#almost like whatever happens they aren't the ones affected by it so everything is fine by them
diaruchann · 5 months
The beginning and the end.
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Just a little something I did in class.
I'm not over Secret Life yet:')
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verdemoun · 9 days
I think about your timewarp Dutch au every day since you posted it can I pretty please get more detail on Hosea seeing Dutch again for the first time *holding my hands out like a Victorian boy begging for food*
hosea tries to ignore it for so long. dutch is back and that doesn't need to affect him. he can carry on with his life knowing dutch is tucked away somewhere they did ensure was nice and he'll be fine. dutch being back doesn't mean they didn't go seperate ways years ago, and should have years before that again. hell, he spends most of his days thinking about how little he needs to be thinking about dutch
bessie only asking how dutch is going because she knows her husband is listening. she knows him too well, she's always known he loves dutch and almost has to inexplicitly tell him it's okay. she fell in love with him knowing he was always going to love dutch too (frankly all they'd needed was a label on what was happening between them and she would've been undeniably a homewrecker)
annabelle having to pause, and think about it. how do you explain he's dutch? he's just… dutch - again. he speaks with the same obnoxious conviction of someone who always thinks he's right. he's almost calm, constant calm, that self-assuredness that things will turn out his way is back. not quick to anger like the stories she'd heard after blackwater. she's fully aware of all the awful things he's done but he seems so much more like the dutch she knew than that monster. no one's explained the timewarp to him, he just knows annabelle is there in whatever strange new world he's in but he still talks about the gang, the old days of the gang, fondly.
hosea knew he was going to have to see him eventually. probably wouldn't have been able to physically stop himself from seeing him, eventually.
it isn't a hotel he can't just walk in. he's having to listen to staff echo things he knew. things he'd doubted he knew. dutch is smart, so many of his criticisms of society are valid just too grand for a single action to challenge. there are absolutely moments where he's only pretending to care about something better than a shakespearean actor but he also has so much genuine empathy for the people he does cares about. dutch is forming meaningful relationships with people and hosea still being in denial. there's no way not after how much he changed not after everything he's done.
but there's dutch. hair growing out again, not the hacked short mess of his 1911 mugshot, long streaks of silver slicked back all the same in what now seems like a horrendously outdated style. when he sees hosea, looks at him, that sparkle is still in his eyes but it's tired. he's tired, it's all over dutch's face how tiresome the last 12 years have been. but dutch knows it's him, instantaneously, grin spreading over his face with the same confident strides of his younger years gone.
pulls him into a hug so tight still with typical bloke slaps on the back as he laughs in sheer joy
you haven't changed a bit, old girl
how dreadful of you to suggest i've always looked like this
nonsense. though i suspect my days of looking good are long over, too
hug doesn't release. hosea hears the single, shaky breath in his ear and knows all those arguments he's imagined screaming at dutch for what happened back in canon aren't going to happen. at least not today, not when he's finally just getting to hug dutch again and hear the almost broken tone in his voice as he says 'i missed you, hosea.'
it's almost frustrating how quickly they can fall back into that comfort with one another, old men older than they ever got to be bickering like a married couple. offering to go for a drive just to get out for a bit and dutch making some tasteless joke about it not ending so well last time he was in a car. least not for the driver. hosea trying so hard not to laugh because you really shouldn't joke about murdering people for christ's sake but dutch knows damn well he was going to.
catching dutch up on how the gang are doing because dutch always did care about them, he just lost himself somewhere and hearing dutch acknowledge that he went too far. hosea knowing that so much of the gang are still holding onto and processing that grief, and might not ever be ready or willing to see him. dutch accepting that too, acknowledging aloud how grateful he is hosea even gave him a chance.
still getting annoyed at him in that almost endearing way. he has always gotten annoyed with dutch sometimes. the correct response to young jack marston grew up to kill edgar ross was not 'good for him!'
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acaribeau · 1 year
The vessels
Mammon x gn!reader (Can be seen as platonic) ✦ 1k words ✦ SFW ✦ on AO3 ✦ Masterlist TW : mention of corpses, slight gore at the end. Content : situated in S3 of og OM, creepy hc about demons and their influence in the human world, with slight fluff and gore at the end.
After the incident with Solomon's cooking in Serenity Manor, you found out the creepy reason why Mammon wasn't affected as the others.
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I was relaxing with Asmo and Satan in the common room of Serenity Manor. After almost dying from eating Solomon's cooking they were pretty exhausted.
“Ahhh~ I thought I was going to die! I can't believe how Solomon can cook even worse each time he touches the kitchen!” 
“I didn’t think food could knock up cold demons for hours”
“And I can't believe stupid Mammon was able to eat it and be fine! Ugh… It's so unfair!”
“It probably has to do with his dead vessel and it's incapability to digest food… or the thing Solomon gave us whatever it is”
“But why should he have to be the one that didn't suffer just because he couldn't do a simple thing and keep a fucking human alive?!” 
“Ahhh… what are you talking about?”
They all looked at me as if suddenly remembering that I was in the room as well. I knew those faces… they just said something they shouldn't.
“Well… as you know, humans need to train their souls to support the strong magic in Devildom like you do your tasks, demons can't stay too long in the human world without a vessel. That consumes too much magic. We, as avatars, have enough magic to form a solid humanoid body for as long as we please… but our sins affect humans, increasing the temptation in their souls” 
“So… if we wanted to stay with you here without causing a war… we kinda have to possess some humans”
“But Lucifer and Satan came before and nothing happened…”
“Are you sure? Don't you remember what happened on the train?” 
“That's why Griselda was killed?! We were the reason for her death?!”
“Of course not. Her apprentice was already planning it. He was already consumed by pride, greed and jealousy. We only… gave him a push.”
“So… all of you are possessing someone at this moment? Are they like… trapped in their body? You just snatched the first human you saw or-?”
“Of course not! Not anyone can have the fortune of having moi inside them, physically or spiritually~”
“They all consented and they aren't conscious if that's what you’re worrying about. All of them wanted something so we made a deal for using their bodies temporarily. Most of us had losses”
“We all have our own standards, but yeah, I would normally claim their soul for eternal beauty. Instead, they even got the privilege of being my host… I really gave her everything someone can wish for~”
“And… Why did you say that Mammon wasn't sick?”
“Because that excuse of a demon killed his vessel before even making a deal. And even worse, he decided to use that body! He's stinking all over the house!” 
“I haven't smelled anything…”
“Of course not. Humans can't smell death like us”
“We were in a rush, and since you took too much time choosing yours, by the time that idiot would have chosen another, the holidays would have been over” 
“I don't know what he did to convince Lucifer to allow that… It's so humiliating having someone like him as a brother. What if someone finds out? We’ll be the laughing stock for centuries! I bet he just didn't want to pay him so he killed him… ugh”
“It really is a disgrace that someone can call himself a ruler of hell and can't get himself a living vessel”
“Just imagining how gross and sticky he must be feeling in that gives me goosebumps. See?”
Asmo took that as an excuse to grab my arm and hug me, showing me that he wasn’t lying.
I stayed there a couple of minutes more, but there was something annoying me, so I knocked on Mammon's door.
“Can I come in?" I said while poking my head through the door "I have instant noodles with hot sauce… they are not as hot as your favorites… but-"
Mammon jumped from his bed to the door "Yeah! Come in! What movie do you want to see?"
After choosing a movie, we were sitting on his sofa.
“So… I heard you are in a dead man…”
“W-WHAT? Wh-Who told you that? It was Levi? That scoundrel! I swear-”
“It doesn't matter who told me. I heard that is uncomfortable… Are you ok?”
Mammon didn't answer for a second, looking dumbfounded at me.
“…you heard I killed someone and you care about how I am doing?... Pfff! You really are a weirdo. Yeah, I'm fine. It isn't the best sensation but I can live with that”
We kept watching the movie for a while, but I couldn't contain my curiosity.
“And… Why did you do it? Killing him, I mean”
“…He was a bastard. He tried to bargain with the soul and body of his son instead of his… he was only 16 ya know? And it wasn't the first time he used him, it was written all over his body… I wasn't going to bargain with that shit! So I just took what I needed…”
“And what happened with the kid?”
“I made sure he received all the things from his father and then I asked the witches who told me to go with that asshole to take care of him”
“Wait, he was friends with the witches? Wouldn't you be in trouble?”
“Nah, I'm pretty sure they knew I was going to kill him when they sent me. He probably owed them money or something, I don't know and I don't care…”
We returned our attention to the movie until I heard him whisper shyly.
"So… aren't you freaked out by that? By me?..."
I just snuggled into him as an answer. I could feel him sigh in relief and kiss me on the forehead. I inhaled strongly, trying to smell what Asmo did, but all I could smell and feel was my demon.
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A couple of weeks later, Satan teleported to the common room, with a knife buried in his abdomen, covered in blood and holding a head.
