#and going places costs money! it does! its so much money! six bucks just to DO anything even go to the fucking park with someone!
muckleberryjam · 2 years
I was literally typing up my 2 pence worth of thoughts and as I’m checking my sources, the page updates and Early Access is fine. All my legislative interpretation experience wasted ha.
I’m still going to post this even though I hate controversy, but I’ve seen some stone cold takes that do nothing to but pour lemon juice in the injury that this whole matter has uncovered - because let’s be real, it was already there.
Maybe its because I’m old, maybe it’s because I’ve both paid for and pirated content, maybe it’s because I’m mostly a consumer, not a creator, but I feel very ehhh about the whole matter. Nonetheless, my thoughts are scratching against my brain so I’ve laid them out. TLDR is it is what it is.
Observation 1
I think what’s rustled my jimmies into making this post is the lack of internal consistency that is being thrown around.
What EA’s Terms of Service and End User Licence Agreement say is pretty immaterial if you also advocate for pirating the game. No judgement if you do pirate it, I have exactly zero feelings about it. You just also have to agree that it also says in the TOS/EULA that you mustn’t pirate the game so I don’t think you can really pick and choose which principles you want to follow if you’re making this the basis of your argument.  
Whenever a ruling class, i.e. EA in this case, make a judgement that causes in-fighting amongst those affected by the judgement, I think you have to ask yourself who is benefitting most. EA have had a string of public disasters lately and I’m sure they’d much rather that we were tearing chunks off each other instead of them.
Whatever you think about enforcement etc, EA are unlikely to have the processing power to take perma-paywallers to task. They only had six Quality Assessors on the latest expansion. They’ve got their own problems.
Even Disney can’t take down every unbranded merch creator on Etsy...
I highly doubt this is a call to action from them and I think their further clarification taking us back to the status quo supports this.
Observation 2
Some people are going to make excellent quality content for free. Some people are going to make excellent quality content that will be free if you can wait for it. Some people are going to set their price too high for you to pay. Some people are hucksters looking to make a quick buck on shoddy content.
No one is entitled to have anything. Not consumers to content (free or at cost), nor creators to capital. I don’t think I can put it any more simply.
Personally, as someone who cannot stand to play vanilla, The Sims 4 is a broken base, made playable by modders. I think it is fair that creators have the opportunity to ask for payment for their labour in what is, in effect, a collaborative effort. Especially those who have skills to offer in this regard, but can’t offer them to the capitalist machine at large because they’re neurodivergent or disabled.
Whether EA endorses it or not, I think reasonable Early Access is fine. I really think it should only bother you as a consumer if you can’t bear the Fear of Missing Out. That’s all an early access payment is - the privilege of skipping out on the FOMO. If it still bothers you, you might need to assess what you perceive to be your entitlement to content.
If it bothers you as another creator, with all the respect in the world, maybe have a think about whether you are coming from a place of envy. It’s a natural emotion - the world would be a better place if we all got more comfortable admitting it. No one should be ashamed to acknowledge that they are envious that someone is receiving money for something they do for free. But envy does not a moral judgement make.
Observation 3
Of course I said reasonable Early Access - what’s reasonable? Well, how long can you stand to wait? As long as there are people bursting at the seams that are willing to pay for access to content NOW, there will be paywalls of increasingly indeterminate length.
I don’t like perma-paywalls. It’s depressing to look at things you want but can’t afford. It’s even more depressing these days since the doxxing scandal has sown so much distrust among us. I think that is the actual genesis of all the pain coming out now.
Let’s get it straight - doxxing is a line that should not be crossed. Discounting the TOS/EULA argument, Piracy is as fundamental a principle as the urge to monetise and perma-paywallers need to accept that as much as consumers need to accept that we can’t always afford what we want. If you, as a creator, are putting all your income eggs in this risky basket, that’s on you.
Like I said at the start, creators are as entitled to capital as consumers are entitled to content.
We’re both gonna have to make peace with that - it’s a dead dove: DO NOT EAT. Don’t like don’t look I guess.
Observation 4
I don’t know if all payments for content are as responsible for killing this community as people say they are. Maybe in a similar way that the Industrial Revolution killed Arts and Crafts I guess?
I’ve lurked since 2016ish and the peaks and troughs are no different to any other online creator community I’ve been part of. People move on to other ventures, age out, get bored, and the new generation ushers in. The human urge to monetise everything we do is as old as the sun and the sky - Stardoll is an excellent example if anyone else was part of the Facebook community alongside it and has watched people pay exorbitant amounts for what is effectively a shit NFT. And besides, a couple of months back, it was lack of engagement killing Simblr. Community is a fickle thing.
As a consumer, I can’t say that I feel short of content, especially on a site like Tumblr, which is one of the few social media sites where I can still curate exactly what I want to see.
In summary, I dunno. paywallers gonna paywall, free creators are gonna free, consumers gonna consume. Facts are Facts. EA doesn’t matter.
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taketheringtolohac · 3 years
I forgot how lonely being home is. And how seeing people costs money. And how people are busy. And like, how people sort of forget about me but it’s ok. And how I never get to go anywhere. And how I’m like always alone just ugh.
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nachoscheesy · 3 years
Tumblr Revival
Tumblr has a large interconnected community of artists and content creators, and should focus on its strengths and what it does right. Instead of trying to compete for space against Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Tumblr should focus on empowering its community and giving that community the tools to develop the site's unparalleled uniqueness.
Tumblr is the crossroads of the internet, with a monthly user traffic of 300 million it is the perfect space for artists, content creators, and small businesses to grow their following without having to fight for a seat at the table against companies with huge budgets.
Hi, I go by Nacho here on tumblr, and I'm sure as many of us on tumblr have noticed, the (hell)site is kinda going downhill. Tumblr was bought by Automattic in fall of 2019, and I am sure they have the best intentions to help tumblr stay afloat. However, I think it's time the community took a more deliberate approach to how tumblr is handled, and hopefully Automattic and @staff will hear us out. I think I have a solid solution to tumblrs money issues, that will help both the site and empower its online communities.
First and foremost, I am not involved with Tumblr or Automattic. I am just a simple blog trying to help out a place that I've been on since 2010, and I would hate to see it die here around 2023.
So, let's get to the root of the problem on tumblr right now. That being money, tumblr is currently costing more money that it produces, as we've seen with its 97% drop in value from 1.1 billion dollar sale to being sold at around 3 million dollars.
So the first thing that must be improved before anything else can be improved on tumblr is how much money they're bringing in a month. I don't think folks on tumblr hate monetization as much as we all collectively say we do, I think the issue is that most advertisers are completely disconnected from the groups they are trying to advertise to on here. Tumblr comprises roughly 65% millennials and 30% gen-z, the two generations that advertisers seem to have the hardest time advertising to for a myriad of reasons. The main one being that they don't fully understand what we want, and sometimes just don't listen to what we are saying.
Lets look at how tumblr makes its money, Tumblr has four main revenue sources,
Ads by sponsored posts
Display ads through video posts
Sponsored Day ads or banner ads
“Premium Themes”
I'll go into depth on all of these and how tumblr could make potential changes to improve their revenue anywhere from three to six months after it implements some or ideally all of these changes.
First tumblr ads and sponsored posts, these changes are going to be contingent on tumblr allowing its users to share, like, and comment on ads much like all other media sites currently allow. Or at least giving advertisers the ability to turn that on or off as a function.
The average tumblr post gets reblogged 14 times, that number increases significantly if the ad is engaging and actually caters to the communities wants and needs. My reasoning for giving users the ability to reblog ads is to increase user engagement while maintaining their current ad vetting process and all of the nonsensical ads that are run on tumblr 90% of the time.
The other reason for allowing tumblr users to share and comment on ads, or have it be an option for advertisers to turn on or off as they'd like, is that the appeal of tumblr is the ability to propagate and obsess over the most niche things (i.e OSHA.)
All the while allowing content that gets shared all over the internet bubble up to the top through the collective hand of the tumblr community. Along with this tumblr has no way for small users to share their own products or services, every single major site has a way for users to advertise their pages or products through the site.
Tumblr is a content machine that creates imagery and memes that get shared all the time across the internet, so the ability to share and curate its own ads is paramount to improving advertising and user engagement on tumblr.
My proposal here is for tumblr to expand its advertising capabilities to all users, while charging a flat rate fee to advertise on tumblr, with additional charges for popular tags or trending tags. Tumblr currently has no self service advertising system much like Facebook does for example. Where facebook charges a daily rate on cost-per-click(CPC) or cost-per-thousand(CPM)
Charging a flat rate fee at a rate of a day, week, month, or quarterly basis with variances in prices based on the lease term and what the advertisers would want to have their ads show up on certain tags. This would open up the doors for small businesses that don't want to advertise on places like facebook, twitter, or google with their complicated CPM and CPC models. Also bringing in more small locally owned businesses with the added value of less competition for ad space on tumblr.
This would also take some of the weight from tumblrs own advertising staff from having to explain a convoluted system to potential advertisers. Creating a simplified model with the the advent of tumblrs own infrastructure able to get a single post to a large variety of users. Where the current ad model uses a “shotgun” method to hit as many people as possible, the tumblr model could encourage advertisers to curate a more personalized and intimate experience that tumblr users would love.
Why not just advertise elsewhere? Tumblr still in fact gets over 300 million views a month as of June 2021 (Statosta), and the added benefit for users to be able to like, share, and interact with ads would allow ads that the community enjoys to be talked about more. Giving advertisers more honest feedback about their ads while increasing their SEO’s.
Also small businesses that can't compete with the vetting processes that are used on other sites, would have a better chance of developing their business and increasing their clientele on tumblr whose core demographics are approximately 60% millennial and 35% gen-z. This core demographic does in fact care about being able to shop at local stores, or even a store across the US that is trying to drum up its own online sales.
These ads could be placed inline on the tumblr dash while moving other sponsored ads to the right of the site on desktop, but making them alternate on mobile between user ads and sponsored ads.
Second, the display ads should be changed to allow tumblr users to share and further interact with ads to generate more user engagement, incentivizing more businesses and companies to build their brand status on tumblr. Tumblr has a good model for creating short diaries or daily vlogs for companies that wish to show off their products on social media. This includes smaller businesses and vlogers that want to post videos or tutorials of themselves on their blog.
Tumblr is a good site for user engagement with a pool of creative potential for anyone wanting to gauge the desire for a particular subject or piece of media, maybe even an upcoming show. Having the ability to share and comment on sponsored ads would also help advertisers by allowing them to get more bang for their buck with a considerable uptick on how users engage with that content.
Third, tumblrs sponsor day ads and banner ads are inexpensive and should be highlighted as a selling point over their competitors. Tumblr 24-hour banner ads are considerably more affordable for businesses when compared to places like twitter with their 200k price point. For the same amount of money on tumblr a business could have their company at the top of the dashboard or app for 8 whole days. Much longer and much better than the competition.
Keeping this price fixed, with a change in the price CPC is still a much more lucrative and attractive selling point than any of the competition on the internet today. I know this might not be exactly what tumblr wants to hear when it is hemorrhaging money right now, but let's look at the cost for these 24 hour daily ads and banner ads. If tumblr hypes up the price point on these ads they could see a significant rise in advertisers considering the lack of competition on tumblr and past success stories of companies who did advertise on tumblr.
At the same time larger advertisers should be encouraged to make engaging ads and blogs on tumblr that will make people want to actually go to their blogs, that then link to an external site or page. Not ads that instantly try to force you to go to some other site, by rewarding or offering special discounts for people who find a special code or something off of the actual blog. Or even for giving the same code to everyone who reblogs a certain post made by the advertiser.
Seems too good to be true? Look at “Asos” back in 2015 when they held a shirt design competition on their tumblr blog. Where they had 900 submissions, four of which were picked, and were sold out of the user generated shirts in 10 hours.
This is not the only case however, but FX ran their own campaign for the show “Man Seeking Woman” where they saw a 2.8% increase in user engagement, 86% increase in their tumblr followers, and they actually saved money through advertising on tumblr.
All this leads me to believe that tumblr actually was and continues to be the best place for brands, small businesses, and artists to develop themselves through genuine user engagement.
Finally, the “premium themes” that are available on tumblr that allow for unparalleled customizations that you hardly find elsewhere on the internet anymore. Tumblrs ability to take a variety of media sources, as well as having an unparalleled level of customization, user interconnectivity, and a vibrant artistic scene shows that it is ripe with potential.
Tumblr could still use its post+ feature, but in the same way that Discord uses its subscription service. For cosmetic changes that can be added modularly to the site or individual blogs for an additional monthly fee. In conjunction with partnering with community artists to bring small cosmetic additions to individual blogs, while paying the content creator and tumblr taking a small portion of the profits over a certain amount.
To be completely honest this is probably the hardest portion of this entire pitch to make changes to in a shorter period of time, considering all the testing and “under the hood” changes that must be made. However, I think that implementing this as well as the other changes I have proposed will bring back more foot traffic to tumblr as well as increase its revenue and profitability.
In closing, I am simply working with whatever information I was able to find online and a good amount of time invested on my part to do this. I think tumblr has a ton of potential still to return as a force for good for the communities that exist and want a change from what the internet has become. Time and time again when any company or public entity dies it was because it did not change and refused to adapt and innovate, oftentimes not at the hands of the people working everyday to keep the site running. Instead at the hands of people who dont see the value in what has fallen in their laps.
If you agree and think this is something that can be done, please reblog this post and follow me for more updates. If I don't hear back or this does not gain any traction by the end of the year, then tumblr can go to its inevitable end. I will be here sinking with the ship.
@support @engineering @music @wip @changes @photomatt
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captainsimagines · 3 years
To Topple A Giant || Chapter Two
Summary: You had made it your mission to destroy even the smallest evils. When the opportunity arises to finally take down your own family after years of gaining their trust, you reach for it. And so does Steve, the man who represents a symbol of everything you hate.
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Reader || Avengers x Reader
Part 2 of 10 ~ Mini-Series
Tumblr media
Warnings: This story contains mature themes and discussions such as extreme canon violence, strong language, emotional angst, mentions of Endgame deaths and recoveries, sexual situations, and emotional/physical abuse. All trigger warnings will be listed before the chapter. This is purely fanfiction. 
Warnings in this chapter: brief reference/hint to past sexual assault. 
Word Count: 7,500+
A/N: Thank you so much for your excitement about this series! I always smile when I read your comments. Sorry for such a long chapter, but it’s only ten parts and I gotta fit all somewhere lol
Unknown Location, 2015, 10:46pm
     The tightness of the rope wrapped around your wrists was excruciating, each movement causing it to rub against the already damaged skin, leaving more angry, red marks. You whipped your head back and forth, anger and fear coursing through your veins as you stared your father down. You watched as he carefully maneuvered his way around the room, every back straightening as he walked past them, every gun cocked and pointed right at you. Your nose twitched up as he walked closer, inspecting the ropes tying your feet to the chair and so on. You accumulated all the spit you could and aimed it for his face, pride washing over you as it hit him perfectly. But as quickly as that pride built, it shattered, a stinging sensation on your cheek now overpowering any other sense. 
“You cost me ten million.”
You bit back a laugh, careful not to let it slip as you did not want another beating. “I did what I had to do. You would have done the same!”
“Don’t tell me what I would have done!”
You flinched inwardly, your face still blushing with growing madness. If only you could loosen these bonds… 
“You will know to not mess up again.”
And as your father left the room, the men lined up against the wall finally let their shoulders fall forward, their once blank faces now donning sadistic smiles.
The Compound, 2018, 2:07am 
You sat up from your mound of pillows, kicking them to the side as well as the heavy blanket. Your ears rang impossibly loud, and it wasn’t until your feet touched your bedroom floor that you could hear yourself screaming. Your body was drenched in sweat, sliding easily on your wood floor as you kicked to escape the blanket. 
Sharp knocks against your door startled you, sudden ‘please, don’t!’’s escaping your mouth. Hyperventilating was always tiring, you thought, and the air was now super cold as you sucked it into your lungs.
“Doll, please? I’m coming in.”
The light from the hallway blinded you so you lifted your arm up as a temporary shield. 
