, coddling? He didn’t coddle anyone, he in all truth had no idea what Jimin was even referring to. 
Jungkook treated you the way he treated everyone else, fairly and with respect. 
“Jimin, what are you giving our Prince a hard time about now?” Hoseok pulled out a chair on the opposite side of Jungkook, taking a seat. 
To this Jimin grinned, “I was just pointing out to our dense friend that he’s been quite affectionate and soft with our Princess.” 
“She isn’t yours.” The sharpness in Jungkook’s tone even took himself by mild surprise, a greedy little voice in the back of his head clawing and snapping at the thought of anyone trying to claim you as theirs. 
Hoseok and Jimin exchanged looks of surprise before they both began to laugh, making Jungkook sink back into his seat, his eyes glaring into his cup in semi embarrassment at not evening thinking before he spoke. 
“Ah, I see what you mean,” Hoseok laughed as he gave a hardy pat on Jungkook’s shoulder, “Our dear friend has always had a possessive streak hasn’t he?” 
“Mhm,” Jimin goaded, “He’s always been like this when it comes to the things he holds dearest to him.” 
Jungkook was beyond feeling miserable now at their relentless teasing he was at the mercy of and his only saving grace was your arrival to the celebration. The guard had announced her name causing everyone to pause at the sight of you entering. 
You still seemed a little unsure of yourself, all of the stares expectantly on you, but once the cheers rang out a soft, demure smile tugged on your lips. 
And Jungkook could not keep his eyes off of you, your dress hugged tight at your waist despite the skirt being made of an excessive amount of maroon fabric, which if he looked close enough he could see a peep of skin showing in a daring slit from your dress. 
It was an edgier look in the court but when it came to you he knew you could wear anything and make it look good, not only this but after finding out how you felt about restrictive clothing, he wanted to somehow incorporate your comfort into Penumbra’s latest fashion. 
There wasn’t any excuse for the cut out beneath your breasts or the thin layers of gold that highlighted your shoulders and arms, even all the way down to your hands which were covered in delicate golden silk to match though he secretly wished you wouldn’t be so self conscious about them. 
After all it was from your courage that so many had been saved from the fire in the market. 
Pulling up your skirt a little you made your way over to your husband, trying to not let yourself feel any more nervous than you had been. But just meeting his eyes made you straighten, it looks like he was ready to pounce on you! 
Just the lingering memory the previous hour made you feel hot that no amount of undressing would be able to solve. 
Hoseok had gotten out of his chair bowing to you before he pulled it out further for you as you smiled at him gracefully, “Thank you.” 
“Of course Princess.” Hoseok replied with a wink before whispering, “He's been waiting for you.” 
He pushed your chair in as your smile became shy at his words, you had been giddy the whole hour Wheein had gotten you ready and she, though hadn’t pried, had alluded to her excitement for you at how close it seemed you and Jungkook were getting. 
You just hoped things were going too fast, or that you were reading into his advances, he did like you too…right? This wasn’t just some attempt to get under your skirt for the sake of it? 
Jungkook had only briefly glanced at you before grabbing the arm of your chair making you jump, your lips parting in surprise at his pure strength as he dragged your chair next to his, the arm of each chair now touching. 
“Was I not close enough before?” You breathed out, in semi surprise, your noses almost touching. 
You tried to keep eye contact with him but his cool gaze had become almost fiery and intense, too much for you to bear as you shied away under his hot stare. 
Jimin gave a loud cough as if to cut the tension between you both as he spoke, “Congratulations Princess! What was it like, now having your first duel under your belt?”
You quickly perked up at this, anything to save you from Jungkook’s all consuming, hungry gaze, “Are you telling me there will be more like this in the future?” 
“Hopefully not,” Jimin laughed, “But don’t be surprised if you’re challenged again. After all, you still have much to learn with a blade, and a bow now, I heard?” 