Mammon burst into laughter when he saw him.
“And who did you say couldn't keep a body alive??”
Satan threw him the head across the room but Mammon avoided it at the last second,  staining the sofa with blood.
“Not. A. Single. Word!”
“I hope you were planning on cleaning that”
“SHUT UP!" He shouted while slamming his door.
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If you liked my work, please like, reblog and comment. My asks amd DMs are always open. I would love to hear your opinion, your words are my fuel to keep writing ♡
Don't repost please. I'm not native speaker, if you see any typo let me know.
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cautuscoralcoast · 5 months
Pluton — 7 Perish, Perish, Perish Pluton
Portgas D. Ace x reader
Synopsis - You dream again and leave for good
Tw. Alluding to major character death
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You had a dream,
That you aren't fate's favored child: You aren't destiny's child: You are no child of hope: You are far from a child of god: You carry no divinity, no power, nor do you hold knowledge.
You had a dream,
That you remembered your name.
"I-- my......name..."
You had a dream,
That you died.
"Stop. Take it easy, okay?"
He ran his hand through your hair as he tried to keep himself from breaking down.
"No matter what happens, I'll be here, okay?"
"My name is ‐–‐—"
You dreamt of Pluton that night. You heard nothing and saw nothing else. It was dark, no light, no whistling, no water, nothing. Yet there was Pluton: Imprisoned by mountains and walls. Pluton was free.
Pluton was in love.
You sat by his side as he softly snored
"Ace?" You asked once more, gently pulling his arm.
He wouldn't wake up.
Letting go of his arm, and just as he did, you ran your hand through his hair. It was rough and oily, not at all how Ms. Tate had hers. She would always scold you for skipping the hair routine she had you do.
Running your fingers through the stands of hair, you gently pulled his hair.
He didn't wake up.
As you let go of his hair, you couldn't help but lay by his side. As you gazed upon his sleeping form, you placed a hand on him. You traced the scars on his collarbone and chest as you moved closer to him.
You want to bask in his warmth just a little more. You couldn't bring yourself to fully commit to waking him up; not for his attention.
You sat up slightly as you leaned over him. You looked at his sleeping face and saw how peaceful and at ease he looked.
You leaned down and gave him a kiss on his forehead.
He would always kiss your head the timed you cried, and it was always when he felt the comforting.
You never wanted to him furrow his brows in stress.
And it is for this reason you didn't wake him up, despite being so afraid. You wanted to wake him up to tell you everything will be fine; that your dream isn't real despite the truth you saw.
You don't dream of happiness: Not of monsters under your bed: Not of angels or sea kings: Nothing that is deemed trivial to your journey. And you died in this one.
You wanted to cry. It was so terrible, so very disgusting. You wanted to hug Ace. Have him embrace you in his warmth. Radiant as the stars, warm like the sun, and soft as the petals of buttercups; you wanted his comfort—
You looked out the window as the feeling of impending disaster drowned you. You couldn't leave Pluton: You'd rather perish than leave Pluton.
After all, Pluton was your other half. There can't be Pluton without you, and you couldn't survive without Pluton.
Had it not been for Pluton, you would have never met Ace.
[And you wouldn't exist]
You got off the bed and walked towards the window. You couldn't bring in yourself to wake him up, no matter how afraid you were. He spent so long awake, watching for anyone who dare bring you harm. He spent so long navigating the boat and keeping well fed. He spent so long trying to convince you of whatever lie he had. He spent so long trying to keep you happy: And you wanted to wake him up?
He was too good to you. You didn't deserve his affection, and you know it; but you still yearn for it.
It is because you yearn his happiness that you have to leave for good. You should have never allowed him to help you find Pluton.
As rain began to trickle from the sky, you thought of that marine. How casual and almost knowing of your location he was.
There shouldn't have been any way for the marines to have found your exact location. You stayed with the whitebeard pirates for months without any sign of departure, and they knew exactly when to start searching. Even when you forgot what you were looking for.
You stared out the window, pondering your decisions.
"Portgas D. Ace"
[Because you already found it]
You finally realized why you had to find Pluton.
Whatever this child remembered that night will only ever be known by her and the night stars. She remembered what she wanted to find, and she remembered what Pluton was. An impossible warship that couldn't be built and should have never been imagined by mortal comprehension. It wasn't something metallic, nor was it organic. It was something else...
You got your things and left the inn.
[You forgot that you found it]
You ran through the alleys trying to avoid the marines patrolling the archipelago. You cautiously made your way to port, trying to find a ship take. You don't know how to steer or anything involving navigating one; as far as you know, you'll go wherever the wind and rain take you.
[You aren't fate's favored child: So you'll trust fate to protect him until the beginning of the new Era.]
As the rain pattered the wooden port, you thought about how you desperately wanted to dance.
Hold his hand as you both dance with your hearts content. A promise made under the witness of the sun.
[You aren't destiny's child: But you trust what destiny holds for the boy who sealed you under a mountain]
As you hastily worked on untying the ship from the port, you thought of the sleepless nights you two would have. Under the witness of stars, he'd tell you stories of his adventures and legends passed on by pirates.
You wished to hear him speak despite it only being a third of a day since the last time he spoke.
[You are no child of hope: However, hope was something you needed at this very moment]
You heard shouts behind you as the ropes finally fell off.
The stars weren't visible under the storm clouds.
As your hair clung to face, you pushed the boat and jumped on.
You are far from a child of god: You were a child made to drag gods from the heavens and make them grovel and beg man for mercy.
[You remembered where you came from. Born twice in this world to only wake up once]
You only ever had one mother and father. You only ever knew one life to treasure. You only ever seen one person shine brighter than any star or sun than those in that forgotten century.
[You only ever cried in this second life]
You carry no divinity, no power, nor do you hold knowledge of this world to change his future—
For what need you would have for that when all you wanted more than anything right now was to dance as the sun witnesses you two promise to spend all of eternity together. With small yellow flowers littered in the grass and fire scattered in the sky, you wanted to dance with him.
[You want to hear him laugh as he danced. You want to see him once more smiling. You wanted to be deserving of his happiness]
You wanted to tell him your name more than anything. But you couldn't.
You had a dream that you told him.
You had a dream in which he held you and cried. You don't know how, but he would follow soon after.
So as you sail with the knowledge that you'll be captured once more, you're happy that the stars and sun finally rest.
"Now if ain't the captain!"
You knew you couldn't escape a marine vessel.
"——— ————! For the threat posed against the world government, you are here by sentenced to death by lethal force!"
You wonder why they even bothered capturing you in the first place.
You knew why.
The only thing you regret is leaving without saying goodbye.
"Perish! Perish! Perish Pluton!"
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One more chapter and we're done!
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nomoreusername · 10 months
Bird Boy
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Paring:Aris x female reader
Summary:After someone tries to use your special nickname for Aris you shut them down.
I'll admit it. Having a boy for the first time in the Spring made me nervous. The other girls felt the same way. A few of them actually tried to get him banished when he came up. Thankfully, most of us voted no, with me obviously being one of them.
After a few months everyone got over themselves. Now he's an official Icer with friends, a job, and everything else. There was only one thing that bugged me about him.
I ended up liking him. Like really liking him. Not as a friend either. It's still painful to even think about, but I definitely have a crush on him. This obviously has never happened before so I didn't have a clue what to do. I couldn't talk to anyone else about it. It was just getting so frustrating to trip over my words in front of him. There's no way he didn't notice because I used to be able to speak just fine without going red in the face.
I did figure out one thing that helped. The problem got worse every time I had to say his name. So when I saw a little blue bird that somehow made it to this place and survived where it shouldn't I figured out what to do. This little blue bird was a miracle, and as dramatic as it seems he was one too. So I started calling him bird boy whenever I had to talk to him. It worked wonders, but he was confused. I couldn't make myself tell him why so I left him with that mystery.
So bird boy became my affectionate nickname for him. Eventually, he stopped questioning it and accepted that this was all I would call him. Once again, it was something of affection with a lovely backstory. Unfortunately, someone apparently didn't get the memo.
"Hey bird boy. Move before I make you,"Beth snapped. I don't know why he was in the Builders space nor did I care. Because not only did she call him bird boy she said it with malice. That is not what it's supposed to be at all.
"Shut up Beth. Nobody has time for your attitude,"I said through gritted teeth.
"Why? You think I want to call this idiot his name? I'd rather not dirty up my mouth."
I looked at Aris who was shifting uncomfortably in his spot. I ignored that for now and turned my attention back to Beth.
"Don't you dare insult him, don't speak to him in that tone, and don't you ever call him that again. In fact, if you so much as look at him the wrong way I'll make you wish you were never born."
"Is that a threat?"She asked with an amused smirk. I quickly got a few inches away so only she could hear.
"No. It's a promise."