“No, no! I’m good… I didn’t lose it. Please, trust me!”
You lowered your arm and stared at your nighttime intruder, instincts kicking in upon settling your teary eyes on him and causing you to groan in displeasure. 
“Don’t look at me.”
“I said don’t look at me.”
Steve sighed in defeat and walked back to your door. You thought he was going to simply leave you be, letting you ride out this panic attack alone like all the others. But he shut the door and made his way over to your couch on the other side of the room, plopping himself down and leaning his sleepy head in his right hand. It had been six months since the world literally fell apart, an unknown feeling of terror that simply sat at the pit of stomachs eating away at whatever sanity its host still had, plaguing the world. Tiredness was second nature, never actually reducing its power no matter how much sleep one got. But leaving you here to suffer each individual thread being pulled from your remaining sanity, alone, wasn’t an option. 
“Why are you staying?”
“I have nightmares, too. You aren’t that special.”
You rolled your eyes, hands now massaging your aching chest. “It wasn’t anything.”
“Y/N, you were screaming for help.”
“I scream for a lot of things.”
You figured Steve would succumb to his growing annoyance, but he stayed patient. 
“Was it about…?”
You sighed and pulled yourself up to your feet, knees wobbly and thighs alerting you of the droplets of sweat that beaded down your legs. “No. I don’t dream about the snap.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You let out a rather angry sigh. You were now rubbing your eyes, cleaning them of the accumulation of hard mucus. “I seriously don’t want to talk about this particular incident.”
Steve huffed through his nose and you were ready to pounce on him to tear that beard from his face, but stopped when you saw his small smile and genuine empathy in his eyes. “Okay, I won’t push you.”
You just stared at him, eyes wide and confused. But you nodded slowly, eyes now diverting to the blanket below you. 
“I’m just so fucking happy the snap took my father.”
Steve’s lifted his head quickly by your abrupt confession, eyebrows furrowed and lips frozen, as if wrapped around a lost word he couldn’t verbally address. He understood, but it shocked him nonetheless.
He ignored it, or at least chose to avoid an immediate discussion about it, and stood from your couch. 
“Are you going to be okay?”
You wanted to throw him out. Him being across the room and near the wall was starting to trigger more flashbacks. 
It’s Steve. It’s just Steve.
“Can you stay?”
Steve stumbled slightly in his step, clearly uncomfortable with your request. But he was a good man and when one of his teammates needed help, he would do whatever he could. And you were one of the only teammates he had left. 
“Okay,” he said. But as he made his way back to the couch and away from you, sudden racks of itchiness stretched from your wrists to the middle of your chest. You stumbled from the bed, arms extended outward as if you were still shielding yourself from some incoming attack. 
“No, no! Just…”
Steve watched your movements carefully, trying to discern between fear or awkwardness. He sighed and let you see his hands, turning them over in the air.
“It’s me. Tell me where you want me.”
You were in control. Just tell him where you want him. 
“I’ll lay here,” you started, getting back into the right side of the bed and pulling the covers up to your hips. “You there, but upside down.”
Steve chuckled and followed your commands. You watched him walk, feeling the dip of your mattress as his heavy body lay down. You were grateful when his sock-covered feet touched your left side pillow, his chuckles gaining volume as he tried to get comfortable. 
“Do I at least get a blanket?”
“Oh!” you leapt from the bed and to the closet.  He listened to your soft pitter-patter as you shuffled across the cold floor, shutting his eyes to relish in the childish melody. You passed Steve two heavy blankets, mindful of the cold weather outside. Then you climbed back into bed, passing Steve a few pillows, and snuggling back into your own. 
A few shifts of the blankets made you open your eyes again. Steve was not as stiff as you expected him to be - almost like he wanted to help you - and you mentally slapped yourself remembering that he would do this for Bucky. 
You took solace in the fact that he couldn’t see the tiny grin on your face. “Thank you.”
Steve smiled up at the ceiling, thankful that he could still help others even when he himself was falling apart. “You’re welcome.”
Present Day, 2025, 9:45am
     If anyone were to truly study Steve, they would see he was starting to act his age. He enjoyed fluffy socks, tea instead of coffee, sketching in the secluded garden of the new compound - anything a man pushing a hundred would truly enjoy. And he found himself shaving less, watching every new movie released regardless of genre, and eating much more oatmeal than usual. He remembers how whenever Bucky had saved up just enough for them to splurge on items they never usually indulged in, oatmeal would always be his go to. It was still a common ‘peasant’ meal for the two young bachelors, but Bucky would heat it up with fresh milk he had bought that morning, added the fresh strawberries and dates that were in season, and sprinkled brown sugar - damn, Steve loved brown sugar - on top. Bucky would place the bowl in front of Steve, ignoring Steve’s constant blabbering about ‘Buck, we can’t afford this’, or ‘you don’t need to spend your hard-earned money on me, you jerk’. But he would quickly shut up once Bucky’s perfected oatmeal recipe landed on his eager tongue and filled his happy stomach. Regardless of those past memories of young roommates searching for loose change in their couch and more recent ones of two reunited best friends sharing looks of awe whenever they saw how much milk and brown sugar now costs, Steve was certain the old man in him was just barely emerging. 
He definitely didn’t skip the irritated attitude phase every old man seemed to develop as the years passed, his resting facial expressions and movements starting to match those of his best friend. Grumpy, tired all the time regardless of the serum, and asking each other instead of the modern people around them how to work their phones. All he wanted to do was crawl into bed, or go on a jog, or watch a movie - anything - rather than having to give a briefing about something he hadn’t had to think about for seven years. And although he had the chance to use the stones before and didn’t, Steve couldn’t quite help wishing that he was transported back to his and Bucky’s old and crumbling apartment, fighting over that one knitted blanket Bucky had bought for the both of them with his last dime.
You seemed happier with your whole family situation after the snap, but he never wanted to ask. Whether you were putting on a brave face for him, he was rid of it momentarily only to be pushed into the chaos all over again. But this time was different because you were finally going to end it all. Finish what you had started all those years ago - then maybe Steve could take that afternoon nap he wanted.     
“Talk to me. How are we doing this?”
Fury pulled up a screen with all the photos and biographies, essentially a powerpoint prepared by both you and Steve. 
“I’ll do whatever you ask of me, sir. But I know my family and their schemes better than anyone,” you said. Fury knew this was true and the plan would ultimately be mapped out by you. His input was always welcome, but you knew the small details - their personalities, their weaknesses, their strengths, even the way they took their coffee. You even knew which of them sampled their product before sending it off on a cross-country road trip. 
Steve stood beside the monitor, using this finger to change the screen. “So, we’re looking for our physical proof. A paper trail detailing land and their product, contacts, storage units, aliases - the works.”
You nodded at Fury and your teammates. “Exactly. The hardest things to obtain will most definitely be evidence about my father’s involvement. Proof he gave the orders and profited from them.”
“Your word isn’t enough?” Sam asked.
“No, not unless I throw myself under the bus as well. It’s his word against mine unless I can prove these things were all his doing,” you responded, taking a sip from your water. 
The only other people in the briefing room besides Steve and Fury were Sam, Bucky and Scott. Everyone else would get a brief overview later on this week, but these three were specifically chosen by Fury to help aid you in the actual physical fight. 
“The wedding is the perfect distraction,” Scott spoke. “Almost like this was made for a heist.”
Steve released a heavy sigh, his patience already wearing thin. “Not a heist.”
“Close enough,” Scott shrugged, gaining a grin from you across the table. He smiled at your reaction and sent you a wink. 
“Agent, we have to go over the basics and any new information you can provide,” Fury encouraged.
You motioned toward Steve to bring up the photos on the monitor, “Let’s start with the basics.”
Steve took over for the first portion of your presentation. You didn’t mind - in fact, the more control he had in this would certainly help ease his mind and you definitely did not want a stressed out Steve Rogers accompanying you on a twelve hour road trip. 
“Ernesto Vega, father of Y/N Y/L/N, born 1950 in Guadalajara, Mexico, but because of the snap, the 80 year old is still only 75.”
“Damn, your father is old!”
You laughed at Sam’s outburst, “Yup, and I got like ten half-siblings.”
Sam sat up straighter, “No way?”
“Daniel Seda,” Steve continued, his voice louder. “Vega’s second in command, born 1970, currently 55 years old. Took over as top commander after the snap, and according to Y/N he didn’t take it well when everyone was brought back.”
“Hmm, threatened to put another bullet in me,” you teased, pointing at your stomach where the scar underneath your shirt had already long healed. You could have sworn you heard Steve’s breath hitch, but even if it did, he had quickly covered it by swiping the monitor. 
“But her father saw this as proof of loyalty. Because no matter how much he knows Y/N hates him, she still brought him back.”
You lifted your shoulders, arms in the air as if imitating the nonverbal form of ‘oh, well!’, and your thin smile caused your cheeks to pop out comically.
“So, Seda hates you?” Bucky asked, chuckles still vibrating in his chest from your previous childish movements.
You brushed your hand through the air, “Not the first man to hate me and not the last.”
Steve snickered. You could say that again.
“The wedding will be held at Vega’s personal and private ten-acre ranch in Northern California-”
“A lovely fall wedding!”
Steve bit his tongue, eyes never leaving the monitor. “Sure… and it’s perfect. He’s wanted and he’s going to be on U.S soil.”
You stood from your chair and grabbed the electronic marker from the desk. You circled the main points of entry plus the directions of secret exits hoping to emphasize the ‘private’ part of Steve’s statement. “And since it’s his most private getaway and no one would suspect he would hide important shit on said U.S soil, I’m about ninety-eight percent sure our proof is there.”
You pulled up the blueprints and marked a giant ‘X’ on the farthest corner room in the west end. It was your father’s office. 
“Ninety-eight?” Sam asked, reviewing the printed blueprints himself.
You twirled the marker between your fingers, “My dad is clever. My other two percent is telling me there’s no evidence at all.”
Scott clutched his chest in relief, “Okay, at least one outweighs the other.”
You shared another laugh with the ‘regular-sized man’.
Steve continued listing the basics, all while Fury sat toward the edge of the long table reviewing the screen. “The other two big names in the drug game are Omar Ramirez and Marcus White. Ramirez runs most things from Mexico City to San Antonio, Texas and he’s probably the least evil of them all. White runs Europe, specifically Germany and England.”
You interjected, “Ramirez focuses on the product. He orders his men to focus on the business instead of the outside world - meaning, no unnecessary kills, no violence toward women and children, no killing cops or citizens. Just producing and transporting.”
Almost forgetting he was there, Fury’s voice somewhat startled you. “Vega has lost men to Ramirez, men who wanted a change in scenery.”
You nodded in confirmation, “They aren’t necessarily enemies but they’re no besties either.”
Sam rolled the blueprints back up and handed them to Bucky. “So, we’re taking them all down?”
“The big three. Plus Seda,” Steve declared, finally taking his first sip of water in what felt like forever. If he didn’t want anyone to know he was nervous about this mission, he was for sure failing. 
You hummed, “Vega and Seda are also the only ones who know of Steve’s involvement.”
“How’d that happen?” Bucky asked.
“Because Steve only ‘transports’ my father’s product. Not the others. Steve’s role is essentially to green light the passages and is my main pull,” you clarified. 
It was true - Steve didn’t do or touch anything. And you thought this best considering he was America’s golden boy - you couldn’t possibly bear real involvement from him. This wasn’t his world and never should have been but it was yours. 
You dealt with people directly. You took out the snitches. You handled the product during inspections. You did it all - and not because you thought Steve was some fragile soul who couldn’t achieve the same results - but because you brought him into that mess during a time in his life when he definitely didn’t need it.
“But how did it happen?”
You shrugged, hoping your answer would suffice for the rest of the group as it never does for Steve. “When I first started out as a field agent, my father didn’t trust I was doing it for him. The more I promoted, the more suspicious he got. It wasn’t until we exposed SHIELD as half-HYDRA that he was done with me.”
Fury interjected once again, “So, Y/L/N here had to pull rank out of her ass.”
You snorted, “Thanks, Fury. That sounded nice.”
“I told them that I had the literal symbol of America by my side. That defeating HYDRA was only to get his friend back, not to save the world. Plus, I told them that HYDRA was targeting all of them. And once I could get proof - a forged recording made by Fury before he went into hiding - well, it was like the greatest example of submission.”
“Why didn’t you say Tony?” 
That certainly was a question Steve always had and wanted answered. God, he really hoped you had said Tony.
“Because I got the literal symbol of America as a partner-in-crime. My father almost told me he loved me... almost.”
You sat back down in your chair, a tiny puff of air escaping your lips. “And that made Seda furious. I may hate my father, but Seda is the main threat to blowing this whole operation.”
If anything, you wanted your father deader than dirt, silenced by the one child he always regretted bringing into the world. He had tortured you in more ways than you thought possible. 
      “Now, I thought my dad was bad.”
You fell back onto the couch before retrieving your cup of coffee you had placed on the table. Nebula gave you a tiny chuckle in return. 
 “Yes, mine has eradicated half the universe. I win ‘worst father’.”
You sipped your coffee, trying and failing to block out the banter between Rocket and Tony as they discussed the location of the space stone. “You know, I wouldn’t have put it past him.”
Nebula chewed her dinner slowly, listening to you ramble on about anything that popped into your mind. She knew this was your coping mechanism - to just keep talking until someone shut you up. But she enjoyed it, really, because you spoke of topics that she didn’t quite understand or know about. She learned something new everyday simply by listening to you. 
“I should have thanked Thanos for dusting his ass, though.”
Nebula stopped mid-chew, blank expression but the hint of a twitch in her lip visible.
“I’m joking.”
You had asked her once why Thanos had spared her and Tony when he snapped his fingers. But Nebula had no rational answer, only responding that he must have spared her out of last minute pity and Tony to live through the consequences. And the tiny voice inside your head knocked again, reminding you that ‘maybe this snap was overall a good thing - your father can’t hurt you anymore!’, but you shut it up as quickly as it came. 
“So, how many planets are there in the universe, really?”
     Fury began piling files in one folder, making sure to hand out the sheet with names and contact numbers of agents stationed close to the venue and your chosen hotel.  
“We’ll get into mission specifics at a later date once Rogers and Y/L/N are settled and scope out the place. For now, study up on your targets and perfect your acting skills.”
     You assumed you would only need one big suitcase for the trip, only packing essentials and extra shirts just in case. You rolled your clothes tightly, securing your signature perfume and some jewelry inside some sweaters. You hid identifiable items in the small compartments - your passport, journal, old SHIELD tag, driver’s license, etc. It was the paranoid side of you taking over, the possibility of having your cover blown likely and frightening. The amount of times you had ventured into the general vicinity of your father and his crew always proved safer than you expected. But there could always be that day he simply didn’t want you around anymore. 
So, you prepared in the smallest and even cringiest ways possible - resorting to drafting letters for those you wanted to remember you after you had been taken out. You paused your packing to grab your spare journal. You spent a good hour writing. A letter to Wanda, to Bucky, to Peter, to Rhodey, to Sam. Some were shorter than others - others extending to over two pages. But your mind was racing with things you hoped they would never have to read, scattered thoughts and only hints of identifiable wit penned on paper.
You tucked the letters behind the fabric you had recently ripped open. You planned on duct-taping the rip, your eyes drifting back over to your journal. You tapped your foot rapidly for a few seconds, fingers twisting in anticipation, mind still clear enough to draft one more. You quickly picked the pen right back up, sitting on the edge of your bed and starting the letter you might regret later. But at that moment, with the horrible prospect of dying on this mission, you wrote. 
     Believe when I say that I was so sure I would put a bullet in my father before he could. Whoops…’
You wrote and wrote until your handwriting grew sloppy at the edge of the paper, and signed it. You tucked the final letter into the hole and taped it shut. You really hoped you would be able to survive and burn those written words later. 
A soft knock sounded from across the room and your bedroom door opened to reveal Steve, light blue dress shirt tucked into his jeans like the old man he truly was. You couldn’t help but grin at that, cursing your involuntary actions for this man. 
