#Surprise (pronounced the French way)
echo-s-land · 1 year
The most used swear word in French is 'putain' which is basically used the same way 'fuck' is in english
Now, some people writes 'putain' as 'putin' which even though it is not the correct spelling, is pronounced the same
And 'putain' is a not-so-archaic word for whore/slut
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the 4 bitches and 1 son of a bitch I'm sharing my bed with.
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charlesf1leclerc · 10 months
I have no ideas but i love to support writers so here we are
Charles with reader that speaks italian and french fluently, but they're not her first languages. and he didn't know that. So he's Very pleasantly surprised when he hears her talking with the ferrari people in italian. And then with his mom in french and he's all heart eyes for her😌
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Summary- you learn French in order to make a great first impression on Charles family and Charles is over the moon about it 
Warnings- poorly edited , badly translated French, mention of marriage 
Authors note- I hope that this is ok and to your liking 
It was a sunny evening in Monaco you and Charles where on your way over to his mums house for a family dinner. You were quite nervous was you had never met his mum before, you had met his brothers around the paddock and at races but you had yet to meet his mum and your really wanted to make a good impression. You ha doit your nicest dress on and tried to look as classy as possible not wanting to look tacky around the mother of the love of your life. You also had another little trick up your sleeve you had been learning a little bit of French so you could interact with the family in their native language, Charles hadn’t known you had been learning the language and you couldn’t wait to see his face when he found out , you just hoped tou wouldn’t miss pronounce anything cause that would ruin your prefect first impression.
“ here we are “ Charles spoke up
“ it’s really nice, this where you grew up” you inquired
“ yep this is where little Charles lived” 
“ aww it’s so cute”
Charles came around and grabbed your hand as you walked up to the door. He could obviously feel your sweaty palms and he turned to face you before ringing the bell.
“ it’s gonna be ok Cherie, she’s gonna love you, how could she not”
“ yeah it’s just meeting your mum is a big deal I just want to make a good impression”
“ and you will “ he says pulling you into him kissing your temple before ringing the doorbell.
After a few minutes the door finally opened. “Bonjour”
“ bonjour mama” Charles spoke leaning in to kiss his mum on both of her cheeks.
“ et vous devez être o/n” ( and you must be y/n) she spoke turning to you
“Oh mum y/n dosent speak French “ Charles spoke this was your moment 
“ c'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer Mme Leclerc”  ( it’s so nice to meet you Mrs Leclerc ) 
Charles turned to you stunned at the fact you had just spoken such fluent French, he didn’t know you knew how to speak any other language other then English and he wasn’t gonna lie this made him fall in love with you even more. 
“ oh tu parles français “ ( oh you do speak French ) she looked humorously at Charles.
“ juste quelques petites choses alors peut-être ne comptez pas sur mon français pour toute la nuit” ( just a few things so maybe don’t rely on my French for the whole night ) you laughed
“ well anyone nice to meet you dear, come in come let’s go settle inside and get to know each-other.
you and Charles followed her inside. Charles stopped you by grabbing your arm . You turned around to face him.
“ since when could speak French” he looked at you
“ since a couple weeks ago, I learnt some specially for today although I only know a few things I thought I might need to say “ you laughed rocking back on your heels
“ marry me “ he stared at you
You burst out laughing 
“ what”
“ I mean I’m just so in love with you right now , you went to all that just for my family”
“ I mena i love you and I will do whatever for your family to love me”
He pulled you in to kiss your lips
“ your perfect for me” he looked lovingly in your eyes still holding your cheek.
“ you guys ok” Pascale shouted 
“ coming mama” Charles linked his hand with yours as you walked further into the house. It’s safe to say the rest of your French knowledge paid of that night 
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Bat Boys on Valentines Day
Dick Grayson
* Made reservations a month ago
* Cross-checked the regular menu and seasonal menu to make sure there were things you’d like and conformed to your dietary preferences
* Surprises you with flowers and a big ticket high-fashion item like a Luis Vuitton bag or a pair of shoes
* When he hands it over the shocked look on your face makes him smile.
* You shower him with kisses in a second.
* “I” *kiss* “love” *kiss* “you” *kiss* “so” *kiss* “much!”
* He laughs at the ticklish feeling and kisses you back when it’s over.
* “No, I love you so much.”
Jason Todd
* He hates crowds and decides to make you a nice pleasant meal at home.
* He decided the menu over a month ago, a full four course meal with curated cocktails, wine and ambiance.
* He ‘borrows’ some fine dining dishes from the manor and sets the table up with candles and a bouquet of flowers.
* “Do you like it?” He asks, nervous and afraid—he cooks for himself all the time but cooking for you makes him afraid beyond belief
* What if you don’t like it? What if you have a secret allergy? What if you never want to talk to him again because he didn’t take you out like a traditional date?
* “I love it! The risotto is so good and, are these truffles?”
* Afterwards he gives you some books he knows you want or that you would like and pressed flower bookmarks that he made himself.
* “Jason Todd, you are my entire heart.”
Tim Drake
* He forgets.
* “I thought Valentine’s Day was always on Thursday!” He shrieks, flipping through the phone book for any restaurant that’ll take you.
* “That’s Thanksgiving Tim.”
* But it’s okay—
* “Shit, you think dominos will still deliver today?” You shout from the other side of the room.
* —because you forgot too.
* You have pizza in bed while watching movies and cuddling.
* “This isn’t the worst right?” He asks.
* “Any day with quality time with you is a good day.” You mumble after a yawn, cuddling into his chest as he flushed bright pink.
Duke Thomas
* Classic Dinner and a Movie
* You guys haven’t been dating for long so he doesn’t want to scare you off with anything intense.
* You end up goofing around too long at the arcade connected to the movie theatre and missing your reservation slot.
* You end up getting soft pretzels and sitting by the lake.
* “Honestly, I think this is way better than eating at a French restaurant.”
* He laughs, “any time with you is a good one.”
Damian Waybe
* It’s a three person date — You, Damian, and Titus.
* You go for a walk around the lake, playing with Titus and jokingly splashing each other, and then a picnic on the grassy bluff above.
* “It’s pretty quiet today, huh?”
* “Everyone’s probably at the new french restaurant downtown.” He holds out a dipped strawberry for you which you bite into.
* “The one you can pronounce?”
* You laugh at his frown, pressing a kiss to his cheek, only to laugh again when Titus nudges you with his nose and places his head in your lap with a wagging tag.
* “Of course I didn’t forget you, kisses for Titus too!”
Bruce Wayne
* Wines and dines and sixty-nines you
* He’s probably got a standing reservation at the best restaurant in the city on account of the fact that he’s richer than god
* Gets a private room or balcony that overlooks the city so you have privacy but also the glitz and glam of a night out
* Already called ahead of time and got the chef to make your favorite dinner—just for you
* As a gift he gives you six orgasms in a row a cute little diamond accessory with his initial in gold.
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tamayula-journal · 6 months
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As everyone knows, Hogwarts Legacy has dubbed voices in French and German, as well as Japanese and other languages, in addition to English. For people like me, whose first language is other than English, which language version of the character do you imagine and create when creating fan art or fanfiction?🤔
As you can see in the picture above, Ominis speaks quite differently in the English and Japanese versions.
(Thanks for the nice video,@slytherinmodqueen)
The Japanese version of Ominis speaks quite powerfully and loudly. When I first played HL in Japanese, I had the impression that Ominis was powerful and brave, so I was very, very surprised when I first heard the classy voice and speech of the English version of Ominis on Twitter. 🤣
The impression that the way you speak gives people is very big. To me, the Japanese version of Ominis and the English version of Ominis feel like completely different characters. So in order to keep the character's expression consistent, I try to imagine the English version of him when I create fan art and fan fiction for Ominis. (And of course I love the Japanese version of Ominis.)
Another reason why the Japanese version of Ominis feels powerful is his first-person pronoun.
There are many first-person pronouns in Japanese, and they are used differently depending on the gender and age of the speaker. Women almost exclusively use the first person pronoun 'Watashi (私)', while men have several options. In the Japanese version of the Hogwarts Legacy, Sebastian and Ominis use different first-person pronouns.
Sebastian is 'Boku(僕)', and this first-person pronoun tends to be used mainly by gentle, calm, and intelligent men in fiction. Ominis, on the other hand, is 'Ore(俺)', and these first-person pronouns tend to be used by men who are 'aggressive and masculine'.