"What are you going to do? Are you going to fight me?"She asked loudly. "I don't need to fight to make you scared. Unlike you I'm not a pathetic bully who needs my fists. Just remember who's in charge of food here. I'll make sure every meal you get is a mere sliver, and I'll make it the worst table scraps that aren't even fit for a dog. Do you understand?"
For the first time here she looked genuinely scared. She knew I controlled the food, and she knew I would go through with my words.
"Whatever. Keep standing up for bir-Aris,"She corrected.
"Don't you worry. I'll make sure to do just that."
♡ - - - ♡
Almost everyone had gone to bed. I didn't care enough to see who hadn't as I leaned against a log. I purposely stayed further away from everyone else. Right now I just wanted to have some peace and quiet under the stars.
"Hey Y/N,"Aris greeted, taking a seat next to me. You know what? Screw my earlier statement.
"Hey. What are you doing over here?"I asked, but making sure my tone was as inviting as possible. "Everyone else is asleep, and you're not. So now I'm here,"He shrugged. There was something that seemed a bit different about the way he said it. I can't explain it, but he sounded like he had something he wanted to say.
"Earlier today. I don't think I've ever seen you that mad. Why?"
"Why what?"I asked.
"Why did that bother you so much? She's rude to everyone here. You barely react when she says something to you so why did you care so much then?"
"I didn't like how she was talking to you,"I mumbled. That was true, but there was another there. Judging by his expression he knew it.
"You never tell me, but I may as well ask again. How come you insist on calling me that? You don't give anyone else nicknames."
There was a lot I could say to that. I could also do what I always do and brush him off. Still, the fact that it was just us right now, and we were sitting side by side on a nice night seemed to make the question feel different.
"There was a blue bird here one day. Somehow it did the impossible and was living a wonderful life trapped behind walls. It was a rare sight, maybe the only one of its kind here. Yet it still looked like it always belonged here. It just reminded me of you."
"Because I'm the only boy?"He inquired.
"No. Because you're special. You're both living proof that even the worst place can bring something you never knew you needed. Plus, the blue kind of matched your eyes."
"That wasn't what I expected,"He stated.
"Is that a bad thing?"I asked nervously.
"No. It's the nicest thing I've ever heard,"He assured me.
I hesitated before moving my hand to his. He didn't ask what I was doing. Instead, he seemed to have the same idea as he intertwined our fingers. We sat like that until sunrise. It seemed like that moment the world seemed to just be him and I. If I'm being honest I wouldn't mind that one bit.
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menalez · 3 months
Am i off or is it the case that all this chasing brain scans to show we can identify female vs male 67 or whatever percent of the time (which as you rightly point out is a pretty weak prediction) is also overinterpreting to at all conclude it = gendered or sexed brain by birth/genetic/innate nature.
I think of it like this. Because patriarchy and sexism is MULTIPLE THOUSANDS OF YEARS old, and pervasive globally, and how we are raised in it has physical affects on not just the rest of our bodies, but also our brains………. a scan could just be learning to pick up on the changes that tend to happen to the brains of people treated as women are. Who are encouraged to do certain things and banned or discouraged from others. Who are deprioritized with nutrition and resources globally. Who are moulded toward certain beliefs and personalities. And then it would be no wonder that not only are these signs found in 60-something % of women, but also pop up with gay men and other gnc men (cough cough the trans identified males who think they’re women or non-binary)
Are they accounting for this? Also are these studies looking globally or basically just whoever they can grab off the street in Boston?
Other thought: even if let’s say female typical estrogen levels in the womb or throughout puberty or something = certain significant brain changes……… that impact everything from the brain physical structure to abilities and behaviors…. even IF that were true (and I don’t think we see evidence that it is) A MALE WITH THAT TRAIT WOULD BE AN ATYPICAL MALE NOT A FEMALE PERSON. Female-typical brained male would be a female-typical brained male in the same way a giraffe-typical heighted human wouldn’t therefore be a giraffe.
This is all on top of the initial point that you and Cornelia Fine cover with delusions of gender and debunking the gendered/sexed brain
Are they accounting for this? Also are these studies looking globally or basically just whoever they can grab off the street in Boston?
in general neuroimaging studies are: time-consuming, expensive, and difficult to conduct. this is why they don't tend to have very high samples and also why they are usually limited to whatever labs they have. for it to be done globally, there would have to be a cooperation between numerous labs around the world and they need to follow the same exact methodology, it would be difficult to organise. so you can bet that almost every neuroimaging study and its finding is "whoever is willing to participate in the vicinity of the lab" rather than a global effort.
that said, yeah the people who make these arguments ignore the fact that socialisation does influence brain development. we don't even need to account for the fact that this same socialisation has been existing for generations, even in one generation the brain is impacted by socialisation. the way girls are taught, talked to, what theyre encouraged to do, what theyre taught is their purpose, what theyre discouraged from doing, etc ALL will play a role in how the brain develops. these people do not seem to understand that brain plasticity means that our environment, not just our biology, often impacts how our brain develops. a lot of brain differences are thought to be down to environment, namely socialisation. a second factor is hormones bc yes hormones can affect the brain. but despite these two factors, there is significant overlap between "male" and "female" brains AND there is significant variation in "male" and "female" brains. there is a lot we do not know yet, like why these differences & overlaps exist.. but we do know that its existence makes it clear that brains are not sexually dimorphic.
i wish i could find it rn but i read research papers before on how the vast majority brain differences found when comparing males & females either appear post-puberty or due to differing experiences & socialisation. we aren't actually born with distinctly different brains that u can distinguish sex with, and even as adults, our brains are not as distinguishable by sex as some ppl pretend
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biribaa · 1 year
May I requested your OC(Olivia/O7) cathing reader crying? Just a little headcanon (Sorry about the English ;[)
Olivia/O7 catching reader crying
TW/CW: None ig
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Olivia has already studied human psychology, and already knows almost everything about the human mind. But you are someone who needs extra gentle treatment.
With the greatest delicacy, she tries to approach and asks what happened. Of course, she is aware of the possibility that you might not even want to talk about the problem, which is perfectly fine (even though she would prefer to solve this problem for you).
Olivia is aware of how stressed the human mind can be, sometimes the mind can be stressed to the point of homicide (she has witnessed moments like this several times). So of course she has to ask if you're okay with physical affection, or acts of service.
Olivia always positions you on the counch with one of her weighted blankets, trying to fix you a quick snack that you like after comforting you.
"You can cry all you want, shh shh, I don't mind about a wet shoulder. In fact, it's scientifically proven that crying is good for your being. According to research, crying produces a kind of natural painkiller when it is formed and releases a series of hormones in the human organism." 🤓☝️ (Sorry not sorry)
You may be able to watch a series/film/video in your own comfort. or if you like, listen to Olivia talk about her interests if you like to hear her voice. Or maybe Olivia can give you some kisses if you want
There aren't many drastic differences between Olivia and O7 in this matter. In fact, I even thought about just doing both at the same time.
O7 will first ask if it was someone, after all, you are not in the free world, you are in Soul Chronos, there are only humans and 95% of them are mean and selfish humans. If the case is indeed someone there, O7 will have a job to do, if you know what I mean(After comforting you of course)
O7 will try to hold you with her four arms at all times (if you let her). Making an attempt to relieve your emotional stress. One hour or another whispering sweet praise(Or not if you prefer silence).
And since O7 is pretty confident, she might crack a joke or two here and there in an attempt to make you laugh.
She can play music if you wants to, or maybe read a book! If such a thing makes your tears stop, then O7 will definitely do it.
Maybe cuddle? Who wouldn't want to cuddle a big scary robot with two extra arms? Some arms around your waist and others caressing your head and back.
Or maybe you want to talk about your problem, no problem, for you O7 is all ears :] And if you like, O7 can suggest some suggestions to solve your current problem, whatever it is, she wants to help. But if not, it's perfectly okay for O7.