“You doing okay?” you asked, continuing to fold clothing into your suitcase. He leaned against your door, hesitant. Steve often wondered why and how he could go days, weeks - one time even a whole month - without speaking to or seeing you. He was an expert at one word answers by now, opting to always have someone else around whenever he seriously had to carry a conversation with you. But what struck him the most was that you didn’t seem to care anymore. He witnessed the change - hell, he was the one that caused it - but it was a change that he both wanted and didn’t. How was it so easy for you?
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” he responded and walked over to your couch to sit. 
You cleared your throat, hoping to make this conversation the least awkward you could. “Because this was literally sprung on both of us after almost ten years of waiting.”
“I’m okay.”
You accepted his answer. He looked comfortable enough, shoulders relaxed and genuinely interested. There was a part of you that wanted to rush over and shake him, yell at him for being so clueless and fake at the same time. There was no possible way he was fully okay with everything - he hadn’t been himself since the snap, and when Natasha and Tony died, he was someone else entirely. You had brought it up with Bucky several times, but he assured you that Steve was just dealing with things his own way. That he was still a man out of time, they both were, and battle after battle could take its toll. And Bucky would hype their therapist up, that they were the reason he and Steve are able to walk in public without that constant voice warning of danger in the back of their heads, and that you should schedule a visit sometime. You always declined, asking him to call you if he truly needed another person to talk to. He would smile, taking you up on your offer whenever a day was particularly triggering.
“I’ve been waiting for this day since I was sixteen. Ten years really just flew by… considering.”
Steve nodded, “Is there anything I should know?”
You hummed, “If you mean things about my family, then I’ll just tell you on the way there or at the hotel.”
He chuckled and stood to lean against your bedpost. “No, I mean like, what should I pack just in case?”
You rolled your eyes and laughed at such an innocent question, “Um, comfy socks. It’s pretty cold in California in the winter. Gas money, it’s pretty fucking expensive, too.”
He smiled, “Good to know.”
The two of you packed in silence for several minutes. Steve helped you roll your clothes and gather your toiletries, even asking you if you wanted to bring your current toothbrush or the new one in your bottom drawer. 
You knew you shouldn’t have spoken about the topic burning in your throat, but you felt like you had to say something. If you mentioned it during the mission, you risked a larger argument than the one you would get now. So you formulated your next sentence carefully, already bracing for impact as it slipped.
“Look, the elephant in the room should be addressed. Once my father’s dealt with, I have no reason to stay here.”
Steve clipped the belt over the top of your clothes, securing the items tightly. He seemed disoriented, your sudden proclamation startling him. “What do you mean? You did the work, you trained, you helped us literally save the world.”
You shrugged and kept your voice light, “Yeah, but I started this gig when I was sixteen. I didn’t join the Avengers until I was freshly in my twenties. I’ve literally known nothing else but fighting.”
Steve sat at the edge of your bed, furrowed eyebrows and all as he chose his next words. He felt both angry and sad, a mixture of feelings that he never quite grew accustomed to whenever he was around you. They ate away at him slowly, creeping into his brain to wrap around his common sense, his sense of self, the man he was before the snap. 
“Are you saying you just need a break?”
“I think,” you shrugged, zipping the suitcase and tugging its weight off your bed and onto the floor. 
“What about Wanda and Bucky?”
You scrunched your face in amused confusion, a playful smile resting on your lips, “I’m not falling off the face of the Earth, Steve. I’ll visit or something.”
“Or something.”
He stood and walked back to your couch, restless and even more stressed than he was before he entered your room. 
“Steve, we lost so much. It’s been two years since we brought everyone back, but… it took its toll.”
He snapped his head up, “You don’t need to tell me about shit taking its toll.”
You felt like you stared at him for several minutes, anger bubbling in the pit of your stomach and traveling up your throat. That familiar lump constricting your airway as you forced yourself to swallow it and the forming tears. And once again, your mouth spoke before your mind could approve.      
“Why didn’t you use the stones for yourself?”
Steve sat, shocked into silence temporarily. “What?”
“When you and Carol put the stones back - why didn’t you stay somewhere you really wanted to be?”
You remember watching him step onto the platform holding the briefcase of infinity stones and holding Mjollnir, - because of fucking course he could wield Mjollnir, he was a good man even if you were on his bad side - simply minding his own business and waiting for Carol to join him. You remember thinking he would return with a different story, only after he got some of that life Tony had always encouraged him to find, that he would go back to Peggy and live the life he always wanted. But as quickly as they disappeared into thousands of timelines did they reappear, Carol joyful and content while Steve trailed behind her. Your heart had pounded erratically, Bucky looking at you with wide eyes because yes, I thought he would do exactly what you were thinking, too. 
“None of your business.”
“I’m not trying to pry-” you reasoned, but Steve stepped toward you with flushed cheeks and a cracked voice. 
“But all you do is pry, pry, pry. God, do you ever just shut up?”
All you could hear behind the ringing of your ears were Steve’s quick breaths, slowing as each second passed and he realized what he had said. A moment of weakness, in his opinion, but still uncalled for. 
“Pack some snacks for the road and get out of my room.”
Steve straightened his back, eyes practically yelling for you to look at him again, pleading for you to see the remorse swimming in them. But you just tugged your suitcase to the corner of your room, ignoring him completely. “Gladly.”
     You and Steve were mature enough to keep your arguments at least a hundred miles away from any mission you were conducting or when around your friends. A quick quarrel in the morning was basically nonexistent a few hours later when the whole group suggested a board game or movie night. Although this impromptu road trip would be the slightest bit awkward, you two were smart enough to not compromise the mission. 
And you had to drive as flying and airport security was too risky, especially with the amount of weapons attached to your body and in the trunk of that rented car. 
“Call us when you hit the first checkpoint. After that, we’ll be monitoring your hotel check-in and any new ones, police reports filed throughout that week, anything that directly involves your stay,” Bucky said, handing you a burner phone. 
You stepped forward to hug him. “Thank you, Bucky.”
He gave you a tight squeeze, releasing you slightly to whisper in your ear. “Try not to kill him for the next twelve hours, will ya?”
You pulled away and gave him your best grin, bumping your bracelet with his. “You know I can’t promise that, Bucky.”
He rolled his eyes, “You kill him, I kill you.”
“Ugh, don’t tease me.” Bucky almost burst out laughing from the fake, pornographic moan you let out because of his threat. 
“No, but seriously - just… lay low, trust each other, and we’ll be there in the next few days.”
You slid the burner into your sweater pocket and patted it, checking if it was secure. You waved goodbye to Bucky and pulled the passenger door open. You blew him a kiss, red lipstick now on your fingers. “Can’t wait to see you!”
Bucky stood with his hands shoved into his pockets, an embarrassed but happy smile on his face. He caught the floating kiss mid-air. “Already miss you!”
“Stop, I’m blushing!” you teased, your left hand resting palm up on your forehead in an exaggerated manner. 
You obliged, falling into the passenger seat and clicking your seatbelt. 
Twenty minutes into the drive and Steve finally decided to speak. 
“So, you and Bucky?”
You giggled, thumbs currently flying over your phone screen as you tried to beat your high score in some awful video game you discovered last week. “Yup, I got him wrapped around my finger.”
Steve’s hand fidgeted on the steering wheel, “Seriously?”
You closed out your video game, “No, Steve. It’s mindless flirting. He’s one of my best friends.”
“Ahh…” he nodded in understanding, a lazy smile resting on his face. He focused on both the road and you, your head leaning against the foggy window. “About earlier-”
“Don’t mention it,” you interrupted. The second you peaked through your heavy eyelids did you lock eyes with Steve, regret visible in them. 
He continued, “I blew up at you and you didn’t deserve it.”
“Cool, you’re forgiven.”
You groaned quietly, but you weren’t getting angry. You were just tired from the day already and having to sit for twelve hours straight wasn’t going to help. So, you took the high road. “Look, it’s a twelve hour drive until our first stop. Let’s forget about it or else I promise you, I will jump out of this car when you push eighty.”
Steve couldn’t help the laugh that rumbled in his chest due to your absurd promise, but he accepted your answer. 
     By hour two, there was a restlessness between the both of you. No matter how much you extended your leg, the cramping wouldn’t go away. No matter how many times Steve would twist his neck to the side to get it to crack, it would just tighten again. So, against protocol but still on your best behavior, you and Steve made a couple stops along the way.      
The first was a burger joint in the middle of buttfuck Ohio, you had commented, earning a choking sound from Steve as he tried to contain his laughter. It was a hole in the wall type of place, perfect for lying low and out of sight, and you had enjoyed your meal in the car. You listened to Steve’s playlist on low volume, stealing each other’s fries to simply piss the other off, and hit the road after your meal.      
The second stop was around hour eight, and the sun was already starting to set. You desperately needed to use the bathroom and once you saw a tiny town that ‘looks so much like the town in Gilmore Girls!’, Steve pulled over and parked in a diner parking lot. Donning caps and ordering a coffee and a tea to go to seem less suspicious, you hurried from the diner and back to your car. You stopped dead in your tracks, eyeing a gazebo with a black miniature fence around it. You begged Steve to snap a photo, promising that this would be the only favor you ask of him for the next few hours, and went to hitch one leg over the metal fence. You settled yourself on top, hands gripping the railing and trying not to fall. You started to laugh uncontrollably as the fence started hurting your bottom, begging Steve to snap the photo quicker.      
‘Take the damn picture, you big oaf!’     
‘Well, then hold still!’     
‘It’s hurting my ass!’     
The third stop was the final one, somewhere in Iowa and deep in the forest. You complained about how Fury warned you of motels, that you would have to seek shelter elsewhere to avoid being recognized. You could easily blend in, but the mountain of muscle beside you would blow your cover. And you wanted to arrive in California undetected by the media.       
Steve drove the car into a dark and secluded part of the forest, ground that seemed used by campers often and had an emergency phone and landline nearby. It was secret enough, so you parked the car and retrieved the blankets from the trunk.      
“You taking the back?” Steve asked, jumping back into the car and rubbing his hands together because of the chilly weather. His face was flushed from just a few seconds out in the cool breeze, nose frozen and the tip red. He looked younger, you thought, somewhat resembling those renditions of Greeks in renaissance art.      
“You’ve been driving all day. You should stretch your legs,” you answered, already wrapping the blanket up to your shoulders and securing it around your neck.      
“You sure? We can alternate.”     
You smiled, already feeling the effects of the warmth on your tired body, “I’m sure, Steve. Get some rest and I’ll drive in the morning.”     
Steve exited the car after turning it off - sucks that you had to save the gas - and hopped into the backseat. He kicked off his shoes and lay across the connected seat, facing you. He could see the outline of your nose as you tilted your head slightly to the side, the blanket wrapped around your neck and hiding the real length of your hair. It resembled a bob cut by how half of it was hidden, and Steve thought that hairstyle would suit you.      
Your personal phone rang, cutting through the comfortable silence and startling the both of you. You fumbled it in your hand and looked back at Steve, face falling as you showed him the name.      
“Answer it on the third ring.”     
You did as Steve told you, answering the phone on the third ring and preparing your voice. He scrambled for the tape recorder, pressing ‘play’ as soon as he could.      
“You rarely call me. To what do I owe the pleasure?” you answered.      
His voice sounded hoarse over the phone, almost like he had just finished smoking a pack of cigarettes. “Are you attending?”    
“My dear sister is getting married, Seda. Of course I’m going to embarrass her.”     
He paused for a few moments, sounding like he was directing the people around him to finish something. But he responded to your answer in a serious tone. “I hope you’re being your usual sarcastic self and aren’t serious.”     
You rolled your eyes and pointed at the phone, and Steve’s lips spread into a smile. “You’ve known me long enough to know, I hope.”     
“I’m hurt,” you joked, voice still light and cheerful. Seda paused on the line again, the sound of papers rustling letting you know the line was still active.      
“I need to know if the Captain is attending too.”     
“He was invited,” you responded, laughing a little at the fact that Seda hadn’t known this information you were sure the rest of your family knew.      
He chuckled, a slight whistle sound letting you know he was smoking another cigarette. “Mm, guess your family is finally meeting your lover, huh?”     
The air in your mouth didn’t make it down to your lungs and you looked at Steve with equally wide eyes. But you didn’t stay fazed for long, responding to such an accusation with ease. “My lover, yes. I’m so damn giddy about that.”     
Seda hummed in satisfaction, “Your father always told you to not get involved with the product. Scrambles your brains from thinking straight. But he applauds you on this one.”     
You put a finger in your mouth and mimicked gagging, causing Steve to cover his mouth to muffle his laugh. “I’ve never mentioned the Captain as my lover before. Why is my father always right?”     
You knew exactly what to say. The more backhanded praise you gave your father only fed into the truth and lies everyone knew - truth being you hated your father because of his power and the lie being that you were just as power hungry as him. As long everyone assumed you wanted this power, the more you had to act like you hated your father’s.      
“He knows more than he lets on. You know that.”     
“I know a lot of things.”     
Seda continued, “No friends allowed, anyway. So, if the Captain isn’t your lover then… we may have problems. Is there a problem?”     
You kept your voice at a steady volume, “I said I was with him, didn’t I? Have you seen the man?”          
“Seen him, heard him speak. So righteous and dull. Not really your type.” Seda was growing impatient with the conversation, clearly angry that he hadn’t caught a slip or lie from you.      
You scrunched your face in disgust, “Ew, don’t think you know my type.”     
     “Buck, ‘my type’ is back home with a warm chicken noodle soup in my lap and a couple of loose papers at my disposal,” Steve whined, trying to keep the same pace as his overly enthusiastic friend as he hurried down the sidewalk.      
“She’s such a knockout, Steve! I’m sure she’ll love you.”     
Steve couldn’t help but blush at Bucky’s kind words, the hype always repairing some parts of Steve’s broken self-esteem and reminding him of his worth. But it was his third date this month and rejection was starting to seem like his favorite sport. No matter what he did - offering a girl some peanuts, accidentally stepping on her (once!) feet while dancing, or simply not living up to Bucky’s gracious advertising - women just weren’t interested.      
“You know that’s not true, Buck. Can’t we just have a quiet night in?”     
Bucky stopped and guided them into the nearby alley, both to knock some sense into his friend and to give Steve a break from the tiny jog.      
“Listen here, Steve. Any girl would be lucky to be with you-”     
“Buck, we’ve been through this-”     
“Let me finish,” Bucky shushed him, hands on Steve’s shoulders to steady both him and himself. “Any girl would be lucky to be with you. If this one doesn’t see you how I see you, then she’s just insane.”     
Steve smirked, “Don’t insult the girl before I’ve even met her, jerk.”     
Bucky smiled, his high cheeks pushing up to create crinkles by his eyes. “Trust me, pal. You just need to find a woman with as big of a mouth as you.”     
Steve swatted his friend across his chest, laughs rumbling in both their chests and down the once quiet alleyway.      
     “What hotel are you staying at?” Seda quickly asked, ignoring your quip. You were done with this conversation as it was leading nowhere.      
“Staying at one where no one can hear the Captain scramble my brains. Goodbye,” you replied, an annoyance in your tone that even Seda would believe as natural.      
“See you soon.”     
You let Seda end the call, a little power play you allowed him to have. God, it was gonna feel good to take him down.     
Steve shifted in his seat, stopping the recorder in time for his question. He cleared his throat awkwardly, “Why did your dad assume we were a couple?”     
You gave him a tiny chuckle, pulling the blanket back over your shoulders and settling back into your seat. “I don’t know why that man says anything anymore. I guess they just expected it.”     
No matter how many years passed, both awake or frozen, Steve never did quite understand the sexual appeal that lingered around his name. No matter how many times Bucky joked about it, no matter the amount of social media posts, no matter anything - he just didn’t seem to understand why people thought he was a ladies man. 
You snuggled deeper into your blanket, scanning the outside woods one last time just in case. “You wouldn’t risk your reputation and status for me unless you were fucking me, I guess.”
You turned your head to him and sighed, “They think I’m the whore of the family. It’s just too funny sometimes.”
Steve’s face fell, “I’m sorry about that.”
You shuffled in your blanket to pull your arm out and wave it in the air.  “Used to it.” 
