#Tony cuddles
livelylambs · 2 years
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diagnosed with sleepy tired doctor recommended communal nap time. happy birthday zoro “human couch” roronoa
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misfortuneblade · 5 months
Luffy with any members of the straw hat crew tbh
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rebelliousdandy · 7 months
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i had a thought. it wasnt a good one. but, nonetheless, i saw it through.
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morganwrites12672 · 1 year
Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Summary: Peter runs hot. You run cold.
Warnings/Tags: Peter Parker x reader (romantically), established relationship, Stark!Reader, Female!Reader, Tony stark x Reader (Platonic), iron man merch, cuddles, James bond movies, and chips.
You received a text from Peter as you laid sprawled out on the couch. He was on his way to the tower. He said he had something to do with your father in the lab, but then he was all yours.
You smiled and sent his a smiley emoji before telling him where you were. It was easy to get lost in this tower.
You aimlessly flicked through the TV guide before giving up and choosing the James Bond reruns. Once Peter showed up it would be time for Star-Wars. Until then, old spy movies would have to suffice.
"Ms. Stark, Peter has arrived at the tower," F.R.I.D.A.Y informed you. You thanked her for telling you before making your way to the kitchen.
You wanted to be able to just cuddle Peter to death when he finished up his work, not wait to pick out snacks.
You chose a few bags of chips before running back to the living room. You hoped your dad wouldn't keep Peter down there to long.
"Baby?" A voice called out and you noticed Peter walking towards you. You smiled and gave him a smothering hug.
You finally pulled back and led him to the couch. Tossing the poor chips onto the coffee table, the two of you got comfortable under an ironman throw.
"Seriously?" Peter asked smiling. He was most likely referring to the iron man throw blanket. And matching pillows.
"There is nothing my dad loves more then looking at himself," you joke and Peter laughs as he rests his head on your shoulder.
You sneak one of your hands under his shirt-
"HOLY FRICK," he screams and bolts up. You laugh at his reaction. It was just cold hands.
"What?" You ask, feigning Innocence.
"Warn me next time, god your hands are like ice cubes," he says sitting back down before pulling you into him.
He grabs your hands and warms them up in his. His head soon finds it's spot back on your shoulder. This was how the both of you spent every weekend.
Shitty movie reruns, iron man blankets, and lots of chips. With the given cuddles. Those were just completely necessary.
"Now your hands are warm," Peter whispers into your ear. You smile and reward him with a kiss.
Tony walked in to Yn and Peter passed out on the couch, basically connected. He couldn't tell whose limbs where whose.
He smiled at the iron man blanket. That was when he realized something.
Peter Parker was cuddling his daughter. PETER PARKER WAS CUDDLING HIS DAUGHTER.
Tony fought the urge to wake them up and force them to separate, they were to cute sleeping like that. He would never admit that he ever had that thought.
Requests are open! My pinned post has everyone I write for!
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xenocorner · 1 year
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Small sketch page of some of my marvel blorbos ;; Couldn't fit all of them in it nor had the time but hey I got the itch scratched kinda
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mymelodymia · 9 months
Oooooh!!! Tony with his toddler daughter! I bet she was a sassy little young lady, and super cute!
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Summary: tonys daughters toddler years
Warnings: cursing, Lil talk bout bio mother being an ass, tony being evil 👿,
A/N: after I get this out I might not post for a few days due to the hurricane, oof, but I'll be back. Love yall!
it was mid (birth month) when tony got a knock on the door, it was currently 7 p.m, he didn't have guests, he had no plans for tonight, "Jarvis, who is it?"
"It appears that no one is there, only a small basket on the front porch sir" the ai announced to the billionaire, who got up and walked to the front door. Opened it, and saw the small basket with....a baby.
You were holding a envelope in your tiny hands, sleeping peacefully, tony bent down and took it out of your grasp and read the letter inside,
'Dear tony, I dont care what you do with her, just get her away from me! I cant so it anymore, shes only 2 weeks old, shes yours now.' His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, along with the letter came your birth certificate, one thing he noticed was that the only name on it, was his.
He bent down once more to pick up the small newborn, raising you to his chest, cradling you in his arms. He looked around in search for anyone, closed the door and walked inside.
