#a vampire diaries fanfic!
distancingreality · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Vampire Diaries (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore Characters: Elena Gilbert, Damon Salvatore Additional Tags: established Elena/Stefan, but that's only cuz this fic is season 1 compliant, Season 1 Episode 18, s1e18 Under Control, season 1 Damon is terrible but he's terrible in the same way I assume crack is terrible, I can't get enough of him
Damon had one motivation in death: free Katherine.
“The last I saw her was Chicago. 1983. She knew where you were Damon. She didn’t care.”
Now that he has nothing to be dead for, he finds solace in the living breathing girl with Katherine's face.
Damon swings his legs down and slips from her bed, and from the nest of her delicious smell. He slides up to her, pressing teddy into her chest. She catches the bear. Brushing past her, Damon leans a bit too close into her body. Warmth. She is so alive with the pumping blood and its warmth.
“Well, maybe Stefan's problem is that he’s spent too long not being himself.” If only she knew.
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roselilies · 2 months
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35K notes · View notes
mrs-kmikaelson · 10 months
Braver Together
(Should've Known Better Part Two)
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x reader, Klaus Mikaelson x reader, Mikaelsons x sister-in-law!reader, Hope Mikaelson x mother-figure!reader Summary: Ever since your heart was broken, you became scared of love altogether, but then the most unexpected thing happens and you realize that there was no point in being alive if you weren't living. So you force yourself to face your fears and start being brave... with some help, of course. Warnings: very long, mentions of cheating, angst (with more fluff tho imo), complicated relationships, death, ofc violence, and i totally bend the tvd-originals timeline Words: 10.6K
a/n is at the end of the post.
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When you accepted Klaus’ proposal a thousand years ago, you could’ve never imagined that your life would end up the way it would. For a long time, you were happy, maybe even the happiest girl in the world. It didn’t matter if your family was dead—the Mikaelsons became your family. And for a while, that was fine with you, but now it just felt like torture to be with them every single day.
But you supposed that you signed your life away when you married your husband.
His infractions amazed you, but you still didn’t leave him, even when every bone in your body begged you to. It was the little things, like watching Hope smile as she opened presents on Christmas morning, that made you feel like it was worth it.
You had grown attached to her. While you still weren’t the best of friends with her mother, you remained civil for her. After all, you were both stuck in this family with no way of escaping, so you found it pointless to continue to ignore her.
Klaus, however, was much more deserving of your ignorance, but like Hayley, you pushed that to the side. Your feelings didn’t matter when their child was involved. Even though you weren’t her mother, Hope felt like a daughter to you. Her name was so fitting; she really was this family’s last hope, and she was definitely yours.
Over the years you had, you managed to mend your relationship with Rebekah, even if it was never really the same as it was before. You were no longer running around Chicago together, dancing the night away, but now you had responsibilities to care for and hurt in your hearts. Rebekah had always been a child of sorts, but coming back to this city forced her to grow up. In a way, you supposed you did, too.
Elijah and you were better after that talk you had that one Christmas Eve, not as good as before, but better, and for the time being, that was good enough.
Sometimes, as you were playing with Hope in the living room, your siblings surrounding you, you lied to yourself and pretended you were a family again. But you knew better now. You’d been here before already.
But then something happened, something that almost made that lie feel real.
You walked into the Abattoir with a wide smile on your face, a sight that’d become rare to see. But when you were with Hope, it was impossible for the corners of your lips not to go up. She was giggling at something you said, but, looking back, you couldn’t even remember what it was.
There were shopping bags in your hands. You just took her out to get clothes for her first time at school. You were expecting to see the family seated on the couches, prepared to watch her “runway” her new wardrobe.
Instead, you were met with an apparent crisis. Rebekah sat on the couch, hand cupped over her mouth in shock, tears in her eyes. Hayley stood off to the side, glancing in between Elijah and Klaus, the former staring pointedly at an unknown man whose back was turned to you and the latter with his arms crossed, also staring at said man.
At your entrance, Hayley looked over to you, seeming to let out a breath, as if she was thankful to have a reason to leave the situation. “Mommy, mommy!” Little Hope waved Hayley over, even though she was already walking in your direction. “Me and Auntie Y/N/N bought pretty clothes! Wanna see?”
“Yes, sweetheart, just after your father and Uncle Elijah work this out.” She picked the child up, glancing your way with a sort of warning in her eyes, nodding over to where the rest of the family stood before she looked back to Hope. “For now, why don’t we get you in the bath?”
Hope groaned in protest, making you smile in amusement, but Hayley paid no mind to this, taking her upstairs. Your smile was immediately wiped away. The look the werewolf gave you suggested that something was going on, something she didn’t want Hope to be apart of. The rest of the Mikaelsons hadn’t taken their attention off the man they were staring at for even a second, worrying you.
So, you placed the shopping bags you were holding down next to the gate, walking towards them with your arms held out. “What’s going on?” You asked, but no one turned to answer you. Your brows furrowed. Just as you were about to ask again, the mystery man turned around and it was like the wind was knocked out of you instantly.
Standing right in front of you was no stranger. It was Kol Mikaelson.
For a moment, you almost forgot how to breathe. He gazed at you tenderly with an indecipherable look in his eye. Before you could get to even trying to figure it out, you jumped out of your shock and engulfed him into a tight hug that he quickly reciprocated. Tears leaked out of your eyes for the first time in years.
After a minute, you pulled away, patting his arms and looking him up and down, like you were trying to figure out if he was real. He looked just like Kol, just like your Kol. You pinched yourself, causing the man to let out a small chuckle.
“Oh, how I’ve missed you, Y/N,” he said, and you were gobsmacked because that was his voice, his voice that you hadn’t heard in years. As you realized this was real, that this was really Kol, you pulled him in for another hug. 
Kol was the one to pull away this time, cupping your cheeks with his hands and wiping your tears away. You opened and closed your mouth like a fish, trying to find the right words to use, trying to figure out what you even wanted to say. When he died, you felt like there was so much left unsaid, but now you didn’t know where to start. “How- how are you here?”
He softly smiled at you, so different in comparison to the usual Mikaelson smirk that you were used to. “I’m going to explain everything.”
All of a sudden, you heard a throat clear, reminding you of the others in the room that you’d somehow forgotten about. You looked behind Kol to see Elijah, straightening his cufflinks. “Yes, it appears that we all have a lot to discuss,” he remarked, almost looking uncomfortable. You then glanced to Klaus whose jaw was clenched. Rebekah was still in the same exact position as before, expressionless.
Kol guided you to the couch next to her, telling the brothers they should sit, too. And then he told you all the story of a lifetime.
You listened intently as Kol explained how he was alive. He said he had been on the other side, watching all of you every day. Hearing this made you tense as you wondered what he could’ve possibly seen or heard; you were embarrassed that he might’ve seen how Klaus treated you and how you stayed, but your mind didn’t linger on the subject for long as he continued with his story.
He said the other side started to fall apart, all thanks to the travellers and their sociopathic leader, Markos. You were surprised he was even real; when you came across travellers in the past, you thought they were insane, but it turned out that they actually had real power, enough to bring down a supernatural purgatory that had existed long before even your time.
Kol then said he went back to Mystic Falls after a witch told him that Bonnie Bennett had taken the place of the other side’s anchor. He explained how, following Stefan’s death, the scooby gang engaged in a plan to bring him and their other fallen friends back. 
“So I was stuck with my life in the witch’s hands.” He suddenly looked to you. “She refused at first, but when I mentioned you, she eased up and decided to let me through.” For some reason, this information made you freeze. You were stuck staring into Kol’s eyes until he eventually looked away, making you shake your head. “Whatever you said to her, Y/N, may have just saved my life.”
You knew what he was referring to. Long ago, when you were still in Mystic Falls, before Klaus cheated and before Kol died, you gave the Bennett witch some advice you thought she’d find useful. You told her not to let people walk all over her, to start living for herself.
How ironic was that?
It seemed that neither of you had followed this advice, though, because Bonnie was still stuck putting her life on the line for her friends and you still lived with your husband and his family.
Both of you were doing things that’d kill you eventually.
Maybe it already did.
After Kol’s story, you were all worn out, like each of you had lived through it yourselves. Even though you were exhausted, you were still ecstatic that Kol was alive, that your wishes had come true. When Rebekah got over her shock, you could tell she was happy too, and even Elijah had a ghost of a smile of his lips. But Klaus didn’t look as happy as you would’ve thought he’d be.
You didn’t mind this, ignoring it altogether, refusing to let anything ruin your good mood. That night, you went to bed happy in a house full of Mikaelsons.
The next day, when Kol met Hope, the smile that was already on your face got even wider. Oh, they would cause trouble together, you thought. The three of you spent the week together, sometimes including one of your other siblings. And for the first time since you were with that boy, you felt human again.
You could’ve never imagined this turn of events, Kol coming back to life, Klaus’ child being your salvation. But no longer could you imagine any what ifs, any other life for yourself. You didn’t wonder and wonder about what would’ve happened if Elijah let you go, if Klaus never found you. If you got the chance to go back, you didn’t even know if you would’ve done it all differently. That was saying something, but at the moment, it all felt like it was worth it.
There were so many questions you had for Kol, so many qualms you still had with your family, but for that week, you ignored it all. You could only focus on the influx of pure happiness you felt. You started living like you weren’t a thousand-year-old Original whose heart was broken and like you were gonna die the very next day.
And it was liberating.
But you knew better than to think you could live in paradise forever.
You and Kol lied on the grass of some hill he’d driven you to. You were surprised he even still knew his way around the city, but he was always one to surprise you.
You just stared up at the stars together in silence, a comfortable silence that didn’t feel like it was suffocating you. It was just the two of you, no Klaus, no drama, no anyone. It was just you and the stars.
Out of nowhere, Kol broke the silence, his voice just above a whisper. “My brother doesn’t deserve you.”
Your breath hitched, turning your head towards him, but his gaze was still aimed at the sky. Your perfect little moment was suddenly invaded by the thought of your husband who you’d been unknowingly avoiding in conversation with Kol altogether. Maybe he noticed that.
Maybe he noticed the way you and Klaus no longer touched, even though you couldn’t keep your hands off one another the last time he was alive. Maybe he really was watching you from the other side, and that terrified you.
You knew Kol held you on a pedestal, even if neither of you would ever acknowledge that. He thought you were so good, so strong, so it killed you to think that he saw you when you were most vulnerable. It killed you to think that he knew all of his brother’s indiscretions and how you stayed, anyway.
You knew better than that—no, you were better than that.
Kol went on, “He never has-”
This time, you cut him off, the shock wearing off. “Kol-”
“No, Y/N.” He finally stopped staring up at the stars, turning to look at you. You were expecting the disappointment, but you weren’t expecting the raw anger in his eyes, an anger that’d never been directed at you. But you know it wasn’t. “You were always too good for that bastard, too good for this entire fucking family.”
You tried to stop him, but he kept going every time you opened your mouth. “Here you are, raising a child that isn’t even yours for his sake. Even after what he did to you, what he kept doing to you, you stayed—because that is just how loyal you are and how loyal he isn’t.” He started laughing, but there was no trace of humour in it. “You have no idea how much I want to sock him every time I see him.”
“You know there’s nothing you can say to make this better, Y/N.” That shut you up. “I’m not going to let you spin this just to spare my brother the trouble.” Oh, how embarrassed you felt. Klaus cheated on you over and over again, yet you still felt the need to defend him. 
Things were okay with Elijah and Rebekah because, even though they were there, they weren’t really there. They didn’t know how bad things were between you and Klaus, how it ate you alive, not even Rebekah who watched you break down and isolate yourself. But Kol- oh, Kol saw it all.
You swallowed, looking back up to the sky. “I’m sorry,” you whispered.
Never had you been turned so fast. When your eyes met Kol’s, they were fierce, but his voice softened. “Don’t ever apologize for him. Never again, not to me- not to anyone.”
You swallowed a second time, losing your words as you just stared into his eyes. You hadn’t seen him in so long; you forgot how well he knew you, how he was able to read you like a child’s book.
But Kol had gotten more complicated to you. Whenever you were around him, there was a new look that’d surface in his eyes. This look was like a passerby that you didn’t know but had seen before, a friend of a friend. This was a look you could not decipher, and currently, he was giving you that exact look.
For a long while, the two of you just looked at each other as if you were the stars you’d came all this way to see. The only things heard were crickets and the cars from the city until Kol’s voice sounded.
“I should’ve never let him do this to you,” he said. And you didn’t know what that meant.
But it didn’t matter.
Because, seconds later, you both got up and drove away.
This night hadn’t dampened your mood. There were so many things to be happy for. Years ago or even a week ago, you were depressed beyond words, but Kol coming back had filled a hole you’d thought would never go away. So even though this conversation stung, you were still okay.
When you got back to the compound, you both pretended he never said what he said. Kol went back to being his playful self, making jokes, and you went back to laughing at them.
It was like you’d been given a miracle. You never thought you’d feel like yourself again, and you didn’t really, but it was so close, as close as you’d been in a long time. 
You didn’t feel so alone anymore.
Every day started being spent with either Kol, Marcel, Hope, or sometimes even Rebekah. Life was as normal as it had ever been, as sunny as you’d ever seen the world—at least as sunny as your life has been in decades.
Until it started to rain.
You were in the kitchen of the Abattoir, looking through the cupboards to see what you could make. While none of you had to actually eat, Hope did, and so it’d become a staple in the Mikaelson house to have dinner every night. These dinners stopped being so awkward after a while.
Hayley and Eijah were at some werewolf meeting, Rebekah had taken Hope to buy school supplies, Kol was roaming around, and you suspected Klaus was out causing some sort of mayhem. You assumed you were alone in the house, but you were proven wrong.
Footsteps sounded behind you; you sensed him before you even turned around. Even though Klaus and you had gotten to a point of pleasantness, that didn’t mean you enjoyed being alone with him. 
A few years of pleasantness couldn’t erase the thousand years you’d spent together.
“Love,” he greeted, pulling out a barstool and sitting down, the kitchen island separating you. You lightly inhaled, turning to nod to him in acknowledgement.
You kept rummaging through the kitchen, trying your best to ignore your husband’s presence. Oh, Klaus hadn’t felt like your husband in so long, but what else could he possibly be to you?
You were trying so hard to be friends with him, but could you really be friends with the man you were in love with for a millennium? With the man who had hurt you more than anyone else ever had? You didn’t have an answer to that.
The two of you sat in silence. There was a point in time where silence between you both felt like a warm blanket, comfortable and safe, but now it felt ominous, like the calm before a storm. With Klaus, there was always a storm.
Just as you placed your final ingredients on the counter, he caught you off guard and asked, “What are you doing with my brother?” You quickly spun around, widening your eyes and narrowing them in the same sequence. This was a question, but it felt much more like a challenge.
Klaus was impassive, but you knew better than to actually believe that. However, you mirrored his expression, anyway. “What do you mean?” you quizzed. You tried to keep your voice devoid of emotion, but you couldn’t help the bite of annoyance that seeped through.
He clearly noticed this if the tick in his jaw was of any indication. “You and Kol, Y/N.” Your brows furrowed at his vague explanation, causing his eyes to roll. “Come on, don’t act as if you’re surprised. You had to have known that I’d ask eventually. You’re my wife.”
He stared firmly into your eyes. No, I’m not your wife, you wanted to scream, but you bit your tongue. You hoped that your gaze said it for you, anyway. Instead, you scoffed, “No, Klaus, I really don’t know what you’re talking about.” He tried to say something, but you cut him off. “I’m not sure what insinuation you’re trying to make, but you need to cool it.”
You were fed up, and you could feel an argument on its way. Klaus and you hadn’t argued in a long time, but that didn’t mean you didn’t have things you wanted to say to him. You held your comments in for Hope’s sake, but if he wanted to poke the bear, then you’d make sure that the bear poked back.
This time, he scoffed, his calm façade falling apart as he snarked, “Oh, please, you can’t possibly be so naive.”
“There is nothing to be naive about, Klaus—there’s nothing going on between your brother and me.” And if there was, it wouldn’t be your business, you wanted to add, but you weren’t gonna add more fuel to the fire. You didn’t even know why your mind went there in the first place.
“Perhaps that’s what you think, Y/N, but I’ve seen the way my brother looks at you-”
“He doesn’t look at me in any way.”
“Yes, he does- and you’re fooling yourself if you think he doesn’t.”
There was a door in your mind that Klaus had opened with these remarks, a door you’d been scared to even go near. But you closed it right away, refusing to wonder about it. He was wrong. There was nothing going on between you and Kol.
Your eyes hardened and you snapped, “I don’t have the time nor do I have the patience to deal with another one of your paranoid episodes.” He scoffed again, but you paid it no mind. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have dinner to make.” You turned around, not caring to see Klaus’ expression. You heard the barstool screech against the floor and then his angry footsteps as he left the kitchen.
And just like that, that opened door was slammed shut.
You tried your hardest to ignore Klaus’ words, telling yourself it wasn’t true, that there was no way it could possibly be true, but you couldn’t stop thinking about it. You and Kol had always been close, but there was nothing that wasn’t platonic there. 
Or maybe you were wrong.
You had given up on love so long ago. You gave your lover your heart without a second thought and he threw it to the ground like it was nothing, like it wouldn’t shatter everywhere, like it was possible for you to ever recover from that. And then when you try and find happiness, he rips that away from you, too.
Klaus had blown out any spark you had, leaving you alone in the dark.
Was love worth it if felt like this?
You didn’t know. These weren’t questions you asked yourself when you said “I do.” You didn’t know what to do anymore.
So you did what you always did, stuffing your feelings away and acting like nothing was wrong. But something changed. Whenever you saw Kol after that, you felt something—something you couldn’t explain, something you couldn’t name. It was like you had felt this before, but just never noticed it.
This feeling lurked in the background for a while until it was pulled back to the forefront of your mind when you least expected it.
“Bloody hell,” you muttered, storming into the compound with Kol following soon after. Your language was partly ironic because bloody you were. Of course, not your blood, but you hadn’t been in this state in at least a century.
Safe to say, you didn’t miss it.
You had just killed a horde of witches. They were good opponents, strong, but nobody was ever really smart if they decided to go up against the Mikaelsons. Nothing was stronger than family, even if it didn’t always feel that way.
They wanted to go after Hope, but you would never let that happen—none of you would. So you killed them- slaughtered may have even been a better word to use. Some of them had their hearts taken, their limbs ripped apart, stakes stabbed into their chests; your family could get creative.
Elijah, Hayley, and Klaus were dealing with the mess while Rebekah was tending to Hope. They didn’t need anymore man-power, so Elijah told you both to go home and clean yourselves up. He didn’t have to tell you twice.
“Seems that this family can never escape a bloodbath,” he joked.
“Ugh, disgusting. I need a real bath.” You spun around, a dramatic look on your face. Kol chuckled. He was more at ease than you were; he got a meal out of it, but you preferred quick kills, so now you were just annoyed.
“If you weren’t my brother’s wife, I’d join you.” His tone was light and playful, teasing even, but there was a glint in his eye that made you think he wasn’t completely joking. Your mind went back to what Klaus said to you, about the way Kol looked at you, then you thought about everything he did to you, how he just discarded your vows like they were meaningless. 
Maybe, if you hadn’t just come from a fight, you would’ve laughed it off, but you were tired of thinking about what Klaus wanted. 
You shrugged. “Well, I don’t think I’ve been his wife for a long time now.” You maintained eye contact with Kol as he paused. The playful atmosphere disappeared and was replaced with tension.
A beat passed before he slowly responded, “Y/N, what are you trying to say?”
What were you trying to say? You didn’t know if you could put it into words. So you stepped forward, hearing his breath catch in his throat, putting a hand on his bicep. “I think you know what I’m trying to say.”
Another beat. And then the next thing you knew, Kol’s lips slammed onto yours. You were sped upstairs, immediately ripping his shirt off and letting it fall to the floor. Yours came off somewhere in the mix. You could taste the leftover blood on his lips, not enough to satisfy you, but just enough to leave you wanting more.
You didn’t know what you were doing, but it felt good. You never thought you’d feel anything remotely like this ever again, but now that you had it, who knew if you could ever let it go?
Kissing Kol was like drugs. Ecstasy raced through your veins. You didn’t know if you had ever felt anything like this before; if you had, then how was it possible that you let it slip through your fingers? No, this was unlike any experience you’d ever had.
He suddenly pulled away, heaving. You reached to pull him back in, but he stopped you, breathing, “Are you sure that you want this?”
You didn’t even have to think about it. “Yes- you have no idea how badly.” This clearly sufficed because he was back to kissing you the second you stopped talking, hands going to unclasp your bra.
Oh, at that moment, you couldn’t give a damn what Klaus thought.
And Kol made sure you didn’t think about Klaus for the rest of that night.
Kol made it feel like your first time all over again, like everything you felt was new and foreign to you, but by the time you were done, your body was anything but foreign to him. 
After multiple rounds and showering, you laid in your bed tired. You couldn’t remember the last time someone else laid with you. Part of you thought that, for some reason, Kol would leave, but he stayed right next to you, holding you in his arms.
You only had sex, but this felt like so much more than that.
The only thing that could be heard in your room was the sound of your breathing. You didn’t want to say anything, to talk about it and be reminded that you were married. You just wanted to bask in this moment.
You don’t know how long you’d been lying in silence before Kol whispered, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” You turned your head toward him, but like that night on the hill, he kept his vision directed to the ceiling as if he was afraid what he’d see if he directed it to you. He hesitated. “I think I’ve felt something for you for years, centuries. Maybe- maybe I always have.”
Your heart nearly stopped. Not just because he was confessing to having feelings for you, but because maybe you did, too. But this was more than a confession.
Your response to this could determine your future, if there was any, with Kol. 
The rational part of your brain argued that this could never work, that Klaus would never let it happen, that this would only end in tragedy. You wanted to stop this before it became something more, but that other part of yourself, the part ruled by her heart, told you that it was too late for that. This was already something more.
You couldn’t let this go, not even if you wanted to.
You cupped his cheek, turning him to you. When his eyes met yours, you saw an emotion that Kol rarely ever showed, and that was fear. You wondered if he could see that you were scared, too.
You looked into his eyes for what felt like forever but was really only a minute. And then you decided that what you were feeling was more powerful than words, so you didn’t say anything at all, leaning in to kiss him. It wasn’t as fervent as before, now tender and soft but still with purpose. You weren’t too sure of what’d happen after this, once you woke up from this dream and got back to reality, but as you kissed him, it didn’t matter.
You were together. 
And for now, that was more than enough.
When you woke up, Kol was still there, right next to you. You could’ve stayed in bed together all day, but you weren’t normal people. You belonged to the least normal family and led the least normal lives. So you got up, reluctantly, and he went back to his room before anyone could find him in yours.
Then you walked downstairs, ate breakfast, and dealt with the effects of the your most recent problem. You were at Rousseau’s, about to meet with Marcel, when you were pulled into the bathroom, Kol’s lips immediately meeting yours.
The feeling of his lips soon became so familiar to you.
You wanted to be normal so badly, but you couldn’t. You knew you couldn’t. So this became your new normal instead: stolen moments and glances, being together when no one else was around. 
Slowly, that feeling you had whenever you were around him was given a name. You don’t know if it was love, if it could even be that yet—but it felt dangerous, and exciting, and warm all at once. You felt it whenever you kissed him, whenever you looked into his dark brown eyes, and whenever he smiled. 
You were falling for Kol Mikaelson.
You constantly berated yourself, even though it felt so good. This was like alcohol, and drugs, and every other vice out there: it was temporary. The Original Hybrid was your husband—this was his brother. He wouldn’t let this happen.
This was wrong.
But it felt so right.
You had rejected every possible opportunity of happiness for years. Couldn’t you just have this one thing? Couldn’t you just let yourself be happy?
Oh, Kol made you happy. He brought out a part of you that you thought was gonna be gone forever. He made you feel like yourself again, like you were alive, like you had something to live for.
You had been living in black and white for so long that you forgot what it was like to live in colour.
Music filled the Mikaelson living room, music that the rest of the world would perhaps call old but never got old to you. Kol held you close to him, rocking you to the rhythm while your head rested on his chest. You were both very well versed in classical dances, but you didn’t need a big fancy dance for this to feel the way it did: special.
There was something going on—there always was—but, at that moment, that something didn’t exist. At that moment, it was just the two of you.
A small smile came to your lips. “You know, you weren’t even actually alive when this song came out.”
You felt his chest rumble as he chuckled. “Yeah, and I’m glad. This song is terrible.”
You gasped, pulling away and hitting his arm. “Kol Mikaelson! Don’t you dare speak about Celine Dion that way.”