You nodded at this, “Yes, I think I’ll be doing much better now though, with the pressure of the duel finally over. That and now Jungkook won’t have to dedicate all of his free moments to me.” “Not just his free moments,” Hoseok commented as he tapped his chin, “But just about every moment, he was really behind all of his work from focusing-” 
“Jung.” Jungkook glared at him though Hoseok looked hardly threatened. 
“Every moment?” Your eyes became concerned, “Jungkook! Is that why you’ve been working so late into the night?” 
“You don’t need to worry about it.” Jungkook replied to you, his gaze melting into somewhat of a neutral look, “What matters is what training you did get paid off, you’ll only become better with time. Now that the duel is over we don’t have to be so rigorous anymore.” 
You were going to exclaim how happy you were to hear that but the conversation was quickly interrupted by a less than welcoming face. 
“Congratulations Princess,” The knight you had become ill of, Claudin stood in front of the table before bowing, “You have surely become a strong opponent in a short amount of time. You’re sure to be a good Queen for Penumbra.” 
You frowned at his words before trying to muster a polite smile, “Thank you, we’ll just have to see what the future holds.” 
“Of course,” Claudin smirked, reaching out to grab your hand making you squeak in surprise, just as he leaned in to kiss it he paused at the sight of a blade at his throat. 
It seemed nobody but your small group had taken notice of the fact that Jungkook was now standing up right but leaned forward over the table, a dagger in his hand and a glare in his eyes, “Let go of my wife.” There was a calm chill in them. 
Claudin’s gaze dropped to the hilt of the knife before he scoffed, letting go of your hand as Jungkook sat back in his seat, putting the dagger back into its hidden place in his pocket. 
“I’d be careful where you place your allegiance, Your Highness.” Claudin commented but said no more as he walked away, leaving you confused as to whether he was referring to you or Jungkook. 
You didn’t have time to mull it over though when you held the strong grip of your husband's hand suddenly finding the slit in your dress to grab your bare thigh making you squirm as your hand darted to grab his wrist, both of you now staring at one another. 
Jungkook’s eyes were dark and he didn’t relent as his thumb brushed against your thigh nearly making them tremble at being so close to your- Had he always been so…? 
Your mind wasn’t working properly anymore due to your cunt immediately soaking your panties in excitement, hormones were pumping through your veins wanting nothing more then for him to just grabbed you and open your-
“That was…something.” Yoongi frowned, who had been standing behind your chair, observing everything up until this point. 
“Something odd,” Jimin scoffed as he sharply watched Claudin make his way back over to the table of aristocrats, most drunk and clearly only here for the drinks and food. 
It was difficult to focus on Jimin’s words though when Jungkook’s hand had an iron grip on your inner thigh making you try to not squirm, and not matter how hard you tried to discreetly pry his hand off you it only made him stubbornly hold on tighter. 
“Are you okay Princess?” Hoseok peered at you curiously.
To most it might seem as if he was checking on you after Claudin had grabbed your hand, it wasn’t as if you were shaken by the gesture, just taken by surprise. But you had a feeling he had noticed your slight squirming. 
“I am.” You gave up, finally letting go of Jungkook’s wrist, the stubborn battle being hidden by the table cloth anyways, “I was just surprised is all. That wasn’t necessary to do Jungkook.” You turned to him slightly. 
Jungkook’s nostrils flared a little as he leaned back in his seat cooly, “It was. Last time he was involved in anything you were quite upset, if you needed the reminder.” 
You huffed at his words, was he really being sulky right now? 
Though it was a slow process you were beginning to understand Jungkook’s odd language, had this happened during the first month of your stay you would’ve taken his words as if he was being snide or vicious with you. 
But you could see the slightest jut in his lips, his clenched jaw and his hair, which had grown past his brows, dusting over his eyes slightly. 
It really made him look sulky, and his voice, a bit deeper than normal, wasn't helping his case. In fact, it was difficult to even take him seriously. 
“He was just congratulating me.” You replied diplomatically. 