Steve didn’t press further, deciding to lay back finally to find a cozier position. It was quiet for a few minutes, just breathing and slight motion disturbing the silence. You opened your eyes and stared at the moonlight hitting the steering wheel. By the sound of Steve’s breathing, you knew he wasn’t fully asleep yet. So you allowed yourself the smallest confession, a crack in the door Steve was figuratively standing outside of.
“My sister is his prized possession, though.”
Steve didn’t respond, but from the sound of the blanket moving you could tell he had turned to face you. 
“Never knew why.”
Steve pondered your words for a long time, long after your breathing became slower and tiny snores left your mouth. He didn’t exactly know what to say or what to do. It wasn’t like you dropped top secret information on him or anything, but it made him wonder just why in the world your father hated you so much. 
You had done everything asked of you. You were controlled, tortured mentally everyday, having to endure and make decisions that Steve knew you didn’t want any part of. Your father should be thanking you for keeping his business afloat, for expanding it, for roping Steve’s own name into that life. As he contemplated any rational reason for such hate, he heard your soft snore turn into an innocent purr, and he felt himself leaning more into a mutual understanding. It frightened him, gripping his reality by the throat, because Steve actually knew why. That innocence he saw with you, no doubt had presented itself to your father involuntarily and your father knew. 
He knew you were good at heart. 
Taglist: @dumb-ass-writer​ @justab-eautifulmess​ @supraveng​ @mycosmicparadise​
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watchtheworldargue · 4 years
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egg magazine, april 1990. interview with Michael Hutchence
transcription below :)
Michael Hutchence on Lower Broadway
By Hal Rubenstein \ Photography by Steven Meisel
Globe-hopping is hell on a wardrobe and hard on the feet. Sometimes you have to get out of the limo to spend your money.
Michael Hutchence rarely comes to New York without luggage monogrammed INXS or Max Q, so one would think that on a visit without portfolio, the last thing he'd want to do is add on more baggage. But given a free day, a book of tickets, and our offer to go anywhere to do anything, Hutchence got into the limo with an agenda we could hardly call a new sensation. What kept us from sulking was that he hadn't left the devil outside.
Michael: You think we can load this car up with Yamamoto, Comme des Garcons, and Armani by 6?
Hal: Driver, step on it. Down to Grand and make a left.
[The car turns onto Union Square West.]
Isn't there a club on the corner here?
The Underground.
That's the one that keeps surviving regardless of how many people get shot there. How many are they up to?
No one's quite sure.
Where are we now? I don't recognise this.
This strip of lower Broadway didn't exist last time you were here. Now it's like a mall-less town's Main Street.
And Tower Records is City Hall. Not bad. It's wild to see this much activity because people around the world now talk about New York in terms of decay, how New York is such a rude place, and we keep telling them, No, New Yorkers are quite friendly, we like it there. New Yorkers are just very honest. They don't have time to bullshit. I like New York because people are linked to each other. L.A. Is fun, but segregated. Here there is a metro, and a different philosophy of getting around so there's rich upon poor upon rich. The only thing I don't remember is how many homeless are asleep on Park Avenue and everywhere else. Or is it my imagination?
No, it's real. How come you choose to live in Hong Kong instead of Australia?
For about three years, I thought it didn't matter where I lived. But I kept passing through it again. I grew up there, from when I was four until twelve. My dad still lives there. It has great energy, like New York. And it's ten hours closer to the world than Australia is. If you travel a lot, it adds up.
[We enter the Yohji Yamamoto store.]
So austere. Do they go wild if you hand back anything wrinkled? Those clothes over there are good acid-house colors. Has acid house caught on here?
Not like in England.
That's 'cause New York has bad radio. Are these dogs always here? They must sleep in the shoes. Ooh, look at these here. Not very me, but very Star Trek. $500 for a T-shirt. I see. I'll buy six. No, twelve. Now, here is something very stagy. Ultraflouncy. I like that, but the general consensus might kill my career.
Is what you wear onstage the same as you wear off?
I sort of smush them all together. My favorite piece of clothing is a leather jacket I had made for me that says “Hutch” in chain mail on the back.
Did Michael Schmidt make it for you?
Yeah – how'd you know? He's great. He sort of looks like a beautiful snake. He loves all the Hollywood stuff, but he's so sincere when he talks about it. Almost makes me like it. Is there somewhere funkier we can go, like Yankel's House of Pile? I saw that on the way down.
If you want old clothes, we should go to Cheap Jack's.
[We head back up to Broadway and 13th Street. Several young ladies on the corner stare at Hutchence as he enters Cheap Jack's.]
Do you enjoy recognition?
Depends on where I am.
Like when you're out on your own. Shopping, for instance.
Shopping, yeah, 'cause I get discounts. And there is a definite bonus to recognition when I'm onstage.
It makes the night go faster. But I'm not an institution yet. Sometimes I think about how hard it must be for someone like Bob Hope to go for a stroll. I don't really get hassled. I can stand in the middle of a street in London, or even New York, and usually nothing happens. I don't think I have that distinctive of a face. I got recognized in Tangier once, going by in a taxi, very fast … from a distance … in a fog … during monsoon season. Just kidding. It's odd how once you are conscious of being watched, you stop being so self-conscious because you realize there's nothing you can do about it. Of course, nobody in Hong Kong gives a shit who I am.
Aren't people there freaking about the city's eventual realignment with China?
Thousands are leaving a year, but they're the ones who can afford to leave, to give Australia half a million to let them in, though a lot more are going to Vancouver or New Zealand instead because they've heard, and it's fairly true, about Australia's racism.
It's actually more like unconscious racism. There's a naivete to it that you might call charming if it wasn't so sick. See, most foreigners don't realize – because we refuse to believe it ourselves – that Australia is southern Asia. Australia is linked to England in everyone's minds.
Yet most Australians don't have the faintest idea why the Japanese tried to invade us during the Second World War, and can't understand why they might not have wanted any foreigners on the biggest island in the Asian paradise. If we had lost, my home would be covered in rice paddies by now. Australia would have been Japan's Great Plains, their grain barrel.
I've never met one Australian who knows that. We have it so easy in Australia. It's very easy to live there. Tougher than it was before, but that's because five years ago it was ridiculous. I used to live in a three-story, five-bedroom house. It cost me $20 a week.
Did you make that much playing music?
Nah, but so what, we were all on the dole. Everyone went on it. That's one of the reasons you have so many bands in Australia. It's cheap to live and collect, so all the bands go on it. You wouldn't even have to go pick up your employment check; they'd mail it to you or transfer it to your account. Ready cash. I guess because there is such an anti-authoritarian vibe in Australia that people are quite happy to accept government checks. “Aw, screw 'em” - that's the attitude. Lots of people accept four and five checks or even have jobs. It's very lax. That's why we're stuck with the tall-poppy syndrome.
Don't be successful, don't rise above your mates, or you'll get chopped. It's weird. It's the don't-leave-the-pub way of life. I think people in America are generally happy for someone's good fortune; they know how to let themselves go. In Australia, they go, “Good, mate,” and don't ask a single question. There are no celebrations for a job well done. I'm still shocked at how Americans cheer you on when they like you. I know you don't fancy it anymore, but I like phrases like “dress for success.”
And that's why you're shopping here?
I love hideous ties. Girls love 'em. Dunno why. Its like red socks. Are the playing Richard Hell? I haven't heard this song in 20 years. God, you must hear better music in clothing stores than you do anywhere else in New York. All these baseball jackets are so cheap. You know what they pay for these in Australia? I should buy the whole lot, take them back. I'd never have to tour again. I could get 150 to 200 bucks just for the ratty ones. I think this is the first clothing store I've been in that wasn't playing videos.
Are videos big in Australia?
We've actually been involved in music video a whole lot longer than in America. Because we are so far away, the only way we've had to understand all this music flying around the world is through video. Since the '50s, even when it was only 10 minutes a week, Aussie tv has been showing music videos.
And we don't censor the way you guys do. The “Way of the World” single is a very serious song, but MTV is quite shy of the video, you should note – I say this diplomatically. They censor here for all the wrong reasons. Like it's okay to stare at Cher's crotch for four minutes, but it's hard to say something truthful about the state of the world.
Could it be because with a group that's become as wildly successful as INXS has, it's inevitable that favorable reaction always turns?
I don't think INXS has reached that point yet. Give us four more years. We've only recently become hip in England. At the beginning, they hated our guts.
'Cause we are Australians writing pop music, why else? They don't make much in England, apart from nice jumpers and Jaguars, and one of the few things they can claim some turf on is pop music. So, they're not happy when someone else does it. It's a standard trait of island people; they're very territorial.
But you guys are island people too.
Yeah, but we got a bigger island. Now, if we can just get rid of some competition from the expatriate colonies.
Isn't it enough already with this rivalry between Australia and England? L.A. And New York have settled their feud.
England still treats Australia like we're descendants of convicts. Well, I guess we are, aren't we? We're trying to get rid of them, but unfortunately, they're coming back with money and buying up half the country. Don't you resent the Japanese buying Rockefeller Center?
I resent the Rockefellers more.
[Having tried on everything and bought nothing, Hutchence decides against old clothes. We head down to If boutique.]
Armand Basi. Nice stuff. That Claude Montana is fabulous, but God, this stuff is expensive. We don't know anyone here for a discount, do we? My father used to design clothes for a shop in Hong Kong called Dynasty. Glitzy evening wear for too much money. One year, when we did our first tour, we bough ta lot of Sprouse, real colorful stuff, and we spent a fortune, especially when you consider it's disposable fashion. All it had to do was last a month. All the buttons fell off, it shrunk, seams opened up. We would have been more upset, but it made us homesick for the mother country. Disposable fashion is very English. The nice thing about it when it comes from there, however, is that even though the stuff falls apart, it's cheap.
Ah, I like this. Very sexy, very smart. Basi, right? I found the best underwear. I think it's called Nikos. Someone gave it to me last night. Well, that's a plug. No names, please. These pants might go with the Basi shirt. [Like Navy pants, they have over a dozen buttons instead of a fly.] Not good clubwear. Certainly not quick enough to please me.
Your choice of underwear would have to be very discreet.
And always clean. Maybe these pants come with a catheter. Should I ask the shopgirl? [He raises his arm to call her and, wincing, puts it down.]
Just realized a colostomy bag wouldn't hurt?
No. I think I have a cracked rib, from too much fun the other night at Inflation, this super club in Melbourne. Melbourne has some of the best clubs in the world. Great people. Amazing clubs. Sydney has nothing. Boring as hell. Nice place if you're a surfer. Really pretty, like L.A. But very corrupt, Sydney. Everyone is always paying everyone off. That's why you can't afford to do a club there. It's like, in order to get a club license, all the other nightclub owners have to agree to your having a license. And four people control the voting on that. Melbourne now has a club called Razor that is so exciting. It used to an automobile club, especially popular during the '50s, where people used to talk about their cars, you know, with photos of Mini-Minors making hairpin turns around corners. Like a racing club, I guess, except for slower cars. Razor gets the best people.
[He picks up a pair of huge, get-lost-in-the-rain-forest-and-survive black shoes and delights.]
Many people have shoe fetishes. I guess it's around the world actually, not just with Imelda. I think people are probably just jealous of her because they secretly wanted so many pair. But these are big, like size big. Are Americans getting larger feet, or do they just want more room? I always notice shoes when I'm here.
There's almost like a $100 tax on shoes in Australia. Like a pair that will cost you $50 here will cost you almost $200 in Australia. A pair of Levi's cost $100. I never buy furniture in Australia, either, and I have an obsession with furniture the way Americans love shoes. It's a shame I don't have an obsession with homes, too, since I have no place to put all the furniture. I have it stored all over the world.
Let me get the Basi shirt, and then I want to buy records. I would get them later, but I just remembered I have a friend coming in tonight for only one night. He and his father are trying to get down to Nicaragua. They're helping Ortega keep the Contras back. Good luck. What's so weird about their going is that these guys are publishing magnates in England. Entrepreneurs. They should be serious Thatcherites, but they just hate Thatcher. Real lefties.
If everyone is so vocal of their dislike of her, how come she's so strong?
The British love her because they love to be miserable; they love to complain. Thatcher's become irrepressible. She's finally showing signs of faltering, except she's winning by default, because no one wants to put Kinnock in, either. It's like your Dan Quayle. What an alternative.
Are Australians political?
It's compulsory to vote, if you want to call that political. Frankly, nobody particularly gives a fuck. That doesn't mean Australians are not aware people. I think they know more about what's going on in the rest of the world than the average American, but that's because they have to compensate for being in the middle of nowhere. They're more concerned about international politics, about the environment. Every time the Americans come into Sydney harbor with their nuclear ships and submarines, there's always 5,000 people telling them to fuck off.
But the hell with domestic politics?
Do you know anything about our system? It's built on a bickering sort of war. The front page is always about politicos throwing shit at each other, spending more time insulting each other than governing.
Mind you, they are really very good at it. It's a fine Australian tradition of political insult. Listening to parliament is hilarious - “Shut up, you bastard!” - and that's our prime minister, Bob Hawke. He's in the Guinness Book of World Records for having drunk a yard of beer in record time. He is actually a brilliant leader, a Rhodes scholar at Oxford, and he has done a bloody good job, considering the apathy he's up against. What he should be real pleased about its restoring pride in being Australian, particularly after all that nonsense when the governor general dismissed Prime Minister Whitlam in 1975.
How was that possible without the consent of the Australian parliament?
We're still a colony. I think a lot of us were cynical after that. They felt like puppets. Probably had something to do with the CIA. The good old CIA. I'm in their files, I found out. That they should waste their time on me. I'm listed as subversive, for my lyrics to “Guns in the Sky” and because I once threw condoms out to the audience in Northern Australia.
How is that subversive?
The more north you get in Australia, the more it is like the South in America. The man who ran Queensland, one of the biggest states in Australia, was this guy, Joh Peterson, who was in power for over 20 years. Peterson was this sort of South African leftover who arrived in Australia, and he made things illegal, like sex education, abortion, condoms to minors – you couldn't have the vending machines in clubs. [You can now.] Well, I slandered him, and so I got taken to court, where he was thrown out of office from the corruption uncovered during the proceedings.
Did that make you a hero down there?
Say what, mate? This is Australia, remember. Our heroes are bushrangers, outlaws, and sporting stars. If you're an athlete, you can get away with anything.
[Hutchence purchases the Basi shirts, and then we head to Tower Records at the corner. A street person approaches us.]
is this the official mugging committee?
Street person: “Ooh, ooh, here they come in their limo, straight from Saks Fifth Avenue. Board of directors, how you doing, moneys, you big-time decision makers. Uh-oh, who's you? You must be a rock man. Stand aside for the rock man.”
They always pick on me.
“I want to give you something, man. Some humility. But there's only enough for one.”
I don't care for some, but humility is something we can spread around.
“Hey man, this is for seriously. You will love this humility. No side effects, no speed. Say yes, and I can be back in an hour.”
[We go through the revolving door and right to the rock section; within three minutes, Max Q is playing on the system.]
That's good, somebody knows it's out.
[Hutchence buys albums by Ciccone Youth, Camper Van Beethoven, Soul II Soul, Grace Jones, Shakespear's Sister, Jesus and Mary Chain, and Suicidal Tendencies. As he is paying for them, he spots a postcard stand that features a picture of him.]
Holy shit. When did they take this thing? What a bizarre likeness. I hardly know this guy. This is not an approved photo. [He gets the attention of a young lady behind the counter.] Excuse me, please, this is not an approved photo. It's a pirate. Do you know where you get these from?
Salesgirl: “No idea.”
Can you find out?
“Why, do you want to buy a lot of them?”
See, I told you no one recognizes me.
[We walk outside and the street person comes up to him again.]
Street person: “I know who you are.”
Who am I?
“You are someone who's gonna give me a lot of money.”
How much you want?
“Just give me one of those bills, thank you. Now I'm officially your biggest fan. Just tell me what you want to buy.”
I must be dressed for success.
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dlamp-dictator · 3 years
Allen X’s Gacha Rules for a ‘Good’ Gacha Game (Featuring Arknights)
Hey look, that Arknights essay came quicker than I thought.
