#and god he is a ray of sunshine despite everything
popcornaddict500 · 4 months
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Vere being confronted by the most unabashedly kind man he's ever met (adam)
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wait wait wait guys have you ever thought about how the Mighty Nein are everything they shouldn’t be upon first glance
no no guys guys listen to me they’re all the antithesis of what they’re meant to be and that’s why they’re such amazing and heartfelt characters
like, Caleb is a wizard who’s afraid of his own fire magic. his own power causes him to falter in battle. his strongest spells are his most dangerous to himself. wizards are supposed to be prideful of their magic, but Caleb’s is the reason he hates himself
Beau is a monk who never wanted to be. her job is one that people normally associate with being calm and collected and Beau was a wild rebellious kid who got dragged into this line of work against her will. she never wanted to be this!! but now she is and she’s gotta deal with it!!
Fjord is a warlock who never wanted power from his pact, which is why you’d think a warlock would make their pact at all. but no. Fjord made his pact because he wanted to live, not because he wanted power. he was a scared orphan who hated his tusks, not a buff, muscled, angry half-orc like people assumed
Nott is NOT, that’s the whole crux of her narrative! she wasn’t pretty, like a halfling girl was supposed to be. she wasn’t a goblin, she was just transformed into one. and not only that, but despite being a three-foot-tall alcoholic kleptomaniac, she’s the mom of the group!
Jester is a Cleric whose god isn’t actually a god and who would much rather bash bad guys over the head with her lollipop than have to stop and heal her friends!! she’s a bubbly, optimistic ray-of-sunshine, but you know when she says she’s gonna change the world with friendship she means it as a threat
Mollymauk is an amnesiac, but he doesn’t want to remember who he was. if you ask him, that wasn’t him! he might be a flirtatious hedonistic carnie, but he’s also single-mindedly devoted to making the world a better and more loved place than it was when he found it. he’s a liar, but he means well. he’s an arrogant fool, yes, but he’s right! he did it! he left it better!
Caduceus seems like he’d be creepy and grim from growing up in a graveyard, but he’s actually the most chill out of the entire Nein by far. he’s calm, he’s sweet, and he’s comforting, more than anything else. you’d think he’d be amazed by seeing the outside world for the first time, but he spends the whole time knowing that one day he’ll return home, that he wasn’t supposed to be the one to leave
Yasha is a barbarian with skeletal wings and a dramatic, monochromatic look, but she’s a complete sweetheart. she’s Molly’s best friend, she was a carnival bouncer, she’s a lesbian disaster who collects pressed flowers in a book out of love for the wife she lost. those black wings were actually hiding soft white feathers
Essek was born straight into the den of politics, he was a spymaster, he literally started a war for his own gain, and yet. he’s sounds irredeemable on paper, but. he’s not!! sure, the Nein kind of have to drag his alignment kicking and screaming into neutral, but they manage it. Essek learns and grows and he overcomes his nature. he becomes good, against all odds
guys guys guys don’t you see it!! look at them!!they’re such compelling characters!! they’re everything they’re not supposed to be!! dude y’all how didn’t I realize this earlier!! they subvert their narratives in the most interesting ways ever and I justhshsbhshshsjnsmshsnhsfn!!
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owlcomics101 · 23 days
”Pup Cup.” Task force 141 x Dog hybrid!reader
Warnings: Sfw (I am a minor), fluff, swearing/cussing, Doggo shenanigans
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To say you were spoiled would be an understatement. Granted you were a great dog hybrid. Despite being a golden retriever/human hybrid to which are rarely to not used at all in the military. Yet here you are, the rare ray of sunshine in task force 141. Your tail always wags when someone walks by or even glances at you. Military dog hybrids don’t usually like or play fetch but your OBSESSED with it. After missions there’s always a tennis ball in your mouth. Which annoys the hell out of everyone if there’s a squeaker in it but they never have the heart to take it from you, but out of everything there was one time during an undercover mission Soap gave you a “Pup cup” from a Starbucks you and him were at (basically whipped cream in a small cup). Ever since then, every time the team drove by a Starbucks you would go absolutely ballistic! Today was no different. The team was just wanting a little ‘pick me up’ from Starbucks to help get their day going on the way to base. You were sandwiched between Soap and Ghost. Your tail wagging like crazy and slapping Ghost repeatedly which was clearly pissing him off. Soap on the other hand couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as Ghost grabs your tail to get you to stop.
“Y/N! Calm yourself.” Ghost said with a clear scowl on his face behind his mask. You couldn’t help but let out an audible yip when he grabbed your tail.
“Sorry lieutenant.” You mumbled before your ears perk up when you heard Price start order the team’s drinks at the drive through. Price squints his eyes as he looks at the menu before clearing his throat.
“Yes, can I get a—Y/N sit down!” You were trying to poke your head out to the front where Gaz and Price were sitting. Price trying to push you back with his hand before Ghost pulls you back by the shoulders.
“Sit.” Ghost says sternly before looking over and glaring at Soap.
“This is what you get for bloody spoiling them Johnny!” Ghost snaps. Soap scoffs with an eye roll.
“I was just doing it to blend in during that mission. It was one time-“
“One time too many!” Ghost interrupts Soap before Price looks over his shoulder to them.
“Will all you muppets shut up? I’m trying to order!” Price snaps before turning back to the window. Gaz watches you out of the corner or his eyes, seeing the pitiful look on your face.
“Ignore them Gaz or they’ll never learn.” Price says sternly, but Gaz keeps glancing at you every now and then still. The look on your face making his chest feel heavy before he looks away trying to distract himself with his phone. Until he accidentally glances at you before cussing under his breath.
“God dammit-“
“I said stop bloody looking at them Gaz!” Price says before accidentally looking at you himself. You sat there with very sad and watery puppy dog eyes. The water in your eyes making your eyes sparkle a bit from the light’s reflection. Price clenched his fists as he looks away trying t compose himself. He shouldn’t reward such behavior, but this has been the only time you have been out of line. Ghost looks down at you, almost guilty for telling you no-
“Don’t fall for it Simon!” He thinks to himself., he knew it was just the affects of your ‘puppy dog eyes’. Then you started to whimper.
“No, no, no, NO! Don’t beg Y/N!” Price tried to be tough but his tough guy exterior was already cracking. You look at Gaz and he quickly tries to look away.
“Don’t you look at me like that!” Gaz hides himself behind his cap. Soap couldn’t take it anymore. He was fidgeting with his fingers anxious, this felt like pure torture to him before he finally snaps.
“Goddammit-just give them what they want Cap’n!”
“No! I will not reward begging! We do not beg! We are soldiers goddammit!” Price grips the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turn white. He forced himself to look away but you just kept quietly whimpering to yourself until he couldn’t take it anymore.
You were licking out of your small pup cup, holding it with both your hands, your face completely covered in whipped cream as Ghost every now and then wiped off. Your tail was wagging from pure happiness and bliss but Ghost doesn’t stop it because deep down. He’s secretly enjoying it. Price was visibly pisssd but not at you, more at himself for giving into your ‘puppy eyes’. Gaz was quietly sipping his drink as Soap stroked your head. You have won.
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edenalieth · 3 months
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Pairing: god of love!minho x Y/N
Genre: strangers to lovers, fluff with angst
Being a god of love wasn’t always easy. When you got assigned to Minho to be bonded to your soulmate, he thought his mission would be done in a blink of an eye. Little did he know that his biggest ally would be his greatest enemy: love.
Words: 6K 
A.N: first fic of 2024, we cheered! sorry, it took me more time than i thought it would,,, that photoshoot inspired me for this story, as well as the song "rewrite the stars". my bad for the possible mistakes, hope you enjoy :) any interactions are sincerely appreciated 🫶. — 240304
Being a god of love wasn’t always easy. Mortals thought it was all about fate and butt naked babies shooting their arrows at them. However, it wasn’t as perfect as they could imagine it and deities didn’t look like cherubs. 
Minho had not a single memory about his past life. One day, he had opened his eyes after wandering into darkness for a really long time and had been welcomed by an angel. This angel happened to be his new brother, Felix, who introduced him to more brothers and sisters. Felix was always cheerful, he exhaled warmth and passion, a ray of sunshine in a solid form. He taught him everything he had to know for his new function as a love god. The good sides and the bad ones. Among the great ones was the chase, as they called it with his siblings. An interesting part where they used their magic to get close to their assigned human. Using ancestral methods, they tricked their customer into thinking that they knew each other since forever. This way, it was easier for them to establish a bond with their chosen one and Minho was always sincerely curious about their lives, hopes and dreams. Once the spark of love was strong enough, came the second step. The aim. It was truly thrilling for Minho to shoot an arrow. The way the wood of his bow perfectly fitted on his hand, like an extension of his arm. Or when his fingers, hooking on the silver bowstring, had to keep the perfect balance before releasing his arrow, which never failed to ignite the passion between two human beings. It gave him goosebumps every time. Finally, came the evanescence. When the arrow had reached the heart and the two lovebirds were united, the god of love had to disappear from their lives. Despite how poetic all this appeared to be, not everyone had the chance to get their « happy ever after ». Divinities exclusively interfered to match a mortal to its soulmate and they had a glimpse of their future together. Unfortunately, they sometimes had to tie someone to a person who would break them in the most awful ways. No matter how bad it would be, they would remain in love with them to the point where they would forget about themselves. Minho had forced himself to become insensitive to such situations but, deep inside, he despised it. He felt nauseous and anger was running through his veins as he had to watch his customers becoming miserable in front of his eyes. Occasionally, he wished he could bribe the lord of death, Chan, into getting rid of those pests… Sadly, this deity wasn’t easy to negotiate with. They did their duty and nothing else. 
When you got assigned to Minho, he didn’t think much about it and started his chase. You were a university student, pretty cheerful and a bit grumpy when things didn’t go your way. You loved to meet new people and hang out with your friends. Reading was one of your favorite hobby and you had a chubby black cat named Churros. Funny, he thought with a small smile on his face. He liked animals because they weren’t fooled by his powers like humans were, especially cats. With their piercing gaze, they could see the magic surrounding the deities, energy flows swirling around them in tints of red, black and gold. Truly smart beings. 
Minho put his backpack correctly on his shoulders as he looked over his surroundings. Students were walking toward the entry door, chatting, laughing or shuffling sleepily — probably some hangover or all nighters for exams. Finally, he spotted you. Walking through the crowd, he reached you and put a hand on your shoulder. You turned around, visibly surprised and wondering about who the hell was touching you unprovoked. You frowned, met by a face you had never seen before, a beautiful face. It was a guy. He seemed to be the same age as you, his skin looked smooth, his pink lips stretched into a gentle smile and his hair were copper brown. Slowly, you attached your eyes to his. Warm and deep. 
The god of love knew it was the perfect time to use his powers, you were visibly confused. Coming closer to your face, he saw your eyes widening. « I’m going to help you. » he whispered to your ear. When he glanced at you again and noticed the light veil over your eyes. Magic was happening. Shaking your head, as if emerging from a dream, your face lit up. « Minho! Gosh, I really thought you were going to leave me alone again. You know that I hate that class… », you gritted your teeth saying that. 
Perfect, he thought. From now on, he would be your longtime friend who happened to go to the same university as you. « I know, I know » he replied, ruffling your hair. You looked offended as your fingers were quickly brushing your locks in an attempt to style them back properly. « You… Do you know how long it took me to do this ? » you grumbled, your eyes sending daggers to your friend. Minho smirked, playing his role to get to know you better. « Are you doing all of this for Thomas ? » he mused, teasing you. Naturally, you were his assigned human and he knew who he had to match you with and how to play with it to make you fall. Your cheeks turned into a bright red. You scoffed in disdain. « Me ? Doing this for a man ? Don’t be silly. » you rolled your eyes and grabbed his arm, changing the subject to the paper you had to write for today. Your crush was ridiculously obvious. He wondered if he would act this way if only he was able to love. However, your budding feelings for Thomas would help to get his job done faster. It took more time when he had to do all the job, create the meeting, put the right mood to some situation in attempt to make both parties fall in love. Yes, it would be easy. You sighed, « And here we go, for two hours of boredom… ». You sat down and prepared your papers, hurrying Minho to do the same. Obediently, he did as told and started his own class: learning about you. 
Days turned into weeks and he knew a lot about you by now. You frowned when you were highly focused on something, you hated romcom — at least it was what you said, except that Minho witnessed you tearing up in front of 13 going 30 —, you were the type of person to scream your lungs out to songs while driving, you chewed on your lips and then complained about it when they were getting chapped. To make it short, you were lively in the most beautiful ways and the love god didn’t seem to grow tired of it. « Pull yourself together » he thought, lightly splashing his face with water. He had to make things move on between you and Thomas. Your interest for him didn’t seem to fade, after all, you were meant to be. He looked at his reflection on the mirror and was surprised by his expression: he seemed annoyed. Straightening his back, he glanced one more time at his face, defying it, before exiting the bathroom. 
« Took you long enough » you stated, looking at the brown haired boy. He shrugged « Sorry ? ». You gestured him to come sit next to you. Churros was purring on your legs as you scratched it behind its ears and Minho looked at the scene fondly. Taking place by your side, he joined you to pet the black cat. You discreetly looked at your friend. You had been knowing him since you were kids — magic made you think that — and never had you realized how handsome he was. In your eyes, he was just your annoying lost twin. Kind of. At least, you thought… Or tried to convince yourself. Also, Thomas was there and you liked him, right ? Minho raised his head and caught you staring at him. He tilted his head before asking you, « What’s troubling you ? ». You shook your head, scratching your cat under its chin. « Hmm nothing… » your voice was low and not convincing at all, your friend wouldn’t fall for your masquerade. He came closer to you and nudge your shoulder. « Come on Y/N, what’s on your mind ? ». Seeing his eyes, you couldn’t resist them and gave up. You felt a bit embarrassed but gathered your courage up. « Have you ever been in love ? » you asked, your hands stopped moving and Churros half opened its eyes, its green pupils looking deep inside your soul. A brief silence filled the room. Minho was staring at the ceiling before clearing his throat. « Well, I’ve never experienced it myself but I believe it’s a precious and incredible feeling… » your friend seemed a bit gloomy and you were almost disappointed by his answer. « Have you ? » he kept going, curious to know if you were going to talk about your crush with him. The god of love was expectant. « Yes… » « How does it feel ? I can only imagine. » Minho smiled but his eyes weren’t. « It feels warm and exciting but complicated at times too… » you stated. « I mean, what do you do when you start having feelings for someone unexpected ? » The brown haired boy hummed. « Like falling for someone you never thought you would ? » You nodded, « Exactly. It's like... you have this image in your head of who you're supposed to be attracted to, and then someone comes along and totally flips that upside down. » The deity chuckled. « Hmm. I see what you mean. » a tint of bitterness lacing his voice. « But isn't that part of the magic of love? Discovering new feelings and connections you never imagined ? ». Why were you so hesitant about your feelings ? Never in his career he had witnessed that. Lighting the spark of love could took a bit longer to build but his customers never openly expressed their confusion. Was he lacking on some point ? As earlier when he was in the bathroom, he felt annoyance rushing through his veins and a strange tickling at the bottom of his nape...  Churros left your lap, feeling the agitation of yours and Minho’s hearts. « I suppose so. It's just… I know you’ve noticed, I've been crushing on Thomas for a while now, but lately, someone else came into the picture… » you were elusive on purpose. Minho got caught off guard on that one. What was going on ? Something was definitely wrong. Who were you talking about ? He would have to review every single people being close to you to find out if you decided not to speak. You bent towards him, your move making your fingers brush against his, sending electricity into your system. « It’s a secret. » you sticked your tongue out and stood up. Still on the floor, Minho looked at you in disbelief. « What ? You started this conversation and now you’ve decided to remain silent ? ». Towering him, you shrugged and turned on the music to distract him. 