O7 or Olivia, it doesn't matter, she wants to help you, and she deeply wants you to let her help you :)
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Scars and old injuries of warframes react to void disturbances similarly to how in humans they react to changes in weather
Out of the team, this is by far the worst for Kodiak
His bad leg is an old injury from when he was young, and the infestation did absolutely nothing about it when transforming him. Howadays he's just not around weather a whole lot in general, so there's no extra aches from that (tho when he is around bad weather it does still affect him), but instead there's all the Void Stuff
Void Fissures aren't as bad - firstly bc they're a lot easier to avoid. A Void Fissure is a combat zone, and Kodiak is not often in one of those planetside. So he just doesn't encounter them much. And either way they're the tamer variety, with more "reality" immediately close by to temper the void eruptions
Void storms are another deal entirely
Where Kodiak doesn't go on missions planetside a lot, he loves working on the Peregrinus, providing cover and support while out of the immediate line of fire, and always having new gadgets to deploy. But what would be a Void Fissure near a planet's surface is a Void Storm in the emptiness of space
The first time they encounter a Void Storm with Kodiak aboard, it's bad
He can feel it coming, but it just feels like a bad pain day or rain on the horizon. He can wave off much, much worse than that. It's not like he needs to walk around all that much on the Peregrinus to do his job, and he can always just lean on his cane a lil harder. So he keeps quiet and keeps working
And then the Storm hits, sudden and violent like space is itself tearing itself apart around the sturdy lil railjack, crackling against the hull, and Kodiak collapses in a flare of white hot pain, bad leg giving out. His first thought is that he just got shot, that there's boarders or that one of his turrets he'd set up specifically in the case of boarders misfired and hit him
It takes a moment for his perception to clear and it does so to Higgins crouched next to him and Alden over the comms begging anyone to tell him and Kohlrabi what the fuck just happened, and only later will Kodiak realise that this is all bc the pain had hit him hard enough to make him send out a distress signal other warframes could pick up on (which is another topic I'll need to type up stuff about another day). And the pain is still bad, even if no longer blinding. It's a struggle to stand up even with Higgins' and Maxi's help, and it doesn't help that Die is yelling, which means Ched is also yelling, which also means Cy is telling them both to shut the fuck up, and Higgins, Alden, and Kohlrabi are all radiating anxiety over the comms channel, and Alden and Kohlrabi are rushing back to the Peregrinus even tho this isn't anything urgent and-
Overall the only remotely positive thing in the moment is Shanty the kavat constantly bonking her head into Kodiak's good leg and purring. He reaches down with his free arm to pet her (the other is still wrapped tight around Higgins' shoulders and he is Not letting go bc he doesn't wanna fall over again and everything still fuckin Hurts)
With what capacity he has to do so, Kodiak is trying to convince everyone that he's Fine, he just needs a moment, pls just proceed with the mission, but also that's not a whole lot bc it gets so fuckin hard to think when you're in so much pain. But he refuses to let them abort a mission just bc his body decided to be stupid. He's not even needed. He just sits back on the Peregrinus and does whatever. He's not vital
He tries to shift his weight a lil bit and almost falls again, and that somehow…snaps something
Not in Kodiak
In Higgins
Bc he just shuts down all the arguing and starts giving out what might as well be orders, in a voice that Kodiak will later wonder if he learned from Alden or came into on his own. He tells Alden and Kohlrabi to get back on the ship and stay and the crew at large to get ready to abort mission and chart a course back home. Immediately. And it's not met with resistance from anyone but Kodiak bc it's the conclusion they would've arrived at sooner or later anyway, but his reasoning is that Kodiak's pain coincides too well with the Void Storm intensifying. It's bad enough that it's hurting him, reason enough to leave, but it could also pose a danger to the other two warframes on the crew, not to mention Kohlrabi or the Peregrinus' mechanisms bc it's not like there's knowing what exactly it could do
Kodiak pokes Higgins over a private channel, bc none of that had felt like a lie. "What do you mean, it could affect you and Alden?"
"Ever since the storm got worse, it hurts to breathe. It's not safe for us to be here."
And Kodiak can't quite manage a laugh, but there is a sort of mental jab at least. "Let me guess, you wouldn't be so mature about it if I wasn't here."
"Shut up. Shut up. You don't know that."
(Except they both know that Kodiak is right.)
(I'm not sure if Kodiak even knows here yet about Higgins' scarred lungs from his run-in with that one Void Angel, but he's not one to pry or doubt something like this. If Higgins says something hurts then it does and the details are his business alone)
They find Kodiak somewhere to sit that isn't just On The Floor, and the moment Alden and Kohlrabi are back on board, they're both immediately by his side. Alden immediately attaches himself to him and starts purring even if it keeps catching bc he's Worried. He keeps asking if he can do anything to help, keeps apologising like this is somehow his fault in any capacity, even as Kodiak keeps telling him that he's gonna be fine, they're leaving the storm anyway and no one could have Known in advance. Kohlrabi is walking in circles bc they can't sit on Kodiak's other side jic it'd hurt him but they're Also worried. Eventually Higgins manages to coax them into coming to help him update the foundry logs, which is something he could do half-asleep at this point but it's more novel for the kid and they need a distraction really bad
Also Shanty keeps having to be prevented from climbing onto Kodiak's lap and eventually settles on Alden's
It still takes a bit after they get home for the pain to fully recede to normal levels (Higgins doesn't have it nearly as bad, he's back to normal by the time they arrive), and needless to say, the crew makes a habit out of dodging the fuck out of Void Storms from then on
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ALSO!!! Kaiju bros, Jaeger pilots au. (Either my au or your take on them being Jaeger pilots?? 👀)
vague idea for like... pretty immediately after their serious accident that you mentioned in your AU, mayhaps
Hermann is- not worried, per se, more just lightly concerned. Perhaps a little anxious, though he's not sure if that buzzing, restless sensation is his own or Newton's ghost drift from the other side of the Shatterdome. He's not been sleeping well, and he knows it isn't from lack of desire to on his own part. No, that certainly must belong to Newton.
This is how Hermann finds himself striding — or, well, hobbling, as it is, now, finding balance while leaning on a cane and thinking he's lucky to be cleared to return to piloting ever, let alone in as little as six weeks — towards the medical bay at three in the morning, well after most PPDC personnel have retreated to their bunks.
Perhaps, he thinks, almost hoping, it's nightmares. A natural trauma response and one that they are equipped to work through. If it were so, though, it's more than likely that the memories would have appeared in Hermann's own dreams. He almost wishes they had; wishes he had that knowledge of what his drift partner had gone through on his behalf. He's not sure if the knowing would increase or ease his own feelings of guilt. He still wants to know.
Newton is sitting up in the narrow infirmary bed, bent over a notebook with his glasses perched precariously on the very edge of his nose and a gel-ink pen held equally precariously in one hand. Newton, Hermann knows, has always been ambidextrous; it's a trait that has on occasion passed between them following the drift. Today, or tonight, rather, the pen is held in his right hand, left palm flat against the notebook as if to steady it. Both hands are shaking viciously, visible even from the door.
It's a side effect of the neural overload, one the doctors say will pass given time, along with the recurring nosebleeds and dizzy spells. For now, Newton is trapped in both the infirmary and his own frustration. Even without the connection of their drift bond, said frustration would be palpable in the air, thick enough to cut through.
Hermann clears his throat. "Newton."
"Hey, Hermann," Newton greets, too casually. Of course he's aware of Hermann's presence, just not acknowledging it except through the blip of recognition and, dare Hermann risk naming it, affection through the ghost of a currently unused drift bond. "What's up?"
He asks like it's the middle of a normal day, as if nothing has happened and everything is as it should be. As if his hands aren't shaking too hard to allow him to write down whatever epiphany had kept him awake; as if Hermann's aren't beginning to shake in sympathy or longing for a solution or or or-
"Breathe," says Newton, suddenly lifting his head to look at Hermann. Hermann breathes. "You good?" Newton blinks at him, eyes bloodshot behind the frames of his glasses, but gaze clear and more curious than actively concerned.
Hermann scoffs. "I came to ask you the same thing," he admits. Then, as an added explanation although it's not really needed, "Ghost drift."
"Oh. Sorry, I guess I was keeping you up?" Newton frowns, slaps his notebook closed and lets the pen fall from his grasp. "I'm fine," he says, which is almost surely a lie.
"Would you-" Hermann hesitates. "Would you like me to write down whatever it was you were thinking of?"
Newton stares at him. "I mean... you'd do that for me?"
"Of course," replies Hermann before he can feel uncomfortable about it. "May I?" He takes a step toward the bed.
Newt grins. "Yeah, s- sure, come on, man!" He holds out the notepad in shaking hands as Hermann carefully takes a seat on the mattress. "So I was thinking of this new strategy-"
It's after three in the morning. They both should be sleeping, but aren't. But. Across the quiet drift connection between them, tonight there is peace.
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ohhalefire · 2 years
002 pleeeeeeease for Sterek!!! 😍
Omg this one's gonna go DEEP into this, so buckle up~ Under the cut because this answer is ENORMOUS. And I think I wrote a minific at the end there?
When I started shipping them: Oh, probably somewhere around the release of Abomination? Like, I saw their chemistry before then and thought it was cute, but that's not enough to make me start actively shipping a pairing - I have to get emotionally invested in the way they come together within the confines of the plot for that to happen. Even then, it wasn't like, my be-all-and-end-all, true-OTP, ship-to-end-all-ships ship until all the way to Derek's death and evolution. That look back that Stiles did? That ENDED ME and now I have never looked back ✨
My thoughts: Thoughts?! THOUGHTS?! This question has just casually asked me to write a novel 😂 tl;dr I loved the way Stydia came together (y'all know we stan Stydia on this blog here, too!), but honestly, if that relationship didn't stay stable long-term - and as much as I love them, I'm not sure it would - I imagine Sterek's eventual coming together in Stiles' like, mid-to-late 20s being a relief of long-held pressure, like a dam breaking. Somehow, Stiles and Derek seem stable together, like they could hold up each others' broken parts.