The staff member who translated HL into Japanese described Sebastian as a 'gentle, intelligent man' and Ominis as an 'aggressive, powerful man'!
At first glance, the first-person pronouns for Sebastian and Ominis seem to be reversed, but I consider these to be excellent translations. I personally think that these express well the character of Sebastian, who is mischievous and always breaking the rules, but is actually a well-read and clever character, and the character of Ominis, who has tragic origins and is thoughtful, but also shows brave and somewhat controlling side😌
Do you have different impressions of the characters in languages other than Japanese compared to the English version, such as this difference between the English and Japanese versions? I am very curious!
Side note: I only found out today that the family name of the French version of Sebastien has been changed to 'Pallow'! I also learned for the first time that "Sallow" is an insult in French😳. Come to think of it, the 'L' pronunciation doesn't exist in Japanese, so I pronounce him 'Sarō'. When I type his name in Japanese on the keyboard, I also type 'sarou'!
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maxybabyy · 7 months
It’s barely noon.
Daniel has only been back in Monaco for a handful of hours, burnt out from flying commercial and dressed obnoxiously in bright orange, and still, he’s here.
He pulls up Max’s text one more time and stares sceptically at the building in front of him. But he’s in the right spot, the tiny guy on the map right on top of the address Max had sent.
The lady behind the reception desk looks up when he enters, a polite smile on her lips as she comes forward to greet him, “Bonjour monsieur, comment ca va?”
Daniel’s been here for too long for his French to be as bad as it is, stutters out a, “Ca va bien,” before he switches to English. “Uh, I’m here for my cats?”
“Certainly,” she says, her accent even less pronounced than Charles’. She goes back behind the desk, points out the small bevvy station on her way there. Daniel’s been in formula one for over ten years, has lived in Monaco for most of that, but this fucking cat hotel may still be the fanciest shit he’s been to. “May I ask what cats you are here for?”
Daniel jiggles the handle of the coffeemaker, watches what he hopes is coffee drip into the branded to-go cup. “Uh, Jimmy and Sassy? They’re like, Bengals, with the stripes and shit? If you have two cats that look the same, I reckon it’s probably them,” he says, searches and fails to locate a lid.
The lady coughs, and Daniel decisively doesn’t look at her, cannot – knows she has to be laughing at him. Fucking, disaster step-cat dad that he is; Max would already have them loaded up in the car and be on his way.
“The cats are registered with internal ID numbers, monsieur. I cannot tell you if we have your cats otherwise, my apologies,” she tells him, not unkind.
“Right, yeah. Let me get those for you then,” he says, chuckles. He scrolls back to the cursed message that had started it all, rattles off the IDs for both cats to the lady’s mild surprise.
‘you of course don’t have to, but always the cats like it better when they can be at home.’ He reads back now, wishes he had never ventured into the world of cat sitting and long-term pet boarding.
“I will have someone come out with your cats right away, monsieur Verstappen,” she says, taps away at the computer for a moment before the printer starts to spit out a stack of papers. “If I can just have you sign here, you will be all set.”
Daniel swallows down half of the coffee, scrapes his teeth over his tongue to mask the burn. “’course, I’m not Max, though. Just for filing purposes, I guess.” He says, scribbles his signature on the dotted line. It’s the same fucking signature that he would do on a hat or whatever the fans put in front of him, and it shouldn’t make him feel embarrassed, but it does. “My name’s Daniel. Ricciardo, I should be on the list though.”
The lady smiles, licks her finger to flick a page. “Certainly, monsieur Ricciardo.”
A man in his early twenties comes out, a cat carrier in each arm. He puts the cats on the desk and rattles off a report of their stay these past weeks, the meals they had, how they behaved, their moods.
Daniel tries to listen, makes himself remember enough that Max will be satisfied even if they didn’t also send out an update by mail every three days. The guy doesn’t stop talking, so Daniel nods along, pokes his finger through the grid and watches Sassy swat at it; Jimmy who gives him a polite lick.
Even if their names weren’t printed on the carrier, this would give them away. That at least he knows.
“Great, yeah. Thanks mate,” Daniel says and moves them down to rest by his feet. “Do I need to pay something, or will we get an invoice, or like?”
“Monsieur Verstappen has an account with us, so there is no need for that. He will be notified by mail. But I can offer you a receipt?” She says, and even she sounds unsure about the offer.
“Yeah, that would be good, cheers.”
The printer makes another noise, and one of the cats meows in response, the other quick to echo. She hands it over with a smile, and Daniel stuffs it into his pocket with a quick ‘thanks’ and picks up his cats to leave.
He’s lying on the couch later, Jimmy on his chest and Max’s latest voice message playing over the phone when he finally pulls out the receipt.
“You’re such a fucking spoilt cat, Jims.” He says, kisses his head.
Jimmy meows softly, bumps his chin with his head, so Daniel kisses him again, watches his tail flick in the air.
Yeah, alright, he thinks, maybe they do deserve it.  
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beelzebuddy-catan · 1 year
Obey Me Headcanons - Part 4
Mammon became luckier when the exchange program started. Not because of MC but because of Luke.
Satan is in an improv group but if you ask no he isn't.
Asmo gives people he's modelling with backhanded compliments to throw them off their game. Of course he'll look better but you can never be too sure. Right?
All of the brothers, except Satan sleep with lights on because they can't fall asleep in full darkness after living in the Celestial Realm.
Beel can't tie a tie. Satan tied his once and now he just loosens and tightens it.
Belphie can't tie his shoes. They're either Velcro, slip on, or untied.
He will never admit it.
Which is why he buys lace up shoes and just tells people he's too tired to tie them.
Levi wears heelies religiously and will just zoom out of the room when he's had enough.
Simeon pronounces lmao like LUH-Mayo but nobody will correct him.
Once in a fight when Satan was getting pissed™, MC turned to walk away and he said something under his breath.
MC spun around and slapped him.
It happened so fast he immediately snapped out of his rage fit from surprise and started laughing.
MC sells Mammon's stuff that he's forgotten about (you know he's got storage lockers full of things he doesn't even remember buying).
They save it for when he asks for money and pretends to loan it to him, know he won't pay them back.
MC has said "oh I thought you were the Avatar of ____, not the avatar of being a bitch ass" to at least one of the brothers.
Mammon was fucking around and chased some baby geese only for the mom to beat the shit out of him.
If Lilith had fallen with the brothers and become a demon, her sin would have been wrath.
Any being that can see ghosts/spirits can catch glimpses of her having violent reactions to coinciding with Satan's if he gets mad.
When MC drinks too much and needs someone to pick them up, they voice text Mammon asking for him to come.
Except half way through they always go: oh never mind Solomon just walked in. I'll just have a sleep over with him.
Mammon is ALWAYS there faster than a pizza delivery guy promising 20 minutes or less or a free pizza.
While Levi had his nickname long before Satan, it only really became commonplace when Satan was young because he couldn't pronounce the TH in leviathan.
Asmo can't French braid his hair, it always turns out as a Dutch braid.
Levi, however, is amazing at all different types of braids, so now he has to braid Asmo's hair
Diavolo thinks the funniest joke he's ever heard is the updog joke.
Mammon has gotten tricked into several multi level marketing scams.
He tries unsuccessfully to get his brothers to join each time.
Solomon started one just to mess with him.
It's the only time Mammon has been successful at it.
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bl-sensei · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel songs review: Stayed Gone
This song doesn't have a French title, but if it had one it could've been "Regretter d'être rentré" (lit. Regret coming back).
Vox sings "You're not welcome down here anymore" (Say hello to a new status quo), I don't know why they didn't keep "status quo", but I like the translation;
Vox sings "Say goodbye to radio / We prefer video / we want sounds and images in Hell" (While he hid in radio / We pivoted to video / Now his medium is getting bloody rare) there isn't the idea of him being a coward, but I like that he says that people prefer video;
Alastor sings "For a while, you've been demanding / a stylish media / that offers quality" (yes I know it's been a while / since someone with style / treated hell to a broadcast) I like that he says that people asked for him to come back and that he's qualitative unlike Vox;
Alastor sings "Vow gonna regret / Playing" (Your status quo / Will know it's race is run) and I like that he threatens him.