This was an emergency. He needed to talk to Felix, right now. On his way home, he grabbed his phone on his pocket and looked for his brother’s number. He tapped on his name and waited to hear the ringtone. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. « Your contact isn’t available at the moment… » Minho swore as he was welcomed by the robotic voice. « Please leave a message after the ri… ». He hung up and dialed the number again and again and again. Finally, no automatic message but a deep upset voice, which was pretty rare. « For love sake, Minho. Why are you calling me ? I was preparing my aim. You better have a good reason to bother me and make me miss my shot. » he groaned. « My human. Y/N. She’s hesitant. » He heard his brother sighing. « And ? It happens all the time. Give her one more week and she will be ready. Now, if you may exc… » Loosing his temper, Minho cut him off. « It’s not like usual. And, for your knowledge, my clients never hesitate on their feelings. » he cockily added. Felix laughed. « Ok. Then, describe me how is it different ? ». Minho could hear the noises of the city coming from the end of the line. « I don’t feel that energy coming from her, it’s like… glowing a different way. And I have that constant itch bothering me... » he whispered, confused by the events. « Have you ever heard of someone changing their fate ? » « Minho. It’s written in the stars, it’s impossible to undo it. » the angel stated firmly. « Are you sure ? Wasn’t there any case of someone rewriting them ? » His voice felt desperate and he was. He was hundred percent sure that something odd was happening. A loud silence echoed his question. « Do you want my honest opinion ? » « Please. » he begged. « I think you’re the one with an unsteady heart. You’ve been around Y/N for too long. You’ve never spent much time with one of your assigned mortal and your magic is weakening. » Felix answered. Offended, the god of love received those words like a slap in the face. However, it would explain his discomfort. « This is nonsense. I’m telli… » but he hadn’t time to finish his sentence. « One week and not a single day more. » The ringtone resonated, announcing the final sentence. 
One week. He had to calculate all his next moves. If Felix was right, nobody knew what would happened if Minho was loosing his power. Yet, he wasn’t scared about it but was terrified at the idea of loosing you forever. Once his job done, it would be as if he had never existed. You would remember a presence but would not be able to put a name or a face on it. Usually, Minho considered his mission like a book. He had to get into it, enjoy it, untangle the plot and put it on a shelf once done. With you, he wanted the story to keep going. However, he was supposed to be a side character and not a main one. The love god felt stupid and bothered by that strange sensation squeezing his heart. What was it ? He could only identify anger and disappointment. His fists were clenched and he had to fight the urge to punch the nearest wall. This is when you decided to intervene. He felt his phone buzzing. The screen illuminated the room he was in. 
y/n: want to grab a coffee before class tomorrow ?
minho: sure!
y/n: perfect! see u :)
He sighed. He had to find a solution by the next morning and make you and Thomas fall in love, for once and for all. That night, the brown haired boy barely slept. 
You were waiting for your friend in front of the coffee shop. Minho appeared at the corner, disheveled and dark circles under his eyes. « Wow, you definitely need some coffee. » You teased him. He groaned and opened the door for you. « Barely slept. » he briefly explained. « Thanks, I had noticed. » you scoffed. Once your coffee taken, you strolled along the path toward university campus, backpacks slung over your shoulders. « So, any plans for the weekend ? »  the love god asked, trying his best to look cheerful. You shrugged, a playful grin tugging at the corners of your lips. « Not much, just the usual. Probably bury myself in textbooks and drown in a sea of caffeine. Exams are coming up. »
Minho rolled his eyes, nudging you with his elbow. « Come on, Y/N, you need to loosen up a bit. Life's not all about studying. Besides, I heard there's a party happening this Saturday. You have to come with me. » Your ears perked up at the mention of a party, your curiosity piqued. It has been a while since you wen to a party and going there with Minho sounded even greater.  « A party, huh? Sounds intriguing. Who's throwing it ? ». The brown haired boy flashed you a mischievous smile. « Oh, you know, just some friends from the other campus. But here's the juicy part – I heard that Thomas will be there. »
At the mention of Thomas’ name, your heart sunk a little. Maybe you would finally be able to put a word on your feelings for him, know if it was a small crush or something more serious. Maybe you would understand why you felt jelly and happier than ever around Minho too…
« Thomas? » you echoed, « Are you sure? ». The love god nodded enthusiastically. Going to a party was a simple strategy but it often worked. "Positive! This could be your chance to make a move. » He winked. You rolled your eyes. « Shush. I’m not even sure if I want to be with him anymore. » you whined. « Then it’s the perfect occasion, right ? » He was right. « Alright, you've convinced me, » you finally replied, a determined glint in your eyes. « I'll go to the party with you. ». Minho seemed relieved by your answer and closed the gap between the both of you to quickly kiss your cheeks. That sudden move of affection startled you as you brought a hand to your face. « Good! I will see you later then. » he waved you goodbye and disappeared in the corridor. As he rushed to his class, mixed feelings and a strong sensation of warmth filled his system. 
When he came back home on that day, the deity decided to face his own feelings. The kiss on your cheek ? It felt natural, yet really odd. Never he had done this with a mortal before but he wanted to try again. As he sat there, lost in the midst of his own thoughts, he couldn't shake the strange sensation that had been creeping up on him lately. It was like a whisper in the back of his mind, gentle yet persistent, nudging him to pay attention to something he hadn't noticed — or even felt — before.
At first, he brushed it off as nothing more than a weakness, a fleeting moment of curiosity. But the more he tried to ignore it, the louder it became, until it was impossible to ignore any longer. It was a feeling, unfamiliar yet strangely comforting, like sunbathing on fresh grass. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, couldn't find the words to describe it, but it was there, simmering beneath the surface, waiting to be acknowledged.
Suddenly it hit him, like a bolt of lightning. Could it be...? No, it couldn't. It was absurd, unthinkable, impossible. He was a god of love, he was here to help mortals not to fa… No, no, no. And yet, the more he tried to deny it, the more it seemed to make sense. He was definitely falling for you, for your laughter that echoed like music in his ears, for your smile that lit up even the darkest corners of his heart. It was a realization that sent his mind into a whirlwind of confusion and uncertainty.
What did it mean? What was he supposed to do with these newfound feelings ? What was going to happen to you, your fate, his powers ? He felt torn, caught between the familiarity of the past and the uncertainty of the future. Part of him wanted to hold onto what he knew, to the comfort of familiarity, while another part yearned to embrace this new, unknown territory with open arms. But one thing was clear amidst the chaos of his thoughts: he couldn't ignore this feeling any longer. It was a part of him now, a piece of the puzzle that had been missing all along or messing with the stars. And whether it led him down a path of heartache, he knew he had to face it head-on, for better or for worse. He was scared, obviously. However, he would enjoy his final days with you, shoot his arrow and disappear. He would get another mission and drown his feelings, trying to forget about you for the rest of his immortal life…
Days passed by, slipping from his hands, and weekend was already there. He dressed himself up and headed to the party. As he was getting closer of his friend’s house, he felt his heart sinking. When he entered the place, the thumping bass reverberated through the crowded living room as Minho scanned the sea of faces, his heart pounding in his chest with a mix of excitement and gloom. He had promised himself that tonight would be the night he finally bonded you and Thomas for eternity, but now that the moment was upon him, doubt gnawed at his resolve like a persistent itch.
Spotting you across the room, your radiant smile lighting up the dimly lit space, Minho's breath caught in his throat. You looked absolutely stunning, your eyes sparkling with laughter — you seemed a bit tipsy too — as you mingled effortlessly with the other partygoers.
Determined to seize the opportunity before it slipped through his fingers, Minho made his way through the crowd, weaving between bodies. But just as he reached out to tap your shoulder, a voice cut through the din like a knife slicing through butter.
« Hey, Minho! What are you doing over here all by yourself ? »
Minho turned to find Felix grinning at him, a beer in hand and mischief dancing in his eyes. « Felix… What are you doing here ? »
Felix arched an eyebrow, his grin widening into a knowing smirk, except that his eyes felt low-key frightening. Minho had never seen that look on his face before. « Let me guess – you're trying to find Y/N, aren't you ? I hope it’s to do your job. Tomorrow is your last chance if you can’t do it tonight, which would honestly be a shame.»
Minho felt the heat rise to his cheeks, cursing himself for being so transparent. « Yeah, actually. I was hoping to talk to her. »
Felix chuckled, clapping Minho on the back in a gesture of camaraderie. « Talk to her about what exactly ? » he aggressively whispered. « You were right, Minho. The ancient gods noticed your weird behavior and they’re now asking for results. That’s why they sent me here tonight. Also, I hate to break it to you, but it looks like she's already found her right match."
Minho's heart sank like a stone as he followed Felix's gaze across the room, where you were engaged in animated conversation with none other than Thomas. His stomach churned with jealousy and disappointment as he watched you laugh and joke together, your easy proximity like a dagger to his heart.
Desperate to salvage the situation before it spiraled out of control, Minho racked his brain for a way to interrupt. But before he could formulate a plan, fate intervened in the cruelest of ways, as Thomas locked eyes with yours and began to make his way toward you with the inevitability of two stars on a collision course.
With a unpleasant feeling in the pit of his stomach, Minho realized that his efforts to keep you for himself would be in vain. And as he watched you both draw closer, he couldn't help but wonder if perhaps he had been fighting a losing battle all along.
But even as the bitter sting of defeat washed over him like a wave crashing against the shore, Minho knew that he couldn't give up hope just yet. For in matters of the heart, anything was possible – even miracles. Adrenaline rushing through his veins, he nearly sprinted in your direction, pushing away the guests and ignoring his brother’s screams. 
With newfound determination burning bright within him, Minho felt prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. If there was one thing he knew for sure, it was that love was worth fighting for – even if it meant risking everything he held dear: his powers, his own life. Because what would happen if things weren’t turning the way they should ? He was going against destiny and it had messed up yours too. And, if he lost his powers, you would probably forgot about him since your friendship had, at first, been built on the illusions he had created.
And as the party raged on around him, Minho took a deep breath and stepped boldly between the two of you, stopping Thomas from achieving his move whether it was a hug or a kiss. The man seemed surprised and offended. « Yo… Do we know each other ? » he asked. « We don’t, but I'm here with her. » Minho held your hand in his, the warmth of his skin against your sending electricity into your veins. You looked at them, glaring at each other as a third guy — blond hair and an angelic face — approached you. Who was he and why it looked like he wanted to punch Minho in the face ? Focusing back on the brown haired boy and Thomas, you said « Minho, it’s fine we were just talking. » He turned his head, frowning, his grip on your hand strengthening. Yet, behind that visible annoyance, you could notice despair and softness in his eyes. « Well, I need to talk to you too. » Before you or Thomas could add a word, he made you follow him across the room. The blond guy was still following you but was struggling to slide between the students. You went upstairs, Minho was trying to find a place where people weren’t making out or throwing up. Eventually, a couple left one of the room, giving you the opportunity to get some privacy. 
The love god closed the door behind you, letting your hand go. « I don’t have much time and I honestly don’t know what’s going to happen after but… I have to try. » 
« What are you talking about ? » you chuckled nervously, your mouth getting dry. « Remember when I told you I’ve never loved anyone before ? » he asked. You nodded, anticipating. He walked closer to you, putting a strand of hair behind your ear in a tender gesture, looking at your face features as if trying to engrave them in his mind. « It took me long enough to admit it but I did… No, I do love someone. » « Oh… » you sounded disappointed, your heart starting to be torn into pieces until you felt your friend’s lips on yours. His hands cupped your face, your eyes widened as his were closing, a single tear threatening to fall anytime. Almost instantly, you drowned onto his touch, your lips moving in perfect sync as your fists were gripping his shirt. Your heart was beating so loudly that it echoed in your eardrum and you felt butterflies getting restless in the pit of your stomach. 
A deep muffled voice could be heard from behind the walls as Minho delicately stepped away from you. As soon as his lips detached from yours, you started to miss them like you would miss oxygen to breathe. « Minho you know about Tho… » « Don’t worry » a tear was rolling down his cheek and he quickly whipped it. « I know you like him… But, I had to try… ». However, you didn’t feel that way about your old crush. You had a little something for him, yes, but the feeling you had for Minho was stronger than anything you had felt before. You loved him. « Minho I lo… » you couldn’t confess fully when the same innocent looking guy you had seen earlier crashed into the room. 
« Minho. I hope you didn’t do anything stupid or… » however his face started to break down. Scared, you looked at Minho who was getting paler second after second. You rushed to support him as his knees felt weaker. He could feel it, his magic leaving his body. He felt so sleepy, the itch getting intense and your and Felix’s voices sounded faint. Felix cursed as he was walking toward you. « Don’t come closer ! » you warned him, not forgetting the way he looked at him before. Not listening to you, he put one of Minho’s arm around his shoulder and helped him laying down. « Wh-what are you doing ? We need to call an ambulance. » you stuttered. Felix bitterly laughed « Your mortals shit wouldn’t help him, now move aside. ». 
Everything was becoming blurry and dark for the brown haired boy. Laid down, he could see Felix’s lips moving hastily, trying to cast a spell, while your hands were holding his left one tightly. « Mor… What ? ». The blond hair guy didn’t answer, his hands moving above Minho. You couldn’t see anything but the deity did. Slowly, a golden arrow was appearing on his brother’s hands, shining brightly.
You were done with this strange guy. With trembling hands, you took your phone and dialed the emergency number. Immediately, someone answered you and asked for the reason of your call.
« My friend is… He is really pale and… he doesn’t speak anymore. I… Yes, he’s breathing. No… » 
Conversation kept going as you described his state, distracted and barely paying attention to Felix who was finally done casting his spell. The arrow weighted heavily on his hands, more than usual. He looked at his brother with uncertainty. The ancient gods gave him the mission to do the necessary to help Minho, no matter what, even if it had to cost him his life. His throat was burning and his hands were holding the arrow so firmly that his knuckles were turning white. With a gain of lucidity, Minho looked at Felix. Who would have thought that his biggest ally would turn out to be his greatest enemy, love itself. Minho knew what would happen if the angel was planting the arrow on his chest. He would die. It was created for mortals only and unique for each of them. Defying destiny was dangerous. Without his power he wouldn’t be able to live, he was doomed by a love curse. 
« Do it. » he whispered, his words so faint he could barely hear them himself. 
Felix looked at him, a frown on his face and teary eyes. The brown haired boy repeated his demand, more loudly this time. His brother closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, holding the arrow still, right above Minho’s heart. « Remember that you did this to yourself. » Felix’s deep voice broke. « I should have noticed your behavior… I’m sorry, brother. ». 