What makes me happy about them: See above. They seem like exactly the right people to support each other in dealing with their exact traumas. They both feel alone in very specific ways - and together, they don't have to be.
What makes me sad about them: That the writers (and/or the showrunner, and/or the network, etc) chickened out of, at the very least, explicitly using the word "bisexual" in referring to either of them, because, uh. That's clearly what was happening onscreen. 😂
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Okay, so. This is absolutely petty. But tbh, I look for correct and/or deliberate use of punctuation? 🤷‍♀️ I'M SO SORRY TO EVERYONE. I just both read and write in a very rhythmic, musical cadence inside my head (maybe it's a musician thing?), and a lot of that rhythm in written content is defined by punctuation. If it's off in some way, I often find reading sort of... disorienting? It's like my eyes can't relax as I read. Even something emotional, deep, thoughtful, well-plotted or well-paced will still be sort of unsettling for me to consume if there are repeated, consistent errors in it. That said, incorrect punctuation used on purpose for the explicit reason that it affects the rhythm of the words is somehow fine? I AM SO SORRY i really don't wanna be that snob, but 🫣 obvs i fuck with punctuation for like tumblr jokes or whatever but that cadence my brain reads as almost a different dialect and also we do this for like one sentence at a time so it's not as bad
Things I look for in fanfic: That it's complete, doesn't have too many background friendships that aren't canon, and hopefully that it punches me in the chest with that sweet, sweet emotional pain 🧡🧡🧡
My wishlist: I just want a fully canon-compliant future-fic that gives them the ending they deserve? 😂 Most of the fics I've read that have come out since 2017 are AUs, and while I love me an AU, what my soul really desires is like, a well-resolved, plausible way for them to come together in-universe. Of course all of this gets thrown out the window once the movie drops and we'll all need to start again with all our headcanons but whatever
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Stiles with Lydia, obviously. Derek... Derek only has Stiles and Paige, and Paige is dead. So like. He'd have to get some character we haven't met, I think, to be truly happy without Stiles.
My happily ever after for them: Lying in bed, morning light streaming through the window in god-rays, catching the golden dust in the air. Both are awake, on their sides, looking at each other but almost afraid to touch, despite everything that's happened to get them there. Quietly, haltingly, as if unwilling to disturb the moment, they begin to talk through every missed connection, every "almost", every misread moment of longing since the very beginning. Together, at the same time, they work to help each other understand: I've wanted this for years. I just didn't believe I deserved you. And they have a lifetime ahead to convince each other that they do.
Send me a fandom/ship/character and I will tell you...
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virmillion · 1 year
in with "darkness as corruption" <<< "blinding brightness as corruption," i know you aren't fully settled on the end yet and how moving on looks like, but in popular media it seems to be pretty often that it's brightness, stepping into a warm summer or something, and that's fine and whatever. i want the opposite. the whole thing is that ghosts get more and more exhausted the longer they stick around (hence being down more often, and losing memories when they're forcing themselves to be out), so it seems like it would make sense that it's the darkness of sleep and night time, y'know? like, people call dying an eternal rest, or the soul being at peace or whatever, and to me, here's what the process looks like
option A, the normal path:
you die in a relatively normal way
technically, you probably become a ghost? but it's for, like, a fraction of a second
your soul is already at peace, and pretty much without even thinking about it, you move on - disperse into the void, become a constellation, reincarnate, whatever, we don't really know
(see tgp because. obviously no one comes back from that to Tell Us what actually happens, but somehow they've put together that it's peaceful, you aren't just walking into hell (probably))
option B, the fucked up fun path:
you die in some abnormal or traumatic way, and/or you have major unfinished business to sort out
you become a ghost, but uh oh, it's long term!
for some reason or another, your soul isn't at peace. the longer you stick around (not moving on), the more memories you forget - starts with small things, like your favorite food, where you went to elementary school, but it starts turning into bigger things if you linger for super long
in the worst cases, you lose absolutely everything - see ghost, who straight up forgot their name, how and when they died, everything except the fact that they're a ghost in an unfortunate outfit
it's. extremely unlikely that you actually finish your unfinished business (bc it's next to impossible to affect the living world, takes a shit ton of time to master, in that time you'll probably forget what you were trying to do anyway, et al)
instead, it's more about coming to terms with and accepting it (heLLO stages of grief), and once you're at peace with it, cowabunga you've beaten the final boss
at this point, somehow you just Know what to do, that you can finally go rest/be at peace/all that fun stuff
for rough specifically, i think he probably expects to see, like, a bright shining gate that hurts to look at, but he instead sees this emanating darkness that's warm, almost breathing, inviting him in, and walking into it feels like crawling into your warm bed after coming in from shoveling the snow
it's literally about finally being able to rest
also maybe it feels like a piece of himself slots back into place, this being him and tumble coming back together and being whole again? idk*
(not sure what aleth sees, i doubt it's the same thing bc to each their own but also, all due respect, this isn't her story, and i don't think rough would think to ask)
*...god DAMMIT okay so the watsonian point of the story is that rough is basically writing it as an apology to tumble, right? he's literally taking all this down (somehow, idk how he learned 2 write but maybe it's easier to manipulate technology and he typed it or something) to Tell To Tumble, as an apology and explanation of his actions, ending with "and i'm sorry i fucked up so much, but i'm gonna move on now, so i hope that's good for you," and then he goes and talks to aleth and we wrap it up. issue BEING. he would stop writing there, so how the FUCK do we get all that moving-on shit into the story? like, obviously you can't just Leave It at him saying he's gonna move on, because i really want to show him actually going off and being at peace, not just talking a big game about it, yk. not sure how to fix that yet, and not a problem for anywhere in the near future, but i didn't want 2 forget, so here's. that. i guess
......well. so issue A is that he can't really physically write all this out, so maybe he's telling it all to ghost, and ghost is taking it down to give to tumble, and rough somehow forces tumble out to hear ghost read the story back to them? and then we see rough&tumble, now basically back together (but not quite as one), going to aleth and moving on, and we get to have tumble's pov of how it happens? bc from the whole point before, "i/me/myself" is rough adding in asides, "he/him/himself" is rough telling the actual story, "you/yours/yourself" is rough speaking directly to tumble, and "we/ours/ourself" is rough talking about himself and tumble, either as one or as a collective. to that end, maybe the last chunk with the moving on and everything can have it in that "we/ours/ourself" pov, because it's Rough And Tumble, now actually as one, getting over themself and moving on. idk, something like that. it's late, i'm tired, this is rambly and longer than i meant it to be
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Everybody lives AU. Mikosaru in relationship, and Fushimi hit by amnesia strain and forgets that he is dating Mikoto.
Oh dear, can you imagine Fushimi's face when someone tries to explain to him that he's dating Suoh Mikoto of all people, he would totally not believe it. Like imagine post-ROK Fushimi gets hit by the amnesia Strain and maybe the Strain's power isn't so much that it wipes your memories completely but rather just like wipes any romantic memories, so Fushimi knows everything that's happened but has no idea that he's dating someone. At first no one even realizes that Fushimi's been affected, like they see him get hit by the Strain and everyone assumes he's going to forget everything but when he stands up he's fine (imagine Doumyouji running over all 'Fushimi-san, do you know who I am' to test him and Fushimi's just like 'an idiot'). The alphabet squad keep asking Fushimi if he's sure he's fine, like do you remember us, do you remember Captain, do you know the Slate's been destroyed and you made up with Yata Misaki and Fushimi keeps irritably stating that he's fine and he remembers everything. Everyone's like well maybe the Strain power backfired somehow. Shift is almost over and Fushimi says he's going back to his dorm to rest, one of the squad is like aren't you going back to Suoh-san's place and Fushimi gives them this disgusted look like why would I want to go there.
Everyone figures out from there that all Fushimi's forgotten is his relationship and they don't even know how to tell him, like it was weird enough when they found out Fushimi-san was dating Suoh Mikoto and they almost didn't believe it at the time so how are they supposed to convince him that it isn't a joke. As the squad are trying to figure out how to explain this imagine Mikoto just shows up at S4, Fushimi was taking forever so he figured he might as well come get him. Fushimi immediately scowls and wonders what Mikoto is doing here, Captain's at a meeting off-site right now so there's no reason for Mikoto to bother them. Mikoto raises an eyebrow and is like yeah, walking over and just draping his arms around Fushimi. Fushimi immediately pulls away, acting like an angry cat as he's like I'm trying to work. Mikoto's still pretty calm about this but wondering what's gotten into Fushimi, one of the alphabet boys finally gets the courage to come over and admit that Fushimi's been hit by the amnesia Strain and doesn't remember that he and Mikoto are dating.