He laughed again, easily pulling you back to him and kissing the crown of your head. You tried pouting, but it felt impossible to do anything other than smile. “Don’t worry, darling. You like it, so I like it.” Your smile got wider, pulling back again but this time it was to kiss him.
You found that, when you kissed Kol, it wasn’t always so hot and heavy. It didn’t always lead to making out or making love. Sometimes, you just kissed because it felt good. It was soft, and gentle, and reassuring, and it felt good.
Maybe, if you were being honest with yourself, it felt better than anything else.
You pulled away after a few seconds, taking the time to stare into his eyes. You did it all the time and yet, every single time you did, it felt like the first time all over again. You could stare into his brown orbs all day long if you could. However, your lives didn’t allow for that.
But that just made little moments like these all the more special.
After a few seconds, he directed your attention away from his eyes, mumbling under his breath, “The song’s still shit, though.”
“Oh, shut up,” you scolded, but your head still made its way back to his chest, anyways.
Everyone else was back at the benefit. You were there, too, until you both decided to sneak away and go back home. That was cutting it close, definitely, but you couldn’t find it in you to care. You didn’t get to go on dates or hold hands in public, so you were gonna grab these moments while you still could.
You knew that what you were doing was just prolonging an eventual- no, an inevitable outcome, but after everything you went through, you learned a few lessons. All good things came to an end—everything had to end at some point. Your marriage sure did, but that didn’t mean that you’d go back and change a thing. Yes, things with Klaus ended badly, but he gave you a thousand good years first.
So if what you were doing with Kol ended, then at least you had this. At least you had dances in the living room, and stargazing, and soft kisses.
Maybe this story wouldn’t have a happy ending.
But as long as you got a happy middle, then you were okay with that.
And he did everything he could to give you just that. 
It felt… different, to be with someone other than Niklaus, but it was a good different. It felt good to smile and to actually mean it. And it made you wish for something more, to be more than just two people engaging in a forbidden love affair, but that’s what this was, wasn’t it?
But Kol made it feel like it really was more than that. He made you feel like a diamond, like you were beautiful, like everything that had weighed down on you only made you that much stronger. 
This was more. This was so much more than you could’ve ever hoped for.
You were lying in bed together late at night when it happened. You weren’t expecting it- you weren’t sure if you ever expected it. But Kol was always one to do the unexpected, surprise you and keep you on the edge of your seat.
Yet, when he spoke, he didn’t sound so dauntless. He sounded small and afraid, but at the same time, you could hear the hope in his voice. Hope, courage, bravery—at the end of the day, it was just called Kol.
He was always brave enough for the both of you.
“I love you.”
Your breath hitched, turning to see that he was already staring at you. The déjà vu hit you hard. Here you were, in the same position you’d already been in with him, but this time, he looked right at you.
Brave enough for the both of you.
You didn’t say anything. You wondered if you were dreaming, hallucinating, imagining things, if this was some cruel trick of the mind. But, the longer you stared and the longer he stared right back at you, the more convinced you became.
This was real.
This was real.
You wrapped your arm around his neck, pulling him in and connecting his lips with yours. Butterflies still erupted in your stomach, even though you had been at this for a while. You put your everything into this kiss, but Kol deserved more than everything.
This scared you, but Kol had given you so much. He didn’t need to be the brave one all the time.
You wanted to be brave, too.
So when you finally pulled away, resting your forehead on his, eyes closed, you whispered back, “I love you.” 
You and Kol were brave together, braver together. Yeah, there were dragons out there so much more powerful than you, but you could slay them together. Maybe it would’ve been safer to just stay away, to just tuck yourself away in a castle and avoid the dragons altogether, but what was the point in that?
What was the point of being alive if you weren’t truly living?
And you were living.
Everyone around you could see it. Your change in behaviour was unusual, but it lifted everyone’s spirits. You were starting to be able to actually hold a conversation with Rebekah, and you were starting to be able to talk to Elijah about things other than the family’s latest conflicts. You were even starting to be a little more friendly with Hayley.
You didn’t tell her, but a part of you was thankful for what she did. She knew who you were when she met Klaus; she knew he was married, and she still slept with him. This had previously enraged you, but now you couldn’t help but feel relieved.
Had she not done what she did, you may have never had this with Kol.
And Hope would’ve never been born.
Oh, you would do anything for her. This family may have been cursed, but you were all willing to do whatever it took to break the cycle. No more running, no more instability. No matter how dysfunctional you all were, you would give her that.
She was never alone. When her parents weren’t there to bring her or pick her up from school, you were. And if you weren’t, then Kol was, or Rebekah, or Elijah, or Marcel. The odds were against you from the start, but you were all there to flip them. 
For her.
You were always happy with Hope, but even she could tell that something had changed. She was a child, but she was bright, and she knew you were happier.
The relationships in your life blossomed. Klaus was the only person that this didn’t happen with.
You loved Kol—you were in love with Kol, but loving him didn’t skew your memory. Klaus and you had a long history. You still couldn’t look at him without picturing it.
It was easier to be more forgiving of Hayley. She wasn’t the one who vowed to be faithful to you, nor was she the one to cheat on you three times or give up on your marriage. He was. You couldn’t see yourself letting go of that. Maybe one day, but being around him wouldn’t speed up that process.
Klaus was actually the last person on your mind.
But that didn’t seem to be the case for him.
You were on your way out of the compound when something caught your eye. You stopped, turning to see your husband by himself in an empty hallway. It appeared that something had caught his eye, too.
He was so focused that he didn’t even see you. You could’ve pretended not to see him, walked away and gone on with your business, but you knew what he was looking at. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t look at it every once in a while, too.
Yes, you could’ve walked away, but the easy thing was never easy for you to do.
So you walked up to him, leaving a foot between you and looking at what had captured his attention. It was a portrait, and a familiar one at that.
The truth was, you’d studied that portrait until it was engraved into your memory. Even when you weren’t looking at it, it still came and found you in your dreams and even when you were just sitting around and thinking.
It was you. It was you, and Klaus, and Rebekah, and Elijah, and Kol. Before he died, before Hayley, before this godforsaken city. It was when things were calm, when you still had some sort of semblance of family. Or at least that’s what it was supposed to be.
Because it wasn’t real.
You never got together for this portrait. This time didn’t exist. It was fake. Niklaus was such a wonderful artist that he almost made you believe it, but it wasn’t real. He could paint you all so realistically, make you look so happy, but when was the last time you were all happy as a family? It was never in these clothes, never in this age.
But he made it look real.
He made it look like you were all picture-perfect, like his brother didn’t bring you to your end, like Rebekah never lost her mind, like Kol was never murdered, like you were never out crying in the rain for a man who would never change, like he was a man who could change.
Who knew that such a happy picture could evoke such sadness. Because this portrait wasn’t what was— it was what could’ve been.
Klaus broke the silence with a voice you would’ve never heard without enhanced hearing. “I really did love you.” Neither of you turned to face the other. “I really do love you.”
Not too long ago, you would’ve started crying. And while tears did build in your eyes, you smiled first. You didn’t doubt that. It didn’t take you long to respond, “So did I.”
1996, when you left, when you came back, when he cheated again, when you found out he was having a baby, when he killed Leo, when you stayed, when you took Hope. All of this flashed before your eyes, but it wasn’t all you saw. You also saw your wedding, your first time, when he painted you as you slept, when you got drunk together, when he cooked for you, when you kissed on the beach at night all by yourselves. You saw how happy he made you and how easily he just took it away from you.
You would never forget these things, none of it. You would never forget the bad, but you would never forget the good, either.
He lightly chuckled as if he was remembering all the same things as you. And then, for a while, you both just stood there, staring at the painting. There was a time when you could practically read his mind, but now you had no idea what he was thinking.
You were different people now. You weren’t the same people who went through the good, nor were you the same people who went through the bad. You weren’t the same people you could’ve been in that picture, either.
And he knew that, too.
“I’m never going to be your husband again, am I?” He mused, but this wasn’t a question. You both already knew the answer, even if you hadn’t said it out loud to each other.
“No.” You shook your head, opting to look down at your boots. “No, you’re not.”
Maybe you were imagining it, but out of the corner of your eye, you saw him wipe at his eye. Suddenly, a part of you felt bad, but not for him. You felt bad for the boy you fell in love with, the boy who gave you humanity even when he had lost his own. And you felt bad for the girl who kissed him at the altar.
So, against your current feelings, you turned and swiftly wrapped your arms around him, hoping that you weren’t just hugging Klaus, but that you were hugging the boy you married all those years ago. He quickly hugged you back, holding you tightly, but his grip slowly lessened.
Like he was getting ready to let you go.
You don’t know how long you were in his arms, but eventually he pulled away. You could finally see his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes, and how they were filled with tears despite the smile on his face. He didn’t say anything, and he didn’t need to. You had both said everything you needed to say; there were no more chapters to write in this book of yours.
It was time for your story to end.
You let go of each other and you turned around, walking away without sparing that painting another glance. You were just at the edge of the hallway when he called your name, making you turn your head.
“Be happy with him,” he said, even though it looked like it annihilated him to say it.
But you didn’t question it. You just nodded, then you turned around and walked away. You didn’t need to ask him who he was referring to or have him explain any further. You understood perfectly.
You would.
You were gonna be happy with him.
And just like that, the Original Hybrid and the Mikaelson Wife were done.
But who knew? You could very well become a Mikaelson once again if Kol got his way. You wouldn’t admit, just as to not inflate his ego, but deep down, you wanted him to get his way.
Slowly, the suspicions your other siblings had became confirmed. You weren’t overly affectionate in public, but they were able to put two and two together. Rebekah had been in love so many times that she was able to see it clearly on you, and Elijah was always the scholar amongst you, the smart one. Marcel saw it from a mile away. While he and Kol hadn’t always gotten along well, they were both willing to put that aside for you.
Even a child could see that you were in love; Hope did.
“Aunt Y/N/N, do you and Uncle Kol love each other like Belle and the Beast?”
You both simultaneously turned to her, along with everyone else in the living room. It was movie night; Beauty and the Beast had just finished, and Hope had asked you that question as soon as the credits were rolling.
She was just a kid who was curious. She didn’t know the potential outrage her question could cause.
But you weren’t gonna lie to her. You weren’t gonna deny what was possibly the best thing you ever had, even as your entire family was in the room.
“Hope-” Hayley had started to scold, but you cut her off.
“Hayley, it’s alright.” She didn’t look convinced and still looked embarrassed, but you turned back to Hope with a smile on your face. “Yes, sweetheart, Uncle Kol and I do love each other.”
She now looked confused, like your reply hadn’t cleared anything up at all. “But my daddy looks at you the way Uncle Kol looks at you.” You opened your mouth, but you didn’t know what to say. “Does daddy love you, too?”
It appeared that none of you had the answer to her question. How were you meant to explain your situation to a child, that you and her father had loved one another for a thousand years and then your relationship ended because he slept with her mother?
What you were least expecting happened. Instead of having an outburst, Klaus beckoned Hope over, petting her hair once she was sat on his lap. “Ah, my littlest wolf,” he sighed, but the corners of his lips were upturned. His eyes were slightly glazed over as if he wasn’t really there, but that look quickly disappeared. For Hope, he’d be present. “I wish that love was as simple to understand as Belle and the Beast, but it is much more complicated than that. Your Aunt Y/N has been there for me many times, and for that, I will always love her,” he professed. His eyes found yours for a moment, but he quickly looked back to his daughter. “But we love each other differently from how her and Uncle Kol love each other. We love each other as family, not as people in love with one another. But no matter what any of us feel for each other in this family, Hope, we will all always love you.”
Hope slung her arms around her father’s neck. “I love you, too, daddy.”
“Always and forever, little one.”
While Hope’s back was turned, your eyes met again and the corners of your lips quirked up slightly. You knew that must’ve been hard for him to say, so you mouthed, thank you.
He smiled back at you. Even though it was so obviously fake, you still appreciated it. He nodded in response.
Yes, you and Klaus had been through a lot. You all had complicated relationships with one another, Kol and you included, but you were gonna push that aside for Hope. Every time.
One day, you would explain it all to her, how Marcel was her brother but your son, why Rebekah was so soft and hard at the same time, why Elijah was so protective, why her parents weren’t together, how you fell in and out of love with her father, why you were still here, how you fell in love with Kol.
But for now, you were gonna let her hold onto her innocence for as long as she could.
Hope still had questions, but she also had all of you to distract her from all of the problems you dealt with. However, you were no longer consumed by all these problems. You had someone to distract you, too, and that was Kol.
Whether you were in bed together, kissing, or just holding hands, he always took your mind off your troubles. He was like a wizard, transporting you from reality and bringing you to cloud nine every day. The problems, the threats, the drama—none of it mattered to you. To you, being with Kol was enough.
If you could just have this for the rest of your life, then you’d be happy, and that is exactly what he wanted to give you.
Time passed in a blur. It was a true what they said, that time flied when you were having fun. Before you knew it, a year had passed since Kol first kissed you, since you started this. A perfect year, calm with minimal conflict both in the Quarter and in the Abattoir.
You could’ve passed many more years this way happily, but you were always one to accept less than what you were worth. Kol knew that, and he wanted more for you- more for both of you.
He wanted to do more than just take you to dreams away from reality.
He wanted to make those dreams come true.
“Kol, what are you doing?” You giggled, stumbling a little but never falling. Kol would never let you fall.
He hushed you, “Shhh, we’re almost there.” 
A blindfold was over your eyes as he guided you around. You got into the car together hours ago, and when you woke up, the blindfold was on. He said he had a surprise for you.
This was so cheesy, but you were a sucker for these kinds of things. You never thought you’d get to a place like this again, that you’d be a hopeless romantic or even just a romantic ever again after what Klaus did to you, but Kol made you believe in romance again.
He put your heart back together after you thought it’d been broken beyond repair.
Finally, after more stumbling and laughing, he stopped, holding you in place. “Okay, are you ready?” You couldn’t see him, but you could hear the excitement in his voice. You nodded. “Alright. Three, two, one-”
The blindfold fell to the ground and the sight he’d been withholding was revealed to you. Your brows furrowed. You were in a living room with beautiful floors and beautiful decor, a fireplace parallel to the big couch behind you. You looked around and saw incredible artwork hanging on the walls and gorgeous windows that let the moonlight in.
It was beautiful and all, but did you drive all this way to break into someone’s house?
You voiced your confusion. “Kol, what is this place?” You turned around to see him trying to hold back a smile, a twinkle in his eyes. He looked like a kid about to tell you that he saw Santa. That thought made you laugh. “C’mon, Kol, really. Where are we right now?”
“Well, geographically, we’re in North Carolina.” His explanation produced a gasp from you, making him laugh. He was having way too much fun having you in the dark.
“North Carolina?” you echoed. Your jaw was practically on the floor. “We’re in North Carolina? You’re kidding- that’s like ten hours away-”
“Thirteen, darling.” This didn’t get rid of your disbelief, though you doubt that was what Kol was aiming for, anyway. He shrugged, adding, “Well, I actually got it down to twelve, but that’s besides the point.”
“Trust me, the shocker for me is not your reckless driving-”
He cut you off by speeding to you, lifting up your chin so you were looking right into his eyes. Funny, how he was still able to make you speechless. “I’m going to ignore that jab at my impeccable driving skills because I love you.”
You snorted, “Sure, if impeccable means shit.”
He hushed you again, causing you to roll your eyes. “Back to your question,” he said, making you remember the topic of conversation. You wondered if he had any idea how easily he was able to make you forget about anything—about everything. “I drove us here because North Carolina is relatively… quiet.”
You raised a brow. “Quiet?”
“Yes.” He gently grabbed your hands, holding them in his. Sometimes, he did this absentmindedly, but you were never bothered. You were far from bothered. “Louisiana is perhaps the heart of the supernatural. New York and any other state with a thriving night life also has a thriving vampire population, and they’re busy enough with humans as it is. The big states always are. But North Carolina… North Carolina isn’t on any vampire’s bucket list.”
You drawled, “Okayyyyyy… but why are we here?” What he was saying made sense, but you didn’t get how it related to either of you.
He just smiled, so clearly amused by your confusion. “You amaze me, Y/N, truly,” he proclaimed, that same shit-eating grin on his face that you’d grown accustomed to. “Only you would take so long to get the hint.”
That was obviously a hint, too, but you weren’t catching it. Kol shook his head, getting that look in his eye that he got when he was remembering something. “You told me once that, if we weren’t who we were, you’d want to live somewhere without ruckus, like a normal person. But you knew that couldn’t happen with my brother’s aspirations.” Now he looked at you pointedly and, all of a sudden, a wave of realization washed over you.
Your eyes darted all over the house. There was a reason why you were so in love with it. You looked back to Kol, mouth agape. He continued, “You wanted a house that wasn’t just decadent, but a home.”
Tears welled in your eyes as your hand flew up to cup your mouth in shock. You could remember telling him that, but it was so long ago. You’d long since abandoned the idea, but here he was, offering it up to you. “You- you remember that?”
He leaned in to wipe a tear that you didn’t even notice had fell, caressing your cheek. “I remember every moment I’ve ever spent with you, Y/N.” His actions were pointless because his words caused even more tears to fall.
You had never felt such an overwhelming feeling, so in love, so loved. Your heart’s immediate instinct was to kiss him, to say yes, but your mind… you’d been through enough to know better. 
“How are we going to-” you stammered, “we can’t- we can’t just move away.”
“This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, but-” your voice cracked. “we can’t just pick up and leave, Kol—you know that.”
He was now cupping both of your cheeks, staring so deeply into your eyes that you were sure he could see the parts of yourself that you’d tucked away. “Do you remember when I left Mystic Falls?” Of course, you did. How could you ever forget? “I asked you to come with me and you didn’t. Why was that?”
You didn’t want to answer, to relive this after you’d already agonized over it for so long, but you did, anyway. “Klaus. I didn’t go because of Klaus.”
“Exactly. You didn’t go because of that bastard, and you don’t want this now for the same reason.”
He stepped closer when you thought he’d already closed all the space between you. His voice was soft and firm all at once. “I died thinking I’d never get the chance to tell you how I felt. I wasted so much time, worrying, unhappy.” He shook his head. “Well, I don’t want to worry anymore. I don’t want to waste any more time.” More tears fell, from both of you. “You make me happy, Y/N. I just want to be happy with you.”
A teary laugh escaped your lips. He made you happy, too, so much happier than you’d been in so long, so much happier than you even thought was possible after everything you’d been through. And he was right. Klaus was the one thing holding you back, but why should he get to do that?
You’ve given away years of your life for other people. Couldn’t you be selfish, just this once, and have this one thing for yourself?
You just wanted to be happy.
So you pulled him in and kissed him until you had to pull away for air, and when you did, you whispered, “Yes.”
And that may have just been the best decision you had ever made.
When you eventually drove back to New Orleans days later, you explained the situation to Klaus. He wasn’t jumping up and down with joy, but he surprisingly took it better than you expected.
You spent a thousand years with that man; saying goodbye wasn’t as easy as it seemed, but it needed to happen. It was time for you to go your separate ways. And even after everything he put you through, you still hoped that he could maybe find happiness one day, too.
Niklaus Mikaelson was your epic love, but you knew without a doubt that Kol was your true love. He was the warmth you’d been yearning for, and you were gonna let yourself have that.
North Carolina was the perfect place for you to settle down. It was quiet, like Kol said, with little to no supernatural population. It was also close enough to Louisiana that you could distance yourself from all the crazy but still get there if they needed you.
That’s what you told Elijah when you said your goodbye to him, that you were just a phone call away. He was gonna be the one running the show now, as always. He was always the responsible one amongst you, and you hoped that he’d let go of that and let himself live a little, too. As much as you didn’t like her, maybe he could get with Hayley one day or even find his own person.
You had hope that all of your family could one day be free of this Mikaelson curse, that they wouldn’t be bearing the hybrid’s sins for the rest of their lives. Rebekah was getting there. She was still growing up a little, and she all the time in the world to do that.
It was hard saying goodbye to Hope, but you just reassured her that this wasn’t goodbye. She’d always have a place in your home if she so needed it, and she’d definitely always hold a place in your heart. The only reason you felt okay with leaving her was because you knew she wouldn’t be alone; she had two parents that loved her more than life, a crazy aunt and uncle, and her big brother.
Marcel congratulated you with a wide grin on his face. He was elated for you, telling you that he’d be visiting you, to which you replied that he would always be welcome with you two.
Maybe you were just sentimental, but even saying goodbye to the city itself was hard, nerve-racking. It had given you so much, but taken so much more. You were learning, though, that love wasn’t supposed to drain you. You were learning to let go.
Goodbye, New Orleans, you whispered to yourself as you passed the town sign, and then you were saying hello to North Carolina… and also the new you.
Y/N and Kol Michaels. You got married not too far down the line. Of course, if you wanted to be normal, ditching the medieval last name was best. You supposed you could’ve kept it, but getting rid of it was more symbolic than anything.
You wanted to start over completely, and so that’s what you guys did. You weren’t abandoning your family, but making one of your own, too. Eventually, the idea of kids came up. You wanted nothing more than to raise your own child with the man you were in love with, but you couldn’t conceive a child and you didn’t want to drag one into this life, anyway. It was too dangerous.
The realization that you would never get to have kids broke your heart, but your lover repaired it like his words were glue. The two of you were together, and that was good enough for you.
Doing this, starting over, was scarier than any other situation you had ever been in—and that was saying something, considering how long you’d lived. But with Kol at your side, you were able to be brave. 
There was so much to be afraid of. You were scared that this wouldn’t work out, that this was only a happy middle with no happy ending, that you’d feel cold again one day after growing accustomed to the fire, but if all of that happened one day, then you decided that you’d be okay with it. You would be okay with it because at least you lived. You weren’t gonna let your fears stop you from doing that. If you just gave into your fears, then you would’ve never felt this feeling. You would’ve never fallen in love. You would’ve never found yourself again.
You owed it all to your bravery.
And you owed it all to Kol’s.
But together, you were fearless. Together, you were braver.
You were braver together.
Taglist: @honestlycasualarcade @hyperactivewhore @tnrthings @brooklynscherry-z @roselibrary @kollover24 @volturissideslut
a/n: sorry for the long wait, but here is part two! ik i said i was gonna do the thg fanfic first, but that one is long asf so i decided to drop this first. i tried my best to listen to all ur suggestions—unfortunately, i couldn't find a way to write in a pregnancy. but we've got a happy ending! i really, really, really did not want a happy ending, like i had a whole sad ending planned for the part 2 but everyone wanted happiness so i just decided to end it there to avoid to outrage lol. if u want a part 3 where it doesn't end there but ends the way it was supposed to originally, then tell me. and lastly, thank u all so much for all the support!
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a-writer-on-elm-street · 11 months
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Can I please ask for a smut Damon request using this picture. Imagine distracting Damon whilst he’s concentrating on a phone call to ric and he punishes you for being a naughty girl for interrupting his call and pins you to the bed . Sorry I’m just a very naughty minded girl when it comes to Damon 😜
a/n: thank you so much for the request i loved writing this!! hope you enjoy! <3 (also, i'm so sorry it took so long)
pairing: damon x fem!reader
warnings: smut, fingering, unprotected sex
word count: 644
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You chuckle against Damon's skin, your lips dragging along his stomach as he squirms beneath you, his phone pressed to his ear.
You can hear Alaric's muffled voice coming through the speaker as you hook your fingers under the waistband of Damon's jeans, prompting him to curse at you under his breath.
But he doesn't make a move to stop you, only attempting to stifle a groan as he keeps his phone to his ear.
And you find yourself stifling a laugh when you hear Alaric ask if everything's okay.
"Yeah, Ric," Damon says, his voice strained as he squirms beneath you. "Everything's great. Nothing wrong here."
You find it all the more amusing by how hard he's trying to cover, despite the fact that he's practically groaning into the phone, one of his hands absentmindedly playing with your hair.
Once you manage to pull his pants off along with his boxers, you waste no time in wrapping your hand around his length, eliciting a startled sigh from him, his hips jerking into you from the contact.
"Are you sure you're okay?" You hear Ric ask him, and it makes you chuckle.
Damon glares at you as he speaks.
"Yeah, Ric, everything's fine." He assures him again, readjusting himself slightly beneath you. "But you know what, I uh─I might have to call you back."
Before you're even able to wrap your lips around him, he's threading a hand into your hair, pulling you up so that you're face to face with him now.
"Were you not aware that I was on a call?" He asks, pressing his mouth into a line as he looks at you.
"I was aware."
"Hm." He hums, twirling a finger through your hair. "What am I gonna do with you?"
Before you have a chance to offer him any suggestions, he's flipping you onto your back, his fingers snaking around your throat as he hovers over you.