Distracted by the sudden agitation at the corner of your eyes. You noticed that the blond hair guy was holding both his hands above your friend. Confused, you looked at them, not answering on the phone anymore. Suddenly, Felix slammed his fists on his brother’s chest. 
The last things Minho could remember was your scream, you pushing Felix as his tears were falling on Minho’s face like a warm summer rain, his energy swirling in a thundery way around him, and the blinding light of the arrow painfully entering his rib cage. He wasn’t regretting his decision. He hoped his brother wouldn’t blame himself. As he said, Minho had did this to himself and, for as long as he could remember, he had never felt so alive. He was happy that he had been able to meet you, love you, share his feelings with you. It costed him his life, yet, he knew that it wouldn’t have been the same if you weren’t part of it. Fortunately, you would forget everything about this thanks to Felix. It would be like a blurry nightmare, nothing more, even if he secretly hoped a part of you would never forget about him. With some sort of contentment, he drowned into darkness. 
Darkness. Sounds scary at first but felt familiar to Minho. After all, he had been wandering in their meanders for a long time before becoming a god of love. It felt cosy, like a nest. He didn’t have to think about anything, just let himself sail around. However, that peace wouldn’t last eternally. Slowly, a reddish light appeared, troubling his comatose state, pulling him out of this world. 
Bip. Bip. Bip. His eyelids were trembling as he tried to come to his senses. Opening his eyes, he noticed where the sound was coming from. A cardiac monitor was near, perfusions were attached to his wrist. Was he at the hospital ? How was it possible ? And what was that muffled noise ? Scanning his surrounding, he saw him. Felix. His face lighting up as his brother was awaking. He could tell that he was definitely fighting the urge to hold him, scared to hurt him. 
« Minho! I… I can’t believe you did it… » he sputtered. 
The brown haired boy was confused. « W-why am I here ? » he asked with a hoarse voice. Surprised by it, he brought his hand to his throat. Felix’s face lost his brightness as he started to explain what happened. When the ancient gods sent his brother to bring him back to reason, they also knew that, once every thousand years, a love god could fall for someone. In the manuscripts, few were the ones who survived, most of them loosing their powers before they could do anything except one case. The love god realizing the situation they were in, they decided to shoot the arrow toward themselves, the weapon absorbing all the power but not their soul. 
« This is why they told me to do this. They didn’t explain why until I came back… The arrow saved you however… » Felix seemed to hesitate. 
« What ? » Minho breathed out. 
« You’re a mortal now. »
The blond haired man seemed sorry, it was some sort of punishment for going against fate. Minho wasn’t. He had a second chance to meet you. 
« Y/N. How is she ? Does she and Thomas…» he expectantly asked, hope lacing his voice as he tried to sit up properly, in vain, his muscles still weak. Felix softly smiled at his brother. « She’s doing great. And, no, they’re not bonded… ». A sigh of relief escaped Minho’s mouth. « She doesn’t remember me, right ? » he asked, sappy. The angel shook his head. Of course. He had erased her memories with the brown haired boy. Seeing the sadness creeping up Minho’s face, Felix started to rummage into the bag he had across his chest. Finding what he was looking for, he handed them to Minho. 
« Here. Welcome to your new life. » 
Papers. Lee Minho. Twenty five years old. Born in South Korea. He looked at the angel, baffled. Was it real ? 
« Oh! And you’re starting your final year of university this autumn. You better be ready. » Felix added. 
« Excuse me ? » Minho groaned. 
Several months later. 
The crisp morning air was filled with the buzz of anticipation as students hurriedly made their way to their respective classrooms. You rushed through the throng of students, not wanting to be late for your first day. You glanced at your schedule, confirming the room number for your first class of the semester.
As you approached the corridor where your class was to be held, you noticed a figure leaning casually against the wall, engrossed in a book. His rugged charm caught your eye, and you couldn't help but steal a few glances as you neared him. His deep concentration on the book intrigued you. You have never seen him taking this class before. Was he a new student ? 
With a hesitant smile, you cleared your throat softly, catching the attention of the young man. He looked up, his gaze meeting yours, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
"Hi, sorry to bother you," you began, your voice soft and friendly. « Do you know if this is where the Literature class is supposed to meet? »
The young man's eyes twinkled with amusement as he closed his book, revealing a cover adorned with intricate designs in a language you didn’t know. "Yes, it is. I'm actually headed there myself," he replied, his voice warm and inviting.
Relief washed over you as you returned his smile. "Great, thank you. I'm Y/N, by the way," you introduced yourself, extending your hand.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Minho," he replied, accepting your handshake with a gentle grip.
Your brief introduction was interrupted by the sound of the classroom door opening nearby, signaling the start of the class. You looked at your watch, realizing you were running out of time.
"Well, it looks like we better head in," you said with a nod towards the open door.
Minho agreed, falling into step beside you as you made your way into the classroom together. As you found seats near each other, you couldn't shake the feeling of serendipity that hung in the air. You didn’t know him, yet, you felt a deep connection and a sensation of deja-vu.
As the professor began the lesson, you stole another glance at Minho, captivated by his features and feeling grateful for the unexpected connection fate had brought you that morning.
© edenalieth
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kalims · 1 year
presenting them a failed dish | all
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summary. you present them a failed dish (you of which they just happen to like very much.) question is, are they gonna be biased or brutally honest despite all that? 
content. alignment, all characters
featuring. all nrc students, gender neutral
wc. mentions of death (comical)
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though not all the judges seated are all privileged with a good nose like the merman, nor a good set of ears like the fae, not even the combination of both from the beastmen.. all of them could smell the seeming scent of something burning? they know because they can see the gray smoke clouding above their heads.
… but they could all collectively feel the looming sense of something ominous inside that kitchen.
they all exchange nervous looks. the previous contestant called lilia's dish already made them lose their appetite. they're pretty sure that this next meal would finish them off and send them to the next universe.
the door opens and the smoke comically flows out. ironically enough you emit a ray of sunshine, as though you are immensely proud by your achievement as you hold the tray of what seems to be the eye of the storm.
"it's ready." despite the very clear aura of death behind you, and in your hands. you smile brightly and they actually pause to sweat a little.
oh god. is it normal for the smoke to form into a skull before disappearing completely..? they swear they just saw a bouquet of spider lilies behind you.
for once they quip back a comment in favor of you keeping that hopeful grin. they don't have the heart to shatter it right now when they're probably seconds away from death.
at least once they die, you're happy…
"so.. what's this supposed to be?" midst their stunned silence one of the student asks.
you answer in a quip. "an omelet." and they almost fall over. that smell is supposed to be an omelet?
you happily take off the lid and his jaw drops, at the smell alone.. is that even a dish? that's just burnt ash!
"I hope you enjoy the meal~"
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"... I will."
the ones pretending that everything is okay even though it's most definitely not. he can physically feel the smoke tickling the base of his jaw and he's starting to regret picking up the spoon for a bite in your expense. surely it isn't too bad?
wrong. everything is bad. he just saw god, he isn't sure if it's worth swallowing the monstrosity just so you won't be disheartened by his reaction. he's so down bad for you
deuce, trey, azul, idia, jack, ruggie (kind of, it's free so) silver
the ones who are in fact, not pretending that everything's okay because it isn't!! what in the seven's name did you do, and use in that kitchen to create this absolute piece of garbage—the mistake of the century! do you really think they'd eat… that for you?
okay so maybe your offended look may have swayed him and he's reluctantly pushing a small portion of it in his mouth. aaaaand. he's out.
ace, sebek, epel, jamil, leona
"are you sure this can be eaten?"
the nervous ones that are constantly asking if it's fine and what in the hell you put in this thing for it to come out like that! you described the use of the ingredients perfectly! but why does it look so… bad? was your plating the problem?
but they never judge a book by its cover so… bon appétit… that's what he was thinking just about two hours ago. oops.
cater, riddle, ruggie, silver
flat out refuses to eat. it's not him… it's you 🥺 get that musty ass dish out of his face this instant! all you need is a wake up call instead of these stupid incompetent judges who are hell bent on being biased af!!
he'll drag you in the kitchen himself. you will not leave until you've made a dish that looks decent enough to eat, and definitely lives up to it's visual.
vil, jamil, leona, sebek, ace
* u hear that? he's already finished his fill lol *
the ones who for real needs to go to a mental hospital cause he doesn't even question anything about your dish, grabs a knife, spoon, fork, whatever he needed, pokes it once before slicing a piece off (but can you slice dust??) and popping in their mouth casually. 
you can't even tell if it tastes bad or not cause their face didn't even twitch. you've got an inkling that there was a glimmer of tears but he blinked them away for your sake. (but he's definitely never gonna try it ever again)
malleus, jade, lilia, silver
also finishes his fill but is eating in a very clearly more energetic, and enthusiastic way. this can go to ways. they either chew on it twice, pause then inevitably pass out for a few hours.
or they finish it and pass out for the whole day. eh whatever, they like you a lot so they'd probably keep eating em' anyways.
floyd, rook, deuce, ruggie (kind of, once again) kalim
shit cooking besties let's go!! he now thinks that you're a god in cooking cause he tasted it, and was sent to heaven instantly. which is also kind of suspicious cause it looked like it grew sentient and crawled out of hell
GENUINELY ENJOYS IT?? they're just humming a tune while savoring the dish slowly..
ortho, grim, rook
immediately suspicious and thinks that it's littered with poison or something. they think it's absolutely genius that they even noticed it. it's come so bad to the point where they had to get another replacement judge cause they kept criticizing YOU instead of your food.
who else? sebek
sorry I had to make a separate one for this man. at this point all of diasomnia has separate parts lol
let's say, the dish was just presented. without the chef so he just stares at it in interest. silently wondering who'd dare to serve him such an… unruly dish. seriously… even the villagers make better food than this.
he doesn't even bother to eat till you step out and ask how it was.
bro when did he finish it all??? WHY IS HE EATING THE PLATE???? "I'm absolutely famished. may I ask for seconds?"
malleus ( bro switching up in 2 seconds maximum, what a simp loool )
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commissioned piece, not pr
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wonjns · 11 months
caught you. – s.jy
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pairing. sim jaeyun x male reader
genre. smut
summary. jake would’ve never believed it if someone told him his cute, innocent boyfriend was actually a horny mess who just needed to be fucked - that is, he wouldn’t believe it until he saw it himself.
includes. bottom!malereader, virgin!reader, corruption kink, blowjob (reader rec.), degradation
WC. 2.1k
°A/N. . . requested by anon ✓ “Hey~ So I was thinking to request a Enhypen Jake smut where y/n was a virgin but Jake found him humping his pillow after he came home stressed . And maybe if u can add some dirty talking, humiliating👀” || so happy to finally be posting this bc the male reader content has been so dry lately 😵‍💫 NOT PROOFREAD!
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you had found yourself in quite the predicament this evening, regretting all of your decisions after telling your boyfriend you didn't need to accompany him to his recent music video shooting.
despite how excited jake was to share the world of entertainment with you and let you know you were free to join him on his schedules, you often felt like a burden. so, today you reassured your ray of sunshine that you would be fine at home, giving yourself a day to just lounge around and catch up on your favorite series.
but god was it boring, and damn were you horny.
your relationship with jake had been pretty innocent thus far, both of you radiating wholesome energy and hardly going further than innocent kisses and cuddling. but as time went on, you found it increasingly harder to control yourself around him.
maybe it was the styling or the overall confidence of this new era, but something about jake just had you constantly engaging in an inner war to not pounce across the table every time your boyfriend licked sauce from his lips at dinner or groaned after tasting good food.
yet, you were just too nervous to bring up your desires to jake. you were a virgin, and jake knew that, so he never wanted to make you feel uncomfortable or pressured into taking things a step further. in his mind, you would come to him when you were ready.
you, on the other hand, were petrified at the idea that your inexperience would humiliate you.
you knew it was irrational, but you thought your lack of knowledge would actually run your boyfriend off to find someone who could satisfy him. countless times you've caught his massive bulge printing through his sweats, and regardless of your desire to just take him whole and swallow him for everything that he's got, you had no idea how.
thus, causing all of your filthy wants and thoughts to be restrained in your mind in the deep hours of the night, your hand shoved down your boxers.
today was no different; your alleged relaxing day at home went to shit as soon as your phone dinged with photo jake sent to you on set. you couldn't believe all it took was one selfie of his smirk being covered by a lip bite to cling to one of his pillows (doused in the scent of his cologne and shampoo).
you changed into one of jake's oversized hoodies and stripped yourself of your shorts off until you were left in your boxers, throwing your leg over the pillow as you admired the selfie. however, before you knew it you had succumbed to even watching his fancams.
it was so pitiful, but the relief your clothed erection felt from the pressure of jake's firm pillow sent your mind reeling. the rocking of your hips only sped up the more you watched him roll his eyes or grab his crotch during concert clips -- and your mind wandered to how he was probably doing those exact things for the camera right now.
after losing track of time, you were growing impatient at how unsatisfying the pillow was becoming compared to how your boyfriend's strong hands would feel. your mild whimpers were quickly turning to muffled sounds of frustration, discarding your phone to ground your hips into the pillow harder. you squeezed your eyes shut in chase of at least some relief.
but it seems you had gotten too caught up in trying to find your climax, because you were frozen in your tracks after hearing a throat being cleared at the door.
a sudden wave of embarrassment washed over you as you turned your head to see none other than jake at the door, eyebrows raised in shock.
"b-babe," you muttered, scrambling off of his pillow as your cheeks burned red. "you-... you....."
you couldn't even begin to form a sentence or excuse, skin feeling on fire from the way he was looking at you. jake couldn't believe his eyes, the image of his sweet and innocent boyfriend grinding on his pillow like a bitch in heat.
"y/n..." he uttered just above a whisper, "what exactly is going on here?"
he was in shock, but he had been turned on in seconds. you think your eyes are playing tricks on you the way you see a slight smirk growing on his face.
"i just.... i.... how long have you been here?" you fumble, sitting up and sliding your phone under the blankets.
jake ignores your question, cocking his head to the side as he approaches the bed. you feel too humiliated to move as he kneels, his head at the same level as the pillow you had trapped between your thighs.
"keep going."
you furrowed your brows in disbelief at what you heard.
"i said keep going." jake cut in, eyes now dark and hooded as he stares lasers into your skin. "if you missed me so much to start humping my shit, i wanna watch it happen."
you had never once heard jake's voice in this tone, and you were too intimidated to respond. his whole aura took on a dominance unfamiliar to you, but you'd be lying if you said it didn't make your boner return in full force.
slowly moving, you took his pillow between your legs once more and curled deeper into his hoodie, unable to make eye contact as you started rutting your hips.
"look at me while you do." jake ordered, not a single waiver in his voice as he spoke.
your eyes widened in worry, silently refusing to look up.
"y/n, be a good boy and look at me."
the pet name caused your dick to twitch, and a soft moan escaped your lips when you remade contact with the idol's dark, lust filled orbs.
you could feel the heat of the room intensifying as you sped up your hips, jake looking down to your pelvis and taking in the show. you whimpered when he sensually licked his bottom lip with the same tongue you'd been fantasizing over for weeks. you felt so shameful, but were getting turned on rapidly as the seconds went by.