Hoseok tapped his chin in thought, “He hasn’t been bothering you has he?” 
“Not if I can help it,” Yoongi snorted, his arms crossed as his eyes sharply scanned the room, “Unless he’s managed to weasel his way into your room through the window.” 
Jimin snorted, “He’d be met with Jungkook’s dagger and not near the amount of kindness as of now.” 
“There was no reason for a dagger to be involved at all!” You protested lightly, “He only grabbed my hand. Let’s not focus on this,” You pouted at everyone's attention now on Claudin’s figure, haughtily sipping wine as if he knew you all were talking about him, “Let’s celebrate tonight and worry about this no more.” 
“Yes,” Hoseok nodded, “I do agree, after all this is your banquet Princess.”
You smiled at this as you clapped your hands together, “Taehyun?” You called out, causing the boy who had been standing off to the side to perk up, “Can you fetch us all a mug of the strongest ale you have? One for yourself as well. I want this to be a merry night!” 
“Right away your Highness!” Taehyun looked gleeful at the permission to be allowed a drink. 
“Only one.” Jungkook immediately spoke after you with a sharp gaze on his servant. 
“Of course Sire.” Taehyun puffed his chest, not taking Jungkook’s words to heart seeing as he had you on his side for this. 
You only laughed softly at their interaction, at first you had been dreading tonight but after being here with everyone you had grown so close to, your heart couldn’t help but feel warm and fuzzy. 
You did want to remember tonight with fondness. 
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You couldn’t remember how many pints of ale you had, or whatever shot of liquor Jimin had given to you, all you knew was that the moment you had asked Jungkook if you could retire to bed, you had stood up and nearly face planted into the ground. 
Jungkook had also drank much liquor, but he seemed to be holding it together much better than you seeing as you had once again found your drunkenly being carried by him, only this time your arms were wrapped around his neck, nestled into the crook, your feet happily swinging as you let out a soft giggle. 
Jungkook grunted as he made it up the first half of the staircase, leaning against the wall with a groan as he closed his eyes, “What’s so funny princess?” 
“Mmm,” You closed your eyes as well, relishing in his warmth as you giggled once more, shaking your head, “Was jus’ thinkin’ about when you carried me last time, you didn’t have any trouble.” 
“I was sober.” Jungkook groaned as slumped against the wall but his grip on you didn’t change, “Every time I open my eyes the world is slowly turning.” 
He let out one last breath before he straightened up, opening his eyes once more trying to walk a straight line as he carefully managed the next round of staircase that spiraled upward. His words made you open your eyes once more, demure and tired, “What if I gave you some motivation?” 
It wasn’t that you were too drunk to understand what you were saying, but it was more like you were drunk enough to no longer care to say what you’d usually let stay locked secure in your head. 
“Oh?” Jungkook raised his brows but he didn’t dare look at you, for all his mental energy was going into taking one easy step up at a time, “And what could you possibly do that would be so motivatin-” 
His words were cut off by his breathy moan at your lips attaching to his neck, you had been staring at the patch of skin for the last five minutes and you couldn’t resist anymore, you wanted to kiss it tenderly, savoring every little sound you could get out of him. 
Jungkook felt like his knees were going to collapse on him at your tongue dragging over his skin, a soft moan leaving your lips as your hands wound tighter around his neck, pressing small kisses over the patch of skin that was slowly turning red. 
“Fuck,” Jungkook gritted out, his hands slowly grabbing you harder, “I think you’re making it worse princess.” 
But despite his words his legs were moving on their own to get up this last godforsaken set of stairs, sighing in relief as he wobbled over to the entryway to the corridor, all of the candles had been blown out and it was dark but he managed to find the door to his room. 
Whatever struggle he had before seemed to completely diminish at the sight of the bed, he had dropped you just in front of the end of the bed as you wobbled, it didn’t take much to throw you off balance especially when he grabbed your waist, yanking you down with him as you tumbled on top of him. 