For a while he just stared at you, wondering how you could possibly be his, of course there was a huge possibility you could be the result of a one night stand, but he was still in shock. Your eyelids fluttered before you opened them fully, revealing large e/c orbs, looking up at your father, like he was the only thing that mattered in the world, and he looked at you the in same way.
He decided this was his chance to not be like his dad. He was going to keep you, and love and cherish you forever.
You were now 3, your terrible 2s had come and gone, right now it was around 8:45 am, when you usually wake up naturally, but tony took this opportunity and decided to have a little fun with you... 😈
You were a very intelligent child, you clearly had more of your fathers genes, you looked like him, you were smart like him, you were surpassing the expectations of a 3 y/o to an extent, anyway back to tony and you, he quietly creeped to your bedroom to wake you up, (just wait..) you had already been waking up a little already, your dream slowly fading away, when you heard the door creaking you snapped back into reality, he had clearly done this before because of the fact he can make a 3 y/o jump up like that 🤣
You sat up in your small bed, eyes wide, knowing what was coming. You repeatedly shook your head no as fast as you could, hoping tony would understand your message, tony nodding his head yes instead, you squealed in fright, leaning back into your wall of pillows/stuffed animals, pulling your blanket up to your nose, hoping that looking scared would trick him into just giving you kisses instead. (3 years old and already guilt tripping)
he had come very close to the rail of the bed while you were doing this. Slowly he leaned over the rail and picked you up, put his hand on your stomach (see where this is going) this is when you broke, screaming, you tried to wiggle out of his grasp, to no avail. He had began tickling the life out of you, there was no getting out of this one, your tiny muscles working hard to try and get out of his grasp.
"No no no, your not getting out of this one"
"Because i still have something left if stock for you." His smirk was evil, this whole sceam seemed evil to you, your heart pumping faster and faster. When he get a good grasp on you, he lifted your pajama shirt up, exposing your big belly. He lifted you up, and blew a giant raspberry on your belly, shaking his head to make it worse for you.
"NOOAAHAHAHHAHAH" Your screech was ear piercing, clawing at his hands holding you to him. When he stopped, he lifted his head up and pulled you toward his face. You squeezed your eyes shut as tight as possible, expecting the worst, tony chuckled at this.
"No more tickles sweetheart, just wanted to give you a kiss" he said kissing your forehead, you relaxed at this, trying to catch your breath.
You had just gone to the park with your father, that consisted of tons of slides, lots of swings, a couple of wiggly bridges, all the good stuff, you and your father were very worn out from this, though tonys tired-ness being from chasing you and yours from being chased by tony, you were both exhausted. You thought since he was tired he wasn't all there, so you took your chance.
"What da hell?? You didn't-"
"Hold it right there missy, where did you learn that word?"
"Rhody" you said with a small smirk on your adorable little face 🤗
"Oh my god" he said face palming and shaking his head, leaning on the kitchen counter.
You both decided on a movie, (lion king 1994) tony laid down on his back, and you climbed onto him, laying on his chest, your head resting on his collarbone. Tony had one hand on your back, the other fiddling with the remote to put on the movie, you relaxed at the feeling of his warmth, listening to his heartbeat, so comforting.
Tony had lost track of time upon singing 'hacuna matana' with you (definitely spelled that wrong) it was past your nap time, and you were nodding off on his chest, you slowly felt your eyes fall, not having the strength to open them back up. You soon fell into a deep sleep, small snores coming from you, tony knew you would fall asleep at one point, you always cuddled with him when you were feeling tired. He also fell asleep not long after, your movie playing quietly in the background, it was also raining outside, creating a very comfortable environment for you two to fall asleep to.
A/N: im sorry I kept yall waiting for this one, but I'll be back fresh from my break soon enough my babies! Mwuh! ❤️
*title is Toddler years*
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ishipallthings · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark Additional Tags: Cuddling & Snuggling, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie), Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Pining, Domestic Fluff, Future Fic, Fix-It, Morning Cuddles, Feelings Realization, First Kiss, Getting Together Summary:
Tony looks down, and blinks in surprise when he sees Steve Rogers’ ever-blue eyes gazing sleepily back at him, his head resting lightly on Tony’s chest.
“Well,” he says finally, wincing a little at the dryness in his throat. “I’m not sure I ever figured you for a cuddler, Cap.”