"j-jake, please." you whispered, causing his eyes to shoot back up to you.
"what is it, babe?" he responded, a devilishly teasing tone to his words. "what do you want?"
"touch me... please touch me."
your weak plea made his bulge solidify tighter in his pants, making him bite his lip just as he did in the photo while his eyes sized you up and down.
he was trying his best to hide how aroused he was, because he really wanted to watch you cum like this first, but the glint in your begging eyes caused him to lose all motive. your little bulge was just so cute to him, he wanted to be the reason you reached your high first.
"oh, baby..." he groaned, his hands lunging at you to grab the back of your neck.
jake surged forwards, connecting his ridiculously soft gummy lips with yours. he swallowed you whole in an opened mouth kiss, not even waiting a second to slip his thick tongue into your mouth and taste your desperacy.
you moaned loudly, hips stilling as the satisfying feeling of jake studying the grooves of your cavern overtook you. your hands gripped for his hair, pulling him even closer to kiss him back with a sloppy passion.
he pulled away for just a moment to look into your hooded eyes, nipping at your bottom lip just to hear you whine again. he caught you in another heated kiss while simultaneously shoving the pillow out of the way so he could mount the bed.
minutes later you were pressed deeper into the mattress by the older male without breaking the kiss once, your hands gripping any and everything they could feel. jake reached down to feel your hardened cock through your boxer, causing you to break the kiss in a groan.
"how bad do you want me to make you come, baby?" he teased, dipping down to nibble along your collarbone.
you wanted it so bad you couldn't even put it into words, babbling nonsense at him and throwing your head back as his large palm stroked you over your clothes.
"use your words, y/n. you were needy enough to try to fuck a pillow but now that i'm here you cant even speak." jake taunted, a deep blush returning to your cheeks.
you were so embarrassed by the whole scenario, but the way jake was treating you had your mind hazed in desire. the way your body shook in pleasure from his hands alone did all the talking for you, but he needed to hear it from you.
"s-s'badly, jake. please, i need you."
"oh, you need me?" jake taunted, slowly slipping your boxers off. "if only you had told me earlier, prince, i could have been given you what you needed. but you just had to be a needy little whore all by your lonesome."
he licked his lips hungrily once more seeing your erected cock practically begging for more attention. he pushed the hoodie you wore higher up your chest, trailing wet kisses down your stomach until he finally reached your core, flattening his tongue on your pulsing shaft.
you groaned noisily before biting your lip, tangling your hands in jake's curls and pulling. it was his turn to send a moaning vibration through you, your legs threatening to close around his head.
it seemed jake could sense it, because his strong grip went from his hips to your bare thighs, holding them apart and he licked up and down your sensitive cock.
"fuck, so good, jake" you breathed out, legs trembling at the sensation of his warm tongue teasing your length.
your boyfriend offered a hum in response before enclosing those plump lips around your member, sucking experimentally. you would've screamed if the feeling didn't completely throw you in a blissful haze right off the bat, your mouth flying open in a silent moan.
it was obvious that jake could tell how much you liked it, him sucking harder before wrapping his tongue around your cock as he continued. this only went on for no more than a minute before you were announcing you were about to come - which turned out to be a mistake as the idol ceased all his actions, releasing your length from those heaven sent lips.
this made you squirm desperately, tears prickling at your eyes.
"n-no! why'd you stop?" you whined to your boyfriend, who only smirked in response before kissing your tip.
"i'm just so disappointed you didn't tell me how bad you wanted this, babe." jake responded with a mocking tone, leaving butterfly kisses around the area you needed him most. "maybe i'm just not good enough for you..."
an army of no's fled from your lips, shaking your head as you gripped onto jakes broad shoulders.
"jake, please, you're the only one who can make me feel this way. please keep going. i promise i'll be good for you." you babbled, bucking your hips up towards his face.
this made jake chuckle darkly.
"well, if you promise."
and with that, he returned to his ministrations on your cock, sucking powerfully and bobbing his head along your length while holding your waist down. he brought a hand up to fondle your balls while drool started sliding down your member and onto the mattress, sending you into cloud nine.
it wasn't until he moaned deeply around your cock after getting a taste of your precum that you finally reached your climax, releasing your love liquids into his mouth while your whole body went limp.
the feeling was like nothing you had ever imagined, jake's eager tongue cleaning up the mess from your skin feeling much better than the tissues you'd sneak into your room.
you thanked the shaggy haired male as your eyes started fluttering closed, his thumbs rubbing gentle circles into your thighs nearly lulling you to sleep.
however a firm smack to one of your thighs jolted you back awake, looking down at jake in confusion.
"ah ah, baby. i think it's your turn to take care of me now, don't you think?" he piped up.
you followed his line of sight trailing south to the raging boner still standing tall in his pants, causing your mouth to water.
"theres a lot i have to teach you, baby boy."
now was finally your time, and you couldn't have been any happier that today of all days was when jake sim finally caught you.
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© 𝐟𝐥𝐰𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐢 — all rights reserved
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scar-crossedlvrs · 1 year
Saw you asking for Vendetta!Leon and I'm also madly in love with him so here we go!
Vendetta!Leon with a shy and sweet reader who's always there for him and one night he finds out despite her bubbly nature she's actually struggling too with past things she never talks about?
If this is too specific I understand! Simply Leon with a sweet reader would be fine. <3
Leon S Kennedy - Sunshine
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The way I dropped everything to write this. The grumpy / sunshine troupe is one of my favorites. Anyway!!! This is my first time writing something resembling hurt / comfort & i really hope you enjoy it.
minor cw for implied past abuse.
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Leon Kennedy was a stormcloud, a man so grey and rainy he could ruin anyone’s mood. Despite that he was a damn good agent, respected by all of his peers for the amount of successful missions he had pulled off on his own. And that’s how he preferred to be in his day to day life, alone. It was the only way he could keep from getting hurt, from getting those around him hurt. 
Until you came along, a ray of sunshine through the storm. He’d always remember the first time he saw that sweet smile of yours. Leon was halfway through his second bottle when you approached his corner table. Shy and sweet, you could barely keep eye contact with him as you spoke, looking back to the gaggle of friends that had encouraged you to approach the handsome man in the corner you had been ogling all night. No matter where you looked though, that smile never faded from your pretty lips. 
 It doesn’t matter how bad of a mood he’s in or how deep into a bottle of Jack he’s found himself, there’s always a soft spot in his heart for that bright smile you seem to have permanently etched into your face. Despite the fact that he knows better, that it was the same smile you gave to the whole world, Leon convinced himself that it was only for him.
Unbeknownst to him though it wasn’t the same one you gave to the world. It was indeed a genuine smile you crafted just for him. Or better yet a series of them, tailored to every specific situation that you may have needed them for and given only to him. He wasn’t the easiest man to deal with, but every time you offered him a comforting word, a sweet favor or even just the smallest of loving glances he seemed to soften for you. To show you a glimpse of a man that existed before the horrors of the world tore that hope away from him.
But you knew as well as anyone that trauma could do that to a person.
You knew he needed someone to keep him grounded, to remind him that there was always sunshine after the storm. You were determined to never let him see that smile fall. 
And you almost succeeded.
The apartment was quiet, but Leon knew you were home due to the fact your car was parked out front. He was home early for once from whatever god forsaken mission he had been sent on this time and all he wanted to do was curl up in a ball next to you. Figuring you were napping, he crept through the hallway as quietly as he could in order to avoid waking you. 
But the sounds behind the bedroom door stopped him in his tracks. Heavy breathing partnered with choked sobs and the muffled sound of an angry voice on the other line of a cell phone. 
“You’re not supposed to have this number. I made sure of that.” Your voice is cracking, trembling on the other side of the door. “How did you get this number?” 
He’s caught off guard by the fear in your voice, and not waiting a moment longer, he’s pulled open the bedroom door. Just in time for your cellphone to whizz past his head, exploding into pieces as it collides with the wall. 
“Leon?” Your first instinct is to hide your face away from him, hands flying to cover your face  so that he couldn’t see the tears staining your cheeks. This wasn’t supposed to happen. You hadn’t expected him to be home so soon, but you also hadn’t expected the angry phone call from your ex-boyfriend either. Realizing your facade was over, you could do nothing more than pull your knees to your chest and sob into your hands.
“Sunshine, no no no. I’m here.” his voice is soft, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling you into a firm hug, moving your face from your hands into his chest. 
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. You were the one that was supposed to comfort him, not the other way around.
“You shouldn’t have to see this.” You choke out, words muffled into his jacket.  
He sighs, one hand moving to smooth over the hair on the back of your head as he shakes his own. “I’m not leaving you like this.” he said softly. It was his chance to return the favor for everything you had done for him. 
And that was all it took to open the floodgates, letting the emotions of what had just happened spill out through your eyes as he rocked you in his arms, cooing sweet words into your ear as he did so. He didn’t ask you to tell him what was wrong, part of him not wanting to know what it was that could cause your sweet demeanor to falter and the other part knowing that if he knew he’d make an impulsive decision. 
Instead he let you cry, because you needed to.
And because he knew despite everything, there’d still be sunshine after the storm.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 11 months
Can ya like do something about two gods fighting over reader? But reader didn't like seeing them fighting and will defo cry if they saw them fighting? But in the end, the two gods had reconciled that they won't fight over her anymore???
Hades - Poseidon
Apollo - Hermes
Thor - Loki
Beel - Hades
HAHHAHAHAHA Im so sorryyyy
-Hades and Poseidon- The two brothers were constantly trying to one up each other about you, if Poseidon gave you a rose, Hades gave you a dozen, if Hades brought you your favorite dessert, Poseidon took you out to your favorite bakery. At first they were both respectful to each other as they were both courting you and told you not to worry about choosing right away, because they wanted to beat each other fair and square. However, as time went on, they started to get a bit more intense with their competition, challenging one another, boiling down to an armed fight, Hades with his bident and Poseidon with his trident. You didn’t want them to fight, begging them to stop, not wanting to see either of them hurt, but they ignored you until you burst into tears and ran off, stunning both of them. You refused to see either of them, not even willing to speak with them, as you didn’t want them fighting over you. They came to an agreement, both not wanting to lose you, that they would be willing to share you and when they came to you with this same idea, telling you that they wouldn’t fight, only then did you forgive them.
-Apollo and Hermes- Apollo was flashy and loud while Hermes was more reserved and calmer, opposites, despite being half-brothers, but the one thing they had in common was their love and affection for you. They both adored you, loving everything about you and when they both showed up at your doorstep with a bouquet of red roses and sunflowers, your favorite combination, they quickly got into an argument which escalated into a huge fist fight. You ran out, trying to pull the two of them apart, begging them not to fight as they continued to yell at each other. It was only when you grabbed their hands that were clenched together, pulling it to your chest, feeling something wet, did they pause and realize that you were crying, looking so unbelievably upset, whispering to them, begging them to stop fighting. They felt awful, wanting to blame each other, sending each other glares before calling a momentary truce, focusing on calming you down, working together. For you, they didn’t mind working together, for a short while.
-Thor and Loki- Loki loved to make you laugh, always glad to see the smile on your lips, flirting shamelessly with you, and doing anything he could to make you smile. Thor adored you just as much, but while he didn’t talk much, he did small meaningful things for you, tucking a flower behind your ear, carrying your groceries for you, or just sitting there, letting you talk away. The two Norse gods were quickly able to realize they both liked you, so now it was a race on who got to you first. You found yourself overwhelmed by the attention they were both giving to you, not giving you a single moment of free time, both of them wanting to spend time with you until it got to the point where they were each holding one of your hands, arguing what you were going to do. It was only when you sniffled that they paused, looking down at you in horror as you burst into tears, “Please don’t fight!!” they felt awful, spending the next twenty minutes trying to get you calmed down, calling a truce immediately so they wouldn’t upset you anymore. After asking you for your blessings, they agreed to share you, only if they wouldn’t fight again.
-Beelzebub and Hades- These two had been long time friends, after Hades helped Beelzebub and gave him a reason to keep going, to keep living. You were the ray of sunshine for the both of them, catching their eyes and while he didn’t want to admit it because he didn’t want to put you at risk of his curse. However, it never seemed to bother him, you soothed him, and he adored that, you made him feel calm, and Hades adored your bright nature, finding you comforting to be around. That’s why when you came to visit with the two of them and found them locked in battle, yelling to each other that you were theirs. You were quickly in tears and ran for them, begging them to stop, and they only did when you put yourself between the two of them. That’s when they saw your tears and it broke their hearts, even more so when they realized that they were the cause. After getting you calmed down they explained they both liked you and rather than handling things calmly, they dove right into battle. You were a little shy, asking if they could learn to share, as you didn’t want to have to choose, they fell even harder for you, seeing your kind heart and agreed.
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datingdonovan · 11 days
a/n: wake up. food's ready. just sat here for a few minutes and rehabbed an old draft that was probably based on this fabulous onceler drabble, I think? also VERY pg13... not really any explicit sex but. it's a lot about sex. my blog and my writing used to be so sfw but cece is back after her most recent troubling sexual relationship and is probably sexier than ever. he he ha ha help me. I hope you enjoy. also reader is gn but does get called beautiful so if that feels gendered or triggering to you please be aware! also mentions of tipsy/inebriated sex!!!! so dubcon in that way? I tried to make everyone not drunk drunk but if tipsy sex is slimy for you watch out for that too
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Yamaguchi wakes up slowly, eyes halfway open, naked body warm. And then he remembers what happened. The muscles in his body all tense at once, and it takes every fiber of his being to stay still. No no no no no. That hadn't happened. Shit. That hadn't happened, right?
But it had. His palm is resting on the soft skin of your hip and despite his best efforts he's squeezing lightly, so fucking nervous, and you're squirming toward him, still asleep, smiling softly, and it had, it had happened, oh god, it had.
Fuck. His ears are ringing with anxiety. What had happened? What had happened? He hadn't drank nearly enough last night for this to possibly have fucking happened.
And the information floods his mind as you nuzzle closer to his chest, your skin flush against his, a soft kiss where your mouth meets his shoulder. You, Tsukki, Tsukki breaking up with you — meanly, meaner than was necessary. You, Yamaguchi, and Tsukki, best friends, best friends since freshman year and Tsukki dating you and Yamaguchi shutting up and enduring it and you feeling tired of Tsukki's pretentiousness and his mean jokes and you telling Yamaguchi about it and Yamaguchi telling Tsukki about it and instead of fixing it making it worse and then you. You. YOU.
You with no more Tsukki, crying into his shoulder, and saying you just want to fuck someone. You're not even angry, you knew this was coming, you just want to fuck someone to forget. And Yamaguchi, the ever-loving asshole that he is, saying yes, yes, that makes sense, instead of saying, no, it's a bad idea. And then your dorm room, and then your sheets, and then your skin, god, your fucking skin. And now probably a hundred missed calls from Tsukki when Yamaguchi can chance a look at his phone, and the swirling feeling of bile coming up his throat, but what the fuck was he supposed to do? Wouldn't anyone have done the same?