Jungkook was seated now with you straddling him, trying to make yourself more comfortable but he wouldn’t allow it, grabbing at your throat with a tight squeeze making you gasp a moan as he pressed your lips against his.
His tongue was pushing into your mouth greedily as you whined out, hands tugging at his hair with a harsh yank that had a deep moan vibrating into your mouth. The kiss was much sloppier than the one you had earlier in the day, tongues clashing and ungodly moans escaping you both as his hands slid from your waist to your hips, encouraging the friction from your hips against him. 
Jungkook could feel his cock stirring, hardening under your constant squirming and the sound of your pretty moans as you whined into his mouth, hands desperately pulling at his hair as you managed to get sat in his lap the way you wanted to, the front of your dressed bunched up now so you could properly rub against him. 
Your panties were soaked through as you rubbed down against his thick, hard on making him let out a rough growl, grabbing at your hips, “Stop that.” He snapped out, harshly grabbing at your throat as he pulled you away. 
You let out a drunk giggle sticking out your tongue childishly at him, “Make me.”  
Jungkook’s nostril’s flared in a heat of lust, grabbing at your chin before he spat in your mouth making you gasp, lips trembling at the feeling of his hot wet salvia in your mouth.
He pressed a finger on your lips as he spoke quietly, “Swallow.” 
It was a demand that you couldn’t refuse. 
Something about the gesture though…
Had you not drunk so much it would’ve delivered in a very sexy manner, but given you had drank much…well you were very thankful the window had been opened to let in a chilled breeze otherwise you’d simply have to die for throwing up elsewhere. 
“It wasn’t even that bad.” Jungkook tried to console you but you weren’t having any of it, you felt gross now and curled up under the duvet too embarrassed to even look at him. 
“It was! I feel awful.” You whimpered out, your dress feeling too tight now and you just wanted to get out of it and into something comfortable. 
Jungkook chuckled softly at this, “At least let me help you get changed, there’s no way you’re comfortable in that.” 
You peaked out from the duvet at him, a sulky pout on your lips as he sat upright on the bed, hair hanging down as he peered at you with a warmth in his eyes you hadn’t seen before, something like endurement in his eyes as he gestured to you, “C’mere.” 
It was difficult to not crawl into his embrace, his hands were soft and tender on your skin as he carefully undid the back of your dress.
Goosebumps covered your skin from the chilled air and your breasts exposed, nipples hardening as you sat up right, shifting a little as Jungkook pulled the beautiful material off of you, you could feel your face flushing with heat, the tips of your ears burning as you looked anywhere but at him.
Not totally unfamiliar with him between your parted legs, but this time he seemed to be drinking up the sight of your half naked body, his hands tracing down your naked waist as if wanting to become acquainted with every little curve there was to know. 
“Jungkook…” You let out a soft whine but he said nothing in return, instead he chose to lean in to press a kiss just at your ribcage, his lips were soft, tender even as he pressed another between your breasts before trailing them down your left tit. 
You had to bite down on your lip to surprise a moan, watching his lips part as he gathered your hardened bud into his mouth, sucking on it as if it were a sweet treat, the moan was sharp as your thighs clenched around his body.
His other hand found your right tit before giving it a soft squeeze as you whimpered out, your cunt aching at not being touched and your panties were completely ruined, he moaned softly against your tits, squeezing and playing with your buds before he released them from his hold. 
Your lips had trembled into a pout at the way he stood up, as if he hadn’t just completely turned you on and then left you high and dry, he had been rummaging through his dresser before he found one of his nightwear shirts, white and big. 
“What?” He asked innocently at your lips that kept sporting their pout. 
“Why did you do that?.” You finally whined out, as he pulled the top over your head. 
“Because I wanted to.” He replied simply, a smile tugging on his lips as he tenderly began undoing the elaborate hairstyle Wheein had done for you. 