I love Alastor's French va, Maxime Hoareau , he's awesome. I didn't even realize it was him, I didn't even know he could sing! I can't say how happily surprised I was! I love his energy, he was perfect, so it's a pro.
In French Vox doesn't call Alastor a coward;
In French Alastor is far more familiar, so it was surprising when I learned that apparently him saying "fuck you" to Lucifer was the 1st he'd swear in English. In this song, he sings (Instead of one of his mediocre whorish little TV shows) (instead of a clout-chasing mediocre video podcast), the word he used in French is dated so it suits him in a way, but hearing him say "whorish" was quite a shock tbh; he also calls Vox a French equivalent of "loser" but far more familiar, so this one was quite a shock too;
We lost the idea of Vox being insecure and thriving only thanks to Valentino and Velvette; but instead, they call each other useless so I guess it cancels out?;
Alastor's French va has a bad tendency to not do the rhymes in [e] and [ə] (ex: tolerate is pronounced / ˈtɒl.ə.ɹeɪ̯t/ [tbh idk if that really helps]). We can often switch the two pronunciations (usually it depends on the region) so you can make them rhyme as long as you pronounce it correctly, which he tends not to do. Not a huge problem but it ticked me;
We don't have the parallelism "I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone", instead we have "let me remind you who I am", which is good too but I love figures of style;
Alastor sings "Because my voice / Is your friend" (Tune on in / When I'm done) and I don't think he could really be called a friend lol.
It was really complicated to rate this song because the lyrics changed a lot. As a whole, the song is not great, but not terrible either. The translation is very different, but the ideas stayed more or less the same. I'd say the song is OK if you only speak French, but it's better in English. I give this song a 6/10.
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cloudyyoimiya · 9 months
Hiiii :)
First of all, it's nice that you are back. I hope you had fun with your friend!
Secondly, I saw your post about wanting more Verlaine requests, so could I please request something for him? Maybe reader comforting him when he gets homesick for France? Headcannons or a scenario prehaps? You can choose if yandere or not.
Take your time and make sure to stay hydrated (it's scorching hot where I am 🥵) and have a great day/night!
i’m sorry i got to this late!! it’s been hot where i live too… i hate the weather here. its horrendous. anyways, thank you for requesting! i had fun writing this <3
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A Taste of Home; Paul Verlaine
Format; Headcanons and scenario
Genre; Fluff
Possible warnings; None
Word count; 1123
Little note; Translations are at the bottom :)
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Verlaine never thought that he was one to miss France. So many bad things had happened to him in that country, an example of it being his creation. But sometimes when he did think about his somewhat good memories, he would miss the culture of his homeland. He also missed speaking French because learning English was hard enough, but Japanese? He was too proud of admit that he struggled speaking in both languages.
One time you brought up purchasing an expensive bottle of wine from France to Verlaine, but his facial expression alone showed you that he was longing to go back to his homeland. You felt bad that he was unable to travel back to France due to his current situation in the Port Mafia’s basement, so you thought that you’d try to bring his culture back to him.
You looked up how to make French cuisine and French pastries. It was hard at first, but after enough practice while Verlaine wasn’t around, you eventually got the hang of it. Hopefully a taste of home would do him some good.
You also started to learn a little bit of French. Sometimes you could see how he struggled to form sentences that weren’t in his native tongue, so you thought that it would be a pleasant surprise for him to be able to speak comfortably in French.
Though you would have to admit, learning French was hard. The grammar is much different than how it is in English, and the way you pronounce certain letters gave you a little bit of trouble. Honestly, it’s surprising how your boyfriend didn’t hear you cursing late at night because you couldn’t figure out how to say certain words.  
By the time you set up your little surprise, you didn’t know how to speak French fluently, but you knew enough to hold up a small conversation.
You couldn’t help but be nervous as you finished up the final meal preparations. Recently, Verlaine has been showing signs of missing his homeland, France. For anyone else it would be hard to pick up on these signs because your boyfriend was rather stoic, but for you, it was quite clear to you.
You felt bad that he was unable to travel back to France due to his current situation with the mafia, but there wasn’t much you could do besides having him leave the mafia’s basement for a day or so.
As you were setting up the dinner table, you heard a knock on the door to your apartment. You quickly finished putting down the dining utensils and rushed to the door, straightening out your outfit as you did so. You then opened the door and looked up at Verlaine, offering him a small smile.
“Hello, my dear,” you said as you opened your door fully. “Come in, come in!”
Verlaine gave you a small smile of his own and entered your apartment. He then took out of the bouquet of roses that he was hiding behind his back and offered them to you. “Here, I got these for you.”
“Oh! They’re beautiful!” You exclaimed as you took the bouquet from his hands. You then took a small sniff of the roses and chuckled. “And they smell good too. Thank you, Paul.”
Verlaine simply nodded and he took off his coat. He placed it onto your coat rack then looked down at you, an awkward smile adorned his features. Despite all of the times he had bought you flowers, he was always scared of accidently messing up and getting you flowers you didn’t like.
Your boyfriend cleared his throat then started to speak gently. “I’m glad you like them. Anyways, you said you called me over for a date, right? What exactly will we be doing, chérie?”
“Ah, I just prepared some dinner is all,” you spoke as you went into the kitchen. You set down the roses onto your counter, then pulled out a vase from one of your many cabinets. “I think you’ll like it! I tried pretty hard to make it perfect.”
Verlaine walked behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin onto your shoulder. He silently watched as you prepared the roses of the vase. He was happy that you put so much care into the flowers, oddly enough.
“When was the last time you had coq au vin?” You suddenly asked as you put water into the vase.
Verlaine paused for a little bit, thinking. When he answered, he seemed a little bit unsure. “I’d have to say a few years ago. Why do you ask?”
“I made it for our dinner tonight,” you stated while putting the roses into the vase. You then gently took Verlaine’s arms off of you and walked over to the dining table. “I hope you like it! It took a little bit of trial and error, but I think it tastes good.”
Verlaine followed you and watched as you placed the vase of roses in the center of the dining room table. “You made coq au vin?”
“I did indeed. I noticed how you were starting to miss France, so that was the least I could do since I can’t physically bring you back to France.”
Your boyfriend let out a small chuckle and wrapped his arms around you once more, nuzzling into your neck. He was never one to show affection first, so this act was a pleasant surprise to you. You smiled as you hugged him back, content with the affection that Verlaine was showing.
“Je t'aime,” Verlaine murmured into your neck.
“Je t'aime aussi,” you said before you giggled.
Verlaine looked at you and quirked an eyebrow. “Tu parle Français?”
“Oui, mais seulement un peu,” you said with a smile. “Is my pronunciation okay?”
“It’s good for a beginner,” Verlaine chuckled. “Did you really do all of this for me? I find that hard to believe, chérie.”
“I really did do this all for you… I knew it’s not all that much, but it’s the thought that counts, right?”
“The thought very much counts,” Verlaine spoke as he kissed your cheek. “You’re adorable, chérie. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it. Just think of it as showing you how much I love you.”
Verlaine nodded and stopped hugging you with a genuine smile on his face. “Then I shall think of it that way.”
“Good! Now, the food might be getting cold. C’mon, let’s go eat before I have to go throw it in the microwave to reheat it,” you giggled.
“Alright, alright. Let’s go eat then.” Verlaine gave you another kiss, but this time on your lips. “I love you, my dear. Thank you again for doing all of this for me.”
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Je t’aime (aussi)—I love you (too)
Tu parle Français?—You speak French?
Oui, mais seulement un peu—Yes, but only a little
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sweet-as-an-angel · 5 months
Coming back to how much his nationality is mentionned in here, would he try to slip in some French assuming we didn't tell him we were from here because it wasn't really useful. Reaction to them having the accent on first meeting? What if we like the fact he's from here? What if we pretend to not understand? Would he detect those types of things, that we're faking? Or would he have already rummaged through our papers and seen the red passport? What if we reply to him just once and then never answer his questions again? That would be funny, playing with him just to get back at him. Wouldn't surprise me if delusional prick was a dark empath (≈.≈)
Just another rouge trophy for Dominic to put on his shelf. Surprised the poor thing hasn't caved beneath the weight of all those flags he's sporting <3
TW: Brief Implied Smut
♡ Dominic won't have access to any personal papers, documents, etc. until he's able to get into and out of your home without suspicion - or, at least, rummage around inside without you feeling suspicious about him taking as long as has to find your bathroom - so he'll go purely off intuition and subtle cues in your demeanour and speech if you don't have an accent. Things like rolling your 'r's, accidentally pronouncing è or é in words that don't possess them, using turns of phrase that don't necessarily make sense in the English vernacular but do in French - things like that.