"As much as I loved your hand around my dick." He smirks, his free hand trailing down your body. "You really shouldn't interrupt my calls like that."
"What're you gonna do about it?"
He doesn't offer you an answer, and instead you feel his fingers slide beneath the waistband of your jeans.
"Now, you've been a bad bad girl," he tuts, pressing a finger against you through the fabric of your panties. "And bad girls get punished."
You laugh. "And how is this a punishment?"
"Oh, you'll see." He smirks, sliding his hand inside your panties, his fingers swirling around your clit.
You sigh, throwing your head back into the pillows when he pushes a finger inside of you.
Except, he doesn't move, instead choosing to remain painfully still, a wicked smirk on his face as he looks down at you.
"Damon," you whine, looking down to where his hand had disappeared in your jeans. "Come on."
"What? I'm not doing anything."
"Exactly, you're not doing anything."
"What would you like me to do?" He asks, a knowing grin on his face as he moves his hand ever so slightly against you. "You want me to fuck you?"
"Yes," you sigh, nodding your head at him.
He smirks. "You interrupted my call. Apologise."
You continue to resist, shifting uncomfortably beneath him, but he won't let up.
"If you apologise," he says, slipping his hand out of your jeans now. "Then I'll give you what you want."
"Okay, I'm sorry," you finally say, giving in.
"That's right."
And with that, he's flipping you over onto your front, his hands already tugging your jeans off. And within seconds, he's inside you, already moving at a brutal pace as he holds you up, rough fingers digging into your ass.
"God," you moan, your mouth twisting into a smile as he fucks you. "I'm so so sorry. So sorry."
"And I forgive you."
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[Main Masterlist]
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godjustkys · 5 days
Can you do Stefan Salvatore x Top Male Reader?!
your wish is my command :3
| mdni 18+
| First time?
please give requests.
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Pairing: Dom!bottom!Stefan Salvatore x Sub!Top!AMAB!reader
Genre: Smut.
Word count: 2,628
Warning(s): Gagging, dirty talk, creampie, slight feminisation (pecs/tits, asshole/pussy/boy cunt), pwp, belly bulge, eye rolling (?), unprotected penis in ass - basically raw dogging, no use of lube. (besides precum, if that counts.)
A/N: my guy you crazy for this request.
@malertop im sorry I took so long pookie, hope you enjoy this <3
“Hey hey hey, come on now, don't do that.” Stefan cooed, making you look at him, his hand placed firmly on your face. Your eyebrows were furrowed as you looked up at him through your eyelashes.
You were sitting on the bed, feet on the floor. Your body was practically aching for more of Stefan's touch. Stefan was right in front of you, leaning down more to your level, his other hand running gently along your thigh.
“I'm— why.. why are we doing this..” you muttered out, your leg jolting due to the friction from Stefan's hand. “You know, [Name], I don't bottom. Truly, I don't.” He pointed out, his hand moving from your thigh to your crotch. “But,” his face was so close to yours - you even leaned back a bit to get some distance. “For you.. I might as well.”
“Stefan- wait..” your voice was barely above a whisper as your breath hitched once you felt his hand rubbing your bulge. You were going to say something else but Stefan cut all of your thought process off by kissing you.
You groaned silently into the kiss, Stefan taking the lead - it was obvious. Not to say you were completely inexperienced, of course you had kissed someone before, but it wasn't like this. It wasn't so passionate.
You kissed him back after a short moment, trying to keep up with the other. God, you could feel him smirking against your lips and it was the hottest thing ever.
Stefan pulled away, his eyes half-lidded by lust. “You've received head before, yeah?” He inquired, tilting his head to the side slightly.
You were looking at him with urgency in your gaze, like you wanted to tell him to do more with your eyes only. In response to his question, you shook your head quickly. It was the only answer you could give him. You felt too shy to even say anything to a question like that.
“No?” He seemed surprised, delighted and amused all at the same time. “You're gonna have a good time then.” Stefan said, the confidence radiating off of him.
He got onto his knees, positioning himself in-between your legs. You looked down at him, your face holding anticipation. Stefan pulled the zipper of your pants down as he gently bit down on his lower lip.
“Stefan..” you whined out, straightening your back as you leaned forward, possibly in an attempt to stop him.
“Relax,” he gave you a teasing look. “Don't get so tense over a blowjob, [Name]. You're one of the most powerful witches I've come across and me doing this gets you all nervous? C'mon..” Stefan had this shit-eating grin on his face.
Sure, you were in fact a powerful being, but that was the opposite of your personality. So shy, avoidant, always keeping to yourself..
You gasped, your muscles tensing underneath your shirt as Stefan pulled your cock out of your boxers and started stroking it slowly. “Damn you're big,” His eyes had widened slightly at the sight.
You clenched your jaw at the feeling - it was unusual.. but god did his hand feel good. Was it because it was Stefan or because you were a virgin?
Stefan had his other hand placed on your knee, your cock slowly getting slick with precum due to his hand motion. Your face was heating up, you could feel it. You were starting to sweat, your breath getting erratic. Your hands were at your sides, holding you up properly.
“Does this feel good? Hm?” Stefan asked, maintaining eye contact with you. You felt so dirty but so turned on at the same time.
Before you could even respond, Stefan took you into his mouth, receiving a small whimper from you. He sucked you off at a slow pace at first, letting you get accustomed to the wetness and warmth of his mouth, his hand stroking your dick at the base - whatever he couldn't fit.
You let out a shaky breath, letting Stefan take control. You didn't really mind. “Ghh.. s-shit.” You muttered out, your hips bucking upwards a little bit, obviously involuntarily.
Your action made Stefan gag and then he let out a very muffled groan, sending vibrations throughout your pelvis area. “Mmhh..—” you bit your lip, trying to contain the noises that Stefan was eliciting from you.
Stefan pulled away for a brief moment. “Lemme hear you, baby, please,” he said breathily, immediately going back to the blowjob he was giving you. He took you into his mouth as much as he possibly (humanly) could, gagging again. He repeated that action, over and over again.
You brought up a hand to cover your mouth, muffling your needy whines and moans. You never considered yourself to be so sensitive in oral, but the effect that Stefan was currently having on you made your brain shut off, the only thoughts that you were having was how good his mouth felt and what you'd give to fuck him.
“i— god,” you whimpered, your voice high pitched. Stefan heard you loud and clear since he smiled while sucking you off, his pace only increasing. The gagging sounds were getting much more frequent and louder. The vibrations were not stopping either. “f-fuck.”
Your cock twitched inside his mouth, your legs threatening to close as they jolted lightly once or twice, you were close.
Stefan's eyes had gotten glossier, his eyes half-shut, eyebrows furrowed. He knew you were going to cum soon, therefore, he had both his hands on your legs, keeping them in place.
Your breathing was so loud, your mouth agape, drool at the corners of your lips. You clenched your fists, trying to hold back, last longer.
The way Stefan's tongue moved against your tip in a circular motion sent shivers down your spine, you were starting to feel a bit overwhelmed, perhaps even overstimulated.
“Stefan- S- Stef—” you sputtered, your voice came out sounding like a slutty moan. “Plea— ease,” you whispered through a sigh. Right at that moment you were going to cum in his mouth, but he pulled off with a small pop sound, standing up.
You were left breathless, just staring at him. Your eyes flickered all over Stefan's figure as he started undressing himself. His shirt was on the ground oh so quickly. With that — his pants and underwear were off faster than anticipated as well.
He returned his attention back to you as he walked forward, putting a hand on your chest, pushing you down to lay on the bed. You swallowed hard, complying with his advances. Your entire body stiffened the moment Stefan got on top of you, straddling you between his legs, more so sitting on your lap. Your cock was so close to touching his.
“You wanna fuck my pussy?” Stefan asked, his eyes narrowing as he leaned down to give you a quick kiss on the lips. His hands roamed your clothed torso, making sure to explore every inch of you even if it was through clothing. The question made you feel more timid. God, you wanted to say yes, to give him a very clear and affirmative answer, yet the only thing you did was nod in response.
“Just enjoy yourself, yeah?” He breathed out softly as his hand wrapped around your cock, lining the tip of it with his entrance. “Take it all in,” he joked with a small chuckle, slowly lowering himself on you.
Your eyes drifted to the ceiling as you breathed in and out deeply, the feeling of your cock in his ass was an entirely new one, therefore you had to get adapted to the tightness of it. Stefan let out a few breathy gasps himself, wincing silently as he bottomed out on you. “Might've underestimated you a little, [Name],” He pointed out, holding himself up by propping his hands on your chest.
You didn't say a word to respond to his taunting, just lifting your head up a little to look at what exactly Stefan was doing. His face lit up as soon as you started watching his motions. He slowly but surely started riding you, furrowing his eyebrows as he felt your length and thickness inside him. It felt amazing of course, but he'd be lying if he said it didn't hurt even a little bit.
Stefan groaned, his fingers gripping the fabric of your shirt as his pace increased. “oh— sh–shit..” He lowered his head, having difficulty keeping it up. He felt his stomach doing flips. Your face scrunched up as you laid your head back down on the bed, turning it to the side. You didn't even know where to put your hands at this point.
“No no no, look at me, [Name], you gotta look at me.” Stefan put his right hand on your jaw, making you look at him. He was already starting to feel hot, sweat forming on his forehead. “Wouldn't wa..ant—” Stefan cut off his sentence because he was speaking as he was lowering himself, and somehow, the angle he was hitting it at made him grit his teeth and let out a small hiss.
He removed his hand from your jaw and put them on your chest as he straightened his back, trying to hold himself up properly. Your hands, ever so slightly shaky, moved lightly along his leg - from his calves to his thighs, fingernails gently grazing against his skin. That soft feeling made Stefan shudder even though he kept riding you, his pace still moderately slow.
Stefan wanted more though, so much more from you. He wanted you to fuck him senseless, to fuck him to the point where his eyes would be rolling to the back of his head, to the point where he couldn't form coherent sentences, to the point where he was a moaning mess — he wanted it. No, he needed it.
“How are you feeling? Huh? You likin' this? You likin' my boy cunt?” Stefan questioned, his eyes becoming cloudy and half-lidded with pure lust for you. His voice was rather quiet and shaky, increasing the pace as he talked.
“Mm—.. mm..” You could only hum out affirmatively in response, looking at Stefan's facial expressions. Your eyes were visibly glossy, barely even keeping them open with the rush of arousal running throughout your entire body. Stefan was breathing through his mouth, almost like he just ran a marathon. Well, only that he didn't, he was riding you. Taking you pretty well too.
Your hands moved to Stefan's hips at a leisurely pace. You felt as if your mind was burning the sight of Stefan like this into your brain, not that you cared, really. He was pretty like this. Without any warning, Stefan slammed himself down on you at the same angle as before, hitting his prostate fairly harshly. He fully bottomed out. “Fffuckin' —ell!” His eyes shut tightly, back arching as his hands gripped your shirt tighter.
Your breathing was shallow, it was hard to control it when the sensation of Stefan tightening around you felt heavenly. “Hnghh..” You let out a noise, one of content and pleasure. Your fingers dug into his hips a tiny bit. “Haah..” Stefan breathed out as he looked at you through his eyelashes, a grin forming on his face. “Hah, you holdin' out well.” He managed to compliment you and mock you in the same sentence.
You whimpered at his sentence, mind completely clouded by lust. “Good boy,” Stefan commented breathily, pushing himself up before he slammed down on you again. “A-ah! Fuckkk, you're so d..deep inside me, [name],” He choked out, his hands grasping the fabric so hard that his knuckles turned white. You let out a simple groan, twitching inside his needy hole.
Stefan moved his left hand to press against his abdomen - making you feel that. You felt it, through the skin, his hand moving your cock back a bit. “You see this..?” He rasped out, pulling his hand away, the belly bulge now becoming much more apparent. “You're so big,, isn't it... sad, how you don't use your cock?” Stefan leaned down as he started moving his hips up and down at a quicker pace.
All this dirty talk only got you harder, even inside of him, if that was possible. “I- I'm not,, w- there's no need.. for it-” You tried reasoning, your voice becoming higher pitched. The ecstasy you felt was outstanding. “Think about how good you'd make others feel..” He murmured next to your ear, his breath sending shivers down your spine. Your hands lowered slightly, holding onto his thighs with a very light grip. You weren't sure if that was okay.
Stefan rolled his hips, that action alone almost sending you over the edge. “Oh..— ohfuck..” You slurred your words slightly, eyes widening at the feeling. “Feels good, doesn't it [name]?” Stefan's hands grasped both of yours, moving it to his pecs. “Don't be so shy, touch me, please,” he almost whined out, nonetheless, a smirk plastered on his face.
You very hesitantly gave his pecs a gentle squeeze, eyes completely fixated on them. He never stopped fucking himself on you, using your cock to fulfill his own sinful thoughts, his desires. Your grip tightened suddenly as you jolted lightly with a small whine. Damn it, you were getting close, Stefan noticed that. “Yeah, yeah hold onto my tits, just like that,” He rambled out, now practically going at an inhumane pace, his legs starting to shake.
You scrunched your face up, biting down on your lower lip to try and suppress your sounds as best as you possibly could. Stefan's moans turned louder eventually, his eyebrows furrowed for a moment. You looked up at his facial expressions, studying him as heavy pants continued to leave your mouth. “Agh! Mmhhh! G-god!” His eyes started rolling to the back of his head as he desperately propped himself on you again, arms shaking. To be honest, his entire body was shaking.
Stefan felt you throbbing inside of him as he tried keeping up the rhythm and depth of his bouncing, only for his hips to stutter, making him clench around you pretty tightly. “M...m'so c-close..” you managed to breathe out a warning, your voice barely audible. “Ye-yeah, yea, I am to-oo..” Stefan responded to you, his eyes squeezing shut as he threw his head back, chasing his own orgasm.
You pressed your hands against Stefan's pecs, palms grazing his nipples. He was sensitive there, so in return to that, he clenched around you yet again, letting out a slutty groan. With his walls tightening around the length of your cock, you came. That's what sent you tumbling over the edge, back arching off of the bed as you pressed your head back into the mattress, moaning loudly.
With your cum filling his hole, that feeling of warm liquid, that belonged to you, inside him, stimulated him plenty. Strings of cum shot out of his dick, landing on your stomach and a bit on his. He was breathing heavily, forehead wet due to the sweating. His body shuddered, his arms almost giving out. The pleasure Stefan just experienced was top tier - he wasn't going to waste this chance to get what he wanted.
He rolled his hips again, your cock immediately hardening inside him. “Wh- Stef— Stefan,, again?” you asked innocently, your hands on the bed freely. “Mm,” He hummed in response, giving a nod as he rode down his previous orgasm. “I'm not letting you go 'til I had my fill of you.. and I mean that,” Stefan explained, moving his own hands to your shoulders as he leaned down to kiss you. The kiss was sloppy and half-assed of course, he just wanted to get you hard again..
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luminiamore · 2 months
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243 notes · View notes
elijahslittleprincess · 6 months
Women in distress
Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *
The morning in question, you didn't wake up because of the tender touch of your husband or because of the brightness of the sun. You woke up because of excruciating pain coming from your belly. It started as a gentle point that was uncomfortable, then it started to hurt a bit more until it was agonizing at a point that you could do nothing else but wake up in tears.
It was usual for you to have a really painful menstruation cycle and you knew what to expect every week that it started. Yet, this morning it seemed even worse and you had to keep yourself from groaning with pain. After all, Elijah was asleep just aside from you on the bed and your last desire was to wake him up.
Since you didn't expect to get your menstruation so soon after the last time, you omit to get yourself ready for it. Consequently, you felt something dripping down your legs faster than anticipated as you tried to stay on the bed. Your eyes closed shut tightly at this before a curse got out of your lips.
It was blood, it had to be and you felt so disgusting suddenly. You just hoped there wasn't any on the bed sheets for your own sake.
For a short moment, you considered your options as you look with tears to the ceiling. Then you concluded that you'd better move out of bed and get to the bathroom quickly.
Therefore, you slowly shifted toward the edge of the mattress as lightly that was possible without making too much fuss.
Unfortunately for you, however, Elijah that had overdeveloped senses as a vampire, woke up anyway and immediately searched for you with his dark brown eyes.
When he realizes that you were at the opposite end of the bed from him, he extended his arms toward you and circled them around your waist. When he was satisfied with his grip around your waist, the original thug you backward toward him again.
The only problem with that was the pressure of his arms circling your belly that brought you terrible pain as he got you back toward himself. It made you yell and a violent sob soon followed suit.
The second Elijah heard you, he let go and immediately straighten up on the bed. One of his hand came to your cheek and he looked in your eyes with worry.
Baby girl are you alright !? did I hurt you I'm so sorry.
A sweet whine left your lips and you cried even more tear as your cramps were getting worse. You were so desperate, you hated when it was getting this agonising and even if you wanted to try and explain the situation to Elijah, you literally couldn't think straight.
As you tried to get any type of relief in any possible position, your body just balled itself and you hide your head in your pillow.
To say that Elijah was panicking would be an understatement, he was very much horrified and he wanted to do everything that he could to help you out. He tried to calm down and focus on finding what was the matter. Therefore, the vampire gently looked around you and under the blanket, having his doubt and actually saw blood on the mattress.
His eyes soften immediately and he kissed your forehead before speaking sweetly.
It's this time of the week already, my poor angel. Let daddy help you out a little hum.
As soon that those words came out of his lips, Elijah vamp speed to the bathroom and got the bath water starting. After that, your lover left your shared bedroom in search of your pain killers and some heating pads for after the bath. Elijah just knew what you needed in those situation and he always made sure to have everything ready to brought you recomfort.
As he came back some minutes later with a glass of water and the pill, he gently placed them on the nightstand before starting to play with your hair in a recomforting manner.
Shhh, I know baby, i know it hurts but it's going to be alright i promise. Just take this pill for me please, it's going to help with the pain sweetheart.
Just as he said that, Elijah gently took the glass of water and the pill and brought them just asside of were you layed on the bed. He waited patiently for you to take them.
A little moment of silence followed after his words, before you actually moved and took the glass between your fingers. You literally could only think about feeling better and would do absolutely anything right now to released your poor body from the cramps.
After taking the pills and drinking the water, your eyes met Elijah's for a second before you sniffed cutely, tears falling down your redenned cheeks. He looked so sweet and gentle sitting there asside of you, the only thing in his mind being helping you trough your suffering. You loved him with everything you were and even with the deep and strong pain you felt, you seeked recomfort in his arms.
You gently moved closer to him and got into his lap, circling your arms around his neck and hiding your face between his chest and neck. His scent was making you feel a bit more relaxed despite the cramps and you clung to his body like a desperate animal.
Daddy it hurts, please make it stop...i cant~
You tried to say, before a strong cramps hits you and makes you groan and cry harder onto his neck.
Elijah's features showed sadness and worry as he made sure you stayed against him. His hand gently stroke your hair and his lips pressed kissed on your delicate skin. He stood up after you spoke, needing to relieve a bit of your pain. He kept you strongly in his arms and made his way to the bathroom with you. The moment you both reached it, Elijah delicately sat you down on the lavatory and kissed your face, his hand slowly starting to undress you as best he could with you struggling a bit in pain. His lips got closer to your ear and he gently spoke in a wispered like manner to you.
Sweetheart it's ok, I'm just going to finish undressing you and then you'll go in the hot bath my love. I promise it will help, listen to daddy.
After saying that, your favorite vampire just carried on with his task, trying to get it done has fast that he could. Luckily for you considering that matter, it ended up being a job of seconds before you found yourself compleatly bare in front of him. You felt shy but in your state it was the last thing that mattered in your mind. You hurriedly placed your arms back around Elijah's neck and waited for him to take you back into his arms and into the bath. Theirs was no way you'd walk and the original knew that really well. That's why he rapidly took you into his arms without a word and got to the warm and bubbly bath. In front of it, elijah slowly and delicately lowered you in it and your body rapidly felt much more relaxed.
The hot water made your tensed body and your belly cramps less unbearable, which caused a sweet relived breath to come out of your lips. Your feature immediately relaxed and your eyes met Elijah's brown chocolate one with a gratefull glimpse. He was kneeled asside of the bath tub observing you and making sure you were alright. Truly, he was the best boyfriend ever and you couldn't keep yourself from taking his chin between your fingers and kissing his lips gently.
A low growl left him when your lips touched and he moved one of his hand to play with your hair. For a moment, the kiss got a bit more heated but since he knew better than instigate something you weren't in shape to do, Elijah backed away and just leaned his head against yours.
Oh darling if you weren't in pain right now...
His voice sounded so deep and sexy and the desire in it was impossible to miss. You knew that Elijah wanted you and you actually wanted him too but you rather felt like taking your time in the bath to make sure that your pain desaper compleatly. After all the pills you had taken would be doing their effect quite soon. You kept your head against his for a second before biting your lips gently. You had a cute smile on when your eyes met again and your fingers were caressing his cheek sweetly with love.
I know baby and it's not the desire that is lacking believe me. It's just that I think It best for me to stay in the bath has long as possible. Maybe if I feel better after we could cuddle in bed watching a movie together hum.
This time after your words it was Elijah that smiled at you and pressed a tender kiss to your cheek. He nod gently at your words and then stood back up with his eyes on you still.
Don't worry my love the only thing that matter right now is you feeling better. We will see after your bath for the movie and cuddle. Just relax now, I'll get things settle during that time. He let you know with his tender voice before laying a last caress to your cheek and leaving you alone.
As Elijah closed the door behind him, he immediately got to work on the things he needed to do before you came out of the bath. He started by changing the bed sheets and covers, then he did it again with clean ones. After that, your noble boyfriend knowing you pretty well, tought that you'd probably desire some of your favorite snacks. Therefore, Elijah made his way to the kitchen and got all the little treats you love, bringing them all with him to the bedroom afterward. Following this instance, your vampire just prepared the space to make it cozier and ready for the both of you to watch a movie. Elijah placed soft blankets and pillows everywhere. He even brought your comforter and made sure your heating pads were ready to use.
At some point, everything was finally ready and he came back to the bathroom knocking at the door softly. A soft smile on his lips and your fluffy bath robe in hand.
Baby...are you ready to come out...?
On your side in the bath still, you had actually just tought about comming out because of the cooling water and got a bit taken aback by his soft voice.
Your eyes moved the bathroom door and seconds later it open revealing your perfect husband coming in gently with your bath robe in hand.
God he was so perfect! You tought before smiling at him and actually getting up slowly in the bath and coming out.
The second your feet landed on the floor, you felt two strong arms wrapping you into a soft material you knew was your bathrobe. The warth of it immediately brought you recomfort and shoots you a bit.
You could smell Elijah's soft perfume as he embraces you, making your heart a bit overwhelmed for a second. A soft breath left you and you turned around to face him and lay your head on his shoulder gently.
Your husband's hand at your actions came around your waist securely and his lips pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead as he hugged you back to him. You didn't speak up or say anything. After all you didn't dare because of how good you felt like this in his arms. Therefore, the first one to actually broke the silence was your original that wispered sweet little words in your ear.
Common sweety, I'll blow dry your hair, I don't want you to get sick.
After he said that, you didn't even had the time to move an inch before Elijah actually grabbed your legs and carries you to the lavatory counter. As he reached it, your vampire gently sat you down and took your chin between his finger. His eyes met yours and you whine when both your lips touched, sweetly but deeply.
He on his side let out a small growl and played with your wet hair for a good moment, just savouring your lips. When you actually part, you were breathing fast and you almost forgot about the cramps you had earlier and everything else around you. You could swear it was magical...Elijah always was such a good kisser. After all he had a thousand years of practice right. You looked deeply into his brown chocolate eyes and sweetly brought your hand to his jaw to caress it. He was controlling himself...you could see it. Yet, the last thing he wanted was to hurt you and you were really appreciative of it. He was always so careful and caring and you loved him for it.
I love you Eli...I'm sorry that I'm not feeling really well I know that you'd like to...
Your sentence was cut short by your husband's fingers tracing your lips, he was asking you silently to say nothing more.
Don't ever apologise for that babygirl, it's not your fault and I know it's not the moment or the time for this right now. I don't care about me love the only thing that matter is you. So now...I will dry your hair and we will get comfy in our bedroom together mh?
Your heart was hammering in your chest at how fucking lucky you were to have him. It felt so illegal and you couldn't say in words how much you love him. His words were soft yet serious and you just nod gently at them. You were more than willing for a movie and cuddle with him right now so you just sat there obediently as he started to blow dry your hair. It took a good ten minutes for him to be done and have your hair compleatly dry. You were really surprised at how good they turned up afterward thought. Elijah was apparently really talented at this too...even after so many years of marriage you were still learning things about him apparently.