Two times Tony Stark wakes up cuddling Steve Rogers—nine years apart.
My 2023 @cap-ironman Holiday Exchange fic for Mistymoon27, pining and cuddling and post-EG happiness! ❤️
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
shhh the babygirls are sleeping <3
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niko-ur-local-moron · 3 months
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Topez cuddles that I doodled for a friend that couldn't fall asleep (it helped !!)
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 8 months
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Soft Irondad cuddles, anyone?
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coffingeist · 2 months
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Taking advantage of me being "in the zone" to finish up some pieces that I had lying around since forever lmfao :"D
as usual Alma belongs to my homie @raven-blood-13
I just love drawing Toni having wholesome cuddly moments he deserves a break from the horrors of the Manor! QwQ
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cricket-reader · 1 year
The Smell of Alcohol and Cologne
Masterlist | A03 | Wattpad | Recommendations | Inbox
Summary: Tony Stark’s assistant has a flashback and finds comfort in Tony’s arms.
Warnings: Past abuse, hints of SA, MC almost jumps off the tower, mention of a dead mother, fluff, it’s kinda dumb, pining, self-deprecating thoughts, self-blame
Word Count: 3,000
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Looking at his assistant Tony takes his time to look at each and every feature. Sure, he stares a lot, but she’s always too oblivious to notice. It’s kinda cute—but at the same time, irritating.
He’s never been able to really stare from this close a distance. She just usually would make some excuse of how she has to do one thing or another.
Her long dark lashes lie gently on her cheeks that are slightly pink, being warm from the blanket and the fireplace. Her freckles are more prominent up close and he can see her perfectly plucked eyebrows. How she manages to keep up her perfect appearance is beyond him.
Despite her shy nature, they have grown closer—helped mainly by his personality. He’s glad for that.
Noting that she probably isn’t going to wake soon, and that she usually doesn’t get much sleep, Tony decides to take her to bed. He only knows that because he asked Jarvis if she was still up one night; when he asked why she was, Jarvis said that she usually never gets much sleep.
Trying to be as careful, quiet, and gentle as possible, Tony lifts her small body, bringing it to his room—since hers is not finished being painted.
She only gains half her consciousness when she is picked up. In her stupor, she smells the light scent of cologne and alcohol and knows she is being carried somewhere by a man. She’s had night terrors like this before, but this felt too real.
It was strange though; the cologne wasn’t the same. Sometimes she had flashbacks in which she could faintly smell the cologne and alcohol, but it isn’t the same as it is now.
Tony notices her body stiffen and her laboured breathing which makes him concerned.
She feels as though she might just get sick.
When Tony began to lower her onto his bed, she freaked. Gently lowering the beauty onto his bed, he covers her with the duvet and looks at her with admiration.
Adrenaline sent her flying up from her lying position on Tony’s bed. Confusion warps her brain. This can’t be real, she thinks.
Tony sees her wide eyes and immediately wants to comfort her, but as he draws closer, she screws her eyes shut, scrambling to the other side of the bed and curling into a ball. This, of course, shocks him. He didn’t understand what was going on; he has never seen her like this.
He faintly hears her mumbling to herself, and when he strains to listen in, he hears her words.
“It’s not real,” plays on repeat. Almost as if she is trying to convince herself—which she is.
Tony gently calls out her name. Her whole body freezes when he gently rests his hands on her arm. This can’t be happening, not again. Tears stream down her face. She thought Tony was one of the good men. Turns out he’s just the same as him.
Deciding she doesn’t want a similar cycle to repeat, she will fight back until he really hurts her—perhaps with a whip like he did.
Tony blinks when she slaps his arm away. She has never so much as shown any reaction similar to this. Even when he noticed that people were clearly bothering her, she kept her cool. He knows this because he often thinks that should he be in that situation, he would slap the person silly.
This is why his concern deepens, almost to a point that is too far. Something is wrong. Something is very wrong. What is it? He has not a clue.
He calls out her name as if trying again, softer this time. She tightens her hold on herself shaking her head as if to clear the situation from her mind; however, she, deep down, knows that it won’t work. It’s too real not to be.
Shifting on the bed so he can get a better stance, she flies up out of the bed. Startled, a wide-eyed Tony jumps up as well.