Continuing on my goal of finishing up all my years-old drafts by the end of February, I think it’s pretty damn convenient that I glanced over this half-finished opinion piece just in time for the next limited banner for Arknight’s CN server to be announced. This is a topic I’ve been wanting to cover for awhile now. If there was anything that was a decent marker for Allen X’s gaming experience these past 4-ish years it was the fact that he got real into Gacha Games. I’ve dipped my toe into quite a few different Gacha phone games over the years. AFK Arena, Granblue Fantasy, Girls Frontline, and even an Ikkitousen gacha game at one point. And of course Arknights, which is my current main gacha game at the moment.  
Honestly, the only thing I didn’t play was Fate/Grand Order, and for damn good reason, but one thing at a time.
Anyway, with all that time I spent playing these games I’ve slowly given myself a ruleset and mindset for how I handle these gacha games. And I figured I’d talk about how I go about playing some of them, some of the experiences I’ve gained, and what I look into when it comes to the money portion of playing a ‘free-to-play’ game. I’ll mostly be talking about Arknights since it’s the main gacha game I’ve been playing for the past year and I don’t play two of these at once for damn good reason. 
So, with that all said, let’s start off with... 
Point 1: Methods of Ten-Pulls
For those new, the typical loop for most gacha games is to roll for rare characters and use them to complete segments of the game, whether for their looks, stats, or playstyle (but mostly looks). The characters themselves are usually drawn in an attractive and appealing way, along with having abilities and statistics that are desirable from a gameplay perspective, at least those of a higher rarity. The more you pull and buy into the gacha, the higher the chance you get for a rare character. Some games have deals where you pull can pull for free with some in-game resource like Girls Frontline, and more commonly the game encourages you to pull 10 at a time to increase your chances. 
For any good gacha game, I feel you should be able to pull for free at a fair rate. That varies a lot depending the game mechanics at play, how the game handles duplicate pulls, the rarity rate of gacha pulls, and so on, but in general if you can pull 10 times every two weeks I’ll consider the game fair, at least on that front. 
Arknights is actually a pretty good example of this. Headhunting aside, you can pull 4 times a day using in-game resources in the recruitment section of the menu, but those pulls tend to be a lot more common and not viable in the endgame like some of the ones you get in headhunting. And even without the recruitment section you can usually ten-pull about twice a month if you do the daily and weekly missions plus the weekly Annihilation missions. When I first discussed Arknights in this regard I had some confusion about how Annihilation worked and assumed it reset monthly. I apologize if I misled people with that statement. 
Anyway, by doing all the activities and missions that give you Orundum, the gacha currency, you should be able to collection about 10,000 Orundum every month, which is one guaranteed ten-pull a month. This is a little under what I would had preferred for Arknights and there’s a good chance I’m missing a free source of Orundum somewhere (and I’m rounding down to play it safe), but... it’s fair enough. 
But onto my second point.
Point 2: Premium Currency in Relation to Real-World Currency.
In short, I should have a clear idea how much it cost to pull a character if I was going to whale. Typically, in most gacha games you can purchase a premium currency in order to pull characters with real world money. The amount can vary from game to game, but there should be a clear idea of how much it cost to pull for a character. 
As a free-to-play game, most gacha games do need some kind of reliable income. Let’s be real here, this game doesn’t run on happiness and sunshine and I don’t mind giving money to products I want to see succeed and continue, but if it takes 20 bucks to ten-pull I’m going to find that ridiculous unless the gacha rate is in highly my favor.
Arknights uses Originium Prime as it’s premium currency, an item that can be transferred into 180 Orundum per unit. One Originium Prime costs one dollar. You need about 33 Originium Prime to get the 6,000 Orundum needed to pull ten times, or a little over 3 Originium Prime to pull once using 600 Orundum. This means on average it costs around $33 to pull on command.
This is absurd for a tower defense game.
Now, Originium Prime does a lot more than let you engage with the gacha, but the brass tacks of this is that for every ten-pull you do you could just as easily get 3 games off a Steam sale, maybe more. I also think I should note that Arknight’s store lets you buy 40 Originium Prime for $30 as a bundle, cutting that cost to about 75 cents per Originium Prime. There’s also an option for 66 Originium Prime for $50, but that for just a little over 75 cents per Originium Prime if my math is correct. Either way, Arknights is asking for quite the price to engage in one of its main mechanics. 
And yes, you can gain Originium Prime in game by perfect-clearing stages and clearing the challenge modes, but there’s a finite a moment of those stages and events maps are pretty scarce in Arknights, coming around once every two-ish months with about 15-20 chances for Originium Prime. As a casual player this is... fine, but for folks that rush the endgame this is... a tad much. 
Now, I’m a casual player. I don’t rush to the latest content and I don’t try and min-max a gacha game of all things. As much I mostly just buy a monthly pack that grants me about 300 Orundum for free daily for 30 days and 6 Originium Prime upon purchase. This makes the grind a little easier and it’s a cheap way to show monetary support to the development team. However, I do recognize there are people that do these min-max and rush content and my opinion of these folks aside I think those folks probably spend the most money as well, undeservedly so. But this is more a discussion of the individual person and not the gacha community as a whole.
So... moving on...
Point 3: Late Game Viability as a Free-to-Play
To me, it should never feel like you need the gacha to finish the game or get to the endgame content. For a free to play game, you should be able to at least finish the initial pre-update content without needing to try and a pull a rare character to get you through a hard segment of the game. Events and Post-Launch stuff have a bit of wiggle room, but overall I don’t think you should need a team of the rarest characters to just beat the game, at least not a meta-team. That doesn’t mean the desire to pull can’t be there, but at least for the launch-content, you should be able to finish it out as a free-to-play player. Thankfully, most games (most good games) will give you a pretty decent team to work with if you truly have bad luck with rolls. Girls Frontline is a good example of this.
Arknights... isn’t as generous as I’d like it to be.
In Arknights, by the end of Chapter 4, with limited engagement of the Gacha, you’ll have handful of 4-Stars that can be leveled to the late game with decent stats, Amiya, and an assortment of 3 stars that can technically get you through those first four chapters if used and placed wisely. But some four stars like Gavial, Courier, and Dur-nar are time-limited if I remember correctly, so as of me typing this there’s no reliable way to get some of those characters.
Meanwhile, in Girls Frontline you got most of team Anti-Rain by the mid-game pre-updates, a group of 4-star guns that had already great utility and with half of their members being in the meta of the pre-update endgame content, and are still viable to this day if I remember correctly. 
This is a major point of contention I have with Arknights. I think they’re fairer than most gacha games, but I’ll admit they don’t like giving handouts, not as many as I’d prefer anyway. Even the stingy AFK Arena gave you more stuff after maintenance updates and the like, and I hate the fact that I complimented AFK Arena on anything.
But onto my last point.
Point 4: 5-Star/SSR Rates Must be Around 4% or Higher.
This is the main reason I’ll never touch F/GO (along with other reasons). Every gacha game should, statistically, guarantee a five-star/SSR/highest-tier rarity after 30 pulls. Any more than that and you’re playing with a rigged slot machine by my standards. Like I said, the main goal of most gacha games is to get you pulling for these are fancily drawn jpegs and pngs, and while those characters technically have gameplay function and even limited animation in certain non-gameplay settings, they’re still pictures nonetheless. And if I have to dip more than 30 times to get something good then what’s the point.
Again, using Arknights, their 5-Stars are at a rather generous 8%, but their 6-Stars being at a tad crueler 2%. By all accounts, I shouldn’t be touching Arknights because of this, but due to the nature of how busted Six-Stars are and a few other details like base functions, potential levels, and some other factors in Arknights gameplay, I let this slide for the moment.
Regardless, I shouldn’t take more than 20 pulls to get a highly rated unit of some sort. The details of the specific unit can be discussed at a later date, but my point remains.
Also, any gacha game that mixes accessories and characters in the same pull pool is equally unplayable. Characters have utility and gameplay functions that can be used for multiple strategies and methods, along with out-of-game benefits ala the base mechanics of Arknights depending on the game. Accessories and items are stat buffs in game where grinding levels is already purposely tedious. Anything making that act more of a hinderance is honestly trying to rob you blind and should be avoided like the plague.
Now... one more thing to talk about. 
About Arknights Specifically
You know... between me bitching about Chapter 7, bitching about Chapter 6, bitching about 7-18, and bitching about Code of Brawl I get the feeling you all think I hate Arknights. 
Trust me, I only whine and moan because I love this game and the people who made it, I wouldn’t waste my breath or keystrokes otherwise. 
That said, I would like to see some things change about Arknights on a foundational level. I’ll try and keep this short, but no promises.
Endgame Team for Free
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This is the team you have to work with for 6-7 because of story reasons and I think this team should gained for free to by the end of chapter 6, everyone in this squad should be in your rooster by the end. Even Blaze, her kit is good, but not as busted as Silverash so she wouldn’t shatter the game’s difficulty. This team overall is very well balanced for end game content and has all the essentials to get through it. E2 medics and guards, cheap vanguards and defenders for last minute placements to stall, a good sniper that can do solid burst damage, some specialists just in case you need to manipulate enemy movement and path detection. I believe you can get Rope, FEater, and Myrrh free, but Blaze and Greythroat for reliable lategame damage feels like a must. And I see nothing wrong with giving out those two for free anyway, especially for what was near endgame content at the time and how pivotal Blaze and Greythroat were to the storyline of Chapter 6. And yes I feel the same way about Rosmontis in Chapter 7 too. She’s actually a pretty niche unit and a 6-Star that’s expensive to upgrade, just having her in your pocket wouldn’t shatter the game like it would be if you gave us, again, Silverash.
Gacha Rates
I think arguing for cheaper prices with the Originium Prime is a fools errand because corporations will never listen, but I’ll at least say this. The rules of the gacha that followed the WWE Banner should be for all future banner. You should get a banner-specific currency that lets you outright buy the rare units on said banner if you have bad enough luck. You needed to pull 300 times to get W or Weedy and about 50 times to get  Elysium. I feel like both of these should be cut in half. Going by the math I previously did counting that requirement in half would mean only doing 15 ten-pulls, about 495 Originium Prime (89,100 Orundum) or a little over $370 for a limited operator.
This is still absurd for a tower defense game, but it is a far more fair than the original system.
Other Small Quality of Life Changes
A quick pull for recruitment operators so we don’t have to see the bag animation 4 times over. Girls Frontline had something similar by the time I left and it was all the better for it. 
A similar form of auto-play to Girls Frontline where you can send in one of your 4 squads to auto play a map off screen a number of times and come back later when they’re down for materials at the cost of extra sanity. 
Have a Orundum be a log-in reward. Again, something Girls Frontline did and I think coughing out 1,000 Orundum once a week wouldn’t kill anyone.
Buff Amiya goddammit. Either remove/shorten the stun on her S2 to make her have reliable (if random) magical burst damage or remove the instant retreat on her S3 so she can become a hard-hitting damage unit at the cost of a high SP cost and cooldown timer. Don’t give major drawbacks to your only non-event free 5-Star when Silverash exists. When Click and Haze has more viability than your main character you have a problem.
Anyway, that’ll be it for me. Next time... I talk about something that isn’t me bitching.
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starbuckie · 4 years
Some Quarantine Lovin’  Chapter 1: A Phone Call
Marvel Highschool! AU
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Obscene amounts of fluff, kissing, swearing, kinda a lot of angst
Description: Bucky Barnes is absolutely, no doubt about it, in love with Y/N L/N. He’s loved her since the day he laid eyes on her in the third grade. He loved her when he had his own girlfriend, and when he was barely friends with her for a whole summer. And of course, in his freshman year, they are now stuck together. In a house. During a worldwide quarantine. This should be fun.
Words: 2,272 words
A/N: Hey y’all, I’m back. Here’s the new and improved chapter, because the last one was a but messed up. Thank you so much for the likes and reblogs, they mean so much to me. I’ve been having a lot of fun writing this series, and I’m excited for the rest of the series. I’ll probably be posting weekly, so thanks for sticking with me. 
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Y/N walked into the office, pep in her step and a huge smile on her face. Dear God, she hoped her parents said yes. Her parents loved Bucky a lot, they always told him every chance they could, but she didn’t know if they would even allow this. She took a deep breath, and looked into the eyes of the administrative assistant at the desk. “Hey Mr. Coulson, how are you this morning?” Y/N asked.
“Y/N, how many times do I have to ask you to call me Phil,” Phil chuckled, “you’re making me feel so old!”
“Sorry Phil,” she replied, “could I call my mom real quick?” Though she had a phone herself, her school’s cell service was absolute crap, and her phone refused to connect to the wifi, bringing her to the office to use the school phone. She usually tried to avoid the office at all costs, but this call meant everything to her. 
“Sure, what for?” This is where she knew it would get tricky. If it was anything besides an injury, illness, or being sent home, the office would not allow her to call home. They were strict like that.
So, without any other choice, she lied. “I’m not feeling too good right now. My head hurts so much, and it's pounding a lot.” She put on her best show of weakness.
Phil frowned. “I’m sorry to hear that. Do you want any Advil? I think it’ll help your head feel better.” He moved his hand to his desk drawer and started to open it.
“Actually, it’s my head and my stomach. They both don’t feel good. And I hurt my foot. A lot.” She knew she was laying it on thick, but she leaned on her right foot to make it seem as if she couldn’t bear to put pressure on the other. Phil knew something was up, but he only narrowed his eyes and nodded.
“The extension is a one before the area code.” He said, but she was already fake-limping as fast as she could to the room next door. 
“Thanks Phil!” She yelled back. Y/N made it to the door, opened it, and peered inside to make sure the lounge was empty. Once she knew she was in the clear, she rushed to the phone to dial her mom’s work number in. Pressing it to her ear, it ringed a few times, until she heard the static and her mom’s voice.
“Hello there, Mary L/N, how can I help you?” Her mom’s cheery voice made her calm down a bit, but then she remembered her mission.  
“Hey mom, it’s me Y/N” 
“Oh hey sweetie, what’s up?”
Y/N decided to try and get this out fast to lessen the blow. “Y’know Bucky, right?”
Her mom’s chuckle was heard through the phone. “Of course, he’s been your friend since the third grade.”
“And how he’s living with his dad and Becca alone?” Her mom’s hum of agreement prompted her to say her next words. “I was wondering if Bucky and Becca could stay here during quarantine. And, before you say anything, I know that you’re gonna say we don’t have any supplies, but we do! We still have the baby crib for Becca, and Bucky can just stay in my room like normal, and it’ll be like a sleepover. A very long sleepover.” Y/N winced at the awkward phrasing of her last few words.
She could hear her mom’s sigh through the phone, and the thoughts running around in her head. “But, even with all that, and I really hate to bring this up too, what are we gonna do about money? We’ll have to buy resources for not three, but six people.” Y/N’s shoulders slumped at her words, and she exhaled through her nose deeply. 
Suddenly, like a godsend, she got a text from her sister. Thank whatever god is watching over cell phone service to allow them to receive this text, she thought as she read it. 
“Hey mom, Ria just texted, she’s staying with her boyfriend for quarantine.” She was sure her mom could hear the huge smile through her voice, but in the moment she didn’t care. Y/N was desperate for her mom to agree, because she knew that he and his sister wouldn’t be safe. Bucky would always be her priority, even if he didn’t love her back the same way. “Mom, I know that this is huge, but we used to have him over for weeks at a time. This will be the same. If you need me to, I can use all the money that I made over the summer, I can pay for Becca’s food, and the formula, and oh god, what else does a baby need-”
She was abruptly interrupted by her mom. “You will be owing me big time. Your dad is going to murder me.” Y/N grinned widely at her mom's words. She couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t fucking believe it. Her mom was allowing this. Bucky would be safe. Becca would be safe. “Before you go off running to talk to Buck, I should tell you to tell him that I need to voice a few concerns and rules.”
“Okay mom, thank you so, so much. I appreciate this so much, and I know Bucky and Becca will too. I’m gonna go tell him right now.”