Done princess. Elijah said sweetly as his eyes stare at you like a piece of art. Your cheeks reddened a bit because of the attention that you suddenly felt and you bite your lips shyly as you spoke.
Thank you daddy...
As you look away after saying that, Elijah layed his hand both side of your legs and angled his head to look at your eyes even thought you tried to prevent it. He had a sexy grin on his lips and a satisfied expression that you tought looked like Klaus for some reason. He didn't waist really long before taking your chin between his fingers and raising your head up.
Now now let's not be shy my perfect little love, it was my pleasure and you know that I love playing with your hair hum. Come now, let's get to bed babygirl.
You heard Elijah say before he picked you back into his arms securely and gently made his way to your shared room.
You sat down your chin on his shoulder and closed your eyes as he walk, the gentle rhythm making you calm and relax. At some point, none really long later you felt Elijah sat down and your eyes opened to look around you. That's when you actually realised everything he did to the room to please you. He tought of everything and it was starting to make you feel emotional. Honestly, what have you ever done to deserve a man like him.
Maybe your sudden sensibility was caused by your periods but you had no real way to know. The only thing you could say was that tears defenetly were getting down your cheeks by the moment Elijah sat you down on the bed beside him.
His expression instantly froze when he realise you were crying and his fingers softly came to your face to dry the tears off.
Sweetheart, what is it? Are you hurting again!? Can I do something to help? just please tell me love.
You sniffed a bit and couldn't help laughing a bit at his desperate need to help you. Elijah was the cutest really and you hated to worry him. Therefore, feeling the need to ease his mind, you immediately climbed on his lap and sat there comfortably. You circled your arms around his neck when you were against him and started playing with his short brown hair, your eyes looking deeply into his as you do. You could see your husbands feature relax a bit at your action and soon decided that you could say what you felt now.
It's ok, relax Lijah I'm fine I promise, it's just that...your so perfect with me. It makes me emotional to have a boyfriend like you that take care of me and love me like this...
A silence followed your words and after some seconds, you kissed his cheek and placed a gentle hand on his chest.
You didn't have to do all that Lijah...you trail off sweetly before looking all around the room with an unbelief expression on.
Elijah listened to your words attentively, never really letting go of your eyes. Then, when you stopped talking, he took hold of the hand you placed on his chest and kissed your wrist and fingers. His expression was soft and gentle, his touch sweet and caring.
At the contact, you moved your sight back to his and immediately met his deep gaze, feeling shivers traveling down your body.
Sweetheart...I would destroy the world if I needed just to make sure you are happy and well. This...he said as he gesture toward the room. This is absolutely nothing.
He was so sweet, you couldn't believe how much he was perfect it was still a mystery for you to understand why of all women he had chosen you to be his wife. You couldn't be happier and in love really, you would rather die than be parted from him. Right now as you sat in his lap and that your eyes were locked together it felt like paradise and you realised that your pain was gone, just like that. You sniffed a bit, tears slowly drying off on your pale face and then, as desperation hit you for more of him, you pressed your lips against his. This time, instead of being a passionate kiss, it was rather sweet delicate and full of love. It was perfectly depicting your feelings toward him right now and the hand playing with his hair just stopped as it moved to his cheek. You always thought that Elijah's lips were made to kiss yours and it was in those situation that this taught was confirmed. It all feels so good, so perfect calm, peaceful, you really didn't want to let go but at some point you had to. You shyly backed away from him a bit, breathing fast and apparently quite stunned. You looked like a lost little girl and Elijah was there to smile at you and kiss the tip of your nose. You are the cutest little thing my love. I can't stop looking at you.
His words made you blush and look away from him for a moment. Every time he was telling things coming from deep down like that you just couldn't stand it, it was way too cute and you felt like the first day you met him. It was so easy for Elijah to make you all flustered and you felt so weak when it comes to him. In an attempt to get back a bit of your sanity, you gently let your head fall on his chest and try to focus on calming your emotions. You took a bunch of deep breaths and between them you let some words slip out of your mouth. It was faint and weak but Elijah could hear it anyway.
And you are too perfect.
Following those words, you got yourself under control slowly and could look back into his eyes. A small but nonetheless adorable smile appeared on your feature and you gently moved a bit to come and sit on his lap. The second you did so, Elijah's hands came to the side of your face and laid soft caresses to your skin. It felt so sweet and soft that you let a shy whine out of your mouth. God he could have you under his charms so easily.
Thank you for all this daddy...I feel much better now.
You told him a bit childishly since you really couldn't help it. His sparkling brown chocolate eyes looking like diamonds and his love for you shining trough them was making your heart melt and cheek ablaise.
Elijah's arms circled around your waist and cuddled your body even closer to his when he saw how adorable you looked all shy and flustered. Honestly he just wanted to keep you close to him like this forever and watch a movie which he started preparing for by moving in the middle of the bed with you and laying down comfortably. After doing so, the original just kissed your lips quickly and placed a strand of your hair behind your ears while whispering something in them.
You are very welcome my darling, I love you so much and I'm glad you feel better sweetheart. Do you feel like watching our movie now ?
You let him lay you down asside of him and gently crawl even closer to him to press both your body together. As it was done, you nodded to indicate that yes you were indeed ready before laying your head on his shoulder. Elijah followed your indications by starting the movie and tidied himself with playing with your hair while watching. It was so appeasing and it felt so good that you started to feel sleepy quite fast. Elijah's perfume and his warth just added to this feeling and in no time you were asleep against him.
Elijah didn't realised it at first, he kept on watching the movie and playing with your hair until a mumble coming from you caught his attention. His eyes feel on your soft sleeping face and he sigh with a love sick look covering his eyes.
Awn my sweet little girl, falling asleep against daddy, you couldn't help yourself hum. Don't worry baby girl let's stop this now and just go to sleep.
Elijah said as he kissed your forehead and closed the tv that was still playing in the background. After doing so, the original gently lift you up a bit to place you under the cover making sure that you stay warm. He followed suit after you and joined you under the warm blanket, gently getting closer to you and engulfing your little body with his to sleep peacefully the rest of the night.
Good night my little girl, daddy will stay at your side forever.
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Family Therapist
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Female vampire reader x Elijah Mikaelson
Summary: Elijah is your husband and you've been basically the family therapist. Well, one night you both became one for his little brother.
Warnings: mentions of death I think?, mentions of ghosts,
Elijah and you have been married for well over 400 years and over time you have gotten used to the family's drama and dynamic.
There have been many times when you acted as the family therapist, and let's not kid ourselves, you still are. Just somehow in weirder ways than some may think.
(But let's also be real, you still have to lecture Klaus out of daggering any of his siblings or hurting them 'just because', being the only one who he actually listens to, which is a miracle by itself.)
A great example is what just happened one night.
Surprising enough, this is the first time you've ever been in a situation like this. It's definitely not the worst or anything of it, but this was very different to say the least.
You were sound asleep in your husband's arms until you hear the door to your guys' room slam open. Both of you separate in alert, but the only danger there is, is the body that crashed between the both of you.
"What the?" You said sleepily and reached over to turn the lamp on.
Once the light lit the room in a yellow glow, you both look at the visitor in your bed.
"Kol? What are you doing?" Elijah asks, surprised that his younger brother is there, without acknowledging one of you.
"Oh you know, just missed my older brother and his wife" his voice was muffled by the pillow he pressed his face in to.
"Uh huh, and how does that explain you gripping onto the blanket for dear life?" You raised your eyebrow at the youngest brother.
"Because it's soft?" He asked unsure, rather than answering you.
"What happened?" You kept your eyebrow raised at the immortal teenager, no way for him to get himself out of this conversation now. Elijah saw that look on your face, knowing, now you won't budge until you get the truth out of Kol.
Kol looked up at you, letting out a huff, seeing no way of getting out of this. At least this is better than Nik, he'd just throw him in a box, he thought.
"I swear I saw someone move in my room, but I couldn't find anything, so I came in here to make sure if the ghost comes back there'll be alibis" he rapidly said, and hid his face back into the pillow, feeling his cheeks starting to turn red.
You and Elijah shared a look of concern before your husband placed a hand on Kol's back. "Kol, you don't have to be embarrassed about that, considering your experience with ghosts in the past, you have a right to react the way you did," he told him.
"Lijah's right, we would never judge you about that. So what if you're a bit wary about ghosts, it's normal, a lot of people are" you added.
Kol's breath hitched before speaking, "Really?" He looked up at both of you.
"Of course" You and Elijah nodded.
He smiled softly before a cheeky grin appeared on his face. "Just so you know, I'm not leaving. And if that ghost takes me, I'd rather have my final moments with you guys over Nik, who would most likely yell at me."
He laid his head back down on the pillow and closed his eyes, knowing that he was laying between you guys. "I know you guys probably want to be laying together and be all cute and couply, but I don't want to think about you two doing anything over pg-13. My poor innocence couldn't handle it" he said and let out an 'oof' when you smacked him with a pillow for the comment.
"Have you ever even been innocent?" You asked and looked at Elijah with amused eyes as he pinched the bridge of his nose, looking like a tired father that just had to put up with his child. Honestly, he just did, considering what Kol had just said and he can sadly be even more immature.
"Of course I have...like that time...okay maybe when I was human, but that still counts" he mumbles and sticks his tongue out at you. And he hates it when you call him a child? Really?
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blackleatherjacketz · 1 month
Not Fair
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Klaus Mikaelson x Female Reader
Summary: You're there to see Elijah, but Klaus wants to play a game with you first.
Warnings: 18+ Only!, Explicit Smut, Dubious Consent, Teasing, Infidelity (Sort of), Competition, Sibling Rivalry, Typical Klaus Shenanigans, Mentions of Elijah, Neck Kissing/Biting, Ear Biting, Hair Pulling, Female Orgasm, Female Masturbation, Vaginal Fingering, Blood Sucking
Word Count: 2.4k
Nerves shook through your body after Elijah had texted you to meet him at his home, which was highly unlike him. He usually came over to your place some time after dinner, after the food you’d eaten and the wine you drank had some time to course its way through your veins and pulse into the rest of your bloodstream. The door to the address he’d given you was unlocked, another odd detail you clocked with suspicion before you entered the mansion with mild trepidation. Every detail of the estate was decorated to the nines, a true southern gem full of rich history and opulence. You knew that he had money, but this kind of money? Damn, you're in way over your head.
“Elijah?” You call out his name as you shut the door behind you, passing through the foyer into the parlor on the right to see the figure of a man looking out the window. The air around him is thick and electric, prickling at your skin the very second he turns around to face you, nearly forcing you to gasp at his strikingly beautiful features. This clearly isn’t isn’t the man you’ve come to see.
“Well, well, well, aren’t you a pretty little thing?” He coos, stepping toward you with a smug grin.
“Who are you? And where’s Elijah? I was supposed to meet him here.” Did he give you the wrong address? Was he even going to show up? Did you read the message wrong? He had told you to come in and make yourself at home, but he didn’t mention anything about a… roommate.
“I’m Klaus, Elijah’s much more charming younger brother.” The man smirks as if he knows the most amusing secret about his sibling, but decides to keep it to himself. “And I’m sure he’ll be around shortly.”
“Brother? He never told me that he had a brother.” Your eyes narrow as you take him in, trying your hardest to see the family resemblance, but still somehow falling short. His golden curls are a stark contrast to Elijah’s dark brown hair, his pouty lips and narrow face shape even further away from the rigid jawline of your… whatever Elijah is to you.
“Really?” He asks, his tone laced with intrigue and disappointment as he takes another step toward you. “And just what is the nature of your relationship with my brother, then, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“It’s ummm…” You can’t help but trail off, his magnetic gaze forcing you to trip over your words as you attempt to explain your arrangement with Elijah. How do you tell this man that you’ve been letting his brother feed off you in exchange for protection? That you’ve slowly been falling for him over the past few weeks in the process? It’s just too embarrassing. “He and I have a sort of… symbiotic relationship.”
“Symbiotic?” He smirks, getting closer still, his movements quick and fluid. “Is this symbiosis sexual?” He grazes his knuckles against your cheek, letting them curve beneath your chin as he watches your lips part with his touch. “Come on, you can tell me,” he smiles, relishing in how fast he can hear your heart beating inside your chest. He’s clearly enjoying how nervous he’s making you.
“It’s not…” you stammer, swallowing hard as he brings his face a little closer to yours, the scent of his cologne now swimming through your senses. Goddamnit, is it hot in here? Are you attracted to him? No, that can’t be it, you’re attracted to Elijah. Right? Right. How is he making you so flustered? “We haven’t gotten that far.”
“You mean to tell me he hasn’t even tasted you yet?” He tilts his head in disbelief.
“Tasted me?” Your lip starts to quiver, unsure of exactly what he means. “He’s been drinking from me every two weeks.”
“That’s not the flavor I’m referring to, love.” His eyes dart down between your legs before locking back onto yours, his hazel gaze now full of desire. “I know Elijah can be a bit of a wet blanket sometimes, but if I had the privilege of drinking from you, I’d be sure to savor every elixir your beautiful body has to offer.”
A flash of heat rushes through you as those words reach your newly reddened ears, flushing your cheeks and neck before triggering that moisture to collect between your thighs as you give yourself away without having to utter a single word.
“Or you could settle for another dull night where my brother barely touches you. Only taking what he needs to survive without a second thought about what you want.” He starts to walk around you, encircling you like a vulture would a dying animal about to fall within its grasp. “He’s too noble for his own good, that one. Trust me.” He pauses, looking down at his feet before looking back over to you. “So how does it work between you two, exactly? He gets you to drink a few glasses of his favorite red wine or whiskey, loosen you up a bit so you don’t tense up when he inevitably takes what he wants?”
“Yeah, something like that.” Your cheeks blush an even brighter shade of red as you keep your head on a swivel, training your eyes on him as he waltzes around you with that deliciously smug grin permanently painted on his face. “Is that so terrible?”
You understand there’s no way that someone like Klaus could understand what you saw in Elijah. As boring as it may seem to someone on the outside, you happen to be quite fond of Elijah’s predictability, of his dependability, of his control over his emotions. It always made you feel safe with him, somehow.
“Terrible? No!” He shakes his head dramatically, cornering your left shoulder just a little closer this time before brushing his palms over your bare arms. “I imagine he… takes you from behind in order to avoid any chance for intimacy?” Klaus’ hands graze their way down your forearms and glide across your hips, sending a shiver down your spine as the heat from his body positively radiates into yours. “At least that’s what I would do.”
Your breath hitches as he holds his body against yours, his hands burning you up from beneath the thin fabric of your dress as he presses his lips into your shoulder. You instinctively close your eyes as he kisses it again, each one longer, deeper as his mouth opens just a little bit more until he reaches the nape of your neck. The slight brush of his tongue against it is almost too much for you to bear, the forbidden nature of his delicate touch somehow warmer than Elijah’s as it stirs something deep inside you, exciting you down to the very marrow of your bone.
“Is that why you wore this dress?” He licks the skin just behind your jawline before kissing it again, his blonde stubble scratching against the rest of your neck as he nuzzles into it. “So he’d finally appreciate your body?”
“Maybe.” You barely manage to whisper, that moisture now pooling between your folds.
“He’d be a fool not to.” His fingertips reach the hem of your dress, slowly inching it up your thigh as he wraps his other arms across your chest, pulling you in even closer. He walks with you backward until his knees hit the couch, haphazardly sitting down on the middle cushion with you snug on his lap, landing right where he wants you.
“We shouldn’t...” You feign protest against the predicament he’s put you in, just in case Elijah is somewhere close enough to hear you.
“Shouldn’t what? Sit down and have a little chat? That’s all this is.” He spins his lies so effortlessly, you’re convinced that even he believes them before they leave his lips.
“Is it?” You feel his hand slide beneath your dress before snaking up your thigh, relishing in the trail of goosebumps it leaves in its wake before reaching the hem of your underwear.
“Lace knickers?” He laughs, rubbing his fingers over the intricate pattern as he feels how swollen and needy you are beneath it. He tries to downplay the physical effect you're having on him in return, but his growing arousal begins to stretch the fabric of his jeans between your cheeks, his own breath halting for just a flash of a second. “Naughty girl.”
“I just thought…” your lip trembles into a hitched staccato of breaths as you attempt to explain yourself.
“Oh, don’t be so embarrassed, love, you aren’t the first woman to get caught in between us brothers.” He smirks against your skin and slips his fingers beneath the sheer fabric between your legs, slowly spreading your puffy lips apart to reveal the evidence of his seduction. “And you certainly won’t be the last.”
What did he just say? Has he done this before? Stolen someone from Elijah right under his nose? Or was this simply payback for something else, something worse that he’d done to him in his past? Were you just some stupid little pawn in their eternal game of familial chess?
“Do you get this wet for my brother when he’s feeding off you?” He takes you out of your thoughts and back into the moment, dipping his index and forefinger between your folds to spread your juices up and down your length. “I’ll bet he doesn’t even notice.” His voice drops down an octave, his words dripping with disdain for his older sibling as he glides his fingers up against your most sensitive spot, sending sparks of pleasure into your nervous system. “Do you think about him when you touch yourself at night?”
“Klaus, I…” you whisper, unable to answer him as his breath blows the hair away from your neck, making your gasp echo against the ancient walls of the room.
“Shhh, it’s okay, love. All that’s going to change after tonight.” He purrs into your skin, moving the hair away from your neck. “Let’s play a little game, then, shall we? If I’m able to make you come, I get to drink from you tonight instead of Elijah.”
Oh my God.
“And if you can’t?” You ask, wondering if he’d had this all planned out from the very second he saw you.
“If I can’t…” He starts to rub little circles into your bud, increasing his pressure with each word as your face changes. “I won’t tell my dear brother of your little transgression against him.” He bites playfully onto the shell of your ear, tugging it back toward him as he pushes his fingers deep inside your walls.
“Oh! Okay...” Your toes curl as he delves his digits further inside you, slowly curving them up to hit that special spot before quickly pulling them out. You turn your head as he removes his touch, brows furrowed in confusion as you watch him wrap those cherry red lips around his glistening fingers. His eyes roll back into his head as he savors the flavor of your sex, humming a tune while making quite the show of sucking his fingers all the way down to his knuckles before slowly pulling them out.
“Exquisite,” he praises your essence with a grin, that devious stare of his positively sinful.
You feel as if all the air has been expelled from your lungs; your body paralyzed with shock, too vulnerable in this state to take another breath until he reaches down and continues his good work, forcing you to inhale the hot, humid air between you. For the first time since you met him, he stops talking. His fingers are quick to map out every single neuron that lies beneath the exposed layer of your skin that lubricates itself with need as he slides his fingers back in, pressing his thumb against your clit with expert precision.
His centuries on this earth had given him all the practice he needed to drive you wild beneath his grasp, each of his ministrations more hypnotic than the last, drawing out louder, more feral moans from your lips. You find your hips rocking into the rhythm of his wrist, the sound of his fingers pulsing in and out of you serving as a perfect accompaniment to your vocals, gliding over that bundle of nerves tucked deep inside as your voice finally reaches a high soprano.
“I’m beginning to think you never wanted my brother to begin with.” He teases as he brings you closer to paradise by sending wave after wave of euphoric bliss up into your core, his salacious pace unrelenting.
“That’s not fair!” You cry out, breathlessly emotional as the magnitude of your ecstasy begins to overwhelm you, tears of joy now pooling in your eyes. You’d never felt pleasure like this before, never been so attracted to someone so quickly on sight alone, but here you are, on the verge of insanity as you fall apart in his lap.
“That’s the thing about me, love. I never fight fair.” He finally sends you over the edge, your skin igniting in an inextinguishable heat that consumes every fiber of your being. Your body feels more alive than it ever has before, that rush of euphoria coursing through your spine, turning your veins into rivers of molten lava as you quake around his fingers, those tears now streaming down your face.
Your orgasm leaves you helpless against his fangs as they pierce your skin and sink into your flesh, against his fist that buries itself in your hair as he drinks that deliciously hot cocktail of bliss that rips itself through you. It warms the both of you as he feeds on what was originally meant for his brother, the remnants spilling out of the corners of his mouth and down your chest as he greedily gulps you down, moaning his satisfaction into your neck. You can barely feel the throbbing around the bite as he eventually pulls back before it’s too late, licking up every stream of crimson that escapes his lips until there’s nothing left but the sheen of his spit on your skin.
“You’re welcome,” he goads cockily, your blood painting the lower half of his face as he pulls his fingers out for good. “Elijah should be home any minute.”
Read more KLAUS!
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vanteguccir · 4 months
vante's navigation ♡
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you are welcome here, honey ♡
ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊.⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹
– about me: letícia; 20; pisces; brazilian
– here's my work: masterlist
– wattpad: I'm used to translate some works from English to Portuguese, but I also love to read many fanfics in English as well and I always add them to my reading lists, so feel free to follow me there!
– disclaimer: I'm starting to post my work here, so be patient and gentle. I really love to write, but I adore talking as well, so feel free to send requests or anything at all, I'll answer you all for sure ♡
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– status: CLOSED
– rules: please, respect it!
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cece693 · 4 months
You Call That Love? (Damon Salvatore x Male Reader)
Because I don't see many Damon Salvatore x male reader posts, I decided to write one myself. You can't convince me that Damon hasn't had male lovers before.
Summary: Elena tries to get with Damon but soon realizes he has moved on—with m/n of all people.
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Their lips moved in a frenzied dance, hands tearing at each other's clothes in a passionate embrace when the gasp of a familiar, bothersome human interrupted their intense makeout session. Looking up at Elena with an annoyed expression, m/n rolled his eyes before sitting upright, allowing Damon to hastily put his shirt back on. It wasn't for Elena's sake, because, frankly, he couldn't care less about her feelings, but M/n was a fiercely jealous man. He wouldn't give Elena even a glimpse of what was solely his. 
"Why?" she whispered pathetically, her brown eyes tearing up while looking at Damon as if he had just killed her parents. "I thought we had something—"
Unable to contain his laughter, m/n released a hearty chuckle. "Why, Miss Elena?" he mocked "I distinctly remember you bragging about your relationship with Stefan not even a week ago. What happened? Trouble in paradise?" Feeling Damon's arms wrap around his middle, m/n cuddled against Damon's front, allowing the vampire to take what he needed.
M/n wasn't naive to the fact that Damon still harbored some feelings for Elena, although the nature of said feelings had changed. So, just for him, m/n would step back and allow things to run their course.
"You don't know anything," Elena hissed, her eyes narrowing at m/n with utter hatred. Ever since he stepped foot into Mystic Falls, her life changed for the worse: Bonnie and Caroline finally stood their ground and told Elena they didn't want to be involved in her problems. Recently, Stefan and she broke up; Stefan, noticing the eerie similarities between Katherine and Elena as of late, decided to break the cycle and began dating Caroline. But, worst of all, when Elena finally (or rather knew she had no other option) admitted she loved Damon, the vampire disregarded her confession, telling her he'd moved on—with m/n of all people.
"Elena," Damon's stern tone caused the girl to break eye contact and look expectantly at the vampire. A part of her still hoped Damon would realize the mistake he was making, but as the vampire continued talking, hope vanished. "I don't love you. M/n made me realize that what we had was toxic and borderline obsessive. Being with Stefan, then me, Matt—that isn't love."
"Don't try to tell me how I feel," Elena exclaimed. "I'm sorry it took me such a long time to realize my feelings, but you can't tell me what I feel for you isn't valid." Feeling bold, Elena stepped forward, about to touch Damon and reel him back into her web of manipulation, when m/n had enough and pinned the human to the wall, his hand on her throat. Uncaring if she could breathe, m/n felt this was sufficient punishment for Elena, thinking she could touch what was his. 
Elena gasped for breath as m/n's grip tightened, her eyes widening with fear. M/n's voice sliced through the air like a blade, each word carrying the weight of resentment.
"You thought you could have it all, didn't you?" he sneered, his cold e/c eyes piercing into hers. "Stefan, Damon, and whoever else caught your fleeting attention. You don't care about anyone other than yourself. Where was this love when Damon was begging you to choose him? Your exact words were nobody could love a monster like you. And now you want to rewrite history? He's with me now, and I suggest you come to terms with that."
With a final, disdainful glance, m/n released his grip on Elena's throat. "You're twisting everything!" she exclaimed after regaining composure, her voice strained. "You don't know the whole story. What Damon and I have is real."
As Elena struggled to defend herself, Damon's expression shifted with each word she uttered. At first, her claim to have loved him drew a flicker of skepticism in his eyes. However, as she delved into the reasons for denying his love, a mix of hurt and anger played across his features. "I loved him, but he was too caught up in his own darkness to see it."