♡ On the flip-side, if you do have an accent, Dominic is very pleased; especially if he recognises it as southern French. In a way, despite his complete secularity in all but himself, he does hazard a slight belief in the idea that maybe, perhaps, something celestial or metaphysical brought you to him, especially considering how uncommon it is to encounter international neighbours where he lives. He gets excited at the prospect of being able to talk to you - to say things to you - that nobody else can understand.
♡ And yes, this does extend to bedroom talk. Yes, he has had fantasies about telling you despicable things while his wife is in earshot.
♡ Messing with Dominic will never end well for you, btw. He can just about take the idea of a joke being made at his expense in his stride; to actually hear one is enough to incur the wrath of a man who is not restrained by creed, flag, or morals. As much as he loves you, he has very little issue with breaking you down into his perfect specimen. Much like how he did with Marilyn.
♡ Once is fine, but only if it's the two of you alone. Do something like this in public and Dominic won't be held responsible for all that will ensue.
Masterlist Yandere AI Masterlist Masterpost
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universaln0b0dy · 7 months
I understand! (Twisted wonderland characters x reader)
《Characters》: Vil, Rook, Azul, Kalim
《Summary》: You have trouble understanding the language everyone speaks in Twisted wonderland to communicate with eachother, causing you resort to say things in your mother tongue, but to their suprise they can understand you.
《Note》: So, I used google translate for every language exept German- uhh Vil is german, Rook french, Azul dutch and Kalim Arabic. Also whole Twisted wonderland talks Japanese. (Also it's only canon that took speaks French, the others are just headcanons!)
Vil Schoenheit:
Vil probably noticed immediately. He had come to notice that a lot of people tended to struggle pronouncing his name, but you got it right on the first try and the way you pronounced it was quite familiar to him.
Though he wasn't completely sure until he heard you mutter it during class, while you were mentally searching for a way to say what you meant. "Kann ich das Glas da haben?" (Can I have that glass over there?)
Vil looked at you nodding. "Hier bitte."(here) He answers and you smile. "Dankeschön!" You say, not even noticing Vil had answered you in your mother tongue.
You continue to try understanding the lesson, writing down words you are familiar with to make a sense out of everything. Vil looks at you tilting his head, an idea had just popped up in his head.
"Wenn du willst kann ich dir Japanisch beibringen." (I can teach you japanese if you'd like) Vil offers and you snap your head towards him in suprise, now having finally grasped that he indeed had talked german. "Wirklich? Das währe nett!" (Really? That would be nice!)
Turns out Vil was better at teaching than duolingo. Because of his strictness you even learned a lot in a very short time, though you thought it was okay.
During that time, you and Vil got closer, because of the language you and him had in common. It's not like that language was spoken rarely, but it was special that even someone from a different world spoke the same language as you.
"Hey! Lieblingsmensch, wie geht's dir?" (Hey favorite person! How are you?) You exclaim hugging Vil. He didn't remember when it came to the point that he allowed you to do so, or the fact that he needed to smile every time you crossed his mind, but he liked that. You teasingly winked and Vil couldn't help but chuckle
"Gut. Und die geht's dir mein Liebling?"(good and how are you my dear?)
Rook Hunt:
When you first heard Rook speak French you felt like a wonder had happened. The first day arriving at Twisted wonderland had already been tiring since you rarely understood a word.
"Rook!" You run towards the blonde haired male that looks at you in confusion.
"Vous parlez français, n'est-ce pas ?"(You speak french, right?) You ask and Rooks eyes widened in surprise. He looks at you with a content smile. "oui je le fais" (yes I do.)
You sigh in relief upon hearing that. Maybe you finally found the perfect opportunity to learn Japanese. You look at Rook again.
"Pourrais-tu m'apprendre le japonais ?" (Could you teach me Japanese?) You ask looking at him with hope glittering in your eyes and Rook agrees with a content smile on his lips.
The next few weeks are packed with Rook trying his best to teach you Japanese and you finally understanding what is happening around you, even gaining the opportunity to converse with the others.
But even outside of those lessons you and Rook spend a lot of time together, spending the whole day talking in French. The both of you become surprisingly close.
"Bonjour mon cher! comment va ma personne préférée au monde ?" (Hello my dear! how is my most favorite person in the world doing?) You tease Rook with a smile, something you started doing a while ago. Rook smiles at you.
"Je vais très bien ma chérie !" (I am quite alright my darling!)
Azul Ashengrotto:
You had been warned by multiple people that making a deal with Azul is a bad idea, but he was the only person that could help you. You struggled with understanding people in twisted Wonderland and after hearing Azul speak Dutch, you recognised that maybe, just maybe you would be able to do something against that problem.
"Azul! Help me alsjeblieft Japans te leren! Ik teken zelfs een contract!" (Azul! Please help me learn Japanese! I will even sign a contract!) Azul blinks at you, hearing you speak Dutch for the first time, he had expected everything from you, but not that.
Azul agrees, making you sign a contract. To his suprise you could read everything on the contract and agreed to the terms that you would work in mostro lounge.
Your Japanese wasn't the worst, but you seemed to have a lot of trouble understanding and speaking. Well at least you were good in writing it.
Soon Azul started to find himself longing to spend time with you even outside of those lessons. He loved talking to you because you were quite a pleasant person to be around.
After a while you started to jokingly flirt with him, though it wasn't sure if Azul understood that you were joking, or you were actually joking. "Hallo mooie jongen! hoe was je dag?" (Hello pretty Boy! how was your day?)
Azuls face flames up before he smiles slightly.
"Geweldig! Hoe was het met jouw parel?" (Great! how was yours pearl?)
Kalim Al-Asim:
This was troublesome. You didn't understand a word of what Trein had said, or anyone else for that matter. You sigh, before hearing Kalim speak in a language way to familiar to you. You walk towards him.
"kalim? hal tatakalam alearabiatu?" (Kalim? You speak Arabic?) The white haired boy turns his attention towards you with a smile. He knew you usually didn't talk that much, mainly because of your accent. But he was surprised to hear you speak his mother tongue.
"naeam 'afeal!" (I do!) You clap your hands happily after hearing that, asking him to teach you Japanese. Kalim probably isn't the best option, but you trust that he wouldn't try to use that to his advantage.
You and Kalim start studying together and much to Kalims suprise he also gets better in school as teaching someone else made him actually grasp what's happening on the worksheet.
You also get often invited to party's by Kalim, simply because he wants to spend more time with you and you accept, becoming closer to the white haired male.
After a while you have a full understanding of Japanese not needing to be reached anymore, but that wasn't the end to your dates with Kalim. The though of you decide to do other things together.
On a long carpet ride you look at Kalim with a smile.
"shkran limusaeadatik ya klim, laqad jaealat hayaati almadrasiat 'afdal kthyran". (Thanks for your help Kalim, you made my school life a lot better.)
(Alright, so this was fun! I mean I only really understand what I have written and German and the few pieces of french my brain is able to understand. Wich means I have no idea if google translate handed me some bs translation in some cases. I actually wanted to use the official arabic writing, but Tumblr didn't let me! But I hope you'll enjoyed this anyway!
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gretavanbear · 6 months
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The Professor
Josh Kiszka x F!reader x Jake Kiszka
18+ MDNI!
[a/n: hey guys! i promise i'll be updating more frequently from now on. I will also make changes to my taglist so it's easier for me to update it and keep track of everyone! by next update ill have my taglist up to date- sorry about that!! i hope you enjoy this chapter!]
Screening #10: The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
You walked into your usual classroom with your computer in your hands. You had just spent all morning in the library working on an essay for another class. Walking into class, you were caught by surprise with the view of both twins at the front, talking to each other. 
You sat in your usual spot and opened your laptop, pressing the button to turn it on. Peeking over the screen, you could see Josh looking over at you with a small smile, whilst Jake looked over his notes at the podium. They really looked good together, a strong bond that could not be broken. As time rolled around, class began. 