Fushimi's immediately like 'me and Mikoto-san are what,' just totally not believing it, but Mikoto gives this amused snort and is like oh so that's it. He figures that's no problem, scooping Fushimi up and carrying him off while Fushimi struggles and complains. Fushimi refuses to believe that he and Mikoto are dating, like this has to be some kind of weird joke the universe is playing on him. Mikoto wonders if it's so unbelievable, imagine him just walking down the street carrying Fushimi over his shoulder and smoking as he answers all Fushimi's outraged protests perfectly calmly. Fushimi says it is, he knows Mikoto has no interest in him and never has and Mikoto's like yeah, you've told me that before. Fushimi doesn't see then how they could ever end up together and Mikoto's like that's 'cause you were wrong. They eventually get back to their shared apartment and Fushimi sees some of his few belongings there, he's like still in denial that he could ever willingly want to be by Mikoto's side. Mikoto just throws himself on the couch all you can believe whatever you want to believe but it doesn't change the truth. Eventually Fushimi ends up reluctantly sitting on the couch next to Mikoto and Mikoto puts an arm around him, Fushimi claims that this doesn't mean he believes it and Mikoto's all 'right,' sitting there in easy silence and pulling Fushimi a little closer.
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Rav, please answer the following, no exceptions
3, 5 for Hues of Magic (anything about the series is fair game), 11, 17, 30, and 42, I have no regrets
holy hylia you really aren't granting me any mercy jfkdjdjf FINE.
These got way too long to not put under a read more though, so here it is.
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Hmmm. Introspection, definitely, but idk if it counts as a trope per se. I have recently been told that my very intentional efforts to always give all the boys at least one moment in the spotlight, no matter how small, are noticeable, though! So that, probably. I'm also very partial to likening a traumatic event to the present happenings.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
You chose Hues of Magic! And hmm. I guess I'm always itching to elaborate on which specific glows mean what from Hyrule's pov, where they are from, and what the distinctive qualities between different types of auras and enchantments are, because I do think about those a lot! In Something Focused I basically went on a long diatribe over how I perceive Wars' magic to work, and if asked I could probably do that for most of them! But not every oneshot is meant to become a lecture like that one, so I won't lol
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
This is unfair and you know it. I'm absolutely partial. Are you kidding? I grew up playing OoT/MM and TP -the Hero of Time might be my favourite character in all of fiction. I still play OoT on an almost weekly basis, in randomizer. And I have singlehandedly dragged people down into Warriors hell with me.
That said, like I mentioned earlier. I always, always make sure to involve the rest of the boys in the background (when it makes sense), instead of letting them fade into it. I'm really big on knowing what every present character does, so I lead by example!
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
I will cheat and put SSAU (Swapped Species AU, an AU where none of the boys are Hylian, but rather another race in accordance with their games) in here. Because while I'm not the only person enjoying it by a long shot, it was a huge team effort to create as much content for it as there is now. But I did put a ton of focus on everything around Guardian of Time!Wars and his relationship with Mask/Time and First. And I still get that giddy self-indlugant feeling whenever I think about or reread parts of it. So I'd say it counts!
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
I have! It was Whistle, actually, haha. When I started to write it the style was the complete opposite of what my default was. It was an amazing exercise and influenced how my style evolved into what it is now.
If we're talking more about topical comfort zones - I definitely find it harder to write pure fluff, just because the string of narrative is different compared to angsty stories - there is no big climactic event, no comfort at the end to resolve it. But I chose to write some rather fluffy fics for LUAAP 2021, and while I couldn't resist putting in a little angst in the middle parts, I think I succeeded! And enjoyed myself, too.
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
I'm gonna cheat here, because this isn't a single comment, but a theme that went through a comment section. I made up an old mage with his own shop for Something Darker, to fill a role I needed for the plot to kick off. I gave him a couple quirks, little mage things I thought were fitting, as you do with a side character, and didn't think much of it compared to the rest of the fic.
Imagine my surprise when almost every single comment latched onto this guy! People were thinking about his biases and reaction, there were interested in his backstory, someone wrote an epilogue from his perspective in a comment (yes this is a link to that). Safe to say that is gonna stay with me. It was such an amazing thing for people to take this small detail in my writing and latch onto it more than I ever could've expected!
Phew. you better know I'm gonna flood you the same next time fhdkhejdjf
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missmonsters2 · 3 years
Tumblr media
That Way
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Please do not repost/translate anywhere. Reblogs & Comments are much welcomed ♥
Summary: But as you look at how Natasha shifts from foot to foot, a twinkle in her eye, you can't help but think—friends don't look at friends that way.
Warnings: A N G S T
Notes: WHEWwww I was out to hurt feelings today. If I see any biphobic comments in my notes, I will block you 💕
Count: ~1.2k
You stand in the back, unnoticed by everyone, as you lean against the wall and stare at Natasha.
She looks beautiful tonight. Well, she always looked beautiful, but you could tell that she had put extra effort into her appearance tonight. Natasha had taken hours to find the perfect dress and heels. She took hours curling her hair into loose curls and keeping them in place. You had watched her do her makeup delicately, choosing red lipstick because it made everything about her pop out.
Your eyes had scanned the room briefly. It was rather crowded as all of Tony's get-togethers are. You think it's kind of funny how easy it was for you to blend into the wall at the back.
You dressed up tonight, too, though you doubt anyone really noticed. Your hands rested behind you, crossed and trapped between the wall and your back. You had your knee bent as your foot rested at the angle against the wall.
You stare at Natasha, who's standing with Steve. People like them stand out, no matter how crowded the room is.
"Hey, loner."
You look over, startled to see Wanda slide up to you and join you by being a wallflower.
"Hey," you say softly, turning your head back. Wanda follows your gaze, quicker to catch at what you're staring at because it's not like you're being subtle.
She's speaking with Steve, and her hands are gripping the neck of her champagne glass tightly—a habit you know she does when she's nervous.
She's laughing at whatever Steve is saying, cheeks slightly pink. They look good together. The unabashed way you stare in their direction must make people think you're the other woman trying to come between them. If only they knew that the ring on your left hand had been a promise to you made by Natasha.
"Do you want to go grab a drink or dance?" Wanda asks because it just fucking kills her to see you standing here, staring at Natasha and breaking your own heart.
"No, it's okay," you answer softly, unable to rip your gaze away.
You should look away.
But it's like a sickness you can't stop. You can't stop staring at how Natasha's body is open to Steve, how he's leaning closer to her. Steve's hands are jammed deep into his pocket, a boyish shyness to him and a charming smile directed right at Natasha.
Things had changed since the two of them had been on the run together. You stayed because someone had to help them from the inside. Now you sorely regret not going on the run with them too. Would it have been different if you had?
Would you be the one standing with Natasha, flushed from flirting and the champagne as you stood a little too close?
It's hard to say since things have been different for so long now. You're suddenly hyperaware of how stupid you must be for hanging on as long as you have.
"C'mon," Wanda says as she grabs your arm to pull you towards them. You feel your stomach drop, anxiousness creeping up at the thought of approaching your own wife.
They don't seem to notice you and Wanda coming closer, and that feels worse.
"Hey, guys," Wanda butts in, her tone rather terse.
The two of them turn, almost surprised to be caught off-guard.
"Hey," Natasha says warmly as she smiles at you and kisses you on the cheek.
You want to feel happy for the gesture of affection, but you just feel empty. But you play the part of the loving wife with nothing wrong.
"Hi, babe," you smile lightly at her back before she turns back to Steve, and they jump back into whatever conversation they were in before you interrupted.
There should be some comfort in the fact that Natasha has her arm loosely around your waist, but there isn't. You stand there, lost. Listening half-heartedly to their conversation, you realize quickly it isn't anything you can contribute to.
You're just—there.
Your skin feels itchy. You feel like you're not even in your own body.
Look away. Look. Away.
You feel something clawing at your throat, desperate to say something. Desperate to make yourself noticed.
Before you can say anything, there's a sudden commotion. Some young business associate had drunk way too much as he started stumbling about. He bumped into a nearby waiter, sending the man toppling over, his tray of champagnes falling everywhere.
Your body tenses as its first reaction, and you suddenly feel splashes of cold liquid hit you all over. The moment is over quickly as you stand there with wide eyes.
There's champagne all over you. It's in your hair and drenched your front. You can faintly taste it on your lips, and you feel—sticky.
But none of that mattered.
None of that mattered because you see Wanda, Natasha, and Steve looking at you, shocked when you look up.
Your waist was cold, and it was cold because Natasha and Steve stood a little further away than they were before.
The realization of what happened makes you feel colder than the champagne you're drenched in.
Natasha had dropped her hand around your waist and had moved to push Steve out of the way.
Your wife's instinct was to save Steve.
That desperation in your throat morphed into rawness, and your eyes sting.
"Oh, god, honey," Natasha instantly started to say as she moved to you. "Are you okay? Let me—"
"I got it," Wanda cut in harshly, and you look over for the first time.