Damon's jaw tightened, and his eyes flashed with a wounded expression. It was as if her words had scraped at an old wound, reawakening the pain of rejection. "People change, m/n. Damon could have changed for me." The pair of vampires now stared in disbelief. How had Elena managed to turn herself into a victim in this situation?
"Change? Is that what you call it?" Damon's retort cut through the air like a cold gust of wind, his voice edged with bitterness. His eyes, once clouded with hurt, now blazed with a fiery resolve. "You left, Elena. You chose someone else. You choose Stefan." M/n, standing beside Damon, could sense the raw emotion emanating from the vampire, a poignant mixture of anger and hurt.
"M/n accepted me for who I am," Damon continued, his voice steady and absolute. "He didn't demand that I change, mold myself into someone more palatable to fit your version of love. You can't rewrite history just because you don't like the ending."  
Frustration etched across Elena's face. "Fine, have it your way," she spat, casting one last resentful glance at Damon and m/n before storming out of the house, the door slamming shut behind her. Even as the sound of Elena's car drew farther away from the boarding house, Damon's eyes lingered on the closed door. 
M/n turned to Damon, his gaze softening as he assessed his lover beside him. "You okay?" he asked, his voice gentle yet filled with genuine concern.
Damon's eyes, focused on the closed door, shifted to m/n. The heaviness that lingered in his eyes was replaced by an unspoken acceptance that this chapter of his life had closed. "Yeah," he replied, "Thanks for handling that."
M/n nodded, his expression conveying understanding. "You know I've got your back, always." Damon's eyes softened, a subtle warmth replacing the tension that had gripped him moments before. He didn't need grand gestures or elaborate confessions; the simplicity of m/n's words told him everything he needed to know.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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lis-likes-fics · 3 months
All the Things I Hate About You
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader Word Count: 11.5k words Warnings: Swearing, torture, violence, kidnapping, enemies to lovers... A/N: This was actually really fun to write. I forgot I had this idea for months until I was looking through my wips and saw the planning completely finished. Anyway, here it is and I hope you enjoy!
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The bar is quite busy tonight. It's full of patrons talking and laughing and carrying on in classic New Orleans style. Nights like these are always nice, especially when it's between you and Klaus, this time with the added company of Marcel, as you bring the lip of your bourbon to your own, smiling around the glass.
You chuckle into the cup at one of Klaus’ quips, raising a finger at him and wiping your bottom lip. You're about to speak when your attention diverts to the door at the sound of a ringing bell.
Your face falls.
“Goddamn it,” you mutter, putting your hand down and wrapping it around your glass again.
Looking toward the source of your new frustration, Klaus can't help his chuckle. “Now, now, dove,” he bids, swirling the contents of his glass. “Do not let his intrusion sour your mood. I'm sure he has a good reason for being here. Don't you, big brother?”
You all look at the man in question as Elijah places his hand on the back of his brother's chair. He disregards you altogether, and somehow that's more frustrating than him showing up in the first place.
“Niklaus, we need to talk,” he says, turning his head toward him with a clenched jaw.
You whine, leaning forward and letting your head fall to the table with a dull thump. “But the night was just getting good.” Marcel laughs at you.
Amused, Klaus raises a brow. “About?”
Elijah finally spares you a sliver of attention as his eyes dart toward you, narrowed to slits. “Privately,” he insists.
Klaus rolls his eyes, uninterested and ready to shift his attention back to you. “We can talk about the eternal crisis of my soul’s redemption another day, Elijah. For now,” he looks at you, smirking devilishly, “we were just headed to this cute little place around the corner for a bite.”
You aren't a vampire, but you've never had an issue with encouraging his less-than-innocent activities. In fact, through the course of your friendship, Klaus has found that you enjoy indulging in vampiric lifestyles. He found that you lack a certain morality most humans tend to hold when it comes to the supernatural. It's one of his favorite things about you—you're not obsessed with saving his immortal soul.
But Elijah does not sympathize.
“I'm sure you've had plenty of ‘bites’ today,” he says, shooting you a glare.
Preening under his attention—however negative it may be—you continue. “Yeah, well, bite me. You're ruining the fun.”
His gaze unwavering, Elijah continues to glare. “Oh, I just might.”
You scoff, turning your body more towards him. “I'm not afraid of you.”
He's so used to being feared, but you've never feared him for a moment—it's another one of those things he hates about you.
He takes a step closer to you, and you have to tilt your head back to look up at him. You don't falter, even as he speaks. “I don't need you to be afraid in order to be lethal, sweetling.”
It's very derogative, the way he says it. All of his pet names toward you are. You're sure he thinks you hate it, but—of all his insults—it's one of your favorites.
Marcel and Klaus watch on, enjoying the scene as much as you as the both of you stare the other down. Your gazes are unwavering, a game of dominance which you have a clear disadvantage in—though that's never stopped you before.
“Uh-oh,” Marcel grins, bringing his glass to his lips. He chuckles as he glances at Klaus, who does the same. “It's gonna be a cat fight.”
But when nothing happens, and you continue to stare, Klaus sighs as he lounges in his chair. “What is it that cannot wait, brother?”
It takes a moment for him to finally respond, to tear his eyes away from you and look back at his little brother. “Supernatural business,” he says plainly.
“You mean supernatural drama,” Marcel corrects. “Spill.”
Raising a brow, Elijah's eyes, one again, fall back to you—as though he couldn't resist looking away for more than a moment. “You could probably ‘spill’ yourself, couldn't you?”
You sigh. “To be honest,” you stretch and turn back to your drink, “I'm just trying to get drunk, and your presence is unnervingly sobering.” You take a sip, your eyes still watching him as you do.
Taking every opportunity to spite you, he hums. “Good.”
Marcel refocuses. “What kind of drama?”
Again, Elijah turns away. “The kind that includes a vampire dead in the Quarter.”
You lift your chin, remembering as your lips form an “oh” and you return to your drink.
Marcel, ever annoyed by Mikaelson and Co. mischief, turns to you and Klaus with an immense amount of exhaustion. “You killed one of my guys?”
You raise your hands. “To be completely fair, he was just a tourist.”
“To be completely fair,” Elijah echoes, “he was visiting family, a group of residents here. Now they are threatening to break the peace.”
“That is…quite unfortunate,” Klaus sighs. He stands then, patting Elijah back in a chummy way. “However, I don't know how much I care. This place was becoming rather tedious anyway.”
Elijah is exhausted by all of this. “And I'm sure the same can be said for your human companion.”
You raise your hands in defense. “Don't look at me! He catcalled me, all I did was punch him really hard in the face.”
Klaus nods. “Yes, and I was the one to gut him and string up his corpse in a tree like a Christmas ornament.”
“Before I suggested that we leave him someplace not so out in the open,” you nod, “because humans tend to panic.”
Elijah clenches his jaw. “Of course.”
There are many reasons Elijah doesn't like you.
For one, you seem to have no care or respect for other people's lives. You're just as bad as Niklaus, you may as well be slaughtering these people yourself.
Your encouragement in his brother's misdeeds, entirely contrary to Elijah's attempts at helping his brother, are so frustrating. It makes his job a lot harder when he's got this other voice in his head telling him that it's okay to snap his neck, as long as you put some nice beads and sunglasses on him so he looks cool.
Then there's your sass. You always have some sly comeback, another thing to add to conversation that doesn't need to be contributed.
If it didn't stop there, your eyes. You're always looking at him, always challenging him. You stare him down, your gaze unwavering. You watch his every move just to find something to pick apart.
And you're never scared of him. Never. You have no problem with talking back to this man. He could kill you in a moment, and you could do nothing to stop him. But you don't even consider that possibility, you're too busy being–
“Okay, I'm calling it a night,” Marcel stands, pulling Elijah from his obsessive thoughts. “I've got business to take care of. Thank you for that.” He says the last part to you and Klaus, dipping his head as a goodbye as he leaves. He pauses by Elijah, not meaning his words but—fuck, he's tired. “Couldn't have waited a few more hours?”
You groan, looking up at Klaus. “We don't have to go, do we?”
Klaus shrugs. “So long as you don't get hurt, I don't see why we should.”
You stand, taking one last sip from your drink as you smile. “Great.” You link arms with Klaus, patting Elijah's chest, even as he rolls his eyes. “Buh-bye now.”
Elijah turns as the two of you are leaving, his firm voice stopping the both of you as he continues to glare. “Niklaus,” he says. “We need to talk.”
Klaus lets go of your arm and walks back toward his brother. “You need a drink, my friend,” he suggests. He puts an arm on his shoulders and points toward a woman at the bar. She's sitting on her own, a finger tracing the lip of her glass. “I'm sure that lovely lady there would certainly be happy to help you.”
He pats his chest, smiling slyly. “Cheers.”
Klaus takes your arm again, and you wiggle your fingers in goodbye at Elijah. He huffs gently, shaking his head and deciding he may actually need a drink.
You groan, laying your head on the table as Elijah's graining voice reverberates through the courtyard. You lay a hand over your head trying to ease the pain throbbing in the back of your skull.
“Could you be any louder?” you grumble, the pain too great to add the malice you intend.
Elijah comes to a stop, not bothering to look at you as his eyes scan the mezzanine. “It's your own fault,” he mutters.
“How charming,” you sigh. He's the brother meant to have manners. You lean your head up to look at him through the dark lenses of your glasses.
“Where is Niklaus?” he questions, finally looking down at you.
You shrug, massaging your temples to ease your migraine. “Probably eating some wayward college girls to spite you.”
He hums, fixing the collar of his sleeve. “Oh, are some of your friends in town?”
Despite the pain in your skull, you laugh, looking up at him. “I like this narrative in your head that the bad influence in this relationship is the helpless mortal rather than the immortal big bad wolf who is literally known for murder and mayhem.” You smile, giggling lightly. “It makes me sound like a mastermind.”
He looks toward you. “The only mastery you've achieved is in ruthless schemes against my sanity.”
“Oh,” you nod. “All good things then.”
Rather than answer you, he yells. “Niklaus!”
You're abusing your temples at this point as you try to ease the pain. “Fuck you,” you spit, resting your head down again.
He smirks. “I'm sure you would love to. Fortunately, I have more interesting things to take care of.”
You hum, your voice muffled by the table. “Dunno what your problem is.”
He's growing impatient at Klaus’ tardiness to his calls, but it seems eased at the prospect of taunting you. “I've got only a handful of issues, and your name  is plastered all over 98% of them. Ni-klaus!”
There are many reasons you don't like Elijah.
For one, he always seems to show up when you don't need him to. He's a buzz kill, a sour puss, and a pain in the ass.
And, for an Original, he seems to have a strange distaste for havoc. All you ever really wanted to do was have fun, and he never seemed to sympathize.
You grew up in this city, fully aware of the fact that it was crawling with the supernatural. You grew with it, and you grew into it, and now you hold ideals more aligned with that of the vampires of the Quarter, rather than the humans of the city, desensitized from death and pain and sorrow and indulging instead in the highs and adrenaline rushes of being freed from such moralities. You've never had an issue with that.
But for a woman who'd grown in the heart of the city he loved, Elijah seemed to hate your guts.
If that wasn't enough, his penchant for immaculacy drove you mad, there was no reason to find that much stress in being a little disorganized. Hell, your whole life was practically a disorganized mess, but he doesn't see you spiraling.
And his fucking face disgusted you. The way he watched you, so closely, tracking every movement. His eyes hardly left you, and when they did, it was simply to show you how little you were to him. But you just kept staring. He wanted you to be afraid of him, but you aren't. And you'll never be.
You want him to know that. You know it ticks him off.
Klaus comes to your rescue, but not without an infliction of his own as he arrives at the mezzanine. “Alright! Don't get your knickers in a twist. I'm here.” He sighs dramatically, rolling his eyes as he looks down at the both of you in the courtyard. “Now what are you so insistent on telling me?”
Elijah squares his jaw. “Walk with me.”
Klaus groans. “Must we?”
True to his fashion, rather than answer, Elijah simply turns and begins walking. As he disappears, you lift your head, pushing your sunglasses further up your nose. “Good luck with that one,” you mumble, pointing in Elijah's direction. You look after him as Klaus descends the steps. “He's especially pissy.”
Klaus comes next to you, pushing some hair behind your ear. “Do you have something to do with that?”
You smile a bit. “Don't I always?”
Klaus laughs, tapping the tip of your nose with his finger and laughing some more when you wipe it. He fishes a little bottle of Tylenol from his pocket and sets it in front of you as he makes his way toward the front, leaving you to your misery as you rest your head back down on the table.
You snatch the bottle, clutching it like golden treasure.
Your migraine is gone by the time they return. You've still got your sunglasses on the bridge of your nose, but it's more for fashion than it is comfort now. Your music is practically blasting through the courtyard, and the brothers walk in to see you dancing to “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys.
Why? Why not?
“Oh,” Elijah sighs, raising a brow and glancing away. “It dances.”
You turn, taking off the sunglasses and pausing your music. You point at him with the pair, “Aren't you supposed to be a feminist or something?”
Klaus laughs at your antics and simply brushes past you. You wave tauntingly at Elijah and follow Klaus up the steps as you both leave him by his lonesome.
“So what did you talk about?” you ask once he's out of sight. You weave your hand through his arm and smile up at him. “Was it little ole me?” You shoot him a charming grin.
He chuckles, “As always.”
He shrugs, continuing down the hall with you happily on his arm. You and Klaus have been joined at the hip since you met just a little after he moved back to the city. He's your best friend, as you are his. You adore this man, though many try to warn you of his danger.
But you like the danger. You practically live and breathe the supernatural. Whether you should be afraid or not, you aren't. It's in your veins as though you were one of them already.
“What about?” you hum.
“You and your terrible influence.” He turns into Hope's room, pushing the door open and walking further inside as he looks around.
“I'm just cool like that,” you say. Glancing around, you furrow your brow. “What are you doing?”
“Hayley called,” he says simply. He turns over a blanket to look underneath it. “Apparently she forgot one of Hope's favorite toys when she was last here. She refuses to take her nap without it, needs me to retrieve it for her.”
You walk toward the bed, picking up a powder pink pillow and seeing the little pastel blue bunny underneath it, its floppy ears lazy at the sides of its head.
“Isn't this it?”
You show it off to him, wiggling it to make its arms flop around. Klaus nods, taking the offered creature. “That, it is.”
He leans forward, lowering his voice to a whisper to avoid Elijah's prying ears. “Why don't you come with me, and we can ditch the police downstairs.”
You smile wide, whispering back at him. “I thought you'd never ask.”
He offers his hand. You take it.
The both of you take one of the many “secret” exits of the building, ditching Elijah in the courtyard to go have some real fun. He takes you to one of the back entrances, where it’s a little darker and you’re surrounded by brick. Klaus opens the gate and steps onto the street, and as you go behind him to cross the threshold–
“Well, what are you waiting for?”
You furrow your brow at the resistance that meets the toe of your shoe. Raising a hand, you reach forward…
“Klaus, I can't get out,” you say as you press it against air, and you press hard. But to no avail…
“What do you mean?” he asks.
You make a face ‘What do you think I mean?’ You slap your hand against the force again, and nothing. “There's something keeping me from leaving.”
Hoping your teasing, he reaches for your hand and is immediately stopped from doing so. “What the hell?” he mutters.
“You think it's trouble?”
Klaus sighs, exhaustion slipping into his tone. “When isn't it?”
A gush of air whips behind you and suddenly Elijah is at your side, facing his brother. “We're sealed in.”
You roll your eyes, “We kind of figured that out already.”
He furrows his brows at Klaus, raising a hand to the barrier. “You're not trapped?” he questions.
Klaus raises his hands and lets them drop at his sides. “As it seems.”
“Shit,” you whisper. You shake your head, turning to face both of them as you sink into your “something-is-wrong-how-do-we-fix-it” mode, well-versed in the world of Mikaelson drama by this point. “What do we do?”
Klaus retrieves his phone from his back pocket. “I'll figure something out. You stay here.” He turns to leave. You roll your eyes at his back.
“Don't have much of a choice.”
“Try not to kill each other before I get back,” he says as he leaves.
You groan, leaning against the barrier dramatically. “Don't leave me here!” He ignores you.
You sigh, grumbling as you turn to face Elijah. “Wonderful.”
“I'm not exactly thrilled myself.”
You turn to leave him, walking away back toward the courtyard where the stairs are. Elijah follows you, walking behind.
And as you reach the stairs, still he walks behind.
“You're following me,” you point out, glancing over your shoulder at him.
“I'm not following you.”
You pick up the pace up the stairs. “Yes, you are.” It's almost fun, the senseless bickering. Like children. If only it were that simple…
“We are going in the same direction,” he states, rolling his eyes when you keep looking over your shoulder at the top of the stairs.
“Go away!” you exclaim, disappearing into Klaus’ room. He continues walking, grumbling to himself as he carries on to his own.
Closing the door behind you, you're almost disappointed. But you remember that you don't like him. You aren't friends. He isn't going to humor you, and you won't humor him either.
You plop down on the bed, laying back with your arms sprawled out like a bird. You stare at the ceiling, trying to decide what to do trapped in the compound with naught to do but stare at the ceiling.
And you're bored.
You pull your phone out and tap on it, humming to yourself as you do. But that can only sustain you for so long. And you're right. Because it has been exactly five minutes since you closed Klaus’ door, and now you're standing in Elijah's doorway with your arms crossed over your chest.
He doesn't acknowledge you. He's perfectly content to sit there reading, paying you absolutely no mind.
But you can't have that.
“I'm bored.”
He hums, his finger tapping the top corner of his book. “Go do something.”
“I can't, wise guy,” you roll your eyes. You take a step farther into his room. “We're trapped here.”
He doesn't seem to care. “I'm occupied.”
For a moment, you wonder why he's so calm. If you're trapped in the compound, that means there's a witch involved. And if there's a witch involved, that likely means there's another dangerous issue that needs to be solved before someone gets hurt.
But then you remember. He's an Original. If there's an issue, let it come. It won't hurt him.
You look along the shelves in his room, lined with books and belongings. “I'm not,” you hum.
He rolls his eyes and sets his book down. “Why are you here?”
You shrug. You're bored, and you like messing with him. And that's what you tell him: “Because I'm bored, and I like messing with you.”
“You can't stand not being within my presence, is it?”
“Ew, gross!” you exclaim, feeling slightly giddy before you remember that you aren't friends and you, in fact, hate him as he does, you.
To distract yourself from the fondness in your chest, you take a small book off the shelf and toss it at him. He catches it with ease and sets it on the table next to him. Wordlessly, he shoots you a glare to tell you to stop. But you've finally been entertained.
To be fair, this was childish and unnecessary and you really shouldn't have done it. But you're stupid around Elijah, and you're childish and unnecessary because he entertains you and makes you upset and drives you crazy.
So you keep throwing things at him. First, another book. Then one of the expensive and, likely, old knick-knacks on his shelf. Then whatever goes in your hand because he keeps catching them like it's nothing.
“Leave me alone,” he says, his voice firm and final. But you don't listen to him. You never listen to him.
“I'm bored,” you tell him, bracing another book in your hands. If you knew he wouldn't catch it, you wouldn't throw it. “Do something funny.”
You toss it, he catches it. Like clockwork. “I am not here to occupy you. I am here because I have no other choice, as we are trapped. You said to go away. I left. And now you are here tormenting me.”
He's fed up, and you know he is. And it only excites you more. That means he'll react, he'll pay attention to you. He'll look at you. And you can look at him. You love the way he looks when he's frustrated.
“I am here to torment you,” you shrug. “Did you want another book, by the way? I think you might enjoy this one.”
You toss it. Like clockwork. “Stop.”
You should stop. A figurine leaves your hand.
“Stop,” harsher this time. “I will not tell you again.”
You smirk. “Do something about it.” The challenge leaves your lips just as the last book does.
He catches it, and then suddenly you're being pushed up against the wall, your wrists pinned at either side of your head in a tight grip that makes your fingers tingle. You wince as your head hits the brick, not hard enough to really hurt you but hard enough to sting as you bare your teeth.
Your eyes go wide as your gaze locks with his. He's furious, face inches from yours and eyes full of frustration.
For the very first time, you're afraid of Elijah Mikaelson.
“You are behaving like a child.” His voice is low and dangerous, his eyes are dark as they bore into your own, unflinching. But you flinch. Each little syllabus he stresses has you squinting your eyes and wanting to shrink away from him.
You truly understand now how someone like him can inspire so much fear in others.
“If you continue this nonsense, I assure you…” he leans even closer, his words caressing your face in a terrifying way, “I will put an end to it as quickly as it started.” You close your eyes and turn your face slightly away from him as you feel each letter in his words spell out on your cheek. “Do I make myself absolutely clear?”
Silence. Silence fills the air.
The only exception to the quiet suspense lingering in the space between the both of you are his steady breaths and your quivering ones. As you open your eyes and look at him again, you feel like he's stolen the air in the room and the adrenaline pumping through your veins is not out of the excitement of action, but the fear of actually being hurt.
Because he may actually intend on hurting you.
You definitely feel it in the tips of your fingers, going numb with his tightened grip. You feel it in the sting of the back of your skull after it met the brick of his bedroom wall. You feel it in the scrape of your skin against said brick. And as he's met with silence from you, you feel it in the clutch of his hands around your wrist, his thumb pressing into your pulse and forcing your fingers to curl.
You whimper. You actually whimper—a soft and nearly silent little slip of sound from your lips as you force them to part and whisper meekly to him.
“You're hurting me.”
The fog of frustration lifts from his eyes and he immediately seems to come to his senses. In the next second, he's let you go and take several steps away from you. His eyes are a tad bit wider, and his lips are parted.
He hadn't realized he was actually hurting you.
You wince, holding your wrists as you massage them. Elijah notices the way you actually sink into yourself, trying to play it down but so easy to read in his eyes, eyes that watch you at every point he gets.
“Ow,” you whisper. “Jesus.”
Your wrists really hurt. They'll probably bruise. You reach a hand to the back of your head, wincing once again when your fingers brush the tiny bump that may form there, but feel relieved when there is no blood.
You sigh, glancing up at him and taking a couple small steps back. You think you may be standing too close, even still.
Elijah watches you, swallowing thickly. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you.
“I need a drink,” you mumble without the implied, ‘away from you’. Then you roll your eyes, “Oh, wait.”
You hate the feeling being pumped through your system right now. Fear. Fear or Elijah Mikaelson. A man you've never feared in your life. Even for a moment. Suddenly, you're terrified.
Because he may actually hurt you.
Elijah licks his bottom lip and looks down at his shoes. He takes a step back, and then makes a slow and straight path to a cupboard in his bedroom. He opens it, and pulls out a bottle of bourbon he kept hidden away there. In silence he pours two glasses and leaves yours on the edge of the table for you.
Tentatively, you take it.
It takes a moment for the word to form, afraid to vex him again, “...Thanks.”
He hums and says nothing else.
There's another long silence. You bring the glass to your lips and take a generous gulp, letting the alcohol burn down your throat and warm your chest. Elijah does the same.
He holds his glass in his hands, and for a moment you think he looks almost...shy.
He taps his glass, the sound filling the air between you. Without looking up at you, he takes in a gentle breath and speaks.
“Forgive me.”
You look at him. He meets your gaze slowly, making no attempt to step closer but offering all his sincerity. “I didn't mean to hurt you.”
You scoff lightly. “Your threat said otherwise.”
It's your own fault. You were being unnecessary, you were being stupid…
His voice, though firmer, doesn't betray the softness he'd utilized in his apology before. This is the gentlest you've ever experienced Elijah.
“I would not have hurt you to make you stop.”
“Wouldn't you?” you challenge lightly. You're afraid to provoke him some more.
But his reply is still just as firm. “No.” There's a gravity in his words that you don't have the capacity to dissect right now. “I would not.”
More silence. Longer silence.
You stare at him, taking in the sight of his face, which grows softer and softer as time goes on. Your fear slowly dwindles but it's still there, seemingly ever-present. You should apologize.
“You just…” you look down at the floor, “You just don't seem the type to feel bad about hurting me. You don't seem to like me very much.”
You don't want to sound as pathetic as you feel. Especially at the “don't seem to like me”. It feels so…childish, small, insignificant. You don't like me.
He shrugs, speaks matter-of-factly. “I don't. But I do not hate you, either.”
You scoff again, shaking your head lightly. You don't understand him…
Elijah sighs, moving slowly to take a seat again. He sits at the edge of his chair, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and he cradles his glass in his hands. “As much as your penchant for wreaking havoc with my brother frustrates me… You do remain his friend.” And he doesn't have many of those.
You chuckle, shaking your head, feeling the conflicts of your emotions and turning it to disdain to make it easier on you.
“Is that why you keep me around?”