“Hello everyone” Josh clasped his hands together, a big smile on his face as he looked around the room, Jake looked at you. Your heart beat caught in your throat as his brown eyes focused on you for those few seconds, those chocolate orbs making you feel like it was just you and him in that room. “Today, Professor Kiszka aka my brother decided to join us once again!” Josh smiled, walking around the stage at the front of the amphitheater shaped classroom. 
“Hello, everyone.” His raspy voice filling the room, making you blush a little. His voice alone sounded like straight-up sex. He wore a dark suit, with a gray collared shirt underneath and his necklaces peaking through the opening. He looked incredibly beautiful. 
“Today, we’re going to watch The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, I’m not even going to try pronouncing that in french,” Josh chucked. 
“Les Parapluies de Cherbourg” Jake spoke, his french clear and well-pronounced. You sucked in a breath as you looked over at him. He had a small smirk on his lips as he read over his notes. 
“Yes, that’s right. I would love for you guys to focus on the experimental style within this film, and the colors! The colors and their meanings! How does that sound?” Josh smiled, taking a sip from his bottle. 
“Why is the style considered experimental, Josh?” Jake raised his head to look over at Josh, resting his elbows on the podium. 
“Glad you asked, brother.” Josh sat on the edge of the stage and looked around the room, his eyes landing on you for a couple seconds before drifting away. “This film, directed by Jacques Demy- excuse my pronunciation, is really fascinating because of the way it is different to regular musicals. Instead of mixing dialogue and music, all dialogue is spoken through song.” Josh explained. You raised your eyebrows, feeling interested in the movie you were about to watch. 
“It is a very good movie, I’ve seen it many times. Les Parapluies de Cherbourg was released at the end of the New Wave of french cinema. Jacques Demy pushed the norm from what would regularly play in theaters to be with his experimental films; and that is what makes his impact so important for cinema. Which is why Josh and I decided to screen this film today.” Jake explained. Damn, his french was beautiful.
Once the film was over, the lights turned back on and you felt different. The movie was so beautiful, and you did pay attention to the colors as Josh asked you to. It really was noticeable in the way that the colors on screen mirrored the characters emotions. 
It made you wonder what color would be portrayed for you. 
You knocked on the door nervously, knowing he was in there. You couldn’t help but notice how good he looked in class, in that dark navy velvet suit. The way he presented himself in such a confident manner was truly life changing. There was life before Jake Kiszka, and after. You were glad to be in the after. 
“Enter.” He spoke out loud through the door. You obliged and opened it carefully. He looked up at you without raising his head, focused on his computer. 
“Ah. Doll. How can I help you?” He said, leaning back in his chair with a soft smile. He placed one hand on his thigh whilst the other rested on the arm of his chair. His shirt revealed more of his bare chest which looked incredibly sexy. He seemed vulnerable and dominant all at once. Like a man who’s sure of himself, who he is. 
“Good afternoon, sir. I was just very impressed by the movie screened earlier. I loved the music and cinematography so much.” You said, closing the door behind yourself. 
“Yeah? Why don’t you tell me more about that.” He pushed himself back from the desk, allowing space for you to come between his chair and the desk. His fingers tapping his thigh, as he looked up at you. You smiled shyly as you walked over to him, looking down and hesitating before he mouthed ‘sit.’ and you listened. 
You sat on his thigh, feeling how thick and stable it felt, and being so close to him turned you on so much. He looked up at you with his lips parted, his big brown eyes looking at your every move. The hand which was resting on his thigh was now pressed against yours, right next to your hip.
“Tell me, what did you like?” His voice was low, his thumb caressing you gently. You smiled shyly, your hands on his broad shoulders. “Why don’t you tell me?” His other hand found your jawline, his soft but calloused fingers dragged against your skin. So gently. 
“Uhm..” You were speechless, he looked so pretty. You examined his long lashes which covered those beautiful chocolate orbs. The way his skin looked so soft, with such a delicacy to it. It made you think maybe, he was the doll he always described you as. You were afraid to break him, even though he felt so strong underneath you, his thick thigh buried between your legs. His pointer and thumb grabbed your chin gently, as he guided you closer to his lips, his long lashes caressing his cheeks, closing his eyes as he leaned in to kiss you. 
His lips were softer than satin, warm like an embrace during a winter storm. God, he was so fucking soft yet a roughness hid in him. You knew you wanted him to use it on you, but not yet. His lips kissed you with passion, full trust. His fingers let go of your chin and made their way to the back of your head; his fingers intertwining with your roots, caressing your head a little as his kiss deepened. You could feel yourself soaking your underwear, surely his pants were next. 
Suddenly, his grip on your roots tightened which caused you to moan in his mouth. You pulled back embarrassed a little, but he didn’t care. He kept his grip and pulled you a little closer making sure you were looking into his eyes. 
“You’re soaking my three hundred dollar pants, babe.” His dark pink lips spoke. 
“Sorry, sir..” You felt blush creep onto your cheeks, feeling hot all over as you began stepping off, but his hands went straight to your hips. He pulled you back on, and even closer. 
“Keep going… Make a mess on me.” 
His words sent goosebumps all over your skin, his stare driving you crazy. You grind your hips against his thigh, leaving little moans escape your lips as he moves your hair out of your face, holding his eye contact with yours. 
“Fuck… does it feel good?” His big brown eyes consumed all your thoughts, you felt so connected with him in that moment. 
“Yeah” You breathed out. “It does.” You smiled shyly which made him smile too, before leaving kisses on your neck. He whispers sweet nothings against your skin and grabs your leg so you’re now straddling him, his hands moving your hips against him and you can feel his length so perfectly. He was big, just how you remembered, and he felt so good rubbing against you this way. 
“Fuck.. I’m..” your mind went foggy but he bucked his hips up and made sure to not lose any friction, his brows furrowed with his mouth hanging open, the friction making him feel so good, too. He carried you through your orgasm, complimenting you and caressing your thighs with his large hands as you crumbled above him. 
“Beautiful.” He smiled. You blushed, thinking it wasn't possible since you were already so red. You got up, embarrassed, but he pulled you back down, positioned you so you were still sitting on his lap, your legs draped sideways over his whilst his hand held your back and the other laid flat across your thighs. 
“Tell me, doll. Is he not enough for you?” He asked softly, his thumb caressing your thigh. 
“.. No. He is..”
“Why’d you hesitate?”
“It’s just. Ever since I saw you in that hallway. Something about you.. I don't know. I feel like I need to know you. It’s not like how it is with him.” You confessed, avoiding his eyes. With the hand that was on your thighs, he holds your chin and turns your head so you face him. 
“And if you had to choo-”
“You.” cutting him off, he gasps quietly.
“You haven’t even had me yet, darling. How can you be so sure?” His low voice sent a chill down your spine, and you involuntarily clenched your thighs together at the sight of his face. He looked at you with such intensity and care, never like how Josh did. He was ten times more intense than Josh, and you needed him. More than you’ve ever needed anything. 
You leaned in close, pressing your hand against his chest as your lips grazed his ear, “I guess you should show me, then. That I’m making the right choice.” you whispered. 
“Yeah? We can arrange that.” he breathed out, confident. He held his hand out to help you get off his lap and you gladly took it, feeling supported by him in that moment. He shot you a comforting look as he got up and gave you a hug which took you by surprise, but you gladly wrapped your arms around him and held him tight. You felt your whole body full of butterflies and fireworks anytime he touched you, and this hug made you feel like you were floating. 
“Thank you.. And, sorry for your pants.” You giggled softly. Looking down at the wet spots embarrassingly. 
“Don’t ever apologize, I loved it. I do hope you come see me in my office if you ever have real questions about anything. Though, this is okay too.” He chuckled. God, he was so beautiful. Even his laugh was cute. “Oh! Before I forget..” He turned around for a second and ripped a piece of paper off of his notebook, writing down something quickly. “This is my personal phone number. Please call me.” He smirked, handing you the paper between his pointer and middle finger. 
“I will, thank you, sir. Good evening” You smiled, your hand reaching for his doorknob. 
“Good evening to you.” He smiled, opening the door for you. 
As he closed the door, you smiled to yourself for a moment. You could see yourself really falling for him, he was different, thoughtful, talented, smart,
You looked up. 