Jungkook carefully took out each of the ornate hair accessories that had matched your dress as you continued to pout, “I meant all of this.” You whispered. 
Jungkook paused as he stared at you in confusion, “What do you mean?” 
“This isn’t some game is it? For you? Trying to make me fall in love with you?” Your lips trembled a little as you drunkenly rambled, “Because if so, you really are as cruel as they say.” 
“Is it a game for you?” Jungkook’s eyes darkened a little with a frown, as he leveled with you, his eyes piercing in the darkness, “Because it isn’t for me.” 
There was something in his eyes that bothered you, he looked at you as if he wasn’t sure he could fully trust you, but your head was pounding and alcohol was still running strong in your veins, you couldn’t decipher that look even if you wanted to. 
“No.” You ushered softly, lips twisting into a plushy pout once more. 
Jungkook stared at you for a long moment as if trying to decide something before he grabbed your chin delicately, “Then stop worrying.”
He leaned in to press a soft kiss on your lips once more as you moaned softly against him. 
Any thoughts or ideas of him possibly betraying your trust and your growing love were put to rest. 
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Your head dully ached as you groaned, opening your eyes as you stretched out with a yawn, unable to really move though at the arms that caged your body, an unfamiliar head pressed into the crook of your neck and a chest laid against your back. 
“Mm, you’re crushing me.” You slurred out with a whine, trying to wiggle out from under Jungkook’s grip. 
He hummed, half asleep as he shifted a little, letting you out from under him with ease, though not allowed to escape his arms as he tugged you right back against him, now on your side. Your eyes closed once more but trying to sleep was useless at the dull throb of your head. 
You rubbed it with a quiet whine before twisting around to face Jungkook, his eyes opened sleepily to see a soft pout on your lips as he groaned, “Do you have any other expression besides that princess?” 
“My head hurts.” 
“That happens when you drink more than a grown man.” 
“I did not…!” You objected.
“You did,” Jungkook chuckled at this, his eyes closing once more as his hand found the side of your neck, fingers tracing down to your shoulder causing your skin to prick at the feathery touch, “I didn’t think you could outdrink me but I’m sure you did.” 
You huffed at this, snuggling under the warm covers once more as you answered, “I don’t really remember much after we all took whatever Jimin brought us.” 
“Oh? You don’t remember giving me this?” Jungkook lazily pointed to his neck and at first you were confused until you saw the dark spot making you nearly choke on your saliva. 
“Oh my god! I’m…I didn’t…I mean I.” You stumbled with your words, unable to fully get the words out. 
“No I think you did,” Jungkook grabbed at your neck, his grip gentle but firm, his lips brushing against your ear with a murmur “I remember enough princess and it seemed like you really wanted to jump on my dick.” 
He was cackling as you smacked his shoulder, squirming to get out of his grip, “I…! I did not…!” But that would be a lie to say you didn’t, because while you didn’t remember everything you said, you certainly remembered climbing into his lap and…
You covered your face, trying to hide away your embarrassment for acting so indecent last night. And then when he spit…! And you…”Ugh don’t remind me anymore! I’m starting to remember more than I want.” 
“At least you didn’t throw up on me.” It was hardly any consolation as Jungkook chuckled once more, “I’ll be sure to not do that next time. Seems you have a weak stomach.” 
“Only because I had drank so much!” You objected with a sore pout. 
“Oh?” Jungkook curved a brow. 
What you hadn’t expected was for him to suddenly roll you both over, now on your back as he hovered over you, “Are you saying you wouldn’t throw up now?” 
“Jeon Jungkook!” You squeaked out, his hand was quickly becoming a familiar feeling on your throat as he grabbed it with a firm squeeze making a breathy moan escape you. 
“Open,” Jungkook squeezed your throat once more with a quiet command, “Let’s see if you can swallow and keep it down.” 
“We drank last night Jungkook!” You cried out with another squirm, the flusteredness clear as day on your face and it gave him a good chuckle, clearly what he was looking for as he smirked, releasing your throat from his grip. 