Part of Wanda's hand is wet, with droplets of champagne on her clothes and hair.
The second realization had you stifling a choked sob.
Wanda had tried to move you out of the way. Your wife's first thought wasn't you.
Natasha frowned. "No, I can—"
"You're a little busy, aren't you?" Wanda sniped, and Natasha is taken back by the tone. She frowned, opening her mouth to say something when you cut in.
"It's fine," you croaked, forcing your mouth to smile, even if your lips are trembling. "Wanda and I are the only ones who got it. We can go clean up. You should stay here."
Natasha seemed to stare at you, pensive, before she nodded, and it cracked your chest open a little more.
She used to never accept so easily.
Natasha turned to Wanda warily, who turned away and acted like she was grumpy from having champagne spilled on her.
You give Natasha one last reassuring smile that she returns before she turns back to Steve. He looked at you curiously, as if to ask if you were okay and you wanted to scream at him—scream and tell him to find his own woman.
But you let Wanda lead you away.
The commotion easily faded away, and people resume back like nothing happened—like your ribs hadn't been cracked open for everyone to see the final shatter of your heart.
You can't help but look back. See? It was a sickness.
Natasha had said multiple times that you had nothing to worry about, that she loved you. She told you Steve was just a friend.
But as you look at how Natasha shifts from foot to foot, a twinkle in her eye, you can't help but think—friends don't look at friends that way.
Part Two: Play the Part
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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love in their own way || albedo, childe, xiao, zhongli
masterlist characters: albedo, childe, xiao, zhongli genre: fluff summary: in which their s/o's aren't as forward about their emotions, but still manage to have their little tells that express their love. notes: i hope this meets the request! i had a lot of fun writing this! i just want the boys to be happy :)
albedo -
i like to think albedo is secretly clingy but doesn't allow himself to show it to anyone.
naturally, it's just because he's always holed up with his work.
when he consciously does it... it's because he's nervous.
remember the end of his quest when he's talking to himself at dragonspine?
that's why he's nervous.
he's not too bothered by the fact that you're more reserved.
he has a lot of work so he can't really dwell on the idea for too long.
just you being there when he's working is good enough for him :D
as we all know, this boy is very into experimentation and learning.
so trying to decipher your minuscule facial changes is actually really interesting to him!
he has a bunch of notes just on the little details he can find about you.
and since he's so observant, it doesn't take him long to realize that there are certain signs that only appear around him.
he'll notice them when he's painting you.
whenever he's waiting for results, he'll use the time to draw you <3
because he's done this, he practically has you memorized.
so imagine his surprise when he sees your expression change whenever he leaves your sight.
it takes him a while to actually be able to see this, but i'm sure it's because of timaeus and sucrose.
after all, they're around you a lot whenever albedo is busy.
they probably take a picture to show him something they did while he was gone and that's when he notices.
he doesn't even have to look at a different picture of you.
he can just tell you look different.
the little crinkle next to your eyes was gone.
your lips were more pursed than usual.
you now had a crease in between your brows you didn't have before.
the next time he sees you, he'll hold up the picture next to your face to confirm they're different.
he wants to ask why there's a "clear" difference in your appearance but he already knows why.
he'll ask you just to be sure, though--
your cheeks get a tiny tiny bit darker when you answer wholeheartedly.
it does make him chuckle when he hears that you're so smitten for him in your monotonous voice.
the picture sucrose and timaeus took isn't his favorite of you, so he ends up taking a new one when you two are both exploring dragonspine.
it's a reminder of how much you really love him <3
childe -
out of the four boys here, he's definitely (in my opinion) the most affectionate.
like, this boy will take whatever he can get to just hold you for a second.
especially if you're also from snezhnaya but came all the way to liyue to keep him company.
he's very family-oriented as we've seen, so he treasures these relationships.
now, with an unaffectionate s/o?
honestly, i don't think he'd be too upset about it.
like i said, he really treasures these familial relationships.
because of this, it's his top priority to make sure you feel comfortable in the relationship.
he won't necessarily keep his distance, but he won't be too clingy either.
he'll stand right beside you, enough to where you can almost feel his skin touching yours.
as for your expressionlessness...
it'll take him a bit to really understand how you're feeling.
it's a lot of communication because he doesn't want to mess anything up.
near the beginning of the relationship, he'd ask how you're feeling and if there's anything bothering you.
but once he finally notices the subtle differences in your face, such as a slight eyebrow raise or a tilt of the head, he'll be able to read you easier.
nothing too complex, but just enough for him to tell your emotions.
there is one subtle change that he always looks for, however.
he's realized, with the help of zhongli of course, that there is a specific characteristic that only happens when he's in your line of sight.
your lips are normally pressed in a fine line.
however, around him, the corners lift up ever-so-slightly.
the only reason he's able to see it is that he'll catch himself staring at your lips because he wants a kiss :)
once he sees that, he starts noticing your little quirks whenever you're around him.
you'll lean closer to him as you're walking through liyue harbor.
your eyes start to soften as he talks on and on about his day (and complains about scaramouche--).
he loves the idea that all of these little details about you only happen around him,
it makes him feel... important.
and loved.
even if he holds back from touching you, he'll settle for seeing your cold exterior melt around him.
xiao -
he's not too well versed in affection...
i mean, he's the vigilant yaksha that is known for being stoic just like you are.
you two are basically carbon copies of each other.
no affection and no clear expressions of love.
people (who know both you and xiao) often forget that you two are actually together.
like, they just think you two sit in silence when you're both tired of dealing with people.
they... aren't necessarily wrong.
the two of you are often found sitting at the balcony looking over liyue.
sometimes you bring him almond tofu to share :)
it's very rare for the two of you to actively show your love for each other, mainly because you both know your feelings.
although... xiao does have those moments.
it's not like he's completely oblivious to the whispers about you two.
and on the days where his karma acts up, he gets insecure.
he's... really scared that one day you'll leave just like the others.
it doesn't matter if you're a mortal or an adeptus, he's scared that one day he'll wake up and you'll be gone.
and if that ever comes, he's scared you'll pass on either doubting your feelings or his.
it doesn't help when he notices the difference in your attitude and appearance when he's around.
his first instinct is that he's doing something bad.
either you're angry or upset at his mere existence...
verr goldet's the one who has to explain why you seem different.
she's quite observant on her own, especially because you're the first person that xiao actively enjoys being around.
she'll be the one to tell him that it isn't because you're mad at him.
you have minuscule changes because that's how xiao makes you feel.
you're so soft around him and she can tell just from the small interactions she's seen of you.
for example, when you're talking to the chef downstairs, you have the same expression that xiao has when he's talking to people.
you're annoyed but you know how to handle it.
but when you're around xiao, it's like everything that bothers you disappears.
it's like you're in your own domain whenever he's around.
nothing else matters except for him.
and even if she's relying on small observations and pure intuition, she can tell that the changes are good.
your eyes that seem to look anywhere besides the person you are talking to are completely different from the ones that seem to only focus on xiao.
your normally stiff body relaxes every time you summon xiao at the balcony.
the tiny smile that graces your lips when you disappear to the top of the inn for hours on end.
verr goldet's explanation calms his heart.
his worries seem to disappear and the next time he sees you...
this is the one thing his karma can't take away. he'll be sure of it.
zhongli -
zhongli is also another person who isn't well versed in relationships.
although he isn't as inexperienced as xiao, it'll take some time for him to figure it out.
he's not someone who craves affection like it's the only thing keeping him alive.
he definitely would appreciate it but he completely understands that it isn't something you tend to give.
so instead, he'll show his love in the smaller things.
such as telling you stories, sharing tea, going out on walks, etc.
he's another person who is very observant, especially in people close to him.
his storytelling friends often ask him about your relationship with one another.
they try to bring it to his attention that you may not be as interested as he thinks you are.
of course, he'll simply laugh them off and tell them that they should listen to the person who knows you best.
he'll turn those questions into a big story and explain how they're mistaken about you.
he's never actively told anyone this, save for hu tao who tries to bug him into telling her, but he'll tell them about all of the tiny details that tell him your feelings.
when you're feeling upset, you puff out your cheeks a small bit.
when you're angry, your glare hardens at whatever is making you mad.
when you're happy, your lips part slightly.
when you're in love... well, that's a detail he'll keep for himself.
he's quick to say goodbye to his peers, practically rushing back to your shared home.
he's greeted by you as soon as he opens the door.
your stoic expressions... would be exactly the same to anyone else.
but to him, it's like you've lit up like a small puppy seeing their human parents come home after years.
you don't run up to him, but you turn to look at him and away from the book on the table.
he'll greet you with a quiet nod, pulling out the chair and sitting next to you.
he'll take the book from you, taking in your appearance for a moment.
your shoulders relax by a hair and you move your chair an inch closer to his.
you don't lean your head on his shoulder but you lean towards him as if you were about to.
it's these moments that make everything worth it to zhongli.
here, in your home and in your life, he's simply zhongli.
the man you fell in love with and allowed your reserved self to open up to.
and he would trade anything just to have these moments with you.