“You could've came to me if you had questions about the film screened today.” Josh spoke, a hint of annoyance in his tone. 
“No, no I know. I had a question about something else.” You responded quickly, crumbling the paper in your hand so it’s not noticeable. 
“Okay. But I’m your professor, not him.” He spoke, stepping closer. 
“Okay, Josh.” You sighed, hiding your hurt with a smile. He smiled back. 
“I have to go teach another class right now, but I’ll call you tonight?” He said. You nodded and kept the smile on your face. You watched him walk away before dropping it. 
You weren’t looking forward to his call, all you could think about was what you’d say when you end up calling Jake instead.
{taglist: @joshsbadussy @alyson814 @ageoffleeet @ashabeannn @schleeble @kennygvf @brokenbe11s  @gretavansteph @l0vep0ti0ns @welllauragvf @misshunnybee @succeedingsigns @myfavfics01 @whorefourjakekiszka @not-a-hypochondriac @myleftsock @leedleleedlelee003 @beth-gvf @jordie-gvf @joshkiszkas @oksydneyy @weightofstar @flo-gvf @myownparadise96 @indigokiszka @spark-my-nature @stardustofman @malany-gvf @carbonwrittingthroughtime @groupiegirlie08 @fwzco @nicoleghost18 @andromeda-raine-gvf @sarrrahhh @ren-ni @otherworldlyautumn @zoe-tally06 @hippievanfleet @hellowgoodbye @aminaalilyy @gvfcinema @joshpaperscissors @dammittjanet @enchante-em @austinbrry @meetingthestarcatchers @Samkiszkaspinkietoe @spinthehemmo @stonecoldmo @fitalich @justcarsonngvf @tearsofjakey @thetroublegetssoloud71 @lexii-nv-c @bailey747 @streamofgvf @cherryzo @brokenbells11 @gvfpal @gvfmarge @ejoygvf @Suzi107 @jakeygvf21 @Timeless—classics @dharma-divine33  @myleftsock @lexii-nv-c @iffypanic @Risingwiththeheatabove @fakeplastiqtree  @beckahvanfleet }
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Florrickology, Part 6: "Desire" Florrick? you're damn right I do
In-game, Counsellor Florrick is only ever referred to just that way: her title, "Florrick", or both. Nothing and nobody--not even Ulder, whom she sometimes calls by his first name--ever calls her anything else.
But in the game files, she's consistently referred to as "Desire", implying that her behind-the-scenes full name is Desire Florrick.
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... which is extra interesting when you consider the possibility that she named herself.
Of course, the immediate first question is: how do you say it?
Being that Larian is a Belgian company, I would assume it was their intent to pronounce it the French way, said like deh-zi-ray rather than like the flat-out English word "desire." Personally, I'm too lazy to hit an accent key twice, so I always style it as Desiré even though Désiré is probably more correct, to convey the pronunciation I think is intended.
side note: I knew several Desirees growing up in the rust belt USA and they were all uhhhh extremely trashy, so discovering my urbane elven beloved had the same name took me out and was actually really hard to adjust to
Moving on: Prior to checking out the game files, I simply assumed that "Florrick" was her only name, which I was willing to accept based on the scant lore I knew. Other nobles and officials have their full names written out in-game, so there's no reason to expect that she was excluded for some reason. I do figure that it's probably just an oversight, and her first name just got lost in the shuffle between writing the files and developing the final product.
But she has a first name, still.
Disregarding real life and its boring explanations as usual, the question is, in-universe, why does nobody and nothing--not herself, not Yeva or Ito, not Jaheira, not Ulder, not Wyll, not official documents--ever use it?
There are several ways to go with this:
The game files don't count. Her first and only name is truly "Florrick", so there's nothing else to call her.
We only see her while she's acting in some official capacity, where she expects to be called by her rank and/or title by inferiors, and her last name by equal-ranks or superiors. The same people may call her Desiré in private gatherings, but she keeps it formal at work.
She just prefers to be called "Florrick" in any setting.
And more, but those are my top 3, each with merits for my purposes. #1, my original assumption, fed into a lot of the headcanons I developed about her, but I think #2 is my default. #3 is just sort of amusing to me.
But beyond the question of why nobody calls her by her first name, the question remains:
Who named her that?
I'm not, never will be, and don't want to be a lore expert, and it's a moving target anyway, but the consensus seems to be that elves choose an adult name when they reach a certain milestone in their life experience, usually around 100 years old, which replaces their given childhood name.
So... is Desiré Florrick her original given name, or her chosen name? Since my headcanon is that Florrick is somewhere in the neighborhood of 120-130 years old, that would lead to assumption that it's her chosen name.
"Desire" as a virtue name is pretty odd from an English-speaking perspective, and I would not be surprised if the sexual connotation of the word led to the devs choosing it for her (since they randomly decided to sexualize her more than most other NPCs), but it fits. She's a woman of passion and ambition, of loyalty and determination. Her desire to serve the public, to give her absolute all for the betterment of the city she loves, is what defines her. It suits my headcanon that her status and esteem is all the result of hard work, and relentless pursuit of what she wanted out of life.
"Florrick", I'm overall just willing to buy as her original surname. It sounds kinds of woodsy, just lyrical enough to sound a bit elfy. It fits.
But it's also compelling to me to imagine that she didn't originally have a surname, but took one on to fit in better among the upper echelon of Baldur's Gate, where inheritance and family names are important. Florrick being a wood elf wizard who lives in and faithfully serves the Big City is quite the mad libs of a character setup, so I like to imagine it matters and informs parts of her life. Assimilating into a new culture is an interesting experience, so it's a big part of my greater Florrick headcanon.
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flowersforfrancis · 10 months
Who's your favourite TSH character and why?? Thank you!
Francis. Why: (A question I believe you’ll regret asking as I’m simply incapable of shutting up. (Skip to the end if you don’t want to read a myriad quotes from a book you’ve obviously already read))
— “Cubitum Eamus” “what?” “Nothing”
— “Does it ever strike you, in a horrible sort of way, how funny this is?”
— “Kind of a Jean Cocteau touch, isn’t it?”
— In reference to Francis: ‘I thought (erroneously) that he dressed like Alfred Douglas, or the Comte de Montesquiou..’
— ‘Francis, stooping to talk to a cat on a doorstep’
— ‘..Francis, in a swish of black cashmere and cigarette smoke’
— ‘I saw Francis Abernathy stalking across the meadow like a black bird, his coat flapping dark and crowlike in the wind’
— ‘he said mockingly’
— “Demigods,” said Francis, laughing. “We could sit on thrones in the town square”
— ‘Though Francis may or may not have been homosexual - and could just as easily have been a really dangerous type of ladies man - he was certainly of that vulpine, well dressed, unflappable sort..’
— ‘The pebbled drive was silver in the moonlight. Francis was standing in the shadows under some trees. When he saw us coming he stepped suddenly onto the lighted path. “Boo,” he said.’
— The country house. Just the country House.
— Francis and Richard’s relationship. I just adore it.
—*Francis cooking*
— “For my bath”
— ‘Francis sat curled in the window seat with a plate of little sandwiches in his lap, reading, in French, the Memoires of the Duc De Saint-Simon…He had gone to several schools in Europe and spoke excellent French, though he pronounced it with the same lazy, snob accent as his English; sometimes I got him to help me with my own own lessons in first-year French, tedious little stories about Marie and Jean-Claude going to tabac, which he read aloud in a languishing, hilarious drawl that sent everyone into hysterics.’
— ‘he was singing, and his high, clear voice, slightly out of key, floated out the kitchen window’
— ‘ “Really,” said Francis, I think I just need an Alka-Seltzer.’
— ‘Francis, Barefoot and still in his bathrobe, stepped over rocks and branches, balancing his glass of ginger ale. Once we got to the lake he waded in, up to his knees, and beckoned dramatically like Saint John the Baptist.’
— “Mother of god”
— ‘To my surprise Francis laughed, a humorless little snort’ 
— ‘Francis, lightning a new cigarette of the end of old one.’