Collapsing down on top of you as you whined, Jungkook shifted to lay beside you, grabbing your waist to bring you close once more,”You’re a lot easier to fluster than I anticipated.” He pressed a kiss against your head as you huffed, curling against his chest as you closed your eyes once more. 
“And very grumpy when hungover as well.” He pinched your side making you shove him a little, one eye opening to glare at him. 
A soft knock at the door arrived making you groan as you buried back against Jungkook, you had duties today that you couldn’t shrink but you certainly wanted too. You let out a noise of complaint at Jungkook prying himself away from you as he stretched out, “Come in.” 
Taehyun and Wheein had entered as they greeted you both before they began to prepare you for the day. Begrudgingly might you add, you had tried to not whine about it though. 
After you were prepared for the day, Jungkook parted with you as he had work to get done and you did as well. 
The day morning had flown by between meetings with the construction crew, having to walk on sight with various business owners and start outlining what shops would go where, your hangover thankfully did not last the entire time, albeit you were secretly miserable half the morning. 
By midday you had ate your lunch in the library accompanied by several books and the treasurer had come to visit to update you on what your budget was looking like as orders for materials were starting to be placed. 
Soon the afternoon came and that was when you shuffled your way to the War Room to meet with Jeong Dae, your least favorite part of the day. You sat down across from him, letting out a sigh unintentionally.
He curved a brow, “A busy day I take it?” 
“We started to lay the groundwork for where the shops will go in the new district this morning,” You answered, bringing out your folder which had become increasingly heavier each day, “We’ve already run into some problems though, the first being the Royal Seamstress was hoping to have her shop towards here…”
You pulled out the construction map that the crew had been kind enough to draw up for you, you pointed towards the back outlining, “But that would push over into the housing district. It would also be in our best interest to perhaps have the armory here.” 
“The armory?” Jeong Dae questioned, confused as to what you meant. 
“Well,” You paused, feeling stupid all of a sudden before you shrugged, “In my lessons with Namjoon he was telling me that in previously, when Penumbra was built, there was meant to be some sort of,” You frowned, trying to find the right word for what you meant, “Defense, for each district if you will, in case of an invasion.” 
You didn’t like saying the word, but even if you weren’t in on all of the outer politics at the moment, you weren’t stupid to know that despite the Rite of Peace, many nations were still hostile towards Penumbra. 
You hoped you didn’t live to see the time where something of that level of destruction happened, but if it did…well you wanted Penumbra to be at its strongest.
This surprised Jeong Dae, or more like he seemed taken aback by your consideration of it, “In case of an invasion?” He hummed, sitting back in his seat as he evaluated your words. 
“Just in case,” You answered weakly, “I do wish things will settle, but if not…It would be good wouldn’t it? That way both the market district and the housing district will have access to weaponry.” 
“And you didn’t think that perhaps there will not be enough for both districts?” Jeong Dae challenged making you puff and breath as you crossed your arms stubbornly. 
“I did, but I thought it would be better to have it there so the housing district will have some line of defense. The Market district is just outside the barracks, they would have the first line of defense.” You challenged him back. 
Jeong Dae leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms as he eyed you carefully, “You’ve been doing your research I see. Very well, but you will have to deal with the Yang Seamstress family.” 
“I’ll meet with them first thing tomorrow morning,” You replied firmly, a small smile tugging on your lips, “You won’t regret this decision Jeong Dae.” 
“It matters not,” Jeong Dae waved a hand dismissively, “Despite the rumblings of the other Kingdoms, they do not have the courage to go against us once more, not after the Five Year year.” 
You frowned at his words, “You’re truly that confident in Penumbra’s abilities?” 
“No,” Jeong Dae answered plainly, “I’m confident in the statement we made when we ended the war. And even so, if a Kingdom was bold enough, now that we have access to the Noxtria mines in Eunoia, our weapons will be the strongest nations have ever seen. Only a fool would dare take us on.” 