“You’re welcome. God, I can’t believe we’re doing this.” Mrs. L/N wasn’t upset about it, no, she was ecstatic to get the Barnes children away from their asshole of a father, but she was going to get to care for them for however long the shelter and place would be going on. “Stop by the Barnes’ house and grab Becca and their things before you get home okay? Unless Mr. Barnes is there, then come straight home and I’ll go with you. You should also leave a note, if you can go inside.”
“You got it, mom. Again, thank you so, so much for this, but I gotta go back to the library to meet Steve and Buck. I love you tons!” Y/N said hurriedly. She was bursting with excitement to get her two favorite people away from their dad, and a month of spending time with her best guy friend that she happened to be in love with just added to it. 
“I love you so much, Y/N. See you after school.” As soon as her mom hung up, she bolted. She didn’t care if Mr. Coulson saw and questioned her, nor did she care that she was shoving people in the halls and being a large disruption. Y/N burst through the doors of the library, eyes scanning around the room for her two friends. She spotted Steve talking to the librarian, probably about another spelling error he found in the book he was reading. Another time, she would have made fun of him for it, but she marched straight up to him with a determined look.
“Where’s Buck?” She asked. Y/N must have looked slightly insane and menacing with her windswept hair and slightly ruffled shirt, because her tall blond friend looked downright terrified of her. With wide eyes, he pointed to a couch where Bucky sat with his headphones in and watched a video on a school laptop. She nodded towards Steve in thanks, and dashed off to Bucky. As she approached him, she tried to also figure out the best way to say this. Oh god, what if he’s mad? I didn’t ask if this was okay with him.
The shadow that fell over Bucky gave him the notice that someone was near. His blue eyes looked up and met her gaze. “Hey doll.” He took one more glance at her appearance (not like he didn’t stare at her regularly), and asked, “Did you happen to get caught in a tornado in your hurry to your destination?” They both chuckled, but he could also feel the nervousness and excitement radiating off her. “In all seriousness, what’s up?”
She opened her mouth then closed it. “I need to talk to you. Just you and me. Even though, if you agree to this, the rest of the gang’s gonna find out anyway.”
“Now I’m a little scared, what's happening?”
She took a deep breath.”Well, after you mentioned it earlier, I was reminded that during quarantine, you’d be staying with your dad alone.” Y/N knew it was a little difficult for Bucky to talk about his family, so she decided to break it down slowly to him, even though her nerves were rattling. “And I hate the idea of you and baby Becca staying there, because… y’know.” He nodded his head in understanding, and you got the courage to continue. “Well, I talked to my mom, and she said that you could stay with us. For the quarantine. As long as you need. We love you so much Buck, and so if you wanna, you can stay with us.”
Bucky stared at her with wide eyes, in shock, but soon enough they started to get glassy. God, he couldn’t believe that she would think of him for over break. Y/N was the most selfless and caring person he knew, and he was just in awe of her. He stood up and grasped the girl for a tight hug. His face hid in the crook of her neck, because he was trying so hard not to let anyone see his tears, but he was having trouble controlling the sobs that wracked his body. Thank God they were in the corner of the library with the couches, so no one could see him. Y/N’s hands ran soothingly up his back, and it stayed that way for a few minutes until Bucky finally looked back up at her. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” 
She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. “I would throw myself in front of a moving car for you Buck, okay? Never tell Tasha, but you’re my best friend. I’ll love you forever.” Her arms tightened around his waist again, and his heart was filled with relief and love. “After school we’ll swing by your house and if your father’s not home we’ll grab Becca, your stuff, leave a note for your dad, and go to my place, sound good?”
His heartbeat immediately increased its rate. And there’s the panic. “But what if he is home, Y/N? I don’t wanna leave Becca by herself for any longer than she has to be. And do you have any baby stuff? Or food? She has to have formula, and her food needs to be in this weird food processor thing, I don’t know what it’s called, and oh god-”
“Bucky!” She cut him off with a giggle and a hand over his mouth, which he would’ve probably found hot, had he not been freaking out. “Me and Ria were once babies, we have stuff to take care of Becca. My mom knows all the products she uses, and we have the crib from the last time you came over. And if your dad is home, then we’ll just take Becca with us to my house and have my mom drive us back to yours to get your stuff, so she’ll know we’re okay. We’ll be okay James.” Y/N stared at him dead in the eye, so he knew she was serious. She never, ever used his first name unless she was being earnest. 
He nodded. “We’ll be okay Y/N.” He released her from the hug, not wanting to make it awkward, but he regretted it, as he loved holding her in his arms. Looking to his left, he could see Steve bounding over to them.
“Ms. Moore said I need to stop talking to her about the typos and mistakes in the books, it’s like she’s completely unaffected by the flaws!” He exclaimed, but then he noticed the tears still resting on Bucky’s cheeks. “Hey Buck, you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, just Y/N offered to let me and Becca stay at her house for quarantine.” He sniffled and wiped the cuff of his sweatshirt against his face, looking to Y/N to find her already looking at him. Her small smile grew a little wider catching his eye, and she motioned toward the couch. 
“Let’s get down to work y’all.” The trio sat down on the small couch, Y/N squished in between the two boys. Bucky placed his headphones back on, resuming the video from before, but not really paying attention. No, he was paying more attention to the girl at his side, resting her head on his shoulder as she typed away on her laptop. She managed to be the only one who completed any actual work during their free periods, but she always kept time open to have fun with her friends as well. Bucky couldn’t help but have his lips quirked up at her, leaning back to relax against the cushions.
He turned his head towards her, and whispered in a barely audible voice, “Thank you Y/N.” She looked up at him with her infamous smile and kissed him on the cheek.
“Anytime, Buck.” She turned back to her computer, plugging her earbuds in and softly humming to her music. Her head moved to his chest, and Bucky prayed that she couldn’t hear how fast his heart was thumping, filled with adoration and love. God, how he would love this girl for the rest of his life.
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etherealwaifgoddess · 4 years
One In A Million - Chpt.6
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Summary: Rose spends an idyllic holiday season with the guys before tragedy strikes, threatening to disrupt the timeline that Rose is trying so hard to keep on course.
Word Count: 2.9k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! We’re in full swing relationship mode now and I just adore the whole “stucky x reader” set up. Prepare yourself for sweet fluff and a pinch of angst before even sweeter fluff. Because ya’ll should know by now that’s my jam lol. XOXO - Ash
Chapter Six
Dating the guys turns out to be very similar to what you had been doing up until that point. They come over every other day, sometimes every day if your schedules align. In public Steve is your boyfriend and you happily chit chat with the girls at the office who all are curious about how smitten you are with the tiny, shy, artist. There’s always that ache in your chest though, when you want to share something about Bucky but can’t. He’s your boyfriend’s best friend and while you can tell the occasional story about the three of you hanging out, there’s so much you can’t share. The truth is, Bucky is actually the sweeter of the two. He’s desperately affectionate and tactile with you and Steve. While Steve will spend an afternoon drawing something in his sketch pad, Bucky isn’t happy unless he’s tangled around you like an octopus. You indulge him often, surprised by how easy it is to be close with him. Steve jokes that it’s nice having someone else for Bucky to throw himself on for a change. Not that Steve isn’t affectionate, but he’s more like a cat; coming to you in infrequent bursts when the mood strikes him. 
The holidays come and go quietly. Bucky and Steve head up to visit Bucky’s family for a few days and you stay home eagerly awaiting their return. You made them promise not to get anything but they both show up on your doorstep with gifts in hand when they get back. Steve gives you a sketch of the three of you sprawled out on the sofa together. It’s beautifully done and you promise to keep it on your bedside table. Bucky gives you a pair of the thick woolly socks you steal from him whenever you spend time at their place. They’re your favorite and you’re touched knowing he put a lot of thought into your gift. You grumble about them spending money on you but they ignore it, doing the same when they unwrap their packages. 
You had wanted to get them things they wouldn’t have bought for themselves. Steve has to stop halfway through thanking you for his new art supplies, choking up with emotion until he finally just pulls you in his arms for a hug that lasts for what feels like forever. Bucky actually is rendered speechless by his coat and gloves. He showers you with kisses when his brain finally catches up and you know he’s appreciative of the gift. He had gone without a new coat for a few years now, his getting more worn and threadbare each season. Bucky always claimed getting a warm coat for Steve was the priority, letting his own wait even when it really couldn’t. The gloves were likewise necessary. His hands were always chapped from the bitter cold and dampness down at the docks and they couldn’t afford good leather gloves that would keep his hands dry. 
The three of you spend the whole weekend in your apartment, snuggled safely away from the world. The guys are both gentlemen through and through, volunteering to take the sofa and the floor to sleep on. You know girls aren’t supposed to be so free in the ‘40s but you can’t possibly let them sleep uncomfortably when you have a bed big enough for the three of you to sleep in. Bucky caves first, pointing out that Steve has enough health problems without him sleeping badly and aggravating his back. You lead them both down the hall to your bed where they slip in next to you like they belong there. Bucky claims the middle, the prime cuddling spot, or so he claims, leaving you and Steve to trade amused grins over him. 
New Years Eve and Day are spent at their apartment, Steve claiming it’s only fair since they celebrated Christmas at yours. He cooks up a small hunk of corned beef, simmering it slowly all day with cabbage, potatoes, and other root vegetables he was able to get on sale. It’s quite different than the pork and sauerkraut you’re used to but you go along with their traditions without complaint. You sit around dreaming up plans for 1942 together, places to go and things to do. Bucky mentions the rink at Rockefeller center, everyone has been talking about it since it opened a few years ago and it’s supposed to be quite an experience. Steve agrees it would be a good time and tells Bucky they should start saving now so they can take you before spring comes. You shake your head, “Why wait?” you ask them, “It’s probably still decorated from Christmas. What better time to go than when it’s at it’s best? We can go tomorrow.”
Steve sighs, a tight smile on his face. “We’re just dreamin’, doll. As much as we want to take you, that place is for those fancy Manhattan folks. Last I heard, it was a dollar a skate and then we have the subway cost to get there and back.” 
“So I’ll pay for it, I don’t care. I want to take you two out and do something fun. Start the new year off right.” 
The pinched look on Steve’s face deepens, “We don’t need your charity…”
“My what!?” you bark at him. Bucky has inched back, wisely staying out of the escalating argument. He has enough sisters to know that Steve is not winning this one. 
“I know this isn’t the most traditional relationship but you gotta let us take care of you, doll. Like a man should.”
“Steven. Grant. Rogers.” you grit out in outrage, “If I want to take you out I damn well will. Don’t start with that antiquated, patriarchal, misogynistic bullshit!” 
Steve flushes, his cheeks burning brightly, and he stands up from his seat on the sofa to storm off to his bedroom where he slams the door behind him. 
Bucky shoots you a raised eyebrow, making sure he isn’t in trouble by association. You shake your head and sit back heavily, worried you ruined New Years Day. 
“He’ll be okay, just give him a minute to calm down.” Buck assures you, “You and I both know Stevie supports the women’s rights movement but it’s still a hard habit to break, wanting to take care of our best gal.” 
You climb into Bucky’s arms, wanting the comfort it brings you, “I’m sorry for ruining the holiday.”
“You didn’t ruin a thing. Just give him a few more minutes and then go talk to him. You have to understand, we didn’t grow up with money. I know you did so it’s not something you worry about, but that’s hard for us to adjust to.” 
You snuggle in against him, letting the minutes slip by until you can go to Steve and make things right. 
When you do finally go to him, Steve is staring out the window, brow furrowed under the weight of his thoughts. You apologize, and so does he. You both know your hearts were in the right place even if it doesn’t always come out that way. 
The next day you take your guys ice skating at Rockefeller Center just like you had wanted to. They insist on buying lunch and you let them, a quiet compromise to keep everyone happy. You skate for hours until your legs are weak and your fingertips and noses are frozen from the cold. Bucky fusses over both of you the whole way home, worried you’ll catch your death. It was the best day you can remember having in years, and one you’ll cherish the memory of forever. It was also the last good day you had together before it all went to hell. 
Bucky’s concern over Steve or you getting sick turns out to be legitimate. Two days after your trip Steve is coughing deep and rough, his asthmatic lungs not faring well against the illness he’s caught. By the third day he’s in bed with a fever that climbs faster than the medicine can work. Bucky can’t take the time off work, not if he wants to keep a roof over their heads, and so you call out from the SSR office, letting them know your boyfriend is not well. 
Seeing Steve suffering is a new level of hell. He’s sweaty from the fever, shaking from chills, and the cough in his chest could wake the dead. It’s amazing his body doesn’t just shatter apart from the force of it. You stay by his side, giving him sips of warm broth and tea when he can manage and reading to him from his favorite books. After a week he looks like a skeleton, shrunken on himself and devoid of the liveliness he normally radiates with. Bucky calls the doctor then, scared of the cost but more afraid of losing the love of his life. 
You can’t help but blame yourself. You knew Steve was prone to getting sick but you had pushed to go skating with them. It was selfish, so selfish, and now Steve was paying the price. Bucky tries to soothe your fears and guilt, reminding you Steve caught pneumonia just by stepping outside most years. You put on your bravest face and smile so Bucky will have one less thing to worry about, but it doesn’t alleviate your guilt in the least. There’s also the undercurrent of fear that you’ve messed up the timelines now and ruined everything. He has to pull through. He has to, so he can go be Captain America and save the world, you tell yourself.
Bucky won’t let you pay for the doctor who comes or the medicine he prescribes. You argue over it briefly but Bucky insists he saves for things like this and they’ll be fine. Steve comes out of it a few days later, the new medicine doing its job at last. 
“Hey,” Steve croaks, his voice rough from disuse. 
Your eyes fly up from the book you’re reading to meet bright blue eyes that are focusing on you for the first time in ten days. “Steve.” you squeak out through the tightness in your throat. You can’t contain your relief. “Oh honey, I thought we were gonna lose you.” you sob.
Steve reaches out with a painfully thin hand, “It’s gonna be okay.” 
“God, I was so scared.” 
“Come on, get in here with me if you can stand the smell.” he jokes weakly.
You carefully climb into bed with him, pulling him close until you’re lying flush against one another. You stroke the sweat sticky hair from his face, running your fingers over the sharp bones of his cheeks. Steve is too worn out to protest as you sprinkle kisses across his face. 
“If this is the treatment for whatever I had, sign me up for another round.” 
You frown at him fiercely. “Don’t even joke. I don’t know what I would do without you.” 
“I’m not going anywhere, don’t you worry.” 
“I’ve done nothing else for ten days. I can’t lose you, I love you.” Tears are still falling from your eyes but you catch the change in Steve’s expression. You hadn’t even realized you said I love you out loud, having repeated it so often in your head while at his bedside that it feels natural now. 
“You love me, huh?” his eyes shine with amazement, a soft smile playing on his lips.
“Yeah, I do.” you admit, not wanting to take it back now that the truth is out. 
“I love you too, Rose. Does Bucky know yet?”
“I haven’t said it to him yet. I will though, tonight.” 
“Make sure I’m there when you do. I’m sure he’ll react much better than when I said it to him the first time.” he huffs out a weak laugh and you reach back to get him a cup of tea from the side table. Steve sips slowly, letting his body adjust. “Do you wanna guess what that jerk said to me when I told him I was in love with him?” 
“I can’t even imagine.” 
“I was fifteen and he was sixteen. It was summer and we were flush after he got his first paycheck from helping sweep up at the docks where his dad worked. We spent the day at Coney Island eating hot dogs and riding the ferris wheel until they kicked us off. We were sitting down on the beach watching the waves as the moon came up, everyone else had left by then, and I realized it was the moment I’d been waiting for. I looked over at him and said ‘I love you, Buck’ to which the idiot said ‘love you too, pal.” easy as could be. So I told him ‘I’m in love with you.” and the great buffoon shoved at me and said “You do not!”. So then I shoved at him back and we ended up rolling around scrapping on the beach until finally, one of us let up. It wasn’t until we’d gotten home to my place that said he was in love with me too.” 
“That’s terrible and wonderful. I love it.” you tell him. 
“I never thought we’d find someone like you. I can’t believe I got this lucky twice.” 
You blush at his words, unable to believe his love for you could be even remotely close to his feelings for Bucky. 
“What time is it?” Steve asks squinting at the clock.
“Quarter after four.” you reach to the nightstand for his glasses so he can see for himself too.