— ‘He held up an imaginary newspaper. “Crazed Hippies Indicted for Rural Thrill-Killing”. “Cult slaying of Old Abe So-and-So” ’
— ‘ “After a minute or two-“ “it was only a few seconds,’ Henry said. “- after a minute..” ’
— “Forgive me, for all the things I did but mostly for the ones that I did not”
— ‘ “you idiot,” he said chuckling. “Did you know your shirt’s on inside out?” ’
— ‘ “Well I know what I’m going to do”, said Francis. He stood up unsteadily and pulled with his forefinger at his collar. Startled I looked up at him and he laughed at my suprise. “I want to sleep,” he said, with a melodramatic roll of his eye, “dormir plutot que vivre!” ’
Anyway, sorry, sorry. I’ll stop before I just write out the entirety of Francis’s lines.
In the end he’s just simply relatable; I too am a queer, anxious, dramatic, admittedly contemptuous, smoker, who makes out with boys (and others) solely because they’re ‘there’ (let’s say this as if it isn’t because I have a habit of destroying/avoiding relationships), who traipses around in elegant black coats, and drinks far too much whisky and red wine. Oh and… I’m also a hypochondriac who despises doctors appointments… And no, this isn’t me saying I’m drawn to Francis because oh, he’s like me. It’s more of a strange idolization of sorts. Of someone who feels like an idyllic version of myself. And so, being the self hating - yet narcissistic - boy that I am, in summary favor Francis.
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r-aindr0p · 6 months
Hi! French ways anon here! Thanks for answering me! I can already imagine how to implement some of this in my ocs...
Also, never knew you guys used bah too?! It is also a common onomato- word thing in the south of Brazil! But here is used to mean almost emotion(happiness ,anger,sadness, surprise). And it's curious how the word merde is similar to merda in portuguese (they mean the same thing btw)
Idk just some cool things i noticed
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Ohh it has way more variety than our french "bah" that’s interesting !
I believe "merde" sounds similar in spanish and italian as well ! We got this word directly from latin
I remembered a language thing tho ! In the south of France there are dialects that sound partly like the neighboring countries, and in "provençal" slang dialect they say that someone crazy is "fada" and I believe it means fairy in portuguese ? And I’m pretty sure there is a link between the two words/significations
Oh and I think we pronounce "J" the same way ! A sort of "zh" sound, most languages in europe pronounces it "dj" or "ye", if what I say makes sense… I don’t know how much different brazilian portuguese is tho
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prettyboypistol · 7 months
Across Enemy Lines || TF2 Sniper/Spy 18+
[BDSM] [D/S relationship] [Powerbottom Spy/Needy Top Sniper] [Cigarette Play] [Pain Play] [brief knife play]
Sniper’s hands shook as he reached towards the door handle. He knew it was unlocked. Spy said it would be, as long as he was quiet in the late hours of the night. Mick swallowed a building of nerves as he finally opened the door.
“I assume you were interested then?” Spy murmured from his chair, whiskey in one hand and a fancy cigarette worth more than Sniper’s camper in the other. Sniper felt his teeth grit inside his mouth as he tried to step inside the smoking room and not trip over himself when he heard Spy’s voice.
Sniper nodded as he felt the sweat bead at his brow.
“If I may ask, why? Of course, as the only other homosexual-adjacent man in this damn warzone, I assume there is a level of desperation.” Spy questioned, his expression seemed far more out of smug curiosity- as if he already knew the answer. “I know you’re allowed out of the base fairly often for jobs, so why risk something so close?”
“I need you.”
The quick answer caught Spy off guard, but the poise was quickly recovered. “Oh? Why me? Mundy, I have stabbed you multiple times. Are you some sort of sick masochist?” Spy knew the sly usage of Sniper’s last name was a mild threat against the man, but he had to gauge the reaction of his potential hatefuck of the night. Sniper bit the inside of his cheek and refused to answer, which told Spy more than what he needed to know.
When Sniper cleared his throat and shifted his weight, Spy stood up and approached his daytime enemy. He thanked whatever god above that Sniper had the decency to shower before he came over and he did not have to turn away such an opportunity due to grime and grit. It even smelled as if he put on some sort of cologne, even if the price was evident in the scent.
“At least you put in effort.” Spy shrugged as he looked Sniper up and down. Still in his uniform, there were points docked for that. Although, Spy had to admit that, if he had the chance to dress the scraggly man up, he would heavily consider a shade similar to that red. “Did you prepare yourself?”
“Uh- yeah. Yeah . I did.” Sniper managed to say as a blush creeped up his neck and blossomed over his cheeks. “Did everything you asked me to.”
Spy paused for a moment, then rolled his eyes and handed his cigarette to Sniper. “Jesus, this is a hookup, not an interrogation.” He assured as he walked back to his plush seat, with a vague gestured hand to the other chair to the opposite of the intable, Spy spoke up again. “Sit down! Relax a bit. I’m not going to stab you tonight.”
The shuffle to the other seat was downright pathetic, but not pathetic enough for Spy to shove Sniper out the door where he came from. Spy had to admit, it was rather cute to see such a stoic and quiet guy as nervous as that! An unheard mumble caught Spy’s attention.
“Oui? Qu'est-ce que tu as dit?” //Yes? What did you say?//
A moment of silence passed, then Sniper spoke, his voice low and hushed.
“J-J'ai dit que je le souhaitais… S'il te plaît?” //I said I wanted it… please?//
The response in mis-pronounced but textbook correct French was a surprise to Spy, but a welcome one.
“Now, where did you learn that from, hmm?” The tone Spy held was painfully amused and a tad too smug for Sniper’s liking.
Sniper coughed and looked the other way as he took a drag of the cigarette.
“Uh, picked it up here and there for odd jobs. ‘M not fluent or anything… I’d call myself academically passable, but I dunno a word you usually say.”
“So you don’t know colloquial French?”
Spy stood up and took his cigarette from Sniper to take a hit, he noted how Sniper’s eyes followed his every move as he breathed, the cigarette delicately between his lips.
“Tragically for you, I’m not interested in knifeplay tonight, you ruffian. Even if it’s on you.”
“That’s fine, yeah.”
“Any other kinks I should know about, bushman?”
Sniper fell silent. In the quiet, he bit his lower lip and stared at the pristine carpeted floor.
“If you’re not going to talk then-”
“I like bein’ submissive.”
“That’s more like it.” Spy smiled, a foxly mischief in his expression. “Now mon beau, I’m sure you like more than just that. If you don’t tell me, I can just order you to.”
Sniper felt this chest flutter, much like a violin string. Tight and taut, Spy’s voice was the bow that made his core vibrate in the most jittering of ways. He was excited. He was flighty. He needed more.
“You’re a spy, why don’t’cha read me like a book?” Sniper sassed, his usual personality back in full force. The denial was enough to irk Spy into knocking the hat off Sniper’s head and to grab Sniper by the hair.
“You listen here you son of a bitch, you will give me respect in this room. I invite you out of the goodwill of my heart and you will not take that for granted, is that clear?”
The speed at which Sniper’s pupils blew wide churned deep in Spy’s chest. The Aussie tried to nod, but whimpered at the pain of Spy’s tight grip in the roots of his hair.
“Yea- Yes sir.” Sniper quickly corrected himself as his eyes frantically tried to drink in all of Spy. The indignant look of disgust, the perfect fabric that hugged Spy in a way that only good money could buy, the way Spy breathed that cigarette that cost more than Sniper’s life as if it were second nature. The huffs of his breath were ragged, low, and gently vibrating in Sniper’s throat.
“Now, I believe I asked you a question, boy.”
“I like bein’ tied up sir.”
“What else?”
“Bein’ talked down to. Pushed around. A bit of bullying, sir.”
“And a masochist too? Really, no wonder you came to me. At least you learn quickly.” Spy halfheartedly praised as he seemed unimpressed.
Spy released Sniper and laid down calmly on the bed. “If you can manage to keep yourself from wetting your pants from excitement, strip.”
The way Sniper stumbled and frantically tried to pop off his shoes and undo all the buttons of his shirt. His breath fluttered like a tight vibrato; light, quick, and dizzying. The scars piqued Spy’s interest briefly but his eyes quickly swam away to watch the smoke patterns as he exhaled. Although, the calm stillness of Spy and the sloshing rapid of Sniper was quite the duality.
“I didn’t say to keep the undergarments.”
“Sorry- uh, sir.”