You only shook your head in disdain, “You underestimate what fear can drive a nation to do.” 
“Are you suggesting you know something I don’t?” Jeong Dae leaned forward in his seat with a prowess in his eyes. 
“No,” You answered plainly, ignoring it, “I’m merely stating a fact, and I know this because after all, I am a Eunoian, we know fear at its core.” 
Jeong Dae was about to reply but he was cut off by the sound of the door opening, an unexpected visitation of the king and your husband, both looking ready to go blows to blow with one another. 
“This is ridiculous!” Jungkook hissed out, stopping in front of his father, “You’re going to take his word over mine!?” 
“Move Jungkook.” Dae Seong growled out, eyes glaring over his son’s shoulder into you making you straighten up in your seat as you briefly looked at Jeong Dae who seemed to have frowned at the unsightly appearance of the two. 
Not just two but Di Jin had appeared behind his father quickly after. 
“What is the meaning of this?” Jeong Dae sighed in exasperation, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“We’re here to take the Princess into questioning.” Di Jin replied, arms crossed and his eyes cold and calculating as you scoffed. 
“I beg your pardon?” Your brows were raised in offense at his words, had he not already questioned you just mere days ago? “On what charge is this for?” 
Di Jin’s eyes narrowed on you as he gestured for his servant to come into the room, the sight had you immediately standing up in your seat, “Wheein! What is the meaning of this!?” 
Wheein cried out at the back of her skull being grabbed by the servant, apprehending her no matter how hard she tried to struggle. 
Di Jin narrowed his gaze on you “We’re here on charges of possible treason of your handmaid for your attempted assassination.” 
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randomnameless · 18 days
The thing is, in JRPG's churches were originally a good thing. They were the place to go to heal, revive or remove curses from your characters and at times the player character was chosen by some deity. Just look at the Dragon Quest games, which are to the Japanese the definition of fantasy much like LotR is in the West. While there was the SMT franchise, in Breath of Fire 2 on the SNES the Church being bad was meant to be a twist because it went against the perception of Churches in RPGs. Later on, Final Fantasy Tactics and especially Final Fantasy X made it a lot more common.
If you ever want to see a really cool take, Breath of Fire 4 really depicts humans as bastards and the gods/dragons are beings they called down to their world against their will. It ultimately ends with the player being given a choice whether humans are worth saving, either playing as the final boss and wiping out the party or rejecting that, stopping the final boss. The final boss wants to wipe out humanity because, while he was benevolent, the atrocities he's seen humanity commit (in order to kill him so the current emperor can maintain power of the empire the final boss founded) turned him against them. And even then, when defeated his belief mankind doesn't need gods anymore results in the gods, summoned against their will to serve humanity, return to their home while the MC becomes mortal (while another god remains, and this was a prequel to the previous games where she was a party member or at least an ally). But then again, one of the villains is still around and he says he can make as many "gods" as he needs for his plans, again highlighting how humans are the problem.
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Oh I forgot to mention Golden Sun too in the list of games i've played that had that "old/classic" vibe to it and had mostly... churches/temples used as places where you're resurrected or purify curses without any "gods bad" - the closest thing to a God this verse has is actually a giant rock trying to prevent people from destroying themselves by sealing magic (sure, at the cost of the world and its people disappearing into nothingness, but the sequel basically proves him, sort of, right because when magic is unleashed the cast was manipulated into launching a WMD and that has several consequences like, a lot of people (even named characters!) dying, cute NPCs and to make it sting even more, you can interact/talk with the corpses of the people who died (basically their spirit hasn't left yet, and you have some NPC going all "I was living my regular life, then I heard a sound and now I'm like this, what happened?")).