“You want your baby brother to have a bestie?” You bring the cup to your lips but do not drink yet. “Otherwise I'd have already been dead in an alleyway or something?” You take a sip then, to hide the hurt you feel.
He shakes his head, staring at the contents of his cup. “You say that like I've always hated you.”
You raise a brow. “Haven't you?” You don't understand him.
He actually smiles, shaking his head. “You're so stubborn, aren't you?”
Without missing a beat, “It's my best quality.” You don't reciprocate his smile. As he watches you, his slowly fades anyway.
He looks down at your hands. They're shaking slightly. “You're hurt,” he frowns. “Let me help you.”
You take a step back, “I don't need your help.”
“Please.” He sounds small, non-confrontational. He doesn't sound like him, he sounds almost weak—almost like you.
You think about it, and then you take a breath of courage and relent. “No blood, though,” you mumble, trying to sound light-hearted and failing. You're still a bit shaken.
“God forbid you were healed,” he mumbles as he stands and makes your trade places with him as he sits you with the gentlest touches in his chair. He crouches in front of you and takes your hands in his own, frowning in an almost pained way at the cuts and scrapes that litter the lengths of your forearms. He did this.
Elijah stands, disappears, and reappears with a first-aid kit in his hands. He kneels in front of you once more, taking your hands and covering your skin in ointment and wrapping your wrists carefully with deft fingers.
Almost like he cares about you.
A warm feeling swells in your chest, but you stifle it before it can get too familiar, too comfortable. You take your hands back, holding your wrists gently as you rub your fingers over the bandages. You try not to be sentimental.
“Thanks,” you whisper, hating how weak you sound. You clear your throat and stand. He stands with you, moving slowly so as not to scare you. He doesn't want you to be afraid of him. You are never afraid of him.
“Sorry…” you clear your throat, “about the…throwing things. I overdid it.” You can't look him in the eyes. “It was childish—I'm childish, and I'm sorry.”
“Careful,” the slightest smirk teases his lips. “Someone may think we were actually friends.”
“God forbid,” you joke weakly.
As has become natural…there is silence. You're not used to so much silence with him. It's usually filled with petty insults and shallow jabs at the others shortcomings.
You look up at him, into his eyes. It's easier to see him a little more clearly in the silence. You can take in more information, like the depths of his eyes, the gleam of them, the richness of his brown irises…
“I'm gonna…” you break the silence as gently as you can, “go keep myself busy.”
He doesn't stop you. He doesn't salvage the strange, silent truce with a sly remark, he doesn't scoff or roll his eyes or walk away. He takes a step to the side and allows you to pass, watching you leave with tentative steps as you stare at the floor to keep from looking back at him. You don't understand him. He doesn't understand you. But you think that maybe, in this silent moment, you understand each other more than you ever have since the moment you first met.
You leave his room. He stands there, watching the open door, unblinking but thinking a million thoughts. He hears your gentle steps descend the stairs. Elijah sits back down, looking at your glasses, both still half-full and forgotten. He sighs. He's stupid.
He hears you downstairs. The soft steps of your shoes against the floor, the scoot of a chair.
He'd never meant to hurt you. As much as he threatens, as much as he remarks, he'd never lay a finger on you with the actual intent of hurting you.
He sighs, turning to take the books you'd thrown in his hands to set back on the shelf. He thinks as he arranges them into their original order. He thinks as he places his knick-knacks in their rightful positions.
He listens to your heart beat, a steady rhythm in the back of his mind. A few moments pass, and there is complete stillness in the compound.
But just as quickly as it settled, it was disrupted once more.
He hears your heart pick up, a fast and unsteady beat against your ribcage that all too suddenly disappears.
It only takes a moment to check every room in the compound. It takes only one other to check them all twice.
But you're gone.
His phone is in his hand and ringing in no time. He paces, unsettled as he bids his brother to answer quickly.
The dial tone ends. Klaus’ voice comes through, “I've just got the little witch. I'm sure being alone with her isn't as excruciating as you claim, broth–”
“Niklaus. She's gone.”
A pause. “What do you mean ‘she's gone’?” His voice is low, menacing. He's ready to draw blood.
“Her heartbeat raced, and then it disappeared.” He looks around again, in case he missed something the first two times. He hates to say that he feels like he may begin panicking. “She isn't in the compound, and I am still trapped.”
He knows. He checked. Three times.
“We're coming.”
He hangs up. Elijah lets his hand drop to his side, running the other through his hair and sighing. He closes his eyes, takes a breath.
It'll be fine.
There's a terrible pain at the base of your skull, and you wince when you become conscious enough to feel the pounding of it. Your neck is sore, but it's held back by something rather than left to hang freely. Duct tape, wrapped tightly around your throat.
Your fingers tingle with a numbing sensation spreading up to your wrist. Your hands are tied down to a chair, your ankles are restrained to the legs, and your back is sore from the very uncomfortable position you've been put in. The sticky adhesive hurts your skin.
You're not going anywhere.
You blink quickly as you open your eyes, a bright light flashing in your face and blinding. It's hot and humid, each breath you take is thick and sluggish. You look around, taking in your surroundings to try and see if you know where you are.
The walls are rundown with mold and cracks. The floorboards are weak and creaky. The light directed into your face is your only source of light. The sun has set, and it's a new moon tonight.
A groan slips through your lips before you can stop it.
“She's awake,” a voice announces. A woman.
The floorboards groan under the weight of someone's steps. You look up (as if you have much of a choice), your eyes still adjusting, especially with the pain becoming background noise in your mind.
“I heard.” A man, whose voice isn't particularly strong. After spending so much time with the Originals, you're sure to know the difference.
You'll be fine.
You watch him take his phone from his back pocket, holding up to your face. The flash goes off, and you wince as the tiny click of his phone sounds.
You groan, thinking quickly as you take in a breath. “Wait,” you say. “You didn't get my good side. You gotta do it again.”
Your voice is thick with exhaustion and dehydration, but it doesn't deter you. Just because you're the one in restraints doesn't mean you're the weak one here.
He bends down, moving his face into the light. He doesn't look very intimidating, though he tries to be. In fact, he looks terrible—tired and upset.
“So you're the little human Klaus keeps around?” he hums. His lip curls slightly into a scowl, and he shakes his head. “You don't look like much.”
You smile, shrugging as best you can. “I don't need to.” You tilt your head, “I have an endless supply of charm to work with.”
“That's funny,” he says humorlessly. He turns to the woman sitting in the corner. “She's funny.”
You assume she's a witch. After the incident at the compound and now the apparent kidnapping, that assumption isn't too far off.
You nod. “I'm hilarious.”
“All the time?” he wonders.
He makes a face, one to say he disagrees. He stands straight up again, walking around your chair. His knuckles rap against the back of it, and you roll your eyes. His tactics are amateur. Even the witch is bored, because she stands up and leaves.
“I personally don't think so.”
You furrow your brows, mocking sorrow. “Really? Why not? Wait,” you think for a moment. “I don't care.”
His hands fall on your shoulder, and you scowl. He's actually touching you. That's disgusting. If you could bite his hand or something, you would. But that currently isn't an option.
“There was one joke that wasn't very funny,” he says, bending down once more so you can see him.
“I always love feedback on my work. How'd it go?”
He smiles, but it's a sour thing on his face. “It went up in a tree, gutted like a fish and hanged. Like he was nothing.” Realization hits you. “You got my brother killed.”
So that's why you're here.
“Is that what this is about?” You shake your head, raising an uninterested brow. “Look, bud, all I did was punch him. Klaus killed him.”
He shrugs, “You definitely didn't stop him.” His words drip with a pain you can no longer empathize with.
“I didn't, no,” you tell him plainly, “because I didn't care and your brother was a jerk—and also Klaus is freakishly strong and I don't stand a chance.”
He's losing his patience. Now he's just pissed, and he's losing his power—what little he had to begin with anyway.
“Being a jerk isn't a fair enough reason to be slaughtered like that,” he argues. “Otherwise you'd already be dead.”
“So you're not going to kill me?” you ask. “Oh, that's a relief. I have a massage tomorrow at two. My shoulders have been killing me.”
“I think tense shoulders are the least of your worries right now.”
“I'm getting mixed signals here. Am I in danger or–”
“Shut up!” His hand wraps around your throat, tighter than the tape he has secured there as he pushes you up against the chair.
Adrenaline pumps through your veins, but it's well hidden as you watch him straight on. He's on the verge, you can tell. He might snap at any moment and it likely won't end well for you.
“You never stop talking, do you?” His voice is low and rough, his breath is thick with rage. “I don't know how anyone puts up with you and your constant blabbing, it's honestly pathetic.”
Your breath is thin but you won't let him have the last word. “Trust me, sweetheart,” you strain against his grip. “Nothing you say is really going to get under my skin. I've probably said it already.”
He leans in closer. You can feel his warm breath on your face, and you'd squirm if it wouldn't empower him. “You're a child.”
“I know. It keeps me young.”
He lets go of you, and before you can think of something else to say, the back of his hands smacks against your cheek. You grunt, your face whipping to the side as the tape cuts into your skin. It stings. He's very strong, and it shows in the dark stain arising in your cheek. You think his daylight ring clipped you because it really stings, and you think he may have drawn blood.
Your suspicions are validated when you see the veins in his eyes wriggling under his skin, his eyes darkening with the scent of your blood.
“Ah, shit!” you gasp, wanting to soothe the spot but being unable to. It really hurts. But you can't let him have the satisfaction. “I mean,” you catch your breath, “harder, Daddy.” You shake your head, wincing harshly. “God, that hurt, actually.”
He gets real close to your face again, but the pain of his smack makes it harder to show indifference. But it's not without trying. “You killed my brother,” he spits. “I'm going to hurt you really bad. And then…” he smiles, “I am going to kill you.”
Your breath is uneven, riled up with the anxiety of maybe not having the upper hand. If there's a witch, it means you're likely cloaked. The compound may still be sealed, so Elijah is still trapped—not that he would save you if he wasn't. Klaus, with all his power, may not be able to find you.
You might not get out of this alive.
Nevertheless. “You really shouldn't start with your big threat.” He turns away from you, annoyed. “There's no way to go from there.”
“I'm going to beat the shit out of you.
“See?” you ask, getting a little desperate now. Maybe you can distract him? “You already threatened my life. Anything else you say is significantly less impactful.”
“Shut up!” he shouts.
A gleam shines off a knife he pulls from his back pocket. Your eyes go wide with panic, and you try to react but there's nothing you can do. He raises it high, and in the next second, he's stabbed it into the meat of your thigh.
A scream tears from your throat. It's loud and rough and brings tears to your eyes as the pain rips through you like a fire. Your hands flex towards it, trying to soothe it in some way—any way—but to no avail.
He sneers, a dark chuckle leaving his throat. You watch his face change, his vampiric features creeping through again. “That's better.”
He pulls his phone out and snaps another picture. a wicked grin sneaks onto his face.
You're in full panic mode. You can't even attempt to be funny anymore, you've begin genuinely freaking out because there's a fucking knife in your leg.
“Okay, I'm sorry,” the words leave your mouth at the speed of light. “I'm sorry. I fucked up. I shouldn't have let Klaus do it. Granted, I can't really stop him when he's got murder on his mind, but I should have tried, and I didn't, and that's on me. I'm sorry. No, no, no, no, I'm sorr–!”
Another painful shout rips through you as he tears the knife from your leg. It bleeds, and it bleeds bad. Tears have begun pooling in your eyes, and dropping down your face and off your chin. Your screams stutter with sobs, and you gasp but there's too much air in your lungs to actually inhale each breath. The tape around your neck chokes you.
More flashes, more pictures
“You can scream as loud as you like, sweetheart. Your precious Mikaelsons are trapped in their house, and we're cloaked. No one's gonna find us until I'm done.”
Mikaelsons. Not Mikaelson. He thinks Klaus is trapped. If you can stall just long enough…
But your hope is running out and the blood is pooling. It's hard to think past the pain.
Klaus will save me. He always saves me.
This guy hates you and your jokes. He wants nothing more than to shut you up for good, but he isn't going to kill you unless he's broken you. He isn't going to take your life until your jokes have run dry and there's no more fun in stripping you of your depleted humor. If you want to live a little longer, you've got to keep them locked and loaded.
You just don't know how long you'll last.
“Well,” you stutter, whispering a confidence you don't have, “if I'm truly fucked, I guess I'm gonna have to use the rest of my good jokes on you.”
His hands wrap around your throat again. He squeezes, and your head feels hot and heavy. Every inch of your face tingles in a terrible way. Your lungs burn as the pressure builds. You flex your hands, you pull at the layers and layers of tape, you try to do something to get you out of here.
He watched you struggle, crude fingers digging into your pulse points. He watches the fight diminish to a dull scrape of your chair against the floor. When you begin to go limp and the life sinks from your eyes, he lets go.
You've never taken a deeper breath in your life.
A fit of coughs forces its way from your throat. It feels so good to breathe, a dull euphoria buzzing in the back of your brain against the horrible pain of your leg, but—fuck—you can't do it.
“Try speaking through that,” he huffs, satisfied with his method.
For a moment, you think, Maybe… Maybe I should just let him kill me and get it over with.
But Klaus would never forgive you, and if Elijah hadn't hated you before, he surely would then.
For the boys. Not for you. I'm doing this for the boys.
“C-Come clo–” You cough, the hoarseness of your throat too much to be coherent. “Closer.”
He relent, leaning down as his hands brace himself on your arms. It hurts as he transfers most of his weight on them, but you try not to wince.
“That was…” you take in a terrible breath, your voice is a squeak, “really hot.”
Apparently, he doesn't like your jokes.
Snatching up the tape, he presses it against your mouth in generous amounts to ensure not a single word comes out of you.
He picks up the knife, flipping it in his hands as he examines you. You pull weakly against your restraints—to no avail, of course—as he steps closer and closer. You mumble incoherently against your muffle. You try to say something, anything. You need to bargain, you need to joke, you need to do something.
“I'm going to enjoy this.”
The torture is too much. He slices and stabs and scrapes, his movements both swift and slow and ragged and clean. You scream, sob, choke, make all the noise you can. He cuts you in all the right ways, missing your major arteries to ensure you don't bleed out before he's finished with you.
You're lightheaded, and it's hard to see. The pain is so great, you're not even sure you're feeling all of it by this point. Your voice is so abused by your cries that they're hardly audible anymore.
Every time he lets up, taking your silence for defeat, you grant him a look with all the defiance you can muster and brace for the pain to come.
Klaus is going to owe you so much when he gets here.
If he gets here.
You don't know how much more you can take.
He takes a picture at every point. He's gotten so many photos on his phone by now. So many of you screaming and crying, so many of you hurting and so close to broken.
You don't want him to see them.
He grips the knife again. You feel another weak sob rising in your throat when suddenly–
He turns toward the door, his movements halting to listen. There was a rustle, leaves and twigs. Probably nothing…
“Witch!” he yells. No response. “Avaline!” Nothing. He grunts, shaking his head. His knuckles tighten around the knife. “She's gone.”
You mumble against the tape. He looks at you and relents. He rips the tape off, ensuring it hurts you. You cry a little.
“You gonna…” your mouth and your throat are dry, “go investigate that…suspicious noise?”
He smacks you. You make no sound. He looks over his shoulder. “It's just a possum,” he mumbles, not believing himself. “They're all over the place.”
There's another rustle, a possum. He turns to you, silent.
“What? No funny quip?”
You try to think of something, but you come up dry. You let your head lean forward, ignoring the way the tape strains on your throat. It takes so much strength to hold up your head, and you're tired. You're covered in blood and sweat and tears, and you just want to sleep.
When you remain silent, he smiles, triumphant. He checks the time, sighing almost regretfully.
Click. Click.
“Okay,” he says. “Time to wrap this up.”
He tightens his grip around the knife. You want to fight…but you've gotten nothing left. You think of Klaus, how pissed he'll be, the upset he'll feel when you're gone. You don't think of yourself as having a huge impact on others and their lives. You've always thought you were disposable, and you flitted through people's lives holding that ideal.
But Klaus. Klaus is the one person you know loves you, in his way. And when you're dead, he will raise hell. You want to smile at the idea, but it takes too much.
Elijah will be upset.
A choked sound catches in your throat when the knife slices through the flesh of your belly. It drives in, and you don't have the energy to scream. The satisfaction in his eyes beams.
I'm sorry.
He smiles, readjusting his hold on his knife. He goes to twist–
“Keep your filthy hands off of her.”
They move too fast for you to realize he's already pressed up against the wall, held by his neck by a curling hand intent on ripping out throats. A tiny blossom of hope swells in your chest.
You're too dizzy to pay attention to your hero, it's all so fuzzy.
“How did you get out?” he says, panicking as he claws at his attacker’s hand.
“You've got a poor witch.”
You know that voice. Don't you? Somewhere in your brain. He's familiar…
“Your brother killed mine,” he keeps trying. It's retribution. It's retribution. “I'm only repaying a debt.”
He gets close to his face, squeezing his throat even tighter as he begins to sputter and choke. His jaw is clenched, his eyes are black, his face is dangerous.
“So am I.”
A hand bursts through his chest, squeezing around his beating heart. And he holds it there, he ensures that this creature feels every last thing. His grip tightens, and tightens, and tightens, and he relishes in the feeling of his beating heart slowly failing.
He pulls it out, holding the useless organ in his palm with the same disgust he grants the man it belongs to. It falls to the ground with a splat, as does he.
Your savior steps into your line of sight, his dark eyes wide with intense emotion you can't quite place. And you would smile if you could find the will.
He came for you. Elijah.
His bloodied hand presses against the side of your face. You don't flinch, even as he takes hold of the tape and rips it apart like he's nothing. He takes care to remove it from your neck, and you slump forward with your newfound freedom. Your neck is so tight, it really hurts.
“Are you alright?” he asks, his eyes falling on the knife in your belly.
“Do I look alright…” you struggle to gasp, adding on the end so he doesn't worry too much. You don't want him to worry. “...Genius?”
He tries to look calm. He doesn't want to worry you. “Well, you're still funny, so you can't be hurt that badly.” That's a lie. You look terrible. There's blood everywhere. It takes every ounce of control he's got not to vamp out. He's never seen you worse.
“Fuck you.”
“Another time,” he says. You like jokes. He'll joke for you. “Breathe for me.”
You can't breathe. If you breathe, the knife moves, and it hurts so much. The gears are building so much, you can't even see his face. It's too late. You feel it coming. You tried.
He places his hand on the knife’s handle and begins to move. Before he can do anything, a scream tears from your throat with an energy you weren't aware you still possessed.
You begin to sob, a weak thing that slips from your throat and breaks his heart. He's never seen you so…broken. You were as strong and relentless as his brother, and now you're sobbing in his hands.
“No, don't,” you cry. “Don't, please.” You babble incoherently, in too much pain to properly pronounce your agony.
“I know,” he bids as softly as he can, “but it must come out so I can heal you.”
But your sobs overpower his gentle pleas. “It hurts. Elijah, it hurts so bad.”
He's getting choked up. He can't stand seeing you like this but he refuses to look away. “I know.”
“Please make it stop. Please.”
“I will,” he says, rolling up his sleeve. Biting into his wrist, he forces it to your lips as the blood rolls down his skin. “But you must drink.”
You refuse, sealing your lips shut and turning away from him. He doesn't have time for this—you don't have time for this. “You are in no position to refuse.”
It's getting harder and harder to breathe, to think straight. You can't think straight.
You shake your head weakly, slumping forward still as you feel your body giving out. “I don't want…” You lick your dry lips. “I'm not ready…”
He hears what you can't say. You're not ready to turn…
“You have to drink,” he tries, sounding as desperate not as he feels. His hand braces around the back of your head, he holds your dearly. “You must drink.”
You can't breathe. You try to inhale, but your breath is shallow and quick, fast pulls of air that don't reach your lungs before they're being forced out again. He says your name, pleading.
It's coming. You have to say it before it's too late.
He shakes his head. “Save your strength.”
No. You can do this. You can spend the last of your strength on this. “I never hated you…” your voice is barely above a whisper. It's choppy and slow, and you try to say everything you need to. “Just thought…” you try to clear your throat, you can taste the blood in the back of your throat, “just thought…” just a few more words, “...you hated…” you take in a weak breath struggling, “...me…”
His eyes are so full, so full of unshed tears and words he wants to say but cannot. “I don't,” he tries, keeping you awake for as long as you can, though you're fading quick. “But I can't prove it to you unless you live. Now drink.”
With all the strength you have left, you smile. It's a tiny, weak, painful little thing, but you do it for him. You don't want the last thing he knows of you to be petty insults or weak confessions of truth. You want him to know that you died with a real smile on your face, one you've wanted to give to him for a long time.
He calls your name, you don't respond as your drooping eyes begin to close. Your heart still beats, your pulse is weak but it still beats.
And he refuses to let you die. You will not die.
“If you won't save yourself, I will.”
Elijah flicks through the photos he'd found of that bastard’s phone. He looks at them all, one by one. He sees your eyes, so full of fear and pain and anger and hopelessness. Through each picture, he watches the resilience in your eyes fade until there's nothing but the emptiness of acceptance. He hates it, and he punishes himself with every single photo, refusing to forget that he almost lost you.
He hasn't shown Niklaus. And he doesn't intend to.
Your steady breaths are the only thing keeping him sane. If not for those, he would be losing his mind, pacing around the room and wanting nothing more than to punish someone for his shortcomings.
You almost died.
You should have died.
The rhythm of your breath is disrupted by a long inhale. He looks at you, watching your eyelids flicker and your brows furrow. A tiny hum arises from your throat.
Elijah crushes the phone in his palm. It crumbles to the floor.
You open your eyes, immediately blinded by the daylight peaking through the curtains. He moves his chair a little closer, giving you a small smile.
“Hey,” he says. Not ‘hello’, not ‘good afternoon’, not some smart and quick-witted comment. Just ‘hey’.
You grumble your response. Your body is heavy but not nearly as painful as you should feel. The memories of the night before flood into you before you can even see properly, but you know something is off before you can even react to them. You shouldn't be able to move right now.
“How are you feeling?” he asks gently.
You sit up slowly, rising onto your elbows and staying there. “Like there's no longer a knife in my gut.”
“Technically, it missed your gut. The luck you have astounds me.”
You hum and look around. “Where's Klaus?”
He sits back again, but not in any comfortable way. “Trying to locate the witch who got away.”
You're not surprised, though you'd hoped he would be at your side when you awoke. “So the normal murder and mayhem thing?”
He hums. “The normal murder and mayhem thing.”
You got to sit up some more, stopping when you feel the ache in your body keeping you from doing so. You grunt. “Well,” you sigh, “that answered my question.”
A gentle hand presses against your completely bandaged arm. “Sit back,” he commands softly. “I've healed your deep wounds but everything else is still very much in recovery.”
You state the obvious as you sit back against the headboard, not looking at him. “You used your blood.”
“I did,” he says, unashamed. “I'm so sorry to have saved your life.”
You glance away from him. “Yeah…”
You look around the room, thinking silently. You're alive. You're in his room in the compound, tucked in his covers, secured in bandages that you're sure he did himself, and you're alive.
It's confusing.
He could have been rid of you, but he's here healing your wounds and watching over you while you rest. He could have let you die and say he came too late, said good riddance and left you be, but he's here making sure you recover. He could have just healed you and left. You would wake on your own and come to terms on your own with the fact that you are still breathing air.
He could have let you turn. He could have let you turn and left you to deal with the life of a vampire on your own, not ready and completely lost.
But he didn't.
It's confusing.
“Why are you still here, anyway?” you ask, turning to him with a furrowed brow. “I'm fine, you don't have to stay.”
He clenches his jaw, sitting back. “You were under my protection, and I let you get hurt.” His voice is soft, but it holds a gravity foreign to you on his lips. “It's my fault this happened. I'm making sure it doesn't happen again.”
So he feels guilty.
“Elijah, I know the only reason you saved me is because of me being Klaus’ friend or whatever,” you hide how much it hurts to say it out loud, “but you really don't have to stay behind and watch my every move anymore.” You swallow thickly, “You can get back to your life.”
He scoffs. “I did not only save you because of your relationship with my brother.” He seems almost offended. “Has it ever occurred to you that I actually care?”
You answer honestly.
“Not really. Once or twice on a maybe.” He nearly winces. It actually hurts him to hear you speak so truthfully about it. Had he really been so terrible to you?
You almost died, and you would have died thinking he despised you. The thought makes him cold.
“We aren't friends, I know,” you whisper.
There's a long silence. You don't look at him, but he can't look away from you.
“Do you remember what you told me?” His voice is gentle.
“Before you passed out.”