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. lxiv - cowards
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??? × reader, ateez × reader
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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After sending the last text, Mingi and Jongho didn't waste time and immediately rush to (Y/N)'s room. When they arrived, the door was ajar with Seonghwa standing inside. He was staring blankly around, seemingly confused.
"Hyung, have you been here?" Jongho asked, breaking Seonghwa's trance.
"Y-yeah, I did- she left? Just like that ??" Seonghwa asked, still not believing anything that just happened.
Maybe it was Seonghwa's guilt. The fact that his last interaction with you was him accusing you of being a whore didn't sit right with him. There was a lump in his throat and a heavy feeling on his chest. It felt like he was suffocating.
The three of them stood silently, not knowing what to answer.
As they stood silently, the other boys walked in one by one. Wooyoung walked in first with San in tow, they both immediately took note of the silence and just stared at each other with guilt.
One by one everyone else filled the room, staring blankly at the emptiness and letting sorrow and regret fill them.
"S-so that's it? She left us yet AGAIN after having just came back last night?" Hongjoong asked in disbelief. There was no malice in his tone, there were no ill intentions. He was shocked, surprised at the sudden tension.
Mingi turned to look at the eldest with much disdain, "After what happened to her last night, could you really give her blame?"
inking that Hongjoong felt wronged, as he thought his assumption was justified. To be singled out as such was a little bit too much. "Are you trying to be a hero here?" he asked the taller guy. Mingi scoffed at him, "Hero? You think I have some sort of a complex?" "I don't know, do you? I don't think it's a hero complex, but there must be some sort of a messed up complex in you. Because you've been all over the place and overreacting, acting like a mess when you can't find (Y/N) and yet not saying anything when she was here, letting Yeosang ran his mouth at her, driving her off,"
At the mention of his name, Yeosang spoke up from the corner of the room. "I drove her off? Are you fucking serious?" to which San, who was by his side scoffed, "Weren't you the one who verbally attacked her last night? Calling her out on leaving without any explanation was one thing, but to call her a wandering tramp?" "Okay, I was looking out for all of us. YOU especially, San! You don't know how much it affected me seeing you all broken down and you even fell into depression! As your friend, I was fucking worried!" Yeosang defended himself.
Wooyoung chimed in, scoffing at his long-time friend, "Looking out for us? From what? From who? The woman we love? If you wanna go off on her, that's one hundred percent your choice, but don't use us as your excuse. That's just pathetic, man," he told Yeosang whilst glaring at him.
Seonghwa got in between the two, preventing them both from going at it even further. "Okay, enough with you two, you both can't be fighting during this time. Yeosang might've said some... unnecessary things to (Y/N) last night, but things aren't completely his fault," he reasoned.
Surprisingly, Yunho chimed in, smirking at the older man, "You got that right," he muttered. Yunho's voice was intentionally loud enough for everyone to hear, but still low enough for it to seem snarky.
At his chime, Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows at Yunho, "what's that supposed to mean?" Yunho stepped to Seonghwa while tilting his head as if challenging him, "Don't play dumb, hyung, I heard you last night. Here, you mentioned Yeosang calling (Y/N) names when you basically called her the same thing,"
Whilst the others were left confused, Seonghwa visibly froze. His demeanour changed to a nervous one.
"Yunho, what the fuck are you talking about?" Hongjoong asked.
Yunho looked to the side at Hongjoong casually, "I walked by when I was about to get water last night when I heard yelling from inside her room. Whatever they were talking about, I heard Seonghwa hyung yelling something about (Y/N) staying with guys other than her cousin. The implication was bad, I even heard (Y/N) crying,"
All eyes suddenly shifted to Seonghwa. "Hyung, you made her cry?" San asked, not able to completely believe that Seonghwa was capable of doing that to (Y/N).
Tension rose in the room and suddenly everyone was arguing with each other. All but Jongho who stayed by the sideline, watching the whole thing unfold between his older friends with disappointment in his eyes.
"What happened?" you asked him, appearing by his side out of nowhere.
Jongho sighed before crossing his arms, "They're blaming each other because you left again," he muttered. You frowned and furrowed your eyebrows, "But, I haven't left yet?"
At that, Jongho finally looked at you properly. His eyes widened as wide as they could go, "Oh, hey! You're still here!" He exclaimed loudly, capturing the attention of everyone who was bickering inside.
You stared at them weirdly, "Yeah? Why is that so surprising?"
Mingi stepped out towards you slowly, his hands reached out to grab yours in his softly, "W-we thought you had really left again," he told you, his voice broke from how glad he was.
But that relieved feeling was soon crushed when he heard your answer.
"Well, now I am. I was making sure of something and waiting for Haknyeon to come to pick me up. Since he's here now, I'm... Gonna go," you smiled at them gently. Despite that, there were clear indications that the smile you wore was one of a broken heart.
Seonghwa couldn't help but let his words slip without thinking properly, "You're going back with him and his friends?" to which Yunho immediately nudged him hard on his stomach.
You turn to look at Seonghwa directly. You shook your head at him before answering, "No, I'm not going back to his apartment. Wouldn't be right for me and wouldn't be fair to him. He's just escorting me to my old dorm where I will be staying," you told him. Seonghwa immediately gulped after hearing your answer. He felt bad for jumping to that conclusion, especially after you told him where you were going.
At this point, San had tears brimming in his eyes, blurring his vision, "Wh-why are you going again, (Y/N)? You just got back," he asked as he walked closer to you.
Seeing his tears, you couldn't help but get emotional as well. you let one hand off of Mingi's grasp to cup San's cheek, rubbing it gently with your thumb, "I just have to, Sannie, I'm sorry. I... Just came back up here to tell Mingi and Jongho directly that I'm gonna go now,"
Wooyoung pushed people away to charge directly at you, "Only Mingi and Jongho? That's it? The rest of us didn't even deserve your goodbyes?" there was no resentment in his voice, you noticed. His eyes, however, showed much sorrow.
You sighed and shrugged at him, "With how things went last night, I don't even know if you all wanted to see me again, that's why I tried making my escape as quickly and silently as possible,"
Hongjoong suddenly spoke up, "See, I don't think you wanna leave at all, because if you do, you wouldn't tell us at all and just leave,"
The way he said it set something off in you. Your previous calm demeanour switched within mere milliseconds as you answered Hongjoong bitterly, "of course I don't wanna leave. You think this is easy on me?"
Without realizing it, you slipped your hands off of Mingi's grasp and San's cheek. The others who were in the way moved to the side to let you face Hongjoong directly, slightly afraid of you, "You really think that I came back here just to leave the next day? If so, then not only that you're dead wrong, but you're also an asshole. Every single one of you is acting like I've only been playing around with you all, going back and forth as I please because I don't know what I want. You don't even know why I left. Maybe most of it was because I didn't tell you guys, but part of it was because neither of you even gave me the chance to even explain last night. All of you just turned your backs on me and walked away," you laughed bitterly.
Your words struck them deep. Because they were all true. You might have been the one who started the fight, but they were the ones who delivered the final blow. Not to mention they're male adults who should've been able to communicate and made better decisions. Lastly, there were eight of them and one of you, how was that fair?
The silence and the expression on their faces said a lot, you realized if you were to tell them everything, that was your chance.
So you took a deep breath and spilt everything to them.
You told them about the threat Sunhee gave you, the proof they had, and how they planned on ruining their futures. You told them about how you felt like you didn't have any choice and how you didn't want to make things worse so you just listen to them until you were able to think of something, you wanted to protect them. You also told them how paranoid they made you and how you almost went crazy from worrying over them whilst having to be worried over what those crazy bitches might do.
When you finished talking, you realized that the boys had had tears streaming down their faces. You could see their resolves wilting away and being replaced by regret and shame.
Without even saying anything, Wooyoung pulled you into his arms tightly. He cried, saying how sorry he was for how he acted last night and how he should've trusted you more. Yunho and San wrapped their arms around you too, despite the tears streaming down, they managed to utter how sorry they were for not doing anything. Soon, Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Mingi, and Jongho attached themselves to the growing group hug as well, wordlessly showing their remorse. Despite their lack of words, you understood them just fine.
At that moment, you felt safe, you felt relieved that you were finally able to tell them everything. Things finally seem like they will go back to normal.
Maybe except for one thing.
You lifted your face from where it was nestled in the crook of Wooyoung's neck to meet eyes with the one person who was still rooted in his position.
Yeosang immediately looked away, an attempt you assume was to cover up his own tears.
Though heartbroken that he seemed to still resent you, you took the current win and let yourself bask in the warmth the guys were giving you.
You promised yourself then and there that you wouldn't act so carelessly anymore.
At least not without letting them know.
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