He'd been in love with you since he first laid eyes on you, and in better, kinder ways than Tsukki, he knew. You were so beautiful, a ray of sunshine, someone who deserved the world, and to be treated with tenderness, and care. Tsukki just treated you like he did any other adoring idiot who was obsessed with him. Yamaguchi knew you deserved someone who was obsessed with you, and he knew he could be that. He knew he could love you. He had to constantly fucking remind Tsukki how you took your coffee in the morning, and what your favorite flavor of ice cream was, and that it did in fact matter when he got home if you were waiting up for him, and that you actually cared about him more than he knew and he shouldn't be wasting this opportunity treating you like an annoyance, like you didn't deserve his attention. Hell, with everything Yamaguchi tried to do to make sure you were treated right, you might as well have been dating him the whole time.
And he hated how his heart twinged with jealousy every time you chose his best friend over him, but he let it happen, because he loved you, even though he just fucking knew that wasn't how it was supposed to be. And then last night, everyone was tipsy, and you were crying, and he saw the chance to show you what really being loved could look like, and he took it. Fuck.
You mumble something soft and sweet against his shoulder and he remembers what he said last night with you on top of him, the only thing he could find the words to say, in every cadence he could think of, even after you laughed and told him to stop:
"I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you."
Yamaguchi swallows hard.
It hadn't been sex. It had been love. And that was so, so much worse.
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kingbonercar · 2 years
Bring Me a Dream- Morpheus X Reader
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A/N: I wrote this in the middle of the night, so I hope it’s not absolute drivel. Also I didn’t proofread it so… hey! Idk what’s gonna happen! Also it’s very long bc I just WENT FOR IT! I hope you all enjoy!
Word count: 2k
Warnings: mentions of death
Major fluff alert! Slow burn for a oneshot!
Paring: Morpheus x Gender Neutral Reader
Summary: y/n is Alex Burgess’s adult Grandchild coming to visit, but they uncover the “family secret” in the basement, and they vow to release the man trapped for so many centuries.
Nature was outstretching its urgent arms and beckoning me to frolic within its verdant forests and fields. The greenery was speckled with buds of a multitude of pastel colors. I lost myself in this world of sweet-smelling daffodils and buttery rays of sunshine-
“Hey! Uh, you’re here!” The gruff cockney voice of my cab driver jolted me out of my trancelike slumber.
“Oh! Yes! Thank you!” I swallowed, shakily thumbing through my wallet to retrieve my credit card to reimburse the driver.
With a tight-lipped smile, I lugged my suitcase from the trunk with an ungraceful thud, and slammed the banana-yellow lid of it a tad too aggressively. I was still halfway prancing in the dream world like a daft idiot.
As I ambled down the cobblestone walkway of my grandfathers’ estate, I thought to myself, what a lovely dream. I lingered on this moment, as I had been pervasively afraid of the “sleepy sickness” which had affected my mother before her death just three years ago. It seemed as if no one dreamed anymore. I rapped on the door eagerly, for it had been years since I had seen my grandfathers, I had been but a mere child. The heavy door swung open to reveal the grinning face of Alex Burgess, my favorite relative.
“Oh how you’ve grown!” He cooed, beckoning me inside.
“I have a room for you upstairs, but drop your bags anywhere, we need to catch up!”
The man struggled to arise from his wheelchair, but after a few grunts, he stood tall, smiling with open arms.
“Grandpa!” I scolded, “you didn’t need to stand up!”
I embraced him, giggling through my chides.
“Ah but I did! You know that’s my favorite trick to play on people? I’ll be in my chair, looking as if I’m on Death's door, then BAM! I’ll stand up, and not only that, but I’ll rant about how some miracle has cured me! Gets ‘em every time!” Alex sung, clearly proud of his pranking achievements.
“I missed this. God, ever since mom passed away it’s like I was farther away from you. She was like an extension of you, despite being adopted, she really did reflect everything about you.” I sighed. “But I’m happy I’m here now.” I patted him on the shoulder, prompting my grandfather to settle down into his wheelchair.
“Now let me show you to your room.” He uttered.
“I believe it is time for you to learn our family secret. Venture to the basement if you wish to know. But be warned, you must keep this firmly under wraps. We cannot risk knowledge of this being getting out.
Grandpa Alex”
A note on yellowed parchment read. I had discovered the letter on my bedside table, waiting to be discovered. I looked upon it with a perplexed demeanor.
“Well, if this is some elaborate plot to kidnap me, it’s better than paying rent in my New York apartment.” I thought.
I descended a myriad of stairs, enough to make my calves groan.
I reached a sinister looking gate barring a larger room from access. Two guards stood beside it, unyielding. I brandished my letter with a shrug.
“Uh, I was told to come down here.” I squeaked.
The individuals nodded at one another, then punched in an unseen code to a pin pad which triggered the barred doors to swing open. I cautiously stepped in. The room was a sweeping expanse of grey, dimly lit walls. If only that were the only thing within. In the center of the area, a giant glass ball was perched in the center of some strange gold circle drawn onto the concrete below. Within the sphere was a man. This person’s skin was as white as an early winter snow, and his hair was obsidian black, so black that it could devour worlds in its endless void of color. The imprisoned man was also lacking clad, he crossed his legs to preserve a shred of dignity for himself, even in this state. I was taken aback at this sight. Why would my family be harboring a human being in their basement, along with keeping this poor soul in the confines of a glass globe, with no clothing or even a blanket? A swarm of emotions floated around my head as I approached the person. I stopped my stride as I reached a safe distance from the metallic circle on the floor, thinking it to be some sort of protective spell, although I couldn’t place it. For even I, someone who dabbles in witchcraft, it was foreign to me. The pale man lifted his chin slowly to meet my gaze with his icy eyes. They narrowed, his face awash with untrusting hatred.
I stepped away, a stirring in my soul told me to avert my prying eyes. I tore my gaze from the floor to look at him again, budding tears clouding my vision.
“God, I can’t believe they did this to you.” I whispered, bringing a hand up to touch the glass empathetically.
His gaze was unfaltering.
“Um, what is your name?” I inquired gently.
His lips remained sealed.
“I-I’m going to have a word with my grandfather about this.” I stated, turning on my heel.
“So just because he hasn’t promised not to harm you, you haven’t let him out? That’s IT?” I cried after Alex had enlightened me on the story of why the man was in the basement.
“Well, yes! Can’t you understand?” He hollered hopelessly.
“Are you sure he can even hear you in that thing?”
“Of course I’m sure! He’s a stubborn bastard!”
“If I weren’t your house guest I would break that fucking glass on my own.”
“But you are my house guest, and he’s a dangerous entity, Y/N.” My grandfather's hands met his head.
“Well at least you could show him some decency. He is the lord of dreams for fucks sake.” I spat as I turned towards the basement door. “And just so it’s clear, the reason your daughter died was because of you keeping him imprisoned. Without that, we wouldn’t have any of the sleepy-sickness bullshit. So just know that.” Words dripped like venom off of my mouth.
The man looked astounded, tears began to form in his eyes as despair clouded his face. He sunk into his wheelchair and wept.
I had been attempting to get the Lord of Dreams to converse for five hours, and I was constantly unsuccessful.
The being had shifted his position so he was laying, his eyes peeking out from behind his forearm. I sat down on the cold concrete, defeated.
“I know your name now, Alex told me. But I guess I am a sucker for proper introductions.” I sighed. I fished a minuscule sketch book and a graphite pencil out of my jacket pocket and began to craft a picture of The Sandman, in all of his foreboding glory. I found his strange muscle patterns endlessly fascinating. My pencil scratched paper for an undetermined amount of time, resulting in a gorgeous piece of Dream himself. I slowly pressed the page to the glass, he gazed upon it with curiosity. He lifted his hand to meet the wall of his entrapment, almost as if to reach for the drawing. His lips parted for mere seconds, just before he slumped into the deflated position that he has been roosting in for hours. I retreated as slumber beckoned me with balmy promises. I scooted to rest against the unyielding wall, eager to submit to the realm of sleep, not caring what consequences were in store for me. My eyelids felt as if they had contracted weights, and my vision blurred as my eyes closed, immediately introducing me to a world so vibrant that it had to be the one of dreams. I stood in the field, the same one in which I had visited in my nap in the taxi. I spun, my unclad feet meshing with the fertile soil below them. I allowed a laugh to escape my lips as I tumbled onto the soft ground. I gazed at the fluffy dandelions perched atop hairy stalks, and the razor-sharp blades of grass concealing the miniature insects within. Although my wonderment was tampered by two combat-boot-adorned feet trampling on the greenery. My eyes shot up accusatorily to view none other than The Lord of Dreams. I regained my bearings and shot to my feet, standing a few inches shorter than he. The being was now wearing clothes, pervasively black ones at that.
“Hi.” I uttered breathlessly.
His presence was strong, overwhelming. I suppose it’s not surprising when one is met with a God.
“Hello. You never told me your name.” He spoke, his voice was rich like oceans of time and caves dripping with jewels. He held universes on his tongue when he crafted his words so calmly.
“My-my name? Oh, well, I’m Y/N. It’s more than a pleasure to finally meet you properly.” I extended my hand, feeling awkward and shaky.
“Y/N,” he let the syllables roll off his silver tongue. “I like that name. I’m Morphius, but you probably were told my name was Dream. Which I suppose is true to some extent.” He obliged to my offer of a handshake. His fingers were freezing, his touch was fleeting.
“Morpheus, that’s a beautiful name. What would you rather I call you?” Speaking his name ignited a flame in my soul.
“You may call me whatever you like, Y/N.” He stated, a small smile gracing his lips.
“Ah, yes. Thank you, Lord Morpheus.” I bowed shallowly, not sure what to do at that particular moment.
“No need for such formalities. I am only here to speak to you.” Morpheus tutted.
“I’m sorry. What are you wanting to speak about?” I swiftly corrected my position.
“I wanted to tell you that I haven’t beheld such bewitching beauty in a thousand years. I have been confined so wretchedly, alone, for so long. And you are the only hope I have ever seen.” The wiry man grew closer to me as he gently took my hand and planted a tender kiss to the top of it.
I was on the verge of fainting, despite being in a dream.
“I see I have made you uncomfortable. Many apologies, dear Y/N. I shall go now.” He turned with sad eyes away from me.
“Morpheus, wait!” I tapped his shoulder urgently.
He turned to meet my gaze. Those eyes held a million words. “Wait. I have never encountered a being who harbors such complex emotion, such confusing luster. But why would The Lord of the Dreamworld want a mere mortal like me?”
“Do not diminish yourself to such titles. You have touched me, Y/N, with your compassion and kindness. I used to think that every human was like Roderick Burgess, but I was wrong. You are different.” His white hands snaked up my forearms and ascended to my shoulders.
“Kiss me. Please.” I knew what I was asking of the Dream Lord and I didn’t care. Lust pervaded me completely. He bored into my eyes as he leaned in, our noses brushing, his arm coiling around my waist, and my fingers playing with his spiky hair. Our lips were almost brushing….
“DON’T FALL ASLEEP IN HIS PRESENCE!” My grandfather awoke me by shaking my shoulders urgently.
“Gah! What?” I spluttered, dazed.
“God it’s all my fault! He’s probably gotten to you now! I forgot to tell you- it’s all my FAULT!” He wailed.
I turned my attention to Morpheus in his cell. He watched, he raised an eyebrow mischievously.
“You know what? Maybe he has gotten to me. And I don’t care if it was all a ploy to get me to release him- but you can’t keep someone caged like this! It’s not right!” I screamed as I leapt towards the circle, scratching out a chunk of it with my heel.
The atmosphere in the dim basement room shifted. The air grew colder and malicious. All I remember is the force of my back hitting the wall. Then, it was silent.
My ears rang nonstop, tears leaked from my eyes uncontrollably. I opened my moistened lids to see a ceiling foreign to any that were in the house. I sat up, confused and disoriented.
“Everything is safe now. Calm yourself.” A sultry and familiar voice droned.
My view came to meet Dream, sitting on a bed adjacent to mine. I noted that we were in what appeared to be a hotel room.
“What… what happened?” I inquired groggily.
“Don’t worry about that. What matters is that we are both out of harm's way.”
“Okay.” I said plainly, not satisfied with his answer. “Um, in the dream, was that… real? Or was that just a plot so I could help you escape?” I bit my lip.
“I suppose it was both.” He arose and made his way over to me. He took my hands and knelt in between my legs. “Everything I said was true.” He uttered. His tone was enough to make me melt. “Ah nervous, are we?”
“Wherever would you get that idea?” I chuckled.
He slowly ascended from his kneeling position to stand in between my legs. His movements were leisurely and deliberate. He tilted my chin up with his thin finger.
“Now, let’s finish where we left off, yes?” He breathed, connecting his lips with mine.
He tasted like starlight and fresh mint. He felt like adoration incarnate, and he was mine; I was his.
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shy-urban-hobbit · 6 months
Modern au - Vesemir royally screws up by driving Aiden away.
“I’m sorry Lambert. Please believe me I am so fucking sorry, but I can’t keep on like this and I’m not going to be the boyfriend who makes you choose between me or your family.”
“So your making the choice for me. Real fucking nice.”
Aiden gave him a sad, teary smile as he threw his duffel bag into the trunk of his beat up, third hand car, “Your family’s everything to you, Pup. Look me in the eye and tell me you wouldn’t regret cutting ties with any of them.”
“You’re family too!”
“It’s been made pretty clear time and again that I’m not and never will be as far as certain people are concerned. I love you Lambert, but there’s only so many times I can take being made to feel like some lowlife criminal every time I interact with your dad.”
Lambert felt his tongue stick to the roof of his mouth when he realised that he couldn’t even argue that. As he had when he and Lambert had first started dating, Aiden had been upfront about the shit he’d been involved with when he was younger and new to trying to fend for himself after ageing out of the system when the conversation at their first meeting had turned towards questions about his family and childhood. Ever since, Vesemir had taken every opportunity to weaponise it against the younger man - despite the fact that Aiden’s life could very well have been that of any of his own sons had fate played out differently. Lambert, Geralt and Eskel had been some of the lucky ones in the Care Kid Lottery. Aiden, not so much.
Every time, Lambert had asked him to give Vesemir another chance, promising it would be different this time (it had taken him awhile to warm up to Jaskier too, and he was a god damn ray of sunshine) and every time, Vesemir had made him a liar.
Aiden moved his arms awkwardly, looking like he was trying to decide if going in for a hug would be a wise idea until a couple of tears finally fell. He wiped them away hastily as he stepped back, opening the driver’s side door, “Goodbye, Lambert. I wish you every happiness.”
Lambert could only stand and stare as his every happiness drove away down the dirt track.
He heard the front door creak open followed by multiple pairs of footsteps, because of course they couldn’t even let him get his heart stomped on in private – they’d probably all had their noses pressed to the kitchen window. Jaskier was stood shoulder to shoulder with Geralt, looking like he was making a huge effort not to start crying himself while his brother was grim faced. Eskel strode towards him, giving him the same heartbroken look as he had when Lambert was newly seven and had casually informed them he’d never gotten birthday presents before.
“Shit, Lambert.”
He went to pull him into a hug which Lambert immediately ducked away from, “Don’t Esk. Just...fucking don’t .” He pleaded, voice breaking as he stomped back towards the house, jabbing a finger at Vesemir with a snarl as he did so. The old man had yet to react to anything that had just transpired, despite being the cause.
“I am never going to forgive you for this.”