You sigh, looking down at your hands as you brush your finger over the large band-aid going across the back of your palm. Yes, you remember. You remember how hard it was to say, you remember feeling your heart gushing in your chest, you remember the dizzying sight of his saddened face.
“I said…I didn't hate you.” You breathe in, looking at him. “And I don't.”
He shrugs, as if that answers all your questions. “Neither do I.”
That makes no sense. Now more than ever, you need something to make sense. You want him to give you a straight answer, you want your heart to stop pounding, you want your head to stop hurting, and you just want to tell him the truth, rather than the sarcasm-coated taunts you've had prepared for him for years.
“I don't get this,” you groan, resting your face in your hands and ignoring the pain blossoming from the bruises.
You look at him, dropping your hands in your lap. “From day one, you've been glaring daggers at me, threatening me, proving constantly that you want nothing to do with me and that my life to you is petty and needless.” His lips part, but he says nothing. “Now you're healing my wounds and saving my life and telling me you don't hate me.”
You're still so vulnerable from the night before, your emotions are still so raw from the fresh wounds you'd accumulated and the desperate confessions you'd revealed. Your eyes burn with tears, glowing easily with all that practice last night. And it only frustrates you, because you're tired of crying. You're tired of feeling so vulnerable, especially in front of him.
“Telling me,” you sniffle, wiping at your face roughly, groaning at the pain but doing nothing to stop it, “you actually care about me.” You're so tired.
He's hurt you again. He can't seem to stop hurting you.
He sits forward, clasping his hands in front of himself. “Do you want to know why I treated you as I did?”
“Yes,” you nod definitely. “Yes, I do. As much as I'd love to deny it I really wanna fucking know why you're playing with me like this.”
You want the truth. So he'll give it to you. It's the only thing he can really give to you.
“Because I'm a stupid man who is unable to articulate my feelings.” You go silent ad he stares at you, his gaze unyielding and yet so comforting in the way he watches you. You love his eyes, always watching, always on you, even when you both pretended they weren't.
He speaks softly but with a sincerity you feel pulling in your chest. “I haven't felt the way I have for anyone the way I feel for you in hundreds of years. Do you know what happened the last time I did?” You don't answer him, knowing the answer. Always knowing the answer to that question. The life of an immortal, a painful existence. His voice nearly broke with unshed tears. “She died. She was taken from me, and she died.”
He looks away from you, collecting himself once more with a steadying breath. Slowly, he makes himself look at you again. You stare at him, eyes wide and…fond. He was so afraid to find fear there, ever since he first saw it in your eyes yesterday, he's been terrified of finding your gaze to be a horrified stare.
But you gaze.
It gives him the courage to continue on. “I don't want to feel that way again. I don't want to lose like that again.” He almost lost you. “I did it to protect myself, and you. It's just my luck you stayed. My luck you let yourself fight me, too. Because with every petty insult, every little name, my love for you grew, and I hated it because I was trying so hard to hate you.”
Silence. Complete silence.
You stare at him, eyes wide, brows pinched. He watches you with all the emotion brimming in his chest, and you have to take a long moment to yourself to think clearly.
You look down at your hands, your bottom lip trembling. You take a slow breath in, suddenly remembering to breathe as you cast your eyes upon him once more.
“You love me?”
He sighs, nodding, reaching out slowly and taking your hand. His are large and warm, and you could sit there holding his hand forever.
“Yes,” he says. “Yes, I love you.” This can't be real, surely. “I love you, and I'm sorry.”
Your breath shakes. He's sorry.
“I'm sorry, too,” you whisper, your voice weak but just as determined to tell him the truth: the cold, naked, selfish truth. “Because if I ever had to live without you, Elijah, I think I'd die.” You swallow thickly. “I'd rather spend my whole life pretending to hate you than spend the rest of it without you.”
You shake your head, squeezing his hand. “I love you so much it hurts.” You hate that you're crying again, especially when he is not.
But then you watch a lonely tear slip down his cheek, and you start to feel a little better. He laughs, a startled thing that takes him by surprise as he looks down at your hands. A laugh of your own bubbles out of your chest, you're perfectly content to sit there, holding hands and laughing. God, you love him.
His thumb brushes the back of your palm. A watery chuckle escapes you as you shake your head and roll your eyes. You wipe your tears away, sick of crying and wanting to take the victory with a smile instead of tears.
“God forbid we handle our feelings like adults, though, right?”
He nods, flicking his own away. “God forbid.”
You lick your lip briefly. “Please come here and kiss me.”
He wastes no time in covering the distance between you, wrapping a hand carefully around the back of your neck as he cradles your head. He pulls you in to meet halfway, his lips pressing up against yours. It's a perfect kiss, a perfect fit. One you had certainly not imagined a million times between insults and remarks.
You love him, you love him, you love him. And he loves you.
It feels so nice to finally tell the truth.
Because there are many things to love about Elijah Mikaelson, and there are many things to love about you. And you do. You love them through and through, finally finding solace in all the wrongs and not-quite-rights you'd lived with all these years.
“If we do this,” he says, pulling away from your lips but keeping his forehead pressed against yours, unable to pull apart from you after finally building that bridge, “your life will always be in danger.”
You smile. “Klaus Mikaelson is my best friend. My life is already in danger.” Your lips softly peck his own. “Might as well keep it up.”
A smile of his own tugs at his mouth and he pulls you in yet again, already so addicted to the taste of him. You love the way he loves you.
“Well, I suppose you're stuck with me now,” he sighs between kisses.
You chuckle lightly. You have no problem with that.
“Back at you.”
Klaus will have a field day when he finds out.
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Always and Forever taglist: @avala-moon​ @xxwritemeastoryxx @melodiclovesong @katsukis1wife @thebrotherssalvatore321 @strangerliaa @njeancastro316 @dumble-daddy @thelastpyle @lovelyy-moonlight @hb8301 @athena-royal @alexxavicry @dumb-fawkin-bitch @papichulo120627 @kmc1989 @the-nerdy-goddess @evansstan-akya @anotherblackreader Suit and Staglist:​​ @deviously-innocent @wanniiieeee @brandyovereager @starkleila @amythedoctor @slytherinlyn16 @anastacia1705 @sugakookieswithacupoftae16
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221 notes · View notes
roselilies · 2 months
There is no stronger force than that of a girl’s desperation to write about her male hyperfixation.
3K notes · View notes
mrs-kmikaelson · 10 months
Should've Known Better
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x reader, Mikaelsons x sister-in-law!reader, Kol Mikaelson x reader (if you squint), Marcel Gerard x mother-figure!reader Summary: After a thousand years of marriage, everything comes crumbling down, taking you with it. But you shouldn't have been so surprised; you knew that Klaus was fire, and you knew that fire burned. You should've known better. Warnings: long, lots of angst and tears, cheating, (do i put tw for violence? like it's tvd, ofc there's violence), no promises of a happy ending Words: 7.8K
Masterlist | Part 2
a/n: not an update for the tribrid yet, but i come bearing a peace offering. this is the only one for now, but i have an idea for a part two if you guys want one. also, tell me if you want to be on just my klaus taglist or my tvdu one.
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In the past, you’d been told that your relationship with Klaus didn’t make any sense. You ignored them. They don’t know us, you thought. They don’t understand what we’ve gone through. And that, for the most part, was true.
You were turned with the Mikaelsons when you were only twenty-one years old. You and Klaus had stuck together since then. Through all the trials and tribulations, you two were inseparable. The daggering of his siblings, the hunter’s curse, his enemies coming after you, trying to break his curse—you were there every step of the way. Nothing could make you leave him. In your mind, it didn’t matter what obstacle life threw at you; you’d beat it. You beat it every single time.
Later, you realized that you should’ve known this would happen sooner.
You should’ve known that it was too good to be true.
You could still remember walking into your shared apartment that day in the nineties. You were on top of the tallest mountain, feeling like you were on top of the world. Until suddenly you fell, plummeting down to the ground as the life you’d built fell with you. But that wasn’t the right word to use. You did not fall that day.
You were pushed.
“Nik, I got the-”  you cut yourself off, dropping the bags in your hands to the ground. Something in them cracked, but you couldn’t hear a thing. Your world went silent; it was as if the only cracking you could hear was the cracking of your own heart.
Klaus quickly got up, speeding to you. While he was able to get his pants on quickly, there was nothing he could do to hide the blonde in his bed- your bed.
“Y/N, love, it’s not-”
“It’s not what, Klaus?” Tears that you didn’t even know were there raced down your cheeks. You saw him wince when you addressed him. You never called him that.
“This is not what it looks like.”
“Oh, really? So you didn’t just fuck this girl in our bed?” At that, his eyes went downcast. You felt your hands shake. He had no explanation to give you and you knew that; it wouldn’t matter if he had one, anyway. You weren’t gonna stick around to listen to it.
You sped out of your shared apartment as fast as you could, not caring if any human onlookers saw. That day, you swore to yourself that you were done.
You should’ve known better.
That day, you ended up running to Elijah, hoping he would give you refuge, but you knew now that it was wishful thinking. It didn’t matter that Klaus and Elijah were fighting. It didn’t matter how close you and the nobleman were, how much he claimed to care for you. At the end of the day, his brother would still mean more to him.
So, that same day, Elijah brought you right back to Klaus.
You refused to talk to him, but he begged, and begged, and begged. He promised, and promised, and promised. He showered you with affection and more sweet-nothings than he’d ever given you. So, you thought to yourself, he’s trying. He just made a dumb mistake. We all deserve second chances.
You kick yourself now for ever being so stupid. But, at the time, all you could think about was the centuries upon centuries of love the two of you shared. It felt like a crime to throw it all away over one mistake.
But it wasn’t just one mistake.
“Y/N, love, please don’t do this-” Klaus reached a hand out to grab your arm, but you shoved him away. You stormed out of the house, your husband following right behind you. It was pouring outside, but you didn’t care. There was a much more dangerous storm brewing inside of you. You’d prefer to be out in the rain than to ever be in that house with him again.
“Y/N, please-”
“Get the hell away from me.”
You spun on your heel and exploded, “Get the hell away from me, Klaus!” The rain hid it all so well, but you were both crying.
“Please, I can’t lose you.” You finally broke down, letting out a sob. You fell down to the ground as Klaus tried desperately to catch you, ending up kneeling on the ground next to you.
You tried to hard to be strong, not to cry, but you couldn’t help it. You were smart; you knew better than to let a man do this to you. But, when it came to Klaus, the man you’d spent your entire life with, your heart overpowered your head.
Your voice cracked with every word you spoke. “You said this would never happen again.”
“No, you promised me, Nik, you said never again.” He opened his mouth to speak, but you didn’t let him get a word in. “You said you would never put me through this again-”
“It’s been all of ten years, and here we are, in the same position you put us in last time-” You cut yourself off sobbing as your voice failed you. You buried your head in your hands. The heartbreak you felt was ineffable, so much more intense than the last time. When you said your vows all those years ago, so high on happiness, you never could’ve imagined that you’d one day feel like this—that Klaus would make you feel like this.
He didn’t say anything else. There was nothing to say. There was no defence for what he was doing to you. So instead, he wrapped his arms around you, and being tired, you let him.
It was funny, almost. Even as he engulfed you in his warmth, even after he took you inside and placed you by the fireplace, you still felt so cold.
After the second time, you left him. You woke up the morning after, wrapped in his arms, and you left without looking back. Leaving him almost hurt just as much as catching him in the act, but you knew this was what was best. You needed to do this.
This time, you didn’t go to Elijah. You cut off all communication with the Mikaelsons completely, even though they were both blowing up your phone. After the first fifty phone calls, you threw it in a dumpster.
Being away from Klaus made you feel better, but you still didn’t feel like you. For a long time, you felt broken, incomplete, so used. You didn’t know who you were without him. But you got better. 
Slowly, you built yourself back up, building walls around your heart so that no one could ever do that to you again. But if Klaus was the big bad wolf, then you may as well have just been a little piggy because, when he found you, he blew those walls down effortlessly as if they were made of straw.
See, Klaus Mikaelson was like a whirlpool: try and swim away all you want, but he would just keep sucking you in until you’d eventually die.
You should’ve known better.
You walked into your apartment with a kick in your step. It was a good day; you were happy. But the smile on your face dropped when you saw the figure standing in your home.
You tried to go back out through the door, but Klaus was faster, speeding to you and closing it shut, caging you between the door and him. You let out a shaky breath, unable to turn around as you rested your forehead against the door, tears welling in your eyes.
It’d been three years since you last saw him, the longest you’d ever gone without seeing him, yet he still made you feel things that no one else on earth could.
For a moment, you were both mute until you broke the silence, whispering, “What are you doing here?”
You heard him swallow as if he was scared, but you were the one that was terrified. Klaus would never lay a hand on you, but he could hurt you in ways that were so much worse, so at that moment, you feared for your life. Because you knew that, with the right words, he could get you to fall into his trap again, and going through all this again would kill you.
“I-” he paused, like he was gathering his thoughts. You thanked whatever god was out there that he didn’t make you face him. “I knew you were here, I just- I wanted you to have time to yourself, but, Y/N, it’s time to come home now.”
Your lips quivered as you struggled to hold the tears. He made it sound like this was a game, and maybe to him it was, but it wasn’t like that for you. This wasn’t a break that you’d just “come back” from; you were done, you promised yourself that.
You shook your head, but Klaus spoke before you could even utter your protests. “I can break my curse.” Your eyes involuntarily went wide, not having expected that. You were just about to spin around, but he turned you first. As soon as your eyes met his, you couldn’t help the tear that fell down your face.
It was like you forgot how beautiful he could be.
He looked to be having somewhat of the same reaction as you, scanning over you as if couldn’t tell that you were real. And honestly, you even felt like pinching yourself, too.
His voice got softer. “There’s a girl in Virginia, the doppelgänger.” He paused to let you say something, but you were so taken aback by everything that’d happened after you stepped into your apartment that you were practically speechless. How ironic. You’d spent months agonizing over all you’d say to him if you ever saw him again, but now that you were, you had nothing to say.
“I am so close, Y/N,” he whispered. His hands cupped your cheek so gently that a stranger would’ve never guessed that this man had destroyed entire villages, that he even destroyed you, too. When he rested his forehead on yours, the tears that you were trying so hard to hold in came falling like your eyes were a waterfall. “I can- I can wake the rest of the family. Rebekah, Kol, Finn- I know how much you miss them all.”
Your heart tightened in your chest because you did miss them, but you forgot just how much you missed him.
“We can be a family again, Y/N.” You screwed your eyes shut. Your husband was a smart man. Whether the tears in his eyes were real or if he was just a great actor, you couldn’t be sure, but he knew exactly what your weak-spots were and he was using them against you.
This wasn’t fair, you thought. This wasn’t fair at all.
“Please, let us be a family again.” You opened your eyes, biting your lip to prevent the sobs from escaping. “I love you.” Oh, you should’ve kept your eyes closed. You should’ve sped out the door the second you saw him. You should’ve ran farther, tried harder to disappear so that he would’ve never found you.
But none of that mattered.
Because, just like that, you folded.
After a week, you ended up leaving with Klaus. You helped him with his plans to become a hybrid, and he was trying, you could tell he was really trying, but your marriage wasn’t the same. Whenever you kissed him, you couldn’t help but wonder, did she kiss him like this? When you made love, you wondered, was he so tender and loving with her, too? Were you even as special as he told you that you were?
There was only so much trying he could do. You knew the damage was done. You now had insecurities that no amount of sweet words could ever get rid of. You were such a confident woman, but you didn’t feel that way, not anymore.
Your mirror was cracked, sure, but you could still see yourself. You still saw a future, a bright future. You, Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Finn—you could all be a family, just like Klaus told you that day. You could see it.
So you stayed.
Eventually, they were all woken up. For a while, things felt normal, like when you’d been human. But you were starting to learn that good things never lasted long enough.
When Esther came back, she tried to kill you all. You defeated her, as a family, but no matter how hard you tried to convince them, your siblings all left. This family’s broken, Kol said to you. You’d best get out while you can, Y/N.
You should’ve listened to him.
But you didn’t, and you’d later wonder if things would’ve been different. If you took Kol’s offer to come with him, to leave your husband and travel the world, then would you have been happy?
You tell yourself you’d never know, but you knew deep down that you would’ve been happy, that at least you wouldn’t have been devastated.
It was only you and Rebekah; you were the only ones that could stick by Klaus. In that way, you two were one in the same, two sides of the same coin. You’d always be living in the same hell, trying to get to heaven by being loyal to him, but little did you both know, the longer you stayed, the deeper down into hell you went. Until heaven was unobtainable. 
For a while, things were okay. You and Klaus were okay—God, you were just getting to okay. And then Kol died.
That took the cake. Nothing you’d ever felt was so painful, not even what your soulmate did to you, or the man who was supposed to be your soulmate.
Suddenly, you were wishing you could turn back time, wishing you could’ve gone with Kol when he asked you to, wishing you could’ve spent more time with him—you just got him back.
After Kol’s death, it was like the idea of a family became unobtainable, too.
You were in pieces, but Rebekah stayed strong. She handled Klaus while you couldn’t, because wasn’t that your job? What else were you here for—what else were either of you here for?
You wanted to kill Jeremy Gilbert, to rip him and Elena to shreds and to make the Salvatores watch. You wanted them to feel even an inch of your pain, but Klaus didn’t let you, and you resented him for it.
The way he behaved after Kol’s death was unforgivable to you, but you were able to see past it because what was his death if it wasn’t a wake up call? You didn’t want to take this life for granted; you didn’t want to wake up one day, regretting not spending time with your husband because he was dead.
So you repaired the bond that was severed after Kol. You held him and he held you just as tight, if not tighter. Neither of you wanted to lose the other. So you worked for it, you worked for something better, you worked to be something like what you were before—to be anything like what you were before.
But, oh, you should’ve known better.
You didn’t walk in on Klaus cheating on you a third time. He confessed to you, tears in his eyes. He begged, and made promises, and begged, and begged, and cried, and cried, and he did the whole routine, but you were silent throughout it all.
You didn’t cry. You felt like your body was out of tears. God knows you’d cried an ocean away for Klaus, for this family, for the family you could’ve had.
You didn’t say anything, but you knew better now. You weren’t gonna run away, you’d learned from your mistakes. Instead, you moved into a different room in the house. The flowers, the jewelry, the sweet words—oh, all of the things that’d made you swoon in the past didn’t faze you. You’d been force-fed so many sweet words that you now had a tooth ache that no doctor could fix.
You didn’t talk to Klaus for weeks, but when the time came, you followed him to New Orleans. You were practically lifeless, but when Klaus brought you into a bar and you were met with the sight of the boy you took in, the boy you thought died, it was like someone took a defibrillator to your chest.
Hugging Marcel for the first time in almost a century was like CPR. Is this a play? you wondered. Is this Klaus’ strategy? But at that moment, it didn’t matter. Once again, you were reminded of Kol. You needed to cherish your loved ones while you still could, and so it didn’t matter if Klaus was using Marcel to get you to crack, you’d appreciate it, anyway.
But you should’ve known better. You should’ve known that you couldn’t be happy.
When you got to the plantation late at night, the house Klaus insisted you stay in, you were confused to see a brunette woman standing on the stairs.
You furrowed your brows while the woman’s went up. She looked like a deer in headlights. Before you could ask her any questions, your sister came into view. She looked almost as shocked as you.
She ignored you. “You’re here,” she said, surprise lacing her voice and an unknown emotion in her eyes.
“Yes, I am.” You glanced in between Rebekah and the brunette, starting to become unnerved with their expressions. You didn’t know why she was surprised that you were here; it was you who should’ve been surprised at her arrival.
You should’ve known better.
“Elijah- Elijah didn’t tell me you’d be here.”
You only got more confused as she went on. “Elijah’s here?”
She ignored you again, scoffing under her breath, shaking her head at the ground. “My brother’s a fool,” she muttered. And only then did you realize that the emotion in her eyes was pity.
You looked back to the brown-haired woman, instantly realizing why she was looking at you like you were going to attack her. Quickly, you looked away before you actually did. You didn’t say the exact words out loud, but they knew that you knew.
“What is she doing here?” Your voice was sharp; you saw the girl flinch out of the corner of her eye.
When Rebekah looked up at you, you felt your heart drop. She looked at you like you were the last to be let in on the secret, like she knew she was about to single-handedly crush you. Softly, she told you, “Listen.” And so you did.
And then every other time your heart broke felt like nothing. Nothing could compare to the utter shock you felt, the pain. Because you heard a little heartbeat, and you knew the implication Rebekah was making.
You looked up to the girl to see that she was about to cry. That almost made you lose it. Who was she to cry? you thought.
You looked at Rebekah to see tears in her eyes, too. “How?” You asked, but she didn’t get a chance to reply.
“Niklaus is a hybrid, Y/N.” You turned to see Elijah slowly walking into the room. He looked careful, almost, like anything he said could set you off. “He’s not a full vampire-”
“And she’s human,” you cut him off, humourlessly chuckling. The human girl gave him a baby.
You couldn’t help but wonder, if you had a baby while you were human, would your marriage have ended up this way?
But none of that mattered. Right now, it felt like nothing mattered. Just as you thought there was nothing more Klaus could do to you, he gets his one night stand pregnant. Now she wasn’t so much of a one night stand anymore, was she?
Your siblings were looking at you like you were a china doll, like their brother had just thrown you and they were waiting for you to break. But your face was blank. On the inside, however, there was an entire hurricane taking place, but it was like your body refused to release any of it. Oh, you wanted to break down, you wanted to so badly, but it felt impossible.
There was nothing more to say- nothing you cared to hear, anyway. So you slowly walked up the stairs, heading for a guest room, ignoring Rebekah and Elijah’s calls. The blonde started crying, and if you’d looked down, then you would’ve seen Elijah burning a hole into the ground with his gaze.
You didn’t want to look at either of them, especially not your husband’s right hand man. You were growing to resent Elijah, even though there was a time when you were the best of friends. Maybe if he hadn’t brought you back to Klaus that day in 1996, then you could’ve been spared this horrible, horrible feeling. But no. Any relationship you had with a Mikaelson was trumped by the relationship they had with Klaus.
Of course, they were here, you thought. Of course, they come running back to him the second he does something stupid.
But how mad at them could you really be?
Haven’t you always been doing the same thing?
After you’d gone up stairs, you could remember popping open an old bottle of whiskey and drinking until your vision was hazy. You couldn’t remember when you fell asleep, but when you awoke, Klaus was right there in bed next to you.
You ignored your thoughts, questioning the nerve of him to get in bed with you after what you’d found out, and walked out of the room.
But you didn’t feel as angry as the night before. You felt numb, almost. The last time you felt so empty was after your parents died a thousand years ago. It didn’t necessarily bother you, though. Feeling nothing felt better than feeling everything.
So you let it be. You showered, got dressed, and left the house. Rebekah and Elijah stared at you as you left, but you didn’t give them the time of day. You went and met Marcel for breakfast like everything was fine, went shopping, then you came back home and climbed into bed. When you woke up, Klaus was there again, but you ignored it and continued with your routine.
For three weeks, you didn’t say a word to your husband. He could barely even try to speak to you; you were gone all day everyday and you were asleep by the time he came home. Rebekah would try to make conversation whenever she saw you, but she only received short answers. Elijah didn’t even try; something told you he felt guilty, and you hoped he did. The pregnant werewolf whose name you learned was Hayley would tense up every time you crossed paths. Once, she tried to apologize to you, but it was as if she were talking to a wall because you didn’t give her the slightest bit of attention.
While you weren’t communicating with the people you lived with, when you went out into the Quarter, you were a different person. You were lively, and confident, and funny, and you didn’t look like a woman whose husband cheated on her. Marcel was constantly introducing you to people; you were always surrounded by people, and while you felt so alone at first, as time progressed, you stopped feeling so lonely.
Suddenly, it was like that hole in you started to heal. The hole was still there, but it was getting better. 
One day, one of your new friends introduced you to this boy, this young, newly turned boy. And, looking at him, you felt something other than despair: you felt like you were human again. Talking to him made you feel things that you forgot existed, things Klaus used to make you feel on a daily basis.
This boy was good. He was pure, and happy, and full of life, even though he was dead.
It felt wrong at first. Klaus was the only man you had ever been with. But perhaps that was why you liked this boy so much: he reminded you of a side of your lover that had been long dormant, the side of Klaus you fell in love with.
You never slept with him. You never even kissed him. All you did was feel something.
But that didn’t matter.
Oh, you should’ve known better.
So much better.
You opened the door, your bag immediately falling to the ground at the sight you were met with. “No- no, no, no.” You sped into the living room, falling to your knees. Your tears fell with you.
In front of you, the sweet, sweet boy you were starting to feel something for was lying dead in his own apartment. You wished it wasn’t real, but his body was grey, veins all over him. With the hole in his chest, he didn’t look so peaceful anymore.