“I hate to ask this of you, but could you help me to the bathroom? I could really use a shower.” 
“Honey, it’s okay. Bucky and I have been taking turns caring for you so it’s no big deal.” 
“Great. Not exactly the first impression I’d like to leave when you see me naked the first time.” 
“Hey, don’t be like that.” you scold him as you let him support himself on you to stand, “If you think for one minute I’m going to see something I don’t like when I look at you, you’re crazy.” 
Steve grumbles but decides he wants to be clean more than he wants to act tough. You half help, half carry Steve into the bathtub, setting him down carefully inside it while you get the water nice and warm. He tries to wash himself but his arms are shaking after a minute and you take over washing his hair for him, getting it nice and clean for the first time in over a week. The bath exhausts Steve and he naps while you make dinner, barely keeping his eyes open to dry off.
Bucky is ecstatic when you tell him Steve was awake and talking earlier. He barely stops to give you a kiss before he’s barging into the bedroom to see Steve. You join them a little while later, eating dinner in bed on trays so that Steve can rest but still be included. He’s sleeping again before he even finishes his soup, his tray whisked away to let him rest peacefully between you and Bucky. You talk quietly over him, catching up on your days and sharing in your relief that he’s finally improved. 
“Thank you for helping me care for him. It got really bad this time. I don’t know what we would have done without you.” Bucky says again, grateful for all your help over the past week.
“It was no problem. I love him, of course I wanted to take care of him when he’s sick.”
Bucky looks over, surprised. “You love him, huh?”
“I do.” 
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. He’s easy to love.” Bucky looks down at Steve with such sweetness it’s hard for you not to jump over Steve and kiss him.
“Hey Buck.” you catch his attention again.
“Hmm?” he finally looks over at you.
“I love you too.” 
Bucky smiles wide and warm like the sun. “You do, huh?”
“Yep.” you chew on your lip, waiting for his next move.
“It’s a good thing then. ‘Cause I love you too.” Bucky gets up, coming around to your side of the bed where he can pull you up into his arms. 
“I love you.” you whisper between kisses.
“I love you, so much doll.” he replies, burying his face into the curve of your neck. 
“Ah shit. Steve wanted to be awake for that.” you groan.
“What? Why?” Bucky asks with a chuckle.
“He wanted to make sure you didn’t shove me after I said it.” 
“Oh no, he told you the story!” Bucky is cringing, embarrassed by the memory. 
“It’s sweet.” you assure him. 
Bucky starts trailing kisses up your throat again and you sink into his embrace, letting yourself enjoy the contact after a week of tense worry. 
Steve really will be okay, you’re sure of that now. The timeline is intact despite all of your involvement in their lives and you just have to get through the next four months without disrupting anything else. Though how you are going to walk away from the two of them is getting more and more complicated.
Tag list! @wolfarrowepz​
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tetedurfarm · 4 years
Do you have any advice for getting into keeping rabbits? I was looking into getting a couple for meat production and possibly starting to learn to tan pelts but I don’t want to get confused over all the conflicting info on the internet about wire flooring and such things.
ugh, it’s so frustrating, isn’t it?  with pretty much every other animal you can just google “how to raise x” and get tons of good advice, but the rabbit results are dominated by HRS forums that will crucify you for even mentioning breeding, much less meat production. 
so here’s some points i’ve learned from experience to help you out:
1. wire flooring is not evil.  in fact it’s great.  it’s clean, it’s sanitary, there’s airflow if you use it in a hutch, and if you do it right you won’t have foot problems (unless you’re raising rex or giant breeds, but even then there’s easy fixes like my lattice mats.)
here’s what you’re looking for:  1″x0.5″ grid 16g - 14g wire.  if you order your cages from a manufacturer like Bass Equipment (my preferred cagemaker,) or Klubertanz, this will come standard.  if you make your own cages or buy from a feed store, it’s a bit more hit and miss.  
make sure the half-inch wires are on top when you build your cages, so the weight is distributed properly:
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see how the smaller gaps are “on top”?
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vs this side.  (shoutout to me having like twenty cages all in pieces in my living room to get these nice reference pics ;p)
i also recommend you get your floors galvanized after weld; they’ll last a long longer that way!
2. babysaver wire is called that for a reason.  babysaver is when there’s a 1x0.5 grid near the bottom of a cage.  it’s there to keep kits from falling out of the cage, and helps prevent predators from easily pulling kits out.
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this is a cage with babysaver.  it does what it’s meant to.  i use these for my doe cages, and even if a kit gets dragged out of the nest, as long as i find it in time, it’ll survive because it didn’t roll out and get snatched by something off the ground.
vs one without:
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i use these for bucks and my growout pens for older kits.  they are cheaper than babysaver cages, but it’s worth the money to keep your babies safe.
3. invest in a good pair of j-clip pliers.  even if you buy prefab cages, often times they’re cheaply made and you’ll need to fill in gaps so they don’t fall apart so easily.  it’s also good to keep them around just because, because after a while the clips can get rusty and fall off, and you’ll need to replace them occasionally.
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good on left, not so good on right.  the ones on the left cost my about fifteen bucks from my favourite hilariously-named rabbit supply site:  Rabbitnipples.com.  the ones on the right were like $8 at my local feed store.  so a significant markup, but VERY worth it.  the good pliers are more comfortable to hold in your hand, and make much nicer/more secure crimps than the cheap ones.  i often have to crimp clips twice or more with cheap pliers, because of the way they’re shaped:
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the good pliers have a solid mouth that make a clean loop with no pointy outy bits.  and they can double as removers if you mess one up!
this is topical because i lost my good pliers and had to order new ones, and in the meantime i built four cages and my palms are so sore/bruised from the cheap pliers.  don’t be like me.
4. vets kinda aren’t worth it.  one of the things you’ll see on HRS sites is that vets are ABSOLUTELY necessary.  i don’t hate vets, but they chronically have no idea how to treat rabbits, often making them worse or causing them to die because they administered a med that’s safe for cats but not rabbits.  they also often subscribe to HRS rhetoric that pellets are evil and rabbits should only eat hay and greens, which is…wrong (i’ll get to that in a minute.)  if you can find a good vet it may be worth it for one or two rabbits, but once you get into the double-digits, it’s just not worth it.  exotics vets are expensive, and i can’t afford $50 just for a consult for thirty rabbits.  learn how to treat everyday ailments like sore feet, wounds, abscesses, eye infections, stasis/bloating, and birthing issues on your own.  i suggest joining up with a meat rabbit forum (i like rabbittalk.net,) and going through their articles on rabbit medicine and herbology.  if i can’t fix it myself, that rabbit is soup.  and if a rabbit chronically has health issues, don’t use it as a breeder.  bad immune systems/teeth/feet/etc are hereditary.
5. things will die.  get used to it.  with livestock comes deadstock.  if you can’t handle animals dying, including newborn babies, or having to euthanize animals (including newborn babies,) don’t get livestock.  if you can’t look your food in the eye and thank it for its sacrifices, then don’t get livestock.  this is not a place for bleeding hearts.
6. don’t breed a new doe by herself.  rabbits are running on hormones only for their first litters, and sometimes they mess it up.  having an experienced doe kindle alongside her that you can foster to gives the new doe’s kits the best chance of survival in case she doesn’t get it quite right.  this ties in with the last point, though - you’re gonna have dead babies.  sometimes you have to make the babies dead yourself, because mama screwed up and the foster already has eight of her own.  not everyone has a n’rithaa who can nurse nineteen and not break a sweat, and the kindest thing to do is pick the strongest and cull the weaker ones so mama doesn’t have so many to feed.
7. feed them pellets until you know what you’re doing.  pellets are formulated to be perfect nutrition for rabbits.  they are the healthiest option imo, and definitely the easiest.  it can take a few tries to find a feed that works for you, but they’re generally not too expensive and if your animals keep weight and make babies, then they’re fine.  trying to feed fodder only is expensive, time-consuming, and often ends up with animals not getting enough vitamins that cause bone issues, bloating, and tooth problems.  i am 100% convinced this is at least half of the reason why you see a lot of house rabbits that go into stasis a lot and have bad teeth.  (The other half is they’re always poorly bred byb rabbits, but that’s another conversation.)  fodder can be done well, but unless you really have the time/resources to grow appropriate plants or have a lot of pasture to graze on (and no worms/cocci or other bad things in your soil,) pellets and hay are perfect.  especially if you show.
8. if you wanna get into tanning, just get a synth tan, and don’t expect fur rabbits to be an ideal meat producer.  fur doesn’t prime until the animal is about six months old, and typically you’ll be slaughtering them for meat around 12 or 16 weeks.  so if you want to produce fur, either stop caring about the quality of your hides, or get ready to spend more in feed while you grow them to prime.  i know it’s popular to use rabbits as a dual-purpose animal, but you need to set expectations lol.  so far i’ve found rabbits that are half rex produce really nice furs before “prime” age, but they still take longer to grow out than my meat-specific rabbits.  dual purpose really just means “not that great at one or both purposes.”
also just don’t even bother with brain/egg tanning and get you a synth tan like Rittel’s or Trubond.  “natural” tans have too much of a learning curve, require smoking to make them waterproof, and the results are subpar.  synth tans are cheap, easy, usually safe to put down a train if you’re on city water/toss outside if you’re on septic, and will produce a waterproof skin that’ll last forever.  
also alum isn’t a tan.  if you get it wet it’ll start rotting again.  if you wanna make clothes or rugs, use a real tan.  please.  i beg of you.
9. auto-water systems are godly but don’t waste your money on expensive ones.  if you don’t know this, i’m disabled, and i like to make things easy on myself so i’m not having to fill 39458639458 bottles a day.  it sucks.  auto-water systems are SUPER convenient because you only have to refill the reservoir every few days and keep an eye on the nipples to make sure they aren’t clogged.
the problem is:  they leak.  all the time.  forever.  when i first got started i used cheap water nipples from amazon and was annoyed at how often they’d start leaking, or were leaking right out of the package.  so i switched to the more expensive Edstrom system that you can order online from places like rabbitnipples.com, bunnyrabbit.com, the bean farm, and bass equipment.  problem is, those leaked just as bad, and the edstrom water nipples cost FIVE DOLLARS EACH.  when half the nipples leak directly out of the box, i’ve just wasted $20+.  at least the ones from amazon are like $20 for a bag of 100.  if they’re all gonna leak anyway, at least i won’t go broke having to replace them all.
i can’t think of anything else off top my head so i’mma cap it here.  i’ve been doing this for five years and learned many many things the hard way so hopefully you won’t have to!
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pixelspaceboy · 5 years
Not your average female
"Not your average female. I'm the fabled nerdy, intelligent woman who plays video games, loves all types of movies and music, books, and other women. I'm hyper, I have a dry, dark, sarcastic sense of humour, and I quote movies. A lot. Imagine Wednesday Addams, Daria, Liz Lemon and Darlene Connor having an orgy. I'm the result."For my first show I applied some make­up, did my hair and put on a deep v-neck leotard. It was the middle of summer and boiling hot even in just that. I sat on my bed, placed my webcam facing toward me and sat doodling in my sketchpad, waiting for patrons.It's very possible, but if they do no one has ever said it to my face. I used to be in porn production for big companies, and that was probably the only time I experienced negativity. I told a guy about what I do and he was like I don't agree with porn. These women are being forced to do something they don't want to do. It's degrading”. He did bring up some good points but I argued that it was the same as any office job. Your boss is going to fuck you over or you don't get paid, right? It's the same. At least with webcamming, I work for myself and I can choose how much I earned, and if nobody wanted to pay me that [amount], they wouldn't come to me.”I made $20AUD in ‘tokens’ (how payments were recorded via the site) my first night. 20 bucks for six hours of sitting around in my underwear, net­flirting with dudes. It wasn’t much, but it was more than I’d make scrolling through Tinder looking for someone I actually wanted to bone IRL. I knew the way to make real money was either by going ‘private’ (opening a private show chatroom that costs the user a certain amount per minute) or by spending many months on the site building up a following,­ just like any other chaser of internet work/fame!
The webcam industry also does its best to entice young women into the business.One of the cam girls, Rosie Renee, became a camgirl in May because she wanted a job where she could choose her own hours and work from home."I usually go for dresses, lingerie, or leather," she says.Domino has it pretty good — an American with ample property and a cushy career based on sex she enjoys. Not everyone is Domino.
To investigate, I visited the biggest camming studio in the US, Studio 20 in Hollywood. A lot of times, when you sign onto a popular cam site, or when you’re on a porn site and a camming ad pops up, it looks like the girls are camming from their bedrooms. Actually, though, a lot of the time, they’re camming from studios like Studio 20 that are basically these buildings filled with rooms decorated like bedrooms.It also gives Domino a chance to indulge in her geeky professionalism: "I like being able to network with people who aren't my strip club customers, [and] it's a way for me to see how good I am at SEO and social media." This is fun for her. Domino says she's "always been a very sexual person," so while camming is tiring, of course, on-camera kink isn't onerous, if you can put the monotony aside.It is illegal in Romania for a man and woman to webcam together, but it is impossible to say how commonly the law is flouted in the way Oana describes. She went on to work as a prostitute in Germany, until she found the courage to return to Bucharest and a new life. Now she works in sex work prevention - talking to young women about her experiences, and trying to persuade them of the danger of video chat."I was alone in the room, and it felt like there were hundreds of people around me. And I couldn't keep up with what they were all saying, and what they were asking of me. It was quite shocking. But then I learned to be perceptive about which member was a potential paying customer and not to waste time with all of them in the free online space." CONTINUED BELOW...
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Selecting a 1000 Yard Rifle Scope for our Savage Axis Experiment
our $500 1,000 yard experimental rifle is coming along really well the pillar bedding job is done action bedding is done we have finished the trigger job which includes creep over travel pull weight reduction and everything on this is humming along really well mechanically or at least it should be and right now you can see that I have stripped down the Boyd stock and I've started to remove all of that kind of epoxy paint that was on the outside so they can get down to the wood and do some of the reshaping that I need it's already feeling a lot better and the lines are already a lot cleaner this is going to look very good by the time I'm done but I really need to hurry for those of you that are not familiar with the experiment what I'm doing here is for a total budget of $500 I'm taking a budget deer rifle and I'm turning it into something that I can compete with at a thousand yards if you haven't subscribed already I'd recommend you do so appear if you like us on Facebook you can chat with us or just see some extra goodies sometimes I have some behind-the-scenes footage then it's up there this playlist down here is going to have everything init so if you miss something you can see the entire experiment eagle-eyed viewers have noticed that there's something missing from this rifle and of course that's the scope and those of you that are budget conscious after you've taken a look at the cost two hundred twenty one dollars for the rifle one fifty four for the stock and then of course we're going to need a base and some rings you know that there's not going to be much room left for the glass and the common wisdom is that on a rifle you're supposed to have at least as much in your glass as you do on the the rifle itself and I think that wisdom has actually changed over the past few years about five years ago I'd say that the common wisdom was twice as much glass as your rifle and now I think as of last year it seems to be more appropriate to just get a mortgage on a really really expensive scope throw out the rifle you don't need it all you need is just a really good scope if I intend to print small groups at a thousand yards I definitely need both now let me explain why I set up the budget the way that I did I don't really trust that plastic stock on any of these budget rifles the axis plastic may be better than in previous years but I'm still not going to trust it in a competition I want something that's going to be nice and firm and it's not going to have that forearm flex like you see on a lot of these budget rifles I've had half MOA guns go up to six MOA easily just because of some flop up here in the forearm this with its pillar bedding and action bedding is going to keep my groups nice and tight if.