Vesemir sat hunched over in his customary chair by the fireside, elbows resting on his knees as he stared into the tumbler of vodka he’d been nursing as his little granddaughter, Ciri, busied herself making popcorn garlands at the table. It had been over a month and he’d yet to hear anything directly from Lambert no matter how many times he tried to call or how many texts he sent, with any necessary replies being sent to him through either one of his brothers or Jaskier.
He turned when he heard someone clearing their throat pointedly.
Speak of the devil.
Jaskier stood slightly awkwardly, eyes darting between the man and the girl, “Ciri, why don’t you go see how your uncle and dad are doing untangling those lights?” It was flimsy at best but Ciri didn’t seem to notice as she darted off, too caught up in the excitement of Christmas preparations.
Vesemir held the bottle out to Jaskier in a silent offering as he took the chair opposite, “He said he’ll come, but only for Ciri.”
Vesemir sighed through his nose. That was about what he’d expected, “How is he?”
Jaskier bit his lip, “No change really. He still misses him and I...”
Vesemir raised a bushy eyebrow expectantly as he waited for Jaskier to carry on.
“I don’t think that’s going to stop any time soon.”
Vesemir shook his head, “Why does that boy have to be so stubborn? I tried my damn hardest to stop them all from heading down that path and then he goes and throws himself head first.”
Vesemir downed the rest of his drink, “Do you know how many people see those in the system as easy targets for criminal activity? They purposefully prey on kids who are lonely, desperate for acceptance.”
“Kids like Aiden?”
Vesemir looked up sharply, Jaskier looked for all the world like he hadn’t intended for that to slip out. He took a deep breath before continuing, “With respect, while I think it’s incredibly sweet you’re still looking out for them, Lambert’s a grown man now and Aiden’s had no issues with the law for the last decade or so.”
“That still doesn’t mean he’s good enough for my son!”
Jaskier held up a finger as he started tapping away on his phone, “I remember you thinking the same about me at one point.”
“And what made me change my mind about you?”
“I think the fact that I wasn’t Yennefer turned things in my favour in the end. I don’t know if it’ll change anything but, perhaps you should look at this. Please.”
Lambert took the proffered phone. It was a candid picture of Aiden and Lambert, sometime late in the summer from the looks of it. They were stood in each others arms, smiling softly and looking absolutely besotted, their heads so close together their foreheads were touching and seemingly oblivious to everything else happening around them. Was this how they’d been when he wasn’t around?Vesemir felt his chest clench as he recognised the look in the picture, it was one that had passed between himself and Luka too many times to count before...
Good God, what had he done?
Vesemir knocked smartly on the black painted door for the third time. The apartment building was nicer than he’d expected and he instantly felt shame at his assumption that Aiden would be living in some rat infested hovel. He heard the click of a lock and inwardly winced at the sight that greeted him. Aiden eyes were sunken and puffy, as if he’d been crying himself to sleep before falling victim to insomnia, his clothes were dishevelled and Vesemir found himself wondering when the last time was he’d eaten a proper meal. Nevertheless, he drew his shoulders back and met Vesemir’s eye, even if he did have a death grip on the door knob.
“Jaskier gave me your address. Can we please talk?”
Christmas Eve came around far too quickly as far as Lambert was concerned. He couldn’t deny he was looking forward to seeing his niece and brothers but the thought of long periods of time with Vesemir right now was already mentally exhausting him. He grit his teeth as he threw the last of his things into his overnight bag, it would be fine. It was just two days, and if he needed a distraction God knew Geralt wouldn’t be able to assemble and find correct batteries for all of Ciri’s new toys single handed. It was just two days. He could do this.
Lambert sent up a prayer of thanks that Vesemir wasn’t there when he arrived in the late afternoon, Geralt informing him that he’d just gone out to grab some last minute things and had instructed them to make a start on preparing dinner.
Dark had well and truly fallen, the food was almost ready and Geralt was half threatening Ciri, Jaskier and Eskel with coal in their stockings if they sang ‘grandma got run over by a reindeer ‘ one more time (Lambert might have been partly responsible for that and had zero regrets) when the tell tale beams of car headlights flashed through the kitchen window followed by Vesemir elbowing his way through the door, a neatly wrapped present under each arm.
“Seriously dad?” Geralt sighed, “Ciri’s going to be getting enough from Santa tomorrow without you adding to it.”
“Why should Santa get to spoil my granddaughter? Lambert, there’s one more back in the car. Run and grab it please.”
Lambert rolled his eyes but conceded at Geralt’s ‘Don’t start’ look.
“Happy Christmas, Pup.”
The smallest breath of wind could’ve knocked him over at that moment. Aiden was leaning against the side of the car, arms crossed as he smiled shakily at Lambert, “Vesemir came to see me and we talked. Really talked. He apologised and promised I’m welcome here from now on. If you want me here, that is.”
Lambert all but ran to him before sweeping him up in his arms and into a desperate kiss which Aiden eagerly returned, clinging to him.
“I missed you so fucking much.”
“I missed you too, you have no idea how happy I am right now. Mainly because Vesemir was my ride so, kinda would have made for a very awkward Christmas if you’d said no.”
Lambert yanked Aiden’s hood down over his eyes with a laugh, “Dork.”
Jaskier had let out a whoop of delight when Lambert led Aiden into the house, followed by Lambert and Vesemir sharing a brief bear hug in silent apology and the start of forgiveness and when they weren’t eating, Aiden’s hand was firmly wrapped in his.It was perfect.
“Aiden?” Ciri piped up from opposite him, all wide eyed innocence, “Do you know grandma got run over by a reindeer?”
Aiden quickly took in the smothered laugh from Eskel, Geralt’s eyes turned heavenward, and flashed Lambert that impish grin he loved so much, “You know Ciri, I’m not sure I do. Remind me, how does it go?”
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bscully · 1 year
Why Zagreus is such a good character
*Obligatory Hades spoiler ahead* Zagreus is so so so interesting from a meta perspective. While his design certainly went into the "attractive bad boy" direction, he is not your usual hyper-masculine protagonist.
Definitely not!
It starts off with his physique, which is not that of a tall, beefy body builder, but more of an ancient greek athlete. He is also shorter than most other Gods, of average size by mortal standards, and doesn’t take kindly to people making fun of his height. I find that a fascinating character design choice to make. From there, let's continue with his character.
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His temperament is sanguine; he is a ray of sunshine and loves to share all the warmth that rests in his heart. Which is a fascinating trait to have as Prince of the Underworld, who is veiled in Darkness by Mother Night, Nyx, herself. The following Berserk quote comes to mind: "He who bears light exists in the deepest shadow".
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(There is a big conceptual overlap between Hades and Berserk, but I’ll just leave it at that for this post)
Zagreus is a sociable, extroverted type who values family and bonds over everything, is respectful, polite, charming. From someone like him, genuine kindness and honesty are a guarantee. Together with his capacity to empathize, it allows him to form meaningful relationships. His noble spirit and attitude are befitting of a prince. He does not mind stepping out of his comfort zone and challenge himself, either.
When you first beat Hades, he asks Zagreus to tell Persephone that Cerberus is doing well. Zagreus instead demanded an answer for a question in exchange of telling her. However, this question was left unanswered as Hades was taken by the Styx before he could reply. Later on, because Zagreus is a good-natured person and knows his priorities, picking his mother’s needs over the grudge he could hold against his father, he tells Persephone anyways.
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There are moments in the game where he is sensitive, observant and catches up on social cues very quickly. He listens to others and apologizes to them when he feels like he may have overstepped a boundary, such was the case when Thanatos berated him for allowing Orpheus visiting his muse Eurodyce and meddled into their affairs without their consent.
Sometimes he appears to have troubles expressing what he feels, or is perhaps insecure or anxious to express it (particularly when interacting with Meg, who is rather intimidating). But despite his hesitations and fears I think he is still doing a good job at it.
Judging from a brief conversation with Alecto, he appears to know how to form healthy habits and deal with difficult situations in a productive, nurturing manner (the fact that 1. Alecto doesn’t take kindly to his attempts at getting along and 2. Zag doesn’t like her for it, is kinda funny to me). He is capable to mediate and settle conflicts between people, this is literally one of the game's primary goals.
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Judging by what happened between him and Megaera, it appears he also wasn't always this mature and went a long way learning from his mistakes. His sometimes boastful confidence and his running mouth probably were one of them. Regardless, I'm deeply impressed with Zagreus' emotional intelligence and maturity.
Considering how so many other protagonists typically are characterized, this such an unusual way to write a male one, and as such he really stands out.
I believe it is absolutely necessary that protagonists like him exist and we honestly do need more like him: as these shine a different light on nurturing masculinity and what it can be.
Zagreus is not less of a man because of the radiant and kind person he is. Quite the opposite so, I personally find him extremely attractive (he’s doing things to me oml). He is just being himself: unfiltered, optimistic, with a good sense of humor. He is not even trying to fulfill any gender roles in any shape or form, simply embracing the bonds he has for what they are, living the moment. He does whatever it takes to make the world around him a better place and make the people around him happier. And he started doing that once he stopped running away from his problems.
This reassurance is something boys and men (including those who identify as such) urgently need nowadays.
PS: I’m still not over the fact he canonically likes plushies, the lil dork
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cherry-froggie · 1 year
Hiii!! I see you 👁👁 I love love what you've been writing so far!! They're so fun to read and so intricately written I justxidhsigid ❤❤
Mayhaps,, request? If you write for Ayato! If not, you can just ignore this ❤❤ when Ayato was younger, there were times he'd sneak out,, and he made a friend (reader) ! So they'd always play (sometimes with ayaka) when Ayato manages to have time, and this went on for years, reaching up to their teen years when reader says they have to leave for a bit for whatever reason, promising they'd come back.
But!! News arrived that the ship you were boarding was hit by a horrible storm and sunk :( he was devastated bc his childhood bff and long time crush probs died ,,, fast forward to the present, someone drops by their estate looking for Ayato,, and lo and behold, reader! Still alive with scars they got from the ship sinking,, just v fluff hurt/comfort hehe >:)
Have fun writing! No pressure ❤❤
eternal devotion
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pairing — Ayato x gn!reader
summary — Every year, since your disappearance, on your birthday, Ayato would leave his duties as the head of the Kamisato Clan to remember you for a day. So, when you finally reunite, will you still remember each other?
tags — fluff, hurt/comfort, more emotional than me when my cookies fall on the ground accidentally, also really long and tall like xiao
notes — @maaarshieee!!!! thank you so so so much for your request!! i really hope you like it! i did my best!! i really really love your works as well!!! I'll talk more at the end!!
words — 3,5k
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As Ayato stepped out of the Kamisato estate alone once more, his eyes drew to the grandeur of Inazuma's landscape. The lush forests stretched out before him, their leaves rustling in the wind like whispers of secrets. The rivers that flowed through the land sparkled like diamonds, reflecting the sunlight. Ayato couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom as he ventured out into the wild, like a butterfly breaking free from its cocoon.
During one of these escapades to the city, Ayato met you, the child of a relatively wealthy family. You were out on a walk with your family when you stumbled upon Ayato and his sister, Ayaka, exploring the city. You initiated a conversation, and before you knew it, you had become friends.
Together, the three of you spent your days exploring the natural wonders of Inazuma. You climbed towering cliffs that seemed to reach the sky, told stories of the gods and goddesses who watched over the land and wandered through verdant meadows filled with wildflowers.
Kamisato Ayato was a vision of grace and poise. As he walked, his lengthy, pale blue hair flowed behind him like a stream of moonlight. His eyes, a light purple, sparkled like amethysts in the daylight. His skin was as smooth and fair as porcelain, and a small mole under the left corner of his mouth added a hint of charming imperfection. He moved with a certain elegant ease, like a dance between the wind and the leaves. His smile was warm and inviting, like a ray of sunshine on a cold winter's day. He was the embodiment of beauty and nobility, and when he looked at you, it felt like everything around you melted away, leaving only the two of you in a world of your own.
As time passed, Ayato's responsibilities as the eldest son of the Kamisato Clan and future head of the Yashiro Commission began to weigh heavily on him. Despite this, he always found time to sneak out in the dead of night just to be with you. The regret of not being able to see you as much as he wanted led him to often find himself staring at the clock, counting the minutes until he could see you again. You became inseparable, and Ayato found solace in your company as you provided a much-needed getaway from the pressures of his future position.
But, when you reached your teenage years, you were forced to leave Inazuma to visit your family in other regions of Teyvat. You promised Ayato that you would return, but fate had other plans. News reached him that the ship you were on had been preyed on by a terrible storm and sunk in an unknown place, leaving Ayato devastated, believing that his childhood best friend had perished.
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Years passed, and Ayato became the head of the Kamisato Clan and the Yashiro Commissioner, but he never forgot about you. He buried his feelings deep, knowing he could never be with you again. He threw himself into his duties, dedicating himself to the people of Inazuma and ensuring that the land remained prosperous and peaceful. But every night, before he closed his eyes, he would think of you and the memories you shared. The smell of wildflowers in the meadows, the sound of the river rushing by, and the warmth of the sun on your faces. These memories were like a balm to his soul, providing a moment of respite from his duties.
He would often find himself wandering the streets of Inazuma's city, lost in thought, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. The hustle and bustle of the marketplaces, the laughter of children playing in the streets, and the smell of fresh bread baking in the ovens. These were the same streets you had explored together as children, and they reminded him of the person he used to be, the person he was before the responsibilities of leading a clan consumed him.
But even as he dedicated himself to the people of his country, he never forgot about you. He searched for any information about the ship that had sunk, hoping against hope that you had somehow survived. He sent out search parties, but they all returned with nothing but disappointment. As the years passed, he came to accept that you were gone and that he would never see you again.
He built a life for himself, one filled with duty and responsibility, but there was always a part of him that was missing. A part that could never be filled by anything or anyone else. He knew that he would always carry a piece of you with him, and that piece would be a reminder of the love he had lost. But even though you were gone, you were still a part of him, and he would always hold you close to his heart.
He had tried to move on, but, like a seed that's trying to grow in rocky soil, he had never been able to let go of the memory of you. In the back of his mind, a voice constantly reminded him you were no longer by his side.
Every year, on the day of your birthday, Ayato would leave his duties as the head of the Kamisato Clan and the Yashiro Commissioner. He would make his way to the same areas and fields where you had once shared laughter and joy while feeling a profound ache in his chest. He would sit by the river, watching the water flow like his memories, remembering your happiness. He would visit the forest, where you had told each other stories of the gods and goddesses that protected the land. The tall trees seemed like a silent witness to the bond you had created, feeling the weight of your absence with each step he took. He always ended that day in the place where it all ended. His memory never let go of the exact words you spoke to him, the promise you had made to return as soon as you could so you could be with each other again, the garments you were wearing, how your beauty turned even the most beautiful star into a blur in the background. He would stand there, lost in memories, feeling the emptiness of your loss, holding on to the hope that you would return to him one day, but knowing deep down that it was unlikely.
Ayaka had watched her brother's heartbreak unfold every time since you were pronounced dead with everyone else inside the ship. She had seen the facade of perfection that Ayato constantly kept slipping away on that day, and there was nothing she could do but stand by and comfort him when it became too much for her to bear. Somehow, Ayato could never let go of you. Like a bird that had lost its wings, he felt lost, alone, and incomplete. He would often sit in silence, staring at the night sky, searching for the star that represented you, the one that would guide him back to you.