Now she is for certain; this is real. This is happening. Racing out of the room, Tony panics and does the only thing his brain can think of doing. Being a stressful situation, adrenaline was high in both the individuals for different reasons. If you are not aware, in a state such as this, the brain may sometimes make irrational decisions. With that in mind, Tony chases after the woman not entirely thinking the situation through.
She hears his footsteps. He’s going to beat her. Pummel her into submission.
The door to the stairs bursts open. She flies up the stairs with Tony right behind her. After several floors they reach the top. Tony’s eyes widen as he realises what is about to take place if he doesn’t get ahold of her. He can’t have that. He won’t let that happen.
The door to the roof bursts open as she runs to the edge of the building—it’s not as if she’s suicidal, but this was the best option her mind could provide her. She’d rather die than have to suffer like that again.
Tony felt like he might cry out in relief when he was able to wrap his arms around her to prevent her from getting any further.
She thrashes around in his arms as one final attempt, proving itself futile. Gently cooing, trying to console her, he starts walking back into the tower with great difficulty. In there he will be able to let her go, he just can’t when their out on the roof. She sure as hell isn’t dying on his watch. Once they finally get in the building. He tells Friday to lock the door, cursing himself for not thinking of that sooner. If she would have succeeded right then and there, he would have been at fault.
Finally out of his arms, she stumbles before crashing into the tiled floor. Tony feels his heart break seeing how broken she looks. Squatting down to match her height, he carefully says her name.
Her head snaps up. The look of sheer terror upon her face is like a punch to Tony’s gut. Is she scared of him? She slowly begins to scoot away from him, her eyes still wide. His heart completely shatters and he feels nauseous; she is scared of him. No, terrified is more like it. He stands up, frowning with his brows furrowed with concern
“Please don’t… please, I’m sorry! Whatever I did wrong I can fix it! Please, I’m sorry! I’ll be good! I’ll be better! Please!” She sobs, with a certain sense of brokenness. This makes Tony freeze. Slowly he feels the anger creeping into his body once he processes her words.
It all makes sense now. He doesn’t know how he didn’t see it sooner. Obviously she must have been having a flashback. The thing that makes his stomach twist is his mind wondering what on Earth could elicit such a response.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he says, slowly lowering himself so he doesn’t tower above her; certainly she’d be even more scared if he stayed like that.
She peeks up from her ball she curled herself into and sees that Tony is sitting on the cold tile, a nice space between the two of them—not too far and not too close.
“You were going to,” she mumbles, picking at her sleeves. His brows furrow in confusion. What did he do wrong?
“No I wasn’t,” he gently insists.
“Why else would you carry me to bed?”
One sentence.
Once sentence is all it took to destroy him. That along with her tear stained face as she looks down to her sleeves that she’s still picking at. He’s never seen anything as heartbreaking as this. His stomach churns as he thinks more and more of her words.
“Sweetheart… I, I never—it-it wasn’t like that,” he stutters, an underlying tone of pain evident in his voice.
“But you were carrying me to bed,” she persists, speaking softly as if not to anger him.
Should it be any other time, the expression on her face was adorable. Her brows furrowed, a small pout on her lips and her head tilted slightly to the right.
But Tony wasn’t thinking about that at the moment.
He was still trying to wrap his brain around the words she had just spoken to him. Never in his life would he have imagined anything like that coming from her lips.
She was always so happy and carefree, a sense of beautiful innocence with every movement. He doesn’t know how she could keep it up; he certainly doesn’t do it well. Locking himself up and not sleeping for days, looking like shit. He wonders how many times she has felt the way he has, but kept a smile on her face.
“I wanted you to sleep somewhere comfortable.”
Her frown deepens, “then why not leave me on the couch?”
“Because that’s not comfortable, I was going to take it instead,” he shrugs off the last sentence as if it were no big deal. Sure, it wasn’t much of a big deal to him, but to her? To her it was too good to be true. He couldn’t have let her sleep in his bed without wanting something in return. That’s not how it works.
“I would have taken you to yours, but they are still painting it,” he sheepishly rubs his neck. He hopes she doesn’t ask too many questions about that. It was supposed to be a surprise. He was going to have her spend the night in Natasha’s room since she was out on a mission with Wanda and Clint.