I'm sure some people already thought about it more than me at 10pm lol, but basically, I wonder if those games emphasis on "humans can be shitty themselves" wasn't tied to a certain mindset that was prevalent in the 80-90-00s Japan, like humans do their shitty stuff, which summons/results in a "higher being" either punishing them or being a consequence for their shitty stuff, "higher being" must be convinced that humanity can change and thrive to do better, rinse and repeat.
I confess I've never been a fan of the FF franchise nor followed it at all but basically as @zeroabyss said, in the Tales franchise the various Churches/Gods (Spirits the Tales verse!) are more nuanced, you have corrupt/shitty people, nice people, etc etc.
Xillia had the novelty of the protag choosing to become God, because the current one shits on humans (because humans shit on spirits to survive!) when basically God should protect both humans and spirits and thanks to a McGuffin everything works out in the end ! Until Xillia 2 happens, but the second opus, while dealing with spirits and all, also gives more meat to the "how humans try to live together" angle and well, it's not all roses and sunshine - sure some spirits can be asses and not like humans that much, but even humans themselves, because they come from different countries, find ways to hate each other (there's even a subquest where you pwn a bunch of racists civilians/NPCs turned enemies for this special fight that are named "drunken man" "uptight girl" "crabby old lady" "self righteous man" etc etc lol)
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terapsina · 2 years
So apparently this still pisses me off. Merlin BBC made ALL the wrong choices.
They had struck gold okay? This show could have been SO GREAT (the actors of the four central characters of Merlin, Arthur, Guinevere and Morgana were all SO TALENTED, they made us fall for their characters so easily), but for some godforsaken reason they REFUSED to go for the actual payoffs.
They made promises that were never delivered on. Constantly.
Like. The central theme of the show was the fact that Merlin had to protect Arthur because Arthur was destined to be a great king who would stop the persecution of magic. And in the name of that future hope Merlin committed atrocities against his own kind on more than one occasion.
And that's fine (well not 'fine', but it makes for an engaging and tragic story, where Merlin has to sacrifice his own soul for the good of the future of his people).
But that only works if at some point he actually started to bring Arthur around to the fact that Uther was WRONG to outlaw all magic. That works only if at some point Merlin had actually TOLD ARTHUR that he was a Warlock, or if Arthur had found out on his own in some other way and Merlin had to scramble to regain his trust and prove to Arthur that magic wasn't inherently evil.
And no, the literal series finale DOESN'T COUNT.
And then there's the way they utterly failed Morgana's character.
First of all they should never have turned Morgana evil off screen (I'd argue that they shouldn't have turned her evil at all but I could have forgiven it if they didn't do such a one-eighty with her).
What they should have done was that after Merlin's betrayal of her trust, they should have made her into the antagonist. And they should have had Morgana finding out that Merlin had magic, that he'd had magic the entire time when she'd needed his help most.
They could have made it so that she wanted the same thing Merlin wanted, except that Morgana would refuse to WAIT for this golden future, instead fighting for it herself. They should have spent seasons having Merlin and Morgana utterly and fundamentally disagree about how to go about saving their people.
Because Merlin has faith in Arthur and Morgana doesn't.
Because she refuses to sacrifice the present for the future, because where Merlin sees sacrifice Morgana sees cowardice. Because Uther deserves to die and every day he lives is another day that an innocent person with magic could be burned alive in the middle of Camelot.
But no, Merlin poisons Morgana and now she's evil, and wants to be queen, and tries to kill Gwen, and is more than happy to kill Arthur, and turns soldiers onto the people of Camelot. Because that absolutely makes sense with what had been established about Morgana's character (cue the sarcasm).
And don't even get me started on how they utterly destroyed the friendship between Gwen and Morgana.
Gwen was always the integrity of the series, the one who could have brought the rest of them back to the negotiations table when it all broke down because Merlin had taken too long to speak the truth, and Arthur felt too betrayed to listen, and Morgana was too proud and disillusioned to have hope. Gwen would have been the one that brought the light back to the future because everything else might have been broken between them but they all still loved and trusted Guinevere.
It could have been AMAZING.
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