One day, an unexpected visitor came to the Kamisato Estate. The guards, used to the usual faces that frequented the estate, were taken aback by the appearance of a stranger at their doorstep. The person, who introduced themselves as [Name], was searching for the head of the Yashiro Commission with a sense of urgency in their voice as if the matters they had to discuss were of life and death importance.
The guard who stood at the door was skeptical of the stranger's claims, unsure of who they were and what business they had with the head of the Kamisato Clan. He couldn't shake off the uneasiness that crept up his spine as he asked Thoma to notify the Head of the Kamisato Clan of the visitor's arrival. The response he received was nothing short of a surprise, as the head of the Kamisato Clan wished to see this person immediately.
And so, as you walked through the gardens, memories of your childhood flooded back to you. They were still as lush and vibrant as you remembered, the flowers still as fragrant and beautiful as they had been all those years ago. Your heart ached with longing as you remembered all the days you had spent here, laughing and playing with the Kamisato siblings.
The closer you got to the door to Ayato's study, the more your nerves began to get a hold of you. Your hands were shaking, and your stomach was in knots. You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, but it was no use. You were about to see the person who had been your best friend, your confidant since childhood.
Thoma announced your arrival after the guard opened the door, and you stepped inside. The room was well-lit thanks to the orange hues of the afternoon sun. Ayato sat at his desk with his head bent over a stack of papers. He looked up as you entered, and for a moment, you thought you saw a flicker of recognition in his eyes as he stood up from his seat and walked to the middle of the room before stopping in his tracks. He then dismissed the guard and housekeeper and asked them to leave the room, leaving you alone with him.
As the heavy door closed behind you, the room was enveloped in the thick silence, as if the air was holding its breath. The light filtering through the window caught the dust particles in the air, making them dance like fireflies in the day's end's glow. The rich wood of Ayato's desk seemed to shine in the warm light, and the delicate irises on his windowsill seemed to come to life.
You couldn't take your eyes off of him. He stood tall, his eyes fixed on you, taking in every detail of your appearance. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and your mind was racing with everything you wanted to say to him, but as you looked at him, you realized that words were not enough. The emotions you had kept hidden for so long were threatening to spill over, and you couldn't shake the fear that he might not recognize you, that he might not remember you after all this time. But you recalled those light purple windows to his soul that still held the same warmth and kindness that you had fallen in love with so many years ago.
You couldn't help but notice the way his tailored attire seemed to hug his frame, accentuating the strength he had gained from years of sword practice. His every move was calculated and controlled, but you could see the emotions swirling beneath the surface.
As he gazed into your eyes, the longing and love he felt for you stirred within him like a tempestuous storm. His chest felt heavy, and his throat constricted with the weight of unsaid words. He wanted to pour out his heart to you, to express the depth of his love and the extent of his eagerness to touch you, but the words refused to come. Instead, he stood there, silent and motionless, lost in you, conveying everything he couldn't put into words with a single, yearning gaze.
He took a step toward you, and it felt like time slowed down. You could see the way his chest rose and fell with each breath, the way his hands twitched as if he was struggling to contain himself. And then, he was in front of you, and the world seemed to fade away.
He reached out and took your hand, intertwining your fingers together, and you felt the warmth of his touch spread through your body. The tears you had been holding back spilled down your cheeks, and you couldn't help but let out a soft sob. He pulled you into his arms and held you tightly, and you felt like you were finally home.
His scent, the sound of his heartbeat, the feel of his arms around you - it was all too much. You clung to him, tears streaming down your face. You could feel his cries dampening your hair.
As the two of you stood there, the world around you seemed to fade away. The elegant office of the Yashiro Commissioner, with its expensive furnishings and décor, was nothing but a distant memory. The past and the future didn't matter at that moment, all that mattered was that the two of you were finally together again, and nothing would ever be able to tear you apart.
Ayato's grip on you tightened as he whispered your name, his voice choked with emotion.
The light filtered through the window, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the two of you as if the gods themselves were blessing your reunion. As the tears dried on both of your faces, you looked up at him, and he looked down at you. The love in his eyes was undeniable. You leaned in to kiss him and it was as if all that was left in the universe was you and the one you loved.
It was a kiss filled with all the yearning, passion, and pain that you had both kept storming inside for so many years, a kiss that sealed the promise of a lifetime together, a kiss that marked the start of a new chapter in your lives, one that was the answer to all the prayers and wishes you had ever made.
Slowly, you pulled away, taking another moment to stare at each other's faces as if you couldn't get enough of them. With tears glistening in his eyes, he reached out to touch your face, his fingers tracing the contours of your cheeks and jawline as if memorizing every inch of your front. His thumb brushed away a tear that had escaped down your cheek, and his eyes met yours in a gaze so intense it felt like it could set the world on fire. He held you like the most precious and delicate bird, "I never thought the day would come when I'd see you again. The thought of you never left my mind, even for a moment." he managed to choke out, his voice barely above a whisper.
As Ayato pulled you into another hug, the quiet room was bathed with the echoes of your breathing. The sound of his heart beating against his chest was a soothing lullaby, the rhythm steady and strong, a reminder that you were finally back in the safety of his arms. The familiar scent of his clothes enveloped you, a mixture of earthy spices and the brittle freshness of the outdoors, a comforting reminder of the past.
You began to tell Ayato your story, while he listened intently, taking in every word, every detail. His heart raced as you spoke of being swept away by the storm that had hit Inazuma all those years ago. He could feel the suffering and despair in your trembling voice, and it broke his heart to think of the struggles you faced.
With each word you spoke, the vivid memories of the storm that had hit Inazuma all those years ago came back to torment you, the trauma still fresh in your mind. You remembered the deafening roar of the winds as they battered the ship, the feeling of being lifted off your feet, and the cold envelop of the ocean as you were swept away. The next thing you knew, you were waking up on a distant shore, the waves lapping at your feet and the sand gritty between your toes. You were alone, and everyone else from the ship was nowhere to be found.
You described how you had stumbled upon a kind fisherman who had also taken your parents in. His small cottage was nestled on the edge of the beach, and the smell of saltwater and fish filled the air. He had been your savior, nursing you back to health with the help of his wife, who had provided you with a warm bed and a hot meal. He had even provided you with his boat, so you could journey to the closest place to your relatives.
You explained how you had heard the news that everyone had survived the shipwreck, but no one knew where they were or how to return home, scattered across multiple small islands in the middle of the ocean. The fisherman had helped you navigate the treacherous waters and eventually brought you to a nearby village, where you had sent word to your relatives about your survival. However, it seemed that the Kamisato estate had not received the news yet.
When you finished your story, tears streamed down his face as he muttered apologies, tears of sorrow for the pain you had endured, and tears of joy that you were back in his arms.
His head hung low with his expression filled with regret. The light coming from the windows cast shadows on his face, highlighting the lines of concern etched deep into his skin. He couldn't bring himself to look at you, consumed by the thought that he should have been there to protect you, to keep you safe from the storm that had taken you away.
You reached out, your hand gently lifting his chin until his eyes met yours again. "It's not your fault," you whispered, your voice soft and soothing. "You couldn't have known what would happen."
The warmth of your touch seemed to break through the shame that had consumed him, and he let out a deep sigh, the tension in his shoulders releasing. He looked at you, taking in the sight of you, so close and yet so far. It was as if he was seeing you for the first time, the memories of the past flooding back in an overwhelming wave. He closed the distance between you with one more kiss.
As Ayato's lips met yours, your fears seemed to vanish. The sun had just begun to set, casting a golden light over the Kamisato estate. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze, and the distant chirping of crickets. At that moment, it was just the two of you, lost in each other's embrace.
His arms wrapped tightly around you, pulling you closer to him. You could feel his heart beating in sync with yours, and it was like the two of you had always been meant to be together. You ran your fingers through his hair, feeling the soft strands between them. You could feel the warmth of his breath on your face as he deepened the kiss, and you knew that you never wanted to let go.
The two of you stood there, lost in the moment, for what felt like an eternity. The kiss was filled with all the love, longing, and longing that had been building up for years. The love that had been there since the day you first met. You could feel the tears streaming down your face as you finally let go of the pain and sadness that had been a part of you for so long.
When the kiss came to an end, Ayato pulled back, looking into your eyes with tenderness. He whispered to you, his breath sending shivers down your skin "My heart has been yours since the day we met, [Name], and my love for you has only grown stronger over the years. I cannot bear the thought of being separated from you again."
You promised him that you would stay by his side for the rest of your life, and you meant it with every fiber of your being.
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Long after the moon rose, Ayato led you to a spot on the estate with a small pond surrounded by trees and bushes, and the water was so clear that you could see the fish swimming below. You sat down on the wooden deck, and Ayato sat beside you.
The two of you sat there for hours, talking and laughing, and it was as if no time had passed at all. He told you about everything that had happened while you were away, and you could see the dedication in his eyes to keep Inazuma even better than when you left.
As the night began to come to an end, Ayato turned to you and took your hand in his. He looked into your eyes and promised to love and protect you for the rest of his days. He swore that he would never let anything come between the two of you again and that he would spend the rest of his days making up for the time you had lost.
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WOW this was LONG LONG, i really wasn't expecting to write this much, so i really hope everyone enjoyed it, especially maaarshiee!!!
you really have no idea how much time this took, i literally didn't do anything else today LOL so I'm REALLY hoping this is a masterpiece of the century jkjk, but i think this could've been much better, there's a lot to improve, but i hope you enjoyed it anyway!
i'll be honest, i was never the biggest fan of ayato, but, you know, writing this made me feel a little something i might start reading some more ff about him
anyways, besides me being a fangirl, i would like to thank everyone for your continuous support to my blog!!!!!! if you like my writing and genshin impact, i'd encourage you to see my masterlist! you might find something you like!
if there are any mistakes, i'll correct them tomorrow, I'm really tired rn!
thank you so much for reading!! have a great day/nigh, whoever and wherever you are!
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hauntedwitch04 · 8 months
Little piece of paradise
Dean Winchester x reader
Words: about 1.2k words
Warnings: none, just some sad-happy memories, and a lot of fluff
Author’s note: Hi everybody! Finally I managed to write something after the crazy week I had, hope you enjoy! With love your witch Becky.
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🎃Halloween party 🎃
DAY 5: “I don’t need paradise, mine is right here with you, cooking a pie while you dance and sing an old rock song, dreaming about our future”
Dean Winchester always firmly believed that he did not deserve heaven. Not even after all the years he spent fighting evil, defending humanity and all the hell he went through, he always believed that he did not deserve any form of grace. Everything changed, however, the day he met you. You were always like an angel, or rather how he imagined angels before he found out they were a bunch of assholes, except for Castiel. You've always been like a ray of sunshine on a rainy day to the oldest of the Winchester brothers, not because you were exactly a saint, since on the contrary, you too are a renowned hunter, known for your prowess in beating and killing all monsters you encounter. No, your greatness lies in the fact, according to Dean, that despite all the nastiness you have suffered from fate and all the monsters you have encountered, you never betrayed yourself and remained who you were: a good and kind person, ready to help others, and always ready to offer a smile when she can, but without letting people take advantage of you. Dean knows that he could go on for hours talking about all the things he likes best about you: your taste in music, which first brought you together in that remote bar in the provinces; your intelligence, which never failed to amaze him every time; your sarcasm, which made sure from the start that you stood up to him and put him in his place several times; or your goodness, which comes out every time you see someone in need, but if anyone were to really ask him what he loves about you, it's seeing you cook. We all know that Dean has a sweet tooth, but what drives him crazy is not your cakes per se despite the fact that they are some of the best he has ever had, but seeing you actually bake them. When you bake you enter a world of your own, and you can finally be free from the oppressive life that has been foisted on you from upstairs. This is precisely why Dean likes to hide behind the door and watch you dance to the beat of the music, humming, while you are caught up in preparing just-god-knows-what.
As soon as Dean walks in, he realizes that all he could hear in your house was the sound of your voice humming Elton John's "Rocket Man," and immediately a smile breaks out on his face. He walks to the kitchen door and sees you pouring something into a saucepan on the stove as you dance lightly to the music. The man remains a few minutes contemplating that sight, when he is interrupted. "Are you going to stay there much longer, or are you going to come and greet your wife properly, instead of staring at her like a maniac?" You ask, still with your back turned, but he knows perfectly well that you had heard him since he entered the house. He smiles and enters the kitchen, to come behind you and embrace you from behind with his strong arms. He rests his face on your shoulder and breathes in the smell of your shampoo, his favorite scent in the world. "Hello love." He says, in a low voice, as if not wanting to spoil the magical atmosphere that had formed. "It took you a while to get in Winchester, I thought you had frozen at the door." You answer with a smile as you continue to finish what you were doing. "You can't blame me for being thunderstruck by my wife's beauty." He continues, leaving you a gentle kiss on your shoulder, then leaning in a little and looking at what you were doing. "There's no need to soften me up, you know that, don't you? I've already married you, I can't escape now." You say with a laugh as you contemplate your work. "Already now you are officially mine, and mine alone." He whispers into your neck as he tightens his arms around your waist. "But listen to you, you sound like an overly possessive child with his favorite toy." You retort, turning around, making sure you are face to face with him. Immediately you feel his scent, which you love so much, invade your nostrils. "What can I do, I'm possessive of the things I love." He says, before kissing you on the lips this time. "But that's Sam's favorite cake." He then affirms, taking a good look at what you had just finished making. "Yours is already baking in the oven." You answer, making it obvious as you enjoy the feeling of being held in his arms. "Oh what have I done to deserve you?" Dean asks, before kissing you again, this time longer. "Do you want the list in chronological order or alphabetical order?" you retort, looking him in the eye, making him blush. You remain silent for a few minutes, enjoying the feeling of each other's body heat. Time almost seems to stand still, and even the volume of the radio seems to lower.
"You know since I was about eighteen years old, and a woman threatened me that I would never go to heaven for all the evil things I had done, I've always been afraid of dying in part, because a part of me aspired to get to that place full of peace and calm, to finally be happy." Confesses Dean, under his breath, against your neck. You are almost afraid to breathe, for fear of ruining the moment, when he continues to speak. "But ever since I met you, I've realized a great truth. I don't need paradise, mine is right here with you, cooking a pie while you dance and sing an old rock song, dreaming about our future." He finishes with a whisper, and you can't help but feel warm tears roll down your cheeks as you also feel your husband's tears wet your shirt. You pull his face up from your neck and stare into his eyes, then take him with you to the front of the oven, where just moments before the timer had sounded, signaling that the cake is ready. "Open." You tell him, and he looks at you confused, but cannot help but follow orders. Once you pull out the pie, Dean is out of breath as he looks at you shocked, and feels new tears come to his eyes fast and hot, but this time not of mixed sadness and joy, this time just of pure happiness. On the cake in front of him is written above a simple sentence, but that moment totally turned his world upside down. See you in 9 months dad. "How long have you known?" Dean finally manages to say, still reeling from shocks of adrenaline coursing through his body. "Since this morning." You confess. "Are you happy?" You ask him, and he can't help but give a toothy grin, then hug you tightly, lifting you off the floor and spinning you around the kitchen, while you can't help but laugh and cry with joy. "I am the happiest person this earth has ever seen, and it's all because of you." He says, leaving a sweet kiss on your nose and making your foreheads touch. "Finally we can stop dreaming about the future, because we are living it." You say, smiling at him. "Yeah, we're living our little piece of heaven." He confirms, smiling at you in turn.