He sure as hell was not about to go in Natasha’s room. Though he will endlessly deny it, that woman terrified him. He knew that Natasha would be okay with her sleeping in her room though; he had asked prior, telling his plan to her and Clint. He was honestly kind of surprised she so willingly accepted. He would have thought it would take much convincing.
“Painted? What for?” Her expression grows worried and confused as she rushes to say, “I don’t recall ruining the walls.”
“You didn’t, I just thought a change would be nice,” he smiles. Doubt now enters his mind and he frowns, “unless of course you don’t think so.”
He mentally curses himself. For a genius, he can be kind of stupid some times, often rushing into things without truly thinking it through—take Ultron for example.
“So… you weren’t ..going to…”
“No, of course not,” he gently reassured her. She releases a breath and puts her head back on her knees.
Embarrassment flows through her. How stupid she believes herself to be. She made a fool of herself in front of her boss—of course he didn’t want anything like that from her! He’s Tony Stark for goodness sake! He can get women that are actually gorgeous—models really. He would have no use to use someone as ugly as her. She’s sure he has a line of women he could get any second.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbles, not lifting her head. She’s too embarrassed to even look at him.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, darling,” he assures her. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Darling is what her mother use do to call her. She hasn’t been called that since the day she died. Tony didn’t even realise he let that slip. It just happened.
Her heart clenches and she looks up at him. Tears blur her vision. Tony hates seeing her like this. What he would do if only he could take all of that suffering away from her. She shakes her head as she looks down. Blinking, the tears fall down her face.
“What do you want now?” He questions, ready to get anything and everything she desires. “I can get you anything you want.”
He couldn’t give her what she wanted though. Money simply couldn’t buy it. What she wanted was for her mama to hold her whilst softly singing a lovely lullaby in the old rocking chair by the brick fireplace in the cosy kitchen. Holding her, and running her fingers through her hair.
She couldn’t ask him to hold her. She has already made a fool out of herself. She also believes that, should she ask, he would laugh in her face. Why on Earth would the great Tony Stark comfort some weak girl?
She shakes her head. Tony frowns before telling her if she changes her mind to just tell him or Friday. Not wanting to do absolutely nothing for her, he nervously asks, “would you like a hug?”
Now here’s the thing about Tony Stark. He wasn’t one to show his nervousness. He always acted like he was chill, arrogant, and sure of himself. He never got nervous around women; in fact, he was great in that department—except when it came to her.
Something about her drew him in. Not in the typical lust-filled way—no, in an emotional sort of relation. Sure, she was quite a sight to see, but he actually felt things for her. Not just physically.
For this reason, he is so anxious as he asks for the hug. Tony doesn’t think she will want one considering everything that has happened. He prepares to not take the hit so hard to his ego; however, he can’t help but think of how crushed he would be should she refuse. Sure, he didn’t mind it, but then he would look like a complete imbecile in front of her.
So when she nodded her head and reached her arms up for him, his ego practically shot into the stratosphere. He was elated that despite everything, she was entrusting him. She was trusting him. Him! He wasn’t one that cries over things, but this brought him close to crying in relief.
He walked over and sat down to give her what he assumed would be a quick hug. Instantly, she wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. Taken a bit aback, he takes a few seconds before gaining back enough thought process to return the gesture. He wasn’t going to let go until she did, but he certainly expected it to be quick.
And that is why, ten minutes later, Tony Stark is sitting on the cold tile floor with a woman falling out of consciousness and into her slumber. He didn’t want to move, didn’t want to ruin the moment. Nor did he want to be the cause of another horrible memory. He already feels horrible enough. Because although it certainly wasn’t his fault—how could he have known?—he still blamed himself. One thing about Tony Stark is that he often blames himself when things go wrong. After all, that was usually the case with his father. Usually when things went wrong the blame was placed on him. So, it is only natural for him to continue that into his adulthood.
“Sweetheart? Can you open your eyes for me?” Tony asks, gently brushing some of the hair out of her face. She frowns and blearily blinks up at him. “Let’s get you somewhere more comfortable, yeah?”
She nods her head and stands up. They both walk down the stairs leading to the roof access. It takes them no time to reach the elevator.
“I’m assuming you’d probably want to sleep in Natasha’s room? She said it was okay.”
She lowers her gaze to the ground, worrying her lip in between her teeth. Being alone doesn’t sound like a good idea right now. She wants to be curled up in his arms so he can protect her. The shadows at night wouldn’t dare reach her if she had his strong body wrapped around her.