You cupped your hand over your mouth in shock, silently sobbing. You were so distraught that you didn’t even notice the footsteps behind you.
“I ripped his heart out.” You turned your head to see none other than your husband standing a few feet away from you, the red organ in his hand. While your vision was blurred, you could still see the quiet anger on his face, even though he seemed emotionless. He dropped Leo’s heart on to the ground like it was nothing.
Suddenly, a fire that you thought died out alit in your body. You all but sneered, “What is wrong with you?”
Klaus humourlessly chuckled. It was almost like you couldn’t recognize him, but oh, he had never looked more like himself. “What’s wrong with me?” He echoed. “What’s wrong with me is my wife has been sneaking around behind my back.”
You scoffed in utter disbelief and shot up from the ground. “Oh, so I’m the villain now? I’m sorry, saint Klaus, I didn’t know you were so innocent.”
“Don’t start this with me.”
You snapped. “You started this! I have been living in that house with you and your pregnant werewolf, leaving you to your own devices, but the second I try to be happy, I’m the one in the wrong?”
“No, I- I can’t even believe what I’m hearing right now.” A laugh escaped from your lips, full of darkness. “I have not done any damage to this marriage.” You pointed at him. “You’re the one who broke your vows, not me. Forgive me for wanting to clutch at any happiness I could have after you took it all from me.”
Klaus pointed right back at you. “Our marriage isn’t over, Y/N- it will never be. I will never let you forget that.”
You shook your head. “This isn’t a marriage anymore.” Klaus’ mouth opened to protest, but you kept going. Everything you held in and didn’t say was coming up like bile in your throat that you desperately wanted to vomit. “You have destroyed this marriage, Klaus! Hell, you destroyed me.” You pointed to yourself, more tears coming to your eyes. “You have cheated not once but three times, and you got the last one pregnant! But the second I- what? The second I so much as talk to a man, you go and rip his heart out and get mad at me? Do you hear how insane that sounds?”
His jaw clenched, and maybe there was some sign of regret or remorse in his eyes, but you honestly couldn’t care less about his feelings at the moment. “Y/N-” he started, but you didn’t dare let him finish. 
“No, it’s you who threw a thousand years down the drain, not me.” You took a step closer to him until you were chest to chest and you were looking right into his eyes. Maybe this would’ve ended in a kiss in the past, but your relationship was no longer the same. You grit your teeth.“I will never let you forget that.”
You then sped out of the apartment, running and running and not stopping until you were in an area you no longer recognized. Once you stopped, you let all of your tears fall, resting a hand on your chest and running the other through your hair. Your heart and your head were both pounding. Every time you thought Klaus couldn’t go any lower, he proved you wrong.
So, standing in the middle of nowhere, you grieved the loss of that poor boy, and at the same time, you grieved the loss of the man who was once your best friend. You grieved the loss of your marriage.
Because this was more than just killing a boy.
In doing this, Klaus killed another part of your marriage when you weren’t sure there was even anything left to kill.
After crying your heart out, you returned to the plantation and went straight to sleep. For a week, you stayed in bed, in spite of Rebekah who came knocking on your door every morning. One time, she didn’t leave so quickly after you remained mute. She sat on your bed, demanding that you eat something. When, throughout all her best efforts, you stayed silent, she threw the glass of blood onto the ground, breaking down and sobbing. Tears ran down her face as she pleaded to you, but you only stared at the wall, expressionless.
She apologized to you in between in her tears, even though it wasn’t her fault, even though you were only this way because of Klaus. But, oh, wasn’t that Rebekah’s specialty? Wasn’t that yours—stuck paying for the sins of the hybrid for the rest of your lives?
She cried, and cried, and cried, until she eventually left the room, too exhausted to keep dancing the same dance. She didn’t come back again.
You never cleaned the blood on the floor from the glass she threw. If anything, you hoped it soaked in and ruined the mahogany floors of this god awful house. It wasn’t long before you wouldn’t have to stare at that stain anymore because Klaus had come to tell you that you were leaving. You’d all be going to the Abattoir, he said.
You were confused; that was where Marcel stayed. So, for the first time in a week, you spoke. When you found out about the altercation they had, you recoiled. Both disgust and shock were on your face: disgusted at your husband’s behaviour and shocked with how he was treating Marcel.
You felt like screaming at him, but you didn’t have enough energy. Instead, you just stared at him. With your voice just barely above a whisper, you told him, That is your son, Klaus. You hoped that conveyed everything else you wanted to say. And you knew your message was received when Klaus walked out of your room without another word.
When you arrived at the compound, little changed. You and your husband still didn’t talk. Soon, when your siblings arrived, you didn’t speak to them either. Life went on this way for a long time.
Until Hayley gave birth.
Oh, life had felt so slow, but suddenly it started moving so fast.
When you first laid your eyes on little Hope, tears came to your eyes. She looked just like her father, you thought. And while you had never wanted anything to do with this, what Klaus had done, you couldn’t find it in yourself to condemn an innocent child.
Maybe Rebekah and Elijah would pay for their brother’s mistakes. Maybe you would, too. But you’d be damned if you let that baby suffer solely for being a Mikaelson.
Even if it meant you’d suffer the most.
The night Klaus came to you, you didn’t greet him, but you didn’t look at him so scathingly, either. In the courtyard, he asked something of you that’d change the rest of your life.
“Y/N, I know we’re not on the best of terms- I know I haven’t been a faithful husband, nor a good one,” he admitted, glancing down as if he were nervous before looking back up to your eyes. This was serious, and he wanted you to know that. “I know you don’t deserve this, and I know you never signed up for this. But I need your help.”
You straightened your shoulders. Whatever he was going to say, it looked like it physically pained him to say it. You wondered if this speech was inspired by Elijah, but you diverted your thoughts away from that. This wasn’t about your marriage; this was about something more important.
“You’re the only person I trust enough to do this, the only person I can really ask. It’s wrong of me to put this pressure on you after everything I’ve done, but I wouldn’t be asking if this weren’t so dire- you have to believe me.” He grabbed onto your hands, and you let him, even though it made you want to die, because when your skin made contact, you felt his hands tremble.
“Hope can’t be here; it’s not safe. The people of this city now know she is my weakness, and they will do anything to spite me, you’ve seen it firsthand.” You knew exactly what he was referring to: the day the witches tried to kill her. At the thought, you tensed. You saw tears gather in his eyes. “Please, I need her not to be here right now-”
You cut him off, almost in a state of awe as you realized what this was all about. “You need them to think she’s dead.” Your voice was breathy, like you’d just finished running a marathon, and wasn’t that what life was like in this family? With the Mikaelsons, no matter how powerful you all were, you’d always be running from something, fighting something. That couldn’t happen to Hope- not now, not yet. And so, without so much as another thought, you agreed, “I’ll do it.”
“No, Klaus, I’m doing this.” For the first time since you got to New Orleans, he saw a spark in your eye that you both thought had been extinguished. “I’ll take her, and I will protect her with my life.”
After that, he just stared at you for a few seconds. And for a moment, you as you held eye contact, you caught a glimpse of the man you fell in love with. For a moment, it almost felt like everything was alright, like he never cheated and like you never left. For a moment, the world stopped, and it was just you and him against the world.
But you knew better now.
You were startled when your husband suddenly embraced you tightly as if he never wanted to let you go. And then you realized how you couldn’t remember the last time you’d hugged. So, after a few seconds, if not just for the sake of it, you hugged him back. Although he quietly stammered his next words out, he still said them with more sincerity than you’ve heard from him in a long time. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
You knew he was referring to more than just what he was asking of you. But, oh, you knew better now.
“I know.”
Not long after you and Klaus had that conversation, you took Hope. For the first time since you met her that day and found out she was pregnant, you actually talked to Hayley. Her eyes widened, like she couldn’t believe it. You told her that this didn’t make you two friends, but you also promised her that you’d look after her daughter. 
She thanked you after a beat of silence, and then you and Hope disappeared.
You were gone for a while until your family’s drama eased up and you got the okay to come back to the Quarter. In that time, Hope’s parents missed their daughter’s first Christmas and also her birthday. But you made sure to take all the pictures you could. Even with the way you felt about them both, you weren’t gonna let those feelings get in the way of their relationship with Hope.
Their family, rather. When you returned, you realized that this was no longer your family. Eating dinner with them your first night back only proved that to you. This baby had changed all of you. You no longer knew your husband, and he no longer knew you. 
When you first arrived to the compound, Klaus and Hayley came rushing to hug their little girl. The hybrid mouthed a thank you to you as he rubbed Hope’s back, tears in his eyes. The hostility you’d shown him from when he confessed he cheated on you all the way until just before you left New Orleans was gone. You couldn’t find it in you to be hostile as you watched him hold his daughter. In that moment, he was more than the man who betrayed you; he was a father who had been separated from his daughter.
That didn’t mean you forgave him, but you were trying to get there—for Hope.
Rebekah and Elijah showed up not a minute later. The blonde cooed at Hope while Elijah walked toward you, enveloping you in a hug that you couldn’t deny. You were worn out, and all you’d wanted this past year was to not be alone. But, deep down, you knew these efforts were futile. Things with your siblings would never be the same. 
Rebekah had once been your best friend, but she was Klaus’ little sister first. Elijah was like an older brother to you, but he was Klaus’ first. The only person who could’ve possibly understood the way you were feeling was Kol, and he was long gone.
So, even as you stood in a room full of people, you still felt just as alone as when it’d only been you and Hope.
However, your epiphany didn’t matter. Maybe if it weren’t for Hope, you would’ve left and never turned back. Maybe you could’ve gone out and tried to find yourself, tried to be that same girl you were starting to like when you left Klaus in 2006. But Hope was there, and so you knew you couldn’t go anywhere. You had to stay with your family, even if they weren’t really your family anymore, because you just had to be there. You needed to protect Hope. You needed to keep Elijah from handling everything, and you needed to keep your little sister from spinning out. You needed to be there for Klaus to fall back on if he needed to, not for him, but to make sure he could be the best father he could possibly be to Hope.
To you, it wasn’t a choice. You needed to do this.
After all, didn’t you promise always and forever?
So, you stayed. You took care of Hope and took care of Klaus when Rebekah couldn’t take it anymore. It was almost as if your once other half and you had a silent agreement. He never tried anything, not even so much as holding your hand, but you were there for him as a friend, even though it broke your heart.
The two of you never officially ended things. Part of you wondered if maybe he thought you would get back together one day, but now you knew better than to ever expect anything like that. Yes, you would stay in the compound. And yes, you would take care of Hope. And yes, you would play nice with the mother of his child. But you were no longer Klaus and Y/N Mikaelson.
You were just Klaus and Y/N.
You never went out with another boy again. It was pointless, and you never wanted to fall for someone again if this was what love felt like, if it only ever brought you pain.
For years, things went this way. There were a few threats here and there, but they were taken care of every time. Hope was the most loved child in the world. She was starting to grow up, and so she was also starting to realize that her parents weren’t together. She was starting to realize that her father looked at the woman that’d been there all her life with a look of warmth in his eyes. She was starting to ask you questions that you didn’t know how to answer, questions you weren’t prepared to answer.
So, on Christmas Eve, after everyone had went to bed, you unscrewed the oldest bottle of liquor you had. You were originally saving it for a celebratory occasion, but you, too, were starting to realize things. You were starting to realize that, perhaps, the celebration would never come.
So you sat on the couch in the courtyard in front of the fireplace, unfazed by the cold. The Christmas tree diagonal to you glimmered and gleamed, but you were no longer so magnetized to it. Something in the last few years had taken away bits and pieces of your spirit until you were no longer sure it was even there anymore.
You took a swig of the wine, indulging in its bittersweetness as you stared straight into the fire, not caring if it’d blind you. For the first time since you turned, you loathed your immortality. At first, you looked at it like a blessing, something that’d give you an eternity with your family, an eternity to travel the world and enjoy all it had to offer you.
But now it was just a curse.
Just as you took another swig, you heard footsteps behind you, and suddenly the couch dipped, someone else sitting right beside you.
You could immediately tell who it was just from the mere grace of his actions. Elijah. You glanced at the nobleman, almost scoffing at his attire. Past midnight, and yet he was still in a suit.
Your voice was raspy as you remarked, “No rest for the wicked, huh?” Elijah sighed as you passed the bottle to him. For a second, you thought he’d scold you for not using a glass, but instead he took a large gulp straight from the bottle.
“It seems that way, Y/N,” he said, passing the bottle back to you. You chuckled, but there wasn’t much humour in your tone. He didn’t ask you why you were awake, nor did you ask him. You just sat together in front fireplace, passing the bottle back and forth. You didn’t know if you were both so silent because of how tired you were or if it was because your relationship had just become that fragile.
Sitting there, no Saint Nick came by in a magic sled. There were no reindeer, or bells, or snow. There was no magic to this holiday for you anymore, and you wondered if Elijah felt the same way. You wondered if he was as tired as he looked right now, as tired as you felt. If he was, then you couldn’t help but feel bad for him because, even though you had felt resentment for him, you wouldn’t wish this on anybody.
Still though, you wondered if you’d be sitting there if Elijah just let you go that day. You wondered how things would’ve turned out if he let himself go, too.
Like he was reading your mind, he suddenly turned to you and whispered, “I’m sorry, Y/N.” You turned to face him. While he looked serious, he looked more broken than you’d ever seen him. “I’m sorry I brought you back to him that day. I’m just now realizing that I’ve never apologized to you before.” You stared at him silently, and so he continued, looking back to the fire. “You could have been happy, and I took that opportunity away from you. So I am sorry.” He paused, like he was debating on saying something, a glazed look in his eyes as he lightly muttered, “More sorry than you’ll ever know.”
For what felt like forever but was really just a minute, you didn’t say anything. You, too, turned back to the fire, biting your lip as you tried to articulate what you wanted to say. “I think… I think, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter.” You saw him turn back to you out of the corner of your eye, but you didn’t look back. You didn’t know if you could say this while looking at him. “I think it would’ve ended up like this, anyway. I was his wife, not his keeper, but that didn’t matter. My love for him would’ve always made me stay and look after him, even though it kills me inside, even though I think I died a long time ago.” You swallowed. “My mother used to tell me to watch how boys treat me, but Nik wasn’t just any boy. I was so enthralled by the beauty of the fire that I didn’t care if I’d get burned- God, I just wanted to feel warm.” Unknowingly, a tear fell down your cheek. At that moment, you turned to your brother to see him watching you intently. You shook your head, giving him a small smile. “It wasn’t your fault, Elijah, it was mine. I should’ve known better.”
At that, you got up, leaving the bottle with Elijah, and you walked back to your room. You didn’t sleep that night, but when Hope came running into your room in the morning, screaming that Santa came, you pretended to be asleep so that she could wake you.
You sat through the opening of presents, Elijah looking at you differently than before. And you’d sit through multiple Christmases after this one.
No matter how much it hurt you or how it unhealthy it was, you knew you were locked in now, and you threw away the key ages ago. You couldn’t get off this ride, not even if you tried to. 
Maybe, if you didn’t let Klaus pull you back in time and time again, then you wouldn’t be stuck. But you did, and now all you could do was just sit and let the roller coaster run its course, no matter how sick it made you or how many tears would leave your eyes when no one was watching.
Now, you’d be here always and forever. But you still couldn’t help but think-
You should’ve known better.
Taglist: @honestlycasualarcade
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Ruin You
kinktober day 5 - corruption kink
Pairing: Klaus x Fem!Reader
Summary: Klaus takes a lot of pleasure in ruining the Salvatore's sister.
Warnings: Some strong language, smut, oral sex (f receiving), rough(ish) sex, unprotected sex.
A/N: Reader is a vampire if it wasn't obvious.
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"Look at you, little Salvatore." Klaus smirked from where he was positioned between your legs, his hand splayed out across your bare stomach. "Such a mess for me."
You could only respond with a desperate moan as he dragged his tongue through your folds, making you squirm beneath his touch.
"Klaus." You panted, unable to keep your eyes open as he pushed his tongue inside you.
Despite your current position, you didn't like Klaus much. How could you? All he'd done since coming to Mystic Falls was make your brothers' lives Hell. And although you hated him, you couldn't deny that you were attracted to him.
Which was why you were currently flat against your mattress with Klaus' head between your legs. And as he continued to work his mouth over you, you struggled to keep still, heat beginning to pool in your belly.
But before you could reach your release, he pulled his mouth away, smirking at you as he climbed up the length of your body.
"Such an innocent little thing aren't you?" He growled, tracing his finger down the length of your throat. "Your brothers will be furious if they find out what I've been doing to their sweet sister."
"Yeah well they're not gonna find out." You argued, your skin seeming to come alight at the touch of Klaus' fingertips.
"We'll see about that love."
He quickly slipped your t-shirt over your head, leaving you completely bare before him. And then he dipped down, lazily dragging his lips across your chest before getting up to step out of his jeans.
He was back on you in seconds, already dragging the tip of his cock through your folds.
"Klaus." You whined, bucking your hips up toward him.
He just pressed his hand against your stomach, keeping you flat against the bed as he teased you. "Look at you, you're bloody desperate for me to ruin you aren't you?"
"Klaus." You whimpered, not even bothering to argue with him. You just wanted him inside you. "Please."
"As you wish." He chuckled before pushing himself all the way inside you, making you cry out at the force.
He gave you no time to adjust to him before he started thrusting himself inside you at an already bruising pace.
You let out a pained sound at the stinging feeling of his dick rubbing against your walls but he didn't let up. He just continued to forcefully slap his hips up into you, one of his hands curled around your shoulder to keep you in place.
"What a sight you are." Klaus said proudly, a devilish smirk on his face as he pounded into you.
You could only respond with a loud moan as you squirmed beneath his hold, the pressure in your stomach building.
"Harder!" You pleaded, screwing your eyes shut as Klaus continued to thrust himself inside you.
"You sure about that love?"
He just let out a quiet laugh before pushing himself into you even harder, making the bed shake beneath you both. You were surprised the bed hadn't collapsed yet.
The sound of skin smacking against skin echoed loudly around your bedroom and you hoped to god that nobody was in the house because it was too late to be quiet now.
And after a few more hard thrusts inside you, you felt the fire that had been building in your stomach finally explode, a wave of pleasure crashing over you as Klaus continued to slam into you.
You practically screamed when you came around his cock and it didn't take him long to reach his release as seconds later, he was twitching inside you.
Klaus groaned when he finally filled you with his release, slipping out of you and stepping back to look at his work.
"Bloody hell." He breathed out, a proud smile expanding across his features as he stared down at you. "You're a mess, little Salvatore."
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[Kinktober Masterlist] [Main Masterlist] [Klaus Masterlist]
Tag List: @toxic-ink
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allycat004 · 2 months
Green with Envy (Completed Version) || Klaus Mikaelson
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❧ Warnings: Slight dirty talk, hair pulling, brief choking, p in v sex, smut 18+
❧ Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Fem reader
❧ Summary: You are at a dinner party with a date and Klaus happens to be in attendance. The two of you have been hooking up and spending time together because Klaus wanted to keep things casual. After seeing you with someone else he gets jealous and begins to rethink his choice.
❧ Author's Note: Hi lovelies, the wait is finally over and the full version of this fic is here! I decided that instead of leaving you guys in the dark and having it be a fade to black I wrote the smut scene. It felt right for this fic. So, I hope you enjoy!
© Allycat004 2024, please don't steal, copy, repost, modify, or translate my work.
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After finally having enough of this bickering match with Klaus in front of my date, I excuse myself. I am regretting it as I’m walking away because I know he won’t play nice while I’m gone, but I needed a moment to myself to breathe. I walked into an empty room and sat in silence with my head in my hands. 
“ Who the fuck does he think he is? “ I groan.
“ Who do I think I am? Hmm… I think I am the only person who can actually please you, make you scream. “ I heard Klaus say and I snapped my head up to see him standing in front of the closed door. I didn’t even hear him open the door, let alone come in. 
“ Get out, leave me alone..  I don’t want to deal with you right now. “ I said sternly as I stood up and crossed my arms over my chest.
" Awe come on Love, I was just having some fun.. don't be like that. " He said as he took one step closer, but I put my hand up signaling that I would prefer it if he kept his distance from me.
" Fun, Are you serious?! .. That was embarrassing, you were making my date uncomfortable! " I slightly yelled while throwing my hands up in the air. I noticed that when I mentioned my date, he narrowed his eyes and clenched his jaw.
" He's not the one for you, let alone the one you should be here with Y/N. " Klaus said and I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
" Oh please, don't start. You were the one who wanted to keep what we have going on as a bit of fun. I get that you're envious, but green is not a good color on you. " I said as I walked past him to get to the door, but before I could even grab the handle he pulled me back by my hair and caused me to yelp.
" You better watch who you're talking to sweetheart. Klaus said as he pulled my hair more, caused my head to go back and he wrapped his other hand around my throat then slightly squeezed. " I will.. fuck you in this room right now to remind you who you really belong to. Make you moan as loud as possible for your date downstairs to hear so he gets the memo. " 
At the mention of that, my breath hitched and I couldn’t help but squeeze my thighs together. I could feel the smirk on his lips in the crook of my neck, however I was determined to not let him win. “ Dinner is being served in 20 minutes which you know considering this is your party, there’s not enough time. “ I said 
“ Is that a challenge, love? “ He asked as he started to lightly kiss my neck and run his fingers up my thighs gently, but it was enough to leave a path of goosebumps on my skin. “ You know better than to challenge me. “ 
“ Maybe.. “ I replied and at that exact moment is when I felt his hand slip under my dress. He started tracing light circles along my abdomen causing my breathing to become shallow. His fingers found their way beneath my underwear and he began to slowly rub at my clit which made me whimper. 
I could feel his smirk in the crook of my neck and he quickened his movements, causing my knees to buckle. He wrapped an arm around my waist to help me stand up right then slipped a finger into me. I let out a sharp gasp and rested my head back against his shoulder. Klaus chuckled and started kissing my neck, most definitely leaving hickies behind. It was that moment that all other thoughts escaped my mind. I only focused on him and what he was doing to my body. 
“ Klaus… please. “ I moaned quietly 
“ What is it, love? “ He asked 
“ I need you.. “ I said through a whimper 
“ Yeah? “ Klaus replied 
“ Yes.. “ I answered breathlessly 
He pulled his hand away and walked me over to a desk that was in the corner of the room. Before I knew it, I was bent over and my dress was pushed up over my hips. Klaus pulled my underwear down my legs and helped me step out of it. There was a moment of silence before his hand came down and hit my ass with a loud smack that echoed throughout the room. I yelped which caused him to chuckle and I rolled my eyes while being thankful that he couldn’t see my face as I did. 
It wasn’t long before I felt him lining himself up with my entrance. He thrusted into me roughly causing me to moan. Klaus’s pace was slow and rough at first but then it became faster and more aggressive.  He grabs my wrists and pins my arms behind my back, using my arms as handlebars. My moans and the sound of our skin slapping is echoing off the walls, which only encourages him to pick up the pace slightly more. I’m so loud to the point that I feel like everyone can hear me over the classical music that is being played downstairs, but I didn’t care. 
“ That’s it love, let them hear you. “ He said as he wrapped my hair around one of his hands and used it to pull my head back, making me gasp. His other hand is still keeping my arms pinned behind my back. 
“ You’re mine.“ He whispered into my ear
” I’m yours.“ I whimpered back 
“ Damn right you are. “ Klaus replied 
He continued his brutal pace and angled his hips in order to hit the spot that brings me maximum pleasure. Klaus lets go of my wrists just to use his now freehand to reach around me and down between my legs. He starts rubbing my clit in slow rough circles. I’m a moaning, whimpering mess at this point and I am on the brink of hitting my orgasm already. Klaus tugs at my hair harder this time and pulls my back up against his chest. He starts kissing my neck again then gently bites my earlobe. 
“ Come for me, love. “ He whispers in my ear and I do just that while crying out his name. Klaus continues his movements for a moment longer until he reaches his high. He lets go of me and pulls away from me which causes me to whimper. I stand up right and turn around to face him, he hands me back my underwear and I slip them back on then I fix my dress and flatten it out. I look up at him and before I can even get a word out he cups my face and kisses me. I kissed him back and this kiss was so much different compared to our others. It was sweet, soft, and filled with meaning. When we finally pulled away from each other he smiled at me then kissed my forehead. It was in that moment that I knew things were going to be different from now on. 
“ Considering the fact that I am certain your date is no longer here, will you be mine? “ He asked 
“ Yes. “ I replied with a smile 
“ Perfect.” Klaus said with a smile as he held his hand out and I took it then we walked out of the room together. 
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