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   I had a limitless budget I would want the best glass money could buy I would want a large diameter tube so I could get lots of elevation and wind age adjustment and I would want very repeatable very fine turrets and as far as a feature set goes I would want everything to be about precision and that's about making minute changes during these scenarios so I would want something like 1/8 MOA turrets I would want some fiddly little reticle so that I could make all kinds of last-minute wind calls and then it would want high magnification so that I could see small changes even in this ideal hypothetical situation where I have all the money I want I think I would still prefer a second focal plane reticle over a first focal plane reticle I'm after precision here and first focal planereticles even though they make things a lot easier and more consistent across all zoom ranges the second focal plane reticle can achieve more precision as you increase magnification I'll do a video on this a little bit later but there is still definitely a place for second focal plane if I could nudge the budget up on this experiment just a couple hundred bucks I would take the SWF a 20 power in a heartbeat it has a mil quad reticle a fixed 20 power magnification very nice turrets and a 30 millimeter tube that thing would work smashingly for this kind of competition well we don't have $300 we have $100 and that may make it sound like the optic is an afterthought but that's not the case at all from the very beginning I've been juggling all kinds of parts the rifles the stocks the scopes to see what we could actually do to get a $500 rifle okay so we have the the price of the the rifle we have the price of the stock we have base and rings and we have the Simmons 44 mag and this tops out at 24 power it has a mil dot reticle in the second focal plane and it has 1/8 MO Aturrets so that's kind of the feature set that I was after it even has side focus which is nice and on the face of it that's what we're after but the big question is can a 100 dollar scope with that kind of feature set actually compete in this kind of competition will it actually work in the next video we're going to take a close look at some of the ups and downs of this scope and we're going to see where we anticipate that things might get a little weird and in the final result you know really it's all going to come down to the competition does this thing actually perform in an F class match you.
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cobbsandra1989 · 3 years
michigan basic home insurance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insurancetocompare.info
michigan basic home insurance
michigan basic home insurance. The entire thing takes 5 minutes to read then proceed to start the application. Please note that this post is a lot of advice and time spent getting the cheapest car insurance policy. Let’s keep the conversation moving forward in order to get cheap car insurance in the area in which you live. The first question a prospective client who wishes not to be named says they will be talking about was, Can I get insurance with a company I’m not from?   The second question is – Do you own a property? It is the most obvious way to get car insurance in rural areas in the US. The answer is yes. It is very easy to get vehicle insurance in the US or a country, but in every state we need to get it done by some other means first and then get covered on a personal basis if you want to use yours. The next question asked by a prospective client asking if they will be using their car in another vehicle was also asked, Can. michigan basic home insurance in one day. And the best advice that I can give people is to use that!  That is what I will recommend for you.  Make sure that whatever insurance is used in your place is covered!  Be careful… there is NO coverage in your policy.  Insured as a result of being under the age of 40 is a disaster.  But the truth is there is NO coverage in your policy, therefore, what you use is NOT covered.  Your insurance will NOT pay for injuries or damage to you which you or your loved ones sustained.  Be ready, you should feel safer knowing as a result of the accident of the death of someone that you love, that you do not have to suffer a severe disability as your insurance pays for your funeral costs...  So, don’t let them convince you otherwise.  In order for you to truly protect yourself, you need proper homeowners insurance that is meant to protect YOU and your family, not your prized possessions. michigan basic home insurance I can help you with a small business homeowners insurance policy. You don’t need basic homeowner insurance, you can save money on personal property and belongings by only buying basic liability, plus coverage for a single occupant (for example, your personal belongings) and not for a whole home you build. For example, a new home is not required, and you want to insure things for a few hundred bucks an hour, or you live in a vacation spot. You can also insure your home with the right kind of personal umbrella insurance. Pemco’s unique policy offers coverage for a more secure future. Your home is one of its primary means for personal financial protection. This kind of policy protects against losses in the event a disaster strikes your home: earthquakes, fires, vandalism, and falling objects. Coverage limits are higher than those of the traditional policies, and in some cases, they won’t meet your coverage needs for your entire home. P.
How much is homeowners insurance in Michigan?
How much is homeowners insurance in Michigan? What is the best affordable Michigan homeowners insurance companies? What about  is the best affordable homeowner insurance in Michigan? There are a variety of factors that will determine who they select to help determine the rate they apply to. Here are some of the most common elements an insurer will attempt to calculate in order to calculate the rates they ll take, starting with their basic price quote: What is your home insurance deductible? If your claim is considered a . An affordable homeowners insurance premium in Michigan is determined by what the insured limits of an insured policy cover per year, as determined by their insurance carrier through an annual review of all claims that their policy provides coverage on the insured claims for which the policy is for. This can include deductible amounts from $1,000 to $1,500. What are your other insurance needs? Here are some of the most common policies you could expect to face many of the major types of liability. Many people are unsure which option is best for them. There are a number of.
High Risk Home Insurance Areas
High Risk Home Insurance Areas! There is a great deal to compare and it is also a great way to compare both types of insurance!  This site includes a free quote on home insurance, but you can also call  or get a quote on homeowners insurance by using our .  Our online and local independent agents have the ability to make buying home insurance for the first time that much easier or more fun.  They know the market and what to look for in an insurance company.  They even write policies to help people of all sizes afford home insurance.  The ability to compare quotes for various policies and sizes comes with an advantage.  Here are some other things to do.  We offer insurance. Home insurance rates are based on a multitude of factors, including: For every factor, even if you have a different insurance company, you can find a competitive quote.  You could save money by switching to local agents who can help you find the best coverage for your unique needs.
High Risk Home Insurance Scenarios
High Risk Home Insurance Scenarios. All of the states in the U.S. for homeowners insurance will require you to file an SR-22 on top of your regular homeowners insurance. This document is required after the filing of an SR24 form. The SR24 has some significant implications, mainly is the first time you will be required to file an SR24. After that, you will be on your own. Even if does get you slapped with an increase fee on your monthly bill, the state’s financial responsibility is going to be the most expensive amount on your bill as well. The SR24 becomes an expensive filing form so there is a huge discount to be had. The following list has details related to the annual premiums of homeowners insurance in Texas. The annual insurance costs vary according to the year. The monthly cost for your policy will be different. If you’re looking for insurance premiums that are not as expensive, keep in mind that each insurer has different premiums. If you’re looking for.
Specialty High Risk Home Insurance Options
Specialty High Risk Home Insurance Options Hazmat Insurance Municipal Liability PIP Collision Insurance Uninsured and Underinsured Liability The information provided is for educational purposes only. You are strongly advised to use this information only to understand all the options available to you. All of your insurance needs can be met by using Hazmat insurance when necessary. You are authorized to use Hazmat insurance on your Hazmat coverage by the state of Arizona. You might also want to mention that Hazmat insurance covers an entire home s contents from all to many hundreds of square miles and has a specific coverage plan, but there is no specific Hazmat coverage. Hazmat insurance can protect you and any other guests under your household s policy, as well as insurance on any property for homeowners, and may save your assets from foreclosure. However, Hazmat insurance does not pay the repair costs of your home s contents. If you live in Phoenix, and believe that your house was damaged.
Homeowner Insurance Claim Options
Homeowner Insurance Claim Options You can select the claims adjuster that you would like to see a maximum of $20,000 in total money damage coverage in case of a car accident, and a minimum of $750,000 in total money damage coverage if you want the money to help pay the settlement. This covers some defendant claims. Some claim adjusters, like you, are more likely to see a large payment amount and it allows the settlement to lower claims. These costs include those you see in a car accident. These claims are expensive and the costs of a car accident for you and your family are not affordable. It’s important to take a medical or auto insurance policy with you, which covers your injuries from your car accident. A basic policy on the road can often cover the following: If you have high liability limits, the insurance will pay the liability limits on your loan or purchase a policy that includes at least the coverage. If you don’t own a car and don�.
Our Top Picks for Best Homeowners Insurance in Michigan
Our Top Picks for Best Homeowners Insurance in Michigan The best home insurance companies in Michigan are generally different when it comes to coverage options, price, customer service, and other factors. NerdWallet examined rates from the six largest providers in Michigan and narrowed the list for the fifty-best homeowners insurance in Michigan. Detroitersans pay an average of $101 a month for their home insurance coverage. That’s nothing compared to the huge sums your insurance company could put into charging you more — especially if you have a lot of expensive assets to protect. Here are the yearly costs of the ten cheapest Michigan insurers, per $1,000 in coverage for a 20-year-old with full coverage for $1,000 deductibles: Meeting Michigan’s requirements for home insurance include liability coverage of $100,000 per person and $300,000 per accident, plus $50,000 in coverage for property damage liability. You’ll also need to purchase a minimum of $100,000.
Natural Disaster Insurance Options
Natural Disaster Insurance Options: If you’re experiencing trouble in your area, there are various factors that could be used to help get you back on the road as quickly as possible (via supplemental or emergency road supply to other areas). One of the easiest things to do for any driver is compare multiple quotes from different insurance companies. This isn’t just an insurance claim, it’s a necessary expense, which is why having multiple companies to compare for reviews is so important. So what if you’re unsure about your state or driver’s history? You don’t. You want to make sure your insurance company is the same no matter what. And while a history isn’t the point, it is still a great resource for comparing quotes. For an even easier solution, try comparing car insurance quotes from some of our top favorite companies in our . Or give us a short call and have a field day. Just give us a quick call today and see how much we can.
Need Home Insurance Coverage In Michigan At An Acceptable Rate?
Need Home Insurance Coverage In Michigan At An Acceptable Rate? You can to see whether your provider is willing to accommodate your state’s minimum requirements. Unfortunately, it can be harder to find car insurance with a learner’s permit than a traditional license. Before going to the doctor or waiting on an appointment, you have to show proof of insurance in order to make sure you are protected as safely as possible. Let us help you ensure you know the basics of the car insurance process. We understand the laws in Michigan. We have fought hard to get these laws changed. If you need to file a car insurance claim, your insurance company must file with the Department of Revenue in order to help you get your insurance covered. We often work to find better ways to pay for repairs when we need it. That’s why so many experts recommend shopping for car insurance annually. That’s why we made this list of the cheapest companies in Michigan to buy your affordable policy. Before you buy your policy, it’s wise to.
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concettolabs · 3 years
20+ Essential iOS Apps list for all iPhone User
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It’s the end of the year, and we thought to highlight a few favorite applications for the iPhone. iPhone App development company is developing the best utility apps for iPhone that used daily. Whether you’re an experienced iPhone user or someone who recently shift move from Android, then this below list is perfect for helping you get going.
Essential IOS Apps list
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Suppose you’re looking for web browsers, the same works for mobile. Safari does its job well, but it’s not the best one, neither it’s a google chrome app. Check the list to find out which is best.
Microsoft Edge It comes with more privacy and more control for the end-user. You can check out the ease of its uses and customization tools.
Brave It comes with external plugins to worry about and the settings to configure. The Brave app offers the build-in third party as-blocker that helps in online protection. It comes with the fastest surfing experience.
Banking and Finance
The investment or bank firm is no longer downtown; instead, it’s available on mobile devices. Check the list below to know better.
Credit Karma For checking the credit, it shouldn’t cost you money. But with credit karma, you can check the score within a few taps. Also, you can use TransUnion scores and Equifax to check the score. There are also saving and tax components available to help you out.
Betterment It’s one of the most popular iPhone apps. By using this service, you can save, spend, and invest your money through various programs. If you’re new in investment or a seasoned player, then consider using the Betterment application.
Robinhood To carry out new investment, you need this application. One can purchase fractional shares in the companies at a lower cost.
Personal Capital It’s one of the best iPhone app development software available free. Most investors and analyzers use it for the online personal dashboard. It also comes along with wealth management products for clients.
Entertainment is the best part that much need in 2020. During the pandemic, people sat at their home and caught up watching videos and movies. Also, few considered it positively and was worth considering it.
JustWatch Just watch is a unique iPhone application that keeps track of all excellent video entertainment across various sources. Now, no more guesswork or where your favorite shows or movies are airing.
HBO Max It’s the most popular iPhone application that comes from WarnerMedia, and it’s enormous. As the name says, HBO Max is more than HBO proper. It adds Sesame workshop, DC content, classic curated by Cartoon Network, TCM, Audit Swim collection, Looney Tunes, etc.
Disney+ In today’s time, Disney+ is the best streaming video service available. It comes from the biggest entertainment company in the world. It features all things like Disney, Star Wars, Marvel comics, national geographic, etc. It also comes with other original programs for the entire family.
YouTube We don’t need to explain why we need the top streaming app on your iPhone. The great alternative to cut the cord and ditch the cable then YouTube Tv is the best option.
Netflix It’s the best iPhone application and a granddaddy for all streaming services available online. Use it to find the original shows or any TV shows.
Film, Video and Photography
MuseCam It’s the new generation picture editor that comes with manual camera built-in along with film-inspired presets. It built for photographers and creatives.
LumaFusion It’s the latest version for video editing that offers best powerful features with an elegant UI. You can check out the tutorials that help you to get started with the application with ease.
Clips App Clips is a video editing application that creates content for social media sharing. It renounces conventions that bring fun into a fast and uncomplicated editing process. For iPhone X users, animated 3D selfie scenes are additional.
Pixaloop Using Enlight pixaloop, one can animate your photos. Accomplish by drawing path arrow and set the direction of the animation. Set anchors to anchor other areas of your image in place. Export as video from photos, add to camera shake, overlay effects and get an automated moving sky.
Vue app It’s one of the best most popular iPhone apps that work as a video editor. Vue app was built to give six second of fame and an ultra-short video with three shots. However, the application still works as a short video editor and allows for filming three minutes in length and load videos from your iPhone.
Apple spent a lot of time and resources to integrate into health and wellness tool on Apple Watch and iPhone. The health app does its job by tracking the routines. Check what the best iPhone app development software for healthcare are.
Meditation Studio If you’re facing a difficult time facing alone each day, then this app will help to sit back and relax. Get to learn better and cope up with the stress.
Cardiogram It’s an impressive heart rate monitor that ideally suits for using alongside Apple watch. Cardiogram used to learn about your habits and comes with a more informed conversation with your doctors.
Weight watchers The iOS app development company have made the weight watcher app that helps to lose weight using the popular program. It features one of the best food calorie trackers and integrates with the health.
Shortcuts It’s an app that helps to get things done using the app with just a tap or using the Siri. Shortcuts application allows creating automated personal shortcuts from scratch and the growing shortcuts gallery.
Fantastical Calendar New release features add features that are popular and the task app are better than Apple’s native solutions. It’s available for Mac and comes under most popular iPhone apps.
PCalc It’s a rich-feature calculator app that most of them needs. Suppose anyone needs to go beyond what the native calendar app provides. It’s ideally suited for scientist, students, engineers and programmers.
iA Writer Any writer can get easily distracted, so here’s the app for you. iA writer markup creates a simple, clean and distracted-free environment with helping you concentrate on the task at hand.
Slack It’s the best iPhone apps freely available for communication and collaboration. If your organization have three or thousands of employees, Slack works great for your team.
People are always looking for new ways to learn and protect their data. Let’s consider a few iPhone applications that the user can use for security purposes.
Google Authenticator The app comes with 2 step verification for your Google Account that provides an additional layer of security when signing in.
Jumbo Whenever you visit a social network, you receive an actionable recommendation to increase your online privacy and security.
Private Internet Access VPN We recommend to use VPN service as it comes with low cost and highly trusted service. PIA supports all devices and helps the user to secure data in the modern age.
1Blocker It comes with powerful content blocker. It gives excellent surfing experience with the highest security. Once installed, get widgets, comments, annoyances, online trackers etc.
Bitdefender Mobile Security This iPhone app comes free, and it keeps your sensitive data safer from prying eyes. It adds VPN, mobile security and account privacy.
Travel and Transportation
Google Maps Google Maps is the only you need. Currently, Google is serving 230+ countries and territories and maps with millions of businesses on the map. Get real-time GPS navigation with accurate traffic prediction.
Lyft Try Lyft for booking a ride. It’s a can service application where the drivers can be anyone from a lawyer to the cop who is trying to get some extra bucks.
Uber Uber works like a Lyft. So, if you don’t find any Lyft then use Uber and try out this alternate app.
Also Read: 5 Tips for iPhone/iPad App Development
Final Thoughts
From the above dozens of iPhone applications, Swift app development company are developing hundreds of apps every year. No doubt, it’s hard to stick with one application for that long. But after considering its features and usefulness, we can actively use the application for a longer time. If you’re the one who is looking for the best iPhone programmer then hire iOS developer from us. We are one of the excellent iPhone app development software company who is ready to serve you better with time.
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