No. That's inappropriate. He’s her boss, and he would never want to do something like that. The only women he has in his bed with him are the women he has one-night stands with. And that isn’t something she wants.
“Is Natasha here?”
“No, she’s on a mission, so you’ll have the place all to yourself.” He says it like it’s a good thing. Frowning, she scuffs her foot on the ground. Tony practically melts when her pleading eyes look up at him.
“What if I don’t want to be alone?” She mutters, too embarrassed to say it any louder.
Tony’s heart skips a beat. He keeps his face neutral as he says, “well if you want you can sleep in my room. I’ve been told I’m great at cuddling.”
She giggles a little. What he’d give to hear that out of her more. “By who?”
He raises a brow, “why, jealous?”
She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, “you wish.”
He smiles back at her. “I was just kidding anyways.”
“Sure,” she jests, not believing him. The elevator opens on his floor and they both walk out.
“No, I’m serious,” he pouts. “I’ve… I’ve never really had anyone to cuddle with.”
Her brows furrow. She finds that hard to believe. What with the amount of girls he’s had in his bed, there’s no way he hasn’t gotten loads of cuddles.
Now that she thinks about it, however, she hasn’t seen anything on the news about his newest scandal or girl toy. In fact, she hasn’t seen so much as one girl getting him to leave early to hook up—not that it’s any of her business. It just makes it easier for her to keep up his reputation.
They arrive at his bed where he had laid her down earlier. Tony tried to burn away the memory of her terrified eyes and petrified body on it.
They both snuggle into bed, making sure not to cross the invisible line they both drew to keep themselves separate.
That doesn’t stop them, however, from tearing down that barrier during their sleep, seeking each other's warmth and comfort.
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thesetwoidiots · 3 months
Tony: I would like to sleep with you.
What If!Stephen: Okay.
Tony: Wait, really?
What If!Stephen: Sure, but Peter might try to bite you if you get too cuddly.
Tony: ...What?
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sillypiratelife · 5 months
The strawhats sleeping in a room of the Alubarna palace after their battles in the Alabasta arc:
Luffy is splayed in his bed and snoring the loudest, but at least he has all limbs in the bed.
Zoro was invading Sanji's bed, one arm and one leg already on it even when the beds were separated by a certain space. He was also snoring, but not as much as Luffy.
Nami is the only person who sleeps decently, blanket perfectly tucked around her body.
Ussop had his ass and a leg up in the air, his body slumped in a weird shape. Points for staying in his bed, just like Luffy.
Sanji was completely in the ground in front of his bed with only his legs up and visible. Very funny to figure out he's the messiest sleeper of them all.
Chopper was a little messy but nothing worse than what I've described. Second place in the decent sleeper scale.
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starkermoods · 9 months
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High School AU (againnn… I really can’t get enough of these) Tony sleeps over at Peters house for the first time and it’s their first sleepover as a couple
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littlemissagrafina · 1 year
Tired Tony
Inspired by this post by @irondadmadlads
Read on AO3
"Hey Karen, can you ask Friday to open up one of the living room windows for me?" Peter asked the AI as he swung in a broad arc around a building, Stark Tower standing proudly before him as he shot off another web.
He flung himself forward, Karen's answer sounding in his ear. "Based on your trajectory, window number three on the living room floor will be opened, Peter."
"Thanks, K!" 
The tower loomed closer, and Peter angled himself, aiming for the window. 
"And Boss would like to remind you to slow down for your window entrances."
He soared through the open window, arms windmilling as he tried to slow down at the last minute. He miraculously landed on his feet and Peter almost breathed a sigh of relief until he realised that his moment meant he was still going forward.
His right foot stuck on the edge of the running carpet, his legs slipping out from under him as he fell backwards with a yelp, all the while sliding across the smooth flooring.
He slid to a stop on his back, looking up directly into the eyes of none other than Mr Stark himself.
The man quirked an eyebrow, looking decidedly torn between amusement and concern.
"Mr Stark."
"How many times do I need to tell you to slow down before flinging yourself through windows?" Tony questioned, reaching down and pulling Peter to his feet.
The teenager grinned sheepishly, rolling his shoulders and stretching till he felt a satisfying crack, snickering at Tony’s wince. "Probably a few more times." 