Spy seemed pleased with how Sniper obeyed so quick. Yes, a bit of brat taming was fun, but not tonight. The swirling of arousal mixed itself in Spy’s body as Sniper stood in front of Spy, already well over half-mast.
“Sir, can I?” Sniper asked, his tone a beg as he looked at Spy like a starving man. “Please?”
“Come along now, bring the condom too.”
Sniper approached the bed as if he was a sinner on holy ground. Reverently, he moved to sit upon the side of the bed and awaited further instruction.
“Take off my shoes and undo my pants, if you can resist the temptation.” Spy ordered flippantly as he took another breath from his cigarette.The dripping of building lust was far from intoxicating to Spy, but as he watched his favorite daytime enemy delicately undo the laced shoes with more grace than he had ever seen Sniper portray, Spy couldn’t help but allow himself to feel whirls of pride and egotism.
“What do you want, mon beau?”
“Whatever you want to give me.”
“Tell me.”
“Hurt me. Please.”
A slap rang out when Spy struck Sniper’s cheek, leather hit soft skin. The gasping shudder that Sniper breathed out as the pain bubbled up from the initial hit rippled through his body as Spy repeated the gesture on the opposite cheek.
Spy leaned closer to Sniper and bit into his shoulder, once, twice-! Sniper let out a small whimper of pain as Spy sucked a hickey into him.
“Say ‘June’ if I go too far.” Spy mumbled into Sniper’s ear, clearly and honestly.
“Right, gotcha.” Sniper responded, his needy air dissipated momentarily to assure to Spy that he was in a right state of mind.
As Spy pulled back, he adjusted the aviators on Sniper’s face, an unamused expression fell to him. “Ah, did you forget these?”
“Sorry sir, lemme-”
“No no, keep them.”
The seconds of slow movements felt like hours to the flutteringly impatient Sniper. His heart raced a million miles an hour, his breath was desperate to give his body enough oxygen to function. The thrumming need of ecstasy of merely being treated in such a way played Sniper, and with Spy behind the bow, Sniper knew Spy would play him like a violin too.
“What?” Spy hummed after he barely caught what Sniper said. “Really now, we need to work on that mumbling problem of yours.” He said before he struck Sniper’s face again. “Speak properly.”
“Please hurt me more, sir.”
Spy rolled his eyes. “Isn’t this enough, you masochist? Getting your face beaten, naked in front of your enemy?”
Sniper shivered in pleasure.
“God, you like being talked down to, I forgot. I could ignore you right now and you could get off, couldn’t you?” Spy cooed, no trace of affection in his eyes. Sniper bit his lower lip, with every word Sniper’s erection seemed more and more interested. “Fucking pathetic.”
“Sir please-”
“You are in no position to be asking anything of me, needy whore.”
Spy grabbed his butterfly knife from the nightstand and pressed the blade against Sniper’s neck, the pressure agonizingly not enough. “Would you get off to this too, bushman? Who am I kidding, you would stain my suit if I pressed any harder.”
“Yes sir, I’m sorry sir.” Sniper whimpered. Spy retracted the knife with his usual flair before the knife was placed back on the nightstand.
“Put the condom on, I already did the preparation. I don’t know where your hands have been.” Spy ordered, to which Sniper hurriedly obeyed.
Sniper opened up the condom swiftly, eager to please. God, that smug smile on Spy’s face made Sniper’s blood boil usually. Tonight though, the smile was a promise, a whispering of sadistic pleasure that Sniper could find nowhere else. Sniper’s cock ached, begging in its own right to have any sort of friction. Upon Spy’s denial, Sniper frowned as he was forced to wait slowly.
“Oh, another thing. If you get soft or cum, I’ll kick you out immediately.” Spy threatened as he sucked the smoke into his lungs from his cigarette. A moment passed, where Sniper’s eyes met Spy’s.
Then Spy exhaled. Right in Sniper’s face.
Sniper bit his lip and whimpered. The smoke even smelled fancy, goddamnit. Sniper breathed the smoke in, his pupils were blown in maddening lust.
“Oh god, how’d you know?”
“You seemed the type. Now go on, try your best.”
Sniper took no haste to push into Spy in one held breath, he breathed out a low, long “fuuuuck.” as he felt the warm tightness around him. It took everything within Spy not to react. Sniper wanted to be humiliated, so he had to play the part, cock shoved in him be damned.
“You know, you can put more than the tip in. You might be a patient man, but I’m not.” Spy spat as he feigned more interest in his smoke than Sniper.
“It’s… It’s all the way in.” Sniper whispered.
“Really? I couldn’t tell.”
Spy could absolutely tell. Sniper was a decent size and certainly abused the fact that he prepared himself liberally with how tight Spy was stretched. With a twitch that nearly made him gasp as he berated Sniper, Spy rolled his eyes as he tried his hardest to ignore the swirling pleasure that sang like a siren to indulge in like an irresistible wine.
A shaky breath passed before Sniper started to move. God, Spy was tight. Little movements of Sniper, his hips flush against Spy’s thighs nearly broke the already delicate facade Spy held. Nevertheless, the mask stayed on, cold and disinterested as Sniper started to move, biting his lip to muffle the noises of embarrassment. The thrusts soon turned erratic, chasing the high of lust as Sniper groaned and growled as his dick was more than lavished in spoiled pleasure.
“Spy- I-”
A harsh slap to Sniper’s cheek reminded him of Spy’s position over the desperate man.
“Sir, please- I-”
“What could you possibly want, whore?”
Sniper bit his lower lip and screwed his eyes shut, nodding in agreement. A silent beg.
“Cheap, pathetic slut.” Spy purred as he puffed on his cigarette, the ash flaking onto the mattress in specks as Sniper’s thrusts jostled Spy. “How much of a whore do you have to be to come crawling to the enemy team, hmm? Did nobody want to fuck the piss-stained bushman over in RED?”
“Oh god. ”
“What other disgusting kinks do you hide behind that bullshit professionalism? Go on.” Spy demanded, his voice quivering slightly as Sniper brushed against his prostate just right. “Just know that if you say piss I will stab you.”
“No- don’t gotta piss kink-” Sniper stumbled out. “I’ve got a thing for- for suits, sir. I like smellin’ things too.”
Sniper was unceremoniously shoved into Spy’s shoulder, the order was clear enough as Sniper breathed the smell of too-expensive cologne and whiskey. The cigarette smell was a given, but the hints of quality mixed in with the tobacco made Sniper whimper as he used the new position to thrust deeper into Spy.
“Needy whore, I should put you on display, show everyone just how unfit you are to be a mercenary. You already are messy and dirty, imagine how fast you’ll be exposed for fraternizing with the enemy, begging him to demean you no less. Filthy fucking pervert.”
“Sir- I’m not gonna-” Sniper begged as he let his hips shake in uncontrollable desire. “Can I? I wanna ask something.”
“Oh? And what do you want?”
“C-can you put your cig out on the base? God, I’m not gonna last long- please? Please sir, I know it’s fucked up but I wanna be burned by you.”
Spy hummed, thinking tentatively as Sniper haphazardly pumped his cock in and out of Spy, only to pull out, presenting himself to Spy with a breathy wheeze as he jacked himself off, one hand on the headboard above Spy’s head, the other working himself to the teetering edge.
“Please sir, please put your cig out on me.” Sniper whispered.
Who was Spy to not oblige?
The white hot feeling of pubic hair burning, skin screaming in pain, and nerves firing danger signals sent Sniper over the edge with a low growl. The cum that spilled over Spy’s suit stood out horribly well, the off-white glistening against the deep blue. Shaky breaths echoed around Spy’s room for moments that lasted far too long for the rogue’s liking.
“You got your pleasure, now get out of my room. I’m sure you don’t want security to find a RED in such a secure location.” Spy ordered as he hurriedly dabbed the semen stains with his handkerchief.
Sniper nodded with a quick and casual thanks, legs shaking more than they ever should for a grown man as he gathered his clothes to quickly dress and depart.
As soon as the door shut, Spy bit the inner side of his cheek and used the same cloth to jack himself off- god, he deserved an acting award for keeping himself together during that fuck! Sniper was brutal and needy- Spy had never felt more desired! Rocking his hips to the same erratic beats, Spy gasped as his semen mixed with Sniper’s.
Spy was definitely paying Sniper a visit later that week. He wanted to make that stupidly cramped van shake.
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