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bliss-wily · 3 months
More hcs from my silly little head - seems to be the direction this is going in and I’m going to run with it. Using this as my space to let me thoughts run wild as I deal with lovely headaches~
This time? Frieza and maybe his family! Read below to find out~
Note: In my mind Cooler and Kuriza are canon. I know they aren’t but this is my version so meh.
•Smooth yet scaly skin.
•Don’t talk to him until he’s had his grape juice.
•And yes, grape juice.
•No wine for the space lizard - his father wants all the wine for himself.
•King Cold is a wine mom. And maybe a soccer mom, Freezy Pop is his little boy.
•Also, definitely still calls King Cold ‘daddy’.
•A daddy’s boy.
•Frieza had Kuriza simply to have an heir.
•Ends up loving the little brat but won’t admit it.
•Zarbon is designated babysitter.
•King Cold definitely had Zarb babysitting his two boys as well.
•And yes, every elite is older than Frieza~
•My proof? Broly! I took plenty of screenshots of one part of that movie because…Frieza Force! Can’t find the rest of my screenshots but just some cans several of the elites are present.
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(Also for some reason Jeice’s arm is not covered in his spandex? Oh well, think it’s an error as he is covered in other parts of his cameo. Also Zarb has white shoes instead of brown. Ah excuse my rambling!)
•Anywayyy…Berryblue was basically the nanny for the two boys (Frieza and Cooler).
•Also, Freezy Pop is very insecure of his height - hence why his aides are shorter than him.
•Zarbon and Dodoria are his right hand men, they are allowed to be taller.
•Despite being expendable, I think Zarbon was Frieza’s closest confidant.
•And by god - no one insults his two right hand men. Sorbet got an earful for comparing Tagoma to them after all, only he gets to speak bad about them!
•If you’re good to him, he will be good to you. Unless you become a threat and stand in his way of course! Can’t have that!
•Heavily relies on Zarbon and Berryblue respectively. I think Zarbon is tasked with anything and everything, whether that’s changing the emperor’s bed or helping him with his sense of style.
•The two are friendly BUT IT IS VERY CONDITIONAL.
•Keeps Zarbon close as I feel the two would agree on certain things: skincare, presentation, aesthetics…plus both nepo babies in my opinion. They’d have plenty to talk about.
•Dodoria can be Karen, it’s like space Mean Girls.
•Future Warrior from Xenoverse can be Cady.
Now I’m getting off track…I’m sorry these are always rambly, I’m very unprofessional.
•Frieza still acts like a child and the universe to him is his toy box.
•His favourite toys are closest to him though.
•Blinded by his obsession to beat Goku.
•And due to this blindness I think Cooler has the potential to be stronger.
•Cooler I imagine is the more mature and less sadistic of the two.
•Cooler is more well rounded; better to his men, and despite the fact he would and could kill Frieza - anyone else touches his little brother? Oh there’s hell to pay! Only he’s allowed.
•Highly unbothered that Frieza is the favourite - if anything, to Cooler, that just means more freedom to an extent.
•Actually takes his role seriously.
•Salza is his Zarbon in this scenario - he doesn’t need a Berryblue though as Cooler is mature enough to lack a babysitter.
•I think Cooler would be a good uncle to Kuriza, I don’t think he would hold a grudge towards the little one.
•Speaking of Kuriza…this boy I imagine to be a ray of sunshine!
•Just to totally go against Frieza’s personality - Kuriza loves sports, art, games, playing with toys, etc.
•Just a sweet kid but has combat prowess.
•And his cuteness means the members of the Force let the little Lord get his way.
•Zarbon especially, he wouldn’t let anything happen to that boy.
•Nor would Ginyu, I think he would be the honorary sixth member.
•Although I think Zarbon, Frieza, and Bonyu would discourage the posing aspect.
•Kuriza will be the only ‘sane’ member of the family.
•Loves his daddy, uncle and gramps - and his other uncles and aunties in the form of the elite force members.
•Well mannered and behaved.
•I will assume much like the Namekians, Frieza’s race/Icejins/Frost Demons reproduce asexually. Sure Cold and his two sons are highly attractive but I doubt they have the time.
•Now for Cold! Wine mom as I said. Loves wine, loves retirement.
•Calls Cooler by his name, Frieza gets all the nicknames from ‘Princess’, ‘Freezy Pop’, ‘Prince’, ‘Free’, ‘Freezy Baby’, etc. super embarrassing dad vibes.
•At all royal/political/whatever events the PTO are involved in just know this man is coming with all the most embarrassing pictures of his two boys. Frieza especially.
•A very proud daddy, doubt he ever let Frieza out of his sight when the tyrant was young.
•Also, raising Kuriza most of the time. I don’t think he wants to see his grandson getting hurt.
•Rarely sober, always at least a little tipsy.
•Very refined, expensive taste, probably had Zarbie as his favourite minion as well.
•His private residence is family photos, definitely had to bribe Frieza into behaving.
•Also…loaded but in an old money sense.
•Could be stronger than his two boys, but who’s got time for that? Or need? Nah…wine, luxuries; and his boys. That’s what matters most.
•Wine snob - whole family are. Well apart from Frieza and Kuriza - expensive grape juice!
•Sees Cooler as an adult, sees Frieza as his precious little baby.
It’s like nearly 3am here; these are all over the place and I should probably sleep, but that’s my contribution for this early morning~
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xmorguekittyx · 9 months
Ever Unlocked
Part 6: As Does the Sun Shine
Part 5: Broken Mug
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pairing: Officer!Leon Kennedy x Coroner’s Assistant!Reader
warnings: none this chapter, brighter chapter, calm before the storm type set up
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Birds chirping, it had been a long few days since she'd heard such a joyful sound. Wildlife was out to bask in the rays of sunshine. It had been far too long since Raccoon City saw the light of day. Perhaps, the town needed a break, a moment of clarity. A peace in the ever present storm that overshadowed the life of those residing in the town.
Pain. Lips pulled back into a wince as her eyes came upon the muted light from her curtain, a single ray of light shining directly in her eye from the slit between the fabric and wall. She felt like her brain was moving in slow motion, hand pushing through her hair to feel the knot at the base of her skull, it was tender and swollen. What happened last night? Her brain couldn't place the moment she had acquired the injury, nor could she remember just how she'd ended up in bed still fully clothed in her work uniform. Her fingers toying with the sore flesh as she hissed, air sucked between her teeth. Had she fallen and simply didn't remember? Come to think if it, she couldn't really remember anythi- she felt like she was going to be sick.
Leon. He was in her home, he must've hit her over the head, right? Her legs pushed out of the bed, running to the bathroom, shoulder checking the door frame in her frantic hurry. Knees hitting the cold tile, stumbling, as the near nothing content of her stomach was purged from her lips. Her hands held back her hair, she braced herself  on either side of the white porcelain seat, the cold nipping at her shaky arms. Fingers embedded in her silky strands, pulling them up as she dry heaved. Acid burnt her nose, her lips slick with spit. She struggled to remember all that played out in her mind. Had she just... dreamt it all? That was the more reasonable answer. Nipping pain poked the back of her eyes from the taste in her mouth, she couldn't help the hot tears that rolled down her cheeks. It was horrifying, dream or not. Trying to rationalize her racing mind, she thought to any plausible cause for her panic, for her pain. She must've hit her head on the nightstand, wouldn't be the first time. She'd rolled over many a times or slid back and thought she'd had more room and slammed her head into the corner of that damned mahogany wood nightstand. That's what happened, she'd rather believe that than the alternative, her head hung as she waited for another tensing of her stomach muscles.
It was better to wave off the entire thing, surely he hadn't actually been there, in the darkness of her kitchen. Lurking in the darkness, watching. Her fingers hooked under her skirt, pulling the corduroy fabric over her hips. It was Friday, thank God, she was ready for a relaxing moment. Probably just sitting in front of her tv, watching reruns of the same crime show she'd watched for years. Her fingers ran down the fabric, smoothing it out over the curve of her ass, rotating her hip so she could make sure everything looked put together. The grey blouse matched perfectly as she palmed the sleeve, pulling it over her knuckles to take a final look. She thought the outfit was good enough for a Friday.
Her phone dinged, the sharp sound of her text tone breaking her bubble. She couldn't think of anyone who would text her this early, knowing she had work today. Her lips slightly twitched at the thought one person. He was a clingy thing, not that she truly minded but the dream, at least what she was gaslighting herself into thinking was a dream, made her mind a little less eager to hear from him. Despite how much she really did like him. It just left a bad taste in her mouth. Dreams were crazy like that, feeling so weird and real. She shook her head from the thoughts, she was being ridiculous. Leon was a good boy, a sweet, shy, anxiety filled man. He barely came into her home when she offered. She was being irrational, but the dull ache at the base of her skull... she could explain it away. She hadn't seen him it her in her dream, she just remembered after she ran from him, it got dark. She needed to relax, she was over thinking it, it was a simple nightmare.
Even so, maybe today, she'd lock her door when she left, but what if Mrs.Jones wanted to come in, leave some of that delicious chicken casserole in her refrigerator like she always did? If she started doing that she'd need to get keys made. She was not going to miss out on that casserole just because the door was locked. She would, also, have to make a key for her maintenance man, then for Mrs. Jones, then have a spare if anything happened to her key. She may even need to make one for Rebecca incase of emergencies- it was all too much for her to deal with at the moment. She was slammed at work and her weekends just filled with her trying to take her mind off of anything of importance. Her thoughts, once again, broken by her text tone. "What-?!", it was 6:47 in the morning, it had to be him. She ripped the charger from her phone, flopping down to sit on her bed as she swiped up on the screen. The badly lit, contact photo of Leon popped up. He was doing a very overtly happy smile, he looked like he was in pain. She snapped it while they were at her home that night, claiming 'i need a photo of you. Say cheese.', to which gave her the most dorkiest photo of the man.
'Do you want to stop for coffee before work?', her lips pulled into a slight frown. 'Honey Hollow. I'll buy. ;)', how could she think that that dream was real? The man was softer than a puppy. Part of her did wonder how he knew that she liked Honey Hollow, but then again it was a common place for any Raccoon City resident to visit and being the nicest coffee shop between his place and hers- she really should lay off the crime shows, she rubbed a hand over her eyes, before focusing back on his message. The soft tapping sound echoed in her room and her dull aching mind. 'You'll buy, huh? How can I turn that down?", a weak smile fell on her lips, pulling them back as her finger tapped the blue arrow, sending off her message to him.
  'Also, did you get home safe last night? I know you said you had bad breaks and you didn't message me after you got home.", the message got to her field of view before it was quickly followed by the text bubble bouncing, then a 'want me to pick you up for coffee? I don't mind.', her supple bottom lip pulled between her teeth, her canines worrying the flesh as she contemplated. Would it hurt having him pick her up? She had already rode with him before and, yeah, he had snapped at her but like he said, just some work stress. He wasn't a bad person, she was just letting a dream freak her out. How embarrassing. 'I'd like that. Yeah, sorry, I think I came home and passed out immediately.', she sent it back quickly before she stood back up, looking over her outfit once more. Now, looking at it from another perspective. Would Leon like it? Did he like corduroy? The ribbed material that covered her thighs. It wasn't like they were dating or anything... she wasn't even sure why she was worrying about his opinion on her work clothes.
  'Awesome, I'll be there in in 15? See you soon, bunny.', her eyes narrowed at the nickname, the corner of her mouth curling. Bunny? Where the hell did he come up with that? She couldn't help but think it was cute. Bunny... she could get use to that. She placed the phone down onto her bed, her fingers brushing the surface of her purple comforter. It was that muted purple, a color of comfort and royalty. Her eyes scanned the floor, searching for her shoes, those damned kitten heels that worried at the back of her heel after so many hours of wear. Eyes catching her sleep pants from yesterday, lifting them up to place them on her dresser in her search. She tsked, those shoes weren't anywhere to be seen in her room. Maybe she'd kicked them off in the few moments she remained conscious? She moved slowly as she searched her kitchen, eyes picking up on the late bills as a defeated sigh left her parted lips. An irritated eye shift followed before she saw the shoes, her fingers scooping under the lip as she walked them back to her room, slipping on the balled up pair of no show socks and heels over her feet.
As she placed down her toothbrush, she heard the familiar gravel being disturbed outside her apartment. With her window open, she could hear nearly everything outside. Her eyes rose to meet themselves as she looked in the bigger mirror. Fingers brushed her lips and cheeks as she wiped away left over water. He was here... was she really falling for the man outside? She wasn't sure, but her heart fluttered when she thought of him, that was a crush right? She was crushing, hard, on the rookie. They'd just started to actually speak to each other and here he was, bringing her coffee, buying her donuts and taking her to their shared work. She felt her heart skip in her chest as she imagined a mental picture of him, that damned smile on his lips, laced with nervousness but the want to seem as if he had his demeanor under control. The way his blue eyes shone in the bright lighting of RPD as he shifted, his social anxiety obviously, painfully, present, waiting on the file she swiped from Rebecca. Her chest tightened as she replayed his little body language, he was so sweet it hurt. Damn her, if she was going to let a dream get between her and Leon. He was just too fucking sweet, he almost looked out of place as the flash back of his face so close to hers, his little whispers in her ear as she struggled in his grasp. Her fingers nearly snapped off part of her counter with her white knuckle hold she had on it.
  "It was a dream!", she whispered, angrily, to herself, "stop being so chicken shit over a dream.", she grumbled, standing back up. Leon was waiting on her and damn it all if she was going to act a fool in front of him today. She needed to be confident, he was asking to take her to work. He wanted to spend time with her. She wanted to spend time with him. A shaky breath left her lips before she marched out of her bedroom, steps confident as she snatched up her bag and phone from her bed. She paused, looking back to the window. Her hand brushed the curtain back, seeing Leon sitting in his jeep, idly scrolling his phone, or what she assumed was his phone as she couldn't see it for his steering wheel being in the way.
  She watched his blonde hair, disturbed by the breeze from his open windows, dance around his pale skin. His thumb buried between his front teeth, chewing at the nail. He ran his finger over the nail as he pulled his hand from his lips, feeling over whatever piece was pestering him as he peeked up at her. A shift from idle eyes to a shine that was only reserved for her, his hand falling to his lap as he smiled at her. Eyes crinkling and his boyish features even more innocent as he did so. Yeah, it was totally a dream but so was he, as she smiled at him, looking down at the open gap in the window, holding up one finger, gesturing that she'd be out in a moment. She mouthed the words, 'almost ready' as she unlatched the window and shut it, locking it. She didn't see Leon's look of astonishment, his lopsided smile as he watched her, he wanted to ask her why, after all this time did she choose now to shut that ever present opening to her room, but he knew.
  She'd start with the window, starting to take a little more initiative with her safety now that she has something worth putting her thoughts into. Him.
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