The man rolled his eyes but Peter could see the fondness in the action. He could see the tiredness, too, in the darker than usual bags under Tony’s eyes as well as the slight slouch in his frame.
Peter was used to seeing a tired Tony, but there was a different heaviness to it now. More exhausted than just tired from a lab binge, and Peter narrowed his eyes, thoughts spinning.
"Hey Mr Stark?" He asked, pulling his mask off.
"Yeah, Bud?" Tony reached up and ruffled Peter's hair, no doubt making his already messy curls even more messy.
Peter ducked out from under his hand, half heartedly protesting even as he laughed at the gesture. The moment soothed him, though. If Tony was still joking around and being affectionate, then it wasn't because of nightmares that he was so tired. Whenever he had a bad night as far as nightmares were concerned, Tony tended to withdraw and become even more self-deprecating than usual.
Peter let himself relax a bit, although he decided to go ahead with his scheme anyway.
"Can we skip the lab today?" He brought out the puppy eyes as he asked, knowing exactly how to weaken Tony's resolve. "I'm a little worn out mentally from tests this week so I thought it would be nice to just order take out and maybe watch a movie?" Peter continued, the excuse falling easily from his lips.
Tony hesitated, shifting slightly on his feet, and Peter refused to let his mentor go back to the lab when he was so visibly tired.
"It's okay if you have work you need to do, I can watch by myself or swing home?" He lowered his voice dejectedly towards the end of his sentence, all the whole smirking inwardly when Tony instantly crumbled.
The man sighed, but his mouth quirked slightly and the lines around his eyes softened. "As if I would do that. You think I'd work while you're here watching a movie and eating take out? If anything, you're giving me an excuse for Pepper, later."
"Now c'mon, lets go choose what to order and we can pick up where we left off in our movie list." Tony flung his arm around his shoulders and Peter stepped in closer to him. Although it wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind when he was swinging over, he knew he would enjoy a lazy afternoon with his dad mentor just as much as working together in the lab.
The elevator doors sliding open and clicking heels brought Peter's attention to the penthouse entrance.
"Ms Potts! Help me!" He groaned dramatically, curls flopping over his head as his gaze swung around to rest on the woman.  
Pepper's lips curled into an amused smile, her eyes shining, no doubt taking in the way that Tony was fast asleep, Peter pinned between him and the corner of the couch.
Tony had fallen asleep even before they'd reached the fifteen minute mark in their movie, takeout containers littered on the coffee table in front of them.
"I'm stuck." Peter commented unnecessarily.
"I can see that. You know who else would like to see this? May, that's who." Pepper grinned, holding up her phone and snapping a picture, sending it off to Aunt May before Peter could breathe a protest.
She slipped her phone into her pant suit pocket, and walked over to the couch, toeing her heels off as she did. She ran a hand over Peter's hair, pressing a kiss to his forehead in greeting as she smiled down at him and Tony.
"You're incredible, Peter. Friday showed me your little ruse against Tony." Pepper smirked at him before her expression softened again. "Thank you. He's been running on empty and refused to rest. It wasn't even over anything important, he just got hyperfixated on his work and all logic left his mind. So thank you. I'm glad he listens to you."
Peter smiled sheepishly at her. "It's not a problem Ms Potts. He makes me rest so I thought it was unfair if he refused to do the same. I just had to be sneaky about it."
"He always forgets that you can be just as sneaky as he can. I can't wait to see his face when he realises that you tricked him. Rhodey and Happy will never let him live down falling for his own trick." The businesswoman laughed quietly, her eyes alight with fondness and mirth.
She petted his hair, glancing at her watch. "Do you mind staying trapped a little longer while I get changed into something comfy?"
Peter shook his head. He was comfortable and more than happy to be cuddled like a teddy bear. "Nah, I honestly might just take a nap too. It wasn't too bad, but last week's tests did actually leave me pretty tired."
"Okay, I'll be back in a bit." She stood before pausing and looking at Peter. "Thank you, Peter." 
He knew it was more than just a thank you for this, that it was for all the other times that he and Tony had helped each other, had laughed, bonded. Become family.
So he nodded, and leant his head back down against Tony’s chest and shoulder, drifting off with the comfort of the irregular yet steady heartbeat under his head
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